November 25, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Minister Norton To Meet With Embattled Cole Minister of Public Health, Dr Minister Norton noted that the importer was assured, “we are in PAGE 2


George Norton The Minister of Public Health, Dr George Norton will be meeting with the Director of the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD), Marlon Cole as part of investigating claims made against him. At a press briefing t o d a y, i n t h e M i n i s t r y ’ s Boardroom, Brickdam, the Health Minister confirmed that he was tasked by the President “to examine…complaints of victimisation and abuse by the Director of Food and the Drug Department” being made by one importer. The Managing Director of Sueria Manufacturing Inc., has levied claims of discrimination against GA-FDD Director, Marlon Cole. “Yes, he wrote to me and to the President, and I have been instructed by the President to examine his complaints,” Minister Norton told the media.

the process of examining his complaints and we will invite himself along with Mr Marlon Cole to reach a solution to that situation.” On Wednesday, Several business entities staged massive protest outside the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Public Health of Health calling for Cole to be sacked. Organiser of the protest, Frank Sanichara, Chief Executive Officer of Sueria Manufacturing Inc. said that over the years he has been making several complaints to various ministries about the unethical and corrupt behavior of Cole. Mr. Sanicahra said that Mr. Cole is requesting a “free sale” certificate from importers and when this document is being presented to the department, Mr. Cole changes his guidelines. The business owner is alleging that Mr. Cole is “ducking” certificates presented to him by the businesses from the U.S.D.A. although this is what the Director is requesting and making new regulation which is outside the constitution of Guyana. “While Mr. Cole is doing this to us, there is a selected few that is walking free. Mr. Cole is allowing items to be imported by friends and family and is not allowing other businesses to import their items,” Mr. Sanichara asserted.



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Not In Compliance With FATF RequirementsJagdeo At a press conference yesterday at Freedom House, Opposition FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2016

Leader Bharat Jagdeo is of the opinion that Guyana is not fully compliant with anti-money laundering regimes. “If we lull ourselves into a sense of false security, then we are going to repeat a lot of the mistakes made by the Attorney General, and we are going to put major sectors of our economy in jeopardy particularly the economic sector,” Jagdeo noted. Mr. Jagdeo was responding to Attorney General Basil Williams report to the National Assembly. “It is not a report on progress. It is an admission that what was said to the country, that we are free and clear, that it is not so.” The Opposition leader is of the view that more work needs to be done “We may very well find that we are not compliant with applying this Act.” Jagdeo noted “We could have avoided a lot of this had they supported us right at the beginning when we made two attempts at the National Assembly to pass recommendations which would have made us compliant that time which would not have seen us going through this enhanced scrutiny.” “We cannot play games with the future of the financial sector, a thriving economy is built on a solid, sound financial system,” he said.

Opposition Leader, Bharat Jagdeo

Mr. Jagdeo urged that “attempt to score political points without giving factual points to people.” Mr Jagdeo also mentioned that there were numerous cases of smuggling in Guyana and that the Government has failed to address these issues, especially with regards to gold smuggling. “Even with 15,000 ounces of gold smuggling out of the country weekly that would have brought $900M into the country, we have not seen evidence of them finding smuggled gold in large quantities.” “It is fallacious. It is just an excuse”.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Trade Unions Against Plan To Sell Skeldon Sugar Factory



and the Agriculture Minister need to be emphasized. Additionally, the Corporation’s last (2015) Annual Report also spoke to the factory’s excellent performance and, importantly, the constructive recommendations from the Governmentappointed Commission of Inquiry must not be swept under the carpet as they present a sound case for the retention of Skeldon with all its potential, including its Co-Generation plant” the statement read. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) has noted that it endorses and supports the concerns and sentiments by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), against the plan to sell the Skeldon Sugar Factory. GAWU had expressed outrage at the revelation that the Skeldon Sugar factory would be sold by the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) which they considered a major asset to the sugar company. In a stamen to the press, FITUG noted the potential dire effect on the employees’ lives of this unnecessary plan to sell an important national asset. It said that any sale of the Skeldon facility at this time would certainly impact negatively on the entire industry, which can only aggravate the country’s economic plight. The group is adamant that the factory and the estate’s land have the potential to contribute to GuySuCo’s recovery and the nation’s economy. FITUG said it sees much sense in the case made by GAWU for the retention, refurbishment and sustained technical maintenance of the Skeldon flagship estate citing the positive praises it has received recently. “Recent praise about the factory’s excellent Skeldon’s sustained improved production performance coming from GuySuCo’s Chairman

FITUG then raised concerns related to transparency in the proposed Government-Corporation ‘sale’ scheme. “Firstly, as experienced when the Wales Estate closure was mooted early this year, there has been no consultation with the workers or their union. Credible information revealed that at the level of GuySuCo’s Board of Directors the matter was not discussed and the relevant decision(s) seem to be limited to a select few, at least, up to this time. We are mindful of the fact that the industry, wholly or its many components, are the nation’s assets and the Administrations of GuySuCo and the Government should not forget this," the group stated. The federation said it is also important to note that no agency or auditor, except Wartsila which examined only the power generation aspect of the factory, has been identified in the new and sudden critique of Skeldon made simultaneously when not so far-fetched rumours about a chosen buyer identified though no bidding has been announced. FITUG is urging the Government to re-think hasty decisions and consult every stakeholder, including the unions and the political opposition on this ‘sale of Skeldon’ which, they firmly believe, will be disastrous.




ExxonMobil To Create Jobs For Guyanese

Oil giant ExxonMobil has dismissed allegations that Guyanese are not being hired. The company has announced a plan to train and recruit locals for ongoing preparatory work and actual commercial production. Country Manager, Jeff Simmons told a gathering at the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) awards ceremony and dinner that, “One common mis-perception is that we don’t want to have local content, we want to bring a bunch of people in to do this and that’s definitely what we don’t want to do”. The General Monager noted that his company will be developing a pool of skilled personnel and service providers to ExxonMobil’s standards, such as drillers, caterers and welders. “We need to work with our contractors and government to develop the training apprenticeships and curriculum in the local institutions that will support the skills and talents that we need,” Simons noted. He further noted that ExxonMobil has hired several persons “who will be trained to put the ExxonMobil “stamp on their foreheads.” According to reports figures show that the American oil giant has so far spent US$700 million dollars dating back to 1999 when the company first secured the Stabroek Block concession. Of that amount, Simons said US$100 million have been spent locally to purchase goods and services locally. The company plans to submit a local content plan as part of an “overarching” development plan. “A really detailed local content plan will be coming following that I think in a couple of months from now,” he further noted.

He said that approximately 500 to 600 workers would be coming to Guyana to install wells and other equipment. “We are looking to get some drilling contracts entered into early and try and develop some drilling expertise here locally in Guyana. We are working with a couple of different vendors who are starting to do some capability building and thinking about some courses that could be useful for starting drilling basically." Mr. Simons noted that at the beginning stage about 60 to 80 workers would be mentoring Guyanese who would eventually take over from their foreign counterparts. “The production operation will be very much dominated by local content” said Simons. ExxonMobil has already hired a consulting firm, Deloitte, to conduct a high-level needs analysis.




ChickenPox OutBreak In Region 8 ...160 Students Infected contraction of the disease will be not distributed to the area “It was not a

T H E M I N I S T RY o f H e a l t h i n collaboration with the Ministry of Education is monitoring what has been deemed an outbreak of the chickenpox virus at the Paramakatoi Secondary School Dormitory in Region 8. According to reports 160 students have been affected so far since the news reached the Ministry. The affected children have been quarantined and the varicella vaccine used to prevent

administer to those affected. “We have made available the necessary pharmaceuticals that would be required in that area, as well as efforts are being made to get the vaccine that has been introduced only recently in the country up into that area to prevent persons who have not been affected by this disease from contracting it,” according to Health Minister Dr. George Norton. The Minister also noted that the virus is not lethal but the position could become worry some, “It is worrying, despite the fact that we have it under control,” he said. The Ministry is still trying to ascertain the total population of the dormitory and the boy to girl ratio of those affected and whether teachers are also affected. Director of Adolescent health, Dr. Oneka Scott noted that the vaccine Varicella was

vaccine that was used (before) in a regular immunization schedule…so we had given it out to orphanages, some communities or companies that has a previous outbreak of Varicella, sanitation workers and health care workers,” the Director Noted. Chickenpox also known as Varicella is an airborne disease that causes patients to develop a blister –like rash or boil, which first appears on the face or trunk, and then spreads throughout the body. The virus spreads through tiny droplets from infected people that get the air they breathe, talk, cough or sneeze. It has an incubation period of between 10 to 21 days. The classic symptom of chickenpox is a rash that turns into itchy, fluid filled blisters that turn into scabs. Other symptoms are fever, tiredness, loss of appetite and headaches.




Trinidadian Slapped With Another Count Of Fraud Alleged Trinidadian Fraudster Anthony Nestor today reappeared before the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court again charged with another count of committing fraud between the dates of September 7 and 17, 2016. The matter was transferred before Magistrate Judy Latchman who is currently handling Nestor’s two other matters, where he will appeare on January 16, 2017 for the commencement of the trial. It is alleged that between the dates in question at the El Dorado Inn located at the corner of Thomas and Quamina Streets, Georgetown the accused incurred a debt to Frankie DaSilva of GY$137,000. It was revealed that the accused arrived at the hotel and told the staff that he had lost his luggage and as such he would be unable to pay them at the moment. He was allowed to stay at the hotel however a Supervisor at the Hotel upon seeing via the news that the accused had been charged with two similar offences reported him to the police. Nestor was remanded after he appeared before the court earlier in November charged with two counts of fraud by incurring debts of GY$260,824 at Brandsville Hotel and GY$66,898 Opus Hotel.

