October 11, 2016

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Revenue From Oil And Gas Could TransformUnited Guyana, Says US Ambassador States f o r m s o f r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y, Guyana’s oil production will be done Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway believes the revenues that are likely to come from the oil industry can transform Guyana into “one of the richest” in the western hemisphere. Speaking at the recent presentation of financial assistance to Guyana’s Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) candidacy at the United States Embassy, Ambassador Holloway said “Examples of how the revenue could be spent include but are not limited to investing in hydropower and/or other

modernization of health care facilities… better schools and universities, and infrastructure projects like a deep-water port and the road to Lethem.” The US Ambassador cautioned that thoughtful planning by key stakeholders is needed to make this possible. “The government, in consultation with other key stakeholders will be able to decide in what sectors and projects the revenues are to be invested,” he explained. It was revealed recently that the oil production would not create many jobs within the industry itself but possibilities for job creation in other sectors do exist if invested in correctly.

off shore and initial plans do not include refining the product. Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, however, is optimistic that when it comes to the potential of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. “Our government looks at this expected revenue as being explosively transformative for the economic and social development of all Guyanese,” he had previously indicated. Ambassador Holloway said this assistance, a grant through The Carter Centre, is part of putting infrastructure in place to facilitate the expected revenue from the emerging oil and gas sector. (GINA)




Case Dismissed Against Man In Linden Fatal Accident Rochelle Forde by dangerous driving. In testimony of Anastasia Mark who had

City Magistrate Judy Latchman today dismissed the case against Clinton John, who was on trial for causing the death of

her ruling, Magistrate Latchman revealed that the prosecution did not prove their case against the accused, to show that he is responsible for the death of the victim. It was alleged that on September 22, 2010 at Haruni on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, John drove motorbus BLL 8710 in a manner dangerous to the public and the death of Rochelle Ford. According to the Magistrate, the prosecution relied mainly on the sole

testified that John was speeding at the time of the accident. But the Magistrate noted that the witness’ testimony could not be trusted since the court cannot rely on a single testimony and it might be of personal opinion. Additionally, the Magistrate revealed that since the woman had died after receiving medical treatment and leaving the Diamond Diagnostic Center, there is no evidence as to what happened to her after leaving the hospital.

ExxonMobil Accused Of Fraud In Chad

Many Guyanese are questioning the government’s decision to keep Exxon Mobil in Guyana following a number of alleged fraudulent accusations around the world. According Bloomberg Market, ExxonMobil Corp. was ordered to pay a record US$74 billion fine in Chad for underpaying royalties in

the central African nation where the company has been drilling for 15 years. However, International Law analysts say that this money will never be collected by the country. The fine is about five times more than Chad’s gross domestic product, which the World Bank estimates at $13 billion. The High Court in the capital, N’Djamena, announced its ruling October 5 in response to a complaint from the Finance Ministry that a consortium led by Exxon hadn’t met its tax obligations. The court also demanded the Texas-based oil explorer pay $819 million in overdue royalties, according to the document. Earlier this year, Exxon reported its quarterly profit fell nearly 60 percent from a year ago as commodity prices remained low and its refining margins were weak. The world's largest publicly traded integrated oil company earned $1.7 billion, or an adjusted 41 cents per share in the second quarter, compared with $4.2 billion, or $1 per share, in the year ago period. Coupled with this, the company is under investigation over a lucrative Nigerian oil deal. ExxonMobil’s deal to secure “the Crown Jewels” of Nigerian oil reserves is under investigation by the West African country’s economic and financial crimes commission. ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil company, secured the lucrative oil rights in 2009 by beating out China’s fourth-largest oil producer for access, despite apparently underbidding its rival bid by $2.25bn. Exxon subsidiary from Nigeria’s federal ministry of petroleum resources shows the accepting of a 2009 bid of $1.5bn for a 20-year lease on the Oso, Ekpe, Edop and Ubit oil fields, which produce about 580,000 barrels a day between them – close to a third of Nigeria’s crude oil production of about 1.8m barrels a day, according to Opec. Local Exxon rival Sunrise Power & Transmission, at the time a consortium of Nigerian and Chinese interests that included the Chinese National Offshore OilCorporation (CNOOC), bid $3.75bn for the same rights, according to a letter from Sunrise to the Nigerian president.




Guyana’s Missed Opportunity At Bauxite Development Many residents are complaining about the missed opportunities for the Bauxite sector in Guyana. This year marks 100 years of bauxite mining in Guyana and industry experts plan to explore ways to diversify processing of the ore. According Chairman of the Bauxite Century Board, Horace James, there are opportunities and scope for further development of the industry. He hopes that in the next 100 years there will be other products coming from bauxite. “It is believed that Guyana is capable of producing some 350 million tonnes of bauxite. But, generating sufficient electricity and diversifying productions are the biggest challenges facing the industry,” James said. Bauxite is the only commercially viable ore used as a source material for primary aluminum production. After iron, aluminum is the world’s second most used metal, having a wide variety of applications in transportation and packaging. Most of the world’s bauxite reserves and production are found in a wide belt around the equator, with Australia, Brazil, Guinea, China, Jamaica, and India, being the world’s leading producers. While short-term demand for bauxite depends upon the demand for aluminum and is therefore cyclical, supplying countries have sufficient reserves to meet long-term projected demand for the foreseeable future. Bauxite mining in

Guyana officially began in October 1916 at Three Friends Mine, 10 miles outside of McKenzie, Region 10. It was being done by the newly incorporated Demerara Bauxite Company. The refractory grade mineral made significant contributions to the Second World War and Guyana’s economy at the height of its production. One hundred years later, at least four different grades of the mineral are mined and processed but Guyana no longer processes the ore into alumina. Currently, the Bauxite Company of Guyana (BCGI) and Bosai Bauxite Company are the two bauxite companies in the industry today. Speaking to the Guyana Daily News,

Eustace Morris, a resident of Central Ameila’s Ward Linden, said that the bauxite cannot be utilized to its potential in Guyana because, Guyana do not have cheap electricity and in order to have cheap electricity, we must have hydro power. He criticized the Granger Administration for abandoning the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Plant. While in opposition, both APNU and the AFC criticized the previous administration for the lack of transparency surrounding the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project (AFHP). The AFHP was the flagship project of the Low Carbon Development Strategy and was supported by Norway.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Opposition Sees No Need To “Itemize” 25 Scandals Of Government PAGE 6

The parliamentary opposition has said that there is no need to “itemize” its 25 scandals against the government, pointing out that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has already released the eight paged document to the people of Guyana. General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee at a press conference on Monday said that the office of the leader of the opposition reached out to the public though parliamentary and non-parliamentary means and had chosen to speak to the people directly in relation to this matter. Last week, the office of the opposition Leader released an eight-page dossier, chronicling an alleged 25 scandals of the David Granger Administration, declaring that the coalition has accumulated more scandals than the People’s Progressive Party/Civic


(PPP/C) amassed in its 23 years in office. Less than 24 hours after the accusations, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon at a post cabinet press briefing, challenged the Opposition to document these scandals and present them to the Government.


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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Adoption Of National Youth Policy On Agenda For Thursday’s Sitting Of The National Assembly Minister within the Ministry of Sport and its stakeholders/partners to PAGE 8


Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. (Georgetown, October 11, 2016) – On the October 13th sitting of the National Assembly a Motion for the much anticipated National Youth Policy, which was laid in Parliament on June 30, 2016, to be adopted by the National Assembly.This will be done by the Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. The Adoption of this policy will allow the Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and

carry out activities that target youth development. The policy is centered on a framework of five strategic areas. These are to improve the social, emotional and cultural skills of young people; produce a productive and enterprising youth workforce; develop quality education and market oriented skills; encourage leadership, participation and representation and promote good health, security and safety. National Youth Policy Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Another Fire Ravages Gafoors Complex PAGE 9

A fire which started around 18:30h in the storage bond of the Gafoors Houston, East Bank Demerara complex on Monday has left the owner counting millions of dollars in losses. When the Guyana Daily News arrived at the scene of the fire last evening, firefighters were seen trying to contain the huge blaze. It is unclear at this time what may have caused the fire, but sources close to the investigation have indicated that it may have been of an electrical nature. A massive fire swept through the storage bonds in May this year, where hundreds of employees were relocated to other branches of the company. The company had already started to rebuild and re-stock in preparation for the busiest time of the year, Christmas. The fate of the employees are now in question as the second fire ravaged the complex at a time where the Christmas season is just around the corner. Investigations are continuing by the Police and Guyana Fire Service into


the origin of the fire and the Guyana Daily News will bring you details as the story unfolds.

Aftermath Of The Fire


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Message Of Condolence From His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President And The Cabinet Of Ministers of the Cooperative Republic Of Guyana On The Passing Of Malcolm Corrica M.S. His Excellency Brigadier David Congress from January 3, 1969 to December 12, 1985. He PAGE 11


Granger Georgetown, Guyana – (October 11, 2016) The Cooperative Republic of Guyana mourns the passing of Malcolm Corrica M.S. aka The Mighty Canary, who passed away on Monday October 10, 2016. Malcolm Corrica was born on March 21, 1937 in Georgetown, to William and Inez Corrica of Bagotstown Village, East Bank Demerara. He attended the Agricola Methodists School. His life was one of service to Guyana, as a businessman, entertainer and politician. Mr. Corrica served in the National Assembly of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, representing the Peoples National

returned to the National Assembly on December 27, 1990 and served until August 28, 1992. During his tenure as a Member of Parliament, he served as Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Works and Communication, Minister of State in the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, Minster of State for Culture in the Ministry of Education, Social Development and Culture. In 1992 he was awarded the Medal of Service (M.S.) for long service with exceptional dedication in the field of politics and popular music, as a composer and entertainer. His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, MSS, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the Cabinet of Ministers extend heartfelt sympathy to the children of Malcolm Corrica; Malcolm, Jeffrey and Pamela, and other relatives and close friends. MOTP Press Release

Gold Miner Charged With Having Illegal Gun, Ammo an unlicensed firearm and being in possession of four matching rounds on October 8, 2016. Carter will return before the Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on November 2, 2016 for c o n t i n u a t i o n i n t o t h e m a t t e r. Represented by Attorney Mark Waldron, the 32 - year-old Carter pleaded not guilty to the charges. Magistrate Judy Latchman today remanded gold miner Carl Carter, who was charged with being in possession of

