Saturday August 27, 2016

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Police “F” Division Reports 52% Drop In Serious Crimes.

The Division “F” based Guyana Police Force on Thursday received praises as Senior Superintendent of the Division, Ravindradat Budhram, reported at the recently concluded National Toshao’s Conference that there has been a 52% drop in the number of serious crimes such as Robbery and Robbery under Arms, Breaking and Entering, Sexual Offences and Larceny, in the Division. This percentage drop he said is in comparison to the 2015 reports of crime within the period of the year transpired. The Government Information Agency has reported the figures stating that there has been a reduction of 29 % of robbery, 67%; sexual offences, 14%; break and enter and larceny, 82%; and robbery under arms, 67%, which the Superintendent said was due to the development and addition of resources in the Division which covers

the afore mentioned 67% decrease in sexual offences and this was noted by Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence who in her presentation at the conference on Wednesday would have state to the Toshaos present that they needed to increase the part they play in This seemingly positive declaration the eliminating Human trafficking in their comes as in the light of the recent United respective villages and communities. States USAID report which was reported to have stated in layman’s terms that the Minister Lawrence also went as far as to Guyana Police Force is the least trusted refer to the offence as an exploitation and government institution in Guyana. as “modern day slavery”. Despite the According to the report Guyana hosts one reported drop in crimes, Superintendent of the highest failure rates in the Budhram did report to GINA that the prosecution of charged felons together Guyana Police Force Division still faces with some of the highest rates in domestic m u l t i p l e d i ffi c u l t i e s i n t e r m o f and gender based crimes together with communications between the officers stationed in the different villages due to gun and drug related crimes. the lack of radio signals however he It was also mentioned that Guyana has a maintained that the officers in the regions high Trafficking in Persons rate despite are operating to the best of their abilities. Administrative Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9. The addition of resources came as 68 new recruits joined the division together with the force receiving new equipment and moods of transportation to get aid in moving from point A to B.

PNCR Following Burnham’s Socialist Ideology President David Granger in his address at who did not fully endorsed the socialist others in transforming this country’s the 19th Biennial Delegates Congress of the PNCR said that “The PNCR’s ideology is inspired, largely, by the ideas of Forbes Burnham, its Founder-Leader. His ideas grew out of historical experience and social action. He employed these ideas as instruments to transform society.” In the president’s speech which was released via Facebook, the president mulled over the history of the life and the social impact of colonialism on Forbes Burnham He indicated that over the past four years the PNCR has established three new institutions to ensure that the ideas of Burnham continue to inform current leaders and inspire future generations, these being the Burnham Education Scholarship Trust (BEST), The Burnham Book Trust (BBT), and The Burnham Research Institute (BRI). The president however did not mention any other former leaders who contributed to the history of the PNCR especially Burnham’s successor, Desmond Hoyte,

ideology, and shift the state control confrontational, divisive winner-takeseconomy to a market-oriented system all p o litical cu ltu r e in to o n e o f backed by radical political reforms cooperation, based on inclusionary including free and fair elections. The d e m o c r a c y. ” T h e p r e s i d e n t s a i d president touched on the party’s current “Coalition is the bulwark against the partnership in the APNU collation saying cronyism, corruption and criminality – “The PNCR, today, is in another misgovernment, which dragged our country to the edge of catastrophe and coalition. It is our task, collectively for the next fifty i n t o t h e p i t o f h u m a n u n d e r years, to complete our historic mission to development.” provide ‘a good life’ for a l l . ’ We m u s t a c t resolutely to make the changes that are essential to building a resilient economy — one that is adaptive to the changes and responsive to the challenges of the global economy.” He said,“The PNCR’s objective was to give institutional form to its ideological faith. President David Granger speaking( at the 19th Biennial Delegates Congress of the PNCR (PNC Reform/ Facebook Photo) Its objective was to join




Dr. Norton, The Sacrificial Lamb sole sourced, the Minister stated there was an immediate need for the storage facility, and that the Ministry does not need more space but did not opt for the space at the Eccles bond. He also said that the New GPC had written to the Ministry and had to pay an amount of money and that the Ministry was anxious to secure another facility. When asked by the Guyana Daily News about the justification of renting a bond of 3000sq. ft. for $12.5 million the minister could not justify this. The Minister also said that the contract will be reviewed in spite of legal implications by the term and conditions of contractual arrangements. When asked how Linden Holdings Inc. became aware of the facility the Minister could not answer. Many commentators including members of the opposition PPP are of the view that the issue goes way beyond Dr. Norton pointing out that the David Granger cabinet approved the contract. Dr Norton himself had noted that he was misled by his staff on the information relating to the contract but he refused to state which one of his employees misled him and instead took full responsibility for the blunder. The PPP is of the opinion that top officials of the government are involved in the bond deal and are using Dr Norton as the sacrificial Minister of Health Dr. George Norton (Left) and lamb.

At a press conference on Friday at the Public Buildings Georgetown, Minister of Health Dr. George Norton publicly apologized for misinforming the National Assembly on the contract for the rental of a pharmaceutical bond on Sussex Street, Georgetown. Dr. Norton initially stated in his opening remarks that he gave a written apology to Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland, however later when questioned by the media he said no written apology was given to the Speaker due to some technicalities. However, shortly after the press conference, the apology was delivered to the Speaker. The seemingly nervous Health Minister was very careful in his response to the media. When asked by the Guyana Daily News as to why the facility was

Director of Public Informtion, Mr. Imran Khan




Attorney General, Basil Williams To Enquire About Validity Of Land Title Certificates At the recently concluded National Toshaos council’s (NTC) Conference the issue of the validity of the land title certificates which residents are claiming have no legal standing was discussed. Government has since mandated Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs Basil Williams to look into the legality of a number of certificates of titles issued to several indigenous communities. The matter was raised in Imbamadai by Mr. Austin, Vice-Captain, OmanaikKambary Village, Region Seven and then again at the NTC with Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman. Mr. Austin was quoted in a GINA release addressing the minister saying “We understand that it is not recognised by the GGMC, (Guyana Geology and Mines Commission) and we often wondered if this certificate is valid, and why it is not public or gazetted, and none of the GGMC officers could recognize it.” In response, Minister Trotman said that the Government has found many villages that were issued certificates of titles, but have no records to show that the certificates are valid. “I spent all afternoon with the National Toshaos Council and some of the very things that you are saying, that just before elections a set of documents, in law, you say purporting to be titles were handed out, but when we checked the records, there is a missing gap between the process and the signatures,” the Minister told the ViceCaptain. The Natural Resources Minister said the government is looking in the situation “Many of them are with the Attorney General Chambers now to see if somebody should be charged for fooling the people…because it’s mischief…it is cruelty to come and lie to you and fool (you), to try to get the vote, I’m not sure,…but we are investigating these things and we would have had to pass them over to the police actually,” the Minister said. However, President David Granger is set to present 10 indigenous leaders with the certificate of title for their respective villages. The instrument will be handed over to the village leaders at a reception which will be hosted at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, today at 19:00hrs. It is unclear if the certificates being presented to the leaders have being legally corrected or modified in any way. Mervyn

Williams, Ministerial Advisor to the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, indicated that the villages to receive the certificate of title are Yakarinta and Rupunau Region Nine; Taruka, Tuseneng and Karisparu, Region Eight; Baramita and Kariako Region One; and Chinoweing, Kato and Batavia, Region Seven. Meanwhile, the villages of Yakarinta, and Kato would be receiving titles for extension to their lands. Source: (GINA)




CIOG Boasts Of Successful Orphan Program

The Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG) today held its annual funday at their headquarters Thomas Lands. In attendance were Prime Minister Moses Nagamotoo, First Lady Sandra Granger and US Ambassador, P e r r y H o l l a w a y, a m o n g o t h e r s . According to Sheik Moein Ul Hack, Representative of the CIOG, CIOG has an Orphan Sponsorship Program, which started some 20 years ago with approximately 15 Muslim children and now it has about 500. He said that the program has about 100 foreign sponsors, such as the US, Canada, among other countries. He said that the program now caters for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). Mr. Hack said that the Human Assistance Program (HAP) from the US embassy, is the biggest donor to the OVC program. He also said that the family is important in the upbringing of children in our society. He also said that the program has been extended to include a school to give the children a good future in this world. Mr. Hack is calling for more text books, and councilors for the school. He thanked the Government for their support over the years and is looking forward to their continued support.

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, US Ambassador, Perry Hollaway, First Lady, Sandra Granger and CIOG rep. Moeen UL Hack.




"Jubilee Done, Clean Up Done"

Several vendors of the Stabroek market area are complaining about the sudden ending of the clean-up exercise in and around the city. The vendors are frustrated at this move, they are of the opinion that the clean-up exercise was only for the Jubilee celebrations. “Jubliee done, clean-up done” they said. Guyana Daily News contacted a councilor from the Mayor and City Council and asked why the clean-up exercise had stopped?, he told us that the council do not have sufficient funds to continue the program. Soon after the APNU+AFC Coalition assumed office in May, 2015, a country wide clean up exercise got on the way, this exercise saw many persons from both the private and public sector taking up the mantle to get the city clean. This exercise resulted in vendors being relocated from the Stabroek market to other areas. The vendors are also complaining about the Styrofoam products ended up in the water ways around the city and blocks the flow of water resulting in floods and garbage pile and they do not understand why the government cannot enforce the ban on this item complained by one of the vendor name, Ms. George. As the APNU+AFC government clamps down on the use of Styrofoam products, Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman revealed at a press conference on Thursday 11th August, 2016, that the administration is aware of reports coming out of Berbice about Styrofoam being smuggled into the country. According to Minister Trotman, the Guyana Revenue

Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency have been notified and are in the process of making plans to curb the incidents of smuggling. The ban on Styrofoam is part of efforts to support and promote a green economy and environment. Penalties for crimes committed against the ban include a fine of no less than GY$50,000 for importation and manufacture and if businesses are found prepackaging food in said ‘Styro’ products, they can be issued a warning or a fine of no less than GY$100,000. It was reported to this newspaper that at the recent Ministerial Visit to the Mining Town of Linden which was organized by the Ministry of the Presidency, it was evident that Styrofoam boxes were used to serve food to participants by the Ministry. It is alleged that this product is being smuggled across the border from Suriname.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bolivian Minister Beaten To Death By Miners, Government Says PAGE 9

Bolivian miners kidnapped and fatally beat a government minister who was seeking talks with them following weeks of protests, authorities say. Rodolfo Illanes, the deputy minister of interior, was killed Thursday in Panduro, where he was meeting with miners who had been striking and blockading roads since August 10, according to the attorney general's office. Three miners have died since the beginning of the protests, state-run ABI reported. The miners are protesting for their right to work directly with private companies. Bolivian President Evo Morales described the deputy minister as "a hero of natural resources" and declared three days of national mourning. "It was a cowardly act -- he was kidnapped, tortured and killed," Morales said. "It's unforgivable, and I don't understand how our brothers can hurt us in such a way." Five people, including a leader representing miners, were arrested Friday in relation to the killing. An additional 40 miners are under investigation. Orlando Gutiérrez, president of the Mine Workers Federation of Bolivia, condemned the killing, ABI reported. The autopsy report indicates Illanes was tortured for six to seven hours, and suffered strikes all over his body, according to Ramiro Guerrero,


the attorney general of Bolivia. He also had multiple broken ribs and puncturing of his skull, Guerrero said in a statement. Authorities also found "a large quantity of explosives," some buried underground in the area where Illanes' body was recovered. Panduro is about 150 km (93 miles) from La Paz. (CNN)

Riot policemen and miners clash in Panduro, Bolivia

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Division Heads On Crime: We’re Trying Our Best

