October 19, 2016

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Guyoil Ups Price Of Kero, Gasoil & Gasoline Drops By Mere $2

The state owned Guyana Oil Company Limited (Guyoil) has announced a $5 per litre in its prices for kerosene and gasoil, a move the oil company said is directly related to increased acquisition cost from its suppliers, which is consistent with the current trend of upward movement of fuel prices on the World market. These adjusted fuel prices are set to in effect from October 19, 2016. Guyoil has said that it has been absorbing these fluctuations but “recent movements have made these adjustments necessary”. The statement also revealed that “Conversely, Guyoil is happy to announce a reduction in the price for Gasoline by $2.00 per litre.” The oil company stated that this will not only have a positive impact on individuals who use their vehicles to go to work and conduct business but also on the transportation sector. According to the statement, Guyoil, a Guyanese company which is owned and managed by Guyanese is a major contributor to the national coffers, and that “Guyoil continues to contribute in a positive way to the overall development of

Guyana and remains steadfast in its commitment as stated in its motto - Excellence in Service.” Below is the table of the adjusted around the country.




Vehicle Overhead Pass For Diamond To Be Constructed In 2017 advertised early next month, and works would commence early next year.

Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Projects Manager, Sunil Ganesh The government of Guyana is planning to ease the traffic congestion at the Diamond intersection, East Bank Demerara. In a release from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, it was noted that plans are being drawn to construct a vehicular overhead pass in this area. Tenders for the project should be

“There are about 20,000 vehicles that use that intersection, so this vehicle overhead pass would significantly reduce the backup of traffic existing in Diamond, so when the vehicle overhead pass is completed you have free flow of traffic coming out of Diamond, there will be almost zero delay,” Projects Manager, Sunil Ganesh explained in the statement. The Project manager added that in addition to the vehicular overhead pass, the pedestrian overhead passes would be constructed at the Harbour Bridge next to the office of the Neighbourhood Democratic Council, another at Eccles on the eastern side of the traffic light and

a third in the vicinity of the Houston Secondary School. The Ministry is currently working on installing traffic signs and road markings on certain sections of the road as that of the East Bank Four Lane expansion project that started in 2012.

The project was funded by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) at US$17 M. With rapid development in area as a result of Diamond/Grove housing and a number of commercial buildings such as a hospital, banks, schools etc., the diamond intersection has become a traffic nightmare, especially during the rush hours with drivers, pedestrians and residents calling for the construction for an alternative route into the scheme.




Islamic Bank Discusses Plans To Fund Government Housing Programme

Officials from the Ministry of Communities and the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) on Friday met with a visiting team from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) where a medium-long term housing program was presented. A release from

the Ministry of Communities noted that various interventions relating to the overall direction of the housing sector and the proposed construction of 10,000 housing units were discussed. The government has previously announced that its housing programme for 2017 will focus on providing housing for low income earners and state employees. The Ministry of Communities had said that apartments will be constructed for low income earners and state employees in 2017. This new approach housing programme was taken because the Government was discontinuing the 1000 homes Turnkey housing project at Perseverance and Providence. Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan had said that the government recognized that housing is a major public policy issue and a key area of focus not only in relation to the provision of shelter but in the alleviation of poverty. The minster disclosed that initial focus seeks to cater for the construction of 5,000 apartments. This however, is only part of medium terms plans to deliver 10,000 units to eligible Guyanese. Minister Bulkan pointed out that of the 63, 257 lots allocated in the past 20 years under the previous housing program, 28, 220 are still unoccupied but many are

question why hasn’t there been any plans prior to this housing programme to establish a loan system specifically design to cater for state employees and low income to build their own homes. The minister was quoted saying “the target of 10,0000 units was conceptualised based on an assessment of the current needs” and expressed optimism that components of the housing program will be included in Guyana’s eventual submission to the IsDB. Chairman of the CHPA Board, Hamilton Green stated that housing is an absolute necessity and priority and provides a space for individuals to feel safe and satisfied, with director of Country Programs Department and Special A d v i s o r t o t h e Vi c e - P r e s i d e n t , Mohammad Alsaati, echoing his sentiments. The IsDB executive related that the bank is anticipating “fruitful collaboration” and will work with the local stakeholders to develop worthwhile business opportunities. Proposals from the various government agencies and Ministries are being coordinated by the Ministry of Finance which has responsibility for presentation of Guyana’s development priorities and projects.




Nursing TutorsToyearBenefit From Training In Brazil September,” Benn explained. There

Through collaboration efforts with international partners such as the Pan American Health Organisation and the World Health Organisation (PAHO WHO), thirteen Guyanese will have the opportunity to pursue Masters and Doctoral degrees in nursing education through the Sao Paulo University in Brazil. According to a release from Government Information Agency (GINA), Director of the Health Sciences and Education Faculty of Ministry of Public Health, Wilton Benn said that the offer was made when officials from the Ministry of Public Health and nursing schools across Guyana, visited Brazil. “We had some extensive discussions on ways we could collaborate and we were offered 13 scholarships for nursing tutors to study, eight at the Masters’ Degree and five at the Doctoral level. The scholarships should come on stream next

will be a process for the 13 tutors to be selected which will ensure transparency in the identification of successful applicants. “Currently we are in the preparatory phase which is making sure that we advertise for a large pool of nurses’ educators and out of that the final selection will be made at the Ministry of Public Health and the Faculty of the University of São Paulo,” Benn explained. The scholarship programme is a mix of local and overseas training. Students would have to make periodic visits to the Sao Paulo University for initial course and registration, thesis proposals and, final examinations and evaluation. Meanwhile 26 Nurse Tutors are expected to graduate in November with Certificates in Nursing Education from the University of Miami. The 26 tutors were registered in 2015 and were

involved in a dual mode training programme with the University of Miami. They have all successfully completed their training and are expected to graduate next month. These programmes are geared towards equipping nursing tutors and educators to be better able to provide effective knowledge and teachings to nursing and allied health students at nursing schools across Guyana.


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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Man Accused Of Stealing From Brother Granted Bail PAGE 8

Andrew Colin Carter was today granted bail in the sum of GY$70,000 after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown


Magistrate’s Court charged with breaking and entering and larceny which he allegedly committed between September 30, 2016 and October 15, 2016. The accused will return before the court on November 7, 2016. Carter, 56 of Station Street, Kitty, was not represented and pleaded not guilty to the charge. The Prosecution, led by Inspector Navil Jeffords made no objection to bail but requested that bail should be substantial.

It is alleged that between the days in question, Carter broke and entered into the Storage Room of Lester Carter, his brother, at Station Street, Kitty and stole therein 15 cases of Banks Bottles, 2 Garden Hoses, 8 jumbo Barrels, 2 Motorbike Batteries, 2 Motorbike Shocks, 1 Fan, 1 Water Pump, 1 Tex Gas Cylinder head, one 19 inch Television Set and a quantity of other items, a total value of GY$425,000. The items have not been recovered.

Tractor Operator Charged For Setting Neighbour’s House On Fire Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today released Bull Creek Tractor Driver, Lester Harris on GY$150,000 bail after he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with maliciously setting fire to a house. Harris is slated to return before the Magistrate’s Court in the North West District on January 10, 2017.

Without an Attorney to represent him, the 29-year-old accused who hails from Kamaka, Moruca North West, pleaded not guilty to the charge. The prosecution did not object to his pretrial liberty. It is alleged that on October 16, 2016 at Kamaka, Moruca North West, Harris maliciously set fire to his neighbour's house, property of Julian Cornelius.





Minister of State Joseph Harmon is pleased that Guyana is being represented on the international stage by Miss World Guyana 2016 Nuriyyih Gerrard. On Wednesday 19 th October 2016, the Beauty Queen paid a courtesy call on the Minister of State and presented him with a plaque expressing appreciation for support in her pageant journey. She was accompanied by Miss World Guyana Franchise Holder, Winston Martindale and Miss World Guyana Business Consultant, Brian Backer. Ms. Gerrard briefed Minister Harmon on her Mental Health Platform. She explained that quite a large percentage of Guyana’s population suffers from some form of mental health problem, noting that they require support. “As a young person I chose to focus primarily on the youth and children…I’ve founded a Non- Governmental Organization called ‘One Act Foundation’…we basically want to show Civil Society, other NonGovernmental and Governmental Organisations that together we all can make or have one act of kindness that can have a significant impact on someone’s life” Gerrard also spoke of her background in theatre which she uses to incorporate in

mental health out reaches. “We utilize ‘One Act’ with skits that we try to use as a tool to address mental health issues…we are also working along with Software developers in India to help develop applications.” Minister Harmon congratulated Miss World Guyana on her “impressive efforts” and encouraged her to establish a strong linkage with the Ministry of Public Health; he says mental

health is one of the Government of Guyana’s main focuses, and revealed that there will be additional resources placed in the 2017 budget to address the issue of mental health. The Minister of State specifically stressed that it is necessary for the world to learn about the “uniqueness of Guyana”, and promised to provide information that will help the beauty queen speak confidently about Guyana on the international stage. Office of the Minister of State Press Release.




President Granger condolences Pays Tribute To The Late Lord Canary to the children of the President David Granger signs the

President David Granger expressing his condolences to the children of the late Mr. Malcolm Corrica aka Lord Canary Georgetown, Guyana – (October 19, 2016) President David Granger, this morning, paid his final respects to the late M r. M a l c o l m C o r r i c a , w h o w a s popularly known by his stage name “Lord Canary” at a viewing ceremony held at the Sandy’s Funeral Home. The Head of State also extended his

deceased, Mr. Malcolm Corrica Jr., Mr. Jeffrey Corrica and Ms. Pauline Pierre. Lord Canary died on October 10 at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre at the age of 79. He had been suffering from hypertension and other illnesses, which resulted in the amputation of his left leg a few years ago. The calypsonian, who was born on March 21, 1937 on the East Bank Demerara, was a member of the People’s National Congress (PNC), a party which he represented in Parliament for several years. During his tenure, he served as Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Works and Communication, Minister of State in the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection, Minster of State for Culture in the Ministry of Education, Social Development and

Book of Condolence at the viewing ceremony for the late Mr. Malcolm Corrica, at the Sandy's Funeral Home. Culture. Mr. Corrica received the Medal of Service (M.S.) National Award in 1992 for his outstanding contribution in the political arena and in the field of music and entertainment. MOTP Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Carpenter Slapped With Armed Robbery Charges Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded 23-year-old while armed with a gun, he robbed Lauren Rice of GY$60,000 PAGE 12

carpenter, Andrew Davis Escott, who faced five charges of armed robbery and one charge of possessing ammunition while not being a licensed firearm holder. Escott will return before the Wales Magistrate’s Court on November 3, 2016. With a bandaged arm and swollen face, Escott appeared before the court unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to the charge of possessing ammunition. He was not required to plead to the armed robbery charges. It is alleged that on October 15, 2016 at Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, Escott was found to be in possession of three .32 rounds of ammunition while not being a licensed firearm holder. It is further alleged that on the same date in question, in the vicinity of the same location, Escott while in the company of others and armed with a gun, robbed a Chinese National, Anand Persaud and Vaugn Mille of cash and other items valued at GY$280,000, GY$224,000 and GY$186,000 respectively. It is also alleged that on October 11, 2016 at Parfaite Harmonie,


property of Jesus Resurrect Supermarket. It is also alleged that he robbed Double ‘J’ Supermarket of GY$100,000 and a cell phone valued $75,000.




