October 03, 2016

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“The Granger Administration Is Father Of All Excuses” – Rohee

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee has blasted President David Granger for blaming crime on drug trade and for the escape of self-confessed drug lord Barry Dataram. “I have to say this, if drug trafficking is the mother of all crimes, the granger administration is the father of all excuses,” the General Secretary declared at the party’s weekly press conference on Monday. Rohee challenged the President to “move away from speculation and hypnotical proposition about the sources of crime in a Guyana context, he should present the statics and the evidences to justify his assumption.” Speaking on the matter of national security, Rohee said that the government has unveiled that a National Anti-Narcotics Agency has b een es t ab l i s h e d al o n g w it h a D r u g Enforcement Administration (DEA) office in General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee Guyana, and the National Drug Strategy Master plan was relaunched. Even with these measures in equipped with boats, planes, vehicles and ATVS and that while they were in opposition they had pressed for the equipment to place, Rohee said that Dataram still escape. Rohee questioned the capabilities of President Granger to end be procured for law enforcement. “Now that they are in narco trafficking in Guyana. “If Mr. Granger could not stop government, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from Dataram from escaping, how will he bring an end to narco buying these item for law enforcement. Again, all we are trafficking?” Rohee questioned. The General Secretary hearing are excuses and more excuses from the father of all explained that that the government is complaining that it is not excuses.”



Dear Editor; The move by the Government to compulsorily acquire a piece of private property at the corner of Middle and Carmichael Streets, in the heart of Georgetown, under the Acquisition of Land for Public Purposes Act, have sent chills down the spine of rightthinking Guyanese, especially, property owners. Many persons have called me expressing understandable fears and wellgrounded apprehensions. If anyone was in doubt about it before now, those doubts should now disappear: Burnhamism is back. The power of the state to compulsorily acquire private property for a public purpose is rooted in the concept of “Eminent Domain”, an American concept imported into our British inherited jurisprudence and legal system. In a nutshell, it is a power used to compulsorily acquire private property upon the payment of compensation for the public good. However, because of the obvious draconian nature of this power and the sanctity accorded to private property, it is a power that is used on the rarest of occasions and in the most exceptional of circumstances. It is always an option of last resort. During the height of the Burnham dictatorship, it was a power that was widely abused and misused. Dozens of private property throughout the length and breadth of this country were compulsorily acquired by the Burnham Administration and the rubric “for a public purpose”, was conveniently invoked to clothe those transactions with legitimacy and to disguise the real reasons for the expropriations. Many of these property owners with whom I have spoken over the years, have proffered political and personal differences between themselves and Mr. Burnham himself, or his Government, as the real reason why their properties were seized. This is borne out by the fact that under the PPP/C Administration, the courts struck down many of these compulsorily acquired property transactions as unconstitutional and ordered the return of these properties, many times on the grounds that they were not used for the purpose for which they were acquired. I recall as Attorney General, I consented in Court, with the authority of the Cabinet, to the re-conveyance from the State to the owners of several dwelling properties in West Ruimveldt and North Ruimveldt, that were compulsorily acquired during the Burnham regime. These are poor ordinary people who never even know why their homes were compulsorily acquired. When these properties were acquired by the Forbes Burnham regime, the law as it then was, pegged the compensation to be paid to these property owners at a 1939 market value of the property seized. Even this pepper-corn value, the Burnham Government refused to pay. In the 1999/2001 Constitutional Reform process, this anachronistic and anomalous calculation of the value of the property was expunged from the law and replaced with an obligation upon the State to pay current market value for the land compulsorily acquired. When these properties were acquired by the Forbes Burnham regime, the law as it then was, pegged the


compensation to be paid to these property owners at a 1939 market value of the property seized. Even this pepper-corn value, the Burnham Government refused to pay. In the 1999/2001 Constitutional Reform process, this anachronistic and anomalous calculation of the value of the property was expunged from the law and replaced with an obligation upon the State to pay current market value for the land compulsorily acquired. The truth of the matter is, however, the current day market value that will be used by this Administration will be one generated by the Government’s Chief Valuation Officer, which everyone knows is not the real market value of the property. But the significant issue remains. Why resort to this draconian measure in the first place? As I said before, this power is invoked in the most exceptional circumstances for example, if a highway is being constructed and it is found somewhere along the line, that it will encroach on upon some private property. In those circumstances where it is clear that the public good of having a highway far outweighs the interest of one person whose property is blocking that highway, the power should be exercised. The purpose for which this particular land is acquired according to the Official Gazette is for the construction of Government Buildings. I recall as Attorney General, I made enquiries from the relevant persons whether that the said land and the plot adjacent to it was available for sale. Were they available, my intentions were to persuade the Government to purchase the same for the purpose of accommodating proposed expansions of the building which houses the Attorney General Chambers and Ministry of Legal Affairs. My plans were brought to an abrupt end when I learnt the properties were not for sale. My concept of democracy and my innate respect for private property and the rule of law prevented me from even conceiving the option of compulsory acquisition. It is clear that these considerations do not occupy the minds of those who are in Government today. There are numerous Government buildings and empty plots of State lands scattered all across this city for the Government to utilize. If the intention is to expand the AG Chambers, then immediately north of the building is a huge property owned by the State which houses the Integrity Commission and the National Trust which can be used. In short, there are many options to utilize rather than covet private property. I now recognize how genuine the President was, when, while addressing the 19th Biennial Congress of the PNC, a few weeks ago, he embraced the philosophy and politics of Forbes Burnham. The international community should now be clear on where this Government stands. The signal that this move will send to investors will certainly be a negative one: private property and by extension, investments are no longer safe in Guyana. Another nail has been driven in the coffin of the local economy. To my mind, it is now clear that the 1919 Local Government Elections and the 2020 Regional and General Elections are going to be massively rigged unless we begin now to put into place measures, mechanisms and facilities to prevent that from happening. Yours faithfully Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP Attorney-at-Law


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UG Students Protest Against 5% Tuition Increase Students of the University of Guyana (UG) protested this morning PAGE 5

against the 5% increase in tuition fees. Dozens of scholars congregated at the intersection of UG road, with banners stating, “Not A Dollar More!”, “Not Another Increase!” and “No to 5%”, displaying their disagreement towards the decision of the University’s administration to increase their tuition fees. After approximately an hour and a half, the protest was interrupted by the local authorities, forcing the students to relocate. The peaceful protesters then proceeded to march towards the University intoning hymns were it could be heard “Education not inflation!”, “No %5, get it from the government!” and “Strike the Hike!” The increase has taken the students by surprise, and a wave of anger has shaken the facility, triggering public demonstrations of discomfort. The announcement of the augmentation in the tuition fees, was made via email by the University’s administration on Friday last. According to the digital document, the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the University, approved an annual five per cent increase in the tuition fees effective for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 Academic Years, this is therefore $168,000 instead of $160,000 annual fee. It is specified in the document that ‘The difference, without penalty, becomes due and payable on or before November 15, 2016. The facilities fee remain unchanged’. Angry students share their opinions: Adelon Mori, a final year International Relations student, who took part in the protest, said “We are not paying an increase in our tuition fee. The administration can’t notify about changes in the fees half way semester, it is not fair to the students.” Elsie Harry, also a final year International Relations student, and head of the protest stated that the feeling of discomfort is general among the students. “We want to let the administration know with this public demonstration that not a dollar is going to be paid for the tuition fees. It is unethical.” Ms. Harry expressed that it is also ‘unfair’ that the administration announces an increase when half semester is almost over, and the invoices are already paid. Ms. Harry said that the students are trying to organize a discussion with the Vice Councilor of the Institution, Ivelaw Griffith in order to reach to an agreement on the matter. “If we can’t get any positive results after this talks, we will express our discomfort during the visit of President Granger, scheduled for Thursday next” Ms. Harry said.

Students of the University Of Guyana (UG) protest against the hike.





Government Not Interested In Social Cohesion Several young professionals in Guyana questioning the hiring of one ethnic composition for the National Accreditation Council (NAC), which was set up on September 27, 2016. Some of these young professionals who supported the coalition government were quoted as saying that “the Government is being unfair in their hiring practices”, and is not buying the notion that only Afro Guyanese are capable of doing a job. They went on to say that this is a clear duplication of the Bretram Collins College of the Public Service, which is further dividing Guyana and is setting a very dangerous precedence. These professionals are also contending that there cannot be social harmony when this new government unleashed multiple campaigns of victimization and discrimination against persons perceived to have a certain political affiliation. They are questioning whether the government is really interested in fostering social cohesion or whether this is just another propaganda by the APNU+AFC government. They are of the opinion that Guyana would never be able to obtain Social Cohesion if there is no partnering with all cross section of the society.

Rohee Criticizes Operation Safeway As Road Accidents Continue General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee has expressed disappointment that road accidents continue despite the police force’s Operation Safeway. The General Secretary made reference to the recent accident at Friendship, East Bank Demerara, which claimed the lives of two young men, whose vehicle crashed into a truck, while on their way to Linden. “Operation Safeway is clearly not creating the safe environment on our roads as was envisaged, it is proving to be another disaster of Ramjattan’s making,” Rohee said. Operation Safeway was launched last month following an increased number of fatal accidents on the country’s roadways. When questioned whether the continued road accidents is as a result of reckless drivers, Rohee said it is the police who launched Operation Safeway and it is they who must ensure that it works. ”Well the last thing we would want to do is blame the citizens of this country at all, if any citizen commit a volition of the traffic laws, the police must take action against them, you will have from time and time have cases like that occurring on the street, but it was the police that launched operation Safeway not the citizens, just like how police launched Operation Safeway they have to make sure it works,” Rohee explained. The general secretary said it the police who had are “crowing” everyday about the operation’s success and yet there are still road accidents. “How do you explain these successes of Operation Safeway yet people are being killed on the roads of Guyana?” the general secretary questioned


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GUYANA DAILY NEWS GAWU Calling For Negotiations With Demerara Timbers Limited Workers of the Demerara Timbers Limited (DTL) are calling to every worker. PAGE 8

on the company to engage the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) in negotiations over pay. The workers of DTL held a peaceful picketing exercise outside the DTL head office in Kingston, Georgetown this morning. According to General Secretary of the Union, Seepaul Narine, bilateral negotiations between the union and the company reached a stalemate on November 17, 2015 after the company did not approve any pay raise but offered a Christmas Bonus of $5000


He further stated that the company’s position was rejected by the workers who staged a protest exercise on November 19, 2015 at the company’s Mabura Hill operations. Mr. Narine further stated that the workers have grown impatient over the company’s disrespectful attitude towards them, their union and the Ministry of Social Protection. He also said that the workers maintain that they deserve a pay raise for both 2015 and 2016, especially in view of the rising cost of living. He said that 2016 is almost over and the company continues to drag its feet on the issue. According to a press release from GAWU, the company refused to attend meetings summoned by the counciliator, Francis Carrly, which led to the involvement of Minister of Social Protection, Keith Scott, who wrote to the company mandating them to meet with the union and the Ministry. The release further stated that a few meetings were held, however, the company remains unmoved and is unwilling to divulge its financial statements for scrunity by the parties.




