October 13, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS PPP Boycotts President’s Address To Parliament PAGE 2

L e a d e r o f o p p o s i t i o n P e o p l e ’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo L e a d e r o f o p p o s i t i o n P e o p l e ’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has noted that his parliamentarians will not listen to President David Granger’s address to the Parliament today, using the President’s alleged double standard as the main reason for the boycott. The former president said that the PPP/C


parliamentarians would attend the National Assembly only to participate in the debate of the National Youth Policy. “We will not be listening to the President when he addresses the National Assembly, we will go to the Parliament, we will debate the motion on the order paper on Youth Policy but we will not listen to him. We need to send a signal to this country, PPP supporters as well as ordinary people, that we will not allow the hollowing out of our democracy because if we don’t stop the initial steps they are going to grow into an avalanche of activities aimed at denying us our rights,” Jagdeo declared. Speaking at a PPP/C public forum on corruption held at Sleep Inn Hotel, Brickdam on Wednesday, Jagdeo said it was pointless for the PPP/C parliamentarians to listen to President Granger “when the president (the executive) cannot respect the holder of a constitutional post.” President

Granger on Wednesday announced his decision to suspend Public Service Commission (PSC) Chairman, Carville Duncan even though there is a current tribunal in place to determine whether Duncan should be removed. Jagdeo criticized the president saying “what we have here, is a totally abuse of the executive power” and recalled that Duncan had been summoned to meetings by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon and President David Granger and had been allegedly offered a financial package to demit office because President Granger “don’t not want blood on the carpet.” Meanwhile, Attorney-at-Law, Anil Nandlall, announced that he has since moved to the court to challenge the constitutionality of the tribunal hearing on the grounds that Duncan has not been found guilty of stealing Guyana Power and Light’s monies since the trial is ongoing in the Magistrates’ Court.




Government Must Focus On Sea Defence To Avoid Disaster

Some residents on the East Coast of Demerara are of the view that the Government must focus more emphasis on sea defence as the increasing threat of global warming could be catastrophic should the government continue ignoring it. Today is International Day for Disaster Reduction and according to a report from the Civil Defence Commission in Guyana, over the past twenty years, approximately 4.4 billion people have been affected. Guyana occupies a space on the world wacth list for natural disasters, ranking 22 out of 171 globally with an overall ranking of 11.80% and an exposition of 22.90% (United Nations University). The report further stated that the CDC recognises that the advocacy platform provided by this year’s observance of IDDR is “Live to Tell”. Guyana has, over the past five years, undertaken programmes and projects in Disaster Risk Management which have built and strengthened national and local capacities for Disaster Risk Response and Risk Reduction through the support and collaboration between local, regional and international partners such as he United Nations

Development Program. The CDC quest is to remain aligned with and to acknowledge the importance of making all stakeholder aware of the realities of disaster and further, the best practise in Disaster Risk Management, the organisation will be engaging its key stakeholders in a “live to tell Campaign”. The International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) encourages every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster resilient communities and nations. The United Nations General Assembly designated October 13th as the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction as part of its proclamation of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction In 2002, by a further resolution, the General Assembly decided to maintain the annual observance as a vehicle to promote a global culture of natural disaster reduction, including prevention, mitigation and preparedness. In 2009, the UN General Assembly decided to designate October 13 as the official date and also changed the name to International Day for Disaster Reduction.




PPP/C Hints At Symposiums To Clear Name In Alleged Corrupt Projects

Former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has hinted at its intention to create a symposium lasting about two days in which they can defend any contract or project that they enacted during their tenure in government. Speaking at a public forum about corruption on Wednesday evening at the Sleep In Hotel, former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall said that the members of his party can defend any project which

had been deemed corrupt. “It is impossible to speak extensively and really adequately on all these matters of corruption, and that is why I think the opposition leader said that we should a hold a symposium lasting about two days on this topic because at any given on of them, all of us here (PPP members) can speak about two hours on any given project and defend every single project done by our government,” the attorney –at-law said. Nandlall challenged the APNU+AFC coalition government to defend any controversial contract that they entered. Nandlall pointed to the eight page dozier chronicling an alleged 25 scandals which the government had amass in the 16 months in power. “Take the bond issue, let them (the government) come and answer on the bond issue, we are prepared to defend our records, any 10 transactions the press wants, list it and we are prepared to defend it,” Nandlall said Nandlall pledged that before the next year the PPP/C will host the symposium to examine the projects which had be stigmatized as corrupt. “We commit here this afternoon that every single project that they had stigmatized as a corrupt one, before the next year or so we will hold a symposium where we will dilate/dissect every single one to your satisfaction and the satisfaction of any critical grouping of people,” he vowed.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Region 10 Complaint About Limited Access To Education Opportunities PAGE 6

As education stakeholders raise their concerns about the current state of education and its delivery in Region 10, several calls have been made for the Ministry to ensure that children across the country have access to equal education opportunities. Such opportunities include access to sports facilities and equipment, technology, adequate and hygienic school facilities, and transportation, which are said to be challenges in the Region. According to a press release from the Ministry of Education, issues identified in the Region are: the need for welfare officers; the need for an additional boat to assist children from riverine communities getting to school in a timely manner and a bus to transport children who live in Moblissa, a village about 7 miles in from the Soesdyke Highway, who attend school in Linden. Moblissa residents noted that children continue to drop out of school due to the distance they travel to get to school. A parent noted that the lack of internet access in the community also presents a challenge when completing assignments. Residents of Obama Drive, Amelia’s Ward in Linden have also expressed similar concerns. The release also noted that teachers continue to short change children in the classroom as they frequently complete the syllabus at their private lessons, which inevitably puts a significant number of students at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Regional officials and community leaders are calling on the Government to ensure that all schools are placed on the same


level in terms of the types and quality of subject areas and the level of resources put into sustaining those subject areas such as, the sciences. A call was also made for guidance and counselling officers to be placed in primary schools. The Commission has also noted concerns regarding sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy in Kwakwani. Residents there have asked the Ministry to assist in putting mechanisms in place to tackle the issues plaguing the community.


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Berbice Residents Disgusted At Crime Rate Despite statistics from the used; a 15% decrease in robberies where no instruments were Guyana Police Force showing that crime has decreased by 21 percent, residents of Berbice are not convinced that this is the case and believe that crime is actually on the increase. This newspaper spoke to several residents, who noted that over the past few months, there has been a significant increase in murders and robberies in the area. “We are disgusted at the level of crime in Berbice and the police seems to be doing very little to curb the situation in the area,” one resident said. The residents are also complaining about the little to no police presence in some areas, noting the response time has been ridiculously slow. The police force in a recent release noted that it has recorded a 21% decrease in serious crimes at the end of September 2016 when compared to the same period last year. The statistics revealed that there was a 9% reduction in reports of murder; a 5% decrease in gun-related robberies; a 17% decrease in armed robberies in which other instruments were

used; a 25% decrease in Robberies With Violence; a 4% decrease in Robberies With Aggravation; a 33% decrease in Larceny from the Person; a 19% decrease in Rapes; a 13% decrease in Burglaries and a 21% decrease in Break and Enter and Larceny. Additionally, the force revealed that 67 illegal firearms were seized, which include 29 pistols, 21 revolvers, and 17 shotguns. The police said the consistent and continuous reduction in all of the above listed serious crimes, is an indication that the strategies are working well, have yielded and will continue to yield positive results, thereby assuring all citizens that their collaborative effort in partnering with law enforcement is vital. Many residents are concerned about the compilation of data and the method of approach that the police force is using to arrive at their statistics. According to the United States, Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic States, Guyana 2016 Crime & Safety Report, the general crime rate in Guyana is above the U.S. national average. Criminal activity continues to be a major issue, particularly crimes against people and property.




Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 of satisfaction and to solve the problems that affect them. Public services are essential to citizens’ ‘quality of life.’ Public services involve public trust. Citizens expect public servants to serve the public interest with integrity and reliability in order to manage public resources efficiently. Public trust encourages active citizen participation in society and the economy. It makes public agencies more accessible and more accountable. Reliable public services inspire public trust and create a favourable environment for human safety and for the functioning of businesses thereby contributing to well-functioning markets, economic growth and, consequently, a high ‘quality of life.’ His Excellency Brigadier David Granger Quality of life ‘Quality of life’ is a measure of citizens’ satisfaction with their lives. People’s personal values and life experiences determine their level of satisfaction. This includes health, independence, participation in community and civic activities, personal development, physical and material well-being, recreation, relationships with other people and social support. Citizens, usually, are uncomfortable with high levels of crime; insanitary conditions in the countryside and city and incivility by officials, all of which contribute to lowering the ‘quality of life.’ These conditions should not be regarded as a permanent state but as temporary problems to be solved. The State, regional administrations, the media, municipalities, trade unions and civil society can do much to enhance the quality of life, to give citizens the feeling

Public trust Dreams of a ‘good life’ turned into a horrible nightmare at the dawn of the new millennium. The most unforgettable experiences and most frightening evidence of our descent into chaos were the bloody, drug-driven, decade-long ‘Troubles.’ The ‘Troubles’ will be remembered as the darkest hour in our history. It was a time of the un-investigated assassination of a Minister; of the investigation into the alleged implication of another Minister in the direction of a ‘death squad’; of the alleged implication of yet another Minister in the acquisition of a computer to track the telephone communication and location of adversaries targeted for assassination. It was a time of arbitrary arrests; of disappearances and of torture of young men; of the surge in armed robberies, narco-trafficking and gunrunning. During that first, deadly decade, there were 1,317 murders and 7, 865 armed robberies. It was a time of deception and the cynical rejection of £4.9 million UK Security

Sector Reform Action Plan for which a memorandum of understanding was signed in August 2007; of the rejection of recommendations of numerous security reform reports and total disregard for the implementation of the National Drug Strategy Master Plan. The evidence of the impact of the man-made criminal crisis is still visible. The damage is most manifest in the demoralisation of the public and security services, the erosion of public trust and the lowering of the ‘quality of life.’ The grisly security situation was accompanied by a parlous economic situation. The undermining of public infrastructure by the encouragement of cronyism led to serious, costly, serial scandals as seen in the construction the Kato Secondary School; the Hope Canal bridge; the riverfront revetment at Kumaka, Barabina road and Moruca bridge; Supenaam stelling and the still unusable Ministry of Social Protection building in Georgetown. The paralysis of public telecommunications became evident in the incompetent or corrupt implementation of the US$ 70 million Fibre Optic Cable Project and the misapplication of computers under the ‘One Laptop per Family’ Project. The environmental policy will be remembered, forever, but not fondly, by the administration’s responsibility for the most destructive environmental disaster in Guyana’s history — the catastrophic 2005 flood. This was an event of incalculable damage, disease, discomfort and, in some cases, death. The exaggerated emphasis on narrow elements of the Low Carbon Development Strategy obscured the absence of strategic thought and action. Guyana’s rich biodiversity, wildlife, wetlands, coastal zone, rivers were not adequately protected against the ravages of lawless logging, mining and solid waste mismanagement.

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Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Your Government entered a depressing financial landscape in May 2015. The economic legacy that this nation inherited was characterised by a lack of strategic planning and whimsical decision-making. The absence of a policy to provide employment opportunities for youth and to reduce extreme poverty and the failure to energise the manufacturing sector weakened the economy. Economic mismanagement was accompanied by huge debts for unpaid international obligations and court judgements. The most grave financial problem was the bankruptcy of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) which owed $89 billion in debts. Your Government was forced divert money from economic development and social projects to rescue the ailing corporation with an immediate injection of $12 billion. An additional $11 billion had to be provided the next year, 2016, making a total of $23 billion bailout in 18 months. These transfers exclude the servicing of GUYSUCO's debts in respect of the Skeldon Estate Modernisation Project – a monstrous and monumental US$ 200 million mistake and, probably, Guyana’s single most costly industrial catastrophe of all time. Paddy farmers in the rice industry were not spared the previous administration’s reckless mismanagement. The PetroCaribe Fund – used to meet payments to farmers for rice and paddy shipped to Venezuela – contained less than US$1 million in May 2015. Your Government was forced to make available nearly $4 billion immediately so that poor paddy farmers could be paid. Your Government inherited a large number of liabilities, including judgements in excess of US$34 million (or G$7 billion) in favour of NH Elias, in respect of the East Bank Demerara Road; judgement for $1.3 billion in favour of Rudisa Beverages; judgement in favour of Trinidad Cement Limited; settlement for$1.4 billion with B.K. Tiwari on Haags Bosch Project and several other judgements that will cost the State over $1 billion. Your Government, also, was obliged to provide another $5.4 billion bail out the National Insurance Scheme as a consequence of the previous administration’s irresponsible CLICO investment. Your Government, despite encountering this immense mountain of debt, was able to meet commitments to the nation’s hardworking public servants. The minimum wage grew from $39,520 in May 2015, to $55,000 in January 2016, an increase of 39.2 per cent in 7 months. Public servants have benefitted, in addition, from the raising of the tax threshold, from $600,000 in May 2015 to 660,000 in January 2016; the removal of income tax from workers' contributions to the National Insurance Scheme and a tax-free payment of $50,000 to all workers earning less than $500,000, in December 2015. These benefits, taken together, augmented workers disposable income significantly. Collective bargaining with public servants’ unions could result in additional benefits in the form of increased increments, allowances and adjustments made for ‘de-bunching’. Old-age- pensions have been increased from $13,120 to $18,200 or by 38.7 per cent, and Public Assistance increased by 24 per cent during the same period, May 2015 to April 2016.

