October 8, 2016

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Consultations Ongoing For Budget 2017 As part of preparations for Budget 2017, consultations are being held with various stakeholders, across Guyana. According to Minister within the Ministry of Finance Jaipaul Sharma preparations for the budget should be a partnership arrangement and it is important that to have the views and inputs of others. Speaking to the Guyana information Agency (GINA), Minister Sharma noted that Article 13 of the Constitution points to the need for inclusivity. “So we are in the process of compiling the budget, interviewing Ministries, Regions and Agencies, and so it’s a two prong approach where you have the Ministries and Regions’ positions, you have the interests of the private sector bodies and organizations which are the stakeholders so they have a view too,” the minister said. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) on Thursday thorough their consultations with the minister, proposed to Government, that the income tax threshold be increased to $70,000, while the personal income tax rate be reduced to 25 per cent. In a press statement union noted, “FITUG also sought to have the promised reduction in the rate of VAT be reflected in the 2017 Budget. To bring relief to families, especially with children, FITUG advised the Minister to once again make provision for tax relief for spouses and children under age 16.” Other proposals included an

increased minimum wage for workers and continued Government support for the sugar industry. The latest of consultations was with the members of the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana and is scheduled to be conducted over a two week period. The National Budget for 2017 is expected to be presented on December 5, in the National Assembly

Agri Sector Suffers $4.8B In Losses Due To Drought Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder has claimed that climate change continues to take a toll on the agriculture sector. During the commissioning of the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) Agro Climatology Station on Friday, the Minister said that during 2015-2016, the sector suffered some $4.8B in losses due to drought. In 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture developed a Disaster Risk Management Plan (DRM) for the agriculture sector. The plan was designed to prevent and mitigate the impacts of disasters such as flooding and drought. DRM was further backed by the Japanese Government, which funded the Building Resilience and Sustainable Livelihood: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management/Disaster Risk Reduction (DRM/DRR) project in the Agriculture Sector earlier this year. The US$300,000 project under supervision of the United Nations Development Project (UNDP) and FAO was further meant to strengthen DRM in Guyana. However, the minister related that during the period of drought, about 33,231 acres of rice, sugar, livestock and fisheries were lost. The commissioning of Agro Climatology Station at the school’s Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara campus is another step taken to put in place mitigation measure in place to help the agriculture sector in the wake of climate change. “Taking this into consideration, we must plan in a scientific manner in order to ensure the improvement of agricultural practices and production… and importance must be given to the disastrous effects of climate change,” Minister Holder said. In addition to playing a key role in detecting weather variables throughout Guyana, the station will also aid students to understand agro-meteorology. Students will be compiling data for the study of weather and climate, which will improve service delivered by the meteorological station. The station is the 11th of its kind to establish across the country and is part of the ongoing works to boost hydro meteorological services in agricultural sector of Guyana. “The Ministry of Agriculture through its national meteorological office calls on the public to be climate-smart and use the forecasts given… that is why we intend to enhance the support of weather and climate information, so persons can make informed decisions,” the minister stated. The Argo Climatology station was built at the cost of approximately $1.6 million.




Venezuelan, Two Saint Lucians Charged With Money Laundering

Dear Editor,My attention was drawn to a most bizarre article published in the Guyana Chronicle, Saturday, October 8, 2016, at page 8, under the caption “PPP initiated process to acquire Carmichael St lots-AG.” In that article, the follow statement is attributed to the AttorneyGeneral and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams, “The nation should know that when we [APNU+AFC] entered Government, I inherited that proposal by the PPP to acquire those said lots. And the staff I inherited, recommended those lots…So the issue of the compulsory acquisition was something inherited from the PPP. So perhaps the problem Mr Nandlall has is that he didn’t get to do the transaction.” I wish to make it unequivocally clear, that as Attorney-General, I had no intention whatsoever of compulsorily acquiring the said two lots of land and that no step whatsoever was ever taken by the PPP Civic Government to compulsorily acquire the said two lots of land; that all I did in relation thereto, was to make contact with the owners of the two plots of land and enquired from them, whether the lands were for sale. Both owners answered in the negative and that was the end of the transaction. I never even took a proposal to Cabinet in relation to this matter. The article next outrageously quotes Mr. Williams, as

recalling that I raised the issue in Parliament and “the project was then approved by the Ministry of Finance and Cabinet, after which it was passed and approved by the National Assembly.” I am flabbergasted! I raised no such issue in Parliament. In fact, there was no issue to be raised. The story becomes even more sinister. The article next informs that Mr. Williams disclosed, that if the PPP had remained in office, the PPP would have paid five hundred and sixty million dollars ($560,000,000) more than the current Government for the same two plots of land. The article quotes Mr. Williams, as saying that I told him that the lots are worth six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000). Mr. Williams must be hallucinating! I had no such discussion with Mr. Williams about these plots of land. If this was not a serious matter, I would have found it hilarious. I challenge Mr. Williams to produce one shred of evidence to support any of the contentions that he has made. I do so knowing fully well that a person who is of the iniquitous propensity to contrive and concoct such an elaborate tale is quite capable of falsifying documents to support these preposterous claims. This is not the first time that this AttorneyGeneral has been caught manufacturing stories to blame me and the PPP Civic Administration as part of his clumsy strategy to defend himself. Readers will recall that he alleged that the PPP Government had agreed to pay B.K International when he was publicly pounded for paying millions of US dollars on a mere letter threatening litigation. I challenged him then to produce evidence of this Agreement to pay. He never did. Again, the imbecilic contention is that the PPP had begun the compulsory acquisition process in respect of these two plots of land.

Assuming that he is correct, this Attorney-General appears to lack a mind of his own and seems incapable of doing anything other than robotically follow PPP initiatives. Whatever it is, that the President has a serious problem on his hand, I am in no doubt. Mohabir Anil Nandlall, Attorney-at- Law MP




OP-ED: Guyana On The Path To Destruction

Many Guyanese are questioning the government’s stance on the economy; they are of the opinion that Guyana is on a path to destruction and cited recent incidents whereby the APNU+AFC is preparing the all-important sugar industry for total collapse. On the other hand, the rice industry is also being neglected by the government and as of recent, President David Granger has distanced himself and his Government from the plight of rice farmers in Guyana. The government is now in the process of planting rice at the Wales Sugar Estate and with tax being imposed on agricultural equipment, the rice industry may be crippled. Coupled with this, the administration is on the path to closing down two major Chinese logging operations, the Barama Company and Bai Shan Lin forest operations and with the recent loss of the Greenheart market in the UK, the logging industry is practically on the verge of collapse as well. Another blow to the economy is the government’s recent withdrawal of the Topco juice contract from Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) Guyana, and giving it to RUDISA Company of Suriname. What will become of the hundreds of small fruit farmers who depend on DDL to buy their produce? This is a severe blow to these farmers. In addition to the wanton destruction of the economy, the APNU+AFC, is moving to cripple the poultry sector as well. The PPP administration worked tirelessly to ensure that the industry is self -sufficient, ensuring that the country can produce enough chicken thereby making the local poultry industry viable. The local poultry producers are contending that there is no shortage of chicken in Guyana and that they don’t foresee any shortages for the holiday

season, yet, the Government has issued importation license to 13 businesses. One of the 13 persons granted license to import chicken is no other than the son-in-law of former President Burnham, Dr. Van West Charles, who is the current CEO of GWI. Only recently he was given licenses to import, store and transport fuel. President Granger has stressed that ways have to be found to ensure that children qualify themselves at school to prepare for the job market. “Once they qualify it will be easier for them to move into fields which I think could lead to self-employment.” “Employment is not something to be provided by the government. There is self-employment and we are working with the villages to generate more employment in those villages but it is going to be agro-based employment,” he added. However, the evidence is there to prove otherwise. How can there be self-employment in Guyana when the Government is doing all in its powers to stifle economic growth of the economy?


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Over 1000 Child Abuse Cases So Far… Teachers Say Government Needs To Do More According to several trainee teachers from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), child abuse continues to be a sore issue in Guyana PAGE 5


and the government seems to be doing very little to curb the issue. The Child Care and Protection Agency (CCPA) has stated that there is over 1000 reported cases of child abuse for this year so far. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency, Ann Greene, explained that most reported cases of abuse is neglect, followed by sexual abuse. The agency reported that there were over 3000 reports of child abuse cases for 2015. The cases of sexual abuse were referred to One Stop Centers which give the victims an opportunity to tell their story in the presence of investigators, counselors, prosecutors and welfare officers. The presence of the officers at one facility avoids the possibility of the child repeating the ordeal several times. However, the teachers are quoted as saying “this is not sufficient to deal with the issue, government needs to put more emphasis on the issue, and there must be a more responsible minister to deal with the high incidence of child abuse.” They further stated that it was very disgusting to know that the Minister of Social Protection refers to rape as “deflowering”. They believe that the government must allocate more resources in the 2017 budget for the department, hire qualified staff and do more public awareness campaign. Abuse is harmful to children and they may experience a range of emotional, psychological and physical problems and trauma as a result of being abused or neglected.

Government To Re-examine Student Loan Distribution Qualifications Given the current state of the in excess of $8B student fees that are still outstanding to the University of Guyana from graduated students who were granted student loans, the Government of Guyana has decided to re-examine the requirements that were recently put in place in an effort to reduce the aforementioned debt owed. This was revealed by the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon as reported by the Government Information Agency. Previous to the beginning of the new academic year 2016/2017 the Ministry of Finance through its University Based loan agency had implemented an update list of criteria which students were required to fulfill if they were to be granted a Student Loan. The list of documents that were to be submitted to the University was updated seeing Prospective Loan Students having to also submit their Guyanese Passport, Bank Standing Order and Job Letter. Also amended was the required documents that those who sign as guarantors will have to provide to the Ministry in order to be deemed a fit guarantor. These documents include their Passport, Proof of Employment, TIN Certificate and Liability or Credit Report which can be obtained from the Credit Bureau. The aspired students of the University however cried foul stating that the requirements of for the guarantor are too much and as such the process of obtaining someone who is will to provide the required information is difficult. Minister of State, Harmon however qualified the requirements stating the importance of the Guarantor since he/she is the person who takes on the responsibility of repaying the loan if the student is in someway or the other found in default. Harmon however said that it is something that the Government will look into since it is important for youngsters to be in school. He further stated that they need to understand the importance of obtaining the loan and eventually repaying the borrowed sum.