PPP Protest Mounting Of Barriers At GECOM


PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

he People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) through General Secretary Clement Rohee is protesting the mounting of police barricades at the headquarters of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to prevent PPP supporters from staging a peaceful protest at the Main street location. The general secretary related that since the 2015 General Elections the party has picketed peacefully at the said location without any incidents. “It was surprising therefore, that when protestors turn up at the usual site for their picketing exercise, they were confronted by police barriers and were forced to picket on the public road placing in danger the lives of the peaceful picketers who were expose to heavy vehicular traffic. It was only when this danger was brought to the attention of the commanding officers that traffic ranks were positioned to divert vehicular traffic from endangering the lives of the peaceful demonstrators,” Rohee explained. The PPP is of the view that the act was political and was centrally directed by Minster of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and his “sycophants” at the police force headquarters to deny the constitutional rights of the supporters of the PPP to peaceful protest and freely express their views throughout Guyana.




West Demerara Coops To Government… ‘Don’t let us sink’


NXIOUS Cane Farming and Marketing Cooperative Societies members want Government to throw them a lifeline and help prevent the imminent collapse of their businesses following its plan to shut down the Wales Sugar Estate. Representatives of various Region Three (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara) Cooperative Societies which supply sugar cane to the Wales Estate met Monday with Minister w ith in th e M in is tr y o f S o cial Protection with responsibility for Cooperatives, Mr Keith Scott, to air their grievances and court the Government’s backing at the Toevlugt/Patentia Neighbourhood Democratic Council. Sam Persaud Knight, Chairman of the Canal No. Two Cane Farming and Marketing Cooperative Society said that the Estate’s closure will force many Societies out of business because they will be unable to bear the higher cost of transporting cane. The Co-ops currently earn around $58,000 per tonne to move the harvested cane from field to factory. Knight claimed that following government’s announcement of Wales Estate closure the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) at a meeting with cane farmers promised an ‘all weather road’ will be built to facilitate transportation of the cane. However, GUYSUCO’s feasibility later indicated an insufficient amount of cane planted and harvested among the Coops to undertake the road project. This was a blow to the Region Three Co-ops. “This would make even more societies defunct because they cannot afford the transportation cost. I would want to believe that more Co-ops are going under if nothing is done,” h e w a r n e d . K n i g h t ’s sentiments were echoed

by Secretary to the Maria’s Lodge Cooperative Society, Mr. Clinton Dey, who noted that farmers have to rent punts to transport cane from the backlands at approximately $7,500 per trip. “…(I)t can’t pay for us to bring out the cane from the backlands given the price we get for it. So we really need government to intervene and help us to either have the punts free or at least at a lower cost,” Dev said. Famers are anxious about the prospects of facing further financial afflictions which they reminded Minister Scott will greatly hinder them honouring their obligations with local commercial banks. Mr. Claudius Charles, Chairman of the Free and Easy Cooperative Society, called on the Minister to study what options the government could provide to soften the impact of the blow the embattled Co-op farmers currently face. “We small farmers are particularly affected and we want to know what the Cooperative Department at the Ministry (of Social Protection)…can do to help us,” Charles queried.Charles too wants the government to step in and save the Region Three cane farming businesses. When he spoke, Minister Scott said many of the problems cane framing and marketing cooperatives are facing could be addressed with diversification. “We are hoping that we can move from cane farmers’ cooperatives to farmers’ cooperative, which encompasses farmers of other crops. We are encouraging reforms to overcome some of the difficulties,” he said. Nevertheless, he promised to ventilate their concerns when Cabinet meets Tuesday including their calls for government support. Scott told them too, that he will discuss possible interventions with Minister of Agriculture, Mr Noel Holder. According to Scott the Government is moving to resuscitate the cooperative movement in Guyana and a Task Force was appointed to prepare a white paper on the way forward for cooperatives. This should be submitted President David Granger by next week. Scott blamed lack of accountability and the undemocratic behaviour of some elected Co-op officials for the current declining of the sector. Interim Management Committees have replaced these co-op leaders whose credibility have been called into question. The following the rules are being further strengthened with support from officer of the Social Protection Ministry. “We are trying to revive what used to be one of the most vibrant sectors in Guyana. There are millions of dollars floating around in cooperatives and we want them to use that money to help members, and communities,” Scott said. Empathising with the framers, Janaknauth Panchu, Assistant Chief Cooperatives Development Officer at the Ministry noted that West Bank Demerara has the most functioning agriculture-based Cooperatives in a cluster and most have been functioning effectively. However they need new thinking, Panchu suggested. Farmers must embrace diversification (because) the Cooperative model has many benefits for development,” Panchu said. (Ministry of Social Protection)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mexican Ambassador And Archivists Call On Minister Henry Prior To Digitization Workshop PAGE 12

(Georgetown, October 3, 2016) – The Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry received a courtesy call today from the Mexican Ambassador, Ivan Roberto Sierra Medel and the two archiving experts Mr. Erick Cardoso Espinoza, Information Technology Director of the National Archives of Mexico and Sebastian Alcerreca Alcocer, Technical Software Development Manager of the National Archives of Mexico. The two experts will be in Guyana from September 30 to October 7, 2016 to conduct a workshop on the digitization practices with the staff of the Walter Rodney Archives, Walter Roth Museum, Guyana National Museum, Museum of African Heritage and the National Trust. The areas to be covered over the next three days are as follows: - Apply a diagnostic to measure the software functionality and its concordance with the document organization standards - Evaluate hardware capabilities to verify that it fulfils the requirements regarding capability, availability, scalability, response, etc. - Training participants on hardware and software maintenance - Evaluation of digitization processes to optimize efficiency by implementing best practices. The Mexico-Guyana Cooperation project first commenced in 2015 with a visit by two experts from the General Archive of the Nation of Mexico (AGN) to the National Archives of Guyana to analyse the condition of the original materials since this could affect the digitization techniques and it can define its possibility to generate optimal digital images. During that initial phase a Conservation workshop was held at the National Archives of Guyana which was attended by participants from the Museums. The National Archives has an on-going digitization programme which was launched in 2013


with a grant from UNESCO. This training will provide technical training to Archives and Museums that are seeking new medium to reach the public. One such way is to digitize artefacts and have them available in online format i.e. website http://guyananationalarchives.com where members of the public can have access to information. It will also help to make the Archives and Museums more interactive. (Ministry of Education Press Release)




Colombia Referendum: Voters Reject Farc Peace Deal

Voters in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.2% voting against it. The deal was signed last week by President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez after nearly four years of negotiations. But it needed to be ratified by Colombians in order to come into force. Addressing the nation, President Santos said he accepted the result but would continue working to achieve peace. How did it happen? Colombians were asked to endorse or reject the peace agreement in a popular vote on Sunday. The "yes" campaign had the backing not just of President Santos but of a wide array of politicians both in Colombia and abroad, including UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon. But there was also a vocal campaign for a "no" vote, led by former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Polls conducted ahead of Sunday's vote suggested a comfortable win for the "yes" campaign. But in a surprise result, 50.2% of voters rejected the agreement compared with 49.8% who voted for it. The difference with 98.98% of the votes counted was less than 54,000 votes out of almost 13 million ballots. Turnout was low with fewer than 38% of voters casting their votes. Colombia was divided regionally with most of the outlying provinces voting in favour of the agreement and those nearer the capital and inland voting against it. In Choco, one of the provinces hardest hit by the conflict, 80% of voters backed the deal. In the town of Bojaya, where at least 119 people were killed when a church was hit by Farc mortar bombs, 96% of residents voted "yes". Colombia's capital, Bogota, also voted "yes" with 56%. The province of Vaupes, in the east of the country, also registered strong support for the deal, with 78% voting in favour. Vaupes has also seen its share of conflict, including the attack on the town of Mitu, which the rebels seized control of in 1998 after taking a

large number of police officers hostage. Some of the officers were held hostage by the Farc for 12 years before being freed by the army in 2010. In the eastern province of Casanare on the other hand, 71.1 % voted against the deal. It is an area where farmers and landowners have for years been extorted by the Farc and other illegal groups. In Antioquia, the home state of ex-President Uribe, 62% rejected the deal. Why did people vote 'no'? Most of those who voted "no" said they thought the peace agreement was letting the rebels "get away with murder". Under the agreement, special courts would have been created to try crimes committed during the conflict. Those who confessed to their crimes would have been given more lenient sentences and would have avoided serving any time in conventional prisons. This, for many Colombians, was one step too far. They also balked at the government's plan to pay demobilised Farc rebels a monthly stipend and to offer those wanting to start a business financial help. "No" voters said this amounted to a reward for criminal behaviour while honest citizens were left to struggle financially. Many also said that they simply did not trust the rebels to keep their promise to lay down arms for good. They pointed to previous failed peace negotiations when the rebels took advantage of a lull in fighting to regroup and rearm as evidence that the Farc had broken their word before. Others were unhappy that under the agreement, the Farc would be guaranteed 10 seats in the Colombian Congress in the 2018 and 2022 elections. They said this would give the newly created party an unfair advantage. What will happen next? President Santos said that the bilateral ceasefire between government forces and the Farc would remain in place. He has told government negotiators to travel to to Cuba to consult Farc leaders on the next move. President Santos has promised to "continue the search for peace until the last moment of my mandate because that's the way to leave a better country to our children". "I won't give up," he said. The Farc leader known as Timochenko also said that the rebels remained committed to securing an end to the conflict. "The Farc reiterates its disposition to use only words as a weapon to build toward the future," he said after the result. "Count on us, peace will triumph." But before the vote, President Santos had told the BBC that there was "no Plan B" for ending the conflict, which has killed an estimated 260,000 people.

