October 7, 2016

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Mocha Trio Charged With Larceny

Swine Evans, 27, Roy Nurse, 41, and Kanise Cameroon, 32, all of Mocha, East Bank Demerara were today released on $15,000 bail after they appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan jointly charged with committing the felony of larceny on October 3, 2016. They are set to appear before the Providence Magistrate Court on October 25, 2016 for continuation.

They were unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to the charge. It is alleged that on the date in question the three accused stole 4 Pine Doors of total value $45,000 and two Purple Heart doors valued at $32,000, total value of $77,588 while they were affixed to a building owned by Deomattie Seetaram. Prosecutor Jones said that the stolen items were recovered at the property where the trio reside.

Government Under Pressure Over Delayed Commissions parliamentary opposition, the People’s Progressive Party had already named their representatives for the LGC, which are; former acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba, former Local G overnment M inis ters N orman Whittaker and party member Clinton Collymore. The government however, is still to name their representatives. The opposition earlier this week had staged protests over the government’s delay in establishing the LGC. The PPP/C had picketed the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Communities, alleging that the delay is facilitating an attempt by the government to control local government bodies by completing the appointments of new Town Clerks and overseers in new local authorities. PPP Executive Secretary Zulficar Mustapha had said that the protests would continue until a commission is appointed. The collation government has come under heavy fire in the last few weeks over delays in setting up Local Government commission (LGC). The government had been accused of prolonging the establishment of the various commissions such as Local Government Commission (LGC) and the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) and also not making necessary amendments to current commissions such as the Integrity Commission. The

In an attempt to explain the delay for the commissions, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon on Wednesday, told reporters that efforts are ongoing to secure an office space for the LGC commission. Harmon, when asked about the names of the representatives of commission said that the names will be announced by President David Granger and minister of communities Ronald Bulkan but was unable to give a date for said announcement. He also related that the president is awaiting the parliamentary

Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to finalize the remuneration packages, Te r m s o f R e f e r e n c e a n d o t h e r administrative arrangements before swearing in the members PPC. However, PAC Chairman, Opposition member Irfaan Ali reportedly pointed out that the President could go ahead with swearing in the members of the Procurement Commission, as he did not have to necessarily wait for the Committee to finish its work on the PPC. Minister Harmon noted that recent media reports quoted the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, former Minister Irfaan Ally as saying that it (the Commission) will be among the first business of the National Assembly when it resumes Parliamentary sittings later this month. “We would like that to be a top priority as well, and we will give that our full support to ensure that it is fast tracked,” Harmon said.




Fisherman Charged which With Breaking And Entering he allegedly committed entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

Fisherman Anthony Lall today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan charged with one count of Breaking and Entering and one count of Larceny,

between September 30, 2016 and October 3, 2016. Lall was granted bail in the sum of $25,000 and is slated to appear before the Providence Magistrate Court on October 13, 2016. The 21 year-old resident of Friendship initially pleaded not guilty to the charge of breaking and entering and guilty to larceny. However after explaining to the court the reason behind his guilty plea, the Chief Magistrate

Police Prosecutor, Corporal Dinero Jones made no objection to bail. It is alleged that between the aforementioned dates Lall broke and entered the dwelling place of Shonette Douglas at Friendship, East Bank Demerara and stole one 1 Television valued at $100,000 and one Gas Bottle valued at $15,000. It is further alleged that between the same dates the defendant stole from the same virtual complainant two 50 gallon water tanks of total value $60,000.

More Focus Needed On Border Control. Many residents of the Essequibo are complaining about the porous borders of Guyana especially to the North and East, where there is smuggling. They believe that the Government of Guyana must do more to tighten up its border. The residents complained to the Guyana Daily News about the recent revelations o f Ve n e z u e l a n M i l i t a r y A i r c r a f t hoovering over the Essequibo region. Some residents also stated that border security is essential to Guyana, especially since there are disputes with Venezuela and Suriname on territorial matters. There are large scale fuel smuggling operations in this part of the country, and as such residents want those who enter or leave a country to be scrutinized. Border security and regulations allow a country to monitor all people, animals and goods that travel across its borders, there are several issues border security is responsible for: Controlling the movement of citizens in and out of the country, Regulating legal and illegal immigration, Collecting tax on goods, Controlling the spread of diseases, both human and animal, Preventing the smuggling of weapons, drugs, hazardous or illegal substances or objects, as well as endangered animals. The residents further stated that border security is one of the means through

which national security is carried out, no nation is truly safe without border security, because open borders easily lure harmful people and harmful actions such as smuggling, which could severely threaten the residents of the country and even result in the loss of lives, good border security can provide both actual safety for the country as well as a mental state of safety for its people. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the government continually explore the newest, most advanced technologies and processes that may ensure safe borders, a combination of good intelligence, tight security procedures, experienced and qualiďŹ ed personnel and regular checks and drills may ensure that a country’s borders are as safe as they could be, they added.




Government Continues To Ignore Mental Health These disorders cost individuals and provide government with information on

The State of mental health in Guyana is of grave concern to many residents. According to several persons who spoke to the Guyana Daily News, the Government is neglecting the issue in Guyana. The tragedies of the mentally unstable wandering the country’s streets and continuing domestic violence, murders and suicides point to a mental health crisis that is largely being ignored by the government, says founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Bodden. According to Bodden, those who are left to sleep on the streets, women who are beaten with hateful words before finally being stabbed to death by their angry spouses, and youth attempting to bury their depression in suicide are victims in the tragic stories among the underprivileged in society. Mental disorders have a severe impact on the Guyanese society, especially economic impacts which appear clearly in the Guyanese society.

families’ serious economic burden, where the family bears the expenses for the treatment of mental illness, In addition to lost employment, reduced productivity and high levels of crime. Direct costs of the treatment of mental disorders in countries like Guyana, where there is limited mental health care it may be lower than countries where there is advanced mental health care, but on the other hand the indirect costs increase because of lack of treatment that cause increment of the duration of untreated disorders. It is imperative that the government pay greater attention to curb mental illness in order to avoid further impact on society and economy. According to the citizens, making effective programs and policies widely available would provide Guyana with a wide range of preventive tools to tackle mental disorders. It is important to develop a system of national databases to

evidence on their outcomes and conditions for effective implementation. They also opined that financial support should be allocated to the implementation of prevention programs and policies and to the development of required infrastructures. In addition, investments in capacity building at the country level should be promoted, providing training and creating a workforce of professionals. Much of this investment will need to come from the government. Child abuse, discrimination, poverty and lack of access to education have a significant impact on the development of mental ill health and the cause of mental disorders. Actions and policies that improve the protection of the basic human rights plays a very powerful preventative strategy for mental disorders, they further stated.

3rd Rupununi Musical And Art Festival Opens From The 14th To The 16th Of October. and dances are some of the many Amerindian, Brazilian and Caribbean

3rd Rupununi Music & Arts Festival With the theme “One people, One Nation, One Destiny” the third Rupununi Musical and Art festival will open its doors once more to welcome locals and foreigners. A diversity of flavors, colors, scents, music

attractions that the festival has to offer. The event will take place on the Rock View Lodge, Annai, North Rupununi from October 14 – 16. Music as the Universal Language, will become the common denominator for local and foreigners to assemble in this singular location to enjoy an explosion of creativity and love. The complexity, beauty and limited human existence, is taken as the subtle theme of the festival this year. This yearly celebration was established in 2014 as an interesting adventure that provides visitors with the opportunity to explore Guyana from its matrix. Bird watching, fishing, walking and riding are some of the activities promoted by the event. Tempting the unexperienced traveler to take part of each and every one of them. A weakened that becomes short as the activities of the festival multiply. An eco-oriented event that looks forward to promote the preservation not only of the nature, but also values and traditions of this unique nation. Friday October 14th: The Festival will begin with the Sunset.

bands will light the evening. Story-telling, arts, crafts displays and participatory workshops will also take place. Saturday October 15th: Tour guides will start from early hours in the morning. Giving the visitors a preview of our flamboyant ecosystem. Football, volleyball and archery will be one of the offers in the sporting activities. Being one of the exclusives of this year festival. After Twilight, a campfire will light the center of the venue. Reminding us our vulnerable genesis. Sunday October 6th: An early morning musical on Inspiration Rock, will wake up the ‘audience’ on Sunday morning. Making sure that the last hours of the festival are well exploited. Followed by sport activities and the epic closing ceremony, which will be the combination of the three days of stage performances. S o u r c e : http://www.wherevent.com/detail/EcoTr a v e l - 3 r d - R u p u n u n i - M u s i c - A r t s Festival




Govt Accused Of Overspending, Prudent Management Needed

Several political commentators are questioning the new government’s ability to manage the country’s financial matters. They referenced the Auditor General’s report for 2015, which was handed over to the Speaker of the National Assembly recently. The report pointed out that there were overpayment to contractors and breaches of the law in overspending and abuse of the contingency fund. In the report on public

spending, the Auditor General’s Office found that overpayments amounting to $31.315 million ($31,315,000) were made on measured works on 19 contracts administered by ministries, departments and regions. Further, it was found that significant breaches of legislation occurred, especially relative to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (with 22 ministries/departments being

guilty). Thirteen of these ministries and departments breached Section 43, which stipulated that “…any unexpended balance of public moneys issued out of the Consolidated Fund shall be returned and surrendered to the Consolidated Fund”. In addition, it was found that eight ministries/departments had breached Section 80, which stipulated thus: “The concerned Minister shall, within two months following the receipt of the annual report, present the annual report of each statutory body to the National Assembly”. The audit is the first for the APNU+AFC coalition; it covers the coalition government’s first budget for the fiscal year ending 31st December, 2015, and scrutinizes spending of the various government ministries and the ten Administrative regions. The commentators are of the opinion that the government may not be making any strides to ensure tax payers dollars are spent in a prudent manner, with the loss of several vital overseas markets for rice, timber, among others, foreign revenues will be dwindling, “ so the government must spend wisely”.


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Testing For Zika Virus To Begin In Local Labs


he Ministry of Public Health is set to expend it efforts to address the Zika Virus. With 37 cases of the virus confirmed and pregnant women amoung them, Public Health Minister Dr. George Norton on Tuesday outlined an action plan with several components to the cabinet. According to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, efforts are underway to ensure that within the next three weeks, laboratories have the capacity to test for the Zika Virus. This is being done with assistance

from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Capacity to test for Chikungunya and Dengue will also be effected, Harmon said at a post cabinet briefing on Thursday. In addition to ensuring that labs are being equipped to test for the virus, the minister said the action plan includes early detection, adequate post diagnosis management of mothers and children, reduction of the incidents of infection in

pregnant women and surveillance and reports of suspected cases. Training and strengthening of health services to combat the spread of the Zika Virus generally is also being undertaken. Harmon related that cabinet has noted the occurrence of Zika virus and urged that Public Health Minister Dr Norton commit to “bolster efforts” to sensitize the public, especially expectant mothers, on how to deal with the Zika Virus infections. The Zika virus is a vector-borne disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito and was first confirmed in Guyana on January 12 when the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) established that a sample sent for testing from a 27-year-old woman, whose addresses were listed as both Rose Hall, Corentyne and Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara had tested positive.

Since that time there has been a total 37 confirmed in patients from Regions Three, Four, Six and Ten. Signs and symptoms of the illness include fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, rashes, and sometimes swelling of the limbs. Some persons may also experience vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. There has been no direct treatment developed for the illness, but patients are treated with basic pain killers. Precautionary measures such as the use of insect repellents, insecticidetreated nets, and wearing longsleeved clothing are recommended. Household insecticidal sprays, coils, candles, screening of windows, doors and other openings can also aid in reducing mosquitoes in the home. Sexual transmission of the Zika Virus is also possible so practicing safe sex is encouraged.

Unlicensed Motorcyclist Granted Bail In Fatal Accident


elroy Barnwell today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with causing

the death of Paulette Josiah by dangerous driving on June 20, 2016 at Houston Public Road, East Bank Demerara. Barnwell pleaded not guilty to the charge and was granted $500,000 bail and is slated to return before the night court in Court 7 on October 8, 2016.

It is alleged that on the date in question, Josiah was the pillion rider on Motorcycle CG 8485 operated by Barnwell when the accused tried to overtake a vehicle on the eastern carriageway of the EBD Public Road. He applied the brake causing Josiah to fall off the motorcycle suffering the aforementioned injuries to which she succumbed.

