Stop The Witch-hunting And Get On With The People’s Business – Opinion Poll and associates, 70% of the respondents noted that the government should focus on propelling the stagnated economy, while 20% said that the government should do more to fix the job market and the remaining 10% said that more emphasis should be placed on enhancing and fixing public infrastructure.
In a recent poll conducted by the Guyana Daily News, regarding the state of the economy and government’s attitude towards former government ministers
Majority of the respondents are of the opinion that the government has a personal vendetta against former PPP government officials and is forsaking the ailing economy. They made reference to the firing of almost 2000 Community
Service Officers (CSO’s), the dismissal of numerous government employees and the hiring of a special prosecutor for the Pradoville 2 issue.
Respondents said that the government should stop the witch-hunting and get on with the people’s business. Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira had noted that the establishment of a special prosecution unit is another form of witch-hunting. Government plans to establish a special prosecutions unit to investigate and prosecute based on the findings of the forensic audits.
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Attorney General Defends Hiring Special Prosecutors The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Williams said that DDP is unwilling to PAGE 3
Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams is of the view that there is nothing wrong with the use of special prosecutors in high profile cases. “This is something that is not unusual in Guyana, so I don’t know what the hue and cry is,” the minister said in a Guyana information Agency (GINA) release. The government announced that it will be using special prosecutors after it concludes investigations into cases involving Pradoville 2, and Cricket World Cup among others.
opposition chastised the APNU+AFC government about this move citing that this government is making a mockery of the justice system in Guyana. Former Attorney general and Attorney-at-Law, Anil Nandlall rebuked the decision of the government. He said, “What we have now is the government hiring a group of prosecutors, to prosecute a group of persons, who happens to be its (government’s) political opponents, that by itself raises questions.” According to the PPP Parliamentarian, the body enshrined to administer justice is the court and that the office of the Director of Public Prosecutors (DPP) is being bypassed. He further stated that the prosecutors will be hand-picked by the government and paid by the government and therefore, they will carry out the will of the government. However, Minister
handle the cases because they are of a political nature and one of the reasons why special prosecutors are being used is because “We (government) don’t want people whose heart is not in it to mess up the prosecutions,” the AG said. The minister stated that special prosecutors have already been tapped to deal with these cases. “We have identified people that are known, and if we have to bring in special prosecutors from abroad, we will do so,” the Attorney General said. The AG told GINA he does not foresee the DPP having any problems issuing fiats, granting permission for the use of special prosecutors. A fiat is a short order or warrant of a judge or magistrate directing some act to be done; an authority issuing from some competent source for undertaking of some legal act.
GUYANA DAILY NEWS PPP To Hammer Government On Cost Of ‘Jubilee Park’ PAGE 5
spending on the project. According to Edghill, the government proceeded to construct a facility in the square of the revolution now known as the Jubilee Park, to host Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary celebrations, which included the Flag Raising Ceremony and Float Parade. The PPP Parliamentarian noted that the government informed the National Assembly that the project will be funded by private individuals through an unnamed private organization and that there will be no budgetary allocations for the project.
Former Junior Minister of Finance Juan Edghill Members of the political opposition are questioning the government on expenditure relating to the Durban Park Project which was slated to be completed for the jubilee celebrations. Former Junior Minister of Finance Juan Edghill, is expected to move a motion in the National Assembly tomorrow, seeking answers on Government’s
However, after taking over the project, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure announced that GYD$150M of its budgetary allocation will be used for the completion of the project. The political opposition is also questioning the government as to why there was no public consultations or disclosures with citizens or national stakeholders and why there was no architectural designs. The PPP also wants to know the projected cost for the construction, which should be made public.
Business Owners Bash President’s Decision To Limit Issuance Of Gun Licenses Many business owners around the country are questioning President David Granger’s statement that fewer gun licenses should be issued to private citizens. The President, speaking during his weekly televised programe, The Public Interest, said that government is aiming to have less guns on the streets by limiting the issuance of firearm licenses to private citizens. It is the President’s personal view that weapons should only be used by law enforcement authorities. He revealed that there are legitimate firearm license holders in Guyana who rent their weapons to criminals. As such, the Head of State explained that he is working in collaboration with Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan to reduce the number of gun licenses issued. However, in response to the President,
business owners noted that have a licensed firearm is the only means for them to protect themselves, family and business, given the fact that the majority of the population have lost faith in the Police Force. One business o w n e r, w h o p r e f e r s t o r e m a i n anonymous told this newspaper that “the criminals have far more advance guns and ammunitions than the Guyana Police Force and if the President has information that there are business people who rent their firearms to criminals, then the president should investigate those persons, in-fact there is no evidence to support this assertion.” Others revealed that the majority of firearm holders in Guyana are business people and if the government decides to take away their licenses then their businesses and property will be left at
the mercies of the criminals like presently exists. Another business owner from downtown Georgetown also noted, “It was no surprise that this statement from the President came on the heels of the recent shooting to death of a bandit by a license firearm holder who happens to be a businessman. The man was in his rights to protect his life and property, if the criminals had a chance then they would have robbed and probably kill him and his family. Is this statement by the President appears to be more sympathetic to the criminals?” Several other Guyanese on social media have noted that President Granger somewhat contributes to the crime by pardoning known criminals without adequate consultation and investigation with the law enforcement and legal system.
Government To Consider Closure Of Some Of GuySuCo’s Operations By Year End going close down anything you are because the administration did not have to consider the workers and how you deal with them…we are still in early days where that is concerned,” he stated.
Government today noted that the closure of some of the operations of the highlyindebted Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuco) is likely to be considered as an option by a Cabinet sub-committee before the end of year. This is according Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, who made the revelation after being questioned by media operatives about whether the 2017 National Budget would account for severance of GuySuco workers. “All of these are the options; these are all options because if you are
Members of the Board of Directors of the GuySuCo, on Tuesday, engaged President David Granger and Cabinet members on the current status of operations at the organisation. A subcommittee made up of the Ministers of Agriculture, Finance, Natural Resources and State has been established to consider the next step. The cabinet subcommittee is expected to submit its report by mid-November and “some decisions would have to be made about GuySuco before the end of 2016.” Harmon said government was cautious about saying what the choices available
want to send mixed signals and in the end such a decision would not be taken. The Minister of State said after the subcommittee reports back to the wider executive decision-making body, consultations would be held with the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), National Assembly, workers and workers representatives. “These consultations at the end of it might very well point you in a direction that is not consistent with what you thought of in the first instance,” Harmon said. Harmon said GuySuco was still a “going entity” and was still tasked with finding markets and reducing its cost of operations. Government has already closed Wales Estate, however, the Commission of Inquiry into the Wales estate operations did not recommend ceasing operations.
Let’s Have An Accident-Free Christmas Season population in general. The no respect of traffic lights by
Christmas is one of the most awaited and feared seasons of the year, especially in Guyana were the statistics of delinquency and road fatalities reach their highest peak. Alcoholism represents one of the main cores of social pathologies in the country. On average, Guyanese, aged fifteen or older, consumed more than eight litres daily of pure alcohol in 2010, compared to the global figure of 6.2 litres, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a 2014 report. However, the average drinker in Guyana consumes more than 3.5 gallons/13.7 litres of total alcohol daily. Oneseventh of this consumption (14%) was unrecorded ‒ homemade alcohol, illegally produced or sold outside normal government controls. This figures multiply during holidays, reaching dangerous levels during the Christmas season. The irresponsible consumption of alcohol by reckless drivers, easily turns a joyful period into a sad reminder that ‘ethanol’ on the wheel is equal to disaster. According to recent reports given by the Guyana Police Force (GPF), the numbers of road fatalities increased to 33% this year, with one hundred deaths recorded at the end of September, which is ten more than the same period last year. After launching the ‘Operation Safeway’ from September 15th to October 11th. There was recorded an overall decrease in all categories of road accidents: Fatal accidents decreased by 44.4% Serious accidents decreased by 46% Minor accidents decreased by 32.1% Damage accidents decreased by 36.1% But the efforts of the local authorities are being slowly erased by the behavior of not only careless drivers, but the
motorist, the no use of the crosswalk by the pedestrians and the bad practices that these execute on the daily basics, such as the use of their cellular devices while crossing the streets or having their earphones plugged. This small details turns a pedestrian into a vulnerable target when on the road. Even though the initiative to put the ‘Operation Safeway’ in motion was a temporary success, daily reports of reckless drivers being involved in medium, severe or fatal accidents are again, common topics on the headlines of any local newspapers. Fatalities that could have been avoided in countless ways. But drivers involved in this kind of sinister are again notified to be on the wheel, while their alcohol levels are above of the legal terms. A sad ‘pothole’ in which we are falling again. On an Open Letter recently published by the Guyana Police Force, the Cops and Faith Community Network made a call to the conscience of all Guyanese, noticing the proximity of the Christmas season, and its bad reputation concerning road fatality rates. In the document is highlighted the need to be responsible while on the road, no matter if is as a driver or a pedestrian. Making emphasis on the necessity as citizens, to implement the five Cs (Care, Courtesy, Consideration, Common Sense and Caution). Five easy and effective ways to avoid a sinister. “(..)The horrific road accidents which have resulted in the tragic loss of lives are certainly not reflective of a season in which the precious gift of human life ought to be valued and celebrated by all. The cumulative effects of road accidents we would agree are not only limited to the affected families but also to our communities and they strike at the heart of our Guyanese civility. The recent incidents of road accidents highlight an area of our national life where the exercise of greater civic mindedness is extremely necessary”. Is not a secret that temporary measures won’t solve a problem that is been vivid for decades. Radical regulations must be outlined to create social conscience about this palpating matter that affects us all. Christmas is approaching. Don’t drink and drive, let’s be joyful, responsible, let’s have another ‘tomorrow’. Source: http://guyanapoliceforce.gy/police/policingmenu/traffic-and-safety-tips
Retired Assistant Police Commissioner To Probe Procurement Allegations pharmaceuticals at the Ministry of The Board is expected to investigate, Public Health. In handing over the TORs, Minister Harmon said that Government eagerly awaits that Report and the findings, so that appropriate action can be taken.
Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Winston Cosbert Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Winston Cosbert was recently given the Terms of Reference (TORs) by Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, to probe into the allegations of unauthorised disclosure of information, mismanagement and malpractices in the procurement of
In a Ministry of The Presidency (MoTP) release, Harmon was quoted as saying, “I have the confidence in your ability; I have seen your work before and you have done inquiries before. I look forward to the report. This is an important inquiry … and when you have to go after these things, you have to have evidence and facts [because] Government cannot act on innuendos and hearsay. We have to have an investigation and based on that, the Government acts.” The Board of Inquiry (BoI) commenced today, November 3, 2016 and is expected to render its written report and findings to the Minister of State on or before November 30, 2016. The Inquiry is expected to take place at the Department of Public Service and at any other place, in which the Commissioner deems fit.
examine and report on the “procurement and management processes by which the Ministry of Public Health awards contracts for the procurement of pharmaceuticals, services and supplies to bidders; whether there were unauthorised disclosure of any information on the procurement of pharmaceuticals by the staff of the Ministry of Public Health and the facts surrounding such unauthorised disclosure; the facts surrounding the allegation that Ms. Kandasie Aaron, without prior consent from the Ministry of Public Health, divulged any information on the procurement of pharmaceuticals; to what extent this specific disclosure is an isolated incident and if not, does it represent a more general practice at the Ministry of Public Health.” It is also expected to investigate the procedure which exists to identify and control the unauthorised disclosure of price sensitive information in the procurement of pharmaceuticals and how and when did the Ministry of Public Health become aware of these disclosures and what actions, if any, were taken by the Ministry.
First Lady Meets With CYLAN Foundation To Explore Possible Partnerships projects which are similar to several that the First Lady has undertaken. “They came to… find out how we can collaborate. I pointed out that I have some projects, which…. parallel their own, which have already started. So it was an exploratory visit, sharing ideas and information about how we can go about doing things. They want to have a family oriented kind of network to get things done,” Mrs. Granger said. Meanwhile, in an invited comment, Ms. Clarke said the group provides services that support the wellbeing of families and is interested in collaborating with all the government agencies in this regard. First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger (centre) is flanked by, from left to right: Ms. Maureen Daniels-Clarke, Ms. Alana Clarke, Ms. June Archer and Mr. Joel Sutherland of CYLAN Foundation. Georgetown, Guyana – (November 3, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, met with Ms. Alana Clarke, and a team from the Community Learning and Networking (CYLAN) Foundation, to explore the possibilities of collaborating on partnerships that provide support to families and communities. The meeting was held at the Office of the First Lady at State House. During the discussions, it was revealed that the group has started
The group reached out to the First Lady for guidance on areas which they can target. “We’re a family charity that is focusing on programmes specifically for locally based families… and also working holistically with communities who have needs, for instance education needs, any p r o g r a m m e s [ r e l a t e d t o ] l i t e r a c y, d o m e s t i c violence….We’re looking at not just working with one group, but other groups [such as] senior citizens, young people,” she said. Ms. Clarke was accompanied to the meeting by Ms. Maureen Daniels-Clarke, Ms. June Archer and Mr. Joel Sutherland. MOTP Press Release
Gas Prices Down $1.88, Diesel Down $0.71 KINGSTON, Jamaica — Motorists should see a decrease at the pumps in the prices of gasoline and diesel, effective Thursday, November 3, according to the latest ex-refinery costs from Petrojam. 87- and 90-octane gasoline will be sold for $107.87 and $109.53 per litre, respectively, down by $1.88 each. Automotive diesel fuel will be sold for $102.14 per litre following a decrease of $0.71, while ultra-low sulphur diesel is down by $1.02, and will be sold for $110.83 per litre. Meanwhile, kerosene decreased in price by $1.23 and will be sold for $90.05 per litre. Propane liquid petroleum will be sold for $36.42 per litre, down by $0.69 and butane liquid petroleum will be sold for $44.35 per litre after a decrease of $1.02. Marketing companies and retailers will add their respective mark-up to these prices. (Jamaica Observer)
‘Government Can’t Offer will More Than 14 Per Cent’ end up (but), it will be less than 14 (per cent).”
Wage and salary hikes in 2017 will be less than 14 per cent, Finance Minister Colm Imbert said yesterday. He said so during a hastily arranged news conference yesterday at his Eric Williams Finance Building office to clarify media reports of the imposition of a wage freeze in T&T for fiscal 2017, which began on October 1. Imbert stressed that there was to be no wage freeze in T&T. He said he never said earlier that there would be a wage freeze but a wage restraint. “There is no wage freeze. There is no Government policy of a wage freeze and I never said there is going to be a wage freeze,” he said. There was widespread panic and concern after reports suggested public servants would face a wage freeze based on Imbert’s earlier comment during an International Monetary Fund event yesterday. Imbert said he called the news conference after being informed of the alleged statement made by him via a telephone conversation with the leader of a major trade union in the country. Imbert said it was important to ensure the matter was clarified and that he was not seeking to condemn anyone. He said the matter was very sensitive and words have meaning. On his reason for suggesting that negotiations on the collective agreement for public servants would start at 0-0-0 for the new three-year negotiating period at the IMF event, which led to the interpretation and public reaction to it, Imbert said: “With respect to the use of the word ‘zero’, that is the (the figure to be proposed at) start (of the negotiations). That cannot be the end (rate) because if you are in a negotiation what kind of person goes into a negotiation and stays at the starting point (offer). I have nowhere we
Imbert said, however, that “as we move forward the settlement will have to be lower than they were in the past.” He said a wage restraint meants that there would be increases but within a limited range while a wage freeze meant “you are not budging. And there is no indication on our (Government) side that we are not going to move at all. “The T&T Government has no policy of a wage freeze. We have a policy on wage restraint,” he said, insisting there will have to be wage restraints going forward. He reiterated that zero per cent was the figure the Government would be offering at the start of the collective negotiations but noted the figure would move. (Trinidad Guardian)
Finance Minister Colm Imbert reacts to a question during a press conference at the Ministry of Finance, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. PHOTO: MARCUS GONZALES
UNC Seeks To Keep Six Corporations, Capture More
The United National Congress (UNC) will be launching its manifesto for the November 28 Local Government elections in the next few weeks. Tabaquite MP Dr Suruj Rambachan, who is one of the strategists for the UNC campaign, told the T&T Guardian that the manifesto was complete and had gone out to print. He said areas it covered would be released by the political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar as the party continued its series of public meetings. The UNC is contesting all 137 seats in the 14 regional corporations across the country. Rambachan said the party would hold its first national meeting tomorrow, in Fyzabad. The party had been presenting its candidates for the polls at its Monday night forum. At the October 17 Monday night meeting in Diego Martin, candidates for the Diego Martin Regional Corporation were presented. Rambachan said the party has focused its campaign on “working
harder for the people’s future.” He said there had been “a colossal betrayal by the ruling People’s National Movement who have failed to deliver on several promises which they made.” He said in the manifesto the UNC philosophy was “based on consensus and participation by the people in nation-building so people will have a genuine say in what they are doing.” Rambachan said the UNC had a “track record of delivering at a phenomenal rate. He said: “We brought services and quality care to the people, the proof is in the doing. We have a track record of delivery, they do not.” He said 13 months into office, the PNM had nothing tangible to show for it.” Where did the $61 billion go?” he asked, adding: “There is no tangible evidence that people’s lives have improved.” According to Rambachan, all the projects which have been opened by the PNM were actually started by the former government. He said the party was “working very hard to
regain what we lost.” In 2013 the UNC won six of the 14 corporations and the PNM eight. Rambachan said: “We are hoping to retain all that we now hold and to make gains in the others.” He said on the ground “people are disappointed with the PNM, people feel cheated because the PNM is not delivering.” Rambachan said the UNC campaign was being run by all MPs and senators with the political leader co-ordinating the campaign. Asked whether there would be a launch similar to that held by the PNM on Sunday when it presented its 137 candidates at the party’s convention at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Rambachan said, “Not at this time.” He said the candidates were being presented in the regions and for this entire week there would be cottage meetings. At the PNM launch of its Local Government campaign on Sunday, PNM political leader Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley rallied his forces telling them just as he did last September “I am calling you again.” He reiterated his government’s commitment to Local Government reform, saying the objective is to improve the quality of life for households across the country. The Prime Minister said the legislation that gives more autonomy to Local Government bodies would be ready by the middle of next year. (Trinidad Guardian)
Barbados Union Fights To Get Its Leader Back In Senior Public Servant Post
PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL UNION OF PUBLIC WORKERS AKANNI MCDOWALL WAS SENT BACK TO AN ENTRY-LEVEL POSITION IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND THE UNION IS CRYING VICTIMIZATION. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Wednesday November 2, 2016 – Barbados’ largest public sector trade union is threatening to go as far as a national shutdown to force authorities to return its president to an acting senior post in the Ministry of Health. And from as early as today, some government workers are expected to take industrial
action, although the nature and extent of it is unclear. After having acted in the post of health promotion officer, president of the National Union of Public Wo r k e r s ( N U P W ) A k a n n i McDowall was sent back to an entry-level position of environmental assistant which he held more than a decade ago. The union has been putting pressure on the Personnel Administration Division (PAD) to meet to discuss concerns over the move. But having had no response to a letter it sent to the PAD two weeks ago seeking an urgent meeting to settle the contentious issue, the NUPW says it will start phased action, beginning with summoning
environmental health officers who work at polyclinics across the island and at the country’s ports of entry, including the two privately owned marinas in the north of the island, to a meeting this morning at 10 o’clock. On M o n d a y, N U P W g e n e r a l secretary Roslyn Smith disclosed that the union’s National Council had unanimously agreed to take whatever action was necessary to force the Chief Personnel Officer to reinstate McDowall to the senior acting position. “We are not backing down from this one, and it will be escalated if necessary,” Smith told the Daily Nation newspaper. “If it [has to come] to a shutdown of a country, it will come to that.” The union has accused the Government of victimizing its president for leading the charge against the Freundel Stuart administration on several industrial relations issues. It subsequently charged that the position McDowall had been acting in, has since been filled by someone junior to not only him but several other public servants as well. Smith said the union was prepared to go the legal route if that is what it took to get McDowall back in the job. (Caribbean360)
