October 15, 2016

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Case Dismissed Against Soldiers Accused Of Stabbing Friend

Two soldiers in the Guyana Defense Force (GDF), Juju Mingo and Shawn Herbert appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounding Rondell Smart with intent to cause actual bodily harm on September 23, 2016 at Croal Street, Georgetown. The virtual complainant made the decision to discontinue the case against

the soldiers, on the basis that they have been friends for over a year. As such, the Magistrate dismissed the charges against the men. It was alleged however that on the day in question, an argument ensued between Smart and the defendants over Smart’s girlfriend. The argument then escalated into a physical altercation which saw the Mingo and Herbert stabbing Smart in the back with an ice pick.

Oil And Gas Association President Denies Forgery Accusations Board. Gossai is under heavy fire after several sections of the media reported on findings of an audit done by Ram and McRae, Chartered Accountants, in which he was fingered for fraudulent and corrupt transactions while employed at the Guyana Gold Board. The audit had recommended a full-scale police investigation into the actions of Gossai and others.

President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), Bobby Gossai Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), Bobby Gossai Jr. has denied that he ever forged anyone’s signature while he was Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Guyana Gold

“At no given time did the Secretary used, reused (“lifted”), misrepresented or disguised the signature of the former chairperson for any undertaking in his capacity on the Board, for professional or other benefits,” Gossai said in a letter to the press. Seeking to plead his innocence, Gossai said “At no time, did I undertake any task (financial, procurement, managerial, human resources, or otherwise) on my own accord. All tasks were done with the full knowledge of the Guyana Gold Board’s management team, its Directors and Chairperson, and

the subject Minister, at that time.”

Gossai declared that reports from the various daily newspapers appeared to have a negative angle in regurgitated old news that he had addressed those issues when the Guyana Gold Board’s audit report was released. He also threaten legal action if that “character attacks” does not stop. “Should these character attacks not be stopped, then the appropriate actions will be sought and implemented accordingly,” he said. Meanwhile, the GOGA said in a statement to the press that it was unaware of the “specific contents” of the Forensic Report referred in the media reports and relayed that “the Board of Directors has since secured a copy of the Audit Report and will be considering the contents of the report as a matter of urgency.” The GOGA stated that the employment of Bobby Gossai Jr. is part of its start-up process and he still on probation and “this period has not yet come to an end.”


GUYANA DAILY NEWS OP-ED: Economic And Social Effects Of Crime In Guyana PAGE 3

In Guyana, crime is a major part of the society. It affects just about everyone. The social effects of crime are long term, with the ultimate cost being loss of life. Other costs to victims can include medical costs, property losses, and loss of income. Losses to victims and non-victims can also come in the form of increased security expenses including stronger locks, extra lighting, parking in more expensive secured lots, security alarms for homes and cars, and maintaining guard dogs. Other types of expenses can include a victim or person fearful of crime moving to a new neighborhood, funeral expenses, legal fees among others. Some costs of crime are not easily identified for example, costs that include pain and suffering, and a lower quality of life. There are also the impacts on friends and the disruption of family life, behavior can be forever changed and shaped by crime, whether it be taking the risks of going to certain places or even the fear of making new friends. Crime in Guyana not only affects economic productivity when victims miss work, but communities also are affected through loss of tourism and retail sales, even crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and gambling have major social consequences, Drug abuse affects worker productivity, uses public funds for drug treatment programs and medical attention, and leads to criminal activity to support the expenses of a drug habit. Communities


and governments spend public funds for police departments, prisons, jails, courts, and rehabilitation programs, including the salaries of prosecutors, judges, public defenders, social workers, security guards, probation officers, etc. The amount of time spent by victims, offenders, their families, and juries during court trials also take away from community productivity, therefore much emphasis should be placed on reducing the crime in Guyana.

Whistle Blower Bill Lacks the Adequate Confidentially public and private sector by encouraging and

Many persons have raised concerned about the Whistle Blower legislation for Guyana, and are contending that Guyana is not ready for this kind of legislation since the Guyana Police Force must first of all become a professional organization. It is the view that the e judiciary and police department is highly corrupt and there must be tough sanctions for employers and government agencies that violate any sections of the bill. The government has released the draft whistleblower legislation which aims to combat corruption and other wrong doings in the public and private sector by encouraging and facilitating disclosures by employees and citizens. However, many government individuals told the Guyana Daily News this bill lacks adequate confidentially and witness protection program The Whistleblower Bill 2015 is in the name of Attorney General Basil Williams. However, the government is unclear as to when the bill would be tabled in the National Assembly, but has been published in the Official Gazette. According to the Explanatory Memorandum of the bill, it marks another step towards full compliance with the Inter-American Convention against Corruption. It says that the legislation would assist in combating corruption and other wrongdoings both in

facilitating the making by employees of specified disclosures of “improper conduct” in good faith and the public interest. The bill also seeks to regulate the receiving, investigating or otherwise dealing with disclosures of improper conduct; to protect employees who make specified disclosures from being subjected to occupational detriment; and for related matters. For more information on the draft bill kindly visit h t t p : / / o ffi c i a l g a z e t t e . g o v. g y / i m a g e s / g a z e t t e s files/ProtectedDisclosures...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Ministries Working To Remove Ban On Greenheart Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman said that his Ministry has been working PAGE 5


along with the Ministries of Business and Foreign Affairs to seek a reversal of the ban. The Minister announced that a ministerial team will be heading to the United Kingdom (UK) early next year to engage in talks with the hopes of having the ban on Guyana’s greenheart timber reversed. “Greenheart is literally at the heart and soul of Guyana’s timber industry. It represents in a sense, the strength of Guyana and to us we have a reputation to protect and we have to ensure that those who produce logs for use in marine construction and for lumber that we give them what they desire and that is, markets in the United Kingdom,” Trotman said on Friday, at a press briefing held at Cara Lodge, Georgetown. The minister vowed that the issued would get a national response since is a national issue. “So we are very close in terms of working with the EU (European Union) and the EU First Log Governance system and so for us, this is a national issue and it will receive a national response,” he assured. The Minister added that the ban was imposed last year, when relations between Guyana and Great Britain were at an all-time low. Guyana has been working with the European Union on finalizing its European Union forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (EU FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). Conclusion of the negotiation is very critical for the holistic development of Guyana’s forestry sector. In a statement issued in May last year, Environmental Agency stated, “A decision has been made that we will apply the timber procurement policy rigorously and that we will only buy timber from legal and sustainable sources. This currently prohibits the purchase of new Greenheart’ (from Guyana) as it does not have sufficient evidence (based on UK Government requirements) that the forests of origin are sustainably managed.”

Oil Refinery Feasibility Study To Commence In Guyana Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman announced that the government has commissioned a study to determine whether it is economically feasible to set up an oil refinery in Guyana. The announcement was made at a press briefing on Friday at Cara Lodge, Georgetown. “We have commissioned a study and I hope and expect that before the end of the year, government will be guided from an economic standpoint whether or not we should have a refinery, whether or not government should have a stake in such a venture or whether it should be left to the private sector on its own,” Trotman said. The minister related that the London based Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House will provide the expertise to undertake the study. Meanwhile, Trotman said that his ministry has received a total of 18 Expressions of Interest in the establishment of an onshore oil and gas facility. “Government is looking to enter into a private public partnership where government has equity in whatever onshore facility is established and we can then ensure that Guyanese can benefit,” Trotman said. According to the minister, the majority of the interests are from local companies while nine are from international companies. He said that later this month and into early November, the companies would be making presentations to the Ministry of Natural Resources. “We would like to

give both the local and foreign companies an equal right to make presentations,” Trotman said. As Guyana develops the oil and gas sector, draft legislation on the complete overhaul of the Petroleum Act and the regulations that accompany it will be made available at the end of 2016. Draft legislation for the establishment of a new Petroleum Commission, regulations for local content, and for health and safety for the environment are also expected to be presented later this year. Trotman said that consultations on these legislations will begin in 2017.

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Providence Miner In Police Custody For Alleged Gun Possession PAGE 6


A 34 year old miner of Providence, E.B.D., is assisting the police in their investigation into the discovery of an unlicensed firearm and twelve rounds of ammunition at “War Lock” East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, during the early hours this morning. Enquiries disclosed that the suspect was standing in his girlfriend’s yard, about 00:30 h, when a team of police acted on information, swooped down at the location; in the process it was alleged that the suspect dropped an object, which was retrieved and found to be a 9MM Pistol with twelve matching rounds. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Firearm and Ammunition found

Cyclist Killed In Bagotville Road Accident

Police are investigating the fatal accident of a sixty- year old cyclist of Bagotville WBD, which occurred about 19:30h. last

night on Bagotville Public Road. Enquiries disclosed that the cyclist was riding across the road from west to east and ended up into the path of a motor car which was proceeding south along the eastern driveway. As a result of the impact, the cyclist fell into the roadway. He was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital and later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted but later succumbed whilst receiving treatment. The driver is in police custody. He was given a breathalyzer test but no trace of blood alcohol was recorded. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Acting Commissioner Expresses Acknowledgement For Dataram Apprehension Following the arrest of Barry Dataram, a fugitive in Suriname and his handing over to local authorities, the Acting Commissioner of Police wishes to acknowledge the excellent collaboration between local law enforcement units and our counterparts in Suriname. While he is fully aware of the same quality of collaboration from Government to Government, that which occurred between 13:00h. yesterday and 09:00h. this morning, represented the best efforts and sends a clear message that with the use of science and technology in law enforcement and personnel who are consummate professionals, the public interest is well served. On the law enforcement front, we wish to sincerely thank our colleagues in Suriname. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Barry Dataram


