September 15, 2016

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Min. Patterson Apologizes For Constant Blackout In Bartica Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson today apologised to residents of Bartica for the spate of blackouts in the area. During a press conference, Minister Patterson said that the area has three old units, one of which was removed for repairs. One of the two generators developed mechanical issues, forcing the town to receive power from one generator, thus the constant power outages. In the interim a generator was removed from Onverwagt Berbice, to back up the one in Bartica. The Minister is optimistic that full power will be restored by this weekend. The Essequibo Coast has been plagued with power outages as of recent. When the Guyana Daily News contacted the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), an official said that only one generator is working to service the entire region. Residents have become frustrated and have bitterly complained.

Ms. Williams, a resident of Hampton Court, said that a lot of her electrical appliances have been damaged due to sudden and frequent power outages. In June of this year, firefighters from the Anna Regina Fire S t a t i o n w e r e summoned to quench a fire at the GPL power Station. It was reported that the cables on the Caterpillar Generator was on fire.

$17M For Repairs To Supenaam Stelling Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson has revealed that works on the Supenaam stelling will commence shortly. The government has contracted the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation to carry out the works, which includes placing cluster piles, replacement of the transom, and replacing of

The Supenaam/Good Hope Stelling, Essequibo

the metal plates. The Minister said that the works are expected to last for about seven days to the tune of $17,015,444. On July 26, the MV. Sabanto, crashed into the ferry stelling causing severe damages to the anchor and rails. The Good Hope/Supenaam Ferry Stelling was built in 2007 by BK international, however since its construction, there have been many disasters surrounding the structure. Two trucks ended up into the Essequibo River while a section of the stelling deteriorated. Millions of dollars were spent to construct the stelling and millions are still being spent to effect added repairs. Several truckers also vent their concerns about the length of time the repairs take.




East Coast Road Project At A Standstill The East Coast Road expansion will not see any work being done any time soon. This is according to Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson who told a news conference today that the agreement with the China EXIM Bank is yet to be implemented and he cannot give a realistic figure for the completion of the project. He however stated that the funds from the Chinese Bank has been approved but when asked, Minister Patterson could not give a reason for the holding up of the funds. Patterson further explained that there was a query by the bank with the contractor, relating to why the estimate cost was low. The Minister however emphasized that the agreement with the contractor remains. Construction works between Better Hope and Montrose, on the East Coast Demerara Public Road four-lane expansion project, are at a standstill with a significant portion of works yet to be completed. The contractor, Dipcon Engineering Services, has not executed any works for the past two years. According to reports, Dipcon Engineering Services has to execute excavation works, reconstruct concrete drains, sand filling, and relocate water mains, poles and cables belonging to Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company and Guyana Power and Light Inc. in order to complete the project. With those works yet to be completed, several persons are questioning what the contractor has done thus far on the project, how Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson much money has been released to the contractor, and when will this project conclude.


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Abandoned Aircraft At Interior Airstrip Has Bogus US Registration Number

The abandoned twin engine Cessna Aircraft which was found by a joint services patrol at the Yupukari Airstrip, Central Rupununi, Region Nine is said to bear a bogus US

registration number. This is according to Cabinet Secretary, Joseph Harmon who told a post cabinet media briefing today that the aircraft was found off the airstrip itself and was partly hidden by a camouflage net bore and had the US Registration number N676Z. However, subsequent checks by the Guyana Defense Force (GDF), Guyana Police Force (GPF), the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) found that the registration number was bogus because up to as recent as yesterday another aircraft was flying under the same registration number in the United States. Although it is not clear as to what was the cargo of the aircraft, Harmon alluded to the notion that the plane might have been used in connection to drugs as he related that the

area in which the aircraft was found has be under regular and constant surveillance because in the past, an airstrip in the area would been used to by aircrafts connected to the elicited drug trade. “The members of CANU, the police force, the ranks are there. They’re checking the aircraft to determine whether in fact it had a cargo and whether the cargo has been disposed of or what,” Harmon explained. He believes that the airplane could not have being there for long because of the constant surveillance and the regular communication between the resident of the area and the patrols “We get the sense that is it would have been there a few days, I can’t be very specific about it because the investigation is take place there on the ground,” Harmon said. Investigation into the discovery is ongoing.

Cabinet Supports Operation Safeway

Cabinet has expressed its support of the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) road safety initiative “Operation Safeway” and is urging the general public to cooperate with the police to bring about a change in the current situation on Guyana’s roadways. Operation Safeway was launched yesterday by Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine at the Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, which took effect today. It is aimed at restoring road safety consciousness and public awareness to the general public, particular motorcar users, with the ultimate goal of minimizing the number of accidents.

Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine

The initiative is a joint operation involving ranks of the GPF, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and the National Road Safety Committee. Cabinet Secretary, Joseph Harmon told a post cabinet media briefing that the police noted that these fatal accidents occur during the weekends, evening hours and the operation safeway is intended resolve the issues as well as to ensure drivers of motor vehicles adhere to the road safety rules. In a statement, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that the issue of increased road fatalities was raised at both this week’s National Security Committee and Cabinet meetings. As a result, he said an “urgent decision was taken” to launch Operation Safeway. “Every Guyanese needs to arrive home alive. We all need to slow down. There is no place for drunkards behind the wheel. I support sanctions against p e r s o n s c h a rg e d

with serious traffic offenses, especially when they cause injury or death while under the influence of alcohol,” the Prime Minister stated. In recent days five lives were lost in three fatal accidents while several persons were hospitalized as a result. Four year old Abeka Trotman was killed on Sherriff Street while siblings, seven year old Tina Halley and 10 month old Marvin Halley lost their lives at Blakenburg on the West Coast of Demerara on Tuesday morning. Twenty three year old Ramesh Rampat and 45 year old Richard Ramnarine also lost their lives in a fatal Corentyne, Berbice accident at the weekend. Recently release figures by the Guyana Police Force report that for the period January 1 to September 9th2016, 89 persons lost their lives on the roadways, a 10% increase on the similar period in 2015.




