Saturday, October 1, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS President Granger Blames Drug Trafficking For Serious Crimes President David Granger is of the view that most serious crimes cases in places such as the United Kingdom (UK) and Jamaica PAGE 2

in Guyana have their origin in “dark and oppressive time” as drug lords rule the criminal underworld. During his weekly televised programme, ‘The Public Interest’, the President said, “I regard narco trafficking as the mother of all crimes because the huge amount of money that is generated in narco trafficking could be used to order executions, to recruit rogues who could carry out other crime...they can get young people to sell the drugs, they can actual bride law enforcement office.” The President referred to the recent find of an illegal twin engine Cessna Aircraft at the Yupukari Airstrip, Region 9, stating that it was clear that it entered the country illegally and may have been carrying some contraband goods. “As long as drugs keep coming into this country it will be very difficult to control crime,” the President said The Head of State noted that most of the murders taking place are “interpersonal violence” and other crimes such gang violence are linked to narco trafficking. But sixteen months into the coalition government’s term in office and there has been no conviction of any notable key figures in the drug trade or dismantling of any drug rings in Guyana. While the President acknowledged that Guyana contributed to


in which drugs were intercepted leaving Guyana, there has been no reports of tackling the drug trade itself in Guyana. The last well-known figure in the drug trade in Guyana was selfconfessed drug lord Barry Dataram, who after being granted bail, fled Guyana and left the government in an embarrassing situation.

Black Bush Murder Accused Tries To Escape From Prison It has high drama at the New Amsterdam prison on Tuesday last when an 18-year-old murder accused attempted to escape for the third time. He has been identified as Jairam Chetram, who is accused of shooting to death a family of three in Black Bush Polder in July. The Guyana Daily News was reliably informed that a prison officer noticed the murder accused walking on the prison roof at about 23:00hrs. He raised an alarm and the teenager was captured. According to reports, the young man tried to escape by removing boards from his cell and the zinc from the roof. Meanwhile, this newspaper understands that this is not Chetram’s first attempted prison break, as he had tried to escape with other inmates on two previous occasions. Chetram is accused of being the trigger man in the slaying of the trio who had gone on a fishing trip in Cocorite Savannah at Black Bush Polder, Corentyne between July 21 and July 22. It is alleged that Chetram and others, including his father, murdered Pawan Chandradeo, 37, called “Suresh” and “Jug Up”; his son Jaikarran Chandradeo, 16, called “Kevin” and his brother-in-law Naresh Rooplall, 35, called “Teeka Bai” and “Mice.” It is alleged that the accused men were in a rice field stealing diesel fuel when the trio came to the very field to catch “hassar”. The shooter, believed to be Chetram moved over to the men and shot them each, once at point blank range, killing them on the spot. It is believed that the gun he used belong to his father.

Op-Ed PAGE 3



OP-ED: Guyanese Have Lost Confidence In The Economy Many Guyanese have lost confidence in the economy as a result of ailing industries such as rice, sugar, agriculture, construction etc. According to the Ministry of Finance half year report, Guyana’s Economy grew by 2%, however, much of that is attributed to the two large scale gold mining operations in Guyana, Troy Resources and Guyana Gold Fields. The report further showed that most of Guyana’s real economy has underperformed over the last year in the agriculture sector, while fishing and forestry contracted by 10.0 percent, sugar production for the first half of 2016 fell by 30%, rice also fell by 26.2 percent compared to production during the same period in 2015. The forestry sector contracted by 13.1 percent during the first half of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015; the manufacturing sector also contracted by 14.1 percent during the first half of 2016. Other manufacturing declined by 3.0 percent as a result of reduced production of pharmaceuticals and aerated beverages, wholesale and retail trade. Construction, which account for approximately a third of the sector, contracted by 11.3 percent and 7.5 percent, respectively; also bauxite exports fell from US$53.3 million to US$46.3 million, a decrease of about 13.1 percent while diamond exports fell by 10.7 percent from US$9.0 million to US$8.2 million. Many persons are asking for an economic plan from the David Granger administration as the APNU+AFC government continues to run the country without a clear-cut economic plan and social model, hence the decline in the economy. What the government is doing is sponging off the billions left in the Treasury by the PPP/C government and following their economic model, as

well as basking in the glory of the achievements of the PPP/C in almost every area of social and economic life of Guyanese. In the meanwhile, the corruption scandals in the Granger led administration have resulted in Guyanese losing confidence in the Administration. As the Christmas season is approaching, people would normally anticipate a spike in shopping and several persons who spoke to the Guyana Daily News said that their spending powers has been reduced because of increased taxes and fees. They also said that the general business atmosphere has declined over the past year. By Edward Johnson


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Lack Of Jobs Force Students Into Prostitution, Illegal Activities C h i l d r e n N o t Ta k e n S e r i o u s l y – S i t A n R e p o r t PAGE 5

According to a ‘Voice of Adolescents’ section of a Situation Analysis (SitAn) report compiled by the United Nations Children Fund’s (UNICEF) in collaboration with the Government of Guyana, “many of the students upon completing school cannot find proper jobs and they end up turning to prostitution and illegal activities.” The report was handed over to First Lady Sandra Granger and Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence on Wednesday, at Herdmanston Lodge in Georgetown. The report highlighted the high unemployment about the young population, which represents more than 60% of country’s population and stated that current estimated youth unemployment rate is to about 40%. The SitAn report also highlighted that the voices of children in Guyana are being ignored and respect for their rights limited despite measures in place to prevent this. In composing the situation analysis, the report reveal that during consultation, both formally and informally, with several children from various parts of the country and all had one common concern. “… nonetheless, all had one point in common: they all mentioned not having any space to participate at school,” the report stated. It also noted that while “school is not the only environment where the child lives, it is the space where he/she spends 1/3 of his/her day, and it is an environment where learning is the main goal. In theory, the school could be the space where participation should be taught and practised.” “While all the students were receptive to the idea of participation at school, at home, and in their community, they also shared a concern that some adults might not be prepared to listen to their opinions and take them seriously,” the report stated. “In practice, according to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UN Committee on the Rights


of the Child, 2013), respect for this right remains limited, with no systematic approach in place for the participation of children and young people in local governance. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child raised that socio-cultural attitudes and traditions continue to restrain children from freely expressing their views in schools, the courts and within the family,” the SitAn report said. Meanwhile, recommendation given by the SitAn report was that principals and teachers in all schools in Guyana must be trained in the importance of child participation at school and society. It was also recommended that they develop toolkits for public consultations on national policy development to standardise these consultations at a high level of inclusiveness and participation and undertake programmes and awareness-raising activities to promote the meaningful and empowered participation of all children.

Brothers Die In Horrific Accident On EBD Road Linden, Region 10 has been thrown into a state of mourning following the news that two brothers perished in an accident on Saturday afternoon on the Friendship, East Bank Demerara roadway. The Guyana Daily News understands that the young men died on the spot after their Rav4 collided with a truck, which was heading in the direction of Georgetown. Dead are Jonnel Armstrong and Phillip Armstrong; they are the sons of Regional Health Officer for Region 10, Dr. Pansy Armstrong and Dr. Joseph Armstrong, who is a popular dentist in Region 10. Preliminary reports indicate that the two brothers and a friend were on their way to Linden at around 14:00h when the collision occurred. The friend is said to be in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital. It is not clear how the accident occurred and investigations are ongoing.

Dead: Phillip and Jonnel Armstrong




#58/59 Villages To Canje Creek All Weather Road Project Proposal Submitted To Agri. Minister Over 8000 Farmers Stand To Benefit Agriculture Minister Noel Holder today accepted a proposal to begin discussions for the constructing of an all-weather road from #58/59 Villages to Canje Creek. Upon completion, over 8000 farmers stands to benefit from the project as if offers better access to farm lands in the Berbice area. The proposal was made by the Berbice Regional Representative, Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Gobin Harbhajan. The Regional Chairman of Berbice, Mr. David Armogan also lauded the benefits of the project adding that access to lands is one of the factors hindering further agricultural development in the region. In an invited comment, Mr. Harbhajan explained that in 2006, the former president of the Upper Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. David Subnauth brought the idea of an allweather road from the public road to the Canje Creek but he saw no avenue at the time whereby he could ventilate the project. “In 2015 when the Coalition government came into power I decided to rekindle this idea which I know would receive the focus it deserved. I then discussed the idea of this project with the owners of Nand Persaud and Company Limited who agreed that the construction of this road will make a vast amount of scarce lands available to farmers,” Harbhajan said. Agriculture Minister Noel Holder welcomed the project adding that such collaboration that is needed to fully unlock the potential of the agriculture sector in the Region. “Such a project will have a direct effect on the economic growth of the Region and seeks to provide a better livelihood for farmers and their families.” Minister Holder said. Such a project will significantly boost agriculture production in the ancient county since agriculture is the backbone of the region’s economy. A series of meetings were held with over 20 farmers, other stakeholders and the CEO of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority Mr. Freddy Flatts. Mr. Harbhajan engaged the help of NDIA’ engineers to design the plan for the construction of the allweather road. The team from NDIA will be working with the Lands and Surveys department of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to get the project on the way. It was pointed out by Mr. Harbhajan that lands previously cultivated have been abandoned due to the deplorable state of the existing mud bam. Additionally, the area will not only see the cultivation of rice but other crops such as coconuts, provisions and citrus fruits. Processing plants will also be set up in the two industrial sites earmarked. The $900M investment will also pave the way for additional rice lands to be brought under cultivation. The next phase of the project will see the team along with engaging the Guyana Lands and Survey Commission, after which the proposal will be sent to Cabinet for approval. The team comprised Mr. Gobin Harbhajan, Office of the Prime Minister

Representative in Berbice, Mr. Lakhram Singh, Vice Chairman Works Committee of No. 52-74 NDC, Mr. Mohindra Persaud of Nand Persaud and Company, Mr. Ramlagan Singh, Farmer and Member of the Rice Producers Association (RPA) and Mr. Haseef Yusuf, RDC councillor and Public Relations Officer, Nand Persaud and Company Limited. Ministry of Agriculture Press Release


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Cop, Wife & Daughter Injured In Accident A vehicular accident in the wee hours of Saturday has left a Police Lance Corporal, his wife and daughter in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital. According to reports, Police Lance Corporal Clarke was driving PRR 6669, with his wife and daughter inside, when he lost control and ended up in a trench next to a mosque at West Meten-MeerZorg, West Coast Demerara. The accident occurred at approximately 2:30h; the car was submerged and the occupants had to be rescued after which they were rushed to the Leonora Diagnostic Centre before being transferred to the Georgetown Hospital. The Lance Corporal is stationed at the Tactical Services Unit (TSU).

The mangled car in the trench

Illegal Aircraft Repaired, Flown To CJIA The illegal aircraft, bearing a fake United States registration number (N767Z) that was recently discovered camouflaged at an airstrip in Yupukari, has since been repaired, and was flown from Yupukari to Lethem initially, before arriving at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) at 10:00h Saturday morning. A statement from the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) detailed that Aeronautical Engineers of the GDF Air Corps, after inspecting the aircraft, had identified the problems which had rendered it unserviceable. The necessary spares were sourced, and the repairs conducted, resulted in the aircraft becoming operable. “The aircraft was subsequently flown by GDF Pilots to Lethem on Friday, September 30th where it overnighted. This allowed for the GDF Engineers to conduct further repairs and functional checks under more favourable conditions, so as to ensure the aircraft’s suitability to fly to Timehri. Consequently, the aircraft departed Lethem for CJIA this morning at 09:10 hours, and is currently secured at the GDF Air Corps Hangar, Air Station London, CJIA,” the GDF stated. The mangled car being removed following the accident It was further noted that investigations are ongoing with regards to all aspects surrounding the discovery of the aircraft. A Commission of Inquiry (CoI) has since been established by President David Granger to investigate how the plane entered Guyana undetected. Army Chief of Staff Brigadier Mark Philips had said that the aircraft was spotted by residents of Yupukari who alerted the GDF and the police. Additionally, Minister of State Joseph Harmon had revealed that the plane was found party hidden. “It was off of the airstrip itself and there seemed to have been some kind of a camouflage net that was thrown over it and it was partly in the bushes so we get the sense that it would have been there a few days.” Government had revealed that the area where the aircraft was discovered, has The illegal aircraft is currently secured at the been on the radar of law enforcement for illegal activities, GDF Air Corps Hangar at CJIA including drug trafficking.