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Woman Remanded For Setting House On Fire A single mother of two, Naomi Williams has been remanded to prison by Magistrate Judy Latchman after she was charged with two counts of damage to property which she allegedly committed on October 9, 2016. Williams is slated to return before the court on October 25, 2016 for continuation into the matter. Williams was unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to both charges. The prosecution objected to bail, citing the severity of the offences and the penalties they attract. The court also heard that she gave police two different address as her place of abode. It is alleged that on the day in question at 7 Mile Mahdia, Essequibo, Williams set fire to the dwelling home of Philip Narine causing damages in the amount of GY$1.6M. It is further alleged that Williams unlawfully and maliciously damaged a quantity of household appliances property of Narine, valued at GY$1.3M




Security Council Extends UN Peacekeeping Mission In Haiti For Six Months NEW YORK, USA -- Accepting Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s recommendation, the Security Council on Thursday extended the mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti for six months at the current force and police strength. Through the adoption of a resolution, the 15-member Council decided that the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) – consisting of up to 2,370 troops and up to 2,601 police component personnel – will stay in the Caribbean nation through 15 April 2017. The mandate renewal comes in the wake of the humanitarian emergency caused by the 4 October landfall of Hurricane Matthew, which also forced the postponement of the 9 October elections. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) the Category 4 storm had claimed the lives of 473 people as of 11 October, with 75 missing and 339 injured. Some 2.1 million people, including 894,057 children, are affected, and 1.4 million people, or 12.9 percent of the population, need humanitarian assistance, including 592,581 children. About 750,000 people, including 315,000 children, need urgent humanitarian aid for the next three months. In the text adopted on Thursday, the secretary-general is requested to conduct a strategic assessment mission of the situation in Haiti “by the end of the current mandate and preferably after the inauguration of a newly elected president” and to present recommendations on the UN’s future presence and role in Haiti in his next report to the Security Council. In that regard, the Council affirmed its intention to consider the possible withdrawal of MINUSTAH and transition to a future UN presence “beginning no sooner than 15 April 2017,” based on its review of Haiti’s overall capacity to ensure security and stability and on the

security conditions on the ground. Also in the resolution, the Council strongly urged Haiti’s political actors “to work cooperatively in the interests of the Haitian people, joining forces in prioritizing the country’s return to full constitutional normality by completing the electoral process, under way, and without further delays” and ensuring “the holding […] of free, fair, inclusive, and transparent presidential election and partial re-runs of the legislative elections, together with first-round elections for one-third of the Senate seats whose current incumbents will end their term in office in January 2017.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Brazilian peacekeepers and a police officer from the United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) head out on patrol to the town of Jeremie, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Photo: UN/MINUSTAH/Logan Abassi


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaica Government And IMF Agree On New Three-year Programme PAGE 11

By Douglas McIntosh KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- The government of Jamaica has reached a staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a US$1.7 billion three-year successor standby programme. This will replace the existing extended fund facility (EFF) that ends in March 2017, once approved by the IMF’s executive board during its meeting, scheduled for November. This was announced by Prime Minister Andrew Holness and director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department, Dr Alejandro Werner, during a joint government of Jamaica/IMF press conference in Kingston on Thursday. Holness said the new facility is a “precautionary” agreement that was negotiated with members of the IMF’s mission team who were in Jamaica for the discussions. The prime minister explained that the request was made, consequent on the country’s robust foreign exchange reserves. He described the US$1.7 billion provision as an “insurance policy” against unforeseen economic shocks that are beyond Jamaica’s control, and that it is a “dividend” that the country has reaped, as a result of its policy credibility and discipline. “Our request to move to a precautionary arrangement is a sign of strength and reflects the policy credibility and strong macroeconomic management of the Jamaican Government,” he said. Noting that Jamaica has “made strides” in fiscal and monetary management under the EFF, Holness said the new programme emphasizes the need for reorientation and transformation of the public sector to an “efficient performance-focused facilitator of growth, social well-being and rule of law.” In this regard, the prime minister said the administration’s goals and direction would include: reorienting public resource allocation towards infrastructure, social protection and security related spending, while transforming the public sector to be more efficient and delivery-focused; modernising the monetary policy framework and building the foundation for an eventual move to inflation targeting; bolstering the resilience of Jamaica’s financial system; and implementing initiatives that unlock Jamaica’s growth potential and promote private sector job creation. He added that the proposed new programme and the “large and important” commitment of IMF resources is a “firm vote of confidence in Jamaica.” “I want to say how happy I am that we have been able to reach this stage. This is merely the beginning of the journey, but an important milestone to mark. The government of Jamaica looks forward to a continued and productive collaborative relationship with the (IMF),” Holness added. In his remarks, Werner said the new agreement reflects the significant focus being placed on attaining inclusive growth. He noted that Jamaica has “come a long way” in achieving macroeconomic stability and is setting the stage for accelerated growth. “We are seeing low inflation,


we are seeing declining debt to GDP, we are seeing a contained current account deficit, the rebuilding of the international asset position by the central bank… and the foundations of a predictable (and positive) economy for the years to come,” the director said. Werner concurred that the proposed agreement is a “solid” vote of confidence by the IMF in Jamaica. Additionally, it signals the “long-term commitment of the IMF to the Jamaican people.” He said the IMF is also confident that financing conditions for the Jamaican government will continue to improve and that “investments will continue to accelerate.” “We hope that this significant IMF agreement will catalyse resources from other development partners and lower the overall cost of budget financing. We (also) look forward to a continued productive collaboration with the government of Jamaica,” Werner added. For his part, finance and public service minister, Audley Shaw, emphasized that the goals of Jamaica’s economic programme under the new three-year standby arrangement are “clearly expressed.” He said the attainment of key policy objectives will require coordination and informed decision-making to ensure that “the right persons are in the right place to take the required steps at the right time.” “I am committed to leading and ensuring full and comprehensive implementation of the programme which the government has agreed to follow,” Shaw said. (Caribbean News Now!)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness outlines details of a new three-year US$1.7 billion precautionary standby successor agreement for the existing International Monetary Fund (IMF) Extended Fund Facility (EFF), which concludes in March 2017, during Thursday’s joint press conference. Photo: Rudranath Fraser


GUYANA DAILY NEWS BVI Government Plans New Investment Policy To Diversify Economy PAGE 12

By Philomena Robertson ROAD TOWN, BVI -- The government of the British Virgin Islands plans to develop an investment policy that will help to attract value-added services to the local economy. Premier and minister of finance, Dr Orlando Smith, made the disclosure as he presented an update on the occasion of the first anniversary of BVI Forward, the government’s action plan to strengthen and reposition the financial services industry. Reporting on achievements during the first year of BVI Forward and plans for year two, the premier, in his speech to industry officials, said the investment policy is intended to expand and diversify the economy and make the BVI more attractive to investors. He said, “A full investment policy will be developed by the Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) and the Premier’s Office. The IPA and investment managers will be set up to facilitate targeted investments and investment promotion activities will be initiated in key product areas and in key markets.” The premier noted that the policy will facilitate attracting the new areas the BVI is seeking to develop, those that generate economic activity within the territory or what the industry calls “substance”. It is hoped that through the creation of more substance-based businesses, the policy will help to address substance and transparency issues arising from the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). BEPS as defined by the OECD refers to “tax avoidance strategies that exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to artificially shift profits to low or no-tax locations.” The planned investment policy will work in tandem with the investment legislation that the government also has on its agenda, as revealed by Governor John Duncan during the 2016 Speech from the Throne. Attracting investment to add value to the BVI economy is one of the priority initiatives that make up BVI Forward. Another closely aligned initiative is that of reforming immigration and labour to facilitate making the BVI a more attractive place for investors. The premier said, “Immigration and labour laws and policies were reviewed with the objective of facilitating the financial services sector in line with provisions offered in competing jurisdictions and to accommodate the provisions of the investment policy.” He also made mention of changes to the


immigration legislation to make provisions for the entry of a new category of persons, business visitors, as well as the introduction of online application and fee processing as part of the e-government initiative. Changes to immigration and labour will also include the introduction of an Enhanced Service Model (ESM) to facilitate parallel processing of work permit applications and the introduction of a single permit granting both immigration and labour clearance. Another important announcement by the premier addressed the improvement of customer service at the Financial Services Commission (FSC). Following improvements to the FSC’s proprietary application, VIRRGIN in year one, further enhancements are planned for year two with the launch of VIRRGIN 3 to improve licence interactions by automating the processing of regulatory forms, reports and processes. In addition to the BVI Forward update provided by the premier, the anniversary event also included two panel discussions featuring the initiative sponsors who sit at the helm of the initiative working teams that have been mandated to create action plans for each initiative. Additionally, the Financial Services Implementation Unit (FSIU), which is tasked with implementing the BVI Forward initiatives, launched a new brochure that will be a key tool in efforts to engage the population, as well as a first anniversary booklet, providing a summary of achievements. (Caribbean News Now!)

Premier Dr Orlando Smith


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaica Poised To Tap Into US$150-billion Gastronomy Market PAGE 14

By Garwin Davis KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Minister of tourism, Edmund Bartlett, says Jamaica is uniquely poised to tap into the US$150-billion international gastronomy market, propelling the tourism industry even faster towards further economic growth. Addressing a Gastronomy of Fats and Oils Seminar on October 12, Bartlett said studies conducted by the tourism ministry show that food is a major draw for overseas visitors and that Jamaica’s culinary delights rank amongst the best in the world. “Earlier this year, I introduced the framework to develop gastronomy tourism locally. I appointed a Gastronomy Network, which falls under the aegis of our Tourism Linkages Network, to develop initiatives to strengthen Jamaica’s competitiveness in gastronomy tourism, as we diversify our product to generate higher growth rates in both visitor arrivals and earnings,” the minister said. “Jamaican food, rum and music are all critical ingredients in the building out of this gastronomy experience,” he added. The minister said Jamaica is fortunate to be blessed with culinary delights born out of the rich diversity of its heritage, and that “this fusion of cultures has created a melting pot of gastronomic wonders that make us ideally positioned to take advantage of the growing phenomenon of culinary travel”. He explained that today’s visitor is more experienced and informed than tourists were ten years ago, making it even more important for destinations to improve on their tourism offerings. He pointed out that as gastronomy tourism continues to fuel visitors’ interest, it is imperative that local chefs are not only skilled in cooking, “but also in other aspects of food preparation”. “It will require them to keep updated with the industry’s needs in order to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving gastronomy tourism sector. In addition, it will challenge us all to produce culinary products and brands that best represent our authentic heritage,”


the minister said. Bartlett said that all the evidence is pointing to the fact that gastronomy tourism provides an opportunity for stakeholders to add value to the island’s tourism sector by diversifying the product while promoting local economic development. “It strengthens the linkages sectors, benefiting manufacturers, suppliers, farmers, food and beverage managers and chefs,” Bartlett said. “At the same time, it benefits communities by supporting the local farmers, developing and expanding businesses, creating new dining experiences and increasing overnight stays in local hotels. It also educates visitors about the local culture and way of life,” he added. The minister said that as part of a marketing strategy, the Ministry will soon be creating a gastronomy mapping platform with easily accessible information on the island’s best food offerings. “We will also be collaborating with tourism partners to boost the number of quality food festivals. We will be working with tour operators to develop enticing food tours across the length and breadth of the island. We will also integrate food experiences with flagship events,” Bartlett noted. (Caribbean News Now!)

Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett, addresses Gastronomy of Fats and Oils Seminar, held on October 12. Photo: Garwin Davis




Obama’s Administration To Implement New Measures To ‘Boost’ Cuba’s Economy The government of the United States announced more flexibilities to be implemented by year end, on the Economic and Financial Embargo imposed on the island of Cuba, since 1962. According to CiberCuba, conjoined projects of medical investigation between Cuban and American Citizens, will be enabled. Pharmaceutical products of Cuban origin, that have been approved by the U.S Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), will be imported to the United States and incorporated in the local market. Authorized U.S citizens will be allowed to offer their service in the island, regarding the development, maintenance and repair of the country’s infrastructure. The Obama Administration also lifted limits in the amount of Cubans cigars and rum the US travelers can carry home for personal use. Now U.S travelers can take home as many Cuban cigars as they can fit in their bags. This stipulation is also applied to the Islands famous rum ‘Habana Club’. The changes are part of a series of new measures aiming to ease the trade, travel and financial restrictions on Cuba. Since 2014 the normalization in the relations between both countries started to

consolidate. Cuba was removed from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list on 2015, followed by the upgrade to Embassies of the Interest Offices in both countries. Marking the official end of decades of animosity between this Cold War ‘rivals’, after the historic visit of President Obama to Habana, on March last Obama is hoping the new measures will make its opening on the economy of the Island irreversible, before he leaves the office in January 2017. Source: https://www.cibercuba.com/noticias/2016-10-15u141144-nuevas-medidas-oba...

President Obama enjoying the scent of a Cuban Cigar

The prestigious Cuban rum 'Habana Club Añejo 7 Años' and the finest Cuban Cigars


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Slight Increase In Price Per Barrel Of Venezuelan Crude Oil PAGE 17


The price per barrel of Venezuelan crude oil closed this week with a cost of US$43.09, which is a slight, but positive increase on the local figures in comparison to the US$41, 58 reported last week. The figures were announced early this Friday, by the Venezuelan Ministry of Petroleum and Mining. According to the Venezuelan Newspaper, El Nacional, it was necessary for the prompt implementation of an action plan to reach the stability of the crude oil prices on a global scale. The 14 countries members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed at a meeting held in Algeria on September last, to reduce the production of crude oil to 32.5 million barrels daily by 2017. This quantity will be accomplished with the reduction of 740.000 barrels produced by the members of OPEC. The necessity to implement a radical measure to stop the oil prices from falling, was lifted by Venezuela, during a conference held by the country members during this summer. With this week records, the average sale price of the Venezuelan crude oil is situated in US$3377 under the US$4465 of last year, and US$8842 of 2014. The Venezuelan oil price per barrel have been experiencing a ‘downward curve’ since the beginnings of 2014 when the crude oil was priced at 90.19 USD per barrel. Source: http://www.el-nacional.com/economia/Petroleo-venezolano-aumentobarril_0...

Elections In Haiti Reset For November 20; Second Round January 29 these elections, so that the country has political stability. “We do not

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- Following the forced postponement of presidential elections in Haiti that were originally planned for Sunday, October 9, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) on Friday announced new dates: the first round on November 20, 2016, and the second round on January 29, 2017. Initially, the CEP had hoped to reschedule the long-awaited elections on Sunday, October 30, but it said that it needed another three weeks because a significant number of voting centres were damaged or partially destroyed by Hurricane Matthew and, in some cases, the voting centres are not accessible because the roads are currently impassable in many locations In addition, many residents left their homes without their voter identification card or lost it during the passage of Matthew. The CEP indicated it has three priorities in relation to the existing situation: First, it said that if it has the responsibility to organize elections for all citizens of the country, it cannot simply ignore a portion of the population, and it cannot say it will hold elections just in places where there are no problems. “[...] if the elections are carried out, they will be for everyone, especially when it is question of a presidential election,” the CEP said. The second priority is to ensure elections that are credible, rigorous and transparent. Third, the CEP wants a credible election that is acceptable to all departments of the country in order to bring legitimacy to those who will be elected in

want elections that bring more problems, which instead of bringing legitimacy to those elected, they marginalize the political process,” the CEP said. (Caribbean News Now!)

Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). File photo By Caribbean News Now contributor




Bermuda Cleans Up After Hurricane Nicole By Caribbean News Now contributor HAMILTON, Bermuda -- Bermuda residents started damage assessment and cleanup after Hurricane Nicole tore across the island on Thursday, with gust of wind exceeding 120 mph ripping roofs off buildings, flooding homes and damaging roads and leaving more than 27,000 without power. “We can breathe a sigh of relief. It could have been much worse,” Premier Michael Dunkley said. “We were not lucky, but prepared,” national security minister, Senator Jeff Baron, added as he paid tribute to the high level of preparedness across the British territory. An assessment of government schools was still ongoing on Friday. “We will aim to have them reopened on Monday, although a final confirmation will be made early on Sunday,” Baron said. The airport reopened at midday on Friday, allowing the first flights to arrive in Bermuda since before the hurricane. (Caribbean News Now!)

Torrential rain and flooding brought by Hurricane Nicole on Thursday offered an opportunity for local children the following day

Government Pleased With Economic Performance To Date BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, Oct 15, CMC – The St. KittsNevis government says preliminary data show that the three major revenue earners for the twin-island Federation are either moving in line with or slightly ahead of the 2016 budgetary predictions in terms of revenue collection. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Dr. Timothy Harris, speaking at a 2017 Estimates meeting here, said the Inland Revenue Department, the Customs & Excise Department, and the Citizenship-by-Investment Programme (CBI), have helped the country’s economic situation. “Hopefully, at the end of the year, the total situation will be as good or even better than what has been for the last nine months or so, but the last report that I have is reflective of a good performance by the key revenue heads. “To date, the figures for 2016 are well on budget, perhaps maybe slightly ahead of their budgetary predictions,” he said, noting that the Customs Department, has been “doing a better job at collection this year, again relative to the 2016 budget”. Regarding the CBI programme through which foreign investors attain local citizenship after having made a significant investment to the socio-economic development of the Federation, Harris said that it is moving in line with the 2016 Budget.” Last month the CBI announced the appointment of Les Khan, a risk mitigation expert, as the new chief executive officer and Harris said that there are plans for a more aggressive presence in the marketplace. “This week, the Cabinet took a number of decisions to provide greater support to the marketing, to enhance greater participation of St. Kitts and Nevis, independent of international shows, in doing its own promotion. That has

been advice coming out of the National Consultation on the Economy (held on September 28, ,” Prime Minister Harris said. “Since we are a platinum brand, we should not spend a lot of time on group marketing, where you have St. Kitts and Nevis and other countries, such as Dominica and St. Lucia, appearing one after the other in the same advertisement, for instance “Everybody is saying that our CBI programme is the best. Therefore, there is a diminution of the impact [with group marketing]. The stakeholders have committed that the country will run its own roadshows, which will be determined by the CIU in collaboration with the critically important developers and service providers,” he told the meeting. (Antigua Observer)

Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris (center) at Estimates meeting



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Suriname's Foreign Minister To Push Economic Diplomacy In Uzbekistan PAGE 20

By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- The foreign minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising, will attend the 43rd Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) meeting, which will take place on October 18-19 in Tashkent under the chairmanship of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, Badrising will use the OIC forum to advance what she terms ‘soft diplomacy” to market Suriname in order to attract foreign direct investment in her government’s effort to diversify Suriname’s economy, which is going through a recession. Badrising will deliver a statement on behalf of Suriname to the gathering of 57 foreign ministers, mostly from Africa and Asia. The theme of the meeting, “The education and enlightenment – path towards peace and creativity,” resonates with Uzbekistan’s glorious past in such fields as architecture, science and math, which is why Tashkent wants to use its chairmanship of the group to focus on strengthening the education, scientific and culturalhumanitarian potential of the OIC. It will be the first visit of a Surinamese foreign minister to Uzbekistan and the first Surinamese foreign minister to attend an annual OIC foreign ministers gathering. Suriname’s participation at the highest level sends a message to the OIC of its seriousness in engaging, expanding and diversifying ties with the 57member bloc. Badrising earlier this year attended the OIC heads of government summit in Istanbul. Suriname is being encouraged by the OIC to host a meeting of this level in the near future to raise the country’s global profile to investors and tourists. The OIC is also willing to help Suriname foot the bill for such an event. This will help to promote Suriname, which is still unknown to much of the world. Suriname is keen to end its dependence on commodity exports and, in this light, the government is aggressively looking to diversify the economy. Meanwhile, the foreign minister of neighbouring Guyana, Carl Greenidge, will also attend the Tashkent meeting. Guyana is also a member of the OIC. Greenidge heading a high level delegation to the meeting is intended to signal to the OIC his government’s commitment to advance and expand ties with the OIC. The prime minister of Guyana, Moses Nagamootoo, said he supports “greater involvement” by his government in the OIC. Uzbekistan wants the OIC to play a more active role in the strengthening of tolerance, mutual respect of cultures, and peace inside the Islamic world and among representatives of various religions and peoples. “The urgency of such principles in the OIC’s