Guyana Receives $61.3M Grant From US To Boost Extractive industries

The Government of Guyana on Friday received financial support from the US Government towards the strengthening of transparency and accountability within the extractive industries. The US Government through the Carter Centre has provided a US$297,000 (G$6.13M) grant to facilitate a series for transparency and accountability programmes for the extractive industries in Guyana over a 12 month period. The programmes are intended to enable Guyana to submit its application for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) candidacy and thereafter to maintain its participation. The grant was announced by US Ambassador to Guyana Perry Holloway on Friday at the Embassy’s Duke Street, Kingston location. Guyana is preparing to submit its candidacy to the EITI in November. “The scope of the grant is expected to assist the Government of Guyana to develop the candidacy documents required by the EITI Secretariat. I am confident this programme will strengthen the work of the Government of Guyana in promoting transparency in the country’s extractive industries at a time when Guyana

prepares to welcome future growth in the petroleum industry,” the US ambassador expressed. Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, related that membership to EITI encourages investment in the Guyana and will bring many benefits to Guyana which includes an improved investment climate, a signal to international investors that the government has a clear commitment to transparency and good governance and strengthening accountability. Country Representative of the Carter Centre Jason Calder said “Our assistance is intended to build off that recently provided by the World Bank and to complement the fruitful collaboration Guyana has already established with the EITI Secretariat in Trinidad and Tobago.” EITI is a global standard that promotes open and accountable management of a country’s natural resources by strengthening

government and company systems. In June, Guyana received assistance f r o m t h e Wo r l d B a n k i n t h e establishment of its Multi Stakeholder Group (MSG) which is an essential requirement of EITI. The MSG is a tripartite body that will have representative from government, civil society and the extractive industries to guide and oversee the EITI process. This overseeing group will also examine revenue allocations, intergovernmental transfers, company social expenditures, the process for allocating licences and contracts, identifying the beneficial owners of companies in the extractives sector, and documenting the impact of the extractive industries on the economy.


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Night Court Set To Commence On Monday The Night Court which has been promised following reports of overcrowding at the Georgetown Prison, Camp Street, is finally set to begin with its first sitting on Monday. Sittings are scheduled to be from 15:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs Monday to Friday at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court while the court will still be operating its normal hours of Monday to Friday 9:00 hrs to 14:30 hrs. Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, had revealed that the establishment of the night court is expected to cost the Government in excess of $25M depending on the number of employees including Magistrates, Officers, Prosecutors and Court Staff who will be employed for the session which is expected to last 10 months. Prior to the confirmation of the setting up and beginning of the Night Court, a meeting was held between Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Attorney General Basil Williams and the heads of the Judiciary Arm of the Government which includes Acting Chancellor of the Judiciary Carl Singh, Chief Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards, Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Ali-Hack and Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. Following the March 3, 2016 riot and fire at the Georgetown Prison, Camp Street which left 17 inmates dead, most of whom were on remand, the Commission of Inquiry into the matter had made a suggestion, calling for the Judiciary to make haste and clear up the backlogged cases if there is to be prevention of another such incident. Minister Ramjattan had suggested categorising the approximate 60% of the prison population who are on remand, into various categories and to set up a standard so as to seek out the best way to reduce the prison numbers such as the granting of reasonable bail and reduction of sentences for non major crimes. However criticizing the Government on partial establishment of the Night Court was President of the Bar Association, Christopher Ram who according to reports implored as to why the full initiative was not taken by the Government so as to see the Night Court being introduced into the High Court System as well.




17th Batch Of Students Commence Studies At KKTC effective while aligning it with TVET Standards,” she

(Georgetown, October 7, 2016) – ‘To be better than who I am, to work harder, to use my time and energy meaningfully, to play sensibly, to always believe I can, to always comply with my instructions, and to have success only through courage, hard work, order and discipline.’ Those were the words recited by 240 new students commencing their studies at the Kuru Kuru Training Centre (KKTC). These students were drawn from all of the administrative regions and will be spending a total of 10 months at the institution pursuing studies in the field of technical and vocational skills and business studies. “During the next 10 months or so, you will be exposed to 10 different subject areas, some of which will provide you with the skills that will make you marketable, and others that will teach life skills that will enable you to interact effectively with other persons and society at large,” stated the Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. The Minister emphasized the importance of exploiting all the facilities and resources available at the KKTC; in this regard they were advised to be disciplined in their studies. “Do not allow anyone or anything to distract you from your studies,” she declared. “You must all work to develop your full potential. There are lots of things you can do and achieve at this training centre, but your achievement, is, to a large degree defined by yourselves,” the Minister suggested. The challenges of the course was not understated however the students were advised to set a timetable for their studies and revision. “You can start to shape your future here; take full advantage of the training you have been offered and remember that a lost opportunity cannot be regained,” Minister Henry admonished. The Minister expressed her hope that the end result of the course will see young people being shaped into the type of citizens that will help to change the communities from which they came from for the better, and the country as a whole. The Assisting Director of Youth (ADOY), Leslyn Boyce in her remarks highlighted the plans for the KKTC. “The Department of Youth plans on raising the standards of the institution to make it more current, efficient and

highlighted. That thrust will be realized through the implementation of recommendations coming out from the KKTC Reviewing Curriculum Interim Report. The priority areas, in this regard, are the restructuring and strengthening of the management structure by recruiting technical and competent staff; training of instructors to deliver competency based education; registering the KKTC under the Council for Technical and Vocational Training; commence the process of competency based education training; purchasing tools/equipment that would match TVET standards; expand the workshop spaces and provide clear guidelines for management. Ministry of Education Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Committed To Comprehensive Crime Fighting StrategiesPresident Granger Says Root Causes Must Be Addressed PAGE 11

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 7, 2016) As the Government continues to address the incidence of crime in Guyana, the country will be welcome a security advisor from the United Kingdom (UK) next month, who will be working closely with the administration on the implementation of the Security Sector Reform Action Plan (SSRAP). This US$4.7 million project was turned down by the previous administration, when it was first proposed back in 2009. Describing this as a mistake, the Head of State noted that the development of the security sector is critical to the fight against crime. Much has been said about the ability of the Force to address the crime situation in the public domain. President Granger, during and interview today, said the Force, which he described as essentially a sound, professional organisation, has not received the attention it deserves in the past. He added that while he is satisfied that the Force has made some headway with regard to solving crime he is not satisfied with the rogue elements, who are not suitable to serve in that capacity. “More has to be done. We have recruited persons, who turn out to be unsuitable and I have discussed with Minister of Public Security and the Commissioner in the National Security Council that there is need to improve training at the police training school. We need to ensure that the type of persons recruited are not only educationally qualified but attitudinally prepared to do their work in a country like ours,” the Head of State said. He admitted that there have been instances where policemen have been bribed not to pursue investigations, files have disappeared and where officers tried to extort money from persons, who committed misdemeanours but said that these problems can be overcome by ensuring that there is a more professional police force. “My only regret is that it is taking so long to introduce these reforms. Police have been getting recommendations for over 14 years from the British Government but they were never implemented. We are going to implement. We are going to make the police force a better force,” the President said. He also reminded that there are two mechanisms in place for citizens to highlight issues of corruption as far as the police are concerned. These are the Police Complaints Authority, where investigations have led to officers being brought to trial and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). Alluding to the number of ranks that have recently been fired from the Force, the President Granger said that, “it is as a result of the functioning of these mechanisms that the Commissioner has been able to separate some rogue elements from the Force.” Nevertheless, he noted that in a Force with a strength of 3000, there have not been a large number of miscreants when compared to the total number and that he is satisfied that the Force is on the road to recovery. Speaking on the number of violent crimes that have been occurring, the President said that the root causes of crime have to be addressed in order for their to be long term results. President David Granger continues to be directly involved in public security planning, chairing the weekly meeting of the National Security Committee. The Head of State said that this issue has become a daily preoccupation which his Government and the safety of all Guyanese of of critical concern. He acknowledged that the trafficking in narcotics is a major factor. To this end the National Anti-Narcotic Agency (NANA) will be set up as the Government looks to work more closely with regional and international partners to address this trans-national crime. “Crime is very complex, when you deal with crime you have to look at causation, in my view many of the most serious crime arise out of the narcotics trade that is a trade that I think is responsible for bringing drugs into the country and guns.” The President went on to explain that with the volume of money that is generated from the narcotics trade the loyalty of the law enforcement officers and even the magisterial officers came under threat. He said that his Government is working on a broad-base strategy to address crime which would include the setting up of a a national intelligence service. In addition, Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan reported in September that he had completed the drafting of National Drug Strategy Master Plan.


The administration is also working to ensure that the GPF is better equipped and are able to operate in the diverse areas of the country. President Granger explained that given Guyana’s size and terrain the Force is working to ensure that there are more mounted police in areas like the Rupununi, which cannot be adequately covered by vehicles alone and in certain back dams on the Coast like Black Bush Polder in Corentyne-Berbice, where heinous murders have recently occurred. “We have to provide the police with improved assets…All-Terrain Vehicles [ATVs] and more river crafts to improve their mobility… I reckon that in the fullness of time we will overcome some of the crime problems we have here,” President Granger said. In addition to the execution-type murders and gun-running that are the result of the narco-trade, the President lamented the high level of interpersonal violence. President Granger said that interpersonal violence, suicides and violence in schools are social issues which cannot be tackled solely by law enforcement agencies but a collaborative effort, which includes the Ministries of Social Protection and Social Cohesion as well as religious and non-governmental organisations. “We have to look at social interventions and here we call upon NGOs [non-governmental organisations] and religious communities, the mandirs, the masjids and the churches to help us to deal with the sources of interpersonal conflicts, through counselling and through delivering the sort of message that we are not a violent community and people have to learn to live together… I am very disturbed at violence among school children and at the interpersonal violence between husbands and wives, which sometimes degenerate to arson and murder,” he said Turning his attention to road safety, President Granger indicated that the GPF will focus on enforcement to ensure that all road users follow traffic laws and regulations. The campaign, Operation Safeway, which came into force last month, seeks to heighten road safety awareness among all categories of road users. The President said that the Force is ensuring that there are more traffic ranks on the roadways, who are adequately equipped with more speed guns and breathalyser kits and greater patrols in areas where drivers like to speed like West Demerara, West Berbice and the Linden-Soesdyke Highway. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger


GUYANA DAILY NEWS MOE, DCYS Host ‘Networking Session’ For Lawyers And Law Students PAGE 12