Analysis Of Imports For The Second Quarter Of 2016 Looking at the overall imports for the first half of 2016, imports generally declined in the first half of the year. This is according to the Ministry of Finance Half Year report. A brief analysis on the report states that merchandise imports declined overall by about 10.1 percent to US$699.5 million in the first half of 2016, from US$777.8 million in the first half of 2015. Imports of intermediate goods fell from US$398.6 million in the first half of 2015 to US$337.8 million in the first half of 2016. Imports of capital goods fell from US$186.7 million in the first half of 2015 to US$160.7 million in the first half of 2016. Capital goods imports also fell in almost every subcategory. Imports of agricultural machinery continued their downward trend, while imports of building materials and transport machinery declined. Lower foreign direct investment may be limiting the demand for imported capital goods. The report further states that, remittances, the larger portion of Net Current Transfer, showed a decline from US$198.2 million in the first half of 2015 to US$173.6 million in the first half of 2016, a difference of US$26.4 million, inflows of workers’ remittances declined from US$123.50 million in the first half of 2015 to US$95.7

million in the first half of 2016. Lower remittances may be a factor in the weaker performance in some real sector industries in Guyana, such as wholesale and retail trade, as households have less cash to spend on consumption and investments.

Guyana Looks To Strengthened Relations With China Particularly In ‘Green’ Development -President Granger Says At 67th Anniversary Celebration Of China’s Founding Georgetown, Guyana – (September 30, 2016) President David Granger and Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Zhang Limin, this evening, pledged to continue working together to deepen and strengthen the relations shared between The Cooperative Republic of Guyana and The People’s Republic of China (PRC), for the mutual benefit of the two nations especially in the pursuit of a ‘green’ agenda and sustainable development as the world continues to grapple with the effects of the Climate change and global warming phenomena. President Granger, who was at the time attending the 67th anniversary celebrations of the founding of The People’s Republic of China, held at the Chinese Embassy, earlier this evening, said that Guyana, since the inception of the PRC, has always been a partner of the nation. “Guyana recalls with pride its adoption of a principled position 45 years ago, when the countries of the world were deeply divided, to have voted in support of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 in October 1971. Resolution 2758 recognised the representatives of the government of the People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations.” Guyana has never changed its principled position and remains committed to a “One China policy,” the President said. As Guyana prepares to celebrate National Tree Day 2016 tomorrow, the Head of State noted that while Guyana shares with China, common values such as mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, cooperation for mutual benefit, respect for treaties and international law and the maintenance of international peace and security, a major common interest is the promotion of sustainable development, particularly, in the area of renewable

energy; an area the Guyanese President has been pushing since his assumption to office, given Guyana’s possession of hectares of virtually pristine, untouched rainforest.

From left: Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, His Excellency Zhang Limin, His Excellency, President David Granger, First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, Mrs. Liu Yu and acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge.

continued on next page...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Looks To Strengthened Relations...cont... PAGE 10

“Guyana has observed, with keen interest, China’s introduction of its 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020) which committed to achieving a ‘green economy’ by introducing ‘green’ low-carbon industries, expanding sustainable energy sources, extending forest protection and establishing a ‘green’ development fund. Guyana, through its own ‘green agenda,’ has similar objectives. We look forward to intensifying cooperation between our two Republics in our common quest to ensure greater use of clean, green and low-carbon technologies and renewable sources of energy,” President Granger said. This cooperation, the President said, is something to look forward to as since diplomatic relations between Guyana and China were established in 1972, the two states have only continued to grow in their cooperation. “Guyana and China have now maintained mutually beneficial, high-level, and friendly relations for forty-four years through continuous cooperation in several spheres. Guyana and China have collaborated in academia, culture, defence, energy, health, infrastructure development, medicine, mining and other fields. We look forward to building further on the firm foundation of this solid long-term relationship. Guyana shares with China a desire to deepen and strengthen economic relations and trade ties to our mutual benefit,” he said. The President highlighted that China has emerged as one of the largest and fastest-growing economies and the largest trading nation in the world and the country’s economic advances over the past twenty years have been accompanied by increased investment and trade with the rest of the world, including the Caribbean. This cooperation with the Caribbean, which has extended to Guyana, President Granger said, is deeply appreciated and will only serve as an impetus for continued collaboration. “Guyana welcomes, especially, the introduction of the multi-lateral, multi-billion dollar platforms such the People’s Republic of ChinaLatin America and Caribbean (PRC-LAC) Industrial Cooperation Investment and Infrastructure Funds. These initiatives will certainly strengthen our economic relations,” he said. Ambassador Limin, in his remarks, said that the relations between Guyana and China have been marked only by cooperation, collaboration and a friendly approach to economic and social development. The Chinese Ambassador urged the local Chinese population to respect the cordial relationship which has existed between the two countries till now by upholding and having due respect for the laws and regulations of the land. “Over the years, the Chinese people and companies in Guyana had taken an active part in the social life and the public welfare undertakings of Guyana. You have won the respect of the local friends by diligence and self-discipline. I hope you would cherish the fine tradition of the China/Guyana friendship, abide by the local laws and customs. While developing yourself, please remember to fulfill the social responsibilities and continue your responsibility to promote the friendly relations between China and Guyana,” Ambassador Limin said. He noted that President Xi Jingping of China considers Guyana a friend of the country and he expects that with time, the relationship will bloom into more fruitful, deeper and meaningful encounters, since he believes that the country is filled with great hope and even greater potential. “Friends make distance disappear and that is how Chinese President Xi Jingping has


described the relations between China and the Latin American and Caribbean countries including Guyana. China and Guyana are separated by mountains and seas but the two countries enjoy a long standing traditional friendship since the Chinese first arrival in Guyana in 1853. The Chinese people have taken Guyana as their second hometown,” he said. The event was attended by First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign A ff a i r s , M r. C a r l G r e e n i d g e , M i n i s t e r o f P u b l i c Telecommunications, Mrs. Catherine Hughes, former President and Prime Minister, Mr. Samuel Hinds, Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland, members of the Opposition, members of the diplomatic corps as well as Police Commissioner, Mr. Seelall Persaud and Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Brigadier Mark Phillips. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger addressing the gathering at the celebration held in honour of the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, at the Chinese Embassy in Guyana, earlier this evening.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Happy Navaratri! Happy Navaratri! Navaratri is a festival dedicated to the worship of the ‘Kanya Puja’, ceremony where nine young girls are worshipped PAGE 12

the Hindu deity Durga. The word Navaratri means 'nine nights' in Sanskrit, nava means nine and ratri means nights. During these nine nights and ten days, nine forms of Devi are worshipped. The tenth day is commonly called ‘Vijayadashami’, day in which is celebrated the victory of God Durga over the evil Mahishasura. Son of King of Asuras, Rambha and a Mahisha or water buffalo. Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated twenty days after Vijayadashami. Navaratri symbolizes the victory of positivity over negativity. This year the festival will be celebrated from the 1st to the 10th of October. The celebration starts in a humble and simple way. Devotees will get up early in the morning and cleanse their skin with fresh water. Dressing with clean fresh clothes they will proceed to perform ‘puja’, or act of worshiping. This comprises mantra chanting, lighting of diya, recitation of shlokas or religious verses from Durga Saptashati and start the preparation and offering of 'prasad', which is a material substance of food. During the day devotional songs or ‘bhajans’ are sung, ritual that is repeated during the night when the devotees assist to the Mandir or Hindu Temple and perform the puja and 'aarti' (light of wicks soaked in ghee) and 'prasad' is offered to the Goddess. Jagran is also performed, which is an all-night vigil, which includes songs and dances in honor of a deity. During this period the devotees will also execute the ‘niyamas’ or positive duties. This duties include actions of charity, staying away from recreational activities and fasting. Fasting is considered to be a way to cleanse the body, mind and soul from impurities. Some persons will fast for the 9 days of the festival, others will perform it only for six to three days, and some just the first and the last day of the festivity. On the nine day the devotees will follow the practice of breaking their Navaratri fast, and perform


as a representation of the nine forms of ‘Devi’ or goddess. Navaratri is considered a time for miracles, joy and self-encounter. A time or redemption and purification, a sacred period of festivity for the Hindu Community. Source:

Hindu deity Durga fighting Mahishasura

Fire Ravages ‘Cool Breeze" In Bartica An early morning fire morning ravaged ‘Cool Breeze’, Bartica and has left multiple business owners counting millions of dollars in damages and irreplaceable losses to stock. Speaking to the Guyana Daily News was Lead Fireman Scott from Bartica who reported that in the early hours of Saturday morning the fire service was summoned to the location after reports of a fire had surfaced. He further revealed that the fire completely burnt two of the boutiques and left one severely burnt and damaged; the western wall of the KW Mall was also scorched and left several windows shattered. Fireman Scott informed that at the moment the cause of the fire is unknown but investigations are underway. However a source close to the Guyana Daily News revealed that the fire was due to an explosion of a gas bottle. There were no reported casualties


GUYANA DAILY NEWS New Department Of Environment To Push Guyana’s ‘Green Agenda’ PAGE 14

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 30, 2016) With a packed mandate for Guyana’s development along a green pathway, the government has held true to its promise of establishing a Department of Environment (DoE), which will be headed by Advisor on Climate Change at the Ministry of the Presidency, Ms. Ndibi Schwiers. Her appointment as Head of the department will be officially announced tomorrow on National Tree Day at Iwokrama by President David Granger. Ms. Schwiers holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Forestry and a Master of Science in Environmental Pollution Management. She holds core competencies in Environmental Regulations, Environmental Management, Waste Management among other related areas. The Department, which falls under the Ministry of the Presidency, will oversee the activities of environmental compliance and management, protected areas development and management, national parks management and wildlife conservation and protection. It will be directly responsible for the Environmental Protection Agency, Protected Areas Commission/National Parks Commission and the Wildlife Division. Prior to the establishment of the Department, these agencies fell under the aegis of the Ministry of Natural Resources, but President Granger has identified the need to separate matters of biodiversity protection and management from the extractive industries. “The President has articulated his strategic vision for the development of the country along a green path. His vision is gaining traction in Guyana and internationally. One of the key elements of this green economy is environmental sustainability. So now, more than ever before, there is a need to place emphasis on improving the quality of the environment,” Ms. Schwiers said. The Department will also work closely with other government agencies with an environmental mandate, research agencies, the private sector, civil society and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to advance the government’s mandate. “The Department will not seek to usurp the role or functions of these agencies, but will coordinate its mandate so that it can catalyse actions so as to improve environmental management nationally,” the Head of Department said. A key point to note, she said, is that the environment is a complex and interrelated, unified system. However, the current assignments of various agencies do not reflect this primary characteristic. “We tend to operate separately, so that is how we need to start looking at the environment. So the department acts as a means of ensuring that the work of these agencies is coordinated; so that the elements of the environmental are treated holistically,” she said. With its core focus centred on the development of policies and programmes that will achieve its mandate within the country’s ‘Green Agenda’, the first order of business for the Department would be to meet with the related agencies and Ministries to assess those policies and programmes, which currently exist. “There exists a plethora of policies on the environment along with various pieces of legislation that guide the functions of these agencies. The Department will have to get an understanding of what currently exists [and] then see where gaps lie. When we do that then we will be able to develop bridging policies to deal with those gaps,” she said. The Department has also begun consultations with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the continued development of a green strategy approach, which surpasses the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). Other areas of focus include coastal zone management, waste management and other priorities,


but the establishment of the right policies to tackle these issues remains paramount. “A lack of policies is a precursor to catastrophe, so the setting up of the DoE is a far reaching step by the government so that we ensure that Guyana not only keeps reference of our potential, but that we work towards ensuring that we can harness that potential,” she said. She added that environmental sustainability is one of the tenets of sustainable development, therefore, much focus has to be placed on the strategic steps that will be taken so as to achieve the sustainable development that will go hand in hand with Guyana’s Green Agenda. The Department of Environment was officially gazetted on September 1, 2016 and holds the mission: “To develop a robust, world-class environmental system that safeguards the integrity of the natural environment and protects public health through the development and adoption of appropriate, sustainable and coherent policies and programmes. It will further work to nurture this system through the utilisation of best available science, up to date information and the engagement of all stakeholders to effectively advance the environmental initiatives of the government for the benefit of all Guyanese and the global community.” The establishment of the DoE is seen as a critical one which will help to advance the “greening” of Guyana’s Economy which aims at the long term well-being of the country and is a goal which President David Granger believes holds the key to environmental sustainability and economic development in Guyana. MOTP Press Release