Qatar To Host Caribbean Development Conference In Antigua

Prime Minister Gaston Browne (L) in Qatar ST JOHN’S, Antigua -- The government of Qatar will hold a conference on small island developing states (SIDS) in Antigua in January designed to “initiate stronger bilateral ties between the countries of the Gulf States and the Caribbean”, as a result of an initiative by Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne. The decision of the government of Qatar to hold the conference arises from discussions between Browne, and the prime minister of Qatar, Abdulah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, in Doha last week. In a letter dated October 16 to Browne, the Qatari government stated that, as a

result of the meeting between the two prime ministers, there is “a new mandate for Qatar to focus on Caribbean development and expansion of Qatar social and economic ties to the region”. The letter also noted that, during his visit w i t h t h e Q a t a r i l e a d e r, B r o w n e “expressed the importance of inviting and hosting other Caribbean heads of government”. In pursuit of this suggestion, the Qatari prime minister indicated that he would invite Caribbean leaders, to include the prime ministers of Dominica, Haiti, St Lucia, St Kitts-Nevis and Trinidad and Tobago, for bilateral and regional discussions “to understand more about the challenges and opportunities for increased cooperation and social development”.

Commenting on the Qatari government’s positive response to his visit, Browne said: “While my visit to Qatar was a bilateral one, I recognise that the Caribbean region can benefit from strengthened relations with the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. That is why I urged the Qatari prime minister to involve other Caribbean leaders in a broad discussion on deepening relations in a development context. I am very pleased that he has confirmed he will do so.” The Antigua and Barbuda prime minister said that he is also “delighted that the Qatari government has decided to hold the conference in Antigua in January to build-up economic ties between the Caribbean and the states of the Gulf Council”. “This will provide an opportunity for our region to establish firm relations with some of the fastest growing economies in the world,” he said, noting that “The Gulf States’ regional funds amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. The potential for investment, in a mutually beneficial manner in the Caribbean, is boundless, and my government will certainly work to take advantage of it.” The prime minister added, “I have opened the door, not only for Antigua and Barbuda, but for the Caribbean as a whole.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Buyer Revealed For Bahamas Megaresort Minister Perry Christie. In that letter, he offer, which we are confident is both far

The Baha Mar resort By K. Quincy Parker Nassau Guardian Business Editor NASSAU, Bahamas -- The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has confirmed that the new owner of the financially troubled multi-billion dollar Baha Mar resort in The Bahamas is Perfect Luck Holdings Limited. However, the identities of the owners of that company remain shrouded in secrecy. The Christie administration has up to now kept mum about the status of Perfect Luck as anything other than the purchaser of the debt the bankrupt Baha Mar Ltd owed its employees and contractors. However, the OPM said in a statement on Monday, “The assets of Baha Mar have been acquired by Perfect Luck Holdings Limited. “The sale followed a lengthy marketing process by the receivers, and that process and the resulting sale of the assets to Perfect Luck were overseen and approved by the Bahamas Supreme Court.” Initial investigations by Guardian Business reveal only that a company named “Perfect Luck Holdings Limited” was registered in Hong Kong on March 29, 2014, with corporate number 2072340. The company was marked “live” in Hong Kong corporate registries up to July 2016. Letter Baha Mar’s original developer Sarkis Izmirlian last week published a letter he sent to vice chairman and president Liu Liange of the China Export-Import (CEXIM) Bank and copied to Prime

offered to beat any price being considered for the sale of Baha Mar, and appeared to criticize the arrangement between CEXIM Bank and the government that resulted in what appeared at the time to be the sale of the obligations to Baha Mar employees and creditors. In “consideration” for “concessions and permissions”, CEXIM Bank put up the money to create “Perfect Luck Company”, a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that is paying the settlements overseen by the claims committee established to pay out Baha Mar employees and creditors. The OPM statement contains no comment on the relationship between Perfect Luck Company and Perfect Luck Holdings Ltd. Writing on the arrangement, Izmirlian said: “In essence, CEXIM has taken all the potential viable assets out, including the claim against CCA (China Construction America), and left behind all the obligations. “It is our understanding that CEXIM then intends to complete the resort construction and proceed with a second transaction to sell the resort to an undisclosed Chinese party.” Izmirlian also wrote that the rumoured Chinese party was found outside the Deloitte -the receivers appointed by the bank -sales process. “This is very important and surprising,” Izmirlian said. “As you must be aware, we previously were advised on multiple occasions by your receivers that all offers were required to be tendered through the receivers’ process, and the multitude of bona fide offers we have made were not considered because of that. In fact, if our offers had been considered, it is very likely that Baha Mar would be open today, employing thousands of Bahamians. “Since the potential acquisition of Baha Mar by an unidentified party via an offer outside the receivers’ process is now what CEXIM is entertaining, we hereby submit [our]

superior economically and in the best interest of The Bahamas.” Statement Charging that Izmirlian’s letter contained “some extraordinary statements”, the OPM said, “Now that the assets are owned by Perfect Luck, that company may sell the resort to whomever it wishes, subject to the proposed purchaser being acceptable to the government and other bodies performing their public function.” The OPM challenged Izmirlian’s characterization of the sales process, stating, “At each stage of the process – which commenced when Baha Mar’s developer, Sarkis Izmirlian, without any prior notice, arranged for the Baha Mar companies to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in the United States – Mr Izmirlian has had the opportunity to participate in discussions and the process surrounding the future of the resort.” The statement also implicitly questioned Izmirlian’s ability to afford the claim he made in the letter. “If, as he states, Mr Izmirlian is in a position to, and wishes to work with CEXIM to deliver Baha Mar for the Bahamian people, then he should engage seriously with Perfect Luck and its advisors. If he is in a position to make a credible proposal to acquire Baha Mar from Perfect Luck, then he is free to do so,” the statement said. Assertion The OPM concluded its statement by asserting that the project is back on track. “... Remobilization has commenced, and through high level good faith negotiations, a substantial fund has been established by CEXIM for the payment of creditors’ claims and former Baha Mar Bahamian employees are already being paid.” The statement asserted that the government will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that Baha Mar is sold to a world class hotel and casino operator. (Caribbean News Now!)




Dutch Aid Ship Forced To Quit Haitian Port As Crowd Threatens Security PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- A Dutch the shore at Jeremie Port and, with navy ship carrying much-needed aid for stricken Haiti has had to turn back because of a lack of port security. The HNLMS Pelikaan has 35 tons of food, shelter and hygiene kits from Curacao to help after Hurricane Matthew, and is permanently stationed in the area for just this sort of operation. But thousands of people gathered on

minimal security or no organized way to distribute the aid, the ship was forced to leave. Post-hurricane ooding has reactivated the cholera outbreak UN peacekeepers brought to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, and Matthew has added a further 175,000 to the homeless list. Close to one and a half million people need urgent humanitarian aid. (Caribbean News Now!)




Former Antigua-Barbuda PM Opposes Any New Russian Military Base In Cuba Russian news agencies as saying that Moscow is "rethinking" the decision to close the bases. Bird rejected what he contends would be a bad decision, and argues for the Caribbean to remain a zone of peace. “I don’t think that the next president is going to allow Cuba carte blanche to be able to allow Russia to once again embed itself in the Caribbean and even Latin American countries are saying that we want this area to be a zone of peace and that was the methodology that we used when I used to attend CARICOM meetings.

Lester Bird By Ken Richards BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) -- A former prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Lester Bird, has urged the United States and the Caribbean to speak out against Russia re-establishing a military base in Cuba. The Russians are considering restoring military bases in Vietnam and Cuba, Cold War flash points and lasting symbols of the enmity between the US and Soviet Union. The defence minister in Moscow, Nikolai Pankov, was quoted earlier this month by

The real notion is the Caribbean must be a zone of peace and if he’s gonna go and once again re-establish the Russian presence in Cuba we in the Caribbean are going to have a problem on our hands,” he said. According to the former prime minister, a Russian presence in the Caribbean would be dangerous for the whole hemisphere. “America cannot allow Russia to go into Cuba, so we’re back to 1962 all over again, where John Kennedy had to flex his muscle. The question is what is CARICOM gonna do about it? Are we going to side with Putin? Are we going to side with the United States?” Bird asked. WINN FM pointed out that Russia and Cuba are sovereign nations if they are

allies they can take decisions in their own best interest. “No they cannot anymore willy nilly do it. In the days of the confrontation of communism and the west there was a vacuum that existed that allowed them to do that but I am saying to you that I don’t think that the United States is going to sit by and allow Cuba and Russia to establish a situation which is in confrontation with the United States and if you ask me what I mean I think it may come to the point of confrontation. That is what is possible, they can’t just take the position that ok, we heard it is a free situation and that they can go back in as it was before. The situation is not the same and I think that CARICOM and Latin America better begin to understand what is about to happen and to head it off at the pass, it is very, very vital,” Bird countered. Bird, who is a backbench MP in the Antigua parliament, said Russia and the US returning to a cold war situation is untenable. Recent tensions between the two are being seen as a stepping stone to such a development. “We have to be able to use our influence, such as it is in the United Nations and in other forums, to try and explain both to the United States and to Russia that those days are over, where they can just because they have nuclear weapons, that they cannot in fact control what happens in the world,” he said. (Caribbean News Now!)





St Kitts-Nevis Citizenship Unit Announces Accelerated Application Process

Les Khan DUBAI, UAE -- Since taking up his post as the new CEO of the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU), Les Khan has been working hard to

implement reforms that will define the citizenship by investment (CBI) program as innovative and an international leader once again. He achieved this at a two-day CBI conference that took place last week in Dubai when he announced a step change in what the CBI program in St Kitts and Nevis has to offer. He advised delegates that the CIU will now be able to offer an accelerated application process where applicants will be fast tracked and approvals granted within 60 days. The CIU under Khan’s leadership has been undergoing a number of reforms including the strengthening of its vetting process and the implementation of a technical committee. This therefore means that the same high standards of due diligence will apply to every new applicant but as a result of increasing the team and expanding on their expertise,

applicants will now be able to be fast tracked at a premium. “It was my ambition to improve the service delivery and performance of the Citizenship by Investment Unit and I am grateful to the cabinet of the Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris for sharing this vision, for having confidence in the unit and for having a commitment to deliver a platinum service,” Khan said. He added that, with the improved processes and systems in place, St Kitts and Nevis is able to provide applicants with a fast track service, including the issue of passports, which previously had been subject to lengthy delays. Khan noted that the clients in Dubai were eager to implement this new program and to this end he will be releasing guidance on the implementation of the initiative shortly. (Caribbean News Now!)




