October 16, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS “There Is A Crisis Of Confidence In Guyana” – Rohee General Secretary of the People’s said that this way of rule is at odds with PAGE 2

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee


Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee has claimed that there is a crisis of confidence in Guyana, noting that the Guyanese people has lost confidence in the David Granger-led administration. Rohee said that the crisis has manifested in the fact that Guyanese people no longer believe that the APNU + AFC coalition administration will bring the “good life” promised by President David Granger and that there is a “pervasive national sentiment” that the coalition government is “in a state in drift.” The General Secretary said that the “real problem” in Guyana is not mysterious but can be found in government’s well-established method of ruling which he termed as a militaristic command style rule. Rohee

the Guyanese character, customs and morals and has dampened the spirt and morale of the working people, the business community and the farming community. The PPP parliamentarian listed several causes which contributed to the “crisis of confidence,” including political instabilities, lack of understanding for the Guyanese business culture and the absence of developmental inspired initiatives, among others. According to Rohee, the productive, agricultural and manufacturing sectors have suffered the most. Rohee urged the Guyanese people to take note of these “retrogressive development” and be prepared to fight and oppose them.




PPP Blasts M&CC For Removing Stabroek Market Vendors the canopy of the stabroek market. During a press conference at the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) on Thursday, Chief Constable Andrew Foo revealed that vendors under the Stabroek Market canopy are likely to be removed after a rifle was found in a bag belonging to a man, who fled from city constables Wednesday night. Speaking at the Party’s weekly press conference on Monday, General Secretary Clement Rohee said that “the excuse that a gun was found in a bag in the location is suspicious if not deceptive.” Rohee blasted Mayor Patricia Chase-Green and Town Clerk Royston King, accusing them of targeting vendors to appease the Coalition Administration. He said the move by the city council will “take bread for their [wendors] mouth,” forcing the vendors into illegal activities.

General Secretary, Clement Rohee The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has opposed the move by the Mayor and city Council to remove vendors from under

“City Hall and its attempt rid the Stabroek Market of criminal activities will in effect will be creating a wider societal problem by throwing more vendors onto the street forcing them to fend for themselves by any means necessary,” Rohee stated. According to Rohee, if using the discovery of a gun to remove vendors from Stabroek Market, then the same argument must be applied to other market sites around the city. He recommended that what is needed is cooperation with the vendors and more foot patrols by “people friendly” members of the city constabulary.




GWI Examines Likelihood Bringing Relief To Andy Ville Residents situation is, we'll try as best as possible to see how we can bring some relief to the area", Dr. Van West-Charles noted. He further explained that, "Because the area is not established as yet we don't know where roads would run etc, we can't run a lot of distribution lines but what we may be able to do, and I would be advised by the engineers, is to begin putting stand pipes whereby you can get easy access". The GWI MD committed to liaising with the Ministry of Communities and the Lands and Survey Commission, to move ahead with the project. The residents also assured GWI of their willingness to volunteer their labour towards the realisation of the project. GWI will spearhead the undertaking, as well as provide the pipes to be laid. In an effort to prevent water wastage, the MD encourged the villagers to be viligant and to report any leakage. Additionally, pressure taps will be installed to assist in this regard. GWI's Managing Director Dr. Richard Van West-Charles flanked by other officials and some residents of Andy Ville, Linden

A section of the gathering that turned out to be a part of the meeting. Sunday October 9, 2016 - Georgetown, Guyana: The Guyana Water Incorporated is examining the possibility of providing access to running water to the residents of Andy Ville, Linden. This will be made possible through the erection of stand pipes at various points within the community. The village's main source of water is rain. During a meeting on Sunday, GWI's Managing Director Dr. Richard Van West- Charles told members of the Community Development Council (CDC) and other residents that the option of stand pipes was chosen because the area has not yet been regularized. "What I would try to do after we get a good sense as to what the

The community with 90 households and an average of 220 persons, stands to benefit from at least three stand pipes at each main road. Following the meeting, the residents took Dr. Van West-Charles and a team of officals for a walkabout in the community to assess possible areas where the stand pipes can be erected. Those present at the meeting expressed their gratitude to GWI for looking into satisfying their basic need for access to running water. Sunday's meeting came on the heels of a visit to Timehri North, which is also expected to gain access to running water by the end of this year. GWI Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Committed To Ensuring Transparency In Award Of Contracts Georgetown, Guyana – (October 8, We cannot abandon them…unless they are grossly inadequate. Most PAGE 5

2016) With the imminent swearing in of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) expected later this month, President David Granger has said that his administration is committed to ensuring greater vigilance and scrutiny of infrastructural projects and awarding of contracts to eliminate opportunities for corruption and cronyism at all levels. The Head of State said, during an interview at State House yesterday, that the establishment of the PPC is very important, as it will create a more transparent process for the award of contracts. “It will remove from Cabinet the obligation of sorting out contracts, so it will be a transparent process. We haven’t been able to swear in Commission as yet for administrative reasons but I am confident this will be done during month of October. When the Coalition parties were in opposition it was something we fought for and now we have it,” he said. The President added that when it comes to the sourcing and management of Government rentals, his administration has taken note of the potential problems of having this done by individual Ministries. “We are aware that there have been complaints of the way in which contracts have been awarded for the rental of buildings. Cabinet has decided that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure will be the authority. So if a Ministry needs a building …it is Public Infrastructure, which will inspect the building and make recommendations on the rent that has to be paid. It wouldn’t be, any longer, the responsibility of the ministry to deal with contractors or landlords,” the President said. Speaking on the supervision of contractual obligations, the President pointed out that this administration inherited a number of infrastructural projects that were poorly constructed. “I am not suggesting that there was corruption, but there was a lack of enforcement of government policy and a lack of supervision, now this administration has to pick up the tab,” he said. The President listed the defective Kato Secondary School in Region Eight, the US$350 million bridge at Hope, East Bank Demerara, which needs significant rehabilitative works, the abandoned building at High and Princess Street, which was built to serve the then Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security as well as several other projects around the country as examples of faulty projects, which have been inherited from the previous administration. “In every area we have had problems of infrastructure; how contracts were awarded, how work was supervised. There have been subject to audits. People have criticised us for audits but they have helped us to understand how the errors were made and it is our job to use the findings of those audits to correct those errors and to make sure there is no reoccurrence,” the President said. Minister of Public Infrastructure, Mr. David Patterson said that his Ministry has reviewed these projects and is working to fix the errors in order to get the best result possible. “We are accountable as a government, irrespective of who started the project and how badly they were done. We have to be accountable.


of them we have tried to salvage, some of them had totally poor planning and were irrelevant and had to be terminated, but we try to rework them as best as we can and to get best value for money,” the Minister said. President Granger has emphasised that the development of the overall infrastructural standards around the country is a priority for this administration, and several major projects have been implemented within the last year alone. Minister Patterson said that there are currently 70 major projects on-going around the country aimed at improving the overall road and bridge network, the sea and river defence, as well as drainage infrastructure in several parts of the country. Chief among these include works on the US$44 million West Bank Demerara road from Vreed-en-Hoop to Hydronie and the Sea and River Defence Resilience Project, which are both expected to be completed in 2018, works on the East Bank Demerara highway, which is expected to be completed by year end, and works on the road from Mahdia to Bartica, which is expected to be completed next year. The Minister added that there are also other community based projects being conducted in various parts of the country, which all contribute to about 34 ‘last lap’ projects which are to be completed by year end. To ensure that there is accountability and transparency in the award of these contracts, however, the he said that there have been significant adjustments made within his ministry to streamline the process. “We have come a long way… we have reviewed the process from top to bottom. We have prequalified a lot of new contractors. We advertise publicly and for the first time we are looking at the previous performance of contractors. So contractors who were delinquent prior will have to pay penalties. Contractors who were good will be encouraged to continue bidding,” he said. Other measures include the practice of holding both consultants and contractors responsible for errors, the introduction of a Bid Protest Committee, which allows contractors to protest bids. The Minister stated that the Committee also has the power of debarment, which allows delinquent contractors to be barred from accessing contracts if deemed necessary. “We have also placed an engineer in every Region. We use to be primarily located in Georgetown, but now we are in every region to ensure contractors do what they are supposed to do, “he said. Minister Patterson said that the process has thus far been fully transparent, adding that no contractor is favoured but is instead judged solely on ability. Additionally, he said that government understands that small and medium scale contractors should also be supported, which has resulted in the restriction of large contractors from bidding on small and medium projects. The Minister also ensured that the smaller contractors will also get a chance to receive contracts for the last lap jobs that will be conducted by year end. Even with these efforts by the Ministry, President Granger has said that the public can be assured that with the commissioning of the PPC, there will be greater transparency with regard to the award of contracts and other related matters, stating that it is something that his administration has fought for even before acceding to office. MOTP Press Release




Rohee Fumes Over Bulkan’s Orders To Seize Assets Of Mabaruma’s RDC Mabaruma Municipality to take full control of all physical assets within the municipality. Rohee told a news conference that the minister allegedly ordered the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) to hand over the physical assets or risk seizure. Rohee noted that this is the second attempt by the APNU+AFC coalition to resort to “the well-practiced bully tactics.”

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, has denounced an alleged unlawful instruction from Minister of Comminutes, Ronald Bulkan to the

Rohee further stated “In this regard, the appointment of Henry Smith as the so called Mayor of the Municipality is in gross violation of legal processing currently before the court through a petition seeking a resolution of the six tied local authority areas following the March 2016 local government elections.” The General Secretary said that the minister should be charged for contempt of

court. Rohee related as far as his party and the regional administration is concerned “there is no municipality council or mayor of Mabaruma.

Until a legal resolution is found, the RDC is the legal custodian of the former Mabaruma, Hosororo, Kumaka Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) assets.” In court documents filed by Attorney at Law Anil Nandall on behalf of PPP, Executive Secretary, Zulfikar Mustapha, Justice Insanally ordered that Bulkan’s decision to select Smith as Mayor be quashed on the grounds that the decision “is contrary to and in violation of Municipal and District Councils Act, Cap. 28:01, is in excess of and without jurisdiction, made in bad faith, is unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious, based upon irrelevant and improper considerations, mala fide, malicious, vindictive, unlawful, ultra vires, null, void and of no legal effect”.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Luminous Women And Najab Trading Host Retired Head Teachers PAGE 7

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 10, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, yesterday, attended a luncheon for retired Head Teachers in celebration of World Teachers’ Day, which was observed on October 5. The luncheon was a collaboration between the business man and the Luminous Women’s Group. Mr. Najab also used the opportunity to announce that he will donate bed sheets to The Palms Geriatric Home to support the First Lady’s efforts to make life more comfortable for its residents. Mrs. Granger spoke briefly thanked Mr. Najab for his gesture and expressed her happiness at his offer to donate to the Home. Mr. Najab said his motivation stems from the joy of giving and added that members of society should a role in giving back to those who have dedicated their service to the country. “Charity begins at home… You have served this country so hard [and] so dedicated; you’ve attained an age where society has to give back to you,” Mr. Najab said. Meanwhile, Mrs. Ingrid Fung, veteran educator and member of the Luminous Women’s group also expressed her gratitude at Mr. Najab’s compassion in hosting the group “They have gracefully accepted to host us this evening; for karaoke, games and we have a lovely feast [and] they have a gift for each individual and that is wonderful… The Najabs went to great lengths,” Ms. Fung said. The Luminous Women's Group has been in existence since April 2015, and this is their second year hosting a gathering for retired head teachers. Last year the group collaborated with well-known Guyanese philanthropist, Mr Stanley Ming. MOTP Press Release


Mrs. Sandra Granger, giving out tokens to retired head teachers

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger and Veteran retired head teacher, Ms. Ingrid Fung at the luncheon held to honour retired Head Teachers

Mrs. Granger, belting out her rendition of “Lean on Me”, during the karaoke session

Mr. Mohammed Najab of Najab Trading Enterprise, giving brief remarks


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Over 700 Citizens Countrywide To Become Social Cohesion Advocates process, as it involves behavioural


Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally said that these workshops will ensure that the mandate of Social Cohesion is filtered from a national level to a community level. Georgetown, Guyana – (October 7, 2016) As part of the advancement of the mandate of the Ministry of Social Cohesion a Diversity Education and Inclusion Workshop Training of Trainers workshop was launched, today, at the Racquet Centre on Woolford Avenue, where 15 persons will be trained as part of a core team, which will work in the ten administrative regions to train over 700 citizens in to become social cohesion advocates within their communities. Today’s session was part of a two-day orientation to provide the core trainers with materials and other information for their task ahead. Those trained were selected by the Ministry of Social Cohesion based on past performance in training and facilitating sessions and included some participants of the United Nations Development Programme 2000-2003 Social Cohesion Programme. Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, said that this programme, which comes even as the the ongoing Consultations are winding down, will ensure that the mandate of social cohesion is filtered from a national level to a community level.


Some of the participants, who will be part of the core trainers team for the upcoming Workshops “Social Cohesion comes from a collaborative effort… it does not just deal with the Minister or the Ministry, and so your response to this training session is an indication that you are on board and are willing to make your contribution to make social cohesion work in Guyana,” the Minister said. Touching on the importance of social cohesion, Minister Ally added that in forging national unity is paramount to strengthening society. “If we have a strong society we will do better i n G u y a n a . We w i l l h a v e m o r e development and self-satisfaction. We will be living in safer spaces,” she said. Noting that the idea of social cohesion is not a new one, the Minister added that it is important for all sections of the community to be included, as every person in society has a significant contribution to make. She added that the core idea is to understand that the people of Guyana must come together to achieve a c o m m o n g o a l . “ We h a v e h a d challenges but we have got to be strong and persistent to make sure that whatever we do, we do not stop midstream because challenges are close to us. We have got to overcome the challenges and move forward with our programme. With your help I have no doubt that we will make headway,” she said. Minister Ally said, however, that even with all the work of the Ministry, the building a more cohesive society is a gradual and ongoing

changes. Lead Trainer of the workshops, Ms. Kala Seegopaul, explained that the topics, which will be covered in the training sessions include values, behaviours, trust building, communication and the need for inclusivity. But the sessions are also aimed at identifying traditional ways in which communities maintain relationships in order to build on those methods to strengthen social cohesion. “For too long, when we talk about diversity we only look at racial and political factors and we need to look beyond that to other differences. So these workshops are really to broaden the view of persons and they will also help to bring the biases out to our consciousness, because once we are aware of it we can do something about it,” she said. She said that while the importance of diversity is usually recognised, it is the power of the diversity that needs to be explored. “We have to bring the power of diversity into communities because if we don’t, we are depriving ourselves of something special,” she said. The community based training sessions are expected to begin on October 22. The core trainers will be divided among the regions and work with community members from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Parent Teachers’ Associations, Neighbourhood and Regional Democratic Councils and other influential groups within the communities. A total of 25 workshops of 30 persons each are expected to be conducted countrywide by year-end. Coming out of these workshops, the participants will be able to draft a work plan and come up with and conduct activities and initiatives that help to foster social cohesion within their communities. MOTP Press Release




PI Continues Into $13M Armed Robbery

Eon Godfrey Lynch, who has been accused of multiple armed robberies, today reappeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman for continuation to the Preliminary Inquiry. Lynch is accused of robbing Yvonne Moe at gunpoint on

April 25, 2016 at Republic Park, East Bank Demerara. Lynch will return before the court on October 11, 2016 for continuation into the matter. Taking the stand today was the virtual complainant, who upon questioning by t h e P r o s e c u t o r, g a v e t h e c o u r t information pertaining to the activities which occurred before, during and after the crime was committed. Leading his own defense, Lynch was given the chance to cross examine the complainant and questioned her on the validity of the information she revealed to the court.

In addition, Lynch questioned Moe’s ability to recall and identify the voice of her assailant to which she revealed she was unable to do so. On the day in question, Lynch while in the company of another, allegedly held Moe at gunpoint and proceeded to rob her of $13M in cash, jewellery and a pistol, all property of Harry Narine. Prior to this, Lynch had appeared before the court before charged with the armed robbery of Dexter Richard of one Jialing Motorcycle valued at $175,000 and one $50,000 gold ring.

Meadowbrook Man Remanded For Unlicensed Gun Magistrate Annette Singh today remanded Meadowbrook resident,

Cleveland Lovell until October 14, 2016 after he appeared at the G e o r g e t o w n Magistrate’s Court charged with being in possession of an unlicensed firearm and a matching round while not being a licensed firearm holder. Lovell was unrepresented and was not allowed to plead to the charge.

The court heard that on the day in question, police acting on information carried out a search at the Jamoon Drive, Meadowbrook home in which Lovell lives and upon searching the bedroom found one firearm under the mattress of a bed. A further search discovered one .38mm round in the refrigerator of the home concealed in a paper bag. He was taken into police custody and charged.




Press Release: Guyana Labour Union

Carvil Duncan Saturday, October 8, 2016 Sometime during February 2016, I received a telephone call from the Secretary to the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon indicating his interest in meeting with me the following Monday at the Ministry of the Presidency. I turned up at the meeting with Mr. Harmon who said to me that he was instructed by President David Granger to have me resign as Chairman of the Public Service Commission which would automatically be followed by my resignation from the other Constitutional Service Commissions,

namely, the Judicial Service Commission and the Police Service Commission. During that meeting, M r. H a r m o n a l s o requested me to consider a financial package that would accompany my resignation. My answer to him was that I had preferred to speak with the President on this matter and I then exited his office. At about 10:30hrs the same day, I received another telephone call from the Secretary to Minister Harmon requesting me to attend a meeting with the President at 11:00hrs that day. I turned up for the meeting at which there was the President, Mr. Harmon and an individual unknown to me. During our discussions, President Granger insisted I resign as Chairman of the Public Service Commission to be followed by the other Constitutional Service Commissions. He then said to me as much as three times, that “he does not want any blood on his carpet,” forcing me to move in the direction of

resigning by the deadline of March 15, 2016. The President offered me a financial package under the same conditions as had been offered by Minister Harmon if I were to resign as he insisted. I left the meeting with an understanding that I would return a call to Minister Harmon confirming my agreement to resign. A few days later, in an attempt to speak to Mr. Harmon, I made numerous telephone calls and left several messages with his Secretary without any response to date. Subsequently, I read a report in one of the daily newspaper, quoting Prime Minister Moses Nagamoottoo’s Personal Assistant saying words to the effect that I, Carvil Duncan failed to respond to a letter sent to me by the Prime Minister. I had checked with both of my offices which were never in receipt of any letter sent by the Prime Minister. I also checked at the post office in my area which informed me that it had no outstanding mail for me. It may be opportune to note that I was also never contacted by the Prime Minister or any of his agents. Guyana Labour Union Press Release




Grenada PM Speaks Out On Knighthood Controversy By Caribbean News Now contributor ST GEORGE’S, Grenada -- Following allegations that British public relations consultant Anthony Bailey used promises of donations and unofficial honours to obtain an unlawful knighthood in Grenada, the prime minister of Grenada has spoken out on the matter. In doing so, Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell flatly rejected earlier denials by Commonwealth secretary general, Baroness Patricia Scotland, that she had any hand in helping her “dear friend” Bailey secure his knighthood, which has since been revoked. Dominica-born Scotland has always insisted she did not arrange for Bailey to meet Mitchell, following which Bailey was awarded the honour in return for charitable donations. But speaking for the first time about the affair, Mitchell insisted it was former UK attorney general Scotland who introduced them – and claimed the baroness was present at the meeting when honours were discussed. “Bailey came to this country through someone who stood at the highest level of British government, the former attorney general of Britain,” Mitchell said. “I didn’t know [Bailey] but he had an appointment in my office as I knew Patricia Scotland.” In a statement to Britain’s The Mail on Sunday newspaper earlier this year, Baroness Scotland insisted that she “did not arrange the meeting”. “They claimed they had this Constantinian Order, and they gave medals, all kinds of claims were made,” Mitchell said. Again, this directly refutes Scotland’s earlier statement to the newspaper that she “did not have an operational role in the Order”, despite serving as the deputy head of the group’s British branch. At the time, Bailey was touring the Caribbean, conferring honours upon dignitaries on behalf of his obscure Catholic order and receiving them in return. Bailey and Scotland first met Mitchell in October 2014. A few months later Bailey and three friends were given knighthoods by the Grenadian government as part of a “reciprocal arrangement”. These were later revoked following revelations by The Mail on Sunday that they may have violated the country’s laws. Under the Grenadian Honours Act, only two people can receive knighthoods each year. However, Bailey managed to obtain four for himself and his allies in a day. “The government I am leading did agree to [the knighthood], based on what we thought was in the country’s best interests,” Mitchell said. “The minute we found out there were some issues, it was cancelled. The knighthood has been revoked. He is no longer a knight. He was formally written to. He wanted more than that. He wanted us to make him ambassador to the Vatican. I said, ‘No way!’” According to Mitchell, the meeting with Baroness Scotland formed part of her campaign to become Commonwealth secretary-general. “Scotland did everything to be elected secretary-general,” Mitchell said. “She knew Grenada had agreed not to vote for her. When she finally won, after having been so nice to me before, she [discarded me].” The Mail on Sunday revealed Scotland’s entanglement in the

honours scandal in May. An investigation uncovered how Bailey had received a similar knighthood in Antigua and Barbuda after promising millions in donations to the island nation. Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne has indicated that the knighthood awarded to Bailey is under “review”. Two of Bailey’s friends who were knighted with him in Antigua have already had their honours revoked pending an investigation. One of the other knighthood recipients at the time, Spas Roussev, later said that the process was “irregular and not as originally described”. Browne said that all three knighthoods had been arranged prior to his Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) coming to power in June 2014. “By the time we came to office, this was a fait accompli and we honoured the arrangements without any knowledge of the prior discussions,” he said. Browne is understood to have referred the matter to the local Honours Committee but the governor general, Sir Rodney Williams, who chairs the committee, asked that the review be deferred and, several months later, little or no action has been taken. Williams is said to have been the beneficiary of “wining and dining” in London and a paid trip to Rome in November last year to meet the pope at the expense of the Constantinian Order “delegation” and/or Bailey. Williams is married to Sandra Scotland-Williams, a cousin of Baroness Scotland. To the dismay of the Foreign Office and the Royal Household, the Antigua honour was used by Bailey to masquerade as a knight in the UK from 2014 until earlier this year. In August, the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, based in Spain, disowned what it described as the purported exchanges of decorations between the Constantinian Order and certain Caribbean states. The Order’s grand chancellor also disavowed any links with Bailey and Baroness Scotland. (Caribbean News Now!)

Baroness Patricia Scotland with Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell (centre) and Anthony Bailey in 2014




Nicole Forecast To Become A Hurricane Again As It Heads Towards Bermuda By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Tropical Storm was slowly strengthening on Sunday and is forecast to regain hurricane force by Monday afternoon as it begins a slow northward movement towards Bermuda after meandering for several days in the open Atlantic. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Sunday, the centre of Tropical Storm Nicole was nearly stationary, located about 560 miles (900 km) south of Bermuda. A slow northward motion should commence, followed by a turn toward the north-northwest by Monday. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher gusts. Gradual strengthening is forecast during the next couple of days. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km) from the centre. Swells associated with Nicole and post-tropical cyclone Matthew should increase on Bermuda during the next couple of days. These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents.

Tropical Storm Nicole five-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic

Bahamas Cleans Up After Hurricane Matthew NASSAU, Bahamas -- Hurricane Matthew weaved a destructive path throughout The Bahamas last week, with New Providence receiving a direct hit. However, fears that the storm would loop back and strike parts of The Bahamas again have now been allayed with the latest forecast, which has it moving into the open Atlantic. Despite repeated warnings to evacuate coastal areas of New Providence before Hurricane Matthew hit, Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean said almost 500 people in the capital had to be rescued from those areas throughout the storm. Dean told The Nassau Guardian that rescues had to be made in the midst of the storm as water was flooding into people’s homes. On Tuesday night, during a press conference at National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) headquarters, Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade called on residents in low-lying areas to leave as soon as possible. “Please do not [cause] us, the commodore, myself and other law enforcement agencies to have to come out in the middle of the storm to try to rescue you in very difficult circumstances.” However, many residents apparently disregarded the warnings. In the meantime, many residents throughout New Providence will be without electricity well into this week as Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) struggles to reenergize its power generation network, according to Corporate Communications Manager Arnette Wilson-Ingraham. BPL’s distribution network was also substantially impacted by the storm. Cable Bahamas Limited (CBL) did not specify when customers on New Providence would have their services restored in a statement released on Friday afternoon. The Bahamas Telecommunication Company (BTC) on the other hand said it was able to restore its network to almost all islands within hours of Matthew exiting The Bahamas, according to CEO Leon Williams. The extent of the damage remains unclear on many of the Family Islands as initial assessments are ongoing, The Nassau Guardian reported. “With

respect to Exuma, that was impacted; we are waiting the full assessment from Exuma,” Prime Minister Perry Christie said. “Obviously we were impacted strongly in New Providence and tremendously in North Andros and in Grand Bahama.” The prime minister also indicated that as efforts to deal with damage continue, budgetary allocations from various ministries may be reduced and a hurricane relief fund will be created. “So what we decided to do is to explore immediately in creating a hurricane fund that we will invite commercial banks to participate in and have that segregated from the government expenditure so we can be accountable for that fund being directed to relief for Matthew,” he said. The prime minister left for Grand Bahama on Friday to assess the damage on the island, which is said to be severe in certain areas. (Caribbean News Now!)

Several areas were flooded and filled with debris after Hurricane Matthew, a category three storm, ripped through New Providence on Thursday. Photo: Ahvia J. Campbell




CDEMA Supports Civil Protection Directorate In Haiti Post Hurricane Matthew BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- Six experts from the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), drawn from the CDEMA Coordinating Unit and the participating states of Saint Lucia and Jamaica, are now stationed in Haiti to provide operational support to the Civil Protection Directorate (CPD) in response to the widespread devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew. The experts are members of the CARICOM Operational Support Team (COST) and will provide support to coordination efforts in Jérémie and Les Cayes, two settlements most affected by Matthew. The team met with the minister of the interior and territorial communities, Francois Anick Joseph and Madame Jean Baptiste, director of the CPD. Hurricane Matthew ravaged the South and Grand Anse areas of Haiti between October 3 and 4, 2016. The National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) has reported that the immediate needs identified include water, sanitation, cleaning supplies and roofing materials. The latest confirmed damage and injury report provided by the CPD on Saturday indicated 336 fatalities, 211 persons injured and 61,357 currently staying in temporary shelters. The areas of major concern are the urban centers, coastal areas and the interior specifically in the departments of Grand Anse, Nippes and the South. The NEOC planned to conduct a helicopter reconnaissance to Jeremie and Les Cayes for the team on Sunday to further assess the damages. The COST is tasked to make two (2) departmental EOCs functional, one in Jérémie in Grand Anse and the other in Les Cayes in the South. The team

will be stationed in Les Cayes. At the request of the Government of Haiti, and based on priority needs identified, Emergency Operations support is being provided through COST. In accordance with the regional disaster response support doctrine, COST was developed as the instrument to sustain the national EOC, where the capacity of a NEOC was overwhelmed, and assistance was required to support the national level coordination. COST provides surge capacity to the NEOC and provides direct support to the impacted state within 24-36 hours after the initial impact. COST teams help to operate the EOC, compile data, generate information, coordinate resources both external and internal, as well as generate reports. (Caribbean News Online!)

COST meeting with the Ministry of the Interior and Director CPD in Haiti

Nevis Records First Zika Case CHARLESTOWN, Nevis -- Last week, the ministry of health on Nevis was informed by the Caribbean Health Agency (CARPHA) of the first laboratory confirmed case of zika virus disease on Nevis. This is the result of a test done in late August. The patient had no recent travel history, had mild symptoms, did not require hospitalization and was well within a few days. This brings the Federation’s total number of laboratory confirmed cases to four. However, the number of suspected cases on Nevis, that is, persons showing symptoms suggestive of zika virus disease, has risen to 57. Symptoms suggestive of zika virus disease include an itchy rash plus two of the following – mild fever, red eye without pus, muscle aches, joint pains and joint swelling. Residents were asked to note that four out of five persons who are infected with the zika virus do not show symptoms. Furthermore, the vast majority of persons who have symptoms will have a mild illness and will recover quickly, in about five days. There is no medication that cures zika virus disease. Paracetamol may be used for pain relief along with rest and lots of fluids. Avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen.

There is no need to go to the emergency room. According to the ministry of health, there is a general decline in cases in the region and the same trend will shortly occur in St Kitts and Nevis. (Caribbean New Now!)




IMF’s Lagarde banking Praises ECCB and government officials to keep the dialogue with the

St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): The ECCB – the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, has meanwhile come in for praise because of its efforts to address the problems related to the withdrawal of international Correspondent Banks. The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, is pointing to what she described as the bold steps taken by the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union to consolidate their Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism, national regulatory bodies into one regional operation under the Central Bank. Lagarde made reference to several banks faced with the withdrawal of international correspondent banks, having strengthened their customer due diligence policies. The IMF chief noted that they have also upgraded the promptness and quality of their replies to requests for information from external authorities. She said however that while these are all extremely positive steps, they were often not enough to restore banking relations or even prevent the threat of further exits. IMF chief Lagarde urged

international banks and regulators open and exchange ideas on best practices that will ultimately resolve the problems related to correspondent banking. (Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS T&T On Brink of Economic Danger PM: These Are Not Hopeless Times PAGE 15

Even as he declared that T&T is on the brink of the danger zone economically, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley yesterday sought to assure the nation that “these are not hopeless times.” He then proceeded to list out a series of construction projects, mainly in west Trinidad, due to come on stream shortly which are aimed at kick starting the economy. They include construction of a stateof-the-art police station in Carenage, part of a revamping of the Marine Interdiction Branch to combat the narco trade. as well as a first class hospital in Sangre Grande. Rowley said the proposed initiatives would help pull T&T out of its grim economic state, resulting in much needed job opportunities. He said it was the construction industry which had been proven worldwide to stimulate economic growth In his address at the PNM’s 45th constituency conference at St Anthony’s College in west Trinidad yesterday, Rowley recalled when police officers walked out of the Carenage Police Station some years ago. He said since that time, the officers had been occupying rented premises at School Street. “I can tell you that Cabinet is about to receive a document where a site has been settled upon by the police and the Ministry of Planning and Development and very soon work will begin on a new police station in Carenage,” he said. “It will not be an ordinary police station because representation has been made to the ministry responsible, through the police, that the time has come given what we are fighting with respect to this intractable crime problem for the Government to expand policing to our inner shores and we intend to bring back the Marine Police Unit.” Rowley said because the unit will be based at the new Carenage Police Station there will also be the construction of a water front access. “That police station would probably be the only one with a marine base on its compound,” he said. On the issue healthcare, he criticised the previous administration for building a Children’s Hospital in Couva when there was already a hospital some 20 minutes away at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, in Mt Hope. “In the budget are continuation of the abandoned programmes of Diego Martin and its environs,” he said, adding that work had resumed on the Diego Martin Sports Complex which had been abandoned for five years. “The contractor is now back on site and very soon you would see the structure rising into the air,” the PM said. Work is also expected to resume on the Bagatelle Community Centre, which Rowley said had been “abandoned in a similar fashion.” Construction is taking place on the Four Roads Community Centre, which is expected to be completed soon. The Diego Martin Health Centre, which serves the entire Diego Martin valley, is also carded for completion by next year. Prime Minister Rowley also announced plans for a spanking new Carenage Fishing Complex. He said the facility had also been neglected by the former Kamla Persad-Bissessar government. “A contractor has been put on site to keep the site clean and to remove a number of vagrants who occupy the site as their home,” he said “Those persons have been removed and the contractor is finalising his terms with Udecottand very soon you will see construction restarting.” Head offices for the Diego Martin and Penal Regional Corporation are also to be built and


completed by next year as the green light has been given by Cabinet to approve tenders. Roqwley said while the previous government had taken steps to award a contract to build the Penal Regional Corporation, the process had to be scrapped as it carried a $130 million price tag which je deemed ridiculous. “We are going back now to tender for both headquarters. I am absolutely sure that those buildings can be built for less that the $130 million,” he said. Incomplete housing projects Dr Rowley said T&T’s debt increased by $40 billion over the last six years, while revenues pointed downward. The external public debt now stands at $23 billion which must be paid back in US currency, he added However a critical area like housing will not be neglected, the Prime Minister assured. Incomplete housing projects, including Fort View, St James, will be completed and will benefit some 200 families. He said the much sought after Victoria Keys apartments in Diego Martin, for which lands were last week transferred from the Port-of-Spain City Corporation to the Housing Development Corporation (HDC), will be sold at market value. “I would be very surprised if very many of you here will be able to access those units. This is a very sad story because that site was actually created by cutting to fill, taking it to MovieTowne to create reclaimed land and what was left after was the footprint on which those three or four buildings were built,” Rowley said. He said in 2007 the units were almost completed but when the government changed the PP administration spent about $300 million upscaling the apartments. “The cheapest unit is $1.6 million and it ranges from that to $2.5 million to $3 million to $4.5 million. Obviously the HDC cannot make those units available to persons of meagre means, even heavily subsidised,” he said. Rowley said there was one particular one bedroom unit worth millions due to its furnishings. He said money from the sale of the units will go to the HDC to build lower income homes. Commenting on the devastation suffered by Haiti from Hurricane Matthew, Rowley also urged citizens to head to banks to donate. “It doesn’t matter how bad your circumstances, there is somebody who is worse. We talk about pressure and poverty here until you think about Haiti,” he said. (Antigua Observer)

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley (Source: alchetron.com)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS CARICOM Saddened By Death, Destruction Caused By Hurricane Mathew GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Oct 8, CMC – Caribbean Community working with national relief organisations to assess damage, PAGE 16

(CARICOM) Secretary General, Irwin La Rocque, Saturday expressed “deep sadness” at the loss of lives in Haiti and other Caribbean countries following the passage of Hurricane Matthew earlier this week. The storm, which has been described as one of the most powerful to hit the Caribbean in a decade, has been blamed for nearly 900 deaths in Haiti amid fears that the death toll could increase as search and rescue teams make their way to areas that were once inaccessible. “The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) expresses its solidarity with the governments and people of the many states affected by Hurricane Matthew, a hurricane of exceptional strength, as it swept through the region “La Rocque said noting that the hurricane had affected countries like Barbados St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Dominica, Haiti, Jamaica, The Bahamas, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. He said it had also affected Cuba and Dominican Republic “and left in its wake significant loss of life, property and infrastructure. “To date, Haiti has been the most seriously affected with more than 800 deaths, thousands displaced and widespread flooding and devastation in parts of the country raising concerns about a resurgence of cholera. “Moreover, the full scale of fatalities and destruction has not yet been assessed as the isolation of the most affected areas has been exacerbated by the damage of key road and the communications infrastructure” La Rocque said, adding “we are also concerned about reports of extensive damage in The Bahamas”. He said the CARICOM response is being led by the Barbados-based Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) which has been


determine priority needs and provide relief. La Rocque said he has also been in discussions with the leadership of the countries affected as well with the Executive Director of CDEMA as the “Community faces this serious and recurring challenge”. La Rocque said that the passage of Matthew underlines once again the vulnerability of Caribbean Small Island Developing and Low Lying Coastal States (SIDS) to the vagaries of climate action and the reversals they bring to sustainable development efforts. “The early response to the aftermath of Matthew as well as the supportive facility put in place to help resource the required recovery and rebuilding effort also underline the critical importance of the regional institutional frameworks established by the Community, CDEMA and the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) which has already processed payment to two of the affected countries, Barbados and Haiti.” (Antigua Observer)




LIALPA Calls For Transparency As LIAT Witholds Retirement Funds Information PRESS RELEASE – For over three (3) years, the Leeward Islands Airline Pilots Association (LIALPA) has been trying to overcome the stalling and delaying tactics of LIAT’s management in releasing accounting information with regards to their Retirement Funds. As recent as last December, the Company refused to respond to proposals from LIALPA’s Attorney. These proposals are in agreement with the Court’s ruling that the collective agreement between LIALPA and LIAT is binding and enforceable and emphasizes that the staff provident (retirement) fund contributions cannot be unilaterally closed and arrears are to be paid and contributions should continue. The proposals also called for an audit of all staff provident fund deductions not yet paid out to pilots, in order for any new pension scheme to be started. LIALPA has received sound legal advice that the company’s unauthorized deductions/contributions from pilots’ salaries other than towards the contracted staff provident (retirement) fund, is a breach of Labour Laws (specifically Sections C34(1), C30 and 33) and constitutes a criminal offense. LIALPA insists that “Transparency and Accountability” should be the order of the day at LIAT. However, despite many repeated calls from the pilots to account for their contributions to date into the Staff Provident Fund, the calls either continues to fall on deaf ears. Last month (September 29th 2016) this matter escalated at a meeting, when the Company yet again informed pilots that they will not be getting any information with regards to their retirement funds. The Company continued to quote the same reasons it has been citing for the past 36 months: “problems with accountants.” LIALPA deems this excuse “totally

unacceptable.” Therefore, we have come to the general public, so that they can become aware of the three (3) year old problem, the defiance and unreasonableness of LIAT’s Management, and the decreasing patience of pilots. LIALPA’s leadership continues to contain its pilots’ angst and skepticism, but we can only do so much when the Company remains defiant in activities contrary to Court Decisions and contrary to Transparency and Accountability. LIALPA has no other choice but to make a public appeal for LIAT to produce audited statements of pilots’ contributions into their Retirement Fund. We demand nothing less than a company that conducts its business in a Transparent and Accountable manner. This would ensure the continued cooperation and enthusiasm the pilots have shown to the company in the face of this ongoing three (3) year ordeal. (St. Lucia News Online)

Tax Amnesty Announced By Inland Revenue Department PRESS RELEASE – The Government of Saint Lucia has approved a tax amnesty for all tax types administered by the Inland Revenue Department, for the period October 01, 2016 to February 28, 2018. Taxpayers with arrears should contact the Inland Revenue Department to take advantage of this amnesty. The amnesty is applicable to all arrears up to income year 2014 for property tax and arrears up to income year 2015 for other tax types. Penalties will be waived in full and interest of 60, 80 or 100 percent will be waived based on the settlement date.




US Presidential Debate: Clinton Doubts Trump 'Groping' Apology Hillary Clinton has cast doubt on Donald Trump's apology for remarks made 11 years ago about groping women. In Sunday's presidential debate Mr Trump described the remarks - which have provoked outrage - as "locker-room talk", and denied he had groped anyone. Mrs Clinton, the Democratic nominee, tweeted that if he stood by this assertion he was "clearly not sorry". The tweet came as Mr Trump's running mate Mike Pence said he would stand by him despite an outcry over the remarks. However, another senior Republican, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, said he would no longer defend Mr Trump and would focus on defending the party's majority in the legislative chamber, according to sources familiar with a conference call he held with congress members on Monday. A 2005 video released on Friday revealed Mr Trump describing how he had sought to have sex with a married woman and making obscene comments about women. Asked about the video in the debate, Mr Trump turned his fire on Mrs Clinton's husband, ex-President Bill Clinton, whom he described as "abusive to women". She refused to address the comments. At least 38 senior Republicans - including senators, members of Congress, and state governors have withdrawn their support since the video surfaced on Friday. 'Showed his heart' Mr Trump apologised for the remarks, and when pressed during the debate on whether he had engaged in sexual misconduct, he denied doing so. But Mrs Clinton said his explanation that these were words not actions did not amount to an apology. "If Trump stands by what he said about women as "locker room talk," he's clearly not sorry," she tweeted. Meanwhile Mr Pence praised Mr Trump's honesty. "I

think last night he showed his heart to the American people. He said he apologised to his family, apologised to the American people, that he was embarrassed by it," he told CNN on Monday. Earlier Mr Pence had described the remarks as indefensible. The vice-presidential candidate said he was "honoured to stand with" Mr Trump and denied he had considered withdrawing from the race. "It's absolutely false to suggest that at any point in time we considered dropping off this ticket," he said. What were the main points of the debate? When moderator Anderson Cooper asked about the video, Mr Trump denied ever sexually assaulting women, dismissing the remarks as "just words". Instead he focused on Bill Clinton's indiscretions. Mrs Clinton said the explosive video "represents exactly who he is". "With prior Republican nominees, I disagreed with them," she added, "but I never questioned their fitness to serve." Mr Trump said if he won, he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Mrs Clinton and she would be in prison over her private email arrangements. "Everything he just said is absolutely false but I'm not surprised," she responded. "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country." "Because you'd be in jail," he interrupted. Mr Trump also said his Democratic rival "has tremendous hate in her heart" while criticising her for referring to his supporters as "deplorables". Mrs Clinton said she apologised for the comment, adding: "My argument is not with his supporters, it's with him, about the hateful and divisive campaign he has run." The two also sparred on the conflict in Syria, Russian aggression, Trump's refusal to release his tax returns and his plan for the "extreme vetting" of immigrants arriving from countries with links to terrorism. The evening concluded when an audience member asked the candidates to say one positive thing about each other. Mrs Clinton said his children were a great reflection of him while Mr Trump called his opponent "a fighter" who never gives up. An hour before the debate began, Mr Trump appeared at a news conference with women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual

misconduct. He joined three women who allege the former president sexually assaulted them and called the women "very courageous". What else came up? Mr Trump said he had not paid federal income tax in 18 years because he knew the tax code well He constantly complained to the moderators that he was not getting fair treatment On Syria, Mrs Clinton said she would not advocate the use of US ground forces She promised that no-one making less than $250,000 would pay higher taxes but richer people would Mr Trump also admitted he and running mate Mike Pence disagreed about use of force in Syria But he refused to answer when moderator Martha Raddatz pressed him for a military strategy Mrs Clinton also defended controversial remarks she made in a private speech that was made public in leaked emails on Saturday. The transcript revealed she said a politician has a public and private position, but at the debate she said she had watched a film about Abraham Lincoln and was referring only to what he had done. So who are the women? Mr Trump appeared with Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee who settled a sexual harassment suit against Mr Clinton for $850,000 in 1999 with no admission of guilt. Juanita Broaddrick, who claimed Mr Clinton raped her in a hotel room in 1978, also appeared with Mr Trump. Mr Clinton has denied the claim through his lawyer and no charges have ever been brought against him. The third woman was Kathleen Willey, a former White House aide who said Mr Clinton groped her in his office in 1993, but had previously said it never happened. Mr Clinton has also denied this claim. Kathy Shelton, a fourth woman who spoke, encountered Mrs Clinton in a criminal case when she was 12 years old. Early in Mrs Clinton's legal career, she was appointed to defend Ms Shelton's rapist, despite objections, and had his sentence reduced to a lesser charge. Years later, an audio tape emerged of Mrs Clinton speaking with a reporter, in which she can be heard laughing about the case. During one instance, she laughed after explaining that her client had passed a lie detector test, which convinced her to never trust them again. (BBC)




Germany Manhunt: 'IS Link' To Bomb Suspect Al-Bakr - police attempt to stop him. "The methods and Paunsdorf area of the city and found the

Police released pictures of the suspect after Saturday's raid(AFP/GETTY IMAGES) German police say a Syrian man arrested after a two-day manhunt probably had links to so-called Islamic State (IS). Jaber al-Bakr, who arrived in Germany as a refugee, was detained in a flat in the eastern city of Leipzig early on Monday. He had been tied up there. He had sought help from another Syrian, who alerted police after letting Mr al-Bakr sleep at his flat, reports say. The hunt began after police found very volatile explosives at Mr al-Bakr's flat in Chemnitz, south of Leipzig. In the initial raid in Chemnitz early on Saturday, Mr al-Bakr, 22, evaded capture as officers fired a warning shot in a botched

behaviour of the suspect suggest an IS context," said Saxony State Police chief Joerg Michaelis. He said the suspect had researched bomb-making on the internet. "It is reasonable to assume that an explosives belt was nearly ready, or had been prepared already," he said. 'Bomb-making lab' Police found a detonator, explosives and a kilo of chemicals in the Chemnitz flat. Mr Michaelis said the substance appeared to be TATP, a homemade explosive used in the deadly jihadist attacks in Paris last year and Brussels in March. Security sources referred to Mr al-Bakr's apartment as a "a virtual bomb-making lab", and carried out a controlled explosion. German authorities feared a possible plan to target an airport in Berlin. As the search for the suspect broadened, a police commando unit arrested another man in Chemnitz, blasting open the door of his home. However, it was not until late on Sunday night that police were given a tip-off from another Syrian man living in Leipzig who had been contacted by Jaber al-Bakr from the city's main station. At 00:42 on Monday morning, police burst into the flat in the

suspect already tied up, Germany's Spiegel website reported. Jaber Al-Bakr came to Germany in February 2015 and was granted asylum in November, German media say. He reportedly had links to the so-called Islamic State group. He is expected to be moved to the city of Karlsruhe later on Monday. Over a million irregular migrants arrived in Germany last year, many fleeing the conflict in Syria. The BBC's Jenny Hill in Berlin says the latest incident will put pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel to reassure a nervous German public that her decision to allow such large numbers into the country has not endangered the country. A spokesperson for the German interior ministry said on Sunday: "We can't rule out in Germany such attacks that we've seen lately in France and Belgium." The Bavarian CSU, allied to Mrs Merkel's ruling centreright Christian Democrats, called on Monday for stricter security reviews for asylum seekers. The party called on the government to focus "even more intensively" in scrutinising migrants for potential extremists. (BBC)




India Parents Investigated After Jain Girl Dies From 68-day Fast have rejected the family's claim. "The

Aradhana Samdariya's death has sparked strong reactions on social media(UMA SUDHIR) Indian police are investigating the parents of a 13-year-old girl who died last week after undertaking a religious fast for 68 days. Police in southern Hyderabad city told BBC Hindi they want to know if Aradhana Samdariya was forced to fast. Her parents have insisted she voluntarily fasted as prescribed in Jainism, one of the world's most ancient religions. The case has sparked a debate about the practice of religious fasting in India. Reports said Aradhana lived for 68 days on boiled water. Two days after she called off her fast last week, she was dead. Experts believe it is

possible for the human body to survive without food for up to two months. A police spokesperson said a case had been registered against the parents after a child rights organisation filed a complaint. Voluntary fast? "The parents - Laxmi Chand and Manshi Samdariya - have been booked under culpable homicide [causing death by negligence] and Juvenile Justice Act [cruelty against minors]," the spokesperson said. The parents, wealthy jewellers based in Hyderabad, have denied that they forced their daughter to fast. "She asked permission for upvaas [fast that involves renouncing food]. We asked her to stop after 51 days but she would not give up. Her fast was voluntary. No one forced her," Mr Samdariya said. But social activists

entire nation should be ashamed that such a practice still exists. Her father's guru advised the family that if she fasted for 68 days, his business would be profitable," activist Achyut Rao told BBC Hindi. "The girl was made to drink only water from sunrise to sunset. There was no salt or lemon or anything else." Mr Rao also criticised the family for taking out a funeral procession "to hail their daughter as a child saint". "The shocking aspect is that the family is happy that she was the rare one to be taken away by God," he said. Prolonged fasting is popular among Jains, who are a minority religious group in India. Activists have often criticised another controversial practice called santhara, in which a Jain gives up food and water with the intention of preparing for death. The death of the teenager has once again put the spotlight on such practices. Many people have taken to Twitter to express their outrage. Is this for real!! Which century r v living in..worse is that she is from an educated family...#BaalTapasvi #samdariya #aradhana #Hyderabad Fasting is not uncommon in other religions - Muslims go without food and water between sunrise and sunset during the holy month of Ramadan, Christians fast during Lent, Jews go without food during Yom Kippur and Hindus fast on various religious occasions. But none of these religions sanction fasting to starvation and death. (BBC)




Syria Conflict: France Wants Russia On War Crimes Charges

Russia vetoed a UN resolution calling for an end to bombing(REUTERS) French President Francois Hollande has suggested Russia could face war crimes charges over its bombardment of Syria's second city Aleppo. Mr Hollande told French TV this could take place in the International Criminal Court (ICC). He also said he might refuse to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is due to visit France next week. Last week Russia vetoed a Franco-Spanish UN Security Council resolution calling for an end to

the bombing. Moscow has repeatedly denied attacking civilians, and said it targets terrorist groups in Syria. Neither Russia nor Syria is a member of the International Criminal Court. "These are people who today are the victims of war crimes. Those that commit these acts will have to face up to their responsibility, including in the ICC," Mr Hollande told TMC. "If I do receive him [Mr Putin], I will tell him that it is unacceptable. It could also seriously affect Russia's image," the French president added.