Environmental policy Your government’s overarching objective is to ensure a ‘good life’ for all of our citizens. We have chosen a ‘green’ pathway to achieve that higher ‘quality of life’. Guyana’s ‘green agenda” is a comprehensive, multi-sectorial development programme. It is not limited narrowly to low-carbon initiatives but is a broad-based development programme, which incorporates: - management of our unique biodiversity; - management of our vulnerable coastal zone and our valuable protected areas ; and, - management of solid waste and sanitation. Guyana’s ‘green agenda’ will promote ‘green’ economic sectors such as the development of climate-resilient agriculture, ecotourism and information communications technology and promote renewable energy generation. It will ensure a diversified and resilient economy while promoting ‘green’ growth and ‘green’ employment and secure a clean and healthy environment for future generations. Your Government announced, on 1 st October 2016 – National Tree Day, the establishment of the Department of the Environment within the Ministry of the Presidency. The Department will ensure more effective communication, cooperation and coordination among the agencies concerned with climate change, energy generation, environmental protection, forest conservation, national parks, protected areas, rivers and wildlife protection. The Department has been tasked with developing a master plan to achieve the objectives of the ‘green agenda’. Guyana established itself as a global leader on the environment as early as 1989. We accorded to the international community the use of 371,000 hectares of our forests – an area larger than Malta – for research into the sustainable management of forest resources. The Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development (IICRCD) remains in the vanguard of our campaign to conserve our forests, to counter the adverse effects of climate change and to conduct research into our rich biodiversity. Iwokrama will be the site, from the next financial year, for the establishment of an international institute for biodiversity. The institute will allow local, regional and international students to research out rich and diverse flora and fauna. We will set aside, also, an additional two million hectares of forests and wetlands for conservation, in accordance with the commitments we made under the Paris Agreement on climate change. Protected areas will be established in every Administrative Region of Guyana. Environmental degradation caused by reckless logging and mining remains a source of concern. We will continue the process of reclaiming mined-out areas in our country and of restoring the ecological integrity of our forested areas. Loggers and miners will be under a legal obligation to ensure sound environmental practices. Your Government will reboot the fledging ecotourism sector in 2017. Our unmatched biodiversity is a world-class product which will allow us to create a globallycompetitive ecotourism sector. Continued on next page...




Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Public infrastructure Public infrastructure, connecting our hinterland communities to each other and to the coastland, is pivotal to the development of the ‘green’ state. Our ecotourism destinations are located in the hinterland. Infrastructure is needed to access these attractions. We will continue to advance, in 2017, initiatives for climate adaptation. A programme to bolster and better manage and maintain our sea defences will be developed with our international partners. It will form part of the matrix of measures in the 2017 National Budget. We will guard, also, against the effects of flooding by strengthening our drainage systems, particularly along the coastland. We will also counter the effects of prolonged dry weather on our wildlife by establishing protective sanctuaries for them. Your Government will intensify its improvement of aerodromes, bridges, roads and stellings in order to enhance communication between the hinterland and coastland. We will begin negotiations with national and international parties to build a bridge across the Essequibo River in 2017. We aim at improving the pace of economic development by removing bottlenecks to the implementation of infrastructural projects. Planning units will be established within ministries. National procurement procedures will be strengthened to address the institutional deficiencies which led to poor implementation and monitoring of public infrastructural projects. Public contracts are a key concern. We will seek international support to streamline our procurement systems and methodologies within Ministries and Budget agencies. A Bid Review Committee has been established and has begun work. The Public Procurement Commission will soon be brought into existence to improve the integrity of public procurement.

Public telecommunications Your Government established the Ministry of Public Telecommunications in January 2016. We are proud of having passed legislation which will allow for the further liberalization and m o d e r n i z a t i o n o f G u y a n a ’s telecommunication sector. We will extend telecommunication services to all ten regions. The e-governance programme will eventually network all government agencies and will facilitate efficient data-sharing between government agencies. This network will then be extended to citizens so that they can access government services online. Information communication technology (ICT) is integral to our ‘green agenda’. It will become a major driver of economic diversification. Internet connectivity of government buildings will be extended. Every government building – including airports, hospitals, markets, police stations, post offices and schools – will have access to the internet in coming years. ICT will impact positively on our educational system. We have reconfigured the One Laptop per Family (OLPF) Initiative into the One Laptop per Teacher (OLPT) Initiative in order to allow our teachers – the guardians of quality assurance in education – to be better equipped to improve educational attainment in our schools. We will continue the nationwide distribution of computers to our teachers – an initiative which commenced, appropriately, on 5 th October – World Teachers Day. Public security Your Government intends to make Guyana safe for this and future generations. We will do so not only by combatting crime and criminals but in uprooting the causes of crime and its links with transnational crime. We established a National Security Committee. We are in the process of

establishing a new National AntiNarcotics Agency (NANA) to address the mother of all crimes – the trafficking in narcotics. We will establish a new National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) to ensure better surveillance of our borders and coasts. We have taken a decision, also, to reengage the United Kingdom with a view to restoring the aborted Security Sector Reform Action Plan (SSRAP). The Plan will commence soon with the arrival of experts from the United Kingdom to advise us on crafting a national security response to domestic and transnational crime – including narcotics-trafficking and gun-running. Aerial surveillance over the maritime zone over the past year led to a reduction in the incidence of piracy. We will continue to augment the Guyana Police Force’s Marine Branch. The Mounted Branch will also be expanded to enable it to conduct patrols in the savannahs and back-dams, which are not easily accessible by vehicular patrols. TheCorps of Wardens will enforce the law with regard to mining, logging, hunting wildlife and trafficking in persons in the hinterland. The ‘green’ economy will require significant new local and foreign investment. We recognize the importance of human safety, a secure environment and legal framework for attracting such investment. We want to protect our citizens, fisher folk, households and farmlands.

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Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Public services Public services – including cultural development, education, health, justice, recreation, security, sport and social protection – are provided by the state. The provision of quality public services forms the basis for increased opportunities and well-being of citizens and communities. Public services must be accessible to every citizen, in every town, in every Region. No citizen should have to leave her or his Region in order to access public services. We will accelerate the decentralization of public services alongside the development of ‘capital towns’ in 2017. The provision of quality public services is associated with enhancing the ‘quality of life’ of citizens. We are mindful of the need to improve public administration to make public services more accountable, accessible and affordable. Continuous training and filling resource gaps in the public service will be integral to the process of reforming our system of public administration. We will improve the professionalism of the public service in 2017. The establishment of the Public Service Staff College will enable the training of a corps of public officials who will be better equipped to ensure quality and timely delivery of public goods and services. Attention will be paid to filling human resource deficits, particularly in our rural and hinterland regions. Public policy Your Government is committed to good governance. It is committed to reforming the Constitution. It will, in this regard, convene a Consultative Constitution Reform Commission in 2017. We have demonstrated our determination to ensure that local government elections are held. We will, without fail ensure that elections are held every three years as required by the Constitution. Citizens’ right to elect the representatives of their choice at free and regular elections will not be suspended again. Public policy will be undergirded by an inclusionary political process. The empowering of local communities through the holding of the

historic local government elections of18 th March, 2016 created a platform for government to be brought closer to the people and for authority to be exercised through their own elected representatives. The derailment of public policy, marked by the previous administration’s bizarre determination not to conduct local government elections, by uprooting neighbourhood democratic councils and by imposing a perverse form of dictatorial on local government organs has been brought to an end. The previous administration’s disrespect shown to the public service by abandoning the principle of collective bargaining with the Guyana Public Service Union demoralised the Service. The arbitrary imposition of salary i n c r e a s e s d a m a g e d t h e S e r v i c e ’s professional ethos undermining the careers of public servants through the appointment of political permanent secretaries. Legislative agenda Your Government’s legislative agenda, for the next year, is aimed at correcting these aberations and will protect the interests of Guyanese by strengthening Guyana’s legal architecture. Your government, in this regard, is committed to promoting standards of probity in public office. We will ensure, also, that those who unlawfully expropriate state property are brought to justice. We will pursue the recovery of all stolen State assets. We will amend the Integrity Commission Act which will provide for a revised Code of Conduct for public officials, inter alia. The State Assets Recovery Bill will establish a State Asset Recovery Agency to recover State property that has been unlawfully acquired, through civil proceedings. Your government will seek, also, to improve the efficacy and efficiency of our immigration services by tabling the Immigration (Amendment) Bill to delink the Immigration Department from the Guyana Police Force. The National Registration (Amendment) Bill will guard against identity theft by allowing for inclusion of the biometrics of

citizens to be recorded on their national registration cards. The justice administration system will be fortified by the promulgation of three important pieces of legislation. The Witness Protection Bill will give effect to the Caribbean Community’s Agreement Establishing the Regional Justice Protection Programme (1999) which came into force in 2006. The ‘Bill’ provides for the establishment of a programme to protect certain witnesses and other persons. The Protected Disclosures Bill, referred to as the ‘Whistleblowers Bill,’ aims at combating corruption and other wrong doing by encouraging and facilitating persons to make disclosures of improper conduct. The Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority (Amendment) Bill will provide for a change in membership of the governing board of the Deeds and Commercial Registries.Your Government will pay greater attention to safety in the aviation sector and on our roadways. The Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Bill will provide for the establishment of an authority to investigate aircraft accidents and incidents. A safer aviation sector will be pursued through the modernizing of civil aviation legislation and the amendment of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation Act to strengthen the airport’s executive and operational functions and capabilities. The Road Act (Amendment) Bill will place emphasis on the removal of derelict vehicles and impose weight limits. A stable industrial climate is integral to protecting the rights of our workers and ensuring an environment that is conducive to workers’ well-being. The Industrial Relations Tribunal Bill will provide, inter alia, for the establishment of an independent tribunal to settle industrial and labour disputes. Your government will amend the Marriage Act to put new procedures in place for non- nationals applying for a Special Marriage Licence. The Tobacco Control Bill will contribute to the protection of the health of our citizens.

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Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Good life We aim at the development of a cohesive society in which confrontation is replaced by cooperation. The removal of inequalities based on geography and ethnicity will lay the foundation for a better ‘quality of life’ for everyone. We will work to reduce prejudice and violence. We will fashion a multicultural society characterized by tolerance mutual respect. The projection of our national interest abroad will ensure the protection of our interests at home. This requires a professional Foreign Service to ensure that the national interest is advanced internationally. Our principal foreign policy objective is the safeguarding our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Our diplomats will be aggressively pursuing, also, increased trade and investment. Your Government will assume the Chairmanship of the Caribbean Community in January 2017. We will use that opportunity to continue the process of the strengthening of the pillars of regional integration and advance the development of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). We adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of which the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are compatible with Guyana’s social agenda. The 2017 National Budget will reflect the harmonization of the SDGs with our national development plans, particularly in the social sector. The 2017 National Budget will be laid in this House in a few weeks time. The preparation of this Budget started

several months ago and has been characterised by an inclusive and consultative process. It will be designed around a results-basedformat. It will be guided by the objectives of fiscal sustainability, institutional sustainability and environmental sustainability. Budget measures will include renewable energy generation and improved energy efficiency – key initiatives of our green agenda. Guyana’s future is linked to renewable energy generation and increased use of energy-efficient technologies. We will graduate our economy increasingly towards greater renewable energy use across all sectors of Guyana. Government buildings will be powered, eventually, by renewable energy sources and will utilize energy-efficient technologies. Incentives will be offered to the private sector to follow the government’s lead. The 2017 National Budget will evince measures aimed at developing a more diversified and climate-resilient agricultural sector. We will: - promote agricultural expansion further inland by introducing mega farms in the Intermediate and Rupununi savannahs; promote the expansion of non-traditional agricultural production such as coconuts, fruits and spices; and, - promote the increase of aromatic rice production which will add to the crop production in rice sector at a higher end of the value chain. Public trust The ‘green’ state will ensure that we bequeath to our children and grandchildren

a secure and safe future and a higher ‘quality of life’. The ‘green’ pathway to development will allow for us to sustain economic growth, generate new sectors and additional jobs, build a more resilient and diversified economy, promote human development, reduce inequalities and ensure the safety, security and general well-being of our country. The discovery of large petroleum reserves in our offshore waters is an exciting development. The emergence of a petroleum sector, however, will not derail our march towards establishing a ‘green’ state. We are wedded, irrevocably, to that mission. Guyana celebrates its fiftieth anniversary of Independence this year. We are celebrating the Year of Renaissance. We owe it to future generations to use the remaining months and days of this year to build bridges across the abyss of discord. The two sides of this House have not always disagreed. They have found common ground in the pursuit of the common good at times. The avenues for compromise and consensus remain open. Guyana is pursuing a people-centered ‘green agenda’. This agenda can become a platform for increased political cooperation. Our legislative agenda is evidence of the scope for consensus. I trust that this House will consider these words and will lend its support to the goal of attaining a higher ‘quality of life’ through a ‘green’ development trajectory. MOTP Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Honors Victims Of The African Holocausts PAGE 17


Members of the African Community and Development Association (ACDA), government representatives and the Afro-Guyanese community gathered to commemorate African Holocaust Day.

