November 23, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Protesters: Corrupt, Racist Marlon Cole Must be Fired Williams stated that this is not a recent PAGE 2

Protesters infront MOTP today, 23 November, 2016 calling for Marlon Cole removal as Food & Drug Director. Several business entities on Wednesday staged massive protest outside the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Public Health calling for the Director of Food and Drug Marlon Cole to be sacked. Organiser of the protest, Frank Sanichara, Chief Executive Officer of Sueria Manufacturing Inc. said that over the years he has been making several complaints to various ministries about the unethical and corrupt behavior of Cole. Mr. Sanicahra said that Mr. Cole is requesting a “free sale” certificate from importers and when this document is being presented to the department, Mr. Cole changes his guidelines. The business owner is alleging that Mr. Cole is “ducking” certificates presented to him by the businesses from the U.S.D.A. although this is what the Director is requesting and making new regulation which is outside the constitution of Guyana. “While Mr. Cole is doing this to us, there is a selected few that is walking free. Mr.


Cole is allowing items to be imported by friends and family and is not allowing other businesses to import their items,” Mr. Sanichara asserted. The CEO said that nothing is being done even though all the Ministers in the Government are aware of the unethical behavior of the Director. He further noted that several letters were written to the Ministers of Health, Business and the President, however, only the President acknowledged receipt of his letters and forwarded it to the Ministry of Public Health but, to date nothing has been done to address the issue which is over a year long. Many business owners including Mr. Sanichara have stated that Mr. Cole believes that he is above the law and has stated publicly that he is answerable no one. Employee of the Sueria Manufacturing Inc. Ali Williams, expressed her frustration towards this matter. “For the last year Marlon Cole has been holding up containers of goods. Products that follow all the regulations demanded by the FDD, products that other countries such as the United States are consuming, but for some reason Cole don’t allow their distribution in Guyana,” she said.

issue. According to her, food companies have been limited to buy and import a wide spectrum of foreign products for over a year and the list of banned goods can rapidly change without the notification of officials. “Marlon Cole is been changing the laws repeatedly, and companies are not being notified. This means that when a container of goods reaches the country and is checked, most of the products and in some cases all the products are banned. This means countless losses in investments.” William also pointed out that companies are not only experiencing countless monetary loses, but the labor force is also suffering. “If a company can make a profit, how the employees are going to get paid? Right now 4 of our containers are being hold at the harbor, those products will get spoiled and eventually it will be a lost investment. There is no way we can get that amount of money any time soon,” she stated. A next employee from Sueria Manufacturing Inc., who preferred to remain anonymous, expressed that the Director of the FDD is targeting companies owned by East Indians. “This is not only about which products are entering the country, this is about which companies are buying them,” the protester stated, noting that the government is implementing a ‘racist’ policy of being selective and discriminatory. As the morning continued, protesters changed their location to the Ministry of Health. There the banners against Cole were held high, and a continuous chorus of “Who is corrupt, who is back at work, Marlon Cole!” could be heard. The protesters unanimously agreed, that if changes are not done quickly, the effects of these reckless policies could represent a downward spiral for the country’s economy.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Education Minister Involved In Shady D’Urban Park Project PAGE 3

Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson at Monday’s sitting of National Assembly disclosed that a private company which he cited as Homestretch Development Inc. was initially responsible for works done on the D’Urban Park Jubilee Project before his ministry took over. Patterson, during his presentation to the House, he listed; L. London, B. Ram, V. Wilson and G. Miller as the directors of said company. However, the minister failed to say too that Minister of Education, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine was also in fact a Director of the company. The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) parliamentarian opposition Members, Gail Teixeira, Irfaan Ali and Bishop Juan Edghill on Tuesday met with members of the media at the Party’s headquarters, where the information was made public and said that ongoing saga involving the multimillion-dollar project that was completed for Guyana’s 50th anniversary celebrations is just beginning. Home Development lnc. registered as company no. 8247 on January 22, 2016 at the Deeds and Commercial Authority and whose address was given as 18 Lamaha Street, Georgetown. Its Directors, unlike whose that were given in the National assembly are Bobita Ram, a management executive; Victor Wilson, a farmer, and Gentian Miller, a teacher and Rupert Roopnarine, who is the current ministry of education while Larry London is listed as the company’s secretary. The PPP/C Members of Parliament (MP) at the press brief pointed out that Homestretch Development Inc has not accounted for any monies that it has collected which is a violation of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act which was pointed out by former Minister Irfaan Ali. Bishop Edghill is also adamant that monies had to have been collected prior to the incorporation of Homestretch Development Inc since there was construction work done on the site prior to January “Here it is, we have a company registered in January of this year, but all of us are aware that since September last year works were ongoing on D’Urban Park,” Edghill expressed. Guyana Daily News in attempt to gather more information on the company visited the address given as the company’s office and found a vacant building. Inquiries from the guard on duty found that the building was empty for some time now. When asked if this was the headquarters for Homestretch development Inc. the guard initially said no but then later change his response and said that it was indeed the headquarters of the company but it has moved “sometime back” and does know where it is now located.


Vacant building of Homestretch Development Inc. headquarters




Gunmen Attempt To Robbery Trust Company In Georgetown

The Hand in Hand Trust Building located on Middle Street. Two armed men on Wednesday afternoon attempted to rob the Middle Street, Georgetown branch of the Hand in Hand Trust Cooperation, firing several shots and wounding one person. According to reports reaching the Guyana Daily News, at around 14:00h, the two armed men approached the front door of the building in an attempt to carry out a robbery however they were hindered since the grill behind the door was locked. Further reports have indicated that the men upon being unable to enter the building fired several shots, one of which ricocheted off of several nearby items and wounded a female security guard in the leg who was on duty at the moment. At the scene blood spots were seen at the front of the building together with broken pieces of glass and a ceramic plant pot where it was assumed that the bullet bounced off. It is suspected that another bullet was fired with the intent to disfigure a vehicle that was parked outside of the building as a bullet hole was found at the bottom of the driver’s side door.

Blood Spots and Broken Pieces of Glass infront of the Building.

The Bullet hole found in the car




Region 3 Deputy REO Busted With Cocaine Deputy Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Three, Ameena Hinds, was allegedly caught with 3 lbs of cocaine whilst travelling from the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago to the United States of America. According to reports from Capitol News, the Deputy REO explained to investigating officers that she was given the suitcase that was ‘lined’ with cocaine while in Trinidad. Hinds later boarded American Airlines flight 1250 from Port of Spain destined for Houston, Texas where she arrived at 2:15 pm on October 29, 2016. Following inspection by a U.S Customs Border and Patrol Officer the narcotics were found. The Deputy REO, according to reports, allegedly told the officer that she is financially burdened with a US$5000 debt that she cannot repay, therefore when she was approached by an unknown individual, whom she referred to as a ‘Mystery Man’ who offered her US$2500 to transport the drugs, she made the decision to transport the said drugs. She further revealed to officers that she was instructed by the ‘Mystery Man’ that upon her arrival in the United States, she must travel to a hotel in New York and contact him where further arrangements for the transaction will be carried out.

According to reports reaching the Guyana Daily News, Hinds was last seen on October 27, 2016 and there is no knowledge of her being on leave of absence from her post as Deputy REO.

Deputy Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Three, Ameena Hinds (File Photo: Demerara Waves)




Boat Operator Remanded For Murder Twenty-one -year old Toney Rampersaud appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with murder. The unrepresented man was not allowed to enter a plea to the offence since it was made indictable. Rampersaud, a boat operator from Eteringbang was remanded and will make his next appearance before the Kamarang Magistrate’s Court on December 13, 2016. It is alleged that on November 19, 2016 at Eteringbang Landing, Cuyuni, Essequibo, the accused murdered Henry Mendonza, a Venezuelan national. Rampersaud had appeared before the court earlier this year, jointly charged with three others for the larceny of a 75hp Yamaha Outboard Motor Engine that was valued at GY$580,000. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined.

Government To Investigate ‘POPE’s’ Actions The APNU+AFC government has taken note of selfproclaimed Pope Emmanuel, who was involved in recent sex-tape scandal that rocked social media. Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence, has been seeking legal guidance in the matter. “We have spoken to persons attending the church and at this point those persons who we would have spoken to do not feel that something wrong was done,” the Minister Noted. “We looked at all of the angles and we are hoping that if there has been any abuse, if somebody can come forward- that’s all we need as one person but other than that I have been advised that there is nothing that we can do,” she noted. The Social Services Minister noted that the Ministry is looking into video recordings of girls dancing and it would be the subject of another round of discussions in the coming days. “We also looked at the tape with the girls dancing and all of that. We are going to give it some more thought. We will meet sometime this week again to really get a better of image so that we look and see what is going on,” Lawrence said. Philbert London, the ‘POPE’ of Beacon Ministries had instructed his congregation, both young and old to call him ‘daddy’ or ‘papa’. He’s no longer seen by many as a “spiritual daddy” but a man who harbored his female church members as sex slaves at his home, which he calls the ‘Vatican’, and most times on the pulpit of his very church. Leaked images show the ‘Pope’ at his best, engaging in other immoral activities with female members of his church. He recorded the entire episodes himself. One of the female victims, who prefers to remain

Toney Rampersaud is being taken into custody

anonymous, said the ‘pope’ lures the many women into his immoral circles amidst dirty WhatsApp and OOVOO conversations. The victim alleges that she has had two abortions for the ‘Man of God’ to hide the shameful act from the public. That victim decided to share with the world her ordeal to warn other women not to fall for such acts.

