Saturday, July 2, 2016

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F o r me r T r i n i d a da n dT o b a g o P r i meMi n i s t e r d i e s Page34


ophi ar es i dent ss ear c h Formercopshotasgunmen S f ormi s s i ngbaby shootatBusi nessman’ s Page2 i nac c i dent vehi cl e Page2




Former cop shot as gunmen shoot at Businessman’s vehicle


former police officer was shot in the neck as gunmen attacked the business of R. Kisson and Son Contracting on Friday afternoon. According to information reaching the Guyana Daily News, the bandits shot at the vehicle of the businessman, Roojanauth Roopdeo, while he was in it with his wife and child.The driver of the businessman was shot in the neck; he was identified only as Sukhi. This news source understands that at the time of the shooting, the vehicle was returning from

the bank with money the business owner had withdrawn for staff payment and had stopped in front of the business to drop off his wife and child when an unknown man in a white Carina 212 opened fire on their vehicle and subsequently drove off.It is believed that robbery was the motive, since the businessman’s driver said he noticed the same car following them for a while. The matter was reported to the Police Station and investigations into the matter are currently underway.

Sophia residents search for missing baby in accident


ublic spirited citizens of Dennis Street, Sophia are still in search for the baby that was in the vehicle PNN 6517 - which was in an accident on Friday afternoon in the area. After suffering a blow out, the car ended up in nearby trench, and it is believed that the child flung out from the window and drowned. Reporters from the Guyana Daily news visited the scene this morning and observed citizens in the trenches clearing weeds in an effort to locate the

child.One resident said that “the trench is trench. home to about 18 camudi and it is highly possible that one of them snatch the baby already but we are still looking in case.” The accident resulted in the death of one person and another is hospitalized. Reports indicate that the vehicle was speeding along the Sophia Road when one of its tyres blew out, resulting in the driver losing control and plunging into the



Saturday, July 02, 2016

The Unruly Horse

By: Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP.Attorney-at-Law Lack of transparency, corruption and parking meters The controversy surrounding the impending installation of parking meters in the City of Georgetown rages on like an inferno. Public criticisms continue to emanate from various quarters. However, it has not blunted the enthusiasm of the quartet, the Mayor, the Town Clerk, Councilors Oscar Clarke and Junior Garret. Like the once fearsome and indomitable four prong pace- bowling attack of the great West Indies team of a bygone era, they are proceeding at a breakneck speed towards the finish line. Anyone who has a mere fleeting understanding of the politics of the PNC would know that the decision to implement parking meters in its stronghold, Georgetown, by a few at City Hall could never have passed muster without the support of the leadership of the PNC. Indeed, the now infamous quartet were all candidates of the APNU. One is the General Secretary of the PNC. Readers will recall that prior to their departure on the controversial trip to Mexico; they held a briefing session at the Office of the President. Therefore, no one can convince me that it was not APNU's decision to impose the parking meter system in Georgetown. The quartet at City Hall is simply the instrument carrying out the decision. In relation to the removal of the pavement vendors, the identical modus operandi was applied. The intellectual authors of that decision were the APNU.

The Town Clerk and his staff were simply the hatchet men. “I getting like Harmon” However, the naivety of the intellectual authors of the parking meters' decision was soon exposed. It is obvious that they did not anticipate the level of public outrage. They got away with the astronomical salary increases which they paid to themselves. They got away with the removal of the pavement Vendors. They got away with hundreds of millions worth of contracts given to handpicked friends and financiers in violation of the Procurement Act. They got away with the closure of Wales Sugar Estate. They got away with conning the rice farmers. And many more. So, naturally, they have become bolder. That is the only reason why Oscar Clarke can impudently remark to the press after he returned from Mexico “I have no apologies to make to anyone; I getting like Mr. Harmon.” But after the public criticisms continue to inundate, more so from their own supporters, the Government began to extricate itself from the parking meter debacle. It began with glib public calls to those at City Hall for greater transparency in relation to this project. As the decibel of public denunciation increased, Government announced that it will “review” the contract. The Attorney-General was assigned the responsibility to do so. Con’t on next page...



Saturday, July 02, 2016

The Unruly Horse...Con’t... In their haste to distance themselves from the controversy, the Government committed fundamental errors that exposed their political psyche, irretrievably. They demonstrated to the world that the doctrine of party paramountcy is embedded in their political philosophy and therefore, because a majority of their candidates constitute the Council for the City of Georgetown, they see the Council as a mere extension of Central Government. That is the reason why they have no conceptual difficulty in issuing the directions which they have given, for example, to remove the pavement vendors as well as to sign the parking meter contract. In similar vein, those to whom these directions are given at City Hall see nothing wrong in blindly executing these dictates. After all, these directions are coming from those whom they perceive to be their political masters. In this party paramountcy and authoritarian matrix, the independence which the law confers upon the City Council as a duly elected body, is lost. That the Council can only lawfully and democratically make decisions as a collective where a majority view or vote shall prevail, is a concept that has no place in the mindset of the authoritarians. As a result, although this contract for parking meters was signed since last year, to date, it was never discussed by the Council. The Mayor is so far removed from democratic realities that she still nonchalantly maintain that she will not show the contract to the Council because she fear that it will be “leaked”. This is an expression of unparallelled ignorance. Firstly, that contract ought not to be signed unless it was approved by a majority at the Council. Secondly, while the Mayor or Town Clerk may be the signatory to the contract it remains a contract between the Georgetown Mayor and City Council and the Contractor and therefore, every member of that Council is entitled as of right to be furnished with a copy of the same. Indeed, every rate payer of Georgetown and every member of the public who is likely to be affected by that contract ought to be given a copy of the same. In short, that contract is not secret. It is a public document of which the public is entitled to a copy. Another feature of the contract which is clouded in controversy is the process by which this Contractor was arrived at. It is common knowledge that over the last year hundreds of millions worth of contracts were given by the City Council to contractors who were handpicked without

any resort to any form of public procurement. In this regard, the Bourda Mall and Durban Park projects standout. These projects reek of unadulterated corruption. This parking meter contract is newest addition to the lineup. No public bidding of any kind was embarked upon. The company named to provide these parking meters is unheard of in this part of the world. Its credentials, capabilities and reputation are absolutely unknown in Guyana. Is the rate which they are expected to charge competitive? Are these parking meters accurate? Is 80%:20% the best deal available on the market? No one knows the answers to these questions. Moreover, is parking meter the best option available? What type of study was done to arrive at this decision to implement parking meters? With whom were consultations held, if at all? None of this information is available. No statutory power cited To date, no one has adverted to any statutory provision or regulation which lawfully authorizes the City Council to levy charges via parking meters. Tolls, fees, rates or taxes of any kind can only be levied by the State or public authorities by legislation. That is the cornerstone of English law since the Magna Carter over 800 years ago, which we inherited. This contract is fraught with so many difficulties and is susceptible to be legally challenged on so many grounds that it behoves those proceeding with it to do so with extreme circumspection. No less a person in government than the President himself visited City Hall on Monday 27th June, 2016. The quartet at City Hall who has taken brunt of the public beating on the parking meter issue must have been elated with the news of the President's visit. I am sure they believed that the President would have defended the parking meter contract. Their expectations were short-lived. They must have realized that the President main purpose was politically damage control in respect of both the vendors' issue as well as the parking meter contract. The President gave no impression that his Government was in any way connected with these two matters. He instructed that better accommodation be found for the vendors and he requested that the Council review the parking meter matter. The President must have recognized the earlier error made by his Government to arrogate unto itself the responsibility to review the contract. In effect, the President threw the quartet under the bus. So, rather than alleviate their dilemma, the President has exacerbated it.