Carol Alexis Fraser - Miracle Hands Guyana is the mother land of many talents, either in sports, visual arts or fashion and the noble sons of this soil always manage to surprise us with their ‘spicy’ performances and colorful creations. This is the example of Ms. Carol Alexis Frazer, a Berbician native, who projects her surroundings on evocative and functional designs. Carol is a fashion designer and a trained artist who has been taking over the runways of the Caribbean. A proud mother, Carol centers her art in the necessity of a green environment, stimulating a recycling consciousness with her unique creations. Carol’s career in the fashion world started from her early ages. There was a ‘hidden’ power in the hands of this small girl, power that was the reflection of the admiration towards her mother’s inventive spirit. Her ‘Matriarch’ became her ultimate source of

inspiration and guide. Interior renovation became the base for Carol’s career, without her being completely conscious of it. The evolution experienced after years of innocent crafting with any resource available, became her signature mode. Her passion for fashion grew, and so did her skills. She cemented her artistry graduating from the Burrowes School of Art as the best Leather Art student in 2007. She has mastered the technique of Artisanal Handicraft. Her hands are the ‘divine’ tool for the elaboration of masks, a variety of accessories, footwear, unusual designing and innovative pieces of clothing not leaving out her recent venture into the mural creation. With her increasing success nationally, she saw a breakthrough to catch the attention of international designers with the creation of ‘Miracle Hands’, a fashion-

line that manifest her environmentally friendly line of work. ‘Miracle Hands’ recently became Guyana’s leading Natural Fiber & Organic Entrepreneurs. Through this fashion-line and environmental project, Carol encourages the use of eco-friendly & biodegradable materials in the creation of new life-style innovations and fashionable apparel. Carol is an active member of the Guyana Women Artist Association. Her latest project, “Rise Again”, was seen on the French Guiana Fashion Week, where she displayed her wide collection of clothing and accessories made out of recycled materials; a style that she denominates as “Trashion”, showing her different and unique nuances. Source:


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Increased Monitoring In Fisheries Sector To Ensure All Vessels Comply With Laws PAGE 8

The Ministry of Agriculture had requested and received assistance for support to conduct Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) activities within Guyana’s marine fisheries sector to ensure that operators of all categories of fishing vessels are in compliance with the laws and regulations governing the sector. These activities will be supported by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guard and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Marine Branch. A meeting was held on Friday, September 16, 2016 among representatives of the agencies to discuss the scope and execution of the operations. The objectives of the activities are; 1.To reduce Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing activities 2. To increase the number of vessels licenced on an annual basis 3. To ensure that the industrial fleet is in compliance with the necessary regulations and 4.To gather the information that would be useful in the fight against piracy.Guyana’s marine fisheries sector fishing fleet is divided into three main sub-categories namely the industrial, the semi-industrial and the artisanal fishing fleets.


The industrial fishing vessels are trawler type vessels that target prawn (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, F. subtilis and F. notialis) and seabob shrimp (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) as the main species and finfish as by catch. All trawler type vessels are required by regulations to have their vessels fitted with Turtle Excluder Devices and Bycatch Reduction Devices. The seabob vessels operations are limited to fishing grounds between the seven to 18 fathom depth contours while the prawn vessels are permitted to operate above the 18 fathom depth contour. Currently, the seabob fleet is engaged in its annual closed season and only vessels engaged in research are permitted to be in the fishing zone. The closed season commenced on August 31 and will reopen on October 20, 2016.The semiindustrial fleet target mainly the pelagic species such as red snapper (Lutjanus purpureus) and grouper (Epinephelus spp.) and comprise of a local fleet of 58 registered vessels that utilise traps to capture the species and 20 Venezuelan vessels that are licenced to a local company. The Venezuelan vessels utilise hook and line to capture their species. The artisanal fleet comprises of locally constructed wooden vessels and an artisanal frame (boat count) survey conducted in 2011 estimated that approximately 1,234 vessels were in operation. A perusal of the Fisheries Department records have however indicated that these numbers have since increased and it is estimated that in excess of 1,500 of these types of vessels are in operation. These types of vessels are separated into Chinese seine (a

