September 11, 2016

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Granger Justifies Spending Only 50% Of 2016 Budget

President David Granger has assured the nation that there is no malpractice on the part of the government for spending only 50% of the 2016 budget and has promised that 2017 will be a better financial year for Guyana. The President, during his recent appearance on the weekly television programme, The Public Interest, blamed the absence of a ministerial planning unit and the incapacity of the tender board for only half of the budget being spent. He explained that due to the lack of a ministerial planning unit, many ministers who took over the ministries last year were not receiving quality of advice about their programmes. “We have decided to now establish ministerial planning units so that not only plans are made (but) expenditure which matches those plans will be programmed so we don’t face a bottle neck.” According to the

President, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board does not have the capability to process all tenders. “There is a bottle neck, there are just too many requests for that board to handle and we need to have maybe a bigger board or maybe the board needs to sit more frequently.” The 2017 budget is expected to be revealed on December 05. Since assuming office in May 2015, the APNU+AFC coalition government has struggled to stabilize the country’s economy. Many business owners have been crying out, explaining that there is no ‘cash flow’ which is resulting in stagnant economy. Finance Minister Winston Jordan had told the State newspaper that almost nine months into the year, less than 50 per cent of the 2016 National Budget has been spent. Describing the scenario as “unfavourable”, Jordan explained that Government’s continuous battle with existing items has hindered the smooth functioning of many agencies. Minister Jordan also believes that some agencies “may have been caught off-guard with an early 2016 Budget.”

“Out You Go” To Ranks Who Breach Code Of Conduct – Acting Top Cop Commissioner of Police (ag), David Ramnarine on Saturday said that taxpayers’ money will no longer be wasted to interdict ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) when they are charged criminally or departmentally. “There are certain matters, once you are charged, whether criminally or departmentally, we are not going to waste taxpayers’ money to interdict you, and put you on half pay, we are not going to do that, once you serve within a certain period of service, out you go, that’s where we have start to get you in line,” Ramnarine declared. Ramnarine was at the time addressing ranks of the Guyana Police Force’s Traffic and Anticrime Patrol at the Officers’ M e s s , E v e L e a r y. T h e engagement between the officers and the commissioner was held in light of recent reports in the media regarding the abuse of office, and irresponsible behaviour of members of the GPF. He expressed his concern over the actions of some officers

who have been be known to stop civilians and solicit money to supplement their salaries, noting that it is ridiculous and is becoming a problem. He said this is widespread among the junior ranks of anti-crime patrol and traffic ranks, who are the elements of the force’s daily interface with the public. The commissioner reiterated that action will be taken against any rank who seeks to use their office for their own self gain or to harass citizens. “The mechanisms are in place on how to deal with our agents and that is what we are doing, that is what we will have to continue to do until we get the message to you. We have to be skilled and professional in our actions, a tower of strength and virtue, and accept that all of our actions have to be subjected to continuous public scrutiny,” Ramnarine stated. Ramnarine reflected on some of the recent embarrassing and disappointing reports against ranks of the force. Examples of such was at the

Police Training College, where there were three incidents of theft of cell phones and five instances within the last two weeks, also there are incidents where young constables were tested positive for drugs in their systems. Two of the latter were immediately dismissed. In Linden, there was a breakage at the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT) store where cellphones were recovered and police officers took the items and split them among themselves; and a recent incident of a police officer driving a minibus which resulted in an accident that killed one person and injured several. There were also incidences of police officers engaging in fights among themselves in the public, ranks carrying out unnecessary road blocks, arresting persons needlessly and involved in criminal acts. Ramnarine stated as result of this and other incidents, about 28 police ranks have been dismiss already. Speaking of the recruitment policy of the force, the

commissioner said that despite the fact that there is a better quality of intake at the recruit level, there is still issues such as functional illiteracy. He said the force, which currently has a fourmonth programme as part of a recruitment drive to increase number, needs to return to the full package of seven to eight months of training in order to deal with some of those issues. “One can only imagine that there are already challenges in your behavioural pattern and your attitude when you graduate after seven months and worse are likely to happen with a fourmonth package. On that fundamental line of reasoning alone, we need to review several things,” the commissioner said. Ramnarine urged the ranks to live by the principles of the GFF and the UN Code of Conduct so as to foster a better working relationship with the citizens of Guyana, who have long lost confidence in the force. (GINA)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS City Hall To Auction PANCAP Convenes Governance Meetings In Guyana Impounded Vehicles (CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana) PAGE 3

The revised contract of the controversial parking meter project gives City Hall permission to auction vehicles which would have been impounded. During the August 31 statutory meeting of the Mayor and City Council, the contract was released with a clause which states “Auction of Abandoned Vehicles.” According to the contract, towed vehicles in storage considered abandoned may be auctioned after 30 days to settle outstanding fees and return any balance to the owner. It was further stated that for due diligence the contract is revised for 60 days before auctioning. The Municipal and District Act Chap. 28:01 does not provide for the auctioning of impounded vehicles which may be in the council’s possession for more than 60 days. According to section 277 of the said Act, “Any person who uses or cause or permits a vehicle a vehicle to be used in contravention of an order made under this section shall be guilty of an offence and on summary conviction shall be liable to a fine of not less than one thousand six hundred and twenty five dollars ($1,625.00) nor more than sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($16,250)”. This means that the Mayor nor the City Council has the legal authority to auction any vehicle impounded by the City Council. Several road users in and around Georgetown are questioning the rationale behind this move by the Council. They are also asking the council to make public how the value of seized motor vehicles are determined and whether the process will be done through the courts.


The Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) will convene the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Executive Board and the Twelfth Meeting of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism for Global Fund Projects on 7 - 8 September 2016 at the CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Guyana. Senator the Honourable Mary Isaac, Minister for Health and Wellness of Saint Lucia will chair these meetings. The Chair will be supported by Dr Donald Simeon, Deputy Chair and Mr Dereck Springer, Director of the PANCAP Coordinating Unit. The Executive Board will discuss how to sustain PANCAP within an environment of declining resources, receive and discuss updates on: Opportunities and Challenges for Treatment and Care for All; Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission and Congenital Syphilis; Status of the Zero Discrimination targets; New projects – Local Capacity Initiative and Knowledge for Health, Financial Report; and CARICOM Youth Ambassadors’ Report. This meeting will also receive a report from the Priority Areas Coordinating Committee, the technical body of the Executive Board, and discuss and agree on policy recommendations that will be presented to the Thirtieth Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) - Health, which will be convened on 23-25 September 2016 in Washington D.C. The meeting of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) for the Global Fund Projects will receive updates on: Global Fund Board’s approval of the PANCAP and CVC-COIN grants; the RCM Restructuring to ensure compliance with the new Global Fund RCM Requirements; Proposal for co-location of the independent RCM Secretariat with a civil society organisation. The RCM will also review and endorse the revised governance documents. Participants will include representatives from eight national governments, civil society organisations leaders of key population groups, regional agencies, CARICOM Youth Ambassadors, faith-based organisations, private sector and development partners. PANCAP is a Caribbean regional partnership of governments, regional civil society organisations, regional institutions and organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies and contributing donor partners which was established on 14 February 2001. PANCAP provides a structured and unified approach to the Caribbean’s response to the HIV epidemic, coordinates the response through the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS to maximise efficient use of resources and increase impact, mobilises resources and build capacity of partners. CARICOM Secretariat Press Release




25 Automatic Entry For Guyanese Law Students To HWLS Secured The University of Guyana (UG) on Saturday signed a collaborative agreement with the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Council of Legal Education (CLE) guaranteeing 25 Guyanese law students to have automatic entry into the Hugh Wooding Law School. The agreement was signed during the 48th Meeting of the Council of Legal Education in Antigua and Barbuda, where Guyana was represented by Attorney General Basil Williams, Chief Justice (ag) Yonette Cummings-Edwards, and representatives of the Guyana Bar Association, including its President Gem Sanford-Johnson. The University of Guyana was represented by its Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Dr. Barbara Reynolds, however, she was not party to the deliberations in the Council which led to the agreement. Williams told the State newspaper that Guyana secured the support of its CARICOM members, with 20 representatives voting in favour of the provision maintaining the Hugh Wooding Law School as the automatic entry for the 25 Guyanese law students while six persons had objected to that proposal. The minister told the newspaper that initially draft collaborative agreement spoke to the issue of space and created a sense of uncertainty. He was quoted as saying “In fact, the provision that went to the council was that Guyana should be entitled to no less than 25 students to any law schools and they had removed the Hugh Wooding Law School and replace it with any of the law schools, but I argued that they couldn’t move from certainty to uncertainty. So that provision was put to the floor and we won it.” The initial proposal from UG for HWLS was for a new agreement concerning not only the automatic entry of 25 Guyanese will seek to have an additional 10 non-Guyanese Bachelor of Law (LLB) graduates as the original automatic entry arrangement came to an end in 2013 which only made provisions for Guyanese. But when asked about the entries for the Non-Guyanese law students studying in Guyana the minster reported to the newspaper that “there was no consensus on any more than 25.”

“Between the years 2013 and the present, BIT has trained 6,000 persons and has established closer ties with the Central Recruitment & Manpower Agency (CRMA) in respect of job placements for their trainees. BIT’s expansion of the HDEO (Heavy Duty Equipment Operator) programmes is directly catering for the timber and mining industries, and ties in with the Ministry’s focus on Occupational Health & Safety Practices,” Scott said. Scott lauded BIT’s expansion which also caters for the ‘differently-abled’ persons who are determined to lead productive lives. According to the Minister, BIT’s drive and emphasis on technical skills in every field have been surpassing other agencies. He is impressed with the reviews BIT has been receiving and expects the new Board to further address the increasing demands for industrial skills nationwide. Mr Clinton Williams has been returned as Chairman of BIT. The other Board members are: Ganesh Singh; Michael Turner; Penelope Harris; Rushanna DeJesus; Friedel Issacs; Krishna Sharma; former Labour Minister Manzoor Nadir; Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Social Protection, Lorene Baird, and a representative from the Ministry of Business. Williams said he too is pleased with the direction BIT has taken and the positive feedback received, “which only emphasises that we are heading in the right direction. BIT has received full support from both the past government (when it was in power) and the present government and the submissions for the 2017 budget was derived directly from BIT’s five year Strategic Plan (2015 to 2020). This signifies that BIT as an apolitical agency, directly contributes to the wellbeing of all Guyanese.” Scott noted that the new BIT leadership brings a wealth of experience, including that of former Minister Nadir, who is representing the Parliamentary Opposition on the Board. “This experience should be channeled towards improving the quality of training offered to persons to ensure greater prospects for employment of graduates and greater recognition of qualifications, especially for those seeking to further their training,” Scott said. BIT was established under the Industrial Training Act Chapter 39:04 of the Laws of Guyana. Its membership comprises representatives of employers, and employees’ organisations along with Government representation. The Board offers technical and vocational skills training to youths, adults and apprentices equipping them with marketable skills in a variety of occupations, in various sectors including engineering, building construction, electrical, heavy duty equipment operation, information technology and clerical, medical and forestry. BIT caters particularly to young persons who have not completed their secondary education. those persons can apply through the Regional Democratic Councils, online at, via email at, or visit the main office at Lot 33 North Road, Lacytown. Ministry of Social Protection Press Release

New Board installed at Board of Industrial Training SOME 6,000 Guyanese have received technical training through Board of Industrial Training (BIT)-sponsored programmes in the last three years providing expertise especially for the timber and mining firms here. Minister within the Social Protection Ministry, Mr. Keith Scott, made the disclosure recently while installing new Board Member of the BIT which he challenged to ensure “quality assurance” is maintained in the courses available to trainees. “

Newly elected members at Board of Industrial Training




Prince Harry To Visit Guyana, Other Caribbean Countries British High Commissioner to Guyana, Greggory Quinn has revealed that Prince Harry will be visiting Guyana and other Caribbean countries later this year. Quinn, in a statement from the British High Commissioner’s office on Monday said, “It gives me great pleasure to be able to confirm that Prince Harry will be visiting Guyana later this year. This will be the first visit by a member of the Royal Family since 2004 and comes, of course, in the year of Guyana’s 50th anniversary of Independence. It is therefore a particularly relevant time for such a visit.” It was noted that Prince Harry will make the official visit to the on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen and will visit Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. “The visit falls on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Independence for Barbados, the 50th Anniversary of Independence for Guyana, and the 35th Anniversary of Independence for Antigua and Barbuda,” the release stated. Prince Harry officially visited Barbados in 2010; this will be his first official visit to all of the other countries.




Son Finds Mother Dead In Cummings Lodge House The body of Anita Mohan aka 'Sandra', a local 'greens' vendor was found on Sunday afternoon at her 315 South-East Cummings Lodge, Georgetown residence with several chop and stab wounds about her body. Reports indicated that the body of the woman was found by her son, Imtiaz Khan, who returned home from work at around 17:00h. Khan told the media that he left for work the morning and returned home to the two-storey house which he shared with his mom and cousin. He found his mother’s body in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor after which he alerted relatives in the area. According to the young man, he noticed that a wardrobe along with other parts of the house ransacked; however he is unable to say if anything was stolen from the house. The cousin has since been taken into police custody as investigations continue. Source: (

President Defends Establishing Indigenous Peoples’ Authority The establishment of a five-member National Indigenous Peoples’ Authority (NIPA) will in no way obstruct the work of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) or the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’Affairs. As a matter of fact, NIPA will focus on ensuring the better delivery of services to people residing in hinterland communities, Head of State David Granger has noted. President Granger made the initial proposal of NIPA during his address at the opening of the National Toshaos Conference on August 22, where he noted that the NIPA will be an executive body which will implement relevant government policies and decisions of the NTC. Since the announcement, the President’s proposal received mix reactions with former Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai stating that the NTC must have the scope to implement their decisions and so she does not agree with the call made for the establishment of an Indigenous Peoples’ Authority. During his appearance on the weekly programme, ‘The Public Interest’, the President said, “My proposal was simply to expedite or facilitate the delivery of services to the people. It was not an obstruction, it is not an obstacle; it is not taking away from the NTC or the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs.” He further noted, “All in all, life is more difficult for most of the people there…it’s not an ethnic problem, it’s more a geographical problem. “My intention was simply to ensure the better delivery of services to the hinterland communities. It was not meant to obstruct the work of the NTC…it was just meant to ensure that because this body only meets once every year, in between meetings there is some agency, some authority which is actually getting work done. So it is meant to assist in the delivery of public service to the hinterland communities.”

President David Granger



GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 684's trading results showed consideration of $1,422,364 from 48,203 shares traded in 11 transactions as compared to session 683's trading results, which showed consideration of $3,701,575 from 13,189 shares traded in 15 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, DBL, DDL, DTC and RBL. Banks DIH Limited's (DIH) three trades totalling 43,710 shares represented 90.68% of the total shares traded. DIH's shares were traded at a M e a n We i g h t e d Av e r a g e P r i c e (MWAP) of $22.5, which showed an increase of $1.0 from its previous close of $21.5. DIH's trades contributed 68.87% ($979,620) of the total consideration. DIH's first trade of 1,000 shares was at $30.0, its second trade of 10,000 shares was at $23.0, while its third trade of 32,710 shares was at $22.0. Demerara Bank Limited's (DBL) single trade of 446 shares at


$38.0 represented 0.93% of the total shares traded. DBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $38.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DBL's trade contributed 1.19% ($16,948) of the total consideration. Demerara Distillers Limited's (DDL) three trades totalling 2,799 shares represented 5.81% of the total shares traded. DDL's shares were traded at a M e a n We i g h t e d Av e r a g e P r i c e (MWAP) of $24.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DDL's trades contributed 4.72% ($67,176) of the total consideration. All of DDL's trades were at $24.0. Demerara Tobacco Company Limited's (DTC) three trades totalling 248 shares represented 0.51% of the total shares traded. DTC's shares were traded at a M e a n We i g h t e d Av e r a g e P r i c e (MWAP) of $1,015.0, which showed an increase of $1.0 from its previous close of $1,014.0. DTC's trades

contributed 17.70% ($251,720) of the total consideration. All of DTC's trades were at $1,015.0. Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited's (RBL) single trade of 1,000 shares at $106.9 represented 2.07% of the total shares traded. RBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $106.9, which showed a decrease of $0.1 from its previous close of $107.0. RBL's trade contributed 7.52% ($106,900) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities. TERM OF THE WEEK: Cross Border Settlement: Cross border settlement occurs where the settlement takes place in a country different from the domicile of one or both trading parties.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS PNM Secretary Defends First Term In Office PAGE 8

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley was able to keep his cool and still manage the country in such a way that there were no scandals every day, general secretary of the People's National Movement (PNM), Ashton Ford, said yesterday. He made the comment in response to a poll in yesterday’s Sunday Guardian which showed a majority of voters were dissatisfied with the Government’s performance in its first year. Speaking with the T&T Guardian, Ford questioned what the people expected when the PNM came into Government meeting the price of oil down to US$26 a barrel as compared to US$120 a barrel when the last administration went into office in 2010. “We had difficulty in managing the affairs of the county and had to make some adjustments, which entailed holding back on a number of things we would have liked to do as stated in our manifesto,” Ford said. He also commended Rowley for being able to bring back the economy to a certain level where T&T survived, “and still we were able to introduce 12.5 per cent value added taxes, start the housing programme, move into buildings that remained unoccupied during the five years the last administration was in office for public servants, we were still able to pay out to the Caroni workers and make adjustments to GATE in cutting out the wastage, attend to the much abused food card system and much more.” Ford also praised the Government for not firing people when it first got into office, making reference to the 3,000 people who were fired within three months when the last administration took up office. “We have not fired anybody from CEPEP, all the contractors are still there. We maintain the employment in the public sector. We have all the CEOs at all the regional health authorities intact and we still have the director at Education there,” Ford said. In a media report yesterday, Rowley suggested adjustments were coming to his Cabinet after the upcoming national budget, including bringing in new faces via the Senate. Asked about the upcoming adjustments that Rowley spoke of and any hints to what those adjustments may be, Ford said that was the call of the prime minister. He added that he remains in full support of his leader. “The adjustments Rowley would be making would be in terms of governance. He is the only one who can judge performance,” Ford said. Asked what the public could expect in the upcoming national budget, Ford only said that the Government would be in a better position now to present the budget as compared to having just mere weeks, as it did when it came into office for its presentation of the 2015/2016 budget. Poll a signal to Govt Political analyst Winford James said yesterday that the Government ought to be concerned and make the relevant adjustments for the better to keep people's goodwill in the coming second year. James was commenting on a Sunday Guardian poll where the majority of some 961 people polled said they were dissatisfied with its performance in its first term. The results for being very dissatisfied represented 65.66 per cent of voters—631 people. Although admitting he was


doubtful about whether the result of the Guardian poll was truly representative of public opinion, as it did not seem to be a scientific poll, James said if he was the Government and got such a result he would be concerned that people were calling on him and his government to make relevant adjustments where the economy and diversification were concerned. “It’s a signal to Government that the people are not happy in the way it’s going and therefore the Government should pay attention and make the relevant adjustments," James said. Asked what he thought about Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s announcement in a media report that adjustments in the Cabinet would be made after the presentation of the national budget, James, noting the PM’s cautiousness in the way he signalled changes are coming, said he believes that his (Rowley’s) aim is to “make governance better than how it is going and that he wants to have greater efficiency.” Efforts to contact Rowley yesterday were unsuccessful as he did not answer his cellphone, but in an interview with I95.5 FM yesterday, Rowley said the upcoming adjustments were not about performance but about “the Government keeping its shape in certain ways and maximising strengths and minimising weaknesses.” He added that he tried as hard as he could to give some sense of stability in the Government’s structure in the first year, admitting that there was one adjustment he had to make and that was when former housing minister Marlene Mc Donald exited from Cabinet. “I had to make a decision because of that and I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I am not required to give out portfolios to people to pacify them in any political structure, which was the shape of the last government. I don’t have that problem.” (Trinidad Guardian)

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.




Thousands Of Computers Possibly Infected After Visiting Cuban Government Website

Screenshot of the website showing the security warning message GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- After several weeks of analysis, it has been determined that the Cuban government information website ( is dispensing a dangerous clipboard virus that aims to steal information from the computers of unsuspecting visitors to that site. The analysis of the infection was done by the Guyanabased cyber security firm and regional anti-virus producer Computer Care, with some assistance from the international cyber security community. Their analysis revealed that the virus launches a permission pop up (on the ACN website) that seemingly gives users an option to either allow it to control their computer clipboard data or to refuse permission. However, it is hoped that most users would instinctively click the “Don’t allow” option button. But the team of analysts that examined the infection told Caribbean News Now that the virus can still be passed on to a computer even in cases where a user clicks the “Don’t allow” option, since the virus developer seems to have placed a reversed coding action on that option that will provoke a force install via vulnerable browsers. The virus, which is unique in its programming structure, is functionally similar to other previously deployed clipboard infections, except that it uses more tricky options to take unauthorized control of a computer clipboard. Thereafter, it quickly creates a backdoor on a computer so as to allow for captured information to be sent out to a remote server, in the same way that internet traffic flows in.

It basically copies entries made by the user, including passwords, typed messages, and other data, and then funnels this back to a server, where the information can be accessed and processed by the unknown third party. And because the infection uses and exploits a few known vulnerabilities of certain JavaScript functions, it is generally difficult for most anti-virus programs to locate and remove it from a computer. The research, which was headed by Guyana-born software security analyst, Dennis Adonis, who is also the lead anti-virus developer and owner of Computer Care - Guyana, found that the infection could have either been planted by another foreign government or rogue group as part of a cyber warfare strategy or by Cuban cyber intelligence experts themselves. But whoever has infected the website seems to have the ability to turn the infection on and off at will, ironically to the ignorance of the site owner, which happens to be the government of Cuba. Questioned on why the virus may be hard for most anti-virus software to pick up, Adonis said that it will be foolhardy for anyone to believe that an anti-virus can actually protect against every infection on a computer. He stressed that it is practically impossible for every virus to be identified as such because all anti-virus software relies on virus signatures in order to isolate and eliminate an infection. And since virus planters and hackers are now engaging stealth technology to deploy infections, quite a handful of them were able to make a mockery of most anti-virus software by encrypting their virus signatures. As in the case of the infection on the Cuban government website, Adonis explained that the virus was very complex to contain, since his initial attempts has showed that the virus immediately tries to replicate itself once you attempt to break into its algorithms. This, he said, has shown the degree of intelligence that has been deployed into its algorithms, and the level of challenges that the infection can actually create for the average antivirus software. The website in question generally attracts thousands of visitors’ daily; a percentage of whose browsers may fall into the vulnerability category. Nonetheless, there is uncertainty surrounding the number of computers that may actually be infected as a result of visiting the website. (Caribbean News Now!)




Bahamas Tourism Stakeholders Honduras President Visits Cayman Islands For Trade Talks TNASSAU, o MBahamas e e t-- The O vBahamas e r ministry Z i k aof tourism F e aplansr sto GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands (CNS) -- Following up on meet with stakeholders next week to discuss preventative measures against the zika virus. Speaking with Guardian Business, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe said a regional effort should be made in order to seek funding to help prevent the virus from infecting visitors that come to The Bahamas and other Caribbean states. He pointed out that Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld Orlando began last week to offer mosquito sprays and lotion free of charge at their parks. Wilchcombe referred to the virus as a “red flag” for tourist destinations, particularly in the Caribbean. More cases of zika have recently surfaced in The Bahamas, making the total number of confirmed cases now eight. “The country has to adapt into a “state of emergency” so that we are fighting to ensure prevention. If we do not, we are just watching a situation that constantly develops. We are better off today arguing about prevention and getting everyone involved in order for them to understand that their business has to be protected and what needs to be done,” Wilchcombe said. Since the first case of zika was reported on August 10, The Bahamas has received three international travel warnings. Last week, three additional zika cases were confirmed and health officials say there were 83 suspected cases found throughout The Bahamas, eight of whom are pregnant women. Wilchcombe warned about the short and long term effects of continued international travel warnings for The Bahamas. “In the short term, we have not seen any evidence to suggest any cancellations at all in reference to zika. In the long term, if you see more cases and travel warnings then you can imagine what would happen. You have to be careful. It is best not to risk anything,” s aid Wilchcombe. Minister of Tourism (Caribbean News Now!) Obie Wilchcombe

the Cayman Islands government’s recent announcements that it wants to see the British territory trading more with Honduras, the country’s President Juan Hernandez visited with Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin on Friday. The premier, Deputy Premier Moses Kirkconnell and other ministers were expected to continue the talks initiated by their recent visit to Honduras. “This visit reinforces the friendship between our two countries and affirms the importance accorded by the Cayman Islands and Honduras to strengthening bilateral opportunities for cooperation,” McLaughlin said in a release ahead of the visit. Discussions were expected to focus on furthering opportunities for trade and commerce as well as what officials said were “other mutually beneficial initiatives”. Kirkconnell said the government appreciates the visit coming so soon after the Cayman Islands initial visit to Honduras. “Though this visit will be brief we look forward to extending our unique brand of Caymankindness to the president and his delegation.” Hernandez will also visit with Cayman Islands Governor Helen Kilpatrick, as all international relations between Cayman and other nation states are still part of the UK’s responsibility. (Caribbean News Now!)

Honduras President Juan Hernandez




Jamaica's Ambassador To US Creates History With Second Appointment WASHINGTON, USA -- The reappointment of Ambassador Audrey Marks has created diplomatic history for Jamaica, the first time an individual will serve the nation twice as the top diplomat in Washington, DC. Marks previously served as the country’s envoy to the United States for two years from May 2010 to June 2012. She is expected to assume duties this week, succeeding Ambassador Ralph Thomas, who had served for seven months before he demitted office in June 2016 to return to academia in Jamaica. The announcement of Marks’ appointment on Thursday by minister of foreign affairs and foreign trade, Senator Kamila Johnson-Smith, has created a buzz within the Jamaican community, with those in the Northeast US warmly welcoming the entrepreneur’s return as Jamaica’s 12th ambassador to the United States and permanent representative to the Organization of American States (OAS). Jamaica’s honorary consul in Atlanta, Georgia, Jewel Scott, said, “It is with great anticipation and excitement that we in the Jamaican Community in the State of Georgia once again welcome Ambassador Audrey Marks to the United States in her official capacity as ambassador to the United States of America and permanent representative to the OAS.” She continued: “We look forward to working with the ambassador to advance the common interests of Jamaicans in the Diaspora and commit ourselves wholeheartedly to assisting her in transitioning into her role. The wealth of experience that she brings to the position will propel us into fulfilling many of the goals and objectives of those in the Diaspora.” Patrick Beckford, from New Jersey, said that he was pleased with the appointment of Marks, who proved herself during her prior tenure as ambassador: “I have nothing but high praises for her. I want to commend her willingness to make herself available to the community and hope she will reacquaint herself with community leaders, to re-engage the Diaspora movement in an effort to refocus it towards the potential for the good of all Jamaicans in the USA and back home.” Beckford said he was looking forward to working with her. President of the Washington-based Jamaican Nationals Association (JNA), Jacqui Payne Borden, said her association is delighted to learn of the reappointment of Marks. She said it is her hope that Marks engage the community in activities that will sustain the bonds that currently exist between the embassy of Jamaica and the local association. She was looking forward to working with “this outstanding daughter of Jamaica as our leader in Washington”. For his part, prominent Pennsylvaniabased Jamaican medical doctor, Harold Mignott, hailed it as a wise move by the government to reappoint Marks. He said that in her last tour, she demonstrated that he had a keen understanding of the importance of the position in the development of Jamaica. “More than most, she also

understands the importance of harnessing the political capital of members of the Jamaican Diaspora in achieving the objectives of the office. Her background in business is best suited to the era of economic diplomacy and I believe she will be successful in the post,” he said. President and Executive Director of the Caribbean Trade Council (CTC), Andrew Lawrence, said the government has once again selected a great diplomat to represent Jamaica in the United States. Marks, he said, “knows the terrain in Washington and the United States, and is a proven leader. As ambassador, she had garnered the respect and commitment from the Diaspora when she previously served, and I am confident that she has returned with renewed energy to represent the island of Jamaica.” He said the CTC was looking forward to working closely with Marks to create more trade missions and business meetings from the Northeast USA region into Jamaica. “We will continue to work diligently in order to negotiate and offer economic development opportunities and new investment initiatives in Jamaica.” Former coworker, Elsunuah Henlon, who lives in Delaware, said that Marks’ reappointment is both timely and strategic. He believes she has the depth of knowledge and experience required for this significant assignment. He said she worked well with the Diaspora in the past and her reappointment can only strengthen this relationship. (Caribbean News Now!)

Ambassador Audrey Marks


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cuba To Become Shareholder Of Latin UWI Principal Laments A m e r i c a n D e v e l o p m e n t B a n k Low Enrolment At University HAVANA, Cuba (ACN) -- Cuba will become a shareholder of the PAGE 12

Latin American Development Bank (CAF-Banco) following the signing of the first technical cooperation MOU by authorities of the two sides. The agreement will now allow new integration prospects both regionally and internationally, according to PL news agency. The document, which was signed on Friday by CAF Banco CEO Enrique Garcia and the minister-president of the Cuban Central Bank (BBC) Ernesto Medina, is an opportunity in terms of financial services and advice by the Latin American financial institution favouring sustainable development and integration in the region. The bilateral initiative aims at promoting technical cooperation programs and paving the way for Cuba to become a CAF-Banco shareholder. Medina said that this is just the first step in a project that will help train executives, grant credit lines for infrastructure and the environment, among other opportunities. Meanwhile, Garcia said that the two sides have been negotiating since 2013 to strengthen relations and share agendas. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tropical Wave East Of Lesser Antilles Source: National Hurricane Centre, Sept 4: A tropical wave is over the Atlantic waters east of the Lesser Antilles extending from 09N to 19N with axis near 57W, moving west at 15-20 kt within the last 24 hours. A 1009 mb center of low pressure is associated with the wave and is located near 14N, 57W, which is expected to dissipate within the next 24 hours. The wave has been entering a region of unfavorable deep layer wind shear and convection around the low looks disorganized. Scattered moderate to isolated strong showers are from 12N to 19N between 52W and 65W. * Formation chance through 48 hours…low…20 percent * Formation chance through 5 days…low…30 percent


BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (CMC) — Principal of the Cave Hill campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Professor Eudine Barriteau, is lamenting the low enrolment rate among the university’s male population, and is calling on men to invest in a university education. Addressing the campus matriculation ceremony, Barriteau said women account for two-thirds of students. According to her, as of September 1, enrolment figures stood at 4,418 – 393 graduate students, and 4,025 undergraduate students. “Of those numbers 33 per cent of the undergraduates are male and 67 per cent are female. At the graduate level the percentage of men registered by September 1 to pursue higher degrees stood at 26.5 per cent, with women at 73.5 per cent. “We will not compare ourselves with other campuses and we welcome all students who are registered. However I want to appeal to young men in Barbados and the region to make the time to invest in a university education and reap a lifetime of benefits,” she said. Barriteau also said that the removal of government subsidies has resulted in a drop in registration numbers this year, with more than half of successful applicants were unable to register for this academic year due to financial constraints. Barriteau told the ceremony that of the 4,803 new applications received as of September 1, 2,478 were offered places and 1,537 accepted. “Of the 1,537 that accepted the offer to study at Cave Hill, a total of 1,071 students have registered, 135 graduate and 936 undergraduates,” she said, noting that while this represents a high registration rate, the new students account for only 43 per cent of the potential students who were accepted. She therefore called on the Freundel Stuart administration in Barbados to raise the threshold of the Higher Education Financial Grant from $25,000 to $35,000 per year. Under the grant programme, students in household with income up to BDS$25,000 (One Barbados dollar =US$0.50 cents) per year qualify for full tuition, while those whose household income is between $25,001 to BDS$45,000 qualify for partial tuition. “The Cave Hill Campus is in a beautiful location and Barbados offers comparative social, political and economic stability. But the cost of living in Barbados is high and many persons with an annual household income of just over BDS$25,000 will still be struggling to make ends meet,” she said. Just last week, other campus officials raised similar concerns over the enrolment figures. The campus here has seen a drop in enrolment figures since 2014, following the decision by the Barbados government to require students to meet the full cost of their tuition. (Jamaica Professor Eudine Barriteau Observer)




Opening Of New School Term In Dominica Postponed Due To Weather Condition ROSEAU, Dominica (CMC) — The opening of the new school term has been pushed back, at least for one day, as a result of heavy rains that have been battering Dominica since the last weekend. Education Minister Petter St Jean, speaking on the state-owned DBS radio Monday, said that “based on the heavy continuous rainfall that we have been experiencing over the past 24 or so hours , coupled with the weather advisory…and given the state of the roadway in numerous areas…we wish to advise the public that school sessions have been called off for today. “Schools will be closed today. It was expected we would have commenced the official start of the school term today but based on the weather conditions we have taken a decision to suspend the re-opening of schools for today,” he said, adding “ we will continue to monitor the weather …”. The Met Office here Monday said that Dominica and the Lesser Antilles would continue to be affected by a tropical wave and as a result “moisture and instability associated with the passage…will maintain cloudiness and showers across Dominica and parts of the Lesser Antilles”. The Met office advised persons residing in areas prone to flooding, landslides and falling rocks to remain vigilant and to exercise caution. It said that moderate sea conditions are expected during the next 12 to 24 hours with waves peaking near seven feet. One year ago, Tropical Storm Erika dumped six inches of rain, within six hours on the island,

triggering floods and mudslides. At least 31 people were killed, 500 homes destroyed and several communities cut off. The government had put cost of the damage at more than EC$200 million (One EC dollar =US$0.37 cents). (Jamaica Observer)

Flood damage in Dominica (File photo)




Fish Kill Hoax In Manzanilla Fishermen and Friends of the Sea secretary Gary Aboud may fish kill. have been lured to the Manzanilla beach yesterday in an “Our waters are free from any toxic chemicals and I only hope apparent fish kill hoax. In a message to the media on Saturday that no one is trying anything on us to prevent our sale of fish, evening, Aboud said they were reliably informed by their which has increased over the weeks,” one fisherman said members that dead fish had washed ashore and were rotting at Manager of the Cocal Estate resort, who only gave his name as Manzanilla. The message also warned the public to avoid Yankee, said after hearing the news he walked the entire beach Manzanilla and not expose themselves to the possible health from the resort to Mitan Bridge and saw no dead fish. He said he also did not hear anyone complain of this either. risk until it is known what had caused the fish kill. “We are attempting to contact the EMA through their At Ortoire, fishermen told T&T Guardian that their fish sales emergency hotline, and trust they will investigate the matter had gone up since reports of fish kill in the Gulf of Paria. They with urgency and if necessary determine any responsible said they were hoping someone was not trying to cause panic. parties and see that they are brought to justice,” the media “The fact is that there are no dead fish, no health risk and all are statement said. But when Aboud turned up yesterday, there was welcome to the beaches of Manzanilla,” one said, adding they no sign of any fish kill. The T&T Guardian met Aboud and a also caught lots of crabs in their traps on Saturday night. “We female companion looking for the dead fish themselves and live by fishing and we will ensure that our daily livelihood is not hampered by illegal activities. We want to fish and sell our expressing surprise that there was no sign of any. Asked who gave him the message that prompted the media fish, so we can have bread on our table for our family.” release and subsequent visit yesterday, Aboud said a reliable (Trinidad Guardian) friend of the FFOS from Manzanilla and said he was confident that it was no hoax. However, fishermen, lifeguards, villagers and watchmen said they had seen no sign of any fish kill along the beach. Lifeguard and part time fisherman Alvin Persad looked at T&T Guardian in shock when asked if he knew of any fish kill sighting recently. Noting the recent fish kill controversy affecting fisherfolk in the Gulf Paria, he urged those spreading to rumour get their facts correct. “I have patrolled the beach and not one dead fish was seen on the shore. Look, the tide is low and one can see that there are no dead fishes. If there were dead fishes, corbeaux will be seen. Are you seeing any corbeaux?” He pointed out that the report may have been the reason why the nearby resort was sparsely populated yesterday. At the nearby Manzanilla fishing depot, the fishermen said they too had not seen any Beachgoers walk along a long stretch of beach at Manzanilla yesterday.




Syria Conflict: IS Claims Wave Of Bombings That Kills Dozens

At least 40 people have been killed in bombings in mainly government-held areas of Syria, state media report. Four attacks took place within an hour of each other in Tartous, Homs and in a western suburb of Damascus, with one in Hassakeh, dominated by Kurdish forces. The deadliest incident was outside Tartous, home to a Russian naval base and in the heartland of President Bashar al-Assad's Alawite sect. The Islamic State (IS) group said it was behind the attacks. The group made the claim in a statement carried by its affiliated news agency, Amaq. ‘Crowd targeted' The attacks took place between 08:00 and 09:00 (05:00-06:00 GMT) on Monday. Syria's official Sana news agency reported that 30 civilians had been killed and 45 others injured in the Tartous countryside. First, a car bomb was detonated on the Arzoneh motorway bridge, a local police source told Sana. Then, as a crowd gathered at the scene to help the wounded, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt, the source added. Tartous had been relatively unscathed by Syria's five-year civil war until May, when a suicide bomb attack on a bus station by IS militants left dozens dead. In the central city of Homs, four people were killed and 10 injured when a car bomb exploded at the entrance to the Bab Tadmour district, Sana reported. The governor of Homs province said the car bomb targeted a military checkpoint and that the casualties were soldiers. One person was killed in a bombing on a road in Saboura, a heavily-guarded

western suburb of Damascus, a police source told Sana. Opposition activist Yousef al-Boustani said the area was home to security officers and their families and that the attack represented a major security breach. In Hassakeh, an explosives-packed motorcycle was blown up at the Marsho roundabout, killing five civilians and injuring two others, Sana said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group that monitors the conflict in Syria through a network of sources, said three of the dead were Kurdish security personnel, known as the Asayish. The Kurdish Popular Protection Units (YPG) militia took near complete control of the north-eastern city last month after a week of clashes with government troops. The Syrian Observatory put the total death toll for Monday's attacks at 47. The attacks came as US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin discussed a ceasefire deal for Syria on the sidelines of the G20 summit in China. Mr Obama said he and Mr Putin had had "productive" discussions and had agreed to continue the search for a c o m p r e h e n s i v e Two explosions hit the Arzoneh motorway bridge at the entrance to Tartous(AFP) truce.

The US president said: "Given the gaps of trust that exist, that's a tough negotiation and we haven't yet closed the gaps in a way where we think it would actually work. "But my instructions to Secretary [of State John] Kerry and Mr Putin's instructions to [Foreign Minister Sergei] Lavrov were to keep working at it over the next several days." Mr Putin said the talks were "on the right track" and that there was "some alignment" with the US. The US is particularly concerned by the deteriorating conditions in and around Syria's second city, Aleppo, where rebel-held districts are once again under siege after government forces advanced on Sunday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, also at the G20, said he had urged world powers to create a "safe zone" in Syria, with a "no-fly" element, that would help control the flow of migrants. (BBC)




Hong Kong Election: Youth Protest Leaders Win LegCo Seats A new generation of pro-democracy activists has won seats on Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo). The young leaders want greater autonomy and changes to the way Hong Kong is governed by China. Voter turnout reached a record high of 58%. Among those elected is Nathan Law, 23, who helped lead the "Umbrella Protests" in 2014 for self-determination. Despite the gains, China's supporters will continue to hold the majority of seats on the 70-seat council. Mr Law expressed shock at the result, saying it showed people "wanted change". There has been no reaction yet from the Chinese government in Beijing. A delay in releasing preliminary results had caused some concern. Full results are due later on Monday. What do the activists want? The election is the first in the territory since the 2014 unrest, when central areas of Hong Kong were paralysed for weeks by mostly young protesters. They were demanding greater democracy for the territory amid concerns that Beijing was increasingly interfering in the politics of the former British colony, breaking the "one country, two systems" agreement. Beijing denies this, and gave no concessions to the protesters. "I think Hong Kongers really wanted change," Mr Law, 23, was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency. "Young people have a sense of urgency when it comes to the future." Mr Law, whose Demosisto party campaigns for the right to self-determination, had the second highest number of votes in the multi-seat Hong Kong Island constituency. Two candidates from the Youngspiration party, a more vocally pro-independence movement which also has its roots in the Umbrella Protests, were also on course to be elected. However, several veteran democrats failed to retain their seats. "People want change, change meaning that they want new faces... but the price is a further fragmentation [of the prodemocracy camp]," defeated candidate Lee Cheuk-yan told Reuters. Will these results change anything? Mr Law warned that pro-democracy legislators would "have to be united to fight against the [Chinese] Communist Party". Importantly for Mr Law and his allies, democrats have retained one third of seats in the council - meaning they have the ability to veto major constitutional changes. There will also be more radical voices in the LegCo, with at least six young candidates who support self-determination for Hong Kong occupying seats. What will China think? China's government has always been opposed to any calls for independence, and an official from the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council reiterated this point on Monday. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong government's Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Raymond Tam said it would do its best to "bring them [radical activists] around to a more centrist position". "Independence is not realistic at all," said Elizabeth

Quat, a member of a pro-Beijing party. "Hopefully this will not be their main objective." The Chinese government has consistently denounced pro-democracy protests, calling the 2014 street occupations "illegal", and stressed that unity is the way forward for the country. Hong Kong papers have noted the "record high turnout" - the highest since 1997. Apple Daily describes "a blazing atmosphere", with hundreds queuing into the early hours. The South China Morning Post notes that a "new generation" has emerged from the vote and may "create more headaches for Chief Executive CY Leung's administration". A lot of mainland Chinese media have refrained from covering the election at all, or only covered it sparingly. Regulators have even blocked some foreigner broadcasters' coverage of the elections - including the BBC World News channel - and censored social media comments that mention pro-democrats. Yet the English language edition of Global Times says the days ahead will be "a significant test of whether the proestablishment camp can maintain dominance". How does the electoral system work? Candidates were competing for the 70 seats on the LegCo, which passes laws and budgets in the territory. But only 35 constituency seats are directly elected by the 3.8 million registered voters. Another 30 seats, called "functional constituencies", represent particular professions or trades and only people connected to those professions or trades can cast votes for those seats. That is about 6% of the population, and they are mostly Beijingleaning. Representatives for a further five functional constituencies, known as "super seats" are chosen by voters across the territory. The vote does not elect Hong Kong's chief executive, the head of government, but many analysts believe the outcome could have an impact on whether China supports current leader CY Leung for a second term in office. (BBC)

Nathan Law was a leading figure in the student-led protests of 2014(REUTERS)




Merkel Refugee Policy Blamed For CDU German Regional Defeat German Chancellor Angela Merkel's allies have urged her to of migrants without documents had "put the wind in AfD's change course on refugees after her governing CDU party was sails". CSU Secretary General Andreas Scheuer spelt out that beaten in a regional election by an anti-immigrant party. The what was now needed was a cap on refugee numbers and better right-wing AfD party, formed only three years ago, came repatriation of failed asylum seekers. Ahead of the vote Mrs second in the chancellor's home state of Mecklenburg-West Merkel gave a defiant interview on immigration, insisting that Pomerania, polling 21%. Mrs Merkel has defended her policies change was not a bad thing and that "Germany will remain but said she needs to "win back trust". Some 1.1 million Germany, with everything that is dear to us". Although the chancellor's popularity has fallen nationally, she refugees and migrants entered Germany in 2015. Many of them arrived after the government decided to loosen still has 45% approval ratings and has yet to decide if she wants border controls just over a year ago. Mrs Merkel, who is in to run for a fourth term in the September 2017 elections. China for the G20 summit, said she was "very unhappy" with German media asks if Merkel's job is on the line "How many the election result. "Everyone now needs to think about how we more electoral disasters can Merkel take?" wonders tabloid can win back trust - most of all, of course, myself," she said. Bild, predicting that opposition to the chancellor inside her "Obviously it [the election result] has something to do with the conservative bloc could erupt with full force. refugee question. But I nevertheless believe the decisions made A piece in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung predicts an "autumn of were right and we have to continue to work on them." This is discontent" for the chancellor, while Die Welt thinks many of humiliating for Angela Merkel - not least because this was on her long-standing critics will now "break cover" and "let rip". Der Spiegel believes while the election is a "debacle" for Mrs home turf. This election - which was seen as a significant test ahead of next Merkel, her job is not on the line quite yet. And Frankfurter year's general election - was all about her refugee policy. For a Allgemeine Zeitung argues that voters are angry at "(almost) year she's insisted "Wir schaffen es" (we can do it) but German all" mainstream parties, and not just the Christian Democrats, voters aren't convinced. Alternative fuer Deutschland's anti mainly over globalisation and "compromise-based politics". immigrant and increasingly strident anti-Islam message has a AfD's journey from Euroscepticism to anti-Islam powerful appeal to people concerned about integration and Founded in 2013 to oppose German-backed bailouts for poorer worried about domestic security. It doesn't look good for Mrs southern European countries Merkel. Her approval ratings are at a five-year low. But don't be In 2014 it became the first anti-euro party to win seats in a tempted to write her off just yet - she has a habit of bouncing German regional parliament and had seven MEPs elected back and there is no serious contender waiting in the wings to Co-founder Bernd Lucke quit in 2015, arguing it was becoming increasingly xenophobic replace her. The AfD leader in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Leif-Erik Right-winger Frauke Petry replaced him as leader and the party Holm, suggested that "perhaps this is the beginning of the end adopted an anti-Islam policy in May 2016 (BBC) of Angela Merkel's chancellorship". AfD (Alternative fuer Deutschland) now has delegates in nine of Germany's 16 states. "It's a debacle for Angela Merkel and her refugee policy," said Edmund Stoiber, honorary chairman of the Bavarian-based CSU, the sister party of the CDU. It was not enough to criticise the AfD's voters, he argued - the CDU had to understand why people were losing faith in its policies. Mr Stoiber called for a limit on the number of people entering Germany. How the parties polled: SPD (centre-left Social Democrats): 30.6% AfD: 20.8% CDU: 19%, its worst ever showing in the state The CDU is in coalition nationally with the SPD, and also regionally in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Merkel still enjoys strong approval ratings although that may now change. Wolfgang Bosbach Angela despite a fall in her popularity(GETTY IMAGES) of the CDU said the arrival of hundreds of thousands




Philae: Lost Comet Lander Is Found

Europe's comet lander Philae has been found. The little robot is visible in new images downloaded from the Rosetta probe in orbit around the icy dirt-ball 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. European Space Agency (Esa) officials say there is no doubt about the identification - "it's as clear as day", one told the BBC. Philae was dropped on to the comet by Rosetta in 2014 but fell silent 60 hours later when its battery ran flat. Although it relayed pictures and data about its location to Earth, the lander's actual resting place was a mystery. It was assumed Philae had bounced into a dark ditch on touchdown - an analysis now borne out by the latest pictures, which were acquired from a distance of 2.7km from the icy body. Wait after comet landing 'bounce' The images from Rosetta's high-resolution Osiris camera were downlinked to Earth late on Sunday night, and have only just been processed. Philae is seen wedged against a large overhang. Its 1m-wide box shape and legs are unmistakable, however. Rosetta had previously surveyed this location - dubbed Abydos - without success. “Candidate detections" were made but none were very convincing. The difference today is a closer-in perspective and a change in the seasons on the comet, which means the hiding place is now better illuminated. The discovery comes just a few weeks before controllers plan to crashland Rosetta itself on to the comet to formally end its mission. "With only a

month left of the Rosetta mission, we are so happy to have finally imaged Philae, and to see it in such amazing detail," says Cecilia Tubiana from the Osiris team. Although there is no hope of reviving the lander - some of its equipment will have been broken in the cold of space - simply knowing its precise resting place will help scientists make better sense of the data it returned during its three days of operation back in 2014. "This wonderful news means that we now have the missing 'ground-truth' information needed to put Philae's three days of science into proper context, now that we know where that ground actually is!" said Matt Taylor, Esa's Rosetta project scientist. (BBC)




Afghan Blasts: Twin Kabul Explosions 'Kill 24 People’

Twin bomb blasts in the Afghan capital Kabul have killed at He said that "the aim of the terrorists is to spread fear". An least 24 people and injured 91 others near the defence ministry, Italian-run emergency hospital in Kabul tweeted that it was officials say. The first bomb was detonated remotely while the treating 21 injured people, four of whom died on arrival. The second was triggered by a suicide bomber, local media attack comes 11 days after 13 people, including seven students, reported. An army general and two senior police officers are died in an attack by gunmen on the American University in among the dead, a ministry of defence spokesperson told the Kabul. (BBC) BBC. The Taliban, who have carried out frequent attacks in Kabul, claimed the blasts. Deputy defence ministry spokesman Mohammad Radmanish told the AP news agency that the suicide attacker struck as security forces gathered near the ministry to deal with the first blast. He said civilians, police and soldiers were all killed as ministry employees were leaving work at rush hour. President Ashraf Ghani condemned the attack saying it had been carried out by "the enemies of Afghanistan who have lost their ability to The second bomb is reported to have gone off as security fight the security and defence forces dealt with the aftermath of the first device(REUTERS) forces".