US Embassy Hosts Citizen Science And Climate Change Program In Dominica

Dr Gillian Bowser (centre) makes a point to the Kalinago group. Seated at her left is Chief Charles Williams, and on the right is Minister for Kalinago Affairs Casius Darroux ROSEAU, Dominica -- A three-country traveling program to promote ways ordinary “citizen scientists” can help observe and promote awareness of climate change in their communities, sponsored by the US Embassy to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), recently visited Dominica. During her visit to Dominica, program presenter Dr Gillian Bowser, research scientist at Colorado State University, traveled to the Kalinago

Territory, where she was warmly welcomed by leaders of the indigenous Kalinago community, including Chief Charles Williams and minister for Kalinago affairs, Casius Darroux. Bowser was treated to a tour of the Territory before conducting a citizen science workshop that focused on environmental changes the Kalinago had observed in recent years. During the interactive workshop, Bowser led the group on an outdoor excursion to collect various plant and insect specimens, as well as to observe the ecology of the Territory. To supplement the workshop, and fully equip the Kalinago with the tools to implement techniques that Bowser shared, the US embassy donated a number of electronic devices including

two Apple iPads, a desktop computer, a printer, and a digital camera bundle. “The US embassy hosted this program because the nations of the Eastern Caribbean are highly sensitive to the impacts of climate change due to their small geographic size, low coastal elevations, and fragile landscapes,” said deputy public affairs officer Jeff Barrus. “We particularly wanted to hold this workshop with the Kalinago people because they are generational stewards of their environment and keen observers of the changes taking place in it. The US embassy supports efforts to build capacity within the region to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. This begins with widespread awareness of the problem by the general population.” Bowser is a research scientist at Colorado State University where her research is focused on biodiversity, sustainability, and women’s scholarship. She has devoted much of her efforts to how climate change impacts resources and communities. A native of Brooklyn, New York, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Northwestern University, a Master of Science in Zoology at the University of Vermont, and a doctoral degree at the University of Missouri – St Louis. She worked with the National Park Service for over 20 years as a wildlife ecologist, including 11 years spent studying insects, bison and rodents a t Ye l l o w s t o n e N a t i o n a l P a r k . (Caribbean News Now!)




CDB Approves US$24 Million Education Project In Saint Lucia BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The board of directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved US$23.4 million in financing for a project, which aims to strengthen Saint Lucia’s education system to better address the needs of diverse learners. The Saint Lucia Education Quality Improvement Project (EQuIP) will support the enhancement of mechanisms and capacity for improved planning, leadership and delivery of education services; the rehabilitation, renovation and/or expansion of physical infrastructure at various education levels; and institutional strengthening and capacity building. Daniel Best, director of projects, CDB noted: “We are committed to working with the Government of Saint Lucia to invest in improving access to quality education for all. This Project responds to the island’s most pressing needs in the education sector, and builds on our four decades of successful partnership with the government and people of Saint Lucia.” EQuIP aligns with the government of S a i n t L u c i a ’s E d u c a t i o n S e c t o r

Development Plan (2015-2020), and will: • improve the teaching and learning environment across the country through the expansion and rehabilitation of five schools; • enhance quality, relevance and instructional effectiveness by providing training for 25 teacher educators and 375 teachers in specific areas of need; • improve leadership and operational effectiveness by providing training for workers across the education system, including 120 principals and education officers; • conduct a climate vulnerability assessment of project schools and develop prototype guidelines for use in climate vulnerability assessment of schools nationally; • enhance special needs education by assessing what institutional and infrastructural improvements are needed to provide quality education and equitable access to children with special educational needs (SEN). Loan financing for EQuIP is complemented by a grant of US$740,000 to the government of Saint Lucia, which also includes an allocation from resources provided by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to CDB under the

EIB Grant Facility for Climate Action Support. The government of Saint Lucia will contribute US$4.9 million to the project. Saint Lucia Country Strategy Paper (2013-2016), which prioritises improving the efficiency of social and economic infrastructure on the island. It is also consistent with the bank’s strategic objective of supporting inclusive and sustainable growth and development as outlined in its Strategic Plan 2015-2019. (Caribbean News Now!)




EBC Lawyers To Argue Against Opposition Appeal In General Election Results Case PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Oct 19, CMC – Attorneys representing the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) are expected to argue their case Wednesday in the appeal brought by the opposition United National Congress (UNC) challenging the results of the September 7 general elections last year. On Tuesday, lawyers representing the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) that won the election, argued that the EBC should be given powers to treat with the problems such as what transpired on polling day leading to a one hour extension. Senior Counsel Douglas Mendes urged the Court of Appeal to “modify the provision (of law) causing the problems.” But even as the judges indicated some “disquiet” over giving the EBC the power over the polls, Mendes suggested that they stick to the “narrow” issue of possible extension of voting hours due to inclement weather, as had been the case at the polls last year. The UNC, the biggest partner in the coalition People’s Partnership government that had governed the country from 2010-2015, had in petitions challenged the unilateral decision of the EBC to extend the voting period by one hour in Trinidad only due to the inclement weather on polling day. The PNM won 23 of the 41 seats that were at stake while the coalition, which had won 29 seats in 2010, was only able to win 18. The UNC is appealing the ruling of High Court Judge, Justice Mira Dean Armorer, in dismissing their election petitions in August. In a 54-page ruling, Justice Dean Armorer said: “I have in these petitions strove to hold the balance to protect the will of the majority, while ensuring that the patent mistakes of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) not reduce the election of 2015 to a mere sham.” She said it is her view that the elections of 2015 in Trinidad and To b a g o “ w e r e s u b s t a n t i a l l y i n accordance with the prescribed law and it

does not appear to be that the breaches affect the results”. “It is therefore my view and I hold that the election petition should be and is hereby dismissed.” The UNC had originally challenged the results in the San Fernando West, La Horquetta/Talparo, Toco/Sangre Grande, Tunapuna, St Joseph and Moruga/Tableland constituencies, which they lost and considered marginal. But the High Court had earlier dismissed the petition in the La Horquetta/Talparo, on the grounds that it had been filed late. Mendes said while the EBC was mandated with administering and supervising the conduct of the election in accordance with the law and rules, the question of what happens if something does take place, as had been the case on September 7. Questioned by Chief Justice Archie and Justice Jamadar on whether the power should be given to the President, who issues the election writ, or the EBC, Mendes was reluctant to have the power reside with the President as he had no power, other than that which the law gives him. Mendes argued that the

President has to consult with Cabinet and warned of the likelihood of “giving power to one of the political parties contesting the election”. The Senior Counsel said it made more sense to give the power to adjust the time-tabling of the polls to the body that has supervisory power over an election. He also disagreed with the contention that a single corrupt practice on the part of an election official could invalidate an election. Mendes also submitted even if the appellate court rules that the EBC did not have the power to extend the voting, the extension did not materially affect the outcome of the election. Queen Counsel Timothey Straker, who is leading the UNC team that includes former attorney general Anand Ramlogan and former prime minister Kamla Persad Bissessar, argued before the three-member panel that the electoral returning officers had engaged in the corrupt practice by allowing persons to vote beyond the statutory closing time for the polls. Wednesday is the final day for making presentations before the Court of Appeal. (Antigua Observer)




Caribbean Countries Warned To Closely Monitor National Insurance Schemes

WASHINGTON, Oct 19, CMC – Caribbean countries have been warned that they need to build national awareness of the fiscal risk associated with pension schemes and need for reforms. “At a minimum, the actuarial deficits should be systematically monitored and reported to the public with more frequency and a degree of detail to allow proper evaluation of the fiscal risk,” according to a new study released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Since their establishment in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, contribution incomes have exceeded benefit payments and administrative expenses for most countries and the systems have accumulated a large fund. “The schemes appear relatively sound until about 2017. Thereafter, they are projected to incur substantial deficits and eventually run down their assets, raising the prospects that the government would have to bear a share of the promised pension benefits,” the study warned. “To avoid crowding out other priority expenditures, the authorities could, in the short term, implement parametric reforms that would help offset the impact of demographic pressures. Phasing in these reforms now will prevent a significant buildup of pressures and avoid the need for drastic measures in the future.” The study on National Insurance Scheme Reforms in the Caribbean, notes that National Insurance Schemes (NIS) in the Caribbean are weighed down by population aging, slow economic growth, and high unemployment. It said as a result of these factors, the NIS’s in the region are “projected to run substantial deficits and deplete their assets in the next decades, raising the prospects of government intervention”. The study, part of the IMF Working Papers, notes that population aging is putting increasing pressure on public finances in the Caribbean. “Long term projections point to continuing unfavourable demographic trends. Thus, pension schemes have become unsustainable. In addition, there is a concern that investment of pension funds may lead to high exposures to government securities.” The study warns that these developments, together with anemic economic growth, rising unemployment, and limited room for macroeconomic policy intervention, suggests that pension reforms are unavoidable. But it pointed out that a range of reform measures, with varying socio-economic impact could be implemented to contain the projected increase in pension spending. The study quantifies the impact of three parametric reforms, highlighting their implications for economic growth, intergenerational equity, and fiscal savings. “In addition to containing demographic pressures, raising the retirement age would not only be inter-generationally fair, but could also have a positive effect on economic growth in the long run by increasing participation in the

labour force,” the authors of the study said. They said that at the same time, it will reduce the welfare of older workers and the unemployment of the young. “An across-the-board freeze in old-age benefits for two years is shown to improve the financial position of the pension systems but it could somewhat dampen economic growth and, at the margin, could increase old-age poverty. “Finally, a one percentage point increase in the pension contribution rate would bring the contribution rate closer to global averages and improve the sustainability of the pension systems, but it could also discourage labour market participation and aggravate intergenerational imbalances.” The study notes that for most countries, implementing these three reform measures concurrently would suffice to put the pension scheme on a sustainable path. It said for other countries, such as Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Jamaica, and St Vincent and the Grenadines, these measures would need to be complemented by improvement in the coverage of the pension schemes. “While the appropriate combination of the measures necessary to eliminate the actuarial deficits varies depending on each country’s circumstances, most countries need to undertake these reforms now or risk even higher taxes, lower growth and unsustainable debt dynamics,” the study added. (Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bahamas Opposition Party Against ‘Hurricane Tax’ “But it’s a matter we have to look at PAGE 27

Prime Minister Christie touring devastated areas in the Bahamas (Photo: CMC) NASSAU, Bahamas (CMC) — The minority Opposition Democratic National Alliance (DNA) says it will not support the introduction of a “hurricane tax” by the Government as The Bahamas seeks to recover from the ravages of Hurricane Matthew that hit the chain of islands earlier this month. “The DNA demands that this government go back to the drawing board, trim the fat and reduce wastage in government so that Bahamians can receive the quality of assistance they deserve,” DNA leader Branville McCartney, said in a statement. Prime Minister Perry Christie said when Cabinet meets this week it could consider introducing and implementing a special tax to help finance the repair and recovery efforts following the passage of the hurricane. He said if implemented, such a tax may be imposed in a way that has a “minimal impact on people. “We have to give serious consideration to a more effective way of financing the loss that the country has experienced because we’re also paying now for Hurricane Joaquin and it may well be that we have to give consideration to a selective approach to raising money by taxing some item that would be of minimal impact on people.