type of fyke seine), Gillnets (nylon, cabin cruisers and inboard), Caddell and Pin and Tie seines. These vessels target mainly the ground fish species such as bangamary (Macrodon ancylodon), trout (Cynoscion virescens), grey snapper (Cynoscion acoupa), cuirass (Sciades (Arius) proops), gillbaker (Sciades parkeri) and butter fish (Nebris microps). While 100% of the industrial fleet is licenced on an annual basis, only 35 or 60% of the 58 semi-industrial vessels on the register are licenced annually. The MCS operations will seek to verify these figures and remove non-operational vessels from the register. Of the estimated 1,500 artisanal vessels in operation, approximately 450 or 30% of these vessels are licenced annually. As the stated in the objectives, the upcoming operations, personnel from the Fisheries Department, the GDF Coast Guard and the GPF Marine Branch be visiting landing sites throughout the coast, as well as conducting at sea stops and inspections to ensure that all operators of fishing vessels within the marine fisheries sector are in compliance with the laws of Guyana. Part III, section 9 (1) of the Fisheries Act “Registration of Fishing Vessels Local and Foreign” states; “After 30 days from the commencement of this Act every owner of a local fishing vessel which is used or intended to be used or intended to be used for fishing in the fisheries waters, shall, before such vessel is put to sea, be the holder of a valid certificate of registration in respect of such fishing vessel.” Part IV Section 13 (1) of the Local Fish Licence states; “No local fishing vessel shall be used for fishing or related activities in the fisheries waters without a valid licence issued under this section in respect of that vessel.” It is hoped that defaulters will make every effort to ensure that they are in compliance with the laws governing their fishing operations, failing which, they will be prosecuted for noncompliance. (GINA)




MoH Says Zika Virus Not Officially Called An STD PRESS RELEASE – Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Sharon Belmar-George clarified, that though sexual intercourse has been proven to be a mode of transmission for the Zika Virus, the main mode of transmission is the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti Mosquito. “The Centres for Disease Control have documented the presence of the Zika Virus in semen also in vaginal fluids and in lower levels in other fluids such as saliva and breast milk but transmission through semen and vaginal fluids are the two that have been confirmed to date. They have also confirmed transmission through male to female transmission, male to male transmission and also female to male transmission they have not documented up to this point female to female transmission.” As with other diseases which can be transmitted sexually, Dr. George indicated that Ministry of Health continues to implore the public to engage in protected sex. “In particular importance to us are women who intend to get pregnant or women who are pregnant because it has been documented that the Zika Virus can stay in the semen for up to 60 days at this point.So, It is possible that pregnant

Dr. Sharon Belmar-George

women can get Zika through unprotected sex, through her partner apart from the bite of the Aedes aegypti Mosquito. ” Sensitization sessions on the implications of Zika Virus and the possible modes of transmission are routinely provide through antenatal clinics at Wellness Centres throughout the island. The medical officer said the hope is that women and men will take the advice seriously to protect themselves and their unborn baby as well. (St. Lucia News Online)




Venezuela Hosts Third NAM Caribbean Summit This Week MARGARITA ISLAND, Venezuela -- The 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is under way in Venezuela, where heads of state and government from 120 countries have gathered on a Caribbean island -- for the third time -- to come to grips with the myriad problems facing the world’s second largest grouping. The September 13 to 18 summit, being held in the island of Margarita, got under way on Tuesday with a welcome address by Venezuelan foreign affairs minister Nelcy Rodriguez. Hosting representatives from nations worldwide, the small Venezuelan island is home -- for the rest of this week until Sunday -- to delegations from the second largest international body after the United Nations (UN). The 55-year-old body today comprises 54 members from Africa, 39 from Asia, 26 from Latin America and the Caribbean and one from Europe. It also has 17 observer countries and 10 observer organizations.

Ahead of the meeting, the NAM’s Coordinating Committee held its last session on September 11 at the UN headquarters in New York, chaired by Iran, to make arrangements for the Margarita summit. The meeting, which was held at the level of ambassadors of NAM member states, was chaired by Iran’s UN Ambassador Gholamali Khoshroo. The session produced a 194-page draft final document that includes an introduction, three chapters and 907 articles, all of which explain NAM stances on different international and regional issues. The NAM is a group of states not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. But it constantly defends its members everywhere. Ahead of the meeting, it firmly rejected the latest set of sanctions imposed by the United States against Venezuelan officials. The group issued a statement denouncing the sanctions as “an intervention” in Venezuelan affairs. It said the sanctions were “intended to undermine Venezuela's sovereignty, its political independence and its right to self-determination.” The NAM said it considers the unilateral sanctions a “violation of international law, including the United Nations Charter and the basic principles of international law of relations between states.” It also said the measure was “coercive” and expressed its solidarity with the Venezuelan people and government. Tuesday’s meeting was the start of three stages of the summit, which begins with officials, to be followed by a later meeting of foreign affairs ministers and then the summit of heads of state and government to take place this weekend. (The Diplomatic Courier) (Caribbean News Now!)

Security personnel tighten up a street in Margarita Island, Venezuela on September 12, 2016, ahead of this weekend’s actual summit to be attended by delegations from 120 nations. (Photo:




CDEMA Jointly Awarded Silver Medal For Collaborative Project MER capacity of the agency to lead the CDM agenda for the region. The project undertaken by IDEA started with a series of training in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of a critical mass of key actors, both at CDEMA CU and in major national disaster offices. Twenty one participants achieved the Masters Certification Programme in M&E and Information Systems, a graduate level credited programme offered jointly by IDEA International and University Laval, Canada. Further work on the M&E system involved the revision of the strategic and operational plans, adjusting when necessary the choice of indicators in the performance measurement framework, and checking for the consistency of targets set at strategic, (L-R) Dr Frederic Martin, Co-President of IDEA and programmatic, and operational levels over the planning Ronald Jackson, Executive Director of CDEMA with other awardees horizon of the CDM strategy. The development of such a GUADALAJARA, Mexico -- The Caribbean Disaster robust system also includes efforts to strengthen M&E at the Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) is the recipient of level of the national disaster management organizations. a Silver Medal award, which is shared with the Institute for Development in Economics and Administration (IDEA And finally, the initiative was accompanied by the design and International). The award was sponsored by the International implementation of an online monitoring system, which started Development Bank (IDB) and presented during the IX with a diagnostic of needs and of relevant existing information International Seminar of the Sub-National Governments systems, and then included the adaptation of the generic IDEA Network (CoPLAC) held in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico on Solutions “Monitoring for Results” (M4R) software to the September 8, 2016. Both entities were nominated for the specific needs and characteristics of CDEMA to develop a ‘Second Competition in Management for Development Results tailor-made solution, which is currently functional as CDM (MfDR)’ and were placed second in the ‘MfDR in Sectors’ monitor. Based on the support given by IDEA, the CDEMA CU category. has seen an improvement over the last three years in its internal The executive director of CDEMA, Ronald Jackson, and the systems in terms of monitoring and reporting of results. The CU co-president of IDEA, Dr Frederic Martin, expressed their is also providing support to the participating states and to gratitude for the recognition. Martin said he was particularly stakeholders within the CDM governance mechanism in order “pleased that the CoPLAC Evaluation Committee had to improve the level of reporting on progress of implementation recognized this example of good practices in MfDR in the of the CDM strategy. (Caibbean News Now!) Caribbean region conducted with limited human and financial resources, as well as of the originality of the institutional setup based on North-South collaboration and public-private partnership”. Jackson also commended the organizers and sponsors of the award and offered assurance that “CDEMA remains committed to strengthening its accountability to stakeholders through monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) for both, its internal work and external partners’ work”. “Being awarded this silver medal on the occasion of celebrating our silver anniversary is highly commendable and speaks to the growth of the agency over the past 25 years in ensuring that M&E is highly featured in our efforts to be accountable to our participating states and stakeholders as we report on progress towards the achievement of the regional comprehensive disaster management (CDM) strategy 2014-2024 and the CDEMA Coordinating Unit (CU) corporate plan 2014-2017,” Jackson said. In 2013, the CDEMA CU contracted the IDEA International Institute to provide support to strengthening the


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cayman Islands Reports Four More Zika Cases PAGE 14


GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands (CNS) -- Another four women with no relevant travel history have been infected with zika as a result of local transmission, public health officials have confirmed in the latest update regarding the spread of the virus in the Cayman Islands. Another female patient, who tested positive in the latest batch of test results, had travelled to a zika outbreak area before becoming sick. To date, nine residents that have been tested have contracted the virus locally and another seven positive patients confirmed by the lab picked up the virus overseas. But officials warned that there may be many more people who caught zika at home or abroad but did not seek medical assistance. Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez said that none of the latest patients are related and none of them are pregnant. The senior health official stated at a media briefing recently that everyone needs to take precautions against the virus, which now includes safe sexual practices as well as protecting against mosquito bites. Williams-Rodriguez has said that detailing the communities where positive patients reside is unhelpful, even though many people want to know. On the international scene, the World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its interim guidance on the prevention of sexual transmission of zika. For regions with active transmission of zika virus, WHO recommends that sexually active men and women be correctly

counselled and offered a full range of contraceptive methods to be able to make an informed choice about whether, and when, to become pregnant in order to prevent possible adverse pregnancy and foetal outcomes. For regions without active transmission of zika virus, WHO also recommends practicing safe sex or considering abstinence for a period of six months for men and women who are returning from areas of active transmission. (Caribbean News Now!)

Concern Raised Over Lack Of CXC Report For St. Kitts

St. Kitts and Nevis (WINN): The analysis of how students in St. Kitts performed at the 2016 CXC examinations remains a mystery as the annual report from the Ministry of Education has yet to be delivered. The issue was raised recently by Opposition parliamentarian Marcella Liburd. She said the lack of a report even after the new academic year had begun, smacked

of incompetence on the part of the unspecified setbacks. He said the report would likely be delivered later this Minister of Education. week. (Antigua Observer) Liburd also pointed out the fact that the Minister of Education in the NIA, Premier Vance Amory, had given a report on the performance of Nevisian students since August 2nd. “You have an incompetent government and the country is really going downhill Up to now we have seen no one come out to talk about the exam results for CXC and CAPE exams that we’ve had to date. This is unprecedented. “I think the results have been here well over five weeks and we see all the competence in Education that’s going on,” MP Liburd said. WINN FM spoke to Education Minister Deputy Prime Minister Shawn Richards who acknowledged the delay in presenting the report, citing




Employers Owe NHT $59B Jamaica – EMPLOYERS across the island owe the National Housing Trust (NHT) $59 billion, including interest, which they collected from their employees for NHT contributions but have failed to hand over to the State-run agency. In response to questions from the Jamaica Observer, the NHT explained that from the annual returns filed by employers it has gleaned that an estimated $20 billion of the $59 billion is principal arrears and approximately $39 billion is interest accrued. According to the NHT, some employers collect money from the salaries of their workers but have kept the money instead of paying it over, others pay over only a portion of money collected, while some employers do not take any money for NHT contributions from salaries of employees, although the deduction is compulsory. The action of these delinquent employers, said the NHT, has been hampering the chances of a significant number of workers to access housing solutions from the agency. The trust is also unable to process contribution refunds to these affected workers because of their employers’ failure to pay over money collected or the decision not to deduct NHT contributions from salaries. In an effort to have employers comply, the NHT said that it is currently pursuing 1,483 cases in the court against these delinquent employers. It said that 493 of the cases are for non-submission of annual returns, and another 990 cases are to have the employers pay over contribution arrears. Outside of the more that 1,400 now before the court, the NHT said that, since April this year, 278 matters before the courts have been settled and annual returns submitted, while judgements have been received in 443 arrears cases. The NHT, when asked what assistance can be provided for an employee whose contributions have been collected by an employer and not paid over, said “The employee may inform the NHT and