Opponents of the peace agreement celebrated as the surprise result was announced(GETTY IMAGES)

Continued on next page...




Colombia Referendum: Voters Reject Farc Peace Deal (CONT’D)

He said he would meet all political parties on Monday to discuss the next steps and "open space for dialogue". What does the 'no' campaign want? The main proponent of the vote against the agreement was former President Alvaro Uribe. Following the "no" vote, Mr Uribe insisted that he was not opposed to peace but that he wanted to renegotiate some of the agreement, which he said needed "corrections". Among the "corrections" he has demanded are, among others: That those found guilty of crimes be barred from running for public office That Farc leaders serve time in prison for crimes committed That the Farc use their illicit gains to pay their victims compensation That no changes be made to the Colombian constitution He said he wanted "political pluralism which can't be perceived as a reward for crimes committed, social justice without risk to honest enterprise". "We want to contribute to a national accord and be heard," he said. However, it is not clear whether the Farc would agree to the "corrections" Mr Uribe wants or if they would even consider renegotiating the deal which took four years of formal

negotiations and two years of secret talks to reach. What has been the reaction? One of surprise, as even Mr Uribe, the main backer of the "no" vote, had predicted that the "yes" vote would win. Some of those who had gathered to watch the result on giant screens expressed their disappointment. One woman in Medellin told Caracol radio: "I never thought I could be this sad. I haven't got any victims in my family, nor any siblings who've joined the guerrilla, but I think of my country, of the young people and my heart breaks into a thousand pieces." Farc leader Timochenko expressed his disappointment with the result which he blamed on "the destructive power of those who sow hatred and revenge" and "have influenced the Colombian people's opinion". Opponents of the agreement, however, took to the streets to celebrate their unexpected win. Many said that "justice has won" and expressed their relief at the result. One Colombian woman told BBC Mundo that Colombians had not forgotten that the path of the Farc was "paved with kidnappings, killings and drug trafficking". (BBC)




Suriname Grants Licence To First Islamic Bank In Western Hemisphere

By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- In major development that will see Suriname hosting the first Islamic bank in the Western Hemisphere, the Central Bank of Suriname has finally, granted the Trust Bank a licence to commence Islamic banking. Trust Bank plans to be in operation by the first quarter of 2017. Foreign investment will now flow through Trust Bank and will be a boost to the Surinamese economy. The bank is now busy putting together the physical and human infrastructure to meet its target opening date. A year ago, Trust Bank signed an advisory services agreement with the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB) to process and support its conversion into Islamic compliant operations. In discussing the vision and goals of the bank, the chief executive officer of Trust Bank, Maureen Badjoeri, said: “Within our new strategy, one of our ambitions is to contribute to the socio economic development of SMEs. Once becoming an Islamic Bank, and with the collaboration with ICD, Trust Bank wants to facilitate SMEs in more ways than just financially. With this approach, SMEs will be able to start-up or expand production of goods and services with a spin-off in job creation, trade, export and adding to GDP growth and strengthening of the Surinamese currency and economy.” She added: “We want to reach our goals in financial inclusion, foster sustainable

growth and development by offering Shariah-compliant products and services for the benefit of all.” With the Trust Bank closer to reality, Suriname may emerge as a hub for Islamic banking and finance in the region. Guyana, for example, is now turning to Suriname for help to access economic and technical support from the IsDB. Bahrain wants to invest in the banking industry of Suriname and, with its vast experience and expertise in Islamic banking, it’s a great match for the government of Suriname’s vision of becoming a financial hub. Moreover, with Guyana now a member of the IsDB, the Jeddahbased bank, is contemplating opening a branch in the Western Hemisphere and Suriname is being discussed as the choice of location. On the heels of the official visit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) secretary general Iyad Ameen Madani’s visit to Suriname last week, the Central Bank of Suriname granted Trust Bank a licence to operate after some delays. Madani noted that Suriname can be a financial trading centre. He also envisions Suriname’s potential in the agricultural sector, and a major exporter of food in the region and to other OIC member countries. Islamic banking is based on Islamic principles. The main principles are: the prohibition of interest, the prohibition on speculation and investment in alcohol, tobacco and gambling. Interest is replaced by a fee charged or some form of profit sharing. Neither the IsDB nor Trust Bank of Suriname is a religious institution, a misunderstanding by many in Guyana and Suriname. Trust Bank will open its doors to all people of any religious background. (Caribbean News Now!)

CEO of the Islamic Development Corporation of the Private Sector (ICD), Khaled Al Aboodi (L), and the CEO of the Trust Bank, Maureen Badjoeri, signed an advisory services agreement in December 2015




Cuba And The US Negotiate Six New Cooperation Agreements

HAVANA, Cuba (ACN) -- Cuba and the United States are working on the negotiation of six new cooperation agreements in areas such as the implementation and enforcement of law, seismic monitoring and the exchange of meteorological information, said Josefina Vidal, general director for the United States of the Cuban Foreign Ministry. The official said in an online interview on Twitter that these work commitments will also include protected marine areas, search and rescue, and the coordination of responses to spills of hydrocarbons and other substances in the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Strait. From Washington, at the end of Josefina Vidal the fourth meeting of the Bilateral Commission between the two nations, Vidal said that seven new high level visits in both directions were planned for the months of October and November, in addition to a dozen technical meetings on topics of common interest, like health, the environment, education and a wide gamut of bilateral and multilateral aspects. She underlined that, in the Bilateral Commission, Cuba reiterated its condemnation of the programs that were attempted in the island without the authorization and approval of corresponding institutions, like the recent case of the World Learning scholarships for youngsters. Vidal insisted on the need for the US government to eliminate the financing of programs aimed at causing internal changes in Cuba, an action she considered essential to normalize bilateral relations. The diplomat said that, even though the US administration has approved the use of dollars by Cuba in its international financial transactions, so far the island has not been able to make any payment to third parties nor deposits in cash in that currency. She emphasized that President Barack Obama has wide prerogatives to act in the economic-commercial sphere, as he did with telecommunications, and could authorize the export of more products to the island, as well as to allow US investments in Cuba. Obama could normalize bank relations by allowing Cuban banks to have correspondent accounts in financial institutions of that country.

In Friday's talks, it was reiterated that in order to advance in the improvement of relations it will also be necessary to return the territory occupied by the US naval base at Guantanamo and that the Cuban Adjustment Act, the dry-feet-wet feet policy and the parole program for Cuban medical professionals are eliminated, which not only encourage the illegal and unsafe emigration of Cuban citizens but also deprive the island of vital human resources and create increasing difficulties to other countries. The fifth meeting of the Bilateral Commission will take place in December, thus giving continuity to the process announced by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and US Secretary of State John Kerry after the re-establishment of diplomatic relations. Vidal headed the Cuban delegation to the meeting, while heading that of the United States were Mari Carmen Aponte and Jonathan Finer, assistant secretary of state for Hemispheric Affairs and the director of policy planning at the State Department, respectively. (Caribbean News Now!)





Powerful Hurricane Matthew Threatens Haiti And Jamaica

Bad weather from the storm has already arrived in parts of Jamaica(AP)


ne of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years is expected to cause flooding and landslides when it passes by Jamaica and Haiti. The fast-approaching Matthew, a Category Four storm, could bring up to 40 inches (102cm) of rain. Heavy rain and winds have already hit parts of Jamaica, with floodwaters blocking roads in the capital Kingston. Haiti could be more seriously affected when the hurricane passes over the country's south-west later on

M o n d a y. T h e H a i t i a n authorities have urged people to stock up on food and water and secure their homes. Thousands are still living in tents following the huge earthquake in 2010. Matthew is later expected to reach eastern Cuba. As it is moving slowly north over the Caribbean, the storm's maximum sustained winds are reaching 130mph (215km/h), the US National Hurricane Center (USNHC) said on Monday. Its centre is expected to pass to the east of Jamaica and make

landfall to the south-western tip of Haiti later in the day before reaching eastern Cuba, the USNHC said. Southern areas of Haiti including Jeremie and Les Cayes are expected to see the worst of the heavy rain and treacherous winds. "Wherever that centre passes close to would see the worst winds and that's what's projected to happen for the western tip of Haiti," US hurricane specialist John Cangilosi said. "There is a big concern for rains there and also a big concern for [a] storm surge." Forecasters say the storm is expected to pass east of Florida through the Bahamas, although it is too soon to say whether it will hit the US coast. Haitian officials say that about 1,300 emergency shelters have been constructed across the c o u n t r y, s u ffi c i e n t t o accommodate 340,000 people. Both airports in Haiti are closed. Warnings have been broadcast over the radio urging people to pay attention to evacuation warnings, especially because

some people are expected to try to stay in their homes to protect them from damage. Interim President Jocelerme Privert on Sunday advised Haitians to be prepared to move quickly in an address on state radio. "To those people living in houses that could collapse, it's necessary that you leave these houses to take refuge in schools and churches," he said. In Jamaica, emergency services rushed to protect buildings and get people in safe buildings. Long queues formed outside stores and at petrol stations as people stocked up. The Jamaican government urged people to evacuate and prepare for the storm two days ago. "No turning back now. It is a matter of how long we have to wait this out," Minister of Local Government Desmond Mackenzie said. Matthew is expected to hit Cuba on Tuesday, potentially reaching the colonial city of Santiago de Cuba and the US Navy base of Guantanamo Bay. (BBC)

CARICOM To Monitor Elections In Haiti


EORGETOWN, Guyana -- The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is mounting a CARICOM electoral observer mission for the presidential elections in Haiti scheduled for Sunday, 9 October, 2016. Dr Steve Surujbally, chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission will lead the mission, which was requested by Haiti’s minister of foreign affairs, Pierrot Délienne. Other members of the mission will include experts in electoral management from Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. On October 9, voters in Haiti will elect a new president following the

accepted but discarded presidential and legislative elections of 25 October 2015. The presidential candidates who had led in the October 2015 poll are amongst the 27 now vying for the presidency. If one of the 27 presidential candidates does not obtain over 50 percent of the vote, a runoff will take place on January 8, 2017. Voters will also elect a third of Senate seats, along with representatives to fill thousands of municipal posts. For CARICOM, election observation serves as a platform to support existing democratic traditions within the Community as part of its wider policy of supporting democracy. (Caribbean News Now!)