Attorney Waldron did not make an application for bail but stated that even without a bail application, the Prosecution objected, stating that a claim

was verified by the accused that he has a pending matter before Magistrate Fabayo Azore in Court 5 for an offence of a similar nature. It is alleged that on October 8, 2016 at Main Street, Georgetown, Carter had in his possession one .38 revolver while not having a licence to carry a firearm that was enforced at the time. It is further alleged that on the same day in question and at the same location, the defendant had in his possession four .38 rounds of live ammunition.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Vijayadasami, A Festival Of Joy And Enlightenment PAGE 12

Representation of the victory of Lord Rama over demon king Ravana. Climax of the Dussehra festival Vijayadasami is a Hindu ceremony celebrated on the tenth day of the Hindu lunar month of Ashvin or Ashwayuja, which falls in September or October according to the Western calendar. The first nine days are observed as Navratri. During these nine

Celebration of Vijayadasami festival, at the at Cummings Lodge / Industry Mandir. Guyana


nights and ten days, nine forms of Devi are worshipped. The tenth day or ‘Vijayadashami’ is celebrated as the victory of Goddess Durga over the evil Mahishasura and triumph of Lord Rama over demon Ravana. It is believed that Lord Ram did Chandi-Puja (ritual worshiping Goddess Chandi, another fierce form of Goddess Durga) and invoked the blessings of Maa Durga to kill Ravana, the ten-headed king who had abducted Sita(wife of lord Ram). Durga divulged the secret to Lord Ram as to how he could kill Ravana. Then after vanquishing the demon king, Lord Ram with Sita, returned victorious to his kingdom of Ayodhya (also known as Saket, an ancient city of India) Vijayadasami is also known as Dussehra, or ‘tenth day’ This date is massively awaited among the Hindu Community, as one of the most auspicious dates on the Hindu calendar. It symbolizes the beginning of a fertile season and the undisputable victory of good VS evil. Vijayadasami is celebrated all over India with meals, plays and ‘bhajans’ (devotional songs). Countries with a large Hindu community such as Suriname, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana, also join the commemoration. In Guyana, the Hindu Community starts the preparations for Vijayadasami since the beginning of Navratri. The construction of the effigy of Ravana and the rehearsal of the stage performances that will take place on the tenth day, become part of the daily routine. When the ‘holy night’ finally reaches, the devotees and Pandit (spiritual head of the Hindu temple or Mandir) will offer prayers and sing bhajans. The ceremony is spiced with the impersonation of the battle and Victory of the deities worshiped. At the climax of the festival, the effigy is lit by the Pandit, followed by enthusiastic shouts of ‘Ramchandra ki jai’ (Victory to Rama). Dussehra is celebrated with great fanfare with hundreds people, who assemble at the Mandir in anticipation of having a glimpse of the burning of Ravana. The mythological significance of this yearly ceremony captivates locals and foreigners. Navratri is considered a time for miracles, joy and self-encounter, redemption and purification with Vijayadasami as the golden finale. Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated twenty days after Vijayadasami. S o u r c e : http://www.drikpanchang.com/festivals/vijayadash ami/vijayadashami-date-t....




Opposition Sees No Need To “Itemize” 25 Scandals Of Government


he parliamentary opposition has said that there is no need to “itemize” its 25 scandals against the government, pointing out that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

has already released the eight paged document to the people of Guyana. General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee at a press conference on Monday said that the office of the leader of the opposition reached out to the public though parliamentary and non-parliamentary means and had chosen to speak to the people directly in relation to this matter. Last week, the office of the opposition Leader released an eight-page dossier,

chronicling an alleged 25 scandals of the David Granger Administration, declaring that the coalition has accumulated more scandals than the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) amassed in its 23 years in office. Less than 24 hours after the accusations, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon at a post cabinet press briefing, challenged the Opposition to document these scandals and present them to the Government.

Guyana Attends International Civil Aviation Conference Assembly was conducted in five commissions and committees: 1) Executive Committee, 2) Technical Commission, 3) Economic Commission, 4) Legal Commission and 5) Administrative Commission.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson, and a five person team represented the Government of Guyana at the I n t e r n a t i o n a l C i v i l Av i a t i o n Organization (ICAO) 39th General Assembly in Montreal, Canada which commenced on September 27, 2016 and concluded on October 7, 2016. According a release from the Guyana Information Agency (GINA), the

Some of the high level issues that were discussed included Environmental Protection (International Aviation and Climate Change), Aviation Security Policies; Civil Aviation Training Policy and Capacity Building; Aviation Safety and Air Navigation Standardization; and the Economic Development of Air Transport. Guyana’s participation in the Assembly provided opportunities for Guyana to join with other small States to represent the interest of small developing countries and also to reach out to both States and international organizations for financial and technical assistance to raise the standards of aviation in Guyana. Additionally, Guyana’s participation in the Assembly also comes at a time when the government of Guyana and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is trying to raising the standard of Aviation in Guyana after several incidents, the recent being the discovery of an abandon airplane in a region 7 community, prompting calls to

be made for a better monitoring of Guyanese airspace. A November 2015 report compiled by the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) was also very critical of the state of civil aviation in Guyana, and the GCAA came under heavy criticism for controlling both technical regulations and policymaking entities. The report noted that it is important to assign these functions to independent entities to avoid any interference between these activities, which can go both ways. ICAO also recommends the separation of the economic and technical regulation functions “so that the latter will not be influenced in order to apply a certain unstated policy.” Presently, G u y a n a ’s l e v e l o f e ff e c t i v e implementation is 44.21 percent as it relates to the eight critical elements of safety oversight as established by ICAO.




‘Be Inspired By The Extraordinary Lives Of Ordinary People’ First Lady, At Annual Women’s Day Service Sis. Caldetta Gibson and Rev. Andrew Morris-Grant, representative of the Franklin Talbot Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church, to Guyana and Suriname. MOTP Press Release

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 9, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, yesterday, told the congregation at the Annual Women’s Day Service for members of the Franklin Talbot Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church in North Ruimveldt Gardens that [women] must be “inspired and strengthened by the extraordinary lives of ordinary people like us”. Speaking on the role of women in the society, the First Lady pointed out that as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters, women shoulder a huge responsibility and must lean on a greater power. She said that women bear the task of being the tower of strength to their families, and they must be reminded that every trial they’re faced with should be a reminder of God’s will for them. “…God give us strength, support and guidance during our struggles so that we can become stronger and better persons, he empowers us for greater works,” Mrs. Granger said. Mrs. Granger remarked on some of the challenges women are faced with at home and how easy it is for them to compare their lives with that of another woman who seems better off. “You really do not know what goes on in those homes. Domestic violence does not only happen among the poor… illness and tragedy affects us all,” Mrs. Granger said. Additionally, Mrs. Granger urged the women to preserve their faith as biblical women did. She noted those women, who were dismissed as insignificant but yet remained steadfast in their faith. In her closing remarks she quoted Matthew 13:31 where the scripture urged the women be the fruits of their labour through their faith and perseverance. “Today, as you celebrate your Annual Women’s Day, I urge you to be like that grain of mustard seed. Let your roots grow down into the rich soils, nourished by your faith, and build your lives around him and he will empower and guide you to do greater things,” Mrs. Granger said. The Annual Women’s Day Service, which was an all-day event, was led by Rev. Yvonne Bullen in the morning, while the afternoon session, which saw the presence of Mrs. Granger, was led by

Ms. Taralyn Harris, member of the Deliverance Assembly of God Church is Sophia as she represented the church with a rendition of “Take me to the King”

Rev. Yvonne Bullen and First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, during the Annual Women’s Day Service

Sis. Caldetta Gibson taking the congregation through the afternoon service

Members of the Franklin Talbot Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church in North Ruimveldt as they listen attentively.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Exigency Order To Take Effect In Bahamas On Tuesday PAGE 17

NASSAU, Bahamas -- Prime Minister Perry Christie said at a press conference on Sunday evening that an exigency order will take effect in The Bahamas on Tuesday in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. Christie pointed out that Hurricane Joaquin, which hit parts of The Bahamas in 2015, was estimated to cause $100 million in damage. He said the damage caused by Matthew is likely much greater. “Enormous damage has been inflicted on thousands of Bahamians who were not so affected in such numbers by Hurricane Joaquin,” said Christie at the National Emergency Management Agency headquarters. He said the exigency orders will cover building materials, furniture and vehicles. The prime minister also said, “The Chamber [of Commerce] has requested, we think we have negotiated a position with them that we find a way to recognize that persons who make donations should be encouraged and incentivized to do so by taxation credits, and we are, I think, in agreement but it has to be submitted to me for final consideration by the Cabinet…” He said: “We need a new financing model to deal with hurricane expenditure. In the past we have taken away from all minister’s budget allocation to finance hurricane relief. “A special hurricane fund by way of a bond. It will require the banks to participate in that offering. The financial secretary is in discussions as we speak and we have had discussions with the Chamber of Commerce so that we can have a shared vision as to what that money will be used for.” Christie also said NEMA has to be strengthened considerably. He announced that minister of labour and national insurance Shane Gibson has been appointed to coordinate hurricane relief efforts at the government level. Gibson said at the press conference that New Providence, Grand Bahama and North Andros were impacted most severely. “A massive recovery and relief response is required,” the minister said. He said food and water have already been delivered to Andros. Gibson said there has been “extensive damage on the entire southern area of New Providence”. There has been “massive” damage to homes, he said, adding that many vehicles had water damage. Gibson also spoke of the devastation in Grand Bahama, where a large cross section of the transmission and distribution services of Grand Bahama Power was damaged. He said the Rand Memorial Hospital and Grand Bahama clinics are operating on generators. “All essential government services are up and running despite the challenges of Hurricane Matthew,” Gibson said. Matthew sparks water crisis Central and North Andros have been suffering from a water shortage in the wake of the devastation of Hurricane Matthew, according to a press release from the Water and Sewerage Corporation on Sunday morning. According to the release, numerous communities in Central Andros lacked water due to power supply disruptions and portable generators and restoration crews are being deployed. North Andros experienced “significant damage and flooding in the pumping station” and crews had partially restored service to 25 percent. According to the release, water for the community is available from the pumping site. North Eleuthera is also experiencing limited water supply due to power supply challenges, the release said. The water supply in Farmer’s Cay in the Exumas is off due to a power disruption. Inagua has a limited water supply until power restoration allows full production. Power restored to 45 percent of New Providence CEO of Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) Pamela Hill said at a press conference on Sunday evening that power has been restored to 45 percent of New Providence customers following


