September 14, 2016

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Gov't To Create Platform For Efficient Public Service Prime Minister Moses Nagamotoo speaking to a gathering of officials and participants at a reception hosted by the Canadian High Commissioner on Monday, including visiting and local participants in the Caribbean Leadership Programme, said that government is determined to ensure that Guyana’s public service is efficient and effective in the execution of its mandate and is working with international development partners in this regard. "This new Government, almost from day one has pledged that we would open a public service training college so that public servants can then go back to the drawing board to understand serving the public diligently, consistently of a high standard, and to be dedicated to the morals of the public service, ” he said. The Prime Minister stated that the Government is working for a better public service, by offering public servants opportunities for continuous development and training. “We want to warmly welcome you and ask that you make this endeavor important in your career and that you take away from this conference, those attributes that would help to make our public service not only here in Guyana and the Caribbean but everywhere in the Commonwealth, we believe that the public service delivery and function has to be improved and enhanced and so we want to join this new and continuing effort to build the standards of our public service,” he explained. The Canadian government is funding the implementation of the Caribbean Leadership Project. Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana Pierre Giroux expressed satisfaction with Guyana’s p a r t n e r s h i p i n t h e p r o j e c t ’s implementation “A professional and nonpartisan public service in our view is

central to our democracy, public servants are called to provide advice and allow for the implementation of government policies hence the need for strengthening the institution and the human resources capacity,” the High Commissioner stated Prime Minister Nagamootoo said that public service development is important, especially as it relates to the fundamentals of good governance and public trust. Top level managers and Permanent Secretaries are being trained in leadership development. Deputy Secretary General, CARICOM, Dr. Manorma Soeknandan said the project is critical to the development of public services across the Caribbean, and the CARICOM Secretariat fully supports its implementation. “Given the knowledge of having the capacity and using that at the national and regional level with the assistance of our IDPs can help us to excel but it can also help to bring a change not only at the national level but also at the regional level,” the Deputy Secretary General explained. The Caribbean Leadership Project was officially

launched in Barbados in 2013. Since then, 93 senior officials across the Caribbean have been trained including four from Guyana. Currently three Guyanese are being trained. The programme will conclude on September 16, 2016. (GINA)




OP-ED: A Crying Shame! APNU+AFC Still Learning How To Govern

Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan recently revealed that the APNU+AFC coalition is still learning about government and governance. This is still the case more than a year later after the coalition would have assumed office. The AFC and APNU, while in Opposition, were highly critical of the style of governance executed by the then People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government. The AFC had always accused the PPP government of being undemocratic, lacking vision and leadership style, giving the impression that they (AFC) could do a better job. However now that the AFC is in government, they are finding it difficult to govern. The AFC along with the APNU deliberately allowed the sugar industry to fall apart. The sugar industry has always received the full attention of the PPP, given its important role in the economy and also the social implications as being the country’s largest employer. When the European Union (EU) decided to cut the preferential treatment of sugar to Guyana, the PPP government built a multi-million dollar sugar factory at Skeldon to cushion the effects of the cuts, rather than abandon the industry. Meanwhile, Ramjattan had stated in 2013 that the AFC was labeled as criminals by t h e P P P government because of their (AFC) stance on the Anti-Money Laundering a n d Countering the Financing of Te r r o r i s m legislation (AML/CFT). Ramjattan had stressed that

the PPP government was acting like criminals because they had no Public Procurement Commission. He had further stated that the Commission should be established in order to prevent the sole sourcing of contracts, however, it has been over 15 months and the same AFC, now in government, has failed to establish the Public Procurement Commission. Now Minister of Public Health, Dr Norton, while in opposition had also criticized the PPP government about the state of the health sector. He had said, “We are still in the situation where health centres are without their quota of basic drugs. We are encountering piles of expired drugs during our examinations…Patients are not getting the prescribed drugs at the public health facilities they have to purchase them from private pharmaceutical agencies.” Now in government, many health institution across the country have complained about the shortages of drugs. Several patients have complained to the Guyana Daily News that there is lack of drugs at the Georgetown hospital. Doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), also confirmed that there is an ongoing drug shortage at the hospital. Several medical institutions across the country have reported drug shortages as well and there are allegations that most of the essential drugs listed by the World Health Organization, are not in stock. Mr. Ramjattan must understand that every mistake the government makes, cost tax payers. Decision making is a main function of government and as it is right now, the public is questioning the decision making process within this APNU+AFC government. It now begs one to ask, who is really making the decisions for the country? Is it a small handful of people from the APNU or the entire cabinet? -By- Edward Johnson


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40% Of Indigenous Youths Not In School

According to data shared by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Delma Nedd, more than 40 percent of indigenous youths between the ages of 12 and 17 are not in school. She made the revelation during a recent meeting with representatives of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). As such, the APNU+AFC government is conducting an ‘Out of School Children Study (OOSC)’ to determine the exact amount of drop-outs per region. Recently, President David Granger revealed that over 4000 children drop out of school every year in Guyana and that the lowest education grades in the country were in the hinterland. In some Regions 90 per cent of the children fail English and Mathematics at the National Grade Six level. The unacceptable high drop-out rate, unqualified teachers, especially in the hinterland, and riverine areas, and overall low performance of boys, are the major concerns for the Ministry of Education. The government intends to construct more schools and classrooms, along with programs that stimulate the assistance of students and to integrate indigenous languages in the curriculum. As stated in The Global out of School Children Report, despite the improvement in Guyanese children achieving universal primary education, a high percent of

included technical subjects such as Home E c o n o m i c s , Wo o d Wo r k i n g , a n d Information Technology,” the release stated. It was further noted that other recommendations included the need for welfare officers to cater to the needs of both teachers and students; disbursement of benefits before retirement age; introduction of Amerindian languages in the school’s curriculum; more support to address the high cost of living in the Region; need for special education teachers and opportunities be presented to allow persons to pursue studies at the University of Guyana via the distance mode. This is the first Hinterland Region Some of the schools and communities that the COI has engaged so far. represented included Phillipai, Kako, Jawalla, Waramadong, Quebanang Wax Creek, Paruima, and Imbamadai. It was noted that a number of issues affecting the delivery of education in the Region were raised with the Commission and several speakers stated that the pupil-teacher ratio ‘was too high’ and did not allow for effective supervision. “A recommendation was made for the Nursery level the teacher-pupil ratio should be 1:15; Primary 1:20; and Secondary 1:30. Calls were made for the Ministry to bring secondary schools in the Region up to par with those on the coast by ensuring that the curriculum drop-out students are reported among schools in the urban, rural and hinterland locations. Meanwhile, head teachers, teachers, parents and officials from the Region 7 Department of Education from several schools in the Region had their say as the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the education system continues. Representatives from several schools across the Region were present at the meeting on September 02 to make their contributions to the COI. A release from the Ministry of Education noted that the consultation was held at the Kamarang Primary School.




President To Push For Guyana/ Venezuela Border Resolution At UN Meeting President David Granger is expected to raise the border controversy with Venezuela with several international bodies at the 71st session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly meeting. The annual meeting of 193 countries officially opened yesterday, at the UN’s headquarters in New York. Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge said President Granger is expected to raise the issue during his presentation to the General Assembly on September 20. Speaking during a round table discussion on the Foreign Policy Fact Files Programme, the minister related that “He [President Granger] will doubtless also be addressing issues pertaining to the greening of Guyana and Guyana’s controversy as regards the border with Venezuela.” Minister Greenidge also pointed out that Guyana will have marginal meetings with Heads of Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers during the General

Assembly where a sub-committee is expected to address this country’s border controversy with Venezuela. “The Commonwealth Foreign Ministers will in the course of their deliberations be looking at issues they’ve highlighted: problems of governance within the Commonwealth and also problems of borders,” Greenidge explained. The issue will then be raised again at the CARICOM's Council of Foreign and Community Relation (COFCOR). “COFCOR will also be meeting with the same view, to look at common issues and to ensure that their positions are synchronised,” Greenidge further explained. The President is also expected to highlight a number of other issues at this year's General Assembly including good governance, peace and security, agriculture and issues pertaining to gender etc. Minister Greenidge with a team from the Ministry along with Guyana's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Micheal Ten-Pow will be in attendance at the General Assembly meeting.




Creative Learning Methods Showcased At 40th Year Of Nursery Education Exhibition The Ministry of Education, in celebration of the 40th year of Nursery Education in Guyana continued activities today, with an exhibition of teaching and learning materials. The exhibition at the Liana Nursery School, Vlissengen Road, East La Penitence, Georgetown, which is also part of the Education Month observances, has a two-fold purpose, Early Childhood Nursery, Specialist, Dana Whaite said. The exhibition is “not only to showcase what we (the Ministry of Education) have in our nursery schools, but also to show our teachers, across the country, some of the things (teaching aids) that they can make in their classrooms to enhance their teaching and the learning experience of our children,” Whaite explained to the media at the exhibition. “So you are going to see materials that teachers can look at, get ideas from and maybe replicate same or tweak it to suit their particular area,” Whaite added. The exhibition which saw attendance from nursery teachers across the country was put together by the Education Ministry’s nursery field officers. “These are nursery teachers and head teachers who are responsible for ensuring that the instructional time is well delivered, as well as ensuring that teachers have the support they need during the day,” the Early Childhood Nursery, Specialist, further explained. These field officers work to ensure that the nursery teachers’ “lesson plans are well written, that their classrooms are child friendly, and that the children get quality education.” The exhibition featured a literacy and a numeracy section which showcased a wide variety of books and materials that can used as part of the Ministry’s focus of enhancing literacy and numeracy. A section was also dedicated to play, in recognition of the importance of this aspect in early childhood development. Other aspects of the exhibition included a puppetry theatre, a birthday corner, and a corner showcasing parts of the home. Focus was also on indigenous culture in honour of Indigenous Heritage Month being observed this month.