activity is on the rise as the search for peaceful, politicaldiplomatic and preventive methods of tackling conflicts, as well as addressing them on timely basis,” the foreign minister of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Komilov said. Under its chairmanship, Uzbekistan wants the OIC to pay more attention to the issues of strengthening and “development of intellectual, scientific-technical and technological potential of member states,” and is calling for better mechanisms of cooperation to expand mutually beneficial trade and investment among OIC states and with other advanced countries of the world according to Komilov. At the OIC meeting in Tashkent, Badrising will work to consolidate economic and political ties with member states of the OIC; as well as expand and diversify Suriname’s relationship with different organs of the OIC. Badrising will also hold bilateral meetings with some states of the OIC, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE, and follow up on previous engagements with her counterparts. Above all, the foreign minister of Suriname will continue her economic diplomacy push to bring investors to Suriname to tackle the economic challenges facing her country. The foreign ministers of 26 member countries have officially confirmed their attendance, and the meeting will be attended by OIC Secretary General Iyad Amin Madani, president of the Islamic Development Bank Group Bandar Hajjar, and representatives of a number of international organizations, according to the foreign ministry of Uzbekistan. Following the OIC meeting in Uzbekistan, Badrising is planning to hold bilateral meetings with trade ministry officials in South Korea. (Caribbean News Now!)

Foreign Minister Niermala Badrising at an OIC meeting in Saudi Arabia earlier this year




Climate Change: 'Monumental' Deal To Cut HFCs, Fastest Growing Greenhouse Gases

HFCs are commonly used in refrigerators and air conditioning systems(GETTY IMAGES)


ore than 150 countries have reached a deal described as "monumental" to phase out gases that are making global warming worse. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are widely used in fridges, air conditioning and aerosol sprays. Delegates meeting in Rwanda accepted a complex amendment to the Montreal Protocol that will see richer countries cut back their HFC use from 2019. But some critics say the compromise may have less impact than expected. Three-way deal US Secretary of State John Kerry, who helped forge the deal in a series of meetings in the Rwandan capital, said it was a major victory for the Earth. "It's a monumental step forward, that addresses the needs of individual nations but it will give us the opportunity to reduce the warming of the planet by an entire half a degree centigrade," he told BBC News. The new agreement will see three separate pathways for

different countries. Richer economies like the European Union, the US and others will start to limit their use of HFCs within a few years and make a cut of at least 10% from 2019. Some developing countries like China, nations in Latin America and island states will freeze their use of HFCs from 2024. What is the Montreal Protocol? International treaty designed to protect the environment against the impact of harmful substances Created in 1987 following the discovery of a large hole in the Earth's ozone layer over Antarctica Came into force in 1989 with the main aim of ending the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) CFCs replaced by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Amendment proposed after scientists discovered that, while they pose no threat to the ozone layer, HFCs contribute to global warming by trapping heat radiating off the Earth The protocol has undergone a number of revisions since it was introduced and has been successful in eliminating more than 100 fluorinated gases Other developing countries, specifically India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and the Gulf states

will not freeze their use until 2028. China, the world's largest producer of HFCs, will not actually start to cut their production or use until 2029. India, will start even later, making its first 10% cut in use in 2032. "Absolutely it's a historic day," said Durwood Zaelke, from the Institute for Government and Sustainable Development (IGSD), a long time participant in the Montreal Protocol talks. "We came to get a half a degree of warming out of the system and we are going to walk away with about 90% from the Kigali amendment." Certainly if the agreement is implemented in full it will make a big difference to global warming. Experts estimate it will remove the equivalent of about 70 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2050. "HFCs posed an immediate threat to a safe climate due to their increasing use and high global warming potential, thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide," said Christian Aid's Senior Policy Advisor, Benson Ireri. "By agreeing to an early HFC phase down schedule, we've bought ourselves a bit more time to shift to a global low carbon economy and protect the world's most vulnerable people." But some observers questioned the concessions made to India and China, suggesting they had weakened the overall impact. The target of cutting global warming by 0.5 degrees may not be realised. "They needed an agreement here as it's seen as an Obama legacy, so the US

delegation has been pretty aggressive in making China and India get to an agreement," said Paula Tejon Carbajal from Greenpeace International. "It's an incremental step towards 0.5 degrees but its not there yet, they say that the market will work to get us there, but we are not there yet." The US Secretary of State believes that the science underpinning the deal is sound. He is confident that it will have a huge impact on warming. "I feel very positive about where we are, we ran all the numbers and everybody feels confident that the integrity of the substance of this is there," he told the BBC. Supporters argue that this agreement in Kigali will build on the foundations laid by the Paris climate agreement, signed by over 190 countries last December, and which becomes operational early in November. They also point to the past history of the Montreal Protocol - over 100 fluorinated gases have been eliminated in the agreement's 30 y e a r h i s t o r y. O n c e t h e regulation has been passed, industry rapidly develops alternatives. "The market is going to wash over India, and will sweep them along, they will make the transition a lot faster than the number they put up," said Durwood Zaelke. "Phaseouts have always driven the market transition so the laggards will be moved along by the market." There was a sense of quiet jubilation among delegates here when the deal was finally gavelled through in the early hours of Saturday morning. 'It's a big deal," one observer said, "but it could have been bigger." (BBC)




Yemen Conflict: Saudis Blame Funeral Hall Bombing On Mistake

At least 140 people were killed in the bombing(AP) The Saudi-led coalition bombing Houthi rebels in Yemen has said it attacked a funeral hall in the capital, Sanaa, bas ed on " bad information". At least 140 people were killed, most of them civilians, in the attack on 8 October - one of the single worst death tolls in the two-year conflict. An inquiry blames "noncompliance with coalition rules of engagement" and "the issuing of incorrect information". The attack was heavily criticised internationally. The 14nation Saudi-led inquiry, carried out by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team, said coalition aircraft were wrongly told that the

funeral hall was full of Houthi leaders. It said "a party affiliated to the Yemeni presidency of the general chief of staff" was to blame. The inquiry also apportioned blame to the Air Operation Center in Yemen for directing aircraft onto the target without obtaining approval from the coalition's command. The investigation called for families of the victims to be compensated. An estimated 600 people were injured in the bombing. "Coalition forces must immediately review their rules of engagement and update their procedures to ensure adherence in future," the inquiry team said. The findings of this Saudiled investigation will come as no surprise and little

consolation to those caught up in the devastating air strike on a funeral in Sanaa. Already social media postings have suggested that blaming a s enior Yemeni military officer for ignoring the rules is a case of scapegoating. But for Saudi Arabia, which was already looking for ways to extricate itself from the Yemen conflict, this could be a watershed moment. Beyond sacking those responsible for this catastrophic breach of its targeting rules and compensating the victims' families, the Saudi-led coalition is immediately reviewing its rules of engagement. Will this be enough to silence those calling for the UK and US to curb their

arms sales to Saudi Arabia? Unlikely. As long as air strikes continue over Ye m e n c i v i l i a n s w i l l continue to die, while Houthi rebels continue to fire their missiles across the border at Saudi villages. So the pressure to end this unwinnable war is greater than ever. The conflict in Yemen pits forces loyal to the internationally recognised government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi against Houthi rebels. The coalition led by Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of backing the rebels and supports the president. The United Nations says more than 6,000 people have been killed in the conflict, many of them civilians. The coalition, which includes Saudi Arabia's Gulf Arab allies, enjoys logistical backing from the United States but the White House condemned the bombing and said it was reviewing its assistance. Adding to the condemnation, Human R i g h t s Wa t c h s a i d o n Thursday that the air strike was "an apparent war crime" and "unlawfully disproportionate". The UK, a major seller of arms to Saudi Arabia, is to present a draft resolution to the UN Security Council next week calling for a ceasefire in Yemen. (BBC)




Children In Calais Jungle To Arrive In UK 'In Days’

The French government has said the "Jungle" migrant camp will be dismantled(EPA) British and French officials have begun registering unaccompanied children in the Calais "Jungle" who are hoping to join relatives in Britain. A significant number of child refugees will arrive in the UK from the migrant camp within days, the BBC understands. The Children's Commissioner for England has previously said about 300 children in the camp, from countries like Syria and Afghanistan, will come to the UK. French authorities have said they will close the camp by the end of the year. It is estimated up to 10,000 people are living in the Jungle which is situated near the port of Calais, and close to the 31-mile Channel Tunnel. Many of the migrants in northern France attempt to reach the UK by boarding lorries as they approach ports or the Channel Tunnel. French President Francois Hollande wants to move the inhabitants it holds to reception centres across the country

and demolish the camp. Aid groups have raised concerns that the planned closure will lead to children disappearing before they are processed. Home Office officials in Calais have been focusing first on unaccompanied minors who have the right to join relatives under EU legislation. A separate registration process will take place for vulnerable children who do not have family in the UK. Under EU-wide regulation, asylum claims must be made in the first safe country a person reaches, but children can have their claim transferred to another country if they have family members living there. UK law also requires the government to arrange for the transfer to the UK and support of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said the government is moving quickly and that she wants as many children as possible brought to the UK before the camp is shut down by the French authorities. However, the charity Safe Passage, which is working alongside the

government, says it has not yet been shown any operational plans setting out how the children will be transferred. Operations and programme delivery consultant Red Godfrey-Sagoo told the BBC: "There has been a marked increase in activity both from the French authorities and the UK authorities on trying to work out how to get this done quickly. That has been noted. "Does it mean that we technically have seen any operational plans on how it's going to be delivered? We haven't seen that yet. So we still ask those questions." She told Radio 4's Today programme she believed the Home Office was working towards taking unaccompanied minors "next week at some point". The Local Government Association, which represents local authorities in England and Wales, has said that councils will require long-term funding from government so the support of the children is "properly funded". Meanwhile, French Housing Minister Emmanuelle Cosse has said the camp will be dismantled "when all the conditions for success are in place", Agence France-Presse reported. The news agency quoted the minister as saying that it was "out of the question to leave these people living any longer in that mud and that distress", adding that another winter in the Jungle was "impossible". Mr Hollande has promised to set up "reception and orientation centres" to take in asylum seekers. A "dignified welcome" would be given to people who filed for the right to asylum but anyone who was unsuccessful would be deported, he said. (BBC)