It was reported before the court that as a result of the accident, Barnwell suffered a broken leg which he has had two surgeries on while Josiah died as a result of multiple injuries to the hip, ribs and hands. There was no objection to bail, however the prosecution requested the amount be substantial.

Barnwell was also slapped with four other charges which include, riding a motorcycle while not being a license holder, riding a motorcycle which was uninsured, riding a mo t o r c y c le w ith o u t a mo to r c y c le certificate and riding a motorcycle without a valid Road Traffic License. Barnwell was fined $30,000 for being an unlicensed motorcycle rider as he pleaded guilty to the charge but pleaded not guilty to the other three.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS GWI To Explore New Techniques To Improve Operations - Following Informative Suriname Visit PAGE 9

GWI’s Georgetown Manager, Cutris Niles; Executive Director of Project Implementation & Partnership Building, Ramchand Jailal and ; Technical Advisor, Joseph Codette analyse a section of the operational setup at the Suriname Water Company. T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 6 , 2 0 1 6 – Georgetown, Guyana: A five member t e a m f r o m t h e G u y a n a Wa t e r Incorporated on Saturday (October 1 st ) returned from Suriname following the second leg of the IBD/UN Habitat sponsored Water Partnership Program. The team engaged the Suriname Water Company in a one week program which addressed topical areas including water quality, non-revenue water and billing. Representatives from the Suriname Water Company were here in August to analyze GWI’s operations. The aim of the exchange program was to share ideas and experiences for the benefit of both countries. Executive Director of Operations, Dwayne Shako said they have returned with improved knowledge on ways to better Guyana’s water quality based on the expertise of their Surinamese counterparts. He added that water quality was one of the main focus areas for GWI during the exchange program. Shako said, “What we realised is that our


designs for treatment plants were very generic. What the Dutch did is they really studied all the characteristics of the ground water and they were testing far more parameters than we were, so their treatment system is actually tailored based on the quality of the ground water”. This means that even though treatment plants may be similar in design, some amount of tweaking was done to make they are unique to the ground water they are treating. “The most important thing is to have our lab e q u i p p e d b e c a u s e t h a t ’s w h e r e everything starts…to be able to test all the parameters needed to properly design a treatment plant”, Shako added. The team also managed to gain a firsthand look at the outcome of their counterparts’ aquifer study, which will serve as a framework for a similar study to be undertaken by GWI. This study helps to determine the quantity of ground water resource. “So we discussed with them how they went about it and we were privileged to have some of the results from their report”, Shako posited. GWI’s study when completed will help to guide the design of new wells and the future use of ground water in Guyana. Meanwhile in the department of billing, GWI personnel were able to advise the Surinamese on ways to improve their service, since Guyana’s system was deemed more advanced. Alternatively, the GWI team learnt new techniques on how

to tackle non- revenue water. During the visit to the Suriname Water company, GWI’s team also toured a number of their water treatment plants and other facilities with a view of analyzing them in comparison to Guyana’s setup and with the aim of improving the services offered. Suriname’s Natural Resources Minister Mr. Regilio J. Dodson who engaged GWI’s officials, expressed pleasure in seeing the realisation of the partnership. He noted that he is looking forward to engaging GWI’s Managing Director Dr. Richard Van West-Charles, with the hope of strengthening bilateral relations in the area of water. Mr. Dodson believes the neighbouring countries share common interests and has committed to assisting Guyana where needed. The team consisted Executive Director of Operations, Dwayne Shako; Executive Director of Project Implementation & Partnership Building, Ramchand Jailal; Technical Advisor, Joseph Codette; Georgetown Manager, Curtis Niles; Chemical E n g i n e e r, D e o n A n d e r s o n a n d Hydrologist, Angela Franklin. GWI Press Release




Hurricane Matthew: Haiti Storm Disaster Kills Hundreds

The death toll in Haiti as a result of Hurricane Matthew - the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade - has soared to more than 400, officials say. Some 50 people were reported killed in the town of Roche-a-Bateau alone The nearby city of Jeremie saw 80% of its buildings levelled. In Sud province 30,000 homes were destroyed. Category Three Matthew, with sustained winds of 120mph (193km/h), is heading up the coastline of the US state of Florida but has not made landfall. It remains unclear whether it will do so. At 08:00 local time (12:00 GMT) Matthew was off the Florida coast, about 45 miles east of Daytona Beach and moving north-west at about 13mph, the National Hurricane Center said.\ Senator Herve Fourcand from southern Haiti told AFP news agency that at least 400 people had died. Reuters news agency put the death toll at 478, quoting Haitian officials, but this has not been independently confirmed. The World Food Programme's country director in Haiti, Carlos Veloso, has warned that it could take up to four or five days to get a clearer picture of the impact and death toll. Mr Veloso told the BBC some aid had been brought into the country's southwestern peninsula, where many of the deaths were reported, but the region remained largely cut off with access only possible by helicopter or sea. After slicing through Haiti and Cuba, Hurricane Matthew pounded the Bahamas on Thursday but no fatalities were reported there. Four people died in the neighbouring Dominican Republic on Tuesday. Most of the deaths in Haiti were in towns and fishing villages around the southern coast, with many killed by falling trees, flying debris and swollen rivers. The storm passed directly through the Tiburon peninsula, driving the sea inland

and flattening homes Hurricane Matthew leaves hundreds dead in Haiti with winds of up to 230km/h (145mph) and torrential rain on M o n d a y a n d Tuesday. The collapse of an important bridge on Tuesday and flood waters are hampering rescue efforts in the region. Nongovernmental organisations said phone coverage and electricity were down poorest countries - has never fully and people were running out of food and recovered from the earthquake that killed water. Les Cayes resident Jean Joseph thousands of people in 2010 and the described the scene in his town - one of cholera epidemic that followed. Cape the worst-hit - as "complete devastation". Canaveral - where Nasa's rocket launch Across the country, there are some facility is based - has recorded a wind 350,000 in need of assistance, according gust of 107mph. to the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Forecasters are warning the storm could Humanitarian Affairs. A spokesperson dump up to 15in (38cm) of rain and cause for the American Red Cross, Suzy a storm surge of 9ft or more in the state. DeFrancis, said the first priority was to Orlando theme parks Walt Disney World, get phone networks across the country Universal Studios and SeaWorld are back up and running. She said aid shut. Why Haiti is vulnerable to disasters agencies were most concerned about a More than half of Haiti's city-dwellers surge in cholera cases, with the sanitation live in overcrowded shantytowns that system in Haiti already overwhelmed. take the full force of any earthquake, Haiti - one of the world's poorest hurricane, or disease outbreak. An countries - has never fully recovered ongoing cholera epidemic, triggered by f r o m t h e e a r t h q u a k e t h a t k i l l e d the arrival of UN troops after the 2010 thousands of people in 2010 and the earthquake, has killed thousands of cholera epidemic that followed. Across people. the country, there are some 350,000 in Massive deforestation has also led to soil need of assistance, according to the UN erosion, leaving hillside huts and poorlyO ffi c e f o r t h e C o - o r d i n a t i o n o f built houses in the capital, Port-auHumanitarian Affairs. Prince, dangerously exposed. In rural A spokesperson for the American Red areas, topsoil used for agriculture is often Cross, Suzy DeFrancis, said the first washed away. Political instability and priority was to get phone networks across corruption have been a factor. Without the country back up and running. She effective government for decades, Haiti said aid agencies were most concerned currently ranks 163rd out of the 188 about a surge in cholera cases, with the c o u n t r i e s o n t h e U N H u m a n sanitation system in Haiti already Development Index. It spends little on overwhelmed. Haiti - one of the world's storm defences. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Nobel Peace Prize For Colombia's Juan Manuel Santos President Santos joins a long line of Nobel Peace Prize winners PAGE 12

Mr Santos and the Farc leader known as Timochenko shook hands in a historic ceremony in Cartagena in September(AFP) Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the 52-year conflict with left-wing rebels. The Nobel committee praised him for a peace deal signed with Farc rebels, but rejected by Colombians in a vote. Mr Santos said he dedicated the award to "all the victims of the conflict", and the Farc leader congratulated him. About 260,000 people have been killed and more than six million internally displaced in Colombia. The award did not include Farc leader Rodrigo Londono, known as Timochenko, who also signed the accord. The Nobel commitee chairwoman said it recognised the president's "resolute efforts" to end the conflict. "The award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process," Kaci Kullman Five added. Juan Manuel Santos Born in Bogota in 10 August 1951 in an influential family Elected Colombian president in 2010 and re-elected in 2014 Served as defence minister from 2006 until 2009 Married, has two sons and one Mr Santos said on Twitter: "This honourable distinction is not for me, it's for all the victims of the conflict. Together we'll win the most important award of them all: peace." The peace deal was rejected by 50.2% of voters who went to the polls on 2 October. The committee acknowledged the result, saying: "What the 'No' side rejected was not the desire for peace, but a specific peace agreement." It also said that finding a balance between the need for reconciliation and ensuring justice for the victims would be a difficult challenge. Also on Twitter, Farc leader Timochenko said: "I congratulate President Juan Manuel Santos, Cuba and Norway, who sponsored the process, and Venezuela and Chile, who assisted it, without them, peace would be impossible." Earlier, he had written: "The only prize we aspire to is peace with social justice for Colombia, without (right-wing) paramilitary groups, without retaliation or lies. Peace in the streets." This was a Peace Prize for a peace deal that wasn't.


who have been rewarded for effort as much as achievement. But it is too easy to be cynical. The Nobel Peace Prize has often been controversial. In recent years a variety of international bureaucracies have won - the EU, the IAEA and the OPCW. Why, some have argued, should people get a prize for simply doing their job? What, others ask, had US President Barack Obama actually done to merit the prize in 2009, other than be elected? But the Nobel has often gone to extraordinary individuals who really have gone above and beyond to bring peace - in Northern Ireland and East Timor to name just two examples. Maybe the award to President Santos may yet galvanise public opinion in Colombia to think again about the deal. Critics, led by former president Alvaro Uribe, said the deal was too lenient to the rebels. Under the agreement, special courts would have been created to try crimes committed during the conflict. Those who confessed would have received lighter sentences and avoided serving any time in conventional prisons. The Farc would also have been guaranteed 10 seats in the Colombian Congress in the 2018 and 2022 elections. Despite the rejection by voters, Mr Santos vowed to continue with talks with the rebels. Government negotiators have already returned to the Cuban capital Havana for further discussions with Farc leaders. Kaci Kullman Five, from the Nobel committee, said the award was also meant as "encouragement" to the rebels. "Giving the prize to Santos is not a belittlement to any of the other parties. "The Farc is obviously a very important part of this process.'' The Farc's 52-year fight 2002: At its height, it had an army of 20,000 fighters controlling up to a third of the country. Senator Ingrid Betancourt was kidnapped and held for six years along with 14 other hostages 2008: The Farc suffers a series of defeats in its worst year 2012: Start of peace talks in Havana 2016: Definitive ceasefire Mr Santos was selected from a list of 376 candidates - 228 were individuals and 148 were organisations. They included: the Syrian White Helmets, civil defence volunteers who rescue bomb victims the negotiators of the international deal to limit Iran's nuclear programme Greek islanders on the front line of Europe's refugee crisis How the prize is decided Eligible nominators from around the world can put forward candidates up to 1 February of the award year, while Nobel Committee members have more time All nominations are reviewed by the committee - whose five members are chosen by the Norwegian parliament - before a shortlist of 2030 candidates are selected A group of Norwegian and international advisers write individual reports on the shortlisted candidates. Using these and further reports, the committee narrows the selection down to a handful A decision is reached in the last meeting of the committee, usually in late September or early October, before the prize is announced If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, a simple majority vote is used After the announcement, the award ceremony takes place on 10 December, the date of Alfred Nobel's death (BBC)




Storm Surge Forces Residents To Flee As Matthew Pounds Bahamas anything, just a lot of breeze,” Thompson said. “Then all of a sudden, the water went from nothing to two feet of water.”