because it’s an enormous challenge to the country. We’ve been faced with downgrading. This is not an easy situation. We thought the way was clear with Baha Mar. But now we have Hurricane Matthew,” Christie said. But the DNA said that citizens have over the past four years watched helplessly as millions of dollars had been wasted by the government through mismanagement and reckless spending. “The DNA is not comforted by the PM’s promise of a ‘minimal impact’ tax. Over the past four years in office, the …government has failed to deliver on countless promises to the people of this country,” McCartney said. “Like many right thinking Bahamians, the DNA can’t help but wonder where the millions in VAT (value added tax) taxes collected over the past two years have gone! After bragging about the millions collected, the government has offered no details regarding how those monies have been spent or why they cannot be used to fund the current efforts.” He said that the country’s geographic location makes it vulnerable to the ravages of hurricanes. “In fact, in the past 15 years alone, we have had major storms rip through our archipelago causing millions in damage …and by now, a responsible government would have planned properly for the possibility of a major storm including ways to fund recovery and restore a sense of normalcy to its people,” the DNA leader added. (Jamaica Observer)




Moment Of Truth Awaits Europe's Schiaparelli Mars Probe

Model of Schiaparelli: It will gather weather data for a few days after landing The European Space Agency (Esa) is getting ready to put a probe on Mars. Its Schiaparelli robot will attempt the risky descent to the surface in the coming hours, after a 500 million km journey from Earth. The touchdown is regarded as a dress rehearsal for a much more important venture in four years' time when Esa will bid to place a very expensive rover on the planet. This sixwheeled vehicle will drill beneath the surface to search for life. Getting the smaller Schiaparelli robot down ought to be the simpler affair. But as the scientific record shows, Mars is not the most welcoming of places, even for the most sophisticated of hardware. About half of the missions despatched to Earth's near neighbour have failed. Many of these were lost on the way, missed their target, or crashed on arrival. Schiaparelli's landing stages For Europe, the Schiaparelli spacecraft is a chance to wipe away the disappointment of the Beagle-2 lander, which in 2003 got down successfully but then almost immediately suffered a terminal malfunction. Schiaparelli will hope to fare better. It will use a combination of a heatshield, a parachute and a cluster of rockets to slow down its initial atmospheric entry speed

of 21,000km/h to a hovering zero just above the surface. The 600kg robot's final two metres will see it dump down on to its belly. The Esa probe will emit UHF tones during the descent that an Indian radio telescope will try to capture and relay to controllers here in D a r m s t a d t , G e r m a n y. Touchdown should occur at 14:58 GMT (15:58 BST; 16:58 CEST). If the Indian facility can still hear Schiaparelli at the top of the hour, it will mean the Italian-built module must have reached the Martian terrain intact. "Everybody's smiling, everybody's optimistic but you can sense the tension as well," said Mark McCaughrean, Esa's senior science advisor. "I think as the hours tick by now towards that moment to those six minutes as we plummet through the atmosphere - there's going to be a lot more nerves. But we're going to do this because it teaches us hard lessons about how to operate in space." Some researchers like Colin Wilson from Oxford University will be experiencing the anxiety of 2003 all over again. He had a wind sensor on Beagle and he is flying it once more on Schiaparelli. "It's nerve-wracking. I designed this instrument 14, 15 years ago and so it's been a long time waiting for this data. Then again, we know it's a high-risk game so we have to be involved in several missions," he told BBC News. Schiaparelli will do some meteorological work for as long as its batteries remain charged. That should be a few days. The science return may seem limited, but the probe is really geared towards technology demonstration. Assuming all goes well, the procedures used to get Schiaparelli down to the surface, together with some key

elements of its hardware, will be copied for the mission to put a six-wheeled rover on Mars in 2021. This solar-powered robot will spend several months drilling below the surface in a number of locations to search for the presence of microbial organisms. "Long ago we started with industry to define the procedures and strategy for entering into Mars' atmosphere and trying to land successfully," explained Paolo Ferri, the head of mission operations at Esa's control centre in Darmstadt. "It is all new for us. And going through this whole process, you gain enormous experience and expertise that will be very important and precious for the next landing attempt." Both the 2016 landing and the 2021 project are part of Esa's so-called ExoMars programme. This is a joint affair with Russia. Its space agency, Roscosmos, launched Schiaparelli and its mothership, the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) from Earth earlier this year. And it will do the same for the forthcoming rover. Russian scientists also have instrumentation spread across the different spacecraft. While the media and public will of course focus on Schiaparelli on Wednesday, it is actually the TGO that represents the main interest for Esa this time around. And at about the same time that the descent robot is trying to achieve its objective, the satellite will be taking up a parking orbit at Mars. TGO plans to spend the coming years studying the behaviour of gases such as methane, water vapour and nitrogen dioxide in the Red Planet's atmosphere. Although present in only small amounts, these components - methane in particular hold clues about Mars' current state of activity. They may even hint at the existence of life. (BBC)




US Election 2016: Clinton And Trump Face Final Debate Mrs Clinton has kept a

The debate will be closely followed in the US and around the world - these figurines were on display in Italy Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will take to the stage in Las Vegas later for the final debate in an increasingly bitter race for the US presidency. Polls show Mr Trump is losing in key battleground states after facing a slew of sexual assault allegations. But Mrs Clinton remains unpopular with many US voters and has faced more bad headlines about her use of a private email server. Most Americans will cast their votes on 8

November. Millions are expected to tune into the third and final debate at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada, which gets under way at 0900 EDT (0100 GMT) and will be moderated by Fox News journalist Chris Wa l l a c e . T h e t w o candidates will discuss six topics: The debt and e n t i t l e m e n t s , immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign flashpoints and their fitness to be president. Mr Trump has faced damaging fallout after a video emerged of him making obscene comments about groping women, with senior Republicans deserting

him. In recent days he has railed against the election process itself, warning the vote is "absolutely rigged" with "large-scale voter fraud" taking place. His remarks prompted a scathing response from President Barack Obama, who said the Republican challenger should "stop whining". Mr Trump has invited President Obama's estranged half-brother, Malik Obama - one of his supporters - as a guest. He also invited Patricia Smith, whose son was killed in an attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, while Mrs Clinton was US secretary of state. In contrast to Mr Trump,

low profile ahead of the debate to prepare for the showdown. Her spokesman said the Democratic nominee was ready for whatever "scorched-earth" tactics her rival might try. Mrs Clinton is likely to face questions about a batch of hacked emails from the account of her campaign boss, released by Wikileaks, that her rival has seized on. Before the last debate, Mr Trump appeared at a news conference with women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. Since then he has suggested Mrs C l i n t o n t o o k performance-enhancing drugs ahead of that meeting. But Mrs Clinton's campaign has signalled their candidate will try to focus on policy. Among her guests, Mrs Clinton is bringing billionaire Trump critic Mark Cuban, as well as Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Meg Whitman, one of her highest-profile Republican backers. (BBC)




Mosul Battle: Some 5,000 Civilians Fled Ahead Of Fighting

Battle for Mosul: Iraq convoy repels IS suicide bomb Thousands of people have fled the Mosul area and more are expected as Iraqi troops move on the city to liberate it from the so-called Islamic State (IS). Some 5,000 people have crossed the border into Syria in the last 10 days, the aid agency Save the Children says. They have arrived at the al-Hol refugee camp where conditions are already reported to be filthy and overcrowded. Up to 1.5 million civilians are thought to still be in Mosul, with up to 5,000 IS fighters. The UN is preparing for what it fears could be the biggest manmade humanitarian crisis in recent times. Refugee camps are being built in the south, east and north of Mosul in preparation for a flood of people fleeing the city.

The UN says it expects at least 200,000 in the coming days and weeks. Mosul residents had been told by the Iraqi government that it might be safer to stay in the city while the operation is under way - with fears IS fighters have booby-trapped roads and placed snipers on routes in and out. But there are also fears that IS militants could use residents as human shields by moving into their neighbourhoods, and concern that the group may even use chemical weapons. Residents, reached by telephone by Reuters news agency, confirmed that IS was trying to prevent people from fleeing the city and had directed some of them towards buildings likely to be targeted by air strikes. US President Barack Obama said on Tuesday it was important to ensure that Mosul's residents could

safely flee the city. "If we aren't successful in helping ordinary people as they're fleeing Isil [IS], then that makes us vulnerable to seeing Isil return," he told reporters in Washington. Refugee camp is set up in Khazer, Iraq, on 19 October 2016 Many of those in and around Mosul who have already escaped have headed west to camps across the border in Syria, including al-Hol camp. Al-Hol was built to house 7,500 people but currently holds 9,000 refugees. The charity Save the Children says 5,000 people have arrived in the last 10 days, with 1,000 more waiting at the border. The UN has disputed these numbers and says that some of the new arrivals may be Syrian. It says says the camp received 912 people in the last 24 hours and is expecting a further 3,000 people who were dropped off

by smugglers and are being cleared by security. The camp is being expanded to eventually take in 50,000 people, but Save the Children says the camp currently has just 16 latrines, is littered with waste and faeces, and has no clean water. "These families arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs and find almost nothing to help them," said the charity's Tarik Kadir. "The camp is bursting at the seams and risks being overwhelmed." Iraqi troops are moving towards Mosul from the south, while their Kurdish allies have been approaching from the east. They have taken back control of some 10 villages and are now 30-40km (19-25 miles) from the city. But progress is expected to be slow, and a Kurdish commander Sirwan Barzani told CNN that it could be two weeks before Iraqi troops enter Mosul and two months before the city is liberated. IS fighters appear to be putting up stiff resistance in places, with the group releasing video purporting to show them firing on coalition armoured vehicles. Mosul is the oil-rich capital of Nineveh province and Iraq's second-largest city. It was overrun by IS in June 2014 and was the place from where IS leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi proclaimed a "caliphate" in parts of Iraq and neighbouring Syria. (BBC)




Ecuador Curbs Assange's Internet To Halt US Election 'Interference'

Julian Assange has been claiming asylum at London's Ecuadorean embassy since 2012(AFP) Ecuador has acknowledged it partly restricted internet a c c e s s f o r Wi k i L e a k s founder Julian Assange, who is taking refuge at its London embassy. It said Mr Assange had in recent weeks released material that could have an impact on the US presidential election. Ecuador also said its move was not the result of pressure from Wa s h i n g t o n . T h e U S denied WikiLeaks accusations that it had asked Ecuador to stop the site publishing documents about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Tr a n s p a r e n c y a c t i v i s t

Julian Assange has sought asylum at London's Ecuadorean embassy since 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over sex assault allegations. 'No pressure' In a statement (in Spanish), the Ecuadorean foreign ministry said WikiLeaks' decision to publish documents could have an impact on the US presidential election. It said the release was entirely the responsibility of the organisation, and Ecuador did not want to interfere in the electoral process. "In that respect, Ecuador, exercising its sovereign right, has temporarily restricted access to part of its communications systems in its UK Embassy," the statement said. It added that "Ecuador

does not yield to pressures from other countries". WikiLeaks earlier said that Ecuador had cut off Mr Assange's internet access on Saturday evening. The site has recently been releasing material from Hillary Clinton's campaign, including those from a hack of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's emails. It released transcripts on Saturday of paid speeches Mrs Clinton made to the US investment bank Goldman Sachs in the past, which her campaign had long refused to release. The scripts reveal bantering exchanges with bank executives, which correspondents say may increase concerns among liberal Democrats that she is too cosy with Wall Street.

