October 9, 2016

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“The Granger Administration Is Father Of All Excuses” – Rohee

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Clement Rohee has blasted President David Granger for blaming crime on drug trade and for the escape of self-confessed drug lord Barry Dataram. “I have to say this, if drug trafficking is the mother of all crimes, the granger administration is the father of all excuses,” the General Secretary declared at the party’s weekly press conference on Monday. Rohee challenged the President to “move away from speculation and hypnotical proposition about the sources of crime in a Guyana context, he should present the statics and the evidences to justify his assumption.” Speaking on the matter of national security, Rohee said that the government has unveiled that a National Anti-Narcotics Agency has b een es t ab l i s h e d al o n g w it h a D r u g Enforcement Administration (DEA) office in General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee Guyana, and the National Drug Strategy Master plan was relaunched. Even with these measures in equipped with boats, planes, vehicles and ATVS and that while they were in opposition they had pressed for the equipment to place, Rohee said that Dataram still escape. Rohee questioned the capabilities of President Granger to end be procured for law enforcement. “Now that they are in narco trafficking in Guyana. “If Mr. Granger could not stop government, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from Dataram from escaping, how will he bring an end to narco buying these item for law enforcement. Again, all we are trafficking?” Rohee questioned. The General Secretary hearing are excuses and more excuses from the father of all explained that that the government is complaining that it is not excuses.”



Dear Editor; The move by the Government to compulsorily acquire a piece of private property at the corner of Middle and Carmichael Streets, in the heart of Georgetown, under the Acquisition of Land for Public Purposes Act, have sent chills down the spine of rightthinking Guyanese, especially, property owners. Many persons have called me expressing understandable fears and wellgrounded apprehensions. If anyone was in doubt about it before now, those doubts should now disappear: Burnhamism is back. The power of the state to compulsorily acquire private property for a public purpose is rooted in the concept of “Eminent Domain”, an American concept imported into our British inherited jurisprudence and legal system. In a nutshell, it is a power used to compulsorily acquire private property upon the payment of compensation for the public good. However, because of the obvious draconian nature of this power and the sanctity accorded to private property, it is a power that is used on the rarest of occasions and in the most exceptional of circumstances. It is always an option of last resort. During the height of the Burnham dictatorship, it was a power that was widely abused and misused. Dozens of private property throughout the length and breadth of this country were compulsorily acquired by the Burnham Administration and the rubric “for a public purpose”, was conveniently invoked to clothe those transactions with legitimacy and to disguise the real reasons for the expropriations. Many of these property owners with whom I have spoken over the years, have proffered political and personal differences between themselves and Mr. Burnham himself, or his Government, as the real reason why their properties were seized. This is borne out by the fact that under the PPP/C Administration, the courts struck down many of these compulsorily acquired property transactions as unconstitutional and ordered the return of these properties, many times on the grounds that they were not used for the purpose for which they were acquired. I recall as Attorney General, I consented in Court, with the authority of the Cabinet, to the re-conveyance from the State to the owners of several dwelling properties in West Ruimveldt and North Ruimveldt, that were compulsorily acquired during the Burnham regime. These are poor ordinary people who never even know why their homes were compulsorily acquired. When these properties were acquired by the Forbes Burnham regime, the law as it then was, pegged the compensation to be paid to these property owners at a 1939 market value of the property seized. Even this pepper-corn value, the Burnham Government refused to pay. In the 1999/2001 Constitutional Reform process, this anachronistic and anomalous calculation of the value of the property was expunged from the law and replaced with an obligation upon the State to pay current market value for the land compulsorily acquired. When these properties were acquired by the Forbes Burnham regime, the law as it then was, pegged the


compensation to be paid to these property owners at a 1939 market value of the property seized. Even this pepper-corn value, the Burnham Government refused to pay. In the 1999/2001 Constitutional Reform process, this anachronistic and anomalous calculation of the value of the property was expunged from the law and replaced with an obligation upon the State to pay current market value for the land compulsorily acquired. The truth of the matter is, however, the current day market value that will be used by this Administration will be one generated by the Government’s Chief Valuation Officer, which everyone knows is not the real market value of the property. But the significant issue remains. Why resort to this draconian measure in the first place? As I said before, this power is invoked in the most exceptional circumstances for example, if a highway is being constructed and it is found somewhere along the line, that it will encroach on upon some private property. In those circumstances where it is clear that the public good of having a highway far outweighs the interest of one person whose property is blocking that highway, the power should be exercised. The purpose for which this particular land is acquired according to the Official Gazette is for the construction of Government Buildings. I recall as Attorney General, I made enquiries from the relevant persons whether that the said land and the plot adjacent to it was available for sale. Were they available, my intentions were to persuade the Government to purchase the same for the purpose of accommodating proposed expansions of the building which houses the Attorney General Chambers and Ministry of Legal Affairs. My plans were brought to an abrupt end when I learnt the properties were not for sale. My concept of democracy and my innate respect for private property and the rule of law prevented me from even conceiving the option of compulsory acquisition. It is clear that these considerations do not occupy the minds of those who are in Government today. There are numerous Government buildings and empty plots of State lands scattered all across this city for the Government to utilize. If the intention is to expand the AG Chambers, then immediately north of the building is a huge property owned by the State which houses the Integrity Commission and the National Trust which can be used. In short, there are many options to utilize rather than covet private property. I now recognize how genuine the President was, when, while addressing the 19th Biennial Congress of the PNC, a few weeks ago, he embraced the philosophy and politics of Forbes Burnham. The international community should now be clear on where this Government stands. The signal that this move will send to investors will certainly be a negative one: private property and by extension, investments are no longer safe in Guyana. Another nail has been driven in the coffin of the local economy. To my mind, it is now clear that the 1919 Local Government Elections and the 2020 Regional and General Elections are going to be massively rigged unless we begin now to put into place measures, mechanisms and facilities to prevent that from happening. Yours faithfully Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP Attorney-at-Law


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UG Students Protest Against 5% Tuition Increase Students of the University of Guyana (UG) protested this morning PAGE 4

against the 5% increase in tuition fees. Dozens of scholars congregated at the intersection of UG road, with banners stating, “Not A Dollar More!”, “Not Another Increase!” and “No to 5%”, displaying their disagreement towards the decision of the University’s administration to increase their tuition fees. After approximately an hour and a half, the protest was interrupted by the local authorities, forcing the students to relocate. The peaceful protesters then proceeded to march towards the University intoning hymns were it could be heard “Education not inflation!”, “No %5, get it from the government!” and “Strike the Hike!” The increase has taken the students by surprise, and a wave of anger has shaken the facility, triggering public demonstrations of discomfort. The announcement of the augmentation in the tuition fees, was made via email by the University’s administration on Friday last. According to the digital document, the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the University, approved an annual five per cent increase in the tuition fees effective for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 Academic Years, this is therefore $168,000 instead of $160,000 annual fee. It is specified in the document that ‘The difference, without penalty, becomes due and payable on or before November 15, 2016. The facilities fee remain unchanged’. Angry students share their opinions: Adelon Mori, a final year International Relations student, who took part in the protest, said “We are not paying an increase in our tuition fee. The administration can’t notify about changes in the fees half way semester, it is not fair to the students.” Elsie Harry, also a final year International Relations student, and head of the protest stated that the feeling of discomfort is general among the students. “We want to let the administration know with this public demonstration that not a dollar is going to be paid for the tuition fees. It is unethical.” Ms. Harry expressed that it is also ‘unfair’ that the administration announces an increase when half semester is almost over, and the invoices are already paid. Ms. Harry said that the students are trying to organize a discussion with the Vice Councilor of the Institution, Ivelaw Griffith in order to reach to an agreement on the matter. “If we can’t get any positive results after this talks, we will express our discomfort during the visit of President Granger, scheduled for Thursday next” Ms. Harry said.

Students of the University Of Guyana (UG) protest against the hike.





Government Not Interested In Social Cohesion Several young professionals in Guyana questioning the hiring of one ethnic composition for the National Accreditation Council (NAC), which was set up on September 27, 2016. Some of these young professionals who supported the coalition government were quoted as saying that “the Government is being unfair in their hiring practices”, and is not buying the notion that only Afro Guyanese are capable of doing a job. They went on to say that this is a clear duplication of the Bretram Collins College of the Public Service, which is further dividing Guyana and is setting a very dangerous precedence. These professionals are also contending that there cannot be social harmony when this new government unleashed multiple campaigns of victimization and discrimination against persons perceived to have a certain political affiliation. They are questioning whether the government is really interested in fostering social cohesion or whether this is just another propaganda by the APNU+AFC government. They are of the opinion that Guyana would never be able to obtain Social Cohesion if there is no partnering with all cross section of the society.

Rohee Criticizes Operation Safeway As Road Accidents Continue General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee has expressed disappointment that road accidents continue despite the police force’s Operation Safeway. The General Secretary made reference to the recent accident at Friendship, East Bank Demerara, which claimed the lives of two young men, whose vehicle crashed into a truck, while on their way to Linden. “Operation Safeway is clearly not creating the safe environment on our roads as was envisaged, it is proving to be another disaster of Ramjattan’s making,” Rohee said. Operation Safeway was launched last month following an increased number of fatal accidents on the country’s roadways. When questioned whether the continued road accidents is as a result of reckless drivers, Rohee said it is the police who launched Operation Safeway and it is they who must ensure that it works. ”Well the last thing we would want to do is blame the citizens of this country at all, if any citizen commit a volition of the traffic laws, the police must take action against them, you will have from time and time have cases like that occurring on the street, but it was the police that launched operation Safeway not the citizens, just like how police launched Operation Safeway they have to make sure it works,” Rohee explained. The general secretary said it the police who had are “crowing” everyday about the operation’s success and yet there are still road accidents. “How do you explain these successes of Operation Safeway yet people are being killed on the roads of Guyana?” the general secretary questioned


GUYANA DAILY NEWS GAWU Calling For Negotiations With Demerara Timbers Limited Workers of the Demerara Timbers Limited (DTL) are calling to every worker. PAGE 6

on the company to engage the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) in negotiations over pay. The workers of DTL held a peaceful picketing exercise outside the DTL head office in Kingston, Georgetown this morning. According to General Secretary of the Union, Seepaul Narine, bilateral negotiations between the union and the company reached a stalemate on November 17, 2015 after the company did not approve any pay raise but offered a Christmas Bonus of $5000


He further stated that the company’s position was rejected by the workers who staged a protest exercise on November 19, 2015 at the company’s Mabura Hill operations. Mr. Narine further stated that the workers have grown impatient over the company’s disrespectful attitude towards them, their union and the Ministry of Social Protection. He also said that the workers maintain that they deserve a pay raise for both 2015 and 2016, especially in view of the rising cost of living. He said that 2016 is almost over and the company continues to drag its feet on the issue. According to a press release from GAWU, the company refused to attend meetings summoned by the counciliator, Francis Carrly, which led to the involvement of Minister of Social Protection, Keith Scott, who wrote to the company mandating them to meet with the union and the Ministry. The release further stated that a few meetings were held, however, the company remains unmoved and is unwilling to divulge its financial statements for scrunity by the parties.




PPP Protest Mounting Of Barriers At GECOM


PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

he People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) through General Secretary Clement Rohee is protesting the mounting of police barricades at the headquarters of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to prevent PPP supporters from staging a peaceful protest at the Main street location. The general secretary related that since the 2015 General Elections the party has picketed peacefully at the said location without any incidents. “It was surprising therefore, that when protestors turn up at the usual site for their picketing exercise, they were confronted by police barriers and were forced to picket on the public road placing in danger the lives of the peaceful picketers who were expose to heavy vehicular traffic. It was only when this danger was brought to the attention of the commanding officers that traffic ranks were positioned to divert vehicular traffic from endangering the lives of the peaceful demonstrators,” Rohee explained. The PPP is of the view that the act was political and was centrally directed by Minster of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and his “sycophants” at the police force headquarters to deny the constitutional rights of the supporters of the PPP to peaceful protest and freely express their views throughout Guyana.




West Demerara Coops To Government… ‘Don’t let us sink’


NXIOUS Cane Farming and Marketing Cooperative Societies members want Government to throw them a lifeline and help prevent the imminent collapse of their businesses following its plan to shut down the Wales Sugar Estate. Representatives of various Region Three (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara) Cooperative Societies which supply sugar cane to the Wales Estate met Monday with Minister w ith in th e M in is tr y o f S o cial Protection with responsibility for Cooperatives, Mr Keith Scott, to air their grievances and court the Government’s backing at the Toevlugt/Patentia Neighbourhood Democratic Council. Sam Persaud Knight, Chairman of the Canal No. Two Cane Farming and Marketing Cooperative Society said that the Estate’s closure will force many Societies out of business because they will be unable to bear the higher cost of transporting cane. The Co-ops currently earn around $58,000 per tonne to move the harvested cane from field to factory. Knight claimed that following government’s announcement of Wales Estate closure the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) at a meeting with cane farmers promised an ‘all weather road’ will be built to facilitate transportation of the cane. However, GUYSUCO’s feasibility later indicated an insufficient amount of cane planted and harvested among the Coops to undertake the road project. This was a blow to the Region Three Co-ops. “This would make even more societies defunct because they cannot afford the transportation cost. I would want to believe that more Co-ops are going under if nothing is done,” h e w a r n e d . K n i g h t ’s sentiments were echoed

by Secretary to the Maria’s Lodge Cooperative Society, Mr. Clinton Dey, who noted that farmers have to rent punts to transport cane from the backlands at approximately $7,500 per trip. “…(I)t can’t pay for us to bring out the cane from the backlands given the price we get for it. So we really need government to intervene and help us to either have the punts free or at least at a lower cost,” Dev said. Famers are anxious about the prospects of facing further financial afflictions which they reminded Minister Scott will greatly hinder them honouring their obligations with local commercial banks. Mr. Claudius Charles, Chairman of the Free and Easy Cooperative Society, called on the Minister to study what options the government could provide to soften the impact of the blow the embattled Co-op farmers currently face. “We small farmers are particularly affected and we want to know what the Cooperative Department at the Ministry (of Social Protection)…can do to help us,” Charles queried.Charles too wants the government to step in and save the Region Three cane farming businesses. When he spoke, Minister Scott said many of the problems cane framing and marketing cooperatives are facing could be addressed with diversification. “We are hoping that we can move from cane farmers’ cooperatives to farmers’ cooperative, which encompasses farmers of other crops. We are encouraging reforms to overcome some of the difficulties,” he said. Nevertheless, he promised to ventilate their concerns when Cabinet meets Tuesday including their calls for government support. Scott told them too, that he will discuss possible interventions with Minister of Agriculture, Mr Noel Holder. According to Scott the Government is moving to resuscitate the cooperative movement in Guyana and a Task Force was appointed to prepare a white paper on the way forward for cooperatives. This should be submitted President David Granger by next week. Scott blamed lack of accountability and the undemocratic behaviour of some elected Co-op officials for the current declining of the sector. Interim Management Committees have replaced these co-op leaders whose credibility have been called into question. The following the rules are being further strengthened with support from officer of the Social Protection Ministry. “We are trying to revive what used to be one of the most vibrant sectors in Guyana. There are millions of dollars floating around in cooperatives and we want them to use that money to help members, and communities,” Scott said. Empathising with the framers, Janaknauth Panchu, Assistant Chief Cooperatives Development Officer at the Ministry noted that West Bank Demerara has the most functioning agriculture-based Cooperatives in a cluster and most have been functioning effectively. However they need new thinking, Panchu suggested. Farmers must embrace diversification (because) the Cooperative model has many benefits for development,” Panchu said. (Ministry of Social Protection)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mexican Ambassador And Archivists Call On Minister Henry Prior To Digitization Workshop PAGE 9

(Georgetown, October 3, 2016) – The Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry received a courtesy call today from the Mexican Ambassador, Ivan Roberto Sierra Medel and the two archiving experts Mr. Erick Cardoso Espinoza, Information Technology Director of the National Archives of Mexico and Sebastian Alcerreca Alcocer, Technical Software Development Manager of the National Archives of Mexico. The two experts will be in Guyana from September 30 to October 7, 2016 to conduct a workshop on the digitization practices with the staff of the Walter Rodney Archives, Walter Roth Museum, Guyana National Museum, Museum of African Heritage and the National Trust. The areas to be covered over the next three days are as follows: - Apply a diagnostic to measure the software functionality and its concordance with the document organization standards - Evaluate hardware capabilities to verify that it fulfils the requirements regarding capability, availability, scalability, response, etc. - Training participants on hardware and software maintenance - Evaluation of digitization processes to optimize efficiency by implementing best practices. The Mexico-Guyana Cooperation project first commenced in 2015 with a visit by two experts from the General Archive of the Nation of Mexico (AGN) to the National Archives of Guyana to analyse the condition of the original materials since this could affect the digitization techniques and it can define its possibility to generate optimal digital images. During that initial phase a Conservation workshop was held at the National Archives of Guyana which was attended by participants from the Museums. The National Archives has an on-going digitization programme which was launched in 2013


with a grant from UNESCO. This training will provide technical training to Archives and Museums that are seeking new medium to reach the public. One such way is to digitize artefacts and have them available in online format i.e. website http://guyananationalarchives.com where members of the public can have access to information. It will also help to make the Archives and Museums more interactive. (Ministry of Education Press Release)




Colombia Referendum: Voters Reject Farc Peace Deal

Voters in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.2% voting against it. The deal was signed last week by President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez after nearly four years of negotiations. But it needed to be ratified by Colombians in order to come into force. Addressing the nation, President Santos said he accepted the result but would continue working to achieve peace. How did it happen? Colombians were asked to endorse or reject the peace agreement in a popular vote on Sunday. The "yes" campaign had the backing not just of President Santos but of a wide array of politicians both in Colombia and abroad, including UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon. But there was also a vocal campaign for a "no" vote, led by former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Polls conducted ahead of Sunday's vote suggested a comfortable win for the "yes" campaign. But in a surprise result, 50.2% of voters rejected the agreement compared with 49.8% who voted for it. The difference with 98.98% of the votes counted was less than 54,000 votes out of almost 13 million ballots. Turnout was low with fewer than 38% of voters casting their votes. Colombia was divided regionally with most of the outlying provinces voting in favour of the agreement and those nearer the capital and inland voting against it. In Choco, one of the provinces hardest hit by the conflict, 80% of voters backed the deal. In the town of Bojaya, where at least 119 people were killed when a church was hit by Farc mortar bombs, 96% of residents voted "yes". Colombia's capital, Bogota, also voted "yes" with 56%. The province of Vaupes, in the east of the country, also registered strong support for the deal, with 78% voting in favour. Vaupes has also seen its share of conflict, including the attack on the town of Mitu, which the rebels seized control of in 1998 after taking a

large number of police officers hostage. Some of the officers were held hostage by the Farc for 12 years before being freed by the army in 2010. In the eastern province of Casanare on the other hand, 71.1 % voted against the deal. It is an area where farmers and landowners have for years been extorted by the Farc and other illegal groups. In Antioquia, the home state of ex-President Uribe, 62% rejected the deal. Why did people vote 'no'? Most of those who voted "no" said they thought the peace agreement was letting the rebels "get away with murder". Under the agreement, special courts would have been created to try crimes committed during the conflict. Those who confessed to their crimes would have been given more lenient sentences and would have avoided serving any time in conventional prisons. This, for many Colombians, was one step too far. They also balked at the government's plan to pay demobilised Farc rebels a monthly stipend and to offer those wanting to start a business financial help. "No" voters said this amounted to a reward for criminal behaviour while honest citizens were left to struggle financially. Many also said that they simply did not trust the rebels to keep their promise to lay down arms for good. They pointed to previous failed peace negotiations when the rebels took advantage of a lull in fighting to regroup and rearm as evidence that the Farc had broken their word before. Others were unhappy that under the agreement, the Farc would be guaranteed 10 seats in the Colombian Congress in the 2018 and 2022 elections. They said this would give the newly created party an unfair advantage. What will happen next? President Santos said that the bilateral ceasefire between government forces and the Farc would remain in place. He has told government negotiators to travel to to Cuba to consult Farc leaders on the next move. President Santos has promised to "continue the search for peace until the last moment of my mandate because that's the way to leave a better country to our children". "I won't give up," he said. The Farc leader known as Timochenko also said that the rebels remained committed to securing an end to the conflict. "The Farc reiterates its disposition to use only words as a weapon to build toward the future," he said after the result. "Count on us, peace will triumph." But before the vote, President Santos had told the BBC that there was "no Plan B" for ending the conflict, which has killed an estimated 260,000 people.

Opponents of the peace agreement celebrated as the surprise result was announced(GETTY IMAGES)

Continued on next page...




Colombia Referendum: Voters Reject Farc Peace Deal (CONT’D)

He said he would meet all political parties on Monday to discuss the next steps and "open space for dialogue". What does the 'no' campaign want? The main proponent of the vote against the agreement was former President Alvaro Uribe. Following the "no" vote, Mr Uribe insisted that he was not opposed to peace but that he wanted to renegotiate some of the agreement, which he said needed "corrections". Among the "corrections" he has demanded are, among others: That those found guilty of crimes be barred from running for public office That Farc leaders serve time in prison for crimes committed That the Farc use their illicit gains to pay their victims compensation That no changes be made to the Colombian constitution He said he wanted "political pluralism which can't be perceived as a reward for crimes committed, social justice without risk to honest enterprise". "We want to contribute to a national accord and be heard," he said. However, it is not clear whether the Farc would agree to the "corrections" Mr Uribe wants or if they would even consider renegotiating the deal which took four years of formal

negotiations and two years of secret talks to reach. What has been the reaction? One of surprise, as even Mr Uribe, the main backer of the "no" vote, had predicted that the "yes" vote would win. Some of those who had gathered to watch the result on giant screens expressed their disappointment. One woman in Medellin told Caracol radio: "I never thought I could be this sad. I haven't got any victims in my family, nor any siblings who've joined the guerrilla, but I think of my country, of the young people and my heart breaks into a thousand pieces." Farc leader Timochenko expressed his disappointment with the result which he blamed on "the destructive power of those who sow hatred and revenge" and "have influenced the Colombian people's opinion". Opponents of the agreement, however, took to the streets to celebrate their unexpected win. Many said that "justice has won" and expressed their relief at the result. One Colombian woman told BBC Mundo that Colombians had not forgotten that the path of the Farc was "paved with kidnappings, killings and drug trafficking". (BBC)




Suriname Grants Licence To First Islamic Bank In Western Hemisphere

By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- In major development that will see Suriname hosting the first Islamic bank in the Western Hemisphere, the Central Bank of Suriname has finally, granted the Trust Bank a licence to commence Islamic banking. Trust Bank plans to be in operation by the first quarter of 2017. Foreign investment will now flow through Trust Bank and will be a boost to the Surinamese economy. The bank is now busy putting together the physical and human infrastructure to meet its target opening date. A year ago, Trust Bank signed an advisory services agreement with the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB) to process and support its conversion into Islamic compliant operations. In discussing the vision and goals of the bank, the chief executive officer of Trust Bank, Maureen Badjoeri, said: “Within our new strategy, one of our ambitions is to contribute to the socio economic development of SMEs. Once becoming an Islamic Bank, and with the collaboration with ICD, Trust Bank wants to facilitate SMEs in more ways than just financially. With this approach, SMEs will be able to start-up or expand production of goods and services with a spin-off in job creation, trade, export and adding to GDP growth and strengthening of the Surinamese currency and economy.” She added: “We want to reach our goals in financial inclusion, foster sustainable

growth and development by offering Shariah-compliant products and services for the benefit of all.” With the Trust Bank closer to reality, Suriname may emerge as a hub for Islamic banking and finance in the region. Guyana, for example, is now turning to Suriname for help to access economic and technical support from the IsDB. Bahrain wants to invest in the banking industry of Suriname and, with its vast experience and expertise in Islamic banking, it’s a great match for the government of Suriname’s vision of becoming a financial hub. Moreover, with Guyana now a member of the IsDB, the Jeddahbased bank, is contemplating opening a branch in the Western Hemisphere and Suriname is being discussed as the choice of location. On the heels of the official visit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) secretary general Iyad Ameen Madani’s visit to Suriname last week, the Central Bank of Suriname granted Trust Bank a licence to operate after some delays. Madani noted that Suriname can be a financial trading centre. He also envisions Suriname’s potential in the agricultural sector, and a major exporter of food in the region and to other OIC member countries. Islamic banking is based on Islamic principles. The main principles are: the prohibition of interest, the prohibition on speculation and investment in alcohol, tobacco and gambling. Interest is replaced by a fee charged or some form of profit sharing. Neither the IsDB nor Trust Bank of Suriname is a religious institution, a misunderstanding by many in Guyana and Suriname. Trust Bank will open its doors to all people of any religious background. (Caribbean News Now!)

CEO of the Islamic Development Corporation of the Private Sector (ICD), Khaled Al Aboodi (L), and the CEO of the Trust Bank, Maureen Badjoeri, signed an advisory services agreement in December 2015




Cuba And The US Negotiate Six New Cooperation Agreements

HAVANA, Cuba (ACN) -- Cuba and the United States are working on the negotiation of six new cooperation agreements in areas such as the implementation and enforcement of law, seismic monitoring and the exchange of meteorological information, said Josefina Vidal, general director for the United States of the Cuban Foreign Ministry. The official said in an online interview on Twitter that these work commitments will also include protected marine areas, search and rescue, and the coordination of responses to spills of hydrocarbons and other substances in the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Strait. From Washington, at the end of Josefina Vidal the fourth meeting of the Bilateral Commission between the two nations, Vidal said that seven new high level visits in both directions were planned for the months of October and November, in addition to a dozen technical meetings on topics of common interest, like health, the environment, education and a wide gamut of bilateral and multilateral aspects. She underlined that, in the Bilateral Commission, Cuba reiterated its condemnation of the programs that were attempted in the island without the authorization and approval of corresponding institutions, like the recent case of the World Learning scholarships for youngsters. Vidal insisted on the need for the US government to eliminate the financing of programs aimed at causing internal changes in Cuba, an action she considered essential to normalize bilateral relations. The diplomat said that, even though the US administration has approved the use of dollars by Cuba in its international financial transactions, so far the island has not been able to make any payment to third parties nor deposits in cash in that currency. She emphasized that President Barack Obama has wide prerogatives to act in the economic-commercial sphere, as he did with telecommunications, and could authorize the export of more products to the island, as well as to allow US investments in Cuba. Obama could normalize bank relations by allowing Cuban banks to have correspondent accounts in financial institutions of that country.

In Friday's talks, it was reiterated that in order to advance in the improvement of relations it will also be necessary to return the territory occupied by the US naval base at Guantanamo and that the Cuban Adjustment Act, the dry-feet-wet feet policy and the parole program for Cuban medical professionals are eliminated, which not only encourage the illegal and unsafe emigration of Cuban citizens but also deprive the island of vital human resources and create increasing difficulties to other countries. The fifth meeting of the Bilateral Commission will take place in December, thus giving continuity to the process announced by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and US Secretary of State John Kerry after the re-establishment of diplomatic relations. Vidal headed the Cuban delegation to the meeting, while heading that of the United States were Mari Carmen Aponte and Jonathan Finer, assistant secretary of state for Hemispheric Affairs and the director of policy planning at the State Department, respectively. (Caribbean News Now!)




Powerful Hurricane Matthew Threatens Haiti And Jamaica

Bad weather from the storm has already arrived in parts of Jamaica(AP)


ne of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years is expected to cause flooding and landslides when it passes by Jamaica and Haiti. The fast-approaching Matthew, a Category Four storm, could bring up to 40 inches (102cm) of rain. Heavy rain and winds have already hit parts of Jamaica, with floodwaters blocking roads in the capital Kingston. Haiti could be more seriously affected when the hurricane passes over the country's south-west later on

M o n d a y. T h e H a i t i a n authorities have urged people to stock up on food and water and secure their homes. Thousands are still living in tents following the huge earthquake in 2010. Matthew is later expected to reach eastern Cuba. As it is moving slowly north over the Caribbean, the storm's maximum sustained winds are reaching 130mph (215km/h), the US National Hurricane Center (USNHC) said on Monday. Its centre is expected to pass to the east of Jamaica and make

landfall to the south-western tip of Haiti later in the day before reaching eastern Cuba, the USNHC said. Southern areas of Haiti including Jeremie and Les Cayes are expected to see the worst of the heavy rain and treacherous winds. "Wherever that centre passes close to would see the worst winds and that's what's projected to happen for the western tip of Haiti," US hurricane specialist John Cangilosi said. "There is a big concern for rains there and also a big concern for [a] storm surge." Forecasters say the storm is expected to pass east of Florida through the Bahamas, although it is too soon to say whether it will hit the US coast. Haitian officials say that about 1,300 emergency shelters have been constructed across the c o u n t r y, s u ffi c i e n t t o accommodate 340,000 people. Both airports in Haiti are closed. Warnings have been broadcast over the radio urging people to pay attention to evacuation warnings, especially because

some people are expected to try to stay in their homes to protect them from damage. Interim President Jocelerme Privert on Sunday advised Haitians to be prepared to move quickly in an address on state radio. "To those people living in houses that could collapse, it's necessary that you leave these houses to take refuge in schools and churches," he said. In Jamaica, emergency services rushed to protect buildings and get people in safe buildings. Long queues formed outside stores and at petrol stations as people stocked up. The Jamaican government urged people to evacuate and prepare for the storm two days ago. "No turning back now. It is a matter of how long we have to wait this out," Minister of Local Government Desmond Mackenzie said. Matthew is expected to hit Cuba on Tuesday, potentially reaching the colonial city of Santiago de Cuba and the US Navy base of Guantanamo Bay. (BBC)

CARICOM To Monitor Elections In Haiti


EORGETOWN, Guyana -- The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is mounting a CARICOM electoral observer mission for the presidential elections in Haiti scheduled for Sunday, 9 October, 2016. Dr Steve Surujbally, chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission will lead the mission, which was requested by Haiti’s minister of foreign affairs, Pierrot Délienne. Other members of the mission will include experts in electoral management from Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. On October 9, voters in Haiti will elect a new president following the

accepted but discarded presidential and legislative elections of 25 October 2015. The presidential candidates who had led in the October 2015 poll are amongst the 27 now vying for the presidency. If one of the 27 presidential candidates does not obtain over 50 percent of the vote, a runoff will take place on January 8, 2017. Voters will also elect a third of Senate seats, along with representatives to fill thousands of municipal posts. For CARICOM, election observation serves as a platform to support existing democratic traditions within the Community as part of its wider policy of supporting democracy. (Caribbean News Now!)

Head of the CARICOM Observer Mission to Haiti, Dr Steve Surjbally, Chairman of the Guyana Election Commission




Zika Numbers Are only The Tip Of The Iceberg, Says CARPHA

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has reported that positive zika cases confirmed by laboratory testing represent only the “tip of the iceberg”. This means that the number of

confirmed zika cases published in the media is only a small number of infected persons, who were tested and confirmed as positive for having the disease. Executive director, CARPHA, Dr C. James Hospedales said, “Often times when the figures of confirmed laboratory cases of diseases such as chikungunya and zika are reported to the media, the public reacts with surprise and suspicion, even commenting that the government and CARPHA are trying to cover up the real figures.” Hospedales stated that this is far from the truth, as reported figures are only laboratory confirmed positive cases and do not represent everyone who has been infected. These figures are what is described as the “tip of the iceberg”. With regards to the zika outbreak, the reported cases are persons who have been infected

with zika and then sought medical attention. They are the ones who were eligible for testing and then got tested. These persons would have been identified as being in a ‘high risk’ category, namely, pregnant women, children under the age of five years, adults over 65 years, hospitalised patients and persons with co-morbidities (with chronic illnesses). The iceberg phenomenon states that only a small percentage of all infected persons end up being laboratory confirmed positive cases. The iceberg phenomenon is important and provides valuable information for public health decision making. It gives an indication of the magnitude of the infection so that action can be taken to reach those who cannot be seen and are ‘under the water ’. (Caribbean News Now!)




Jamaica Health Ministry Targets Medical Tourism Sector

nightly by stopover visitors. “Based on these estimates, medical tourism will produce ten times more than the mainstream tourist market,” he said, noting that the funds generated from medical tourism could be used to offset expenses in the public healthcare system. Medical tourism is the travel of people to a place other than where they normally reside for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. It is becoming a popular option in the international tourist market as it offers cost savings, immediate medical care, high standards, post procedural care, while providing the opportunity to explore new destinations and culture. Lynch said that Jamaica, based on its geographical location, is well positioned to take advantage of the industry. Citing the opening of a private medical facility in Montego Bay last year by the Hospiten Group, he encouraged more investment in the sector. “Private healthcare is critical in our society and particularly in our urban centres and resort corridors. Satisfying the total health needs requires an ongoing partnership between the government and the private healthcare providers. The Ministry urges other investors to come on board to explore other areas across the island where we can build similar facilities,” he said. The Hospiten Group is an international network of private hospitals, which provide high-level healthcare services. The group has 16 hospital centres located in major cities and tourist centres in Spain, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Jamaica. The JCC Customs Tariff and Port Users Committee’s annual Customs seminar provides a forum for stakeholders to discuss issues affecting the sector. This year, the forum was held under the theme: ‘Encouraging Health Tourism’ and focussed on the potential economic impact of medical tourism on the Director of Planning, Policy and Development in the Ministry of Health, Howard country. It also featured presentations from the Jamaica Lynch, giving the keynote address at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Customs Tariff and Port Users Committee’s 15th annual customs seminar on Customs Agency (JCA). (Caribbean News Now!)

By Rochelle Williams KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) --The ministry of health is aiming to attract over 100,000 medical tourists to Jamaica within the next ten years. Director of policy planning and development in the ministry, Howard Lynch, said the sector has the potential to provide tremendous economic benefits to the country. “At a growth rate of 20 percent in ten years, it is estimated that Jamaica’s share in the global market will amount to 0.3 percent and would generate over US$600 million,” he said. Lynch was speaking on behalf of permanent secretary in the ministry, Elaine Foster Allen, at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Customs Tariff and Port Users Committee’s 15th annual customs seminar on September 29 in New Kingston. He noted that medical tourism has potential for higher earnings than traditional tourism, with estimated daily revenue generation of US$1,300 per medical tourist. This is comparatively higher when compared with US$113 per person

September 29 in New Kingston. Photo: Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC)




Facing Extradition From The US, Former Panama President Prepares To Flee Again agency that assisted a man who made Panama the hemisphere's By Kenneth Rijock MIAMI, USA -- According to the Panamanian government, a formal request was made on September 29, 2016, to the United States to extradite the country's former president, Ricardo Martinelli. Martinelli, who fled Panama in January 2015, ahead of the first of more than a dozen criminal indictments on a variety of charges, has been living the good life in Miami since then, though had made prior plans to reside on an estate that he previously had purchased in Paraguay. Martinelli was apparently allowed to enter, and reside in the United States, notwithstanding his well-known criminal activities, both before and during his presidency, because of an arrangement with an unnamed American law enforcement agency. However, there will be no accountability on the part of any US

Ricardo Martinelli

premier money laundering destination. Observers in Miami, where Martinelli has been living, say that he is looking at relocating to either Israel, or to Azerbaijan. The former president's brother-in-law, Aaron "Rony" Mizrachi, had previously fled to Israel, as well as his minister of tourism; both men were involved in corruption, and securities fraud, and exminister Gabriel Betesh was also involved in drug trafficking in Colombia, which was the reason that he lost his US visa several years ago. Additionally, Martinelli had once diverted his plane from an official trip to Greece to make an unannounced stop in Azerbaijan, where he deposited money into local banks. He has often stated that Panama and Azerbaijan have a close relationship, and he likes the country, which calls itself "the land of eternal fire." In the meantime, Panama's minister of finance, at a recent conference in Panama City, stated that total new incorporations in Panama in 2016, by the end of year will show a 20 percent decline from 2015. Most observers attribute this to the reluctance of foreign clients to form new corporations and foundations in the light of the negative press generated as the result of the publication of the Panama Papers, the confidential records of the law firm of Mossack and Fonseca. The minister stated that she believed the reason for the decrease in new incorporations to be Panama's new "transparency”, though she made that claim at an offshore financial services conference in Panama City, where the countries and vendors of tax haven services were advertising just the opposite. (Caribbean News Now!)




Jamaica Finance Minister Highlights Importance Of Gaming Industry By Douglas McIntosh KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Finance and public service minister, Audley Shaw, has underscored the gaming industry’s potential and importance in contributing significantly to the Jamaican government’s growth agenda. He notes that the administration’s revenue intake currently benefits from billions of dollars from the industry through taxes and fees remitted to central and local government. The minister was speaking at the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) annual gaming industry summit, held recently at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston. Shaw said the sceptics should dispel the belief that the industry promotes negative and antisocial behaviour. “We must focus on the rewards that can be achieved and the support that will be given to the growth of the Jamaican economy…

while not ignoring our responsibility to control any negative circumstances that may arise,” he added. The rewards, Shaw indicated, include diversifying the industry as part of efforts to further boost tourism, citing casino gaming as an example of one area that could attract foreign direct investments. Shaw said the government’s recognition of the gaming industry’s potential and importance necessitated that its products be packaged, advertised and distributed, similarly to what obtains with Jamaica’s culture, music and sports. The minister said it is imperative that the industry be promoted in a more “productive and positive light” in order to remove existing stigmas, facilitate responsible behaviour and “protect our children”. “I wish

to see a culture change among stakeholders, as gaming needs to be viewed as a sport,” Shaw said. (caribbean News Now!)

Finance and the Public Service Minister, Audley Shaw, addresses the recent Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) Gaming Industry Summit, held in Kingston. Photo: Michael Sloley




BVI Reports Total Confirmed Zika Cases Now 25 By Natasha Lettsome ROAD TOWN, BVI -The ministry of health and social development has reported 25 confirmed cases of zika in the British Vi rg i n I s l a n d s a s o f September 27. Medical officer of health, Dr Ronald Georges, said in a statement, “As of today September 27 we are confirming 25 cases of zika in the territory. These cases have been confirmed by PCR testing at Quest Diagnostics in Puerto Rico and Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad.” In speaking about prevention of the disease, Georges said, “Prevention of zika is very similar to prevention of chikungunya and dengue virus transmission. The main focus is the consistent destruction and removal of potential breeding sites for mosquitoes. This is a multi-pronged approach consisting of consistent work by the vector control team, community mobilisation

and behaviour change.” The vector control unit of the environmental health division continues to carry out regular inspections in areas that are known to be high-risk areas for mosquito transmissions and responds to the premises of reported cases within 24 to 48 hours. (Caribbean New Now!)




Medicine Nobel For Cell Recycling Work The 2016 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine goes to Yoshinori Ohsumi of Japan for discoveries about the secrets of how cells can remain healthy by recycling waste. He located genes that regulate the cellular "self eating" process known as autophagy. Dr Ohsumi's work is important because it helps explain what goes wrong in a range of illnesses, from cancer to Parkinson's. Errors in these genes cause disease. Last year's prize was shared by three scientists who developed treatments for malaria and other tropical diseases. "Self-eating" The body destroying its own cells may not sound like a good thing. But autophagy is a natural defence that our bodies use to survive. Yoshinori Ohsumi has been a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2009(REUTERS) It allows the body to cope with starvation and fight off invading bacteria and viruses, for - Three scientists - John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard example. And it clears away old junk to make way for new cells. Moser - for discovering the brain's navigating system. 2013 Failure of autophagy is linked with many diseases of old age, James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas Sudhof for including dementia. Research is now ongoing to develop drugs their discovery of how cells precisely transport material. 2012 that can target autophagy in various diseases, including cancer. Two pioneers of stem cell research - John Gurdon and Shinya The concept of autophagy has been known for over 50 years, Yamanaka - were awarded the Nobel after changing adult cells but it wasn't until Dr Ohsumi began studying and into stem cells. 2011 - Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann and Ralph experimenting with baker's yeast in the 80s and 90s that the Steinman shared the prize after revolutionising the breakthrough in understanding was made. Dr Ohsumi is understanding of how the body fights infection. 2010 - Robert reported to be surprised about receiving his Nobel Prize, but Edwards for devising the fertility treatment IVF which led to "extremely honoured". Speaking with the Japanese broadcaster the first "test tube baby" in July 1978. 2009 - Elizabeth NHK he said that the human body "is always repeating the auto- Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak for finding the decomposition process, or cannibalism, and there is a fine telomeres at the ends of chromosomes. (BBC) balance between formation and decomposition. That's what life is about." Prof David Rubinsztein, an expert in autophagy at the University of Cambridge, said he was delighted that Dr Ohsumi's vital work had been recognised and rewarded. "His pioneering work in yeast led to the discovery of the key genes and fundamental biochemical processes that are required for autophagy. "As autophagy is well conserved from yeast to man, his laboratory's discoveries have also provided the critical tools to many labs to enable the appreciation of the important roles of autophagy in diverse physiological and disease processes. "These include infectious diseases, cancers, and various neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease and forms of Parkinson's disease. Indeed, autophagy manipulation may provide a key strategy for treating some of these conditions." More than 270 scientists were nominated for the prize, which was awarded at Sweden's Karolinska Institute and comes with eight million Swedish kronor (around £728,000 or $936,000 or 834,000 euros) for the winner. The winners of the physics, chemistry and peace prizes are to be announced later this week. Line 2015 - Three scientists - William C Campbell, Satoshi Ōmura and Youyou Tu - for anti-parasite drug discoveries. 2014




Kim Kardashian West Robbed Of Millions By Paris Gunmen

US reality TV star Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint at a luxury residence in Paris by at least two men dressed as police officers, her publicist and police say. A box containing jewellery worth up to €6 million (£5.2m; $6.7m) was among items taken, a police spokesman said. The concierge led the gunmen to the residence where they tied Kardashian up in the bathroom, police said. A spokeswoman for the star said she was "badly shaken but physically unharmed". The mother-of-two - who became a household name thanks to the reality series Keeping up with the Kardashians - has now left France, flying out of a Paris airport aboard a private jet. The star's spokeswoman, Ina Treciokas, told CNN the robbery had been carried out by masked men with guns. Police sources told the Associated Press news agency that they were seeking five assailants, two of whom had forced their way into the house. Aside from the jewellery box, a ring worth €4 million was also snatched, AP reported, citing police officials. The robbery took place at about 02:30 local time (00:30 GMT), police said. Kardashian's husband, the rapper Kanye West, was on stage at the Meadows Music and Arts Festival in New York at the time of the robbery. He abruptly ended his set, telling fans: "I'm sorry, family emergency. I have to stop the show." Jump media playerMedia player help Kardashian stayed at the luxury residence, behind Paris's Madeleine church, at least once before, in 2014 before her marriage to West. "The loss amounts to several million euros, mostly jewellery. The total amount is still being evaluated," police said. TV host James Corden criticised those making light of the incident. He

tweeted: "People making jokes about Kim Kardashian tonight would do well to remember that she's a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend. Be nice or shut up." Tweet: People making jokes about Kim Kardashian tonight would do well to remember that she's a mother, a daughter, a wife, a friend. Be nice or shut up. It is unclear if the couple's two children, three-year-old daughter North and 10-month-old son Saint, were at the home at the time. Police were guarding the site on Monday. The star was in Paris for the city's fashion week with her mother Kris Jenner and her sister Kendall Jenner. Last week she was approached by a prankster who tried to kiss her bottom but was stopped by a bodyguard. Kardashian first rose to fame as a friend and stylist to Paris Hilton. She later appeared in her own reality programme, Keeping up with the Kardashians, about her family. (BBC)




Ex-Apprentice Insiders Blast Trump's 'Sexist' Remarks

To eliminate contestants from The Apprentice Mr Trump would shout "You're fired!"(AP)


epublican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been accused by ex-contestants and staff on reality show The Apprentice of sexism, according to an Associated Press investigation. More than 20 people interviewed described Mr Trump's behaviour toward women as crass and inappropriate. Mr Trump's campaign dismissed the allegations. Spokeswoman Hope Hicks said they were "outlandish, unsubstantiated and totally false". Mr Trump has faced several allegations over the past week questioning his fitness to be president of the US. On Sunday, the New York Times published evidence which alleged that Mr Trump may not have paid federal income tax for 20 years.Former contestants and staff of The Apprentice described how Mr Trump frequently discussed the size of women's breasts and who he would like to have sex with on set. Former producer Katherine Walker said Mr Trump often talked about women's bodies and commented on which female contestants he thought would be good in bed. Eight former crew members said Mr Trump paid particular attention to a

female camerawoman on set who he thought was attractive. Ms Walker said Mr Trump's comments frequently made the camerawoman uncomfortable. "He said something like she was cute and she had a nice ass, and it was brought to my attention by someone else that he had a crush on her," Ms Walker said. Some of the show's contestants said Mr Trump did appear professional. But a former crew member said Mr Trump's lewd comments were made on camera and later edited out of the show. "If there was a break in the conversation, he would then look at one of the female cast members, saying 'you're looking kind of hot today, I love that dress on you,' then he would turn to one of the male cast members and say 'wouldn't you sleep with her?' and then everyone would laugh. "There would be about 10 or 12 cameras rolling and getting that footage, which is why everybody was like, this guy just doesn't care." Another crew member said that Mr Trump often asked male contestants to rate the attractiveness of their female counterparts. The source described a day where cast and crew were all gathered to decide who to blame for a task. In the middle of the discussion, Mr Trump allegedly stopped, pointed to a woman and said he would have sex with her. "Everyone [was] trying to make him stop talking, and the woman [was] shrinking in her seat," the source said. Denying the allegations, Ms Hicks said: "These outlandish, unsubstantiated and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever." NBC, which broadcast The Apprentice, a reality show that judges the business skills of contestants, declined to comment. Last week Alicia Machado, crowned Miss Universe in 1996 accused Mr Trump, who formerly owned the pageant, of calling her Miss Piggy after she gained weight. (BBC)




Russia Suspends Weapons-grade Plutonium Deal With US

Plutonium goes into the warheads of nuclear missiles like these Russian Topols(AFP)


ussian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree suspending an agreement with the US on the disposal of surplus weapons-grade plutonium. The decree (in Russian) accused the US of creating "a threat to strategic stability, as a result of unfriendly actions" towards Russia. So Russia had to take "urgent security measures". Under the 2000 deal, each side is supposed to get rid of 34 tonnes of plutonium by burning it in reactors. It is

part of cuts to nuclear forces. The US state department said the combined 68 tonnes of plutonium was "enough material for approximately 17,000 nuclear weapons". Both sides reconfirmed the deal in 2010. 'We fulfilled our duties' But in April Mr Putin said the US was failing to fulfil its obligations to destroy plutonium. Instead, he argued, the US reprocessing method allowed plutonium to be extracted and used again in nuclear

weapons. Both sides had agreed to build special facilities for disposing of the surplus plutonium. " We f u l fi l l e d o u t duties, we built that enterprise. But our American partners did not," Mr Putin said. The US rejected that claim, insisting that its disposal method did not violate the agreement. The Russian decree c o m e s a m i d heightened tensions over Russia's bombing campaign in Syria, which some have described as a "war crime". Russian planes are helping Syrian government forces to hit rebel groups, some of which are supported by the US and its Gulf Arab allies. Russia is currently modernising its nuclear arsenal. The post-Cold War thaw ended in 2014 when the Russian military annexed Crimea from Ukraine. Russia says it is defending the legitimate interests of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. (BBC)




Russia Suspends Weapons-grade Plutonium Deal With US

Those standing trial deny the killing(AFP)


ive men accused of involvement in the killing of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov have gone on trial at a military court in Moscow. A former deputy prime minister who became a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin, Nemtsov was shot dead last year near the Kremlin. The defendants - all Chechens - were allegedly promised cash to kill him. All deny the charges. His relatives fear whoever ordered the killing will never be found. A Nemtsov family lawyer told the court the investigation was neither objective nor complete, pointing to a lack of video evidence despite the crime happening close to one of the most famous landmarks in Russia. Tight security was in place as the trial began, with the suspects led into court by armed police wearing balaclavas. Nemtsov, who was 55, served as first deputy prime minister under President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s. But after falling out of favour with Yeltsin's successor, Mr Putin, he became an outspoken opposition politician, attacking the government over the economy, corruption and its involvement in Ukraine's war. Who are the accused? Prosecutors say Zaur Dadayev, once a member of an elite Chechen military unit, was the gunman, firing six shots. He is also described as the group's leader. His cousin Anzor Gubashev is said to have been driving the getaway car. Another suspect, Beslan Shabanov, was also said to be in the car, but later died as he was detained in Chechnya. These three are accused of carrying out surveillance of Boris Nemtsov. Another three men, Ramzan Bakhayev, Tamerlan Eskerkhanov, and Shagid Gubashev, who is Anzor's

brother, were not at the murder scene, but prosecutors say they handled the weapon and were accomplices in organising the crime. On what was to be his last night alive Nemtsov had been on a liberal radio station, calling on listeners to join a protest rally at the weekend. He was shot in the back late at night crossing a bridge a few hundreds meters from to the Kremlin, Russia's iconic government building, dying on the spot. The site is still marked with flowers in his memory. President Putin called the murder "vile and cynical" and vowed that those responsible would be held to account. The accused are said to have had Nemtsov under surveillance for months. The suspect that investigators say carried out the killing, Zaur Dadayev, was an officer under the command of pro-Moscow Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. Russia has seen several killings of high-profile politicians and journalists. But the country has a long history of prosecuting alleged hit-men and then failing to follow the chain of command upwards to discover who ordered the murder or why, our Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford says. (BBC)




Syrian Rebels Advance On Symbolic IS-held Town Of Dabiq

The Turkish-backed Syrian rebel force captured the border town of Jarablus at the end of August(REUTERS)


t least 15 Turkish-backed Syrian rebels have been killed in clashes with Islamic State militants, as they move on the group's stronghold of Dabiq. A monitoring group reported that the rebels were killed by landmines that exploded while they attempted to secure the village of Turkman Barih. One rebel commander said he expected to reach Dabiq, which is about 5km (3 miles) to the west, within 48 hours. Dabiq holds great symbolic value to IS and features heavily in its propaganda. The small town is named in Islamic apocalyptic prophecies as the site of an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their "Roman" enemies. Dabiq is the name of IS's monthly English-language online magazine, and the American hostage Abdul-Rahman Kassig was beheaded there two years ago. An alliance of Syrian Arab rebel groups, supported by Turkish air strikes, tanks and special forces, launched an operation to drive IS militants and Syrian Kurdish ďŹ ghters from an area along Turkey's border with Syria in late August. Since then, they have captured the key towns of Jarablus and al-Rai, and taken control of some 960 sq km (370 sq miles) of territory, according to Turkey.