US Election 2016: Trump Says Sex Assault Claims Aimed To Hurt Him

Donald Trump: "I am a victim of a political smear campaign” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has rejected fresh claims of sexual assault, saying they are part of a plot to damage his campaign. "It's not hard to find a small handful of people willing to make false smears," he told a rally on Friday. Two new accusations came from an ex-Apprentice contestant who cited a 2007 incident and a woman who described a case from the early 1990s. Polls suggest Mr Trump is losing ground in some of the key battleground states. During the rally in North Carolina, the Republican candidate said the accusations were "sick" and false, and driven by fame, money or politics. "Or for the simple reason they want to stop our movement, they want to stop our campaign. Very simple," he told the crowd. He added: "These claims defy reason, truth, logic, common sense. They are made without supporting witnesses. "When the media does what they're doing now, that's rigging the system... The election is rigged." Saying he was ignoring his own advisers by commenting on the allegations, he

suggested that he would never have been attracted to Jessica Leeds, one of this accusers. “Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you." One of the new allegations involves Kristin Anderson, who told the Washington Post the property mogul touched her through her underwear at a Manhattan nightspot in the 1990s. Ms Anderson, now 46, said she was "very grossed out and weirded out". She added: "It wasn't a sexual come-on. I don't know why he did it. It was like just to prove that he could do it, and nothing would happen. The newspaper said it had approached Ms Anderson after learning of her story through a third party, and she had spent several days deciding whether to go public. Mr Trump's spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said in a statement emailed to the Washington Post: "Mr Trump strongly denies this phony allegation by someone looking to get some free publicity. It is totally ridiculous." Meanwhile, Summer Zervos, who was a contestant on season five of The Apprentice in 2006, said the businessman forced himself on her at a Los Angeles hotel and began "thrusting

his genitals". She had been invited by him to discuss job opportunities. Ms Zervos, 41, told an emotional news conference in Los Angeles that she met him in 2007 in a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where the businessman greeted her by kissing her on the mouth. She said he asked her to sit next to him on a sofa where he "grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast". Ms Zervos fought back tears as she said Mr Trump attempted to lead her into the bedroom and "began thrusting his genitals", even as she fended off his advances. She was flanked during the press conference by well-known lawyer Gloria Allred, who has previously represented alleged sexual assault victims of entertainer Bill Cosby. At the time of the alleged assault, Mr Trump was newly married to his third and current wife, Melania Trump. Ms Zervos said she was spurred to come forward after Mr Trump denied during last Sunday's presidential debate ever having committed sexual assault. He rebutted the suggestion on national television as he was asked about a leaked recording from 2005 in which he is heard bragging that he can force himself on women because he is a star. Meanwhile, his campaign presented a British man who disputed the account of Ms Leeds, now 74. She alleged that when she was 38, Mr Trump groped her on a flight to New York, acting "like an octopus". The New York Post reported that Anthony Gilberthorpe contacted Mr Trump's campaign to counter the claim. In an interview with the paper he said: "I was there, I was in a position to know that what she said was wrong, wrong, wrong." Mr Gilberthorpe made headlines in 2014 when he alleged that he had provided underage boys to British politicians for sex parties. (BBC)




Iraq Violence: Dozens Dead In Baghdad Suicide Attack On Shia

So-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack(GETTY IMAGES) At least 32 people have died in a suicide attack targeting Shia in Iraq's capital Baghdad, oďŹƒcials say. More than 60 were injured in the blast, carried out on a

tent in a crowded market in a northern district of the city. So-called Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack. Many Shia pilgrims are taking part in mourning rituals commemorating the killing of the Prophet Mohammed's grandson, Hussein, in the 7th Century. Reports say a militant detonated a

suicide vest in the tent at lunchtime, when it was full of pilgrims. IS said in a statement, published through the messaging service Telegram, that the attack on Saturday was carried out "in the middle of a gathering" in the Shaab area of Baghdad. BBC Middle East editor Sebastian Usher says Sunni militants have long used such pilgrimages as targets for attacks causing large scale casualties. This year, IS revived its bombing campaign in Baghdad killing hundreds of people, in what is seen as a response to the group's loss of much of its territory in Iraq. In July, a lorry packed with explosives was detonated in central Baghdad's popular shopping district of Karrada in what was the deadliest single bomb attack in Iraq since 2007. The latest attack comes as Iraqi forces prepare for an oensive in northern Iraq on Mosul, the last IS-held major city in the country. (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Rebels Advance On IS Stronghold Of Dabiq

The advance comes after Turkish-backed Syrian rebel forces captured the border town of Jarablus at the end of August(REUTERS) Turkish-backed rebels in Syria are advancing on Dabiq, a symbolically important stronghold of socalled Islamic State. The small town holds great value to IS because of a prophecy of an apocalyptic battle, and features heavily in its propaganda. The operation comes as US and Russian envoys meet in Switzerland to discuss possible routes to a new ceasefire. But diplomats have played down hopes of any breakthrough at the talks. Since a brief truce collapsed last month, Syrian government forces backed by Russian air strikes have intensified their bombardment of rebel-held areas in Aleppo. Aid agencies say a 72-hour ceasefire is urgently needed to allow supplies in and civilians out of devastated areas in the east of the city. Apocalyptic prophecy Turkish President

Tayyip Erdogan confirmed fighters were moving on Dabiq, which lies about 10km (6 miles) from the Turkish border. Rebel fighters backed by Turkish airstrikes have been edging closer to the town for days, seizing villages around it and all but isolating it. A bombardment was taking place as part of the offensive on Saturday, a monitoring group and a rebel commander said. Dabiq is important to IS because it is named in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies as the site of an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their enemies. The militant group named its magazine after the town. The advance on Dabiq is part of a wider offensive launched by an alliance of Syrian rebel groups, supported by Turkish forces, in late August. They are trying to drive IS militants and Syrian Kurdish fighters from an area along Turkey's border with Syria. Since it began, they have captured the key towns of Jarablus and alRai. 'Difficult process' Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are meeting delegates from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar in Lausanne to discuss ways to broker a new ceasefire. But prospects for success looked bleak. On Friday, Mr Lavrov said he had no "special expectations" for the talks, while a US State Department official told Reuters he did not anticipate a major announcement. "This is going to be, as it has been now for several years, a very difficult process," the agency quoted the US official as saying. There can be no peace in Syria without the agreement of the men meeting in Switzerland today. Bilateral talks between the US and Russia have brought no real solution. A ceasefire brokered last month collapsed after just a few days, since then Syrian government bombing of Aleppo, backed by Russia, has intensified. On the ground Iranian troops are reportedly supporting Syrian forces. Saudi Arabia and the US have been supplying opposition groups with weapons and money. Moscow insists rebel forces it regards as terrorists must be separated from more moderate opposition groups before the bombing of Aleppo can stop. Washington says the bombing is a war crime. And so, even as the talks get under way, the message from the diplomats who could make peace was: don't expect too

much. Syria's President Bashar alAssad has vowed to "keep cleaning" Aleppo of rebels and told a Russian newspaper that winning in the city would be a "springboard" to winning in the rest of the country. Ahead of the talks, organisations including Save the Children, Oxfam, the Norwegian Refugee Council and the International Rescue Committee issued a plea "to establish a ceasefire of at least 72 hours in east Aleppo" to allow evacuations and delivery of aid. There are now no safe areas left in rebel-held parts of the city, according to REACH, an organisation that contacts people there regularly in order to gather humanitarian reports. About 275,000 people live in the besieged areas, and aid organisations have not been able to get to them since the siege resumed on 4 September. More than 370 people, including nearly 70 children, have been killed in the bombardment of eastern Aleppo, according to the UKbased Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The monitor said dozens of civilians including children have also died in rebel bombardment of western Aleppo, which is controlled by the Syrian government. A war that started with an uprising against President al-Assad has now split Syria into many parts. It has been going on for over five years and it has claimed 300,000 lives. (BBC)




China Arrests Over Illegal Network Determining Baby Gender

People in rural areas continue to prize boys over girls(GETTY IMAGES)


olice in China have detained 75 people in connection with a widespread network that

illegally determined the gender of unborn babies. The illegal service - aimed at expectant parents wanting male children - smuggled fetal blood samples to Hong Kong for gender testing, officials say. It operated across much of China and brought in $30m (£25m). Despite decades of campaigning, Chinese families, particularly in rural areas, continue to prize boys above girls. At least 300 people were involved in the illegal service, the authorities in the eastern

Chinese province of Zhejiang said. The size of the operation and the money involved reveal the desperation of the parents who wanted the service, BBC Asia Pacific regional editor Celia Hatton says. China ended its onechild policy last year, which was seen as contributing to the gender imbalance in China. But Chinese population officials this week warned that that imbalance, 113 boys for every 100 girls, would remain for years to come. (BBC)

Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace

A book of condolences is available at the palace for mourners to sign(AP)


arge queues formed at the Grand Palace in the Thai capital as mourners paid their respects to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, w h o d i e d o n T h u r s d a y. Thousands, dressed in black, waited to enter to sign a book of condolences at the palace in

central Bangkok. Free buses were laid on to transport mourners from rural areas. A regent will stand in until the late king's son, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, accedes to the throne. Prince Vajiralongkorn has asked for a delay while he grieves for his father, who at 88 was the world's longest-reigning monarch. Speaking on state television late on Friday,

Deputy PM Wissanu Kreangam said the head of Thailand's privy council currently former Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda would be regent. “The situation will not be used for long," Mr Wissanu said. The crown prince and Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn were among those who paid their respects at the palace. On Friday, the king's body was transported in a convoy to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in the Grand Palace from the hospital where he died. Cremation is not expected for several months. Large crowds of mourners lined the streets, many weeping, as the convoy passed. Millions more watched on TV. Flags are to fly at half-mast for the next 30 days and official mourning will last a year.