Hurricane Matthew. Hill said some BPL workers worked 40 hours straight to restore service to customers. “I too have not seen anything like this in such a dispersed way in the 23 years that I have had in the electric utility industry,” she said. Hill said she was “somewhat heartened” by the fact that flooding was not a major issue with Hurricane Matthew as it was with Hurricane Joaquin last year. She reported that 90 percent of BPL’s customers in the Family Islands have been restored. But only 20 percent of customers in North Andros are back up, and only 30 percent in Central Andros are back up. “Outside of that area when we think of the rest of the Family Islands we are in remarkably good shape,” Hill said. GB, Andros devastated Hurricane Matthew created widespread devastation in the city of Freeport and throughout Grand Bahama, as well as North Andros. The entire Grand Bahama was without power supply up to Saturday and most of the island was without city water. “Power is a grave problem,” said Fred Sturrup, general manager of the Freeport News, after touring devastated communities. ”It almost looks as if some great giant snapped the poles as if it was snapping toothpicks. But the main problem is the water because you can be without power for a certain amount of time, but you really need water. “The 30 poles that supply electrical generation for water well fields all have been decimated.” After touring West End on Saturday, Prime Minister Perry Christie suggested that serious decisions need to be made before rebuilding starts. “Let me just say that one of the lessons that we have to desperately learn from hurricanes, is that during 2004/2005, I walked West End before, I walked into homes before and saw devastation, saw that all of the furnishings were lost,” the prime minister said. “We were able to revive some help then but here again it is repeating itself. “Now the question is, how long do we continue, either through our building codes, or where people build, how long will we have this continued because we have to somehow be able to convince our people that if you are going to live on the seashore you have to build in a certain way and even when you build in a certain way you are likely to be impacted significantly by the forces of nature.” Christie also visited Lowe Sound, Andros, on Saturday. Many poles were also ripped down by the storm and almost all of the homes were destroyed. People there said they are in desperate need of help. Families were walking around with only the clothes on their backs, some of them in tears. Many told The Nassau Guardian they have never experienced anything like that before. (Caribbean News Now!)

This home in West End Grand Bahama was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hurricane Watch Issued For Bermuda PAGE 18


By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- The Bermuda Weather Service on Monday issued a hurricane watch for Bermuda as Tropical Storm Nicole picked up speed heading towards the island and was forecast to regain hurricane force by Tuesday. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Monday, the centre of Tropical Storm Nicole was located about 415 miles (670 km) south of Bermuda, moving toward the north near 6 mph (9 km/h). A slow north- northwestward to northwestward motion is expected through late Tuesday, followed by a turn toward the north by Wednesday. Maximum sustained winds remain near 60 mph (95 km/h) with higher gusts. Slow strengthening is forecast, and Nicole is expected to reach hurricane strength on Tuesday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 160 miles (260 km) from the centre. Hurricane conditions are possible on Bermuda by Wednesday night. Swells associated with Nicole should increase on Bermuda during the next couple of days.

These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. (Caribbean News Now!)

Hurricane Nicole three-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic

UN To Monitor mThe Cease Fire In Colombia o r e i n t e r n a t i o n a l o b s e r v e r s t o was declared on August 29, followed by

UN Security Council approves mission to monitor peace deal between Colombia and FARC The Organization of the United Nations (UN) announced today that it will send

Colombia, to verify the cease-fire between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), after the 50.22% of the population in the country voted against the peace agreement on October 2. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Ve n e z u e l a n Newspaper, El Nacional the Military Leader of the UN mission in Colombia, General Javier Pérez Aquino, stated that more military observers will be deployed in the country, if approved by the National Security Council. The cease fire

the signing of the peace agreement by the Colombian government and the FARC on September 26, in the capital city of Habana, Cuba. This was an historical step for the southern nation. But after the agreement was annulled by the plebiscite on October 2, the UN Security Council has to adopt a new protocol to monitor the volatile state of the temporary ‘truce’ in the country. Source: http://www.elnacional.com/mundo/ONU-pediraobservadores-verificar-Colom...





UN Appeals For $120 Million To Launch Massive Response In Storm-ravaged Haiti NEW YORK USA -- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday announced the launch of a near $120 million appeal to fund United Nations aid activities in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, where the rising death toll coupled with the start of the rainy season has prompted the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to sound the alarm on the threat of waterborne diseases to children living in the worst-affected areas. “Hundreds have died. At least 1.4 million people need assistance at this time. Some towns and villages have been almost wiped off the map. Crops and food reserves have been destroyed. At least 300 schools have been damaged,” Ban told reporters at UN Headquarters on Monday, expressing his deepest condolences and sympathies to those affected by the hurricane. He said the numbers of those impacted and the needs are growing as more affected areas are reached. Moreover, tensions are already mounting as people await help. “A massive response is required,” he said, adding that UN teams are working with local officials to assess needs. “Today in Geneva, we launched a $120 million flash appeal covering the UN system’s needs for the next three months,” the secretary-general announced, recalling that this past Friday, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated $5 million in emergency funds to kick-start assistance in the wake of the deadly storm, following the release earlier in the week of a loan of $8 million dollars to the UNICEF to scale up response to the worsening cholera epidemic in Haiti. The so-called Flash Appeal, launched by the UN on behalf of the international humanitarian community, requests $119,850 to respond to “the most urgent needs” of people impacted by the storm, which made landfall in Haiti on 4 October and went on to leave a swath of devastation throughout the Caribbean and the Southeastern United States. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the appeal targets vulnerable groups in identified priority sectors, and it takes into account the national-level capacities and those of humanitarian partners on the ground. Over the next week, partners will develop individual projects in support of sector activities and financial requirements identified in this appeal, adapting the response to the most up-to-date assessment results. ‘We are in a race against time,’ warns UNICEF, fearing rapid spread of diseases Ban went on to note that he is developing a new approach to the cholera situation, which will encompass support for people affected by the disease and for efforts to build sound water, sanitation and health systems in order to help eliminate cholera in Haiti. This disaster makes it even more vital to significantly step up our support and to do so right now, he stressed. “The United Nations is mobilizing across all fronts to support the people, the Government and local groups such as the Red Cross in getting recovery under way as quickly as possible. I call on the international community to show solidarity and generosity – and to work together effectively in responding to this emergency,” stated the secretary-general. Meanwhile, UNICEF has warned that overflowing rivers, stagnant waters, and animal and human corpses are perfect breeding grounds for waterborne diseases. “Every day that goes by increases the threat of cholera. We are in a race against time to get to these children before diseases do,” Marc Vincent, UNICEF representative for Haiti, said in a press statement. Even before the hurricane in Haiti, UNICEF noted that only one in three people had access to proper latrines and less than three in five to safe water. In rural areas, these rates go down to one in four for sanitation and one in two for water. Diarrhoea is one of the main killers of children under-five in the

country. “Haiti has one of the highest incidence rates of cholera in the world,” Vincent underscored. “Almost 10,000 people have died from the disease since 2010 and more than 27,000 suspected cases have been reported so far this year, an estimated one in three of them children,” he added. Since the 2010 outbreak, UNICEF, in partnership with the Haitian government and various partners, has been fighting waterborne diseases – including cholera – by improving access to water, sanitation and health services for Haitian children and their families, while promoting rapid response to cholera cases. From that time until now, UNICEF has established or maintained 1,270 oral rehydration points and 149 cholera treatment units in high-risk areas where nearly 140,000 suspected cases were treated. In June and July of this year alone, the agency responded to more than 1,000 cholera alerts in all 10 departments of the country, benefiting about 8,000 households. “With the hurricane’s devastating impact on an already fragile system, UNICEF will continue to scale up its cholera response and address the emerging water and sanitation needs,” Vincen vowed, noting that key components of UNICEF’s immediate response include acquiring water purification tablets, treating collective water sources, and setting up latrines in temporary shelters and informal settlements. The western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie suffered the full force the Category 4 hurricane – sustaining heavy rains, winds and water damage across wide areas. In addition to the water treatment supplies pre-positioned before the hurricane hit, on Thursday, 6 October, the first truck arrived in Les Cayes with water-treatment tablets and water bladders. On Monday, six water trucks were on their way there and to Jeremie. “In addition, a water bladder was made available for the hospital of Les Cayes and more water storage containers are on their way to the affected areas to be used in shelters housing displaced families,” concluded the UNICEF Representative. (Caribbean News Now!)

On 9 October 2016 in Les Cayes, Haiti, several hundred people who have lost their homes shelter in a neighbourhood high school. UNICEF has installed a water bladder on the grounds of the school. Photo: UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Trinidad And Tobago On Brink Of Economic Danger, Says PM PAGE 21


PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- Declaring that Trinidad and Tobago is on the brink of the danger zone economically, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Sunday listed a series of construction projects due to come on stream shortly that are aimed at kick starting the economy. Rowley said the proposed initiatives would help pull Trinidad and Tobago out of its grim economic state, resulting in much needed job opportunities. He said it was the construction industry that had been proven worldwide to stimulate economic growth, the Trinidad Guardian reported. Rowley said that Trinidad and Tobago’s debt increased by $40 billion (US$5.97 billion) over the last six years, while revenues pointed downward. The external public debt now stands at $23 billion which must be paid back in US currency, he added Commenting on the devastation suffered by Haiti from Hurricane Matthew, Rowley also urged citizens to head to banks to donate. "It doesn't matter how bad your circumstances, there is somebody who is worse. We talk about pressure and poverty here until you think about Haiti," he said. (Caribbean News Now!)

Turks And Caicos Elections Drawing Near PROVIDENCIALES, TCI -- On November 28, the Parliament of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) will automatically dissolve. This will occur without the action of parliament or Premier Dr Rufus Ewing. The dissolution is required by the constitution, which provides for the expiration of the government exactly four years after the swearing in of the current government after the 2012 election. Islanders have been waiting for Ewing to announce an election date, which will provide for a required campaign period of at least 35 days. Islanders have also been active preparing for the election. Both the ruling party, the Progressive National Party (PNP), led by Ewing, and the opposition Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), led by Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, have announced their list of 15 candidates. This includes five running “at large”, who will vie for votes from all of the ten separate election districts. A new party, the Progressive Democratic Association (PDA), is led by former PDM leader Oswald Skippings, who during the 2012 election failed to win his own seat at large, which cost him and the PDM the election and the government. The PDA has only announced 13 candidates to date. A former third party dissolved after it won only minimal support in the 2012 election. A large number of independent candidates have

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

announced their intentions of trying to win a seat at large, including former Premier Michael Misick, despite his legal status. Misick has been charged with a list of criminal offences relating to his 2003-2009 administration. He is now required to appear daily at trial in a specially constructed court room on Providenciales. This trial has been underway since December 2015 and is expected to continue into 2017. Misick was unable to achieve endorsement from his own PNP party, whose candidates include his brother, niece and nephew, all members of the current administration. (Caribbean News Now!)

