October 24, 2016

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City Hall Cannot Account For Hundreds Of Millions Of Tax Payers Money – Audit Report

Many residents of Georgetown are demanding answers from the Mayor and City Council as it relates to the expenditure of $300 million that were allocated to the Council. According to the Auditor General’s report of 2015, the Georgetown Mayor and City Council cannot account for hundreds of millions of dollars. The sum of $300M was allocated for the Georgetown restoration initiatives for environmental improvement and improved health and well-being. According to the Appropriation Account, the full amount was expended as at 31 December 2015. Audit examination revealed that $6.200M was expended for the purchase of a double cab pick-up for the City Police, $52.163M for the bush cutting of the Le Repentir Cemetery and $241.637M for the restoration of Georgetown. The audit revealed that 212 payment vouchers were examined and a number of discrepancies were unearthed: there were 167 instances totaling $159.968M where there was no evidence of the payment vouchers being certified by the Accountant or any other authorized officer; approval by the City Treasurer was not seen on 140 payment vouchers totaling $143.682M; there was no evidence of the Finance Committee approving fifty-eight payments totaling $48.404M on 58 instances; there was no evidence of receipt or payee acknowledgement for a payment of $750,000 to a contractor via cheque number 164407587; and the basis of award of several contracts for the weeding of

parapet, desilting of drains and cutting down of trees in various areas around Georgetown could not be determined due to the unavailability of the relevant supporting documents. As a result, it could not be ascertained whether proper transparency and accountability was exercised in the awarding of the contracts.




Police Commissioner (ag.) Defends Decreased Crime Stats

Police Commissioner (ag.) David Ramnarine Police Commissioner (ag.) David Ramnarine has lashed out at critics who refute the police statistics that there is a decrease in serious crime in Guyana. The acting Police Commissioner described the concerns about the rise in gun related crimes as “insinuations about fabrications and concoction” of crime statistics. The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is one of the many which noted that the official police crime statistics do not reflect the true situation, and has questioned the accuracy of the stats. President of the GCCI, Vishnu Doerga said he believes that some victims do not report crimes to the police, which result in

inaccurate official figures. There is no information publicly as to the method the police force use to obtain the information for the statistical report. Nicholas Boyer, Vice President of the GCCI said he also could not ascertain the accuracy of the police statistics. “We have not audited how they got their information. Right now, I can’t really give an opinion on the accuracy of their figures because I’m not at the station levels where the officers are taking the reports…” he said at a press briefing last week. This was also the view of former Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Retired Brigadier Mark Phillips, who on Friday last said although the official police statistics show a decline in serious crimes, it is his firm belief the feeling of insecurity among Guyanese is very high and that the high incidence of gun-related crimes is the most pressing problem in Guyanese society. However, the acting Police Commissioner said that these statements “only serve to embolden criminal elements”. Ramnarine accused the critics of “not being really concerned with safety and security of those they claim to represent or speak for.” He went on to say that “they serve to glorify and support the actions of criminal elements because of the contextual nature in which a few serious crimes, in particularly those involving the use of firearms are glamourized and emphasized.” The Police Force however still maintains that that there is a reduction in crime. The Acting Commissioner pointed out that there has been a reduction of reported robberies involving the use of firearms when compared to over the last three years.

Vendor Charged With Armed Robbery Market vendor, Keaton Kabitclor appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, charged with robbery underarms which he allegedly committed on October 9, 2016. He was refused bail and remanded until November 8, 2016 when he will reappear before the court for

continuation into the matter. Unrepresented before the court, the 22 -year-old pleaded not guilty to the charge. It is alleged that on the day in question, the defendant, while armed with a gun robbed, Edmond Vibert of approximately GY$107,000.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Lethem Business Owners Want Economic Boost From Government Residents of Lethem, Region 9 are calling on the government to PAGE 5

resuscitate the collapsing business environment in the area. Some residents are of the view that the current business crisis is due to ineffective business policies and lack of vision by the APNU+AFC government. Several business owners who wish to remain anonymous told the Guyana Daily News that a lot of trading was being done with neighboring Brazil, but business came to a halt in the last year or so. Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin had stated earlier in the year the some US$10 million will be spent to boost business activities in the area. The Minister had also stated that the government intends to provide much more support to the business community, but that community has to do its part by being tax compliant. Minister Gaskin had also reaffirmed that the government to which he belongs is taking steps to ensure that unemployment is reduced in the area and that all citizens are gainfully employed. However, one business owner noted, “where will they be employed? And if the business sector is dead then they cannot be employed.”


The popular Lethem Business District which was once booming with shoppers and visitors from Brazil




Guyana Solidifies Bilateral Relations With Chile Pesident David Granger met with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Monday at the Audience Hall of the Moneda Palace in Santiago de Chile, to finalize negotiations on two bilateral agreements. These are the Open Skies/ Air Services Agreement and the Reciprocal Agreement for the Abolition of Visa Requirements for Holders of Ordinary Passports. During his visit to the Southern Nation, his Excellency delivered a lecture at the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy of Chile on ‘His vision and assessment as well as the strategic implications on his call for the Caribbean to be preserved as a zone of peace’. Also present at this event were Carl Greenidge, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Director of the Economic Relations and member of the Chilean Chancellery, Mr. Pablo Urria. This visit comes soon after President Bachelet’s visit to Guyana in July last, in which the Chilean mandatary participated as an honorable guest of the CARICOM Heads of Government meeting, which took place from the 4th to the 6th of July. During her visit, Bachelet took the opportunity to solidify bilateral relations between the two nations, highlighting the necessity of bilateral and regional cooperation, as the correct path to progress. The integration of Chile in the Caribbean Community, and most importantly the solidification of bilateral relations with Guyana, represents a strategic step for the unification of the region. Today Chile’s economy possess a high-income standard, making it the South America's most stable and prosperous nation, leading Latin American countries in competitiveness. Chile stands as an example of economic model for the Caribbean countries. Its dynamic participation as member of the UNASUR (The Union of South American Nations), CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) and the OAS (Organization of American States) constitute a ‘lighthouse’ for the effective performance of the members of the CARICOM (Caribbean Community). Mubuster Greenidge announced earlier this year, that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is committed to reinforce the relations with the Caribbean jurisdiction, making emphasis on the concretion of diplomatic relations between Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina and Panama, being Chile the precursor of stable negotiations. S o u r c e : https://prensa.presidencia.cl/fotonoticia.aspx?id=42716




Top Cop bashes Judiciary for granting bail carelessly Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine is of the view that the judicial system is insensitive to the dispensation of bail towards defendants who are charged with committing serious crimes. During a recent news conference, the Commissioner argued that bail should be a deterrent to crime. “The amount of bail granted in the court makes a mockery of how responsible people in authority should behave in these matters,” the Commissioner said. Highlighting one recent incident, Commissioner Ramnarine said the prime suspect in the recent robbery murder of a Brazilian national in F Division was granted bail by the Court twice for two separate serious crimes: unlawful possession of a firearm and larceny. “How can we be so insensitive in our dispensation of the granting of bail,” the Commissioner questioned. The commissioner last month, also seemly blamed the Judiciary for the escape of drug lord Barry Dataram from Guyana to Suriname, who was later captured by Surinamese police forces and extradited back to Guyana. Ramnarine in a press briefing at the time expressed that “the Dataram situation is really unfortunate, but not in the sense that law enforcement is indicted.” When questioned about if more caution should have been employed by the law enforcement since case was a high profile one, the Top Cop in defending the Police force and seemly blaming the judiciary said Police Force were not the ones who granted him bail. “Let’s this put this thing in the proper perspective, we didn’t grant him bail comrade… if it were that high profile matter and was properly

regarded by the appropriate people, we were not the one who granted him bail. I’m saying nothing more.” Said the commissioner, who then refused to speak on the matter anymore. Commissioner Ramnarine said that he will not allow the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to be criticised for the failures of the other components in the criminal justice system. “I will not take responsibility for the behaviour of other people who constitute and have a role to play in the criminal justice system. I can only defend our actions in the Police Force,” the commissioner expressed.

Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine




Shopkeeper Remanded For Possession Of Cannabis Thirty-year-old Alex Bone appeared before Magistrate Annette Singh in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with being in possession of narcotics with the intent to traffic. Bone pleaded not guilty to the charge and was remanded until November 7, 2016 when he will reappear before the court for the statements into the matter. In application for bail, Bone’s Attorney said he is a father of three and on the day in question, he was not in direct possession of the cannabis but it was in fact found in the area surrounding a shop in the North Ruimveldt area which he operates. Police prosecution objected to bail, noting that on October 20, 2016 at North Ruimveldt, police officers while carrying out a raid, stopped and searched Bone and found in his possession 15 grams of cannabis. It was revealed to the court that the narcotics were parcelled off into Ziploc bags.

Prison Escapee Recaptured As One Remains At Large One of two Lusignan Prison escapees, was this morning recaptured by ranks of the Guyana Police Force, in a vehicle at Kitty, after being on the run since September 19 last. About 0915h., acting on information received, ranks intercepted a public transportation vehicle in the vicinity of the Kitty Service Station and extracted the convict who denied he was the person but subsequently retracted his statement when Prison Officers positively identified him as 27 year old, Fayouse Shakir, of 65 Le Ressouvenir, ECD, and who at the time of his escape was serving two two-years sentence for Break and Enter and Larceny. He will soon face an Escape from Lawful Custody charge before returning to continue his period of incarceration. The other escapee, Rajendra Deonarine is still at large. Guyana Police Force Press Release




Women’s Institute, Partners Honour Elders power to deny the rights of our

The Guyana Women’s Leadership Institute this weekend celebrated the contribution of 50 senior citizens who have impacted Guyana’s development over the years. The Institute, an arm of the Ministry of Social Protection, honoured seniors from nearby communities at its Cove and John location in collaboration with the Belfield-Victoria Community Policing Group and the Mangrove Reserve Producers’ Cooperative Society. Embracing the theme, “Take a Stand Against Ageism”, the groups said the ceremony is their way of saying thank you to these citizens and to urge them to continue playing a role in society. Among those honouring the elders were Mrs. Sita Nagamootoo, wife of the Prime Minister. “Let us be careful when we say elderly we don’t use the word to insult people as being old, feeble and helpless… we must honor and respect our senior citizens. They are usually our mentors, our guide...We must not use ageism as a

senior citizens to make further contribution to our social, cultural, economic and political life.. You the elders have made your contribution to your families, homes, villages and your country,” she said. Minister in the Ministry of Social Proection, Keith Scott said also hailed the seniors’ contribution to Guyana. “You have done your duty. You have gone to the top of the mountain…Guyana is better because you fulfilled your duty in the past.” Also celebrating with the senior citizens were Chairperson of the National Commission on the Elderly Everett De Leon, and Principal Personnel Officer at the Ministry, Mr. Shelton Daniels. Ministry of Social Protection Press Release

Top Cop Wants Work Expedited At Brickdam Police Station

Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine has called on the government

to expedite efforts to complete work being done at the Brickdam detention facility which is urgently needed to adequately serve the needs of the police ‘A’ Division. “The burden of shifting serious crimes suspects to other lockups on a daily basis is one we have been bearing with tremendous patience over the years. I wish to take this opportunity to urge the officials concerned to spare no effort to realise this much needed facility in the capital city of Georgetown,” Commissioner Ramnarine said. ‘A’ Division, which compasses Georgetown, is said to deal with close to 60 percent of the reports of serious crimes. The Commissioner said that it is challenging for the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to find holding facilities for offenders in the division. “You have to eke out scarce mobile resources and

manpower every day to traverse long distances to detain suspects at other facilities,” the Commissioner explained. Ramnarine explained that there is need for an increase in the number of holding cells at the Brickdam lockups. “They need to make it more efficient, they need to make it more accommodating and they need to address human rights issues,” Ramnarine explained. According to the commissioner, these concerns have already been raised with the Ministry of Public Security which has responsibility for the GPF and expressed that more needs to be done for the key detention facility. “There needs to be more effort in terms of expediting, enhancing that process. It’s a key facility it should be given the requisite attention of more attention as the case demands,” Commissioner Ramnarine said.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Traffic Task Force Continues To Clamp Down On Drunk Drivers PAGE 12