Drug lord, Wife Set To Stand Trial Self confessed convicted Drug Lord Barry Dataram and his reputed wife Anjanie Boodnarine today appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court where they heard that their trial for the possession of illegal firearms will commence on January 13, 2017. The duo who was charged with the offence earlier this year both pleaded not guilty to the charge. It is alleged that during a raid on April 16, 2016 at Dataram’s former Lot 661 Fourth Avenue, Block ‘X’ Diamond, East Bank Demerara home 180 rounds of .223 round of ammunition was found together with a quantity of Cocaine stored in pellets in fish that was said to be set for shipping. Dataram was found guilty of the possession of narcotics with intent to traffic and is currently serving a prison sentence of 60 months, while Boodnarine along with two others who were jointly charged was acquitted of the offence.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Unions Urge Government To Re-Consider Closure Of Wales Estate PAGE 11

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE), and the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) in a statement noted that the indicated closure of the renowned Wales Estate by the Coalition Government is nearing and is warning of “clearly ill-considered and unwise decision.” GAWU expressed that that the decision to close the estate without consulting the unions was unjust and has left the workers at Wales in anxiety over their future. “Our Unions, the workers and many Guyanese, among others, have strongly decried this decision imposed in January, this year (2016) by the APNU/AFC Government without consultation with us (the Unions) and the workers who will be gravely affected. It is widely felt with justification that the closure would have disastrous effects on the workers and their families, cane farmers, the communities of the West Bank of Demerara and, naturally, the economy of the country. It is indeed regrettable that the Government and its Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) are not listening to the anxious cries of many of our citizens and rescind the infamous decision," the unions decried. The Government and GuySuCo in announcing the closure of Wales Estate, had committed that by October 01, 2016 that at least one venture would have been established. “The latest venture coming to our attention is that a trial for seed paddy would be pursued on a portion of the cane cultivation and, thereafter, a decision would be made on full-fledged production. We find GuySuCo’s entry into the rice


industry very perplexing given the current situation prevailing in the rice sector.” The Ministry of Finance’s mid-year Economic Report 2016 which advised that rice production for the first half of 2016 fell by 26.2 per cent when compared with the first half of 2015. Government and GuySuCo spokespersons have also spoken about ventures into aquaculture, cattle rearing and orchard fruits. These initiatives, it is said, are still being studied so it seems that implementation, if at all, will be sometime from now. During an interaction, a few weeks ago, between the Wales Estate management and some of the Union’s shop stewards of the estate, a senior GuySuCo official was reported to have said that the future of Uitvlugt Estate would be reviewed in the future. This raises the question of the plans being contemplated for Uitvlugt in the near or medium term. The Unions are strongly urging the Government and GuySuCo that it is not too late to reconsider the closure of Wales Estate decision and thus avoid the harsh repercussions the closure will have on hundreds a n d hundreds of workers and their families.

3 Years Jail For Marijuana Possession conduct a search on the accused and found 77

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today sentenced 34-year-old Nigel Sukhram to three years in prison together with a GY$35,000 fine after he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrates Court charged with being in Possession of Narcotics with intent to traffic same. Sukhram, a father of two, appeared without representation and pleaded guilty to the charge after it was read to him. It was noted that on November 24, 2016 in the vicinity of Grove, East Bank Demerara, police officers from the Criminal Investigations Department of the Guyana Police Force were conducting a patrol in the area when they noticed the accused on the road acting in a strange manner. They proceeded to

transparent ziploc bags which contained the cannabis. The contents of the bags were weighed and summed up to be 23.5 grams, Sukhram was told of the offence to which he offered the explanation to the police that it is a “lil hustle”.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Grenadians Reject Constitutional Reform In Referendum Vote PAGE 12

Source: Parliamentary Elections Office By Caribbean News Now contributor ST GEORGE'S, Grenada -- According to preliminary results published by the Parliamentary Elections Office, with 99 percent of polling stations reporting, Grenadians appear to have decisively rejected seven proposed constitutional amendments in a referendum on Thursday. Notwithstanding a plea from Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell to his countrymen to show up at polling stations and let their votes count, a little more than 30 percent of the 71,241 registered voters cast a ballot in the referendum. "This process has always been about is all about how we deepen the rights of Grenadians, expand the people's access to justice, build a stronger platform for greater economic sustainability, develop the process of democracy, strengthen the concept of governance and eliminate the opportunity for political excesses. We would therefore be making a mistake if we all turn our backs on this historic opportunity," Mitchell said in a national address on Tuesday night. The Caribbean Court of Justice Amendment Bill sought to replace the London-based Privy Council with the CCJ as the final court of appeal for Grenada and to rename the Supreme Court of Grenada and Associated States as the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court. The Bill also sought to entrench a Code of Conduct as a constitutional provision for public officials and to entitle public officials to swear allegiance to the state of Grenada instead of to the Queen. Other issues that Grenadians voted on and rejected included: • a proposal to change the country's name to "Grenada, Carricou and Petite Martinique"; • to establish a fixed date for general elections; • to amend the constitution to bar anyone from serving more than three consecutive terms as prime minister; • to establish an Elections and Boundaries Commission; • to authorize the governor-general to appoint a leader of the opposition from the party getting the second highest number of votes, if one party wins all the seats


in general elections. That leader of the opposition would be entitled to sit in the House of Representatives and perform all the constitutional functions of a leader of the opposition; • to establish a fixed date for elections which must not exceed five years, following any dissolution of Parliament; however Parliament may be dissolved sooner than the fixed date if there is a successful “no confidence” motion in the government; • to expand the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals including rights of citizens under arrest; (ii) to protect intellectual property; (iii) to protect children generally, whether born in or out of wedlock; (iv) to guarantee public funded education to all children under the age of 16 years and those with disabilities under the age of 18 years;(v) to guarantee gender equality so that both men and women shall have equal rights and status in all spheres of life; (vi) to establish directive principles regarding: (a) the protection of the environment; and (b) the establishment of an enabling environment for persons are physically, visually, aurally and or mentally challenged. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Dominica Signs Agreements With China PAGE 14


ROSEAU, Dominica, Nov 25, CMC – China is proving more than US$21 million in grant aid to Dominica. The two agreements on economic cooperation provide funds to be to be used for the West Coast road project. Chinese Ambassador to Dominica, Lu Kun, said the agreements are another symbol of his country’s strong support to the rebuilding of a better Dominica after Tropical Storm Erika last year resulting in millions of dollars in damages.. “This is also another significant symbol of the continuing good cooperation between our two countries as well as the deepening friendship between our two peoples,” the diplomat said. The signing ceremony follows the earlier signing of Letters of Exchange for the West Coast Road post Erika Rehabilitation Project between the two countries in July. “It is very impressive to me that the government of Dominica and the visionary leadership of Honourable Prime minister Skerrit made such a great endeavour and again substantial achievement to rebuild Dominica and improve people livelihood after Erika regardless of its limited resources,” said Ambassador Lu. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, praised the relationship with Beijing that began in 2004. “They have been among the first to come forward to commit assistance to us, so this ceremony is not a new feature with the relationship which exists between our two countries. As a matter of fact, it is the norm of the relationship which exists between our two countries,” he said. Mr Skerrit also “publicly welcomed” Ambassador Lu to Dominica and assured him that his government will “ensure that your tenure here in Dominica will be very successful”. (Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Political Parties Call For Investigation As Haitians Await Election Results PAGE 15

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, Nov 25, CMC –Political parties in Haiti were on Friday calling on the electoral officials to investigate allegations of voter fraud in last Sunday’s presidential elections before any official announcement is made of the winners. Jude Celestin, who is one of the presidential candidates, has written to the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) alleging that members of his LAPEH party at the Voting Tabulation Center (CTV) “saw and noted that many minutes transmitted to the CTV were accepted and validated, whereas the correlative listings of ‘émargement’ do not have signatures or fingerprints of the voters, only able to guarantee the authenticity of the vote with reference to article 158.1 of the electoral decree”. Celestin is warning that “if, in the next hours and before any proclamation of partial results, such a flagrant violation is not corrected, it risks to irreparably damage the integrity and reliability of the entire process”. He is also reminding of the problems that confronted the elections of 2010 and 2015, noting “elections must not be subjected to any manipulation or any gross form of violation of the law in general and the electoral decree in particular. “Immediate corrections are required. In particular, the minutes must be submitted to the Voting Tabulation Center’s (CTV) compliance control department, which is the only one authorized to review and validate them,” he wrote. Earlier this week, Interim President Jocelerme Privert called on Haitians to a accept the outcome of Sunday’s vote for a new head of state, saying it is important for the French-speaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to emerge from the political instability over the years. At least six million Haitians were eligible to vote for one of 27 presidential candidates, as well as for members of both houses of parliament in elections that had been repeatedly delayed for various reasons. Apart from Celestin, the presidential candidates included: Jovenel Moise, a plantation owner, chosen by the ruling PHTK (“the Bald Heads Party). The other candidates include Maryse Narcisse, who was a spokeswoman for former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who had endorsed Narcisse and encouraged his supporters to take to the streets in protest if her candidacy failed. Haiti has been without an elected head of state after President Michel Martelly left office in February and Privert was elected as the Interim president. Under the current timetable, the new president will not take office until February 7 but the


elections cycle wouldn’t end until April 2017 — more than two years after elections began. Another political party, Vérité, has also written to the CEP asking that investigations be conducted to several voting irregularities. Génard Joseph, the Coordinator of the Party Vérité, said that one day after the elections, several ballot papers signed and annotated in favour of a candidate, and other blank ballots were discovered. In his letter to CEP president Léopold Berlanger the Verite official said that the incident that occurred at the Saint Jean Bosco Voting Centre in Cap Haitien on the day after the elections, “raises relevant questions about the transparency, the credibility of the electoral process In the North department and may lead us to hypothesize that the same observation is made in other parts of the country. “As a result, the political platform Vérité takes the opportunity to request from the institution a comparison, on the basis of sampling, of the lists of ‘émargement’ with the databases of the national identification office in order to verify and validate the signatures of the voters concerned. “ Moreover, it requires that this operation be carried out before the publication of the partial results in order to exclude the fraudulent ballots who would have slipped into the ballot boxes and prevent reactions of dissatisfaction of voters who would then be entitled to believe that their right was knowingly violated.” Official results of the elections are not expected until at least eight days after the vote, but official have warned that the date could be extended. Meanwhile, the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Portau-Prince has written to the chief executive officer of Digitel Telephone Company, Maarten Boute inviting him to appear at the “Prosecutor’s Office on Monday, November 28, 2016 at 10 am on the grounds that your company has published some results of the elections held in the country on 20 November in flagrant violation of the Electoral Decree governing elections”. (Antigua Observer)