Mr Hollande's call for Russia to be prosecuted came as Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said France was working to find a way for the ICC prosecutor to launch an investigation into attacks on rebel-held eastern Aleppo. Last week US secretary of State John Kerry also called for war crimes charges, saying Russian and Syrian government attacks on hospitals were "beyond the accidental" and part of a deliberate strategy. What is the International Criminal Court? ICC logoImage copyrightICC It is designed to prosecute and bring to justice those responsible for the worst crimes - genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. So far only African defendants have been put on trial. A number of important countries seem determined not to submit to its jurisdiction of the ICC. Some have not even signed the treaty, such as the US, China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey. Others, including Egypt, Iran, Israel and Russia, have signed but remain dubious and have not ratified. It is unlikely that alleged crimes against humanity in those states will be prosecuted. (BBC)




Germany Bomb Threat: Jaber alBakr 'Caught By Three Syrians’

The Syrian terror suspect was overpowered and tied up in this Leipzig apartment block(AP) Three Syrian refugees in Germany overpowered a bomb suspect who gave elite commandos the slip and sparked a two-day manhunt, police have revealed. Police believe Jaber al-Bakr, also a Syrian, was planning a bomb attack and had links to so-called Islamic State. They failed to arrest him on Saturday and found 1.5kg of explosives in his flat in the eastern city of Chemnitz. He made his way south to Leipzig and sought help from fellow Syrians, who then handed him to police. Details of the role of the three Syrians emerged slowly as police feared they could be at risk of reprisal. The suspect approached one of the Syrian refugees at Leipzig's main railway station and asked him if he could sleep at his apartment, German media report. Although aware of who he was, the man took the suspect back to his flat in the Paunsdorf area of north-eastern Leipzig where he and his flatmates overpowered him. Saxony police chief Joerg Michaelis said they had heard about the manhunt and tied him up while one of them knelt on him. One of the three then took a picture of the suspect on a mobile phone and travelled to a police station 20km (12 miles) away in the opposite end of the city. Pictures of a person believed to be Jaber al-Bakr released by German police

Shortly after midnight on Sunday antiterror commandos arrived at the flat and detained Jaber al-Bakr. Why did he give police the slip? Intelligence officials had apparently been watching Jaber al-Bakr for several months. He arrived in Germany illegally in February 2015 and was given refugee status. According to his Syrian passport, he was born in a Damascus suburb in January 1994. German intelligence apparently had reports last week that he might be planning such an attack, and they alerted police in the eastern state of Saxony. They found out on Thursday that he had used the internet to get bomb-making instructions and had obtained explosives. On Friday, anti-terror police began watching a flat in a run-down residential area of Chemnitz called Fritz Heckert. They were preparing to storm it when Mr Bakr managed to slip away at 07:04 on Saturday. Defending their actions, police chief Mr Michaelis said they "were not certain if that person was Bakr. "He was told to stop, but he then ran off, police fired a warning shot, but they could not shoot at him because there were other people around. "At dawn the police were visible - so they had to get into the flat as soon as possible," he said. People were evacuated from neighbouring flats and police used explosives to get in quickly, he said. Germany's two-day terror alert The alarm was raised immediately, with appeals over radio, TV and, importantly, police spread the message over the internet in English in Arabic. Little was confirmed initially, but there were unconfirmed reports that the suspect may have been targeting a Berlin airport. Police raided two more flats in Chemnitz and arrested more suspects, mounting extra security checks at railway stations and airports. But there were no sightings and the suspect made his way to Leipzig

station, 85km (50 miles) north of Chemnitz. After he was overpowered by the three other Syrians, a special commando unit and the bomb squad moved in. "Tired but overjoyed: we captured the terror suspect last night in Leipzig," the police said in a tweet. How serious was the threat? German officials identified the explosives found in Chemnitz as TATP, a home-made explosive used in the deadly jihadist attacks in Paris last year and in Brussels last March. It was, said police, "extremely dangerous". "The methods and behaviour of the suspect suggest an IS context," said Saxony State Police chief Joerg Michaelis. "It is reasonable to assume that an explosives belt was nearly ready, or had been prepared already," he said. IS has claimed it inspired two terror attacks in Bavaria, southern Germany, in July. A Syrian man wounded 15 people when he blew himself up at a music festival in the town of Ansbach. A few days earlier, a teenager attacked passengers on a train with an axe, wounding five people. Police have warned that a small number of jihadists may have come into Germany with the influx of more than a million irregular migrants last year. However, there are fears of a backlash from the far right and the anti-migration Alternative for Germany has surged in popularity, particularly in eastern areas such as Leipzig and Dresden. "We're happy that not all foreigners are the same," an elderly couple in Leipzig told German news agency DPA. Saxony Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich praised the three Syrians who overpowered the suspect as "courageous and responsible". The trio have been described as witnesses and local police are still trying to check whether they already knew the man. (BBC)




Taliban Fighters Push Into Helmand Capital Lashkar Gah denied that areas close to the city centre

Afghan security forces fight against the Taliban in the strategically important Helmand province(EPA) The Afghan Taliban have launched a major assault on the strategically important city of Lashkar Gah. The city of 200,000 people is the capital of Helmand province, parts of which have been seized back by the militant group. The new assault is their most concerted push yet into the city, in the south of the country. At least 14 people were killed by

a suicide bomber in Lashkar Gah on Monday. including 10 police officers. The city was the scene of heavy fighting between the Taliban and Nato-led forces before their withdrawal in 2014. Militant forces are said to have taken Bolan, an area close to the city centre, and are also said to control Nawa, which is often called the gateway to Lashkar Gah. A local politician told the BBC that Taliban militants came within two kilometres of the governor's compound. However, a provincial government spokesman

were being contested. Officials said fighters have been pushed back to the outskirts of the city. Thousands of people fled Helmand in August as Taliban fighters increased their activity, with many taking shelter in Lashkar Gah. Authorities have closed the airport as fighting continues. Helmand province is both a fertile farming region and a centre for opium production, bordering Pakistan on one end and covering major routes between cities. Lashkar Gah is seen as the key to holding the entire province, and would represent a major victory for the Taliban. The BBC's South Asia correspondent, Jill McGivering, said the fall of the city would be a "symbolic disaster" for government forces and the international community. "For the past fifteen years, Lashkar Gah has been held up by the west as a safe, protected seat of government - a focus for international development, a weapon in the battle for hearts and minds," she said. "In terms of its propaganda value too, the government and its backers simply can't afford to lose it." (BBC)




Samsung 'Pauses Note 7 Production', Say Media Reports investigates multiple reports of issues, T-Mobile is temporarily

Samsung's flagship phone was only launched in August(AFP) Smartphone giant Samsung has reportedly stopped production of its Note 7 phone amid claims that replacement devices are still at risk of catching fire. News agencies reported Samsung had temporarily halted production after talks with safety regulators. Samsung told the BBC it was "adjusting the production schedule to ensure quality and safety matters". The company has been forced to issue new models of the smartphone following complaints of faulty batteries. It issued a recall of the Galaxy Note 7 in September and later assured customers that the fixed devices were safe. But there have now been several reports of replacement phones starting to emit smoke. 'No longer exchanging' In a further blow, two US mobile networks have stopped replacing or selling the phone. The AT&T and T-Mobile networks said they would no longer replace the devices in the US, while the latter said it would halt all sales of the phone. "While Samsung

suspending all sales of the new Note 7 and exchanges for replacement Note 7 devices," T-Mobile said on its website. Meanwhile, AT&T said: "We're no longer exchanging new Note 7s at this time, pending further investigation of these reported incidents." It advised customers to exchange them for other devices. Manufacturing error Samsung said in a statement last month that the issue of overheating was caused by a "rare" manufacturing error that resulted in the battery's "anode-tocathode [negative and positive electrodes]" coming into contact. But last week, a domestic flight in the US was evacuated after a replacement Note 7 started emitting smoke in the cabin. And a man in Kentucky reportedly woke up to a bedroom full of smoke from a replaced Note 7. In an update on Monday, Samsung said it understood the concerns of carriers and consumers about the newly released replacement Note 7 devices. "We continue to move quickly to investigate the reported case to determine the cause and will share findings as soon as possible," Samsung said. "If we conclude a product safety issue exists, we will work with the CPSC (US Consumer Product Safety Commission) to take immediate steps to address the situation." Shares in Samsung Electronics closed down 1.5% in Seoul. Brand damage Eric Schiffer, a brand strategy expert at Reputation Management Consultants, said the company needed to take action to limit the harm to its image. "If the Note 7 is allowed to continue, it could lead to the single greatest act of brand self-destruction in the history of modern technology," he said. "Samsung needs to take a giant writedown and cast the Note 7 to the engineering hall of shame next to the Ford Pinto." In 1977, the Pinto was the subject of a then-record US recall to address safety concerns. (BBC)




Oil Price Lifted By Russia Backing Opec Production Freeze

Vladimir Putin has said Russia will support Opec's proposed oil production freeze(GETTY IMAGES) Russia has said it will support a proposal by Opec to freeze oil production in order to reverse the slump in global prices. The move lifted the price of oil, with Brent crude hitting a 52-week high. "Russia is ready to accede to joint measures to reduce [oil] production, and is calling on other oil exporters to do so," said Russian President Vladimir Putin. "We support the recent Opec initiative to set production limits," he added. In late afternoon Brent Crude oil was trading up by 2.5% at $53.21 a barrel, just off the $53.73 high hit earlier on Monday. Speaking at the World Energy Congress in Istanbul, Mr Putin said that oil prices had "more than halved" in two years due to surplus production, provoking a "cycle of decreasing investment". 'Avoid fluctuations' He said that if the trends persisted, they would give way to oil shortages and "new, unpredictable price hikes". He expects to reach an agreement to support a cut at Opec's next meeting in November, he said. "Of course, this will also cool down speculative activities and help avoid new price fluctuations," he said. In September, members of the The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) voted to cut production for the first time in eight years. The group's 14 members produce about a third of the world's oil and have been hit hard by falling prices, as has Russia. High prices Opec aims to agree to cut around 700,000 barrels per day at its policy meeting on 30 November in Vienna, bringing its output to 32.5-33 million barrels per day. But some analysts have questioned whether all of its members will stick to the agreement. Differences between Iran and its regional rival, Saudi Arabia, have thwarted efforts to reach a deal in the past, and Russia's latest intervention may have little

impact, said John Hall, chairman at Alfaenergy group "Russia and Opec have not worked well in the past, and while Vladimir Putin promising joint measures is welcome, whether he sticks to it is another matter," he said. "You've also got to see the wider context: Saudi Arabia and Iran are in a proxy war in Yemen. It is still very doubtful they can come to an agreement whether Russia supports a cut or not." 'US obstruction' However, John Kilduff, partner at New York energy hedge fund Again Capital, told the Reuters News Agency: "Putin coming out to say Russia will be part of the initiative has added another layer of credence to the speculation there will be a coordinated cut. "At some point, the market will call them on it and say 'show us the cuts'." In his speech Mr Putin also criticised unilateral sanctions, suggesting the US had blocked the expansion of more oil pipelines from Russia to Europe. "The authorities in certain countries have been telling businesses to close profitable projects, refuse to buy fuel supplied via the shortest possible routes and at attractive prices," he said. "Such actions do nothing to increase the stability of global energy system and also of the global economy as a whole." (BBC)




South African Police Fire Tear Gas At Protesting Students

South African police have fired tear gas at students at Wits University in Johannesburg after they forced their way into lecture halls. The university reopened on Monday after being closed last month because of protests against a

planned increase in tuition fees. Wits had warned the entire academic year could be cancelled if classes did not resume. Protesters have been demanding free education. This is the fourth week of protests sparked by a government proposal to raise tuition fees by up to 8% in 2017. At least two police helicopters are hovering above the centre of University of Wi t w a t e r s r a n d . I t a l l started out as a peaceful protest of students singing and chanting. They then started disrupting classes and threw stones and bottles at private security guards and police who retaliated with

teargas, rubber bullets and stun grenades. Some students were seen vandalising the university. They are also growing impatient, they say a general assembly meeting which was due to be held last Friday to resolve their issues was cancelled without their knowledge. The heavy police presence is an indication that both sides are digging their heels in and the situation is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. The BBC's Justine Lang in Johannesburg says that a hardcore of 600 out of the 37,000 students at Wit University are "determined not to budge". President Jacob Zuma ordered a freeze on tuition fees for a year after similar protests last year. They have been the biggest student protests to hit the country since apartheid ended in 1994. (BBC)

Yemen Conflict: Missiles Fired At US Warship In Red Sea

The US Navy said the USS Mason suffered no damage as a result of the attack(AFP) Two missiles were fired at a US warship from rebel-held territory in Yemen as it passed through the Red Sea on Sunday, the US Navy has said. Both missiles hit the water before reaching the USS Mason, a guided-missile destroyer. A spokesman for Yemen's rebel Houthi movement told the Saba news agency that it had not targeted any warships. The incident came eight days after an attack on an Emirati civilian ship that was also blamed on the Houthis. The UAE government said the high-speed catamaran was carrying aid, wounded Yemenis and passengers when it was hit in the Bab al-Mandab strait.

US Naval Forces Central Command spokeswoman Paula Dunn said in a statement on Monday that the USS Mason had been "conducting routine operations in international waters" north of the strait when it "detected two inbound missiles" around 19:00 (16:00 GMT) on Sunday. "Both missiles impacted the water before reaching the ship," Ms Dunn said, adding that "there were no injuries to our sailors and no damage to the ship". "We assess these missiles were launched from Houthi-controlled territory." However, a Houthi military spokesman told Saba that the charge was "baseless and aimed to cover for the heinous Saudi crime of Saturday's air attacks on the civilian funeral hall in the capital Sanaa", which killed more than 140 people. A Saudi-led multinational coalition, whose air campaign against the Houthis and their allies is supported by the US, has denied any responsibility. Also on Monday, the coalition said it had intercepted a ballistic missile fired by the Houthis at the King Fahd Air Base in Taif in central Saudi Arabia, which hosts US military personnel training the kingdom's armed forces. A missile was also reportedly fired at the Yemeni government-controlled city of Marib in central Yemen. The UN says at least 4,125 civilians have been killed and 7,207 injured since the coalition intervened in the conflict between forces loyal to Yemen's internationally-recognised government and those allied to the Houthis in March 2015. (BBC)




Feathered Spies To Light The Flame Of Conflict Between India And Pakistan 14 year old boy in the village of have been the safest way to transmit

Messenger Dove and the Message in Urdu. (credits to BBC.MUNDO) An alleged ‘Dove-Spy’ or Messenger Pigeon entered the Indian air space this Sunday, carrying a secret message in Urdu (national language and lingua franca of Pakistan, and 6 states of India) addressed to Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. The bird was captured and accused of ‘espionage’. The local police is trying to find the ‘brain’ behind the operation. According to BBC, the message read “Modi we are not the same of 1971. Now each and every one of our children are ready to fight against India.” The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 was the direct military confrontation between India and Pakistan during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. More than 90,000 Pakistanis were taken as Prisoners of War by the Indian Army which included more than 80,000 uniformed personnel of Pakistan Armed Forces, and some Bengali soldiers who had remained loyal to Pakistan. As a result of the conflict, a further eight to ten million people fled the country to seek refuge in neighboring India. Lasting just 13 days, it was one of the shortest wars in history. The dove was discovered this Sunday by the Border Security Force of India in Bamial, in the border state of Punjab. It Wasn’t the First One On previous reports it is stated, that another dove was found days before, by a

Manwal at just 3km from the frontier. The area in which both doves have been found is located between Jammu and Kashmir, territory claimed by India and Pakistan since ‘The Partition of India’ in 1947. A zone that has that has been under constant military confrontations, due to the high tension between both sides. Tensions that have been intensifying since July last, due to the alleged use of force by the Indian authorities towards Pakistan citizens that trespass the borders. The first dove was immediately taken to the police station. There the authorities took X-Rays of the bird in case it could be carrying any microphones or Global Positioning System (GPS). The same procedure was taken with the second bird. Even though the police reported not finding anything suspicious in the insides of both animals, they decided to keep them into custody. Rakesh Kaushal, Police Superintendent of the area, mentioned that this is ‘not the first case of espionage on the area’. This is due to the proximity to the border state of Jammu.

Indian Border Security Force soldiers patrolling along the India-Pakistan border Feathered Spies Historically the Messenger Pigeons,

secret information. Practice that became trend since biblical times. In 2012 a British citizen was cleaning his chimney in Surrey (UK), when he found the remains of what it seemed like a messenger pigeon. This one had an encrypted notice encapsulated on one of its legs. A Canadian team was contacted, and they were able to decipher the text. It is believed that it was sent from France, from a British paratrooper who landed in enemy territory during World War II. In the message his landing was being reported to the British Air Force. Espionage is a State Crime. India declared an anti-espionage Act in 1923, in which is declared that punishments under this Act are ranged from three to fourteen years imprisonment. A person prosecuted under this Act can be charged with the crime even if the action was unintentional and not intended to endanger the security of the state. S o u r c e : http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticiasinternacional-37606048




Revenue From Oil And Gas Could TransformUnited Guyana, Says US Ambassador States f o r m s o f r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y, Guyana’s oil production will be done Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway believes the revenues that are likely to come from the oil industry can transform Guyana into “one of the richest” in the western hemisphere. Speaking at the recent presentation of financial assistance to Guyana’s Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) candidacy at the United States Embassy, Ambassador Holloway said “Examples of how the revenue could be spent include but are not limited to investing in hydropower and/or other

modernization of health care facilities… better schools and universities, and infrastructure projects like a deep-water port and the road to Lethem.” The US Ambassador cautioned that thoughtful planning by key stakeholders is needed to make this possible. “The government, in consultation with other key stakeholders will be able to decide in what sectors and projects the revenues are to be invested,” he explained. It was revealed recently that the oil production would not create many jobs within the industry itself but possibilities for job creation in other sectors do exist if invested in correctly.

off shore and initial plans do not include refining the product. Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, however, is optimistic that when it comes to the potential of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. “Our government looks at this expected revenue as being explosively transformative for the economic and social development of all Guyanese,” he had previously indicated. Ambassador Holloway said this assistance, a grant through The Carter Centre, is part of putting infrastructure in place to facilitate the expected revenue from the emerging oil and gas sector. (GINA)




Case Dismissed Against Man In Linden Fatal Accident Rochelle Forde by dangerous driving. In testimony of Anastasia Mark who had

City Magistrate Judy Latchman today dismissed the case against Clinton John, who was on trial for causing the death of

her ruling, Magistrate Latchman revealed that the prosecution did not prove their case against the accused, to show that he is responsible for the death of the victim. It was alleged that on September 22, 2010 at Haruni on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, John drove motorbus BLL 8710 in a manner dangerous to the public and the death of Rochelle Ford. According to the Magistrate, the prosecution relied mainly on the sole

testified that John was speeding at the time of the accident. But the Magistrate noted that the witness’ testimony could not be trusted since the court cannot rely on a single testimony and it might be of personal opinion. Additionally, the Magistrate revealed that since the woman had died after receiving medical treatment and leaving the Diamond Diagnostic Center, there is no evidence as to what happened to her after leaving the hospital.

ExxonMobil Accused Of Fraud In Chad

Many Guyanese are questioning the government’s decision to keep Exxon Mobil in Guyana following a number of alleged fraudulent accusations around the world. According Bloomberg Market, ExxonMobil Corp. was ordered to pay a record US$74 billion fine in Chad for underpaying royalties in

the central African nation where the company has been drilling for 15 years. However, International Law analysts say that this money will never be collected by the country. The fine is about five times more than Chad’s gross domestic product, which the World Bank estimates at $13 billion. The High Court in the capital, N’Djamena, announced its ruling October 5 in response to a complaint from the Finance Ministry that a consortium led by Exxon hadn’t met its tax obligations. The court also demanded the Texas-based oil explorer pay $819 million in overdue royalties, according to the document. Earlier this year, Exxon reported its quarterly profit fell nearly 60 percent from a year ago as commodity prices remained low and its refining margins were weak. The world's largest publicly traded integrated oil company earned $1.7 billion, or an adjusted 41 cents per share in the second quarter, compared with $4.2 billion, or $1 per share, in the year ago period. Coupled with this, the company is under investigation over a lucrative Nigerian oil deal. ExxonMobil’s deal to secure “the Crown Jewels” of Nigerian oil reserves is under investigation by the West African country’s economic and financial crimes commission. ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil company, secured the lucrative oil rights in 2009 by beating out China’s fourth-largest oil producer for access, despite apparently underbidding its rival bid by $2.25bn. Exxon subsidiary from Nigeria’s federal ministry of petroleum resources shows the accepting of a 2009 bid of $1.5bn for a 20-year lease on the Oso, Ekpe, Edop and Ubit oil fields, which produce about 580,000 barrels a day between them – close to a third of Nigeria’s crude oil production of about 1.8m barrels a day, according to Opec. Local Exxon rival Sunrise Power & Transmission, at the time a consortium of Nigerian and Chinese interests that included the Chinese National Offshore OilCorporation (CNOOC), bid $3.75bn for the same rights, according to a letter from Sunrise to the Nigerian president.




Guyana’s Missed Opportunity At Bauxite Development Many residents are complaining about the missed opportunities for the Bauxite sector in Guyana. This year marks 100 years of bauxite mining in Guyana and industry experts plan to explore ways to diversify processing of the ore. According Chairman of the Bauxite Century Board, Horace James, there are opportunities and scope for further development of the industry. He hopes that in the next 100 years there will be other products coming from bauxite. “It is believed that Guyana is capable of producing some 350 million tonnes of bauxite. But, generating sufficient electricity and diversifying productions are the biggest challenges facing the industry,” James said. Bauxite is the only commercially viable ore used as a source material for primary aluminum production. After iron, aluminum is the world’s second most used metal, having a wide variety of applications in transportation and packaging. Most of the world’s bauxite reserves and production are found in a wide belt around the equator, with Australia, Brazil, Guinea, China, Jamaica, and India, being the world’s leading producers. While short-term demand for bauxite depends upon the demand for aluminum and is therefore cyclical, supplying countries have sufficient reserves to meet long-term projected demand for the foreseeable future. Bauxite mining in

Guyana officially began in October 1916 at Three Friends Mine, 10 miles outside of McKenzie, Region 10. It was being done by the newly incorporated Demerara Bauxite Company. The refractory grade mineral made significant contributions to the Second World War and Guyana’s economy at the height of its production. One hundred years later, at least four different grades of the mineral are mined and processed but Guyana no longer processes the ore into alumina. Currently, the Bauxite Company of Guyana (BCGI) and Bosai Bauxite Company are the two bauxite companies in the industry today. Speaking to the Guyana Daily News,

Eustace Morris, a resident of Central Ameila’s Ward Linden, said that the bauxite cannot be utilized to its potential in Guyana because, Guyana do not have cheap electricity and in order to have cheap electricity, we must have hydro power. He criticized the Granger Administration for abandoning the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Plant. While in opposition, both APNU and the AFC criticized the previous administration for the lack of transparency surrounding the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project (AFHP). The AFHP was the flagship project of the Low Carbon Development Strategy and was supported by Norway.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Opposition Sees No Need To “Itemize” 25 Scandals Of Government PAGE 33

The parliamentary opposition has said that there is no need to “itemize” its 25 scandals against the government, pointing out that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has already released the eight paged document to the people of Guyana. General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee at a press conference on Monday said that the office of the leader of the opposition reached out to the public though parliamentary and non-parliamentary means and had chosen to speak to the people directly in relation to this matter. Last week, the office of the opposition Leader released an eight-page dossier, chronicling an alleged 25 scandals of the David Granger Administration, declaring that the coalition has accumulated more scandals than the People’s Progressive Party/Civic


(PPP/C) amassed in its 23 years in office. Less than 24 hours after the accusations, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon at a post cabinet press briefing, challenged the Opposition to document these scandals and present them to the Government.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Adoption Of National Youth Policy On Agenda For Thursday’s Sitting Of The National Assembly Minister within the Ministry of Sport and its stakeholders/partners to PAGE 34


Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. (Georgetown, October 11, 2016) – On the October 13th sitting of the National Assembly a Motion for the much anticipated National Youth Policy, which was laid in Parliament on June 30, 2016, to be adopted by the National Assembly.This will be done by the Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. The Adoption of this policy will allow the Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and

carry out activities that target youth development. The policy is centered on a framework of five strategic areas. These are to improve the social, emotional and cultural skills of young people; produce a productive and enterprising youth workforce; develop quality education and market oriented skills; encourage leadership, participation and representation and promote good health, security and safety. National Youth Policy Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Another Fire Ravages Gafoors Complex PAGE 35

A fire which started around 18:30h in the storage bond of the Gafoors Houston, East Bank Demerara complex on Monday has left the owner counting millions of dollars in losses. When the Guyana Daily News arrived at the scene of the fire last evening, firefighters were seen trying to contain the huge blaze. It is unclear at this time what may have caused the fire, but sources close to the investigation have indicated that it may have been of an electrical nature. A massive fire swept through the storage bonds in May this year, where hundreds of employees were relocated to other branches of the company. The company had already started to rebuild and re-stock in preparation for the busiest time of the year, Christmas. The fate of the employees are now in question as the second fire ravaged the complex at a time where the Christmas season is just around the corner. Investigations are continuing by the Police and Guyana Fire Service into


the origin of the fire and the Guyana Daily News will bring you details as the story unfolds.

Aftermath Of The Fire




‘Be Inspired By The Extraordinary Lives Of Ordinary People’ First Lady, At Annual Women’s Day Service Sis. Caldetta Gibson and Rev. Andrew Morris-Grant, representative of the Franklin Talbot Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church, to Guyana and Suriname. MOTP Press Release

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 9, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, yesterday, told the congregation at the Annual Women’s Day Service for members of the Franklin Talbot Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church in North Ruimveldt Gardens that [women] must be “inspired and strengthened by the extraordinary lives of ordinary people like us”. Speaking on the role of women in the society, the First Lady pointed out that as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters, women shoulder a huge responsibility and must lean on a greater power. She said that women bear the task of being the tower of strength to their families, and they must be reminded that every trial they’re faced with should be a reminder of God’s will for them. “…God give us strength, support and guidance during our struggles so that we can become stronger and better persons, he empowers us for greater works,” Mrs. Granger said. Mrs. Granger remarked on some of the challenges women are faced with at home and how easy it is for them to compare their lives with that of another woman who seems better off. “You really do not know what goes on in those homes. Domestic violence does not only happen among the poor… illness and tragedy affects us all,” Mrs. Granger said. Additionally, Mrs. Granger urged the women to preserve their faith as biblical women did. She noted those women, who were dismissed as insignificant but yet remained steadfast in their faith. In her closing remarks she quoted Matthew 13:31 where the scripture urged the women be the fruits of their labour through their faith and perseverance. “Today, as you celebrate your Annual Women’s Day, I urge you to be like that grain of mustard seed. Let your roots grow down into the rich soils, nourished by your faith, and build your lives around him and he will empower and guide you to do greater things,” Mrs. Granger said. The Annual Women’s Day Service, which was an all-day event, was led by Rev. Yvonne Bullen in the morning, while the afternoon session, which saw the presence of Mrs. Granger, was led by

Ms. Taralyn Harris, member of the Deliverance Assembly of God Church is Sophia as she represented the church with a rendition of “Take me to the King”

Rev. Yvonne Bullen and First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, during the Annual Women’s Day Service

Sis. Caldetta Gibson taking the congregation through the afternoon service

Members of the Franklin Talbot Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church in North Ruimveldt as they listen attentively.




Opposition Sees No Need To “Itemize” 25 Scandals Of Government


he parliamentary opposition has said that there is no need to “itemize” its 25 scandals against the government, pointing out that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

has already released the eight paged document to the people of Guyana. General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee at a press conference on Monday said that the office of the leader of the opposition reached out to the public though parliamentary and non-parliamentary means and had chosen to speak to the people directly in relation to this matter. Last week, the office of the opposition Leader released an eight-page dossier,

chronicling an alleged 25 scandals of the David Granger Administration, declaring that the coalition has accumulated more scandals than the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) amassed in its 23 years in office. Less than 24 hours after the accusations, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon at a post cabinet press briefing, challenged the Opposition to document these scandals and present them to the Government.

Guyana Attends International Civil Aviation Conference Assembly was conducted in five commissions and committees: 1) Executive Committee, 2) Technical Commission, 3) Economic Commission, 4) Legal Commission and 5) Administrative Commission.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson, and a five person team represented the Government of Guyana at the I n t e r n a t i o n a l C i v i l Av i a t i o n Organization (ICAO) 39th General Assembly in Montreal, Canada which commenced on September 27, 2016 and concluded on October 7, 2016. According a release from the Guyana Information Agency (GINA), the

Some of the high level issues that were discussed included Environmental Protection (International Aviation and Climate Change), Aviation Security Policies; Civil Aviation Training Policy and Capacity Building; Aviation Safety and Air Navigation Standardization; and the Economic Development of Air Transport. Guyana’s participation in the Assembly provided opportunities for Guyana to join with other small States to represent the interest of small developing countries and also to reach out to both States and international organizations for financial and technical assistance to raise the standards of aviation in Guyana. Additionally, Guyana’s participation in the Assembly also comes at a time when the government of Guyana and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is trying to raising the standard of Aviation in Guyana after several incidents, the recent being the discovery of an abandon airplane in a region 7 community, prompting calls to

be made for a better monitoring of Guyanese airspace. A November 2015 report compiled by the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) was also very critical of the state of civil aviation in Guyana, and the GCAA came under heavy criticism for controlling both technical regulations and policymaking entities. The report noted that it is important to assign these functions to independent entities to avoid any interference between these activities, which can go both ways. ICAO also recommends the separation of the economic and technical regulation functions “so that the latter will not be influenced in order to apply a certain unstated policy.” Presently, G u y a n a ’s l e v e l o f e ff e c t i v e implementation is 44.21 percent as it relates to the eight critical elements of safety oversight as established by ICAO.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Message Of Condolence From His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President And The Cabinet Of Ministers of the Cooperative Republic Of Guyana On The Passing Of Malcolm Corrica M.S. His Excellency Brigadier David Congress from January 3, 1969 to December 12, 1985. He PAGE 38


Granger Georgetown, Guyana – (October 11, 2016) The Cooperative Republic of Guyana mourns the passing of Malcolm Corrica M.S. aka The Mighty Canary, who passed away on Monday October 10, 2016. Malcolm Corrica was born on March 21, 1937 in Georgetown, to William and Inez Corrica of Bagotstown Village, East Bank Demerara. He attended the Agricola Methodists School. His life was one of service to Guyana, as a businessman, entertainer and politician. Mr. Corrica served in the National Assembly of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, representing the Peoples National

returned to the National Assembly on December 27, 1990 and served until August 28, 1992. During his tenure as a Member of Parliament, he served as Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Works and Communication, Minister of State in the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, Minster of State for Culture in the Ministry of Education, Social Development and Culture. In 1992 he was awarded the Medal of Service (M.S.) for long service with exceptional dedication in the field of politics and popular music, as a composer and entertainer. His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, MSS, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the Cabinet of Ministers extend heartfelt sympathy to the children of Malcolm Corrica; Malcolm, Jeffrey and Pamela, and other relatives and close friends. MOTP Press Release

Gold Miner Charged With Having Illegal Gun, Ammo an unlicensed firearm and being in possession of four matching rounds on October 8, 2016. Carter will return before the Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on November 2, 2016 for c o n t i n u a t i o n i n t o t h e m a t t e r. Represented by Attorney Mark Waldron, the 32 - year-old Carter pleaded not guilty to the charges. Magistrate Judy Latchman today remanded gold miner Carl Carter, who was charged with being in possession of

Attorney Waldron did not make an application for bail but stated that even without a bail application, the Prosecution objected, stating that a claim

was verified by the accused that he has a pending matter before Magistrate Fabayo Azore in Court 5 for an offence of a similar nature. It is alleged that on October 8, 2016 at Main Street, Georgetown, Carter had in his possession one .38 revolver while not having a licence to carry a firearm that was enforced at the time. It is further alleged that on the same day in question and at the same location, the defendant had in his possession four .38 rounds of live ammunition.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Vijayadasami, A Festival Of Joy And Enlightenment PAGE 39

Representation of the victory of Lord Rama over demon king Ravana. Climax of the Dussehra festival Vijayadasami is a Hindu ceremony celebrated on the tenth day of the Hindu lunar month of Ashvin or Ashwayuja, which falls in September or October according to the Western calendar. The first nine days are observed as Navratri. During these nine

Celebration of Vijayadasami festival, at the at Cummings Lodge / Industry Mandir. Guyana


nights and ten days, nine forms of Devi are worshipped. The tenth day or ‘Vijayadashami’ is celebrated as the victory of Goddess Durga over the evil Mahishasura and triumph of Lord Rama over demon Ravana. It is believed that Lord Ram did Chandi-Puja (ritual worshiping Goddess Chandi, another fierce form of Goddess Durga) and invoked the blessings of Maa Durga to kill Ravana, the ten-headed king who had abducted Sita(wife of lord Ram). Durga divulged the secret to Lord Ram as to how he could kill Ravana. Then after vanquishing the demon king, Lord Ram with Sita, returned victorious to his kingdom of Ayodhya (also known as Saket, an ancient city of India) Vijayadasami is also known as Dussehra, or ‘tenth day’ This date is massively awaited among the Hindu Community, as one of the most auspicious dates on the Hindu calendar. It symbolizes the beginning of a fertile season and the undisputable victory of good VS evil. Vijayadasami is celebrated all over India with meals, plays and ‘bhajans’ (devotional songs). Countries with a large Hindu community such as Suriname, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana, also join the commemoration. In Guyana, the Hindu Community starts the preparations for Vijayadasami since the beginning of Navratri. The construction of the effigy of Ravana and the rehearsal of the stage performances that will take place on the tenth day, become part of the daily routine. When the ‘holy night’ finally reaches, the devotees and Pandit (spiritual head of the Hindu temple or Mandir) will offer prayers and sing bhajans. The ceremony is spiced with the impersonation of the battle and Victory of the deities worshiped. At the climax of the festival, the effigy is lit by the Pandit, followed by enthusiastic shouts of ‘Ramchandra ki jai’ (Victory to Rama). Dussehra is celebrated with great fanfare with hundreds people, who assemble at the Mandir in anticipation of having a glimpse of the burning of Ravana. The mythological significance of this yearly ceremony captivates locals and foreigners. Navratri is considered a time for miracles, joy and self-encounter, redemption and purification with Vijayadasami as the golden finale. Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated twenty days after Vijayadasami. S o u r c e : http://www.drikpanchang.com/festivals/vijayadash ami/vijayadashami-date-t....


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Exigency Order To Take Effect In Bahamas On Tuesday PAGE 40

NASSAU, Bahamas -- Prime Minister Perry Christie said at a press conference on Sunday evening that an exigency order will take effect in The Bahamas on Tuesday in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. Christie pointed out that Hurricane Joaquin, which hit parts of The Bahamas in 2015, was estimated to cause $100 million in damage. He said the damage caused by Matthew is likely much greater. “Enormous damage has been inflicted on thousands of Bahamians who were not so affected in such numbers by Hurricane Joaquin,” said Christie at the National Emergency Management Agency headquarters. He said the exigency orders will cover building materials, furniture and vehicles. The prime minister also said, “The Chamber [of Commerce] has requested, we think we have negotiated a position with them that we find a way to recognize that persons who make donations should be encouraged and incentivized to do so by taxation credits, and we are, I think, in agreement but it has to be submitted to me for final consideration by the Cabinet…” He said: “We need a new financing model to deal with hurricane expenditure. In the past we have taken away from all minister’s budget allocation to finance hurricane relief. “A special hurricane fund by way of a bond. It will require the banks to participate in that offering. The financial secretary is in discussions as we speak and we have had discussions with the Chamber of Commerce so that we can have a shared vision as to what that money will be used for.” Christie also said NEMA has to be strengthened considerably. He announced that minister of labour and national insurance Shane Gibson has been appointed to coordinate hurricane relief efforts at the government level. Gibson said at the press conference that New Providence, Grand Bahama and North Andros were impacted most severely. “A massive recovery and relief response is required,” the minister said. He said food and water have already been delivered to Andros. Gibson said there has been “extensive damage on the entire southern area of New Providence”. There has been “massive” damage to homes, he said, adding that many vehicles had water damage. Gibson also spoke of the devastation in Grand Bahama, where a large cross section of the transmission and distribution services of Grand Bahama Power was damaged. He said the Rand Memorial Hospital and Grand Bahama clinics are operating on generators. “All essential government services are up and running despite the challenges of Hurricane Matthew,” Gibson said. Matthew sparks water crisis Central and North Andros have been suffering from a water shortage in the wake of the devastation of Hurricane Matthew, according to a press release from the Water and Sewerage Corporation on Sunday morning. According to the release, numerous communities in Central Andros lacked water due to power supply disruptions and portable generators and restoration crews are being deployed. North Andros experienced “significant damage and flooding in the pumping station” and crews had partially restored service to 25 percent. According to the release, water for the community is available from the pumping site. North Eleuthera is also experiencing limited water supply due to power supply challenges, the release said. The water supply in Farmer’s Cay in the Exumas is off due to a power disruption. Inagua has a limited water supply until power restoration allows full production. Power restored to 45 percent of New Providence CEO of Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) Pamela Hill said at a press conference on Sunday evening that power has been restored to 45 percent of New Providence customers following


Hurricane Matthew. Hill said some BPL workers worked 40 hours straight to restore service to customers. “I too have not seen anything like this in such a dispersed way in the 23 years that I have had in the electric utility industry,” she said. Hill said she was “somewhat heartened” by the fact that flooding was not a major issue with Hurricane Matthew as it was with Hurricane Joaquin last year. She reported that 90 percent of BPL’s customers in the Family Islands have been restored. But only 20 percent of customers in North Andros are back up, and only 30 percent in Central Andros are back up. “Outside of that area when we think of the rest of the Family Islands we are in remarkably good shape,” Hill said. GB, Andros devastated Hurricane Matthew created widespread devastation in the city of Freeport and throughout Grand Bahama, as well as North Andros. The entire Grand Bahama was without power supply up to Saturday and most of the island was without city water. “Power is a grave problem,” said Fred Sturrup, general manager of the Freeport News, after touring devastated communities. ”It almost looks as if some great giant snapped the poles as if it was snapping toothpicks. But the main problem is the water because you can be without power for a certain amount of time, but you really need water. “The 30 poles that supply electrical generation for water well fields all have been decimated.” After touring West End on Saturday, Prime Minister Perry Christie suggested that serious decisions need to be made before rebuilding starts. “Let me just say that one of the lessons that we have to desperately learn from hurricanes, is that during 2004/2005, I walked West End before, I walked into homes before and saw devastation, saw that all of the furnishings were lost,” the prime minister said. “We were able to revive some help then but here again it is repeating itself. “Now the question is, how long do we continue, either through our building codes, or where people build, how long will we have this continued because we have to somehow be able to convince our people that if you are going to live on the seashore you have to build in a certain way and even when you build in a certain way you are likely to be impacted significantly by the forces of nature.” Christie also visited Lowe Sound, Andros, on Saturday. Many poles were also ripped down by the storm and almost all of the homes were destroyed. People there said they are in desperate need of help. Families were walking around with only the clothes on their backs, some of them in tears. Many told The Nassau Guardian they have never experienced anything like that before. (Caribbean News Now!)

This home in West End Grand Bahama was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hurricane Watch Issued For Bermuda PAGE 41


By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- The Bermuda Weather Service on Monday issued a hurricane watch for Bermuda as Tropical Storm Nicole picked up speed heading towards the island and was forecast to regain hurricane force by Tuesday. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Monday, the centre of Tropical Storm Nicole was located about 415 miles (670 km) south of Bermuda, moving toward the north near 6 mph (9 km/h). A slow north- northwestward to northwestward motion is expected through late Tuesday, followed by a turn toward the north by Wednesday. Maximum sustained winds remain near 60 mph (95 km/h) with higher gusts. Slow strengthening is forecast, and Nicole is expected to reach hurricane strength on Tuesday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 160 miles (260 km) from the centre. Hurricane conditions are possible on Bermuda by Wednesday night. Swells associated with Nicole should increase on Bermuda during the next couple of days.

These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. (Caribbean News Now!)

Hurricane Nicole three-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic

UN To Monitor mThe Cease Fire In Colombia o r e i n t e r n a t i o n a l o b s e r v e r s t o was declared on August 29, followed by

UN Security Council approves mission to monitor peace deal between Colombia and FARC The Organization of the United Nations (UN) announced today that it will send

Colombia, to verify the cease-fire between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), after the 50.22% of the population in the country voted against the peace agreement on October 2. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e Ve n e z u e l a n Newspaper, El Nacional the Military Leader of the UN mission in Colombia, General Javier Pérez Aquino, stated that more military observers will be deployed in the country, if approved by the National Security Council. The cease fire

the signing of the peace agreement by the Colombian government and the FARC on September 26, in the capital city of Habana, Cuba. This was an historical step for the southern nation. But after the agreement was annulled by the plebiscite on October 2, the UN Security Council has to adopt a new protocol to monitor the volatile state of the temporary ‘truce’ in the country. Source: http://www.elnacional.com/mundo/ONU-pediraobservadores-verificar-Colom...




UN Appeals For $120 Million To Launch Massive Response In Storm-ravaged Haiti NEW YORK USA -- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday announced the launch of a near $120 million appeal to fund United Nations aid activities in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, where the rising death toll coupled with the start of the rainy season has prompted the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to sound the alarm on the threat of waterborne diseases to children living in the worst-affected areas. “Hundreds have died. At least 1.4 million people need assistance at this time. Some towns and villages have been almost wiped off the map. Crops and food reserves have been destroyed. At least 300 schools have been damaged,” Ban told reporters at UN Headquarters on Monday, expressing his deepest condolences and sympathies to those affected by the hurricane. He said the numbers of those impacted and the needs are growing as more affected areas are reached. Moreover, tensions are already mounting as people await help. “A massive response is required,” he said, adding that UN teams are working with local officials to assess needs. “Today in Geneva, we launched a $120 million flash appeal covering the UN system’s needs for the next three months,” the secretary-general announced, recalling that this past Friday, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated $5 million in emergency funds to kick-start assistance in the wake of the deadly storm, following the release earlier in the week of a loan of $8 million dollars to the UNICEF to scale up response to the worsening cholera epidemic in Haiti. The so-called Flash Appeal, launched by the UN on behalf of the international humanitarian community, requests $119,850 to respond to “the most urgent needs” of people impacted by the storm, which made landfall in Haiti on 4 October and went on to leave a swath of devastation throughout the Caribbean and the Southeastern United States. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the appeal targets vulnerable groups in identified priority sectors, and it takes into account the national-level capacities and those of humanitarian partners on the ground. Over the next week, partners will develop individual projects in support of sector activities and financial requirements identified in this appeal, adapting the response to the most up-to-date assessment results. ‘We are in a race against time,’ warns UNICEF, fearing rapid spread of diseases Ban went on to note that he is developing a new approach to the cholera situation, which will encompass support for people affected by the disease and for efforts to build sound water, sanitation and health systems in order to help eliminate cholera in Haiti. This disaster makes it even more vital to significantly step up our support and to do so right now, he stressed. “The United Nations is mobilizing across all fronts to support the people, the Government and local groups such as the Red Cross in getting recovery under way as quickly as possible. I call on the international community to show solidarity and generosity – and to work together effectively in responding to this emergency,” stated the secretary-general. Meanwhile, UNICEF has warned that overflowing rivers, stagnant waters, and animal and human corpses are perfect breeding grounds for waterborne diseases. “Every day that goes by increases the threat of cholera. We are in a race against time to get to these children before diseases do,” Marc Vincent, UNICEF representative for Haiti, said in a press statement. Even before the hurricane in Haiti, UNICEF noted that only one in three people had access to proper latrines and less than three in five to safe water. In rural areas, these rates go down to one in four for sanitation and one in two for water. Diarrhoea is one of the main killers of children under-five in the

country. “Haiti has one of the highest incidence rates of cholera in the world,” Vincent underscored. “Almost 10,000 people have died from the disease since 2010 and more than 27,000 suspected cases have been reported so far this year, an estimated one in three of them children,” he added. Since the 2010 outbreak, UNICEF, in partnership with the Haitian government and various partners, has been fighting waterborne diseases – including cholera – by improving access to water, sanitation and health services for Haitian children and their families, while promoting rapid response to cholera cases. From that time until now, UNICEF has established or maintained 1,270 oral rehydration points and 149 cholera treatment units in high-risk areas where nearly 140,000 suspected cases were treated. In June and July of this year alone, the agency responded to more than 1,000 cholera alerts in all 10 departments of the country, benefiting about 8,000 households. “With the hurricane’s devastating impact on an already fragile system, UNICEF will continue to scale up its cholera response and address the emerging water and sanitation needs,” Vincen vowed, noting that key components of UNICEF’s immediate response include acquiring water purification tablets, treating collective water sources, and setting up latrines in temporary shelters and informal settlements. The western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie suffered the full force the Category 4 hurricane – sustaining heavy rains, winds and water damage across wide areas. In addition to the water treatment supplies pre-positioned before the hurricane hit, on Thursday, 6 October, the first truck arrived in Les Cayes with water-treatment tablets and water bladders. On Monday, six water trucks were on their way there and to Jeremie. “In addition, a water bladder was made available for the hospital of Les Cayes and more water storage containers are on their way to the affected areas to be used in shelters housing displaced families,” concluded the UNICEF Representative. (Caribbean News Now!)

On 9 October 2016 in Les Cayes, Haiti, several hundred people who have lost their homes shelter in a neighbourhood high school. UNICEF has installed a water bladder on the grounds of the school. Photo: UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Trinidad And Tobago On Brink Of Economic Danger, Says PM PAGE 43


PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- Declaring that Trinidad and Tobago is on the brink of the danger zone economically, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Sunday listed a series of construction projects due to come on stream shortly that are aimed at kick starting the economy. Rowley said the proposed initiatives would help pull Trinidad and Tobago out of its grim economic state, resulting in much needed job opportunities. He said it was the construction industry that had been proven worldwide to stimulate economic growth, the Trinidad Guardian reported. Rowley said that Trinidad and Tobago’s debt increased by $40 billion (US$5.97 billion) over the last six years, while revenues pointed downward. The external public debt now stands at $23 billion which must be paid back in US currency, he added Commenting on the devastation suffered by Haiti from Hurricane Matthew, Rowley also urged citizens to head to banks to donate. "It doesn't matter how bad your circumstances, there is somebody who is worse. We talk about pressure and poverty here until you think about Haiti," he said. (Caribbean News Now!)

Turks And Caicos Elections Drawing Near PROVIDENCIALES, TCI -- On November 28, the Parliament of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) will automatically dissolve. This will occur without the action of parliament or Premier Dr Rufus Ewing. The dissolution is required by the constitution, which provides for the expiration of the government exactly four years after the swearing in of the current government after the 2012 election. Islanders have been waiting for Ewing to announce an election date, which will provide for a required campaign period of at least 35 days. Islanders have also been active preparing for the election. Both the ruling party, the Progressive National Party (PNP), led by Ewing, and the opposition Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), led by Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, have announced their list of 15 candidates. This includes five running “at large”, who will vie for votes from all of the ten separate election districts. A new party, the Progressive Democratic Association (PDA), is led by former PDM leader Oswald Skippings, who during the 2012 election failed to win his own seat at large, which cost him and the PDM the election and the government. The PDA has only announced 13 candidates to date. A former third party dissolved after it won only minimal support in the 2012 election. A large number of independent candidates have

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

announced their intentions of trying to win a seat at large, including former Premier Michael Misick, despite his legal status. Misick has been charged with a list of criminal offences relating to his 2003-2009 administration. He is now required to appear daily at trial in a specially constructed court room on Providenciales. This trial has been underway since December 2015 and is expected to continue into 2017. Misick was unable to achieve endorsement from his own PNP party, whose candidates include his brother, niece and nephew, all members of the current administration. (Caribbean News Now!)