(Georgetown, October 7, 2016) – The Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and Sport hosted a networking session today at the Umana Yana for the lawyers who recently returned from the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and Tobago and CAPE students pursuing law at the Bishops High and Queen’s College. This session was important because it sought to align the CAPE students with those who have already walked the pathway they are now on. The lawyers and students were urged to share experiences, give advice and share contact information. This allows the new lawyers to mentor the next generation of lawyers. In her remarks, Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry emphasized that peer mentorship is important. “You have made yourself and all Guyana proud,” Minister Henry declared while addressing the lawyers. “Your presence here today is an indication that you did not allow the seemingly daunting nature of your course to prevent you from achieving your goal,” the Minister recognized. At this point the Minister stressed that knowledge does not end at this stage but continues into the world of work and beyond. “As lawyers you will be required to devote countless hours to pro bono work, to make sure that the wrongly accused are not jailed, that innocent lives are not ruined, that the weak are not preyed upon…you need to be lawyers who will have to fight daily for fairness, who are intolerant of injustice, and who live or work with unimpeachable integrity,” Minister Henry pointed out. During the session the lawyers were presented with memorabilia from the Golden Jubilee celebrations, and a special award was presented to the best graduating Guyanese student, Ms. Latoya Roberts. In her presentation, Roberts shared her experiences at the University of Guyana and then the Hugh Wooding Law School. She noted that while being a lawyer is a noble profession the task of actually becoming a lawyer is not an easy task. For those who attend the Hugh Wooding Law School, Roberts explained that a team effort is required. In this regard, she emphasized that the spirit of Guyanese pride must be inculcated and demonstrated in the way one carries themselves, approach to work, behavior and participation in campus life. She urged the CAPE law students to be prepared to give 150 percent of themselves. Roberts also expressed appreciation on


behalf of herself and colleagues for the opportunity to mentor the CAPE students. Ministry of Education Press Release




President Granger Attends Dr. Patricia Cambridge’s ‘Piano Improvisations’ Georgetown, Guyana – (October 7, 2016) President David Granger, this evening, attended the ‘Piano Improvisations’, an Evening with Dr. Patricia Cambridge, a well-known Guyanese Pianist, which was held at the National Cultural Centre. Dr. Cambridge is a winner of the Phillip Pilgrim Memorial Harp (1974) and graduate of the Boston Conservatory. She is currently a member of the Emeriti faculty of the Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. The pianist serenaded the attendees with improvisations of popular tunes such as ‘Bless This House’, ‘My Task’, ‘If I can Help Somebody’, ‘We Hail Thee Guyana’, ‘Let Us Cooperate’ and even the Guyanese folk songs such as ‘Sitira Gal’ and ‘Itanami’. Minister within the Ministry of Education, Ms. Nicolette Henry was also in attendance. MOTP Press Release

Dr. Patricia Cambridge, one of Guyana's outstanding Pianist

President David Granger and Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry, sharing a light moment with the Cambridge's.



GASCI reports that session 689's trading results showed consideration of $220,959 from 8,045 shares traded in 4 transactions as compared to session 688's trading results, which showed consideration of $1,387,531 from 4,584 shares traded in 8 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH and DTC. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) three trades totalling 8,030 shares represented 99.81% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $25.7, which showed a decrease of $4.3 from its previous close of $30.0. DIH's trades contributed 93.12% ($205,750) of the total consideration. DIH's first two trades totalling 7,030 shares were at $25.0, while its third trade of 1,000 shares was at $30.0. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) single trade of 15 shares at $1,013.9 represented 0.19% of the total


shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,013.9, which showed a decrease of $6.1 from its previous close of $1,020.0. DTC's trade contributed 6.88% ($15,209) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK Crossing: When a firm has both the buy and the sell sides of an order. There are rules about derivative exchanges governing the crossing of trades. Also known as Matching and Self Trading. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.




Call For Action As Europe Debates Bahamas Leaks

Commissioner for financial affairs Pierre Moscovici addresses the European Parliament during debate on Bahamas Leaks. Photo: European Parliament By Will Fitzgibbon October 7, 2016, 1:00 pm


RUSSELS, Belgium -The Bahamas launched reviews of its tax policies and data security and members of the European Parliament called for sanctions and scrutiny of tax havens and of the politicians who use them following a leak of 1.3 million documents from the Bahamas corporate registry. Bahamian officials announced the moves following the publication of Bahamas Leaks, a collaborative investigation by 30 media organizations in partnership with The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung that exposed new details about politicians and fraudsters behind some of the country’s offshore companies. As the world’s attention turned to the Bahamas, the minister in

charge of the nation’s offshore industry promised to introduce automatic exchange of tax information with other countries one year ahead of schedule in an effort to rebuff accusations that The Bahamas is courting untaxed money. Separately, the Bahamas attorney-general, Allyson Maynard-Gibson, announced a review of the country’s data systems that failed to prevent the disclosure of more than one million documents. The OECD’s head of tax, Pascal Saint-Amans, expressed concern after Bahamas Leaks that the country would not meet its international tax commitments. In an interview with Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, Saint-Amans warned that The Bahamas could soon be put back on the OECD’s blacklist of tax havens. Bahamian officials and press outlets have used a number of forums, including a United Nations address, to defend the country and denounce the Bahamas Leaks investigation as a “coordinated conspiracy.” Separately, the European Commission is determining whether or not to take action

against former competition commissioner Neelie Kroes, w h o w a s E u r o p e ’s t o p corporate enforcer from 2004 to 2010. Documents from Bahamas Leaks revealed that Kroes failed to declare her directorship of a company that negotiated to buy billions of dollars in assets from the energy giant Enron. In a fiery session on Tuesday, members of the European Parliament called for stronger rules and sanctions, including the revocation of pensions, in cases where senior EU officials have conflicts of interest. MEPs alleged that Kroes had lied to parliament, weakening public trust in the EU. “When former top commissioners are discovered to be linked to overseas tax havens, and the global financial companies that benefit from them, the EU’s credibility takes a justified hit,” said Danish MEP Jeppe Kofod, who leads the Social Democrats party. Kofod said the Bahamas Leaks showed the need for better legislation to “end the world of secrecy, fraud, corruption and tax evasion, and put real pressure on tax havens,” and also for a more stringent vetting process for commissioners. “In the case of former Commissioner Kroes, the fact that she was a director of a holding company in The Bahamas only came to light after she had retired from the Commission. That proves that the vetting process for Commissioners simply is not working.” Other MEPs joined the call for European authorities to do

more to end corporate secrecy. “The Bahamas papers revealed again the murky role played by tax havens in global tax evasion,” said MEP Molly Scott Cato from England. “Lux Leaks, Panama Papers, Bahamas Leaks,” said Michael Theurer, a German parliamentarian who referred to three of ICIJ’s recent projects that made international headlines. “Clearly there is a need for action.” Speaking on behalf of the European Commission, commissioner Pierre Moscovici defended the Commission’s track record and sought to temper many of the MEP’s concerns. “I think we should not turn problems raised by members of the previous Commission into an amalgam on the Commission and the Parliament. Let’s not use material errors and personal choices, which can be regrettable, to question rules that will never be able to determine a solution for this type of situation,” he said. Moscovici assured MEPs that the Commission would listen to the issues, and would also continue to support the work of the European Parliamentary committee (the so-called PANA Committee) established in the wake of Panama Papers to investigate tax avoidance and money laundering. The PANA Committee announced at its first public hearing last week that it would broaden its coverage to include relevant information from Bahamas Leaks. (Caribbean News Now!)




Haiti To Receive US$20 Million Insurance Payout Following Passage Of Hurricane Matthew

On 6 October 2016, people continue to clean up in the western city of Jeremie. Hurricane Matthew passed o v e r H a i t i o n Tu e s d a y October 4, 2016, with heavy rains and winds. While the capital Port au Prince was mostly spared from the full strength of the class 4 hurricane, the western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie received the full force sustaining wind and water damage across wide areas. Photo Logan Abassi UN/MINUSTAH


EORGETOWN, Cayman Islands -CCRIF SPC (formerly the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility) is preparing to make a payout to the government of Haiti as a result of the passage of Hurricane Matthew which triggered a payment on the country’s tropical cyclone policy. Based on preliminary calculations, Haiti will receive a little over US$20 million – the largest payment ever made by CCRIF.

This was revealed on Thursday afternoon by CCRIF chairman Milo Pearson at the I M F / Wo r l d B a n k G r o u p annual meetings. He also thanked the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for paying Haiti’s insurance premiums over the last four years in support of the country’s overall disaster risk m a n a g e m e n t s t r a t e g y, recognising the key role of risk transfer instruments. Prior to that, in 2010 and 2011, both CDB and the government of Canada paid Haiti’s annual premium. Since its inception in 2007, CCRIF has made a total of 15 payouts to ten member governments totalling US$38.8 million, all within 14 days of the event. This payment will represent the 16th payout, which would make total payouts approximately US$58.8 million. This payment will be Haiti’s second payment from CCRIF. In 2010, following the devastating earthquake, CCRIF made a payment to the government of Haiti of

US$7.7 million, based on the terms of its earthquake policy. That payment represented the first inflow of direct financial assistance received by Haiti at that time. The Haitian government used the CCRIF funds to cover salaries of key emergency personnel, thereby “keeping the wheels of government turning”. CCRIF’s parametric insurance products are insurance contracts that make payments based on the intensity of an event (for example, hurricane wind speed, earthquake intensity or volume of rainfall) and the amount of loss calculated in a pre-agreed model caused by these events. Parametric insurance enables payouts to be made very quickly after a hazard event. This is different from traditional insurance settlements that require an onthe-ground assessment of individual losses after an event before a payment can be made. Hurricane Matthew made landfall in Haiti on October 4 as a powerful Category 4 hurricane. A United Nations representative to Haiti, Mourad Wahba, said the country was facing its largest humanitarian crisis since the earthquake in 2010 left more than 200,000 dead and tens of thousands living in tents and makeshift dwellings. Matthew brought intense rain, wind and surge waves, causing mudslides and flooding. The main bridge that links the capital of Port-au-Prince to southern Haiti has collapsed and the coast has been badly hit in the areas of Grande Anse,

Port-Salut and Port-à-Piment with 1,243,000 people (including 522,000 children) affected. Les Cayes has been totally flooded. Initial estimates suggest that four million children in Haiti will be directly affected by the storm. Earlier, as Matthew moved through the Eastern Caribbean islands, the centre of the storm passed over Barbados on September 28 as a tropical storm, triggering its CCRIF tropical cyclone policy. Barbados will receive a payout of US$975,000. There were reports of fallen trees, isolated flooding, power outages and water disruption in some parts of the island. Both Barbados and Haiti have excess rainfall policies also. Tropical cyclone policies are designed to cover damages from wind and storm surge but not rainfall. Therefore, it is possible that these countries’ rainfall policies may be triggered as well – this would entitle them to an additional payout. There also is a possibility that other countries in the Eastern Caribbean who were earlier affected by Matthew may receive payouts under their excess rainfall policies. The model for excess rainfall events requires a few days longer to calculate results compared with the wind-based tropical cyclone model and CCRIF will issue new information when that assessment is complete. (Caribbean News Now!)