Regional & International Finance & Media Leaders Join Forces To Launch Major Infrastructure Forum For The Caribbean In May 2014, the incoming President of the Caribbean Development Bank, Dr. Warren Smith, asserted that “over the next 10 years, some US$30 billion will be required to modernize and enhance the efficiency of the power, transportation, telecommunications, and water and wastewater sectors”. The need is real, but the challenges are significant. For many investors the Caribbean isn’t on the radar screen. And for those that are looking at the region, there are significant issues around viability, project risk and financing. Against this backdrop CIBC FirstCaribbean recently announced that it has joined forces with IJGlobal, the infrastructure arm of Euromoney Institutional Investor, and New Energy Events, the host of the annual Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF), to launch the Caribbean Infrastructure Finance Forum (CARIF) in Nassau, The Bahamas in December, 2016. A gathering of regional public sector leaders and international infrastructure powerhouses, CARIF is designed to map out the region’s infrastructure needs to the international market, explore what can be done to attract international capital to address those needs, and move the infrastructure needle forward. CARIF has attracted a world-class roster of speakers including leaders and luminaries from Hon. Philip E. “Brave” Davis, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Bahamas and Dan Theoc, CFO of Jamaica’s JPS, to Brannen McElmurray, Managing Director at Fortress Investment Group and Pim van der Burg, Managing Director, Corporate and Investment Banking for CIBC FirstCaribbean. According to Jon Whiteaker, Editor-In-Chief of IJGlobal, “Governments in the region are showing (they are) willing but they need to ramp

up dialogue with the private sector in order to achieve the efficient delivery of projects and good value for their investments. CARIF is the ideal forum for those discussions to take place.” Pim van der Burg added: “CIBC FirstCaribbean’s role as one of the leading financial services companies in the Caribbean is to contribute to the continued development of our region, by arranging and providing financing for projects that are designed to demonstrate that development. But we see ourselves as more than merely providing the financing: we see ourselves as partners to the various stakeholders and this is why we consider this type of forum so critical. It brings together those players who can mobilize these projects and transform them from plans on a piece of paper to a reality for the benefit of our people.” Matthew Perks, CEO of New Energy Events, continues that, “We have a real opportunity here. CIBC FirstCaribbean, IJGlobal and New Energy Events – along with our friends and partners at the IDB, CDB and IFC – have real convening power and the ability to launch a platform that can make a difference in the region’s bid to attract capital to vital projects.” (St Lucia Times)




Cameraman Threatened After Filming Portia’s Remarks Jamaica Observer:-A CVM television cameraman and his family is reportedly being harassed following the recent publication of controversial comments made by Opposition Leader Portia Simpson-Miller as she addressed People’s National Party (PNP) supporters in St Ann. The Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ), in making the disclosure a short while ago, expressed alarm at the threats being made to the cameraman and the harassment of him and his family, as a direct result of his performing his duties. The cameraman has been receiving threatening and abusive phone calls, PAJ said in the release. Press association President Dionne Jackson Miller said “It is ironic that this is happening even as we celebrate National Journalism Week”. “Our colleague was doing his job. He brought to national attention comments by one of our elected representatives, the Opposition Leader no less, that sparked a national dialogue, and attracted significant criticism. This is exactly the role that media workers are supposed to play in informing the public, and we are very disturbed that his life and safety may now be at risk as a result,” she added. The threats have been reported to the police. “We understand that the police have been very helpful,” said Jackson Miller. “We thank them for their efforts so far and strongly urge them to speedily complete their investigations into this matter, which is

of great concern to not just the media community, but to the wider society. “Press freedom is one of the foundation stones of any democratic society, and we reject and condemn these actions by thugs trying to intimidate our colleague. We stand with him and our colleagues at CVM, and we encourage and support him as he and his family go through this difficult time,” she said. (St. Lucia Times)

Antigua: Soldier Accused Of Break-In At PM’s Residence Walks Antigua Observer:-The soldier who was accused of breaking into Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s home in August while he and his family were overseas on vacation, in August, no longer has a charge to answer. Xavier Baltimore, 22, walked free, yesterday, when the police dropped the charges against him. The Defence Force officer was charged with break-in on August 23. Police Commissioner Wendel Robinson confirmed the case was withdrawn yesterday, on his

advice, after the prime minister and his family indicated they had no interest in pursuing the matter in the court. He told OBSERVER media, “I wrote to the Chief of Defence Staff that the virtual complainant does not wish to proceed criminally. I advised the Chief of Defence Staff that the Police Administration is available to provide a statement, evidence or witnesses for any internal administrative action the Defence Force may consider.” Prime Minister Gaston Browne confirmed he did not wish to pursue the prosecution of the soldier, who hails from Golden Grove. “The intent is not to turn him into a hardened criminal. If he did it, we all make mistakes as human beings, and I hope he will use this as a learning experience, assuming he was guilty. For us, we have no interest in incriminating him. We, however, expect the Defence Force to investigate and take appropriate disciplinary action, and hopefully he will stay on the straight and narrow path,” Browne said (St. Lucia Times)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Antigua PM Says He Did Not Embarrass Prince Harry PAGE 20


Antigua Observer:-Prime Minister Gaston Browne is dismissing British media reports that he embarrassed Prince Harry. Browne said remarks he made about the British royal honeymooning in Antigua were exaggerated by the foreign press who accompanied Harry on the trip. The British media had a frenzy with remarks made by Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister on Monday night. And by Tuesday morning, some of the most popular UK sites like The Daily Mail and The Telegraph, headlined stories indicating that Prince Harry had been embarrassed by an invitation to get married here on the island. The prime minister had told His Royal Highness Prince Harry, “I believe we are expecting a new princess soon,” as he addressed him at a VIP reception at Barnacle Point. “I want you to know that you are very welcome to come on your honeymoon here.” The articles also roped in comments made by the reigning Miss Antigua and Barbuda, Leanda Norville. The party at Barnacle Point was attended by hundreds who were specially invited to celebrate the Prince’s visit to Antigua. But by yesterday morning, British media had taken a full swing at the prime minister’s statements, saying Prince Harry felt embarrassed and unamused. (St. Lucia Times)

Barbados: Sandals Concessions Hurting Economy? Barbados Today:-Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur is contending that tax concessions granted to the Caribbean hotel chain Sandals are hurting the island’s finances, already reeling from a decline in revenue from the offshore financial services sector. Presenting a lecture Wednesday night sponsored by the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Arthur said an already eroding tax base occasioned by changes to the second largest revenue earner, the offshore sector, was made worse by the concessions, not only to Sandals, but to the entire tourism sector, the island’s primary money earner. “The Government of Barbados . . . has set an extraordinary precedent by extending complete duty and tax free status to Sandals for 40 years, with the intention of making such a status available to other enterprises in our main sector – tourism,” the former Prime Minister said. Sandals, which began operations here in 2013 at the former Almond Casuarina hotel in Dover, Christ Church, has been granted a 25-year tax holiday that includes a waiver on all import duties, taxes, impost and levies on capital goods such as building materials, as well as food, alcohol and beverages. The waiver also extends to duties on the importation of motor vehicles and personal and household effects for senior hotel staff and non-Barbadian workers. At the end of the 25year tax holiday the rate on concessions will be cut by 50 per cent for an additional 15 years. Faced with mounting pressure from the accommodation sector for a similar deal, Government eventually announced that the hotel sector would be eligible for similar concessions. Arthur said the loss of revenue as a result of these concessions had come after Barbados’ main financial trading partner, Canada, had drastically reduced the island’s once lucrative offshore business. He explained that Barbados had been attractive to Canadian companies because this island was the only Caribbean territory with a tax information exchange agreement with Ottawa. This advantage ended in 2007, he said, and Canada has since entered similar agreements

with other countries and had been extending to them other tax deals that were beneficial to offshore companies. “In consequence, international business and financial services have migrated from Barbados, leading to a decline in revenues directly generated by the sector from $356 million in 2007 to $97 million in 2013,” Arthur said. He said Barbados’ other major trading partners had also been making changes to their regulatory regimes that will adversely affect the operations of international business and financial entities based here. Arthur said the declining offshore revenue combined with the tourism tax giveaways, “signify that the Government of Barbados will continue to experience significant difficulty in raising the revenue to finance the plethora of public services that has been put in place since Independence”. He said at its peak the international business and financial services sector produced 34 per cent of Government’s revenue, reaching an estimated total of $356 million. (St. Lucia Times)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Amnesty Offers To Help Jamaica PAGE 21