Saturday, July 02, 2016

First Lady praises 28 Mahdia graduates for ‘staying the course’ -Self Reliance workshop difference in their communities and in Mahdia as a whole. She noted that via the ‘quality of life’ aspect of the training, the women would have garnered techniques, which they “can take back to their communities and infuse in their groups some sense of pride in the community and, Ms. Amanda Boalt shares a warm embrace o f c o u r s e , r u n v e r y with First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger after successful businesses… presenting her with a token of appreciation with the ideas that they have on behalf of the graduates. and the support that they return to their business environment ought to get from their fellow participants”. Meanwhile, and apply the new skills; apply the M r. J o h a n n S a n j a y P u r a n , new principles, which they have representative of Interweave learnt during the course of the Solutions said his organisation is training,” Mr. Puran said. pleased to partner with the Office of The women were high in praise of the First Lady, the Ministries of the workshop. They repeatedly Social Protection extended gratitude to the First Lady a n d I n d i g e n o u s for reaching out to their far-flung People’s Affairs to community. The also expressed empower women gratitude to Ms. Rajcoomarie and transform their “Gloria” Bancroft, Regional lives, that of their C o u n c i l l o r a n d M e m b e r o f f a m i l i e s a n d Parliament, for organising the communities. “We sessions and to their relatives and are pleased to see friends for encouraging them to the development of participate.While presenting her specific business p r o j e c t p l a n , M r s . J e n n i f e r skills. When they Alphonso, owner of E&J’s Tasty are taught, they are Corner, Frontline Road, Mahdia, First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger is flanked by, applied, they are said she was never quite able to get from left to right; Mr. Johann Puran of Interweave Solutions, Ms. Rajcoomarie “Gloria” Bancroft, Regional Councillor accepted and these her business “off the mark”, but she and Member of Parliament, Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Rafel Downes and Lt. Col. Yvonne Smith women are more has learnt a few key skills from the of the Office of the First Lady. The graduates of the t h a n e x c i t e d t o workshop that will aid her growth. Self-Reliance and success in Business Workshop Con’t on next page... are also pictured displaying their certificates.

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger was, this midday, greeted by an exuberant group of confident businesswomen at the closing ceremony of the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop, which was held at the Community Centre, Mahdia, Sub-Region Two, Potaro-Siparuni (Region Eight). The First Lady congratulated the 28 women, who persevered and completed the programme, despite their initial apprehensions. “I am sure [they] would have benefited tremendously from an exercise, which not only taught them how they could conduct a business; how they could succeed, but also gave them a sense of community,” Mrs. Granger said. The First Lady encouraged the women to use their newly-acquired skills to make a

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Saturday, July 02, 2016

First Lady praises 28 Mahdia graduates...Con’t... “I learnt for success in business you’ve got to have a Barima-Waini regions in Bartica, Cuyuni-Mazaruni. -GINA plan… after practicing the ‘Six Ps’ I can now be more involved in making my community a better place. I can now make a plan to help myself and help others as we accomplish more when we work together,” she said. Ms. Alphonso added that “you’re never too old to be graduating.” Another graduate, Ms. Alisa Mootoo of Alisa’s Variety Store said, “This has been a really, really good experience. I think I speak for all the participants when I say this [was] a really good experience for us and we have learnt so much and…we will put what we have learnt into practice.” In fulfilment of the community enhancement aspect of the training the women have already formed themselves into groups that will meet Ms. Suzette Sewram and First Lady, often to brainstorm solutions to social and other Mrs. Sandra Granger, during the graduation ceremony problems plaguing their communities. Ms. Mootoo of the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop said her group plans to meet next week to find solutions to curb the school dropout rate. Ms. Paula Bastiani of Juice Plus and her group, Saving the Future Generation, aim to find solutions to stamp out human trafficking in the region, while Ms. Julie Singh and her group, the Texas Rangers, will meet next week. In her closing remarks the First Lady invited other businesspersons or organisations, who may have an interest in supporting programmes aimed at empowering women to emulate this exercise. She also expressed gratitude to Ms. Bancroft, Minister Volda Lawrence and the Ministry of Social Protection, Interweave Solutions and regional officials for supporting the event and for making their offices available for the training. The women presented several tokens of appreciation to the First Lady and facilitators for giving them the opportunity to participate in the workshop. This latest workshop included women who hailed from five Region Eight communities: Tumatumari, Micobie, Campbelltown, Princeville and Mahdia Central. Over the last few months, workshops have been held in Lusignan, Demerara-Mahaica Region; Linden, Upper Demerara-Berbice Region; the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo; Mahaica – Berbice,




Tense situation at GRA as employees claim victimization

As heads roll at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), some employees are upset that the services of Head of the Human Resources Management Division, Archana Joshi, and Head of Customs, Jameel Baksh, were terminated. This newspaper understands that Baksh was expected to retire from the GRA in August but since his services were terminated, he has lost his pensionable benefits. A decision was also made on Monday last to appoint Hema Khan as Deputy Commissioner General. At the time of her appointment, Khan was serving as the Deputy Commissioner for Tax Operations and Services. The office of the Commissioner General still remains vacant. The mood in the organisation is said to be tense as more dismissals and transfers are expected in the weeks ahead. Reports are that the revenue body is likely to address staff performance at all levels of the entity, including its regional offices and persons within the GRA told this newspaper that some contracted employees are worried that their services may be terminated. Reports are that the revenue body may replace contracted employees with new faces as the entity go through the metamorphosis. Employees at satellite locations are also expected to be relocated/replaced in the weeks ahead, GRA sources said. Some employees who prefer to remain anonymous have reported that they are being victimized by the agency because of political affiliation. “I have been victimized in many ways by senior manager of the agency because they believe I am from a different political party that is not in Government at the moment”, one employee related. “However, we will have to do what they say because it’s our livelihood and we depend on it,” the employee further stated.




Saturday, July 02, 2016

F i r s t L a d y h a n d s o v e r s c h o o l b u s , bicycles in Mahdia -donated under President’s ‘Five Bs’ programme


Saturday, July 02, 2016

irst Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, this afternoon, presented a school bus and 25 bicycles to the regional education department and school children in Mahdia, Potaro-Siparuni Region. The 15seater school bus and bicycles had been donated by Professor Suresh Narine, Director of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology and Mahdia businessman, Mr. Roger Hinds, respectively, to President David Granger’s ‘Five Bs’ or Boats, Buses, Bicycles plus Breakfast and Books Programme. A large crowd comprising students, teachers, residents and graduates from the Self-Reliance and Success in Business Workshop braved the afternoon sun and assembled in the compound of the Community Centre to applaud the First Lady as she, with the aid of two children and Regional Education Officer (REdO), Mr. Rabindra Singh, cut the ribbon to commission the ‘David G’ School Bus No. 9’. “I hope the children of Mahdia and surrounding areas get the best out of this vehicle,” Mrs. Granger said. The First Lady also expressed regret for their absences, on behalf of President David Granger, who had, earlier that morning, travelled to Paramaribo, Suriname to meet with that country’s Head of State, President Desi Bouterse; and Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, who had another engagement.