Premier Dr Rufus Ewing (L) and Opposition Leader Sharlene Cartwright Robinson




UK Minister Reaffirms Strong Links With Barbados BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- British Foreign Office Minister Baroness Anelay stressed the importance of a modern partnership based on shared interests during her first visit to Barbados on 7 October. During the one-day visit Anelay met with Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and the leader of the opposition, Mia Mottley. The minister confirmed the UK’s commitment to the Caribbean and the strong relationship with Barbados built on long-standing connections. Together with the minister of culture, sports and youth, Stephen Lashley, Anelay took the opportunity to meet young people taking part in the Prince’s Trust International ‘Get Into’ programme. Prince’s Trust International is a charity recently established in Barbados with the aim of helping disadvantaged young people gain vital skills to move into education, training or work. Anelay congratulated Prince’s Trust International on the launch of the programme and spoke to the young people about the skills they were developing on the course. Anelay ended her visit with a tour of the Regional Security System (RSS) Air Wing and had a briefing from law enforcement officials on the work they are doing to combat the threat from organised and transnational crime. Speaking at the end of her visit, Anelay said: “I was delighted to have the opportunity to visit Barbados and witness at firsthand how our two countries are working together to address a range of global challenges. I was particularly pleased to meet the young people participating in the Prince’s Trust International Get Into programme and to visit the staff at the Regional Security System (RSS) Air Wing. Both

are excellent examples of UK-Barbados cooperation, showing how we can work together to the benefit of both our countries.” Lashley said: “We are very proud of our partnership with Prince’s Trust International and welcome Baroness Anelay’s support. With one programme currently running and one more to start in the following weeks, this programme adds to the existing complement of diverse programmes currently offered by the youth division of the ministry. By joining forces, we are in fact able to offer our youth even more opportunities for their total development. This certainly complements programmes such as ‘Endless Possibilities’ and ‘Youth Mainstreaming Programme’.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Baroness Anelay (third left) and Minister Stephen Lashley with Susan Martin (right) of the Prince’s Trust International, ministry officials and trainees on the “Get Into” programme


GUYANA DAILY NEWS LIAT Pilots Call For Retirement Fund Transparency And Accountability PAGE 45

ST JOHN’S, Antigua -- According to the Leeward Islands Airline Pilots Association (LIALPA), for over three years it has been trying to overcome what it describes as the stalling and delaying tactics of LIAT’s management in releasing accounting information with regard to their retirement funds. As recently as last December, the company reportedly refused to respond to proposals from LIALPA’s attorney. These proposals are in agreement with the court’s ruling that the collective agreement between LIALPA and LIAT is binding and enforceable and emphasizes that the staff provident (retirement) fund contributions cannot be unilaterally closed and arrears are to be paid and contributions should continue. The proposals also called for an audit of all staff provident fund deductions not yet paid out to pilots, in order for any new pension scheme to be started. LIALPA said it has received sound legal advice that the company’s unauthorized deductions/contributions from pilots’ salaries other than towards the contracted staff provident (retirement) fund, is a breach of Labour Laws (specifically Sections C34(1), C30 and 33) and constitutes a criminal offence. LIALPA insisted that “transparency and accountability” should be the order of the day at LIAT. However, despite many repeated calls from the pilots to account for their contributions to date into the staff provident fund, the calls apparently continue to fall on deaf ears. Last month this matter escalated at a meeting, when the company yet again informed pilots that they will not be getting any information with regard to their retirement funds. The company continued to quote the same reasons it has been citing for the past three years: “problems with accountants”. LIALPA deems this excuse “totally unacceptable”. “Therefore, we have come to the general public, so that they can


become aware of the three-year old problem, the defiance and unreasonableness of LIAT’s management, and the decreasing patience of pilots. LIALPA’s leadership continues to contain its pilots’ angst and skepticism, but we can only do so much when the company remains defiant in activities contrary to court decisions and contrary to transparency and accountability,” LIALPA said in a press release. LIALPA said it has no other choice but to make a public appeal for LIAT to produce audited statements of pilots’ contributions into their retirement fund. “We demand nothing less than a company that conducts its business in a transparent and accountable manner. This would ensure the continued cooperation and enthusiasm the pilots have shown to the company in the face of this ongoing three-year ordeal,” the statement concluded. (Caribbean News Now!)

BVI Prepares For Asian Trade Mission By Nadia James-Harris ROAD TOWN, BVI -- The British Virgin Islands is strengthening its economic and financial services relations with the Asia Pacific region as premier and minister of finance, Dr Orlando Smith, prepares to engage with business leaders, government officials, financial services practitioners and clients during the BVI Asian Trade Mission to Hong Kong and Greater China. Smith said, “The mission, from October 17 to October 28, will seek to expand and deepen the British Virgin Islands’ footprint in the Asia Pacific Region (APAC), and broaden the understanding of how the BVI is used in the region. We are seeking to maintain the BVI’s position as the leading offshore jurisdiction in the APAC region and gain support for the continued use of BVI (offshore) structures by governments in Asia.” Drawing on its unparalleled experience of the Asian market, its extensive business contacts and mature infrastructure, the British Virgin Islands remains committed to building and deepening relationships with clients, business partners and vested third parties in Hong Kong, China and across Asia. During his visit, Smith will meet with officials of the Hong Kong SAR government as well as the Tianjin government. He will also deliver keynote speeches at several engagements in China, Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou and Shanghai. In addition, the premier will headline the 2016 Business BVI Asia Annual Conference, with more than 16 featured speakers. These will include director of BVI House Asia, Elise Donovan; Premier Dr Orlando Smith interim director of BVI Finance, Lorna Smith; chairman of the board, BVI International Arbitration Centre, John Beechey; and guest speakers from BVI firms in Hong Kong and Greater China. The BVI’s engagement in the Asia Pacific region will also include a strategic cooperation agreement being signed between the British Virgin Islands and the Tianjin governments. (caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Saint Lucia Records Increase In Guillain Barre Syndrome Cases PAGE 46

PRESS RELEASE – The Ministry of Health and Wellness has noted a decreasing trend in the number of cases of Zika Virus Disease. The disease which was first confirmed in Saint Lucia earlier this year, reached a peak towards the middle of June 2016 and has been decreasing ever since. However, evidence of new infections of Zika Virus Disease continues with occasional spikes in the number of cases. Though the number of cases of Zika Virus Disease is decreasing, the country should remain on ‘High Alert’ for the complications of Zika Virus Disease; particularly the ‘paralytic type’ illness called Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) as well as microcephaly and other abnormalities, in babies born of Zika infected mothers. So far this year, the island has recorded an increase in the number of cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome as compared to a similar point in time last year. 4 GBS cases have been admitted and treated to date. All of the individuals have been males, with ages ranging from 38 years to 56 years old. Some of the patients affected by this reversible, ‘paralytic type’ illness, had prior symptoms suggestive of Zika Virus Disease. Given the possible development of abnormalities in babies born of pregnant women who have been infected with Zika Virus Disease, the Ministry is also monitoring 39 pregnant women, in whom Zika Virus Disease has been confirmed in pregnancy. Approximately 5 of these women have delivered to date. Microcephaly or other abnormalities have not been noted in any of the babies born to Zika infected mothers so far. However, given that the effects of Zika in pregnancy are more pronounced if a pregnant women gets infected in the first 3 months of pregnancy, close monitoring of the remaining pregnant women continues. Zika Virus Disease is generally a mild viral disease, caused by the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Only 1 out of every 4 persons affected with the disease may develop symptoms such as fever, skin rash, joint or muscle pain, and red eyes. Though the mosquito is the main agent responsible for spreading the disease, it has also been


shown that the virus can survive for many weeks in the semen of infected males, making sexual transmission of Zika virus disease possible. The measures to be taken to prevent the spread of Zika virus disease are the same measures taken to decrease the spread of other mosquito borne diseases such as Dengue fever and Chikungunya. They include: -Wearing long sleeved clothing and long pants -Using mosquito repellents on exposed limbs and on clothing -Utilizing bed nets and installing window and door screens where possible -Getting rid of all breeding sites of mosquitoes such as old tyres, plastics and other refuse around the home; using soil instead of water in flower vases; ensuring that drums are properly covered and water tanks are properly sealed -Performing at least, once weekly inspections of your home and surroundings, workplaces and schools, to ensure that there are no breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The Ministry continues its fogging operations and mosquito surveillance, as well as health promotion activities to decrease the impact of Zika and other mosquito borne diseases. (St. Lucia News Online)

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system

SLP Leader Calls For Deep Introspection Over Election Defeat The Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) has vowed to reform itself and urged branches to focus on rebuilding following the party’s massive loss at the June 2016 election. SLP Leader Phillip J Pierre told delegates at a conference on Sunday that the SLP was determined to reclaim leadership of the country, but called on members to engage in urgent introspection. “We will have to go into introspection to find out whether we have done all that we had to do, so that we ought not to be in opposition today. Each of us has that responsibility to ourselves,” Pierre said. The party leader said going forward, the party will be about “servant leadership.” He said, “We’ll be listening to you and you’ll tell us what you want. But you must set the example and we will follow.” In being a responsible opposition, Pierre said the SLP will only support “all that is good for Saint Lucia.” “We like Saint Lucia and it is not our purpose to destroy Saint Lucia,” he stated. Pierre has nevertheless blasted government for several policy decisions they have taken, and said some of the promises made to the electorate are still unrealistic. He claims that since the United Workers Party has taken over the leadership of the country, SLP supporters have allegedly been Phillip J Pierre sidelined and discriminated against. (St. Lucia News Online)




World Sight Day blindness prevention efforts. Stronger Together - This World Sight Day, there is call to celebrate partnerships and friendships. IAPB urges focus on all the stakeholders who are important for successful delivery eye care. To consider all the groups of people who engage with eye care: ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, donors, patients, the w i d e r f a m i l y. C l e a r l y, successes are made possible by the fact that these groups work together. The more groups that are brought together--the diabetic community, the irreparably blind, vulnerable groups, including those with other disabilities--the stronger the fight against blindness becomes. Local Activities The Ministry of Public Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital will be hosting a mini-exhibition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Key information will be displayed about the key eye health issues at the East Street lobby of GPHC’s main building. GPHC and the MOPH are planning to take the miniexhibition on eye health to public areas such as the mall, schools and banks. Ÿ The GPHC Eye Clinic will also be offering Free Eye Screening for patients between 8am to 12noon on Thurs 13th Oct 2016. Ÿ


orld Sight Day (WSD) is an international day of awareness, held annually on the second Thursday of October to focus attention on the global issue of avoidable blindness and visual impairment. This year World Sight Day falls on 13 October 2016. WSD is co-ordinated by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). WSD became an official IAPB event in the year 2000, and has been marked in

many different ways in countries around the world each year since then. World Sight Day is the focal Advocacy and PR event for IAPB and its members and partners each year, highlighting the fact that 80% of blindness is avoidable (i.e. preventable and/or treatable) – 4 out of 5 people have avoidable visual impairment. WSD provides a platform for organisations to encourage governments, corporations, institutions and individuals to actively support global

A visit from the Junior Minister in Ministry of Public Health, Dr Karen Cummings is expected tovisit the screening session at 10am. Ÿ Local NGO, Eye Care Guyana, and GPHC, will be hosting a World Sight Day Continuing Medical Education (CME) Session on Eye Care for Medical Professionals, Optometrists and Students on 23rd of October. These CME sessions will be done by esteemed Caribbean Ophthalmologists who will be in Guyana to organise the hosting of the annual Ophthalmological Society of West Indies (OSWI) in July 2017. This will be the first that that Guyana will be hosting this important regional Ophthalmological Conference. Ÿ


The University of Guyana, School of Optometry will also be having activities on the Turkeyen Campus.


Optometrists including the Guyana Association of Optometrists, Courts Optical and Optique Vision Care will also be involved in various activities during this period.

Ministry of Public Health and Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Press Release




Samsung Permanently Stops Galaxy Note 7 Production

A Samsung Note 7 handset caught fire d u r i n g a l a b t e s t i n Singapore(RUETERS)


outh Korean tech giant Samsung has permanently ceased production of its high-end Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after reports of devices it had deemed safe catching fire. The firm had already reduced Galaxy Note 7 production volumes. Owners are expected to be able to return the phones for a refund or an exchange for a different Samsung phone. The firm had earlier said it would stop sales of the phone. "We recently readjusted the production volume for thorough investigation and quality control, but putting consumer safety as top priority, we have reached a final decision to halt production of Galaxy Note 7s," the company said. "For the benefit of consumers' safety, we stopped sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note 7 and have consequently decided to stop production." Earlier, consumer tech analyst Caroline

Milanesi of Creative Strategies told the BBC that Samsung should "call it a day" on production of the Galaxy Note 7 to limit long-term risk to the brand. However, South Korea's finance minister had warned that the country's exports would be hurt if the phone model was scrapped. Smoke emissions In September, Samsung recalled around 2.5 million phones after complaints of exploding batteries. It later insisted that all replaced devices were safe. However, that was followed by reports that those phones were catching fire too. A Kentucky man said he woke up to a bedroom full of smoke from a replaced Note 7, days after a domestic flight in the US was evacuated after a new device started emitting smoke in the cabin. Even as late as Monday evening, a spokeswoman insisted the phones were safe to use. But on Tuesday, the company said it would stop Galaxy Note 7 production. Authorities in the US and South Korea are investigating why even the replacement Note 7 phones that Samsung equipped with a safer battery

reportedly caught fire. An official at the South Korean safety agency said the replacement phones might have a defect that was different from the problem with the original Galaxy Note 7s. 'Brand damage' Samsung could suffer "a considerable loss of consumer faith," said Greg Roh at HMC Investment Securities. "If it's once, it could be taken as a mistake. But for Samsung, the same thing happened twice with the same model," he said. "The reason consumers prefer brands like Samsung and Apple is because of product reliability. So in this case, brand damage is inevitable and it will be costly for Samsung to turn that around again." At least five fires were reported in replacement devices in the US. Samsung said it had sold about 45,000 Note 7s through pre-orders in Europe. The handset was never released for sale in the UK. Analysts are suggesting the recall and now scrapping of the Note 7 could cost Samsung in the long run, particularly coming just as rivals including Google and Apple have announced new high-end smartphones. R i c h a r d Wi n d s o r, f r o m E d i s o n Investment Research, said: "As a result of making a complete mess of the Galaxy Note 7 recall, Samsung is more likely to lose a large number of high-end users to other Android handsets rather than to Apple. "The real issue is brand and reputation. As long as Samsung carried out the recall smoothly and kept users very happy, the issue would eventually blow over. "Unfortunately, this is very far from the case, and the fact that Samsung appeared to still be shipping defective devices could trigger a large loss of faith in Samsung products." (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Russia's Putin Halts France Visit Amid Row

Mr Putin was due to visit Paris later this month(AFP/GETTY IMAGES) Russia's President Vladimir Putin has cancelled a planned visit to France amid a row over Syria. He had been due to meet French President Francois Hollande and open a new Orthodox church later this month. But after France's government said talks would be confined to Syria, the visit was halted, French presidential sources said. On Monday, Mr Hollande suggested Russia could face war crimes charges over its bombardment of Syria's city of Aleppo. The French presidency had told the Russians Mr Hollande would attend only one event with Mr Putin during the visit planned for 19 October - a working meeting on Syria, according to the sources. But after this Russia "let it be known that it wanted to postpone the visit", they added. A

spokesman for Mr Putin confirmed the trip had been cancelled, adding that the visit would take place when it becomes "comfortable for President Hollande". Despite this Mr Hollande has said he will meet Mr Putin at "any time" if it would "further peace". The development comes a day after Mr Hollande told French TV that prosecutions over Syria could take place in the International Criminal Court (ICC). "These are people who today are the victims of war crimes. Those that commit these acts will have to face up to their responsibility, including in the ICC," he said. On Tuesday UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Mr Putin's strategy of restoring Russia's greatness was at risk. "If Russia continues in its current path then I believe that great country is in danger of becoming a pariah nation," he told the UK parliament during a debate on the Syrian crisis. Neither

Russia nor Syria is a member of the ICC. Moscow has repeatedly denied attacking civilians, and says it targets terrorist groups in Syria. The besieged east of Aleppo has come under intense aerial bombardment since a cessation of hostilities brokered by the US and Moscow collapsed last month. The area was hit again on Tuesday in some of the heaviest air strikes in days, a monitoring group and activists said. At least 12 civilians were killed in the strikes and considerable damage was inflicted on several areas, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The observatory said Russian war planes had dropped so-called "bunker busters" and other bombs, with children thought to be among the dead. Some of the most intense attacks have come in the Bustan al Qasr neighbourhood near the citadel, which sits near the front line with the government-held west. The strikes followed a temporary lull in the bombardment called by the Syrian government, partly to allow civilians to leave opposition-held eastern areas of the city. Diplomatic efforts to revive the ceasefire have so far come to nothing. The UN has warned that eastern Aleppo, where an estimated 275,000 people still live, could face "total destruction" in the space of two months. Last week, Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution drafted by France calling for an end to the bombing in Aleppo. (BBC)








US Election: Trump Lashes Out At Republican Chief Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan said he would no longer defend Donald T r u m p ( A F P )


e p u b l i c a n nominee Donald Trump has ripped into House Speaker Paul Ryan as a "weak and ineffective" leader. Mr Tr u m p u n l e a s h e d a n attack on Mr Ryan after the highest-ranking Republican said he would not defend the candidate. Mr Ryan is the latest Republican not to back Mr Trump after a 2005 video emerged showing him making obscene comments about groping women. Renewed party divisions over Mr Trump

come as a new poll shows him 11 points behind his rival Hillary Clinton. The PRRI/Atlantic poll released two days after the second US presidential debate suggested Mrs Clinton holds a 49-38 lead over her opponent. A video released on Friday r e v e a l e d M r Tr u m p describing how he had sought to have sex with a married woman and making other sexually aggressive comments about women. The controversy prompted dozens of Republican lawmakers to rescind their support for Mr Trump less than a month before e l e c t i o n d a y.

On Monday, Mr Ryan told f e l l o w H o u s e Republicans he would focus on congressional elections to ensure Republicans could maintain legislative control. Mr Trump fired back in a string of tweets, saying the "shackles" had been removed, allowing him to "fight for America the way I want to." Donald Trump tweets: Image copyrightTWITTER Though the latest revelation underscores a widening divide within the Republican Party, some members insist they are sticking by Mr Trump. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said he was

"really disturbed" by Mr Trump's comments about women on the leaked footage, but still planned to support the Republican nominee. "It's completely indefensible and I won't defend it and haven't defended it," Governor Christie said. "That kind of talk and conversation even in private is just unacceptable." "I'm really upset about what I heard but in the end this election is about bigger issues than that," he added. Texas Senator and former rival Ted Cruz also said he would still cast his ballot for Mr Trump. "I am supporting the Republican nominee because I think Hillary Clinton is an absolute disaster," he told a local television station in M u l e s h o e , Te x a s o n Monday. Meanwhile, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus held an e m e rg e n c y c a l l w i t h members on Monday to declare the party would stand behind Mr Trump despite recent turmoil, US media reported. (BBC)




Iran Hanging: Fears For Child Bride Zeinab Sekaanvand

Zeinab Sekaanvand was convicted of killing her a b u s i v e h u s b a n d ( P R I VA T E ) Human rights activists say a 2 2 - y e a r- o l d w o m a n whose execution was delayed while she was pregnant could be hanged within days in Iran. Zeinab Sekaanvand was convicted of killing her husband, whom she says beat her for months. Her execution was postponed after she remarried in prison and conceived a child. Last month she gave birth to a stillborn baby, putting her at risk of death by hanging as soon as 13 October. Doctors said the young woman's baby died in her

womb two days before she gave birth as a result of the shock she suffered after her friend and cellmate was e x e c u t e d . Amnesty International says Ms Sekaanvand comes from a poor, conservative Iranian-Kurdish family, and ran away from home aged 15 to marry her first husband, Hossein Sarmadi. She said she saw marrying him as her only chance for a better life. But not long after their wedding, she said, he started beating her regularly and verbally abusing her. The young woman registered several police complaints against her husband, none of which were investigated. Her husband rejected her

requests for a divorce, and when she tried to return to her parents, they disowned her for eloping. Ms Sekaanvand was 17 years old when her husband died. She was arrested, and allegedly confessed to stabbing him to death. She said she was held at the police station for the next 20 days and repeatedly tortured by police officers. Before being convicted by a criminal court in West Azerbaijan Province, she retracted her confession and told the judge that her husband's brother, who she said had repeatedly raped her, had committed the m u r d e r . Ms Sekaanvand said he promised to pardon her if

she took the blame - as Islamic law allows a murder victim's family to accept money in lieu of execution. Iranian judges can spare under-18s the death penalty if they do not understand the nature of their offence. This was not investigated in Ms Sekaanvand's case, although an official examination found she was suffering from a "depressive disorder" characterised by insomnia and difficulty making d e c i s i o n s . In 2015, Ms Sekaanvand married a fellow prisoner at Oroumieh Central Prison in northern Iran, and became pregnant. Her execution was delayed until after the birth, as it is illegal to execute a pregnant woman in Iran. Human Rights Watch says that as a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Iran is obliged to outlaw death sentences for minors. According to Amnesty, Iran has executed at least one person convicted for an offence when they were a child in 2016, and has at least 49 more child offenders on death r o w . ( B B C )




Girl Under 15 Married Every Seven Seconds, Says Save The Children

Getting married early has a big effect o n g i r l s


n e g i r l under the age of 15 is married every seven seconds, according to a new report by Save the Children. The study says girls as young as 10 are forced to marry much older men in countries including Afghanistan, Yemen, India and Somalia. Save the Children says early marriage can trigger a c y c l e o f

disadvantage across every part of a girl's life. Conflict, poverty and humanitarian crises are seen as major factors that leave girls exposed to child marriage. "Child marriage starts a cycle of disadvantage that denies girls the most basic rights to learn, develop and be children," said Save the Children International CEO Helle ThorningSchmidt. "Girls who marry too early often can't attend

school, and are more likely to face domestic violence, abuse and rape. They fall pregnant and are exposed to STIs (sexually transmitted infections) including HIV." The report, called Every Last Girl, ranks countries based on the hardest place to be a girl based on schooling, child marriage, teen pregnancy, maternal deaths and the number of women in parliament. Chad, Niger, Central

African Republic, Mali and Somalia were ranked at the bottom of the index. The report says girls affected by conflict are more likely to become child brides. It says many refugee families marry off their daughters as a way to protect them against poverty or sexual exploitation. The charity used the example of a 13year-old Syrian refugee in Lebanon it called Sahar - not her real name - who was married to a 20year-old man. Now

14, she is two months pregnant. "The wedding day, I was imagining it would be a great day but it wasn't. It was all misery. It was full of sadness," Save the Children quoted her as saying. "I feel really blessed that I am having a baby. But I am a child raising a child." The report says girls also suffer during humanitarian crises such as the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone where the shutting down of schools led to an estimated 14,000 teen pregnancies. The UN children's a g e n c y, U n i c e f , estimates that the number of women m a r r i e d i n childhood will grow from 700 million today to around 950 million by 2030. The Save the Children's report coincides with International Day of the Girl on T u e s d a y . ( B B C )




Yazidi Survivor Nadia Murad Wins Human Rights Award

Yazidi Survivor Nadia Murad Wins Human Rights Award


adia Murad was one of thousands of Yazidi women and girls captured and enslaved

by Islamic State in August 2014(EPA) A Yazidi woman who was tortured and raped by Islamic State (IS) group militants has won a human rights award. Iraqi activist Nadia Murad was awarded

t h e Va c l a v Havel Human Rights Prize by the Council of Europe. Miss Murad became the face of a campaign to free the Yazidi people and stop h u m a n traďŹƒcking after escaping IS in November 2014. The 23-yearold had been captured and enslaved three months earlier along with about 5,000 women and girls. During her months in captivity, she was bought and sold several times, and

subjected to sexual and physical abuse at the hands of the jihadists. Miss Murad, who was named a United Nations goodwill ambassador in September, called for the creation of an international court to judge crimes committed by IS extremists in her acceptance speech in Strasbourg. She went on to brand IS's attack on the Ya z i d i a " g e n o c i d e " , adding: "The free world is not reacting." The award, which honours outstanding civil society action in defence of human rights, comes with prize money of 6 0 , 0 0 0 e u r o s (ÂŁ54,250;$67,000). (BBC)




IS Confirms Death Of Propaganda Chief Abu Mohammed Al-Furqan

With its own radio station, magazines, and a daily flow of video and photo reports, IS runs a professional media operation(AFP)


he Islamic State group (IS) has confirmed the death last month of one of its most senior leaders, Abu Mohammed al-Furqan. He was minister of information for the group, and oversaw the production of propaganda videos showing executions. A statement posted online did not say when, where or how he had died. The Pentagon last month said an air strike

killed him near Raqqa in Syria on 7 September. He was among the few remaining founding members of IS, and had reportedly played a leading role in setting up the jihadist group's key media outfits, including Amaq news agency, and in launching its multilingual magazines, such as Dabiq. Born Wa'il Adil Hasan Salman al-Fayad in Iraq, his nickname 'al-Furqan' is thought to be derived from his reported role in running al-Furqan Media Foundation - IS's long-standing media arm. The media chief, who was known as an ultra hard-liner, had also been a

member of the IS leadership group, the Shura Council. Experts say he had no public profile prior to his death, nor was he officially mentioned by IS before. Such secrecy is thought to be in line with the group's policy on most of its top figures during their lifetime. IS propaganda in decline The confirmation of his death comes at a time when research shows that the volume of IS propaganda is in decline. A new s t u d y, b y t h e C o m b a t i n g Terrorism Centre of the US military academy at West Point, logged fewer than 200 items in August, down from a peak of more than 700 the year before. Jump media playerMedia player help Abu Mohammed al-Furqan was a close associate of another one of the group's propagandists, Abu Muhammad alAdnani, who was killed in an air strike in August. Adnani was one of the group's most high-profile figures with a $5m (£4m) bounty on his head. "The removal of ISIL's senior leaders degrades its ability to retain territory, and its ability to plan, finance, and direct attacks inside and outside of the region," the Pentagon said in a statement, using an alternative name for IS. (BBC)




Australia Same-sex Marriage Vote Blocked By Opposition

Opinion polls show most Australians support legalising s a m e - s e x marriage(AFP)


ustralian opposition MPs have said they will block the prime minister's plan to hold a national vote on legalising same-sex marriage. Malcolm Turnbull has promised to put the issue to a nonbinding ballot, or plebiscite, next year. But critics, including many supporters of same-sex marriage, say parliament should make the

decision itself. They say the plebiscite will be expensive and runs the risk of u n l e a s h i n g homophobic rhetoric. Parliament will still vote on whether to hold the plebiscite, but without opposition and crossbench support it is unlikely to pass the senate. Mr Turnbull has not yet said whether he will allow MPs a free parliamentary vote instead, as the opposition wants, meaning the issue is unlikely to be resolved soon. What are the basics of the plan?

Australia's Marriage Act currently specifies marriage as a union between a man and a woman. If parliament approves a vote, Australians will be asked next February: "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?" How many people will be affected? According to the 2011 census, there were around 33,700 same-sex couples in Australia - about 1% of all couples in Australia. Opinion polls show between 60% and 72% of Australians support legalising gay

marriage Is there a different way the issue can be decided? The opposition say campaigning around the plebiscite could allow aggressively homophobic language. A no vote could also set the legal changes back for years to come. They pushing for the matter to be settled through a free vote in parliament, where politicians would vote according to their individual beliefs. Read more: Australia gay marriage in the spotlight The vote is expected to cost

A$160m (£95m; $120m) which includes equal funding for both the y e s a n d n o campaigns. Opposition Labor leader Bill Shorten said on Tuesday that his party would o p p o s e t h e "expensive, divisive plebiscite". "Why should a couple in a c o m m i t t e d relationship have to knock on the doors of 15 million of their fellow Australians and see if they agree with it?" he said. "The easiest way is the way which this parliament has done for a hundred years legislate." Mr Turnbull is a longtime personal supporter of samesex marriage but has said the public should have a say. He said on Tu e s d a y t h a t t h e opposition was "not so much interested in same-sex couples being able to marry as they are in wringing every ounce of political gain out of this debate". (BBC)




France's First Drug Room For Addicts To Inject Opens In Paris

A user will get a sterile drugs pack on visiting the new facility(AFP)


Paris hospital i s n o w h o u s i n g France's first "shooting gallery" - a safe place where drug addicts can inject under medical supervision. The controversial drug room was opened by Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and Health Minister Marisol Touraine on Tuesday. It is near the Gare du Nord, a busy station

where drug crime is common. The users will exchange hard drugs like heroin and crack for substitutes, along with sterile injection kits. Critics fear it could fuel drug abuse. Ms Touraine said France had become the tenth country to set up drug rooms, which Switzerland pioneered in 1986. There are plans to open two more - in Strasbourg, eastern France, and Bordeaux in the south-west. "This is a very

important moment in the battle against the blight of addiction," Ms Touraine said. One of the chief arguments for such places is that they put addicts - often poor, marginalised and sick - in touch with medics and social workers, who can help them. Consuming substitute drugs in a clean environment also reduces the risk that addicts face from contaminated hard drugs bought from criminal dealers. The Paris facility is in the Lariboisiere

Hospital, and has a separate entrance. It will formally open its doors to addicts on Friday, and about 200 are expected there daily. The addicts will have to register, but are not obliged to give their real name, and will not be pursued by police for going there. The facility has a dozen cubicles affording some privacy to addicts when they inject. It is run by Gaia, an association that helps to treat addicts, and the annual running cost is

put at €1.2m (£1.1m; $1.3m). A leading Paris politician in the centre-right Republicans party, Philippe Goujon, is among the opponents who fear the initiative will undermine efforts to stop the hard drugs trade. "We're moving from a policy of risk reduction to a policy of making drugs an everyday, legitimate thing. The state is saying 'you can't take drugs, but we'll help you to do so anyway," he told the daily Le Figaro (in French). According to French health ministry data from 2011, more than 10% of drug abusers in France have HIV/Aids and more than 40% are infected with hepatitis C. Dirty needles and unprotected sex are the main routes for virus transmission. Drug rooms exist officially in several European countries, i n c l u d i n g Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Spain, as well as in Canada and Australia. (BBC)




Forestry Sector On Verge Of Collapse... More Effective Policies Needed – FPA President


resident of the Forest Producers Association (FPA), Deonarine Ramroop, has noted that the forestry sector is facing challenges and if not addressed early can spell devastation for the industry. During an interview with the Guyana Daily News, Mr. Ramroop said that excessive cost of production is a major challenge to the forestry sector, such as, high fuel prices, poor road infrastructure in the interior and high cost of spare parts. He however noted that the FPA is hoping for the forestry sector to be more involved in making value added products rather than exporting log but this would need the support of government by reducing operational costs. According to Mr Ramroop, the FPA is currently in negotiations with the government but, to date no concrete decision has been

made on the way forward. Guyana is currently working without a Log Export Policy, since the previous one expired; however the FPA is currently in the process of creating and implementing a new policy. He also stated that the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Project was a missed opportunity for the forestry sector. “As soon as the government went into power, we wrote them a twelve points note that we want them to guide us,” Mr Ramroop said. However, only one of those points has been honored by the government and that is for the FPA to be on the Guyana Forestry Commission’s Board. The other points included the need for a deep water harbor, duty free concession on fuel and parts, red tape to be reduced when exporting lumber, among others. Many workers in the forestry sector have expressed their concerns about the state of the industry, because of the amount of regulations that must be followed. They are fearful that the industry will fall to the waste side. “Should this happen, it will have dire consequences for us and our families,” some workers said. Mr Ramroop also expressed similar sentiments, noting that if the sector fails, it will have a trickling effect on the hundreds of workers. With the recent seizure of Bai Shan Lin assets by the government, the president said that the smaller companies will also suffer because of the actions of the government. He said that the government should develop relevant policies to ensure that the industry stays alive and that they should adapt technology to ensure greater efficiency in the services that is being provided by the Guyana Revenue Authority.




Revenue Collectors Allegedly Stealing Millions From City Hall receipts by the revenue collectors. Duncan was quoted as saying that


any vendors around the city are complaining about the non- issuance of receipts by city hall officials who collect fees for vending at the markets. At Monday’s statutory meeting, Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan told councillors that he was in possession of evidence that some vendors are not being issued

“Vendors are complaining to me all the time that they’re paying their money and not being issued with receipts. I am arguing that Council is losing millions of dollars on a monthly basis. We have to find a better system in which we collect our market fees.” According to vendors, city officials would normally collect the fees for vending and would often pocket the monies since they do not issue receipts. It was noted that persons who ply their trade between Orange Walk and Cummings Street, on Merriman Mall, are forced to pay city constables $5000 if they turn up at the facility before the time that they are allowed to sell there. If they do not comply, the vendors will not be allowed to vend at the locations. “These monies are for the constables, we normally start business at 10:30 hrs, but should you come a bit early, the constables working in the area would charge $5000, no receipt is being issued for that money as well,” one vendor revealed. Reports indicate that City Hall has raked in over one billion dollars in revenue and tax collections for the first half of the year, but according to councillors, despite this claim, the council continues to operate at a deficit. The councillors have complained that they cannot access detailed information on the city’s expenditure, nor is the government interested in conducting a forensic audit into the operations of the council.

Post Offices Will not become obsolete – Min. Hughes


inister of Public Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes in observance of ‘World Post Day 2016’ said, “Times have changed, methods of communication have changed, this particular source of national revenue has undergone some changes which is why we are recalibrating our focus to more efficiently accommodate our people’s 21st century needs.” The minister assured that “Post Offices will not become obsolete.” According to the Guyana Information Agency (GINA) the minister said that it was recognized that the use of postal services has declined significantly over the past few years due to developments in the areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The ICT sector is being utilized for its speed, efficiency, availability and in some cases, low cost. “Postal services in Guyana are already undergoing very dramatic changes, even to the physical amenities and facilities that will benefit our pensioners, first of all,” Minister Hughes added. Since persons worldwide no longer use the local postal systems as a first choice for sending mails, other information and packages, systems are being put in place, in Guyana, for the effects of such changes. Chairman of the Guyana Post Office Corporation Board, Reverend Dr. Raphael Massiah, in his message stated that, “Over the next two years, we plan to hone all the available skills of our human capital coupled with the maximum use of ICT to offer an improved service with greater efficiency and reliability.” Massiah said the GPOC needs to take a bold step forward and recalibrate its operations in order to remain relevant to the everyday lives of people and business. This year World Post Day was celebrated on October 9, under the theme, ‘serving a new society: delivering beyond your doorstep.’ Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC), on Monday last commemorated World Post Day 2016. The observance was declared by the 1969 Universal Postal Congress in Tokyo as a means to mark the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union’s (UPU) creation in 1974.




Oil And Gas Association Pledges Transparency, Accountability

The Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), which was officially launched Tuesday evening at the Marriott Hotel, has vowed to ensure transparency and accountability of transactions. The Association has also promised to ensure adequate provision of employment for Guyanese. Speaking on the topic “Governance and Mandate of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association Inc.”, Nigel Hughes, one of the eight Directors of the Association, said that “GOGA will support all efforts which will lead to the fullest possible disclosure of all information on all transactions related to the exploitation of this national resources and encourage the widest possible discussion on the development of this asset.” President and Chief Executive Officer of the Association, Bobby Gossai Jr. pointed out the importance of transparency in interacting with the government, international community, non-governmental organizations, such as the private sector and other stakeholders to build a cohesive approach for the growth and development of Guyana’s hydrocarbon sector. The formation of the Association comes following a stream of

International organizations which offered their help to Guyana to aid in the country’s preparation for oil production. The call for transparency and accountability in oil and gas sector is of major concern to many and the industry is usually plagued with corruption. The Bank of Montreal is the latest to provide assistance for the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. The Bank made a presentation on the likely financial impacts to members of the subcommittee on oil and gas and stakeholders. The Bank also highlighted the importance for Guyana to have the experts who could assist in ensuring that oil producing companies release accurate data to government. Reports are that an estimated 1.2 billion barrels of oil will generate US$72 billion at the current world market price. Based on Agreement ExxonMobil, the company would take 50 percent of revenue to recover its multi-billion dollar investment in exploration and the remainder would be split in half between the company and Guyana as profit oil.




Delivery Of Education Needs Balance, Residents Of Region 10-Inquiry Into The Education System Continues (Georgetown, October 12, 2016) for an additional boat to assist children disadvantage. Commissioners mandated to examine the state of the education system met with residents including the Regional Democratic Council of Linden and Kwakwani, Region 10. The consultations occurred on October 6 and 7. As education stakeholders raise their concerns about the current state of education and its delivery in Region 10, several calls have been made for the Ministry to ensure that children across the country have access to equal education opportunities. Such opportunities as access to sports facilities and equipment, technology, adequate and hygienic school facilities, and transportation are said to be challenges in the Region. Among the other issues identified in the Region are: The need for welfare officers; The need

from riverine communities getting to school in a timely manner; and, a bus to transport children who live in Moblissa, a village about 7 miles in from the Soesdyke Highway, who attend school in Linden. Moblissa residents noted that children continue to drop out of school due to the distance children travel to get to school. A parent noted that the lack of internet access in the community also presents a challenge when completing assignments. Residents of Obama Drive, Amelia’s Ward in Linden have also expressed similar concerns. It was noted also that teachers continue to short change children in the classroom as they frequently complete the syllabus at their private lessons, which inevitably puts a significant number of students at a

Meanwhile, Regional officials and community leaders are calling on the Government to ensure that all schools are placed on the same level in terms of the types and quality of subject areas and the level of resources put into sustaining those subject areas such as, the sciences. A call was also made for guidance and counselling officers to be placed in primary schools. The Commission has also noted concerns regarding sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy in Kwakwani. Residents there have asked the Ministry to assist in putting mechanisms in place to tackle the issues plaguing the c o m m u n i t y. C o m m i s s i o n e r s a r e currently in Region 2 for three days of consultations. Ministry of Education Press Release




Fraud Accused Carvil Duncan Suspended In Accordance With Constitution the Board of the Guyana Defence Minister’s letter was delivered by the

Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Mr. Carvil Duncan Georgetown, Guyana – (October 12, 2016) President David Granger, acting in accordance with Article 225 (6) of the Constitution of Guyana, has suspended Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Mr. Carvil Duncan with immediate effect, pending the outcome of the proceedings of the Tribunal. In a letter dated October 10, 2016, the Head of State informed Mr. Duncan that in addition to his role as PSC Chairman, he is also suspended from performing the Constitutional functions as ex-officio member of the Judicial Service Commission, the Police Service Commission and other functions as exofficio member of the Commissions of

Force (GDF). Article 225 (6) states that, “If the question of removing the officer from office has been referred to a tribunal under this article, the President, acting in accordance with the advice of the prescribed authority, may suspend the officer from performing the functions of his office, and any such suspension may at any time be revoked by the President, acting in accordance with such advice as aforesaid, and shall in any case cease to have effect if the tribunal recommends to the President that the officer should not be removed from office.” On September 15, the President in accordance with Article 225 (4) of the Constitution, appointed a Tribunal to inquire, investigate and recommend whether Mr. Duncan ought to be removed from office for inability to discharge the functions of his Constitutional posts. Prior to that, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo had written to Mr. Duncan calling on him to explain why a Tribunal should not be appointed but this letter went unanswered. Mr. Duncan claimed that he has never received any correspondence from the Prime Minister. However, the Tribunal is in receipt of evidence that the Prime

Guyana Post Office Corporation. In a release issued last Saturday, Mr. Duncan alleged that he was offered a “financial package” in exchange for his resignation. Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon has categorically denied the assertion made by Mr. Duncan that he was offered monies by the Minister of State or the President. In fact both the President and Minister Harmon had met with Mr. Duncan in an effort to have him voluntarily vacate the Constitutional positions he holds, since it is undesirable for someone who is facing criminal charges to hold those positions. Mr. Duncan is currently before the court on fraud charges after it was discovered by auditors that he paid himself approximately $1M and allegedly conspired with Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of the Guyana Power and Light, Mr. Aeshwar Deonarine, for an unapproved transfer of approximately $27M into the latter’s personal account. Members of the Tribunal, Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire, Justice (ret’d) Winston Patterson and Attorneyat-Law, Mr. Robert Ramcharran, are expected to present their report to the President on or before Monday, October 31, 2016. MOTP Press Release




Cuban Nationals Charged For Having Forged Stamps On Passport


hree Cuban nationals appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman, charged with attempting to defraud an officer of the law by using forged documents. Osmel Guirola-Aboscol, Andy Perez Rodriguez and Alain Perez Rodriguez pleaded not guilty

to the charge and were granted bail in the sum of GY$80,000. They were ordered to return before the court on October 25, 2016. The trio was represented by Attorney Melvin Duke, who in his bail application noted that they entered the country legally and has been staying at 234 Garnette Street, Kitty. According to the defense attorney, the trio had approached an individual in connection to legally extending their stay in the country and handed over their respective documents. Prosecutor, Vishnu Hunt made no objection to bail but requested that the passports of the accused be handed over to the custody of the Cuban Embassy for the duration of the matter. It is alleged that on October 9, 2016 at Molsen Creek,Corentyne the three accused uttered to an officer of the law their passports which contained forged stamps which they claimed were issued at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

Security Guard Walks Free In Drugs Case encountered the defendant and found him in possession of the drugs. Magistrate Latchman prior to giving her final verdict explained that the case put forward by the Prosecution does not provide sufficient evidence to prove that the accused had “control” of the substance and as such her decision was to dismiss the case. Duke, a Security Guard, was initially jointly charged with Sharda Mohammed as it was alleged that on June 15, 2016 at Nutmeg Street, Ruimveldt the duo had in their possession 2.738 kg of the drugs.


agistrate Judy Latchman today dismissed the case against Nigel Duke who was charged with being in possession of 2.738 kg of marijuana with the intent of trafficking. During the trial, the Prosecution had contended that the accused had control of the substance referencing the day on which Duke was arrested, stating that officers acting on information went to Ruimveldt, Georgetown where they


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mediation To Help Reduce Back Log In Court Cases The Riverdale Mediation Limited on Monday commenced a with some of the issues which pass across my desk…so as we PAGE 65

five day Mediation Training programme at the Marriott Hotel. Mediation is one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options that takes into account the interests and needs of the parties. It is a process in which parties in a dispute appoint a mediator and actively participate in good faith in the mediation process in order to arrive at a consensual resolution of the matters between them. According to the Guyana Information Agency (GINA) participants were drawn from the Child Protection Services, and include welfare, labour and legal officers among others. The training is being facilitated by Coordinator of the Riverdale Mediation Limited, Hilary Linton. Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, while delivering remarks at the opening session, explained that the training is timely since it will help to reduce the number of cases in the court. “It is a fact that on a daily basis our probation officers and social workers including our child care and protection workers, are faced with a multiplicity of issues for which they are not adequately prepared. Even I, am stunned


traverse the regions I believe what is learnt here will help us,” the Minister said. Minister Lawrence noted that the training will equip officers to address various family and community conflicts they are confronted with daily. It will also help parties to settle disputes. “The knowledge of this skill set facilitate alternative dispute resolution, thus engaging parties and effecting positive changes in the community and society in general,” Minister Lawrence explained. Over the years, there have been a growing number of backlog cases in the Supreme Court, especially as it relates to civil matters and mediation was formally introduced in Guyana in 2003 in an attempt to improve the administration of justice by reducing the huge backlog of Court cases and the lengthy delays in the hearing and conclusion of court matters but few cases in the Guyana’s court have being referred to mediation. Persons are hopeful that with the training of new mediators, cases will be processed faster in the court. The training will conclude on Friday, October 14, 2016.




Stronger Hurricane Nicole Forecast To Approach Bermuda On Wednesday By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Hurricane Nicole continued to strengthen on Tuesday, as a hurricane warning was issued for Bermuda. Hurricane conditions are expected to begin on Bermuda by Wednesday night, with tropical storm conditions beginning Wednesday afternoon. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, the eye of Hurricane Nicole was located about 350 miles (565 km) southsouthwest of Bermuda, moving toward the northwest near 5 mph (7 km/h). A northwest to north-northwest motion was expected on Tuesday night, with a turn towards the north and an increase in forward speed on Wednesday morning, followed by a northeast turn late Wednesday. On the forecast track, the centre of Nicole is expected to approach Bermuda on Wednesday night and pass near Bermuda on Thursday. Data from an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft indicate that the maximum sustained winds have increased to near 80 mph (130 km/h) with higher gusts. Additional strengthening is forecast during the next day or so, and Nicole is forecast to be near major hurricane strength by late Wednesday. Hurricaneforce winds extend outward up to 30 miles (45 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 115 miles (185 km). A dangerous storm surge is expected to

produce coastal flooding in Bermuda. Near the coast, the surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves. Nicole is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 3 to 5 inches over Bermuda through Thursday. Swells associated with Nicole will affect Bermuda during the next few days. These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. (Caribbean News Now!)

Hurricane Nicole three-day forecast track, NHC/NOAA graphic

Grand Bahama In Crisis NASSAU, Bahamas -- Some residents of Grand Bahama are describing conditions as hell on Earth in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. The description was used by Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Emerick Seymour, officer in charge of Grand Bahama, in Freeport on Saturday. “The only good thing about it is that there were no lives lost,” Seymour said. On Monday, the island, already deeply scarred by the storms of 2004 and 2005, was still without power supply. Authorities said the storm ripped down more than 700 poles. Water was being provided in some areas intermittently. Government officials said Rand Memorial Hospital and clinics were on generator. Most of the island’s businesses remained closed and long lines had formed at service stations. Officials acknowledged that the economy has suffered a major blow and it could be a long time before some semblance of normalcy returns to the island. Prime Minister Perry Christie toured the devastation in West

End on Saturday, where many homes and businesses were flattened by the storm. (Caribbean News Now!)

The fabled Star Hotel in West End, Grand Bahama, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Hurricane Matthew collapsed the great posts that gave support to the front section, virtually gutted the building, and left it as a mere shell. Photo: Fred Sturrup




At Least 300 Schools In Haiti Unusable; Agricultural Sector Suffered Extensive Damage PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- One week after Hurricane Matthew slammed into Haiti, more than 100,000 children are missing out on learning as their schools were either damaged or converted into shelters, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reported on Tuesday, stressing the urgent need to rehabilitate those facilities. Meanwhile, on Monday, the ministry of agriculture, natural resources and rural development (MARNDR) released a first partial report of extensive damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in the agricultural sector. “At least 100,000 children today will not experience the joy, safety and stimulation that being in a classroom brings,” said UNICEF's deputy representative in Haiti, Jean Metenier, in a news release. “We need to get them back to learning as soon as possible. Hurricane Matthew took away their schools, homes and textbooks. It shouldn't take away their sense of hope.” Schools across the country are reopening but, according to initial national estimates, at least 300 public schools have been partially or entirely damaged in the country and many others are being used to shelter displaced families. Schools in Sud and Grande Anse departments will remain closed for at least another week. UNICEF is working with partners to help set up temporary learning spaces. Priorities include rehabilitating damaged schools, delivering adequate school supplies, furniture and teaching materials, and providing children with psychosocial support. The ministry of

agriculture released a preliminary report detailing hundreds of thousands of metric tons of production losses due to the hurricane and the loss of hundreds of thousands of livestock, as well as damaged or destroyed fishing boats and equipment, processing buildings, irrigation systems and farm roads. (Caribbean News Now!)

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew, which hit Haiti on October 4, continues to rise. Haiti is facing the greatest humanitarian emergency since the earthquake in 2010. The full extent of the damage remains unknown. Photo: UNICEF/UN034980/Abassi, UN-MINUSTAH

Four Parties Show Willingness To Form New Coalition Government In Curacao WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- The MAN, PAR, PNP and Pueblo Soberano (PS) political parties have presented a joint letter indicating their willingness to form the next government in Curacao, representing a majority of 12 of the 21 seats in Parliament. The letter was presented to Governor Lucille George-Wout. The four parties do not exclude the possibility of adding other coalition partners to broaden the support base. In the current setting it will be interesting to see how the nine ministerial portfolios are to be divided. If PNP and PS each get two with their two seats, MAN is likely to get only three and PAR would even have to settle for two, even though they both have four seats. The latter can be compensated with the Chair of Parliament and the plenipotentiary minister in The Hague. MAN as the biggest party in terms of votes should also deliver the prime minister, who will almost certainly be party leader Hensley Koeiman. PNP would like to hold on to the ministry of traffic, transport and spatial planning it now has, as does PS with its current minister of social development, labour and wellbeing. Perhaps they will settle for one minister each so that MAN and PAR can divide the other seven between them, four and three. PAR leader Zita Jesus-Leito announced the party was ready to govern again during her visit to the governor as part of the latter’s formation consultations. Priority for PAR is to stimulate the economy, ensure a better future for young people and reduce poverty. Jesus-Leito said MAN has a similar social agenda. PAR is open to discussing the possibilities of forming a coalition with most parties, including now independent (former PAR) parliamentarian Omayra Leeflang and her new “Un Korsou Hustu” (UKH). Leeflang left PAR and took her seat to go independent soon after the elections in 2012. However, PAR indicated that it will not work with the MFK party led by convicted former prime minister Gerrit Schotte, and “Korsou di Nos Tur” (KdNT) of Amparo dos Santos, which is generally regarded as closely aligned with Schotte. (Caribbean News Now!)