This visible image on October 6 at 1:00 pm EDT from NOAA's GOESEast satellite shows Hurricane Matthew as it regained Category 4 Hurricane Status. Hurricane Nicole appears in the Atlantic to the right. NASA/NOAA GOES Project By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- A rapid storm surge in southern New Providence forced residents to evacuate their homes on Thursday morning as Hurricane Matthew battered The Bahamas. Ebony Thompson, a 15-year resident of the area, spoke to The Nassau Guardian just minutes after she and her family fled to safety. “At one point there wasn’t

This is the first time since 1929 that New Providence has been directly hit by a major hurricane. Reports were received of roofs blown off by the category four storm in other islands, many of which were without power on Thursday. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Thursday, the eye of Hurricane Matthew was about 25 miles (40 km) southsoutheast of Grand Bahama and about to hit Freeport. Maximum sustained winds were near 140 mph (220 km/h) with higher gusts. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 60 miles (95 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km). A hurricane warning is in effect for northwestern Bahamas, including the Abacos, Andros Island, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama and New Providence.

The hurricane is moving toward the northwest near 14 mph (22 km/h), and this general motion is expected to continue Thursday night with a turn toward the north-northwest early Friday. However, on the five-day forecast track, Matthew may double back and approach The Bahamas again from the north, this time as a tropical storm. Hurricane conditions were expected to continue over portions of the northwestern Bahamas on Thursday evening. The combination of a dangerous storm surge and large and destructive waves could raise water levels by as much as 10 to 15 feet in the northwestern Bahamas. Matthew is expected to produce total rainfall amounts of 8 to 12 inches, isolated 15 inches, in the central and northern Bahamas. Rainfall should diminish across central and eastern Cuba with isolated additional amounts of 1 to 2 inches possible through Thursday evening. Swells generated by Matthew will continue to affect portions of the north coast of Cuba and The Bahamas during the next few days. These swells will likely cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. (Caribbean News Now!)




Nicole Now A Hurricane; Forecast To Meander South Of Bermuda

Hurricane Nicole ďŹ ve-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Tropical cyclone Nicole strengthened into a hurricane on Thursday,

with maximum sustained winds near 85 mph (140 km/h) with higher gusts. Although some additional strengthening is expected Thursday night, weakening is forecast by late Friday through Saturday. According to the National

Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 EDT on Thursday, the centre of Hurricane Nicole was located about 330 miles (535 km) south of Bermuda, moving towards the north-northwest near 7 mph (11 km/h). This motion at a slower forward

speed is expected through Friday morning. A meandering motion, but generally toward the south or southeast, is expected later Friday and Saturday. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 15 miles (30 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km). Swells associated with Nicole, along with rough surf conditions, will aect Bermuda for the next few days. Meanwhile, showers and thunderstorms near the Lesser Antilles are associated with a tropical wave passing through the region. Although development of this system is not expected, locally heavy rains and gusty winds are possible in the Windward and southern Leeward Islands during the next day or so as this disturbance moves through the area. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UN Emergency Teams 'On The Ground' In The Caribbean To Help Respond To Hurricane Matthew the preparedness efforts of the Cuban PAGE 17

Brazilian Marines with the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) clearing the road to les Cayes, Haiti, after the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Photo: UN MINUSTAH BNEW YORK, USA -- In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean region, United Nations emergency response teams have been deployed to Haiti and Jamaica to coordinate rapid assessments and support disaster response. According to a statement issued by UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson, though the full extent of the impact remains unclear, the Haitian government has reported that a number of lives have been lost and at least 350,000 people need immediate assistance. The statement also noted that the UN is in contact with the authorities across the region and stands ready to assist with response and recovery if required. Also on Wednesday at a regular briefing at UN Headquarters in New York, a UN spokesperson told journalists that the


entire southern part of the country, including capital Port-au-Prince have been affected and the south-east tip of the island suffered the brunt of the hurricane. A main bridge connecting the capital to the south was also swept away this afternoon cutting off access. The teams have been deployed from the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), which is managed by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). On the ground, they are logistically supported by the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). UNDAC is part of the international emergency response system for acute emergencies. It was created in 1993 to help the UN and governments of disaster-affected countries during the first phase of a sudden-onset emergency. Further, in the statement from his office, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed his solidarity with the people and governments of Haiti, Cuba and other countries in the hurricane affected region. It added that the UN chief praised

authorities, media, and civil society to protect people's lives and economic assets. In Cuba, more than 377,000 people were evacuated, 1,640 metric tonnes of food was pre-positioned in safe areas, and measures were taken to protect communities and infrastructure threatened by strong winds, rains, storm surge and floods. In a separate statement today, president of the General Assembly Peter Thomson also expressed deep concern for the people of Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Bahamas and other countries in the Caribbean as they struggle to cope with the effects of the hurricane and offered his condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives as a result of the storm. “As a Fijian who has witnessed firsthand the power and devastation of such destructive tropical cyclones, I fully empathise with those facing up to the damage,” he said, adding: “The world must stand with the victims at this time as people of goodwill everywhere recognise their suffering and stand ready to offer a helping hand.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Curacao Elections Result In Another Coalition Government As Predicted those in black arranged vertically top- their fate could be the same as Alex Rosaria By Josefina Josepha Caribbean News Now Curacao correspondent WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- Wednesday’s general elections in Curacao produced yet another fragmented parliament that will require a new coalition to be negotiated from among the eight parties successful in gaining one or more seats to form the next government. The successful parties gaining representation in the 21-seat Staten van Curacao third session (SVC-3) were as follows in Table 1.01. A large percentage of those surveyed in the Caribbean News Now pre-election polling expressed serious concern and questioned the rule of law in Curacao, accountability and transparency of the executive, legislative and judicial branch, because of the apparent feeling that everyone should be treated the same, no matter who you are and what position you hold. However, earlier this year, former prime minister Gerrit Schotte, the leader of MFK, was convicted on several counts of fraud and money laundering, and the most popular question in Curacao is how was Schotte able to participate in the elections if he was found guilty on all counts and received an imposed term of five years removal from all politics in Curacao. Some political pundits in Curacao are raising an eyebrow as to why the 2016 election commissioner allowed Schotte’s participation. A greater question weighs on the minds of those in political circles, namely, if Schotte forms the government, the coalition could or may pardon his crime and conviction. Tables 1.02, Table 2.01 and Table 2.02 all illustrate the complex metapsychosocial relationship included in the art of negotiating trades and deals in the formation of a coalition government in Curacao. Basically, as the value of the horizontal rows ψ; psi, increases, so too does the prime factors of flexibility vs. political cooperation. The title of the political parties abbreviations in red running from leftright horizontally indicate “The Negotiating Party”; “The Actors”, whereas

down indicate the party negotiating with “The Reactors”. It is important to mention here that negotiations are a dynamic process and can change polarity. As this relates to the vertical columns, the light blue cells, ψ; psi, is inversely proportional to the actor, hence the lower the number, the greater and more leverage the Actor has in the negotiating process. Therefore as explained earlier from the indications of the importance of the political party MAN, they have a controlling hand if they act quickly and swiftly, the longer this lingers the greater the chances are that other major or minor political parties may cut deals in their best interest. Coalition governments in Curacao have proven to be less focused and beneficial to the well being of the constituents/the voting populace as compared to individual politicians and the desire to maintain control and power. In Table 2.01 this is a top-down vertical column application in understanding the leveraging power to negotiating and forming a Curacao coalition government. In this case it is important to pay attention to dark red five significant figure value to the far right, (2.3036 in Table 2.01 and 2.25 in Table 2.02) which is the standardized values in flexibility and cooperation to forming a coalition government respectively. Therefore, the number in the lilac in Table 2.01, as it becomes increasingly less or lower the value in comparison, then the greater the leverage, and the greater value in comparison to the standardization the less leverage and power in negotiating a coalition government. A particular stand-out point noted that in Table 2.02, the light blue highlighted area of a vertical column is the inability of PS to apparently form a coalition government and the slight possibility of MFK negotiations to control SVC-3. From the tables it demonstrates that Schotte may have gained almost 16% of the popular vote; however, he may have a difficult time to form the government, especially when other leaders considers

and the political party PAIS. KdNT and Dos Santos is heavily polarized to Schotte and MFK; however, as demonstrated from Table 1.01, he may be more willing to cooperate and become more flexible. However, the trust factor in good faith is equivalent to the fact of honouring the agreement of the coalition and this maybe a negative point in KDNT negotiations to forming a coalition government. However, Schotte’s complete dependency is on KdNT making deals with the other sub-parties and minor parties in order to possible gain control of the government. That may be a difficult task but not an impossible one for the KdNT-MFK coalition. While the KdNT party is believed to be closely aligned with Schotte and the MFK, between them they only account for seven seats, four short of a governing majority. It is extremely doubtful in the circumstances that Schotte could enlist the cooperation of other parties in order to form a new government. The more likely move is for PAR to coalesce with MAN – a total of eight seats – and try to bring on board at least two of the other four parties. PAR and MAN are very capable of forming a coalition government that would stifle any other challenges. All other minor political parties and sub-political parties have at best an accessory role. Stay tuned… (Caribbean News Now!)





Trinidad And Tobago PM Tells Citizens To 'Wean Off The Government’

Trinidad and Tobago's Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley; photo by Jacqueline Morris, used under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- On Saturday, 1 October, Trinidad and Tobago's prime minister, Dr Keith Rowley, spoke at the launch of the ministry of education's school improvement programme. The part of Rowley's speech that snagged the headlines, however, wasn't his “great expectations” for the programme, but his critique of Trinidad and Tobago citizens’ alleged dependence on government

handouts. Halfway through the speech the prime minister referenced the comments of a local business leader who had criticised the Rowley administration's 2017 national budget, which was presented on September 30. According to the business leader, who was not named in the speech, the 2017 budget lacked a stimulus package. Rowley defended his administration's fiscal approach, saying that they aimed to develop a participatory approach to solving the country's fiscal challenges. “We are going to have to do things differently,” he said: “Every road to be built in this country has been built by the government…every school, every health centre, every this, every that. Because in this country, for the last generation or two, we've grown up on the government. Well, you better begin to be weaned off the government because the government's shoulder cannot carry the burden anymore.” Social media reacted i m m e d i a t e l y, w i t h m a n y p e o p l e expressing resentment at the implications of Rowley's statement. In a public post, Facebook user Giselle Walker said: “I completely agree with Dr Rowley that there are those that need to be weaned off of the dependence of the government, but its not the hardworking tax payers […] maybe what he meant to say is that it is time to trim the excess fat

off of those who have grown accustomed to living off of it. “Income Taxes are paid to the government in order that they deliver roads […] hospitals, healthcare, police protection to name a few. “That's your job and if you don't know that by now then we definitely have a problem.” Denith McNicolls quipped: “When is Rowley going to be weaned off the government?” Facebook user Urv Butch added: “Oh the irony from man who increasingly dependent on the citizens’ taxes to run said government…” The public backlash was so strong that Rowley's office subsequently issued a clarification of what he meant: “To make it clear, Dr Rowley was referencing the merits of the public/private partnership model as a means of dealing with the economic challenges facing Trinidad and Tobago. “This is a conversation that seeks to identify the role of the government working alongside and in harmony with citizens who are being encouraged to take more responsibility for their circumstances.” Trinidad and Tobago has long been criticised for being an “eat ah food”, quick fix society, in which long-term strategies are often sacrificed at the altar of instant gratification. Several governments have been accused of creating a dependency syndrome among the population.

Continued on next page...