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger and Mahdia businessman, Mr. Roger Hinds shake hands as Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Rafel Downes and some of the recipients of spanking new bikes look on.

Meanwhile, the Regional Education Officer expressed the community’s gratitude to the government and donors. “These kinds of gestures are very welcome in our community. It is going to help us a lot in terms of our truancy campaign and help the teachers and head teachers to ensure that our students are there on time. Time is very important in school for our curriculum delivery,” Mr. Singh said. Meanwhile, Ms. Rajcoomarie “Gloria” Bancroft, Regional Councillor and Member of Parliament, said that the bus will serve students from far-flung communities. Fifteen bicycles were presented to secondary students, who hail from communities including Airstrip, Pamela Road, Beyond Campbelltown, St. Elizabeth Backdam and Mahdia Falls and travel long distances to get to school. The remaining ten bicycles will be presented to the top graduates from the recent Grade Six Assessment examination. Ms. Bancroft then urged the children to care the bicycles. She also informed the recipients that Mahdia resident, Mr. Timothy Juno has offered to repair the bicycles at a reduced cost. Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Rafel Downes also attended the presentation ceremony.(GINA)




anadian Defence Military Attaché, Naval Captain Réal Brisson paid a courtesy call on the Chief of Staff, Brigadier Mark Phillips at his office at Defence Headquarters, Base Camp Ayanganna on Tuesday June 28, 2016. Captain Brisson was accompanied by Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana Pierre Giroux and was greeted by a delegation comprising Deputy Chief of Staff, Colonel George Lewis, Quarter Master General, Colonel Paul Arthur and Staff Officer One General One, Lieutenant Colonel Lorraine Foster. Brigadier General Phillips extended a hearty welcome to Captain Brisson and acknowledge the long history of relations between the Guyana Defence Force and the Canadian Armed Forces. He stated that he looks forward to continued co-operation between the two militaries and the strengthening of existing relations. The discussion between the Officers is also

Saturday, July 02, 2016

expected to help in refashioning the d i p l o m a t i c a n d m i l i t a r y way forward as it relates to the re- cooperation with Canada over opening of mutual areas of interest. several decades. Captain Brisson pointed out that his -GINA country considers the Caribbean Basin to be important. He noted too that with the recent change in Government in Canada, there has since been a review of the Defence Policy. As such, his visit will help to foster a greater understanding between the two countries as well as the commonality in training. From left Col Paul Arthur Lt Col Lorraine Brigadier Phillips stated Foster High Commissioner Pierre Giroux Brigadie that he recognised the importance of having the Canadian perspective as the Guyana Defence Force continues on its developmental path. He extended an open invitation for the Canadian Armed Forces to train in Guyana. Guyana has benefited from




Yo u t h P o l i c y thea document. d d r e s s e s u nt hea t m ployment youths are economically

The long awaited Youth Policy that will deal specifically with the development of youth in Guyana was yesterday tabled in the National Assembly. The report was tabled by Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry. Youth leadership and empowerment are among some of the priorities set out in

This will see the creation of leadership programmes that will allow many Guyanese youths to develop leadership skills. Presidential Advisor on Youth Empowerment, Aubrey Norton, in a prior interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA) had said that there would be a programme addressing youth leadership. Norton noted that over 60 youths would be trained in basic leadership skills. Another priority of the youth policy is to ensure

independent. Highlighted in the document are governance mechanisms to reduce unemployment. One of the mechanisms is the establishment of a multi-stakeholder youth committee. This will oversee poverty reduction for youth through employment and entrepreneurship at the community, regional and national levels. Training will also be done in literacy and numeracy, counseling and guidance and youth small business development, among other areas. Minister of Finance Winston Jordan during his 2016 Budget presentation said that the government’s aim is to have youths who are qualified to fulfill career and vocational aspirations while enjoying their youth.(GINA)




Report into working conditions of City Hall handed over to Town Clerk The Occupational Safety and Health Department of the Ministry of Social Protection today handed over its report on working conditions at City Hall. The report was handed over to Town Clerk, Royston King by labour officers Roydon Croal and Latoya John at the Ministry’s Brickdam office. The inspections were carried out following reports that surfaced in the press about employees of

the Mayor and City Hall working in adverse conditions. Chief Labour Officer Charles Ogle noted that, “the Ministry of Labour thought it fit that we should carry out an inspection to ensure that the workers are working under favourable conditions.” The Town Clerk said that he welcomed the report. “We will study the report, will look at the recommendations and whatever the report says, we will

The report being handed over by labour officers Roydon Croal (centre) and Latoya John (Right) to Town Clerk Royston King (left) accompanied by Chief Labour Officer Charles Ogle

follow the guidance of this report,” King stated. Additionally, King said that the report will be handed over to the council members who he said will see the need to formulate additional policies in favour of their workers. According to Ogle, recommendations will be submitted to the council on July 29, 2016 followed by an additional inspection by Occupational Safety and Health officers.(GINA)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Community based group formed to support social cohesion Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. incidents of verbal abuse and for their own selfish purposes so we PAGE 20

Amna Ally, earlier today, met with several representatives of the newly formed group, ‘Indian Vision for National Harmony’, to discuss their objectives and how the Ministry and organisation can collaborate to achieve the vision of national unity and social cohesion. The members also used the opportunity to invite Minister Ally to their official launch next month, an invitation, she accepted on the spot. Leader, Mr. Sheik Mustapha in an invited comment, said that the village based group from West Coast of Demerara. Mr. Mustapha said that the idea for the group was born after the May 2015 General and Regional elections, when he said that community members witnessed


discrimination due to the political affiliation. “Well we supported this Government at the last elections and because our village is predominantly a PPP/C area, persons have been talking bad and so and we want to change that. We want to show them that the Government is for everyone and that we are the ones who decide who goes there and it shouldn’t be about who is [IndoGuyanese] and who is [AfroGuyanese],” he said. Mr. Mustapha said that the group has begun planning a series of activities including lectures by prominent persons, to speak to the issue. “We want people to understand division, the causes of division and how the politicians use that division

are going to focus on that in our lectures,” he said. Meanwhile, Minister Ally said that she was pleased by the efforts, which have been undertaken by the group and her Ministry looks forward to collaborations. “Their interest is to promote social cohesion. They are upset with the existing situation… and they want to inculcate [the spirit of] us living in Guyana as Guyanese. They are going to officially launch their organisation in August and they have asked me to endorse it and I will because I love such an organisation and our business is social cohesion and national unity. I really welcome their offer in this respect,” Minister Ally said.(GINA)

Minister Amna Ally in discussion with the representatives of the Indian Vision for National Harmony group, during their meeting at her office, earlier today.