Potential coalition partners


GUYANA DAILY NEWS OAS Secretary General Welcomes Resumption Of Colombia Peace Talks PAGE 68

WASHINGTON, USA -- The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, has welcomed the announcement of renewed negotiations and public dialogue between the Colombian government and the ELN guerillas as “a concrete and hopeful step toward a comprehensive peace, longed for by Colombians for decades. Almagro applauded “the willingness of the two sides to return to the table and begin a process of inclusive dialogue, in which civil society and other sectors of Colombian citizenry are given a very active role.” The OAS leader praised the fact that “the unilateral cease-fire arranged by the ELN in the framework of the plebiscite, and the release of hostages, are signs of peace that allow for assurances to victims and create an atmosphere of trust to move forward in discussions.” Almagro reiterated the commitment of the OAS to peace in Colombia through the Mission to Support the Peace Process (MAPP/OAS). The mission has accompanied for the last 12 years the peace initiatives in the most remote areas and those hardest hit by the violence, and will continue to do so in the post-conflict


stage. In this framework, the MAPP/OAS is ready to support the process of dialogue that resumed this Monday. (Caribbean News Now!)

OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro

Caribbean Can Benefit From EPA, Says Barbados PM By Sharon Austin BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) -- Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart has expressed the view that the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) “bristles with opportunities” from which the Caribbean region can benefit. Stuart made the comments on Tuesday as he delivered the feature address at the inaugural two-day European Union-CARIFORUM Sustainable Energy. The prime minister told his audience: “Commitment to the successful implementation of the EPA has never waned. In fact, tangible contributions have been made by the EU and its member states under the Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme, the UK’s CARTFund and the German development body GIZ. “This assistance has benefited the public sector, the private sector and regional institutions alike, thereby making a significant contribution to bolstering this region’s capacity to trade with the EU. We remain robust in our determination to seize the opportunities which we have negotiated under this comprehensive trading arrangement.” The CARIFORUM-EU EPA, which was signed in 2008, is a trade and sustainable development agreement composed of measures to stimulate trade and investment between the two regions, build a regional market, and help to eliminate poverty. The EPA seeks to move away from the preferential treatment to the region to a WTO compliant arrangement which seeks to substantially open up all trade between the Caribbean and the EU. Stuart pointed out that the agreement, while ground-breaking as the first comprehensive NorthSouth trade and development agreement in the global economy, was yet to see a noticeable shift in the terms of trade with the EU, since time was needed to build the capacity in the region to fully exploit the opportunities offered. He added that it was unfortunate that the process of finalising the negotiations that would lead to the

CARIFORUM–EU EPA coincided with the “onset of a prolonged period of fiscal and economic turmoil” in many economies across the world. Stuart said the Caribbean was not unmindful of the need to eventually re-negotiate the terms and conditions under various trade agreements such as the EPA and the WTO with both the UK and member states of the European Union. “I therefore wish to echo the sentiments of some of my colleagues that it may well be time for us in the region to focus more attention on political engagement with the EU to ensure the promotion and protection of our interests in a volatile global economy where the currents of individualism are growing more powerful and more pronounced,” the prime minister stated. (Caribbean News Now!)

Prime Minister Freundel Stuart addressing the the inaugural two-day European Union-CARIFORUM Sustainable Energy Conference. (B. Hinds/BGIS)




Montserrat Volcano Observatory Renews Monitoring And Research Contract With UWI BRADES, Montserrat -- The University of the West Indies (UWI) “The Seismic Research Centre has been managing and supporting has entered a renewed contract with the government of Montserrat to provide management and support for the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO), which conducts monitoring and research activities on the Soufriere Hills Volcano. The new monitoring contract runs for five years and was signed on September 13, 2016, by Professor Dale Webber, pro vice-chancellor for graduate studies and research at UWI and by Elizabeth Anne Carriere, governor of Montserrat. Montserrat’s Soufrière Hills Volcano has been erupting since 1995, rendering more than half of the island uninhabitable, including the capital city Plymouth. Since the onset of the eruption, the volcano has been closely monitored and heavily researched. Through careful management and implementation of volcano risk reduction strategies, Montserrat has managed to rebuild itself and adapt to living with an erupting volcano. The UWI, through its Trinidad and Tobago-based Seismic Research Centre, has been contracted to provide six scientific staff members (including the director) to work at MVO. It will also provide support services and updates to the MVO’s monitoring equipment, including a complete replacement of the seismic monitoring network. The UWI has also been tasked to develop training courses, which will be based at MVO and will continue to facilitate research at this live laboratory to better understand how volcanic systems function in Montserrat and by extension the wider Eastern Caribbean. Speaking on the partnership, Webber said, “I am very pleased that the government of Montserrat has decided to renew this contract. It shows that the UWI can provide world-class scientists and world-class science to deliver a service that is crucial in the ongoing development of Montserrat.” Carriere said,

Montserrat Volcano Observatory since 2008. In that time, they and the MVO have provided excellent information and advice to successive governors and to the government and the people of Montserrat. This contract serves as recognition of the outstanding quality of the work carried out by the observatory and the staff there and of the need for that work to continue in the future.” During his trip to Montserrat, Webber visited the MVO and toured the former capital city of Plymouth. Webber is the highest ranking UWI official to visit Montserrat since the university began management of the MVO and his presence demonstrates the university’s commitment to ensuring that its activities have meaningful impact on the people it serves. (Caribbean News Now!)

Dr Richard Robertson (left) and Pro Vice-Chancellor of The UWI, Professor Dale Webber inspect the buried and abandoned city of Plymouth at the foot of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Photo: Roderick Stewart/MVO

Anguilla Boat Builder Launches New Caribbean Fast Ferry Concept SANDY GROUND, Anguilla -- Anguilla’s heritage and custom boat building company, Rebel Marine, recently water-launched its newest design in Sandy Ground: a luxury 44-foot bow-riding fast ferry that expands its coveted line of “marine limousines”. Rebel Marine’s “marine limousines”, which range in length from 34 to 55 feet, are a win-win for both the boatyard and for its clients, who are efficiently using them for business safely and luxuriously to carry passengers in open ocean conditions. This aids Rebel Marine’s clients in their own repeat business by providing excellent experiences and gaining great reviews. With the new 44-foot marine limousine also being a bowrider, Rebel Marine has reached a pioneering status, as most open-air bow-riders keep to a maximum length of only 30 feet. This added element of the bow-riding option for a luxury fast ferry has attracted excitement and has new commissions lining up at Rebel Marine. This first one to fruition, the 44-foot commissioned by Islander Watersports out of St Kitts and Nevis, who aptly named it “Point Proven”, can carry up to 30 passengers. Islander Watersports services the Four Seasons Resort in Nevis. Wincent Perkins of Islander Watersports said, “This is a fantastic addition to our fleet. This boat is sleek, good looking, comfortable and quiet, which adds to the element of luxury for our guests. Its efficiency is good for business and we love that it’s the first and only marine limousine in the Caribbean that is also a spacious bow-rider.” David Carty, Rebel

Marine’s owner and founder added, “We appreciate the fact that we’ve had so many repeat commissions that return to Rebel Marine due to good service. We intend to continue building the best boats possible with state of the art materials, for our clients all across the Caribbean and Southeastern United States.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Rebel Marine 44' bow-rider




Over 40,000 Pounds Of Produce Sold In First Quarter Of Virtual Agricultural Clearing House PRESS RELEASE – The Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association on May 19th 2016 launched the Virtual Agricultural Clearing House (VACH). The Association is pleased to announce its statistics for the first quarter in operation. Data compiled for primarily five crops indicates a total revenue of $127,044.70 over the three month period, this is a total of 42,318lbs of produce sold. Pineapple sales account for 64% ($81,704.00) of that revenue. These figures are reflective of reported purchases made directly between farmers and hotels/food and beverage distributors. These sales are from a small representation of the hospitality sector (1600 rooms) participating in the program. It is important to note that this is not the peak season for tourism arrivals nevertheless great strides are being made via the VACH; farmers support, food and beverage distributors and hospitality sector participation and partnerships with developmental institutions such as Rise Saint Lucia Inc for the Good Food Revolution program. The hospitality sector acquires a relevant source of their agricultural produce locally but the opportunities to increase linkages are more significant for niche products as seen with pineapples, watermelons, cantaloupe and honeydew. These items represent a potential market of approximately $2,000,000. One of the first individuals to conduct sales through the VACH is Mr. Moses Rene a young farmer from Grace, Vieux-Fort. Mr. Rene’s sales has increased considerably and as a result he is expanding his business and employing more persons. In his testimonial Mr. Rene has praised the VACH for opening more avenues for the sale of his produce. The gradual increase in purchasing of local agricultural produce by the hospitality sector signifies a reduction in the importation bill. This is tourism dollars directly in the pockets of our farmers creating a ripple of positive effects for the economy of Saint Lucia. This is just the first step in fulfilling some of the mandates of the VACH. (St. Lucia News Online)

PAHO Says Caribbean Achieved Nearly All Health Targets Of UN Millennium Development Goals WASHINGTON, Oct 11, CMC – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) says Caribbean countries have met almost all the health targets of the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). “As the result of 15 years of efforts, the countries of the hemisphere significantly improved the health of their populations,” said Kira Fortune, acting chief of PAHO’s Special Programme on Sustainable Development and Health Equity. In a report presented to the PAHO’s 55th Directing Council here, Fortune said “today, the people of the region are living longer, healthier lives thanks to the MDGs. “They are at less risk of dying from malaria, and babies are more likely to survive childbirth and reach five years of age,” she added. To promote human development, the international community has endorsed the MDGs in 2000 at the United Nations, making a commitment to tackle important issues for the future of humankind, such as the eradication of extreme poverty, environmental conservation, and the protection and promotion of people’s health, among others. The new PAHO report shows that the targets related to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (MDG1), reducing child mortality (MDG4) and ensuring environmental sustainability (MDG7) were all achieved between 1990 and 2015. PAHO said MDG6 (combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases) was partly achieved, and progress was made toward MDG5 (improving maternal mortality), although the goal was not met. As the report explains, the proportion of underweight children under age five in Latin America and the Caribbean dropped by 63 per cent between 1990 and 2013, and the proportion of the population unable to meet minimum food requirements was reduced by 60 per cent, from 69 million people in 1990 to less than 37 million in 2015. The report says that mortality in children under five in Latin America and the Caribbean fell by 66 per cent (from 43 to 15per 1,000 live births) between 1990 and 2015, and mortality among children under one in the Americas was reduced by 62 per cent (from 34 to 13 per 1,000 livebirths) in the same period. PAHO said

regional countries have managed to halt the spread of HIV and began to reduce its prevalence. According to the report, HIV prevalence in Latin America and the Caribbean fell from 0.28 per cent in 1990 to 0.17 per cent in 2015. The goal of providing access to treatment for all those who need it was not achieved, although the rate of coverage did improve significantly, to 44 per cent, the report states. It says malaria cases and deaths dropped sharply (64 per cent and 78 per cent, respectively, between 2000 and 2013), as did tuberculosis prevalence and mortality. The estimated incidence of tuberculosis fell from 56 to 26 cases per 100,000 population between 1990 and 2015. Almost 95 per cent of the inhabitants of the Americas had access to drinking water, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) calculations, while the proportion of the population lacking access to improved sanitation services dropped by 48.5 per cent between 1990 and 2015. (Antigua Observer)




Colombian President Demands Devolution Of Missing Persons

Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, committed himself

to ask the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), for the devolution of all the persons that went ‘missing’ during conflict. According to the Venezuelan Nespaper, El Nacional, the director of the Visible Victims Foundation, Diana Sofía Giraldo, mentioned that the Head of State promised the victims of over 50 years of conflict, a closure for their decades of anguish and uncertainty. Santos met Tuesday with 14 family members of the victims, at the ‘Casa de Nariño’, headquarters of the Executive Power. During the reunion, a document was delivered to the Head of State from the 14 family members present, where several points of the Peace Treaty signed on September 26 between the Colombian Government and the FARC were observed. According to the declaration of Santos, this demand will stand as one of the ‘requirements’ that the FARC must comply as part of the signing of the Peace Treaty that took place last month, on the capital city of Habana, Cuba. Even though the agreement was annulled by the plebiscite on October 2, the talks between both parties are still in force with the supervision of military observers of the Organization of the United Nations (UN). Source: http://www.el-nacional.com/mundo/Santoscomprometio-FARC-devolucion-desa...




Syria Conflict: Rebels Set Up Internment Camp For IS Defectors

A rebel commander said not everyone being held at the camp would be allowed to leave A secret internment camp for former Islamic State militants and their families has been established in Syria. Some 300 defectors and captured combatants, including many Europeans, are being held at the camp operated by the rebel group J a y s h a l - Ta h r i r. I t s commander, Mohammad alGhabi, told the BBC: "We tried to rehabilitate them and alter their state of minds." "Those who wished to return home were allowed to call their embassies and coordinate with them through us." Among the group are French, Dutch and Polish

nationals, as well as foreign fighters from North Africa and across the Middle East and Central Asia. The men, women and children are being held in a village in rural northern Syria. Mr Ghabi said the numbers were growing as IS collaps ed, thanks to a Turkish-supported rebel offensive against the group in northern Syria called "Operation Euphrates Shield". "IS has been falling apart for the past seven or eight months, according to the defectors we spoke to. However, Operation Euphrates Shield further degraded IS and led to its dismemberment following the rapid advances of our forces," he added. A BBC team was unable to visit the

camp, but obtained material from inside. It has basic facilities and the prisoners there say they are being well cared for, but many want to leave. One former IS fighter there goes by the name of Abu Sumail. He travelled from his native Netherlands two years ago, going first to Belgium, then to Gaziantep in Turkey. He said he disguised himself as a "party guy" on holiday, to avoid detection by the intelligence services. But getting into Syria was much easier than leaving. Speaking of his disappointment with life inside IS-held territory, he said: "They treat us very bad, especially people from another country. "It's very hard for us to live there - it's not our lifestyle because we

are used to a lot of things and then we come there and they directly start to treat you hard. "You give your life to them, so they are going to start to take control of your life. They use you for bad stuff." The BBC has also learned that an underground railroad is being created in Syria, with other rebel groups and British and European intelligence services, to find, capture and return IS supporters. Inside the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto IS capital, fighters have begun to send videos and personal statements to rebel groups, in the hope of escaping with their families. At least half a dozen foreign fighters have made it out already, and are facing imprisonment back in Europe, according to rebel groups. Mr Ghabi said that not everyone would be allowed to leave. "Those who didn't want to go back or had committed crimes are being referred to a Sharia court, which rules by [Islamic] law and punishes according to the gravity of crime committed." Some could be executed, he warned, and added that the window of opportunity for defectors to cross to the rebels was closing fast, as IS continues to lose territory and its proto-state crumbles. (BBC)




US Election: Trump Presidency 'Dangerous', Says UN Rights Chief

Donald Trump has been a harsh critic of the UN(REUTERS) Donald Trump's "deeply unsettling and disturbing" views make him a danger internationally, the UN's human rights chief has said. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad alHussein cited Mr Trump's comments on the use of torture and his attitude to "vulnerable communities". The Republican presidential candidate's campaign has been marked by a number of controversial comments. Recent crude remarks about women have caused the biggest political fallout. Overnight President Barack Obama, at a rally for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, condemned those comments, saying: "The guy says stuff that nobody would find tolerable if they were applying for a job at 7Eleven." Mr Hussein said at a news briefing in Geneva: "If Donald Trump is elected on the basis of what he has said

already - and unless that changes - I think it is without any doubt that he would be dangerous from an international point of view." Mr Hussein said he was "not keen or intent on interfering in any political campaign within any particular country". But he said that when an election could result in an increase in the use of torture "or the focus on vulnerable communities in a way that suggests that they may well be deprived of their human rights, then I think it is incumbent to say so". Mr Hussein has spoken out b e f o r e o n M r Tr u m p ' s policies, saying in June that "bigotry is not proof of strong leadership", while in September he launched a scathing attack on Western populist politicians, branding them "demagogues and political fantasists". During the campaign, Mr Trump has said that "torture works" and has promised to bring back "a lot worse than waterboarding".

Waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques previously used by US forces on terror suspects have been banned by the Obama administration. Mr Trump said of waterboarding in June: "I like it a lot. I don't think it's tough enough." His comments on migrants, Mexicans in particular, have drawn fire from rights activists. He has vowed to build a wall along the Mexican border and in June 2015 branded some Mexican migrants "rapists" and "murderers". Mr Hussein's latest comments are unlikely to change the New York billionaire's harsh criticism of the United Nations. "The United Nations is not a friend of democracy," Mr Trump said in March. "It's not a friend even to the United States of America, where as we all know, it has its home." He has criticised the US spending on the organisation. In April, he said: "Where do you ever see the United Nations? Do they ever settle anything? It's just like a political game. The United Nations - I mean the money we spend on the United Nations." Mr Trump is still battling the fallout from his lewd comments on women in a 2005 video released on Friday. Mr Trump described how he had sought to have sex with a married woman and made other sexually aggressive

comments. Many top Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, have since distanced themselves from Mr Trump. Mr Trump fired back in a string of tweets, saying the "shackles" had been removed, allowing him to "fight for America the way I want to". He said he neither wanted nor needed Mr Ryan's support. Mr Trump said "disloyal" Republicans "come at you from all sides. They don't know how to win - I will teach them!" Mr Obama weighed in a g a i n s t M r Tr u m p a t a campaign rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. He said: "You don't have to be a husband or a father to say that's not right. You just have to be a decent human being." Mr Obama questioned how senior Republican politicians could still want Mr Trump to be president. M ean w h i l e M r Tr u m p delivered a gaffe while addressing supporters in Florida on Tuesday, telling them to go out and vote on the wrong date. ABC News footage showed him saying: "Go and register. Make sure you get out and vote, November 28." The election is on 8 November. A recent PRRI/Atlantic poll suggested Mrs Clinton holds a 49-38 lead over her opponent. (BBC)




Singer Janet Jackson Confirms She Is Expecting First Child, Aged 50

Singer Janet Jackson and husband, Wissam Al Mana, are expecting their first child(GETTY IMAGES) Singer Janet Jackson has officially

confirmed she is expecting her first child, at the age of 50. She told People magazine: "We thank God for our blessing", and posed for a picture with her growing baby bump. Speculation about her pregnancy surfaced in April when she postponed her 'Unbreakable' tour, saying she wanted to focus on planning a family with her husband, Wissam Al Mana. She was recently spotted in London shopping for baby essentials. The People magazine quoted a source close to the Jackson family as saying: "She is

super excited about her pregnancy and is doing extremely well. She actually feels very good about everything." In a video posted on Twitter in April, she told her fans that she was postponing her world tour because "there's been a sudden change". "I thought it was important that you be the first to know. My husband and I are planning our family," she said, adding: "Please if you can try and understand that its important that I do this now." She went on to say: "I have to rest up, doctor's orders." (BBC)




US Election: FBI Investigating Hacking Of Clinton Campaign Chief

John Podesta is one of Hillary Clinton's top aides and her campaign chairman(GETTY IMAGES) Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, has said the FBI is investigating whether Russia was behind a hack on his private email. Mr Podesta also suggested Republican nominee Donald Trump's campaign was given advance notice of the breach. His remarks come after WikiLeaks published a trove of his hacked emails. The top adviser to Mrs Clinton said the enquiry was part of a wider probe into hacks on the Democratic Party by groups with Russian ties. "I've been involved in politics for nearly five decades," Mr Podesta told reporters aboard the Clinton campaign plane. "This definitely is the first campaign that I've been involved with in which I've had to tangle with Russian intelligence agencies, who seem to be doing everything

they can on behalf of our opponent." The longtime aide to Mrs Clinton pointed to a tweet by Mr Trump's adviser Roger Stone in August that said Mr Podesta's "time in the barrel" was coming. However, the tweet was posted shortly after WikiLeaks released thousands of hacked emails from other Democratic officials. Mr Podesta also claimed Mr Stone has been in t o u c h w i t h Wi k i L e a k s founder Julian Assange, but acknowledged evidence was "circumstantial". Mr Stone told the AP news agency that Mr Podesta's claims were "categorically false" while WikiLeaks tweeted that it "has had no contact with Roger Stone". Mr Podesta also speculated that the timing of the first WikiLeaks release on Friday was intended to distract from the explosive 2005 footage showing Mr Trump making obscene comments about groping women. The Clinton campaign has not verified the

authenticity of the leaked emails, adding that they could have been altered. "The pattern is they hack, they leak truthful things, and then they build up to leaking documents that are either doctored or wholly fabricated,'' said Mrs Clinton's spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri. These emails have given Americans a candid look at the inner chaos, dysfunction and general awkwardness of a major presidential campaign. Anyone familiar with ungainly corporate bureaucracies - the best way to describe what modern multi-million-dollar political endeavours have become should instantly recognise the picture. Mrs Clinton's leadership team obsesses about messaging, deals with interpersonal disputes, and frets and freezes over bad news and worst-case scenarios. They also reveal the campaign's at-times-cozy relationship with members of the US media (some of whom, like Donna Brazile, were former, and future, party operatives). Mr Podesta has condemned the hack - the virtual equivalent of someone riffling through his desk drawers - as the work of a Russian government intent on helping the Trump campaign. So far, at least, the purloined messages contain no smoking guns. They should, however,

dispel Americans of any notion of the inherent nobility of political campaigns. Modern politics is less Aaron Sorkin and his high-minded West Wing television series than it is a theatre-of-theabsurd episode of Veep. The latest batch of emails offer a glimpse into Mrs Clinton's political network, suggesting that Donna Brazile, Democratic National Committee interim chairman, had given the nominee advance notice of a question she would be asked at a CNN town hall event. Ms Brazile denied any impropriety on Tuesday. US relations with Russia have taken a central role in the presidential election. Last week, US intelligence officials said the Russian government was behind a series of hacks aiming to influence the presidential election. Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak has denied the accusations. "`We don't interfere [in] the internal affairs of the United States, neither by my statements nor by electronic or other means," he said on Tuesday. Mrs Clinton has also questioned M r Tr u m p ' s p r a i s e f o r Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong leader, his connection to Russian businessmen and his criticism of the Nato alliance. (BBC)




Theresa May Dismisses Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit 'Shambles' Claim

The Labour leader asks the prime minister about the UK's future relations with the EU. Theresa May has rejected a claim by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that she is overseeing a "shambolic Tory Brexit". During Prime Minister's Questions she said she wanted "maximum possible access" for the UK to the single market after leaving the European Union. Mr Corbyn said the government had "no answers", but Mrs May promised to be "ambitious" in Brexit negotiations and to exert greater migration control. MPs are now debating a Labour motion on Parliament's role in Brexit policy. The party is calling for "proper scrutiny" by Parliament of discussions ahead of the government starting negotiations with the EU. Brexit Secretary David Davis said: "The premise on which we are advancing is that we will have proper scrutiny. But it is not one where we will allow anyone to veto the decision of the British people." The subject

of Brexit dominated the first Prime Minister's Questions since the end of the party conference season, with Mr Corbyn asking: "Is the prime minister really willing to risk a shambolic Tory Brexit just to appease the people behind her (Conservative backbench MPs)?" Mrs May replied: "We will negotiate the right deal for the UK. That's what matters to everyone in the UK and that's what we will deliver." She told MPs any deal would aim for "maximum possible access to the single market", but added she was "absolutely clear that the British people" wanted "maximum control" over immigration. The Labour leader accused the government of having "no answers" and said it should stop "running away from the looming threat" to jobs and living standards. Ministers are facing calls to set out details on what they want Brexit to look like before triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the twoyear process of working out the terms of the UK leaving the EU. Ahead of the Brexit debate Labour set out 170 questions for

the government, including on trading relationships and migration rules. Some senior politicians including former Labour leader Ed Miliband - are demanding a full vote on the UK's negotiating stance ahead of full discussions with the EU beginning. But the government says it does not want to have its hands tied before talks, and some argue a vote could be used as a way of undermining the result of June's referendum, in which voters chose by 52% to 48% to leave the EU. Labour's Commons motion falls short of specifically asking for a full vote on the UK's Brexit negotiating stance. Instead, it asks for a "full and transparent" debate on the plan for leaving the organisation and for Prime Minister Theresa May "to ensure that this House is able properly to scrutinise that plan... before Article 50 is invoked". The government has tabled an amendment to the motion which Labour has accepted stating that negotiations for Brexit must be handled in a way that "respects the decision" reached in the referendum. Labour's decision to agree to the government amendment means there might not be a vote at the end of Wednesday's debate. Ever since the referendum, the Labour leadership has been criticised by pro-EU backbenchers for not doing enough to scrutinise the government's plans for leaving the European Union. But now the new shadow minister for Brexit, Sir Keir Starmer - along

with Emily Thornberry - seems to be making up for lost time. Although the precise number of questions is a little gimmicky, they address some issues which business leaders also want answered - for example, whether the government has decided the UK should leave the single market and if so, if it would still abide by its regulations. And a number of Conservative MPs are likely to participate in Wednesday's parliamentary debate on Brexit - also calling for more transparency from the government. Opening the debate on Labour's motion, shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said the terms under which Brexit could happen were "not on the ballot paper" for the referendum. He added: "Nor did the prime minister set out her terms for Brexit before assuming office." Former Conservative ministers Ken Clarke Dominic Grieve suggested MPs should get a vote on the Brexit blueprint, which Sir Keir agreed with. But Brexit Secretary Mr Davis said: "We have been pretty clear on the overarching aims, not the detailed aims. We're not even at the point that that's possible. "The overarching aims are these: bringing back control of laws to parliament, bringing back control over decisions of immigration to the UK, maintaining the strong security cooperation that we have with the European Union and establishing the freest possible market in goods and services with the European Union and the rest of the world." (BBC)




IS Conflict: Booby-trapped Drone Kills Kurdish Fighters In Iraq

Kurdish Peshmerga forces are preparing for the offensive to retake the IS-held city of Mosul(EPA) A booby-trapped drone has killed two Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and badly wounded two French soldiers battling socalled Islamic State in Iraq. A Kurdish defence official told Reuters news agency that the drone exploded when the Peshmerga tried to pick it up after it had crashed to the ground. The incident happened on 2 October, north of the IS-held city of Mosul. IS militants are said to have tried

to use drones to launch attacks at least two other times in the past month. In response, US-led coalition and Iraqi pro-government forces have been warned to treat any type of small flying aircraft as a potential bomb, according to the New York Times. But few units have been provided with devices that US troops have to disarm them. The French newspaper Le Monde reported on Tuesday that the drone involved in the attack 10 days ago had been intercepted in flight and had exploded near the Peshmerga and French soldiers

when it crashed to the ground. A US official told the New York Times the Peshmerga had been examining the drone when a small explosive device disguised as a battery blew up. It was not clear whether the

bomb was detonated remotely or contained a timer. On We d n e s d a y, t h e secretary general of the Kurdistan Region's defence ministry, Jabbar alYawar, confirmed the death toll and said the French soldiers had been training the Peshmerga at the time of the attack. The wounded French troops were immediately evacuated to France for medical treatment, Le Monde said, adding that one was "between life and death". The French government

initially declined to comment on the incident, but a s p o k e s m a n confirmed on We d n e s d a y t h a t French special forces had been injured. France has sent about 500 troops to Iraq as part of the coalition against IS. They have been assisting and training troops currently massing around Mosul in preparation for the start of a major offensive to retake the city, which fell to IS in 2014 and is the group's last remaining urban stronghold in Iraq. (BBC)




Health Of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej 'Not Yet Stabilised'

Crowds of well-wishers gathered outside the hospital(REUTERS) The health of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest reigning monarch, has "overall not yet stabilised", the palace has said. On Sunday the palace announced that the king was in an unstable condition after receiving haemodialysis treatment. King Bhumibol, 88, is widely revered, and a crowd of well-wishers have gathered outside Siriraj hospital. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha cancelled an official engagement to meet the Crown Prince. A palace statement late on Wednesday said the king's "blood pressure lowered and breath quickened". It said his liver and kidneys were not working properly and he remained on a ventilator. The unprecedented concern over his health has caused stocks and

Thailand's currency, the baht, to tumble. The Stock Exchange of Thailand closed down 2.5%, its lowest since the end of May. A government spokesman urged people to rely on official announcements for updates on the situation, rather than on "uncorroborated information in social media circles". A day of rumour and speculation ended with a statement from the Royal Household Bureau. Three days after it was first announced that the king was in what's being called a "not stable" condition came confirmation that he was not doing any better. Outside the hospital hundreds of well-wishers - many of them dressed in pink - for luck - prayed for King Bhumibol. Having first acceded to the throne 70 years ago - he has been a source of stability and unity - for a much changed and still deeply divided nation. King Bhumibol is the currently the

world's longest serving monarch, having acceded to the throne when his brother died in 1946. During his seven decades on the throne the king, who is seen as a unifying force, has intervened when events threatened to plunge Thailand into crisis. Amid increasing concerns about his health in recent months, the Royal Household Bureau has issued more frequent bulletins. Earlier this month, a statement said the king was recovering from a respiratory infection. Thailand's strict lese majeste laws mean public discussion of his health and succession plans are not permitted, and are punishable by lengthy jail terms. (BBC)




Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Flames Out: Experts React

Samsung has killed off the Note 7, but the fiasco poses risk to its brand(GETTY IMAGES/THINKSTOCK) Not so long ago, the Galaxy Note 7 was being hailed as the world's finest smartphone. But this Tuesday, Samsung Electronic's botched recall and re-release of the product cut about $17bn (£13.8bn) off its market value. The company's shares are still above the level they plunged to when it first announced, in September, that customers should return the initial batch of phones because of a spate of fires blamed on faulty batteries. But the South Korean markets have not yet reacted to the news that Samsung is killing off the Note 7 for good, following reports that several replacement units had also overheated. Below, four experts pick through some of the issues raised by the affair. Prof ManMohan Sodhi, Cass Business School: Was Samsung right to abandon the Note 7? As Oscar Wilde would have said, to have one product recall may be regarded as a misfortune, to have two looks like

carelessness. The electronics industry faces an increasing amount of power being shrunk into vanishingly small circuits. These circuits get hot and, sometimes, catch fire. Competition means there is less time available to test products, and many companies have had misfortunes. But Samsung offered a false a l t e r n a t i v e t o o q u i c k l y. T h a t i s carelessness. To fight this image, Samsung has announced a permanent stop to the production of the Note 7, following a temporary stop earlier. This gives it room to redesign a brand new product. But this will only add to Samsung's woes. It will be viewed as panic in the boardroom. A full recall of existing Notes as well as those yet unsold will be an environmental nightmare besides being economically challenging to the entire supply chain - despite the fact that the vast majority of these phones would have remained in full working order for their working lives. No, like Volkswagen and its diesel emissions scandal, Samsung should have stuck it out with the Note 7 until the Note 8 became available. It still has to identify and publicise what

caused the phones to overheat if it is to recover its reputation. And it could have offered free stress tests and compensation vouchers to Note 7 owners, and have convinced the airlines the vetted handsets were safe. The engineers could have handled the technology problem - panicking was not the solution. Samsung's competition has been caught by surprise by the Note 7 failure. Most smartphone makers had chosen not to launch large screen smartphone models 5.5in (14cm) and above - at this time of year, because they would go head to head with the Note and latest iPhones. As a result, they are poorly placed to benefit. Google's new premium Pixel smartphones might seem to be arriving at an ideal time. But IHS estimates that Pixel production is under one quarter of Samsung's original planned Note 7 volume, which limits Google's ability to replace the Note's market position. Additionally, Google's mobile operator exclusives - EE in the UK, Verizon in the US, Telstra in Australia - mean many of those who had intended to use the Note 7 on other networks might not switch. Other Android handset manufacturers have a few phablet smartphones in the works. In the US, LG is launching the V20, but it also has low planned production volumes and extremely limited availability in Europe. Huawei may choose to accelerate the launch of its next Mate smartphone, but its P9 flagship has a modest 5.2in display much smaller than the Note 7's 5.7in screen. Sony, HTC, and ZTE have no recent large screen premium smartphone to offer. Samsung will seek to counter its rivals by marketing the S7 and S7 Edge, most likely (Continued on next page)




Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Flames Out: Experts React

Samsung has killed off the Note 7, but the fiasco poses risk to its brand(GETTY IMAGES/THINKSTOCK) Not so long ago, the Galaxy Note 7 was being hailed as the world's finest smartphone. But this Tuesday, Samsung Electronic's botched recall and re-release of the product cut about $17bn (£13.8bn) off its market value. The company's shares are still above the level they plunged to when it first announced, in September, that customers should return the initial batch of phones because of a spate of fires blamed on faulty batteries. But the South Korean markets have not yet reacted to the news that Samsung is killing off the Note 7 for good, following reports that several replacement units had also overheated. Below, four experts pick through some of the issues raised by the affair. Prof ManMohan Sodhi, Cass Business School: Was Samsung right to abandon the Note 7? As Oscar Wilde would have said, to have one product recall may be regarded as a misfortune, to have two looks like

carelessness. The electronics industry faces an increasing amount of power being shrunk into vanishingly small circuits. These circuits get hot and, sometimes, catch fire. Competition means there is less time available to test products, and many companies have had misfortunes. But Samsung offered a false a l t e r n a t i v e t o o q u i c k l y. T h a t i s carelessness. To fight this image, Samsung has announced a permanent stop to the production of the Note 7, following a temporary stop earlier. This gives it room to redesign a brand new product. But this will only add to Samsung's woes. It will be viewed as panic in the boardroom. A full recall of existing Notes as well as those yet unsold will be an environmental nightmare besides being economically challenging to the entire supply chain - despite the fact that the vast majority of these phones would have remained in full working order for their working lives. No, like Volkswagen and its diesel emissions scandal, Samsung should have stuck it out with the Note 7 until the Note 8 became available. It still has to identify and publicise what

caused the phones to overheat if it is to recover its reputation. And it could have offered free stress tests and compensation vouchers to Note 7 owners, and have convinced the airlines the vetted handsets were safe. The engineers could have handled the technology problem - panicking was not the solution. Samsung's competition has been caught by surprise by the Note 7 failure. Most smartphone makers had chosen not to launch large screen smartphone models 5.5in (14cm) and above - at this time of year, because they would go head to head with the Note and latest iPhones. As a result, they are poorly placed to benefit. Google's new premium Pixel smartphones might seem to be arriving at an ideal time. But IHS estimates that Pixel production is under one quarter of Samsung's original planned Note 7 volume, which limits Google's ability to replace the Note's market position. Additionally, Google's mobile operator exclusives - EE in the UK, Verizon in the US, Telstra in Australia - mean many of those who had intended to use the Note 7 on other networks might not switch. Other Android handset manufacturers have a few phablet smartphones in the works. In the US, LG is launching the V20, but it also has low planned production volumes and extremely limited availability in Europe. Huawei may choose to accelerate the launch of its next Mate smartphone, but its P9 flagship has a modest 5.2in display much smaller than the Note 7's 5.7in screen. Sony, HTC, and ZTE have no recent large screen premium smartphone to offer. Samsung will seek to counter its rivals by marketing the S7 and S7 Edge, most likely (Continued on next page)




Three-person Baby 'Race' Dangerous

(THINKSTOCK) The race to make babies from three people is a major worry, duping couples and a dangerous experiment on mums and babies, warn scientists and ethicists. The UK, which pioneered the advanced form of IVF, was the first country to introduce laws to allow the creation of babies from three people. Yet the first baby was born in Mexico. And despite the technique being designed to eliminate disease, it has been used as an unproven fertility booster in Ukraine. Both countries have less fertility regulation than the UK. How to make a three-person baby? Threeperson IVF was devised to prevent the repeated heartache of losing children to illnesses caused by defective mitochondria. The tiny structures in our bodies convert food into useable energy and are passed on only through the mother's egg. Three-person IVF takes the DNA from mum and dad and puts it in an egg from a donor woman. The resulting child has 0.1% of its DNA from the donor. The advanced form of IVF was developed at Newcastle University in the UK and the final safety checks were completed in June. So the Mexico birth and the procedure being offered as a fertility treatment has caused concern. "We appear to be in a race to the bottom," warned Dr

Marcy Darnovsky from the US Centre for Genetics and Society. Criticising doctors offering the technique, she added: "They are ignoring ongoing policy debates and conducting dangerous and socially fraught experiments on mothers and children. And they appear to be actively seeking a media splash on the way down." "Use of these biologically extreme procedures for infertility is based purely on speculation." It is argued that some cases of infertility are caused by a "poor" environment inside the egg such as insufficient or old mitochondria or an imbalance in the chemicals necessary to trigger embryo development. And that the three-person technique could overcome those deficiencies. 'Unstoppable' Dr Dusko Ilic, from King's College London, said there was no way to stop IVF clinics offering the procedure. While the UK was the first country to create laws to legalise three person IVF, it is legal by default in many countries with little-to-no regulation. Dr Ilic told the BBC News website: "IVF clinics are jumping on the bandwagon and rushing ahead, whereas the Newcastle team did all the hard due diligence work. "The major worry is how technically skilful these clinics are, what quality control measures are in place and what information they

provide to desperate patients seeking help. "Are those patients aware of all risks involved?" For example in the Mexico birth - the details of the family and an photograph of the baby were made public without any consent. James Lawford Davies, a partner at the law firm Hempsons, said: "One example of the way UK regulation protects patients is through the confidentiality which attaches to their identity, the details of their treatment, and their children. "Any such disclosure would be a criminal offence in the UK." When the UK allowed the procedure to prevent inherited mitochondrial disease, it did not allow three-person IVF to be used in fertility treatment. "There was little evidence at the time the law was being changed that the methods were likely to help infertility," said Prof Robin Lovell-Badge, from the Francis Crick Institute. Such an untried form of conception was thought to be too risky except in the case of mitochondrial disease where the harms were even greater. Prof Lovell-Badge said the UK had a reputation for looking "deeply into the issues of science and safety" and that such procedures may be permitted in the future if they were shown to be safe. He told the BBC: "We can't control this in countries where there are few or no regulations and poor oversight. "Unfortunately the clinics in such countries have become used to being unregulated, and it is the patients who are at risk of being duped into paying for methods that have little or no benefit or that are even harmful." Sarah Norcross, the director of the Progress Educational Trust, said fertility clinics had a reputation for "rushing" new techniques to patients. She advised: "For British women who wish to avoid passing mitochondrial disease to their children, the temptation to travel overseas to access these treatments must be enormous. "We would caution against this. At present, there are too many unanswered questions about what has been achieved - and how for us to be confident of patient safety.' (BBC)




Paris Attacks: Lawyers For Salah Abdeslam 'Will Not Defend Him’

Abdeslam was arrested in a dramatic raid in March not far from his home in Brussels(BELGIAN/FRENCH POLICE) Lawyers for the main suspect in last year's Islamist attacks in Paris say they will no longer defend him as he has chosen to remain silent. Salah Abdeslam is angered at being placed under 24-hour video surveillance, Frank Berton told BFM TV. "We said from the beginning... that if our client remained silent we would quit his defence," he said alongside fellow lawyer Sven Mary. The attacks in Paris last

November killed 130 people. So-called Islamic State said it was behind the coordinated assaults on bars, restaurants, a concert hall and the Stade de France Salah Abdeslam was arrested in Brussels in March and has kept silent since his transfer to France in April. He is being monitored 24 hours a day by video in his prison cell. Mr Berton said in May the suspect was "particularly disturbed" by the surveillance. He told BFM TV the decision to monitor Abdeslam was a "political" one. Abdeslam is thought to have played a key role in planning the Paris attacks and

transporting the attackers, but investigators are yet to determine his specific role. The lawyers informed their client they would no longer represent him on 6 October, BFM TV reports (in French). It says that at present, he does not want to be represented by anyone else. Legal representation is not required while the investigation continues but will be at his trial. "The real victims of all of this are the victims of the Paris attacks, because they are entitled to this truth and they have the right to try to comprehend the incomprehensible," Sven Mary said. Salah Abdeslam - from petty crook to Islamist Born 15 September 1989 in Brussels In his teens, he and two brothers get into trouble with police for drug trafficking Transport technician for STIB f r o m 2 0 0 9 - 11 b u t fi r e d f o r p o o r timekeeping Jailed briefly for burglary in 2010 with Abdelhamid Abbaoud, the suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks, who went to the same Molenbeek school In 2013 managed "Les Beguines" bar in Molenbeek with brother Brahim; the bar was shut down in 2015 Briefly detained by Dutch police in February 2015, fined €70 (£49) for possession of cannabis Both brothers placed on police list in 2015 for links to Islamist fighters in Syria (BBC)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Today Is World Arthritis Day

n the occasion of World Arthritis Day, Fortis Healthcare has issued guidelines to keep the bones healthy. Rheumatic or musculoskeletal conditions comprise over 150 diseases and syndromes, which are usually progressive and associated with pain. They can broadly be categorised as joint diseases, physical disability, spinal disorders, and conditions resulting from trauma. Musculoskeletal conditions are leading causes of morbidity and disability, giving rise to enormous healthcare expenditures and loss of work. Arthritis is a disease related to joints and the cartilage where the cartilage gets thinner and thinner. The various types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, spinal disorders. Common dietary mistakes that have a harmful effect on our bones, said Balvinder Rana, MS Orthopaedics at Fortis Escorts Research Institute. Too much salt Too much salt in food causes


us to lose calcium through urine to release extra salt. Some of this calcium comes from the bones which can lead to weak bones or Osteoporosis in the long run. Some studies show that a reduction in salt intake from 10 to 5 gm/day would have the same effect on bone strength as an increase in calcium intake of 1000 mg/day. Sodas and fizzy drinks Sodas and fizzy drinks are also linked to weak bones for several reasons: In the 1950s, children drank 3 cups of milk for every 1 cup of sugary drinks. Today that ratio is reversed: 3 cups of sugary drinks for every cup of milk. Sodas have thus replaced healthy drinks such as milk and fruit juices. There’s growing concern that soda can be more damaging when consumed during the peak bone-building years of childhood and adolescence. Also, the phosphorous in soda may limit our ability to use the calcium we consume. Excessive soda consumption also lowers magnesium levels that are needed for

bone health. Excessive coffee consumption Excessive coffee consumption is bad for bones. If you’re drinking more than three or four cups of coffee a day, then add some extra calcium because coffee decreases calcium absorption and increases calcium loss. Try substituting coffee with tea — as per a meta-analysis published in 2014 in the reputed journal Osteoporosis International, there is some evidence that tea drinkers have a lower risk of hip fracture. Too much alcohol Heavy drinkers have weak bones, frequent falls, and more broken bones than nondrinkers. When you imbibe 2 to 3 ounces of alcohol every day, calcium is not absorbed from the intestines. Alcohol also affects the liver thereby affecting the function of vitamin D — the bone vitamin, thus causing weak bones. Too much chocolate A study of women who consumed more than one daily serving of chocolate showed a higher risk of weak bones than women who consumed chocolate less than once a week. Even though chocolate contains flavonols and calcium, both of which are linked to a positive effect on bone density, it also contains oxalate, an inhibitor of calcium absorption, and sugar, which is linked to calcium excretion. So have

Chocolate in moderation. The Western diet This is also called the “meatsweet” diet and includes excessive amounts of fats, sugar, red meats, and refined grains such as white flour that’s used for white pasta and white breads. It’s better to eat fish, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Arthritis acquired due to immune deficiency can be prevented, said expert Raman Kant Aggarwal. With early detection and adequate treatment, arthritis acquired due to immunity deficiency can be prevented. Degenerative arthritis happens because of mechanical wear and tear. One should avoid becoming overweight especially around hips, ankles and knees. The joints will not be able to tolerate the excess weight. Very few people know that the body weight becomes three times the normal weight on the knees during activities such as climbing stairs. A proper diet is a must to keep weight in check, with adequate amounts of Vitamin D and calcium. Consistent exercises via a regular r o u t i n e a r e n e c e s s a r y, especially walking. Elasticity and flexibility in the joints can be maintained through adequate nutrition which helps the bones to remain lubricated and in good function.Source: http://www.hindustantimes. com/health-andfitness/world-arthritis-dayher...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS PPP Boycotts President’s Address To Parliament PAGE 86

L e a d e r o f o p p o s i t i o n P e o p l e ’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo L e a d e r o f o p p o s i t i o n P e o p l e ’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has noted that his parliamentarians will not listen to President David Granger’s address to the Parliament today, using the President’s alleged double standard as the main reason for the boycott. The former president said that the PPP/C


parliamentarians would attend the National Assembly only to participate in the debate of the National Youth Policy. “We will not be listening to the President when he addresses the National Assembly, we will go to the Parliament, we will debate the motion on the order paper on Youth Policy but we will not listen to him. We need to send a signal to this country, PPP supporters as well as ordinary people, that we will not allow the hollowing out of our democracy because if we don’t stop the initial steps they are going to grow into an avalanche of activities aimed at denying us our rights,” Jagdeo declared. Speaking at a PPP/C public forum on corruption held at Sleep Inn Hotel, Brickdam on Wednesday, Jagdeo said it was pointless for the PPP/C parliamentarians to listen to President Granger “when the president (the executive) cannot respect the holder of a constitutional post.” President

Granger on Wednesday announced his decision to suspend Public Service Commission (PSC) Chairman, Carville Duncan even though there is a current tribunal in place to determine whether Duncan should be removed. Jagdeo criticized the president saying “what we have here, is a totally abuse of the executive power” and recalled that Duncan had been summoned to meetings by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon and President David Granger and had been allegedly offered a financial package to demit office because President Granger “don’t not want blood on the carpet.” Meanwhile, Attorney-at-Law, Anil Nandlall, announced that he has since moved to the court to challenge the constitutionality of the tribunal hearing on the grounds that Duncan has not been found guilty of stealing Guyana Power and Light’s monies since the trial is ongoing in the Magistrates’ Court.




Government Must Focus On Sea Defence To Avoid Disaster

Some residents on the East Coast of Demerara are of the view that the Government must focus more emphasis on sea defence as the increasing threat of global warming could be catastrophic should the government continue ignoring it. Today is International Day for Disaster Reduction and according to a report from the Civil Defence Commission in Guyana, over the past twenty years, approximately 4.4 billion people have been affected. Guyana occupies a space on the world wacth list for natural disasters, ranking 22 out of 171 globally with an overall ranking of 11.80% and an exposition of 22.90% (United Nations University). The report further stated that the CDC recognises that the advocacy platform provided by this year’s observance of IDDR is “Live to Tell”. Guyana has, over the past five years, undertaken programmes and projects in Disaster Risk Management which have built and strengthened national and local capacities for Disaster Risk Response and Risk Reduction through the support and collaboration between local, regional and international partners such as he United Nations

Development Program. The CDC quest is to remain aligned with and to acknowledge the importance of making all stakeholder aware of the realities of disaster and further, the best practise in Disaster Risk Management, the organisation will be engaging its key stakeholders in a “live to tell Campaign”. The International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) encourages every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster resilient communities and nations. The United Nations General Assembly designated October 13th as the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction as part of its proclamation of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction In 2002, by a further resolution, the General Assembly decided to maintain the annual observance as a vehicle to promote a global culture of natural disaster reduction, including prevention, mitigation and preparedness. In 2009, the UN General Assembly decided to designate October 13 as the official date and also changed the name to International Day for Disaster Reduction.




PPP/C Hints At Symposiums To Clear Name In Alleged Corrupt Projects

Former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has hinted at its intention to create a symposium lasting about two days in which they can defend any contract or project that they enacted during their tenure in government. Speaking at a public forum about corruption on Wednesday evening at the Sleep In Hotel, former Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall said that the members of his party can defend any project which

had been deemed corrupt. “It is impossible to speak extensively and really adequately on all these matters of corruption, and that is why I think the opposition leader said that we should a hold a symposium lasting about two days on this topic because at any given on of them, all of us here (PPP members) can speak about two hours on any given project and defend every single project done by our government,” the attorney –at-law said. Nandlall challenged the APNU+AFC coalition government to defend any controversial contract that they entered. Nandlall pointed to the eight page dozier chronicling an alleged 25 scandals which the government had amass in the 16 months in power. “Take the bond issue, let them (the government) come and answer on the bond issue, we are prepared to defend our records, any 10 transactions the press wants, list it and we are prepared to defend it,” Nandlall said Nandlall pledged that before the next year the PPP/C will host the symposium to examine the projects which had be stigmatized as corrupt. “We commit here this afternoon that every single project that they had stigmatized as a corrupt one, before the next year or so we will hold a symposium where we will dilate/dissect every single one to your satisfaction and the satisfaction of any critical grouping of people,” he vowed.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Region 10 Complaint About Limited Access To Education Opportunities PAGE 89

As education stakeholders raise their concerns about the current state of education and its delivery in Region 10, several calls have been made for the Ministry to ensure that children across the country have access to equal education opportunities. Such opportunities include access to sports facilities and equipment, technology, adequate and hygienic school facilities, and transportation, which are said to be challenges in the Region. According to a press release from the Ministry of Education, issues identified in the Region are: the need for welfare officers; the need for an additional boat to assist children from riverine communities getting to school in a timely manner and a bus to transport children who live in Moblissa, a village about 7 miles in from the Soesdyke Highway, who attend school in Linden. Moblissa residents noted that children continue to drop out of school due to the distance they travel to get to school. A parent noted that the lack of internet access in the community also presents a challenge when completing assignments. Residents of Obama Drive, Amelia’s Ward in Linden have also expressed similar concerns. The release also noted that teachers continue to short change children in the classroom as they frequently complete the syllabus at their private lessons, which inevitably puts a significant number of students at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Regional officials and community leaders are calling on the Government to ensure that all schools are placed on the same


level in terms of the types and quality of subject areas and the level of resources put into sustaining those subject areas such as, the sciences. A call was also made for guidance and counselling officers to be placed in primary schools. The Commission has also noted concerns regarding sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy in Kwakwani. Residents there have asked the Ministry to assist in putting mechanisms in place to tackle the issues plaguing the community.