Adeline St Louis-Pesnell With both Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and National Security Minister Edmund Dillon upping the pressure on the police service to bring rising crime, in particular murders, under control over the last 24 hours, the T&T Guardian yesterday posed several questions to the divisional heads on the issue. Several of them said while there appeared to be an increase in crime, they were doing their best with the resources they had and were getting good results. Following are the comments of eight of the nine division heads we managed to interview yesterday. Senior Supt, Southern Division — Adeline St Louis-Pesnell What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? “I am tackling crime using a two-fold approach. What is really on the frontburner right now is having static patrols and a visible police presence by Task Force and CID officers. We also have intelligence teams on the ground who gather additional evidence and we use this to reduce crime. I plan to regain the trust of the citizens and members of the community in the Southern Division. Police officers cannot resolve crime on our own. Without the real assistance of the members of the community we will find ourselves in a bind. We have to engage the community and I am doing so particularly in La Romaine. My predecessor was focusing on Marabella. We are relaunching the La Romaine Police Youth Club, which was dormant for a year. What is the current crime detection rate in your division? Our detection rate in this division is 34 per cent. It is not the highest but we have a good rate. The national mandate was 22 per cent but we are not limiting ourselves. What is your target for crime detection by year-end? We will be very happy for a 50 per cent solve rate but I am not going to put a time frame. I am not going to put that 50 per cent bar because we could achieve more than that. That is why we will do whatever it takes to increase the solve rate as much as I can. I am meeting all the officers on the ground and I am trying to get them to buy in with what we are doing so everyone will be in sync with our goals and objectives. How are you motivating staff? I understand the plight of officers. They have their issues but I will meet and engage them. If I can assist an officer I will do so, but if an officer is delinquent then I will deal with that differently. My thing is to reach out to the officers. I have told them that the Commissioner of Police has an incentive programme

where divisions are rewarded. For example, a reward is given to the division that retrieves the most guns off the streets. My goal is to mirror that so every station district will increase their performance and be rewarded. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? Yes but we have to also look at all regions. This division has ten stations and one post in St Mary’s. We hold regular meetings with all the community councils of the various districts and decide how we going to address the issues. We are also going around to the schools to find the children who are suspended. We don’t leave them unsupervised. What are some of the challenges you face? A challenge is to get some of the parents and the public to cooperate with us. I have asked my office staff to give me an extra four hours on Saturday and Sunday. I am there with my officers on the ground to meet with people. When 4.30 pm reaches, I don’t lock up my door and leave to go home, I remain on the ground with my team to implement our strategies. Sr Supt, South Western Division— Inraj Balram What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? In my division, which has the highest crime detection rate in the country, I am using research, data and technology to fight crime. I am also ensuring that there are adequate patrols out on the street. Based on our research we are able to say what time of the year has the most crime and what areas within the district has the highest levels of crime. We have a special team set up in the division to compile data and do intelligence gathering along with the Crime and Problem Analysis Unit. We keep in touch with known criminals and monitor their activities. Knowing a lot about these priority offenders keeps the crime rate down. We also have a database with retired police and soldiers, who we use effectively to help us with reducing crime. Our officers live in the division so they police their own communities. We also treat our informants with respect and courtesy. What is the current crime detection rate in your division? Our detection rate is over 40 per cent—the best in the country. What is your target for crime detection by year-end? I am hoping to reach 50 per cent by year-end.Right now we looking into the cold cases and solvability factors. What are some of the challenges you face? I am not focusing on challenges or manpower shortages. I focus on the resources we have and how we can use our staff and technology effectively to fight crime. We partner with the community and we get the youths on our side through successful police youth clubs. The Victim Support Unit works with the community. I don’t have a problem with staff motivation. We have excellent social networking in this division.Just yesterday we had a little lime by the river. We have sports days. I am only here for two weeks but I plan to put other things in place to motivate my staff. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? Our focus is the entire division. Ag. Sr Supt, Eastern Division —John Trim What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? We have an active community policing unit in the Eastern Division. There are police youth clubs in each of the nine station districts, where we conduct programmes to motivate young people to become productive citizens and to stay away from crime. We have introduced a programme to help young people who are suspended from school for disciplinary infractions. It is called Brooklyn House.

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Division Heads On Crime...cont... We take in the students and assist them with their school work so that to identify the crime trends and patterns within the division. We used PAGE 12

they do not remain idle at home. The programme started in 2012 and is a vital part of the efforts in the Eastern Division to reduce crime. The Commissioner of Police believes it could become a model programme for other communities. We also have another programme which goes by the acronym CITY- Caring Intervention for Troubled Youths, and we conduct town meetings every month in different areas of the region. We get feedback from the communities on what we are doing wrong or right, what they want us to improve and what areas we need to concentrate attention on. Station heads within the division also hold regular meetings with stakeholders to discuss not just crime, but social issues and we invite WASA, T&TEC and other agencies to attend to help address problems raised. What is the current crime detection rate in your division? Our crime detection rate is 42 per cent, the highest in any division. For the last two years we have won the commissioner’s award for the highest detection rate. In 2014 and 2015 our detection rate was 50 per cent and in 2016 at 42 per cent, we are still the highest. We have had 26 murders so far for the year, we have already solved four of these and charged persons; they are now before the courts. Four other persons are expected to be charged soon. We have recovered 31 illegal firearms for the year so far, that is six more than the 25 seized in the same period last year. What is your target for crime detection by year-end? While 42 is the highest I am still not satisfied, I want to surpass the last two years when we had a 50 per cent detection rate. I want to get at over 50 per cent by year’s end. How are you motivating staff? One of the basic things is praising staff for good work and continuing to encourage them to perform at a high level. We excel in the total number of arrests we make each year for all categories of crime. The officers feel motivated by the excellent work which we do. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? We have been running hotspot patrols in areas identified as hotspots. These include Mayaro, Rio Claro, Valencia and Sangre Grande. These are the four station districts which are the busiest in the Eastern Division. The five other areas which fall under the division hardly have any crime at all. These include Toco, Matelot, and Biche where we get small crimes, including robberies and house break-ins. What are the challenges you face? This division has the longest stretch of coastline. The Eastern Division comprises one third of the land mass of Trinidad, from Matelot to Guayaguayare to Rio Claro. It is a challenge because we have the widest stretch of sea coast to manage, Matelot, Toco, Matura, Manzanilla, Guayaguayare, the whole eastern sea coast. We have implemented coastal patrols, but on land, because we cannot do marine. We do daily patrols of the coastline to stop the entry of illegal arms, ammunition and drugs in the country. But to make it effective we need the assistance of other agencies to assist in managing the coast. A marine patrol is vital to seal off the borders. Ag Senior Supt, Port-of-Spain Division - Mc Donald Jacob What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? Port-of-Spain was on the radar for the high incidence of crime but there is now a 30 per cent decline in murders and a 55 per cent reduction in shootings and woundings compared to last year. We have seen a significant decrease in violent crimes in the area. When I came into the division I used the Crime and Problem Analysis branch of the Police Service


Prince and Charlotte Streets as the epicentre, because 67 per cent of the crimes occur in that radius. We identified the offenders, we began a clinical way of doing patrols. We implemented the plan in March after Carnival and there has been a tremendous reduction in break-ins and larceny. On the periphery the police and Defence Force are working together to patrol the area, including George and Nelson Streets. Besson Street police also play a key role. It was done on the basis of clinical analysis. We have patrols by the army and police (the IAFT) in Laventille, Beetham, Sea Lots and we revived the foot patrols. The work done by the IATF, the Port-of-Spain Task Force and the Defence Force has helped a lot to reduce crime. For the year so far, six people have been charged for murder and two have been charged with the shooting of a police officer in Sea Lots. Boombay, a gang leader, is in prison. It is a combination of things that has helped with crime reduction in the city. When the commissioner appointed me, he said he was putting a criminologist in charge of the division. At one time this was the most challenging division. We work together with the mayor’s office and businesses on Ariapita Avenue as a team to deal with unlawful activity. It is a partnership. It is working well. What is the current detection rate in your division? For serious crimes it is 16 per cent. It may sound like a little bit but the trend of detection in Port-of-Spain has been between ten and 11 per cent. The last time it reached 15 per cent was ten years ago. For minor crimes, such as possession of firearms, ammunition, possession of cocaine and marijuana and malicious wounding, the detection rate is 60 per cent. Our detection is weak when it comes to night patrols.What is your target for crime detection by year-end? To reduce murders by five per cent by the end of the year. This is the mandate from the commissioner. If we had 80 murders last year it has to be reduced by five per cent of that figure by the end of the year. We are at a 25 per cent reduction so we are above the requirement. If the commissioner set a goal of five per cent, I tell my men we need to reduce by 15 per cent. We have not reached the target for recovery of firearms. Last year it was 48, by now we should be 55, I hope to improve that. How are you motivating staff? By educating them on what we are doing.We set smart goals so when they achieve the goals they feel fulfilled and comfortable. We have motivational speeches for officers to help motivate them and I meet with them regularly. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? We have identified some key areas, the epicentre Prince and Charlotte Streets, Laventille, Beetham, Sea Lots, George Street, Nelson Street. Identifying hotspots is done in a scientific way by looking at Compstat data. We look at areas where there are crimes, a place maybe a hot area now but that changes in two months. What are some of the challenges you face? The biggest challenge is the number of CCTV cameras in the heart of Port-of-Spain which are not working, some at Park and Henry Streets, Park and Frederick Streets, and Charlotte Street. About 30 per cent of the cameras in prime areas are not working. We do not have enough people to handle traffic management right now, we depend heavily on the traffic wardens. There are also challenges with vacant buildings and in some areas the lighting needs to improve.

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Division Heads On Crime...cont... We want more calls to 555 and Crime Stoppers to help us increase our looked at the areas and we implemented a strategy where we target the PAGE 13

detection rate. We get a lot of help but we need a lot more. 555 and Crime Stoppers are anonymous so people should call in. Ag. Senior Supt, North Eastern Division - Surendra Sagramsingh What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? I was appointed to the division one week ago. Before I take decisive action I need to do an audit. I will conduct a comparative analysis of 2015 and now to see if my predecessor’s initiatives were working. After I do the analysis I will make a decision on what to do next. If the initiatives did not work I will decide what changes need to be made. I don’t intend to reinvent the wheel if they were working. I will certainly tweak to see how to improve things. What is the current crime detection rate in the division? From the records the division has not been doing significantly well, but I have not yet had the opportunity to conduct the audits. There are some offences that the police cannot do anything to prevent. This is an area with rival gangs, they operate like this, either you kill me or I kill you. We can’t stop it but we can put things in place to deal with that. What is your target for crime detection by year-end? The TTPS has a mandate for a reduction in crime, improved patrols. The first agenda is to do an audit to find out where we are and I will put things in place. We will improve where it is lacking. What are the challenges you face? The murder rate is a sore point. This district has a number of gangs and that is a major source of concern. That will be a major challenge. How are you motivating staff? I intend to visit every station that falls under my command. I will have to do a manpower audit to see how much personnel there is in the division. We have to have a shared vision. People may be demotivated, we will have to deal with that. I will let people know who I am. I came from a serious background. I worked at Morvant station for 13 years. I left as a constable, now I am returning as head. I will let them know I cannot do it alone, I need input from every individual. The first message I intend to send is that I will not tolerate any senior officer embarrassing any junior officer. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? I have not yet identified the crime hotspots. There are major concerns in the Morvant and Barataria areas. San Juan also has some concerns but it is not as bad as Morvant and Barataria. Acting Sr Supt, Western Division - Basdeo Ramdhanie What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? We are targeting priority offenders/persons of interest. We are also increasing our capacity to find and seize illegal firearms, intensifying patrols in hotspot areas and targeting known drug blocks. We are generally policing the division on a zero tolerance basis. What is the current crime detection rate in your division? For serious crimes it is 20 per cent for 2016; it was 18 per cent last year. We have a 50 per cent detection rate in respect of minor crimes. What is your target for crime detection by year-end? We hope to reach 30 per cent by the end of the year, that is part of the strategic plan of the TTPS. How are you motivating staff? We are explaining to them where we are and where we want to be. Supporting and nurturing them. I listen to their views and suggestions and provide adequate training letting them know we are professionals. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? We focus on crime hotspots as well as non-hotspots alike because there has been a shift from the hotspot areas. We did an analysis in June, we realised that 65 per cent of the crimes are committed in non-hotspot areas. The criminals are smart, they soon realise we focusing on one area so they move to another. What are some of the challenges you face? Demotivated staff, and a lack of resources. We also have problems controlling the coastal areas and reaching the mountainous areas. We have to drive along the coast because we do not have the boats. The coastal area is from MovieTowne to Chaguaramas all the way to Saut Deau beach behind the Paramin Hills on the north coast. We have to trek the mountains on foot because you can only drive so far. The area includes Rich Plain, La Puerta, Belle Vue, Bourne’s Road and the North Coast Road. Ag Sr Supt, Tobago - Joanne Archie What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? We work with the strategic goals of the TTPS. Based on that we look at the statistics as it relates to crime and in Tobago the biggest challenge is break-ins and larcenies. What I did, I