Officers of the Guyana Police Force Traffic Task Force continue their campaigning exercise and as a result The following persons have been charged by the police for driving under the influence of alcohol: 1. Royston Blackette of Supply, Mahaica, ECD, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-14 while driving motor vehicle GHH 9551 on the D’ Edward Public Road, WCB. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Blairmont Magistrate Court on 2016-03-15 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500.00. 2. Jagnarine Deonarine of Lot 52 Grant 2767 Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-14 while driving motor vehicle PHH 6442 on the Crabwood Creek Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Springlands Magistrate Court on 2016-08-15 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7, 500.00. 3. Amar Persaud of Lot 58 Back Street, Grove, EBD, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-14 while driving motor vehicle PPP 6885 on the Weldaad Public Road, WCB. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Weldaad Magistrate Court on 2016-08-15 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7, 500.00. 4. Radesh Persaud of Lot 17 Novar, Mahaicony, ECD, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-14 while driving motor vehicle PJJ 104 on the Weldaad Public Road, WCB. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Weldaad Magistrate Court on 2016-08-15 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500.00. 5. Sean Sadloo of Lot 68 Dennis Street, Campbellville, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-14 while driving motor vehicle PHH 71 on the Weldaad Public Road, Essequibo Coast He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Weldaad Magistrate Court on 2016-08-15 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500.00. 6. Rajendra Persaud, of Lot 68 Grant 1802, Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-09 while driving motor vehicle HC 5653 on the Line Path Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Springlands Magistrate Court on 2016-08-10 where he


pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500.00. 7. Harry Jairam, of Lot 49 Grant 1803, Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-09 while driving motor vehicle PSS 3951 on the Line Path Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Springlands Magistrate Court on 2016-08-10 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500.00. 8. Tiwarie Persaud, of Lot 58 Williamsburg, Corentyne, Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2016-08-08 while driving motor vehicle PEE 3765 on the Line Path Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Albion Magistrate Court on 2016-08-09 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500.00. Guyana Police Force Press Release

Photographs of the individuals charged with the offence




OAS Calls On The Region To Defend Democracy In Venezuela Venezuela to hold the recall referendum violates their rights and violates popular sovereignty. Almagro said the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, lost "all of his legitimacy of origin after leaving the people of Venezuela without electoral rights" and that therefore the political instability created will be his responsibility. The OAS leader called on the countries of the Americas to act within the framework of article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which "imposes the obligation of concrete results," and urged the use of mediators that have "the trust of everyone."

OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro WASHINGTON, USA -- The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, on Saturday called on the countries of the region to take "concrete actions to defend democracy in Venezuela" after the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) suspended the process of the collection of signatures to convene a recall referendum, an action he regarded

as an inflection point and a breakdown of the democratic system. The secretary general underlined that "only dictatorships deprive their citizens of rights, ignore the legislature, and hold political prisoners," and added: "Today we are more convinced than ever of the breakdown of the democratic system. It is time to take concrete actions." He explained that the denial by the CNE of the constitutional right of the people of

In this context, Almagro referred to the dialogue initiative led by the former presidents José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Martín Torrijos and Leonel Fernández: "It has failed to prevent institutional breakdown; on the contrary whatever its intentions it has aided the string of obstacles placed before the realization of the recall referendum." Therefore, concluded Almagro, is essential that "there be a new mediation effort that gives moral force to the solutions needed by the Venezuelan people." (Caribbean News Now!)




IMF Deputy Managing DirectorTo Attend Caribbean Finance Conference In Antigua Caribbean. The conference is being Caribbean countries have experienced

IMF Deputy Managing Director, Zhang Tao WASHINGTON, USA -- The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Zhang Tao, will attend a crucial conference in Antigua on 27 and 28 October on the issues confronting the banking system in the

hosted by Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne pursuant to a mandate from heads of government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) at their meeting last July. Browne is the prime minister with responsibility for financial matters in the quasi-Cabinet of CARICOM leaders. The conference gathers high level representatives of the IMF, the World Bank, the OECD Global Forum on Tax matters, the Inter-American Development Bank, the CARICOM Secretariat, the Caribbean Development Bank and representatives of governments, central banks and regulatory authorities. In Washington on Sunday, Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador Sir Ronald Sanders, said: “The Caribbean banking system is confronting a serious problem with the withdrawal of correspondent banking relations, particularly from US banks. The Antigua Conference is a ‘closed door’ conference of the stakeholders to address the problem through a frank dialogue, looking for sustainable solutions.” The majority of banks in

the loss of correspondent banking relations that threaten to sever the region from the world’s financial and trading system, unless it is arrested soon. Sanders said, “In this connection, the presence of Deputy Managing Director Zhang at the Antigua conference shows the importance that the IMF places on this vital matter.” Zhang will make a public statement on the second day of the conference on October 28. The Antigua and Barbuda ambassador, who has been Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s point man in the organization of the conference, revealed that the conference will also hold a session on the “unfortunate branding of Caribbean jurisdictions as tax havens”. He declared that “the region has been fighting this wrongful branding for over two decades”. “In part,” he said, “this accounts for the fear that exists in US banks that they face high-cost risks by providing correspondent relations to Caribbean banks.” At the end of the conference, Browne will issue a ‘chairman’s statement’ on the outcomes and recommendations of its deliberations. (Caribbean News Now!)




MacDonald Reappointed As Suriname's Ambassador To The UN proponent of this initiative and it remains high on his personal agenda. In discussing the goals of his team at the Permanent Mission of Suriname to the United Nations, MacDonald said, “I am more than confident that with the small but committed team at my Mission, we will continue to engage on issues essential to the prosperity of human kind and the advances of global issues such as sustainable development, ethnic and religious tolerance, human rights, gender justice and safety, security council reform, international peace and security, climate change, international migration and the fight against terrorism.”

Suriname’s ambassador to the United Nations, Henry MacDonald (L) presents his credentials to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- President Desi Bouterse has reappointment career diplomat Henry MacDonald for the second time as Suriname’s ambassador to the United Nations and, on Friday, MacDonald presented his credentials to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. MacDonald is the only Surinamese diplomat to be sent twice to the UN. “I feel privileged to be called by my president to represent my beloved country, once again at the highest diplomatic echelon,” he said. “As we face many regional and international challenges (financial, economic, safety, security, development and diplomatic) that are too great for any single nation to resolve by itself, the

United Nations more than ever before becomes an indispensable instrument for confronting and solving these challenges in collaboration with the international community,” he added. MacDonald said that multilateral diplomacy remains an essential part of Suriname’s foreign policy and the United Nations is of “key importance for the sustainable development of Suriname”. “In the same vein we are currently exceptionally active within organizations such as UNASUR, CARICOM, OIC, CELAC and SIDS,” he noted. Close and dear to MacDonald’s heart is his passion to foster gender equality and end violence against women and girls. He emphasised that the “HeForShe” and Barbershop initiatives to include men and boys in the struggle to attain gender equality and to halt violence against women and girls, an initiative by Suriname and Iceland, will continue. “I can assure you that I will pick up where I left off,” he said. MacDonald was a key

MacDonald, a career diplomat, is a trained lawyer and holds several degrees from universities in Suriname, Belgium, the United States and the Netherlands. He has represented Suriname at the OAS, UNASUR, OIC and other multilateral bodies. While serving as Suriname’s ambassador to the UN, Macdonald was also chairperson of the CARICOM Caucus of Ambassadors to the United Nations. He was a vice president of the 65th General Assembly and also the chairperson of the UN Third Committee, the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee for the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. (Caribbean News Now!)




Rule Of Law Index Ranks Costa Rica, Barbados And Antigua-Barbuda Highest In Region 113 countries and jurisdictions (from 102

Source: World Justice Project Rule of Law Index By Caribbean News Now contributor

WASHINGTON, USA -- The latest World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index was published last week and includes 22 countries in the wider Caribbean in its expanded coverage of

in 2015), relying on more than 100,000 household and expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced in practical, everyday situations by the general public worldwide. Performance is measured using 44 indicators across eight primary rule of law factors, each of which is scored and ranked globally and against regional and income peers: constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice. The WJP Rule of Law Index is the most comprehensive index of its kind and the only one to rely solely on primary data. The Index’s scores are built from the assessments of local residents (1,000 respondents per country) and local legal experts, ensuring that the findings reflect the conditions experienced by the population, including marginalized sectors of society. The top rated country in the wider Caribbean for 2016 is Costa Rica, followed by Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda. At the bottom is Venezuela, which is also last on the entire global list, below Afghanistan and Cambodia. (Caribbean News Now!)





Haitians Cautioned Against Using Guyana To Mexico Cross-country Route To Reach US their journey usually starts.

Cars lined up on a Saturday morning, waiting to exit Mexicali, México, and enter Calexico, California. The street runs along the US-Mexico barrier fence. Photo: Thelma Datter/Wikimedia MEXICALI, Mexico -- Hundreds of Haitians who usually fly or ship-smuggle their way into Guyana, in order to get across the border to Brazil en route to the US-Mexican border are being warned to desist from doing so, as the United States is no longer accepting them. This is as a result of the unusually heavy influx of Haitians seeking a way into the United States, and the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to effect a policy change a few weeks ago. Under a previous directive by President Barack Obama, Haitians who turn up at the US-Mexican border were automatically allowed to enter the United States under a special humanitarian parole visa, because the Obama administration had initially refused to return them to the seemingly never-ending economic hardships and political troubles that are facing their

country. Ever since the Obama administration had allowed this policy, thousands of Haitians have traveled to mainland South America via Guyana, from where they usually cross illegally into Brazil, before making a long river journey into Colombia, and then shuttle their way through Central America into Mexico. The ten-week journey often brings them to the Mexican border city of Mexicali, which straddles the border with the United States, and from where US officials would generally grant entry to almost every fleeing Haitian that came along. But with fewer than 100 days remaining in office, the Obama administration has decided to bring the humanitarian parole visa policy for Haitians to an end, which has now left dozens of would-be Haitian immigrants stranded on the border, while dooming hundreds more that are likely on their way. And since most of them are not intent on settling in trouble prone Mexico, sympathizers are fearful that a humanitarian crisis is in the making, and which can run in reverse order from Mexicali right back to Guyana where

Many would have already been financially exhausted, and may more than likely be traveling with tickets that cannot return them to Haiti, or would not be able to pay a smuggling fish trawler to t a k e t h e m b a c k f r o m G u y a n a ’s Essequibo Coast to Port-au-Prince. In view of this, it has been suggested that Guyana may need to caution legally visiting Haitians against making the Mexico journey if they secretly plan to do so, or intercept and offer humanitarian assistance to those who may be caught while passing through the country illegally via the Essequibo or any other unauthorized ports. Efforts by the Guyana Guardian to solicit a comment from the Department of Homeland Security on whether they are in communication with Guyana or Brazil on the effects of this recent US policy change have so far proved futile. On the other hand, contacted officials with Guyana’s Immigration Department, and the ministry of public security seem to be unaware that all along Guyana was being used as an transit point for hundreds of Haitians going on to the United States. (Caribbean News Now!)




LIAT Pilots Refute Claims By St Vincent PM did nothing to rectify the situation, and this months of being silent, and trying its utmost

Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines and Chairman of the Majority Shareholder Governments of LIAT, Dr Ralph Gonsalves (L) speaking in Barbados at last Wednesday's press briefing on LIAT while Barbados Prime Minister Freundel Stuart listens. (C. Pitt/BGIS) By Caribbean News Now contributor ST JOHN’S, Antigua -- The Leeward Islands Airline Pilots Association (LIALPA) said it has refuted the public comments of chairman of the shareholder governments, St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, who said, “We have too many cancellations caused by illness of flight crew… we have too many bouts of illness which results in cancellations.” LIALPA said in a press release that it has also noted that the statements by Gonsalves came just two weeks after a retraction of published statements purportedly made by LIAT’s acting CEO Julie Reifer-Jones, who allegedly said, “On record we have enough cabin crew to fly LIAT’s schedule. We have a high level of reported sickness from crew.” “LIALPA strongly refutes the statements made by PM Gonsalves and by acting CEO Reifer-Jones as erroneous and totally false,” the Association said, asserting that the action of the acting CEO in retracting the statements is because she knows without a doubt that her statements were dishonest. According to LIALPA, LIAT is woefully short of adequate crew to properly execute LIAT’s current flight schedule. Over the last two years, LIAT has not employed a single pilot, even though 31 pilots have left the company either because of retirement or resignation. Nineteen of those who have left were trained to fly the newly acquired ATR type aircraft. “Management sat on their hands while this mass attrition of ATR pilots occurred, and

resulted in the company losing all of the monies it invested in the training of these pilots,” LIALPA said. The cost of training an ATR pilot is reportedly approximately EC$100,000 per pilot, therefore this amounts to a total of EC$1.9 million of training investment that has been lost. “Is this as a result of poor management?” LIALPA asked, adding, “Now, after suffering such losses, and as the winter schedule is prepared, management in a last minute panic is employing additional crew, but this is already too late, as it takes at least three to four months for a new pilot to train before they can actually fly with passengers.” Therefore, any new crew members employed will not be able to fly during the upcoming busy Christmas/New Year season. “Again, those upcoming delays and cancellations are to be laid squarely and solely at the feet of management,” LIALPA said. “The incompetence of LIAT’s management is exposed even further, as they continue to schedule flights even though they are aware that there is no crew available for the scheduled flight, and it would inevitably be cancelled. This then leads to management asking the skeletal remaining crew to double their workload, and to work at maximum time with minimum rest. This is not a feasible model and it is just a matter of time before this operation model breaks down and flight cancellations increase even further,” the Association continued. According to LIALPA, flight cancellations are also occurring because LIAT has no reserve coverage on a daily basis and so a single pilot in a single island has to cover the operational model throughout the network. “This is ludicrous and represents poor planning and incompetent management,” it said. LIALPA categorically stated that there is no abnormal sickness occurring among crew members. Presently, if a single pilot gets the flu and cannot fly, the sickness of that one pilot can cause several flights to be cancelled. “What effectively run airline pleads on a regular basis with pilots, to work on their off days and personal vacation days?” the Association asked. LIALPA continued that, after several

to go above and beyond the call of duty, the Association is now bringing to the attention of the traveling public that some pilots have fallen ill due to due to extremely high and unbearable cockpit temperatures, and also in part, due to the usage of chemicals/ pesticides to address an existing roach infestation in cockpits and passenger cabins. LIAT recorded a profit in the first half of this year, and LIALPA said that management has yet to recognize that this would not have been achieved if the pilots did not make the sacrifice of working 10-11 hours per day, and without the company scheduling meal breaks. A recent media report mentioned that LIAT is expected in the final four months of the year to project a loss of EC$9.2 million. “This was totally avoidable and we lay the blame for this squarely at the feet of management. LIAT lost millions of dollars when it sold its Dash 8 airplanes. When there was a hangar fire in Antigua, records of the airplanes were destroyed and were not backed up,” LIALPA pointed out. Therefore, the airplanes were depreciated and sold under value because, even though LIAT spent millions of dollars putting in new (replacement) parts in the airplanes, they could not prove that the parts were new, nor could they prove how much flying time (usage) the airplanes had, all due to alleged negligence in basic record keeping. No one has been held accountable to date. On the matter of the projected millions of dollars in losses for LIAT, the travelling public was encouraged to ask LIAT’s management two simple questions: 1) Has the removal of flights from certain profitable routes led to these projected losses? 2) Are the projected losses due to political interference in the airline’s destination and flight schedule planning? “LIALPA as always continues to reassure the travelling public that we are committed and dedicated to serving you at the highest professional levels. We want to avoid flight delays and especially cancellations, but we simply cannot do so, due to a shortage of crew, poor working conditions and an incompetent management team,” the Association concluded. (Caribbean News Now!)




Venezuela To Resume Export Of Fruits AndCuracao Vegetables To general Curacao in Curacao and the decision will floating market WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- The governor of Falcon State in Venezuela, Stella Lugo, has lifted the decree banning the export of fruits and vegetables from the state that had taken effect on October 1, 2016. The move was announced by Venezuela’s consul

mean that the export of produce to Curacao will shortly be recommenced. This traditional trading between the two countries has existed for more than 100 years until it was halted recently because of food shortages in Venezuela. (Caribbean News Now!)




Gov’t Mulls Health Care Insurance Programme such a plan. “I don’t have the ability to basis and it would be difficult to find a

Saint Lucia could lead the rest of the Eastern Caribbean in introducing a comprehensive Health Care Insurance Plan for its citizens.Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has disclosed that it is his government’s intention to push for such a plan to come on stream, so that health care delivery could be improved and that every Saint Lucian benefits from the system. Chastanet said his government will seek to have dialogue with both private and public sector unions to discuss and get their intake on the possibility of creating

make this to happen by myself, but if they agree on one basic policy by putting more numbers into that policy, this will reduce the amount of money that we have to pay,” he explained. According to the prime minister, businesses, workers and government will all have to make a contribution. This shared responsibility will allow government to provide more assistance to the unemployed, poor and the elderly. “Why is that important? Right now, the insurance is government and government is trying to budget it. And clearly the amount of money we are spending, which is about $120 million a year, is grossly insufficient.” Chastanet said because of this, Victoria and St Jude Hospitals, along with the many health centres island-wide are not up to standard in terms of the services that they provide to the general public. “Unless you bring a revenue stream, it will affect the ability of people being able to be pay on a timely

real solution to health care,” he opined. The prime minister is hopeful that during the initial discussions with other Eastern Caribbean states, that they maybe a possibility that countries would be able to join forces together with Saint Lucia. “If we can bring the entire OECS or a couple of islands all together sharing in this policy programme, I think it is going to make it stronger. If more numbers come in, one of two things can happen, either we can improve or increase the amount of allowances or services that are included in the insurance program, or it can become cheaper. This will upkeep the same level of services .” Chastanet said his government also plans to have discussion and negotiations with other entities. He concludes that healthcare has the ability to sink the economy, if it is not fixed right now, stating that the country does not have the money to be able to operate the health care system by itself. (St. Lucia News Online)




Local Government Campaigning Begins Tonight activities from tonight. The ruling PNM

Local Government Elections activities by political parties begin tonight and voter registration also moves into high gear. November 26 is the final deadline for voter registration for upcoming Local Government Elections according to the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) on Friday. This follows last Thursday’s announcement of the November 28 Local Government Elections date. The term of municipal corporations ended on Friday. The EBC’s chief elections officer, Ramesh Nanan, said the preliminary voters’ list stood at 1,060481 at October 13. A revised list will be done after registration continues over the next week and a supplemental list will be added to the current 1,060481 listing after the final November 26 deadline. Nanan reported no preparation problems or overcrowding by potential voters yet. He said the EBC did the Local Government Elections draft order since June 2014 following the last 2013 Local Government poll and was oiling machinery since. The draft order increased Local Government seats from 134 in 2013 to 137 currently and also stipulated changes in three regional areas—Tunapuna -Piarco, Arima and Penal/Debe. The 14 regional corporations involved from a minimum of six seats (Point Fortin, Mayaro/ Rio Claro) to a

maximum of 16 currently (Tunapuna Piarco). Main changes in the EBC order are in the Tunapuna/Piarco region with the addition of a new seat of Carapo. The addition caused “slight changes” (Nanan said) in nine surrounding electoral areas in Tunapuna/Piarco, and also changes in names of three electoral districts in there. In the Arima municipal corporation, there are changes in boundaries of four electoral areas. There are also boundary changes in four areas in Penal/Debe. Political parties begin “ramping up” Local Government

will be seeking to increase the eight corporations it controls and the Opposition UNC, to add the six corporations it controls. Yesterday, UNC officials and MPs in all areas met with teams to fine-tune campaign arrangements. The PNM and UNC each have full slates of 137 candidates The UNC, which launched campaigning in September, starts intensifying with tonight’s Monday Night Forum at Diego Martin North Secondary School, St Lucien Road. The PNM has some election activity at Thursday’s PNM Divali celebrations in Mausica. Local Government themes will also be in force at next Sunday’s PNM annual convention at Queen’s Park Savannah. Candidates and manifesto may be previewed. Election of PNM executive officers will be done. Several incumbents are contesting. The Congress of the People is contesting the Local Government polls in nine areas in south and central. The ILP has called for nominations up to October 28 with emphasis on the Chaguanas Borough and from people living in other areas who wish to contest. (Trinidad Guardian)




International Organizations Condemn Violation Of Human Rights In Venezuela

Venezuelan civilian claims for freedom on public protest(archive photo) José Miguel Vivanco, Director of the American-founded international nongovernmental organization ‘Human Right Watch’ (HRW) on Monday condemned the violation of constitutional and human rights in the country, highlighting the decadent state of Venezuela’s economy. According to the Venezuelan Newspaper, El Nacional, in the report Mr. Vivanco highlighted the ‘desperate need of a change’ in Venezuela, change that can only be accomplished through the international

intervention of organizations such as the OAS (Organization of American States), USAN (Union of South American Nations) and the UN (United Nations).Mr. Vivanco assured that without international pressure, the political and humanitarian crisis in the country could only get worse. In the document, Vivanco reflected results of a public survey carried from January 2016 to August last, pointing out that public hospitals cannot provide their patients with treatment, due to the lack of basic medicament and the increase of maternal mortality, during the first five months of the year to a 79%. Highlighting the common scenario of long lines in front of supermarkets, that are unable to supply the masses. In the report Vivanco also stressed that the president blames an alleged ‘economic war’ elaborated by the Venezuelan Opposition, the political sector and the foreign powers, in order to justify the calamity in which the country is submerged. The head of the HRW considers that immediate measures must be taken in order to reach to efficient policies to ‘battle’ this crisis. Organization of the American States (OAS) General Secretary of the OAS Luis Almagro, expressed his disapproval towards the current situation in Venezuela, and the violation of the constitutional rights by the government, during a press conference held this Monday. The diplomat called for the need of peaceful dialogues between the two leading parties in the country, as the only way to start a process of stability.

Venezuela Program of Education-Action in Human Rights (PROVEA) Representatives of the Venezuelan Program of Education-Action in Human Rights (PROVEA) released a statement

this Monday, in which addressed that from October 20th, the mandate of Nicolas Maduro can be qualified as a dictatorship. On this date the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) postponed the recollection of the 4 million firms (20% needed to implement the Revocatory Referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The recollection of the votes was scheduled to start from the 26th to the 28th of October, activity now postponed until further notice, according to the CNE’s notice. The members of the P R O V E A s t a t e d t h a t M a d u r o s ’s administration is not a classic dictatorship, but a regime with a modern approach of massive control and domination. Is an ‘oppressive regime’ that adapts to the demands of modern times. Able to co-opt the independence of national institutions, giving them the legitimate power for social repression, supremacy and arbitrariness. The NonGovernmental Organizations (NGO) recommends for the protest of the masses, to demand a change of government, as their constitutional right. Source: http://www.elnacional.com/mundo/Human-RightsMaduro-Crisis-Humanitaria_...




Today Is United Nations Day. recover. The UN has been represented as (International Atomic Energy Agency),

UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. With the ratification of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations officially came into being. 24 October has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that the day be observed by Member States as a public holiday The United Nations, as an organization, is well known to just about everyone around the world. They participate in activities ranging from assistance in times of disaster, both those coming from natural disasters and those caused by the wages of war. They offer medical assistance to those in need in these places, as well as providing clean water, food, and places to rest and

both hero and villain depending on which movie or show you wind up watching. United Nations Day celebrates the foundation of this great organization, and is a great opportunity for you to learn the truth about its past, its present, and what its plans are for the future. History of United Nations Day In 1945 the foundational treaty of the United Nations came into effect, the United Nations is an intergovernmental organization intent on create co-operation between all the governments of the world. It’s original intent was to replace the League of Nations, and prevent another war like World War II from occurring. All the member states of the United Nations contribute finances to its operation to help further its goals. Aside from World Peace its role has grown to include protecting human rights, promoting social and economic development, and providing aid around the world in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict. The UN also represents a series of specialized agencies that enable it to do its job in each of the areas it focuses on, groups like the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), the IAEA

and more each handle their own individual aspect of its operation. United Nations Day Celebrates the original enactment of the foundational charter for the UN. How to Celebrate United Nations Day Celebrating United Nations Day can be done by getting to know about this great organization and the differences it makes in your life. Some of the basic rights and privileges enjoyed by people around the world are a result of the work done by the United Nations. Recently, access to the Internet was declared a basic human right, a declaration which ensures that everyone has access to the world wide information and communication network. While this doesn’t guarantee that everyone will have the ability to access the internet, it does guarantee that everyone has the right to. Additionally, celebrations are held around the world. Some of them are as simple as lighting up bridges and buildings with the trademark blue of the United Nations, others represent art from around the world and are used as part of an Art Installation. https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/un ited-nations- day/