R e p re s e n t a t i o n o f t h e A f r i c a n Holocaust The African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) joined the AfroGuyanese community on October 12 to pay tribute to the millions of victims that perished during the African Holocaust or Maafa, under the theme ‘Reparatory Justice for African Holocaust through Development’. The Word ‘Maafa’ is derived from a Kiswahili word meaning disaster, terrible occurrence or great tragedy. A crime against Humanity. The African Holocausts is the pan-African Discourse on the global historical and contemporary genocide against the mental and physical health of African People. The effect of this genocide impacts all the areas on the African community. Their religions, heritage traditions, culture, self-determination, identity and ethics. Over 500 years of slavery, colonialism, partheid, rape, oppression and invasion and exploitation of the man by the man, that continues in the

c o n t e m p o r a n e i t y. A n ongoing issue that hunts h u m a n i t y. T h e commemoration to the victims of the African Holocaust, is observed on the same date Columbus discovery of the ‘New World’, due to the cataclysmic implications of the clash between cultures that this date represents. On Wednesday morning, governmental officials of the Guyanese Republic, representatives of the ACDA and members of the African Community in Guyana, gathered at the Seawall Bandstand in Georgetown, to show their respects for the victims of this massive genocide. One of the darkest chapters in history that keeps repeating itself. According to the local broadcaster. SAFETV2, Leaders called for the secretariat to look after the AfricanCommunity issues. It was also highlighted by the presents, the importance of keeping alive the legacy of the African heritage. ACDA’s Director, Dr. Eric Phillips addressed that is up to the Guyanese organizations to take the challenge and ‘craft an action plan’ for the development of the AfricanGuyanese community. Keeping with the goals of the United Nations (UN) when

designated the International Decade for People of African descendants. Plan focused to boost the growth and evolution of the African Community, between 2015 to 2024. ‘Africans must not rest until justice is done’. Dr. Philip accentuated. After the ceremony, the presents performed traditional rituals, and placed flower offerings on the water, in honor to the millions of slaves who fought for the freedom of African man and woman. Today the trafficking of woman and sex slavery in several parts of Africa is a palpitating issue. The African community still suffers from a wide violation of the human rights worldwide. Racism, modern slavery and segregation are still pounding ‘social ills’. S o u r c e : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ef pTIVutDw




Youths Say Age For House Lot Should Be 18 – Recognise Implementation Challenges Young people are in support of dropping the age requirement since the demand would be greater. Some also spoke about for a house lot from 21 to 18 years. However, they recognise that in doing so, the government would face immediate challenges. At a public consultation in Georgetown on whether the age should move from 21 to 18, persons said it would help young people to be more responsible. They however, noted other challenges in securing a house lot including, high interest rates. Thomas Griffith, who was at the consultation, agreed with the motion to have young adults own their house lots at age 18. “I think that young people of this generation have great responsibility at the age of 18. I think we’ve come to a place of maturity because of how society is so I think we are capable of owning our own property,” Griffith said. A teacher, Shabaza Douglas said that giving young people the opportunity to own their home would help make them accountable. “I think changing the policy from 21 to 18 is a great initiative since young people can do so many things like making certain choices at 18 so why not make a positive choice of owning your own home and it also gives you a sense of feeling responsible,” Douglas said. Suanna Swan, a medical student at the University of Guyana noted that while the initiative is timely and would be beneficial to young people, other factors should be taken into consideration. “We have to consider how the young people would be able to afford the cost of the home. At the banks the interest rates are very high and this would be difficult for young people,” Swan said. Other participants spoke of the difficulty that would be existent when the age moves from 21 to 18 years

reducing the price for lands. Consultations on the issue have been on going in a number of regions with Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Patterson. The minister has noted that at the age of 18, a person is considered an adult and allowed to vote, get married, and own a vehicle. Minister Adams-Patterson explained that her Ministry is considering housing units in the form of apartments, duplexes and condominiums at affordable prices and the consultations will help in deciding on the way forward. (GINA)

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Adams- Patterson addressing the gathering at the consultation

Some of the participants at the consultation





Bermuda Prepares For A Direct Hit Fromin Hurricane Nicole forward speed is forecast on Thursday.

Satellite image of Hurricane Nicole as it approached Bermuda on Wednesday. NOAA image By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Bermuda battened down on Wednesday in preparation for the imminent approach of Hurricane Nicole, which was expected to hit the island directly on Thursday morning. Government schools closed on Wednesday at noon and will remain closed on Thursday and Friday. Government oďŹƒces also closed early at 3.00 pm and will remain closed on

Thursday. At some point, the police will be implementing a red alert, which means no vehicles on the road. The hospital will be on lockdown from 8pm Wednesday until Friday morning. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, the large eye of Hurricane Nicole was located about 240 miles (385 km) south-southwest of Bermuda, moving toward the north near 10 mph (17 km/h). A turn toward the north-northeast and an increase in forward speed were expected on Wednesday night. A northeast turn with an additional increase

On the forecast track, the core of Hurricane Nicole will pass near or over Bermuda on Thursday. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 110 mph (175 km/h) with higher gusts. Some slight strengthening is possible on Wednesday night or early Thursday, and Nicole is forecast to be at or near major hurricane strength when it approaches Bermuda. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 160 miles (260 km). Hurricane conditions are expected to begin on Bermuda on Thursday morning, with tropical storm conditions expected to begin on Wednesday evening. A dangerous storm surge will raise water levels by as much as 6 to 8 feet above normal tide levels in Bermuda. The surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves. Nicole is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 4 to 8 inches over Bermuda through Thursday. Swells associated with Nicole will aect Bermuda during the next few days. These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. Isolated tornadoes are possible on Bermuda on Wednesday night and early Thursday. (Caribbean News Now!)




Turks And Caicos Opposition Party Chairman Outlines Vision For Economic Change labour and business-licensing regime, d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d

PDM Chairman Douglas Parnell PROVIDENCIALES, TCI -- The chairman of the opposition People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), Douglas Parnell, has announced his party’s plans to focus on people-centered development that will take place throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) under a PDM government. General elections in the British territory are constitutionally due to be held no later than the end of February next year. Parnell said in a press statement: “From my experience as president of the Providenciales Chamber of Commerce, I recognized and reported then that the fundamental attributes of the Turks and Caicos Islands, which it had enjoyed for decades, and which make it an ideal place for growth, investment and economic prosperity are the “Four Nos”… No Income Tax, No Capital Gains Tax, No Property Tax, and No Exchange Controls. Additionally, permitting foreign ownership of land supports this economic environment as well as our

which is one of the most liberal in the region. However, what has really caused the Turks and Caicos to flourish is the friendly and tolerant attitude and nature of our people coupled with the skills and abilities of our people and residents alike to run a soon to be billion dollar a year economy. Yes we are small but we have massive promise. These intrinsic qualities when put into the hands of the right government can bring us back on track to wealth and prosperity for years and decades to come. “First and foremost, the safety and security of our people, residents and visitors will be at the top of the agenda in the upcoming general election campaign. We understand the fears, hunger, thirst and the deep longing that exists in the minds, hearts, bellies and souls of our people, which can only be calmed, satisfied, quenched, and fulfilled through political change. We know that our constituents are tired of politicians who make lofty promises during a campaign that remain unfulfilled. We also know that an outgoing government can sometimes try to preempt the ideas, plans and policies for change that are contemplated by their political opponents. “However, despite these tactics we thought it necessary to release our 12-Point Crime Plan early in the campaign. In Parliament, we fought for people who have lost their homes, businesses and property through an unholy arrangement with the Interim Government and TOLCO. The PDM, in opposition, has been working, demanding real change in Crown land, in labour rights, in environmental protection, economic relief, the rights of stateless children, expanded access to educational opportunities, civil servant benefits, infrastructural development and maintenance, health care reform,

immigration control. But none of these things have been perfected thus far from our efforts because the numbers in Parliament to enact laws remain with the government which is precisely why a campaign that details specific credible plans and policies is on the horizon to improve our numbers in parliament with buy-in and the support of the people. “For the constituencies in Providenciales, to provide a safer and more secure environment is our prime objective. In addition to our 12-Point Crime Plan, we will implement corresponding initiatives that will bring about a vibrant and affluent business climate, while providing better income earning opportunities for workers, all while paying keen focus to improve our physical environment and infrastructure. Detailed plans for each constituency will be unveiled to address the specific needs of each community. “In North, Middle and South Caicos our primary objective will be to develop a sustainable economy so that our people can have opportunities at home. Our islands will be united through a link from Providenciales to South Caicos by building bridges across our beautiful waters. This will ultimately light the path to future prosperity. For the nation’s capital, Grand Turk, and the historic island of Salt Cay, the vision for the future has already been written that will lift these islands up to the prominence they so justly deserve. “In the upcoming months, our leader, Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson will champion these and other initiatives in a campaign that will bring political change in our country for the betterment of all persons.” The PDM has unveiled its five at large candidates and ten constituency candidates, including Parnell, who will contest the Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hill district in Providenciales. (Caribbean News Now!)




Death Toll From Hurricane Matthew Continues To Rise In Haiti PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (HCNN) -- the central government’s highest-

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew, which hit Haiti on October 4, continues to rise. Haiti is facing the greatest humanitarian emergency since the earthquake in 2010. The full extent of the damage remains unknown. Photo: UNICEF/UN034980/Abassi, UN-MINUSTAH By Darsen Roger

The death toll continues to rise in Haiti, as hardest-hit districts become accessible in the south and southwest regions of the Caribbean country devastated last week by category 4 Hurricane Matthew. Mayors and representatives of the central government in the affected areas have revealed over the past few days figures that amount to 1,332 people killed as Matthew lashed towns and villages with high winds and torrential rain. In addition, the cholera epidemic has a new outbreak, killing at least 160 people and sickening nearly 300 since the passage of Matthew, according to local officials. However, the official death toll issued on Tuesday by the civil protection office, based in the capital Port-au-Prince, was 372 deaths throughout the country, while

ranking executive authority in the Grande-Anse (Southwest) region, Kedner Frenel, told HCNN that at least 522 people were killed in his area alone. The 1,332 total death toll comes from aggregate reports obtained from mayors and top representatives of the government supervising body recovery and relief operations in the remote towns and villages struck by Matthew. Each mayor (who is an elected official) is the chairman of the civil protection committee overseeing preparations and relief operations in his district, following a natural disaster such as a hurricane. The Haitian government, donor countries and the major international humanitarian institutions have been busy gradually delivering aid to the populations in ravaged areas. (Caribbean News Now!)




Antigua-Barbuda Ambassador Calls For Reparatory Justice Frommerchants Harvard University and owned an estimated 60 slaves. At one point, Royall and his father brokered the sale of 121 human beings in one day. Another time, they had 77 slaves burned alive at the stake following a failed rebellion. The oldest and arguably the most distinguished chair in American legal education is Harvard’s Royall Professorship of Law. Its distinction comes not from its age or its founder, but from those who have held it. These include distinguished figures in legal education but it is a historical fact that this chair is directly linked to a slave revolt on the island of Antigua in 1736. The revolt had been carefully planned and involved about 2,000 slaves, many driven to desperation by starvation and thirst from terrible droughts. Ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders WASHINGTON, USA -- Antigua and Barbuda’s ambassador to the United States, Sir Ronald Sanders, has called on Harvard University “to demonstrate its remorse and its debt to unnamed slaves from Antigua and Barbuda” whose lives were abused to establish the Harvard Law School (HLS). In a letter to Professor Drew Faust, president of Harvard University, Sanders recalled that the bequest of Isaac Royall Jr to Harvard College in 1781 that was used to create the first endowed professorship of law in 1815 came from the labour of human beings enslaved on Royall’s plantation in Antigua. The ambassador said he was sure “that Harvard University, like all other institutions with a consciousness of right, has been inspired by the recent acknowledgment and atonement by Georgetown University for the sale of 272 human beings in 1838 to save the University from collapse”. In this connection, he told the Harvard University president, “This is an excellent example for your university to follow, particularly since the founding of Harvard Law School was premised on the brutal, violent, oppressive and dehumanizing use and sale of men, women and children from Antigua and Barbuda.” Specifically, Sanders proposed that “one tangible way in which the University and Harvard Law School should show remorse and repay its debt in a small way, while living up to the high ideals it proclaims, is to offer scholarships to Antiguans and Barbudans on an annual basis”. He urged the university’s corporation to implement the proposal he put to them on behalf of the people of Antigua and Barbuda. Isaac Royall Jr., in the words of one HLS professor, was “a brutal slaveholder”. He was born into a colonial-era family of wealthy Triangle Trade

Like most Antiguan slaveholders, the Royalls grew sugar cane. A single nick of the razor-sharp cane knives would cause infected wounds, many fatal. Professor Janet Halley formally took the Royall Professorship of Law in 2007, marking the occasion with a lecture on the legacy of Isaac Royall, Jr. (1719 – 1781). Royall, the son of an Antiguan slaveholder who moved his family -- and 27 slaves -- to Medford, Massachusetts, in the early 18th century, took over his father’s estate, which is now a national historic landmark and museum including the only preserved slave quarters in the northeast United States. In his will, he left land to Harvard to establish its first professorship in law. His heirs sold the Medford estate and used the proceeds to endow Harvard Law School. The donation grew into the founding of HLS, whose seal to this day includes three sheaves of wheat -- the Royall family’s coat of arms. The history of HLS includes both disturbing and inspiring aspects, said Daniel Coquillette, professor of American legal history, who is writing a two-volume history of the school. “The founder of this school burned 70 slaves at the stake,” said Coquillette, noting that the HLS shield depicts three wheat sheaves that were part of the Royall family’s coat of arms. Two centuries later, the first black president of the United States and first black First Lady are HLS alumni. “[Royall’s] family made their money from a sugar plantation in Antigua, and he and his father crushed a planned rebellion by allowing 77 people to be burned alive, including Hector, the family’s slave driver and leader of the revolt,” student activists at Harvard argue. “We ask our own administration to stand in solidarity with the protesters of South Africa, decolonize Harvard Law, and honor the enslaved people who actually founded this school.” (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaica Leads Talks On Correspondent Banking Issue Washington, while the Office of the Comptroller PAGE 27