EU Migrants: Calais Jungle Protest Causes Huge Disruption

A blockade of lorries in conjunction with a human chain on the roads around the French port of Calais is causing severe disruption on the roads. The protesters are demanding the closure of the "Jungle" migrant camp. Calais Mayor Natacha Bouchart has joined demonstrators, who argue the camp undermines the town and causes disruption at the port. More than 7,000 people now live there, in squalid conditions. Many of them try to jump on lorries to reach Britain. Monday's protest is likely to be the largest local people have held against the Jungle. Ms Bouchart says the situation is becoming unbearable. Those living in the camp, who are Hundreds of people have gathered to form a human chain(GETTY IMAGES) mainly from the Middle East, this year, demolition t e a m s One Sudanese asylum seeker inside the Afghanistan and Africa, hope to cross the dismantled huts in the camp as part camp told the BBC he was saddened by Channel, often using people traffickers to try to enter illegally. Shopkeepers, of an effort to close it down. French the way local people viewed them, and police, unionists and farmers joined Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said all the migrants wanted was to live hauliers in staging the blockade on the said on Sunday that the government still in peace after escaping from conflict. motorway near the port. A member of the i n t e n d e d t o s h u t t h e c a m p . (BBC) farmers' union Co-ordination Rurale told Unaccompanied children Earlier this the Press Association news agency that year, demolition teams dismantled huts farmers in the area were suffering, as in the camp as part of an effort to close it migrants dumped rubbish, trampled down. French Interior Minister Bernard crops and knocked down fences. "The Cazeneuve said on Sunday that the government still intended to shut the camp must go," he said. camp. “They cannot get to England so why are they allowed to stay here?" Nicolas Last week the UK and France pledged to Lotin, director of a haulage firm in work together, increasing security at the Boulogne-sur-Mer, told Agence France p o r t o f C a l a i s , i m p r o v i n g t h e Presse: "We ask ourselves every humanitarian situation for the thousands morning if our work day is going to be of homeless people there, and returning wasted, if a migrant is going to rip the illegal migrants who were judged not to truck's tarpaulin." Antoine Ravisse, be in need of protection to the countries president of the Grand Rassemblement they came from. du Calaisis, a coalition of businesses, A few days later, campaigners said they said the protesters wanted assurances h a d i d e n t i fi e d n e a r l y 4 0 0 from the government that the roads unaccompanied children in the camp around Calais would be made safe again. who were eligible to move to the UK. “It's unacceptable that today in France They urged the UK government to take you can't travel without fear and without those children in. The UK has already the certainty that you won't be attacked," committed to giving 150 children a home he said. Unaccompanied children Earlier in 2016.




Obama Backs NFL Player Colin Kaepernick's Right To Snub Anthem US President Barack Obama has s a i d N F L quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who refused to stand for the US national anthem, was exercising his constitutional right to make a point. Speaking in China, Mr Obama said the player had raised legitimate issues. Kaepernick stirred controversy when he sat during the national anthem to Kaepernick says he will continue to sit out the protest against national anthem until US race relations improve(AP) racial injustice. Some players have about", the president said. He followed his example and sat or kneeled added he would rather have young through the anthem. Asked about the people engaged in the argument in a issue during a news conference at the democratic process than "people who are G20 in Hangzhou, President Obama said just sitting on the sidelines and not it was tough for those in the military to paying attention at all". A week after understand why Kaepernick might snub staying seated during The Star-Spangled the national anthem. Banner, the San Francisco 49ers But he said he did not doubt his sincerity quarterback kneeled during the anthem to raise issues. "If nothing else, what he's before a match on Thursday. done is he's generated more conversation Team-mate Eric Reid also kneeled, but around some topics that need to be talked they were booed by some in the crowd.

On Sunday night, US women's soccer star Megan Rapinoe knelt during the national anthem before the Seattle Reign's game against the Chicago Red Stars in what she said was "a little nod"' to Mr Kaepernick. Kaepernick has said he will continue to sit out the national anthem until he sees improvements in US race relations. A string of recent police killings and subsequent revenge killings have sparked protests across the nation. (BBC)




Hajj Stampede: Iranian Leader Attacks Saudi Management

Iran's supreme leader has attacked Saudi Arabia's handling of the Hajj almost a year on since hundreds of pilgrims were killed in a stampede. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said because of Riyadh's "oppressive behaviour" the "world of Islam" should reconsider its management of the Hajj. This year it begins on 11 September but Iranians will not participate. The Hajj is an annual Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, located in Saudi Arabia. In a statement Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Saudi rulers, who have obstructed the path of Allah and have blocked the proud and faithful Iranian pilgrims' path to the Beloved's House, are disgraced and misguided people. "They [the world of Islam] must not let

those [Saudi] rulers escape responsibility for the crimes they have caused throughout the world of Islam." Regional rivals In May Saudi Arabia and Iran failed to defuse a row on several issues surrounding the Hajj, including visa requirements and flights which have barred Iranians from completing the pilgrimage. Iran says Saudi Arabia failed to meet Iranian demands for "the security and respect" of Iranian pilgrims but Saudi Arabia says the demands were "unacceptable". About 60,000 Iranians attended the Hajj last year and some 400 died in the

stampede near Mecca. Iran and Saudi Arabia are long-standing rivals for regional leadership. In January, the predominantly Sunni Saudi Arabia broke off diplomatic ties with Iran, amid a row over the Saudi execution of a prominent Shia Muslim cleric. (BBC)

Nicolas Sarkozy 'Should Stand Trial' Over 2012 Election Spending

The French prosecutor's office has recommended that former President Nicolas Sarkozy stand trial for breaching campaign spending limits. It follows a long investigation into claims that Mr Sarkozy's then-UMP party falsified accounts in order to hide 18m euros (£15m; $20m) of spending in 2012. Mr Sarkozy lost the 2012 race to Francois Hollande, but is hoping to run again in next year's election. He said he left it to subordinates to raise campaign funds. The advice from the prosecutor's office in Paris is not definitive - an investigating magistrate will now make a final decision over whether Mr Sarkozy should stand trial. But the prosecutor says that, as the candidate, Mr Sarkozy was ultimately responsible for his own campaign - and in any case there is also considerable evidence he was warned at the time of the risks of over-spending. The BBC correspondent in Paris Hugh Schofield says Mr Sarkozy's legal

problems are dark shadows hanging over his renewed presidential hopes and, with campaigning now well under way for the centre-right primary, it brings this major weak spot back into the public eye. To b e c o m e n o m i n e e f o r T h e Republicans, the party he renamed from the UMP, Mr Sarkozy will have to defeat ex-prime minister and mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppe, whom he trails in opinion polls. More on the case The affair is known as the Bygmalion scandal. It centres on claims that Mr Sarkozy's party, then known as the UMP, connived with a friendly PR company to hide the true cost of his 2012 presidential e l e c t i o n campaign.

France sets limits on campaign spending, and it is alleged the firm Bygmalion invoiced Mr Sarkozy's party rather than the campaign, allowing the UMP to exceed the limit. Employees at Bygmalion have admitted knowledge of the ruse and several UMP members already face charges. However Mr Sarkozy has repeatedly denied that he was aware of the overspending. (BBC)

An investigating magistrate will now make a final decision on a trial(REUTERS)




Spain Forest Fires Force Evacuation Of At Least 1,000 People Spanish firefighters are battling a huge forest blaze near Valencia that has forced the evacuation of thousands of people including tourists. More than 200 firefighters have been deployed to tackle the fire some 350km (220 miles) southeast of Madrid. The fire was deliberately started on one of the hottest days of the year, emergency authorities have said. The temperature in the area is forecast to reach 40C but officials hope winds that fanned the flames will decrease. Officials evacuated over 1,000 people late on Sunday from Javea and the resort of Benitatxell, about 40km north of Benidorm, due to the threat from the flames. Emergency services quoted by the Associated Press news agency said they had the fire nearly under control on Sunday but it rekindled when waterdumping aircraft stopped work after sunset - meaning the evacuation process

officials say. More than 300 people are had to begin immediately. Valencia emergency services head Jose reported to be taking sanctuary in local Maria Angel told Spanish radio that he schools and shelters after emergency believed three blazes that ripped through services fought the flames throughout vegetation and destroyed buildings in the Sunday night, supported by aircraft and area were due to "the hand of man... in a military units. In December more than very precise way". BBC Radio presenter 120 forest fires broke out in northern Chris Stark was among those caught up Spain, some of which officials said may in the blaze. "This is crazy. I think my car have been started deliberately. (BBC) and maybe my apartment is on fire.," he tweeted. At this time of the year, tourists make up a substantial proportion of residents in resorts such as Javea. The latest fires have been fuelled by strong gusts and l i t t l e r a i n f a l l , Aircraft are playing a crucial role in the firefighting efforts(EPA)




Spain Forest Fires Force Evacuation Of At Least 1,000 People

At least four people were shot, two fatally, during the J'Ouvert celebration in Brooklyn early Monday despite the NYPD doubling its patrols and pleas for a violence-free night of revelry. The annual predawn celebration, which comes before the New York Caribbean Carnival Parade, was marred yet again by bloodshed, this time in three separate shootings. Police suspected both victims, identified by sources as Tyreke Borel, 18, and Tiarah Poyau, 22, were not the shooters’ intended targets. Last year, an aide to Gov. Cuomo was killed by a stray bullet fired in Crown Heights during a gang shootout. The NYPD undertook what Police Commissioner Bill Bratton called called “an unprecendented effort” to prevent the violence, to no avail. He and Mayor de Blasio did not hide their disappointment, but emphasized that the shootings were carried out by a small group of troublemakers who did not represent the vast majority of revelers. “We will not let a few define the many. We will not let a few who do the wrong thing define the hundreds of thousands who do the right thing,” de Blasio said at a pre-parade breakfast. "We don't accept the status quo of any violence. We will not accept it on any community. We will fight against it.” De Blasio declined to discuss whether he’d consider canceling J’Ouvert next year “until we do a full review.” Bratton said that hopes for a peaceful event this year “were very high.” "We always...plan for the worst and hope for the best,” he said. "Unfortunately despite those high hopes and all the work that went into the event, last night...we had unfortunate tragedy once again affect this event. That will not deter us." Police have yet to name all the victims or suggest any possible motive, though Public Advocate Letitia James said, "We all know that the violence is committed by some gang leaders." “There are more of us who love and more of us who are peaceful than those who commit violence," she said at a preparade breakfast. "We know that we've got a problem with gangs and we hope that they address it. “The contributions of the Caribbean community will not be defined by those who are sick and demented and bring us down. We are more than that," James added. The mayhem began on the eastern side of Prospect Park at 3:45 a.m. when Borel was shot and killed at Flatbush Ave. and Empire Blvd., NYPD Chief Patrick Conrey said. A 72-year-old woman was wounded in what police suspected was crossfire. Sources said she was shot in the arm. Neither victims were believed to be the intended targets, Conrey said. Only 30 minutes later and a block away, at Empire Blvd. and Franklin Ave., Poyau was shot in the head and killed, police said. Investigators suspect she too was not the intended target, Conrey said. Shortly before 5 a.m., a 23-year-old woman said she was stabbed near the same intersection and refused medical attention. About seven blocks away, at Eastern Parkway and Classon Ave. at 5:30 a.m., a man was stabbed and taken to Methodist Hospital with non-life threatening wounds, police sources said. The incident occurred off of the official J’Ouvert route, sources said. Then, at 6:45 a.m., a 20-year-old man was shot in the leg at Rogers and Clarkson Aves. during a fight between two groups of people, Conrey said. Most of the victims were treated at Kings County Hospital. The 20year-old man and two older women were in stable condition, according to sources. Revelers continued to dance and toss paint and

baby powder, despite the police investigations along Empire Blvd. Prospect Heights resident Jill Roberts, who hoped for a peaceful night of festivities, angrily denounced the gun attacks as “senseless killings.” "I feel like I didn't have a J'Ouvert," Roberts, 42, said. She wished authorities would "tell these people to go home." “It's not safe,” Roberts added. On Friday, the NYPD announced the arrest of 43 alleged gangbangers and seized 10 guns in a takedown timed to tamp down violence during the weekend. Cops doubled patrol vans from 25 to 50, increased the number of flood lights in the area from 40 last year to 200 and for the first year issued the J'Ouvert organizers a permit and designated route. Flatbush Ave. was lit up like Broadway at night, and cops were seemingly posted at every corner all weekend. For weeks flyers were posted on storefronts throughout Flatbush, Prospect-Lefferts Gardens and Crown Heights sternly calling for a peaceful parade. "This community will no longer tolerate this violence. Do not shoot anyone. Do not stab anyone. Every act of violence will be fully investigated and prosecuted. This year celebrate J'Ouvert and keep it safe,” the flyers read. J’Ouvert, which means "day break," precedes the New York Caribbean Carnival Parade, but is not affiliated with it. The celebration signals the start of the carnival. Last year, Gov. Cuomo aide Carey Gabay, 43, was one of two men fatally shot in separate incidents during last year's J'Ouvert revelry, leading to renewed calls for an end to the violence. “I’m governor of the State of New York. And there’s nothing I can say and there’s nothing I can do. And sometimes it just hurts,” Cuomo said at the time, making a passionate plea for gun control. This year, de Blasio echoed that message. “We need change in Washington if we're really going to get the guns off the streets. We need laws that make it hard for bad people to get guns,” de Blasio said. Vendors welcomed the heavy police presence even if it meant sparser crowds and fewer customers. "There's more police in the area and that's good," said Fort Greene vendor Gerald (Unk) Covington, who has catered to the nighttime party for the 23 years. "The crowd would be three times the size in previous years." (Daily News New York)

Detectives comb the site of a shooting along the J'Ouvert parade route at Washington Ave. and Empire Blvd. early Monday. (DANNY IUDICI)




A Day Like Today Jesse Woodson James, the main figure of ‘The James Younger-Gang’, members of the community, became their modus operandi. one of the most successful American gangs of the 19th century, was Their crimes made headlines on the newspapers of the epoch, gaining born a day like today in Clay County, Missouri 1847.The so called in fame after rumors of Jesse’s tendency of distributing part of their ‘Gallant Robin Hood of the West’ built his reputation not only with loot with the needed, went viral. But this information was never good looks and charm, but with a sadistic hunger for blood and confirmed. The gang was active for 10 years. Its partial disintegration fortune. Jesse grew up to a torn family. Being the younger of two in 1876 was just the beginning of the end for their journey. Jesse not brothers, he rapidly learned the meaning of independence after his satisfied with his decade of success, continued to tempt his fate father, a Baptist minister and slave-owning hemp farmer abandoned starring in a small chain of crimes for the years to come. Ironically, he the family when the Gold Rush exploded in 1849. His mother Zerelda was executed by one of his own gang members on a greed crime, in Cole James remarried, but rumors has it that Jesse’s step father had a 1882. Source: temper. With the Civil War erupting in 1861 diving the country between the james-is-born-in... Union (referred to the USA) and the Confederate States of America (referred to the 11 slave stated that declared secession) every young American male became a soldier. Jesse being only 18 years old and Frank 22, joined the Guerrilla or Bushwhacking to support the Confederate side of the war. His names gained in notoriety after killing 25 soldier of the Union in Missouri 1864. Even though the Union saw hundreds of its soldiers perish, they won the war. Giving a bitter-sweet taste to one of the bloodiest conflicts in American soil. After this apparent defeat the James brothers decided that, looking for gold in the waters of California or farming wasn’t an option. They wanted to make come true the dreams of an easy life, but they needed to grow in quantity. After recruiting nine other members, the ‘The James Younger-Gang’ became an official threat for the authorities of the Old West. Bank Jesse Woodson James robberies and murders of the wealthiest




President’s ‘Five Bs’ Attracts Pledge Of Support From BHS Old Students

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 6, 2016) President David Granger, today, met overseas based alumnae of the Berbice High School, who indicated their interest in supporting the Government’s Buses, Bicycles, Boats, B o o k s + B r e a k f a s t ( F i v e B ’s ) programme. Ms. Wannetta Phillips and Ms. Elsa Blackman are currently in Guyana for the school’s centenary celebrations. Both women have been involved in charity work for a number of years, particularly assisting the less fortunate in New Amsterdam, their hometown. The latter said that they fully endorse the President’s drive to make Guyana an education nation and want to become more involved. They had earlier convened a meeting with BHS’s head teacher, staff and Parent Teachers Association (PTA) to discuss the needs of the 100-year old institution. This meeting resulted in a very lengthy ‘wish

list’, foremost on which was a fullyfunctional information technology laboratory. Ms. Phillips said that she was very happy with President’s pledge of $1M to the school yesterday, to go towards this very need. President Granger explained that, “Guyana is very far behind than other Caribbean countries in terms of information technology, so this is where we are going to put our efforts.” He added that in a small country like Guyana where the annual school drop-out rate is 4000 students, his Government made the decision to tackle the problem at the source by ensuring that children, regardless of where they live, are able to attend school.

This led to the advent of the ‘Five Bs’ programme, which to date, has received overwhelming private sector support. To date under the programme, eight boats and nine buses have been commissioned and hundreds of bicycles have been distributed to communities across the country. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger flanked by Ms. Elsa Blackman (left) and Ms. Wannetta Phillips at the Ministry of the Presidency, this morning

Govt Ministers At Odds Over SOCU’s Protocol M i n i s t e r o f P u b l i c traditionally fall under the control of the Guyana Police Force S e c u r i t y, K h e m r a j Ramjattan and Minister of Legal Affairs Basil Williams are at odds when it comes to the protocol of the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU), which is responsible for dealing with financial crimes as recommended by the Financial Action Task F o r c e ( FAT F ) . T h e Attorney General had expressed concerns that SOCU was becoming increasingly burdened with police work and can now investigate crimes such as murders, piracy, smuggling and other offences which

(GPF). As such, Minister Williams wants SOCU to be removed from the control of the Police Force. But Minister Ramjattan has noted that the expansion of SOCU’s protocol will not burden the unit. He is of the belief that the organization can handle the workload. Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall has expressed concerns about SOCU’s added protocols, noting that “SOCU’s added mandate to investigate murder, piracy, environmental offences and a whole host of offences which are neither specialized nor organized crimes.” He further explained that SOCU’s main mandate is to investigate solely and exclusively Anti-money laundering offences, which was a specific recommendation of FATF. Mr. Nandallal was further quoted as saying, “I warned that using SOCU to investigate any other offences may violate the relevant FATF recommendations. I was ignored. The Government has done worse. It has now institutionally expanded the scope of SOCU to investigate offences far and beyond AMLCFT offences. So, currently, we do not have a Specialized Crime Unit which exclusively investigates AMLCFT offences as is required by the FATF recommendations.”




GPA, reporters protest NCN for suspension of Editor, removing pregnant anchor The Guyana Press Association (GPA) along with members from statement they hardly want to in fear of victimization. the women and gender equality commission, reporters and In this respect, he said that Smith and Hawke should be human rights activists staged a protest in front the state owned complemented as “standard bearers.” Hawke was suspended National Communications Network Inc. over the one month for a period of one month without pay over comments she made suspension without pay of Sport Editor Jocelle Archibald- on her personal Facebook page criticizing a question posed by a Hawke and the removal of Natasha Smith from the news junior reporter of NCN to President David Granger on the Pokémon phenomenon. In a press statement from the anchor’s chair due to pregnancy. Hawke was suspended over comments she made on Facebook management of NCN concerning the suspension, the company towards a fellow employee to whom she has already stated that due process was followed in arriving at its decision. apologized. Executive member of the GPA, Denis Chabrol criticized the decisions taken by NCN, noting that the GPA has received statements from both Miss Smith and Mrs. Archibald-Hawk. He said the GPA wants Hawke reinstated and Smith given the opportunity to anchor the news once more. “We intend to intensify our action on all fronts whether be it nongovernmental, parastatal or nongovernmental, to bring this matter to a reasonable conclusion on behalf of the parties involved,” Chabrol said. When questioned about if the GPA had any pervious complaints of similar nature, Chabrol said that persons had complaints about problems work or supervisor, but in Some of the protesters in front the NCN Compound terms of writing an official

Quartet On bail For Theft

The Guyana Press Association (GPA) along with members from the women and gender equality commission, reporters and human rights activists staged a protest in front the state owned National Communications Network Inc. over the one month suspension without pay of Sport Editor Jocelle Archibald-Hawke and the removal of Natasha Smith from the news anchor’s chair due to pregnancy. Hawke was suspended over comments she made on Facebook towards a fellow employee to whom she has already apologized. Executive member of the GPA, Denis Chabrol criticized the decisions taken by NCN, noting that the GPA has received statements from both Miss Smith and Mrs. Archibald-Hawk. He said the GPA wants Hawke reinstated and Smith given the opportunity to anchor the news once more. “We intend to intensify our action on all fronts whether be it nongovernmental, parastatal or non-governmental, to bring this matter to a reasonable conclusion on behalf of the parties involved,” Chabrol

said. When questioned about if the GPA had any pervious complaints of similar nature, Chabrol said that persons had complaints about problems work or supervisor, but in terms of writing an official statement they hardly want to in fear of victimization. In this respect, he said that Smith and Hawke should be complemented as “standard bearers.” Hawke was suspended for a period of one month without pay over comments she made on her personal Facebook page criticizing a question posed by a junior reporter of NCN to President David Granger on the Pokémon phenomenon. In a press statement from the management of NCN concerning the suspension, the company stated that due process was followed in arriving at its decision.




Drug Shortage At GPHC Continues

Several persons, including a Sickle Cell patient have complained to the Guyana Daily News that there is lack of drugs at the Georgetown Public Hospital to treat their conditions. Doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) also confirmed that there is an ongoing drug shortage at the hospital and several medical institutions around the country have reported same. This newspaper understands that drug supplies at the medical institutions are dwindling at a fast rate due to the large amount of patients. Reports indicate that most of the essential drugs listed by the World Health Organization are not in stock. Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton had stated that there is no drug shortage but explained that there is a delay in the procurement system. “I hope the shortage we are experiencing now, because of the change in the procurement system, would become available to the public in a timely manner

and in sufficient quantities,” he said. The Minister had earlier in the year introduced a new system for procurement of drugs. Dr. Norton said that he will work closer with the Ministry of Communities to address several problems relating to drug shortages. “I know that’s a large ministry

and they’ve got so many on their plate, this is not to say that we don’t have either but I am not going to depend on the region to do everything… we have to do this together, and I would keep in communication with medical professionals in the centre so I can do my part as well,” he said.




Guyana To Establish An Onshore Oil And Gas Facility requests from operators and industry standards. The

GEORGETOWN, Guyana – The Ministry of Natural Resources, today September 5, 2016, announced Government’s intention to establish an onshore oil and gas facility in Guyana with a view to fully optimising opportunities for the country in the area of petroleum exploration and production. The Ministry of Natural Resources, working in conjunction with the Ministries of Public Infrastructure and Business, believes that this facility is a critically needed one and is part of the raft of measures intended to ensure that Guyana keeps on the right trajectory in the development of the oil and gas industry. The development of onshore infrastructure is critical to the success of the offshore oil and gas activities, and it is expected that this logistics and supply base will be able to serve the sector as a whole. Government believes that as the industry continues to evolve early plans must be put in place to harness the synergies and benefits that will arise from this and other necessary infrastructure including, providing much needed employment to large numbers of Guyanese workers. Onshore facilities normally include shipyard, port facilities oil field waste disposal, oil spill response, electric power infrastructure, support and heliport facilities, platform fabrication support and numerous other services which are provided in keeping with

Government of Guyana is currently reviewing several locations as part of the consideration for the establishment of the facility that is expected to be established in collaboration with the private sector in a public/private partnership and in keeping with industry standards. Ministry of Natural Resources Press Release




Guyana In Need Of Social Cohesion


uyana, as a land of various cultures, races and religions, has always faced the challenges of social segregation. When a society marginalizes each other, seeing the differences above the similarities, regresses into a nest for social evils. As a bad weed, if it stays unattended takes over all the virtues that we once had as a nucleus. With the observance of Indigenous Heritage Month, social cohesion becomes once again the main topic to take into consideration from a political approach. The levitating questions about the preferences over some sectors of the society, upsets the common Guyanese. Highlighting the indigenous community, which since the colonial times, have faced the raw side of discrimination. President David Granger expressed his concern about the matter on his weekly

program ‘The Public Interest’. “The Government is working on ways to bring social cohesion by adopting necessary m e a s u r e s , ” President Granger said. But according to former Amerindian Affairs Minister, Pauline Sukhai, this measures have been ‘walking on slow motion’, as she highlighted during a recent meeting held by the PPP/C in mid-August. According to reports, the meeting addressed the lack of significant changes seen for social betterment since the new administration took power, highlighting its effects in the indigenous community. The dismissal of various projects, and their substitution with less effective ones, taking the Hinterland Employment and Youth Service HEYS as an example, was one of the main topics. However, a recent article published in the Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs Website, the HEYS program effectiveness is favorable. Reports indicate that leading role of the youth in the indigenous communities have been tilting towards a positive side. The focus of a team of the Ministry of

Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs is currently in the Upper Mazaruni District, Region Seven, monitoring the changes that the HEYS program is having not only the youth in these regions, but the community as a whole. The supervision is expected to continue on the rest of the communities. According to the Assistant to the Programme Coordinator, Rohan Bishop, the HEYS program is expected to benefit more than one thousand nine hundred youths countrywide. On this matter, President Granger mentioned on the Public Interest that the “focus on the indigenous community is vital for the social cohesion” and how projects are being implemented, and results are being seen. He said the HEYS program is just one of the many angles that the government is planning to take for social integration, with the indigenous community as a focus. Integrating the indigenous dialects in the education system, providing dictionaries to the educational centers and familiarizing the staff college with the indigenous culture and language, are one of the projects scheduled by year end, according to President Granger. But a society lacking in economic stability and certainty of their future could walk fast but not far. President Granger also noted that reduction of poverty is also needed, a balance between social classes as well as political engagement as substantial pillars for a healthy and inclusive governance.

Porter Jailed For Snatching Woman’s Money In mitigation to the act, the 27 -year-old day in question, Griffith after leaving

Porter, Orlando Klass was today sentenced to 18 months imprisonment after he appeared before Magistrate Delon Bess in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with stealing GY$75,000 cash from Denise Griffith on September 2, 2016 at Wellington Street, Georgetown. Klass who hails from Charlotte Street, Georgetown, heard the charge read before him at which point he entered a guilty plea.

apologized to the virtual complainant, Griffith, who was present and asked for the court to be lenient with his sentencing. Griffith in response to Klass' apology said that people work hard for their money and that it is not right for people to steal it. The magistrate made his decision based on what was said and noted that it is the first offence that Klass has committed. It was noted by the Prosecution that on the

Scotia Bank located on Robb Street, proceeded east towards Wellington Street with the cash in her hand. It was then that Klass stole the money and proceeded to run away, however a rank from the Guyana Police Force who was at the location saw the incident and pursued the defendant. He was apprehended by the rank and the cash was found in his right pants side pocket.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bartica Electricity Interruptions PAGE 34

September 6, 2016 Georgetown, Guyana: The generating capacity at Bartica has been severely affected as a result of the unavailability of two of the three generating sets: - one unit undergoing major overhaul while the second unit experienced a major engine failure on Sunday, September 5 The major overhaul is scheduled to be completed by September 17 th , but arrangements are being made for urgent relocation of a unit to Bartica. A subsequent update will be issued confirming the arrival of this unit and its expected operational time frame. Due to the shortfall in generation the following load-shedding guide will be in effect. The guide will follow the rotating sequence indicated above until installation of the second generating set. Also, it is envisioned that electricity will be supplied to the entire town from 00:00 to 08:00hrs. For updates, residents are advised to check our website at, GPL Facebook page which can be found by searching for “GPL Inc.” from their individual Facebook accounts and the TARZIE Television Station. Our Company seeks the patience


of the Bartica residents while we work assiduously towards restoring the situation to normalcy. We extend our sincerest apologies to our valued customers of Bartica Guyana Power and Light Inc. Press Release




50% Of Budget Spent Because There Is No Economic Plan

President David Granger, during his recent appearance on the weekly television programme, The Public Interest, blamed the absence of a ministerial planning unit and the incapacity of the Tender Board Administration for only half of the budget being spent. He explained that due to the lack of a ministerial planning unit, many ministers who took over the ministries last year were not receiving quality of advice about their programmes. “We have decided to now establish ministerial planning units so that not only plans are made (but) expenditure which matches those plans will be programmed so we don’t face a bottle neck.” According to the President, the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board does not have the capability to process all tenders. “There is a bottle neck, there are just too many requests for that board to handle and we need to have maybe a bigger board or maybe the board needs to sit more frequently.” Minister of State Joseph Harmon at a press conference on June 25, 2016, stated that the APNU+AFC Government is sure that it has an economic plan and that it will be based on a new model, not the plans left by the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) administration. He also asserted that the new model will be based on a green economy. Harmon had also stated that President David Granger has spoken about the APNU+AFC Government’s vision for a green economy. However, he did not expound on the ideas addressed by Granger. The State Minister also said that the APNU+AFC Coalition’s program is in Budget 2015 and 2016. “An economic plan will have to evolve from a national

strategy,” he said. However, he did not say when this will be completed. The Private Sector Commission (PSC) has lamented the slowing growth of the local economy, and is calling for the APNU+AFC Coalition to show the business community an economic plan. Many business owners and citizens of Guyana are questioning the President’s assertion, they are saying that the Government has no economic plan for Guyana. They are attributing this factor as the main reason for 50 percent of the budget not being spent. The 2017 budget is expected to be revealed on December 05. Since assuming office in May 2015, the APNU+AFC coalition government has struggled to stabilize the country’s economy. Many business owners have been crying out, explaining that there is no ‘cash flow’ which is resulting in stagnant economy.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS $1M Pledged For Berbice High School’s Computer Lab At Centenary Celebration -President Granger Plugs Importance Of Innovation In Education PAGE 36


President David Granger, today, pledged an initial $1 million to boost the Berbice High School’s (BHS) computer laboratory as he noted that an education founded in in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects is key to innovation and transformation of the country. The President was at the time speaking at the centenary anniversary celebration of the Berbice High School, which was observed today under the theme: “Seizing the opportunity to train and build a cohesive society.”Addressing a packed Berbice High School auditorium, which included Ministers of Government, members of the BHS Alumni, teachers, parents and students, President Granger told the gathering that education must aim at producing persons of quality, who can be integrated into adult society. Education, at the secondary level, must edify the mind, elevate values and enhance skills, he said. In this regard, he added that STEM subjects play a major role and ought to be embraced. “Education can achieve these ends only if it embraces certain values and standards. I identified two elements; tradition and transformation. The School ought to embrace innovation. This is the driver of global competiveness… Guyana’s capacity to compete in global markets will rely on our ability to innovate. Innovation requires that greater emphasis be placed on education, particularly STEM education. The greatest innovation in the global economy is in the scientific and information technology fields. STEM education must be emphasised from an early age if we are to develop the skills and attitudes necessary to foster transformation,” the President said. At this point, the President President David Granger addressing the gathering pledged a sum of $1 million to help to boost the school’s computer laboratory, as he further committed ensuring that at the auditorium of the Berbice High School. support is provided for further development in the coming years. With President David Granger’s pledge to ensure Internet access to citizens across Guyana, free of cost and investment in the technology field, the Berbice High School is now a beneficiary of Internet access, courtesy of the eGovernment Agency. The service was installed over the last two weeks and will now be able to facilitate the delivery of the National Centre for Education Research and Development’s (NCERD) new STEM curriculum. Plans are also in the pipeline by the Government to provide laptops to all the teachers, who had not benefited during the distributions made under the One Laptop Per Family platform operated by the previous administration. President Granger noted that education will transform the East Berbice Corentyne region, a region which is President David Granger receives a token of bigger than most Caribbean islands.

appreciation from a representative of the Alumni.

continued on next page...




$1M Pledged For Berbice High School...cont... “This Region is larger than Belgium or Belize, three times the size of Jamaica and five times the size of Trinidad and Tobago. This Region is rich in resources but it has not been able to convert this potential into economic prosperity for the last one hundred years. The present generation must reverse this situation. It is up to you. Do not rely on the Alumni… The Region, given its diverse landscape; coastal plain, rainforests, savannahs and wetlands, can lead the development of a ‘green’ economy while, at the same time, securing the good life for all of its citizens,” the President told the students. In the meantime, the President said that as the school celebrates its 100 years of existence, it has been the embodiment of both family-based religious tradition and the education of young men and women. This pattern, he said started in the 19th century, flourished in the 20th century and continues to transform citizens’ lives today in the 21st century. “One hundred years ago, the parents of the children of East Berbice-Corentyne understood that and were convinced of the worth of education. They were eager, because of this conviction, to enroll children in a secondary school, often at great personal sacrifice. Education, they understood, was the gateway to increased opportunities and a better life. Knowledge, they knew, would provide enlightenment and liberation from ignorance. Education would equip their children with the skills and values needed for personal development…The Berbice High School was one that survived. It was founded in response to the growing demand for a better life and would become the bellwether of secondary education in the County of Berbice,” President Granger said. The School was the first secondary school to be founded in the county and, for 100 years, it has remained a leader in secondary education, President Granger said. He noted that BHS unlocked doors that were previously closed to poor families and it unveiled the potential of students of this Region, unfolded new opportunities for them in society. “Berbice High School was established with the expressed purpose of preparing students for the important tasks of life. It has now accumulated one hundred years of service to this county a proud reputation and tradition of excellence. The school was a beacon of academic distinction. It produced some of Guyana’s most eminent citizens,” the Head of State expressed. This centenary, therefore, the President said, must set the stage for perpetuating the traditions, which have long been associated with BHS’s golden years. Those golden years are not a matter for nostalgia or memories but must be relived every day to create new opportunities, the President told the students and teachers alike. “BHS, equally, must continue the process of transformation, which kept it resilient and responsive to the Region’s changing circumstances. You, students are the heirs of one hundred years of BHS traditions, values and standards.

President David Granger poses with some of the current students of the Berbice High School at the school's centenary celebrations, earlier today.

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger sticks the celebratory cake with the oldest member of the alumni present at the ceremony today; Mr.Norman Semple (Class of 1942)

continued on next page...




$1M Pledged For Berbice High School...cont... I urge you to educate yourselves about this School’s traditions and to emulate the successes of the scholars, who passed through its doors. I urge that, by your ardour, behaviour and demeanour, you declare to the nation that you are a student of a school with an excellent scholastic tradition and a solid moral foundation. I urge you tell present generation to embrace the standards and values, which have brought acclaim to the School over the past one hundred years,” he said. Head Mistress of the school, Ms. Tracey Heyliger in her remarks, said that while the school is an old institution with strong principles, simultaneously, it is a lively institution where development is continuous and where diligent teachers continue to service the system, moulding the nation’s children. “The use of information technology as well as various teaching strategies has been the main reason, the Berbice High is the top school in this region. It has moved up from seventh last year to fifth this year nationally. With an 89.2 percent passes in Grades One to Three including both English Language and Mathematics and it is known to be one of the most disciplined schools in Berbice. We have a high standard of discipline,” she said. Education continues to underpin the President’s development policy and he has focused heavily on keeping children in school since his assumption to office. The widely successful ‘Five B’s; Boats, Buses, Bicycles, Books plus Breakfast’ programme, aimed at ensuring the hindrances to school attendance are removed has already begun to pay dividends. Mr. Gavin Mahadeo, a teacher at the school expressed gratitude to the President and the Government of Guyana, for the implementation of the ‘Five B’s’ programme, which he said, has helped the school and its students significantly. He noted that there is a school bus, which takes students to and from school every day, while a number of students have benefitted from bicycles under the programme. Mr, Mahadeo noted that there has been a significant improvement in attendance and by providing what may seem like a small thing to some, the President is making a significant impact in the Region. Social Cohesion Meanwhile, Dr. Grantley Walrond, Chairperson of the Organising Committee for the Centenary Celebrations of the Berbice High School, in his remarks, said that the school excels not only in academia and sports, but has been pushing social cohesion, an area which the President himself, has been advocating since his assumption to office, lack of which, Dr. Walrond said, continues to stymie the growth and development of this country. “But the question is, how did we get here? We the intellectual society, the privileged products of the Berbice High School, the Queen’s College or Bishop’s

let Guyana down and left it to the wiles of those [for whom] any strategy is fair game for as long as it confers power advantage. A recent survey identifies race and ethnicity as the biggest challenge to human relations, security, social, political and economic development. This cannot be news but yet for most of us race and ethnicity must only be discussed in the confines of our homes or clubs with friends or associates who we think we can “trust” while there continues to be mistrust in other sections of the society,” he said. First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge, Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally and Minister within the Ministry of Education, Ms. Nicolette Henry also attended the event. MOTP Press Release

A section of the gathering at today's centenary celebrations of the Berbice High School.




Curacao MP Named As Suspect In Murder Probe WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- A Member of Parliament of the ruling party in Curacao, Pueblo Soberano (PS), Elmber Wilsoe, has resigned from parliament after a leaked document from the Investigation Cooperation Team (RST) named Wilsoe as one of the suspects in the 2013 assassination of the island’s political leader, Helmin Wiels. An investigation in still continuing into the intellectual authors or those who gave orders and paid for the assassination of the popular politician and former political leader of the biggest party on the island. Wilsoe is named in the leaked document as the one who knew the exact location of his political leader. On Saturday night during a PS meeting, Wilsoe indicated that on Monday he would present his resignation letter to the president of Parliament. He also indicated that he is not doing this because he Elmber Wilsoe is guilty, but that he has a conscience. “I am a man of I will step down and take the time to prepare myself for the principle and I respect the institution of parliament. I am battle,” said Wilsoe during his speech. (Caribbean News Now!) against having suspects as Members of Parliament. This is why

Jamaica To Develop National Health Insurance Scheme By Peta-Gay Hodges KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- The National Health Fund (NHF) has been tasked with the responsibility of developing a national health insurance scheme to fund the public healthcare system in Jamaica. NHF chairman, Christopher Zacca, said that the mandate was given by minister of health, Dr Christopher Tufton. “A national health scheme is a solution to address the need to adequately fund the health sector, and the significance to the public is that they will have a better healthcare system,” he noted. Zacca said the work to develop the scheme has just started. “What shape and form it will take; it is early to speak of. It’s a very complex process and it requires a lot of stakeholder consultations. The minister will determine the timeline, but it is not a process that will take months. It will be more than a year and possibly two,” he said. The NHF was established by the government to reduce the financial burden of healthcare on the population by subsidising the cost of medication for 16 chronic illnesses. These include breast cancer, prostate cancer, hypertension, heart disease,

rheumatic fever, high cholesterol, vascular disease, diabetes, epilepsy, major depression, glaucoma, psychosis, asthma, arthritis, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. (Caribbean News Now!)

National Health Fund (NHF) Chairman, Christopher Zacca, addresses a JIS Think Tank held recently at the agency’s head office in Kingston. Photo: Donald Delahaye




ECLAC Holds Budget Training Workshop For Policymakers In Barbados

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The budgeting process is set to greatly improve in Barbados as a result of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) training for public finance managers on public expenditure reviews (PERs), according to Seibert Frederick, permanent secretary in the Barbados ministry of economic affairs. Speaking at the high-level briefing that concluded the training workshop, on 26 August 2016, Frederick emphasized the value and potential of the techniques imparted, in bolstering the efficiency of the budgeting exercise, and noted that the training would have definitely benefitted permanent secretaries. During the workshop, 16 representatives from the ministries of finance, education, health, agriculture and social care were trained in the conduct of PERs with applications for their respective sectors. The participants praised ECLAC for undertaking the initiative and echoed Frederick’s sentiments with regard to the usefulness of the training, adding that an enabling environment and mindset shift of policymakers and technicians are needed to ensure successful implementation of public expenditure reviews. PERs are intended to align public sector expenditures with the priorities of the government. They are also intended to

provide savings, either from resource coordinator of ECLAC Caribbean’s reallocation or by reducing unproductive Economic Development Unit, offered expenditures. In addition, by improving insight into the motivation behind the fiscal management, they can provide project’s design, as well as its upcoming much needed fiscal space especially activities. He indicated that in addition to when a country is experiencing high debt the completed training, the project offers levels. The training was facilitated by sustained support to participating eminent economist Professor Vanus countries through the provision of James, who highlighted the usefulness of dedicated technical assistance. public expenditure reviews in elevating The training held in Barbados follows four similar workshops, held in Antigua the budgeting process. He explained that ECLAC’s holistic and Barbuda, Belize, and St Kitts and approach of not only offering training, Nevis, and precedes a regional training but also providing dedicated assistance module on forecasting and fiscal to ensure that the techniques learnt are transparency to be held in Port of Spain u n d e r s t o o d a n d s u c c e s s f u l l y from 19-23 September 2016. The final implemented for the utmost benefit of the phase of the project will include follow respective Ministries, underscores its u p t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e f o r t h e commitment to building national participating countries to support their capacity. This workshop is part of the implementation of the PER techniques. ECLAC project, “Strengthening the (Caribbean News Now!) technical capacity of public finance officials in select Caribbean small island developing states ( S I D S ) ” , a n d complements the recently launched ECLAC debt for climate adaptation swaps proposal which is designed to promote fiscal responsibility and build the fiscal resilience of the Caribbean. S h e l d o n M c L e a n , Professor Vanus James at the Barbados training workshop




St Maarten Government MPs Support Call For A Referendum On Independence GREAT BAY, St Martin -- A majority of St Maarten parliamentarians present at the reconvened meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament held on Friday, September 2, 2016, with a delegation of the Independence for St Martin Foundation (ISMF), expressed support for the foundation’s call for a referendum to be held so that the people of the territory could have their say on the issue of independence. President of the ISMF, Jose Lake, Jr., made the case for a referendum to be called on the issue of independence and urged the Members of Parliament to act swiftly to make this happen within the next year. Dr Rhoda Arrindell, secretary of the foundation, addressed the issue of placing St Maarten back on the United Nations (UN) list of non-self-governing territories.