Trinidad And Tobago PM Tells Citizens To 'Wean Off The Government’ (Cont’d)

Facebook user Kim Lemo, therefore, was not convinced: “I am a hard working, taxpaying citizen of this wonderful country. You blatantly disrespected me by saying that I am dependant on the government for health care, education and roads (all basic necessities) and I need to be weaned of the government. “Then you are now trying to convince the public, via a statement from your office, that we have misinterpreted your statement. “Dr Keith Rowley you know full well what you meant and you don't care. […] “You and your ministers can continue to wine and dine, buy the best high end vehicles and own many houses, look the best and open many businesses, squander taxpayers’ dollars and the countries resources.” Wired868 republished a letter to the editor, which called Rowley's stance “insulting”: “Apparently the PM is of the view that successive governments, for at least the last two generations, have been doing the people of this land a great disservice by providing roads, schools and health centres along with ‘every this and every that’. The various regimes have been busily moulding and shaping our entitlement mentality to which we have become so used that we now need to

be ‘weaned off’. “Unfortunately, the goodly Doctor said nothing of the career political parasites who became fabulously wealthy simply by occupying the corridors of power -some for more than an entire generation - while their respective constituencies have been, and continue to be, systematically and intentionally neglected.” There were also netizens on the opposite side of the divide. Providing several examples, Rhoda Bharath made this argument: “When the govt pay for your breakfast and lunch in school and yuh throw it away. And they pay for your text books and laptop and you mash them up. And they give you free bus tickets and your throw that in the bin… Is it ok to say come off the national tot tots or it offensive?” Abeo Jackson agreed, saying that people were “offended by tone rather than understand[ing] context”. Even as economist Indera Sagewan-Alli maintained that the country's money belongs to the citizenry and that the government acts on their behalf, Facebook user Jimmy Deon Toussaint had some words of advice for the prime minister: “Let's start by looking at the great

wastage, continuing social decay and proliferation of criminal activities that is synonymous with work programs such as CEPEP [an environmental protection company], URP [Unemployment Relief Programme] etc. The idea behind these programs and their earlier incarnations […] were in my view, pretty good. That is, they were started to assist in eradicating poverty […] Some of the naysayers would say that if these programs were not around, then TnT would have seen a greater poverty level than what is being observed today. I beg to differ. They may have assisted but they have also led to generations after generations of citizens whose main focus from young is to ‘get a CECEP wuk’. I believe that these programs should continue, however in a different direction – a direction that will show tangible financial benefits for the country, because the government's shoulders cannot carry the dead weight of these CEPEP and URP programs anymore. […] It is time that we build civic pride into these programs, by altering their directions away from the negative connotations associated with their present structure.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Arnold During His Bodybuilding Career

The opening of the new US Embassy building in Paramaribo PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, US Ambassador Edwin R. Nolan, and the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) Principal Deputy Director William Moser, alongside local officials, dedicated the new US embassy in Paramaribo on

Wednesday. The multi-building complex, on an 8-acre site in the Morgenstond development, includes a chancery, support buildings, and facilities for the embassy community. The new complex will provide embassy employees with a safe, secure, and sustainable workplace. The $164 million project incorporates numerous features to conserve resources and reduce operating costs, including a rainwater harvesting system, a light-colored roof on the main office building to reduce cooling costs, and light-emitting diode (LED) site lights. The facility’s design targets Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Silver Certification by the US Green Building Council. Since 1999, as part of the department’s capital security construction program, OBO has completed 133 new diplomatic facilities and has an additional 53 projects in design or under construction. OBO’s mission is to provide safe, secure, and functional facilities that represent the US government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of US foreign policy objectives. These facilities should represent American values and the best in American architecture, engineering, technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution. (Caribbean News Now!)




Mercury In Seafood, From Contamination To Elimination By Dr Bill McGraw Aquaculture and Environmental Scientist drbillmcgraw@investpanamanewshrim p t e c h n o l o g y . c o m www.newaquatechpanama.com Is Mercury Really a Problem? BOQUETE, Panama -- Medical advice is abundant on the internet and much of it adds to confusion, fear and potential anxiety over a variety of issues. For example, pregnant woman and small children are advised to avoid eating orange roughy, marlin, grouper, shark, swordfish, tuna, king mackerel and tilefish due to the potential ingestion of mercury. According to another site, a 200 lb man consuming 16 oz of tuna in any given week would be 455% over the safe limit of mercury toxicity. Is this correct? If it is true then how did it end up this way and what can we do about it? The number one source of mercury toxicity is from seafood. Generally, all fish contain some mercury, yet fish from warmer waters have been documented to have higher levels. Mercury in seafood is in the form of methylmercury which is 90% absorbable when ingested, as opposed to non-absorbable elemental mercury found in thermometers. This heavy metal is characteristically first absorbed by algae, consumed by primary herbivores like zooplankton and is quickly absorbed in the viscera and muscle of predators and passed up the food chain where it accumulates. This accumulation is due to slow excretion from organisms. Fish that live a long time accumulate more mercury in their bodies compared to shorter lived fish. Species lower on the food chain will likely contain one-tenth that of a higher order predator. History of Toxicity and Regulation Perhaps the first well known case of mercury poisoning involved people who worked with mercury in manufacturing

hats who were known to display odd behaviour. Thus the popular phrase from the 1800s "mad as a hatter" came into being. However, mercury was used as a potential treatment for a few different diseases as recently as 100 years ago, obviously with little regard to potential toxicity. More recently, during the year 1956, mercury poisoning on a large scale was first documented in Minimata, Japan, where wastewater from a chemical factory made its way into the local bay. The mercury was ingested via fish and shellfish consumed from Minimata Bay, resulting in 2,300 people affected, of whom 1,800 died. During the 1970s Japan was the first country to issue regulation and reduction of the use of mercury in industry. Legislation on an international scale was promulgated during the early 1970s and the first serious law in order to reduce mercury into the environment was established in 1989. Further regulation was created during the following decade. The United States leads the world in regulating mercury contamination in air and water. Sources of Mercury Contamination Anthropogenic sources are naturally suspected, yet more recently discovered natural processes such as volcanoes and geothermal vents may actually contribute up to ten percent of mercury in the environment. Lesser known reemission is actually the biggest source, which is mercury that is released into the ocean from soils via floods and put into the atmosphere during forest fires, from plants that previously absorbed mercury. Unsuspectingly, additional minor amounts may come from agriculture sprays. However, as expected, about 30 percent of mercury that ends up in the environment comes from anthropogenic sources, with the biggest contribution from burning coal, which naturally

contains mercury. Mercury from coal is emitted into the air and settles into water, much of which ends up in the ocean. Industry such as mining can also contribute a significant amount in certain areas. How Does Mercury Accumulate in Cultured Seafood? In China and worldwide, carp are the number one species cultured. This species absorbs mercury primarily through sediments rather than processed feed. This was found to be the main avenue for other environmental toxicity as previously reported. Fish can also ingest mercury by eating contaminated vegetation. Once aquatic animals absorb the elemental mercury or ingest the methylmercury from an organic source, they convert it to the deadly form or assimilate it and the accumulation begins. Regrettably, this deadly organic form can be created by bacteria, which can rapidly enter the food chain. The FDA reported in 2004 that the lowest levels of mercury found in seafood were tilapia, salmon, shrimp, pollock and catfish. All of these fish except pollock are well known, short-lived aquacultured species. Research regarding mercury levels in cultured seafood is needed with the few sources available stating that levels were lower in fish produced from aquaculture sources. Continued on next page...




Mercury In Seafood, From Contamination To Elimination (Cont’d)

In and Out of the Human Body As explained and most widely known, mercury in fish in the primary source for toxicity in humans. However, minor amounts of mercury can actually be inhaled as a gas, absorbed through the skin, or more supposedly, innocuously injected as in the case of vaccines or absorbed as dental mercury amalgam fillings, which surprisingly are composed of 50% elemental mercury! Mercury primarily affects the nervous system with reduced coordination of the musculatory system, loss of vision and numbness. Other lesser effects may be insomnia, headaches and behavioural disorders (remember the mad hatter?). The most prominent treatment for serious mercury toxicity is chelation therapy. Minor toxicity can be dealt with by supplementing with natural antioxidants, which speed removal from the body. However, mercury detoxification is based on many variables dealing with health status. The most of important of these variables is inflammation in the body, which exists due to a variety of modern life factors and can slow down our natural elimination systems. Good gut flora is known to be able to bind metals and remove them, so regular consumption of fermented foods is widely suggested along with the usual recommendation of green foods. Special attention should be paid to chlorella and cilantro

which are known to help considerably with heavy metal detox. Mercury accumulation in the human body is best determined by hair analysis which can be conducted for a very reasonable cost ($150). Results from mercury testing provided by an internet company show that mercury levels are high in a hair sample from the author, who not surprisingly, consumes wild marine fish every week (Yikes!).

Conclusion Reduced fossil fuel usage would be the obvious and most likely prominent option to reduce mercury toxicity in humans. Avoiding mercury amalgam fillings and mercury containing vaccines would also warrant consideration. The best advice that can be given for children and woman during pregnancy is avoid the higher predator species (as suggested). Fish that are not on the "high mercury" list can be safely consumed two to three times per week, while fish with known higher levels should be consumed less so. A healthy elimination system can safely excrete a small amount of mercury through normal processes. When in doubt get a hair analysis to determine if you have any accumulation of mercury or any heavy metals in your body and engage natural therapies as needed. (Caribbean News Now!)




Taiwan Denies Fishing In St. Vincent And Grenadines Waters KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Oct 7, CMC exclusive economic zone,” the prime this country. Many young people may – Taiwan has denied allegations that fishing vessels from the Asian country is engaged in illegal fishing in the waters of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Taiwan’s ambassador to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Baushuan Ger, is also denying that fishing vessels from his country that fly the Vincentian flag “are either poaching in Vincentian waters or evading tax”. He said that it is “very sad that a few people in this country have kept spreading false accusations” to that effect. “As a diplomat, it is my duty to set the records straight,” Ger said, noting that like vessels from other countries, the Taiwanese fishing vessels are registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines under the High Seas Fishing Act 2001. “Once lawfully registered, these Taiwanese fishing vessels should pay only license fees and security bond or deposit according to the High Seas Fishing Regulations 2003. That is to say, these St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered fishing vessels fish only on high seas that belong to no country. That is the very reason they don’t pay tax,” Ger said. The diplomat, speaking at a ceremony marking Taiwan’s 105th National Day, said that his country’s fishing vessels operate in full compliance with the regulations of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). “They can never poach in the territorial waters, contiguous zone or exclusive economic zone of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Should they do so, it is punishable not only by your laws but by ours severely,” Ger said, adding, “I sincerely believe that those groundless allegations will be stopped by the wise.” Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves also commented on the claim that Taiwanese vessels fish in local waters. “The registration of a vessel owned by Taiwan or owned by anybody else in St Vincent and the Grenadines does not give that vessel the right to fish in our waters or our

minister said. Speaking about the relationship between the two countries, Ger said that Kingstown has always been “an unwavering ally and a vocal supporter of Taiwan”. He noted that on August 16, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves wrote to the President of the Council of International Civil Aviation Organisation “for our cause”. Further, on September 23, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Gonsalves again recognised “Taiwan’s commitment as a stakeholder of the international community and urges the UN to open its arms to Taiwan,” Ger said. “We are truly grateful for what St. Vincent and the Grenadines has been always doing in the international arena for us.” He said that looking back at the “fruitful friendship” that began in 1981, he was pleased to report that both countries have launched and completed together many great successful cooperation projects here. “Ever since 1981, Taiwan has been working with the government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on various fields such as agriculture, civil d e v e l o p m e n t p r o j e c t s , Ta i w a n scholarships, ICT projects, national library, the Argyle International Airport, learning resource centres, to name a few.” He said the two governments are working on an agricultural cooperation project with the aim of enhancing the farmers’ organisations and of further improving their production techniques, and an ICT project that will lead to build a digital government. “We believe that through successful implementations, these projects will bring tangible and substantial benefits to the people of this country,” Ger said. “Many young people might not even know that in the past, pork and many fruits and vegetables had to be imported for local consumption. It was through our successful collaboration that many crops and pork are now fully produced here in

have never been to the Rabacca pig breeding centre or the Orange Hill Farm, I encourage them to pay a visit and try to imagine the hard work we have put together to make those achievements possible,” Ger said. This is the first year since the establishment of relationship between the two countries that the celebration in Kingstown were being observed without representation of the main opposition New Democratic Party. The NDP has announced that if elected to office, it would change its foreign policy and recognise China, which regards Taiwan as a reengage province, to be reunited by force if necessary. But Gonsalves reiterated that his ruling Unity Labour Party (ULP) administration is committed to Kingstown-Taipei ties. ” St Vincent and the Grenadines under the Unity Labour Party doesn’t follow anybody. We follow ourselves and the interest of the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines… We have 35 years, and you are asking me to break? Break for what?” said Gonsalves, who will travel to Taiwan for the National Day celebrations and meet with government officials. Sources here said that the discussions are expected to include the establishment of an embassy in Taipei Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sir Louis Straker, also reaffirmed the ties between the two countries “The bond that binds us together is as strong and endearing as one could find between good friends,” he said, adding that Vincentians sometimes tend to forget what Taiwan has done for them over the years, saying that the Asian ally has helped in every sector of the local economy. “We want you to know that most Vincentians are still in solidarity with your country, and would remain that way. Please convey that to your government,” he said. (Antigua Observer)