Head of the CARICOM Observer Mission to Haiti, Dr Steve Surjbally, Chairman of the Guyana Election Commission




Zika Numbers Are only The Tip Of The Iceberg, Says CARPHA

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has reported that positive zika cases confirmed by laboratory testing represent only the “tip of the iceberg”. This means that the number of

confirmed zika cases published in the media is only a small number of infected persons, who were tested and confirmed as positive for having the disease. Executive director, CARPHA, Dr C. James Hospedales said, “Often times when the figures of confirmed laboratory cases of diseases such as chikungunya and zika are reported to the media, the public reacts with surprise and suspicion, even commenting that the government and CARPHA are trying to cover up the real figures.” Hospedales stated that this is far from the truth, as reported figures are only laboratory confirmed positive cases and do not represent everyone who has been infected. These figures are what is described as the “tip of the iceberg”. With regards to the zika outbreak, the reported cases are persons who have been infected

with zika and then sought medical attention. They are the ones who were eligible for testing and then got tested. These persons would have been identified as being in a ‘high risk’ category, namely, pregnant women, children under the age of five years, adults over 65 years, hospitalised patients and persons with co-morbidities (with chronic illnesses). The iceberg phenomenon states that only a small percentage of all infected persons end up being laboratory confirmed positive cases. The iceberg phenomenon is important and provides valuable information for public health decision making. It gives an indication of the magnitude of the infection so that action can be taken to reach those who cannot be seen and are ‘under the water ’. (Caribbean News Now!)




Jamaica Health Ministry Targets Medical Tourism Sector

nightly by stopover visitors. “Based on these estimates, medical tourism will produce ten times more than the mainstream tourist market,” he said, noting that the funds generated from medical tourism could be used to offset expenses in the public healthcare system. Medical tourism is the travel of people to a place other than where they normally reside for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. It is becoming a popular option in the international tourist market as it offers cost savings, immediate medical care, high standards, post procedural care, while providing the opportunity to explore new destinations and culture. Lynch said that Jamaica, based on its geographical location, is well positioned to take advantage of the industry. Citing the opening of a private medical facility in Montego Bay last year by the Hospiten Group, he encouraged more investment in the sector. “Private healthcare is critical in our society and particularly in our urban centres and resort corridors. Satisfying the total health needs requires an ongoing partnership between the government and the private healthcare providers. The Ministry urges other investors to come on board to explore other areas across the island where we can build similar facilities,” he said. The Hospiten Group is an international network of private hospitals, which provide high-level healthcare services. The group has 16 hospital centres located in major cities and tourist centres in Spain, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Jamaica. The JCC Customs Tariff and Port Users Committee’s annual Customs seminar provides a forum for stakeholders to discuss issues affecting the sector. This year, the forum was held under the theme: ‘Encouraging Health Tourism’ and focussed on the potential economic impact of medical tourism on the Director of Planning, Policy and Development in the Ministry of Health, Howard country. It also featured presentations from the Jamaica Lynch, giving the keynote address at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Customs Tariff and Port Users Committee’s 15th annual customs seminar on Customs Agency (JCA). (Caribbean News Now!)

By Rochelle Williams KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) --The ministry of health is aiming to attract over 100,000 medical tourists to Jamaica within the next ten years. Director of policy planning and development in the ministry, Howard Lynch, said the sector has the potential to provide tremendous economic benefits to the country. “At a growth rate of 20 percent in ten years, it is estimated that Jamaica’s share in the global market will amount to 0.3 percent and would generate over US$600 million,” he said. Lynch was speaking on behalf of permanent secretary in the ministry, Elaine Foster Allen, at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Customs Tariff and Port Users Committee’s 15th annual customs seminar on September 29 in New Kingston. He noted that medical tourism has potential for higher earnings than traditional tourism, with estimated daily revenue generation of US$1,300 per medical tourist. This is comparatively higher when compared with US$113 per person

September 29 in New Kingston. Photo: Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC)




Facing Extradition From The US, Former Panama President Prepares To Flee Again agency that assisted a man who made Panama the hemisphere's By Kenneth Rijock MIAMI, USA -- According to the Panamanian government, a formal request was made on September 29, 2016, to the United States to extradite the country's former president, Ricardo Martinelli. Martinelli, who fled Panama in January 2015, ahead of the first of more than a dozen criminal indictments on a variety of charges, has been living the good life in Miami since then, though had made prior plans to reside on an estate that he previously had purchased in Paraguay. Martinelli was apparently allowed to enter, and reside in the United States, notwithstanding his well-known criminal activities, both before and during his presidency, because of an arrangement with an unnamed American law enforcement agency. However, there will be no accountability on the part of any US

Ricardo Martinelli

premier money laundering destination. Observers in Miami, where Martinelli has been living, say that he is looking at relocating to either Israel, or to Azerbaijan. The former president's brother-in-law, Aaron "Rony" Mizrachi, had previously fled to Israel, as well as his minister of tourism; both men were involved in corruption, and securities fraud, and exminister Gabriel Betesh was also involved in drug trafficking in Colombia, which was the reason that he lost his US visa several years ago. Additionally, Martinelli had once diverted his plane from an official trip to Greece to make an unannounced stop in Azerbaijan, where he deposited money into local banks. He has often stated that Panama and Azerbaijan have a close relationship, and he likes the country, which calls itself "the land of eternal fire." In the meantime, Panama's minister of finance, at a recent conference in Panama City, stated that total new incorporations in Panama in 2016, by the end of year will show a 20 percent decline from 2015. Most observers attribute this to the reluctance of foreign clients to form new corporations and foundations in the light of the negative press generated as the result of the publication of the Panama Papers, the confidential records of the law firm of Mossack and Fonseca. The minister stated that she believed the reason for the decrease in new incorporations to be Panama's new "transparency”, though she made that claim at an offshore financial services conference in Panama City, where the countries and vendors of tax haven services were advertising just the opposite. (Caribbean News Now!)




Jamaica Finance Minister Highlights Importance Of Gaming Industry By Douglas McIntosh KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Finance and public service minister, Audley Shaw, has underscored the gaming industry’s potential and importance in contributing significantly to the Jamaican government’s growth agenda. He notes that the administration’s revenue intake currently benefits from billions of dollars from the industry through taxes and fees remitted to central and local government. The minister was speaking at the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) annual gaming industry summit, held recently at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston. Shaw said the sceptics should dispel the belief that the industry promotes negative and antisocial behaviour. “We must focus on the rewards that can be achieved and the support that will be given to the growth of the Jamaican economy…

while not ignoring our responsibility to control any negative circumstances that may arise,” he added. The rewards, Shaw indicated, include diversifying the industry as part of efforts to further boost tourism, citing casino gaming as an example of one area that could attract foreign direct investments. Shaw said the government’s recognition of the gaming industry’s potential and importance necessitated that its products be packaged, advertised and distributed, similarly to what obtains with Jamaica’s culture, music and sports. The minister said it is imperative that the industry be promoted in a more “productive and positive light” in order to remove existing stigmas, facilitate responsible behaviour and “protect our children”. “I wish

to see a culture change among stakeholders, as gaming needs to be viewed as a sport,” Shaw said. (caribbean News Now!)

Finance and the Public Service Minister, Audley Shaw, addresses the recent Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) Gaming Industry Summit, held in Kingston. Photo: Michael Sloley




BVI Reports Total Confirmed Zika Cases Now 25 By Natasha Lettsome ROAD TOWN, BVI -The ministry of health and social development has reported 25 confirmed cases of zika in the British Vi rg i n I s l a n d s a s o f September 27. Medical officer of health, Dr Ronald Georges, said in a statement, “As of today September 27 we are confirming 25 cases of zika in the territory. These cases have been confirmed by PCR testing at Quest Diagnostics in Puerto Rico and Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad.” In speaking about prevention of the disease, Georges said, “Prevention of zika is very similar to prevention of chikungunya and dengue virus transmission. The main focus is the consistent destruction and removal of potential breeding sites for mosquitoes. This is a multi-pronged approach consisting of consistent work by the vector control team, community mobilisation

and behaviour change.” The vector control unit of the environmental health division continues to carry out regular inspections in areas that are known to be high-risk areas for mosquito transmissions and responds to the premises of reported cases within 24 to 48 hours. (Caribbean New Now!)




Medicine Nobel For Cell Recycling Work The 2016 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine goes to Yoshinori Ohsumi of Japan for discoveries about the secrets of how cells can remain healthy by recycling waste. He located genes that regulate the cellular "self eating" process known as autophagy. Dr Ohsumi's work is important because it helps explain what goes wrong in a range of illnesses, from cancer to Parkinson's. Errors in these genes cause disease. Last year's prize was shared by three scientists who developed treatments for malaria and other tropical diseases. "Self-eating" The body destroying its own cells may not sound like a good thing. But autophagy is a natural defence that our bodies use to survive. Yoshinori Ohsumi has been a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2009(REUTERS) It allows the body to cope with starvation and fight off invading bacteria and viruses, for - Three scientists - John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard example. And it clears away old junk to make way for new cells. Moser - for discovering the brain's navigating system. 2013 Failure of autophagy is linked with many diseases of old age, James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas Sudhof for including dementia. Research is now ongoing to develop drugs their discovery of how cells precisely transport material. 2012 that can target autophagy in various diseases, including cancer. Two pioneers of stem cell research - John Gurdon and Shinya The concept of autophagy has been known for over 50 years, Yamanaka - were awarded the Nobel after changing adult cells but it wasn't until Dr Ohsumi began studying and into stem cells. 2011 - Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann and Ralph experimenting with baker's yeast in the 80s and 90s that the Steinman shared the prize after revolutionising the breakthrough in understanding was made. Dr Ohsumi is understanding of how the body fights infection. 2010 - Robert reported to be surprised about receiving his Nobel Prize, but Edwards for devising the fertility treatment IVF which led to "extremely honoured". Speaking with the Japanese broadcaster the first "test tube baby" in July 1978. 2009 - Elizabeth NHK he said that the human body "is always repeating the auto- Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak for finding the decomposition process, or cannibalism, and there is a fine telomeres at the ends of chromosomes. (BBC) balance between formation and decomposition. That's what life is about." Prof David Rubinsztein, an expert in autophagy at the University of Cambridge, said he was delighted that Dr Ohsumi's vital work had been recognised and rewarded. "His pioneering work in yeast led to the discovery of the key genes and fundamental biochemical processes that are required for autophagy. "As autophagy is well conserved from yeast to man, his laboratory's discoveries have also provided the critical tools to many labs to enable the appreciation of the important roles of autophagy in diverse physiological and disease processes. "These include infectious diseases, cancers, and various neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease and forms of Parkinson's disease. Indeed, autophagy manipulation may provide a key strategy for treating some of these conditions." More than 270 scientists were nominated for the prize, which was awarded at Sweden's Karolinska Institute and comes with eight million Swedish kronor (around £728,000 or $936,000 or 834,000 euros) for the winner. The winners of the physics, chemistry and peace prizes are to be announced later this week. Line 2015 - Three scientists - William C Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura and Youyou Tu - for anti-parasite drug discoveries. 2014