CDEMA Deploys Response Teams To Bahamas And Haiti At the request of the government of

On 6 October 2016, small towns all along the western part of Haiti suffered extreme damage from heavy winds and rains and on the coastal areas, storm surge. Hurricane Matthew passed over Haiti on Tuesday October 4, 2016, with heavy rains and winds. While the capital Port au Prince was mostly spared from the full strength of the class 4 hurricane, the western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie received the full force sustaining wind and water

damage across wide areas. Photo Logan Abassi UN/MINUSTAH


RIDGETOWN, Barbados -The islands of The Bahamas and Haiti suffered severe impact from the passage of Hurricane Matthew. In efforts to assist these countries in dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) has deployed two sets of specialized response teams.

Haiti and based on priority needs identified, CDEMA deployed a sixmember CARICOM Operational Support Team (COST) to Haiti on Friday, October 7, 2016. This team will support Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) coordination in Jérémie and Les Cayes, two settlements most affected by Hurricane Matthew. The team will be led by Brigadier General (Ret’d) Earl Arthurs and supported by technical personnel from CDEMA participating states. Three Rapid Needs Assessment Teams (RNATs) were also due to be deployed to The Bahamas on Friday. The teams will facilitate damage assessments and needs analysis in Andros, Grand Bahama and New Providence islands. The Regional Coordination Plan (RCP) remains activated and the Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) at the CDEMA Coordinating Unit has been activated. The CU has placed on standby other support arrangements for Haiti including the CARICOM Disaster Relief Unit (CDRU). Additional actions will be guided by damage assessments and needs analysis (DANA). (Caribbean News Now!)




Venezuelan, Two Saint Lucians Charged With Money Laundering A Venezuelan national and two Saint Lucians were formally arrested and charged with money laundering. Adonys Alejandro Sencler Ruiz of Venezuela, Ernie Zilta of La Resource, Vieux Fort; and Gaspard St. Hilaire of Desruisseaux, Micoud were arrested by police on Wednesday, October 5, 2016. The Financial Intelligence Authority said in a statement on Thursday that the men

were found with EURO $287,700 and US$10,000 in their possession on Sunday, October 2, 2016 in the South of the island. The trio are being held in custody pending an appearance before a magistrate for a bail hearing. (St. Lucia News Online!)

Prince Harry’s Visit : Call For Submission For NGOs To Highlight Their Work

PRESS RELEASE – As Saint Lucia awaits the official visit by His Royal Highness Prince Harry in late

November 2016, the planning committee established under the auspices of the Office of the Governor General plans to use the opportunity of the Royal visit to highlight the work of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) across the island. To this end, some groups will be invited to make a short presentation to His Royal Highness at an appropriate point during his visit. According to the Director of the Saint

Lucia National Trust (SLNT), Mr. Bishnu Tulsie, “Considering the Prince’s interests which include matters related to the environment, climate change, youths, persons with disabilities, health and the elderly, the Trust, which forms part of the planning committee is pleased to issue a call to all NGOs undertaking work in the aforementioned areas to submit for screening information on their projects. These will be included in the proposed programme and compendium”. The deadline for submission is Monday, October 24, 2016. Interested persons are asked to obtain more details at http://slunatrust.org/news/princeharrys-visit-call-for-submission or call the SLNT at 452-5005 (St. Lucia News Online)




Nicole Aims At Bermuda, While Matthew May Return To Bahamas

An unusual confluence of forecast storm tracks is shown for the next several days By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Hurricane Nicole in the Atlantic weakened to a tropical storm on Friday and, after a continued period of meandering, is forecast to approach Bermuda between Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Meanwhile, after hugging the coast of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas, Hurricane Matthew is forecast to loop back towards The Bahamas as a tropical storm or depression, also between Tuesday and Wednesday. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Friday, the centre of

Tropical Storm Nicole was located about 365 miles (590 km) south of Bermuda. Maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher gusts. Additional weakening is expected during the next day or so. Tropical-stormforce winds extend outward up to 80 miles (130 km) from the centre. Swells associated with Nicole, along with rough surf conditions, should continue to affect Bermuda for the next few days. According to Forecaster Kimberlain, interaction with weakening Matthew to the west should cause Nicole to begin moving northwestward or northnorthwestward. A turn toward the north is expected once the interaction

ends. The cyclone could weaken a bit further or remain in a steady state as a weak tropical storm for two to three days, after which conditions support some re-intensification. In the meantime, Forecaster Avila said that Matthew has weakened a little bit and the hurricane is heading toward an area of increasing shear, which should result in gradual weakening. The shear is forecast to continue during the next five days, so additional weakening is anticipated and Matthew is expected to be a tropical depression by the end of the forecast period. On Saturday, the hurricane will encounter the midlatitude westerlies, and this flow pattern should induce a northeastward and then eastward motion during the next two days. After that time, the steering flow becomes very complex, and models turn the cyclone southward and southwestward embedded within the flow on the west side of a mid-level trough. (Caribbean News Now!)




Hurricane Matthew: Haiti South '90% Destroyed’

Jeremie is one of the worst-hit towns - some estimates say up to 80% has been destroyed(AFP) Nearly 900 people are known to have been killed by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, with aid officials saying up to 90% of some areas have been destroyed. Some of the hardest-hit towns are yet to be reached by land, and there are fears more bodies will be found. Parts of Haiti's south had faced "complete destruction", aid workers told the BBC. Hurricane Matthew has now made landfall in South Carolina in the US, having battered Florida on Friday. The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has downgraded it to a Category 1 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds having decreased to 75mph (120km/h). But the NHC warned of a "serious inland flooding event unfolding". The storm is due to hit North Carolina later. Rescue efforts are under way in Haiti to assess the destruction left in the wake of the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade. At least 877 people were

confirmed dead late on Friday, local officials told Reuters news agency. One of the survivors in the village of Chantal told Reuters a tree had flattened his house. "The entire house fell on us. I couldn't get out," Jean-Pierre Jean-Donald said. "People came to lift the rubble, and then we saw my wife, who had died." The storm passed directly through the Tiburon peninsula encompassing Haiti's entire southern coast - driving the sea inland and flattening homes with winds of up to 230km/h (145mph) and torrential rain. The main road connecting the capital, Port-au-Prince, to the southern coast has been destroyed. Kate Corrigan, a nurse working with charity Innovating Health International in Port-au-Prince, told the BBC some small towns were almost inaccessible. "What we've seen thus far has been a fairly large-spread destruction in the south, potentially at points of 90% destruction in some of locations complete destruction." Her team's helicopter had not managed to land in some of the damaged areas.

Government and UN officials estimate that some 350,000 people need help. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) say communication with the areas worst affected has been hampered by downed power lines and a lack of phone coverage. The US is sending the naval vessel USS Mesa Verde to assist with rescue efforts, as well as nine military helicopters to help deliver food and water to the hardesthit areas. The Red Cross has launched an emergency appeal for $6.9m (£5.6m) "to provide medical, shelter, water and sanitation assistance to 50,000 people". This comes amid concerns about a surge in cholera cases, with the sanitation system in Haiti already overwhelmed. Haiti - one of the world's poorest countries - has never fully recovered from the earthquake in 2010 that killed thousands of people and a cholera epidemic that followed. After slicing through Haiti and Cuba, Hurricane Matthew pounded the Bahamas on Thursday but no fatalities were reported there. Four people were killed in Florida as the storm hit on Friday. More than a million homes have lost power. Four people died in the neighbouring Dominican Republic on Tuesday. US President Barack Obama on Friday warned that, while southern Florida had been spared the worst, the hurricane remained very dangerous, with the risk of a storm surge and flooding. A state of emergency is in place in several states and at least three million inhabitants have been ordered to evacuate their homes. (BBC)




Government Pledges To Support Office Of The DPP

National Security Minister Hermangild Francis. PRESS RELEASE – A call has been made for the populace to rally behind the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the new Acting Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mr. Daarsrean C.G. Greene who will officially assume his post on October 17, 2016. Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Hon. Minister Senator Hermangild

Francis said on Wednesday, October 5, that despite the looming IMPACS Report investigation, the Lambirds Academy matter and a significant backlog of criminal matters to be tried in court, he believes the public can feel confident that the incoming DPP Mr. Greene and his staff are up to the challenge. “The IMPACS Report is one of the most pressing issues that we have presently. The Lambirds Academy case is almost in a similar vein and these two will be very, very problematic for the new DPP. We have said all along that if the new DPP requests that we get a Special Prosecutor for the IMPACS Report, the Americans, the EU government and our government are willing and ready to assist him in getting a Special Prosecutor.” Senator Francis

said the Executive arm of government applauds the Judicial and Legal Services Commission for the appointment. He described it is a significant step which will facilitate movement on several issues impinging upon the Justice system. “Our Justice system has been in shatters and we need to put new things in place starting with a DPP. The amount of work this new DPP will have to accomplish is going to be a phenomenal task. I think he should be given the opportunity and he needs all our support.” The National Security Minister informed the media on Wednesday, October 5, that government will make a d e t e r m i n a t i o n o n t h e D P P ’s performance and future in the position around October, 2017. (St. Lucia News Online!)




$331m Microsoft Deal Left Idle

Communications Minister Maxie Cuffie makes his contribution during the budget debate on Thursday night. Minister of Public Administration and Communications Maxie Cuffie said the

former People’s Partnership government spent $331 million on a Microsoft software agreement that could not be used and for which they were being charged. He said this was a waste of money and mismanagement on the part of the public service. Cuffie made the disclosure while delivering his budget debate contribution on Thursday night in Parliament. Under the last administration, Cuffie said, a three-year software agreement costing taxpayers US$52.4 million (TT$331,564, 596.56 million) was signed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Microsoft Corporation, which governed the use of the software in T&T. “That $331.6 million represented much software we could not use and were being charged for...and some we were using although we had not paid for it and were therefore penalised,” Cuffie said. Cuffie said much of the “$331.6 million represented waste and mismanagement” on the “part of our local public service officials.” Over the last four weeks, Cuffie said, a team from his ministry had been in negotiations with Microsoft. “I am pleased to announce that we have reached consensus on a new agreement, subject to Cabinet approval, that will cost US$4.24 million a year amounting to just over US$12 million in three years.” Cuffie said this new agreement will save T&T$272 million in payments to Microsoft in the next 36 months.