Joseph H. Lake, Jr, president, Independence for St Martin Foundation (ISMF). (File Photo)

She said when the territory was removed from the list by the Netherlands in 1954 the people of the island were not consulted. Arrindell further elaborated on why such reinstatement would not be a step backwards as some had argued, pointing out that the “autonomy of St Maarten” is a myth as the territory is still a colony that does not have control over the appointment of the governor, nor over constitutional matters, which still require the approval of the Dutch Kingdom government. Arrindell added that in both judicial and financial matters, the last word remained with the Kingdom government. “What autonomy are we talking about?” she asked rhetorically. She then proceeded to answer the questions posed by the MPs during the May 18 meeting. Placing the territory back on the United Nations (UN) list would secure international support for the island’s quest, Arrindell said. She added that St Eustatius and Bonaire are also seeking the same thing, having taken their case to the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) heads of state meeting and to the UN. Independence, continued Arrindell, is a right of all colonized people, and not a privilege. “If a right is not a priority for politicians, what else would be?” she asked. Friday’s meeting was adjourned briefly to allow the ISMF to answer additional questions from the

MPs. President of Parliament, Sarah Wescott-Williams, brought the meeting to a close after she indicated that the next step would be for the foundation to present a formal petition to Parliament and/or for the individual MPs to make use of their right to present a motion to a plenary session of the legislative body. “We are very satisfied with the outcome of the meeting,” said Lake. The ISMF president noted that during the first meeting, ten of the MPs present expressed support for independence. “That’s a two-thirds majority,” he stated. He reiterated that the quest for independence is not a partisan issue and urged the politicians to take the lead in working with the people. A referendum does not mean that the territory would obtain independence the next day, but it would signal the beginning of the march towards sovereignty, Lake said. The meeting was a continuation of the first one held on May 18, 2016, which was adjourned after the MPs listened to the presentation of the foundation, made some remarks and posed a series of questions, which the ISMF had the opportunity to answer on Friday. (Caribbean News Now!)




Integrity Commission Boss Hits PM: We Are Not Sleeping On The Job—Hosein

The chairman of the Integrity Commission retired Justice Zainool Hosein has described as “unfair” criticisms levelled against the commission by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. “We are not sleeping on our work. It is unfair especially when criticisms are made in the absence of any details to support it,” Hosein said yesterday. It was during a radio call in programme on Sunday that Rowley criticised the commission for the length of time which it was taking to investigate allegations made against former housing minister Marlene Mc Donald which led to her dismissal from the Cabinet. Rowley told i95.5 FM that “in the spirit of integrity in public life when allegations are made against public officials, especially parliamentarians, the Integrity Commission must act expeditiously to deal with those investigations, determine whether there’s a case to answer or whether the person’s name should be cleared and the person continue without a cloud. But those investigations are dragging on too long.” Hosein, a retired Justice of Appeal, said: “The comments are very unfair and are without any factual basis to support them. “If anyone is going to criticise and continue to criticise the commission they should try to have some evidence to support it and give us the opportunity to tell them why their proposed condemnation should not be voiced. “The matters that are being attended to the parties will be aware of what is taking place because they would have been written to, but Section 20 of the Act clearly prevents us from divulging to anyone details of any particular matter. We can’t do that. The parties will know what is taking place.” Hosein said the commission was “exposed to adverse criticism and slander on no facts,” but he said: “We are not sleeping on any matter that we have on our files but it does take time to investigate because the information and the evidence may not be easily forthcoming.” He said investigations were “time-consuming and to use the old cliché ‘We don’t have the benefit of low hanging fruit.’” Hosein was appointed chairman of the commission 18 months ago. In that time, he said, the commission had stabilised “and ought to be given the opportunity to perform its functions as set out in Section Five without unsubstantiated adverse criticism. That’s all we can do. But we remain focused on achieving what the purpose of the Act intends.” He said the commission had been “trying desperately to clear the backlog that we inherited and thanks to our staff, particularly those in compliance, we are doing reasonably well but there is room for improvement.” Under his watch, he said, the commission had introduced outreach programmes. They have already visited Tobago where he said there was 95 per cent compliance with the Integrity in Public Life Act. “Why can’t we

achieve that level of compliance in Trinidad?” he asked. The commission, he said, would be going to San Fernando on September 21. He said the commission had a team of “courteous, efficient and accessible staff to assist anyone who is having any problems in filing their returns or declaration, if that is done then people would feel more confident in coming forward to serve.” He advised people in public life to utilise that option, saying he did it years ago when he was required to comply when called to serve on a committee organising world cricket. Hosein said he had noted a report which quoted the Prime Minister as saying that people were shying away from public service because they wanted nothing to do with the Integrity Commission. He said: “We are not here to catch anybody out. I will not be in any vocation that requires you to catch people out.” He said what the law required was that people in public life “file a declaration of income, assets and liabilities. If you have difficulties we will assist you. There is no need for anyone to be fearful of the Integrity Commission.” He said the commission had a number of proposals for amendment to the Act but “I do not share the view that this Act is not workable. We are utilising the provisions which are intended to facilitate our achievement of our objectives. There are provisions in the act which allow it to work and we are utilising those provisions.” How they investigate The commission utilises the services of an investigative team, comprising retired police officers, to conduct investigations into matters brought before the commission. Investigations could appear to take long because of a number of factors, sources said, as investigators did not have police warrants and depended on third party sources and they also have to deal with lawyers who may sometimes make investigations more difficult. When the investigation is completed a sub-committee reviews the findings and may make recommendations to the commission. The commission reviews and analyses the report and decides whether there is reasonable grounds to refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions or to close the investigation. The commission is also now for the first time utilising the courts to go after people who fall within its ambit and fail to file declarations. The commission wants the court to order people to file and if not. to face fines or jail time. Case against Marlene Mc Donald was fired following allegations that her spouse Michael Carew and his brother Lennox were hired among 13 members of her constituency office over several years in the last term. It was reported that Michael Carew worked at the office from June 2010 to September 2015, earning the second highest salary of $13,400 monthly for the entire constituency term, while his brother has been

working at the office since 2011 and received $14,000 in salary. It was also alleged that Michael Carew headed the Calabar Foundation which received a $375,000 cheque from the Ministry of Community Development, a ministry Mc Donald then led, even before the foundation was registered. Rowley vs Integrity Commission The Integrity Commission collapsed in 2009 when the High Court found that then chairman John Martin had acted in bad faith with Rowley on the Landate affair. This led to a mass resignation of all commissioners. The High Court ruling found that the commission was guilty of “tort of misfeasance” when it prematurely referred the Landate matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions and as a result all commissioners resigned. People can stall system—Gordon Former chairman of the Integrity Commission Ken Gordon, who was Hosein’s predecessor, told the T&T Guardian amendments to the Integrity In Public Life Act were critical to moving the commission forward. Gordon said a number of recommendations were made and even though they were approved by the commission under his tenure they were never implemented “because the new chairman wanted to review them. That was over a year-and-a-half ago.” He said the Commission had six investigators when he was chairman “and that was enough. The problem is not the lack of numbers but we got stalled because we did not have the authority in the Act to go further so things came to a halt.” He feels there are “too many unjustifiable delays. People feel it’s taking too long and sometimes it does.” Gordon said under his tenure there was a particular matter which required a tribunal being set up, because “if you get to a certain point where people refuse to give information you can recommend to the President that he appoints a tribunal. “It took one year in the particular matter despite writing to the President, we had the information but we could not get the President (Carmona) to act.” The matter Gordon referred to involved allegations against former FIFA vicepresident Jack Warner over bribes for votes during a Concacaf meeting at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain. Gordon said the problem “is not so much the people as it is the system. The Act has limitations. The commission is really a toothless tiger. People can stall the system and when you don’t have the authority to deal with it, it drags out.” The “system”, he said, “is sadly in need of an overhaul. It is really a call for action.” The most critical change, he said, was to “facilitate the investigative process.” He said the Act as it existed “does not spell out how you go about taking the action required and then you have to end up lining up to go to the courts.” Rowley was eventually awarded $900,000 as compensation. (Trinidad Guardian)




Caribbean Countries Meeting Ahead Of Climate Change Meeting In Morocco ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Sept 6, CMC – Grenada is hosting the CARICOM Climate Change Negotiators and Ministerial preparatory meeting in preparation for the Conference of Parties (COP) for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will be held in Morocco this year. The three-day conference, which began on Monday, is being attended by representatives from 12 countries as well as the Belize-based Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and the Guyana-based CARICOM Secretariat. The objectives of the preparatory meeting are to provide ministers and negotiators with a forum to prepare for COP 22 to be held in Marrakesh, Morocco from the 7th to 18th November 2016 and to develop the regional positions for the Caribbean states. A statement issued here said that the meeting provided the ministers with a briefing on the state of negotiations and the proposed CARICOM positions on those agenda items that are important for the region. “There was opportunities to identify and build the capacity of CARICOM lead negotiators on the key agenda items in order to strengthen

national and regional implementation capacity,” it added. Minister of State for the Environment Simon Stiell told delegates. “for us in small island developing states, climate change requires a redirection of development towards resilience and sustainability in the face of increasing temperatures, more extreme meteorological events, sea level rise, biodiversity loss and the progressive disappearance of critical potable water resources” He said to become agents of sustainable development, communities must have the organizational, technical and other capacities to develop or strengthen low emission and climate resilient livelihoods. “They must have the financing, d institupartnerships antional capacities to support the transition to low emission, climate resilient livelihoods and landscapes.” The statement said that at the conclusion of the three day meeting the expectation is that the region will be strengthened in its resolve to attain sufficient means of implementation to address sustainable development goals for small island developing

states. (Antigua Observer) The Act has limitations. The commission is really a toothless tiger. People can stall the system and when you don’t have the authority to deal with it, it drags out.” The “system”, he said, “is sadly in need of an overhaul. It is really a call for action.” The most critical change, he said, was to “facilitate the investigative process.” He said the Act as it existed “does not spell out how you go about taking the action required and then you have to end up lining up to go to the courts.” Rowley was eventually awarded $900,000 as compensation. (Trinidad Guardian)




Ruling Party Dismisses Petition Launched By Opposition Regarding Baha Mar Project NASSAU, Bahamas, Sept 6, CMC – The ruling Progressive have access to funds that will enable them to receive a Liberal Party (PLP) has dismissed the move by the opposition Free National Movement (FNM) to launch a petition to force the Perry Christie government to unseal the documents regarding the deal reached for the completion of the multibillion dollar Baha Mar tourism project. PLP chairman, Bradley B. Roberts, described the petition campaign as “the latest desperate attempt by the FNM to scuttle the Baha Mar project because in the warped minds of the FNM,” adding “this is nothing more than sour grapes. “The Christie administration has maintained its policy commitment to getting this project completed, opened, having the displaced employees re-engaged and compensated in addition to payments to unsecured Bahamian creditors. This was the position on 29th June 2015 and that is the government’s position today,” Roberts said in a statement. NFM chairman, Sidney Collie, had earlier said the opposition party was now collecting signatures in order to call on Prime Minister Christie “to release all documents related to the secret Baha Mar deal with the Chinese. “Bahamians are shocked and dismayed that the Christie led government requested that the deal this Government made with the Chinese be sealed by the courts of The Bahamas. This petition gives the people a tangible way to voice their disgust at how the Prime Minister shrouded his secret deal with the Chinese, unwilling to allow the people to review the contents and see for themselves what has been decided about their future,” Collie said in a statement. Last month, in a nation radio and television broadcast, Prime Minister Christie said that an agreement had been reached between the government and the Export Import (EXIM) Bank of China for the completion of the US$3.5 billion tourism project. Christie said that once completed, the hotel will be sold to a “world-class hotel and casino operator”. He said construction is scheduled to resume in September, and under the terms of the agreement, the EXIM Bank has committed to funding the costs to finish the project and the resort’s general contractor, China Construction America (CCA) Bahamas, will complete the outstanding work. “Under the heads of terms signed …by the government and the bank, the remobilisation of Baha Mar will commence immediately. Construction at the site is expected to resume in a few weeks during the month of September,” Christie said. Christie, who did not disclose the name of the new buyer, said Bahamian contractors who are still owed money for their work at the resort, will

significant part “and possible all, of the value for their claims”. The construction of Baha Mar, which is expected to feature a Las Vegas-style casino and more than 2,000 hotel rooms, has been stalled for months as the project missed December and March opening deadlines, after running out of money. Last June, Baha Mar had to file for bankruptcy protection in Delaware, blaming CCA for the delays. The CCA stated that it wasn’t responsible for the delays and put it down to poor planning by the developer. The bankruptcy filing was dismissed and provisional liquidators for the project were appointed last year. Deloitte & Touche was subsequently appointed as a receiver for the China Export-Import Bank. Roberts said that there is nothing the FNM said or did since the bankruptcy of Baha Mar that remotely suggests a desire to see the project completed, the employees engaged and the creditors compensated. He claimed the opposition party “backed the failed bankruptcy in a Delaware court even after court documents proved the developer’s inability to complete the project and his expressed intent to reduce the workforce by 98 per cent down to a 52 man skeletal workforce. “Having politicized this Baha Mar project for more than one year, their hostility toward the project, its principals and a wilful campaign of misinformation to deceive Bahamians have intensified since the 22 August announcement that construction will resume on that stalled project; every action by them point to a diabolic desire and plan to destroy this project”. Roberts said he was urging all Bahamians to reject out of hand “any attempt by the FNM or its operatives in their many incarnations to sabotage this project that holds great economic promise for the future growth and development of the Bahamas”. (Antigua Observer)





Schools Remain Close As Rains Cause Widespread Flooding

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, Sept 6, CMC – Schools in this Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country remain closed on Tuesday as the inclement weather associated with a tropical wave dumped up to seven inches of rain on the country on Monday, the official start of the new school term.

caused widespread flooding across the country. The rains have been welcome in some areas as Antigua and Barbuda had been affected by prolonged dry weather and the MET office said that in some areas rainfall in excess of 7.3 inches were

recorded. The National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) has urged residents to remain indoors, avoid sightseeing and take the necessary precautions to be safe. (Antigua Observer)

But the Ministry of Education said that principals and staff members should report to work so as to assess the situation and prepare for a smooth start of classes on Wednesday. The authorities said that the Antigua State College and the Hospitality Training Institute will also remain close on Tuesday. Several private schools also announced they would remain close and urged parents to monitor the situation. The Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services in a statement, warned of flash flood after the rains

Raynuka Makes It Home

Source: Trinidad – THE woman who went to study in India, but met harsh conditions she could not cope with, has returned to Trinidad, exhausted but grateful. Raynuka Baldeo said her planned one year stay at a university in Agra to learn Hindu, which was sponsored by the Indian High Commission in Trinidad, was meant to be a chance to immerse herself in Indian culture. Instead, it

became a nightmare which only ended when Baldeo made a public appeal for help in secure her passage out of the school to the airport for the two day trip back.She returned on Sunday. Baldeo, 25, spoke with the Express from her family’s on Monday. She said she had no choice but to opt out of the university, since the living conditions were atrocious and the pupils there were faced with poor living conditions, poor sanitation and the poor quality of food. She said several pupils had fallen ill from the food and that school officials were not giving the situation the necessary attention. Baldeo, of Charlieville said: “ I am happy to be home back with my family and safe I am a bit exhausted but I am seeking medical attention. I went to India to pursue studies in the Hindi language. It is one of my passions.I am a student of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute

which is run by the Indian High Commission so that’s how I got the opportunity to apply for the scholarship and it was granted. I applied in January I got approval in May. It was open to anyone, they awarded two scholarships and I got one of them. I am passionate about Indian culture, and the Hindi language”. Asked why she chose to go to India instead of staying here to study the language, she said: “Over here you only learn Hindi up to year three and you can’t go beyond that. So going to an Institute that was for Hindi based in Agra was an opportunity for me as it will take you to the highest level of Hindi”. Her father, Premchand Baldeo said he was happy to have her back home. Baldeo said she will meet with officials from the High Commission of India soon. (Antigua Observer)




Gov’t Wants More People To Download, Use 'Stay Alert’ App KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) — State Minister of National Security, Pearnel Charles Jr, has reiterated a call for people to download and make use of the ministry’s crime-fighting and safety software application ‘Stay Alert’. He made the call while addressing a school-opening ceremony at the Seaward Primary and Junior High in Olympic Gardens today (September 5). The ceremony, organised by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) Community Safety and Security branch, was geared at promoting safety in schools. Charles said the app, which can be accessed at the Google Play Store by Smartphone, “can act as a personal bodyguard”, as it has a panic mode which, when activated, sends an alert to the police that the user is in an emergency situation. It also facilitates reporting of incidents. “It will allow you to upload information, which can be sent to the police, whenever you have seen or are a victim of any criminal activity. We are intent on using technology in the best way possible to help to protect you,” Mr. Charles said. The Stay Alert app includes alerts, which provide users with the latest news, tips and updates from the police, and other information from the police blotters; iReport, which allows users to anonymously upload video, audio, photo or messages about suspicious individuals or crimes; and the laws component which provides snippets of Jamaican legislations.

State Minister of National Security, Pearnel Charles Jr

The app was made available in February 2015 and is free of cost. The state minister, meanwhile, encouraged parents in attendance at the ceremony to be alert and to teach children appropriate ways to stay safe. “We all have a role to play; all of us are stakeholders. I encourage you to stand up, speak out and to be aware. A safe Jamaica will be a prosperous Jamaica,” he said. (Jamaica Observer)

Pressure On Opposition To Create Chaos In Venezuelan National Electoral Council Less than 24 hours before the next protest schedule for National Electoral Commission between the 14th and 16th of September 7 by leaders of the Venezuelan opposition and the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), the National Electoral Council’s rector Mrs. Socorro Hernandez has notified voters that the electoral process cannot be rushed or delayed, no matters the actions taken by the opposition. According to the Ve n e z u e l a n Newspaper El Nacional, Mrs. Socorro announced that the process of the R e v o c a t o r y Referendum is being taken place under the legal terms, and the timeline for the recollection of the 20% of the remaining firms will be announced in the

September. The Venezuelan Diplomat indicated, that even though details about the timeline for the Referendum are still under discussion, this process have always been under the legal time required. She also condemned the recent actions taken by the opposition and the MUD, highlighting the misinformation to the population about the voluntary delay of the CNE regarding this process. Controversies between the misinformation of millions of persons that, no longer patiently wait for changes, could erupt in a civil war ending Maduro’s mandate in a hostile and violent way. On a mission to avoid such turn of events, former President Luis Rodríguez Zapatero along with former president of Panama Martín Torrijos, landed yesterday on Venezuelan soil to keep promoting diplomatic conversation between the too political sectors. Source:




First Face Transplant Patient Isabelle Dinoire Dies In France The first-ever person to have a face transplant, Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire, has died, French doctors say. In 2005, surgeons gave her a new nose and mouth after she was disfigured by her pet dog. But heavy use of immunosuppressant drugs weakened her and she succumbed to cancer in April at the age of 49, the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says. News of her death, announced by a hospital in Amiens, was delayed to respect her family's privacy. She told the BBC in 2009 that when she looked in the mirror she saw a mixture of herself and the donor. "The donor is always with me," she said. Figaro newspaper said she had suffered another transplant rejection. The strong antirejection treatment she was receiving led to two cancers, it added. In her BBC interview she said her disfigurement by her dog had come as a result of an attempt to end her life. After taking an overdose of sleeping pills, she awoke lying beside a pool of blood, with her pet Labrador at her side. The dog had apparently found her unconscious, and

In 2006, Isabelle Dinoire described the moment she saw her disfigured face desperate to rouse her, had gnawed away at her face. The injuries to her mouth, nose and chin were so extreme that doctors ruled out a routine face reconstruction. Instead they proposed a ground-breaking face transplant. She was happy with the surgery but expressed distress at the

attention from the media and passers-by that the operation brought her. In recent years, face transplants have been performed in several countries, including the US, Spain, Turkey, China and Poland. (BBC)

EU Aviation Groups Want All Drones To Be Registered

A string of aviation associations has called for all small drones in Europe to be registered. The ability to trace nuisance drones back to their owner or pilot would improve compliance with regulations, the groups said in a joint statement. Near-misses involving drones and aircraft are on the rise - 10 UK cases risked collision this year, according to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). US users must already register drones weighing more than half a pound (228g). A total of 10 associations in the EU have made the call, including the European Cockpit Association and the International Air Transport Association. "The recreational use of drones is rapidly increasing, and the related risk of incidents and accidents with manned aviation must be The EU bodies want drone software to prevent them from flying in certain mitigated," the bodies said. Safety risks areas - a feature already implemented by some drone makers(GETTY IMAGES) associated with drones were often underestimated, they added. Prevention not or that the device can land properly if there is anemergency," he told detection The UK's CAA has not joined calls for a drone register. the BBC. "Our overall aim is to prevent any kind of conflict in the air from Besides registration, the European and international bodies are also happening in the first place," a spokesman told the BBC. requesting that drones be equipped with altitude and distance “Registration has advantages, but it's a complicated decision to make restricting software preventing them from entering sensitive airspace about what the benefits of registration are." But registration could be - a feature known as "geofencing". Some drone makers, including used as a means to ensure drones are safe to use, according to Stephan DJI, already include such technology in their products, but there is no Appt at law firm Pinsent Masons. "You can also obviously attach universal requirement to do so. The British government has planned some requirements to the registration which could be evidence of a consultation on drones and regulation that will take place later this technical security, that everything that needs to be checked has been year. (BBC)




Trump Welcomes Endorsement From 88 Military Leaders Donald Trump has been endorsed by 88 such a change can only be made by someone Despite making support for the military a former military leaders in an open letter, according to his campaign. The group of retired generals and admirals declared the Republican nominee "has the temperament to be commander-in-chief". Mr Trump, who has highlighted veterans' issues during his campaign, called their support "a great honour". He has meanwhile been dismissing claims of impropriety over a political donation to a Florida official. The Washington Post reported on Monday that in 2013 Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi had been considering fraud charges against Trump University. But she dropped the investigation after a $25,000 (£18,600) contribution to her political campaign from the Donald J Trump Foundation. Mr Trump was fined because he did not disclose the contribution to the US tax authorities. The letter released on Tuesday by his campaign was signed by four 4-star generals. The former top brass stated they believe Mr Trump is "more trusted to be commander-in-chief than (Democratic nominee) Hillary Clinton". "We believe that

who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world," they added. Both Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton will take part back-to-back in a national security forum on Wednesday. The forum, to be hosted by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, will include questions from an audience of military service members. Also on Tuesday, Mrs Clinton released a campaign ad featuring veterans who are critical of Mr Trump. Her ad includes a clip of Mr Trump from July 2015 casting doubt on leading Republican John McCain's war hero credentials. Arizona Senator McCain was tortured for more than five years as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese.

signature issue in his campaign, Mr Trump has at various times drawn criticism from military members. Most notably, he was involved in a recent spat with family members of a Muslim-American soldier killed during the Iraq War. Mr Trump, who has not served in the military, also created a stir last month when he accepted a veteran's gift of a Purple Heart. "I always wanted to get the Purple Heart," he said of the medal, which is awarded to soldiers wounded in war. "This was much easier." (BBC)

Both candidates are courting military members, ahead of a televised national security forum(REUTERS)

France Migrant Crisis: Paris To Open Refugee Camp In October Paris is to open its first refugee camp next month in response to the Channel Tunnel. asylum seekers living in the city's streets. Mayor Anne Hidalgo said a Protesters caused severe disruption earlier this week as they camp to house 400 men would be opened at a site in the north of the blockaded roads near the port town, demanding the closure of the city in mid-October. A camp for women and children, in the suburb of "Jungle" camp. Jump media playerMedia player help Hundreds Ivry-sur-Seine, will follow by the end of the year. Meanwhile, a formed a human chain, joined by farmers and local businesspeople. planned centre for 200 asylum seekers in Essonne, 30km (20 miles) Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart, who was among the protesters, said things were "becoming unbearable and something needs to be done". south-west of Paris, was set on fire overnight, investigators say. Makeshift camps have appeared in public areas and streets in Paris, About 7,000 migrants now live in the "Jungle", often in squalor, as before being cleared by police. Hundreds of people were dispersed in many attempt to reach Britain in lorries crossing the Channel. In the city hours before the latest announcement. The two camps will August, the authorities in France and the UK agreed to increase cost an estimated 6.5m euros (£5.4; $7.3m). They will provide security and humanitarian aid in Calais, and further secure the shelter and medical care for asylum seekers for five to ten days. The Channel Tunnel. (BBC) planned centre in Essonne, at Forges-les-Bains, was due to take in 90 people in October. A meeting on Monday evening to discuss it was attended by protesters, according to French media, but dispersed late in the evening. The fire was reported to the authorities at about 02:30 (00:30 GMT). French police are expected to launch an investigation into the cause of the blaze. Ms Hidalgo said the fire was "a disgrace". "The people who did this should be utterly ashamed of themselves because if they think this is the way we express our country's values then they're quite wrong," she told French broadcaster BFMTV (in French). "It's detestable, deplorable and criminal to act in this manner. I hope they'll be found and punished as appropriate." Calls have mounted to close the migrant camp in Calais in the north of France, near the entrance to Construction work has already begun on the men's camp in northern Paris(AFP)




Hong Kong Activist Nathan Law Denies Seeking Independence

Leading Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law has said he will not use his newly-won seat on the Legislative Council (LegCo) to push for independence from China. "I'm not advocating independence, I'm advocating Hong Kong people should enjoy [their] rights of self-determination," he told the BBC. China has warned that anyone advocating independence could be punished. The stern message came after several young activists won seats on LegCo. The Chinese government underlined its "resolute opposition" to any independence activities on the council or outside it, state media reported. Many in Hong Kong are increasingly concerned about Beijing's interventions in its politics. Mr Law said he would push for a referendum to "decide Hong Kong's sovereignty status" in 10 or 20 years. "The tough battle [has] just begun and we have to be prepared and fight against the communist party," he said. Who is Nathan Law? The 23-year-old student activist and former Occupy protest leader is the most high-profile of the pro-democracy names to win a seat. He co-founded the Demosisto Party with well-known activist Joshua Wong and will now become the youngest lawmaker in Hong Kong. Despite his youth, Mr Law says he proved during the election campaign that he is capable of being a legislator. "A lot of people are believing in me and my maturity," he

said. Convicted for his role in civil region] government to mete out penalties disobedience during the "Umbrella according to law," the Chinese state news Protests", the soft-spoken activist has said agency Xinhua quoted it as saying. the former British colony must be allowed a Tuesday's local edition of the state-owned referendum on its future. He has said he does China Daily newspaper said the election not want Hong Kong to become "just another result could lead to "separatist ideas" being Chinese city". Thirty pro-democracy floated in the LegCo, AFP news agency candidates were elected to the 70-seat reports. While Hong Kong is a Chinese LegCo on Sunday, up from 27 previously, SAR, it is run under the principle of "one meaning they retain the ability to veto major country, two systems". This arrangement gives the former British colony a high degree constitutional changes. At least six young candidates who support of autonomy and allows it to preserve its self-determination or some level of greater economic and social systems until 2047. independence for Hong Kong won seats, Sunday's election was the first in the territory including Mr Law. Several candidates were since street demonstrations in 2014, when banned from running in the elections for central areas of Hong Kong were paralysed failing to prove they no longer backed Hong for weeks by mostly young protesters calling Kong's independence. In a statement, for more autonomy from China. (BBC) China's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office noted candidates had still been p u b l i c l y advocating independence during the e l e c t i o n campaign. "We firmly support the Hong Kong SAR [special administrative Nathan Law will become Hong Kong's youngest legislator at 23-years-old(EPA)




Obama Calls Off Meeting With Philippine Leader After 'Whore' Jibe US President Barack Obama has cancelled a meeting with that forum," he then said, using a Tagalog phrase for "son of a whore" controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who had earlier or "son of a bitch". Mr Obama initially appeared to play down the called him a "son of a whore". Mr Duterte was responding to the US insult, calling his Philippine counterpart a "colourful character" and president's promise to raise the issue of drug-related extra-judicial saying he had asked his aides to work out if this is "a time where we killings in the Philippines at their meeting. The Philippine leader, can have some constructive, productive conversations". known for his colourful language, has insulted prominent figures His aides later cancelled the talks. Mr Obama's last scheduled trip to before, but this time it has had diplomatic consequences. He has now Asia as president has not been without incident: he was also caught up in a protocol row with hosts China over his arrival in Hangzhou. In said he regrets the remark. “While the immediate cause was my strong comments to certain his comments on Monday, President Duterte pledged to continue press questions that elicited concern and distress, we also regret that with his anti-drugs campaign that has led to the killing of 2,400 it came across as a personal attack on the US president," a statement suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines since he took by his office said. In the past, President Duterte has called Pope office in June. "Many will die, plenty will be killed until the last Francis the "son of a whore", US Secretary of State John Kerry pusher is out of the streets... until the [last] drug manufacturer is "crazy" and recently referred to the US ambassador to the Philippines killed we will continue," he said. a "gay son of a whore". Both he and President Obama are in Laos for The UN has repeatedly condemned Mr Duterte's policies as a the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit. violation of human rights. In August, two UN human rights experts Duterte's apology: Analysis by Karishma Vaswani in Laos Mr said Mr Duterte's directive for police and the public to kill suspected Duterte has been forced to apologise for offensive comments before, drug traffickers amounted to "incitement to violence and killing, a but this is the first time he has had to confront the reality of his crime under international law". This round of Asean talks comes outlandish behaviour on the international stage It is the president's against the backdrop of tensions over China's territorial ambitions in first overseas trip - an opportunity that many leaders would have used the South China Sea - the Philippines and the US are key players in to cement ties with neighbouring countries and superpowers like that debate. (BBC) China and the US. Instead Mr Duterte has spent the morning dampening down the controversy he created. At the heart of this is the fact that Mr Duterte isn't used to being told what to do; and that he likes to display machismo and bravado, which plays well to his domestic audience. But when he sits down for serious discussions with his Asean counterparts over the next couple of days, they'll be looking for Asian discretion and subtlety, not diplomacy Duterte-style. How the row escalated Mr Obama, who flew to Laos after attending the G20 meeting in Hangzhou, China, had been set to raise concerns about human rights abuses in the Philippines. But speaking in Manila on Monday before he left for Laos, Mr Duterte bristled at the suggestion, saying the Philippines "has long ceased to be a colony". "Putang ina, I will swear at you in Barack Obama is the first sitting US president to visit Laos(AP)




Fox News Settles Gretchen Carlson Harassment Case Fox News channel has settled a sexual harassment case brought by one of its former presenters, Gretchen Carlson. The US conservative TV station has apologised and reportedly paid the former Fox & Friends co-host $20m to drop her case. Ms Carlson's allegations led to Fox's chief executive, Roger Ailes, leaving the channel in July. She had complained that Mr Ailes victimised her and ruined her career after she rejected his advances. "We regret and apologise for the fact that Gretchen was not treated with the respect and dignity that she and all of our colleagues deserve," said 21st Century Fox, which owns Fox News. Ms Carlson, 50, had claimed that Mr Ailes, 76, one of the most prominent figures in US television, first demoted her then sacked her after she spurned him. For many years she had co-hosted the Fox and Friends morning show before being given her own programme in 2013. Mr Ailes denied the allegations but resigned after an investigation by 21st Century Fox brought forward similar complaints from other female employees. Another presenter, Greta Van Susteren, resigned on Tuesday, but Fox News did not give a reason for her abrupt departure after 14 years. One source described it as a financial disagreement. Roger Ailes became a leading figure in US cable news after Rupert Murdoch brought him in to set up Fox in the mid-1990s. For almost 20 years, Mr Ailes was the top dog as his channel posted annual profits of hundreds of millions of dollars, and transformed the cable news landscape, which had been dominated by CNN. Ms Carlson said: "I am gratified that 21st Century Fox took decisive action after I Gretchen Carlson(AP)

filed my complaint. "I want to thank all the brave women who came forward to tell their own stories and the many people across the country who embraced and supported me." In her complaint, made after she was sacked in June, Ms Carlson's lawyer said that Mr Ailes "unlawfully retaliated against Carlson and sabotaged her career because she refused his sexual advances and complained about severe and pervasive sexual harassment". Mr Ailes worked on the presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush before going on to set up Fox News in 1996. He has reportedly advised the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump since leaving the network. Mr Ailes continues as an informal adviser to Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of 21st Century Fox. (BBC)




More Than 80 People Ill After Aleppo C hemical Attack, Monitors Say More than 80 people were suffering severe breathing difficulties in Syria's embattled city of Aleppo after another chemical attack Tuesday on a rebel-held neighborhood, said the Syrian Civil Defense, a volunteer rescue group. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the attack, saying that medical sources accused regime warplanes of pounding the Sukkari neighborhood with barrel bombs "laden with poison gas." This still from a video shows a girl treated at a makeshift hospital after what a rescue group called a chemical attack on her Aleppo neighborhood. Harrowing footage distributed by the Syrian Civil Defense -also known as the White Helmets -- shows small children and other victims being rushed to the makeshift Basel Aslan hospital in the arms of rescuers, gasping desperately for air as they are given oxygen masks. The video also shows a boy being washed with a hose by rescuers after being pulled from the rubble as the sirens of ambulances wail around him.

Another video by the Aleppo Media Center shows a man laying almost lifeless at the same hospital as medics try to pump oxygen into his lungs. Such scenes are becoming all too familiar in Aleppo, part of which has been held by rebels since July 2015. Government forces in July encircled the rebel-held part of the city in a siege that cut residents off from basic supplies of food, water, fuel and medicine, spawning a humanitarian crisis. Rebel-held Aleppo has been pounded by the forces of President Bashar al-Assad's regime, backed by Russian air power. Several cases of chlorine gas bomb attacks also have been reported there. A mother watches over her children as they return from school; the massive sheet hanging in the street is to deter government snipers. A UN investigation in late August found that chemical weapons had been used in Syria,

both by the national air force and ISIS militants. It found two instances where regime forces had used chlorine as a chemical weapon, and one where ISIS had use mustard gas. In late August, a helicopter dropped two barrel bombs on a funeral wake for children in Aleppo, killing at least 16 people, Syrian monitoring groups said. (CNN)




Swedish Nobel Judges Fired In Karolinska Medical Scandal Two judges have been asked to leave a panel that picks the Nobel prize for medicine in a scandal surrounding a disgraced Italian transplant surgeon. The decision to drop Harriet Wallberg and Anders Hamsten came after the Swedish government sacked the entire board of the prestigious Karolinska Institute, where the scientist worked. Paolo Macchiarini was seen as a leading specialist on windpipe transplants. But two of his patients died and he was accused of falsifying his work record. Dr Macchiarini denies all the charges against him. The two judges who lost their positions on the Nobel panel have both served as heads of the Karolinska Institute, and were among several individuals suspected of ignoring warnings about the Italian windpipe scientist. The case has come as a severe blow to the institute. In a report on the case on Monday, a former Swedish judge said he had "never seen such negative references" and questioned why the surgeon had been initially hired and then had his contract extended. Scandal is the right word' "Confidence in the two principals is so seriously damaged that it has been exhausted," assembly secretary Thomas Perlmann told Sweden's TT news agency. "The damage is so great, and of such a character, that we will ask them to resign from the Nobel Assembly." The 50-member Nobel panel is due to announce the winner of the annual prize next month. "Scandal is the right word," higher education minister Helene Hellmark Knutsson said on Monday. "People have been harmed because of the actions of the Karolinska Institute and also the Karolinska University Hospital." Paolo

Macchiarini was hired in 2010, two years after he was part of a team that carried out the first windpipe transplant partly made of the patient's stem cells. In 2011 he was hailed for leading a team that carried out the first synthetic organ transplant. But he lost his job earlier this year after a TV documentary by Swedish broadcaster SVT showed footage of operations he carried out in Russia which the Karolinska Institute itself described as "truly alarming". Prosecutors in Sweden said in June they were investigating the stem cell surgeon on suspicion of two cases of involuntary manslaughter at Swedish hospitals in 2011 and 2012. Other reports have alleged that he gave false information on his resume. (BBC)

Paolo Macchiarini is a renowned stem cell scientist and has denied all allegations made against him

IS Rocket Attack Kills Turkish Soldiers In Syria Two Turkish soldiers have been killed by the Islamic State (IS) group in clashes in northern Syria, the Turkish army has said. Another five soldiers were wounded in a rocket attack on Turkish tanks, the military said in a statement. The fatalities are believed to be the first since Turkey launched its operation inside Syria two weeks ago. Two fighters from the Free Syrian Army were also killed and another two injured in the attack. "Two of our hero comrades were martyred and five were wounded in a rocket attack on two of our tanks by Daesh (IS) elements," the army statement said. The rocket attack was launched near the village of al-Waqf, it added. Syrian rebels backed by Turkey say they have recaptured a number of villages from IS since the Turkish operation - code-named Euphrates Shield - began. The rebels have also retaken the key border town of Jarabulus. On Sunday, Turkey said IS fighters were pushed out of their last positions along the Turkish-Syrian border. Turkish forces have targeted IS inside Syria, but have also attacked Kurdish fighters in the same region. The pursuit of the Kurdish YPG militia has led to criticism by Washington, which regards the Kurds as one of the most effective forces in the battle against IS. (BBC)

Turkey launched its military operation inside Syria two weeks ago(AFP)



Miner Charged With North West Murder

Man Admits To Attempted Theft At Colours Boutique Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan fined Derrick Persaud $25,000 for attempting to steal from Colours Boutique, Georgetown In default of the fine, he will spend four weeks in prison. Persaud, a resident of New Amsterdam, appeared without representation and pleaded guilty with an explanation to the charge. Persaud revealed that at the time he committed the act he was

"financially in pause" and had to find a way to make money. He told the Magistrate that employees of the store physically assaulted him before handing him over to the police. The court heard that on September 5, 2016 at Colours Boutique, Georgetown, Persaud was observed attempting to steal four pieces of clothing valued $26,000.


Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded Sherlon Mona for the offense of murder. The miner, of Albouystown Georgetown, is accused of murdering Ryan English on September 02, 2016 at Wide Creek Backdam, North West, Essequibo. The accused was represented by Attorney Sonia Parag and was not allowed to plead to the indictable offence. The 44-year-old father of six was

remanded to prison and will return to the Matthew's Ridge Magistrate’s Court on October 31.

Town Clerk Bans Bourda Market Vendors The Mayor and City Council of Georgetown yesterday blocked vendors from selling their produce around the Bourda Market area. The move by the council affected both vendors and truckers, because no notice was given to them. The irate vendors said that Town Clerk Royston King, told them that they cannot sell around the area until they (City Council) cleaned up the place. Police barricades were placed around the area preventing the flow of traffic. A single mother told this newspaper that she is disgusted by the actions of the Town

Clerk and the City Council. “I have three children, they have to go to school, I got to find food and clothes for them,” she said. Several truckers were also upset at the move by city hall. City hall in May this year removed vendors from around the Stabroek area. Some vendors however refused to move, citing that the new location will not attract business. The Mayor and City council had initially told the vendors that they will be at the Parliament view for three months, however, it has been over three months.

Town Clerk, Royston King




‘Work For The Greater Good’ - British Ambassador Tells Chevening Scholars

British High Commissioner to Guyana, Gregg Quinn, last evening, hosted a farewell reception at his residence for the 26 recipients of Scholarship by the British Government. The Ambassador noted that the program saw a 75% increase in applicants as compared with last year. Mr. Quinn said that the British government is committed to offering educational opportunities to Guyanese. He also stated that the program will cost the British government GYD$118 million this year. The program will see persons studying in areas such as, oil and gas, law, engineering, public health, psychology and sociology. The Ambassador urged the scholars to come back and work for the greater good of the country, noting that the program will give people the skills and knowledge they need to develop their country. The Chevening Scholarships are awarded to outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year master’s at any UK university. The scholarship programme provides a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network

extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK. A Chevening Scholarship offers financial support along with the opportunity to become part of the highly regarded and influential Chevening global network. Applicants can choose any course of study at any UK higher education institution.

British High Commissioner, James Gregory Quinn

PSC Concerned About Confidentiality Of Banking Information

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) in a statement to the media supported the recent call by the Guyana Association of Bankers (GAB) regarding the confidentiality of banking information obtained by investigative agencies who are authorized to collect such information. The PSC expressed that the sort of debacle in which bank account information recently ended up on the

pages of local newspapers must be avoided at all costs. The PSC referred to the amendment of Section 63 of the Financial Institutions Act which mandates that account information must be shared with certain investigative agencies (i.e. FIU, SARU) but it does not mean that they should share this information with other parties. Recently, the banking information of Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency, Omar Shariff was published in the Kaieteur News newspaper and according to the PSC, the amendment of the Financial Institutions Act has paved the way for the age-old principle of confidentiality on which the banking system is built on to be violated in recent times. “The age-old principles on which the banking system is founded have been violated in recent times by a number of laws which allow for customer data to be shared.” The PSC stated that the agencies which receive customers’ banking information,

“are similarly bound by the confidentiality rules as are the banks and must ensure that these are respected in order to preserve the integrity of the financial system.” Last month, the GAB has publicly registered its concern and dismay at the publication of account information of embattled Permanent Secretary Omar Shariff. In a notice appearing in the Stabroek News, the GAB said the “recent publication on at least two occasions of customer account information and in particular that of the August 14,2016 in Kaieteur News, has been cause for significant dismay” among its members.




President Granger Meets With New UNDP Resident Representative President David Granger, today, met with the new United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Resident Representative to Guyana, Ms. Mikiko Tanaka for their first official meeting, at the Ministry of the Presidency. Ms. Tanaka, who has been in Guyana for about two weeks now, replaces Ms. Khadija Musa, whose tour of duty ended last month. During the meeting, several areas of mutual interest, including the President’s push for a ‘green economy’ and Guyana’s thrust for the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, were discussed. Ms. Tanaka, in an invited comment, described the meeting as “very useful” and informative. “The President shared with me the aspirations and his vision for this country and we discussed how the UN system can support the Government and country in achieving those developmental objectives. In that, he emphasised the green agenda, the ‘green economy’, sustainable development for this country and this matches very well… the sustainable development goals that the UN General Assembly adopted last year. So I very much look forward to working with all of the UN agencies serving in Guyana to really move forward the SDGs for a better life for everybody, no one being left behind,” the UNDP Representative said. Ms. Tanaka also pledged to continue to build on the relationship, which has existed between the country and the United Nations over the years. “I very much want to build on the good work, which was done by Khadija [Musa] and the country team and the UN agencies, which are

President David Granger and Ms. Mikiko Tanaka, the new United Nations Development Programme's Resident Representative to Guyana

here and I am trying to catch up as fast as I can. It is very important to strengthen and improve the partnerships that we have as the UN system with the governments, the national institutions, civil society and the communities and I will do what I can. I am excited about working in Guyana,” she said. MOTP Press Release

GFC To Repossess BaiShanLin’s Forest Concessions The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) on Tuesday revealed that it intends to repossess concessions being held by Baishanlin International Forest Development Inc. (BIFDI). “In keeping with Forest Governance Practices, the GFC will be formally repossessing the concessions owned by the company, and accelerating efforts to recover the debt owed,” a statement from GFC noted. The statement explained that the decision was taken because BIFDI had failed to deliver on its promise to introduce investors to the GFC and has also failed to give any plan or strategy to settle the G$80M debt with the GFC despite having been given time to do so. “The BIFDI was requested to submit information about its operations in Guyana, settle its arrears, and submit a letter of commitment from the new partner. To date, the BIFDI has failed to fulfill any of its commitments to the Government of Guyana; effectively failing on the obligations it made, which were accepted in good faith.” The GFC said that in an

effort to bring conclusion to the matter, BIFDI's representatives were invited to a meeting on April 8, 2016 to update the GFC on its plans to repay its debt. During the meeting, the BIFDI representatives said the company had suffered financial constraints, which affected the establishment of the promised wood processing facility; and that the company was engaging a new partner that would contribute significantly to its investment in Guyana. The GFC said the BIFDI assured its board of the financial strength of the new partner who has committed to pay off the debt owed by the logging company.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS President Accredits New Philippino Ambassador President David Granger, today, received the Letters of Credence from His PAGE 59

Excellency, Jose de la Rosa Burgos, accrediting him as Non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to Guyana. The Ambassador is based in neighbouring Brazil. During the accreditation ceremony at the Ministry of the Presidency, President Granger said that even though the two Republics are separated by a distance of more than 18,000 kilometres, they are drawn together by their mutual interests and common objectives. He said that the two countries can work together to ensure that their development goals are achieved in an environment of peace and security. “Guyana and the Philippines adhere to common principles of international relations. These include mutual respect for the integrity and sovereignty of states, mutual non-interference in other states’ affairs, co-operation for mutual benefit, respect for treaties and international law and the maintenance of peace and security,” the President said. The Head of State also took the opportunity to update the new Ambassador on the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy and informed him that Guyana looks forward to the support of friendly states as it seeks a juridical settlement to end this 50-year-old matter that has been hampering the country’s development. “Guyana and the Philippines share a common interest in the peaceful settlement of disputes and in ensuring respect for settled territorial and maritime boundaries,” he said. He added that Guyana looks forward to deeper cooperation with the Philippines at the international and bilateral levels, particularly in the areas sustainable development, climate change and the preservation of the environment. Meanwhile, Ambassador Burgos expressed his Government’s appreciation to the Government and people of Guyana for accepting about 100 Philippinos, who are living and working here. He said that in 2011, Guyana was named as one of the three safe havens in the Caribbean for Philippino workers. “Today we have Philippino forest workers, teachers and medical professionals in Guyana. Aside from protecting the rights of the migrant workers, both our countries are advocates for the rule of law, protection of the environment and preservation of cultural heritage among others,” he said. Guyana and the Philippines established formal diplomatic ties eight years ago on September 25, 2008. However, ties between Philippinos and Guyanese extend back to about a quarter of a century.