offenders, we looked at who are the offenders. We want to reduce serious crime by 25 per cent and work along with the goals of the police service. We do not have an issue with murder, but with the increase in wounding and shooting. We intend to introduce a campaign on firearm seizure. I always ensure that whatever strategy I come up with, it is aligned with the strategic goals of the Police Service. I also meet with stakeholders, hoteliers and those in the tourism industry; we have a partnership. What is the current crime detection rate in your division? We have a 27 per cent detection rate. The TTPS target is 30 per cent. What is your target for crime detection by yearend? I want to see serious crimes reduced. I have been targeting priority offenders and 30 persons have been charged for break-ins and larceny. There was one murder and someone is now before the court. I am trying to keep the violence down, that is why I want to start a firearms campaign to increase firearm seizures and to reduce violent crimes. How are you motivating staff? Since I came in 2015 I have had a commendation function, commending officers for their good work. We meet every two weeks, that is a CompStat meeting, where the station commanders are asked to account for what happened in their divisions. We discuss what has been done and what are the plans for the next two weeks, always ensuring that staff is kept informed. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? We do not have hotspots, a hotspot is where there is a proliferation of crime and we don’t have that in Tobago. But we do monitor all areas since we need to keep a balance. We also have a touristoriented unit, they walk the beaches and interact with tourists to provide advice. They are often commended for the work they do. What are the challenges you face? My biggest challenge are the shortcomings on the port. We need more security measures at the port. Police doing random searches of a ferry, intelligence tells us that there are things that come in. We need more scanners to find the contraband and firearms that come in. We do hand scans, so vehicles on the port are not properly checked. Anything can come in. We need to improve the security systems at the port. Ag Sr Supt North Eastern Division - Simboonath Rajkumar What are you doing to reduce crime in your division? I am doing plenty things, some confidential. But we have a lot of exercises going on targeting drug blocks and priority offenders and gang leaders. We are doing warrant exercises to bring people in who owe government taxes, and those who owe child maintenance. We visiting bars and casinos to ensure that people do not have firearms. We have adopted a zero-tolerance approach to crime, we are even going after loiterers to ensure that we bring crime down. We have called out officers on vacation to ensure that we have the manpower needed to fight crime. We also host regular town meetings and people come, they tell us what is happening, where we need to focus. They provid information. We have outreach programmes along with the hard policing to build partnerships with the communities to get results. What is the crime detection rate in your division? Our crime detection rate is 20 per cent and seizure in firearms is 80. What is your target for crime detection by year-end? It’s 30 per cent crime detection rate and we want to get at least 100 firearms. We are sure we can meet the target. How are you motivating staff? We have a lot of meetings. We praise people. We lead by example, we are out in the field with the men. We spend time with them, energise them, compliment them and praise them. Are you focusing on crime hotspots? There are four major hotspot communities in the division—Arouca, Arima, St Joseph and Tunapuna. While we focus on the entire division we place more emphasis on these four divisions identified because of the crime situation. What are some of the challenges you face? We have a vehicle problem and like other divisions we have manpower issues, but like any good manager I work with the resources I have because I will not let a resource issue set back the work which we have to do. We serve 350,000 people, it is a wide area to deal with and we will not let lack of resources set us back. (Trinidad Guardian)




Dog Pound Shut Down For Good Only one stray dog was seen lingering around the south city yesterday following the permanent closure of the San Fernando pound by Mayor Kazim Hosein. Some of the stray dogs housed at the pound before its closure were sent to the Animals Alive sanctuary at Ralph Narine Trace, South Oropouche, on Wednesday. Five dogs and three pups have since been adopted by new owners. In an interview yesterday, vice president of Animals Alive Jowelle De Souza said discussions were ongoing between Hosein and other stakeholders to upgrade the pound to include an adoption centre. She said strays from five pounds in South Trinidad covering the Point Fortin Borough Corporation, Princes Town, Penal/Debe and Siparia Regional Corporations are usually sent to the Animal Alive shelter. She said that officials from the dog pound in Port-of-Spain liaise with the T&T Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TTSPCA). “I believe it is only in San Fernando that the dogs are ill-treated in this manner,” De Souza said in relation to a video circulating on social media which showed the dogs being injected and thrown in a pile. She said that senior attorneys have already drafted letters advising that criminal and civil proceedings can be brought against the San F ernando City Corporation if the stray dogs continue to be mistreated. De Souza said she was hoping that the allocation given to the corporation could be used to improve the conditions at the San Fernando dog pound. “All of the dog pounds in the country have since stopped euthanising the dogs or even picking up stray dogs. The mayor said to give him two weeks and they plan to use the extra three acres at Roodal Cemetery to house the dogs,” De Souza said. Veterinary surgeon Dr Kriyaan Singh, a former independent senator, has offered to put the dogs to sleep in a humane way. Several years ago, stray dogs were killed by electrocution at the

pound. After a campaign by animal rights activists the dogs were euthanised through lethal injections. Contacted yesterday, Hosein said within the next two weeks, a building plan utilising the three acres of land available to the corporation will be unveiled. Saying he will consult with all veterinarians and animal rights NGOs in the city to ensure that the facility meets the necessary standards, Hosein added, “We love animals in the city of San Fernando, and this project cannot move forward unless we have the input of the experts who can properly guide us on how this new facility should be outfitted.” He also said the quality of food that the dogs are receiving will be improved. “We will be promoting the importance of spaying and neutering pets to ensure that the stray population is controlled,” Hosein added. He also said proper signs will be installed at the newly refurbished pound. (Trinidad Guardian)

San Fernando Mayor Kazim Hosein (third from left) meets with stakeholders on the future of the city’s dog pound.




Valentine Rejected In Local Govt Screening Port-of-Spain Mayor Keron Valentine and leader of business in UNC to present candidates on Monday While the ruling PNM the Port-of-Spain City Council, Jennel Young, are among seven incumbent city councillors out of the PNM’s Local Government race following screening of nominees on Thursday. PNM general secretary Ashton Ford confirmed this yesterday following screening of nominees for areas under the PNM-controlled Port-of-Spain Corporation. The screening team led by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley met at Balisier House. Seven of the 12 incumbents in the Port-of-Spain Corporation are out. Apart from those rejected—which include Valentine and Young—Belmont North/West councillor Farai Masaisai did not offer himself for re-election. Valentine (Northern Port-of-Spain councillor) has been city mayor since February when predecessor Raymond Tim Kee resigned under pressure due to his statements after the murder of Japanese masquerader Asami Nagakiya. While Valentine is out of the running for Northern Port-of-Spain, no replacement candidate was chosen by the PNM’s screening team on Thursday, Ford said. The party will have to seek new nominees in that area, he said. The PNM will also have to look again for nominees for Southern Port-of-Spain where incumbent councillor Daaga Gabriel was rejected. Young (Belmont South councillor) was replaced by Stephen Harper, according to Ford. Successful candidates are in St James East (incumbent Jameel Bisnath), St James West (Ronald Ramkissoon replacing incumbent Wendell Stephens), Woodbrook (incumbent June Durham), St Ann’s River South (Allan Samuel replacing incumbent Ashtine Thomason ), St Ann’s River Central (incumbent Kemo Romeo), East Dry River (Clint Baptiste replacing incumbent Nedra Mclean), Belmont West (incumbent Daryl Rajpaul), St Ann’s River North (incumbent Hillan Morean). In May, PNM chairman Franklin Khan told T&T Guardian that any PNMite who runs afoul of the law in any way would not be among the PNM’s Local Government selections. In March, Valentine confirmed he was involved in an August 2015 incident in St James when he allegedly drew his licensed firearm and discharged two shots in the air when he and his driver were confronted with an attempted robbery. He’d said the matter was the subject of a police inquiry. It is now before the courts. Thursday night’s screening rejections also came hours after the Port-of-Spain Corporation statutory meeting, earlier in the day, where questions were raised about a report on expenditure for the corporation’s 2016 City Day celebrations. T&T Guardian obtained August 19 summary expense documents showing $896,000 was the budgeted amount for the event, but overall expenditure was listed at $2,005,255. PNM sources also noted another senior councillor who was rejected in screening had done management services—and was paid for City Day activities—concerning the Charlotte Street market in June. Alleged payment of $5,000 by cheque (number and voucher given) which the person received came from the Mayor’s Fund.

has to complete screening for several more areas, the Opposition UNC starts presenting its Local Government candidates on Monday. Following Thursday’s PNM screening of Port-of-Spain nominees, PNM general secretary Ashton Ford said screening for most of the East-West corridor has been completed save for four areas in Sangre Grande and Diego Martin, and a few in Tunapuna. Most southern areas are c o m p l e t e d e x c e p t f o r M a y a r o , P r i n c e s To w n , Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo and Chaguanas. Last night, PNM screened nominees for Penal and Siparia. Screening for outstanding areas continues next week. Rowley is expected to announce the Local Government election date at the PNM’s annual convention on October 30 where election of new PNM executive officers will also be done. Nominations begin September 5 to 22. Ford, correcting previous reports, said members must pay party dues by September 16 or they will not qualify to vote for a new executive. The Opposition UNC completed screening on Wednesday. The party will start presenting candidates in various areas from next Monday in Rio Claro where candidates for surrounding districts will be highlighted. (Trinidad Guardian)

Keron Valentine

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Driver Seeks Police Protection PH-driver Marlon Lynch, who claims he is wrongfully accused of the murder of nine-year-old Cyon Paul, says he will not rest until Paul’s real killer is found. Lynch, who has been in hiding since Sunday after an attempt was made on his life, said he has been unable to work since the false accusations began circulating that he killed the child. Lynch said he was very upset over media reports which described him as armed and dangerous. He also said he was held for questioning by police. “I was very alarmed when I saw this because I went to the police of my own free will. I told the police everything I know and they know how to find me. They know that I did not kill that boy,” Lynch said. Saying he survived two attempts on his life, Lynch said he was praying that everything will go back to normal. “Right now I lying low but I want the police to offer some protection to me. Since they tried to run me off the road on Sunday, I have been in hiding,” he said. His mother, Wendy Lynch, went to the San Fernando Police Station yesterday to beg for police protection for her son. Contacted yesterday senior superintendent of the Southern Division Adeline St Louis-Pesnell said police officers have been trying to restore peace in the La Romaine community. She said a new police post will be opened in the area from today. A senior homicide officer said they have been in contact with Lynch and were looking to get more leads

into the murder. Anyone with information on Paul’s killing can contact Crime Stoppers at 800-TIPS. Paul, of Byron Street, La Romaine, was shot by a stray bullet shortly after 9 pm on Friday. Paul was a pupil of the La Romaine RC School and was expected to move up to Standard Two when the new term opens in September. (Trinidad Guardian)

PH-driver Marlon Lynch

Teen Dies After Tunapuna Shooting Nineteen-year-old Kadeem Griffith, who died on Thursday night, hours after he was shot near his Tunapuna home, may have been alive today had he been identified as one of the gunmen who robbed a Chinese national nine days before. Speaking with the T&T Guardian at Singh’s Bar, located along Streatham Lodge Extension, Monte Grande, Tunapuna, proprietor Mary Singh said last week Griffith and another man robbed her business partner, a Chinese national identified only as “Martin,” of cash from his Roulette machine which he once operated at her bar. She said the two men, whom she recognised from surveillance footage, were unmasked and she knew them “since them in pamper.” They entered her business covering their faces with jerseys and bandana and beat up “Martin” before taking $4,000 from him and fleeing. The incident took place on August 16, at 10.25 am, she said, and it was the fourth time the Roulette machine operator was robbed. “He (Martin) tell me don’t give it to the police because the last time they didn’t do anything” Singh said, adding that the lifespan of the footage has since passed and the robbery was not reported. Singh, who said she recognised Griffith from a photograph shown to her yesterday, said had she reported the matter, Griffith may have been arrested and not on the corner when the shooting took place. According to police, Griffith along with three others, Andre “Lizard” Mc Gregor, 27, Kamini Rodriquez, 26, and Kareem “Gargoyle” John, 29, were outside Mc Gregor’s garage when two vehicles pulled up and the occupants opened fire on the men. The shooting took place around 10.30 am police said. Griffith died around 8.30 pm at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex. The other victims are still in hospital. Told of the allegations made against her grandson, Helen Jack, 54, in a telephone interview, denied he was involved in any criminal activity saying that while she was aware of the robbery at the bar it was Griffith’s associates and not he that committed the act. Earlier, at her O’Keefe