Pope Emmanuel




4th Annual South Rupununi Safari Launched The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in partnership with Rainforest Tours and Mekdeci Mining Company (MMC) launched its 4th annual South Rupununi Safari in observance of Tourism Awareness Month. The launch took place at GTA’s Sophia Exhibition Centre head office. The exercise kicks off tomorrow. The assembly point will be at Rainforest Tours office on Avenue of the Republic, and will cover at least 10 Amerindian Villages. Those include communities such as the Wapishana village of Shea, the Bottle Mountain, the Shiriri Mountain and the Kanuku mountain range. Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority Mr. Indranauth Haralsingh in a press conference said one of the objectives of this particular safari is to gives persons an opportunity to

experience the outdoors, have fun and adventure, discover the picturesque beauty of miles upon miles of savannahland, and explore little-known places south of Guyana’s interior. He warned, however, that venturing into Guyana’s most remote terrain is not an easy task, whether you are crossing the Rupununi River, camping in the open, or driving for miles in flat savannah land teeming with flora and fauna. “This one here is to give drivers the know how to activate a 4×4 vehicle, due to the fact that when we visited the North Pakaraima before, a lot of persons didn’t know how to engage the vehicles. So this is an opportunity for them to learn how to operate their vehicles.” Mr. Frank Singh, Safari Coordinator noted. The Coordinator also explained that on the Safari Ttips it is mandatory for Safari

members to donate something to each village they pass through. One of the things that they will be doing this time around is trying to drive up the Shea Rock. “We have tried before, but it did not happen, so we are going to do it this time,” Mr. Singh Noted.




Corriverton Municipality Moving implementing To Update Its Laws new ones are essential for municipality’s legislative agenda is the the modernisation of the municipality. Under the law, municipalities’ councils must have their own building by-laws that would provide residents with a guide on how they should build.

The Mayor and Town Council of Corriverton, Berbice wants to update the laws governing the municipality, and is seeking Central Government’s support. “We inherited a set of problems that only legislative reform can fix,” were the sentiments expressed by Corriverton’s mayor, Ganesh Gangadin recently told Government Information Agency (GINA). The mayor is of the view that tackling the town’s outdated laws and

Gangadin said that such a by-law was never completed in New Amsterdam and the municipality has been heavily reliant on the building guidelines set out in the Health Ordinance Act. He explained that in trying to prosecute some offenders, in the past, the Magistrate Court threw out some good cases for the council because of the fact that the municipality did not have its own building by-laws. He said that Corriverton is seeking to address this, but “at present we are a bit short; we do not have the technical capacity to handle it.” Gangadin said therefore the town is seeking help from Central Government. He explained that the Ministry is asking that legal support be provided to the municipality through the Ministry of Communities for the crafting of the town’s building by-laws. Also on the

crafting of other new pieces of laws, including one on solid waste, Gangadin said. “We don’t want to take away anything from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but if we have our own Act, we can prosecute and the fines remain in our council,” he explained. The mayor further noted that through such an Act, the municipality would be able to address implementation of more modern practices in the town’s garbage collection and disposal system, “but again we do not have the technical and legal competencies to address it.” The municipality is also seeking support in the Scavenger Act. Gangadin explained that under the Scavenger Act, if a person is guilty of a particular offence, he or she is fined a meagre $80. He said that due to this paltry fine, importance is not placed on pursuing cases in court. Gangadin said that this needs to be changed immediately. The Corriverton mayor said that in order for the municipality to move forward, “violators would have to be sent a serious message.”




PNCR Supports New Housing Initiative

Press Conference Panel fron left are Mr. Oscar Clarke, CCH, General Secretary of the Party, Minister Valerie Patterson and Mr. Brian Smith, National Secretary of the GYSM. The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) said that it supports the move by the Coalition Government to build communities rather than allocate ‘houselots’ as was the custom under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration. In a statement to the media yesterday, the PNCR said that building viable communities has always been the thrust of the party’s housing policy in and out of office. The party credited themselves with the development a Housing Programme that provided housing of satisfactory standards and sizes for low and middle income families. “We stimulated Co-operatives,

Self-help and other forms of non-profit- making, means of building communities. We changed the landscape of housing and homeownership in Guyana.” the statement read. The PNCR also said that while it was in Government, it increased the housing stock by producing new accommodation at the rate of over 4000 units per annum. “It was under the PNC that communities such as Tuber, Tucville, Amelias Ward, North and South Ruimveldt, Festival City, Roxanne Burnham Gardens, Melanie Damishana, Stevedore Scheme, The Wismar-Rockstone Housing Project, Dazzle housing scheme, and many others were developed. It is apposite to note that under the PNC, we did not give the working man or woman an undeveloped piece of land, we gave them a key to a well-built house in a community with paved roads, light and running water.” The party criticize the PPP’s Housing policy saying that it has failed. “Hundreds of acres of land allocated for housing remain idle and undeveloped; communities were allowed to be developed with adequate infrastructure, water, light, roads, etc. The 1000 homes project, also known as the Turnkey project, was officially launched at Providence in 2014 by the PPP Government. However, despite being allocated, several of the almost 50 completed houses remain unoccupied because of poor construction and finishing, coupled with structural faults.” The party said that it is for this reason that the PNCR supports the new initiative of the Ministry of Communities to replace the 100o homes project with Apartments and Condominiums to provide the critical housing need for especially low and middle income families.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana-China Relations Greatly Advanced During Outgoing Ambassador’s Tenure -President Granger President David Granger and China's Ambassador to PAGE 12


Guyana, Mr. Zhang Limin at the Ministry of the Presidency Georgetown, Guyana – (November 23, 2016) President David Granger was today paid a farewell courtesy called by outgoing Chinese Ambassador, Mr. Zhang Limin who said that Guyana is well-positioned to for greater prosperity in the future as a result of the Government’s emphasis on infrastructural and green development coupled with the recent discovery of oil. The Ambassador thanked the Head of State for his continuous support for the work of the Embassy and spoke fondly of the deep connection he has developed with Guyana and its people over the past four years. During their meeting at the Ministry of the Presidency, President David Granger said that work done by Ambassador Limin has left a solid foundation for his successor to build on with regard to the strengthening of diplomatic relations between the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the People’s Republic of China. He said that the relationship between the two countries is not only long-standing but also firmly based on principle, mutual respect and cooperation. “The Ambassador, during his four years in Guyana, has been able to advance that cooperation and over the last 18 months that I have been President, we have been able to further strengthen our relationship… He [the Ambassador] has earned the respect and appreciation of the Guyanese people,” he said. Over the years, Guyana has seen tangible benefits in a number of areas, particularly health, infrastructure and information technology. The most recent projects include the Smart Guyana

Project by Hauwei Technologies and a multi-million dollar contract with China’s Exim Bank for the construction of roads in West Demerara for which a concessional road agreement is slated to be signed later today. Additionally, the Ambassador has joined the President’s push towards ensuring that every child is able to get to school by providing bicycles to the tune of $2.4M to students in need of transportation. In keeping with the Government’s ‘green agenda’, garbage receptacles have also been donated to the Georgetown Mayor and City Council. Ambassador Limin was accredited in December 2012. His successor is expected to present his Letters of Credence in January 2017. MOTP Press Release




OAS Highlights Improvements; CARICOM Observers Satisfied With Haiti's Elections only displayed an improved competence, but a uniform

Haitians voting on Sunday PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- The electoral observation mission of the Organization of American States (OAS/EOM) to Sunday's elections in Haiti highlighted improvements over recent elections in the process on Election Day, as part of the preliminary report presented by the mission on Monday. Meanwhile, after observing over 300 polling stations during Haiti’s presidential and legislative elections on Sunday, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) election observer mission (CEOM) has declared general satisfaction with the conduct of the poll in the French-speaking CARICOM member state. Despite the difficulties posed by the damage from Hurricane Matthew, the OAS mission, headed by former Uruguayan senator Juan Raúl Ferreira, commended the efforts of all national stakeholders that led to an improved electoral process, noting greater national involvement and ownership of the process. The OAS/EOM fielded a team of 130 experts and observers of 24 nationalities. On Election Day, they observed the electoral process in all ten departments of the country from the opening of the polls through the counting of the ballots, visiting 474 voting centers. The mission is observing the tabulation process and will have continuous presence at the tabulation centre (CTV) until the publication of the preliminary results. In addition, it will observe the contestation phase. Although voting in Haiti is not mandatory and the law does not provide for a participation threshold, the OAS mission expressed its concern for what appears to have been a low turnout in Sunday´s election and encourages Haitian authorities and political stakeholders to take measures to incentivize political participation. In its first post-elections statement, the CARICOM mission reported that the officers of Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) “not

execution of their duties.” The 300 polling stations it visited were situated in three districts in and neighbouring the capital city Port-au-Prince, including areas affected by Hurricane Matthew. Noting the bold step by the CEP to convene the elections so close after Hurricane Matthew had wreaked havoc on the country, the CEOM said in its initial assessments, it was assured the Haitian election management body was well prepared. “Staff were trained, committed and dedicated to effectively conduct the elections for president and senators. “The CEOM, with its tested and proven technical officers from six CARICOM Member States, collectively visited and keenly monitored well over 300 polling stations. “The overall considered opinion is that compared with the 25 October 2015 poll, on this occasion the CEP officers at the Polling Stations not only displayed an improved competence, but a uniform execution of their duties. The team attributed this noticeable amelioration to the training of poll staff conducted by the CEP. With few exceptions the poll staff treated CEOM members with the utmost respect, and demonstrated a genuine willingness to accommodate queries,” the statement said. The CEOM said it will specify and recommend new improvements in its final report, but noted that many of the lapses observed were “not of any great consequence or of the nature to disturb the electoral results.” “It is worthy of note that many of the suggestions documented by the CEOM following the elections of 25 October 2015, were incorporated into the CEP’s training programme and were used on E-Day, 20 November 2016. “The CEOM urges all political parties and their candidates to ensure that their post-electoral behaviour coincides with the law of the land, the tenets associated with electoral processes, and internationally accepted standards and best practice,” the statement noted. (Caribbean News Now!)




