October 12, 2016

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Forestry Sector On Verge Of Collapse... More Effective Policies Needed – FPA President


resident of the Forest Producers Association (FPA), Deonarine Ramroop, has noted that the forestry sector is facing challenges and if not addressed early can spell devastation for the industry. During an interview with the Guyana Daily News, Mr. Ramroop said that excessive cost of production is a major challenge to the forestry sector, such as, high fuel prices, poor road infrastructure in the interior and high cost of spare parts. He however noted that the FPA is hoping for the forestry sector to be more involved in making value added products rather than exporting log but this would need the support of government by reducing operational costs. According to Mr Ramroop, the FPA is currently in negotiations with the government but, to date no concrete decision has been

made on the way forward. Guyana is currently working without a Log Export Policy, since the previous one expired; however the FPA is currently in the process of creating and implementing a new policy. He also stated that the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project was a missed opportunity for the forestry sector. “As soon as the government went into power, we wrote them a twelve points note that we want them to guide us,” Mr Ramroop said. However, only one of those points has been honored by the government and that is for the FPA to be on the Guyana Forestry Commission’s Board. The other points included the need for a deep water harbor, duty free concession on fuel and parts, red tape to be reduced when exporting lumber, among others. Many workers in the forestry sector have expressed their concerns about the state of the industry, because of the amount of regulations that must be followed. They are fearful that the industry will fall to the waste side. “Should this happen, it will have dire consequences for us and our families,” some workers said. Mr Ramroop also expressed similar sentiments, noting that if the sector fails, it will have a trickling effect on the hundreds of workers. With the recent seizure of Bai Shan Lin assets by the government, the president said that the smaller companies will also suffer because of the actions of the government. He said that the government should develop relevant policies to ensure that the industry stays alive and that they should adapt technology to ensure greater efficiency in the services that is being provided by the Guyana Revenue Authority.




Revenue Collectors Allegedly Stealing Millions From City Hall receipts by the revenue collectors. Duncan was quoted as saying that


any vendors around the city are complaining about the non- issuance of receipts by city hall officials who collect fees for vending at the markets. At Monday’s statutory meeting, Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan told councillors that he was in possession of evidence that some vendors are not being issued

“Vendors are complaining to me all the time that they’re paying their money and not being issued with receipts. I am arguing that Council is losing millions of dollars on a monthly basis. We have to find a better system in which we collect our market fees.” According to vendors, city officials would normally collect the fees for vending and would often pocket the monies since they do not issue receipts. It was noted that persons who ply their trade between Orange Walk and Cummings Street, on Merriman Mall, are forced to pay city constables $5000 if they turn up at the facility before the time that they are allowed to sell there. If they do not comply, the vendors will not be allowed to vend at the locations. “These monies are for the constables, we normally start business at 10:30 hrs, but should you come a bit early, the constables working in the area would charge $5000, no receipt is being issued for that money as well,” one vendor revealed. Reports indicate that City Hall has raked in over one billion dollars in revenue and tax collections for the first half of the year, but according to councillors, despite this claim, the council continues to operate at a deficit. The councillors have complained that they cannot access detailed information on the city’s expenditure, nor is the government interested in conducting a forensic audit into the operations of the council.

Post Offices Will not become obsolete – Min. Hughes


inister of Public Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes in observance of ‘World Post Day 2016’ said, “Times have changed, methods of communication have changed, this particular source of national revenue has undergone some changes which is why we are recalibrating our focus to more efficiently accommodate our people’s 21st century needs.” The minister assured that “Post Offices will not become obsolete.” According to the Guyana Information Agency (GINA) the minister said that it was recognized that the use of postal services has declined significantly over the past few years due to developments in the areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The ICT sector is being utilized for its speed, efficiency, availability and in some cases, low cost. “Postal services in Guyana are already undergoing very dramatic changes, even to the physical amenities and facilities that will benefit our pensioners, first of all,” Minister Hughes added. Since persons worldwide no longer use the local postal systems as a first choice for sending mails, other information and packages, systems are being put in place, in Guyana, for the effects of such changes. Chairman of the Guyana Post Office Corporation Board, Reverend Dr. Raphael Massiah, in his message stated that, “Over the next two years, we plan to hone all the available skills of our human capital coupled with the maximum use of ICT to offer an improved service with greater efficiency and reliability.” Massiah said the GPOC needs to take a bold step forward and recalibrate its operations in order to remain relevant to the everyday lives of people and business. This year World Post Day was celebrated on October 9, under the theme, ‘serving a new society: delivering beyond your doorstep.’ Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC), on Monday last commemorated World Post Day 2016. The observance was declared by the 1969 Universal Postal Congress in Tokyo as a means to mark the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union’s (UPU) creation in 1974.




Oil And Gas Association Pledges Transparency, Accountability

The Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), which was officially launched Tuesday evening at the Marriott Hotel, has vowed to ensure transparency and accountability of transactions. The Association has also promised to ensure adequate provision of employment for Guyanese. Speaking on the topic “Governance and Mandate of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association Inc.”, Nigel Hughes, one of the eight Directors of the Association, said that “GOGA will support all efforts which will lead to the fullest possible disclosure of all information on all transactions related to the exploitation of this national resources and encourage the widest possible discussion on the development of this asset.” President and Chief Executive Officer of the Association, Bobby Gossai Jr. pointed out the importance of transparency in interacting with the government, international community, non-governmental organizations, such as the private sector and other stakeholders to build a cohesive approach for the growth and development of Guyana’s hydrocarbon sector. The formation of the Association comes following a stream of

International organizations which offered their help to Guyana to aid in the country’s preparation for oil production. The call for transparency and accountability in oil and gas sector is of major concern to many and the industry is usually plagued with corruption. The Bank of Montreal is the latest to provide assistance for the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. The Bank made a presentation on the likely financial impacts to members of the subcommittee on oil and gas and stakeholders. The Bank also highlighted the importance for Guyana to have the experts who could assist in ensuring that oil producing companies release accurate data to government. Reports are that an estimated 1.2 billion barrels of oil will generate US$72 billion at the current world market price. Based on Agreement ExxonMobil, the company would take 50 percent of revenue to recover its multi-billion dollar investment in exploration and the remainder would be split in half between the company and Guyana as profit oil.




Delivery Of Education Needs Balance, Residents Of Region 10-Inquiry Into The Education System Continues (Georgetown, October 12, 2016) for an additional boat to assist children disadvantage. Commissioners mandated to examine the state of the education system met with residents including the Regional Democratic Council of Linden and Kwakwani, Region 10. The consultations occurred on October 6 and 7. As education stakeholders raise their concerns about the current state of education and its delivery in Region 10, several calls have been made for the Ministry to ensure that children across the country have access to equal education opportunities. Such opportunities as access to sports facilities and equipment, technology, adequate and hygienic school facilities, and transportation are said to be challenges in the Region. Among the other issues identified in the Region are: The need for welfare officers; The need

from riverine communities getting to school in a timely manner; and, a bus to transport children who live in Moblissa, a village about 7 miles in from the Soesdyke Highway, who attend school in Linden. Moblissa residents noted that children continue to drop out of school due to the distance children travel to get to school. A parent noted that the lack of internet access in the community also presents a challenge when completing assignments. Residents of Obama Drive, Amelia’s Ward in Linden have also expressed similar concerns. It was noted also that teachers continue to short change children in the classroom as they frequently complete the syllabus at their private lessons, which inevitably puts a significant number of students at a

Meanwhile, Regional officials and community leaders are calling on the Government to ensure that all schools are placed on the same level in terms of the types and quality of subject areas and the level of resources put into sustaining those subject areas such as, the sciences. A call was also made for guidance and counselling officers to be placed in primary schools. The Commission has also noted concerns regarding sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy in Kwakwani. Residents there have asked the Ministry to assist in putting mechanisms in place to tackle the issues plaguing the c o m m u n i t y. C o m m i s s i o n e r s a r e currently in Region 2 for three days of consultations. Ministry of Education Press Release


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Fraud Accused Carvil Duncan Suspended In Accordance With Constitution the Board of the Guyana Defence Minister’s letter was delivered by the

Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Mr. Carvil Duncan Georgetown, Guyana – (October 12, 2016) President David Granger, acting in accordance with Article 225 (6) of the Constitution of Guyana, has suspended Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Mr. Carvil Duncan with immediate effect, pending the outcome of the proceedings of the Tribunal. In a letter dated October 10, 2016, the Head of State informed Mr. Duncan that in addition to his role as PSC Chairman, he is also suspended from performing the Constitutional functions as ex-officio member of the Judicial Service Commission, the Police Service Commission and other functions as exofficio member of the Commissions of

Force (GDF). Article 225 (6) states that, “If the question of removing the officer from office has been referred to a tribunal under this article, the President, acting in accordance with the advice of the prescribed authority, may suspend the officer from performing the functions of his office, and any such suspension may at any time be revoked by the President, acting in accordance with such advice as aforesaid, and shall in any case cease to have effect if the tribunal recommends to the President that the officer should not be removed from office.” On September 15, the President in accordance with Article 225 (4) of the Constitution, appointed a Tribunal to inquire, investigate and recommend whether Mr. Duncan ought to be removed from office for inability to discharge the functions of his Constitutional posts. Prior to that, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo had written to Mr. Duncan calling on him to explain why a Tribunal should not be appointed but this letter went unanswered. Mr. Duncan claimed that he has never received any correspondence from the Prime Minister. However, the Tribunal is in receipt of evidence that the Prime

Guyana Post Office Corporation. In a release issued last Saturday, Mr. Duncan alleged that he was offered a “financial package” in exchange for his resignation. Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon has categorically denied the assertion made by Mr. Duncan that he was offered monies by the Minister of State or the President. In fact both the President and Minister Harmon had met with Mr. Duncan in an effort to have him voluntarily vacate the Constitutional positions he holds, since it is undesirable for someone who is facing criminal charges to hold those positions. Mr. Duncan is currently before the court on fraud charges after it was discovered by auditors that he paid himself approximately $1M and allegedly conspired with Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of the Guyana Power and Light, Mr. Aeshwar Deonarine, for an unapproved transfer of approximately $27M into the latter’s personal account. Members of the Tribunal, Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire, Justice (ret’d) Winston Patterson and Attorneyat-Law, Mr. Robert Ramcharran, are expected to present their report to the President on or before Monday, October 31, 2016. MOTP Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mediation To Help Reduce Back Log In Court Cases The Riverdale Mediation Limited on Monday commenced a with some of the issues which pass across my desk…so as we PAGE 9

five day Mediation Training programme at the Marriott Hotel. Mediation is one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options that takes into account the interests and needs of the parties. It is a process in which parties in a dispute appoint a mediator and actively participate in good faith in the mediation process in order to arrive at a consensual resolution of the matters between them. According to the Guyana Information Agency (GINA) participants were drawn from the Child Protection Services, and include welfare, labour and legal officers among others. The training is being facilitated by Coordinator of the Riverdale Mediation Limited, Hilary Linton. Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, while delivering remarks at the opening session, explained that the training is timely since it will help to reduce the number of cases in the court. “It is a fact that on a daily basis our probation officers and social workers including our child care and protection workers, are faced with a multiplicity of issues for which they are not adequately prepared. Even I, am stunned


traverse the regions I believe what is learnt here will help us,” the Minister said. Minister Lawrence noted that the training will equip officers to address various family and community conflicts they are confronted with daily. It will also help parties to settle disputes. “The knowledge of this skill set facilitate alternative dispute resolution, thus engaging parties and effecting positive changes in the community and society in general,” Minister Lawrence explained. Over the years, there have been a growing number of backlog cases in the Supreme Court, especially as it relates to civil matters and mediation was formally introduced in Guyana in 2003 in an attempt to improve the administration of justice by reducing the huge backlog of Court cases and the lengthy delays in the hearing and conclusion of court matters but few cases in the Guyana’s court have being referred to mediation. Persons are hopeful that with the training of new mediators, cases will be processed faster in the court. The training will conclude on Friday, October 14, 2016.