Minister of Finance and Public Service, Audley Shaw. Photo: Michael Sloley By Denise Dennis KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Minister of finance and the public service, Audley Shaw, says the government of Jamaica continues to lead discussions to counter the threat of international correspondent banks cutting ties with local financial institutions. “We are leading the way… to make sure that we have financial inclusion on a credible, transparent basis as we build a formal economy,” he said. The minister was addressing the final day of the fifth annual Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Conference in Kingston on Tuesday. Correspondent banking involves a bank in one country facilitating certain services for a financial institution in another country, including wire transfers, business transactions, deposits and gathering of documents. Over the last five years, a number of international banks have restricted or ended their relationship with the region due to concerns about money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing. Caribbean countries have been collaborating to set up the regulatory environment to efficiently supervise banking and money services and to identify and manage the money laundering and terrorism financing risks in the financial sector. They have also been lobbying banks to reconsider their decision to withdraw their services. Shaw, who participated in the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Washington DC from October 6 to 9, said he believes the regional efforts to challenge the move by banks to cut ties have been bearing fruit. He said there was a “positive meeting” between regional leaders and the managing director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, in


of the Currency of the United States has issued a statement that provides guidance to US banks with respect to terminating foreign correspondent banking relationships. The statement called for the establishment of a governance function to review and monitor recommendations involving foreign account termination and provided insight into the impact of cutting ties with the region and the value of such relationships to the countries involved. “This statement has helped to open the door to greater dialogue. What we have to do now is to weave into it our own sense of duty and responsibility here in Jamaica. We know what to do, so we have to do it,” Shaw said, referring to the need to bolster the regulatory framework governing the financial institutions. He noted that financial inclusion is critical, as the Jamaican economy is built around the movement of money through tourism, remittances and trade. The finance minister has indicated that the Caribbean is addressing the problem of de-risking by proactively reassuring international partners that the region’s AML/CFT regulatory framework is robust. This is being coordinated by the Committee of Caribbean Central Bank Governors, the Caribbean Group of Bank Supervisors, the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, the Caribbean Association of Insurance Regulators, and Caribbean membership of the Global Forum on the Exchange of Tax Information. The two-day conference, on facilitating discussion on strengthening compliance, was hosted by the Jamaica Bankers Association (JBA) and the Jamaica Institute of Financial Services (JIFS) under the theme ‘Understanding our obligations… Safeguarding our Future’. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Caribbean Countries Share Plans To Adapt To Climate Change At Grenada Meeting communities and ecosystems.”


The Caribbean NAP Assembly ST GEORGE’S, Grenada -Representatives from 11 Caribbean countries and development agency partners are meeting in Grenada’s capital of St George’s this week to discuss strategies to prepare for the impact of climate change. Grenada held the final consultation for its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on Tuesday and will now host peers from the region to share lessons from its experience through a two-day regional workshop. “Here in Grenada, we don’t have to look far for to see the impacts of climate change. We experience them every day,” said Senator Simon Stiell, minister of state with responsibility for the environment. “Grenada’s National Adaptation Plan process will help protect against the potentially devastating effects of extreme weather like Hurricane Ivan in 2004,” said Kevin Andall, permanent secretary with responsibility for human resource development and the environment. “We look forward to sharing what we have learned about national adaptation planning with others


in the Caribbean community to build our countries’ resilience to climate change.” The NAP process was created by the United Nations as an opportunity for countries to plan for sustainable development in the face of climate stress. The Paris Agreement calls on all countries to engage in NAP processes, and each country’s NAP is driven by its unique adaptation needs. In this two-day NAP Assembly, adaptation planners from Caribbean countries will share their experiences of national adaptation planning and action. This NAP Assembly is co-hosted by Grenada’s ministry of education, human resource development and the environment; the UNDP JapanCaribbean Climate Change Partnership (J-CCCP); and the NAP Global Network. “Climate change effects pose a serious threat to the livelihoods of many Caribbean people,” said Anne Hammill, director of the NAP Global Network secretariat. “Through robust national adaptation planning processes that consider the needs of different key sectors like agriculture, health and tourism, countries can make important strides toward protecting vulnerable

Adaptation planners attending the event will represent tencountries in the Caribbean: Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, an Suriname. The UNDP’s 2016 Caribbean Human Development Report warns climate change impacts such as droughts, floods, saltwater intrusion, and sea level rise could pose a threat to food security in the Caribbean region. The Caribbean NAP Assembly aims to outline next steps in the NAP process for countries in the Caribbean region, and how development partners such as USAID and the UNDP JCCCP can coordinate their support to help countries to advance their national adaptation plans. “UNDP’s commitment to addressing climate change challenges within the region is certainly seen with the advent and subsequent activities of the J-CCCP. Japan is dedicated to promoting climateresilient development approaches in the Caribbean, and has been making key investments in climate change adaptation technologies in the region,” said Chisa Mikami, UNDP’s deputy resident representative. She added: “This workshop is a great opportunity for our colleagues to learn more about the NAP process with the added value of learning from peers. We are keen to have these shared experiences enhance efforts to advance respective NAP processes.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Building An Energy Efficient Private Sector In The Caribbean

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) has developed an energy management training module for their productivity network (ProNET) programme, which helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) address the role of energy in business and increase their understanding of the energy service supply chains. The implementation of energy efficient practices within business operations

enables firms to be more competitive in the global market. In addition, following participation in the course, businesses should be more equipped to make the choices necessary as it relates to different energy systems and their technologies to make them more efficient. The executive director of Caribbean Export, Pamela CokeHamilton, called on the region’s private sector to drive forward with the adoption of renewable energy solutions at the EUCaribbean Sustainable Energy Conference currently taking place in Barbados. “What we have found at Caribbean Export is that companies are increasingly eager to take corrective measures because it affects their bottom line,” Coke-Hamilton shared. Coke-Hamilton urged that, as a region, the transition towards renewable energy solutions becomes an increasing priority and that

“we [should] move beyond simply writing energy policies and work towards having these translated into actual legislation that would benefit the private sector”. Initiatives such as the removal of VAT on energy efficient and renewable energy equipment, the support for the use of electric vehicles, and an introduction to rebates for energy reduction are a few of the recommendations that the agency has previously made to regional governments. Further, in recognition of the costs burdened by SMEs to make the necessary changes, the agency is providing grants to firms to enable them to have energy audits conducted. This energy audit would be the first stage to understanding the energy cost savings that could be seen as a result of implements various energy efficient measures. (Caribbean News Now!)




US Embassy Hosts Eastern Caribbean Citizen Science And Climate Change Program insect specimens. On returning indoors, they analyzed their

Participants of the citizen scientists workshop pose for a group photo with presenter Dr Gillian Bowser, and Deputy Public Affairs Officer Jeff Barrus at the conclusion of the first session of the program on Pigeon Island BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The US Embassy to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is hosting Dr Gillian Bowser, research scientist at Colorado State University, in a threecountry traveling program to promote ways ordinary “citizen scientists” can help observe and promote awareness of climate change in their communities. The program travels to Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Dominica. During her visit to Saint Lucia, Bowser met with the science students of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. After a spirited discussion on the various climate change issues affecting Saint Lucia, Bowser led the 33 students on an excursion outdoors where they collected a number of plant and

photos and specimens, and uploaded them to an international database. Bowser also hosted a technical workshop for members of the community in Saint Lucia who are heavily involved in the environment. Taking place against the beautiful backdrop of Pigeon Island, the workshop brought together members from a number of environmental non-governmental organizations. Led by Bowser, they collected insects from a pond, measured the spread of invasive lemongrass, and collected various specimens from the beach on the Caribbean Sea side of Pigeon Island. They also discussed environmental changes they had observed on the island. “The US Embassy hosted this program because the nations of the Eastern Caribbean are highly sensitive to the impacts of climate change due to their small geographic size, low coastal elevations, and fragile landscapes,” said deputy public affairs officer Jeff Barrus. “These impacts can have far-reaching ramifications for regional economic growth and development, public health, and food security. We support efforts to build capacity within the region to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. This begins with widespread awareness of the problem by the general population.” Bowser is a research scientist at Colorado State University, where her research is focused on biodiversity, sustainability, and women’s scholarship. She has devoted much of her efforts to how climate change impacts resources and communities. A native of Brooklyn, New York, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Northwestern University, a Master of Science in Zoology at the University of Vermont, and a doctoral degree at the University of Missouri – St Louis. She worked with the National Park Service for over 20 years as a wildlife ecologist, including 11 years spent studying insects, bison and rodents at Yellowstone National Park. (Caribbean News Now!)




Belize Reports Continued Impressive Increases In Tourism Arrivals

BELIZE CITY, Belize -- For 15 consecutive months from June 2015 to September 2016, the tourism industry in Belize has been experiencing record breaking increases in overnight arrivals every month, with impressive double digit increases of

as much as 33 percent growth. Now nine months into 2016, the tourism arrival figures continue to show this upward trend, closing off the third quarter with a 26.9 percent increase for the month of September 2016 over September 2015. Overall, the first nine months of 2016 recorded a total of 293,622 overnight arrivals, a 16.4 percent increase over the same nine months of 2015, which had 252,329 overnight arrivals. Cruise arrivals resulted in 54,569 passengers for September 2016, representing a 20.6 percent increase over September 2015. Overall, cruise passenger arrivals recorded a moderate 1.3 percent increase for the first nine months of 2016, despite having 12 fewer cruise vessels arriving in Belize, inclusive of cruise calls cancelled due to Hurricane Earl. The US continues to be the largest source market, with 67.4 percent of the market share, followed by Europe and Canada, respectively. Further increases are anticipated for the remainder of 2016, especially with the launch by WestJet Airlines on October 29 of direct flights between Toronto and Belize. (Caribbean News Now!)




WINAIR Supports The Positive Positive Foundation Foundation to assist in building this awareness and

Employees of WINAIR, PJIAE and members of the Positive Foundation, Elektralytes Foundation and the Pink Faces gathered together last week Tuesday, October 4, during a joined unveiling moment of the ribbons on the WINAIR aircraft and the pink banners at PJIAE PHILIPSBURG, St Maarten -- Windward Islands Airways (WINAIR) has teamed up with the Positive Foundation in its breast cancer awareness efforts to make St Maarten and other WINAIR destinations more conscious that early detection is the key and is still the best protection in the fight against breast cancer and saving lives. “WINAIR is proud to partner with the

Winair will show their support in several ways,” said president and CEO Michael Cleaver. This year WINAIR joined the Pink Parade with 30+ employees proudly and enthusiastically walking behind the pink WINAIR banner. WINAIR’s pilots will be wearing pink epaulettes during the month of October. Every pilot takes a lot of pride in wearing their epaulettes, which they have earned the right to wear through dedication and hard work. It is with that same pride that they support breast cancer awareness and research by wearing pink epaulettes for a month. While #FlyPink is a global aviation industry initiative to support organizations around the world that provide research for breast cancer and help save lives, WINAIR has taken the #FlyPink initiative even higher. Not only will the pilots be wearing pink, all WINAIR aircraft are outfitted with pink ribbons on the fuselage with the intention not only to create awareness on St Maarten but all other destinations WINAIR flies. Lastly, WINAIR has provided the Positive Foundation with ticket vouchers to be used as incentives to the events. As long as people are still being diagnosed with third or fourth stage breast cancer, the president of the Positive Foundation, Shelly Alphonso sees the need to continue the “Be Breast Aware” movement with a call to action to “Find it, Feel it, Fight it!” -creating a future where early detection is the norm. (Caribbean News Now!)




US Election 2016: Trump 'Groped Woman Like An Octopus’

Donald Trump's camp have roundly rejected the allegations(REUTERS)


onald Trump is facing a series of allegations of inappropriate sexual contact, after US media reported claims from several women. Two women told the New York Times that the Republican presidential candidate groped or kissed them. A People magazine reporter also said she was forcibly kissed, while another woman said Mr Trump grabbed her bottom. Mr Trump fired back on Twitter, calling the claims a "total fabrication" and denying the People reporter's account. Mr Trump's campaign has also threatened legal action against the NYT. His camp made public a letter to the US newspaper calling its article "defamatory" and "a politically-motivated effort to defeat Mr Trump's candidacy". The NYT said it was standing by its story. The allegations come less than a week after a video shot in 2005 emerged which showed Mr Trump making obscene remarks about groping women. He apologised for the comments - which were widely condemned - but described

them as "locker-room talk". Asked during last Sunday's debate whether he had kissed or groped women without their consent, Mr Trump said: "No, I have not", and stressed that he respected women. Many of the women said Mr Trump's denial during the second presidential debate prompted them to come forward. Calling the NYT story disturbing, Hillary Clinton's campaign said it "sadly fits everything we know about the way Donald Trump has treated women". What are the allegations? The New York Times published accounts from two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks. Ms Leeds, now 74, said that when she was 38 she sat next to Mr Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. Once airborne, he lifted the armrest and began to touch her. "He was like an octopus... his hands were everywhere," said Ms Leeds. "It was an assault." Rachel Crooks said she was kissed on the lips by Mr Trump outside a lift in Trump Tower when she was a 22-year-old receptionist at a real estate company there. "It was so inappropriate," Ms Crooks said. "I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant

that he could do that." In People magazine, writer Natasha Stoynoff said an incident took place in December 2005, when she went to interview the Trumps ahead of their first w e d d i n g a n n i v e r s a r y. M r Trump said he wanted to show her around their Florida estate, including one "tremendous" room. "We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat," Ms Stoynoff wrote. Another woman, Mindy McGillivray, now 36, told the Palm Beach Post that when she was 23, Mr Trump grabbed her bottom at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida in 2003. None of the women reported their accounts to the authorities, but said they shared what happened with friends, colleagues or family. Other reports that have emerged: The Guardian quoted an unidentified contestant in the Miss USA 2001 pageant as saying the mogul walked in on her and a fellow contestant while they were naked. "He walked in, he stood and he stared," she said. Buzzfeed reported a similar claim related to the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant CBS News reported on video footage from 1992 in which Mr Trump sees a group of young girls and says about one of them: "I am going to be dating her in 10 years" According to Yahoo News, Cassandra Searles, who was Miss Washington 2013, in a comment on a Facebook post said Mr Trump "continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room" How has Mr