Jamaica Observer:-HUMAN rights watchdog Amnesty International has offered to help Jamaica in addressing human rights issues blamed on the State. Amnesty made the offer Wednesday after presenting a copy of its latest report on Jamaica to Justice Minister Delroy Chuck at his ministry in Kingston. “After 50 years of documenting violations, we want to make an effort to focus on the solutions and we are willing to help Jamaica,” said Louise Tillotson, Amnesty researcher for the Caribbean. The organisation has recommended making the court system friendlier to families of victims and the provision of legal representation for victims of police homicide. Tillotson, meanwhile, hailed the Jamaican Government for the establishment of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) and the reduction in the number of police killings in the country. INDECOM, she said, is a successful model and encouraged the Government to ensure the sustainability of that body. Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, after reading the report that documented cases of police killings and harassment, said Jamaica has always respected and upheld the basic rights of the Jamaican people, as he sought to place into context the challenging policing realities of Jamaica, pointing to the high levels of violence and the tendency of citizens to settle arguments with violence. Said Chuck: “My focus has been on restorative justice and mediation as appropriate means of preventing disputes from escalating to violent situations,” the minister said. He told the group that improving the court system was a major challenge, admitting that the system needed to be more efficient in disposing of cases in a timely manner. “We are hoping that the Criminal Justice (Plea Negotiations and Agreements) Act will help to move cases through the system more quickly and we are having discussions with the chief justice, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and attorneys on the provisions of the legislation which we expect to be passed in the Parliament early next year,” said Chuck. Americas director of Amnesty International, Erika GuevaraRosas, at a press briefing Wednesday expressed shock at the high levels of police harassment and ill treatment to families of victims of extra-judicial killings. Amnesty, in its report, claimed that the Jamaican authorities and the police were promoting a culture of fear among women and their families in marginalised communities to cover up thousands of alleged unlawful police killings. The report titled, “Waiting in Vain: Unlawful police killings and relatives’ long struggle for justice”, said the Jmaican police were using a number of illegal tactics, including systematic intimidation, harassment and threats against relatives at home, work, hospitals, and even during funerals, to discourage relatives from pursuing justice, truth and reparation for their loved ones. “Amnesty has documented the history of police violence in Jamaica for many years and even the authorities have known that this is a serious human rights concern that they are facing, but something that is quite shocking to see, is the trend in how families of those killed by the police in their own communities are experiencing human right violation by the police in the process of pursuing justice,” Rosa told the Jamaica Observer after the press conference briefing at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston. “… This is shocking but not surprising because this is something that we experience in other parts of the world,” she said. Cuban researcher, Louise Tillotson, who spearheaded research for the report, said she also found the reported high levels of police victimisation troubling and shocking. “The way that the human rights of the family members


or witnesses of persons killed by the police is violated is particularly concerning. We didn’t expect when we start interviewing people to find that the vast majority of the more than 50 relatives of the 28 victims have nearly all experienced some level of harassment and police victimisation and it takes place in various ways,” she said. “We heard testimonies of people seeing the police planting weapons on their relative’s body, dismantling the crime scene. In addition, subsequent to the killing, for a long period of time the police show up in different spheres of the families’ life — they go to their homes, they show up at funerals, and they show up at court,” she added. Tillotson said this level of intimidation by the police is considered ill-treatment by Amnesty’s conventions but she said it remained a problem primarily because there is a failure on the path of the law enforcers as it relates to police accountability on patterns used by them following a killing. According to Amnesty, since 2000, law enforcement officials have allegedly killed more than 3,000 people in Jamaica, mostly young men living in marginalised communities. It said that despite overwhelming evidence of police involvement in the crimes, only a handful of officers have been convicted of murder. The Government, she claimed, has failed to adequately and effectively addressed the structural problems that allow the security forces to continue to murder people in large numbers and avoid justice. “If the authorities in Jamaica are serious about tackling the country’s shocking levels of police killings and violence they must urgently promote deep police and justice reform to address not only the number of police murders but the root causes of the problem,” she said. In the meantime, Prime Minister Andrew Holness has reaffirmed Government’s commitment to ensure that human rights of all Jamaicans are protected, preserved and maintained following a meeting with Amnesty International. “Even though the police force has the authority to use force in specified circumstances, it must do so sparingly,” Holnesss said. “We reject violence. The Government is of the view that the state should set the example and not use violence as a means of conflict resolution. We want a far more peaceful and loving society,” (St. Lucia Times)




Antigua: Gay Men Urged To Get Tested Antigua Observer:-It was not that long ago that gay people were outcasts in society and now they are being encouraged to come out, not to put their identity on display, but to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. AIDS Specialist attached to the AIDS Secretariat Education Unit, Dr Raphael Garcia said more focus needs to be placed on target groups like men who have sex with men, who according to him are not being targeted very well. “In most countries, more than 80 or 90 per cent of the new cases that they have, is in the MSM [men who have sex with men] population; We are getting some, but part of that population is hidden,” he told OBSERVER media. Garcia said while the percentage may not be the same in Antigua & Barbuda, it is difficult to say for sure, since gay men are not coming to be tested or don’t indicate that they sleep with other men on the standard risk assessment form. In fact, Dr Garcia

said the trends for testing are so irregular that it is difficult to determine whether the total number of people infected with the disease is going up or down. The AIDS Secretariat here, however, remains optimistic as the number of people being tested each year increases. The goal is to reach at least 10 per cent of the entire population annually (St Lucia Times)




Migrant Crisis: Turkey Threatens EU With New Surge

Hundreds of thousands of migrants travelled to the EU via Turkey last year(GETTY IMAGES) Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU. He was reacting to a non-binding vote by the European Parliament to freeze talks on EU membership for Turkey. The MEPs were alarmed by Mr Erdogan's "disproportionate" response to a failed coup attempt in July. The migrant numbers reaching the Greek islands have dropped since an EU-Turkey deal in March to curb the influx. President Erdogan accused the EU of breaking its promises. As part of the March deal, Turkey was promised aid, visa-free travel for its nationals and accelerated membership talks.

"Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further," he warned the EU on Friday. A spokeswoman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ulrike Demmer, said the deal was in the "interest of all parties" and that "threats on either side are not helpful". If the European Parliament hoped its vote to freeze accession talks with Turkey would prompt President Erdogan to row back on his policies, today came the answer. It is Turkey's trump card: the key role it played in stemming the migrant flow under a deal with the EU to return failed asylum seekers here. And an increasingly combative Mr Erdogan seems ready to play it. His tone - and his threat - are classic tactics of a president who knows Europe needs Turkey. And it is a sign that a man not known for a thick skin will not take the European Parliament vote lightly. It is non-binding and Europe's leaders are unlikely to heed it, given how important

Turkey is. But the bad blood between the two sides is thickening - and the shaky EU-Turkey deal to halt the migrant flow looks more fragile still. Turkey currently hosts almost three million migrants, mostly from Syria. Last year more than one million fled to Europe, mainly via Turkey. Under the March 2016 agreement, migrants arriving in Greece are now sent back to Turkey if they do not apply for asylum or their claim is rejected. For each Syrian migrant returned to Turkey, the EU is to take in another Syrian who has made a legitimate request. Since then arrivals into Europe have slumped, as have the number of deaths of migrants making the dangerous sea crossing between Turkey and Greece. Attempts to get visa-free travel for Turks stalled as the country refused to change its anti-terror laws and many in Europe have criticised Turkey's tough response to the failed coup. (BBC)




Iran Trains Crash In Semnan Province Killing Dozens

caught fire when a train that had broken down was hit by another train. The accident happened in freezing temperatures early on Friday, 250km (150 miles) east of the capital Tehran. The rescue effort is being hampered by the remote location, officials say. President Hassan Rouhani has ordered an inquiry into the cause of the crash.

(EPA) At least 35 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a train collision in northern Iran. Four carriages derailed and two

The crash occurred in Iran's northern province of Semnan, on the main line between Tehran and Mashhad in the north-east. State Governor Mohammad Reza Khabbaz said a mechanical failure caused by the extreme cold had forced the intercity express train to stop between stations. The scene of a train crash about 150 miles (250km) east of the Iranian capital Tehran, 25 November 2016. The head of the province's Red Crescent Hassan Shokrollahi said: "Because of the difficulty of access, only our helicopter has managed to reach the scene." More than 70 people have been taken to hospitals and the death toll is expected to rise, officials say. (BBC)




Australian IS Recruiter Neil Prakash 'Still Alive’ handed himself to Turkish authorities several weeks ago, the

Neil Prakash, also known as Abu Khaled al-Cambodi, appeared in IS propaganda videos An Australian militant thought dead is still alive and under arrest in the Middle East, according to reports. The Australian government in May said Neil Prakash, a senior recruiter for the so-called Islamic State group, had been killed in a US air strike. He died in the Iraqi city of Mosul, Attorney-General George Brandis said at the time. But the New York Times, citing senior US sources, now reports that Prakash is still alive. Prakash

Australian Broadcasting Corporation said. Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Counter-Terrorism, Michael Keenan, said the government could not comment on intelligence matters. “The government reported Prakash's death in May on the basis of advice from the US government that he had been killed in an air strike," he said in a statement on Friday. "But as we have said previously, the government's capacity to confirm reports of deaths in either Syria or Iraq is limited. These places are war zones, with many ungoverned spaces." 'Recruiter and attack facilitator' Prakash, also known as Abu Khaled al-Cambodi, has been linked to attack plots in Australia and appeared in propaganda videos and magazines. Using the acronym of the previous name of IS, Mr Brandis said in May that Prakash was a "prominent Isil member and a senior terrorist recruiter and attack facilitator". "Prakash has been linked to several Australia-based attack plans and calls for lonewolf attacks against the United States," he said. "He has actively recruited Australian men, women and children, and encouraged acts of terrorism." The Melbourne man, of Cambodian and Fijian heritage, converted to Islam from Buddhism in 2012. He left Australia for Syria in 2013. (BBC)




French Terror Suspects 'Were Planning Attack On Paris’ The raids, in Strasbourg and Marseille, also turned up automatic weapons. The five are to be placed under judicial investigation on suspicion of terror crimes. Mr Molins said investigators had not established the target of the planned attack, but he said GPS co-ordinates were found on a USB stick.

