November 26, 2016

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PPP Not Buying Government’s Explanation On D’Urban Park the company has received so far

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Member of Parliament, Anil Nandlall People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Member of Parliament, Anil Nandlall said that he is not buying the explanations offered by President David Granger as it relates to concerns surrounding the construction of the D’Urban Park Project. Nandlall said that the President attempted to cover up the issue of accountability and transparency in relation to monies spent on the project by glorifying and extolling the virtues of the D’Urban Park Project. Mr. Nandlall noted that

the company was set up to collect hundreds of millions of dollars to develop state asset. He further noted that information about Homestretch Development Inc and its directors was not made public until Monday when Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson “was forced to disclose these details in the National Assembly. Even then, he misled the National Assembly by not naming Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, as a D i r e c t o r. ” N a n d l a l l a l s o recalled that Minister Patterson refused to say how much money

and from whom; how much monies are owed by the company and to whom the monies are owed. The MP further questioned what process of procurement was used by this company for the goods and services it utilized. According to t h e f o r m e r L e g a l A ff a i r s Minister, “Clearly this was not understood by those who formed this private company. It is obvious that this company was used for this project so that the monies received and spent would not be the subject of Parliamentary scrutiny and oversight and the procurement of goods and services would not have to be done in accordance with the Procurement Act. This is exactly what transpired, and that is why Minister Patterson refused to answer the questions posed to him in the National Assembly.” The opposition MP also noted that Minister Patterson directed opposition MPs to further their questions to Homestretch Development Inc., However, the following day when the Company Secretary, Larry London, was asked by the Press these very questions, he said he gave Minister Patterson all the information.”





On 17th November, 2016 the AttorneyGeneral and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams, issued a press statement under the caption “Appointments to the Judiciary.” This statement purports to be a response to a Statement issued by the PPP/C on the 14th day of November, 2016. The PPP/C Statement simply highlighted the problems which have been precipitated both in the High Court and the Court of Appeal by the retirement of Chief Justice Chang in January, 2016 and the migration from the Court of Appeal to the Office of the Chief Justice by Justice of Appeal, Yonette Cummings-Edwards who now acts in the Office of Chief Justice. The Statement further calls upon the President to appoint more Judges in accordance with certain recommendations made to the President by the Judicial Service Commission earlier this year. The AG's Statement so riddled with legal, factual and grammatical flaws and its content so macabre that one Senior Counsel informed me, that it is not possible for an Attorney-General to issues such a statement. However, I saw this very statement appear as a letter to the Editor in the Stabroek News with the Attorney-General as its author. I have observed no attempt by the AttorneyGeneral to distance himself from it. It is difficult to respond to this statement because almost every sentence warrants an objection and perhaps a demurrer. In order to comprehensively respond to this statement, I am forced to recite it sentence by sentence and respond to each sentence. 1. “The PPP/C after 23 years has finally admitted the parlous state it had left the Judiciary on demitting government.” I already summed up the PPP/C's

Statement. It is incomprehensible how the Attorney-General arrived at the deductions made above. It typifies how he deceptively misconstrues simple language. 2. “The Judiciary was never a high priority of the PPP/C government except for the seeking to control It.” Any sensible human being, who have but a mere fleeting acquaintance with the Judiciary will concede that the Judiciary was physically and institutionally transformed under the PPP/C Administration. Space will not permit me to list these transformational changes. However, I must mention a few. Every single courthouse from the Court of Appeal to every single Magistrates' Court throughout this country was physically rebuilt; most with residential quarters for the Magistrate in the outlying areas; almost all fully air-conditioned; the Court of Appeal now uses voice recording equipment; facilities to take evidence from witnesses oversees are now available. Mediation has been introduced formally into the Judicial System. The Caribbean Court of Justice has been added as our apex court. The complement of High Court Judges has been increased from twelve (12) to twenty (20). The Constitution has been amended to strengthen the Independence of the Judiciary. The appointment of the Chancellor and the Chief Justice is now only possible after an agreement between the President and the Opposition Leader. And I can go on. The aforesaid contention about “control” comes from an AG whose Government not so long ago abolished appeals to the Privy Council and flew its party flag higher than the National Flag in the Court of Appeal compound. Many Judges

and Magistrates were forced to migrate because their decisions did not meet with the approval of the PNC Government. His President is now defying recommendation from the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). Again I can go on. 3. “The Judiciary was not “Independent” because it had no financial independence, until the APNU+AFC Government came to office and passed legislation to effect same.” By this singular statement, the AG has unwittingly indicted and impugned the integrity of every single Judge who has served this country from 1966 to 2015, including the current crop of Judges. He has reduced them all to political puppets. For according to him, only now Judges are truly independent. For this he should be hauled before the courts for contempt. Needless to say, the legislation to which he makes reference is but a mere sham because since its enactment in 2015, both sets of budgetary proposals which have been submitted by the Judiciary for monies have been cut publicly by the Minister of Finance in the National Assembly.

Continued on next page...




1. “In particular the PPP/C government inflicted a mortal blow on the independence of the Judiciary when it passed legislation to remove the powers hitherto inhering in office of Chief Justice and reposing them in the office of Chancellor.” Clearly, the AG misinterprets the legislation to which he refers. The legislation removed no powers from the Office of the Chief Justice. All it did was to make the Chief Justice Office subject to the general directions of the Office of the Chancellor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this amendment. In fact, it came nearly fifty (50) years late. After all, the Chancellor is the head of the Judiciary and should exercise administrative supervision over the Office of the Chief Justice. Indeed it is the PNC Government in 1966 which created the Office of the Chancellor over and above that of the Chief Justice. At the time it was felt that Prime Minister Burnham did so to humiliate the Chief Justice at the time Sir Joseph Luckhoo over whom he could not exert influence nor control. As a result, Chief Justice Luckhoo migrated. 2. “This resulted wittingly or unwittingly in the PPP/C seeking to place their champion in the office of the Chancellor at every meeting of the President and Leader of the Opposition to agree on the appointment of a Chief

Justice and Chancellor there being no power in the office of the Chief Justice.” This statement hardly makes sense in law, logic or language. Suffice it to say that it is the President's constitutional responsibility to identify suitable candidates for the positions of Chancellor and Chief Justice and then solicit the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition in respect of each candidate in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. 3. “Having removed all the checks and balances necessary to guarantee an independent and effective judiciary the way was paved for secret, appointments to the bench by the JSC and a PPP/C President who created the distortion in the Judiciary in the first place.” This statement is of the same genre as its predecessor. It is devoid of learning. The manner in which Judges are appointed in Guyana now, is the same as it was, since 1966. The Judicial Service Commission recruits and recommends to the President for his appointment. Prior to 2001, the President had a greater discretionary power when dealing with recommendations coming from the Judicial Service Commission. After the 2001 amendments to the Constitution, those discretionary powers were reduced and the President is now mandated to act upon the recommendations of the JSC. If the President disagrees with a particular recommendation, he has a power to send it back to the JSC for their reconsideration. If after their reconsideration, the JSC sends back that same recommendation to the President, he must accept and act upon it. 4. “The alleged shortage of judges was not occasioned under the APNU+AFC government which inherited excessive delays in both the civil and criminal jurisdictions and the crippling backlog of cases in all courts.” The question therefore is why didn't the PPP/C government make those


By: Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP. Attorney-at-Law appointments while in office? Again, a lack of comprehension is the main issue. The PPP/C Statement specifically addressed the problems which arose as a result of the departure of Chief Justice Chang in January 2016, that is, after the PPP/C left office. So the question asked is a non-sequitur. 5. “The courts are functioning now as they were under the PPP/C a year and a half ago when the APNU+AFC took up the helm of government.” Here is a frank admission from the Attorney-General that his Government has done nothing during the past eighteen months in respect of the Judiciary. 6. “His Excellency President Brigadier David Arthur Granger while Leader of the opposition had called for vacancies in judicial offices to be advertised so that our judiciary would attract the best possible candidates.” President David Granger, as Leader of the Opposition also promised public safety, job creation, new investments, a revitalized sugar industry, new markets for rice etc. None have materialized. But more importantly, the recruitment of Judges is the exclusive constitutional responsibility of the Judicial Service Commission. The Constitution insulates the JSC form the dictates of the President or anyone else. The Leader of the Opposition was therefore trespassing upon the constitutional domain of the JSC when he made that statement. It is the JSC to determine whether it would advertise for Judges or not. In any event, in Guyana, we have never advertised judicial vacancies. To be Continued…




PPP Not Buying Government’s Explanation On D’Urban Park the company has received so far

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Member of Parliament, Anil Nandlall People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Member of Parliament, Anil Nandlall said that he is not buying the explanations offered by President David Granger as it relates to concerns surrounding the construction of the D’Urban Park Project. Nandlall said that the President attempted to cover up the issue of accountability and transparency in relation to monies spent on the project by glorifying and extolling the virtues of the D’Urban Park Project. Mr. Nandlall noted that

the company was set up to collect hundreds of millions of dollars to develop state asset. He further noted that information about Homestretch Development Inc and its directors was not made public until Monday when Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson “was forced to disclose these details in the National Assembly. Even then, he misled the National Assembly by not naming Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, as a D i r e c t o r. ” N a n d l a l l a l s o recalled that Minister Patterson refused to say how much money

and from whom; how much monies are owed by the company and to whom the monies are owed. The MP further questioned what process of procurement was used by this company for the goods and services it utilized. According to the former Legal Affairs Minister, “Clearly this was not understood by those who formed this private company. It is obvious that this company was used for this project so that the monies received and spent would not be the subject of Parliamentary scrutiny and oversight and the procurement of goods and services would not have to be done in accordance with the Procurement Act. This is exactly what transpired, and that is why Minister Patterson refused to answer the questions posed to him in the National Assembly.” The opposition MP also noted that Minister Patterson directed opposition MPs to further their questions to Homestretch Development Inc., However, the following day when the Company Secretary, Larry London, was asked by the Press these very questions, he said he gave Minister Patterson all the information.”