The Ministry is marking 40 years of development in Early Childhood/Nursery Education in Guyana under the theme “Investing in Quality Nursery Education for Successful lifelong Learning”. The week-long celebration which commenced with a ceremonial launch at the Roxanne Burnham Nursery School, on Tuesday include the launch of the ‘Read, Play, Love’, Early Childhood Education Campaign, this evening, a parents, teachers, children and friends in concert on Thursday, September 15, at the Police Officers Mess, Eve Leary, a rally on Friday, September 16, at 8:30hrs from Stabroek Square to D’urban Park (Vlissengen Road, Mandela Avenue) and an award ceremony at the Pegasus Hotel for Nursery Educators with over 35 years of service. (GINA)

Children and teachers examining the corner displaying the indigenous culture at the exhibition to mark 40 years of development in Early Childhood/Nursery Education in Guyana

Mrs Nagamootoo Takes Her “Do Good” Mission To Region 3 Mrs Sita Nagamootoo, wife of the Honourable Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, today distributed school supplies to the children of the Vergenoegen Nursery Schoo in Region 3 (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara). Mrs Nagamootoo was accompanied by the Prime Minister’s Regional Representative for Region 3; Harry Deokinanan, District Education Officer (DEO); Ann Boston and Headmistress of the nursery school Sharon Bascom. The visit to the school coincides with Education Month 2016 which is currently being observed, and Mrs. Nagamootoo believes that the timing is appropriate. “I thought it would be a good thing to come out and meet with the teachers and move around with the children” Mrs Nagamooto said. In recent days, Mrs. Nagamootoo has been observing Literacy Day and Education Month by visiting various schools in Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo. She has brought joy to children, now starting early childhood education in Shieldstown, Albouystown, Bel Air Village, Bath, Auchlyne and now Vergenoegen. Earlier, her ‘Do Good’ mission had so far taken her to far flung villages such as Hiawa in Rupununi, Annai, Fairfield and Surama, and to Canals Polder and other West Demerara communities. With funds from the Ralph Joseph Charitable Foundation, named after a family friend, Ralph

Joseph, formerly from Whim Village, Mrs. Nagamootoo has been visiting schools and communities and distributing sport gears, books and school supplies. Office of the Prime Minister Press Release


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Albouystown Youth Remanded For Attempting To Steal Gold Chain PAGE 9


Albouystown resident, Keon Thomas was remanded to prison on Wednesday after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with attempted Larceny. He is slated to return to court on September 29, 2016. He did not have legal representation and in the presence of the virtual complainant, the 20-year-old pleaded not guilty to the charge. The prosecution objected to bail, citing the severity of the offence and that the defendant was unable to give his direct address to the police. It is alleged that on September 9, 2016 at Lombard Street, Georgetown, Thomas attempted to steal from Tanisha Daniels one gold chain valued at $67,000. The court heard that the item has been retrieved and is in the custody of the police.

Alleged Car Thieves Remanded Georgetown. Baptiste was also solely charged with stealing one Premio motor car on August 13, 2016 at Alexander Street, Georgetown. They both pleaded not guilty and will return to court on October 19, 2016 for continuation into the matter. Attorney Mark Waldron who represented Narine applied for bail, stating that his client is a businessman who resides at Station Street, Kitty and has no knowledge of the offence. Baptiste was however unrepresented. The Prosecution objected to bail, citing the severity of the offence and that the penalty attached to the offence might cause the two accused to flee the jurisdiction. It is alleged that on August 5, 2016 at Sherrif Street, Georgetown, the duo stole from Mahendra Ramchand one Toyota Premio Motor Car valued $2.4M and Transmission Parts valued at $2.5M. It is further alleged that on August 13, 2016 Baptiste stole from Mark Gonzalves, one Toyota Premio Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded Micheal Motor Car valued at $2.65M. The arresting officer revealed that Baptiste, 30, and Alvin Narine, 41, who were jointly charged the motor cars and parts have been recovered and are in the with stealing one Premio motor car and a quantity of custody of the police. transmission parts on August 5, 2016 on Sherrif Street,




Deloitte Executive Says Latin America And Caribbean Highly Vulnerable To Cyber-Attacks

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (SKNIS) -- Deloitte’s global chief information officer, Larry Quinlan, said that, despite increased improvements in technology in the Caribbean and Latin America, the regions remain highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Speaking at the Prime Minister’s Independence Lecture Series at the Nevis Performing Arts Center (NEPAC) on September 12 as part of the activities to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of St Kitts and Nevis’ independence from Great Britain, Quinlan said “there is a price to be paid for all the unfettered computing and it’s called cyber-security.”

“It is a concern that will continue to grow worldwide and one that threatens to engulf us in developing countries if we’re not careful,” he emphasized. Making reference to the 2016 Cybersecurity Report produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Organization of American States (OAS), the Deloitte executive, who is responsible for all facets of technology from strategy and applications to infrastructure and innovation at the multinational firm, said, “Four out of every five countries in the region do not have a cyber-security strategy or plans for protecting critical infrastructure.” “Two out of every three countries do not have a command and control centre for cyber-security and a large number of prosecutors lack the capacity to punish cyber criminals,” while pointing out that cybercrime has now gone well beyond the e-mail that one used to receive requesting one’s bank account details, but that it now strikes at the heart of businesses and governments, having become far more sophisticated and having the capability of destabilizing institutions. “As we mark the 33rd anniversary of independence, I am pleased to have the opportunity to share my perspective on technology as one of the levers that we can pull on our path to promoting prosperity through sustainability and national unity,” Quinlan said. (Caribbean News Now!)

BELIZE CITY, Belize -- A team lead by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) sub-regional headquarters for the Caribbean carried out a mission to hurricanestruck Belize, to provide support to the government in its effort to undertake comprehensive assessment of the impact of Hurricane Earl, which hit in early August 2016, and to assist in the formulation of recommendations for recovery and reconstruction. The team included experts from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), and the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO). Hurricane Earl hit several towns, including San Pedro, Caye Caulker, Belize City, Ladyville, Belize River Valley, Orange Walk and Belmopan, causing infrastructure and building damage, while many roads and streets were blocked due to inland and coastal flooding. Members of the team visiting some of these towns made field visits to marine areas in San Pedro and Caye Caulker, inspected housing and water works in Belize City, and assessed the damage to roads and agriculture, as well as to forested areas. To determine the most appropriate path to providing recovery assistance, the field visits were followed by discussions with official representatives from various government offices, including the agencies and ministries of agriculture, housing, transportation, education and telecommunications. Following from these meetings, ECLAC plans to conduct training in disaster assessment in Belize during 2017. An acknowledged regional leader in disaster assessment, ECLAC’s mission to Belize forms part of the Commission's ongoing effort to

strengthen the capacity of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to undertake disaster assessment, to determine their own recovery and reconstruction path, and to incorporate measures to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. (Caribbean News Now!)

Following Hurricane Earl, ECLAC Sets The Groundwork For Disaster Assessment In Belize




BVI-USVI Friendship Day Set For Saturday

ST THOMAS, USVI -- A delegation of government officials and civic leaders from the British Virgin Islands will travel to St Thomas on Saturday to take part in activities celebrating BVI-USVI Friendship Day and the special relationship between the United States and British Virgin Islands. USVI Governor Kenneth Mapp urged residents to attend Saturday’s program, which will include remarks from representatives from both the USVI and BVI. This year marks the 43rd official commemoration of the friendship between the islands. “Our islands are linked by geography, history and ancestry,” Mapp said. “Few among us cannot claim a family connection in the British islands. We share many mutual interests and challenges and I’m encouraging even greater collaboration between our governments going forward.” Mapp pointed to a successful meeting on September 2 of the Inter Virgin Islands Council (IVIC), where government officials and policy makers from the USVI met with their BVI counterparts to discuss ways to enhance the relations between the territories and to improve the quality of life for residents. During the recent IVIC meeting, officials shared information on responding to the zika threat, maritime and commerce issues and Lt Governor Osbert Potter announced that US Customs and Border Protection officials have responded favourably to a request that normal visa requirements be waived for BVI entertainers invited to perform in the USVI. (Caribbean News Now!)

CXC To Accept Late Submission Of SBA Samples

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- In an effort to ensure that the principles of natural justice and fairness are upheld, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has taken a decision to allow schools to submit school based assessment (SBA) samples that were prepared by students, but were not submitted by the 31 July deadline. The decision was taken after appeal by some ministries of education. The Council noted that the matter is being

adjudicated based on a special circumstance consideration bearing in mind the challenges arising from operational changes implemented in 2016. CXC has requested that local registrars in affected countries submit SBA samples from the affected schools. In an effort to maintain the integrity of the examination grades and to ensure that the late submission does not provide an advantage to the candidates in question, CXC has requested that the following conditions should be met: a) That a larger sample comprising 20 additional SBAs needs to be submitted in instances where the total number of candidates from a centre is 20 or more, b) The work of the entire population is submitted where less than 25 candidates are registered at a centre. The appeal made to the Council for hardship consideration did not fit within

the specific articles of the Council’s hardship rules. Through increased stringent quality assured processes, CXC will ensure that candidates will be given the grade they justly deserve, while at the same time preserving the integrity of the Council. The samples are to be submitted to the CXC local registrars’ offices by Wednesday 14 September and to reach CXC headquarters by Monday 19 September. “It must be noted that this matter has been adjudicated based on special circumstances, bearing in mind the challenges arising from operational changes and in no way sets a precedent for the future,” the CXC said in a statement. (Caribbean News Now!)




SLP To Select New Political Leader In Early October

SLP General Secretary Leo Clarke

Members of the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) will elect a new political leader at the party’s conference of delegates scheduled to take place in October. General Secretary of the SLP Leo Clarke has said that nominations for all positions remain open until September 23, 2016, which will allow persons enough time to nominate their preferred candidates. Clarke said he is certain that Phillip J. Pierre, who has taken up the position following the resignation of former P r i m e M i n i s t e r D r. Kenny Anthony, will be one of the persons

contesting for the The endorsed first deputy leadership position. political leader and Anthony had declared his L a b o r i e M e m b e r o f intention to resign as the Parliament (MP) Alva SLP leader and not to Baptiste, along with the serve as the opposition second deputy political leader following the l e a d e r a n d M P f o r announcement of the Dennery North Shawn June 6 general elections. Edwards will remain in T h e f o r m e r p r i m e their positions. The SLP’s minister managed to win conference of delegates the Vieux Fort South seat will open on Sunday, for a fifth time but by October 2, 2016 and close small majority. His party on Sunday, October 9, only managed to secure 2016 The activities will six of the 11 constituency be held at the Belle Vue seats, losing to the United Combined and Leon Hess Workers Party. The SLP C o m p r e h e n s i v e general secretary noted S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l also that the party will be respectively. (St. Lucia discussing the election News Now!) lost at the conference.