Ms. Ndibi Schwiers, Head of the newly established Department of Environment


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Thirty Four Women Empowered To Transform Communities In Region Two -7th Self Reliance In Business Workshop Completed PAGE 15

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 30, 2016) Thirty four women representing 34 villages along the Essequibo Coast can now consider themselves budding business gurus after having successfully completed the 7th training session of the Self Reliance and Success in Business workshop. The training was done in the Regional Board Room, in Anna Regina Essequibo, Pomeroon-Supenaam (Region Two). First Lady, Mrs. Granger speaking at the graduation ceremony, told the women, “I Hope you have benefitted from [the workshop]… and I hope that at the end of it you will not only have gained much from the knowledge and advice imparted by our facilitators, but also in the friendships you may have built through your experiences as you engaged in learning a bit more about setting up, establishing and running a successful business. I am very happy to know once more that we exceeded our target number of participants.” Mr. Yohann Sanjay Pooran, facilitator of Interweave Solutions Incorporated, the facilitating agency, advised the women that with a strong business plan and having a clear outline of their business they can be successful business owners and help with the development in their communities. “Her [Mrs. Granger] vision is our vision. As we move forward with the implementation of the six P’s [Planning, Paperwork, Products, Promotion, Price and Process] of business, our community oriented approach to action and our emphasis on creating a good quality of life in your homes, and I believe we’re contributing to the exercise of establishing a sound and solid village economy, which helps everyone.” Mr. Pooran, recalled, that at several workshops conducted throughout the Regions of Guyana, Mrs. Granger spoke extensively on women’s empowerment, and how an economy can move forward “We have trained over 200 women… Think about the impact of those if they go on to create successful businesses under the Guyanese economy. That is 200 plus people in the work force, employing additional people, who are paying taxes, making a strong contribution to their communities.” The trainer also urged the women to be more actively involved in the development of their community. “Get involved! It may be in politics, it may be in the social realm, in some community organisation that already exists… We hope to see all of these women… in a couple of months… become leaders of good, strong, small enterprises in Region Two. This group of thirty plus women can transform the local regional economy. You have the power to do that,” Mrs. Pooran said. One of the beneficiaries of the training session, Ms. Vaniessa Granville said that the gesture made by Mrs. Granger and Interweave Solutions Incorporated has provided a great depth of knowledge for the women. “My charge to us is to look for the good in each other, put aside our differences, face the challenges together and let’s move forward together and let progress continue,” she said. Together, the women have also formed three groups within their workshops to focus on the eradication of some of the social issues faced in their communities; Women Empowerment, which will focus on school drop outs, Rising to Status, which will focus on women’s empowerment and self-reliance and the Hinterland Women’s Development Association, which will also focus on school drop outs. MOTP Press Release

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Ganger is flanked by, from left to right, facilitators of the Self Relaince and Success in Business Workshop, Ms. Marcia Meredith and Mr. Yohann Sanjay Pooran, Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Brentnol Hopkinson and Lieutenant Colonel (ret’d) Ms. Yvonne Smith in the front row. The latest batch of participants in the workshop are pictured standing.


First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger gives brief remarks

Colleen Prince receiving her certificate from First Lady Mrs Sandra Granger. Colleen, who is a successful entrepreneur said, “The workshop has been very beneficial [for me]. Mostly what I’ve learnt is the experiences that I’ve had here from other business people, the other women and the businesses they have, inspired me and give me more knowledge on how to create and improve my business.”

Stephanie Persaud receiving her certificate from Regional Executive Officer, Mr. Brentnol Hopkinson. Stephanie Persaud started off selling honey in recycled bottles to make a living. She has been very successful in expanding her business where she now sells Carsareep and rears chickens. “I am going to put the 6P’s into practice [Planning, Paperwork, Products, Promotion, Price and Process] and I know I am going to do better.”





GASCI Reports that session 688's trading results showed consideration of $1,387,531 from 4,584 shares traded in 8 transactions as compared to session 687's trading results, which showed consideration of 12,660,375 from 196,803 shares traded in 12 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, DBL, DDL, DTC, RBL and RDL. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) single trade of 1,000 shares at $30.0 represented 21.82% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $30.0, which showed an increase of $5.0 from its previous close of $25.0. DIH's trade contributed 2.16% ($30,000) of the total consideration. Demerara Bank Limited's (DBL) single trade of 520 shares at $38.0 represented 11.34% of the total shares traded. DBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $38.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DBL's trade contributed 1.42% ($19,760) of the total consideration. Demerara Distillers Limited's (DDL) two trades totalling 682 shares represented 14.88% of the total shares traded. DDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $24.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DDL's trades contributed 1.18% ($16,368) of the total consideration. Both of DDL's trades were at $24.0. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) single trade of

957 shares at $1,020.0 represented 20.88% of the total shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,020.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DTC's trade contributed 70.35% ($976,140) of the total consideration. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited's (RBL) two trades totalling 1,125 shares represented 24.54% of the total shares traded. RBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $106.9, which showed an increase of $1.90 from its previous close of $105.0. RBL's trades contributed 8.67% ($120,263) of the total consideration. Both of RBL's trades were at $106.9. Rupununi Development Company Limited's (RDL) single trade of 300 shares at $750.0 represented 6.54% of the total shares traded. RDL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $750.0, which showed an increase of $400.0 from its previous close of $350.0. RDL's trade contributed 16.22% ($225,000) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best oer: The lowest price at which a seller is oering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK Cross Rate: An exchange rate between two currencies that does not involve a standard reference currency such as the USD. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Mexico: 'El Chapo' Guzman's Sons Accused Of Deadly Attack PAGE 18


It is estimated that about 60 gunmen were involved in the ambush(EPA)


he sons of launching an ambush on a military convoy in Mexico that left five soldiers dead, officials say. The assault in the northern state of Sinaloa involved grenades and assault rifles. The attackers succeeded in freeing a wounded drugs suspect who had been captured earlier and was being taken to hospital, officials say. At least 10

people were injured. Sinaloa is the stronghold of the drugs gang formerly headed by Joaquin Guzman. Nicknamed "El Chapo", he was recaptured in January. Officials believe the ambush may have been organised by his sons, who are believed to have taken over the running of the cartel. "Up this point we are not certain about this group, but it is very probable that it was the sons of Chapo,"

said local military commander Gen Alfonso Duarte. BBC Mexico correspondent Juan Paullier said that the soldiers were travelling in the early hours of Friday in two vehicles escorting a Red Cross ambulance when they were attacked. Up to 60 gunmen set upon the vehicles, beating the soldiers and freeing a drugs suspect who was being taken to hospital. Officials say the suspect freed by the gunman has been identified as Julio Oscar Ortiz Vega, also known as "El Kevin". The gunmen stole the ambulance and a military truck burst into flames during the assault. Mexican authorities believe the sons of Guzman have been involved in other violent episodes in recent weeks. In August, one of them was

kidnapped by a rival group. Another son, Ivan, is also said to be involved in cartel activities. Officials say Guzman's brother, Aureliano Guzman Loera, also known as "El Guano", is struggling for control of drug production against the Beltran Leyva drug cartel in the remote area. Guzman was arrested in January after six months on the run following his escape through a tunnel in his jail cell. He had already escaped a maximum security facility once before, spending 13 years at large. A Mexican judge is considering the case to have Guzman extradited to the US. But Guzman is expected to appeal against any decision to extradite him and his lawyers say the process could take years to come to a conclusion. (BBC)

Hurricane Matthew Heads For Jamaica Packing Strong Winds


urricane Matthew has weakened slightly as it moves towards Jamaica, but is still packing winds of up to 250km/h (155mph), strong enough to wreck houses, forecasters say. It is now a category four storm, the US National Hurricane Center says, after earlier reaching the top category five on a scale of intensity. MPs are due to discuss preparations. The storm may make landfall by Monday. Jamaica's southern coast is expected to be hit first. The capital, Kingston, is located in the area, as is the country's only oil refinery. Officials have warned the high winds could also batter the island's main tourist areas including Montego Bay in the north. "The government is on high alert," the prime minister's director of communications was quoted as saying by Reuters. "We hope that the hurricane

does not hit us, but if it does hit us, we are rain could fall across Jamaica and on trying our very best to ensure that we are southern Haiti. While Jamaica was in the best possible place," Robert damaged by Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, Morgan said Local emergency teams as the last major storm in the region was well as the police and army are on Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Matthew standby, while shelters are being set up could be the most powerful storm to hit throughout the island, Mr Morgan said. t h e i s l a n d s i n c e r e c o r d s b e g a n , A s t h e s t o r m a p p r o a c h e s m a n y meteorologist Eric Holthaus said on Jamaicans are stocking up on water and Twitter. (BBC) food. Tropical storm warnings have also been issued for parts of coastal Colombia and Haiti over the weekend. Haitian authorities say the priority is to protect the southern islands of the country, whose inhabitants they have described as "first at risk", according to AFP news agency. Forecasters Jamaicans have been stocking up on supplies at supermarkets in advance of Hurricane Matthew's arrival(REUTERS) said up to 38cm (15 ins) of





US Coast Guard Repatriates 232 Cuban Migrants

Cuban migrants interdicted by the Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton on Monday, September 26, 2016. US Coast Guard photo


IAMI, USA -- The US Coast Guard has repatriated 232 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, since September 22. The Coast Guard Cutter Charles Sexton crew repatriated 56 Cuban migrants on September 22; the Coast Guard Cutter Isaac Mayo crew repatriated 63 Cuban migrants last Saturday; the Sexton crew repatriated 59 Cuban migrants on Tuesday; and the Coast Guard Cutter Richard Etheridge crew repatriated 54 Cuban migrants on Friday. These repatriations are a result of 19 separate at-sea migrant interdictions in the South Florida Straits. In each instance, the Coast Guard helped secure the US border and prevented these sea voyages from ending in tragedy. The 418-foot Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton, the first East Coast National Security Cutter, was part of two of the 19 migrant interdictions that took place this week. The Hamilton brings a unique and modern compliment of capabilities to the law enforcement mission and interdiction operations for the Coast Guard. "Attempts of illegal migration on the ocean are often perilous voyages that result in the loss of many lives,” said Capt. Scott Clendenin, Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton

commanding officer. “While our mission is to detect and deter illegal migration, it is also to save the lives of those attempting these deadly voyages aboard unseaworthy vessels before tragedy strikes." The Coast Guard has observed a steady increase in illegal maritime migration attempts to the Southeastern US from Cuba. Since October 1, 2015, the Coast Guard 7th District estimates that 7,358 Cubans have attempted to illegally migrate via the sea compared to 4,473 in fiscal year 2015. Friday marked the end of this fiscal year with a 65

percent increase in Cuban migration flow compared to the 2015 fiscal year. These numbers represent the total number of atsea interdictions, landings and disruptions in the Florida Straits, the Caribbean and Atlantic. As Hurricane Matthew strengthens over the Caribbean region the risk for any boat, especially unseaworthy vessels, is magnified. “We continue to stress that safety of life at sea is our utmost concern," said Capt. Mark Gordon, chief of enforcement, 7th Coast Guard District. “The dangerous waters of the Florida Straits can be unforgiving for the unprepared on ill-advised and illegal voyages. It can be even more dangerous especially during this time of year with tropical storms and hurricanes forming in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Migrants who choose to board unseaworthy vessels put their lives at severe risk with very little chance of success.” Once aboard a Coast Guard cutter, all migrants receive food, water, shelter and basic medical attention. Gordon added, “We strongly discourage anyone from taking to the sea and attempting to reach US soil illegally. Immigration policies have not changed, the Coast Guard’s missions have not changed. Migrants interdicted at sea will be returned to their country of origin in accordance with immigration laws.” (Caribbean News Now!)