Cuban Nationals Charged For Having Forged Stamps On Passport


hree Cuban nationals appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman, charged with attempting to defraud an officer of the law by using forged documents. Osmel Guirola-Aboscol, Andy Perez Rodriguez and Alain Perez Rodriguez pleaded not guilty

to the charge and were granted bail in the sum of GY$80,000. They were ordered to return before the court on October 25, 2016. The trio was represented by Attorney Melvin Duke, who in his bail application noted that they entered the country legally and has been staying at 234 Garnette Street, Kitty. According to the defense attorney, the trio had approached an individual in connection to legally extending their stay in the country and handed over their respective documents. Prosecutor, Vishnu Hunt made no objection to bail but requested that the passports of the accused be handed over to the custody of the Cuban Embassy for the duration of the matter. It is alleged that on October 9, 2016 at Molsen Creek,Corentyne the three accused uttered to an officer of the law their passports which contained forged stamps which they claimed were issued at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

Security Guard Walks Free In Drugs Case encountered the defendant and found him in possession of the drugs. Magistrate Latchman prior to giving her final verdict explained that the case put forward by the Prosecution does not provide sufficient evidence to prove that the accused had “control” of the substance and as such her decision was to dismiss the case. Duke, a Security Guard, was initially jointly charged with Sharda Mohammed as it was alleged that on June 15, 2016 at Nutmeg Street, Ruimveldt the duo had in their possession 2.738 kg of the drugs.


agistrate Judy Latchman today dismissed the case against Nigel Duke who was charged with being in possession of 2.738 kg of marijuana with the intent of trafficking. During the trial, the Prosecution had contended that the accused had control of the substance referencing the day on which Duke was arrested, stating that officers acting on information went to Ruimveldt, Georgetown where they




Colombian President Demands Devolution Of Missing Persons

Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, committed himself

to ask the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), for the devolution of all the persons that went ‘missing’ during conflict. According to the Venezuelan Nespaper, El Nacional, the director of the Visible Victims Foundation, Diana Sofía Giraldo, mentioned that the Head of State promised the victims of over 50 years of conflict, a closure for their decades of anguish and uncertainty. Santos met Tuesday with 14 family members of the victims, at the ‘Casa de Nariño’, headquarters of the Executive Power. During the reunion, a document was delivered to the Head of State from the 14 family members present, where several points of the Peace Treaty signed on September 26 between the Colombian Government and the FARC were observed. According to the declaration of Santos, this demand will stand as one of the ‘requirements’ that the FARC must comply as part of the signing of the Peace Treaty that took place last month, on the capital city of Habana, Cuba. Even though the agreement was annulled by the plebiscite on October 2, the talks between both parties are still in force with the supervision of military observers of the Organization of the United Nations (UN). Source: http://www.el-nacional.com/mundo/Santoscomprometio-FARC-devolucion-desa...




At Least 300 Schools In Haiti Unusable; Agricultural Sector Suffered Extensive Damage PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- One week after Hurricane Matthew slammed into Haiti, more than 100,000 children are missing out on learning as their schools were either damaged or converted into shelters, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reported on Tuesday, stressing the urgent need to rehabilitate those facilities. Meanwhile, on Monday, the ministry of agriculture, natural resources and rural development (MARNDR) released a first partial report of extensive damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in the agricultural sector. “At least 100,000 children today will not experience the joy, safety and stimulation that being in a classroom brings,” said UNICEF's deputy representative in Haiti, Jean Metenier, in a news release. “We need to get them back to learning as soon as possible. Hurricane Matthew took away their schools, homes and textbooks. It shouldn't take away their sense of hope.” Schools across the country are reopening but, according to initial national estimates, at least 300 public schools have been partially or entirely damaged in the country and many others are being used to shelter displaced families. Schools in Sud and Grande Anse departments will remain closed for at least another week. UNICEF is working with partners to help set up temporary learning spaces. Priorities include rehabilitating damaged schools, delivering adequate school supplies, furniture and teaching materials, and providing children with psychosocial support. The ministry of

agriculture released a preliminary report detailing hundreds of thousands of metric tons of production losses due to the hurricane and the loss of hundreds of thousands of livestock, as well as damaged or destroyed fishing boats and equipment, processing buildings, irrigation systems and farm roads. (Caribbean News Now!)

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew, which hit Haiti on October 4, continues to rise. Haiti is facing the greatest humanitarian emergency since the earthquake in 2010. The full extent of the damage remains unknown. Photo: UNICEF/UN034980/Abassi, UN-MINUSTAH

Four Parties Show Willingness To Form New Coalition Government In Curacao WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- The MAN, PAR, PNP and Pueblo Soberano (PS) political parties have presented a joint letter indicating their willingness to form the next government in Curacao, representing a majority of 12 of the 21 seats in Parliament. The letter was presented to Governor Lucille George-Wout. The four parties do not exclude the possibility of adding other coalition partners to broaden the support base. In the current setting it will be interesting to see how the nine ministerial portfolios are to be divided. If PNP and PS each get two with their two seats, MAN is likely to get only three and PAR would even have to settle for two, even though they both have four seats. The latter can be compensated with the Chair of Parliament and the plenipotentiary minister in The Hague. MAN as the biggest party in terms of votes should also deliver the prime minister, who will almost certainly be party leader Hensley Koeiman. PNP would like to hold on to the ministry of traffic, transport and spatial planning it now has, as does PS with its current minister of social development, labour and wellbeing. Perhaps they will settle for one minister each so that MAN and PAR can divide the other seven between them, four and three. PAR leader Zita Jesus-Leito announced the party was ready to govern again during her visit to the governor as part of the latter’s formation consultations. Priority for PAR is to stimulate the economy, ensure a better future for young people and reduce poverty. Jesus-Leito said MAN has a similar social agenda. PAR is open to discussing the possibilities of forming a coalition with most parties, including now independent (former PAR) parliamentarian Omayra Leeflang and her new “Un Korsou Hustu” (UKH). Leeflang left PAR and took her seat to go independent soon after the elections in 2012. However, PAR indicated that it will not work with the MFK party led by convicted former prime minister Gerrit Schotte, and “Korsou di Nos Tur” (KdNT) of Amparo dos Santos, which is generally regarded as closely aligned with Schotte. (Caribbean News Now!)

Potential coalition partners




Stronger Hurricane Nicole Forecast To Approach Bermuda On Wednesday By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Hurricane Nicole continued to strengthen on Tuesday, as a hurricane warning was issued for Bermuda. Hurricane conditions are expected to begin on Bermuda by Wednesday night, with tropical storm conditions beginning Wednesday afternoon. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, the eye of Hurricane Nicole was located about 350 miles (565 km) southsouthwest of Bermuda, moving toward the northwest near 5 mph (7 km/h). A northwest to north-northwest motion was expected on Tuesday night, with a turn towards the north and an increase in forward speed on Wednesday morning, followed by a northeast turn late Wednesday. On the forecast track, the centre of Nicole is expected to approach Bermuda on Wednesday night and pass near Bermuda on Thursday. Data from an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft indicate that the maximum sustained winds have increased to near 80 mph (130 km/h) with higher gusts. Additional strengthening is forecast during the next day or so, and Nicole is forecast to be near major hurricane strength by late Wednesday. Hurricaneforce winds extend outward up to 30 miles (45 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 115 miles (185 km). A dangerous storm surge is expected to

produce coastal flooding in Bermuda. Near the coast, the surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves. Nicole is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 3 to 5 inches over Bermuda through Thursday. Swells associated with Nicole will affect Bermuda during the next few days. These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. (Caribbean News Now!)

Hurricane Nicole three-day forecast track, NHC/NOAA graphic

Grand Bahama In Crisis NASSAU, Bahamas -- Some residents of Grand Bahama are describing conditions as hell on Earth in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. The description was used by Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Emerick Seymour, officer in charge of Grand Bahama, in Freeport on Saturday. “The only good thing about it is that there were no lives lost,” Seymour said. On Monday, the island, already deeply scarred by the storms of 2004 and 2005, was still without power supply. Authorities said the storm ripped down more than 700 poles. Water was being provided in some areas intermittently. Government officials said Rand Memorial Hospital and clinics were on generator. Most of the island’s businesses remained closed and long lines had formed at service stations. Officials acknowledged that the economy has suffered a major blow and it could be a long time before some semblance of normalcy returns to the island. Prime Minister Perry Christie toured the devastation in West

End on Saturday, where many homes and businesses were flattened by the storm. (Caribbean News Now!)

The fabled Star Hotel in West End, Grand Bahama, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Hurricane Matthew collapsed the great posts that gave support to the front section, virtually gutted the building, and left it as a mere shell. Photo: Fred Sturrup


GUYANA DAILY NEWS OAS Secretary General Welcomes Resumption Of Colombia Peace Talks PAGE 17

WASHINGTON, USA -- The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, has welcomed the announcement of renewed negotiations and public dialogue between the Colombian government and the ELN guerillas as “a concrete and hopeful step toward a comprehensive peace, longed for by Colombians for decades. Almagro applauded “the willingness of the two sides to return to the table and begin a process of inclusive dialogue, in which civil society and other sectors of Colombian citizenry are given a very active role.” The OAS leader praised the fact that “the unilateral cease-fire arranged by the ELN in the framework of the plebiscite, and the release of hostages, are signs of peace that allow for assurances to victims and create an atmosphere of trust to move forward in discussions.” Almagro reiterated the commitment of the OAS to peace in Colombia through the Mission to Support the Peace Process (MAPP/OAS). The mission has accompanied for the last 12 years the peace initiatives in the most remote areas and those hardest hit by the violence, and will continue to do so in the post-conflict


stage. In this framework, the MAPP/OAS is ready to support the process of dialogue that resumed this Monday. (Caribbean News Now!)

OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro

Caribbean Can Benefit From EPA, Says Barbados PM By Sharon Austin BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) -- Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart has expressed the view that the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) “bristles with opportunities” from which the Caribbean region can benefit. Stuart made the comments on Tuesday as he delivered the feature address at the inaugural two-day European Union-CARIFORUM Sustainable Energy. The prime minister told his audience: “Commitment to the successful implementation of the EPA has never waned. In fact, tangible contributions have been made by the EU and its member states under the Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme, the UK’s CARTFund and the German development body GIZ. “This assistance has benefited the public sector, the private sector and regional institutions alike, thereby making a significant contribution to bolstering this region’s capacity to trade with the EU. We remain robust in our determination to seize the opportunities which we have negotiated under this comprehensive trading arrangement.” The CARIFORUM-EU EPA, which was signed in 2008, is a trade and sustainable development agreement composed of measures to stimulate trade and investment between the two regions, build a regional market, and help to eliminate poverty. The EPA seeks to move away from the preferential treatment to the region to a WTO compliant arrangement which seeks to substantially open up all trade between the Caribbean and the EU. Stuart pointed out that the agreement, while ground-breaking as the first comprehensive NorthSouth trade and development agreement in the global economy, was yet to see a noticeable shift in the terms of trade with the EU, since time was needed to build the capacity in the region to fully exploit the opportunities offered. He added that it was unfortunate that the process of finalising the negotiations that would lead to the

CARIFORUM–EU EPA coincided with the “onset of a prolonged period of fiscal and economic turmoil” in many economies across the world. Stuart said the Caribbean was not unmindful of the need to eventually re-negotiate the terms and conditions under various trade agreements such as the EPA and the WTO with both the UK and member states of the European Union. “I therefore wish to echo the sentiments of some of my colleagues that it may well be time for us in the region to focus more attention on political engagement with the EU to ensure the promotion and protection of our interests in a volatile global economy where the currents of individualism are growing more powerful and more pronounced,” the prime minister stated. (Caribbean News Now!)

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart addressing the the inaugural two-day European Union-CARIFORUM Sustainable Energy Conference. (B. Hinds/BGIS)




Montserrat Volcano Observatory Renews Monitoring And Research Contract With UWI BRADES, Montserrat -- The University of the West Indies (UWI) “The Seismic Research Centre has been managing and supporting has entered a renewed contract with the government of Montserrat to provide management and support for the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO), which conducts monitoring and research activities on the Soufriere Hills Volcano. The new monitoring contract runs for five years and was signed on September 13, 2016, by Professor Dale Webber, pro vice-chancellor for graduate studies and research at UWI and by Elizabeth Anne Carriere, governor of Montserrat. Montserrat’s Soufrière Hills Volcano has been erupting since 1995, rendering more than half of the island uninhabitable, including the capital city Plymouth. Since the onset of the eruption, the volcano has been closely monitored and heavily researched. Through careful management and implementation of volcano risk reduction strategies, Montserrat has managed to rebuild itself and adapt to living with an erupting volcano. The UWI, through its Trinidad and Tobago-based Seismic Research Centre, has been contracted to provide six scientific staff members (including the director) to work at MVO. It will also provide support services and updates to the MVO’s monitoring equipment, including a complete replacement of the seismic monitoring network. The UWI has also been tasked to develop training courses, which will be based at MVO and will continue to facilitate research at this live laboratory to better understand how volcanic systems function in Montserrat and by extension the wider Eastern Caribbean. Speaking on the partnership, Webber said, “I am very pleased that the government of Montserrat has decided to renew this contract. It shows that the UWI can provide world-class scientists and world-class science to deliver a service that is crucial in the ongoing development of Montserrat.” Carriere said,

Montserrat Volcano Observatory since 2008. In that time, they and the MVO have provided excellent information and advice to successive governors and to the government and the people of Montserrat. This contract serves as recognition of the outstanding quality of the work carried out by the observatory and the staff there and of the need for that work to continue in the future.” During his trip to Montserrat, Webber visited the MVO and toured the former capital city of Plymouth. Webber is the highest ranking UWI official to visit Montserrat since the university began management of the MVO and his presence demonstrates the university’s commitment to ensuring that its activities have meaningful impact on the people it serves. (Caribbean News Now!)

Dr Richard Robertson (left) and Pro Vice-Chancellor of The UWI, Professor Dale Webber inspect the buried and abandoned city of Plymouth at the foot of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Photo: Roderick Stewart/MVO

Anguilla Boat Builder Launches New Caribbean Fast Ferry Concept SANDY GROUND, Anguilla -- Anguilla’s heritage and custom boat building company, Rebel Marine, recently water-launched its newest design in Sandy Ground: a luxury 44-foot bow-riding fast ferry that expands its coveted line of “marine limousines”. Rebel Marine’s “marine limousines”, which range in length from 34 to 55 feet, are a win-win for both the boatyard and for its clients, who are efficiently using them for business safely and luxuriously to carry passengers in open ocean conditions. This aids Rebel Marine’s clients in their own repeat business by providing excellent experiences and gaining great reviews. With the new 44-foot marine limousine also being a bowrider, Rebel Marine has reached a pioneering status, as most open-air bow-riders keep to a maximum length of only 30 feet. This added element of the bow-riding option for a luxury fast ferry has attracted excitement and has new commissions lining up at Rebel Marine. This first one to fruition, the 44-foot commissioned by Islander Watersports out of St Kitts and Nevis, who aptly named it “Point Proven”, can carry up to 30 passengers. Islander Watersports services the Four Seasons Resort in Nevis. Wincent Perkins of Islander Watersports said, “This is a fantastic addition to our fleet. This boat is sleek, good looking, comfortable and quiet, which adds to the element of luxury for our guests. Its efficiency is good for business and we love that it’s the first and only marine limousine in the Caribbean that is also a spacious bow-rider.” David Carty, Rebel

Marine’s owner and founder added, “We appreciate the fact that we’ve had so many repeat commissions that return to Rebel Marine due to good service. We intend to continue building the best boats possible with state of the art materials, for our clients all across the Caribbean and Southeastern United States.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Rebel Marine 44' bow-rider





Over 40,000 Pounds Of Produce Sold In First Quarter Of Virtual Agricultural Clearing House PRESS RELEASE – The Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association on May 19th 2016 launched the Virtual Agricultural Clearing House (VACH). The Association is pleased to announce its statistics for the first quarter in operation. Data compiled for primarily five crops indicates a total revenue of $127,044.70 over the three month period, this is a total of 42,318lbs of produce sold. Pineapple sales account for 64% ($81,704.00) of that revenue. These figures are reflective of reported purchases made directly between farmers and hotels/food and beverage distributors. These sales are from a small representation of the hospitality sector (1600 rooms) participating in the program. It is important to note that this is not the peak season for tourism arrivals nevertheless great strides are being made via the VACH; farmers support, food and beverage distributors and hospitality sector participation and partnerships with developmental institutions such as Rise Saint Lucia Inc for the Good Food Revolution program. The hospitality sector acquires a relevant source of their agricultural produce locally but the opportunities to increase linkages are more significant for niche products as seen with pineapples, watermelons, cantaloupe and honeydew. These items represent a potential market of approximately $2,000,000. One of the first individuals to conduct sales through the VACH is Mr. Moses Rene a young farmer from Grace, Vieux-Fort. Mr. Rene’s sales has increased considerably and as a result he is expanding his business and employing more persons. In his testimonial Mr. Rene has praised the VACH for opening more avenues for the sale of his produce. The gradual increase in purchasing of local agricultural produce by the hospitality sector signifies a reduction in the importation bill. This is tourism dollars directly in the pockets of our farmers creating a ripple of positive effects for the economy of Saint Lucia. This is just the first step in fulfilling some of the mandates of the VACH. (St. Lucia News Online)

PAHO Says Caribbean Achieved Nearly All Health Targets Of UN Millennium Development Goals WASHINGTON, Oct 11, CMC – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) says Caribbean countries have met almost all the health targets of the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). “As the result of 15 years of efforts, the countries of the hemisphere significantly improved the health of their populations,” said Kira Fortune, acting chief of PAHO’s Special Programme on Sustainable Development and Health Equity. In a report presented to the PAHO’s 55th Directing Council here, Fortune said “today, the people of the region are living longer, healthier lives thanks to the MDGs. “They are at less risk of dying from malaria, and babies are more likely to survive childbirth and reach five years of age,” she added. To promote human development, the international community has endorsed the MDGs in 2000 at the United Nations, making a commitment to tackle important issues for the future of humankind, such as the eradication of extreme poverty, environmental conservation, and the protection and promotion of people’s health, among others. The new PAHO report shows that the targets related to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (MDG1), reducing child mortality (MDG4) and ensuring environmental sustainability (MDG7) were all achieved between 1990 and 2015. PAHO said MDG6 (combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases) was partly achieved, and progress was made toward MDG5 (improving maternal mortality), although the goal was not met. As the report explains, the proportion of underweight children under age five in Latin America and the Caribbean dropped by 63 per cent between 1990 and 2013, and the proportion of the population unable to meet minimum food requirements was reduced by 60 per cent, from 69 million people in 1990 to less than 37 million in 2015. The report says that mortality in children under five in Latin America and the Caribbean fell by 66 per cent (from 43 to 15per 1,000 live births) between 1990 and 2015, and mortality among children under one in the Americas was reduced by 62 per cent (from 34 to 13 per 1,000 livebirths) in the same period. PAHO said

regional countries have managed to halt the spread of HIV and began to reduce its prevalence. According to the report, HIV prevalence in Latin America and the Caribbean fell from 0.28 per cent in 1990 to 0.17 per cent in 2015. The goal of providing access to treatment for all those who need it was not achieved, although the rate of coverage did improve significantly, to 44 per cent, the report states. It says malaria cases and deaths dropped sharply (64 per cent and 78 per cent, respectively, between 2000 and 2013), as did tuberculosis prevalence and mortality. The estimated incidence of tuberculosis fell from 56 to 26 cases per 100,000 population between 1990 and 2015. Almost 95 per cent of the inhabitants of the Americas had access to drinking water, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) calculations, while the proportion of the population lacking access to improved sanitation services dropped by 48.5 per cent between 1990 and 2015. (Antigua Observer)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Today Is World Arthritis Day

n the occasion of World Arthritis Day, Fortis Healthcare has issued guidelines to keep the bones healthy. Rheumatic or musculoskeletal conditions comprise over 150 diseases and syndromes, which are usually progressive and associated with pain. They can broadly be categorised as joint diseases, physical disability, spinal disorders, and conditions resulting from trauma. Musculoskeletal conditions are leading causes of morbidity and disability, giving rise to enormous healthcare expenditures and loss of work. Arthritis is a disease related to joints and the cartilage where the cartilage gets thinner and thinner. The various types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, spinal disorders. Common dietary mistakes that have a harmful effect on our bones, said Balvinder Rana, MS Orthopaedics at Fortis Escorts Research Institute. Too much salt Too much salt in food causes