Berbice Residents Disgusted At Crime Rate Despite statistics from the used; a 15% decrease in robberies where no instruments were Guyana Police Force showing that crime has decreased by 21 percent, residents of Berbice are not convinced that this is the case and believe that crime is actually on the increase. This newspaper spoke to several residents, who noted that over the past few months, there has been a significant increase in murders and robberies in the area. “We are disgusted at the level of crime in Berbice and the police seems to be doing very little to curb the situation in the area,” one resident said. The residents are also complaining about the little to no police presence in some areas, noting the response time has been ridiculously slow. The police force in a recent release noted that it has recorded a 21% decrease in serious crimes at the end of September 2016 when compared to the same period last year. The statistics revealed that there was a 9% reduction in reports of murder; a 5% decrease in gun-related robberies; a 17% decrease in armed robberies in which other instruments were

used; a 25% decrease in Robberies With Violence; a 4% decrease in Robberies With Aggravation; a 33% decrease in Larceny from the Person; a 19% decrease in Rapes; a 13% decrease in Burglaries and a 21% decrease in Break and Enter and Larceny. Additionally, the force revealed that 67 illegal firearms were seized, which include 29 pistols, 21 revolvers, and 17 shotguns. The police said the consistent and continuous reduction in all of the above listed serious crimes, is an indication that the strategies are working well, have yielded and will continue to yield positive results, thereby assuring all citizens that their collaborative effort in partnering with law enforcement is vital. Many residents are concerned about the compilation of data and the method of approach that the police force is using to arrive at their statistics. According to the United States, Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic States, Guyana 2016 Crime & Safety Report, the general crime rate in Guyana is above the U.S. national average. Criminal activity continues to be a major issue, particularly crimes against people and property.




Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 of satisfaction and to solve the problems that affect them. Public services are essential to citizens’ ‘quality of life.’ Public services involve public trust. Citizens expect public servants to serve the public interest with integrity and reliability in order to manage public resources efficiently. Public trust encourages active citizen participation in society and the economy. It makes public agencies more accessible and more accountable. Reliable public services inspire public trust and create a favourable environment for human safety and for the functioning of businesses thereby contributing to well-functioning markets, economic growth and, consequently, a high ‘quality of life.’ His Excellency Brigadier David Granger Quality of life ‘Quality of life’ is a measure of citizens’ satisfaction with their lives. People’s personal values and life experiences determine their level of satisfaction. This includes health, independence, participation in community and civic activities, personal development, physical and material well-being, recreation, relationships with other people and social support. Citizens, usually, are uncomfortable with high levels of crime; insanitary conditions in the countryside and city and incivility by officials, all of which contribute to lowering the ‘quality of life.’ These conditions should not be regarded as a permanent state but as temporary problems to be solved. The State, regional administrations, the media, municipalities, trade unions and civil society can do much to enhance the quality of life, to give citizens the feeling

Public trust Dreams of a ‘good life’ turned into a horrible nightmare at the dawn of the new millennium. The most unforgettable experiences and most frightening evidence of our descent into chaos were the bloody, drug-driven, decade-long ‘Troubles.’ The ‘Troubles’ will be remembered as the darkest hour in our history. It was a time of the un-investigated assassination of a Minister; of the investigation into the alleged implication of another Minister in the direction of a ‘death squad’; of the alleged implication of yet another Minister in the acquisition of a computer to track the telephone communication and location of adversaries targeted for assassination. It was a time of arbitrary arrests; of disappearances and of torture of young men; of the surge in armed robberies, narco-trafficking and gunrunning. During that first, deadly decade, there were 1,317 murders and 7, 865 armed robberies. It was a time of deception and the cynical rejection of £4.9 million UK Security

Sector Reform Action Plan for which a memorandum of understanding was signed in August 2007; of the rejection of recommendations of numerous security reform reports and total disregard for the implementation of the National Drug Strategy Master Plan. The evidence of the impact of the man-made criminal crisis is still visible. The damage is most manifest in the demoralisation of the public and security services, the erosion of public trust and the lowering of the ‘quality of life.’ The grisly security situation was accompanied by a parlous economic situation. The undermining of public infrastructure by the encouragement of cronyism led to serious, costly, serial scandals as seen in the construction the Kato Secondary School; the Hope Canal bridge; the riverfront revetment at Kumaka, Barabina road and Moruca bridge; Supenaam stelling and the still unusable Ministry of Social Protection building in Georgetown. The paralysis of public telecommunications became evident in the incompetent or corrupt implementation of the US$ 70 million Fibre Optic Cable Project and the misapplication of computers under the ‘One Laptop per Family’ Project. The environmental policy will be remembered, forever, but not fondly, by the administration’s responsibility for the most destructive environmental disaster in Guyana’s history — the catastrophic 2005 flood. This was an event of incalculable damage, disease, discomfort and, in some cases, death. The exaggerated emphasis on narrow elements of the Low Carbon Development Strategy obscured the absence of strategic thought and action. Guyana’s rich biodiversity, wildlife, wetlands, coastal zone, rivers were not adequately protected against the ravages of lawless logging, mining and solid waste mismanagement.

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Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Your Government entered a depressing financial landscape in May 2015. The economic legacy that this nation inherited was characterised by a lack of strategic planning and whimsical decision-making. The absence of a policy to provide employment opportunities for youth and to reduce extreme poverty and the failure to energise the manufacturing sector weakened the economy. Economic mismanagement was accompanied by huge debts for unpaid international obligations and court judgements. The most grave financial problem was the bankruptcy of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) which owed $89 billion in debts. Your Government was forced divert money from economic development and social projects to rescue the ailing corporation with an immediate injection of $12 billion. An additional $11 billion had to be provided the next year, 2016, making a total of $23 billion bailout in 18 months. These transfers exclude the servicing of GUYSUCO's debts in respect of the Skeldon Estate Modernisation Project – a monstrous and monumental US$ 200 million mistake and, probably, Guyana’s single most costly industrial catastrophe of all time. Paddy farmers in the rice industry were not spared the previous administration’s reckless mismanagement. The PetroCaribe Fund – used to meet payments to farmers for rice and paddy shipped to Venezuela – contained less than US$1 million in May 2015. Your Government was forced to make available nearly $4 billion immediately so that poor paddy farmers could be paid. Your Government inherited a large number of liabilities, including judgements in excess of US$34 million (or G$7 billion) in favour of NH Elias, in respect of the East Bank Demerara Road; judgement for $1.3 billion in favour of Rudisa Beverages; judgement in favour of Trinidad Cement Limited; settlement for$1.4 billion with B.K. Tiwari on Haags Bosch Project and several other judgements that will cost the State over $1 billion. Your Government, also, was obliged to provide another $5.4 billion bail out the National Insurance Scheme as a consequence of the previous administration’s irresponsible CLICO investment. Your Government, despite encountering this immense mountain of debt, was able to meet commitments to the nation’s hardworking public servants. The minimum wage grew from $39,520 in May 2015, to $55,000 in January 2016, an increase of 39.2 per cent in 7 months. Public servants have benefitted, in addition, from the raising of the tax threshold, from $600,000 in May 2015 to 660,000 in January 2016; the removal of income tax from workers' contributions to the National Insurance Scheme and a tax-free payment of $50,000 to all workers earning less than $500,000, in December 2015. These benefits, taken together, augmented workers disposable income significantly. Collective bargaining with public servants’ unions could result in additional benefits in the form of increased increments, allowances and adjustments made for ‘de-bunching’. Old-age- pensions have been increased from $13,120 to $18,200 or by 38.7 per cent, and Public Assistance increased by 24 per cent during the same period, May 2015 to April 2016.

Environmental policy Your government’s overarching objective is to ensure a ‘good life’ for all of our citizens. We have chosen a ‘green’ pathway to achieve that higher ‘quality of life’. Guyana’s ‘green agenda” is a comprehensive, multi-sectorial development programme. It is not limited narrowly to low-carbon initiatives but is a broad-based development programme, which incorporates: - management of our unique biodiversity; - management of our vulnerable coastal zone and our valuable protected areas ; and, - management of solid waste and sanitation. Guyana’s ‘green agenda’ will promote ‘green’ economic sectors such as the development of climate-resilient agriculture, ecotourism and information communications technology and promote renewable energy generation. It will ensure a diversified and resilient economy while promoting ‘green’ growth and ‘green’ employment and secure a clean and healthy environment for future generations. Your Government announced, on 1 st October 2016 – National Tree Day, the establishment of the Department of the Environment within the Ministry of the Presidency. The Department will ensure more effective communication, cooperation and coordination among the agencies concerned with climate change, energy generation, environmental protection, forest conservation, national parks, protected areas, rivers and wildlife protection. The Department has been tasked with developing a master plan to achieve the objectives of the ‘green agenda’. Guyana established itself as a global leader on the environment as early as 1989. We accorded to the international community the use of 371,000 hectares of our forests – an area larger than Malta – for research into the sustainable management of forest resources. The Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development (IICRCD) remains in the vanguard of our campaign to conserve our forests, to counter the adverse effects of climate change and to conduct research into our rich biodiversity. Iwokrama will be the site, from the next financial year, for the establishment of an international institute for biodiversity. The institute will allow local, regional and international students to research out rich and diverse flora and fauna. We will set aside, also, an additional two million hectares of forests and wetlands for conservation, in accordance with the commitments we made under the Paris Agreement on climate change. Protected areas will be established in every Administrative Region of Guyana. Environmental degradation caused by reckless logging and mining remains a source of concern. We will continue the process of reclaiming mined-out areas in our country and of restoring the ecological integrity of our forested areas. Loggers and miners will be under a legal obligation to ensure sound environmental practices. Your Government will reboot the fledging ecotourism sector in 2017. Our unmatched biodiversity is a world-class product which will allow us to create a globallycompetitive ecotourism sector. Continued on next page...




Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Public infrastructure Public infrastructure, connecting our hinterland communities to each other and to the coastland, is pivotal to the development of the ‘green’ state. Our ecotourism destinations are located in the hinterland. Infrastructure is needed to access these attractions. We will continue to advance, in 2017, initiatives for climate adaptation. A programme to bolster and better manage and maintain our sea defences will be developed with our international partners. It will form part of the matrix of measures in the 2017 National Budget. We will guard, also, against the effects of flooding by strengthening our drainage systems, particularly along the coastland. We will also counter the effects of prolonged dry weather on our wildlife by establishing protective sanctuaries for them. Your Government will intensify its improvement of aerodromes, bridges, roads and stellings in order to enhance communication between the hinterland and coastland. We will begin negotiations with national and international parties to build a bridge across the Essequibo River in 2017. We aim at improving the pace of economic development by removing bottlenecks to the implementation of infrastructural projects. Planning units will be established within ministries. National procurement procedures will be strengthened to address the institutional deficiencies which led to poor implementation and monitoring of public infrastructural projects. Public contracts are a key concern. We will seek international support to streamline our procurement systems and methodologies within Ministries and Budget agencies. A Bid Review Committee has been established and has begun work. The Public Procurement Commission will soon be brought into existence to improve the integrity of public procurement.

Public telecommunications Your Government established the Ministry of Public Telecommunications in January 2016. We are proud of having passed legislation which will allow for the further liberalization and m o d e r n i z a t i o n o f G u y a n a ’s telecommunication sector. We will extend telecommunication services to all ten regions. The e-governance programme will eventually network all government agencies and will facilitate efficient data-sharing between government agencies. This network will then be extended to citizens so that they can access government services online. Information communication technology (ICT) is integral to our ‘green agenda’. It will become a major driver of economic diversification. Internet connectivity of government buildings will be extended. Every government building – including airports, hospitals, markets, police stations, post offices and schools – will have access to the internet in coming years. ICT will impact positively on our educational system. We have reconfigured the One Laptop per Family (OLPF) Initiative into the One Laptop per Teacher (OLPT) Initiative in order to allow our teachers – the guardians of quality assurance in education – to be better equipped to improve educational attainment in our schools. We will continue the nationwide distribution of computers to our teachers – an initiative which commenced, appropriately, on 5 th October – World Teachers Day. Public security Your Government intends to make Guyana safe for this and future generations. We will do so not only by combatting crime and criminals but in uprooting the causes of crime and its links with transnational crime. We established a National Security Committee. We are in the process of

establishing a new National AntiNarcotics Agency (NANA) to address the mother of all crimes – the trafficking in narcotics. We will establish a new National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) to ensure better surveillance of our borders and coasts. We have taken a decision, also, to reengage the United Kingdom with a view to restoring the aborted Security Sector Reform Action Plan (SSRAP). The Plan will commence soon with the arrival of experts from the United Kingdom to advise us on crafting a national security response to domestic and transnational crime – including narcotics-trafficking and gun-running. Aerial surveillance over the maritime zone over the past year led to a reduction in the incidence of piracy. We will continue to augment the Guyana Police Force’s Marine Branch. The Mounted Branch will also be expanded to enable it to conduct patrols in the savannahs and back-dams, which are not easily accessible by vehicular patrols. TheCorps of Wardens will enforce the law with regard to mining, logging, hunting wildlife and trafficking in persons in the hinterland. The ‘green’ economy will require significant new local and foreign investment. We recognize the importance of human safety, a secure environment and legal framework for attracting such investment. We want to protect our citizens, fisher folk, households and farmlands.

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Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Public services Public services – including cultural development, education, health, justice, recreation, security, sport and social protection – are provided by the state. The provision of quality public services forms the basis for increased opportunities and well-being of citizens and communities. Public services must be accessible to every citizen, in every town, in every Region. No citizen should have to leave her or his Region in order to access public services. We will accelerate the decentralization of public services alongside the development of ‘capital towns’ in 2017. The provision of quality public services is associated with enhancing the ‘quality of life’ of citizens. We are mindful of the need to improve public administration to make public services more accountable, accessible and affordable. Continuous training and filling resource gaps in the public service will be integral to the process of reforming our system of public administration. We will improve the professionalism of the public service in 2017. The establishment of the Public Service Staff College will enable the training of a corps of public officials who will be better equipped to ensure quality and timely delivery of public goods and services. Attention will be paid to filling human resource deficits, particularly in our rural and hinterland regions. Public policy Your Government is committed to good governance. It is committed to reforming the Constitution. It will, in this regard, convene a Consultative Constitution Reform Commission in 2017. We have demonstrated our determination to ensure that local government elections are held. We will, without fail ensure that elections are held every three years as required by the Constitution. Citizens’ right to elect the representatives of their choice at free and regular elections will not be suspended again. Public policy will be undergirded by an inclusionary political process. The empowering of local communities through the holding of the

historic local government elections of18 th March, 2016 created a platform for government to be brought closer to the people and for authority to be exercised through their own elected representatives. The derailment of public policy, marked by the previous administration’s bizarre determination not to conduct local government elections, by uprooting neighbourhood democratic councils and by imposing a perverse form of dictatorial on local government organs has been brought to an end. The previous administration’s disrespect shown to the public service by abandoning the principle of collective bargaining with the Guyana Public Service Union demoralised the Service. The arbitrary imposition of salary i n c r e a s e s d a m a g e d t h e S e r v i c e ’s professional ethos undermining the careers of public servants through the appointment of political permanent secretaries. Legislative agenda Your Government’s legislative agenda, for the next year, is aimed at correcting these aberations and will protect the interests of Guyanese by strengthening Guyana’s legal architecture. Your government, in this regard, is committed to promoting standards of probity in public office. We will ensure, also, that those who unlawfully expropriate state property are brought to justice. We will pursue the recovery of all stolen State assets. We will amend the Integrity Commission Act which will provide for a revised Code of Conduct for public officials, inter alia. The State Assets Recovery Bill will establish a State Asset Recovery Agency to recover State property that has been unlawfully acquired, through civil proceedings. Your government will seek, also, to improve the efficacy and efficiency of our immigration services by tabling the Immigration (Amendment) Bill to delink the Immigration Department from the Guyana Police Force. The National Registration (Amendment) Bill will guard against identity theft by allowing for inclusion of the biometrics of

citizens to be recorded on their national registration cards. The justice administration system will be fortified by the promulgation of three important pieces of legislation. The Witness Protection Bill will give effect to the Caribbean Community’s Agreement Establishing the Regional Justice Protection Programme (1999) which came into force in 2006. The ‘Bill’ provides for the establishment of a programme to protect certain witnesses and other persons. The Protected Disclosures Bill, referred to as the ‘Whistleblowers Bill,’ aims at combating corruption and other wrong doing by encouraging and facilitating persons to make disclosures of improper conduct. The Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority (Amendment) Bill will provide for a change in membership of the governing board of the Deeds and Commercial Registries.Your Government will pay greater attention to safety in the aviation sector and on our roadways. The Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Bill will provide for the establishment of an authority to investigate aircraft accidents and incidents. A safer aviation sector will be pursued through the modernizing of civil aviation legislation and the amendment of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation Act to strengthen the airport’s executive and operational functions and capabilities. The Road Act (Amendment) Bill will place emphasis on the removal of derelict vehicles and impose weight limits. A stable industrial climate is integral to protecting the rights of our workers and ensuring an environment that is conducive to workers’ well-being. The Industrial Relations Tribunal Bill will provide, inter alia, for the establishment of an independent tribunal to settle industrial and labour disputes. Your government will amend the Marriage Act to put new procedures in place for non- nationals applying for a Special Marriage Licence. The Tobacco Control Bill will contribute to the protection of the health of our citizens.

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Address Of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To The National Assembly Of Guyana 2016.10.13 (CONT’D) Good life We aim at the development of a cohesive society in which confrontation is replaced by cooperation. The removal of inequalities based on geography and ethnicity will lay the foundation for a better ‘quality of life’ for everyone. We will work to reduce prejudice and violence. We will fashion a multicultural society characterized by tolerance mutual respect. The projection of our national interest abroad will ensure the protection of our interests at home. This requires a professional Foreign Service to ensure that the national interest is advanced internationally. Our principal foreign policy objective is the safeguarding our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Our diplomats will be aggressively pursuing, also, increased trade and investment. Your Government will assume the Chairmanship of the Caribbean Community in January 2017. We will use that opportunity to continue the process of the strengthening of the pillars of regional integration and advance the development of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). We adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of which the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are compatible with Guyana’s social agenda. The 2017 National Budget will reflect the harmonization of the SDGs with our national development plans, particularly in the social sector. The 2017 National Budget will be laid in this House in a few weeks time. The preparation of this Budget started

several months ago and has been characterised by an inclusive and consultative process. It will be designed around a results-basedformat. It will be guided by the objectives of fiscal sustainability, institutional sustainability and environmental sustainability. Budget measures will include renewable energy generation and improved energy efficiency – key initiatives of our green agenda. Guyana’s future is linked to renewable energy generation and increased use of energy-efficient technologies. We will graduate our economy increasingly towards greater renewable energy use across all sectors of Guyana. Government buildings will be powered, eventually, by renewable energy sources and will utilize energy-efficient technologies. Incentives will be offered to the private sector to follow the government’s lead. The 2017 National Budget will evince measures aimed at developing a more diversified and climate-resilient agricultural sector. We will: - promote agricultural expansion further inland by introducing mega farms in the Intermediate and Rupununi savannahs; promote the expansion of non-traditional agricultural production such as coconuts, fruits and spices; and, - promote the increase of aromatic rice production which will add to the crop production in rice sector at a higher end of the value chain. Public trust The ‘green’ state will ensure that we bequeath to our children and grandchildren

a secure and safe future and a higher ‘quality of life’. The ‘green’ pathway to development will allow for us to sustain economic growth, generate new sectors and additional jobs, build a more resilient and diversified economy, promote human development, reduce inequalities and ensure the safety, security and general well-being of our country. The discovery of large petroleum reserves in our offshore waters is an exciting development. The emergence of a petroleum sector, however, will not derail our march towards establishing a ‘green’ state. We are wedded, irrevocably, to that mission. Guyana celebrates its fiftieth anniversary of Independence this year. We are celebrating the Year of Renaissance. We owe it to future generations to use the remaining months and days of this year to build bridges across the abyss of discord. The two sides of this House have not always disagreed. They have found common ground in the pursuit of the common good at times. The avenues for compromise and consensus remain open. Guyana is pursuing a people-centered ‘green agenda’. This agenda can become a platform for increased political cooperation. Our legislative agenda is evidence of the scope for consensus. I trust that this House will consider these words and will lend its support to the goal of attaining a higher ‘quality of life’ through a ‘green’ development trajectory. MOTP Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Honors Victims Of The African Holocausts PAGE 96


Members of the African Community and Development Association (ACDA), government representatives and the Afro-Guyanese community gathered to commemorate African Holocaust Day.

R e p re s e n t a t i o n o f t h e A f r i c a n Holocaust The African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) joined the AfroGuyanese community on October 12 to pay tribute to the millions of victims that perished during the African Holocaust or Maafa, under the theme ‘Reparatory Justice for African Holocaust through Development’. The Word ‘Maafa’ is derived from a Kiswahili word meaning disaster, terrible occurrence or great tragedy. A crime against Humanity. The African Holocausts is the pan-African Discourse on the global historical and contemporary genocide against the mental and physical health of African People. The effect of this genocide impacts all the areas on the African community. Their religions, heritage traditions, culture, self-determination, identity and ethics. Over 500 years of slavery, colonialism, partheid, rape, oppression and invasion and exploitation of the man by the man, that continues in the

c o n t e m p o r a n e i t y. A n ongoing issue that hunts h u m a n i t y. T h e commemoration to the victims of the African Holocaust, is observed on the same date Columbus discovery of the ‘New World’, due to the cataclysmic implications of the clash between cultures that this date represents. On Wednesday morning, governmental officials of the Guyanese Republic, representatives of the ACDA and members of the African Community in Guyana, gathered at the Seawall Bandstand in Georgetown, to show their respects for the victims of this massive genocide. One of the darkest chapters in history that keeps repeating itself. According to the local broadcaster. SAFETV2, Leaders called for the secretariat to look after the AfricanCommunity issues. It was also highlighted by the presents, the importance of keeping alive the legacy of the African heritage. ACDA’s Director, Dr. Eric Phillips addressed that is up to the Guyanese organizations to take the challenge and ‘craft an action plan’ for the development of the AfricanGuyanese community. Keeping with the goals of the United Nations (UN) when

designated the International Decade for People of African descendants. Plan focused to boost the growth and evolution of the African Community, between 2015 to 2024. ‘Africans must not rest until justice is done’. Dr. Philip accentuated. After the ceremony, the presents performed traditional rituals, and placed flower offerings on the water, in honor to the millions of slaves who fought for the freedom of African man and woman. Today the trafficking of woman and sex slavery in several parts of Africa is a palpitating issue. The African community still suffers from a wide violation of the human rights worldwide. Racism, modern slavery and segregation are still pounding ‘social ills’. S o u r c e : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ef pTIVutDw




Youths Say Age For House Lot Should Be 18 – Recognise Implementation Challenges Young people are in support of dropping the age requirement since the demand would be greater. Some also spoke about for a house lot from 21 to 18 years. However, they recognise that in doing so, the government would face immediate challenges. At a public consultation in Georgetown on whether the age should move from 21 to 18, persons said it would help young people to be more responsible. They however, noted other challenges in securing a house lot including, high interest rates. Thomas Griffith, who was at the consultation, agreed with the motion to have young adults own their house lots at age 18. “I think that young people of this generation have great responsibility at the age of 18. I think we’ve come to a place of maturity because of how society is so I think we are capable of owning our own property,” Griffith said. A teacher, Shabaza Douglas said that giving young people the opportunity to own their home would help make them accountable. “I think changing the policy from 21 to 18 is a great initiative since young people can do so many things like making certain choices at 18 so why not make a positive choice of owning your own home and it also gives you a sense of feeling responsible,” Douglas said. Suanna Swan, a medical student at the University of Guyana noted that while the initiative is timely and would be beneficial to young people, other factors should be taken into consideration. “We have to consider how the young people would be able to afford the cost of the home. At the banks the interest rates are very high and this would be difficult for young people,” Swan said. Other participants spoke of the difficulty that would be existent when the age moves from 21 to 18 years

reducing the price for lands. Consultations on the issue have been on going in a number of regions with Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Patterson. The minister has noted that at the age of 18, a person is considered an adult and allowed to vote, get married, and own a vehicle. Minister Adams-Patterson explained that her Ministry is considering housing units in the form of apartments, duplexes and condominiums at affordable prices and the consultations will help in deciding on the way forward. (GINA)

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Adams- Patterson addressing the gathering at the consultation

Some of the participants at the consultation




Bermuda Prepares For A Direct Hit Fromin Hurricane Nicole forward speed is forecast on Thursday.

Satellite image of Hurricane Nicole as it approached Bermuda on Wednesday. NOAA image By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Bermuda battened down on Wednesday in preparation for the imminent approach of Hurricane Nicole, which was expected to hit the island directly on Thursday morning. Government schools closed on Wednesday at noon and will remain closed on Thursday and Friday. Government oďŹƒces also closed early at 3.00 pm and will remain closed on

Thursday. At some point, the police will be implementing a red alert, which means no vehicles on the road. The hospital will be on lockdown from 8pm Wednesday until Friday morning. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, the large eye of Hurricane Nicole was located about 240 miles (385 km) south-southwest of Bermuda, moving toward the north near 10 mph (17 km/h). A turn toward the north-northeast and an increase in forward speed were expected on Wednesday night. A northeast turn with an additional increase

On the forecast track, the core of Hurricane Nicole will pass near or over Bermuda on Thursday. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 110 mph (175 km/h) with higher gusts. Some slight strengthening is possible on Wednesday night or early Thursday, and Nicole is forecast to be at or near major hurricane strength when it approaches Bermuda. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 160 miles (260 km). Hurricane conditions are expected to begin on Bermuda on Thursday morning, with tropical storm conditions expected to begin on Wednesday evening. A dangerous storm surge will raise water levels by as much as 6 to 8 feet above normal tide levels in Bermuda. The surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves. Nicole is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 4 to 8 inches over Bermuda through Thursday. Swells associated with Nicole will aect Bermuda during the next few days. These swells will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. Isolated tornadoes are possible on Bermuda on Wednesday night and early Thursday. (Caribbean News Now!)




Death Toll From Hurricane Matthew Continues To Rise In Haiti PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (HCNN) -- the central government’s highest-

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew, which hit Haiti on October 4, continues to rise. Haiti is facing the greatest humanitarian emergency since the earthquake in 2010. The full extent of the damage remains unknown. Photo: UNICEF/UN034980/Abassi, UN-MINUSTAH By Darsen Roger

The death toll continues to rise in Haiti, as hardest-hit districts become accessible in the south and southwest regions of the Caribbean country devastated last week by category 4 Hurricane Matthew. Mayors and representatives of the central government in the affected areas have revealed over the past few days figures that amount to 1,332 people killed as Matthew lashed towns and villages with high winds and torrential rain. In addition, the cholera epidemic has a new outbreak, killing at least 160 people and sickening nearly 300 since the passage of Matthew, according to local officials. However, the official death toll issued on Tuesday by the civil protection office, based in the capital Port-au-Prince, was 372 deaths throughout the country, while

ranking executive authority in the Grande-Anse (Southwest) region, Kedner Frenel, told HCNN that at least 522 people were killed in his area alone. The 1,332 total death toll comes from aggregate reports obtained from mayors and top representatives of the government supervising body recovery and relief operations in the remote towns and villages struck by Matthew. Each mayor (who is an elected official) is the chairman of the civil protection committee overseeing preparations and relief operations in his district, following a natural disaster such as a hurricane. The Haitian government, donor countries and the major international humanitarian institutions have been busy gradually delivering aid to the populations in ravaged areas. (Caribbean News Now!)




Antigua-Barbuda Ambassador Calls For Reparatory Justice Frommerchants Harvard University and owned an estimated 60 slaves. At one point, Royall and his father brokered the sale of 121 human beings in one day. Another time, they had 77 slaves burned alive at the stake following a failed rebellion. The oldest and arguably the most distinguished chair in American legal education is Harvard’s Royall Professorship of Law. Its distinction comes not from its age or its founder, but from those who have held it. These include distinguished figures in legal education but it is a historical fact that this chair is directly linked to a slave revolt on the island of Antigua in 1736. The revolt had been carefully planned and involved about 2,000 slaves, many driven to desperation by starvation and thirst from terrible droughts. Ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders WASHINGTON, USA -- Antigua and Barbuda’s ambassador to the United States, Sir Ronald Sanders, has called on Harvard University “to demonstrate its remorse and its debt to unnamed slaves from Antigua and Barbuda” whose lives were abused to establish the Harvard Law School (HLS). In a letter to Professor Drew Faust, president of Harvard University, Sanders recalled that the bequest of Isaac Royall Jr to Harvard College in 1781 that was used to create the first endowed professorship of law in 1815 came from the labour of human beings enslaved on Royall’s plantation in Antigua. The ambassador said he was sure “that Harvard University, like all other institutions with a consciousness of right, has been inspired by the recent acknowledgment and atonement by Georgetown University for the sale of 272 human beings in 1838 to save the University from collapse”. In this connection, he told the Harvard University president, “This is an excellent example for your university to follow, particularly since the founding of Harvard Law School was premised on the brutal, violent, oppressive and dehumanizing use and sale of men, women and children from Antigua and Barbuda.” Specifically, Sanders proposed that “one tangible way in which the University and Harvard Law School should show remorse and repay its debt in a small way, while living up to the high ideals it proclaims, is to offer scholarships to Antiguans and Barbudans on an annual basis”. He urged the university’s corporation to implement the proposal he put to them on behalf of the people of Antigua and Barbuda. Isaac Royall Jr., in the words of one HLS professor, was “a brutal slaveholder”. He was born into a colonial-era family of wealthy Triangle Trade

Like most Antiguan slaveholders, the Royalls grew sugar cane. A single nick of the razor-sharp cane knives would cause infected wounds, many fatal. Professor Janet Halley formally took the Royall Professorship of Law in 2007, marking the occasion with a lecture on the legacy of Isaac Royall, Jr. (1719 – 1781). Royall, the son of an Antiguan slaveholder who moved his family -- and 27 slaves -- to Medford, Massachusetts, in the early 18th century, took over his father’s estate, which is now a national historic landmark and museum including the only preserved slave quarters in the northeast United States. In his will, he left land to Harvard to establish its first professorship in law. His heirs sold the Medford estate and used the proceeds to endow Harvard Law School. The donation grew into the founding of HLS, whose seal to this day includes three sheaves of wheat -- the Royall family’s coat of arms. The history of HLS includes both disturbing and inspiring aspects, said Daniel Coquillette, professor of American legal history, who is writing a two-volume history of the school. “The founder of this school burned 70 slaves at the stake,” said Coquillette, noting that the HLS shield depicts three wheat sheaves that were part of the Royall family’s coat of arms. Two centuries later, the first black president of the United States and first black First Lady are HLS alumni. “[Royall’s] family made their money from a sugar plantation in Antigua, and he and his father crushed a planned rebellion by allowing 77 people to be burned alive, including Hector, the family’s slave driver and leader of the revolt,” student activists at Harvard argue. “We ask our own administration to stand in solidarity with the protesters of South Africa, decolonize Harvard Law, and honor the enslaved people who actually founded this school.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Turks And Caicos Opposition Party Chairman Outlines Vision For Economic Change labour and business-licensing regime, d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d

PDM Chairman Douglas Parnell PROVIDENCIALES, TCI -- The chairman of the opposition People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), Douglas Parnell, has announced his party’s plans to focus on people-centered development that will take place throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) under a PDM government. General elections in the British territory are constitutionally due to be held no later than the end of February next year. Parnell said in a press statement: “From my experience as president of the Providenciales Chamber of Commerce, I recognized and reported then that the fundamental attributes of the Turks and Caicos Islands, which it had enjoyed for decades, and which make it an ideal place for growth, investment and economic prosperity are the “Four Nos”… No Income Tax, No Capital Gains Tax, No Property Tax, and No Exchange Controls. Additionally, permitting foreign ownership of land supports this economic environment as well as our

which is one of the most liberal in the region. However, what has really caused the Turks and Caicos to flourish is the friendly and tolerant attitude and nature of our people coupled with the skills and abilities of our people and residents alike to run a soon to be billion dollar a year economy. Yes we are small but we have massive promise. These intrinsic qualities when put into the hands of the right government can bring us back on track to wealth and prosperity for years and decades to come. “First and foremost, the safety and security of our people, residents and visitors will be at the top of the agenda in the upcoming general election campaign. We understand the fears, hunger, thirst and the deep longing that exists in the minds, hearts, bellies and souls of our people, which can only be calmed, satisfied, quenched, and fulfilled through political change. We know that our constituents are tired of politicians who make lofty promises during a campaign that remain unfulfilled. We also know that an outgoing government can sometimes try to preempt the ideas, plans and policies for change that are contemplated by their political opponents. “However, despite these tactics we thought it necessary to release our 12-Point Crime Plan early in the campaign. In Parliament, we fought for people who have lost their homes, businesses and property through an unholy arrangement with the Interim Government and TOLCO. The PDM, in opposition, has been working, demanding real change in Crown land, in labour rights, in environmental protection, economic relief, the rights of stateless children, expanded access to educational opportunities, civil servant benefits, infrastructural development and maintenance, health care reform,

immigration control. But none of these things have been perfected thus far from our efforts because the numbers in Parliament to enact laws remain with the government which is precisely why a campaign that details specific credible plans and policies is on the horizon to improve our numbers in parliament with buy-in and the support of the people. “For the constituencies in Providenciales, to provide a safer and more secure environment is our prime objective. In addition to our 12-Point Crime Plan, we will implement corresponding initiatives that will bring about a vibrant and affluent business climate, while providing better income earning opportunities for workers, all while paying keen focus to improve our physical environment and infrastructure. Detailed plans for each constituency will be unveiled to address the specific needs of each community. “In North, Middle and South Caicos our primary objective will be to develop a sustainable economy so that our people can have opportunities at home. Our islands will be united through a link from Providenciales to South Caicos by building bridges across our beautiful waters. This will ultimately light the path to future prosperity. For the nation’s capital, Grand Turk, and the historic island of Salt Cay, the vision for the future has already been written that will lift these islands up to the prominence they so justly deserve. “In the upcoming months, our leader, Hon. Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson will champion these and other initiatives in a campaign that will bring political change in our country for the betterment of all persons.” The PDM has unveiled its five at large candidates and ten constituency candidates, including Parnell, who will contest the Cheshire Hall and Richmond Hill district in Providenciales. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaica Leads Talks On Correspondent Banking Issue Washington, while the Office of the Comptroller PAGE 102

Minister of Finance and Public Service, Audley Shaw. Photo: Michael Sloley By Denise Dennis KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Minister of finance and the public service, Audley Shaw, says the government of Jamaica continues to lead discussions to counter the threat of international correspondent banks cutting ties with local financial institutions. “We are leading the way… to make sure that we have financial inclusion on a credible, transparent basis as we build a formal economy,” he said. The minister was addressing the final day of the fifth annual Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Conference in Kingston on Tuesday. Correspondent banking involves a bank in one country facilitating certain services for a financial institution in another country, including wire transfers, business transactions, deposits and gathering of documents. Over the last five years, a number of international banks have restricted or ended their relationship with the region due to concerns about money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing. Caribbean countries have been collaborating to set up the regulatory environment to efficiently supervise banking and money services and to identify and manage the money laundering and terrorism financing risks in the financial sector. They have also been lobbying banks to reconsider their decision to withdraw their services. Shaw, who participated in the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Washington DC from October 6 to 9, said he believes the regional efforts to challenge the move by banks to cut ties have been bearing fruit. He said there was a “positive meeting” between regional leaders and the managing director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, in


of the Currency of the United States has issued a statement that provides guidance to US banks with respect to terminating foreign correspondent banking relationships. The statement called for the establishment of a governance function to review and monitor recommendations involving foreign account termination and provided insight into the impact of cutting ties with the region and the value of such relationships to the countries involved. “This statement has helped to open the door to greater dialogue. What we have to do now is to weave into it our own sense of duty and responsibility here in Jamaica. We know what to do, so we have to do it,” Shaw said, referring to the need to bolster the regulatory framework governing the financial institutions. He noted that financial inclusion is critical, as the Jamaican economy is built around the movement of money through tourism, remittances and trade. The finance minister has indicated that the Caribbean is addressing the problem of de-risking by proactively reassuring international partners that the region’s AML/CFT regulatory framework is robust. This is being coordinated by the Committee of Caribbean Central Bank Governors, the Caribbean Group of Bank Supervisors, the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, the Caribbean Association of Insurance Regulators, and Caribbean membership of the Global Forum on the Exchange of Tax Information. The two-day conference, on facilitating discussion on strengthening compliance, was hosted by the Jamaica Bankers Association (JBA) and the Jamaica Institute of Financial Services (JIFS) under the theme ‘Understanding our obligations… Safeguarding our Future’. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Caribbean Countries Share Plans To Adapt To Climate Change At Grenada Meeting communities and ecosystems.”

PAGE 103

The Caribbean NAP Assembly ST GEORGE’S, Grenada -Representatives from 11 Caribbean countries and development agency partners are meeting in Grenada’s capital of St George’s this week to discuss strategies to prepare for the impact of climate change. Grenada held the final consultation for its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on Tuesday and will now host peers from the region to share lessons from its experience through a two-day regional workshop. “Here in Grenada, we don’t have to look far for to see the impacts of climate change. We experience them every day,” said Senator Simon Stiell, minister of state with responsibility for the environment. “Grenada’s National Adaptation Plan process will help protect against the potentially devastating effects of extreme weather like Hurricane Ivan in 2004,” said Kevin Andall, permanent secretary with responsibility for human resource development and the environment. “We look forward to sharing what we have learned about national adaptation planning with others


in the Caribbean community to build our countries’ resilience to climate change.” The NAP process was created by the United Nations as an opportunity for countries to plan for sustainable development in the face of climate stress. The Paris Agreement calls on all countries to engage in NAP processes, and each country’s NAP is driven by its unique adaptation needs. In this two-day NAP Assembly, adaptation planners from Caribbean countries will share their experiences of national adaptation planning and action. This NAP Assembly is co-hosted by Grenada’s ministry of education, human resource development and the environment; the UNDP JapanCaribbean Climate Change Partnership (J-CCCP); and the NAP Global Network. “Climate change effects pose a serious threat to the livelihoods of many Caribbean people,” said Anne Hammill, director of the NAP Global Network secretariat. “Through robust national adaptation planning processes that consider the needs of different key sectors like agriculture, health and tourism, countries can make important strides toward protecting vulnerable

Adaptation planners attending the event will represent tencountries in the Caribbean: Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, an Suriname. The UNDP’s 2016 Caribbean Human Development Report warns climate change impacts such as droughts, floods, saltwater intrusion, and sea level rise could pose a threat to food security in the Caribbean region. The Caribbean NAP Assembly aims to outline next steps in the NAP process for countries in the Caribbean region, and how development partners such as USAID and the UNDP JCCCP can coordinate their support to help countries to advance their national adaptation plans. “UNDP’s commitment to addressing climate change challenges within the region is certainly seen with the advent and subsequent activities of the J-CCCP. Japan is dedicated to promoting climateresilient development approaches in the Caribbean, and has been making key investments in climate change adaptation technologies in the region,” said Chisa Mikami, UNDP’s deputy resident representative. She added: “This workshop is a great opportunity for our colleagues to learn more about the NAP process with the added value of learning from peers. We are keen to have these shared experiences enhance efforts to advance respective NAP processes.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Building An Energy Efficient Private Sector In The Caribbean

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) has developed an energy management training module for their productivity network (ProNET) programme, which helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) address the role of energy in business and increase their understanding of the energy service supply chains. The implementation of energy efficient practices within business operations

enables firms to be more competitive in the global market. In addition, following participation in the course, businesses should be more equipped to make the choices necessary as it relates to different energy systems and their technologies to make them more efficient. The executive director of Caribbean Export, Pamela CokeHamilton, called on the region’s private sector to drive forward with the adoption of renewable energy solutions at the EUCaribbean Sustainable Energy Conference currently taking place in Barbados. “What we have found at Caribbean Export is that companies are increasingly eager to take corrective measures because it affects their bottom line,” Coke-Hamilton shared. Coke-Hamilton urged that, as a region, the transition towards renewable energy solutions becomes an increasing priority and that

“we [should] move beyond simply writing energy policies and work towards having these translated into actual legislation that would benefit the private sector”. Initiatives such as the removal of VAT on energy efficient and renewable energy equipment, the support for the use of electric vehicles, and an introduction to rebates for energy reduction are a few of the recommendations that the agency has previously made to regional governments. Further, in recognition of the costs burdened by SMEs to make the necessary changes, the agency is providing grants to firms to enable them to have energy audits conducted. This energy audit would be the first stage to understanding the energy cost savings that could be seen as a result of implements various energy efficient measures. (Caribbean News Now!)




US Embassy Hosts Eastern Caribbean Citizen Science And Climate Change Program insect specimens. On returning indoors, they analyzed their

Participants of the citizen scientists workshop pose for a group photo with presenter Dr Gillian Bowser, and Deputy Public Affairs Officer Jeff Barrus at the conclusion of the first session of the program on Pigeon Island BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The US Embassy to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is hosting Dr Gillian Bowser, research scientist at Colorado State University, in a threecountry traveling program to promote ways ordinary “citizen scientists” can help observe and promote awareness of climate change in their communities. The program travels to Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Dominica. During her visit to Saint Lucia, Bowser met with the science students of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. After a spirited discussion on the various climate change issues affecting Saint Lucia, Bowser led the 33 students on an excursion outdoors where they collected a number of plant and

photos and specimens, and uploaded them to an international database. Bowser also hosted a technical workshop for members of the community in Saint Lucia who are heavily involved in the environment. Taking place against the beautiful backdrop of Pigeon Island, the workshop brought together members from a number of environmental non-governmental organizations. Led by Bowser, they collected insects from a pond, measured the spread of invasive lemongrass, and collected various specimens from the beach on the Caribbean Sea side of Pigeon Island. They also discussed environmental changes they had observed on the island. “The US Embassy hosted this program because the nations of the Eastern Caribbean are highly sensitive to the impacts of climate change due to their small geographic size, low coastal elevations, and fragile landscapes,” said deputy public affairs officer Jeff Barrus. “These impacts can have far-reaching ramifications for regional economic growth and development, public health, and food security. We support efforts to build capacity within the region to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. This begins with widespread awareness of the problem by the general population.” Bowser is a research scientist at Colorado State University, where her research is focused on biodiversity, sustainability, and women’s scholarship. She has devoted much of her efforts to how climate change impacts resources and communities. A native of Brooklyn, New York, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Northwestern University, a Master of Science in Zoology at the University of Vermont, and a doctoral degree at the University of Missouri – St Louis. She worked with the National Park Service for over 20 years as a wildlife ecologist, including 11 years spent studying insects, bison and rodents at Yellowstone National Park. (Caribbean News Now!)




Belize Reports Continued Impressive Increases In Tourism Arrivals

BELIZE CITY, Belize -- For 15 consecutive months from June 2015 to September 2016, the tourism industry in Belize has been experiencing record breaking increases in overnight arrivals every month, with impressive double digit increases of

as much as 33 percent growth. Now nine months into 2016, the tourism arrival figures continue to show this upward trend, closing off the third quarter with a 26.9 percent increase for the month of September 2016 over September 2015. Overall, the first nine months of 2016 recorded a total of 293,622 overnight arrivals, a 16.4 percent increase over the same nine months of 2015, which had 252,329 overnight arrivals. Cruise arrivals resulted in 54,569 passengers for September 2016, representing a 20.6 percent increase over September 2015. Overall, cruise passenger arrivals recorded a moderate 1.3 percent increase for the first nine months of 2016, despite having 12 fewer cruise vessels arriving in Belize, inclusive of cruise calls cancelled due to Hurricane Earl. The US continues to be the largest source market, with 67.4 percent of the market share, followed by Europe and Canada, respectively. Further increases are anticipated for the remainder of 2016, especially with the launch by WestJet Airlines on October 29 of direct flights between Toronto and Belize. (Caribbean News Now!)




WINAIR Supports The Positive Positive Foundation Foundation to assist in building this awareness and

Employees of WINAIR, PJIAE and members of the Positive Foundation, Elektralytes Foundation and the Pink Faces gathered together last week Tuesday, October 4, during a joined unveiling moment of the ribbons on the WINAIR aircraft and the pink banners at PJIAE PHILIPSBURG, St Maarten -- Windward Islands Airways (WINAIR) has teamed up with the Positive Foundation in its breast cancer awareness efforts to make St Maarten and other WINAIR destinations more conscious that early detection is the key and is still the best protection in the fight against breast cancer and saving lives. “WINAIR is proud to partner with the

Winair will show their support in several ways,” said president and CEO Michael Cleaver. This year WINAIR joined the Pink Parade with 30+ employees proudly and enthusiastically walking behind the pink WINAIR banner. WINAIR’s pilots will be wearing pink epaulettes during the month of October. Every pilot takes a lot of pride in wearing their epaulettes, which they have earned the right to wear through dedication and hard work. It is with that same pride that they support breast cancer awareness and research by wearing pink epaulettes for a month. While #FlyPink is a global aviation industry initiative to support organizations around the world that provide research for breast cancer and help save lives, WINAIR has taken the #FlyPink initiative even higher. Not only will the pilots be wearing pink, all WINAIR aircraft are outfitted with pink ribbons on the fuselage with the intention not only to create awareness on St Maarten but all other destinations WINAIR flies. Lastly, WINAIR has provided the Positive Foundation with ticket vouchers to be used as incentives to the events. As long as people are still being diagnosed with third or fourth stage breast cancer, the president of the Positive Foundation, Shelly Alphonso sees the need to continue the “Be Breast Aware” movement with a call to action to “Find it, Feel it, Fight it!” -creating a future where early detection is the norm. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Project Against The Decriminalization Of Abortion In Peru PAGE 108

The leftist Broad Front (Frente Amplio) of Peru, with the support of members of Peruvian Congress, presented a Health Law Project, to decriminalization of the abortion in cases of rape, non-consensual insemination and congenital deformity. According to the Peruvian Newspaper, EL COMERCIO, the spokeswoman of the Broad Front, Marisa Glave, explained that forcing a woman to keep an unwanted or undesired pregnancy, is the reflection of violence towards woman. Highlighting how this is a pounding problem in Peru. Figures shown by the Ministry for Women’s Affairs and Social Development, revealed that 70% of the victims of sexual assault are underage girls and adolescents, and more of the 60% of cases of pregnancy in adolescents are due to sexual assaults. Glave expressed, how she was pleased that the Health Project was presented to the government again this year, project that has been supported by civil organizations that worked in last year’s campaign ‘Dejala Decidir’ (Allow her to decide). The spokeswoman added that a debate between civil organizations and governmental representatives is being scheduled before year end. This one will cover matters regarding the implementation of human rights, stressing on the weight of the woman’s ‘voice’ in the Peruvian society. Last year the Peruvian Parliament archived a Health Law Project, with the


decriminalization of the abortion in cases of rape, nonconsensual insemination and congenital deformity, but was rejected by the Roman Catholic Church, and National Commissions of the Popular Force. Source: http://elcomercio.pe/politica/congreso/frente-amplioimpulsara-despenali...

Women protest to demand legalization of abortion in Peru




SNP's Nicola Sturgeon Announces New Independence Referendum Bill

Nicola Sturgeon to publish new referendum bill A consultation gets under way next week on plans for a second Scottish independence referendum, the SNP's Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. She told the party's Glasgow conference that an Independence Referendum Bill would be published next week. It marks the first step to holding a second vote. Ms Sturgeon said Scotland had the right to choose a different path if it was not allowed to protect its interests "within the UK". The first Scottish independence referendum, which took place on 18 September, 2014, resulted in 55% of voters saying "no". Ms Sturgeon told delegates that Scotland had the right to seek something better if there were prospects of an unstable future as part of the UK. She said: "I am determined that Scotland will have the ability to reconsider the question of independence and to do so before the UK leaves the EU - if that is necessary to protect our country's interests. "So, I can confirm today that the Independence Referendum Bill will be published for consultation next week." On 24 June, the day after the UK voted to leave the EU, Ms Sturgeon said a second independence referendum was "highly likely". Those who voted in Scotland backed remaining in Europe by 62% to 38% while the UK as a whole backed leave, by a margin of 52% to 48%. However, Scottish Secretary David Mundell called on Ms Sturgeon to "commit her government to working constructively with the UK government to seize the opportunities that will bring, not taking Scotland back to the divisive constitutional debates of the past".