Archbishop Desmond Tutu 'Wants Right To Assisted Death’ South Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu has revealed that he wants to have the option of an assisted death. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and anti-apartheid campaigner said that he did "not wish to be kept alive at all costs", writing in the Washington Post newspaper on his 85th birthday. Mr Tutu came out in favour of assisted dying in 2014, without specifying if he personally wanted to have the choice. He was hospitalised last month for surgery to treat recurring infections. "I hope I am treated with compassion and allowed to pass on to the next phase of life's journey in the manner of my choice," Mr Tutu wrote. "Regardless of what you might choose for yourself, why should you deny others the right to make this choice? "For those suffering unbearably and coming to the end of their lives, merely knowing that an assisted death is open to them can provide immeasurable comfort." There is no specific legislation in South Africa governing assisted dying. But in a landmark ruling in April 2015, a South African court granted a terminally ill man the right to die, prompting calls for a clarification of the laws in cases of assisted death. Desmond Tutu: Born 1931 1970s: Became prominent as apartheid critic

1984: Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1986: First black Archbishop of Cape Town 1995: Appointed head of Truth and Reconciliation Commission Became a fierce critic of South Africa's ANC Supports assisted dying for the terminally ill (BBC)

Mr Tutu celebrated his 85th birthday in Cape Town on Friday(AFP)

Finland Jets Monitor Russian Fighters On Border Flights Finland's Defence Ministry says it has scrambled jets twice in the past 24 hours to monitor suspected airspace violations by Russian fighters. A Russian Su27 fighter was detected in the Gulf of Finland south of Porvoo late on Thursday, the ministry said. Another Russian Su-27 was detected on a suspicious flight there earlier. "Russian military aviation over the Baltic Sea has been intense," it said. Finland is not in Nato but co-operates closely with the 28-nation alliance. Porvoo lies just east of Helsinki, and is 140km (87 miles) from the Russian border. Nato has complained repeatedly of provocative Russian military flights in the Baltic region. But it is rare for Finland to report such suspected violations. Russian bombers also regularly fly long patrol missions from the Arctic down to the North Atlantic or Bay of Biscay, testing Nato reactions on the way. And Russia plans to step up similar patrols in the North Pacific, sending bombers from bases in eastern Siberia. Russia was angered by the deployment of Nato forces in the three Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - after those nations broke away from the Soviet Union in 1991 and joined Nato in 2004. During the Cold War - which ended in

1991 - Finland remained neutral and developed strong trade ties with the Soviet Union. (BBC)




Brexit: British Expats Sue EU's Juncker Over Talks British expats living in the EU are suing European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker over his order to prevent informal Brexit discussions. Mr Juncker insists there can be no negotiations until the UK triggers Article 50 - the withdrawal process. The expat group wants immediate talks about the implications of Brexit for Britons living in other EU countries. UK Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to trigger Article 50 by the end of March. But she also called for "preparatory work" with EU governments - before the official negotiations - to help smooth the process of UK withdrawal. The non-profit association Fair Deal for Expats has issued a legal challenge against Mr Juncker at the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The group alleges that his "presidential order" concerning Brexit discussions is an "unlawful gagging order" which "must be annulled immediately". Mr Juncker and some other European politicians have warned against an "a la carte" deal for the UK which might encourage other EU members to cherry-pick EU policies, unravelling the rulebook. 'No prior discussions' In a speech on 28 June, four days after the Leave campaign won the UK referendum, Mr Juncker said: "I have forbidden Commissioners from holding discussions with representatives from the British Government - by Presidential order, which is not my style. "I have told all the [Commission] DirectorsGeneral that there cannot be any prior discussions with British representatives. No notification, no negotiation." Article 50: A simple explanation On Friday Mr Juncker insisted again that the EU must not

compromise on free movement of labour during the Brexit divorce talks. It is among the EU's cherished four freedoms - the others being free movement of capital, goods and services - that members of the EU single market have to respect. Speaking in Paris, Mr Juncker said "you can't have one foot in and one foot out". "On that point we must be intransigent. I can see the manoeuvring." Many UK politicians want a deal that would allow the UK to keep key single market advantages while also limiting the numbers of EU migrants entering the UK. (BBC)

Mr Juncker's Commission will handle the detailed Brexit discussions(AFP)




Tony Blair Considering Future Role In British Politics Tony Blair has said he feels "strongly" about the state of British politics and is considering whether there is a "role" for him in the future. The former Labour prime minister told Esquire magazine he was concerned Britain had become a "one-party state". He said the public faced a choice between a government pursuing a "hard Brexit" and an "ultra-left" Labour Party whose policies were out of date. A spokesman for Mr Blair said he would not be returning to frontline politics. Mr Blair merely wanted "to play a part in the debate because the true centre ground is vacant", the spokesman added. He won three elections as prime minister after helping to transform Labour in the 1990s. But his role in taking the UK to war in Iraq in 2003 alienated many in the Labour Party and the country at large and his conduct was criticised in this summer's oďŹƒcial Chilcot inquiry into the war. In the decade since leaving oďŹƒce in 2007, the former MP has focused on business ventures and his role as

Middle East envoy - which he left in 2015. Last month, the 63-year-old said he was winding down his consultancy business and focusing primarily on charity work. 'Seriously wrong' This followed criticism of the lucrative contracts which he struck to advise multinational banks and foreign governments, including Kazakhstan. Mr Blair, who has been critical of Labour's direction under Jeremy Corbyn, told Esquire that he was considering his own future and what role he could play at a turbulent time in British politics when the "centre ground" he represented was under threat. "It's a tragedy for British politics if the choice before the country is a Conservative government going for a hard Brexit and an ultra-left Labour Party, that believes in a set of policies that takes us back to the 60s," he said. "In the UK at the moment you've got a one-party state. When you put it all together, there's something seriously wrong. "I don't know if there's a role for me... There's a limit to what I

The former prime minister left frontline British politics nearly a decade ago(PA)

want to say about my own position at this moment. All I can say is that this is where politics is at. Do I feel strongly about it? Yes, I do. Am I very motivated by that? Yes. "Where do I go from here? What exactly do I do? That's an open question." He added: "There's been a huge reaction against the politics I represent. But I think it's too soon to say the centre has been defeated. Ultimately I don't think it will. I think it will succeed again. "The centre ground is in retreat. This is our challenge. We've got to rise to that challenge." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge Conspiracy Comments Kick Up Storm Conservative US blogger Matt Drudge has kicked up a storm by suggesting the hurricane centre's tropical analysis and forecast branch, told Popular PAGE 33

that the warnings over Hurricane Matthew are a government conspiracy to make "an exaggerated point on climate" change. The founder of the Drudge Report tweeted that the US hurricane centre had a monopoly on data and there was "no way of verifying claims". Critics said his comments were not only wrong, but dangerous. Experts warn the storm is deadly and those in its path should heed warnings. The category three hurricane has sustained winds of 120mph (193km/h) and is bearing down on the US east coast. President Barack Obama has declared a State of Emergency in Florida and thousands of people have been evacuated from the states of Georgia and the Carolinas. The storm has already devastated parts of Haiti, leaving more than 300 people dead, and has battered Cuba and the Bahamas. Nevertheless, Matt Drudge tweeted: "The deplorables are starting to wonder if govt has been lying to them about Hurricane Matthew intensity to make exaggerated point on climate." "Deplorables" is believed to refer to supporters of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has expressed scepticism about climate change, following comments from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Matt Drudge also questioned data from the US National Hurricane Center, saying it did not match information coming from the Bahamas. Journalist Libby Nelson, writing for news website Vox, said there was "no evidence" for Matt Drudge's claims and that such conspiracy-mongering was "a dangerous game". "The implication of Drudge's tweet is that resisting evacuation isn't a bad, self-destructive move but a brave way for 'deplorables' to stand up for [sic] the government. That's not just stupid - it could very well be deadly," she said. Hugh Cobb, chief of


Science magazine that he was aware of Matt Drudge's comments but would not comment on them himself. He said all data was being collected straight from the storm using reconnaissance aircraft. Other respected meteorologists also took issue with Matt Drudge. Sean Breslin, digital editor of the Weather Channel suggested the Drudge Report "stick to sports" Greg Fishel, Chief Meteorologist for WRAL-TV in North Carolina, tweeted: "Whatever respect I had for Drudge, which was minimal to start with, was destroyed with this tweet." (BBC)

Hurricane Matthew has already torn across the Bahamas(AFP)




Flash Crash Sees The Pound Gyrate In Asian Trading The pound has dived on Asian markets with automated Prime Minister Theresa May said she would trigger trading being blamed for the volatility. At one stage it fell as much as 6% to $1.1841 - the biggest move since the Brexit vote - before recovering. It was recently trading 2% lower at $1.2388. It is not clear what triggered the sudden sell-off. Analysts say it could have been automated trading systems reacting to a news report. The Bank of England said it was "looking into" the flash crash. The sharp drop came after the Financial Times published a story online about French President Francois Hollande demanding "tough Brexit negotiations". "It's difficult to know exactly what triggered it," Angus Nicholson, market analyst with IG in Melbourne, told the BBC. The pound has been volatile since the UK voted to leave the European Union. Analysts speculate that a computer may have been set to scan the news for negative Brexit stories, with the order to sell if it found any. The trigger could have also been a simple mistake, or what's know as a fat finger trade, when a trader enters a wrong number. Analysts at JP Morgan who have analysed the flash crash think that was unlikely to be the trigger. 'Selling pressure' The incident happened at a time when there is very little pound trading going on - which means that any sell-off will have a bigger impact than during busy hours. The situation is likely to have been exacerbated by trading algorithms (sometimes know as algos) software which is designed to trade automatically and can react much faster than human traders. "These days some algos trade on the back of news sites, and even what is trending on social media sites such as Twitter, so a deluge of negative Brexit headlines could have led to an algo taking that as a major sell signal for the pound," says Kathleen Brooks, research director at City Index. "Once the pound started moving lower then more technical algos could have followed suit, compounding the short, sharp, selling pressure." Ms Brooks thinks another flash crash could be on the cards for the pound. "This highlights the drawback of machines making trading decisions, however, it is the reality, and it is only getting more popular. Thus, another flash crash is possible," she said. Traders remain nervous about the fallout from the UK's talks with the EU over leaving the bloc. Last Sunday, the