He also spoke about the Opposition not supporting the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in the last two weeks, which will have implications for our country’s competitiveness and ability to attract investments. In a bid to move Government offices out of rental accommodations, Cuffie said his ministry returned the keys to a building which was being rented at over $1 million a month for three years for the Personnel Department, although it was never occupied. “One million dollars a month for an empty building. We also took up occupation of One Alexandra Place (Tragarete Road, St Clair) which had not been occupied for six years and was incurring rent of $600,000 a month, a figure negotiated by members opposite, although they never occupied the building. We have saved the taxpayers money and are now in occupation of the building under the terms that had been negotiated previously.” Cuffie said although the Government had been paying rent for several unoccupied premises over the years, they had given up more than 20 leases. “In 2016 we have been able to reduce rents paid for unoccupied buildings from $3.3 million to $1.7 million a month. And we are moving, as swiftly as is allowed, to eliminate all rental expenditure on unoccupied properties.” (Trinidad Guardian)




‘Prisoners’ May Get Pay Days

Justin Charles, one of the police officers who challenged the Bail (Ammendment) Act. Government may have to pay millions of dollars in compensation to scores of people who were denied bail under the controversial Bail (Amendment) Bill after the now defunct legislation was deemed to be unconstitutional yesterday. High Court Judge Carol Gobin, in a judgment delivered in the Port-of-Spain High Court, ruled in favour of two police officers accused of accepting a bribe and a 21-year-old student who was denied bail for 120 days after being jointly charged for illegal possession of a gun found at her boyfriend’s home. Anyone who was subject of the legislation prior to its expiration in August can now use the cases filed by PCs Justin Charles and Ryan Mahabir and Roytec student Danielle St Omer to launch their own claims for false imprisonment. In her 44-page judgment, Gobin said the legislation was not reasonably justifiable in a democratic society. “There is no evidence that the measures which denied bail in the circumstances covered by the amendment achieved the objectives of the legislation,” she said. While she admitted the fact the legislation was passed unanimously by Parliament was grounds to not interfere with it, Gobin said the court had a duty to protect the

fundamental constitutional rights of citizens. She said the T&T Police Service failed to provide the court with evidence the legislation had addressed its concerns about repeat offenders and its ability to monitor the activities of people charged with gun-related crimes. “This provision, in my view, was wholly unnecessary,” Gobin said, adding existing bail conditions would have sufficiently addressed the police’s concerns. Referring to St Omer, who fell under the legislation after being arrested at her boyfriend’s home, Gobin described the law as capricious. “The automatic denial of bail disallowed consideration of the personal circumstances, the level of involvement alleged or treatment of the accused as an individual,” she said. She also suggested that the legislation removed the presumption of innocence as accused people were punished by being kept in inhumane remand conditions for three months after being charged. Gobin also criticised the current bail regime, which she said mostly affected “poor people” who were the main users of the court system. She referred to the case of Jerome Henry, a father charged with neglecting his son who drowned in a drain at their home last month, who spent more than a month in jail before he accessed bail this week. “For every Henry there are dozens of others who have desperate relatives, no deeds and no cash. For those who are forced to remain inside, the system inflicts punishment, misery and oppression,” she said. The damages awarded to Charles, Mahabir and St Omer will be calculated by a High Court Master. In addition to damages, the State was made to pay their legal costs. Charles and Mahabir were represented by Anand Ramlogan, SC, Gerald Ramdeen, Jyanti Lutchmedial and

Kent Samlal. St Omer was represented by Keith Scotland, while Senior Counsel Fyard Hosein led the State’s legal team. Opposition hails ruling Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday described the judgment as vindication for her and her party. “The decision today vindicates the position that I took and that of the Members of Parliament on the Opposition bench not to support this legislation. “Had we done otherwise we would have contributed to the breach of the rights of our citizens who have been denied bail under the provisions of this legislation,” she said in a release. Although the legislation was passed during her tenure, Persad-Bissessar said she was opposed to it when the current Government attempted to renew it after its sunset clause. “I was at pains to ask the Government to ‘pause for a cause’ in light of the concerns that the Opposition had raised. These concerns were based on developments in the law which had occurred subsequent to the initial passage of the legislation,” PersadBissessar said. (Trinidad Guardian)




MUD Warns Venezuelans About Judiciary Actions To Slow Down Referendum

'Chuo' Torrealba, Executive Secretary of the Democratic Round Table (MUD) ‘Chuo’ Torrealba, Executive Secretary of the Democratic Round Table (MUD) has warned Venezuelans about the possible annulment of the Revocatory Referendum, previous to the recollection of the 20% of votes from those who want President Nicolas Maduro out of the Presidency. According to the Venezuelan

Newspaper El Nacioal, Torrealba pointed that the Judiciary could develop a sentence to void this constitutional process. The MUD representative addressed that if this scenario takes place, the opposition has the full support from the International Community. He pointed to the ‘desperation’ of the government which is being reflected in reckless actions that are putting under questioning the ‘democracy’ that

Maduro promotes. The recollection of the 20% of the votes needed for the implementation of the Revocatory Referendum, is scheduled to start from the 26th to the 28th of October. Torrealba assured that the ruling party will promote the ‘Morocoy Operation’ during the voting process that is scheduled for month end. The ‘Morocoy Operation’ is the implementation of ‘diverse measures’ by the government, to slow down the realization of a certain process. In this case the effective voting of citizens. The Executive Secretary of the Democratic Round Table (MUD), also noted that the National Electoral Council (CNE) did not provide any polling centers for Venezuelans in the diaspora, violating article 62 of the Constitution, where it addressed the necessity to simplify the ability to exercise ones political rights from abroad. Torrealba summoned the population to perform national protests on October 12th, to show their dissatisfaction with the current situation in the country. Source:http://www.elnacional.com/politica/Chuo-Torrealbaoficialismo-impulsara...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS US Election: Donald Trump Sorry For Obscene Remarks On Women PAGE 32

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has apologised for obscene comments about women he made in a newly released videotape from 2005. Mr Trump said that "these words don't reflect who I am... I apologise". In the video, Mr Trump says "you can do anything" to women "when you're a star" and brags about trying to grope and kiss women. Top Republicans condemned the comments. His election rival Hillary Clinton called them "horrific". "We cannot allow this man to become president," she posted on Twitter. Warning: The rest of this article contains some graphic language In the video, Mr Trump is heard saying, "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." "Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours!" Mr Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday. Mr Trump's 2005 comments overshadowed the release of transcripts of Mrs Clinton's speeches to private events, by the whistleblowing site Wikileaks. What did Mr Trump say? In the video, posted by the Washington Post, Mr Trump is heard bragging to TV host Billy Bush about trying to have sex with a married woman as well as kissing and groping others. The clip was part of unaired footage of an Access Hollywood segment ahead of Mr Trump's appearance on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. "I moved on her and I failed. I'll admit it," Mr Trump is heard saying. "She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. "I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look." Later in the conversation, he told Mr Bush he was "automatically attracted to beautiful" women and often tried to kiss them. "I just start kissing them," he said. "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." What does the candidate say now? Mr Trump's 90-second statement on Saturday morning appeared to be his first full apology in a campaign laced with controversial remarks. "I've said and done things I regret," he said. "Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologise. "I've never said I'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone I'm not. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow." However, he also tried to deflect the impact by attacking former President Bill Clinton. "Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked and shamed his victims. "We'll discuss this in the coming days," he said. "See you at the debate on Sunday." The second TV debate between Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton will take place on Sunday evening in St Louis. Mr Trump recently said he would not bring up stories about Bill Clinton's infidelities in the debate, after previously threatening to do so. The latest opinion polls suggest Mrs Clinton is pulling ahead. Mr Trump will need a good performance at the debate


to slow the trend. Mr Trump has said the latest remarks are "nothing more than a distraction" and "locker-room banter". How have people responded to the tape? Top Republicans have been incensed. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was "sickened by what I heard today" and rescinded his invitation to Mr Trump to attend the Republican Fall Fest in his home state of Wisconsin this weekend. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the comments were "repugnant," adding that Mr Trump "needs to apologise directly to women and girls everywhere". Another senior Republican, John McCain, said there were "no excuses for Donald Trump's offensive and demeaning comments".For his part, Billy Bush said he was "embarrassed" by and "ashamed" of the contents of the video. "It's no excuse, but this happened 11 years ago. I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I'm very sorry." The TV host is the first cousin of former President George W Bush. Mrs Clinton's campaign released a video featuring the audio, playing over footage of women and girls. A couple of weeks ago, after the row over Trump "fat-shaming" Alicia Machado, I suggested the Republican candidate lay off our weight. Now, and I can hardly believe I'm having to write this, I suggest he lay off our vaginas. The day after a video emerged in which he suggested he could have any woman he wants because he's a star and so could just grab them by the pussy, Mr Trump is in a whole ocean of hot political water. Enough, quite possibly, to sink any chance he had of winning the White House. There is a violence in the phrases "grab 'em by the pussy" and "you can do anything" that any victim of abuse would recognise and that most women would find sickening. But this tape doesn't just offend women, judging from the reaction in the Republican party. It has offended a lot of men too. Whether those men will now withdraw their endorsements of him is yet to be seen. (BBC)

The video dates from 11 years ago, before Mr Trump entered politics(AP)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hillary Clinton's Wall St Speeches Published By Wikileaks Transcripts of private speeches by US Democratic presidential Campaign staff are believed to have been sent Mrs Clinton's PAGE 33

candidate Hillary Clinton have been released by the whistleblowing site Wikileaks. In one of the extracts, Mrs Clinton told bankers that they were best-placed to help reform the US financial sector. She also said she favoured "open trade and open borders". Mrs Clinton's main opponent, Donald Trump, has said he wants to renegotiate key trade deals. Mrs Clinton had refused to publish the transcripts, from 2013 and 2014. Her rival in the Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders, had repeatedly called on her to release the text of her speeches, which are thought to have earned her about $26m (£21m). 'Dream of a common market' The excerpts include comments made at an event sponsored by Goldman Sachs in October 2013 in which Mrs Clinton spoke of the need to consult Wall Street over financial reform. "The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry," Mrs Clinton said. At another speech presented to a Brazilian bank in 2013, she spoke of her "dream" for a common trade market. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere," Mrs Clinton said. The leak comes after the US accused Russia of a cyber attack against political organisations intended to influence the presidential election. Supporters of Donald Trump had been hopeful that Wikileaks would release an "October Surprise" this week to put an end to Mrs Clinton's presidential hopes.


speeches to identify passages that could be potentially problematic if they became public, AP news agency reports. Wikileaks posted thousands of emails, including exchanges with her campaign aide John Podesta. The release covers messages dating back years but also features some from as recently as last month. Mr Podesta referred to the disclosures as a Russian hack, suggesting some of the documents may have been altered. "I'm not happy about being hacked by the Russians in their quest to throw the election to Donald Trump," Mr Podesta wrote. "Don't have time to figure out which docs are real and which are faked." (BBC)

Wikileaks has published transcripts of private speeches made by Hillary Clinton(GETTY IMAGES)