Women Blazing Their Own Trail In Mining Sector

The Guyana Geology and Mines C o m m i s s i o n ’s ( G G M C ) , Geological Survey Unit is undertaking a geological mineral survey in the Itaballi area as part of an effort to map the mineral deposits. Among those conducting field tests and studies for the project in the Region Seven area are several women. Some $40 million has been budgeted for the eight week Regional Geological Sampling project. The project is being conducted by 42 GGMC officers including eight females and auxiliary staff. It started on October 13 and is due to be completed by December 8, 2016. According chemical Geologist, Nkechi McPherson, who started at the GGMC in 2011, said that

t h e fi e l d experience has been good. “It’s a lot of hard work so you should be active before you get in the field or else you’ll really feel the pressure.” McPherson added that this is the first trip where she led her own team of GGMC staffers. “You have to be confident in yourself and you have to understand that not everything you see on the map is what will be on the ground so you have to cater for all of those u n c e r t a i n t i e s . ” G G M C ’s Geologist, Tiace Fraser, who started her stint in 2009, views her career as a challenge, but one that she likes. “You know it challenges your mind and your body at the same time. When you’re out there you have to think about the dangers, but at the same time you have to keep pushing yourself.” For Tricia Tulluck, this is her first trip into the fields. The Geological Technician noted that, “It is quite interesting, I like it a lot. I didn’t expect to like

it but I do, I really do. You get to experience new things and realise that you’re not fit, sometimes you need to exercise. You learn a lot about your country.” Senior Geologist, Unata DeFreitas has already served more than 19 years with the GGMC. There is lot of experience to be gained, De Frietas added, “more so what is given back to our country. We have a passion for the natural patrimony and we understand that the more information we get, the better position our country will be in.” Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes, who was present at the project described herself as living evidence of what women can achieve in the sector. “People say, oh she’s a miner, she’s a pork-knocker but look at me now, I’m a minister. The sky is the limit. I would want to encourage women to get involved. We are tidier. We can make a difference in these areas.” The Minister who was a successful mining operator, said she really admired the female geologists, “who spoke about their passion so when we come to do things we do it in a particular way, looking for that result. The vision, the opportunity is real.” (GINA)




Union Says Bauxite Company Trying To Isolate Workers

The Guyana Bauxite & General Workers Union (GB&GWU) has criticized the Russian owned Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. (BCGI) for establishing a Workers’ Social Welfare Committee. The union is contending that this is an attempt by the company to isolate workers from their labour unions. In a statement on Friday, the union said that it was in receipt of a memo from management of the bauxite company notifying of it of their intention to create a “Workers’ Social Welfare Committee” from among the non-management workforce. GB&GWU said that the memo describe in detail the exact number of individuals that the committee will comprise of. Additionally, the union was told that the terms of reference and mode of operations will be made known to all employees. However, the union noted that this new development occurred without any prior consultation on the

aforementioned terms of reference. GB&GWU said that this move signals, first, a recognition on the part of management that it has “hit a wall” as far as the overtly brutal treatment of workers is concerned and that it must now find other more seemingly palatable control mechanisms for its staff. “Such committees, apart from being remote control mechanisms designed to keep workers in line are also reflective of a flagrant disregard for trade unions and for the constitutionally guaranteed right of workers to freedom of association. In this particular instance we are witnessing a transparent attempt to completely isolate the workers from their chosen trade union, the GB&GWU” the statement read. GB&GWU also pointed out that the move by the

company comes just one day after its management basically stood up Government Ministers and union representatives. A move the union is calling an “utterly unpardonable discourtesy.” The union said that it is holding firm to its belief that this development is reflective of the contempt in which the Russian management holds high officials of Guyana. “We believe that the Government of Guyana would be failing in its duty, were it not to place on record, its concern over the discourtesy, and simultaneously demand an apology of the transgressors. We believe, too, that a point has now been reached where the Government of Guyana must lodge a protest with RUSAL parent company, at the highest possible level, over the conduct of its employees in Guyana” the statement said. In light of these new developments, both the GB&GWU and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) remain confident that the workers of BCGI will “unanimously reject” what is, in effect, an “insidious control mechanism.”




GDF Puts On Route March To Mark 51st Anniversary

The Guyana Defense Force (GDF) this morning put on a show for some of the residents of Georgetown as they held a route march which passed through several streets in the city. The march brought down the curtains on the month of activities to mark the 51st Anniversary of the Guyana Defense Force. After traversing the

city streets and displaying the armed force’s marching skills and Assault Rifles, the solder’s assembled at the Durban Park between Homestretch Avenue and Hadfield Street. They stood at ease briefly until the arrival of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo followed by President David Granger. Highlighting the role of the Force, the President noted that the army has always had two objectives; defence and development. “The Defence Force is deployed to the four corners of the country. You have a responsibility to protect our country by day or by night, in sunshine or rainfall, in the swamp in the jungles in the savannahs on the beaches,” he said. As such, President Granger emphasised the importance of a mentally and physically fit force and exercises such Exercise Greenheart and the Field Tactical Exercise (FTX)

‘HOMEGUARD’. Moreover, the President said that as Guyana prepares to celebrate Christmas, it is the GDF that will be protecting the frontiers of the country even as citizens spend time with their families. “This is your duty, this is why you joined the Defence Force and we are thankful and grateful for the manner in which you perform that duty,” he said. Chief of Staff of the GDF, Brigadier George Lewis, in his remarks, highlighted that the year 2016 has seen the GDF increasing its operation posture in an aim to achieve its mandate of territorial security. Initiatives with this endeavour include increased border patrols and increased surveillance of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Fogging Exercise For Diamond/Grove Villages

The Vector Control Service Branch of the Ministry Of Public Health in an effort to rid the Diamond/Grove area of the dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika fever causing Mosquito, the Aedes Aegypti along with the Filaria causing Mosquito, the Culex Mosquito have plans to commence a fogging and indoor residual spraying exercise. The exercise is expected to last between November 28 and 29,

2016 from the hours of 17:30 for fogging and between 08:00hrs to 16:30hrs for the indoor residual spraying. To ensure the activity is carried out with major efficiency, the relevant authorities have asked that residents of the aforementioned area remember to open their windows to allow the fog mist into the buildings to kill the adult mosquitoes. In addition they are asked to safely secure by covering all artificial or natural water storage containers and dispose of water lodging items such as plates under potted plant, cemetery vases, buckets, tin and cans and remove clogged rain gutters, ornamental fountains, drums and

water bowls used for pet birdbaths that are usually a safe haven for the breathing of mosquitoes. The Ministry also reminds that in order to prevent any possible health problems arising from contamination due to the Fogging activities, residents are asked to cover all food items whether cooked or uncooked. They are also reminded to secure all domestic or poultry animals together with persons who may suffer from respiratory illnesses from the direct flow of the fog. 6/11/25/fogging-to-commencein-diamondgrove/




Government Places Focus On Eye Disease

Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton has emphasised that the services offered at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) should not be taken for granted, and must be considered a privilege for Guyanese. Minister Norton was at the time highlighting the need for diabetic screening and early detection of visual impairment at a health fair and exhibition held on Friday November 25, 2016 at D’Urban Park in Georgetown, according to the Government Information Agency (GINA). GPHC’s eye clinic at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) offers free screening, testing and diagnosis. More specifically, persons who have been diagnosed with diabetes can benefit from free eye surgeries. The Minister noted that “We take things for granted in the small islands in the Caribbean. Every cataract surgery that is done they have to pay EC$400; in Miami to do a phacoemulsification (a technique used to operate on cataracts) with

intraocular lens implantation, affordable lens and so on, minimum USD$3000. If any one of you here has cataract, Dr. Hinds would take you down to the Georgetown hospital and with a little bit of adjustment she can have your surgery done,” A number of key stakeholders including Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO), Guyana Diabetes Association (GDA) and the Lions Club D’Urban Park/South Georgetown collaborated throughout the month to host a number of activities under the world theme ‘Eyes on Diabetes’. This year’s theme for World Diabetes observances brought specific focus on the disease and how it affects the eyes. Diabetic retinopathy has been recognised as one of the more serious states of diabetes in the eyes, and is the leading cause of blindness. Diabetic retinopathy affects blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue called the retina that lines the back of the eye. The Minister further

highlighted the need for early detection. “I refer to diabetic eye disease which includes the more serious or amongst the more serious, diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is said to be the leading cause of blindness for people between the ages of 30 and 64 worldwide. Not so long ago, it used to be said that if you’re a diabetic you will go blind if you live long enough that is no longer the case.” The diabetic retinopathy programme at the GPHC which does retinopathy screening and laser treatment for diabetic patients is a component of the Guyana Diabetes Care Project. The programme provides free screening. “I am pleased to see that the diabetic programme is already well established at the Georgetown Hospital Corporation and that was launched in June of 2016 with the objective to screen 16,000 patients living with diabetes of which 10 percent of that amount will have to undergo treatment for diabetic retinopathy.” Minister Norton noted.




Police Destroy Seized Drugs

Ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) attached to the Narcotics Branch this week destroyed a quantity of cannabis and marijuana, which were seized during a number of raids and which were found by the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. The cannabis was taken to the incinerator located on Princes Street, Georgetown, where it was burnt while the cocaine was taken out into the Atlantic

cocaine, Superintendent Leon Lewis told the media that it amounted to approximately 55 kg or 121 lbs which would see it having an approximate street value of GY$49.7M. It was obtained by the Guyana Police Force from two cases. The Government Information Agency has reported that the Guyana Police Force in addition to the recent incinerating of the cannabis have also carried out operations in Berbice which saw them destroying several acres of cannabis plants i.e nearly 8000 plants ranging from 2 to 6 feet at an approximate weight of 17,000 kg and another 9000 kg of cannabis that had already been packed away. The destruction Ocean and destroyed by being process is said to have lasted in excess of 10 hours. dumped into the water way. OfďŹ cer in Charge of the Narcotics Branch of the GPF, Superintendent Wayne Dehart revealed that the cannabis amounted to 294 kg or 646.8 lbs at an approximate value of G Y $ 1 4 7 M . T h e Superintendent further stated that the cannabis was acquired over a two year period in which cases concerning the drugs were tendered as evidence in the court. As it relates to the




Kwakwani Primary School To See Improved Conditions

President David Granger President David Granger has pledged the sum of GY$1M towards the improvement of conditions at the Kwakwani Primary School after a meeting with members of the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) in the presence of Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine. According to reports by the Government Information Agency, some of the major issues facing the education sector in the

area are the shortage of trained teachers, the deplorable condition of the teachers’ hostel and the unsanitary condition of the school, including lack of running water, shortage of furniture, overcrowding, and exorbitant transportation cost for students to get to school. Bearing a possible solution to the problem was a resident of the area, Mr. Lindon McAlmont who provided the President with his solution stating that all that the residents of the area require is the materials to carry out the

works required and the village will provide the human resources needed. Further he added that if granted, the works to be done will provide employment opportunities for young individuals in the area together with the generation of business for sawmills. President Granger told the group that, “You are all citizens of Guyana and we want to ensure that important public service of education is equally distributed…schools must be clean and safe.”




OAS Notes Low Voter Turnout For Grenada Referendum; Antigua-Barbuda To Take Different Approach the people of Grenada exercised their Grenada, it also sought to entrench a

By Caribbean News Now contributor ST GEORGE'S, Grenada -- The electoral delegation of the Organization of American States (OAS) observing Thursday's referendum on constitutional reform in Grenada noted that, while preliminary results indicated that none of the proposed reforms were approved, voter participation and interest remained low, with barely 30 percent of the 71,241 registered voters casting a ballot, according to the Parliamentary Electoral Office. Meanwhile, reacting to the outcome of the referendum in Grenada, Ambassador Dr Clarence Henry, head of the corresponding National Coordinating Committee in Antigua and Barbuda, which is due to hold its own referendum on replacing the Privy Council with the CCJ, said that Antigua and Barbuda is taking a totally different approach in terms of the question asked. The OAS delegation, led by senior advisor at the OAS Secretariat for the strengthening of d e m o c r a c y, P a u l S p e n c e r, acknowledged the efforts of the authorities and various stakeholders in advancing the process of constitutional reform and commended the Parliamentary Electoral Office for the professional conduct of the poll and welcomed the peaceful manner in which

right. The people of Grenada were presented with seven bills from which to make their choices, either separately or collectively. The referendum exercise gave them the option to either vote for or against one of the seven bills, some of the seven bills, none of the seven bills or all of the seven bills. The Bills called on Grenadians to: 1. Amend the composition of the Elections and Boundaries Commission; 2. Amend the Constitution to ensure that a Leader of the Opposition is appointed in a situation where the governing party won all the seats in the House of Parliament; 3. Amend the Constitution to empower Parliament to establish a fixed date for general elections; 4. Amend the Constitution to ensure that Rights and Freedoms are accorded to all Grenadians. This Bill was considered controversial and ambiguous by many Grenadians who interpreted the phrase gender equality in one of the clauses, as providing an avenue for same sex marriages to be encouraged in Grenada. It is reported that the controversy that was caused by this particular Bill angered many Grenadians and prejudiced their minds against voting for other Bills; 5. Amend the Constitution to prohibit anyone from serving more than three consecutive terms as prime minster of Grenada; 6. Amend the Constitution to change the name Grenada to include the names of the other islands that form part of that territory and lastly, and 7. Amend the Constitution to replace the Privy Council with the CCJ. Ambassador Henry said what was noteworthy about Grenada's CCJ Bill was that it contained other clauses in addition to the clause that provided for the replacement of the Privy Council. The Bill also provided for the changing of the name of the Supreme Court in