St. Lucia Represented At The Gay Caribbean USA Pageant PRESS RELEASE – The Gay Caribbean USA Pageant is billed as the most exciting pageant in Brooklyn. Who can deny that when energetic Drag and Transgender

performers take to the stage, a long side other interesting acts for an explosive show. St. Lucia has won the pageant twice before with December Snow in 2012 and Monet Exchange in 2014. This year, the big question is can Nya who is of St. Lucian background capture the converted crown for St. Lucia like her predecessors. The pageant is in its eighth year and the organizers are very proud of the event’s growth and success. Especially, since the pageant made its debut at a time when Caribbean Gay themed events were typically hidden away from the mainstream and held in the underground. Bridging the gap of understanding between the Caribbean American Gay and Heterosexual Communities remains the goal of the Gay Caribbean USA Pageant. This year’s contenders are Ebonee Excell of Haiti, Cindi Woods of the USVI, Jamaica’s Kalia Caress, Nya representing St. Lucia, Martinique’s Amaree Iman Richards and Honey Davenport of Trinidad and Tobago. T hey are judged under the following categories: Swimwear, Talent, Eveningwear and Interview. Sugarcane Restaurant and the HEAT Program at SUNY Down State are the

Official Supporters of the pageant. Tickets cost $40. and are available at Conrad’s Bakery – 299 Utica Ave, online at www.gaycaribbeanpageant2016.eventbrite. com or by calling 1-347-692-9428. (St. Lucia News Online)




Opposition Says No SLP MP Has Ever Received $30,000 After Winning Their Seats PRESS RELEASE – The Saint Lucia by Senator Mary Isaac on Monday 12 Labour Party refers to the comments made September aired on various media outlets. In her comments Senator Isaac stated that Hon. Ernest H i l a i r e Parliamentary Representative for Castries South and all parliamentarians who won their seats automatically get $30,000. The Saint Lucia Labour Party wishes to make it abundantly clear that this is an untruth, libellous and is intended purely to mislead

the public. No Labour Party Parliamentarian has ever received $30,000 after winning their seats. The SLP would like to place on record that every elected parliamentarian whether SLP or UWP is allowed to maintain a constituency office and that the office expenses are disbursed by the Clerk of Parliament up to a maximum limit of $30,000 per year. In this regard, Hon. Isaac should answer what is the source of financing for the office and staff which she maintains at The Morne even if she did not win her seat and is not an elected Parliamentarian. The Saint Lucia Labour Party once more calls on the UWP to get on with the task of government and stop dividing and misleading the people of Saint Lucia with cheap politics. (St. Lucia News Online)

Grenada Recommits To One China Policy

ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Sept 14, CMC – Eleven years after resuming diplomatic ties with China, Grenada Tuesday night reaffirmed its commitment to Beijing’s “One China Policy”. China has called on the international community to adopt its One China Policy even as Taiwan, which it regards as a renegade province continues to maintain diplomatic relations with a handful of Caribbean countries. “We are confident that this relationship will continue to grow and development, certain then and certainly now that this relationship will continue to bring the type of comprehensive development in our bilateral relations,” said Foreign Affairs Minister Elvin Nimrod at a ceremony to mark the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Nimrod said that over the years one of the significant achievements of the St. George’s-Beijing relationship is the ever increasing number of people participating in the people exchange programmes. China’s Ambassador Ou Boqian said that

since the resumption of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have been consolidated through dynamic exchanges and cooperation as together both nations have witness the comprehensive development of bilateral relations and fruitful cooperation in all fields. “Unprecedented practical cooperation and people to people exchanges invigorate the friendly relations,” she told the audience including Governor General Dame Cecile La Grenade and Acting Prime Minister Gregory Bowen. The diplomat said that over the past 67 years her country has embarked on significant socio-economic development programmes. “Tremendous achievements have been made by Chinese people who have overcome numerous and unbelievable difficulties with a high spirit of unity, confidence, perseverance and courage,” she said. “Since strategic policy to reform and opening up was implemented in 1978, economic miracles are made in China,” she said while highlighting that China’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015

was nearly 52 times that of 1978. She said China’s growth increased from US$212 billion to nearly US$10.9 trillion and the share of the country’s economy within the world ehad moved from 1.8 to 15.5 per cent. (Antigua Observer)

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PM Attends CTO State Of The Industry Conference tourism gatherings, the State of the the state of tourism and work on

PRESS RELEASE – Prime Minister of Saint Lucia Honourable Allen M. Chastanet leaves the island today, Wednesday September 14th 2016, to attend one of the region’s most important

PM Allen Chastanet

Industry Conference (SOTIC). The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) is the main organizer of the September 14 -16 event in Barbados. Prime Minister Chastanet is attending the Caucus of Ministers and Commissioners of Tourism this evening where he will put forward some ideas previously expressed by Bahamas Prime Minister Honourable Perry Christie at the Caricom level. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet will take part in discussions on

providing material for Caricom stemming from the decision to make tourism an agenda item. T h e C TO S t a t e o f t h e I n d u s t r y Conference brings together tourism decision-makers, including ministers, commissioners and directors of tourism, hotel and airline executives, travel agents, students, the media and persons directly and indirectly involved in tourism. During the Prime Minister’s one-day absence, Minister for Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development Honourable Gale T.C. Rigobert will serve as Acting Prime Minister. (St. Lucia News Online)




OAS Celebrates Anniversary Of Adoption Of Inter-American Democratic Charter

WASHINGTON, USA -- The Organization of American States (OAS) on Tuesday celebrated the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (IADC) during a ceremony held in the Hall of the Americas of OAS headquarters in Washington, DC. OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro opened the event with welcoming remarks and the list of keynote speakers included Jean Chrétien, former prime minister of Canada; Alejandro Toledo, former president of Peru; Alvaro Colom, former president of Guatemala; and Thomas Shannon, US under secretary of state for political affairs. Dr Elliston Rahming, Bahamas ambassador and permanent representative to the OAS and current chair of the OAS Permanent Council, delivered closing remarks, during which he described the Inter-American Democratic Charter as “a unique instrument which has no comparable arm in any other international organization.” “Indeed, it is the first document of its kind that places such a high premium on the promotion, consolidation and protection of democracy in our hemisphere and, I might add, the wider international community,” Rahming said. “The OAS should therefore be proud of the adoption of the Inter-American Democratic Charter on September 11, 2001, a day which is etched in the minds of the international community for other reasons, and the leadership role the Organization has played and continues to play in the formulation of the system of international legal conventions and norms.” Rahming said the Inter-American Democratic Charter “came into being at a time when democracy was beginning to take root in the Americas following decades of dictatorial and authoritarian regimes.” “It came about because democracy was considered to be, and still is, the truest expression of the will of the people,” Rahming declared. “The enactment of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, therefore, allowed for the promotion and consolidation of democracy to become firmly established among OAS member states. The Charter, with its various provisions, is an instrument that both encourages and accompanies

member states in their quest for that system of government – democracy – which in the paraphrased words of a former British prime minister could be the most chaotic system but also one with the least imperfections.” Rahming added, “For through the Chapters on (i) Democracy and the Inter-American System (ii) Democracy and Human Rights (iii) Democracy, Integral Development, and Combating Poverty (iv) Strengthening and Preservation of Democratic Institutions and (v) Promotion of Democratic Culture, we are given the road map to make an imperfect system a bit more perfect. Through these chapters, the Charter allows for the free expression of the will of the people, the protection of human rights, and development that is fair and just. “Admittedly, the Inter-American Democratic Charter has (regrettably) had to be activated, under different provisions, in some member states facing various or special circumstances. In 2002, under Article 17 of the Charter, the Permanent Council accompanied Haiti when it established in OAS Special Mission for the Strengthening of Democracy as a means to facilitate the resolution of the political impasse in that country following ill-fated legislative elections in 2000. Also in 2002, Rahming said, the Charter “was again activated with the attempted coup d’état in Venezuela and the solidarity of member states allowed for the return of the democratic order and for President Chavez to be restored to power. It was also employed in Bolivia between 2005 and 2006 after several political crises. These accompaniment efforts were undertaken within Articles 17 and 18 of the Charter.” “We are all familiar with what took place in Honduras in 2009 which unfortunately required the invocation of articles 19 and 20 of the Charter,” Rahming said. “Although efforts to return the country swiftly to democratic normalcy failed and the ultimate punitive measure had to be resorted too, we were nevertheless pleased when two years later in 2011 Honduras was reinstated as a full member of the OAS democratic family.” He added, “We would all also remember in June 2016, when the Secretary General invoked Article 20 of the Charter,

and requested a convocation of the Permanent Council to present his assessments on our sister country, Venezuela. “The accompaniment aspect of the Charter is, in my opinion, one of its most important features. For this allows the OAS, and the Permanent Council and/or the SG specifically, to support a member state which is facing challenges to democracy. It provides for, not only political support, but for the provision of technical cooperation to help strengthen the country’s democratic system. “Through the deployment of electoral observation missions and the provision of technical support to electoral bodies (Articles 23 and 24 of the Charter), the OAS makes a significant contribution in strengthening electoral processes in the region. And in Articles 26 and 27, the OAS is mandated to support member states in the area of good governance as a way of strengthening the democratic culture in the Hemisphere.” Suggesting that the challenge “for all of us is good governance,” Rahming added, “If democracy doesn’t deliver benefits and services to the populace, good governance is affected. Lack of good and effective governance places a strain on the democratic system, which I believe we all cherish. “The Inter-American Democratic Charter is an instrument that is meant to help strengthen our democratic system of government. It should not be feared. On the other hand, it should be utilized to both accompany member states in this quest as well as to prevent slippages. “Can the Charter be improved? Certainly it can, and this is a debate that is needed. However, at this time it is the most far-reaching instrument for the preservation and consolidation of democracy we have and we must utilize it more effectively.” As he did at the start of his closing remarks, Rahming, on behalf of the Permanent Council, once again thanked “all the panelists for their participation at this event commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the Inter-American Democratic Charter and welcome very much their leadership and insights on the Charter.” (Caribbean News Now!)