American Economist On Panamanian Reform Committee Threatened By Government

Joseph Stiglitz at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, 2009

By Kenneth Rijock


IAMI, USA -- Joseph Stiglitz, the American economist and Nobel Prize winner, who was appointed to the special international commission of

experts that Panama set up in the aftermath of the Panama Papers scandal to recommend reforms in the country's financial services industry, and who resigned after he learned that his report would not timely be made public and that the government of Panama would see it prior to its eventual release, has commented extensively to the press, about the matter.However, what has not been disclosed (and which the Panamanian press, which operates under an unofficial censorship policy that discourages negative stories, will not report) is the fact that Stiglitz was expressly warned by representatives of the government of Panama that the report would have to contain positive information or his personal reputation would be attacked in the global media. This threat was said to have come directly from the president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, according to reliable Panamanian sources. This comes on top of the fact that the Panamanian nationals named to the commission by Varela all claim that the indefinite delay in the release of any commission report was in the original plans, with the government receiving a copy in advance of publication, and having the opportunity to respond, and that the report release date was never specified. (Caribbean News Now!)

Puerto Rico Anticipates Record-breaking Cruise Season SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Puerto Rico is on its way to breaking cruise passenger records for the second time in three years. The island is the number one home port for cruise ships in the Caribbean and continues to be one of the most popular cruise destinations, attracting the world's largest vessels. Additionally, based on demand, new Puerto Rico shore excursions and day tours for cruisers have been developed to respond to passenger's eagerness to explore the island. Puerto Rico's leading port, the port of San Juan, posted record passenger numbers in 2015 with the arrival of 1.5 million passengers. The port is now poised to break that record in the 2017-18 season with an expected 1.6 million visitors, with increased calls from Oasis-class ships plus the maiden season of MSC's Seaside. Homeport passengers are also expected to grow, as Norwegian Cruise Line returns to homeport in San Juan, joined by other industry leaders such as Carnival Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean, and Celebrity Cruises, plus several luxury cruise lines. The high level of cruise passenger volume is a testament to Puerto Rico's appeal to some of the largest

cruise lines in the world. Docking in Puerto Anthem of the Seas, the Oasis of the Seas, Rico this year, include Royal Caribbean, Allure of the Seas, and soon to arrive the Norwegian, Carnival and MSC Cruises. Harmony of the Seas. The island is currently Puerto Rico is welcoming the arrival of hosting the 23rd Annual Florida Caribbean Quantum-class vessels and will be a port of Cruise Association (FCAA) Cruise call for the 2016 winter season for several Conference and Trade Show in San Juan. new ships such as the Carnival Vista and the One hundred executives representing 19 world's largest cruise ship, Harmony of the cruise lines will be engaging in business Seas (6,780 passengers) which is scheduled discussions with attendees for the four-day to arrive in San Juan on December 28. San event, plus over 750 delegates from tour Juan will also be the first Caribbean home operators and fellow Caribbean destinations port for the Viking Cruises, with Viking Star (Caribbean News Now!) sailing from October to April. Ingrid Rivera Rocafort, executive director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company said the cruise industry has steadily continued its growth: "The cruise business, a vibrant industry sector for us, has posted 22% growth over the previous four fiscal years." She also said that the expansion of Pier 3 in Old San Juan was a key factor in luring "mega cruise Puerto Rico is on its way to breaking cruise passenger records for the second time in three years. Photo: ships" to Puerto Rico including Puerto Rico Tourism Company the Quantum of the Seas,




Europe Calls On Journalists' Panama Papers Expertise

Europe's PANA Committee held its first public hearing in Brussels. Photo: T. Comodini Cachia, via Twitter

By Will Fitzgibbon BRUSSELS, Belgium -- European parliamentarians met with journalists from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and its media partners on Tuesday in Brussels, as the European Union seeks to develop plans to tackle widespread tax abuse through anonymous offshore companies. The year-long Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (also known as the PANA Committee) was created in June following the release of the Panama Papers, the biggest-ever leak of financial information from a Panama-based law firm. Tuesday’s event, the Committee’s first public hearing, heard from five journalists – Julia Stein and Jan Strozyk of Germany, Oliver Zihlmann of Switzerland, Minna Knus-Galán of Finland and Kristof Clerix of Belgium. German reporters Frederik Obermaier and Bastian Obermayer, the journalists who originally received the Panama Papers documents and shared them with ICIJ, participated remotely via video link. “What we did expose was essentially the biggest cache of inside information into the offshore system that anyone had ever seen,” said ICIJ’s director, Gerard Ryle, who delivered a prerecorded message. “And now what we’re seeing is civil society reacting to our findings and this parliamentary hearing is one of those reactions. We very much welcome it.” Journalists presented their findings to the European parliamentarians, highlighting the wrongdoing they had discovered. “I emphasized that the issue with offshore companies and tax havens is not only a matter of taxes but also – and probably even more importantly – is an issue of anonymity,” Belgian journalist and ICIJ member, Kristof Clerix, told ICIJ after the meeting. “Offshores allow people who set them up to stay under the radar. The way to end this is by transparency (corporate registries providing minimum levels of basic information) and info exchange.” Journalists also underscored

the part played by individuals and institutions, including major European banks and even European states with controversial tax policies, which facilitate tax abuses. The focus of any European response to the Panama Papers, suggested German journalist and ICIJ member Jan Stroyzk, “should be on the banks because they’re so deeply anchored in the system.” Journalists also called for Europe to do more to protect whistle blowers. Elsewhere, the fallout from Panama Papers continues. On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that the US Department of Justice had filed criminal charges against Chinese nationals for allegedly helping North Korea develop nuclear weapons, including a businesswoman who used shell companies registered through the Panamabased law firm Mossack Fonseca. The Canadian Revenue Agency confirmed this week that it was reviewing 2,000 files linked to the Panama Papers and warned that the 85 Canadians currently under audit are unlikely to receive any leniency from the tax authority, according to CBC News. In Australia, the Australian Financial Review reported that federal police had carried out 18 raids in early September and seized documents, electronic files and 170 kilograms of silver as part of its widening investigation into the Panama Papers revelations. In addition to the raids, another 100 Australians were notified of action to be taken against them. About $2.5 billion in cash transfers have been identified by Australia’s tax authority, which said its initial focus has been on investigating facilitators – including accountants and lawyers – and high net wealth individuals. Beginning the Panama Papers session in Brussels, the committee’s chair also referred to Bahamas Leaks, a recent investigation by ICIJ and Suddeutsche Zeitung that involved dozens of international media organizations. The chairman announced he would expand the Committee’s work to include Bahamas Leaks, a cache of 1.3 million documents and shareholder lists from the Bahamian government’s registry of offshore companies that has now been made freely available for search on ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks Database. The offshore links of former European Commissioner for Competition, Neelie Kroes, is the highest-profile revelation from Bahamas Leaks. Kroes, who served as a senior European official from 2004 to 2014, failed to declare her former directorship of a company that was set up to explore acquiring more than $6 billion in assets from the energy giant Enron. The European Commission is currently deciding what, if any, action to take against Kroes. The Committee’s next hearing is in October.(Caribbean News Now!)




Venezuela Dominates Guyana UN Agenda, While Suriname Pushes Economic Diplomacy

President David Granger of Guyana addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s 71st session. UN Photo/Cia Pak

By Ray Chickrie ( Caribbean News Now contributor) NEW YORK, USA -- As in his previous UN address in 2015, Venezuela dominated Guyana President David Granger’s speech at the United Nations 71st General Assembly debate. Granger also addressed climate change and shared with the gathering Guyana’s plans for a “green economy”. Granger also urged the United States to lift the Cuban embargo. However, he avoided foreign political issues such as the Palestine conflict, which Guyana has long championed. The Guyanese leader urged UN secretary general of the, Ban Ki-moon, “to end once and for all Venezuela’s “external assault on Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity”” Granger said, “Guyana stands ready to have the International Court of Justice determine the matter with finality. We will work resolutely with the secretary-general in his final months in office to free Guyana, and his successor, from this surreal burden.” He reminded the UN gathering of Venezuela “repudiation of a border treaty it had signed with Guyana over 117 years ago and which Caracas ratified 60 years ago”. Granger warned the assembly that Venezuela is a “danger to the peace and security” of the region. And in a major development of the conflict, the UN secretary general announced that he will make a decision on issue, which falls under his office, before the end of November. Guyana wants the secretary general to refer the issue to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for a judicial settlement. In an effort to rally global support against Venezuela, Granger held bilateral meetings with heads of state from Botswana, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. He meticulously briefed them on the Guyana-Venezuela conflict and sought their support. No meetings were held with French

speaking African nations, many which are unfamiliar with Guyana or the Guyana-/Venezuela issue. Guyana does not have ties with many sub-Sahara French speaking countries. Quite noticeably, Granger, whose party has championed the Palestine cause since the 1960s, and agreed to be part of the United Nations Committee for the Inalienable Rights of the Palestine people, in his last two addresses to the UN General Assembly in September 2015 and on September 19, 2016, avoided the Palestinian issue in his address, breaking away from the customary practice of Guyanese leaders at the UN. Suriname The foreign minister of Suriname Niermala Badrising used the UN pulpit to push soft diplomacy by welcoming foreign investors to “participate in the development path” of Suriname. Badrising said, “We welcome foreign investors to Suriname, a country with many natural resources and excellent opportunities for outsourcing production processes.” She added, “We recognize that we will have to commercially exploit our resources to sustain our economic growth, and diversify our economy, so as to shift from complete dependence on minerals and develop new sectors, such as agro-industry and tourism.” Suriname has to diversify its economy to avoid future economic downslide because of its dependency on commodity exports. In this context, Badrising met the foreign ministers of Bahrain, Indonesia and Russia, to explore economic and trade ties and, in her meeting with Shaikh Khalid bin Al Khalifa, the foreign minister of Bahrain, they discussed cooperation in the banking sector. Also, Bahrain with a robust aluminum industry can be a partner for Suriname, which is trying to rehabilitee its aluminum industry after ALCOA pulled out. Badrising also met her Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, on the sidelines of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly and the two countries signed a bilateral agreement to promote trade and economic ties, and cooperation in multilateral forums. Meanwhile, in her meeting with her counterpart from Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, they explored new areas of cooperation in the fishing, agriculture and infrastructural development, and within the context of their membership in the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). The Indonesian foreign minister will pay an official visit to Suriname in January 2017. Suriname has in the pipeline over 40 projects in energy and infrastructure that are being financed by the Islamic Bank. The Islamic Bank is an arm of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) of which both countries are members. (Caribbean News Now!)




Jamaicans Nabbed In Immigration Sweep



ASHINGTON, Oct 1, CMC – The United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) agency says an undisclosed number of Jamaican immigrants are among 51 arrested in Virginia and Washington, during a six-day operation. ICE said the 51 people were all

male citizens and/or nationals of several different countries across the globe, including Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Guatemala, South Korea, Iraq, Jamaica, India, Pakistan and Jordan. ICE said 47 had previously been convicted of crimes, such as grand larceny and rape. Three of the four remaining individuals have pending charges against them; one is the subject of an Interpol Red Notice. One person was issued a final order of removal by an immigration judge in January 2015, making him a priority for civil immigration enforcement, ICE said. “Every person apprehended during this operation was considered an immigration enforcement priority, as outlined in the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson’s 2014 memorandum” said ERO Washington Field Office Director Yvonne Evans. “This is another example of our success in targeted, strategic operations based on our top priorities for removal,” she added. (Antigua Observer)

Grenada Conducting National Labour Force Survey


T. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Oct 1, CMC – Grenada is Martinique assuring the public that information provided to the conducting a national labour force survey that the Central Statistical Office is strictly confidential and would only authorities say is among the most important measures of be disseminated at the aggregate level. “The availability of economic performance of any economy. The survey is being information on the labour market will put Grenada in a better conducted by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) of the position to source and access funding for projects related to job Ministry of Finance and Energy, in collaboration with the St creation and also will aid in the sustainable development Lucia-based Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) process. The employment indicators which will be captured are Commission, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) critical in analysing economic and social progress. “Without Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean and the United these, no meaningful assessment of development performance is complete. Therefore, it is critical to have timely information Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The authorities said that the main objectives of the 2016 Labour for effective planning, implementation and monitoring” the Force Survey (LFS) are to divide the working-age population statement added. (Antigua observer) into three mutually exclusive classifications; provide descriptive and explanatory data on each of these classifications and to assess the level of poverty in Grenada using the multi-dimensional approach to poverty measurement. “LFS data are used to produce the well-known unemployment rate as well as other standard labour market indicators such as the employment rate and the participation rate. The LFS also provides employment estimates by industry, occupation, public and private sector, hours worked and much more,” the Ministry of Finance said in a statement. It said that in addition to the labour market indicators the survey will also produce poverty indicators like the multidimensional poverty index (MPI), the incidence of poverty indicator (multi-dimensional poverty rate) and the intensity indicator, a measure of how deprived are the poor. It said that the data collection will be based on a sample of 1,365 households throughout Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Source:




New UN Study Calls For Targeted Agricultural Policies, Investments In Rural Areas In The Caribbean


NITED NATIONS, Oct 1, CMC – A new United Nations reports says economic growth is not enough to eliminate poverty in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean, urging governments to develop targeted policies and investments for agricultural development. The report also urged governments to correct historic inequality experienced by millions of people across the region. “With the region’s poorest people living in rural areas, the Rural Development Report 2016 demonstrates the need for a far more comprehensive and holistic approach to economic development in order to eradicate poverty and ensure prosperity for millions of people,” said Kanayo F.Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). “The report makes it clear that investing in rural and agricultural development means investing in the whole economy,” Nwanze said IFAD said the report titled “The Rural Development Report 2016: Fostering Inclusive Rural Transformation” a “rallying call topolicy makers and development practitioners to win the global war against poverty.” In the report, leading thinkers analyzed the experiences of rural development in over 60 developing countries, 16 of them in Latin America and the Caribbean. “Although millions of people in the region have left poverty behind over the last few decades, inequality remains extremely high in the region and one quarter of the population still lives in poverty,” said Joaquín Lozano, IFAD Director for Latin American and the Caribbean.