Belgium Walloons Block Key EU Ceta Trade Deal With Canada

There have been demonstrations in several EU cities against Ceta and TTIP(AFP) Belgium cannot sign a key EU trade deal with Canada, Prime Minister Charles Michel says, because of regional objections led by staunchly socialist Wallonia. His statement appeared to dash hopes the Ceta deal could be signed by EU leaders and Canada on Thursday. Mr Michel said that talks with Frenchspeaking regions had broken down. This is the EU's most ambitious free trade deal to date but Belgium needs the regions' approval to sign it. Mr Michel said he had told European Council President Donald Tusk that Belgium could not sign the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (Ceta). The other 27 EU governments want to sign Ceta, which has been in the pipeline for seven years. The European Commission had set Belgium a Monday deadline to make its decision on the deal. Wallonia, a region of 3.6 million people, wants stronger safeguards on labour, environmental and consumer standards. On Monday, it emerged that two other Socialist-led, French-speaking parliaments also opposed Ceta. "The federal government, the German community and Flanders said 'yes.' Wallonia, the Brussels city government

and the French community said 'no'," Mr Michel said. The Belgian Socialists' fears echo those of anti-globalisation activists, who say Ceta and deals like it give too much power to multinationals - power even to intimidate governments. There have also been big demonstrations in several EU countries against Ceta and the TTIP trade talks between the EU and the US. On Sunday the European Commission presented a new clarification to Wallonia on the mechanism for settling disputes with investors. The rules for trade arbitration are one of the thorniest issues in the deal. But Belgium's RTBF news reported (in French) that the latest EU document did not satisfy the Walloon politicians. What is Ceta? Canada and the EU would eliminate 98% of tariffs under Ceta, which was negotiated over five years between 2009 and 2014. Supporters say this would increase trade between them by 20%, and would especially help small businesses. Critics say the deal threatens product standards and protects big business, allowing corporations to sue governments. Donald Tusk is now expected to

tell Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that the Ceta signing - long planned to take place on Thursday in Brussels - cannot go ahead. Canadian Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland was bitterly disappointed on Friday when talks with Wallonia broke down and she flew home, during an EU summit in Brussels. On Monday the Walloon Prime Minister, Paul Magnette, warned: "We will never decide anything under an ultimatum or under pressure." His counterpart in Belgium's Dutchspeaking Flanders region, Geert Bourgeois, said the blockage was "a real shame". "We're the laughing stock of the whole world. It's bad for Wallonia, for Flanders, for Belgium, for Europe, for the whole world," said the centre-right leader, quoted by Reuters news agency. Some UK politicians see Ceta as a potential model for a Brexit trade deal with the EU. Ceta does not involve EUstyle free movement of labour. But for British services - 80% of the UK economy - the Ceta terms are less favourable than those they have now. (BBC)




French Citizens Killed In Surveillance Plane Crash On Malta down' French Defence Minister JeanYves Le Drian confirmed that three of the victims were ministry staff while the other two were contractors. Early reports that the victims had been officials from the EU's border agency were quickly denied. Frontex said none of its staff had been involved. The Maltese government said the flight had been due to return to the island within hours without landing in third countries.

Ed De Gaetano filmed the moments after the crash Three French defence officials and two other people died when a surveillance plane crashed shortly after take-off at Malta International Airport. The light aircraft was setting off on a mission over the Mediterranean around 07:20 (05:20 GMT) when it nose-dived and disintegrated in a ball of flames. There

was no explosion prior to the crash, according to eyewitnesses. Malta said the flight had been part of a French operation to track illicit trafficking of people and drugs. An investigation into the causes of the crash is to be conducted by the French defence ministry. The airport has reopened with some disruption expected to the day's scheduled flights. 'Straight

Eyewitnesses told the Times of Malta the plane had taken off before turning on its side and going "straight down into the ground". Eyewitness Ed de Gaetano said: "Our plane was just about to take off, and there was a massive explosion on the right hand side of the plane. "It's pretty scary, a lot of commotion in the plane and everyone was wondering what was going on." Video shot from another plane at the airport shows flames and thick black smoke billowing from the site of the crash, next to the runway. All of the victims' remains have been found, the Maltese government said. (BBC)




Co2 Levels Mark 'New Era' In The World's Changing Climate methane and nitrous oxide. In 2015, levels of methane were 2.5 times greater than in the pre-industrial era, while nitrous oxide was 1.2 times above the historic measure.

A depiction of the global sources of CO2 which are dominated by the US, China and Europe(NASA)

parts per million (ppm), meaning 400 molecules of CO2 for every one million molecules in the atmosphere.

Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have surged past an important threshold and may not dip below it for "many generations". The 400 parts per million benchmark was broken globally for the first time in recorded history in 2015. But according to the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), 2016 will likely be the first full year to exceed the mark. The high levels can be partly attributed to a strong El Niño event. Gas spike While human emissions of CO2 remained fairly static between 2014 and 2015, the onset of a strong El Niño weather phenomenon caused a spike in levels of the gas in the atmosphere.

The last time CO2 was regularly above 400ppm was three to five million years ago, say experts. Prior to 1800 atmospheric levels were around 280ppm, according to the US National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (Noaa). The WMO says that the rise through the 400ppm barrier has persisted and it's likely that 2016 will be the first full year when the measurements show CO2 above that benchmark, and "hence for many generations". While the El Niño factor has now disappeared, the human impact on climate change has not, the WMO argues.

That's because the drought conditions in tropical regions produced by El Niño meant that vegetation was less able to absorb CO2. There were also extra emissions from fires, sparked by the drier conditions. In its annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, the World Meteorological Organisation says the conditions helped push the growth in the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere above the average for the last ten years. At the atmospheric monitoring station in Mauna Loa, Hawaii, levels of CO2 broke through 400

"The year 2015 ushered in a new era of optimism and climate action with the Paris climate change agreement," said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. "But it will also make history as marking a new era of climate change reality with record high greenhouse gas concentrations." The report also details the growth in other greenhouse gases, including

The study also points to the impact of these increased concentrations of warming gases on the world's climate. Between 1990 and 2015 there was a 37% increase in radiative forcing or warming effect, caused by a build up of these substances, from industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. While welcoming new initiatives like the global agreement to phase out HFC gases agreed recently in Rwanda, the WMO argues that nations must retain their focus on cutting CO2. "Without tackling CO2 emissions, we cannot tackle climate change and keep temperature increases to below 2 degrees C above the pre-industrial era," said Petteri Taalas. "It is therefore of the utmost importance that the Paris Agreement does indeed enter into force well ahead of schedule on 4 November and that we fast-track its implementation." Around 200 nations who signed the Paris climate agreement will meet in Morocco in November to decide on the next steps forward. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Calais Migrants: Hundreds Moved From 'Jungle' Camp Many want to claim asylum, although others PAGE 35

(AP) About 1,600 migrants have been bussed away from the "Jungle" in Calais as French authorities clear the camp. At least 7,000 people have been living there in squalid conditions. Migrants queued peacefully to be processed, and 40 of the 60 coaches that will carry them to migrant centres across France have now left. There is concern that some people will refuse to go because they still want to get to the UK, and that weekend clashes with police could be repeated. The dismantling of the camp is expected to start on Tuesday. The UK has begun to accept some of the estimated 1,300 unaccompanied children from the camp but halted the transfer process on Monday at the request of the French. The authorities in the camp are determining whether individual migrants are with family members or travelling alone, and whether they are deemed to be vulnerable. After processing they will leave for various parts of France and be given the opportunity to either claim asylum or face deportation. Officials have predicted that some 2,500 people will leave the camp on Monday. They said they were pleased with the operation's progress although the Calais police commissioner, Patrick Visser-Bourdon, said some people waiting might have to return for transfer on Tuesday because there might not be enough buses. Some volunteers have complained that the migrants were not given enough information about the day's plans and warned of a sense of confusion and chaos. About 7,500 beds are being made available in 450 centres across France. So far migrants have been have been taken to the r e g i o n s o f : A u v e rg n e - R h o n e - A l p e s Bourgogne-Franche-Comte Brittany Pays de la Loire Poitou-Charentes Grand Est Nouvelle Aquitaine Rue des Garennes links the Jungle camp to the new migrant processing centre, and is a


street of suitcases and resignation. At 05:00, three hours before the clearance operation was due to start, groups of refugees and migrants began to form a queue. Since then, a mass exodus from the camp and hundreds are now lining the road waiting for a coach to take them away. Towards the back of the queue is Adil from Sudan, carrying two bags, a football and a guitar. "My dream is dead, the people you see here, they are broken. We can't believe it's over." Inside the camp, aid workers from Care for Calais are moving tent to tent, warning migrants that if they do not leave, they will be arrested. The police presence is large, with many huddled in riot vans, keeping out of the cold, and making the most of the calm. Children will be housed in the camp's converted shipping containers while the rest of the Jungle is dismantled. From Tuesday, heavy machinery will be sent to clear the tents and shelters that have been left behind. The whole operation is expected to take three days. The French interior ministry said it "does not want to use force but if there are migrants who refuse to leave, or NGOs who cause trouble, the police might be forced to intervene". There are reports that British activists from the No Borders group have travelled to the Jungle to try to disrupt the demolition process. The Jungle has played host to scenes of both squalor and of violence, as migrants, mainly from Africa and the Middle East, attempt to board lorries bound for the UK, clashing with drivers and police in the process. A UKfunded wall 1km (0.6 miles) long is being built along the main road to the port in an attempt to deter would-be stowaways. The UK government is reported to have contributed about £1.9m (€2.2m) to the cost of the wall, which is due to be finished by the end of the year. Why do migrants want to come to the UK? Most believe there is a better prospect of finding work.

want to enter incognito and remain as illegal workers. The language issue is also important - many speak English but do not have a European language. Some also have relatives in the UK and that is a big draw. Some are attracted by a belief that there is better housing and education available. Some commentators believe illegal migrants also perceive Britain as a "soft touch" for benefits and a better place to find "black economy" jobs, although studies do not necessarily back up this view. Speaking to the BBC, the head of the organisation that runs the port of Calais, Jean-Marc Puissensseau, said business had declined due to attempts by migrants to board trucks bound for the UK. "The port has been really suffering [for] more than one year, because each night there were some attacks, or [migrants] were throwing branches, trees, everything to try to slow down the traffic and then to get into the trucks," he said. He called for action to stop migrants returning after the clearance. What is the Jungle? A migrant walks through the Jungle camp in CalaisImage copyrightAFP The Jungle camp is near the port of Calais and close to the 31-mile Channel Tunnel Officially about 7,000 migrants live in the camp. The Help Refugees agency said the final population ahead of its demolition was 8,143 The camp was halved in area earlier this year but the population continued to rise, and reports of violence have increased Many migrants attempt to hide themselves in cargo vehicles entering the Channel Tunnel The area has been hit by protests from both locals and truck operators Last year more than one million migrants - many fleeing the civil war in Syria - arrived in Europe. Countries struggled to cope and division arose in the EU over how best to deal with resettling people. In March, the EU struck a deal with Turkey to try to stop migrants crossing from Turkey to Greece while Balkan nations closed their borders to migrants. As a result, the number of arrivals using the so-called eastern Mediterranean route has fallen. However, migrants from African countries such as Eritrea and Somalia as well as West African nations such as Nigeria and the Gambia are continuing to attempt the crossing from Libya to Italy. (BBC)




Somali Pirates' Hostages 'Ate Rats' To Survive Somalia. Two sailors subsequently died of illnesses. Mr

The sailors, including Arnel Balbero (right), flew to Kenya after their release(EPA) A group of sailors who were held hostage by Somali pirates for nearly five years survived in part by eating rats, one survivor has told the BBC. Filipino sailor Arnel Balbero said they were also only given small amounts of water and felt like "the walking dead" by the end of their ordeal. The 26 sailors were seized on board their ship in 2012 and were eventually taken to Somalia. They were freed on Saturday, reportedly after a ransom was paid. The sailors were from China, the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan. Mr Balbero was among the crew of the FV Naham 3 when it was captured by Somali pirates south of the Seychelles. One crew member was killed during the capture, according to non-governmental organisation Oceans Beyond Piracy. A year later, the ship sank and the crew were brought onshore in

Balbero told the BBC that the last four and a half years had left him and his compatriots "like walking dead". Asked how the pirates treated them, he said: "They give us small amount of water only... We eat rat. Yes, we cook it in the forest." "[We] just eat anything, anything. You feel hungry, you eat." He also spoke of their difficulties adjusting to life after their ordeal, saying: "I don't know what is... outside of this world when this finish, so it's very hard to start again." The group are believed to be some of the last remaining captives held by Somali pirates, after a wave of hijackings in the mid-2000s. Piracy off the coast of Somalia, usually for ransom, has reduced significantly in recent years, in part because of extensive international military patrols of the most vulnerable areas. Separately a clip has emerged of the survivors, which appeared to have been taken in 2014 by the pirates amid negotiations as proof that the hostages were still alive. The clip, released by a Taiwanese lawmaker who took part in the negotiations, shows the group of men looking thin and haggard and surrounded by masked gunmen. It then cuts to a man identified by Taiwanese media as Shen Jui-chang, the Taiwanese chief engineer of the hijacked ship. In the clip, Mr Shen says in Mandarin that the men were only given a litre of water a day to drink despite the heat. "There is no water, there is no food," he said, adding that "every one of us has some kind of illness". "The pirates won't get medicine for you, they say that they don't have money to buy medicine. That's how two young men have already died for nothing," he says. Taiwan's foreign affairs ministry said the men were freed after a ransom was paid by the ship's owner as well as groups contracted to negotiate with the pirates, Taiwanese media reported. The ship was Omani-flagged but owned by a Taiwanese company. (BBC)