From left: Third Secretary and Vice Consul at the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Brazil, Mr. Eric Valenzuela, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge, Mrs. Blesilda Mansilla Burgos, wife of the Ambassador, Ambassador Jose de la Rosa Burgos, President David Granger, Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Audrey Waddell and Acting Chief of Protocol, Ms. Marion Herbert


His Excellency, Jose de la Rosa Burgos presenting his Letters of Credence to President David Granger at the Ministry of the Presidency, in the presence of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge and Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Audrey Waddell

Observing the necessary military protocols during the wreath laying exercise at the Independence Arch

Ambassador Jose de la Rosa Burgos laying a wreath at the Independence Arch on Brickdam, Georgetown after he was accredited by President David Granger




Albouystown Man Charged For Escaping Police Custody Trevor Xavier today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann Mclennan at the Georgetown Magistrate’s court charged with escaping lawful police custody on September 3, 2016. He was granted $50,000 bail and is set to return before the court on September 26, 2016. Xavier, 24, of Albouystown, appeared unrepresented before the court and heard the charge read to him before entering a not guilty plea. It is alleged that on September 3, 2016 at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, Police Outpost, after officers had arrested Xavier for the crime of simple larceny, he made his escape. He is also expected to be charged with the offence of simple larceny.




PRESS RELEASE The People's Progressive Party (PPP) joins with the rest of the world in the observance of the 55th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The Movement was founded in 1961 under the leadership of Josip Tito of Yugoslavia , Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Jawaharlal Nehru of India and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. Guyana under the PPP/C government had always supported the principle of non-alignment and played an active role in the Movement. This is indeed a signiďŹ cant milestone since the creation of the Movement which brings together 120 countries from all continents the majority of whom at varying stages of their political life had to struggle against colonialism, neo-colonialism and imperialism. The NAM has over the years taken progressive positions on behalf of its member states which struggled to maintain their independence and sovereignty against the major powers. It played a major role in the decolonization processes when several countries especially from Afro-Asia and the Caribbean had recently gained political independence from the metropolitan powers. Despite signiďŹ cant changes at the global level following the end of the Cold War, the Movement continues to advocate for international cooperation , multilateralism, disarmament, national determination and for a more equitable and humane global order. The PPP has taken note of the fact that the next meeting of the 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement is scheduled be held in neighboring Venezuela which from September will assume the presidency of the Movement. The PPP takes this opportunity to wish the NAM every success as it prepares for its next Summit this year. People's Progressive Party September 7, 2016




Cuban News Agency Refutes Accusation Of Spreading Internet Virus HAVANA, Cuba -- Edda Diz Garces, director of the Cuban unauthorized dissemination of its contents,” said the director. News Agency, described as slander a report published by Diz Garces stated there were many tools in the web that could Caribbean News Now stating the agency’s website was, have shown no abusive behaviour or unauthorized data allegedly, “dispensing a dangerous virus” to steal information. transmission had originated from the Cuban News website, as Diz Garces said that, upon the release of the report, Cuban IT the test carried out by the Cuban experts proved, before experts carried out a throughout research to determine the publishing that damaging report. As a person commented in the presence of such virus within the ACN website, and came out Caribbean News Now website, “This amounts to nothing more than a cheap shot at Cuba and its Cuban News Agency (ACN),” with negative results. Further search in the archives confirmed no virus of any kind Diz Garces noted. (Caribbean News Now!) were to be found, and people that access should not fear the information could be stolen. However, the Cuban News Agency does not explain why the security warning message “Do you want this webpage to access your Clipboard? If you allow this, the webpage can access the Clipboard and read information that you’ve cut or copied recently” still spontaneously appears on after publication of its denial that any such security risk exists. Diz Garces pointed out that it was suspicious that the smear campaign was started by a Guyanese antivirus developer, Dennis Adonis, who owns a company, Computer Care-Guyana, which provides products to fight these viruses. Adonis failed to come forward with a name for the virus or a report to back up his allegations, as it is common practice for companies similar to his, like McAfee, Norton, AVG, Avast and Kaspersky. “Maybe, the Guyanese entrepreneur mistook for a virus the anti-copy extension provided by the open source software Joomla, Screenshot of the website still showing the security warning message on that ACN news agency uses to protect the September 6, 2016, even after the publication of a denial that no such security risk exists




Son Of Cayman's Chief Justice Busted In JamaicamineOn Drug Charges name Biggs along with $3,000 to make a slipper for me. I By Caribbean News Now contributor KINGSTON, Jamaica -- In what was described by Loop News alone drive my van to FedEx with the shipment,” Smellie said, as “A smelly affair”, the news service reported on Saturday that according to documents of the arrest. the son of Anthony Smellie, the chief justice of the Cayman Smellie later pointed out Johnson to the police as the man who Islands, has been busted in Jamaica, along with another man, on gave him the slippers. But Johnson gave a different story when drug trafficking and other drug-related charges. However, cautioned by the police. They were arrested and charged. according to Loop News, the arrests were kept quiet until it was Smellie was fined $2,250 (US$18) or three months on the count tipped off to the bust when the men pleaded guilty in the of possession, $4,500 (US$35) or three months for dealing, and Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court and on August 19 were $9,000 (US$70) or three months for taking steps preparatory to export ganja. No evidence was offered on the conspiracy to given slap-on-the-wrist sentences – total fines of just US$123. David Anthony Ronald Smellie, 34, was arrested on July 24, six export ganja charge. (Caribbean News Now!) days after he attempted to send a package containing ganja from Kingston to a woman in Quebec, Canada. The package contained three T-shirts, three wrist bands and a pair of leather slippers. The slippers were found to contain hashish weighing approximately 8.63 ounces. Smellie, a website designer, was arrested along with 48-year-old Anthony Johnson. The men were charged with possession of, dealing in, taking steps preparatory to export ganja and conspiracy to export ganja. Cautioned by police about the illicit substance, Smellie said that a Rasta man might have sold him the wrong pair of slippers. He, however, changed his story. “I bought the leather and give it to a friend of Cayman Islands Chief Justice, Anthony Smellie ®




Call For Judicial Review Of Sealed Deal For Bahamas Megaresort NASSAU, Bahamas -- Local Queen’s what’s going on and the executive does sort of outline or a draft of an agreement. Counsel (QC) Fred Smith indicated on Monday that, while the opposition Free National Movement (FNM) has called on the Bahamas government to reveal the agreement it signed with the ExportImport Bank of China (CEXIM) to get the bankrupt Baha Mar megaresort completed and opened, the opposition and other stakeholders should demand a judicial review in order for the court to disclose the deal. Smith said he understands the motivation for Cabinet to come to an agreement to ensure Baha Mar is completed and opened and agreed that The Bahamas needs the development. He said his criticisms are not against the development, but the process. “These heads of agreements that are entered into by the government secretly, and are binding agreements, I say are unconstitutional, are in breach of the separation of powers doctrine and are completely outside the lawful power of the executive branch of government,” Smith said. “And so, any member of Parliament, anyone who is complaining now that the agreement is secret, it is not a matter that really pertains to the liquidation; [Supreme Court] Justice [Ian] Winder can make appropriate decisions exercising his discretion within the contents of that liquidation, but there are so many other avenues – for instance judicial review. “... If the FNM wants the agreement, they can apply for urgent release from the Supreme Court asking for judicial review. “And so, I urge anyone who has a financial interest in the Baha Mar situation, anyone who has a political interest, such as a member of Parliament, anybody who has a property interest that may be affected, any of these people in Nassau can move the Supreme Court for judicial review and for disclosing of the agreement because they have a right to be consulted. “They have a right to know

not have the right; there is no act that “And the reason for that is members of authorizes the National Economic Parliament who have the right to tax or to Council (NEC) or the Office of the Prime give concessions i.e. not to tax. “And so, Minister to enter into any secret it is perfectly appropriate for the Cabinet to privately negotiate the terms of a agreement giving away concessions. “So, my challenge with this is, really, all transaction with developers, which may t o d o w i t h p r o c e s s , a c o m p l e t e involve the grant of tax concessions breakdown in the respect of executive under the Hotel Encouragement Act, and legislative separation of power.” The under the Industries Encouragement Act agreement was sealed by the Supreme or to give leases or grants of Crown land. Court at the request of the parties, “But at the end of the day, that draft preventing public disclosure of the a g r e e m e n t s h o u l d b e t a k e n t o details of the agreement. Opposition Parliament, and it should be tabled for leader Dr Hubert Minnis has said the debate where the members of each prime minister signed an agreement on constituency, representing the citizens of behalf of the Bahamian people and has The Bahamas, get the opportunity to be an obligation to make the agreement consulted in Parliament and to make a public. He labeled the documents contribution, and then to vote to allow “secretive”, but Christie has denied any the government to enter into, or not, the secrecy about the agreement, despite agreement substantially in the terms substantive details being left to upon which it was tabled in Parliament.” Minister of education Jerome Fitzgerald speculation. Last week, Christie advised Parliament has said that the Baha Mar agreement that CEXIM and China Construction w i l l n o t b e s e a l e d i n d e fi n i t e l y. could not be given more concessions (Caribbean News Now!) than the Atlantis resort due to the Paradise Island property’s most favoured nation status. Smith insisted that Parliament gives power to the executive branch of government to enter into such agreements, like the Hawksbill Creek Agreement He said Bahamians, the taxpayers, who could be indirectly taxed more because of the concessions in areas such as customs duty, real property tax, business licence and stamp duty, have a right to know. “I have always complained and criticized the nature of these secretive heads of agreements that are negotiated in private with Cabinet and the developer, and which rarely see the light of accountable daylight,” Smith said. “A heads of agreement is exactly that. “It is supposed to simply be a Fred Smith QC




Drowned Hero Was An Angel—Stepdad Javel James, 23, who drowned on upcoming weekend. James became a became part of him. He took it very Sunday while attempting to save two women and four children who got into difficulties while bathing in the waters of Maracas Bay, was said to be an angel who selflessly jumped into the waters despite him not being an excellent swimmer. The survivors are from Maraval and St Augustine. “Heaven must have been missing an angel,” the words of James’ stepfather, Reginald Armour, who spoke to the T&T Guardian at his home in Penco Avenue, Longdenville, yesterday. “I believe he acted on instinct because he was not a strong swimmer at all. In fact, Javel was due to take swimming lessons in the near future,” Armour said. On Sunday morning just before 6 am, James was last seen by his mother, JulieAnna. He had made plans with one of the hike leaders of Hike Inc, Michael Jattan, and four others to check out an area of interest. That area was designated for an upcoming hike for a group of hikers in an

member of the hiking group in March this year and because of his dedication and interest was quickly promoted to an assistant to hike leaders in the group. “From what I was told Javel and the group had just finished checking out the area and two of them decided to leave but Javel, Jattan and a third person decided to stay on. I don’t know maybe to bathe and relax,” Armour said. “It was while there that Javel saw the people in difficulties and he, on instinct, just sprang into action and well the rest is history. He didn’t survive,” he added. Before being in the hikers group and even when he was not participating in the group’s activities, Armour described his stepson, who he knew since he was at the tender age of three, as a very quiet individual, “who always kept to himself.” “He never used to drink, smoke or go to parties. He never gave us any kind of stress,” Armour said. “But hiking and being involved in the group

Piparo Woman Hacked To Death A 31-year-old woman was hacked to death in a cutlass attack which also left her teenage daughter injured early Wednesday. Terisha Bridgelal, a doubles vendor, and her daughter Sydney were at their Piparo home when Bridgelal got into an argument with a relative over a cellphone. The man took a cutlass out of his car and chopped Bridgelal to the face and chest. Sydney tried to intervene and was chopped on her left hand. She also received cuts to her right ear and right hand. The teen was treated and discharged from the Princes Town H e a l t h Facility. (Trinidad Guardian)

serious,” Armour said. “In fact we were privileged to go hiking with him on one occasion in Las Cuevas and we were very proud of him in the way he handled the group,” he added. A close friend of James, who wished not to be identified, said his friend died a hero and would always be remembered as such. Funeral arrangements are yet to be finalised. (Trinidad Guardian)




Armour To Chair Caricom Law Body President of the Law Association of T&T over the years by at least seven other education certificate, an applicant is Reginald Armour, SC, has been elected chairman of Caricom’s Council of Legal Education (CCLE). Armour was elected at a meeting of the executive council of the CLE in Antigua last weekend. Among issues addressed at the meeting, apart from election of a president, was discussion on matters concerning legal education in the region. The council is an institution within the Caricom framework which was established to provide training in the region (rather than in Britain) for lawyers wishing to practise in the Caricom region. It was created by an agreement signed in 1971 by Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the University of the West Indies and the University of Guyana. Its establishment came one year following the UWI Faculty of Law, which has departments on each of the university’s three campuses. The CLE is governed by a council which meets annually. This governing council comprises governments, the Judiciary and the private Bar. It is led by a chairman, who is elected every three years and an executive committee which meets twice per year. Armour is the latest chairman to be elected. He was preceded

chairmen from other Caribbean states, fully qualified to practise in the Englishincluding T&T’s former Justice Cecil speaking Caribbean. Persons who have Kelsick The council operates three law obtained a legal education requirement schools in the region—the Norman elsewhere cannot be admitted to practise Manley Law School in Jamaica, the in our region unless they obtain the legal H u g h Wo o d i n g L a w S c h o o l i n education certificate. However, any T r i n i d a d — b o t h e s t a b l i s h e d i n person who is professionally qualified in 1973—and the Eugene Dupuch Law a c o m m o n l a w ( E n g l i s h - b a s e d ) School in the Bahamas which was jurisdiction may be admitted to any of the law schools, and on completing a sixestablished in 1998. To be admitted to these law schools, month course, may be awarded a legal persons must have first obtained a education Ccertificate. (GA) (Trinidad bachelor’s degree in law (LLB). Non Guardian) UWI LLB graduates can be admitted to the law schools if they are successful in the CLE’s annual entrance examination which is held in July. Graduates from the University of the West Indies and the University of Guyana must then complete two years of study and practical training at one of the three schools. At the end of this period, a professional legal education certificate is awarded by the CLE. Upon receiving the legal Law Association of T&T president, Reginald Armour SC.




St. Vincent Government Complains About LIAT’s Service

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Sept 7, CMC – The St. Vincent and the Grenadines government is seeking an urgent meeting with the management of the regional airline, LIAT, following the airline’s poor service to the island. St. Vincent and the Grenadines is one four shareholder governments of the Antigua-based regional airline and the Dr. Ralph Gonsalves administration wants the meeting to be held here by September 18. In a letter to the airline, the government said the meeting will allow Kingstown to “have a common understanding with a view to enhancing the service to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. “It is time for LIAT to get its act and attitude towards the travelling public of St. Vincent and the Grenadines together,” Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security in Kingstown, Godfred Pompey, told the airline in a September 4 letter. Pompey told Diane Shurland, LIAT’s Antigua-based legal counsel, that once LIAT makes a request for the E.T. Joshua Airport to remain open beyond the 11:30 p.m. agreed operating hours, his ministry will bill LIAT for staff overtime. In the letter, Pompey complained about the “ongoing scheduling problems and cancellations facing the travelling public of St. Vincent and the Grenadines”. He said the situation was “further exacerbated” on Saturday, September 3, when LIAT flight LI738, on which the island’s national football team was travelling to Trinidad en route to its destination “when in the wisdom of someone in Operations, Antigua directed the Aircraft to return to the E.T. Joshua Airport”. The aircraft was instructed to return to St. Vincent with the understanding that the team would have been accommodated on the early morning flight to Trinidad and Tobago, where the players had a 6:15 a.m (local time) connection on Sunday, September 4, on Copa Airlines. “Up to our discussion on Sunday 10:15 a.m., the team was still stranded in St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” Pompey wrote in the letter, which was copied to chair of LIAT’s board of directors, Jean Holder and Isaac Solomon, who represents the Gonsalves government on the board. The team left St. Vincent Sunday evening and was stranded in Trinidad and only arrived in Guatemala late Tuesday night, about 24 hours before their football World Cup qualifier match against t h a t c o u n t r y. Pompey said that since June, LIAT’s service

to St. Vincent and the Grenadines “has been deteriorating with no improvement in sight. “As a major shareholder, St. Vincent and the Grenadines has been receiving the crumbs in terms of service. Officers at LIAT are now taking pleasure in shifting the blame of LIAT’s poor service to the Ministry and by extension the management of E.T. Joshua Airport, making demands to keep our airport open at times beyond 2:00 a.m. This is highly unacceptable since some category of staff is required to report to work at the opening of the airport at 5:30 a.m.,” Pompey said. He said that from observation, LIAT’s management, including operations, “is taking St. Vincent and the Grenadines for granted and abusing our accommodation. “Despite repeated communication, the demands for extended operating hours at E.T. Joshua Airport are being unbearable and unreasonable. This situation is not only placing extra strain on staff but also increasing the frustration of the travelling public. One is now questioning the frequency of these late night flights and cancellation of services to St. Vincent and the Grenadines to determine whether or not they are deliberate,” Pompey wrote. The public servant’s letter comes months after Gonsalves on February 25 wrote to then chief executive officer of LIAT, David Evans, who had in a letter one week earlier requested “a further advance of EC$810,000 (One EC dollar =US$0.37 cents) by St. Vincent and the Grenadines”. In response Prime Minister Gonsalves said St. Vincent and the Grenadines was not well served by the current schedule of the airline and said that the island cannot be considered to “be in a condition akin to that of an abused spouse, in which commitment is taken for granted, amidst shabby treatment”. Earlier this month, Gonsalves also raised with LIAT the issue of a lack of adequate service and poor scheduling to the island.. The complaints by the Gonsalves — who is chair of LIAT’s shareholder governments — comes even as he has complained about the failure of other governments across the region to invest in the cash-strapped airline. In April, Evan resigned as LIAT’s chief executive officer after Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, requested an urgent meeting of the shareholders of regional airline and demanded an immediate investigation into the cancellation of a morning flight into Dominica on April 8. The cancellation reportedly affected over 40 passengers in Dominica. Skerrit said he was utter disgusted at the shabby manner in which Dominica was being treated by the airline saying it “clearly appears to be an awful, negative attitude towards Dominica by senior personnel at LIAT.” “I am warning, now, that this must stop,” the Dominican leader wrote. (Antigua Observer)




Reviews Suggest Much Work Ahead

Former Port-of-Spain mayor Louis Lee Sing yesterday gave the Government a failing grade on their performance after a year in office. Today marks one year since the Dr Keith Rowley-led administration was voted into office. Over the weekend, the Sunday Guardian published the result of an online poll which showed that 65.66 per cent of those canvassed were “very dissatisfied” with the Government’s performance, with 12.70 per cent indicating they were “somewhat dissatisfied.” Another 6.35 per cent of the respondents said they were “very satisfied,” while 7.91 per cent were “somewhat satisfied” and 7.39 per cent were “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.” Lee Sing was one of five people who assessed t h e P e o p l e ’s N a t i o n a l M o v e m e n t ’s performance. With ten being the highest rating, Lee Sing, who resigned from the PNM last year, gave the administration “a four.” He said there was no conscience in the current Cabinet and the “Prime Minister had deliberately assembled a team of people who would demand nothing of him. Because they could demand nothing of him, they can’t demand anything of themselves and so they are unable to do anything that sparks...precisely because they are no sparks around their leader.” It was clear the majority of the population were dissatisfied in the areas of health, crime, labour, housing, foreign affairs and energy, he noted. Lee Sing said rather than look at the country’s foreign exchange earnings and try to generate domestic revenue, the Government’s plan was to sit, wait and hope that energy prices would skyrocket to turn around the economy. He also criticised the PM’s regular oversea trips, stating as a leader he should be anchored with his Cabinet. Assessing the performance of ministers, Lee Sing said he was disappointed in National Security Minister Edmund Dillon. “To me, Dillon has not come to grips with the difference between running a controlled environment and running an environment where everything is out of control. They have to understand that the buck stops with them. They have to find ways and means to get the job done,” Lee Sing added. He also condemned the performance of Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre. “We do not have an Energy Minister. In the context of Trinidad and Tobago, the Energy Minister is the czar of the region. I don’t even know that this lady (Olivierre) exists. And even if she says something it amounts to nothing,” he added. Lee Sing suggested that Rowley reconfigure the Cabinet to 16 ministers, with each minister being assigned a junior minister to help out. He gave Ministers Shamfa Cudjoe, Dennis Moses, Randall Mitchell, Fitzgerald Hinds, Jennifer Baptiste-Primus,

Dillon and Olivierre failing grades but felt there was also room for improvement in health, education, finance and agriculture. Lee Sing questioned if Finance Minister Colm Imbert would be better suited in Works and Transport, while Mariano Browne, a former minister, would be better to manage the Finance Ministry. In going forward, Lee Sing said Rowley had to take the bull by the horns by working and guiding his “inexperienced” Cabinet, otherwise they would repeat the error of the past. Maraj: Grit and courage required Former foreign affairs minister Ralph Maraj said the economy and crime were two areas the Government collapsed on. He said the country had not seen much movement in adjustments, new earnings and the restructuring of the economy. Maraj said the Government also needed to look critically at the exchange rate, which should be allowed to slide further while not much had been done in diversification towards new earnings. Another issue not addressed, he said, was the rationalisation of state enterprises to ensure accountability and transparency. While he praised Rowley for calling on divisional police heads to be sheriffs in their areas, he said Rowley needed follow-up meetings every month with these heads to get updates on developments. In doing that, Maraj said Rowley would engender a culture of leadership and responsibility which was what was required to reduce crime. He, however, commended Imbert, saying he had done relatively well for someone who was inexperienced in finance. “What is required is the grit and courage to make tough decisions. That is what has been lacking and as a result we have not seen any movement towards the challenges we have before us,” he added. Ferreira: A year spent detoxifying Founding PNM member Ferdie Ferreira said it seemed the Government spent its first year detoxifying. As a political analyst, however, Ferreira, 89, said for the last year the country had seen more accountability, while wastage was significantly reduced. “The major part of the Government in the last year was paying bills or trying to correct what went wrong. I don’t think people really understand the magnitude of the disaster the Government faced when they came into office.” But Ferreira refused to assess the ministers’ individual performances. “The problem with prime ministers is the question of judgment. People might be academically qualified for a job but in some cases they don’t fit in... they are not politicians. I think one of the problems is that with a team of so many newcomers, obviously... a lot of them without any political experience... it would take

them some time to become politically acclimatised.” He said sometimes ministers did perform but lack of political flare would give the public the impression that he/she was incompetent or incapable of handling their job. Teelucksingh: Horse bolted on crime Former independent senator, Rev Daniel Teelucksingh, said crime should have been addressed from day one by the Government with stakeholders from different quarters. “You let a year pass. The horse has already bolted. You wait so long. This should have been the first thing this Government should have done. “They have inherited a nation that is riddled by crime. I don’t think they know how to deal with this very serious problem with the close connection between crime, the narcotics trade and the high prevalence of guns in T&T,” he said. Teelucksingh gave the Government a thumbs down for not opening the Children’s Hospital in Couva yet, saying citizens were suffering for proper health care while the building was going to waste. “That hospital does not belong to the PP nor PNM government. It belongs to the people... and many people have been asking if it has become an instrument in a political game,” he said. On the possibility of a Cabinet reshuffle, Teelucksingh said it was impossible for an OJT minister to learn their job in one year. “I do not believe in any overnight shuffle of a Cabinet. What the Government has to do is operate in consortium with their manifesto, plans and policies and work towards that. I would be very gracious towards any government in their first year and give them a chance.” Ford: Cabinet will listen to population Yesterday, PNM general secretary Ashton Ford said when the PNM came into office they were faced with an empty Treasury and had to cut expenditure due to falling oil prices. He said it was difficult to understand how some sectors of the public expected the Government to achieve a high level of delivery when the revenue from oil dropped from US$120 to $26 a barrel. “It is inconsistent with reason. You can’t ask more with less. You could not ask the Finance Minister to be reckless with his spending,” Ford said, praising Imbert for handling the economy prudently. Asked if an inexperienced Cabinet had created some setbacks for the Government, Ford refused to say. “That is the Prime Minister’s call. He is the one to assess them and to make a judgment call in the performance of the ministers.” In the coming year, Ford said the Government would listen to the population’s views. “The Cabinet will also adjust the negatives and improve on the positives,” he added. (Trinidad Guardian)




Court Of Appeal To Hear Election Petition Appeal Next Month

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Sept 7, CMC – The Trinidad and Tobago Court of Appeal will next month hear the appeal filed by the main opposition United National Congress (UNC) challenging the decision of the High Court to dismiss its five petitions challenging the outcome of the 2015 general election. The Court will sit from October 17-19 to hear the arguments after Justice Mira Dean-Armorer, who last month dismissed the UNC’s claim that the election should be invalidated because the Election and Boundaries Commission (EBC) should not have extended the poll by one hour in Trinidad due to heavy rains. The judge acknowledging that while the EBC had breached the election laws, there was not sufficient evidence to declare the polls null and void. In a 54-page ruling Justice Dean Armorer said: “I have in these petitions strove to hold the balance to protect the will of the majority, while ensuring that the patent mistakes of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) not reduce the election of 2015 to a mere sham.”

She said it is her view that the elections of 2015 in Trinidad and Tobago “were substantially in accordance with the prescribed law and it does not appear to be that the breaches affect the results. “It is therefore my view and I hold that the election petition should be and is hereby dismissed,” she ruled. But in their appeal, lawyers for the party headed by former prime minister Kamla Persad Bissessar argue that the judge erred in speculating over its decision to file petitions for only six marginal constituencies, San Fernando West, Tunapuna, St Joseph, Toco/Sangre Grande, Moruga/Tableland and La Horquetta/Talparo. The party is also contending that the judge was wrong to dismiss its evidence of the unknown consequences of the EBC’s decision as speculation. “It was not known from the evidence

before her how many people were aware of the commission’s directive and how those people who were aware of it would have reacted to it. “These unknown consequences meant that the learned judge could not properly have found with certainty that the breaches did not materially affect the outcome of the election,” according to the documents filed by the UNC. (Trinidad Guardian)




Brazil's New President Booed At Independence Day Parade

BRASÍLIA, Brazil (AFP) — Brazil's new president, Michel Temer, was booed at an annual military parade in the capital Brasilia on Wednesday, his first public outing since taking power last week. "Out with Temer!" shouted protesters at the heavily policed ceremony. Supporters of Temer applauded the new leader. Temer, who was sworn in as president after the removal from office of his rival Dilma Rousseff in an impeachment trial, ditched the traditional open top Rolls Royce used for the parade, instead using a closed presidential vehicle. Apparently wishing to remain low-key, the new president also did not wear the usual sash over his dark suit. The military parade in the center of Brasilia kicked off nationwide events marking Brazil's September 7 Independence Day. However, there were also protests around the country in support of Rousseff, an unpopular leftist leader who was found guilty by the Senate of breaking accounting laws. Later Wednesday, Temer was to attend the opening of the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Temer, also shown by polls to be deeply unpopular, promises to embark on deep reforms to steer Brazil further to the right in hopes of ending the deepest recession since the 1930s. At the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games last month he was loudly booed. (Jamaica Observer)

Supporters of Brazil's impeached president Dilma Rousseff demostrate against President Michel Temer in Brasilia on September 7, 2016. (Photo: AFP)




A Day Like Today Tupac Amaru Shakur, one of the ‘most influential’ rappers of the 90s was fatally shot a day like today 1997. Tupac, also known as 2Pac or Makaveli, was an American rapper, producer and actor who managed to leave an eternal print on the musical charters of the last three decades. THe rapper was born the 16th of June 1971. He grew up in a hostile and rebel environment. His parents Afeni Shakur and Billy Garland, were active members of the Black Panther Party, a Black Nationalist and socialist organization. This raw environment crafted his future. Surrounded by ex-convicts and high profile criminals wanted by the law, he became the living reflection of his past. His music, influenced by the work of contemporary English and Irish pop musicians, became the main tool to express repressed feelings, and weapon against social evils, dragging him in a world filled with confrontations for the way he projected his thoughts and elaborated his lyrics. Hip Hop was a premature gender by the early 90s, and the latest form of the AfricanAmerican side of the society, to express their frustration over social segregation. Groups were formed, music was made, Tupac rose. Between 1990 to 1993, he saw his records becoming successful and gaining the attention of the public. But not only managers and record companies noticed him, rival rappers and gangs felt the weight of his words, something they didn’t take lightly. The Harlem-born rapper had many rivals. Names like Biggie Small, Lil Kim, Dr. Dre, Mobb Deep, Puff Daddy and record companies such as Bad Boys Records, made headlines on the tabloid of the decade after a musical war started between the artists, which on several occasions exploded in direct confrontations. Death Row Records was the last company that promoted Tupac’s music. But sadly, the violent ways of the members of this company cost his life. Death Row Records founder, Marion “Suge” Knight had conflicts with the largest and most violent associations of street gangs in the United States, ‘The Crips’. This rivalry led to a deadly shootout in Las Vegas on September 7th 1997 between the two groups. On that fatidic night, members of the Crips discharge a large amount of ammunition on the black BMW that Marion Knight

was riding along with Tupac. Knight was only wounded in the head, but Tupac was shoot several times. He died on September 13th at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevadafrom internal bleeding. Source:

Tupac Amaru Shakur




Islamic State Group: Turkey And US 'Ready To Invade Capital’

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has suggested he and incursion into northern Syria, Turkey has made itself a military the US are ready to drive so-called Islamic State (IS) from its player in the country. But Ankara's move, directed in part Syrian stronghold of Raqqa. Mr Erdogan said US counterpart against Kurdish forces backed by Washington, prompted Barack Obama floated the idea of joint action against the serious strains in US-Turkey relations, already poor in the wake militants when they met at the G20 meeting in China. He said of the failed coup against the Erdogan government. Turkey would have "no problem" with such action. Last month There is now a desire on both sides to improve ties and the Turkey launched an operation inside Syria, targeting both IS suggestion from President Erdogan of US acquiescence in a and Kurdish rebels. Turkish-backed militia drove IS from the Turkish role in the wider battle-plan to recapture Raqqa from IS border town of Jarablus, but Turkey has also been concerned is clearly part of this. It would be an acknowledgement by with checking the advance of Kurdish forces whom it regards as Washington of Turkey's continuing strategic interest in Syria. No details have been given as to what a Turkish role might terrorists. The offensive continues, and Russia, who is allied to Syrian amount to but clearly if Raqqa is attacked then the zone President Bashar al-Assad says it is deeply concerned by the approaching the Turkish border to the north of the city needs to movement of Turkish forces deeper into Syrian territory. Mr be secured to block the withdrawal of fleeing IS forces. (BBC) Erdogan's comments on Raqqa were published in Turkish media. There has been no confirmation from the US. "Obama wants to do some things jointly concerning Raqqa," Mr Erdogan said. "We said this would not be a problem from our perspective.'' "I said 'our soldiers should come together and discuss, then what is necessary will be done'," Mr Erdogan added. Mr Erdogan gave few other details but said more discussions would follow. Raqqa's fall was a key point in the rise of IS as it seized swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria, and is now considered the jihadists' de facto capital. Between 250,000-500,000 people are still thought to live there, with brutal stories emerging of the Raqqa is considered the IS militants' de facto treatment of civilians. Through its large-scale capital and its loss would be a huge blow




Air China Magazine London Race Slur Sparks Anger A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that "precautions" should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by "Indians, Pakistanis and black people". Air China included the comments as part of a feature in its in-flight magazine on visiting the city. It also advised tourists not to go out alone at night, and for females to always be accompanied when travelling. A London MP has written to the Chinese ambassador to the UK for an apology. The comments were noticed by Beijing-based producer Haze Fan from US news channel CNBC. They were published in its monthly Wings Of China magazine and read: "London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people. "We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling." Air China has not commented on the article. But MP Virendra Sharma said: "I am shocked and appalled that even today some people would see it as acceptable to write such blatantly untrue and racist statements." The Labour MP for Ealing Southall, which has a high Indian population, said he had requested for the magazine to be removed from circulation immediately. "I have invited representatives of Air China to visit my constituency of Ealing Southall to see that a very multi-cultural area is safe, and would be of great value for those

visiting London to see. "I will await their response, and if an appropriate one is not forthcoming I shall feel forced to question whether Air China is a fit company to operate in the UK." The airline operates two flights per day from Beijing to London Heathrow. The number of trips to the UK from China rose by 46% last year to 270,000 according to VisitBritain. The Chinese government has previously raised concerns about how its citizens act abroad. In 2013, a senior Chinese Communist Party official called for authorities to "guide tourists to conscientiously abide by public order and social ethics, respect local religious beliefs and customs, mind their speech and behaviour... and protect the environment". (BBC)




Paris Terror Arrest After Gas Tanks Found In Notre Dame Car

Paris police have arrested a man on the terrorism watch list after his car was found near the Notre Dame Cathedral with seven gas cylinders inside. The Peugeot 607 was found with its hazard warning lights flashing and without

The car was found near Notre Dame Cathedral, one of Paris's most popular tourist attractions(AFP)

number plates, police said. One of the canisters, on the front passenger seat, was empty, and there were no detonating devices inside. In November, 130 people died in Paris in a series of terror attacks carried out by so-called Islamic State (IS). Test-run? An associate of the car's owner, also known to police, was also arrested, French news agency AFP reported. Some French media reports said several people had been arrested. Documents with writing in Arabic were also found in t h e c a r, p o l i c e s a i d .

Officers speculated that the hazard lights may have been turned on to attract attention. "We think he may have been trying to carry out a test-run," one police official told AFP. The car was found on the Quai de Montebello, just metres from the cathedral, along a stretch of the Seine riverside. A state of emergency has been in place in France since the attacks in Paris. At least 84 people were killed when a lorry was driven into a crowd in the southern city of Nice in July. The driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, was believed to have been inspired by IS. Notre Dame is among Paris' top tourist destinations, attracting approximately 13 million visitors per year. (BBC)

Indonesia Drug Chief Calls For Philippine-Style Crackdown

Budi Waseso (centre) said the lives of drug dealers were "meaningless"(GETTY IMAGES)

Indonesia's anti-narcotics chief has called for the country to imitate the brutal war on drugs launched by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Budi Waseso praised Mr Duterte and said drug dealers' lives were "meaningless". Hundreds of alleged dealers have been killed in the Philippines since Mr Duterte allowed to police to shoot them on sight. Mr Duterte, nicknamed "The Punisher", has been condemned by the United Nations for his approach against crime. President Joko Widodo is hosting Mr Duterte in Jakarta later this week, where discussions on how to tackle

the drugs trade will be high on the agenda. Indonesia already has some of the toughest drug laws in the world and ended a fouryear moratorium on executions in 2013. Speaking at a press conference held by Indonesia's anti-narcotics agency (BNN), Mr Waseso said the country would bolster its arsenal of weapons, officers, and technology devoted to combating the drugs trade. "The life of a dealer is meaningless because [he] carries out mass murder," he said. When asked if Indonesia would be as aggressive as the Philippines, Mr Waseso said: "Yes I believe so." A spokesman for the BNN later struck a different tone, saying Indonesia would not be as aggressive. "Our punishments have to be in accordance with our law and with national and international standards," said Slamet Pribadi. About 2,400 people have been killed since Mr Duterte declared his war on drugs,

Reuters news agency reports - 900 in official police operations and the rest in "deaths under investigation", a term human rights activists say is a euphemism for vigilante and extrajudicial killings. When US President Barack Obama said earlier this week he would raise the issue with Mr Duterte, his Philippine counterpart responded by threatening to call him a "son of a whore". Mr Obama subsequently cancelled a scheduled meeting between the two, and Mr Duterte expressed regret for his comment. Obama, Duterte and other notorious political insultst Indonesia executed four people, including foreign nationals, in July on charges of drug smuggling, despite condemnation from the UN. In April last year President Joko Widodo drew the ire of the Australian government with a previous execution of 14, including two Australians. Mr Waseso drew criticism and mockery in November when he proposed building a prison guarded by crocodiles. "You can't bribe crocodiles. You can't convince them to let inmates escape," he said at the time. (BBC)




Syria Conflict: Opposition Unveils Transition Plan

The umbrella group representing Syria's political and armed cannot lose either. The war gets more complicated every year. opposition factions has set out a plan for a political transition to Regional superpowers, and the world's most powerful countries end five years of war. The High Negotiations Committee (HNC) have intervened. Dozens of different, and sometimes proposed holding six months of negotiations with President overlapping rebel groups operate on the battlefields. Bashar al-Assad, accompanied by a full ceasefire. Mr Assad All have their own agendas. It's a mini world war. No wonder would then hand over power to a unity government that would diplomacy fails. Grey line Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said run Syria for 18 months and organise elections. Syria's deputy the plan would test Mr Assad's allies. But Adel al-Jubeir told the BBC he was not optimistic that Russia and Iran were prepared to foreign minister later insisted Mr Assad would not step aside. Faisal Mekdad told the BBC that demands that the country's put the "necessary pressure" on the president "in order to elected leader be removed were "crazy" and "unbelievable". comply with the will of the international community". Mr Jubeir "We are saying, let the Syrian people decide their own fate. will discuss the HNC's blueprint with other foreign ministers Their own future without intervention. Don't make from the Friend of Syria group of countries that support the preconditions who will rule Syria," he said. Mr Assad has opposition. consistently refused to step down since the beginning of the war, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who is hosting the which has left more than 250,000 people dead, and meeting, wrote in The Times that there "was still a chance that correspondents say the recent battlefield successes of his forces this vision can be made to work". "If the Russians and Americans can together create a ceasefire, then the talks can have only hardened that view. The HNC's "Vision for Syria" was unveiled in London by its restart in Geneva with the difference, perhaps, that all sides will general co-ordinator, Riyad Hijab, who defected in 2012 while by then have seen at least the scaffolding of a post-Assad Syria," serving as prime minister. He said the plan envisaged three he added. Moscow and Washington, which backs the opposition phases: Six months of negotiations between opposition and and insists Mr Assad must go, have so far failed to reach an government representatives, using a 2012 document known as agreement on a new cessation of hostilities. the Geneva Communique as a basis for discussions. Both sides After a meeting with President Vladimir Putin at the G20 would also commit to a temporary truce, lift sieges, allow full summit in China on Monday, Barack Obama said they had been humanitarian access and release detainees A transitional period unable to close "gaps of trust". US officials are particularly lasting a year and a half would start with the establishment of a concerned by the deteriorating conditions in and around Syria's transitional governing body with full executive powers, as well second city, Aleppo, where rebel-held eastern areas are once as the departure of Mr Assad and other senior officials accused again under siege after government forces advanced over the weekend. On Monday, more than a 100 people were admitted to of committing "heinous crimes". A new constitution would be drafted during this phase, and a hospital following a suspected chlorine gas attack on the rebeldemocratic and pluralistic political system established Changes held Sukkari district. Activists in the city said one person died to the constitution would be agreed, the outcomes of a national after bombs were dropped from government helicopters. (BBC) dialogue implemented, and elections held under UN supervision If the document on a transition in Syria had been produced by the political leaders of a victorious army at the gates of Damascus, it could be seen as an enlightened blueprint for the future. But the regime in Damascus will dismiss it, because President Bashar alAssad seems more secure in the capital than at any other time since the war started. In 2013, when the chemical attack on the city's rebelheld eastern suburbs seemed certain to provoke American air strikes the regime looked shaky and afraid. But the strikes never came, and since then the president and his men have strengthened their positions. Crucially, Russia has intervened directly on the battlefield. Five years of war in Syria have left more President Assad cannot win as things stand, but he than 250,000 people dead(REUTERS)




Apple Tax: Irish Tax Criticisms 'Unfair' Says Noonan

Critics of Ireland's tax regime are drawing outdated and unfair caricatures, the Republic's Finance Minister Michael Noonan has said. The Irish parliament has been recalled early to debate the European Commission's ruling that the country granted undue tax benefits of up to €13bn (£11bn) to Apple. It follows the decision by the Irish government to appeal the ruling. Mr Noonan said Apple had not been shown favouritism. Today's vote was always going to be a foregone conclusion once the main opposition party, Fianna Fail, indicated it would support the government motion in appealing the European Commission's Apple ruling. It will mean that Enda Kenny's Fine Gael minority government, supported by Independents, will go to the courts in Luxembourg with the diverse support of the Irish parliament. It will argue that it did nothing wrong and did not collude with Apple in a secret sweetheart deal, to help it avoid paying taxes in other countries. But Sinn Féin and hard-left politicians and parties disagree and say the government should pocket the Apple money plus interest, and spend it on social services that have been reduced because of austerity. While there is little sympathy for Apple and the low amounts of tax it has paid globally for those supporting the government, it comes down to short-term monetary gain or protecting the Republic of Ireland's good business name in the longer term. The appeal will go ahead but it may be up to six years before we know the outcome. "It is simply untrue that Ireland provided favourable treatment to Apple," said the finance minister. "The reaction to the European Commission's decision has, at times, painted an outdated and unfair caricature of Ireland's position on tax. "This is a caricature that is at odds with the evidence and which overlooks our proven track record in recent years. “The facts show our constructive engagement at the international table, with matchless implementation of reforms ahead of many of our partner countries." He said the European Commission ruling encroached on sovereign states' decisions on tax and contained contradictions on where Apple owed tax. 'No selective treatment' Micheál Martin, leader of Fianna Fail, said it had not been shown that there had been "selective treatment for one company". "A five-year investigation, including an unprecedented and targeted trawl of revenue files, has produced an assertion, but no evidence," he told the debate. However, Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams said there had to be fairness in taxation. "There can't

be one set of rules for some and different rules for others, with small and medium sized enterprises - the backbone of our economy - weighed down by government tax policies, while one very large company pays less than 1% corporation tax." On Tuesday night, Dáil (parliament) members were given a 16page Department of Finance document on the background to the ruling. The ruling itself is confidential. How Apple was taxed in Ireland in 2011 In 2011, as in previous years, every Apple product sold in Europe, Middle East, Africa and India was recorded as a sale by Apple Sales International in Ireland. Under its tax arrangement, Apple Sales International then allocated the vast majority of its profits to a head office. According to the EU Commission, this head office existed "only on paper" and therefore its profits were not taxed. Only a small percentage of profits were allocated to the Irish branch of Apple Sales International. As a result, the final 10 million euros tax paid by Apple was equivalent to a rate of 0.05% - this fell to 0.005% by 2014 as profits rose - far less than the 12.5% Ireland charges other companies. Another company, Apple Operations Europe, also based in Ireland, operated in a similar way. 'Absolutely unbelievable' Richard Boyd Barrett of People Before Profit told the Dáil it was "a farce" that the debate was being held despite the fact that members could not see the full European ruling. "It's absolutely unbelievable that we're going to make a decision that has enormous implications for this state - to say no to 13bn euros and we have not even got access to the ruling," he said. Previously, Apple chief executive Tim Cook said he was "very confident" the ruling would be overturned on appeal. He called the European Commission's decision "maddening" and "political". (BBC)




Pokemon Go In Indian Court For 'Hurting Religious Sentiments’

Pokemon Go has not been officially released in India, but many still play thanks to workarounds(NIANTIC)

Augmented reality game Pokemon Go has landed up in an Indian court over allegations it is hurting the religious sentiments of millions of vegetarians. The high court in

Gujarat state was asked to ban the game because its images of eggs in places of worship were "blasphemous" to Hindus and Jains. The court has asked the makers of Pokemon Go to respond to the charges. It is unclear if the makers, Niantic Inc, will do so. The court move has been met with derision on social media. Pokemon Go has not been officially released in India, but many still play thanks to workarounds. The game can be accessed from an Indian phone by signing into an iTunes account of any country where the game has been released. Many reports say temples are often Pokestops -

especially marked landmarks where players can gather supplies. The petition also cited infringement of privacy, and a possible threat of life to the players searching for Pokemons as further grounds for banning the game. The news invited ridicule on social media, with Pokemon Go trending on Twitter in India. Many criticised the "frivolity" of the case, including former minister Shashi Tharoor who tweeted: "To file in the "Only in India" category! Would be funny if such frivolous cases didn't clog our judicial system." (BBC)

Caesarean Birth Might Increase Obesity Risk, Says Study

Babies born by Caesarean are at higher risk of becoming obese, especially compared with siblings born by vaginal delivery, a large study suggests. Writing in JAMA Pediatrics, the researchers said this might be because babies born vaginally are exposed to healthy gut bacteria that play an important role in regulating diet. The study followed more than 22,000 babies into adulthood. But experts said there were likely to be many different factors at work. These include the diet of the mother, whether she had diabetes during pregnancy and whether the baby was breastfed. Babies born via Caesarean are less likely to be breastfed, and this has been shown to lead to an increased risk of obesity. Children's diets also have an effect on their future weight. Steady rise In the UK, about 26% of babies are delivered by Caesarean section an operation where a cut is made in the tummy and womb to get the baby out. Rates have been rising steadily over the past few years, according to the Royal College of M i d w i v e s . I n t h i s s t u d y, A m e r i c a n researchers from Harvard Medical School and other institutions found that babies delivered by Caesarean were 15% more likely to grow up to be obese after adjusting for a number of factors, including the mother's weight and age. In families where children were born by different methods, those born by Caesarean were 64% more likely to be obese than their

siblings born by vaginal delivery. But the researchers could not say Caesareans were the cause of obesity or explain the mechanisms behind the link. Their best guess was that differences in gastrointestinal microbiota, or healthy gut bacteria, between babies born by different methods could have an effect. 'Medical necessity' Microbiota is the term used to describe the microbes that colonise our bodies and which vary from one person to another. They are linked to some diseases but can also be used to treat disease and promote health. A technique called "vaginal seeding" can be used to transfer maternal vaginal fluid which contains the healthy bacteria - to a baby born by Caesarean but doctors say there could be risks with infection. Dr Simon Cork, research associate in the department of investigative medicine at Imperial College London, said there were many factors to consider in children's risk of obesity - not just their mode of delivery at birth. "Overall, the literature surrounding this area suggests that there may be a link between Caesarean section and obesity. However, this link is neither fully proven nor understood. "Most often Caesarean births are as a result of medical necessity, rather than elective, and as such this risk would

outweigh any concerns mothers should have regarding the possibility of future weight issues." Informed choice Prof Neena Modi, President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said more research was needed to find out whether birth by Caesarean was a cause of obesity. "Caesarean section can be life saving for women and their babies.