provide evidence that the employer deducted NHT contributions from his/her salary.Evidence may be salary slips or a verification letter. On receiving the employee’s statement and evidence of deductions, the NHT will audit the company’s records (especially payr oll-related records) and, if the audit proves the non-compliance, the NHT will take steps to have the company remit the deductions and submit the relevant annual returns. These steps may include moral suasion, demand notices and/or litigation.”Annual returns, which the NHT has been using to identify delinquents, are the means by which employers account for statutory contributions paid by companies and employees. These returns identify each contributing employee by name, NIS number and TRN and state the gross income, how much contribution has been deducted for each employee for the period stipulated by law, and the matching employer’s contribution. The information provided on the annual returns helps the NHT to identify who is entitled to contributions refunds and other benefits. (Source:

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Mico Study Offers Key To Boosting Students’ Performance In Math

Take From: Jamaica- Apilot research on mathematics, conducted by Mico University College’s Caribbean Centre of Excellence in Mathematics Teaching (CCEMaT), has revealed that building teachers’ knowledge and developing students’ problem-solving skills will positively impact performance in the subject area. Shandelene Binns-Thompson, associate director of CCEMaT, said that the project indicated that factors which contribute to underachievement in mathematics include, but are not limited to, teachers’ inability to help students develop problem-solving skills; math teachers possessing limited subject knowledge that inhibits the effective development of mathematical concepts with students; students’ inability to decompose non-routine questions into algebraic form; employment of mostly teacher-centred approaches in the teaching and learning discourse; and students’ inability to read in the content area. The project involved 840 students and 24 teachers from four primary schools in Kingston.“It is easy to answer from recall knowledge, but students have to be trained how to systematically decompose questions into algebraic form. In order to develop mathematical concepts in students your knowledge as a teacher must go beyond the scope of what you’re teaching. Also, a good grasp of English A [language] is important in order to read and understand the questions,” she said yesterday while speaking at the press briefing held at Mico to disclose the findings of the research. Moreover, Binns-Thompson further said that statistics have shown that performance in math at the primary and secondary levels ranges from poor to average and cited the 2013 National Education Inspectorate report, which revealed that math performance in 73 per cent of the schools examined was unsatisfactory.“The Ministry of Education is fully aware of the issue of under performance in mathematics and as such, in the math and numeracy report of 2011 it was recommended that mathematics classrooms should embrace the development of analytical, reasoning and critical thinking skills as one of the central goals of teaching mathematics,” she said. “Now the ministry, being aware that these skills should be developed, they are also of the opinion that teachers’ subject knowledge should be enhanced above the scope of which they teach.” Professor Neville Ying, pro-chancellor of Mico, said understanding

and addressing the psychological needs and motivation of teachers and students are more important than the subject matter. “Effective teaching must start with the mindset that every child can learn mathematics, and the guiding principle is that the essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated but to make complicated things simple,” he said. “Passion and the ability of the teacher to pass on knowledge to the student is critical. Passion dismisses fear and replaces it with self confidence and excitement, which facilitates the learning of mathematics. The integration of English, drama, sports, information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning of mathematics can significantly improve students’ performance in mathematics. Integration of these subjects areas in the teaching and learning of mathematics caters effectively to multiple intelligences that exist in our classrooms,” Ying emphasised.. Meanwhile, Professor David Burghes, director of the Centre of Innovation in Mathematics teaching at the University of Plymouth in England, which partnered with Mico for the research, said a strong mathematical foundation in the primary sector is the only long-term solution to improve performance. “It is very important at the primary level that we have no child left behind. It means you have to have interventions and teachers who are well able to understand the issue and the problems in mathematics that our learners have,” he said. But, Education Minister Senator Ruel Reid said while the pilot project will help ramp up teaching and learning outcomes in mathematics, a high level of training and competency is required by professionals who teach the subject. “Out of the 1784 teachers teaching mathematics in high schools, only about 230 have a full mathematics degree so that is where we are coming from,” he said. “If we are asked to deliver in the subject areas, every single teacher must have the highest level of training and certification and must be competent, that must be the policy we are driving forward.” “What we are going to be trying to do with that initiative is make sure we validate everybody…and have defined teachers in the classroom. We will also assess whether you should remain in the teaching profession [because] if after three, four, five years there is no impact in your teaching, you’re in the wrong profession,” he added. The study employed an experimental mix- method design and investigated factors that contribute to underperformance in mathematics. It also identified how problem- solving skills are developed in mathematics. Additionally, the research found that there are several teaching strategies — such as co-operative learning strategies and humanistic methods — that may be employed when developing students’ problem solving skills. These include the use of technology, role play and poetry. The recommendations state that policymakers in the education sector should ensure that all teachers of mathematics are given an opportunity to enhance subject knowledge and that the developing of problem-solving skills in students becomes mandatory in all mathematics lessons, at all levels of the education system. (Antigua Observer)




Men Use More Lethal Methods For Suicide, Says Health Worker Although many persons are of the view that more men are committing suicide on Saint Lucia, Charge Nurse of the Mental Wellness Centre Jana Felix said this may not be the case. Felix, who appeared on News Maker Live programme with Timothy Poleon on Wednesday, said that men are more successful at suicide. “They use more lethal methods than females,” she said. The health care worker noted that most females who have committed suicide would take pills.

to difficulties in leading a normal life.