Baby Lynlee 'Born Twice' After Life-saving Tumour Surgery

Baby Lynlee Boemer was pulled from her mother's womb for life-saving surgery... before being born by Caesarean t h r e e m o n t h s l a t e r ( PA U L V. K U N T Z / T E X A S CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL) A baby girl from Lewisville, Texas, has been "born" twice after she was taken out of her mother's womb for 20 minutes for lifesaving surgery. At 16 weeks pregnant, Margaret Hawkins Boemer discovered her daughter, Lynlee Hope, had a tumour on her spine. The mass, known as a sacrococcygeal teratoma, was diverting blood from the foetus - raising the risk of fatal heart failure. Baby Lynlee weighed just 1lb 3oz (0.53kg) when surgeons opened the womb. Mrs Boemer had originally been expecting twins, but lost one

of her babies before the second trimester. She was initially advised to terminate her pregnancy entirely before doctors at Texas Children's Fetal Center suggested the risky surgery. The tumour and the unborn baby were almost the same size by the time the operation was performed. Lynlee was given a 50% chance of survival. Mrs Boemers told CNN: "At 23 weeks, the tumour was shutting her heart down and causing her to go into cardiac failure, so it was a choice of allowing the tumour to take over her body or giving her a chance at life. "It was an easy decision for us: We wanted to give her life." 'Her heart stopped' Doctor Darrell Cass of Texas Children's Fetal Centre was one of the team who carried out the surgery. He said the tumour had been so large that a "huge" incision was required to reach it, leaving the baby "hanging out in the air". Lynlee's heart virtually stopped during the procedure but a heart specialist kept her alive while most of the tumour was removed, he added. The team then placed her back in her mother's womb and sewed her uterus up. Mrs Boemer spent the next 12 weeks on bedrest, and Lynlee entered the world for the second time on 6 June. She was born via Caesarean at almost full term, weighing 5Ib and 5oz, and named after both of her grandmothers. When Lynlee was eight days old, a further operation helped remove the rest of the tumour from her tailbone. Dr Cass said the baby girl was now home and thriving. "Baby Boemer is still an infant but is doing beautiful," he conďŹ rmed. Sacrococcygeal teratoma is a rare form of tumour seen in one out of 30,000-70,000 live births. Its cause is unknown but baby girls are aected four times more often than boys. (BBC)




'One Million' Chinese Officials Punished For Corruption overseas this year. The statistics were released as top officials in the Chinese Communist Party begin a closed-door plenum in Beijing. President Xi Jinping has led a wide-ranging anticorruption drive. But some observers say the campaign has also been used by Mr Xi to purge political rivals, which he has denied. The BBC's Stephen McDonell in Beijing says the secretive plenum will discuss changes to the Communist Party rules. However, analysts warn that some of the changes being considered could give President Xi Jinping too much power, our correspondent adds. According to the party's corruption watchdog, the central committee for discipline inspection, more than one million officials have been punished for corruption since 2013.

The government says the corruption suspects were guilty of bribery and abuse of power, among other crimes(AP) China has punished more than one million officials for corruption over the past three years, the government says. Another 409 people, said to be fugitives, have been detained

Those caught up in the corruption drive range from lowranking officials to top ministers, as well as members of the business and media establishments. China has aggressively pursued suspects who have fled the country in its Sky Net and Fox Hunt security operations. The government says the corruption suspects were guilty of bribery and abuse of power, among other crimes. (BBC)




Mosul Iraq Offensive: Kurdish Forces Besiege Key Town Of Bashiqa

Mosul battle: Inside camp for people fleeing IS fighting Kurdish forces taking part in the offensive to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State (IS) militants are besieging a key town to the north. Peshmerga fighters have surrounded Bashiqa, which lies on a crucial supply route only 12km (8 miles) from Mosul, on three sides, a commander said. But the threat of suicide bomb attacks means they are advancing with caution. The Iraqi military has meanwhile denied that Turkish forces are involved in the battle for Bashiqa. Turkey's government said on Sunday that troops stationed at a nearby base had provided artillery support following a Peshmerga request. This is the second time that the Peshmerga have tried to seize control of Bashiqa. Last week, they had to abandon the attack after fierce fighting with heavily armed IS militants inside the town. But now they seem to be making progress, says the BBC's Richard Galpin in the Iraqi Kurdish capital, Irbil. A senior Peshmerga commander, Gen Said Hazhar, said Bashiqa had been "encircled" and his troops were digging trenches around the town in preparation for an assault, the Kurdish news agency Rudaw reports. They were also reported to have cut off the main road between Bashiqa and Mosul, a major route into the city that fell to IS in June 2014. In a significant development on Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announced that Turkish troops who have been training Peshmerga and Sunni Arab tribal fighters near Bashiqa - were involved in the battle, despite strong objections from the Iraqi government. Journalists on the front line also reported seeing artillery fire coming from the Turkish base and targeting IS positions on several occasions. But the Iraqi military's joint operations command denied "Turkish participation of any kind in operations for the liberation of Nineveh" province. US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter had suggested before his visit to Iraq over the weekend that Turkey should be given a role. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi firmly rejected the idea and said he would tell

Turkey: "This is something the Iraqis will handle." Informants 'executed by IS' About 30,000 Iraqi security forces, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen, assisted by US-led coalition warplanes and military advisers, launched the long-awaited offensive to retake Mosul a week ago. On Monday, US special presidential envoy to the coalition Brett McGurk declared that they had met all their objectives thus far, and that the coalition had carried out more air strikes than during any other seven-day period of the war against IS. Meanwhile, a senior intelligence officer told the BBC that IS had begun executing suspected informants as Iraqi forces pushed closer to Mosul. The officer also said IS had positioned some civilians as human shields, describing this as a sign of weakness and desperation. As the pressure increases on Mosul, IS has been carrying out more attacks in other parts of Iraq. After a major assault on the northern city of Kirkuk last week in which up to 100 people were killed, militants attacked the western town of Rutba on Sunday and overran several districts. On Monday, a police source reported continuing clashes between troops and IS militants inside Rutba despite the arrival of military reinforcements. And a Peshmerga commander said five IS militants had been killed and seven car bombs destroyed in a failed attack near the north-western town of Sinjar. Our correspondent says these diversionary tactics seem to be working. According to a Kurdish intelligence source, he adds, some 2,000 Peshmerga troops had to be pulled away from the Mosul offensive to deal with the attack on Kirkuk. (BBC)




Hundreds Of Vietnam Drug Addicts Flee Rehabilitation Centre

Many suspected escapees were re-arrested but more than 200 are still at large(AFP) Police in southern Vietnam are searching for more than 200 drug addicts who broke out of a compulsory rehabilitation centre. More than 500 inmates broke out of the centre in Dong Nai

province on Sunday, some using fire extinguishers and sticks to smash walls and windows. The centre holds almost 1,500 people, which is said to be twice its capacity. Human rights groups have denounced conditions at local rehab centres and mass breakouts have occurred before. Reports on local media say residents were urged to stay indoors and lock their doors after the escapees poured on to nearby roads. Most were later captured but about 200 remained at large on Monday. A police officer said some were believed to have caught taxis and left the province. Human Rights Watch has denounced conditions in Vietnam's state-run drug rehabilitation centres, accusing them of exploiting detainees by using them as labourers. The government has rejected this, saying drug abuse has been reduced by its treatment and rehabilitation programmes. In April, more than 400 addicts fled a rehabilitation centre in the southern province of Ba Ria Vung Tau and in 2014 about the same number escaped from a facility in Hai Phong. According to officials figures there are about 200,000 drug addicts in Vietnam of which about 13,000 are in treatment centres. (BBC)





Tom Hayden, Famed Anti-Vietnam War Activist, Dies Aged 76

Tom Hayden (AP) Famed American anti-war activist Tom Hayden has died aged 76. Hayden died in his home in Santa Monica "after a lengthy illness", the Los Angeles Times reports. He was a member of the "Chicago seven" charged with conspiracy over antiVietnam war protests in 1968 and eventually acquitted. Hayden later served in the California state assembly and Senate for nearly two decades. He was married to actress Jane Fonda between 1973 and 1990. Born in Michigan in 1939, he became an activist during his time at the University of Michigan, where he helped to found Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). While there, he wrote a policy document called the Port Huron Statement, which he styled the "agenda for a generation". Mr Hayden and the SDS went on to become a major influence on the 1960s protest movement, particularly against the Vietnam war. "Rarely, if ever, in American history has a generation begun with higher ideals and experienced greater trauma than those who lived fully the short time from 1960 to 1968,'' he wrote in the essay Streets of Chicago. In 1968, Mr Hayden was part of a controversial anti-war demonstration in Chicago, timed to coincide with the Democratic National Convention. The protest turned violent, with eight people - including Mr Hayden - charged with conspiracy and crossing state lines to incite a riot. The so-called Chicago seven trial - originally the Chicago eight, before one defendant was tried separately - ran for years, with appeals and retrials. Mr Hayden was eventually cleared of all charges. In 1973, he married actress Jane Fonda, who was herself an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War. She was internationally famous and wealthy, while he was still seen in some quarters as an anti-establishment troublemaker. He would go on to reinvent himself in the coming decades, moving away from the image of a long-haired student protester.

He turned his attention to mainstream politics in the late 1970s, earning himself a place in the California State Assembly in 1982. A decade later, shortly after his divorce from Fonda, he moved on to the California Senate. He also became a prolific writer of books and essays, and served as a columnist for several outlets. Fifty years after he wrote the Port Huron statement, about a generation "looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit", he wrote that the concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite was a "mountain untouched" . Writing in The Guardian in 2012, he called the Occupy Wall Street protests a "new force in the world". "The Occupy movement, and kindred spirits from the Middle East to China, is driven by young people who feel unrepresented by the institutions, disenfranchised economically, and threatened by an environmental catastrophe," he said. "The direct action movement of the early 1960s was similar in nature." Hayden married actress Barbara Williams in 1993, and had a son, Liam. Tributes to the iconic protester-turned-politician emerged on social media following his death. Clara Jeffery, editor of left-leaning investigative magazine Mother Jones, said: "Tom Hayden lived a cinematically full life; any one of these chapters worth a biopic." Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, said "a political giant and dear friend has passed." "Tom Hayden fought harder for what he believed than just about anyone I have known," he tweeted. (BBC)




A Day Like Today

Internet personality Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, 'PewDiePie’ If you haven’t heard of PewDiePie I will lead you through the life of this iconic personage. Social Media, as the most powerful weapon in the planet can inform, mislead, craft or ‘kill’ superstars, doom a Nation, build an Empire, make Philosophy the mother of Theology and vice versa. Media has no boundaries, and we as Homo Sapiens know that. The use that we make of it can turn beneficial of prejudicial. Our subject in question, PewDiePie is a contemporary example of the many goals that we can achieve if we only use social media correctly. With the creation of video sharing website ‘YouTube’ in 2005, common users could turn their channels into profitable pages. If the content they shared was popular enough, according to the amount of views and likes, the users could make a living out of it. YouTube was automatically promoted, and the users could turn famous among the community of ‘your tubers’, as they like to call themselves. PewDiePie is an example of it. Between 2012 to date he is the most famous you tuber in the plateau, with more than 48 million subscribers to date, making him one of the wealthiest and more influential figures in the controversial world of PewDiePie or Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, was born a day like today 1989, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Growing up with a Chief Executive of a company as a father, and a CIO (Chief Information Officer) as a mother, Felix was drowned by the numbers. After finishing his basic education, Felix started to study at the Industrial Economics and Technology Management, at the Chalmers University of Technology. But was soon overwhelmed by the career. His Passion, as many of us was playing video games. This was Felix’s first choice after finishing every day. After realizing that recording himself playing video games called the attention of the public due to his handsome features, crazy charisma and his sudden reactions to any virtual scenario, Felix discontinued his studies at the institution. Dedicating

every second of his time to the promotion of his growing channel. He names himself ‘PewDiePie’ as the sound made by a laser weapon after going through a pie (or so he specified) in one of his interviews given to the Swiss television. His name was famous, video game developers started to invite him to the launching of his demos, Pewd’s was growing in a fast pace. His channel in less than a year reached the million subscribers, doubling this figure each month. Becoming the most subscribed user in 2013. Up to date the channel has reached the overwhelming number of 48 million subscribers. His followers liked to be called ‘The Bro Army’ On 19 July 2014, PewDiePie’s channel surpassed singer RihannaVEVO on YouTube, to become the most viewed channel of all times. He was voted Most Popular Gaming Web Star at the 2014 Teen Choice Awards. Pewds is also known to use his internet popularity to raise funds for such charities as the World Wildlife Foundation and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. In 2016, Time magazine named him one of ‘The World's 100 Most Influential People’. Source: http://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/felixkjellberg.html



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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

You're in the mood to get out and visit friends. Coworkers may not be on your side. Be discreet and don't present your ideas until you're certain that they're foolproof.

Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes that they won't like. An older member of your family may have left you with a pressing situation. You may want to take extra special care of your luggage if you are traveling today.

Friends may not be completely honest with you. You can make new friends and experience new things if you do a bit of traveling. Females may put demands or added responsibilities on you.

You may be sensitive concerning friends and their situations. Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur. You can expect to have a passionate time if you go out with someone you are romantically interested in.

You're likely to encounter new partners if you take short trips. Travel should be on your mind. Read some books on self awareness.

Opportunities for romance will flourish through travel. Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness. Don't volunteer private information about yourself unless you're prepared to be talked about behind your back.

Try to be patient with their inability to accept your new beliefs. Intellectual stimulation is what you are looking for. Tempers will mount if you are too pushy at work.

Your outgoing charm and obvious talent will be admired. Travel will promote new romantic encounters. You can't make things better if you don't know what to fix.

Do not be surprised if your partner doesn't understand your needs. You can't make things better if you don't know what to fix. Your professional attitude will not go unnoticed. You'll be able to discuss your ambitions with your mate. You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. They will not have the patience to wait for you to complete things that they've asked you to do.

Spend time by yourself to avoid any conflicts with family members. Don't let others saddle you with guilt that isn't warranted. Your charisma will no doubt attract a lot of attention. You may find yourself interested in more than one person. Sentimental feelings may make it difficult to get much done at work. Dig deep, ferret out any hidden concerns before you sign your life away






1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts chopped

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large Dutch oven/soup pot over medium high heat. Add chicken and cook until almost cooked through. Remove to a plate.

3 tablespoons COCAMAR* cooking oil divided 3 tablespoons PALMBOOM* butter 1 large onion chopped 2 carrots peeled and sliced 1 green bell pepper chopped 4-6 cloves garlic minced 1/3 cup flour 9-11 cups low sodium chicken broth divided 3 tablespoons cornstarch 15 oz can canneli beans rinsed and rained 1 tablespoon DELISH* chicken bouillon cubes 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 10 uncooked lasagna noodles broken into approx. 1-2 inch pieces* 2-3 cups half and half 1/2 cup heavy cream optional 10 oz chopped frozen baby spinach thawed 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Cheese Garnish shredded mozzarella cheese freshly grated Parmesan cheese **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS

Melt butter with 2 tablespoons olive oil in the now empty pot and heat over medium high heat. Add onions and carrots and cook, while stirring, for 3 minutes. Add bell pepper and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Sprinkle in flour then cook, stirring constantly for 3 minutes (it will be thick). Turn heat to low and gradually stir in 8 cups chicken broth. Whisk 3 tablespoons cornstarch with 1 cup additional chicken broth and add to soup. Stir in chicken, beans, chicken bouillon and all remaining herbs and spices. Stir in lasagna noodles. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer until lasagna noodles are tender, stirring occasionally so noodles don’t stick to bottom (approximately 20-30 minutes). Turn heat to low, discard bay leaf and stir in half and half, optional heavy cream and spinach and warm through. Stir in 1 cup Parmesan cheese until melted. Stir in additional half and half or broth if desired for a less “chunky” soup. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Garnish individual servings with desired amount of cheeses.


West Ham Defenders Must Outsmart Costa, Says Ogbonna change it a bit because they are playing in the cup and they have a lot

West Ham are set to face Chelsea in the EFL Cup and Angelo Ogbonna knows Diego Costa is the most important man to stop. Diego Costa must be outsmarted if West Ham are to get the better of Chelsea in the EFL Cup, Angelo Ogbonna says. Slaven Bilic's team host Chelsea on Wednesday at the last-16 stage of the competition having already met in a fiery contest in August to kick off the 2016-17 season. Chelsea won that match 2-1 at Stamford Bridge to give Antonio Conte a winning start to his reign, with Costa netting a dramatic late goal after avoiding a second yellow card for a rash challenge on West Ham goalkeeper Adrian. Ogbonna thinks West Ham will be wiser to Costa's style of play this time around and knows stopping him will be key to their chances of success at London Stadium. "We know Costa," defender Ogbonna, who played under Conte at Juventus, told the Mirror. "Every time we play him we have to be careful. We have played him already. Everybody knows Costa. He has a high behaviour. On the pitch he tries to make something to change the game. "Sometimes if we do something as defenders, it's bigger than it is if a striker does it. A striker can do whatever he wants. "A defender has to be careful, maybe clever. This is the game. I think whoever is more clever can win!" Ogbonna is also aware Chelsea have a number of other threats but thinks his own team are no different, with Dimitri Payet one of multiple attacking stars. He added: "Costa is an international player, a good player. They have [Eden] Hazard as well, we shouldn't talk just about Costa. They also have Willian. [N'Golo] Kante as well. "Maybe they are going to

of games. But we have to prepare like it's the last game of the season. "We have good players too. The expectation is high. Everyone knows Dimi can change the match sometimes, but not just Dimi. [Winston] Reidy changed the match [against Sunderland]. Maybe Pedro Obiang. Maybe Manuel Lanzini. We are expecting Simone Zaza too. It is his turn. "I have a really good relationship with Conte, but I have to put it to one side." (SportsMax)


Stokes Breaks Bangladesh Hearts England 293 and 240 (Stokes 85, Bairstow 47, Shakib 5- with a brilliant 24 not out in Bangladesh's two-wicket 85) beat Bangladesh 248 and 263 (Sabbir 64*) by 22 runs World Cup win over England. This time, however, he Ben Stokes capped a supreme allround performance with was trapped on the crease second-ball and, though he was two wickets in three balls - his fifth and sixth of the struck outside the line of off stump, Kumar Dharmasena match, to go alongside his total of 103 runs - as felt that he had not quite been playing a shot as he raised Bangladesh's hearts were broken on the fifth and final his finger for the final time in the game. And this time, it morning of an epic Test match at Chittagong. Resuming stayed raised, as victory was confirmed via a record 26th on 253 for 8, with 33 runs still required, Bangladesh had DRS decision of the match. Afterwards, Cook was visions of securing only their eighth Test victory in 94 relieved but happy to have overseen such a tense finale to attempts, and their first against England in nine. the contest. "It was a really good Test match," he said However, a brace of lbws in the fourth over of the during the post-match presentations. "It was such a tight morning - the first reviewed in optimism by England, the game, so credit to both sides. I'm glad we held our nerve, second in desperation by the last man, Shafiul Islam - left with the quality we have in our attack, we got it their hero of the second innings, Sabbir Rahman, high reversing." Cook admitted that the option of turning to and dry on 64 not out. Facing a dilemma when play the new ball with his spinners would have been a resumed, Alastair Cook showed his hand from the outset, "gamble", which was not a ringing endorsement of the handing Stuart Broad the first over of the morning, trio at his disposal. But ultimately he was grateful to have following on from his marathon nine-over spell on the a competitor of Stokes' quality in his ranks. "Not just with fourth evening, and partnering him with Stokes, the man ball in hand but the way he batted, he balances the side," whose mastery of reverse swing had proven so illegible he said. "Those cricketers don't come around very often to Bangladesh's tail in the first innings. But Bangladesh and he's got an enormous heart as well. He's a seriously began their morning's work with confidence. Sabbir good cricketer." Mushfiqur Rahim, Bangladesh's opened his account with a push through the covers for captain, put a brave face on another near-miss for his two, before Taijul Islam - once again trusted to hold his team, and credited his players for a hugely spirited own with the bat - flashed a Stokes short ball over the performance in their first Test match since August 2015. keeper's head for four. The new ball was available after "Probably it was not in our favour, 33 runs and two two overs but Cook opted to persevere with the old, with wickets, but the boys put in so much effort over the last the long-sleeved Joe Root once again charged to preserve five days, after 15 months, I'm really proud. Our boys its precious shine. But the hooping reverse of the first fought it out which is really impressive and hopefully innings remained elusive as Bangladesh chiselled out we'll do the same in the next match." (ESPNcricinfo) their singles, every run greeted with ecstasy by a small contingent of Bangladesh fans who made an otherwise echoing stadium sound packed to the rafters. However, Stokes' determination could not be denied, and after coming round the wicket to Taijul, he persuaded Cook to gamble one of England's two reviews - which had been topped up at the 80-over mark - as the No. 10 stepped too far across his stumps and was pinned in front of middle and leg. The verdict was greeted with a huge roar from the huddle of England players watching the big screen, and there was an extra sense of expectation as Shafiul shuffled out to face the pumped-up Stokes. Five years ago, on this very ground, he had been Bangladesh's hero Lionhearted Stokes lays down his marker


Hamilton Was FearingandThe Worst In Austin hope for the best." Hamilton will attempt to put more

Lewis Hamilton was concerned that his Mercedes' engine could fail again at the Circuit of The Americas. Lewis Hamilton revealed he was fearing another retirement en route to a landmark victory for the Formula One world champion in the United States Grand Prix on Sunday. The Mercedes driver was leading with 15 laps remaining in Malaysia this month, but failed to finish after his car dramatically caught fire. Hamilton had no such trouble at the Circuit of The Americas, claiming his 50th F1 victory after starting on pole to reduce team-mate Nico Rosberg's lead to 26 points with three races remaining. The Brit said he felt far more at ease in Texas, but was still fearful of another engine failure. He said: "I just focus on doing the best job I can. Honestly, beyond doing the job... I felt comfortable doing the job. "I was just the whole race concerned the car was not going to make it so right, I've been told the line. "I was just in fear of the same thing, the same feeling, the sound that I heard in Malaysia, so I was grateful that the car made it across the line and I have a lot more confidence in his reliability. "It’s going well for him [Rosberg]. I've just got to continue to do my job

pressure on Rosberg in the Mexico Grand Prix next weekend. (SportsMax)


Dominant Pakistan Six Wickets From 2-0 while defending off the back foot. But ever so often he got

West Indies 224 and 171 for 4 (Brathwaite 67, Blackwood 41*, Yasir 2-60) need a further 285 runs to beat Pakistan 452 and 227 for 2 dec (Azhar 79, Shafiq 58*) Declaring at lunch to give themselves five sessions to bowl West Indies out, Pakistan took emphatic strides towards an unassailable 2-0 lead, picking up four wickets even as their bowlers derived little help from a still placid Abu Dhabi pitch. Chasing 456, West Indies were 171 for 4 at stumps, with only one of the four wickets coming off a wicket-taking ball. Their hopes weren't entirely extinguished, though, with Roston Chase and Jermaine Blackwood seeing them through to stumps with an unbroken fifth-wicket stand of 47 in 17.2 overs. This was the pair that was together at the start of the fifth day when West Indies saved the Jamaica Test against India in August. The amount of time Pakistan gave themselves to take ten wickets indicated that they expected plenty of hard toil in excellent batting conditions. There was no swing available to the new-ball pair of Rahat Ali and Sohail Khan, and it took Misbah-ul-Haq only six overs to turn to spin from both ends. There was not much help on offer for the spinners either, but Yasir Shah did not have to wait too long for his first wicket. Having faced only three balls from the legspinner, Leon Johnson tried to sweep him, and ended up dragging the ball onto his stumps, off the flap of his pad. The ball pitched outside leg stump, so Johnson may have felt the shot was on, but he was probably playing the shot Yasir wanted him to play, given all the fielders waiting around the bat for a top-edge or a bat-pad. The same was the case when Darren Bravo chased away from his body to try and cut Rahat, back for a second spell, in the 19th over, while making no attempt to keep the ball down. He middled the ball, and it may well have rocketed to the boundary had he placed it a few feet either side of the fielder at point, but the choice of shot played right into Pakistan's hands. Usually so selective with his attacking strokes, Kraigg Brathwaite also came out looking to go after the bowling. Early on, he drove Sohail on the up through cover point, and later he stepped out to Zulfiqar Babar and launched him for a six over long-on and slogged him, against the turn, for a four through midwicket. The wicket of Bravo, however, forced him into a change of approach: having made 41 off 54 balls till that point, he made 26 off his next 78 balls, before falling in the 14th over after tea. Mohammad Nawaz, unused until the 41st over of the innings, struck in his third over, getting the ball to skid on to beat Brathwaite's attempt to work him into the leg side off the back foot. By then, Marlon Samuels had also departed to an aggressive shot, stepping out to Yasir, looking to drive him against the turn, and ending up scooping back a return catch. Samuels had scored 23 off 61, looking secure enough while defending and making a conscious effort to get behind the line