CIIP creating employment- promoting safe and healthy communities Over 1000 Guyanese are gainfully employed through a Ministry of Communities’ project to improve the aesthetics and preserve and maintain community infrastructure within Neighborhood Democratic Councils and Townships. Employed under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Project (CIIP), in nine Regions; with Region Eight being the exception, the workers are involved in cleaning up their surroundings and maintaining community drainage. Project Coordinator, Karen Roopchan, said the workers are doing mainly enhancement activities in the communities.“They do cleaning and clearing of the environment; the road shoulders, the drains, the parapets, burial grounds, any community type of area, they would maintain to enhance the look and of course to improve drainage and the environment as a whole,” Roopchand said in a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA). Roopchand explained that the Ministry is aiming to employ an additional 400 persons, by the end of 2016, as there are positions available for enhancement workers in the various areas. She is encouraging interested persons to apply

for these vacant posts through their various village offices, “We want to help in creating jobs and we have scope under this project to do just that and I would like to encourage persons to visit their village councils and uplift application forms.” CIIP began in 2014 and was remodeled in 2015 in keeping with the current government’s commitment towards devolution and decentralization of resources to the local democratic organs. This remodeling has seen the day to day management of the workers transferred from the Ministry to the local democratic areas. Maintenance of community infrastructure Roopchand explained that under the infrastructure development component of CIIP, where the focus is on the construction bridges, culvert, roads, playgrounds, parks and markets; there are currently 16 projects valued at in excess of $160M in progress in Regions One, Two, Five, Six, Seven, Nine and Ten. Projects for Regions Three and Four are currently going through the tender process. The Project Coordinator stated that the projects are requests that come from the communities, through the NDCs or in some cases, the Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) “Once we receive the requests, we would go in (and) assess the projects and if it is something that falls within the scope of CIIP, then we get approval, move to the tendering stage and then we implement that project,” Roopchand explained. Projects that get the CIIP approval are those that contribute towards the social and economic development of the community as well as create employment. “The vision of the Ministry of Communities is to create sustainable, empowered communities, so our aim in choosing that project is to meet that mandate, so we look for

projects that would improve access to schools, to health centers, to facilities, to jobs, and that encourage economic and social development within the communities as well as creating that environment to create cohesive communities,” Roopchand added. Currently CIIP is undertaking the construction of a concrete tarmac at the N o r t h We s t S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l , Mabaruma; the rehabilitation of the Mabaruma Recreational Park; the construction of bridge linking Haswell to Area R, Port Mourant; the rehabilitation of Independence Square in Kwakwani, Upper Demerara; the reconstruction of footpath bridge linking Ankerville to Bound Yard and Grass Field Port Mourant; reconstruction of Smythfield/Vryman’s Ervyn footpath access bridge, New Amsterdam; and the construction of a fence at the Government Compound Playfield, Mahdia, among its major projects. Also being undertaken is the construction of chain-link fences and infilling at Cotton Field Playground, Region Two; the construction of timber revetment, in Bartica; the rehabilitation of footpath bridges at Fifth Street, Whim; the construction of benab, fence and sanitary block at Culvert City Sports Ground, Lethem; the rehabilitation of North Sideline Road, Cottage, Mahaicony; the construction of tarmac and concrete walkway and the supply and installation of benches at Unity Park, Exmouth, Region Two; the construction of West Indian Housing Scheme Recreational Park, Bartica; and the rehabilitation of the Multipurpose Centre, at Good Hope, Region Two. Roopchand explained that when the project started, the ministry only implemented works in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five and Six. In 2015, Regions One, Seven and Nine were included in the project. Future plans are on stream to take CIIP to Region Eight.(GINA)




Guyana’s Ambassadors to Brazil, Brussels pay courtesy call to Agriculture Minister


.E, Ambassador George Talbot to Brazil and H.E David Hales, Ambassador to Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium today paid a called on the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Noel Holder. The meeting which was held in the Boardroom of the Ministry’s Regent and Shiv Chanderpaul Drive office was centred around ways in which Guyana can strengthen its relationship with the two nations in the agriculture sector.Minister Holder indicated that there is a great need for an all-weather road to be built from Guyana to Brazil so that trade can be facilitated. “With this in place, Guyana stands to benefit highly from export markets to and through Brazil.” Minister Holder said. Guyana was declared free of Fruit Fly by the IICA and also stands to gain in its cattle industry as was also declared free of Foot and Mouth Disease. Brazil is currently working on becoming free of this disease. Once this is achieved, Guyana would be able to tap into exporting beef through Brazil. Also present in the meeting was the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. George Jervis.He indicated that there is a great need for collaboration with the Brazilian gricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) as it is critical to

Minister-Holder-centre-with-Ambassador-HE-George-Talbot-left and-Ambassador-HE-David-Hales-rightPS-George-Jervis-far-right-and Ministry-of-Foreign-Affairs-Representative-far-left Guyana’s agricultural development. As it relates to Europe, Ambassador Hales enquired about cashew nut cultivation. Permanent Secretary Jervis however informed His Excellency that investors did small trials but the industry was not further explored. He, however, indicated that the government does not intend to block persons desirous of taking up cashew nut cultivation.Both ambassadors

express readiness to lobby for investment opportunities coming into Guyana to develop the industry. Some of the areas the ambassadors will be seeking investments for, as it relates to the agriculture industry, are topography and soil mapping technology, investment for the Brazil to Guyana all weather road and general advanced technological input into cultivation practices.(GINA)



Saturday, July 02, 2016


TERM OF THE WEEK Credit Control: The regulation of credit of banks and other financial institutions in the pursuit of monetary policy. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms. Contact Information: Tel: 223 – 6175/6 Email: Website: GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 674's trading results showed consideration of $15,420,454 from 79,573 shares traded in 17 transactions as compared to session 673's trading results, which showed consideration of $5,201,048 from 157,970 shares traded in 37 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, DBL, DDL, DTC, BTI and RBL. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) four trades totalling 18,757 shares represented 23.57% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $20.4, which showed an increase of $0.2 from its previous close of $20.2. DIH's trades contributed 2.49% ($383,343) of the total consideration. DIH's first trade of 12,757 shares was at $20.4, its second trade of 1,000 shares was at $20.1, while its third and fourth trades totalling 5,000 shares were at $20.6. Demerara Bank Limited's (DBL) two trades totalling 4,324 shares represented 5.43% of the total shares traded. DBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $36.0, which showed a decrease of $2.0 from its previous close of $38.0. DBL's trades contributed 1.01% ($155,664) of the total consideration. Both of DBL's trades were at $36.0. Demerara Distillers Limited's (DDL) three trades totalling 41,667 shares represented 52.36% of the total shares traded. DDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $24.0, which showed an increase of $1.2 from its previous close of $22.8. DDL's trades contributed 6.49%

($1,000,008) of the total consideration. All of DDL's trades were at $24.0. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) five trades totalling 13,603 shares represented 17.10% of the total shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,004.8, which showed an increase of $4.9 from its previous close of $999.9. DTC's trades contributed 88.63% ($13,667,099) of the total consideration. DTC's first two trades totalling 5,360 shares were at $999.9, its third and fourth trade totalling 3,934 shares were at $1000.0, while its fifth trade of 4,309 shares was at $ 1,015.0. Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry Limited's (BTI) two trades totalling 222 shares represented 0.28% of the total shares traded. BTI's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $470.0, which showed no change from its previous close. BTI's trades contributed 0.67% ($104,340) of the total consideration. Both of BTI's trades were at $470.0. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited's (RBL) single trade of 1,000 shares at $110.0 represented 1.26% of the total shares traded. RBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $110.0, which showed no change from its previous close. RBL's trade contributed 0.71% ($110,000) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities.