Code of Conduct in the Constitution to minimise corruption among public officials. It also made provision for public officials on taking office, to swear allegiance to Grenada and not to the Queen. "What is further interesting about the CCJ Bill is that the electors were not given a choice or the option to vote for the CCJ and not for the other clauses or vice versa. The elector was either required to vote for the Bill in its entirety or don’t vote for it at all. What this meant was that if the elector did not want to vote for the entrenchment of the Code of Conduct or for the change of the name of the Supreme Court of Grenada or for public officers swearing allegiance to the State of Grenada but wanted to vote for the CCJ he or she was not given that option. It was either all or nothing. In that way, it is extremely difficult to conclude that the electors in Grenada voted against the CCJ. T hey could have wanted the CCJ, but did not want the contents of any or all of the other clauses to be included in the Constitution," Henry said. "The people of Antigua and Barbuda will be asked one question in the simplest of ways -should we replace the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice? There will not be any other Bills or other clauses in the Bill that will confuse or burden the electorate in Antigua and Barbuda. We intend to continue our educational drive in every nook and cranny in this country. By the time that the date for the referendum is announced every boy and girl, man and woman, irrespective of the age, class, colour, religion or creed, will hear about and understand what is meant by the words Referendum, Privy Council and the Caribbean Court of Justice," he explained. (Caribbean News Now)




Venezuela At The Stage Of A Revolution not possible to negotiate with ‘force g o v e r n m e n t t o e s t a b l i s h

The President and Publisher of the Venezuelan Newspaper El Nacional, Miguel Henrique Otero, expressed that the only way to come out of the decadent situation in which the country is submerged, is through a Revolution. According to ‘La Prensa Panama’, Otero mentioned this Friday during an interview with this Newspaper, that the negotiation between the government and the opposition won’t take Venezuela out of the crisis, because violence has become a ‘state policy’. He stated that is

and repression’. Otero also noted that if this political dialogues were ‘real’, President Maduro would accept the humanitarian aid that the international community have been offering for over a year, he would listen to the decisions taken by the N a t i o n a l A s s e m b l y, a n d t h e government would approve for the general elections to take place in February 2017. As is been repeatedly requested by the Democratic Round Table (MUD) and the popular opinion. Otero highlighted that the Revolution is a constitutional right, written that can be found on the chapter 350 of the Venezuelan Constitution. He also talked about the media repression and the need to rescue the freedom of press in Venezuela, -“the media repression in Venezuela is simply part of the strategy carried by the

a communicational hegemony. They continue saying that there is freedom of speech and press, but they use the court rooms as an appendix of the executive p o w e r. T h e o n l y w a y o u t i s t h e Revolution”- he said The political conscience of the masses, their disposition for a political fight, the high levels of repression, misery and hunger represent the Subjective and Objective Conditions necessary for a Revolution to explode in a nation. Taking into consideration the decadent crisis in which the country have been submerged for over 3 years, and the popular discontent. Venezuela could be facing the final stages for the materialization of a Revolution. Source: p a n o r a m a / O t e ro - u n i c a - s a l i d a rebelion_0_4627037432.html




World Leaders Mourn Castro’s Death world have send their condolences to the Cuban people and the Castro family for the loss of their ‘Commander in chief’. According to a communique publicized this morning by the White House, President of the United States, Barak Obama stated, that ‘only history will determine the massive impact’ of Fidel’s death on the Cuban people. The president of the United States took the opportunity to send his deep condolences to the Caribbean island, and the Castro family.

President of the United States, Barak Obama The death of the leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro has struck the world in a powerful way. Leaders from all over the

Obama stated that the relationship between the United States and Cuba, have been marked by deep political disagreements. Disagreements that have contributed to the deterioration and temporal annulment of the bilateral relations between this two nations for over 5 decades. But thanks to recent consensus reached by the maximum authorities of the Caribbean Island, with Fidel as mentor, and the head of state of the United States, a process of reconciliation have been possible. Obama expressed that he was grateful to have ‘contributed’ and

ultimately witness the beginning of the normalization process between the relations of this two nations. He pointed that is was time to leave the ‘scars of the past behind and proceed to elaborate a brighter future’.

He pointed the focus in the similarities between the people of this two nations instead of the differences. He emphasized the important contributions that the Cuban-American community have done for the USA for over 4 decades, and how his government have been working this last 8 years in repaying this gesture. Obama reasserted his message of condolence to the family, and stated that during the days to come, both nations will remember the past, but will look forward for a most prosperous future. –“the Cuban people should see in the United Stated, not an enemy but a partner”-he finished. Source:




Controversy Still Plagues Trinidad Elections Body Ahead Of Local Polls

(L-R) EBC Communications Manager, Dominic Hinds; former EBC chairman, Norbert Masson; EBC Chief Elections Officer, Ramesh Nanan By Marcia Braveboy Freelance Journalist P O RT O F S PA I N , T r i n i d a d - Trinidadians will go to the polls once again on November 28, this time in local elections, but controversy continues to plague the Election and Boundaries Commission (EBC). After the 2015 general elections of September 7, the major party of the former People’s Partnership coalition government, the United National Congress (UNC), challenged the EBC over the election results in six marginal constituencies. After several court victories and defeats for both the UNC and the People’s National Movement (PNM), the court proceedings ended in October 2016 with appeal court judges Allan Mendonca, Peter Jamadar and Chief Justice Ivor Archie dismissing the UNC’s election petition, ruling that, although the EBC acted illegally when it extended the time of voting by one extra hour due to heavy rain, the court did not see the need to send the country back to the polls as a result. Fast forward to November 16, when the EBC published the names of local government candidates in the Trinidad Daily Express newspaper in a list replete

with discrepancies. In particular, the PNM logo was placed next to the names of four UNC candidates and the UNC candidates for the Tunapuna/Piarco regional corporation were not published at all. UNC’s general secretary, Davendranath Tancoo, wrote the EBC’s chief elections officer, Ramesh Nanan about the discrepancies, saying, “We are aware of the significant confusion that these errors have caused in the minds of voters. These actions of the EBC have the potential to undermine the democratic process that is an essential element of our country being a sovereign democratic state.” Outraged UNC supporters phoned the party’s headquarters, some voicing concern, others venting their disgust about the errors. Tancoo told the EBC’s chief elections officer in his letter that “The damage that has already occurred as a result of this publication is irreparable as many persons who are eligible to vote in the upcoming elections have raised their concerns about the inaccuracies contained on your publication. It is entirely unsatisfactory, disappointing and untenable for this to have occurred shortly after the EBC was found to have acted illegally in the last general elections. It is now an affront to common sense to assume that is yet another unintentional misstep by the EBC which has results adverse to the United National Congress.” Back in August, Prime M i n i s t e r K e i t h R o w l e y ’s P N M government bought out Nanan's preretirement leave. UNC political leader and leader of the opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, implored supporters at the party’s local government election night forums to place their “X” by the rising sun, regardless of EBC’s errors so

as to ensure the UNC secures the vote in Monday’s local government poll.

Permanent Secretary Victor Jones and his EBC connection It became evident that Trinidad and Tobago citizens were keeping an eye on the EBC following the election petition after two public servants expressed concern to Caribbean News Now that retired permanent secretary, Victor Jones, was allegedly hiring staff to work for the local government elections. When the EBC was contacted by telephone about this matter, and also another concern about a school principal in the Diego Martin area (a PNM stronghold), who was said to be hiring staff to work for the local elections, assistant to the EBC chairman, Cheryl Ford, made it clear that only the EBC hires staff to work at elections. However, she said that Nanan would be better able to explain the EBC’s hiring practices but he was at that time in a meeting and therefore unavailable. What is questionable about former Jones' involvement is that staff members at the public utilities ministry expressed concern that the former permanent secretary also worked with the EBC and hired staff, including five to six members of his own ministry staff, for the 2013 local government elections. The PersadBissessar-led People’s Partnership lost those elections to the PNM. Jones was the deputy PS and sometimes acted as PS in the public utilities ministry at the time. Then two weeks ago, eyebrows were raised again at the same public utilities ministry at the presence of Jones, who showed up once again as a proxy of the EBC and asked that a printer and computer be set up in the old ministry of education building in St Clair, Port of Spain.

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Controversy Still Plagues Trinidad Elections Body Ahead Of ... (Cont’d)

Jones was permanent secretary in the community development ministry when Winston 'Gypsy' Peters was the People’s Partnership government minister in that portfolio. Peters, a well known calypsonian, was reshuffled out of his favourite ministry, the culture ministry and placed in the not so highly regarded ministry of community development at that time. The PNM has since merged the community development ministry with the culture ministry, as it was under a previous PNM government, known as the ministry of culture and community development. Peters was not selected by Persad-Bissessar to continue representing the Rio Claro/Mayaro constituency in the 2015 general elections. He later broke ranks with the UNC and joined the PNM. Then two days ago, an EBC official, who is the

returning officer for Siparia East/San Francique South constituency – was spotted having lunch with PNM minister in the ministry of education and MP for Moruga/Tableland, Dr Lovell Francis, at a restaurant in Siparia. The EBC official, Bevon Lord, was captured in photo fraternizing with the minister while leaving the restaurant. Persad-Bissessar is the sitting MP for the Siparia and the southern constituency has long been a UNC stronghold but the PNM government has been bragging at their political meetings about wresting the seat from the opposition. Francis’s Moruga/Tableland seat was one of the results challenged by the UNC election petition. Attempts to reach Jones have proved fruitless and the communications department at the community development ministry said that he went

on pre-retirement leave in December 2015 though his compulsory leave was dated August 24, 2016. Even more discrepancies at the EBC In another questionable incident, some people took to Facebook in the past week to express their concern about the EBC sending multiple forms to their homes with their names, but other forms were included with the names of people who did not live at their addresses. Phillip Mootoo wrote: “I and my family received our EBC forms in the mail today. I also saw in my mail box forms of two persons bearing my address who I don't know and never lived here. Is there voter padding taking place?” The EBC has not responded to a list of ten questions submitted to its office via email. (Caribbean News Now!)