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bahamas Minister In Tangle Over $2-billion Chinese Project each of the 100 corporate entities participating in the initiative, By Candia Dames PAGE 18
Nassau Guardian Managing Editor NASSAU, Bahamas -- Hours after minister of agriculture and marine resources Alfred Gray acknowledged to reporters that he gave the goahead for the Bahamas Embassy in China to have discussions with the Chinese government on a $2.1 billion proposal for an agrifisheries project, Gray claimed in a statement that The Nassau Guardian’s story detailing the proposal was “utterly false”. “The government is not considering the grant of Crown land nor any other matter as set out in the article,” he said. However, in a letter to Bahamas ambassador to China Paul “Andy” Gomez, dated October 3, Gray acknowledged that the initiative calls for Crown land leases. He also indicated in the letter that he thinks the proposal is a good idea. “The ministry believes that this initiative, which has been developed by the Embassy of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the People’s Republic of China in consultation with certain Bahamian governmental agencies, is very progressive,” the minister wrote in the letter. Gray then authorized the ambassador to pursue the initiative further. “As a result of our understanding of how the initiative is expected to work, and in response to your request for our ministry’s authorization for the embassy in Beijing to proceed with the further development of this initiative, the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources hereby authorizes the Embassy of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas to the People’s Republic of China to initiate discussions with the Chinese embassy here in The Bahamas, and with the relevant Chinese governmental agencies in China, in order to produce a comprehensive report on the viability of the proposed initiative,” the minister wrote. The letter confirms that Gray met with the Bahamian ambassador on the proposal. The minister wrote in his letter, “Further to our recent meeting regarding the captioned, please be advised that the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources has had an opportunity to review the final draft of ‘the Proposed China-Bahamas Agriculture and Fisheries Initiative’, and believe that it could be a very impactful project that economically benefits hundreds of Bahamian families for decades, provided that the level of investment sought is viewed by the Chinese government as acceptable.” Gray then outlined the primary features of the initiative as understood by his ministry. Under the proposal, China, or its substantive representative(s), will partner with Bahamian corporate entities to form up to 100 corporate structures that will be engaged primarily in the agriculture and fisheries industry in The Bahamas. Each of the 100 corporate structures will be owned equally (that is, 50-50) by China and Bahamian corporate entities. China will provide funding equivalent to $2.1 billion over a ten-year period, in the form of cash, agriculture and fisheries equipment, as well as skilled expertise. Gray wrote that, “Each Bahamian owned entity that partners equally with the PR will contribute the following to the joint venture: one hundred acres of leased Andros farm land with an option to access 100 additional acres, provided certain performance benchmarks are attained. “Unprofitable entities that end in liquidation will have their land leases canceled by the Bahamas government. “A cash contribution of $225,000 must be paid at the start of each entity’s operations (i.e. required contributions of $25,000 by each of the ten shareholders equals $250,000, less $25,000 for entity’s administrative expenses). “The Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas will provide fishing licences to
consistent with existing laws.” Gray wrote: “Only Bahamian farmers and farm labourers, along with Bahamian fishermen, will make up the initiative’s workforce. “The Bahamas government recognizes that each entity will probably require the services of one fishing and one farming expert for a limited period, who will probably be Chinese.” Gray also wrote: “Furthermore, and central to your discussions with representatives of the Chinese government, it is important to emphasize that it is the Bahamas government’s policy that no foreigner is allowed to physically fish in Bahamian waters by himself or in partnership with others, and therefore only Bahamians are allowed on the fishing vessels. “This is non-negotiable, and your report should therefore reflect this policy position of the government.” Gray added in his October letter to Gomez: “... Consistent with the government policy, foreign investors may own and may participate in the ownership of related land-based activities, such as processing and packaging houses for agricultural and fishing products.” The Bahamas embassy was also asked to provide recommendations to the Bahamas government “specifically in the event that the Chinese government wishes to proceed and participate in this joint venture initiative”. As reported by The Nassau Guardian, the actual proposal states that the initiative hopes to qualify for funding under a regional program of the Chinese government, which has budgeted $35 billion for such initiatives. Last night, the Bahamas Embassy in Beijing released the following statement on the matter: “In pursuit of my responsibilities as ambassador to China I have engaged in vigorous discussions within China to generate new economic activity for The Bahamas. “The objective is to attract and create new activities and opportunities for Bahamians and our country. The issue that has raised attention in the local media is along those lines. “I sought and received permission from the minister responsible for agriculture and fisheries merely to continue dialogue and to prepare reports on the economic possibilities in China. That is what happened. We are presently evaluating the possibilities in China. No report or proposal has been submitted to the minister of foreign affairs or minister of agriculture and fisheries or any other minister of the government of The Bahamas.” (Caribbean News Now!)
Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Alfred Gray
The Vatican As Last Resource To Solve The Situation In Venezuela
Governor of the State of Miranda, and member of the Democratic Round Table (MUD) Henrique Capriles Radonski The Venezuelan opposition postponed the national protest, scheduled for today November 3, after representatives of the Vatican intervened to promote peaceful dialogues between leaders of the opposition and President Nicolas Maduro. According to the Venezuelan newspaper, El Nacional, Governor of the State of Miranda, and member of the Democratic Round Table (MUD) Henrique Capriles Radonski,, called for the
nation to be ‘patient’ and ‘hopeful’ for the effective intervention of the Vatican in the decadent situation of the country. He addressed that even though the church called for a period of ‘truce’ to find a better way to solve the situation in the country, the MUD will still carry public protest if by the end of next week there is no positive answer by the government. Capriles announced that if the Vatican interference is not effective, the ‘Operation Troya’ will be implemented to take over the Miraflores Palace and remove the president of his charge.
This operation consist in the infiltration of members of the opposition in the mentioned governmental institution. The national protest was scheduled to start on November 3 in order to ask for the constitutional rights of the people and surround the General Assembly, to ask for the permanent removal of Maduro from his charge as a peaceful way of civil fight. The protest was also aiming to serve as a way to give President Maduro public trial, in which he could be judge for his ‘poor ’ performance as president, and his responsibilities as leader of a nation. Capriles announced that official conversations between representatives of the Vatican and the government are scheduled to continue on November 11th. Period in which the opposition will keep a ‘slow’ and peaceful agenda of public activities, in order to maintain a national atmosphere of temporarily quietude. S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w. e l nacional.com/politica/Capril es-electoral-objetivorevocato...
IMF Committed To Assisting Caribbean Countries Address Challenges, Says Deputy MD By LK Hewlett PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (WINN) -- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has re-affirmed its commitment to working with Caribbean nations in addressing the challenges that stand in the way of securing strong, inclusive and sustainable growth. Caribbean prime ministers, finance ministers and central bank governors, donors, representatives from international financial institutions, and the private sector were recently in Trinidad attending the IMF’s 2016 High Level Caribbean Forum. During the November 1-2 forum these economic stakeholders exchanged views on the unique challenges and opportunities for the Caribbean region, focusing on global and regional challenges such as de-risking and stagnant growth. IMF deputy managing director Tao Zhang said, since the previous forum in Trinidad in September 2012, countries in the region have made progress addressing important issues such as low growth and high debt, however more work remains to be done. “I would like to reiterate that the IMF is deeply committed to its work with the Caribbean countries. We are committed to supporting policy reforms, and reconstruction efforts. Tides may shift, seas may rise, but the Fund’s unwavering commitment to the region will remain unchanged,” he said. According to the IMF, shifting global trends have contributed to the subdued growth recovery in Caribbean economies, thus 2016 is proving to be another year of lacklustre growth. The withdrawal of correspondent banking relationships presents clear and imminent challenges to the Caribbean, despite some countries in the region having stepped up efforts to reduce gaps in their regulatory and supervisory frameworks. Zhang said the IMF is working with national authorities and regional and global organizations to provide technical assistance to strengthen these frameworks. “We
believe a durable solution to this issue requires dialogue between countries, regulators and banks, and increased information exchange. This can help clarify regulatory expectations, build trust, facilitate capacity building, and share best practices,” he said. Some other regional challenges discussed include natural disasters, and a weak financial sector. Zhang also noted the pervasive problem facing a number of the Caribbean countries- the challenge of sustaining fiscal adjustment measures aimed at public debt reduction amid weak economic growth. The IMF deputy managing director highlighted Jamaica, Grenada, and St Kitts and Nevis as some clear success stories of having achieved important results reducing their fiscal and external vulnerabilities over the last few years. Zhang said, “Our work continues in the Caribbean by providing policy advice, technical assistance and training, and by providing financing. “Whatever new challenges arise, we will work together with you to find solutions,” he concluded. (Caribbean News Now!)
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bahamas To Improve Skills-based Training Programs With IDB Assistance PAGE 21
WASHINGTON, USA -- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the government of The Bahamas are partnering in a new jobs initiative to increase workplace skills and improve employability among young people and adults who have had difficulty finding work. The $50 million initiative, to be financed with government resources and a $25 million loan from the IDB, aims to establish a nation-wide demand-driven apprenticeship program that will combine on and off-the-job training to provide unemployed youth and adults between the ages of 16 and 40 with the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. In addition, the program will improve the effectiveness of The Bahamas’ public employment services and will help to coordinate efforts of different Bahamian government agencies involved in collecting data that help monitor the country’s labor market performance. In 2015, it was reported that 14.8 percent of the Bahamian workforce was unemployed. The unemployment rate for youths ages 15-24 is twice as high, at 30 percent, having doubled since 2001. At the same time, most employers in The Bahamas report difficulties in finding workers with the right set of skills, noting that the lack of job-specific skills is the most important recruitment obstacle (34 percent), followed by applicants’ lack of experience (29 percent), and lack of soft skills (28 percent). The country also faces the challenge of improving labour productivity, which decreased on average 1 percent annually between 2000 and 2011. (Caribbean News Now!)