Premier Dr Rufus Ewing (L) and Opposition Leader Sharlene Cartwright Robinson




UK Minister Reaffirms Strong Links With Barbados BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- British Foreign Office Minister Baroness Anelay stressed the importance of a modern partnership based on shared interests during her first visit to Barbados on 7 October. During the one-day visit Anelay met with Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and the leader of the opposition, Mia Mottley. The minister confirmed the UK’s commitment to the Caribbean and the strong relationship with Barbados built on long-standing connections. Together with the minister of culture, sports and youth, Stephen Lashley, Anelay took the opportunity to meet young people taking part in the Prince’s Trust International ‘Get Into’ programme. Prince’s Trust International is a charity recently established in Barbados with the aim of helping disadvantaged young people gain vital skills to move into education, training or work. Anelay congratulated Prince’s Trust International on the launch of the programme and spoke to the young people about the skills they were developing on the course. Anelay ended her visit with a tour of the Regional Security System (RSS) Air Wing and had a briefing from law enforcement officials on the work they are doing to combat the threat from organised and transnational crime. Speaking at the end of her visit, Anelay said: “I was delighted to have the opportunity to visit Barbados and witness at firsthand how our two countries are working together to address a range of global challenges. I was particularly pleased to meet the young people participating in the Prince’s Trust International Get Into programme and to visit the staff at the Regional Security System (RSS) Air Wing. Both

are excellent examples of UK-Barbados cooperation, showing how we can work together to the benefit of both our countries.” Lashley said: “We are very proud of our partnership with Prince’s Trust International and welcome Baroness Anelay’s support. With one programme currently running and one more to start in the following weeks, this programme adds to the existing complement of diverse programmes currently offered by the youth division of the ministry. By joining forces, we are in fact able to offer our youth even more opportunities for their total development. This certainly complements programmes such as ‘Endless Possibilities’ and ‘Youth Mainstreaming Programme’.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Baroness Anelay (third left) and Minister Stephen Lashley with Susan Martin (right) of the Prince’s Trust International, ministry officials and trainees on the “Get Into” programme


GUYANA DAILY NEWS LIAT Pilots Call For Retirement Fund Transparency And Accountability PAGE 24

ST JOHN’S, Antigua -- According to the Leeward Islands Airline Pilots Association (LIALPA), for over three years it has been trying to overcome what it describes as the stalling and delaying tactics of LIAT’s management in releasing accounting information with regard to their retirement funds. As recently as last December, the company reportedly refused to respond to proposals from LIALPA’s attorney. These proposals are in agreement with the court’s ruling that the collective agreement between LIALPA and LIAT is binding and enforceable and emphasizes that the staff provident (retirement) fund contributions cannot be unilaterally closed and arrears are to be paid and contributions should continue. The proposals also called for an audit of all staff provident fund deductions not yet paid out to pilots, in order for any new pension scheme to be started. LIALPA said it has received sound legal advice that the company’s unauthorized deductions/contributions from pilots’ salaries other than towards the contracted staff provident (retirement) fund, is a breach of Labour Laws (specifically Sections C34(1), C30 and 33) and constitutes a criminal offence. LIALPA insisted that “transparency and accountability” should be the order of the day at LIAT. However, despite many repeated calls from the pilots to account for their contributions to date into the staff provident fund, the calls apparently continue to fall on deaf ears. Last month this matter escalated at a meeting, when the company yet again informed pilots that they will not be getting any information with regard to their retirement funds. The company continued to quote the same reasons it has been citing for the past three years: “problems with accountants”. LIALPA deems this excuse “totally unacceptable”. “Therefore, we have come to the general public, so that they can


become aware of the three-year old problem, the defiance and unreasonableness of LIAT’s management, and the decreasing patience of pilots. LIALPA’s leadership continues to contain its pilots’ angst and skepticism, but we can only do so much when the company remains defiant in activities contrary to court decisions and contrary to transparency and accountability,” LIALPA said in a press release. LIALPA said it has no other choice but to make a public appeal for LIAT to produce audited statements of pilots’ contributions into their retirement fund. “We demand nothing less than a company that conducts its business in a transparent and accountable manner. This would ensure the continued cooperation and enthusiasm the pilots have shown to the company in the face of this ongoing three-year ordeal,” the statement concluded. (Caribbean News Now!)

BVI Prepares For Asian Trade Mission By Nadia James-Harris ROAD TOWN, BVI -- The British Virgin Islands is strengthening its economic and financial services relations with the Asia Pacific region as premier and minister of finance, Dr Orlando Smith, prepares to engage with business leaders, government officials, financial services practitioners and clients during the BVI Asian Trade Mission to Hong Kong and Greater China. Smith said, “The mission, from October 17 to October 28, will seek to expand and deepen the British Virgin Islands’ footprint in the Asia Pacific Region (APAC), and broaden the understanding of how the BVI is used in the region. We are seeking to maintain the BVI’s position as the leading offshore jurisdiction in the APAC region and gain support for the continued use of BVI (offshore) structures by governments in Asia.” Drawing on its unparalleled experience of the Asian market, its extensive business contacts and mature infrastructure, the British Virgin Islands remains committed to building and deepening relationships with clients, business partners and vested third parties in Hong Kong, China and across Asia. During his visit, Smith will meet with officials of the Hong Kong SAR government as well as the Tianjin government. He will also deliver keynote speeches at several engagements in China, Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou and Shanghai. In addition, the premier will headline the 2016 Business BVI Asia Annual Conference, with more than 16 featured speakers. These will include director of BVI House Asia, Elise Donovan; Premier Dr Orlando Smith interim director of BVI Finance, Lorna Smith; chairman of the board, BVI International Arbitration Centre, John Beechey; and guest speakers from BVI firms in Hong Kong and Greater China. The BVI’s engagement in the Asia Pacific region will also include a strategic cooperation agreement being signed between the British Virgin Islands and the Tianjin governments. (caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Saint Lucia Records Increase In Guillain Barre Syndrome Cases PAGE 26

PRESS RELEASE – The Ministry of Health and Wellness has noted a decreasing trend in the number of cases of Zika Virus Disease. The disease which was first confirmed in Saint Lucia earlier this year, reached a peak towards the middle of June 2016 and has been decreasing ever since. However, evidence of new infections of Zika Virus Disease continues with occasional spikes in the number of cases. Though the number of cases of Zika Virus Disease is decreasing, the country should remain on ‘High Alert’ for the complications of Zika Virus Disease; particularly the ‘paralytic type’ illness called Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) as well as microcephaly and other abnormalities, in babies born of Zika infected mothers. So far this year, the island has recorded an increase in the number of cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome as compared to a similar point in time last year. 4 GBS cases have been admitted and treated to date. All of the individuals have been males, with ages ranging from 38 years to 56 years old. Some of the patients affected by this reversible, ‘paralytic type’ illness, had prior symptoms suggestive of Zika Virus Disease. Given the possible development of abnormalities in babies born of pregnant women who have been infected with Zika Virus Disease, the Ministry is also monitoring 39 pregnant women, in whom Zika Virus Disease has been confirmed in pregnancy. Approximately 5 of these women have delivered to date. Microcephaly or other abnormalities have not been noted in any of the babies born to Zika infected mothers so far. However, given that the effects of Zika in pregnancy are more pronounced if a pregnant women gets infected in the first 3 months of pregnancy, close monitoring of the remaining pregnant women continues. Zika Virus Disease is generally a mild viral disease, caused by the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Only 1 out of every 4 persons affected with the disease may develop symptoms such as fever, skin rash, joint or muscle pain, and red eyes. Though the mosquito is the main agent responsible for spreading the disease, it has also been


shown that the virus can survive for many weeks in the semen of infected males, making sexual transmission of Zika virus disease possible. The measures to be taken to prevent the spread of Zika virus disease are the same measures taken to decrease the spread of other mosquito borne diseases such as Dengue fever and Chikungunya. They include: -Wearing long sleeved clothing and long pants -Using mosquito repellents on exposed limbs and on clothing -Utilizing bed nets and installing window and door screens where possible -Getting rid of all breeding sites of mosquitoes such as old tyres, plastics and other refuse around the home; using soil instead of water in flower vases; ensuring that drums are properly covered and water tanks are properly sealed -Performing at least, once weekly inspections of your home and surroundings, workplaces and schools, to ensure that there are no breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The Ministry continues its fogging operations and mosquito surveillance, as well as health promotion activities to decrease the impact of Zika and other mosquito borne diseases. (St. Lucia News Online)

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system

SLP Leader Calls For Deep Introspection Over Election Defeat The Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) has vowed to reform itself and urged branches to focus on rebuilding following the party’s massive loss at the June 2016 election. SLP Leader Phillip J Pierre told delegates at a conference on Sunday that the SLP was determined to reclaim leadership of the country, but called on members to engage in urgent introspection. “We will have to go into introspection to find out whether we have done all that we had to do, so that we ought not to be in opposition today. Each of us has that responsibility to ourselves,” Pierre said. The party leader said going forward, the party will be about “servant leadership.” He said, “We’ll be listening to you and you’ll tell us what you want. But you must set the example and we will follow.” In being a responsible opposition, Pierre said the SLP will only support “all that is good for Saint Lucia.” “We like Saint Lucia and it is not our purpose to destroy Saint Lucia,” he stated. Pierre has nevertheless blasted government for several policy decisions they have taken, and said some of the promises made to the electorate are still unrealistic. He claims that since the United Workers Party has taken over the leadership of the country, SLP supporters have allegedly been Phillip J Pierre sidelined and discriminated against. (St. Lucia News Online)




World Sight Day institutions and individuals to actively support global blindness prevention efforts. Stronger Together - This World Sight Day, there is call to celebrate partnerships and friendships. IAPB urges focus on all the stakeholders who are important for successful delivery eye care. To consider all the groups of people who engage with eye care: ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, donors, patients, the w i d e r f a m i l y. C l e a r l y, successes are made possible by the fact that these groups work together. The more groups that are brought t o g e t h e r- - t h e d i a b e t i c community, the irreparably blind, vulnerable groups, including those with other disabilities--the stronger the fight against blindness becomes. Local Activities Ÿ The Ministry of Public


orld Sight Day (WSD) is an international day of awareness, held annually on the second Thursday of October to focus attention on the global issue of avoidable blindness and visual impairment. This year World Sight Day falls on 13 October 2016. WSD is co-ordinated by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). WSD became an official IAPB event in the year

2000, and has been marked in many different ways in countries around the world each year since then. World Sight Day is the focal Advocacy and PR event for IAPB and its members and partners each year, highlighting the fact that 80% of blindness is avoidable (i.e. preventable and/or treatable) – 4 out of 5 people have avoidable visual impairment. WSD provides a platform for organisations to encourage governments, corporations,

Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital will be hosting a mini-exhibition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Key information will be displayed about the key eye health issues at the East Street lobby of GPHC’s main building. GPHC and the MOPH are planning to take the miniexhibition on eye health to public areas such as the mall, schools and banks. Ÿ The GPHC Eye Clinic will also be offering Free Eye Screening for patients

between 8am to 12noon on Thurs 13th Oct 2016. Ÿ A visit from the Junior Minister in Ministry of Public Health, Dr Karen Cummings is expected tovisit the screening session at 10am. Ÿ Local NGO, Eye Care Guyana, and GPHC, will be hosting a World Sight Day Continuing Medical Education (CME) Session on Eye Care for Medical Professionals, Optometrists and Students on 23rd of October. These CME sessions will be done by esteemed Caribbean Ophthalmologists who will be in Guyana to organise the hosting of the annual Ophthalmological Society of West Indies (OSWI) in July 2017. This will be the first that that Guyana will be hosting this important regional Ophthalmological Conference. Ÿ The University of Guyana, School of Optometry will also be having activities on the Turkeyen Campus. Ÿ Optometrists including the

Guyana Association of Optometrists, Courts Optical and Optique Vision Care will also be involved in various activities during this period. Ministry of Public Health and Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Press Release




Samsung Permanently Stops Galaxy Note 7 Production

A Samsung Note 7 handset caught fire d u r i n g a l a b t e s t i n Singapore(RUETERS)


outh Korean tech giant Samsung has permanently ceased production of its high-end Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after reports of devices it had deemed safe catching fire. The firm had already reduced Galaxy Note 7 production volumes. Owners are expected to be able to return the phones for a refund or an exchange for a different Samsung phone. The firm had earlier said it would stop sales of the phone. "We recently readjusted the production volume for thorough investigation and quality control, but putting consumer safety as top priority, we have reached a final decision to halt production of Galaxy Note 7s," the company said. "For the benefit of consumers' safety, we stopped sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note 7 and have consequently decided to stop production." Earlier, consumer tech analyst Caroline

Milanesi of Creative Strategies told the BBC that Samsung should "call it a day" on production of the Galaxy Note 7 to limit long-term risk to the brand. However, South Korea's finance minister had warned that the country's exports would be hurt if the phone model was scrapped. Smoke emissions In September, Samsung recalled around 2.5 million phones after complaints of exploding batteries. It later insisted that all replaced devices were safe. However, that was followed by reports that those phones were catching fire too. A Kentucky man said he woke up to a bedroom full of smoke from a replaced Note 7, days after a domestic flight in the US was evacuated after a new device started emitting smoke in the cabin. Even as late as Monday evening, a spokeswoman insisted the phones were safe to use. But on Tuesday, the company said it would stop Galaxy Note 7 production. Authorities in the US and South Korea are investigating why even the replacement Note 7 phones that Samsung equipped with a safer battery

reportedly caught fire. An official at the South Korean safety agency said the replacement phones might have a defect that was different from the problem with the original Galaxy Note 7s. 'Brand damage' Samsung could suffer "a considerable loss of consumer faith," said Greg Roh at HMC Investment Securities. "If it's once, it could be taken as a mistake. But for Samsung, the same thing happened twice with the same model," he said. "The reason consumers prefer brands like Samsung and Apple is because of product reliability. So in this case, brand damage is inevitable and it will be costly for Samsung to turn that around again." At least five fires were reported in replacement devices in the US. Samsung said it had sold about 45,000 Note 7s through pre-orders in Europe. The handset was never released for sale in the UK. Analysts are suggesting the recall and now scrapping of the Note 7 could cost Samsung in the long run, particularly coming just as rivals including Google and Apple have announced new high-end smartphones. R i c h a r d Wi n d s o r, f r o m E d i s o n Investment Research, said: "As a result of making a complete mess of the Galaxy Note 7 recall, Samsung is more likely to lose a large number of high-end users to other Android handsets rather than to Apple. "The real issue is brand and reputation. As long as Samsung carried out the recall smoothly and kept users very happy, the issue would eventually blow over. "Unfortunately, this is very far from the case, and the fact that Samsung appeared to still be shipping defective devices could trigger a large loss of faith in Samsung products." (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Russia's Putin Halts France Visit Amid Row

Mr Putin was due to visit Paris later this month(AFP/GETTY IMAGES) Russia's President Vladimir Putin has cancelled a planned visit to France amid a row over Syria. He had been due to meet French President Francois Hollande and open a new Orthodox church later this month. But after France's government said talks would be confined to Syria, the visit was halted, French presidential sources said. On Monday, Mr Hollande suggested Russia could face war crimes charges over its bombardment of Syria's city of Aleppo. The French presidency had told the Russians Mr Hollande would attend only one event with Mr Putin during the visit planned for 19 October - a working meeting on Syria, according to the sources. But after this Russia "let it be known that it wanted to postpone the visit", they added. A

spokesman for Mr Putin confirmed the trip had been cancelled, adding that the visit would take place when it becomes "comfortable for President Hollande". Despite this Mr Hollande has said he will meet Mr Putin at "any time" if it would "further peace". The development comes a day after Mr Hollande told French TV that prosecutions over Syria could take place in the International Criminal Court (ICC). "These are people who today are the victims of war crimes. Those that commit these acts will have to face up to their responsibility, including in the ICC," he said. On Tuesday UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Mr Putin's strategy of restoring Russia's greatness was at risk. "If Russia continues in its current path then I believe that great country is in danger of becoming a pariah nation," he told the UK parliament during a debate on the Syrian crisis. Neither

Russia nor Syria is a member of the ICC. Moscow has repeatedly denied attacking civilians, and says it targets terrorist groups in Syria. The besieged east of Aleppo has come under intense aerial bombardment since a cessation of hostilities brokered by the US and Moscow collapsed last month. The area was hit again on Tuesday in some of the heaviest air strikes in days, a monitoring group and activists said. At least 12 civilians were killed in the strikes and considerable damage was inflicted on several areas, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The observatory said Russian war planes had dropped so-called "bunker busters" and other bombs, with children thought to be among the dead. Some of the most intense attacks have come in the Bustan al Qasr neighbourhood near the citadel, which sits near the front line with the government-held west. The strikes followed a temporary lull in the bombardment called by the Syrian government, partly to allow civilians to leave opposition-held eastern areas of the city. Diplomatic efforts to revive the ceasefire have so far come to nothing. The UN has warned that eastern Aleppo, where an estimated 275,000 people still live, could face "total destruction" in the space of two months. Last week, Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution drafted by France calling for an end to the bombing in Aleppo. (BBC)




US Election: Trump Lashes Out At Republican Chief Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan said he would no longer defend Donald T r u m p ( A F P )


e p u b l i c a n nominee Donald Trump has ripped into House Speaker Paul Ryan as a "weak and ineffective" leader. Mr Tr u m p u n l e a s h e d a n attack on Mr Ryan after the highest-ranking Republican said he would not defend the candidate. Mr Ryan is the latest Republican not to back Mr Trump after a 2005 video emerged showing him making obscene comments about groping women. Renewed party divisions over Mr Trump

come as a new poll shows him 11 points behind his rival Hillary Clinton. The PRRI/Atlantic poll released two days after the second US presidential debate suggested Mrs Clinton holds a 49-38 lead over her opponent. A video released on Friday r e v e a l e d M r Tr u m p describing how he had sought to have sex with a married woman and making other sexually aggressive comments about women. The controversy prompted dozens of Republican lawmakers to rescind their support for Mr Trump less than a month before e l e c t i o n d a y.

On Monday, Mr Ryan told f e l l o w H o u s e Republicans he would focus on congressional elections to ensure Republicans could maintain legislative control. Mr Trump fired back in a string of tweets, saying the "shackles" had been removed, allowing him to "fight for America the way I want to." Donald Trump tweets: Image copyrightTWITTER Though the latest revelation underscores a widening divide within the Republican Party, some members insist they are sticking by Mr Trump. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said he was

"really disturbed" by Mr Trump's comments about women on the leaked footage, but still planned to support the Republican nominee. "It's completely indefensible and I won't defend it and haven't defended it," Governor Christie said. "That kind of talk and conversation even in private is just unacceptable." "I'm really upset about what I heard but in the end this election is about bigger issues than that," he added. Texas Senator and former rival Ted Cruz also said he would still cast his ballot for Mr Trump. "I am supporting the Republican nominee because I think Hillary Clinton is an absolute disaster," he told a local television station in M u l e s h o e , Te x a s o n Monday. Meanwhile, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus held an e m e rg e n c y c a l l w i t h members on Monday to declare the party would stand behind Mr Trump despite recent turmoil, US media reported. (BBC)




Iran Hanging: Fears For Child Bride Zeinab Sekaanvand

Zeinab Sekaanvand was convicted of killing her a b u s i v e h u s b a n d ( P R I VA T E ) Human rights activists say a 2 2 - y e a r- o l d w o m a n whose execution was delayed while she was pregnant could be hanged within days in Iran. Zeinab Sekaanvand was convicted of killing her husband, whom she says beat her for months. Her execution was postponed after she remarried in prison and conceived a child. Last month she gave birth to a stillborn baby, putting her at risk of death by hanging as soon as 13 October. Doctors said the young woman's baby died in her

womb two days before she gave birth as a result of the shock she suffered after her friend and cellmate was e x e c u t e d . Amnesty International says Ms Sekaanvand comes from a poor, conservative Iranian-Kurdish family, and ran away from home aged 15 to marry her first husband, Hossein Sarmadi. She said she saw marrying him as her only chance for a better life. But not long after their wedding, she said, he started beating her regularly and verbally abusing her. The young woman registered several police complaints against her husband, none of which were investigated. Her husband rejected her

requests for a divorce, and when she tried to return to her parents, they disowned her for eloping. Ms Sekaanvand was 17 years old when her husband died. She was arrested, and allegedly confessed to stabbing him to death. She said she was held at the police station for the next 20 days and repeatedly tortured by police officers. Before being convicted by a criminal court in West Azerbaijan Province, she retracted her confession and told the judge that her husband's brother, who she said had repeatedly raped her, had committed the m u r d e r . Ms Sekaanvand said he promised to pardon her if

she took the blame - as Islamic law allows a murder victim's family to accept money in lieu of execution. Iranian judges can spare under-18s the death penalty if they do not understand the nature of their offence. This was not investigated in Ms Sekaanvand's case, although an official examination found she was suffering from a "depressive disorder" characterised by insomnia and difficulty making d e c i s i o n s . In 2015, Ms Sekaanvand married a fellow prisoner at Oroumieh Central Prison in northern Iran, and became pregnant. Her execution was delayed until after the birth, as it is illegal to execute a pregnant woman in Iran. Human Rights Watch says that as a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Iran is obliged to outlaw death sentences for minors. According to Amnesty, Iran has executed at least one person convicted for an offence when they were a child in 2016, and has at least 49 more child offenders on death r o w . ( B B C )