The Democratic White House candidate's camp has claimed the cyberbreach was orchestrated by Russian hackers with the aim of undermining the US democratic process. While Mrs Clinton's team has neither confirmed nor denied the leaked emails are authentic, there have been no indications they are fake. 'Covert' Syrian action According to the latest leaked emails, Mrs Clinton told a Goldman Sachs conference she would like to intervene secretly in Syria. She made the remark in answer to a question from Lloyd Blankfein, the bank's chief executive, in 2013 months after she left office as secretary of state. "My view was you intervene as covertly as is possible for Americans to intervene," she told employees of the bank in South Carolina, which had paid her about $225,000 (£185,000) to give a speech. Mrs Clinton who is accused of being hawkish by liberal critics added: "We used to be much better at this than we are now. Now, you know, everybody can't help themselves. "They have to go out and tell their friendly reporters and somebody else: Look what we're doing and I want credit for it." (BBC)




Philippines Anti-US Protesters Rammed By Police Van

The demonstrators were mostly students, workers and tribespeople(EPA) A police van has rammed protesters in the Philippines capital Manila as a demonstration outside the US embassy turned violent. Footage showed protesters surrounding the van and hitting it with batons taken from police. The vehicle then drives into the crowd several times, injuring a number of people. Hundreds had met to demand the US end its military presence in the country. President Rodrigo Duterte has queried longstanding ties with the US. Police arrested at least 23 people, who threw red paint at them and a member of the US forces at the embassy. Tear gas was used against

the demonstrators, after they broke through a line of riot police. They also took control of the water hose of a ďŹ re truck being used to douse them and threw stones at police. It remains unclear how many people were injured by the police van and how serious their injuries are. Television footage of the incident shows the van driving into people at speed. At one point it knocks over a woman and drags her body along the road. The van brakes and she appears to scramble away. Renato Reyes of the leftwing activist group Bayan said at least three people were taken to hospital after being rammed by the van. "Even as the president avowed an independent foreign policy, Philippines

police forces still act as running dogs of the US," he said, adding there was "no justiďŹ cation" for the police violence. A spokesperson for the US embassy told the

BBC it had "seen reports" of injuries, but declined to comment further, directing inquiries to police. President Duterte is in Beijing, seeking to deepen ties and economic relations with China. Bilateral relations were strained under his predecessor over acrimonious territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Relations with the US, a longstanding ally, have deteriorated in recent months over Mr Duterte's controversial war on drugs. The US has questioned the crackdown, which has led to the deaths of 2,300 people. In response, Mr Duterte has insulted US President Barack Obama and the US ambassador to the Philippines. (BBC)




Germany Shootings: 'Far-right Gunman' Injures Bavaria Police

Police say the man began shooting at them as soon as they appeared at his property early on Wednesday(AFP) A 49-year-old man has been arrested after wounding four police officers in the southern state of Bavaria, German police say. The man opened fire after being asked to hand over his weapons, for which his permit had been revoked. One of the officers is said to have received life-threatening injuries in the incident in the town of Georgensgmuend, south of Nuremberg. The man is said to belong to the farright Reichsbuerger movement. He had previously refused on several occasions to co-operate with municipal

officials concerned about his ownership of 31 weapons, officials told a news conference. They requested the assistance of the police, who mounted an early-morning raid on the m a n ' s p r o p e r t y. B u t h e immediately began shooting at officers without opening the door. Two police officers suffered gunshot wounds and the other two had unspecified injuries, said Germany's DPA news agency. The gunman was lightly injured in the exchange. Reichsbuerger m o v e m e n t T h e Reichsbuerger ("Reich Citizens") group does not recognise the authority of the post-war German federal republic, seeing it merely as some sort of private company.

It believes in the continued existence of a German empire, or Reich, dating back to 1937 or even earlier. Its roots are said to go back some

three decades. Bavarian officials said the group's ideology was "nationalist and antiSemitic.... clearly extreme right". Their circle had grown in recently years, they said, and included "whingers, nutcases, conspiracy theorists, but also the farright". The diversity of beliefs and views within the group militates against a simple hierarchical structure or clear leadership. But the group should not be dismissed simply as an "association of crackpots", said Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. Some of its members were obviously capable of brutal violence, particularly targeting representatives of the German state, he warned. Others use their rejection in the authority of the German state as grounds to refuse to pay taxes or creditors. (BBC)








Saudi Prince Executed For Murdering Man In Brawl

It is unusual for members of the Saudi Arabian royal family to be executed(GETTY IMAGES) A Saudi prince has been executed for shooting a man dead during a mass brawl three years ago outside Riyadh. Prince Turki bin Saud al-Kabir was put to death in the capital. No details were given as to how he was executed - most condemned people are beheaded. The prince is the 134th person to be put to death this year, according to a tally compiled by the AFP news agency. But it is rare for members of the royal family, who are estimated to number several thousand, to be executed. One of the most well-known cases of a Saudi royal being

executed was that of Faisal bin Musaid al Saud, who assassinated his uncle, King Faisal, in 1975. 'Blood money refused' Prince Turki had been convicted by a General Court of murdering his compatriot, Adel bin Suleiman al-Muhaimeed, and sentenced to death, the interior ministry said. The verdict and sentence were upheld by the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, and a royal decree was issued to proceed with the execution, it added. The victim's family refused offers of "blood money" by which they would receive financial compensation in return for not demanding the death sentence, Saudiowned Al-Arabiya network reported. The interior ministry said the government was "keen to

keep order, stabilise security and bring about justice through implementing the rules prescribed by Allah". Some Saudis praised King Salman on social media for

being "decisive" while others said they were pleased to see that the "law applied to everyone". Most people executed in Saudi Arabia are convicted for murder and drug trafficking, although nearly 50 people convicted of terrorism offences were put to death on a single day in January, among them the prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Also on Tuesday, another Saudi citizen was executed in the Qatif region of Eastern Province, the interior ministry said in a separate statement. Saad Bin Ahmed al-Shamrani was convicted of abducting and raping a young woman, it added. (BBC)




DR Congo's Bemba Found Guilty A t I C C O f W i t n e s s B rBemba's i b iMLC n gparty -

Jean-Pierre Bemba was jailed in June for crimes against humanity(AFP) Former Congolese Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba has been found guilty by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of bribing witnesses. Bemba was found guilty earlier this year of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and jailed for 18 years. On We d n e s d a y h e w a s convicted of corruptly influencing witnesses and falsifying evidence in that trial. Four close aides were also found guilty. It is the first such corruption trial in the history of the ICC in The Hague. The court heard that Bemba had masterminded a witness corruption network from

inside his prison cell during his original trial. His team used secret phones and coded language to bribe, coach and manipulate at least 14 key witnesses who came to give evidence. The case was brought following a tip-off to the prosecutors' office. 'Clear message' Delivering the verdict, Judge Bertram Schmitt said the case was "about c l e a r, a n d d o w n r i g h t criminal behaviour of the five accused... that resulted in serious offences against the administration of justice". "No legal system in the world can accept the bribing of witnesses, the inducement of witnesses to lie or the coaching of witnesses.

Today's judgement sends a clear message that the court is not willing to allow its proceedings to be hampered or destroyed," he said. Also found guilty were Bemba's lawyer Aime Kilolo; his legal case manager Jean-Jacques Mangenda; Congolese politician Fidele Babala and Narcisse Arido, who had been a witness for the defence. All five had pleaded not guilty to more than 100 combined charges. They will be sentenced at a later date. Kilolo was found guilty of telling witnesses exactly what to say in return for money. Mangenda played the role of messenger and tried to conceal the plan while Babala - a member of

handled money transfers, the court heard. Arido, who was an expert on military operations, was found guilty of getting witnesses to pose as soldiers, even providing them with fake military insignia. Bemba was convicted in March of crimes committed in the neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR) in 2002-2003. He was accused of failing to stop his rebel forces from killing and raping people. He was jailed in June and is appealing against his conviction. Who is JeanPierre Bemba? A wellconnected businessman and the son of prominent Congolese businessman Bemba Saolona 1998: Helped by Uganda to form MLC rebel group in Democratic Republic of Congo 2003: Becomes vice-president under peace deal 2006: Loses run-off election to President Joseph Kabila but gets most votes in western DR Congo, including Kinshasa 2007: Flees to Belgium after clashes in Kinshasa 2008: Arrested in Brussels and handed over to ICC 2010: Trial begins 2016: Found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity (BBC)




US Air Force Base Leaks Toxic Chemicals Into Sewer System

The risk to local communities from the leak at Peterson air base is being investigated(GETTY IMAGES)

An air base in the US state of Colorado says it has accidentally released 150,000 gallons of toxic contaminated water into the sewer system of the nearby

city of Colorado Springs. Peterson Air Force base said the water contained perfluorinated compounds or PFCs, a component of firefighting foam. It did not say how high the levels of chemicals were. A spokesman said the spillage did not affect the city's drinking water supply but was discharged into a creek. The air force said the tainted water was released from a storage tank sometime in the past week. The cause of the leaks and the risks to local communities was being investigated.

The tainted water passed through a wastewater treatment plant that was however not set up to remove PFCs, so they were still in the water when it was discharged into Fountain Creek, spokesman Steve Berry said. PFCs have been linked to prostate, kidney and testicular cancer, along with other illnesses. Peterson base is also being investigated as the likely source of PFC contamination found in well water in two other nearby communities. (BBC)

Migrants Climb On Spain Detention Centre

The demonstrators chanted and held up banners calling for freedom and dignity(AFP) Dozens of migrants, mainly Algerians, broke furniture and climbed on the roof of a

Spanish detention centre to stage a protest about living conditions. The protest began late on Tuesday with reports that security cameras were covered up and a security door broken. The protesters held up banners demanding

freedom and dignity before agreeing to come down 12 hours later. The incident has highlighted Spain's policy of holding illegal immigrants at eight detention centres. Humanitarian organisations and residents have long complained about conditions at the Madrid centre, in the western Aluche area of the capital. As the protest began, Madrid Mayor Manuela Carmena immediately offered to mediate, expressing concern about what was

going on at the centre. Council security spokesman Javier Barbero suggested that the protest may have been sparked by a recent decision to deport a number of migrants. The detention centres were "failed institutions", he said. Left-wing leader Pablo Iglesias called for authorities to observe human rights, end the stand-off and then close the centre. Police sources told Spanish media that stones and furniture were thrown. However, none of the demonstrators was armed and no-one was hurt. (BBC)