Street home, Jack recalled her last moments with her grandson. The 54-year-old said the day before he was killed they spoke of how she was going to celebrate her birthday next week Thursday. Two shot, man chopped with Chinese chopper In an unrelated shooting two men are warded in serious condition at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital after being shot while travelling in Laventille on Thursday night. According to police reports, around 8 pm the men were travelling along Laventille Road Extension when they were fired upon. The men, yet to be identified, were taken to hospital where they are currently warded. Police are also investigating the chopping of a 48year-old taxi driver who got into an argument with a man he knows. Police reports are that around 11.30 pm on Thursday, Abraham Mohammed was at his Mancharles Street, Felicity, home when he was called outside by the man. While speaking, the two began to argue and the attacker left and went to his car where he retrieved a Chinese chopper and chopped Mohammed in the head, back and arms. The attacker then fled. (Trinidad Guardian)

Kadeem Griffith


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Take Charge Of Your Real Estate PAGE 18

One day after Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley called on the police to do more to improve the detection rate, National Security Minister Edmund Dillon read the riot act to divisional heads, calling on them to take charge of their “real estate.” He made the call as he toured parts of the Central Division, which has been in the media spotlight of late due to a resurgence in gang violence in the Enterprise, Chaguanas, area. Speaking with the media at Railway Road before he began his walkabout, Dillon said the aim of the walkabout was to empower the divisional commanders, beginning with the Central Division, to take charge of their “real estate.” He said each divisional commander must have an idea of what is going on in their division and with a multiplying effect, if each commander took charge of their division, then the crime throughout T&T would decrease. Asked why he began with the Central Division although the Northern Division is currently the leading division in relation to murders and gun seizures, Dillon said, “There is no pecking order right now, but based on conversations I had with the Central commander, I believe that here is the place to start.” However, the head of the Central Division, Sr Supt Floris Hodge-Griffith, was not present for the tour. Dillon instead toured with Chief of Defence Staff Rodney Smart and other officers of the Central Division. Dillon said the call for the divisional commanders to “step up” is not new and was not due to the recent call of Downtown Owners and Merchants Association (DOMA) president Gregory Aboud for divisional heads to be held responsible for their regions. He added that he met with the commanders earlier this year along with the acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams, where the commanders were told to take hold of their divisions. He added that the conversation was just being repeated by Aboud and later by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. Dillon said, “I started the conversation about having the divisional commanders held responsible and this was reinforced by the Prime Minister and DOMA. It is good management practice and I take that from my regiment background. “I am working with the divisional commanders and not taking charge of them. It is a teamwork going forward. There will be measurements in place with regards to success, such as firearm seizures and detection rate for serious crimes, including murders.” Dillon said, however, that there is always room for improvement in the Police Service and there is currently a gap between strategy and resources. “As the State pumps resources in there will always be the demand for more productivity and I believe that we are not quite satisfied


with the results and we need to improve our efficiency,” Dillon said, adding that the police and regiment are working assiduously to reduce the crime, especially murders. He said he could not say what will happen to divisional heads who fail to meet the requirements, as that is a matter for the acting Police Commissioner. He said the use of armoured vehicles, one of the tools discussed in the past to deal with crime, had also not been shelved but the feasibility of purchasing them now, given the current economic hiccups, was also being considered. Dillon and the delegation visited parts of Enterprise and Bhagaloo Trace listening to the concerns of residents and in some cases offering advice to the lawmen. One such citizen was Marvin Alexis, brother of murdered businessman Selwyn “Robocop” Alexis, who told Dillon that the issue of solving crime was not with the police, but rather the people, who he said were at fault for the escalating crime. “The problem is not the police you know, is the people. Look, the police does come around and talk and greet the people and nobody come out, but if a man get lick down (killed) everybody wil come out,” Alexis said. “Police can’t do anything by themselves. What happened is that the people are not educated to this because they believe that they are innocent and not involved in any criminal activity, but innocent people does get killed too and the people not doing anything.” (Trinidad Guardian)

National Security Minister Edmund Dillon, left, speaks with Enterprise resident Judith Alexander, right, during his tour of the area yesterday. Also in photo is Lisa Holder, second from left, councillor for Enterprise North. Photo: ABRAHAM DIAZ



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Increased Rainfall Expected Across Jamaica On Weekend PAGE 20


KINGSTON, Jamaica -- A trough induced by a strong tropical expected to regain hurricane intensity on Saturday. Gaston is wave over the central Caribbean is expected to influence not a threat to Jamaica. (Jamaica Observer) weather conditions across the island tomorrow and Sunday, according to the Meteorological (Met) Service of Jamaica. The Met Service said that while the system now has a 30 per cent chance of becoming a tropical cyclone it is expected to continue moving west northwest and across the north eastern coast of Cuba tonight (Friday) through to Sunday. The forecast is for periods of showers and thunderstorms, which could be heavy at times to affect sections of most parishes. In the meantime, the centre of Tropical Storm Gaston was located 1,610 km east southeast of Bermuda, the Met Service said. Maximum sustained winds are near 100 km/h with higher gusts. Some strengthening is forecast during the next 48 hours. Gaston is

Tourism Minister Expects Benefits From Rio Olympics KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett, is optimistic about the potential benefits Jamaica can derive from the just concluded Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in terms of visitor arrivals from South America. The country was the toast of the Games, where it mined 11 medals, including six gold, three silver and two bronze, and earned rave reviews for its ‘Jamaica House’ hospitality hub, which attracted over 20,000 patrons. Bartlett, who attended the Games, said he and members of the government delegation used the opportunity to meet with several travel and media stakeholders for discussions. These, he said, centred on positioning Jamaica to tap into South America, one of the potential tourism markets being targeted under the administration’s growth strategy. The minister outlined details of these undertakings during a media briefing at Spanish Court Hotel in New Kingston yesterday. Bartlett said that among the key stakeholders with whom they met were representatives of Brazilian airline Avianca, to discuss the possibility of airlift out of South America into Jamaica. “We are exploring a route arrangement originating in Ro de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, going into Lima, Peru and into Montego Bay. That is in keeping with a series of other discussions that we have been having,” he noted. Bartlett said Jamaica is also expected to benefit from extensive media publicity across South America, after consultations with a number of media representatives. Meanwhile, Director of Tourism, Paul Pennicook, who also spoke at the briefing, advised that the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) advertising campaign which commenced airing across Latin America on television sports network ESPN, will continue until the end of

September. Pennicook said this will enable the Ministry and the JTB to leverage the post-Olympic exposure that will be generated, “as viewers will continue to see the images and offerings of our tourism product”. Bartlett indicated that these and other marketing activities are designed to create the support needed to “enable the movement of visitors from South America to Jamaica”. Jamaica House in Rio, which was spearheaded by the Jamaica Tourist Board, provided a taste of local culture and cuisine. It also served as the backdrop for meetings with Jamaica’s government delegation, tour operators, travel partners and international media. It was undertaken at a cost of US$767,000, with support from private-sector partners Digicel, DownSound Records, Red Stripe, Sandals, and J Wray and Nephew. (Jamaica Observer)




Italy Earthquake: Mass Funeral For 35 Victims A mass funeral has taken place in Italy for some of the 290 people killed in Wednesday's powerful earthquake. Thirty-five victims from the town of Arquata were mourned at a sports hall in the regional capital, Ascoli Piceno. The coffins, laid out in rows on the floor, included two painted white for two children killed. The death toll from the quake, which struck a mountainous central region, has again risen as more bodies were found. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was among those attending the funeral along with President Sergio Mattarella, who earlier visited Amatrice, the town with the most casualties.

told Ansa news agency. Most victims of the earthquake were Italian, but several foreigners were among those killed, including three Britons.

More aftershocks were registered in the early hours of Saturday, one with a magnitude of four. The ground beneath Accumoli, another severely affected village, sank 20cm (8in) as a result of the earthquake, satellite images obtained by Italy's scientific authorities show. The district which sank is shown in red on this image compiled from data from a Japanese satellite and published by Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV). Flags are flying at Bishop Giovanni d'Ercole urged those half mast across the country as Italy affected not to lose courage. "Together, remembers victims of the quake. More above all we will restore life to our than 200 people died in Amatrice alone. communities, starting from our traditions and from the rubble of death," he said. Along with Arquata and Accumoli, One of the children's coffins contained Pescara del Tronto was also hard-hit. the body of Giulia Rinaldo, whose Many bodies have also been brought to a younger sister survived the earthquake makeshift morgue in an aircraft hangar in because she was under Giulia's body. One the city of Rieti, where relatives have of the firefighters, Andrea, had left a been identifying loved ones. The first moving note on Giulia's coffin, apologising for arriving too late, and signing it with a heart symbol. Firefighter Andrea's letter to Giulia: Hello, little darling. I only managed to lend a hand to pull you out of the prison of rubble.

funeral for one of the earthquake's victims was held on Friday, for the son of a state official who died in Amatrice. At least 388 people have been treated in hospital for their injuries while more than 2,000 people were made homeless. The 6.2-magnitude quake hit in the early hours of Wednesday, 100km (65 miles) north-east of Rome.

Italy's government has been criticised for failing to prevent deaths after the 2009 earthquake in nearby L'Aquila left 300 dead. Historic towns do not have to conform to anti-quake building regulations, which are also often not applied when new buildings are put up. In addition to emergency funds, PM Renzi cancelled taxes for residents and announced a new initiative, "Italian Homes", to tackle criticism over shoddy construction. But he also said that it was "absurd" to think that Italy could build completely quake-proof buildings. (BBC)

Forgive us if we arrived too late. However, you had stopped breathing by then, but I'd like you to know that we did all we could to pull you out. When I return to my house in l'Aquila, I will know that there is an angel watching me from the sky and you will be a shining star in the night. Bye Giulia, I love you even though you never got to know me. The coffins will be taken for burial to a cemetery near Arquata, a local official Mourners have been gathering for funerals of some of the victims of Wednesday's earthquake in Italy




Bangladesh 'Cafe Attack Planner Killed' In Police Raid mastermind. Three other suspected militants were killed by police during the raid. The cafe attack began on 1 July when the militants entered the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka. They held hostages for 12 hours before police stormed the cafe, rescuing 13, killing six gunmen and arresting another. Tw e n t y hostages and two p o l i c e o ffi c e r s were killed in the attack, the worst in the country's Residents gathered to watch as the raid unfolded in Narayanganj(AP) history. The

Bangladeshi police say they have stormed a hideout near Dhaka and killed the suspected planner of a cafe attack last month that left 22 people dead. "Tamim Chowdhury is dead," said senior police officer Sanwar Hossain, referring to the Bangladeshi-Canadian suspected

so-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, but the government dismissed the group's claim, saying it was the work of domestic militants from a banned Islamist group, Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). “Tamim Chowdhury is dead," Mr Hossain said. "He is the... attack mastermind and the leader of JMB". Police earlier engaged in an hour-long gun battle with extremists at Paikpara in Narayanganj, 25km (16 miles) south of Dhaka, he added. Chowdhury returned to Bangladesh from Canada in 2013. (BBC)