Kim Kardashian West Robbed Of Millions By Paris Gunmen

US reality TV star Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint at a luxury residence in Paris by at least two men dressed as police officers, her publicist and police say. A box containing jewellery worth up to €6 million (£5.2m; $6.7m) was among items taken, a police spokesman said. The concierge led the gunmen to the residence where they tied Kardashian up in the bathroom, police said. A spokeswoman for the star said she was "badly shaken but physically unharmed". The mother-of-two - who became a household name thanks to the reality series Keeping up with the Kardashians - has now left France, flying out of a Paris airport aboard a private jet. The star's spokeswoman, Ina Treciokas, told CNN the robbery had been carried out by masked men with guns. Police sources told the Associated Press news agency that they were seeking five assailants, two of whom had forced their way into the house. Aside from the jewellery box, a ring worth €4 million was also snatched, AP reported, citing police officials. The robbery took place at about 02:30 local time (00:30 GMT), police said. Kardashian's husband, the rapper Kanye West, was on stage at the Meadows Music and Arts Festival in New York at the time of the robbery. He abruptly ended his set, telling fans: "I'm sorry, family emergency. I have to stop the show." Jump media playerMedia player help Kardashian stayed at the luxury residence, behind Paris's Madeleine church, at least once before, in 2014 before her marriage to West. "The loss amounts to several million euros, mostly jewellery. The total amount is still being evaluated," police said. TV host James Corden criticised those making light of the incident. He

tweeted: "People making jokes about Kim Kardashian tonight would do well to remember that she's a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend. Be nice or shut up." Tweet: People making jokes about Kim Kardashian tonight would do well to remember that she's a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend. Be nice or shut up. It is unclear if the couple's two children, three-year-old daughter North and 10-month-old son Saint, were at the home at the time. Police were guarding the site on Monday. The star was in Paris for the city's fashion week with her mother Kris Jenner and her sister Kendall Jenner. Last week she was approached by a prankster who tried to kiss her bottom but was stopped by a bodyguard. Kardashian first rose to fame as a friend and stylist to Paris Hilton. She later appeared in her own reality programme, Keeping up with the Kardashians, about her family. (BBC)




Ex-Apprentice Insiders Blast Trump's 'Sexist' Remarks

To eliminate contestants from The Apprentice Mr Trump would shout "You're fired!"(AP)


epublican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been accused by ex-contestants and staff on reality show The Apprentice of sexism, according to an Associated Press investigation. More than 20 people interviewed described Mr Trump's behaviour toward women as crass and inappropriate. Mr Trump's campaign dismissed the allegations. Spokeswoman Hope Hicks said they were "outlandish, unsubstantiated and totally false". Mr Trump has faced several allegations over the past week questioning his fitness to be president of the US. On Sunday, the New York Times published evidence which alleged that Mr Trump may not have paid federal income tax for 20 years.Former contestants and staff of The Apprentice described how Mr Trump frequently discussed the size of women's breasts and who he would like to have sex with on set. Former producer Katherine Walker said Mr Trump often talked about women's bodies and commented on which female contestants he thought would be good in bed. Eight former crew members said Mr Trump paid particular attention to a

female camerawoman on set who he thought was attractive. Ms Walker said Mr Trump's comments frequently made the camerawoman uncomfortable. "He said something like she was cute and she had a nice ass, and it was brought to my attention by someone else that he had a crush on her," Ms Walker said. Some of the show's contestants said Mr Trump did appear professional. But a former crew member said Mr Trump's lewd comments were made on camera and later edited out of the show. "If there was a break in the conversation, he would then look at one of the female cast members, saying 'you're looking kind of hot today, I love that dress on you,' then he would turn to one of the male cast members and say 'wouldn't you sleep with her?' and then everyone would laugh. "There would be about 10 or 12 cameras rolling and getting that footage, which is why everybody was like, this guy just doesn't care." Another crew member said that Mr Trump often asked male contestants to rate the attractiveness of their female counterparts. The source described a day where cast and crew were all gathered to decide who to blame for a task. In the middle of the discussion, Mr Trump allegedly stopped, pointed to a woman and said he would have sex with her. "Everyone [was] trying to make him stop talking, and the woman [was] shrinking in her seat," the source said. Denying the allegations, Ms Hicks said: "These outlandish, unsubstantiated and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever." NBC, which broadcast The Apprentice, a reality show that judges the business skills of contestants, declined to comment. Last week Alicia Machado, crowned Miss Universe in 1996 accused Mr Trump, who formerly owned the pageant, of calling her Miss Piggy after she gained weight. (BBC)




Russia Suspends Weapons-grade Plutonium Deal With US

Plutonium goes into the warheads of nuclear missiles like these Russian Topols(AFP)


ussian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree suspending an agreement with the US on the disposal of surplus weapons-grade plutonium. The decree (in Russian) accused the US of creating "a threat to strategic stability, as a result of unfriendly actions" towards Russia. So Russia had to take "urgent security measures". Under the 2000 deal, each side is supposed to get rid of 34 tonnes of plutonium by burning it in reactors. It is

part of cuts to nuclear forces. The US state department said the combined 68 tonnes of plutonium was "enough material for approximately 17,000 nuclear weapons". Both sides reconfirmed the deal in 2010. 'We fulfilled our duties' But in April Mr Putin said the US was failing to fulfil its obligations to destroy plutonium. Instead, he argued, the US reprocessing method allowed plutonium to be extracted and used again in nuclear

weapons. Both sides had agreed to build special facilities for disposing of the surplus plutonium. " We f u l fi l l e d o u t duties, we built that enterprise. But our American partners did not," Mr Putin said. The US rejected that claim, insisting that its disposal method did not violate the agreement. The Russian decree c o m e s a m i d heightened tensions over Russia's bombing campaign in Syria, which some have described as a "war crime". Russian planes are helping Syrian government forces to hit rebel groups, some of which are supported by the US and its Gulf Arab allies. Russia is currently modernising its nuclear arsenal. The post-Cold War thaw ended in 2014 when the Russian military annexed Crimea from Ukraine. Russia says it is defending the legitimate interests of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. (BBC)




Russia Suspends Weapons-grade Plutonium Deal With US

Those standing trial deny the killing(AFP)


ive men accused of involvement in the killing of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov have gone on trial at a military court in Moscow. A former deputy prime minister who became a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin, Nemtsov was shot dead last year near the Kremlin. The defendants - all Chechens - were allegedly promised cash to kill him. All deny the charges. His relatives fear whoever ordered the killing will never be found. A Nemtsov family lawyer told the court the investigation was neither objective nor complete, pointing to a lack of video evidence despite the crime happening close to one of the most famous landmarks in Russia. Tight security was in place as the trial began, with the suspects led into court by armed police wearing balaclavas. Nemtsov, who was 55, served as first deputy prime minister under President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s. But after falling out of favour with Yeltsin's successor, Mr Putin, he became an outspoken opposition politician, attacking the government over the economy, corruption and its involvement in Ukraine's war. Who are the accused? Prosecutors say Zaur Dadayev, once a member of an elite Chechen military unit, was the gunman, firing six shots. He is also described as the group's leader. His cousin Anzor Gubashev is said to have been driving the getaway car. Another suspect, Beslan Shabanov, was also said to be in the car, but later died as he was detained in Chechnya. These three are accused of carrying out surveillance of Boris Nemtsov. Another three men, Ramzan Bakhayev, Tamerlan Eskerkhanov, and Shagid Gubashev, who is Anzor's

brother, were not at the murder scene, but prosecutors say they handled the weapon and were accomplices in organising the crime. On what was to be his last night alive Nemtsov had been on a liberal radio station, calling on listeners to join a protest rally at the weekend. He was shot in the back late at night crossing a bridge a few hundreds meters from to the Kremlin, Russia's iconic government building, dying on the spot. The site is still marked with flowers in his memory. President Putin called the murder "vile and cynical" and vowed that those responsible would be held to account. The accused are said to have had Nemtsov under surveillance for months. The suspect that investigators say carried out the killing, Zaur Dadayev, was an officer under the command of pro-Moscow Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. Russia has seen several killings of high-profile politicians and journalists. But the country has a long history of prosecuting alleged hit-men and then failing to follow the chain of command upwards to discover who ordered the murder or why, our Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford says. (BBC)




Syrian Rebels Advance On Symbolic IS-held Town Of Dabiq

The Turkish-backed Syrian rebel force captured the border town of Jarablus at the end of August(REUTERS)


t least 15 Turkish-backed Syrian rebels have been killed in clashes with Islamic State militants, as they move on the group's stronghold of Dabiq. A monitoring group reported that the rebels were killed by landmines that exploded while they attempted to secure the village of Turkman Barih. One rebel commander said he expected to reach Dabiq, which is about 5km (3 miles) to the west, within 48 hours. Dabiq holds great symbolic value to IS and features heavily in its propaganda. The small town is named in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies as the site of an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their "Roman" enemies. Dabiq is the name of IS's monthly English-language online magazine, and the American hostage Abdul-Rahman Kassig was beheaded there two years ago. An alliance of Syrian Arab rebel groups, supported by Turkish air strikes, tanks and special forces, launched an operation to drive IS militants and Syrian Kurdish ďŹ ghters from an area along Turkey's border with Syria in late August. Since then, they have captured the key towns of Jarablus and al-Rai, and taken control of some 960 sq km (370 sq miles) of territory, according to Turkey.