International Day Of The Fight Against Breast Cancer October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). During this 31 days, the world gathers to spread awareness about this delicate topic. Why October? The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) was founded in U.S.A, on October 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries. The aim of the NBCAM has been to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer. The message was rapidly spread, and in 1993 Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of the American manufacturer and marketer of ‘Estée Lauder Companies’, founded The Breast Cancer Research Foundation establishing the pink ribbon as the campaigns symbol. But the pink ribbon was previously used to promote awareness for the same cause. In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation (the largest and best-funded breast cancer organization in the United States) had handed out pink ribbons to participants in its yearly New York City race, for breast cancer survivors. On October 19th, 1993 former President William Jefferson Clinton signed a proclamation naming that date as National Mammography day. Today this yearly commemoration is also observed as International day of Fight Against Breast Cancer. Frist documentation of the Disease With today’s advance of technology, breast cancer does no longer represents the ‘death penalty’ that used to be 15 years ago. Patients

diagnosed with the disease from early stages, have high possibilities of stay cancer-free in the future. According to studies, the first ‘documentation’ about this disease was found in an Egyptian tomb, on the 19th century. It was learned that the manuscript was written around 1600BC by the local doctors, who used to describe the disease as ‘incurable’. In the ancient Greece breast cancer used to be described, by Greek physician Hippocrates as ‘the wondering womb’. Hippocrates believed that the woman’s uterus used to move around the females body after reaching its maturity, causing the death. It wasn’t until the 19th century, thanks to the development of sanitation and disease control that the live spam of the average citizens increased. At that point the deaths by breast cancer became common, calling the attention of the medical community. The first mastectomy was performed in 1882, by American surgeon William Stewart Halsted. In its beginnings, this

procedure used to leave the patients in chronic pain, and slightly disable. With the evolution of surgical instruments, mastectomy became a less ‘traumatic’ procedure for the patients. Even though the disease already had a treatment, the diagnosis was controversial. Without answers the medical community often used to relate the cause of the disease to: Divine Punishment, Lack or too much sexual activity, physical injuries or the mere fear of the disease could trigger it. In 1923 English physician, Janet Elizabeth Lane-Claypon did a large scale research about which could be the detonators of breast cancer in the female population, finding a common denominator between pregnancy, number of children and the age in which the menopause started (stage in which the menstrual period stops permanently). The Chemotherapy (use of chemical substances to treat cancer), was first adopted during World War II (1939-1945). Scientist started to realize of the effective results of this procedure. During the 70s, studies reveled valuable information about how this disease ‘operated’ and its more vulnerable targets. Less invasive treatments were develop, coming up with the Lumpectomy, a more limited surgical option. In 1985, scientist found out that Lumpectomy with radiation could gratelly improve the life expectancy of the patients. Today the research continues. Scientist now focus on the individual symptoms of the patient to proceed with a more effective treatment. Some research have focused in techniques to repair and replace harmful genes before the cancer develops.

English physician, Janet Elizabeth Lane-Claypon ((1877–1967)

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International Day Of The Fight Against Breast Cancer (Cont’d) Local and International approach. A variety of events around the world are organized in October, including walks and runs, and the pink illumination of landmark buildings. Newspapers of all over the world share their sympathy towards the commemoration, highlighting the vital importance of being aware of the silent threat that this disease represents. In Guyana, since the October arrives the Ministry of Public Health promotes a number of activities countrywide to promote awareness. This year theme for October is “I have hope.”

According to recent statistics, breast cancer is ranked as the number one cancer related death in this country. The Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA) is currently running a promotion where free breast examinations will be carried throughout the month. Also, a 50% discount for cervical, testicular and prostate cancer screening. On October 3rd the Guyana Cancer Foundation (GCF) was launched under the theme “In it to end it,” “Early detection helps save lives” at the Marriott Hotel, with the supervision of GCF President Bibi Hassan. Activities scheduled in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month · October 26th and 27th the Guyana Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) will host an event named ‘look good, feel good’, for women diagnosed with breast cancer. · On October 28th there will be a candle light vigil at Parliament Building. Event organized by the Ministry of Social Protection. · On October 29th a breast cancer awareness walk will be hosted by the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Social Protection, GPHC and Perriwinkle Club. According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) there are about 1.38 million new cases and 458 000 deaths from breast cancer each year.Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women worldwide.October is not only a month to take conscience about this topic, is not only a month to dress in pink and show solidarity for a friend a family member or a neighbor with the disease, is a period to take action and make it a habit. A monthly breast selfexamination and yearly visit to the doctor could save lives. S o u r c e : http://www.who.int/cancer/events/breast_cancer_month/en/

World wide activities in commemoration to the International Day of Fight against Breast Cancer





A Day Like Today

creative and original than motion picture. Animation was the answer. Tray had the words and Stone the paper, the team was ready for something big, something big that they named ‘South Park’.

American actor, animator, writer, director, producer, singer, and songwriter, Randolph Severn III 'Tray Parker’ Tray Parker, the father of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman, fictional characters that give live to the animated series ‘South Park’ is turning 47 today. Randolph Severn III was born a day like today, 1969 in Conifer, Colorado, on the bosom of a humble family. Since small Tray envisioned himself as a prominent figure in the film and music industry. He would allow his dreams to stay just as ‘such’, he turned them in goals, reachable ones. Parker attended high school at Evergreen High, Colorado. With good grades in school and a reputation of ‘the bright clown’, Tray could focus in something more than studies. At the age of 14, after his father bought him his first video camera, the perfect tool for a curious ‘kid’ interested in the artistic motion of his surroundings. Tray then started to make short-films. During this period he also focused on his musical endeavors, participating in the school chorus and writing and recording records. After finishing high school, he assisted to Berklee College of Music before transferring to the University of Colorado at Boulder. In this last institution he met American actor, animator, writer, director, producer, singer, and songwriter Matt Stone. The two automatically ‘bonded’, and started to create projects in which their creativity could be reflected. Parker and Stone wrote and acted in many short films together. But it wasn’t until 1993 that the due shined. On that year the due launched the American independent black comedy musical, ‘Alferd Packer’. The film turned out to be a blockbusters. Boosting the duos name on the red carpets Hollywood. During the years that followed the duo ventured in productions for the big screen, but they weren’t successful. They then turned their focus in something more conventional,

American adult animated sitcom 'South Park’ Their mutual interest in black-authoritarian humor, was the spark that lighted the ‘cannon’. An animated show that reflected the chaotic times in which we are living, making emphasis on the ‘incapacity’ of the politicians to make a significant change, was a unique and priceless idea for any animator ‘bold’ enough to present this project for national television. ‘South Park’ premiered in August 1997, and immediately became one of the most popular shows on cable television, averaging consistently between 3.5 and 5.5 million viewers. Up to date the popularity of the show competes with the audience of any TV show worldwide. Parker and Stone became celebrities The series series has received numerous accolades, including five Primetime Emmy Awards (American award bestowed by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences) and a Peabody Award, honor given to radio, television stations, networks, online media, producing organizations, and individuals. After the launching of ‘South Park’ Tray continued to venture in the film and music industry, working in small productions, but nothing has been as successful as the animated show. Today ‘South Park’ remains one of the highest-rated series on Comedy Central. The show is currently renewed through 2019, when it will reach its twenty-third season. Thanks to the massive acceptance of his show, today Tray Parker is one of the most renowned actor, animator, writer, director, producer, singer, and songwriter in the Hollywood plateau. Source: http://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/trey-parker.html



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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

Get together with friends and do something entertaining but not too expensive. You may become rundown if you take on too much. You could meet an interesting individual you'll want to get to know better.

You can offer your mate a commitment or promise that will help stabilize your personal life. You will have to control the way you feel. Any capricious behavior will confuse loved ones and your mood swings will result in loneliness.

You will be able to get along well with colleagues. Accept the inevitable. You should be looking at ways to spoil yourself.

Deep discussions may only lead to friction. You'll have great insight. This will not be the time to give too much to your children.

Insincere gestures of friendliness may be misleading. Find ways to mellow out. You can make new connections if you play your cards right

Be sure to take care of the needs of youngsters. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Any renovation or decorating to your home should include the whole family.

You can make money but not through harebrained schemes or gambling. You can make excellent career moves if you are open to the opportunities that exist. You should get involved with activities that can be enjoyed by both young and old alike.

Secret activity is evident. You can win points with children if you take the time to show interest in their accomplishments. Think twice before you volunteer information.

Sudden changes regarding colleagues may surprise you. Romance is likely if you can bring yourself to go out with friends. Chances are you could get stuck with a colleague's job unexpectedly. You really can't do anything to change matters today. Opportunities for partnerships are present; but get every detail in writing. Your ability to charm others will bring added popularity.

Don't spend too much on products that promise amazing cosmetic results. You need to sit back and enjoy. Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting. It may be a disappointing day emotionally. Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. You are ready to blow up and your stress level has gone into over drive.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: CARAMEL CUSTARD WITH ORANGES Ingredients Custard ¾ pt MILKO* milk solution 2 oz sugar 4 eggs Drop of vanilla essence Caramel 4 oz sugar ¼ pt water To decorate Oranges 1 can of cream Chopped nuts

Preparation Make the caramel by melting the sugar in water, heating to boiling, and taking care to ensure that the caramel does not become too brown. Pour into a greased ring mould. Add the vanilla essence to the milk and heat. Beat the eggs and sugar together, and pour heated milk onto the egg mixture. Stir. Strain into the mould, and then stand the mould in a container of water. Bake in a moderate oven until set. The mixture should be quite solid and not watery. Remove from the oven, cool then refrigerate for about 3 hours. When the mould is quite cold, turn it onto a glass serving dish. Mix the cream with the chopped nuts and fill the centre. Decorate with orange wedges.

**Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


Bolt Headlines IAAF World Athlete Of The Year Shortlist gold in the 100 metres, 200m and 4x100m relay for the

Having completed an unprecedented 'triple-triple' at Rio 2016, Usain Bolt is in contention for a sixth IAAF World Athlete of the Year award. Usain Bolt headlines the list of male nominees for the 2016 IAAF World Athlete of the Year award. Jamaican sprint icon Bolt completed an unprecedented 'triple-triple' by winning

third successive Olympic Games at Rio 2016. The 30-year-old, set to retire after the World Championships in London next year, could take the accolade for the sixth time in his career on December 2. Bolt will have to depose 2015 winner Ashton Eaton, who successfully defended his decathlon gold in Rio. Other male Olympic champions on the 10-man shortlist include Mo Farah, David Rudisha, Wayde van Niekerk and Thiago Braz da Silva. For the women's award, two-time gold medallist Elaine Thompson will be among the frontrunners. The Jamaican will hope to follow in the footsteps of compatriot Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce, who won the award in 2013 and with whom she took silver in the 4x100m relay in Rio. Caster Semenya, Almaz Ayana and Anita Wlodraczyk will also be in the running having impressed at the Games. (SportsMax)


Munster-Glasgowprepared To Goto Ahead Despite Foley Death take on Top 14 heart, and as difficult as it will be to

Munster director of rugby Rassie Erasmus hopes Saturday's match against Glasgow will help connect the club to deceased coach A n t h o n y F o l e y. M u n s t e r ' s European Champions Cup match against Glasgow Warriors will go ahead despite the death of head coach Anthony Foley last weekend. Foley, 42, died at the Pro12 team's hotel in Paris as they

champions Racing 92, with the match consequently postponed. On Tuesday, the results of an autopsy showed the former Ireland international suffered from an acute pulmonary edema, caused by a heart rhythm disorder. However, European Professional Club Rugby (EPCR) has confirmed Munster's meeting with Glasgow scheduled for Saturday at Thomond Park will take place as planned. A statement from the Irish province's director of rugby Rassie Erasmus read: "One's life is greater than any sport or sporting occasion, however Thomond Park held a special place in Axel's [Foley's]

play the next game, no matter the time, opposition and venue, we have an opportunity to play there this Saturday; that is something that is hugely important to all of us and cannot be easily dismissed. "Playing in Thomond Park further ties us to his memory and will be a chance for all, including our supporters and the community, to feel that connection and closeness to him at this time." EPCR has requested that a minute of silence or applause in Foley's memory be observed at all Champions Cup and European Challenge Cup matchday two fixtures. (SportsMax)