Girl Under 15 Married Every Seven Seconds, Says Save The Children

Getting married early has a big effect o n g i r l s


n e g i r l under the age of 15 is married every seven seconds, according to a new report by Save the Children. The study says girls as young as 10 are forced to marry much older men in countries including Afghanistan, Yemen, India and Somalia. Save the Children says early marriage can trigger a c y c l e o f

disadvantage across every part of a girl's life. Conflict, poverty and humanitarian crises are seen as major factors that leave girls exposed to child marriage. "Child marriage starts a cycle of disadvantage that denies girls the most basic rights to learn, develop and be children," said Save the Children International CEO Helle ThorningSchmidt. "Girls who marry too early often can't attend

school, and are more likely to face domestic violence, abuse and rape. They fall pregnant and are exposed to STIs (sexually transmitted infections) including HIV." The report, called Every Last Girl, ranks countries based on the hardest place to be a girl based on schooling, child marriage, teen pregnancy, maternal deaths and the number of women in parliament. Chad, Niger, Central

African Republic, Mali and Somalia were ranked at the bottom of the index. The report says girls affected by conflict are more likely to become child brides. It says many refugee families marry off their daughters as a way to protect them against poverty or sexual exploitation. The charity used the example of a 13year-old Syrian refugee in Lebanon it called Sahar - not her real name - who was married to a 20year-old man. Now

14, she is two months pregnant. "The wedding day, I was imagining it would be a great day but it wasn't. It was all misery. It was full of sadness," Save the Children quoted her as saying. "I feel really blessed that I am having a baby. But I am a child raising a child." The report says girls also suffer during humanitarian crises such as the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone where the shutting down of schools led to an estimated 14,000 teen pregnancies. The UN children's a g e n c y, U n i c e f , estimates that the number of women m a r r i e d i n childhood will grow from 700 million today to around 950 million by 2030. The Save the Children's report coincides with International Day of the Girl on T u e s d a y . ( B B C )




A Day Like Today Indian Actor, film producer and television presenter Amitabh Bachchan ‘ B i g B ’ , ‘ B o l l y w o o d ’s Shahenshah’, ‘AB Sr ’, ‘Munna’ or Simply Amitabh turned 74 today. The golden voice of Bollywood, the ‘angry father’ of the Indian cinema has reached to his seventy- fourth autumn. It is time to celebrate the birth of a legend. Amitabh Harivansh Rai Shrivastava Bachchan is one of the most acclaimed Indian film actor of the 20th century. He was born on October 11, 1942 in Allahabad, a city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, north India. His father was the renowned Hindi poet Dr. Harivansh Rai a n d h i s m o t h e r Te j i Bachchan, was a Punjabi S i k h . Amitabh has a younger brother named Ajitabh. Mrs. Bachachan was always attracted to arts, but she decided to dedicate herself to the noble duty of being mother and wife. Her love for arts, was then reflected on Amitabh’s formation. She instilled him from small age to perform in the school plays, and always give the best on stage. She became Amitabh’s

main source of inspiration and herald. He assisted to the Sherwood College, in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. Finishing his education in in the University of Delhi, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree. His debut on screen was in 1969 as a voice narrator of the Hindi drama film, ‘Bhuvan Shome’. During the 70s, he starred in several films as supporting actor. Gaining the attention of directors and screen writers for his strong and dauntless performances. The 80s arrived, accentuating him as a potential Bollywood star. Productions such as the 1981 Indian drama film ‘Laawaris’, 1981 romantic drama film ‘Silsila’ and 1983 action-comedy film ‘Coolie’, gave him the reputation of the gallant and heroic gentleman of the silver screen.

bass voice, was just the perfect combination for an Indian ‘prince charming’. We was acclaimed by the masses and respected by his coworkers. His success on the entertained industry was such that was latter denominated as ‘one man industry’. During the early 90s, after a short recess, he focused in his career as a film producer and t e l e v i s i o n p r e s e n t e r. In 1996 he founded Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited (ABCL), with the goal to become one of the most profitable film industries in Bollywood. But it was a fiasco. He came back to the big screen after couple years, continuing to build his legacy as an actor. The Government of India honored him with the Padma Shri in 1984, the

2015(the fourth, third and second highest civilian awards given by the Republic of India, respectively). He has received four National Film Awards as Best Actor, and many awards at international film festivals and award ceremonies, and is the most-nominated performer in any major acting category at Filmfare (oldest film events in India) with 40 nominations overall. Up to date Amitabh has starred in over 180 Indian films. Marking his career as one of the most prominent and fruitful of Bollywood’s plateau. Qualifying him as the ‘Star of the Millennium’. Becoming the tangible representation of Amitabh’s meaning, ‘An unextinguished fl a m e ’ .

Padma Bhushan in 2001, and the Padma Vibhushan in

Sample of the many awards earned by M r. B a c h c h a n

Amitabh Bachchan in the 1981 romantic drama film ‘ S i l s i l a ’ Amitabh was starting to be ‘adored’ by all kind of audience. His imposing but tender presence on stage, manly and delicate features, majestic height and his countertenor, tenor, baritone-








Yazidi Survivor Nadia Murad Wins Human Rights Award

Yazidi Survivor Nadia Murad Wins Human Rights Award


adia Murad was one of thousands of Yazidi women and girls captured and enslaved

by Islamic State in August 2014(EPA) A Yazidi woman who was tortured and raped by Islamic State (IS) group militants has won a human rights award. Iraqi activist Nadia Murad was awarded

t h e Va c l a v Havel Human Rights Prize by the Council of Europe. Miss Murad became the face of a campaign to free the Yazidi people and stop h u m a n traďŹƒcking after escaping IS in November 2014. The 23-yearold had been captured and enslaved three months earlier along with about 5,000 women and girls. During her months in captivity, she was bought and sold several times, and

subjected to sexual and physical abuse at the hands of the jihadists. Miss Murad, who was named a United Nations goodwill ambassador in September, called for the creation of an international court to judge crimes committed by IS extremists in her acceptance speech in Strasbourg. She went on to brand IS's attack on the Ya z i d i a " g e n o c i d e " , adding: "The free world is not reacting." The award, which honours outstanding civil society action in defence of human rights, comes with prize money of 6 0 , 0 0 0 e u r o s (ÂŁ54,250;$67,000). (BBC)




IS Confirms Death Of Propaganda Chief Abu Mohammed Al-Furqan

With its own radio station, magazines, and a daily flow of video and photo reports, IS runs a professional media operation(AFP)


he Islamic State group (IS) has confirmed the death last month of one of its most senior leaders, Abu Mohammed al-Furqan. He was minister of information for the group, and oversaw the production of propaganda videos showing executions. A statement posted online did not say when, where or how he had died. The Pentagon last month said an air strike

killed him near Raqqa in Syria on 7 September. He was among the few remaining founding members of IS, and had reportedly played a leading role in setting up the jihadist group's key media outfits, including Amaq news agency, and in launching its multilingual magazines, such as Dabiq. Born Wa'il Adil Hasan Salman al-Fayad in Iraq, his nickname 'al-Furqan' is thought to be derived from his reported role in running al-Furqan Media Foundation - IS's long-standing media arm. The media chief, who was known as an ultra hard-liner, had also been a

member of the IS leadership group, the Shura Council. Experts say he had no public profile prior to his death, nor was he officially mentioned by IS before. Such secrecy is thought to be in line with the group's policy on most of its top figures during their lifetime. IS propaganda in decline The confirmation of his death comes at a time when research shows that the volume of IS propaganda is in decline. A new s t u d y, b y t h e C o m b a t i n g Terrorism Centre of the US military academy at West Point, logged fewer than 200 items in August, down from a peak of more than 700 the year before. Jump media playerMedia player help Abu Mohammed al-Furqan was a close associate of another one of the group's propagandists, Abu Muhammad alAdnani, who was killed in an air strike in August. Adnani was one of the group's most high-profile figures with a $5m (£4m) bounty on his head. "The removal of ISIL's senior leaders degrades its ability to retain territory, and its ability to plan, finance, and direct attacks inside and outside of the region," the Pentagon said in a statement, using an alternative name for IS. (BBC)




Australia Same-sex Marriage Vote Blocked By Opposition

Opinion polls show most Australians support legalising s a m e - s e x marriage(AFP)


ustralian opposition MPs have said they will block the prime minister's plan to hold a national vote on legalising same-sex marriage. Malcolm Turnbull has promised to put the issue to a nonbinding ballot, or plebiscite, next year. But critics, including many supporters of same-sex marriage, say parliament should make the

decision itself. They say the plebiscite will be expensive and runs the risk of u n l e a s h i n g homophobic rhetoric. Parliament will still vote on whether to hold the plebiscite, but without opposition and crossbench support it is unlikely to pass the senate. Mr Turnbull has not yet said whether he will allow MPs a free parliamentary vote instead, as the opposition wants, meaning the issue is unlikely to be resolved soon. What are the basics of the plan?