On Monday morning, Turkish military oďŹƒcials said there had been "intense" clashes south of al-Rai in the past 24 hours, which had left 15 Syrian rebels dead and 35 others wounded. Turkish warplanes, artillery and rocket launchers meanwhile targeted dozens of IS targets, they added. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, put the death toll at 21 and said the rebels had been killed by landmines and boobytraps planted by IS militants near Turkman Barih before they withdrew on Sunday. The rebels have captured other villages near Dabiq in recent days and were expecting to reach the town's outskirts within 48 hours, a commander of the Sultan Murad rebel group, Ahmed Osman, told Reuters news agency on Monday. T h e U S - l e d multinational coalition against IS was also

supporting the rebels as they advanced "to within a few kilometres of [IS]'s weakening stronghold Dabiq", US special presidential envoy Brett McGurk wrote on Twitter on Sunday evening. Also on Monday, Syrian government and Russian warplanes carried out more air strikes on the nearby city of Aleppo, as troops continued an all-out assault on besieged rebel-held areas, activists said. Photo posted by Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations-USA showing damage to wall of The International Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations and the Syrian Observatory also reported that air strikes on Sunday had damaged and put out of service a key hospital in a part of Hama province controlled by the rebels. The facility near Kfar Zeita, which is known as the "Cave Hospital" because it is built inside a mountain, was probably hit by "bunkerbuster missiles", the hospital's director Dr Abdallah Darwish said. The strikes came a day after the main trauma hospital in rebel-held Aleppo was put out of service after being hit for the second time in a week, activists said. (BBC)








Taliban Launch Fresh Attack on Afghan City Of Kunduz

Officials said that Afghan forces repelled the night-time attack(AFP)


aliban militants have launched a co-ordinated attack on the northern Afghan city of Kunduz, officials say. The militants attacked from four sides of the city in the middle of the night. Mahmood Danish, spokesman for the provincial governor, said Afghan forces had repelled the attack. Kunduz was briefly captured by the Taliban in September 2015 - the first time the insurgents had taken a major city - but government forces, backed by Nato, recaptured it within days. In southern Helmand province, militants have also taken a strategically important district to the south of Lashkar Gah, killing the local police chief, officials say. A

number of other police casualties were also reported. Residents in Kunduz told the BBC they heard heavy fighting and helicopters flying over the strategically important city. Mohammadullah Bahej, head of the police co-ordination office in Kunduz, said the militants had been pushed back but fighting was continuing on the outskirts of the city. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the Taliban had captured several checkpoints in the city. "A massive operation started on Kunduz capital from four directions early this morning," Mr Mujahid said via his official Twitter account. The capture of Kunduz by the Taliban last September was a huge blow to the country's Westernbacked government. The militants abandoned the city after four days but they had proved their growing capability. The group raided Tarin Kot, the provincial capital of Uruzgan, earlier this month. Afghan government forces are estimated to have control over no more than two-thirds of Afghanistan. The attacks come ahead of a major international donor conference in Brussels on Tuesday, where Afghanistan's international partners will discuss ongoing funding for the country. (BBC)




Fears Of Massive Net Attacks As Code Shared Online

Poorly secured webcams were used to mount massive attacks on websites(THINKSTOCK)


omputer code used to mount one of the biggest web attacks ever seen has been released online. Security experts fear the release will prompt more massive attacks that knock sites offline by swamping them with data. The attack tool seeks out smart devices in homes that are weakly protected with easy-toguess passwords. Net monitoring firms said they had already seen an increase in scans that seek out vulnerable devices. The "Mirai" source code was released on a widely used hacker chat forum over the weekend. The same code is believed to have been used to target security blogger Brian Krebs in late September in an attack that pointed more than 620 gigabits of data every second at his site. Mr Krebs said the release "virtually guaranteed" that the net would soon be flooded with similar incidents as it made it easier to mount such largescale attacks that abuse access to the consumer gadgets. 'Collateral damage' When Mr Krebs' site was attacked, the amount of data with which it was hit was believed to be the biggest ever seen. However, it was eclipsed later

the same month by an attack on French hosting firm OVH, which suffered a malicious datastream that peaked at more than one terabit per second (1,000 gigabits). Research by security firms suggests that both attacks managed to generate so much data by seeking out insecure devices that make up the "internet of things". These are smart devices such as webcams, thermostats and other gadgets that owners can control via the net. Scanners built into the attack code seek out vulnerable devices and enrol them into a network, known as a botnet, that a malicious hacker can then use in what is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. "There is already a surge in botnet operators attempting to find and exploit IoT devices in order to

gain access to uniform and sizable botnet networks," said Dale Drew, chief security officer at net firm Level 3, in an email to Ars Technica. The Mirai botnet and the one used to attack OVH are, between them, believed to control more than 1.2 million vulnerable devices. Post-attack analysis suggests the DDoS deluges aimed at Mr Krebs and OVH used only a fraction of the total number of devices on these botnets. Stephen Gates, chief research intelligence analyst at NSFocus, said the growth of such large IoT botnets could mean chunks of the net get knocked out. In addition, he said, those owning compromised gadgets could see their browsing speeds slow significantly as their home net connection is used to send attack data. "This is all collateral damage caused by a failure of good judgement by using the same factory default passwords on IoT devices in the first place," said Mr Gates in a statement. (BBC)




Oromia: Three Days Of Mourning After 52 Die In Ethiopia

Security forces said they were responding to protesters throwing bottles and stones(REUTERS)


thiopia has begun three days of mourning after at least 52 people were killed during a protest at a religious festival in the Oromia region. Some died in a stampede on Sunday after police fired tear gas and rubber bullets, witnesses said. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said rioters had caused "pre-planned mayhem" that led people to fall to their deaths in ravines. He denied reports that the security forces had opened fire. In a national address on state TV, he praised their "great efforts" to protect the public and blamed "evil forces" for the deaths, vowing to bring to justice those responsible. Thousands had gathered for the religious festival in Bishoftu, 40km (25 miles) from the capital Addis Ababa. The annual Irecha celebrations are an important festival by the people of Oromo in welcoming spring. But crowds at the festival chanted "We need freedom" and "We need justice", witnesses said. 'Fell from a cliff' Some participants crossed their wrists above their heads, a gesture that has become a symbol of the worst protests by the Oromo people in more than two decades. Police fired tear gas after antigovernment protesters threw stones and bottles, but others said demonstrators were entirely peaceful. The national flag is flying at half-mast at all government buildings regular programmes on state radio have been replaced with music, the AFP news agency reports. Witnesses said the

stampede started after police fired tear gas. One protester told the Associated Press news agency that he almost died after falling into a deep ditch as he was trying to flee. He was pulled out but the first people who fell into it had suffocated, he said. An Oromo activist, Jawar Mohamed, was quoted as saying that nearly 300 people had been killed and many more injured. He said troops and a helicopter gunship had opened fire, driving people off a cliff and into a lake. The governmentaffiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate (FBC) reported that people died falling from the cliff around the lake but it made no mention of a helicopter opening fire. There has been a series of deadly clashes in Ethiopia in recent months. People in Oromia and Amhara, two of Ethiopia's most populous regions, have complained about political and economic marginalisation. The US has expressed concern about what it termed the excessive use of force against protesters. The unrest was sparked last November by a plan to expand the capital into Oromia. This led to fears that farmers from the Oromo ethnic group, the largest in Ethiopia, would be displaced. The plan was later dropped but protests continued, highlighting issues such as marginalisation and human rights. (BBC)




A Day Like Today

Abraham Lincoln during his proclamation of Thanksgiving. October 3rd, 1863


braham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, proclaimed ‘Thanksgiving’ as an official annual festival, a day like today 1863. But the roots for this celebration are found two centuries before its official proclamation. ‘Thanksgiving’ or tradition that originally celebrated a fruitful harvest, and asked for blessings for the following year, reached the U.S.A in the 17th century with the immigration of Pilgrims and Puritans. This were the first European settlers on the 13 colonies, later known as ‘The United States of America’. With the years, the celebration became popular between the locals, and was then practiced as part of a Harvest Festival, celebrated every year during fall. The church and the government, used to be the official sponsors of the festival. In 1789 the first president of the United

Sates, George Washington, declared that Thanksgiving will be celebrated every 26th of November as ‘a day of public thanksgiving and prayer’. But the event didn’t reach the expectations, and the practice was temporarily forgotten. It wasn’t until 1863, under Abrahams Lincoln’s Mandate, that the festival regained its lost spirit, and was made official. After debates, the date for the celebration was fixed to take place every fourth Thursday of November. In modern times the President of the United States, in addition to issuing a proclamation, will ‘pardon’ a turkey, which spares the bird's life and ensures that it will spend the duration of its life roaming freely on farmland. This tradition was attached to Thanksgiving in 1947, after President Harry Truman mirrored and incident that occurred on the White House during Lincoln’s

regime. Historians speak that a live white turkey was brought for Christmas dinner to the White House, when Lincoln’s son Tad, interceded in behalf of its life. The life of the turkey was spared, becoming part of the yearly tradition as a representation of compassion and good fortune. Today Thanksgiving is not only celebrated as a way to give thanks ‘for a good harvest’. It represents the day in which the family comes together as a nucleus, the day to give thanks for a good year and ask for better one. The day to solve old grunges, delimitate new goals and get ready for the end of the year with a positive projection. An opportunity to be grateful over all. Source: http://www.history.com/this-day-inhistory/lincoln-proclaims-official-th...





At Least 52 Dead In Ethiopia After Stampede At Oromo Holy Festival

Ethiopia Oromo deaths


ore than 52 people were killed in a stampede in central Ethiopia after police fired warning shots at a holy festival Sunday, Communications Minister Getachew Reda said. "Troublemakers" at the Oromo Irreechaa festival in Bishoftu physically attacked elders who were making their way to the stage to say their blessings for the new year, Reda said. Police fired warning shots into the air, triggering the stampede at the festival attended by an estimated 2 million people, he said. However, Ethiopia's opposition party disputed that account, saying that police fired live bullets into the crowd and as many as 120 people were killed.