Trump reacted? The Trump camp has not reacted to all the claims, but it came out strongly against the NYT report. In addition to the legal threat, campaign spokesman Jason Miller accused the paper of launching "a completely false, co-ordinated character assassination". Reaching back decades set "a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election", he said. Accounts from Ms Stoynoff and Ms McGillivray were both described by the campaign as lacking "merit or veracity". How have voters reacted? The latest polls show Hillary Clinton pulling into a solid lead over her Republican rival. On Monday, a poll by Reuters/Ipsos gave Mrs Clinton an eight-point lead. It also showed that a fifth of Republicans thought Mr Tr u m p ' s c o m m e n t s a b o u t groping woman disqualified him from the presidency. What about the Republican party? There has been limited reaction to the newest claims. But since the video emerged, many top Republicans have distanced themselves. The most high-ranking is House Speaker Paul Ryan, whose desertion prompted a furious reaction from Mr Trump. However, four Republican members of Congress who had urged Mr Trump to step aside immediately after the video was released have since retreated from that position, saying they backed their party. The NYT said they had faced a "fierce backlash" from Trump supporters. (BBC)








Chibok Schoolgirls 'Swapped For Boko Haram Militants’

Boko Haram has shown some of those kidnapped on its propaganda videos(AFP)


wenty-one of the schoolgirls kidnapped in 2014 by Boko Haram in Chibok, Nigeria, have been freed, the president's spokesman has confirmed. Garba Shehu said the release was "the outcome of negotiations between the administration and Islamist militants". Four imprisoned militants were reportedly freed in exchange. Boko Haram seized more than 270 students from a school in Chibok, north-east Nigeria an act that provoked international condemnation. It sparked one of the biggest global social media campaigns, with tweeters using the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. President Muhammadu

Buhari's spokesman said on Twitter that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Swiss government had acted as mediators in the talks with Boko Haram. Mr Shehu added that negotiations were continuing. The girls, who are due to arrive in Abuja, will be examined by a team of doctors and psychologists, Information Minister Lai Mohammed told journalists in the capital Abuja. Mr Mohammed said the government was confident that this "credible first step" would lead to the eventual release of the remaining girls. A security official has told the BBC that several top-level Boko Haram detainees were taken to a meeting point close to the Cameroon border. Under the supervision of the ICRC, the girls were then

released and the militants w e r e h a n d e d o v e r. T h e students were then transported to the city of Maiduguri and placed under the supervision of the security forces. According to the security official, most of the young women have babies. Just last month the Nigerian government announced that several round of talks with Boko Haram had broken down, but with this release they have shown that those kidnapped can be released through intermediaries. "I can only weep, right now. You know that kind of cry that is a mix of multiple emotions," Obiageli Ezekwesili, one of the leaders of the #BringBackOurGirls movement, has tweeted in response to the news. The president also tweeted that he welcomed the release

"following successful negotiations". Up to now there had only been one confirmed release of a student kidnapped from Chibok. In May, a 19-yearold woman was found by an army-backed vigilante group. After that it was believed that 218 students were still missing. More than 50 managed to escape on the day they were captured. Boko Haram has also kidnapped thousands of other people during its seven-year insurgency in north-east Nigeria. More than 30,000 others have been killed, the government says, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee from their homes. Boko Haram at a glance: Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" in the Hausa language Launched military operations in 2009 Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria, hundreds abducted, including at least 200 schoolgirls Seized large area in northeast Nigeria, where it declared caliphate Joined socalled Islamic State, now calls itself IS's "West African province" Regional force has now retaken most of the captured territory Group split in August after rival leaders emerged (BBC)




US Strikes Yemen After Missiles Launched On Warship

Men loyal to the Houthi movement brandish their weapons in March 2015 during a gathering in Sanaa.


n American destroyer struck three sites in Yemen on Thursday, hours after missiles targeted a US warship in the Red Sea for the second time in four days, defense officials said. The USS Mason was targeted late Wednesday by missiles from territory controlled by the Houthis -- a minority Shia group that has taken control of swathes of Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa. The strikes marks the first instance of the US firing at Houthi targets since the Yemen civil war erupted in March last year. Yemen: The 'forgotten war' in the shadow of Syria The same warship was targeted Sunday, when two missiles were launched within 60 minutes of each other, but in both incidents they missed the ship and landed in the water. The guided-missile destroyer was not damaged in either

incident, officials said. The US warship was conducting routine operations in international waters off the Yemen coast when it was targeted Wednesday, the Pentagon said. The Houthis have denied carrying out the attacks. 'We will respond to this threat' The Pentagon said its destroyer USS Nitze launched Tomahawk cruise missiles targeting the coastal radar sites controlled by the Houthi group in "self defense." Another official said initial assessments indicated all three targets were destroyed, and that the strikes were in remote areas with little risk of civilian casualties or collateral damage. "USS Mason will continue its operations. Those who threaten our forces should know that US commanders retain the right to defend their ships, and we will respond to this threat at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner," Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said in a statement. "USS Mason will

continue its operations." Houthis: Accusations a 'distraction' A Houthi military official said "there is no truth to these allegations" in response to Wednesday's incident. Houthi militias had "nothing to do with this act," the Houthi-affiliated SABA news agency reported. After Sunday's reported missile attack, the military had said that the accusations were aimed at covering up a "heinous" Saudi-led coalition airstrike on a funeral service Saturday in Sanaa that killed at least 155 people. The US has come under increased pressure over its support of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, as the coalition continues to bombard schools and hospitals. The US had backed the formally recognized government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, whose government has been essentially forced from Sanaa to Aden. Hadi himself is believed to be in exile in Saudi Arabia, as are several senior m e m b e r s o f h i s administration. The Houthis support the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Calls for world to suspend Saudi arms sales Last week, the US said it was re-evaluating its support after the deadly funeral airstrike blamed on the Saudiled coalition. "The United States, United Kingdom, and other governments should immediately suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia." Some are calling on the United States to stop selling arms to

Saudi Arabia. "The United States, United Kingdom, and other governments should immediately suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia," Human Rights Watch said, calling the attack an "apparent war crime." "The funeral strike underscores the urgent need for credible international investigations into alleged laws-of-war violations in Yemen," it said. The US Senate last month rejected a bipartisan proposal to block a pending $1.15 billion arms sale to Riyadh. Critics of the military deal, which was approved by the Obama administration, complained it could further drag the US into the war in Yemen and contribute to the worsening humanitarian crisis. Humanitarian catastrophe The coalition, which involves several Arab countries, started a military campaign in Yemen last year after Houthis took over Sanaa. The crisis quickly escalated into a war that allowed al Qaeda and ISIS -- other enemies of the Houthis -- to thrive amid the chaos. The conflict has killed about 10,000 Yemenis and left millions in need of aid, according to the United Nations, which has called it a "humanitarian catastrophe." Since peace talks in Kuwait failed in August, the coalition has intensified airstrikes despite criticism from rights groups that the attacks often hit civilian targets with devastating results. (CNN)




Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej Dead At 88

Crowds outside the hospital howled with grief when the announcement was made(AP) Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-reigning monarch, has died after 70 years as head of state, the palace says. The 88year-old king was widely revered but had been in poor health in recent years, making few public appearances. He was seen as a stabilising figure in a country hit by cycles of political turmoil and multiple coups. Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will be the new monarch, the prime minister has said. In a televised address to the nation, Prayut Chanocha said Thailand would hold a one-year mourning period and that all entertainment functions must be "toned down" for a month. Describing the king's death as "the most devastating moment for Thais", the prime minister said: "He is now in heaven and may be looking over Thai citizens from there." In a later statement he urged vigilance, saying national security was a top priority. "Everyone will need to be alert in every region and throughout the country to

ensure safety", the Reuters agency reported him as saying. The king's death comes as Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. King Bhumibol was widely respected across Thailand, and thought of by many as semidivine. Hundreds of mourners have gathered outside the Bangkok hospital where he died, stricken with grief at the news. Many held pictures of the king and wore yellow or pink clothing in his honour. "How will Thailand live without you father?" cried one distressed man. "I lost one of the most important people in my life. I feel like I haven't done enough for him," said another. A palace official, speaking to crowds outside the hospital, said the body of the king would be moved to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok on Friday. "His majesty has passed away at Siriraj Hospital peacefully," the palace statement said earlier, adding he had died at 15:52 (08:52 GMT). Throughout the first part of the day the king's supporters had sung royal songs and recited prayers at Siriraj Hospital.

Many wore carefully chosen colours. Pink, for good health, or yellow the royal colour. Most knelt holding pictures of King Bhumibol, facing the part of the hospital where he had been receiving treatment. By early afternoon the mood had begun to change. With all of his children at his bedside, rumours were circulating that the 88-year-old had passed away. The tears began to flow, and in between songs the call of "God Save the King" was shouted with an almost visceral desperation. Then just before 19:00 the news was official. A wave of emotion swept through the crowd. Many clung to each other and wept. Thailand's father figure, a beacon of stability in a divided and worried country, had died. A new, more uncertain era has begun. Although the prime minister said Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn would become the new monarch, he added that the official proclamation would be made at a later date. He said the crown prince had confirmed that he would perform his duty as heir to the throne, but had asked for time to mourn his father's death. The crown prince, who is 64, is much less well known to Thais and has not attained his father's widespread popularity. He spends much of his time overseas, especially in Germany. Strict lese-majeste laws mean public discussion of the succession are punishable by lengthy jail terms. Given the pivotal role the king has played in maintaining the

balance of power in Thailand's volatile political environment, the succession will be a formidable challenge for the government, says the BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok. ing Bhumibol, who was born in Cambridge in the US state of Massachusetts, acceded to the throne on 9 June 1946 after his brother, King Ananda Mahidol, died. Though a constitutional monarch with limited powers, many Thais looked to King Bhumibol to him to intervene in times of high tension. He was seen as a unifying and calming influence through numerous coups and 20 constitutions. However, his critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and at times had failed to speak out against human rights abuses. Following the death of King Bhumibol, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has become the world longest-reigning monarch, having been on the throne for 64 years. Tributes have been flowing in from across the world. US President Barack Obama called the late king a "tireless champion of his country's development". "I had the honour of calling on his majesty the king during my visit to Thailand in 2012, and recall his grace and warmth, as well as his deep affection and compassion for the Thai people," he said. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said in a statement that he hoped Thailand would honour King Bhumibol's legacy of commitment to universal values and respect for human rights. (BBC)




A Day Like Today

"The 33" film based on the 2010 , San Jose Copiapó mining accident


day like today 2010, 33 miners that were trapped nearly half a mile underground, for more than 60 days in the collapsed mine of San Jose, Chile were rescued. The catastrophe was latter known as ‘The Copiapó Mining Accident’ or the ‘Rescue of the 33’. The collapse occurred on August 5, at the 14:00hrs Chile Standard Time Zone (CLT) according to San Esteban Mining Company (CMSE). The mine is located in the Atacama Desert about 45 kilometers from the regional city of Copiapó, at the northern side of Chile. The miners were trapped 700 meters underground, and about 5 kilometers from the mine's entrance. The San Jose Mine The San Jose mine, suffered of a bad reputation due to the several casualties registered in the last decade. Eight workers have died at site in the past 12 years. The San Esteban Mining Company, private holder of the San Jose mine, have been fined 42 times between 2004 and 2010 for breaching safety regulations. San Jose was closed in 2007, but reopened in 2008. Causes Previous geological instability at the old mine and a long record of safety violations for the mine's owners had resulted in a series of fines

One of the worst earthquake registered in history occurred on February 27th, 2010 in the coasts of Chile, with a magnitude of 8.8 in the scale of Richter. The earthquake triggered a tsunami which devastated several coastal towns in south and central Chile. More than five hundred persons lost their lives, and 25 persons were missing. Tsunami warnings were sent to 53 countries, but the waves affected mostly the coastal side of San Diego, California and parts

of Japan. After this disaster, the mining companies were warned of possible disasters due to the vulnerability of the soil. Background Chilean copper mine workers are among the highest-paid miners in South America. This country’s long tradition in mining has made of Chile, the world's top producer of copper. But this honor is at a high cost, an average of 34 people per year since 2000 have died in mining accidents, with a high of 43 in 2008, according to figures from the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN). The Disaster There were two groups of workers in the mine at the time of the collapse. The group nearest to the entrance could escape, but the 33 mans that were deeper in the site were instantly buried. They tried to escape through the ventilation shaft, but it was too risky. They run into a deeper shelter. There they found supplies that kept them alive for over two weeks. They had hope that some rescue could come soon. But the plan to extract the miners could either save them or result in more casualties. After the intents of the local companies to locate the miners was unfruitful, the families reached the government to intervene. Last miner rescued Luis Urzua, next to the

The 33 Chilean miners trapped in the San Jose mine, and the Capsule used for the rescue operation and accidents, leading to the catastrophe. Chilean President , Miguel Juan Sebastián