Such conditions can vary from a lifelong predisposition to low mood (known as dysthymia) to depressive episodes that vary in intensity from relatively mild to severe.This according to her, is one of the major risk factors for suicide. In addition to that, persons diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or personality disorder often times attempt or become successful at committing suicide. Felix said the time has And in doing so, if that person is come for a change in attitude found within a certain period, the likelihood of them dying is slim. However, someone is likely to die when it comes to how people respond to depression. faster by hanging, gunshot injury to the head and ingestion of a poisonous substance, all of which most men do when attempting “As a society we need to be less judgmental and more empathetic to suicide. “In Saint Lucia the preferred poisonous substance is those individuals. Gone are the days when we were our brothers gramoxone and more than likely, once you ingest that substance you keeper, when we looked out for each other. We have become a very will die,” Felix stated. Another factor behind men committing selfish society.” She continued, “Almost every suicide is suicide is, in many societies, expressing emotions, for example preventable. Ninety percent of suicides are preventable, so that is 9 sadness, fear, disappointment or regret, is seen as being less of 10. Those are 9 useful, fruitful lives that we can have,” she noted. acceptable for boys than girls. This cultural stereotype is very difficult to shake off, though more The media was also reminded of the important role it could play men are now opening up to others. In providing some statistics, when it comes to educating the public about the services and help Felix said there has been six recorded cases of suicide so far this they can get for themselves, their family or friends. Felix urged year, while in 2015 there were 7 cases (all males). In 2012 and 2014, media entities to be mindful of how they report on suicides, saying, Saint Lucia recorded 13 cases each, the highest in 10 years. “A successful suicide would affect other people contemplating Meanwhile, the charge nurse said the word ‘depression’ is often suicide and we must be careful.” The World Health Organisation used in everyday language to mean straightforward and says every 40 seconds someone in the world takes their own life. understandable unhappiness, but the word should be reserved for Persons are being advised to give a listening ear to anyone who those who have significant and pervasive lowering of mood leading might need it. (St. Lucia News online)





Former MP Urges Gov’t To Strengthen Democracy, Restore Local Gov’t Elections of local government, by allowing the people of the various

Jeannine Compton-Antoine

In light of recent moves to appoint persons to serve on various local government bodies including the 13 constituency councils, former Member of Parliament (MP) for Micoud North Jeannine Compton-Antoine is calling on the new government to restore local government elections to bring some fairness to the system. Compton-Antoine told St. Lucia News Online (SNO) in an interview on Wednesday that was one of the things she was campaigning for and would have implemented in Micoud North if she was successful at the June 6, 2016 election. The former MP observed that at present the government still continues to select persons to sit on various councils and the opposition has no say as to who should or should not be selected to serve. But what Compton-Antoine finds more upsetting, is that most of the time the people from the constituencies are not even familiar with the council members. “Prior to the election, in every community in Micoud North, when we discussed the council, no one knew who was representing their community on the council and what their role on council was,” she told SNO. Compton-Antoine who is passionate about this issue and had spoken extensively about the need to improve accountability and transparency on Saint Lucia said that the people should decide who gets to represent them. She said, “The government needs to allow for the strengthening

communities to elect their representatives on council and to give each constituency council a budget to do meaningful work in the constituency. The council should meet regularly with constituents to discuss and determine the projects and priorities for each community. Thus helping to create a development plan for each constituency developed through the input of the people.” The former independent MP also believes that the council should inform constituents regularly of budgetary allocations, projects approved, expenditure and contract processes and awards of contracts. She is also of the view that the council should meet with the various communities at least every three months. Further, Compton-Antoine suggested that all elected representatives should be the head of the local government and should not hold any ministerial portfolio. “Each constituency would have a mayor i.e. the elected representative and elected councils. They would submit annual budgets to central government for approval based on each constituency’s development plan and would approve legislation etc. via the Parliament,” she explained. The former Micoud North MP favours a Swiss model of governance, where each constituency has a ‘people’s parliament’ which meet often to discuss, appraise and get the input of the people as what to is happening in the constituency . This ‘people’s parliament’, according to her, would be made up of: the representative, the council, the police and fire service, district education and health representatives, youth and sports councils, among others. “This would bring true accountability and allow governance to be put back in the hands of the people. Right now, Saint Lucians have no say in our governance,” Compton-Antoine told SNO. At present, most councilors are appointed not based on merit or capability but rather on their political affiliation. They are not subjected to public scrutiny as they do not have to face the public during the general election. Council polls were suspended in 1979 by the Saint Lucia Labour Party-led government. (St. Lucia News Online)