People have been asked to wear black, and avoid "joyful events" during this period. King Bhumibol earned the devotion of Thais for his efforts to help the rural poor and was also seen as a stabilising figure in a country often wracked by political turmoil. Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. But critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and sometimes failed to speak out against human rights abuses. The crown prince, who is 64, spends much of his time overseas and is much less well known to Thais. Strict lesemajeste laws protect the most senior members of Thailand's royal family from insult or threat. Public discussion of the succession can be punishable by lengthy jail terms. (BBC)




Many Die In India Stampede On Way To Hindu Religious Event

After the stampede people's clothing and shoes were left at the side of the road(EPA)


t least 24 people have died in a stampede as tens of thousands of people attended a religious

event in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Twenty others were injured in the crush, on the outskirts of Varanasi, a town sacred to many Hindus. A police officer said that 3,000 devotees were expected at the event but 70,000 showed up. Some of the injured people are in a serious condition in hospital. Of the 19 dead, 14 are women. Raj Bahadur, one of the organisers, told the Press Trust of India news agency that after police started turning people back from an

overcrowded bridge, a rumour spread that the bridge was broken and people started to run for safety. According to The Times of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced 200,000 rupees (£2,460; $2,997) compensation for the families of the dead. "I have spoken to officials & asked them to ensure all possible help to those affected due to the stampede in Varanasi," Mr Modi tweeted. (BBC)

Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace

A book of condolences is available at the palace for mourners to sign(AP)


arge queues formed at the Grand Palace in the Thai capital as mourners paid their respects to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died on Thursday. Thousands, dressed in black, waited to enter to sign a book of condolences at the palace in central Bangkok. Free buses were laid on to transport mourners from rural areas. A regent will stand in until the late king's son, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, accedes to the throne. Prince

Vajiralongkorn has asked for a delay while he grieves for his father, who at 88 was the world's longest-reigning monarch. Speaking on state television late on Friday, Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam said the head of Thailand's privy council currently former Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda - would be regent. "The situation will not be used for long," Mr Wissanu said. The crown prince and Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn were among those who paid their respects at the palace. On Friday, the king's body was transported in a convoy to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in the Grand Palace from the hospital where he died. Cremation is not expected for several months. Large crowds of mourners lined the streets, many weeping, as the convoy passed. Millions more watched on TV. Flags are to fly at half-mast for the next 30 days and official mourning will last a year. People have been asked to wear black, and avoid "joyful events" during this period.

King Bhumibol earned the devotion of Thais for his efforts to help the rural poor and was also seen as a stabilising figure in a country often wracked by political turmoil. Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. But critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and sometimes failed to speak out against human rights abuses. The crown prince, who is 64, spends much of his time overseas and is much less well known to Thais. Strict lese-majeste laws protect the most senior members of Thailand's royal family from insult or threat. Public discussion of the succession can be punishable by lengthy jail terms. (BBC)




A Day Like Today

Margaretha Geertruida MacLeod Zelle 'Mata Hari' (1876-1917) The Dutch exotic dancer that transformed the ‘art’ of movement on a stage, the fallen princes that enchanted thousands around the world with her hypnotizing curves and dazzling beauty, the lost soul dressed with golden attire, better known by her stage name ‘Mata Hari’, was executed by a French firing squad a day like today 1917 Mata Hari was born Margaretha Geertruida MacLeod Zelle, in Netherland, on August 7, 1876. She grew in an upper middle class family. Her father Adam Zelle was a businessman, who owned a hat shop and made successful investments in the oil industry. Zelle had three young brothers. After a period of bad deals, and weak investments the family went bankrupt, causing the divorce between Zelle’s parents. This was the beginning of a

wave of misfortune for the family. Her mother died in 1891 and her father remarried in Amsterdam. Forcing her to move with her godfather in Leiden, a city in the Dutch province of South Holland. The connivance with her god father wasn’t ‘fluid’, having to move latter to The Hague , in the western coast of the Netherlands. Looking for monetary stability, Zelle marries Dutch Colonial Army Captain Rudolf MacLeod, on July 11th 1895 The couple had two children, Louise Jeanne and Norman John, but they split shortly after the kids were born due to domestic abuse and adultery. The divorce was official by 1906, giving privileges to Captain Rudolf for the custody of the children due to his power and economic stability. Her son died in 1899 due to health complications, and her daughter wasn’t allowed to see Zelle by Rudolf’s commands. After accepting her situation, Zelle decided that independence was her only choice. But at that period being an independent woman was a challenging quest. Paris was a controversial sand of opportunities on the epoch, and open minded land that bloomed with classic art and music. Zelle made it her next destination and her way out of her financial crisis. She was deeply attracted by the Dutch East Indies culture, now Indonesia passion that she exploited on her behalf. She started to work in Parisians circuses as an Asian descendent exotic dancer and model changing her name to Mata Hari (eye of the dawn). Her fake identification of mixed races, Asian attire of golden ornaments and lose fabric, enhanced by her provocative and tempting performances caused a revolution on the private staged in whole Paris. Mata Hari became a celebrity of the period as one of the most beautiful and seductive woman ever known. Soon she would be seen with celebrities, political figures and

renowned members of the upper class. She enjoyed fame and wealth, but as the years passed by her beauty and charms started to fade, along with her audience. At the end of her career she was denominated just as a ‘fancy courtesan’. During the First World War (19141918), Zelle was involved in a romantic relationship with the Russian Captain Vadim Maslov. Maslov was seriously injured in 1916. His superiors knowing about Zelle’s romance with soldier saw it as a priceless opportunity to use the famous ‘Mata Hari’ for their military benefit. Zelle was intercepted by Maslov’s superiors, who told her that she would only be allowed to see Maslov if she agreed to spy on Germany.From this point the life of our exotic dancer was filled with risks disappointments and tragedies. It was alleged if Zelle was also working with German government as a spy for the military moves of France. Serving like this a double agent. On the suspicion of the matter, Zelle was captured by the French authorities in the spring of 1917, and put under interrogation.. After finding scarce but compromising evidence of her involvement with the German government, Zelle was sentenced to death by the French Jury. Accusing her of espionage, and placing on her ‘back’ all the weight of France’s losses on the war so far. As if a death sentence wasn’t enough, Captain Maslov, Zelle’s lover, declined to testify on her behalf. It was reported that Zelle was not tied to the stake, and refused be blindfolded when executed. She defiantly blew a kiss to the firing squad before the bullets ended her life. She was executed by firing squad on 15 October 1917. S o u r c e : http://www.biography.com/people/mata -hari-9402348




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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

You are best to stick to yourself today. You can make money if you put your mind to it. Try to be tolerant of the moods of those around you.

Don't go out of your way, and don't let these unexpected guests cost you money. You can offer your help to others but back off if they appear to be offended by your persistence. Someone you live with will be quite unreasonable today.

Look for professional guidance if it will help unite the family. Travel will be in your best interest. Chances are they are jealous.

You should consider getting your whole family involved in a project at home. You are better off visiting friends or relatives than entertaining at home. Try to be reasonable.

Camping, swimming, and biking expeditions should all be considered. Your mate will be pushing you to do things that you really don't want to do. If you take on too much of a financial burden you may make yourself ill.

Try to curb your habits, or you could find yourself in an awkward financial position. Do not get involved in joint financial ventures. Arguments could prevail.

Travel will be favorable. You can gain knowledge from dealing with foreigners. Emotional disputes will only end in sorrow. You have been going through a period of change that has caused problems for you with your loved ones.

Make money using your ingenuity and creative talent. You can make money if you work on personal investments. Try not to overspend on friends or family.

Be sure to look into travel opportunities that will provide you with mental stimulation. Refrain from overspending on entertainment or luxury items. Help those incapable of taking care of their personal affairs.

You could lose a good friend because of it. It might be best to keep your ideas to yourself today. You are best to avoid confrontations.

You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. Deception in your home is evident. Don't beat around the bush. You will be a real chatterbox today.

You can elaborate on your creative ideas and get involved in groups that relate to the arts. Calm down and take a step back. You can open up to your mate and let them know what you expect out of this relationship.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: MINI EGGPLANT PIZZAS Ingredients 1 eggplant - 3 inches in diameter, peeled and cut into 4 half-inch thick slices 4 teaspoons COCAMAR* cooking oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 cup pasta sauce 1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

**Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS Preparation Preheat the oven or toaster oven to 425 degrees F. Brush both sides of the eggplant with the oil and season with the salt and pepper. Arrange on a baking sheet and bake until browned and almost tender, 6 to 8 minutes, turning once. Spread 1 tablespoon of pasta sauce on each eggplant slice. Top with the shredded cheese. Bake until the cheese melts, 3 to 5 minutes. Serve hot.


Jamaica Athletics: Racers Grand Prix To Be Bolt's Final Meet In Jamaica will retire after the 2017 World Championships in London.