However many women are now considering Caesarean section where there is no medical indication. "It is important that they are told about the possibility of increased risk of obesity in their children, to help them make an informed birth choice. She added: "It is also important for parents to focus on factors that they can influence which definitely impact on their infant's health. This includes maintaining a healthy weight at the time of conception, and throughout pregnancy. " (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Solar Tuk-Tuk Journey Halted By Robbery In France An engineer travelling from India to Britain in a self-modified 35-year-old, an Australian national and Indian resident, has PAGE 78


solar and electric-powered tuk-tuk has been robbed in France, worked for Mahindra Reva, an Indian electric car company. He derailing the final leg of a seven-month journey. Naveen bought the diesel tuk-tuk for $1,500 (£1,120) and spent $11,500 Rabelli had his passport and wallet stolen from his parked tuk- customising it. It has a top speed of 60km/h (37 mph) and is tuk in Sarcelles while using a bathroom. He is waiting for a new powered by both electricity and solar power. The vehicle has a passport to cross the English Channel and finish his journey at bed and a solar cooker. (BBC) Buckingham Palace. Mr Rabelli is trying to draw attention to renewable energy. "I have been on road for seven months now, and have been dreaming to get to [the] UK. For four years I have been preparing for this," he told the BBC. "It really sucks to have lost my passport and 1,000 euros" while en route to Calais to take a ferry to the UK, he said Mr Rabelli has been helped by strangers along his journey, which took him through Iran, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. He sleeps in his auto-rickshaw when not offered accommodation and managed to save up money along the way. "People donated. I sold olive oil in [a] market, I sold my Mr Rabelli modified the diesel tuk-tuk to run on postcards, I sold Greek liquor," he said. The electric and solar power(NAVEEN RABELLI)




Bourda Vendors Return But Fear Of City Hall Looms After being given the boot by Town Clerk Royston King for vending around the Bourda Market area, vendors launched a protest outside the Ministry of Communities yesterday seeking the intervention of Minister Ronald Bulkan. Subsequent to that meeting, the vendors were given the green light to sell around the area. When Guyana Daily News visited the area today, several vendors said they are afraid they council might victimize them if they speak out on the issue. One vendor, Naline, said that the vendors will have to abide with the council’s instructions to keep the place clean, if not they will be removed permanently. She also noted that crime is rampant around the area and that the city constabulary is doing nothing to protect the vendors. She also said that business has been very slow over the past year. The Mayor and City Council of Georgetown on Tuesday blocked vendors from selling their produce around the Bourda Market area. The move by the council affected both vendors and truckers, because no notice was given to them. The vendors said that the Town Clerk told them that they cannot sell around the area until they (City Council) clean up the place. Police barricades were placed around the area preventing the flow of traffic.

Bourda Market vendors

Dutch Engineer Students Submit Final Report On Project Georgetown the project, which was designed to help in the transition from an experience based approach to scientific management. Although the report has yet to be certified by the DRR Specialist in the Netherlands. In brief remarks, the Honorary Dutch Consulate in Guyana, Ben ter Welle congratulated the student engineers for doing a good job and said the rest was dependent on the allocation of funds for the implementation of the recommendations. “Students you did a nice job to help the Guyanese, it was the aim of the Kingdom of Delft. I was always told that the knowledge is here, but your contributions will help to increase the knowledge and now that you have shown where the knowledge can be, increases the major issue, is the money, so it’s now up to the Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. I can say that living in Georgetown for the last 20 years, the cleaning of all the waterways has helped me substantially in Queenstown. I made an infrastructure which is no longer needed because the water level even with flooding is much lower,” Sitting- the seven – man Dutch engineering team which conducted Project Georgetown

A team of Dutch engineering students who were in Guyana to work on the modelling of an effective and efficient drainage system for the city of Georgetown, yesterday submitted the draft of final report for Project Georgetown in the Boardroom of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regent Street and Vlissengen Road. The team which is here as a follow -up to a visit made in 2015 by the Dutch Disaster Risk Management Team is comprised of students undergoing studies which will lead to their Masters in Hydraulic Engineering. The team which arrived in Guyana in July, spent approximately seven weeks working on

the Honorary Consulate said Meanwhile, Minister in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson assured that the recommendations in the draft of the final report submitted by the Dutch Engineering team will be effectively used to ensure the whole situation of flooding in Georgetown will be alleviated. “I can assure you (that) the government will not allow this report to be placed on a desk to accumulate dust… I trust that those to whom the knowledge will be imparted will see the need to develop from what you have shared in order to have this entire situation addressed,” the Minister said. Deputy Mayor of Georgetown, Sherod Duncan added that he is pleased with the collaborative effort and is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to read the final report. “I’m impressed by your work. The project has given me a great opportunity to learn about the interconnection of the city’s waterways. It would be a tremendous blessing to the people of South Ruimveldt. I’m really hopeful that the local government and central government follow through on your recommendations,” Duncan noted. (GINA)




CPCE Attracts More Than 1,847 Applications The Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) wishes to inform the public that it is currently interviewing prospective students for the 2016-2017 intake. CPCE continues to attract large number of applicants. This year CPCE received more than 1,847 applications for its programmes: Associate Degree in Education (Two Years); Associate Degree in Education (One Year); and, Trained Teachers Certificate (Three Years). Subject to a process of verification, 721 candidates have the requisite academic entry qualifications for the Associate Degree in Education (Two Years) Programme, while 574 of them applied for this Programme pending results. The Associate Degree in Education (One Year) Programme attracted 77 applications, 50 of whom have the requisite academic entry qualification, while 30 of the 125 persons who applied to the Trained Teachers Certificate (Three Years) Programme have the requisite academic entry qualifications. Given the overwhelming number of qualified applicants and in keeping with the needs of the Education System, priority is being given to eligible applicants who are currently serving in the system. Applicants from the riverain and hinterland areas and applicants for the secondary level in critical subject areas

such as Mathematics, Home Economics, Industrial Technology, Information Technology, Physical Education, Modern Languages, Music and Science will also be given priority. Other applicants will be selected based on the needs of the Administrative Region in which they intend to serve following completion of their Programme. A point system is being used to make the selection objective. Eligible applicants who are not selected this year and are still desirous of pursuing teacher education and training at CPCE will not be required to reapply next year and will automatically gain a point, which would be considered in the selection process for the 2017 intake. CPCE regrets any inconvenience caused. (GINA)

Part Of Charity Road To Be Rehabilitated Minister of State Joseph Harmon objection for the rehabilitation and announced that cabinet gave its no construction of the Eastern last street in the Charity Housing Scheme to the tune of $18,236,160. Minister Harmon made the announcement at a post cabinet media briefing on Thursday. When asked by the Guyana Daily News as to why only one road is being rehabilitated in that area, the Minister said that the government has to take a position on what they have and utilize the resources that are available. He further stated that the roads come under a schedule by the NDC and RDC and the advice that is given comes from the residents of the community. He also said that road works will be done pending the availability of funds. The minister told Guyana Daily News that asphaltic materials will be used to rehabilitate the roads. Harmon quipped that there is an experiment on using concrete materials for road building, and that the government is exploring the possibility of the usage of concrete. When Guyana Daily News contacted the residents of the Charity Housing Scheme,

they were disappointed with the decision of the government to rehabilitate only one road. One resident, Ms. Imran told the Guyana Daily News, that she was expecting the government to rehabilitate all the roads in the area. “These roads need to be done as soon as possible, it got big pot holes, cars cannot drive in on the roads, when the rain falls the children cannot walk on it and the taxi drivers charge more monies to come in here.”




‘Fraudster’ Medical School Was Not Accredited Ms. Nanda Kissoon, “North Shore” Medical School administrator, is finding herself in hot water for alleged breach in protocols by the National Accreditation Council (NAC). The Medical school is located at 218 Lamaha Street Georgetown, with approximately 120 students attending. Ms. Kissoon has been figured in several medical scams across the country. When Guyana Daily News contacted the NAC on the issue, a senior official of the agency said that Ms. Kissoon has never been accredited by the council, as she only submitted an application for accreditation. It was noted that the board must decide on the application. The official said that a meeting was held on August 18, 2016 by the board and subsequent to that meeting, Ms. Kissoon was warned about advertising

or accepting students since the school is yet to be accredited. The council noted that this was not the first application by Ms. Kissoon. Parents of students who attended the “Noth Shore” Medical school, became suspicious of the activities by Ms. Kissoon. They along with police arrived at the Lamaha Street School on Tuesday, only to find that the Administrator had looked herself along with two students in the building. The police were forced to use a ladder to gain entry into the building through a window. She was arrested and remains in police The Administrator of the North Shore custody. Medical Institute, Nanda Kissoon.

Dr. Suresh Narine - A Guyanese Son Of The Soil

Dr. Suresh Narine, one of the most prominent scientists worldwide, is a proud son of this land. His significant contributions to the world of science has put his name between a selected elite. Building most of his career in Canada, Dr. Narine never erased his humble beginnings. Herstelling, a village on the East Bank of the Demerara River, saw his first steps. He was the only male, and younger of four siblings. As an advanced child, his learning skills were early noticed and encouraged by his family, cementing his confidence in becoming what he is today. But his determination was often put to test. The 70s and 80s was a though decade for Guyana. Economic crisis and an ongoing dictatorship, often made the youth wonder if education was most important that having dinner on the table. Many would detour from their studies to support their families, but Narine kept the focus on his future with the encouragement of his close ones. His good grades gave him a place in Queen’s College, a great accomplishment. At this time his vision of the future wasn’t only focused in his own development, but his community as well. A political understanding of the epoch was necessary to start any project. Dr. Narine knew that, so he started to get politically involved. He became a member of the Guyanese Action for Reform and Democracy or GUARD movement. But without enough resources to make a change, any project could easily fail, leading to his disintegration from the movement. After finishing his studies in Queen’s College, disappointment of the economic and political situation of the country, he migrated to Canada, pursuing a better future. Even though his attention was always caught by history, arts and politics, science remained as an uncharted terrain for him. Trent University in Canada became the institute that gave him the final shape. The doors of

physics, mathematics and chemistry were wide only launched for the mere objective to provide open to him. His passion over science violently the community of Rupununi of a high bloomed. While the knowledge is acquired, if revolutionary product made by resources found in there is satisfaction, then this one flows without their own soil, but also to reflect the importance of being noticed. It stays and remains crystal clear this communities, and their weight in finding not only for the pupil that learns, but for those that quick answers to our daily basic problems, such as will later become the ‘sponge’ to absorb this climate changes, and poverty. This is one of the unlimited resource of wisdom. ‘The student many projects that reflect the green projection of becoming the master’, this was Suresh Narine the future that Dr. Narine visualizes. after finishing his studies at Trent University, then S o u r c e : he would be called Dr. Suresh Narine. His insatiable thirst for knowledge Today Dr. Narine stands as a representation of the many ommunications/Biography_of_P... accomplishments that persons can reach with the simple principle of not giving up. High tides and storms could come, but standing still and firm will reflect the strength of your roots. Today he holds degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Economy and Philosophy. He has participated in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and received a prestigious Ph.D. in Food Science and Materials Physics at the University of Guelph. Presently Dr. Narine is a senior Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Chemistry at Trent University and is the Director of the Trent Centre for Biomaterials Research and the Institute of Applied Science and Technology in Guyana as well as the Cochairman of the Board of CGX Energy Inc, without dismissing that he is the holder of more than 20 patents and nearly 200 refereed publications. His curriculum places him between the scientific elite worldwide. One of his more recent projects in Guyanese soil, was the launching of organic face cleanser named ‘Rupununi Essence’ on May last. As reported, this project wasn’t Dr. Suresh Narine




Leonora Diagnostic Centre To Be Upgraded To Maternity Care Facility Cabinet has granted its approval for the award of a $74.4 million contract to Builders Hardware and Quality Timber Project Company for the expansion and capacity building at the Leonora Diagnostic Centre (LDC) so that the centre can be upgraded to a maternity care facility. This upgrade will now see women being able to access the full range of maternity services, both pre-birth and post-delivery health care, at the facility and is intended to ease the burden on the maternity ward at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). This announcement was made by Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon at this week’s post-Cabinet press briefing, which was held at the Ministry of the Presidency, earlier today, and comes after President David Granger’s visit to the GPHC’s maternity ward last December, where he was appalled at the conditions he witnessed. Early this year, the President visited the Diamond and Leonora Diagnostic Centres, where he explored opportunities for providing more maternity centres so that pregnant women would have more options for pre and post delivery care. Minister Harmon said that Government, under the stewardship of President Granger, is committed to ensuring that the quality of healthcare, which is available to women at the public health care institutions, is greatly improved. “This project at the expansion of the Leonora Diagnostic Centre arose out of a concern, which was expressed by His Excellency when he visited the maternity ward of the GPHC. His major concern at that time was the condition under which pregnant women were treated and in the manner in which they were making deliveries… He called upon the Minister of Public Health and myself to go around and find a proper place where some extension in the hospital can cater to maternity cases to deal with the conditions under which women were required to give birth. The LDC was one of the areas, which has been identified that has the space and can be, with some adjustment, be able to provide that facility so that the women who are coming from Bartica and Regions 2, 3, 7, 8 and other places that they don’t have to come to Georgetown,” Minister Harmon said. Those visits by the President were designed to give him a first-hand look at some of the challenges faced by both health providers and patients. In an invited comment at that time, the President had noted that the fact finding mission provided the Government with an idea of the capacity for the expansion of maternity facilities to other locations. “We wanted to see the challenges that face the ordinary patients who came in off the road; mothers particularly, and we want to see what measures needed to be put in place in order to provide a better quality health care," President Granger had said on his visit to the Centres. With this focus in mind, the Government, in 2015 had allocated $23.2B to the health sector to ensure that the delivery is much improved with $133.1M of the sum being spent on the upgrading and equipping of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in an effort to increase the capacity of the Maternity unit by 50 beds. In 2016, $28B or 10.9 percent of the National Budget was allocated to

Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon

the sector. Subsequently in April 2016, the President commissioned a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Bartica Regional Hospital, which was upgraded to become a full-fledged regional maternity facility, within his first eight months in office. The Bartica Regional Hospital caters not only for Region Seven residents, but also those from areas like Saxacalli, Essequibo Islands – West Demerara (Region Three), River’s View, Upper Demerara-Berbice (Region 10) and more recently, residents of Parika, who choose to travel to Bartica rather than to the city. Works are expected to be undertaken at various other institutions in the coming months, as the Government continues to push for quality healthcare, especially for women and children.




Millions In Damage As Lightning Strike HJ Entertainment

A fire caused by lightning has left HJ Entertainment counting millions in losses after several of its equipment were damaged. The fire started around 10:45h at Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown Georgetown this morning after the transmitting antenna of the popular 94.1 Boom FM and HJ TV Studios was struck by lightning. The Guyana Daily News understands from firefighting personnel at the scene that while lightning would have started the fire, there was also faulty wiring visible on the building which aided the flames that caused equipment

Scenes from the fire

damage. The Guyana Fire Service responded on time and was able to avert what could have been a major disaster. Meanwhile the station is off air and the surrounding areas are temporarily without power. Present at the scene of the fire was HJ Entertainment Partner Kerwin Bollers, who was in discussion with the Guyana Fire Service ranks. Guyana Daily News was unable to get a comment. -By- Mustafa Khan, Guyana Daily News.




Nagamootoo Instructs NCN’s CEO To Apologise For Removing Pregnant News Anchor

Prime Minister and First Vice President Moses Nagamootoo has instructed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Communications Network (NCN), Lennox Cornette to tender an “unqualified apology” to Ms. Natasha Smith for using her pregnancy as reason to remove her temporarily as News Anchor. The Prime Minister in a statement issued late Wednesday night said that from information and explanation received from Cornette, he has no doubt the Ms. Smith was removed from the reading the news because of her pregnancy. “I am in no doubt that the removal of Ms. Smith was due to her state of pregnancy, and that the act is an attack on her as a woman and as a professional journalist,” the Prime Minister said. Nagamootoo further noted that he will not condone any such actions and distanced himself from the decision taken by NCN. In joining with those who had supported Ms Smith, the Prime Minister stated that “I applaud all those bodies and individuals who came forward in condemnation of this act of discrimination against Ms. Smith who has earned respect for her professional presentation of the NCN News.” He further explained that the government stands for full equality of women and their right to work or association must not be denied or in any way trampled by their free choice to be married or to remain single, or to bear or not to bear children. “It agonizes me to get involved in what is an NCN management matter but, as a journalist and as a parent, I refuse to be silent on this occasion.” MS Smith was removed from the reading the news by

management due her pregnancy. A decision which according to Ms. Smith’s official statement came directly from the CEO because the image was not looking good for the news. Following a meeting between the Guyana Press Association and the management of NCN, Ms. Smith was offered back her position as news anchor.




Curacao Court Hearing To Consider Motives For Political Assassination

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao -- Who gave the order to murder the suspects. Wilsoe had a meeting with Wiels on the day of the murder. popular Curacao politician Helmin Wiels on May 5, 2013? The actual During a press conference held on Tuesday, the former minister assassin was previously convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment denied that he had anything to do with the death of the popular in August 2014. But identifying and prosecuting the sponsors of the politician. assassination has run less smoothly. On Wednesday, a pre-trial was Since the summer of 2014, the justice department also suspected two scheduled in the criminal proceedings against Burney ‘Nini’ Fonseca. brothers of involvement, lottery boss Robbie dos Santos and former The prosecution sees him as the link between the clients and the minister of finance George Jamaloodin of the political party MFK, the assassins. In this session there will be perhaps more clarity about the party of former prime minister Gerrit Schotte. According to the circumstances of the murder and who, according to the justice prosecution, Nini Fonseca, exchanged several text messages with the suspect Jamaloodin. But according to their defence, the two men had department, were involved. The murder of Wiels in broad daylight on the beach of Marie contact because Nini Fonseca was MFK’s campaign manager. There Pampoen is, more than three years later, still an open wound. Such a is no case yet against these two. Recently Jamaloodin requested his thing had never happened before on the island, which has been an name to be removed from the list of suspects. (Caribbean News autonomous country within the Dutch Kingdom since October 10, Now!) 2010. New parliamentary elections will be held on September 30 and people on the island eagerly await whether the prosecution will name politicians or financiers of political parties as suspects. Shortly before his death, Wiels said he was going to reveal certain things about irregularities in the SMS lottery system. It is suggested that he was killed because of this announcement he made. Because the court case against the intellectual authors of the murder is taking so long to start, the wildest stories are doing the rounds. The prosecution suspects powerful men of involvement in the assassination. Last Friday a document was leaked which indicated that the prosecution also has former minister of justice Elmer Wilsoe of the Pueblo Soberano political party as one of the The late Helmin Wiels, former Curacao political leader





Opposition Election Challenge To Be Heard By Trinidad Appeal Court Next Month

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The court of appeal in Trinidad has set aside three days next month to hear the opposition United National Congress (UNC) appeal against the dismissal of its five election petitions challenging the result of last year’s general election. Attorneys for the opposition party, who filed the appeal last Thursday, were informed on Tuesday by the court’s registry that the appeal would be heard between October 17 and 19, the Trinidad Guardian reported. The UNC is challenging the decision of High Court Judge Mira Dean-Armorer, who last month dismissed the UNC’s claim that the election should be invalidated because the Election and Boundaries Commission (EBC) was not allowed to extend the poll by one hour due to heavy rainfall in Trinidad. While Dean-Armorer had agreed with the UNC that the EBC acted illegally, she ruled its error did

not materially affect the result of the election, in which People’s National Movement (PNM) beat the UNC by a 23-18 margin. The party claims that the judge erred in speculating over its decision to file petitions for only six marginal constituencies, San Fernando West, Tunapuna, St Joseph, Toco/Sangre Grande, Moruga/Tableland and La Horquetta/Talparo. The UNC also contends that the judge was wrong to dismiss its evidence of the unknown consequences of the EBC’s decision as speculation. “It was not known from the evidence before her how many people were aware of the commission’s directive and how those people who were aware of it would have reacted to it. “These unknown consequences meant that the learned judge could not properly have found with certainty that the breaches did not materially affect the outcome of the election,” the appeal states. The local court

has ultimate jurisdiction over all election challenges and its ruling in the case will be final as there is no right of further appeal to the United Kingdom-based Privy Council, the country’s final court of appeal. (Caribbean News Now!)




Cuban Journalist And LGBT Activist Fired For Working With Non-State Media

HAVANA, Cuba -- Cuban radio journalist and blogger Maykel Things grew worse for González after he attended the González Vivero gave his final show on Radio Sagua on Stockholm Internet Forum in 2015. “Last year, the Swedes September 3, 2016, after the station terminated his contract due invited me to the Stockholm Internet Forum. When I got back, to González’ “collaboration with private media”. Alongside his things were unbearable at the station. Before I went to work narrating the program, “Por la Villa de Undoso", which Scandinavia, the sub director said to me: “you won’t return,” as explored local history in the city of Sagua la Grande, the 32- if to insinuate that I wouldn’t come back. I stopped working for year-old is an openly gay blogger, collaborator with other media state media outlets and instead went to work as a bureaucrat in a and literary groups in Cuba, and an active member of the state office of Cultural Heritage, and I dedicated my time to writing reports, short articles, whatever I could, for the new independent LGBT rights advocacy group Proyecto Arcoiris. González reported via multiple media outlets that Radio Sagua media outlets. “And now you see what’s happened. station director Carlos Orlando Manrique explicitly condemned Tomorrow my last program will air, the last one directed by me, his work with independent Cuban news sites including Diario in a show about the centralized nature of small, outlying cities in de Cuba. Diario de Cuba is openly critical of the Castro Cuba that were once very prosperous, specifically Sagua la government and has contributors in both Cuba and the US. The Grande, from a historical perspective. “My literary commentary website was recently blocked on the island, according to (it’s naive to think that literary criticism is inoffensive, even CubaNet (another site that has been blocked) and Global though I don’t think the censors are that sagacious) will no Voices’ contacts in the country. In a public testimonial on longer appear in the culture magazine Por la Villa del Undoso. “Cognac for me. “It took them long enough.” Facebook, González described his experience at Radio Sagua. His troubles began in 2012, when he criticized the work of While González’ personal account of his experience is unique, Mariela Castro Espín, the daughter of Cuban President Raúl the hard facts of it are not. Journalists who were once employed Castro, who heads Cuba’s National Center for Sex Education by Cuban state media outlets represent a significant proportion and is a member of the National Assembly. González joined of Cuba's blogging communities, both on the island and abroad. other independent advocates in critiquing Castro’s approach to Between the recent firings of journalists such as González and LGBT rights advocacy, arguing that her efforts had fallen short Jose Ramírez Pantoja, among others, and the official on key issues of public import, mainly same-sex marriage and condemnation of Uruguayan blogger and former BBC domestic partnership. He wrote: “A police officer made me go to columnist Fernando Ravsberg, who has worked as a journalist an office at the Municipal Committee for the [Communist] in Cuba since the 1990s, it appears that more may soon be Party… Ugly, dirty, he looked tired. This was my debut with joining their ranks. (Caribbean News Now!) them, the invisible ones. He then told me something that later would happen. ‘If I want,’ he bragged, ‘I can call you a counterrevolutionary.’” González says he suspects that his critiques of senior Communist party member Marino Murillo, who served multiple terms as Cuba’s minister of planning and economy between 2009 and 2016, didn’t help him either. He was re-assigned to different jobs within state media institutions multiple times after 2012, and then began pursuing work outside of state institutions. At one point, a state security officer told him: “It doesn’t matter where you publish, even if it’s just on your blog. We will always be reading what you write.” In recent years, González has traveled to Europe twice. In 2014, he spoke on LGBT Cuban LGBT rights advocates at a gay pride march in Sagua la Grande. rights issues in Cuba at the UN in Geneva. Maykel Gonzalez is second from left. Photo via Maykel Gonzalez/el Nictalope




Venezuelan State Oil Company At Risk Of Defaulting Without US Payment Processor

HOUSTON, USA -- US-based Citibank has notified Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) that it is going to stop processing payments on its bonds, which could cause the Venezuelan state-owned oil company big problems. “Losing the main party responsible for paying the debt would lead to a default in PDVSA,” noted Stratford, a firm specializing in investment. Stratford also explained that, although Venezuela has lived with the spectre of default for years, the government has always shown a willingness to fulfill its commitments to investors; however, it has only been possible because imports were minimized to ensure resources were available. Venezuela may suspend payment of foreign debt, “triggering a cascade of events that could further destabilize the country”, Stratford continued. The company has been struggling to get an international bank to provide all services necessary to carry out such a responsibility. Things look even worse now that Citibank has resigned its responsibility of making payments on the various bonds issued by PDVSA. In addition, PDVSA must pay an amortisation of approximately US$2 billion on its 2017 bond, and having no paying agent makes such operations difficult.

Failure to pay bondholders could eventually lead to a restructuring of the debt, but PDVSA, which uses credit to cover operating costs, would likely suffer a loss of production because lenders could be less willing to extend credit to a b a n k r u p t c o m p a n y. I f production falls, it could e x a c e r b a t e t h e c o u n t r y ’s instability. Currency flows for public finances, which are crucial for paying for imports of food and other necessities, would be reduced, thus intensifying the extreme inflation and creating more social discontent. Stratford said that Venezuela has “few options for funding beyond their existing foreign exchange reserves” and that “the drop in cash flow is the main problem that undermines the privileges of the ruling elites in Venezuela, especially by the decline in imports, which means less corruption and food shortages.” (Caribbean News Now!)

MIAMI, USA -- The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) has called for the release from detention of Venezuelan journalist Braulio Jatar, director of the portal Reporte Confidencial (Confidential Report), on Margarita Island and it joined a request to the authorities that his safety and access to due process be guaranteed. Jatar, 58, was arrested on Saturday (September 3) by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) and accused of money laundering, an offence that carries with it punishment of 10 to 15 years in prison. The charge maintains that a briefcase containing $25,000 and 19,000 bolivars (equivalent to some $1,900) was found in his vehicle. However, his family called the arrest retaliation against Jatar and an act of intimidation for his having disseminated information and videos on his portal about a local protest last Friday (featuring banging on pots and pans) against President Nicolás Maduro. IAPA president Pierre Manigault called on the Venezuelan authorities for "guarantees for his physical safety" and demanded that "there be compliance with the constitutional principle of respect for freedom of the press, the mobility and activity of journalists." Manigault, president of the Charleston, South Carolina, newspaper The Post and Courier, recalled that last week, within the framework of the September 1 anti-government protest, the IAPA condemned the government for impeding the practice of journalism and he blamed it for the deterioration in freedom of the press and of expression. Jatar, who is also a lawyer, denied through his defence attorney having had the money at the time of his arrest. His lawyer called the arrest an ambush and disclosed that the official report claimed that Jatar would use this money to hand it over to "opposition groups to destabilize the upcoming Summit of Non-

Aligned Countries" scheduled for September 13-18. In another development, the IAPA also called for the release of Alejandro Puglia, a journalist and director of the Office of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Presidency of the National Assembly, arrested by the Sebin on September 1 for using a drone to take photos of the protest that day in Caracas, and charged with the offence of "warlike assistance." Despite the fact that the Public Prosecutor's Office requested his release, Puglia continues under arrest after a female judge charged him with the "warlike assistance" offence, punishable under the Penal Code by five to ten years in prison. While there was an administrative prohibition on using a drone during the protests, current legislation does not characterize this as a crime, so Puglia's situation, as was expressed by the National Journalists Guild (CNP) "remains at the discretion of the Venezuelan government." (Caribbean News Now!)

Press Freedom Organisation Calls For Release Of Arrested Venezuelan Journalist




CDB Funds Workshop To Improve Service Delivery In The Tourism Industry

excellence. Businesses that have attained the HAC have signaled their commitment to service delivery, business excellence and continuous improvement. The HAC process is supported by trained business advisors, who provide technical assistance to MSMEs seeking to become certified. As such, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has partnered with the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) to host a workshop for business advisors from the region. The workshop seeks to equip 16 participants with the necessary skills to advise on HAC processes for Caribbean MSMEs. The workshop is taking place from September 5-9, at the CTO offices in Barbados. Speaking at the opening ceremony on September 5, Bonita M o r g a n , d i r e c t o r, resource mobilization and development at the CTO, reminded participants that they are a critical part of the HAC process. “You are the ones who help us to promote the programme, but also, you provide the technical assistance to the businesses to help Workshop participants listen attentively during the opening session on September 5, 2016

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- For many countries in the Caribbean, a successful tourism industry is critical to social and economic growth and development. However, an increasingly competitive global tourism market has meant that Caribbean countries must find ways to differentiate themselves, in order to continue to attract visitors. One way to do this is to improve the level of service delivery that is provided by tourismrelated micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). The international Hospitality Assured Certification (HAC), which was developed specifically for tourism and tourism-related businesses, promotes a culture of service and business

them to meet the criteria to be able to strengthen their businesses and their processes and structures, to engage their employees and do the things that are really geared towards making the business experience a wonderful one, and so, you are a critical component of this process,” Morgan said. CDB has provided funding in the amount of US$61,000 towards the workshop, t h r o u g h t h e b a n k ’s C a r i b b e a n Technological Consultancy Services (CTCS) network. “The CTCS network is the bank’s principal technical assistance programme, which seeks to enhance the managerial and operational capacities of micro, small and medium sized enterprises in the Bank’s borrowing member countries. This workshop is in keeping with interventions in that regard, where training is conducted to build the capacity of resource persons who are then required to provide technical assistance to MSMEs in their countries,” said Michel Thomas, operations officer (CTCS), CDB. Workshop participants are from ten Caribbean countries: Anguilla, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Guyana, Jamaica, Monserrat, Saint Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Turks and Caicos Islands. (Caribbean News Now!)




Non-Profit Alliance Worksbenefit To Improve Access To Technology In Puerto Rico now from the service and support

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- World Computer Exchange-Puerto Rico and, two not-for-profit corporations, have announced their alliance to improve public school and family access to technology where needed throughout Puerto Rico. Their work will bring affordable unlimited w i r e l e s s I n t e r n e t c o n n e c t i v i t y, computing, networking, software, and training products, services, and support to underserved, or non-served communities, to the benefit of their schools, students, educators, and families. Additionally, benefits of the alliance will be extended to serve interested social service, health care, public safety, nonprofit, and community and economic development organizations working to enhance the quality-of-life and business throughout Puerto Rico. Working with faculty and students from the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico, t h e t w o o rg a n i z a t i o n s i n t e n d t o immediately begin pilot projects to serve the computing and Internet access needs of at least three schools. World Computer Exchange is requesting pilot schools interested in refurbished computers, tech volunteers, and Internet service to contact them immediately to participate at PuertoRico@WorldComputerExchange. org Affordable unlimited 4G LTE wireless Internet service is available today across most of Puerto Rico from Those wishing to

the alliance’s work in Puerto Rico can s i g n u p o n l i n e a t Use promo code: PR-WCE at checkout. The website can be viewed in either English or Spanish languages. Calls can also be placed to 1-800-2173048 for more information. Service costs for unlimited monthly access are less than 50 cents per day. For example, 12-months of unlimited service through the nonprofit alliance can be purchased for just $168. Timothy Anderson, president of World Computer Exchange said, “Our Chapter in Puerto Rico seeks donated used computers, tech volunteers, and corporate sponsors to help interested schools across the island. The needs survey of teachers we are working on with UPR RP faculty and grad students showed that many schools need more computers with Internet access for student use. 4G mobile hotspots provide a simple and affordable solution.” “The Internet is a powerful tool for social and economic progress,” said Todd Snyder, president. “I believe affordable unlimited 4G LTE wireless Internet service creates endless opportunities for the people of Puerto Rico because it puts the power of the Internet in the palm of their hand no matter where they go.”

World Computer Exchange-Puerto Rico wants to work with established organizations across the island to provide tools for teachers interested in training in the educational use of the internet, who need additional computers, educational software, or Internet access. World Computer Exchange was brought to the island by the 20/22 Act Society. The non-profit mission is to provide affordable unlimited 4G LTE wireless Internet and related technology and training services to communities across the US and its territories. services support individuals and families, plus non-profit, social service, education, health care, public safety, and community and economic development organizations in need of low cost, highperformance wireless and information technology solutions. (Caribbean News Now!)




Caribbean Fisherfolk Look To The Future

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- Leaders of the Caribbean One of the key outputs from the performance and planning Network of Fisherfolk Organisations (CNFO) met at a two-day workshop was the development of a CNFO action plan that performance and planning workshop to discuss and critically addresses three priority areas identified during the assessment – assess the CNFO’s performance since its formation almost ten governance and management, advocacy and communication, years ago. They were joined in this exercise by representatives and capacity building. Executive director of the CRFM, Milton from partner organisations the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Haughton, noted that “the CNFO has come a long way and Mechanism (CRFM), Fisheries Division, Trinidad and Tobago, achieved a lot.” Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies He encouraged the members of the Organisation to continue to of the University of the West Indies (UWI-CERMES) and be engaged in addressing issues that are affecting the livelihoods of fisherfolk, highlighting in particular the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI). The CNFO is a network of small-scale fisherfolk organisations importance of improving the standard of living of Caribbean operating in the CARICOM region, with its mission being to fisherfolk especially in light of the foreseeable challenges improve the quality of life for fisherfolk and develop a associated with climate change and variability. The workshop, sustainable and profitable industry through networking, which was held in Chaguaramas, Trinidad, from August 25-26, representation and capacity building. Until June 28, 2016, when 2016, was convened under the European Union funded the CNFO became a registered non-governmental organisation (€1,03m) Strengthening Caribbean Fisherfolk to Participate in in Belize, the organisation has been operating as an informal Governance (SCFPG) project. (Caribbean News Now!) network. Among its achievements, the CNFO has been able to develop strong partnerships with many regional and global fisheries and related entities, through which it has been able to mobilise resources for development of the organisation and its members, and influence the development of fisheries-related policies.The organisation is engaged as a partner in the delivery of a number of regional capacity building projects such as the Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network and the Strengthening Caribbean Fisherfolk to Participate in Governance projects. The CNFO has also been participating in various policy influencing fora such as the annual meetings of the CRFM’s Caribbean Fisheries Forum and the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) Conference. It recently took part in the Sixth Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and CNFO representatives from Belize, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago share their Fisheries (GAF6), in August 2016, in Bangkok, Thailand. ideas during a working-group session to develop priority areas for an action plan




Claims Of Injustice, Racism As UK Deports 42 Jamaicans

Despite a protest staged outside the Jamaican High Commission in immigration and that, “Everyone we have spoken to has been here London Tuesday, the British Government deported 42 Jamaicans since they were children and have no family or friends in Jamaica. amid claims that they were tricked and that the expulsions were The organisation charged that hundreds who were previously released unjust. The deportees, some carrying only one bag of personal on bail and temporary admission have been detained “in a deliberate possessions, arrived in Kingston on a chartered flight yesterday act to prepare for this charter flight to Jamaica”. “Their lives are here morning and were taken to Mobile Reserve, the police unit at Merrion in the UK. Everyone we have spoken to has British family, children Road, where they were processed before being released to anxious and partners, even grandchildren and extended family. Many individuals have ongoing immigration cases and most cannot afford relatives. Most hid their faces on release, except for one irate middle-aged man. to pay the huge legal fees to regularise their stay…Their lives are here He accused the British authorities of “using racism and bullyism” to in the UK. effect the deportations and blamed the Jamaican Government of being Everyone we have spoken to has British family, children and partners, a “sell-out”. He said he was sent back to Jamaica over a “few bags of even grandchildren and extended family,” the solidarity group stated. weed”, but argued that the British “rob and rape the world and no one The Unity Centre further argued that many of those detained for deportation were “swept up” as part of a controversial initiative is holding them responsible for that”. “I’m a Rasta man, what do you expect of me? I smoke it,” he said in named ‘Operation Nexus’. “Some of the people we spoke to, due to be reference to marijuana. He said he had already completed over four deported on Wednesday, have never even been convicted of a crime. months of his nine-month sentence, but that the immigration Those that have served custodial sentences served their sentences. authorities held him for another four months. “Then dem just say time This is simply a racist double punishment,” the group alleged. to deport you. I appealed everything, and they turned down Yesterday, Jamaica’s foreign affairs ministry said it has been advised everything and pushed it aside,” he told journalists. The Unity Centre, by the Ministry of National Security that “such flights have an immigration and asylum support group that opposes the move by previously been used over the past several years, under a the British Government, said the sentiment amongst the deportees is Memorandum of Understanding between the governments of Jamaica and the United Kingdom, which addresses such matters”. that they were conned and manipulated. “People issued tickets for the charter flight on Wednesday have Treasurer of the National Organisation of Deported Migrants Dwight complied with the conditions imposed on them by the Home Office. Jones, who along with other representatives of that group waited They have succumbed to the Home Office’s every demand and now outside the gates of the Mobile Reserve, told the press that the feel like they have been tricked and kidnapped. Each person told the organisation stood ready to assist the deportees with information, same story — they went to sign at the Home Office reporting centre as transportation, and direct those who would be homeless to shelters. required and were tricked,” the Unity Centre said earlier this week in a “We are able to provide documentation such as birth certificate and news release headlined ‘Home Office Restarts Racist Jamaica Charter TRN, and we work with government agencies, non-government Flights’. The UK’s Guardian newspaper on Tuesday, in its report on agencies and donor agencies. (This) is not necessarily an exceptional the protest over the deportations outside the Jamaican High event – we are here every month, and in some instances it’s a weekly Commission in south-west London, pointed out that some of the thing,” Jones said, noting that about 70 people are deported from the United States weekly, but that deportations from the UK are not as deportees were still fighting their immigration cases. “Critics have raised questions about the tactics used by Home Office frequent. (Antigua Observer) immigration enforcement, which has been accused of ‘strategically’ detaining individuals to fill the flight, without consideration of their circumstances,” the Guardian said. Yesterday, the Jamaica Observer was told that among the deportees were elderly individuals, some of whom have lived their entire lives in England. One woman who spoke with the Observer was on the verge of tears as she said she was anxious to see her son who was locked up in the United Kingdom in 2014. She said she had been in contact with him through twicemonthly phone calls facilitated by a chaplain at the prison where he had been incarcerated. She said that while, she was happy to have her son home, she was devastated by the circumstances under which he had been forced to return. The Glasgow-based Unity Centre said it has been This man carries large bags, presumedly bearing his belongings, as he leaves the Mobile in contact with more than 50 Jamaicans detained by UK Reserve after being processed by the Jamaican police, yesterday.Photo: Michael Gordon








Barbados PM Holds Bilateral Talks With Holness

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (CMC) – The Prime Ministers of Barbados and Jamaica discussed the state of bilateral relations between both countries on Wednesday against the background of two recent incidents related to Jamaican travellers to Barbados. The meeting held via telephone, came a day after Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart received the Letter of Introduction of the new non-resident High Commissioner of Jamaica to Barbados, David Prendergast. Stuart told his counterpart, Andrew Holness, that his call was intended to cement the need for the two countries to work more closely at the bilateral level over a range of issues, noting their close historical ties as founder members of CARICOM. In a statement issued following the meeting, it was noted that the leaders agreed that there was a need to strengthen the bilateral relationship, particularly in light of the recent incidents involving two Jamaican nationals. Stuart expressed his deep concern at the two reported incidents and agreed that the reported incidents were unfortunate and that on becoming aware of the matters, he had immediately sought a full briefing on each of them. “The Barbados Prime Minister drew to the attention of his counterpart the fact that statistics regarding Jamaicans travelling to Barbados had shown that thousands of Jamaicans entered Barbados without any issues and that fewer than one per cent encountered problems.” However, he did not condone any unwarranted challenge to Jamaicans, in his capacity as both Minister responsible for Immigration in Barbados and the lead spokesman in CARICOM for the CSME. Stuart assured Holness that the matters would be fully investigated, and that if any impropriety on the part of Barbadian officials was found, the requisite sanctions would be applied. Holness made mention of the Shanique Myrie case, and in response Stuart noted that given its precedent-setting nature, it was natural that the Myrie case would be evoked, but that it was one unfortunate incident when compared with the thousands of Jamaicans who come to Barbados and enter uneventfully.

Stuart said he hopes to have a chance to address the Jamaican public on the issues. He also noted that challenges would occur from time to time in the Freedom of Movement initiative and stressed that it was early days yet in the execution of the guidelines in the CCJ (Caribbean Court of Justice) decision. According to him, the Revised Treaty “had set out the ideal but the Court had sought to put flesh on the dry bones of that ideal.” He said wherever challenges arose the Government of Barbados would, as should be the case with other CARICOM Governments, try to make sure that mistakes were corrected and not repeated.

In response to the intimation of Holness that the recent matters could end up before the CCJ, Stuart indicated that that was the right of the individuals, which no one could deny. He assured Holness that the Government of Barbados would give the fullest cooperation in ensuring that propriety obtains in the matters. He stressed that it was important that the recent issues be managed carefully and not be allowed to undermine the good relations between the two countries. (Jamaica Observer)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness




'Wacky' Trump After Putin Jibe

Barack Obama has chided Donald Trump as "wacky" and "uninformed" after the Republican candidate said Russia's President Putin was a better leader. Speaking in Laos, Mr Obama said that every time Mr Trump spoke it became clearer that the Republican contender was not qualified to be president. In a televised forum on Wednesday, Mr Trump had praised Mr Putin's "great control" and 82% approval rating. Mr Trump and rival Hillary Clinton had taken questions from military veterans. Mr Obama said: "I don't think the guy's qualified to be president of the United States and every time he speaks, that opinion is confirmed." The president pointed to the diplomatic work he had faced at both the Asean summit in Laos and the earlier G20 meeting in China. He said: "I can tell you from the interactions I have had over the last eight or nine days with foreign leaders that this is serious business. "You actually have to know what you are talking about and you actually have to have done your homework. When you speak, it should actually reflect thought-out-policy you can implement." Mr Trump had told the forum in New York that the Russian president had "been a leader far more than our president has been". Quizzed by NBC host Matt Lauer on his previous complimentary remarks about Mr Putin, Mr Trump responded: "He does have an 82% approval rating." "I think when he calls me 'brilliant', I'll take the compliment, OK?" said the businessman, adding that Mr Putin had "great control over his country". Mr Trump also said that, as a result of the confidential intelligence briefings he has been entitled to as an election candidate, he had been "shocked" at how the president, Mrs Clinton and current Secretary of State John Kerry had done "exactly the opposite" of what intelligence experts had told them. Gabriel Debenedetti writes on the Politico website that neither candidate did much to advance their cause, with Hillary Clinton spending "a third of the time fending off questions about her emails" while "Donald Trump struggled to explain his secret plan to defeat the Islamic State." Time agreed, citing "plenty of unilluminating blather spewed by both candidates". It said: "The most dispiriting thing was the grim view of the world the candidates gave Americans, with their relentless focus on fighting and terror... There was scant optimism." One focus was on the performance of NBC moderator Matt Lauer. The New York Times pronounced that the "consensus afterwards was not kind". "Mr Lauer found himself besieged... by critics

of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event." Lauer's main miss, it seemed, was not to press Mr Trump when he said he had not supported the war in Iraq.