Con’t on next page...



Saturday, July 02, 2016


GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 675's trading results showed consideration of $982,190 from 36,450 shares traded in 7 transactions as compared to session 674's trading results, which showed consideration of $15,420,454 from 79,573 shares traded in 17 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH and BTI. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) four trades totalling 36,000 shares represented 98.77% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $21.4, which showed an increase of $0.8 from its previous close of $20.6. DIH's trades contributed 78.47% ($770,690) of the total consideration. DIH's first trade of 25,000 shares was at $21.5, its second trade of 5,000 shares was at $21.0, its third trade of 2,190 shares was at $22.0, while its fourth trade of 3,810 shares was at $21.0. Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry Limited's (BTI) three trades totalling 450 shares represented 1.23% of the total shares traded. BTI's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted

Average Price (MWAP) of $470.0, which showed no change from its previous close. BTI's trades contributed 21.53% ($211,500) of the total consideration. All of BTI's trades were at $470.0. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK Credit Creation: Ability of private sector banks to expand the money supply by creating credit. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms. Contact Information: Tel: 223 – 6175/6 Email: Website:



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana welcomes Canada’s support on border controversy – President Granger at Canada Day observance PAGE 30

President David Granger, last evening, extended Guyana’s gratitude to the Government and people of Canada for the firm support that country has shown in the face of the ongoing Guyana/Venezuela border controversy, even as he committed to ensuring that the bilateral ties between the two countries remain strong. The President made these comments during his address at a reception held to observe ‘Canada Day’. The Head of State said that Guyana remains appreciative of the position, which has been taken by Canada to support Guyana’s stance on the ongoing border controversy. “Guyana applauds the consistently principled position that Canada has taken in defence of Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Guyana welcomes and appreciates this approach, which is a manifestation of Canada’s interest in ensuring respect for the inviolability of international treaties, particularly here in the Western Hemisphere,” President Granger said. Canada’s support, the President said, is a testimony of the friendly and strong relations, which exist between the two countries. He noted that ‘Canada Day’ could not have come at a more

High Commissioner to Guyana, Mr. Pierre Giroux and President David Granger share a toast in celebration of ‘Canada Day’ as well as the 50 years of friendship between the two countries.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

President David Granger addressing the attendees at the ‘Canada Day’ reception, which was held, last evening, at the High Commissioner’s residence

opportune time as Guyana and Canada are celebrating 50 years of bilateral ties, which he hopes will extend for a long time into the future. “It is a happy occasion that this celebration is a coincidence. Not only is Guyana is observing its 50th Anniversary of Independence, but 50 years of diplomatic relations with Canada… Relations between Guyana and Canada have been strengthened through increased technical cooperation, trade and development assistance… Canada has been an important ally of Guyana within the Commonwealth. Guyana looks forward to continued collaboration with Canada in international organisations,” President Granger said. He noted that Canadian companies are engaged in Guyana’s forestry and mining sectors and have brought considerable expertise and experience in the extractive industries. Further, Canadian markets are more accessible to Guyana’s goods under the preferential CARIBCAN trading arrangement and as such, “Guyana is keen to attract investments from Canada that will attract value to its exhaustible resources”. Con’t on next page...



Saturday, July 02, 2016

Guyana welcomes Canada’s support...Con’t... The President said too that Guyana is examining actively, the proposal that has been made by Canada, for training and development and the country welcomes the offer of assistance for the setting up of the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Meanwhile, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Mr. Pierre Giroux remarked that Canada and Guyana share many common goals and characteristics as well as membership in many international organisations, which speak to the countries’ values and culture. “We have a long-standing trade relationship that goes back centuries and Canada is also one of the largest sources of foreign direct investment in Guyana. Canada and Guyana share a vision for a more secure and prosperous region, which is why Canada established the Caribbean Regional Development Programme, which includes initiatives that build stronger leadership in the public service, better public finance management, a stronger and

more entrepreneurial private sector, improved rule of law and better disaster risk management. Canada and Guyana also share extensive people-to-people ties, with the Guyanese diaspora in Canada estimated to be around 200,000, linking our cultures and peoples ever closer,” Mr. Giroux said. The High Commissioner also said that Canada looks forward to growing together with Guyana for the next 50 years and beyond and “together, we will shape the future of our two great countries.” The event was attended by First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, First Vice President and Prime Minister, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, Second Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Third Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams and other ministers of government, Members of the National Assembly and the diplomatic corps. -GINA

President David Granger and First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger in conversation with Canadian High Commissioner Mr. Pierre Giroux (at centre) and his wife Mrs. Blanca Giroux and Head of Aid, Mr. Daniel Joly on the occasion of Canada Day.



Saturday, July 02, 2016

Former Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister dies


ORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Saturday July 2, 2016 – Just days after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone marrow cancer, former Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning passed away at the age of 69. He died in hospital this morning around 8:15. The news was delivered by Manning’s family on his Facebook and Twitter accounts. The post indicated that Manning had died peacefully with his family and loved ones by his side. On Monday evening, Manning was admitted to the San Fernando General Hospital. But it was only early yesterday morning that Manning’s wife, Hazel Manning, disclosed that he had been diagnosed on Thursday evening with Acute Myeloid Leukemia – a cancer of the blood and bone marrow which usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated. She had indicated that he was being prepared to undergo treatment, and a report in the Newsday newspaper yesterday indicated that Manning had started chemotherapy. The former prime minister had a tumour removed from his left kidney in December 2008, while he was prime minister.

In May 2010, he resigned as political leader of the then opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) following the party’s election loss, although he continued to represent the San Fernando East constituency. In 2012, Manning suffered a stroke. Three years later, ahead of the September 7, 2015 general elections, he resigned from active politics. (Caribbean 360)

Former Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Patrick Manning

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Saturday, July 02, 2016

Court blocks plan to begin fingerprinting at Barbados’ ports of entry BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Friday July 1, 2016 – A plan to fingerprint air and sea passengers entering Barbados, including citizens, has been ruled unconstitutional, stopping the government from going through with the controversial move. High Court judge Justice Pamela Beckles delivered that ruling yesterday in a challenge brought by social activist and attorney-at-law David Comissiong. Under the Immigration (Biometric) Regulations, 2015, all arriving air and sea passengers were to be required to be fingerprinted from April 1, in order to enter the country. However, following public concern and threats of legal action over the decision, implementation was deferred. Yesterday, in a case that was heard in chambers after government failed to file a defence within the required 28 days, Justice Beckles ruled the Immigration (Biometric) Regulations null and void and unconstitutional. “Just as we anticipated, this matter was not contested. It really couldn’t have been contested because the facts were so clear. So Justice Pamela Beckles has granted the order and that order basically says that the Immigration (Biometrics) Regulations, 2015 are null and void and are unconstitutional and an order of certiorari has been granted to quash it. So, as of now those regulations no longer exist,” Comissiong said after the ruling. Comissiong’s attorneys in the matter, Edmund Hinkson who is also an Opposition parliamentarian and Lalu Hanuman, had challenged the measure on the grounds that an immigration officer had no right and power to prohibit or restrain a Barbadian citizen from leaving or entering the country if that person refused to provide the officer with biometric data. They also argued that the measure breached the rights of a citizen under Section 22 of the Barbados Constitution as well as the Immigration Act Chapter 190, and infringed on the statutory and lawful rights of a citizen or permanent resident. “What has happened today is a very positive