Australia's Marriage Act currently specifies marriage as a union between a man and a woman. If parliament approves a vote, Australians will be asked next February: "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" How many people will be affected? According to the 2011 census, there were around 33,700 same-sex couples in Australia - about 1% of all couples in Australia. Opinion polls show between 60% and 72% of Australians support legalising gay

marriage Is there a different way the issue can be decided? The opposition say campaigning around the plebiscite could allow aggressively homophobic language. A no vote could also set the legal changes back for years to come. They pushing for the matter to be settled through a free vote in parliament, where politicians would vote according to their individual beliefs. Read more: Australia gay marriage in the spotlight The vote is expected to cost

A$160m (£95m; $120m) which includes equal funding for both the y e s a n d n o campaigns. Opposition Labor leader Bill Shorten said on Tuesday that his party would o p p o s e t h e "expensive, divisive plebiscite". "Why should a couple in a c o m m i t t e d relationship have to knock on the doors of 15 million of their fellow Australians and see if they agree with it?" he said. "The easiest way is the way which this parliament has done for a hundred years legislate." Mr Turnbull is a longtime personal supporter of samesex marriage but has said the public should have a say. He said on Tu e s d a y t h a t t h e opposition was "not so much interested in same-sex couples being able to marry as they are in wringing every ounce of political gain out of this debate". (BBC)




France's First Drug Room For Addicts To Inject Opens In Paris

A user will get a sterile drugs pack on visiting the new facility(AFP)


Paris hospital i s n o w h o u s i n g France's first "shooting gallery" - a safe place where drug addicts can inject under medical supervision. The controversial drug room was opened by Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and Health Minister Marisol Touraine on Tuesday. It is near the Gare du Nord, a busy station

where drug crime is common. The users will exchange hard drugs like heroin and crack for substitutes, along with sterile injection kits. Critics fear it could fuel drug abuse. Ms Touraine said France had become the tenth country to set up drug rooms, which Switzerland pioneered in 1986. There are plans to open two more - in Strasbourg, eastern France, and Bordeaux in the south-west. "This is a very

important moment in the battle against the blight of addiction," Ms Touraine said. One of the chief arguments for such places is that they put addicts - often poor, marginalised and sick - in touch with medics and social workers, who can help them. Consuming substitute drugs in a clean environment also reduces the risk that addicts face from contaminated hard drugs bought from criminal dealers. The Paris facility is in the Lariboisiere

Hospital, and has a separate entrance. It will formally open its doors to addicts on Friday, and about 200 are expected there daily. The addicts will have to register, but are not obliged to give their real name, and will not be pursued by police for going there. The facility has a dozen cubicles affording some privacy to addicts when they inject. It is run by Gaia, an association that helps to treat addicts, and the annual running cost is

put at €1.2m (£1.1m; $1.3m). A leading Paris politician in the centre-right Republicans party, Philippe Goujon, is among the opponents who fear the initiative will undermine efforts to stop the hard drugs trade. "We're moving from a policy of risk reduction to a policy of making drugs an everyday, legitimate thing. The state is saying 'you can't take drugs, but we'll help you to do so anyway," he told the daily Le Figaro (in French). According to French health ministry data from 2011, more than 10% of drug abusers in France have HIV/Aids and more than 40% are infected with hepatitis C. Dirty needles and unprotected sex are the main routes for virus transmission. Drug rooms exist officially in several European countries, i n c l u d i n g Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Spain, as well as in Canada and Australia. (BBC)








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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

Too many opportunities and too many changes going on. Don't hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home. Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones.

Find out what they're up to, and see if you can pick up where you left off. Investments may not be as lucrative as you thought. The stamina you possess will be apparent in your approach to your hobbies and creative projects.

Your efforts will be rewarded handsomely. Put your efforts into physical fitness programs or competitive sports. Do not overexpand if you have your own business. Sit tight.

Be sure to use your charm and diplomacy when dealing with potential new clients. Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting. Your generous nature could be taken advantage of.

Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. A new you could help your attitude. Problems with gas, oil, or water in your home may disrupt your routine. Things may not be as they sound. Question your mate if you must. You could have trouble persuading others to accept your ideas and opinions You can make new friends if you get involved in group activities. You will find that superiors may not see situations as you do. Get involved in philosophic groups that will enlighten you. Mingle with those who have similar interests, and you should be able to start something. You may have a rather hectic day due to events that children are involved in. Your home environment may be hectic, which could result in emotional upset if you aren't well organized.

Your stubborn nature will backfire if you give your mate an ultimatum. Implement your ideas into your projects at work. Family outings should include visiting friends or relatives. You may need to lend an ear to an old friend. You'll have problems with authority figures if you don't play by the rules. It may not be the best time to socialize with clients or colleagues today. Your position may be in question if you haven't been pulling your weight. Your attitudes at work will open new avenues for you. Evasion is likely if you aren't direct about your feelings. New relationships will surface through work related events. You will be able to get along well with colleagues. Take care of any pressing medical problems that you or one of your parents may be suffering from.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: CORN PONE Ingredients (Cornmeal cake with raisins and cherries.) 1 tbsp plus ½ lb PALMBOOM* butter, softened 2 cups yellow cornmeal 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar ½ tsp vanilla extract ¼ tsp ground nutmeg, preferably freshly grated Pinch of salt 6 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup MILKO* milk solution 2 tbsp light rum 1 cup seedless raisins ¼ cup candied cherries, coarsely chopped

Preparation Preheat the oven to 350°F. With a pastry brush, spread 1 tablespoon of softened butter over the bottom and sides of an 8-inch springform cake pan. Sift the cornmeal and flour together. In a deep bowl, cream the remaining ½ pound of butter, the sugar and 2 tablespoons of the cornmeal mixture together by beating and mashing against the sides of the bowl with a large spoon until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla, nutmeg and salt and, beating constantly, slowly pour in the eggs in a thin stream. In a separate bowl, beat in about 1 cup of the cornmeal mixture, then ¼ cup of the milk, adding alternately until the cornmeal and milk have been combined. Stir in the rum, raisins and cherries, and pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 1½ hours, or until the top of the cake is golden and a cake tester or toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Let the cake cool for 4 or 5 minutes before removing the sides of the springform. Then, with the aid of a large metal spatula, slide it off the bottom of the pan onto a cake rack to cool completely. Makes one 8-inch round cake.


Dottin, Taylor Conspire To Turn The Tables On England Women The West Indies women rebounded from losing a thrilling encounter to England with a 38-run victory at the Trelawny Stadium in Jamaica earlier today. The Stafanie Taylorcaptained side had lost a run chase by five runs in the first game of five between the teams in Jamaica, turning the tables this time around thanks to a half century from the skipper. The West Indies victory began with them winning the toss and choosing to bat, much like England did in the first game. And again, much like England did, the West Indies found the going tough, making 148 all-out. Taylor scored 56, as openers Hayley Matthews and Saquana Quintyne, 15 each, got starts. Deandra Dottin also got to 21, while Stacy-Ann King and Afy Fletcher got to 14 each, but there weren't any other scores of note. The score, though competitive, should not have been enough, and it looked to be going that way with the contributions of Tammy Beaumont (19), Georgia Elwiss (16), Heather Knight (26), and Natalie Sciver (27), taking the visiting England side to 107 for five. However, an absolutely remarkable spell of bowling from Dottin left the innings in tatters from about the 38th over. Dottin ended with figures of 4-19 from 6.4 overs, in a spell that led to the last five wickets going for three runs. Helping her in that spell was Fletcher, who removed Knight and Sciver, before dismissing Danielle Whyatt. Fletcher's three wickets from 10 overs cost just 20 runs. (SportsMax)

Bernabeu Set To Get Retractable Roof After A‚¬400m Revamp Approved After two years of red tape held up their plans, Real Madrid have been given permission to begin a €400million restructure of their stadium. Real Madrid have been given the green light to move forward with a revamp of the Santiago Bernabeu that wil see a retractable roof added to the stadium. Madrid's home since 1947, the Bernabeu was heavily redeveloped before the 1982 World Cup, with the latest plans to freshen up the venue including a retractable roof to cover the entire arena and a light display to cover the outside of the structure. Plans for the refurbishment were originally revealed in 2014, although Madrid have since been held up by red tape. Work is now set to begin next year on the new construction and will cost in the region of €400million. Madrid president Florentino Perez hopes to recoup much

of that sum by selling the stadium's naming rights. "The stadium will still be the Bernabeu, but it could have a surname, as all stadiums now have, to help to pay for the structure," he said. (SportsMax)


Braves Hire Snitker As Manager season." Snitker has been in the Braves organisation

Brian Snitker has been rewarded for a positive spell as interim manager with the permanent job by the Atlanta Braves. The Atlanta Braves have announced the hiring of Brian Snitker as their manager. Snitker edged out former Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington and former San Diego Padres manager Bud Black for the job. Washington was appointed as the Braves' third base coach. Snitker, 61, served as Atlanta's interim manager from May 17 after Fredi Gonzalez led the team to a 9-28 start. The Braves went 59-65 under Snitker and won 20 of their final 30 games. "Brian earned this opportunity through his dedication to the Braves and to our players," Braves GM John Coppolella said. "We are excited for the energy and momentum he will bring into SunTrust Park next

for 40 years as a player and manager at virtually every level of the minor leagues. (SportsMax)

Essendon 34 Fail With Appeal Essendon chairman Lindsay Tanner said the club still believe the punishments imposed on 34 players are "manifestly unfair". The Swiss Federal Tribunal has rejected an appeal against antidoping suspensions lodged by 34 present and former Essendon players. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruled in January that a backdated two-ban year imposed on the players following a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) appeal would be upheld. All 34 were initially cleared of any wrongdoing over the club's controversial 2012 supplements program by an AFL anti-doping appeals tribunal. The Swiss Federal Tribunal has now ruled that the bans will not be reduced. A CAS statement said: "In the arbitration procedure between 34 current or former players of Essendon FC (Australian Football) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the Australian Football League (AFL) and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA), the Swiss Federal Tribunal (SFT) has decided not to entertain the appeal filed by the players against the CAS award of 11 January 2016 imposing a 2-year ban on each player following an anti-doping rule violation. "The SFT determined that since the players did not formally challenge the jurisdiction of CAS during the arbitration procedure and accepted the application of the CAS Rules (including the rule providing for a de novo hearing (i.e. for a procedure allowing the CAS to conduct a full review of the case), they had lost their right to challenge the CAS jurisdiction in appeal. "The SFT added that, even if the jurisdiction of CAS had been properly challenged by the players, CAS jurisdiction in this matter would have been confirmed and the appeal would

have been dismissed. As a consequence, the Arbitral Award rendered in this matter and the sanctions imposed on the players remain in force." Essendon chairman Lindsay Tanner responded to the ruling by stating: "It is obviously disappointing for our players. The club respected and supported the players decision to exercise the only legal right to appeal they had in this process. "We maintain our view that the decision and penalty handed down by the Court of Arbitration for Sport was manifestly unfair on our players." (SportsMax)


Triple Bayern Boost As Robben, Costa And Martinez Return Carlo Ancelotti could have Arjen Robben and Javi Spain's squad with an adductor complaint. The Martinez fit for the weekend, despite both missing former Athletic Bilbao man has been ever-present international action through injury. Bayern for Bayern so far this season. (SportsMax) Munich were boosted by the return of three firstteam players from injury on Tuesday as Arjen Robben, Douglas Costa and Javi Martinez took part in training. Robben was forced to miss the Netherlands' recent matches with Belarus and France, after picking up a rib injury in Bayern's 1-0 win over Cologne just before the international break. He has made a swift recovery though and could be available to Carlo Ancelotti for Saturday's trip to Eintracht Frankfurt. Costa has not played for a month due to a hamstring injury, while Martinez was forced to withdraw from