Yet Another Report On Extrajudicial Killings In Jamaica Reinforces Calls For Police Reform agents of the state; it also explores what suggesting that victims of police killings

Shackelia Jackson (left) and Simone Grant at a community meeting following the release of Amnesty International's report on extrajudicial killings in Jamaica. Jackson's brother Nakeia was cooking in his kitchen on Orange Street, Kingston in January 2014, when he was killed by police; Grant's brother, Matthew Lee, and two other young men were shot dead by the police while driving in Arcadia, Kingston, in January 2013. Photo by the author, used with permission KINGSTON, Jamaica -- It's really nothing new. Extrajudicial killings by members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force have been a persistent human rights concern over decades, highlighted in numerous local and international reports, including the US State Department's Human Rights Report. Now, add Amnesty International to that list. At a press conference in Kingston on November 23, 2016, Amnesty International unveiled its latest report on Jamaica: “Waiting in Vain: Unlawful Police Killings and Relatives’ Long Struggle for Justice”. Amnesty's Americas Director, Erika Guevara-Rosas, noted in a press release: "If authorities in Jamaica are serious about tackling the country’s shocking levels of police killings and violence they must urgently promote a deep police and justice reform to address not only the number of police murders but the root causes of the problem." The report goes beyond the basic, egregious injustice of the deprivation of citizens’ right to life by

Rodje Malcolm, advocacy manager with the human rights lobby group Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ), called a “web of human rights abuses” associated with the killings themselves that affect the victims’ families, friends and the wider community. These include various forms of harassment, threats and intimidation -- at home, at funerals and wakes, at hospitals and even in court. Malcolm was speaking at a small, informal evening event with family members and the human rights community following Amnesty International's press conference. The gathering also put on an art exhibition and film screenings to highlight the problem. Malcolm pointed to a “culture of fear” that pervades impoverished neighborhoods and “does not even have a perpetrator”. The culture of “informer fi dead”, which dancehall deejay Buju Banton sang about back in 1991, means that citizens refuse to report crimes or come forward as witnesses, for fear of either criminal gangs or the police -- or both. This atmosphere persists, paralyzing communities and making the quest for justice even harder. One example is the case of Matthew Lee, who was shot dead by the police along with two other young men in the uptown Kingston area of Arcadia in January 2013. No witnesses have come forward and the case has therefore been stalled. Shackelia Jackson, the courageous and outspoken sister of cookshop operator Nakeia Jackson, who was shot dead by police in January 2014, said Jamaica's justice system has caused great suffering to families like hers, noting that periods of harassment by the police always coincided with court dates. Her brother's case was dismissed in July of this year; since then, the harassment has stopped. Jackson asked at the meeting, “Who is authorizing all this?” Even members of the Jamaican diaspora expressed anxiety over the issue. However, some took a harder line,

got what they deserved. Nevertheless, there is hope. The establishment of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), set up in 2010 to look into cases of police abuse, has been credited for greatly reducing the number of police killings, which fell from 258 in 2013 to 129 in 2014 -- and dropped even further, to 98 in 2015 -- a 16-year low. However, Jamaica's murder rate has been inching up this year. Security and human rights -- and the country's snail's pace justice system -- are never far from the agenda in Jamaica. The release of the Amnesty report highlights the need for the Jamaican government to begin to seriously tackle the issue of police reform — an issue that was raised in the Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the 2010 incursion by security forces in Tivoli Gardens. The need for “broad institutional reform” in the police force was also included in the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) new stand-by arrangement for Jamaica earlier this month. As a step in this direction, Prime Minister Andrew Holness committed himself to a complete overhaul of colonial-era legislation related to the Jamaica Constabulary Force by October 2017. Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, who met with the Amnesty and Jamaicans for Justice representatives this week, appears to be fully aware of the “justice delayed is justice denied” aspect of the problem, which allows more human rights abuses to take place as cases drag through the courts. This week, the minister declared that documents for court cases must be ready within three months. Whether this is achievable remains to be seen. On a positive note, there was welcome support for Jamaican families from women elsewhere in the hemisphere. While human rights, crime and violence remain thorny issues, there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for Jamaica, once good intentions are translated into action. (Caribbean News Now!)




Antigua: Formeroffence Cop Jailed For Statutory Rape involving the child. At the time of old man managed to disarm the teen and the incident, Worrell had been a member of the Royal Police Force of Antigua & Barbuda for seven years. The court heard that the convicted man saw the teen on February 2, 2015 and called her to his vehicle where he showed her his privates.

Antigua Observer:-An officer who broke the police’s oath to “protect and serve” has been jailed for 12 years after he was convicted of forcing a 13-year-old girl to have sex with him. The disgraced cop, Wayne Worrell, was told yesterday that this sentence would be served consecutively to the 18-month jail term imposed by another court for a related

Although the teen walked away, Worrell remained in the area in Michael’s Village until one of her friends told him that her mother would be coming home soon. The following day, he went to the child’s home and knocked on the door. The girl, who was expecting a friend, opened the door but when she saw it was the officer, she closed it. He left, but returned. The child said he attacked her and she tried to fight him with a pair of scissors, which she used to stab him in his hand. The then 27-year-

had sex with her. After the act, he offered her $300, which she refused. Justice Darshan Ramdhani said the aggravating factors in the case were that the convict was a police officer; was more than twice the girl’s age; he kept the child under surveillance until he knew when she was alone so he could attack her; and despite being stabbed by the screaming child, he still had his way with her and then offered her money. “You thought you could pay her for sexual favours? She was there crying on the bed … you took an oath to protect and serve, this child rejected your proposition, that is seriously aggravating,” the judge said. (Caribbean News Now!)




Low Voter Turnout, As Grenadians Snub Changes To Constitution ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Nov 25, reform initiative being executed CMC – Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell has promised a post mortem examination of Thursday’s referendum where voters rejected all seven bills that would have resulted in a reform of the 1974 Constitution. “Definitely we will be reviewing the entire process that led us to this point and making a conclusion which will be told to the people,” he said. Preliminary figures released by the Parliamentary Elections Office showed that while more than 70,000 people were eligible to vote on Thursday, less than 25,000 did so. Mitchell said he did not regard the outcome as a defeat for this ruling New National Party (NNP) that had won all 15 seats in the last general elections. One of the bills rejected had called for the appointment of an Opposition Leader, but according to the preliminary figures, only 6113 supported the idea as against 15, 473 who voted “no”. Voters also turned down the opportunity to replace the London-based Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as the island’s final court. Supervisor of Election, Alex Phillip, said that the Caribbean Court of Justice and other Justice related matters Bill received 43 per cent support while 57 per cent of the voters were against the Bill. He said in terms of votes, 9,634 people voted in favour of the CCJ while 12,605 did not support the cou7rt that was established in 2001 and also functions as an international tribunal interpreting the Treaty of Chaguarmas that governs the 15-member regional integration movement, CARICOM. CCJ President, Sir Dennis Byron, said he had “hoped to be in a position to welcome Grenada to the Appellate Jurisdiction of the CCJ but I am very respectful of the decision that has been made by the people of Grenada”. He noted that the JURIST Project, a five-year Caribbean judicial

by the CCJ, had recently participated in judicial reform activities in Grenada resulting in a reduction of the backlog of cases. The CCJ President reiterated that the Court will continue to provide support to the nation notwithstanding this recent development and thanked Prime Minister Mitchell and his government for championing the historic referendum. Sir Dennis said over the last year considerable efforts had been made to educate the Grenadian population which would auger well as Grenadians can still utilize the CCJ in its Original Jurisdiction. Antigua and Barbuda is due to hold a referendum next year on the CCJ and in a statement, Friday, Dr. Clarence Henry, the head of the National Coordinating Committee, said the “people of Grenada have spoken loudly and with much clarity, that they do not wish to have any amendment to their Constitution at this time”. He said what is “however, noticeable about the CCJ Bill is that it contained other clauses in addition to the clause that provided for the replacement of the Privy Council. “The Bill also provided for the changing of the name of the Supreme Court in Grenada, it also sought to entrench a Code of Conduct in the Constitution to minimise corruption among public officials. It also made provision for public officials on taking office, to swear allegiance to Grenada and not to Her Majesty the Queen. “What is further interesting about the CCJ Bill is that the electors were not given a choice or the option to vote for the CCJ and not for the other clauses or vice versa. The elector was either required to vote for the Bill in its entirety or don’t vote for it at all, “Henry noted. Henry said that as a result

“it is extremely difficult to conclude that the electors in Grenada voted against the CCJ. They could have wanted the CCJ, but did not want the contents of any or all of the other clauses to be included in the Constitution. “We in Antigua and Barbuda have taken a totally different approach. The people of Antigua and Barbuda will be asked one question in the simplest of ways -should we replace the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice? “There will not be any other Bills or other clauses in the Bill that will confuse or burden the electorate in Antigua and Barbuda,” he said, adding that his committee would continue its educational drive throughout the country. Prime Minister Mitchell had expressed disappointment that the CCJ bill had not received the nod from the voters. “The one bill that I feel strongly about that maybe I should have gone out more publicly on take a position I feel as a Grenadian, a Caribbean man we are hurting ourselves as a people. ‘It is time for us to enjoy the benefits of the Caribbean Court of Justice and I will not stop advocating this because I think it is fundamental. It is not about NNP (ruling New National Party), NDC (National Democratic Congress). It is about the people of our country,” he said. (Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS PM Warns Against Use Of Violence Against Children private sector and young people in driving action toward PAGE 29


achieving the new global target to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children. A group of pathfinder countries, of which Jamaica is part of, will make a central contribution to the Partnership, based on their wish to be leaders in ending violence against children and delivering SDG16.2 and related targets.

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov 25, CMC – Prime Minister Andrew Holness has told government ministries, departments and agencies that violence should not be used as a means of control over citizens. Speaking at the launch of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children campaign Holness said the move is part of a strategic and comprehensive programme to address violence in Jamaica. “Government has to start with the institutions over which it has leverage and control. Government should not endorse or use violence as a normalised tool of control over its citizens. This is a policy direction that I have given. Our police force must never be seen as a purveyor of violence against its citizens.” Prime Minister Holness said the government is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of children and is in full support of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children Initiative. The Partnership brings together governments, foundations, the UN, civil society, academia, the

“As a pathfinder country, Jamaica is committed to providing comprehensive, coordinated and multi-sectoral services for preventing and responding to violence. We are prepared to strengthen legislation to protect children from all forms of violence and exploitation by bringing all sectors together in a movement to end violence and provide children with a meaningful role at the heart of that movement. Through this partnership, we are making use of a key opportunity to take the lead in making a difference and we owe it to our beloved children to do so.” Holness said violence happens in what are designed to be safe places for children (homes, schools and communities) and by people they know and trust. He further added that there are increasing forms of violence through the internet. “Our children are our most precious asset and they should not have to live in fear. We are mobilizing our resources to effect meaningful and accelerated changes to ensure progress in this regard,” said Holness.. Prime Minister Holness assured that close monitoring and review of the Partnership will be done to ensure that it is not merely symbolic, but evidenced based and results driven. (Antigua Observer)

Child Dies After Eating French Fries Dinner In T&T PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) — Police are probing the death of a fouryear-old child who died on Thursday night after consuming French fries at her home in south Trinidad. Jenice Figaro reportedly felt sick after consuming the meal and approximately two hours later suffered a seizure and became unresponsive. Her father, Robert “Jericho” Figaro, 36, who said he also ate some of the fries, told reporters that “everyone ate from

those fries and no one else was affected”. ” I need answers. Something is not adding up,” he said. Police said that the child’s stepmother said she gave the child and her two other children, a meal of chips, ketchup and garlic sauce. Police said there were no visible marks of violence on the child’s body and an autopsy will be done next week. (Jamaica Observer)