He said: "Constant talk of another independence referendum is creating uncertainty and damaging the Scottish economy at a time when our growth is lagging behind the UK as a whole." line break Will a second independence referendum happen? Consultation does not mean decision. It does not mean a date for the ballot. It does not mean action. It does not mean a referendum will definitely happen. It means next to nothing. However, there was in the speech a far more significant announcement which, shorn of rhetoric, drew relatively little applause. That was when the FM said her government would put forward proposals - which they are already crafting - to maintain as much of Scotland's links with the EU as may be thought feasible, post Brexit. Crucially, this would be within the UK. It would not require indyref2. It would not require independence. It would, however, require new powers for the Scottish Parliament - including the power to reach transnational agreements. It would require, therefore, a flexible UK: perhaps on the lines of the relationship between Flanders and Belgium as a whole. Perhaps maintaining connections to the single market, Norway style. Perhaps also driven by the need to accord special status to Northern Ireland. In essence, Ms Sturgeon is making that the core of her pitch. She is challenging Theresa May to smile upon this prospect, to take it seriously and, ultimately, to advance it as part of the UK Brexit pitch if it is judged worthwhile. Ms Sturgeon's opening address also saw her issue a warning that the right wing of the Tory party was seeking to "hijack" the EU referendum result. She told the 3,000 delegates gathered that the Tories were using the result as a "licence for xenophobia". Ms Sturgeon insisted that the Prime Minister Theresa May needed to respect the 62% who voted to remain in the EU. She also confirmed that SNP MPs would oppose Brexit legislation when it comes before the House of Commons in 2017. The MSP said: "I can confirm today that

SNP MPs will vote against the Brexit Bill when it comes before the House of Commons next year. "That bill will repeal the legislation that enacted our EU membership. Scotland didn't vote for that and so neither will our MPs. "But we will also work to persuade others - Labour, Liberals and moderate Tories - to join us in a coalition against a hard Brexit: not just for Scotland, but for the whole UK. "The Conservative Party manifesto, on which Theresa May and all other Tory MPs were elected said this: 'We are clear about what we want from Europe. We say: yes to the Single Market'. "The prime minister may have a mandate to take England and Wales out of the EU but she has no mandate whatsoever to remove any part of the UK from the single market." What message is Nicola Sturgeon sending to Theresa May? Nicola Sturgeon told the SNP conference that not a day passes without someone telling her to "hurry up" with a second referendum on Scottish independence. And every day someone tells her to "slow down". It is certainly true that every day since the EU referendum the question is asked when, or if, the SNP's call for Indyref2 - as it's known - might happen. With many commentators (myself included) concluding that the cautious, canny Sturgeon will not rush into a vote she knows she might lose. Today Ms Sturgeon made very clear that she is prepared to trigger a second referendum if she feels that is the only way to protect Scotland from what she calls a "hard Brexit imposed by the hard right of the Tory party". She was angered by what she heard from the prime minister at the Tory conference last week. At the beginning of the three-day conference, if was announced that SNP MP Angus Robertson had been voted the new deputy of the party. Mr Robertson defeated Edinburgh East MP Tommy Sheppard, Alyn Smith MEP and Inverclyde councillor Chris McEleny to take 52.5% of the votes cast. About 120,000 SNP members were entitled to vote in the contest. (BBC)




Apple Fires Staff Amid Claims Intimate Photos Shared In Australia Store

Apple said its inquiry had so far not shown that any photos had been stolen(REUTERS) Apple has fired a number of employees at a store in Brisbane, Australia, amid allegations they shared photos of female customers and colleagues and ranked their bodies out of 10. Brisbane's CourierMail, said dozens of photos were taken without knowledge or consent and that other images were stolen from customer phones. Apple confirmed an inquiry and said "several" jobs had been terminated. But it said its inquiry had so far not shown that any photos had been stolen.

No-one had been photographed without consent, the inquiry had indicated. Intimate images The photos - including more than 100 close-up and intimate images according to the CourierMail - were said to have been shared and the women's bodies then rated. The newspaper said the possible privacy breach came to light after a fellow employee noticed a store technician looking through a customer's phone in the repair room. One staff member told the new s paper they w ere concerned the same thing was happening in other Australian Apple stores, including in Sydney. Apple said the allegations, if true,

would constitute a violation of the company's business conduct policy. "Apple believe in treating everyone equally and with respect, and we do not tolerate behaviour that goes against our values," it

said in a statement. "We have met with our store team to let them know about the investigation and inform them about the steps Apple is taking to protect their privacy." The Australian Privacy Commissioner is also looking into the alleged privacy breach. "We are aware of the reports and will be making enquiries with Apple to seek further information," said commissioner Timothy Pilgrim. "This is an important reminder that all organisations that collect and manage personal information need to embed a culture of privacy and ensure employees understand their responsibilities." (BBC)




Race And Religious Hate Crimes Rose 41% After EU Vote

Racist or religious abuse incidents recorded by police in England and Wales jumped 41% in the month after the UK voted to quit the EU, figures show. There were 3,886 such crimes logged in July 2015, rising to 5,468 in July this year, according to the Home Office. It said the sharp increase declined in August but has "remained at a higher level than prior to the EU referendum". Home Secretary Amber Rudd said the government was "determined to stamp it out". The number of hate crimes overall in the year 2015-16 was up 19% on the previous year. Latest figures show that 62,518 offences were recorded by police. Of these, 79% were motivated by race hate, 12% by sexual orientation, 7% by religion, 6% by disability and 1% were transgender hate crimes. Ewa Banaszak and her family have lived in Plymouth for nine years, "this is our home, where we

live and work" she said. The Polish natives had their shed deliberately set alight in July in a racially-motivated attack. Since the EU referendum, she said racist comments towards her and relatives had "intensified" and the family had received a "hate-filled letter" containing threats. Despite being told to "go back to your own country", Ms Banaszak said they will not go back to Poland. ‘This is our country' Standing at a bus stop, Brazilian-born Danilo Venticinque, 30, was talking to his Mexican wife in Spanish and a woman asked "you speak English, don't you?" "Can you understand what I'm saying? This is our country. We are leaving the EU. We will stop having so many people like you over here." He said people like the woman who approached him are "a minority". Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesperson Alistair Carmichael said the

rise in hate crimes was "down to the nasty, divisive European referendum campaign that pulled apart communities, families and neighbours". He claimed that the government has treated the post referendum landscape in "the same divisive way". The National Police Chiefs' Council's (NPCC) lead on hate crime, Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said: "Numbers of hate crime incidents have fallen from the spike seen after the EU referendum but we still believe that many hate crimes are still not reported to us. "We are determined to play our part in addressing hate crimes in our society, supported by government and third sector partners". These figures confirm what previous data from the National Police Chiefs Council suggested - that there was a spike in hate crime after the 23 June poll. Part of the increase is undoubtedly due to a greater willingness by the public to report offences and better police methods for logging hate crimes. But strong anecdotal evidence supports the view that there was also a genuine rise in crimes targeted at ethnic minorities and foreign nationals: the Brexit vote appeared to unleash something in people - they felt they had a

licence to attack Polish migrants and insult Muslims. Separately, one of the most striking features of the annual figures is a 44% rise in hate crimes directed at people with disabilities; the numbers have doubled in four years. Following the EU referendum, then-Prime Minister David Cameron condemned "despicable" incidents of hate crime. In J u l y, t h e g o v e r n m e n t published a hate crime action plan, which Ms Rudd said "sets out how we are further reducing hate crime, increasing reporting and improving support for victims". She added: "Our hate crime laws are among the best in the world, but we cannot be complacent." Assistant Chief Constable Hamilton said the NPCC was encouraged by the improved police reporting and support systems that had been put in place. According to the Home Office, over the last year police forces have made efforts to improve their recording of crime statistics, especially for violence against person offences. It said the improved records are "likely to be a factor" in the increase in hate crimes recorded by the police this year. (BBC)




German Top Court Backs EU-Canada Trade Deal CETA

Activists called it the biggest constitutional complaint in German history(REUTERS) Germany's Constitutional Court has rejected a legal challenge to the EU-Canada free trade deal (CETA) from campaigners who call it undemocratic. The campaigners object to the fact that parts of CETA will be implemented before all national parliaments in the EU have voted on it. EU trade ministers are to vote on CETA next week. It requires unanimous support. If they all approve it, the deal can be signed on 27 October. CETA would remove many trade barriers. More than 125,000 people signed a petition organised by three activist groups aimed at b l o c k i n g C E TA , t h e Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. The groups are Compact,

Foodwatch and More Democracy. 'Race to the bottom' Opponents fear that CETA will be used as a model to push through an even more controversial EU-US trade deal called TTIP, much of which remains to be negotiated. The activists argue that CETA and similar deals put job security and social welfare at risk, in a global "race to the bottom" that serves the interests of a wealthy elite. German Economy Minister and Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has battled to win his Social Democrats (SPD) round to CETA. The SPD is in government with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), who strongly support CETA. Mr Gabriel said he was happy with Thursday's court ruling. CETA, he said, would act as "protection against having a bad deal with the US". Some

British politicians see CETA as a good basis for a postBrexit UK trade deal with the EU. The UK can vote for CETA while it remains a full EU member. CETA does not involve EU-style free movement of labour. But for services - 80% of the UK economy - the CETA terms are less favourable than what they have now. Would CETA be a good model for the UK? The judges in Karlsruhe did not, however, exclude the possibility of CETA hitting obstacles in Germany in future. By signing CETA, they said, the government can only fast-track the deal's EU-wide provisions. Areas of national responsibility - such as i n t e l l e c t u a l p r o p e r t y, maritime transport and commercial arbitration - must await parliamentary approval. A new Investment Court System (ICS) - one of the most controversial issues - cannot

be set up until CETA is ratiďŹ ed by all EU parliaments, they said. Mr Gabriel said the opponents were mixing up CETA with TTIP. The EU negotiated safeguards for public services, Europe's cultural heritage and the cherished precautionary principle, he said. The EU's precautionary principle means extensive risk assessments have to be carried out before a chemical or medicine can be marketed. In the US, the onus is on proving that a substance is hazardous before it can be withdrawn from sale. Mr Gabriel said he hoped that sealing the CETA deal could enable the EU to raise other trade deals up to its level. Many politicians and business leaders argue that CETA will provide a much-needed economic boost, reducing bureaucracy and creating jobs. a t a g l a n c e : C E TA Negotiations began in 2009 and ended in August 2014 The deal aims to eliminate 98% of taris between Canada and EU, making it the EU's most comprehensive trade deal to date Signing expected on 27 October, to implement parts of C E TA , t h e n E u r o p e a n Parliament and national parliaments vote on it It includes: new courts; harmonised regulations; sustainable development clauses; and access to public sector tenders The deal is opposed by various groups, including environmental activists, trade unionists, and Austrian Socialists (BBC)




German Terror Suspect Jaber al-Bakr's Jail Death A Scandal, Says Lawyer

Police released pictures of the suspect after Saturday's raid on his flat(AFP/GETTY IMAGES) The death in a prison cell of a Syrian refugee suspected of planning a bomb attack in Germany is a judicial scandal, his lawyer has said. Jaber al-Bakr, 22, strangled himself in a jail in Leipzig with his shirt and the government has demanded an immediate inquiry. His lawyer said the prison was aware Bakr was a suicide risk after he was captured o n M o n d a y. H o w e v e r, r e g i o n a l authorities said he had not been considered an acute risk. Jaber al-Bakr was detained on Monday on suspicion of plotting to bomb an airport in Berlin, possibly in the coming days. When police raided his flat in the eastern city of Chemnitz early on Saturday, they found 1.5kg of TATP, a home-made explosive used in the deadly jihadist attacks in Paris last year and in Brussels last March. What went wrong at the jail? Sebastian Gemkow, justice minister in the eastern state of Saxony, told reporters a psychological assessment of the prisoner had been made and safety measures had been

taken. And the head of the prison described Bakr during the day as "calm and on an even keel". "It shouldn't have happened, but it did," the justice minister said, adding that he took responsibility for the suicide but would not resign. Prison officials rejected reports that Bakr was only being checked on an hourly basis. Originally, he was given top-level supervision, involving 15-minute intervals, but a panel of experts agreed hours before he died to lower the regular checks to every 30 minutes. There is no video monitoring of prisoners held in remand cells in Saxony, said prison governor Rolf Jacob. A guard stationed outside the cell door would have been more appropriate, he acknowledged. Jabr al-Bakr's body was found at 19:45 (17:45 GMT) on Wednesday evening, 15 minutes after a regular check, the prison governor said. Attempts to resuscitate him failed. Defence lawyer Alexander Huebner was adamant his client was a risk as he had already broken light bulbs and tampered with power sockets. He had also been refusing food and drink. The prison governor said later that the damage had

been assessed as vandalism rather than an indication of potential suicide. "How could this happen?" Mr Huebner asked. "He must have been the best-guarded prisoner in Germany." How serious is the blow to German intelligence? German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere demanded a "rapid and comprehensive inquiry". He told German TV that Bakr's death had made the task of investigating the possible Berlin airport bomb plot much harder. Centre-right CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach said it was a tragedy to lose such an important source of intelligence. Leading centre-left SPD politician Burkhard Lischka blamed the Saxony authorities for the death in custody and said years of underfunding were to blame. Family Affairs Minister Manuela Schwesig simply tweeted: "What on earth's going on?" Who was Jaber al-Bakr? Granted asylum last year after coming to Germany in February 2015, he had been under surveillance for months on suspicion of being linked to jihadist group Islamic State. But when police raided his flat early on Saturday, he escaped. Police fired a warning shot but were wary of harming neighbours. After a two-day manhunt Bakr made his way to Leipzig, where he asked three Syrian asylum seekers for help. The three told police they had heard about the manhunt and tied him up while one of them knelt on him. One of the men took a photo of the captive to a police station, and he was detained in the early hours of Monday. Widely hailed as heroes in G e r m a n y, t h e t h r e e m e n w e r e apparently implicated by Bakr in the bomb plot, German media reported, citing security officials in Leipzig. (BBC)




West Must Stop 'Pulverisation' Of Aleppo - Boris Johnson

Mr Johnson said people who had opposed military action in the past were changing their minds(REUTERS) Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has said the West must consider new military options against Syrian forces to stop Aleppo being "pulverised". The rebel-held east of the city is under renewed bombardment after a ceasefire deal broke down. Mr Johnson said a new set of "kinetic" options would be considered at a UK meeting of foreign ministers on Sunday. Many people had changed their minds since 2013, when MPs blocked military action against Assad's forces, he said. Mr Johnson has summoned a meeting of foreign ministers, including US Secretary of State John Kerry, as well as ministers from France and

Germany on Sunday, to consider a new way forward in Syria and Iraq. 'Grave difficulties' He told the foreign affairs committee: "Most people - I think including John Kerry - feel that the process of discussion with the Russians has basically run out of road. On Sunday, we will be talking about all the options that we think are available to us and to the West. "I am not going to pretend that there is any easy answer here, because there isn't. Most people, I think, are now changing their minds about this and they are thinking 'We can't let this go on for ever, we can't just see Aleppo pulverised in this way, we have to do something'. "Whether that means we can get a coalition together now for more kinetic action now, I cannot prophesy, but certainly what most people want to see

is a new set of options." Aleppo, once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with President Assad's forces controlling the west and rebel factions the east. 'Run out of road' UK MPs have urged the government to consider establishing a no-fly zone over Aleppo, which would involve western powers being prepared to destroy Russian and Syrian government planes and air defences. Some MPs are pushing for a no-bombing zone instead, which could involve targeting runways and munitions stores and potentially using naval ships to launch missile attacks on helicopters dropping barrel bombs. Mr Johnson said: "It is right now that we should be looking again at the more kinetic options, the military options, but, you know, we

must be realistic about how these, in fact, work and what is deliverable. "And certainly, you can't do anything without a coalition, without doing it with the Americans, and we're still a pretty long day's march from getting there, but that doesn't mean that discussions aren't going on, because they certainly are." He said: "It is vital we do not raise false h o p e s . We k n o w t h e difficulties and implications of a no-fly zone or nobombing zone, no matter how easy these concepts may be made to seem." Earlier this week Mr Johnson called for demonstrations outside the Russian embassy in London, arguing that "all the available evidence" pointed to its responsibility for the bombing of an aid convoy in Syria. Moscow accused him of "Russophobic hysteria". (BBC)




US Election 2016: Trump 'Groped Woman Like An Octopus’

Donald Trump's camp have roundly rejected the allegations(REUTERS)


onald Trump is facing a series of allegations of inappropriate sexual contact, after US media reported claims from several women. Two women told the New York Times that the Republican presidential candidate groped or kissed them. A People magazine reporter also said she was forcibly kissed, while another woman said Mr Trump grabbed her bottom. Mr Trump fired back on Twitter, calling the claims a "total fabrication" and denying the People reporter's account. Mr Trump's campaign has also threatened legal action against the NYT. His camp made public a letter to the US newspaper calling its article "defamatory" and "a politically-motivated effort to defeat Mr Trump's candidacy". The NYT said it was standing by its story. The allegations come less than a week after a video shot in 2005 emerged which showed Mr Trump making obscene remarks about groping women. He apologised for the comments - which were widely condemned - but described

them as "locker-room talk". Asked during last Sunday's debate whether he had kissed or groped women without their consent, Mr Trump said: "No, I have not", and stressed that he respected women. Many of the women said Mr Trump's denial during the second presidential debate prompted them to come forward. Calling the NYT story disturbing, Hillary Clinton's campaign said it "sadly fits everything we know about the way Donald Trump has treated women". What are the allegations? The New York Times published accounts from two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks. Ms Leeds, now 74, said that when she was 38 she sat next to Mr Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. Once airborne, he lifted the armrest and began to touch her. "He was like an octopus... his hands were everywhere," said Ms Leeds. "It was an assault." Rachel Crooks said she was kissed on the lips by Mr Trump outside a lift in Trump Tower when she was a 22-year-old receptionist at a real estate company there. "It was so inappropriate," Ms Crooks said. "I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant

that he could do that." In People magazine, writer Natasha Stoynoff said an incident took place in December 2005, when she went to interview the Trumps ahead of their first w e d d i n g a n n i v e r s a r y. M r Trump said he wanted to show her around their Florida estate, including one "tremendous" room. "We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat," Ms Stoynoff wrote. Another woman, Mindy McGillivray, now 36, told the Palm Beach Post that when she was 23, Mr Trump grabbed her bottom at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida in 2003. None of the women reported their accounts to the authorities, but said they shared what happened with friends, colleagues or family. Other reports that have emerged: The Guardian quoted an unidentified contestant in the Miss USA 2001 pageant as saying the mogul walked in on her and a fellow contestant while they were naked. "He walked in, he stood and he stared," she said. Buzzfeed reported a similar claim related to the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant CBS News reported on video footage from 1992 in which Mr Trump sees a group of young girls and says about one of them: "I am going to be dating her in 10 years" According to Yahoo News, Cassandra Searles, who was Miss Washington 2013, in a comment on a Facebook post said Mr Trump "continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room" How has Mr

Trump reacted? The Trump camp has not reacted to all the claims, but it came out strongly against the NYT report. In addition to the legal threat, campaign spokesman Jason Miller accused the paper of launching "a completely false, co-ordinated character assassination". Reaching back decades set "a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election", he said. Accounts from Ms Stoynoff and Ms McGillivray were both described by the campaign as lacking "merit or veracity". How have voters reacted? The latest polls show Hillary Clinton pulling into a solid lead over her Republican rival. On Monday, a poll by Reuters/Ipsos gave Mrs Clinton an eight-point lead. It also showed that a fifth of Republicans thought Mr Tr u m p ' s c o m m e n t s a b o u t groping woman disqualified him from the presidency. What about the Republican party? There has been limited reaction to the newest claims. But since the video emerged, many top Republicans have distanced themselves. The most high-ranking is House Speaker Paul Ryan, whose desertion prompted a furious reaction from Mr Trump. However, four Republican members of Congress who had urged Mr Trump to step aside immediately after the video was released have since retreated from that position, saying they backed their party. The NYT said they had faced a "fierce backlash" from Trump supporters. (BBC)




Chibok Schoolgirls 'Swapped For Boko Haram Militants’

Boko Haram has shown some of those kidnapped on its propaganda videos(AFP)


wenty-one of the schoolgirls kidnapped in 2014 by Boko Haram in Chibok, Nigeria, have been freed, the president's spokesman has confirmed. Garba Shehu said the release was "the outcome of negotiations between the administration and Islamist militants". Four imprisoned militants were reportedly freed in exchange. Boko Haram seized more than 270 students from a school in Chibok, north-east Nigeria an act that provoked international condemnation. It sparked one of the biggest global social media campaigns, with tweeters using the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. President Muhammadu

Buhari's spokesman said on Twitter that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Swiss government had acted as mediators in the talks with Boko Haram. Mr Shehu added that negotiations were continuing. The girls, who are due to arrive in Abuja, will be examined by a team of doctors and psychologists, Information Minister Lai Mohammed told journalists in the capital Abuja. Mr Mohammed said the government was confident that this "credible first step" would lead to the eventual release of the remaining girls. A security official has told the BBC that several top-level Boko Haram detainees were taken to a meeting point close to the Cameroon border. Under the supervision of the ICRC, the girls were then

released and the militants w e r e h a n d e d o v e r. T h e students were then transported to the city of Maiduguri and placed under the supervision of the security forces. According to the security official, most of the young women have babies. Just last month the Nigerian government announced that several round of talks with Boko Haram had broken down, but with this release they have shown that those kidnapped can be released through intermediaries. "I can only weep, right now. You know that kind of cry that is a mix of multiple emotions," Obiageli Ezekwesili, one of the leaders of the #BringBackOurGirls movement, has tweeted in response to the news. The president also tweeted that he welcomed the release

"following successful negotiations". Up to now there had only been one confirmed release of a student kidnapped from Chibok. In May, a 19-yearold woman was found by an army-backed vigilante group. After that it was believed that 218 students were still missing. More than 50 managed to escape on the day they were captured. Boko Haram has also kidnapped thousands of other people during its seven-year insurgency in north-east Nigeria. More than 30,000 others have been killed, the government says, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee from their homes. Boko Haram at a glance: Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" in the Hausa language Launched military operations in 2009 Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria, hundreds abducted, including at least 200 schoolgirls Seized large area in northeast Nigeria, where it declared caliphate Joined socalled Islamic State, now calls itself IS's "West African province" Regional force has now retaken most of the captured territory Group split in August after rival leaders emerged (BBC)




US Strikes Yemen After Missiles Launched On Warship

Men loyal to the Houthi movement brandish their weapons in March 2015 during a gathering in Sanaa.


n American destroyer struck three sites in Yemen on Thursday, hours after missiles targeted a US warship in the Red Sea for the second time in four days, defense officials said. The USS Mason was targeted late Wednesday by missiles from territory controlled by the Houthis -- a minority Shia group that has taken control of swathes of Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa. The strikes marks the first instance of the US firing at Houthi targets since the Yemen civil war erupted in March last year. Yemen: The 'forgotten war' in the shadow of Syria The same warship was targeted Sunday, when two missiles were launched within 60 minutes of each other, but in both incidents they missed the ship and landed in the water. The guided-missile destroyer was not damaged in either

incident, officials said. The US warship was conducting routine operations in international waters off the Yemen coast when it was targeted Wednesday, the Pentagon said. The Houthis have denied carrying out the attacks. 'We will respond to this threat' The Pentagon said its destroyer USS Nitze launched Tomahawk cruise missiles targeting the coastal radar sites controlled by the Houthi group in "self defense." Another official said initial assessments indicated all three targets were destroyed, and that the strikes were in remote areas with little risk of civilian casualties or collateral damage. "USS Mason will continue its operations. Those who threaten our forces should know that US commanders retain the right to defend their ships, and we will respond to this threat at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner," Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said in a statement. "USS Mason will

continue its operations." Houthis: Accusations a 'distraction' A Houthi military official said "there is no truth to these allegations" in response to Wednesday's incident. Houthi militias had "nothing to do with this act," the Houthi-affiliated SABA news agency reported. After Sunday's reported missile attack, the military had said that the accusations were aimed at covering up a "heinous" Saudi-led coalition airstrike on a funeral service Saturday in Sanaa that killed at least 155 people. The US has come under increased pressure over its support of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, as the coalition continues to bombard schools and hospitals. The US had backed the formally recognized government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, whose government has been essentially forced from Sanaa to Aden. Hadi himself is believed to be in exile in Saudi Arabia, as are several senior m e m b e r s o f h i s administration. The Houthis support the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Calls for world to suspend Saudi arms sales Last week, the US said it was re-evaluating its support after the deadly funeral airstrike blamed on the Saudiled coalition. "The United States, United Kingdom, and other governments should immediately suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia." Some are calling on the United States to stop selling arms to

Saudi Arabia. "The United States, United Kingdom, and other governments should immediately suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia," Human Rights Watch said, calling the attack an "apparent war crime." "The funeral strike underscores the urgent need for credible international investigations into alleged laws-of-war violations in Yemen," it said. The US Senate last month rejected a bipartisan proposal to block a pending $1.15 billion arms sale to Riyadh. Critics of the military deal, which was approved by the Obama administration, complained it could further drag the US into the war in Yemen and contribute to the worsening humanitarian crisis. Humanitarian catastrophe The coalition, which involves several Arab countries, started a military campaign in Yemen last year after Houthis took over Sanaa. The crisis quickly escalated into a war that allowed al Qaeda and ISIS -- other enemies of the Houthis -- to thrive amid the chaos. The conflict has killed about 10,000 Yemenis and left millions in need of aid, according to the United Nations, which has called it a "humanitarian catastrophe." Since peace talks in Kuwait failed in August, the coalition has intensified airstrikes despite criticism from rights groups that the attacks often hit civilian targets with devastating results. (CNN)




Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej Dead At 88

Crowds outside the hospital howled with grief when the announcement was made(AP) Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-reigning monarch, has died after 70 years as head of state, the palace says. The 88year-old king was widely revered but had been in poor health in recent years, making few public appearances. He was seen as a stabilising figure in a country hit by cycles of political turmoil and multiple coups. Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn will be the new monarch, the prime minister has said. In a televised address to the nation, Prayut Chanocha said Thailand would hold a one-year mourning period and that all entertainment functions must be "toned down" for a month. Describing the king's death as "the most devastating moment for Thais", the prime minister said: "He is now in heaven and may be looking over Thai citizens from there." In a later statement he urged vigilance, saying national security was a top priority. "Everyone will need to be alert in every region and throughout the country to

ensure safety", the Reuters agency reported him as saying. The king's death comes as Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. King Bhumibol was widely respected across Thailand, and thought of by many as semidivine. Hundreds of mourners have gathered outside the Bangkok hospital where he died, stricken with grief at the news. Many held pictures of the king and wore yellow or pink clothing in his honour. "How will Thailand live without you father?" cried one distressed man. "I lost one of the most important people in my life. I feel like I haven't done enough for him," said another. A palace official, speaking to crowds outside the hospital, said the body of the king would be moved to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok on Friday. "His majesty has passed away at Siriraj Hospital peacefully," the palace statement said earlier, adding he had died at 15:52 (08:52 GMT). Throughout the first part of the day the king's supporters had sung royal songs and recited prayers at Siriraj Hospital.

Many wore carefully chosen colours. Pink, for good health, or yellow the royal colour. Most knelt holding pictures of King Bhumibol, facing the part of the hospital where he had been receiving treatment. By early afternoon the mood had begun to change. With all of his children at his bedside, rumours were circulating that the 88-year-old had passed away. The tears began to flow, and in between songs the call of "God Save the King" was shouted with an almost visceral desperation. Then just before 19:00 the news was official. A wave of emotion swept through the crowd. Many clung to each other and wept. Thailand's father figure, a beacon of stability in a divided and worried country, had died. A new, more uncertain era has begun. Although the prime minister said Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn would become the new monarch, he added that the official proclamation would be made at a later date. He said the crown prince had confirmed that he would perform his duty as heir to the throne, but had asked for time to mourn his father's death. The crown prince, who is 64, is much less well known to Thais and has not attained his father's widespread popularity. He spends much of his time overseas, especially in Germany. Strict lese-majeste laws mean public discussion of the succession are punishable by lengthy jail terms. Given the pivotal role the king has played in maintaining the

balance of power in Thailand's volatile political environment, the succession will be a formidable challenge for the government, says the BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok. ing Bhumibol, who was born in Cambridge in the US state of Massachusetts, acceded to the throne on 9 June 1946 after his brother, King Ananda Mahidol, died. Though a constitutional monarch with limited powers, many Thais looked to King Bhumibol to him to intervene in times of high tension. He was seen as a unifying and calming influence through numerous coups and 20 constitutions. However, his critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and at times had failed to speak out against human rights abuses. Following the death of King Bhumibol, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has become the world longest-reigning monarch, having been on the throne for 64 years. Tributes have been flowing in from across the world. US President Barack Obama called the late king a "tireless champion of his country's development". "I had the honour of calling on his majesty the king during my visit to Thailand in 2012, and recall his grace and warmth, as well as his deep affection and compassion for the Thai people," he said. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said in a statement that he hoped Thailand would honour King Bhumibol's legacy of commitment to universal values and respect for human rights. (BBC)

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Specialty Rice To Replace Sugar At Failed Wales Estate while Guyana has the ability to produce a

The Government has confirmed that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has entered into partnership with the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) to plant seed paddy at Wales Sugar Estate, West Bank Demerara. In January, the government had released a statement saying that “the parlous state of the sugar industry is common knowledge.” Like the sugar, the rice industry in Guyana is not doing to so well e i t h e r. I n F e b r u a r y d u r i n g a

parliamentary debate it was pointed out by Member of Parliament (MP) Dharamkumar Seeraj, who also is the president of the Rice Producers Association (RPA), that while Guyana had exported more rice in 2015, it had earned less for its exports. This situation, he noted, was worsened by the El Nino weather condition, which has been taking a toll on farmers. In response to Seeraj’s comments, Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder had said that

high volume of rice, the cost of production impedes this country’s ability to compete. To overcome this hurdle, he said, the GRDB had been focusing heavily on research and extension. The result of said research is the partnership between GuySuCo and the GRDB which will see the rice industry using land and other resources of the sugar company made available through its rationalization plans. According to a release from the Government Information Agency (GINA), Minister Holder explained that Wales was chosen since there is no rice being grown in close proximity, thereby reducing possibilities of contamination by other varieties of rice. “Seed paddy to be pure when multiplying, is ideally produced in an environment that is not in the midst of other kinds of rice,” Holder said. According to the minister, the arrangement will not require GuySuCo to acquire new capital, but rather utilize lands and equipment which may otherwise be idle as the highly indebted company continues to be reorganized.

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CEO Of Newly Established Oil And Gas Association Fingered In Corruption

President and Chief Executive Officer, Bobby Gossai Jr. Just a mere three days after the establishment the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), President and Chief Executive Officer, Bobby Gossai Jr. is under heavy fire after it was recently published in the Kaieteur News that he was named in a

recent government-sponsored forensic audit done by Ram and McRae, Chartered Accountants. Gossai, who is a former employee of the Ministry of Natural Resources, is accused of being involved in forgery at the Guyana Gold Baord. The GOGA said in a statement to the press that it was unaware of the “specific contents” of the Forensic Report referred to in the local newspaper article and relayed that “The Board of Directors has since secured a copy of the Audit Report and will be considering the contents of the report as a matter of urgency.” The GOGA stated that the employment of Bobby Gossai Jr. is part of its start-up process and he still on probation and “this period has not yet come to an end.” The GOGA at its official launching on Tuesday pledged to ensure transparency and accountability of transactions. The Association also promised to ensure adequate provision of employment for Guyanese. The Board of Directors sought to reassure the public of this vow by saying “The Board would like to assure the public that it is committed to the highest levels of transparency and disclosure in its efforts to develop a viable successful Oil and Gas Industry in Guyana.” The call for transparency and accountability in oil and gas sector is of major concern to many as the industry is usually plagued with corruption. The Bank of Montreal is the latest to provide assistance for the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry and highlighted the importance for Guyana to have the experts who could assist in ensuring that oil producing companies release accurate data to government.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Must Make ExxonMobil Contract Public PAGE 123

Guyanese and political commentators are questioning the reason behind government’s decision to keep the contract with ExxonMobil a secret. It is the view of many that Guyana needs to safe guard itself following the recent accusations of corruption against the oil giant and the country Chad. According Bloomberg Market, Exxon Mobil Corp. was ordered to pay a record $74 billion fine in Chad for underpaying royalties in the central African nation where the company has been drilling for 15 years.


The fine is about five times more than Chad’s gross domestic product, which the World Bank estimates at $13 billion. The High Court in the capital, N’Djamena, announced its ruling on October 5 in response to a complaint from the Finance Ministry that a consortium led by Exxon hadn’t met its tax obligations. The court also demanded the Texas-based oil explorer pay $819 million in overdue royalties, according to the document. The Guyana Daily News made attempts to contact Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, but it was futile. Trotman had stated in relation to the ExxonMobil agreement, “It’s a pretty old agreement, but it remains enforced because we respect the sanctity of above board agreements. However, government has taken the opportunity to have the agreement reviewed if not wholly, certain parts.” The minister had also stated that the agreement needs to be updated in order to confirm with today’s standards. According to one political commentator, the Guyanese public wants the revised contract tabled in the National Assembly. The contract between the government of Guyana and ExxonMobil must become a public document, because of the nature of the venture.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS National Youth Policy Adopted By National Assembly PAGE 124

The National Assembly on Thursday night adopted the National Youth Policy. The Motion to have the policy adopted was brought to the House by Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry. According to Henry, the policy is a comprehensive roadmap that lays out the Government’s plans for youth across Guyana. Henry said it is in keeping with a campaign promise by the Government, to focus on the welfare and wellbeing of youths as it seeks to give them a greater role in the affairs of the country and ensure that they are able to make much needed contributions to their communities and society as a whole. Henry described it as “quite innovative compared to previous drafts.” She said that the policy clearly identifies the attributes of Guyanese youths and what they should aspire to be, as garnered from consultations with youths, NGOs, civil society and other stakeholders. However, Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) Member of Parliament, Irfaan Ali in his presentation, noted that in bringing such a policy to the National Assembly, certain essential information should have been provided, “such how much was spent and what level of consensus was actually obtained.” Ali said that the youth arm of the PPP, the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), was not consulted. He called for a policy driven framework to let youths know how exactly they would be empowered. Ali listed several programmes under the previous government which he said had specific parts catering to youths. He also bemoaned the lack of support for Indigenous youths as the policy makes no mention of Amerindians. He stressed that the debate to examine the Policy was not “a gaff session.” And recommended that the policy document be sent to a Special Select Committee for consideration and parliamentary consensus. Following Ali


presentation, Regional MP on the government’s side of the House, Jermaine Figuera refuted Ali calms. Figuera told the House that “the PYO like the PPP seemed not to want to participate in consultations with Government.” He cited the Opposition’s failure to attend the recent 2017 Pre-Budget Consultations. The MP also refuted the charge that Amerindians were not catered for. He said the National Youth Policy made mention of youths found in Indigenous communities. He said that 68 per cent of the current population experienced much trauma with many of their peers being killed or incarcerated during the last Administration. He said the National Youth Policy is a step in the right direction and one that gives a sense of hope to all. According to the MP, the policy provides insight into what youths want and their views on how things should be done. Speaking from the Opposition side of the House, Nigel Dharamlall said the approach that the document has harnessed, “speaks to listing the problems affecting youths rather than harnessing youths as a resource.” He charged that only 0.6% of the nation’s youth were actually consulted and only fifty-two organisations were able to contribute to the Policy. He said the Policy is too onerous and generalised to offer any real solution to youths. Dharamlall echoed the sentiments expressed by his Opposition colleague, “that more needed to be properly outlined in the Policy document”, calling for it to be examined further by a Special Select Committee Opposition MP, Dr. Vindiya Persaud, also opposing, described the Policy as vague and ambiguous. She called for serious measures to be put in place to address the needs of youths. Dr. Persaud asked that the document to be sent back to a Special Select Committee for “true

consultation.” She was supported by Opposition MPs, Colin Croal, Allister Charlie and Dr. Frank Anthony. Other MPs speaking in support of the Police were, Rajkumar, Audwin Rutherford, John Adams and Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson. Closing the debate, Minister Henry r ef u ted th e claims mad e b y th e Opposition and reminded the House of the Government’s commitment to transforming youths through the Policy. “No policy was brought to this House by the PPP/C,” she reminded the House, adding that the document before them will “meet and exceed all expectations.” She recommended the Policy to the House for adoption. This was done successfully by acclimation. (GINA)

PAGE 125



Guyana Increases Monitoring At Border After Outbreak Of Disease In Venezuela


he Ministry of Public Health is taking preventative measures to reduce the risk of Diphtheria crossing the border from Venezuela where an outbreak has been found in San Antonio, Sifontes, Bolivar State. A release from Guyana’s Ministry of Public Health stated that doctors in Venezuela have reported 17 deaths they attribute to the outbreak. Diphtheria is an upper respiratory illness caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria, which primarily infects the throat and upper airways, and produces a toxin affecting other organs. Diphtheria is transmitted by having direct contact with a patient, contaminated objects or by sneezing or coughing. Skin lesions can also transmit the

infection. The symptoms of Diphtheria include sore throat, fever, adherent membrane over the nose, tonsils and throat and skin lesions. The diphtheria toxin causes a membrane of dead tissue to build up over the throat and tonsils, making breathing and swallowing difficult. The diphtheria toxin causes a membrane of dead tissue to build up over the throat and tonsils, making breathing and swallowing difficult. During days 1-3 of infection, persons are likely to notice whitish membrane in the throat while on day 4-6; it is likely to change to a grayish colour. If left untreated, Diphtheria can result in infection of the lungs, heart failure, kidney damage, paralysis (inability to move arms and/ or legs) and in some cases, death. Diphtheria can be cured successfully if treatment is started early enough. The most effective way of preventing Diphtheria is through vaccination. DPT vaccine protects against Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus. Guyana has repeatedly attained over 90% vaccine coverage, however there are areas within the interior locations where coverage is less. A multi- disciplinary team of health professionals will be targeting villages bordering Venezuela. The team will provide vaccinations to all vulnerable children and ensure health officers in the regions are on the alert for any probable case. The DPT vaccine is highly effective and safe and it is available in all the public health facilities countrywide. Treatment for Diptheria includes the administration of antibiotics such as erythromycin and penicillin which are available in Guyana. For more information on Diphtheria, contact the Maternal Child Health Department on 226 7338.

PAGE 126



Guyana Elected Member Of PAHO’s Directing Council General Committee can be tackled across the region. He was accompanied by Dr. Karen Boyle, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health at the 55th Directing Council where Guyana was elected as a member of the Directing Council General Committee PAHO along with Jamaica, Grenada and Honduras. A release from the Ministry noted that the Regional Health representatives attended the Thirtieth Meeting of the Council on Human and Social Development (COHSOD) which focused on matters such as, chemical risk and thermo-nuclear risk management and infectious diseases. Discussions were also held on the Caribbean Cooperation in Health Priorities and Regional Public Goods, Management, Governance and Resourcing and the Regional Health Strategy.

Minister of Public Health Dr. George Norton was among the panel of health ministers and other officials who meet during the last week of September at the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), Washington DC to discuss ways in which public health challenges

Countries were encouraged to take local ownership of moving the COHSOD agenda forward by ensuring support at the highest policy level. According to the release, Caribbean Member States have committed to developing National Polio Preparedness and Response Plans in order to achieve the required 80% target coverage for all the surveillance

indicators for Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP). Countries were advised to integrate the surveillance for polio with the neurological manifestation of Zika. Following the recently commemorated Caribbean Wellness Week, where noncommunicable diseases was topical over the past few years, discussions continued along this path. New initiatives for preventing NCDs and treatment methods were explored. Countries were encouraged to implement health finance reform inclusive of increased taxation on harmful products such as foods high in sugars, salt, fat, alcohol and cigarettes. In relation to HIV/AIDS, the Region’s achievements in relation to the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV was addressed. It was recommended that countries strengthen the data collection for HIV and Syphilis and integrate available data sources to provide timely monitoring of Maternal Child Health program performance within the context of existing national information systems. At the conclusion of the meeting, Director General WHO, Dr. Marget Chan declared Latin America and the Caribbean measles free.

PAGE 127



President Meets With Officials From Islamic Bank - To Assess High Priority Projects For 2017

From left: Senior Country Programme Manager for Guyana, Mr. Saifullah Abid, President David Granger, Director of Country Programmes Department and Special Advisor to the Vice President, Mr. Mohammad Alsaati, Minister of Finance, Mr. Winston Jordan and Manager for the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America (MENA and LatAm), Mr. Anisse Terai President David Granger on Friday met with officials from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), who are currently in Guyana on their first official visit since the country became a full member of the Bank in April, earlier this year. Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan was also present at the meeting, which took place at the Ministry of the Presidency. A release from the Ministry of the Presidency noted that the visiting team was led by the Bank’s Director of Country Programmes Department and Special Advisor to the Vice President, Mr. Mohammad Alsaati and included Senior Country Programme Manager for Guyana, Mr. Saifullah Abid and Manager for the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America (MENA and LatAm), Mr. Anisse Terai. According to the release, President Granger said that the decision to become a full member of the IDB is one which was long-overdue and that his Administration has a clear vision on how it wants to proceed and the kind of development projects it would like to embark on through this partnership. He explained that while the wider Caribbean is known for tourism, Guyana, with its pristine forests and tremendous untapped and

undiscovered potential, is a new frontier for development. “We see ourselves as a bridge between the insular Caribbean and the Continent… We are strategically placed, but there is always a question about infrastructure. We have not been able to develop highways to much of our hinterland communities and it is in the hinterland that we have our richest resources,” the Head of State was quoted as saying in the release. He spoke about major projects in which the IDB can be involved, such as the bridging of the Essequibo River and the establishment of the Sovereign Wealth Fund. Meanwhile, Mr. Alsaati said that the Bank intends to work with the Ministry of Finance and other stakeholders in the public and private sectors to develop a medium-term (three to five years) strategy to identify areas in which it can add value and make a positive impact. He said that they are specifically looking at areas such as capacity-building, transportation, energy, information technology, health care, agriculture and infrastructure. He also informed in the coming weeks, technical teams will be coming to Guyana to look at high-priority, emergency projects, which can commence in 2017. The IDB was established in December 1973 and officially opened its doors for business on October 20, 1975, with Headquarters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also operates through regional offices in Kazakhstan, Senegal, Malaysia and the Kingdom of Morocco. Guyana is the 57th country to become a member of the Bank with one in Latin America, 27 in Africa, two in Europe and 26 in Asia. Suriname is the only other CARICOM State that is also a member.

PAGE 128



President’s Speech To Parliament Mirrors A Political Campaign International from the Ministry of Public Health compound despite a court order preventing BK from so doing. 3) The dismissal of 1972 Amerindian community service officers.

President David Granger President David Granger addressed the opening of Parliament on Thursday, where he lambasted former President Bharrat Jagdeo for the descent of this country during his tenure as President. The President described Jagdeo’s time as the “darkest hour” that was characterised by drug-driven chaos and bloodshed. But many Guyanese have criticized the President’s speech, noting that it mirrors that of a political campaign. Sections of society believe that the President thinks he is still in the 2015 campaign mode, given the fact that he also spoke about a Green Economy, a more efficient and effective public service, bridging the Essequibo River and linking the high crime rate to that of a poor lifestyle and poor infrastructural works by the previous administration. Many supporters of the Coalition government told this newspaper that the government has failed in his speech to address the many challenges facing his government including the alleged 25 scandals that was highlighted by the opposition, such as; 1) the inauguration cost at the Parliament Buildings and at the Providence National Stadium has not been made public. 2) The removal of eight (8) containers containing steel by BK

4) The appointment of 33 foreign honourary advisors to the government. 5) The India/GoG funded Specialty Hospital, the government gave a contract to a company, Fedders Lloyd without going to the tender board at a price that is to be made public which is in violation of the procurement laws of Guyana. 6) The salary increases between 50 -100 % of what the former government ministers received. 7) Durban Park Development Project for the Jubilee celebrations. The government has refused to provide information on the “private company” which was in charge of the preparations of the Jubilee. 8) ThePresident pardoned over 100 convicted felons in 2015. 9) The RUDISA case at the CCJ and the pay out to RUDISA: 10) Hundreds of Millions of dollars spent by the Government and the Georgetown Mayor and City Council on the “Clean Up Campaign” in the city with no public tendering. 11) The write off of debts owed to Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and DDL worth billions of dollars. 12) Other writes off of debts to the GRA by other companies, who financed the APNU+AFC coalition electoral campaign, are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Just to name a few. The President was very critical of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), citing that the LCDS lacked vision for a green economy, however, some environmentalists have said that the government has failed to come up with a better plan for a green economy, they are calling for a documented plan that should be presented to the public. The president blasted the PPP administration for the alleged depressing economic state it inherited. Prior to the President’s speech, the opposition party PPP walked out of the National Assembly.

PAGE 129



Robbery, Illegal Gun Possession Accused South Ruimveldt Man Remanded. South Ruimveldt Gardens resident, Neil Semple today appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with one count of armed robbery, two counts of being in possession of ammunition and a firearm while not being a licensed firearm holder. Semple was refused bail and remanded and is slated to return before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on November 2, 2016 for statements and continuation. The 39 year-old father of two pleaded not

guilty and the prosecution objected to bail stating that the accused when arrested gave officers an incorrect address, in addition they revealed that that the firearm has been recovered. It is alleged that on September 30, 2016 at Eccles, East Bank Demerara, Semple while armed with a gun, robbed Rita Akana. It is further alleged that on the O c t o b e r 11 , 2 0 1 6 a t N o r t h Ruimveldt, the accused had in his possession eleven .32 rounds of

ammunition and one matching .32 pistol, while not being the holder of a firearm license.

Minibus Driver Granted $1.5M Bail For Fatal Accident Magistrate Judy Latchman today granted the death of Leonard Henry who was the Hospital where Henry later succumbed Kevin Farrell GY$1.5M bail after he was charged with causing the death of Leonard Henry by dangerous driving on October 11, 2016. The 30-year-old father of one pleaded not guilty to the charge, as his Attorney pleaded for bail, stating that Farrell has been a bus driver for 10 years and that he has a stable family and place of abode. The prosecution did not object. It is alleged that on the day in question, at Herstelling East Bank Demerara, the accused drove Motorbus BVV 901 in a manner dangerous to the public causing

conductor and owner of the bus at the time. According to reports the bus was driving along the Herstelling, Public Road and was going around a turn when it started to vibrate, causing the driver to apply brakes in a hasty manner. The bus skidded on the road, slammed into a utility pole and toppled on the conductor’s side. The injured occupants of the bus including Henry was rushed to the

to his injuries.