The sprinter has now revealed that the final opportunity to see him competing on his home soil will be at the meet put on by his Racers Track Club. "The Racers Grand Prix will be my last race in Jamaica, it will be the last time I run in Jamaica," Bolt told local Jamaican television. “I am definitely going to retire after the World championships in London, that will be my last one,” said Bolt.


orld’s fastest man has predicted his final race on home soil will be at the Racers Grand Prix in June of next year. Bolt the nine-time Olympic Champion has declared that he

Bolt, who also has 13 World Championships medals to his name, would not have to compete at the country’s national trials as he would receive a bye to the event by virtue of being the defending champion. Bolt recently added to his historical achievements as a sprinter when he became the first athlete in history to claim a triple-triple, after claiming the 100m, 200m and 4x100m titles at three consecutive Olympic Games. (SportsMax)



Hazard Relishing Conte's 3-4-3 System At Chelsea of the pitch. The Blues thumped Leicester City 3-0 at Stamford Bridge on Saturday, with Diego Costa, Hazard and Victor Moses on target.


helsea cruised to victory over Premier League champions Leicester City, with Eden Hazard loving his role in Antonio Conte's attack. Eden Hazard says he is relishing Antonio Conte's 3-4-3 system at Chelsea as it allows him to have more involvement in the centre

That was Chelsea's second straight Premier League win since Conte's tactical tweak, which sees two attacking midfielders deployed behind their focal point in attack, Costa. And Hazard, whose goal was his third in the league this season, is thoroughly enjoying the strategy. He told Sky Sports: "I play more inside the pitch and I don't stay wide. "I play this system with the Belgium side. We have more freedom and we can win the ball back. It is good for us. "We did everything - we created a lot of chances,

scored three goals and didn't concede. It's good to be back and take three points." Hazard added that his celebration – making the number 22 with his hands – was dedicated to team-mate Willian, who is on compassionate leave after the death of his mother. He added: "My celebration was for Willy.

He lost his mother and we are thinking about him. We hope he can come back stronger." N'Golo Kante, meanwhile, enjoyed the occasion against his former club. He said: "For me it was a special game because last season I enjoyed it in Leicester. To play against them is special. "I'm happy to win because now I'm a Chelsea player and it was important for us. "I had my chance, maybe I will score next game! The most important thing is to win and we are happy with that." (SportsMax)


Sevilla Finally Break Away-day Hex

Sevilla won their first LaLiga away game in almost a year and a half as an 85th-minute Pablo Sarabia stunner saw off Leganes. Pablo Sarabia's late stunner lifted Sevilla to a 3-2 success at Leganes, their first away win in LaLiga for 17 months. With all of LaLiga's top four in action on Saturday, breaking their away-day blues was crucial for the Andalusians and Franco Vazquez's header in the 25th minute had them on their way. Samir Nasri doubled the lead shortly before the hour, but Jorge Sampaoli's side were stunned by two goals in the space of three minutes from the newly promoted side. Timor and Alexander Szymanowski struck to turn the tide, but Sevilla hung on before Sarabia had the final say. Drifting in from the left flank, Sarabia found the top-right corner with a curled right-foot effort, sending the small pocket of travelling fans delirious. Temporarily top after their first away win in 23 in the league, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid can move back ahead of Sevilla in later games versus Real Betis and Granada. (SportsMax)

Aguero On The Bench For City,Following Sterling And De Bruyne Start an injury scare in the international break, Sergio Aguero has dropped to the bench for Manchester City's clash with Everton. Pep Guardiola has left Sergio Aguero on the bench for Manchester City's home clash against Everton on Saturday, but Raheem Sterling and Kevin De Bruyne are both fit to start. Aguero, who has scored five goals in as many games for City in the Premier League so far this season, had an eventful international break, missing a penalty for Argentina in a World Cup qualifying defeat to Paraguay and suffering a calf issue that has seen him left out of the starting XI by Guardiola. Meanwhile, Sterling and De Bruyne, who missed the latest international fixtures due to injury, are selected from the start. Guardiola has also seemingly changed from his usual formation, opting to play a three-man defence of Nicolas Otamendi, John Stones and Gael Clichy.



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Bonucci Replaces Injured Chiellini In Juventus Squad A thigh strain has ruled Giorgio Chiellini out of Juventus' meeting with Udinese on Saturday and Leonardo Bonucci will take his place. Giorgio Chiellini has been replaced by Leonardo Bonucci in the Juventus squad to face Udinese in Serie A on Saturday after suffering a thigh strain. Chiellini missed Italy's 2018 World Cup qualifying match against Macedonia in the week due to bruising on his right calf. The 32-year-old centre-back suffered another muscle injury during a training session earlier on Saturday. Bonucci, who had initially been handed the opportunity to rest by coach Massimiliano Allegri, has been called up as his replacement. No timeframe has been given for Chiellini's return, with a Champions League encounter against Lyon on Tuesday followed by a meeting with AC Milan next weekend. (SportsMax)

Chelsea 3 Leicester City 0: Costa, Hazard And Moses Heap More Misery On Champions

Chelsea handed Leicester a fourth consecutive away defeat in the Premier League, with Diego Costa, Eden Hazard and Victor Moses scoring. Premier League top scorer Diego Costa continued his fine start to the season as Chelsea comfortably defeated champions Leicester City 3-0 at Stamford Bridge. The Chelsea striker was on target within seven minutes with his seventh strike of the league campaign. David Luiz hit the woodwork with a freekick before Eden Hazard extended the hosts' advantage in a dominant first-half performance. A Leicester comeback never looked likely and they failed to register a shot on target in a dreadful display, although only the post prevented a Luiz own goal after the break. Victor Moses then sealed Chelsea's victory late on after a great flick from substitute Nathaniel Chalobah, giving Antonio Conte a welcome result in a week that has seen him fend off speculation over his future. Conte's side have now won two consecutive league games, while Leicester – who left out Riyad Mahrez, Danny Simpson and Islam Slimani, perhaps with Tuesday's Champions League game against FC Copenhagen in mind – have lost all four of their top-flight away matches.

That leaves them eight points adrift of Chelsea and 10 behind leaders Manchester City, who have a game in hand against Everton later on Saturday. Chelsea swiftly moved in front, Costa lashing home a leftfooted strike which Kasper Schmeichel failed to get enough behind after the Spain striker had been left unmarked by Wes Morgan when Nemanja Matic flicked on a Hazard corner. Luiz came close to doubling the hosts' lead midway through the half striking the post with a dipping free-kick from 20 yards – but the second goal did arrive on 33 minutes. Matic's throughball was not dealt with by three Leicester defenders and Pedro then found Hazard, who – after a fortunate ricochet – was able to race clear, round Schmeichel and coolly finish for his third league goal of the campaig. Another Luiz free-kick was beaten away by Schmeichel at the end of a first half which saw Leicester offer very little. Both sides had penalty claims turned down after the break – Christian Fuchs ruled not to have deliberately handled in blocking Pedro's shot and Victor Moses' challenge on Jeffrey Schlupp going unpunished by referee Andre Marriner at the other end. Moses was then impressively denied by

Schmeichel after being set up by N'Golo Kante on a swift counter-attack as Chelsea looked to put the result beyond doubt. That intervention could have sparked a Leicester comeback, but Luiz was fortunate to see his attempted clearance from Marc Albrighton's threatening cross bounce to safety off the woodwork. Claudio Ranieri brought on Mahrez and Slimani for the final 23 minutes, but Leicester were still unable to trouble Thibaut Courtois. Morgan made an excellent sliding block to deny Kante against his former club, but a third goal did arrive on 80 minutes as Moses slotted home after a slick exchange with Chalobah, with C o n t e ' s m e n c r u i s i n g t o v i c t o r y. (SportsMax)


De Boer Wants To Cut Out 'Naive' Inter Errors

Inter coach Frank de Boer will not change his side's approach against Cagliari, despite an inconsistent start to life in Serie A. Frank de Boer says Inter can lead a charge up the Serie A table, as long as they cut out "naive" mistakes in defence. Inter have conceded the ďŹ rst goal in all bar one of their games under the Dutchman this season, but impressive powers of recovery have resulted in three Serie A wins, leaving them ninth. A 2-1 victory over Juventus in September proved Inter's big-

game credentials, although their ambitions were dented by defeat to Roma before the international break. And De Boer is determined to serve a response when the Nerazzurri host Cagliari on Sunday. "We analysed everything with the sta and must start playing before the 20th minute. When we are able to avoid these blackouts, we will make some steps forward," he said. "We can't keep losing possession in such a naive fashion, especially in dangerous areas of the pitch. These are errors that must be avoided." Despite the defensive concerns, De Boer simply wants Inter to perform better in their current system, which he sees no reason to change. "We must improve, but we always want to win against any opponent," he added. "Against sides like Juventus the game is going to be more open, but there are fewer spaces with the smaller clubs. It makes it diďŹƒcult for us, but the important thing is that we have patience. "Roma and Napoli have their style of football and do not change it. We didn't change our approach even against Juventus, so why should we modify it against other teams? "We must win to stay close to the leading group. I have a lot of faith in my players. It hasn't been easy for us to remain a united block because there were gaps between the various elements, but I talked to my players and they understood it's important to stay tight." (SportsMax)


Samuels Fifty Leads West Indies Recovery

Marlon Samuels was strong on the cut and the drive © Getty Images Tea West Indies 138 for 2 (Samuels 50*, Bravo 30*, Yasir 2-42) trail Pakistan 579 for 3 dec (Azhar 302*, Aslam 90, Bishoo 2125) by 441 runs Starting the day with a cushion of over 500 runs, Pakistan took early steps to make themselves even more comfortable, with Yasir Shah removing Kraigg Brathwaite in the second over, even before a run was scored. Pakistan's seamers also showed greater control than their West Indies counterparts on what was still a flat, easy-paced Dubai pitch. But Marlon Samuels and Darren Bravo helped West Indies stage a brief recovery, taking them to 138 for 2 at tea.