Barbados Government Concerned About Pace Of CLICO Restructuring BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) -- The Barbados government is very concerned about the pace at which CLICO Holding’s restructuring process is taking place. Minister of finance, Christopher Sinckler, expressed those concerns while delivering an address at the Domestic Financial Institutions Conference on Tuesday. Sinckler disclosed that in December some decisions were taken, which were contingent on the courts’ acceptance of the restructuring plan for CLICO, which was placed in receivership in 2013. “We have put certain things in place, including financial resources, which we have done with the assistance of Minister of Finance, Christopher Sinckler making a point during our Central Bank and others. We Tuesday’s Domestic Financial Institutions Conference. (A. Miller/BGIS) have given full and complete support for that restructuring plan to strength and once again be a leader in the international proceed and I can say that six, seven, [or] eight months on, we currencies across the world. “So from the level of the are in fact disappointed that the pace at which that…reform has government, we are keeping eyes on it; we are sensitive to the transpired, has not been at a satisfactory level,” he stated. The issues but we are not getting overly excited and worrying about minister further revealed that he met recently with the team what will take place,” he stressed. Sinckler said Britain was one working on the restructuring from the government’s side and of Barbados’ greatest international partners and the two the judicial managers to express government’s concerns. countries had worked together in a number of areas. (Caribbean He gave the assurance that an appropriate statement on the News Now!) matter would be issued in a couple of weeks. “Hopefully, it will be done jointly with the judicial managers to indicate the timeline which we have now determined that transition should be completed in and with it, the resumption of the payment of the various awards and premiums that are due to the members of the public,” he added. Stressing that his ministry was not involved in the day-to-day execution of plans pertaining to the restructuring of CLICO, he continued: “I want to say to those Barbadians who have been ill affected continually by this process that we have not abandoned you and therefore we should apologise publicly for those delays. “But rest assured that now that the Budget is out of the way, I am going to see to it that that timetable is kept and that that transition is completed before the year is out and that the process will move into the next phase of execution.” During the conference, which is being hosted by the Central Bank and the Financial Services Commission, Sinckler said the government was keeping an eye on Britain’s exit from the European Union and urged the public not to panic. “The pound sterling is a strong, internationally-traded currency, and once the British economy settles down from this temporary shock… we expect that the pound sterling will regain its




Hinkley Point: UK Approves Nuclear Plant Deal

The government has approved a new £18bn nuclear power station in the UK after imposing "significant new safeguards" to protect national security. The new plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset is being financed by the French and Chinese governments. However, the UK government says it will have control over foreign investment in "critical infrastructure". Ministers will be able to stop EDF, the state-controlled French energy firm, from selling its stake in Hinkley. Jean-Bernard Lévy, chief executive of EDF, which is building the plant, said: "The decision of the British Government to approve the construction of Hinkley Point C marks the relaunch of nuclear in Europe." Critics of the deal have warned of escalating costs and the implications of allowing nuclear power plants to be built in the UK by foreign governments. EDF is funding two-thirds of the project, which will create more than 25,000 jobs, with China investing the remaining £6bn. The Chinese agreed to take a stake in Hinkley, which will meet 7% of Britain's energy needs, and to develop a new nuclear power station at Sizewell in Suffolk on the understanding that the UK government would approve a Chineseled and designed project at Bradwell in

Essex. That decision has raised questions over national security. The Department for Business said: "After Hinkley, the British government will take a special share in all future nuclear new build projects. This will ensure that significant stakes cannot be sold without the government's knowledge or consent." It added: "There will be reforms to the government's approach to the ownership and control of critical infrastructure to ensure that the full implications of foreign ownership are scrutinised for the purposes of national security." It's a yes - with strings. A new agreement means that the government will be able to block the sale of EDF's controlling stake in Hinkley. The government will also take a special or "golden share" in all future new nuclear projects. This will ensure that significant stakes cannot be sold without the government's knowledge or consent. There will also be increased scrutiny of the national security implications of foreign ownership of critical infrastructure. There is no specific mention of China's plans to design and build their own reactor at Bradwell, but state-owned China General Nuclear Corporation welcomed the decision. Sources close to the company say it will

Artist's impression of Hinkley Point C building proposals(PA)

press ahead with their Bradwell ambitions under these new rules with confidence. The price of the electricity, the parties involved and the future of UK nuclear all look the same. That will prompt some to ask what the hiatus since July's surprise review has really achieved. Guarantees Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark told the House of Commons, that it was right for a new government to re-examine the Hinkley Point deal. He said: "The government is satisfied that the improved deal and the other changes announced will for the first time remedy the weaknesses of the previous regime for foreign ownership of critical infrastructure." He added that the measures will ensure foreign investment in UK infrastructure "works always in the country's best interests". The government has not altered the guaranteed payment of £92.50 per megawatt hour for electricity generated. Shadow energy minister Barry Gardiner said it was "too high a price" and it should have been renegotiated. Claire Jakobsson, head of climate and environment policy at EEF ,the manufacturers' organisation, said it was a relief to see Hinkley going ahead "after months of delays and uncertainty". "However, this project will clearly require a vast amount of support and it remains to be seen whether this deal is able to offer value for money. If new nuclear is to continue to play a major role we must see significant reductions in strike prices for future projects," she added. Josh Hardie, deputy director-general of the CBI business lobby group, called the announcement good news: "Investors are hungry for further signs from the government that the UK is open for business." The decision on investment was approved by EDF's board in July, and was agreed in principle with China during the state visit by President Xi Jinping to the UK last October. (BBC)




Philippines President Duterte 'Once Killed Man With Uzi’ "Jamisola [the justice department links to the illegal drug trade, something