PAGE 130



Vendor Remanded For Drug Possession. Forty – one - year-old Elijah Molall today appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrates Court charged with being in possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. He was remanded and will return before the court on November 2, 2016 for continuation into the matter, The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and was represented by Attorney at Law Roger Yearwood who made an

application for bail stating that Molall revealed to him that the narcotics were not found in his possession but in fact found in the neighbourhood that he lives in. However, the Prosecution objected to bail, stating that the defendant had given the police an incorrect address when arrested. As such, bail was refused. It is alleged that on October 12, 2016 at Robb Street, Georgetown Molall, a vendor and a father of two, was found to be in possession of narcotics that is to say 26.5g of Cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Resurgence Of Diphtheria Disease Reported In Venezuela PAGE 131

(October, 13, 2016)–The Ministry of Public Health is taking preventative measures to reduce the risk of Diphtheria crossing the border from Venezuela where an outbreak has been found in San Antonio, Sifontes, Bolivar State. Doctors in Venezuela have reported 17 deaths they attribute to the outbreak. Diphtheria is an upper respiratory illness caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria, which primarily infects the throat and upper airways, and produces a toxin affecting other organs. Diphtheria is transmitted by having direct contact with a patient, contaminated objects or by sneezing or coughing. Skin lesions can also transmit the infection. The symptoms of Diphtheria include sore throat, fever, adherent membrane over the nose, tonsils and throat and skin lesions. The diphtheria toxin causes a membrane of dead tissue to build up over the throat and tonsils, making breathing and swallowing difficult. The diphtheria toxin causes a membrane of dead tissue to build up over the throat and tonsils, making breathing and swallowing difficult. During days 1-3 of infection, persons are likely to notice whitish membrane in the throat while on day 4-6; it is likely to change to a grayish colour. If left untreated, Diphtheria can result in infection of the lungs, heart failure, kidney damage, paralysis (inability to move arms and/ or legs) and in some cases, death. Diphtheria can be cured successfully if treatment is started early enough. The most effective way of preventing Diphtheria is through vaccination. DPT vaccine protects against Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus. Guyana has repeatedly attained over 90% vaccine


coverage, however there are areas within the interior locations where coverage is less. A multi- disciplinary team of health professionals will be targeting villages bordering Venezuela. The team will provide vaccinations to all vulnerable children and ensure health officers in the regions are on the alert for any probable case. The DPT vaccine is highly effective and safe and it is available in all the public health facilities countrywide. Treatment for Diptheria includes the administration of antibiotics such as erythromycin and penicillin which are available in Guyana. For more information on Diphtheria, contact the Maternal Child Health Department on 226 7338. Ministry of Public Health Press Release




US Embassy Working With Jamaica T o C u r b F i n a nto investigators c i a atlthe Major C rItiis essential m ethatscountries

United States Ambassador to Jamaica, Luis G. Moreno. Photo: Rudranath Fraser By Denise Dennis KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- United States ambassador to Jamaica, Luis Moreno, says the US Mission in Jamaica is working closely with local stakeholders to curb financial crimes and boost regulatory compliance of financial institutions. This is in response to the threat of international correspondent banks cutting ties with local and regional financial institutions in a move to eliminate risk of crimes such as money laundering, fraud and terrorism financing. Moreno, addressing the final day of the fifth Anti-Money Laundering/CounterFinancing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Conference in

Kingston on Tuesday, said his Mission recognises the critical nature of correspondent banking relationships to the local economy. As such, he said the Embassy is seeking to help local partners build c a p a c i t y, i n c r e a s e transparency and comply with the regulatory framework of the US. “We have mutual interest in fighting the scourge. We are partners in this effort; and together, through more dialogue and action, we can combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism without sacrificing the important correspondent banking relationships,” Moreno said. He noted that the US Embassy has offered training in best practices to law-enforcement, prosecutors and other stakeholders on how to combat financial crimes. They also provide training

Organised Crime and AntiCorruption Agency (MOCA) and the Financial Investigations Division (FID) and help in criminal investigations that lead to money-laundering charges. Moreno said the Embassy has also trained regulators in non-financial sectors, such as realtors, accountants and attorneys, as well as professionals from the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission and the Casino Gaming Commission in developing sound practices to ensure risk of money laundering and terrorism financing are understood, identified and reported. “ We w o r k w i t h o u r counterparts, law enforcement and regulatory, to develop and share money-laundering and terrorism-financing methods and trends,” he said. The US Embassy also has an ongoing Jamaica Operations Linked to Telemarketing (JOLT) Task Force designed to facilitate identification, investigation and prosecution of telemarketers who victimise US and Jamaican citizens. “Deficiencies in anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism are a few drivers of de-risking that jurisdictions can address.

and their financial institutions work to improve their controls, and it’s also important that they publicise the efforts in an increasingly risk-averse economic climate,” he said. He said the US government is working to develop appropriate policy responses to advance the objective of combating financial crimes, while also providing and promoting financial inclusion. Correspondent banking involves a bank in one country facilitating certain services for a financial institution in another country, including wire transfers, business transactions, deposits and gathering of documents. Over the last five years, a number of international banks have restricted or ended their relationship with the region due to concerns about money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing. The two-day conference, to facilitate discussion on strengthening compliance, was hosted by the Jamaica Bankers Association (JBA) and the Jamaica Institute of Financial Services (JIFS), under the theme ‘Understanding our obligations… Safeguarding our Future’. (Caribbean News Now!)




In Wake Of Hurricane Matthew, UN To Deliver Food For 180,000 People In during Hard-hit Eastern Cuba the next six months, WFP also stated that it is

WFP and the government of Cuba will deliver food for 180,000 people affected by Hurricane Matthew, starting with rice and beans, to the entire population of the four hardest-hit municipalities of Guantanamo Province: Baracoa, Maisi, Imías and San Antonio del Sur. Photo: WFP Cuba


AVANA, Cuba -The United N a t i o n s Wo r l d Food Programme (WFP) is working with the Cuban government to provide food for 180,000 people in hardhit eastern areas of the island as they cope with the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. “We estimate that we will need $4 million to assist 180,000 people

and my call now is to the donor community to help us mobilize funds to assist the most vulnerable people affected by the hurricane in Cuba,” said Laura Melo, WFP representative in Cuba, adding that the agency is working closely with national authorities to provide help to people most affected by the disaster. According to the release, WFP’s primary response will include using the food stocks that are already in the country to help people that are most in need, followed by providing supplies to vulnerable groups – such as children between six months and three years of age, pregnant women and adults over 65 in affected areas such as Caimanera, Manuel Tame, Yateras, and Moa in Holguin province.

aiming to improve nutrition of the vulnerable groups by delivering a corn and soybean fortified cereal compound to pregnant women, and micronutrient powder to children between the ages of 12 and 23 months. The assessment of damages caused by Hurricane Matthew continues in Cuba, while significant food losses and damage to agriculture, homes and infrastructure have already been reported. Hurricane Matthew hit Cuba on 4 October with winds over 200 kilometres per hour. It has been the most powerful storm, classified a Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, to strike the island in nearly a decade. (Caribbean News Now!)




UN Health Teams In Haiti Respond To Cholera Outbreaks, Prevent Possible Epidemic Cayes, in the island’s southwest as well as in capital Port-au-Prince to support humanitarian operations and restore the capacity of health services and systems. PAHO is also working with the ministry of health to increase the availability of medicines and medical supplies and cooperating in the organization and planning of the health response to possible outbreaks, Poncelet added.

Amidst continued concern that Hurricane Matthew may exacerbate the cholera situation, UNICEF is working with humanitarian partners to ensure the emergency response works hand in hand with cholera prevention and response programmes. Photo Logan Abassi UN/MINUSTAH PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- With scattered outbreaks of cholera reported in the wake of the devastation wrecked by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, the United Nations health agency has deployed field teams in the country to respond to the health situation and to prevent it from reaching epidemic proportions. According to a news release issued on Thursday by the UN World Health Organization (WHO), WHO and Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) disaster, health and logistic experts have been deployed to support the government's efforts against cholera outbreaks from the agencies’ offices in Washington DC, Haiti and a number of other locations. “We are seriously concerned about an

epidemic of cholera, and that’s why the ministry of health, with our assistance, is taking all measures possible to avoid that happening,” said Jean Luc Poncelet, PAHO/WHO representative in Haiti, adding: “Before the hurricane, [Haiti] had serious problems of access to health, water and sanitation, and cases of cholera. So when the water supply is interrupted, cholera will increase.” According to WHO, more than 1.3 million Haitians have been affected by the hurricane and it is estimated that 80 percent of houses have lost their roofs and most of the country’s hospitals have suffered major damages – at least 100 health facilities are no longer functioning. In response, the health agencies have dispatched shipments of cholera kits containing oral rehydration solutions, catheters and water chlorination treatments to attend patients with acute diarrhoea and cholera, the release noted. It further said that, to date, multinational experts teams have been deployed to Jérémie and Les

Other countries too have stepped in and are providing supplies to assist with the situation on the ground. On Wednesday, a shipment with 69 tonnes of supplies arrived on a French cargo aircraft, which included two water purification stations, for emergency situations, six units for basic sanitation and hygiene, 13 tons of medical and first aid supplies, and cholera treatment kits. A Dutch ship arrived in Haiti with supplies and experts to rehabilitate hospitals, and shipments of donations from Colombia and the Dominican Republic, among others, have arrived on the island. (Caribbean News Now!)




Suriname Government's Tourism Plan Lacks Vision, Say Critics By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- With the Suriname government’s embrace of tourism as part of its plan to diversify its commoditydependent economy, which is vulnerable to price fluctuations – one of the main causes of the country’s current economic recession of Suriname – the government has come under criticism for not laying out a timeline for specific goals in the tourism industry In an address to the nation few weeks ago, among other projects, many funded by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and also by China and other partners, Suriname’s President Desi Bouterse identified various sectors that his government will focus attention on in the year 2017. One such is tourism and, to get that off the ground, the government plans to expand and modernize the Johan Pengel International Airport (JPIA) to make it a regional hub in order to develop the tourism sector, and is holding talks with various investors. Bouterse said that, with the financial support of China, JPIA will be expanded and modernize in 2017 to handle more planes at the same time. Air bridges will be an added feature to make the airport like others in the region. It is not known if any agreements in this respect have been finalized with China or Chinese-owned companies. Visit to China A delegation from Suriname headed by the minister of transportation, Andy Rusland and CEO of Surinam (SLM) Airways, Robbi Lachmisingh, visited China and signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese company, Beijing Transportation Equipment Ltd (BTE), two weeks ago during a visit to China. SLM and BTE signed a letter of intent to cooperate in the overall aviation sector in Suriname. The company will provide “areas of need that isn’t within the

competence and scope of SLM”, Lachmisingh said on his return from China. “These may include upgrading and investing in the airport.” The government may be looking for a “build and lease” agreement with an overseas partner. JPIA has recently regained its category 1 status. This basically means that SLM and other Suriname registered airlines can fly non-stop to the United States. The two countries have signed an open skies agreement. A delegation from BTE will visit Suriname in late October or November to further discuss the needs and opportunities for investment. On top of the agenda of the upcoming mission to Suriname is aircraft leasing. SLM has no choice but to replace its existing fleet of three Boeing 737-300s, which are very becoming archaic. Surinam Airways (SLM) Robbi Lachmisingh, speaking about SLM, said, “We need to work more efficiently.” He also made public that the airline will study if two aircraft will be sufficient for regional routes instead of three. However, a fleet reduction contradicts the vision of the government to make Paramaribo a hub. SLM needs a fleet to become a hub, an aviation expert in Suriname asserted: “The market is too small. International airlines are not rushing anytime soon to Suriname.” "The talks are still at an early stage, and include cooperation on the mid-Atlantic route,” Lachmisingh said. The TUI Group has a fleet of four long-range aircraft to ply the mid-Atlantic route, which is financially hemorrhaging SLM. SLM’s sole Airbus-340 plies the Paramaribo/Amsterdam route. However, it has been recommended numerous times that SLM begins the process to ETOPS certification so that it can incorporate cost efficient twin-engine aircraft such as the 330/777/787 on the long haul route to Holland and maybe future expansion into Brazil, Guyana and New York. At the end of the day, if SLM does not find a partnership on the mid-Atlantic route, and without two twin-engine aircraft to ply the route, it cannot stay competitive, said an aviation official in Suriname. In its history SLM has never operated twin-engine long haul aircraft on the Paramaribo/Amsterdam routes. The CEO of SLM said that his company is in talks with the Dutch tour

operator TUI. However, if an agreement isn’t reached, SLM will inevitably have to address its long haul fleet debacle. Also, Surinam Airways is negotiating a cooperation agreement with Turkish Airlines. SLM had already done a feasibility study on fleet renewal and expansion and was looking at the Boeing 737-800 and 787. But with “constant changes” at SLM and “everyone has his/her own plans”, that plan has been shelved, a source said. The IsDB was approached to fund the fleet renewal and expansion project but the mission to China by Rusland and Lachmisingh in September may a signal that the plans have changed at SLM. Long delayed air agreements between the government of Suriname with Turkey, Ghana, United Arab Emirates and Panama are expected to be finalized soon. Criticism of Government The government will have to take bold steps to undertake major tourism projects such as inclusive resorts, and “Suriname” will have to become a brandname, said one local expert in the aviation and tourism business. Also, the destination has to be affordable, accessible and safe, tourism officials asserted. Some of the impediments to develop the tourism industry in Suriname are the lack of legislation to govern and guide the industry, increased taxation on tourism products, lack of incentives offered to foreign investors, constant changes and interference by the government at SLM. The lack of an official ministry of tourism has been identified by critics as an indication that the government isn’t serious about tourism. However, most of these issues are being addressed by the government. Capacity and skills are major problems that Suriname faces. “The government must spend money to make money. The government needs to take bold and concrete steps to develop the tourism industry,” Suriname tourism industry sources said. People in the tourism business in Suriname are urging the government, SLM and the private sector to work as one, as in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Turkey and the UAE, to develop and market tourism. The UAE was largely unknown to the world in 1994, and if one flew Emirates, the airline organised visas for tourists and offered discounted hotels and affordable excursions in an effort to develop the industry. (Caribbean News Now!)




Hurricane Nicole Lashes Bermuda With 115 Mph Winds And Torrential Rain

Preparing for Hurricane Nicole in Bermuda By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Hurricane Nicole moved out into the Atlantic on Thursday afternoon, after lashing Bermuda with 115 mph winds

and torrential rain. According to minister of national security, Senator Jeffrey Baron, t h e r e w e r e “significant” power outages throughout the island but there had been no reports so far of storm related fatalities or major injuries. Government schools closed on Wednesday at noon and will remain closed on Thursday and Friday. Government offices also closed early at 3.00 pm and were expected to remain closed on Thursday. Conditions began to deteriorate at around 8.30 am, and by 10.30 am had reached maximum intensity as the dangerous northeast quadrant of the cyclone impacted

the island. The eye of the category three hurricane passed over Bermuda around 11am and, according to reports during the short period of calm, houses around the island had suffered damage, with flooding evident in low-lying areas. Power outages reportedly neared 25,000 shortly before 1 pm. Hurricane conditions were expected to continue over Bermuda until mid-afternoon on Wednesday and tropical storm conditions will continue through the evening. A dangerous storm surge will raise water levels by as much as 6 to 8 feet above normal tide levels in Bermuda. The surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves. Nicole is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 5 to 8 inches over Bermuda through Wednesday evening. Swells associated with Nicole will affect Bermuda during the next few days, and will create dangerous surf conditions and rip currents. (Caribbean News Now!)




Robert De Niro Talksislands Antigua-Barbuda Investments In Dubai of Antigua and Barbuda. De Niro, powerful in the Caribbean and the fourth

Special Envoys of Antigua and Barbuda Robert De Niro and Armand Arton (L) discuss investments in Dubai. (PRNewsFoto/Arton Capital) DUBAI, UAE -- While actor Robert De Niro's rant on Donald Trump was making media waves around the globe, he was part of a delegation that included the prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, on a mission to promote investments in the picturesque twin-

a special envoy of Antigua and Barbuda, is an investor himself, together with Australian billionaire James Packer, in a real estate project in Barbuda. Packer has already invested in the actor's Nobu restaurants. "It's a beautiful place, that's why I'm involved in this project," De Niro shared during a conference in Dubai, sponsored by Arton Capital, a global citizenship advisory firm. Speaking alongside Browne, the actor was keen to reassure Middle East investors that this is a sound economic proposition. UAE has a number of prominent investors in the island. One such investor is the developer of the Callaloo Cay project, an exclusive US$150 million resort. Proactive in its bid to attract UAE investment, Antigua and Barbuda is opening an embassy and a trade and economic centre in Abu Dhabi, the first Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to do so. In addition to the long list of concessions for foreign investors, such as a 25-year tax exemption, another significant benefit is Antigua's citizenship by investment program (CIP), which fuels local economic growth. Of all the countries with an active CIP, Antigua and Barbuda's passport has been ranked as the most

best in the world by Arton's Passport Index, a global ranking of the world's passports. Citizens can travel visa-free to more than 124 countries including Canada, Europe's Schengen zone, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong, among others. "The CIP program for the twin-island has become popular thanks to the level of trust built due to the continued bilateral economic developments and favourable investment climate," said John Hanafin, CEO of Arton Capital. On the subject of global citizenship, "We can have our differences, but as the world gets smaller and people become more dependent on each other, we have no choice but to be concerned about our own self perseverance," shared De Niro. While the government of Antigua and Barbuda has solidified relations with the United Arab Emirates it is also forging closer ties with Qatar. Prior to the UAE trip, and at the initiative of Armand Arton, president of Arton Capital and special envoy of Antigua, Browne and his delegation were invited to Qatar, where they met with Prime Minister, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani and the cultural adviser at the Emiri Diwan, Dr Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al Kawari. (Caibbean News Now!)




Direct Flights From The United States Increase Connectivity To Honduras

Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- The next time you think of traveling to Honduras, forget long layovers and expensive flights, but start thinking of saving time and money with improved air travel for North American visitors and prices starting at $200. Spirit Airlines, the lowcost carrier, has begun to offer non-stop flights from two major US hubs, namely, Fort Lauderdale and Houston. Honduras is one of the few countries in Central America to have two direct flights coming from the US, granting one Central American country a competitive advantage for greater connectivity and accessibility in its fares. Since Spirit established air service to San Pedro Sula, the airline has transported more than 350,000 passengers. In expanding its routes to Central America, Spirit joins American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Avianca, and United Airlines in offering direct non-stop service or connecting cities through Miami and Dallas (American and Avianca), Atlanta (Delta), and Houston (United and Spirit),

making the Mayan archaeological site of Copán even closer. Along with American airlines, Canadian tourist companies have sought to expand their service to Honduras through Transat Tours, a Canadian tour-operator. Beginning in December 2016, just in time for winter in the northern hemisphere, it will add direct flights from Quebec City to the island of Roatán, Honduras. This new service will be in addition to its existing flights from Montreal, Quebec to Roatán and To r o n t o , O n t a r i o t o R o a t á n . Additionally, Transat Tours and Sunwing Vacations, which also offer direct flights to Honduras from major Canadian cities, sold an estimated of 15,000 packages to the country. This expansion in the tourism sector reflects an aggressive promotional effort made by private companies to further relationships with Honduras. Over the past 24 months, Transat Tours, with the help of the Honduran government, has seen an increase of more than 15% from previous seasons. The development of these relationships

has been crucial in these companies being able to meet their mutual sales goals. "Thanks to these new investments in the tourism sector and the diversified efforts carried out by the government and private companies, Honduras will continue positioning itself as an ideal destination for Americans and Canadians as the most diverse tourist offering in Central America," noted Emilio Silvestri, director of the Honduran Institute of Tourism. From the rich history of Comayagua, to the unmatched beauty of the Bay Islands, located in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, which houses the largest coral reef in the Americas, together with the rough shores of the Pacific coast, crossing over mountains, lakes, and forests, then to discover the ancestral legacy of the Mayan culture in Copán or uncovering the mysteries of an unknown civilization in Kaha Kamasa, Honduras has a natural and cultural beauty unlike anything else the world has discovered. (Caribbean News Now!)




NWU Appoints Assistant Secretary General two years ago. Johann M. Harewood PRESS RELEASE – Twenty seven (27) year old Johann M. Harewood has been appointed Assistant Secretary General of the National Workers Union (NWU). The UWI St. Augustine, Trinidad graduate holds a B Sc. (Hons) in Economics and Management and a Certificate of Education in Economics. He also holds qualifications as a UWI Certified Mediator, having completed a course in practical mediation

Mr. Harewood who has been employed with the National Workers Union for about five (5) years as Finance Administrator will now assume industrial relations responsibilities. He has attended trade union training sessions both locally and regionally. The National Workers Union is quite pleased with his progress thus far. (St. Lucia News Online)

Teachers Continue Strike Despite Meeting With Prime Minister BELMOPAN, Belize, Oct 14, CMC – The Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) says it will continue its strike action Friday despite holding three hours of talks with Prime Minister Dean Barrow on Thursday. “We continue our strike action …because we are not satisfied with the outcome of what has transpired,” said BNTU president Luke Palacio. “But basically we want it to be known that contrary to what we’ve heard, the three per cent salary adjustment was discussed with the Prime Minister…we have not let go of that condition. We continue to insist that the three per cent salary adjustment that the Prime Minister is asking us to defer, we are not accepting that deferral unless we get compensated for what we rightly deserve. “We also need to point out that in the discussion, the Prime Minister; I believe in his usual way, has been able to address some of the good governance

issues that we’ve raised. But remember that there are also the issues that have to do with labour relations that we have not satisfactorily gotten an agreement on,” Palacio said. He said that those include the Social Security coverage to and from work; the three per cent salary adjustments and proposal 22 of the BNTU that speaks to proper compensation for teachers, support staff and grant-aided secondary schools. “Those, we believe, are labour related issues that must be addressed adequately for the membership of BNTU and the wider teaching population,” he added. The government and the BNTU are still at odds regarding the so called governance agenda with Prime Minister Barrow telling reporters that he has no intention of removing government senator Godwin Hulse. “I made the point that really in my view, based on the judgment of Chief Justice Conteh with respect to the 2005 strike;

that is not a demand that can legitimately constitute part of a properly described labour dispute,” Barrow said. “So I think I have sufficiently been clear to you what government’s position with respect to both issues is. Point number two was that an international investigation be conducted into what is being described as the apparent connection and involvement of ministers of government with Danny Mason (who is facing murder charges). “We’ve agreed that we have no difficult, government that is, in trying to source some external assistance for such an investigation,” Prime Minister Barrow added. But Palacio said that while there had been some progress at the meeting “there were certain issues that we thought we could have moved on to get the Prime Minister to agree, but instead we see that it has gone in a different direction” (Caribbean News Now!)




Seismic Research Unit Conducting Geo-hazards Exercises In St. Lucia

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Oct 14, CMC – The Trinidad-based University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) says it is conducting exercises in St. Lucia aimed at learning more about geo-hazards in that island so as to better prepare the population to deal with earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic hazards. UWI-SRC said it is collaborating with the National

Emergency Organization of St. Lucia (NEMO) and the Soufriere Regional Development Foundation (SRDF) in undertaking the exercise as part of Earth Science Week 2016 (ESW). It said the project aims to increase the public’s understanding of Earth Science and to encourage stewardship of the Earth on a global scale. “St. Lucia has been impacted by earthquakes in the past

and due to its geographic location will continue to be exposed to this threat. Additionally, contrary to popular belief, the gas venting at the Sulphur Springs Park does not act as a safety valve for the Soufriere Volcanic Centre. “Although it has been quiet for a long time, the Soufriere Volcanic Centre is a ‘live’ volcanic centre that can erupt again in the future and may impact a considerable part of the island‘s population.” The UWI-SRC said that it experts will be delivering workshops and seminars to various stakeholders in St. Lucia as well as an art competition for participating students. “These events will focus on providing a better understanding of the geo-hazards that may impact St. Lucia and ways in which we can reduce the impact of these events. “The campaign will also highlight the need to preserve and protect the geo-heritage sites on the island such as the Pitons and Sulphur Springs Park which are an important part of the nation’s history, culture and economy,” UWI-SRC added. (Antigua Observer)




Thai King Death: Thousands Throng Streets For Procession out against human rights abuses. Heir's

Thousands lined the streets awaiting the king's funeral procession(EPA) Thousands of Thais have packed Bangkok streets to see a convoy carrying the body of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The convoy passed through the capital to the royal palace as mourners wept and held up portraits of the late king. Millions watched live on TV. Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn has been named as successor, but has asked for a delay in the process. The death of the world's longestreigning monarch sparked an outpouring of grief in Thailand. Official mourning will last a year. The cabinet declared Friday a government holiday, and flags are to fly at half-mast for the next 30 days. People have been asked to wear black, and avoid "joyful events" during this period. Cinema screenings, concerts and sports events have been cancelled or postponed. News websites have turned their pages black and white. All television channels in Thailand aired state media programmes including live coverage of the day's events. The crown prince travelled in the convoy carrying the king's body, which will lie at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in the Royal Palace while people pay their respects. It could be months before the late king's cremation. "This is the worst loss in my

life," said one of those lining the streets. Later on Friday, the crown prince conducted the bathing ceremony of the king's body, a traditional Thai Buddhist funeral rite. The king had been ill for a long time. When news of his death was announced on Thursday evening, many in the large crowds outside the hospital where he died broke down. King Bhumibol was widely respected across Thailand, and thought of by many as semi-divine. He earned the devotion of Thais for his efforts to help the rural poor, including agricultural development projects and works of charity. The monarch was also seen as a stabilising figure in a country often wracked by political turmoil. Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. The country has suffered from political violence and upheaval over the past decade, as well as a long-running Muslim separatist insurgency in the southern provinces which sees regular small-scale bomb attacks. Though a constitutional monarch with limited official powers, many Thais looked to King Bhumibol to intervene in times of high tension. He was seen as a unifying and calming influence through numerous coups and 20 constitutions. However, his critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and at times had failed to speak

challenge The crown prince, who is 64, is much less well known to Thais and has not attained his father's widespread popularity. He spends much of his time overseas, often in Germany. While Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has said the crown prince will ascend the throne next, there is uncertainty over when that will happen. Mr Prayuth said the crown prince had asked for a delay in the succession as he wanted to time to mourn with the nation. Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda, a 96-year-old former prime minister, has been named regent in line with the constitution. He remains as regent until the Thai assembly invites the heir to succeed to the throne. Strict lese-majeste laws protect the most senior members of Thailand's royal family from insult or threat. Public discussion of the succession can be punishable by lengthy jail terms. Given the pivotal role the king has played in maintaining the balance of power in Thailand's volatile political environment, the succession will be a formidable challenge for the government, says the BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok. King Bhumibol's family tree (BBC)




Cave Art: Etchings Hailed As ‘Iberia's Most Biscay Spectacular' experts.

Horses and goats can be seen in this portion of the 15m-long panel of etchings found in the Armintze cave, Lekeitio, in Biscay province(AFP) Cave art as much as 14,500 years old has been pronounced "the most spectacular and impressive" ever discovered on the Iberian peninsula. About 50 etchings were found in the Basque town of Lekeitio. They include horses, bison,

goats and - in a radical departure from previously discovered Palaeolithic art in the Biscay province - two lions. Some depictions are also much bigger than those found previously - with one horse about 150cm (4ft 11in) long. "It is a wonder, a treasure of humanity," senior Biscay official Unai Rementeria said. He was announcing the discovery, which was made in the Armintxe cave in May and has since been investigated by

The cave was well-known to locals, said reports, but no-one had until then ventured the 50m inside where this latest 15m-long panel of etchings was found. Together with two side panels, the depictions comprise some 30 animals along with forms comprising semi-circles and lines - including some "identical" to forms found in the French Pyrenees. Other similar shared features including the depictions of lions and the etching technique used have suggested there could have been links between groups of hunter-gatherers in both areas. The etchings are thought to date from between 12,000 and 14,500 years ago. The cave will not be opened to the public, both due to its inaccessibility and because of the need to preserve the paintings - but authorities say they will use technology to give the public as good a view of the new finds as possible. Experts will discuss the finds at a special congress at the end of the month. (BBC)




Israel Freezes Unesco Ties For 'Denying Jewish Holy Sites’ location of two Biblical Unesco chief Irina Bokova criticised the

The hilltop site is sacred to both Jews and Muslims(AFP) Israel has frozen co-operation with the UN's cultural agency, accusing it of denying Judaism's connections to the religion's holiest sites. Its education minister said a Unesco draft decision concerning Jerusalem "denies history and encourages terror". It comes after the body approved a text which repeatedly used only the Islamic name for a hilltop complex which is also the holiest site in Judaism. The site is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Haram al-Sharif to Muslims. The draft decision, submitted by seven Arab countries, criticises Israel's activities at holy places in Jerusalem and t h e o c c u p i e d We s t B a n k . W h i l e acknowledging the "importance of the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls for the three monotheistic religions", the document refers to the sacred hilltop only by the name "al-Aqsa Mosque/al-Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary). It is the

Jewish temples and is flanked b y t h e We s t e r n Wa l l , venerated by Jews as part of the original supporting wall of the temple compound. Haram al-Sharif is also the place where Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven, and is the third holiest site in Islam. The draft refers to the precinct in front of the wall as "al-Buraq Plaza 'Western Wall Plaza'" - placing single quote marks only around "Western Wall", giving the name as it is known to Jews less weight than the one by which it is known to Muslims. Temple Mount map The stated aim of the text was "the safeguarding of the cultural heritage of Palestine and the distinctive character of East Jerusalem". It repeatedly denounced Israeli actions, including the use of force, imposition of restrictions on Muslim worshippers and archaeological work. Israel regards such criticism as politically motivated. The draft text was passed at committee stage by 24 votes in favour, six against, and 26 abstentions. Two countries were absent. It will now be submitted to Unesco's executive body, which will vote on whether to adopt it. 'Delusional decision' Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett said Unesco was ignoring "thousands of years of Jewish ties to Jerusalem" and aiding "Islamist terror".

draft resolution, saying "different peoples worship the same places, sometimes under different names. The recognition, use of and respect for these names is paramount." However, Mr Bennett said Ms Bokova's statement was insufficient. "Words are important, but they are not a replacement to the actions of the organisation she heads," he said. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Facebook post that Unesco had become a "theatre of the absurd" in taking "another delusional decision". "To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or that Egypt has no connection to the pyramids. By this absurd decision, Unesco has lost what little legitimacy it had left." The move was also condemned by Jewish organisations around the world, including the World Jewish Congress, which called it an "inflammatory, onesided decision". However Palestinians, who seek an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza, welcomed the measure. "This is an important message to Israel that it must end its occupation and recognise the Palestinian state and Jerusalem as its capital with its sacred Muslim and Christian sites," said Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. (BBC)




US Election 2016: Mike Pence Says Evidence Will Back Trump Grope Denial

(REUTERS) Vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence has said new evidence will emerge on Friday that will undermine the sexual accusations against Donald Trump. The Republican said the "Clinton political machine" was using slander and lies to deflect from real issues. Several women

have accused Mr Trump of groping them or kissing them forcibly, which he has strongly denied. First Lady Michelle Obama said some of Mr Trump's boasts about women were "shocking and demeaning". And she said the language he has used was that of a sexual predator. Mr Trump was heard bragging on tape that he could force

himself on women because he was a star. But Mr Pence rejected the first lady's description, saying he did not understand the basis of her claim. Mr Trump had categorically denied the allegations and they are unsubstantiated, said the Indiana governor. "Before the day is out there will be more evidence publicly that calls into question these allegations." More information will back Mr Trump's claim that "this is all categorically false". When the video tape of Mr Trump's lewd remarks emerged last week, Mr Pence was unequivocal in his condemnation of the remarks. But for dozens of Republicans, strong words were not enough and they said they could no longer endorse their party's nominee. Mr Trump denied at Sunday's presidential debate that he had ever committed sexual assault. A few days later, women began to come forward with stories of Mr Trump forcing himself on them. On Thursday, he was defiant, calling the women "horrible liars". Polls suggest he is losing ground in some of the key battleground states. (BBC)




Syria's Assad: Aleppo A 'Springboard' Tofrom Winning The War the terrorists," he said, referring to

President Assad said 'terrorists' must be pushed 'back' to Turkey(REUTERS) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said victory in Aleppo will make the city a "springboard" from which to retake the rest of the country. In an interview with a Russian newspaper, Mr Assad said there was no choice but to "keep cleaning this area" and force rebels "back" to Turkey. Syria and its ally Russia have stepped up bombardment of rebel-held eastern Aleppo in recent weeks. Meanwhile a bomb attack near Syria's border with Turkey has left many dead. At least 17 people, mainly rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), were killed in the car bomb blast at a rebel checkpoint

near Azaz in the northern province of Aleppo, activists and monitors said. No group has yet said it carried out the attack. Earlier this month, so-called Islamic State (IS) killed at least 29 people, most of them Islamist rebel fighters, in a bombing at the rebelcontrolled Atmeh crossing, in Idlib province to the west. Azaz sits between territory controlled by Syrian Kurdish forces to its west and by IS to its east. 'No other option' In a lengthy interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, President Assad said retaking Aleppo could help him win the war. "It's going to be the springboard, as a big city, to move to another areas, to liberate another areas

the rebels. "You have to keep cleaning this area and to push the terrorists to Turkey, to go back to where they come from or to kill them. There's no other option," he said. Turkey is a key backer of rebel groups, along with Western powers and Gulf states. In August, Turkish forces crossed into Syria in an ongoing operation to push Kurdish fighters and IS away from its border. Mr Assad branded Turkey's actions an "invasion, against international law, against the morals, against the sovereignty of Syria". Meanwhile, in a fresh diplomatic push, the US and Russia are to resume talks this weekend on trying to resolve the nearly six-year war. US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are expected to meet counterparts from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in Lausanne on Saturday. Mr Kerry will also hold talks in London on Sunday with foreign ministers from Britain, France and Germany. It comes almost two weeks after the US suspended dialogue with Russia over Syria after an intensification of air strikes on Aleppo. The city has been roughly divided between the government-held west and rebel-held east since 2012 and has become a key battleground in the war which has killed at least 300,000 people. (BBC)




Man In Clown Mask 'Stabs Teen In Sweden’ the day after two people in clown costumes reportedly

The reports are the latest in a wave of "creepy clown" sightings in Europe and the US(AFP) A man in a clown mask has stabbed a teenager in western Sweden, police have said. The youth was left with minor injuries following the attack, which happened when he went outside for a cigarette in Varberg, south of Gothenburg. It came

threatened to kill a woman in central Sweden. The reports are the latest in a wave of "creepy clown" sightings in Europe and the US. The craze involves adults in frightening outfits scaring passersby. Police are still searching for the Varberg clown, but are not yet willing to definitely link it to the craze, which began in the US over the summer. The teenager suffered minor injuries to his shoulder. "We do not know what prompted this. It was not a robbery, and I do not know if they had fought before," spokesman Ulla Brehm told Gotesburgposten (in Swedish). "It's hard to say if this is something that has to do with the trend that has come from the US, but there was a clown mask on the site." However, Swedish Interior Minister Anders Ygeman has called for calm as more and more sightings of scary clowns are made across Sweden. "We don't want to see a situation where a person gets into real trouble because someone, perhaps half joking, puts on a clown mask," Mr Ygeman told the TT news agency. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Nigeria's President Warned attention By First Lady Aisha Buhari of many Nigerians. It is a significant blow for Mr Buhari, PAGE 147

"If it continues like this, I'm not going to be part of any [reelection] movement," says Aisha Buhari Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari's wife has warned him that she may not back him at the next election unless he shakes up his government. In a BBC interview, Aisha Buhari suggested his government had been hijacked by only a "few people", who were behind presidential appointments. She said the president did not know most of the officials he had appointed. Mr Buhari, who is on a visit to Germany, has responded by saying his wife belonged in his kitchen. Standing alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a news conference, the president laughed off his wife's accusations. "I don't know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my kitchen and my living room and the other room," he said. The remarks earned him a glare from Chancellor Merkel. Mr Buhari said that having run for president three times and having succeeded the fourth, he could "claim superior knowledge over her". The influence 'of a few people' Mr Buhari was elected last year with a promise to tackle corruption and nepotism in government. But in the interview with Naziru Mikailu from BBC Hausa, Mrs Buhari said: "The president does not know 45 out of 50 of the people he appointed and I don't know them either, despite being his wife of 27 years." She said people who did not share the vision of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) were now appointed to top posts because of the influence a "few people" wield. "Some people are sitting down in their homes folding their arms only for them to be called to come and head an agency or a ministerial position," she said. His wife's decision to go public with her concerns will shock many people, but it shows the level of discontent with the president's leadership, says the BBC's Naziru Mikailu in the capital, Abuja. Aisha Buhari campaigned vigorously for her husband in last year's election in Nigeria, organising town hall meetings with women's groups and youth organisations across the country. However, she kept a low profile at the start of the administration and was barely seen or heard. She was restricted to her work on the empowerment of women and helping victims of the Boko Haram conflict in the northeast of the country where she is from. This is one of reason why this damning interview has caught the


who has a reputation for being a tough, no-nonsense president. Her comments also bolster accusations that his government has been hijacked by a small group of individuals. Critics say a large number of people have been appointed because of their relationship with those people in one way or the other. Mrs Buhari was prompted to to speak out in an effort to end those practices so that party loyalists who contributed to his election victory could benefit. Her critics say she is speaking out only because she failed to convince the president to appoint her own people. However, as the closest person to the president, she must have exhausted all avenues before criticising him in the media. The comments could also mark a turning point for a government that has clearly struggled to deal with economic recession and is facing growing disquiet within the ruling party. The Nigerian economy, battered by low global oil prices and a currency devaluation, officially entered recession in August for the first time in a decade. Oil sales account for 70% of government income. The president famously remarked at his inauguration that he "belongs to nobody and belongs to everybody". Born on 17 February 1971 in northeastern Nigeria's Adamawa state, Aisha Buhari is the granddaughter of the nation's first Minister of Defence, Alhaji Muhammadu Ribadu. She married Muhammadu Buhari in 1989. They have five children together, a boy and four girls. In 1995 she opened the Hanzy Spa, northern Nigeria's first beauty parlour, in Kaduna State, after obtaining a diploma in beauty therapy from the Carlton Institute in the UK. She published the book The Essentials of Beauty Therapy: A Complete Guide for Beauty Specialists in 2014. She is an advocate of human rights and has donated money to help the families of victims of Boko Haram after more than 250 girls were kidnapped by the militant group in 2014. She caused upset in Nigeria last year after appearing in public wearing an expensive-looking watch, which led some to ask whether she was undermining Mr Buhari's "man of the people" image. Mrs Buhari was also criticised on social media for attempting to shake hands with the Alaafin of Oyo, a leading chief of the Yoruba people. Asked to name those who had hijacked the government, she refused, saying: "You will know them if you watch television." On whether the president was in charge, she said: "That is left for the people to decide." Mrs Buhari, who at 45, is 23 years her husband's junior, said he had not told her whether he would contest the 2019 election. "He is yet to tell me but I have decided as his wife, that if things continue like this up to 2019, I will not go out and campaign again and ask any woman to vote like I did before. I will never do it again." Nigerians have been weighing in on Twitter to give their judgement on the first lady's frank interview: Asked what she regarded as the government's major achievement, she said it was to improve security in the north-east where militant Islamist group Boko Haram has waged an insurgency since 2009. "No-one is complaining about being attacked in their own homes. Thankfully everyone can walk around freely, go to places of worship, etc. Even kids in Maiduguri have returned to schools," Mrs Buhari said, referring to the city which was once the headquarters of the militant group. (BBC)




Geert Wilders: Dutch Freedom Party Chief Will Be Tried For Racial Hatred

Geert Wilders is facing his second trial for hate speech(AFP) The trial of Dutch anti-immigrant politician Geert Wilders is to go ahead after judges rejected a bid by his lawyers to have the case thrown out. He is accused of inciting racial hatred after asking supporters at a rally if they would like more or fewer Moroccans in

the Netherlands. The trial date has been set for 31 October. Mr Wilders claims he is being "prosecuted for voicing the opinion of millions". Although the outspoken right-winger has repeatedly criticised Islam, calling for a ban on the Koran and the closure of all mosques in the Netherlands, prosecutors say he crossed the line this time by targeting people on the basis of their ethnicity. At a 2014 rally of his Party for Freedom (PVV), after supporters chanted they wanted "fewer" Moroccan nationals he replied: "We'll organise that." More on Geert Wilders In court, Mr Wilders' lawyers tried to have the charges thrown out by arguing that a trial would amount to a legal assessment of his party's political manifesto. The presiding judge, Hendrik

Steenhuis, did not agree. In 2011, Mr Wilders was acquitted of incitement after being accused of encouraging hatred towards Muslims. He tweeted his frustrations on Friday, comparing his country to Turkey and saying "displeasing political opinions are being silenced in court". Mr Wilders' Party for Freedom had been riding high in the polls ahead of a Dutch election in March 2017, but recently lost its lead to Prime Minister Mark Rutte's liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). Mr Wilders has had round-the-clock protection since the 2004 assassination of anti-Islam ďŹ lm director Theo van Gogh and is often described as the most heavilyguarded man in the Netherlands. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Egypt: 'IS Militants' Kill 12 Soldiers In Sinai Peninsula on the checkpoint with light arms and heavy machine-guns. PAGE 149

A funeral convoy of Islamist militants in Sinai in 2013(AFP) Suspected Islamist militants have killed 12 soldiers and injured eight in an attack on an army checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian security sources say. The army says 15 militants were also killed in the attack, which took place near the town of Bir al-Abd. Gunmen from the Sinai Province group are reported to be behind the attack. It is Egypt's most active insurgent group, which pledged allegiance to so-called Islamic State in 2014. Officials said a gun battle erupted after the militants opened fire


Friday's attack was the latest in what appears to be a surge in the number of operations launched by the militants. Sinai Province: Egypt's most dangerous insurgents Originally called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis (Supporters of Jerusalem), but changed its name after it pledged allegiance to so-called Islamic State in November 2014 Began with rocket attacks on Israel but refocused on targeting Egyptian security forces after the removal of President Morsi Its aim is thought to be to take control of the Sinai peninsula to turn it into an Islamist province Deadliest attacks include killing of 33 security personnel in North Sinai in October 2014 The number of active members is believed to be between 1,000 and 1,500 Believed to have cells in Cairo, Giza and the Western Desert However, the army has appeared to have had a degree of success in suppressing the militants recently, and it is some time since the fighters carried out an attack on the scale of this one. Egypt has battled militants in Sinai for years, but Islamist militancy has risen since the army deposed President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013. In August, the Egyptian military said it had killed the leader of Sinai Province, along with dozens of its fighters. (BBC)

Video: Teenage Girl Tries Taking Selfie, Scalped, As Hair Gets Stuck In Ferris Wheel A 16-year-old schoolgirl from Uttar Pradesh suffered injuries after her hair got entangled in a ferris wheel. She was reportedly trying to take a selfie. The girl is currently undergoing treatment at a medical facility. Unaware of her surroundings, she stood dangerously close to the ride, and her hair got stuck in the Ferris wheel, resulting in a significant portion of it being ripped off from her scalp. The accident occurred outside a college in Baraut city of Baghpat district of Uttar Pradesh. A video of the incident is making rounds of social media, which shows the teenager being consoled by a friend as people try to free her hair from the Ferris wheel. Baraut is in the National Capital Region, about 60 kms from New Delhi. During Dussehra, Ferris wheels are set-up at Ramleela maidans across the country. (The Indian Express)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hollywood Actors Do Their Nails For A Noble Cause temporarily confused if it was either a new PAGE 150


trend, or some subtle message sent by the artist’s personal preferences. But after some researched the puzzle was solved. The community of actors have gathered to support the hashtag #Polishedman. A campaign against Child Abuse.

Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth and Zac Efron Painted their nails supporting #Polishedman Campaign Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have exploded after seeing the ‘God of Thunder’ Chris Hemsworth, his brother Liam Hemsworth and American actor and singer Zach Efron posing for the camera with one nail vividly polished. The globe was Polished Man Campaign promotion(credits to PolishedMand ygap)

According to TROME magazine, the first actor to be seen promoting the campaign was Chris Hemsworth, who later nominated Liam Hemsworth, extending the ‘chain’ to Zach Efron and the rest of the ‘Avengers’. Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Luke Hemsworth, Jimmy Fallon and Kelly Slater are the next candidates to join the creative and noble cause, which is scheduled to last until the end of November. The initiative was born, after the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the ‘Polish Man Campaign’ Elliot Costello had an interview with a girl victim of physical and sexual abuse. When the interview was over, she gave Mr. Costello a farewell by painting one of his nails. So far 61, 917 men have joined the cause, according to the ‘Polish Men’ Website. According to the International Statistics on Child Abused, gathered by the Ark for Hope for Children: More than 40 million children are subject to physical and /or sexual abuse. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide. One in five children are subjected to physical and/or sexual abuse before the age of 18. Approximately 20% of woman and 5-10% of men report being sexually as children, while 25%-50% of all children report being physically abused. Statistics indicate that around three million young girls are subjected to genital mutilation. Source: http://trome.pe/viral/instagram/instagram-zac-efronotros-actores-pintan...



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Tattoo Removal, Laser Lipo, Hair Removal and more. For more information call Skin Care Clinic on Tel: 231-5900.

PAGE 154



Case Dismissed Against Soldiers Accused Of Stabbing Friend

Two soldiers in the Guyana Defense Force (GDF), Juju Mingo and Shawn Herbert appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with unlawfully and maliciously wounding Rondell Smart with intent to cause actual bodily harm on September 23, 2016 at Croal Street, Georgetown. The virtual complainant made the decision to discontinue the case against

the soldiers, on the basis that they have been friends for over a year. As such, the Magistrate dismissed the charges against the men. It was alleged however that on the day in question, an argument ensued between Smart and the defendants over Smart’s girlfriend. The argument then escalated into a physical altercation which saw the Mingo and Herbert stabbing Smart in the back with an ice pick.

Oil And Gas Association President Denies Forgery Accusations Board. Gossai is under heavy fire after several sections of the media reported on findings of an audit done by Ram and McRae, Chartered Accountants, in which he was fingered for fraudulent and corrupt transactions while employed at the Guyana Gold Board. The audit had recommended a full-scale police investigation into the actions of Gossai and others.

President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), Bobby Gossai Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA), Bobby Gossai Jr. has denied that he ever forged anyone’s signature while he was Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Guyana Gold

“At no given time did the Secretary used, reused (“lifted”), misrepresented or disguised the signature of the former chairperson for any undertaking in his capacity on the Board, for professional or other benefits,” Gossai said in a letter to the press. Seeking to plead his innocence, Gossai said “At no time, did I undertake any task (financial, procurement, managerial, human resources, or otherwise) on my own accord. All tasks were done with the full knowledge of the Guyana Gold Board’s management team, its Directors and Chairperson, and

the subject Minister, at that time.”

Gossai declared that reports from the various daily newspapers appeared to have a negative angle in regurgitated old news that he had addressed those issues when the Guyana Gold Board’s audit report was released. He also threaten legal action if that “character attacks” does not stop. “Should these character attacks not be stopped, then the appropriate actions will be sought and implemented accordingly,” he said. Meanwhile, the GOGA said in a statement to the press that it was unaware of the “specific contents” of the Forensic Report referred in the media reports and relayed that “the Board of Directors has since secured a copy of the Audit Report and will be considering the contents of the report as a matter of urgency.” The GOGA stated that the employment of Bobby Gossai Jr. is part of its start-up process and he still on probation and “this period has not yet come to an end.”


GUYANA DAILY NEWS OP-ED: Economic And Social Effects Of Crime In Guyana PAGE 155

In Guyana, crime is a major part of the society. It affects just about everyone. The social effects of crime are long term, with the ultimate cost being loss of life. Other costs to victims can include medical costs, property losses, and loss of income. Losses to victims and non-victims can also come in the form of increased security expenses including stronger locks, extra lighting, parking in more expensive secured lots, security alarms for homes and cars, and maintaining guard dogs. Other types of expenses can include a victim or person fearful of crime moving to a new neighborhood, funeral expenses, legal fees among others. Some costs of crime are not easily identified for example, costs that include pain and suffering, and a lower quality of life. There are also the impacts on friends and the disruption of family life, behavior can be forever changed and shaped by crime, whether it be taking the risks of going to certain places or even the fear of making new friends. Crime in Guyana not only affects economic productivity when victims miss work, but communities also are affected through loss of tourism and retail sales, even crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and gambling have major social consequences, Drug abuse affects worker productivity, uses public funds for drug treatment programs and medical attention, and leads to criminal activity to support the expenses of a drug habit. Communities


and governments spend public funds for police departments, prisons, jails, courts, and rehabilitation programs, including the salaries of prosecutors, judges, public defenders, social workers, security guards, probation officers, etc. The amount of time spent by victims, offenders, their families, and juries during court trials also take away from community productivity, therefore much emphasis should be placed on reducing the crime in Guyana.

Whistle Blower Bill Lacks the Adequate Confidentially public and private sector by encouraging and

Many persons have raised concerned about the Whistle Blower legislation for Guyana, and are contending that Guyana is not ready for this kind of legislation since the Guyana Police Force must first of all become a professional organization. It is the view that the e judiciary and police department is highly corrupt and there must be tough sanctions for employers and government agencies that violate any sections of the bill. The government has released the draft whistleblower legislation which aims to combat corruption and other wrong doings in the public and private sector by encouraging and facilitating disclosures by employees and citizens. However, many government individuals told the Guyana Daily News this bill lacks adequate confidentially and witness protection program The Whistleblower Bill 2015 is in the name of Attorney General Basil Williams. However, the government is unclear as to when the bill would be tabled in the National Assembly, but has been published in the Official Gazette. According to the Explanatory Memorandum of the bill, it marks another step towards full compliance with the Inter-American Convention against Corruption. It says that the legislation would assist in combating corruption and other wrongdoings both in

facilitating the making by employees of specified disclosures of “improper conduct” in good faith and the public interest. The bill also seeks to regulate the receiving, investigating or otherwise dealing with disclosures of improper conduct; to protect employees who make specified disclosures from being subjected to occupational detriment; and for related matters. For more information on the draft bill kindly visit h t t p : / / o ffi c i a l g a z e t t e . g o v. g y / i m a g e s / g a z e t t e s files/ProtectedDisclosures...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Ministries Working To Remove Ban On Greenheart Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman said that his Ministry has been working PAGE 156


along with the Ministries of Business and Foreign Affairs to seek a reversal of the ban. The Minister announced that a ministerial team will be heading to the United Kingdom (UK) early next year to engage in talks with the hopes of having the ban on Guyana’s greenheart timber reversed. “Greenheart is literally at the heart and soul of Guyana’s timber industry. It represents in a sense, the strength of Guyana and to us we have a reputation to protect and we have to ensure that those who produce logs for use in marine construction and for lumber that we give them what they desire and that is, markets in the United Kingdom,” Trotman said on Friday, at a press briefing held at Cara Lodge, Georgetown. The minister vowed that the issued would get a national response since is a national issue. “So we are very close in terms of working with the EU (European Union) and the EU First Log Governance system and so for us, this is a national issue and it will receive a national response,” he assured. The Minister added that the ban was imposed last year, when relations between Guyana and Great Britain were at an all-time low. Guyana has been working with the European Union on finalizing its European Union forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (EU FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA). Conclusion of the negotiation is very critical for the holistic development of Guyana’s forestry sector. In a statement issued in May last year, Environmental Agency stated, “A decision has been made that we will apply the timber procurement policy rigorously and that we will only buy timber from legal and sustainable sources. This currently prohibits the purchase of new Greenheart’ (from Guyana) as it does not have sufficient evidence (based on UK Government requirements) that the forests of origin are sustainably managed.”