Vox was among those pointing to a 2002 interview with radio host Howard Stern that contradicts this. In the forum, Mr Trump also said: "I was totally against the war in Iraq." This appeared to contradict a statement in a 2002 interview with radio host Howard Stern and the forum's moderator, Matt Lauer, came in for intense criticism after the event for not pressing Mr Trump on the statement. Mr Obama said in Laos: "The most important thing for the public and the press is to just listen to what he says and follow up and ask questions to what appear to be either contradictory or uninformed or outright wacky ideas". 'Mistake' Mrs Clinton had found herself once again on the defensive during the forum over her private email server. A US naval flight officer told the former secretary of state he would have been jailed if he had handled classified information as she had done. The Democratic nominee replied: "I did exactly what I should have done and I take it very seriously. Always have, always will." The former secretary of state vowed to defeat the Islamic State group, though she emphasised: "We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again." Mrs Clinton also said her 2002 Senate vote in favour of the Iraq War was "a mistake". But she said it meant she was in "the best possible position" to ensure it never happened again. The forum offered a preview of the questions they will face in their three forthcoming presidential debates, the first at Hofstra University near New York on 26 September. (BBC)




Preeti Rathi Murder: Death For India Acid Attack Convict

A man in the Indian city of Mumbai has been sentenced to death for a fatal acid attack on a woman at a busy railway station three years ago, in what is being seen as a legal landmark. Preeti Rathi, who was 23 when she was murdered, had just arrived from Delhi to join the Indian navy as a nurse. Her neighbour Ankur Panwar attacked her after she rejected a marriage proposal. It is the first such sentence for an acid attack in India. Many such attacks go unpunished, campaigners say. Panwar, 25, was convicted of murder and other offences at a special court in the city on Tuesday. He is likely to appeal against the verdict in a higher court. On Thursday, the special court said that the crime fell within the "rarest of rare" category which Preeti Rathi's parents grieve over a photograph of justified the death penalty. Ms Rathi, who suffered severe their daughter(COURTESY: HINDUSTAN TIMES) injuries to her lungs and eyes in the attack on 2 May 2013, identity card. However, critics say that it is still widely and died a month later. easily available. According to government figures, there are A month after her death, India's Supreme Court ordered federal hundreds of such attacks a year; but campaigners say the real and state governments to regulate the sale of acid. The court figures are much higher. (BBC) ruled that acid could only be sold to people who showed a valid

Red River Near Arctic Nickel Plant Examined By inspectors

Russian environmental inspectors are trying to establish why a has turned blood-red. Dramatic pictures of the discoloured river near the Norilsk Nickel industrial complex in the Arctic Daldykan river have been posted widely on Russian media. The government daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta says a leaking slurry pipeline carrying waste copper-nickel concentrate could be to blame.

The defence ministry channel Zvezda TV shows the red river on its website (screenshot)

Norilsk Nickel is the world's largest nickel and palladium producer. Its vast furnaces were built on the Ta i m y r P e n i n s u l a , i n t h e Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, in the Soviet era. The mining group has a production facility called Nadezhda by the Daldykan river. But company officials said they were not aware of any river pollution from the plant. Billionaire oligarch Vladimir Potanin is president of Norilsk Nickel. (BBC)




LinkedIn Denies Gender Bias Claim Over Site Search

LinkedIn has denied that its search algorithm has been biased towards suggesting male versions of female names in searches on its website. A Seattle Times investigation found searching for "Stephanie Williams" on the professional networking service would trigger a prompt for "Stephen Williams" instead, for example. At least a dozen of the most common female names in the US were affected. LinkedIn has updated its algorithm to avoid proposing alternative names. Prior to the update, searches for 100 of the most common male names in the US did not result in prompts suggesting female versions of those names, the Seattle Times said. 'Not gender related' "Suggestions of similar spelt names that are frequently searched for on LinkedIn will follow the search query," said a LinkedIn spokeswoman. "The search algorithm is guided by relative frequencies of words appearing in past queries and member profiles, it is not anything to do [with] gender." A fix had been rolled out to "explicitly recognise people's names" so that alternative names - of the same or a different gender - would not be proposed, she added. Microsoft

announced that it would purchase LinkedIn for $26.2bn (£19.6bn) in June. Social network algorithms have faced much scrutiny over alleged hints of bias recently. Last month, Facebook overhauled its Trending feature - which recommends online content to users - after some complained that it was biased towards left-wing stories. (BBC)

What Is Aleppo? Gary Johnson Foxed By Syria Question

One of the third party candidates in the US presidential election has been ridiculed after being wrong-footed by a question on a key Syrian battleground. Asked what he would do about the city of Aleppo, if elected, Libertarian Gary Johnson answered: "What is Aleppo?" Mr Johnson later admitted he had "blanked" but said he would "get smarter" following the gaffe. Aleppo has been one of the major flashpoints of Syria's five-year civil war.

Mr Johnson hopes to attract voters disaffected by the major US parties(REUTERS)

Fighting has escalated in recent weeks, with an estimated 250,000 people living in besieged rebel-held areas. Although he trails far behind Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton in polls, both main party candidates are said to be unpopular among many US voters and analysts believe Mr Johnson could play a part in deciding the result. But he seemed unaware of the crisis in Aleppo when asked for his solution by panellist Mike Barnicle, saying: "And what is Aleppo?'' "You're kidding me?" replied Mr Barnicle, before going on to describe the situation there. “OK, got it, got it," said Johnson, before adding: "With regard to Syria, I do think it's a mess. I think that the only way that we deal with Syria is to join hands with Russia to diplomatically bring that at an end." Russia and the US have largely backed opposing sides in the Syrian conflict, with Russian aircraft providing air support to President Bashar al-Assad's forces. Mr Johnson later issued a statement saying he had "blanked" when asked about Aleppo. "Can I name every city in Syria? No. Should I have identified Aleppo? Yes. Do I understand its significance? Yes," he said. (BBC)




Ugabe's Zanu-PF 'Blocking Food Aid' Amid Zimbabwe Drought Zimbabwe's ruling party has been accused of deliberately withholding aid from opposition supporters in areas facing starvation because of drought. The country's human rights commission said opponents of President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party had been told they would never get any food aid. The government has not yet commented. Mr Mugabe declared a state of disaster in February, with the government estimating that four million people would need food aid by January 2017. "Ruling party members were the major perpetrators in violations linked to distribution of food," Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) chairman Elasto Mugwadi told media in the capital, Harare, detailing the findings of the investigation. Mr Mugwadi said huge numbers of people had been affected by

Many parts of rural Zimbabwe have been ravaged by drought(AP)

the alleged tactic, without giving exact figures. The government says half the rural population faces starvation. In recent months, there have unprecedented protest against the government of the 92-year-old leader, who has now been in power for 36 years. The scathing report on the allegations of the politicisation of food aid in rural areas by senior government officials and public servants lays bare accusations that have long been denied by President Robert Mugabe. The ZHRC says its findings were a result of extensive investigations across the country. It will be difficult for Mr Mugabe to simply dismiss the allegations. The powers of the rights body are enshrined in the constitution, giving it a legal mandate to carry out investigations into human rights violations and to make recommendations to parliament. The political implications of the report are grave, especially with general elections due in 2018, although similar allegations have been made in the past. With growing popular calls for electoral reform, there will be many who fear that this investigation betrays the extreme tactics which may be employed to ensure election victory. Alleged attempts to exert pressure on rural folk by withholding food will be seized on by Mr Mugabe's critics as evidence that his government has reached a new low, especially given the food crisis the country is facing. Zimbabwe has endured two years of failed rains, with this year's problems linked to the El Nino weather pattern. Elections are due to take place in 2018. (BBC)




Hollande: France's Democracy Will Beat Barbarism

French President Francois Hollande has given a powerful defence of his country's fight against terrorism, insisting that France will defeat its enemies because democracy always wins. He said the battle against the "terrorists of Daesh (so-called Islamic State)" would be long and hard but they would be tracked down and annihilated. Mr Hollande was speaking after deadly jihadist attacks in Rouen and in Nice. There have also been fears this week of a new attack in central Paris. Police arrested two couples after a Peugeot 607 car was found packed with gas cylinders near Notre Dame cathedral on Sunday. The car's hazard lights were flashing and notes in Arabic were found in the car, although officials said there was no detonator inside. The first couple, said to have known links to jihadists, were detained at a service station in the south of France. Another couple were picked up in the Loiret region to the south of Paris late on Wednesday. Both couples were thought to come from the town of Montargis. The car's owner was questioned and later released, but antiterrorist police are searching for his 19-year-old daughter who is described as radicalised. In a lengthy speech on Thursday, President Hollande said that it was incumbent on all of France Muslims and non-Muslims - to tackle radical Islam. He launched a defence of France's strict secular separation of the state from religion. "Nothing in the idea of secularism opposes the practice of Islam in France, provided it respects the law." Attack on Sarkozy The speech was being closely watched by political commentators, who said he had given his biggest signal so far of planning to stand for a second term in next year's presidential election. Although he is widely expected to run, Mr Hollande's approval ratings have fallen so low that opinion polls suggest as many as nine out of 10 French voters do not want him

as a candidate. Commentators noted that the speech included a series of attacks on the centre-right Republicans, in particular on ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy, a front-runner in the race to be Republican candidate. Without naming him, Mr Hollande criticised a remark made by Mr Sarkozy after the murder of a priest in Rouen and of 86 people on the seafront at Nice in July. Mr Sarkozy called at the time for strong measures, complaining that "legal niceties, cautious measures and excuses for half-hearted measures are intolerable". But in his speech, President Hollande argued that constitutional principles such as freedom of expression, movement and worship were not "legal niceties". And, in a direct reference to Mr Sarkozy's own legal troubles, he asked: "Is being presumed innocent (a legal nicety)? It's pretty useful when you're defending yourself." Prosecutors say Mr Sarkozy should face trial for breaching spending limits during the 2012 presidential campaign. (BBC)

The French president said that France's secular identity did not run counter to religion(REUTERS)




DNA Confirms Cause Of 1665 London's Great Plague

DNA testing has for the first time confirmed the identity of the bacteria behind London's Great Plague. The plague of 1665-1666 was the last major outbreak of bubonic plague in Britain, killing nearly a quarter of London's population. It's taken a year to confirm initial findings from a suspected Great Plague burial pit during excavation work on the Crossrail site at Liverpool Street. About 3,500 burials have been uncovered during excavation of the site. Testing in Germany confirmed the presence of DNA from the Yersinia pestis bacterium - the agent that causes bubonic plague - rather than another pathogen. Some authors have previously questioned the identity of pathogens behind historical outbreaks attributed to plague. Daniel Defoe's 18th century account of the catastrophic event in A Journal of the Plague Year described the gruesome fate of Londoners. "The plague, as I suppose all distempers do, operated in a different manner on differing constitutions; some were immediately overwhelmed with it, and it came to violent fevers, vomitings, insufferable headaches, pains in the back, and so up to ravings and ragings with those pains," Defoe wrote. "Others with swellings and tumours in the neck or groin, or armpits, which till they could be broke put them into insufferable agonies and torment; while others, as I have observed, were silently infected." Evidence of the pathogen had eluded archaeologists but seemed tantalisingly close when a suspected mass grave was discovered last year during a Crossrail dig at the Bedlam burial ground, also known as the New Churchyard, in East London. Alison Telfer from Museum of London Archaeology (Mola) showed me around the area planned for one of the downward escalators going into the future Broadgate ticket hall at Liverpool Street. "We've found about three-and-a-half thousand burials on this site," she told the BBC's Today programme. “We've been working here for the last five-and-half-years on and off and we're hoping we'll be able to get positive identification of the plague on a number of the individuals. "Because of the position of the skeletons, they'd obviously been laid in coffins & put in very respectfully, nobody was thrown in anywhere in presumably what must have been quite a traumatic event." This revelation is somewhat at odds with Daniel Defoe's version of events: "Tis certain they died by heaps and were buried by heaps; that is to say, without account." Panic and disorder only came towards the end of The Great Plague. Vanessa Harding, professor of London history at Birkbeck, University of London, describes the experience of Londoners at the time. "Not many people who actually get it survive but some do. And it seems to be quite easily transferred from person to person even if we're not sure currently about the agency or way in which this actually happens," Prof Harding said. “But there are also what we might consider public health measures which from their point of view include killing cats and dogs, getting rid of beggars in the streets, trying to cleanse the city in both moral and practical terms. The people who do best are those who get out of London." The search for the bacteria

Yersinia pestis, which causes plague, in a selection of skeletons from the dig continued last year in the osteology department at Mola where all the Liverpool Street finds were stored and examined by Michael Henderson. “They're carefully boxed, individual elements, legs separately, arms separately, the skulls and the torsos," he explained. "We excavated in the region of three and a half thousand skeletons, one of the largest archaeologically excavated to this date. A vast data set that can give us really meaningful information." The bones are laid out in anatomical order. Teeth are removed and sent for ancient DNA analysis at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany. “The best thing to sample for DNA is the teeth; they're like an isolated time capsule," said Mr Henderson. In Germany, molecular palaeopathologist Kirsten Bos drilled out the tooth pulp to painstakingly search for the 17th century bacteria, finally obtaining positive results from five of the 20 individuals tested from the burial pit. "We could clearly find preserved DNA signatures in the DNA extract we made from the pulp chamber and from that we were able to determine that Yersinia pestis was circulating in that individual at the time of death," she said. “We don't know why the Great Plague of London was the last major outbreak of plague in the UK and whether there were genetic differences in the past, those strains that were circulating in Europe to those circulating today; these are all things we're trying to address by assembling more genetic information from ancient organisms." Bos and her team will now continue to sequence the full DNA genome to better understand the evolution and spread of the disease. There was nothing to identify those found in the mass grave under the Crossrail development but located a short distance away a headstone was found inscribed with the name Mary Godfrey who fell victim to the plague. Her interment is recorded in the burial register of St Giles, Cripplegate, on 2 September 1665. To reassure anyone worried whether plague bacterium was released from the excavation work or scientific analysis, it doesn't survive in the ground. (BBC)




A Day Like Today

Oprah Gail Winfrey, Lady O or the "Queen of All Media" started to build her fame after launching the first episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show a day like today 1986. From that day, the name of Oprah became an instant phenomenon on the talk shows of the decade, and a public figure to look up to. Her success was due to the different angle in which her show was focused. Giving more leadership to the audience than herself. She managed the art of making her guests feel like ‘home’ at the second they stepped into her studio, being like this, the witness of the most raw confessions ever recorded on live television. The popularity that her show gained in less than 5 years was massive. By the early 90s The Oprah Winfrey Show was broadcast in more than 120 countries, with an audience surpassing the 40 million viewers. The ‘Oprah Effect’ then was born. Anything promoted on her show became an instant hit. A movie premier could suddenly turn into a craze, and a book could easily become a best seller in months. Her voice not only could move the masses, but also guide them through a better path. This was a gift and a learned talent, learning process filled with struggles and disappointments. Oprah was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to Vernita Lee, an unmarried teenage mother who lived in extreme poverty. Her childhood was harsh due to her family’s limited resources. Oprah’s spent her first years by her grandmother Hattie Mae, who slowly became one of her main sources of inspiration. Entering into her teenage years, Oprah moved back with her mother. But soon was sent to live in Nashville, Tennessee

with Vernon, her biological father. During this period she was not only able to finish her high school studies, but also became an honorary student of her year, securing this way a full scholarship on the Tennessee State University. She won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant at the age of 17 calling the attention of the media, starting her way up on her premature career. But being a talented and smart lady wasn’t that easy on the 70s, specially having a dark skin tone. This singular aspect became a barrier in her profession, barrier that she managed to eliminate with her strong posture. The rest is history. Today Oprah Winfrey, is more than a name but an icon to follow. She became the representation of woman power, and a living example of the weight that determination carries. Staying humble, honest, not forgetting her roots, the struggle, the tears and the pain became her label and anthem, and reflecting this values on her audience, her goal. She is currently denominated as the most influential woman in the world, the North America's first and only multi-billionaire black person and the richest African-American of the 20th century. Source: -By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.




Drug Bond Deal Is “Undesirable”; Mulls Over Shortening Lease

Following criticism from various anticorruption advocates and even threats of legal actions to challenge the pharmaceutical bond deal by a private citizen, the Government of Guyana has described the deal with Linden Holdings Inc as undesirable. According to a statement issued to the media yesterday, “Cabinet was engaged in full and thorough discussions on the issue of the storage of government pharmaceuticals at the privately owned Sussex Street facility. Cabinet has concluded that the arrangement was undoubtedly undesirable.” The statement also said the cabinet has considered the options and recommendations made by the cabinet subcommittee which consisted of Minister of State Joseph Harmon, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, tasked with reviewing the decision of the Ministry of Public Health to lease facilities at Sussex Street. More specifically, cabinet said it considered shortening the lease and accelerating their search to secure its own pharmaceuticals storage facility and is currently inspecting suitable sites. “Cabinet explored a range of options including shortening the lease period for the rental of the Sussex Street facility while expediting the search for another facility,” the statement noted. It also added that “The options of purchasing, constructing or leasing will also be explored. However, the conditions for the storage facility to be located within close proximity of the Georgetown port and be easily accessible remain applicable.” The government further

promised to return to its mantra of transparency and accountability stating “the Government recommits itself to managing the affairs of the state in a transparent and accountable manner and to respect public opinion at all times.”

Government also noted that out of necessity, it had taken some time to arrive at these decisions and Cabinet is satisfied that significant advances have been made on this matter and when the full menu of actions is completed, the best arrangement, in the interest of the people of Guyana, will be concluded. The statement went on say “Cabinet notes that the Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton has taken responsibility for the imbroglio and has publicly expressed regrets over the controversy that the rental of the Sussex Street bond has engendered.”

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Govt Turns Blind Eye To Styrofoam Smuggling

In the past months several business have complained about the abrupt end to the government’s cleanup campaign and the continued smuggling and usage of Styrofoam products. In an effort to get an update on what is being done to curb the smuggling of this banned product, the Guyana Daily News contacted several government agencies including the M i n i s t r y o f t h e P r e s i d e n c y, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Government Food and Drug Department, Mayor and City Council and the Ministry of Public Health. However, to date there has been no response from any of these agencies to say exactly what the government plans to

do. According to sources close to this newspaper, Styrofoam products are being smuggled across the border from Suriname into Guyana, and the Government is allegedly turning a blind eye on the issue. Some business owners have complained that they are complying and paying the relevant taxes for the importation of alternative products but some establishments continue to use the banned Styrofoam. It is alleged that there is collusion between owners and government workers to smuggle the illegal items in the country. It was also observed by this newspaper that Styrofoam food boxes were used in a recent Ministerial Visit to the Mining Town of Linden w h i c h w a s organized by the Ministry of the P r e s i d e n c y. A s such, businesses are

confused as to whether the Government is encouraging the use of Styrofoam. “How can they curb the smuggling and further enforce the ban if they are using the products? The Government must be clear on their position,” one business owner, who prefers to remain anonymous said. The Ministry of the Presidency had announced that it is placing a ban on Styrofoam products in Guyana, in keeping with the vision of a green economy and environment. The ban, the Ministry of the Presidency said will be enforced through a collaborative effort between the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Ministries of Business, Legal Affairs, and Finance, through the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). Penalities for crimes committed against the ban include a fine of no less than GY$50,000 for importation and manufacture and if businesses are found prepackaging food in said ‘Styro’ products, they can be issued a warning or a fine of no less than GY$100,00.




GEA Head Accused Of Victimizing Employees

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Dr. Mahender Sharma, is being accused of victimizing several employees of the agency. This is according to several staffers who wish to remain anonymous because of fear of being targeted. The employees told the Guyana Daily News that Mr. Sharma is giving them additional work load beyond their Terms of Agreement. They are of the opinion that the CEO is forcing them to resign. The frustrated employees also told the Daily News that Dr. Sharma is “putting his mouth where the soup is leaking.” When asked by Daily News if they feel this is in an effort create space for people perceived to be supporters of the APNU+AFC Government, they said yes. The employees further alleged that there is gross irregularities at the agency by Dr. Sharma, they cited the recent bust by the agency on the Essequibo Coast, where 90 barrels of fuel worth approximately $25 million was seized. The agency is alleged to have made a settlement of $3 million without taking the matter to the court. Dr. Sharma’s contract came to an end on June 30, 2016, however, his contract was not renewed by the administration, and he is currently working without an agreement. Efforts to contact the Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson on the issue prove futile. The recent audit conducted by the

government also found several irregularities at the agency, such as poor governance skills at the entity. The audit also found that the agency was in breach of Section Four of the 1997 Act, which states that the heads of division of the agency designated as members there of shall hold office for such period, not exceeding three years, as may be specified by the subject Minister. Based on the findings of the audits, departmental heads contract was renewed, without the input from the subject Minister. The auditors stated that the laws and regulations governing GEA should be followed, the findings also recommended that the hiring of a DEO to enhance the management of the entity at the senior level. Dr. Mahender Sharma, was a candidate on the PPP/C national list of candidates for the May 11, 2015, General Elections. The employees are of the opinion that Dr. Sharma should not be in the position, they said that this could create a conflict of interest and can hamper the morale of the employees. Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Dr. Mahender Sharma


GUYANA DAILY NEWS President Granger Slams NCN CEO’s Decision To Suspend Editor PAGE 108

President David Granger in his weekly recorded television program, the Public Interest, lashed out against the CEO, Lennox Cornette and Management of the State Owned National Communications Network Inc. over what he termed as an “inhumane” act to suspend its Sports Editor, Jocelle ArchibaldHawke. Hawke was suspended for making comments on her Facebook page that was interpreted to be directed at one of her colleagues who asked President Granger a few weeks ago about the current Pokemon craze. She posted on her Facebook page that she was “surrounded by idiots’. The President made it clear that this was a very inhumane thing to do an employee and that there could have been a more lenient way of dealing with the matter by Management of NCN Inc. Hawke was suspended for one month without pay despite the company not having any social media policy. This saga has since caught the attention of many social activist groups including the Women and Gender Equality Commission and the Guyana Press Association, which in advocating for the reinstatement of Hawke and the condemnation of the removal of Hawke’s colleague Natasha Smith from the News Anchor’s chair because she was pregnant. Smith was reinstated to anchor the news after a meeting with the Guyana Press Association and instructions from the Prime Minister to NCN CEO, to offer an ‘unqualified apology’. President Granger also made it clear that


state agencies heads must not abuse or excise power in this regard. He said that his administration is there to represent all Guyanese. Guyana Daily News contacted the CEO who said that the matter is currently at the board level and he will not comment. This Newspaper also contacted the Chairman of NCN Inc. Board Bishwa Panday, who said that he is unable to comment, since he was busy. Over the last few weeks, NCN Inc. has been and continues to be in the center of the media spotlight for its controversy surrounding these two women and its CEO refusing to heed authorities above his head. -By- Mustafa Khan, Guyana Daily News.

Eid-ul-Adha Moon Notice The Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (C.I.O.G.) wishes to inform the Guyanese public and the Muslim community that the month of Dhul- Hijjah1437 AH will commence on Saturday 3rd September 2016. The 9th of Zul Hijjah (the day of Arafa) will be Sunday September 11th 2016. Eid-ul-Adha (10th Dhul Hijjah) will be celebrated on Monday September 12th 2016.




Serious Crime Down By 16%, Citizens Still Fearful especially in vulnerable areas. In Berbice the murder rate has

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan has revealed that crime in Guyana is down by 16%. “As against last year, the statistics coming in from the Police Force, has shown almost a 16% drop in serious crime rate,” acknowledging that there has been sporadic spikes in crime recently. Residents, especially from the Berbice area have complained about the increase in criminal activities over the past years.

They have raised concerns about the police not doing enough to prevent crimes, however, they say that the police have been able to solve more crimes. In a recent survey conducted by the Guyana Daily News, 85% of persons are of the opinion that serious crimes are up in the country, especially in the rural areas. Seventy percent of respondents are also of the view that the government is doing nothing to curb the crime situation. The respondents are of the opinion that the police force should do more to combat crime,

increased. A total of 17 murders were committed from the period January 1, 2015 to August 2015. Over the past weeks, there have been a significant increase of murders and robberies in Guyana especially in Berbice. Only a few weeks ago, two bodies were found in the ancient county, one being a teenager who was identified as 14-year-old Akeem Grimmomd and the other as 26-year-old Levan Chanderpaul. According to the survey, residents are disgusted at the level of crime in Berbice. Residents are also complaining that there is little police presence in this area and the response time has been ridiculously slow. According to the United States Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Sates, Guyana 2016 Crime & Safety Report, the general crime rate in Guyana is above the U.S. national average. It was noted that criminal activities continue to be a major issue, particularly crimes against people and property. The majority of Guyanese are of the opinion that most violent crimes are committed on the coastland and the capital city. However, there have been incidents of violent crimes committed in other parts of the country. The poll shows that in 2015 and 2016, crime increased throughout Guyana.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Caribbean Leadership Project To Kick Off On September 12 -Permanent Secretaries, Senior Government Managers To Be Trained Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, today, received a for five days. The Project is being headed by Dr. Lois Parkes, PAGE 110


courtesy call from the Canadian High Commissioner to Regional Project Manager of the Caribbean Leadership Project, Guyana, Mr. Pierre Giroux and the team that is in Guyana to Cave Hill School of Business. kick-start the Caribbean Leadership Project, which will see the MOTP Press Release training of top level managers and Permanent Secretaries of the Government in functional areas. The Government of Guyana has partnered with the Government of Canada to implement the Project, which has a curriculum focused on the a r e a s o f s e r v i c e d e l i v e r y, l e a d e r s h i p , administration transitions and team building, in keeping with its policy to ensure an efficient public service. Minister Harmon expressed his appreciation to the Canadian Government for the initiative, noting that the Guyana Government is pleased that its drive for a professional, efficient public service is being supported. The seven-year project in the Caribbean is funded by Canada, and is aimed at training and enabling public and civil servants to deliver a high standard of service at a cost of almost $20 million. It will commence on September 12, 2016 and will run

Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon in discussion with the Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana and the Caribbean Leadership Project team.

From left: Ms. Colleen Rossiter, Director, Caribbean Leadership Project, Mr. Reginald Brotherson, Permanent Secretary of the Department of Public Service, Ministry of the Presidency, Dr. Lois Parkes, Regional Project Manager of the Caribbean Leadership Project, Cave Hill School of Business, Mr. Joseph Harmon, Minister of State, Mr. Pierre Giroux, Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana and Ms. Jan Sheltinja, Development Counsellor, High Commission of Canada.




GPL To Benefit From $1.6B Management Project

The Guyana Power & Light Inc. (GPL) is set to benefit from a $1.6B Management Strengthening Programme, which is being funded by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and European Union (EU). Minister of State Joseph Harmon, on Tuesday at the Ministry of the Presidency disclosed that cabinet has granted its approval for the multi-million dollar contract to be awarded to the Canadian based company, Manitoba Hydro International Limited (MHI). In addressing the aspects of the Management Strengthening Programme, Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Annette Ferguson said that the programme is comprised of two components, the first of which will deal with the improving the capacity of GPL’s management and the second will focus on loss reduction. “Currently, the loss reduction rate stands at just over 29 per cent and by 2020; we would see a reduction in the technical losses by 23 per cent. This is what the 1.6 billion will utilize. With this money being released, we will see a more efficient and effective GPL, both at the management team and providing service to the public.” the minister said Speaking on technical losses, Harmon said on the company is also looking to expand its reach to unserved areas. According to the minster, there is widespread electricity theft especially in areas that are off the grid of GPL, and this is a

matter that should be addressed. “Because in our experience, electricity theft comes from some areas where people do not have full access to electricity so they run a line from one house to the next and then get to a post. So you have issue like that and it is something we cannot disregard that it is one aspect of the line loss and loss reduction exercise that will have to take place… So there are technical losses and losses due to human activity, which we have to deal with,” Harmon said.

In March, GPL reported that its technical and commercial losses in 2015 amounted to approximately 29.2% of dispatched power as a result of disruption in transmission and distribution due to outdated infrastructure, electricity theft, meter tampering and other non-technical losses




OIC Secretary General To Visit Guyana And Suriname participation. Madani will raise these issues when he visits By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor NEW YORK, USA -- The secretary general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, will make his first official tour of the Western hemisphere’s only two OIC member states, Guyana and Suriname, at the end of September, after the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the ministry of foreign affairs of Suriname and the OIC Mission to the UN confirmed. Suriname’s relationship with the OIC has expanded significantly in the past five years.


During his visit, the OIC head will encourage Guyana to be more active at the OIC and offer political and economic support to Guyana. Guyana most likely will seek the OIC’s 57-country support against Venezuela’s claim to its territory. Former Guyana envoy to the OIC, Dr Odeen Ishmael, said, “The OIC has always supported Guyana’s territorial integrity. It is important that Guyana maintain that support from the OIC. But to ensure that, Guyana has to participate in the important Recently the Parliament of Suriname ratified the OIC’s new meetings of the OIC to press home it’s position.” The OIC chief charter. And the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), an organ of will begin his four-day visit in Suriname on September 28. the OIC, has become more involved in the economic (Caribbean News Now!) development of Suriname. The Islamic Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are currently jointly supporting the economic recovery of Suriname. The bank has offered Suriname a loan of US$1.75 billion to fund projects and support the import of essential goods and medicines. Guyana, on the other hand, has been estranged from the OIC, failing to attend heads of government summits and smaller meetings. This is despite a promise by the new administration in Guyana to improve its participation in the group. Guyana was notably absent at the last OIC heads of government summit in Turkey earlier this year. Since its membership in 1993, Guyana has not yet officially appointed an ambassador to the OIC. Financial constraints, the fact that the OIC was not a priority in Guyana’s foreign relations, and the lack of human resources are some of the reasons why Guyana has often been absent from OIC meetings and

Guyana’s President David Granger (L) at an earlier meeting with Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, in Riyadh. OIC photo




PI Continues Into Kaieteur News’ Grenade Saga

The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the grenade throwing saga at Kaieteur News continued today before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court. Defendants Alfie Garraway, 36, who is currently on $300,000 bail; Janeil Howard, 20 and Leroy Williams, 25, who are still on remand are jointly charged with attempting to cause damage to property and endangerment to life by way of explosive device; that is to say a grenade. The inquiry today heard two testimonies, the first by Assistant Superintendent (ASP) of Police Kevin Das who revealed information about the arrest of Alfie Garraway on June 12, 2016. ASP Das stated that upon making the arrest and cautioning the accused, Garraway was handed over to detectives at the Ruimveldt Police Station. The second testimony was by Detective Sargent Herbert Henry who in his testimony gave information about the briefing and collecting of statements from Janeil Howard on June 13, 2016 also in relation to the aforementioned crime. Detective Henry further revealed that on the day while in the presence of Detective Sargent Serabo at the Criminal Investigations Department, Eve Leary, he took from Howard his statements in respect to the crime. It is alleged that on the night of June 4, 2016 while attending a gathering at the Kaieteur News,

Saffon Street, Charlestown location, a staffer heard an unusual noise next to a vehicle owned by the publisher of the news source Glen Lall.

Upon investigation into the noise the staffer noticed the grenade and raised an alarm. It has been revealed that there is CCTV video footage of the incident which shows a car slowing down in front of Mr. Lall's vehicle and the explosive being tossed out of the said car.




Logistics Hub A Major Investment Thrust For Jamaica By Kadian Brown KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- Jamaica’s gradual transition to a ‘logistics centred’ economy has prompted the need for integration of various sectors, public-private partnerships and ongoing research and discussions by key stakeholders. The prospect of Jamaica becoming a globally competitive logistics hub stems from its strategic geographic location along the major shipping lanes combined with its connectivity to global markets and proximity to North America. The Logistics Hub Initiative (LHI) includes plans to further develop national infrastructure assets, such as ports, airports, roads, utilities, and special economic zones, and attract private-sector investment in logistics, transportation, and other value-added sectors. Chairman of the Logistics Hub Initiative, Dr Eric Deans said that the LHI is a major thrust of the government to attract investment to Jamaica, primarily companies engaged in global supply chains, to serve a regional market. It includes the development of national infrastructure assets, such as ports, airports, roads, utilities, and special economic zones (SEZ), and attracting private-sector investment in logistics, transportation, and other value-added sectors. “It is more than just a location, it is more than just one infrastructure component, but involves several key pillars such as infrastructure, business environment, technology and human capital,” he said. “We are moving away from the traditional trans-shipment model where goods just come into the port and then stay a short time then (are) shipped out, as we do not get much value from that as a country,” he pointed out. He explained that, with the LHI, there will be value-added industries operating within the economic zone and providing opportunities for business people to provide services. Deans said that, in order to attract international investors, a conducive business environment must be created for those entities, That means that all the activities associated with their conducting business, whether it be the work permit associated with their workforce, their training needs, (or) accommodations for their children,” Deans highlighted. He added that this move, therefore, involves a collaborative approach by several entities, including Companies Office of Jamaica, Jamaica Customs Agency, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, and all other entities to deal with business facilitation matters. “We are positioning ourselves to be at the forefront of this fourth industrial revolution and this is what will separate us from our regional competitors. To realise this, the human capital is essential, so the skills that are necessary to support the logistics hub are not just in transportation or warehousing but in all the various technologically advanced areas that will support the initiative… Having all of these components is what will make the logistics hub work,” Deans outlined. A most recent initiative which sparked discussion from key stakeholders about the LHI was the staging of a Logistics Symposium in July. The event explored the country’s readiness to respond to the changes in the global landscape, especially with the completion of the Panama Canal expansion project. It attracted some 200 persons from the public and private sectors, including thinkers, implementers, business strategists, companies and individuals who may wish to capitalise on the future growth of the global logistics industry. Meanwhile, the government, through the Planning Institute of

Jamaica (PIOJ), has engaged the services of United States-based economic consultant Nathan Associates, to conduct an industry analysis and develop a master plan for the LHI. The 14-month study will be executed by sub-consultants Berger ABAM. Deans explained that the industry analysis and master plan will provide the developmental road map to establish Jamaica as a global logistics hub. He said Nathan Associates’ market analysis will provide the rationalisation and prioritisation for investment in the industries that will best develop the hub. The government is preparing a competent workforce for the jobs that will emerge. Executive director for the Caribbean Maritime Institute (CMI), and member of the Logistics Hub Task Force with responsibility for training and education, Dr Fritz Pinnock, noted that, since September 2015, Logistics and Supply Chain Operations, and Commercial Shipping are two courses that have been introduced at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) level. He said that there are plans to introduce courses in logistics at Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College and Knox Community College. Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM) intends to introduce a master’s degree in supply chain and logistics management by September 2017. The CMI is already offering logistics-related degree and master’s programmes. In addition, some 65,000 Jamaicans across the island have been engaged and sensitised on the LHI through ‘Logistics Hub 101’. Logistics Hub 102, an advanced training programme, was also rolled out. “This (training) is an important aspect of sensitising Jamaica to what logistics, supply chain management and global value chain are about,” Pinnock noted. The Logistics Hub Initiative is geared towards achieving continued growth, fitting Jamaica into the global value chain and bringing significant investments to the country. The Hub will allow Jamaica to capitalise on increased trade flows through the region, as a result of the expansion of the Panama Canal. Jamaica’s Logistics Hub will consist of world-class seaports (handling containers, dry bulk and liquid bulk commodities), airports, SEZs, logistics parks, logistics centres, integrated intermodal transport capabilities, supporting infrastructure, telecommunications and trade facilitation mechanisms. (Caribbean News Now!)

Chairman of the Logistics Hub Initiative (LHI), Dr Eric Deans. Photo: Michael Sloley




BVI And USVI Conclude Successful Seventh Inter Virgin Islands Council Meeting By Nadia James-Harris ST THOMAS, USVI -- The British Virgin Islands and US Virgin Islands are making progress to strengthen ties in areas of mutual interest following the seventh meeting of the Inter Virgin Islands Council (IVIC) on September 2 in St Thomas. Premier and minister of finance of the British Virgin Islands, Dr Orlando Smith, and governor of the USVI, Kenneth E. Mapp, led their respective delegations of government officials to report to the council and further discuss areas of shared interests. Smith, in his opening remarks said, “Our mutual commitment to the Inter Virgin Islands Council over the years, demonstrates that both our governments recognise the need to build an even more effective framework for continued meaningful and productive social, economic, and political exchanges.” He added, “Many of challenges we face are often brought about as a result of our differing political and governance structures. For, while we share the same waters and a common heritage we are part of two separate sovereign countries. It therefore requires us all to continue to work together to ensure the practical implementation of policies and laws, particularly those which emanate from our respective administering authorities.” At the opening ceremony, Mapp said, “I ordered today from sunrise to sunset, that the flags of the BVI to be flown over Government House area in the capital, so we are displaying the colors of the BVI today as a testament to our friendship and our welcoming of you, Premier Smith, and your government and the wonderful people of the British Virgin Islands.” Mapp added, “Today I look forward to wonderful conversations, good workout sessions on the key issues that are common to each of our people and look forward to festering and strengthening this bond that exists between the people of the British Virgin Islands and the people of the United States Virgin Islands.” During the meeting, reports were received from the standing committees on law enforcement, pleasure boating and sports fishing, cultural preservation, tourism, energy and utilities, health, mutual disaster, preparedness and assistance, as well as education. Also discussed was the update on progress made regarding cooperation for BVI musician work permits. Coming out of these discussions, the respective standing

committees comprised of officials from both territories, have agreed to hold regular annual meetings, strengthen their capacity building efforts, improve the exchange of information, and collaborate more on public information outreach efforts. During the reporting presentations, the Committee on Pleasure-Boating and Sports Fishing intends to have greater harmonisation of operations and synergy in closed seasons for the two territories. Additionally, there are plans for greater educational efforts to the fishing and boating community. There will also be improved public outreach and information sharing to stakeholders. In tourism cooperation, the standing committee for tourism advised that the two territories will revisit the current ferry operation schedules, and align with flight schedules. Furthermore, the tourism committee has agreed to exchange dialogue on any training initiatives and the curriculum to improve customer service to visitors in both territories. To improve management of energy and utilities in the “Greater Virgin Islands”, the Committee on Energy and Utilities advised that their collaboration strategy includes information-sharing on utilities and energy production; mutual strengthening of their public education programme on energy efficiency; joint transitioning to, and testing of new technologies such as the use of LED or solar lighting; and establishing a mutual way forward in regards to finding a waste-toenergy s olution. To s trengthen law enforcement efforts in the two territories, the Committee on Law Enforcement has agreed to greater sharing of information and an exchange of officers to help build capacity. The Committee on Education focused on higher education and agreed on the need to further operationalise the memorandum of understanding for educational exchange that was signed in 2014 between the University of the Virgin Islands and the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. In addition, the committee discussed a number of possible areas for training, as well as areas of collaborative research. In their presentation, the Committee on Cultural Preservation agreed to have cultural and historical exchanges on traditions that are similar, yet different, and the rationale behind it. The cultural preservation committee has also

agreed to explore the possibility of the BVIUSVI Friendship Day being expanded into a cultural festival celebration and create a weekend of cultural events versus a one-day event. The Committee on Health, in their reporting presentation, agreed to collaborate on their responses and public education for the management of zika. Among other areas of information exchange, the committee has agreed to explore mentoring and coaching opportunities between health practitioners and sharing of technical resources towards accreditation and quality management. The Committee on Mutual Disaster Preparedness and Assistance agreed that there is a need for greater research collaboration, capacity building and higher learning in the various areas of disaster management. In his closing remarks at the meeting, the premier stated, “Listening to the presentations, it is obvious that the differences that we have between us are so small, compared to the things that we can do together, and the presentations have demonstrated how we have already started to do some of those things and the plans for the way forward.” He said that it was a great opportunity to be able to continue the meetings, the discussions, and working together as the communities of the “Greater Virgin Islands” will be better off as a result. Mapp, in speaking about the outcomes of the meeting said that it was a very productive day and one of learning, and agreed that there are more commonalities between the two territories than differences. He added that the closeness and relationship as a people, underscored by the fact that the blood of many people of the BVI is flowing through the veins of the people of the USVI and vice-versa, makes us “One”. Mapp said that the two territories should continue to work together on our mutual interests and find resolutions to some of the distinctions that are driven by the two national governments. The next IVIC meeting will be held on October 6, 2017, in the British Virgin Islands. The Inter-Virgin Islands Council was established on Saturday, 29 May, 2004, when former USVI Governor Dr Charles Turnbull and then Chief Minister Smith signed a joint memorandum of understanding. The Council’s first meeting convened on St Croix in April 2005. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Prime Ministers Of Barbados And Jamaica Hold Bilateral Talks BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) -- relationship, particularly in light of the execution of the guidelines in the PAGE 116

Prime minister of Barbados, Freundel Stuart, and prime minister of Jamaica, A n d r e w H o l n e s s , o n We d n e s d a y discussed the state of bilateral relations between the two countries via telephone. The discussions took place against the background of two recent incidents related to Jamaican travellers to Barbados and came a day after Stuart received the letter of introduction of the new nonresident high commissioner of Jamaica to Barbados, David Prendergast. The high commissioner was accompanied by honorary consul, Ella Hoyos. Stuart told his counterpart that his call was intended to cement the need for the two countries to work more closely at the bilateral level over a range of issues, noting their close historical ties as founder members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The prime minister of Jamaica agreed that there was a need to strengthen the bilateral


recent incidents involving two Jamaican Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruling. According to him, the Revised Treaty nationals. “had set out the ideal but the court had He expressed his deep concern at the two sought to put flesh on the dry bones of that reported incidents. Stuart agreed that the ideal.” reported incidents were unfortunate and that on becoming aware of the matters, he He said that wherever challenges arose had immediately sought a full briefing on the government of Barbados would, as each of them. He drew to the attention of should be the case with other CARICOM his counterpart the fact that statistics governments, try to make sure that regarding Jamaicans travelling to mistakes were corrected and not repeated. Barbados had shown that thousands of In response to the intimation of Holness Jamaicans entered Barbados without any that the recent matters could end up issues and that fewer than one per cent before the CCJ, Stuart indicated that that was the right of the individuals which no encountered problems. one could deny. He assured his Jamaican He, however, did not condone any counterpart that his government would unwarranted challenge to Jamaicans, in give the fullest cooperation in ensuring his capacity as both minister responsible that propriety obtains in the matters. for immigration in Barbados and the lead spokesman in CARICOM for the He stressed that it was important that the CARICOM Single Market and Economy recent issues be managed carefully and (CSME). He assured his regional not be allowed to undermine the good colleague that the matters would be fully relations between the two countries. investigated, and that if any S t u a r t t o o k t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o impropriety on the part of congratulate Holness and the Jamaican Barbadian officials was found, people for that island’s excellent the requisite sanctions would performance in the recent Summer be applied. Holness made Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. He asserted mention of the Shanique that Usain Bolt had written his name Myrie case, in response to indelibly in gold on that occasion and which Stuart noted that, given congratulated Jamaica for showcasing its precedent-setting nature, it the Caribbean to the world. The two was natural that the Myrie case leaders agreed to keep the lines of would be evoked, but that it communication open between the two was one unfortunate incident countries, and to issue their respective when compared with the statements on the matter later in the day. thousands of Jamaicans who (Caribbean News Now!) come to Barbados and enter uneventfully. He said that in the fullness of time he hoped to have a chance to address the Jamaican public on the issues. Stuart also noted that challenges would occur from time to time in the freedom of movement initiative and stressed that it was early days yet in the


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Police Plan To Appeal Ruling That Freed Radio Talk Show Host ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, Sept 9, CMC – The Court. The magistrate on Wednesday But a former police commissioner is PAGE 117

Antigua and Barbuda police say they intend to challenge a ruling of Magistrate Conliffe Clarke dismissing a conspiracy case against radio talk show host, Algernon “Serpent” Watts. Earlier this week, the magistrate ruled that there was no indication that Watts knew what was taking place at the Board of Education (BoE) where he also worked when he was slapped with the charge along with D. Gisele Isaac, a former speaker of the Parliament here and a senior executive of the main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP).. Isaac, who served as executive secretary at the BoE, and Watts who was employed as a debt collector for the statutory corporation, were jointly charged with conspiracy to defraud the board of EC$15,313.22 (One EC dollar =US$0.37 cents). The former executive secretary, who was also charged with corruption and conversion of the same sum and an additional EC$9,000, has since been committed to stand trial in the High


dismissed the case citing a lack of evidence that there was a meeting of the minds between Watts and Isaac, although Watts may have benefited financially from Isaac’s alleged illegal actions. But in a statement the police said they plan to appeal the ruling. The Prosecutions Department within the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda has placed on record its intention to appeal the magistrate’s decision in the case of Algernon “Serpent” Watts on behalf of the Commissioner of Police. “Section 191B (1) (b) of the Magistrate’s Code of Procedure Amendment Act of 2004, makes provision on the point of law for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to appeal the court’s decision with respect to the dismissal of a charge against an accused person in committal proceedings,” the police said in the statement.

questioning the position of the police on the matter. Rawlston Pompey said the legislation quoted in the police statement to support the planned appeal, does not apply to them and the statement was “premature. “It was unfortunate that such a release was made public or sent to the press because this is the calling of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the law is quite clear in the Magistrate’s Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act 2004 where it speaks to appeal by the DPP. It did not make any reference to the police or any other person,” Pompey said. (Antigua Observer)




Maduro Accused Of Politically Harassing Workers December 6 2015.