Merera Gudina, chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress, said the number of casualties was still unknown. "This goes down as one of the darkest days in modern Oromo history," Gudina told CNN. The Oromo are Ethiopia's largest ethnic group and make up at least a third of the country's 100 million people. But they have been marginalized for decades, with tensions rising recently as the government promoted development that took over Oromo farmland. During the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, athlete Feyisa Lilesa protested against what he said was unfair persecution of the Oromo people by the Ethiopian government. Gudina said the violence broke

out after festival attendees refused to listen to speakers from the ruling party. "The ruling party has been trying to control the festival and use it for its own political interests," he said. "The people gathered refused to listen to speeches of the ruling party. In that confrontation the security forces started to shoot and use tear gas and live bullets. That created chaos." Reda vigorously denied the claim, saying the deaths were the result of a stampede. "Of the people's bodies who were collected, they do not have any bullet wounds whatsoever," Reda said. "They were killed in the stampede. The security forces were mostly unarmed and none of them were involved in firing at the people." "There was no force involved on the part of the security forces -- after all, this event was a people's event," he added. Reda blamed diaspora elements for causing the chaos, saying they were trying to "take advantage to promote a political agenda." "We have a diaspora who are trying to drive a wedge in the people in the government who are using all sorts of violent means to achieve it." Gudina said Ethiopians in other parts of Oromia are protesting the deaths, including in Ambo in western Oromia. "The government should negotiate and the government should talk to people. The bullet should not be the answer to people demanding their right," Gudina said. (CNN)







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Daily Horoscope

Your pursuits may end up being fruitless. Check your personal papers and make sure everything is in order. You really can't do anything to change matters today.

You can look around for the right place and enlist some of your friends to help you move. Older family members may try to make demands that are impossible for you to handle. Someone you care about may not be too well.

You might get behind if you spend too much time debating senseless issues. You may find your nights sleepless due to bad dreams. Money can be made if your are willing to take a chance.

An older member of your family may have left you with a pressing situation. You need to be careful not to make promises that you can't fulfill. Your need to get away could lead you into greater debt.

You can make career moves that will bring you a much higher income. Try to put your money away for a rainy day. Try to be precise in your communications.

Empty promises and a lack of cash may put a damper on your plans. Don't let friends or relatives rule your life. Difficulties with females you live with could cause emotional stress.

Your outgoing nature will win hearts. Concentrate on work and on making money. Put your thoughts into action.

Travel and creative hobbies will be your best outlet. You can make money if you work on personal investments. Don't get talked into get rich quick schemes

Business conducted in your own office will proceed smoothly. Don't bother trying to make someone you live with see your point of view. Your confidence will stabilize your position.

Keep calm. Someone around you is bouncing off the walls. Put your money into a safe place that will ensure a profit if you let it sit long enough. Beware of colleagues who don't have your best interests in mind.

Deception in your home is evident. Don't beat around the bush. You may hae more people on your domestic scene than anticipated. Opportunities for travel and communication are evident.

You need an outlet. The information that you gain can be used in every aspect of your life. Trips should be your choice.





Mexican-Style Street Corn Mozzarella Stick Onion Rings Ingredients


Serves 3

Makes 9–12

3 ears of corn, hulled

2 large white onions

3 wooden skewers

3–4 slices mozzarella cheese

¼ cup melted P A L M B O O M * margarine

5 eggs

2 cups flour 2 cups bread crumbs

½ cup mayo

COCAMAR* cooking oil, for frying

2 cups cotija cheese 3 teaspoons SPICIA* chili powder

Preparation 1. Boil the corn for about 5 minutes. 2. Push a skewer through the middle of each ear of corn. 3. Drain, then brush them evenly with the melted butter. 4. Spread a bit of mayo all over each ear of corn. 5. Scoop the cotija cheese generously on the corn, making sure it covers all sides.

Marinara sauce

Preparation Peel and cut onions into 1-centimeter rings, then separate the rings. Slice the mozzarella into 4 even strips, and place a smaller onion ring in the center of a larger one. Fill the gap between the rings with strips of mozzarella. Repeat with remaining onion rings and freeze them for 1 hour. Place the flour, eggs, and bread crumbs into three separate bowls. Dip each prepared ring into the flour, then the egg, then the breadcrumbs, then back into the egg, and one last time into the bread crumbs. Repeat with the remaining onion rings.

7. Serve!

Heat the oil in a pot over high heat. Fry the rings until golden brown, being careful not to fry them for too long as the cheese may ooze out completely.

**Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS

Drain on a paper towel, then serve with marinara!

6. Sprinkle a little bit of the chili powder evenly across the corn.

**Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


Windies Reeling From Sammy, Simmons Loss Claims Younis

Former Pakistan pace bowler Waqar Younis is convinced that the sudden firing of West Indies T20 skipper Darren Sammy and coach Phil Simmons has left the team unable to compete during the ongoing tour of Pakistan. The World T20 champions were brushed aside easily by the hosts in the United Arab Emirates, not only losing by a 30 series margin, but really failing to compete in any of the matches. Having only claimed the T20 crown a few months prior, the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) dismissed both Sammy and Simmons ahead of the Pakistan tour. Sammy was replaced as leader of the unit by Barbadian Carlos Brathwaite, while Simmons is yet to be replaced. “To be honest, I feel there are plenty of loopholes. They don’t really look like a unit, having sacked their coach before coming on this tour,” Younis said. “They are having issues with new captain (Carlos Brathwaite) having to step in as they also sacked their captain Darren Sammy. These things are never good and easy when you are going to play in someone else’s backyard. “All these have really affected them and you could clearly see it during the T20 series, their body language is not there.” The team has taken its poor form

into the One Day International (ODI) series, losing by 111 runs to Pakistan in the first ODI. Younis fears the series, which also includes Test matches could be over in a hurry if the West Indies does not find a way to focus. “They have to really pull their strings very quickly before it gets too late. At the moment, after what I have seen in this series it looks like it might be 9-0, to be very honest.” (SportsMax)


Garcia Would Not Swap Ryder Cups For A Major A five-time Ryder Cup winner, Sergio Garcia says he would not swap any of those experiences for the individual glory of a major triumph. Despite defeat to the United States, Sergio Garcia professed his ongoing love for the Ryder Cup and says he would not swap any of his wins for glory in a major. The Spaniard was taking part in his eighth Ryder Cup at Hazeltine, with the home team's 17-11 victory representing the third time Garcia has finished on the losing side. Garcia was speaking in a media conference following Sunday's singles - which saw him take half a point against Phil Mickelson in a match of scarcely believable quality, the pair making 19 birdies between them for a better-ball score of 58. The 36-yearold has gone close in several majors in the past, and said he was frequently reminded of that fact by the partisan US crowd on Sunday. "I definitely know I haven't won a major!" he said. "I felt like maybe if I dream about it one day and I felt like I had a major, I definitely know I don't have it. I've been reminded of it plenty of times. "But I do have five Ryder Cups with some amazing teams and I'm very proud of that and I wouldn't give any one of them away for a major. "The only thing I can do is hopefully change

that up, so the next time we come to the US, they will tell me, 'ah, you only have one major', or something like that, which will sound a little bit better. But it's okay. "At the end of the day, I love the Ryder Cup. There's nothing like it. I loved every minute of it. "Even all the bombs that Phil was making on me. But you know, it was another great week, and so many great things that I will never forget." (SportsMax)


Southgate Hails Rooney As Outstanding leader Captain Wayne Rooney will provide England with much-needed leadership and continuity at a time of change, according to Gareth Southgate. Gareth Southgate had little doubt over keeping on Wayne Rooney as England captain, describing him as "the outstanding leader" in the national team. Southgate has been thrust into the spotlight as interim boss for the forthcoming World Cup qualifiers against Malta and Slovenia as Sam Allardyce paid with his job after just one match in charge for being exposed in a newspaper sting. An issue in Southgate's in-tray familiar to his predecessor was the status of Rooney, with debate continuing to swirl over his best position following inconsistent displays at Euro 2016, alongside the added complication of him being dropped from the Manchester United first-team by Jose Mourinho. Nevertheless, the former England defender does not wish to bring any added turbulence to the national-team setup at St George's Park as the Three Lions look to build on a last-gasp 1-0 win over Slovakia last time out. Asked what Rooney's role would be when Malta visit Wembley, Southgate told a news conference: "I'm not sure why I would ever give thew opposition that sort of information but the decision to make him captain in is quite simple. "What I felt

from what I've seen around St George's over the two years [Southgate has served as England Under-21 manager] and from talking to staff is that he's the outstanding leader in that group. "It's a period of change after the summer and now this month. The most important thing at this time is leadership, on and off the field. "I think that Wayne has provided that over the last two years. The way he has matured into that role is really impressive and there was no doubt in my mind about keeping him in that position." (SportsMax)


Moore Reflects On 'Crazy, Incredible' Ryder Cup He was the last name to be selected for the US Ryder Cup team and Ryan Moore was the man who clinched the point that saw the trophy return. Ryan Moore described his maiden Ryder Cup experience as "crazy" after he secured the point that saw the trophy return to the United States. Only confirmed as Davis Love III's final selection a week before the event at Hazeltine, Moore finished with a 2-1 record, defeating Lee Westwood 1up to take the US past the 14.5 points they needed to regain the Cup. Moore had been two down with three to play in that match, but won the final trio of holes to secure the USA's first victory since 2008, capping a remarkable few weeks for the 33-year-old. With four top-10 finishes in his last six starts heading to Hazeltine, Moore continued that fine form against Europe and reflected on a whirlwind few days. "It's been crazy," he said in a news conference. "I can't believe a week ago that I didn't even know I was going to be here, really. "J.B. [Holmes] and Patrick [Reed] both showed up after I went two down on 15, and I walked off that green and I saw both of those guys and I said, 'All right, I'm going to do it for my team right now. I'm going to do something. I'm going to try and flip this match somehow.' "And it's such a different feeling for what we do week-in and week-out on Tour.

To do it for my team-mates, for my captains, for everybody who picked me, who wanted me to be on the team, I had all of that on my shoulders and I said, 'all right, I'm going to try and get points somehow today.' "For that to actually work out was pretty incredible, and for that to actually be the point that clinched this beautiful Ryder Cup was incredible. "I wouldn't want to do it with any other guys than there's sitting around me right now. It's been an absolute blast. I couldn't ask for better team-mates. And hopefully there's more to come." (SportsMax)


Plenty Of Positives For McIlroy In Defeat

He was on the losing side in a Ryder Cup for the first time but Rory McIlroy was not too disheartened as he looked forward to 2018 in Paris. Rory McIlroy refused to be too negative in his assessment of Europe's Ryder Cup defeat as he began to set his sights on an improved performance in two years. The 1711 loss at Hazeltine was McIlroy's first at a Ryder Cup after wins in 2010, 2012 and 2014, the Northern Irishman beaten 1up by Patrick Reed in Sunday's opening singles match. Few could argue that the United States fully merited their victory, but McIlroy believes a European side featuring six rookies this time around will form the majority of the make-up of the team in Paris in 2018. "There's plenty of positives to take," McIlroy said in a news conference. "We have a group that have gotten much closer over the past seven days and a group that could possibly see all of us again in the Ryder Cup in two years' time.