Donald Trump Doctor Admits Writing Health Note In Five Minutes

Donald Trump's doctor has said he spent just five minutes on a letter endorsing the Republican candidate's health, while Mr Trump's car waited outside. "In the rush I think some of those words didn't come out exactly the way they were meant," Dr Harold Bornstein told NBC News. Dr Bornstein's letter said Mr Trump, 70, would be the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency". He said he "picked up" the candidate's own "kind of language" when writing it. Two weeks before the note was written, Mr Trump tweeted to say he had "instructed my longtime doctor to issue, within two weeks, a full medical report", adding that it would "show perfection". M r Tr u m p l a t e r h i g h l i g h t e d t h e endorsement from Dr Bornstein, who faced questions about its exaggerated tone. The doctor, of York's Lenox Hill Hospital, says he may have overstated the case "so

that they [the Trump campaign] would be personal nature of the attacks. Neither happy". "I think I picked up his kind of candidate has divulged their full medical language and then I just interpreted it to my record. Mrs Clinton released a statement own," he said. Mr Trump would be the from her doctor, Lisa Bardack, last year. Dr oldest person to be elected US president, Bardack said: "She is excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the were he to win in November. Mrs Clinton is 68. The health of two United States." (BBC) candidates has become a focal point in the campaign, with Mr Trump repeatedly alleging that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is physically unfit. Mrs Clinton has hit back at what she says are unfounded allegations, and Mr Trump has faced criticism over the Donald Trump's doctor claimed the candidate would be "healthiest individual ever elected"(REUTERS)




China School Pollution Reports 'Wrong' - Investigation

closed chemical plants. In its report in April, state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) said that 500 children had developed dermatitis, blood abnormalities, leukaemia and lymphoma, and nearly five out of six pupils who underwent medical checks had health problems. The report was viewed online by tens of millions of people and caused outrage across the country. Other news outlets reported that the school had been built against the advice of environmental regulators. Changzou city officials have told the official Xinhua news agency there were "some problems with the earlier soil rehabilitation process" but said that otherwise the investigation found few significant problems. They said there was no link between the school's location and thyroid problems the pupils had been having, adding that the rate of thyroid problems was rising in the The original report on China's state news broadcaster was unusually outspoken(SINA WEIBO) general population. (BBC)

Investigators in China say they have found no evidence that pollution caused hundreds of school pupils to become sick earlier this year. State TV in April said soil tests near the school showed chemical levels at 95,000 times the national limit. But a three-month study of

the air, water and soil around the school said contamination levels were within acceptable limits. It did not say what might have caused the children's sickness. The Changzou Foreign Language School in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, was built near recently-




Syrian War: Barrel Bombs Kill 15 In Aleppo, Reports Say

capture the town of Jarablus from socalled Islamic State (IS), in a move that was also an attempt to halt Kurdish advances. The Jarablus Military Council, which is backed by the Kurdish-led Syria Democratic Forces, said Turkish airstrikes hit several of its positions near Jarablus on Saturday. It called the raids "a dangerous escalation", and said there had been injuries. Turkey fears Kurdish forces gaining an unbroken strip of territory along its border, which would be a huge boost to the Kurdistan Wo r k e r s Party (PKK), a Turkish Kurdish rebel g r o u p fighting for autonomy since the 1980s. Barrel b o m b s Witnesses said one barrel bomb Use of barrel bombs, which cause indiscriminate damage, has been a feature of Syria's conflict(AFP)

Fifteen people have been killed in a barrel bomb attack on a rebel-held area in the Syrian city of Aleppo, a monitoring group says. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the bomb struck a group gathered to mourn people killed in a bombing earlier this week. It comes amid a continuing diplomatic push on brokering a fresh ceasefire. In northern Syria, Turkish war planes are reported to have carried out strikes on Kurdish-allied forces. Turkey sent tanks across the border earlier this week to help Syrian rebels

in Aleppo attracted crowds and ambulances to the spot, who were then struck by a second. It comes days after another 15 people, mostly children, were killed in another reported barrel bombing in a rebel-held part of Aleppo. Meanwhile more residents have left the Damascus suburb of Darayya after a deal ended a long government siege. Hundreds of opposition fighters and their families are reported to have arrived in rebel-held areas of the north as part of the agreement. On Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov "have achieved clarity on the path forward" on ceasefire discussions, but there were "narrow issues" still to resolve. The two held talks in Geneva to try to find a way of reviving a cessation of hostilities that faltered months ago. Mr Lavrov said the pair had "lowered the level of mutual mistrust". Russia and the US have largely backed opposing sides in Syria's civil war. Discussions between officials from both parties are continuing. (BBC)




Micronesia: Couple Rescued From Desert Island After SOS Spotted In Sand Two people have been rescued from an uninhabited Pacific island after a US Navy helicopter spotted their SOS sign. The pilots spotted the sign drawn into sand on East Fayu Island in Micronesia and alerted the US Coast Guard. It followed a week-long search for Linus and Sabina Jack, both in their 50s, who were reported missing when they failed to reach a nearby island. The couple left Weno Island with limited supplies and no emergency equipment, the Navy said. Teams looking for the couple searched 16,571 square miles, deploying 15 boats and two aircraft crews. A helicopter was sent to fly over East Fayu after a search vessel, British Mariner, reported seeing lights on the uninhabited island. "The Search and Rescue Operation for Linus and Sabina Jack has been successfully completed," said the US Embassy in Kolonia, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. "They are found and are waiting for a ship to take them home." It is the second such case this year in the region. In April, three men were rescued from the tiny, uninhabited Micronesian island of Fanadik, after their boat capsized two miles from shore. The men used palm fronds to make a giant 'Help' sign in the sand and used their lifejackets to signal. They were rescued by a US Navy search team after three days. Five things to do if

The couple were trying to reach another nearby island when they became stranded on East Fayu(US NAVY)

you're stranded Make a sign: Writing in the sand worked in this case, but if there are large palm fronds, tree branches or even trunks, they will be more visible and more likely to survive an incoming tide. Find a water source: Drinkable water is more important than anything else, without it you will die within days. Use any kind of container you can find or make to store rainwater, and large leaves to help catch as much as possible. Inland streams my provide a fresh water source. Find food: A desert island can be a plentiful source of food, as long as you take some basic precautions. Cook seafood and meat thoroughly, and test

food that might b e poison ous against the back of your hand or outer lip, to see if it produces a reaction. Build a shelter: Staying off the ground is important, to avoid snakes. Build your shelter in a clearing and cover it well you may be on a tropical island but being soaked by rain can lead to hypothermia. If you can salvage any kind of netting, use it to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Avoid injury: Treating yourself for a wound is usually much harder than avoiding one in the first place, especially if it turns septic. If you can salvage or make shoes, do so. Try to avoid walking around in bare feet or taking unnecessary risks. (BBC)




France Burkini Ban: Mayors Urged To Heed Court's Ruling About 30 French mayors have been influenced by Islamist extremism. But suspending the ban "a victory for the urged to follow a court ruling which overturned a controversial burkini ban in a resort town. France's top administrative court suspended the ban in Villeneuve-Loubet on Friday on civil liberties grounds. However, a number of mayors have said they will continue applying the bathing suit ban. The human rights lawyer who brought Friday's case has said he will take each town to court. The ruling by the Council of State found that the ban in Villeneuve-Loubet "seriously and clearly illegally breached fundamental freedoms". Town hall authorities in Nice and Frejus, as well as in the Corsican village of Sisco, have vowed to keep the bans in place. Responding to the ruling, Villeneuve-Loubet's Mayor, Lionnel Luca, said: "We need to decide if we want a smiley, friendly version of sharia law on our beaches or if we want the rules of the [French] Republic to be implemented." French PM Manual Valls wrote on Facebook in support of the bans, saying burkinis were "the affirmation of political Islam in the public space". A lawyer for the Council of State, Francois Molinie, told Le Monde newspaper that mayors of towns still imposing the ban could continue in the short term. However, he said that they might then face legal action in administrative tribunals which would base their rulings on that of the higher court. Burkinis were not mentioned by name in the bans, with the order simply saying beachwear must be respectful of good public manners and the principle of secularism. Authorities had said that they were concerned about the public order implications of the religious clothing, especially after attacks in Nice and Paris carried out by people

while opinion polls suggested most French people backed the bans, they ignited fierce debate in France and around the world, with Muslims saying they were being unfairly targeted. The controversy deepened when images circulated showing police on a beach appearing to enforce the ban, and a woman removing an item of clothing. The council of state will make a final decision on the ban's legality at a later date. The Council of State decision is a landmark ruling which be used in future cases to overturn similar restrictions on personal liberty by municipal authorities. Essentially the court said that there has to be a verifiable threat to public order before mayors can intervene to regulate how people dress. As for the much talked about principle of secularism, that is not the issue, the court said. The state is "laic". People are not. People can be as religious as they like. There will be more hoo-haa as other seaside towns resist the precedent and continue with the burkini ban. One by one they will be told by the courts to stop. But that will not be the end. The burkini has become a political issue, and now there is pressure from the right (mainly) for a fullyfledged law to ban it. Expect it to feature heavily in the upcoming presidential race. The lawyer behind the VilleneuveLoubet case, Patrice Spinosi, represents the Human Rights League (LDH). He brought the case against the town along with the anti-Islamophobia association (CCIF). Speaking outside the court, he said the decision "is meant to set legal precedent", and that people who had been fined could claim their money back. The burkini debate is front page news in France. An editorial in Le Monde called the court ruling

state of law". The paper praised the "wisdom" of the decision, after "several weeks of a pervasive controversy that sometimes bordered on hysteria". Conservative daily Le Figaro warned that the ruling seemed "unlikely to ease the summer controversy", and said the French right would renew its calls for Islamic dress to be banned. The left-of-centre Nouvel Observateur echoed Le Figaro, predicting that "the row over the burkini is far from over". What is a burkini? A burkini is a fullbody swimsuit that covers everything except the face, hands and feet The name is a mix of the words "burka" and "bikini" Unlike burkas, burkinis leave the face free Burkinis are marketed to Muslim women as a way for them to swim in public while adhering to strict modesty edicts The French bans have referred to religious clothing and as they were loosely phrased, came to be understood to include full-length clothing and head coverings worn on the beach - not just burkini swimsuits What French law says on secularism and religious clothing In 2010, France became the first European country to ban the full-face veil in public A 2004 law forbids the wearing of religious emblems in schools and colleges The 1905 constitution aims to separate Church and state. It enshrines secularism in education but also guarantees the freedom of religion and freedom to exercise it. The original text made no reference to clothing (BBC)

A woman in a burkini in Marseille in southern France(REUTERS)




'British' Boy In Islamic State Group Execution Video appear to be about 10 to 13 years Bara al-Tunisi (the Tunisian), addresses

The Islamic State group has released footage showing five boys, including one it identifies as British, carrying out the killing of prisoners in Syria. The children

old and the boy captioned as Abu Abdullah al-Britani is white. The video shows the children shooting dead five men identified as captured Kurdish fighters who are kneeling. The identity of the boy said to be British could not be verified and the Foreign Office has not commented. The child is pictured in full military fatigues and a black hat alongside four other boys, and the prisoners are wearing orange jump suits. One of the children, identified as Abu al-

the Kurdish fighters in Arabic, promising more violence and saying the battle against them has not yet begun. The other children are captioned as Abu Ishaq al-Masri (the Egyptian), Abu Abdullah al-Britani (the Briton), Abu Fu'ad al-Kurdi (the Kurd) and Yusuf alUzbaki (the Uzbek). Children have featured prominently in Islamic State propaganda in which the militant group boasts about preparing the next generation of fighters. (BBC)