us to lose calcium through urine to release extra salt. Some of this calcium comes from the bones which can lead to weak bones or Osteoporosis in the long run. Some studies show that a reduction in salt intake from 10 to 5 gm/day would have the same effect on bone strength as an increase in calcium intake of 1000 mg/day. Sodas and fizzy drinks Sodas and fizzy drinks are also linked to weak bones for several reasons: In the 1950s, children drank 3 cups of milk for every 1 cup of sugary drinks. Today that ratio is reversed: 3 cups of sugary drinks for every cup of milk. Sodas have thus replaced healthy drinks such as milk and fruit juices. There’s growing concern that soda can be more damaging when consumed during the peak bone-building years of childhood and adolescence. Also, the phosphorous in soda may limit our ability to use the calcium we consume. Excessive soda consumption also lowers magnesium levels that are needed for

bone health. Excessive coffee consumption Excessive coffee consumption is bad for bones. If you’re drinking more than three or four cups of coffee a day, then add some extra calcium because coffee decreases calcium absorption and increases calcium loss. Try substituting coffee with tea — as per a meta-analysis published in 2014 in the reputed journal Osteoporosis International, there is some evidence that tea drinkers have a lower risk of hip fracture. Too much alcohol Heavy drinkers have weak bones, frequent falls, and more broken bones than nondrinkers. When you imbibe 2 to 3 ounces of alcohol every day, calcium is not absorbed from the intestines. Alcohol also affects the liver thereby affecting the function of vitamin D — the bone vitamin, thus causing weak bones. Too much chocolate A study of women who consumed more than one daily serving of chocolate showed a higher risk of weak bones than women who consumed chocolate less than once a week. Even though chocolate contains flavonols and calcium, both of which are linked to a positive effect on bone density, it also contains oxalate, an inhibitor of calcium absorption, and sugar, which is linked to calcium excretion. So have

Chocolate in moderation. The Western diet This is also called the “meatsweet” diet and includes excessive amounts of fats, sugar, red meats, and refined grains such as white flour that’s used for white pasta and white breads. It’s better to eat fish, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Arthritis acquired due to immune deficiency can be prevented, said expert Raman Kant Aggarwal. With early detection and adequate treatment, arthritis acquired due to immunity deficiency can be prevented. Degenerative arthritis happens because of mechanical wear and tear. One should avoid becoming overweight especially around hips, ankles and knees. The joints will not be able to tolerate the excess weight. Very few people know that the body weight becomes three times the normal weight on the knees during activities such as climbing stairs. A proper diet is a must to keep weight in check, with adequate amounts of Vitamin D and calcium. Consistent exercises via a regular r o u t i n e a r e n e c e s s a r y, especially walking. Elasticity and flexibility in the joints can be maintained through adequate nutrition which helps the bones to remain lubricated and in good function.Source: http://www.hindustantimes. com/health-andfitness/world-arthritis-dayher...




Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Flames Out: Experts React

Samsung has killed off the Note 7, but the fiasco poses risk to its brand(GETTY IMAGES/THINKSTOCK) Not so long ago, the Galaxy Note 7 was being hailed as the world's finest smartphone. But this Tuesday, Samsung Electronic's botched recall and re-release of the product cut about $17bn (£13.8bn) off its market value. The company's shares are still above the level they plunged to when it first announced, in September, that customers should return the initial batch of phones because of a spate of fires blamed on faulty batteries. But the South Korean markets have not yet reacted to the news that Samsung is killing off the Note 7 for good, following reports that several replacement units had also overheated. Below, four experts pick through some of the issues raised by the affair. Prof ManMohan Sodhi, Cass Business School: Was Samsung right to abandon the Note 7? As Oscar Wilde would have said, to have one product recall may be regarded as a misfortune, to have two looks like

carelessness. The electronics industry faces an increasing amount of power being shrunk into vanishingly small circuits. These circuits get hot and, sometimes, catch fire. Competition means there is less time available to test products, and many companies have had misfortunes. But Samsung offered a false a l t e r n a t i v e t o o q u i c k l y. T h a t i s carelessness. To fight this image, Samsung has announced a permanent stop to the production of the Note 7, following a temporary stop earlier. This gives it room to redesign a brand new product. But this will only add to Samsung's woes. It will be viewed as panic in the boardroom. A full recall of existing Notes as well as those yet unsold will be an environmental nightmare besides being economically challenging to the entire supply chain - despite the fact that the vast majority of these phones would have remained in full working order for their working lives. No, like Volkswagen and its diesel emissions scandal, Samsung should have stuck it out with the Note 7 until the Note 8 became available. It still has to identify and publicise what

caused the phones to overheat if it is to recover its reputation. And it could have offered free stress tests and compensation vouchers to Note 7 owners, and have convinced the airlines the vetted handsets were safe. The engineers could have handled the technology problem - panicking was not the solution. Samsung's competition has been caught by surprise by the Note 7 failure. Most smartphone makers had chosen not to launch large screen smartphone models 5.5in (14cm) and above - at this time of year, because they would go head to head with the Note and latest iPhones. As a result, they are poorly placed to benefit. Google's new premium Pixel smartphones might seem to be arriving at an ideal time. But IHS estimates that Pixel production is under one quarter of Samsung's original planned Note 7 volume, which limits Google's ability to replace the Note's market position. Additionally, Google's mobile operator exclusives - EE in the UK, Verizon in the US, Telstra in Australia - mean many of those who had intended to use the Note 7 on other networks might not switch. Other Android handset manufacturers have a few phablet smartphones in the works. In the US, LG is launching the V20, but it also has low planned production volumes and extremely limited availability in Europe. Huawei may choose to accelerate the launch of its next Mate smartphone, but its P9 flagship has a modest 5.2in display much smaller than the Note 7's 5.7in screen. Sony, HTC, and ZTE have no recent large screen premium smartphone to offer. Samsung will seek to counter its rivals by marketing the S7 and S7 Edge, most likely (Continued on next page)




Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Flames Out: Experts React (Cont’d) by reviving its Gear VR virtual reality headset bundles, but the degree of success it enjoys will depend on the extent of damage to its brand. I expect Apple to raise iPhone 7 production significantly to meet increased demand, especially of the larger Plus model. The Note 7 recall will be an excellent market test of the strength of Apple's appeal to Android owners. But in the longer term, Huawei will be the biggest beneficiary. The Chinese company is already performing strongly, has moved into a clear third position in global smartphone shipments - behind Apple and Samsung - and aims to be number one. If Samsung's main brand is damaged - and not just its Note family then Huawei will look to pick up sales right across its Android smartphone portfolio. Prof Will Stewart, The Institution of Engineering and Technology: Are smartphone batteries being put under too much pressure? Engineers have done a great job of dramatically reducing the energy needed to do any particular job on a smartphone and the UK has been a real contributor to this - but we have used up this advantage by getting our handsets to do more things faster and better. So, the energy a phone needs to carry with it is still considerable. Thus, the potential exists for a fire if the energy is released in an uncontrolled way. Things have not really got worse in the past few years, but they have not got better either. At this point, it is not clear why Samsung is having problems with batteries from more than one supplier. It has been suggested they are being put under too much physical pressure - a result of our desire for phones to be as compact as possible. But clearly other compact phones have been fine. The energy involved is considerable but

much less than that in the fuel or battery in your car, for example - indeed no more than the energy I have used cycling round London today. Lithium is a wonderful battery material and holds more energy for a given weight than any alternative. Only hydrogen is lighter, but as a gas, it is awkward to carry. So, lithium will continue to be the key battery material. Batteries will improve in various respects, with the application of nanotech for example. But as long as the energy is there, the potential hazard is there too. James P Rooney James P Rooney, vicechairman of Seoul Financial Forum: Do Samsung's troubles pose risks to the wider South Korean economy? Because of incorrect statistical analysis, outside observers have long had a significant tendency to massively overstate the importance of Korea's top 30 "chaebol" conglomerates, of which Samsung is the largest. The most recent data from Samsung Group itself showed its self-estimated contribution to Korea's gross domestic product (GDP) was about 2.5%, and that number probably remains true today. So, any impact from Note 7 in this current year could be only a very small fraction of that number. An impact of 0.1% of GDP, which is frankly insignificant at the national level, would probably be an overstatement. Furthermore, since most of the labourintensive final assembly is handled at factories outside of Korea, any enforced idleness in those plants is not Korea's problem directly. But any kind

of product defect and product recall naturally has an effect on reputation and brand image, both for Samsung and for Korea, as most people view them both as being so intertwined. This is potentially where the greatest impact will be felt, but it can work both ways - the dark cloud or the silver lining that comes with it. If the new generation of Samsung leadership converts the real value of this debacle into a constructive lesson in quality and careful design and testing, then it will come out of it stronger and better equipped to continue being successful in the future. I believe Samsung has handled this need for prompt action well so far. If it continues to do so, then it can expect to earn the respect of its customers, its investors, its regulators - and in all likelihood its competitors too, all of whom can only be happy that this did not happen to them first. Korea today makes many excellent and world-class products that are welcome everywhere. By facing these problems head-on rather than trying to skirt around them or brush them under the rug, everybody gets stronger and reputations grow rather than shrink. Let us hope that is what is happening here. (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Rebels Set Up Internment Camp For IS Defectors

A rebel commander said not everyone being held at the camp would be allowed to leave A secret internment camp for former Islamic State militants and their families has been established in Syria. Some 300 defectors and captured combatants, including many Europeans, are being held at the camp operated by the rebel group J a y s h a l - Ta h r i r. I t s commander, Mohammad alGhabi, told the BBC: "We tried to rehabilitate them and alter their state of minds." "Those who wished to return home were allowed to call their embassies and coordinate with them through us." Among the group are French, Dutch and Polish

nationals, as well as foreign fighters from North Africa and across the Middle East and Central Asia. The men, women and children are being held in a village in rural northern Syria. Mr Ghabi said the numbers were growing as IS collaps ed, thanks to a Turkish-supported rebel offensive against the group in northern Syria called "Operation Euphrates Shield". "IS has been falling apart for the past seven or eight months, according to the defectors we spoke to. However, Operation Euphrates Shield further degraded IS and led to its dismemberment following the rapid advances of our forces," he added. A BBC team was unable to visit the

camp, but obtained material from inside. It has basic facilities and the prisoners there say they are being well cared for, but many want to leave. One former IS fighter there goes by the name of Abu Sumail. He travelled from his native Netherlands two years ago, going first to Belgium, then to Gaziantep in Turkey. He said he disguised himself as a "party guy" on holiday, to avoid detection by the intelligence services. But getting into Syria was much easier than leaving. Speaking of his disappointment with life inside IS-held territory, he said: "They treat us very bad, especially people from another country. "It's very hard for us to live there - it's not our lifestyle because we

are used to a lot of things and then we come there and they directly start to treat you hard. "You give your life to them, so they are going to start to take control of your life. They use you for bad stuff." The BBC has also learned that an underground railroad is being created in Syria, with other rebel groups and British and European intelligence services, to find, capture and return IS supporters. Inside the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto IS capital, fighters have begun to send videos and personal statements to rebel groups, in the hope of escaping with their families. At least half a dozen foreign fighters have made it out already, and are facing imprisonment back in Europe, according to rebel groups. Mr Ghabi said that not everyone would be allowed to leave. "Those who didn't want to go back or had committed crimes are being referred to a Sharia court, which rules by [Islamic] law and punishes according to the gravity of crime committed." Some could be executed, he warned, and added that the window of opportunity for defectors to cross to the rebels was closing fast, as IS continues to lose territory and its proto-state crumbles. (BBC)