Experts Urge Panama To Reform Financial Services Industry

By Will Fitzgibbon WASHINGTON, USA (ICIJ) -- Panama must urgently address the perceived opacity of its offshore business model and do more to stop dark money flowing through its financial system, a report by a governmentappointed panel of experts says. The five-person Committee of Experts, appointed by the government of Panama on April 29 to advise the government on reforms to help the country move on from the global scandal of Panama Papers, delivered its report to President Juan Carlos Varela on Friday last week. The report was made public on Sunday. “The moment has come,” the report says. “The country can no longer postpone decision-making in this field.” The committee’s report comes more than seven months after the publication of a series of news stories by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and more than 100 media partners. The Panama Papers, as they are now known, revealed the inner workings of Mossack Fonseca, a law

firm founded in Panama that has helped create offshore and sometimes secretive structures used by world leaders, wealthy individuals, drug lords and financial fraudsters. The Committee of Experts’ 23-page report includes more than 30 recommendations for Panama, including policy reforms, tweaks and additions to Panama’s diplomatic toolbox such as the creation of a permanent “advisory committee” to implement the report’s recommendations. The report, which devotes significant sections to praise of Panama’s economic growth and its “attractive” place in the global economy, also recommends strengthening Panama’s financial and non-financial regulators. Laws should be introduced to ensure that lawyers “maintain the highest ethical standards and professional performance,” the report also says. “Given the repercussions it might have,” the report says of its recommendations, “it should be treated as a state issue and not lightly, as it has been done in the last 15 years.” Two former committee members, Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and Swiss anti-corruption lawyer, Mark Pieth, resigned from the committee in August. Stiglitz and Pieth were “at loggerheads” with the government, Stiglitz later wrote, saying that government officials had refused to guarantee the panel’s full independence and make the committee’s findings public. Stiglitz and Pieth published their own report, produced independently of the committee, earlier this month. The experts addressed concerns about Panama’s reported role in the global offshore system and also other secrecy jurisdictions, including the United States, that play a significant role in facilitating tax evasion, money laundering and global inequality. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Press Freedom Organisation Holds Venezuela Government Responsible For Closure Of Newspapers manner decides how much and to whom this important raw PAGE 17


material is sold. "Beginning today due to lack of newsprint the printing press of the newspaper El Regional del Zulia will be silenced until further notice," the paper's editor, Gilberto Urdaneta, declared to the IAPA. IAPA president Matt Sanders and the chairman of the organization's Committee on Freedom of the Press and Information, Roberto Rock, called the government of President Maduro responsible.

MIAMI, Florida -- The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) on Tuesday declared that the economic strangling in Venezuela and the restrictions in print media obtaining supplies directly violate press freedom principles, and held President Nicolás Maduro's government responsible for the shutdown of three newspapers. The daily papers Qué Pasa, La Verdad and El Regional del Zulia stopped publishing in recent days due to lack of newsprint, and the newspaper Versión Final reduced its number of pages last week from 40 to 24. All these papers are in Zulia state in northeastern Venezuela. The situation of the Venezuelan media has worsened due to the numerous demands made on them by the government for the granting of foreign currency necessary for the importation of newsprint and due to the monopoly in the distribution of this controlled substance by the state Complejo Editorial Alfredo Maneiro (CEAM) editorial complex, which in a discretionary

"It is surprising that because of the irresponsibility of the government news media are silenced, thus restricting the people's right to know and to be informed, precisely at a time when there exists a dialogue with the opposition, a significant matter for the future of the country," the IAPA executives said. Sanders, of Deseret Digital Media, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Rock, of La Silla Rota, Mexico City, Mexico, added that the restrictions on circulation of the media violate the right to freedom of expression as set forth in the Declaration of Chapultepec and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights' Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression. According to the organization IPYS Venezuela, between August 2013 and November 2016, 14 print media have ceased publishing, four of them permanently and ten temporarily. In this same period some 49 media in 16 Venezuelan states complained of difficulties and obstacles in acquiring newsprint and other supplies necessary for printing their editions. (Caribbean News Now!)




CRFM And FAO Plan Fisheries Data Reform For The Caribbean extremely important going forward. It is necessary in order to improve resource conservation and management and also improve the socio-economic benefits from the fisheries. It will help in improving income and revenue from the fisheries and strengthen the countries’ capacity to participate in international trade,” said CRFM executive director, Milton Haughton. Haughton said, “…our decisions really need to be based on good knowledge of the resource systems—both in terms of the state of the targeted fish stocks and the marine environment, as well as the activities on land after the fish is taken; that is, activities in the processing and marketing sectors.

Milton Haughton, CRFM Executive Director (left), and Marc Taconet, Chief of the Statistics and Information Branch of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Economics Division, FAO BELIZE CITY, Belize (CRFM) -- The coming of the digital age presents novel opportunities for the fisheries and aquaculture sector of the wider Caribbean to build a more robust data and information system that would augment the monitoring of production trends and traceability of catches, support more sustainable management regimes through increased people engagement, and facilitate stronger international and regional trade. The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are teaming up to capitalize on opportunities for member states to strengthen data collection and management systems through the use of modern technology, such as smartphones and wireless communications to bridge gaps in the system. “Strengthening our fisheries data and information management systems is

We really need to have accurate data and information to understand what is happening and to make informed decisions about what is happening in the sector.” Unless traceability is established through enhanced data and information systems, it will become increasingly hard for countries in our region to trade internationally, he noted. Haughton highlighted these challenges in his recent discussions with Marc Taconet, chief of the statistics and information branch of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Economics Division at the FAO in Rome. Taconet was on a working visit at the headquarters of the CRFM in Belize City, Belize, last week. He and Haughton talked about strengthening CRFM-FAO cooperation, and they collaborated on a concept note for cooperation in improving data and information systems across CRFM member states for fisheries and aquaculture. A planning meeting is tentatively slated for February/March 2017. “There are innovative technologies such as the use of mobile phones, tablets, and remote inputs; and the coinvolvement of fish workers is necessary to be set up. This is one of the needs that were strongly

expressed,” said Taconet, in speaking of wider discussions with fisheries experts from the Caribbean. He said that one gap is the lack of an integrated software system -- an issue that was raised when he paid a courtesy call on counterparts of the Belize Fisheries Department, located on the same premises as the CRFM. According to Taconet, the timeline to reach ‘cruise speed,’ with an upgraded data and information system is two to three years. The CRFM and the FAO are currently sourcing funds to undertake this new joint initiative, which furthers a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed this January between the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)/Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission ( FA O - W E C A F C ) , t h e C a r i b b e a n Regional Fisheries Mechanism, and the Organisation of the Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector (OSPESCA), in Cartagena, Colombia, to facilitate, support and strengthen the coordination of actions to increase the sustainability of fisheries. (Caribbean News Now!)




Montserrat's Fascinating Literary Festival

By Cathy Buffonge Caribbean News Now contributor BRADES, Montserrat -A most interesting literary festival took place in Montserrat during November. Dubbed Alliouagana Festival of the Word, after Montserrat’s Amerindian name, this festival runs every year under a different theme, coordinated by the UWI Open Campus there. This year’s theme was ‘Technology and the Word’, highlighting the shift from the written word to computer driven communication of many varieties. The festival started with the annual lecture, named after Montserrat’s third National Hero, international singing star Alphonsus ‘Arrow’ Cassell. This year’s lecturer was physicist, technology expert, educator and politician Dr Samuel J o s e p h , w h o s p o k e o n ‘ I C T ’s , transforming cultural identities’. Joseph demonstrated that computers can produce art and music that can hardly be distinguished from works by genuine artists and composers, and asked the audience to consider what they really believe to be art. At the official opening historian, poet and academic Professor Sir Howard Fergus launched his new book of poetry, ‘The road from Long Ground – the twilight years’. This was a follow up to his autobiography ‘The road from Long Ground’, which details many aspects of his life, from growing up in the country to being Speaker of the Legislative Council and head of the UWI campus in Montserrat. Among other features at the opening, those present were treated to a performance by the island’s combined masquerade groups, highlighting their

bright costumes and traditional steps dating back to early times. Two of the featured speakers at the festival were Caribbean husband and wife team Alan and Amanda Springer, formerly living in the UK but now based in Barbados. Alan, an arts and theatre education professional, spoke about the importance of protecting children when they are on the internet and of educating them to make use of the internet in a safe way, while supervising what they are watching. He also had a session with primary school children on this topic at the Public Library, and he has written two children’s books on this issue. Amanda Springer, a multimedia artist and blogger, who runs and online arts and health network, described how caring for her mother with dementia long term prompted her to go on social media and seek out others in the same situation. From sharing views and experiences online and her knowledge of art, she embarked on the idea of incorporating art into the therapy for dementia patients and encourages her online following to do so. Eva Greene Wilson, an author, illustrator and social media personality, described how she grew up with her Trinidadian parents in the US, although in a thoroughly Caribbean household, but with an American accent and not sounding at all like a Caribbean person. She wanted her children to grow up with Caribbean values, and this led her to start using social media to contact other parents in the same position. This grew into the Caribbean parenting blog ‘Soca Mom’, which exchanges a wealth of information with Caribbean-American parents, all from a Caribbean perspective. JD Scott, a TV and online host, and Analee Belle, a celebrity makeup artist, model and social media branding expert, gave a presentation on ‘technology and social media in modern branding’. This was done in an engaging way and was quite educational for those of us not so much into social media. They also did a session with secondary school and