World's Largest Marine Reserve Created Off Hawaii

Hawaiians. The expansion was welcomed by environmental campaigners. "By expanding the monument, President Obama has increased protections for one of the most biologically and culturally significant places on the planet," said Joshua Reichert, an executive vice p resident at the Pew New species of fish never before seen by divers were discovered in the monument in June(AP) Charitable Trusts. Greenpeace also hailed what it called a US President Barack Obama has expanded a national monument off Hawaii, creating "bold decision" that will ban commercial the world's largest marine reserve, the fishing and mineral extraction in the White House says. His announcement on region. But some fishing groups have Friday quadruples in size a monument voiced concerns. originally created by President George W "We are disappointed that the president has Bush in 2006. The Papahanaumokuakea made a decision to close an area nearly the Marine National Monument will now span size of the entire state of Alaska without 1.5m sq km (582,578 sq miles), more than public process," Sean Martin, the president twice the size of Texas. The designation of the Hawaii Longline Association told bans commercial fishing and any new the Associated Press news agency. "This mining. The White House says the action will forever prohibit American expansion is helping to protect more than fishermen from accessing those American 7,000 species and improves an ecosystem waters. Quite a legacy indeed," he added. affected by ocean acidification and The oceans are under multiple assault from over-fishing, waste plastics and pollution. warming. A fact sheet previewing the announcement They're also suffering from climate change also states that the expanded area is and ocean acidification - a problem caused considered a sacred place for Native by manmade carbon dioxide emissions

dissolving into the sea and changing its chemistry. Scientists say coral reefs are less vulnerable to changes in climate and chemistry if they are protected from other threats - that's what the president is doing by banning commercial fishing and any new mining. It's part of a fledgling success story in marine conservation. The UK has led the way with protected zones in the Indian ocean, round Pitcairn Island, and round Ascension Island in the Atlantic. Meanwhile, conservation on land is a continuing struggle thanks largely to population growth and the spread of farming. The area is also known for its many shipwrecks and downed aircraft from the Battle of Midway, which marked a major shift in World War Two. President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, will travel to the Midway Atoll next week. With this announcement, he will have created or expanded 26 national monuments during his time in office. In 2014, he extended the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument south-west of Hawaii, which now covers 1.2m sq km (490,343 sq miles). (BBC)




Man Arrested In Fatal Stabbing Of Two Nuns In Mississippi A man has been arrested in the stabbing the attorney general's office, "this passing Thursday night at the church. deaths of two nuns whose bodies were found in their home in rural Mississippi, authorities said. Margaret Held and Paula Merrill, both nurse practitioners, failed to show up for work Thursday at a clinic in Lexington, where they served one of the state's poorest counties. Clinic workers called police when the pair didn't arrive at the clinic, said Maureen Smith, a spokeswoman for the Catholic Diocese of Jackson. When authorities arrived at their home in Durant, 13 miles away from the clinic, they saw evidence of a break-in and found their bodies, she said. As investigators searched for answers, a blue Toyota Corolla used by the victims was found Thursday on an abandoned road less than a mile from their home. Man charged Rodney Earl Sanders, 46, has been charged with two counts of capital murder in connection with the killings, the Mississippi Department of Public Safety said early Saturday. "Sanders was developed as a person of interest early on in the investigation," said Lt. Col. Jimmy Jordan, director of MBI. After an investigation that included the sheriff's department and

heinous crime has been resolved," he said. He did not provide additional information on the arrest. Shortly after their bodies were found, authorities said the motive for the killings remained unclear, adding that calling it a "robbery would be premature." ‘They didn't bother anybody' Those who knew the two nuns described them as outgoing and compassionate. "They were sweet, very loving ... easy to get along with," Patricia Wyatt Weatherly, who lived next door to the victims, told CNN affiliate WLBT-TV. "They didn't bother anybody." The Rev. Greg Plata of St. Thomas Catholic Church, where they attended Mass, said they were "just good women, women of prayer." The sisters were loved by the doctors and residents in the area, and were the primary caregivers at the clinic, he said. Plata's parishioners mourned their

“We basically cried and told our stories about them and talked about how important they were to us," he said. Merrill was a nurse practitioner in Mississippi for more than 30 years and had been at the Lexington Medical Clinic since 2010. The clinic tends to thousands of patients, many poor and uninsured. "Many people have no health insurance because they can't afford the premiums," Merrill said in an interview posted on the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth website. "They make minimum wage." Held moved to Mississippi in 1983, and had lived in Durant for 13 years, officials said. (CNN)




A Day Like Today In History On this day on 1883, a set of cataclysmic volcanic explosions torn apart the Indonesian island of Krakatoa. The most powerful volcanic eruption ever recorded in history. Seismic activity on the island started previous 1883, as a preamble of what would take place on that fatidic summer morning. The fumes of the volcano, started to appear as early as May of that year, giving place to a series of explosions on August 27 that would erase 2/3 of the island surface. Accordingly to records of the epoch, the constant blasts would be heard as far as 3,000 miles away, making the inhabitants of the nearby islands and northern part of Australia, they were due to canon detonations. The huge eruptions unleash a series of events that would end up with a drastic reshape of the Indonesian geography, along with the radical change on the ocean floor.Four major explosions were recorded. This one’s threw an approximate of 50 miles of land into the air. The pyroclastic flow of fast moving hot gas and rocks that followed each and every one of the blasts caused the death of over 36,000 islanders. As this catastrophic set of events weren’t enough, the violent power released by the explosions into the ocean floor, unleashed a set of tsunamis that erased any sing of living presence. Such was the power, that the last explosion is believed to have the equivalent energy of about 200 megatons of TNT. A chain of events were felt worldwide during and after the eruptions.High tides rocked the ships in the shores of Africa. The density of the large amount of fine dust and ashes sent to the atmosphere would provide amazingly colorful sunsets, that would transform the afternoons into golden and scarlet heavenly shows. Blue, green and velvet moon were also be reported due to the clouds filled with particles, this followed by a decrease on the temperatures worldwide due to the atmospheric veil that was formed. This side effects would be experienced up to the beginnings of the 20 th century. Artist from around the world would take this phenomenon as an inspiration for their master pieces. This was the case of British artist William Ashcroft, whose work would be filled with a display of vividly red sunsets. Today art enthusiasts believe that the legendary 1893 painting ‘The scream’, from Norwegian Edvard Munch's, was born as a direct effect of this natural events. Source: in-history -By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

An 1888 lithograph of the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa.

Red sunset by William Ashcroft 1893/4

Sketch carried out by William Ascroft in the winter of 1883/4

Painting by Expressionist artist Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910




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Daily Horoscope Be cautious not to get involved in office chatter that will cause problems for others. Take the day to relax and pamper yourself. Renovations to your domestic scene will pay high rewards.

You're apt to make a move or experience changes at home. You should check out prestigious clubs or groups that have a cause you believe in. Emotional disputes will only end in sorrow.

Direct your energy wisely today. Anger will prevail if you expect help from others. You are best to avoid such unsavory circumstances, especially if you're in a group situation. You will not be pleased with family members who try to put demands on you when you just don't have the time.

Concentrate on spending quality time with children. Unexpected romantic connections can be made if you go out with friends or take a pleasure trip. Your energetic nature and ability to initiate projects will add to your popularity.

You will learn a great deal about yourself if you go somewhere secluded. You will have a blowup today if your partner does things that you feel are not aboveboard. Offer love and affection instead of conflict and rejection.

Get involved in fitness programs that will bring you in contact with new friends. Be cautious and use your head wisely in situations that deal with the use of machinery or vehicles. Dealing with inlaws or relatives will not be in your best interest.

You may end up being blamed if anything goes wrong. Make love, not war, and all will be fine. Be careful when dealing with female members of your family.

Your tendency to vacillate will drive everyone crazy. Make residential changes that will lift your spirits. Romance will unfold if you take trips or get together with friends.

You need a job with more responsibility and a higher wage. Don't spend too much in order to impress others. If possible, rely on coworkers to back your objectives, and talk to superiors in order to get approval. You can make a difference if you're willing to stand up and be counted. You can pick up some overtime today. Opportunities for partnerships are present; but get every detail in writing.

Stand up and propose your ideas, and you'll be surprised how many people will follow you. Don't sign up for too many extra activities or you'll have trouble fulfilling your obligations. You can anger others quickly today. Avoid overspending on items for your home. Too much talk will lead to disputes. Emotional partnerships may develop through projects you initiate. Don't hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: MINI EGGPLANT PIZZAS Ingredients 1 eggplant - 3 inches in diameter, peeled and cut into 4 half-inch thick slices 4 teaspoons COCAMAR* cooking oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 cup pasta sauce 1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

**Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS Preparation Preheat the oven or toaster oven to 425 degrees F. Brush both sides of the eggplant with the oil and season with the salt and pepper. Arrange on a baking sheet and bake until browned and almost tender, 6 to 8 minutes, turning once. Spread 1 tablespoon of pasta sauce on each eggplant slice. Top with the shredded cheese. Bake until the cheese melts, 3 to 5 minutes. Serve hot.



Guyana Ready For 42nd World Chess Olympiad

The 42nd World Chess Olympiad is Greenidge, expected to be held in Baku Azerbaijan, from September 1 – 14 and Guyana’s ü Candidate master (CM) Haifeng Su athletes have started to preparations to display a cascade of talent on European ü Candidate master (CM)Roberto Neto soil. The female team will be represented by: The 11-member-team which will represent Guyana on the international ü Candidate master (CM)Maria Tomas tournament aims for ambitious results and a trophy to bring home. The young ü Sherry Ali ‘army’ will depart to Azerbaijan on August 29 to encounter their rivals in the ü Jessica Clemmentson Baku Chrystal ‘Arena.’ The young team will have to face 11 intense rounds with ü Yolander Persaud the best players worldwide. ü Wendell Meusa (Coach) The male team will be represented by: ü Irashad Mohamed (Delegate and ü Candidate master (CM) Anthony President of the Chess Federation) Drayton The delegation held a warm reception and farewell at the Ministry of the Presidency ü Candidate master (CM)Taffin Khan, on Friday; President Davif Granger ü Candidate master (CM) Ronuel offered his support and commitment to t h e C h e s s Federation. During an interview with the strongest member of the team, Anthony Drayton expressed his “excitement about the event” and his high aspirations of becoming a “FIDE Master or even an international m a s t e r ” , highlighting the “ h o n o r o f representing once again his country at

an international event.”

The 42nd World Chess Olympiad is expected to be a dazzling event. According to information shared on Chess News, a display of folklore and classical dance, theming Azerbaijans Culture and chess history in the country, will be the topic of the opening ceremony. This one will be held at the National Gymnastics Arena on September 01, starred by around 400 persons. The Baku Chrystal Hall will be witness of the debut of 182 open teams representing over 176 countries, and 141 teams from 137 countries in the women's section. The number of participants in the game is expected to be around 2,245 and will reach 3,100 if referees, coaches and sport journalists are taken into account. The 42nd World Chest Olympiad is already making history, not only for the Caribbean delegations, but registering the largest international participation to date.

S o u r c e :



Sharks Beat Roosters To Set Up Storm Showdown, Panthers Reach Finals Paul Gallen scored a try on his return from injury as Bukuya and the clinical Valentine Holmes got in on the Cronulla Sharks stayed in the hunt to finish top by beating Sydney Roosters. Cronulla Sharks will travel to Melbourne Storm next weekend for a minor premiership decider after hammering Sydney Roosters 37-12 at Southern Cross Group Stadium on Saturday. Brisbane Broncos' defeat of the Storm on Friday kept Cronulla's hopes of finishing the regular NRL season at the top of the ladder alive and they came from 12-0 down to move just a point behind Craig Bellamy's side a day later. The Sharks had lost three in a row and were without a win in four after reeling off 14 victories in a row, but ran it six tries to set up a showdown with the Storm at AAMI Park next Saturday. Tries from Connor Watson and Latrell Mitchell as well as four points from the boot of the latter put the Roosters, full of confidence after winning their previous two games, 12 points to the good midway through the first half. Shane Flanagan's men got into their stride and were 1312 up at the interval following scores from Matt Prior and Ben Barba, with James Maloney converting both and adding a drop-goal just before the break. Gerard Beale raced onto a Barba grubber to touch down and fit-again Sharks captain Paul Gallen powered his way through for a try before Jayson

act and Maloney took his tally with the boot to 11. Matt Moylan's late field goal sealed a tense 15-14 victory which secured Penrith Panthers' final spot and left Gold Coast Titans' hopes of prolonging their season in the balance. Moylan and Waqa Blake scored first halftries as the Panthers - who lost Reagan CampbellGillard to a suspected cracked disc in his back - led 140 at half-time, but the Titans came storming back with scores from Leivaha Pulu, Greg Bird. It was Moylan who had the final say, though, capping an eye-catching display by landing a decisive kick through the posts to leave the Titans three points ahead of New Zealand Warriors and Wests Tigers, who lock horns on Sunday. Jordan Rapana and Tom Trbojevic both scored hat-tricks as Canberra Raiders beat Manly Sea Eagles 44-30 in Jamie Lyon's Brookvale Oval farewell. (SportsMax)