Juncker Proposes EU Military Headquarters

The European Union needs a military headquarters to work towards a common military force, the Commission president has told MEPs in Strasbourg. JeanClaude Juncker said the lack of a "permanent structure" resulted in money being wasted on missions. Part of his annual state of the union address was devoted to the UK's unexpected vote to leave the EU. He insisted that the bloc was not at risk and urged Brexit negotiations to take place as quickly as possible. The Brexit vote has given added impetus to plans for greater defence cooperation, because the UK has always objected to the potential conflict of interest with Nato. But Mr Juncker said a common military force "should be in complement to Nato". "More defence in Europe doesn't mean less transatlantic solidarity." A European Defence Fund would stimulate military research and development, he said. All EU members have military forces; most are also members of Nato; and several have extensive experience of operations abroad, from peace-keeping to warfighting. The real question is how to organise these component parts to get greater security. Mr Juncker insists that the EU must have a role here. He wants to improve EU command and control facilities and appears to be suggesting that EU civil and military aspects of a given mission should be run out of the same headquarters. He also insists that whatever the EU does it should not detract from Nato. But defence resources are finite. His critics will say nothing should be done that duplicates existing Nato activities, as that sends a signal of disarray in Western ranks to Moscow. On Brexit, Mr Juncker warned that the UK could not expect selective "a la carte" access to the internal market without accepting free movement of people. The single market has dominated the Brexit debate in the UK. Prime Minister Theresa May distanced herself last week from

remarks by Brexit minister David Davis, when he said remaining in the single market would be "very improbable" if it meant giving up control of British borders. Jean-Claude Juncker and his team agonised over the wording of Wednesday's speech. The UK's vote to leave the EU is undoubtedly one of the biggest crises the bloc has ever faced but Mr Juncker was determined not to dwell on it. There were few words on Brexit. His main message: "The European project continues. Let's choose to look forward. Be positive." Applause resounded around the chamber of the European Parliament but how will the voters outside react? Are they even listening? The drumbeat of nationalist, Eurosceptic populism reverberates around the continent. Public trust in the establishment is low - whether traditional politicians, bankers or EU bureaucrats - and Mr Juncker is an unelected president. The Commission president's state of the union speech - introduced in 2010 - is modelled on the annual speech by the US president and aims to report on the condition of the EU and outline a future legislative agenda. Mr Juncker admitted the EU was facing an "existential crisis", but he said it had to deliver "concrete results" in response, including: Maintaining stability and sharing the burden of economic downturn, such as doubling investment in the EU to €500bn (£425bn; $560bn) in the next five years and creating an investment fund for Africa Creating solidarity in the Union such as protecting unaccompanied minors migrating to the EU - but Mr Juncker said this must "come from the heart" and could not "be forced or imposed" Promoting security including strengthening the EU's borders and promoting greater security co-operation between member states, as well as greater military centralisation. He urged a renewed focus on the EU as a "driving force that can bring about

unification, for instance in Cyprus". Splits in the Union had left space for "galloping populism," he said, "and we cannot except that, as populism doesn't solve problems, on the contrary populism creates problems". In a blunt criticism of recent attacks on immigrants in the UK, he said he would "never accept Polish workers being beaten up, harassed or even murdered on the streets of Essex". How did MEPs react? Anti-EU MEPs lined up to criticise Mr Juncker's rallying cry: UKIP leader Nigel Farage said it was "the usual recipe: more Europe, in this particular case, more military Europe'' Peter Lundgren of the anti-migrant Sweden Democrats said his country had always been neutral militarily. "We don't want to be forced into this type of military co-operation," he said But Belgian MEP Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's lead negotiator on Brexit, said the EU still offered the "cure" for "the cancer of nationalism" EU leaders meet in Slovakia's capital Bratislava on Friday - without UK Prime Minister Theresa May. Tusk's warning Late on Tuesday, the chairman of the summit, European Council President Donald Tusk, warned that the EU should be mindful of its own ambitions in light of the Brexit vote. "The keys to a healthy balance between the priorities of member states and those of the Union lie in national capitals," Mr Tusk said. "The institutions should support the priorities as agreed among member states, and not impose their own ones." That remark contrasted with Mr Juncker's insistence on Wednesday that "too often, national interests are brought to the fore" in Europe. (BBC)

Mr Juncker said an EU military force would be a complement to Nato




Trump Foundation Under Investigation For Suspected 'Impropriety’ New York's attorney general says he is investigating Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's foundation over suspected "impropriety". Eric Schneiderman said his office wanted to ensure the foundation is "complying with the laws that govern charities in New York". The Trump Foundation has been hit by a number of damaging media stories. Mr Trump's team have dismissed Mr Schneiderman, a Democrat, as "a partisan hack." The attorney-general has endorsed Mr Trump's chief opponent, Hillary Clinton, for president. Mr Trump's campaign spokesman Jason Miller said Mr Schneiderman had "turned a blind eye to the Clinton Foundation for years", and called the inquiry "another left-wing hit job designed to distract from Crooked Hillary Clinton's

disastrous week". Questionable donations "We have been concerned that the Trump Foundation may have engaged in some impropriety from that point of view," Mr Schneiderman told CNN. "And we've inquired into it, and we've had correspondence with them. I didn't make a big deal out of it or hold a press conference, but we have been looking into the Trump Foundation to make sure it's complying with the laws that govern charities in New York." US media say Mr Schneiderman's office has been investigating the Donald J Trump Foundation since at least June when it formally questioned a donation made to a group backing Republican Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in 2013. The $25,000 (£19,000, €22,000) payment was made at a time when Mrs Bondi's office was reportedly considering whether to open a fraud investigation into Trump University. The fraud investigation never happened, although Mrs Bondi denies the decision was influenced by the donation she received. Aides to Mr Trump have already admitted the donation was a mistake resulting from clerical errors, according to reports. The US Justice Department has been asked by Democrats in the House of Representatives to investigate the $25,000 donation to Pam Bondi. Other newspaper investigations allege the Trump Foundation reported donations that the supposed recipients say they never received, and also spent money on the candidate himself. (BBC)

A payment from Mr Trump to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (pictured left) has been under investigation(AP)




Japan's Sakurajima Volcano Due For Major Eruption Within 30 Years, Say Scientists One of Japan's most active volcanoes is due for a major eruption within the next 30 years, say scientists who have studied a buildup of magma there. The Sakurajima volcano on Japan's Kyushu island poses a "growing threat", researchers at the University of Bristol say. The volcano, located 49km (30 miles) from the Sendai nuclear plant, is also close to Kagoshima, a city of 600,000. Sakurajima's last deadly eruption was in 1914, when 58 people died. The Japanese archipelago, which sits on the Pacific "Ring of fire", has more than 100 volcanoes. Sakurajima regularly spews ash and there are many small explosions there each year, with the latest eruption being in February. It is closely monitored by Japanese authorities and one of two volcanoes at Level 3 out of 5 levels in Japan's volcanic warning system, which means that people are warned not to to approach the volcano. "The 1914 eruption measured about 1.5km cubed in volume," said the study's lead author Dr James Hickey, who has now joined the University of Exeter's Camborne School of Mines. "From our data we think it would take around 130 years for the volcano to store the same amount of magma for another eruption of a similar size - meaning we are around 25 years away." A report on the activity of the volcano was published on Tuesday and teams from Bristol University and the Sakurajima Volcano Research Centre took part. Their research showed that 14 million cubic metres of magma is accumulating each year, enough to fill London's Wembley Stadium 3.5 times over. They added that the rate at which the magma is accumulating is faster than it can be expelled in its regular smaller eruptions, which led them to infer that a major eruption is likely in the next 30 years. They made these assessments based on new ways of studying

and modelling the volcano's magma reservoir. Scientists say they hope these findings can help authorities plan for major eruptions. "We know that being forewarned means we are forearmed and providing essential information for local authorities can potentially help save lives if an eruption was imminent," said Dr Hickey. According to an associate professor at Kyoto University, new evacuation plans have already been prepared. "It is already passed by 100 years since the 1914 eruption, less than 30 years is left until a next expected big eruption," said Dr Haruhisa Nakamichi, Associate Professor at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University. "Kagoshima city office has prepared a new evacuation plan from Sakurajima." (BBC)

The Sakurajima volcano is believed to have accumulated huge magma reservoirs, which could be a precursor to a large eruption, say scientists(KYODO NEWS/AP)




Gaia Space Telescope...con’t... It is this ultra-stable and supersensitive optical equipment that Gaia uses to pick out its sample of stars with extraordinary confidence. The called-for specification was to get to know the brightest objects' coordinates down to an error of just seven micro-arcseconds. This angle is equivalent to the size of a euro coin on the Moon as seen from Earth. In addition to their position and proper motion, the stars are having their physical properties analysed by Gaia. Its instruments are acquiring details such temperature and composition. These are markers needed to help determine the stars' ages. Not all of this information can be gleaned at once. It will take repeat viewing, but by the end of five years of operations the 100,000 stars fully profiled by Hipparcos should become at least a billion in the Gaia catalogue. That is a conservative estimate, however. If one thing is clear from the new data it is that Gaia is seeing many more fainter stars than anyone anticipated. Once the project is complete it could have plotted 2-3 billion light sources. Gaia - The discovery machine Gaia will make a very precise 3D map of our Milky Way Galaxy It is the successor to the Hipparcos satellite which mapped some 100,000 stars The one billion to be catalogued by Gaia is still only 1% of the Milky Way's total But the survey's quality promises a raft of discoveries beyond just the star map It will find new asteroids and planets; It will test physical constants and theories Gaia's sky map will be the reference to guide future telescopes' observations Astronomers around the world will have dived into the data the moment it went live on servers on Wednesday - and for all manner of reasons. Some of the 1.1 billion light sources will not actually be stars; they will be the very bright centres of very distant galaxies - what are known as quasars. The nature of their light can be used to calculate the mass of all the stuff between them and us - a means, in effect, to weigh the Universe. A good number of other data-users will be planet-hunters. By studying the way Gaia's stars appear to wobble on the sky, it should be possible to infer the gravitational presence of orbiting worlds. "Gaia is going to be extremely useful for exoplanets, and especially systems that have the Jupiter kind of planets," said Esa's Gaia project scientist, Timo Prusti. "The numbers are going to be impressive; we expect 20,000. The thing is, you need patience because the exoplanets are something where you have to collect five years of data to see the deviation in the movements." By way of comparison, in the past 20 years of planethunting, astronomers have confirmed 3,000 worlds beyond our Solar

System. 'Galactic movie' One eagerly anticipated measurement is the radial velocity of stars. This describes the movement they make towards or away from Gaia as they turn around the galaxy. If this measurement is combined with the stars' proper motion, it will lay bare the dynamics of the Milky Way. It should be possible, for example, to make a kind of time-lapse movie - to run forwards to see how the galaxy might evolve into the future, or to run backwards to see how our cosmic neighbourhood came to be the shape it is today. At the outset of the mission, scientists had hoped to get radial velocity data on about 150 million stars. But this was thrown into doubt when it was realised soon after Gaia's launch that unexpected stray light was getting into the telescope. This made the observation of the faintest stars and their colours far more challenging. Engineers think they understand the problem: in part it is caused by the way sunlight bends past the 10m-diameter shade that Gaia uses to keep its telescopes in shadow. And the good news according to the scientists is that they think they can work around the difficulties. The longer the mission runs, they believe, the closer Gaia will get to its target of 150 million radial velocity measurements - and that movie. "Clearly, with the stray light we lost sensitivity. On the other hand, it happens to be that there are more stars than were thought before. So we're still talking about 100 million radial velocities," Timo Prusti told BBC News. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UK Ebola Nurse Pauline Cafferkey Cleared Of Misconduct A Scots nurse who survived Ebola has been cleared of misconduct charges did not set out to mislead staff. He said Ms Cafferkey's conduct in leaving PAGE 26