US Election: Trump Presidency 'Dangerous', Says UN Rights Chief

Donald Trump has been a harsh critic of the UN(REUTERS) Donald Trump's "deeply unsettling and disturbing" views make him a danger internationally, the UN's human rights chief has said. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad alHussein cited Mr Trump's comments on the use of torture and his attitude to "vulnerable communities". The Republican presidential candidate's campaign has been marked by a number of controversial comments. Recent crude remarks about women have caused the biggest political fallout. Overnight President Barack Obama, at a rally for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, condemned those comments, saying: "The guy says stuff that nobody would find tolerable if they were applying for a job at 7Eleven." Mr Hussein said at a news briefing in Geneva: "If Donald Trump is elected on the basis of what he has said

already - and unless that changes - I think it is without any doubt that he would be dangerous from an international point of view." Mr Hussein said he was "not keen or intent on interfering in any political campaign within any particular country". But he said that when an election could result in an increase in the use of torture "or the focus on vulnerable communities in a way that suggests that they may well be deprived of their human rights, then I think it is incumbent to say so". Mr Hussein has spoken out b e f o r e o n M r Tr u m p ' s policies, saying in June that "bigotry is not proof of strong leadership", while in September he launched a scathing attack on Western populist politicians, branding them "demagogues and political fantasists". During the campaign, Mr Trump has said that "torture works" and has promised to bring back "a lot worse than waterboarding".

Waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques previously used by US forces on terror suspects have been banned by the Obama administration. Mr Trump said of waterboarding in June: "I like it a lot. I don't think it's tough enough." His comments on migrants, Mexicans in particular, have drawn fire from rights activists. He has vowed to build a wall along the Mexican border and in June 2015 branded some Mexican migrants "rapists" and "murderers". Mr Hussein's latest comments are unlikely to change the New York billionaire's harsh criticism of the United Nations. "The United Nations is not a friend of democracy," Mr Trump said in March. "It's not a friend even to the United States of America, where as we all know, it has its home." He has criticised the US spending on the organisation. In April, he said: "Where do you ever see the United Nations? Do they ever settle anything? It's just like a political game. The United Nations - I mean the money we spend on the United Nations." Mr Trump is still battling the fallout from his lewd comments on women in a 2005 video released on Friday. Mr Trump described how he had sought to have sex with a married woman and made other sexually aggressive

comments. Many top Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, have since distanced themselves from Mr Trump. Mr Trump fired back in a string of tweets, saying the "shackles" had been removed, allowing him to "fight for America the way I want to". He said he neither wanted nor needed Mr Ryan's support. Mr Trump said "disloyal" Republicans "come at you from all sides. They don't know how to win - I will teach them!" Mr Obama weighed in a g a i n s t M r Tr u m p a t a campaign rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. He said: "You don't have to be a husband or a father to say that's not right. You just have to be a decent human being." Mr Obama questioned how senior Republican politicians could still want Mr Trump to be president. M ean w h i l e M r Tr u m p delivered a gaffe while addressing supporters in Florida on Tuesday, telling them to go out and vote on the wrong date. ABC News footage showed him saying: "Go and register. Make sure you get out and vote, November 28." The election is on 8 November. A recent PRRI/Atlantic poll suggested Mrs Clinton holds a 49-38 lead over her opponent. (BBC)




Singer Janet Jackson Confirms She Is Expecting First Child, Aged 50

Singer Janet Jackson and husband, Wissam Al Mana, are expecting their first child(GETTY IMAGES) Singer Janet Jackson has officially

confirmed she is expecting her first child, at the age of 50. She told People magazine: "We thank God for our blessing", and posed for a picture with her growing baby bump. Speculation about her pregnancy surfaced in April when she postponed her 'Unbreakable' tour, saying she wanted to focus on planning a family with her husband, Wissam Al Mana. She was recently spotted in London shopping for baby essentials. The People magazine quoted a source close to the Jackson family as saying: "She is

super excited about her pregnancy and is doing extremely well. She actually feels very good about everything." In a video posted on Twitter in April, she told her fans that she was postponing her world tour because "there's been a sudden change". "I thought it was important that you be the first to know. My husband and I are planning our family," she said, adding: "Please if you can try and understand that its important that I do this now." She went on to say: "I have to rest up, doctor's orders." (BBC)




US Election: FBI Investigating Hacking Of Clinton Campaign Chief

John Podesta is one of Hillary Clinton's top aides and her campaign chairman(GETTY IMAGES) Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, has said the FBI is investigating whether Russia was behind a hack on his private email. Mr Podesta also suggested Republican nominee Donald Trump's campaign was given advance notice of the breach. His remarks come after WikiLeaks published a trove of his hacked emails. The top adviser to Mrs Clinton said the enquiry was part of a wider probe into hacks on the Democratic Party by groups with Russian ties. "I've been involved in politics for nearly five decades," Mr Podesta told reporters aboard the Clinton campaign plane. "This definitely is the first campaign that I've been involved with in which I've had to tangle with Russian intelligence agencies, who seem to be doing everything

they can on behalf of our opponent." The longtime aide to Mrs Clinton pointed to a tweet by Mr Trump's adviser Roger Stone in August that said Mr Podesta's "time in the barrel" was coming. However, the tweet was posted shortly after WikiLeaks released thousands of hacked emails from other Democratic officials. Mr Podesta also claimed Mr Stone has been in t o u c h w i t h Wi k i L e a k s founder Julian Assange, but acknowledged evidence was "circumstantial". Mr Stone told the AP news agency that Mr Podesta's claims were "categorically false" while WikiLeaks tweeted that it "has had no contact with Roger Stone". Mr Podesta also speculated that the timing of the first WikiLeaks release on Friday was intended to distract from the explosive 2005 footage showing Mr Trump making obscene comments about groping women. The Clinton campaign has not verified the

authenticity of the leaked emails, adding that they could have been altered. "The pattern is they hack, they leak truthful things, and then they build up to leaking documents that are either doctored or wholly fabricated,'' said Mrs Clinton's spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri. These emails have given Americans a candid look at the inner chaos, dysfunction and general awkwardness of a major presidential campaign. Anyone familiar with ungainly corporate bureaucracies - the best way to describe what modern multi-million-dollar political endeavours have become should instantly recognise the picture. Mrs Clinton's leadership team obsesses about messaging, deals with interpersonal disputes, and frets and freezes over bad news and worst-case scenarios. They also reveal the campaign's at-times-cozy relationship with members of the US media (some of whom, like Donna Brazile, were former, and future, party operatives). Mr Podesta has condemned the hack - the virtual equivalent of someone riffling through his desk drawers - as the work of a Russian government intent on helping the Trump campaign. So far, at least, the purloined messages contain no smoking guns. They should, however,

dispel Americans of any notion of the inherent nobility of political campaigns. Modern politics is less Aaron Sorkin and his high-minded West Wing television series than it is a theatre-of-theabsurd episode of Veep. The latest batch of emails offer a glimpse into Mrs Clinton's political network, suggesting that Donna Brazile, Democratic National Committee interim chairman, had given the nominee advance notice of a question she would be asked at a CNN town hall event. Ms Brazile denied any impropriety on Tuesday. US relations with Russia have taken a central role in the presidential election. Last week, US intelligence officials said the Russian government was behind a series of hacks aiming to influence the presidential election. Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak has denied the accusations. "`We don't interfere [in] the internal affairs of the United States, neither by my statements nor by electronic or other means," he said on Tuesday. Mrs Clinton has also questioned M r Tr u m p ' s p r a i s e f o r Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong leader, his connection to Russian businessmen and his criticism of the Nato alliance. (BBC)




Theresa May Dismisses Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit 'Shambles' Claim

The Labour leader asks the prime minister about the UK's future relations with the EU. Theresa May has rejected a claim by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that she is overseeing a "shambolic Tory Brexit". During Prime Minister's Questions she said she wanted "maximum possible access" for the UK to the single market after leaving the European Union. Mr Corbyn said the government had "no answers", but Mrs May promised to be "ambitious" in Brexit negotiations and to exert greater migration control. MPs are now debating a Labour motion on Parliament's role in Brexit policy. The party is calling for "proper scrutiny" by Parliament of discussions ahead of the government starting negotiations with the EU. Brexit Secretary David Davis said: "The premise on which we are advancing is that we will have proper scrutiny. But it is not one where we will allow anyone to veto the decision of the British people." The subject

of Brexit dominated the first Prime Minister's Questions since the end of the party conference season, with Mr Corbyn asking: "Is the prime minister really willing to risk a shambolic Tory Brexit just to appease the people behind her (Conservative backbench MPs)?" Mrs May replied: "We will negotiate the right deal for the UK. That's what matters to everyone in the UK and that's what we will deliver." She told MPs any deal would aim for "maximum possible access to the single market", but added she was "absolutely clear that the British people" wanted "maximum control" over immigration. The Labour leader accused the government of having "no answers" and said it should stop "running away from the looming threat" to jobs and living standards. Ministers are facing calls to set out details on what they want Brexit to look like before triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the twoyear process of working out the terms of the UK leaving the EU. Ahead of the Brexit debate Labour set out 170 questions for

the government, including on trading relationships and migration rules. Some senior politicians including former Labour leader Ed Miliband - are demanding a full vote on the UK's negotiating stance ahead of full discussions with the EU beginning. But the government says it does not want to have its hands tied before talks, and some argue a vote could be used as a way of undermining the result of June's referendum, in which voters chose by 52% to 48% to leave the EU. Labour's Commons motion falls short of specifically asking for a full vote on the UK's Brexit negotiating stance. Instead, it asks for a "full and transparent" debate on the plan for leaving the organisation and for Prime Minister Theresa May "to ensure that this House is able properly to scrutinise that plan... before Article 50 is invoked". The government has tabled an amendment to the motion which Labour has accepted stating that negotiations for Brexit must be handled in a way that "respects the decision" reached in the referendum. Labour's decision to agree to the government amendment means there might not be a vote at the end of Wednesday's debate. Ever since the referendum, the Labour leadership has been criticised by pro-EU backbenchers for not doing enough to scrutinise the government's plans for leaving the European Union. But now the new shadow minister for Brexit, Sir Keir Starmer - along

with Emily Thornberry - seems to be making up for lost time. Although the precise number of questions is a little gimmicky, they address some issues which business leaders also want answered - for example, whether the government has decided the UK should leave the single market and if so, if it would still abide by its regulations. And a number of Conservative MPs are likely to participate in Wednesday's parliamentary debate on Brexit - also calling for more transparency from the government. Opening the debate on Labour's motion, shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said the terms under which Brexit could happen were "not on the ballot paper" for the referendum. He added: "Nor did the prime minister set out her terms for Brexit before assuming office." Former Conservative ministers Ken Clarke Dominic Grieve suggested MPs should get a vote on the Brexit blueprint, which Sir Keir agreed with. But Brexit Secretary Mr Davis said: "We have been pretty clear on the overarching aims, not the detailed aims. We're not even at the point that that's possible. "The overarching aims are these: bringing back control of laws to parliament, bringing back control over decisions of immigration to the UK, maintaining the strong security cooperation that we have with the European Union and establishing the freest possible market in goods and services with the European Union and the rest of the world." (BBC)