Russia Deploys Nuclear-capable Missiles In Kaliningrad Russia has deployed nuclear-capable Iskander missiles in its Kaliningrad region, bordering Poland and Lithuania. Linas Linkevicius, foreign minister of Nato-member Lithuania, said that the aim of the move was to "seek concessions from the West". The US and Nato have seen disagreements with Russia intensify in recent times, particularly over Syria and Crimea. Russia's defence ministry said the new deployment was part of military exercises and had happened before. Kaliningrad is a Russian enclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania. The Iskander system has a range of up to 700km (440 miles) and could reach the German capital, Berlin. Polish Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz called Russia's activities "very alarming". And a US intelligence official told Reuters the move could be to express displeasure at Nato. Nato is boosting its eastern flank by deploying four battalions in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia next year. But Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the deployment was "not exceptional". Iskanders were sent to Kaliningrad during

military drills last year. Russia's annexation of Crimea and its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continue to test relations with Western powers. Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia are among nations reporting recent airspace violations by Russia's military. (BBC)

The Iskander system (file photo) could reach the German capital, Berlin(EPA)




Germany Hunts Bomb provided Suspect In Chemnitz any information about how long he had been

Police in the eastern German city of Chemnitz have detained three people as they continue a search for a suspect believed to be planning a bomb attack. Acting on a tip-off from the domestic intelligence service, police raided an apartment but failed to find the suspect, Jaber al-Bakr, 22, who was born in Syria. He remains on the run. Several hundred grams of explosives were found at the property, they say. Further evacuations are now necessary, authorities said. Local residents had earlier been asked to remain indoors as police combed the area. Two people were detained at Chemnitz railway station and their luggage is being searched, state police tweeted. Another person was detained near the apartment in the Fritz-Heckert neighbourhood. The "where, when, how and why" of the planned attack remained unknown according to Tom Bernhardt, a spokesman for the Saxony state criminal investigation office. He said the explosives in the apartment were "relatively well hidden". They would likely be destroyed at the site after the area was evacuated as they are not stable enough to be moved, he said. Saxony police have released pictures of Damascus-born Mr al-Bakr wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt with a colourful print. They have not

in Germany. They have urged anyone with information about him to come forward. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity has waned since her decision to open the borders to refugees and migrants last year, admitting more than a million people, many of them Syrian. In July, an axe attack on a train near Wuerzburg and a suicide bombing in Ansbach wounded 20 people and were claimed by so-called Islamic State (IS). (BBC)

Police failed to find the suspect in a raid on an apartment(AP)

Hurricane Matthew: Floods In S Carolina After Landfall Hurricane Matthew has made landfall in South Georgia to the south have lost electricity. (BBC) Carolina, causing flooding in the city of Charleston. Water is as deep as people's necks in some places, according to reports. The storm has already caused nearly 900 deaths in Haiti, four in the Dominican Republic and four in the US state of Florida as it travelled northwards over the past few days. Cities in North Carolina are bracing for winds and high rains, although the storm is expected to ease off. North Carolina's Governor Pat McCrory said people should not let their guard down. The National Hurricane Centre (NHC) in the US said Matthew had made landfall southeast of McClellandville in South Carolina and a "serious inland flooding event" was unfolding. Hundreds of thousands of homes there and in

A local tour guide went out into the floodwaters in South Carolina to stream video through his phone(GETTY IMAGES)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Turkey Suicide Bombers Killed Near Ankara After Police 'Tip Off’ PAGE 36

Two suicide bombers have blown themselves up near the Turkish capital, Ankara, after they were approached by police. The militants, believed to be a male and female, were suspected of planning to carry out a car bomb attack, the state-run Anadolu news agency reports. They detonated the devices after they were asked to surrender their weapons. Police had been acting on a tip-off, Ankara's governor said, suggesting a link to Kurdish separatists. Erkan Topaca said police had found the pair hiding at a horse farm in the district of Haymana, just outside the capital. He said: "The organisation they are connected to is not clear yet but according to information we have received it is highly likely that [the man] is linked to the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party)." The BBC's Mark Lowen in Ankara says the pair were said to be flying a Turkish flag from their car as cover and a third person is now being sought. Plastic explosives and ammonium nitrate were found with the vehicle. Kurdish militants have carried out a wave of bombings across Turkey since a ceasefire broke down in 2015. The Turkish president has vowed that the PKK, which has waged a four-decadeslong fight in Turkey, will be "annihilated". But, our


correspondent says, with the attacks continuing and hostility deepening between Kurds and the Turkish state, there is little sign of the insurgency ending and neither side has shown a willingness to return to peace negotiations. (BBC)

Forensic experts have been examining the bombers' car(REUTERS)

Hungary's Largest Paper Nepszabadsag Shuts, Alleging Pressure Hungary's largest broadsheet newspaper Nepszabadsag has stopped publication, with journalists and the opposition alleging government pressure. Journalists said it was a "coup" - they were given notice after being stopped from entering the building on Saturday. The owners said it was a business decision following declining sales. There is no government comment. Nepszabadsag has often criticised Prime Minister Viktor Orban. It opposed last weekend's referendum on refugees. Mr Orban's government has often been accused of using public media as a government mouthpiece. A number of private media outlets have also been bought by his allies, critics say. 'Black day' Nepszabadsag is a leading centreleft daily. It is independent, but tends to support the leftleaning political opposition. Nepszabadsag's shutdown includes its print and online versions. A message posted on the paper's Facebook page described the move as a "coup". "We are in shock. Of course they will try and paint this as a business decision but it's not the truth," a journalist who did not wish to be named told AFP news agency. Many said the suspension came days after the paper had broken stories of alleged corruption involving

senior officials. Opposition parties said the move showed Mr Orban wanted to suppress press freedoms in Hungary and to gain full control of the media. The Socialist Party said it was a "black day for the press" and called a demonstration outside the paper's offices at 16:00 GMT. Mediaworks, which bought Nepszabadsag in 2014, said that its circulation had tumbled by 74% in the last 10 years. (BBC)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been accused of trying to muzzle the media(AP)








Bangladeshi Forces Kill 11 Suspected Militants Eleven suspected militants have been killed in a series of gun battles with Bangladeshi security forces, officials say. Three locations were raided by counter-terrorism police following a tip off. Two of the raids took place near the capital, Dhaka, and a third in the Tangail district some 100km away. The dead are all thought to be members of the banned Islamist group, Jamaat-ulMujahideen. Bangladesh's minister for home affairs said the group's leader in Dhaka was among those killed. Police have carried out a number of raids on suspected militant hideouts since a deadly attack in July, when dozens of hostages were killed in a siege at a popular cafe in the capital. Twenty hostages, two policemen and six suspects died during a 12-hour siege at the Holey Artisan cafe. The so-called Islamic State (IS) group said it carried out the attack, but Bangladesh believes that

home-grown Islamists were responsible. (BBC)

Police have been carrying out raids on suspected militant hideouts since a deadly attack in July(GETTY IMAGES)

Business Leaders Plead Against 'Hard' Brexit A group of major business lobby groups has written an open letter urging the government to preserve barrier free trade with Europe. The letter is signed by leaders of the CBI and manufacturers' body the EEF. It says the way in which the UK leaves the EU and on what terms is critical for jobs and investment in the UK. It says defaulting to trading by World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would leave 90% of UK goods trade with the EU subject to new tariffs. The letter says that would mean 20% in extra costs for the UK's food and drink industry and 10% for car producers. These significant costs would affect British exporters and importers, as well as those in their supply chains, it adds. "We respect the result of the referendum, but the government must make sure that the terms of the deal to leave ensure stability, prosperity and improved living standards," the groups write. "Every credible study that has been conducted has shown that [the] WTO option would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy and those of our trading partners." The letter calls for the government to "give certainty to business by immediately ruling this option out under any circumstances". Safeguard prosperity' One of the signatories, CBI Director General Carolyn Fairbairn, said the letter called for "ruling out of the really worst options, to reassure investors that the UK was still a really good place to invest". "There is a negotiation that's going to take place, and I think businesses completely understand that," she said. "But falling into WTO rules in only 29 months from now, would mean up to 90% of goods could potentially have tariffs on them, there would not be the passports for our services industries. " It increasingly looks as though Britain is heading for a socalled 'hard Brexit' - and business leaders are becoming very worried. At the Conservative Party conference, Theresa May made it clear the country would not remain in the EU's single market, if doing so meant losing control of immigration. Yet European leaders insist that free movement of goods and services comes hand in hand with the free movement of people. The uncertainty - and the prospect of trade with the EU becoming subject to tariffs and other trade barriers - has been driving down the value of the pound, which has been trading against the dollar at a level not seen in more than three decades. So this letter offers a stark warning. The UK, it says, needs access to the single market. Leaving the EU and reverting to international trade rules would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy. Costs for businesses would go up. Jobs could be lost. But this message isn't new - and the evidence suggests the prime minister has other priorities. So will she be listening? The

letter she signed also says there is a wealth of evidence to suggest EU negotiations will not be completed within the Article 50 two-year timeframe. "Many areas of regulation now up for discussion are highly complicated... The government should therefore secure agreement of a transitional period, to ensure that businesses can continue to operate with no 'cliff edge' change to current circumstances until regulatory and legal changes can be implemented," it says. It concludes that the UK voted to leave the EU but not to cause living standards to decline: "We want a Brexit that safeguards future prosperity for everyone across the UK." National chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses Mike Cherry said the effect of uncertainty on the market was reflected in its quarterly index, showing confidence at its lowest level since 2012, and causing problems for small businesses. But he added: "On the other side of that, there are many small businesses looking to overseas markets to export their goods, products and services. "For them, this does present a tremendous opportunity to grasp more of the market overseas." Sovereign country' At the Conservative Party conference on Sunday, Prime Minister Theresa May said she would trigger Article 50, the clause needed to start the process of exiting the EU, by the end of March 2017. She told members a "trade-off" between controlling immigration and trade with Europe was the "wrong way of looking at things". Britain, she said, had voted to become a "fully-independent, sovereign country" and would "decide for ourselves" how immigration was controlled alongside "the best deal possible" with the EU. (BBC)




Man, 21, Charged With Palace Trespass A 21-year-old man has been charged with two Castle earlier in the day. (BBC) counts of trespass after climbing a gate at Buckingham Palace, police say. The Metropolitan Police said Daniel Sheehan, of no ďŹ xed address, had been charged on Saturday. He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday. No members of the Royal Family are thought to have been at the palace at the time of the alleged incident on Friday. The Queen had A 21-year-old man has been charged after undertaken an investiture ceremony at Windsor

climbing a gate at Buckingham Palace(PA)




A Day Like Today guitar notes to the lyrics that emerged on his notebook. Finishing his basic education in Hawaii, Mars migrated to Los Angeles, California, pursuing his dream to become a well-founded artist.

American singer-songwriter, multiinstrumentalist, record producer and choreographer Bruno Mars.