Government Moves Ahead With Plans To Create Single ICT Regulator

Science, Energy and Technology Minister, Dr Andrew Wheatley (centre), is greeted by Spectrum Management Authority (SMA) Managing Director, Dr David McBean, on arrival at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on Wednesday, for the entity’s 15th Anniversary Awards Dinner. At left is Opposition spokesman on Energy and Mining, Phillip Paulwell. KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – The Government is moving ahead with plans to establish a single regulator for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. Science, Energy and Technology Minister, Dr Andrew Wheatley, said the legislative and regulatory changes necessary to facilitate the move are expected to be brought to Parliament in 2017. He noted that the objective is to ensure cohesion across the sector “thereby creating a more modern fit-for-purpose framework”. The Minister was speaking at the Spectrum Management Authority’s (SMA) 15th Anniversary Awards Dinner at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on Wednesday. Meanwhile, he noted the urgency for Jamaica to make the transition from analogue to digital transmission. He pointed out that a number of countries have already made the switch, enabling them to deliver more high-quality content in order to meet market demand. “In the case of the United States, this switch has helped to free up valuable broadcast spectrum for public-safety communications by groups such as the police, fire departments and rescue squads,” he pointed out. “As a country, in order to keep apace of the changes (we) must fully comply and move to digital transmission,” he stressed. Digital transmission allows for better picture and audio quality and for more programmes to be transmitted in the same channel bandwidth, in comparison to analogue, which transmits a single

programme on a channel and is also susceptible to interference. The proposed date for the nation’s television stations to commence test broadcast in digital format is 2018. Wheatley underscored the SMA’s role in ensuring that the country is “ready and prepared to make the digital switch and to secure our place in the digital society”. “While we enjoy the advances in communication and technology, we, as a people, need to plan for the future. We have spoken about creating a knowledge-based society, but in order for us to truly achieve that objective, we have to ensure that ICT gets the necessary recognition as a significant, if not major, pillar for economic growth and development,” he said. The SMA used its anniversary awards dinner to honour 24 members of staff for between five and 15 years of service. An entity of the Science, Energy and Technology Ministry, the SMA is the national regulator for the radio frequency spectrum and serves as an advisory body to the Minister. (Antigua Observer)




Security Ministry Launches Project To Electronically Tag Inmates

Examples of the electronic tagging bracelets to be used for monitoring of low risk inmates. KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Ministry of National Security has launched a pilot project for the electronic tagging of inmates. According to the ministry, the pilot project is being conducted to assess the use of electronic monitoring devices for low-risk offenders, and to move towards fully integrating these devices into the custodial process. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Security Minister Robert Montague said the decision to implement electronic monitoring of low-risk offenders in lieu of incarceration is an important part of the current reform of the correctional services. Montague said the initiative will allow low-risk offenders to serve their sentences within their communities with Department of Correctional Services (DCS) supervision, and access to rehabilitation support. “The launch of this electronic monitoring pilot project is a very historic moment for us at the

ministry. It is a game changer. This is one of the ways we will move forward and treat with some of the systemic problems in our correctional services so that we can continue to improve the rehabilitative environment,” he noted. According to Montague, the pilot programme for electronic monitoring of low-risk offenders will allow the ministry to closely assess the services of several providers who have indicated a willingness to demonstrate their system. Four companies, locally and internationally, have indicated an interest in the project; Controlled Communications Limited, Guardsman Limited, Security Central International (Cayman) and Comprehensive Security Solutions (Barbados). Controlled Communications and Guardsman have already begun the process to commence their three-month demonstration with a separate set of selected participants from the Department of Correctional Services. The suppliers will demonstrate their services at no cost to the Government for a three-month pilot period, and will be doing so with no guarantee that their services will be used after the pilot. Minister Montague said the plan is to have the cost of electronic monitoring for inmates borne by their families. The launch of the pilot project is a part of the ongoing rehabilitation reform process, the ministry said in a statement. An agreement has also been signed with the College of Agriculture, Science and Education so that correctional institutions that do not have adequate farm lands can engage in hydroponics. “This is part of a wider effort to improve the correctional system as we continue our drive to modernise our security infrastructure and achieve sustainable reductions in the level of crime in Jamaica,” the minister said. (Antigua Observer)




How Will The US Media Cover President Donald Trump? [CONT’D] journalists the middle finger. Even after Trump won the election, he remained in attack mode. On 13 November he tweeted: "The @nytimes states today that DJT believes 'more countries should acquire nuclear weapons.' How dishonest are they. I never said this!" In fact he'd told Times reporters months earlier that he thought Japanese leaders would be better off if they had nuclear weapons. He was just as relentless with TV journalists. On Monday he dressed them down during a meeting. His supporters seemed pleased with the way he acted: "TRUMP EATS PRESS," reported Breitbart. Trump likes to address his audience directly, and since the election he's refused to hold a press conference. Instead he's bypassed the media, choosing to speak to his supporters through prepackaged presentations. On Monday, for example, he released a video about his new policies and his effort to assemble a cabinet. None of this should come as a surprise, since he had a similar relationship with the media during the campaign. Still as Keith

Kelly, a New York Post media columnist, told me: "You kind of hope it will magically change once he arrives in the White House. But early signs post-election are still for a very strained relationship." Still at a personal level he seems to want journalists to like him - and seeks their approval. He invited reporters to visit his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. He'd been reluctant to let the pool of reporters accompany him during this travels, but he seems to have softened his views a bit. He let me and other members the press pool travel in his motorcade on Sunday. On that day at his golf club, he answered questions that were shouted operatically by my colleagues. He chastised Hamilton cast members for asking Vice-President-elect Mike Pence to "uphold our American values". Their request, said Trump, was "very inappropriate". He critiqued Saturday Night Live: "Not much of a show." When asked about Trump University litigation, though, he said nothing. "Either he's a brilliant tactician who realises he can drop a bomb on Hamilton and change the subject,"

said Harvard's Matt Baum, who writes about media and politics. "Or he was just being impulsive." Many White House correspondents don't think all his flip-flops have been bad, particularly his row back on the use of torture. Trump told reporters on Monday he no longer believes in torture. He reversed a brutal stance he'd taken during the campaign. After speaking with a retired general, he said, he realised that torture wouldn't "make the kind of a difference that a lot of people are thinking". Still rapid-fire shifts in policy have repercussions. As president, he could create massive uncertainty, a situation that reporters will try - as best they can - to cover. "This is going to be one of the darker and more dangerous things about the Trump presidency," said New York University's Jay Rosen. "In authoritarian states, confusion is the baseline," he said. "You can never really tell what's going on, and the confusion is a political tool to keep people powerful." (BBC)




Pakistan: Lt Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa Named New Army Chief chosen over the highest ranking

Canadian-trained Gen Bajwa succeed the popular Gen Raheel Sharif, who is retiring after a has commanded the elite X three-year stint during which he Corps is credited with improving Pakistan has named Lt Gen security. Qamar Javed Bajwa as the Gen Bajwa has commanded the country's new army chief. elite X Corps, responsible for Canadian-trained and an ofďŹ cer the area along the ceaseďŹ re line for 35 years, he will take over in disputed Kashmir. Raheel one of the most powerful roles in Sharif: The army chief who the country on Tuesday. He will ruled without a coup He was

contender, the army's Chief of General Staff, Lt Gen Zubair Hayat, who was previously responsible for the security of the country's nuclear programme. Ground offensive Gen Bajwa currently serves as the Inspector-General Training and Evaluation, a post Gen Sharif held before he was promoted. Months after he was appointed, the outgoing army chief launched a ground offensive to clear the Waziristan region of militant sanctuaries, dramatically reducing attacks in the north of the country. But Pakistan's powerful military still faces many challenges, with attacks continuing elsewhere and heightened tensions with India along the mutual de facto border in Kashmir. (BBC)




S Korea Sees Largest Protests Against President Park Geun-hye

Protesters held up candles as they rallied against President Park(EPA) Hundreds of thousands have rallied in South Korea for what is thought to be the largest protests so far demanding President Park Geun-hye steps down. Ms Park is accused of allowing her friend, Choi Soon-sil, to manipulate power from behind the scenes. The president has apologised twice on national television, but has so far resisted calls to resign. Organisers said 1.3 million had gathered in capital Seoul on Saturday night, despite cold weather and snow. They expect another half a million protesters to turn out in other regions. However police put the turnout at about 260,000. About 25,000 officers were being deployed in the capital, local media said. The protests, which began five weeks ago, are the largest in South Korea since pro-democracy demonstrations of the 1980s. Those attending on Saturday came from a cross-section of South Korean society, with farmers, Buddhist monks and university students all involved. "I was watching the news and thought this cannot go on - people really want her to step down but she hasn't," one of the protesters, Kwak Bo-youn, told

Reuters. "This is the second time for me to the protests, but the first time for my husband and kids." Convoys of farmers have been prevented from taking their tractors into Seoul - but the streets have been packed with people, chanting that President Park Geun-hye should step down. Apart from the corruption allegations, she has become the focus of discontent over the economy. Farmers, for example, spilled sacks of rice on the road in protest at low rice

prices. Courts have permitted demonstrations up to 200 metres from the presidential palace but only before nightfall. Tens of thousands of police are deployed, with the full panoply of antiriot gear. The question is whether the more militant elements will disperse or try to get to the presidential palace. Ms Park, whose approval rating has dropped to 5%, apologised earlier this month for putting "too much faith in a personal relationship", and has pledged to cooperate in an official investigation into the scandal. South Korea's constitution does not allow a sitting president to be prosecuted, and Ms Park has 15 months left in her term. But now that prosecutors have directly linked her to the scandal, it is possible she could be impeached for breaking the law. Prosecutors are expected to bring charges against Ms Choi, along with two former presidential aides. She was arrested earlier this month. Ms Choi is accused of trying to extort huge sums of money from South Korean companies, and suspected of using her friendship with Ms Park to solicit business donations for a non-profit fund she controlled. (BBC)




Somalia Car Bomb: Blast Rips Through Mogadishu Market

Security ofďŹ cers at the scene of the suicide car bomb, which hit a market in southern Mogadishu A car bomb has killed at least 11 people and injured 16 others in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu. The blast hit a market in the Waberi area, while President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was visiting a nearby university. No group claimed responsibility, but suspicion fell on the Islamist militant group al-Shabab. "There was chaos and severed dead

bodies strewn around the street," said Abdulahi Osman, a witness. Ambulance workers says the death toll could rise

substantially. More than 22,000 peacekeepers are currently deployed in Somalia in the multinational African Union force. Al-Shabab, which wants Somalia to follow a strict version of Shariah law, opposes their presence. Despite being ousted from most of its key strongholds in south and central Somalia, the Islamist group continues to launch deadly guerrilla attacks against the Somali government and foreign troops. (BBC)




Trump Election: Wisconsin Prepares For Vote Recount

Donald Trump has not commented publicly on the recounts issue(AP) O f fi c i a l s i n Wi s c o n s i n a r e preparing to conduct a full recount of the votes from the US election in the state, which was narrowly won by Donald Trump. A formal request for the recount was filed by the Green Party's Jill Stein. Dr Stein, the Green Party's candidate, has also pledged to file for recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania. The result would need to be overturned in all three states to change the outcome of the election, something analysts say is highly unlikely. Dr Jill Stein reportedly wants to make sure computer hackers did not skew the poll in favour of Mr Trump. $7m fundraising target In statement, the Wisconsin Elections Commission said it had received two recount petitions from the Jill Stein campaign and from Rocky Roque