Community College students on the theme ‘transforming dreams into goals’, which was reported to be a very well attended, popular and interactive session. On the Sunday afternoon Howard Allen of HAMA films in Antigua presented a series of films from the Caribbean Travelling Film Showcase. Some of these films were quite inspiring, although unfortunately light from the upper windows of the Cultural Centre prevented one from viewing them properly. Films included documentaries (the Amerindians in Trinidad), mythology, a cartoon, and drama including the last film, a very moving drama set in The Bahamas. There is not space to describe all the presentations, but there was plenty of local input at the festival. Nerissa Golden presented on ‘Reading the news: a multimedia affair today’; there was a reportedly excellent, lively and well attended ‘Word Up’ show at the Community College, with young people presenting their compositions; and the environmental conservation group Coral Cay gave an interesting presentation on ‘How technology helps conservation in Montserrat’. Two young innovators, Enver Browne and Dexter Small, presented their apps, developed during previous training designed to encourage young people to be producers rather than just consumers of technology. There were also excerpts from the iconic recordings of Bernie Irish and J Macwell, now available as digital spoken word albums, with many of the tracks taking a poignant look at life before and after the volcano. This gives readers a glimpse of what took place at the literary festival over a very full weekend. Those who didn’t attend missed a very interesting experience. The theme also fitted in well with National ICT Week, which followed immediately after. As usual Gracelyn Cassell, head of the UWI Open Campus, and her staff and volunteers did a fantastic job putting this festival together. (Caribbean News Now!)




Researchers Find Evidence Of Onset Of Zika-Associated Microcephaly And Other Complications After Birth ATLANTA, USA -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers, in collaboration with researchers from the United States and Brazil, have investigated the first series of infants with laboratory evidence of congenital zika virus infection documented to have onset of microcephaly after birth. The report, published on Tuesday in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, describes 13 infants in Brazil with congenital zika virus infection who did not have microcephaly at birth, but later experienced slowed head growth. Among these infants, 11 later developed microcephaly. Slowed head growth and microcephaly were accompanied by significant neurologic complications. Although microcephaly was not present at birth, the infants had other brain abnormalities consistent with congenital zika syndrome. The study reveals that among infants of mothers exposed to zika virus during

pregnancy, the absence of microcephaly at birth does not rule out congenital zika virus infection or the presence of zika-related brain abnormalities. The findings highlight the importance of recent CDC guidance on initial and continuing medical and developmental evaluations of infants with possible congenital zika virus infection and the importance of early neuroimaging for infants who were exposed to zika virus prenatally. CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women not travel to areas with zika. If a pregnant woman travels to or lives in an area with active zika virus transmission, she should talk with her healthcare provider and strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual transmission of zika virus. Pregnant women with possible exposure to zika virus should be tested for zika infection even if they do not have symptoms. CDC continues to encourage women considering pregnancy and their partners in areas with active zika transmission to talk to their healthcare providers about pregnancy planning so that they know the risks and the ways to reduce them. (Caribbean News Now!)




Protocol Downfall General Dame Louise Lake-Tack. Numerous online publications in the UK headlines read of an “awkward” and “embarrassing” encounter in Antigua with Prime Minister Gaston Browne, as the Prince attended a VIP cocktail reception held in his honour at Barnacle Point Monday night.

Prince Harry (l), Prime Minister Gaston Browne (r) “An apology,” to Prince Henry of Wales, affectionately known as Prince Harry, is in order. So said former Governor

British media said Prince Harry felt unamused when Browne welcomed him back to the country for his honeymoon, and told the member of the royal family what happens in Antigua, stays in Antigua. The former GG said she was very disappointed with Browne’s statement and what the Prince was

subjected to. “The prime minister is so much older than Prince Harry, and to speak to such a young man like that is disrespectful. I’ve met Prince Harry many times… and he was so well received. He is a terribly sweet young man, so obliging and he seems his happiest when he is with young people,” the Dame said. She added that she does not know what would have gotten into the prime minister that would excuse him from such unruly behaviour. Dame Louise said Browne should also apologise to the people of Antigua & Barbuda for his inappropriate comments. (Daily Observer)




Government To Pay Double Salary St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): The federation’s civil servants have been told to expect a double salary this Christmas. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Timothy Harris in an address to the nation Saturday night. Dr Harris disclosed that an extra month’s salary would be made in December to all civil servants, auxiliary workers, and pensioners on the government’s payroll. The double salary is also being paid to public workers in Nevis. In his address the Prime Minister said the payout would benefit not only federal employees and pensioners but also those on the payroll of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA). The public sector is being encouraged to emulate the action of the Team Unity administration. “My government encourages all entities in the public and private sectors to make a

very special effort to deliver a gratuitous payment to their employees in December”, the Prime Minister said in his address. He told the business community that as the principal beneficiaries of consumer expenditure, the private sector firms should provide more than the normal pay for their employees. Prime Minister Harris estimates that “potentially EC$30 million will be pumped into the economy as a consequence of this bonus by the government”. The opposition Labour Party which several weeks ago urged the government to pay a double salary for Christmas, suggested at the time that two leading government ministers should not benefit from such a bonus. Party Chairman Marcella Liburd said at the time that federal ministers, CCM’s Vance Amory and Mark Brantley who

also run the Nevis Island administration were receiving monthly double salaries from Charlestown and Basseterre, and should not be afforded any extra bonus if one was being given to public officers. Other concessions including those on gift packages are also being granted, while in addition to the usual Christmas Day holiday, December 26 and 27 are also being declared public holidays. (Daily Observer)




Trump Denies Any Conflict Of Interest Over Business Empire

Donald Trump gave an interview to the New York Times on Tuesday(AP) Billionaire US President-elect Donald Trump has said he is not obliged to cut ties to his business empire when he takes office on 20 January. A Democratic senator is tabling a resolution calling on him to liquidate his assets to prove he does not intend to profit from the office of president. There is no legal requirement to liquidate assets but past US presidents have set aside their business dealings. Mr Trump also disowned far right activists who hailed his election win. "Alt-right" activists could be seen making Nazi salutes at a conference in Washington DC over the weekend, where a speaker enjoined them to "Hail Trump". Mr Trump, who has flown to Florida for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, is still assembling his White House team. One of America's top generals, David Petraeus,

has told the BBC he would be willing to serve under him. What did Trump say exactly? "In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly," he told the New York Times in an interview. "I'd assumed that you'd have to set up some type of trust or whatever and you don't." However, he added that he would "like to do something" to separate his two areas of responsibility. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin would like a more formal separation. He plans to introduce a resolution next week calling on the president-elect to adopt blind trusts or take equivalent measures to ensure that he complies with the constitution over potential conflicts of interest. What kind of conflicts are we talking about? The property tycoon is said to be currently worth $3.7bn (£3bn) by Forbes magazine, with more than 500 different enterprises in his business empire. One example of a possible conflict of interest is the newly opened Trump International Hotel in Washington DC, the BBC's David Willis reports. Mr Trump already stands to profit from an influx of visitors in the weeks leading up to his inauguration. Since the hotel sits on land leased from the federal government, when Mr Trump assumes office, he becomes, effectively,

both landlord and tenant overnight, our correspondent notes. Eyebrows were also raised when Ivanka Trump joined in a phone conversation her father had last week with the Argentine President, Mauricio Macri. The Argentine government later denied reports that Donald Trump had asked Mr Macri to approve a building project by one of his companies in Buenos Aires. What else did Trump tell the New York Times? Apart from condemning the far right, he defended hiring Steve Bannon, the former CEO of radical conservative news site Breitbart, as his strategist. "Breitbart is just a publication," Mr Trump told the famously liberal newspaper. "They cover stories like you cover stories." "If I thought he was a racist or alt-right or any of the things, the terms we could use, I wouldn't even think about hiring him", the president-elect added. He also argued that: His son-in-law Jared Kushner - a real estate heir who has no experience of diplomacy - could help forge peace between Israel and Palestinians The US should not be a "nation-builder" in the world Republican leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell "love" him again And he accepted there was some "connectivity" between human activity and climate change. (BBC)