thing because it is sending a message to our citizens. It is saying, ‘this is our country, it belongs to us, these are our rights as citizens of Barbados, we have to value them and we have to be prepared to defend them’. We have to exercise the initiative, exercise a sense of personal responsibility for our country and that is what I have tried to do with this case and I think that effort has been spectacularly vindicated,” Comissiong said.The Immigration Department had said the measures would have brought Barbados in line with international ports of entry. It said the benefits would have included enhancing the level of national security, identifying individuals travelling with fraudulent identification documents, strengthening border control, reducing crime, improving investigation of crime, and preserving the high international ranking of the Barbados passport. (Caribbean 360)

The court has ruled that the regulations under which the fingerprinting was to begin are unconstitutional.

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Saturday, July 02, 2016

FBI quizzes Hillary Clinton on emails she would accept the findings of the FBI and prosecutors, when deciding whether to charge Mrs Clinton. The day before, it was revealed that Ms Lynch had met the former President, Mrs Clinton's husband Bill, in what she described as a "social" meeting but which she admitted would "cast a shadow" over the way her role in the case would be perceived. (BBC)

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton


S presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been questioned by the FBI over her use of emails while she was secretary of state, her campaign says. A spokesperson said it was a voluntary interview. The FBI is investigating Mrs Clinton and her aides over whether they mishandled classified information on a private email server she used while serving as secretary of state. Mrs Clinton denies handling classified information in her private emails. She said she set up the email address for reasons of convenience. However, a state department inquiry accused her and other former US secretaries of state of poorly managing email security. The Justice Department is now seeking to establish whether this constitutes a criminal offence. On Friday, the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said




Bangladesh siege: Twenty killed at Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka Twenty people, most said to be foreigners, have been killed in an attack on a cafe in Bangladesh claimed by so-called Islamic State. Gunmen stormed the Holey Artisan Bakery cafe in Dhaka late on Friday before troops entered almost 12 hours later. Six attackers were also killed and one was arrested, officials said. Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina has declared two days of national mourning. At least nine Italians and seven Japanese were among those killed. Italy's Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said one other Italian was still unaccounted for. Many of the

Italians reportedly worked in the garment industry. Japan said eight of its nationals were in the cafe. One was among 13 people rescued but the other seven died. All were consultants for Japan's foreign aid agency and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said they "were giving their all for the development of Bangladesh". The army had initially said all hostages killed were foreigners, but later reports said some Bangladeshis also died. In other developments: India's foreign minister said a young Indian woman was among the dead Two Sri Lankans were among those rescued Bangladesh Army Brig Gen Naim Asraf Chowdhury said the victims had been "brutally" attacked with sharp weapons Pope Francis condemned the attack as an "offence against God and

humanity” The siege began as diners gathered to break their fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Bangladesh's Daily Star newspaper said the gunmen tortured anyone who was unable to recite the Koran. They provided meals overnight for only the Bangladeshi captives, it said. "It was an extremely heinous act," Ms Hasina said in a televised statement. "What kind of Muslims are these people? They don't have any religion. Sumon Reza, a supervisor at the cafe in the Gulshan district of Dhaka, managed to flee to the roof when the attackers burst in. "The whole building was shaking when they set off explosives," he told local media. He later jumped from the roof and escaped. "From 08:00 it all started," said Rashila Rahim, who lives near the cafe. "Gunshots, tank sounds... It was like we were in the middle, and gunshots from all around." (Reuters)



Saturday, July 02, 2016

US air and drone strikes 'killed up to 116 civilians’


S drone and air strikes have killed between 64 and 116 civilians outside war zones since 2009, the White House says. The numbers, covering the period from January 2009 to December 2015, are significantly lower than estimates by human rights groups. Some groups say that several hundred civilians have died in US strikes. The long-promised report was released in conjunction with an executive order to increase civilian safeguards. President Barack Obama signed the executive order to require the government to disclose the number of civilian deaths each year in an effort to improve transparency in US military operations. The directive, which could be cancelled by the next president, requires government reviews of air strikes to include "credible reporting" by nongovernmental groups. Human rights groups have long accused the US government of obscuring the number of civilian casualties in drone and air strikes. 'Misinformation’

Journalism estimates between 492 and 1,100 civilians have been killed by drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia since 2002. It says its figures are based on reports by local and international journalists, NGO investigators, leaked government documents, court papers and the result of field investigations. But the Obama administration cautioned that figures from human rights groups could be flawed due to the "deliberate spread of misinformation by some actors, including terrorist organisations, in local media reports on which some non-governmental estimates rely". The order also makes civilian protection a priority. The assessment revealed that between 2,372 and 2,581 members of terrorist groups were killed in the 473 strikes since Mr Obama took office in 2009. The White House declined to disclose where the civilian deaths occurred, but said the numbers excluded countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.The estimates do not include civilians killed during military operations when American forces are on the ground. (BBC)

The London-based Bureau of Investigative

Drone use has risen under President Obama





Daily Horoscope Watch your tendency to live for the day and to spend too much on entertainment and children; it could set you back. Relatives will be happy that you dropped by. Try to visit friends or relatives you don't get to see often. You may be angry if someone tries to take credit for something you did. Unexpected events may upset your routine. You may be admired by colleagues and employers for your diplomatic way of handling your work and those you work with.

Don't back down but don't ignite the situation. You need a break from your daily routine. Outings with relatives or good friends will provide you with stimulating conversation Keep tabs on your spending. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others. You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth.

Curb the impulse to make lavish purchases and maybe spend some time with good friends. Overindulgence will be a problem if you are out in a social setting. Don't let children or elders put demands on your time.

Avoid purchasing expensive items. Emotional relationships will be plentiful if you attend group activities. Advancement can be yours if you are assertive in your approach.

You can continue to forge ahead if you make a few long distance calls pertinent to closing pending deals. Your versatile mind and common sense will allow you to come up with various solutions. You may make someone else look bad.

Sudden romantic connections may be short lived. Try not to allow others to burden you with additional responsibilities. Joint ventures might prove to be unfavorable.

You may have a problem at work with a female coworker. Your hypnotic eyes will capture the hearts of those who interest you. You'll be pleased with the results if you take the time to decorate your home.