De La Fuente, a businessman who ran unsuccessfully to be the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. "The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates," said Wisconsin election commission administrator Michael Haas. He said the recount would begin in the week after Dr Stein's campaign has paid the fee, which the commission was still calculating. Dr Stein's campaign needs to raise millions of dollars to cover the fees for the vote recount in all three states. Dr Stein's website says nearly $5.3m (£4.2m) has already been raised toward a $7m target. It says this is enough to fund the r e c o u n t s i n Wi s c o n s i n a n d Pennsylvania. Concerns over possible Russian interference had been expressed in the run-up to the vote. Voting rights lawyers who

urged candidates to request recounts, John Bonifaz and J Alex Halderman, have said the results need to be closely analysed. However, the fact that the results in the three states was different from what polls predicted was "probably not" down to hacking, Mr Halderman said. "The only way to know whether a cyber-attack changed the result is to closely examine the available physical evidence  ," he wrote. Hillary Clinton has not demanded a recount of the election results, despite calls from some experts for her to do so. The deadline for the petition for the recount in Wisconsin was Friday, while Pennsylvania's deadline is M o n d a y, a n d M i c h i g a n ' s i s Wednesday. Wisconsin provides only 10 votes in the crucial electoral college that gave Mr Trump victory in the 8 November election. Wins there for Mrs Clinton, as well as in Michigan (16 electoral votes) and Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes), would have clinched the presidency for the Democrat. Hillary Clinton. Photo: 16 November 2016 US officials have said there was no evidence of election tampering in the three states where Republican candidate Donald Trump had razorthin victories over his Democratic rival. Mr Trump's camp has made no public comments on the recounts issue. Mr Trump won 290 electoral votes in the November election, while Mrs Clinton had 232 votes. Michigan is yet to declare final results. (BBC)




Tropical Storm Otto Kills Nine In Costa Rica

Small bridges in Costa Rica collapsed as a result of Otto At least nine people have been killed by tropical storm Otto in Costa Rica, officials say, as areas recorded over a month's worth of rain in a few hours. President Luis Guillermo Solis declared three days of mourning. Some 5,500 residents had to be

evacuated. Several towns were covered by water and mud, and small bridges collapsed. Otto, the southernmost hurricane on record to hit Central America, made landfall in southern Nicaragua as a category-two storm on Thursday. But it weakened rapidly and became a tropical storm as it moved into the Pacific, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. At its peak, Otto had wind speeds of up to 175km/h (110mph). Costa Rica had not been directly hit by a hurricane since records began in 1851. The deaths were reported in the area of Bagaces and Upala, south of the border with Nicaragua. Businessman Carlos Alberto Volio, 68, told Reuters news agency: "Otto leaves us in a very difficult situation, both for the country and for all of us.

The recovery is going to be very hard." There were no reports of casualties in Nicaragua and damage was said to be limited. Officials in both countries had evacuated areas most at risk, closed schools and mobilised emergency crews. Four people died in Panama earlier this week as a result of severe weather caused by Otto's approach. oon after Otto's landfall on Thursday, a powerful earthquake shook Nicaragua and El Salvador, briefly triggering a tsunami alert. The 7.0-magnitude quake in the Pacific Ocean was about 120km (75 miles) off the coast of El Salvador. There were no reports of damage or casualties related to the tremor, but media in Nicaragua said one woman died of a heart attack after hearing the tsunami warning. (BBC)




France Presidential Race: Conservative Rivals Get Personal

President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was knocked out after coming in third. Role of the left

The candidates share much common ground, but the contest has highlighted their differences The two rivals battling to be the presidential candidate of France's centreright Republicans Party have jousted in a TV debate. The second and decisive round of voting is on Sunday, in the unprecedented party primary. Francois Fillon and Alain Juppe, both former prime ministers, are offering centre-right voters differing visions of France. But both want economic reform and a stronger state, and both are from the same party, so why has the battle suddenly turned so vicious? Surprisingly one of the tetchiest exchanges in this final primary debate was over abortion. 'Medieval conservative’ In a country recovering from a recent spate of terror attacks, with 10% unemployment, it's not exactly the most pressing issue for French voters. And neither candidate in Sunday's runoff vote has proposed tinkering with the rights of French women to terminate their pregnancies. So the fact that it was this topic that drew the most personal

exchanges says a lot about how this campaign has been fought in the past week. Mr Fillon, frontrunner to win the nomination, accused his rival of portraying him as "a medieval conservative" with anti-abortion views. Mr Juppe said that he considered abortion a fundamental right. Mr Fillon responded that it was "a legal question". "My conscience is my business," he said, "but I won't touch the abortion law, and I think the trial against me is unfair". "I didn't put you on trial, I asked a question," Mr Juppe replied. "Well it's a question that feels like a trial," said Mr Fillon. Months ago, when he was still the favourite to win this primary, Mr Juppe said that he wanted a "clean" race. But there has been a clear change in mood as the candidates head towards the second round of voting. The right-wing paper Le Figaro remarked that Mr Juppe had "chosen to get tough" on Mr Fillon, describing his vision as "extremely traditional, all but backward, on the role of women, on the family, on marriage". "I never would have thought that my friend Alain Juppe would stoop so low!" Mr Fillon responded. Alain Juppe is facing Sunday's runoff as the outsider, after Francois Fillon unexpectedly took 44% of the first round votes, and then picked up the supporters of former

Pollsters say Mr Juppe now needs to find more than a million votes from somewhere to stand a chance of winning the runoff, and that he has been highlighting Mr Fillon's conservative views on social issues to mobilise leftwing supporters to take part. Between 915% of the first-round voters are thought to have been from the left. It was not enough to make a difference to the result that time, even when many were spurred to action by a desire to block Mr Sarkozy from another run for the presidency. Mr Juppe has been quick to remind people that his rival spent five years as prime minister to Mr Sarkozy. And Le Figaro says Socialist politicians have been joining in the fight. "Having got rid of its favourite enemy, Nicolas Sarkozy, the left waited less than 24 hours to find a new target in Francois Fillon," it said in an editorial this week. But will it work any better this time? Some believe the tactic may backfire, and that repeated criticism of Mr Fillon as too hardline may make Mr Juppe appear softer than he would like, in comparison. Despite the sometimes bitter rhetoric of this last week, much of Thursday night's debate was amicable, with Mr Fillon and Mr Juppe emphasising their shared goals. Both men agree on the need for spending cuts, longer working hours and economic reform, even if they differ on the degree and speed of those changes. But when it comes to issues of society and French identity, they seem to have two different visions of France, and speak to two different audiences. Alain Juppe is focusing on the need for unity, inclusivity and a happy national identity; Francois Fillon says the country is angry, fed-up, and hungry for radical change. (BBC)




How Will The US Media Cover President Donald Trump?

Trump, shown at the Times building, offered the publisher a deal Donald Trump has attacked reporters at the New York Times and traditional media outlets and refuses to follow the Washington playbook. The relationship between the mainstream media and Trump is tense - and may soon get even worse. President-elect Trump said on Tuesday that whenever Arthur Sulzberger Jr, the publisher of the New York Times, thinks he's wrong about something, he should give Trump a call. Trump made his suggestion during a meeting at the Times that he'd arranged, then cancelled, and then put back on the calendar. Trump's offer revealed his managerial style: he likes to make deals - and seems eager to please. Besides that, the exchange captured one of the fundamental truths about the relationship between the president-elect and the journalists who've traditionally covered the White House, reporters for organisations such as the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN. Trump is willing to change things around to make people happy or when it suits him. Everything can be negotiated, including the scheduling of meetings and positions on issues. During the campaign, for example, he said a wall would be built along the USMexico border. After the election, he said that part of it could be a fence. He'd also demanded a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. He backed down after he was elected, saying: "I don't want to hurt the Clintons." In contrast journalists at the mainstream organisations don't like lastminute schedule changes or sudden, unexpected shifts in policy.

They also don't like feeling beholden to elected officials. Reporters from nontraditional organisations such as Breitbart have applauded his efforts, however. Breitbart has been described by some as a right-wing opinion and news outlet; others characterise it as savage, racist, and anti-Semitic. Trump recently appointed Stephen Bannon, the chairman of Breitbart, as a senior counsellor at the White House. Earlier this week TV executives and correspondents from mainstream organisations attended an off-the-record meeting at Trump Tower, planning to push for more access to the president-elect. They hoped that they would be able to come to a better understanding about logistics and coverage of the White House. Instead, Trump berated them for their biased coverage, as he portrayed it, and for using unflattering images of him. After news of the meeting leaked out, media executives, speaking off the record with the New Yorker's David Remnick, unleashed a stream of expletives and said the president-elect doesn't seem to understand the First Amendment. "This was unprecedented," said one person who was at the meeting. "Outrageous!" The relationship between the mainstream journalists and the president-elect has been fraught with misunderstandings - and laced with rage. Trump regularly lashes out at these reporters on social media and in other forums. In turn, these journalists are mystified and angry. As I've been travelling with the press corps during the transition, it's clear that many of them can't believe he won the election. They've also been frustrated by his abrupt shifts in policy and his decision-making process. "How am I supposed to cover this?" one reporter said to me recently, looking at a laptop that he held open in front of him. He said he wasn't sure how to describe the president-elect's foreign policy since he'd changed his mind so often. Like it or not, the president-elect and journalists are now stuck with each other. At this point - more than two weeks

since Trump won the election - it's time for both sides to take stock. The president-elect and many of the journalists who cover him may hold each other in mutual contempt, but they have a shared history. Trump made his career through the media: he became famous in the 1980s because of his books and realestate deals. He made a splash with The Apprentice in the 2000s. He followed news coverage carefully, and the more of it the better. "He was obsessed with publicity," said Tony Schwartz, a journalist who later became his ghostwriter, "He didn't care what you wrote." During the campaign, Trump was buoyed by wall-to-wall media coverage. Yet he uses the major media outlets as a punching bag. He's targeted CNN, NBC and other organisations, calling them elitist. The New York Times is, of course, the "failing" media organisation. He's accused the Washington Post's owner, Jeff Bezos, of trying to rip off the public through unfair tax schemes. Trump demonises these media organisations, as well as their executives and reporters, and this way makes it hard for the media to be seen as impartial. This puts mainstream journalists in a bad spot. Many of them feel that when it comes to covering Trump, they can't win. They feel offended by his actions - and resent the way that he acts in his job. Meanwhile trust in the media has sunk to its lowest point, according to Gallup. Trump knows that the media is widely disliked in many other parts of the US, and he's played to his audience. At one point during the campaign, Trump was yelling at the media for not showing on camera how big his rallies were. Cameramen started filming people who were standing in the audience. "And they'd flip them off," said James Ledbetter, the editor of Inc magazine and a media critic, describing the way Trump supporters gave...(continued on next page)




A Day Like Today Anna would find school as the only way to be in contact with people from her age. She joined both the cheerleading squad and the female basketball team at ‘Carver High School in Brownsville’, Tennessee to keep her free time occupied. She graduated from Sumner High School in 1958. After graduating she worked as a nurse in the Barnes-Jewish

Vegas in 1976. After a year off-stage, Tinna came back to recording studio as a solo vocalist. She would perform on cabarets, nightclubs, arrange small performances in events and TV show to make a living. Tina started to take her career from scratch and she, once more, succeeded.