Portugal's Powerhouses Divide To Conquer Once More Having contributed to Portugal's finest hour, Sporting and Porto line up on familiar battlelines this Sunday in the bid to topple Benfica. The unifying afterglow of Portugal's Euro 2016 triumph will turn somewhat cooler on Sunday when two of the country's traditional heavyweights ready themselves for a first battle of the new season. Sporting CP host Porto in Lisbon, with both sides occupying the top two positions in the Primeira Liga at the start of this weekend thanks to two wins from two matches. Reigning champions Benfica, who are gunning for a fourth straight title, are the only side who will upset that pairing over the coming months. Such is the dominance of 'Os Tres Grandes' in Portuguese football – only twice in the history of the top flight has the winner come from outside the triumvirate – that it is only fair to see the national team's moment of euphoria in France as a collective one for the elite clubs whose daily business is attempting to deny one another glory. While a cursory look down Fernando Santos' squad for Euro 2016 reveals just four Sporting players and one apiece from Benfica and Porto, that does not tell the whole story. Braga, who stunned Porto on penalties to win the Taca de Portugal last term, also had one representative in midfielder Rafa Silva. He joined Benfica in a Portuguese record deal this month, meaning French-born duo Raphael Guerreiro and Anthony Lopes, along with unlikely final hero Eder, are the only three out of Santos' 23 not to have been on the books of Sporting, Benfica or Porto during their career. More remarkably, 10 of the 14 Portugal players used in the extra-time win over France were graduates of Sporting's acclaimed Alcochete academy. Given the big three's prints were all over Portugal's finest hour, it was perhaps fitting that Santos, as one of only four men to have coached each club, helmed the success. The manner in which he did so was not always to everyone's taste. "I want them to keep saying the same thing," he said, goading critics of his pragmatic style of play on the eve of the final. "That we're this and we're that; that we won undeservedly. "That's what I would like them to say – that we won and

we didn't deserve it. That would be amazing." There was nothing wrong with the curmudgeonly 61-year-old's predictive powers, as this is broadly what happened after Eder's unexpected moment of inspiration illuminated a forgettable 120 minutes. According to Santos, Swansea City reject Eder was "the ugly duckling, he is now a beautiful swan", but there was little beauty in Portugal's work over the course of seven matches. The nation that spawned supreme football artists such as Eusebio and Luis Figo, while fielding another in Cristiano Ronaldo, were functional, aware of their limitations, but worked tirelessly to maximise what virtues they had. Even if it was rarely pretty, these are all qualities easily recognisable within Portugal's leading clubs. Benfica's record outlay on Rafa Silva amounted to €15million – a drop in the ocean compared to fees recouped on major names sold during their ongoing period of dominance. Teenage sensation Renato Sanches and Nico Gaitan became the 14th major first-team names to leave Estadio Luiz over the past six years when the teenage sensation joined Bayern and Atletico Madrid respectively. Those outgoings – including the likes of Angel Di Maria, David Luiz and Jan Oblak – total in excess of €340m It is a similar story of buying low and selling high at Porto. Their vast scouting network, reported to be 250 strong by director Antero Henrique in 2014, keeps a conveyor belt that adequately serves Europe's powerhouse leagues turning fast enough to keep themselves up to speed. Sporting rest more heavily on that remarkable youth programme, with a measure of the wheeling and dealing that has helped Portugal's giants stand tall enough amid economic turmoil in the country and paltry television revenues in comparison to the continent's big hitters. Player turnover has become increasingly pronounced, while clubs abroad have also driven their riches into scouting and player development to make dents into Porto, Benfica and Sporting's comparative advantage. Jorge Jesus, Sporting's former Benfica coach in this tapestry of familiarity, insisted last weekend Euro 2016 star Joao Mario would face Porto. The reality is he might watch the from Milan if he gets a moment in between the formalities of signing for Inter. The production line must and will churn once more Nevertheless, this bullishness common to Santos and Jesus was also in evidence on Thursday. Benfica, Porto and Sporting do not feature in Deloitte's annual Football Money League but they sat there proudly among its luminaries in Monaco, having all reached the Champions League group stage. Like the national team following painful near misses before France, they were back for more and ready to take their lumps. The capacity to remain strong on shifting sands unifies Benfica, Porto and Sporting and allowed to provide the foundations for Portuguese glory. Now the latter two – north versus south; Dragoes vs Leoes – must train their sights on what divides. (SportsMax)



F1 Raceweek: Raikkonen Impresses As Mercedes Focus On Race Pace

Mercedes duo Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg used practice to fine-tune their race set-up, with Kimi Raikkonen's Ferrari going fastest. Kimi Raikkonen's Ferrari topped the timesheet in the third and final free practice session ahead of the Belgian Grand Prix, while Mercedes duo Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg focused on their racing set-up. The Mercedes pair were fastest in FP1 but Red Bull were quickest in the following session on Friday, with championship leader Hamilton down in 13th after having four new power unit elements installed. The duo from the German squad were expected to return to the top of the timesheet ahead of qualifying on Saturday – Hamilton again taking a new set of four engine components – but were over half a second behind Raikkonen, whose time of one minute and 47.974 seconds was not beaten. Daniel Ricciardo separated the Finn from his Ferrari team-mate Sebastian Vettel, who was 0.323secs back in third, while Valtteri Bottas went fourth fastest. Hamilton and Rosberg, fifth and seventh respectively, focused their attention on longer stints on the soft tyre compound to fine-tune their race set-up before switching to the quickest supersofts. Max Verstappen finished at the bottom of the board after encountering a gearbox issue which Red Bull will hope does not require a change and subsequent penalty. An incident that saw Manor's Pascal Wehrlein run off track in an attempt to avoid Esteban

Gutierrez's slow-running Hass is under investigation, while an alleged block of Vettel by Kevin Magnussen's Renault is also being looked at by race stewards. Ferrari and Red Bull will be hoping to maintain their pace in qualifying and pip Rosberg to pole, with Hamilton expected to do minimal running as penalties will already see him start from the back of the grid. (SportsMax)

New Zealand coach Steve Hansen was encouraged by the way the world champions got the job done against Australia. Steve Hansen was impressed with the manner in which New Zealand handled the pressure to beat Australia 29-9 and retain the Bledisloe Cup. The All Blacks hammered the Wallabies 42-8 in the first game of the Rugby Championship in Sydney last weekend, a drubbing which prompted the critics to round on Michael Cheika and his side. Israel Dagg scored two first-half tries, with Julian Savea and Sam Cane touching down after the break at Westpac Stadium on Saturday to ensure the world champions keep the Bledisloe Cup for a 14th consecutive year. Two Bernard Foley penalties and one from debutant Reece Hodge was all Australia had to show for a more competitive performance in

Wellington and New Zealand head coach Hansen was pleased with the way his side got the job done. "On the scoreboard it looks like we've done it pretty easy, but I don't think anyone would say it was easy out there tonight," he said. "The skill level of our guys was really good tonight, under extreme pressure at times, and at the moment that's probably where we've got a little bit of an edge. But I don't want to sit here and bag Australia, they're one of our best friends." Hansen added: "You had to expect something was coming after last week [when] nothing came. "They've copped a fair bit of criticism back home and they're proud people so they were going to come and bring whatever they had to bring and they did that and it was just a good old, hard game of footy. "It was just a matter of us making sure that we kept our focus where we needed to be, which was playing our game. At times we drifted off and you'd expect that, this is a young side, we've lost 818 caps [with players having retired since the World Cup last year] so it's the type of game that'll make this team grow even better. "They've been through it now and they know what it feels like and they know that if they concentrate on what we have to do, then we'll come out the other side of it OK. So there'll be a bit of trust and self-belief to come from it as well, so ideal game for us." (SportsMax)

Hansen: All Blacks Will Learn From Wellington Win



'Unique, Exceptional Work' - Luis Enrique Hails Departed Bravo

Claudio Bravo has been given a glowing review by Luis Enrique following his transfer from Barcelona to Manchester City. Luis Enrique has praised the form and character shown by Claudio Bravo following the goalkeeper's departure from Barcelona to Manchester City. The Chile international on Thursday moved - for an initial fee of €18million - to the Etihad Stadium, where he is expected to become first choice under former Barca head coach Pep Guardiola. Bravo spent just two years at Camp Nou, having moved to the Catalan giants from Real Sociedad in 2014, but it was a glittering spell for the 33-year-old, who won two LaLiga titles and the Champions League among a haul of eight trophies. Addressing the media ahead of the match away to Athletic Bilbao on Sunday, Luis Enrique expressed his gratitude for the contribution of Bravo. In something of an unconventional arrangement, the former Colo-Colo player started LaLiga matches during his time at Barca, before making way in the Champions League and domestic cups for

German keeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen, who will now compete with Netherlands international Jasper Cillessen, signed from Ajax, for the number one role. "Now I can talk about the goalkeeper," Luis Enrique said. "Saying anything before wouldn't have helped anything. “I want to credit the work of Claudio Bravo for these two seasons. It was unique, exceptional work from a person who helped us a lot. "I want to highlight the work of the three goalkeepers," he added, referring to Bravo, Ter Stegen and their understudy Jordi Masip. "It's not just the quality of the goalkeepers but also their behaviour. It's been a difficult situation we've managed to deal with thanks to their exemplary behaviour." Bravo will not have to wait long for a reunion with his former team-mates, Barca having been drawn against City, as well as Celtic and Borussia Monchengladbach, in Group C of the Champions League. “It's an incredible competition," Luis Enrique said of the tournament, which the Blaugrana triumphed in as part of the treble secured during his first campaign in charge in 2014-15. "It's one we'd always love to win. "We start as one of the favourites, like City, with all the curiosity aroused by Guardiola and Bravo. "We knew before the draw that our group would be difficult." Barca begin their latest assault on the Champions League at home to Celtic on September 13, with City due to visit Camp Nou a month later. (SportsMax)

Munir El Haddadi has been linked with Valencia as Barcelona chase Paco Alcacer, and Luis Enrique suggested he would be open to a move. Barcelona boss Luis Enrique will not rule out allowing Munir El Haddadi to leave Camp Nou. Reports have linked the 20-year-old with a move to Valencia as part of a proposed deal that would see striker Paco Alcacer join the LaLiga champions. Munir is also a reported target for Celta, who are claimed to want to tie up any deal before the beginning of next week. And Luis Enrique, who allowed Sergi Samper and Douglas to join Granada a n d Sporting Gijon on respective loan deals this week, h a s suggested that a move c o u l d benefit Munir in

the long term. "The squad I have right now is very good. I'm happy with what I have," he said on Saturday, speaking ahead of his side's clash with Athletic Bilbao. "When you make loan deals, there are lots of different cases. A lot depends on what the club the player is being loaned to wants. "I can't confirm anything until possible arrivals or departures are confirmed. For Sergi Samper, there was clearly a doubt over him having minutes or leaving to play at the top level. But it's a decision taken by the player. "There are players who have stayed and managed to reverse their situation, and others who haven't. There have also been players who have gone, proven their worth and returned. Any option is valid." When pressed on Barca's pursuit of Alcacer, he said simply: "I only speak about players in the Barcelona squad." Barca head to San Mames on Sunday looking to make it two victories from two at the start of their title defence, following last week's 6-2 win over Real Betis. But Luis Enrique expects Ernesto Valverde to have his side primed to put up a fight, despite their disappointing 2-1 defeat to Sporting on the opening day. "Valverde is ready. I'm sure they'll press us high – I'd be stunned if they didn't," he said. "It's a very hard-working team. I love Athletic. I've never had an easy game against them and I never will and the players know that." (SportsMax)

Luis Enrique Won't Rule Out Munir Exit



US Open 2016: The Past Five Years

A look back at the past five years of the US Open, including Serena Williams' dominance and shock winners. Ahead of the 2016 edition of the US Open, we take a look at how the last five years have panned out at Flushing Meadows. 2011 Men's champion: Novak Djokovic Women's champion: Samantha Stosur A maiden victory for Novak Djokovic at Flushing Meadows marked the end of his first year of grand slam dominance, having earlier triumphed at the Australian Open and Wimbledon. Prior to 2011, Djokovic's only major win came in Melbourne in 2008, and the Serbian was made to fight hard for his place in the US final. After making it as far as the semi-finals with relative ease, Djokovic fell two sets down to Roger Federer, who was facing the prospect of a first year without a grand slam triumph since 2002. But Djokovic showed tremendous character to rally and come away with victory, before defeating defending champion Rafael Nadal in the final. Injury and illness had hampered Serena Williams in the year leading up to her home slam and the three-time winner was on her way back having seen her ranking fall as low as 175. Seeded 28th, the American made light work of her opponents as she stormed to the final without dropping a set, setting up a clash with Samantha Stosur, who had been pushed all the way on three occasions on her route to the decider. However, it was the Australian who took control, powering to a 6-