On Monday morning, Turkish military oďŹƒcials said there had been "intense" clashes south of al-Rai in the past 24 hours, which had left 15 Syrian rebels dead and 35 others wounded. Turkish warplanes, artillery and rocket launchers meanwhile targeted dozens of IS targets, they added. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, put the death toll at 21 and said the rebels had been killed by landmines and boobytraps planted by IS militants near Turkman Barih before they withdrew on Sunday. The rebels have captured other villages near Dabiq in recent days and were expecting to reach the town's outskirts within 48 hours, a commander of the Sultan Murad rebel group, Ahmed Osman, told Reuters news agency on Monday. T h e U S - l e d multinational coalition against IS was also

supporting the rebels as they advanced "to within a few kilometres of [IS]'s weakening stronghold Dabiq", US special presidential envoy Brett McGurk wrote on Twitter on Sunday evening. Also on Monday, Syrian government and Russian warplanes carried out more air strikes on the nearby city of Aleppo, as troops continued an all-out assault on besieged rebel-held areas, activists said. Photo posted by Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations-USA showing damage to wall of The International Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations and the Syrian Observatory also reported that air strikes on Sunday had damaged and put out of service a key hospital in a part of Hama province controlled by the rebels. The facility near Kfar Zeita, which is known as the "Cave Hospital" because it is built inside a mountain, was probably hit by "bunkerbuster missiles", the hospital's director Dr Abdallah Darwish said. The strikes came a day after the main trauma hospital in rebel-held Aleppo was put out of service after being hit for the second time in a week, activists said. (BBC)




Taliban Launch Fresh Attack on Afghan City Of Kunduz

Officials said that Afghan forces repelled the night-time attack(AFP)


aliban militants have launched a co-ordinated attack on the northern Afghan city of Kunduz, officials say. The militants attacked from four sides of the city in the middle of the night. Mahmood Danish, spokesman for the provincial governor, said Afghan forces had repelled the attack. Kunduz was briefly captured by the Taliban in September 2015 - the first time the insurgents had taken a major city - but government forces, backed by Nato, recaptured it within days. In southern Helmand province, militants have also taken a strategically important district to the south of Lashkar Gah, killing the local police chief, officials say. A

number of other police casualties were also reported. Residents in Kunduz told the BBC they heard heavy fighting and helicopters flying over the strategically important city. Mohammadullah Bahej, head of the police co-ordination office in Kunduz, said the militants had been pushed back but fighting was continuing on the outskirts of the city. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the Taliban had captured several checkpoints in the city. "A massive operation started on Kunduz capital from four directions early this morning," Mr Mujahid said via his official Twitter account. The capture of Kunduz by the Taliban last September was a huge blow to the country's Westernbacked government. The militants abandoned the city after four days but they had proved their growing capability. The group raided Tarin Kot, the provincial capital of Uruzgan, earlier this month. Afghan government forces are estimated to have control over no more than two-thirds of Afghanistan. The attacks come ahead of a major international donor conference in Brussels on Tuesday, where Afghanistan's international partners will discuss ongoing funding for the country. (BBC)




Fears Of Massive Net Attacks As Code Shared Online

Poorly secured webcams were used to mount massive attacks on websites(THINKSTOCK)


omputer code used to mount one of the biggest web attacks ever seen has been released online. Security experts fear the release will prompt more massive attacks that knock sites offline by swamping them with data. The attack tool seeks out smart devices in homes that are weakly protected with easy-toguess passwords. Net monitoring firms said they had already seen an increase in scans that seek out vulnerable devices. The "Mirai" source code was released on a widely used hacker chat forum over the weekend. The same code is believed to have been used to target security blogger Brian Krebs in late September in an attack that pointed more than 620 gigabits of data every second at his site. Mr Krebs said the release "virtually guaranteed" that the net would soon be flooded with similar incidents as it made it easier to mount such largescale attacks that abuse access to the consumer gadgets. 'Collateral damage' When Mr Krebs' site was attacked, the amount of data with which it was hit was believed to be the biggest ever seen. However, it was eclipsed later

the same month by an attack on French hosting firm OVH, which suffered a malicious datastream that peaked at more than one terabit per second (1,000 gigabits). Research by security firms suggests that both attacks managed to generate so much data by seeking out insecure devices that make up the "internet of things". These are smart devices such as webcams, thermostats and other gadgets that owners can control via the net. Scanners built into the attack code seek out vulnerable devices and enrol them into a network, known as a botnet, that a malicious hacker can then use in what is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. "There is already a surge in botnet operators attempting to find and exploit IoT devices in order to

gain access to uniform and sizable botnet networks," said Dale Drew, chief security officer at net firm Level 3, in an email to Ars Technica. The Mirai botnet and the one used to attack OVH are, between them, believed to control more than 1.2 million vulnerable devices. Post-attack analysis suggests the DDoS deluges aimed at Mr Krebs and OVH used only a fraction of the total number of devices on these botnets. Stephen Gates, chief research intelligence analyst at NSFocus, said the growth of such large IoT botnets could mean chunks of the net get knocked out. In addition, he said, those owning compromised gadgets could see their browsing speeds slow significantly as their home net connection is used to send attack data. "This is all collateral damage caused by a failure of good judgement by using the same factory default passwords on IoT devices in the first place," said Mr Gates in a statement. (BBC)




Oromia: Three Days Of Mourning After 52 Die In Ethiopia

Security forces said they were responding to protesters throwing bottles and stones(REUTERS)


thiopia has begun three days of mourning after at least 52 people were killed during a protest at a religious festival in the Oromia region. Some died in a stampede on Sunday after police fired tear gas and rubber bullets, witnesses said. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said rioters had caused "pre-planned mayhem" that led people to fall to their deaths in ravines. He denied reports that the security forces had opened fire. In a national address on state TV, he praised their "great efforts" to protect the public and blamed "evil forces" for the deaths, vowing to bring to justice those responsible. Thousands had gathered for the religious festival in Bishoftu, 40km (25 miles) from the capital Addis Ababa. The annual Irecha celebrations are an important festival by the people of Oromo in welcoming spring. But crowds at the festival chanted "We need freedom" and "We need justice", witnesses said. 'Fell from a cliff' Some participants crossed their wrists above their heads, a gesture that has become a symbol of the worst protests by the Oromo people in more than two decades. Police fired tear gas after antigovernment protesters threw stones and bottles, but others said demonstrators were entirely peaceful. The national flag is flying at half-mast at all government buildings regular programmes on state radio have been replaced with music, the AFP news agency reports. Witnesses said the

stampede started after police fired tear gas. One protester told the Associated Press news agency that he almost died after falling into a deep ditch as he was trying to flee. He was pulled out but the first people who fell into it had suffocated, he said. An Oromo activist, Jawar Mohamed, was quoted as saying that nearly 300 people had been killed and many more injured. He said troops and a helicopter gunship had opened fire, driving people off a cliff and into a lake. The governmentaffiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate (FBC) reported that people died falling from the cliff around the lake but it made no mention of a helicopter opening fire. There has been a series of deadly clashes in Ethiopia in recent months. People in Oromia and Amhara, two of Ethiopia's most populous regions, have complained about political and economic marginalisation. The US has expressed concern about what it termed the excessive use of force against protesters. The unrest was sparked last November by a plan to expand the capital into Oromia. This led to fears that farmers from the Oromo ethnic group, the largest in Ethiopia, would be displaced. The plan was later dropped but protests continued, highlighting issues such as marginalisation and human rights. (BBC)




At Least 52 Dead In Ethiopia After Stampede At Oromo Holy Festival

Ethiopia Oromo deaths


ore than 52 people were killed in a stampede in central Ethiopia after police fired warning shots at a holy festival Sunday, Communications Minister Getachew Reda said. "Troublemakers" at the Oromo Irreechaa festival in Bishoftu physically attacked elders who were making their way to the stage to say their blessings for the new year, Reda said. Police fired warning shots into the air, triggering the stampede at the festival attended by an estimated 2 million people, he said. However, Ethiopia's opposition party disputed that account, saying that police fired live bullets into the crowd and as many as 120 people were killed.

Merera Gudina, chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress, said the number of casualties was still unknown. "This goes down as one of the darkest days in modern Oromo history," Gudina told CNN. The Oromo are Ethiopia's largest ethnic group and make up at least a third of the country's 100 million people. But they have been marginalized for decades, with tensions rising recently as the government promoted development that took over Oromo farmland. During the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, athlete Feyisa Lilesa protested against what he said was unfair persecution of the Oromo people by the Ethiopian government. Gudina said the violence broke

out after festival attendees refused to listen to speakers from the ruling party. "The ruling party has been trying to control the festival and use it for its own political interests," he said. "The people gathered refused to listen to speeches of the ruling party. In that confrontation the security forces started to shoot and use tear gas and live bullets. That created chaos." Reda vigorously denied the claim, saying the deaths were the result of a stampede. "Of the people's bodies who were collected, they do not have any bullet wounds whatsoever," Reda said. "They were killed in the stampede. The security forces were mostly unarmed and none of them were involved in firing at the people." "There was no force involved on the part of the security forces -- after all, this event was a people's event," he added. Reda blamed diaspora elements for causing the chaos, saying they were trying to "take advantage to promote a political agenda." "We have a diaspora who are trying to drive a wedge in the people in the government who are using all sorts of violent means to achieve it." Gudina said Ethiopians in other parts of Oromia are protesting the deaths, including in Ambo in western Oromia. "The government should negotiate and the government should talk to people. The bullet should not be the answer to people demanding their right," Gudina said. (CNN)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cops Charged For Allegedly Accepting $60K Bribe Police Officers Selwin Elcana and the charge. Attorney – at – Law, no objection to bail by Police Prosecutor PAGE 32

Dwayne Marshall were released on GY$50,000 bail each after they appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with accepting a bribe on August 19, 2016. They are slated to return before the court on October 26, 2016 for continuation into the matter. The duo is attached to the Alberttown Police Station and pleaded not guilty to


Chandrawattie Persaud represented Elcana and applied for bail, stating that he is a Police Corporal who has been a member of the force for 22 years. She said he is not a flight risk since at the moment he is on GY$100,000 station bail. Marshall however revealed to the court that he is a Constable in the force and gave the court a fixed address. There was

Navil Jeffers. It is alleged that on the day in question at Church Street, Alberttown, Elcana, 38 and Marshall, 37, corruptly obtained GY$60,000 from Deonarine Dowlatteram for themselves as a reward to not pursue an assault charge against Dowlatteram.

PPP Pickets Government For Establishment Of Local Government Commission The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) held a peaceful picketing of the commission, hence the delay. Mustapha brushed the

Officers in front of the Ministry of the Presidency

notion that the previous administration did not want the commission and that it is incumbent on the APNU+AFC government to establish the commission. When asked if the Minister was contacted on the issue, Mustapha said the Minister has communicated publicly about the establishment of the commission, revealing that a number of Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC’s) submitted their budget but it took them a long time to have it approved. According to Mustapha, if the Commission was established, then the NDC’s budget would have been approved earlier.. He further stated that the PPP will continue to protest until the commission is established. The Local Government Commission was slated to come on stream in June of this year. Minister Bulkan had explained that the Ministry is in the process of finalising the names of the persons who would serve on the commission and that this will be wrapped up soon. Minister Bulkan had also stated that the candidates for the Commission have already been identified and shortlisted for review and ratification by Cabinet. “I can tell you, we have identified some very strong, suitably and professionally qualified individuals to be members of that commission,” he said.

Protestors outside the Ministry of Communities

Protestors across the road of the Ministry of the Presidency

exercise outside the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Communities this morning, calling for the establishment of the Local Government Commission. According to party executive member, Zulfi Mustapha, Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan had given several dates including September 30, 2016 for the establishment of the commission, however to date the commission is not established According to Mustapha, the Minister is usurping the authority




City Hall Workers Continue Protest For Salaries

Workers of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) protest in front of the City Hall

Workers of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) have been protesting since Monday for the non–payment of their September salaries. The protests started on Monday morning outside of the Ministry of Communities and continued today in front of the City Hall. The frustration between the City Workers have been increasing with the

months of delayed salary payments, exploding in public demonstrations of dissatisfaction. Dozens of City workers and drainage contractors congregate since early hours in the morning, in front of the City Hall, with banners where it could be read “Pay Us on Time”, “We Need Our Salaries”, “Royston King We Don’t Trust You” among others, showing their frustration at the ongoing issue. Ricardo Grants, a drainage contractor expressed that the date for the payment was fixed for the 25th of September, and up to date the workers are still waiting for their salary. “Today is the 4th of October and up to now we can’t get paid,” he expressed in an agitated tone. “They just fill us with promises and end up with lies. To my perspective, the government needs to run the C o u n c i l . Royston King needs to go!” Another worker, who preferred to r e m a i n anonymous, said the government n e e d s t o intervene.

“The Ministry of the Communities and The Ministry of Labor needs to interfere. We have mortgage to pay, the passage for our children to go school, bills and there is no money, is an embarrassment for our families. This is breaking people’s homes,” he stated. The protesters said the Town Clerk is incompetent. “We need to reach to a consensus and this time materialize what is been promised.” Meanwhile, Mr. Grants emphasized that the drainage contractors are exposed to constant risks. “Safety for their workers, especially for our sector is one of the priorities in which the Council should be focusing, instead they are cleaning the streets.” The City Hall representatives haven’t ‘faced’ the protesters as yet. The laborers stated that the protest will continue if their claims are not answered soon. According to a local report, the Town Clerk, Royston King said that the City Hall is working to get the worker’s salary by Wednesday.




4 Years Jail For Women Who Stole From Digicel Three women were today sentenced to Prior to the sentencing, Attorney Glen Meanwhile, in response the Prosecutor four years imprisonment after they were found guilty of converting GY$48M in Digicel credit from Telecom Solutions Guyana Inc. for their own use between June 25, 2008 and November 23, 2009. They are Melissa Naughton, 39, Candacie Marshall, 31 and Oladara Christian, 32, who were charged in December 2011. They were found guilty of the charge by Magistrate Leron Daly in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.

Hanoman, who represented Christian and Marshall, pleaded with the court for a non-custodial sentence to be imposed, stating that Marshall withdrew all her earnings from the bank while Christian sold her car, in an attempt to repay the stolen money. He argued that President David Granger has already stated that Guyana’s prison system is already overwhelmed; therefore a custodial sentence should not be imposed.

said that the trio exploited their employers and caused a negative financial impact, therefore the court must send a strong message to others who might consider committing crimes of the same nature. Magistrate Daly agreed with the Prosecutor that the court sees it fit to impose a custodial sentence, explaining that the women are adults and committed the crime while in their full senses.

Committee Rules In Favour Of Puran Brothers Over $221M Contract The Bid Protest Committee (BPC) has ruled in favour of Puran Brothers Disposal’s appeal by Cevons Waste Management over the award of $221M one-year contract to the Disposal service

for the management of the Haags Bosch Landfill site. In July, Cevons Waste Management had filed a protest with the BPC, citing that the selection process was unfair and had requested a review of the award. “This matter is bigger than Cevons (Waste Management) and its partners; it is about ensuring that the procurement process is transparent, democratic and free from favouritism,” stated a public missive sent to the media in July. A press statement

from the Ministry of Communities today revealed that “A written ruling was issued to all the parties involved and the committee expressed gratitude to Cevon’s Waste Management Inc. for following through with the process.” The Ministry has since been advised to continue with the procurement process and a nine-page decision was handed down by Chairperson of the Bid Protest Committee, attorney-at-law, Joann Bond on September 30, 2016. However, the Ministry has indicated that it must await the outcome of a pending court injunction which relates to the signing of the contract with Puran Brothers Disposal Inc.




Government Looking To Have UK’s Restriction On Buying Greenheart Removed

The United Kingdom’s (UK) Environment Agency in May 2015 announced its decision to stop the procurement and importation of Greenheart from Guyana due to claims that the timber is unfit for Government constructions because Guyana’s forests are not sustainably managed. Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman in collaboration with the Private Sector Commission have since refuted the claims of the Environment Agency (EA). The decision

is costing Guyana millions of dollars in revenue lost since greenheart timber accounts for 90% of Guyana’s exports to the U.K. The Government is asking the agency to withdraw its advisory and conduct a revision of procurement policies regarding Guyana’s exports. Speaking at a press conference at the PSC head office on Monday, Minister Trotman said the advisory, issued by the UK agency, can result in widespread damage by tarnishing Guyana’s reputation, and must be addressed early. Chairman of the Guyana Manufacturing Association (GMA) Wood Sector Group, Navendra Chand called for a complete withdrawal by the UK agency of

the technical note, which has for months placed grievous limitations on Guyana’s export of Greenheart to the UK. “Our recommendation for the next step is to approach this matter in order to have a complete withdrawal of the technical note, and for fair application of the UK procurement policy,” he declared. After the 2012 international economic downturn the trade reached its highest point in 2014, after which it took a drastic nose dive all the way to August 2016. The trade reportedly had a 65 per cent decline since the ban. Prior to the issuing of the advisory, the value of the greenheart trade was some US$3.2M in 2014.




Guyana Daily News Opinion Poll: High Crime Rate Linked To Unemployment


uyanese are terrified by policing is the answer to the crime situation. the rapid increase of crime in Guyana. An opinion poll conducted by the Guyana Daily News, found that unemployment is one the major causes of the spiraling crime rate. Eight five percent of the respondents are of the view that unemployment and lack of economic opportunities are linked to the crime situation, and 15 percent are of the opinion that crime is a personal choice. The majority share the opinion that unemployment heavily contributes to crime, for example, families who are affected by lack of employment and economic opportunities are more likely to commit a crime to fulfill their economic needs. Many respondents are of the opinion that policies designed to increase jobs may have a direct effect on crime rate since, people who are out of a job are more likely to steal because the risks seem more worthwhile. The poll further revealed that violent crime, as opposed to burglary and theft, is lower in good times. Meanwhile, 15 percent of the respondents say that crime is a personal choice and believes that crime becomes habitual even after being employed. Respondents believe that education and better

Bartender Charged With Simple Larceny. Complainant, Lucette Timmerman, while not being

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today released a West Coast Demerara woman, Alicia Brown, on $50,000 GYD bail after she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with Simple Larceny. Brown, a former employee of the Virtual

represented in court pleaded not guilty to the charge. It is alleged that between the August 29, 2016 and October 1, 2016, Brown was employed as a Bartender in Timmerman's Bar, Takatu Landing, Mazaruni and was left solely in charge of the business for the said time and during the period stole a quantity of beverages valued at $189,300 GYD and a quantity of grocery items valued at $54,000 GYD. Timmerman has alleged that Brown admitted to the act stating that she and her friends consumed the beverages during the said period.




Youth Development Initiative Rolled Out At Lusignan Primary School

First Lady, Mrs Sandra Granger delivering remarks to teachers and students of the Lusignan Primary School at the launching of the Youth Development Initiative at that school.

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 4, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, yesterday, said that she was optimistic about the impact that the Lusignan Youth Development Initiative will have on its beneficiaries, at a simple opening ceremony, held at the Lusignan Primary School. Mrs. Granger said that the initiative was birthed from an idea she had about involving parents in the delivery of education to their children. The first project under this initiative was introduced last year in Buxton at the Buxton/Friendship Primary School. “I have to say, based on the results in Buxton, I have high hopes for Lusignan as well because we had kids who had started Grade Four in the Buxton/Friendship area who did not know [how] to read and by the end of the year… there was great improvement,” Mrs. Granger said. Over the past couple of weeks Mrs. Granger met with teachers and parents of students from this school about the initiative and although there were minor setbacks, she believes that they had shown a keen interest in the programme and, therefore, took a decision to go ahead with it. “We felt that since the teachers were so engaged in it [the

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger (seated, second left) along with the teachers and students at the opening of the Youth Development Initiative at the Lusignan Primary School.

meetings] we would go ahead with it… What this project aims to do, basically, is to look at the students in the school and help them to achieve their full potential,” the First Lady said. Meanwhile, Acting Head Mistress of the Lusignan Primary School, Ms. Loretta DosSantos said that the Initiative aims to make the school and community better. “You parents play an integral role in this the education process… Do not feel what we’re doing here is a waste of time. In time to come, you will see the benefits,” Ms. DosSantos said. In an invited comment, she expressed confidence about the impact that the initiative will have on the students’ development. “I believe that the children, who are benefiting from this programme would be better off academically, in the areas of mainly, literacy and numeracy… I told the teachers we have to work assiduously to ensure that each child is being given what this programme intends for them to have.” Several parents expressed appreciation about the First Lady’s initiative and vowed to support their children at home. Mr. Brentnol Halley whose son Jamal Halley is a Grade Four pupil at the school, said he was pleased that the First

Lady introduced the project in the school. “For me, as a father I will see that he’s in school and in school regularly… I will play my role at home… I will do what I can do,” he said. Ms. Marina Premsukh, whose daughter Hema Persaud is a Grade Five pupil at the school, shared similar sentiments. “This is something good to help the small ones…My [kids are] slow, but I expect better things [before the] year is out, they must learn to read,” she said. The Initiative is expected to last throughout this school year. Initially, 50 students were targeted for the programme but that number was increased to 80 following feedback from the school. Sessions are expected to be held from Monday to Wednesday, and will focus on Reading and Mathematics. MOTP Press Release




Hurricane Matthew: Category Four Storm Pounds Haiti One of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years has hit Haiti, bringing 145mph (230km/h) winds, heavy rain and dangerous storm surges. Hurricane Matthew, a Category Four storm, made landfall at the south-western tip at about 11:00 GMT. The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Haiti was "getting everything a major hurricane can throw at them". Reports from the southern coast spoke of communities under water and buildings stripped of roofs. Marie Alta JeanBaptiste, director of the country's Civil Protection Agency, told Associated Press: "It's much too early to know how bad things are but we do know there are a lot of houses that have been destroyed or damaged in the south." One resident too ill to leave their home was killed when waves struck in the town of Port Salut. Haiti's Interim President Jocelerme Privert said earlier that some people at sea or who had not "respected alerts" had died, but he gave no figures. Haiti is one of the world's poorest countries and many of its residents live in wooden or corrugated steel shacks in areas prone to flooding. Matthew is expected to bring up to 40in (102cm) of rain to some parts as it moves north at about 15km/h. A map showing Hurricane Arthur's path Social media footage from the southern coastal town of Les Cayes showed palm trees being bent sideways and buildings with roofs sheared off buildings. American journalist Jacqueline Charles told the BBC from the capital, Port-au-Prince, that reports from Les Cayes spoke of people walking in water shoulder high, with relief workers saying that other coastal communities were also under water. Fonie Pierre, director of Catholic Relief Services for Les Cayes, told AP: "Many people are now asking for help, but it's too late because there is no way to go evacuate them." The mayor of Les Cayes, Jean Gabriel Fortune, posted tweets that

included video showing damage in the Vernet area. A major road was swamped in Les Anglais, while the mayor of Tiburon, Remiza Denize, spoke of large waves hitting the town. "Everyone is trying to find a safe place to protect themselves, the situation is very difficult." Fear of thefts Haitian officials say that about 1,300 emergency shelters have been built, enough to accommodate 340,000 people. Both airports in Haiti are closed. But some Haitians have refused to go to shelters, fearful of having their possessions stolen. One local in Port-au-Prince, however, said the community would unite in the face of the storm's danger. "We are communicating amongst ourselves thanks to our own means. We will tell the people how the situation is. If things are bad then we will come together." Authorities had urged people to stock up on food and water and secure their homes. An NHC statement said: "On the forecast track, the eye of Matthew will move near eastern Cuba later [on Tuesday], and move near or over portions of the south-eastern and central Bahamas [on Tuesday night] and Wednesday, and approach the northwestern Bahamas on Wednesday night." About 13,000 people were evacuated from high-risk areas in neighbouring Dominican Republic, which is also expected to get battered by rains and winds, according to the country's civil defence chief. Heavy rain and winds have already hit parts of Jamaica, with floodwaters blocking roads in the capital Kingston. A hurricane alert is in place for six eastern Cuban provinces and residents are being moved from low-lying areas. Some 700 spouses and children of US service members have been flown out of the Guantanamo Bay base, which is just 80km from where the storm could make landfall. It is also predicted to hit the US east coast later in the week. Florida and parts of North Carolina have declared states of emergency. Hurricane Matthew is the region's most powerful since Felix in 2007. Hurricane scales Category one: sustained winds of 74-95mph (119-153 km/h); some damage and power cuts Category two: winds of 96110mph (154-177 km/h); extensive damage Category three: winds of 111-129mph (178-208 km/h); well-built homes suffer major damage Category four: winds of 130-156mph (209-251 km/h); severe damage to well-built homes, most trees snapped or uprooted Category five: winds of 157 mph (252 km/h) or higher; high percentage of homes destroyed, area uninhabitable for weeks or months (BBC)

Hurricane Matthew from space




Colombian Voters Reject FARC-EP Peace Deal BOGOTA, Colombia -- Colombians voted NO on Sunday in Havana, Cuba, led to agreements on key issues such as political the referendum to approve the peace accord signed just days earlier between the government and the country’s largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP). After over 99.4 percent of the votes had been counted, the No option had received some 6.417 million votes, 50.2 percent of the total. Meanwhile, 6.356 million (49.7 percent) voted YES, with barely 59,000 votes between the two choices, in a referendum where just one-third of all registered voters went to the polling stations. On Monday, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the parties for their determination, saying he believed peace could still be achieved and that all Colombians who had committed to ending the 50-year conflict should not be discouraged. “Following the result of the plebiscite, the secretary-general welcomes the public commitment from the government of Colombia, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army and all of the country’s political forces to continue working to end the armed conflict and build a lasting peace,” said a statement issued on Monday by Ban’s spokesperson. It added: “After more than five decades of war, the Colombian people deserve no less.” Just one week ago, the secretarygeneral and a host of senior UN officials travelled to Cartagena to witness the signing of the peace agreement that was the culmination of a historic four-year negotiation between the government and the FARC-EP to end the longest running conflict in the Western Hemisphere. Those talks, hosted in

participation, land rights, illicit drugs and victims' rights and transitional justice. Among other developments, the Government and the FARC-EP announced in May an agreement to release and reintegrate child soldiers from the opposition force. The parties also announced the establishment of a gender subcommission to bolster the voice of women in the peace process. When the ceasefire between the parties was agreed, at their request, the Security Council established and subsequently unanimously endorsed the mandate of the UN Mission in Colombia. It is tasked with the verification of the ceasefire and the laying down of arms and has already begun its work. Yet, the accord was put to a referendum on Sunday and rejected by the public. According to Monday’s statement: “While political efforts are undertaken to assess the way forward, the secretary-general believes all must be done to maintain calm and prevent a return to violence. He commends the parties for their commitment, as expressed by President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC-EP Commander Timoleón Jiménez, to maintain the bilateral ceasefire declared on 29 August.” Further to the statement, the UN chief has instructed his Special Representative, Jean Arnault, to travel to Havana on Monday to continue his consultations with the parties. “The secretary-general acknowledges the tremendous efforts undertaken to overcome the conflict and calls on all concerned to build on that foundation. He believes strongly that peace can still be achieved, and that the many Colombians who have committed themselves to this goal should not be discouraged,” said the statement, adding that the United Nations reiterates its firm support to peace efforts in Colombia. (Caribbean News Now!)

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses attendees at the signing of the Colombia Peace Agreements in Cartagena. Photo: OSSG




ECLAC Delivers 'Strong Answer' To Budgeting Process Needs Of Caribbean Public Administrations PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The Economic Commission for C a r i b b e a n e c o n o m i s t Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has provided a “strong answer” to what senior public officials across the Caribbean have been searching for in order to improve the budgeting process of public administrations, according to the participants of a week-long regional training workshop that provided officials with robust tools and techniques necessary for more effective management of public finances. Held at ECLAC Caribbean’s sub regional headquarters in Port of Spain, from 19 to 23 September, the workshop focused on forecasting and fiscal transparency in the conduct of public expenditure reviews (PERs). PERs are intended to align public sector expenditure with the priorities of national governments. They also promote increased savings, either through resource reallocation or by reducing unproductive expenditure. By improving fiscal management, PERs can provide much needed fiscal space especially when a country is experiencing high debt levels. The week-long training was an integral element of ECLAC’s ongoing project on “Strengthening the technical capacity of public finance officials in select Caribbean Small Island Developing States”. The project’s focus on improving capacity to use public expenditure reviews for better budgeting, resource allocation is vital to ECLAC’s comprehensive approach towards supporting the efforts of Caribbean economies as they pursue sustainable debt management and economic viability. This project complements ECLAC's recently launched debt for climate adaptation swap initiative, which is intended to promote fiscal responsibility while affording Caribbean economies much-needed fiscal space to invest in climate adaptation and mitigation projects and green industries that build the environmental resilience of the Caribbean while reigniting growth in the countries of the subregion. Eminent

Professor Vanus James – who facilitated the training – indicated that the project offered training as well as follow-up assistance to ensure that the techniques learned are fully assimilated and successfully implemented for optimum benefit; underscoring ECLAC's continuing commitment to building national capacity. Discussions during the workshop highlighted that while the efficient allocation of limited government resources is essential to ensuring that national priorities are adequately and appropriately resourced, there is need for better consultation and collaboration within and across ministries, if the PER methodology is to be successful. The buy-in of both the public and private sectors, the active engagement of civil society, and the existence of an enabling environment focused on improved efficiency and effectiveness of government operations are also critical pre-requisites for PER success. Eighteen public officials attended the workshop from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, and St Kitts and Nevis. Participants were enthusiastic at the prospect of using the forecasting techniques learned to enhance budgeting and planning processes in their respective countries. The workshop followed five national trainings held in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, St Kitts and Nevis, and Barbados. The final phase of the project will include follow up technical assistance for the participating countries to support their implementation of the PER techniques. (Caribbean News Now!)




New Partnership To Bolster Energy Efficiency In Caribbean Hotel Sector The agreement underscores CHTA's commitment to providing program-specific support to USAID CARCEP, regionally and with designated countries, hotels, hotel associations and public sector tourism stakeholders. "CHTA welcomes the support by the United States government through its clean energy program, to assist Caribbean hotels and countries in becoming more energy efficient. The program brings to the table new tools, resources and training, building upon the foundational work undertaken with hotels through the CHENACT program," Comito stated. This agreement symbolizes the start of what will become a wider catalytic benefit for sustainable growth in the region as reductions in energy consumption will deliver environmental benefits as well as improve regional economic competitiveness. There are approximately 2,500 hotels that can profit from this initiative. "CHENACT touched more than 150 hotels in the region. Through USAID CARCEP, we will be able to significantly expand the number of hotels and countries which can benefit from the program's resources. Working with CHTA's network of national hotel and tourism associations throughout the region, and with USAID CARCEP's team, we look forward to advancing new opportunities for our industry and the region. Sound energy savings initiatives by hoteliers make good business sense and protect our rich natural resources which are an essential part of our touristic appeal," Comito declared. Already, the partnership has resulted in the launch of an energy benchmarking tool that followed the agreement signing at the forum. The tool, w h i c h w a s developed by USAID CARCEP, will allow hotel operators to analyse t h e i r e l e c t r i c i t y, fossil fuel and water usage; compare the energy and water intensity with similar hotels in their area; and learn about energy and water efficiency strategies they can employ to reduce hotel Director General and CEO of CHTA Frank Comito (seated at right) and USAID CARCEP's Energy Efficiency Promotion Specialist John Marcocchio at Friday’s signing in Puerto Rico. Standing from left is Jonathan Schwartz of Deloitte Consulting, Energy Efficiency Specialist Hugh operating costs.

FAJARDO, Puerto Rico -- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Caribbean Clean Energy Program (CARCEP) on Friday signed a collaboration agreement with the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) in a landmark move to bolster energy efficiency in the Caribbean's hotel sector, the largest electricity consumer sector in the region. The agreement, which was signed during the official ceremony of the Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF) in Puerto Rico, defines the joint actions to be taken to effectively address the sector's needs primarily in the areas of energy policy reform, research and capacity development. This initiative is largely directed at beneficiary countries under USAID CARCEP's mandate – Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Hotel owners in these nations will be equipped with access to technical tools, training and other resources to help them understand and adopt energy efficiency best-practices to reduce their energy consumption. Director general and CEO of CHTA Frank Comito pledged, through the signing of this agreement, to work closely with USAID CARCEP to advance the work done under the Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action (CHENACT) program funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and conducted through CHTA and its regional public sector

Cresser, Denaye Hinds of OBM International, Loreto Duffy-Mayers of the Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action Advanced Programme, and Stuart Bowe, CHTA's First Vice President and Senior Vice President of Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas.

counterpart organization the Caribbean Tourism Organization.

Continued on next page...




New Partnership To Bolster Energy Efficiency In Caribbean Hotel Sector (CONT’D) "The deployment of this tool in the hotel industry, the biggest economic driver in the region, and the follow-on activities developing knowledge and awareness of energy efficiency will be a game changer. Energy consumption in the region is as much as three times higher per US$1 of GDP generated than other regions of the world, putting this region at a real competitive disadvantage. Both for climatic and economic reasons it is imperative that we reduce fossil fuel consumption and turn those savings into jobs and industry for the region that will drive economic development and future growth," affirmed USAID CARCEP's energy efficiency promotion specialist John Marcocchio. To support ease of access the tool will be housed on CHTA's website, a strategic decision to ensure sustainability after USAID CARCEP's implementation period ends in 2020. Hotel owners who are members of CHTA, including those located in nonbeneficiary USAID CARCEP nations, will be able to access this

tool at no cost, allowing them to gain valuable insight that can ultimately help them learn how best to maximize their return on investments. The tool can highlight abnormal energy and water demands and unearth opportunities for savings and investments. The signing of the collaboration agreement and the launch of the USAID CARCEP Energy Benchmarking Tool at this year's CHIEF is key to the success of this initiative. Each year CHIEF, staged by CHTA, attracts a large percentage of hoteliers, association executives and other targeted stakeholders and as such provides a central platform for the introduction to and uptake of these resources. USAID CARCEP and CHTA are urging hoteliers to take advantage of this opportunity. The next step is the roll out of USAID CARCEP's training program in each beneficiary country. The first is scheduled to take place in Jamaica in November 2016 and is aimed at demonstrating how to use the tool as well as how to implement energy saving measures at hotels and resorts. (Caribbean News Now!)




USVI Small Business Credit Initiative Helps Provide Advanced Eye Healthcare To The Caribbean ST CROIX, USVI -- Plessen Eye is a state-of-the-art ophthalmic ambulatory surgical center run by Dr Jan Tawakol and Dr Tasnim Khan, a husband-and-wife team, on the island of St Croix. Although there was an increasing demand for ophthalmological

services in the US Virgin Islands, Plessen Eye needed to finance improvements for the ophthalmic ambulatory surgical center. Since the centre was the couple’s first business venture, a traditional bank loan was not an option. With the support of the USVI’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) funding, Merchants Commercial Bank, an FDIC-insured community bank, made an $850,000 term loan allowing Plessen Eye to acquire equipment, make leasehold improvements, and open their business. Since the original loan, Plessen Eye has been able to help fill the island’s backlog of patients awaiting cataract and other critical eye surgeries. The centre has expanded with 15 full-time employees and one part-time employee. “The territory has benefited tremendously by adding the state-of-the-art facility to the island’s healthcare system,” said Ro Khiani, chief lending officer at Merchants Commercial Bank. “Ophthalmologists now have a place to perform critical eye surgeries in the Caribbean region to meet patient demand.” (Caribbean News Now!)

SSBCI Program Participant: Plessen Eye, LLC, St Croix, US Virgin Islands


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bahamian Named Caribbean Hotelier Of The Year SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Bahamian up the ladder, storing and absorbing every Atlantis, Palm Jumeirah, serving as vice PAGE 44

experience to hone his leadership skills. Over the years he has worked in every department and in nearly all job categories, from dishwasher to busboy, from bartender to laundry attendant, from housekeeping to maintenance, and from front desk to landscaping. Stuart earned a BA in accounting in 1986 from Florida State University, an MBA in marketing summa cum laude from Walden University in 2009 and is currently pursuing a PhD in applied management and decision sciences with a focus on leadership and organizational change. Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie, in a taped congratulatory message, described Bowe as "an exemplar" to be followed by generations of Bahamians. "He is a manager cum laude, one who has brought the pursuit of excellence to his work ...(and) on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, it is entirely on their behalf that I salute you for all that you have been able to do." "Stuart Bowe personiďŹ es Caribbean excellence. He is disciplined and innovative and a leader who inspires generations of Bahamians and Caribbean people t h r o u g h h i s accomplishments and his humanity," said Frank Comito, director general and CEO of the CHTA who previously served as executive vice president of the Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association. Bowe was posted to Dubai from 2008 to Stuart Bowe receives the coveted award from Karolin Troubetzkoy, President of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. Photo: Suzanne Ludwig - Ludwig & Co. 2010 to oversee the grand opening of the

hotelier Stuart Bowe has been named the 2016 Caribbean Hotelier of the Year by the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA). Bowe, the senior vice president and general manager, Resort Operations of Atlantis Paradise Island, received the coveted honour at the Caribbean Hospitality Industry Exchange Forum (CHIEF), hosted by CHTA, in Fajardo, Puerto Rico on Sunday. Accepting the region's premier hospitality award, Bowe credited his grandmother with teaching him service and attention to detail from "cleaning up the kitchen." Bowe's contribution to the hospitality and tourism industry spans more than 27 years, having "cut his teeth" in customer service and management working at McDonald's in his teenage years and entering the industry as a management trainee. He subsequently worked his way


president of resort operations in the Middle East. Returning to The Bahamas, he became active in the Bahamas Hotel & To u r i s m A s s o c i a t i o n ( B H TA ) , establishing numerous school programs to help children understand the importance of tourism and career opportunities in the sector. The junior hotelier program he was instrumental in setting up in primary and secondary schools has impacted more than 4,000 students. Now in his third consecutive term, Stuart Bowe is the longest serving president of the BHTA, and he currently serves as ďŹ rst vice president of the CHTA. Also in winners' row on Sunday, Barbadian Heather Hinds, general cook at The Club Barbados Resort & Spa, was named Caribbean Employee of the Year, while Jamaica's Derrick Wright, an income auditor at The Tyrall Club in Jamaica was named Caribbean Supervisor of the Year. James Hepple, president and CEO of the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association, captured the Caribbean Association Executive of the Year Award. CHIEF also presented awards in the areas of operations, sales and marketing, environmental sustainability and technology, the four themes of the conference. In Operations, Ocean Two Resort & Residences of Barbados was the winner with special mention going to Baoase Luxury Resort in Curacao and Puerto Rico's El Conquistador Resort. For the best practice in Sales and Marketing, the winner was Barbados' Elegant Hotels Group with The Somerset on Grace Bay in Turks and Caicos, and Synapse, LLC, a digital marketing agency in Puerto Rico, getting special honours. The recipient of the CHIEF Award for Environmental Sustainability was The Tryall Club in Jamaica with special honors going to Aruba's Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort and True Blue Bay Boutique Resort of Grenada. The recipient of the CHIEF Award for Technology was the Aruba Tourism Authority and its advertising agency Concept Farm. (Caribbean News Now!)




Search For Missing Man Ends In Tragedy found in the front passenger ’s seat of a c a r parked off the road in a wooded area.

He was last seen Missing man: Christopher Hawkesworth (Source: uk.makemefeed.com) alive by his wife at Barbados – The search for missing man 7 a.m. Friday when he left home in a hired Christopher Hawkesworth has ended in car to take his children to school. At the tragedy. The body of the 54-year-old time he was wearing a dark blue dirty resident of 29 Rock Dundo Heights, St denim jeans, burnt orange polo shirt, and Michael was discovered by police officers tan, red and off-white shoes. Two years on patrol in Bakers, St Peter after five ago Hawkesworth was accused of o’clock Saturday evening. involvement in an illegal drugs ring and Hawkesworth’s motionless body was faced extradition to the United States.

However, in a dramatic turn, all charges against him and two other men — Sean Gaskin and John Wayne Scantlebury — were dismissed and the trio released from HMP Dodds after spending two years in maximum security, ending a ten year extradition hearing — the longest in Barbados’ legal history.

It is understood that the Attorney General had issued an order for their release after the US Government informed local authorities that it was no longer interested in prosecuting them. The US had claimed that Hawkesworth, Gaskin and Scantlebury were part of a five-man ring that had attempted to import and distribute five kilos of cocaine into that country in July 2000. It had also claimed the three were members of a Guyana-Barbados crime ring which an American drug agent penetrated between July and September 2000. (Antigua Observer)




The Smuggled Sheep Will Be Killed

Source: trinidadexpress.com

Trinidad – POLICE are unravelling the mystery behind the sheep found on a fishing boat from Venezuela. And wild meat lovers should take note. That $100 a pound meat you are buying may be mutton from a diseased animal. It is suspected that animals are being imported from Venezuela and local butchers and vendors are selling them under the guise that is wild meat. The hunting season reopened on October 1 and wild meat such as venison fetch a price of at least $100 per pound. On Sunday, police discovered 28 sheep on board a pirogue docked at Los Iros beach around 4.30 a.m. The animals were not tied to the vessel, but had been confined to an area approximately five feet by five feet. The tight space proved not enough

for the flock as five of them were trodden upon by the stronger ones and were barely alive, police said. The animals also appeared diseased. On board the pirogue also were seven Venezuelans. Nearby on the shore were nine Cubans and four Trinidadians, allegedly sitting in a minibus which had been stocked with food items such as toiletries, tinned food, rice, and bread. Police suspect that the Venezuelans brought the sheep to trade with the locals and Cubans for the food items to be resold in the South American country, where there are shortages in food and toiletries. Police believe that the suspects on board the mini bus intended to sell the sheep off after they were butchered and skinned. The ‘wild meat’ would then be sold to local butchers and vendors at retail prices. Officers of the South Western Police Division were on patrol when they stumbled upon the s m u g g l i n g operation. Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as officers of the Customs and Excise D i v i s i o n , Immigration Division and Counter Trafficking

Unit were contacted and responded. The Tr i n i d a d i a n s w e r e d e t a i n e d a n d questioned on Sunday. They were however released pending further inquiries. The Cubans and Venezuelans were detained by police and handed over to Immigration officers. Police were told that most of the Cubans had legitimate documentation and were released. The animals were handed over to officials of Agriculture ministry to be taken to the Sugar Cane Feeds Centre in Pokhor Road, Longdenville. Police said the animals were expected to be slaughtered as is mandated under the Animal Quarantine Act regarding animals (diseased and importation). Act 67: 02; 8 (1) states: “The Inspector may cause any diseased, suspected or infested animal, or any animal which has been in the same stable, shed, pen, field, pasture, or other similar place, or in the same herd or flock as, or in contact with, any diseased, suspected or infested animal, whether or not any such place has been declared to be an infected or infested place or is within an infected or infested area, to be slaughtered or quarantined in order to prevent the spread of the disease or infestation; and for such purpose the Inspector may give all such directions as he may consider necessary”. (Antigua Observer)




Hunting Season Opens

Trinidad – The government is focused on the management and enforcement of hunting while providing the necessary resources that will allow bonafide hunters to enjoy the sport and allow rural communities to enjoy the economic benefits arising from it.