The Workers Syndical Union has denounced cases of hundreds of officials fired for supporting the Revocatory Referendum. The Workers Syndical Union’s, members of the Trade-Union Action accused President Nicolas Maduro of workplace harassment before the International Labor Organization (OIT), after alleged declarations of the president in favor to dismiss those workers who signed supporting the Revocatory Referendum. According to the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, a letter of complaint was sent to the director of the OIT Mr. Guy Rayder, signed by representatives of the Venezuelan Trade-Union Confederation, National Worker’s Union, the Independent Trade-Union and the General Labor Confederation of Venezuela. In the text it denounced the g o v e r n m e n t ’s v i o l a t i o n s o f conventions 87, 98 and 111 about the freedom of association, collective bargaining and no discrimination, respectively. The General Labor C o n f e d e r a t i o n o f Ve n e z u e l a i s concerned how human rights and right the right to work, are being heavily violated by the government. It’s reported that the document cites, how governmental and presidential declarations have been pronounced and broadcast nationwide, with the purpose to transmit a deep feeling of ‘fear’ in the working population that supports the Revocatory Referendum. The working sector of the population has been under the radar, since the government lost the parliamentary elections against the Democratic Round Table (MUD) on

Even though a mist of persecution and confusion have been taking over the country in this last weeks, a high percentage of the citizens are still in favor of the Revocatory Referendum. This one seen strictly as a civic action and right written in Article 72 of the Venezuelan Constitution. According to Article 72, any public servant's mandate can be revoked by referendum, but only in the second half of his or her mandate and if petitioned by at least 25 per cent of registered voters […] Source:

President Nicolas Maduro


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Moving To Establish Duty Free Zones In Barbados PAGE 119

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Sept 9, CMC – The Barbados government says it will soon establish a special committee to review the proposed Duty Free Zones initiative. Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Christopher Sinckler said that his ministry is working on the Cabinet Paper, which would outline the composition of the committee and its terms of reference. He said he expects Cabinet to give approval to the document “in the coming weeks” and that the committee would benefit from the technical expertise of some countries that had already implemented a similar initiative. “Within days of us making the announcement, we have had companies and officials reach out to us from some of those jurisdictions to lend technical advice to us and we are working on that. So, we expect in short order to have that Committee up and running and we will look at the best ways in which we can carry this forward.” He said that while duty free zones could be successful there were some areas to be worked through to ensure there was no disruption in the existing systems, or any discrimination or undue advantage of one set of members of the business community over another. Sinckler said that selected products would be available in the duty free zone. “You will enter the free zone under certain conditions; you will be able to make those purchases similar to


what we do now in the duty free sector in town, but far greater controls are going to be put in place,” he said, adding that it is hoped that visitors, especially those from the Caribbean, would consider Barbados as a destination they could visit to do costeffective shopping. During the debate on the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals in Parliament last month, Sinckler said that the creation of duty free zones would earn and save the country foreign exchange. He said the Special Committee would review the duty free zones initiative and report its findings and recommendations to him within three months, so a firm proposal could be taken to the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy for examination and forwarding to the main Cabinet for approval. He said the committee would comprise the Barbados Tourism Investment Inc., officials of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, representatives of the Central Bank of Barbados, the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Private Sector Association of Barbados. He added that the Committee would have the right to co-opt any other person or parties considered necessary in assisting it to carry out its mandate. (Antigua Observer)




FBI To Set Up Office In Jamaica

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept 9, CMC – The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are to set up offices in Jamaica as part of measures to help fight crime and violence. A Jamaica Information Service (JIS) statement reporting on the United States Jamaica-US Bilateral Relations Forum held here earlier this week, quoted US Ambassador to Jamaica, Luis G Moreno, as saying that officers from the agencies will help to train local personnel. The Forum focused on a report from the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI) entitled ‘Dialogues between Democracies: The Future of US-Jamaica Bilateral Relations’.

networks, investigating cybersecurity crimes and spotting false documents. “Having the FBI means that if there is a federal crime committed here which affects both Jamaica and the United States, I don’t have to wait for the office in Miami for international affairs to send me agents.

Once we have an office here full-time, that guy will go out, train people, and will liaise and exchange information.” The diplomat said the ATF is crucial, as it can trace serial numbers and conduct forensic tests on guns coming through the United States and Central America in the drugs for gun trade. He said that the US has invested and will continue to invest tens of millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours in improving The report focused on areas such as enhancing security; the capabilities of Jamaica’s security forces and the judiciary. emboldening democratic governance; increasing trade and (Antigua Observer) investment; enabling health and prosperity; endorsing full and equal citizenship; and strengthening the partnership. Prime Minister A n d r ew H o ln es s , w h o ad d r es s ed th e conference, said his administration is fairly advanced in developing a strategic anti-crime action plan which involves an integrated and comprehensive set of measures and actions to significantly reduce crime in the country. “In the next budget you will see an allocation which will be significant, but necessary in ensuring that Jamaica, once and for all, brings the crime monster to heel,” Holness said. Ambassador Moreno said that over the past year, 16 courses have been conducted in areas such as forensics, investigating terror




North Korea's 'Biggest' Nuclear Test Sparks Global Outrage World leaders have reacted with anger after North Korea carried out its fifth and reportedly biggest nuclear test. The South accused the North's leader Kim Jong-un of "maniacal recklessness". China "firmly opposed" the test, Japan "protested adamantly" and the US warned of "serious consequences" including "new sanctions". The UN Security Council will meet later behind closed doors to discuss the issue. Such nuclear tests are banned by the UN but this is Pyongyang's second in 2016.

Korean plan to install an anti-missile defence system in the South and by the allies' massive annual joint military exercises, which are still taking place. The North's recent actions have sorely tested its only ally, China. It condemned January's test and repeated that on Friday after the latest. China's foreign ministry said it would lodge a diplomatic protest and urged North Korea to avoid further action that would worsen the situation.

Kim Jong-un's rhetoric has also become increasingly aggressive, analysts say. The isolated communist nation has been hit by five sets of UN sanctions since its first test in 2006. Talks involving world and regional powers have failed to rein in the North's nuclear programme. In its statement announcing the underground test, North Korea expressed anger at the "racket of threat and sanctions... kicked up by the US-led hostile forces" to deny a "sovereign state's exercise of the right to self-defence".

Reaction from elsewhere was more harsh: United States President Barack Obama condemned the test saying he had agreed with South Korea and Japan to work with the UN Security Council "to vigorously implement existing measures imposed in previous resolutions, and to take additional significant steps, including new sanctions" Japan - North Korea is an "outlaw nation in the neighbourhood" South Korea - "Such provocation will further accelerate its path to self-destruction" Russia - "We insist that the North Korean side stop its dangerous escapades and unconditionally implement all resolutions of the United Nations Security Council" The International Atomic Energy Agency - a "deeply troubling and regrettable act" that is "in complete disregard of the repeated demands of the international community" The latest test was announced on state TV hours after a 5.3 magnitude tremor was detected near the Punggye-ri underground nuclear site.

The test came on the country's National Day, which celebrates the founding of the current regime and which is often used as a show of military strength. Technically, the North said the test was aimed at further developing the miniaturisation of nuclear warheads so they could be mounted on ballistic missiles. In its statement the North said it could now produce "at will, and as many as it wants, a variety of smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear warheads of higher strike power". In recent months, the North has conducted a series of ballistic missile launches and Estimates of the explosive yield of the latest blast have varied. South Korea's military said it was about 10 kilotonnes, enough has in the past often stated its aim of hitting US targets. to make it the North's "strongest nuclear test ever". Other The North has previously made claims on "miniaturised" experts say initial indications suggest 20 kilotonnes or more. nuclear warheads but they have never been independently The bomb dropped by the US on Hiroshima in 1945 had a yield confirmed. What North Korea's opponents can actually do is of about 15 kilotonnes. (BBC) problematic. After the fourth test in January, China agreed to impose tougher UN sanctions. Further and even tougher sanctions are still possible, like blocking the export of fuel oil to North Korea. That would be a drastic step which might halt the economy and cause serious suffering to ordinary people. China's bottom line is that it does not want the collapse of the regime in Pyongyang if that leads to a chaotic power vacuum, possibly filled by the US and its allies. North Korea has also been angered by a US and South A North Korean TV presenter reads out the news




Foiled Paris Attack 'Was Directed By IS’

Three women arrested over a foiled attack in Paris were directed by so-called Islamic State (IS) from Syria, a French prosecutor has said. The group "wanted to make the women into fighters", Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. A policeman was stabbed during an operation late on Thursday to arrest the women, after the discovery of a suspect car containing gas canisters. The vehicle was found near Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on Sunday. Police shot and wounded one of the women during the

Security has been stepped up at Notre Dame after the discovery of the suspect vehicle(AP)

operation in Boussy-Saint-Antoine, south-east of the city. One woman, aged 19, reportedly declared her allegiance to IS in a letter. The others arrested were said to be aged 39 and 23. Mr Molins said one of the women had been engaged to both Larossi Abballa, who killed two police officials in June before being shot dead himself, and subsequently to Adel Kermiche, who was shot dead by police in July after slitting the throat of an elderly priest in his church. Her current fiance was arrested on Thursday, Mr Molins said. The women and their associates had already been under surveillance but the discovery of the gas-filled car near Notre Dame had pitted the security forces in "a race against time" to arrest them, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said. The three women were believed to be planning other imminent and violent attacks, he said. President Francois Hollande said: "An attack was derailed... a group has been disbanded, but there are others and we must be able to act each time before it is too late and that's what we're doing." Mr Molins said the latest plot provided more evidence that IS was ready to use women for attacks. "If at first it seemed that women were confined to carrying out family and domestic tasks by the terrorist organisation, we are now forced to see that vision is largely outdated," he said. (BBC)




Fury Over Facebook 'Napalm Girl' Censorship Facebook has controversially removed the iconic image of a girl fleeing a Napalm attack during the Vietnam war from a post, on the grounds of nudity. The editor of Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten said the entire post, which was about iconic war imagery, was later deleted and the account of the reporter behind it suspended. Espen Egil Hansen has accused Mark Zuckerberg of "an abuse of power". Facebook said it has to restrict nudity for cultural reasons. Mr Hansen said the image of Kim Phuc, then aged nine, was removed less than 24 hours after the newspaper received a request from the firm to either take down the image or pixelate it and before it had responded. "While we recognise that this photo is iconic, it's difficult to create a distinction between allowing a photograph of a nude child in one instance and not others," Facebook said in a statement. "We try to find the right balance between enabling people to express themselves while maintaining a safe and respectful experience for our global community. Our solutions won't always be perfect, but we will continue to try to improve our policies and the ways in which we apply them." Several Norwegian politicians, including Prime Minister Erna Solberg, also shared the image but within hours it had been removed again, Aftenposten reports.

in 2010. After 14 months in hospital and 17 operations, she was able to go home. Today Kim Phuc is 53 and lives in Toronto with her husband, children and parents. She is still in constant pain from her injuries but says she has found peace. She said at first she hated the photograph but now it informs her work as a UN goodwill ambassador and with her Kim Phuc Foundation to support child victims of war. "To pretend that it is possible to create common, global rules for what may and what may not be published, only throws dust into people's eyes." He ended the letter saying that Facebook had opened up a lot of positive opportunities and he wanted to see them used "in a better way". Aftenposten is the largest newspaper in circulation in Norway and Rolv Erik Ryssdal, chief executive of its parent firm the Schibsted Media Group, said Facebook's actions were "not acceptable".

"Independent media is the foundation for democracy," he said in a statement. "Facebook's censorship is an attack on the freedom of expression - and therefore on democracy." The social network said it had to have the same rules for everybody. Editorial responsibilities Social media consultant Sue Llewellyn said she believed Facebook's actions were heavyhanded. "I understand what they are saying but I think they are Mr Hansen has written an open letter to Facebook chief over the top," she said. executive Mark Zuckerberg. 'Promoting stupidity' He described Mr Zuckerberg as "the world's most powerful editor" but added "It's ridiculous when everybody knows that image, and it is such that he was restricting Aftenposten's own editorial an iconic image, to ban it." She also disagreed with Mark responsibilities. "I am worried that the world's most important Zuckerberg's comments last month that his company is a medium is limiting freedom instead of trying to extend it and technology firm, not a media organisation. "You can't be a that this occasionally happens in an authoritarian way," he distributor of news without having editorial responsibilities," wrote. The letter goes on to state: "If you will not distinguish she said. "They can't keep washing their hands of it and then between child pornography and documentary photographs from censoring content." (BBC) a war, this will simply promote stupidity and fail to bring human beings closer to each other. Who is the girl in the photo? Kim Phuc was nine years old when she was photographed running for her life following a Napalm attack north of Saigon in June 1972. She suffered horrific burns. Photographer Nick Ut and ITN correspondent Christopher Wain took her to hospital. They were told she was not expected to survive the day. "There was a blast of heat which felt like someone had opened the door of an oven. Then we saw Kim and the rest of the children. None of them were making any sound at all - until they saw the adults. Then they started to scream," Mr Wain recalled

Espen Egil Hansen is editor of Aftenposten, Norway's largest newspaper.(AFTENPOSTEN/NICK UT)




Syria War: Rebel-Held Aleppo Has 'Days' Of Fuel Left - UN

Fuel supplies could run out within days in a rebel-held part of the Syrian city of Aleppo, the UN special envoy for Syria has warned. Fighting has escalated between Syria's army and rebels in eastern Aleppo, where 250,000 people live. Staffan de Mistura said food and water shortages made the situation there even more serious than previously. He said a deal at ongoing US-Russian talks in Geneva could make a major difference to aid efforts across Syria. On Sunday, Syrian government forces were reported to have recaptured parts of Aleppo city Fighting between Syria's army and rebels for control of eastern Aleppo escalated in recent weeks(AFP) which were lost to rebels last month, placing rebel-held districts in the city's east once again collapsed quickly in the north. But it is still more or less holding, under siege. A monitoring group said government troops had or at least influencing matters, around Damascus. That does not recaptured two military academy sites in the Ramouseh district, mean that the war is anywhere near over. in the south of the city, and severed a recently established rebel A Syrian general at the ministry of defence told me they were supply line. "There is a growing concern about eastern Aleppo: well aware that the war in Lebanon a generation ago had lasted the issue about food, the issue about the possibility that within 16 years. This one, he said, was much more complicated so there perhaps the next few days it will turn out to be dark because could be at least another 10 years of bloodshed. The collective there is no fuel, problems of water," Mr de Mistura said on tragedy is that so many foreign countries have intervened in the war that it has become much harder to stop. Syria's war is a big Friday. part of the historic change sweeping through the Middle East, UN humanitarian chief Stephen O'Brien told the BBC conditions in Aleppo had become appalling: "Eastern Aleppo is and it is tied into other conflicts. Power is shifting, with global at the apex of horror, where anyone of us if we were there would repercussions. More tragedies lie ahead. (BBC) find life barely possible, let alone tolerable." Mr O'Brien said civilians were trapped in ruined buildings, subjected to daily bombing and shelling. He described children in the city as a "lost" generation, who had no access to school. Over the summer the UN's ability to deliver aid across Syria was greatly reduced because of the increased fighting, the UN said. Little aid was delivered in July, less in August, and none at all so far in September, it added. The UN warnings come as US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meet in Switzerland to try to hammer out a ceasefire deal in Syria. But the two diplomats have been meeting on and off for several weeks now and the negotiations are clearly proving complicated, the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva reports. The US and Russia support opposite sides in the conflict that began in 2011: Washington backs a coalition of rebel groups it describes as moderate, while Moscow is seen as a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. A ceasefire deal that the Russians and the Americans arranged back in February




US Election: Trump Sceptical Of Russia Meddling

Donald Trump has told a Kremlin-funded TV network "it's probably unlikely" that Russia is trying to influence the US election. The Republican presidential nominee suggested on RT that Democrats were behind claims Russian intelligence agencies had hacked their computers. Mr Trump has faced a backlash since praising Russian President Vladimir Putin at a Wednesday night forum.


No matter the explanation, the story re-enforces the politically damaging perception that Mr Trump is uncomfortably chummy with the Russian government. Private cyber-security analysts have blamed Russian intelligence agencies for electronic breakins into Democratic Party computers that emerged in leaks over the summer. Earlier this week Defence Secretary Ash Carter said the US would not ignore Russia's "efforts to interfere with our democratic processes". During a televised forum on Wednesday on national security, Mr Trump complimented Mr Putin for having "great control over his country".

His Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, accused him of being unpatriotic. Mr Trump was interviewed on Thursday night by Larry King, a former CNN host who now presents a show on RT America, a Russian-funded TV network. When King asked him about reports that Russia is trying to disrupt the US election, Mr Trump was sceptical. "I think it's probably unlikely," he said. "I Mr Putin has offered kind words for Trump in the past, too, describing him as "a talented man". The Republican chairman think maybe the Democrats are putting that out. of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker, "I hope that if they are doing something, I hope that somebody's offered words of caution for Mr Trump on Thursday. "One has to going to be able to find out, so they can end it, because that be a little careful to let flattery affect one's judgment," he told would not be appropriate at all." A Trump spokeswoman, Hope CNN. "Let's face it, over the last several years, President Putin Hicks, suggested Mr Trump did not realise King's show was part has operated in ways that very much have been against our of a Russian-backed network. "Mr Trump recorded a short interests." interview with Larry King for his podcast as a favour to Mr King," she said. Why Trump strikes a chord with Russians Mr Trump urged the Russians in July to hack into Mrs Clinton's "What Larry King does with the interview content is up to him. emails to find messages that were deleted from her account amid an investigation into whether she abused state secrets. In a news We have nothing to do with it." conference on Thursday morning at a New York state airport, Back in the late 1980s and 1990s, Larry King was a titan of US Mrs Clinton invoked conservatives' most revered US president political media. A guest spot on his television call-in show as she pounced on Mr Trump's remarks. "What would Ronald provided current and aspiring candidates a way to reach a Reagan say about a Republican nominee who attacks American national audience in a low-stress, friendly environment. Donald generals and heaps praise on Russia's president?" she asked. Trump, back when he was just a larger-then-life real-estate (BBC) developer and New York socialite, was a regular on King's programme. It's not entirely surprising then that the Republican nominee accepted an interview request from his long-time friend. That, however, is when Mr Trump's staff should have done a bit of research, found out the interview would be broadcast on RT and told their candidate to come up with a scheduling conflict and politely pull out. Given the heat Mr Trump has taken recently for showering praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian-owned RT is the last outlet he should be on. This is either another example of the Trump team's questionable advance work or perhaps more troubling - its




Galaxy Note 7: Owners Advised Not To Use On Planes 7 d e v i c e s , t h e F e d e r a l Av i a t i o n Airlines for America said it was "closely

Airline passengers have been warned by US authorities not to switch on or charge their Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones when on board the plane. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also advised against packing the phones into any checked-in luggage. Samsung recalled the phone last week after reports emerged of the device exploding during or after charging.

Administration strongly advises passengers not to turn on or charge these devices on board aircraft and not to stow them in any checked baggage," the FAA said. Following Samsung's recall of its Galaxy Note 7, Qantas said on Thursday it was "requesting that passengers who own [the devices] do not switch on or charge them in-flight." The phone was launched last month and has been Qantas and Virgin Australia have also otherwise generally well-received by told customers not to charge or use the consumers and critics. phone during flights. Samsung said it w o u l d s p e e d u p s h i p m e n t s o f Some 2.5 million Note 7s have been replacement Galaxy Note 7 phones to shipped globally. Samsung has said ease safety concerns. Earlier this week, customers who have already bought the US TV channel Fox 10 reported claims phone will be able to swap it for a new one that a faulty Galaxy Note 7 had set fire to a and that it would take about two weeks to family's Jeep. Battery problems Samsung prepare replacement devices. This is has said that battery problems were precautionary advice and not understood behind the phones catching fire, but that it to be in reaction to any incident on a was difficult to work out which phones plane. But it does continue the headache for Samsung - even once the company were affected among those sold. goes through the motions of getting the "In light of recent incidents and concerns device recalled, the Note 7 will forever be raised by Samsung about its Galaxy Note the exploding smartphone. This is not the first time the FAA has warned about the dangers of lithium batteries on flights. Earlier this year, it urged airlines to assess the risk of transporting lithium batteries as cargo. And the administration also insists that any spare lithium battery be kept with the passenger rather than kept with luggage in the hold - though as a person who regularly travels with big lithium batteries for camera equipment, I can tell you this is inconsistently enforced. A Galaxy Note 7 reportedly caught fire shortly after its charger was unplugged(ARIEL GONZALEZ)

The US trade group

monitoring" the Note 7 issue and that carriers in the US would make their own ruling over the use of the phone on board. "Each individual carrier makes determinations, in compliance with FAA safety rules and regulations, as to what is permitted to be carried on board and in the cargo hold," an Airlines for America spokesperson said in a statement. South Korea-listed shares of Samsung Electronics were down close to 3% in early Friday trade. (BBC)




Deadly Train Crash Near O Porrino In North-West Spain At least four people have been killed and 47 hurt in a train derailment near O Porrino in north-western Spain. About 60 passengers were on the Portuguese train when it derailed at 09:30 (07:30 GMT) just outside the station. Those killed were the Portuguese driver and Spanish conductor, a US tourist and another Spaniard. O Porrino is located south of the Galician city of Vigo, near the border with Portugal. In July 2013 Spain suffered one of its worst train crashes in the same region, when a high-speed train derailed near Santiago de Compostela, killing 79 people and injuring some 170. The driver failed to brake in time before a bend. In Friday's crash the train apparently hit part of a bridge, El Pais newspaper reported. A photo showed that the train had also struck a signalling tower next to the line. Authorities have opened an investigation and retrieved the train's data recorder for analysis. Emergency workers fear there may be another body hidden in the wreckage. The train operator is Comboios de Portugal and it was travelling on the Vigo-Porto route. 'Covered in blood' The front portion of the train was badly mangled, but the last two carriages were only lightly affected and Spanish media report that many people were able to walk off the damaged train. Railway and track management company Adif said the accident had happened just

The mangled front coach of the Portuguese train near O Porrino station(EPA)

before the train arrived in the station. "The train braked suddenly and suitcases fell on top of us," a passenger told Reuters news agency. "My mother smashed into my father and hurt him, my mum's neck really hurts... When we came out of the carriage we saw people covered in blood. It was really horrible." A passenger in a video posted by local daily La Voz de Galicia said the train had suddenly started swaying from one side to the other. "It wouldn't stop," she said. "I was sitting down and I fell to the ground. And then the train stopped. It was that quick." At least three people were killed on the spot, while the fourth died in hospital. Cause unclear Jesus Vazquez Almuina, health representative in the

regional government, was quoted as saying there were many nationalities on board. "There were a lot of Spaniards and P o r t u g u e s e o b v i o u s l y, b u t a l s o Americans, Germans, people from Chile, Argentina... people who were doing the Road to Santiago [pilgrimage] and were continuing their trip to Porto," he said, a c c o r d i n g t o A F P n e w s a g e n c y. Helicopters, ambulances and fire engines were speedily deployed to the scene. The reason for the derailment has yet to be determined. Officials say it took place on a "very straight line" in an area of good visibility. O Porrino Mayor Eva Garcia de la Torre told told local radio the train involved in the crash looked old. (BBC)




Volkswagen Engineer Charged In Emissions Probe Protection Agency (EPA) found that deliciously ironic, was "Leader of Diesel

A Volkswagen engineer has pleaded guilty to involvement in the German carmaker's diesel emissions scandal. He is the first to be charged as part of the US Justice Department's year-long criminal probe into the firm's rigging of federal airpollution tests. James Liang pleaded guilty to violation of the clean air act, a wire fraud count and a consumer fraud count. Volkswagen has already agreed to spend up to $16bn (£12bn) to address environmental, state and owner claims. Mr Liang, who is a German national, worked in VW's diesel development department in Germany from 1983 to May 2008, before moving to the US. He was part of a team of engineers based in Ann Arbor, Michigan that conducted emissions tests on the diesel engine at the heart of the controversy. He could face five years in prison although by cooperating with the US federal government, he could reduce his jail time. His trial will be held in January. The scandal blew up after the Environmental

many Volkswagen cars being sold in Competence". But were any of the senior America had software in diesel engines suits involved? We still don't know. What that could detect when they were being is clear is that in many ways this alleged conspiracy was pretty clumsy. The tested. The so-called "defeat device" changed indictment quotes from emails in which t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e e n g i n e s engineers first congratulate themselves accordingly to improve results. The on the success of a defeat device, then German car giant has admitted cheating later search for ways to deal with queries emissions tests in the US. Mr Liang is the f r o m r e g u l a t o r s a b o u t e x c e s s i v e first VW employee to face charges over emissions. Among the increasingly the emissions cheating affair, but he panicked comments: "We need a story for almost certainly won't be the last. One the situation!", and later "We still have no word that is repeated time and time again good explanations!!!" (BBC) in the indictment is "conspiracy". Clearly, he didn't work alone. And since he is now cooperating with prosecutors, others are bound to find themselves in the firing line. The question, as ever, is just how high did the conspiracy go? Mr Liang was an engineer. His title, which now seems A Volkswagen engineer pleads guilty(ASSOCIATED PRESS)




Musk: SpaceX Fireball Probe Uncovering 'Complex Failure’ An investigation into how a SpaceX rocket exploded is uncovering a "difficult and complex failure", the firm's founder Elon Musk has said. Mr Musk tweeted that the explosion of Falcon 9 during a routine filling operation was the most complicated in the space travel firm's history. He said that the engines weren't on and there was "no apparent heat source". The rocket's payload, a satellite on which Facebook had leased capacity, was destroyed in the explosion last week. "Still working on the Falcon fireball investigation. Turning out to be the most difficult and complex failure we have ever had in 14 years," Mr Musk tweeted. Facebook, with Eutelsat Communications, had Billionaire Elon Musk is also chief executive of electric car maker Tesla Motors(AP) been due to use the Amos-6 satellite for broadband internet coverage for parts of sub-Saharan Africa as part of investigation by Nasa, the US Federal Aviation Administration, and the US Air Force was "much appreciated". The technology Facebook's initiative. entrepreneur owns and leads SpaceX. Mr Musk is also chief executive of electric car company Tesla Motors and chairman of The force of the blast at Cape Canaveral shook buildings several solar energy firm SolarCity. (BBC) miles away. Mr Musk tweeted that support for the SpaceX




Texas Mattress Shop Apologises For 'Disgusting' 9/11 Ad A mattress shop in Texas has apologised for what it says was a "disgusting" and "tasteless" 9/11-themed advert. Miracle Mattress faced a backlash online after promoting a "twin tower sale", for which every mattress sold on the anniversary of the attacks would be the price of a twin mattress. At the end of the short clip, staff fall screaming into two large towers of mattress, knocking them over. "We'll never forget," the presenter of the clip says. The advert was posted on the company's Facebook page but later deleted. In a letter, Mike Bonano, the owner of Miracle Mattress, said the video had been produced at the company's San Antonio office without permission from management. He said: "The video is tasteless and an affront to the men and women who lost their lives on 9/11. Furthermore, it disrespects the families who lost their loved ones and continue to struggle with the pain of this tragedy every day of their lives." Twitter users criticised the magazine over the video. "This is absolutely sickening," said one.

"You deserve to be out of business. End of story," said another. Many called for the business to remove the video and others for it to shut down. A total of 2,976 people died on 11 September 2001 when al-Qaeda militants hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Centre's twin towers, a third into the Pentagon and the fourth into a field in Pennsylvania. (BBC)




State Audits To Take Back Bench

The recent state audits conducted by the government into several agencies will be shelved for the time being, this is according to Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan. The Minister was at the time addressing media operatives at the AFC headquarters during a press conference in Friday. The Minister quipped that there are stumbling blocks when it comes to prosecuting persons who were allegedly found to be corrupt under the PPP administration. One such barrier is the refusal of persons to come forward and given written evidence to the police and subsequently testifying in the courts. The Minister said that a lot of evidence was given to the auditors. The Minister further said that persons are scared to death to come forward and give written evidence to the police because there is a lack of a witness protection plan by the state. The Minister said that the government is trying to persuade the persons with vital information to come forward and give testimony to the police, even though there is no witness protection plan. The Minister also said that the law does not provide for a Minister to be charged for alleged corruption, only an oďŹƒcer within a Ministry can be charged.




Reduction In Crime Due To More Police Work The Guyana Police Force revealed in a recent press statement that in comparison to the same time last year there has been a 18% decrease in serious crimes in Guyana. Serious crimes being offences such as Murders, Breaking and Entering, Larceny, Robberies both under and not under arms and Sexual based offences. Reports by the Government Information Agency has revealed the figures showing a 10% decrease in the number of Murders, a 17% decrease in the number of Armed Robberies, a 20% decrease in Rapes, a 9% decrease in gun related robberies and a 38% decrease in the number of larceny from individuals. The Guyana Police Force has revealed that the credit of the decrease goes to the rise in the number of community based activities that have been and are still being carried out by policing group and officers in the force, together with the community programs that have been implemented with the aim of keeping youths in the depressed neighborhoods out of trouble. In addition to the rise in policing activities it has been revealed that ranks attached to the force over the last few months underwent training in various areas so as to increase their ability in the field as well as in the office. Together with the decrease in the number of serious crimes the Guyana Police Force under the leadership of Acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine continues to enforce the traffic laws of Guyana with the intent of also decreasing the number of road fatalities. The release issued would have indicated that for the year 2016 so far the GPF has charged 48,585 individuals with committing traffic offences. 18,053 of the offences being speeding whilst there were 1,168 individuals

who have been charged for driving while under the influence of alcohol. However the report shows that not all of the individuals who have been charged with committing the offence have been fined, in fact the of 48,585 individuals who would of been caught breaking the traffic laws, only 9,172 of them have been fined, as reported by GINA. The Guyana Police Force continues to grow in numbers and hence strength as there are currently in excess of 250 new recruits being trained across Guyana at the respective Training Colleges. Source: (

Ramjattan Willing To Reduce Work Load Of SOCU Minister of Public Security and Leader of the Alliance for Change, (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan Friday at a news conference held reiterated his position on the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU). Speaking to reporters, Ramjattan said that while he can accept the reduction of responsibilities for SOCU, he does not want the unit to be separated from the Guyana Police Force (GPF). According to Ramjattan, when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) set up SOCU it was a “bad situation”, because the party did not establish the standing orders. The Minister further explained that the standing orders were implemented following the death of army officer, Robert Pyle. Pyle was killed in an accident while carrying out a legitimate operation in support of the unit. “They [PPP] did not have a standing order at all. When we came into office, the criticism came, that yes, we had to do that and of course, the emergence of that criticism in a very national way came as a result of the Pyle incident…I indicated to the commissioner, the police leadership, let’s have a standing Order for SOCU consonant with the work they are supposed to do.” SOCU was established under the Anti-Money laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) which was recommended by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). According to those amendments, the unit now has powers to investigate crimes which would traditionally fall under the authority of the police such as murders, piracy, smuggling and other offences, drawing criticism from both the public and politicians, including Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, who disagreed with the expansion of SOCU’s workload and said his administration does not want to be accused of stymieing the operations of SOCU so as to hamstring progress under the AML/CFT

legislation. While agreeing that the powers granted to SOCU are expansive, the minster argued that the unit must be in a position to do what the Anti-money laundering Act calls for “..if let’s say there are no Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) investigations ordered, are we going to have 10 policemen sitting a whole year doing nothing? They are good, qualified people to deal with frauds, especially white collar crimes, what do we do? Are we not going to put inside of this thing that they should deal with white collar crimes and fraud and so on?” the minster asked. Ramjattan said if SOCU is investigating an anti-terrorist act as a result of money transfers or otherwise and this leads to murder, the unit should not have to depend on the Homicide department to deal with that aspect of the investigation. Notwithstanding his position on the matter, the Minister said that the door is still open for further amendments to SOCU’s standing orders and protocols. “The door is still open, if needs be it can be narrowed down, but it must be noted that the government did what was necessary to make the unit work.” Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan




President Concerned About School Dropouts, Says More Needed To Boost Education President David Granger has noted that several interventions are needed to solve the alarming high rate of school drops and the failure of students to pass Mathematics and English at the primary level including, especially in the hinterland regions. During his appearance on the weekly television show, ‘The Public Interest’, the President was asked about what can be done for students who are far behind since the Ministry of Education is now moving towards the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. In response, he said, “I would like to urge parents to ensure their children get to school, in fact it is illegal to keep our child at primary level out of school… I think that is the most important thing that parents themselves have to be committed to getting their children in school and we are doing everything possible to help them.” The President said that once the children are in school, the government has to look at the faculties and infrastructure such as the classrooms, the playground etc. He also referred to trained teachers and reminded of the “One Laptop per Teacher” initiative. President Granger believes the initiative which is still to be implemented, will be a trigger intense Information and communication technology (ICT) education. The President alluded to programs in place such as the development of ICT in schools, information hubs etc. He stated that “the intention of this administration is that every school must have internet connection.” In a press release from the Ministry of the Presidency, where the President was speaking to residents of Mabaruma, Barima-Waini (Region One), he was quoted as saying “we found that over 4000 children drop out of school every year in Guyana, we found that the lowest education grades in the country were in the hinterland. In some regions 90 per cent of the children fail English and Mathematics at the National Grade Six level. We are not happy with this.”

President David Granger

Govt To Cut Down OnCouncil. Number Squatters The proposal as the name would suggest would see a

As the Government continues its development initiative, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CP&HA) has begun the field work necessary in an attempt to relocate squatters in areas that have a high squatter population. The works have begun with the relevant authorities surveying the lands in the areas with the intent of land distribution to those who squat. Speaking to the Government Information Agency was Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Adams-Patterson who reiterated that some of the areas in which people squat can be developed and regularized since in some cases it may be wiser than relocating the individuals. Minister Adams-Patterson however made it clear stating that there are some cases in which relocation will be necessary since it may be "environmentally friendly" to develop the squatting areas. The relocation at the time is set to be focused on individuals who are squatting in areas along the Upper East Coast and Sophia and relocating them to areas in Cummings Lodge. In addition to the relocation and distribution of land, the Minister disclosed that the Government is looking to invest and construct Apartment Buildings, Condominiums and Duplexes to house those who may have to move. The construction of the aforementioned building is not the only initiative that the Government is planning to undertake with the hope of reducing the amount of squatters, just last month the Ministry of Communities had unveiled a new proposal referred to as the "Rent to Own" solution which was revealed to Sophia residents by the Minister in her previous visit with the Community Development

resident or residents renting a home until a said time that they become the owners of the property. Together with all the initiatives mentioned the Minister also revealed that the Ministry is hoping to partner with Food for The Poor to build wooden two bed room houses that the squatters will be given first preference to liven in. Minister AdamsPatterson further reiterated that the Government is at the time trying to not only provide house lots but also to provide housing for all and as such pleaded with residents who are squatting and are looking to be relocated to register with the Ministry so that the relocation process can be one which sees maximum efficiency. She revealed that if an application is not in the system when the distribution process begins t h e n o n applicants will be left without housing. The Ministry hopes to roll out the project as early as the beginning of the upcoming year, 2017, which will see close to 400 applicants being relocated.




PRESS RELEASE The People's Progressive Party (PPP) extends greetings to our Muslim brothers and sisters on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. Muslims observe this festival by way of sacrifices and charitable acts to those in need. But it is the lesson of faith and obedience to the command of God as exemplified by the prophet Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his only son as commanded by God that resonated with humanity as a whole. The PPP joins with Muslims in Guyana and throughout the world in the observance of this festival. The PPP fully embraces this message of sacrifice and takes this opportunity to assure all Guyanese that no sacrifice can be considered too great when it comes to liberating the country and for that matter the world as a whole from evil. Once again, greetings to all of Guyana and Muslims in particular on this auspicious occasion. People's Progressive Party September 10, 2016




Private Sector Must Play A More Critical Role In Climate Change Mitigation -Minister Harmon At Closing Of NAMA Training Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, today, called on the private sector to play a more critical role in mitigation efforts as the world continues to grapple with the climate change and global warming phenomena. The Minister, who was at the time addressing participants at the closing of the Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership Capacity Building Training Seminar of the Development and Implementation of Nationally Appropriate Climate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), which was held at the Marriott Hotel, said that the private sector must be a strong leader in these efforts, even as it is Government’s responsibility to play a coordinating role. “This NAMA has come as the Government of Guyana seeks to translate the President’s vision of a ‘green’ economy into clear, realistic strategies, plans and actions for implementation. This will, of course, require wide stakeholder participation and engagements beyond government ministries and agencies if we are to successfully achieve the status of a ‘green’ state. Your continued involvement and participation throughout the process is demonstrative evidence of this commitment by all of you. Climate mitigation actions require strong leadership of the private sector beyond management of your own climate exposure. This can be done, of course, through climate proofing, private sector investments towards providing solutions through emerging business opportunities and helping others to reduce their climate risks and supporting Government‘s mitigation policies,” Minister Harmon said. The Minister of State noted that seminars and activities such as these also underscore the need for the involvement of all the Government ministries, particularly the Ministry of Business which now has to be more integrally involved in the climate change discourse nationally. “Previously, it was felt that only some government ministries or agencies were involved in this discourse and, therefore, the full responsibility for widening it fell on them, but we are broadening it now and we are going to ensure that the Ministry of Business becomes more integrally involved in this process. As you look forward to the next steps in preparing our NAMAs, I challenge you to be ambitious yet realistic. I challenge you to make innovative recommendations that are transformative mitigation actions, that are not restricted to REDD+ initiatives but rather a cross-sectorial approach within the context of our national capacity and circumstances,” the Minister said. He noted that it is the responsibility of every ‘right thinking’ and responsible Guyanese to do what they can to assist in crafting a nation built on sustainable development. “As the Government, as the private sector, as the facilitators we have to ensure that the NAMAs are embedded in our national development policies and within existing institutional frameworks. This must not be just words, or a statement but a firm commitment on the part of all of us to ensure that these policies are embedded. The development of Guyana is the responsibility of all of us and therefore our attitude to the green economy, our attitude to climate change must reflect that responsibility from all of us,” he said. Ms. Janelle Christian, Head of the Office of Climate Change, which has been playing a central role in these initiatives, in an invited comment, said that the seminar is just the beginning of the work which must be done to formulate the NAMAs. “Over the last two days, we had our first training and capacity building workshop, which is an initial step for preparation of

what is termed Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA), which is a requirement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Convention. NAMAs are valid up to 2020 under the Convention but Guyana, nor any other state in the Caribbean, has not yet prepared NAMAs. So under the regional project, which is funded by the Government of Japan, they hosted this workshop so that Guyana can begin the process,” she said. Ms. Christian noted that discussions centered on what are some of the actions whether through projects, technology or policy that can be implemented to ensure that Guyana mitigates and reduces emissions. “It is timely as it aligns with Government’s efforts and vision for a green economy. One of the critical things that came out is the role the private sector needs to play as they are the drivers of the economy. Government provides more of a coordinating role,” she added. Participants included staff from various ministries, members and staff of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), students and academic staff of the University of Guyana and representatives from various international organisations. MOTP Press Release

Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon




Bahamas PM Accused Of Misleading Public On Megaresort Deal obviously looking after its new found friends (the Chinese).” It was revealed on Tuesday that Baha Mar creditors’ payouts won’t include contractors who worked for China Construction America Bahamas Ltd. (CCA) on the project. A notice Leader of the Free National Movement Dr Hubert Minnis speaks p u b l i s h e d o n Tu e s d a y b y t h e with Nassau Guardian reporter Royston Jones and Our News anchor Dana Smith on Thursday. Photo: Torrell Glinton c o m m i t t e e overseeing claims By Royston Jones Jr. payouts for Baha Mar creditors stated the agreement does not cover the claims of Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter creditors owed by CCA. Prime Minister Perry Christie said in his August 22 NASSAU, Bahamas -- Opposition Free a n n o u n c e m e n t o n t h e a g r e e m e n t National Movement (FNM) leader Dr government signed with the ExportHubert Minnis on Thursday accused The Import Bank of China (CEXIM) that “it is Bahamas government of misleading the hoped that Bahamian employee claims public to have Bahamians believe that all will be settled no later than September 30 contractors who worked on the bankrupt and all other claims will be dealt with on or Baha Mar megaresort project would before December 31, 2016”. CEXIM is receive some, if not all, of the money owed expected to deposit funds in The Bahamas to them, when many contractors will have sometime this month for the payout of no recourse under the government’s claims to creditors and former employees. c u r r e n t s c h e m e . “ T h e C h r i s t i e Minnis said the public has yet to learn of administration has misled the Bahamian t h e d e t a i l s o f t h e a g r e e m e n t t h e public, but that is nothing new,” Minnis government signed with CEXIM, though said. “This demonstrates that... they are Christie has insisted that the government truly not looking after Bahamians. “You could not give more concessions to the must remember that [Baha Mar developer bank than it have to the Atlantis Resort and Sarkis] Izmirlian had presented a package, Casino. Minnis said the contractors and initially, which would have taken care of the developer should have representation the construction and ensured that all Bahamians are paid. “The government is supposed to look after us, Bahamians. “Izmirlian is one of us and he was ensuring that everything was going to be dealt with. “The government did not look after us, meaning Bahamians, Izmirlian, etc. “Instead, the [government] is

on the committee overseeing claims. “Now, should Izmirlian not be a member of that committee knowing what had happened? “And how much money is going to be sent here? And where will the money go? “If it’s going to a bank, which bank? That is important. Is it going to a law firm? “[If so,] which law firm? That is important, especially during an election year. “We need to know those facts.” Minnis also expressed concern that the contractors owed money by CCA may be forced to accept pennies on the dollar. Bahamian Contractors Association (BCA) Leonard Sands suggested on Wednesday that those contractors owed money by CCA will “seek to have their claims settled by arbitration”. One of the conditions of the contract signed among contractors that worked on the project for CCA is that in the event of any need for settlement parties would engage in arbitration rather than litigation, according to Sands. But Sands said he doesn’t doubt contractors will be able to be reimbursed. Minnis suggested that the government is allowing the Bahamian people to be used. “I don’t want to use the real Bahamian terminology to say what he (Christie) is doing to us,” he said. “But Bahamians know what he is doing to us. And this government must definitely go because they are not looking after us. “It is important for us to trace and keep an eye on that money that is being sent here because we need to know, which bank to ensure it is going to a reputable bank or which law firm. That is extremely important.” (Caribbean News Now!)




CARICOM To Host CSME Workshop In Jamaica

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Sept 10, CMC – The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat says it will stage a one-day sensitization workshop on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) in Jamaica on Monday. It said the event for the private

sector will inform the sector how it can maximise benefits under the CSME that allows for the free movement of goods, skills, labour and services across the 15member grouping.The Secretariat said that the CARICOM team will be headed by Assistant Secretary-General for Trade and Economic Integration, Joseph Cox and that funding had been obtained from the London-based Commonwealth Secretariat and the European Development Fund (EDF). “The workshop will cover the current status of the CSME; the CSME as a platform for private sector growth and development;

and an update on the implementation of the CSME in Jamaica,” the Secretariat said, adding that the one-day meeting “ is an opportunity for participants to share their concerns and get clarification on issues regarding the CSME. Following the Private Sector workshop, the Secretariat will also be conducting training for approximately 50 immigration officers on the facilitation of travel procedures under the CSME free movement arrangements. The training will take place on Tuesday, September 1. (Antigua Observer)

International Community Urged To Support Haiti’s Plan To Combat Cholera WASHINGTON, Sept 10, CMC – The international community is urging financial and political support for a medium-term cholera plan recently released in draft form by the Haitian government. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said that the 20162018 plan draws on lessons learnt since the cholera epidemic began in Haiti in 2010. It calls for US$178 million in investments to improve coordination among national and international partners, ensure rapid response to outbreaks, and implement cholera vaccination, water chlorination, and improvements in sanitation, with a focus on areas considered cholera “hot spots.”The plan was presented in draft form last week to representatives of the international community in Haiti and was the focus of a September 8 meeting of the Regional Coalition to Eliminate Cholera i n H i s p a n i o l a , h e l d a t PA H O headquarters here. In addition to PAHO, w h i c h s e r v e s a s t h e c o a l i t i o n ’s secretariat, other members and supporters include the United Nations C h i l d r e n ’s F u n d ( U N I C E F ) , t h e International Federation of Red

Cross/Red Crescent Societies, the World Bank, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Agency for International Development, GHESKIO, Zanmi Lasante, World Vision, and other bilateral agencies and nongovernmental organizations. PAHO pointed to recent epidemiological data that show that 26,799 people were reportedly sickened by cholera in Haiti between January 1 and August 27, 2016, or an average of 788 per week. This number is higher than the weekly averages for 2014 (559 per week) and 2015 (693per week), although significantly lower than the average 6,766 cases per week reported during 2011, according to PAHO. It said the number of reported cholera deaths has dropped from the 3,951 recorded in 2010 to 322 deaths in 2015, and 242 deaths so far in 2016. PAHO said this is partly the result of a decline in the case fatality rate

(deaths as a percentage of all cases) from 2.08 percent in 2010 to 0.9 percent in 2016,“signifying improved access to and quality of treatment.” “Coalition members said the evidence suggests that cholera is likely to remain a significant public health burden for years—or could even worsen—unless Haiti receives sufficient support to effectively fight the disease,” PAHO said. “Haiti still has, after six years of cholera interventions, unacceptably high numbers of ongoing cases of cholera,” said PAHO Deputy Director Isabella Danel. “Unless the number of new cases is dramatically reduced, cholera will continue to be a major disease burden for the people of Haiti.” PAHO said the current draft plan follows a short-term plan that was carried out during 2012-2015 and is part of a 10-year national plan that extends to 2022. Danel said long-term action to improve water and sanitation infrastructure is key, adding that, “until every Haitian has access to clean water and sanitation, the threat of cholera or its reintroduction into the country will not disappear”. (Antigua Observer)




Large Quantity Of Imported Weapons Seized In Haiti PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -At the customs facility in St Marc, Haiti, a search of a truck loaded with used items from Miami resulted in customs officials discovering and seizing a large quantity of weapons, ammunition and various military equipment.

of boots, 50 boxes of 50 units of .38 caliber bullets, four boxes of 1,000 units 9mm bullets, ten boxes of 250 units of 12 caliber bullets, seven holsters, 50 boxes of 50 380 cartridges, two boxes of 250 bullets 12, seven 556 mm caliber chargers, one M14 charger, 12 uniforms (blue pants, black shirt), five tactical vests, one 9 mm Glock pistol BCB2761 and one charger.