Chances are they are jealous. You need to lie back and enjoy a little rest. Your attitudes are changing rapidly

Uncertainty about your relationship is prevalent. You will be overly generous with children today. Don't spend more than is necessary on travel or friends

Be sure you get accurate information. Home improvement projects will go well if you delegate work to all your family members. You will be full of energy and you need to ďŹ nd something



Yesterday’s Suduko Answers








1 (16 ounce) DOST* pasta Directions: 3 cups cherry tomatoes, Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes halved, or until al dente. Drain, and rinse with cold water. 1/2 pound cheese, cubed 1/2 pound chicken, In a large bowl, combine pasta with tomatoes, cheese, chicken and green pepper. Pour cubed/shredded, in salad dressing/MAYONAISE, and toss to coat. 1 large green pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces, 1 (8 ounce) bottle Italian salad dressing/ ORDERICH MAYONAISE* *Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


Amla and Dwayne Bravo craft improbable victory with record stand Dwayne Bravo followed up his rescue act with the bat with the big wicket of AB de Villiers Trinbago Knight Riders 170 for 5 (Amla 81, Dwayne Bravo 66*, Hosein 2-18) beatBarbados Tridents 159 for 8 (Taylor 37, Narine 2-21) by 11 runs Five overs into the match in Port-ofSpain, it looked like visiting side Barbados Tridents would be runaway winners. Then, Dwayne Bravo joined Hashim Amla at the crease, and the game changed. Dwayne Bravo and Amla came together with Trinbago Knight Riders 20 for 4 - with Brendon McCullum, Colin Munro, Darren Bravo

and Umar Akmal already dismissed and went on to record the highest ever fifth-wicket partnership in T20 cricket. Their stand of 150 came at almost ten to the over, eventually consigning Tridents to a 11-run defeat. Tridents put Knight Riders in, and struck their early blows through the leftarm spin of Akeal Hosein and pace of Ravi Rampaul. Hosein was the first to break through, bowling the New Zealand pair of McCullum and Munro with balls that held their lines, before Rampaul had Darren Bravo and Akmal caught behind. The next bit of success any Tridents bowler enjoyed came off the very last ball of the innings, when Amla was out for 81. His innings came off 54 balls and included four sixes, two of which came in his South Africa team-mate Wayne Parnell's final over. That over, the 17th of the innings, went for 19 runs; Amla hit the second ball into the stands down the ground and hooked the third for six more. Dwayne Bravo hit four sixes of his own, in a knock of 66 not out off 46. The

partnership was the highest for any wicket in the CPL. Tridents were off to a decent start in their chase, with Steven Taylor and Kyle Hope putting on 41, before Hope was lost just as the Powerplay concluded. That Taylor survived that long was down to a good chunk of luck in the first over: off the second ball, Taylor skied one which fell in the middle of three fielders, before Munro dropped a straightforward chance at long-on - parrying it for six, to make matters worse for Knight Riders. But neither Taylor nor Hope could score at a rapid rate, a trend that continued with Shoaib Malik and AB de Villiers. Malik managed to become the tenth player to 6000 T20 runs during his innings off 28 off 24, while de Villiers scratched his way to 12 off 14 before falling to that man Dwayne Bravo. Kieron Pollard registered a golden duck while attempting an ambitious shot off seamer Kevon Cooper, and with Sunil Narine at his miserly best, Knight Riders were in control. The only real threat to them came from Nicholas Pooran, who slammed 33 off 12 from No. 6, but a run-out ended his challenge prematurely. (ESPNCricinfo)


Root and Buttler lay groundwork for 3-0 series win

England 324 for 7 (Root 93, Buttler 70, Vince 51) beat Sri Lanka 202 (Chandimal 53, Willey 4 - 3 4 ) b y 1 2 2 r u n s England's start was swift, their middle overs lively, and their finish was efficient. In response to an imposing total of 324, their visitors stuttered at the outset, lost wickets through the middle, and arrived at a limp finish. Sri Lanka's 122-run defeat was an apt reflection of the chasm between the quality of the teams on display this series, which England have sewn up 3-0. Joe Root produced a seamless 93 from 106 balls to underpin his team's dynamic innings, but it was arguably Jos Buttler who played the most electric knock within it. He set off with a four to fine leg, collected quick runs into the outfield for a while, then after facing 25 deliveries, let fly with the boundaries. There were shovels over the shoulder, searing cuts, crunching drives and a six over long off, all executed with a powerful bottom hand. His tally was 70 off 45. James Vince had also hit a half-century at the top of the i n n i n g s . Erratic seam bowling at either end of the innings had helped England to their imposing total. Most hopes of Sri Lanka running that score down then dissipated in the first 22 overs, after which they were 107 for 5. Dinesh Chandimal made his fourth consecutive fifty as the wickets fell around him, before David Willey wiped out the tail to finish with four wickets for himself. Sri Lanka were all out for 202, and never in the course of their chase, did they appear to have the measure of their target. In England's innings, Danushka Gunathilaka's part-time offspin claimed three wickets for 48 from his full quota of overs, but it was debutant left-arm seamer Chaminda Bandara's 1 for 83 which was the more definitive set of figures. Bandara was wayward at the outset while the other seam bowlers failed to pose a consistent threat, and costly at the death when everyone was going for runs. Nuwan Pradeep was also expensive again, giving away more than seven an over, as he attempts to come to grips closing o u t a n i n n i n g s . England had purred into motion with a coverdriven boundary from Jason Roy's bat, third ball. Though play was soon left suspended for about 25 minutes by a passing shower, the hosts' tempo rarely wavered over the following three-and-ahalf hours. Bandara bowled overs that cost 11 and 14 in the Powerplay, while more experienced

Jos Butler (left) and Joe Root bowlers delivered more disciplined, but hardly miserly, spells. By the tenth over, only seven boundaries had been struck in all, yet 66 runs had been gathered. The green tinge on the pitch, which had put both captains in the mood to bowl first, offered only modest sideways movement. The overhead cloud made for only the slightest s w i n g . The dismissal of Roy came somewhat against the run of play - caught on the midwicket boundary off Suranga Lakmal for a run-a-ball 34. Root, the next batsman, sent his first ball skipping through the covers for four, and Vince continued his pretty progress alongside the new man, the pair flitting efficiently between their wickets until Vince reached his first international fifty, off 54 balls. He was soon out charging Gunathilaka, who pulled his length back and slipped a ball past Vince's advance, but neither that wicket, nor the next one, really dented England's rate of progress. Halfway through the innings, the hosts w e r e 1 3 8 f o r 3 . With a confident Gunathilaka proving so successful, Mathews banked on spin through the middle overs. Jonny Bairstow was occasionally tested by it during his 21 off 28, but Root's mastery of the single prevented Sri Lanka from making substantial headway. This steady beat of ones and twos was occasionally enlivened by the crash of cymbals: the reverse-paddle for four off the exceptionally part-time bowling of Kusal

Mendis, the clatter through the covers at the end o f t h e 3 8 t h o v e r. Buttler twice hit Pradeep for consecutive fours, and thwacked a six off Lakmal in the 44th over, as he scored 45 runs from the last 20 balls he faced. It was he who propelled England's run rate past six, and though he was out in the 48th over to give Bandara his first international wicket, had laid the groundwork for a fast finish. Thirty-three runs were hit off the last three overs. When the chase got under way an inability to pierce the lively infield drew a fatal mistake from Kusal Perera, not for the first time in the series. He was out lbw to Willey at the end of the fourth over. Mendis and Gunathilaka attempted to build the platform Sri Lanka required, before committing another of Sri Lanka's most common mistakes through the series: attempting to come back for a second run in the 14th over, Mendis was caught short by Bairstow's throw. From 66 for 2, the match slipped quickly. Gunathilaka was lbw to Liam Plunkett for 48. Mathews had his stumps splayed by a yorker from the same bowler. Upul Tharanga was bowled first delivery by Adil Rashid, and Dasun Shanaka was stumped off him, some time later. When Seekkuge Prasanna was caught at fine leg by a diving Willey, Sri Lanka had crumbled to 170 for 7 in the 35th over. A brittle tail didn't hang around long. (ESPNCricinfo)