Avinash Singh, second from left, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, chats with members of the Nariva Mayaro Hunters Group during Saturday's opening of the 2016 hunting season. (Source: trinidadexpress.com)

This was the declaration made to members of the Nariva Mayaro Hunters Group by Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat, during the opening of the 2016 hunting season on Saturday. Rambharat said the government undertook the task of doing a comprehensive review of hunting and wildlife conservation in Trinidad and Tobago, and following its completion in August,

several Cabinet-approved decision were made. One such decision was increasing the price of permits for hunting, while amendments were also made with regards to the wildlife that could be hunted. “We have also made a commitment to go to Parliament and make the permanent legislative changes which are required; namely fixing the right fee for the permit; and more importantly increasing the fines for illegal hunting and illegal activities related to wildlife conservation. “This season we are also committed to increasing the number of Honorary Game Wardens who will be appointed in a few weeks’ time, and this would give us more comfort in terms of enforcement. The Agriculture Minister’s message to the hunters across the country was one of responsible hunting, saying, “‘I trust the hunters and I believe that the bonafide hunters in the country will do the right thing and as always, I am particularly concerned about those people who engage in illegal hunting and illegal activities during the season. I am confident that the Wildlife Division within the ministry and the wider national security apparatus in the country will enforce the law and protect the hunters during the season.” Daren Ali, president of the Nariva Mayaro Hunters Group, said: “Today is like a Christmas celebration for us as we came out to the campsite, cook and celebrate. I was born and bred in a hunting family and hunting is something that we enjoy. Ali pointed out that he personally did not have a problem with the increased price for the hunting permits. He also called on all hunters to responsible, urging them to be safe and to not break the rules and regulations. Rambharat was joined by Senator Avinash Singh, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. The Wildlife Hunting Season opened on Saturday 1st October, 2016 and will close on Tuesday 28th February, 2017. (Antigua Observer)




NWU Tells King: Workers Losing Confidence In Labour Department The National Workers Union (NWU) has written Minister of Labour Stephenson King asking for his urgent intervention in a number of ongoing labour issues. In a letter dated September 21, 2016 addressed to King and copied to the Executive Director of the Saint Lucia Employers Federation, President of the NWU Tyrone Maynard listed these issues.

Minister Stephenson King

Maynard said prior to King assuming office, the NWU undertook an exercise which revealed the following: 1. Many unscrupulous employers were still not paying overtime to employees who have completed the regular hours of work and are told to hold on and work overtime. 2. In

the Sanitation and Garbage Collection Sector, the occupational safety and health requirements are not being adhered to and proper gear for workers undertaking such critical responsibilities are not issued. 3. An abuse of issuing contracts to ordinary workers seems rampant. Some of the arrangements provided in such contracts are dehumanizing and do not seek to create the job stability that is badly needed to plan one’s future. 4. Workers were losing confidence more and more in the Department of Labour. The NWU president said to date, the above mentioned continues at a fast pace and requested his urgent attention in bringing all these industrial ‘atrocities’ to an immediate halt. “I see no reason for Government to accept tender on Government projects by companies who continue to break the Labour Laws of Saint Lucia. We look forward to your response,” he ended. (St Lucia News Online)




Millions In Illegal Counterfeit Products Seized In Puerto Rico

Operation Silver Snake 2 nets 206 seizures worth $1.5 million. Seized items are catalogued for evidentiary purposes

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) San Juan Field Operations has announced that 206 seizures were made of counterfeit products, valued at $1.5 million (MSRP), which were illegally imported into Puerto Rico via international mail. A wide range of counterfeited products were seized during the enforcement

effort, called Operation Silver Snake 2, to include: consumer products, apparel, footwear, textiles, pharmace uticals, and more. Va r i o u s internatio nal mail packages inspected by CBP officers at the San Juan International Mail Branch revealed products that infringed intellectual property rights. The majority of the seized products originated in China. This is the third iteration of the continuous operation carried out in San Juan this year. “Our dedicated CBP officers, import specialists, paralegal specialists and seized property specialists were key ingredients to this successful

enforcement operation focused on the protection of the US economy and the health and safety of the American people from these counterfeit products,” said Edward Ryan, assistant director of trade for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. “We will continue to execute this type of enforcement operations, with our partners, to further protect legitimate businesses and consumers from intellectual property thieves,” Ryan said. CBP protects businesses and consumers every day through an aggressive IPR enforcement program. CBP targets and seizes imports of counterfeit and pirated goods, and enforces exclusion orders on patent-infringing and other IPR goods. If anyone has information about counterfeit merchandise being illegally imported into the United States, the eAllegation provides a means for the public to anonymously report to CBP any suspected violations of trade laws or regulations related to the importation of goods into the US. These types of violations include misclassification of merchandise, false country of origin markings, health and safety issues, valuation issues, and intellectual property rights. (Caribbean News Now!)




Strange Matter Wins Physics Nobel line break The physics of strange matter - an example Phase transitions occur when matter changes from one phase to another, such as when ice melts and becomes water Kosterlitz and Thouless described a type of phase transition in a thin layer of very cold matter In the cold, vortices form (diagram) as tight pairs, but at higher temperatures, as the phase transition occurs, (L-R) David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz(OTHER) they separate and "sail" off in different directions line he 2016 Nobel Prize in used maths to explain strange break Prof Nigel Cooper, from P h y s i c s h a s b e e n physical effects in rare states of the University of Cambridge, awarded to three British- matter, such as superconductors, told BBC News: "The Quantum born scientists for discoveries superfluids and thin magnetic Hall effect is used in metrology about strange forms of matter. films. Kosterlitz and Thouless D a v i d T h o u l e s s , D u n c a n focused on phenomena that arise to give a precise definition of the Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz in flat forms of matter - on Ohm in resistance. Just as a kilogram or a w i l l s h a r e t h e 8 m k r o n o r surfaces or inside extremely thin m e t r e requires an exact (£727,000) prize. Their work layers that can be considered definition, the maths behind c o u l d r e s u l t i n i m p r o v e d two-dimensional. This contrasts today's Nobel prize has helped materials for electronics and is with the three dimensions already informing one approach (length, width and height) with precisely describe the unit of to super-fast computing. They which we usually describe electrical resistance - how a w e r e n a m e d a t a p r e s s reality. Haldane also studied device or material reduces the conference in Sweden. The matter that forms threads so thin electrical conductance flowing winners join a prestigious list of they can be considered one- through it. As an application, he 200 other Physics laureates dimensional. Acting chairman of said, "it's not in your iPhone, but recognised since 1901. the Nobel committee, Prof Nils it's used in government labs The Nobel Committee M å r t e n s s o n , c o m m e n t e d : around the world." "There are said the trio's discoveries had "Today's advanced technology many aspects of topology people "opened the door on an unknown take for instance our computers point to that could be relevant in world". Old work, new uses r e l i e s o n o u r a b i l i t y t o future, but these are not things When matter is in extreme understand and control the that are working today." For conditions, such as when it's properties of the materials instance, Prof Cooper explained, very cold or flat, scientists start involved. scientists are exploring whether to see unusual behaviour from "And this year's Nobel topological concepts could be the atoms. These phenomena laureates in their theoretical used in "robust quantum devices complement the familiar phases work discovered a set of totally w h i c h c a n d o things that of matter, namely when things unexpected regularities in the classical computers or classical change from solid to liquid to behaviour of matter, which can circuit elements are unable to gas. Prof Haldane commented: be described in terms of an do". "I was very surprised and very e s t a b l i s h e d m a t h e m a t i c a l Microsoft's Station Q gratified." "The work was a long concept - namely, that of project is taking just such an time ago but it's only now that a topology. "This has paved the approach to the development of l o t o f t r e m e n d o u s n e w way for designing new materials powerful quantum computers. discoveries are based on this with novel properties and there "The topological aspects can o r i g i n a l w o r k , a n d h a v e is great hope that this will be give the quantum information a extended it." important for many future robustness against being All three researchers technologies."


destroyed by the usual noisy environment," said Prof Cooper. In addition, he said, topological metals could be used in the manufacture of improved conductors or transistors. line break Previous winners of the Nobel Prize in physics 2015 Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald were awarded the prize the discovery that neutrinos switch between different "flavours". 2014 Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura won the physics Nobel for developing the first blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). 2013 - Francois Englert and Peter Higgs shared the spoils for formulating the theory of the Higgs boson particle. 2012 - Serge Haroche and David J Wineland were awarded the prize for their work with light and matter. 2011 - The discovery that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating earned Saul Perlmutter, Brian P Schmidt and Adam Riess the physics prize. 2010 - Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the prize for their discovery of the "wonder material" graphene. 2009 - Charles Kuen Kao won the physics Nobel for helping to develop fibre optic cables. line break Although British in origin, the three individuals all now live and work in the US. David Thouless was born in 1934 in Bearsden. He is an emeritus professor at the University of Washington. Duncan Haldane was born in 1951 in London. He is a professor of physics at Princeton University. Michael Kosterlitz was born in 1942 in Aberdeen. He is currently affiliated to Brown University. (BBC)




Turkey Purges 13,000 Police Officers Over Failed Coup

Thousands of police were also among those purged in the immediate aftermath of July's failed overthrow(REUTERS)


urkey has suspended almost 13,000 police officers for their alleged links with the USbased Muslim cleric, Fethullah Gulen. The latest wave adds to the 100,000 or so government workers dismissed or suspended since July's failed coup. Mr Gulen denies the government's accusation that he or his supporters orchestrated the coup. The government in turn rejects claims it is using the coup as an excuse to get rid of its opponents. It insists those without proven links to the coup will be freed. More than 2,500 officers whose suspensions were announced on Tuesday were police chiefs, said Turkish national police in a statement. It comes hours

after the government announced that a state of emergency imposed shortly after the failed putsch would be extended by three months when it expires on 19 October. The emergency allows the president and cabinet effectively to rule by decree, bypassing parliament when drafting new laws and able to restrict or suspend rights and freedoms. There are fears that under the state of emergency - and in a country where judicial independence has plummeted - opponents are being rounded up with little chance to clear their name, says the BBC's Mark Lowen in Istanbul. He says the depth of the purge is staggering, with thousands suspended,

dismissed, detained or arrested - from teachers to soldiers, police to judges, aircraft pilots to journalists. In some areas, such as in eastern areas where there are large Kurdish populations, so many teachers have been detained - some accused of supporting the banned Kurdish rebel PKK group that schools have effectively been forced to shut. In the Kurdish areas, education has been hit twice this year: First by violence between security forces and PKK militants and t h e n b y t h e p u rg e t h a t followed the attempted coup. In Diyarbakir, the biggest Kurdish city in the region, 4,000 teachers have been suspended. Ali, a highschool student, moved to Diyarbakir to continue his education after clashes in his hometown, Sirnak, closed all the schools. But he has been stymied here too. Since the coup attempt 19 teachers in his new school have been dismissed, meaning there is very little tuition left. He now uses the past tense when discussing his ambitions. "Going to university," he says, "was my dream."

"I was working very hard to get a good job. But even our teachers are jobless now. What's the point?" The schoolyards in Diyarbakir are mostly silent as school directors search desperately for new teachers. The government says they will deploy 20,000 teachers to fill in. But time passes by. In this region, there is little hope among students, teachers and parents that education standards can be maintained. More than 130 media outlets have also been shut down. Turkish authorities have repeatedly appealed to the US to extradite Mr Gulen and say they have presented documents proving his involvement in the coup bid. Over the weekend, Mr Gulen's brother was detained by police in western Turkey the latest relative to be held. Mr Gulen's two nephews were detained in July and August. Mr Gulen's lawyers insist he had no involvement in the coup attempt, and say he will not have a fair trial if extradited to his homeland. Coup plot and anti-Gulen fervour (BBC)




Germany Drops Turkey President Erdoganto Insult Case his position, a member of a

Satirist Jan Boehmermann poked fun at Turkey's president in an obscene poem on TV(REUTERS)


erman prosecutors have dropped an investigation into a TV comedian accused of insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The prosecutors in the western city of Mainz said they had not found sufficient evidence to continue the inquiry against Jan Boehmermann. In March, Boehmermann recited a satirical poem on TV which made sexual references to Mr Erdogan. Mr Erdogan then filed a complaint alleging that he had been insulted. In a statement on Tuesday, the prosecutors said that "criminal actions could not be proven with the necessary certainty". It was "questionable", the statement a d d e d , w h e t h e r Boehmermann's poem constituted slander, given the satirical context in which the comedian recited it. In April, German Chancellor Angela

Merkel Germany said her government would allow the potential prosecution of the comedian, triggering criticism that she did not stand up for free speech. Under German law, the cabinet had to approve a criminal inquiry. However, Mrs Merkel added that the authorities would move to repeal the controversial and little-used Article 103 of the penal code, which concerns insults against foreign heads of state, by 2018. Boehmermann is a satirist and television presenter well-known for pushing the boundaries of German humour. The poem was broadcast on ZDF television. The comedian was later given police protection. Mr Erdogan has drawn much criticism in Turkey and internationally for attacking political opponents, including harassment of

journalists. Many accuse him of authoritarian methods, stifling legitimate dissent and promoting an Islamist agenda. A rarely used article of the criminal code Paragraph 103 of Germany's penal code, on defamation of organs and representatives of foreign states, has the following to say: (1) Whosoever insults a foreign head of state, or, with respect

foreign government who is in Germany in his official capacity, or a head of a foreign diplomatic mission who is accredited in the federal territory shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine, in case of a slanderous insult to imprisonment from three months to five years. The article dates back to the penal code drafted when the German Empire was formed in 1871, although at that time it just applied to monarchs. It has been little used in recent years and is colloquially known as the "Shah law" among German lawyers after the Shah of Persia successfully brought a case against a Cologne newspaper in 1964. A Swiss man living in Bavaria was also prosecuted under the article in 2007, after he posted offensive comments about then Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey on the internet. (BBC)




IMF Warns Of Hit To UK Economic Growth



he International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for UK economic growth next year as it warned that the global recovery remains "weak and precarious". Although the IMF raised its prediction for UK GDP growth this year to 1.8%, the figure for 2017 was cut to 1.1%. Its assumptions are based on "smooth postBrexit negotiations and a limited increase in economic barriers". The IMF's latest World Economic Outlook predicts "subpar" global growth this year of 3.1%, rising slightly in 2017. Chief economist Maurice Obstfeld said: "Taken as a whole, the world economy has moved sideways. Without determined policy action to support economic activity over the short and longer terms, sub-par growth at recent levels risks perpetuating itself." A fall in US growth this year to 1.6%, down from the previous 2.2% forecast, will be offset

by increases in countries including Japan, Germany and Russia and India, the IMF said. The indifferent economic recovery after the global financial crisis has been a persistent theme in the Fund's regular World Economic Outlook reports. The latest report warns of the danger of a pattern of underperformance becoming entrenched. Weak growth can lead to lower investment, slower productivity growth and the erosion of what the IMF calls "human capital" - which means skills and expertise. 'Fraying consensus' The UK referendum result highlights wider trends in developed economies, the IMF says. "The Brexit vote and the ongoing US presidential election campaign have highlighted a fraying consensus about the benefits of cross-border economic integration," the report says. The US reference is about the hostility to international trade agreements such as NAFTA, which involves the

US, Canada and Mexico,) voiced in the election campaign. The Republican candidate Donald Trump has been the most vocal, though not the only voice expressing such views. It is a political trend that has the IMF worried. It argues that an environment hostile to trade would make it harder for commodity exporters and poorer countries to develop new lines of exports. Such a trend would also undermine productivity growth and the spread of knowledge and technology. Mr Obstfeld says: "It is vitally important to defend the prospects for increasing trade integration. Turning back the clock on trade can only deepen and prolong the world

economy's current doldrums." In one important area - China - the IMF's concerns have eased somewhat in the short term. Growth has been stable, allaying fears that China's widely reported economic slowdown would be much more abrupt than it has been. However, there is a warning about the country's longer-term prospects and the debt burden faced by many businesses. "A stillrising credit-to-GDP ratio and lack of decisive progress in addressing corporate debt and governance concerns in state-owned enterprises raise the risk of a disruptive adjustment," the IMF says. That could have important international implications especially for commodity and machinery exporters, for which China is a vital market. (BBC)




Paris Climate Deal: EU Backs Landmark Agreement

India, which ratified the deal on Sunday, is one of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters(GETTY IMAGES)


he European Parliament has backed the ratification of the Paris climate deal, paving the way for the world's first global agreement. The deal aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions and keep global temperature increases "well below" 2C. It was approved with 610 votes in favour, 38 against and with 31 abstentions. The vote, attended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, paves the way for the pact to come into force globally. The deal on Tuesday means national ministers can now ratify the agreement on behalf of the EU later this week. To become operational, the treaty needs at least 55 countries representing at least 55% of global emissions to complete all the steps. "With the action taken by the EU parliament, I am confident that we will be able to cross the 55% threshold very soon, in just a matter of a few days," Mr Ban said. "I am extremely honoured to be able to witness this historic moment," he added.

Too little, too late? Roger Harrabin, BBC Environment Analyst The Paris deal has raced through the UN ratification process in doublequick time. It took eight years to get the previous Kyoto Protocol agreed ‒ and that was nowhere near as comprehensive. That is good news for the climate. Further positive news is that renewable energy is plummeting in cost, so the burden faced by nations turning away from fossil fuels is not so great. The bad news, however, is that politicians in Paris have admitted that the targets set for curbing emissions are not tough enough. Coal-fired power stations are still being built at a furious pace in developing countries, even as rich nations turn away from the energy source. The Paris agreement sets an aim ideally for a maximum rise in global temperatures of 1.5C. But scientists have warned that action has been delayed for so

long that there is now a need to develop ways of actually sucking CO2 out of the air. The agreement comes after India, one of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters, became the latest country to ratify the deal on Sunday. As a so-called "mixed" agreement, the climate deal requires

approval at both EU and national level. But on 30 September EU environment ministers agreed to fast-track it, meaning the deal could be ratified at EU level, even without votes in some national parliaments. Backed by nearly 200 nations nearly one year ago, the agreement aims to shift the world economy away from fossil fuels in an effort to limit floods, droughts and rising sea levels. CO2 emissions are believed to be the driving force behind climate change and a rise in global temperatures. Friends of the Earth climate campaigner Asad Rehman welcomed the deal as a "vital step", but said it was no time for world leaders to be complacent and action should be taken s o o n e r r a t h e r t h a n l a t e r. "People across the globe are facing killer floods and droughts," he said, adding: "What matters most is action now." (BBC)


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US Election 2016: Clinton Rips Into Trump Over Taxes



illary Clinton has attacked Donald Trump as the symbol of a "rigged system" after it emerged that he may not have paid income tax for 18 years. "It's Trump first and everyone else last," said the Democratic presidential hopeful while campaigning in Ohio. At the weekend, the New York Times claimed Mr Trump might have avoided tax due to a $1bn loss he made in 1995. But the Republican tycoon declared on Monday it showed he had "brilliantly"

navigated the complex tax code. “I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone," he said, adding that as a hotel developer and businessman, he had "legally used the tax laws to my benefit and to the benefit of my company". His business acumen makes him uniquely qualified to reform the tax code, he told supporters in Colorado. But his Democratic rival castigated him as a hypocrite because he casts himself as a change candidate who will

reform the system in favour of working people. "While millions of American families - including mine and yours - were working hard paying our fair share, it seems he was contributing nothing," said Mrs Clinton. "Trump represents the same rigged system that he claims he's going to change." The tax row is sure to be continued on Tuesday on the debate stage when the two candidates' running mates, Republican Governor Mike Pence and

Democrat Tim Kaine, duel in Virginia. In other campaign developments: An appeal court has ruled against Mr Pence in his attempt to keep Syrian refugees out of Indiana Mr Trump has been attacked for appearing to suggest military veterans affected by PTSD lacked strength Basketball and Cleveland legend LeBron James has backed Mrs Clinton Mr Trump's charitable foundation has been ordered by New York's attorney general to stop fundraising Mr Trump has been on the defensive for a week, ever since the first presidential debate with Mrs Clinton in which he was widely thought to have been second best. A CNN/ORC poll on Monday night suggests Mrs Clinton has received a post-debate bump. With five weeks to go until the election, she has pulled five points ahead nationally according to the poll, and is getting away from him in some of the key battleground states. Nearly three-quarters of those polled said Mr Trump should release his tax returns. (BBC)




Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian Sues Iran Over 'Torture’

Journalist Jason Rezaian and his family are suing the Iranian government for an undisclosed sum(MICHAEL PROBST)


ason Rezaian, the Washington Post's former bureau chief in Tehran, is suing Iran's government after he was imprisoned there for 18 months. The lawsuit says Mr Rezaian suffered "irreparable harm" due to "torture and other cruel treatment". It claims Iran "held him hostage for the purpose of extorting concessions" during talks with the US over its nuclear programme. Yeganeh Salehi, the journalist's wife, was also held for 72 days. Mr Rezaian and Ms Salehi were arrested at gunpoint in Tehran on 22 July 2014, after security forces raided their home. He was

accused of vaguelydefined charges related to spying, and put on trial in secret. His case was heard b y a n I r a n i a n Revolutionary Court judge blacklisted by the European Union for rights abuses. 'Prison food contained concrete' Mr Rezaian, 40, was convicted of espionage and other offences, which the complaint calls a "futile effort" by Iran to justify his imprisonment. "In reality, Jason committed no crime and was never legitimately tried, convicted, or sentenced - even according to Iranian standards," it says. The journalist was sent to Iran's

notorious Evin Prison, where he spent part of his time in solitary confinement. The suit says he was deprived of sleep, relentlessly interrogated, and denied "basic medical treatment for serious and painful illnesses and infections". He lost 50 pounds during his incarceration due to the appalling prison food which "in some cases contained concrete, rocks, dirt or other foreign and inedible objects". Interrogators also threatened to maim his wife and throw him off a cliff. Mr Rezaian was allegedly told by Iranian security guards and interrogators that he was a

"high-value" asset who would be used as a "bargaining chip" in a prisoner swap. The suit, filed in a US district court in Washington, was issued jointly by the journalist's family. According to the document, the protracted ordeal took such a toll on them that Mr Rezaian, his wife, and his brother Ali all considered suicide. Not the first lawsuit The reporter was released on 16 January 2016, after 544 days in prison, along with three other US prisoners. Their release was part of a prisoner exchange with Iran. While Americans are not usually allowed to sue foreign governments, an exception is made for alleged acts of terrorism. Mr Rezaian, his brother, and his mother Mary Rezaian are seeking an unspecified sum in damages for the mental and physical suffering they endured. Amir Hekmati, a US Marine imprisoned by Iran for four and a half years and released alongside Mr Rezaian, also sued Iran last May. He claims he was beaten and tortured with electric shocks. (BBC)




Nigerian Actress Rahama Sadau Sorry For 'Offensive Hug’

The ban was imposed after the singer Classiq released a music video where he embraced actress Rahama Sadau(FINESSE ENTERTAINMENT)


leading Nigerian actress, who was banned from the Hausa-language film industry because of her "immoral" behaviour, has apologised. Rahama Sadau's appearance in a music video "hugging and cuddling" Nigerian pop star Classiq offended some people. Ms Sadau said sorry to those she upset, but said her actions were "innocuous". Hausa films are popular in the mostly Muslim northern Nigeria where it is taboo for men and women to hold hands in p u b l i c . T h e i n d u s t r y, commonly known as Kannywood, has been under fire from conservative Muslim clerics who accuse it of

corrupting people's values. The Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria banned the actress from Kannywood films, saying that her appearance in the video violated the industry's code of ethics. It added that it hoped the ban would serve as a deterrent to other actors and actresses who are "expected to be good ambassadors of the society they represent". As the film opens parents are seen discussing who their successful city-dwelling son should marry. They decide on a cousin who they deem meets all their expectations of a good wife. But there's a hitch, their urban, and urbane, son is in love with an educated city lady.

He wants to marry her. The family confronts their son with their choice of wife for him. The dispute generates tension and finally the parents force their son to marry the cousin. He goes through with the wedding but stays in touch with his preferred partner. They go on romantic outings during which he mentions his loveless marriage. Throughout the film, dancing and singing punctuate the action. Despite the passionate plot, there will not be any physical contact. That means no hugging and definitely no kissing. If there is to be any suggestion of sex, the screen will go dark. Ms Sadau said she took full responsibility for

what happened, but argued that she was behaving professionally and added that in her line of work "innocuous touching with other people... is inevitable". But she reassured people that she would behave with decorum, adding: "I have lines that I would never cross." Responding to the criticism she has received she said people should "be more tolerant and forgiving towards one another and to cease all the senseless abuse, name calling and backbiting". The Kannywood star appeared in the video with Classiq, in a song entitled I L o v e Yo u . I n i t , t h e Nigerian pop star is smitten with a vegetable seller in a market, acted by Ms Sadau. Initially, she rejects his advances, batting him away with a bunch of vegetables, but he eventually wins her over. They hold hands and engage in a bit of cuddling that would be considered demure in a Western film. But many people in northern Nigeria felt she had gone too far with Classiq in the music video, reports the BBC's Isa Sanusi from the capital, Abuja. (BBC)



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Syria Conflict: Spain And France Draft Aleppo Truce Resolution

Eastern Aleppo's main trauma hospital was damaged in an air strike on Monday, activists said(AMC)


rance and Spain are trying to get UN Security Council agreement for a resolution seeking a truce in the Syrian city of Aleppo, after the US ended its negotiations with Russia. The draft text calls for a UN-sponsored truce monitor, an end to all fighting and military flights over the city. Parties who fail to comply with the truce could face "further measures". Russia immediately questioned the proposal and the grounding of flights, saying it was unlikely to bring peace. The besieged rebel-held east of Aleppo has come under intense and sustained aerial bombardment by Syrian government and Russian forces since a truce

brokered by the Washington and Moscow collapsed last month. France's permanent representative to the UN, Francois Delattre, said: "We consider that this is our responsibility to do absolutely everything we can do, everything humanly possible to unite the Security Council behind our efforts to end the martyrdom in Aleppo." But Russia's ambassador Vitaly Churkin said Moscow was "a little bit baffled" by the proposal for a new ceasefire monitoring mechanism when there is already one in Geneva "which has been there for a long time and frankly has not been used very effectively". “If they were sincere, we can have a resolution, I

suppose, which would be more balanced proposal," he added. UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura said he deeply regretted the US decision to suspend talks with Russia but vowed "to push energetically for a political solution". His spokeswoman, Jessy Chahine, said he was "still in intensive consultations on the way forward". Trading accusations Russian and American officials had been due to meet in Geneva on Monday to try to co-ordinate air strikes against jihadist groups on the ground in Syria, but the Americans were told to return home. Suspending the talks, Wa s h i n g t o n a c c u s e d Moscow of having "failed

to live up" to its commitments under the recent truce deal. In response, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the US was "trying to shift responsibility on to someone else". "Washington simply did not fulfil the key condition of the agreement to improve the humanitarian condition around Aleppo," she said, referring to Moscow's claim that the US was unable to separate mainstream rebel factions on the ground from the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. Hundreds of people, including children, have died since government forces launched an offensive to take full control of Aleppo on 22 September. On Monday, the main trauma hospital in the rebelheld east was damaged in an air strike for the third time in a week, activists said. The Syrian American Medical Society, which supports the facility, said the attack meant only five hospitals remained operational to care for as many as 300,000 civilians, including more than 85,000 children. There were only 29 doctors to treat the overwhelming number of wounded, it added. (BBC)




Italy Earthquake: Pope Francis Makes Surprise Visit To Amatrice visited Accumoli, where a building collapsed following the quake, and Arquata del Tronto, where homes were reduced to rubble.

Pope Francis prays in Amatrice during a surprise visit to the town devastated by an earthquake(REUTERS)


ope Francis has made an unannounced visit to Amatrice, the central Italian town devastated by an earthquake six weeks ago. Large crowds gathered on Tuesday as the

pontiff arrived at a local school where he met children, survivors and relatives of the victims. He said he wanted the visit to be made in private in order to be closer to those directly

affected. The magnitude-6.2 quake in August killed nearly 300 people. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, authorities advised the Pope that it was unsafe to visit the region. The 79-year-old also

The Pope confirmed his intention to visit Amatrice on Sunday, but did not specify when he would a r r i v e . Va t i c a n spokesperson Greg Burke posted a photograph on Twitter of Pope Francis after he was approached in his car by a local resident who wanted to show her appreciation for his visit. Gerard O'Connell, an Irish journalist living in Rome, posted a tweet quoting Pope Francis as saying: "I am close to you, I pray for you." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS PPP Concerned About Corruption Allegation Against Gecom’s DCEO PAGE 62

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has noted with deep concern recent developments at Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the attempt to enlarge the scope of the corruption investigation to involve other high level officials at that institution. According to the party there is in-fighting at GECOM’s Head Office, “If Lowenfield and his accounting staff has to go then others including Vishnu Persaud, the acting Chief Executive Officer (ag) must go too.” The party is contending that for several months Keith Lowenfield, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), has been fingered in several allegations of corruption, which includes, radio sets, batteries and pliers. The party is also contending that Lowenfield is receiving instructions from the Ministry of the Presidency to divert attention away from himself and focus on the Deputy CEO, of GECOM, Vishnu Persaud. The PPP is further contending that sources close to the GECOM said that, on October 4, 2016, Surujbally, Lowenfield and Charles Corbin met for several hours at GECOM’s main office, whereby it is alleged that the trio is palnning to pin corruption charges on the DCEO. The party is contending that, Mr. Persaud is likely to become the next CEO of GECOM, however, the Granger administration is not in favour of Vishnu Persaud being GECOM’s next CEO. The party is claiming that observers are opining that Granger may be tempted to set-up another Commission of Inquiry into the charges of corruption at GECOM, with a view to taking greater control of GECOM’s machinery and to insert APNU+AFC operatives on a full-time basis in the system. The PPP is also of the view that President Granger is refusing to make public the imminent retirement of Dr. Surujbally and to


invite in the Leader of the Opposition for consultation on the naming of a new Chairman. The PPP is reiterating its call for the immediate removal of Dr. Surujbally and Keith Lowenfield from GECOM and for the process to be initiated with respect to finding replacements for both Surujbally and Lowenfield respectively. The PPP is also calling for a full and comprehensive investigation into the allegations of corruption at GECOM and for the publication of the results of the audit.

GECOM's DCEO, Vishnu Persaud(File Photo)

Labourer Remanded For Illegal Firearms, Ammo Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded labourer, Jomane Flavius after he appeared before her in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with two counts of being in possession of an illegal firearm and one count of being in possession of ammunition while not being a licensed firearm holder. Flavius is set to return before the court on October 26, 2016 for further fixture into the matter. Unrepresented in court Flavius pleaded not guilty pleas to all charges. It is alleged that on September 30, 2016 at 70 Hadfield Street, Georgetown, Flavius, 25, was in possession of one .32 Pistol, one .38 Special Revolver and 7 live rounds of .32 mm, ammunition while not being a licensed firearm holder.




Government Lacks National Food Policy According to several farmers, food security seems to be a problem that needs to be addressed urgently by the current government., They opined that food security is a foundation for building social and economic development, however, the government of Guyana does not seem to have any National Food Policy in place. They further stated that without a clear vision on the way forward, people in society may not have access to enough food for an active and healthy life. They also said that Guyana has a very high level of poverty and malnutrition, with around 42% of the population living below the poverty line, the government should invest significant resources in the short-term in order to prevent food shortage. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, high rates of malnutrition can lead to a loss in gross domestic product (DGP) of as much as 4 to 5 percent, Some F Food manufacturers are of the opinion that food security not only carries significant benefits for human health, but also serves as the basis to achieve sustained economic growth. For this reason, it is important that the APNU+AFC government understand that a food security strategy needs to be seen as more than a single sector issue, it requires a combination of

coordinated actions in various sectors, “We are speaking about actions in the financial sector, agriculture, health and nutrition, infrastructure, and other sectors." They further opined that in order to also gain food security and reducing malnutrition, the government should have multi sectorial policies aimed at reducing inequalities and targeting vulnerable populations. The Ministry of Agriculture told the Guyana Daily News, that the Ministry is currently in consultation with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), to review the 2010-2020 National Food Policy, however, the Ministry cannot say when the consultations would be completed. The previous Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Agriculture had, in collaboration with other government agencies, and civil society groups drafted the National Food and Nutrition Security Strategy (2010-2020). The main objectives of this strategy are to: (1). Help ensure immediate access to food in emergency contexts, (11). Rebuild and enhance resilience to withstand shocks (111) Support longer term development initiatives for hunger and poverty reduction (1V) Take stock of national, regional and global initiatives directed at improving food security coordination with a view to encouraging convergence and avoiding duplication among such initiatives, (V) Improve the sharing of information on food security and nutrition policies and programmes undertaken by national and regional stakeholders by reviewing them (V1) Inform the National Assembly about successes achieved as well as the challenges and needs to reduce hunger and malnutrition in Guyana (V11) Ensure agricultural trade fosters food security (V111)Promote rural development Enhance women’s access to resources and (V1V) Ensure children and other vulnerable groups have access to food Ensure sustainable incomes of small producers.




Small Miners Suffering Under Government’s Mining Policy. Several small scale gold miners have complained to the Guyana Daily News about the alleged rampant corruption at the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and the Ministry of Natural Resources. They are contending that large scale miners and those with government connections are getting mining licenses to mine anywhere in the country in a moment’s notice. The miners stated that the small miners cannot get lawful permission to work on a piece of land, and the new government has closed all the avenues to lodge complaints against the GGMC where they could receive justice. The miners noted that they used to work on lands that was government reserve until the new government took over and now they are given notices to stop working on the reserve and they were told that the reserves now belong to large-scale miners only. The miners also told the Guyana Daily News that they tried many times to get mining permission for land to work, but were unsuccessful and now in a state of shock as to

how the large-scale mining operations are getting permit to land that they applied for. “We have tired many times to meet with Minister of Natural Resources, Mr. Raphael Trotman but are always being told that he is in a meeting or not in the office”. The miners are of the opinion that this government is not interested in the welfare of small miners but they continue boast about increased gold production. "What is the faith of tens of thousands of Guyanese workers who depend on the small miners for their daily survival?” The miners are calling on the government to implement relevant policies that would benefit all of Guyana. “We need prime land to work now in order to support our families and the families of our workers”. The miners further stated that there should be policies in place to address the land issue of small miners, they also stated that there hasn’t been any land lottery since the new government took office. The recent promise of land distribution by the Minister of Natural Resources to small miners in order to remedy the situation, was never done, according to them, land distribution is top secret with the government and they are now contemplating their next move in order to get a piece of land to work.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Low Income Housing Programme Can Be Problematic PAGE 65

The government of Guyana has announced that its housing programme for 2017 will focus on providing housing for low income earners and state employees. According to Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Adams- Patterson, apartments will be constructed for low income earners and state employees in 2017. This new approach housing programme was taken because the Government was discontinuing the 1000 homes Turnkey housing project at Perseverance and Providence, given poor occupancy rate and the number of people still waiting for a house lot. But reportedly under the previous administration, the government started building just over 180 two (2) bedroom turnkey houses behind the providence area and the current government has gotten close to 900 applications for those 180 houses. While some people are all for the idea of the low income housing project, where people can have a sense of ownership of a home, many are concerned about the implication such a project will have. Persons are now asking why the public servants and low income workers cannot even afford to build a home in the first place. Like most urbanization project in the world, the concentration of the poor into one area has a huge social and mental impacts on the environment which can be seen in America’s Subsidized housing projects often referred to as the “Projects.” Researchers in America have found that for people residing in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty, a number of neighborhood level indicators are linked to important outcomes. Studies have illustrated that crime and delinquency, education, psychological distress, and various health problems, among many other issues, are affected by neighborhood characteristics. Given that a recent United Nations Children’s Fund (UNCEIF) situation analysis (SitAn.) report revealed that there is a high rate unemployment among the young population, which represents more than 60% of country’s


population and stated that current estimated youth unemployment rate is to about 40%, one can only imagined what poverty in Guyana looks like. In light of the social crisis of the America, the HOPE VI program, developed by the United States Congress and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, looked to dismantle problematic projects and replace them with single and multi-family homes. Families would receive vouchers as the projects were torn down, allowing them to move to other neighborhoods, in a process that policymakers hoped would decentralize poverty. While affordable housing is necessary in Guyana, many are of the view subsidized apartment buildings is not a long term solution and will only create a problems for future generations. Instead recommendations being made are that the government in collaboration with private partners should implement a variation of a “rent to own” a housing vouchers that let families rent units in the private market until there can eventually own their own home.






GUYANA DAILY NEWS PPP Sends Warning To Government That It Will Protect Democracy PAGE 66

According to a press release from the People’s Progressive Party, the month of October is of special significance for the party, since it is this month that democracy in Guyana was finally restored after twenty-eight years of undemocratic and authoritarian rule by the PNC regime. It is also the month in which the Constitution of the then colony of British Guiana was suspended by the British government in 1953 and the PPP overthrown after a mere six months in office. October 5, 1992 could be seen as a watershed year in the political, economic and social life of Guyana. At the political level, it represented a break from a dark period of repressive rule in which all basic and fundamental rights of the Guyanese people were trampled upon including the right to elect a government of one's choice in free and fair elections. At the economic level, the country saw a reversal of fortunes as one of the more prosperous countries in the region during the early 1960's to the poorest in the entire western hemisphere. Guyana was declared 'uncredit worthy' by the international financial institutions due to its inability to repay its overseas debts, which in per capita terms was one of the highest in the hemisphere. Production levels in all the major sectors plummeted which led to severe balance of payments problems. The response by the regime was to ban essential food items as a means to conserve on foreign exchange spending and there was the draconian imposition of trade and currency restrictions which led to a flourishing underground economy. The economic crisis resulted in a social crisis which manifested itself in falling standards in education, health, housing, water and a dilapidated physical infrastructure. Guyanese students found themselves at the bottom of the performance ladder both at regional and local examinations and the quality of health care had reached catastrophic levels. Housing was completely ignored and the supply of water reduced to a mere trickle if at all. The release further stated that, it took the return of the PPP/C to the reigns of power before the economic and social decline was eventually arrested. It would be an understatement to say that the PPP returned the


country to normalcy. Indeed, through good governance and prudent management of the economy, Guyana was able to shed its image as a pariah state and graduated from low income to middle income status with rising levels of prosperity for Guyanese. Who can deny that under the PPP/C government Guyanese by the thousands became the proud owners of their own homes and other consumer durables which under the previous PNC administration was but a distant dream? The PPP is proud of the role it has played in the struggle for a democratic Guyana and in the creation of a cohesive and prosperous Guyana. The PPP remains optimistic that despite the fact that it was cheated out of office it will sooner than later return to power as past experience had demonstrated. On October 9, 1953 the democratically elected PPP under the then leadership of the indomitable Dr. Cheddi Jagan was overthrown from power in what could be described as a constitutional coup but returned at the next election held in 1957, again with a resounding victory as in the previous election. It re-emerged out of the political wilderness after being engineered out of office in 1964 and led the struggle for democratic renewal which culminated in the overwhelming victory of the Party on October 5, 1992. The PPP, as always, continue to draw inspiration from its founder leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan who always reminded Guyanese that time is on the side of the PPP and even though the struggle may be long and hard, victory is inevitable. The PPP takes this occasion to serve notice on the Granger-led APNU-AFC administration that it will aggressively defend the democratic, economic and social gains set in motion by the PPP/C since the return to democracy on October 5, 1992.




Air Disaster Victims Remembered In homage to the memory of the 73 athletes who lost their lives during the Cubana air disaster, on October 6, 1976, the Government of Guyana will celebrate a commemorative act in front of the ‘Cubana 455 Monument’, located on the Turkeyen Campus of the University of Guyana on Thursday, October 6th, at 8:00hrs. The ‘Cubana 455 Monument’, was inaugurated on October 15th, 2012 on the vicinity of the pond east of the University’s library. Cubana de Aviacion ‘Flight 455 was a Cuban flight from Barbados to Jamaica that was brought down by a terrorist attack on October 6, 1976. Two bombs exploded on board killing all 73 passengers on the CU-455 Cubana de Aviacion aircraft, in what was then the most deadly terrorist airline attack in the western hemisphere. On Thursday morning, the monument will come back to life, revitalizing the memory of those who died on that fatidic date. The ceremony is expected to be hosted by his Excellency Brigadier David Arthur Granger and representatives of the Cuban delegation in Guyana. Source: https://www.ecured.cu/Crimen_de_Barbados

‘Cubana 455 Monument’, located on the Turkeyen Campus of the University of Guyana

One Laptop Per Teacher Initiative Launched On World Teachers’ Day Roopnarine said that this programme is aimed at fine tuning teachers for

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 5, 2016) President David Granger said that the future of education requires teachers to have a fuller knowledge of Information Communications Technology (ICT). He was at the time addressing teachers at the official launch of ‘One Laptop per Teacher’ (OLPT) initiative held earlier today, at the Cyril Potter College of Education. The initiative is being spearheaded by the Ministry of Public Telecommunications in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. “The world has entered the ‘Information Age.’ Information, information technology and innovation are transforming almost every facet of human existence. ICT is revolutionising education. It is transforming the manner in which information is assembled, organised and disseminated. It is changing the way education is delivered in the classroom,” he said. President Granger explained that the idea behind the OLPT dates back to 2011, during a visit to the Rupununi when he gave a teacher a laptop, who then used it to prepare lesson plans and ended up improving her overall efficiency as an educator in the process. “A conscious decision has been taken to reshape the remaining phase of the One Laptop Per Family initiative into what we now have as the One Laptop Per Teacher initiative,” he said. The Head of State said that ICT should not be seen as a luxury or an option but as a necessity and noted that any Government that wants an educated population must see ICT as an obligation. He informed that his Administration will continue to expand internet access across the country to ensure that even the most remote community is not left behind. As Guyana joins the rest of the world in observance of ‘World Teachers’ Day’ and President Granger reminded that teachers are at the heart of any education system. He said that through this programme, they will have greater access to ICT and its benefits, which will lead to a transformation in the education system. “The One Laptop per Teacher Initiative, which is being launched this morning, asserts the importance of education to the nation. It acknowledges the role of information in education and the value of our teachers in the delivery of that information to our students. Teachers are essential to education and must lead this process… we don’t want the teachers to be left behind,” the President said. Minister of Public Telecommunications, Ms. Catherine Hughes announced that in the last three weeks, over 100 educational institutions and organisations have been connected to the Government’s fibre optic network. “In one short year, we have been able to provide internet access to five regional development officers, both university campuses, 10 technical and vocational institutions in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five and Six… Today’s official launching of the OLPT gives our teachers an important tool to work with and is a vital component of Government’s allencompassing programme to raise the national level of digital literacy, to improve internet connectivity and, most importantly, it is a means to introduce internet access to our unserved hinterland and interior locations… There is no doubt that higher levels of internet penetration have a direct positive impact on higher level of Gross Domestic Product,” Minister Hughes said. Advisor to the Minister of Minister of Education, Mr. Vincent Alexander, who spoke on the behalf of Education Minister, Dr. Rupert

improved delivery of education. He added that whether the laptops are used for record-keeping, lesson planning, research or a learning resource in the classroom the process of delivery and receipt of education will be greatly improved. The project is supported by the People’s Republic of China and China’s Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Zhang Limin spoke of the strong bilateral relations between the two countries over the last 44 years at the launch. He said that making laptops available to teachers is a very wise move since education plays a major role in national development. At the launch today, several teachers from CPCE received laptops as well as a group of students, who performed exceptionally well as this year’s National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examination. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger with teachers and students, who received laptops at the launch of the One Laptop Per Teacher (OLPT) initiative

Chinese Ambassador, Mr. Zhang Limin presenting a first form Queen's College student with a laptop while Minister of Public Telecommunication, Ms. Catherine Hughes looks on




“Hype” Campaign To Roll Out As Road Accidents Continue After calls from citizens and politicians alike for the government to intensify campaign in light of the continued road accidents, the Ministry of Public Security indicated that the Guyana National Road Safety Council (GNRSC) plans to intensify its education and awareness campaigns to help stem the increasing number of road accidents. According to a release, Coordinator of the GNRSC, Ramona doorgen said the Council is in the process of submitting proposals to the Minister of Public Security, the Commissioner of Police and the Traffic Chief to “see how we can use another method of enforcement for the public.” She said the Council plans to ‘hype’ its campaigns and education awareness programmes. Speaking to the Government Information Agency (GINA), Doorgen said the Council is

“very, very concerned with the out of control carnage on our roadways.” She said the soft enforcement campaign seeks to work along with the Guyana Police Force and Ministry of Public Security to change the attitudes of road users. “How we can help them to change their attitude,” Doorgen explained. According to Doorgen, past awareness building and educational campaigns have not had the desired results so, the Council will be closely monitoring and evaluating the new campaign. “We’ve been at the National Road Safety Council for almost 10 years and we’ve been using different methods to get education and attitude change in people’s home and it’s not working as we can see with the stats (statistics) so we’re going to be trying new methods this Road Safety Month. We’re in planning right now,” Doorgen

said. With Road Safety Month coming up in November Doorgen said particular emphasis will be placed on drivers who drive under the influence of alcohol. At the end of 2015, a total of 106 road deaths were recorded. For the year, Doorgen revealed the GNRSC has recorded 102 deaths as a result of accidents. That number has now risen to 103 after fatal accident on the West Bank of Demerara that left a 65-year-old woman dead after she was hit down by a car being driven by a Police Officer.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Campbellville Man Charged With Simple Larceny PAGE 69


Rondell Cummings, a self employed man from Campbellville was today released on $25,000 GYD bail after being charged with committing the felony of Simple Larceny on October 4, 2016. Before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court, Cummings appeared unrepresented as he pleaded not guilty to the charge. Upon a request for bail, the prosecution revealed that the defendant has several matters before the court but has no convictions and as such no objection will be made to bail but requested that if granted the amount be substantial so as to ensure the accused returns to court. It is alleged that on the mentioned day in question on Regent Street, Georgetown, Cummings stole one gold chain valued at $73,000 GYD. Cummings is slated to return before Magistrate Annette Singh in Court 11 of the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on October 26, 2016 for continuation.