The terror suspects planned to attack the French capital Paris, police say(REUTERS) Five men arrested last weekend in raids in France were planning a terror attack next Thursday in the Paris area, the city's chief prosecutor says. Francois Molins said the suspects were receiving orders via encrypted mobile apps from a commander of the so-called Islamic State based in Iraq or Syria.

Possible targets included the Paris law courts, the nearby headquarters of the judicial police, the Christmas market on the Champs-Elysees and the Disneyland theme-park east of the city, French media say. Surveillance The four arrested in the eastern city of Strasbourg - said to be in their 30s - are all French nationals of North African origin. Two of them had travelled to Syria last year, investigators are quoted as saying. The fifth man, a Moroccan arrested in the southern city of Marseille, did not know the other four but was receiving orders from the same source, they say. According to the prosecutor, the group had been under surveillance for several months, and police moved in to arrest them to avert imminent bloodshed. France remains under a state of emergency following the attacks in Paris in November 2015 that killed 130 people. (BBC)




Fire At Migrant Camp Kills Two On Greek Island Of Lesbos

The blaze swept through Moria camp at night and was eventually put out by firefighters(AIJAZ AHMAD) A 66-year-old woman and six-year-old boy have died in a fire which swept through an overcrowded migrant camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. Two others suffered serious burns and several more migrants were injured in clashes with police at the Moria camp. Nearly 16,000 migrants have been blocked on Greek islands near Turkey since the EU's March deal with

Turkey to curb the migrant influx to Europe. Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he might let that influx resume. He reacted angrily to a non-binding European Parliament vote on Thursday to freeze Turkey's EU accession negotiations. "If you go any further, these border gates will be opened. Neither me nor my people will be affected by these empty threats," Mr Erdogan warned. Since March there has been a dramatic fall in the numbers of migrants making risky journeys in crowded, unstable boats from Turkey to the Greek islands. Reports say an accident probably caused the blaze which killed the woman and boy in Moria. It is suspected that a gas canister exploded while she was cooking in her tent. According to Greek police, some migrants then set fire to other parts of the camp and clashes broke out. The fires were later brought under control, but there was extensive damage. Moria has been afflicted by unrest for months, as migrants endure long waits to have their asylum requests processed. Under the Turkey deal, failed asylum seekers are supposed to be sent back to Turkey, which is already housing about 2.7 million Syrian refugees. Last month migrants in Moria set fire to temporary EU offices during a protest. (BBC)




EU Leaders 'Not Bluffing' Over Brexit Terms, Warns Malta's PM have been pretty clear in our approach that we want a fair deal for the UK but that kind of fair deal can't translate itself into a superior deal," he said. "I know that there is absolutely no bluffing from the European side, at least in the council meetings I have attended, saying 'we will start in this position and then we will soften up'. "No, this is really and truly our position."

Joseph Muscat speaks to Katya Adler EU leaders are not "bluffing" when they say the UK will be left without access to the single market when it leaves the bloc if there is no free movement of people, Malta's prime minister says. Joseph Muscat, whose country assumes the EU's presidency in January, told the BBC: "This is really and truly our position and I don't see it changing". Theresa May says the UK will begin the legal process to leave the EU by March. Mr Muscat said talks on the details of a "new relationship" could be delayed. 'Best deal for Britain' A Downing Street spokesman insisted negotiations were being approached in the "spirit of goodwill". "This is a negotiation that will take place next year and the government will set out its negotiating strategy in the fullness of time," he said. "The aim of that negotiation is to get the best possible deal for Britain, for British companies to access and work with and within the single market and for European businesses to have the same access here." Much political debate has focused on the possibility of a "soft" Brexit - the UK retaining some form of membership of the single market in exchange for conceding some control over immigration - and "hard Brexit" - leaving the single market but having fuller control over migration. But Mr Muscat said the UK and EU needed to first reach agreement on a range of other details once Mrs May triggers Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. He said these included the bill the UK must pay before leaving, establishing what will happen to the UK-Republic of Ireland border and working out interim arrangements on issues like security. Asked about a suggestion from Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson that the UK could in theory stay in single market and place limits on the freedom of movement of EU citizens, Mr Muscat told the BBC: “It's just not happening". "All of us

He acknowledged the talks could get "complicated" and amount to a "bit of a Catch 22 - it won't be a situation when one side gains and the other side loses. "We are all going to lose something but there will not be a situation when the UK has a better deal than it has today." Mr Muscat also reiterated the view that even when a final or interim deal is struck between EU leaders and Britain, the European Parliament may decide to veto it in 2019. But the Number 10 spokesman reiterated: "The timetable remains to trigger Article 50 by the end of March next year." Mr Muscat's comments come days after the UK's Brexit Secretary David Davis described his meeting with the European Parliament's chief negotiator Guy Verhofstadt as a "good start". Mr Davis said their pre-negotiations discussion had been able to cover structures and how both sides propose to approach the Brexit talks, adding a deal was possible that was in the interests of the EU and the UK. The UK government has said it does not want to reveal its negotiating hand on Brexit before the talks take place. (BBC)




Jeff Koinange Live: TV Show Dropped After Rape Comment

Miguna (L) alleges that he was filmed "secretly"(KTN) Kenya's top political TV show hosted by former CNN journalist Jeff Koinange has been dropped after a male guest made a rape remark about a female guest. Mr Koinange apologised Thursday night for the 17 November incident, saying it was the show's last episode on KTN. He was hosting Miguna Miguna and Esther Passaris, aspirants for the Nairobi governor seat, when the off-air personal

attack was made. Mr Miguna said "Esther is so beautiful everybody wants to rape her". "You are chasing men all over, nobody wants you," he continued. “You think you're beautiful, you are not. Esther is just colour. Without colour you are nothing." Ms Passaris, a politician and businesswoman, then accused him of being a racist. The footage of the incident was shared online with many people criticising Koinange for failing to intervene. Kenya's Gender Affairs minister Sicily Kariuki accused KTN of allowing guests on its show to engage in personal attacks and for the "trivialisation" of rape. Mr Koinange said that he was prepared to "man up" over the incident and said he was apologising to those who had been "aggrieved". "It was regrettable in most parts but again it was one show out of 300 we've done here at KTN for the last three

years." he added. A former aide of Kenya's opposition leader Raila Odinga, Mr Miguna has filed a complaint with the Media Council of Kenya saying that he was filmed "secretly" and portrayed as unfit for the position of governor in next year's elections, reports say. Ms Passaris tweeted after the show saying "men like Miguna have no place or role to play in our empowerment. He is part of the problem." Award-winning journalist Koinange is an award-winning journalist who has worked for top broadcasters in the US including CNN where he was the Africa correspondent until 2007. He started working for K24, a local TV station in 2009, before moving his popular show to KTN. He said the show would be making a return on another station in the coming weeks: "JKL is not going anywhere it is just changing homes", he said. (BBC)




France Presidential Election: Conservative Rivals Clash

work week, prompting comparisons to the late British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Mr Juppe also proposes cutting jobs and liberalising work hours, though to a lesser extent. Both propose roughly similar cuts to public spending of at least €100bn (£85bn; $106bn).

Francois Fillon (L) and Alain Juppe: Some media commentators say their visions are "almost identical"(AFP)

"I've got a plan for the reforms I want to make in the first three months of the presidential term - and I'm convinced if we don't get these changes implemented in the first three months, the French people will feel disheartened, they'll turn away from politics, and then there'll be a greater risk of the extremists winning," Mr Fillon said. The country was "on the brink of revolt", which could only be averted with such radical action Conservative Le Figaro says the debate "eased tensions on the right" and showed the two contenders "have already formed identical visions and almost similar projects" in particular the need to end the "vicious cycle of spending and debt".

The two rivals for the centre-right French presidential nomination have clashed over the level of change they promise to bring, in a TV debate. Surprise frontrunner Francois Fillon said his project was "more radical", and vowed to implement sweeping changes in the first three months of his term. Alain Juppe insisted his proposals were "deep and credible" but lacked the "brutality" of Mr Fillon's plans. It was the final Republicans party debate before Sunday's concluding vote. The Republicans candidate is widely expected to face far-right National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen in a runoff vote in the presidential election next May. Self-declared supporters of the centre-right values are choosing between the two former prime ministers. It is the party's first such primary vote, modelled on the US system. Seven candidates were whittled down to two last Sunday, with Mr Fillon taking an unexpectedly decisive lead of 44.1% to Mr Juppe's 28.5%.

They have "some differences on security, education and migration, but they are minor", concludes its political editor. But centre-left Le Monde's political correspondent disagrees, seeing "significant differences" on the European Union, Russia and Syria. While Mr Fillon wants to "respect the sovereignty" of EU member states, Mr Juppe favours a "powerful EU as a future world power". On Syria, Mr Fillon wants to put France "back in play" by "opening a channel to Damascus", whereas Mr Juppe wants to "boost transatlantic co-operation" and takes a firm line against President Bashar al-Assad, Le Monde says. Left-wing Liberation writes that the debate between "Fillon the radical and Juppe the reconciler" was "knotty, often tense, but not aggressive".