by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Pauline Cafferkey, 40, was infected while working in Sierra Leone in 2014. She faced charges for allegedly allowing a wrong temperature to be recorded during the screening process at Heathrow on her arrival in the UK. The conduct and competence panel dismissed the charges after hearing she had been impaired by illness. Another charge of dishonesty was withdrawn. Afterwards, Ms Cafferkey's lawyer, Joyce Cullen, said her client was "relieved" to have been cleared of wrongdoing after "willingly" putting her life at risk to help people suffering from Ebola. She said that the medics returning from Sierra Leone had encountered "chaotic scenes" and put the focus on Public Health England for the ordeal her client had endured. "Public Health England were unprepared for the volume of people returning from countries affected by Ebola," Ms Cullen said. "There were also serious failures in communication amongst the Public Health England staff. "It is perhaps ironic that given the criticisms made about Public Health England processes, it was their complaint which led to the Nursing and Midwifery Council investigation and these proceedings being initiated against Pauline." 'Lucky to survive' Ms Cullen concluded by saying that Ms Cafferkey would "never have knowingly put anyone in danger". "Pauline was lucky to survive and since her return from Sierra Leone has continued to suffer from ill health," she said. "The NMC disciplinary process has been very upsetting and stressful for Pauline. However, she's delighted that the panel has made the decision that she has no case to answer and that she's now able to continue her nursing career in Scotland, where she will carry on looking after families in Blantyre, who've been very appreciative of her skills and dedication." Pauline Cafferkey has come out of her misconduct hearing with a clean bill of health - but the same can't be said for any of the other parties involved. The Nursing and Midwifery Council had lodged a series of charges against her, including that she had been "dishonest", but was forced to reconsider after medical evidence came to light. This saw the group's lawyer actually arguing against her own charges, in a bid to have mention of dishonesty scrapped. In fact she made such a convincing case that the remaining, watered-down charges were never likely to win over the panel. And if the NMC looked bad, it was even worse for Public Health England - ironically, given they raised the original complaint against Ms Cafferkey. The hearing was told of "chaotic" scenes at PHE's Heathrow screening centre, with patients being told to administer their own tests. There were constant miscommunications between doctors, including one who left messages at the wrong hospital. In the end, many present at the hearing were puzzled as to why it was Ms Cafferkey who was under the microscope and not one of several others who appear to have let her down. It now seems as if the case against Pauline Cafferkey had fallen apart before the hearing even began - raising questions as to why she had to go through it in the first place. After Ms Cafferkey was cleared, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: "Sending my very best wishes to Pauline Cafferkey. Her bravery is an inspiration to all of us." Last month it emerged that Ms Cafferkey would face charges from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) over alleged misconduct when she returned to the UK in December 2014. When the panel hearing got under way on Tuesday, the NMC withdrew a charge of dishonesty, leaving her facing three charges. The first charge alleged that while in a Public Health England screening area, inside Terminal 4 at Heathrow, she allowed an incorrect temperature to be recorded on her screening form. The second charge alleges that she left the screening area without reporting her true temperature to medics. The third charge alleged that she did not tell a doctor she had recently taken paracetamol. After deliberating overnight, the panel ruled on Wednesday that Ms Cafferkey had not been guilty of misconduct in relation to all charges. Exhausted state' Panel chairman Timothy Cole told Ms Cafferkey that in her "exhausted and increasingly unwell state" she


the screening area without flagging up her elevated temperature could only be explained by illness and exhaustion. Commenting on the outcome, NMC chief executive and registrar, Jackie Smith, said: "As the independent panel recognised, the NMC has an overarching duty to protect the health and wellbeing of the public and need to ensure the maintenance of public confidence in the profession. "The referral from Public Health England showed a highly unusual set of circumstances that clearly required a thorough and proper investigation. In circumstances like this, it is right for an independent panel to hear all the evidence to decide if any action is required." The decision to clear Ms Cafferkey was based on an agreed narrative of facts which had been presented to the panel on Tuesday. These characterised the screening area at Heathrow airport as "busy, disorganised and even chaotic" when Ms Cafferkey and other medics arrived back from Sierra Leone. They showed that the nurse's temperature was recorded twice by a doctor, in the presence of another person referred to as "registrant A", at more than 38C. The doctor claimed that "registrant A" stated that she would record the temperature as 37.2C on Ms Cafferkey's screening form and then they would 'get out of there and sort it out'". Ms Cafferkey recalled the words "let's get out of here" being used but could not remember who said it or who entered the incorrect temperature on her screening form. The panel also heard that Ms Cafferkey accepted that her temperature had been measured at above 38C, yet allowed a reading of 37.2C to be recorded, after which she continued to the arrivals area. It was heard that a temperature above 37.5C "is an elevated or pyrexial (feverish) temperature that requires further assessment and should be reported to a consultant". Ms Cafferkey admitted taking paracetamol at some point but did not mention it to a doctor when she returned to the screening areas. Severe viral load That doctor found her temperature to be normal and cleared the nurse to fly back to Scotland. Hours later she was diagnosed with one of the most severe viral loads of Ebola ever recorded. Doctors' evidence to the panel stated that early symptoms of Ebola would have impaired Ms Cafferkey's judgement and that there was no evidence she had been deliberately dishonest to staff. The nurse, from Halfway, Cambuslang, contracted Ebola while working as part of a British team at the Kerry Town Ebola treatment centre in 2014. She spent almost a month in isolation at the Royal Free hospital in London at the beginning of 2015 after the virus was detected when she arrived back in the UK. Ms Cafferkey was later discharged after apparently making a full recovery, and in March 2015 returned to work as a public health nurse at Blantyre Health Centre in South Lanarkshire. In October last year it was discovered that Ebola was still present in her body, with health officials later confirming she had been diagnosed with meningitis caused by the virus. However, in the months that followed, her health suffered as she had issues with her thyroid, her hair fell out and she had headaches and pains in her joints. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Headscarf Emoji Proposed By 15-Year-Old Saudi Girl A Saudi teenager living in Germany has proposed designing a Mr Ohanian hosted a Reddit live online discussion on Tuesday where PAGE 27

headscarf emoji. Rayouf Alhumedhi, 15, has sent a proposal to The Unicode Consortium, a non-profit corporation that reviews and develops new emojis. The idea gained the backing of the co-founder of online discussion forum Reddit, Alexis Ohanian. If approved, her emoji will be available in 2017. The proposal comes as countries across Europe wrestle with the issue of the Muslim veil - in all its forms. The debate takes in religious freedom, female equality, secular traditions and even fears of terrorism. The veil issue is part of a wider debate about multiculturalism in Europe, as many politicians argue that there needs to be a greater effort to assimilate ethnic and religious minorities. Emojis are everywhere' Rayouf Alhumedhi told the BBC it was during a group chat with her friends on social media that she had realised there was no emoji to represent her, a headscarf-wearing woman. After reading an article on emoji design, she wrote an email about her idea to Unicode. Intrigued, a member of a Unicode subcommittee replied, offering to help her draft a formal proposal. "In this day and age, representation is extremely important," she said of her reasons behind the project. "People want to be acknowledged... and recognised, especially in the tech world. This is massive. Emojis are everywhere. "There are so many Muslim women in this world who wear the headscarf. It might seem trivial... but it's different when you see yourself on the keyboard around the world. Once you experience that, it's really great." To boost support for the initiative,


Reddit users could ask Rayouf Alhumedhi about the new idea. Some wanted to see whether they could get involved while others questioned the need for the hijab, saying it was a tool to oppress women. The drafting committee hopes to present a final version of the proposal to Unicode in November. (BBC)

Rayouf Alhumedhi wants an emoji to represent Muslim women who wear headscarves.

Shimon Peres: Former Israeli President 'Responsive' After Stroke Former Israeli President Shimon Peres is responsive after suffering a serious stroke, his doctor says. Mr Peres, 93, is being sedated and ventilated in a hospital near Tel Aviv to let his brain recover, his sonin-law and personal physician said. Dr Rafi Valden said Mr Peres squeezed his hand when the sedation was reduced, appearing to be "awake and listening". His condition was "critical but stable", his doctor added, and there was "no imminent threat to his life". Mr Peres was taken to hospital for examination on Tuesday after suffering from a headache. While there, he had a stroke in the right side of the brain, Dr Valden said. His neurological condition was still unknown but chances of survival were seen as "pretty good". 'Certain optimism' Doctors at the Sheba Medical Centre had "certain optimism", Dr Valden added, after seeing that Mr Peres was "reactive and responsive" following a temporary reduction of his sedation on Wednesday. "I talked to him and asked him to press my hand and he did so vigorously and we are definitely convinced that he is awake and listening and reacting," he told journalists. Doctors would try to reduce the medication again later on Wednesday to check his responsiveness, he said. His son, Chemi, earlier said the family was going through some "difficult hours". "I'm optimistic. I'm a great believer in my father. He's a unique person. And I pray with all my heart, together with my family, that things will improve from this point on," he said. In January, Mr Peres underwent successful minor surgery at the same hospital after suffering a small heart attack. After being discharged, he told reporters he was "so happy to return to work, that was the whole purpose of this operation". A veteran politician As one of Israel's most popular figures, his condition is being closely followed by the media and the public. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted: "Shimon, we love you and the entire nation is

wishing for your recovery," A veteran politician, Mr Peres has held almost every major political office since Israel was founded in 1948, and was the architect of Israel's secret nuclear programme. He twice served as prime minister and was president from 2007 to 2014. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his role negotiating the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians a year earlier, a prize he shared with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was later assassinated, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Despite his age, Mr Peres has maintained an active public schedule, mostly through his nongovernmental Peres Centre for Peace, which promotes closer ties between Israel and the Palestinians. Hours before his hospitalisation, Peres uploaded a video to his Facebook page urging people to buy local products. (BBC)

In January, Mr Peres underwent a minor surgery following a small heart attack(REUTERS)




Johannesburg Halts South Africa Cycle Lanes To Build Roads construction of the South African city's ambitious cycle lanes project. It was rolled out in part of the city in 2014 while the African National Congress (ANC) was still in power, to encourage people to cycle. Opposition parties had criticised the ANC, saying the money should to used to provide services for poor people. Mayor Herman Mashaba says the project would only be looked at once all the city's roads had been tarred. He is from the Democratic Alliance which won control of the city in August elections, with the support of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). The EFF had marched to former mayor Parks Tau's office, unhappy that the city had set aside 70 million rand ($4.9m; £3.7m) for cycle lanes in rich areas of the city while residents in Alexandra township still lived in squalid conditions. The news of the cycle lanes received a mixed reaction when it was announced in 2014. While some felt it was a vanity project for the city's growing elite, others welcomed the vision of encouraging more residents to get out of their cars and cycle instead. However, the move to halt the project has largely been welcomed. The decision seems to show the influence of firebrand Julius Malema, whose EFF was merciless in its criticism of the lanes during its election campaign. The EFF joined forces with the DA, which now runs Johannesburg. The debate about infrastructure v the needs of the poor is a

longstanding one here and it is a difficult balancing act. Johannesburg fancies itself a world class city and meeting that ambition comes with a hefty price. But its managers also have to wrestle with the reality that many residents are still without basic services such as housing, water or proper sanitation, or proper roads. While it would take a lot more than would have been spent on the lanes to relieve poverty in the city, this gesture may help to send the message that those who live on the fringes of Johannesburg's skyscrapers have not been forgotten. (BBC)