Article 50, the clause needed to start the exit process, by the end of March 2017. Sterling has been "on a precipice" since then, according to Sean Callow, senior currency strategist at Australian bank, Westpac. "I think we've underestimated how many people had money positions for a very wishy-washy Brexit, or even none," he said. 'Lose-lose situation' Analysts at HSBC are forecasting that the pound could fall to $1.10 and could be worth just one euro by the end of next year. "The argument which is still presented to us - that the UK and EU will resolve their difference and come to an amicable deal - appears a little surreal," said David Bloom, head of foreign exchange research at HSBC. "It is becoming clear that many European countries will come to the negotiation table looking for political damage limitation rather than economic damage limitation. A lose-lose situation is the inevitable outcome." Ms Brooks, from City Index said: "The big issue for the pound right now is that it has become detached from the economic fundamentals and politics have become king. This is where things will get dangerous for the currency going forward. "Theresa May's hard-line on Brexit negotiations and her insistence that negotiations will take place in private have only increased uncertainty for the market, with traders left combing news websites for the latest headlines to try and gauge for themselves the state of play between the UK and the EU." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UKIP MEP Mike Hookem Denies Assaulting Steven Woolfe The UKIP MEP involved in an altercation with Steven Woolfe helped him up. He stood straight up, there was no indication of PAGE 36

has said he "categorically did not" throw a punch at his colleague. Mike Hookem acknowledged he and his colleague had a "scuffle" in the European Parliament but insisted that he did not hit him. "I am innocent," he told the BBC. "I never threw a punch. I never assaulted him. I will stand my corner." UKIP's Steven Woolfe will be kept in hospital for a further 48 hours. Thursday's incident is being investigated by UKIP and the European Parliament, where it has been announced the inquiry will be led by Conservative MEP Sajjad Karim. There have been varying descriptions of what happened during what UKIP called an "altercation" and Mr Hookem told BBC Radio Humberside only he and Mr Woolfe knew precisely what went on. 'Shocked' Mr Woolfe, among the favourites to be the party's next leader, collapsed after their exchange and was taken to hospital. The 49-year old had a precautionary scan which revealed there was no blood clot on his brain although he is to remain under observation for a further 48 hours in Strasbourg "as a precaution". Mr Hookem said he was "shocked" by the MEP's hospitalisation in the hours following the incident but insisted it had been "blown out of all proportion" by the media. He said the fracas took place in an "ante room" in the European Parliament following a "heated debate" among a wider group of MEPs as they questioned Mr Woolfe about reports he had had discussions about joining the Conservatives in recent days. Mano a mano He said Mr Woolfe had objected to remarks which he made. "He then stood up in front of everybody and said 'if it's that, let's take it outside of the room', I think his words were 'mano a mano'." "When I walked in he approached me to attack me. He came at me, I defended myself. There were no punches thrown, there was no face slapping, there were no digs, there was nothing," he said. "It's (what) people in Hull would term 'handbags at dawn'. A bit of a scuffle." Analysis This row illustrates the deep-rooted divisions that have taken hold in UKIP since the general election. In the broadest sense, they are between those who are loyal to Nigel Farage and his vision for the party - who credit him and his plain speaking, antiestablishment message for its success - and those who think that he asserted too much control as leader. This group, among them some UKIP members who were former Conservatives, want broader policies. That's the backdrop to this argument, MEPs were said to be angered that Steven Woolfe had considered defecting to the Tories. UKIP is a party that has enjoyed enormous success in a short time but now it is wrestling with what it stands for, where it sits on the political spectrum and at the same time it is looking for a new leader. Whoever that may be, their first great challenge will be to stop UKIP looking in at itself and concentrate on reaching out to voters. He suggested Mr Woolfe's hospitalisation did not result from anything that he had done. "I didn't push him. He fell back into that room onto an MEP that was stood just inside that room. "Some of the MEPs


him hitting his head on metal windows or anything else, he fell back onto an MEP." When asked if he was worried if he would be suspended from the party, he said that if this happened Mr Woolfe would have to disciplined too and he hoped this would not happen. He said Mr Woolfe has contacted him "to extend the hand of friendship" to him and he was now prepared "to shake Mr Woolfe's hand" if he wanted to. 'Extremely serious' While Mr Woolfe has not spoken publicly about the episode, the Daily Mail quoting him as saying Mr Hookem "came at me and landed a blow" after they left the meeting room. He insisted he was not "bruising for a scrap" and that Mr Hookem had read his suggestion that they should deal with the matter outside "totally the wrong way". Speaking outside the hospital on Friday, another UKIP MEP, Nathan Gill insisted his colleague was in "good form" and there was no danger to his health even though "it was at one stage touch and go". Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, wished Mr Woolfe a speedy recovery but suggested the episode would have consequences for the party. He said: "The reported facts are extremely serious," and had been referred to the Parliament's advisory committee to be dealt with "as a matter of urgency" next week. "It goes without saying that disrespectful and violent behaviour does not have a place in the European Parliament," he added. Several leading UKIP figures have questioned whether Mr Woolfe can take part in a new leadership contest - triggered by the resignation of Diane James after only 18 days - following the episode. But UKIP donor Arron Banks, an influential figure in the party and ally of Nigel Farage - who is interim leader after Ms James' exit - has expressed his continued support for Mr Woolfe. "Of course he can," he tweeted, adding the public wanted "real people" not "phoney career politicians". (BBC)

The UKIP MEP Mike Hookem has denied punching a fellow MEP






GUYANA DAILY NEWS Clown Sightings: Australia Police 'Won't Tolerate' Antics PAGE 38

Police in Victoria, south Australia, have warned the public not to engage in "intimidating" behaviour after reports of clowns terrorising people in Melbourne. Sightings of creepy clowns have sparked minor hysteria across the US since August. People in clown masks have reportedly chased others and tried to lure children into woods. Victoria police warned that such escapades would "not be tolerated". In a statement on its Facebook page, which appears to have since been deleted, the force wrote: "Victoria Police are aware of people who are parading in public wearing clown masks. "The clown purge appears to be a copycat of incidents being seen in the USA recently. "Any intimidating and threatening as well as antisocial behaviours will not be tolerated and will be investigated by Police." Clowns have also been spotted in Sydney, with one pictured loitering outside a fast food restaurant in the Campbelltown area. Australians have responded by setting up Facebook pages dedicated to "clown hunting", as the sightings spread. One theory has it that the upswing in "killer clown" antics is linked to the release of novelist Stephen King's new ďŹ lm, It. The plot involves a child-slaughtering being which takes the form of a clown called Pennywise to lure its prey. But King has criticised the craze. This week, he tweeted: "Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria - most of em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh." The sinister craze began in South Carolina with reports that men dressed as clowns were trying to coax children into the woods with money. It was followed by sightings in Alabama, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Schools in Texas and Alabama have even shut down over the phenomenon. On Tuesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told a press brieďŹ ng that President Obama had not been briefed on the issue, but added, "this is a


situation that local law enforcement authorities take quite seriously". Reports suggest New Zealand has also been sucked into the epidemic, after a clown "lurking" at a school spooked parents on Wednesday. Real clowns at risk? Some professional clowns fear the negative trend may put them in physical danger. Professional clown Jordan Jones, who goes by the name Snuggles, has started a #ClownLivesMatter movement, inspired by the #BlackLivesMatter campaign, to remind the public that real clowns want to spread happiness, not fear. (BBC)

Pranksters in clown masks are stalking Australia - and not everyone is laughing(AP)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Girls Spend 40% More Time On Chores Than Boys, UN Report Finds Girls spend 40% more time performing unpaid PAGE 39

household chores than boys, according to a new report from the UN children's agency. Unicef said the difference in time spent working amounted to 160 million extra hours a day worldwide. Two out of three girls cook and clean in the home, and almost half collect water or firewood. They also perform more "less visible" domestic work like childcare or looking after the elderly, the report says. It also found that the extra workload increased with time: between ages five and nine, girls spend 30% more time on chores - by 14, it rises to 50%. Tasks such as gathering water or firewood can also put young girls at increased risk of sexual violence, the report says. In Somalia, girls between 10 and 14 years old spend 26 hours a week on household chores - the most of any country. Burkina Faso and Yemen also have some of the largest labour gaps between boys and girls. "Girls sacrifice important opportunities to learn, grow and just enjoy their childhood," Unicef's Anju Malhotra said. "This unequal distribution of labour among children also perpetuates gender stereotypes and the double burden on women and girls across generations." The report,


which also includes data on violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation and education, is being released to coincide with the UN's international day of the girl child on 11 October. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Philippines' Teodoro Locsin's 'Nazi' Tweets Spark Outrage PAGE 41


A petition to reject the controversial nominee for Philippine ambassador served as a local politician for almost 10 years, has accepted the post of to the UN has reached more than 10,000 signatures, after he was seen Philippines permanent representative to the UN but is awaiting official using anti-Semitic language on Twitter. Teodoro Locsin Jr, or "Teddy", governmental confirmation. Amid reaction to his comments, Mr Locsin tweeted seemingly pro-Nazi comments, with references to Auschwitz said that his daughters had told him to "stay out of Twitter", adding that and the "Final Solution". Mr Locsin later apologised for the tweets and he was not allowed to tweet anything, "not even niceties". He also removed several of them. The 67-year-old is a journalist and ex- apologised for his tweets. "I am sorry for my strong language, but it is congressman. His tweets echo recent comments made by Philippine unavoidable given the mendacity of those I fight. I cannot be other than President Rodrigo Duterte, who prompted outrage by referring to the myself," Mr Locsin tweeted on Friday. " I ask God's and the Jewish Holocaust and saying he would be "happy to slaughter" three million community's forgiveness, but only theirs." Mr Locsin also told CNN that drug addicts. More than 3,000 people with alleged links to drug use or his tweets had been sent for "shock value", and was "partly a private dealing have been killed since Mr Duterte came to power in June. Mr joke" between him and a friend who worked in the Jewish government Locsin started gaining attention on the social platform after he posted district. The office of the Philippine delegation to the UN declined to several controversial tweets. "I believe that the Drug Menace is so big it comment on the matter. (BBC) needs a FINAL SOLUTION like the Nazis adopted. That I believe. NO REHAB," he tweeted on the 21 August. In another tweet he referenced Auschwitz, the concentration camp run by the Nazis in which almost a million Jews were killed. The petition, addressed to the UN, called for Mr Locsin's appointment to be denied, saying that "his blatant justification of anti Semitic lingo makes him a racist, clearly showing his prejudice against the Jewish people". Reaction to Mr Locsin was swift, with some on Twitter calling him a disgrace. "You're making this country look crazy," a user commented. "I thought ambassadors are supposed to be educated. I guess the UN just skipped that process when appointing Teddy Locsin." another said. "You're a disgraceful UN ambassador to the country," one added. However, Mr Locsin also had his share of supporters, with one saying that "lots of us want you at the UN just the Teodoro Locsin Jr. tweeted seemingly pro-Nazi comments, way you are - sarcasm and all". 'Unavoidable' language Mr Locsin, who with references to Auschwitz and the "Final Solution"(TWITTER/@TEDDYBOYLOCSIN)




A Day Like Today Arnold Schwarzenegger has amazed us with his ability of showing physical strength, accompanied by a touch of masculine sensitivity. His memorable interpretations on camera, has marked generations of videographers and body builders. Who didn’t want to copy the robotic march of that tall, deadly but at the same time fluffy and charming cyborg assassin, called Terminator? Arnold was and is loved. His heterogeneous, career has shown us the meaning of personal growth. After decades of success as a movie star and business man, Arnold ventured into Politics becoming the 38th Governor of the State of California, a day like today 2003. But let’s dive deeper into the genesis of this amazing ‘personnage’. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born in Thal, Austria, the 30th of July 1947. His hobby of lifting weights, soon was transformed into a profession. He became the youngest bodybuilder ever to win a Mr. Universe title, at the age of 20. But Arnold’s eyes were set in Hollywood. He migrated to the United States in 1968, winning five Mr. Universe titles and seven Mr. Olympia titles before retiring from weight lifting, placing all his focus into acting. Being a sports icon opened Hollywood doors for Arnold, getting his first role on the 1970 low-budget fantasy comedy film, ‘Hercules’. But it wasn’t until 1982 that Arnold’s career saw its break. The launching of the American fantasy film ‘Conan the Barbarian’, became one of blockbuster films of the year, catapulting Arnold to fame. After ‘Conan’s’ success, Arnold was casted for Jim Cameron’s sci-fi thriller, ‘Terminator’. Role that consolidated him as an actor. During the years that followed, his name was accompanied by success and fame. Enjoying the pleasures of an early wealth. He didn’t limit himself to the entertainment industry.Arnold grew as successful business man parallel to his fruitful acting career. With the decades the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger was the reflection of a charismatic, heavy accent celebrity, that used to make the roles of a villain look everything but hideous. He won the respect of the Hollywood community and the adoration of fans. In 2003 Arnold was elected Governor of the State of California. He was at the top of the 135 candidates of the poll. Arnold was committed to give back some of what he received during his decades on screen. During his two terms as governor, the state of California saw a period of innovation, responsible leadership and exceptional public service. Becoming a world leader on renewable energy and combating climate change with the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. He invested his time, energy and ‘capital’ to rebuild the decadent infrastructure of some landmarks in California, and promoted physical education as an important way of life. Today Arnold is back in Hollywood making films, shining as the rare Super Star that he is. Source: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history

Former Governator of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold during his Bodybuilding Career

Schwarzenegger on the sci-fi thriller, ‘Terminator’1984








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Seaboard Marine CMRC International Race Of Champions The Caribbean Motor Racing Championship (CMRC) welcomes all the enthusiast of the speed and adrenaline to the the Final Leg of the Seaboard Marine Caribbean Motor Racing Championship 2016. The racing track will ‘steam’ with the participation of national and international talents. Come out and show your support for your Favourite Driver and Rider on November 13th , at the South Dakota Circuit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/events/1095030293866535/

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Club Privilege invited the public for a Short Pants Party, this Saturday October 8th. Short Pants, the best deal for a night of ‘looseness’. Come to Club Privilege were Fashion and Fun Merge. Source: https://www.facebook.com/clubprivilegegy/




Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

You should take good care of your health; get lots of rest. Make changes around your house and plan to do some entertaining. Partnerships could prove to be lucrative.