According to HaitiLibre, reportedly seized, among other items, were: 150 12gauge shotguns, nine shotguns 12-gauge doublebarrel, five M4 rifles, 15 Faced with this disturbing pairs of handcuffs, ten pairs discovery, Himmler Rebu,

the new secretary of state for public security, went to the scene, saying that, following the seizure, an investigation will commence into the source, recipient and those complicit, both nationally and internationally. He noted that it is not for nothing that 30,000 bullets with automatic weapons were smuggled, a month before the elections in the country. (Caribbean News Now!)

FBI And ATF To Set Up Offices At US Embassy In Jamaica KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), will be setting up offices in Jamaica as part of measures to help fight crime and violence. The offices of both agencies will be located at the US Embassy in Kingston. US ambassador to Jamaica, Luis G. Moreno, made the disclosure at the Jamaica-US Bilateral Relations Forum, held at the regional headquarters of the University of the West Indies on September 7. The Forum focused on a report from the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI) entitled ‘Dialogues between Democracies: The Future of USJamaica Bilateral Relations’. Moreno explained that officers from the agencies will help to train local personnel. He pointed out that over the past year, 16 courses have been

conducted in areas such as forensics, investigating terror networks, investigating cybersecurity crimes and spotting false documents. “Having the FBI means that if there is a federal crime committed here which affects both Jamaica and the United States, I don’t have to wait for the office in Miami for international affairs to send me agents. Once we have an office here full-time, that guy will go out, train people, and will liaise and exchange information,” he explained. The ambassador said the ATF is crucial, as it can trace serial numbers and conduct forensic tests on guns coming through the United States and Central America in the drugs for gun trade. He pointed out that the US has invested and will continue to invest tens of millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours in improving the capabilities of Jamaica’s security forces

and the judiciary. The report from CaPRI focused on areas such as enhancing security; emboldening democratic governance; increasing trade and investment; enabling health and prosperity; endorsing full and equal citizenship; and strengthening the partnership. (Caribbean News Now!)

United States Ambassador to Jamaica, Luis G. Moreno, makes a presentation at the Jamaica-US Bilateral Relations Forum, held at the Regional Headquarters of the University of the West Indies on September 7. The Forum focused on a report from the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI) entitled ‘Dialogues between Democracies: The Future of US-Jamaica Bilateral Relations’. Photo: Rudranath Fraser




Government, Opposition To Meet On FACTA Legislation

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Sept 10, CMC – Government and opposition legislators are to meet here on Monday as the deadline for meeting the September 30 deadline for passing the Foreign Account Tax Compliance ACT ( FAT C A ) . C a r i b b e a n fi n a n c i a l executives have in the past bemoaned what they deem as an uneven playing field in negotiations towards compliance of the controversial law that demands that foreign banks provide information to America’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on any customer deemed a “US person” if they have more than US$50,000. It aims to crack down on tax dodgers who hide hundreds of millions of US dollars in offshore accounts annually in an effort to avoid paying Washington its due. Legislators Friday could not agree on the legislation with opposition legislators indicating that parts of the bill were unconstitutional and places too much power in the hands of the Minister of Finance. Finance Minister Colm Imbert warned that the banking system and the local economy could be adversely affected if the legislation is not passed by September 30. “I hope every person in this House understands. We have to do this. If we do not do this the banking system of Trinidad and Tobago will crash, the economy of Trinidad and Tobago will crash. “If we don’t pass this legislation, time will run out on us. We are coming now to the Parliament to see

if we can get the necessary support from the Opposition to ensure that Trinidad and To b a g o d o e s n o t become a pariah state in terms of the global financial community,” he warned. The legislation required a special two-thirds majority for its passage and Imbert said the Bill was part of a global trend towards informationsharing and transparency. “We are not fighting anybody. We h a v e c o m e h e r e t o a s k f o r cooperation and support. We are not playing politics here.” Imbert said, warning that failure to pass the measure by the deadline would result in every single transfer of funds from Trinidad and Tobago to the United States, including to buy basic goods, engage in trade, and buy medicine, would be subject to an automatic 30 per cent deduction by US banks for IRS purposes. “I am very well aware that members opposite received this legislation at short notice. However…they were familiar with this matter for five years and now six years and three months,” Imbert said. But Opposition Leader Kamla PersadBissessar said the opposition was not prepared to “buy cat in bag” and could not support the bill in its current form. She described the legislation as “overreaching” noting that while the bill follows the same model as that used in Barbados, The Bahamas and several other countries in the region it differs in those provisions that give it an overreaching effect. She said one of these provisions would be of concern to citizens who have foreign bank accounts or own property abroad, which are many, and there are provisions that

would have to be enforced by breaching the Constitution. The Opposition Leader said she had also noted with concern a “complete override” of the secrecy provisions of any statutes, but it was not clear which laws would be subjected. She said that this must be made clear, adding that secrecy provisions existed in a number of places, including in the books that govern the Strategic Services Agency (SSA). The former prime minister also asked whether the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) had been properly consulted, as she did not see that facility being ready to cope with the demands of the legislation. But acting Attorney General Stuart Young produced what he termed as documentary evidence to show that the former People’s Partnership (PP) government, which Persad Bissessar headed until September last year, had failed to ensure Trinidad and Tobago was FACTA complaint. Young quoted from a Cabinet Note dated May 23, 2013, indicating that the then government was aware that FATCA, “became law on March 18, 2010. “The then government… led by the then Member for Siparia …were aware of the obligations and the international obligations that had to be fulfilled by Trinidad and Tobago,” he said, adding that it was interesting that in May 2013, Persad-Bissessar’s Cabinet considered the matter and “the implications for the failure to subscribe to this legislation and to execute the agreement that was only executed a few weeks ago in August by this administration”. Young said that the legislation will have no effect on Trinidad and Tobago nationals, unless they are resident in the United States and have an obligation to pay tax in the US. Parliament will resume on Wednesday to further discuss the bill. (Antigua Observer)




Licks For Hart, Garcia, Udecott how the project was handled.

Finance Minister Colm Imbert, left, chats with Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and her Opposition colleagues during yesterday’s sitting of Parliament. In photo, from left, is Barry Padarath, Persad-Bissessar, David Lee, Prakash Ramadhar and Fazal Karim. Photo: NICOLE DRAYTON

Former Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (Udecott) executive chairman Calder Hart and Noel Garcia, the current chairman of the State-owned company, should both be held “accountable and liable for the losses” incurred with the Las Alturas housing project in Morvant. The recommendation was made in the report of the Commission of Enquiry into the entire process which led to the construction of the Las Alturas Towers at Lady Young Gardens in Morvant. The report was handed over to President Anthony Carmona by commission chairman Mustapha Ibrahim earlier this week and laid in Parliament yesterday. According to the report, the commission stated, “There is no ground from which we can advise that criminal proceedings ought to be brought against anyone.” However, the commission recommended that civil liability action be taken against Hart, Garcia, Udecott and the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) for negligence in

for the project,” it stated. The report said Hart should therefore be held accountable and liable for the losses sustained in the execution of the project. The HDC also built in areas “clearly unsuitable for development.” Two of the buildings were constructed on a site that was “unfit for building” and the buildings were therefore “unfit for human habitation” and as a result were recommended to be demolished, it noted.

Garcia, who became the Udecott chairman following the People’s National Movement’s ascension to Government in September last year, was the HDC managing director during the construction of the Las Alturas project. The commission said the manner in which the land for the project was acquired “indicated gross carelessness and or negligence on the part of Udecott”. “Certainly it was not in conformity with the obligations of a The report also said Garcia gave a “very pathetic display in the witness box” at prudent purchaser,” the report said. the enquiry. “Several decisions taken by The board of both Udecott and the HDC him or in which he participated leave “were in breach of the statutory duty much to be desired. His evidence was imposed upon them as directors to very unsatisfactory in many respects and exercise due care and diligence in the decisions made by him showed lack of performance of their functions as it proper guidance and leadership which related to the purchase of the site in 2002 was required to oversee the project. and the continuation of the project by the H D C a f t e r 2 0 0 6 , w i t h o u t fi r s t He, too, should be held accountable and undertaking proper geo-technical liable for the losses sustained by the investigations,” the report added. Both HDC when he was its managing entities also failed to put in place proper director,” the report stated. Project’s mechanisms which would have ensured history The Las Alturas project was timely disclosure and accountability to started under the Patrick Manning-led PNM administration and completed the State, the report noted. when current Prime Minister Dr Keith “Udecott, in purchasing the land for Rowley was housing minister. Speaking development of low-cost housing units, at the post-Cabinet press conference on created a situation where it is clear that Thursday, Rowley said the enquiry had the land was generally unsuitable for so far cost $24.5 million. that purpose. They therefore should be held accountable and liable for the losses The enquiry was appointed by President sustained thereby,” the report stated. Carmona in December 2014, after the Hart, who failed to show up to testify f o r m e r P e o p l e ’ s P a r t n e r s h i p before the commission, was described as a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a g r e e d t o i t s the “mind and the management” of establishment in September 2014. Two Udecott with respect to the project. “He high-rise buildings in project “H” and failed to do that which a prudent buyer “I” were deemed unsafe for human would have done in the purchase of the habitation and ordered demolished. Hart and the China Jiangsu International land. He was required to do an inspection of Corporation refused to appear before the the land before the purchase and if he enquiry. Ibrahim said the housing had done that he would have seen all the project cost almost $80 million. facts that operate against its suitability (Trinidad Guardian)




New UN-Supported Water Supply System Inaugurated In Haiti Stabilization Mission in Haiti ( M I N U S TA H ) , Pierre Ubalijoro, said in a recent news release. “The task is great but the UN system w ill continue to support the Haitian government and the Central Department to strengthen the system of supply of One of seven drinking water kiosks for residents of drinking water,” he Madame Cyr, Haiti. Photo: Frederic Fath/MINUSTAH added. According to the UN Department PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- As part of of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), its quick impact projects, the United Nations mission Haiti has inaugurated a quick impact projects (QIPs) are smallnew water supply system that is scale, low-cost projects that are planned expected to provide for more than and implemented within a short 13,800 people – more than half of whom timeframe. Different actors beyond are women – in parts of the country’s peacekeeping also fund or implement Central Department (Département du QIPs with varying objectives. MINUSTAH has undertaken Centre), the mission said on Thursday. Q I P s t o s u p p o r t t h e c o u n t r y ’s “We are aware that this is not enough and that there is still much to do,” the government in implementing projects to Chief of Civil Affairs of the UN combat water-borne diseases, such as

diarrhea, typhoid fever and cholera. Built at a cost of $95,000 – 95 percent of which was funded by MINUSTAH – this latest project is centred on Nan Pwa, Madame-Cyr and nearby localities. It is expected to help ensure that need for clean water for drinking, cooking and hygiene is met even during rainy seasons, during which the usual sources of water are contaminated by sedimentary sludge. Some 250 local residents were also provided with temporary jobs during the construction of the system. The water system, which includes some 5.5 kilometres of pipes and seven water distribution points, is also expected to alleviate the burden on the local population of having to travel long distances to fetch safe water. The project has now been handed over to the country’s national agency for water supply and sanitation, called the Direction nationale de l’eau potable et de l’assainissement, which will look after the running of the system, providing services to the population and the plant’s maintenance. (Caribbean News Now!)




St Lucia Discusses Transition Of Public Vehicles To Electric And Hybrid development of national energy efficient and renewable energy technologies. Countries that have benefited from the project to date include Dominica and Saint Lucia, for which final energy profiles were developed, and Martinique, for which a draft was prepared, which identified potential sources of financing for EE and RE projects. ECLAC Caribbean also held meetings to introduce the project to stakeholders in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Guyana and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Willard Phillips, ECLAC Caribbean Economic Affairs Officer, delivers an evaluation of the GIZ project report on 8 September 2016 PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The was jointly convened by ECLAC financing proposal for a plan to Caribbean and GIZ to assess the impact introduce electric and hybrid vehicles in of this project, implemented from 1 July the public service of Saint Lucia was 2014 to 30 September 2016. discussed during a high-level meeting encouraging regional coherence and h o s t e d b y t h e G e r m a n F e d e r a l joint projects, and in this regard noted Enterprise for International Cooperation that “we are more efficient if we (GIZ) in partnership with ECLAC collaborate regionally”. This sentiment Caribbean, in Port of Spain, Trinidad, on was shared by the GIZ Caribbean 8 September 2016. This represents a representative, Glynn Morris, who major step in the government of Saint stated the importance of future Lucia’s proposal for transitioning its collaborations stemming from the fleet of official vehicles from petrol to successful outcome of the project, and in electric and hybrid, as well as the doing so highlighted that “every development of a solar car park with decision is an energy decision, and there electric vehicle charging infrastructure. are many opportunities to build on the This innovative initiative was proposed foundations of this project”. Speaking by the government of Saint Lucia in the on behalf of ECLAC, Willard Phillips, c o n t e x t o f t h e p r o j e c t e n t i t l e d economic affairs officer, expressed his “Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean: gratitude to GIZ, and regional and Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the national stakeholders for their support in Caribbean through the Promotion of developing and implementing the Energy Efficiency (EE) and the Use of project. Renewable Energy (RE) Technologies”, The project also seeks to enhance the which seeks to strengthen the capacity policy framework for the sustainable of Caribbean countries in the areas of development of the energy sector, and energy efficiency and renewable energy. support participating countries in The high-level meeting in Port of Spain identifying financing options for the

The project’s success can be marked by the increased knowledge of policymakers and technical experts at the national and regional levels, who are now able to develop new and innovative mechanisms for financing projects in EE and RE, thus strengthening Caribbean mechanisms for the promotion of energy efficiency. This evaluation meeting comes on the heels of a training workshop held in May 2016 in Trinidad and Tobago, which provided a forum for stakeholders to share policy experiences, and undertake preliminary training for senior technicians on feasibility analysis for energy projects in the Caribbean. (Caribbean News Now!)



Buy8pc sChi c k enandget a 2L i t r eBus t aAbs ol ut el yF r ee F l av orof Y ourChoi c e





Strong 6.1 Quake Shakes Northern Peru LIMA, Peru (AFP) — A strong earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck the jungle region of northern Peru on Saturday, authorities said, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The epicentre was 54 kilometres (34 miles) north-east of the city of New Cajamarca, striking at a depth of 146 kilometres at 5:08 am (1008 GMT), according to the Geophysical Institute of Peru."The earthquake was strong; no damage in Nueva Cajamarca has been reported," civil defence authorities said in a statement. The US Geological Survey (USGS) measured the earthquake at magnitude 6.0. N u e v a Cajamarca is a city of 45,000 people located on the eastern slope of the

Andes, where the mountain range meets the Amazon rainforest. Peru lies on the so-called "Ring of Fire" — an arc of fault lines that circles the Pacific Basin and is prone to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The South American country records about 200 earthquakes a year, most of them going unnoticed by the public. The last deadly earthquake in Peru was on August 14, when a magnitude 5.3 temblor struck in the country's south at a shallow depth of eight kilometres below the Earth's surface. Four people, including a United States tourist, were killed. (Jamaica Observer)

The Combination Of Crude Adopted By PDVSA The light crude is obtained by means of supply contracts, signed with companies interested in commercializing the hydrocarbons produced by PDVSA. This strategy is put into practice in which oil companies are experiencing a complicated situation in the economic realm .This was possible after the African crude that used ‘feed’ the refineries in the Gulf of Mexico, was relocated due to the increasing production of light crude in the United States. Giving the opportunity for oil companies to acquire this type of crude in a most favorable condition. Since the end of June 2014, oil prices have been experiencing a fall in more than the 70%, in accordance to the overproduction of shale oil by the United States, overproduction that is affecting the market equilibrium and Workers of The Venezuelan state-owned relationships between the oil and natural gas Company, PDVSA. countries that produce and

The Venezuelan state-owned oil and natural gas Company, PDVSA has displayed a strategy to combine crude with the purpose to maintain the profitability in the oil refineries of Curazao and Aruba, in a period marked by the lowest oil prices registered in the international market, in 40 years. According to the Venezuelan newspaper Ultimas Noticias, the combination will be made with lighter crudes utilized to treat heavy and extra-heavy crude oil.

consume large quantities of energy. S o u r c e : cias/economia/pdvsa-mantiene-opera...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Georgetown Art Center Georgetown Heritage Society and Georgetown Art Works host a twice-yearly PAGE 146


series of plein air events raising awareness of the arts and promoting historic preservation. The fall event will focus on the mid-century aspect of old town. Artists are asked to consider the characteristics of the 1950’s and incorporate those details into their work. The theme was chosen to lead into the Georgetown Heritage Society’s annual Holiday Home Tour which will feature homes of this era. The event is non-competitive; work is neither juried nor judged. Art created during the event as well as other plein air pieces capturing historic Georgetown will be on display and for sale Sept 26-30th; 15pm each day at the Grace Heritage Center, 811 S. Main Street, downtown Georgetown. All proceeds go to the artist.

University of Guyana

Preventing suicide in Guyana has become an urgent task. The high rates that our country presents in the last decades has raised red flags, and actions are being taken. Simple initiatives that could save the lives of hundreds. Steps towards the right direction indeed. The Tenth Vice president Chancellor of the University of Guyana Professor Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith cordially invites the interested to ‘Turkeyen & Jain Talks 2’. Event in which the distinguished panel will address the topics of Suicide Prevention and Mental Health. This one will take place at University of Guyana Train Campus, located at Duke Lodge, Duke St. Kingston. Georgetown. From Monday September 12. Starting from the 18:00 to the 20:00hrs. S o u r c e :

IFRS ISA Workshop 2016 About the presenter: Mr. Nagin Lad has a BA (Hons) degree in Accounting from the University of Kent and an MSc in Accounting and Finance from De Montfort University. Nagin is also a member of the Association of Accounting Technicians (MAAT) and a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and an educator member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). Since 2003 Nagin has been a member of ACCA’s audit technical committee now called the ACCA Audit and Assurance Global Forum. He also teaches on a part-time basis at De Montfort University on Financial Accounting, Business Taxation, Audit and Assurance and International Accounting and Finance Developments and is the programme leader for ACCA courses.




Guyana Energy Agency If you are in forms 1 through 6, the Guyana Energy Agency is providing you with the opportunity to participate in the 'My Green School' video competition! Parents, encourage your kids to take part in a competition that aids both their school and the environment!

Paper Flower Workshop Hats Off will be hosting its very first Paper Flower Workshop! Paper Flowers have become a popular trend for numerous events such as Weddings, Birthday Parties, Dinners, Corporate Events and so much more... In this class you will learn how to create a variety of Paper Flowers and Rosettes. Come join us for a fun filled session of crafting and learning a new skill that can MAKE you lots of money or in some cases SAVE it! G E T R E G I S T E R E D T O D AY ! ! Deadline for registration is September 20, 2016 DATE: Saturday, September 24, 2016 TIME: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. LOCATION: Buttercup Day Care, Lot 56 Pere and William Streets Kitty COST: $5,000 CONTACT: 651-4221 or via inbox All materials included. $5,000 per 2 hour session. 816251384519/




HEALTH TIP Skin abscess A skin abscess, also called a boil, is a bump that appears within or below the skin's surface. This bump is usually full of pus or translucent fluid, and it's typically due to a bacterial infection. A skin abscess may appear on any part of the body. However, abscesses most commonly develop on the back, face, chest, or buttocks. Skin abscesses can also appear in areas of hair growth, such as the underarms or groin. Sometimes, skin abscesses are more difficult to treat and may require laceration or drainage. There are cases in which an abscess can lead to serious, potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated. Symptoms An abscess often appears as a bump on the skin, similar to a pimple. However, it can grow over time and resemble a cyst filled with fluid. Depending on the cause of the abscess, other symptoms may also be present. These symptoms may include: · fever · nausea · chills · swelling · lesions on the skin · inflamed skin · fluid drainage from the abscess The area around the abscess may also feel painful and warm to the touch. Common Causes of a Skin Abscess Staphylococcus is the most common bacterial cause of skin abscesses. A skin abscess can be the result of a bacterial infection that occurs when Staphylococcus aureus bacteria enter the body through a hair follicle or through a wound or injury that has punctured or broken the skin. Diagnosing an Abscess According to Skincare Clinic, one small boil isn't usually a cause for concern. You can often treat these abscesses at home. However, if you have a boil and any of the following apply to you, see your doctor as soon as possible: The doctor will review your medical history and perform a physical examination to visually inspect the abscess. A complete physical examination allows the doctor to tell if an injury or ingrown hair is the cause of the abscess. The doctor may also take a culture or a small amount of fluid from the abscess to test for the presence of bacteria. No other testing methods are necessary to diagnose an abscess. However, if you've had reoccurring skin abscesses and the doctor feels that an underlying medical condition may be the cause, they may take a blood or urine sample. Complications of a Skin Abscess In some cases, an abscess may cause serious complications. These may include: · the spread of the infection, potentially to the brain or spinal cord · blood poisoning, or sepsis · endocarditis, which is an infection of the inner lining of the heart · the development of new abscesses

· tissue death in the area of the abscess, such as gangrene · an acute bone infection, or osteomyelitis Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is another potential complication. MRSA is a drug-resistant strain of the bacteria that commonly cause skin abscesses. While there are alternative antibiotics to treat this strain, they don't always work. How to Treat a Skin Abscess Home-Treatment Options You can usually treat a skin abscess applying heat to the abscess can help the abscess shrink and drain. The most useful way of applying heat is to put a warm compress on the abscess. You can make a warm compress by running warm water on a face towel and folding it before placing it on the abscess. Drainage See your doctor if the abscess is stubborn. They may want to drain it. To drain the abscess, the doctor will apply numbing medications and will then cut the abscess open to allow the fluid to come out. After the abscess drains, the doctor will pack the wound with surgical material. This helps it to heal and prevents the abscess from reoccurring. After the procedure is over, the doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics to prevent the wound from becoming infected. How to Prevent a Skin Abscess You may not always be able to prevent a skin abscess. However, there are ways to minimize your chance of acquiring the staph infection that commonly leads to an abscess. To minimize your risk of a staph infection: · Wash your hands regularly. · Clean all cuts and scrapes, even small ones, with soap and water and apply an over-the-counter antibacterial ointment. · Keep your cuts and wounds bandaged. It's also best not to share personal items, such as towels, sheets, razors, athletic equipment, makeup, and clothing. If you do have a cut or sore, wash your bedding and towels in hot water, detergent, and bleach regularly and dry them on the hot setting.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Syria Conflict: US-Russia Brokered Truce Gains Cautious Welcome PAGE 149

Turkey and the EU have welcomed a nationwide truce for Syria brokered by the US and Russia but have warned that further action is needed. Turkey said humanitarian aid must be delivered from the start under the deal, which is due to begin on Monday. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini urged the UN to prepare for a "political transition" in Syria. The deal provides for a 10-day ceasefire followed by coordinated air strikes against jihadist militants. A spokeswoman for Syria's opposition said the plan provided some hope but more details were needed about how it would be enforced. There has been no official reaction from Iran which, like Russia, is allied to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The conflict in Syria, which began with an uprising against Mr Assad, has raged for five years and claimed the lives of more than a quarter of a million people. Millions have fled abroad, many of them seeking asylum in the EU, but nearly 18 million people remain in Syria, which has been carved up by fighting between government and rebel forces. New fighting was reported on Saturday: An air strike on a busy market in rebel-held Idlib, in the north-west, killed at least 20 people Rocket attacks on government-held areas of the eastern city of Deir alZour by so-called Islamic State (IS) killed at least seven people, Syrian state media say Reports spoke of air strikes by Syrian or Russian jets on the towns of Anadan and Hreitan near Aleppo Getting a deal was an achievement, given the sour atmosphere between Moscow and Washington. It offers some fragile hope about stopping the slaughter. But there is scepticism about its chances. That is because a lot is going to have to go right, quite quickly, if the agreement is to work. One necessity is President Assad's consent. A weeklong ceasefire might be possible, but a political deal to end the war is still out of sight. The Assad regime's survival depends on the Russians, so he will listen to them. But with Russia's help, the Assad regime is looking more robust. So it is hard to see why the president, or his Russian allies, would want him to go. The war in Syria is made up of layers of conflict, which connect up to regional and global rivalries. That makes it very hard to calm, let alone end. The truce is due to take hold at sunset on Monday, at the start of the


Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. Under the plan, Syrian government forces will end combat missions in specified opposition-held areas. In an unexpected development, Russia and the US will then establish a joint centre to combat jihadist groups. These include IS but also Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, the group known until recently as the Nusra Front, when it was allied to al-Qaeda. The deal was reached in Geneva, Switzerland, between US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov. Mr Lavrov said only the Russian and US air forces would operate in areas designated for co-ordinated strikes but added that the Syrian air force could operate in other areas. Welcoming the deal, Turkey, which launched its first major military incursion into Syria last month, said it was essential to halt fighting across Syria and deliver humanitarian aid to those in need "from the first day". "The agreement... is very welcome," said Ms Mogherini, stressing that a UN proposal for a political transition would be "the starting point for resumption of the intra-Syrian talks". Previous diplomatic initiatives have foundered on President Assad's refusal to give up power. If the truce holds... Jihadist groups like so-called Islamic State and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as Nusra Front) face the joint might of the Russian and US air forces Moderate rebels and civilians in the areas they hold will no longer face the threat of indiscriminate air strikes such as barrelbombing although the Syrian air force will not be grounded completely; aid deliveries will be allowed to areas currently under siege President Assad will be in a stronger position as the US and Russia engage two of his most effective military opponents while moderate rebels observe the truce with his forces (BBC)




US Election: Clinton Calls Half Of Austria Presidential Election: Faulty Trump Supporters 'Deplorables’ Glue Likely To Delay Vote Re-run US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has called half of Donald Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorables". Speaking at a fundraiser, she said they were "racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic - you name it". She then went on to say the rest of the Republican nominee's supporters were "just desperate for change". Mr Trump said the comments were "insulting" to "millions of amazing, hard working people". In a tweet, he added: "I think it will cost her at the polls!" Polls released earlier this week suggest Mr Trump is gaining on Mrs Clinton, and the rivals are neck-andneck in the key battleground states of Ohio and Florida. In other developments: Donald Trump said he would order an attack on Iranian boats if they approached US Navy ships. He appeared to be referring to a number of encounters between US and Iranian naval vessels in the Persian Gulf. Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence has published his tax returns, putting pressure on Mr Trump to do the same The Clinton Presidential Library has released photos of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump from 2000 - when the families were on much friendlier terms Alt-Right group Mrs Clinton's comments about her opponent's supporters were made at an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) fundraiser in New York. "To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables'. Unfortunately there are people like that, and he has lifted them up," she said. But she said the other half of his supporters were individuals who felt let down by the economy and government and were desperate for change. "They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. Those are people we have to understand and empathise with as well." Her campaign manager tweeted to say the "deplorables" she referred to were the Alt-Right - a far right, mainly online, group who critics accuse of being bigoted white nationalists. Singer Barbara Streisand performed at the fundraiser, with a version of Stephen Sondheim's song Send in the Clowns, parodying Mr Trump. (BBC)

Hillary Clinton was speaking at an LGBT fundraiser in New York(GETTY IMAGES)

A re-run of Austria's presidential election looks set to be postponed on technical grounds - because the glue will not stick on postal vote forms. The two candidates - Alexander Van der Bellen and Norbert Hofer - have both said they do not expect the election to be held on 2 October date as planned. Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka will make an announcement on Monday. A re-run of May's vote was ordered after Mr Hofer's far-right Freedom Party challenged the result. He narrowly lost to Mr Van der Bellen, the former Green Party leader. Mr Van der Bellen told a news conference on Saturday that he was braced for a postponement. "I hope that [the election] can still take place this year," he said. A number of postal voters have complained in recent days that the glue on their ballot forms was not working properly, making the seals insecure, Die Presse reports. Mr Sobotka said on Friday that it was unlikely the problems could be resolved in time for the 2 October date, and said he would make a further announcement on Monday, fuelling speculation he will announce a postponement. Die Presse cites government officials as saying a number of different dates, from November to January, are being considered. Vying to lead Austria Norbert Hofer Age: 45 Background: Aeronautical engineer Politics: Far-right Freedom Party Campaign soundbite: "To those in Austria who go to war for the Islamic State or rape women - I say to those people: 'This is not your home'." Alexander Van der Bellen Age: 72 Background: Economics professor Politics: Former Green Party leader Campaign soundbite: “I've experienced how Austria rose from the ruins of World War Two, caused by the madness of nationalism." What powers does the Austrian president have? It is a mostly ceremonial post. But the president does have the power to dissolve the National Council - the more powerful lower house of parliament. That triggers a general election. The president can only do that once for a particular reason - he cannot use the same grounds to dissolve it again. It is the chancellor's job to appoint government ministers. And the chancellor has the power to dismiss the government. But ministers have to be formally sworn in by the president. (BBC)

Alexander Van der Bellen (L) beat Norbert Hofer (R) by only 30,863 votes in the May vote(EPA)



Bangladesh Factory Fire: At Least 23 Killed In Tongi At least 23 people have been killed in a huge fire that broke out at a packaging factory in Bangladesh. A further 70 people are reported to have been injured in the blaze at an industrial complex in Tongi, north of the capital Dhaka. Police said about 100 people were in the four-storey building at the time, including machine operators and guards. The blast was caused by an explosion in the boiler room, at the start of the working day, officials say. Firefighters are struggling to bring the blaze under control. Local fire and civil defence chief Anis Ahamed said 20 fire trucks had worked to extinguish the fire. Relatives have been gathering outside the local hospital for news. One man, Wridoy Barua, said he was looking for his brother. "I haven't heard from him since this morning. There is no news of him." Low-cost manufacturing is a mainstay of Bangladesh's economy, but a series of industrial disasters in recent years have raised concerns about safety standards, the BBC's South Asia Editor Jill McGivering reports. Tighter controls have been introduced, but dozens of workers still die every year, she notes. At least 13 people died in a fire at a plastics factory Dhaka last year. In 2012, 112 workers died in a fire at a factory just outside the capital. The country suffered an even greater tragedy in 2013 when the Rana Plaza garment complex collapsed on the outskirts of Dhaka, killing 1,135 people. (BBC)


Mr Reagan was shot in the lung, but recovered. His press secretary James Brady was shot in the head, suffered brain damage and used a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Mr Brady's death in 2014 at the age of 73 was ruled to be a homicide, but no further charges against Hinckley were brought. Two law enforcement officers suffered less serious injuries in the shooting. US District Judge Paul Friedman's judgement points to medical assessments which showed that Mr Hinckley had had "no symptoms of active mental illness" since 1983. He had shot the president in an apparent bid to impress the actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had an obsession and whom he had subjected to what would now be termed stalking. John Hinckley Jr's psychiatric history The court order and opinion available on the website of the US District Court for the District of Columbia spell out the terms of Mr Hinckley's release, and detail his psychiatric history and treatment: He was diagnosed with acute psychosis, major depression and narcissistic personality disorder He has been in "full, stable and sustained remission" from the first two diagnoses for more than two decades, the court concluded The hospital believes further inpatient treatment is "not appropriate therapeutically" for Mr Hinckley's condition He is banned from contacting any of his victims, or their descendants, and Jodie Foster and her family He and his family are prohibited from talking to the media (BBC)

John Hinckley Jr was found not guilty due to his psychiatric problems (file photo from 2003)(AP)

Police estimate 100 people were working in the four-storey building at the time

John Hinckley Jr, Reagan's Would-Be Assassin, To Be Freed On Saturday John Hinckley Jr, the man who tried to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan, is to be released from a psychiatric hospital after 35 years on Saturday. Mr Reagan and three others were injured in the shooting outside a hotel in Washington in March 1981. Mr Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity but was sent for treatment to a Washington hospital. In July, a judge ruled that Mr Hinckley, now 61, was not a danger to himself or the public. Mr Hinckley had already been spending 17 days a month at his mother's home in Virginia under strict conditions. As part of his release he will: be banned from speaking to the press; have to work three days a week; be allowed to drive no more than 30 miles (48km) from his mother's home, or 50 miles if accompanied; see a psychiatrist two times a month The shooting, just weeks into Ronald Reagan's presidency, shocked the world.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Giulio Regeni: Egypt Says It Investigated Murdered Student PAGE 152

Egyptian police investigated Italian student Giulio Regeni shortly before his abduction, torture and murder, Egyptian and Italian prosecutors say. But the inquiry was dropped after concluding he posed no threat, the prosecutors add. It is the first official Egyptian acknowledgement that Regeni was being monitored by the security services, correspondents say. His body, showing signs of torture, was found dumped near Cairo on 3 February. The 28-year-old Cambridge University student had been researching trade unions, a politically sensitive subject in Egypt, when he went missing in Cairo on 25 January. No-one has been arrested over Regeni's death although in March Egyptian authorities said they had found a criminal gang responsible for his kidnapping and murder. All the gang members were killed in a shoot-out, they said. The reports have been branded "implausible" by academics who have criticised the Egyptian authorities. "Police probed [Regeni's] activities for three days before concluding that his activities were of no concern to national security, and based on that [conclusion] dropped the investigation," a joint statement signed by Egyptian and Italian prosecutors said on Friday. The statement said Egypt's prosecution service was still investigating the gang's links to Regeni's abduction. Egyptian and Italian prosecutors are also trying to retrieve footage from CCTV cameras from a metro station Regeni is believed to have entered before being abducted. The process of retrieving the deleted footage is expensive and Egypt ha asked Italy to help, Egyptian officials said. They also accused Italian prosecutors of "unconstitutionally" demanding


thousands of phone records which Egypt has refused to hand over. Police initially suggested Regeni had been killed in a road accident, and have since offered little information on the progress of their investigation. An Italian autopsy revealed that his body was covered with cuts and had numerous broken bones, suggesting he had been struck with "fists, batons and hammers". A letter "X" in addition was carved on his forehead and hand, according to Italian media. Regeni's parents Paola and Claudio have joined calls for the Egyptian authorities to co-operate more fully with the Italian government. In April, the UK Foreign Office condemned "the brutal manner of [Giulio Regeni's] killing" and admitted it was "disappointed by the limited progress made in the case". (BBC)

This poster was put online in the days after Giulio Regeni went missing(AP)

'Suicidal Driver' Cause Of Samia Shahid: Bail Denied Deadly Taiwan Bus Crash In 'Honour Killing' Case A suicidal driver was the cause of a bus crash in Taiwan that killed 26 people in July, investigators say. Officials had previously believed the crash, in which an entire Chinese tour group died, was caused by mechanical failure. But an investigation has found that the driver, Su Ming-cheng, was drunk and had been planning to kill himself. He was already being investigated for scuffling with a tour guide and sexually assaulting an unnamed victim. In both cases, officials alleged he was intoxicated, and prosecutors said the lawsuits had left Mr Su "depressed". Minutes before the crash, investigators said, the driver poured fuel inside the bus and started a fire with a lighter. He then swerved into a roadside barrier on a national highway in the city of Taoyuan, killing himself, a local guide and 24 tourists who were headed to the airport. An emergency exit was also locked, trapping people as they tried to escape. Text messages from Mr Su's relatives showed they pleaded with him not to take his own life. "Don't you love the three children in your family? Don't let them be ashamed. If you do this, it will bring shame to us all," a message from his sister read, according to a transcript published by Agence France-Presse. He had been briefly suspended in May by his employer for fighting with another tour guide, officials added. The incident led Beijing to demand Taiwan do more to ensure the safety of mainland Chinese tourists. (BBC)

Bus was carrying 24 Chinese tourists and a tour guide(AP)

A judge in Pakistan has dismissed an application for bail from the father of Samia Shahid, who was allegedly killed in a so-called "honour killing". Her former husband, Chaudhry Muhammad Shakeel, is accused of murder and is reported to have confessed to strangling her with her scarf. Chaudhry Muhammad Shahid, her father, is being held as an accessory to her murder. A lawyer for Samia's father said he intended to lodge an immediate appeal. 'Heart attack' claim At a hearing in the Punjab city of Jhelum, Samia's uncle and the policeman who headed the original investigation were granted bail. They were being held on suspicion of falsifying and withholding evidence in the case. Both men will be released subject to the payment of bonds. Speaking after the hearing, Mian Muhammad Arif, the lawyer acting for Samia's father, said he would take the appeal to a higher court in Rawalpindi. He said the prosecution had failed to come up with any evidence, and was basing its case on presumptions. Ms Shahid, 28, from Bradford, died in July in northern Punjab. She had been visiting family in the village of Pandori when she died, and her relatives initially said she had suffered a heart attack. Her second husband, Syed Mukhtar Kazim, believes she was the victim of a socalled honour killing as her family did not approve of their marriage. A post-mortem examination confirmed she died as a result o f b e i n g strangled. (BBC) Samia Shahid, from Bradford, died while visiting relatives in Pandori in northern Punjab(FAMILY PHOTO)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Saudi Arabia Hajj: Millions Begin Annual Pilgrimage PAGE 153

About 1.5 million Muslims have begun the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, unperturbed by a 2015 stampede which killed more than 2,000 people. The pilgrims face new safety measures, including tighter security and ID bracelets, in a bid to prevent a repeat of last year's disaster. But tens of thousands of Shia Iranians are absent because of long-running tensions with Sunni Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage is among the largest religious gatherings in the world. Following preliminary rituals at the Grand Mosque in Mecca earlier this week, the pilgrims will on Saturday make their way by bus, train or on foot in soaring temperatures of 40C to Mina, about 5km (three miles) to the east. They are making the same journey as the Prophet Muhammad did about 1,400 years ago. Saturday is the first day of the Hajj and is traditionally the time when pilgrims will water their animals and replenish water supplies. On Sunday they will travel to Mount Arafat, several kilometres away, for what will be the main part of the pilgrimage. A vast expanse of white fireproof tents has been pitched at Mina, to accommodate in excess of 2.5 million pilgrims. The stampede in Mina last September is considered to be the worst disaster in Hajj history. It took place as pilgrims - many of them Iranians - were going to the Jamarat Bridge for a stoning ritual. The ritual will start on Monday this year, officials say. Saudi Arabia has consistently downplayed the number of casualties. It has announced an investigation but no conclusions have been released. Iran is not sending any pilgrims this year, after it and Saudi Arabia failed to reach agreement over Hajj arrangements amid a diplomatic row. Iran


believes the Saudis are not doing enough to secure the safety of the pilgrims, while the Saudis accuse Iran of making unreasonable demands. The two countries do not have diplomatic relations and are at loggerheads over a series of regional issues including the conflicts in Yemen and Syria. The BBC's Sally Nabil in Saudi Arabia says that security measures this year are tight, with teams of officers organising the swelling crowds and trying to prevent chaos. In the event of another crush, electronic bracelets, have been issued to all pilgrims so that they can quickly be identified. (BBC)

Pilgrims this year face tougher security measures with the host nation introducing measures for them to be identified more speedily(EPA)

World War II Torpedo Blown Up Off Isle Of Wight A World War II torpedo has been blown up in the sea off the ahead of being put into service in 2020. (BBC) Isle of Wight after it was found by a dredging barge on the seabed in Portsmouth Harbour. The device was discovered by the vessel's underwater cameras in the harbour at about 15:00 BST on Friday. It was towed by a Navy bomb disposal team to a detonation site in the Solent, where a controlled explosion was carried out at 08:45. Following the find, some trains were halted and early ferries were delayed. Wightlink Ferries said services were now back on schedule. The train line between Portsmouth and Southsea and Portsmouth Harbour has also re-opened. Public safety A spokesman for Portsmouth's Queen's Harbour Master said: "We worked very hard to make sure the harbour was not closed. "There were restrictions put in place for public safety and there was a certain amount of disruption to vessels earlier while the torpedo was towed out." Dredging work is being carried out in Portsmouth harbour to allow the the navy's new 65,000-tonne aircraft carriers to dock. Three million cubic metres of sea bed is being removed to deepen and widen a 4 mile (7km) channel. HMS Queen Elizabeth is due to be handed over to the MoD in 2016 The World War II torpedo was towed from Portsmouth Harbour

out to sea and detonated by bomb disposal experts(PA)




A Day Like Today

American Rock Band. Nirvana Nirvana, a legendary rock band created by Kurt Cobain in 1987, released their most successful single ‘Smells like Teen Spirit’ a day like today 1991. This three boys Alternative Rock and Grunge band, started its journey to fame during the mid- 80s. Its first album ‘Bleach’ had a good reception from the audience, but it wasn’t until their second album ‘Nevermind’ was released on 1991, that their caught

the full attention of high profile figures of the music industry. ‘Smells like teen’ spirit was a BOOM on the Billboard charts of the year. The controversial and apparently random lyrics of the song, became the favorite track between the ‘rebel’ teens of Generation X (referred to persons born between the 60s and 80s). The songs critical and commercial success was such that was denominated the ‘Anthem of the Decade’. After ‘Smells like Teen Spirit’ became an international hit, Nirvana experienced a large period of hysterical fame. Their names were no longer incognito. They became the representation of Alternative Rock and Grunge, making both rock genres grow in popularity. The years that followed were characterized with Nirvana’s Evolution. They were often qualified as the boys behind the Revolution of the Rock industry of the decennium. Gaining the admiration of prestigious bands such as the Rolling Stones. But there was trouble in paradise. Kurt Cobain, the face of the group had a history regressive depression and drug abuse. Heroin was in his ‘Health Kit’ as the only substance to help with his chronic stomach pain. “So I decided, if I felt like a junkie, I may as well be one.” He once wrote on his diary. As a tragic turn of events, his body was found at his house in Seattle on April 5 th , 1994, as an apparent suicide. The case is been a topic for controversy for decades. This was the end of 7 precious years for Nirvana. The soul of the band was gone, the group was over, but their music remained. Their originality placed them in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997. ‘Smells like teen Spirit’ is been between the 500 greatest songs of all times In the Rolling Stone Magazine, and ranked as the top 100 greatest guitar songs recorded to date.Is been also certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, due to the million copies shipped since its release, and it keeps scoring. Source: in-history/nirvanassmells-like- teen-spirit- is-released- as-a- single


GUYANA DAILY NEWS World Suicide Prevention Day Today PAGE 155

“This report is a call for action to address a large public health problem which has been shrouded in taboo for far too long”. Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. Suicide occurs all over the world and can take place at almost any age. Globally, suicide rates are highest in people aged 70 years and over. In some countries, however, the highest rates are found among the young. Notably, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29 year-olds globally. “This report is a call for action to address a large public health problem which has been shrouded in taboo for far too long” said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO. Generally, more men die by suicide than women. In richer countries, three times as many men die by suicide than women. Men aged 50 years and over are particularly vulnerable. In low- and middle-income countries, young adults and elderly women have higher rates of suicide than their counterparts in high-income countries. Women over 70 years old are more than twice as likely to die by suicide than women aged 1529 years. Suicides are preventable Reducing access to means of suicide is one way to reduce deaths. Other effective measures include responsible reporting of suicide in the media, such as avoiding language that sensationalizes suicide and avoiding explicit description of methods used, and early identification and management of mental and substance use disorders in communities and by health workers in particular. Follow-up care by health workers through regular contact, including by phone or home visits, for people who have attempted suicide, together with provision of community support, are essential, because people who have already attempted suicide are at the greatest risk of trying again. ...effective measures can be taken, even just starting at local level and on a small- scale”. Dr Alexandra Fleischmann, Scientist in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO “No matter where a country currently stands in suicide prevention”, said Dr Alexandra Fleischmann, Scientist in the Department of Mental Health and


Substance Abuse at WHO, “effective measures can be taken, even just starting at local level and on a small-scale”. WHO recommends countries involve a range of government departments in developing a comprehensive coordinated response. High-level commitment is needed not just within the health sector, but also within education, employment, social welfare and judicial departments. “This report, the first WHO publication of its kind, presents a comprehensive overview of suicide, suicide attempts and successful suicide prevention efforts worldwide. We know what works. Now is the time to act,” said Dr Shekhar Saxena, Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO. The report’s launch comes just a week before World Suicide Prevention Day, observed on 10 September every year. The Day provides an opportunity for joint action to raise awareness about suicide and suicide prevention around the world. Working towards a global target In the WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020, WHO Member States have committed themselves to work towards the global target of reducing the suicide rate in countries by 10% by 2020. WHO’s Mental Health Gap Action Programme, launched in 2008, includes suicide prevention as a priority and provides evidence-based technical guidance to expand service provision in countries. 4/suicide-prevention- report/en/










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