The City of Johannesburg had introduced cycling lanes to encourage people to cycle and not drive


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Colin Powell Calls Trump 'National Disgrace' In Email Leak PAGE 30

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has reportedly called Republican nominee Donald Trump a "national disgrace," according to leaked emails. The Republican retired four-star general's comments were revealed in a hack on his personal emails. The emails were posted on, which has reportedly been tied to other recent high-profile hacks. Mr Powell, who has been quiet during the election, said he had "no further comment" but was "not denying it". A Powell spokesman also confirmed to CBS News that Mr Powell's personal account was hacked, and that they have "no idea who did it and no further comment at this time". The remarks were part of an email sent on 17 June to Emily Miller, a journalist and Mr Powell's former aide. The former secretary of state, who served during George W. Bush's administration, also called Mr Trump an "international pariah" who "is in the process of destroying himself". "No need for Dems to attack him," the email said, according to BuzzFeed News. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who crossed party lines in 2008 to endorse Democratic Barack Obama, has tried to float above this year's tendentious presidential election. So much for that. First the government released his note to Democrat Hillary Clinton advising her on how to use personal email for back-channel communications while secretary of state. Now - in an ironic twist - his personal email has been hacked, revealing sweeping denunciations of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and some sharp criticisms of Democrat Hillary Clinton. Mr Powell is generally well liked by Americans, although some on the left hold him responsible for convincing the US public of the need to invade Iraq in 2003 and others on the right view him as a squishy Rino (Republican in name only). Although Mr Powell tried to keep his opinions private during the course of this election, he was more than happy to share them with prominent journalists. Now, he's not denying that he authored the leaked documents, which will likely give his words more punch. At this point, with Mr Trump possibly only two months away from winning the presidency, his earlier worries that speaking out


against Trump might "embolden him" aren't really relevant anymore. "Paul Ryan is calibrating his position again," Mr Powell reportedly said, referring to the Republican Speaker of the House. In a separate email sent on 21 August, Mr Powell also criticised Mr Trump for promoting the birther movement, which questioned whether President Barack Obama was born in the US. "Yup, the whole birther movement was racist," the email read. "That's what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn't keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim." But the leaked emails also revealed Mr Powell's frustrations with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her handling of her use of private email while at the State Department. "Sad thing... HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it," the email read, referring to Mrs Clinton. "I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton's party to get their attention." Mrs Clinton has pointed to Mr Powell's use of his personal AOL account at the state department as an example of why her email use was common practice. "Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris," he said in an email last year to his business partner Jeffrey Leeds. (BBC)

Mr Powell says he has 'no further comment' but is 'not denying' the emails(AP)




France Names Row: Politician Hits Back Over Criticism Of Daughter's Name A French politician has hit back after it was suggested her daughter was "less French" than other children because she had named her after her mother. Rachida Dati reacted angrily after journalist Eric Zemmour criticised her choice of name for seven-year-old daughter Zohra. He said it was unpatriotic because it did not come from an official list of French Christian names. Ms Dati, a former justice minister, said the comments were "pathological". Zemmour appeared on French television channel LCI on Monday, demanding the return of a law restricting the names children are given. The law was abolished in 1993, 200 years after it was brought in by Napoleon Bonaparte. Five countries which regulate baby names Iceland: Parents can choose from an approved list of 1,853 female and 1,712 male names, with those who want to venture outside the norm facing a special committee which will approve the choice should it meet certain criteria - including not embarrassing the child in question Portugal: Those looking for inspiration can turn to an 80-page list which includes some 2,600 banned names, according to the Portuguese-American Journal Saudi Arabia: The kingdom banned 50 names in 2015, including Alice, Elaine and Lauren - all considered too Western by authorities. New Zealand: The task of approving baby names falls to the Department of Internal Affairs, which releases a list of its top "most rejected" each year - with 2015's winner being "Messiah" Malaysia: As well as banning parents from calling babies names like Hitler, the National Registration Department has prohibited naming children after animals, insects, fruit, vegetables or colours since 2006 Zemmour - who also told the channel he felt

National Front leader Marine Le Pen was not far enough to the right said non-Christian names like Zohra, and that of football legend Zinedine Zidane, made their bearers "less French" than himself. He also admitted to confronting Ms Dati, who is of North African origin, over her choice of name to her face. "She called her daughter Zohra," he said. "I find it outrageous and I told her." But Ms Dati, who was minister of justice under former President Nicolas Sarkozy, has defended her choice of name. "Do you find it scandalous to give your mother's name to your children?" she asked the BFMTV channel. "I loved my mother. I have a little girl, and I called her after my mother. Like millions of French people do every day." (BBC)

French politician Rachida Dati was minister of justice under Nicolas Sarkozy(GETTY IMAGES)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Headscarf Emoji Proposed By 15-Year-Old Saudi Girl A Saudi teenager living in Germany has proposed designing a Mr Ohanian hosted a Reddit live online discussion on Tuesday where PAGE 33

headscarf emoji. Rayouf Alhumedhi, 15, has sent a proposal to The Unicode Consortium, a non-profit corporation that reviews and develops new emojis. The idea gained the backing of the co-founder of online discussion forum Reddit, Alexis Ohanian. If approved, her emoji will be available in 2017. The proposal comes as countries across Europe wrestle with the issue of the Muslim veil - in all its forms. The debate takes in religious freedom, female equality, secular traditions and even fears of terrorism. The veil issue is part of a wider debate about multiculturalism in Europe, as many politicians argue that there needs to be a greater effort to assimilate ethnic and religious minorities. Emojis are everywhere' Rayouf Alhumedhi told the BBC it was during a group chat with her friends on social media that she had realised there was no emoji to represent her, a headscarf-wearing woman. After reading an article on emoji design, she wrote an email about her idea to Unicode. Intrigued, a member of a Unicode subcommittee replied, offering to help her draft a formal proposal. "In this day and age, representation is extremely important," she said of her reasons behind the project. "People want to be acknowledged... and recognised, especially in the tech world. This is massive. Emojis are everywhere. "There are so many Muslim women in this world who wear the headscarf. It might seem trivial... but it's different when you see yourself on the keyboard around the world. Once you experience that, it's really great." To boost support for the initiative,


Reddit users could ask Rayouf Alhumedhi about the new idea. Some wanted to see whether they could get involved while others questioned the need for the hijab, saying it was a tool to oppress women. The drafting committee hopes to present a final version of the proposal to Unicode in November. (BBC)

Rayouf Alhumedhi wants an emoji to represent Muslim women who wear headscarves.

Shimon Peres: Former Israeli President 'Responsive' After Stroke Former Israeli President Shimon Peres is responsive after suffering a serious stroke, his doctor says. Mr Peres, 93, is being sedated and ventilated in a hospital near Tel Aviv to let his brain recover, his sonin-law and personal physician said. Dr Rafi Valden said Mr Peres squeezed his hand when the sedation was reduced, appearing to be "awake and listening". His condition was "critical but stable", his doctor added, and there was "no imminent threat to his life". Mr Peres was taken to hospital for examination on Tuesday after suffering from a headache. While there, he had a stroke in the right side of the brain, Dr Valden said. His neurological condition was still unknown but chances of survival were seen as "pretty good". 'Certain optimism' Doctors at the Sheba Medical Centre had "certain optimism", Dr Valden added, after seeing that Mr Peres was "reactive and responsive" following a temporary reduction of his sedation on Wednesday. "I talked to him and asked him to press my hand and he did so vigorously and we are definitely convinced that he is awake and listening and reacting," he told journalists. Doctors would try to reduce the medication again later on Wednesday to check his responsiveness, he said. His son, Chemi, earlier said the family was going through some "difficult hours". "I'm optimistic. I'm a great believer in my father. He's a unique person. And I pray with all my heart, together with my family, that things will improve from this point on," he said. In January, Mr Peres underwent successful minor surgery at the same hospital after suffering a small heart attack. After being discharged, he told reporters he was "so happy to return to work, that was the whole purpose of this operation". A veteran politician As one of Israel's most popular figures, his condition is being closely followed by the media and the public. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted: "Shimon, we love you and the entire nation is

wishing for your recovery," A veteran politician, Mr Peres has held almost every major political office since Israel was founded in 1948, and was the architect of Israel's secret nuclear programme. He twice served as prime minister and was president from 2007 to 2014. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his role negotiating the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians a year earlier, a prize he shared with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was later assassinated, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Despite his age, Mr Peres has maintained an active public schedule, mostly through his nongovernmental Peres Centre for Peace, which promotes closer ties between Israel and the Palestinians. Hours before his hospitalisation, Peres uploaded a video to his Facebook page urging people to buy local products. (BBC)

In January, Mr Peres underwent a minor surgery following a small heart attack(REUTERS)




A Day Like Today Angela Isadora Duncan or 'Lavinia King’, was an American dancer who was strangled by her own scarf a day like today 1927. Isadora was born in San Francisco, USA in 1877 to a middle class family. Her career in classic dance started from her childhood. Fermenting her unique style during her teenage years as a free bohemian spirit, her curiosity and hunger to perform in different venues, took her to Chicago. But Chicago wasn’t ready for the imaginative and highly improvised dancing method of our diva. This took her to New York, and ultimately London, where she settled for a good part of her life. London was a more welcoming environment, but Paris became her home, the ultimate nest of the ‘Prima Ballerina’. Europe gave her the wins that she needed to debut as one of the most prominent ballet dancers of the late 19th century. Her innovating dance moves, delicate gestures on stage and visionary projection of motion, rapidly caught the eyes of the public. Isadora was deeply inspired by Greek art. She would commonly be seen dancing barefoot wrapped in togas and scarves. Her emotional performances were a showcase of selfexpression and independence, making a statement of eccentric feminism. As fame ‘kicked in’, and performances started to be profitable, she focused in a personal mission. Establish dancing schools through Europa to promote, not only ballet, but the infinite spiritual freedom that can be experienced through its moves, and how to project them. Her personal life was filled with controversies, failed loves and a bad luck with cars. She had two children of different fathers. Children that died in tragic car accident on April 19, 1913. She was victim of a next car

accident in 1924, followed by the fatal irony that took her life, on September 14, 1927. On that fatidic night, Isadora was riding a convertible Amilcar, when silk her red scarf get trapped around the axle, tightening around Duncan’s neck, breaking it on the action. She died instantly. Duncan was cremated, and her ashes were placed next to those of her children in the columbarium at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. Isadora is remembered for breaking the conventional frame of ballet. "Let them come forth with great strides, leaps and bounds, with lifted forehead and far-spread arms, to dance.” –Isadora Duncan. Source:

Angela Isadora Duncan (1877-1927)




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Daily Horoscope

Anger may cause you grief; control your temper and try to sit back and calm down. Your boss may be on the rampage and you certainly don't want to be the one to take the brunt of a bad situation. Get thinking about prolonging longevity.