Awards and honors received by Mr. Mars during his fruitful trajectory. Who hasn't been moved when heartbroken, by one of the Bruno Mars songs? Who hasn't whistled to the rhythm of the ‘Lazy Song’ on a Sunday morning, or dedicate ‘Just the way you are’ to your crush. Mars has become an artist you can identify in almost any situation. An artist that managed to erase the age difference between generations. An artist that inspires souls. Today this

charismatic gentleman turns 31. Mr. Mars was born Peter Gene Hernandez in Honolulu, Hawaii, on October 8th, 1985. His father is Puerto Rican descendant and his mother came from the Philippines. His parents met while performing in a show where his mother was a hula dancer and his father played percussion. Becoming the genesis for Bruno’s musical background. He is the one of six children. Bruno’s nickname was given by his father, because of his resemblance to professional wrestler Bruno Sammartino. From a small age Mars was expose to a variety of music genres. Reggae, rock, hip hop, and R&B were some of the genres on his playlist, mix that helped him develop a distinctive and rich taste in music. As a child he used to perform in the family band ‘The Love Notes’, impressing the population of Honolulu with his vocal chords and his impersonations of Rock King, Elvis Presley and Pop Icon, Michael Jackson. Shortly after Mars was identified by the community, as ‘Little Elvis’. After listening to the records of American guitarist, singer and song writer Jimmy Hendrix, Mars decided to master the guitar strings, starting to line up the

After years of ups and downs, rejection from labels and unfruitful contracts with record companies, Mars finally found his breakthrough when hired by the American record label, ‘Atlantic Record’ as a music producer. His songs became hits on the Billboard Magazine and the Rolling Stones, earning him prestige among notable songwriters. From this point Mars knew that he could do a jump of faith and incorporate his voice into his productions. Decision that led him to an undisputable fame. Today Bruno Mars is one of the most prominent American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and choreographer of the plateau. He has received many awards and nominations, including four Grammy Awards, and was named one of Time's 100 most influential people in the world in 2011. His melodic voice, radiant performances and mix of contemporary and retro looks, move thousands and enchant millions. Happy Birthday Mr. Mars. S o u r c e : http://www.biography.com/people/brun o-mars-17162400




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Daily Horoscope

Source: www.starlightastrology.com

Your ability to help others will win you points. Don't let friends convince you that you should contribute to something you don't believe in. Put your efforts into moneymaking ventures.

Your lover may be annoyed if you have been flirtatious or not attentive to their needs. You can make a big difference to children if you are understanding of the difficulties they are experiencing. You may be fortunate while traveling

Problems with fire, gas, or oil may cause disruptions and annoyances. Much can be accomplished if you compromise. You need to sit back and enjoy.

Don't blow situations out of proportion. Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request.

Tone down and put some of that hard earned cash into a safe, long-term investment. Clear up domestic chores that have remained undone for some time. If you're looking to do something worthwhile, consider volunteer work. Sentimental feelings may make it difficult to get much done at work. Your family may be feeling neglected and unloved. It's time to consider putting money into long-term investments. Spend some time with the one you love. Pleasure trips will be satisfying. You will enjoy the interaction with youngsters and take great pride in the projects you've completed. This could be a serious relationship. You may find that relationships are not going as well as you'd like. Your family needs to spend some time with you, too. Your ability to dazzle others with your unique and innovative ideas will attract attention.

You could have a change of heart if an old flame waltzes back into your life. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars. Make changes regarding your status in society. Avoid boredom by being creative in your endeavors. You will do well with clients today. Try to channel your energy into professional endeavors. You will have the stamina and the know how to raise your earning power. You can make professional changes and direct your energy into making all the right moves. Go after your goals. It might be best to spend time fixing up your premises and making changes that will be appreciated. You can bet that you'll draw attention to yourself. Your input into their activities will help bring you closer together. Take time to visit someone who has been confined due to illness.



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RECIPE OF THE DAY: HASH BROWN POTATO BAKE Ingredients 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup 1 container (8 ounces) sour cream ¹⁄ cup MILKO* milk solution ¹⁄ teaspoon pepper 1 bag (30 ounces) frozen shredded hash brown potatoes, partially thawed 8 medium green onions, sliced (¹⁄ cup) 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (4 ounces) *IMPORTED & DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Preparation Heat oven to 350ºF. Grease bottom and side of rectangular baking dish, 13x9x2 inches, with shortening. In very large bowl, mix soups, sour cream, milk and pepper. Stir in potatoes and onions. Spoon into baking dish. Bake uncovered 30 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake 15 to 20 minutes longer or until golden brown on top and bubbly around edges.

RECIPE OF THE DAY: PEANUT BUTTER BANANA SMOOTHIE Ingredients 2 bananas, broken into chunks 2 cups MILKO* milk solution ¹⁄ cup ODERICH* peanut butter 2 tablespoons honey, or to taste 2 cups ice cubes *IMPORTED & DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Preparation Place bananas, milk, peanut butter, honey, and ice cubes in a blender; blend until smooth, about 30 seconds. Serve chilled and enjoy!


England To Host WindiesI Day-night Test Series


he England Cricket board has announced a day-night Test for 2017 against West Indies scheduled for Edgbaston in August. The game will be the first pink ball match of its kind on English soil. The West Indies will make its debut in the format against Pakistan in a day and night Test match scheduled for Dubai next Thursday. England and Wales Cricket Board director Andrew Strauss is hopeful the series will be a shot in the arm for Test cricket in the country. The West Indies for their part have struggled to impose itself in the format in recent times and are currently ranked eighth in the world, England are fourth in the rankings. Both England and West Indies will have formal warm-up matches – the tourists’ game will take place in Derby – and the hours of play during the Test are set to be 2pm until 9pm (and can run no later than 9:50pm), with the lights taking full effect as late as 7:45pm. (SportsMax)

IOC Calls For WADA-run Global Anti-doping System


centralised global antidoping system run by WADA has been proposed by the International Olympic Committee. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has proposed that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) establish a centralised worldwide anti-doping system. The measure is one of a series put forward by the IOC at an Olympic summit in Lausanne, with the aim of establishing a "more robust, more

efficient, more transparent and more harmonised WADA anti-doping system". In order to achieve those objectives, the IOC has called for WADA to oversee a refreshed anti-doping system, as well as an increase in the level of targeted testing, and for the "standard level of testing to be harmonised per sport in close cooperation with the relevant International Federation to ensure that athletes from all nations are treated equally". Additionally the IOC wants a new testing authority to be established within WADA's framework, and coaches, doctors, physiotherapists and other officials who facilitate doping to be held criminally responsible. The IOC is also keen for WADA to

have stronger authority over National Anti-Doping Organisations and provide effective supervision of national anti-doping programmes. Furthermore the IOC has called for "WADA to significantly improve its information security standards to comply with the international data privacy regulations and to prevent data leakage of critical information". The medical data of a number of athletes who competed at Rio 2016 has recently been published by the 'Fancy Bears' hacking group, who lifted the information from the WADA's ADAMS system. The IOC stated the Olympic Movement is ready to contribute increased financing to WADA, though that pledge is dependent on the proposed reforms being implemented and the results the organisation provides after a system-wide review. WADA is to discuss the proposals at a meeting in Glasgow on November 19-20. (SportsMax)


Nolito: Barcelona Return Was Close


anchester City winger Nolito has admitted a move

to Barcelona was "close" before he opted for the Etihad Stadium. Nolito has

confirmed he was close to joining Barcelona in the close season before eventually ending up at Manchester City with Pep Guardiola. The Spain international had been strongly linked with a return to Camp Nou five years on from leaving Barca for Benfica and has admitted it was a move that almost came to fruition. "I was close to Barcelona," he told Mundo Deportivo. "But in the end I decided to go to Manchester City.

"I think it was the best decision for me and my family and I am happy to play for City." Nolito's move meant he once again linked up with Guardiola, who sanctioned his sale to Benfica when the Spaniard was Barca coach. "[Our relationship is] good, pretty good, I'm not complaining," he added. "It's a privilege for me to work with him and I try to learn every day and take advantage of the opportunities he is giving me." (SportsMax)

Unfit Nainggolan Defends Roma Friendly Appearance


aving pulled out of the Belgium squad with injury, Radja Nainggolan has defended his appearance for Roma in a training

ground friendly. Radja Nainggolan has responded to claims he has skipped international duty with Belgium, insisting he is not fit enough to feature in

t h e i r Wo r l d C u p qualifiers. While Roberto Martinez's men beat Bosnia and Herzegovina 4-0 in Brussels on Friday, Roma midfielder Nainggolan was recovering after playing in a friendly against his clu b ' s r es er v e s id e. Having pulled out of the Belgium squad with injury, the 28-year-old's appearance was criticised by some in his home country, leading him to defend himself. “I read some b******t about how I've played in a

training match against the Roma reserves," he posted on his Twitter account. "I'm trying to get physically OK. Is a friendly match against the youth to get fit now as hard or tough to play as an official contest? "I'm not fit enough to play an official match." Nainggolan has featured in six of Roma's seven Serie A games so far this season, and recently signed a new contract extension to keep him at the club until 2020. (SportsMax)


Chumba And Kiplagat Prepare To Defend Chicago Crowns


aving set his personal best and won the 2015 title in Chicago, Dickson Chumba will be hoping for further success this weekend. Kenyan duo Dickson Chumba and Florence Kiplagat will be looking to defend their Chicago Marathon crowns on Sunday. Chumba beat Sammy Kitwara to first

position in Illinois last year, and he will be the fastest male in the field this time around following the withdrawal of world record holder Dennis Kimetto due to injury. Chumba, who finished third at this year's Tokyo Marathon, clearly enjoys running in Chicago as his personal best of two hours, four minutes and 32 seconds was set here in 2014 when he finished third. However, he will face stiff competition from Ethiopia's Tsegaye Kebede, a bronze medallist at Beijing 2008 who also has pedigree in the American city. Kebede was the 2012 champion in Chicago, securing the win with a personal best that is just six seconds slower than Chumba's. But two-time world champion Abel

Kirui, Micah Kogo and Gideon Kipketer will also be in the hunt. In the women's event, Kiplagat will be aiming to become the first woman to win successive titles since Ethiopia's Berhane Adere triumphed in 2006 and 2007. Kiplagat broke away from Ethiopian duo Yebrgual Melese, who was a late addition to this year's field and will be out to improve upon her runner-up spot last time out, and Birhane Dibabe to take the win in 2015. Along with the Kenyan, who placed third in London earlier this year, only one other competitor has produced a time below two hours and 20 minutes – Edna Kiplagat. The two-time world champion earned a place on the podium in Tokyo in February and will be hoping to improve in Chicago. Ethiopia's Atsede Baysa cannot be discounted (SportsMax)