American singer, songwriter, dancer, actress and author, Tinna Turner Tina Turner better known as ‘The Queen

Hospital.Tina and her ex-husband Ike Turner

of Rock and Roll’, is turning 77 year-old today. The lioness of the stages, the Athena Polias of the 80s, Miss Mae is an American-Swiss singer, songwriter, dancer, actress and author, whose career has spanned more than half a century, earning her worldwide recognition and numerous awards. Tuner was born Anna Mae Bullock on November 26th, 1939, in Haywood County, Tennessee. She grew up in a humble family. Her mother was a house wife and her father was a farmer. She attended Flagg Grove Elementary School from first through eighth grade. Anna was a talented child. She would arrange improvise stages at home, and sing like she was in front of a large audience. Music was her ultimate way of expression. She would latter join the church’s choir, allowing her to unleash her Contralto voice in all its fullness. Anna’s father had reputation of being abusive towards her mother. Reason why the couple violently split when Ann was only 11. This separation marked Anna greatly. She had to put her childhood aside, and start working as a housekeeper to support the unstable economic situation of her family. With little time to socialize do to work,

The largest hospital in the U.S. state of Missouri. With youth in her veins and a monetary stability, Anna now could give herself the privilege of going to clubs and have a taste of what life had to offer. During one of this ‘nights out’, she met musician, bandleader and future husband Ike Turner. At that time, Ike was the leader ‘Kings of Rhythm’, a renowned Rhythm and Blues band of the early 60s. Anna was enchanted, by Ike’s talent, and enchanting music, and decided to try her vocals in the group. She was accepted as a band member, taking the name of ‘Tinna’ as her artistic title. Tinna’s voice gave a touch of originality to the band. Rescuing their faded success. But the group didn’t last long. After the disintegration of the band, Ike and Tina formed a duo. The couple marriage in 1962 and continued to foment their career. After almost a decade of constant hits, they were qualified as one of the most successful ‘pair’ of the 70s. But their glory was endangered with the growing cocaine addiction of Tina and the volatile temperament of Ike. Their abusive marriage ended when Tina left Ike in Las

Sample of the many awards earned by Tinna Now she was an independent and fearless woman with a ‘voice of her own’. During the decades that followed, Tina make sure that her name would be remember for the decades to come. She became a female icon in the music industry, and an example of strength and determination. Tina has been termed the most successful female Rock 'n' Roll artist, receiving eleven Grammy Awards, including eight competitive awards and three Grammy Hall of Fame awards. In 1991 she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Today her albums are considered a tangible sample of the evolution of Rhythm & Blues and Rock and Roll, gaining the denomination of ‘The Queen of Rock and Roll’. S o u r c e :



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Medel Knee Surgery A Success


ary Medel looks set to be out of action for Inter until 2017 after successfully

undergoing knee surgery in Barcelona on Thursday. Inter have confirmed that Gary Medel's knee surgery on Thursday was a success and he is expected to be out for around two months. T h e C h i l e international was forced off after just 37 minutes in Sunday's derby clash with AC Milan, suffering damage to his lateral meniscus, which makes up

part of the knee joint. Inter refused to set a specific timescale for his return, but he is expected to be out at least until early January, meaning he will miss Serie A contests against the likes of Fiorentina, Napoli and Lazio. A brief club statement read: "Gary Medel underwent successful arthroscopic surgery in Barcelona on T h u r s d a y. " T h e l a t e r a l meniscectomy procedure was performed by Dr Ramon Cugat at the request of FC Internazionale. Club doctor Alessandro Corsini was in attendance during the operation." (SportsMax)

Clarification Needed After Du Plessis Charge - Woakes


mid ongoing debate over whether Faf du Plessis should have been found guilty of ball tampering, Chris Woakes has called for clarification. England seamer Chris Woakes believes clarification needs to be provided to teams in the wake of Faf du Plessis being found guilty of ball tampering in the second Test between Australia and South Africa. Du Plessis was fined 100 per cent of his match fee by the ICC - but cleared to play in the ongoing third Test, in

which he made a century on Thursday - after he was ruled to have applied an artificial substance to the ball in Hobart, in the form of saliva and residue from a mint or sweet that he had been sucking on the field. Asked for his thoughts on the issue ahead of England's meeting with India in Mohali, Woakes suggested guidance was required from cricket's governing body. "If you're placing a sweet on the ball that is obviously against the rules. But everything else seems to be a little bit of a grey area," said the 27-year-old, who is expected to return to Alastair Cook's side after sitting out the second Test in Visakhapatnam. "We won't be changing anything we do when we go out there this week. There's always cameras on you, there always have been, so there's nothing we need to change. "Hashim Amla said he had chewing gum in his mouth pretty

much all day. Is that deemed as wrong and as cheating? I think it needs to be clarified exactly what the problem is. "At drinks breaks, guys have sweets or mints just to freshen up and keep the energy going, but nothing from a sweet is allowed to go on a ball so therefore we don't do that. It's just a sugar boost really. "Gatorade has sugar in it as well. We take those drinks on board and then lick our [finger] and put that on the ball. Is that classed as a sugary substance going on the ball? I don't know." Woakes appears likely to replace Stuart Broad for the third Test between India and England, after the latter sat out training in Mohali on Thursday after sustaining a foot injury last week. England could also recall Gareth Batty in place of fellow spinner Zafar Ansari. (SportsMax)


Kumble Explains Why ParthivKumble Pipped Pant explained that Dinesh


eenager Rishabh Pant has been in stunning form, but Parthiv Patel's greater experience and keeping skills appealed to India's selectors. India head coach Anil Kumble has cited Parthiv Patel's vast experience and wicketkeeping skills as key factors in his selection ahead of rising star Rishabh Pant for the third Test against England. Parthiv will make his first Test appearance since August 2008 in Mohali on Saturday, having been called up following an injury to first-choice keeper Wriddhiman Saha. India could have turned to Pant given the 19-year-old's remarkable form in the Ranji Trophy for Delhi. In six matches, Pant has

Karthik was not in the running for a recall, due to the fact he is playing as a specialist batsman for Tamil Nadu. A hand injury is reportedly the reason for Karthik not keeping wicket at present. Reflecting on the thigh problem that resulted in Saha being stood down, Kumble added: "It's unfortunate. He had a strain on the final day of the Te s t m a t c h a n d h e w a s obviously in the starting line-up for this but the scans yesterday showed that there was a little bit compiled 874 runs - more than of tendonitis there, so it was any other player - at an average better that we gave him a of 97 and a strike-rate of 114. break." (SportsMax) However, it is Parthiv - who made his Test debut for India in 2002 at the age of 17 - who has been given the chance to impress in Saha's absence. "Parthiv has been really consistent, both in his keeping as well as his batting," said Kumble on Thursday. "That's why he was chosen. "Rishant has certainly shown the exuberance and what a young cricketer can bring, he's shown his batting skills. "He's obviously got a lot of runs this season on the domestic circuit, but Parthiv was chosen for his keeping skills as well, his keeping and his experience."


Defoe, Anichebe Have Klopp Worried behind Sunderland's recent


urgen Klopp insists Liverpool will face a tough match against Sunderland, picking out Jermain Defoe and Victor Anichebe as big threats. Jurgen Klopp railed against the news of Steven Gerrard's retirement overshadowing the clash between Liverpool and S u n d e r l a n d o n S a t u r d a y, insisting it will be a difficult assignment. Klopp's pre-match news conference on Thursday was dominated by the former captain's decision to hang up his boots, forcing the German manager to publicly acknowledge the 36-year-old is welcome to seek a coaching role back at his old club. For now, though, the team's focus needs to be on the visit of David

Moyes' resurgent Sunderland to Anfield this weekend, the Black Cats having won successive matches away to Bournemouth and at home to Hull City to climb off the foot of the table. "You don't want to ask about the Sunderland game," Klopp said. "It's like the points are already counted. "It will be the o p p o s i t e o f e a s y. Ve r y difficult. That's what we have to show. "Everything is prepared for a good football game - if we do our job. Until now it's good but the next job is already there. We have to do the good things again." Klopp picked out veteran striker Jermain Defoe and former Everton centre-forward Victor Anichebe as key factors

improvement. "Everyone knows everything about Defoe," h e s a i d . " G o o d s t r i k e r, experienced, still really quick. "[And] especially Anichebe. A physical, strong guy. Maybe they have played better games than against Hull and Bournemouth but they won. They have confidence now." Liverpool were held to a 0-0 draw away to Southampton last time out and sit joint second with Manchester City, one point behind leaders Chelsea, prompting Klopp to try and contain the mounting expectations of supporters. "If anyone was disappointed about us not being in the first position after last weekend, that's crazy," he said. "We need to improve to keep this position." (SportsMax)


Ranieri Challenges Fringe Players To Ease Drinkwater Absence [Drinkwater]. It's difficult to


anny Drinkwater's suspension comes as a blow to Leicester City, but Claudio Ranieri remains optimistic about the situation. Leicester City coach Claudio Ranieri is optimistic his fringe players will rise to the challenge of replacing Danny Drinkwater while the midfielder serves his threematch suspension. It was confirmed on Thursday that Drinkwater had accepted a Football Association charge for elbowing Watford's Valon Behrami in Saturday's meeting

a t Vi c a r a g e R o a d , t h u s sidelining the England international. Drinkwater has only missed three league games since the start of last season and will leave a significant hole in the midfield as Leicester prepare to host Middlesbrough, but Ranieri is hopeful his absence will not have a major impact. "Andy King and Daniel Amartey have played so well so far," Ranieri told reporters. "I think they play [against Middlesbrough] but let me think. Matty James isn't ready yet. "I hope we don't miss him

say what we'll miss. "I hope the players who are involved play well, play together and support his absence. Drinky is an important player for us. I'm sure the team will react very well." Leicester go into the Boro clash on the back of a 2-1 win over Club Brugge that sealed their place in the knockout phase of the Champions League, but Ranieri has urged his players to put European football to the back of their minds. And the Italian also has no worries about the mindset of Jamie Vardy, who has not scored for Leicester since September 10. "Always Jamie Va r d y w o r k s h a r d , " s a i d Ranieri. "Jamie is always normal; you don't see him nervous or frustrated. Always smiling. "In the league when we create chances we don't score. In the Champions League we do. If we keep working hard, it will come. "I told the players to forget the Champions League and 100 percent concentrate on the league and Middlesbrough." (SportsMax)


Australia Caught Out By Du Plessis Declaration


af du Plessis confirmed that a chance to bowl under the lights at an Australian top order missing David Warner was too good to pass on. Australia bowler Josh Hazlewood admitted the hosts were caught out by Faf du Plessis' declaration late on the first day of the Adelaide day/night Test. Du Plessis responded to ball-tampering charges to score a magnificent 118 not out to lead the Proteas to 259-9 before putting the hosts in to bat with a handful of overs left in the twilight. "I was so driven but the position of the game it was time to declare," he explained. "There was a lot of talk about the pink ball at night so it was a great opportunity to try and at least make a positive

move." Du Plessis was also canny in declaring with David Warner having left the field for treatment on a shoulder injury - meaning the vice-captain could not open alongside debutant Matt Renshaw. The England-born left-hander and Usman Khawaja, however, scrapped their way to stumps on 14-0. "I listened to the conversation he had with the umpires, one ear talking to the batter and one ear listening to him and then I heard he had six minutes left before he could bat again so I thought 'let's

have a crack'," Du Plessis said. Hazlewood said of the situation brought on by Warner throwing his shoulder out: "He went off for some treatment towards the end and was off for too long. So they messed their timings up and he couldn't bat straight away. Uzzy had to bat and adapted pretty well and we got through. "The guys were a little bit annoyed, especially Smithy and probably Uzzy who had to go out and bat, but it's just one of those things. It rarely happens, but it happened today and the way Uzzy adapted to the situation he did a great job for us today." Hazlewood had nothing but praise for Du Plessis spotting the opportunity to put pressure on the hosts adding: "I think he might've had a rough idea. "He's quite cagey like that, pulled the pin and declared and caught us out a little bit." (SportsMax)