Trump Names Nikki Haley As UN Ambassador

Nikki Haley was raised in a Sikh family(AP) President-elect Donald Trump has named South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as US ambassador to the UN, praising his former critic as "a proven dealmaker". She is the first non-white female cabinet-level official appointed to the incoming Trump administration. Mrs Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants and was a vocal critic of Mr Trump on the campaign trail. A rising star in the Republican party, the 44-year-old is the youngest governor in the US. Mr Trump said in a press release: "Governor Haley has a proven track record of bringing people together regardless of background or party affiliation to move critical policies forward for the betterment of her state and our country. "She is also a proven dealmaker, and we look to be making plenty of deals. She will be a great leader representing us on the world stage." The Republican-controlled Senate will need to confirm her appointment before she officially takes office. In a statement, Mrs Haley said she was "moved" to accept the assignment and would remain the South Carolina governor, pending her congressional confirmation. She had endorsed Florida Senator Marco Rubio during the Republican primaries, later throwing her support behind Senator Ted Cruz - Mr Trump's final rival before he became the party's nominee. Although Mrs Haley eventually voted for Mr Trump, the governor said she was "not a fan" of either him or the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. She also sharply attacked Mr Trump's proposal to ban Muslim immigrants, calling it "unAmerican", as well as his refusal to release his tax records. For his part, Mr Trump had called her "very weak on illegal immigration" and said South Carolinians were "embarrassed" by her. But the newly minted president-elect, who will be inaugurated in January, invited her for a meeting last week at Trump Tower in Manhattan. Mrs Haley has little previous foreign policy experience, though the Charleston Post and Courier reports she has taken at least eight trips abroad since becoming governor in 2011, mostly in support of economic development deals for her state.

During a trade mission to Europe in 2011, she was criticised by the newspaper for staying at expensive hotels and attending parties, costing the taxpayer $127,000 (£103,000). Born Nimrata "Nikki" Randhawa, Mrs Haley is the first minority and female governor of South Carolina, a deeply conservative state with a long history of racial strife. She took a public stand against resettling Syrian refugees in South Carolina and also opposed President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law. Mrs Haley was praised by members of both parties in 2015 when she ordered the Confederate battle flag to be removed from the grounds of the state capitol after a racially motivated shooting at an African-American church in Charleston. Earlier this month, she was elected vice-chair of the Republican Governors Association, paving the way to becoming chairman of the group in 2018. Mrs Haley, who is in her second and final term as governor, was elected in 2010, riding the wave of the Republican Tea Party with the support of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Before becoming the state's chief executive, she served six years as a member of the state's House of Representatives. Mrs Haley, who was raised in a Sikh household and now identifies herself as a Christian, is married to Army National Guard Capt Michael Haley - who has served in Afghanistan's Helmand province - and has two teenage children. What does the job involve? The job of the "permanent representative" to the UN is to represent US interests. As a member of the cabinet the ambassador must inform the president of UN activities and make recommendations for state actions. According to the US UN Mission website, ambassadors also work to "defend universal values and address pressing global challenges to global peace, security, and prosperity". The ambassador has the responsibility of a role on the UN Security Council, with a permanent veto power. The council has five permanent members; Russia, China, France, the US and the UK and 10 non-permanent members elected for two-year terms. After being appointed by the president, the ambassador must be approved by the Senate. Mr Trump has previously heaped scorn on the multilateral organisation, telling a gathering of pro-Israel lobbyists in March this year: "The United Nations is not a friend of democracy, it's not a friend to freedom, it's not a friend even to the United States of America - where, as you know, it has its home." Who is currently in the post? Irish-born Samantha Power is the current UN ambassador and has held the post since 2013. The ex-White House adviser is a Harvard academic, a former war correspondent and a Pulitzer Prize-winning author. As a journalist she reported from places like Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sudan and Zimbabwe and tried to get officials to pay attention to human rights issues. President Barack Obama announced her nomination by describing her as one of America's "foremost thinkers on foreign policy". (BBC)




Honour For Software Writer On Apollo Moon Mission

Margaret Hamilton was a lead software developer for Nasa's Apollo Moon missions in the 1960s(AP) An 80-year-old woman who wrote software for the Apollo space missions has been given the United States' highest civilian honour, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Margaret Hamilton was one of 21 people awarded the medal by President Barack Obama in a star-studded ceremony. It is almost 50 years since her initial work on the Apollo 11 moon mission. Mrs Hamilton's pioneering software helped land the lunar module and its crew on the Moon in 1969. Other notable medal recipients at Tuesday's ceremony at the White House included comedian and talkshow host Ellen DeGeneres, actor Tom Hanks and musicians Diana Ross and Bruce Springsteen. President Obama said Mrs Hamilton "symbolises that generation of unsung women who helped send humankind into space". Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin may have garnered many of the headlines after Apollo 11's successful landing, but Mrs Hamilton was among those working behind the scenes at time when computer science was so new it was not even a recognised term, and code was written out by hand. Mrs Hamilton led a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that created the on-board flight software for Nasa's moon missions. One small tweak for mankind? "Our astronauts didn't have much time, but thankfully they had Margaret Hamilton," President Obama said, as he awarded her the medal. He was referring to a tweak Mrs Hamilton made to the Apollo system which enabled the computer to prioritise commands when overloaded with tasks. Her work provided vital on the day: minutes before the lunar lander reached the Moon's surface on 20 July 1969, several computer alarms were triggered. But, thanks to Mrs Hamilton's foresight, the Nasa team was able to see that the alert was nothing critical, and the landing went ahead. "If the computer hadn't recognized this problem and taken recovery action, I doubt if Apollo 11 would have been the successful moon landing it was," wrote Mrs Hamilton in 1971. Mrs Hamilton was a 24-year-old maths graduate when she got a job at MIT. She planned for it to be temporary step, while

supporting her husband who was studying law at Harvard University. She then intended to go back to her own studies. However when MIT was asked to work on the Apollo space program, she joined the team and was hooked in an exciting new field. A working mother in the 'Wild West' In an interview with Wired magazine in 2015, Mrs Hamilton admitted that being a working mother in the 1960s brought additional challenges and she often took her daughter, then four years old, into the lab. She also noted that in this new world of computing, there were no footsteps to follow in. "When I first got into it, nobody knew what it was that we were doing. "It was like the Wild West. There was no course in it. They didn't teach it," she said. Yet she and her MIT colleagues went on to write the code for the world's first portable computer. From the 1970s onwards, she used her expertise to found her own software businesses, including Hamilton Technologies, which is still based in Massachusetts. Mr Obama also hailed the Indiana-born mathematician for developing software architecture that "echoes in countless technologies today" and said she encapsulated the "American spirit of discovery that exists in every little girl and little boy". Rear Admiral Grace Hopper was also awarded the medal, posthumously. Mr Obama said the computer scientist, who died in 1992, was at the forefront of computers and programming development from the 1940s to 1980s. President Obama hailed the 21 honourees as "extraordinary Americans who have lifted our spirits, strengthened our union, pushed us toward progress". (BBC)




Kashmir Clashes: Indian Shelling 'Kills Nine on Bus’

Relations between India and Pakistan have deteriorated in recent months(AP) Officials in Pakistan say at least nine people were killed when cross-border shelling from India hit a passenger bus in the disputed Kashmir region. Eleven others were reportedly wounded. Officials say two people also died in Indian shelling elsewhere in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. India had earlier vowed to avenge the killing of three soldiers, one of whose bodies it said had been mutilated. Tensions have risen since militants killed 19 Indian troops in September. Both countries accuse each other of violating a 2003 truce accord. Five things to know about Kashmir India and Pakistan have disputed the territory for nearly 70 years - since independence from Britain Both countries claim the whole territory but control only parts of it Since 1989 there has been an armed revolt in the Muslim-majority region against rule by India, which is mostly Hindu Two out of three wars fought

between India and Pakistan centred on Kashmir A new war could be even more disastrous as both states now have nuclear arsenals The passenger bus reportedly came under fire from India's side of the de facto border as it was travelling from Kel to Muzaffarabad in the Neelum valley region. Pakistani officials accused India of deliberately targeting civilians. There was no immediate response from India. On Tuesday the Indian army promised "heavy" retribution" after one of its patrols was ambushed in the Kupwara sector. Pakistan says more than 30 civilians and 11 soldiers have been killed on its side in fighting since August. India says 12 civilians and 11 of its soldiers have died over a similar period. Dozens more have been injured and thousands of people have left the area or are trapped in their homes. How bad is the situation? Before the new deaths this week, the Pakistani military apparently suffered its biggest single loss of life in Kashmir since the 2003 truce, when seven soldiers were killed in shelling in a single day. Firing from both sides has increased since the deadly militant attack on an Indian army base on 18 September. India hit back on 30 September with cross-border "surgical strikes" targeting militant groups blamed for killing the soldiers. A BBC investigation found that Indian troops had crossed the de facto border (the "Line of Control") to hit border posts but then pulled back without going deep into Pakistani-administered territory. Why did India go in so hard? Narendra Modi's BJP government swept to power in 2014 promising a tough line on Pakistan and was under tremendous pressure to hit back after its soldiers were killed in September. Many observers say Mr Modi feels he has to placate an angry domestic constituency and send out a message that he is a strong leader. Pakistan accuses India of taking military action to deflect attention from human rights abuses in the region. At least 85 people, nearly all protesters, have died in months of violent unrest against Indian rule since a popular militant leader was killed in the summer. (BBC)




Facebook 'Made China Censorship Tool’