“ To c h a n g e t h i s situation, we have to start in the rural areas where poverty is more pervasive,” he added. The report establishes that to enable Latin America and the Caribbean to overcome poverty, inclusive rural transformation needs a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just increasing agricultural productivity. The report urges that rural people get access to land, infrastructure, health, education and finance, and contribute to establishing stronger local, regional and national institutions. According to the report, over the past few decades, great strides had been made to overcome the traditional urban-rural dichotomy. For instance, the report says agriculture is no longer the only economic activity in rural areas, where more and more families are combining farming and non-farming activities to make a living. The report also says cultural differences between rural and urban populations, especially among the youth, are blurring; and the divide between urban and rural areas is also blurring, as rural communities grow into medium-sized cities and more people live between ruraland urban areas. “This complex reality represents opportunities, as well as challenges, that require policymakers and development practitioners to change their approach to rural poverty issues,” the report says. Additionally, the report says that policies and investments need to bring poor, often marginalized, rural people into the economic mainstream “so that rural development is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.” “If we want to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of eliminating extreme poverty and hunger, rural areas need to be transformed,” Nwanze said. “But we know from this report that the process is not automatic,” he added. “It is a choice governments need to make and t is a choice that is becoming increasingly urgent. The future prosperity of people and nations depend on it.” (Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Regional Elections In Brazil Submerged In Chaos PAGE 29

More than 114 million Brazilians are summoned to assist to the polls this Sunday, to participate in the regional elections, where more than five thousand


mayors, over 300,000 councilors will be elected. But the elections are surrounded by an atmosphere of tension, violence and discontent. According to Television Network TeleSUR more than 20 candidates to the elections have been murdered, since the beginning of the electoral campaign in June last. The campaign was launched during the impeachment process against former president Dilma Rousseff. Shortly after Rousseff was

removed, ex-vice-president Michel Temer was named Head of State, a decision which intensified the popular discontent, due to the alleged involvement of the ‘leader’ in the destitution of Rousseff. The frustration of the Brazilian people was materialized into public protests that became violent after the demands for presidential elections were ignored, and regional elections were launched instead. The government announced Friday that it will mobilize more than 25,000 soldiers to guard the electoral polls. S o u r c e : Elecciones-regionales-en-Brasil-2...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Syria Conflict: Aleppo Hospital 'Hit By Barrel Bombs’ PAGE 30

An air raid on the rebel-held eastern half of the Syrian city of Aleppo has hit the area's largest hospital for the second time in a matter of days, a medical charity says. The Syrian American Medical Society, which supports the hospital, said it had been struck by barrel bombs. The same facility was hit in a similar attack on Wednesday. There are also reports of Russian-backed Syrian government forces hitting Aleppo's historic Old City. And clashes between government troops and rebels on the ground are said to be occurring in several Aleppo neighbourhoods. Russian and Syrian air forces resumed attacks on the rebel-held east of the city after a partial truce lapsed on 19 September. Government forces have also launched a ground offensive against the rebels. The mounting civilian death toll has sparked international protests. The US says Russia is driving moderate rebels into the arms of jihadists. Once Syria's commercial and industrial hub, Aleppo has been divided roughly in two since 2012. The UN says at least 400 civilians, including many children, have been killed in the city this week as a result of Russian and Syrian government attacks. 'Chlorine bomb' hospital had been injured after it was hit by barrel bombs - improvised devices dropped from helicopters - cluster munitions, and a chlorine bomb. "Intensive care unit is out of order and the oxygen concentrator has been severely damaged," he said. "Thank God the patients did not get hurt and they were all transferred to different locations. "But the place is out of service and the medical ventilator has been damaged as well." French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault condemned the bombing of the hospital, saying the shelling of healthcare

Much of Aleppo lies in ruins(REUTERS)


structures and personnel constituted war crimes. "Their perpetrators will be held to account," he said on Saturday. "France is mobilising at the Security Council as we speak to put a stop to this unacceptable tragedy." 'Shelling heavily' The Syrian army says it is gaining ground but the rebels deny this. "They are shelling the Old City heavily after another failed attempt to gain ground," Abu Hamam, from the Failaq al-Sham group, was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency. "They have lost several fighters and we are steadfast." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, also reported government barrel bomb and jet attacks on the Ghouta area outside Damascus on Saturday. In another development, it said government forces were battling fighters from the Islamic State group in Homs region. War of words Washington and Moscow have continued to spar over Syria, with the US dismissing Russian accusations that it was protecting a jihadist group in its bid to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the US had broken its promise to separate the powerful Jabhat Fateh alSham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) and other extremist groups from more moderate rebels. State department spokesman Mark Toner said the Russian allegations were "absurd". He told reporters the US had not targeted al-Nusra for months because they had become "intermingled" with other groups and civilians. The US says it may end co-operation with Russia over its action in Syria. Mr Lavrov made his claims of US broken promises during an interview with Stephen Sackur on BBC World News TV on the first anniversary of the beginning of the Russian air campaign in Syria. "They [the US] pledged solemnly to take as a priority an obligation to separate the opposition from Nusra," he said. "They still, in spite of many repeated promises and commitments... are not able or not willing to do this." At least 250,000 people have been killed in the conflict since it began in March 2011 with the Observatory estimating the true number to be about 430,000. More than 4.8 million people have fled abroad, and an estimated 6.5 million others have been displaced within the country, the UN says. (BBC)




Hawaiian Bees Are First On US Endangered Species List Seven species of yellow-faced bee native to Hawaii have become the first bees to be added to the US federal list of endangered and threatened species. Conservationists say the bees face extinction through habitat loss, wildfires and the introduction of nonnative insects and plants. The bees are crucial to pollinating some of Hawaii's endangered plants The listing follows years of study by researchers including the Xerces Society conservation group. Sarina Jepson, director of endangered species and aquatic programmes for Xerces, said although yellow-faced bees are found elsewhere in the world, the species now under protection are native only to Hawaii and

pollinate indigenous plants. While those species could potentially be pollinated by other bees, she said many could become extinct if the native bees were allowed to die off. She told the Associated Press news agency that threats to the bees include feral pigs and invasive The yellow-faced bee was once abundant across Hawaii(AP) ants. The bees had also suffered loss of habitat due to wildfires, Magnacca, who worked with Xerces, said invasive plants and land development, it had taken almost 10 years to achieve the especially in some coastal areas, she listing. "It's good to see it to finally come to added. Hawaii-based entomologist Karl fruition," he said. (BBC)

Calais Camp: Unicef Urges UK To Transfer Refugee Children Unicef is appealing to the British government to speed up the transfer of unaccompanied child refugees from the "Jungle" migrant camp in Calais. The charity says it is concerned the planned closure of the camp will lead to children there disappearing before they are processed. Charities estimate there are about 400 unaccompanied children in the Jungle eligible to come to Britain. The Home Office says it is committed to resettling "vulnerable children". On a visit to Calais on Monday, French President Francois Hollande pledged to clear the Jungle camp by the end of the year. The thousands of adults and children there will be relocated to reception centres. 'Missing children' Unicef fears that children will resist being sent to such centres while their cases are being processed. Lily Caprani, Unicef UK's deputy executive director, told the BBC: "Last time part of the Jungle camp was demolished, hundreds of children went missing. We don't know what happened to them." She added the charity fears they could fall into the hands of traffickers or those who would exploit them. "So now with this new threat of demolishing the camp, we're really concerned for the welfare of those children who are at great risk." Charities estimate there are about 1,000 unaccompanied minors in the Jungle and about 400 could be resettled in the UK. They say about half of the 400 could be resettled under the EU's Dublin regulation, which allows lone refugee children to be placed in a country where they have a relative who can be responsible for their care. Dubs amendment An amendment to the Immigration Act, originally put forward by Lord Dubs, also requires the government to arrange for the transfer to the UK of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. Lord Dubs, a Labour peer and long-time refugee campaigner, came to Britain as a child on the Kinder transport programme to escape Nazi persecution. The Home Office said the UK government was committed to resettling vulnerable children under the Immigration Act and to ensuring those with links to

Britain are brought here. It added: "We will also continue to support the French government as it provides alternative accommodation to migrants in the camps and returns those not in need of protection to their home countries." Raheemullah's story The body of 14-year-old Raheemullah Oryakhel was finally returned to his family in Afghanistan this week. Raheemullah had left his home country and travelled through Europe intent on a better life. He got as far as France and was trying to cross the Channel to the UK. He was said to have been eligible to come to the UK because he had a brother in Manchester. He had become impatient for the reunion and was desperate to escape the Jungle migrant camp in Calais. According to witnesses, he fell after trying to climb on the roof of a lorry and was killed by a hit-and-run driver in a car. As Raheemullah's coffin arrived back in the Afghan capital, Kabul, his relatives gathered to escort his body home. One recalled how the 14-year-old had asked his family to pray to him for get to the UK for his education and because he loved to play cricket. There are scores like Raheemullah who are risking their lives on a daily basis as they wait for their claims to travel to the UK to be processed. War refugee Sixteen-year-old Mohammed is a war refugee from Syria. He left his home country two years ago and told the BBC that after spending time in Turkey with some of his family who had also fled, he travelled on alone through Europe. He says he has been in the Jungle for four months and is waiting to be reunited with his brother who lives just across the Channel in Kent. He has attempted to stowaway on lorries and claims he has even got into the water and tried to swim out to ferries bound for Britain. He told the BBC that he wants to go to the UK so he can can be with his brother and go to school. And he is clear about where he sees his future: " Only England or Syria," he declares. And to reiterate this, on the roof of his makeshift home fly the UK and Syrian flags. (BBC)




S Korean Leader Urges Defectors: Come To 'Bosom Of Freedom’

South Korea's president has urged North Koreans to defect, in a rare direct appeal to citizens across the border. In a speech, President Park Geun-Hye said she was aware of the "gruesome realities" North Koreans face daily. "We will keep the road open for you to find hope and live a new life," she said. "Please come to the bosom of freedom in the South." Her comments come after a North Korean soldier crossed the heavily-protected Demilitarized Zone to the South. "The universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and welfare are the precious rights you should also enjoy," she said in a speech to mark the country's armed forces day. She also issued a warning to Pyongyang about its nuclear tests, saying South Korea would defend itself. Media outlets in North Korea are controlled by the authoritarian state, and it is unclear whether Ms Park's invitation will reach many citizens. The heavily-

policed border between North and South Korea has been in place since the end of the Korean war in 1953. The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is 4km (2.5 miles) wide, stretching across the border, and is fortified by landmines, barbed wire, and policed by thousands of soldiers. Defection across the Ms Park urged citizens across the border DMZ is very rare. Thursday's to come to "the bosom of freedom"(EPA) incident was the first such 30,000 North Koreans have defected since crossing in more than a year. A similar the 1950s, but most of them do so through defection happened in 2015, when a China. They receive some government teenage recruit presented himself to South help integrating, although some still Korean soldiers at the border. complain of financial difficulties and Before that, the last defection across the discrimination. Tensions between North DMZ had been in 2012, when a soldier and South Korea remain high, as from the North handed himself over after Pyongyang continues a series of nuclear passing surveillance cameras and electric bomb tests in the face of international fences, in an incident which prompted a sanctions. (BBC) major security review. Seoul says almost




Spain Socialist Leader Pedro Sanchez Faces Key Party Vote

The embattled leader of Spain's opposition Socialists, Pedro Sanchez, is facing a party vote that may both affect his future and help end the country's political deadlock. Mr Sanchez has suggested that he could resign if Saturday's party delegates decide to lift his veto on a conservative-led governing coalition. This week almost half of the party's executive resigned over the issue. Spain has been in a political limbo for the past nine months. The results of a general election in December 2015 left a hung parliament. The majority Popular Party (PP) has sought to form a coalition government but Mr Sanchez has repeatedly blocked their attempts. In attempt to break the stalemate, a second election was held on 26 July 2016 but, again, no party won an absolute majority. The Socialist Party (PSOE) has long been divided between supporters of Mr Sanchez and those who want to end the stalemate. Many delegates at Saturday's federal committee meeting at party headquarters in Madrid hope to force Mr Sanchez out. On Wednesday, 17 of the 35 members of the PSOE executive resigned in protest at his stance.