Woman Involved In Alleged Job, Visa Scam Released A woman who is at the height of a massive alleged job and visa scam involving dozens of victims have been released by police. The release occurred yesterday after her 72 hours under arrest had passed. Reports are that the police lack sufficient evidence to pursue charges at this time and are still conducting investigations on the wide-reaching case. SNO broke the story of the woman’s arrest two days ago. Since her arrest multiple persons have come forward to give their side of the story on how they ended up handing over their money and passport to the woman. All documents including dozens of passports were confiscated by the Criminal Investigations Department of the RSLPF. (St. Lucia News Online)
Cybercrime Victims Urged To Report Incidents Head of the Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) in the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology, Dr Moniphia Hewling, speaking during a day of activities to observe Cyber Security Awareness Day held on October 31 at the Police Officers’ Club, Hope Road, St Andrew. (Photo: JIS) KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) — Head of the Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) in the Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology, Dr Moniphia Hewling, is urging victims of cybercrimes to come forward and make a report. She said reports can be made to CIRT or the Communication Forensics and Cybercrimes Unit of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). Cybercrime is any unlawful activity carried out by means of the computer or the Internet. These include identity theft, fraud, copyright infringement, cyberstalking, child pornography, revenge pornography, and bullying. Dr Hewling noted that these incidents often go unreported because some persons are unaware that they are actual crimes. “They are not familiar with the Cybercrimes Act of 2015. Then there are those people who cannot be bothered; they may lose a couple hundred, thousands or millions of dollars and they sort it out with the bank and they have an agreement,” she pointed out. Dr Hewling was speaking to JIS News, during a day of activities to observe Cyber Security Awareness Day at the Police Officers’ Club on Hope Road, St Andrew, on October 31. She advised persons to exercise caution when using the Internet and to “stop and think before they
click”. “They need to realise that there is real and present danger that exists... they must also be aware at all times to protect their PIN when they use point-ofsales terminals,” she said. Head of the Cybercrimes Unit of the JCF, Inspector Warren Williams, provided some online safety tips. He advised persons to use passwords that are long and utilise alphanumeric characters consisting of letters and numerals. He said digital devices should be sanitised before being disposed of, which requires the removal of data so that it is nearly impossible to recover. He further advised persons to disable the Bluetooth option when not in use, to not click on untrusted cookies or websites, and to never volunteer personal information. (Jamaica Observer)
GUYANA DAILY NEWS House Debates Bill To Protect Children From Abduction PAGE 24
KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) — Debate on the Children (Guardianship and Custody) (Amendment) Act began in the House of Representatives on Tuesday. The Bill seeks to give effect to the Government’s decision to enact legislation to implement the terms of the 1980 Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and to facilitate Jamaica’s accession to it. The Hague Convention aims to protect children from the harmful effects of abduction and retention across international boundaries, by providing a procedure to bring about their prompt return. In piloting the Bill, Minister of Justice Delroy Chuck said incidents of international child abductions continue to pose a serious challenge in light of the ease in international travel and the rise in divorce rates, among other factors. “The location, recovery and return of abducted children are made more difficult because children are sometimes removed and taken to states with different legal systems and cultural and social structures,” he noted. The Minister informed that over the years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade has received complaints in the diaspora, as well as other nationals, about the wrongful removal of Jamaican children. Chuck said, currently, there are three active court cases in the United States (US) involving children being moved by parents between Jamaica and the US. He added that there are also at least 10 other active cases outside of the court system, of which the Ministry is aware, involving Jamaican children being removed to or from, or being
retained in the Cayman Islands, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. “Without the Convention, the process in Jamaica and elsewhere of seeking the return of these children is often long, expensive and without any guarantee of success. By becoming party to the Convention, children unlawfully brought to, or taken from Jamaica can promptly be returned to their country of habitual residence where a proper determination on custody can be made,” he said. As of July, 2016, 95 countries were parties to the Hague Convention, including The Bahamas, United States of America, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Bill was passed in the Upper House in July. (Jamaica Observer)
Migrant Crisis: 'Hundreds Dead' In Shipwrecks Off Libya
Migrant boats, such as this one on the left, are often packed full of people(AFP) About 240 migrants are believed drowned in two shipwrecks off the coast of Libya, migration officials say. The UN refugee agency was told the news by survivors brought ashore on the Italian island of Lampedusa,
spokeswoman Carlotta Sami said. No bodies have so far been recovered. More than 4,200 migrants have died making the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea this year, International Organization of Migration spokesman Leonard Doyle says. The UN has warned 2016 could be the deadliest for migrants
making the journey. Nearly 330,000 migrants have crossed the sea so far this year, compared with more than one million in 2015. Many of those killed in the latest two incidents are believed to be migrants from West Africa. Ms Sami said 29 people had survived one of the shipwrecks but about 120 others were missing, feared dead. In the second, two people were picked up after swimming for safety but another 120 migrants were still missing. Smugglers who organise the treacherous journeys overload flimsy boats and often send them off in bad weather, the UN says. Italy has seen an increase in the trafficking of migrants from Libya ever since an EU-Turkey agreement to halt migrants travelling to the Greek islands came into force in March. (BBC)
Brexit Court Defeat For UK Government Brexit challenger Gina Miller: "This result is about all our futures” Parliament must vote on whether the UK can start the process of leaving the EU, the High Court has ruled. This means the government cannot trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - beginning formal exit negotiations with the EU - on its own. Theresa May says the referendum - and existing ministerial powers - mean MPs do not need to vote, but campaigners called this unconstitutional. The government is appealing, with a further hearing expected next month. A statement is to be made to MPs on Monday but the prime minister's official spokesman said the government had "no intention of letting" the judgement "derail Article 50 or the timetable we have set out. We are determined to continue with our plan". Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn urged the government "to bring its negotiating terms to Parliament without delay", adding that "there must be transparency and accountability to Parliament on the terms of Brexit". And UKIP leader Nigel Farage said he feared a "betrayal" of the 51.9% of voters who backed leaving the EU in June's referendum and voiced concern at the prospect of a "half Brexit". BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith said, if the court's decision was not overturned, there could be delays with potentially "months and months" of parliamentary hurdles. But there was not yet "clarity" - if the judgement was not overturned - on whether there would be a "short, sharp" vote or whether Parliament would have to consider complex legislation, he added. He predicted that, although a majority of MPs had backed the Remain campaign, most would ultimately be likely to vote for
Article 50, as Brexit had been supported in the referendum. The prime minister has said she will activate Article 50, formally notifying the EU of the UK's intention to leave, by the end of next March. The other 27 member states have said negotiations about the terms of the UK's exit - due to last two years - cannot begin until Article 50 has been invoked. Investment manager Gina Miller, who brought the case, said outside the High Court that the government should make the "wise decision of not appealing". She said: "The result today is about all of us. It's not about me or my team. It's about our United Kingdom and all our futures." It is one of the most important constitutional court cases in generations. And the result creates a nightmare scenario for the government. Theresa May had said she wanted to start Brexit talks before the end of March next year but this ruling has thrown the prime minister's timetable up in the air. Campaigners who brought the case insist it was about "process not politics", but behind the doors of No 10 there will now be serious head-scratching about what the government's next steps should be. This decision has huge implications, not just on the timing of Brexit but on the terms of Brexit. That's because it's given the initiative to those on the Remain side in the House of Commons who, it's now likely, will argue Article 50 can only be triggered when Parliament is ready and that could mean when they're happy with the terms of any future deal. Of course, it will be immensely difficult to satisfy and get agreement from all those MPs who voted to remain. Could an early general election be on the cards after all? But a government spokesman announced it would contest the ruling in the Supreme Court. He said: "The country voted to leave the European Union in a referendum approved by Act of Parliament. And the government is determined to respect the result of the referendum." Government lawyers had argued that prerogative powers were a legitimate way to give effect "to the will of the people".