Record-breaking Cook Admits Tough To Leave Family and spent Tuesday, a day off for "Noticeably not playing one day cricket

Butcher: Cook's record a remarkable feat of endurance After a dash home for the birth of his second child, Alastair Cook is back to lead England and history suggests traversing the globe will not daunt him It feels appropriate that the Test match that makes Alastair Cook England's most capped player comes with a nervous trip across continents, limited preparation time, and a life-changing moment. Much has come between - not least 10,599 runs - but this, of course, was how it all started for Cook. Then, in Nagpur 2006, he made 60 and 104, the first of 29 (and counting) centuries, after a three-day journey from the Caribbean due to Marcus Trescothick falling unwell. Ten years and 133 Tests later (he has missed just one, in Mumbai two weeks after his debut), the birth of his second daughter delayed his arrival in Chittagong for a subcontinental winter he deems his greatest challenge yet. Perhaps the most important delivery of England's tour has already happened. England and the Cook family's ploy was ambitious. During the ODI series, he spent a week in Dhaka acclimatising: hitting balls in the nets, pushing himself to his famously robust limits and taking catch after catch. On October 9, he headed home and, 36 hours after the baby was born a few days later, he was taking off from Heathrow again. Early on Monday evening he returned to the team hotel in Chittagong

the rest of the squad (bar keeper Jonny Bairstow), training. And they say the best laid plans go to waste? "Like all these things you are in the lap of the gods but the most important thing is mum and baby are well," he said. "As everyone knows it has been a fairly emotional few days… it doesn't make you feel like the best husband and father in the world leaving only 18 hours after the birth but we are here now and you have to get stuck in. It is a very privileged position to captain or play for your country so that is part of the reason we made the decision as a family for me to come back." Cook's mind, understandably, has not spent the last few days focussed on breaking Alec Stewart's English record of 133 Test caps, and he "did have to be reminded about it yesterday". But for all his modesty (he credited luck, not quality, with his endurance), there was a bashful honesty as he said: "I would never have thought in 2006 when I made my debut I would get close to breaking that…" Despite the need to take 20 wickets, Cook and Joe Root surely hold the key to England's daunting task before Christmas. No non-Asian has more than his 2,252 in 21 matches on the continent - a record he describes as "half-decent" - and this summer against Pakistan he looked as fluent as ever. Though his booting as ODI captain ahead of the 2015 World Cup was a brutal blow, he reflects now that, with just Tests to focus on, it was a blessing in disguise, for his batting, captaincy, but particularly his work-life balance. "It is nice to play here knowing I have done well in the past. I don't feel daunted by the conditions. I know what to expect and the game you have to play which has been successful for me in the past.

has lightened my load," he says. "You get more substantial breaks which refresh you a lot more mentally and you can isolate each series or tour knowing that I have ten weeks here but January, February, March are back at home and you can do your training block or get away from it and spend some quality time at home. Having that balance over the last two years has made a massive difference." He may be unfazed by his latest dash, but Cook has packed his bags to tour countless times since March 2006, and with his family growing, each goodbye becomes tougher. He has been captain for the last 50 of his Tests, and will have 140 caps before turning 32; becoming the second man to reach 200 is feasible, but is it realistic? The only thing that has outweighed the runs are the air miles, and the symmetry of Cook's great achievement of endurance and skill reminds us that England's rock will not be around forever. "We play Tests so quickly nowadays so I could [reach 200]. The danger is looking at it. Seventy-odd Test matches now seems a long way away and if I am brutally honest the more times you pack your bags to leave your family at home you do question how long you can keep doing it. But at this precise moment playing and being captain is something I am very proud of. It doesn't matter whether you are playing your first game or your 130th it is a very proud moment to play for England and you should never ever forget that and I certainly don't." For now, though, he is unconcerned by all that, and focussed on the matter in hand: bringing Nagpur to Chittagong: "You are not going to be absolutely perfect but there have been other times when I have flown halfway around the world and done alright so I wonder whether I can do it again?" (ESPNCricinfo)


F1 Raceweek: Record Books Beckon For Rosberg - US GP In Numbers notched up more.

5 - Mercedes are the fifth team to win three Constructor's titles or more in succession after Ferrari (75-77, 99-04), McLaren (88-91), Red Bull (10-13) and Williams (92-94). 13 - Rosberg, with nine wins this season already, could equal the record in a single season, 13, set by Schumacher in 2004 and Sebastian Vettel in 2013, but must win all four remaining races to do so. 5 - If Hamilton wins in the United States, he will equal the record of wins there, jointly held by Ayrton Senna and Schumacher (five). Records held by Formula One great Michael Schumacher are in reach of Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg. Nico Rosberg's victory at the Japanese Grand Prix last weekend saw him inch closer to becoming Formula One world champion for the first time. To ensure he dethrones his Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton, the German needs to finish at least second in each of the last four races of the season, starting with the United States Grand Prix in Austin this weekend. Mercedes wrapped up the constructors' title at Suzuka and no driver other than Rosberg or his English nemesis can claim the individual crown, meaning yet more glory is heading the way of the Silver Arrows regardless of the outcome in Texas. 2 - Rosberg only needs to finish second in each remaining race to win the title; the destiny of the championship is now out of Hamilton's hands. 8 - Rosberg and Hamilton have been on pole in every race but one this season (eight times each), Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo is the only other driver to claim first on the grid in 2016. 21 - The driver who has won in Japan (Rosberg) has ended up winning the championship in 20 of the last 21 seasons, with Rubens Barrichello in 2003 the exception. 100 - Hamilton recorded his 100th podium finish last weekend. Only Alain Prost (106) and Michael Schumacher (155) have

152 - The USA is the country with the most drivers to have competed in F1 history (152) but only two of them have taken part in F1 in the last 23 years. 21 - Schumacher won his second F1 world championship and his last for Benetton in the last ever Pacific GP 21 years ago this Saturday. (SportsMax)


Anderson To Miss First Test In India Due To Shoulder Injury

Even before the first Test in India, Anderson will have missed six of England's most recent 18 Tests in less than 18-months (two against Australia with a side strain, two against Bangladesh with this shoulder problem and one each against Pakistan - also shoulder related - and South Africa with a calf strain). It was also noticeable in South Africa that it took him a little longer to regain full pace than had been the case previously. England would still dearly love to have him available in India.

Anderson defends fitness record England will be without their leading wicket-taker, James Anderson, for the first Test against India next month. Anderson has already been ruled out of the tour to Bangladesh due to a stress fracture in his left shoulder and now England captain, Alastair Cook, has revealed he will not be ready for the opening match in Rajkot which starts on November 9. "He won't be ready for the first Test match," Cook said ahead of the opening Test against Bangladesh in Chittagong. "He might be ready to do some training, but he won't be ready for the first Test. A decision will be made on when he comes out over the next week or so." With little more than a week between the end of the Bangladesh series and the start of the one in India, England had planned for Anderson to join the squad in Bangladesh. That decision will now be reviewed, with Cook non-committal about when Anderson could return. "I spoke to him last night and he is training well and in good shape physically," Cook said. "But he hasn't yet bowled and that has been the problem in the past. However physically well he's been in the rest of his body, it's when he starts bowling [that the problem occurs]." While Anderson's long-term injury record is excellent - he did not miss a Test through injury from 2011 (he was rested from deadrubber Test against West Indies at Edgbaston in 2012) to the middle of 2015 - there will be a concern that, aged 34 and with 119 Tests behind him, the miles on the clock are starting to show.

He was described as "the difference between the sides" by MS Dhoni after England won in India in 2012 and showed in the UAE a year ago - when he averaged 15.61 and conceded 1.87 runs per over - that he retains the skills and control to be an asset to his side whatever the conditions. But they will not risk rushing him back. While the selectors were criticised in some quarters for delaying Anderson's return in the Pakistan series, it now seems he returned a little early: he first felt pain from the shoulder during the Sri Lanka series. (ESPNcricinfo)


Seoul 2 Jeonbuk Motors 1 (Agg 3-5): Green Warriors March Into Final

Choi Kang-hee's men came into the second leg at Seoul World Cup Stadium in a commanding position having won the opening match - their home leg - 4-1, powered by Leonardo's double. All Jeonbuk had to do was avoid a disastrous return game to move into the showpiece and they did just that despite falling behind in the opening period and ultimately losing on the night.

Seoul were unable to launch a thrilling second-leg comeback as Jeonbuk Motors progressed to the AFC Champions League final. Jeonbuk Motors remain on course for a second AFC Champions League title after beating Seoul 5-3 on aggregate in the semi-final. Although they lost the second leg 2-1, the aggregate victory in the all-Korean semi-final tie means they progress to face Al Ain of the United Arab Emirates in next month's two-legged final. Jeonbuk - who won the title in 2006 have now reached their third final in the last decade, while Seoul's wait for a first continental title goes on.

It was Seoul who made most of the running in the first half and the hosts gave themselves hope of a dramatic comeback seven minutes before half-time. Ricardo Lopes was unable to intercept a throughball, allowing Kim Chi-woo's cut back to be converted by Adriano from close range for his 13th goal in this season's competition. Ju Se-jong saw a shot deflect agonisingly wide after rapid counterattack early in the second half and that was the closest Seoul came to making the deficit just one before Jeonbuk all but sealed their place in the final on 59 minutes. Lopes got the goal, collecting Kim Shin-Wook's header and turning his defender before firing his shot under goalkeeper Hyun Yoo. That took the sting out of what had been an energetic Seoul display, although the hosts did grab a win on the night when substitute Ko Kwang-min drilled an impressive shot into the bottom corner from outside the area in the second minute of stoppage-time. (SportsMax)


India In Festive Mood, NZ In Recovery Mode

tour around. This series is a great opportunity for Ajinkya Rahane to establish himself in the ODI XI beyond all doubt. KL Rahul and Shikhar Dhawan are injured, but when they are back, wasted starts such as the 33 in the first game could hurt Rahane's prospects.