Yasir got a flighted delivery to drift into middle stump before turning away slightly to beat Brathwaite's outside edge and hit off stump. While it was a good ball, it was made to look even better by the batsman, who lunged forward and played down the wrong line. Yasir bowled with good rhythm throughout the session, getting the ball to grip and turn apart from giving it a generous flight. At one point, Bravo threw his hands at a cut shot off a delivery that was slightly short of a length. The execution didn't come off and an edge flew past slip for four. Though it was a case of the batsman making an error, it was partly down to the fact that Yasir wasn't giving away much. When he did err in length, it was generally on the fuller side, allowing Samuels to drive a few fours through the covers. Samuels perhaps got more out of the session than any other player, briskly moving to a half-century off 82 balls. He started his innings with consecutive boundaries off Yasir - one cut through point, the other driven through extra-cover. Even so, he was not totally convincing. Staying leg side of the ball against the fast bowlers, as is his method, he was rather edgy initially. He had an early slice of luck when an outside edge off Mohammad Amir fell short of Babar Azam at second slip. He was also unconvincing when ducking under the bouncer, often taking his eyes off the ball. In between those moments, though, he unfurled some decent drives and cuts, hitting seven of his eight fours through the off side. Bravo's stodgy knock provided a fine counterpoint to Samuels' relative extravagance and the two had put on a promising 69-run stand by tea. (ESPNcricinfo)


Ferguson, Weatherald Tons Set New Australian Record

Callum Ferguson made his highest List A score of 154 © Getty Images South Australia 7 for 420 (Ferguson 154, Weatherald 141, O'Donnell 3-84) beat Cricket Australia XI 318 (Carder 93, Gibson 68, Iglis 68, Valente 4-49) by 102 runs South Australia amassed the highest total in the history of oneday domestic cricket in Australia. Their 420 for 7, fuelled primarily by centuries from captain Callum Ferguson and opener Jake Weatherald, was enough to shatter Cricket Australia XI and the previous record - 4 for 405 - set by Queensland against Western Australia in 2004. The game plan was simple. The pitch was flat. CA XI had invited their opposition to bat. The rest became history. The 21-year old Weatherald, playing

his first season of List A cricket, raced to his half-century in 31 balls. He was celebrating a century 35 balls later, his first in the format. He finished with 141 off 107 balls with 17 fours and six sixes. Weatherald's opening partner Alex Carey was one of the few who missed out, dismissed by left-arm quick Tom O'Donnell, who was CA XI's best bowler on the day with 3 for 84, but Ferguson came out and the run-fest continued. The Redbacks captain eased to his sixth List A hundred and turned it into a career-best score - 154, which included 17 fours and three sixes. "We talk about getting two guys set at the crease together and the sort of damage you can do when that happens," Ferguson told cricket.com.au. "We've managed to do that a couple of times in the past few games and voilà, we've ended up with two wins. It's great to see that come to fruition. When you're playing in good conditions like this you've got to make the most of your starts and Jake and I were able to do that today." There was little under seven overs left when both men were dismissed, which Alex Gregory used to smack an unbeaten 42 in 24 balls to claim the record. CA XI's response were build around half-centuries from Josh Inglis (68), Ryan Gibson (68) and Jake Carder (98). They were 226 for 3 in the 29th over but the middle and lower orders were unable to combat the humongous scoreboard pressure. They were dismissed for 318 in 42 overs. In a stroke of irony, on a pitch where 738 runs were scored, Cameron Valente, the 22-year old seamer, picked up a career-best 4 for 49 to seal Redbacks' victory. According to a report on the Cricket Australia website, offspinner Arjun Nair injured his leg in the first over and needed 16 stitches. He completed his 10 overs though, picking up 1 for 68. (ESPNcricinfo)


Resurgent Wozniacki To Face Mladenovic In Hong Kong Final Caroline Wozniacki stands on the brink of a second title in the space of a month, but Kristina Mladenovic stands in the Dane's way. A new Hong Kong Open champion will be crowned this weekend

after Caroline Wozniacki and Kristina Mladenovic came through their semifinals on Saturday. Wozniacki is on the brink of a second title in the space of a month after the resurgent fifth seed beat defending champion Jelena Jankovic 6-3 6-4. The Dane got into her stride after an uncertain start, breaking Jankovic's serve five times to come out on top in the battle between two former world number ones and she has still not dropped a set this week. Jankovic was twice a break up in the second set before Wozniacki took command to move one

victory away from adding to her solitary tournament victory of the year at the Pan Pacific Open last month. Mladenovic will attempt to claim her first WTA singles tournament success on Sunday after she bundled out eighth seed Daria Gavrilova 7-5 6-3. Gavrilova claimed the scalp of world number one Angelique Kerber on Friday, but the Australian was brought back down to earth by the unseeded Mladenovic. Mladenovic will play in her first final since June after exceeding expectations to set up a showdown with Wozniacki, who has won both of her only two encounters with the Frenchwoman. (SportsMax)


ICC To Make DRS Presentation To BCCI improvements exactly, considering DRS is made up of two to three elements." India's upcoming home Test series comprise five matches against England followed by a one-off Test against Bangladesh, before ending the season with a four-Test series against Australia.

Will look to introduce DRS in future Kohli In a fresh attempt to convince the BCCI, ICC general manager Geoff Allardice will travel to India next week to carry out a presentation on the Decision Review System (DRS). India are the only team to have not subscribed to the DRS after being the first to experiment with it, in 2008. The BCCI's reluctance is well known and recent board presidents from N Srinivasan to Shashank Manohar to Anurag Thakur now - have expressed the same reservation on the referral system: that unless technology is 100% perfect, India will not use the DRS. The ICC has consistently called for a uniform referral system to be used by all teams. In July, ICC chief executive David Richardson had revealed that its cricket committee and chief executives' committee wanted the ICC to take "more control" of the DRS. Incidentally, the ICC cricket committee's head is Anil Kumble, also the current India coach. Kumble and Allardice have witnessed the research carried out by a team of

engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who were last year asked by the ICC to independently assess the performance of the technologies that are part of the DRS: ball tracking and edge detection. The MIT team gave a detailed presentation to the ICC cricket committee during the annual conference in June. Allardice is likely to highlight the MIT research during his presentation, which is likely to be attended by the top brass as well as key officials of the BCCI. The key point that Allardice will drive home is how the DRS and its various components have become more reliable since the system's inception in 2008. It is understood that the ICC wanted to do this presentation earlier, but a convenient time could not be worked out. "They wanted to showcase improvements that have been made after the MIT research," a BCCI official said. "This is something they have been wanting to share for quite some time. We need to wait and see what are the

It is understood both BCCI and ECB have not worked on the MoU for the series so far and hence it is too premature, officials pointed out, to speculate whether the DRS would be used or not. The BCCI official was not sure whether senior Indian team members like MS Dhoni and Test captain Virat Kohli, along with Kumble, will attend the meeting considering they were busy with the ODI series against New Zealand. During his reign Dhoni never categorically expressed his opinion on the DRS. In contrast, Kohli has consistently said he is open to the referral system. (ESPNcricinfo)


Leverkusen Deny Forcing Calhanoglu To Play

Hakan Calhanoglu made the decision to miss his grandmother's funeral to play for Bayer Leverkusen, the Bundesliga club have insisted. Bayer Leverkusen have rubbished reports that Hakan

Calhanoglu has been threatened with a ďŹ ne and forced to play after the death of his grandmother. Leverkusen travel to Werder Bremen on Saturday and will have the Turkey playmaker in their squad, despite his family bereavement. Reports in Turkey had suggested that Leverkusen had not given their player permission to return home for the funeral, but sporting director Rudi Voller says the decision was Calhanoglu's alone. "A ďŹ ne? This is complete invented nonsense," Voller told Bild. He added in a statement released on social media: "Hakan informed us about the bereavement in his family. Of course, we had given him the opportunity to travel to the funeral. "However, in agreement with his family, it was Hakan's own decision to stay with the team. "We are facing an important game, that is why he decided for himself to stay. "We respect this decision. All the other claims that the club had exerted pressure on Hakan are lacking any foundation." (SportsMax)


Don't 'Destroy' Taskin, Warns Hathurusingha

Taskin Ahmed's emergence has caused excitement among fans © Taskin Ahmed Whether or not to fast-track Taskin Ahmed into the Test side has become the first public disagreement within the BCB's revamped selection structure. Head coach Chandika Hathurusingha has come down hard on the fast bowler's inclusion in the BCB XI for the second two-day practice match after chief selector Minhajul Abedin had endorsed the move with an eye to his Test potential. Hathurusingha said on Saturday that he doesn't want to "destroy" Taskin's career by making him play a format that he is not unaccustomed. Taskin played the last of his ten first-class matches in February 2013, a year before his international debut. He took only three wickets in the three-game ODI series against England - all in Bangladesh's win in the second game in Dhaka - but he has recovered well from an examination of his action and his potential has brought some excitement. Interestingly, Hathurusingha is part of the selection committee that has selected Taskin. Apart from Minhajul and Hathurusingha, the committee also includes the selectors Habibul Bashar and Sajjad Ahmed, as well as the cricket operations committee chairman Akram Khan and team manager Khaled Mahmud. The formation of this expanded committee is controversial as it requires the coach, operations chairman and manager to oversee the squad picked by the selectors, before the BCB

president Nazmul Hassan approves it. Minhajul, who was appointed chief selector three days after Faruque quit said on Friday that Taskin's inclusion in the warm-up match against England is the "first step" towards bringing him to the longer-version. Taskin has played 20 ODIs and 13 T20s for Bangladesh since his international debut in 2014. "We have decided to include Taskin in the squad for the second practice match as we want to see how his body responds to longer-version cricket," Minhajul said. "We had initially planned to see him in the fourth round of the National Cricket League but as it's been deferred we changed our plans. "We need a bowler like Taskin for our Test team but you all know there was concern with the strength of his body and fitness was a big issue. But he bowled brilliantly after coming back from suspension and looked good. He has no complaints about his fitness, so we have decided to take the first step of bringing him into the fold of longer-version cricket." Hathurusingha wants the experiment to stop there. "Has he played any four-day cricket? So you think people can do magic straight away? No. They are humans. If you haven't played four-day cricket in your entire life, standing four days on the field and bowling 15 overs is entirely new for him. I don't want to destroy somebody's career." But the Bangladesh manager Mahmud, who according to the BCB chief was included in the selection committee to act as a bridge between the players and coach, also backed the return of Taskin in longer-version cricket. "You saw he bowled brilliantly after coming back from suspension and he is real quick. We need such a bowler for longer-version cricket but it's too early to say about his chance in the Test side," said Mahmud. "We have to see how he take the load in the two-day match. I am not the right person to talk about the issue of his fitness or his body strength but what I can say is that he looks better than before." (ESPNcricinfo)

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