Your best efforts will come through investments concerning your home. Be careful not to lead someone on if you truly have no interest. Love could develop at social events that are work related.

Visitors may be likely to drop by. Avoid letting children and friends borrow. Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all.

Your high energy must be directed into productive goals, or frustrations will occur. You'll be an emotional basket case today. Don't take any comments too seriously. Delve a little deeper if you really want to know the score.

You may want to put your creative thinking cap on. You will have to be careful not to let others find out about your intentions. You can enjoy short trips. You may have a problem keeping secrets. Help an older member with a problem that faces them. You will be encouraged to get involved in a moneymaking venture. A new image can be the result if you change your look. Relatives may not be telling you the whole truth about a family situation. You will find that friends or relatives may not understand your needs. You need more space for the whole family. Take care that arrangements to spend quality time together are made in advance. Try not to lose your cool, and make your point known.

You can make changes that will enhance your appearance. Put your thoughts on paper. Exercise programs will be effective. You may find it difficult to communicate. Be sure to think twice before you say something that might hurt your partner's feelings. New romantic ties can be made; however, you must make sure that your motives are not selfish before you make your move. Enjoy a quiet dinner for two and discuss some of the plans you have for the future. If you can mix business with pleasure much can be accomplished. You can make reasonable bids on real estate or large items for your home. Use your creative talent in order to accomplish your goals. You will be highly entertaining when in contact with your lover. Don't overload your plate.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: CHEESEBURGER ONION RINGS Ingredients Servings: 6-8 rings 1 lb ground beef 1 tsp salt ½ tsp pepper 1 tsp garlic powder ¼ lb cheddar cheese, cut into 1-inch squares 1 large white onion 1 cup flour 5 eggs, beaten 3 cups panko bread crumbs COCAMAR* cooking oil, for frying Ketchup, for deliciousness *IMPORTED & DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Preparation Heat oil in a pot over medium heat to 350℉ In a bowl, mix together the ground beef, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Peel and slice the onion into 1-centimeter rings, and detach the rings from each other. Take a spoonful of the beef mixture and press it into the bottom of a ring. Push a cheddar square into the center of the beef. Seal the top with another spoonful of the beef, pressing it flat. Repeat with the rest of the rings. Place the flour, eggs, and bread crumbs into three separate bowls. Dip a ring into the flour, shaking off excess, then into the egg, the bread crumbs, then back to the eggs, and one last time into the breadcrumbs. Repeat with the remaining rings. Fry the rings for 5-6 minutes, until deep golden-brown. Drain on a paper towel, then serve with ketchup!


Fancy Bears Group Accuses US Officials Of Doping Cover-up US sports officials have been accused of Doping Agency's (WADA) ADAMS a cover-up by the Fancy Bears hacking group. The Fancy Bears hacking group has released a number of documents it claims show US sports officials "covering up" doping activity. The group has gained notoriety since publishing confidential medical data belonging to athletes who competed at the 2016 Olympic Games, including Serena Williams, Mo Farah and Bradley Wiggins. Data released was in relation to Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) the means by which an athlete can obtain approval to use a prescribed prohibited substance or method for the treatment of a legitimate medical condition. Leaked information - lifted from the World Anti-

system - was published in six parts over the course of a week, but WADA questioned the validity of some of the data made public by Fancy Bears. A WADA statement on Wednesday read: "It should be noted that in the course of its investigation, WADA has determined that not all data released by Fancy Bear [in its PDF documents] accurately reflects ADAMS data. "However, we are continuing to examine the extent of this as a priority and we would encourage any affected parties to contact WADA should they become aware of any inaccuracies in the data that has been released." Fancy Bears has responded by signalling its intention to launch another sustained series of leaks, beginning with a

collection of e-mails it says were sent by US officials, including some at the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), revealing further data relating to TUEs. "We've got a few emails of the US sports officials who are involved in covering up doping," reads the introduction to the release. (SportsMax)

Podium Still A Target For Vettel Despite Penalty After an encouraging start to the Japanese Grand Prix weekend, Sebastian Vettel is hopeful of a top three finish for Ferrari. Sebastian Vettel may be subject to a threeplace grid penalty at the Japanese Grand Prix this weekend but he still believes he can get his Ferrari onto the p o d i u m . T h e f o u r- t i m e Formula One world

champion was penalised after causing an accident at the start of the Malaysian Grand Prix, Vettel crashing into Nico Rosberg as he tried to dive down the inside. Vettel has a superb record at Suzuka, though, with four previous race victories included in seven podium finishes at the circuit since his F1 debut. And after

encouraging signs in both practice sessions on Friday he hopes to quickly wipe out his penalty and claim a top-three finish. "A podium finish is always possible," he said. "There might even be rain at some point. "It sure doesn't help if you start further at the back [because of the grid penalty], but overtaking is possible, even if it is not so easy." Despite finishing third and fifth in FP1 and FP2 respectively, Vettel still lost a lot of time to the two Mercedes, something he hopes can change with a few tweaks in the garage. "Overall, I am not entirely happy with the balance of the car, but I am sure this is something we can work on," he added. "We tried to do our homework, but the balance is not there yet. We will now need to look at the data and

see where we are, also compared to the others. "Ideally you would always love to have more grip around here, because it feels fantastic if you do, but I am sure we can tune the balance and distribute the grip a bit better, so that we will be in a better shape." (SportsMax)


Prosecution Demands Neymar, Barcelona Be Charged With Fraud Prosecutors on behalf of DIS want the judge in their case against Neymar and Barcelona to process fraud and corruption charges. Prosecutors have asked for charges of fraud and corruption to be brought against Neymar, Barcelona and Santos in relation to the Brazil international's move to Camp Nou. Barca president Josep Maria Bartomeu and predecessor Sandro Rosell have also been named in the case, which has been raised by Brazilian investment company DIS.

National Court judge Jose de la Mata initially threw out the case in July over a lack of evidence, but that decision was overturned last month, and the prosecution has now called for the charges to be processed. DIS claim they are due a 40 per cent cut of the fee that Barcelona paid to sign Neymar from Santos in 2013 - something they say they have not received in full, given the secrecy over the full cost of the transfer. Barca initially claimed that Neymar cost a total of €57m, but the figure was later revealed to be much greater, with Bartomeu claiming over €100m was ultimately spent on the deal. Barca have protested their innocence throughout the case, with Neymar insisting "I'm not a criminal" when the proceedings were initially thrown out. The club insisted last month that they will prove their innocence, along with that of Neymar, Rosell and Bartomeu, when the case is taken to trial. "In this trial, FC Barcelona will maintain the argument they have always defended during this long process and will demonstrate the innocence of all the investigated parties," they said in a statement. The case is unrelated to a second legal proceeding against Barca and Neymar, which concerned allegations of tax fraud in relation to his transfer. Barca made a payment of €14.8m to Spanish authorities in back taxes and fines, while they also reportedly made a voluntary payment of a further €13.5m to settle the complaint. (SportsMax)

Brisbane Roar 1 Melbourne Victory 1: Late Drama Marks A-League's Return The A-League returned with a bang as Brisbane Roar grabbed a last-gasp equaliser against Melbourne Victory. Luke DeVere scored in the sixth minute of stoppage-time as 10-man

Brisbane Roar salvaged a 1-1 home draw against Melbourne Victory on the opening day of the new A-League season. The 26-year-old defender had not scored in the A-League since October 2010, but found the bottom corner with a right-footed strike with the last kick of the game after a free-kick had fallen into his path. That brought a dramatic period of action to a close after Victory thought they had done enough to secure all three points on 83 minutes when Mitch Austin reacted quickly to fire in a low finish on his debut after the hosts failed to deal with Fahid Ben Khalfallah's cross from the right. The visitors were sitting a goal and a man up at that stage – Roar captain Matt McKay having been sent off on his 200th club appearance midway through the second half having being shown two bookings – both for fouls on Ben Khalfallah. However, DeVere had the last word to cap a frantic finish as the most successful two teams in A-League history shared the points. (SportsMax)


All Blacks Eye Historic Victory In Durban

Victory in Saturday's final Rugby Championship game against South Africa would give New Zealand a recordequalling 17th straight win. New Zealand travel to Durban in the Rugby Championship on Saturday fully aware victory would see them claim a share of the world record for consecutive Test wins, says Steve Hansen. The All Blacks have dominated this year's competition with five wins out of five forming part of a run that has seen them record 16 triumphs in a row, one short of a record held by themselves and the Springboks. New Zealand have been unbeaten in 17 matches on two previous occasions - most recently in 2014 - while the Boks achieved the feat from 1997 to 1998. Rather than look to reduce the pressure on his side, Hansen embraced the challenge as they look to finish off their campaign in style. He said: "It's like everything else, if you try to avoid it, it creates more pressure so if you do talk about it and embrace it, it then becomes a challenge. Whether you are successful or not is irrelevant – that's the outcome but it is certainly something that motivates this group. "They want to be seen as a team that are a great All Blacks side and to be a great All Blacks side you have to do things that other teams haven't done." Flanker Matt Todd will start in the pack ahead of Ardie Savea, while there will need to be a change at half-back with Aaron Smith out due to a suspension for breaching team standards. "We really love playing South Africa," Hansen added. “We've got a good relationship with them off the park – that's been built over a number of years. We've got a lot of respect for them. "They're a team that we know are capable of beating us and that in itself brings your backside from the back of the seat to the front of it and having to play after what is massive travel just to get here is a challenge in itself." The Boks have endured a mixed tournament this year with successive defeats to Argentina, Australia and the All Blacks marring the middle of the campaign. An 18-10 win over the Wallabies last time out moved them back into second place behind the Kiwis, but they have made two changes for the final clash at Kings Park Stadium with Faf de Klerk and Damian de Allende coming in for Rudy Paige (concussion) and Jesse Kriel (groin). “The All Blacks will be a huge Test, they are number one side in the world and they have great form at the moment," said coach Allister Coetzee. "We are playing at home and the boys are looking forward to the encounter against the world's best team. "It is important for us to end the campaign with a good performance against a very good All Blacks side. "What I would like to see is that that we keep on improving as a team

and build on our continuity and converting more of our opportunities into points." Key Opta stats: - The All Blacks have won eight of their last nine matches against South Africa. - South Africa have enjoyed less possession than any other side this year, a total of just 1 hour, 10 minutes and 24 seconds over their five games so far (14 minutes and 5 seconds per game). - The All Blacks have already scored 205 points and 29 tries in this tournament, both record tallies in a single Rugby Championship/Tri Nations campaign. - No player has won more turnovers than Francois Louw in the 2016 Rugby Championship (7, same as Michael Hooper and Agustin Creevy), more than twice as many as any New Zealand player (Sam Cane, Ardie Savea and Brodie Retallick have all won 3 each). (SportsMax)


Real Madrid Beat Barcelona And Manchester United After Posting Record Revenues


t has been another strong year off the pitch for Real Madrid after the European champions posted record revenues for 2015-16. Real Madrid have claimed the mantle of the highestearning club in world football after posting record revenues in their latest financial figures. The European champions saw revenue rise 7.4 per cent in 2015-16 to €620 million, eclipsing the figures recorded by Barcelona and Manchester United. Barca's total of €679m included player sales (thought to amount to approximately €67m), unlike that of Madrid, while United brought in €570m when their latest records were released in September. Madrid have also wiped out €96m of debt but profit decreased by 22.5 per cent, from €55.9m to €43.3m. A club statement read: "The Real Madrid Board of Directors have agreed to call an Ordinary General Assembly for October 23, 2016. "The corresponding results for

the 2015-2016 season which will be submitted for approval are as follows: Operating revenues for the financial year 2015-16, without taking into account capital gains obtained as a result of player transfers, have topped 600 million euros for the first time, reaching a figure of €620m, a 7.4 per cent increase on the previous financial year. "The operating result before repayments and player transfers ('recurring EBITDA') has risen to €163.2m, which is the highest figure ever reached by the club, representing a 26.3 per cent increase on revenue figures and a rise of 20.9 per cent on the previous financial year. This improvement in profitability is due to an increase in revenues having subtracted operating expenses and provisions corresponding to risks and contingencies. "A pre-tax profit of €43.3m has been recorded, which is 22.5 per cent less than the previous financial year.