Cabinet Examines Declining Performance In Mathematics At The Grade Six Level Georgetown, Guyana – (October 5, 2016) Members of the Cabinet met yesterday October 4, 2016, and deliberated as a matter of extreme urgency and grave national importance, the unsatisfactory results in mathematics nationwide, at the 2016 Grade Six Examination. Senior officials from the Ministry of Education and Minister of Education Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine were engaged by Cabinet on the declining performance of students in mathematics at this year’s Grade six assessment. For many years Guyana has consistently failed to achieve acceptable pass rates in mathematics, an important core subject. It must be noted that the previous approach to this problem has been inadequate. This year for the first time the Ministry of Education contracted the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) to conduct the examination for the Grade Six students in Guyana. The basis of assessment used by the Caribbean Examination Council was radically different from what was used previously by the Ministry of Education. This year there was an increased focus on reasoning and a decreased emphasis on retention. The new method to testing as implemented by CXC has exposed even more the weakness of the previous approach to education adopted by the Ministry of Education in previous years. Cabinet considers this situation one of national urgency requiring its focused attention and commitment to finding adequate and appropriate solutions in the shortest possible time. As part of a plan for short and medium term measures, Cabinet called on the Ministry of Education and its technical advisors to identify all appropriate steps needed to remedy this situation. Those steps would include remedial training of teachers, better and more varied text books, more teaching aids and better use of technology in the delivery of education. MOTP Press Release




Hurricane Matthew: Thousands Displaced In Haiti The most powerful Caribbean hurricane in nearly a decade has left thousands of people displaced in Haiti, with rescuers struggling to reach the worst-hit areas. Hurricane Matthew is said to have devastated parts of the country, where at least two people have died. The storm has now moved off the north-eastern coast of Cuba towards Florida, where warnings are in place. South Carolina is to start evacuating more than a million people. Matthew, now a category three hurricane, is predicted to hit the US east coast later in the week. The hurricane also hit Cuba, but early reports suggested it is impact was not as hard as in Haiti, where there were winds of 230km/h (145mph), heavy rain and dangerous storm surges. At least 10,000 people were in shelters and there were reports of overcrowded hospitals suffering shortages of fresh water, Mourad Wahba, the UN special representative for Haiti, said. The storm knocked down communications and blocked roads, hampering emergency efforts. The collapse of a bridge cut off the only link between the capital, Port-au-Prince, and the southern part of the country, and officials admitted it would be difficult to reach the region. Laura Sewel, an aid worker with Care Haiti, said: "The mobile network has also gone down. So what this means for us is that we're out of contact with our staff right now which is quite difficult and the bridge going down means it will be harder to move materials." In the port town of Les Cayes, the situation was "catastrophic", with streets flooded and many houses without roofs, deputy mayor Marie Claudette Regis Delerme said. She herself had to flee a meeting when a gust ripped off the building's roof. Images showed people walking in shoulder-high water, with relief workers saying that other coastal communities were also under water, including Les Anglais. A view of trees damaged by the wind during Hurricane Matthew in Les CayesFonie Pierre, director of Catholic Relief Services for Les Cayes, told AP: "Many people are now asking for help, but it's too late because there is no way to go evacuate them." Heifer International, a non-profit organisation, said farmland and businesses caught in Matthew's path had been devastated. Haiti is one of the world's poorest countries, with many residents living in flimsy housing in floodprone areas. The UN said the country was facing the "largest humanitarian event" since a huge earthquake in

2010. More than four million children could be exposed to hurricane damage, Unicef said, warning of the spread of waterborne disease. Interim President Jocelerme Privert said earlier that some people at sea or who had not "respected alerts" had died, but he gave no more details. In the neighbouring Dominican Republic, at least four people were killed by collapsing walls and mudslides. A hurricane alert was in place for five provinces of Cuba, with residents moved from lowlying areas. There were no immediate reports of serious damage. Matthew is likely to remain a powerful hurricane until at least Thursday night as it sweeps through the Bahamas towards Florida and the Atlantic coast of the southern US, the National Hurricane Center said. South-eastern Florida was under hurricane and tropical storm warnings, and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley declared a state of emergency. Hurricane Matthew is the region's most powerful since Felix in 2007. Hurricane scales Category one: sustained winds of 74-95mph (119-153 km/h); some damage and power cuts Category two: winds of 96-110mph (154-177 km/h); extensive damage Category three: winds of 111129mph (178-208 km/h); well-built homes suffer major damage Category four: winds of 130-156mph (209-251 km/h); severe damage to well-built homes, most trees snapped or uprooted Category five: winds of 157 mph (252 km/h) or higher; high percentage of homes destroyed, area uninhabitable for weeks or months (BBC)

Damage in Les Cayes was said to be significant, but the extent of losses is still unclear(REUTERS)




Bahamas Expects Direct Hit For Nassau From Hurricane Matthew making outside preparations difficult or dangerous. Tropical storm

By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- For the first time since 1929, Nassau, the capital of The Bahamas, is expected to suffer a direct hit from a major hurricane. Director of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Captain Stephen Russell said residents on the Family Islands should prepare to be self sufficient for at least three days. Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade urged coastline dwelling residents and those in low-lying communities to evacuate immediately. NEMA coordinated charters on Monday to evacuate willing residents on several of the southern islands such as Long Island, Acklins and Crooked Island. Schools throughout the country are expected to be closed before the storm makes landfall. Prime Minister Perry Christie warned that airports throughout the country will be closed imminently, heightening the need to move and evacuate “vulnerable” residents as soon as possible, The Nassau Guardian reported. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, the eye of Hurricane Matthew was located about 65 miles (105 km) eastsoutheast of Guantanamo, Cuba, and about 30 miles (45 km) southsouthwest of the eastern tip of Cuba, with the northern eyewall already pounding the eastern tip of the island. Matthew was moving toward the north near 9 mph (15 km/h) as the eye moved over the extreme portion of eastern Cuba. A turn toward the northnorthwest is expected by Wednesday, followed by a northwest turn Wednesday night. Matthew is expected to move near or over portions of the southeastern and central Bahamas on Tuesday night and Wednesday, and approach the northwestern Bahamas on Wednesday night. Maximum sustained winds are near 140 mph (220 km/h) with higher gusts. Matthew is a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Some fluctuations in intensity are possible during the next couple of days, but Matthew is expected to remain a powerful hurricane through at least Thursday night. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 175 miles (280 km). A hurricane warning is in effect for Haiti, the Cuban provinces of Guantanamo, Santiago de Cuba, Holguin, Granma, and Las Tunas, the southeastern Bahamas, including the Inaguas, Mayaguana, Acklins, Crooked Island, Long Cay, and Ragged Island, the central Bahamas, including Long Island, Exuma, Rum Cay, San Salvador, and Cat Island, the northwestern Bahamas, including the Abacos, Andros Island, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama and New Providence A hurricane watch is in effect for the Cuban province of Camaguey. A tropical storm warning is in effect for the Dominican Republic from Barahona westward to the border with Haiti and the Turks and Caicos Islands. A tropical storm watch is in effect for the Dominican Republic from Puerto Plata westward to the border with Haiti. Hurricane conditions were still affecting portions of Haiti and were likely occurring over eastern Cuba, and were expected to begin in the southeastern Bahamas on Tuesday evening, the central Bahamas on Wednesday, and the northwestern Bahamas on Wednesday night. Tropical storm conditions are expected to continue spreading across the remainder of Haiti, eastern Cuba and the southeastern Bahamas on Tuesday night, and should reach the central and northwestern Bahamas on Wednesday,

conditions are still occurring in portions of the Dominican Republic within the warning area, and these conditions will spread northward into the Turks and Caicos Islands on Tuesday night. Hurricane conditions were possible in the hurricane watch areas in Cuba on Tuesday night, with tropical storm conditions possible later. Matthew is expected to produce total rainfall amounts in the following areas: southern Haiti and southwestern Dominican Republic -- 15 to 25 inches, isolated 40 inches; eastern Cuba and northwestern Haiti -- 8 to 12 inches, isolated 20 inches; eastern Jamaica -- 4 to 6 inches, isolated 12 inches; The Bahamas -- 8 to 12 inches, isolated 15 inches; Turks and Caicos Islands -- 2 to 5 inches, isolated 8 inches; northeastern Haiti and the northern Dominican Republic -- 1 to 3 inches, isolated 5 inches; western Jamaica -- 1 to 2 inches, isolated 3 inches. Life-threatening flash floods and mudslides are likely from this rainfall in southern and northwestern Haiti, the southwestern Dominican Republic, and eastern Cuba. The combination of a dangerous storm surge and large and destructive waves could raise water levels by as much as the following amounts above normal tide levels: southern coast of Cuba east of Cabo Cruz -- 7 to 11 feet; south coast of Haiti -- 7 to 10 feet; northern coast of Cuba east of Camaguey -- 4 to 6 feet; Gulf of Gonave in Haiti -- 3 to 5 feet; southern coast of the Dominican Republic -- 1 to 3 feet; The Bahamas -- 10 to 15 feet. Surge-related flooding depends on the relative timing of the surge and the tidal cycle, and can vary greatly over short distances. Large waves generated by Matthew will cause water rises to occur well in advance of and well away from the track of the centre. The combination of a dangerous storm surge and the tide will cause normally dry areas near the coast to be flooded by rising waters moving inland from the shoreline. Swells generated by Matthew will continue to affect portions of the coasts of Hispaniola, Jamaica, eastern Cuba, and the Caribbean coastline of Central America during the next few days. Swells from Matthew will begin affecting portions of The Bahamas on Tuesday. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. (Caribbean News Now!)

Hurricane Matthew three-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic


GUYANA DAILY NEWS New Tropical Storm Forms In The Atlantic As Another System Moves Towards The Caribbean PAGE 72

By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Tropical Storm Nicole formed in the Atlantic on Tuesday and, at 5:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, was located about 510 miles (820 km) northeast of San Juan, Puerto Rico, moving toward the northwest near 9 mph (15 km/h). This general motion is expected to continue over the next 48 hours. Maximum sustained winds are near 50 mph (85 km/h) with higher gusts. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km) from the centre. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, little change in strength is forecast for the next day or so, followed by gradual weakening before the system becomes a threat to Bermuda. Meanwhile, yet another tropical wave located several hundred miles east of the Windward Islands is producing a large area of disorganized showers and thunderstorms. Development, if any, of this system is expected to be slow to occur while the wave moves westward at 10 to 15 mph. Regardless of development, heavy rain and gusty winds are possible in the Windward Islands during the next couple of days during the wave's passage. (Caribbean News Now!)


Tropical Storm Nicole five-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic

OIC Offers To Finance Bridge Between Guyana And Suriname To Promote Regional Integration By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- Following the visit of the secretary-general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, and his delegation to both Suriname and Guyana last week, the ministry of foreign affairs of Suriname has reported that the OIC is willing to finance the construction of a bridge across the Corentyne River at the eastern frontier between Guyana and Suriname in an effort to enhance regional economic and physical integration. This type of project falls under the rubric and vision of the Arab League and South American group, UNASUR, which meets at the heads of government level every three years. Such a project would support and promote regional integration and economic development, which Madani termed “a triangular relationship between the OIC, Guyana and Suriname”. The OIC will also work with UNASUR in this effort. According to the foreign minister of Suriname, Niermala Badrising, who had several meetings with Madani while he was in Suriname, the OIC and its financial arm, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) is in favour of the execution of major infrastructure projects in South America. One of these projects that can finally be realized, according to Badrising, is the bridging of the Corentyne River between Guyana and Suriname. Badrising, who has been working closely with the OIC and the IsDB, said in a statement that a bridge over the Corentyne River linking the two countries “could become a reality if the countries involved are in agreement and if the project is feasible. It is one of the opportunities that we have to utilize OIC funds, and the project will complement UNASUR's regional integration vision." The previous government in Guyana had agreed to partner with Suriname to seek finance from China to bridge the Corentyne River. However, there has since been no movement on the project. It is not known if the project was discussed when Madani met the foreign minister of Guyana, Carl Greenidge, in Georgetown. In fact, the government of Guyana kept the entire OIC secretary general’s visit more or less a secret. Symbolism was strikingly missing – in the one single picture that was released by the OIC Secretariat of the visit to Guyana, the OIC flag was noticeably absent at a bilateral meeting with Greenidge. Further, there was no press statement issued during or after Madani’s visit by the government of Guyana. For Guyana to tap into the benefits of OIC and IsDB membership, the relationship must mature to become one of trust and understanding. In Paramaribo, Madani, in a meeting with the press, stated categorically that “We are not a religious organization, and the OIC hails Suriname as an example of a multicultural country where different ethnicities and religions peacefully coexist.” Madani stressed that the OIC is not interested in the internal affairs of Suriname; it is not looking to cause conflicts in Suriname or in the region. “Suriname and Guyana’s membership in the group should be used to its fullest so as to contribute to regional integration and

economic development,” he emphasised. Madani said that he is happy that Suriname is active in the OIC, unlike other countries who are not seizing the opportunities. Guyana is not an active member of the OIC and there are conflicting narratives as to the reason behind it. Meanwhile, President Desi Bouterse on Friday defended Suriname’s relationship with the OIC and the IsDB. He urged Suriname to take full advantage of the US$1.8 billion soft loan from the Bank. He warned that there are forces acting against these developments and Suriname’s cooperation with the OIC and IsDB in his government’s effort to stabilize the economy of the country. Developing countries have long complained that the IMF is an institution willing to provide cash when they face economy calamity; however, the austerity measures the IMF imposes has no human face. It forces governments to cut back on vital socioeconomic and welfare programs such as food, healthcare and education. The IsDB has financed some mega projects in Tunisia, Kazakhstan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. It supports projects in infrastructure, renewal energy, urban development, agriculture, health care and education. The group also provides technical support, capacity building, research and training, and co-financing with other partners like the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development; Kuwait Funds, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). The OIC and the IsDB also work closely working the World Bank and UNDP. (Caribbean News Now!)

OIC Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani (R) meeting with Foreign Minister Niermala Badrising (L) and President Desi Bouterse during his recent visit to Suriname


GUYANA DAILY NEWS New Mine Starts Commercial new Gold Production In Surinam discovery at Sabajo. The government of Suriname exercised its option By Ivan Cairo PAGE 73

Caribbean News Now contributor PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- Surgold, a subsidiary of US-based multinational Newmont Mining Corporation, has completed construction of the Merian gold mine in Suriname on time and commenced commercial production on October 1. Newmont disclosed that the Merian project was completed more than US$150 million or nearly 20 percent below its initial development capital budget. After the Rosebel goldmine of Canada-based Iamgold, the Merian mine is Suriname’s second industrial gold mine. “We took an optimized approach to project development and benefitted from being one of the only gold producers investing in growth during the lower price cycle,” said Gary Goldberg, president and chief executive officer. “Our team built Merian safely, on schedule and significantly below budget – and delivered our strategy to strengthen the portfolio by adding more than a decade of profitable production and creating a foothold in a prospective new gold district. This accomplishment is also the result of strong partnerships with the government and people of Suriname, and the extensive experience G-Mining brought to project development.” According to Newmont so far it has achieved sustained average mill throughput of 80 percent and gold recovery of more than 90 percent over the last 30 days. Stockpiled ore represents nearly 160,000 contained ounces of gold. Merian contains gold reserves of 5.1 million ounces and annual production is expected to average between 400,000 and 500,000 ounces of gold at competitive costs in the first five full years of production. Costs are expected to be among the lowest in the portfolio, averaging between US$575 and US$675 per ounce in costs applicable to sales and between US$650 and US$750 per ounce in all-in sustaining costs in the first five years. Meanwhile exploration has extended mine life from 11 to 13 years, and continues to identify further upside potential within Newmont’s 500,000 hectare area of interest, including a


to participate in a fully-funded 25 percent equity ownership stake in Merian in November 2013. Suriname manages its participation through Staatsolie, Suriname’s state-owned oil company. “I am feeling like a father seeing his child graduate from college,” said Staaatsolie’s CEO, Rudolf Elias. He noted that since mine completion was below the initial capital budget Staatsolie is paying less for its 25 percent stake. Merian’s current workforce includes just over 1,100 employees, 20 percent of whom are local Paamakkans, and 200 contractors. The company has allegedly taken a proactive approach to minimizing its environmental impact and engaged experts to inform its biodiversity offset programs. Newmont also signed an agreement with the Paamakkan community that establishes local hiring and procurement targets, as well as a community development fund. (Caribbean News Now!)

Newmont's gold production plant in Suriname

Saint Lucia To Strengthen Border Security, Says PM Chastanet Government is working with the police to beef up security at all major port of entries, specifically between Martinique and Saint Lucia, to protect the island from the threat of increased drug trafficking. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet said Saint Lucia is ‘unfortunately’ paying the penalty for the ease in which people are trafficking drugs and this must come to an end. His comments comes in light of a recent drug bust at the Hewenorra International Airport on Sunday, where cocaine was detected in coconuts moments before it was loaded onto a flight destined for the United Kingdom Chastanet said, “We have to make it more difficult for people involved in drug trafficking to be able to do business in this region…We have to recognise that Saint Lucia is a target.” The prime minister said the island is not only a target because of major international flights coming here, but also because of Saint Lucia’s close proximity to Martinique. “Once they get the drugs into Martinique it is much easier to get it into Europe,” Chastanet explained. Meanwhile, commenting on the recent bust, Agriculture Minister Ezechiel Joseph said he is pleased that the cocaine was intercepted before leaving Saint Lucia. Joseph told the media on Tuesday that he is of the strong opinion that cocaine traffickers are targeting agriculture produce to conduct their illegal business, making it difficult for farmers. “You would understand the negative impact that would have if it left our shores. We were able to intercept it at

Vieux Fort and we will see what can be done…we have to remain vigilant,” Joseph said. The police is yet to issue a formal statement on the recent cocaine bust. (St. Lucia News Online)

PM Allen Chastanet


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Gov’t Asks For Patience As The Cost Of Medicines Increase Government is asking Saint Lucians to be patient until government which secured the agreement of CARICOM to PAGE 74

November when they re-submit an application to CARICOM for the suspension of the common external tariff on pharmaceuticals. While the cost of medicine has increase due to the expiration of this suspension, Minister within the Ministry of Finance Dr. Ubaldus Raymond has given all assurances that this will change before the end of 2016. Dr. Raymond said that government plans to re-submit the application to the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED), which is expected to meet in November. The Allen Chastanet government has blamed former Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony and his government for the recent reintroduction of import duties on medicine. Dr. Raymond claims that Dr. Anthony was reminded about the expiration date, in a letter dated March 5, 2016, but failed to follow up or even responding to the letter. “This government was not responsible for the reintroduction of import duties on medicine. This was ignored by the previous administration and therefore there was reintroduction of the import duties,” the minister claims. However, it was under the Kenny Anthony


suspend the common external tariff on pharmaceuticals for a period of four years. Prior to the implementation of VAT, medicines attracted an import duty of 10 percent followed by 5 percent consumption tax. (St. Lucia News Online!)

Dr. Raymond

UN Experts Say US Owes Blacks Reparations For Slavery PRESS RELEASE – CARICOM’s call for Reparations from Britain with the CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC) with a view to and Europe for Slavery and Native genocide got a boost this week after a United Nations (UN) panel of experts United Nations experts said the United States should give African Americans reparations for slavery. In the heat of a US presidential election campaign in which racial rhetoric is growing louder, the Geneva-based UN Working Group on People of African Descent warned that the USA had not yet confronted its legacy of “racial terrorism” and that Americans of African descent were facing a “human rights crisis”. The UN Working Group said in a statement to the press in Geneva last week that this “human rights crisis” in the US “has largely been fuelled by impunity for police officers who have killed a series of black men — many of them unarmed – across the country in recent months.” The group said in a September 27 statement that those killings “and the trauma they create, are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynchings,” in the report, which was presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday. Addressing the deeper causes of America’s racial tensions, the experts voiced concern over the unresolved “legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality”. “There has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent,” the report said. Working group chairman Ricardo A Sunga told reporters in Geneva that the panel believed several models of reparations could work in the US context, including “elements of apology” and a form of “debt relief” to the descendants of enslaved people. The UN working group visited the several US states in January before producing their final report, which is expected to be widely welcomed by CARICOM, which is itself pursuing Reparations from Britain and other EU member-states that benefitted from Slavery in the Caribbean. The US Congressional Black Caucus has been liaising

adopting the CARICOM template to officially demand Reparations on Capitol Hill in Washington. CRC Chairman Sir Hilary Beckles also last year addressed the British House of Commons, ahead of his exchange with the US Black Caucus regarding their Reparations plans for Americans of African Descent. Sir Hilary more recently visited Africa to explain the CARICOM Reparations approach, meeting with officials of The Gambia and the African Union (AU). The UN Working Group’s Report is expected to be welcomed by the CARICOM Secretariat, the CRC and National Reparations Committees (NRCs) in 12 CARICOM member-states. (The Diplomatic Courier) (St. Lucia News Online)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS St. Lucia Officials Attend 2016 Annual Meetings Of World Bank And IMF PRESS RELEASE – A team from Saint Lucia, along with Prime PAGE 75


Minister Honourable Allen M. Chastanet, will attend the 2016 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC from October 7-9. Minister in the Ministry of Finance Honourable Dr. Ubaldus Raymond, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Cointha Thomas and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Development & Housing Tracy Polius will take part in discussions on a range of issues. The Annual IMF/World Bank Meetings provide a forum for international cooperation and enable the Bank and IMF to better serve their member countries. While in Washington DC Prime Minister Chastanet will also attend a Caribbean-Central American Action forum titled “Finance, Fintech, and the Future of Banking in the Caribbean Basin” where he is expected to deliver an address. During the Prime Minister’s absence, Minister for Economic Development, Housing, Urban Renewal, Transport and Civil Aviation, Honourable Guy Joseph will serve as Acting Prime Minister. (St. Lucia News Online)

PM: T&T Will Help Storm-hit Haiti Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says T&T will provide assistance to Haiti if requested following passage of the Category 4 Hurricane Matthew, which hit the Caribbean nation yesterday. Rowley said so in response to questions from reporters after yesterday’s launch of the PNM’s 60th anniversary Nation Building Calypso Competition at Balisier House, Port-of-Spain. The finals of the competition will take place at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, on November 12 from 7 pm. Asked to comment on the hurricane which had just started to affect the country, Rowley responded: “Oh, poor Haiti. Every time there is something bad happening in the Caribbean Haiti has to get a piece of it.” Rowley said the economic situation in T&T would not hamper its generosity to a Caribbean nation in need. “Haiti is a member of Caricom. We are Caribbean people and if there is anything that we can do in the event that they need help, T&T will always be prepared to share what we have with those who are in greatest need. “Regardless to what our (economic) circumstances are, we will always have enough to share with our brothers and sisters who might be in greater need,” he added. Jamaica was spared the worst of the hurricane and Rowley said he spoke with that country’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness yesterday. He did not elaborate on the contents of the discussion. At the time of yesterday’s interview, Rowley said he had not received any reports of the effects of the hurricane in Haiti. He said: “We have to wait and hopefully it is not (too bad) because they haven’t even recovered from the earthquake (in 2010) yet and to be hit by what is one of the most powerful storms passing through (was unfortunate). “It is a big hurricane so I think it is a real threat.” International media reported at least seven deaths from the hurricane. Four died in the Dominican Republic, one in Haiti, one in St Vincent and the Grenadines and one in Colombia. Rowley also advised nationals to be more responsible in preparation for possible natural disasters. He said the notion that “God is a Trini” should not be used to prevent citizens from being responsible

during periods of natural disaster. In response to another question, Rowley said while the State agencies will do all they could to ensure they were ready if a hurricane was approaching the country there could never be “perfect preparation.” The Prime Minister said citizens should be mindful that “the time to prepare for a hurricane is not during the event but before. Don’t give up your responsibility to anybody. “God will take care of everybody but we can’t just relinquish that to a God head. He will take care of us but we too have to take care of ourselves in the process,” he added. (Trinidad Guardian)

Residents head to higher ground away from their flooded home in Leogane, Haiti, yesterday. Matthew slammed into Haiti's southwestern tip with howling, 145 mph winds yesterday, tearing off roofs in the poor and largely rural area, uprooting trees and leaving rivers bloated and choked with debris. AP Photo




Syria Conflict: Aid Convoy Attack Was Air Strike, UN Expert Says

The UN's secretary general denounced the attack as "savage and apparently deliberate"(AFP)

Analysis of satellite imagery taken after a deadly attack on an aid convoy in northern Syria last month shows that it was an air strike, a UN expert says. At least 18 people were killed when lorries unloading at a Syrian Arab Red Crescent warehouse in a rebel-held town outside Aleppo came under fire. The US believes Russian warplanes bombed the convoy. Russia, which backs Syria's government, denies the charge. UN officials have said the incident could constitute a war crime. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has established an internal board of inquiry to investigate the attack, which he has denounced as "sickening, savage and apparently deliberate". The attack came days after a US-led coalition strike in the eastern city of Deir al-Zour, which killed at least 62 Syrian government soldiers. Jump A week-long ceasefire brokered by Russia and the US collapsed soon after the two attacks, and the Syrian army, backed by Russia, launched a fresh offensive on eastern Aleppo where 275,000 people are currently trapped. The intensity of the

bombing has since increased with air strikes - some allegedly involving bunkerbusting, incendiary and cluster munitions - killing at least 420 people and injuring more than 1,000 others. The area was officially declared a "besieged area" on Wednesday, the spokesman for the UN's humanitarian agency OCHA told the AFP news agency. It met the UN's three criteria of military encirclement, lack of humanitarian access and no freedom of movement for civilians, Jens Laerke said. Earlier this week, the US ended its negotiations with Russia over Syria with the US state department accusing Moscow of having "failed to live up" to its commitments under the recent truce deal. The UN says that on the evening of 19 September, 31 lorries delivering lifesaving aid to a SARC warehouse in Urum al-Kubra came under fire. The head of the SARC in the town was among those killed, while 18 of the lorries were totally destroyed. The warehouse and a nearby medical clinic were also severely damaged. UN officials have so far referred to the incident only as an "attack" and not accused any of the warring parties of

responsibility. But on Wednesday, Lars Bromley, research adviser at the UN Operational Satellite Applications Programme (Unosat), told a news briefing in Geneva: "With our analysis we determined it was an air strike and I think multiple other sources have said that as well." "For air strikes, what you are usually looking at is the size of the crater that is visible, and the type of crater," he added. "Basically air-dropped munitions are often much larger than anything you would fire from the ground." The chairman of the US military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Joseph Dunford, told a Senate Committee three days after the attack that two Russian warplanes had been in that area at the time, along with some "some other aircraft" belonging to the Syrian government. "There's no doubt in my mind that the Russians are responsible. I just don't know whose aircraft actually dropped the bomb," he said, calling the incident "an unacceptable atrocity". Russia's defence ministry, which has vigorously denied the charge, initially said videos of the aftermath of the attack did not show any evidence that the convoy had been struck b y a i r- d r o p p e d o r d n a n c e . B u t i t subsequently said a US Predator drone had been flying above Urum al-Kubra at the time of the attack - an allegation the US military quickly dismissed. Unosat also released satellite images that Mr Bromley said showed "an awful lot of new damage" to rebel-held areas of the city of Aleppo, on which government forces launched an all-out assault after a truce brokered by the US and Russia collapsed two weeks ago. "The areas that are being bombed have been bombed almost continuously for quite some time. So seeing dramatic images of formerly pristine areas now turned to rubble - you don't see a lot of that," Mr Bromley said. (BBC)





Tiny Machines Win Chemistry Nobel Prize

The 2016 Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been awarded for the development of the world's smallest machines. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir Fraser Stoddart and Bernard Feringa will share the 8m kronor (£727,000) prize for the design and synthesis of machines on a molecular scale. They were named at a press conference in Sweden. The machines conceived by today's laureates are a thousand times thinner than a strand of hair. They could slip inside the human body to deliver drugs from within - for instance, applying pharmaceuticals directly to cancer cells. This field of nanotechnology could also yield applications in the design of smart materials. The prize recognises their success in linking molecules together to design everything from motors to a car and muscles on a tiny scale. "They have mastered motion control at the molecular scale," said Olof Ramström, from the Nobel Committee. Reacting to the award, Prof Feringa said: "I don't know what to say, I'm shocked. And my second remark was: 'I'm a bit emotional about it'." The celebrated physicist Richard Feynman is often credited with inspiring the concept of molecular machines. In a lecture at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1959, titled "There's plenty of room at the bottom", he considered the possibility of the direct manipulation of matter at the atomic scale. It was also in this lecture that he introduced the idea of "swallowing the surgeon". Jean-Pierre Sauvage was born in 1944 in Paris, France. He is currently emeritus professor at the University of Strasbourg and director of research emeritus at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). His work provided early breakthroughs in the area of molecular machines. He had been researching the use of sunlight to drive chemical reactions but this work helped him work out that he could link different molecules together in a chain. This was the first step towards building

molecular machines. In 1994, Prof Sauvage's research group succeeded in making one molecule rotate around the other in a controlled manner when energy was applied. Sir Fraser Stoddart was born in 1942 in Edinburgh, UK. He is currently affiliated to the Northwestern University, in the US. The Briton made a key advance by threading a molecular ring on to a rod-like structure that acted as an axle. Sir Fraser then made use of the ring's freedom to move along the axle. When he added heat, the ring jumped forwards and backwards - like a tiny shuttle. His group later built on this discovery to build numerous molecular machines, including a lift, a muscle and in partnership with other researchers - a computer chip. “It's a recognition of fundamental chemistry and I think that should be celebrated today," Sir Fraser told the BBC. But he condemned the outcome of the Brexit vote, saying international collaboration had been "absolutely critical" to his successes. "Today I am distressed that the UK is looking at a situation where it would cut off that supply. This is not good news... I would hope that this whole business of Brexit would just go away or had not happened." He said this placed British science "in jeopardy" and said politicians in the current government had "gone off the rails". Bernard Feringa was born in 1951 in Barger-Compascuum, in the Netherlands. He is a professor in organic chemistry at the University of Gröningen, the Netherlands. In 1999, Prof Feringa led the first research to produce a molecular motor that continually spins in the same direction. In 2011, his group built a four-wheeldrive nanocar: a molecular chassis holding together four motors that functioned as wheels.

Artwork: The scientists are rewarded for their ability to control at the molecular level(SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY)

Commenting on the award, he said: "I feel a little bit like the Wright Brothers who were flying 100 years ago for the first time and people were saying why do we need a flying machine and now we have a Boeing 747 and an Airbus. "The opportunities are great." Previous winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 - Discoveries in DNA repair earned Tomas Lindahl and Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar the award. 2014 - Eric Betzig, Stefan Hell and William Moerner were awarded the prize for improving the resolution of optical microscopes. 2013 - Michael Levitt, Martin Karplus and Arieh Warshel shared the prize, for devising computer simulations of chemical processes. 2012 - Work that revealed how protein receptors pass signals between living cells and the environment won the prize for Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka. 2011 - Dan Schechtman received the prize for discovering the "impossible" structure of quasicrystals. 2010 - Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki were recognised for developing new ways of linking carbon atoms together. 2009 - Discovering the structure and function of our cells' "protein factories", earned the chemistry Nobel for Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas Steitz and Ada Yonath. (BBC)




Brussels Police Stabbed In 'Terror Attack’

The stabbings happened shortly after Brussels Nord station was evacuated over a bomb scare(GETTY IMAGES)

stomach, while a third officer who arrived at the scene in Schaerbeek district suffered a broken nose, Belgian broadcaster VRT reports. The attacker was shot in the leg and taken away by ambulance. Authorities have named the attacker as Hicham D, 43, of Belgian nationality. A witness told RTBF news that a man with a knife knocked a police officer to the ground before turning on a second officer. "We have reason to believe that the incident was a terrorist attack," a spokesman for the Belgian federal prosecutor's office, Eric Van Der Sypt, said. Belgian prosecutors said the officers had not suffered lifethreatening injuries. The attack happened near a main road in a region linked to previous terror attacks. It comes just hours after commuters were evacuated from Brussels Nord station over a bomb scare. Belgium has been on high alert following attacks in Brussels on the airport and the city's metro system in March, which killed 35 people and injured more than 300. The attacks were claimed by the Islamic State (IS) militant group. (BBC)

TNato Jets Scrambled As Russian Bombers Fly South wo police officers have been stabbed in Brussels in a possible terrorist incident, Belgian prosecutors say. One officer was stabbed in the neck and another in the

The TU-160 Blackjacks are supersonic strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons(FRENCH MINISTRY OF DEFENCE)

Two Russian Blackjack bombers were intercepted by fighter jets from four European countries as they flew from the direction of Norway to northern Spain and back, it has emerged. Norway, the UK, France and Spain all scrambled jets as the TU-160 planes skirted the airspace of each country. It comes at a time of heightened tension between the West and Russia. Correspondents say the frequency of Russian bombers being intercepted by Nato planes has increased markedly.

Spanish media say it is the furthest south such an operation has had to take place. The incident happened on 22 September but the full extent only came to light recently in a statement by the French ministry of defence (in French). It referred to it as an Air Policing [Baltic support] mission by the four countries involved. It said Norway first detected the two Blackjack bombers to the north and scrambled two F-16 fighters to accompany them towards the north of Scotland. The British RAF then sent Typhoon aircraft from RAF Lossiemouth to intercept the planes as they flew to the west of Shetland. The RAF said at the time that at no point did the Russian jets enter UK air space. British Typhoons were also launched from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire as a precautionary measure, the RAF added, but did not intercept the bombers. The Russian planes then skirted the west of Ireland and were picked up by two French Rafale fighter planes 100km off the coast of Brittany, the French ministry of defence said. Two other Rafale jets later took over

to shadow the bombers as they flew south. Finally, Spain sent two F-18 fighters to intercept the Russian planes north of Bilbao. The bombers then turned around and made a return journey. It is not believed that any further interceptions took place. Iceland later complained to Russia that TU-160 Blackjack bombers had flown too close to civil airliners on the same day. The foreign ministry said the planes had flown between 6,000-9,000ft (1,800-2,700m) below a plane flying from Reykjavik to Stockholm. For the UK, it was the latest of several similar incidents involving Russian military aircraft. In November 2015, Typhoon fighter jets were scrambled from Lossiemouth to intercept two Blackjack b o m b e r s . R A F Ty p h o o n s f r o m Lossiemouth were also scrambled in October 2015 to intercept two similar aircraft flying over the North Sea. Russia's relations with the West have declined since the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in March 2014. They recently hit a new low when the US broke off military cooperation with Moscow over Syria. (BBC)




Portugal's Guterres Set To Be UN Head


Portugal's former Prime Minister, Antonio Guterres(naharnet/File Photo)

ortugal's former Prime Minister Antonio Guterres is poised to become the next UN secretary general, UN diplomats say. Mr Guterres, 66, was the "clear favourite", Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin announced on Wednesday. A formal vote will take place in the UN Security Council on Thursday to conďŹ rm the choice of nominee. Mr Guterres, who led the UN refugee agency for 10 years, will take over from Ban Ki-moon early next year. The 15-member Security Council cast secret ballots for each of the 10 candidates on Wednesday and none were found to oppose Mr Guterres. They were asked to select from a choice of encourage, discourage or no opinion for each candidate, with the former Portuguese prime minister receiving 13 encourage votes and two no opinion votes. A formal vote will take place at 1000 EST (1500 BST) on Thursday. Mr Ban will stand down after ten years at the helm. (BBC)




Afghanistan Aid: Donors To Pledge Billions In Brussels

Afghanistan has hundreds of thousands of refugees - and many head abroad for better lives(AFP)

International donors are meeting in Brussels to raise billions more dollars in aid for Afghanistan. More than 70 countries are at the talks, hosted by the EU. They are expected to pledge $3bn (£2.3bn; €2.6bn) a year in aid until 2020. Afghanistan will be asked to do more to tackle corruption and to take back tens of thousands of failed asylum seekers. The country faces a resurgent Taliban and remains reliant on foreign help, 15 years after the militants were ousted. "We're buying four more years for Afghanistan," said EU special representative FranzMichael Mellbin. But with donor fatigue after years of war, officials do not expect to raise as much as at the last aid conference, in Tokyo in 2012, where $4bn a year was pledged. The EU is promising $1.3bn annually and has signed a deal with the Afghan government for Kabul to take back Afghans who fail in their bid for asylum. Both sides deny the deal is a condition for new aid. Afghans make up the second largest group of asylum seekers in Europe, after Syrians. The BBC's Lyse Doucet in Brussels says recent Taliban advances on the battlefield will only harden the determination of many Afghans to seek a better life elsewhere. Taliban attacks this week on the cities of Kunduz in the north and Lashkar Gah in the south have underlined how fragile the security and development gains of recent years remain, despite all the money spent. Hasn't Afghanistan already had billions in aid? The United States and other international donors have pumped about $130bn into the country since 2002. Efforts to rebuild after years of war began after US-led forces ousted the Taliban from power following the 9/11 attacks. The figure is comparable to the Marshall Plan, a US initiative to

rebuild a devastated Europe after World War Two, although the results have been much more limited. Most of the money spent in Afghanistan has come from the US (about $115bn) - and official figures show that more than half of that was spent on security. Nato pulled out combat forces in 2014 and the Taliban are now resurgent in many areas, prompting fears that hard-won, costly gains are at risk. What did the aid achieve? Fifteen years after the Taliban were toppled, Afghanistan still cannot survive without significant international support. Despite all the money that's been poured in, it remains one of the poorest countries on earth, with 80% of its budget financed by aid. The optimism of the early post-Taliban years - when new schools and hospitals were being built and Afghan refugees were returning - has been replaced in some quarters by donor fatigue and more and more questions about where the money will end up. Major contributors are now indicating they expect to see greater Afghan success in tackling problems such as corruption and the lucrative narcotics trade, as well as progress on asylum seekers. A more prosperous Afghanistan could mean fewer refugees in Europe - but hopes the country could become selfreliant one day seem many years away. How bad is the fighting? It so serious that one of the main cities in the north, Kunduz, nearly fell to the militants again this week, a year after they briefly captured it in what was a major security embarrassment. But Afghan forces say they are in control of the city centre, although clashes are still going on elsewhere in the city. In the southern province of Helmand, the Taliban have captured the administrative headquarters of Khan Nishin district, and are massed outside the provincial capital, Lashkar Gah. Government troops were reported to be resisting their advance there, and in parts of the central province of Uruzgan, where fighting has also broken out. (BBC)




German Mystery Over Man, 43, Who Never left Home do we know what the situation really looked like,

The man had been living with his parents in the picturesque Bavarian village of Freienfels(AP)


erman police are investigating a couple who reportedly kept their son at home in a village near the Bavarian town of Bayreuth for 30 years. The man, who is now 43, has rarely been seen since he stopped attending school at the age of 13. Police say he looked neglected but not underfed, and stress they may not press charges. The mother told local media "he didn't want to go out", and she had only wanted to protect him. The police were alerted to the mysterious case by a tip-off last month, and took the man from his home to hospital. He has not been identified because of strict German privacy laws. 'Maybe he wanted it that way' They refused to speak of a "rescue", and said it was more likely to be a family tragedy than a criminal case. "We do not know exactly since when the man lived there without regular contact with the outside world, nor

for example, whether or not he had the opportunity to leave the premises," police spokesman Juergen Stadter told journalists on Tuesday. "Maybe the man himself wanted it that way," he added. In a later briefing on Wednesday police said the evidence suggested the man had been able to move freely through the house, and had not been chained. When the emergency services came to collect him, he was reportedly unwilling to come. "He obviously felt well protected there," said Mr Stadter. The only documentation the police say they have found so far is about 30 years old, showing he attended primary school and then a comprehensive. Paperwork dating back to when he was 13 appears to suggest that the school authorities deemed he was no longer fit to attend classes there, police said. But speaking to the "Nordbayerische Kurier", the mother said in no way was he rescued. "He just didn't want to go out", she said, adding that and she and her husband had never locked him in. They had just wanted to protect him, she insisted, pointing out that he had been registered at the local residents' office. The regional hospital in Bayreuth where he has been taken has said he is as well as can be expected "under the circumstances", without elaborating further. He was being looked after by a specialised team of doctors, nurses and therapists, a spokesman said. The hospital will try to determine whether he is ill or has mental health issues. Questions are now being asked about how the man could have slipped through the net of youth, social and health services. (BBC)




Migrant Crisis: 28 Dead In Day Of about Rescues Off Libya 1,000 people on three levels.

The Italian coastguard said it rescued 4,655 people on Tuesday, as calmer weathers encourage smugglers(AFP)


ore than 20 migrants are said to have suffocated in the hold of an overloaded boat off the Libyan coast. A photographer who was able to board the stricken wooden vessel said more than 1,000 migrants had been crammed aboard. They were among at least 28 migrants who died in the area on Tuesday, while some 4,655 people were rescued. The total number rescued over the past two days is more than 10,000, while the death toll is at least 50. Smugglers have taken advantage of calm weather to push more boats out to sea. Aris Messinis, a photographer for the French AFP news agency, said many of the dead aboard one particular boat had suffocated. He said: "It was a wooden vessel and there were

I counted 22 bodies and there are still others in the hold." Mr Messinis's graphic images showed the bodies of dead young men and women, piled on top of one another on the deck of a dinghy and in the cramped hold of a wooden boat. On Monday, 6,055 migrants were rescued - one of the highest numbers in a single day - and 22 found dead, Italian and Libyan officials said. One Italian ship rescued about 725 migrants from a single rubber boat, the coastguard said - just one of 20 rescue operations that day. Relatively calm weather is contributing to a surge in the number of people attempting to make the crossing before the cold weather sets in. The surge takes the number of migrants who have arrived in Italy this year to about 142,000 and the death toll to about 3,100, according to the International Organisation for Migration. The majority come from African countries, including Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Gambia, Sudan, Ivory Coast and Somalia. European law says migrants must stay in the country where they first enter the EU. With fewer migrants able to travel into Europe via Greece and the Balkan route, and France, Switzerland and Austria effectively closing their borders, Italy is struggling to deal with the growing numbers landing on its shores. Monday marked three years to the day since 366 migrants died when an overcrowded boat sank off the Italian coast, in a disaster that first drew widespread attention to the plight of those attempting to reach Europe by sea. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UN Court Throws Out Marshall Islands' Nuclear Weapons Case PAGE 83

The US carried out extensive nuclear tests on the Marshall Islands(GETTY IMAGES)


UN court has thrown out cases brought by the Marshall Islands against the UK and others for allegedly failing to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. Marshall Islanders have been at the forefront of anti-nuclear activism after ecologically-devastating American bomb tests at their Bikini Atoll. The UK, India and Pakistan were accused of


failing their obligations under the 1968 nuclear nonproliferation treaty. But the International Court of Justice said it could not rule on the case. The Marshall Islands had sought to use the case to force nuclear powers to disarm. The tiny South Pacific nation originally filed cases against all nine treaty signatories: The UK, US, Russia, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. But only the UK, India and Pakistan recognise the jurisdiction of the Hague-based International Court of Justice and only those three cases proceeded to the preliminary court stage. At hearings in March, Marshall Islands' representative Tony deBrum said he watched one of the US nuclear tests with his grandfather as a nine-year-old boy. "The entire sky turned blood red," he told judges. He said islands were "vaporised" by the tests. Judge Ronny Abraham acknowledged the "suffering" of the Islanders but ruled that they failed to prove a legal dispute existed between them and the three nuclear powers before the case was filed in 2014, which meant the court had no jurisdiction to hear the case. In 1996, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that the use or threat to use nuclear weapons would "generally be contrary to" the laws of war and humanitarian law. (BBC)




Police In India Detain 750 Over US Call Centre Scam police officials said they were contacting the FBI to ask for help. Some 70 of those detained were formally arrested, police said, with the rest released pending further inquiries. Nine people believed to have led the scam have been identified. The scammers pretended to be members of the US Internal Revenue Service, and told victims they owed back taxes. In some cases, the victims were duped into buying gift vouchers from different companies and bullied into revealing voucher ID numbers, police said. The scammers then made purchases with the voucher numbers. Police say those involved in the scam at the Indian end retained 70% of the earnings, with 30% going to their US collaborators. Police said scammers posed as the officers of the US Inland Revenue Service(PA) Police in the western Indian city of Thane have arrested more than 750 people suspected of defrauding US citizens from a fake call centre. Officers say the suspects obtained lists of US tax defaulters and used threats to obtain their bank details. The scam is said to have netted more than $150,000 (£118,000) a day, making it one of the biggest frauds in India's history. Thane

Paramvir Singh, the police commissioner of Thane, told reporters that 851 hard disks, high-end servers, and other electronic equipment had been seized. Mr Singh said overnight raids on Wednesday had lasted well into the morning, and involved more than 200 policemen who had raided buildings in three locations in the city. Thane police superintendent Mahesh Patil told BBC Hindi that the investigation could open up cases from other countries as well. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS World Teachers' Day 2016: “Valuing Teachers, Improving Their Status” Guyana has joined the rest of the world in observing World reaffirms its commitment to the value of the profession. PAGE 85

Teachers’ Day today. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO recommendation concerning the status of teachers. It is also the first World Teachers’ Day (WTD) to be celebrated within the new Global Education 2030 Agenda adopted by the world community one year ago. This year’s theme, “Valuing Teachers, Improving their Status”, embodies the fundamental principles of the fiftyyear-old recommendation while shining a light on the need to support teachers as reflected in the agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A specific education goal, SDG4, pledges to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Teachers are not only pivotal to the right to education they are key to achieving the targets set out in SDG4. The roadmap for the new agenda, the Education 2030 Framework for Action, highlights the fact that teachers are fundamental for equitable and quality education and, as such, must be “adequately trained, recruited and remunerated, motivated and supported within wellresourced, efficient and effectively governed systems”. However, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary not only to substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers but to motivate them by valuing their work. By 2030, 3.2 million more teachers will be required to achieve universal primary education and 5.1 million more in order to achieve universal lower secondary education. UNESCO with the WTD convening agencies (ILO, UNICEF, UNDP, and EI) and the International Task Force on Teachers, dedicates this day to celebrating a unique intergovernmental commitment – the only international standard-setting instrument on teachers – and


http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/prizes-andcelebrations/celeb.... In Guyana, teachers would normally be honored. Students usually take gifts and other items of appreciation for their teachers at school on World Teachers’ Day. The day is celebrated in over 100 countries worldwide.




Former Army Man To Probe Corruption At GNBA The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the investigations into the allegations of corruption and misconduct made by Northwest TV Inc. owner Mr. Kenwin Charles against members of the Guyana National Broadcasting Association (GNBA) Board was handed over to Major General Ret’d Joe Singh, MMS, by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon. According to a Ministry of the Presidency statement, Major General Singh will conduct an inquiry into the allegations and is expected to submit his report to the Prime Minister of Guyana by October 31, 2016. Minister Harmon had related that President David Granger had requested that the inquiry be conducted. “(The President) is very confident that you’ll be able to discharge your responsibilities,” Minister Harmon told Major General Singh after having provided him with the instruments of his appointment. The minister also assured Sing of his full support throughout the course of the investigations. Major General Singh said that he will work along closely with the Legal Advisor from the Ministry of the Presidency, Ms. Geeta Chandan Edmond to ensure emphasis is placed on that gathering of detailed information so that a report can be completed and handed over to His Excellency, President Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo in a timely

manner. “[We are going] to work closely with the Legal Advisor… to map out a time table and a sequence of events, identify those persons, who are pertinent in terms of receiving information from them; whether written or oral… and during that process asking the relevant questions to ensure that we can come up with the determination based on what the report is designed to do,” Major General Singh said. Charles, a broadcaster in Essequibo, had alleged that two GNBA board members tried to force him to sell his operations to a prominent businessman and processed to lodge complaints to Charmain of The GNBA Mr. Leonard Craig and the Prime Minister.



Hague Man Found Dead F o r t y - o n e Ye a r o l d Prakash Mahipaul of Hague Jib, West Coast Demerara, who reportedly went missing yesterday October 5, 2016 at around 17:00 hrs, was found dead this m o r n i n g a t approximately 11:30 hrs at the Hague Seawalls. Mahipaul is said to be a F i t t e r Machinist/Mechanic and father of two children, ages 13 and 15 Dead: Prakash Mahipaul respectively. It is unclear at this time based on information reaching the Guyana Daily News how the man would have met his demise and this newspaper was unable to confirm whether there were any marks of violence on the body. Investigations into the matter have commenced by the Police. Guyana Daily News will continue to keep you informed as details unfold.