himself in trouble by taking a risk - slashing and missing against Sohail, hitting over the top against Zulfiqar. Blackwood's approach at the crease was much like that of Samuels, and he lived on the edge to reach 41 by stumps. He was lucky to survive when he went for a big hit against Yasir in the last over of the day and ended up skewing the ball in the air but into a vacant part of the covers. Chase, at the other end, was calmer and more secure, only troubled when Yasir got the odd ball to rip past his defensive bat. With Pakistan already 342 ahead at the start of the day, West Indies had set defensive fields against Azhar Ali and Asad Shafiq, hoping to limit the damage the batsmen could inflict upon them. In their desire to plug the boundaries, West Indies allowed a steady stream of easy singles; Shafiq and Azhar added 50 in the first 69 balls of the day, despite hitting only three fours in that time. Then Azhar, chasing away from his body, nicked to wide slip, falling for 79 and giving Miguel Cummins his first wicket of the match. By then, Pakistan's lead was nearly 400. The declaration was to come very soon, but Pakistan gave few clues, with runs coming at a reasonable clip without the batsmen really forcing the pace. Shafiq hit a couple of gorgeous shots as he approached his fifty, whipping Jason Holder between midwicket and mid-on, and then getting to the landmark with a deft late-cut off Roston Chase. At the other end, Younis Khan punched Holder past his left hand and all the way to the straight boundary. By the time Pakistan declared, the two had put on 63 at 3.81 runs per over while barely breaking a sweat. (ESPNcricinfo)

Kraigg Brathwaite scored 67 before falling lbw to Mohammad Nawaz Getty Images


Taylor Did Not Communicate With His Team - Brendon McCullum Brendon McCullum has written of the uninspiring leadership of Ross Taylor and how the tension and mistrust during his captaincy left the New Zealand team on the verge of imploding. In his book Declared, McCullum has devoted a whole chapter to "the coup that wasn't", describing in some detail Taylor's failings as a captain and the circumstances that led to the souring of their relationship, and clarifying that he had no role to play in the axing of Taylor as captain. The captaincy switch from Taylor to McCullum in 2012 is one of the more bitter chapters in New Zealand's cricket history. The timing of the fresh revelations could not have been worse, with Taylor struggling for form on New Zealand's tour of India. The team, too, has had a tough tour, having lost all three Tests and the first ODI by the time the book was released on October 20. Since then, they won one ODI and lost another, with Taylor's drop of Virat Kohli in the third ODI costing New Zealand 148 runs and arguably the match. NZC's manager of public affairs Richard Boock told the New Zealand Herald that Taylor has seen media reports but is not "rushing out to find a copy" of the book. After Daniel Vettori gave up captaincy following the 2011 World Cup, Taylor edged McCullum as the next captain after a "public" process in which both of them were asked to present their cases. In the book, McCullum speaks of not being satisfied with that process, and of how the public nature of rejecting one of the candidates was not good for "our relationship, or any team with the two of us in it". The cracks first appeared on the West Indies tour of 2012. McCullum had been rested for the limited-overs leg of the tour, but an injury to Taylor meant he was sent an SOS to lead the team. This was also the last assignment as New Zealand coach for John Wright, who was struggling to forge a good working relationship with John Buchanan, director of cricket at NZC. McCullum made it to the West Indies in time for the third ODI, but he was told Kane Williamson, who had captained in the first two, was going to continue leading for the sake of continuity. McCullum didn't play that game, but his introduction later made little difference as New Zealand won just one ODI on a tour of two Tests, five ODIs and two T20Is. "Either Ross was highly resistant to my captaining the team and leant on Wrighty to change his mind, or it was just an organisational cock-up by Wrighty," McCullum writes in Declared. "The rest of the tour suggested the latter, because much of it was a shambles." Like Taylor, Wright comes out in poor light, but the appointment of Otago's Mike Hesson as new coach widened the cracks in the relationship between McCullum and Taylor. In McCullum's estimation, Hesson was seen as his mate whereas Wright hadn't been seen as a big fan of McCullum. In the book, McCullum reveals he had actually recommended Australia Matthew Mott despite knowing his

friend Hesson was in the fray. McCullum feels that with Hesson's appointment, Taylor withdrew further; he had, according to McCullum, already been burdened by Wright's failings as coach. "It seemed to me that, right from the start, Ross was suspicious of Hess's motives," McCullum writes. "So instead of taking Hess on his merits, Ross seemed already closed to him. I knew there had been a bit of talk behind the scenes after Hesson's appointment, and that some were seeing a conspiracy. "It wasn't a very complicated scenario they were pushing: that my mate Stephen Fleming had influenced the selection board to give the coaching job to my other mate Mike Hesson, whose ultimate goal was to replace Ross as captain with me. One problem with that narrative was that I had recommended Matthew Mott to the selection panel, but details like that tend to spoil a good conspiracy theory, and as events unfolded, it was clear that logic would play an ever-diminishing role." McCullum still felt that Hesson tried to help Taylor revive his captaincy career and the sinking team, which had by now lost both the Tests in India too. "Time and again on what became a long grind of a tour, with changes of format and players around the core group coming and going, Mike set up a lot of meetings as a group, trying to provide the perfect forum for Ross," McCullum writes. "Wrighty had never done that for him -- the only opportunities Ross got to talk to the team would be during emotional moments in games, when he'd start yelling and shouting. "At these meetings, Mike would canvass everyone's thoughts, and then try to hand it back to Ross to synthesise what was out there, tell us the way he wanted to go forward, put his stamp on it. All Ross had to say was, 'Thanks lads, that's awesome and this is the direction we're going based on your thoughts. I'm the skipper, this is what we're doing and I need you all to buy into it.' "Ross would say nothing. Not a word. What the hell was he thinking? I had no idea. "Ross is a reasonably trusting guy in most circumstances, so someone must have been telling him to watch his back. Whatever, he put the shutters up against Hesson. A quiet guy at the best of times, going further into his shell didn't help -- he'd surface with angry outbursts, instead of a coherent plan." Matters only got worse as New Zealand spiralled from one bad performance to another. They finished last in the Super Eights of the World T20 in Sri Lanka, and stayed back for a Test series where they were expected to lose again. McCullum writes he and a lot of his team-mates became frustrated over the lack of leadership. He says Taylor's "outside" support group seems to have told him all he needed to stay on as captain was to score runs, and that that was all Taylor focused on.

continued on next page...


Taylor Did Not Communicate...con’t... He says many a player asked him to speak to Taylor because they felt they couldn't approach the captain directly, but he stayed away from doing so because he didn't want Taylor to feel his players were ganging up on him. "I got caught in the middle of the situation of a captain who wouldn't talk to his coach or his team," McCullum writes. "I was keeping my powder dry in the team environment, trying to be the supportive vice-captain, but behind the scenes I became increasingly frustrated as I watched the Black Caps spiral downwards." McCullum says that in Sri Lanka he released his frustration by running from the Galle stadium to the team hotel, and by unloading on Kerry Schwalger, his personal mental-conditioning coach, through long emails, knowing the correspondence between them would remain confidential. With Buchanan flying in just before the first Test, a meeting that Hesson called for everyone in the team to put his thoughts on the table seemed to McCullum like one final effort from Hesson. McCullum felt Hesson would get the sack after the series because "the media and public were behind Ross". McCullum says a frustrated Hesson had told him on a couple of occasions that he would like his captain to speak at team meetings, to take charge of the team. It didn't happen in this meeting either. New Zealand went on to lose the Galle Test by 10 wickets. "The atmosphere in the changing room after that loss at Galle was awful, and I picked up on a fair bit of animosity towards Ross," McCullum writes. "The team was finally imploding. I decided things had gone far enough and asked Ross to come into the dunnies out the back with me. "I said to him, 'This is your effin' team, mate. You need to grab it by the scruff of the neck and I will help you along the way, otherwise we're going to lose our way completely.'' McCullum writes he didn't know Taylor had been told before the start of the Test that Buchanan and Hesson were going to recommend to NZC after the tour that Taylor be relieved of the captaincy. It wasn't clear, McCullum writes, at that moment if Taylor was being sacked as captain of all three international teams. When they got home, McCullum received a call, on his father's birthday, offering him captaincy of the limited-overs teams. McCullum feels it is possible the powers had changed their minds partially after Taylor's rousing performance in the second Test - 142 and 74 - helped to level the series in Sri Lanka. McCullum writes that he asked for time to decide. He was still mulling over his mentor Stephen Fleming's advice not to take the captaincy - "Why would you do it? Don't do it. You don't need it" - when he received another call from NZC informing him that Taylor had refused to carry on as Test captain. Now the leadership of all three teams was there for the taking. McCullum writes he had only two options: take the job or retire.

"I was carrying too much baggage now to hang around if someone else was captaining the side. Ross was always going to carry on, and the new captain could do without having me there too." The problems, McCullum feels, began with the public selection process. McCullum was originally told in 2011 that the selection panel would be Wright, Mark Greatbatch, Buchanan and Justin Vaughan. McCullum went into the interview not trusting Wright, knowing of the connection between Greatbatch and Taylor from their Wairarapa days, knowing Buchanan was hard to read, and shocked by Vaughan's absence on the interview panel. McCullum left feeling he had been set up to fail. "Within days of the public announcement of Ross's captaincy, Greatbatch was a guest at Ross's wedding," McCullum writes. "That would have been a long, awkward day for Greatbatch had his panel appointed me captain! "And the fact that I hadn't been astute enough to work out that applying for the captaincy wasn't the right thing to do -- and, worse, I'd willingly engaged in that process -- proved I wasn't ready for it. But neither was Ross. He'd made the same mistake. He was younger than me and, I believe, no more ready for the captaincy than I was. And he was just as compromised by New Zealand Cricket's decision to have a public selection process. What happened next made us both a lot wiser -- and certainly older -but it gouged a rift between us that will probably never heal." (ESPNcricinfo)

Brendon McCullum: The public selection process for Daniel Vettori's captaincy successor was not good for "our relationship, or any team with the two of us in it" AFP


India Continue To Rest Key Test Bowlers From ODIs

Spinners R Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja, and fast bowler Mohammed Shami, have been rested once again as India named an unchanged 14-man squad for the remaining two ODIs against New Zealand. The three bowlers had been left out of the squad for the first three ODIs too, keeping in mind a heavy Test schedule in the 2016-17 home season. Batsman Suresh Raina was not included in the squad because he was yet to regain full fitness after an illness. Raina had made a comeback to the ODI squad for the New Zealand series but was unable to play any of the first three games. Ashwin, Jadeja and Shami played all three Tests in India's 3-0 sweep of New Zealand, bowling 146.3, 144 and 75.1 overs respectively. India have a five-Test series coming up against England in November and December, a one-off Test against Bangladesh, and then a four-Test series against Australia in February and March 2017. India lead the five-ODI series against New Zealand 2-1 after winning the third match in Mohali by seven wickets. The fourth game is in Ranchi on October 26. Squad: MS Dhoni (capt & wk), Rohit Sharma, Ajinkya Rahane, Virat Kohli, Manish Pandey, Hardik Pandya, Axar Patel, Jayant Yadav, Amit

Mishra, Jasprit Bumrah, Dhawal Kulkarni, Umesh Yadav, Mandeep Singh, Kedar Jadhav (ESPNcricinfo)