Pochettino Wants Spurs To Stick With Wembley


ottenham will persist with playing matches at Wembley despite their poor form at the venue, according to Mauricio Pochettino. Mauricio Pochettino says Tottenham will continue to play European matches at Wembley should they qualify for the Europa League. Spurs are unable to reach the knockout stages of the Champions League after losing 21 to Monaco on Tuesday, although they can still book a place the Europa League's round of 32 by finishing third in Group E. Moussa Sissoko, a big-money signing from Newcastle United in August, has suggested fixtures in UEFA's second-tier competition should not take place at the 90,000-seat national stadium, which has been used for Tottenham's Champions League home games as White Hart

Lane undergoes redevelopment. However, speaking to the media before the Premier League trip to Chelsea on Saturday, Pochettino rejected those claims. "The player needs to focus on playing," he said. "We will play the Europa League in Wembley and we need to make it our home. "Next season we need to play 19 [league] games and European competition [at Wembley]. "We need to make it our home. Never, never [we will move venues] - we will play in Wembley." Spurs scored twice in the closing stages to come from behind and seal a dramatic 3-2 win at home to West Ham in the Premier League last weekend. They face a tough task away to Antonio

Conte's league leaders in their next outing, with Pochettino determined to begin putting right the disappointment of an underwhelming Champions League campaign. "For me, it's a big motivation," he said. "You always want to move forward, not stop and complain or blame. "Only you can stop to analyse and be calm to assess the team. "I am looking forward to trying to get more possibilities to play in Wembley and the team can start to feel like home. "The new stadium is coming - we need to move to Wembley next season and we cannot complain next season. We need to start to avoid all the negative things." According to the Argentine, Toby Alderweireld has returned to training but will not be fit to face Chelsea, with Erik Lamela and Ben Davies also ruled out of the clash. (SportsMax)


Lydiate Replaces Injured Warburton For Springboks Clash


ethin Jenkins will take over the captaincy as Wales attempt to end a disappointing November series on a high note by downing South Africa Wales skipper Sam Warburton will miss Saturday's Test against South Africa in Cardiff after failing to recover from a shoulder injury sustained in training earlier this week. Warburton's absence means a return to the starting XV for Ospreys flanker Dan Lydiate, who is poised to win his 60th Test cap. Having shuffled his pack for last weekend's game against Japan, coach Rob Howley has reverted to a more familiar lineup for the Springboks clash, with Warburton the only change from the side that edged out Argentina

a fortnight ago. That means experienced centre Jamie Roberts has to be content with a place on the bench, where he will be joined by Taulupe Faletau despite the fact that the Bath number eight has only played 55 minutes of club rugby since returning from a knee injury. Wales have endured a disappointing November series to date, losing heavily to Australia before scraping unconvincing wins over Argentina and Japan. And Howley has called upon his players to lift their performance levels against a South African side that was humbled by Italy last time out. "There is the tinge of disappointment in terms of performance against Japan and

we want to put that right," he said. “Not only are we looking to win this weekend, we want a performance to go with it. "We were pleased with the win against Argentina so have gone with virtually the same team for South Africa. "We've made just one change, in the back-row. Sam picked up a bit of a stinger injury on Tuesday and isn't quite ready so Dan comes in. Dan played particularly well against Japan so we are pleased he gets the opportunity again. "It's good to have Taulupe back in the squad, he will add a good impact from the bench." Gethin Jenkins will lead Wales in Warburton's absence, while Leigh Halfpenny will start at full-back with Liam Williams on the wing and Dan Biggar at fly-half. Wales: Leigh Halfpenny, George North, Jonathan Davies, Scott Williams, Liam Williams, Dan Biggar, Gareth Davies; Gethin Jenkins ©, Ken Owens, Tomas Francis, Luke Charteris, Alun Wyn Jones, Dan Lydiate, Justin Tipuric, Ross Moriarty Replacements: Scott Baldwin, Nicky Smith, Samson Lee, Cory Hill, Taulupe Faletau, Lloyd Williams, Sam Davies, Jamie Roberts (SportsMax)


Walters Proud To Be Jamaican Boxing's Standard Bearer


amaica boxing star Nicholas ‘Axeman’ Walters hopes to be an example for future generations of boxers looking to emulate his success. Walters, considered by some to be among the best pound for pound fighters in world boxing, became the latest in a long line of boxers from the island to experience success on the international stage. The list of famous fighters includes the likes of Trevor Berbick, Richard McCallum, Simon Brown and George ‘Bunny’ Grant. Walters, who hails from the c i t y o f M o n t e g o B a y, announced himself as potentially the next Jamaican

do have a champion, we have a steady and a real champion. The ‘Body snatcher' (Mike McCaullum), Glenn Johnson, Simon Brown, just to name a few,” he added. Walters was of the opinion that more top-ranked boxers could be developed from the nation, with better promotion of the sport. “I think if the promoters in boxing just spent some more time in boxing icon after capturing Jamaica, just promoting the WBA featherweight title boxing then you’d see more in Kingston, Jamaica in champions coming out of 2012. Jamaica.” (SportsMax) “In Jamaica when you talk about boxing you talk about the ‘Axeman’ the youngsters want to be like the ‘Axeman’. For me that’s a n accomplishme nt, for me that is a definite plus,” Walters said. “Jamaica has always had a steady champion. Whenever we


Walters Dismisses Impact Of Long Layoff


amaican pugilist Nicholas Walters does not expect to be severely impacted by a lengthy layoff from the ring ahead of Saturday’s clash at The Cosmopolitan with WBO super featherweight champion Vasyl Lomachenko. Concerns are that Walters could be ring rusty with

the former WBA featherweight champion not having stepped into the ring competitively since December of last year when he battled to a draw with American Jason Sosa. According to Walters, however, staying sharp for competition even in the event of a layoff is a

part of the game. “The layoff? I am in the motivation business, so the layoff is definitely part of the boxing business. As a fighter I have always been in the gym working out and everything so the layoff wouldn’t even bother me and I wouldn’t take the fight if I thought I wasn’t going to be ready for the fight,” Walters said. Walters, who lost the title after failing to make the weight at the scales early last year, will go into the fight hoping for a measure of redemption. “I don’t even think for a minute that I only want to please Nicholas. I want to please the fans and my country, both Panama and Jamaica and all of my fans in Mexico and all over the world. I am not just taking the fight for Nicholas. I am taking the fight for everybody and come Saturday I am going to be ready for the fight – just like all of the other fights.” (SportsMax)


Gatlin To Play In Dirty Medics Band For J’ouvert


aving tried unsuccessfully to unseat Usain Bolt as Olympic champion this past summer, American sprinter Justin Gatlin is to try his hand at something new next year. The Olympic 100-metre silver medalist will try his hand at playing in a J’ouvert band in Trinidad for

Carnival in early 2017. According to the Trinidad Express, the brash American sprinter is expected to play in the Dirty Medics band after he was invited by its members who are old school friends . “I have to come experience what is said to be one of the greatest shows on earth for myself. I'm excited to play for the first time and looking forward to having fun with my family and friends,” Gatlin told The Express. “I'm looking forward to the J'ouvert the most. Trinidad and Tobago is a beautiful country and I have a great time every time I come. I love being able to relax as well as experience the culture. The

food is amazing! I always look forward to my visits to either Trinidad or Tobago.” Bandleader Mark Ayen revealed that Gatlin always enjoys himself when he visits the twin-island republic. “He (Gatlin) wants to come to Trinidad for Carnival and we spoke to him about the band we are having and he is willing to participate. He has no problem being in the band. He even did a video for us,” Ayden said. The Dirty Medics plan to have about 800 members for J’ouvert 2017. (SportsMax)

Klopp: Liverpool's Door Always Open To Gerrard


teven Gerrard should look no further than Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp if he wants to pursue a coaching career after retiring from playing. Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool can help if Steven Gerrard wants to pursue a career in coaching after announcing his retirement. Gerrard confirmed on Thursday he is hanging up his boots after opting not to extend his stay at MLS franchise LA Galaxy. The 36year-old has already spoken of his interest in management, although he turned down the opportunity to take over at MK Dons in League One, and a position on Klopp's backroom staff would appear an ideal first step into life on the touchline. Speaking to the media ahead of Liverpool's Premier League match at home to Sunderland on Saturday,

Klopp, after initially being reluctant to address the issue at length, was pressed on whether or not we can expect to see Gerrard back in a Reds tracksuit at the Melwood training ground soon. "One day in the future there will be something to announce, I'm pretty sure," he said. "The door is always open. If he wants, I'm sure he will, and if he wants to make whatever career then we want to help him. "Stop being so excited about his

next step. In life you need space to learn something new. "He was a young player and now he will be a young whatever. I'm the wrong person to talk about it." The German, who succeeded Gerrard's final Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers in October 2015, had already claimed he is not worthy of passing judgement on the Champions League and FA Cup winner's contribution to the club. "I'm only here 14 months," he said. "How can I be the person who says how big this person [Gerrard] is? He's a great person. "I met Stevie already and he is a great person, and he is far away from wanting to be handled like a legend. He is a normal guy. "It's good to hear that he's back in town. On LFC TV you can watch all 186 of his goals." (SportsMax)


Ibrahimovic Slams Media For Showing Rooney 'No Respect’


ayne Rooney has been the centre of attention for recently being photographed intoxicated, but Zlatan Ibrahimovic has defended his captain. Zlatan Ibrahimovic has slammed the media for showing "a lack of respect" to Manchester United captain Wayne Rooney after he was photographed intoxicated on international duty. Rooney was snapped looking worse for wear as he reportedly crashed a wedding at England's team hotel in Hertfordshire between the recent international matches against Scotland and Spain. Sections of the media claimed Rooney's role as England captain was in jeopardy as a result of reportedly being drunk, with interim manager Gareth Southgate apparently disappointed

by the striker's conduct. However, the Football Association confirmed that Rooney had the night off and Ibrahimovic was not impressed with the media circus surrounding the situation. Ibrahimovic told BT Sport: "People talk, people write; I mean I really don't know what has happened and I'm 100 per cent sure the media doesn't really know the real story. "He is a public person; he is a captain for the national team, for the club and people want to write about him. "I think there is a lack of respect and just pushing out everything instead of appreciating him for who he is and what he has done, so I think the situation is exaggerated. "I have the same thing when it comes to me." Ibrahimovic has also received

significant attention in recent weeks, but rather for his struggles on the pitch, with a double in the 31 win over Swansea City on November 6 ending a run of six consecutive matches across all competitions without a goal. “I'm not worried about the goals," he insisted. "I would be worried if I don't create the chances or if I don't have the chances because that is the moment you feel like you're not able to do what you're used to, but the goals will come. "I have more than 450 goals in my career so that is the last thing I'm worried about." Feyenoord at home in the Europa League on Thursday is next for United and, while Ibrahimovic is adamant the club belong in the Champions League, he cheekily suggested that he still has room on his mantelpiece for a medal from Europe's second-tier competition. "I want to win everything I play for," he added. "When I go in training I don't accept to lose, I don't like to lose; I'll do everything to win. "We play in the Europa League, I think the team belongs in the Champions League but it is what it is, and we will do everything to win it. "I have a lot of medals, a lot, and I want more. You know what, I have a very big house - there I keep them [the medals]. That [the Europa League] would fit very good, there is also a place for that trophy." (SportsMax)

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