Opposition lists 25 Scandals Of APNU+AFC Government The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) at a recent press conference criticized the APNU+AFC coalition government for its alleged involvement in 25 scandals since they took office just 16 months ago. The Office of the Leader of the Opposition in a statement said it has been diligently monitoring the APNU+AFC Government’s use of public funds and the levels of transparency and accountability. “From June 10, 2015 to August 8, 2016, in a matter of fourteen (14) months of the APNU+AFC Coalition government, we have uncovered 16 scandals — an average of a scandal for each month. But the month of August 2016 “took the cake”– or so we thought– with the exposure of three (3) scandals (the Sussex St. Drug Bond, BK International/GoG settlement and two (2) fuel licenses issued to the head of Guyana Water Incorporated).” The opposition said the August 8, 2016 sitting of the National Assembly will go down as a day of scandals, exposures of the incompetence of this government, their lack of disclosure, lack of transparency, accountability and their violations of the constitution. “Regrettably it has not ended there. The month of September 2016 has continued to bring new scandals with four (4) new scandals and another one pending. The latest tally of scandals and corrupt practices has now reached 25 in the sixteen (16) months of this government’s life.” The Opposition had that said the list did not included the discriminatory dismissals of hundreds of employers in the public service and in the state entities on the basis of their ethnic and assumed political affiliation which started in June 2015 and is continuing unabated. A matter which they said they will deal with another press conference where they will present facts on the issue. The opposition stated these scandals which have been uncovered expose a level of corruption and discrimination that has not been seen since the Burnham era.




GRA Employees Forced To Reapply For Jobs Several employees of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), any warning or hearing. No reasons were given in his letter. The who wish to remain anonymous, for fear of being victimized, have complained to the Guyana Daily News, that they are being forced to reapply for positions they currently hold. The disgruntled employees said that when they inquire as to why they need to reply for a position that they have held for several years now, they were told that instructions were given by senior management of the organization for them to reapply. The employees are fearful that they might be victimized by the administration during the process and that this is a move to get rid of them in order to put people who are aligned to the APNU+AFC in their positions. Several employees had also complained to the Guyana Daily News that they were victimized because they were perceived to be of a certain political affiliation and race. “I have been victimized in many ways by senior manager of the agency because they believe I am from a different political party that is not in Government at the moment”, one employee related. “However, we will have to do what they say because it’s our livelihood and we depend on it.” The GRA Chairman, Rawle Lucas has come under fire earlier in the year for the sackings of Customs Head, Jameel Baksh, and Head of the Human Resources Division, Archana Joshi. The Chairman’s reason for the dismissal stated that he was unsatisfied with the level of revenue collection. Also the lead investigator of the Customs airport racket, Nityanand Narootandeo, had his services terminated suddenly without

Human Resources Management Division at the Guyana Revenue Authority made it clear that it was a decision of the Board of Directors. However, sources at Guyana Revenue Authority said that there was no Board meeting on the decisions to fire the officials. The GRA then went on to hire Lancelot Wills, to head the Customs portfolio. He was jumped to the position which would earn him $695,485 per month. He was promoted by someone other than the Board of Directors.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Road Users Fed Up Of Reckless Drivers, Want Harsher Penalties PAGE 91

According to several road users, drivers seem to care less about the roads in which they traverse on a daily basis, disregarding the five “C’s” of road usage. Even though speed limits are placed on the roadways in Guyana with the intention of reducing road accidents and deaths, there continues to be recklessness. According to statistics released by the Guyana Police Force, traffic fatalities are caused by speeding which in most cases are related to alcohol abuse. Many road users are of the opinion that there is need for more traffic police on the road ways, speed radars and road blocks, in an attempt to curtail speeding and drunk driving. Statistics revealed that drunk driving has claimed over 50 lives in the last four and a half months, representing a 32 percent increase when compared to the same period


last year. The data further shows that 55 percent of all road fatalities resulted from speeding, 30 percent from alcohol impairment; 10 percent from not using seatbelts; and five percent for running red lights/stop signs or jay walking by pedestrians.

Government vehicle total disregard for road safety.

According to John Campbell, a taxi driver from the Stabroek Market area, “most drivers are disregarding the legal speed limit on a daily basis on the roadways, only a few are caught and taken to court, because of corruption between the police and drivers. We are waiting to see

what will become of the police officer who killed the lady on the West Coast the other day.” The road users are also stating that Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, has done very little to reduce traffic accidents and deaths. They are of the view that the Police Force must impose harsher penalties for drunk drivers, to the extent that their licenses should be suspended or even revoked. They want a comprehensive system for the issuance of driver’s licenses, enacting the other road rules such as improper lane usage, breach of traffic signals, illegal use of shoulders and turning lanes and overtaking on solid yellow/white lines among others. They further stated that operation Safeway needs more teeth in the execution and all must be brought justice.




Vice Chancellor Resolves 5% Tuition Adjustment Issues Vice Chancellor Professor Ivelaw Griffith met with his Cabinet, student leaders and the wider student body on Monday, October 3, on his return to Guyana earlier that day from business travel abroad, to clarify matters regarding an approved but unimplemented 5% tuition fee adjustment on University of Guyana programmes currently costing below G$250,000 a year. The adjustment amounts to G$8,000 per year per student, or G$667 per month per student. The Administration acknowledged that an email from the Registry last Friday, which sought to address an administrative error in computing a 5% adjustment that was approved since 2014, did not reflect the approach of the present leadership team. As a consequence, the email has been revoked and the Vice Chancellor has secured the endorsement of the University’s Finance and General Purposes Committee of his recommendation to forgo the increase this year. Forgoing this adjustment creates a G$60 million shortfall in projected 2016-2017 revenues. The University has already suffered from severe revenue imbalances due to falling exchange rates, some of the lowest tuition fees in the world, ageing infrastructure, and low salaries. Vice Chancellor Griffith noted

that the shortfall will have to be met from some other source, since the era of sub-optimal teaching and learning conditions at Guyana’s sole national University must end now. He encouraged students to focus on being the best students they can be, and he invited students, alumni and the wider community to be resource advocates for the University, using their networks, civic and business contacts. Matters raised with regard to the Facilities Fee were also addressed. The Facilities Fee, which was introduced in 2014, consolidated a series of lab, contingency and services fees previously paid by students, into a single sum of G$50,000. Twenty percent of the Fee, or G$10,000 goes to the student society, library and other direct services for students. Of the remainder, the largest proportion goes to student labs, field trips, projects, off campus training, sports and overseas travel for students. Fifty-five million dollars (G$55m) of the balance in the Facilities Fee account is being utilized to acquire a new student complex. The brainchild of Vice Chancellor Griffith, the student facility is being developed in collaboration with the current University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) leadership, and is expected to be ready by January 2017. In honoring its commitment to transparency and accountability, the

new UG leadership will provide bimonthly updates on the infrastructure projects and the use of the Facilities Fee from October 2016. The Facilities Fee, long a source of contention on campus, is governed by a committee comprising administrators, student leaders, and academics. 2 The new Vice Chancellor, who attended The University of Guyana in the 1970’s and who was once a student leader, embarked upon a Renaissance project upon taking office in June 2016. His vision includes re-branding UG, restoring academic rigor and pride, rebuilding physical infrastructure and plant, re- engaging students, staff, alums, the wider Guyanese society and the Diaspora and responding to nationally- and internationally-relevant circumstances and needs. The pursuit of an enhanced learning environment at all campuses continues to be one of the Administration’s highest priorities. Background to The Fee Adjustment Since the establishment of UG in 1963, successive political administrations have articulated the importance of its role in the development of the nation’s human capital. In pursuit of this objective university education in Guyana has traditionally been subsidized by the country’s taxpayers. Amidst the challenges that have ensued over more than half a century the University has remained steadfast in its objectives, though a point had long been reached when the cost of tuition ought to have become a collective responsibility, shared by government, through an annual subvention, the corporate community, through the provision of various forms of technical and financial support, and students and/or their parents and/or guardians through the payment of tuition fees, which are heavily subsidized.

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Vice Chancellor Resolves 5% Tuition Adjustment Issues (Cont’d) PAGE 93

In mid-2014, the University of Guyana Council, UG’s highest policy-making body, finally came to terms with the reality that tuition fees bore no relation whatsoever to the cost of delivering quality tertiary education. Accordingly, it decided on a three-year tuition fee adjustment in the amounts of 5% for 2015- 2016, 5% for 2016-2017 and 5% for 2017-2018. These adjustments were to have been made at the commencement of each of the respective academic years, with a view to bringing the tuition fees in line with those recommended by various consultants, including Trevor Hamilton and Associates, a respected Caribbean higher education consultancy firm, in 2012. Computer software and administrative glitches currently being resolved did not make the adjustment that should have


been applied to the tuition invoices in the Students Management Records System (SRMS). The UG Administration is working with service providers to bring campus-wide wireless internet facilities to the Turkeyen and Berbice Campuses as well as to ensure that there is connectivity with the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE) Centres at New Amsterdam, Anna Regina, Linden and Georgetown, in the shortest possible time. UG IN BRIEF With a current enrollment of some 8,000 students, The University of Guyana (UG) has graduated more than 20,000 students who have gone on to successful careers locally, regionally and internationally. The University is also a major contributor to the national economy and to business and industry. Established in 1963 on a part-time basis

with shared space at Queens College, UG moved to its own campus at Turkeyen in 1970 and expanded in 2000 with the addition of the Tain Campus. It now offers more than 60 Undergraduate and Post-graduate Programmes including the Natural Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Studies, F o r e s t r y, U r b a n P l a n n i n g a n d M a n a g e m e n t , To u r i s m S t u d i e s , Education, Creative Arts, Economics, Law, Medicine, Optometry and Nursing. Several online programmes are available and The UG also offers extra-mural classes at four locations through its Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE). The UG also offers the opportunity for student engagement in debating, sports, and cultural, religious and professional activities. University of Guyana Press Release




Victims Of Cubana Air Disaster Remembered

President David Granger pays homage to the victims of the 1976 Cubana Air Disaster (Photo credit Ministry of the Presidency)

students, heading to Cuba to study medicine, engineering and other disciplines. This act of terror, was the most deadly airline attack in the region. “The Cooperative Republic of Guyana recalls, with anguish, the bombing of the Cubana de Aviación flight CU 455 on 6th October 1976. Forty years have elapsed since this crime was committed. The passage of time has not diminished our pain at the loss of eleven young Guyanese lives on board that flight,” President Granger said on an emotive tone, while standing at the podium. He said Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago became alleged ‘aims’ for the CORU (Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations) after opening diplomatic relations with Cuba, during the mid-60s early 70s. CORU was a United States supported militant group responsible for a number of terrorist activities directed at the Cuban government of Fidel Castro during this period. “The terrorist attack constituted an assault on the freedom-loving peoples of the Caribbean. It was an attack on the right of the small states of the Region to determine their international relations in their own national interest,” the President said “Guyana reasserts its complete rejection of the use of force to settle controversies between states. Guyana reassures the world of its commitment to ensure that the Caribbean remains a zone of peace.

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Officials of the Cuban Embassy and a representation of the Cuban delegation

President David Arthur Granger this morning joined relatives of the victims of the Cubana Air Disaster, at the ‘Cubana 455 Monument’, located on the Turkeyen Campus of the University of Guyana. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the catastrophe, Ministers, Government representatives and officials of the Cuban Embassy, were also present at the ceremony. Cubana de Aviacion ‘Flight 455 was a Cuban flight from Barbados to Jamaica that was brought down by a terrorist attack on October 6, 1976. Two bombs exploded on board killing all 48 passengers and 25 crew members on the plane. Among the victims were 57 Cubans, 11 Guyanese and 5 North Koreans. Amidst the dead were 24 members of the 1975 Cuban National Fencing Team that had won all the gold medals in the Central American and Caribbean Championship. The Guyanese were mostly young




Victims Of Cubana Air Disaster Remembered (CONT’D) We will never forget them,” he concluded. This was the first act of terrorism against civilian aviation in the Western Hemisphere. Four men were arrested in connection with the bombing and a trial was held in Venezuela, Freddy Lugo and Hernan Ricardo Lozano were each sentenced to 20 years in prison. Orlando Bosch was acquitted and later moved to Miami, Florida where he lived until his death on April 27, 2011. Luis Posada Carriles was held for eight years while awaiting a final sentence, but eventually fled. He later entered the United States where he was held on charges of entering the country illegally, Carriles was released on April, 2007 and lives free in the USA. The government of Cuba, Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and the Republic of Guyana, had repeatedly asked for his extradition to Venezuela to receive a trial for his crimes. Source: https://www.ecured.cu/Crimen_de_Barbados

Guyanese who perished in the Cubana Air Disaster,October 6th 1976


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana’s Missed Opportunity In ICT PAGE 96

Many persons are of the opinion that Guyana is very far behind in the Information and Communications Technology sector (ICT). According to the Global Information Technology Report (GITP), Guyana ranks 90 in the Caricom region when it comes to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development. The report noted that Guyana continues to lag behind much of the Caribbean Community and the world in terms of effective implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which has tremendous impact on the other sectors of the economy. Communication is very important for businesses, connectivity, whether the internet or mobile phones, it is increasingly bringing market information, financial services, and health services to remote areas, and is helping to change people’s lives in many ways. According to several IT workers from Georgetown, who are also Computer Science students at the University Of Guyana,“New information and communications technologies (ICT), in particular high speed internet, are changing the way companies do business around the world, transforming public service delivery, however, in Guyana the major companies that provide these services are unreliable”, and that the internet service that is provided by the University of Guyana is sloppy and shameful for a University, the Government must do more to foster ICT development in Guyana, if development is to take place. However, Minister of Telecommunications Cathy Huges, told a gathering of teachers yesterday at the Cyril Poter College of Education, in observance of World Teachers Day that, “In one short year, we have been able to provide internet access to five regional development officers, both university campuses, 10 technical and vocational institutions in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five and Six… Today’s official launching of the OLPT gives our teachers an important tool to work with and is a vital component of Government’s all-encompassing programme to raise the national level of digital literacy, to improve internet connectivity and, most importantly, it is a means to introduce internet access to our unserved hinterland and interior locations… There is no doubt that higher levels of internet penetration have a direct positive impact on higher level of Gross Domestic Product”. According to a UN report, In 2003, the United Nations met and declared their common desire and commitment to build an Information Society, where everyone can create,


access, utilize and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and peoples to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their quality of life, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and respecting fully and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The creation of this society is enabled by the rapid deployment of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). The purpose of this document is to advocate some parameters for a plan of action for Guyana to move towards an Information Society.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hurricane Matthew: New Images Show Scale Of Haiti Destruction PAGE 97

New images show the extent of devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, with one town virtually wiped out and at least 23 people dead. The death toll is expected to rise amid concern over an area in the southwest which remains largely cut off. Images from one of the towns, Jeremie, show hundreds of flattened houses. The hurricane has gone back up to a Category Four storm, the second highest hurricane classification, as it heads for the US state of Florida. Hurricane Matthew is currently pounding the Bahamas, after slicing through Haiti and Cuba. It is the most powerful Caribbean storm in nearly a decade. Haiti's civil protection service has confirmed 23 fatalities, but Reuters news agency, quoting local officials, put the death toll at the much higher figure of 98. The south-western town of Jeremie was "pretty much wiped out from the seaboard all the way to the cathedral", a radio host in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince told the BBC on Thursday. He said the town had been virtually cut off from the rest of the world because of broken down communications since the hurricane. "The devastation that we are seeing is horrible...The town is really in dire straits and it's very, very bad down there." A presidential election due this weekend in Haiti has been postponed because of the hurricane, which has left destruction across the Caribbean region. Four people were also killed in the neighbouring Dominican Republic. It has intensified as it moves towards the US state of Florida, where US residents have been warned to prepare for a "direct hit". Florida Governor Rick Scott said his state could be facing its biggest evacuation ever. Matthew battered Haiti with winds of up to 230km/h (145mph) on Tuesday. The country is one of the world's poorest, with many residents living in flimsy housing in flood-prone areas. One official for aid agency Oxfam told the BBC that more than 10,000 people had been displaced in the south alone. Officials are concerned about the full extent of the damage in the Grand Anse area on the southern tip of the island - where Jeremie lies - which was directly in the storm's path. A key bridge has been destroyed, roads are impassable and phone communications have gone down. Mourad Wahba, the UN special representative for Haiti, said hospitals were overflowing. Among the damaged buildings were schools and churches due to be used as polling stations in Haiti's election. A new date for the much-delayed vote has not yet been announced. We only began to see the real destructive force of Hurricane


Matthew once we moved towards the south-west of the country. Trees fallen, banana crops uprooted and flattened, houses under water and men and women trying to get the debris out of the way. It was noticeable how the people we passed were coping alone. There were no army or police around to help. Even the aid agencies are struggling to move around this damaged corner of the country. Read more Why Haiti is vulnerable to disasters Hurricane Matthew has left a trail of destruction across the Caribbean, but nowhere has the devastation been more severe than in Haiti. The poorest country in the Americas, Haiti has long been particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. Six years after an earthquake killed more than 200,000 people and displaced 1.5 million, tens of thousands of quake victims still live in temporary shelters. More than half of Haiti's city-dwellers live in overcrowded shantytowns that take the full force of any earthquake, hurricane, or disease outbreak. An ongoing cholera epidemic, triggered by the arrival of UN troops after the 2010 quake, has killed thousands of people. Massive deforestation has also led to soil erosion, leaving hillside huts and poorly-built houses in the capital, Portau-Prince, dangerously exposed. The consequence in rural areas, where many depend on small plots of land for their food, is that topsoil is often washed away. Political instability and corruption have been a factor. Without effective government for decades, Haiti currently ranks 163rd out of the 188 countries on the UN Human Development Index. It spends little on storm defences. (BBC)

It's estimated 350,000 people now need help in Haiti after the hurricane hit, reports Richard Galpin




Bahamas Residents Urged To Evacuate Coastal Areas By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- As the potentially catastrophic Hurricane Matthew started its approach toward The Bahamas, Prime Minister Perry Christie urged residents on the southern coast of all islands to consider evacuating to higher ground. “The best advice that I have received is that if you live on the southern coast of any of our islands, including New Providence, I’m advised that you may be exposed to significant risks,” said Christie during a press conference at the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Matthew is expected to impact all Bahamian islands, including New Providence, which was expected to be hit directly beginning late Wednesday night, The Nassau Guardian reported. Many islands in The Bahamas face inundation as Matthew pushes through, with a storm surge up to 15 feet possible in some locations. Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade also called on residents in low-lying areas to leave as soon as possible. “We are not intending to frighten you, but if you are intending to help yourself and your families, this is the time now to make a decision to move,” he said. “Call a relative that lives inland New Providence or any other place in The Bahamas that is a higher ground from where you are living.” According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, the eye of Hurricane Matthew was located about 205 miles (325 km) south-southeast of Nassau, moving towards the northwest near 12 mph (19 km/h). This motion is expected to continue during the next 24 to 48 hours. On this track, Matthew will be moving across The Bahamas on Wednesday night and Thursday. Some strengthening is forecast during the next couple of days, and Matthew is expected to remain at category 3 or stronger while it moves through The Bahamas. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles (75 km) from the centre and tropical-stormforce winds extend outward up to 175 miles (280 km). A hurricane warning is in effect for: • Southeastern Bahamas, including the Inaguas, Mayaguana, Acklins, Crooked Island, Long Cay, and Ragged Island • Central Bahamas, including Long Island, Exuma, Rum Cay, San Salvador, and Cat Island • Northwestern Bahamas, including the Abacos, Andros Island, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama Island, and New Providence Hurricane conditions will continue over the central Bahamas and spread into the northwestern

Bahamas on Wednesday night and Thursday. Winds will gradually diminish over the southeastern Bahamas on Wednesday night. Matthew is expected to produce total rainfall amounts in the following areas: Eastern Cuba... 8 to 12 inches, isolated 20 inches Central Cuba... 3 to 5 inches, isolated 8 inches Western Haiti... additional 2 to 4 inches, isolated storm totals of 40 inches The Bahamas... 8 to 12 inches, isolated 15 inches Turks and Caicos Islands... 2 to 5 inches, isolated 8 inches Northeastern Haiti and the northern Dominican Republic... 1 to 3 inches, isolated 5 inches Life-threatening flash floods and mudslides are likely in southern and northwestern Haiti and central and eastern Cuba. Rainfall was expected to diminish across Jamaica and the Dominican Republic on Wednesday evening. The combination of a dangerous storm surge and large and destructive waves could raise water levels by as much as the following amounts above normal tide levels: Northern coast of Cuba east of Camaguey... 4 to 6 feet The Bahamas... 10 to 15 feet Surge-related flooding depends on the relative timing of the surge and the tidal cycle, and can vary greatly over short distances. Large waves generated by Matthew will cause water rises to occur well in advance of and well away from the track of the centre. The combination of a dangerous storm surge and the tide will cause normally dry areas near the coast to be flooded by rising waters moving inland from the shoreline. Swells generated by Matthew will continue to affect portions of the north coast of Cuba and The Bahamas during the next few days. These swells are likely to cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. (Caribbean News Now!)

Hurricane Matthew three-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic




Haitian Government Calls For International Assistance; Sunday's Elections Postponed By Caribbean News Now contributor PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- Following the passage of Hurricane Matthew on Tuesday, the Haitian government has appealed to the international community for immediate humanitarian assistance. In the meantime, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) has announced that elections will not take place this Sunday, 9 October, and that a new date will be announced by next Wednesday at the latest, after consultation with various stakeholders. Matthew is now the most powerful Atlantic storm since 2007 and the most powerful hurricane to hit Haiti in 52 years. The hurricane made landfall near Les Anglais in southwestern Haiti at 7 am on Tuesday bringing 145 mph winds and torrential rains to the impoverished country, which continues to struggle with food insecurity, while recovering from the 2010 earthquake, with 55,000 people still living in shelters. The UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are mobilizing resources to aid the people of Haiti. “Our priority is to support the governments’ interventions to save lives and meet the food needs of the most vulnerable and food insecure people affected,” said Miguel Barreto, WFP regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, who added that the agency is mobilizing its emergency staff and resources to deploy in the wake of the storm. In addition, WFP has arranged enough food supplies to feed 300,000 people for a month. Valuable stockpiles have been allocated to primary locations, with a prompt access to remote areas if needed. For its part, along with food supplies, UNICEF is also preparing life-saving aid for 10,000 people in Haiti. Marc Vincent, UNICEF Representative in Haiti, described the hurricane as “the worst storm Haiti has seen in decades.” He also expressed concerns regarding access to enough safe water and the high risk of water-borne diseases in children. According to UNICEF, fewer than 20 percent of people in Haiti have access to proper sanitation, while almost half of the population utilizes unsafe water resources. Such unsanitary conditions and water damage might increase the number of cholera cases in the region. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has also activated its response team. The US aircraft carrier George Washington and the amphibious transport dock Mesa Verde put to sea on Tuesday with Navy and Marine aircraft aboard and were headed to the Caribbean to provide relief

from the storm if needed. The GW's air wing is composed of V-22 Ospreys (Hybrid aircraft with vertical takeoff) and MH-60 Seahawks (Multi-mission helicopters), according to sources. The hospital ship USNS Comfort is also gearing up for a major operation, but has not yet left port. The ships have not been issued any official orders tied to Haiti's request for assistance, said Cmdr. Dave Hecht, spokesman for the Naval Air Forces, Atlantic. "We’ve learned from experience that it’s best to load up and head to sea in advance of the storm so we are ready if needed," declared Hecht, adding "The George Washington has been on alert for roughly the past 48 hours." Haiti’s southern peninsular, which bore the brunt of the storm, is currently cut off from the rest of the country. "The National Road Number 2 is cut at Petit Goâve after the collapse of the bridge at La Digue," reported Edgar Célestin, spokesperson of the Haitian civil defence, adding, "A crisis meeting is underway to restore access, but finding an alternative route will not be easy." This road is the only road linking Port-au-Prince to the southern peninsula of the country most affected by the passage of Matthew. (Caribbean News Now!)

On October 4, 2016, Hurricane Matthew made landfall on southwestern Haiti as a category-4 storm -the strongest storm to hit the Caribbean nation in more than 50 years. Just hours after landfall, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired this natural-colour image. At the time, Matthew had top sustained winds of about 145 mph. NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cuba Cleans Up After Hurricane Matthew By Caribbean News Now contributor GUANTÁNAMO, Cuba -- Hurricane Matthew made landfall in extreme eastern Cuba as a PAGE 100


Category 3 storm late on Tuesday, bringing life-threatening winds, storm surge and heavy rains. According to Nancy Acosta Hernandez, vice president of the Provincial Defence Council (CDP), the lack of communication with the affected areas has not yet allowed an accurate damage assessment, as much of the information so far has been provided by amateur radio operators. More than 35,000 residents were evacuated from the municipality of Baracoa, where some 80 percent of homes have reportedly partially or totally lost their roofs. Damage in the municipality of Maisi has not yet been determined due to the lack of accurate information. Hernandez stressed that the most immediate missions are attention to victims, return to their homes of those evacuated that are no longer at risk, the clearing of roads and railways and repairing damaged bridges, which include one in the municipality of Imías. She added that there has been no reported loss of life so far, despite damaged generators at the inter-municipal hospital in Baracoa, which also serves the population of Maisi and Imías. Wind gusts to tropical storm force are still possible along the north coast of central and The aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in eastern Cuba. eastern Cuba through Wednesday evening. (Caribbean News Now!)

Bermuda May Be Caught Between Two Storms As Latest Tropical Wave Heads To The Caribbean By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Tropical Storm Nicole, which formed in the Atlantic on Tuesday, has changed its path and is heading towards Bermuda. According to the Bermuda Weather Service, the system is a potential threat the island, with its closest point of approach within three days forecast to be 240 nautical miles to the south at 9:00 am on Friday. In the meantime, the forecast track of Hurricane Matthew has it moving away from the US East Coast at the weekend and also heading in the general direction of Bermuda. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Wednesday, the center of Tropical Storm Nicole was located about 490 miles (790 km) south of Bermuda, moving toward the west-northwest near 8 mph (13 km/h). A turn towards the northwest and north-northwest is expected through Thursday. A slower meandering motion is forecast Thursday night and Friday. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 60 mph (95 km/h) with higher gusts. Some additional strengthening is possible during the next day or so. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km) from the centre. Meanwhile, a tropical wave is producing a large area of cloudiness and showers several

hundred miles east of the Windward Islands. Development of this system is not expected during the next few days while it moves westward at 15 mph, but some development could be possible when the wave reaches the southwestern Caribbean Sea early next week. Locally heavy rains and gusty winds are possible in the Windward and southern Leeward Islands during the next couple of days as the wave moves through the area. (Caribbean News Now!)

Not so much the Bermuda Triangle as the Bermuda Squeeze, as the forecast tracks of two tropical cyclones put them on a collision course with Bermuda


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Islamic Bank Approves Additional US$10 Million For Suriname Health Sector PAGE 101


By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- Last week, on September 28, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Board of Directors of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) approved additional funding of US$10 million for the supplementary financing for the health systems strengthening project in Suriname. In February 2014, the IsDB approved a $60-million loan for Suriname’s health sector, which at the time was the largest single loan that Suriname had received from the IsDB since joining the bank. This new loan of US$10 million for healthcare in Suriname has been approved in a transparent and rigorous process. Dr Anwar Lall Mohamed, Suriname’s alternate governor at the IsDB, said that all loans are reviewed by experts of the IsDB before being approved. All projects are publicly tendered and must support the long-term development of Suriname. Next week a delegation from the IsDB will visit Suriname to discuss a loan of US$1.8 billion from the bank to support over 23 projects that the government wants to see launched. (Caribbean News Now!)

Dr Anwar Lall Mohamed

Cuba And Louisiana Sign Memoranda Of Understanding On Agriculture And Port Administration HAVANA, Cuba (ACN) -- Officials from Cuba and the US state of Louisiana on Tuesday signed in Havana, for the first time, memoranda of understanding in the agricultural and port sectors. One of them was signed between Cuba's National Port Administration (APNC) and the Association of Ports of North America, which includes facilities in New Orleans and Lake Charles, Louisiana. The second was signed between the Cuban Agricultural Business Group and the Louisiana’s Department of Agriculture and Forests. John Bel Edwards, governor of Louisiana, and his accompanying delegation of 57 people, on Monday began a visit to Cuba that will end on Friday, and the documents were signed after discussions on business opportunities and foreign investment on the island. “We are interested in mutual commercial exchanges,” Edwards said during the meeting, and in that regard he announced that his government's legislature has approved a resolution to propose the executive the reestablishment and strengthening of the association with Cuba in order to take advantage of the new opportunities in its market. Edwards expressed his solidarity with Cubans for the consequences of the imminent crossing of Hurricane Matthew through the eastern side of the island. Maria de la Luz B’Hamel, director of commercial policy for North America at the Cuban ministry of foreign trade and investment, concurred

with Edwards with respect to commercial exchanges and the strengthening of economic bonds. However, she warned about the persistent negative impact of the economic, financial and commercial embargo of the United States for more than 50 years. As part of the program, the visitors will meet with representatives of the ministries of agriculture and public health, as will visit the exclusive development area of Mariel (ZEDM) and the Fructuoso Rodriguez Agrarian University in the neighbouring province of Mayabeque. (Caribbean News Now!)

Officials from Cuba and Louisiana sign memoranda of understanding in Havana.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cocaine Seized At San Juan Airport From Passenger Arriving From USVI SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- US Customs and Border Protection cargo, including advanced electronic information about every PAGE 102

(CBP) Field Operations Officers on Sunday seized 22 pounds (9.9 Kilograms) of cocaine from a passenger arriving at the Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in San Juan from St Thomas, US Virgin Islands. The estimated street value of the seized contraband is approximately $277,000. “San Juan Office of Field Operations has a responsibility to ensure that criminal organizations do not use lawful travel as a means to conceal and move narcotics,” said Edwin Cruz, Area Port Director for Puerto Rico. “Our officers remain vigilant to detect and prevent any attempts to circumvent the security measures that are in place.”CBP Officers are authorized to inspect passengers at ports of entry without a search warrant CBP officers interviewed the passenger, a citizen of the United States and resident of St. Thomas. Inside his carry-on luggage a total of six brick shaped objects were found, whose content reacted positive to cocaine. CBP notified US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents, who assumed custody of the seized contraband and arrested the subject. CBP uses sophisticated methods to identify and target potentially high-risk passengers and


passenger and cargo shipment entering into the US before their arrival, canine inspections and non-intrusive devices. (Caribbean News Now!)

Leading UK Human Rights Barrister Retained In CCJ Case Against Dominica ROSEAU, Dominica -- Attorney at law Cabral Douglas, who has launched a US$3 million lawsuit against the government of Dominica over the Tommy Lee affair, has retained one of England’s top barristers, Dr Leslie Thomas QC, to lead the litigation phase of the case due to commence in Trinidad. "I am pleased to announce that I have retained the services of Leslie Thomas QC LLB LLD. Dr Thomas is one of the UK's leading human rights barristers, he brings a wealth of knowledge and courtroom experience in high profile cases to the table, and I am extremely fortunate to have him onboard to lead the litigation phase of this matter..." Douglas said in a statement. In August, Douglas, son of former prime minister of Dominica Rosie Douglas, filed legal proceedings at the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) against the government of Dominica over the cancellation of a concert caused by what is described in court documents as the “unlawful arrest, detention and deportation of Jamaican artiste Tommy Lee Sparta and his entourage without cause". Thomas, who was awarded an honorary doctorate from Kingston University for his civil rights work among other prestigious awards for his legal advocacy, has been a member of Garden Court Chambers in London for most of his professional career spanning over a 25-year period at the English bar. Garden Court Chambers is one of the largest and most highprofile barristers’ chambers in the UK with over 180 barristers, including 20 QCs, providing a wealth of expertise across criminal defence, civil liberties, inquest law, housing law, immigration, family law and public law. “The thing that attracted me to Dr Thomas is the fact that he had a successful career as a civil litigator going after big companies and institutions but his passion is for representing individuals whose civil liberties/human rights have been violated, which is what this case is really about,” Douglas said. Douglas added that his intention was always to appoint a barrister with a broad range of legal skills. "This matter involves several overlapping areas of law, including international law, contracts, civil litigation, negligence, human rights and civil liberties, so I have been seeking to appoint someone who is a QC first of all, and secondly someone with a broad range of experience in the various disciplines, then thirdly somebody with a track record of success. Dr Thomas ticks all the boxes so his appointment was a no-brainer," Douglas concluded. According to court documents, motions were filed at the CCJ on September 7, 2016, appointing Thomas and declaring his intention to be heard on the special leave application filed with the court by Douglas on August 24, 2016. The government of Jamaica, which has intervened on behalf of Jamaican plaintiffs Leroy Russell (Tommy Lee), Oralie Russell, Junior Fraser and Mario Wallace, has not yet declared whether or not it intends to be joined as a party to the proceedings. Although the government of Dominica had earlier indicated a desire to pursue an out of court settlement, a letter to Jamaican attorney Bert Samuels on May 18, 2016, by the Attorney General’s Chamber said that the government of Dominica had reversed its position by stating, “We do not accept responsibility or liability for any of the claims made therein.” Court documents indicate that the government of Dominica filed a motion on September 16, 2016, to be heard at the CCJ and is being represented by attorney general Levi Peter. However, that motion has been challenged on the basis that it was Cabral Douglas filed “out of time”. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS St Lucia And French Governments Sign Judicial Agreements CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Saint Lucia and France have signed two France and Saint Lucia, which was convened on March 25, 2014. PAGE 103

agreements to aid both countries in criminal matters. On Friday, September 30, 2016, the Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement in Criminal Matters and the Extradition Agreement were signed by the prime minister of Saint Lucia Allen Chastanet and the French Ambassador Eric de la Moussaye. The intention of the conventions is to prevent and suppress acts of terrorism. The signing also cements the relationship in the field of justice between the French and Saint Lucia. The Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters aims to develop cooperation between France and Saint Lucia for the purposes of preventing and combating crime, in respect of their constitutional principles respectively. The agreement provides that France and Saint Lucia grant legal assistance in key areas such as appearance of witnesses, searches, seizures and forfeitures. The Extradition Agreement, which is the natural complement of the Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement, provides that the two parties undertake to surrender to each other persons on their respective territories, who are prosecuted or have been sentenced by the judicial authorities of the other state for extraditable offences. This is the first independently signed extradition agreement between Saint Lucia and the French Republic. The two bilateral agreements were borne out of the fifth session of the Joint Security Committee between


(Caribbean News Now!)

(L-R) Deputy Chief of Mission in the French Embassy Philippe Seigneurin; Prime Minister of Saint Lucia Allan Chastanet; Minister in the Ministry of External Affairs Sarah Flood-Beaubrun; and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs Dr Rufina Frederick

OPEC Officials, Russian Minister For Meeting In Turkey Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Countries (OPEC) and external agents, will assemble on October 12 in Istambul, Turkey to discuss strategies to stabilize the oil prices. Accordign to the Venezuelan Newspaper. El Nacional the meeting will be celebrated as part of the XXII World Energy Congress. The meeting will also assist the Minister of Energy of Algeria Nouderine Bouterfa, from Gabon, Etienne Ngoubou; from Qatar, Mohammed Al Sada; from Saudi Arabia, Khalid alFalih; from the Arab Emirates, Suhail Al Mazrouei, and Alexander Novak in representation of Russia. During the meeting the members of the OPEC and externals agents, will discuss the implementation of the reduction of oil production to 32.5million barrels daily by 2017. This decision was taken during a conference held by the country members of the OPEC, in Algeria on September last. Source: http://www.el-nacional.com/economia/Miembros-OPEPreuniran-semana-viene_...




St Lucia Reparations Committee Welcomes N e w C A R I C O M Yo u t h A m b a s s a d o r CASTRIES, St Lucia -- The Saint Lucia National Reparations Committee (NRC) and the Saint Lucia National Preparatory Committee for the Jounen Kweyol CARICOM Reparations Baton Relay and Youth Rally have congratulated the island’s newest Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Youth Ambassador and welcomed her role as coordinator of the 2016 CARICOM Reparations Baton Relay planned for the end of October. Alisha Ally, a senior staffer at the Government Information Service (GIS), will serve as Saint Lucia’s CARICOM Youth Ambassador for the next two years -and one of her first assignments is assisting the Saint Lucia NRC to host the inaugural CARICOM Reparations Baton Relay planned as part of 2016 Kweyol Heritage Month observances there. The relay will end in a youth rally planned for the same day on Derek Walcott Square in the capital, Castries. The theme for the youth rally is “Pani Devloppman San Jistis – Wepawasyon Se Pou Nou Tout!” (“No Development Without Justice – Reparations Is For Us All!) The relay and rally are expected to attract participation by youth and student organizations islandwide and both will feature the CARICOM Reparations Baton. During her two-year stint, Ally will generally assist CARICOM with integrating the perspectives of young people into national, regional and international policy. The CARICOM Youth Ambassador Program was launched in Saint Lucia in 1993 by the heads of government, to mark the regional grouping’s 20th anniversary and was formally instituted in 1994. Since its inception, the Youth Ambassador Program has contributed to increased youth knowledge and awareness of CARICOM issues and priorities, while working towards raising the profile of young people at the national and regional levels. Appointed on September 16, 2016, Ally is ecstatic about her new assignment. Interviewed by colleagues after the announcement, she said she’s been “involved in the youth movement and the volunteer youth sector for ten years now,” and “I thought it was about time I elevated my level of advocacy and my contribution to the youth movement -- and I am quite pleased to have been selected." The new youth envoy aspires to make a valuable contribution to regional policy. She said, “I expect it to be a lot of work, because CARICOM deals with a lot of policy objectives not just for one country but for the entire region. “I am hoping to make a valuable

contribution -- especially for the youth demographic -- to whatever plans and programs that CARICOM already has in place and wants to put in place.” Ally said, “I anticipate that the advocacy that I will be engaged in will not be any different than I have done in other positions.” She pointed out that she has “always been a strong advocate on various issues that affect our young people, because, for me, all issues are youth issues and we should not just boil it down to certain categories like ‘unemployed’ and ‘crimeprone’, etc.” Ally expects to continue advocating and plans “to be able to enact some level of change through the policies and programs of the CARICOM Secretariat.” Meanwhile, Ally has a page in local history: according to the GIS, she is the youngest -- and only female -- Saint Lucian and the second Saint Lucian (after late eminent jurist Sir Vincent Flossaic) to speak at the House of Lords. That also makes her the only Saint Lucian alive with that fitting tribute. She joins fellow CARICOM Youth Ambassador, Charde Desir, as the island’s two representatives on the regional youth ambassadorial body. Desir is also Dean of the Caribbean Youth Ambassadors (CYA) and both Saint Lucia youth envoys are engaged in preparations for the Jounen Kweyol CARICOM Reparations Baton Relay and Youth Rally. (Caribbean News Now!)

One of Alisha Ally’s first assignments is coordination of the CARICOM Reparations Baton Relay planned for October 29 to coincide with a Jounen Kweyol Reparations Youth Rally on Derek Walcott Square in Castries




UKIP's Steven Woolfe Says He's 'Fine'toAfter Altercation have declared for the UKIP

Mr Woolfe is standing against Raheem Kassam for the UKIP leadership(PA)


KIP leadership hopeful Steven Woolfe says he is recovering in hospital after a reported fight at a meeting of the party's MEPs. The party released a statement from Mr Woolfe from his Strasbourg hospital bed saying he was sitting up having undergone a precautionary brain scan. UKIP sources said "punches were exchanged" during the row at a party meeting and Mr Woolfe banged his head. He was taken to hospital two hours later after collapsing, sources said. UKIP sources said "a rumbustious argument" had taken place at the MEPs' meeting at the European Parliament over whether Mr Woolfe had been talking to the Conservative Party. "Even the possibility of him talking to the Tory Party some saw as a betrayal and some MEPs were very angry," the sources said. The BBC was told Mr Woolfe went outside with another MEP where "punches were exchanged". "It is believed that Steven banged his head against a structure - a

window or a wall - but he got up," the sources said. Following a vote two hours later "he collapsed" and doctors were called and his wife was contacted. 'Looking well' But speaking from his hospital bed, Mr Woolfe said: "The CT scan has shown that there is no blood clot in the brain. At the moment I am feeling brighter, happier, and smiling as ever. "As a precaution, I am being kept in overnight awaiting secondary tests to make sure everything (is) fine. "I would like everyone to know that the parliamentary staff, the UKIP MEPs with me and hospital staff have been brilliant. Their care has been exceptional. "I am sitting up and said to be looking well. The only consequence at the moment is a bit of numbness on the left hand side of my face. " Earlier UKIP interim leader Nigel Farage released a statement on Thursday, saying: "I deeply regret that following an altercation that took place at a meeting of UKIP MEPs this m o r n i n g t h a t S t e v e n Wo o l f e subsequently collapsed and was taken to hospital. His condition is serious." Raheem Kassam, the other candidate

leadership so far, tweeted his best wishes for Mr Woolfe, as did ex deputy chairwoman Suzanne Evans. Leadership contest Mr Kassam tweeted that he had cancelled his appearance on BBC2's Daily Politics "out of respect" for Mr Woolfe, following reports he had been taken ill. He added: "I really hope @StevenWoolfe is okay. Plz send him your best wishes." Ms Evans, who is said to be considering her own leadership bid, tweeted: "Shocked to hear Steven Woolfe has apparently collapsed in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Wishing him well for a speedy recovery." Diane James said on Twitter: "My thoughts are with @Steven-Woolfe and his wife and daughter at this anxious time and I wish Steven a speedy and full recovery." Lisa Duffy, who stood in the previous UKIP leadership contest, told the BBC she had known Mr Woolfe before his daughter was born and had attended his wedding: "Today's news is devastating for everybody concerned and I can't possibly speculate on what's actually happened." Mr Farage said on Wednesday he would return as UKIP's interim leader until a fresh election could be held to find a successor to Diane James. Ms James announced her resignation after just 18 days in the job, citing professional and personal reasons for her decision. She succeeded Mr Farage on 16 September after he resigned following the Brexit vote. Mr Woolfe was unable to take part in the previous UKIP leadership race after he missed the deadline for submitting his nomination. (BBC)




Sotheby's Declares 'Frans Hals' Work A Forgery

The work was reportedly sold for £8.5m in 2011(SOTHEBY"S)


work thought to be by Dutch artist Frans Hals that sold for a reported £8.5m ($10.8m) has been declared fake. Sotheby's said it had "rescinded the sale and reimbursed the client in full" after tests revealed the painting, An Unknown Man, was "undoubtedly" forged. The investigation followed reports that a sophisticated forger is at large. The forger is also believed responsible for a painting attributed to Italian master Orazio Gentileschi that was loaned to the National Gallery. The painting, David Contemplating the Head of Goliath, was loaned to the gallery by its

current owner in 2013 and was on display until March this year. It has since been returned. The National Gallery said it "undertakes due diligence research on a work coming on loan as well as a condition check", and that these were carried out on the painting. 'Modern materials' Another disputed work, attributed to Renaissance artist Lucas Cranach the Elder, was seized by authorities in France in March after doubts were raised about its authenticity. The work had been loaned to an exhibition in Aix-enProvence by Hans-Adam II, the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein. According to The Art Newspaper, the work came on to the market in 2012 and was sold "in good faith" to the prince in 2013. Page one of any decent guide to the business of acquiring artworks should spell out in bold letters, BUYER BEWARE. Unless you have bought the painting or sculpture directly from the studio of a living artist, you are running the risk of buying a fake. On the plus side, science is increasingly playing a part in authenticating artworks - but then a top notch forger tends to find ways to stay ahead of the game.