Piñera Former Chilean President, Miguel Juan Sebastián Piñera Echenique, took the ‘wheel’ of the matter, starting from asking international help to elaborate a fruitful plan that could save the workers. The case was all over the media, shocking the international audience about the 33 miners that were ‘buried alive’. Head leaders from around the world, along with representatives of the NASA showed its sympathy with the case, providing equipment and expertise. On August 22nd, 17 days after the collapse, drills reached the underground shelter. When the drill was extracted, a note was pulled out were it could be read “We are ok in the

shelter, all 33”. The note became the engine for the government to double efforts to rescue the victims. The borehole originally drilled to reach the shelter, was then used to supply the miners with food, water and religious items that they requested to keep their faith alive. The Vatican joined the cause, and Pope Benedict XVI sent each man a rosary that was delivered Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa in person. On October 12th a strategic plan to reach the miners, without putting more lives in risk was approved. This was executed with the means of a capsule that contained water and a recording camera to monitor the state of the victims. The capsule was expected to take only 15 minutes, with a total of 33 hours to complete the rescue operation. Each miner was received by the Chilean president, the first lady and other international leaders that offered their solidarity to the cause. The last victim to be rescue was Luis Urzua, leader of the trapped miners. The event had the glove in great commotion, for over 60 days. Ending with a glorious finale. Today the case of the ‘33’ have been the source for books, and film productions. Stating as a tangible sample of the positive effects of solidarity. Source: http://www.rd.com/truestories/survival/chilean-miners-buried-alive/





SNP's Nicola Sturgeon Announces New Independence Referendum Bill

Nicola Sturgeon to publish new referendum bill A consultation gets under way next week on plans for a second Scottish independence referendum, the SNP's Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. She told the party's Glasgow conference that an Independence Referendum Bill would be published next week. It marks the first step to holding a second vote. Ms Sturgeon said Scotland had the right to choose a different path if it was not allowed to protect its interests "within the UK". The first Scottish independence referendum, which took place on 18 September, 2014, resulted in 55% of voters saying "no". Ms Sturgeon told delegates that Scotland had the right to seek something better if there were prospects of an unstable future as part of the UK. She said: "I am determined that Scotland will have the ability to reconsider the question of independence and to do so before the UK leaves the EU - if that is necessary to protect our country's interests. "So, I can confirm today that the Independence Referendum Bill will be published for consultation next week." On 24 June, the day after the UK voted to leave the EU, Ms Sturgeon said a second independence referendum was "highly likely". Those who voted in Scotland backed remaining in Europe by 62% to 38% while the UK as a whole backed leave, by a margin of 52% to 48%. However, Scottish Secretary David Mundell called on Ms Sturgeon to "commit her government to working constructively with the UK government to seize the opportunities that will bring, not taking Scotland back to the divisive constitutional debates of the past".

He said: "Constant talk of another independence referendum is creating uncertainty and damaging the Scottish economy at a time when our growth is lagging behind the UK as a whole." line break Will a second independence referendum happen? Consultation does not mean decision. It does not mean a date for the ballot. It does not mean action. It does not mean a referendum will definitely happen. It means next to nothing. However, there was in the speech a far more significant announcement which, shorn of rhetoric, drew relatively little applause. That was when the FM said her government would put forward proposals - which they are already crafting - to maintain as much of Scotland's links with the EU as may be thought feasible, post Brexit. Crucially, this would be within the UK. It would not require indyref2. It would not require independence. It would, however, require new powers for the Scottish Parliament - including the power to reach transnational agreements. It would require, therefore, a flexible UK: perhaps on the lines of the relationship between Flanders and Belgium as a whole. Perhaps maintaining connections to the single market, Norway style. Perhaps also driven by the need to accord special status to Northern Ireland. In essence, Ms Sturgeon is making that the core of her pitch. She is challenging Theresa May to smile upon this prospect, to take it seriously and, ultimately, to advance it as part of the UK Brexit pitch if it is judged worthwhile. Ms Sturgeon's opening address also saw her issue a warning that the right wing of the Tory party was seeking to "hijack" the EU referendum result. She told the 3,000 delegates gathered that the Tories were using the result as a "licence for xenophobia". Ms Sturgeon insisted that the Prime Minister Theresa May needed to respect the 62% who voted to remain in the EU. She also confirmed that SNP MPs would oppose Brexit legislation when it comes before the House of Commons in 2017. The MSP said: "I can confirm today that

SNP MPs will vote against the Brexit Bill when it comes before the House of Commons next year. "That bill will repeal the legislation that enacted our EU membership. Scotland didn't vote for that and so neither will our MPs. "But we will also work to persuade others - Labour, Liberals and moderate Tories - to join us in a coalition against a hard Brexit: not just for Scotland, but for the whole UK. "The Conservative Party manifesto, on which Theresa May and all other Tory MPs were elected said this: 'We are clear about what we want from Europe. We say: yes to the Single Market'. "The prime minister may have a mandate to take England and Wales out of the EU but she has no mandate whatsoever to remove any part of the UK from the single market." What message is Nicola Sturgeon sending to Theresa May? Nicola Sturgeon told the SNP conference that not a day passes without someone telling her to "hurry up" with a second referendum on Scottish independence. And every day someone tells her to "slow down". It is certainly true that every day since the EU referendum the question is asked when, or if, the SNP's call for Indyref2 - as it's known - might happen. With many commentators (myself included) concluding that the cautious, canny Sturgeon will not rush into a vote she knows she might lose. Today Ms Sturgeon made very clear that she is prepared to trigger a second referendum if she feels that is the only way to protect Scotland from what she calls a "hard Brexit imposed by the hard right of the Tory party". She was angered by what she heard from the prime minister at the Tory conference last week. At the beginning of the three-day conference, if was announced that SNP MP Angus Robertson had been voted the new deputy of the party. Mr Robertson defeated Edinburgh East MP Tommy Sheppard, Alyn Smith MEP and Inverclyde councillor Chris McEleny to take 52.5% of the votes cast. About 120,000 SNP members were entitled to vote in the contest. (BBC)




Apple Fires Staff Amid Claims Intimate Photos Shared In Australia Store

Apple said its inquiry had so far not shown that any photos had been stolen(REUTERS) Apple has fired a number of employees at a store in Brisbane, Australia, amid allegations they shared photos of female customers and colleagues and ranked their bodies out of 10. Brisbane's CourierMail, said dozens of photos were taken without knowledge or consent and that other images were stolen from customer phones. Apple confirmed an inquiry and said "several" jobs had been terminated. But it said its inquiry had so far not shown that any photos had been stolen.

No-one had been photographed without consent, the inquiry had indicated. Intimate images The photos - including more than 100 close-up and intimate images according to the CourierMail - were said to have been shared and the women's bodies then rated. The newspaper said the possible privacy breach came to light after a fellow employee noticed a store technician looking through a customer's phone in the repair room. One staff member told the new s paper they w ere concerned the same thing was happening in other Australian Apple stores, including in Sydney. Apple said the allegations, if true,

would constitute a violation of the company's business conduct policy. "Apple believe in treating everyone equally and with respect, and we do not tolerate behaviour that goes against our values," it

said in a statement. "We have met with our store team to let them know about the investigation and inform them about the steps Apple is taking to protect their privacy." The Australian Privacy Commissioner is also looking into the alleged privacy breach. "We are aware of the reports and will be making enquiries with Apple to seek further information," said commissioner Timothy Pilgrim. "This is an important reminder that all organisations that collect and manage personal information need to embed a culture of privacy and ensure employees understand their responsibilities." (BBC)



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Race And Religious Hate Crimes Rose 41% After EU Vote

Racist or religious abuse incidents recorded by police in England and Wales jumped 41% in the month after the UK voted to quit the EU, figures show. There were 3,886 such crimes logged in July 2015, rising to 5,468 in July this year, according to the Home Office. It said the sharp increase declined in August but has "remained at a higher level than prior to the EU referendum". Home Secretary Amber Rudd said the government was "determined to stamp it out". The number of hate crimes overall in the year 2015-16 was up 19% on the previous year. Latest figures show that 62,518 offences were recorded by police. Of these, 79% were motivated by race hate, 12% by sexual orientation, 7% by religion, 6% by disability and 1% were transgender hate crimes. Ewa Banaszak and her family have lived in Plymouth for nine years, "this is our home, where we

live and work" she said. The Polish natives had their shed deliberately set alight in July in a racially-motivated attack. Since the EU referendum, she said racist comments towards her and relatives had "intensified" and the family had received a "hate-filled letter" containing threats. Despite being told to "go back to your own country", Ms Banaszak said they will not go back to Poland. ‘This is our country' Standing at a bus stop, Brazilian-born Danilo Venticinque, 30, was talking to his Mexican wife in Spanish and a woman asked "you speak English, don't you?" "Can you understand what I'm saying? This is our country. We are leaving the EU. We will stop having so many people like you over here." He said people like the woman who approached him are "a minority". Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesperson Alistair Carmichael said the

rise in hate crimes was "down to the nasty, divisive European referendum campaign that pulled apart communities, families and neighbours". He claimed that the government has treated the post referendum landscape in "the same divisive way". The National Police Chiefs' Council's (NPCC) lead on hate crime, Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said: "Numbers of hate crime incidents have fallen from the spike seen after the EU referendum but we still believe that many hate crimes are still not reported to us. "We are determined to play our part in addressing hate crimes in our society, supported by government and third sector partners". These figures confirm what previous data from the National Police Chiefs Council suggested - that there was a spike in hate crime after the 23 June poll. Part of the increase is undoubtedly due to a greater willingness by the public to report offences and better police methods for logging hate crimes. But strong anecdotal evidence supports the view that there was also a genuine rise in crimes targeted at ethnic minorities and foreign nationals: the Brexit vote appeared to unleash something in people - they felt they had a

licence to attack Polish migrants and insult Muslims. Separately, one of the most striking features of the annual figures is a 44% rise in hate crimes directed at people with disabilities; the numbers have doubled in four years. Following the EU referendum, then-Prime Minister David Cameron condemned "despicable" incidents of hate crime. In J u l y, t h e g o v e r n m e n t published a hate crime action plan, which Ms Rudd said "sets out how we are further reducing hate crime, increasing reporting and improving support for victims". She added: "Our hate crime laws are among the best in the world, but we cannot be complacent." Assistant Chief Constable Hamilton said the NPCC was encouraged by the improved police reporting and support systems that had been put in place. According to the Home Office, over the last year police forces have made efforts to improve their recording of crime statistics, especially for violence against person offences. It said the improved records are "likely to be a factor" in the increase in hate crimes recorded by the police this year. (BBC)





German Top Court Backs EU-Canada Trade Deal CETA

Activists called it the biggest constitutional complaint in German history(REUTERS) Germany's Constitutional Court has rejected a legal challenge to the EU-Canada free trade deal (CETA) from campaigners who call it undemocratic. The campaigners object to the fact that parts of CETA will be implemented before all national parliaments in the EU have voted on it. EU trade ministers are to vote on CETA next week. It requires unanimous support. If they all approve it, the deal can be signed on 27 October. CETA would remove many trade barriers. More than 125,000 people signed a petition organised by three activist groups aimed at b l o c k i n g C E TA , t h e Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. The groups are Compact,

Foodwatch and More Democracy. 'Race to the bottom' Opponents fear that CETA will be used as a model to push through an even more controversial EU-US trade deal called TTIP, much of which remains to be negotiated. The activists argue that CETA and similar deals put job security and social welfare at risk, in a global "race to the bottom" that serves the interests of a wealthy elite. German Economy Minister and Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has battled to win his Social Democrats (SPD) round to CETA. The SPD is in government with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), who strongly support CETA. Mr Gabriel said he was happy with Thursday's court ruling. CETA, he said, would act as "protection against having a bad deal with the US". Some

British politicians see CETA as a good basis for a postBrexit UK trade deal with the EU. The UK can vote for CETA while it remains a full EU member. CETA does not involve EU-style free movement of labour. But for services - 80% of the UK economy - the CETA terms are less favourable than what they have now. Would CETA be a good model for the UK? The judges in Karlsruhe did not, however, exclude the possibility of CETA hitting obstacles in Germany in future. By signing CETA, they said, the government can only fast-track the deal's EU-wide provisions. Areas of national responsibility - such as i n t e l l e c t u a l p r o p e r t y, maritime transport and commercial arbitration - must await parliamentary approval. A new Investment Court System (ICS) - one of the most controversial issues - cannot

be set up until CETA is ratiďŹ ed by all EU parliaments, they said. Mr Gabriel said the opponents were mixing up CETA with TTIP. The EU negotiated safeguards for public services, Europe's cultural heritage and the cherished precautionary principle, he said. The EU's precautionary principle means extensive risk assessments have to be carried out before a chemical or medicine can be marketed. In the US, the onus is on proving that a substance is hazardous before it can be withdrawn from sale. Mr Gabriel said he hoped that sealing the CETA deal could enable the EU to raise other trade deals up to its level. Many politicians and business leaders argue that CETA will provide a much-needed economic boost, reducing bureaucracy and creating jobs. a t a g l a n c e : C E TA Negotiations began in 2009 and ended in August 2014 The deal aims to eliminate 98% of taris between Canada and EU, making it the EU's most comprehensive trade deal to date Signing expected on 27 October, to implement parts of C E TA , t h e n E u r o p e a n Parliament and national parliaments vote on it It includes: new courts; harmonised regulations; sustainable development clauses; and access to public sector tenders The deal is opposed by various groups, including environmental activists, trade unionists, and Austrian Socialists (BBC)