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg recently spent time with China's leader Xi Jinping, as well as taking time to learn Mandarin.(AP) Facebook worked on special software so it could potentially accommodate censorship demands in China, according to a report in the New York Times. The social network refused to confirm or deny the software's existence, but said in a statement it was "spending time understanding and learning more" about China. No decisions about the company's approach in the country had yet been made, a spokeswoman said. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a group which campaigns for better privacy online, told the BBC the project sounded "extremely disturbing". "Kudos to the Facebook employees who brought this to the attention of the New York Times," said the EFF's global policy analyst Eva Galperin. "It's very nice to know there are some principled people still working there." The sources quoted by the New York Times - both current and former employees - stressed that like many pieces of software worked on internally, it may never be implemented. Censorship concessions Since 2009, the only way to access Facebook in China has been via a virtual private network - software designed to “spoof” your real location and avoid local internet restrictions. Facebook, which has 1.8 billion active users, is aggressively looking to expand in parts of the world beyond its existing markets. In the developing world, that means experimenting with new technology to connect rural areas. And in China, it appears the site is at the very least considering making concessions to China’s notoriously tightly-monitored internet. According to employees quoted anonymously by the New York Times’ reporter Mike Isaac, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was questioned about the plans in an all-staff meeting earlier this summer. "It’s better for Facebook to be a part of enabling conversation, even if it’s not yet the full conversation,” he is reported to have said while stressing it

was early days. Facebook’s spokeswoman would not confirm or deny the quote was accurate. Mr Zuckerberg recently spent time with China's leader, Xi Jinping, as well as taking time to learn Mandarin. Third-party company Facebook regularly removes content from the network at the request of governments. It makes this process relatively public with a yearly report detailing the quantity and nature of take-down requests. Where this software would differ is in that it would enable a third-party, likely a Chinese company working with Facebook, to prevent messages from appearing in the first place. The range of topics censored in mainland China is vast. Most famously, searches related to the Tiananmen Square yield no results relating to the 1989 massacre. Facebook isn’t the first first Silicon Valley giant to grapple with the moral maze of doing business in China. Google famously pulled out of mainland China after a backlash surrounding the censorship of search results. It now routes all traffic to Google Hong Kong. LinkedIn, the network for professionals, does censor some content although as the firm isn't typically seen as a host of public debate, the move is not seen as being nearly as contentious. If Facebook follows LinkedIn’s lead, the EFF’s Ms Galperin said "Facebook would be trading in their principles in exchange for access to the market. It would have tremendous implications for human rights." (BBC)




Jo Cox: Man Jailed For 'Terrorist' Murder Of MP

Mr Justice Wilkie said Mrs Cox had a generosity of spirit that was apparent even when faced with death(PA) Thomas Mair has been jailed for life after being found guilty of the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. The 53-year-old shot and stabbed to death the mother-of-two in Birstall, West Yorkshire, on 16 June, a week before the EU referendum vote. Mair shouted "Britain First" in the attack, but the judge said the true "patriot" was Mrs Cox, not Mair. Prosecutors said Mair was motivated by hate and his crimes were "nothing less than acts of terrorism". Mair was also found guilty of having a firearm with intent, causing grievous bodily harm with intent to 78-year-old Bernard Kenny, who tried to help the MP, and having an offensive weapon, namely a dagger. Mair, dressed in a dark suit and blue tie, remained impassive as the verdicts were read out, after one hour of deliberations. He had not entered a plea and chose not to give evidence in his defence at the trial. Before sentencing, Mair asked to speak to the courtroom but the judge declined, saying he had already had an opportunity. The jury took just one hour and 36 minutes to reach its verdicts. Every seat in courtroom eight of the Old Bailey was filled as the jury foreman stood to deliver the guilty verdicts. From Mair there was no reaction. He had maintained his silence throughout the trial and during every police interview. As the verdicts were delivered, Jo Cox's family smiled. Her sister, Kim, held her mother's hand. Then Jo Cox's husband read a victim impact statement. Standing in the witness box, in front of the man who murdered his wife, Brendan Cox told Mair that he pitied him because his life was devoid of love and consumed by hatred. It was a highly charged moment. The Cox family watched as Mair was led away, in silence, to begin his life sentence. Mrs Cox's husband Brendan said he was not there for "retribution" and felt "nothing but pity for" Mair, in a statement read out to the Old Bailey. Speaking outside court, he said his wife's killing was an incompetent and self-defeating act of terrorism that was driven by hatred but instead created an outpouring of love. His family would not respond to hatred with hatred, he said, and Jo's ideas and values would live on in her

children, and family. In sentencing, Judge Mr Justice Wilkie described Mrs Cox as a wonderful mother, sister, daughter and companion, with a generosity of spirit that was apparent even when faced with a violent death. Mair's inspiration was not love of country but admiration for Nazism, the judge said, which was a betrayal of our parents' generation's huge sacrifices during World War II. He said Mair had not the courage to acknowledge what he did and forced Mrs Cox's family to relive the events. Judge Mr Justice Wilkie said the murder was carried out to advance a political cause of violent white supremacism, associated with Nazism. He said the aggravating feature was the premeditation and planning over weeks, in which he researched his intended victim, the past assassination of a serving MP and matricide, knowing Mrs Cox was the mother of young children. The judge sentenced Mair to life imprisonment, with a whole life term. He said he had concluded that the offence was so exceptional that Mair could only be released by the home secretary. Mrs Cox's parents, Jean and Gordon Leadbeater, and her sister, Kim, were also in court for the verdicts. Kim Leadbeater said her family were relieved that the process was over after a difficult few months. "There may have been one act of extreme cowardice on that day, but there were acts of extreme bravery. "I, for one, will not be beaten by what has happened and I know I am not alone," she said. Home Secretary Amber Rudd said the "shocking and senseless murder" of Mrs Cox was "an attack on all of us and the values we share of democracy and tolerance". “As home secretary, I am determined that we challenge extremism in all its forms including the evil of far right extremism and the terrible damage it can cause to individuals, families and communities," she said. The Crown Prosecution Service said in a statement: "Mair has offered no explanation for his actions but the prosecution was able to demonstrate that, motivated by hate, his pre-meditated crimes were nothing less than acts of terrorism designed to advance his twisted ideology." The CPS said it worked closely with police to build a strong case, and commended a number of "brave" eye witnesses who gave evidence. Jump media playerMedia player help Det Supt Nick Wallen, of West Yorkshire Police, said Mair was a "cold-blooded killer" who lived a solitary lifestyle, with no social circle and had never come to the notice of the police before. He said nothing could ever excuse the evil and the horror that he brought to the small town of Birstall. (BBC)




Bamenda Protests: Mass Arrests In Cameroon workers who do not understand the application of British common law. Former British and French colonies joined together to form Cameroon in 1961. The country has 10 semi-autonomous administrative regions eight are Francophone and use the French civil law. Englishspeakers have long complained that they face discrimination. They often complain that they are excluded from top civil service jobs and that government documents are often only published in French, even though English is also an official language. Bamenda is the founding place of Cameroon's largest opposition political party, the Social Democratic Front. At least one person was shot dead on the first day of the protests(AP) At least 100 people have been arrested following days of protests against the use of French in courts and schools in English-speaking parts of Cameroon. Several others are being treated with bullet wounds in hospital in the region's main city, Bamenda. Lawyers are opposed to the employment of court

The BBC's Frederic Takang in Bamenda says there is tension in the north-western city and businesses and schools have been closed. At least one person was shot dead on the first day of the protests, 10 others were admitted to hospital with four in critical condition, he says. Teachers and local residents joined the protests which started on Monday. Educators in the Englishspeaking regions have been opposed to the employment of teachers who only speak French in technical schools. (BBC)




Viagra Found In South Korean Presidential Offices

South Koreans have taken to the streets in mass demonstrations against Ms Park(AFP) The scandal in South Korea involving President Park Geun-hye has taken an unexpected twist with news that Viagra has been found in her offices. Authorities found the pills - usually used to treat erectile dysfunction - while investigating corruption allegations against Ms Park. The government says the Viagra was bought to combat altitude sickness. The South Korean leader is accused of allowing her friend, Choi Soon-sil, to influence her decisions. The presidential office confirmed it bought 364 Viagra and similar generic pills to deal with altitude sickness on official trips to East Africa, although the pills were never used. The BBC's Stephen Evans in Seoul, says the discovery of Viagra will add an air of remoteness to the president. Many Koreans believe Ms Park is living in a "different world"

which will exacerbate political pressure on her to resign. Some early rumours among Koreans alleged Ms Park could have been involved with cultish rituals with her friend Ms Choi. Ms Choi, a long-time friend of Ms Park's, is the daughter of Choi Tae-min, a shadowy quasi-religious leader who was closely linked to Ms Park's father, then-president Park Chunghee. The discovery of Viagra grew out of the drug UK92480, a new treatment for angina, a heart condition that constricts the vessels that supply the heart with blood. It failed in treating angina, but during drug trials many volunteers reported an unusual side effect - lots of erections. Scientists ran more tests and discovered its effectiveness at treating erectile dysfunction. Because of biological similarities between the lungs and penis, scientists also discovered it could help protect against pulmonary hypertension, common in climbers. At high altitudes decreased levels of oxygen can trigger high blood pressure in the lungs, which in extreme circumstance can be fatal. Viagra reduces high blood pressure and improves the transport of oxygen in the blood. Meanwhile, South Korean authorities have raided the offices of Samsung and the national pension fund as part of a corruption investigation linked to the president. They are probing whether Ms Park pressured the fund to support a Samsung merger, said the Yonhap news agency. Samsung's offices had already been raided over related allegations. Wednesday's raid had to do with a merger last year between the electronics giant's construction arm, Samsung C&T, and an affiliate firm, Cheil Industries. For weeks, tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Seoul to demand Ms Park's resignation - a call she has resisted. (BBC)