This is due to the non-recurrent effect of player transfers, despite the operating improvements recorded. After achieving a net profit (after tax) of €30.3m, net worth has risen to €442.2m. "The cash balance has risen by €102.6m to reach a figure of €211.5m, thanks to higher cash flow generated by operations and restraints on investments. "As a result of the increase in liquid assets and the reduction of creditor balances by investments, the net debt has fallen by €108.9m to sit at a figure of €-13.1m, which in reality represents, not a debt but rather a net liquidity position. Therefore, multiples of debt over EBITDA and net worth have been reduced to zero, indicating a position of maximum solvency." (SportsMax)


Gabi Signs Atletico Madrid Extension Gabi has officially signed his new contract with Atletico Madrid that will ensure he leads the club into their new stadium. Atletico Madrid captain Gabi has signed a one-year contract extension to keep him at the club until June 2018. The 33-year-old has put pen to paper on fresh terms that will ensure he plays at the club's new stadium next year, with his previous deal having been due to expire at the end of the current campaign. Atletico president Enrique Cerezo and Gabi had both confirmed an agreement was in place earlier this week. "It's a great challenge to be able to be in the team when we move to the new stadium," Gabi told the club's official website as the deal was announced on Friday. "A new and exciting stage starts for the club and being the captain of the first team in a moment that will go down in history is a source of pride for me. "I am very happy to continue one more year at home. I always say that playing with Atletico Madrid was my childhood dream, so I cannot ask for more than what I am living these years. "I also want to thank the fans for their unconditional support both for me and for the team." Gabi has

played with Atletico across two spells, starting his career for the club before returning in 2011 having spent four years away at Real Zaragoza. He has never won a senior Spain cap, despite lifting LaLiga with Atleti in 2013-14 and helping the club to two Champions League finals under Diego Simeone. (SportsMax)

Rosberg Wary Of Red Bull Threat


ed Bull may have struggled to match Mercedes during practice for the Japanese Grand Prix but Nico Rosberg remains wary of their threat. Nico Rosberg was pleased to top both the timesheets in both practice sessions on Friday ahead of the Japanese Grand Prix but remains cautious about the threat posed by Red Bull. The Formula One championship leader was fastest in FP1 and FP2 at Suzuka,

eclipsing his Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton on both occasions. Ferrari showed an improved performance to finish ahead of Red Bull through Sebastian Vettel's thirdplace finish in the opening session, with Raikkonen maintaining their advantage in FP2. Max Verstappen showed good form to finish fourth in the second session, but his team-mate Daniel Ricciardo was surprisingly 12th after problems encountered by Esteban Gutierrez's Haas prevented him from setting a qualifying simulation lap. However, both Red Bulls showed good pace in their long runs and their performances left Rosberg wondering how close they will be as the weekend goes on. "It's been a case of finding my way

today," said the German. "It began with quite a lot of under-steer and we had to work through the setup in order to find a better balance on the car. "In the afternoon, the medium tyre didn't seem as strong as the hard as we saw in Malaysia. However, on the soft tyre we showed strong one-lap pace, the balance felt good and the track was really exciting to drive. "It looks like we're ahead of the Ferraris but it remains to be seen as to where we are compared to the Red Bulls." Hamilton finished the day pleased with his two second places, and the Briton hopes a few tweaks can make him even more competitive. "It's been a really good day with no problems on the car, which is great," he said. "We managed to get plenty of laps in but there's still some work to be done overnight in order to find more pace. "That's a work in progress and hopefully we'll be going into Sunday in good shape." (SportsMax)


Injured Alba Out OfAlba,Spain Squad As Monreal Steps In 27, was the subject of medical

Nacho Monreal has been called up for Spain after La Roja were forced to replace injured defender Jordi Alba. Jordi Alba will leave Spain's squad and miss their away World Cup qualifier against Albania after suffering a thigh injury against Italy. The Barcelona defender received medical treatment before walking off the pitch in the 22nd minute of Thursday's 1-1 draw in Turin to be replaced by Real Madrid stopper Nacho.

tests on Friday morning which confirmed a muscular injury on his left thigh, meaning he will return home. Spain have called up Arsenal left-back Nacho Monreal to replace Alba for Sunday's clash against Albania in Shkoder. "The RFEF's medical services have contacted FC Barcelona to inform them of diagnostics," read Spain's statement. Spain have four points from their first two Group G qualifiers, with

upcoming opponents Albania sitting top on six. (SportsMax)


'Deserter' Kampl theDefends Slovenia Withdrawal squad who released a statement feel good: I am exhausted. I wouldn't


he Slovenia squad have hit out at Kevin Kampl's decision to skip the World Cup qualifiers with Slovakia and England. Kevin Kampl is standing by his decision to pull out of Slovenia's World Cup qualifiers with Slovakia and England despite his teammates accusing him of "deserting" the squad. Bayer Leverkusen midfielder Kampl withdrew for the doubleheader citing exhaustion and an infection but his decision did not sit well with the rest of

that read: "For the national team you play with pride and passion. "Kevin is an important part of a team that needs him. So we have to say he deserted us. The national team has to be above all of us. We are united in this message to Kampl." The 25-year-old issued a riposte that he hopes will clarify the situation. Kampl told www.ekipa24.si: "I would like to make some things clear. Firstly, I always play with pride and happiness for Slovenia and I intend to do so in the future. "Secondly, I have made it clear I will be available next time, I just need some rest now. "Thirdly, I swear that at the moment I am not in the right condition to help Slovenia. Yes, I have trained in Leverkusen but only on my own and I am having some blood tests because I don't

have been able to help Slovenia like this and I stand by my decision." Kampl also denied suggestions his claims that players refuse to pull out of international squads for fear of possible repercussions was aimed at his Slovenia colleagues He added: "Also, some of the players and the fans have misinterpreted my words, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I said players don't have the courage to do what I've done because they are afraid of the consequences. And by that I was not referring to any Slovenian players or any players in particular but those all around the world who do not admit to being exhausted and then pay the price later in the season." Slovenia are third in Group F having drawn their opener with Lithuania. Srecko Katanec's side host Slovakia on Saturday before England visit Ljubljana three days later. (SportsMax)

Simmons’ Sacking Not Affecting Poor Windies Performances - Muirhead


ichael Muirhead, the CEO of the WICB, is not buying the idea that the West Indies’ disastrous performances in Dubai against Pakistan was caused by the sacking of Coach Phil Simmons prior to the start of the series. The Caribbean side

was blanked 3-0 in both T20 and ODI series against the Pakistanis, prompting controversial senior player Dwayne Bravo to say that the coach’s firing has destroyed team morale. Muirhead is not buying it. “I honestly don’t think Simmons’ sacking is affecting

the team,” he argued. “Can any single person affect the performance of a team? I heard Andy Roberts say that in their time they didn’t even have a coach.” He emphasised that the West Indies players are professionals and should have delivered better performances. “I don’t think the coach has an effect at this level,” he declared. “I am disappointed more than anything else. Pakistan is a reasonable side but I don’t know what is happening.” Simmons was fired last month after being the West Indies coach for 18 months and leading the West Indies to

the ICC World T20 title in India in April. Simmons also led the team to a creditable performance in a tri-series involving Australia and South Africa. The West Indies lost out in the final of that tournament to Australia. (SportsMax)

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DaCosta Cup To Add New Zone 2017, Students To Be Trained As Referees


amaica’s Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA) could add an additional group to the daCosta Cup competition as it plans to add to the 88 teams already competing for the prestigious high school football title. The 88 teams compete across 15 groups or zones. There are days when as many as 30 games are played, increasing the demand on the Jamaica Football Referees Association that is planning to initiate a recruiting drive to increase its numbers. However, those resources could be stretched even further in 2017.“I think next year we will probably have to add another zone,” said George Forbes, ISSA’s Competitions Director, while responding to questions from Sportsmax.tv about whether the competition was becoming too big to manage. “We had almost 90 teams this year and we had four teams that could not have played because of the structure. That is why we say to schools you need to indicate your participation as early as May so we know what structure we are going to use.” Forbes said next season, each group will have a maximum of six teams. “It is manageable at six teams per zone,” he said. “we don’t want to kill the players with more than two games per week and there is a particular week when every zone has three matches, we can’t go further than that.” Forbes said this season there were three teams from the St. Ann/St. Mary area that were unable to play because they submitted their entries late. "If teams send in their entries by about May 8 next season, then ISSA will be able to determine how many zones they will have,” he said. Adding a zone, Forbes said, would cause a change to the existing structure of the competition. Currently, the top two teams from each zone advance to the quarter-final round of the competition. Also advancing are the two best third place teams. With the addition of another zone those third place teams would be eliminated as only the top two teams from each zone would now advance. Meanwhile, the JFRA said they have been struggling to meet demand for some time, but this season, the situation has worsened. “Over the years we have experienced a shortage of referees, especially this year when we have some real issues with referees,” Franklyn Brown of the JFRA explained to SportsMax.tv. Chief among those issues was a number of referees failing fitness tests and hence were not available to officiate. There was also a problem finding people for the

number of schoolboy matches. “With the number of schoolboy matches to be played then the truth of the matter is we suffered greatly,” Brown revealed. “Now this problem is one that needs to be resolved in short order. It is against that background that we have increased our recruitment drive.” Brown said the association has been in dialogue with ISSA about the possibility of recruiting students to be trained as referees. “If each school across the island could give you one student then the number of referees would increase tremendously.” Previous efforts to improve the numbers of referees, Brown said, have not achieved the desired results. “But we are going to pursue getting referees from the high schools for next season,” he said. (SportsMax)


First-innings Total 'Most Vital' - Williamson

'We are yet to play our best cricket' - Williamson


here was good news for New Zealand when Kane Williamson came to address the pre-Test press conference. He still didn't confirm whether he will play in Indore after missing the Kolkata Test because of illness, but he will be key to one area New Zealand look to set right: firstinnings total. In India, you do all your peaceful scoring in the first innings. The second is havoc. You don't want yourself to be making up ground. "It has shown in the first innings of each Test match that the first innings has been the most vital as batting has got harder as the game has gone on," Williamson said. "We'll still need to have another look at the surface here but were are still expecting first innings to be important again." Apart from preferably winning the toss on a surface that he described as "bare at the ends" and 'soft", Williamson will be expected to push that first innings a little further after they had shown a bit of promise at different times. "It is one of those fine lines where there have been some good bits but the good bits haven't happened for long enough," Williamson said. "Those 240-250 scores need to be 300-350. In saying that we are still to see this wicket, it might be more or it might be less, we don't know just yet. But certainly the last two games if we could have pushed up our first-innings total that little bit further, it would have helped us out a huge amount." This is where India can draw satisfaction. They haven't let New Zealand run away even when they have had partnerships. India's captain Virat Kohli said it was crucial to deal well with such periods. "One thing that stands out for me as a learning is how to control a session that's not going your way," Kohli said. "When you are taking wickets, you can afford to attack. But when you are not taking wickets, how to stop runs and still

maintain enough pressure for you to come in the session and make breakthroughs. "The session when the other team is batting well, you should know how to control runs and at the same time not go negative. There is very thin line, which I think if you maintain more often than not you will come back in the next session and pull things back. That is the biggest learning. Not to go one-dimensional when runs are scored and the other team is batting well." One of the reasons why India have been able to keep New Zealand in check with just four bowlers is Mohammed Shami's performance: eight wickets at an average of 21.12. Kohli paid tribute to Shami's return to fitness. "Shami is someone who's come back very well," Kohli said. "He has worked very hard on his fitness as well. You can see he's able to bowl those five-six over spells now, and he can run in... Bigger momentum and then he can pick up two wickets on any surface. That's the kind of skill he has, so as captain I feel that he's a very important bowler for us in this full season and in future as well. But looking at the near future, his fitness and rhythm is very, very important. As you said, he's a strike bowler and whenever he comes in he makes something regardless of the surface that we're playing on." (ESPNcricinfo)

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