German Terror Suspect Jaber al-Bakr's Jail Death A Scandal, Says Lawyer

Police released pictures of the suspect after Saturday's raid on his flat(AFP/GETTY IMAGES) The death in a prison cell of a Syrian refugee suspected of planning a bomb attack in Germany is a judicial scandal, his lawyer has said. Jaber al-Bakr, 22, strangled himself in a jail in Leipzig with his shirt and the government has demanded an immediate inquiry. His lawyer said the prison was aware Bakr was a suicide risk after he was captured o n M o n d a y. H o w e v e r, r e g i o n a l authorities said he had not been considered an acute risk. Jaber al-Bakr was detained on Monday on suspicion of plotting to bomb an airport in Berlin, possibly in the coming days. When police raided his flat in the eastern city of Chemnitz early on Saturday, they found 1.5kg of TATP, a home-made explosive used in the deadly jihadist attacks in Paris last year and in Brussels last March. What went wrong at the jail? Sebastian Gemkow, justice minister in the eastern state of Saxony, told reporters a psychological assessment of the prisoner had been made and safety measures had been

taken. And the head of the prison described Bakr during the day as "calm and on an even keel". "It shouldn't have happened, but it did," the justice minister said, adding that he took responsibility for the suicide but would not resign. Prison officials rejected reports that Bakr was only being checked on an hourly basis. Originally, he was given top-level supervision, involving 15-minute intervals, but a panel of experts agreed hours before he died to lower the regular checks to every 30 minutes. There is no video monitoring of prisoners held in remand cells in Saxony, said prison governor Rolf Jacob. A guard stationed outside the cell door would have been more appropriate, he acknowledged. Jabr al-Bakr's body was found at 19:45 (17:45 GMT) on Wednesday evening, 15 minutes after a regular check, the prison governor said. Attempts to resuscitate him failed. Defence lawyer Alexander Huebner was adamant his client was a risk as he had already broken light bulbs and tampered with power sockets. He had also been refusing food and drink. The prison governor said later that the damage had

been assessed as vandalism rather than an indication of potential suicide. "How could this happen?" Mr Huebner asked. "He must have been the best-guarded prisoner in Germany." How serious is the blow to German intelligence? German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere demanded a "rapid and comprehensive inquiry". He told German TV that Bakr's death had made the task of investigating the possible Berlin airport bomb plot much harder. Centre-right CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach said it was a tragedy to lose such an important source of intelligence. Leading centre-left SPD politician Burkhard Lischka blamed the Saxony authorities for the death in custody and said years of underfunding were to blame. Family Affairs Minister Manuela Schwesig simply tweeted: "What on earth's going on?" Who was Jaber al-Bakr? Granted asylum last year after coming to Germany in February 2015, he had been under surveillance for months on suspicion of being linked to jihadist group Islamic State. But when police raided his flat early on Saturday, he escaped. Police fired a warning shot but were wary of harming neighbours. After a two-day manhunt Bakr made his way to Leipzig, where he asked three Syrian asylum seekers for help. The three told police they had heard about the manhunt and tied him up while one of them knelt on him. One of the men took a photo of the captive to a police station, and he was detained in the early hours of Monday. Widely hailed as heroes in G e r m a n y, t h e t h r e e m e n w e r e apparently implicated by Bakr in the bomb plot, German media reported, citing security officials in Leipzig. (BBC)




West Must Stop 'Pulverisation' Of Aleppo - Boris Johnson

Mr Johnson said people who had opposed military action in the past were changing their minds(REUTERS) Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has said the West must consider new military options against Syrian forces to stop Aleppo being "pulverised". The rebel-held east of the city is under renewed bombardment after a ceasefire deal broke down. Mr Johnson said a new set of "kinetic" options would be considered at a UK meeting of foreign ministers on Sunday. Many people had changed their minds since 2013, when MPs blocked military action against Assad's forces, he said. Mr Johnson has summoned a meeting of foreign ministers, including US Secretary of State John Kerry, as well as ministers from France and

Germany on Sunday, to consider a new way forward in Syria and Iraq. 'Grave difficulties' He told the foreign affairs committee: "Most people - I think including John Kerry - feel that the process of discussion with the Russians has basically run out of road. On Sunday, we will be talking about all the options that we think are available to us and to the West. "I am not going to pretend that there is any easy answer here, because there isn't. Most people, I think, are now changing their minds about this and they are thinking 'We can't let this go on for ever, we can't just see Aleppo pulverised in this way, we have to do something'. "Whether that means we can get a coalition together now for more kinetic action now, I cannot prophesy, but certainly what most people want to see

is a new set of options." Aleppo, once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with President Assad's forces controlling the west and rebel factions the east. 'Run out of road' UK MPs have urged the government to consider establishing a no-fly zone over Aleppo, which would involve western powers being prepared to destroy Russian and Syrian government planes and air defences. Some MPs are pushing for a no-bombing zone instead, which could involve targeting runways and munitions stores and potentially using naval ships to launch missile attacks on helicopters dropping barrel bombs. Mr Johnson said: "It is right now that we should be looking again at the more kinetic options, the military options, but, you know, we

must be realistic about how these, in fact, work and what is deliverable. "And certainly, you can't do anything without a coalition, without doing it with the Americans, and we're still a pretty long day's march from getting there, but that doesn't mean that discussions aren't going on, because they certainly are." He said: "It is vital we do not raise false h o p e s . We k n o w t h e difficulties and implications of a no-fly zone or nobombing zone, no matter how easy these concepts may be made to seem." Earlier this week Mr Johnson called for demonstrations outside the Russian embassy in London, arguing that "all the available evidence" pointed to its responsibility for the bombing of an aid convoy in Syria. Moscow accused him of "Russophobic hysteria". (BBC)




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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

Ask family members for help and you will be able to complete the projects more quickly. Losses are likely if you aren't careful where you leave your valuables. You could be quite erratic regarding your personal relationship.

You should channel your efforts into getting rid of bad habits. You should be looking into making changes around the house. Your lover may cost you financially.

You will have a problem dealing with groups. Don't overextend yourself in the process. Finish up any correspondence by early afternoon.

You should get out and enjoy social events where you are likely to meet new potential mates; however, don't over spend. You will be able to enlist the help of colleagues who believe in your ideas. You could be disillusioned if you let relative in on your emotional thoughts.

Your own small business on the side could ease your financial stress. Don't make promises you can't keep. You have to know what your boss wants if you expect to do your job correctly.

Purchases will be well worth it and they will last a long time. You can meet new and exciting lovers through work related projects. Get involved in a competitive sport that will bring the challenges you thrive on.

Group endeavors will provide you with entertainment. You can continue to forge ahead if you make a few long distance calls pertinent to closing pending deals. Try not to get upset or angry without having all the facts.

Try to curb your bad habits, and compromise if your partner gives you an ultimatum. Put financial speculation with family members or friends on the back burner for now. You need to keep everyone on your domestic scene too busy to complain.

Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach. Travel and communications will not run as smoothly as you had hoped. Keep a lookout for any individuals eager to confront you with unsavory situations.

Pleasure trips will turn out to be better than anticipated. Concentrate on spending quality time with children and friends. Don't let others know about your private affairs.

Emotional relationships will be plentiful if you attend group activities. Don't expect the whole family to be overjoyed. You might be overly emotional when dealing with your partner.

Try not to be too harsh with your mate. You should be setting up interviews or sending out your resume today. Don't spend more than is necessary on travel or friends.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: OREO CHEESECAKE Ingredients 24 OREO Cookies, divided 3 tablespoons PALMBOOM* butter, melted 3 (250 g) Cream Cheese, softened 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs

Preparation Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Place 16 of the cookies in resealable plastic bag. Flatten bag to remove excess air, then seal bag. Finely crush cookies by rolling a rolling pin across the bag. Place in bowl. Add butter; mix well. Press ďŹ rmly onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating just until blended after each addition. Chop or crush remaining 8 cookies. Gently stir half of the chopped cookies into cream cheese batter. Pour over prepared crust; sprinkle with the remaining chopped cookies. Bake 45 min. or until centre is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate 3 hours or overnight. Cut into 12 pieces. Store leftover cheesecake in refrigerator. **IMPORTED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS


Windies Drop Pollard, Ramdin

West Indies middle order batsmen Kieron Pollard and Denesh Ramdin have been axed from the regional team ahead of its triseries tour in Zimbabwe. The duo was among several players that had poor displays in the recent series against Pakistan, which saw the team whitewashed 3-0 in the United Arab Emirates. In the three-match series the all-rounder Pollard scored 42 runs at an average of 14.00 and took one wicket in the 12 overs that he bowled across the three matches. Ramdin on the other hand managed 79 runs at an average of 26.33. In the T20 format Pollard managed 43 runs in the three T20s, and bowled two overs without getting a wicket, while Ramdin was not selected for the squad. According to Espncricinfo both players were informed that they had been dropped from the squad via an email from chief of selectors Courtney Browne. Browne replaced former West Indies captain Clive Lloyd as chairman of selectors in June and has taken some controversial decisions since taking the post. Brown also axed former

West Indies captain Darren Sammy after he had led the team to their second World T20 title. (SportsMax)

Pochettino Not Thinking About Tottenham Title Yet Mauricio Pochettino does not want to label Tottenham a title candidate just yet, while Harry Kane remains unavailable. Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino is not getting carried away following his side's ďŹ ne start to the 2016-17 season and is adamant it is too soon to talk about the title. Spurs sit second in

the Premier League heading into this weekend's encounter with West Brom and are the only team still unbeaten after seven games. "I think it is too early to talk about whether we are contenders for the title at the end of the season," Pochettino told reporters. "For us it is important to go step by step. The most important thing is to work hard and to try and win games." Tottenham will still be without the injured Harry Kane on Saturday, while Mousa Dembele is doubtful, too. "Kane is still out. He is doing very well but he is not ready yet," Pochettino added. "At the end of this week he can start to train and touch the grass a little bit. He is very positive and he is doing well. "We do not know yet when he will be back. We are happy with the way he is recovering from his injury. "We need to assess Dembele too. We have another day, Friday, to see if he can be available or not. "Then we have a few issues from international duty, we need to assess." (SportsMax)


Chelsea Grant Willian Compassionate Leave Wi l l i a n c o u l d m i s s Chelsea's meeting with Leicester City after he w a s g r a n t e d compassionate leave. Chelsea have granted attacking midfielder Willian compassionate leave after the Brazil international's mother passed away. Willian

scored in Chelsea's last Premier League game at Hull City, dedicating the goal to his mother, who was receiving treatment for cancer. He is unlikely to feature in Saturday's match with champions Leicester City, having reportedly returned to Brazil for his

mother's funeral. Chelsea released a statement on Thursday, lending support to their player. It read: "All of us at Chelsea Football Club are sending our love and deepest condolences to Willian and his family after the passing of his mother." (SportsMax)

Back Injury Forces Willett Out Of British Masters Masters champion Danny Willett was unable to take his place in the field at The Grove on Thursday. Danny Willett withdrew from the British Masters ahead of the first round on Thursday due to a back injury. The Masters champion was due to tee off at The Grove alongside Andrew Johnson and Alex Noren at 12.35pm local time, but pulled out due to a troublesome back.

Willett, who endured a miserable Ryder Cup, had winced after hitting a drive in the pro-am round on the eve of the tournament in his homeland and the Race to Dubai leader was still in discomfort the following morning. Justin Walters replaced Willett in the field, while Simon Dyson retired from the European Tour event with a wrist injury. Mikko Ilonen and Marc Warren set the early pace after starting with five-under rounds of 66. (SportsMax)


Tuchel: I Never Demanded Red Cards For Anyone Bundesli ga defeat before t h e internati o n a l break, causing somewh at of a stir with h i s commen ts.

Borussia Dortmund coach Thomas Tuchel stands by his comments that his men get fouled too often as they prepare to face Hertha. Thomas Tuchel has reiterated his opinion that Borussia Dortmund get fouled too often, but he is adamant he has never demanded a red card for any one. The BVB coach questioned Bayer Leverkusen's physical approach in the wake of their 2-0

Tuchel w a s criticise d b y Hertha Berlin boss Pal Dardai ahead of Friday's encounter between the two sides, with the 40-year-old suggesting the Dortmund coach's remarks could inuence referees. Nevertheless, Tuchel feels he did not do anything wrong by voicing his concerns. "I am surprised that the discussion about fouls got blown out of proportion," Tuchel said at a news

conference. "I merely read out the number of fouls on the stats sheet. I did not demand red cards or anything for anyone. All I criticised was the imbalance between fouls committed and received. "In my opinion 20 fouls per match are way over the line. Despite all competitiveness, that is not how I think the game should be played." Dortmund are being plagued by injury problems heading into Friday's match, with at least 10 ďŹ rst-team regulars unavailable, and Tuchel acknowledged he has some manoeuvring to do. "Right now, it is questionable whether we will even have 16 senior players available," the BVB boss added. "We will add some young players to the squad. "Lukasz Piszczek and Adrian Ramos are out. As it stands, Marc Bartra is available, but we still have to decide whether he will play due to limited training sessions. "[Pierre-Emerick] Aubameyang missed training for private reasons today but will play tomorrow." (SportsMax)