Meet Mathew Vieira – Guyana’s motorcycle champion

The Guyana Daily News recently had the privilege of getting an exclusive interview with Mr. Mathew Vieira, who is currently a Guyanese Motorcycle Champion. He, along with his uncle Mr.Navean Seereeram gave us a little inside about the institute - the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club, better known as GMR&SC – which has made Mathew what he is now. “The place was built about 5 to 6 years ago with the intention of building young drivers. It was team work, family effort plus a visionaries of the time. When the first rented Go-karts arrived, it was an immediate success,” Mr. Seereeran said. He continued, “Most of the first races started with Go-Karts then expanded to Moto bikes. After a period of time the track went to another owner and the interest in it went down, so we tried since like about a year and a half two years, to revitalize it; upgrades are needed. The track is in a not so suitable conditions, but we have projects for it to become a soon hit.” According to him, “This young guys decided they wanted to start racing bikes, and that is what boosted the interest of the public, along with other racers. The first unofficial event was held about a week ago, when the guys came up with something called Ruckus, which is a small shape of scooter motorbike.” The event was held by Mathew Vieira, Steven Vieira, and Kwame Ridley. The key of the event was to integrate the audience, the people that want it to race, and so it happened and they had fun. “Based on this couple motorbike clubs get interested in our track, the interest grew and they asked if we were interested in put on a ‘Series’, but we haven’t arranged the time table as yet. We have 7 bikes available for the events, and two providers that also show a lot of potential. We are expecting 10 to 12 bikes shortly,” Mr Seereeran noted. He spoke about the introduction of “super moto”. “We are really excited about this because is an event that has never been held in Guyana, basically is a combination of racing on dirt with jumps and asphalt. In Guyana you will find pure track racers and pure dirt racers, not both. We will level the field by combining both.” Meanwhile, young Vieira also gave his opinion about not only the upcoming events, but about how his career is been developing lately.

“I started to race not only because I liked it, but also because my whole family races. I didn’t want to be the only one out. I tried it and I was good. Eventually I became one of the best in Guyana and the Caribbean.” “I will be taking part on the Day & Night Race in July, and at the Super Moto, there might be races in Barbados, I’m definitely going there and the National Meeting in Guyana in November” Calnedar of Events of GMR & SC: Ø 10th of July the Race of Champions Round 2 at --South Dacota Circuit, Timehri, Guyana. Ø July 24th Seaboard Marine CMRC Round 2 – Tinidad and Tobago --- Wallerfield, International Raceway, Trinidad and Tobago. Ø August 21st, 3 hours Endurance Race/ Fun Day ---South Dacota Circuit Timehri, Guyana. Ø September 4th Seaboard Marine CMRC Round 3, Barbados ---- Bushy Park Circuit Barbados. Ø September 18th Out of town lime ---- Venue to be determined Ø October 2nd Drag Racing ---- South Dacota Circuit, Timehri, Guyana. Ø November 13th Seaboard Marine CMRC Round 4 Guyana ---- South Dacota Circuit, Timehri Guyana. by Rocio Perez - Guyana Daily News

Mathew Vieira



Friday, July 01, 2016


‘Andrews Art Memorial Chess Tournament continues This Saturday the “Andrews Art Memorial” Chess Tournament continues at the National Resource Center and at the 12th hour the players will face each other to battle for the leading position. Talent, potential pours on the boards with every move. Last Sunday, tables were turned when HiFeng Su defeated veteran player Errol Tiwari who replicate this fate with Anthony Drayton. Pedro Joshua played beautifully against (WCM) Woman Candidate Master Maria Verona Thomas, defeating her, ensuring his place for today’s game. HiFeng Su registered a win over Ryan Singh improving his score to 3 points. This position is shared with Taffin Khan who won over Pedro Joshua and Rashad Hussain. Frankie Farley recovered from his loss to Daytron when he won over Sheriffa Ali. Saheed Ali defeating Ryan Goliath then defeated to Ryan Sigh, slowly recovering after winning over Jessica Callender. The Guyana Daily News team had the privilege of having an interview with one of the players that is starring this tournament, minutes before this one started. Anthony Drayton, currently at the 3rd place of the competition, gave us an overview of today’s rounds. “The leaders of the Competition are Hi Feng Su and Taffin Khan. I loss to Hi Feng Su on Sunday afternoon, which was the third round. Today I will be playing with Saheed. So far we have 16 to 20 players in the tournament, we had one dropped out, Jessica Callender. Most of the Olympian players are starring on this tournament, so we should see some good rounds coming up today. This afternoon Taffin khan and I will be playing along with Maria Verona Thomas and Sheriffa Ali at the second round, which supposed to start around 4 o 5 clock, depending on when the first round finishes. The tournament normally holds two rounds during the day, depending on the timing. Each round last 3 hours; it’s one and half hour for player.

After one round, you get like an hour half an hour break and then starts. Today’s 4th Round will be starred by: WHITE


HiFeng Su


Taffin Khan

Saheed Ali


Anthony Drayton

Pedro Joshua



Rashad Hussain


Errol Tiwari

Maria Verona


Ryan Goliath




Sheriffa Ali


Ryan Singh

Jessica Callender ----------------------- BYE


Usain Bolt suffers injury ahead of National Champs final With five weeks to go to the Olympic Games in Rio De Janeiro, historychasing Usain Bolt was forced out of Jamaica's national trials with a suspected hamstring injury. Earlier Bolt had jogged to 10.04 seconds to win his semi-final heat ahead of Senoj-Jay Givans, 10.05, and Jevaugh Minzie, 10.07. The nature of the race suggests that the scratch could be precautionary, though there has been no word from Bolt's Racers camp just yet. The final of the 100, with Asafa Powell,

Yohan Blake, and Nickel Ashmeade, the favourites to claim spots if Bolt cannot prove his fitness between now and the Olympics. Whether or not Bolt has pulled out of the entire championships, with the 200-metres set to get under way tomorrow is also not known. (Sportsmax)

Whyte, Tracey take 400-metre hurdle titles in Jamaica Annsert Whyte and Ristanana Tracey won respective national titles on Day 2 of the Supreme Ventures National Senior Championships at the National Stadium in Kingston on Friday night. Whyte defended his title, running a season best time of 48.66 seconds to win over Jaheel Hyde who set a new national junior record of 48.81 seconds. Roxroy Cato was third in 48.96. Meanwhile, Tracey won the women's equivalent in a season's best of 54.75 seconds. She held off a late challenge from newcomer Leah Nugent, who ran 55.44 seconds. Two-time Diamond League champion Kaleise Spencer was third in 55.83. Tracey's winning time was her best since June 2013 when she ran 54.52 in Kingston. (Sportsmax)

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