Provenance is all. If you want to reduce the odds of purchasing a fake, then you need the paperwork that details all past owners and what they have done to conserve the piece. The more gaps in an artwork's "backstory", the greater the opportunity for Mr Dodgy to get to work. In the parlance of the motor trade, you really need to see a full service history. Fakes are far more common than many in the art world would admit in public. Uncertainty is rarely good for business. But then just look at the success of shows like Fake or Fortune, which appear to have an endless supply of tales to tell. Sotheby's said that "with the agreement of the seller" of the work thought to have been by Hals, which was sold in 2011, it had "informed the buyer of a possible issue with the authenticity of the painting". It subjected the Hals painting to "an in-depth technical analysis" after links emerged between it and the Cranach. Sotheby's said the tests "showed the presence of modern materials used in the painting in a way that meant it could not have been painted in the 17th Century". 'Best faker of all time' Speaking on Radio 4's World at One, art historian Bendor Grosvenor called the case "extraordinary". "What is amazing about [the painting] is the quality and the fact that it's not a copy," he said. "Whoever has subsumed the aura of Hals when he painted this also came up with a totally fresh composition. "If these [paintings] are fake, and I believe they are very likely to be, we are dealing with the best faker of all time." (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Eastern Aleppo Faces 'Total Ruin' In Two Months 275,000 people. "If you did

Much of eastern Aleppo lies in ruins(AFP) ebel-held eastern parts of the Syrian city of Aleppo may face "total destruction" in two months, with thousands killed, the UN's envoy says. Staffan de Mistura told reporters that he was prepared to personally accompany al-Qaeda-linked jihadists out of the city if it would stop the fighting. He also appealed to Russia and Syria's government not to destroy the city for the sake of eliminating militants. Troops have been besieging the east, where 275,000 people live, for a month. "The bottom line is, in a maximum of two months, two and a half months the city of eastern Aleppo at this rate may be totally destroyed," Mr de Mistura told a news conference in Geneva. "Thousands of Syrian civilians, not terrorists, will be killed and many of them wounded." He added: "This is what you, we, the world will be seeing when we will be trying to celebrate Christmas, or the end of the year, if this continues at this rate,


unimpeded. Homs [Syrian city] multiplied by 50." He said the UN was not willing to "be passive, resign ourselves" to genocides such as those in Srebrenica and Rwanda. 'Leave in dignity' Russia and Syria say their forces are attacking the powerful jihadist group Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, which was known as alNusra Front until it it formally broke off ties with al-Qaeda in July. Mr de Mistura said about 900 of the 8,000 fighters in eastern Aleppo were members of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and that he w o u l d willingly accompany them out of the city if they decided to l e a v e . Addressing the group d i r e c t l y, h e asked if they were willing to decide the destiny of

decide to leave in dignity, and with your weapons, to Idlib or anywhere you wanted to go, I personally am ready physically to accompany you," he said. He also warned Syria and Russia that history would judge them if they used the presence of the jihadists in Aleppo as "an alibi perhaps for destroying a whole city". The besieged east of Aleppo has come under intense aerial bombardment since a cessation of hostilities brokered by the US and Moscow collapsed last month. Diplomatic efforts to revive the ceasefire have so far come to nothing. The US has since suspended any military co-operation with Russia over Syria. Mr de Mistura said at least 200 wounded civilians were in need of evacuation to save their lives. Meanwhile, Jan Egeland, the UN humanitarian advisor, said at least 376 people had been killed and 1,266 wounded in the last two weeks in Aleppo. He added that the Syrian government has given no permits for aid convoys anywhere in the country in October. (BBC)




UN Security Council Formally Nominates Guterres To Be Next chief

Antonio Guterres is a seasoned diplomat(AP)


he UN Security Council has unanimously nominated former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio

Guterres to be the next secretary general. The UN General Assembly is expected to meet next week to approve his five-year appointment. Mr Guterres, 67, who led the UN refugee agency for 10 years, will take over from Ban Ki-moon early next year. He said he felt "gratitude and humility" for being nominated and he pledged to "serve the most vulnerable". Mr Guterres paid tribute to Ban Ki-moon and called on UN members states to "strongly support him in his actions and his initiatives" in his final months in office. Speaking earlier, Mr Ban, 72, described Mr Guterres as a "superb choice" to succeed him in the role. "His experience as Portuguese prime minister, his wide knowledge of world affairs, and his lively intellect will serve him well in leading the United Nations in a crucial period," Mr Ban told reporters during a visit to Rome. (BBC)

Poland Abortion: Parliament Rejects Near-total Ban

Mass protests were held in cities across Poland on Monday against the citizens' bill(REUTERS)


oland's parliament has voted overwhelmingly to reject a controversial citizens' bill for a neartotal ban on abortion. The government said that protests against the bill had given ministers "food for thought". Poland already has among the tightest abortion laws in Europe, and the proposal sought to ban all abortions unless the mother's life was at risk. MPs voted to reject the bill by 352 votes to 58. The bill came from an anti-abortion citizens' initiative that gathered some 450,000 signatures. It was initially backed by the Catholic Church, but bishops then said they could not

support one of the proposals, to jail women who had an abortion. The proposals were not sponsored by Poland's ruling, socially conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) and MPs were given a free vote. Some 100,000 people, mostly women, protested against the proposals in cities across Poland on Monday and appeared to prompt the PiS to swing against the bill, although the party promotes Catholic values. Prime Minister Beata Szydlo distanced herself from a change to the law and Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin moved to reassure women on Wednesday that a total ban would not get through. "Abortion will certainly not be banned when the woman is the victim of rape or if her life or her health is in danger," he insisted. Since Law and Justice came to power last year, it has been criticised by the EU for taking control of state media appointments and for reforms to Poland's constitutional court. What would have changed? Abortion is already largely banned in Poland. The only exceptions are a severe and irreversible damage to the foetus, a serious threat to the mother's health, or if the

pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. The Stop Abortion campaign group wanted the ban extended to cases of rape and incest. The only exception would have been where the mother's life was in danger. Doctors already risk punishment if they carry out an illegal termination. But the tighter proposals would have made abortion punishable with an fiveyear prison term. In the end this was a bill that not even the Catholic Church could support. Just before the vote in parliament, Poland's bishops put out a statement saying that while they opposed abortion they did not support punishing women for having the procedure. The proposed ban was not popular amongst most Poles, even though some members of the right-wing ruling party initially supported it. The scale of Monday's protests clearly gave Law and Justice food for thought, and the education and science minister Jaroslaw Gowin spoke about a lesson in humility. After the vote, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said a pro-life education campaign would be prepared instead. It seems that a 23 year-old compromise, which only allows abortion in cases of rape or incest or when the health of the mother or foetus is seriously endangered, will remain in place. (BBC)




Australian 'Budgie Nine' F1 Strippers Freed By Malaysia Court

Stripping came "quite naturally" to the boys, according to their lawyer


ine Australians arrested for stripping off at the Malaysian Formula One Grand Prix have walked free from a court. The group, branded the "Budgie Nine", were charged with public nuisance, which carries a fine but no jail time. The men were detained after posing in swimwear decorated with the Malaysian flag to celebrate Australian Daniel Ricciardo's win in Sunday's race. In a letter read out in court, they apologised and expressed their "deepest regret". They said the incident was "purely an error of

judgement" on their behalf. Budgie is the abbreviated name of the budgerigar, a small Australian parrot, and budgie-smuggler is a slang term for tight swimming trunks worn by men. Among the men was Jack Walker, an aide to Australian Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne. His father John Walker addressed the media outside the court after the hearing, saying that his son and the other eight were "good boys". One of the men, Thomas Whitworth, fainted during the proceedings and had to be given water. 'Briefs won't be made again' Many Australians took to social media to express anger and embarrassment at the men's antics, while

others saw their actions as nothing more than foolish hijinks. Earlier, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told the Nine Network that what may be seen as a foolish prank in Australia could be viewed very differently in other countries. "I don't know that it will be seen as a lapse of judgment," she said. "It was clearly premeditated. They were wearing the budgie smugglers and had bought them in Australia." Malaysia has strict rules on any display of public indecency and foreign offenders are typically issued a fine before being deported. Last year four foreign tourists were jailed for taking naked photographs at the peak of Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia. The maximum fine for public nuisance is RM400 (£76; $96). It was not immediately clear what the men will have to pay. Their lawyer, Shafie Abdullah, had argued that his clients were part-time lifeguards, so stripping down came quite naturally to them. A spokesperson from Budgy Smuggler, the swimwear company behind the swimwear, said it would not produce the Malaysian flag design again. "We've produced for about 50 countries around the world and this is the first time it's caused an international incident," Jarrod Allen, head of research and development, told the BBC. "We'd never set out to intentionally disrespect." (BBC)




'Honour Killings': Pakistan Closes Loophole Allowing Killers To Go Free

The new law is being seen as a big step towards ending honour killings in Pakistan (AFP)


akistan's government has closed a loophole allowing those behind so-called "honour" killings to go free. New legislation means killers will get a mandatory life sentence. Previously, killers could be pardoned by a victim's family to avoid a jail term. Now forgiveness will only spare them the death penalty. It is being seen as a step in the right direction in a country where attacks on women who go against conservative rules on love and marriage are common. According to the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), nearly 1,100 women were killed by relatives in Pakistan last year in such killings, while many more cases go unreported. 'First step' In recent months, a number of high-profile deaths have made headlines both in Pakistan and abroad, including the killing of British woman Samia Shahid in July, allegedly by her father and her former husband. The same month, Pakistani social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch was strangled to death, allegedly killed by her brother in an apparent "honour killing" in the province of Punjab. he amended law was debated

books. But it is yet to be seen how effective a deterrent the anti-honour killing law may prove. The crime is often committed either as a result of sudden provocation or under tremendous social pressure. Killers have largely enjoyed impunity due to a legal provision under which a relative of the victim could pardon the perpetrator. That clause has now been tweaked to ensure the offender pays the price. This may prove to be deterrent in the long run. In rape cases, the parliament has for the first time introduced a provision allowing DNA tests to ascertain identity of the offender. Experts believe this will effectively cover up for by Pakistan's National Assembly for four the weakness in the previous legislation hours on Thursday, before being passed that relied heavily on circumstantial evidence. (BBC) unanimously. Campaigners have been calling for tougher legislation to protect women from violence for years. A 2005 amendment to the law pertaining to honour killings prevented men who kill female relatives pardoning themselves as an "heir" of the victim. Pakistani activist Sharmeen Obaid paid tribute to the people who had worked to get the bill through in a Facebook post. "It may not change much over night but it is certainly a step in the right direction," she added. "And today I am proud that we have gone the distance on this bill." The bill - pending for a long time - has now been passed by both houses of parliament, which means they will soon make it to the statute




Juvenile Held After Texas Special Needs Boy Set On Fire

Kayden exhibits autistic behaviour, but has not been diagnosed, his mother says(YOUCARING) juvenile has been charged with first-degree arson on a 10-yearold Texas boy with special needs. Kayden Culp is in an induced


coma with serious burns after the attack on Sunday afternoon in Kerrville, 70 miles northwest of San Antonio. Kerrville's Fire Marshal said the accused, who has not been named, is "responsible for causing the victim's severe burns".

Kayden's mother said burns cover 20% of his body, from his ears to his belly. His condition deteriorated on Wednesday, according to his family. His organs were failing and he remained on life support. Kayden was playing in a field with two other children when he was doused with petrol and set alight, family members told local media. His mother, Tristyn Hatchett, told the San Antonio ExpressNews: "The other boys who were there have been telling kids at school that it was not an accident, that it was intentional."Kayden has a speech impediment and exhibits autistic behaviour, but has not been diagnosed, say family members. His aunt, Alike Richardson, told the Express-News: "They make fun of him. He gets beat up in Carver Park every time he's goes up there. "That's just the way it is. The kids are really mean." (BBC)

Yahoo 'Scanned EmailsRussia's To Help FBI Hunt Terrorists’ Izvestia daily Russia, Izvestia reported. The Tu-22M3

A Tu-22M3 on exercises: It has been used to bomb Syrian rebels(REUTERS)


ussia has prepared a new strategic bomber division in the far east to patrol a huge area of the Pacific where the US military is especially active. Tupolev Tu-22M3 and Tu-95MS bombers will fly from Siberia as far as Hawaii, Guam and Japan, all of which host major US naval and air bases,

reported. Russia has sent Tu22M3s on bombing runs in Syria and Tu-95s regularly carry out patrols near Western Europe. Nato has criticised Russia's flights. Britain's RAF and other Nato air forces regularly scramble fighters to monitor the Russian bombers' movements over the North Sea and Atlantic. A Russian defence ministry official told Izvestia dozens of the Tupolevs would be based at Belaya and Ukrainka, in eastern Siberia. The announcement comes amid heightened Russian-US tensions over the Syria conflict. Western politicians have accused Russia of bombing civilian areas heavily and indiscriminately in support of Syrian government forces. The new bomber division will be Russia's second the first was created last year in western

has the Nato codename "Backfire", while the Tu-95 - a decades-old, Cold War turbo-prop plane - is called "Bear". The Soviet Union sent bombers over the northern Pacific regularly during the Cold War, but such patrols ceased in the 1990s and early 21st Century. However, Russian bombers have been spotted in the region in recent times. In 2007 President Vladimir Putin announced the resumption of Russian long-range bomber flights. A Russian military expert quoted by Izvestia, Anton Tsvetov, said "this build-up of Russian military capabilities in the Pacific Ocean demonstrates the seriousness of Russia's ambitions in the East". Russia is also expanding its military facilities on the Kuril Islands, north of Japan. The islands were occupied by Soviet forces in 1945 and the sovereignty dispute over them still hampers Russian-Japanese relations. (BBC)

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Mocha Trio Charged With Larceny

Swine Evans, 27, Roy Nurse, 41, and Kanise Cameroon, 32, all of Mocha, East Bank Demerara were today released on $15,000 bail after they appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan jointly charged with committing the felony of larceny on October 3, 2016. They are set to appear before the Providence Magistrate Court on October 25, 2016 for continuation.

They were unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to the charge. It is alleged that on the date in question the three accused stole 4 Pine Doors of total value $45,000 and two Purple Heart doors valued at $32,000, total value of $77,588 while they were affixed to a building owned by Deomattie Seetaram. Prosecutor Jones said that the stolen items were recovered at the property where the trio reside.

Government Under Pressure Over Delayed Commissions parliamentary opposition, the People’s Progressive Party had already named their representatives for the LGC, which are; former acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba, former Local G overnment M inis ters N orman Whittaker and party member Clinton Collymore. The government however, is still to name their representatives. The opposition earlier this week had staged protests over the government’s delay in establishing the LGC. The PPP/C had picketed the Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministry of Communities, alleging that the delay is facilitating an attempt by the government to control local government bodies by completing the appointments of new Town Clerks and overseers in new local authorities. PPP Executive Secretary Zulficar Mustapha had said that the protests would continue until a commission is appointed. The collation government has come under heavy fire in the last few weeks over delays in setting up Local Government commission (LGC). The government had been accused of prolonging the establishment of the various commissions such as Local Government Commission (LGC) and the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) and also not making necessary amendments to current commissions such as the Integrity Commission. The

In an attempt to explain the delay for the commissions, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon on Wednesday, told reporters that efforts are ongoing to secure an office space for the LGC commission. Harmon, when asked about the names of the representatives of commission said that the names will be announced by President David Granger and minister of communities Ronald Bulkan but was unable to give a date for said announcement. He also related that the president is awaiting the parliamentary

Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to finalize the remuneration packages, Te r m s o f R e f e r e n c e a n d o t h e r administrative arrangements before swearing in the members PPC. However, PAC Chairman, Opposition member Irfaan Ali reportedly pointed out that the President could go ahead with swearing in the members of the Procurement Commission, as he did not have to necessarily wait for the Committee to finish its work on the PPC. Minister Harmon noted that recent media reports quoted the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, former Minister Irfaan Ally as saying that it (the Commission) will be among the first business of the National Assembly when it resumes Parliamentary sittings later this month. “We would like that to be a top priority as well, and we will give that our full support to ensure that it is fast tracked,” Harmon said.

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Fisherman Charged which With Breaking And Entering he allegedly committed entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

Fisherman Anthony Lall today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan charged with one count of Breaking and Entering and one count of Larceny,

between September 30, 2016 and October 3, 2016. Lall was granted bail in the sum of $25,000 and is slated to appear before the Providence Magistrate Court on October 13, 2016. The 21 year-old resident of Friendship initially pleaded not guilty to the charge of breaking and entering and guilty to larceny. However after explaining to the court the reason behind his guilty plea, the Chief Magistrate

Police Prosecutor, Corporal Dinero Jones made no objection to bail. It is alleged that between the aforementioned dates Lall broke and entered the dwelling place of Shonette Douglas at Friendship, East Bank Demerara and stole one 1 Television valued at $100,000 and one Gas Bottle valued at $15,000. It is further alleged that between the same dates the defendant stole from the same virtual complainant two 50 gallon water tanks of total value $60,000.

More Focus Needed On Border Control. Many residents of the Essequibo are complaining about the porous borders of Guyana especially to the North and East, where there is smuggling. They believe that the Government of Guyana must do more to tighten up its border. The residents complained to the Guyana Daily News about the recent revelations o f Ve n e z u e l a n M i l i t a r y A i r c r a f t hoovering over the Essequibo region. Some residents also stated that border security is essential to Guyana, especially since there are disputes with Venezuela and Suriname on territorial matters. There are large scale fuel smuggling operations in this part of the country, and as such residents want those who enter or leave a country to be scrutinized. Border security and regulations allow a country to monitor all people, animals and goods that travel across its borders, there are several issues border security is responsible for: Controlling the movement of citizens in and out of the country, Regulating legal and illegal immigration, Collecting tax on goods, Controlling the spread of diseases, both human and animal, Preventing the smuggling of weapons, drugs, hazardous or illegal substances or objects, as well as endangered animals. The residents further stated that border security is one of the means through

which national security is carried out, no nation is truly safe without border security, because open borders easily lure harmful people and harmful actions such as smuggling, which could severely threaten the residents of the country and even result in the loss of lives, good border security can provide both actual safety for the country as well as a mental state of safety for its people. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the government continually explore the newest, most advanced technologies and processes that may ensure safe borders, a combination of good intelligence, tight security procedures, experienced and qualiďŹ ed personnel and regular checks and drills may ensure that a country’s borders are as safe as they could be, they added.

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Government Continues To Ignore Mental Health These disorders cost individuals and provide government with information on

The State of mental health in Guyana is of grave concern to many residents. According to several persons who spoke to the Guyana Daily News, the Government is neglecting the issue in Guyana. The tragedies of the mentally unstable wandering the country’s streets and continuing domestic violence, murders and suicides point to a mental health crisis that is largely being ignored by the government, says founder of the Guyana Foundation Supriya Bodden. According to Bodden, those who are left to sleep on the streets, women who are beaten with hateful words before finally being stabbed to death by their angry spouses, and youth attempting to bury their depression in suicide are victims in the tragic stories among the underprivileged in society. Mental disorders have a severe impact on the Guyanese society, especially economic impacts which appear clearly in the Guyanese society.

families’ serious economic burden, where the family bears the expenses for the treatment of mental illness, In addition to lost employment, reduced productivity and high levels of crime. Direct costs of the treatment of mental disorders in countries like Guyana, where there is limited mental health care it may be lower than countries where there is advanced mental health care, but on the other hand the indirect costs increase because of lack of treatment that cause increment of the duration of untreated disorders. It is imperative that the government pay greater attention to curb mental illness in order to avoid further impact on society and economy. According to the citizens, making effective programs and policies widely available would provide Guyana with a wide range of preventive tools to tackle mental disorders. It is important to develop a system of national databases to

evidence on their outcomes and conditions for effective implementation. They also opined that financial support should be allocated to the implementation of prevention programs and policies and to the development of required infrastructures. In addition, investments in capacity building at the country level should be promoted, providing training and creating a workforce of professionals. Much of this investment will need to come from the government. Child abuse, discrimination, poverty and lack of access to education have a significant impact on the development of mental ill health and the cause of mental disorders. Actions and policies that improve the protection of the basic human rights plays a very powerful preventative strategy for mental disorders, they further stated.

3rd Rupununi Musical And Art Festival Opens From The 14th To The 16th Of October. and dances are some of the many Amerindian, Brazilian and Caribbean

3rd Rupununi Music & Arts Festival With the theme “One people, One Nation, One Destiny” the third Rupununi Musical and Art festival will open its doors once more to welcome locals and foreigners. A diversity of flavors, colors, scents, music

attractions that the festival has to offer. The event will take place on the Rock View Lodge, Annai, North Rupununi from October 14 – 16. Music as the Universal Language, will become the common denominator for local and foreigners to assemble in this singular location to enjoy an explosion of creativity and love. The complexity, beauty and limited human existence, is taken as the subtle theme of the festival this year. This yearly celebration was established in 2014 as an interesting adventure that provides visitors with the opportunity to explore Guyana from its matrix. Bird watching, fishing, walking and riding are some of the activities promoted by the event. Tempting the unexperienced traveler to take part of each and every one of them. A weakened that becomes short as the activities of the festival multiply. An eco-oriented event that looks forward to promote the preservation not only of the nature, but also values and traditions of this unique nation. Friday October 14th: The Festival will begin with the Sunset.

bands will light the evening. Story-telling, arts, crafts displays and participatory workshops will also take place. Saturday October 15th: Tour guides will start from early hours in the morning. Giving the visitors a preview of our flamboyant ecosystem. Football, volleyball and archery will be one of the offers in the sporting activities. Being one of the exclusives of this year festival. After Twilight, a campfire will light the center of the venue. Reminding us our vulnerable genesis. Sunday October 6th: An early morning musical on Inspiration Rock, will wake up the ‘audience’ on Sunday morning. Making sure that the last hours of the festival are well exploited. Followed by sport activities and the epic closing ceremony, which will be the combination of the three days of stage performances. S o u r c e : http://www.wherevent.com/detail/EcoTr a v e l - 3 r d - R u p u n u n i - M u s i c - A r t s Festival

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Govt Accused Of Overspending, Prudent Management Needed

Several political commentators are questioning the new government’s ability to manage the country’s financial matters. They referenced the Auditor General’s report for 2015, which was handed over to the Speaker of the National Assembly recently. The report pointed out that there were overpayment to contractors and breaches of the law in overspending and abuse of the contingency fund. In the report on public

spending, the Auditor General’s Office found that overpayments amounting to $31.315 million ($31,315,000) were made on measured works on 19 contracts administered by ministries, departments and regions. Further, it was found that significant breaches of legislation occurred, especially relative to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (with 22 ministries/departments being

guilty). Thirteen of these ministries and departments breached Section 43, which stipulated that “…any unexpended balance of public moneys issued out of the Consolidated Fund shall be returned and surrendered to the Consolidated Fund”. In addition, it was found that eight ministries/departments had breached Section 80, which stipulated thus: “The concerned Minister shall, within two months following the receipt of the annual report, present the annual report of each statutory body to the National Assembly”. The audit is the first for the APNU+AFC coalition; it covers the coalition government’s first budget for the fiscal year ending 31st December, 2015, and scrutinizes spending of the various government ministries and the ten Administrative regions. The commentators are of the opinion that the government may not be making any strides to ensure tax payers dollars are spent in a prudent manner, with the loss of several vital overseas markets for rice, timber, among others, foreign revenues will be dwindling, “ so the government must spend wisely”.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS GWI To Explore New Techniques To Improve Operations - Following Informative Suriname Visit PAGE 118

GWI’s Georgetown Manager, Cutris Niles; Executive Director of Project Implementation & Partnership Building, Ramchand Jailal and ; Technical Advisor, Joseph Codette analyse a section of the operational setup at the Suriname Water Company. T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 6 , 2 0 1 6 – Georgetown, Guyana: A five member t e a m f r o m t h e G u y a n a Wa t e r Incorporated on Saturday (October 1 st ) returned from Suriname following the second leg of the IBD/UN Habitat sponsored Water Partnership Program. The team engaged the Suriname Water Company in a one week program which addressed topical areas including water quality, non-revenue water and billing. Representatives from the Suriname Water Company were here in August to analyze GWI’s operations. The aim of the exchange program was to share ideas and experiences for the benefit of both countries. Executive Director of Operations, Dwayne Shako said they have returned with improved knowledge on ways to better Guyana’s water quality based on the expertise of their Surinamese counterparts. He added that water quality was one of the main focus areas for GWI during the exchange program. Shako said, “What we realised is that our


designs for treatment plants were very generic. What the Dutch did is they really studied all the characteristics of the ground water and they were testing far more parameters than we were, so their treatment system is actually tailored based on the quality of the ground water”. This means that even though treatment plants may be similar in design, some amount of tweaking was done to make they are unique to the ground water they are treating. “The most important thing is to have our lab e q u i p p e d b e c a u s e t h a t ’s w h e r e everything starts…to be able to test all the parameters needed to properly design a treatment plant”, Shako added. The team also managed to gain a firsthand look at the outcome of their counterparts’ aquifer study, which will serve as a framework for a similar study to be undertaken by GWI. This study helps to determine the quantity of ground water resource. “So we discussed with them how they went about it and we were privileged to have some of the results from their report”, Shako posited. GWI’s study when completed will help to guide the design of new wells and the future use of ground water in Guyana. Meanwhile in the department of billing, GWI personnel were able to advise the Surinamese on ways to improve their service, since Guyana’s system was deemed more advanced. Alternatively, the GWI team learnt new techniques on how

to tackle non- revenue water. During the visit to the Suriname Water company, GWI’s team also toured a number of their water treatment plants and other facilities with a view of analyzing them in comparison to Guyana’s setup and with the aim of improving the services offered. Suriname’s Natural Resources Minister Mr. Regilio J. Dodson who engaged GWI’s officials, expressed pleasure in seeing the realisation of the partnership. He noted that he is looking forward to engaging GWI’s Managing Director Dr. Richard Van West-Charles, with the hope of strengthening bilateral relations in the area of water. Mr. Dodson believes the neighbouring countries share common interests and has committed to assisting Guyana where needed. The team consisted Executive Director of Operations, Dwayne Shako; Executive Director of Project Implementation & Partnership Building, Ramchand Jailal; Technical Advisor, Joseph Codette; Georgetown Manager, Curtis Niles; Chemical E n g i n e e r, D e o n A n d e r s o n a n d Hydrologist, Angela Franklin. GWI Press Release




Testing For Zika Virus To Begin In Local Labs


he Ministry of Public Health is set to expend it efforts to address the Zika Virus. With 37 cases of the virus confirmed and pregnant women amoung them, Public Health Minister Dr. George Norton on Tuesday outlined an action plan with several components to the cabinet. According to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, efforts are underway to ensure that within the next three weeks, laboratories have the capacity to test for the Zika Virus. This is being done with assistance

from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Capacity to test for Chikungunya and Dengue will also be effected, Harmon said at a post cabinet briefing on Thursday. In addition to ensuring that labs are being equipped to test for the virus, the minister said the action plan includes early detection, adequate post diagnosis management of mothers and children, reduction of the incidents of infection in

pregnant women and surveillance and reports of suspected cases. Training and strengthening of health services to combat the spread of the Zika Virus generally is also being undertaken. Harmon related that cabinet has noted the occurrence of Zika virus and urged that Public Health Minister Dr Norton commit to “bolster efforts” to sensitize the public, especially expectant mothers, on how to deal with the Zika Virus infections. The Zika virus is a vector-borne disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito and was first confirmed in Guyana on January 12 when the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) established that a sample sent for testing from a 27-year-old woman, whose addresses were listed as both Rose Hall, Corentyne and Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara had tested positive.

Since that time there has been a total 37 confirmed in patients from Regions Three, Four, Six and Ten. Signs and symptoms of the illness include fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, rashes, and sometimes swelling of the limbs. Some persons may also experience vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. There has been no direct treatment developed for the illness, but patients are treated with basic pain killers. Precautionary measures such as the use of insect repellents, insecticidetreated nets, and wearing longsleeved clothing are recommended. Household insecticidal sprays, coils, candles, screening of windows, doors and other openings can also aid in reducing mosquitoes in the home. Sexual transmission of the Zika Virus is also possible so practicing safe sex is encouraged.

Unlicensed Motorcyclist Granted Bail In Fatal Accident


elroy Barnwell today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with causing

the death of Paulette Josiah by dangerous driving on June 20, 2016 at Houston Public Road, East Bank Demerara. Barnwell pleaded not guilty to the charge and was granted $500,000 bail and is slated to return before the night court in Court 7 on October 8, 2016.

It is alleged that on the date in question, Josiah was the pillion rider on Motorcycle CG 8485 operated by Barnwell when the accused tried to overtake a vehicle on the eastern carriageway of the EBD Public Road. He applied the brake causing Josiah to fall off the motorcycle suffering the aforementioned injuries to which she succumbed.

It was reported before the court that as a result of the accident, Barnwell suffered a broken leg which he has had two surgeries on while Josiah died as a result of multiple injuries to the hip, ribs and hands. There was no objection to bail, however the prosecution requested the amount be substantial.

Barnwell was also slapped with four other charges which include, riding a motorcycle while not being a license holder, riding a motorcycle which was uninsured, riding a mo t o r c y c le w ith o u t a mo to r c y c le certificate and riding a motorcycle without a valid Road Traffic License. Barnwell was fined $30,000 for being an unlicensed motorcycle rider as he pleaded guilty to the charge but pleaded not guilty to the other three.

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Hurricane Matthew: Haiti Storm Disaster Kills Hundreds

The death toll in Haiti as a result of Hurricane Matthew - the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade - has soared to more than 400, officials say. Some 50 people were reported killed in the town of Roche-a-Bateau alone The nearby city of Jeremie saw 80% of its buildings levelled. In Sud province 30,000 homes were destroyed. Category Three Matthew, with sustained winds of 120mph (193km/h), is heading up the coastline of the US state of Florida but has not made landfall. It remains unclear whether it will do so. At 08:00 local time (12:00 GMT) Matthew was off the Florida coast, about 45 miles east of Daytona Beach and moving north-west at about 13mph, the National Hurricane Center said.\ Senator Herve Fourcand from southern Haiti told AFP news agency that at least 400 people had died. Reuters news agency put the death toll at 478, quoting Haitian officials, but this has not been independently confirmed. The World Food Programme's country director in Haiti, Carlos Veloso, has warned that it could take up to four or five days to get a clearer picture of the impact and death toll. Mr Veloso told the BBC some aid had been brought into the country's southwestern peninsula, where many of the deaths were reported, but the region remained largely cut off with access only possible by helicopter or sea. After slicing through Haiti and Cuba, Hurricane Matthew pounded the Bahamas on Thursday but no fatalities were reported there. Four people died in the neighbouring Dominican Republic on Tuesday. Most of the deaths in Haiti were in towns and fishing villages around the southern coast, with many killed by falling trees, flying debris and swollen rivers. The storm passed directly through the Tiburon peninsula, driving the sea inland

and flattening homes Hurricane Matthew leaves hundreds dead in Haiti with winds of up to 230km/h (145mph) and torrential rain on M o n d a y a n d Tuesday. The collapse of an important bridge on Tuesday and flood waters are hampering rescue efforts in the region. Nongovernmental organisations said phone coverage and electricity were down poorest countries - has never fully and people were running out of food and recovered from the earthquake that killed water. Les Cayes resident Jean Joseph thousands of people in 2010 and the described the scene in his town - one of cholera epidemic that followed. Cape the worst-hit - as "complete devastation". Canaveral - where Nasa's rocket launch Across the country, there are some facility is based - has recorded a wind 350,000 in need of assistance, according gust of 107mph. to the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Forecasters are warning the storm could Humanitarian Affairs. A spokesperson dump up to 15in (38cm) of rain and cause for the American Red Cross, Suzy a storm surge of 9ft or more in the state. DeFrancis, said the first priority was to Orlando theme parks Walt Disney World, get phone networks across the country Universal Studios and SeaWorld are back up and running. She said aid shut. Why Haiti is vulnerable to disasters agencies were most concerned about a More than half of Haiti's city-dwellers surge in cholera cases, with the sanitation live in overcrowded shantytowns that system in Haiti already overwhelmed. take the full force of any earthquake, Haiti - one of the world's poorest hurricane, or disease outbreak. An countries - has never fully recovered ongoing cholera epidemic, triggered by f r o m t h e e a r t h q u a k e t h a t k i l l e d the arrival of UN troops after the 2010 thousands of people in 2010 and the earthquake, has killed thousands of cholera epidemic that followed. Across people. the country, there are some 350,000 in Massive deforestation has also led to soil need of assistance, according to the UN erosion, leaving hillside huts and poorlyO ffi c e f o r t h e C o - o r d i n a t i o n o f built houses in the capital, Port-auHumanitarian Affairs. Prince, dangerously exposed. In rural A spokesperson for the American Red areas, topsoil used for agriculture is often Cross, Suzy DeFrancis, said the first washed away. Political instability and priority was to get phone networks across corruption have been a factor. Without the country back up and running. She effective government for decades, Haiti said aid agencies were most concerned currently ranks 163rd out of the 188 about a surge in cholera cases, with the c o u n t r i e s o n t h e U N H u m a n sanitation system in Haiti already Development Index. It spends little on overwhelmed. Haiti - one of the world's storm defences. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Nobel Peace Prize For Colombia's Juan Manuel Santos President Santos joins a long line of Nobel Peace Prize winners PAGE 121

Mr Santos and the Farc leader known as Timochenko shook hands in a historic ceremony in Cartagena in September(AFP) Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the 52-year conflict with left-wing rebels. The Nobel committee praised him for a peace deal signed with Farc rebels, but rejected by Colombians in a vote. Mr Santos said he dedicated the award to "all the victims of the conflict", and the Farc leader congratulated him. About 260,000 people have been killed and more than six million internally displaced in Colombia. The award did not include Farc leader Rodrigo Londono, known as Timochenko, who also signed the accord. The Nobel commitee chairwoman said it recognised the president's "resolute efforts" to end the conflict. "The award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process," Kaci Kullman Five added. Juan Manuel Santos Born in Bogota in 10 August 1951 in an influential family Elected Colombian president in 2010 and re-elected in 2014 Served as defence minister from 2006 until 2009 Married, has two sons and one Mr Santos said on Twitter: "This honourable distinction is not for me, it's for all the victims of the conflict. Together we'll win the most important award of them all: peace." The peace deal was rejected by 50.2% of voters who went to the polls on 2 October. The committee acknowledged the result, saying: "What the 'No' side rejected was not the desire for peace, but a specific peace agreement." It also said that finding a balance between the need for reconciliation and ensuring justice for the victims would be a difficult challenge. Also on Twitter, Farc leader Timochenko said: "I congratulate President Juan Manuel Santos, Cuba and Norway, who sponsored the process, and Venezuela and Chile, who assisted it, without them, peace would be impossible." Earlier, he had written: "The only prize we aspire to is peace with social justice for Colombia, without (right-wing) paramilitary groups, without retaliation or lies. Peace in the streets." This was a Peace Prize for a peace deal that wasn't.


who have been rewarded for effort as much as achievement. But it is too easy to be cynical. The Nobel Peace Prize has often been controversial. In recent years a variety of international bureaucracies have won - the EU, the IAEA and the OPCW. Why, some have argued, should people get a prize for simply doing their job? What, others ask, had US President Barack Obama actually done to merit the prize in 2009, other than be elected? But the Nobel has often gone to extraordinary individuals who really have gone above and beyond to bring peace - in Northern Ireland and East Timor to name just two examples. Maybe the award to President Santos may yet galvanise public opinion in Colombia to think again about the deal. Critics, led by former president Alvaro Uribe, said the deal was too lenient to the rebels. Under the agreement, special courts would have been created to try crimes committed during the conflict. Those who confessed would have received lighter sentences and avoided serving any time in conventional prisons. The Farc would also have been guaranteed 10 seats in the Colombian Congress in the 2018 and 2022 elections. Despite the rejection by voters, Mr Santos vowed to continue with talks with the rebels. Government negotiators have already returned to the Cuban capital Havana for further discussions with Farc leaders. Kaci Kullman Five, from the Nobel committee, said the award was also meant as "encouragement" to the rebels. "Giving the prize to Santos is not a belittlement to any of the other parties. "The Farc is obviously a very important part of this process.'' The Farc's 52-year fight 2002: At its height, it had an army of 20,000 fighters controlling up to a third of the country. Senator Ingrid Betancourt was kidnapped and held for six years along with 14 other hostages 2008: The Farc suffers a series of defeats in its worst year 2012: Start of peace talks in Havana 2016: Definitive ceasefire Mr Santos was selected from a list of 376 candidates - 228 were individuals and 148 were organisations. They included: the Syrian White Helmets, civil defence volunteers who rescue bomb victims the negotiators of the international deal to limit Iran's nuclear programme Greek islanders on the front line of Europe's refugee crisis How the prize is decided Eligible nominators from around the world can put forward candidates up to 1 February of the award year, while Nobel Committee members have more time All nominations are reviewed by the committee - whose five members are chosen by the Norwegian parliament - before a shortlist of 2030 candidates are selected A group of Norwegian and international advisers write individual reports on the shortlisted candidates. Using these and further reports, the committee narrows the selection down to a handful A decision is reached in the last meeting of the committee, usually in late September or early October, before the prize is announced If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, a simple majority vote is used After the announcement, the award ceremony takes place on 10 December, the date of Alfred Nobel's death (BBC)

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Storm Surge Forces Residents To Flee As Matthew Pounds Bahamas anything, just a lot of breeze,” Thompson said. “Then all of a sudden, the water went from nothing to two feet of water.”

This visible image on October 6 at 1:00 pm EDT from NOAA's GOESEast satellite shows Hurricane Matthew as it regained Category 4 Hurricane Status. Hurricane Nicole appears in the Atlantic to the right. NASA/NOAA GOES Project By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- A rapid storm surge in southern New Providence forced residents to evacuate their homes on Thursday morning as Hurricane Matthew battered The Bahamas. Ebony Thompson, a 15-year resident of the area, spoke to The Nassau Guardian just minutes after she and her family fled to safety. “At one point there wasn’t

This is the first time since 1929 that New Providence has been directly hit by a major hurricane. Reports were received of roofs blown off by the category four storm in other islands, many of which were without power on Thursday. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Thursday, the eye of Hurricane Matthew was about 25 miles (40 km) southsoutheast of Grand Bahama and about to hit Freeport. Maximum sustained winds were near 140 mph (220 km/h) with higher gusts. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 60 miles (95 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km). A hurricane warning is in effect for northwestern Bahamas, including the Abacos, Andros Island, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama and New Providence.

The hurricane is moving toward the northwest near 14 mph (22 km/h), and this general motion is expected to continue Thursday night with a turn toward the north-northwest early Friday. However, on the five-day forecast track, Matthew may double back and approach The Bahamas again from the north, this time as a tropical storm. Hurricane conditions were expected to continue over portions of the northwestern Bahamas on Thursday evening. The combination of a dangerous storm surge and large and destructive waves could raise water levels by as much as 10 to 15 feet in the northwestern Bahamas. Matthew is expected to produce total rainfall amounts of 8 to 12 inches, isolated 15 inches, in the central and northern Bahamas. Rainfall should diminish across central and eastern Cuba with isolated additional amounts of 1 to 2 inches possible through Thursday evening. Swells generated by Matthew will continue to affect portions of the north coast of Cuba and The Bahamas during the next few days. These swells will likely cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. (Caribbean News Now!)

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Nicole Now A Hurricane; Forecast To Meander South Of Bermuda

Hurricane Nicole ďŹ ve-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Tropical cyclone Nicole strengthened into a hurricane on Thursday,

with maximum sustained winds near 85 mph (140 km/h) with higher gusts. Although some additional strengthening is expected Thursday night, weakening is forecast by late Friday through Saturday. According to the National

Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 EDT on Thursday, the centre of Hurricane Nicole was located about 330 miles (535 km) south of Bermuda, moving towards the north-northwest near 7 mph (11 km/h). This motion at a slower forward

speed is expected through Friday morning. A meandering motion, but generally toward the south or southeast, is expected later Friday and Saturday. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 15 miles (30 km) from the centre and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km). Swells associated with Nicole, along with rough surf conditions, will aect Bermuda for the next few days. Meanwhile, showers and thunderstorms near the Lesser Antilles are associated with a tropical wave passing through the region. Although development of this system is not expected, locally heavy rains and gusty winds are possible in the Windward and southern Leeward Islands during the next day or so as this disturbance moves through the area. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UN Emergency Teams 'On The Ground' In The Caribbean To Help Respond To Hurricane Matthew the preparedness efforts of the Cuban PAGE 124

Brazilian Marines with the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) clearing the road to les Cayes, Haiti, after the passage of Hurricane Matthew. Photo: UN MINUSTAH BNEW YORK, USA -- In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean region, United Nations emergency response teams have been deployed to Haiti and Jamaica to coordinate rapid assessments and support disaster response. According to a statement issued by UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson, though the full extent of the impact remains unclear, the Haitian government has reported that a number of lives have been lost and at least 350,000 people need immediate assistance. The statement also noted that the UN is in contact with the authorities across the region and stands ready to assist with response and recovery if required. Also on Wednesday at a regular briefing at UN Headquarters in New York, a UN spokesperson told journalists that the


entire southern part of the country, including capital Port-au-Prince have been affected and the south-east tip of the island suffered the brunt of the hurricane. A main bridge connecting the capital to the south was also swept away this afternoon cutting off access. The teams have been deployed from the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), which is managed by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). On the ground, they are logistically supported by the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). UNDAC is part of the international emergency response system for acute emergencies. It was created in 1993 to help the UN and governments of disaster-affected countries during the first phase of a sudden-onset emergency. Further, in the statement from his office, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed his solidarity with the people and governments of Haiti, Cuba and other countries in the hurricane affected region. It added that the UN chief praised

authorities, media, and civil society to protect people's lives and economic assets. In Cuba, more than 377,000 people were evacuated, 1,640 metric tonnes of food was pre-positioned in safe areas, and measures were taken to protect communities and infrastructure threatened by strong winds, rains, storm surge and floods. In a separate statement today, president of the General Assembly Peter Thomson also expressed deep concern for the people of Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Bahamas and other countries in the Caribbean as they struggle to cope with the effects of the hurricane and offered his condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives as a result of the storm. “As a Fijian who has witnessed firsthand the power and devastation of such destructive tropical cyclones, I fully empathise with those facing up to the damage,” he said, adding: “The world must stand with the victims at this time as people of goodwill everywhere recognise their suffering and stand ready to offer a helping hand.” (Caribbean News Now!)

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Curacao Elections Result In Another Coalition Government As Predicted those in black arranged vertically top- their fate could be the same as Alex Rosaria By Josefina Josepha Caribbean News Now Curacao correspondent WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- Wednesday’s general elections in Curacao produced yet another fragmented parliament that will require a new coalition to be negotiated from among the eight parties successful in gaining one or more seats to form the next government. The successful parties gaining representation in the 21-seat Staten van Curacao third session (SVC-3) were as follows in Table 1.01. A large percentage of those surveyed in the Caribbean News Now pre-election polling expressed serious concern and questioned the rule of law in Curacao, accountability and transparency of the executive, legislative and judicial branch, because of the apparent feeling that everyone should be treated the same, no matter who you are and what position you hold. However, earlier this year, former prime minister Gerrit Schotte, the leader of MFK, was convicted on several counts of fraud and money laundering, and the most popular question in Curacao is how was Schotte able to participate in the elections if he was found guilty on all counts and received an imposed term of five years removal from all politics in Curacao. Some political pundits in Curacao are raising an eyebrow as to why the 2016 election commissioner allowed Schotte’s participation. A greater question weighs on the minds of those in political circles, namely, if Schotte forms the government, the coalition could or may pardon his crime and conviction. Tables 1.02, Table 2.01 and Table 2.02 all illustrate the complex metapsychosocial relationship included in the art of negotiating trades and deals in the formation of a coalition government in Curacao. Basically, as the value of the horizontal rows ψ; psi, increases, so too does the prime factors of flexibility vs. political cooperation. The title of the political parties abbreviations in red running from leftright horizontally indicate “The Negotiating Party”; “The Actors”, whereas

down indicate the party negotiating with “The Reactors”. It is important to mention here that negotiations are a dynamic process and can change polarity. As this relates to the vertical columns, the light blue cells, ψ; psi, is inversely proportional to the actor, hence the lower the number, the greater and more leverage the Actor has in the negotiating process. Therefore as explained earlier from the indications of the importance of the political party MAN, they have a controlling hand if they act quickly and swiftly, the longer this lingers the greater the chances are that other major or minor political parties may cut deals in their best interest. Coalition governments in Curacao have proven to be less focused and beneficial to the well being of the constituents/the voting populace as compared to individual politicians and the desire to maintain control and power. In Table 2.01 this is a top-down vertical column application in understanding the leveraging power to negotiating and forming a Curacao coalition government. In this case it is important to pay attention to dark red five significant figure value to the far right, (2.3036 in Table 2.01 and 2.25 in Table 2.02) which is the standardized values in flexibility and cooperation to forming a coalition government respectively. Therefore, the number in the lilac in Table 2.01, as it becomes increasingly less or lower the value in comparison, then the greater the leverage, and the greater value in comparison to the standardization the less leverage and power in negotiating a coalition government. A particular stand-out point noted that in Table 2.02, the light blue highlighted area of a vertical column is the inability of PS to apparently form a coalition government and the slight possibility of MFK negotiations to control SVC-3. From the tables it demonstrates that Schotte may have gained almost 16% of the popular vote; however, he may have a difficult time to form the government, especially when other leaders considers

and the political party PAIS. KdNT and Dos Santos is heavily polarized to Schotte and MFK; however, as demonstrated from Table 1.01, he may be more willing to cooperate and become more flexible. However, the trust factor in good faith is equivalent to the fact of honouring the agreement of the coalition and this maybe a negative point in KDNT negotiations to forming a coalition government. However, Schotte’s complete dependency is on KdNT making deals with the other sub-parties and minor parties in order to possible gain control of the government. That may be a difficult task but not an impossible one for the KdNT-MFK coalition. While the KdNT party is believed to be closely aligned with Schotte and the MFK, between them they only account for seven seats, four short of a governing majority. It is extremely doubtful in the circumstances that Schotte could enlist the cooperation of other parties in order to form a new government. The more likely move is for PAR to coalesce with MAN – a total of eight seats – and try to bring on board at least two of the other four parties. PAR and MAN are very capable of forming a coalition government that would stifle any other challenges. All other minor political parties and sub-political parties have at best an accessory role. Stay tuned… (Caribbean News Now!)

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Trinidad And Tobago PM Tells Citizens To 'Wean Off The Government’

Trinidad and Tobago's Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley; photo by Jacqueline Morris, used under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- On Saturday, 1 October, Trinidad and Tobago's prime minister, Dr Keith Rowley, spoke at the launch of the ministry of education's school improvement programme. The part of Rowley's speech that snagged the headlines, however, wasn't his “great expectations” for the programme, but his critique of Trinidad and Tobago citizens’ alleged dependence on government

handouts. Halfway through the speech the prime minister referenced the comments of a local business leader who had criticised the Rowley administration's 2017 national budget, which was presented on September 30. According to the business leader, who was not named in the speech, the 2017 budget lacked a stimulus package. Rowley defended his administration's fiscal approach, saying that they aimed to develop a participatory approach to solving the country's fiscal challenges. “We are going to have to do things differently,” he said: “Every road to be built in this country has been built by the government…every school, every health centre, every this, every that. Because in this country, for the last generation or two, we've grown up on the government. Well, you better begin to be weaned off the government because the government's shoulder cannot carry the burden anymore.” Social media reacted i m m e d i a t e l y, w i t h m a n y p e o p l e expressing resentment at the implications of Rowley's statement. In a public post, Facebook user Giselle Walker said: “I completely agree with Dr Rowley that there are those that need to be weaned off of the dependence of the government, but its not the hardworking tax payers […] maybe what he meant to say is that it is time to trim the excess fat

off of those who have grown accustomed to living off of it. “Income Taxes are paid to the government in order that they deliver roads […] hospitals, healthcare, police protection to name a few. “That's your job and if you don't know that by now then we definitely have a problem.” Denith McNicolls quipped: “When is Rowley going to be weaned off the government?” Facebook user Urv Butch added: “Oh the irony from man who increasingly dependent on the citizens’ taxes to run said government…” The public backlash was so strong that Rowley's office subsequently issued a clarification of what he meant: “To make it clear, Dr Rowley was referencing the merits of the public/private partnership model as a means of dealing with the economic challenges facing Trinidad and Tobago. “This is a conversation that seeks to identify the role of the government working alongside and in harmony with citizens who are being encouraged to take more responsibility for their circumstances.” Trinidad and Tobago has long been criticised for being an “eat ah food”, quick fix society, in which long-term strategies are often sacrificed at the altar of instant gratification. Several governments have been accused of creating a dependency syndrome among the population.

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Trinidad And Tobago PM Tells Citizens To 'Wean Off The Government’ (Cont’d)

Facebook user Kim Lemo, therefore, was not convinced: “I am a hard working, taxpaying citizen of this wonderful country. You blatantly disrespected me by saying that I am dependant on the government for health care, education and roads (all basic necessities) and I need to be weaned of the government. “Then you are now trying to convince the public, via a statement from your office, that we have misinterpreted your statement. “Dr Keith Rowley you know full well what you meant and you don't care. […] “You and your ministers can continue to wine and dine, buy the best high end vehicles and own many houses, look the best and open many businesses, squander taxpayers’ dollars and the countries resources.” Wired868 republished a letter to the editor, which called Rowley's stance “insulting”: “Apparently the PM is of the view that successive governments, for at least the last two generations, have been doing the people of this land a great disservice by providing roads, schools and health centres along with ‘every this and every that’. The various regimes have been busily moulding and shaping our entitlement mentality to which we have become so used that we now need to

be ‘weaned off’. “Unfortunately, the goodly Doctor said nothing of the career political parasites who became fabulously wealthy simply by occupying the corridors of power -some for more than an entire generation - while their respective constituencies have been, and continue to be, systematically and intentionally neglected.” There were also netizens on the opposite side of the divide. Providing several examples, Rhoda Bharath made this argument: “When the govt pay for your breakfast and lunch in school and yuh throw it away. And they pay for your text books and laptop and you mash them up. And they give you free bus tickets and your throw that in the bin… Is it ok to say come off the national tot tots or it offensive?” Abeo Jackson agreed, saying that people were “offended by tone rather than understand[ing] context”. Even as economist Indera Sagewan-Alli maintained that the country's money belongs to the citizenry and that the government acts on their behalf, Facebook user Jimmy Deon Toussaint had some words of advice for the prime minister: “Let's start by looking at the great

wastage, continuing social decay and proliferation of criminal activities that is synonymous with work programs such as CEPEP [an environmental protection company], URP [Unemployment Relief Programme] etc. The idea behind these programs and their earlier incarnations […] were in my view, pretty good. That is, they were started to assist in eradicating poverty […] Some of the naysayers would say that if these programs were not around, then TnT would have seen a greater poverty level than what is being observed today. I beg to differ. They may have assisted but they have also led to generations after generations of citizens whose main focus from young is to ‘get a CECEP wuk’. I believe that these programs should continue, however in a different direction – a direction that will show tangible financial benefits for the country, because the government's shoulders cannot carry the dead weight of these CEPEP and URP programs anymore. […] It is time that we build civic pride into these programs, by altering their directions away from the negative connotations associated with their present structure.” (Caribbean News Now!)