"I think there has been positives to take going into Paris in two years' time. Some of the new blood that we have, they have gotten over their first Ryder Cup and now they know what it's about and they know what they are going to expect next time. "We'll go to Paris w i t h a m o r e experienced squad and a squad that knows what it feels like. We'll have great leadership again. "I think the great culture of the European team, you have guys that have been involved in the team for such a long time. I think that's one of the big parts of our success is that we keep a core group of players and people in

the team and around the team. "But look, it is disappointing. I wish we could have the feeling that we had in Gleneagles two years ago, but it will make it that much better when we have that feeling again in Paris." (SportsMax)

These Are Bonds That Will Last A Lifetime - Woods After the United States regained the Ryder Cup at Hazeltine, Tiger Woods believes the individuals involved will share a bond for life. Tiger Woods believes the United States' Ryder Cup victory at Hazeltine has created a special bond between the team that will last forever. Following three consecutive losses to Europe, the USA regained the trophy in style at Hazeltine, winning Sunday's singles matches 7.5 - 4.5 to secure a 17-11 success. In the past, the American side has been accused of lacking the spirit displayed by their European counterparts - with Woods

himself highlighted as one such example of individuality. But the 14-time major champion, a vice-captain under Davis Love III at Hazeltine, feels the US' 2016 vintage are a special group. "For me, as a player that's been on these teams, to be on a different side of it, to be on the vice captaincy side of it has meant so much to me, to get to know these guys on a different level and to know how hard a job it is to do this," he said in a media conference. "I learned a lot and I became really close to a lot of these guys, and it's been just an honour to be part of it. "And to be part of getting to know these 12 guys, and these vicecaptains and our captain on a deeper level has meant so much to me. "The relationships that we've forged here this week and actually before this week, these are bonds that will last a lifetime. "As a player, I've been a part of that with these teams, and as a non-player, it's still the same. You still have the

same bonds; they grow deep. "And being a part of the team - I didn't actually hit a golf shot, but to go out there and be with these guys, we are truly a team. And we have that mindset coming here with our captain and we did it, we accomplished it and we won it together." (SportsMax)


Banega Wants End To Sloppy Inter Starts

Inter have conceded first in all but one of their competitive games this season and Ever Banega is keen for them to break that habit. Inter midfielder Ever Banega believes slow starts are costing Frank de Boer's side after they went down to a 2-1 Serie A loss at Roma. Edin Dzeko gave the hosts a fifth-minute lead, meaning Inter have conceded inside the first 15 minutes of each of their past three winless matches in all competitions. Banega produced a coolly taken equaliser before Kostas Manolas sealed the points for Roma, meaning the Argentina international's first Inter goal came as little comfort. "It's a shame my goal ultimately didn't help," he told reporters "It was a very difficult game and we created so many chances, it's disappointing to emerge empty-handed. "We must continue working and going forward to get back to winning ways as soon as possible. "It's a pity about the goal at the start, then we

failed to make the most of our opportunities. This game teaches us not to repeat the same mistakes. "We must learn to start strong in the opening 15-20 minutes and not just react to going behind." Inter defender Davide Santon felt unnecessary mistakes cost his side. "We committed too many errors when building play, despite the fact we knew Roma have super-fast players, he said on Inter's official website. "We controlled the contest better in the second half but conceded a free-kick that we should have avoided [for Manolas' goal]. "We were feeling confident at 1-1 but their strike for 2-1 took the wind out of our sails. We have to work hard, we conceded first yet again this evening. "The objective is still [qualifying for] the

Champions League but we have to improve our approach. "Too often we allowed Roma to pick up the second ball. We had a lot of chances but couldn't manage to equalise straight away. "We messed up lots of passes and both sides had bags of openings to score." (SportsMax)


De Rossi Explains Reaction To Dzeko Goal Roma fans in defence of Edin Dzeko disappointing debut season last time

Edin Dzeko's goal against Inter drew an animated response from Roma captain Daniele De Rossi, who feels the striker has suffered. Daniele De Rossi has explained his angry reaction towards

after the much-maligned striker opened the scoring in Sunday's 2-1 Serie A triumph over Inter. The BosniaHerzegovina international deftly touched home Bruno Peres' low fifth-minute cross at the Stadio Olimpico, where Kostas Manolas scored a 76thminute winner shortly after Ever Banega levelled for the visitors. Dzeko now has five goals in eight appearances for Roma this term but has struggled to win fans over in the capital after a

around. Captain De Rossi gestured animatedly towards the home support when his team-mate broke the deadlock against Inter, with television replays showing he appeared to shout an expletive in their direction. "What did I say to the fans? I don't remember… maybe I told them to buy the jersey of Dzeko, but in Bosnian," he joked afterwards, as quoted by Gazzetta. "After a goal you say a bit of everything, you shout, it can happen. I must say that when the most contested players score, like Edin, we are all happier, because he is suffering this situation. "He is one that creates many chances and is not always is able to exploit them. He deserves it because he's a good guy." (SportsMax)


Busquets Takes Responsibility For Barca Loss Barcelona were undone by poor organisation and positioning during the 4-3 LaLiga loss at Celta, according to Sergio Busquets. Sergio Busquets took his share of the blame for Barcelona's stunning 4-3 defeat to Celta Vigo and pledged to work harder to get the LaLiga champions back on track. Luis Enrique's side headed into the match at Balaidos aiming to go top after Real Madrid drew once again against Eibar on Sunday. But the loss leaves them fourth, with Atletico Madrid's victory over Valencia earlier on Sunday meaning Diego Simeone's men the lead the way from their city rivals, with Sevilla in third. "Clearly I am one of those responsible for this defeat," said Busquets, as quoted by AS, after being selected in an unfamiliar midfield three with Arda Turan and Andre Gomes. "I have not done one of

my best matches and when you are in an important area in the field, an error penalises you a great deal. "We must try again to become the team that wins games. We have won titles and have been the best in the world. "We are not robots, we are not machines. Sometimes it is a positional fault by poor control. It is clear that I am one of the guilty ones and just have to work harder." Celta were rampant before half-time as Pione Sisto, Iago Aspas and a Jeremy Mathieu own goal made it 3-0, prompting the introduction of Andres Iniesta for his 600th Barca appearance. Gerard Pique headed one back from Iniesta's cross and Neymar scored a penalty before a dreadful error by goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen allowed Pablo Hernandez to make it

4-2. Pique reduced the arrears again to set up a grandstand finish, but Barcelona fell short and Busquets added: "We know that the level at which we must reach is high. The first goal penalised us a lot and then we conceded two more. "We were poorly positioned, we made mistakes. We wanted to turn the game but the goals penalised us." (SportsMax)

Azam's Second Ton Powers Pakistan To 337-5 Against Windies

Pakistan’s Babar Azam once again proved a scourge for West Indies bowlers after smashing a second successive century to anchor Pakistan to 5-337 from their 50 overs on Sunday in the second one-day international of their threematch series. Azam hit 123 off 126 balls to go along

with his hundred on Friday at the same Sharjah Cricket Stadium in Pakistan's 111-run victory using the Duckworth/Lewis Method. Shoaib Malik hammered 90 off 84 balls to also make a telling contribution. Azam and Malik destroyed the West Indies bowling with a record 169-run third-wicket stand and powered Pakistan to their highest total against the visitors in an ODI. Malik smashed five sixes off Sulieman Benn, including three successive big shots in one over off the tall left-arm spinner. Azam played yet another compact knock and hit nine fours and a six and Sarfraz Ahmed gave the innings a brisk

finish with an unbeaten 60. Captain Jason Holder picked up 2-51 and debutante seamer Alzarri Jospeh took 2-62. (SportsMax)


MLS Review: Rapids, Galaxy Secure Payoff Berths LA Galaxy joined Colorado Rapids in booking MLS postseason places on Saturday. Colorado Rapids defeated Portland Timbers 1-0 on Saturday to secure a berth in the MLS Cup playoffs, as LA Galaxy's postseason participation

was also guaranteed. Sebastian Le Toux scored the only goal of the game for the Rapids in the 63rd minute at Dick's Sporting Goods Park following good work by Marlon Hairston. Colorado are now assured of a first playoff appearance since 2013, rivals Sporting Kansas City having lost 3-1 at New England. That result, sealed by strikes from Kei Kamara and Juan Agudelo in the first and second half respectively, together with a Kevin Ellis own-goal, kept the Revolution's slim postseason hopes

alive. Walker Zimmerman headed home Mauro Diaz's corner in the 39th minute as Western Conference leaders Dallas saw off LA Galaxy 1-0 at Toyota Stadium, but, thanks to results elsewhere, the beaten visitors are now also assured of a role in the playoffs. N e w Yo r k R e d B u l l s h e l d o ff Philadelphia Union to win 3-2 and regain control in the race for the Eastern Conference's coveted top two, Bradley Wright-Phillips on target to join New York City's David Villa on 21 goals in the running for the golden boot. Lamar Neagle scored both goals as DC United came from behind to beat Toronto 2-1, while Columbus Crew eased to a 3-0 win over Chicago Fire. San Jose Earthquakes saw off Real Salt Lake 2-1 at home. (SportsMax)

Willett: My Brotherwas Right About American Fans After suffering a miserable first Ryder Cup experience, Danny Willett believes his brother was correct in his criticism of American fans. Danny Willett described his debut Ryder Cup as "s***" before backing up his brother's controversial comments describing American fans. The Masters champion lost all three of his matches as the United States regained the trophy with a convincing 17-11 victory at Hazeltine. Willett was well beaten 5 and 4 by Brooks Koepka in Sunday's singles, completing a miserable event, the build-up to which was overshadowed by his sibling's incendiary remarks. Peter Willett described American fans as a "baying mob of imbeciles" and "pudgy, basement-dwelling irritants", leading Danny Willett to apologise on his brother's behalf. In a media conference on Sunday, Willett was short and to the point when asked to describe his first Ryder Cup experience, before taking to Twitter on Monday to claim his brother had been proven correct after European players were subject to heckling and an overall hostile atmosphere throughout the three days. "Very strange week here at the Ryder

cup.. Tried my best but played poorly," he posted. "Unfortunately some american fans showed that @P_J_Willett was in fact correct. "Nothing to blame my bad play on.. But still shows that sometimes fans don't know when to call it a day.. Shame really!!" (SportsMax)

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