The past week has seen a campaign marked by a bitter row over the nature Mr Fillon's social policies. Mr Juppe provoked a furious reaction when he questioned whether Mr Fillon, a Roman Catholic, could seek to challenge the legality of abortion. But polling suggests such tactics seem to have backfired on Mr Juppe, once the favourite seen as the safe choice. A poll of 908 debate viewers by Elabe suggested 71% of conservative respondents found Mr Fillon more convincing, as did 57% of viewers of all political stripes. Job cuts "It is true that my project is more radical and perhaps more difficult," said Mr Fillon. His controversial economic reforms include cutting half a million public sector jobs and scrapping the 35-hour

It thought Mr Juppe managed to score points over his opponent on some issues, but "not enough to trouble the winner of the first round". BBC Monitoring reports and analyses news from TV, radio, Mr Juppe hit back at Mr Fillon, saying "reform should not be a punishment but bring hope". "The French social model exists, I want to consolidate it... not break it," Mr Juppe said, referring to the welfare system. Mr Juppe pledged to bring unity and stability to the presidency - whose current Socialist incumbent, Francois Hollande, has seen his popularity drop to historic lows. He said he would choose a "loyal" PM and 15 "durable" cabinet ministers who would not "change every 18 months". (BBC)




IS Conflict: US Soldier Killed In Syria Blast

US special forces are in Syria training a Kurdish-Arab militia(AFP) A US serviceman has been killed by an improvised explosive device while fighting against so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria, officials say. The soldier, who has not been named, died after the device detonated in Ayn Issa, north of the IS stronghold Raqqa. It is the first such death since US special forces deployed in Syria in October 2015. Meanwhile at least 32 people have been killed in intense Syrian air strikes on rebelheld east Aleppo, monitors say. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors casualties, said the attack was one of the heaviest since Syrian forces resumed an offensive on the east earlier this month. 'Painful reminder' A statement from the anti-IS US-led coalition said the serviceman died on Thursday from wounds sustained in the blast.

Coalition commander Lt Gen Stephen Townsend called the soldier a "hero" and praised those he said were protecting his country from IS's "hateful and brutal ideology". "On this Thanksgiving, please be thankful that there are service members willing to take up the fight to protect our homeland," he said. US Defence Secretary Ash Carter said the soldier's death was a "painful reminder of the dangers our men and women in uniform face around the world to keep us safe". About 300 US special forces personnel have been deployed in Syria to advise an anti-IS alliance of Arab, Kurdish and other fighters, and improve the coalition's targeting of air strikes. Meanwhile, the Syrian government has intensified its offensive on east Aleppo, monitors and activists say. "There was an escalation in the evening, with successive bombardments," SOHR director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP news agency, adding that many people were trapped under rubble. Five children were reported to be among the dead. Syrian forces stepped up ground and air attacks on eastern Aleppo in November following a three-week moratorium. Once Syria's commercial and industrial hub, Aleppo has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with the government controlling the west and rebels the east. In late September, two weeks after encircling the east and reimposing a siege on its estimated 275,000 residents, the army launched an all-out assault to take full control of the city. Rebels launched a counter-attack in an attempt to break the siege in late October. But their progress slowed after early gains. (BBC)




Abducted California Woman Sherri Papini FoundA After Three Weeks missing California mother

Ms Papini was described as a "super m o m " ( S H A S TA C O U N T Y SHERIFF)

of two has been found three weeks after she was abducted while out jogging. Sherri Papini was still bound with restraints when she managed to flag down a car on Thursday some 140 miles (225km) from where she was last seen. Police, who say she was released by her captors, are looking for two women in connection with her disappearance. Ms Papini's husband had reported her missing after she failed to pick up their children from day care.

The motive behind her abduction in Redding, northern California, on 2 November, is still unclear. County Sheriff Tom Bosenko told reporters Ms Papini was receiving medical attention for non-life threatening injuries at a nearby hospital. "We are very thankful on this day [Thanksgiving] that she was found safe and reunited with her family.'' A $50,000 (£40,200) reward is being offered to find those responsible for Ms Papini's capture. Investigators had interviewed hundreds of local residents regarding her disappearance and received some 400 tips. (BBC)




A Day Like Today ‘Laurel Lance’, the ‘Black Canary’ or simply Katherine Source: Cassidy, is turning 30-years- old today. This charismatic girl with hypnotic blue eyes, blond hair and Barbie Doll physique has reached her third decade of existence today, and we will celebrate with her. Katherine Evelyn Anita Cassidy was born in Los Angeles, California on November 25 th 1986. She is the daughter of singer David Cassidy and Sherry Benedon. She has a younger half-brother named Beau born in 1991, from her father's third marriage to Sue Shifrin. The couple divorced after 25 years of marriage, on May last. In her youth, Katherine was on the competitive cheerleader team, the California Flyers. A Gymnastics center in Santa Clarita, California. Katherine has a rich artistic background. Not only her father was a great singer, but her paternal grandparents were renowned actors Jack Cassidy and Evelyn Ward. She is the niece of teen idol and television producer Shaun Cassidy and actor American Actress, Patrick Cassidy. Katherine inclusion in the world of Katherine Evelyn Anita Cassidy entertainment was inevitable. Katherine was first attracted by the idea of becoming a singer. In 2002 she recorded a cover version of "I Think I Love You", for the American musical-sitcom, ‘The Partridge Family’. The song was a hit, but she didn’t get the necessary support from her family, specially her father who was against of Katherine’s venture in the music industry with only 15 years. But this didn’t stopped Katherine from trying. Her motivation was greater than any obstacle. In 2003, she made her television and acting debut, appearing in an episode of the American crime drama television ‘The Division’. Katherine continued appear in television shows such as ‘Celebrity Apprentice 4’, Listen Up! and sitcom television series, ‘New Girl’. In 2005, Katherine also appeared in the American family drama television series, ‘7th Heaven’ and ‘Sex, Love & Secrets’. In 2006, Katherine made her film debut as Tiffany Madison in the horror film ‘When a Stranger Calls’. She has also interpreted notable supporting roles in films such as the 2006 fantasy comedy ‘Click’, action thriller film ‘Taken’ and the 2007 movie Live! During the years that followed, Katherine has appeared in countless TV shows, and interpreted small roles in small productions. Today Katherine can be seen interpreting the role of the fictional super heroine ‘Black Canary’, in the American action crime television series 'Arrow'. Role that earned her a ‘Teen choice Award’ in 2013, in the category of Choice TV Actress Fantasy/Sci- Laurel as the 'Black Canary', in the American Fi. Katherine is considered a talented and promising action crime television series 'Arrow' actress with a bright future ahead of her.



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Football Sex Abuse Claims: More Former players Speak Out football competition, when Bennell attempted to touch him in

Four ex-footballers have appeared together in an emotional interview to tell of their torment after being abused as children by a coach. Andy Woodward, who was the first to go public last week, wept as Steve Walters, Chris Unsworth and Jason Dunford spoke of being abused by ex-Crewe Alexandra coach Barry Bennell. Mr Unsworth said he "never told a soul" that he was raped up to 100 times. Three police forces are investigating claims against more than one person. Barry Bennell, 62, has served three jail sentences for child sex offences. Since Mr Woodward's story emerged, several ex-players have made allegations about being sexually abused by coaches as children - a number of them by Bennell, who is currently living in Milton Keynes. A dedicated NSPCC hotline - 0800 023 2642 - was set up after the abuse claims came to light and has received more than 100 calls. Cheshire Police said it had received a "growing number of disclosures" which included referrals from the children's charity and allegations have been made "against more than one individual". Hampshire and Northumbria police forces have also opened investigations. The prime minister's spokesman commended the former footballers for their bravery in speaking out and said the allegations deserved to be treated with "full seriousness". MP Damian Collins, the chairman of the culture, media and sport committee, said he wants to hear from the Football Association. He told the BBC: "The FA need to look back to see were mistakes made in the past. Were clues overlooked? Was not enough done to investigate a problem that they may have been perceived?" 'Never spoke about it' Mr Unsworth and Mr Dunford waived their anonymity to speak out for the first time on Friday. Mr Unsworth, 44, said he "thought he had to come forward... and help everybody", after his girlfriend showed him an interview on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme with ex-Crewe player Mr Woodward, 43. He had been a youth player at Manchester City with Bennell before moving to Crewe with him when he was about 12 in the mid-1980s. Mr Unsworth said he had stayed at Bennell's house several times and Bennell sometimes had two or three boys in the bed at once, where he would abuse them. "We never spoke to each other about it," Mr Unsworth said. "I was raped between 50 and 100 times." He said he had been nine years old when the abuse started. "I knew what I wanted to get [from football], and I thought this is what I had to go through. I knew it was wrong but I just went with it," he said. He left football aged 16 and became a professional golfer. He has now spoken to Cheshire Police and is waiting to be interviewed by them. Mr Unsworth said: "Both my parents have died and that hurts me, not telling them. I don't know if it was a good thing… because they would have blamed themselves". 'Deathly stare' Mr Dunford said he had been staying at a Butlins holiday camp after winning a

bed. He said: "I told him to eff off, I remember physically hitting him." Though Bennell did not retaliate, Mr Dunford said he would never forget Bennell's "deathly stare". Mr Dunford said that after that Bennell began to "torment" him - "dropping me from the team, telling me I would play, but on the Sunday dropping me again". Mr Dunford left the Manchester City nursery team, as it was known then, and moved to different boys' teams. At one point, he said, another coach also attempted to abuse him. He said: "He had me and two others over to stay the night before a game, and we all stayed in the same bed. "He started to touch me. I pushed his hand away. "Later I woke up and the coach was touching one of the other boys." Mr Dunford has now given a report to the police. Neither player turned professional, in part because they felt Bennell drove them away from the game. 'Weight off shoulders' Bennell, who also worked as a youth football scout, was jailed in 1998 for nine years and also served a four-year sentence in the United States. In 2015, he was given a two-year term for sexually abusing a boy at a training camp in Macclesfield, but is now out of prison. Cheshire Police said 11 people had come forward since Mr Woodward spoke out, including fellow ex-Crewe player Steve Walters, 44, who said he had been abused by Bennell, when he was 13 or 14, during a trip to Anglesey. He told Victoria Derbyshire he had been inconsolable after reading Mr Woodward's story. "I was so angry and upset, but it was like a hundred tons lifted off my shoulders," he said. "My career's been ruined, relationships have been ruined… People say 'what happened to you Steve?'" Mr Walters said more people needed to come forward, particularly "high-profile team mates who are out there".