Salutary lessons may be drawn from the travails of other left-leaning parties. In the UK, left-wing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has so far survived a deep ideological split in the Labour party, triggered by his own election as leader last year. He endured a wave of resignations including many of his shadow cabinet, and went on to win another leadership contest. But perhaps more pertinent to Mr Sanchez is the experience of Greece's socialist Pasok party. The party that once dominated Greek politics fell dramatically from favour when the debt crisis hit - reviled for accepting hated austerity while in power in 2009. As with Podemos in Spain, the longestablished left was challenged by a more radical party, Syriza, which is now in power. Mr Sanchez may fear that if his Socialist party is seen as paving the way for the conservative PP to return to power, he will be similarly punished. What are the stakes for Spain? They are significant. The Socialists, Spain's second-largest party with 85 seats in parliament, could end up rudderless at a crucial time. Parliament has until the end of October to decide whether to back a

Mr Sanchez's hard-line stance against a conservative-led coalition has many supporters in the rank and file(EPA)

PP-led minority government. If not, Spain's stalemate will last 12 months and a third general election will take place in December. How long can a country last without an elected government? For a long time, if Belgium is to be taken as an example. A political deadlock there lasted for 541 days. The situation led to demonstrations and pressure from financial markets and ratings agencies. Spain, the eurozone's f o u r t h - b i g g e s t e c o n o m y, i s s t i l l recovering from the 2008-2013 double dip recession. Prolonged political deadlock could bring uncertainty to investors and eventually slow the country's recovery. It is thought that the uncertainty in Belgium only came to an end after the ratings agency Standard & Poor downgraded the country's credit rating, making it more expensive for Belgium to borrow money. (BBC)




Roy Moore: Alabama Top Judge Ousted Over Gay Marriage Stand appeal. It is the second suspension for Mr Moore, an outspoken conservative. In 2003, he was removed for refusing to take down a monument of the Ten Commandments he installed at a state building. He was reelected as chief justice of the state's Supreme Court in 2012. In Mr Moore said the decision was "politically motivated"(AP) Friday's decision, the nine-member labama's top judge has been suspended for the remainder of his A l a b a m a C o u r t o f t h e J u d i c i a r y term for defying federal court unanimously decided to suspend him for the rulings that legalised same-sex marriage. remainder of his term without pay. The move Roy Moore, 69, violated judicial ethics with essentially removes Mr Moore from the an order seen as directing probate judges to bench, as he will be unable to seek redeny marriage licences to gay couples, a election at the end of his term, in January judicial panel ruled. The decision was a 2019, because of age restrictions, his lawyer "politically motivated effort" by radical Mat Staver said. Reacting to the decision, Mr groups, he said. His lawyer has vowed to Moore said in a statement: "This was a


politically motivated effort by radical homosexual and transgender groups to remove me as chief justice of the Supreme Court because of outspoken opposition to their immoral agenda." The panel found that Mr Moore's ruling in 6 January showed "disregard for binding federal law" after the US Supreme Court landmark decision in June 2015 affirming gay marriage rights. Testifying in his defence, Mr Moore said there was uncertainty after conflicting opinions on gay marriage from state and federal courts. Mr Moore is known for his opposition to samesex marriage, and has called homosexuality an "inherent evil" in the past. His suspension was celebrated by the civil rights group that filed the complaints in 2003 and 2016. "Moore was elected to be a judge, not a preacher," Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in a statement. "The people of Alabama who cherish the rule of law are not going to miss the Ayatollah of Alabama." (BBC)

India Tax Evasion Amnesty Uncovers Hidden Billions The government contacted about 700,000 suspected tax evaders earlier this year, urging them to declare hidden income and assets. They were told they would not be pursued by the authorities if they came clean and paid a penalty. Those who came forward included a group of street food owners in Mumbai who are said to have declared nearly $7.5m. The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says that despite the huge numbers, the amount declared is only a fraction of the country's undisclosed earnings. It does not account for money stashed in Swiss banks and overseas tax havens which some government investigators believe amounts to around $500bn, he says.During India's 2014 elections, Prime Minister Narendra Undeclared income or "black money" is a huge issue in India(REUTERS) Modi promised to crack down on corruption and tax evasion amnesty in India has prompted tens of black money. In a series of tweets on Saturday, he declared the thousands of people to declare more than $9.5bn amnesty "successful", saying it was "a great contribution (£7.3bn) in undeclared income and assets. Finance towards transparency and growth of the economy". The minister Arun Jaitley said the four-month window that ended government says the money raised will be spent on public on Friday brought in 64,275 declarations. All were offered welfare. Authorities have been under pressure to act following immunity from prosecution in return for paying tax, a the release of the so-called Panama Papers in April that lifted surcharge and a penalty. It is estimated that the government the lid on how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their could raise nearly $4.5bn (£3.4bn) from the scheme. wealth. About 500 Indians were among those named. (BBC) Undeclared income or "black money" is a huge issue in India.









Animal TB Threatens Human Health Say Vets And Doctors



nimal tuberculosis, which is spread t h r o u g h contaminated food, is a greater threat to human health than previously realised, leading doctors and vets have warned. The disease can be more serious and harder to treat than conventional, human tuberculosis. The world has committed to being free of tuberculosis by 2035. But bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) say animal TB has been neglected for decades. Raw or unpasteurised milk is one of the most common sources of the infection. But animal tuberculosis officially known as zoonotic tuberculosis - also affects those in close contact with infected animals including vets, farmers and butchers. Dr

Francisco Olea-Popelka, from the Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, said zoonotic tuberculosis was "far more common than previously recognised". The best estimates suggest there are around 121,000 new cases of animal TB each year. The figure is tiny compared to human TB, which is the biggest lethal infection in the world. But Dr OleaPopelka told the BBC News website: "I think we should care." "This is a well-known problem and has been neglected for decades, it is a disease that is preventable, treatable and curable and yet still today we have hundreds of thousands of people suffering from it. "Ten thousand die every year from this disease, that's a lot of cases compared to

many other diseases, why not care?" he added. He is part of a group - including the WHO, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Stop TB Partnership - that has published a call to action in the Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. One of the biggest issues the report raises is the unknown scale of the problem. Studies in Mexico suggest 28% of all tuberculosis cases are down to zoonotic TB but a study in India put the figure at 9% and one in children in California suggested a figure of 45%. Dr Paula Fujiwara, from the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, added: "With approximately nine million individuals contracting TB globally each year, even relatively low percentages

of zoonotic TB lead to large numbers of people suffering from this form of the disease." "People living with zoonotic TB require specialized care, but in the vast majority of cases, they are not even adequately diagnosed," she added. Animal TB is caused by Mycobacterium bovis, which is a different infection to human TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. bovis is inherently resistant to one of the key drugs used to treat human TB pyrazinamide. And Dr Olea-Popelka added: "Once you get zoonotic TB it is often extrapulmonary TB, meaning it is not only in the lungs, but in other organs; that complicates the diagnosis and makes it more difficult to treat." How to tackle animal tuberculosis will be one of the themes of the Union World Conference on Lung Health taking place later this month. Dr OleaPopelka said the key strategies for preventing zoonotic were: milk pasteurisation farmers, butchers, vets and zookeepers protecting themselves from inhaling bacteria and preventing the infection in animals in the first place Each is easier said than done. (BBC)




Georgia Pope: Tbilisi Stadium Largely Empty For Papal Mass

Pope Francis says Mass in the Tbilisi stadium(VINCENZO PINTO)


ope Francis has said Mass in a largely empty stadium on a visit to Georgia after the majority Orthodox Christian Church asked followers to stay away. Orthodox believers were asked not to take part in Roman Catholic services and a Church delegation due to attend also stayed away. But Church officials said the decision had been taken by mutual agreement. It was one of the smallest crowds seen at an outdoor papal Mass during Francis's foreign trips. People who did attend in the capital Tbilisi said afterwards that the papal visit was good for Georgia. "This is a very significant event, both for the country and for faithful from the whole Catholic parish," Keti Khitarikhvili told Reuters news agency. "He is a true pope, he is not just a religious figure, but also a very

political figure. Because I think that with this visit, the role of Georgia will be raised measurably on the world stage." Why Georgia? With a Roman Catholic population of under 1%, it was not an obvious destination but the Pope has made a point of reaching out to Orthodox churches to overcome doctrinal differences which split the two communities in the 11th Century. The late Pope John Paul II visited Georgia in 1999, and he was treated as the Vatican head of state, rather than a religious leader. Georgia, a small country (population 4.3 million) in the Caucasus Mountains, shares an Orthodox culture with the regional superpower, Russia, but the two fought a brief war in 2008. Vatican attempts to mend ties with the Russian Church have so far not resulted in a papal visit there. On the other hand, Georgia aspires to

join the EU and Nato. Why the boycott? According to the Associated Press, only a few thousand people attended the Mass in the Meshki stadium, which has a capacity of 25,000.The Orthodox patriarchate said on its website: "As long as there are dogmatic differences between our churches, Orthodox believers will not participate in their prayers". One Georgian priest told AP it was a protest against Catholic attempts to convert Orthodox Christians. "Can you imagine how it would be if a Sunni [Muslim] preacher came to Shia [Muslim] Iran and conducted prayers in a stadium or somewhere else?" Father David Klividze asked. "Such a thing could not be." Nonetheless, the Church leader, Patriarch Ilia, had welcomed Pope Francis on Friday as his "dear brother" and toasted him saying "May the Lord bless the Catholic Church of Rome". Georgian President Georgy Margvelashvili did attend the Mass. Other politicians may have stayed away because of forthcoming elections, for fear of upsetting devout voters. Where next? On Sunday, the Pope is due to visit neighbouring Azerbaijan, which has fewer than 300 Catholics in its overwhelmingly Muslim population. However, religious coexistence is a major theme for Pope Francis who visited Muslimmajority Turkey in November 2014. (BBC)




Trump On Clinton: 'I Can Be Nastier Than She Ever Can Be’


onald Trump is turning up the heat on his attacks against Hillary Clinton about her husband's past infidelities after a rocky week for his campaign. "She's nasty," Trump told The New York Times in an interview published Friday night, "but I can be nastier than she ever can be." The comments were part of a wide ranging interview in which Trump also touched upon his marriages, his recent late-night Twitter rant and his performance at the first presidential debate. "Hillary Clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics," Trump told The Times. “Hillary was an enabler, and she attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward. I think it's a serious problem for them, and it's something that I'm considering talking about more in the near future." Trump and his campaign, however, have repeatedly referenced Bill Clinton's infidelity this week. The Saturday before the debate, he threatened to bring Gennifer Flowers as a guest to the debate, and after Monday's event, he told CNN's Dana Bash he was "happy" he was able to refrain from mentioning "the indiscretions with

respect to Bill Clinton." On Wednesday, a copy of Trump campaign talking points instructed supporters to use figures like Flowers and Monica Lewinsky to counter criticism of Trump's treatment of a former Miss Universe. Referring to Eric Trump's comments earlier in the week that Donald Trump showed "courage" in not bringing up the issue at the debate, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon tweeted Friday night, "Assume (Eric Trump) now believes he's a coward." He also told the Times that his own marriage history does not prevent him from being able to make attacks against the Clintons' relationship. Trump has been married three times, and his first marriage fell apart after he carried on an affair with Marla Maples. Donald Trump quintuples down Bill Clinton's infidelities, Trump said, "brought shame onto the presidency, and Hillary Clinton was there defending him all along." The GOP presidential nominee told the paper that he believes the issue will worsen Hillary Clinton's likeability with female voters. Asked if he ever cheated on his wives, Trump responded: "No — I never discuss it. I never discuss it. It was never a problem."