Oil Refinery Feasibility Study To Commence In Guyana Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman announced that the government has commissioned a study to determine whether it is economically feasible to set up an oil refinery in Guyana. The announcement was made at a press briefing on Friday at Cara Lodge, Georgetown. “We have commissioned a study and I hope and expect that before the end of the year, government will be guided from an economic standpoint whether or not we should have a refinery, whether or not government should have a stake in such a venture or whether it should be left to the private sector on its own,” Trotman said. The minister related that the London based Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House will provide the expertise to undertake the study. Meanwhile, Trotman said that his ministry has received a total of 18 Expressions of Interest in the establishment of an onshore oil and gas facility. “Government is looking to enter into a private public partnership where government has equity in whatever onshore facility is established and we can then ensure that Guyanese can benefit,” Trotman said. According to the minister, the majority of the interests are from local companies while nine are from international companies. He said that later this month and into early November, the companies would be making presentations to the Ministry of Natural Resources. “We would like to

give both the local and foreign companies an equal right to make presentations,” Trotman said. As Guyana develops the oil and gas sector, draft legislation on the complete overhaul of the Petroleum Act and the regulations that accompany it will be made available at the end of 2016. Draft legislation for the establishment of a new Petroleum Commission, regulations for local content, and for health and safety for the environment are also expected to be presented later this year. Trotman said that consultations on these legislations will begin in 2017.

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Providence Miner In Police Custody For Alleged Gun Possession PAGE157


A 34 year old miner of Providence, E.B.D., is assisting the police in their investigation into the discovery of an unlicensed firearm and twelve rounds of ammunition at “War Lock” East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, during the early hours this morning. Enquiries disclosed that the suspect was standing in his girlfriend’s yard, about 00:30 h, when a team of police acted on information, swooped down at the location; in the process it was alleged that the suspect dropped an object, which was retrieved and found to be a 9MM Pistol with twelve matching rounds. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Firearm and Ammunition found

Cyclist Killed In Bagotville Road Accident

Police are investigating the fatal accident of a sixty- year old cyclist of Bagotville WBD, which occurred about 19:30h. last

night on Bagotville Public Road. Enquiries disclosed that the cyclist was riding across the road from west to east and ended up into the path of a motor car which was proceeding south along the eastern driveway. As a result of the impact, the cyclist fell into the roadway. He was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital and later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted but later succumbed whilst receiving treatment. The driver is in police custody. He was given a breathalyzer test but no trace of blood alcohol was recorded. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Acting Commissioner Expresses Acknowledgement For Dataram Apprehension Following the arrest of Barry Dataram, a fugitive in Suriname and his handing over to local authorities, the Acting Commissioner of Police wishes to acknowledge the excellent collaboration between local law enforcement units and our counterparts in Suriname. While he is fully aware of the same quality of collaboration from Government to Government, that which occurred between 13:00h. yesterday and 09:00h. this morning, represented the best efforts and sends a clear message that with the use of science and technology in law enforcement and personnel who are consummate professionals, the public interest is well served. On the law enforcement front, we wish to sincerely thank our colleagues in Suriname. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Barry Dataram

PAGE 158



Woman Remanded For Setting House On Fire A single mother of two, Naomi Williams has been remanded to prison by Magistrate Judy Latchman after she was charged with two counts of damage to property which she allegedly committed on October 9, 2016. Williams is slated to return before the court on October 25, 2016 for continuation into the matter. Williams was unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to both charges. The prosecution objected to bail, citing the severity of the offences and the penalties they attract. The court also heard that she gave police two different address as her place of abode. It is alleged that on the day in question at 7 Mile Mahdia, Essequibo, Williams set fire to the dwelling home of Philip Narine causing damages in the amount of GY$1.6M. It is further alleged that Williams unlawfully and maliciously damaged a quantity of household appliances property of Narine, valued at GY$1.3M





GASCI reports that session 690's trading results showed consideration of $2,649,334 from 86,878 shares traded in 15 transactions as compared to session 689's trading results, which showed consideration of $220,959 from 8,045 shares traded in 4 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, DDL, DTC and RBL. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) ten trades totalling 76,420 shares represented 87.96% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $24.3, which showed a decrease of $5.7 from its previous close of $30.0. DIH's trades contributed 69.68% ($1,846,000) of the total consideration. DIH's first trade of 4,000 shares was at $30.0, its second and third trades totalling 15,500 shares were at $26.0, its fourth and fifth trades totalling 22,920 shares were at $25.0, its sixth trade of 20,000 shares was at $22.1, while its seventh to tenth trades totalling 14,000 shares were at $22.0. Demerara Distillers Limited's (DDL) single trade of 8,058 shares at $23.0 represented 9.28% of the total shares traded. DDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $23.0, which showed a decrease of $1.0 from its previous close of $24.0. DDL's trade contributed 7.0% ($185,334) of the total consideration. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) two trades totalling 400 shares represented 0.46% of the total shares traded. DTC's shares were

traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,020.0, which showed an increase of $6.1 from its previous close of $1,013.9. DTC's trades contributed 15.40% ($408,000) of the total consideration. Both of DTC's trades were at $1,020.0. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited's (RBL) two trades totalling 2,000 shares represented 2.30% of the total shares traded. RBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $105.0, which showed a decrease of $1.90 from its previous close of $106.9. RBL's trades contributed 7.92% ($210,000) of the total consideration. Both of RBL's trades were at $105.0. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK CSD: Central securities depository; an institution that provides central facilities for book-entry holdings and transfer of securities. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.




Obama’s Administration To Implement New Measures To ‘Boost’ Cuba’s Economy The government of the United States announced more flexibilities to be implemented by year end, on the Economic and Financial Embargo imposed on the island of Cuba, since 1962. According to CiberCuba, conjoined projects of medical investigation between Cuban and American Citizens, will be enabled. Pharmaceutical products of Cuban origin, that have been approved by the U.S Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), will be imported to the United States and incorporated in the local market. Authorized U.S citizens will be allowed to offer their service in the island, regarding the development, maintenance and repair of the country’s infrastructure. The Obama Administration also lifted limits in the amount of Cubans cigars and rum the US travelers can carry home for personal use. Now U.S travelers can take home as many Cuban cigars as they can fit in their bags. This stipulation is also applied to the Islands famous rum ‘Habana Club’. The changes are part of a series of new measures aiming to ease the trade, travel and financial restrictions on Cuba. Since 2014 the normalization in the relations between both countries started to

consolidate. Cuba was removed from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list on 2015, followed by the upgrade to Embassies of the Interest Offices in both countries. Marking the official end of decades of animosity between this Cold War ‘rivals’, after the historic visit of President Obama to Habana, on March last Obama is hoping the new measures will make its opening on the economy of the Island irreversible, before he leaves the office in January 2017. Source: https://www.cibercuba.com/noticias/2016-10-15u141144-nuevas-medidas-oba...

President Obama enjoying the scent of a Cuban Cigar

The prestigious Cuban rum 'Habana Club Añejo 7 Años' and the finest Cuban Cigars


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Slight Increase In Price Per Barrel Of Venezuelan Crude Oil PAGE 161


The price per barrel of Venezuelan crude oil closed this week with a cost of US$43.09, which is a slight, but positive increase on the local figures in comparison to the US$41, 58 reported last week. The figures were announced early this Friday, by the Venezuelan Ministry of Petroleum and Mining. According to the Venezuelan Newspaper, El Nacional, it was necessary for the prompt implementation of an action plan to reach the stability of the crude oil prices on a global scale. The 14 countries members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed at a meeting held in Algeria on September last, to reduce the production of crude oil to 32.5 million barrels daily by 2017. This quantity will be accomplished with the reduction of 740.000 barrels produced by the members of OPEC. The necessity to implement a radical measure to stop the oil prices from falling, was lifted by Venezuela, during a conference held by the country members during this summer. With this week records, the average sale price of the Venezuelan crude oil is situated in US$3377 under the US$4465 of last year, and US$8842 of 2014. The Venezuelan oil price per barrel have been experiencing a ‘downward curve’ since the beginnings of 2014 when the crude oil was priced at 90.19 USD per barrel. Source: http://www.el-nacional.com/economia/Petroleo-venezolano-aumentobarril_0...

Elections In Haiti Reset For November 20; Second Round January 29 these elections, so that the country has political stability. “We do not

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- Following the forced postponement of presidential elections in Haiti that were originally planned for Sunday, October 9, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) on Friday announced new dates: the first round on November 20, 2016, and the second round on January 29, 2017. Initially, the CEP had hoped to reschedule the long-awaited elections on Sunday, October 30, but it said that it needed another three weeks because a significant number of voting centres were damaged or partially destroyed by Hurricane Matthew and, in some cases, the voting centres are not accessible because the roads are currently impassable in many locations In addition, many residents left their homes without their voter identification card or lost it during the passage of Matthew. The CEP indicated it has three priorities in relation to the existing situation: First, it said that if it has the responsibility to organize elections for all citizens of the country, it cannot simply ignore a portion of the population, and it cannot say it will hold elections just in places where there are no problems. “[...] if the elections are carried out, they will be for everyone, especially when it is question of a presidential election,” the CEP said. The second priority is to ensure elections that are credible, rigorous and transparent. Third, the CEP wants a credible election that is acceptable to all departments of the country in order to bring legitimacy to those who will be elected in

want elections that bring more problems, which instead of bringing legitimacy to those elected, they marginalize the political process,” the CEP said. (Caribbean News Now!)

Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). File photo By Caribbean News Now contributor




Bermuda Cleans Up After Hurricane Nicole By Caribbean News Now contributor HAMILTON, Bermuda -- Bermuda residents started damage assessment and cleanup after Hurricane Nicole tore across the island on Thursday, with gust of wind exceeding 120 mph ripping roofs off buildings, flooding homes and damaging roads and leaving more than 27,000 without power. “We can breathe a sigh of relief. It could have been much worse,” Premier Michael Dunkley said. “We were not lucky, but prepared,” national security minister, Senator Jeff Baron, added as he paid tribute to the high level of preparedness across the British territory. An assessment of government schools was still ongoing on Friday. “We will aim to have them reopened on Monday, although a final confirmation will be made early on Sunday,” Baron said. The airport reopened at midday on Friday, allowing the first flights to arrive in Bermuda since before the hurricane. (Caribbean News Now!)

Torrential rain and flooding brought by Hurricane Nicole on Thursday offered an opportunity for local children the following day

Government Pleased With Economic Performance To Date BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, Oct 15, CMC – The St. KittsNevis government says preliminary data show that the three major revenue earners for the twin-island Federation are either moving in line with or slightly ahead of the 2016 budgetary predictions in terms of revenue collection. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Dr. Timothy Harris, speaking at a 2017 Estimates meeting here, said the Inland Revenue Department, the Customs & Excise Department, and the Citizenship-by-Investment Programme (CBI), have helped the country’s economic situation. “Hopefully, at the end of the year, the total situation will be as good or even better than what has been for the last nine months or so, but the last report that I have is reflective of a good performance by the key revenue heads. “To date, the figures for 2016 are well on budget, perhaps maybe slightly ahead of their budgetary predictions,” he said, noting that the Customs Department, has been “doing a better job at collection this year, again relative to the 2016 budget”. Regarding the CBI programme through which foreign investors attain local citizenship after having made a significant investment to the socio-economic development of the Federation, Harris said that it is moving in line with the 2016 Budget.” Last month the CBI announced the appointment of Les Khan, a risk mitigation expert, as the new chief executive officer and Harris said that there are plans for a more aggressive presence in the marketplace. “This week, the Cabinet took a number of decisions to provide greater support to the marketing, to enhance greater participation of St. Kitts and Nevis, independent of international shows, in doing its own promotion. That has

been advice coming out of the National Consultation on the Economy (held on September 28, ,” Prime Minister Harris said. “Since we are a platinum brand, we should not spend a lot of time on group marketing, where you have St. Kitts and Nevis and other countries, such as Dominica and St. Lucia, appearing one after the other in the same advertisement, for instance “Everybody is saying that our CBI programme is the best. Therefore, there is a diminution of the impact [with group marketing]. The stakeholders have committed that the country will run its own roadshows, which will be determined by the CIU in collaboration with the critically important developers and service providers,” he told the meeting. (Antigua Observer)

Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris (center) at Estimates meeting


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Suriname's Foreign Minister To Push Economic Diplomacy In Uzbekistan PAGE 163

By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- The foreign minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising, will attend the 43rd Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) meeting, which will take place on October 18-19 in Tashkent under the chairmanship of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, Badrising will use the OIC forum to advance what she terms ‘soft diplomacy” to market Suriname in order to attract foreign direct investment in her government’s effort to diversify Suriname’s economy, which is going through a recession. Badrising will deliver a statement on behalf of Suriname to the gathering of 57 foreign ministers, mostly from Africa and Asia. The theme of the meeting, “The education and enlightenment – path towards peace and creativity,” resonates with Uzbekistan’s glorious past in such fields as architecture, science and math, which is why Tashkent wants to use its chairmanship of the group to focus on strengthening the education, scientific and culturalhumanitarian potential of the OIC. It will be the first visit of a Surinamese foreign minister to Uzbekistan and the first Surinamese foreign minister to attend an annual OIC foreign ministers gathering. Suriname’s participation at the highest level sends a message to the OIC of its seriousness in engaging, expanding and diversifying ties with the 57member bloc. Badrising earlier this year attended the OIC heads of government summit in Istanbul. Suriname is being encouraged by the OIC to host a meeting of this level in the near future to raise the country’s global profile to investors and tourists. The OIC is also willing to help Suriname foot the bill for such an event. This will help to promote Suriname, which is still unknown to much of the world. Suriname is keen to end its dependence on commodity exports and, in this light, the government is aggressively looking to diversify the economy. Meanwhile, the foreign minister of neighbouring Guyana, Carl Greenidge, will also attend the Tashkent meeting. Guyana is also a member of the OIC. Greenidge heading a high level delegation to the meeting is intended to signal to the OIC his government’s commitment to advance and expand ties with the OIC. The prime minister of Guyana, Moses Nagamootoo, said he supports “greater involvement” by his government in the OIC. Uzbekistan wants the OIC to play a more active role in the strengthening of tolerance, mutual respect of cultures, and peace inside the Islamic world and among representatives of various religions and peoples. “The urgency of such principles in the OIC’s


activity is on the rise as the search for peaceful, politicaldiplomatic and preventive methods of tackling conflicts, as well as addressing them on timely basis,” the foreign minister of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Komilov said. Under its chairmanship, Uzbekistan wants the OIC to pay more attention to the issues of strengthening and “development of intellectual, scientific-technical and technological potential of member states,” and is calling for better mechanisms of cooperation to expand mutually beneficial trade and investment among OIC states and with other advanced countries of the world according to Komilov. At the OIC meeting in Tashkent, Badrising will work to consolidate economic and political ties with member states of the OIC; as well as expand and diversify Suriname’s relationship with different organs of the OIC. Badrising will also hold bilateral meetings with some states of the OIC, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE, and follow up on previous engagements with her counterparts. Above all, the foreign minister of Suriname will continue her economic diplomacy push to bring investors to Suriname to tackle the economic challenges facing her country. The foreign ministers of 26 member countries have officially confirmed their attendance, and the meeting will be attended by OIC Secretary General Iyad Amin Madani, president of the Islamic Development Bank Group Bandar Hajjar, and representatives of a number of international organizations, according to the foreign ministry of Uzbekistan. Following the OIC meeting in Uzbekistan, Badrising is planning to hold bilateral meetings with trade ministry officials in South Korea. (Caribbean News Now!)

Foreign Minister Niermala Badrising at an OIC meeting in Saudi Arabia earlier this year




Security Council Extends UN Peacekeeping Mission In Haiti For Six Months NEW YORK, USA -- Accepting Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s recommendation, the Security Council on Thursday extended the mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti for six months at the current force and police strength. Through the adoption of a resolution, the 15-member Council decided that the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) – consisting of up to 2,370 troops and up to 2,601 police component personnel – will stay in the Caribbean nation through 15 April 2017. The mandate renewal comes in the wake of the humanitarian emergency caused by the 4 October landfall of Hurricane Matthew, which also forced the postponement of the 9 October elections. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) the Category 4 storm had claimed the lives of 473 people as of 11 October, with 75 missing and 339 injured. Some 2.1 million people, including 894,057 children, are affected, and 1.4 million people, or 12.9 percent of the population, need humanitarian assistance, including 592,581 children. About 750,000 people, including 315,000 children, need urgent humanitarian aid for the next three months. In the text adopted on Thursday, the secretary-general is requested to conduct a strategic assessment mission of the situation in Haiti “by the end of the current mandate and preferably after the inauguration of a newly elected president” and to present recommendations on the UN’s future presence and role in Haiti in his next report to the Security Council. In that regard, the Council affirmed its intention to consider the possible withdrawal of MINUSTAH and transition to a future UN presence “beginning no sooner than 15 April 2017,” based on its review of Haiti’s overall capacity to ensure security and stability and on the

security conditions on the ground. Also in the resolution, the Council strongly urged Haiti’s political actors “to work cooperatively in the interests of the Haitian people, joining forces in prioritizing the country’s return to full constitutional normality by completing the electoral process, under way, and without further delays” and ensuring “the holding […] of free, fair, inclusive, and transparent presidential election and partial re-runs of the legislative elections, together with first-round elections for one-third of the Senate seats whose current incumbents will end their term in office in January 2017.” (Caribbean News Now!)

Brazilian peacekeepers and a police officer from the United Nations Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) head out on patrol to the town of Jeremie, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Photo: UN/MINUSTAH/Logan Abassi


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaica Government And IMF Agree On New Three-year Programme PAGE 165

By Douglas McIntosh KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- The government of Jamaica has reached a staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a US$1.7 billion three-year successor standby programme. This will replace the existing extended fund facility (EFF) that ends in March 2017, once approved by the IMF’s executive board during its meeting, scheduled for November. This was announced by Prime Minister Andrew Holness and director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department, Dr Alejandro Werner, during a joint government of Jamaica/IMF press conference in Kingston on Thursday. Holness said the new facility is a “precautionary” agreement that was negotiated with members of the IMF’s mission team who were in Jamaica for the discussions. The prime minister explained that the request was made, consequent on the country’s robust foreign exchange reserves. He described the US$1.7 billion provision as an “insurance policy” against unforeseen economic shocks that are beyond Jamaica’s control, and that it is a “dividend” that the country has reaped, as a result of its policy credibility and discipline. “Our request to move to a precautionary arrangement is a sign of strength and reflects the policy credibility and strong macroeconomic management of the Jamaican Government,” he said. Noting that Jamaica has “made strides” in fiscal and monetary management under the EFF, Holness said the new programme emphasizes the need for reorientation and transformation of the public sector to an “efficient performance-focused facilitator of growth, social well-being and rule of law.” In this regard, the prime minister said the administration’s goals and direction would include: reorienting public resource allocation towards infrastructure, social protection and security related spending, while transforming the public sector to be more efficient and delivery-focused; modernising the monetary policy framework and building the foundation for an eventual move to inflation targeting; bolstering the resilience of Jamaica’s financial system; and implementing initiatives that unlock Jamaica’s growth potential and promote private sector job creation. He added that the proposed new programme and the “large and important” commitment of IMF resources is a “firm vote of confidence in Jamaica.” “I want to say how happy I am that we have been able to reach this stage. This is merely the beginning of the journey, but an important milestone to mark. The government of Jamaica looks forward to a continued and productive collaborative relationship with the (IMF),” Holness added. In his remarks, Werner said the new agreement reflects the significant focus being placed on attaining inclusive growth. He noted that Jamaica has “come a long way” in achieving macroeconomic stability and is setting the stage for accelerated growth. “We are seeing low inflation,


we are seeing declining debt to GDP, we are seeing a contained current account deficit, the rebuilding of the international asset position by the central bank… and the foundations of a predictable (and positive) economy for the years to come,” the director said. Werner concurred that the proposed agreement is a “solid” vote of confidence by the IMF in Jamaica. Additionally, it signals the “long-term commitment of the IMF to the Jamaican people.” He said the IMF is also confident that financing conditions for the Jamaican government will continue to improve and that “investments will continue to accelerate.” “We hope that this significant IMF agreement will catalyse resources from other development partners and lower the overall cost of budget financing. We (also) look forward to a continued productive collaboration with the government of Jamaica,” Werner added. For his part, finance and public service minister, Audley Shaw, emphasized that the goals of Jamaica’s economic programme under the new three-year standby arrangement are “clearly expressed.” He said the attainment of key policy objectives will require coordination and informed decision-making to ensure that “the right persons are in the right place to take the required steps at the right time.” “I am committed to leading and ensuring full and comprehensive implementation of the programme which the government has agreed to follow,” Shaw said. (Caribbean News Now!)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness outlines details of a new three-year US$1.7 billion precautionary standby successor agreement for the existing International Monetary Fund (IMF) Extended Fund Facility (EFF), which concludes in March 2017, during Thursday’s joint press conference. Photo: Rudranath Fraser


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GUYANA DAILY NEWS BVI Government Plans New Investment Policy To Diversify Economy PAGE 166

By Philomena Robertson ROAD TOWN, BVI -- The government of the British Virgin Islands plans to develop an investment policy that will help to attract value-added services to the local economy. Premier and minister of finance, Dr Orlando Smith, made the disclosure as he presented an update on the occasion of the first anniversary of BVI Forward, the government’s action plan to strengthen and reposition the financial services industry. Reporting on achievements during the first year of BVI Forward and plans for year two, the premier, in his speech to industry officials, said the investment policy is intended to expand and diversify the economy and make the BVI more attractive to investors. He said, “A full investment policy will be developed by the Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) and the Premier’s Office. The IPA and investment managers will be set up to facilitate targeted investments and investment promotion activities will be initiated in key product areas and in key markets.” The premier noted that the policy will facilitate attracting the new areas the BVI is seeking to develop, those that generate economic activity within the territory or what the industry calls “substance”. It is hoped that through the creation of more substance-based businesses, the policy will help to address substance and transparency issues arising from the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). BEPS as defined by the OECD refers to “tax avoidance strategies that exploit gaps and mismatches in tax rules to artificially shift profits to low or no-tax locations.” The planned investment policy will work in tandem with the investment legislation that the government also has on its agenda, as revealed by Governor John Duncan during the 2016 Speech from the Throne. Attracting investment to add value to the BVI economy is one of the priority initiatives that make up BVI Forward. Another closely aligned initiative is that of reforming immigration and labour to facilitate making the BVI a more attractive place for investors. The premier said, “Immigration and labour laws and policies were reviewed with the objective of facilitating the financial services sector in line with provisions offered in competing jurisdictions and to accommodate the provisions of the investment policy.” He also made mention of changes to the


immigration legislation to make provisions for the entry of a new category of persons, business visitors, as well as the introduction of online application and fee processing as part of the e-government initiative. Changes to immigration and labour will also include the introduction of an Enhanced Service Model (ESM) to facilitate parallel processing of work permit applications and the introduction of a single permit granting both immigration and labour clearance. Another important announcement by the premier addressed the improvement of customer service at the Financial Services Commission (FSC). Following improvements to the FSC’s proprietary application, VIRRGIN in year one, further enhancements are planned for year two with the launch of VIRRGIN 3 to improve licence interactions by automating the processing of regulatory forms, reports and processes. In addition to the BVI Forward update provided by the premier, the anniversary event also included two panel discussions featuring the initiative sponsors who sit at the helm of the initiative working teams that have been mandated to create action plans for each initiative. Additionally, the Financial Services Implementation Unit (FSIU), which is tasked with implementing the BVI Forward initiatives, launched a new brochure that will be a key tool in efforts to engage the population, as well as a first anniversary booklet, providing a summary of achievements. (Caribbean News Now!)

Premier Dr Orlando Smith


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaica Poised To Tap Into US$150-billion Gastronomy Market PAGE 167

By Garwin Davis KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Minister of tourism, Edmund Bartlett, says Jamaica is uniquely poised to tap into the US$150-billion international gastronomy market, propelling the tourism industry even faster towards further economic growth. Addressing a Gastronomy of Fats and Oils Seminar on October 12, Bartlett said studies conducted by the tourism ministry show that food is a major draw for overseas visitors and that Jamaica’s culinary delights rank amongst the best in the world. “Earlier this year, I introduced the framework to develop gastronomy tourism locally. I appointed a Gastronomy Network, which falls under the aegis of our Tourism Linkages Network, to develop initiatives to strengthen Jamaica’s competitiveness in gastronomy tourism, as we diversify our product to generate higher growth rates in both visitor arrivals and earnings,” the minister said. “Jamaican food, rum and music are all critical ingredients in the building out of this gastronomy experience,” he added. The minister said Jamaica is fortunate to be blessed with culinary delights born out of the rich diversity of its heritage, and that “this fusion of cultures has created a melting pot of gastronomic wonders that make us ideally positioned to take advantage of the growing phenomenon of culinary travel”. He explained that today’s visitor is more experienced and informed than tourists were ten years ago, making it even more important for destinations to improve on their tourism offerings. He pointed out that as gastronomy tourism continues to fuel visitors’ interest, it is imperative that local chefs are not only skilled in cooking, “but also in other aspects of food preparation”. “It will require them to keep updated with the industry’s needs in order to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving gastronomy tourism sector. In addition, it will challenge us all to produce culinary products and brands that best represent our authentic heritage,”


the minister said. Bartlett said that all the evidence is pointing to the fact that gastronomy tourism provides an opportunity for stakeholders to add value to the island’s tourism sector by diversifying the product while promoting local economic development. “It strengthens the linkages sectors, benefiting manufacturers, suppliers, farmers, food and beverage managers and chefs,” Bartlett said. “At the same time, it benefits communities by supporting the local farmers, developing and expanding businesses, creating new dining experiences and increasing overnight stays in local hotels. It also educates visitors about the local culture and way of life,” he added. The minister said that as part of a marketing strategy, the Ministry will soon be creating a gastronomy mapping platform with easily accessible information on the island’s best food offerings. “We will also be collaborating with tourism partners to boost the number of quality food festivals. We will be working with tour operators to develop enticing food tours across the length and breadth of the island. We will also integrate food experiences with flagship events,” Bartlett noted. (Caribbean News Now!)

Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett, addresses Gastronomy of Fats and Oils Seminar, held on October 12. Photo: Garwin Davis




Climate Change: 'Monumental' Deal To Cut HFCs, Fastest Growing Greenhouse Gases

HFCs are commonly used in refrigerators and air conditioning systems(GETTY IMAGES)


ore than 150 countries have reached a deal described as "monumental" to phase out gases that are making global warming worse. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are widely used in fridges, air conditioning and aerosol sprays. Delegates meeting in Rwanda accepted a complex amendment to the Montreal Protocol that will see richer countries cut back their HFC use from 2019. But some critics say the compromise may have less impact than expected. Three-way deal US Secretary of State John Kerry, who helped forge the deal in a series of meetings in the Rwandan capital, said it was a major victory for the Earth. "It's a monumental step forward, that addresses the needs of individual nations but it will give us the opportunity to reduce the warming of the planet by an entire half a degree centigrade," he told BBC News. The new agreement will see three separate pathways for

different countries. Richer economies like the European Union, the US and others will start to limit their use of HFCs within a few years and make a cut of at least 10% from 2019. Some developing countries like China, nations in Latin America and island states will freeze their use of HFCs from 2024. What is the Montreal Protocol? International treaty designed to protect the environment against the impact of harmful substances Created in 1987 following the discovery of a large hole in the Earth's ozone layer over Antarctica Came into force in 1989 with the main aim of ending the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) CFCs replaced by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Amendment proposed after scientists discovered that, while they pose no threat to the ozone layer, HFCs contribute to global warming by trapping heat radiating off the Earth The protocol has undergone a number of revisions since it was introduced and has been successful in eliminating more than 100 fluorinated gases Other developing countries, specifically India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and the Gulf states

will not freeze their use until 2028. China, the world's largest producer of HFCs, will not actually start to cut their production or use until 2029. India, will start even later, making its first 10% cut in use in 2032. "Absolutely it's a historic day," said Durwood Zaelke, from the Institute for Government and Sustainable Development (IGSD), a long time participant in the Montreal Protocol talks. "We came to get a half a degree of warming out of the system and we are going to walk away with about 90% from the Kigali amendment." Certainly if the agreement is implemented in full it will make a big difference to global warming. Experts estimate it will remove the equivalent of about 70 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2050. "HFCs posed an immediate threat to a safe climate due to their increasing use and high global warming potential, thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide," said Christian Aid's Senior Policy Advisor, Benson Ireri. "By agreeing to an early HFC phase down schedule, we've bought ourselves a bit more time to shift to a global low carbon economy and protect the world's most vulnerable people." But some observers questioned the concessions made to India and China, suggesting they had weakened the overall impact. The target of cutting global warming by 0.5 degrees may not be realised. "They needed an agreement here as it's seen as an Obama legacy, so the US

delegation has been pretty aggressive in making China and India get to an agreement," said Paula Tejon Carbajal from Greenpeace International. "It's an incremental step towards 0.5 degrees but its not there yet, they say that the market will work to get us there, but we are not there yet." The US Secretary of State believes that the science underpinning the deal is sound. He is confident that it will have a huge impact on warming. "I feel very positive about where we are, we ran all the numbers and everybody feels confident that the integrity of the substance of this is there," he told the BBC. Supporters argue that this agreement in Kigali will build on the foundations laid by the Paris climate agreement, signed by over 190 countries last December, and which becomes operational early in November. They also point to the past history of the Montreal Protocol - over 100 fluorinated gases have been eliminated in the agreement's 30 y e a r h i s t o r y. O n c e t h e regulation has been passed, industry rapidly develops alternatives. "The market is going to wash over India, and will sweep them along, they will make the transition a lot faster than the number they put up," said Durwood Zaelke. "Phaseouts have always driven the market transition so the laggards will be moved along by the market." There was a sense of quiet jubilation among delegates here when the deal was finally gavelled through in the early hours of Saturday morning. 'It's a big deal," one observer said, "but it could have been bigger." (BBC)




Yemen Conflict: Saudis Blame Funeral Hall Bombing On Mistake

At least 140 people were killed in the bombing(AP) The Saudi-led coalition bombing Houthi rebels in Yemen has said it attacked a funeral hall in the capital, Sanaa, bas ed on " bad information". At least 140 people were killed, most of them civilians, in the attack on 8 October - one of the single worst death tolls in the two-year conflict. An inquiry blames "noncompliance with coalition rules of engagement" and "the issuing of incorrect information". The attack was heavily criticised internationally. The 14nation Saudi-led inquiry, carried out by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team, said coalition aircraft were wrongly told that the

funeral hall was full of Houthi leaders. It said "a party affiliated to the Yemeni presidency of the general chief of staff" was to blame. The inquiry also apportioned blame to the Air Operation Center in Yemen for directing aircraft onto the target without obtaining approval from the coalition's command. The investigation called for families of the victims to be compensated. An estimated 600 people were injured in the bombing. "Coalition forces must immediately review their rules of engagement and update their procedures to ensure adherence in future," the inquiry team said. The findings of this Saudiled investigation will come as no surprise and little

consolation to those caught up in the devastating air strike on a funeral in Sanaa. Already social media postings have suggested that blaming a s enior Yemeni military officer for ignoring the rules is a case of scapegoating. But for Saudi Arabia, which was already looking for ways to extricate itself from the Yemen conflict, this could be a watershed moment. Beyond sacking those responsible for this catastrophic breach of its targeting rules and compensating the victims' families, the Saudi-led coalition is immediately reviewing its rules of engagement. Will this be enough to silence those calling for the UK and US to curb their

arms sales to Saudi Arabia? Unlikely. As long as air strikes continue over Ye m e n c i v i l i a n s w i l l continue to die, while Houthi rebels continue to fire their missiles across the border at Saudi villages. So the pressure to end this unwinnable war is greater than ever. The conflict in Yemen pits forces loyal to the internationally recognised government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi against Houthi rebels. The coalition led by Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of backing the rebels and supports the president. The United Nations says more than 6,000 people have been killed in the conflict, many of them civilians. The coalition, which includes Saudi Arabia's Gulf Arab allies, enjoys logistical backing from the United States but the White House condemned the bombing and said it was reviewing its assistance. Adding to the condemnation, Human R i g h t s Wa t c h s a i d o n Thursday that the air strike was "an apparent war crime" and "unlawfully disproportionate". The UK, a major seller of arms to Saudi Arabia, is to present a draft resolution to the UN Security Council next week calling for a ceasefire in Yemen. (BBC)




Children In Calais Jungle To Arrive In UK 'In Days’

The French government has said the "Jungle" migrant camp will be dismantled(EPA) British and French officials have begun registering unaccompanied children in the Calais "Jungle" who are hoping to join relatives in Britain. A significant number of child refugees will arrive in the UK from the migrant camp within days, the BBC understands. The Children's Commissioner for England has previously said about 300 children in the camp, from countries like Syria and Afghanistan, will come to the UK. French authorities have said they will close the camp by the end of the year. It is estimated up to 10,000 people are living in the Jungle which is situated near the port of Calais, and close to the 31-mile Channel Tunnel. Many of the migrants in northern France attempt to reach the UK by boarding lorries as they approach ports or the Channel Tunnel. French President Francois Hollande wants to move the inhabitants it holds to reception centres across the country

and demolish the camp. Aid groups have raised concerns that the planned closure will lead to children disappearing before they are processed. Home Office officials in Calais have been focusing first on unaccompanied minors who have the right to join relatives under EU legislation. A separate registration process will take place for vulnerable children who do not have family in the UK. Under EU-wide regulation, asylum claims must be made in the first safe country a person reaches, but children can have their claim transferred to another country if they have family members living there. UK law also requires the government to arrange for the transfer to the UK and support of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said the government is moving quickly and that she wants as many children as possible brought to the UK before the camp is shut down by the French authorities. However, the charity Safe Passage, which is working alongside the

government, says it has not yet been shown any operational plans setting out how the children will be transferred. Operations and programme delivery consultant Red Godfrey-Sagoo told the BBC: "There has been a marked increase in activity both from the French authorities and the UK authorities on trying to work out how to get this done quickly. That has been noted. "Does it mean that we technically have seen any operational plans on how it's going to be delivered? We haven't seen that yet. So we still ask those questions." She told Radio 4's Today programme she believed the Home Office was working towards taking unaccompanied minors "next week at some point". The Local Government Association, which represents local authorities in England and Wales, has said that councils will require long-term funding from government so the support of the children is "properly funded". Meanwhile, French Housing Minister Emmanuelle Cosse has said the camp will be dismantled "when all the conditions for success are in place", Agence France-Presse reported. The news agency quoted the minister as saying that it was "out of the question to leave these people living any longer in that mud and that distress", adding that another winter in the Jungle was "impossible". Mr Hollande has promised to set up "reception and orientation centres" to take in asylum seekers. A "dignified welcome" would be given to people who filed for the right to asylum but anyone who was unsuccessful would be deported, he said. (BBC)




US Election 2016: Trump Says Sex Assault Claims Aimed To Hurt Him

Donald Trump: "I am a victim of a political smear campaign” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has rejected fresh claims of sexual assault, saying they are part of a plot to damage his campaign. "It's not hard to find a small handful of people willing to make false smears," he told a rally on Friday. Two new accusations came from an ex-Apprentice contestant who cited a 2007 incident and a woman who described a case from the early 1990s. Polls suggest Mr Trump is losing ground in some of the key battleground states. During the rally in North Carolina, the Republican candidate said the accusations were "sick" and false, and driven by fame, money or politics. "Or for the simple reason they want to stop our movement, they want to stop our campaign. Very simple," he told the crowd. He added: "These claims defy reason, truth, logic, common sense. They are made without supporting witnesses. "When the media does what they're doing now, that's rigging the system... The election is rigged." Saying he was ignoring his own advisers by commenting on the allegations, he

suggested that he would never have been attracted to Jessica Leeds, one of this accusers. “Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you." One of the new allegations involves Kristin Anderson, who told the Washington Post the property mogul touched her through her underwear at a Manhattan nightspot in the 1990s. Ms Anderson, now 46, said she was "very grossed out and weirded out". She added: "It wasn't a sexual come-on. I don't know why he did it. It was like just to prove that he could do it, and nothing would happen. The newspaper said it had approached Ms Anderson after learning of her story through a third party, and she had spent several days deciding whether to go public. Mr Trump's spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said in a statement emailed to the Washington Post: "Mr Trump strongly denies this phony allegation by someone looking to get some free publicity. It is totally ridiculous." Meanwhile, Summer Zervos, who was a contestant on season five of The Apprentice in 2006, said the businessman forced himself on her at a Los Angeles hotel and began "thrusting

his genitals". She had been invited by him to discuss job opportunities. Ms Zervos, 41, told an emotional news conference in Los Angeles that she met him in 2007 in a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where the businessman greeted her by kissing her on the mouth. She said he asked her to sit next to him on a sofa where he "grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast". Ms Zervos fought back tears as she said Mr Trump attempted to lead her into the bedroom and "began thrusting his genitals", even as she fended off his advances. She was flanked during the press conference by well-known lawyer Gloria Allred, who has previously represented alleged sexual assault victims of entertainer Bill Cosby. At the time of the alleged assault, Mr Trump was newly married to his third and current wife, Melania Trump. Ms Zervos said she was spurred to come forward after Mr Trump denied during last Sunday's presidential debate ever having committed sexual assault. He rebutted the suggestion on national television as he was asked about a leaked recording from 2005 in which he is heard bragging that he can force himself on women because he is a star. Meanwhile, his campaign presented a British man who disputed the account of Ms Leeds, now 74. She alleged that when she was 38, Mr Trump groped her on a flight to New York, acting "like an octopus". The New York Post reported that Anthony Gilberthorpe contacted Mr Trump's campaign to counter the claim. In an interview with the paper he said: "I was there, I was in a position to know that what she said was wrong, wrong, wrong." Mr Gilberthorpe made headlines in 2014 when he alleged that he had provided underage boys to British politicians for sex parties. (BBC)



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Iraq Violence: Dozens Dead In Baghdad Suicide Attack On Shia

So-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack(GETTY IMAGES) At least 32 people have died in a suicide attack targeting Shia in Iraq's capital Baghdad, oďŹƒcials say. More than 60 were injured in the blast, carried out on a

tent in a crowded market in a northern district of the city. So-called Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack. Many Shia pilgrims are taking part in mourning rituals commemorating the killing of the Prophet Mohammed's grandson, Hussein, in the 7th Century. Reports say a militant detonated a

suicide vest in the tent at lunchtime, when it was full of pilgrims. IS said in a statement, published through the messaging service Telegram, that the attack on Saturday was carried out "in the middle of a gathering" in the Shaab area of Baghdad. BBC Middle East editor Sebastian Usher says Sunni militants have long used such pilgrimages as targets for attacks causing large scale casualties. This year, IS revived its bombing campaign in Baghdad killing hundreds of people, in what is seen as a response to the group's loss of much of its territory in Iraq. In July, a lorry packed with explosives was detonated in central Baghdad's popular shopping district of Karrada in what was the deadliest single bomb attack in Iraq since 2007. The latest attack comes as Iraqi forces prepare for an oensive in northern Iraq on Mosul, the last IS-held major city in the country. (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Rebels Advance On IS Stronghold Of Dabiq

The advance comes after Turkish-backed Syrian rebel forces captured the border town of Jarablus at the end of August(REUTERS) Turkish-backed rebels in Syria are advancing on Dabiq, a symbolically important stronghold of socalled Islamic State. The small town holds great value to IS because of a prophecy of an apocalyptic battle, and features heavily in its propaganda. The operation comes as US and Russian envoys meet in Switzerland to discuss possible routes to a new ceasefire. But diplomats have played down hopes of any breakthrough at the talks. Since a brief truce collapsed last month, Syrian government forces backed by Russian air strikes have intensified their bombardment of rebel-held areas in Aleppo. Aid agencies say a 72-hour ceasefire is urgently needed to allow supplies in and civilians out of devastated areas in the east of the city. Apocalyptic prophecy Turkish President

Tayyip Erdogan confirmed fighters were moving on Dabiq, which lies about 10km (6 miles) from the Turkish border. Rebel fighters backed by Turkish airstrikes have been edging closer to the town for days, seizing villages around it and all but isolating it. A bombardment was taking place as part of the offensive on Saturday, a monitoring group and a rebel commander said. Dabiq is important to IS because it is named in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies as the site of an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their enemies. The militant group named its magazine after the town. The advance on Dabiq is part of a wider offensive launched by an alliance of Syrian rebel groups, supported by Turkish forces, in late August. They are trying to drive IS militants and Syrian Kurdish fighters from an area along Turkey's border with Syria. Since it began, they have captured the key towns of Jarablus and alRai. 'Difficult process' Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are meeting delegates from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar in Lausanne to discuss ways to broker a new ceasefire. But prospects for success looked bleak. On Friday, Mr Lavrov said he had no "special expectations" for the talks, while a US State Department official told Reuters he did not anticipate a major announcement. "This is going to be, as it has been now for several years, a very difficult process," the agency quoted the US official as saying. There can be no peace in Syria without the agreement of the men meeting in Switzerland today. Bilateral talks between the US and Russia have brought no real solution. A ceasefire brokered last month collapsed after just a few days, since then Syrian government bombing of Aleppo, backed by Russia, has intensified. On the ground Iranian troops are reportedly supporting Syrian forces. Saudi Arabia and the US have been supplying opposition groups with weapons and money. Moscow insists rebel forces it regards as terrorists must be separated from more moderate opposition groups before the bombing of Aleppo can stop. Washington says the bombing is a war crime. And so, even as the talks get under way, the message from the diplomats who could make peace was: don't expect too

much. Syria's President Bashar alAssad has vowed to "keep cleaning" Aleppo of rebels and told a Russian newspaper that winning in the city would be a "springboard" to winning in the rest of the country. Ahead of the talks, organisations including Save the Children, Oxfam, the Norwegian Refugee Council and the International Rescue Committee issued a plea "to establish a ceasefire of at least 72 hours in east Aleppo" to allow evacuations and delivery of aid. There are now no safe areas left in rebel-held parts of the city, according to REACH, an organisation that contacts people there regularly in order to gather humanitarian reports. About 275,000 people live in the besieged areas, and aid organisations have not been able to get to them since the siege resumed on 4 September. More than 370 people, including nearly 70 children, have been killed in the bombardment of eastern Aleppo, according to the UKbased Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The monitor said dozens of civilians including children have also died in rebel bombardment of western Aleppo, which is controlled by the Syrian government. A war that started with an uprising against President al-Assad has now split Syria into many parts. It has been going on for over five years and it has claimed 300,000 lives. (BBC)




China Arrests Over Illegal Network Determining Baby Gender

People in rural areas continue to prize boys over girls(GETTY IMAGES)


olice in China have detained 75 people in connection with a widespread network that

illegally determined the gender of unborn babies. The illegal service - aimed at expectant parents wanting male children - smuggled fetal blood samples to Hong Kong for gender testing, officials say. It operated across much of China and brought in $30m (£25m). Despite decades of campaigning, Chinese families, particularly in rural areas, continue to prize boys above girls. At least 300 people were involved in the illegal service, the authorities in the eastern

Chinese province of Zhejiang said. The size of the operation and the money involved reveal the desperation of the parents who wanted the service, BBC Asia Pacific regional editor Celia Hatton says. China ended its onechild policy last year, which was seen as contributing to the gender imbalance in China. But Chinese population officials this week warned that that imbalance, 113 boys for every 100 girls, would remain for years to come. (BBC)

Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace

A book of condolences is available at the palace for mourners to sign(AP)


arge queues formed at the Grand Palace in the Thai capital as mourners paid their respects to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, w h o d i e d o n T h u r s d a y. Thousands, dressed in black, waited to enter to sign a book of condolences at the palace in

central Bangkok. Free buses were laid on to transport mourners from rural areas. A regent will stand in until the late king's son, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, accedes to the throne. Prince Vajiralongkorn has asked for a delay while he grieves for his father, who at 88 was the world's longest-reigning monarch. Speaking on state television late on Friday,

Deputy PM Wissanu Kreangam said the head of Thailand's privy council currently former Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda would be regent. “The situation will not be used for long," Mr Wissanu said. The crown prince and Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn were among those who paid their respects at the palace. On Friday, the king's body was transported in a convoy to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in the Grand Palace from the hospital where he died. Cremation is not expected for several months. Large crowds of mourners lined the streets, many weeping, as the convoy passed. Millions more watched on TV. Flags are to fly at half-mast for the next 30 days and official mourning will last a year.

People have been asked to wear black, and avoid "joyful events" during this period. King Bhumibol earned the devotion of Thais for his efforts to help the rural poor and was also seen as a stabilising figure in a country often wracked by political turmoil. Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. But critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and sometimes failed to speak out against human rights abuses. The crown prince, who is 64, spends much of his time overseas and is much less well known to Thais. Strict lesemajeste laws protect the most senior members of Thailand's royal family from insult or threat. Public discussion of the succession can be punishable by lengthy jail terms. (BBC)




Many Die In India Stampede On Way To Hindu Religious Event

After the stampede people's clothing and shoes were left at the side of the road(EPA)


t least 24 people have died in a stampede as tens of thousands of people attended a religious

event in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Twenty others were injured in the crush, on the outskirts of Varanasi, a town sacred to many Hindus. A police officer said that 3,000 devotees were expected at the event but 70,000 showed up. Some of the injured people are in a serious condition in hospital. Of the 19 dead, 14 are women. Raj Bahadur, one of the organisers, told the Press Trust of India news agency that after police started turning people back from an

overcrowded bridge, a rumour spread that the bridge was broken and people started to run for safety. According to The Times of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced 200,000 rupees (£2,460; $2,997) compensation for the families of the dead. "I have spoken to officials & asked them to ensure all possible help to those affected due to the stampede in Varanasi," Mr Modi tweeted. (BBC)

Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace

A book of condolences is available at the palace for mourners to sign(AP)


arge queues formed at the Grand Palace in the Thai capital as mourners paid their respects to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died on Thursday. Thousands, dressed in black, waited to enter to sign a book of condolences at the palace in central Bangkok. Free buses were laid on to transport mourners from rural areas. A regent will stand in until the late king's son, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, accedes to the throne. Prince

Vajiralongkorn has asked for a delay while he grieves for his father, who at 88 was the world's longest-reigning monarch. Speaking on state television late on Friday, Deputy PM Wissanu Krea-ngam said the head of Thailand's privy council currently former Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda - would be regent. "The situation will not be used for long," Mr Wissanu said. The crown prince and Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn were among those who paid their respects at the palace. On Friday, the king's body was transported in a convoy to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in the Grand Palace from the hospital where he died. Cremation is not expected for several months. Large crowds of mourners lined the streets, many weeping, as the convoy passed. Millions more watched on TV. Flags are to fly at half-mast for the next 30 days and official mourning will last a year. People have been asked to wear black, and avoid "joyful events" during this period.

King Bhumibol earned the devotion of Thais for his efforts to help the rural poor and was also seen as a stabilising figure in a country often wracked by political turmoil. Thailand remains under military rule following a coup in 2014. But critics argued he had endorsed military takeovers and sometimes failed to speak out against human rights abuses. The crown prince, who is 64, spends much of his time overseas and is much less well known to Thais. Strict lese-majeste laws protect the most senior members of Thailand's royal family from insult or threat. Public discussion of the succession can be punishable by lengthy jail terms. (BBC) Rate this article: Give Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace 1/5 Give Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace 2/5 Give Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace 3/5 Give Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace 4/5 Give Thai King Death: Thousands Queue To Pay Respects At Palace 5/5

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