IS Conflict: Booby-trapped Drone Kills Kurdish Fighters In Iraq

Kurdish Peshmerga forces are preparing for the offensive to retake the IS-held city of Mosul(EPA) A booby-trapped drone has killed two Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and badly wounded two French soldiers battling socalled Islamic State in Iraq. A Kurdish defence official told Reuters news agency that the drone exploded when the Peshmerga tried to pick it up after it had crashed to the ground. The incident happened on 2 October, north of the IS-held city of Mosul. IS militants are said to have tried

to use drones to launch attacks at least two other times in the past month. In response, US-led coalition and Iraqi pro-government forces have been warned to treat any type of small flying aircraft as a potential bomb, according to the New York Times. But few units have been provided with devices that US troops have to disarm them. The French newspaper Le Monde reported on Tuesday that the drone involved in the attack 10 days ago had been intercepted in flight and had exploded near the Peshmerga and French soldiers

when it crashed to the ground. A US official told the New York Times the Peshmerga had been examining the drone when a small explosive device disguised as a battery blew up. It was not clear whether the

bomb was detonated remotely or contained a timer. On We d n e s d a y, t h e secretary general of the Kurdistan Region's defence ministry, Jabbar alYawar, confirmed the death toll and said the French soldiers had been training the Peshmerga at the time of the attack. The wounded French troops were immediately evacuated to France for medical treatment, Le Monde said, adding that one was "between life and death". The French government

initially declined to comment on the incident, but a s p o k e s m a n confirmed on We d n e s d a y t h a t French special forces had been injured. France has sent about 500 troops to Iraq as part of the coalition against IS. They have been assisting and training troops currently massing around Mosul in preparation for the start of a major offensive to retake the city, which fell to IS in 2014 and is the group's last remaining urban stronghold in Iraq. (BBC)




Health Of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej 'Not Yet Stabilised'

Crowds of well-wishers gathered outside the hospital(REUTERS) The health of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest reigning monarch, has "overall not yet stabilised", the palace has said. On Sunday the palace announced that the king was in an unstable condition after receiving haemodialysis treatment. King Bhumibol, 88, is widely revered, and a crowd of well-wishers have gathered outside Siriraj hospital. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha cancelled an official engagement to meet the Crown Prince. A palace statement late on Wednesday said the king's "blood pressure lowered and breath quickened". It said his liver and kidneys were not working properly and he remained on a ventilator. The unprecedented concern over his health has caused stocks and

Thailand's currency, the baht, to tumble. The Stock Exchange of Thailand closed down 2.5%, its lowest since the end of May. A government spokesman urged people to rely on official announcements for updates on the situation, rather than on "uncorroborated information in social media circles". A day of rumour and speculation ended with a statement from the Royal Household Bureau. Three days after it was first announced that the king was in what's being called a "not stable" condition came confirmation that he was not doing any better. Outside the hospital hundreds of well-wishers - many of them dressed in pink - for luck - prayed for King Bhumibol. Having first acceded to the throne 70 years ago - he has been a source of stability and unity - for a much changed and still deeply divided nation. King Bhumibol is the currently the

world's longest serving monarch, having acceded to the throne when his brother died in 1946. During his seven decades on the throne the king, who is seen as a unifying force, has intervened when events threatened to plunge Thailand into crisis. Amid increasing concerns about his health in recent months, the Royal Household Bureau has issued more frequent bulletins. Earlier this month, a statement said the king was recovering from a respiratory infection. Thailand's strict lese majeste laws mean public discussion of his health and succession plans are not permitted, and are punishable by lengthy jail terms. (BBC)




Three-person Baby 'Race' Dangerous

(THINKSTOCK) The race to make babies from three people is a major worry, duping couples and a dangerous experiment on mums and babies, warn scientists and ethicists. The UK, which pioneered the advanced form of IVF, was the first country to introduce laws to allow the creation of babies from three people. Yet the first baby was born in Mexico. And despite the technique being designed to eliminate disease, it has been used as an unproven fertility booster in Ukraine. Both countries have less fertility regulation than the UK. How to make a three-person baby? Threeperson IVF was devised to prevent the repeated heartache of losing children to illnesses caused by defective mitochondria. The tiny structures in our bodies convert food into useable energy and are passed on only through the mother's egg. Three-person IVF takes the DNA from mum and dad and puts it in an egg from a donor woman. The resulting child has 0.1% of its DNA from the donor. The advanced form of IVF was developed at Newcastle University in the UK and the final safety checks were completed in June. So the Mexico birth and the procedure being offered as a fertility treatment has caused concern. "We appear to be in a race to the bottom," warned Dr

Marcy Darnovsky from the US Centre for Genetics and Society. Criticising doctors offering the technique, she added: "They are ignoring ongoing policy debates and conducting dangerous and socially fraught experiments on mothers and children. And they appear to be actively seeking a media splash on the way down." "Use of these biologically extreme procedures for infertility is based purely on speculation." It is argued that some cases of infertility are caused by a "poor" environment inside the egg such as insufficient or old mitochondria or an imbalance in the chemicals necessary to trigger embryo development. And that the three-person technique could overcome those deficiencies. 'Unstoppable' Dr Dusko Ilic, from King's College London, said there was no way to stop IVF clinics offering the procedure. While the UK was the first country to create laws to legalise three person IVF, it is legal by default in many countries with little-to-no regulation. Dr Ilic told the BBC News website: "IVF clinics are jumping on the bandwagon and rushing ahead, whereas the Newcastle team did all the hard due diligence work. "The major worry is how technically skilful these clinics are, what quality control measures are in place and what information they

provide to desperate patients seeking help. "Are those patients aware of all risks involved?" For example in the Mexico birth - the details of the family and an photograph of the baby were made public without any consent. James Lawford Davies, a partner at the law firm Hempsons, said: "One example of the way UK regulation protects patients is through the confidentiality which attaches to their identity, the details of their treatment, and their children. "Any such disclosure would be a criminal offence in the UK." When the UK allowed the procedure to prevent inherited mitochondrial disease, it did not allow three-person IVF to be used in fertility treatment. "There was little evidence at the time the law was being changed that the methods were likely to help infertility," said Prof Robin Lovell-Badge, from the Francis Crick Institute. Such an untried form of conception was thought to be too risky except in the case of mitochondrial disease where the harms were even greater. Prof Lovell-Badge said the UK had a reputation for looking "deeply into the issues of science and safety" and that such procedures may be permitted in the future if they were shown to be safe. He told the BBC: "We can't control this in countries where there are few or no regulations and poor oversight. "Unfortunately the clinics in such countries have become used to being unregulated, and it is the patients who are at risk of being duped into paying for methods that have little or no benefit or that are even harmful." Sarah Norcross, the director of the Progress Educational Trust, said fertility clinics had a reputation for "rushing" new techniques to patients. She advised: "For British women who wish to avoid passing mitochondrial disease to their children, the temptation to travel overseas to access these treatments must be enormous. "We would caution against this. At present, there are too many unanswered questions about what has been achieved - and how for us to be confident of patient safety.' (BBC)








Paris Attacks: Lawyers For Salah Abdeslam 'Will Not Defend Him’

Abdeslam was arrested in a dramatic raid in March not far from his home in Brussels(BELGIAN/FRENCH POLICE) Lawyers for the main suspect in last year's Islamist attacks in Paris say they will no longer defend him as he has chosen to remain silent. Salah Abdeslam is angered at being placed under 24-hour video surveillance, Frank Berton told BFM TV. "We said from the beginning... that if our client remained silent we would quit his defence," he said alongside fellow lawyer Sven Mary. The attacks in Paris last

November killed 130 people. So-called Islamic State said it was behind the coordinated assaults on bars, restaurants, a concert hall and the Stade de France Salah Abdeslam was arrested in Brussels in March and has kept silent since his transfer to France in April. He is being monitored 24 hours a day by video in his prison cell. Mr Berton said in May the suspect was "particularly disturbed" by the surveillance. He told BFM TV the decision to monitor Abdeslam was a "political" one. Abdeslam is thought to have played a key role in planning the Paris attacks and

transporting the attackers, but investigators are yet to determine his specific role. The lawyers informed their client they would no longer represent him on 6 October, BFM TV reports (in French). It says that at present, he does not want to be represented by anyone else. Legal representation is not required while the investigation continues but will be at his trial. "The real victims of all of this are the victims of the Paris attacks, because they are entitled to this truth and they have the right to try to comprehend the incomprehensible," Sven Mary said. Salah Abdeslam - from petty crook to Islamist Born 15 September 1989 in Brussels In his teens, he and two brothers get into trouble with police for drug trafficking Transport technician for STIB f r o m 2 0 0 9 - 11 b u t fi r e d f o r p o o r timekeeping Jailed briefly for burglary in 2010 with Abdelhamid Abbaoud, the suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks, who went to the same Molenbeek school In 2013 managed "Les Beguines" bar in Molenbeek with brother Brahim; the bar was shut down in 2015 Briefly detained by Dutch police in February 2015, fined €70 (£49) for possession of cannabis Both brothers placed on police list in 2015 for links to Islamist fighters in Syria (BBC)




A Day Like Today

Illustration of Columbus reaching the 'New World' (12 October 1492)


ctober 12 is globally commemorated as the day in which the New World was ‘discovered’. The clash of two cultures, the encounter between exploiters and exploited, the violent beginning of the shifting of history. For some, Columbus represents the main character that ‘opened the doors’ for new horizons, for others he is the personification of the Apocalypses that the first habitants of the Americas had to suffer. Columbus was a visionary, a merchant, a sailor with a colossal perception for good business. As any ‘conqueror’, he was also a ruler with an insatiable thirst for power and wealth.