R Ashwin's break before the Tests against England has been extended BCCI


Wenger Says Sorry For Making Arsenal Fans Suffer Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger received a positive reception at the club's AGM as he talked up their chances of silverware. Arsene Wenger apologised for making Arsenal fans suffer over the course of 20 years as he addressed the club's AGM on Monday. The Frenchman, who has recently moved past his two-decade anniversary as boss, received a standing ovation prior to addressing shareholders at a meeting which has previously seen him receive a more frosty reception. Wenger joked that he was sorry Arsenal supporters had to listen to him yet again and for the pain they have had to deal with during his reign. Majority owner Stan Kroenke presented the manager with a portrait which included the names of every player selected during his time in charge, totalling 210. "Yes, it’s 20 years I'm sorry," Wenger said at the event, which took place just a day before the EFL Cup tie at home to Reading. "I would like to thank you for your consistent support and to apologise for every minute I make you suffer in these 20 years! "But you don't look too bad for people who have suffered for 20 years. "I am sorry for the boy who was born 20 years ago and only known one manager. I would reassure him that when he will be 40 he will know a few more. "I have tried to serve for 20 years this club sincerely, with complete commitment, loyalty and of course competence and that was a very important part of my guidance. "I tried to respect what is important for this club, respect for people, humility and as well always try to develop the team and the club." Wenger believes Arsenal, who are level on points with leaders Manchester City after nine matches, are in with an excellent chance of ending their wait for a first Premier League title since 2004. He

said: "I believe the team has the commitment, togetherness, hunger, desire and unity. "We have a good chance to compete for the Premier League. "Our challenge is to compete for everything starting tomorrow in the League Cup. Even if you see some new faces our desire is to qualify and fight for everything because I believe we have a squad that is more mature and better equipped to cope with all the challenges we have. "That is the target and I am absolutely committed to fulfil and give my best so that we are successful until the end of the season. "Let's meet these challenges together as you have a big part to play in our success and I wish you all the best." (SportsMax)


Mushfiqur Positive After 'Learning Experience’ After four days of a fascinating contest, it took just 19 taken too much risk. Taijul started well today so we took minutes to finish the Test and Bangladesh's chances at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium. The atmosphere quickly fell flat and there was hardly a crowd in by the time Shafiul Islam was given out for the second time (confirmed on review), as had been the norm in this Test match. Those who had come into the ground hardly made any noise during the post-match presentation, but for the next 20 minutes, Mushfiqur Rahim tried his best to lift the gloomy mood brought on by a 22-run loss, focusing in particular on performances by the debutants, Mehedi Hasan and Sabbir Rahman, and senior figures Tamim Iqbal and Shakib Al Hasan. Mushfiqur said that the result had become less important after the way his team fought all the way till the end, and gave a fine account of their character throughout the five days. He said that consistency is what Bangladesh crave in Test cricket, and this Test was a great example of what they can achiever if a number of players perform together. "Sometimes you have a distinctive feeling after losing a game," Mushfiqur said. "We tried what we could. Nobody expected Bangladesh to play in this manner after 15 months so we had to prove that we could do something. We could show our character to a side like England. They have a lot of experienced players. I wouldn't use the word frustrating but I would call it a learning experience. "The biggest achievement would be to play consistently for the whole Test match. I think we have done that 90-95 percent of the time but we could have done better in some areas. We can take a lot of positives Mehedi and Shakib bowled well. Tamim batted well, and it wasn't in his character to bat like he did. Sabbir batted well too. It was a good Test for Bangladesh." There remained some questions about how the game panned out, particularly Sabbir giving Taijul Islam the strike on the final day. Mushfiqur said that it was the management's decision to take the singles, which would take the pressure off Sabbir from doing all the scoring. He lamented that Bangladesh were not equipped with tailenders capable of holding their own, unlike the England side, which boasted 11 batsmen with at least one first-class century. "Sabbir wouldn't have been able to do all the scoring and it wasn't that Taijul was really bad," Mushfiqur said. "If it was the last wicket, it would have been different. They had pace from both ends, understandably, so Sabbir couldn't have

the decision that they should take a single when it is available. "Thirty-runs and two wickets is a difficult equation. The match was tilted towards them almost 90 percent. We don't have any tailender who has a first-class hundred, and even if they did, there's a huge difference between those scored in county cricket and in our first-class structure. If we would have won, we wouldn't become an extraordinary Test side. But we ended up achieving much of what we had set ourselves." The margin of defeat was less than the deficit Bangladesh gave away in the first innings, their collapse of 5 for 27 on the third morning sparked by Shakib's unnecessary charge that resulted in a stumping. Mushfiqur suggested that, had Bangladesh taken a first-innings lead, the Test could have taken a different path. "Those runs build a huge difference," he said. "We replied with five early wickets in their second innings and then Stokes put up that big partnership but I still think that had we gone close to their 290, the Test match could have taken a different path. It did matter in the end." Mushfiqur added that they expected better from Shakib. "I think he realises that he didn't do the right thing," Mushfiqur said. "We didn't expect this from such a mature player. We want him to have more impact for the team." The Bangladesh captain's words were soothing, especially after such a heartbreaking finish for the home side. For all the running that Bangladesh have done in their first Test after almost 15 months, Mushfiqur has certainly taken a long-awaited upward step in his Test captaincy. (ESPNcricinfo)

Isam: Bangladesh need more from Shakib


Federer 'Completely On Track' In Knee Rehab Swiss tennis great Roger Federer says he is "completely on track" in his recovery from knee troubles. Roger Federer is confident that he will be at 100 per cent when the 2017 season rolls around as he steps up his recovery from knee surgery. The Swiss great ruled himself out of the Rio Olympics and the US Open in July, having struggled with injuries for much of the first seven months of the year. Federer went under the knife for the first time in his career in February, having suffered a torn meniscus in his left knee and then missed the French Open with back trouble. Rehabilitating his knee has become the focus for Federer in the latter part of 2016, but he believes he will reap the rewards in the new year. "I am completely on track," Federer told Tages Anzeiger. "The hope is that in [physical] conditional I am again 100 percent almost, like with treadmill and sprints. "Now we increase the intensity, and also I will start to play tennis again. "The difficult phase was Rome through Wimbledon, because I noticed something is wrong with my knee. I don't feel any progress, I'm not properly prepared for Wimbledon.'" Despite the pre-tournament concerns, Federer's decision to play at the All-England Club was vindicated by a run

to the semi-finals, before defeat to Milos Raonic. "It was okay, and right, to play Wimbledon," he said. "I was surprised getting that far. That is why it was one of my most memorable Wimbledons." (SportsMax)


No IPL-rights Deal Until BCCI Complies With Lodha Following its email to the Lodha Committee, the BCCI also

The opening of the bids for the IPL broadcast rights is set to be delayed after the Lodha Committee told BCCI president Anurag Thakur to submit a letter stating that the board will "unreservedly comply" with the Supreme Court order of October 21. The Committee, on Monday, said the letter would be necessary before it issues directives to the BCCI to take the tender process forward. The bids for television and digital rights were set to be opened and finalised on Tuesday in Mumbai. A senior BCCI official confirmed receipt of the committee's email but was non-committal about whether the board would postpone the bidding process. Last week, the Supreme Court passed an order that limited the financial freedom of the BCCI until the board and its state associations comply with the Lodha Committee's recommendations. One of the directives in the order was that the Lodha Committee would set a "threshold value" for various contracts the BCCI enters into, and all contracts in excess of that amount would need the Committee's approval. The Committee was also asked to appoint an independent auditor to oversee contracts from the tender stage. Soon after the court passed the order on October 21, the BCCI contacted the Lodha Committee on Friday seeking clarification regarding the bidding for the IPL's rights. When there was no response, the BCCI sent another email on Saturday checking whether its first email had been received, and then another email on Monday requesting a response because the board had to communicate to the bidders for the rights. The Lodha Committee responded to the BCCI later on Monday. "The Committee is in receipt of your email and letter dated 21.10.2016 which refers to the Order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of the same date," the Lodha Committee's email to BCCI on Monday said. "1. Before the Committee proceeds to issue any directions, it would need to satisfy itself that the BCCI administration is willing to comply with the Order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 21.10.2016. As you can understand, this would be necessary in view of the BCCI's stand concerning the earlier order of 18.7.2016. In this regard, the Committee requires a letter of compliance from the President BCCI duly undertaking on behalf of the BCCI to unreservedly comply with the Order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 21.10.2016." The court had also ordered the BCCI not to distribute funds to its state associations until they submit affidavits stating compliance with the recommendations to the court and the Lodha Committee in two weeks from October 21. In addition, Thakur and BCCI secretary Ajay Shirke were asked to submit an "affidavit of compliance" in the court by December 3, elaborating on the recommendations the BCCI said it had already implemented, and what it had done to persuade the state associations to adopt the recommendations.

sent an email to the 18 prospective bidders on Sunday, saying it was awaiting directions from the Committee. In the note, the board informed the bidders that all the Invitation To Tender documentation related to the process had been sent to the Committee. The bidders were also told that the BCCI would update them of the "future course of action" based on the "advice" received from the committee. The Lodha Committee had questions for the BCCI in its email, regarding the end date of the current cycle of IPL rights and the start date for the next one. "In your letter dated 21.10.2016, the first paragraph reads as follows: '1) The BCCI has already declared the process of a global tender for the IPL rights, where the previous ten-year rights contract ended with the end of IPL season May 2016, as it was mandated to do so by the expiring contract.' "The Committee has 2 specific questions in this regard: a. When did the previous ten-year rights period come to an end? b. When does the next ten-year rights period commence?" The rights in the current cycle are held by Sony Pictures Network India (SPNI) and will expire after IPL 2017. In September, the BCCI had announced that the next cycle of IPL rights would be sold via an open tender process. Eighteen companies eventually bought the Invitation To Tender document for television and digital rights. In 2008, the Singapore-based World Sports Group bagged the IPL television rights for a ten-year period with a $918 million bid. It simultaneously signed a deal with Multi Screen Media Pvt. Ltd. (MSM) that Sony would be the official broadcaster. The contract was recast before IPL 2009, with MSM agreeing to pay $1.63 billion for nine years until 2017. (ESPNcricinfo)


T&T Football: T&T Pro League Player Suffers Career Threatening Injury In Crash Trinidad and Tobago Pro League midfielder Sean Narcis has suffered career threatening injuries after being involved in a motor vehicle accident on Saturday. The 31-year-old army man sustained injuries to his left eye, which although not life threatening could see the player lose use of the visual organ completely. Narcis has since undergone surgery for the injury, but it is yet too soon to say whether the player will fully recover from the injury. On Friday Narcis scored his second goal of the Pro League season in four games. While there are no official details of the accident it is believed that KIA SUV owned by the player is thought to have collided with another vehicle. Narcis sustained no other injuries in the incident. Lieutenant Basil Thompson, the Defence Force FC team manager Lieutenant Basil Thompson, who was at the hospital to discuss the next steps in the player’s treatment, confirmed the player had suffered only head injuries. Narcis, a two-time (2010/11 & 2012/13) Pro League medal winner with Defence Force, scored his team’s second goal in a 3-2 defeat against Club Sando on Friday night at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva. (SportsMax)


MLS Review: Dallas Win Supporters' Shield, Sporting KC Sneak Into Play-offs three seasons. Wright-Phillips took his tally to 24 goals in the Red

Dubbed 'Decision Day', the final round of the MLS regular season went right down to the wire on Sunday. A goalless draw at LA Galaxy was enough for FC Dallas to claim the MLS Supporters' Shield on a dramatic final day of the regular season, as New York Red Bulls striker Bradley Wright-Phillips won the Golden Boot. After leapfrogging Colorado Rapids atop the Western Conference last week, Dallas only needed a point to clinch their first Supporters' Shield - awarded to the team with the best regular-season record. And Dallas got the result required against the already play-off bound Galaxy - third in the Western Conference - on Sunday, as they topped the standings with 60 points from 34 matches. The Rapids finished two points adrift after being held to a 1-1 draw by lowly Houston Dynamo. Sporting Kansas City advanced to the post-season for a sixth consecutive campaign thanks to a 2-0 win over San Jose Earthquakes. Hosts Sporting KC were barely clinging to the sixth and final play-off spot in the west, level on points but just ahead of reigning MLS Cup champions Portland Timbers on goal difference. But goals from Benny Feilhaber and Graham Zusi guided Sporting KC to the win they needed to finish fifth, ending Portland's title defence in the process. The Timbers suffered a crushing 4-1 defeat to the Vancouver Whitecaps. Also making sure of their post-season places were Real Salt Lake and Seattle Sounders. RSL ended the season in sixth, despite losing 2-1 to Seattle, who finished two points better off in fourth. New York Red Bulls topped the Eastern Conference as Wright-Phillips clinched his second Golden Boot in

Bulls' 2-0 victory at Philadelphia Union, who confirmed their playoff berth despite the defeat. Runner-up was David Villa with 23 goals after he scored in New York City's 4-1 rout of Columbus Crew as he helped seal second position in the east. Toronto FC claimed third with a 3-2 win against Chicago Fire, Orlando City downed fourth-placed DC United 4-2 to finish just a point outside the play-off spots, while New England Revolution defeated Montreal Impact 3-0. (SportsMax)

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