Australian Woman Abandoned 14 Cats Which Ate Each Other

Only one cat was found alive at the home in South Australia(RSPCA) An Australian woman whose cats ate each other after she abandoned them in her home has been convicted of animal cruelty. RSPCA inspectors found 13 dead cats and an emaciated survivor when they raided the property in Adelaide, South

Australia, in September 2015. The 43-year-old woman was placed on a 12-month good behaviour bond and banned from owning animals. The surviving cat, since named Trooper, has recovered and found a new home. RSPCA South Australia chief inspector Andrea Lewis said it was a "heartbreaking" case for sta. "They see some pretty awful things," she told the BBC. "But this is something that will stay with them for a long time." Video footage recorded by the RSPCA shows the house littered with mess, including animal faeces. "Is that a dead cat that's been eaten by the other cats?" an inspector asks. "Yeah, there's a couple," another replies. The owner was convicted of animal cruelty in the Port Adelaide Magistrates Court. Ms Lewis urged people to contact family, neighbours or an animal shelter if they were no longer able to care for their pets. "People should just never walk away and leave their animals," Ms Lewis said. "Everyone has a legal obligation to look after animals in their care." Trooper has been adopted by a family in Adelaide. "He has made a great recovery," Ms Lewis said. "He's a much loved member of their family." (BBC)




Stephen Port: Serial Killer Guilty Of Murdering Three Men from Dagenham, east London. The jury has yet to reach a verdict on a number of other charges including the alleged murder of Anthony Walgate, 23, who was found dead outside Port's flat in June 2014. He met his victims on dating websites, including Grindr, and coaxed them to his home in Barking for sex before giving them fatal doses of drugs. Their bodies were all found dumped in or near a graveyard within 500m of his house. As the 12 jurors took their seats, there was an almost palpable sense of tension. Every day since Monday of last week, when the jury's deliberations began, relatives of Port's victims have gathered waiting for the outcome of this harrowing case. Port denied 29 charges that spanned more than three years A serial killer has been found guilty of murdering three young men by poisoning them with lethal doses of a date rape drug. Stephen Port, who was convicted of raping three other men, lured his victims to his London flat and secretly gave them GHB, the Old Bailey heard. The 41-year-old chef was also found guilty of seven offences of administering a substance with intent and three sexual assaults. He had denied 29 charges in total. Between August 2014 and September 2015 Port murdered Gabriel Kovari, 22, from Lewisham, Daniel Whitworth, 21, from Gravesend, Kent, and Jack Taylor, 25,

At 10:35, the jury forewoman was asked whether they'd reached unanimous verdicts on each of the counts and, if so, what that verdict was. When the first reply of "guilty" came back Port just sighed. But to his right, there were sobs, tears and hugs among the parents and siblings of those who were murdered. The trial had heard Port had an insatiable appetite for boyish-looking, smaller men, who he referred to as "Twinks". The Old Bailey was also told he trawled the internet for pornography involving impassive young men being "raped" by older men. Home videos were played to the jury of 10 women and two men which appeared to show Port allegedly enacting his drug-rape obsession. (BBC)



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Prosecutors Seek Two-year Prison Sentence For Neymar


rison sentences have been requested against Barcelona attacker Neymar and his parents as well as former president Sandro Rosell. Spanish prosecutors have requested a two-year prison sentence and a €10 million fine for Barcelona star Neymar over alleged corruption surrounding his transfer from Santos in 2013. The same sentence and fine has also been requested for Neymar's father, as well as a one-year

prison sentence and €10m fine for his mother. Former Barca president Sandro Rosell, meanwhile, faces a two-year term and a €10m fine if found guilty of corruption, as well as a three-year sentence for alleged fraud. Current Barca president Josep Maria Bartomeu has provisionally been exonerated of any wrongdoing by the prosecutor, who has asked for the case against the 53year-old to be closed.

Barca could be handed a €1.44m fine for corruption and an additional €7m penalty for fraud. Santos are also facing being docked €7m for fraud. The case stems from a complaint by investment group DIS, which owned 40 per cent of Neymar's economic rights and claims it received less money than it was entitled to following the Brazil international's transfer. (SportsMax)


Fans' Wearing Of Poppies Under Investigation By FIFA, Says FAW


The Football Association of Wales says fans' wearing of poppies forms part of a FIFA investigation. The wearing of poppies by fans is among the incidents being investigated by FIFA, according to the Football Association of Wales (FAW). World football's governing body opened disciplinary proceedings against the associations of Wales and Northern Ireland on Wednesday after both countries marked Remembrance weekend at World Cup qualifiers. While refraining from the wearing of poppies by players, which landed England and Scotland in hot water, the poppy symbol was displayed in mosaic form ahead of

kick-off and black armbands were worn. The mosaic is one of the incidents being looked into by FIFA, along with a banner depicting the poppy displayed by supporters and a bunch of poppies carried by a member of the armed forces. But the FAW also says supporters wearing poppies in the stands form part of the investigation.

FAW chief executive Jonathan Ford said: "Naturally as an association we are disappointed and surprised at the news. Our intention was to show respect on Armistice weekend which we feel we did in the right and proper way. "We also adhered to the rules and regulations of the competition and the communication from FIFA prohibiting the FAW request for the players to wear the poppy symbol on the armbands or the field of play. "We are particularly disappointed that one of the charges relates to supporters in the stands wearing poppies. Naturally as an association we will strongly contest the charges." The case will be submitted to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee for evaluation on December 9. The FAW has until November 29 to provide a statement and relevant evidence. The Irish FA has vowed to "robustly defend" the charges levelled against it. (SportsMax)


United To Take Up Option On Ibrahimovic Extension


latan Ibrahimovic is set to stay at Manchester United for a second season after Jose Mourinho announced they would extend his deal. Jose Mourinho has confirmed that Manchester United will take up the option to extend Zlatan Ibrahimovic's deal by an extra year until 2018. The Sweden great moved to Old Trafford on a free transfer in the close-season after four successful and trophy-laden seasons at Paris Saint-Germain, during which time he became the club's record goal scorer. Ibrahimovic, 35, initially penned a one-year contract with the option to extend the deal by a

further 12 months, a clause that manager Mourinho says United plan to exercise. “The Zlatan situation is simple, he has one year plus another year at the club and we are happy with him," Mourinho told a news conference ahead of United's Europa League clash against Feyenoord. "We are going to execute the extra year option. In two years' time he will be free. He is happy and he is committed. "It's the last big challenge of his wonderful career." Ibrahimovic has scored six goals in his opening 11 Premier League matches, but appeared to cast doubt on prolonging his stay at Old Trafford into a second

season when he spoke of his desire to "conquer" America in the MLS. The former AC Milan striker has long since been linked to a move across the Atlantic and told Aftonbladet on Tuesday: "Playing in the USA is a huge option for me. For the football and everything else. I can see myself conquering the US as I have with Europe." But speaking after Mourinho, Ibrahimovic told the assembled media his Old Trafford future was secure. He was not fully committal in his response, but insisted there was no need for contract talks as he expected to trigger the second year of his agreement "We didn't even have any discussions, we had a contract that said one plus one," he said. "I feel good I feel fresh, I feel like now I will probably take a second year. "I want to be honest with myself and I don't want to waste time, but if I feel like now then yes. The second year goes automatic." United have made an indifferent start to the Mourinho era and are sixth in the league, nine points adrift of leaders Chelsea. (SportsMax)


Rosberg V Hamilton: Everything You Need To Know Ahead Of The F1 Title Decider championships in succession. HOW IT STANDS Nico Rosberg 367 Lewis Hamilton 355 WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN?


ith the Formula One season nearing its conclusion, here is everything you need to know ahead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The race for the Formula One drivers' title is going down to the wire at the final round of the season in Abu Dhabi. Nico Rosberg leads Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton by 12 points following a wet and wild Brazilian Grand Prix last time out. But who will come out on top with the pressure on at Yas Marina Circuit? Here's everything you need to know about this weekend's desert decider. WHAT'S AT STAKE? For Rosberg, this would represent a maiden world title after 11 seasons in F1. It would also be only the second time a father-son duo have won the drivers' championship, following in father Keke's footsteps to join Graham and Damon Hill in achieving that feat. Hamilton currently shares the record for most drivers' titles won by a British driver with Jackie Stewart, but would move clear on four by taking the crown in 2016. He would also become only the fourth driver to win three or more