Victoria spoke to (L-R) Jason Dunford, Steve Walters, Chris Unsworth and Andy Woodward

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Football Sex Abuse Claims...con’t... "I want justice now," he said. "The whole of football just needs abuse within the football community" In 2001, the Football ripping apart and this can never, ever happen to any young footballer again. 'I always denied it' "My name was always mentioned by other people who thought I'd been abused, so police asked me three times, but I always denied it. "I thought I still had a chance of football, which is why I kept saying it didn't happen." Dario Gradi, who was Crewe Alexandra's manager for more than 24 years and is now their director of football and academy director, offered "sympathy to the victims of Barry Bennell". He said he had first known of Bennell's crimes when the coach was arrested in the US in 1994. In other developments: England captain Wayne Rooney - a NSPCC ambassador - urged other players to come forward Manchester City said it had opened an investigation amid allegations that Bennell had an association with the club in the 1980s According to the Guardian, another unnamed ex-footballer has contacted police to say he was a victim of a former Newcastle United youth coach. George Ormond was jailed in 2002 for offences against young footballers in the area Newcastle said the club would co-operate fully with Northumbria police who said they were investigating Police said they had attended Bennell's address in Milton Keynes on Thursday to recover a dog and other property "in response to a safeguarding concern". "The force is not investigating any offences in connection with the incident," Thames Valley police said Hampshire Police said detectives are "investigating allegations of non-recent child

Association put in place new rules to protect children, requiring adult and junior teams at all levels to have a trained safeguarding or welfare officer. But former FA chief executive Mark Palios said high-profile clubs were "more easily regulated" than grassroots clubs, which rely largely on volunteer workers who are more difficult to direct. Some critics say the regulations rely too much on children being able to report abuse. 'No cover-up' Gordon Taylor, chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association, which represents players, said the PFA and the FA had been aware of rumours of abuse. But he said: "No complaints were made at all - it's become apparent that they [the victims] didn't even tell their families. "There was no cover-up, no wall of silence. Andy Woodward took two years of therapy to come out [about being abused]." NSPCC figures show that across the UK, boys are five times less likely to speak up about sexual abuse than girls. PFA Scotland's chief executive Fraser Wishart urged players of all levels to report any allegations. He said: "It would be naïve to think that these allegations are unique to one part of the UK." Mr Collins said earlier that the industry should question if people "turned their gaze from it because the problem seemed so difficult". He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme it would be extremely difficult for young players to speak out against their revered coaches, who guide their future careers. (BBC)


Zimbabwe Into Tri-Series Final After Rain Wipes Out West Indies Sikandar Raza and Tendai Chisoro dominated both sides of the game to help Zimbabwe sneak a win over West Indies. Zimbabwe snuck into the tri-series final with a Duckworth-Lewis Method victory over West Indies in Bulawayo on Friday, in which they were indebted to a 91-run rear-guard between Sikandar Raza and Tendai Chisoro. West Indies looked to have victory in the bag when they reduced Zimbabwe to 127-8 in a match that had been cut to 49 overs per side. Devendra Bishoo and Ashley Nurse took three wickets apiece, but a stirring partnership between Chisoro - who hit a career-best 42 - and Raza (76 not out) would ultimately condemn West Indies to another narrow defeat after going down by a single run to Sri Lanka last time out. Series hosts Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka will now contest the final, back at the Queens Sports Club on Sunday. West Indies were stranded on 124-5 when heavy rain curtailed play. With five more runs on the board, or one fewer wicket down, they would have won. Johnson Charles was out for a firstball duck in the first over and opening partner Evin

Lewis (9) also fell cheaply, failing to back up his hundred against Sri Lanka. Raza and Chisoro were the opening bowlers as West Indies stumbled out of the gate, the duo combining to dominate both sides of the game. Jonathan Carter (43 not out) was the only Windies batsman to show any patience and lasting power, but his efforts were in vain once the rain came. (SportsMax)

Cilic Battles Past Delbonis To Give Croatia Early Advantage World number six Marin Cilic needed five sets in the Davis Cup final opener to beat Federico Delbonis and put Croatia 1-0 up on Argentina. Marin Cilic found the extra gear required to see off the battling Federico Delbonis in a five-set thriller to give Croatia a 1-0 lead over Argentina in the Davis Cup final. Croatia's number one looked to be course for a comfortable opening match as he raced into a two-set lead, but Delbonis showed he was up for the fight. The world number 41 refused to lie down and battled back to level the match and take it into a deciding set, however that was where his heroics ended. Spurred on by a raucous home crowd Cilic raised his game to another level and that proved crucial as he completed a 6-3 7-5 3-6 1-6 6-2 victory in over three-and-a-half hours. Any hope Delbonis had of catching Cilic out early on were quickly dashed as the world number six dominated proceedings, only dropping five points on serve in the opening set. The second went a similar way as the home favourite found the crucial break in the 11th game, his two-set cushion was not as secure as some may have thought though. As Cilic's first serve began to falter Delbonis took full advantage and, after saving two break points in the seventh game, he edged ahead before pulling one set back. Buoyed by taking the third set there was no stopping Delbonis backed by a vociferous travelling support that included Diego Maradona as his groundstrokes gave Cilic plenty of problems - the Argentine racing into a 4-0 lead on his way to levelling the match. The decider should have been a classic but Delbonis' form wavered and that gave Cilic the chance to break twice and give his side the early advantage in the final, the 2014 US Open champion taking his record in Davis Cup rubbers to 10 wins from 12 matches. (SportsMax)


Cuadrado Urges Juventus To Remain Focused Juventus winger Juan Cuadrado wants his team-mates to keep their feet on the ground following a strong start to the season. Juan Cuadrado has cautioned against complacency as Serie A leaders Juventus prepare to take on Genoa on Sunday. The reigning Italian champions beat Sevilla 3-1 away from home on Tuesday to qualify for the knockout stages of the Champions League, while they hold a comfortable seven-point lead over second-placed Roma in the Serie A table. Nevertheless, Cuadrado is adamant Massimiliano Allegri's team still have a long way to go this campaign. "We must above all be calm and keep our heads on Sunday. We must not take anything granted and make sure we approach the game with controlled aggression and determination," Cuadrado told Mediaset. "We picked up a brilliant result against Sevilla on Tuesday and we ticked off our first big objective of the season in reaching the competition's knockout round. "But there is a lot of football still to be played and all we can do is take one step at a time, focusing only on winning each game as it comes and seeing what kind of position that puts us in towards the end of the campaign. "Our daily goal is to work hard on the training ground and improve wherever we can; we are a top team and that means running the hard yards in every single session." (SportsMax)

Payne, O'Brien Add To Ireland's Injury Worries Ireland's injury-hit squad could be depleted further further injury doubts for an already depleted Ireland against Australia with Jared Payne and Sean O'Brien nursing "lower-limb tweaks". Jared Payne and Sean O'Brien will be assessed on Saturday before they can be confirmed in Ireland's side to face Australia, says assistant coach Andy Farrell. Ireland had already made four changes to their side from the one beaten by New Zealand last weekend, with the uncapped Garry Ringrose coming into the side for the injured Robbie Henshaw. Payne was named in the centre for the clash at Aviva Stadium, while O'Brien occupied a place in the back row of Joe Schmidt's pack. Neither took part in the captain's run on Friday, however, and Farrell revealed both are

squad. "We've had a couple of guys that's had a couple of niggles, and the captain's run is normally just a stretching-legs type session," said Farrell. "We made a couple of decisions this morning to rest Jared Payne and Sean O'Brien and see how they are in the morning [Saturday]. "We'll have a discussion in the morning about their situation. They both have just lower-limb tweaks, that's what normally happens during the week. "You pick things up on the way from the game, through the week and so on. "The main session was yesterday and we decided to give a couple of players more time. "We've kept Peter O'Mahony here, and we've got Rory Scannell as well covering for Jared Payne. "All the main work's been done already, that's why we are resting them, to give them every chance to feel 100 per cent." Farrell is adamant the concerns regarding Payne and O'Brien have not affected Ireland's preparations, though, and he is confident they are ready for the Wallabies. "No, it hasn't [distracted us], because this is what we've been building for the last year," he added. "We've been building strength in numbers, strength in depth is getting bigger and better all the time. "We've seen that across the last year and on the South Africa tour and we're seeing it again." (SportsMax)


Montella Confident Milan Can vowed Cope Without Injured Bacca to "take my Milan back" if the deal is not ratified by that