Kyrgios Fined For Shanghai Antics

The ATP hit Nick Kyrgios in the pocket as a result of his latest on-court antics in Shanghai. Nick Kyrgios has been fined US$16,500 for his conduct during a second-round defeat against Mischa Zverev at the Shanghai Masters on Wednesday. The controversial Australian appeared to give up during a 6-3 61 loss to the German qualifier, at one stage looping a tame serve

over the net before walking off court to gift Zverev the point. Kyrgios also argued with a supporter who was unimpressed with his antics and later tweeted: "Not good enough today on many levels, I'm better than that. I can go on about excuses but there are none. Sorry." The ATP reacted a day later by imposing a fine of $10,000 to the 21-year-old for a lack of effort, as well as £5,000 for the verbal abuse of a fan and a further £1,500 for unsportsmanlike conduct. When asked if he understood the anger of the crowd in Shanghai, Kyrgios said in a media conference: "Not at all. I feel like if they knew what they were talking about they'd be on the tennis court and being successful as well. "I can't really understand it at all. They don't know what I'm going through, so no, I don't understand it. "I don't owe them anything. It's my choice. If you don't like it, I didn't ask you to come watch. Just leave. "If you're so good at giving advice and so good at tennis, why aren't you as good as me? Why aren't you on the tour?' "You want to buy a ticket? Come watch me. You know I'm unpredictable. It's your choice. I don't owe you anything. Doesn't affect how I sleep at night." (SportsMax)

Ronaldo Already Has Ballon D'Or At Home - Roberto Carlos Madrid, before helping Portugal to Euro 2013 and 2014. Messi took home the

Roberto Carlos feels Real Madrid ace Cristiano Ronaldo is the undisputed favourite to win the Ballon d'Or this year. Former Real Madrid star Roberto Carlos has little doubt Cristiano Ronaldo will win the Ballon d'Or and has joked the Portugal international probably already has the trophy at home. Ronaldo enjoyed a successful year as he won the Champions League with Real

2016 glory. The attacker has been struggling somewhat in the opening stages of the 2016-17 campaign due to injury, but Roberto Carlos is convinced he will beat the likes of Lionel Messi and Antoine Griezmann to the prestigious individual award. "I think Cristiano Ronaldo already has the Ballon d'Or at home but he just has not told anyone yet," Roberto Carlos said at a news conference. "He has taken time to get back to being himself after the knee injury, but from now on he will show us all the Cristiano we all know, just like he played for Portugal. "I wish him all the luck in the world." Ronaldo previously won the Ballon d'Or in 2008,

award for the fifth time last year. (SportsMax)


Kroos Never Considered Real Madrid Exit Germany international Toni Kroos always had the intention of remaining at Real Madrid after penning a new six-year deal. Toni Kroos is adamant he "never looked at alternatives" after signing a new six-year deal at Real Madrid. The Germany international penned the long-term contract on Wednesday, committing to the European champions until June 2022. Kroos was linked with a move to Manchester City and Manchester United in the most recent transfer window but the former Bayern Munich midfielder insists his intention was always to remain at the Santiago Bernabeu. He told a news conference: "At times, things are published and we can't say what the truth is. There were rumours but I always knew I was very happy here. "I've had two marvellous years here and it never crossed my mind to leave. I am pleased they

wanted me to stay, I never looked at alternatives. Real Madrid was always my first choice. "It's a long contract with a view to the future - medium and long-term. We were both looking at the possibility of staying here for longer so we sat down and reached this agreement." The new deal, which extends his previous contract by two years, is reported in Spain to be worth €20million per season before tax, making him the highest-paid German footballer in history. Kroos has made 108 appearances since moving to the club from Bayern in 2014 for a reported fee of close to €30m. The 26-year-old has won the Champions League, the Club World Cup and two UEFA Super Cups in his time in the Spanish capital but LaLiga has eluded him. Kroos says domestic dominance is now his primary objective. "I am still missing the league title," he added. "Hopefully it's something I can win. "We are expected to win every single competition but we have enough talent to win the league title. "It's demanding, you have to be consistent, [which is] perhaps something we've missed. But this year I am sure we can put in a good challenge." Kroos even suggested he could retire at Madrid after admitting he had no desire in matching Cristiano Ronaldo's stated ambition to keep playing until he is 40 years of age. "Those who know me know that I put a lot of thinking behind things and it wasn't on the spur of the moment," he said. "It was something I was sure about, we didn't just choose six years, it's six years because I wanted it and the club wanted it. "I don't see myself playing at 36. This contract ends when I am 32 and, who knows, I might even end up retiring here." (SportsMax)


Ronaldo Already Has Ballon D'Or At Home - Roberto Carlos

Roberto Carlos feels Real Madrid ace Cristiano Ronaldo is the undisputed favourite to win the Ballon d'Or this year. Former Real Madrid star Roberto Carlos has little doubt Cristiano

Ronaldo will win the Ballon d'Or and has joked the Portugal international probably already has the trophy at home. Ronaldo enjoyed a successful year as he won the Champions League with Real Madrid, before helping Portugal to Euro 2016 glory. The attacker has been struggling somewhat in the opening stages of the 2016-17 campaign due to injury, but Roberto Carlos is convinced he will beat the likes of Lionel Messi and Antoine Griezmann to the prestigious individual award. "I think Cristiano Ronaldo already has the Ballon d'Or at home but he just has not told anyone yet," Roberto Carlos said at a news conference. "He has taken time to get back to being himself after the knee injury, but from now on he will show us all the Cristiano we all know, just like he played for Portugal. "I wish him all the luck in the world." Ronaldo previously won the Ballon d'Or in 2008, 2013 and 2014. Messi took home the award for the fifth time last year. (SportsMax)

Pouille No Match For Murray In Shanghai Lucas Pouille could not find an answer to the power and precision of Andy Murray at the Shanghai Masters. Andy Murray advanced to the Shanghai Masters quarter-finals after brushing aside Lucas Pouille in straight sets on Thursday. Murray, seeded second for the ATP 1000 event in China, won 6-1 6-3 to reach the last eight with ease, having previously seen off Steve Johnson in the second round. The world number two is now just three matches away from winning the tournament for a third time, having triumphed in 2010 and 2011. Murray took the first set in ruthless fashion to set the tone for the match, pushing 13th seed Pouille off the court and back behind the baseline with deep, accurate rally balls. And when he came to the net, the 22-year-old found himself exposed to the precision of the Scot's lobs and passing shots. Errors from Pouille saw the Frenchman broken twice while being unable to make any inroads into the Murray serve and he was not able to hold until the sixth game of the opener. That proved to be a mere stay of execution, Murray wrapping up the set in the next game with an inch-perfect off-forehand winner down the line. After being broken again in the first game of the second set, an improved display on serve from Pouille saw him hold three times. But Murray, who did not offer so much as a single break point opportunity throughout the match, kept the pressure on, forcing a decisive last break of serve with two brilliant forehand winners in quick succession in the final game. (SportsMax)


Mancini: Balotelli Should Score At Least 20 Goals At Nice Mario Balotelli's former mentor Roberto Mancini is confident the Nice striker can score more than 20 goals this campaign. Roberto Mancini has backed Mario Balotelli to surpass the 20-goal mark at

Nice and is hopeful the striker can still become one of the best players in the game. Balotelli has made a superb start to life at Nice after underwhelming spells with Liverpool and AC Milan, scoring six goals in five appearances in all competitions. Mancini - who worked with Balotelli at Inter and Manchester City - has nothing but fond memories of the attacker and is delighted to see the 26-year-old getting back to his former best. "Everybody has something to say about Mario and I think that must be tiresome for him," Mancini told L'Equipe. "I think he is fantastic. He is special for

everything he does. He should score at least 20 goals at Nice. Scoring goals should be normal for him. "I remember playing him a lot at the end of the 200708 campaign. Zlatan Ibrahimovic was injured and Mario did very well. I was convinced that he would become a star. But he could not deal with the pressure at the age of 17. Maybe his rise to prominence went too fast. "He's a very good lad, with a big heart. Sometimes he can get on your nerves, but it's impossible not to wish him well. "Nice have now given him a chance again and he has to take it and enjoy himself. He is still relatively young, but his career is going very fast. I hope he can still become a great player." (SportsMax)

Singh Ton Puts Windies A In Charge Against Sri Lanka Vishaul Singh stroked a confident 161, while Jahmar Hamilton fell just short of the century mark as West Indies A made 509 for 9 declared against Sri Lanka A on the second day of the unofficial Test Pallekele International Cricket Stadium on Wednesday. Singh’s career best came from 306 balls, as the left hander resumed from 81 not out overnight, which held West Indies push their overnight score of 331 for five to a formidable total.

Hamilton, who shared in a strong fourth wicket stand with Singh, was agonizingly run out on 99 off the bowling of Lahiru Kumara. Singh was eventually dismissed by Charith Asalanka, who had an innings best for Sri Lanka, ending with figures of 4 for 104. Earlier, opener Rajendra Chandrika, who retired hurt on 51 on Tuesday, returned to make an enterprising 84 before being dismissed lbw by Jeffrey Vandersay, with another century just in sight. At the close of play captain Dimuth Karunaratne occupied the crease with an unbeaten 66 as they reached 128 for four – still 381 runs behind the target heading into Thursday’s penultimate day. (SportsMax)


Outstanding Money Owed To Guyana Players To Be Paid - Forde President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Wayne Forde said money owed to Guyana’s football players owed since October 2012 could be paid in the next three months, once an investigation is done to determine the veracity of the claims made by the players, who had threatened to boycott the Caribbean Football Union match against Jamaica on Tuesday night. Other outstanding payments due from World Cup qualifiers against St Vincent and Caribbean Cup matches against Suriname and Jamaica, are to be paid as soon as the federation gets an outstanding payment of about US$320,000 from world governing body, FIFA.

Forde, who became president of the GFF 10 months ago, told SportsMax.tv Wednesday that these were the two key issues for the players’ unrest Tuesday that almost ended with a boycot of their CFU Caribbean Cup match against Jamaica in Leonora. Jamaica rallied from two goals down to win the match 4-2 in extra-time. Forde explained to SportsMax.tv that the first issue had to do with money owed to players from hosting rights and other commercial revenue derived from a friendly international between Guyana and Mexico in Texas on October 12, 2012. Forde said his understanding was that the players were promised a share of the revenue, but that agreement was not

honoured. He declined to divulge what percentage of the revenue the players were promised, as well as the amount owed. However, since that time several administrations had failed to honour the agreement which left the players disgruntled. Forde, who came into office in late 2015, said his administration had to find a resolution to the situation as the players were tired of promises that were not being kept. He said during discussions he had with the players Tuesday, he assured them that the GFF was prepared to pay the outstanding money once they got the essential details from the players’ contracts signed almost four years to the day prior. The player contracts from back then have now been located, he told SportsMax.tv, so he does not expect the investigations to exceed the next three months. Once the investigations are done, recommendations will be made to the b o a r d o f t h e G F F. “ A f t e r t h e investigations if there are monies due it will be paid,” he said. He explained that match fees due from the recent matches will be paid as soon as the GFF receives its latest disbursement of funds from FIFA. They expect to receive that tranche soon, he said. (SportsMax)


England's Youngsters Put Absentees On Notice

England youngsters impress in Bangladesh England's inexperienced one-day side has been lauded for overcoming a 'daunting' experience to halt Bangladesh's run of six home series win in a row. Having already been without Alex Hales, Joe Root and Eoin Morgan from their first-choice batting order, Jason Roy was ruled out of the deciding match in Chittagong. However, stepping seamlessly into the breach, Sam Billings struck his maiden ODI fifty while Ben Duckett made his second in his debut series. England also had to respond to the heated conclusion to the second match in Mirpur where Jos Buttler reacted angrily to Bangladesh's celebrations of his wicket before Ben Stokes and Tamim Iqbal confronted each other during the postmatch handshakes. Alongside the unprecedented security which has accompanied the team's every move, and the partisan home support, there has been plenty for the squad to deal with. "For some of us who have been around for a little while it's still been quite an interesting, daunting trip," Paul Farbrace, the assistant coach, said.

"There's been a lot around this tour whether we should come or not come, whether the players would come. You get here and you see the guns and SWAT team. That's quite a lot for young blokes to take on board. The ones who have come will go away with a series win in a spicy series, but for a lot of young blokes it's been a good learning experience too. "On field there are huge positives and, in the end, it is probably a good thing that some didn't come. When you think about it, last night four of the top six who don't regularly play chased down a very tricky score. We felt we were very capable of getting it, but it did take some decent batting to get there. To win, but win it with a few different players, as well as the off-field experience, that can only be good." F a r b r a c e s a i d t h a t M o rg a n w i l l "definitely" captain the one-day side in India next January, but he praised the way that Buttler had dealt with the various pressures of the leadership experience - not least the lessons learnt from his reaction in Mirpur which led to a rap on the knuckles from the ICC but strong support from former England

captains Michael Vaughan and Nasser Hussain. "Morgs is the leader, but it's been great that Jos has had the experience," Farbrace said. "He will definitely be captain in India. There can't be any way around it. He deserves it. His team is continually improving, and he has definitely been the leader and allowed so many guys to play that way. "On and off the field, we have seen Jos has more to him than others thought. He doesn't say a great deal, but when he does, people listen. The cricket challenge is only one side. He has been very impressive with everything he dealt with, even the skirmishes in that second game, the way he dealt with that was very good. It was a great learning experience for him. "The emotional side of it he has found quite tough, and selection is tough too. You go from being one of the lads with mates in the team, to knocking on their door and saying you're not playing. I don't think you could get a tougher series to start off with as captain, because there has been as much said about the off-thefield stuff as on the field." Stokes was named Man of the Series after sealing the decisive chase with a calm, unbeaten 47 to follow his maiden ODI century in the second match. He also made a telling intervention in the field during the opening game when he pulled the team together as the match was slipping away. His maturing role with the bat - he has averaged 49.00 this year in ODIs - was vital in a young batting order. "Stokes is a leader, wherever he goes, people want to go with him." Farbrace said. "That's why he can get involved in some spats. We saw last night, he was not getting out and losing that game. He was determined to see it home. The two innings here, are two of his best for England in white-ball cricket. The 100 was about as mature as I've seen him play." (ESPNcricinfo)

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