2 6-3 victory in what remains her only major win. 2012 Men's champion: Andy Murray Wo m e n ' s champion: S e r e n a Williams Great Britain had not enjoyed a grand slam men's singles title since Fred Perry won the US Open in 1936, but newly crowned Olympic champion Andy Murray put the disappointment of a heartbreaking final defeat at Wimbledon behind him to chalk up his first major crown. Murray had beaten Djokovic on his way to Olympic gold and once again came out on top in the US final, delayed due to extreme weather, although he had to overcome a major scare to triumph 7-6 (12-10) 7-5 2-6 3-6 6-2. Williams headed to Flushing Meadows fresh from becoming only the second woman to complete a Career Golden Slam with victory at London 2012, which followed on from her fifth Wimbledon title as the problems of the previous season became a distant memory. And the American was in stunning form, dropping just 19 games in six matches on her way to the final, where top seed Victoria Azarenka – who had earlier seen off defending champion Stosur – put up more of a fight but was ultimately beaten 6-2 2-6 7-5. 2013 Men's champion: Rafael Nadal Women's champion: Serena Williams Djokovic was left frustrated as he lost the Flushing Meadows final for the second year in a row, with Nadal adding the US title to the ninth French Open title he won earlier in the year. Djokovic may well have been feeling the effects of a semi-final in which he twice fell behind to Stan Wawrinka, with Nadal having come through in straight sets against Richard Gasquet. Nadal has won just one grand slam title since - the 2014 French Open.

Williams proved even more lethal in picking off her opponents in 2013, this time giving away just 16 matches on her way to a rematch with 2012 runner-up Azarenka. The Belarusian once again pulled a set back after falling behind, but Serena finished the job in the third to seal a 7-5 6-7 (6-8) 6-1 win and her fifth US Open crown. 2014 Men's champion: Marin Cilic Women's champion: Serena Williams Williams' dominance of the event continued in 2014 as she equalled Chris Evert's open-era record of six US titles. The top seed faced little resistance as she eased through the draw and eventually won the tournament without dropping a set, claiming a 6-3 6-3 victory over Caroline Wozniacki in the final. And there was an unexpected winner in the men's side of the draw. With reigning champion Rafael Nadal absent with a wrist injury, top two seeds Novak Djokovic and Federer looked to be heading for a final showdown after reaching the last four. However, the pair lost to Kei Nishikori and Marin Cilic respectively, with the Croatian eventually claiming his first grand slam win with a 6-3 63 6-3 win in the final. 2015 Men's champion: Novak Djokovic Women's champion: Flavia Pennetta Following victories for Williams at the Australian, French and Wimbledon, the Flushing Meadows crowd arrived in anticipation of witnessing the completion of a calendar Grand Slam in 2015. However, a shock defeat to the unseeded Roberta Vinci in the semi-finals ended any hope of history being made, with second seed Simona Halep also losing to Italian opposition in the other last-four match – beaten 6-1 6-3 by Flavia Pennetta. And it was Pennetta who prevailed in the final, announcing her retirement from the sport following her maiden slam victory. Federer was the form player at Flushing Meadows and reached the final without dropping a set, raising hopes that the 17-time grand slam champion could win a first major crown since 2012. But the Swiss came up against Djokovic in the final and, with the Serbian having seen off 2014 champion Cilic in the semis, he broke the hearts of Federer fans with a 6-4 5-7 6-4 6-4 win. (SportsMax)



Shriver Backs Serena To Regain US Open Title

Former world number three Pam Shriver can see Serena Williams putting together another run of major titles after her Wimbledon success. Pam Shriver expects Serena Williams to heal the wounds of last year's Flushing Meadows heartbreak by claiming a record-breaking 23rd grand slam title at the US Open. World number one Williams was denied a first calendar Grand Slam when she was sensationally beaten by Roberta Vinci at the semi-final stage last September. There was talk of a changing of the guard when the legendary American lost the Australian Open and French Open titles this year, but she responded by matching Steffi Graf's Open Era record of 22 major singles crowns at Wimbledon in July. Williams is the top seed for her home grand slam and is a strong favourite to win the final major of the year for a seventh time. Former world number three Shriver, runner-up in the 1978 US Open, thinks normal service will be resumed for Williams in New York and is also backing the 34-year-old to triumph in Melbourne next year. She told Omnisport: "I think she'll win it this year. I didn't pick her at the French, I had my doubts. I didn't think she'd win the Australian because of having a four-month lay-off going into that. "But I thought she'd win Wimbledon and she did. Three years ago she lost three majors in a row much earlier than she did the most recently, but after she wins one she wins them in a bit of a run, so I wouldn't be surprised if she won three in a

admiration will continue to be off the row again." Shriver believes the support of a home charts. I think Serena will respond really crowd can drive Williams, who plays well to the support." (SportsMax) Ekaterina Makarova in the first round on Monday, on as she attempts to regain her crown. "I think she will feel so much less pressure than last year, also because she won Wimbledon and has at least tied Graf," said Shriver. "Every year Serena adds to her resume and history in the game, the New York crowds, while she's never been beloved, I think the appreciation and realisation that the fans are looking at an athlete that comes along once in a blue moon. “I think she will have the crowd will be much more with her in showing their appreciation, respect, admiration much, much more. "That should be a really enjoyable experience for her. Venus started to get it a few years ago and her



US Open 2016: Murray Rivalry Can Aid Raonic's Major Breakthrough Milos Raonic has lost to Andy Murray five times in 2016, but their rivalry could help him emulate the three-time grand slam winner. It is difficult to take the positives from defeat, but if Milos Raonic learns the lessons from his recent onesided rivalry with Andy Murray it could prove invaluable to claiming his first grand slam at the US Open. After missing last year's French Open with a foot injury and exiting Wimbledon and the US Open at the third round stage, one match short of his best performance in New York, Raonic has stepped up a level in 2016, finding greater consistency to match his evident talent. The Canadian reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open but surrendered a two-sets-to-one lead against Murray, a figure who would continue to frustrate him throughout the season. Hard courts are Raonic's forte, and he followed his Melbourne run by making the final at Indian Wells, where he was beaten by Novak Djokovic, but the transition to clay led to disappointing results, most notably

the straight-sets defeat to Albert RamosVinolas in the fourth round of the French Open. However, the world number six signalled his desire to challenge the 'big four' of Djokovic, Murray, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal with the appointment of seven-time grand slam champion John McEnroe to his coaching staff ahead of the grass-court season after also turning to Carlos Moya at the start of the year. It was a move that paid instant dividends. Raonic instantly gained greater variety and confidence in his play as he reached the finals at Queen's Club and Wimbledon. However, new foe Murray consigned him to defeat in both of those showdowns. While Raonic's ferocious serve and searing forehand enable him to perform strongly off his serve, he is often guilty of missing key shots when returning. His increased net play has added diversity to his game but still needs greater work, and it is composure under pressure that differentiates good players from great players and grand slam winners from runners-up. "I'm going to

work on everything. I'm not going to leave any stone unturned," said a defiant Raonic following his Wimbledon final defeat to Murray. "I'm going to try to get myself back in this position, try to be better in this position. I'm going to try to get fitter, stronger ... There's not one thing that I'm not going to try to improve." It is a barrier that Murray himself had trouble breaking through. A fiery, loud character on the court, Murray lost four grand slam finals and six semi-finals before fine-tuning his mentality to break his duck at the 2012 US Open, four years after his first final appearance in New York. Key to the Brit's breakthrough was the appointment of coach Ivan Lendl, someone who knew a thing or two about winning majors having triumphed in eight himself. Raonic and McEnroe will no doubt have designs of emulating that success, and there is little reason to see why the Canadian's first grand slam cannot come in New York. Although he lost to Murray for the fifth time this year in the semifinals at the Western and Southern Open last week after opting to sit out the Olympics, the Canadian can still be considered one of the top contenders at the US Open. He has proved he has the ability to mix it with the best, claiming a thrilling victory over 17-time major winner Roger Federer in the last four at Wimbledon this year. And with Federer missing the US Open through injury, Djokovic out of sorts since completing his career Grand Slam, Murray struggling with a shoulder issue and Nadal's wrist problems continuing, there is a real chance for the 25-year-old to claim his first major. If Raonic maintains the desire to improve himself in the face of defeat, it is surely only a matter of time until he has his hands on a grand slam trophy (SportsMax)



Jamaica’s Atkinson Strokes Her Way To Three Finals On Day One Of Paris World Cup metre breaststroke joined in the final by American Katie to be the secondseed as she returns to action this weekend in the 25metre pool in Paris-Chartres France. Atkinson will be competing in the FINA/Airweave Swimming World Cup 2016 series which will be swum in the shortcourse format. World record holder Alia Atkinson Earlier today Atkinson eased her way to cruised in the morning heats of the 100- the final with a time of 1:04.89. She was

Meili who topped the preliminaries with a 1:04.49. The final will be made more interesting through the presence of Russian Yulia Efimova 1:06.25, American Breeja Larson 1:06.54 and Japanese swimmer Rie Kaneto 1:05.25. Atkinson will also see action later today in the 200-metre individual medley where she qualified with a time of 2:16.96, and the 50-metre backstroke in which she posted a time of 28.10. The Jamaican holds the national records in these events with times of 2 : 0 7 . 3 0 a n d 2 7 . 3 0 r e s p e c t i v e l y. (SportsMax)



Donnarumma Called Up As Ventura Turns To Youth

Gianluigi Donnarumma has become the youngest Italy call-up since 1911 after the AC Milan goalkeeper was named by new boss Giampiero Ventura. AC Milan goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma leads a clutch of young players promoted to the Italy senior squad by new coach Giampiero Ventura to face France and Israel. At 17, Donnarumma is the youngster Italy callup since 1911, while his club team-mate and reported Chelsea target Alessio Romagnoli, Juventus defender Daniele Rugani and Torino striker Andrea Belotti also step up from the Under-21s in search of full international honours. Ventura's first squad since succeeding Antonio Conte also features, at the other end of the age spectrum, Juventus veteran Andrea Barzagli. The 35-year-old defender – a 2006 World Cup winner – previously pledged to retire from international football at the end of Euro 2016. Graziano Pelle may have the opportunity to reprise his attacking partnership with Inter's Eder from that tournament, despite moving to Chinese Super League outfit Shandong Luneng. Fellow striker Ciro Immobile returns following his switch to Lazio and influential Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Marco Verratti is back after injury ruled him out of the Azzurri's run to the quarter-finals in France. Italy's friendly against France on September 1 at the Bari's Stadio San Nicola will be the first to use FIFA's experimental Video Assistant Referee (VAR)

technology before Ventura's men begin their Russia 2018 qualification campaign in Haifa four days later. Italy squad in full: Goalkeepers: Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus), Gianluigi Donnarumma (Milan), Federico Marchetti (Lazio). Defenders: Luca Antonelli (Milan), Davide Astori (Fiorentina), Andrea Barzagli (Juventus), Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus), Giorgio Chiellini (Juventus), Mattia De Sciglio (Milan), Angelo Ogbonna (West Ham), Alessio Romagnoli (Milan), Daniele Rugani (Juventus). Midfielders: Federico Bernardeschi (Fiorentina), Giacomo Bonaventura (Milan), Antonio Candreva (Inter), Daniele De Rossi (Roma), Alessandro Florenzi (Roma), Riccardo Montolivo (Milan), Marco Parolo (Lazio), Marco Verratti (Paris Saint Germain). Forwards: Andrea Belotti (Torino), Eder Citadin Martins (Inter), Manolo Gabbiadini (Napoli), Ciro Immobile (Lazio), Leonardo Pavoletti (Genoa), Graziano Pelle (Shandong Luneng). (SportsMax)

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