And when asked specifically about his affair with Maples, he responded, "I don't talk about it. I wasn't president of the United States. I don't talk about it. When you think of the fact that he was impeached, the country was in turmoil, turmoil, absolute turmoil. He lied with Monica Lewinsky and paid a massive penalty." 'Absolutely disgusted' Trump also tore into Clinton's decision to feature Alicia Machado, a 1996 Miss Universe whom Trump allegedly called "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping," as a surrogate. Machado has joined the Clinton campaign in publicly denouncing Trump's comments a g a i n s t w o m e n , a n d Tr u m p h a s responded with smears against the former beauty queen during interviews and on Twitter, including shaming her for a sex tape for which the campaign has not provided evidence. Trump told the Times he was "absolutely disgusted" that Clinton enlisted the help of Machado for her campaign and that Clinton, who has portrayed Machado as a victim, had "made this young lady into a girl scout when she was the exact opposite." Trump eyes risky move in bringing up Bill Clinton's women Looking ahead to the next debate, Trump said he's going to start preparing as early as this weekend. But he does not think that he needs to prepare more rigorously, blaming audio issues Monday with distracting him. He "spent 50 percent of my thought process" dealing with it, Trump said. And he backed away from his proclamation Monday that he would "absolutely" support Clinton if she won the election in November, "We're going to have to see," Trump said. "We're going to see what happens. We're going to have to see." (CNN)




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Daily Horoscope

You may feel a need to make changes to your legal documents. Unexpected events may upset your routine. Self-deception is likely.

Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you get out and mingle. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't let coworkers interfere with your objectives.

Consider a trial separation if you and your mate just can't come to terms. You can get the attention of important individuals but it might not be the time to get them to help or to back your ideas. This could be the cause of a dispute that may result in estrangement.

Your emotional state will vacillate Involvement in fitness clubs will be co n d u c i ve to e n g a gi n g ro m a nt i c connections. Talk to someone with experience about budgets or consolidating debts.

Be diplomatic but stem when it comes to giving of yourself. Good day for romance. Stick to travel or do things in conjunction with groups.

You have been going through a period of change that no doubt caused problems with your loved ones. Resist secret affairs that could be detrimental to your reputation. Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate.

Sudden romance could end just as quickly. You should be raising your self esteem and confidence in order to promote your work. Help elders with their concerns.

Your obviously unique way of doing things has caught the eye of someone in a higher position. Develop some of your good ideas. Your partner may not understand your mood swings but if you are willing to communicate, a lot of grief can be avoided.

You can convince anyone of anything. Entertain those who can provide you with valuable information and knowledge. Peers may not be on your side.

You may be tom between two possibilities. This has left you in a confused and uncertain state. Try spending the day catching up on any responsibilities that need to be taken care of. It may be a disappointing day emotionally.

You must act quickly. You will enjoy the interaction with youngsters and take great pride in the projects you've completed. Plan to visit friends or relatives.

You don't like confrontations at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid. Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable. You are best to ask questions if you aren't certain about issues that are confronting you.



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RECIPE OF THE DAY: BANANA FRENCH TOAST BAKE Ingredients ½ cup PALMBOOM* margarine ¾ cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 5 bananas, sliced

Custard 8 eggs ¾ cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup heavy cream 1 cup milk 1 loaf French bread, cut into 1-inch cubes

Garnish Powdered sugar

Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 350˚F/180˚C. 2. Over medium-high heat, melt butter and stir together brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. Bring to a simmer and add the sliced bananas. 3. In a large bowl, whisk 8 eggs, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, heavy cream, and milk. Add the cubes of French bread, and gently stir until the bread has soaked up all the liquid. 4. Pour the bread into a greased 9×13 inch baking dish. Top with the banana and sugar glaze. 5. Bake for 45-50 minutes until golden brown and slightly crispy around the edges and top. (Times & temperatures may vary based on oven). 6. Serve with powdered sugar on top. 7. Enjoy!

**Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


In-form Balotelli Misses Out On Italy Recall Mario Balotelli, Simone Zaza and Lorenzo Insigne are the biggest names to miss out on Giampiero Ventura's Italy squad. Despite his fantastic start to life at Nice, Mario Balotelli has missed out on a recall to Giampiero Ventura's Italy squad for the upcoming World Cup qualifiers against Spain and Macedonia. Balotelli – without a cap since 2014 – has scored five goals in four appearances for Ligue 1 side Nice since leaving Liverpool on a free transfer. However, despite many believing that his sparkling fomr would earn him a recall, the former Manchester City, Inter and AC Milan forward, who went off at half-time in Nice's Europa League clash with Krasnodar on Thursday through illness, has not made the cut. Another high-profile striker to miss out is Simone Zaza, who has failed to settle at West Ham since arriving on loan from Juventus, while there is also no place for Napoli's Lorenzo Insigne. There is, however, a recall for Nicola Sansone – who has scored four goals in six LaLiga appearances for Villarreal – along with Matteo Darmain and Domenico Criscito. Ventura has also handed uncapped Milan youngster Alessio Romagnoli, a reported transfer target of former Italy coach and now Chelsea boss Antonio Conte in the close-season, a chance to impress. After beating Israel 3-1 in Ventura's first competitive game in charge, Italy host Spain in Turin on Thursday before taking on Macedonia in Skopje three days later. Italy squad in full: Goalkeepers: Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus), Gianluigi Donnarumma (Milan), Marria Perin (Genoa). Defenders: Davide Astori (Fiorentina), Andrea Barzagli (Juventus),

Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus), Giorgio Chiellini (Juventus), Angelo Ogbonna (West Ham), Alessio Romagnoli (Milan). Midfielders: Federico Bernardeschi (Fiorentina), Giacomo Bonaventura (Milan), Antonio Candreva (Inter), Domenico Criscito (Zenit), Matteo Darmian (Manchester United), Daniele De Rossi (Roma), Matria De Sciglio (Milan), Alessandro Florenzi (Roma), Ricardo Montolivo (Milan), Marco Parolo (Lazio), Marco Verratti (Paris Saint-Germain). Forwards: Andrea Belotti (Torino), Eder (Inter), Manolo Gabbiadini (Napoli), Ciro Immobile (Lazio), Graziano Pelle (Shandong Luneng), Nicola Sansone (Villarreal). (SportsMax)

Anderson And Wood Could Miss India Tour Andrew Strauss says England will take no risks with James Anderson and Mark Wood in India after both were ruled out of facing Bangladesh. England remain uncertain over Jimmy Anderson and Mark Wood's availability to face India, after the pair were ruled out of series against Bangladesh due to injury. A recurrence of Wood's troublesome ankle injury ruled him out of the Test and ODI squads, while England's record wicket-taker in the red-ball format, Anderson, will miss out due to a shoulder complaint. Jake Ball was drafted into the Test squad on Thursday, with Steven Finn added to the 50-over party. And director of England cricket, Andrew Strauss, says neither Anderson or Wood will be risked when England take on India in five Tests and three ODIs, beginning in November. "With bowlers you have to tread carefully," Strauss told reporters after touching down in Bangladesh. "We are hopeful they will both play a part at some stage in the winter but we just don't know at this stage. "The message we have been given with both of them is they need more time and the worst thing you can do is rush them back before they are ready. You need to manage them as well as you possibly can. "At this stage all we are saying is [they will miss] Bangladesh. We just need to see how quickly it develops. "Jimmy's is quite an unusual injury so we need to just

allow it space to rest naturally. "He has played a lot of cricket over the last six months or so and we know the schedule over the next 12-18 months is very heavy. "We have to make sure it is completely ready and he is at 100 per cent before he comes back and plays for England." (SportsMax)


Swansea City 1 Liverpool 2: Milner Penalty Piles Pressure On Guidolin The pressure on Francesco Guidolin's shoulders grew further as Liverpool came from behind to beat Swansea City 2-1. James Milner netted a late penalty as Liverpool came from behind to beat Swansea City 2-1 and pose further questions over Francesco Guidolin's future at the Liberty Stadium. Leroy Fer's fourth Premier League goal of the season put the Swans, whose last home win came against Liverpool in May, ahead in the eighth minute. Liverpool lost Adam Lallana to a groin injury during a first half in which they failed to register a shot on target, a far cry from the 5-1 win over Hull City last time out. But Jurgen Klopp's side quickly addressed that in the second half, as Roberto Firmino headed them level. And Guidolin, who has not tasted victory in the league since the opening-day win over Burnley, was left empty-handed again when shambolic defending led to Angel Rangel fouling Firmino in the box, Milner scoring his fourth spot-kick of the campaign. Mike van der Hoorn had the chance to equalise deep in stoppage time but volleyed horribly wide from five yards out. Both sides made one change from their previous outings, Borja Baston earning a first Premier League start for the hosts in place of the injured Fernando Llorente, while Klopp brought in Dejan Lovren for Ragnar Klavan. Swansea adopted the same positive approach that won them plaudits, but no points, against Manchester City last weekend and Borja missed an excellent opportunity to put them ahead early on, heading well over the crossbar from Wayne Routledge's teasing cross. But the home side shrugged off that miss, taking the lead two minutes later when Borja's back-post header was touched on by Van der Hoorn and prodded home by Fer. The Dutchman then blazed over the target with an ambitious 13th-minute effort as Guidolin's men continued to press. Liverpool suffered a further setback when Lallana hobbled off, Klopp eventually introducing Daniel Sturridge, but only after Jack Cork had almost toe-poked past Loris Karius when the visitors were down to 10 men. Gylfi Sigurdsson's setpiece delivery again exposed the Reds, but Borja's off-

target header came as the linesman's flag went up for offside. Liverpool left if late in the half to present any serious attacking threat, with Jordi Amat making timely interventions to block Nathaniel Clyne's low cross and Sadio Mane's shot on goal, while Sturridge was booked for a dive following minimal contact in the box from Routledge. Firmino finally had Liverpool's first shot on target in the opening two minutes of the second half and Amat was again on hand to clear the danger when Mane looked to find a way past Lukasz Fabianski. The Pole was beaten, however, when Jordan Henderson lifted a searching ball in for Firmino to flick a header into the goalkeeper's bottom-right corner after 54 minutes. That set the stage for a spell of Liverpool dominance, with Philippe Coutinho curling narrowly wide from 20 yards following excellent build-up play. Assiduous work from Milner to dispossess Van der Hoorn created a glorious opening 20 minutes from time, but his pass was slightly behind Mane and the Senegalese's strike was diverted over by Kyle Naughton. But the pressure finally told six minutes from time as Modou Barrow skied a clearance inside his own box, with Rangel compounding the error by piling into Firmino. Milner sent Fabianski the wrong way as Liverpool made it five wins in a row in all competitions, while Guidolin's men – who saw Van der Hoorn scuff wide from close range at the death – are six without victory in the league. (SportsMax)