Christopher Columbus ( 1450-1506) The discovery of the New World was simply an ‘investment’. But let’s start from the top. Christopher Columbus was born between October 31st 1450 and October 30th 1451, in the port city and capital of the Liguria region in northwest Italy, Genoa. He grew up in the bosom of a humble family. His father was a

wool weaver who worked in Genoa and Savona, and his mother was a house wife. Columbus had three brothers and a sister. His family was constantly moving between the coastal states of Italy, looking for better business. By 1473 Columbus ‘dived’ into the sailing business, mastering the art of mariner. The sea became his second element, and he enjoyed it. Lisbon, the Portuguese capital city was a flourishing metropolis in the 15th century. A ‘checking point before reaching Spain, a continental gem. Columbus moved to Lisbon seeing the outgrowing development of the city. Venturing into new waters, selling and buying spices and rare merchandise was the latest trend in the market. Columbus started to sail around the coasts of Africa and back to Portugal, as a way of living. In 1477, he married Filipa Moniz Perestrelo. She was a Portuguese noble woman from Porto Santo Island, in Madeira, Portugal.

Columbus caravels: ‘La Niña’, ‘La Pinta’ and the ‘Santa Maria’.The couple had a son named Diego Columbus. Filipa died in 1985 and Columbus remarried two years later, to the young Beatriz Enríquez de Arana. During the 14th and 15th century, the ‘Silk Road’ or ‘Silk Route’ became a hostile path for Europeans. The Silk Route was an ancient network of trade routes that for centuries were central to cultural interaction through the regions of the Asian continent, connecting East and West China to the Mediterranean Sea. After the fall of the Roman City of Constantinople to the domain of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish) in 1453, the Silk Road drastically shifted from a secure via of commercial enrichment, to one of the most dangerous routes to transit. Forcing tradesman’s to look for an alternative way to reach Asia. Columbus as a salesman, and sailor saw this as an opportunity to make ‘good businesses’ with the Portuguese crown. In 1485 he proposed his plans to look for an alternative route, to King John II of Portugal. But despite Columbus sailing expertise, his navigational calculations were wrong and the plan was rejected. Not once, but twice. Columbus was

convinced of not only be able to find and alternative route to Asia, but to encounter new lands. He was one of the few visionaries of the period, who believed that the earth was round. And with this idea, he went to Spain. There he presented a suitable offer to the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. If his voyage was financially supported, he would not only unveil a new commercial route for Spain, but also give them the pleasure of new lands being conquered without effort from the ‘motherland’. Expanding their empire. But as a businessman, Columbus wanted to be repaid in more than just ‘cash’. He also sought for recognition. After the deal was ‘sealed’ with Spain, he asked to be named Admiral of the Ocean Sea and appointed Viceroy and Governor of all the new lands he could claim for Spain. He was given sufficient supplies for a large trip, and three ships: ‘La Niña’, ‘La Pinta’ and the ‘Santa Maria’. On August 3rd 1492, he sailed with good wind, determined to find new lands. On October 12th the sailors, spotted a dark silhouette on the distance, of what appeared to be land. And it was indeed. They discovered the Bahamas, named by Columbus ‘San Salvador’. He continued his route days after. And on October 28th, the vessels reached Bariay, present state of Holguin. Eastern part of Cuba. It is said that Columbus expressed on his arrival to Bariay’s shores “This is the most beautiful land that Human eyes have ever seen”. Historian attribute it to the blue beaches, white sands and colorful attire of the natives. Between 1492 and 1498, Columbus completed four voyages between Spain and the Americas. All of them under the crown of Castile. He discovered the Lesser Antilles and continued to the Greater Antilles (group of islands in the Caribbean Sea, denominated such accordingly to their mass) as well as the Gulf of Mexico, and the south and Central American mainlands. Columbus enjoyed his range as Governor for an ephemeral period of time, due to his violent reputation, tyranny and incompetence. By his middle age, he was suffering from arthritis and influenza. He died in Valladolid, Spain. The 20th of May 1506. Columbus Never accomplished his goal to reach Asia from a new route. But he opened a new chapter for the shaping of history. From this day on, the Americas would be known as the main source of richness and wealth of the European monarchs. Diving into a sad period of exploitation of the ‘man by the man’.Source: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history







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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

You can make gains if you work in conjunction with others. You will easily charm members of the opposite sex. Your need to get away could lead you into greater debt.

Problems with females you live or work with will try your patience and cause temper flare ups. Now is a good time to ask for favors. You're in the mood to party.

Take a trip or just spend some quality time with your mate. You need a change of pace. Take time to relax. Stress and pressure at home may have worn you ragged.

Today will be rather hectic on the domestic scene. You may have a problem with coworkers if you try to tell them what to do. Avoid arguments with relatives who might be conservative and outdated.

Believe in yourself and so will those who count. You can get others to do things for you but be sure not to overpay them or lend them money. You may have problems with those you live with. Talk to others about your plans. Your determination may make you a little overbearing when dealing with others. You will be able to talk to your lover about future goals and perhaps make plans for the two of you to take a vacation. Don't give them the use of your credit card. You should take good care of your health; get lots of rest. Work quietly behind the scenes for best results. Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters. You may divulge private information without realizing it today. You may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation if you have overloaded your plate unintentionally.

Partnerships with creative people could lead to financial gains. Family may not want to get involved but an entrepreneur will. You will have original ideas for ways to make extra money. Your emotions may get the better of you. Lovers will be demanding. You are best to sign your partner up for activities that will be tiring. Don't bang your head against a wall. Focus on using your creative abilities in other ways. Your lack of interest in your partner is a problem. Anger might lead to carelessness and minor Injuries. Friends may not understand your situation. Do not push your opinions or try to reform your emotional partner today. One of your female friends may try to disrupt your day. Stand up for your rights.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: CHICKEN POT PIE Ingredients 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cubed 1 cup sliced carrots 1 cup frozen green peas 1/2 cup sliced celery 1/3 cup PALMBOOM* butter 1/3 cup chopped onion 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon celery seed 1 3/4 cups chicken broth 2/3 cup milk 2 (9 inch) unbaked pie crusts FARMFRESH* Mixed Vegetables (Optional)

Preparation Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C.) In a saucepan, combine chicken, carrots, peas, and celery. Add water to cover and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, drain and set aside. In the saucepan over medium heat, cook onions in butter until soft and translucent. Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and celery seed. Slowly stir in chicken broth and milk. Simmer over medium-low heat until thick. Remove from heat and set aside. Place the chicken mixture in bottom pie crust. Pour hot liquid mixture over. Cover with top crust, seal edges, and cut away excess dough. Make several small slits in the top to allow steam to escape. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cool for 10 minutes before serving. **IMPORTED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS



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Kyrgios Blasts Crowd Jeers After Limp Shanghai Loss Another controversial episode was added to the story of Nick Kyrgios' career on Wednesday, but he was unapologetic. Nick Kyrgios was defiant in face of criticism after the Australian argued with a spectator during a limp Shanghai Masters loss to Mischa Zverev. The Australian appeared to give up late on in Wednesday's 6-3 6-1 loss to the German qualifier, at one stage serving tamely

before walking off court to give Zverev the point. His actions drew jeers from the crowd and Kyrgios became embroiled in a row with one onlooker, who demanded the world number 12 "respect the game" and "respect the people". Kyrgios, who won the Japan Open last week, explained that he was "physically [and] mentally tired". However, when asked if he understood the anger of the crowd, he said: "Not at all. I feel like if they knew what they were talking about they'd be on the tennis court and being successful as well. "I can't really understand it at all. They don't know what I'm going through, so no, I don't understand it. "I don't owe them anything. It's my choice. If you don't like it, I didn't ask you to come watch. Just leave. "If you're so good at giving

advice and so good at tennis, why aren't you as good as me? Why aren't you on the tour?' "You want to buy a ticket? Come watch me. You know I'm unpredictable. It's your choice. I don't owe you anything. Doesn't affect how I sleep at night." The secondround loss hampered his chances of qualifying for the World Tour Finals, but when questioned if that bothered him, the 21-year-old added: "I couldn't care less, to be completely honest with you." His mildly bemused opponent, who will now face Marcel Granollers, said: "It was definitely a match that I did not expect was going to go that way. It happened to be a little easier than I expected." At last year's Wimbledon, Kyrgios courted controversy when he put in minimal effort in one game during the second set of a fourth-round loss to Richard Gasquet. (SportsMax)


Ali And Bravo Relishing Pink-ball Challenge

Dubai will host Asia's first day-night Test between Pakistan and West Indies, with Azhar Ali and Dwayne Bravo relishing the prospect. Azhar Ali and Dwayne Bravo recognise that the pink ball will pose a new set of challenges in Pakistan's day-night Test with West Indies. The sides begin the first Test of a threematch series in Dubai on Thursday as Asia hosts its maiden daynight clash.

Pakistan batsman Azhar struck a more positive tone than his Windies rival, though both conceded to some concerns over how easy the seam would be to detect on the pink ball. "Obviously it's different. It's a first game for us with a pink ball and it's a day-night game," said Azhar. "We played one or two games, players have had experience with the pink ball in the domestic circuit, but internationally it's the first game. "It's a different challenge, but we're all excited about it and I think it will be very exciting for the crowd as well to come and watch this game. "I think the game is important, but we had enough time in the middle. We had five to six sessions with the pink ball. "The seam is different. It's hard to see the seam, especially with the spinners. You can't really spot the seam. It's a different challenge and we will get to know it better as we play more." Bravo's worries about the seam were not assuaged in the three-day warm-up match that finished on Sunday, with the Windies all-rounder saying: "I think most of the guys have complained about the fact that they're not really able to pick up the seam that well. "I don't know for whatever reason, but we can't do anything about it. It is what it is and we need to accept the challenge as quickly as possible and just go out there and give it our best shot." (SportsMax)

Ali And Bravo Relishing Pink-ball Challenge

Toni Kroos has agreed a new six-year deal with Real Madrid, which will run until June 30, 2022. Real Madrid have announced that Toni Kroos has agreed to a new contract that will keep him at the club until 2022. The new deal, which extends his previous contract by two years, is reported in Spain to be worth €20million per season before tax, making him the highest-paid German footballer in history. "Real Madrid and Toni Kroos have agreed to an extension of the player's contract, which will keep him at the club until June 30, 2022," a Madrid statement read. Kroos has made 108 appearances since moving to the Santiago Bernabeu from Bayern Munich in 2014 for a reported fee of close to €30m. The 26-year-old has won the Champions League, the Club World Cup and two UEFA Super Cups in his time in the Spanish capital. Recent reports in England had claimed that Manchester United and

Manchester City were prepared to fight for the player's signature before next season. (SportsMax)