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Arnold During His Bodybuilding Career

The opening of the new US Embassy building in Paramaribo PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, US Ambassador Edwin R. Nolan, and the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) Principal Deputy Director William Moser, alongside local officials, dedicated the new US embassy in Paramaribo on

Wednesday. The multi-building complex, on an 8-acre site in the Morgenstond development, includes a chancery, support buildings, and facilities for the embassy community. The new complex will provide embassy employees with a safe, secure, and sustainable workplace. The $164 million project incorporates numerous features to conserve resources and reduce operating costs, including a rainwater harvesting system, a light-colored roof on the main office building to reduce cooling costs, and light-emitting diode (LED) site lights. The facility’s design targets Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Silver Certification by the US Green Building Council. Since 1999, as part of the department’s capital security construction program, OBO has completed 133 new diplomatic facilities and has an additional 53 projects in design or under construction. OBO’s mission is to provide safe, secure, and functional facilities that represent the US government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of US foreign policy objectives. These facilities should represent American values and the best in American architecture, engineering, technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution. (Caribbean News Now!)

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Mercury In Seafood, From Contamination To Elimination By Dr Bill McGraw Aquaculture and Environmental Scientist drbillmcgraw@investpanamanewshrim p t e c h n o l o g y . c o m www.newaquatechpanama.com Is Mercury Really a Problem? BOQUETE, Panama -- Medical advice is abundant on the internet and much of it adds to confusion, fear and potential anxiety over a variety of issues. For example, pregnant woman and small children are advised to avoid eating orange roughy, marlin, grouper, shark, swordfish, tuna, king mackerel and tilefish due to the potential ingestion of mercury. According to another site, a 200 lb man consuming 16 oz of tuna in any given week would be 455% over the safe limit of mercury toxicity. Is this correct? If it is true then how did it end up this way and what can we do about it? The number one source of mercury toxicity is from seafood. Generally, all fish contain some mercury, yet fish from warmer waters have been documented to have higher levels. Mercury in seafood is in the form of methylmercury which is 90% absorbable when ingested, as opposed to non-absorbable elemental mercury found in thermometers. This heavy metal is characteristically first absorbed by algae, consumed by primary herbivores like zooplankton and is quickly absorbed in the viscera and muscle of predators and passed up the food chain where it accumulates. This accumulation is due to slow excretion from organisms. Fish that live a long time accumulate more mercury in their bodies compared to shorter lived fish. Species lower on the food chain will likely contain one-tenth that of a higher order predator. History of Toxicity and Regulation Perhaps the first well known case of mercury poisoning involved people who worked with mercury in manufacturing

hats who were known to display odd behaviour. Thus the popular phrase from the 1800s "mad as a hatter" came into being. However, mercury was used as a potential treatment for a few different diseases as recently as 100 years ago, obviously with little regard to potential toxicity. More recently, during the year 1956, mercury poisoning on a large scale was first documented in Minimata, Japan, where wastewater from a chemical factory made its way into the local bay. The mercury was ingested via fish and shellfish consumed from Minimata Bay, resulting in 2,300 people affected, of whom 1,800 died. During the 1970s Japan was the first country to issue regulation and reduction of the use of mercury in industry. Legislation on an international scale was promulgated during the early 1970s and the first serious law in order to reduce mercury into the environment was established in 1989. Further regulation was created during the following decade. The United States leads the world in regulating mercury contamination in air and water. Sources of Mercury Contamination Anthropogenic sources are naturally suspected, yet more recently discovered natural processes such as volcanoes and geothermal vents may actually contribute up to ten percent of mercury in the environment. Lesser known reemission is actually the biggest source, which is mercury that is released into the ocean from soils via floods and put into the atmosphere during forest fires, from plants that previously absorbed mercury. Unsuspectingly, additional minor amounts may come from agriculture sprays. However, as expected, about 30 percent of mercury that ends up in the environment comes from anthropogenic sources, with the biggest contribution from burning coal, which naturally

contains mercury. Mercury from coal is emitted into the air and settles into water, much of which ends up in the ocean. Industry such as mining can also contribute a significant amount in certain areas. How Does Mercury Accumulate in Cultured Seafood? In China and worldwide, carp are the number one species cultured. This species absorbs mercury primarily through sediments rather than processed feed. This was found to be the main avenue for other environmental toxicity as previously reported. Fish can also ingest mercury by eating contaminated vegetation. Once aquatic animals absorb the elemental mercury or ingest the methylmercury from an organic source, they convert it to the deadly form or assimilate it and the accumulation begins. Regrettably, this deadly organic form can be created by bacteria, which can rapidly enter the food chain. The FDA reported in 2004 that the lowest levels of mercury found in seafood were tilapia, salmon, shrimp, pollock and catfish. All of these fish except pollock are well known, short-lived aquacultured species. Research regarding mercury levels in cultured seafood is needed with the few sources available stating that levels were lower in fish produced from aquaculture sources. Continued on next page...

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Mercury In Seafood, From Contamination To Elimination (Cont’d)

In and Out of the Human Body As explained and most widely known, mercury in fish in the primary source for toxicity in humans. However, minor amounts of mercury can actually be inhaled as a gas, absorbed through the skin, or more supposedly, innocuously injected as in the case of vaccines or absorbed as dental mercury amalgam fillings, which surprisingly are composed of 50% elemental mercury! Mercury primarily affects the nervous system with reduced coordination of the musculatory system, loss of vision and numbness. Other lesser effects may be insomnia, headaches and behavioural disorders (remember the mad hatter?). The most prominent treatment for serious mercury toxicity is chelation therapy. Minor toxicity can be dealt with by supplementing with natural antioxidants, which speed removal from the body. However, mercury detoxification is based on many variables dealing with health status. The most of important of these variables is inflammation in the body, which exists due to a variety of modern life factors and can slow down our natural elimination systems. Good gut flora is known to be able to bind metals and remove them, so regular consumption of fermented foods is widely suggested along with the usual recommendation of green foods. Special attention should be paid to chlorella and cilantro

which are known to help considerably with heavy metal detox. Mercury accumulation in the human body is best determined by hair analysis which can be conducted for a very reasonable cost ($150). Results from mercury testing provided by an internet company show that mercury levels are high in a hair sample from the author, who not surprisingly, consumes wild marine fish every week (Yikes!).

Conclusion Reduced fossil fuel usage would be the obvious and most likely prominent option to reduce mercury toxicity in humans. Avoiding mercury amalgam fillings and mercury containing vaccines would also warrant consideration. The best advice that can be given for children and woman during pregnancy is avoid the higher predator species (as suggested). Fish that are not on the "high mercury" list can be safely consumed two to three times per week, while fish with known higher levels should be consumed less so. A healthy elimination system can safely excrete a small amount of mercury through normal processes. When in doubt get a hair analysis to determine if you have any accumulation of mercury or any heavy metals in your body and engage natural therapies as needed. (Caribbean News Now!)

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Taiwan Denies Fishing In St. Vincent And Grenadines Waters KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Oct 7, CMC exclusive economic zone,” the prime this country. Many young people may – Taiwan has denied allegations that fishing vessels from the Asian country is engaged in illegal fishing in the waters of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Taiwan’s ambassador to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Baushuan Ger, is also denying that fishing vessels from his country that fly the Vincentian flag “are either poaching in Vincentian waters or evading tax”. He said that it is “very sad that a few people in this country have kept spreading false accusations” to that effect. “As a diplomat, it is my duty to set the records straight,” Ger said, noting that like vessels from other countries, the Taiwanese fishing vessels are registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines under the High Seas Fishing Act 2001. “Once lawfully registered, these Taiwanese fishing vessels should pay only license fees and security bond or deposit according to the High Seas Fishing Regulations 2003. That is to say, these St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered fishing vessels fish only on high seas that belong to no country. That is the very reason they don’t pay tax,” Ger said. The diplomat, speaking at a ceremony marking Taiwan’s 105th National Day, said that his country’s fishing vessels operate in full compliance with the regulations of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). “They can never poach in the territorial waters, contiguous zone or exclusive economic zone of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Should they do so, it is punishable not only by your laws but by ours severely,” Ger said, adding, “I sincerely believe that those groundless allegations will be stopped by the wise.” Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves also commented on the claim that Taiwanese vessels fish in local waters. “The registration of a vessel owned by Taiwan or owned by anybody else in St Vincent and the Grenadines does not give that vessel the right to fish in our waters or our

minister said. Speaking about the relationship between the two countries, Ger said that Kingstown has always been “an unwavering ally and a vocal supporter of Taiwan”. He noted that on August 16, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves wrote to the President of the Council of International Civil Aviation Organisation “for our cause”. Further, on September 23, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Gonsalves again recognised “Taiwan’s commitment as a stakeholder of the international community and urges the UN to open its arms to Taiwan,” Ger said. “We are truly grateful for what St. Vincent and the Grenadines has been always doing in the international arena for us.” He said that looking back at the “fruitful friendship” that began in 1981, he was pleased to report that both countries have launched and completed together many great successful cooperation projects here. “Ever since 1981, Taiwan has been working with the government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines on various fields such as agriculture, civil d e v e l o p m e n t p r o j e c t s , Ta i w a n scholarships, ICT projects, national library, the Argyle International Airport, learning resource centres, to name a few.” He said the two governments are working on an agricultural cooperation project with the aim of enhancing the farmers’ organisations and of further improving their production techniques, and an ICT project that will lead to build a digital government. “We believe that through successful implementations, these projects will bring tangible and substantial benefits to the people of this country,” Ger said. “Many young people might not even know that in the past, pork and many fruits and vegetables had to be imported for local consumption. It was through our successful collaboration that many crops and pork are now fully produced here in

have never been to the Rabacca pig breeding centre or the Orange Hill Farm, I encourage them to pay a visit and try to imagine the hard work we have put together to make those achievements possible,” Ger said. This is the first year since the establishment of relationship between the two countries that the celebration in Kingstown were being observed without representation of the main opposition New Democratic Party. The NDP has announced that if elected to office, it would change its foreign policy and recognise China, which regards Taiwan as a reengage province, to be reunited by force if necessary. But Gonsalves reiterated that his ruling Unity Labour Party (ULP) administration is committed to Kingstown-Taipei ties. ” St Vincent and the Grenadines under the Unity Labour Party doesn’t follow anybody. We follow ourselves and the interest of the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines… We have 35 years, and you are asking me to break? Break for what?” said Gonsalves, who will travel to Taiwan for the National Day celebrations and meet with government officials. Sources here said that the discussions are expected to include the establishment of an embassy in Taipei Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sir Louis Straker, also reaffirmed the ties between the two countries “The bond that binds us together is as strong and endearing as one could find between good friends,” he said, adding that Vincentians sometimes tend to forget what Taiwan has done for them over the years, saying that the Asian ally has helped in every sector of the local economy. “We want you to know that most Vincentians are still in solidarity with your country, and would remain that way. Please convey that to your government,” he said. (Antigua Observer)




Archbishop Desmond Tutu 'Wants Right To Assisted Death’ South Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu has revealed that he wants to have the option of an assisted death. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and anti-apartheid campaigner said that he did "not wish to be kept alive at all costs", writing in the Washington Post newspaper on his 85th birthday. Mr Tutu came out in favour of assisted dying in 2014, without specifying if he personally wanted to have the choice. He was hospitalised last month for surgery to treat recurring infections. "I hope I am treated with compassion and allowed to pass on to the next phase of life's journey in the manner of my choice," Mr Tutu wrote. "Regardless of what you might choose for yourself, why should you deny others the right to make this choice? "For those suffering unbearably and coming to the end of their lives, merely knowing that an assisted death is open to them can provide immeasurable comfort." There is no specific legislation in South Africa governing assisted dying. But in a landmark ruling in April 2015, a South African court granted a terminally ill man the right to die, prompting calls for a clarification of the laws in cases of assisted death. Desmond Tutu: Born 1931 1970s: Became prominent as apartheid critic

1984: Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1986: First black Archbishop of Cape Town 1995: Appointed head of Truth and Reconciliation Commission Became a fierce critic of South Africa's ANC Supports assisted dying for the terminally ill (BBC)

Mr Tutu celebrated his 85th birthday in Cape Town on Friday(AFP)

Finland Jets Monitor Russian Fighters On Border Flights Finland's Defence Ministry says it has scrambled jets twice in the past 24 hours to monitor suspected airspace violations by Russian fighters. A Russian Su27 fighter was detected in the Gulf of Finland south of Porvoo late on Thursday, the ministry said. Another Russian Su-27 was detected on a suspicious flight there earlier. "Russian military aviation over the Baltic Sea has been intense," it said. Finland is not in Nato but co-operates closely with the 28-nation alliance. Porvoo lies just east of Helsinki, and is 140km (87 miles) from the Russian border. Nato has complained repeatedly of provocative Russian military flights in the Baltic region. But it is rare for Finland to report such suspected violations. Russian bombers also regularly fly long patrol missions from the Arctic down to the North Atlantic or Bay of Biscay, testing Nato reactions on the way. And Russia plans to step up similar patrols in the North Pacific, sending bombers from bases in eastern Siberia. Russia was angered by the deployment of Nato forces in the three Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - after those nations broke away from the Soviet Union in 1991 and joined Nato in 2004. During the Cold War - which ended in

1991 - Finland remained neutral and developed strong trade ties with the Soviet Union. (BBC)




Brexit: British Expats Sue EU's Juncker Over Talks British expats living in the EU are suing European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker over his order to prevent informal Brexit discussions. Mr Juncker insists there can be no negotiations until the UK triggers Article 50 - the withdrawal process. The expat group wants immediate talks about the implications of Brexit for Britons living in other EU countries. UK Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to trigger Article 50 by the end of March. But she also called for "preparatory work" with EU governments - before the official negotiations - to help smooth the process of UK withdrawal. The non-profit association Fair Deal for Expats has issued a legal challenge against Mr Juncker at the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The group alleges that his "presidential order" concerning Brexit discussions is an "unlawful gagging order" which "must be annulled immediately". Mr Juncker and some other European politicians have warned against an "a la carte" deal for the UK which might encourage other EU members to cherry-pick EU policies, unravelling the rulebook. 'No prior discussions' In a speech on 28 June, four days after the Leave campaign won the UK referendum, Mr Juncker said: "I have forbidden Commissioners from holding discussions with representatives from the British Government - by Presidential order, which is not my style. "I have told all the [Commission] DirectorsGeneral that there cannot be any prior discussions with British representatives. No notification, no negotiation." Article 50: A simple explanation On Friday Mr Juncker insisted again that the EU must not

compromise on free movement of labour during the Brexit divorce talks. It is among the EU's cherished four freedoms - the others being free movement of capital, goods and services - that members of the EU single market have to respect. Speaking in Paris, Mr Juncker said "you can't have one foot in and one foot out". "On that point we must be intransigent. I can see the manoeuvring." Many UK politicians want a deal that would allow the UK to keep key single market advantages while also limiting the numbers of EU migrants entering the UK. (BBC)

Mr Juncker's Commission will handle the detailed Brexit discussions(AFP)




Tony Blair Considering Future Role In British Politics Tony Blair has said he feels "strongly" about the state of British politics and is considering whether there is a "role" for him in the future. The former Labour prime minister told Esquire magazine he was concerned Britain had become a "one-party state". He said the public faced a choice between a government pursuing a "hard Brexit" and an "ultra-left" Labour Party whose policies were out of date. A spokesman for Mr Blair said he would not be returning to frontline politics. Mr Blair merely wanted "to play a part in the debate because the true centre ground is vacant", the spokesman added. He won three elections as prime minister after helping to transform Labour in the 1990s. But his role in taking the UK to war in Iraq in 2003 alienated many in the Labour Party and the country at large and his conduct was criticised in this summer's oďŹƒcial Chilcot inquiry into the war. In the decade since leaving oďŹƒce in 2007, the former MP has focused on business ventures and his role as

Middle East envoy - which he left in 2015. Last month, the 63-year-old said he was winding down his consultancy business and focusing primarily on charity work. 'Seriously wrong' This followed criticism of the lucrative contracts which he struck to advise multinational banks and foreign governments, including Kazakhstan. Mr Blair, who has been critical of Labour's direction under Jeremy Corbyn, told Esquire that he was considering his own future and what role he could play at a turbulent time in British politics when the "centre ground" he represented was under threat. "It's a tragedy for British politics if the choice before the country is a Conservative government going for a hard Brexit and an ultra-left Labour Party, that believes in a set of policies that takes us back to the 60s," he said. "In the UK at the moment you've got a one-party state. When you put it all together, there's something seriously wrong. "I don't know if there's a role for me... There's a limit to what I

The former prime minister left frontline British politics nearly a decade ago(PA)

want to say about my own position at this moment. All I can say is that this is where politics is at. Do I feel strongly about it? Yes, I do. Am I very motivated by that? Yes. "Where do I go from here? What exactly do I do? That's an open question." He added: "There's been a huge reaction against the politics I represent. But I think it's too soon to say the centre has been defeated. Ultimately I don't think it will. I think it will succeed again. "The centre ground is in retreat. This is our challenge. We've got to rise to that challenge." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hurricane Matthew: Matt Drudge Conspiracy Comments Kick Up Storm Conservative US blogger Matt Drudge has kicked up a storm by suggesting the hurricane centre's tropical analysis and forecast branch, told Popular PAGE 135

that the warnings over Hurricane Matthew are a government conspiracy to make "an exaggerated point on climate" change. The founder of the Drudge Report tweeted that the US hurricane centre had a monopoly on data and there was "no way of verifying claims". Critics said his comments were not only wrong, but dangerous. Experts warn the storm is deadly and those in its path should heed warnings. The category three hurricane has sustained winds of 120mph (193km/h) and is bearing down on the US east coast. President Barack Obama has declared a State of Emergency in Florida and thousands of people have been evacuated from the states of Georgia and the Carolinas. The storm has already devastated parts of Haiti, leaving more than 300 people dead, and has battered Cuba and the Bahamas. Nevertheless, Matt Drudge tweeted: "The deplorables are starting to wonder if govt has been lying to them about Hurricane Matthew intensity to make exaggerated point on climate." "Deplorables" is believed to refer to supporters of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has expressed scepticism about climate change, following comments from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Matt Drudge also questioned data from the US National Hurricane Center, saying it did not match information coming from the Bahamas. Journalist Libby Nelson, writing for news website Vox, said there was "no evidence" for Matt Drudge's claims and that such conspiracy-mongering was "a dangerous game". "The implication of Drudge's tweet is that resisting evacuation isn't a bad, self-destructive move but a brave way for 'deplorables' to stand up for [sic] the government. That's not just stupid - it could very well be deadly," she said. Hugh Cobb, chief of


Science magazine that he was aware of Matt Drudge's comments but would not comment on them himself. He said all data was being collected straight from the storm using reconnaissance aircraft. Other respected meteorologists also took issue with Matt Drudge. Sean Breslin, digital editor of the Weather Channel suggested the Drudge Report "stick to sports" Greg Fishel, Chief Meteorologist for WRAL-TV in North Carolina, tweeted: "Whatever respect I had for Drudge, which was minimal to start with, was destroyed with this tweet." (BBC)

Hurricane Matthew has already torn across the Bahamas(AFP)




Flash Crash Sees The Pound Gyrate In Asian Trading The pound has dived on Asian markets with automated Prime Minister Theresa May said she would trigger trading being blamed for the volatility. At one stage it fell as much as 6% to $1.1841 - the biggest move since the Brexit vote - before recovering. It was recently trading 2% lower at $1.2388. It is not clear what triggered the sudden sell-off. Analysts say it could have been automated trading systems reacting to a news report. The Bank of England said it was "looking into" the flash crash. The sharp drop came after the Financial Times published a story online about French President Francois Hollande demanding "tough Brexit negotiations". "It's difficult to know exactly what triggered it," Angus Nicholson, market analyst with IG in Melbourne, told the BBC. The pound has been volatile since the UK voted to leave the European Union. Analysts speculate that a computer may have been set to scan the news for negative Brexit stories, with the order to sell if it found any. The trigger could have also been a simple mistake, or what's know as a fat finger trade, when a trader enters a wrong number. Analysts at JP Morgan who have analysed the flash crash think that was unlikely to be the trigger. 'Selling pressure' The incident happened at a time when there is very little pound trading going on - which means that any sell-off will have a bigger impact than during busy hours. The situation is likely to have been exacerbated by trading algorithms (sometimes know as algos) software which is designed to trade automatically and can react much faster than human traders. "These days some algos trade on the back of news sites, and even what is trending on social media sites such as Twitter, so a deluge of negative Brexit headlines could have led to an algo taking that as a major sell signal for the pound," says Kathleen Brooks, research director at City Index. "Once the pound started moving lower then more technical algos could have followed suit, compounding the short, sharp, selling pressure." Ms Brooks thinks another flash crash could be on the cards for the pound. "This highlights the drawback of machines making trading decisions, however, it is the reality, and it is only getting more popular. Thus, another flash crash is possible," she said. Traders remain nervous about the fallout from the UK's talks with the EU over leaving the bloc. Last Sunday, the

Article 50, the clause needed to start the exit process, by the end of March 2017. Sterling has been "on a precipice" since then, according to Sean Callow, senior currency strategist at Australian bank, Westpac. "I think we've underestimated how many people had money positions for a very wishy-washy Brexit, or even none," he said. 'Lose-lose situation' Analysts at HSBC are forecasting that the pound could fall to $1.10 and could be worth just one euro by the end of next year. "The argument which is still presented to us - that the UK and EU will resolve their difference and come to an amicable deal - appears a little surreal," said David Bloom, head of foreign exchange research at HSBC. "It is becoming clear that many European countries will come to the negotiation table looking for political damage limitation rather than economic damage limitation. A lose-lose situation is the inevitable outcome." Ms Brooks, from City Index said: "The big issue for the pound right now is that it has become detached from the economic fundamentals and politics have become king. This is where things will get dangerous for the currency going forward. "Theresa May's hard-line on Brexit negotiations and her insistence that negotiations will take place in private have only increased uncertainty for the market, with traders left combing news websites for the latest headlines to try and gauge for themselves the state of play between the UK and the EU." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UKIP MEP Mike Hookem Denies Assaulting Steven Woolfe The UKIP MEP involved in an altercation with Steven Woolfe helped him up. He stood straight up, there was no indication of PAGE 137

has said he "categorically did not" throw a punch at his colleague. Mike Hookem acknowledged he and his colleague had a "scuffle" in the European Parliament but insisted that he did not hit him. "I am innocent," he told the BBC. "I never threw a punch. I never assaulted him. I will stand my corner." UKIP's Steven Woolfe will be kept in hospital for a further 48 hours. Thursday's incident is being investigated by UKIP and the European Parliament, where it has been announced the inquiry will be led by Conservative MEP Sajjad Karim. There have been varying descriptions of what happened during what UKIP called an "altercation" and Mr Hookem told BBC Radio Humberside only he and Mr Woolfe knew precisely what went on. 'Shocked' Mr Woolfe, among the favourites to be the party's next leader, collapsed after their exchange and was taken to hospital. The 49-year old had a precautionary scan which revealed there was no blood clot on his brain although he is to remain under observation for a further 48 hours in Strasbourg "as a precaution". Mr Hookem said he was "shocked" by the MEP's hospitalisation in the hours following the incident but insisted it had been "blown out of all proportion" by the media. He said the fracas took place in an "ante room" in the European Parliament following a "heated debate" among a wider group of MEPs as they questioned Mr Woolfe about reports he had had discussions about joining the Conservatives in recent days. Mano a mano He said Mr Woolfe had objected to remarks which he made. "He then stood up in front of everybody and said 'if it's that, let's take it outside of the room', I think his words were 'mano a mano'." "When I walked in he approached me to attack me. He came at me, I defended myself. There were no punches thrown, there was no face slapping, there were no digs, there was nothing," he said. "It's (what) people in Hull would term 'handbags at dawn'. A bit of a scuffle." Analysis This row illustrates the deep-rooted divisions that have taken hold in UKIP since the general election. In the broadest sense, they are between those who are loyal to Nigel Farage and his vision for the party - who credit him and his plain speaking, antiestablishment message for its success - and those who think that he asserted too much control as leader. This group, among them some UKIP members who were former Conservatives, want broader policies. That's the backdrop to this argument, MEPs were said to be angered that Steven Woolfe had considered defecting to the Tories. UKIP is a party that has enjoyed enormous success in a short time but now it is wrestling with what it stands for, where it sits on the political spectrum and at the same time it is looking for a new leader. Whoever that may be, their first great challenge will be to stop UKIP looking in at itself and concentrate on reaching out to voters. He suggested Mr Woolfe's hospitalisation did not result from anything that he had done. "I didn't push him. He fell back into that room onto an MEP that was stood just inside that room. "Some of the MEPs


him hitting his head on metal windows or anything else, he fell back onto an MEP." When asked if he was worried if he would be suspended from the party, he said that if this happened Mr Woolfe would have to disciplined too and he hoped this would not happen. He said Mr Woolfe has contacted him "to extend the hand of friendship" to him and he was now prepared "to shake Mr Woolfe's hand" if he wanted to. 'Extremely serious' While Mr Woolfe has not spoken publicly about the episode, the Daily Mail quoting him as saying Mr Hookem "came at me and landed a blow" after they left the meeting room. He insisted he was not "bruising for a scrap" and that Mr Hookem had read his suggestion that they should deal with the matter outside "totally the wrong way". Speaking outside the hospital on Friday, another UKIP MEP, Nathan Gill insisted his colleague was in "good form" and there was no danger to his health even though "it was at one stage touch and go". Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, wished Mr Woolfe a speedy recovery but suggested the episode would have consequences for the party. He said: "The reported facts are extremely serious," and had been referred to the Parliament's advisory committee to be dealt with "as a matter of urgency" next week. "It goes without saying that disrespectful and violent behaviour does not have a place in the European Parliament," he added. Several leading UKIP figures have questioned whether Mr Woolfe can take part in a new leadership contest - triggered by the resignation of Diane James after only 18 days - following the episode. But UKIP donor Arron Banks, an influential figure in the party and ally of Nigel Farage - who is interim leader after Ms James' exit - has expressed his continued support for Mr Woolfe. "Of course he can," he tweeted, adding the public wanted "real people" not "phoney career politicians". (BBC)

The UKIP MEP Mike Hookem has denied punching a fellow MEP


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Clown Sightings: Australia Police 'Won't Tolerate' Antics PAGE 138

Police in Victoria, south Australia, have warned the public not to engage in "intimidating" behaviour after reports of clowns terrorising people in Melbourne. Sightings of creepy clowns have sparked minor hysteria across the US since August. People in clown masks have reportedly chased others and tried to lure children into woods. Victoria police warned that such escapades would "not be tolerated". In a statement on its Facebook page, which appears to have since been deleted, the force wrote: "Victoria Police are aware of people who are parading in public wearing clown masks. "The clown purge appears to be a copycat of incidents being seen in the USA recently. "Any intimidating and threatening as well as antisocial behaviours will not be tolerated and will be investigated by Police." Clowns have also been spotted in Sydney, with one pictured loitering outside a fast food restaurant in the Campbelltown area. Australians have responded by setting up Facebook pages dedicated to "clown hunting", as the sightings spread. One theory has it that the upswing in "killer clown" antics is linked to the release of novelist Stephen King's new ďŹ lm, It. The plot involves a child-slaughtering being which takes the form of a clown called Pennywise to lure its prey. But King has criticised the craze. This week, he tweeted: "Hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria - most of em are good, cheer up the kiddies, make people laugh." The sinister craze began in South Carolina with reports that men dressed as clowns were trying to coax children into the woods with money. It was followed by sightings in Alabama, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Schools in Texas and Alabama have even shut down over the phenomenon. On Tuesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told a press brieďŹ ng that President Obama had not been briefed on the issue, but added, "this is a


situation that local law enforcement authorities take quite seriously". Reports suggest New Zealand has also been sucked into the epidemic, after a clown "lurking" at a school spooked parents on Wednesday. Real clowns at risk? Some professional clowns fear the negative trend may put them in physical danger. Professional clown Jordan Jones, who goes by the name Snuggles, has started a #ClownLivesMatter movement, inspired by the #BlackLivesMatter campaign, to remind the public that real clowns want to spread happiness, not fear. (BBC)

Pranksters in clown masks are stalking Australia - and not everyone is laughing(AP)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Girls Spend 40% More Time On Chores Than Boys, UN Report Finds Girls spend 40% more time performing unpaid PAGE 139

household chores than boys, according to a new report from the UN children's agency. Unicef said the difference in time spent working amounted to 160 million extra hours a day worldwide. Two out of three girls cook and clean in the home, and almost half collect water or firewood. They also perform more "less visible" domestic work like childcare or looking after the elderly, the report says. It also found that the extra workload increased with time: between ages five and nine, girls spend 30% more time on chores - by 14, it rises to 50%. Tasks such as gathering water or firewood can also put young girls at increased risk of sexual violence, the report says. In Somalia, girls between 10 and 14 years old spend 26 hours a week on household chores - the most of any country. Burkina Faso and Yemen also have some of the largest labour gaps between boys and girls. "Girls sacrifice important opportunities to learn, grow and just enjoy their childhood," Unicef's Anju Malhotra said. "This unequal distribution of labour among children also perpetuates gender stereotypes and the double burden on women and girls across generations." The report,


which also includes data on violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation and education, is being released to coincide with the UN's international day of the girl child on 11 October. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Philippines' Teodoro Locsin's 'Nazi' Tweets Spark Outrage PAGE 140


A petition to reject the controversial nominee for Philippine ambassador served as a local politician for almost 10 years, has accepted the post of to the UN has reached more than 10,000 signatures, after he was seen Philippines permanent representative to the UN but is awaiting official using anti-Semitic language on Twitter. Teodoro Locsin Jr, or "Teddy", governmental confirmation. Amid reaction to his comments, Mr Locsin tweeted seemingly pro-Nazi comments, with references to Auschwitz said that his daughters had told him to "stay out of Twitter", adding that and the "Final Solution". Mr Locsin later apologised for the tweets and he was not allowed to tweet anything, "not even niceties". He also removed several of them. The 67-year-old is a journalist and ex- apologised for his tweets. "I am sorry for my strong language, but it is congressman. His tweets echo recent comments made by Philippine unavoidable given the mendacity of those I fight. I cannot be other than President Rodrigo Duterte, who prompted outrage by referring to the myself," Mr Locsin tweeted on Friday. " I ask God's and the Jewish Holocaust and saying he would be "happy to slaughter" three million community's forgiveness, but only theirs." Mr Locsin also told CNN that drug addicts. More than 3,000 people with alleged links to drug use or his tweets had been sent for "shock value", and was "partly a private dealing have been killed since Mr Duterte came to power in June. Mr joke" between him and a friend who worked in the Jewish government Locsin started gaining attention on the social platform after he posted district. The office of the Philippine delegation to the UN declined to several controversial tweets. "I believe that the Drug Menace is so big it comment on the matter. (BBC) needs a FINAL SOLUTION like the Nazis adopted. That I believe. NO REHAB," he tweeted on the 21 August. In another tweet he referenced Auschwitz, the concentration camp run by the Nazis in which almost a million Jews were killed. The petition, addressed to the UN, called for Mr Locsin's appointment to be denied, saying that "his blatant justification of anti Semitic lingo makes him a racist, clearly showing his prejudice against the Jewish people". Reaction to Mr Locsin was swift, with some on Twitter calling him a disgrace. "You're making this country look crazy," a user commented. "I thought ambassadors are supposed to be educated. I guess the UN just skipped that process when appointing Teddy Locsin." another said. "You're a disgraceful UN ambassador to the country," one added. However, Mr Locsin also had his share of supporters, with one saying that "lots of us want you at the UN just the Teodoro Locsin Jr. tweeted seemingly pro-Nazi comments, way you are - sarcasm and all". 'Unavoidable' language Mr Locsin, who with references to Auschwitz and the "Final Solution"(TWITTER/@TEDDYBOYLOCSIN)



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PAGE 144



Consultations Ongoing For Budget 2017 As part of preparations for Budget 2017, consultations are being held with various stakeholders, across Guyana. According to Minister within the Ministry of Finance Jaipaul Sharma preparations for the budget should be a partnership arrangement and it is important that to have the views and inputs of others. Speaking to the Guyana information Agency (GINA), Minister Sharma noted that Article 13 of the Constitution points to the need for inclusivity. “So we are in the process of compiling the budget, interviewing Ministries, Regions and Agencies, and so it’s a two prong approach where you have the Ministries and Regions’ positions, you have the interests of the private sector bodies and organizations which are the stakeholders so they have a view too,” the minister said. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) on Thursday thorough their consultations with the minister, proposed to Government, that the income tax threshold be increased to $70,000, while the personal income tax rate be reduced to 25 per cent. In a press statement union noted, “FITUG also sought to have the promised reduction in the rate of VAT be reflected in the 2017 Budget. To bring relief to families, especially with children, FITUG advised the Minister to once again make provision for tax relief for spouses and children under age 16.” Other proposals included an

increased minimum wage for workers and continued Government support for the sugar industry. The latest of consultations was with the members of the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana and is scheduled to be conducted over a two week period. The National Budget for 2017 is expected to be presented on December 5, in the National Assembly

Agri Sector Suffers $4.8B In Losses Due To Drought Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder has claimed that climate change continues to take a toll on the agriculture sector. During the commissioning of the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) Agro Climatology Station on Friday, the Minister said that during 2015-2016, the sector suffered some $4.8B in losses due to drought. In 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture developed a Disaster Risk Management Plan (DRM) for the agriculture sector. The plan was designed to prevent and mitigate the impacts of disasters such as flooding and drought. DRM was further backed by the Japanese Government, which funded the Building Resilience and Sustainable Livelihood: Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management/Disaster Risk Reduction (DRM/DRR) project in the Agriculture Sector earlier this year. The US$300,000 project under supervision of the United Nations Development Project (UNDP) and FAO was further meant to strengthen DRM in Guyana. However, the minister related that during the period of drought, about 33,231 acres of rice, sugar, livestock and fisheries were lost. The commissioning of Agro Climatology Station at the school’s Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara campus is another step taken to put in place mitigation measure in place to help the agriculture sector in the wake of climate change. “Taking this into consideration, we must plan in a scientific manner in order to ensure the improvement of agricultural practices and production… and importance must be given to the disastrous effects of climate change,” Minister Holder said. In addition to playing a key role in detecting weather variables throughout Guyana, the station will also aid students to understand agro-meteorology. Students will be compiling data for the study of weather and climate, which will improve service delivered by the meteorological station. The station is the 11th of its kind to establish across the country and is part of the ongoing works to boost hydro meteorological services in agricultural sector of Guyana. “The Ministry of Agriculture through its national meteorological office calls on the public to be climate-smart and use the forecasts given… that is why we intend to enhance the support of weather and climate information, so persons can make informed decisions,” the minister stated. The Argo Climatology station was built at the cost of approximately $1.6 million.




Venezuelan, Two Saint Lucians Charged With Money Laundering

Dear Editor,My attention was drawn to a most bizarre article published in the Guyana Chronicle, Saturday, October 8, 2016, at page 8, under the caption “PPP initiated process to acquire Carmichael St lots-AG.” In that article, the follow statement is attributed to the AttorneyGeneral and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams, “The nation should know that when we [APNU+AFC] entered Government, I inherited that proposal by the PPP to acquire those said lots. And the staff I inherited, recommended those lots…So the issue of the compulsory acquisition was something inherited from the PPP. So perhaps the problem Mr Nandlall has is that he didn’t get to do the transaction.” I wish to make it unequivocally clear, that as Attorney-General, I had no intention whatsoever of compulsorily acquiring the said two lots of land and that no step whatsoever was ever taken by the PPP Civic Government to compulsorily acquire the said two lots of land; that all I did in relation thereto, was to make contact with the owners of the two plots of land and enquired from them, whether the lands were for sale. Both owners answered in the negative and that was the end of the transaction. I never even took a proposal to Cabinet in relation to this matter. The article next outrageously quotes Mr. Williams, as

recalling that I raised the issue in Parliament and “the project was then approved by the Ministry of Finance and Cabinet, after which it was passed and approved by the National Assembly.” I am flabbergasted! I raised no such issue in Parliament. In fact, there was no issue to be raised. The story becomes even more sinister. The article next informs that Mr. Williams disclosed, that if the PPP had remained in office, the PPP would have paid five hundred and sixty million dollars ($560,000,000) more than the current Government for the same two plots of land. The article quotes Mr. Williams, as saying that I told him that the lots are worth six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000). Mr. Williams must be hallucinating! I had no such discussion with Mr. Williams about these plots of land. If this was not a serious matter, I would have found it hilarious. I challenge Mr. Williams to produce one shred of evidence to support any of the contentions that he has made. I do so knowing fully well that a person who is of the iniquitous propensity to contrive and concoct such an elaborate tale is quite capable of falsifying documents to support these preposterous claims. This is not the first time that this AttorneyGeneral has been caught manufacturing stories to blame me and the PPP Civic Administration as part of his clumsy strategy to defend himself. Readers will recall that he alleged that the PPP Government had agreed to pay B.K International when he was publicly pounded for paying millions of US dollars on a mere letter threatening litigation. I challenged him then to produce evidence of this Agreement to pay. He never did. Again, the imbecilic contention is that the PPP had begun the compulsory acquisition process in respect of these two plots of land.

Assuming that he is correct, this Attorney-General appears to lack a mind of his own and seems incapable of doing anything other than robotically follow PPP initiatives. Whatever it is, that the President has a serious problem on his hand, I am in no doubt. Mohabir Anil Nandlall, Attorney-at- Law MP

Op-Ed PAGE 146



OP-ED: Guyana On The Path To Destruction

Many Guyanese are questioning the government’s stance on the economy; they are of the opinion that Guyana is on a path to destruction and cited recent incidents whereby the APNU+AFC is preparing the all-important sugar industry for total collapse. On the other hand, the rice industry is also being neglected by the government and as of recent, President David Granger has distanced himself and his Government from the plight of rice farmers in Guyana. The government is now in the process of planting rice at the Wales Sugar Estate and with tax being imposed on agricultural equipment, the rice industry may be crippled. Coupled with this, the administration is on the path to closing down two major Chinese logging operations, the Barama Company and Bai Shan Lin forest operations and with the recent loss of the Greenheart market in the UK, the logging industry is practically on the verge of collapse as well. Another blow to the economy is the government’s recent withdrawal of the Topco juice contract from Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) Guyana, and giving it to RUDISA Company of Suriname. What will become of the hundreds of small fruit farmers who depend on DDL to buy their produce? This is a severe blow to these farmers. In addition to the wanton destruction of the economy, the APNU+AFC, is moving to cripple the poultry sector as well. The PPP administration worked tirelessly to ensure that the industry is self -sufficient, ensuring that the country can produce enough chicken thereby making the local poultry industry viable. The local poultry producers are contending that there is no shortage of chicken in Guyana and that they don’t foresee any shortages for the holiday

season, yet, the Government has issued importation license to 13 businesses. One of the 13 persons granted license to import chicken is no other than the son-in-law of former President Burnham, Dr. Van West Charles, who is the current CEO of GWI. Only recently he was given licenses to import, store and transport fuel. President Granger has stressed that ways have to be found to ensure that children qualify themselves at school to prepare for the job market. “Once they qualify it will be easier for them to move into fields which I think could lead to self-employment.” “Employment is not something to be provided by the government. There is self-employment and we are working with the villages to generate more employment in those villages but it is going to be agro-based employment,” he added. However, the evidence is there to prove otherwise. How can there be self-employment in Guyana when the Government is doing all in its powers to stifle economic growth of the economy?


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Over 1000 Child Abuse Cases So Far… Teachers Say Government Needs To Do More According to several trainee teachers from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), child abuse continues to be a sore issue in Guyana PAGE 147


and the government seems to be doing very little to curb the issue. The Child Care and Protection Agency (CCPA) has stated that there is over 1000 reported cases of child abuse for this year so far. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA), Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency, Ann Greene, explained that most reported cases of abuse is neglect, followed by sexual abuse. The agency reported that there were over 3000 reports of child abuse cases for 2015. The cases of sexual abuse were referred to One Stop Centers which give the victims an opportunity to tell their story in the presence of investigators, counselors, prosecutors and welfare officers. The presence of the officers at one facility avoids the possibility of the child repeating the ordeal several times. However, the teachers are quoted as saying “this is not sufficient to deal with the issue, government needs to put more emphasis on the issue, and there must be a more responsible minister to deal with the high incidence of child abuse.” They further stated that it was very disgusting to know that the Minister of Social Protection refers to rape as “deflowering”. They believe that the government must allocate more resources in the 2017 budget for the department, hire qualified staff and do more public awareness campaign. Abuse is harmful to children and they may experience a range of emotional, psychological and physical problems and trauma as a result of being abused or neglected.

Government To Re-examine Loan Distribution Qualifications Given the current state of the in excess of $8B student fees that are still outstanding to the University of Guyana from graduated students who were granted student loans, the Government of Guyana has decided to re-examine the requirements that were recently put in place in an effort to reduce the aforementioned debt owed. This was revealed by the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon as reported by the Government Information Agency. Previous to the beginning of the new academic year 2016/2017 the Ministry of Finance through its University Based loan agency had implemented an update list of criteria which students were required to fulfill if they were to be granted a Student Loan. The list of documents that were to be submitted to the University was updated seeing Prospective Loan Students having to also submit their Guyanese Passport, Bank Standing Order and Job Letter. Also amended was the required documents that those who sign as guarantors will have to provide to the Ministry in order to be deemed a fit guarantor. These documents include their Passport, Proof of Employment, TIN Certificate and Liability or Credit Report which can be obtained from the Credit Bureau. The aspired students of the University however cried foul stating that the requirements of for the guarantor are too much and as such the process of obtaining someone who is will to provide the required information is difficult. Minister of State, Harmon however qualified the requirements stating the importance of the Guarantor since he/she is the person who takes on the responsibility of repaying the loan if the student is in someway or the other found in default. Harmon however said that it is something that the Government will look into since it is important for youngsters to be in school. He further stated that they need to understand the importance of obtaining the loan and eventually repaying the borrowed sum.




Guyana Receives $61.3M Grant From US To Boost Extractive industries

The Government of Guyana on Friday received financial support from the US Government towards the strengthening of transparency and accountability within the extractive industries. The US Government through the Carter Centre has provided a US$297,000 (G$6.13M) grant to facilitate a series for transparency and accountability programmes for the extractive industries in Guyana over a 12 month period. The programmes are intended to enable Guyana to submit its application for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) candidacy and thereafter to maintain its participation. The grant was announced by US Ambassador to Guyana Perry Holloway on Friday at the Embassy’s Duke Street, Kingston location. Guyana is preparing to submit its candidacy to the EITI in November. “The scope of the grant is expected to assist the Government of Guyana to develop the candidacy documents required by the EITI Secretariat. I am confident this programme will strengthen the work of the Government of Guyana in promoting transparency in the country’s extractive industries at a time when Guyana

prepares to welcome future growth in the petroleum industry,” the US ambassador expressed. Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, related that membership to EITI encourages investment in the Guyana and will bring many benefits to Guyana which includes an improved investment climate, a signal to international investors that the government has a clear commitment to transparency and good governance and strengthening accountability. Country Representative of the Carter Centre Jason Calder said “Our assistance is intended to build off that recently provided by the World Bank and to complement the fruitful collaboration Guyana has already established with the EITI Secretariat in Trinidad and Tobago.” EITI is a global standard that promotes open and accountable management of a country’s natural resources by strengthening

government and company systems. In June, Guyana received assistance f r o m t h e Wo r l d B a n k i n t h e establishment of its Multi Stakeholder Group (MSG) which is an essential requirement of EITI. The MSG is a tripartite body that will have representative from government, civil society and the extractive industries to guide and oversee the EITI process. This overseeing group will also examine revenue allocations, intergovernmental transfers, company social expenditures, the process for allocating licences and contracts, identifying the beneficial owners of companies in the extractives sector, and documenting the impact of the extractive industries on the economy.