You may find yourself interested in more than one person. Do not expect too much from others. You can become obsessed with detail and must be sure to divide your time appropriately.

Your passionate nature may make you jealous if your mate has been too busy to take care of your needs. You can get a lot done if you get your hands on the right equipment. Opportunities to meet new lovers will come through pleasure trips or social events.

Do not travel unless absolutely necessary. Be careful. Your mate, however, may not be too pleased with you. Get down to business. Talk about your intentions and confirm that you both feel the same way.

Your best results will come through business trips. Don't jump the gun; you may find yourself getting angry at the wrong person. You are best to look into investments that will grow in value over an extended period of time.

This is a great day for a trip. You could be your own worst enemy if you overreact to something you're told. It's hard to stay mad if the object of the anger refuses to react.

Spend time with friends or family. Romance will come through involvement with fundraising organizations. You will enjoy travel and getting together with peers.

Take advantage of your attributes and lure the mate of your choice. Abrupt changes concerning your professional position are evident. Limitations on the home front can be expected if you have been restricting your mate's freedom.

Travel opportunities should be your first choice. Don't let any money slip through your fingers today. You will easily charm members of the opposite sex.

Do things because you want to, not because someone else thinks you should. You must not let others talk you into doing things that will probably limit you financially at a later date. You will be on the rampage today.

Money may slip through your fingers. You can convince others to follow suit. Relationships have not been the best for you lately and it's left you somewhat gun shy.

Consider selling your homemade crafts at the flea market. Today is not the day to try to comer people by giving them ultimatums. You may have problems with children. You're undergoing changes.






1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 bananas, mashed 3/4 cup white sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 / 3 c u p PA L M B O O M * butter, melted 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon PALMBOOM* butter

Directions Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 10 muffin cups, or line with muffin papers. In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups. In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Cut in 1 tablespoon butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Sprinkle topping over muffins. Bake in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.










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Windies Part Company With Head Coach Simmons

West Indies are in the market for a new coach after Phil Simmons' reign came to an end on Tuesday. Phil Simmons' tenure as head coach of West Indies has come to an end just five months after he guided his country to the World Twenty20 title. The former Windies batsman was appointed on a three-year deal in March last year, but was suspended six months later after expressing his displeasure with the one-day international squad selected for the tour of Sri Lanka. Simmons was reinstated in November and oversaw a dramatic World T20 triumph, the team' second, in India in April. The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) on Tuesday revealed the 53-year-old's reign is over with immediate effect due to "differences in culture and strategic approach". "Effectively immediately, the WICB today announced it

has separated from the head coach Phil Simmons," said a WICB statement. "In a meeting of the Board of Directors, on Saturday, September 10, this decision was taken. "In recent times, based on the public pronouncements of the coach and the approach internally, we have identified differences in culture and strategic approach. The WICB would therefore like to thank the coach for his contribution and wishes him the best in his future endeavours. "The senior team is preparing for its upcoming assignments against Pakistan in the UAE. The team will be headed by manager Joel Garner, coaches Henderson Springer and Roddy Estwick." That announcement came just a week before the first game of

West Indies' tour of the United Arab Emirates to take on Pakistan. While the Windies have had success in white-ball cricket, they are down in eighth place in the Test rankings after losing their last four series' without winning a match, their last victory in the longest format coming against England in May last year. (SportsMax)




Klopp Hails Conte As 'The Guardiola Of Turin’

Jurgen Klopp expects a tough game against Chelsea and has compared Antonio Conte's Juventus successes to Pep Guardiola at Barcelona. Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp has hailed Antonio Conte as Turin's very own Pep Guardiola ahead of his side's meeting with Chelsea o n F r i d a y. C o n t e s e c u r e d t h r e e consecutive Serie A titles with Juventus as a coach from 2011 to 2014, having won five Scudetti and the Champions League among a number of trophies as a player with the club. The former Juve captain has set about moulding Chelsea back into title

challengers following their dismal performance last season, and has already claimed three wins and a draw from his first four Premier League matches in charge. And Klopp has praised both the passion and the tactical nous of his opposite number ahead of their showdown at Stamford Bridge. "I don't know why Antonio does it. He looks quite emotional, even when they don't score," he said of Conte's exuberance on the touchline. "I watched the game [against Swansea City] - whoever was the broadcaster, they showed when they missed the goal. He's involved in the game. "That's not the important thing, he's a successful manager. He was the Pep Guardiola of Turin. He created a special style of play. He was very successful there and with the [Italian] national team. Quite impressive, but I don't play against Antonio Conte." Liverpool won 3-1 in the same fixture last season to give Klopp his first league

win since replacing Brendan Rodgers as manager, but the 49-year-old does not expect a repeat of what proved to be a straightforward victory. “I saw the whole 90 minutes of the last game against Swansea and they could have won that game," he said. "They're in a good moment, strong, competitive, it's how it is with teams like this: the champion of two years ago. "Last season was not a Chelsea season. Now they are back on track. We need to be ready for a real challenge. They defend well, attack strong. It's not an easy job, but we feel confident we could do something there." Klopp revealed that Dejan Lovren is fit to feature but suggested that Emre Can is not quite ready, despite having recovered from an ankle problem. "The players who were not involved in the last game are available again, plus Dejan, but not the others," he added. "Emre is not injured any more, but he needs to train. He had a difficult pre-season that came later than the other players. "It was not the best moment, but he's a wonderful player, now he needs to get fit. We do the same with Mama [Sakho] and Joe Gomez." (SportsMax)



A Desert Adventurer With A Karate Black Belt Meet New UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin

Aleksander Ceferin is the new president of UEFA - here, we look at his background and the changes he is wants to make in European football. Aleksander Ceferin has been named as the new president of UEFA following a landslide win at Wednesday's electoral congress in Athens. The 48-yearold won 42 votes from a possible 55 to beat rival Michael van Praag to become the successor to Michel Platini, who stepped down this year after being hit with a fouryear ban from football administration over an alleged disloyal payment in 2011. Ceferin has proclaimed himself "not part of the old establishment" of football, as well as "transparent" and "a family man" - all traits he considers vital to restoring some strength and credibility to European football's governing body. But who is the man tasked with leading UEFA for at least the next three years? Here, we look at his background and what he wants to bring to the role. KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY Ceferin was born on October 13, 1967 in Grosuplje, central Slovenia - then part of Yugoslavia. After graduating from a law course at Ljubljana University, he joined his father's legal business, where he developed a particular passion for representing professional athletes and sports clubs, though he also worked on criminal cases. He later took over the management of the company from his father, and says the success of the practice means he has not had to enter football politics for financial gain or to enhance his own reputation. "I have a very big law firm so I don't need it [the presidency] for my CV or to get something for me personally," he said. He is married to wife Barbara, and has three daughters. He is fluent in English and Italian, boasts a black belt in karate and has crossed t h e Sahara desert on five separat

e occasions: four times in a car, and once on a motorbike.

INTRODUCTION TO FOOTBALL Ceferin's first foray into football administration came in 2005, when he joined the executive board of KMN Svea Lesna Litjia, one of Slovenia's most successful futsal clubs. He became an executive committee member of amateur club FC Ljubljana Lawyers in the same year. After serving for five years as a senior member of NK Olimpija Ljubljana, he was elected as the president of Slovenia's Football Association (NZS) in 2011 and was successful in increasing the popularity and audience numbers for the country's top flight. The NZS also underwent an institutional revamp, moving to a new €8.5million headquarters that were officially opened by FIFA president Gianni Infantino in May. Ceferin, who served on UEFA's Legal Committee for five years before being elected to the top job, has been accused of being a puppet of Infantino - something he has dismissed as "imagination" on the part of the media. PRESIDENTIAL PROMISES Ceferin fought off a challenge from UEFA vice-president Van Praag to claim a landslide win at the elections, thanks to a commitment to challenge the power of the elite clubs and improve transparency in the organisation. Speaking after his win, he vowed to make a review of the new Champions League reforms a priority, after earlier expressing his concerns that changes to the qualification system and revenue distribution came as part of an empty threat from some of the continent's most powerful sides. Specifically, he is opposed the creation of a European Super League - something he claims was used as a "bargaining chip" by those clubs to gain favourable reforms, which included guaranteed group-stage spots for the top-ranked leagues, currently the Bundesliga, LaLiga, the Premier League and Serie A. "I am sure they do not want to leave UEFA and UEFA's competitions," he said. "It would be boring to play in some

closed league and it will mean war with UEFA." Ceferin also identified match-fixing as a key threat he is determined to combat as he admitted that European football faces "many" problems. He has suggested that there will be no repeat of the Euro 2020 format, which will see cities across the continent hosting matches, and vowed to encourage growth in women's football. "We are years in front of the USA concerning men's football but concerning women's football we are at least equal if not worse, so we have to work on that," he said.