Aguero: Guardiola Would Love To Manage Argentina Manchester City forward Sergio Aguero has revealed his club boss Pep Guardiola has an interest in managing Argentina one

day. Pep Guardiola would love the opportunity to one day manage the Argentina national team, according to Manchester City forward Sergio Aguero. Guardiola has been linked with the role previously, but has so far worked only in club football, taking over at City following extremely successful spells with Barcelona and Bayern Munich. However, Aguero has revealed that Guardiola admitted to having an interest in taking the job and was disappointed to miss out in the past. "Do you remember that some time ago there was talk of him [Guardiola] as coach of Argentina," the 28-year-old told TyCSports. "He told me: 'They did not call me. I would love to lead the Argentina national team, but they did not call me.'" Aguero started for Argentina in their World Cup qualifier against Paraguay on Tuesday, but missed a penalty as his side slumped to a 1-0 home defeat. (SportsMax)

Aurier Praised For 'Saving The Life' Of Mali's Doumbia Serge Aurier has been praised for helping to save the life of Mali's Moussa Doumbia, who was knocked out in the match against Ivory Coast. Mali head coach Alain Giresse says he personally thanked Serge Aurier for saving the life of Mali striker Moussa Doumbia. The Paris Saint-Germain defender reacted quickly to prevent Doumbia from swallowing his tongue after he was knocked unconscious during the first half of Mali's World Cup qualifier with Ivory Coast in Bouake on Saturday. Giresse was grateful for Aurier's "superb reaction" to the danger after Sunderland defender Lamine Kone had caught Doumbia with a high elbow as they jumped for an aerial ball in

the hosts' penalty area. "Lamine Kone, who is 30 kilograms heavier than him, completely beat him [Doumbia] and destroyed him with his elbow," Giresse told RMC. "All the players then realise that Doumbia is going to swallow his tongue and choke. That's when Aurier, with one of our players, quickly put him on his side and pulled out his tongue, because he was about to lose his life." However, Aurier later caused controversy when he celebrated with a throat-slitting gesture after his cross forced Salif Coulibaly to turn the ball into his own net for the home side's second goal. It is the latest contentious incident to involve the 23-year-old this year. He was suspended by PSG in February after he was filmed making derogatory remarks about former head coach Laurent Blanc on social networking app Periscope. Last month, Aurier was given a two-month prison sentence for elbowing a police officer, though he remains free pending an appeal. (SportsMax)


Mexico Will Take Game To USA - Osorio

After beating Panama in a friendly on Tuesday, Mexico manager Juan Carlos Osorio has turned his attention to a qualifier against USA. Mexico manager Juan Carlos Osorio says they will take the game to the United States in their CONCACAF World Cup qualifying

hexagonal round opener next month. Osorio's men face a tough start to the final stage of qualification, as they travel to face USA and Panama in their first two fixtures. And, after beating Panama 1-0 in a friendly on Tuesday, Osorio turned his attention to Jurgen Klinsmann's men. "Well, the idea is always the same, to try to play to our strengths, but we also understand the United States is a strong team," he told a post-match news conference. "We believe that they are very good at direct football, in open plays as well as set plays. "So we'll take that into consideration and we'll put out a team that can compete against the

United States with their athleticism, but, also, we'll put out a team that can play football and can take the game to them. "Against the United States and against Panama, as visitors, we've got great chances and we're going to try to compete with them. "Now the most important thing is that our players stay in good health, hopefully threre aren't any injuries, that they compete with their respective clubs. "I think the next Mexico squad is going to be a very strong one and very well positioned to compete in the two matches." Mexico face USA in Columbus on November 11, before taking on Panama four days later. (SportsMax)


Laidlaw To Swap Gloucester For Clermont

Gloucester's loss will be Clermont Auvergne's gain as Greig Laidlaw has agreed a switch to the Top 14 outfit. Greig Laidlaw will call time on his Gloucester career and move to Top 14 side

Clermont Auvergne at the end of the season. The Scotland scrum-half has spent two years with the Premiership outfit after joining from Edinburgh, who he helped to defeat in the 2015 European Challenge Cup final. With his deal at Kingsholm expiring when the 2016-17 campaign concludes, Laidlaw is looking ahead to a fresh challenge in France. "At this stage of my career, the offer to test myself and develop my game even further in a different environment was just too good to turn down," he said, with the move having been announced on his 31st birthday. "I've thoroughly enjoyed my time at Gloucester. It's a fantastic club which enjoys tremendous support. The squad contains a great group of boys, I love playing at Kingsholm and it's been a genuine honour to captain the side. "Since I first moved south, I feel that my game has developed tremendously for playing in the Gloucester team in the Aviva Premiership and it's a period of my career that I'll always look back on fondly." (SportsMax)

In-form Murray Marches On

Fresh from his China Open triumph, Andy Murray wasted little time in seeing off Steve Johnson in Shanghai. Andy Murray continued his fine form with a convincing straight-sets triumph over Steve Johnson in the second round of the Shanghai Masters on Wednesday. The Briton, who has set his sights on overhauling Novak Djokovic at the top of the world rankings, eased to a 6-3 6-2 triumph at the ATP 1000 event, which he has won twice.

Having claimed the China Open title at the weekend, Murray was straight back into the groove against Johnson, who applied some early pressure before fading against the man who beat him in the Olympic quarterfinals in Rio. Murray faced break point in the opening game after his superlative defence was breached by a crushing Johnson forehand, but the world number two held his nerve and serve. Rain threatened to disrupt proceedings before the American served in the fourth game, in which he dug deep to draw level after trailling 30-40. The decisive moment came when Johnson missed a simple overhead and Murray roared ahead, breaking to love for a 4-2 lead when his opponent sent a wild forehand long. Johnson had a lucky escape while serving to stay in the set as his racket slipped from his grasp and a distracted Murray put the return long, but it only delayed the inevitable. The second-set breakthrough came much more quickly as Johnson fell 5-1 down in the face of some stunning tennis from Murray, whose movement and craft were on another level. With Johnson's challenge fading and his body language suggesting a comeback was well beyond his reach, Murray put the contest to bed to set up a third-round showdown with 13th seed Lucas Pouille. (SportsMax)


Fritz Keen On Werder Return For Mertesacker

With Per Mertesacker out of favour at Arsenal, Clemens Fritz has encouraged

the World Cup winner to return to Werder Bremen. Werder Bremen captain Clemens Fritz admits he has discussed with Per Mertesacker the possibility of the Arsenal defender returning to the club. The 32-year-old left Werder for the Premier League in 2 0 11 , a n d h a s m a d e o v e r 2 0 0 appearances for Arsenal in all

competitions and won the FA Cup t w i c e . H o w e v e r, t h e i n j u r e d Mertesacker has fallen down the pecking order since the August arrival of countryman Shkodran MustaďŹ , and Fritz is keen to see his former teammate back at the Weserstadion. "We have talked about [a potential return]," he told Bild. "Per would be a great addition to Werder - as a footballer and as a person. "It would be a good thing for the club when Per would opt for Bremen." Werder are currently languishing in 15th place in the Bundesliga, having won just one of their opening six matches. (SportsMax)


Jamaica Football: Late Williams Strike Rescues Reggae Boyz A late goal from defender Dicoy Williams spared the blushes of Caribbean Cup defending champions Jamaica who eventually rallied to beat Guyana 4-2 in extra time at Leonora Stadium on the outskirts of Georgetown on Tuesday. The appointment of interim coach Theodore Whitmore threatened to do little to abate a wretched run of form for the Jamaicans, which had seen

the team go winless in its previous five games,that is before a late show rescued the team from a tricky situation. Against the 118th ranked Golden Jaguars the Jamaicans were once again quickly pushed on the back foot as defender Adrian Butters gave the home team the lead after just 10 minutes. The nightmare scenario continued for the visitors when Butters was again on hand to double the lead in the 30th minute, and with an hour gone in the second period, without reply from the visitors, it seemed like an upset was on the cards. Midfielder JeVaughn Watson, however, continued a rich vein of goal scoring when he halved the deficit in the 73rd minute. Only for Williams’ 90th minute heroics to complete the comeback. In extra time Dino Williams put the Jamaicans ahead for the first time in the match, before Corey Burke added another goal as the encounter drew to a close. Currently first in the three team group 1, Jamaica simply has to avoid defeat Suriname to advance to the next round of the competition. Suriname defeated Guyana 3-2 in a competitive game on Sunday at the André Kamperveen Stadion, in Paramaribo. The Jamaicans were originally scheduled to open the competition against Suriname, in Kingston, but saw the game postponed due to the passage of hurricane Matthew. (SportsMax)

Pogba Keen For Attacking United Role Having so far occupied a deeper position for Manchester United, Paul Pogba wants manager Jose Mourinho to give him attacking license. Paul Pogba has admitted he wants to play further forward for Manchester United, as a deeper role is "costing" him. The Frenchman returned to Old Trafford for a world-record fee in August, but has so far shown only glimpses of his undoubted talent. While United boss Jose Mourinho has had Pogba playing in a number of different positions, the 23-year-old is hoping to get a chance in an attacking midfield role having impressed on international duty with France. "I try to adapt," he was quoted as saying by the Manchester Evening News. "I am a player who would rather go forward. "The coach gave me instructions, I try to follow them. I have to retrieve balls and make defensive efforts. "It cost me a bit to play differently, much like [Andrea] Pirlo. I have to play, be there to recover and

play more for the team." Pogba has scored one goal in six Premier League appearances so far this season as United sit sixth in the table. (SportsMax)


Windies Women Debutante Giddings Fined For Dissent West Indies Women’s fast bowler Evra Giddings has been fined for showing dissent during the opening One-Day

International match against England Women last Saturday. The debutante committed the violation in the 45th over

of the West Indies innings. Giddings pointed to her bat to indicate that she had struck the ball after given out lbw to seamer Katherine Brunt for three. Giddings, who was in violation of Article 2.1.5 of the ICC Code of Conduct relating to dissent, was also given one demerit point for the offense. “Pursuant to Article 7.6 of the Code, if Giddings reaches four or more demerit points within a 24-month period her demerit points will be converted into, at least, two suspension points which will equate to a ban from her next match or matches,” the ICC said Monday. “Two suspension points equate to a ban from one Test or two ODIs or two T20Is, whatever comes first for the player.” (SportsMax)

Lawyers In Andre Russell Hearing To Make Final Oral Submissions November 17 Attorneys representing West Indies all-rounder Andre Russell and the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission are to make final oral submissions before a disciplinary panel on November 17. Russell is facing a ban from the sport after being accused by the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission of failing to file his whereabouts on three occasions during a 12month period. The dates listed are January 1, 2015, July 1, 2015, and July 25, 2015. The attorneys are expected to exchange documents by November 7 after receiving the respective transcripts by October 24. During Tuesday’s hearing Russell, one of the most soughtafter T20 players in the world, was cross-examined by JADCO attorney Lackston Robinson who tried to establish Russell’s negligence in filing his whereabouts information. The violation is equivalent to a failed test and if found guilty the cricketer could be facing a lengthy ban from the sport. According to the rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) athletes are required to make their whereabouts known to local anti-doping agencies to facilitate testing. An

athlete may face a ban of up to 24 months if found in violation. Russell is represented by Queen’s Counsel Patrick Foster. The hearing is being held at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston. (SportsMax)

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