PAGE 149



17th Batch Of Students Commence Studies At KKTC effective while aligning it with TVET Standards,” she

(Georgetown, October 7, 2016) – ‘To be better than who I am, to work harder, to use my time and energy meaningfully, to play sensibly, to always believe I can, to always comply with my instructions, and to have success only through courage, hard work, order and discipline.’ Those were the words recited by 240 new students commencing their studies at the Kuru Kuru Training Centre (KKTC). These students were drawn from all of the administrative regions and will be spending a total of 10 months at the institution pursuing studies in the field of technical and vocational skills and business studies. “During the next 10 months or so, you will be exposed to 10 different subject areas, some of which will provide you with the skills that will make you marketable, and others that will teach life skills that will enable you to interact effectively with other persons and society at large,” stated the Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry. The Minister emphasized the importance of exploiting all the facilities and resources available at the KKTC; in this regard they were advised to be disciplined in their studies. “Do not allow anyone or anything to distract you from your studies,” she declared. “You must all work to develop your full potential. There are lots of things you can do and achieve at this training centre, but your achievement, is, to a large degree defined by yourselves,” the Minister suggested. The challenges of the course was not understated however the students were advised to set a timetable for their studies and revision. “You can start to shape your future here; take full advantage of the training you have been offered and remember that a lost opportunity cannot be regained,” Minister Henry admonished. The Minister expressed her hope that the end result of the course will see young people being shaped into the type of citizens that will help to change the communities from which they came from for the better, and the country as a whole. The Assisting Director of Youth (ADOY), Leslyn Boyce in her remarks highlighted the plans for the KKTC. “The Department of Youth plans on raising the standards of the institution to make it more current, efficient and

highlighted. That thrust will be realized through the implementation of recommendations coming out from the KKTC Reviewing Curriculum Interim Report. The priority areas, in this regard, are the restructuring and strengthening of the management structure by recruiting technical and competent staff; training of instructors to deliver competency based education; registering the KKTC under the Council for Technical and Vocational Training; commence the process of competency based education training; purchasing tools/equipment that would match TVET standards; expand the workshop spaces and provide clear guidelines for management. Ministry of Education Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Committed To Comprehensive Crime Fighting StrategiesPresident Granger Says Root Causes Must Be Addressed PAGE 150

Georgetown, Guyana – (October 7, 2016) As the Government continues to address the incidence of crime in Guyana, the country will be welcome a security advisor from the United Kingdom (UK) next month, who will be working closely with the administration on the implementation of the Security Sector Reform Action Plan (SSRAP). This US$4.7 million project was turned down by the previous administration, when it was first proposed back in 2009. Describing this as a mistake, the Head of State noted that the development of the security sector is critical to the fight against crime. Much has been said about the ability of the Force to address the crime situation in the public domain. President Granger, during and interview today, said the Force, which he described as essentially a sound, professional organisation, has not received the attention it deserves in the past. He added that while he is satisfied that the Force has made some headway with regard to solving crime he is not satisfied with the rogue elements, who are not suitable to serve in that capacity. “More has to be done. We have recruited persons, who turn out to be unsuitable and I have discussed with Minister of Public Security and the Commissioner in the National Security Council that there is need to improve training at the police training school. We need to ensure that the type of persons recruited are not only educationally qualified but attitudinally prepared to do their work in a country like ours,” the Head of State said. He admitted that there have been instances where policemen have been bribed not to pursue investigations, files have disappeared and where officers tried to extort money from persons, who committed misdemeanours but said that these problems can be overcome by ensuring that there is a more professional police force. “My only regret is that it is taking so long to introduce these reforms. Police have been getting recommendations for over 14 years from the British Government but they were never implemented. We are going to implement. We are going to make the police force a better force,” the President said. He also reminded that there are two mechanisms in place for citizens to highlight issues of corruption as far as the police are concerned. These are the Police Complaints Authority, where investigations have led to officers being brought to trial and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). Alluding to the number of ranks that have recently been fired from the Force, the President Granger said that, “it is as a result of the functioning of these mechanisms that the Commissioner has been able to separate some rogue elements from the Force.” Nevertheless, he noted that in a Force with a strength of 3000, there have not been a large number of miscreants when compared to the total number and that he is satisfied that the Force is on the road to recovery. Speaking on the number of violent crimes that have been occurring, the President said that the root causes of crime have to be addressed in order for their to be long term results. President David Granger continues to be directly involved in public security planning, chairing the weekly meeting of the National Security Committee. The Head of State said that this issue has become a daily preoccupation which his Government and the safety of all Guyanese of of critical concern. He acknowledged that the trafficking in narcotics is a major factor. To this end the National Anti-Narcotic Agency (NANA) will be set up as the Government looks to work more closely with regional and international partners to address this trans-national crime. “Crime is very complex, when you deal with crime you have to look at causation, in my view many of the most serious crime arise out of the narcotics trade that is a trade that I think is responsible for bringing drugs into the country and guns.” The President went on to explain that with the volume of money that is generated from the narcotics trade the loyalty of the law enforcement officers and even the magisterial officers came under threat. He said that his Government is working on a broad-base strategy to address crime which would include the setting up of a a national intelligence service. In addition, Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan reported in September that he had completed the drafting of National Drug Strategy Master Plan.


The administration is also working to ensure that the GPF is better equipped and are able to operate in the diverse areas of the country. President Granger explained that given Guyana’s size and terrain the Force is working to ensure that there are more mounted police in areas like the Rupununi, which cannot be adequately covered by vehicles alone and in certain back dams on the Coast like Black Bush Polder in Corentyne-Berbice, where heinous murders have recently occurred. “We have to provide the police with improved assets…All-Terrain Vehicles [ATVs] and more river crafts to improve their mobility… I reckon that in the fullness of time we will overcome some of the crime problems we have here,” President Granger said. In addition to the execution-type murders and gun-running that are the result of the narco-trade, the President lamented the high level of interpersonal violence. President Granger said that interpersonal violence, suicides and violence in schools are social issues which cannot be tackled solely by law enforcement agencies but a collaborative effort, which includes the Ministries of Social Protection and Social Cohesion as well as religious and non-governmental organisations. “We have to look at social interventions and here we call upon NGOs [non-governmental organisations] and religious communities, the mandirs, the masjids and the churches to help us to deal with the sources of interpersonal conflicts, through counselling and through delivering the sort of message that we are not a violent community and people have to learn to live together… I am very disturbed at violence among school children and at the interpersonal violence between husbands and wives, which sometimes degenerate to arson and murder,” he said Turning his attention to road safety, President Granger indicated that the GPF will focus on enforcement to ensure that all road users follow traffic laws and regulations. The campaign, Operation Safeway, which came into force last month, seeks to heighten road safety awareness among all categories of road users. The President said that the Force is ensuring that there are more traffic ranks on the roadways, who are adequately equipped with more speed guns and breathalyser kits and greater patrols in areas where drivers like to speed like West Demerara, West Berbice and the Linden-Soesdyke Highway. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger


GUYANA DAILY NEWS MOE, DCYS Host ‘Networking Session’ For Lawyers And Law Students PAGE 151

(Georgetown, October 7, 2016) – The Ministry of Education, Department of Culture, Youth and Sport hosted a networking session today at the Umana Yana for the lawyers who recently returned from the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and Tobago and CAPE students pursuing law at the Bishops High and Queen’s College. This session was important because it sought to align the CAPE students with those who have already walked the pathway they are now on. The lawyers and students were urged to share experiences, give advice and share contact information. This allows the new lawyers to mentor the next generation of lawyers. In her remarks, Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry emphasized that peer mentorship is important. “You have made yourself and all Guyana proud,” Minister Henry declared while addressing the lawyers. “Your presence here today is an indication that you did not allow the seemingly daunting nature of your course to prevent you from achieving your goal,” the Minister recognized. At this point the Minister stressed that knowledge does not end at this stage but continues into the world of work and beyond. “As lawyers you will be required to devote countless hours to pro bono work, to make sure that the wrongly accused are not jailed, that innocent lives are not ruined, that the weak are not preyed upon…you need to be lawyers who will have to fight daily for fairness, who are intolerant of injustice, and who live or work with unimpeachable integrity,” Minister Henry pointed out. During the session the lawyers were presented with memorabilia from the Golden Jubilee celebrations, and a special award was presented to the best graduating Guyanese student, Ms. Latoya Roberts. In her presentation, Roberts shared her experiences at the University of Guyana and then the Hugh Wooding Law School. She noted that while being a lawyer is a noble profession the task of actually becoming a lawyer is not an easy task. For those who attend the Hugh Wooding Law School, Roberts explained that a team effort is required. In this regard, she emphasized that the spirit of Guyanese pride must be inculcated and demonstrated in the way one carries themselves, approach to work, behavior and participation in campus life. She urged the CAPE law students to be prepared to give 150 percent of themselves. Roberts also expressed appreciation on


behalf of herself and colleagues for the opportunity to mentor the CAPE students. Ministry of Education Press Release

PAGE 152



Night Court Set To Commence On Monday The Night Court which has been promised following reports of overcrowding at the Georgetown Prison, Camp Street, is finally set to begin with its first sitting on Monday. Sittings are scheduled to be from 15:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs Monday to Friday at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court while the court will still be operating its normal hours of Monday to Friday 9:00 hrs to 14:30 hrs. Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, had revealed that the establishment of the night court is expected to cost the Government in excess of $25M depending on the number of employees including Magistrates, Officers, Prosecutors and Court Staff who will be employed for the session which is expected to last 10 months. Prior to the confirmation of the setting up and beginning of the Night Court, a meeting was held between Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Attorney General Basil Williams and the heads of the Judiciary Arm of the Government which includes Acting Chancellor of the Judiciary Carl Singh, Chief Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards, Director of Public Prosecutions Shalimar Ali-Hack and Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. Following the March 3, 2016 riot and fire at the Georgetown Prison, Camp Street which left 17 inmates dead, most of whom were on remand, the Commission of Inquiry into the matter had made a suggestion, calling for the Judiciary to make haste and clear up the backlogged cases if there is to be prevention of another such incident. Minister Ramjattan had suggested categorising the approximate 60% of the prison population who are on remand, into various categories and to set up a standard so as to seek out the best way to reduce the prison numbers such as the granting of reasonable bail and reduction of sentences for non major crimes. However criticizing the Government on partial establishment of the Night Court was President of the Bar Association, Christopher Ram who according to reports implored as to why the full initiative was not taken by the Government so as to see the Night Court being introduced into the High Court System as well.

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President Granger Attends Dr. Patricia Cambridge’s ‘Piano Improvisations’ Georgetown, Guyana – (October 7, 2016) President David Granger, this evening, attended the ‘Piano Improvisations’, an Evening with Dr. Patricia Cambridge, a well-known Guyanese Pianist, which was held at the National Cultural Centre. Dr. Cambridge is a winner of the Phillip Pilgrim Memorial Harp (1974) and graduate of the Boston Conservatory. She is currently a member of the Emeriti faculty of the Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. The pianist serenaded the attendees with improvisations of popular tunes such as ‘Bless This House’, ‘My Task’, ‘If I can Help Somebody’, ‘We Hail Thee Guyana’, ‘Let Us Cooperate’ and even the Guyanese folk songs such as ‘Sitira Gal’ and ‘Itanami’. Minister within the Ministry of Education, Ms. Nicolette Henry was also in attendance. MOTP Press Release

Dr. Patricia Cambridge, one of Guyana's outstanding Pianist

President David Granger and Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry, sharing a light moment with the Cambridge's.



PAGE 154

GASCI reports that session 689's trading results showed consideration of $220,959 from 8,045 shares traded in 4 transactions as compared to session 688's trading results, which showed consideration of $1,387,531 from 4,584 shares traded in 8 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH and DTC. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) three trades totalling 8,030 shares represented 99.81% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $25.7, which showed a decrease of $4.3 from its previous close of $30.0. DIH's trades contributed 93.12% ($205,750) of the total consideration. DIH's first two trades totalling 7,030 shares were at $25.0, while its third trade of 1,000 shares was at $30.0. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) single trade of 15 shares at $1,013.9 represented 0.19% of the total


shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,013.9, which showed a decrease of $6.1 from its previous close of $1,020.0. DTC's trade contributed 6.88% ($15,209) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK Crossing: When a firm has both the buy and the sell sides of an order. There are rules about derivative exchanges governing the crossing of trades. Also known as Matching and Self Trading. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.




Call For Action As Europe Debates Bahamas Leaks

Commissioner for financial affairs Pierre Moscovici addresses the European Parliament during debate on Bahamas Leaks. Photo: European Parliament By Will Fitzgibbon October 7, 2016, 1:00 pm


RUSSELS, Belgium -The Bahamas launched reviews of its tax policies and data security and members of the European Parliament called for sanctions and scrutiny of tax havens and of the politicians who use them following a leak of 1.3 million documents from the Bahamas corporate registry. Bahamian officials announced the moves following the publication of Bahamas Leaks, a collaborative investigation by 30 media organizations in partnership with The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung that exposed new details about politicians and fraudsters behind some of the country’s offshore companies. As the world’s attention turned to the Bahamas, the minister in

charge of the nation’s offshore industry promised to introduce automatic exchange of tax information with other countries one year ahead of schedule in an effort to rebuff accusations that The Bahamas is courting untaxed money. Separately, the Bahamas attorney-general, Allyson Maynard-Gibson, announced a review of the country’s data systems that failed to prevent the disclosure of more than one million documents. The OECD’s head of tax, Pascal Saint-Amans, expressed concern after Bahamas Leaks that the country would not meet its international tax commitments. In an interview with Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, Saint-Amans warned that The Bahamas could soon be put back on the OECD’s blacklist of tax havens. Bahamian officials and press outlets have used a number of forums, including a United Nations address, to defend the country and denounce the Bahamas Leaks investigation as a “coordinated conspiracy.” Separately, the European Commission is determining whether or not to take action

against former competition commissioner Neelie Kroes, w h o w a s E u r o p e ’s t o p corporate enforcer from 2004 to 2010. Documents from Bahamas Leaks revealed that Kroes failed to declare her directorship of a company that negotiated to buy billions of dollars in assets from the energy giant Enron. In a fiery session on Tuesday, members of the European Parliament called for stronger rules and sanctions, including the revocation of pensions, in cases where senior EU officials have conflicts of interest. MEPs alleged that Kroes had lied to parliament, weakening public trust in the EU. “When former top commissioners are discovered to be linked to overseas tax havens, and the global financial companies that benefit from them, the EU’s credibility takes a justified hit,” said Danish MEP Jeppe Kofod, who leads the Social Democrats party. Kofod said the Bahamas Leaks showed the need for better legislation to “end the world of secrecy, fraud, corruption and tax evasion, and put real pressure on tax havens,” and also for a more stringent vetting process for commissioners. “In the case of former Commissioner Kroes, the fact that she was a director of a holding company in The Bahamas only came to light after she had retired from the Commission. That proves that the vetting process for Commissioners simply is not working.” Other MEPs joined the call for European authorities to do

more to end corporate secrecy. “The Bahamas papers revealed again the murky role played by tax havens in global tax evasion,” said MEP Molly Scott Cato from England. “Lux Leaks, Panama Papers, Bahamas Leaks,” said Michael Theurer, a German parliamentarian who referred to three of ICIJ’s recent projects that made international headlines. “Clearly there is a need for action.” Speaking on behalf of the European Commission, commissioner Pierre Moscovici defended the Commission’s track record and sought to temper many of the MEP’s concerns. “I think we should not turn problems raised by members of the previous Commission into an amalgam on the Commission and the Parliament. Let’s not use material errors and personal choices, which can be regrettable, to question rules that will never be able to determine a solution for this type of situation,” he said. Moscovici assured MEPs that the Commission would listen to the issues, and would also continue to support the work of the European Parliamentary committee (the so-called PANA Committee) established in the wake of Panama Papers to investigate tax avoidance and money laundering. The PANA Committee announced at its first public hearing last week that it would broaden its coverage to include relevant information from Bahamas Leaks. (Caribbean News Now!)




Haiti To Receive US$20 Million Insurance Payout Following Passage Of Hurricane Matthew

On 6 October 2016, people continue to clean up in the western city of Jeremie. Hurricane Matthew passed o v e r H a i t i o n Tu e s d a y October 4, 2016, with heavy rains and winds. While the capital Port au Prince was mostly spared from the full strength of the class 4 hurricane, the western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie received the full force sustaining wind and water damage across wide areas. Photo Logan Abassi UN/MINUSTAH


EORGETOWN, Cayman Islands -CCRIF SPC (formerly the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility) is preparing to make a payout to the government of Haiti as a result of the passage of Hurricane Matthew which triggered a payment on the country’s tropical cyclone policy. Based on preliminary calculations, Haiti will receive a little over US$20 million – the largest payment ever made by CCRIF.

This was revealed on Thursday afternoon by CCRIF chairman Milo Pearson at the I M F / Wo r l d B a n k G r o u p annual meetings. He also thanked the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for paying Haiti’s insurance premiums over the last four years in support of the country’s overall disaster risk m a n a g e m e n t s t r a t e g y, recognising the key role of risk transfer instruments. Prior to that, in 2010 and 2011, both CDB and the government of Canada paid Haiti’s annual premium. Since its inception in 2007, CCRIF has made a total of 15 payouts to ten member governments totalling US$38.8 million, all within 14 days of the event. This payment will represent the 16th payout, which would make total payouts approximately US$58.8 million. This payment will be Haiti’s second payment from CCRIF. In 2010, following the devastating earthquake, CCRIF made a payment to the government of Haiti of

US$7.7 million, based on the terms of its earthquake policy. That payment represented the first inflow of direct financial assistance received by Haiti at that time. The Haitian government used the CCRIF funds to cover salaries of key emergency personnel, thereby “keeping the wheels of government turning”. CCRIF’s parametric insurance products are insurance contracts that make payments based on the intensity of an event (for example, hurricane wind speed, earthquake intensity or volume of rainfall) and the amount of loss calculated in a pre-agreed model caused by these events. Parametric insurance enables payouts to be made very quickly after a hazard event. This is different from traditional insurance settlements that require an onthe-ground assessment of individual losses after an event before a payment can be made. Hurricane Matthew made landfall in Haiti on October 4 as a powerful Category 4 hurricane. A United Nations representative to Haiti, Mourad Wahba, said the country was facing its largest humanitarian crisis since the earthquake in 2010 left more than 200,000 dead and tens of thousands living in tents and makeshift dwellings. Matthew brought intense rain, wind and surge waves, causing mudslides and flooding. The main bridge that links the capital of Port-au-Prince to southern Haiti has collapsed and the coast has been badly hit in the areas of Grande Anse,

Port-Salut and Port-à-Piment with 1,243,000 people (including 522,000 children) affected. Les Cayes has been totally flooded. Initial estimates suggest that four million children in Haiti will be directly affected by the storm. Earlier, as Matthew moved through the Eastern Caribbean islands, the centre of the storm passed over Barbados on September 28 as a tropical storm, triggering its CCRIF tropical cyclone policy. Barbados will receive a payout of US$975,000. There were reports of fallen trees, isolated flooding, power outages and water disruption in some parts of the island. Both Barbados and Haiti have excess rainfall policies also. Tropical cyclone policies are designed to cover damages from wind and storm surge but not rainfall. Therefore, it is possible that these countries’ rainfall policies may be triggered as well – this would entitle them to an additional payout. There also is a possibility that other countries in the Eastern Caribbean who were earlier affected by Matthew may receive payouts under their excess rainfall policies. The model for excess rainfall events requires a few days longer to calculate results compared with the wind-based tropical cyclone model and CCRIF will issue new information when that assessment is complete. (Caribbean News Now!)




CDEMA Deploys Response Teams To Bahamas And Haiti At the request of the government of

On 6 October 2016, small towns all along the western part of Haiti suffered extreme damage from heavy winds and rains and on the coastal areas, storm surge. Hurricane Matthew passed over Haiti on Tuesday October 4, 2016, with heavy rains and winds. While the capital Port au Prince was mostly spared from the full strength of the class 4 hurricane, the western cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie received the full force sustaining wind and water

damage across wide areas. Photo Logan Abassi UN/MINUSTAH


RIDGETOWN, Barbados -The islands of The Bahamas and Haiti suffered severe impact from the passage of Hurricane Matthew. In efforts to assist these countries in dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) has deployed two sets of specialized response teams.

Haiti and based on priority needs identified, CDEMA deployed a sixmember CARICOM Operational Support Team (COST) to Haiti on Friday, October 7, 2016. This team will support Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) coordination in Jérémie and Les Cayes, two settlements most affected by Hurricane Matthew. The team will be led by Brigadier General (Ret’d) Earl Arthurs and supported by technical personnel from CDEMA participating states. Three Rapid Needs Assessment Teams (RNATs) were also due to be deployed to The Bahamas on Friday. The teams will facilitate damage assessments and needs analysis in Andros, Grand Bahama and New Providence islands. The Regional Coordination Plan (RCP) remains activated and the Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) at the CDEMA Coordinating Unit has been activated. The CU has placed on standby other support arrangements for Haiti including the CARICOM Disaster Relief Unit (CDRU). Additional actions will be guided by damage assessments and needs analysis (DANA). (Caribbean News Now!)




Venezuelan, Two Saint Lucians Charged With Money Laundering A Venezuelan national and two Saint Lucians were formally arrested and charged with money laundering. Adonys Alejandro Sencler Ruiz of Venezuela, Ernie Zilta of La Resource, Vieux Fort; and Gaspard St. Hilaire of Desruisseaux, Micoud were arrested by police on Wednesday, October 5, 2016. The Financial Intelligence Authority said in a statement on Thursday that the men

were found with EURO $287,700 and US$10,000 in their possession on Sunday, October 2, 2016 in the South of the island. The trio are being held in custody pending an appearance before a magistrate for a bail hearing. (St. Lucia News Online!)

Prince Harry’s Visit : Call For Submission For NGOs To Highlight Their Work

PRESS RELEASE – As Saint Lucia awaits the official visit by His Royal Highness Prince Harry in late

November 2016, the planning committee established under the auspices of the Office of the Governor General plans to use the opportunity of the Royal visit to highlight the work of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) across the island. To this end, some groups will be invited to make a short presentation to His Royal Highness at an appropriate point during his visit. According to the Director of the Saint

Lucia National Trust (SLNT), Mr. Bishnu Tulsie, “Considering the Prince’s interests which include matters related to the environment, climate change, youths, persons with disabilities, health and the elderly, the Trust, which forms part of the planning committee is pleased to issue a call to all NGOs undertaking work in the aforementioned areas to submit for screening information on their projects. These will be included in the proposed programme and compendium”. The deadline for submission is Monday, October 24, 2016. Interested persons are asked to obtain more details at http://slunatrust.org/news/princeharrys-visit-call-for-submission or call the SLNT at 452-5005 (St. Lucia News Online)




Nicole Aims At Bermuda, While Matthew May Return To Bahamas

An unusual confluence of forecast storm tracks is shown for the next several days By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Hurricane Nicole in the Atlantic weakened to a tropical storm on Friday and, after a continued period of meandering, is forecast to approach Bermuda between Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Meanwhile, after hugging the coast of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas, Hurricane Matthew is forecast to loop back towards The Bahamas as a tropical storm or depression, also between Tuesday and Wednesday. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT on Friday, the centre of

Tropical Storm Nicole was located about 365 miles (590 km) south of Bermuda. Maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher gusts. Additional weakening is expected during the next day or so. Tropical-stormforce winds extend outward up to 80 miles (130 km) from the centre. Swells associated with Nicole, along with rough surf conditions, should continue to affect Bermuda for the next few days. According to Forecaster Kimberlain, interaction with weakening Matthew to the west should cause Nicole to begin moving northwestward or northnorthwestward. A turn toward the north is expected once the interaction

ends. The cyclone could weaken a bit further or remain in a steady state as a weak tropical storm for two to three days, after which conditions support some re-intensification. In the meantime, Forecaster Avila said that Matthew has weakened a little bit and the hurricane is heading toward an area of increasing shear, which should result in gradual weakening. The shear is forecast to continue during the next five days, so additional weakening is anticipated and Matthew is expected to be a tropical depression by the end of the forecast period. On Saturday, the hurricane will encounter the midlatitude westerlies, and this flow pattern should induce a northeastward and then eastward motion during the next two days. After that time, the steering flow becomes very complex, and models turn the cyclone southward and southwestward embedded within the flow on the west side of a mid-level trough. (Caribbean News Now!)




Hurricane Matthew: Haiti South '90% Destroyed’

Jeremie is one of the worst-hit towns - some estimates say up to 80% has been destroyed(AFP) Nearly 900 people are known to have been killed by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti, with aid officials saying up to 90% of some areas have been destroyed. Some of the hardest-hit towns are yet to be reached by land, and there are fears more bodies will be found. Parts of Haiti's south had faced "complete destruction", aid workers told the BBC. Hurricane Matthew has now made landfall in South Carolina in the US, having battered Florida on Friday. The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has downgraded it to a Category 1 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds having decreased to 75mph (120km/h). But the NHC warned of a "serious inland flooding event unfolding". The storm is due to hit North Carolina later. Rescue efforts are under way in Haiti to assess the destruction left in the wake of the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade. At least 877 people were

confirmed dead late on Friday, local officials told Reuters news agency. One of the survivors in the village of Chantal told Reuters a tree had flattened his house. "The entire house fell on us. I couldn't get out," Jean-Pierre Jean-Donald said. "People came to lift the rubble, and then we saw my wife, who had died." The storm passed directly through the Tiburon peninsula encompassing Haiti's entire southern coast - driving the sea inland and flattening homes with winds of up to 230km/h (145mph) and torrential rain. The main road connecting the capital, Port-au-Prince, to the southern coast has been destroyed. Kate Corrigan, a nurse working with charity Innovating Health International in Port-au-Prince, told the BBC some small towns were almost inaccessible. "What we've seen thus far has been a fairly large-spread destruction in the south, potentially at points of 90% destruction in some of locations complete destruction." Her team's helicopter had not managed to land in some of the damaged areas.

Government and UN officials estimate that some 350,000 people need help. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) say communication with the areas worst affected has been hampered by downed power lines and a lack of phone coverage. The US is sending the naval vessel USS Mesa Verde to assist with rescue efforts, as well as nine military helicopters to help deliver food and water to the hardesthit areas. The Red Cross has launched an emergency appeal for $6.9m (£5.6m) "to provide medical, shelter, water and sanitation assistance to 50,000 people". This comes amid concerns about a surge in cholera cases, with the sanitation system in Haiti already overwhelmed. Haiti - one of the world's poorest countries - has never fully recovered from the earthquake in 2010 that killed thousands of people and a cholera epidemic that followed. After slicing through Haiti and Cuba, Hurricane Matthew pounded the Bahamas on Thursday but no fatalities were reported there. Four people were killed in Florida as the storm hit on Friday. More than a million homes have lost power. Four people died in the neighbouring Dominican Republic on Tuesday. US President Barack Obama on Friday warned that, while southern Florida had been spared the worst, the hurricane remained very dangerous, with the risk of a storm surge and flooding. A state of emergency is in place in several states and at least three million inhabitants have been ordered to evacuate their homes. (BBC)




Government Pledges To Support Office Of The DPP PRESS RELEASE – A call has been made for the populace to rally behind the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the new Acting Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mr. Daarsrean C.G. Greene who will officially assume his post on October 17, 2016. Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Hon. Minister Senator Hermangild Francis said on Wednesday, October 5, that despite the looming IMPACS Report investigation, the Lambirds Academy matter and a significant backlog of criminal matters to be tried in court, he believes the public can feel confident that the incoming DPP Mr. Greene and his staff are up to the challenge. “The IMPACS Report is one of the most pressing issues that we have presently. The Lambirds Academy case is almost in a similar vein and these two will be very, very

problematic for the new DPP. We have said all along that if the new DPP requests that we get a Special Prosecutor for the IMPACS Report, the Americans, the EU government and our government are willing and ready to assist him in getting a Special Prosecutor.” Senator Francis said the Executive arm of government applauds the Judicial and Legal Services Commission for the appointment. He described it is a significant step which will facilitate movement on several issues impinging upon the Justice system. “Our Justice system has been in shatters and we need to put new things in place starting with a DPP. The amount of work this new DPP will have to accomplish is going to be a phenomenal task. I think he should

be given the opportunity and he needs all our support.” The National Security Minister informed the media on Wednesday, October 5, that government will make a d e t e r m i n a t i o n o n t h e D P P ’s performance and future in the position around October, 2017. (St. Lucia News Online!)

National Security Minister Hermangild Francis.




$331m Microsoft Deal Left Idle

Communications Minister Maxie Cuffie makes his contribution during the budget debate on Thursday night. Minister of Public Administration and Communications Maxie Cuffie said the

former People’s Partnership government spent $331 million on a Microsoft software agreement that could not be used and for which they were being charged. He said this was a waste of money and mismanagement on the part of the public service. Cuffie made the disclosure while delivering his budget debate contribution on Thursday night in Parliament. Under the last administration, Cuffie said, a three-year software agreement costing taxpayers US$52.4 million (TT$331,564, 596.56 million) was signed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Microsoft Corporation, which governed the use of the software in T&T. “That $331.6 million represented much software we could not use and were being charged for...and some we were using although we had not paid for it and were therefore penalised,” Cuffie said. Cuffie said much of the “$331.6 million represented waste and mismanagement” on the “part of our local public service officials.” Over the last four weeks, Cuffie said, a team from his ministry had been in negotiations with Microsoft. “I am pleased to announce that we have reached consensus on a new agreement, subject to Cabinet approval, that will cost US$4.24 million a year amounting to just over US$12 million in three years.” Cuffie said this new agreement will save T&T$272 million in payments to Microsoft in the next 36 months.

He also spoke about the Opposition not supporting the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in the last two weeks, which will have implications for our country’s competitiveness and ability to attract investments. In a bid to move Government offices out of rental accommodations, Cuffie said his ministry returned the keys to a building which was being rented at over $1 million a month for three years for the Personnel Department, although it was never occupied. “One million dollars a month for an empty building. We also took up occupation of One Alexandra Place (Tragarete Road, St Clair) which had not been occupied for six years and was incurring rent of $600,000 a month, a figure negotiated by members opposite, although they never occupied the building. We have saved the taxpayers money and are now in occupation of the building under the terms that had been negotiated previously.” Cuffie said although the Government had been paying rent for several unoccupied premises over the years, they had given up more than 20 leases. “In 2016 we have been able to reduce rents paid for unoccupied buildings from $3.3 million to $1.7 million a month. And we are moving, as swiftly as is allowed, to eliminate all rental expenditure on unoccupied properties.” (Trinidad Guardian)




‘Prisoners’ May Get Pay Days

Justin Charles, one of the police officers who challenged the Bail (Ammendment) Act. Government may have to pay millions of dollars in compensation to scores of people who were denied bail under the controversial Bail (Amendment) Bill after the now defunct legislation was deemed to be unconstitutional yesterday. High Court Judge Carol Gobin, in a judgment delivered in the Port-of-Spain High Court, ruled in favour of two police officers accused of accepting a bribe and a 21-year-old student who was denied bail for 120 days after being jointly charged for illegal possession of a gun found at her boyfriend’s home. Anyone who was subject of the legislation prior to its expiration in August can now use the cases filed by PCs Justin Charles and Ryan Mahabir and Roytec student Danielle St Omer to launch their own claims for false imprisonment. In her 44-page judgment, Gobin said the legislation was not reasonably justifiable in a democratic society. “There is no evidence that the measures which denied bail in the circumstances covered by the amendment achieved the objectives of the legislation,” she said. While she admitted the fact the legislation was passed unanimously by Parliament was grounds to not interfere with it, Gobin said the court had a duty to protect the

fundamental constitutional rights of citizens. She said the T&T Police Service failed to provide the court with evidence the legislation had addressed its concerns about repeat offenders and its ability to monitor the activities of people charged with gun-related crimes. “This provision, in my view, was wholly unnecessary,” Gobin said, adding existing bail conditions would have sufficiently addressed the police’s concerns. Referring to St Omer, who fell under the legislation after being arrested at her boyfriend’s home, Gobin described the law as capricious. “The automatic denial of bail disallowed consideration of the personal circumstances, the level of involvement alleged or treatment of the accused as an individual,” she said. She also suggested that the legislation removed the presumption of innocence as accused people were punished by being kept in inhumane remand conditions for three months after being charged. Gobin also criticised the current bail regime, which she said mostly affected “poor people” who were the main users of the court system. She referred to the case of Jerome Henry, a father charged with neglecting his son who drowned in a drain at their home last month, who spent more than a month in jail before he accessed bail this week. “For every Henry there are dozens of others who have desperate relatives, no deeds and no cash. For those who are forced to remain inside, the system inflicts punishment, misery and oppression,” she said. The damages awarded to Charles, Mahabir and St Omer will be calculated by a High Court Master. In addition to damages, the State was made to pay their legal costs. Charles and Mahabir were represented by Anand Ramlogan, SC, Gerald Ramdeen, Jyanti Lutchmedial and

Kent Samlal. St Omer was represented by Keith Scotland, while Senior Counsel Fyard Hosein led the State’s legal team. Opposition hails ruling Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday described the judgment as vindication for her and her party. “The decision today vindicates the position that I took and that of the Members of Parliament on the Opposition bench not to support this legislation. “Had we done otherwise we would have contributed to the breach of the rights of our citizens who have been denied bail under the provisions of this legislation,” she said in a release. Although the legislation was passed during her tenure, Persad-Bissessar said she was opposed to it when the current Government attempted to renew it after its sunset clause. “I was at pains to ask the Government to ‘pause for a cause’ in light of the concerns that the Opposition had raised. These concerns were based on developments in the law which had occurred subsequent to the initial passage of the legislation,” PersadBissessar said. (Trinidad Guardian)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS US Election: Donald Trump Sorry For Obscene Remarks On Women PAGE 164

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has apologised for obscene comments about women he made in a newly released videotape from 2005. Mr Trump said that "these words don't reflect who I am... I apologise". In the video, Mr Trump says "you can do anything" to women "when you're a star" and brags about trying to grope and kiss women. Top Republicans condemned the comments. His election rival Hillary Clinton called them "horrific". "We cannot allow this man to become president," she posted on Twitter. Warning: The rest of this article contains some graphic language In the video, Mr Trump is heard saying, "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." "Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours!" Mr Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday. Mr Trump's 2005 comments overshadowed the release of transcripts of Mrs Clinton's speeches to private events, by the whistleblowing site Wikileaks. What did Mr Trump say? In the video, posted by the Washington Post, Mr Trump is heard bragging to TV host Billy Bush about trying to have sex with a married woman as well as kissing and groping others. The clip was part of unaired footage of an Access Hollywood segment ahead of Mr Trump's appearance on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. "I moved on her and I failed. I'll admit it," Mr Trump is heard saying. "She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. "I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look." Later in the conversation, he told Mr Bush he was "automatically attracted to beautiful" women and often tried to kiss them. "I just start kissing them," he said. "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything." What does the candidate say now? Mr Trump's 90-second statement on Saturday morning appeared to be his first full apology in a campaign laced with controversial remarks. "I've said and done things I regret," he said. "Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologise. "I've never said I'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone I'm not. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow." However, he also tried to deflect the impact by attacking former President Bill Clinton. "Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked and shamed his victims. "We'll discuss this in the coming days," he said. "See you at the debate on Sunday." The second TV debate between Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton will take place on Sunday evening in St Louis. Mr Trump recently said he would not bring up stories about Bill Clinton's infidelities in the debate, after previously threatening to do so. The latest opinion polls suggest Mrs Clinton is pulling ahead. Mr Trump will need a good performance at the debate


to slow the trend. Mr Trump has said the latest remarks are "nothing more than a distraction" and "locker-room banter". How have people responded to the tape? Top Republicans have been incensed. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was "sickened by what I heard today" and rescinded his invitation to Mr Trump to attend the Republican Fall Fest in his home state of Wisconsin this weekend. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the comments were "repugnant," adding that Mr Trump "needs to apologise directly to women and girls everywhere". Another senior Republican, John McCain, said there were "no excuses for Donald Trump's offensive and demeaning comments".For his part, Billy Bush said he was "embarrassed" by and "ashamed" of the contents of the video. "It's no excuse, but this happened 11 years ago. I was younger, less mature, and acted foolishly in playing along. I'm very sorry." The TV host is the first cousin of former President George W Bush. Mrs Clinton's campaign released a video featuring the audio, playing over footage of women and girls. A couple of weeks ago, after the row over Trump "fat-shaming" Alicia Machado, I suggested the Republican candidate lay off our weight. Now, and I can hardly believe I'm having to write this, I suggest he lay off our vaginas. The day after a video emerged in which he suggested he could have any woman he wants because he's a star and so could just grab them by the pussy, Mr Trump is in a whole ocean of hot political water. Enough, quite possibly, to sink any chance he had of winning the White House. There is a violence in the phrases "grab 'em by the pussy" and "you can do anything" that any victim of abuse would recognise and that most women would find sickening. But this tape doesn't just offend women, judging from the reaction in the Republican party. It has offended a lot of men too. Whether those men will now withdraw their endorsements of him is yet to be seen. (BBC)

The video dates from 11 years ago, before Mr Trump entered politics(AP)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hillary Clinton's Wall St Speeches Published By Wikileaks Transcripts of private speeches by US Democratic presidential Campaign staff are believed to have been sent Mrs Clinton's PAGE 165

candidate Hillary Clinton have been released by the whistleblowing site Wikileaks. In one of the extracts, Mrs Clinton told bankers that they were best-placed to help reform the US financial sector. She also said she favoured "open trade and open borders". Mrs Clinton's main opponent, Donald Trump, has said he wants to renegotiate key trade deals. Mrs Clinton had refused to publish the transcripts, from 2013 and 2014. Her rival in the Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders, had repeatedly called on her to release the text of her speeches, which are thought to have earned her about $26m (£21m). 'Dream of a common market' The excerpts include comments made at an event sponsored by Goldman Sachs in October 2013 in which Mrs Clinton spoke of the need to consult Wall Street over financial reform. "The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry," Mrs Clinton said. At another speech presented to a Brazilian bank in 2013, she spoke of her "dream" for a common trade market. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere," Mrs Clinton said. The leak comes after the US accused Russia of a cyber attack against political organisations intended to influence the presidential election. Supporters of Donald Trump had been hopeful that Wikileaks would release an "October Surprise" this week to put an end to Mrs Clinton's presidential hopes.


speeches to identify passages that could be potentially problematic if they became public, AP news agency reports. Wikileaks posted thousands of emails, including exchanges with her campaign aide John Podesta. The release covers messages dating back years but also features some from as recently as last month. Mr Podesta referred to the disclosures as a Russian hack, suggesting some of the documents may have been altered. "I'm not happy about being hacked by the Russians in their quest to throw the election to Donald Trump," Mr Podesta wrote. "Don't have time to figure out which docs are real and which are faked." (BBC)

Wikileaks has published transcripts of private speeches made by Hillary Clinton(GETTY IMAGES)

Russia Deploys Nuclear-capable Missiles In Kaliningrad Russia has deployed nuclear-capable Iskander missiles in its Kaliningrad region, bordering Poland and Lithuania. Linas Linkevicius, foreign minister of Nato-member Lithuania, said that the aim of the move was to "seek concessions from the West". The US and Nato have seen disagreements with Russia intensify in recent times, particularly over Syria and Crimea. Russia's defence ministry said the new deployment was part of military exercises and had happened before. Kaliningrad is a Russian enclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania. The Iskander system has a range of up to 700km (440 miles) and could reach the German capital, Berlin. Polish Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz called Russia's activities "very alarming". And a US intelligence official told Reuters the move could be to express displeasure at Nato. Nato is boosting its eastern flank by deploying four battalions in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia next year. But Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the deployment was "not exceptional". Iskanders were sent to Kaliningrad during

military drills last year. Russia's annexation of Crimea and its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continue to test relations with Western powers. Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia are among nations reporting recent airspace violations by Russia's military. (BBC)

The Iskander system (file photo) could reach the German capital, Berlin(EPA)




Germany Hunts Bomb provided Suspect In Chemnitz any information about how long he had been

Police in the eastern German city of Chemnitz have detained three people as they continue a search for a suspect believed to be planning a bomb attack. Acting on a tip-off from the domestic intelligence service, police raided an apartment but failed to find the suspect, Jaber al-Bakr, 22, who was born in Syria. He remains on the run. Several hundred grams of explosives were found at the property, they say. Further evacuations are now necessary, authorities said. Local residents had earlier been asked to remain indoors as police combed the area. Two people were detained at Chemnitz railway station and their luggage is being searched, state police tweeted. Another person was detained near the apartment in the Fritz-Heckert neighbourhood. The "where, when, how and why" of the planned attack remained unknown according to Tom Bernhardt, a spokesman for the Saxony state criminal investigation office. He said the explosives in the apartment were "relatively well hidden". They would likely be destroyed at the site after the area was evacuated as they are not stable enough to be moved, he said. Saxony police have released pictures of Damascus-born Mr al-Bakr wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt with a colourful print. They have not

in Germany. They have urged anyone with information about him to come forward. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity has waned since her decision to open the borders to refugees and migrants last year, admitting more than a million people, many of them Syrian. In July, an axe attack on a train near Wuerzburg and a suicide bombing in Ansbach wounded 20 people and were claimed by so-called Islamic State (IS). (BBC)

Police failed to find the suspect in a raid on an apartment(AP)

Hurricane Matthew: Floods In S Carolina After Landfall Hurricane Matthew has made landfall in South Georgia to the south have lost electricity. (BBC) Carolina, causing flooding in the city of Charleston. Water is as deep as people's necks in some places, according to reports. The storm has already caused nearly 900 deaths in Haiti, four in the Dominican Republic and four in the US state of Florida as it travelled northwards over the past few days. Cities in North Carolina are bracing for winds and high rains, although the storm is expected to ease off. North Carolina's Governor Pat McCrory said people should not let their guard down. The National Hurricane Centre (NHC) in the US said Matthew had made landfall southeast of McClellandville in South Carolina and a "serious inland flooding event" was unfolding. Hundreds of thousands of homes there and in

A local tour guide went out into the floodwaters in South Carolina to stream video through his phone(GETTY IMAGES)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Turkey Suicide Bombers Killed Near Ankara After Police 'Tip Off’ PAGE 167

Two suicide bombers have blown themselves up near the Turkish capital, Ankara, after they were approached by police. The militants, believed to be a male and female, were suspected of planning to carry out a car bomb attack, the state-run Anadolu news agency reports. They detonated the devices after they were asked to surrender their weapons. Police had been acting on a tip-off, Ankara's governor said, suggesting a link to Kurdish separatists. Erkan Topaca said police had found the pair hiding at a horse farm in the district of Haymana, just outside the capital. He said: "The organisation they are connected to is not clear yet but according to information we have received it is highly likely that [the man] is linked to the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party)." The BBC's Mark Lowen in Ankara says the pair were said to be flying a Turkish flag from their car as cover and a third person is now being sought. Plastic explosives and ammonium nitrate were found with the vehicle. Kurdish militants have carried out a wave of bombings across Turkey since a ceasefire broke down in 2015. The Turkish president has vowed that the PKK, which has waged a four-decadeslong fight in Turkey, will be "annihilated". But, our


correspondent says, with the attacks continuing and hostility deepening between Kurds and the Turkish state, there is little sign of the insurgency ending and neither side has shown a willingness to return to peace negotiations. (BBC)

Forensic experts have been examining the bombers' car(REUTERS)

Hungary's Largest Paper Nepszabadsag Shuts, Alleging Pressure Hungary's largest broadsheet newspaper Nepszabadsag has stopped publication, with journalists and the opposition alleging government pressure. Journalists said it was a "coup" - they were given notice after being stopped from entering the building on Saturday. The owners said it was a business decision following declining sales. There is no government comment. Nepszabadsag has often criticised Prime Minister Viktor Orban. It opposed last weekend's referendum on refugees. Mr Orban's government has often been accused of using public media as a government mouthpiece. A number of private media outlets have also been bought by his allies, critics say. 'Black day' Nepszabadsag is a leading centreleft daily. It is independent, but tends to support the leftleaning political opposition. Nepszabadsag's shutdown includes its print and online versions. A message posted on the paper's Facebook page described the move as a "coup". "We are in shock. Of course they will try and paint this as a business decision but it's not the truth," a journalist who did not wish to be named told AFP news agency. Many said the suspension came days after the paper had broken stories of alleged corruption involving

senior officials. Opposition parties said the move showed Mr Orban wanted to suppress press freedoms in Hungary and to gain full control of the media. The Socialist Party said it was a "black day for the press" and called a demonstration outside the paper's offices at 16:00 GMT. Mediaworks, which bought Nepszabadsag in 2014, said that its circulation had tumbled by 74% in the last 10 years. (BBC)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been accused of trying to muzzle the media(AP)




Bangladeshi Forces Kill 11 Suspected Militants Eleven suspected militants have been killed in a series of gun battles with Bangladeshi security forces, officials say. Three locations were raided by counter-terrorism police following a tip off. Two of the raids took place near the capital, Dhaka, and a third in the Tangail district some 100km away. The dead are all thought to be members of the banned Islamist group, Jamaat-ulMujahideen. Bangladesh's minister for home affairs said the group's leader in Dhaka was among those killed. Police have carried out a number of raids on suspected militant hideouts since a deadly attack in July, when dozens of hostages were killed in a siege at a popular cafe in the capital. Twenty hostages, two policemen and six suspects died during a 12-hour siege at the Holey Artisan cafe. The so-called Islamic State (IS) group said it carried out the attack, but Bangladesh believes that

home-grown Islamists were responsible. (BBC)

Police have been carrying out raids on suspected militant hideouts since a deadly attack in July(GETTY IMAGES)

Business Leaders Plead Against 'Hard' Brexit A group of major business lobby groups has written an open letter urging the government to preserve barrier free trade with Europe. The letter is signed by leaders of the CBI and manufacturers' body the EEF. It says the way in which the UK leaves the EU and on what terms is critical for jobs and investment in the UK. It says defaulting to trading by World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would leave 90% of UK goods trade with the EU subject to new tariffs. The letter says that would mean 20% in extra costs for the UK's food and drink industry and 10% for car producers. These significant costs would affect British exporters and importers, as well as those in their supply chains, it adds. "We respect the result of the referendum, but the government must make sure that the terms of the deal to leave ensure stability, prosperity and improved living standards," the groups write. "Every credible study that has been conducted has shown that [the] WTO option would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy and those of our trading partners." The letter calls for the government to "give certainty to business by immediately ruling this option out under any circumstances". Safeguard prosperity' One of the signatories, CBI Director General Carolyn Fairbairn, said the letter called for "ruling out of the really worst options, to reassure investors that the UK was still a really good place to invest". "There is a negotiation that's going to take place, and I think businesses completely understand that," she said. "But falling into WTO rules in only 29 months from now, would mean up to 90% of goods could potentially have tariffs on them, there would not be the passports for our services industries. " It increasingly looks as though Britain is heading for a socalled 'hard Brexit' - and business leaders are becoming very worried. At the Conservative Party conference, Theresa May made it clear the country would not remain in the EU's single market, if doing so meant losing control of immigration. Yet European leaders insist that free movement of goods and services comes hand in hand with the free movement of people. The uncertainty - and the prospect of trade with the EU becoming subject to tariffs and other trade barriers - has been driving down the value of the pound, which has been trading against the dollar at a level not seen in more than three decades. So this letter offers a stark warning. The UK, it says, needs access to the single market. Leaving the EU and reverting to international trade rules would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy. Costs for businesses would go up. Jobs could be lost. But this message isn't new - and the evidence suggests the prime minister has other priorities. So will she be listening? The

letter she signed also says there is a wealth of evidence to suggest EU negotiations will not be completed within the Article 50 two-year timeframe. "Many areas of regulation now up for discussion are highly complicated... The government should therefore secure agreement of a transitional period, to ensure that businesses can continue to operate with no 'cliff edge' change to current circumstances until regulatory and legal changes can be implemented," it says. It concludes that the UK voted to leave the EU but not to cause living standards to decline: "We want a Brexit that safeguards future prosperity for everyone across the UK." National chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses Mike Cherry said the effect of uncertainty on the market was reflected in its quarterly index, showing confidence at its lowest level since 2012, and causing problems for small businesses. But he added: "On the other side of that, there are many small businesses looking to overseas markets to export their goods, products and services. "For them, this does present a tremendous opportunity to grasp more of the market overseas." Sovereign country' At the Conservative Party conference on Sunday, Prime Minister Theresa May said she would trigger Article 50, the clause needed to start the process of exiting the EU, by the end of March 2017. She told members a "trade-off" between controlling immigration and trade with Europe was the "wrong way of looking at things". Britain, she said, had voted to become a "fully-independent, sovereign country" and would "decide for ourselves" how immigration was controlled alongside "the best deal possible" with the EU. (BBC)




Man, 21, Charged With Palace Trespass A 21-year-old man has been charged with two Castle earlier in the day. (BBC) counts of trespass after climbing a gate at Buckingham Palace, police say. The Metropolitan Police said Daniel Sheehan, of no ďŹ xed address, had been charged on Saturday. He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday. No members of the Royal Family are thought to have been at the palace at the time of the alleged incident on Friday. The Queen had A 21-year-old man has been charged after undertaken an investiture ceremony at Windsor

climbing a gate at Buckingham Palace(PA)

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