Gundogan 'Starting From Zero' At City Manchester City's Ilkay Gundogan is enjoying the opening steps of a new challenge in his career having been a mainstay at Borussia Dortmund. Ilkay Gundogan is relishing being out of his comfort zone at Manchester City. The Germany midfielder became Pep Guardiola's first signing as City manager despite being on the mend from surgery to repair a dislocated knee cap – an injury that ruled him out of Euro 2016. Gundogan, 25, was recalled to Joachim Low's national squad for the forthcoming World Cup qualifiers against Czech Republic and Northern Ireland, having started four matches for City last month. The early season form of Fernandinho, David Silva and Kevin De Bruyne means competition for places in midfield areas is likely to remain fierce at the Etihad Stadium, but Gundogan is enjoying the challenge as he prepares for Sunday's top-of-the-table clash at Tottenham in the Premier League. "I just wanted to start from zero," he told the Daily Telegraph. "At Dortmund I played five years there and I had standing there and I was quite sure when I was fit that I would play and I was one of the players needed to drive the team forward and lead the others. "Maybe not a captain but I lead by the way I play and I knew my position there. I wanted to come out of that comfort zone and join a new team, with a new manager, with a new club, a new country, a new league, a very competitive league. It’s not easy to handle all that, I knew that. "Everyone told me the Premier League is the hardest. So I just wanted to try because I had nothing to lose. "So I think for me it was the perfect time. I’m 25-years-old and I achieved everything in Germany. "Also the combination with Pep

and the club – it’s perfect for my type of football. It was not a difficult decision. "It was quite easy. I enjoyed my years at Dortmund and thank and appreciate them but I wanted to go and show [elsewhere] how I play football. That’s what I mean by wanting to start from zero." Gundogan reports a "very good relationship" with Guardiola and is getting to grips with being at the hub of the former Barcelona boss' trademark high-tempo, possession-based style. "It's hard work, very hard work, but we should never forget that it is fun," he added. "There is sometimes a danger that we all, not just players, but everyone forgets that the main thing of this sport is to have fun, to enjoy it, to enjoy the moments." (SportsMax)

De Boer Accepts Inter Criticism Frank de Boer insists he has bigger things to worry about than is already too late to begin. We must change." He added: "Against negative verdicts from the media ahead of Inter's away match against Roma. Inter head coach Frank de Boer says he accepts the criticism that has come his way following the Europa League defeat to Sparta Prague, but does not want his team to be judged solely on that performance. De Boer's men suffered a shock 3-1 defeat in Prague on Thursday, meaning they have lost both of their opening matches in Europa League Group K, with the Dutchman finding himself under pressure – not for the first time since taking charge - in the aftermath. Inter's Serie A form has been stronger, though, with 11 points from six games putting them third in the early season table ahead of their trip to take on fourth-placed Roma on Sunday. De Boer has no issue with negative comments about his Inter players when they are warranted and highlighted changing their mentality as his most important challenge. "I have no problems with the media," he said at his news conference ahead of the match in the Italian capital. "When things do not go well and the press criticise, it is not a problem. It is natural for different things to be written after a win or a loss. When we lose, I already have other things to think about. "We have our project and philosophy - it takes time. We are on the right track. It didn't go well in Prague, but in training and other games it did. Since then I have seen the players take some steps forward in training. "We have spoken amongst ourselves about these slow starts to matches and we cannot have the same attitude we saw in Prague. "The match must begin before the starting whistle, in fact a good day before. We must concentrate before the game, as when the referee blows his whistle it

Roma it may well be easy to have the right attitude because it's a big match. I just want to see a team that is concentrated the same way against all opponents, not just the big ones. "It's not a problem for me when they make a mistake. The problem is when their minds are not open to understanding why and fixing it. "Roma are very strong in all areas of the field and have a lot of quality. If we don't have the right attitude, it will be very difficult against them." (SportsMax)


Verstappen Hoping To Hunt Down Mercedes Red Bull driver Max Verstappen was cautiously optimistic over his chances in Malaysia after qualifying third. Max Verstappen hopes Friday's practice success can be translated into Sunday race pace after qualifying third for the Malaysia Grand Prix behind the Mercedes of Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg. Hamilton was untouchable on Saturday, qualifying on pole while smashing the lap record at the Sepang International Circuit, but Rosberg could be in Red Bull's sights. The German was only fifth-fastest after the first runs in the top-10 shootout, but improved on his final flyer to join Hamilton on the front row, albeit four tenths off his team-mate's 1:32.850 benchmark and just one tenth ahead of Verstappen. Verstappen, who out-qualified team-mate Daniel Ricciardo for just the third time since joining Red Bull, set quicker long-run times than any driver on Friday, and he hopes to enjoy a similar advantage as he aims for a first podium in four races. "The whole weekend has been quite positive for me," said Verstappen. "We made some changes after Singapore so I could feel a bit more comfortable in the car. To be that close behind Nico in qualifying is very promising for the race tomorrow. "Yes, the long run pace looked promising and we also improved on the shorter run performance." Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen fill the third row and the German admitted the result was a disappointment. "Obviously we expected [to qualify] one row higher up, P3, right behind Mercedes," said Vettel.

"Nevertheless, for tomorrow I think we should have good speed in the race, strategy will be important. Generally we should be quicker, but we weren't today – I hope we can be tomorrow. "They were just a bit quicker, we expected it to be tight but we felt we had the upper hand. In the end there wasn't much missing but just enough, just over a tenth. "As a driver you feel it was always somewhere there, so maybe I need to go and have a look later on, and see if I can pick it up." (SportsMax)

Luis Enrique Claims Arda Will Star In Messi's Absence Ahead of Barcelona's clash with his former club Celta Vigo, Sunday's LaLiga clash also marks a significant milestone in the coach Luis Enrique believes his side can cope without Lionel Messi. Barcelona boss Luis Enrique has lauded the form of Arda Turan, backing the Turkey midfielder to shine in the absence of the injured Lionel Messi. Luis Enrique's side were dealt a blow in late September as Messi picked up a knee injury in the 1-1 LaLiga draw with Atletico Madrid. And though Luis Enrique – who is preparing to face his former employers Celta Vigo on Sunday - conceded that Messi's absence will of course be felt, he is confident that in-form Arda, who has already netted five goals and amassed four assists this term, can fill the void. "Unfortunately, we were without him [Messi] for two months last year," Luis Enrique said. "But the players know that they must play to win titles and they are doing. "Clearly, Arda now has more spectacular numbers in terms of his goals scored, but we must take into account adaptation. "Until January he could not play, but I have always been happy with how he's played. Perhaps it has not been as spectacular for the fans, but he has always been at a high level. "But things are always developing, and he is improving but we demand that from all the players. "Celta are a dangerous team due to their way of playing. We know it will be tough. They have lost some important players like Nolito, but they have signed well. "They have had some good results in the league and the Europa League. We know how difficult it is to play against them."

career of Barca's Andres Iniesta, who is set to make his 600th appearance for the club, and his coach was quick to praise the Spain midfielder. "I also played with him so I have double the reason to be able to thank him for 600, and I hope and know there will be more," he added. "Nobody will have remembered him if he was a terrible player, but he has been so good. Everybody who enjoys football can enjoy watching Iniesta play." (SportsMax)


Tension High As Action Resumes At Hazeltine The USA were 5-3 ahead as day two of the 41st Ryder Cup began with a return to the foursomes format the hosts had dominated on Friday. A potentially pivotal third session was in prospect at Hazeltine as the United States and Europe resumed battle in the 41st Ryder Cup. The second batch of foursomes commenced at 7:35am local time (1:35pm BST) on Saturday, with Phil Mickelson and Rickie Fowler taking on Rory McIlroy and Thomas Pieters in match one. Although the hosts held a 5-3 lead from day one, Europe had been boosted by a fine revival in Friday's afternoon fourballs, which saw them fight back from a stunning first-session whitewash. McIlroy rounded things off in style with a sensational eagle at the 16th, which ensured he and Pieters defeated Dustin Johnson and Matt Kuchar 3 and 2. Passionate celebrations followed from the Northern Irishman, but a stiff test still lay ahead for Europe on Saturday morning as they returned to action in the format they had been thrashed in 24 hours earlier. There was one rookie in each of the European pairings for session three. Brandt Snedeker

and Brooks Koepka - the USA's only fourball winners on day one - were up against Henrik Stenson and Matt Fitzpatrick in game two, while the next contest pitted Jimmy Walker and Zach Johnson against Justin Rose and Chris Wood. Two familiar pairings from Friday were set to do battle in the anchor match, Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth up against the all-Spanish duo of Sergio Garcia and Rafael Cabrera Bello. (SportsMax)

Madrid Confirm Modric Knee Injury Luka Modric will miss Real Madrid's match against Eibar with a cartilage problem appears unlikely to feature in Croatia's forthcoming games. Real Madrid midfielder Luka Modric has been diagnosed with a cartilage injury in his left knee. The European champions have not put a length of time on the expected length of Modric's absence but he was not included in Zinedine Zidane's squad to face Eibar on Sunday. He is also likely to miss Croatia's forthcoming World Cup qualifiers against Kosovo and Finland. Modric completed 90 minutes in Madrid's 2-2 Champions League draw at Borussia Dortmund in midweek and his injury further stretches Zidane's central midfield resources, with Casemiro current r ecu p er atin g f r o m a f r actu r ed lef t leg . (SportsMax)


Inez Turner Named Coach Of The Week For Second Time This Season Former Jamaican middle-distance runner Inez Turner was, for the second time this season, named the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) Women’s Coach of the Week. Turner, Winston-Salem State women’s coach, was given the honour after the Rams women's cross country team placed fourth in team scoring at the 33rd Annual Greensboro Invitational with 110 points. The Rams had a pair of top-10 finishes at the meet with Domtilla Kiplagat, the CIAA Runner of the Week, placing fifth while senior Fawzia Kheir placed 10th among collegiate runners with a 20:35.58. Kheir's time currently ranks second on the CIAA Individual Rankings behind Kiplagat's. It was the third week in a row that WinstonSalem State women's cross country team had earned weekly honours from the CIAA. Kiplagat earned the honour after running her best time of the season. Her time at the Greensboro Invitational was a season-best 19:59.32 in the women's 5K run. The effort tops the CIAA individual performances so far this season. The Rams men's and women's cross country teams will return to action this weekend when they go to Wake Med Soccer Park to compete in the Robert Shumake HBCU Challenge at the Grand America Cross Country Festival. (SportsMax)

KC Lose Perfect Record, Wolmer's March On Kingston College lost out on their perfect record in this season's ISSA/FLOW Manning Cup when Denham Town held them to a scoreless draw at the Edward Seaga Sports Complex. KC still lead Group C, having not lost any ground to Denham Town after the two split the points. There was another scoreless draw in Group C, as Ascot and Norman Manley failed to find the back of the net in 90 minutes of football. St Mary's College and Papine provided the only result from the group, as the former were pummelled 4-0 in Above Rocks. Jonathan Grant pipped Meadowbrook 1-0 in Group D, while Haile Selassie continued their winning ways, clipping Ardenne by the same scoreline. St Catherine High were the biggest winners in the group, getting by Pembroke Hall in a comfortable 2-0 affair. Wolmer's Boys' continued to brush aside everything in their path, dismissing Dunoon at the Rockfort Football Club home, 4-0. Jose Marti were also improving their win column in Group F with a 2-1 win over Kingston Technical High School. The third game of the group between Edith Dalton James and Camperdown was a nonstarter, as there were reported to be no referees at the game. Campion College, though they are yet to score a goal in the Manning Cup, have registered their first point after playing to a goalless draw with Cumberland. The feat is made more remarkable when you consider, Cumberland had thumped them 4-0 in their first encounter this season. Former champions, Calabar High School, have continued to struggle, losing by the lone goal of the game to St Jago High. Khriston Blair headed

home the winner as early as the 35th minute. Bridgeport and Hydel continue to do battle for a spot in the next round from Group G, playing to a 0-0 draw at Caymanas. St Jago lead the group with 16 points, two ahead of Bridgeport and four ahead of Hydel. The Manning Cup second round will comprise of the first two teams in each of seven groups, and the two best third place team. (SportsMax)


Sammy Selected For Rajshahi Rockers Discarded West Indies skipper Darren Sammy has been selected by the Rajshahi Rockers ahead of the new Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) season. Sammy, who was relieved of captaincy duties recently, will be making his second appearance in the league having played with the Rangpur Riders in 2015. The 32-year-old missed a chance to appear at the 2013 version of the tournament after opting to play the regional ďŹ rst-class competition. Sammy will be among 10 West Indians in the BPL, including the usual suspects, Chris Gayle, Dwayne Bravo, Andre Rusell – along with Evin Lewis, Nicholas Pooran, and Vincentian teenager, Gidron Pope. There was, however, no room for ace spinner Sunil Narine who has failed to hit top form or big hitter Sunil Narine. The BPL had the third highest average attendance among all cricket leagues with respect to the average crowd per match during the 2015 season. In 2016, the BPL was revealed as the second most followed cricket league in the world, second to the Indian Premier League (IPL). (SportsMax)

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