But the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, declared: "The government does not have power under the Crown's prerogative to give notice pursuant to Article 50 for the UK to withdraw from the European Union." The three judges looking at the case found there was no constitutional convention of the royal prerogative - powers used by ministers being used in legislation relating to the EU. They added that triggering Article 50 would fundamentally change UK people's rights - and that the government cannot change or do away with rights under UK law unless Parliament gives it authority to do so. Calling the case "a pure question of law", Lord Thomas said: "The court is not concerned with and does not express any view about the merits of leaving the European Union: that is a political issue." Reacting to the ruling, International Trade Secretary Liam Fox told the House of Commons the government was "disappointed" but remained "determined to respect the result of the referendum". 'Give people a chance to say no' He added: "There will be numerous opportunities for the House to examine and discuss what the government is negotiating." Mr Farage said: "We are heading for a half Brexit." He added: "I worry that a betrayal may be near at hand... I now fear that every attempt will be made to block or delay the triggering of Article 50. If this is so, they have no idea of the level of public anger they will provoke." Mr Corbyn said: "This ruling underlines the need for the government to bring its negotiating terms to Parliament without delay. Labour respects the decision of the British people to leave the European Union. But there must be transparency and accountability to parliament on the terms of Brexit." But Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron said: "Ultimately, the British people voted for a departure but not for a destination, which is why what really matters is allowing them to vote again on the final deal, giving them the chance to say no to an irresponsible hard Brexit that risks our economy and our jobs." (BBC)
Mosul Battle: 'IS Leader Baghdadi' Urges No Retreat
Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers (pictured) are working alongside the Iraqi army, Shia militias and Sunni Arab tribesmen to retake Mosul(AP) The Islamic State (IS) group has released an audiotape which it says is from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ordering Iraqis to defend the city of Mosul against the Iraqi army. The recording has not been verified yet but analysts believe it is genuine. Baghdadi's whereabouts are unknown. Some officials have said he may be inside Mosul alongside IS fighters. It comes as Iraqi army forces continue their three-front advance on the city, the last IS stronghold in the country. Mosul is where Baghdadi declared a caliphate two years ago. Iraqi forces have already retaken dozens of villages and towns on the outskirts of the city, with the help of Kurdish Peshmerga forces, Shia Muslim militias and Sunni Arab tribesmen. Baghdadi's rallying cry was timed to coincide with the entry of Iraqi forces into the outskirts of Mosul, at a critical moment for the group. Some of his comments appeared to betray concerns that military pressure on the group in Mosul might lead to a broader erosion of support. He called on his fighters to obey their leaders, warned Iraqi Sunnis of the consequences of turning
against IS and appealed to IS's far flung outposts to stay loyal to the group - from Indonesia to West Africa. Baghdadi rarely speaks publicly, but the last time he did so - in December last year - he delivered a similar mix of defiant insistence on ultimate victory combined with implicit acknowledgment of setbacks on the ground. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whose real name is Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim al-Badri, was born in 1971 to a lower-middle class Sunni Muslim family in Samarra, Iraq. He had a passion for Koranic recitation and was nicknamed "the Believer" for chastising his relatives for failing to live up to his stringent standards. After pursuing his religious interests at university, Baghdadi gravitated towards the violent ultra-conservatives in the Muslim Brotherhood. By the year 2000, he had embraced Salafist jihadism and went on to found the insurgent group Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaah after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. After a year in prison, Baghdadi travelled to Damascus to take control of propaganda for al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). The group would later be dissolved, in place of Islamic State in Iraq (ISI) - the former name for IS. Baghdadi quickly rose through the ranks mainly due to his ability to bridge the gaps between the foreigners who founded the group and local
Iraqis who joined later. The military plan is to hold ground, clear houses and make it safe as the Iraqi army looks for pockets of IS fighters. They know there are secret tunnels and rat runs between houses and there are IS fighters still in the outlying areas of the city. These fighters are willing to stand and die for their cause and that makes for a very, very tough enemy. There will be IS fighters trying to get out of the city westwards because that leads to Raqqa, the last potential remaining IS stronghold if and when Mosul falls. Commanders in Iraq's counter-terrorism forces say some of the IS leadership has already left Mosul. There are likely to be a lot of fellow travellers on the same route - people who were perhaps pleased to see IS fighters enter Mosul in the first place because of poor relations and treatment by some of the government forces who had been in control. There are also many foreign fighters who have nowhere else to go and who will stand and fight to the death. How is the advance going? Army units captured a number of villages south-west of Mosul on Thursday, as clashes were reported to the east of the city in the Karama district. A day earlier they were combing the streets for any remaining IS fighters in the recaptured Kukjali district, also in the east. Meanwhile, Shia Popular Mobilisation Units are focusing their efforts on retaking Tal Afar, a town to the west of Mosul which lies on the IS supply line between the city and the militants' Syrian stronghold, Raqqa. Amnesty International said on Wednesday people suspected of having ties to IS have been beaten, given electric shocks or dragged through the streets by cars as areas on the outskirts of Mosul were retaken by Sunni tribal militia fighters, according to eyewitnesses on the ground. There are also concerns for the estimated 1.2 million civilians who remain inside the city, with the Norwegian Refugee Council warning that their lives are in "grave danger" because of the fighting. Some have fled to a camp for internally displaced people, east of Mosul. (SportsMax)
Alleged Weiner Victim Hits Out At FBI Over Clinton Emails
Anthony Weiner admitted sending sexual messages to several women while married to a Hillary Clinton aide(AP) A 15-year-old girl who was allegedly sent indecent messages by former US congressman Anthony Weiner has criticised the director of the FBI. The teenager said James Comey's decision to publicise part of the FBI's investigation into Mr Weiner had led to her being hounded by news reporters. Mr Comey announced last week that the investigation had turned up fresh emails relating to Hillary Clinton. Mr Weiner is married to Mrs Clinton's political aide Huma Abedin. In an open letter, the teenager said reporters had "canvassed" her area. "Every media outlet from local to national has contacted me and my family to get my 'story'", she wrote. "Why couldn't your letter have waited until after the election, so I
would not have to be the centre of attention the last week of the election cycle?" She accused the FBI director of taking a "vague approach" in announcing that emails had been discovered on Mr Weiner's laptop that related to Mrs Clinton. She said the lack of detail in his announcement led reporters to chase her for clues about what might have been found. In the letter, addressed directly to Mr Comey and published by Buzzfeed, the alleged victim wrote: "I am the 15-year-old (now 16) who was the victim of Anthony Weiner. "I now add you to the list of people who have victimized me. I told my story originally to protect other young girls that might be a victim of online predators." She went on to say: "I thought your job as FBI Director was to protect me. I thought if I cooperated with your investigation, my identity as a minor would be kept secret. That is no longer the case. My family and I are barraged by
reporters' phone calls and emails. “I have been even been blamed in a newspaper for causing Donald Trump to now be leading in some polls and costing Hillary the election. "Anthony Weiner is the abuser. Your letter helped that abuse to continue. How can I rebuild my life when you have made finding out my "story" the goal of every reporter?" She signed the letter "Girl that lost her faith in America". Mr Weiner and Ms Abedin recently split following a series of revelations that Mr Weiner had exchanged sexual messages with other women. Reports on Thursday said he had entered a rehab clinic to treat sex addiction. The FBI last month closed a largescale investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, but Mr Comey announced last week that the law enforcement body was examining fresh emails found on Mr Weiner's laptop. The FBI director has been heavily criticised by leading Democrats, who allege that the timing of his announcement threatens to influence next week's general election. US law prohibits public officials such as Mr Comey from using their position to influence the outcome of an election. Opinion polls showed that Mrs Clinton's lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump had narrowed slightly in the wake of Mr Comey's announcement. Both candidates have been campaigning in the key swing state of Florida ahead of next Tuesday's election. (BBC)
Egypt Allows Its Currency To Float Freely
(AFP) Egypt has floated its currency in a move that has reduced its value by almost 50% against the dollar. One US dollar is buying around 14 Egyptian pounds, up from the nine Egyptian pounds the central bank was trying to keep it at. The country's central bank said the move was one of a list of reforms designed to strengthen confidence in the economy. Egypt's main stock index jumped by more than 8% on Thursday. The central bank has also increased interest rates by 3 percentage points to 14.75%. The move is a key requirement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), from which Egypt is asking for a $12bn loan over three years. The IMF's mission chief for Egypt, Chris Jarvis, said the move would make more foreign exchange available and would "help foster growth, job creation and stronger external position for the country". Hardship Although the liberalisation should help the country to strengthen its economy, it will make life harder for
Egyptians and the cost of all imported goods will rise sharply. Another reform it is facing is reducing or removing altogether state subsidies on fuel to meet IMF conditions. It has already cut subsidies on household electricity and increased the price of sugar by 40% for some Egyptians. Egypt imports about a third of its sugar needs but a shortage of hard currency has meant traders have struggled to buy from outside the country. Sugar being distributed The military has been told to distribute a one-off package of basic food items, including sugar, at half price, to cushion the effect among the poorest. Egypt has struggled to attract foreign investment since the political turmoil in 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring that saw former president Hosni Mubarak overthrown. The change of regime dented tourism numbers, one of Egypt's most important foreign currency earners, and prompted a general fall in international investor confidence. Egypt is seeking IMF support (a £12bn loan) for an economic reform programme. One central element is a
more flexible currency policy. The country's pound certainly looked seriously over-valued. The central bank has to run down its foreign exchange reserves to prop the currency up. There was a wide divergence between official and unofficial rates. Inflation is in double figures and there is what the IMF calls an "elevated" deficit in the country's international trade. The sharp currency depreciation will improve competiveness and should in time help to bring down the trade deficit. It should stop the haemorrhaging of reserves. In the short term, it's likely to aggravate inflation by making imports more expensive. But as long as it's a one-off effect, and doesn't lead to an inflationary spiral, that will be seen as a price that has to be paid. The decline in hard currency income was exacerbated by the central bank's efforts to prop up Egypt's own currency. It was trying to hold it at the official rate of 8.88 Egyptian pounds, although on the black market dealers could buy far more Egyptian pounds. Value The bank said in a statement it had moved to a "liberalised exchange rate... to create an environment for a reliable and sustainable supply of foreign currency". A central bank auction of dollars was being held on Thursday, allowing supply and demand to determine the value of the pound for the first time in decades. Banks will be allowed to open their branches until 9pm and over the weekend to allow more transactions. Egypt's economy is the second largest in the Arab world, after Saudi Arabia. (BBC)
Afghanistan Nato: '30 Civilians Killed' During Taliban Fighting Images showed the body of an infant
Afghan troops have struggled to regain control of Kunduz from the Taliban(REUTERS) Thirty civilians have been killed in northern Afghanistan during an Afghan special forces mission supported by Nato, an Afghan spokesman says. Provincial officials say many of the deaths were caused by Nato air strikes. The air support was called in after troops were surrounded by Taliban militants, who took shelter in civilian homes, the spokesman said. Nato says it will investigate reports of civilian
deaths. Two US soldiers were also killed in the fighting. "US forces conducted strikes in Kunduz to defend friendly forces. All civilian casualty claims will be investigated," the Nato-led Resolute Support mission said. Mahmood Danish, a spokesman for the governor of Kunduz province, told the BBC the operation took place in an area called Body Kandahari, about 5km (3 miles) from Kunduz city centre. There were angry protests from civilians, who brought bodies of some of the dead to the governor's office in Kunduz city.