'YOUNG AND INEXPERIENCED' BUT DEFIANT Ceferin, though two years older than FIFA counterpart Infantino, is the youngest man to be elected as UEFA president and is largely unknown outside his home country. There have been concerns that he lacks the experience or the renown in footballing circles to handle the job, but Ceferin himself feels this could work to his advantage as he attempts to stand up for the sport's 'little guys'. "I'm a man of conviction, a passionate man, a man of my own and a man of his word," he said. "I'm not a showman. I have no ego issues and I'm not a man of unrealistic promises. "Some people may have said that I'm not a leader, that I'm too young and too inexperienced to become the next UEFA president. "Me a leader? I don't know. I cannot declare myself a leader. It's not because you repeat again and again loud and clear, 'I'm a leader', that you're a leader. If you have to do it, you're probably not a leader. "I'm almost 50 years old and I'm chairing my own company and the Football Association of Slovenia for years now. You can say that I’m young and inexperienced but I honestly think it's disrespectful for all the presidents of small and medium-sized federations, who for 365 days a year have to do more with less. "Presidents of these kinds of federations must be creative, strong and inspiring. And, believe me, we have experience." (SportsMax)



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Aru Excited For Sardinia Start In 100th Giro Sardinia will host the opening three stages of the 2017 Giro d'Italia, with local rider Fabio Aru excited to race on his home island. Fabio Aru is relishing the chance to race on his home island of Sardinia after it was announced the 100th edition of the Giro d'Italia will begin there in 2017. The Astana rider who has finished on the Giro podium twice in three attempts was present in Milan on Wednesday as organisers revealed the opening three stages of their historic Grand Tour. The Giro will begin in Sardinia for the third time as organisers opted against a foreign start for the landmark race after

the 2016 edition began in the Netherlands. Over the first three stages of the 2017 race the peloton will cover 559 kilometres, finishing its time on the island in its capital Cagliari. Aru expects a challenging start to the year's first Grand Tour and the Italian hopes to be on the start line in Alghero. "The main problem will be the wind, because there's a lot of that in Sardinia, and there's not really a lot of flat either," he said. "These are two very long and quite hard stages to start with, so I think it will be hard from the start, so I think we'll need to be well-prepared right from the start. "Since I've heard the rumours about a Giro start in my region I've always hoped it was really going to happen. "I will make my next year's racing programs with our sport directors at the end of November, but I can certainly say that I wouldn't like to miss a Giro that starts in my Sardinia for anything in the world." Where the Giro will go from Sardinia remains to be seen, with the rest of the route not due to be announced until October 25. (SportsMax)



Kone Signs New Five-Year Sunderland Deal Defender Lamine Kone has agreed to a new contract that will keep him at Sunderland until 2021, the Premier League club have confirmed. Sunderland have announced that Lamine Kone has signed a new five-year deal with the club. The 27-year-old has agreed to fresh terms that will tie him to the Stadium of Light until 2021. The news comes as a huge boost to Sunderland, with Kone having been heavily linked with a move away from the club during the transfer window. "Sunderland AFC defender Lamine Kone has signed a new five-year contract with the Black Cats," a club statement read. "The deal will see the 27-year-old

Ivory Coast international remain on Wearside until 2021. "Kone joined Sunderland in January after completing a move from French side FC Lorient and has since become an integral part of the Black Cats side, even scoring a brace against Everton last season as Sunderland secured their Premier League status." Manager David Moyes was delighted to secure Kone's future following speculation linking him with a move to Everton in August. "Lamine is an important player for this club and I made that clear to him from the outset," he said. "He has only been playing in the Premier League since January, but

in that time we have already seen what he is capable of. "The challenge for Lamine now is to build on what has been a very positive introduction to English football and to continue to improve and grow as a player." (SportsMax)

Ceferin Has Given No Thought On Making Platini Honorary UEFA President

"I did not think about it." New UEFA chief Aleksander Ceferin was noncommittal on making Michel Platini an honorary president. Aleksander Ceferin has given no thought to the idea of making Michel Platini an honorary president of UEFA after being elected to replace the Frenchman as the head of Europe's governing body. Disgraced former president Platini resigned his position in May after failing to overturn a

ban from all football-related activity in relation to a disloyal payment from former FIFA chief Sepp Blatter with the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Platini, whose initial six-year suspension was reduced to four, was granted permission to address UEFA's Congress in Athens on Wednesday in a farewell speech. But Ceferin, who defeated Michael van Praag 42 votes to 13 in the ballot of UEFA's member nations, merely responded "I did not think about it" when asked if h o n o r a r y presidency was an option for Platini. The 48-year-old head of the Slovenian Football Association - also stated that he has not y e t g i v e n consideration on running for reelection, with his

term only running until 2019 - when Platini's term would have ended. "It's too early to think about re-election," he added. "In any case, I will try to do as many things on my programme as possible." (SportsMax)



'World Records May Be Beyond Me' - Bolt Not Focused On Challenging World-Leading Marks World fastest man Usain Bolt is no longer focused on breaking attempt in the final despite claiming the gold medal in the world records with the sprinter recently admitting that erasing the marks could be beyond him at this stage. The 30-year-old sprint phenomena, who recently added to his substantial legacy with an astonishing Olympic triple-triple at least months Rio Games, holds the world record in the 100m and 200m. The marks 9.58 (100m) and 19.19 (200m) were set by the sprinter at the 2009 Berlin World Championships. The sprint king had promised to attempt to challenge the 200m mark in Rio, but fell way short in his

event. “No [world records], it’s all beyond me now, right now it is just for me to go out there and leave with a big bang as possible,” Bolt said recently on Jamaican television. “I just want to go to the World Championships, do my best as always and stay on a certain level and that’s the plan,” the sprinter added. Bolt had earlier stated the desire to compete in just the 100m for what is expected to be his final World Championships, in London. The athlete’s coach Glen Mills believes the sprinter should contest the double. The agreement is yet to be worked out. “[Mills] still wants me to do the double, but I’ve told him I would really like to just do the 100m, so at the start of the season we’ll decide exactly what, but that’s what’s on my mind.” (SportsMax)

Heroes' Weekend Celebration For Jamaica's Olympic Stars - Minister Grange The Jamaican government is planning a special event to celebrate the success of its athletes at the Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, next month. The event will be held during the National Heroes Weekend, October 15-17, said Minister of Sport Olivia Grange at a special ceremony hosted by Digicel at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston to welcome home six of the athletes on Tuesday night. The minister said further details would be made available in the coming days. Jamaica won six gold, three silver and two bronze medals at the Games mirroring the success it achieved in Beijing in 2008. The haul saw Jamaica finish third in track and field in terms of medals won and third in terms of placings. Jamaica had more than 20 athletes in finals in Rio. Among the athletes who returned home Tuesday evening following successful campaigns at the Games and on the Diamond League circuit were double Olympic gold medalist and Diamond League 100-metre champion Elaine

Thompson; Olympic 400-metre bronze medalist and mile-relay silver medalist Shericka Jackson; Olympic mile-relay silver-medalist and Diamond League champion Stephenie-Ann McPherson; Olympic sprint-relay silver medalist Christania Williams, Julian Forte, and Megan Simmonds. The athletes are all members of the MVP Track Club headed by Stephen Francis, who also arrived home with the contingent. President of the Jamaica Athletic Administrative Association (JAAA) praised the athletes and their coach. He thanked Coach Francis for the hard work he has put in over the years and expressed his gratitude on behalf of the JAAA with whom the coach has had a few run-ins with over the years. He noted that the athletes present, by virtue of the number of medals they won between them, would have finished seventh on the medal table in Rio. Francis was also praised by Minister Grange, who implored him to accept a national honour the likes of which has

already been bestowed upon Glen Mills, who coaches nine-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt. Francis has on several occasions before declined offers to accept a national honour for his outstanding work as one of the best coaches in the world. The minister also said the government was committed to putting in world class facilities befitting of a country that produces so many world class athletes. She explained that similar ceremonies were not held for other athletes who have already returned home because some prefered to slip in quietly while the Government was not aware when others had arrived. She explained that MVP track club was gracious enough to reach out to her ministry to let them know when their athletes would be arriving. (SportsMax)



CONCACAF Champions League Review: Lozano Stars In Huge Pachuca Win Hirving Lozano scored four goals in a for the visitors. Jose Joaquin huge Pachuca win in the CONCACAF Champions League on Tuesday. Pachuca took a huge step towards the CONCACAF Champions League q u a r t e r- fi n a l s a s t h e Va n c o u v e r Whitecaps booked their place. Liga MX outfit Pachuca were dominant in their Group E clash against Police United, recording an 11-0 win. It took them 22 minutes to open the scoring through Mateus at FFB Field in Belmopan on Tuesday, but it was one-way traffic from then on. Hirving Lozano, a Manchester United target in the off-season, struck four times

Esquivel and Ruben Botta finished with braces in the comprehensive victory, with four goals coming in the final 20 minutes. It marked a new record for most goals scored in a single CONCACAF Champions League match. Pachuca are top of the group on nine points, six clear of Olimpia and nine ahead of bottom-placed Police United. The Vancouver Whitecaps sealed top spot in Group C after a dramatic 2-1 win over Sporting Kansas City. Erik Hurtado saw his opener cancelled out by Diego Rubio,

but the Whitecaps found a late winner through 15-year-old Alphonso Davies. Guatemalan outfit Suchitepequez held Real Esteli to a 1-1 draw to remain unbeaten in Group H. (SportsMax)

T&T Cricket: Ramnarine Calls For In dependent Body To Oversee TTCB Elections Former WIPA president Dinanath Ramnarine has called for an Bassarath for various positions on the TTCB board, but with a independent committee to oversee the upcoming Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board (TTCB) elections. A team led by Ramnarine will be challenging incumbent president Azim

month to go before the elections the former player representative has raised serious concerns regarding the state of affairs heading into the contest. Ramnarine addressed some of those concerns in a letter to the current Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board secretary Arjoon Ramlal. “On August 22, 2016, we sent you a letter in your capacity of Secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board (TT CB) requesting an urgent meeting on Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 01:00 pm. Our overwhelming reason for doing is our concern about the fairness of the upcoming TT CB elections and the need for an independent group to oversee the electoral process especially because the present TT CB executive members are likely to contest the various positions and that therefore demands that the elections are fair and totally transparent,” the letter published in part by the Trinidad and Tobago Newsday said. “In addition, as you are aware it is our stated position to contest the elections in the various zones and at the TT CB level. We also raised the issue of the 12 undemocratic and illegal outgoing votes held by the present executive. Your failure to respond to us unfortunately indicates that the TT CB is intent on pursuing a course of action intended to put Trinidad and Tobago cricket in disrepute.” (SportsMax)

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Jamaica U17 Squad Heads To Trinidad For Final Round Of CFU Qualifiers Jamaica's National Under-17 Team will with hosts Trinidad & Tobago, Haiti, and Verley, and Damani Osei. depart the island on Wednesday, September 14 for Trinidad and Tobago where they will participate in the final round of the CFU Men's U17 qualifiers. The team will compete in Group A along

Bermuda with the top two teams from each of two groups will advancing. The next best third placed team will complete the list of five teams to qualify for the CONCACAF Men's U17 Championship in 2017. The squad is comprised of Nickque Daley, Raewin Senior, Omar Thompson, Kaheem Parris, Renato Campbell, Nickache Murray, Jamoi Topey, Kimanni Gibbons, Tajay Grifiths, Horace Ramsay, Daniel Russell, Calwayne Allen, Jordan Petrekin, Jamari Morrison, Kendall Edwards, Chad Letts, Blake White, Cobi Atkinson, Jeremy

Andrew Edwards is head coach for the team that will be managed by Howard Bell. Dalton Wint heads the delegation. The Jamaicans are going into the final round high on confidence. During the semi-final round in the Virgin Islands in July Jamaica won all three matches. They defeated Guyana 4-1 and then followed it up with a 3-1 over Antigua and Barbuda. The capped off the round with a 9-0 drubbing of the hosts to become the first team to qualify for the final round of the qualifiers. (SportsMax)

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