Kumble backs Rahane to open Big picture In a normal Indian season, this ODI would have been played on Wednesday and not Thursday, but it has been postponed to accommodate the festival of Karva Chauth. This is festival season in India; the Kolkata Test was advanced to avoid a clash with Durga Puja and Diwali, one of the biggest pan-Indian festivals, takes place during the ODI series. For India, the festivities seem to have extended to the field - they have beaten New Zealand in all four matches of the tour, the Dharamsala ODI being the latest. But it is easier to recover from a loss in ODIs than it is in Tests, even a comprehensive one. One defeat doesn't make New Zealand, the World Cup runnersup, an ordinary team, nor will one win make India's ODI issues go away but there are enough trends to bother one and please the other. Martin Guptill and Ross Taylor haven't joined the festivities, whereas Virat Kohli's unbeaten fifty showed he had no trouble putting aside a nine-month gap between ODIs. Excluding Zimbabwe, New Zealand last beat an international side in March in the World T20. These are the kind of things that begin to stack up; never mind the difficult conditions they have played in or the injuries. India will want to stretch that streak to leave New Zealand needing to win every game to win this series. Form guide India WWWWW (last five completed matches, most recent first) New Zealand LWLWW In the spotlight Ross Taylor's miserable tour continued in Dharamsala where he got out first ball, poking at an outswinger. With 89 runs in seven innings, it will take a lot of mental strength from him to turn this

Team news Suresh Raina has been ruled out of the second ODI too with viral fever, which should mean another chance for Kedar Jadhav. Hardik Pandya, after three wickets and the Man-of-theMatch award on debut, should get another go with the new ball. India (probable): 1 Rohit Sharma, 2 Ajinkya Rahane, 3 Virat Kohli, 4 Manish Pandey, 5 MS Dhoni (capt. & wk), 6 Kedar Jadhav, 7 Hardik Pandya, 8 Axar Patel, 9 Amit Mishra, 10 Jasprit Bumrah, 11 Umesh Yadav After resting for the first ODI, Matt Henry is ready to return to the XI. If it is a normal ODI pitch, Ish Sodhi should be the one making way for him. New Zealand (probable): 1 Tom Latham, 2 Martin Guptill, 3 Kane Williamson (capt.), 4 Ross Taylor, 5 Corey Anderson, 6 Luke Ronchi (wk), 7 James Neesham, 8 Mitchell Santner, 9 Doug Bracewell, 10 Tim Southee, 11 Matt Henry Pitch and conditions The Dharamsala pitch, which offered assistance to quicks early on, should be an aberration. With winter setting in, dew can be an issue so expect the side winning the toss to chase. Stats and trivia MS Dhoni is 61 short of becoming the fifth Indian to 9000 ODI runs. Luke Ronchi is third on the list of New Zealand wicketkeepers with most dismissals - 90 Guptill needs another 144 runs to reach 5000 ODI runs. Only four New Zealand batsmen have done it Quotes “Everyone's determined to make amends, and there are areas to we can make adjustments in. We'll be good and ready to go." Fast bowler Matt Henry knows New Zealand need to do much better than they did in Dharamsala "I love coming to this ground... It's a confidence booster. But we're not banking on our records at Kotla. Numbers are nice to look at, but I think statistics is not how we approach every game, We go out there to win." India coach Anil Kumble on his love affair with the Feroz Shah Kotla (ESPNcricinfo)


Not Even Pogba And Ibra Are Untouchable At United, Says Mourinho Trafford and Ibrahimovic has failed to score in his past four Premier League matches after netting four in as many top-flight matches to kick off the campaign. And Mourinho says no one is guaranteed a place in his line-up. "No [Pogba and Ibrahimovic are not untouchable]," he said ahead of Thursday's Europa League tie against Fenerbahce. "That was 11 years ago [that Mourinho described some Chelsea players as untouchable], different Premier League, different situation. "[Chelsea were] the best team by far, that's a different story.

Paul Pogba and Zlatan Ibrahimovic must earn their stripes at Manchester United like everyone else, says Jose Mourinho. Jose Mourinho insists none of his Manchester United stars are untouchable, not even Paul Pogba or Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The Portuguese famously described the nucleus of his team during his first stint at Chelsea as "untouchable", with the likes of John Terry, Frank Lampard and Didier Drogba starring in that squad. United forked out a record fee to land Pogba from Juventus in the close-season, while Ibrahimovic arrived as one of the most feared strikers in world football despite being 34 when he signed. However, Pogba has struggled for form since returning to Old

"Nobody is untouchable now. Untouchable in our team I think has to be the spirit, the commitment, the pride, the commitment to the club, the respect to the fans. "That has to be untouchable, but not players." Ibrahimovic has just one goal in his past seven appearances for United, that coming in the scrappy 1-0 victory over Zorya in the Europa League. But Mourinho, who also worked with the Ibhrahimovic at Inter, says he "could not be happier" with the impact the Sweden great has made on the squad. "I'm really happy. He's giving us exactly what we need from him," he added. "It's quite beautiful for me to meet him five or six years later and to find the same ambition, passion and desire to play, desire to compete. "I couldn't be happier. The guy is really fit. He's always ready to play. I couldn't be happier in terms of his influence in the dressing room. "Obviously he's somebody that the young guys look at and what they see is great for them." (SportsMax)


Time For Mkhitaryan To Show Best Form - Mourinho

Henrikh Mkhitaryan is fully fit and must start playing to his full potential, says Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho. Jose Mourinho has warned Henrikh Mkhitaryan that it is time for him to start showing his best form at Manchester United. The Armenia international arrived at Old Trafford among much fanfare in the close-season having scored 11 goals in 31 Bundesliga appearances during a fine campaign for Borussia Dortmund last term. However, Mkhitaryan is yet to make his stamp on the Premier League with injuries hampering his start to life at United. The attacking midfielder has not played since the 2-1 defeat to rivals Manchester City on September 10 and was not included

in the squad to face Liverpool on Monday despite manager Mourinho confirming he was fit. Mourinho refused to reveal whether Mkhitaryan will play against Fenerbahce in Thursday's Europa League tie, but expects him to him to now begin displaying his full potential. "He was injured and he was injured for quite a long time," said the Portuguese. "Now he is not injured anymore, he's training with the team without any limitations. "I cannot confirm that he will play, but now he is fit and it is now time for him to go back to the levels that we know he can achieve." The Fener clash comes just three days after United's turgid goalless draw at Anfield and only three before a trip to Stamford Bridge when Mourinho returns to Chelsea on Sunday. The 53-year-old gave little away in terms of changes to his starting XI, but did say that England full-back Luke Shaw will play. "We will play with a team that has a chance to win and if we do not play with a team that is not good or strong we don't have a chance," he added. "We have to play with a good team knowing that two days later we have to play in the Premier League. "I don't want to give you the team. The only one who plays is Luke Shaw." Captain Wayne Rooney has not started a game for United since September 21 due to his struggles for form this season and Mourinho would not be drawn on if he will start. "Wayne is working well. He's one of the big responsibilities for the atmosphere that the players can breed," he explained. "He's positive. We can count on him whether he starts or whether he's on the bench. He will be there." (SportsMax)


Pink Ball Test Awaits Du Plessis At Site Of 2012 Debut probably also in Adelaide, where he can call on some happy

'We come here full of confidence' - du Plessis After initial hesitation about playing in a day-night Test, South Africa are now anxious to begin preparations for their first fixture with the pink ball that will take place in Adelaide at the end of November. Although the match is the last in the threeTest tour, it is foremost on South Africa's mind because their first practice match in Australia which starts on Saturday, will be played under lights and stand-in captain Faf du Plessis is excited about taking on the unknown. "I haven't faced or thrown the pink ball around so it's all pretty new to me. It will be nice to see how it plays," du Plessis said. "I know some of the guys have pink balls in their kit, especially the bowlers. We've asked around a little bit and read the stuff other teams have been saying about the pink ball. I've got no expectations of it. I'm going in without any experience of it at all." With a ball that is expected to swing and conditions that should favour seamers, South Africa will likely go into the match without their most experienced batsman and will also need to prepare for that. AB de Villiers was ruled out of the tour after undergoing elbow surgery and even though he is holding out slim hope of being able to recover in time to play that game, du Plessis played down suggestions that de Villiers will rejoin them for the match. "I don't think so. He's just had an operation. We're not expecting it," du Plessis said. "If it happens, great. If it doesn't, we've got some guys who are capable of putting in good performances. "He wants to play. It's pink-ball Test cricket, and most of us in the team are not young pups anymore. AB's a very competitive guy and he wants to put himself out there against the best in the world. So I'm assuming he'll be in South Africa trying to get ready. But after a big operation like that and from the doctors' reports that I've read it doesn't seem likely that he will be fit." Instead, du Plessis will lead South Africa in the two matches before the day-night Test and

memories as inspiration. On South Africa's 2012 tour to Australia, du Plessis debuted at the Adelaide Oval and scored a stubborn century to save the game and keep the door open for an eventual 1-0 series win after a victory in the final Test at Perth where du Plessis top-scored in South Africa's first innings with an unbeaten 78. He has since played 29 more Tests after that debut series and scored four more hundreds but still the first hundred remains the most special to him. "I walked into the hotel and I had a massive smile on my face because I had such great memories, remembering that night after we saved the Test match, fantastic memories. That was the highlight of my career to date," he said. "There was obviously the emotion of what went through that match but not just that. I remember drawing this match and moving on to the last one, where things completely changed for us as a team. Australia were dominant for the first two Tests and then moving into that last we finally had an opportunity to be on top." South Africa consider themselves in a confident position again because they have just come off a 5-0 victory over Australia in ODIs at home. Even though it's a different format in a different place, their self-belief is soaring. "We had an exceptional series. A lot's been said about the Australian team but I felt we played consistently good cricket, and we take a lot of confidence from that," du Plessis said. "We by no means think we'll rock up here in Australia and it'll be easy. It never is. Australia in Australia is as hard as the Indian team in India. They're an extremely competitive team and we'll have to play good cricket to compete with them but the performances we had in South Africa does bring us here a little bit more confident." South Africa will play two two-day warmup matches ahead of the first Test in Perth with the first of those beginning on October 22 in Adelaide. They will have another practice game between the second and third Tests, under lights, in Melbourne. (ESPNcricinfo)


Jamaica Netball: Williams To Join Bath will sign on with English Netball team taking part in the competition, which she

Jamaica international Vangalee Williams

Bath for the 2017 Superleague season. Williams is expected to bolster the ranks of a Bath team looking to push on from last season’s disappointing third place finish. The versatile Jamaican, who can play at both wing defence and goal defence, has not missed an international match since making her debut in 2011 and helped the Sunshine Girls to Commonwealth Games bronze two years ago. Williams is looking forward to the challenge of

believes will continue her development as a player. "I am over the moon at the thought of coming to England to play and represent Team Bath," she said. “I have been a fan of Team Bath from afar, so it means a great deal to be able to play for them and I cannot wait to put on the Blue and Gold. It's been a dream of mine to play netball professionally. "I am excited about the intense training and competitive matches that are to happen, and eager to gain more experience." (SportsMax)

Usain Bolt Partners With Food For The Poor To Send Aid To Haiti

The Usain Bolt Foundation (UBF) on Tuesday announced that it has partnered with Food for the Poor Jamaica to provide relief for communities affected by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. The

amount of the relief is not being disclosed however instead of donating cash, UBF supported local Jamaican business by buying the non-perishables and water from Lasco Distributors and Food for the Poor will be responsible for the distribution. The non-perishables included corned beef, tin mackerel, chicken sausage, water crackers, baked beans and a food drink. “We were saddened to hear of the devastation in Haiti caused by Hurricane Matthew. I was particularly moved when I saw the pictures of the children who were affected and who had become homeless. We had to do our part to relieve

some of the suffering of our Caribbean children,” Bolt said. Food for the Poor Jamaica (FFP) Chairman, Andrew Mahfood, was honoured that FFP was chosen as the vehicle for distribution. “Food for the Poor has been instrumental in bringing aid to Haiti and we are humbled that the Usain Bolt Foundation has chosen to collaborate with us in assisting the Haitian people,” he said. The Usain Bolt Foundation is dedicated to the legacy for happy children; to enhance the character of children through educational and cultural development, as they live their dreams. (SportsMax)

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