Carlos Bacca is out of AC Milan's trip to Empoli, but Vincenzo Montella says they have the resources to cope. Vincenzo Montella insists AC Milan have a lot of options to cope with the absence of forward Carlos Bacca in Saturday's game with Empoli. Colombia international Bacca has six goals in 13 Serie A appearances this season but will be unavailable for the trip to Tuscany because of a thigh injury sustained in the 2-2 draw with Inter last weekend. Milan are third in Serie A, seven points behind leaders Juventus and level with second-placed Roma, though they are looking over their shoulders at Atalanta, Lazio and Napoli as Montella bids to bring Champions League football back to San Siro. Empoli are only three points above the relegation zone but Milan - who have failed to score just three times this season - will need to keep up that form against a team that has lost just two of their last six games. Both Gianluca Lapadula and Brazil forward Luiz Adriano could be in line to fill the void left by Bacca. Montella said: "I've watched many of their [Empoli] matches. They're a team that are organised defensively and able to play well "Lapadula wants to be a protagonist. He's fine, but for the characteristics of our opponents, we may also play Luiz Adriano. "Despite Bacca's absence, we have some important solutions." The completion date for a takeover of Milan by a Chinese consortium has been set for December 13, though president Silvio Berlusconi has

point. Montella, however, dismissed suggestions the takeover was a distraction for his squad. "Players affected by the takeover? If so, they're not showing it, otherwise they're showing its advantages," he added. "The lads are focused, we're giving a great show of professionalism and desire to win, and that's the most that can a coach can expect." (SportsMax)

Wolff Praises Rosberg Temperament Ahead of this weekend's title decider, Mercedes boss Toto Wolff has praised how Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton have handled the pressure. Nico Rosberg's calmness under pressure as the Formula One title race comes to a climax has impressed Mercedes boss Toto Wolff. The German holds a 12point lead over team-mate Lewis Hamilton going into the final

race of the season in Abu Dhabi, and only needs a podium finish to secure his first championship. Following his win in Japan, Rosberg only needed to finish second in every race to be crowned champion, a feat he has managed despite Hamilton winning all three to apply added pressure. Watching his two drivers battle it out for the title has been tough at times for Wolff but he was full of praise for the way both men have handled themselves. "It's remarkable how the drivers have managed the relationship between the two of them in the circumstances of a title battle," he told a media conference. "Nico is dealing with the pressure very well. It's been like nothing affects him this year. "When he's had a tough weekend he's kept his feet on the ground and that's been key to him keeping the Championship lead." Meanwhile, two other drivers both part of the Mercedes family look set for drives with other teams next season. Esteban Gutierrez and Pascal Wehrlein have driven for Haas and Manor this season, and Wolff confirmed the pair will continue their learning away from Mercedes in 2017. He added: "Esteban is now off to Force India and we are in discussions with Sauber and Manor for Pascal." (SportsMax)


Everton's Koeman Not Expecting Southampton Welcome Koeman is happy the Netherlands international has settled so

Everton head to Southampton on Sunday and manager Ronald Koeman is braced for the cold shoulder from the St Mary's crowd. Ronald Koeman is not expecting a happy reunion when he returns to Southampton as Everton manager on Sunday. The Dutchman spent two seasons at St. Mary's Stadium before making the switch to Merseyside at the start of the campaign, having led Southampton to finishes of seventh and sixth place respectively, in the Premier League. His departure to Goodison Park did not go down well with some sections of the Southampton support, though, with many suggesting Koeman was making a sideways step. The 53-year-old acknowledged it will feel special returning to the south coast and he is hoping Saints fans at least show him some respect. “It's special because the last two seasons I had a great time and the club was very successful," he told a media conference on Friday. "I was proud about my time there. "I don't know about my reception. I cannot change opinions, feelings of Southampton fans. "I hope they will respect me. We had a great time and after my career I will look back [fondly]. I understand different opinions and reactions – I am not afraid of that. "It's time to think about Everton. I made the choice [to leave Southampton] and I'm really happy. It [Everton] is a big club with a big history. "The manager changes, players change – that's football. Look forward, it's the best that you can do. "But I'm really happy I made the move." Everton goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg will also be returning to St. Mary's for the first time since he spent last season on loan at Southampton from Fulham, and

quickly. "I think we brought Maarten in to get competition in the keeper position," he added. "Finally the choice was to start with him and so far he is doing what I expected. "Joel [Robles] is every day trying to give Maarten the best competition and he showed versus West Ham that he is able to play very well. "Overall I am happy with Stekelenburg – I expect him to carry on this way. It's always good to improve, but he had two years without any regular competition. "But he is an experienced keeper and first choice for the Netherlands national team because he is playing well and that's what I want to see." (SportsMax)

Wenger Admits Cazorla Absence Hurting Arsenal Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has acknowledged they have been struggling without Santi Cazorla, but feels they have adequate alternatives. Arsene Wenger has admitted the absence of Santi Cazorla has been hurting Arsenal in recent weeks, but is confident they can cope without the Spaniard. Cazorla has missed Arsenal's last four Premier League fixtures due to an Achilles injury, with the Gunners dropping points in three of those encounters. They will be looking to return to winning ways against Bournemouth on Sunday and We n g e r h a s acknowledged another tough game awaits without the 31year-old. "Santi is important to our technical

stability in the team, to the quality of our decision-making and to our build-up from deep midfield to the high midfield," Wenger told reporters. "That is an important stage because it gets the ball out from the defenders. Santi is a massive player for us. "But we have enough quality players in our side to get around that. We are good enough to find solutions despite the fact he is not there." Arsenal brought in Granit Xhaka ahead of the 2016-17 campaign to add some more depth to their midfield in order to be able to deal with absences such as Cazorla's, but the former Borussia Monchengladbach man has been struggling to live up to the high expectations. However, Wenger is adamant he is satisfied with the Switzerland international. "I am very happy with Granit's commitment," Wenger added. "I think he is developing well. Maybe he has not started enough since the start of the season but he is adapting to a different league, a different way of playing. "Overall I am happy because every day he is focused on working hard and I am confident he will get his number of games." (SportsMax)


Bayern Announce Record Turnover Of A‚¬626.8m

Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich have recorded a record turnover of €628.8 million in 2015-16. Bayern Munich have announced a record turnover of €628.8 million over the 201516 fiscal year. The figure surpasses the previous year's €523.7m by more than €100m and represents the biggest turnover in the club's history. The operating profit increased by an even greater

margin, rising 28 per cent from €111.3 million to €142.5 million. "The 2015-16 fiscal year has been fantastic for Bayern, in terms of both sports and finances. Our members, staff and friends of the club can be very proud," deputy chairman JanChristian Dreesen said. "Bayern are in outstanding shape, operating at the highest Champions League level in financial terms. We are in a superb position. That has been the case for the last few years, and that is more than ever true for 2016. "Our entrepreneurial objective is the maximisation of sporting success alongside financial prudence. Our increasing financial power will be used primarily to make the regular investments required in our first-team squad in order to ensure we remain competitive among the elite teams in Europe." Bayern's figures were driven by income from sponsorship and marketing (€169.8m), merchandising (€108.2m), a transfer surplus (€34.8m) and income from TV rights marketing (€83.4m). The impressive financial returns are a welcome contrast from the team's form on the pitch, Bayern's struggles under Carlo Ancelotti continuing with a 3-2 Champions League defeat at Rostov on Wednesday. (SportsMax)

Mourinho's Standards Have Dropped - Bilic Slaven Bilic takes his West Ham side to Manchester United on Sunday and will pit his wits against Jose Mourinho. West Ham boss Slaven Bilic remains a fan of Jose Mourinho despite claiming the Manchester United manager's standards have dropped. Bilic takes his side to Old Trafford twice in the next five days, in the Premier League on Sunday and the EFL Cup quarter-finals next Wednesday, and is likely to be afforded a hot reception after his assertion that Mourinho is not achieving the success he once was. "Jose Mourinho is one of the greatest," Bilic told the BBC. "Statistically at home, there is probably no-one better. But it's hard to stay at that standard and maybe that has dropped now." Mourinho once held the most envied home league record in world football with a nine-year unbeaten run across spells at Porto, Chelsea, Inter and Real Madrid. Sporting Gijon finally broke the spell in April 2011 at the 151st attempt with a 1-0 win at Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu while his 78-match unbeaten record in English football with Chelsea fell at the hands of Sunderland in April 2014. Crystal Palace, Southampton, Liverpool and Bournemouth all subsequently won at Stamford Bridge

before the axe fell in Mourinho's second spell at the Blues. Only Manchester City have beaten United on their own turf this season but Bilic, who is under pressure himself with West Ham just one point above the relegation zone, believes his side can cause an upset at the weekend. "I'm confident, if we can cut out the mistakes, and with a bit of luck, we can pick up a result on Sunday," he said. (SportsMax)


Hamann: Klopp And Liverpool Can Succeed Without Gerrard convinced that his old team-mate will succeed in whatever he

Former Germany international Dietmar Hamann, believes that Jurgen Klopp can succeed without Steven Gerrard among his staff. Former Anfield favourite Dietmar Hamann has suggested that Jurgen Klopp does not need the help of Steven Gerrard to bring success to Liverpool. Klopp recently suggested that the former Liverpool and England captain would be welcome to join his backroom staff at any point. Gerrard announced his retirement from professional football on Thursday and Hamann seems unconvinced that an immediate return to his boyhood club would benefit either Gerrard or the current manager, with Liverpool just a point of Premier League leaders Chelsea after a strong start to the season. "Liverpool are having plenty of success at the moment, and although there's probably a role for Steven Gerrard somewhere, I don't feel there is an immediate need to implement him into the club right now," Hamann wrote for Paddy Power. "People always say that coaches need someone with them at a team that 'knows the history of the club.' "But sometimes it is better to start fresh, with no ties to anyone and head in with a clear mind." Haman played alongside Gerrard in some of the Reds' most memorable fixtures, including their 2005 Champions League final victory over AC Milan in Istanbul. The ex-Germany international is

turns his hand to. "If he does go into managing or coaching I wouldn't be surprised if he did perform at the very best level and become one of the best," he said. "There will be plenty of clubs vying for Steven Gerrard's services, and there is no reason to believe he can't be a very good coach or manager." (SportsMax)

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