girl being carried by a group of civilians. Taza Gul, a 55-year-old labourer, said: "I am heartbroken. I have lost seven members of my family. I want to know, why these innocent children were killed? Were they Taliban? No, they were innocent children." A further 25 civilians were wounded in the operation in Kunduz, Mr Danish said, and 26 Taliban fighters were killed, including two commanders. The Taliban say only three of their fighters were killed. US soldiers killed The US military said its soldiers died after coming under fire during a mission to clear a Taliban position. Two other US soldiers were wounded, it said. General John Nicholson said the soldiers' loss was "heartbreaking". Ta l i b a n fi g h t e r s c a m e c l o s e t o overrunning Kunduz city last month and the security situation in the area remains febrile. The insurgents control large areas of the province around the city. US combat operations against the Taliban officially ended in 2014 but special forces have continued to provide support to Afghan troops. Afghan forces have suffered thousands of casualties, with more than 5,500 killed in the first eight months of 2016. (BBC)
Huawei Mate 9 Phones Unveiled After Note 7 Meltdown
Huawei says the Porsche Design version of the phone will be a "limited edition"(HUAWEI) Huawei has launched new large-screened smartphones in the wake of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 disaster. The Mate 9 handsets are among the first to be powered by Android 7 and come in two designs: a model with a 1080p "full HD" display, and a Porsche-branded edition with double the resolution. The Chinese company says it has also tackled smartphones' tendency to slow down over time. But one expert said Western consumers were still uncertain about its brand. "Huawei has never been a company to miss an opportunity, and it seems as though it has moved mountains to get the Mate 9 to market as quickly as possible," said Ben Wood, from the CCS Insight consultancy. "But the phone is not a like-for-like comparison with the Note 7 - for one, it doesn't have a stylus. "Huawei's brand also doesn't have the status of Samsung as yet. "That's why it seems to be blending its brand with others. "So, for the camera, it has partnered with Leica, and for the limited edition model, it has worked with Porsche. "But Blackberry also partnered with Porsche in the past, and although that generated interest and created a halo-effect for other products, they didn't sell massive volumes."
Explosive fault Samsung scrapped its Note 7 phablets last month after dozens of the devices caught fire. The South Korean company initially thought a battery fault was to blame, and switched its own component for a third-party power cell. But the problems continued, and after failing to identify the cause, Samsung halted production and said it was scrapping the 4.3 million handsets it had already manufactured. Like the Note 7, Huawei's new phones also feature a "supercharging" battery technology that promises to deliver a day's worth of power within 30 minutes and a full two-day charge in 90 minutes. The company's senior product manager, Michael Seitz, told the BBC that the system had been through a nine-month development and testing process and had been checked by an independent research lab. "It keeps really cool in your hand even while recharging," he said. Several analysts have suggested Huawei is best placed to benefit from Samsung's setback. Apple underestimated demand for its largest model, the iPhone 7 Plus, leading to a backlog in orders. And Google has acknowledged having a similar problem with its Pixel XL phone. It has also locked itself into exclusive deals with single operators in the US, UK and Australia struck before the Note 7 fiasco - which will limit sales. Mr Seitz said that Huawei had
enough production capabilities to meet high demand for the Mate 9 and intended to be the bestselling brand by 2020. Faster phones The Mate 9 phones are slightly smaller than last year's models. The standard edition has a 5.9in (15cm) screen and starts at €699 ($774; £622). The Porsche Design has a 2K curved display measuring 5.5in (14.0cm) and costs €1,395 ($1,545; £1,240). They are both powered by a new chip - the Kirin 960, which was designed by Huawei itself. It says it is the fastest smartphone processor to date. Moreover, Huawei says it has developed proprietary technology to address the fact that smartphones tend to run slower once they have been used for several months. "Our phones will on average be 80% faster than another device after one year," a spokesman said. The Mate 9 phones lack an artificial intelligence interface, like the Google Assistant or Apple's Siri. But unlike those handsets, they can be fitted with a microSD card, offering up to two terabytes of extra storage. In addition, they offer an unusual audio facility thanks to four in-built microphones. After a recording has been made, an app allows the user to remove one sound source to better hear another. This can be used to hear what one person was saying at a meeting, for example, if others were talking over them, or to improve recordings from a concert. In addition, the technology provides a noise-cancelling facility during phone calls, making it easier to have a conversation at a busy location. But Mr Wood suggested the most significant change was an overhaul of the phones' software, which is designed to reduce the number of taps needed to reach its features. "Huawei has recognised that its previous Chinese-flavoured user interface design didn't translate well to all markets of the world, and has gone for a softer, cleaner interface this time round," he said. "It strikes me that it has really looked at the competitive landscape, recognised the things that do well on the iPhone and Samsung devices, and evolved its own product in that direction." (BBC)
Pakistan Accuses India Of Running Islamabad 'Spy Ring’ "economic contacts
Tensions have flared over a deadly militant attack and alleged Indian atrocities in Kashmir(AP) Pakistan says it has uncovered a network of spies working from India's mission in Islamabad. The names and photos of eight officials accused of running an alleged espionage ring were leaked to the press. On Wednesday, Pakistan said it was withdrawing six officials from its mission in Delhi after they were outed as suspected spies by India. Tensions flared after 19 Indian troops were killed by Kashmir militants in S e p t e m b e r. P a k i s t a n denied any link. Plainclothes policemen present two Indian men (bottom 2nd R and 2nd L), who they
said are accused of spying for Pakistan, before the media inside the police headquarters in New Delhi, India, October 27, 2016. "We are disappointed that India has not only been found involved in promoting terrorist activities and terror financing... but India has also been using its diplomatic mission for its nefarious designs," said a statement from Pakistan's foreign ministry. It is not clear if India will withdraw the eight officials named or whether Pakistan might e x p e l t h e m . " We completely reject baseless and unsubstantiated allegations made by Pakistan against certain officials of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad," Indian foreign
ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters. He said the Indian officials had been falsely implicated and had been working on
between the two countries". Both sides have accused each other in recent weeks of violating a 2003 ceasefire in disputed Kashmir, the source of two of their three wars since independence from Britain in 1947. At least 24 people, most of them civilians, had been killed in cross-border firing since Friday, the BBC reported on Tuesday. Brother of Indian woman Rajinder Kaur, who was killed in Pakistani shelling wails during her funeral at Khour village in Ramgarh sector, Samba district of J a m m u a n d K a s h m i r, I n d i a , Tu e s d a y, 1 November, 2016 (BBC)
EU Commissioner Oettinger Apologises For China Speech
It is not clear whether Mr Oettinger will also become a Commission vicepresident(EPA) The EU's Digital Economy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger has formally apologised for making derogatory remarks about Chinese officials. "I would like to apologise for any remark that was not as respectful as it should have been," he said on Thursday. In a speech to German business leaders he had spoken of Chinese officials having "hair combed... with black shoe polish" and called them "slittyeyed". China said Mr Oettinger had revealed a "baffling sense of superiority". The German official has been named as the next EU budget commissioner, replacing Bulgaria's Kristalina
Georgieva. She resigned last month, to take up the post of World Bank CEO. She was also a Commission vice-president - and it is not clear if Mr Oettinger will get the European Parliament's approval for that role. Political opponents called his Hamburg speech "racist" and said he was unfit to hold such a senior post in the EU. 'Wake-up call' "I had time to reflect on my speech, and I can now see that the words I used have created bad feelings and may even have hurt people. This was not my intention," he said in his apology. He said he had sought to speak frankly, "to give a wake-up call to the German audience". Among the issues he touched on was the EU's last-minute wrangling over the huge Ceta free trade deal with Canada,
which involved tense negotiations with Belgium's Wallonia region. Walloon objections were finally addressed and Ceta - the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement - was signed in Brussels on Sunday. Belgium's Le Soir newspaper said Mr Oettinger described Wallonia as "a micro-region run by Communists that blocks the whole of Europe". In his apology on Thursday, the commissioner said he had been misquoted on that point. He went on to say Wallonia "is not only historically an important European region, but actively contributes to the cultural and political diversity of Europe". Dismissive remarks he made about women and gay marriage in his Hamburg speech also caused offence, with some calling it "homophobic". He scorned Germany's political agenda, saying it was all about "mothers' pensions, minimum pensions, pensions at 63, welfare payments... soon it'll be compulsory gay marriages". On Twitter, after his apologetic statement, Mr Oettinger said "since decades I am a liberal" and "I have always supported gay partnerships, legally and with legislative processes". (BBC)
US Election 2016: Trump And Clinton Trust In Daughter Power
Either Ivanka Trump or Chelsea Clinton is about to acquire new responsibilities(LAURA CAVANAUGH/FILMMAGIC) Despite the pressure that the US presidential election campaign has placed on their parents, Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump maintain that they are good friends. But depending on the outcome of the vote on 8 November, one of the two can expect to be thrust into a major financial role. Donald Trump has said that if he becomes president, he will hand control of his business empire to Ivanka and her brothers, Don and Eric. If Hillary Clinton wins the race for the White House, the intention is for her and husband Bill to step down from the board of the Clinton Foundation and for Chelsea, currently its vice-chair, to take over its day-to-day operations. Both candidates' plans have come under fierce scrutiny from critics, who say they involve big conflicts of interest. So what are the risks and why should they be allowed to get away with such arrangements? Blind trusts Well, first of all, there is absolutely no law that prevents them. Previous presidents, from Lyndon B Johnson on, have avoided any hint of impropriety by placing their business interests into what is known as a blind trust. This means that the president gives up the right to manage his (or her) money personally, handing the task over to independent trustees. In LBJ's case, he set one up in 1963, after assuming the presidency in the wake of John F Kennedy's assassination. He and his wife, Lady Bird, owned a TV station, KTBC, in Austin, Texas, and wanted to avoid regulatory problems without having to sell it. In 1978, the Ethics in Government Act formalised the rules on blind trusts, but left them entirely voluntary as far as presidents are concerned. Mr Trump has spoken about putting his holdings into a blind trust, but then said that his three oldest children would be in charge of the company, which would not pass the independence test. "I don't know if it's a blind trust if Ivanka, Don and Eric run it," he said earlier this year. “If that's a blind trust, I don't know. "But I would probably have my children run it with my executives and I wouldn't ever be involved." In any case, even if Mr Trump no longer controls
those assets directly, he could hardly be expected to forget what they were, so he would remain vulnerable to allegations that his political decisions were designed to favour his business interests. Foreign donors The Clinton Foundation, which came into being in 2001, poses a different set of problems. Former US presidents tend to set up some kind of charitable centre on leaving office, usually with a presidential library attached, and Hillary's husband Bill was no exception. But, of course, there has never before been a presidential candidate married to an ex-president, so the foundation has turned into a headache for Hillary. Donors to the foundation have included a number of foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria and Qatar, as well as various rich individuals and companies. Critics of the Clintons say these donations, many of them made while Hillary was Secretary of State, represent attempts to influence US policy. And for those opponents, if Hillary wins, putting Chelsea in charge would not be an acceptable solution, even though the foundation's president, Donna Shalala, has pledged that many of its programmes will be spun off as separate nongovernmental organisations and foreign donations will no longer be accepted. Foreign income And there is another big spanner in the works for both presidential candidates: the US constitution has a provision that could make life very difficult for either of them. The constitution's Emoluments Clause states: "No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state." It's easy to see what the point of that was. Having created a republic and enshrined the ideal of equality, the Founding Fathers wanted to prevent the US acquiring an aristocracy or being beholden to foreign powers that might undermine those ideals. But it also seems to say that no-one in senior public office should have any foreign income. Does that apply to the Clinton Foundation, with its record of foreign donors? And more directly, does that also apply to the Trump Organization, which has joint property ventures and licensing deals stretching from Panama City to Istanbul? In theory, yes. In practice, it probably depends on that little phrase, "the consent of the Congress". Any foreign deal or donation involving either of those bodies could easily spawn a Congressional investigation into a possible breach of the constitution. And once the juggernaut started to roll, it could lead all the way to impeachment. For either Chelsea or Ivanka, life is set to get a whole lot busier after 8 November. But unless their activities are genuinely outside parental control, Mrs Clinton or Mr Trump cannot be sure of escaping unscathed. (BBC)
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Daily Horoscope
Source: www.starlightastrology.com
Don't believe everything you hear. You're ready to take action and take over. Your ability to work with detail could help you achieve your goals.