Courtois 'Angry' With Showboating Hazard In Belgium Rout Belgium may have battered Gibraltar in World ready for the World Cup. " Belgium are top of Cup qualifying, but Thibaut Courtois had some Group H with nine points from three matches. stern words for Chelsea team-mate Eden Hazard. (SportsMax) Thibaut Courtois was left "angry" with his Chelsea team-mate Eden Hazard for showboating and risking his clean sheet in Belgium's 6-0 battering of Gibraltar. Belgium unsurprisingly had too much for the minnows in Monday's contest, with Christian Benteke setting the tone with a goal after seven seconds – a record in World Cup qualifying – before finishing the match with a hat-trick. However, Courtois was none too pleased with his club and international team-mate Hazard, who scored Belgium's sixth goal, saying he could have left the team exposed with his trickery. "I was angry with Eden Hazard because he tried a backheel in a part of the pitch where he shouldn't have," Courtois said. "I absolutely wanted to keep a clean sheet. I yelled so everyone understood that we had to stay sharp. We had little to gain here. "We showed we respected our opponent. We have one-and-a-half more years to improve and be


Xavi Blasts 'Embarrassing' Pique Criticism stupid things. These accusations that he lacks commitment, or

Gerard Pique is well within his rights to walk away from Spain following his latest furore, says former Barca team-mate Xavi. Xavi has backed Gerard Pique's decision to quit Spain duty after the 2018 World Cup, labelling criticism aimed at the defender as "embarrassing". The centre-back announced that the World Cup in Russia will be his last major international tournament in the aftermath of Spain's 2-0 qualifying win over Albania. Pique was accused by some of cutting the regulation short-sleeved jersey in order to remove the trim on the shirts that bears the design of the Spanish flag, although the 29-yearold produced proof after the match that he had in fact cut the sleeves of a shirt that did not have the same flag design. The Barcelona centre-back has regularly courted criticism due to his public backing of Catalan independence, as well as often stoking the fires with Clasico rivals Real Madrid. Pique stated that the latest furore was one too many, and his former Barca and Spain team-mate Xavi believes that a lack of respect pushed him over the edge. Speaking to RAC1, the 2010 World Cup winner said: "I find this whole debate completely absurd. It's embarrassing. "Anyone who hasn't been following this would think he'd ripped the badge from his shirt. "Nobody forces anyone to do anything and if you don't want to play, like Oleguer back in the day, then you don't. "Now, if they call you up and you accept, like Pique did, you do it to be part of the team. The objective is the same for everyone: to win. "So much importance is given to the few idiots who speak out and say

that if you cover the colours of the flag on your socks… I suffered from that myself, although I took it light-heartedly. "I don't know [how he is taking it], but he's probably sick of everything. They've been disrespectful with Pique and they've accused him of everything. "His reaction is understandable. He's grown tired and lost enthusiasm and it makes sense to me. Nobody forces you to play for the national team. "Carles Puyol and I have suffered it too for years. Pique took it seriously. He has the right to say he's fed up of it and doesn't want to go any more. That's totally fine." (SportsMax)

Cardiff Snap Up Arsenal Flop Chamakh Marouane Chamakh will continue his career in the Championship after penning a three-month deal with Cardiff City. Former Arsenal striker Marouane Chamakh has penned a short-term deal with Cardiff City. Chamakh has penned a contract that will keep him in the Welsh capital until January, linking up with Neil Warnock, who managed him previously at Crystal Palace. Cardiff are Chamakh's fourth club in the Football League after Arsenal, West Ham and Palace, where he spent three seasons before being released earlier this year. "I'm so happy to be here and work with the manager again," Chamakh told Cardiff's official website "I worked for him at Crystal Palace before and I'm happy and proud to work with him here at Cardiff City. "Cardiff are a side that should be on top and I think we can improve going forward. I'm looking forward to meeting with my new team-

mates and getting started. I can't wait to score for my new team." Cardiff moved further to boost their ranks on Tuesday with the signing of Ivory Coast defender Sol Bamba on a deal until 2018. (SportsMax)


I Could Never Play For Barcelona - Real Madrid Star Casemiro The prospect of swapping Real Madrid for Barcelona is one Casemiro says he could never consider. Casemiro insists he could never contemplate joining Barcelona due to his love for fierce Clasico rivals Real Madrid. The Brazil midfielder struggled for playing time at the Santiago Bernabeu under previous head coach Rafael Benitez, but became an integral part of Zinedine Zidane's plans at Madrid. A fractured leg sustained in the 2-0 win over Espanyol on September 18 halted his progress and four consecutive draws for Madrid since then have highlighted his importance to the team. Casemiro, speaking to Onda Cera, reflected on his time in the Spanish capital and ruled out ever swapping Madrid for Camp Nou. "I'll never play in Barcelona, because in Spain I am a Real Madrid supporter," he said. "Real Madrid is much more than I expected. I love waking up in the morning and going to Valdebebas [Madrid's training base]. "I love being with the players, joking, working, learning. I try to live football every day. "Real Madrid is my life today." Casemiro was also questioned about the talent of his international team-mate Neymar, who is part of Barca's devastating three-prong attack alongside Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez. The 24-year-old believes Neymar has all the talent to become the best player on the planet, but is tipping club-mate Cristiano Ronaldo to win

the prestigious Ballon d'Or award. "Neymar's career, there is still more to come," he added. "But all the football that Cristiano Ronaldo has done over the last 10 years is to remember for a lifetime. Neymar has everything to get it. "[But] Cristiano is going to win the [Ballon d'Or]." Casemiro then went on to speak of the players he admires in the same defensive midfield position he plays, with a Barca rival prominent on his list. "The best players in my position are [Sergio] Busquets, Thiago [Alcantara], Gabi, Xabi Alonso," he added. "Busquets is a great player, how he plays the ball, his positioning, his balance on the pitch." (SportsMax)

Djokovic Makes Winning Return At Shanghai Masters A relatively comfortable victory over Fabio Fognini saw Novak Djokovic make a winning return to action in Shanghai. Novak Djokovic made a winning return to action by beating Fabio Fognini 6-3 6-3 in the second round of the Shanghai Masters on Tuesday. The world number one - back on court for the first time since losing the US Open final to Stan Wawrinka - arrived in Shanghai having withdrawn from last week's China Open with an elbow injury, while a relatively poor run of form since completing a career Grand Slam has left him trying to rediscover his love for the sport. Despite occasional glimpses of a threat from the Italian, Djokovic was sure to keep Fognini at arm's length and came away with a relatively comfortable victory. Defending champion Djokovic was quick out of the blocks and issued an immediate signal of intent when he broke Fognini's serve on his way to winning the first three games of the match. The Serbian initially looked comfortable on his own serve, but he had to overcome two break points to hold for a 5-2 advantage, with Fognini visibly frustrated by his inability to make Djokovic pay. Djokovic was not at his dominant best but wrapped up the opening set at the third time of asking as Fognini went wide at the end of another tight game. Fognini

finally took a chance to break in the second game of the second set, benefiting from a Djokovic double fault, but only after he had been broken himself in the previous game. A break to love put Djokovic back on the front foot at 4-3 up and the 12-time grand slam winner saw out the match to set up a third-round clash with Grigor Dimitrov or Vasek Pospisil. (SportsMax)


Rashford: I've Had To Toughen Up At United The robust nature of the Premier League compared to U-18 level has made Marcus Rashford a better player, the Manchester United striker said. Marcus Rashford admits he has had to toughen up during his meteoric rise at Manchester United, but believes he is a better player for the added physical attention he receives. The teenage striker rose to prominence after scoring on his European, Premier League and Manchester derby debuts last season. Rashford is now a prominent member of United's first team and his form at club level has brought international recognition with England. The 18-year-old concedes he has to contend with more robust challenges in the Premier League than he did with United's Under18s, but Rashford has no complaints. Asked by Inside United if he gets kicked more than he used to, Rashford said: "A little bit, but you don't go through a game of football without having a knock. "I don't think I have done that for years. It does toughen you up. "When you get the first

knock it kind of wakes you up, you know they are men and it is not like Under-18s when you can take loads of knocks and know you will be fine, that you won't feel anything after the game. "You definitely get harder knocks but it helps. You just get up and get on with the game, and then you can give it to them back. "It's important and when you're young I think you need those types of game." (SportsMax)

Nine-year-old Rampersad Tops Primary School Chess Champ Nine-year-old Rayden Rampersad retained his registered five wins and one loss in her campaign. title at the Pan American Life Insurance Primary Third was Marliyah Phillips with four wins, a draw Schools Individual Chess Championship on and a loss. (SportsMax) Saturday. The Candidate Master emerged from the 17 competitors with five wins and a draw to successfully defend his crown. Despite finishing the tournament undefeated, Rampersad didn’t have things all his own way. His very first match, against debutant Juninho La Fleur turned out to be, not only a battle of skill, but one of will. However, his greater experience and higher levels of critical thinking saw him lure La Fleur into a trap and an eventual defeat. Building momentum with each round Rampersad proved to be too good for his rivals. Finishing second was Zara La Fleur, who was also named the female champion. She


Defending Champions Barbican To Face GC Foster In Women’s KO Final Defending champions Barbican FC will be hoping to deliver an improved performance when they take on GC Foster College in the final of the Jamaica Football Federation/Sport Development Foundation Women's Knockout final set for October 22. During Saturday’s semi-finals at the Anthony Spauldings Sports Complex in Kingston, Barbican overcame a challenge from Los Perfectos to emerge 3-1 winners and advance to the finals where they will meet GC Foster College. Barbican’s coach Charlie Edwards believes that even though GC Foster might be weaker than their semi-final opponents, his team needs to tighten up if they are to retain their title. “I will be looking for an improved performance,” he said. “Los Perfectos are stronger than GC Foster but we are looking to improve defensively.” It was a defensive mix-up between Barbican’s centre backs that caused Venecia Reid to pull Los Perfectos level during stoppage time at the end of the first half, cancelling out Tashana Vincent’s 24th-minute strike had given Barbican the early lead. However, Edwards said his team were much the stronger in the second half when a spectacular 20-yard free kick from Captain Alecia James and a goal in the 67th minute from Shantell Bailey sealed the victory for Barbican. Meanwhile,

GC Foster rallied from a goal down to defeat Waterhouse 2-1. Shantel Spence scored in stoppage time of the first half to set Waterhouse up for a famous win and it looked like that goal was going to be enough. However, late goals from Abby O’hara in the 71st minute and a penalty conversion from Kenesha Ferron in the 83rd minute turned the game on its head. (SportsMax)

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