A-League Review: Derby Joy For Sydney FC


here were victories for Sydney FC and Melbourne City, while Central Coast Mariners pulled off a stunning comeback versus Perth Glory. Sydney FC destroyed Western Sydney Wanderers 4-0 in front of a record ALeague crowd of 61,880 at ANZ Stadium to get their season off to a flying start. Graham Arnold's men opened the scoring early in the second half through Filip Holosko and Holosko was the creator for Bobo to double the advantage four minutes later. Wanderers' hopes of getting back into the

game were dealt a major blow when Aritz Borda received his marching orders with eight minutes left and the visitors made the most of their man advantage as Brandon O'Neill and Alex Brosque poured more salt in the home side's wounds in the closing stages. Central Coast Mariners pulled off a stunning comeback against Perth Glory to salvage a 3-3 draw in their season opener. Adam Taggart scored for Perth after just three minutes, before adding a second in the 27th minute to hand Glory a comfortable lead, with Diego Castro making matters even worse for the visitors eight minutes later. Roy O'Donovan pulled one back in the 56th minute to help his side back into the game and Blake Powell made it 3-2 in the 84th minute, before O'Donovan completed his side's remarkable comeback from the spot two minutes

later. Melbourne City recorded a 1-0 away win over Wellington Phoenix, despite a second-half red card for goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen. Anthony Caceres did well to get to Bruce Kamau's cross, dribble around Glen Moss and coolly slot home for the only goal of the game after 31 minutes. Sorensen was dismissed on the hour mark for handling outside his area after Roy Krishna had intercepted a poor back pass from Josh Rose, but the hosts could not find an equaliser. (SportsMax) Along with the Kenyan, who placed third in London earlier this year, only one other competitor has produced a time below two hours and 20 minutes – Edna Kiplagat. The two-time world champion earned a place on the podium in Tokyo in February and will be hoping to improve in Chicago. Ethiopia's Atsede Baysa cannot be discounted (SportsMax)


Lloris: France Must Improve Against Netherlands


espite a comfortable 4-1 win over Bulgaria on Friday, Hugo Lloris is insistent France must up their game to beat Netherlands. Hugo Lloris admits France must improve if they are to

beat "a very talented" Netherlands in their n e x t Wo r l d C u p qualifier on Monday. T h e To t t e n h a m goalkeeper played the full 90 minutes as France cruised past Bulgaria 4-1 on Friday, despite initially trailing to a sixthminute penalty. However, while boosted by a Kevin Gameiro brace and goals from Dimitri Payet and Antoine Griezmann, Lloris conceded that a similar performance would not guarantee victory against Netherlands. "For the next game, the

level will probably be higher against a very talented team," he said after the Bulgaria win. "They [Netherlands] are rebuilding the team but they have ambitions for this campaign. "It's a great football nation and it'll be up to us to up our level - what we did tonight won't be enough, we'll have to be more aggressive, more serious. "But we have to keep doing the same things offensively, keep moving, keep passing. Tonight we've seen very good combinations, the goals came from this. This is very good and we have to keep it." Netherlands – who failed to qualify for Euro 2016 – have started Group A with a draw with Sweden and a 4-1 triumph over Belarus. (SportsMax)

Radwanska To Meet Konta In Beijing Final


he China Open final will be contested by Agnieszka Radwanska and Johanna

Konta. Agnieszka Radwanska will meet Johanna Konta in the China Open final following a 7-6 (7-3) 6-3

victory over Elina Svitolina. Despite twice falling a break down in the opening set, Radwanska recovered to clinch the tie-break having allowed a set point to pass her by at 6-5. The Pole won the opening five points of the breaker to leave Svitolina with too big a mountain to climb. The second set proved far more straightforward for the third seed, whose three breaks of serve wrapped up the victory in an hour and 41 minutes. Radwanska progresses to her third final of 2016, having beaten Svitolina in one of her two previous victories this year - at the Connecticut Open in August. Konta reached Sunday's decider with a 7-6 (7-1) 4-6 6-4 victory over Madison Keys earlier in the day. (SportsMax)


Puerto Rico Progressing Ahead Of key Caribbean Cup Games


uerto Rico’s quest to earn a first-ever berth in the CONCACAF Gold Cup continues Saturday, when it hosts Antigua & Barbuda in a third-round match at the Estadio Juan Ramon Loubriel. A first-place finish in Group 3 would see the Boricuas accomplish their objective, but they could also secure the lifeline of a playoff that will be contested in November between the three best runners-up from the four groups. The Puerto Ricans survived two earlier rounds and have an overall tournament record of 2-1-1 through June. Carlos Cantarero -- named head coach in July -- has been delighted with the progress made during team’s current training camp. “It makes me happy to have the team working together because there has been a bit of an effort on the

federation’s part, on part of everyone and on part of the players also,” said the 54year-old, who has extensive managerial experience most especially with teams in his native Spain and Central America. “ We p r a c t i c a l l y h a v e everyone and that allows us to work. I am happy because we continue to advance. The boys are contributing a lot. They are being professionals, very willing as to what is being asked. The truth is that we are w o r k i n g v e r y well…sincerely better than what I had hoped for.” C a n t a r e r o ’s t a c t i c a l emphasis is being placed on both sides of the ball. The Puerto Ricans have scored nine goals and conceded five in the c o m p e t i t i o n t h u s f a r, posting their only clean sheet against an Anguilla side that failed to score in

either of its matches. “The focus is going to be on the tactical work, relating with what we want to do and how we want to play, as much in the offensive aspect as the defensive and having clear ideas,” Cantarero stressed. “It is very important to know what it is that we want to do in each match.” With a squad that includes forwards Hector Ramos (four goals in last two Caribbean Cup games) and Olvin Ortiz (two goals) and defender Juan Coca (two goals), Cantarero believes

that components for success at his disposal. “I see the players with a good technical level, a good physical level,” he finished. “I think that we have footballing variety. We don’t have only a team of players, but we have variety and I think that if we are capable of linking up all that and that things go well, and if we have a touch of luck, things will go well for us.” Puerto Rico earned a 21 win over visiting Antigua & Barbuda in their Caribbean Cup secondround meeting on June 4, 2016. Ramos scored both g o a l s i n v i c t o r y. (SportsMax)


Can Desperate To Earn Liverpool Starting Spot


aving featured sparingly in Liverpool's fine start to the Premier League season, Emre Can is keen to win a place in Jurgen Klopp's team. Emre Can is determined to regain his place in the Liverpool team, admitting it has been frustrating to have had a watching brief in recent weeks. Jurgen Klopp's side have made a fine start to the Premier League

season, beating Arsenal, Leicester City and Chelsea to climb to fourth in the table, netting 18 goals along the way. However, Germany international Can, a regular for Liverpool in the previous two campaigns, is yet to start a league game and knows he must work hard to change that. "I am a very, very bad watcher," he told the club's official website. "Of

course I'm always happy when my team wins, but it's always different when you play. "I have to work hard. I have to get fitness back. If I get game time – which is always different to training – I have to work hard on my game and get confidence again. "That's very important for me. I haven't played so many minutes this season, but of course my target is to play a lot of minutes again. "It is always better to play and be on the pitch. For me, it has been a little bit unlucky so far this season because I came back a little bit late and had a very short break after the Euros. "Then I came back and got an injury. The team did very well and then I came back and it was not easy to get back into the team. "Now I have to continue the work, I have to work hard. And I am confident enough that if I am ready and fit, I will play one day." Liverpool welcome fierce rivals Manchester United to Anfield after the international break. (SportsMax)


Gayle To Join Kings For The New PSL Season held on October 19. England holds the largest contingent of the 229 foreign players for the second edition of the tournament, with 70 players making themselves available to the list. Fifty two of the players will be from West Indies, 27 from Sri Lanka, 15 from Australia, 15 also from South Africa, 10 from Bangladesh, 9 from Afghanistan, 7 from New Zealand and 24 from other Cricketing countries are included in the draft list of players.


est Indies star batsman Chris Gayle is expected to join the Karachi Kings franchise for the upcoming Pakistan Super League. The second edition of the competition will bowl o in

February of next year with the PSL Draft scheduled for the 18th-19th of October. The PSL management has released a list of over 430 players, including 229 foreigners, ahead of the players draft for PSL 2 which will be

Gayle, who plied his trade for Lahore Qalandars last season, joins Pakistan star Babar Azam and Jamaica Tallawahs teammate Kumar Sangakkara at the Kings franchise for the new season. In ďŹ ve matches Gayle scored a 103 runs, with a high score of 60. (SportsMax)


Bailly Can Become One Of The Best Defenders In The World - Toure


olo Toure thinks Manchester United star Eric Bailly is on his way to becoming one of the best defenders in the world. Former Ivory Coast international Kolo Toure believes compatriot Eric Bailly could develop into one of the best defenders in the world at Manchester United. The 22-year-old has impressed at Old Traord since joining United from Villarreal ahead of the 2016-17 campaign and Toure has little doubt he will continue to get better under the tutelage of Jose Mourinho. "He can be a big, big player for United. He can be the future for United," Toure told United Review. "What he's doing right now is amazing and I think his future is really, really bright. He will improve and if he learns from Mourinho then he can become one of the best defenders in the world. He's tall, technically very good, has

brilliant vision and he's really calm. That calmness is the most powerful attribute he's got. "He can be up there with the top defenders United have had. He's young and will learn from working with one of the best managers in the world, and of course

he's going to get better. DeďŹ nitely. "He's here to play football and he's really enjoying his time in Manchester with his family. You can tell that just from the way he's playing. He's enjoying the city and he's a really good boy." (SportsMax)


Guyana Golden Jaguars Takes On Suriname In Football Match


he Guyana Golden Jaguars will face the Surinamese team today, on the third round of Group One in the Caribbean Football Union (CFU)/ Scotia Bank Men’s Senior Caribbean Cup 2016. The match will take place at Andre Kamperveen Stadium, Suriname. The Guyanese team will show their

power, speed, organization and tactics on former Dutch soil this Saturday, hoping to achieve a maximum score on the field. Harvesting their way to obtain the Caribbean Cup Tittle. The Golden Jaguars ‘machinery’ is composed by 20 players, who follow the lead of

experienced coach Jamal Shabazz. Today’s line up against Suriname will be headed by: Kai Mc Kenzie-Lyle (GK), Walter Moore, Colin Nelson, Jake Newton, Quincy Adams, Brandon Beresford, Samuel Cox, Trayon Bobb, Dwight Peters, Vurlon Mills and Marcel Barrington. Ball dominance, aim and nerves of steel will be tested on the ‘battle field’. A classic ‘clash’ between two rivals is expected to ‘light up’ the Andre Kamperveen Stadium. After today’s game, the ‘golden boys’ will play against Jamaica, on October 11 at the Leonora Stadium, Providence. The ‘Reggae Boys’ will depart Jamaica on October 9 for that fixture.

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