A top-three finish for Rosberg will be enough to clinch the title, regardless of where Hamilton ends the race. Cross the line outside the top three and Rosberg needs to ensure Hamilton does not do enough to close the points gap between the pair. If Hamilton finishes outside the top three, Rosberg is champion. FORM GUIDE This season has swayed one way and then the other so far – unfortunately for Rosberg, it is Hamilton who is on a hot streak, winning the last three races. That said, Rosberg has finished second to the Briton in each of those and has not missed out on the podium since his home grand prix in Germany in July. A continuation of that run for Rosberg in Abu Dhabi would see him crowned champion. WE'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE The Formula One season has boiled down to a decider between Hamilton and Rosberg once before, although the circumstances were slightly different in 2014. Hamilton held a 17-point lead heading to the United Arab Emirates two years ago, when double points were on offer at the final race of

the season. The former McLaren man needed to finish in the top two to clinch a second title – sixth would have sufficed under normal rules – and Hamilton avoided the problems that plagued Rosberg to top the podium, ahead of the two Williams. Rosberg crossed the line in 14th and will be keen to avoid similar engine trouble this weekend. ABU DHABI TRACK RECORD Hamilton's victory at the Yas Marina Circuit in 2014 was his second in Abu Dhabi, having also triumphed in 2011. But it was Rosberg who won here last season – a victory that formed part of a seven-race winning sequence that ran into 2016 and laid the foundation for his title push. IN THEIR OWN WORDS Rosberg : "I have to treat this like any other race. Doing a good job on a grand prix weekend is always a challenge. Nothing in this sport is easy, so this won't be any different and I still have to go all out for a good result. The closer it gets, the more I'm feeling excited. It will be a big battle and hopefully the fans will get a great show to end the year." Hamilton : "It's not been a perfect season and I'm faced with pretty impossible odds no matter what I do this weekend. But I can't and won't give up. You never know what might happen – however unlikely it may seem." (SportsMax)


Windies Women Seal World Cup Spot After ICC Ruling


est Indies Women claimed the final automatic qualifying spot for next year’s World Cup following a decision by the ICC's technical committee to award full points to Pakistan women for the three-match series against India. The series, which was abandoned in October due to political tension between the countries, had left

the final automatic spot for a place at the tournament as a tossup between India and the West Indies. An even share of the points from the series would have been good enough to see India pull level with the West Indies for the fourth and final automatic qualifying spot, determined by the ICC ranking table, and advance to the World Cup by virtue of having a better

head-to-head record. India recently defeated the West Indies 3-0 in a home One Day International (ODI) series. The decision meant both Pakistan and India will head to the 2017 Women's World Cup qualifier a 10-team tournament which will be played in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in February of next year. The West Indies will join Australia, New Zealand and host England as automatic qualifiers. In handing down its decision the ICC stated that there had been no acceptable reason for India to not participate in the series. “The Technical Committee has ruled that Pakistan will be awarded two points for each of the three games and, in accordance with the ICC Women's Championship playing conditions, India shall be considered to have scored zero runs in each of the 50 overs in each of the three matches and that its net run rate shall be adjusted accordingly," an ICC release said. (SportsMax)


'A Gold Is a Gold' - Powell Proud Of Relay Medals Despite Individual Disappointment


wo-time Carifta champion Trinidad and Tobago sprinter Akanni Hislop has been awarded a Louisiana State University (LSU). He begins classes in January. Hislop, the 2015 Carifta Boys under-18 and 2016 Carifta Boys under-20 200m gold medalist, joins a growing list of standout Trinidad and Tobago athletes who have received scholarships to LSU, including Olympic silver medalist Richard Thompson, World Championship medalist Kelly-Ann Baptiste and Semoy Hackett. Both Thompson and Baptiste captured NCAA Championships gold medals for LSU in the indoor 60m and outdoor 100m in 2008. Hackett meanwhile, won a medal in the 4x100m at the 2015 World Champs in Beijing. (SportsMax)

Bolt Won't Be Tempted To Follow Phelps' Example


wo-time Carifta champion Trinidad and Tobago sprinter Akanni Hislop has been awarded a Louisiana State University (LSU). He begins classes in January. Hislop, the

2015 Carifta Boys under-18 and 2016 Carifta Boys under-20 200m gold medalist, joins a growing list of standout Trinidad and Tobago athletes who have received scholarships to LSU, including Olympic silver medalist Richard Thompson, World Championship medalist Kelly-Ann Baptiste and Semoy Hackett. Both Thompson and Baptiste captured NCAA Championships gold medals for LSU in the indoor 60m and outdoor 100m in 2008. Hackett meanwhile, won a medal in the 4x100m at the 2015 World Champs in Beijing. (SportsMax)


Jamaica Football: Richards Cut By NASL ClubFrancoMiami and Hugo Leroux


ut-of-favour J a m a i c a international Dane Richards has been released by United States North American Soccer League (NASL) club Miami FC. The 31-year-old Richards, once a regular fixture in the Jamaican national team, has endured a turbulent couple of seasons. The player failed to secure a consistent spot after returning to the Major League Soccer (MLS) New York Red Bulls and was subsequently sent on loan

by the club to Indy Eleven. The MLS club later opted to not pick up on Richards’ option for the 2016 season. The player was then picked up by Miami in December of last year. Richards, however, managed only four appearances and failed to find the back of net on any of those occasions. On Monday he was one of seven players cut by the club. The others were forwards Roberto Alterio and Pablo Campos, defenders Joe

and midfielders Wilson Palacios and Connor Rezende. Miami coach Alessandro Nesta, while thanking the players for their service stressed that it was time for the club to prepare for the 2017 season. “ To d a y w e b e g i n t h e process of preparing for 2017 and our march to the playoffs,” Nesta said. “We want to thank the players for all their work and dedication last season, and wish them the very best of luck in their future careers.” (SportsMax)


Bacca Suffers Thigh Injury


arlos Bacca has been diagnosed with a thigh injury following AC Milan's draw with Inter on Sunday. AC Milan attacker Carlos Bacca faces a spell on the sidelines after suffering a thigh injury in his side's 2-2 Serie A draw with rivals Inter at the weekend. The Colombia international featured from the start in the Derby della Madonnina and set up Suso for the 2-1 lead shortly before the hour mark. Bacca was forced to leave the pitch with a muscular problem in the

71st minute, though, and Milan have announced he has suffered a thigh injury. “Milan announce that

during Sunday night’s match against Inter, Carlos Bacca suffered a flexor strain to his right thigh," a statement on the club's official website reads. "The player will undergo further examination next week." The 30-year-old has scored six goals in 13 Serie A appearances this campaign, but has not found the net since his strike in the 4-3 win over Sassuolo on October 2, going six matches without a goal. (SportsMax)


Du Plessis Enjoying Australia's Selection Panic

rateful for a distraction from ball-tampering charges, Faf du Plessis has pointed to Australia's selection changes as a sign of weakness. Faf du Plessis claims South Africa are revelling in Australia's selection discomfort as the Proteas' temporary skipper seeks to escape the balltampering spotlight. While the tourists have cruised to an unassailable 2-0 lead in the Test series, Du Plessis, standing in for the injured AB de Villiers, has made headlines for the wrong reasons after being found


guilty of ball tampering. Meanwhile, in a bid to arrest their alarming form slump going into the ďŹ nal Test in Adelaide, Australia have made sweeping changes, something gratefully seized upon by the embattled Du Plessis as an indication of the home team's struggles. "Certainly I was very surprised to see the changes to that extent," he told a news conference. "When you think of Australian cricket teams of the past... I saw a tweet of David Hussey where he said he'd made 15,000 runs and never got a crack at playing for

A u s t r a l i a . " To s e e t h e changes now, that brings pleasure to see what we're doing. What we're doing is creating something in the Australian team they feel they need to change. "If I was sitting in that team, a lot of changes means you're trying to change everything in your team. I'd rather be sitting on my side." The ďŹ nal match of the series, starting at Adelaide Oval on Thursday, will be South Africa's ďŹ rst taste of day/night Test cricket, the Proteas having reversed their initial opposition to the concept following improvements to the pink ball that has been developed for use in the new time slot. "When they said they changed the seam, made it black and it would have better visibility, things started changing," Du Plessis said. "We just wanted to be part of something and not miss out and see what's it's all about." (SportsMax)


Smith Seeks To 'Stamp Authority' On Australia


ost of new Test faces will be moulded in Steve Smith's image against South Africa, if Australia's captain gets his wish. Captain Steve Smith will be aiming to stamp his authority on a new-look Australia team in the third Test against South Africa at Adelaide Oval. The hosts have already lost the threematch series after comprehensive defeats in Perth and Hobart, prompting Rod Marsh to quit as chairman of selectors and heralding sweeping changes for the day/night finale, which starts on Thursday. Matthew

Renshaw, Peter Handscomb and Nic Maddinson are all set for debuts, while Jackson Bird and Matthew Wade have also been called up. Joe Burns, Adam Voges, Callum Ferguson, Peter Nevill and Joe Mennie are the men to drop out. "I think it's a great opportunity for me to stamp my authority on this team as the leader," Smith told a press conference. “I have talked a lot to the guys over the last couple of days about growth and trying to grow and learn as a team. "I know that growth doesn't happen overnight, so it could take some time but I am confident that with the guys

we have here we can start turning our results around straight away and start playing the way we want to play." Australia have suffered from a series of costly collapses in recent Tests, prompting Smith to call for greater resilience during tough moments, something that could prove challenging given the inexperienced newcomers who are due to face the in-form tourists. "I think the focus is more around attitude and being able to be more resilient and adaptable to whatever conditions that are out there and identifying periods of the game that are difficult and getting through those periods," he said. "I think recently we have struggled to identify the periods that are difficult and we have talked about them afterwards where there were moments where we could have done things better. "It's about trying to stay in the moment and identify those periods and get through those periods and when you do that things get easier." (SportsMax)

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