You can pick up valuable information if you listen to those with more experience. This will not be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence. Romance may be likely if you travel.
Refrain from overspending on entertainment or luxury items. You can pick up valuable information if you listen to those with more experience. Try not to allow your partner to lead you astray or upset your routine.
Visitors are likely to drop by and chances are, they may even stay a little longer than you want them to. Ask a close friend for advice. Don't overspend to impress others.
Talk to people who can give you important knowledge. You will do well with clients today. You will be highly sensitive to comments made by your lover.
You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener. Find an outlet for any mounting frustration. Consider a creative hobby. Avoid joint ventures and steer clear of groups that want you to contribute financial assistance.
Depression may put a damper on your day. Don't push your opinions on others today or you may find yourself in the doghouse. Opportunities for new and exciting relationships will be yours if you get out and join groups.
Look out for yourself today. Purchases will be well worth it and they will last a long time. You will feel the limitations if you have been overdoing it.
Get involved in competitive sports. Friends will appreciate your attention and playful nature. Travel will be fun, but expect it to cost you. Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts
Someone you like may be receptive and actively seeking your company. Your partner may be erratic today if you haven't paid enough attention to him or her. Travel and communications will not run as smoothly as you had hoped.
You must act quickly. Don't torment yourself. Disharmony in the home will be extremely stressful. Do your work at home, if you can. Someone may be trying to make you look bad.
Get involved in groups that will help you meet established individuals. Travel should be on your mind. Talk to an older, established individual about your present situation
8 oz cooked fish 4-8 oz cooked yams, mashed 1 tbsp chopped eschalot 1 tbsp chopped celery lemon juice pinch of nutmeg or mace 1/2 oz PALMBOOM* butter 2 eggs, beaten, for binding and coating 1 1/2 tbsp dried breadcrumbs fried parsley to garnish
Preparation Remove skin and bone from fish and break it up finely. Add the yam, eschalot, celery, lemon juice, nutmeg and salt and pepper. Add butter to mixture together with sufficient egg to bind it together. Turn on to a floured board. Shape into a neat roll and cut into 8 equal portions. Reshape the slices into neat flat, round cakes. Coat the cakes with beaten egg and dried crumbs. Fry in deep or shallow fat, drain well. Serve garnished with fried parsley and Lemon **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS
1 lb ripe guavas 8 oz sugar 2 pt water lemon slices to garnish Instructions: Cut guavas in quarters and remove seeds. Mash pulp and pass through a sieve. Add sugar and water. Chill. Serve cold and garnish with lemon slices. Makes 3 pints **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS
Bilic Hails Carroll As 'A Really Brave Man' After Attempted Gunpoint Robbery whom brandished a gun, as he drove home from training. The 27-year-old is understood to have driven off at speed to escape the assailants, who initially gave pursuit, before he alerted authorities after returning to the club's training ground.
Police are investigating an alleged attempt at an armed robbery in which West Ham's Andy Carroll is reported to have been targeted. West Ham boss Slaven Bilic described Andy Carroll as "a really brave man" after the striker was targeted by would-be armed robbers. Reports emerged late on Wednesday that the England international had been confronted by two motorcyclists, one of
West Ham confirmed on Thursday that the matter was in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Service, and Bilic has praised the way that Carroll reacted during the ordeal. "He's good - I just spoke to him about what happened. It's scary but he's okay," Bilic, whose side face Stoke City on Saturday, told a news conference. "When we heard it yesterday of course we were all shocked. Sometimes you hear that happen in a foreign country but it's happening far away and not England so we were all
like: 'Here? In London? England? How is that possible?' Unfortunately it is a problem.
"I spoke to Andy, he was brave because they asked for his watch or whatever with a gun and he put the pedal down and he didn't want to give him the watch, so for me it's not about the watch but for me that's very brave.' "He was probably targeted. He got chased for 15-20 minutes it wasn't like 10 seconds so it was probably planned, I know that and he was very brave to do what he did. He came back to the training ground and it stopped. "He's good, he's okay, he's not in shock and he acted as a really brave man. We're all asking him the questions about it and he's smiling. He's not in a state of shock." (SportsMax)
Schmeichel Suffers Fractured Hand Kasper Schmeichel is set for another spell on the sidelines after fracturing his hand during the Champions League clash with Copenhagen. Leicester City goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel has sustained a fractured hand, the Premier League champions have confirmed. Schmeichel suffered the problem in Leicester's 0-0 draw with Copenhagen in the Champions League on Wednesday.
"The Denmark international injured his right hand during the first half of the goalless draw at Parken Stadium and will see a specialist upon returning to the UK with the rest of the squad on Thursday," a brief Leicester statement read. The injury is Schmeichel's second setback of the season, after he missed two Premier League games earlier in the campaign with a concussion. (SportsMax)
Spurs Cannot Be In A Worse Situation - Lloris Dreading Derby Day Mauricio Pochettino's side are third in about this disappointment and be ready." Group E on four points, two behind Leverkusen and four adrift of Monaco, whom they visit on the next matchday before hosting CSKA Moscow.
Tottenham are unbeaten in the Premier League this season but are in poor form ahead of the derby with Arsenal and Hugo Lloris is worried. Hugo Lloris says Tottenham "cannot be in a worse situation" ahead of Sunday's north London derby with Arsenal at Emirates Stadium. Spurs were beaten 1-0 at Wembley by Bayer Leverkusen on Wednesday, leaving their Champions League hopes hanging in the balance.
Although unbeaten in the Premier League with five wins and five draws this season, Spurs have not won any of their last six in all competitions - a worrying sequence for Lloris ahead of a crunch derby. "We cannot be in a worse situation. It is difficult to accept that kind of performance from us," he said following the Leverkusen loss. "It was difficult to recognise the team, very aggressive, very calm under pressure, and that was completely the opposite. "We need to learn quickly because there is a big game on Sunday. The derby is always important and we need to forget
Spurs have been struggling with injuries o f l a t e , w i t h H a r r y K a n e , To b y Alderweireld, Mousa Dembele, Erik Lamela and Danny Rose all suffering, but Lloris is making no excuses for their winless run. "We cannot depend on one, two or three players. We need to think as a team," he said. "In football there are ups and downs. It is difficult because this game was very important and I did not feel we were aware of that. "Leverkusen did not play a great game. They were just wellorganised and had some chances because of us, because we made too many mistakes. "It is true that maybe we lost a bit of confidence because it is a few games we have not won. We have to keep working and be ready for the big game on Sunday." (SportsMax)
Ribery Embarks On Latest Comeback team return edged closer. The winger has been limited to just nine appearances in all competitions this season due to a host of muscular problems, and has not featured at all since Bayern's 1-0 defeat to Atletico Madrid in the Champions League in late September due to a persistent thigh injury.
After a season beset by injury, Bayern Munich winger Franck Ribery was back in first-team training on Thursday. Franck Ribery returned to Bayern Munich training on Thursday as his first-
On a number of occasions he has appeared close to being part of Carlo Ancelotti's matchday squad but setbacks have hampered his progress. Bayern host Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga on Saturday and the league leaders are
hopeful the 33-year-old could play some part, however the prospects for Thiago Alcantara and Douglas Costa are not as bright.
"Two days before the top Bundesliga clash between Hoffenheim and Bayern Franck Ribery completed the squad programme for the first time after recovering from a thigh injury," a statement read. "Thiago and Douglas Costa took a breather on Thursday, pursuing individual programmes after warming up together." (SportsMax)
Bonucci Doubtful With Thigh Injury
Juventus could be without Leonardo Bonucci against Chievo on Sunday after he suffered a thigh injury against Lyon. Leonardo Bonucci is a doubt for Juventus' trip to Chievo this weekend after suffering the recurrence of a thigh injury, the Serie A leaders have confirmed. Bonucci limped out of Juve's 1-1 draw with Lyon in the Champions League on Wednesday and underwent tests to ascertain the extent of his injury. As Allegri's side prepare to visit Stadio Marc'Antonio Bentegodi - a stadium where they have won seven of their last eight matches - on Sunday, Bonucci's fitness has become a major concern. "Having been substituted in the second half of Wednesday's draw with Les Gones [Lyon], Leonardo Bonucci underwent tests which revealed a recurrence of an injury previously sustained to his left thigh," a club statement read. "The defender's condition will be monitored closely again
tomorrow." (SportsMax)
Giroud And Rabiot Called Up To France Squad Benzema and Andre-Pierre Gignac are overlooked.
Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Adrien Rabiot has won a call-up and could make his first senior appearance, with Lyon's Nabil Fekir also included, though Alexandre Lacazette is out. Sebastien Corchia and Djibril Sidibe are in for the injured Bacary Sagna, while Adil Rami is preferred to Eliaquim Mangala and Aymeric Laporte. Squad in full: Goalkeepers: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham), Steve Mandanda (Crystal Palace), Alphonse Areola (PSG)
Olivier Giroud and Adrien Rabiot are two of the notable names in the France squad to face Sweden and Ivory Coast this month. Arsenal striker Olivier Giroud has earned a recall to the France squad, but there is no place for Manchester United forward Anthony Martial. Giroud scored with his first two touches in the 4-1 win over Sunderland last week as he made his first appearance in the Premier League since September 24. The 30-year-old has been included as one of Didier Deschamps' forward options for the World Cup qualifier against Sweden and the friendly match with Ivory Coast on November 11 and 15 respectively. Martial has again been left out, having struggled for regular playing time in recent weeks, while Karim
Defenders: Sebastien Corchia (Lille), Lucas Digne (Barcelona), Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal), Layvin Kurzawa (PSG), Adil Rami (Sevilla), Raphael Varane (Real Madrid), Djibril Sidibe (Monaco), Samuel Umtiti (Barcelona) Midfielders: Adrien Rabiot (PSG), N'Golo Kante (Chelsea), Blaise Matuidi (PSG), Dimitri Payet (West Ham), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Moussa Sissoko (Tottenham) Forwards: Kingsley Coman (Bayern Munich), Ousmane Dembele (Borussia Dortmund), Nabil Fekir (Lyon), Kevin Gameiro, (Atletico Madrid), Olivier Giroud (Arsenal), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid) (SportsMax)
Zhang, Svitolina Book Zhuhai Semi-final Slots
with a 7-6 (7-2) 6-4 triumph over Timea Babos, a late inclusion in the field following Carla Suarez Navarro's withdrawal through injury.
Needing to win just four games to qualify from the Camellia Group, Zhang fell 4-1 down in the opening set but fought back impressively to claim a popular victory on home soil. "I didn't want to think too much about winning four or five games, because I wanted to win the match," said the Chinese. "I'd played really good during the Asian Swing so I have a lot of confidence now, and I want to win every match."
Two semi-final slots were decided at the WTA Elite Trophy, as Zhang Shuai and Elina Svitolina booked their places in the last four. Zhang Shuai is the lowest-ranked participant at the WTA Elite Trophy in Zhuhai, but became the first player to reach the semi-finals of the event on Thursday. Wildcard entry Zhang followed up her opening-day thrashing of Timea Bacsinszky
Elina Svitolina is also through to the last four, the Ukrainian holding two wins from two in the Rose Group after a 6-4 6-2 victory over Elena Vesnina. Caroline Garcia faces a winnertakes-all match against top seed Johanna Konta in the Azalea Group, after eliminating Samantha Stosur with a 6-4 6-3 success over the Australian. The other semi-final place will go to either Petra Kvitova or Barbora Strycova, whose meeting precedes the match between Garcia and Konta on Friday. (SportsMax)
Jese Must Work To Fulfil PSG Potential - Emery warned Jese Rodriguez that he must put in the hard yards to reach his full potential at Paris Saint-Germain. Jese came through the youth ranks at Real Madrid before breaking into the first team, but departed the Spanish capital for the Ligue 1 champions after struggling for firstteam football at the Santiago Bernabeu.
Jese Rodriguez has struggling for playing time at Paris Saint-Germain and coach Unai Emery told him to work hard on the training ground. Unai Emery has
However, the 23-year-old – who penned a five-year-deal at Parc des Princes – has found playing time hard to come by in Paris. Jese has racked up just five Ligue 1 appearances thus far with
only one of those as part of the starting line-up and reports suggest the forward is already contemplating his future at PSG. But head coach Emery says that Jese will show his true talent if he works hard on the training ground.
In an interview with Radio Marca, he said: "I talk a lot with him [Jese]. "He has to work to show the potential that we know he has." Emery also addressed rumours that Barcelona are contemplating a move for PSG full-back Serge Aurier, adding: "Aurier is very good, young, with a lot of potential. "But he is with PSG." (SportsMax)
Botham To Take Up Durham Chairmanship sanctions. Durham will begin the 2017 county season with points penalties in all three domestic competitions, having also been relegated to Division Two in the County Championship and stripped of their status as a host venue for Tests by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).
Durham have been hit hard by sanctions ahead of the 2017 season, but will seek to move forward with Ian Botham as their new chairman. England cricketing great Ian Botham is set to take up the position of chairman at Durham, as his former club aim to bounce back from hefty
The penalties came as part of a controversial agreement that saw the ECB provide significant financial assistance to the cash-strapped club. Botham, who scored 5,200 runs and claimed 383 w ickets during his illustrious Test career, has agreed to serve as chairman on his return from England's
tour of India, which he is covering in his role as a broadcaster for Sky Sports.
"I am very privileged to be invited to accept the role of chairman at Durham County Cricket Club but it is important that we all recognise the size of the task ahead," said the 60-year-old. "I was fortunate enough to play for the club during its first professional season and have always taken a keen interest in the club's fortunes and many successes. "We will work closely with the England and Wales Cricket Board and Durham County Council in the months ahead as we develop a plan to ensure continued success for this great club." (SportsMax)
London Calling Cilic After Paris Victory
expense of Thiem if he wins the title this week, while JoWilfried Tsonga must be crowned champion in his homeland to have any chance of qualifying.
Cilic has hit form at the right time, winning the Swiss Indoors Basel title last weekend for his second title of the year and will take on world number one Novak Djokovic or Grigor Dimitrov in the last eight in Paris. "It's been a huge last 10 days for me," said Cilic, who will play in the season-ending event at the O2 Arena for a second time. "I played very well today. I had the pressure and David had beaten me the past few times. I want to keep going now and can't wait to return to the O2. It means a lot to qualify again." (SportsMax)
Just one place in the ATP World Tour Finals is still up for grabs after Marin Cilic qualified and dashed David Goffin's hopes. Marin Cilic sealed his place in the ATP World Tour Finals and ended David Goffin's quest to qualify for the season-ending tournament by beating the Belgian to reach the quarter-finals of the Paris Masters on Thursday. Cilic secured one of the two remaining places in the lucrative event in London this month with a 6-3 7-6 (11-9) victory in the French capital. The world number 10 from Croatia moves above Dominic Thiem into eighth spot in the Race to London after the Austrian was beaten by Jack Sock in the second round on Wednesday. Tomas Berdych can take the eighth and final place at the
Sevilla Not Ruling Nasri Out Of Barca Clash Sevilla's Samir Nasri could play a part against Barcelona on Sunday. Sevilla are hopeful Samir Nasri will recover in time to take on LaLiga champions Barcelona on Sunday.
He suffered a hamstring strain last weekend against Sporting Gijon, but
The Frenchman sustained a hamstring injury last weekend against Sporting Gijon and was replaced at half-time in the 1-1 draw. It initially seemed unlikely that Nasri would be fit in time for the visit of Barca this weekend, but an update from Sevilla on Thursday
provided more optimistic news. "The positive news on Thursday is that Samir Nasri, despite his injured left hamstring, is not ruled out in order to participate in the meeting on Sunday against FC Barcelona," the statement read.
"The player is performing personalised physical work outside the group and will be given until the last minute. "It will be a matter of seeing if he can play or not, considering that after Sunday there will be a break because of the [national] selections." (SportsMax)
Pocock To Start At Blindside Against Wales
Michael Cheika has picked David Pocock at blindside flanker for the first time, while Tevita Kuridrani has been recalled to face Wales. David Pocock has been recalled to Australia's starting line-up to take the blindside flanker role for Saturday's Test against Wales in Cardiff. Pocock was named among the replacements for the third and final Bledisloe Cup defeat against New Zealand in Auckland last month following a month on the sidelines due to a broken hand. The 28-year-old comes in at blindside for the first time at international level in the absence of the suspended Dean Mumm, with coach Michael Cheika going with Lopeti Timani at number eight for the Wallabies' first game of their Northern Hemisphere tour. Tevita Kuridrani gets the nod to come in at centre after Samu Kerevi (ankle) was ruled out, so Israel Folau remains at full-back for the clash at the Principality Stadium. Hooker Tolu Latu is in line to make his Wallabies bow from the bench, while Scott Fardy and James Slipper have also been named among the replacements and James Hanson misses out. Australia head coach Cheika said: “I'm just seeing Pocock back from injury and he's very motivated, "They [Pocock and Hooper] can share the openside work if they want to and do things differently. I just think that's the right feel. "The like for like would've
been the go with Fardy but I think that Pocock has added qualities that he'll bring to this game."
Australia team: Israel Folau, Dane Haylett-Petty, Tevita Kuridrani, Reece Hodge, Henry Speight, Bernard Foley, Nick Phipps, Scott Sio, Stephen Moore (captain), Sekope Kepu, Rory Arnold, Adam Coleman, David Pocock, Michael Hooper, Lopeti Timani. Replacements: Tolu Latu, James Slipper, Allan Alaalatoa, Rob Simmons, Scott Fardy, Nick Frisby, Quade Cooper, Sefa Naivalu (SportsMax)