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte allegedly once shot dead a justice department agent with an Uzi submachine gun while serving as mayor of Davao. The allegation was made by Edgar Matobato, a self-confessed former death squad member, before a Senate inquiry on extra-judicial killings. Mr Duterte, he alleged, ordered him and others to kill about 1,000 criminals or political rivals over a 25-year period. One government minister called the allegations "lies and fabrications" Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre said Mr Matobato was "obviously not telling the truth" while presidential spokesman Martin Andanar said investigations into the president's time as mayor had gone nowhere. Mr Matobato, 57, said he had been a member of the Davao Death Squad, a notorious vigilante group allegedly responsible for hundreds of killings. "Our job was to kill criminals like drug pushers, rapists, snatchers," he said. But he also said that Mr Duterte's opponents had been targeted too, including four bodyguards of a local rival for mayor, Prospero Nograles. In 1993, he said his group had injured a justice department agent after a confrontation at a road block. "Mayor Duterte was the one who finished him off," he said.

official] was still alive when he [Duterte] arrived. He emptied two Uzi magazines on him." Mosque attack Victims would be shot or strangled, he said, with some disembowelled and dumped into the sea so fish could eat them, or in one case fed to a crocodile. He told the Senate panel he had gone from a witness protection programme into hiding when Mr Duterte became president, fearing for his life. Mr Matobato also alleged Mr Duterte had ordered the bombing of a mosque in retaliation for an attack on Davao Cathedral in 1993. On this claim, Mr Duterte's spokesman, Martin Andanar, said "I don't think he is capable of giving those orders." He said the country's Commission on Human Rights had failed to even prove the existence of the Davao Death Squad. Prospero Nograles' son Karlo, a Davao city representative, challenged Mr Matobato's account relating to his father's bodyguards. "I don't know what this guy is talking about," he wrote on Facebook. "I can only suspect that this guy is being manipulated by some people to only serve their own selfish interests." Clashes at inquiry The woman leading the Senate inquiry into extra-judicial killings, Leila de Lima, is a strong critic of Mr Duterte and has been accused by him of having

she denies. At one point, she and an ally of Mr Duterte, Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, clashed, with Mr Cayetano questioning Mr Matobato's credibility and accusing him of being part of a plot to unseat the Philippines' president. Mr Duterte became mayor of Davao in 1988, and his tough stance saw crime rates plummet, an approach he has vowed to replicate at national level. In June this after winning the presidency he effectively sanctioned the public killing of drug suspects, telling a rally "if you destroy my country, I will kill you". Since his election more than 3,000 drug users and dealers have been killed in in police operations or by vigilantes, according to the authorities, amid international alarm over human rights violations. But Mr Duterte has dismissed concerns over his drugs policies, calling UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon "a fool" and referring to US President Barack Obama as a "son of a whore", something he later said he regretted. (BBC)




World's Oldest Man, Yisrael Kristal, 113, To Hold Bar Mitzvah Kuperstoch said it would be a "corrective experience". Mr Kristal was born in Poland in 1903 and survived being in the Auschwitz death camp during World War Two. He was recognised by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest man in March this year. Mr Kristal turned 113 on Thursday, according to the Gregorian calendar. He will mark his bar mitzvah in two weeks' time, coinciding with his birthday according to the Hebrew date. Ms Kuperstoch told the BBC her father would perform the traditional bar mitzvah rituals, including putting on phylacteries (small boxes containing biblical verses worn on the head and arm) and saying blessings over the Torah (Jewish holy book). "They will bless him and sing with him and dance with Mr Kristal will celebrate the occasion with several generations of his family(GETTY IMAGES/AFP)

The world's oďŹƒcially oldest man is to ďŹ nally have his bar mitzvah at the age of 113 - a century after he missed it due to the outbreak of World War One. Yisrael Kristal, who lives in Israel, will celebrate the Jewish coming-of-age ceremony with family and friends in a synagogue in Haifa, his daughter said. Shulamit

him and give out candies," she said. "We are excited, we're happy, it is a great honour to celebrate his bar mitzvah. He has children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and cousins and everyone is coming." Mr Kristal should have had his bar mitzvah in 1916, but his mother had died three years earlier and his father had been drafted into the Russian army. He was cared for by an uncle and after WW1 moved to the Polish city of Lodz to work in the family confectionery business. After the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939, Mr Kristal and his family were moved into the Lodz ghetto. His two children died there and Mr Kristal and his wife Chaja Feige Frucht were sent to Auschwitz in 1944, where his wife was murdered. Mr Kristal survived and emigrated to Israel in 1950 with his second wife and their son. (BBC)




Syria Truce: Russia Accuses US Of Failing To Abide By Deal The withdrawal of government and rebel forces from Aleppo's Castello Road has been delayed(REUTERS) Russia has accused the United States of failing to fulfil its obligations under the truce agreement in Syria. A defence ministry statement said Washington was using a "verbal curtain" to hide its reluctance to rein in the rebel groups it supports. The truce has broadly held since taking effect on Monday although the Russian-backed Syrian army and rebels have accused each other of many violations. Meanwhile, the UN has warned there is a "problem" with getting aid into Syria. Special envoy Staffan de Mistura placed responsibility on the Syrian government which, he said, had not yet provided the "facilitation letters" that would allow aid convoys to pass through army checkpoints and reach besieged areas. "We cannot let days of this reduction of violence be wasted by not moving forward," he told reporters in Geneva. The Russian defence ministry insisted that, from the very beginning of the truce, Moscow had been fulfilling its obligations, which includes ensuring that the Syrian air force does not bomb areas held by mainstream rebel forces and setting up checkpoints in divided second city of Aleppo. It therefore said it found

"confusing" recent comments by US officials that expressed doubts about whether Russia would be able to deliver. "Only the Syrian army has been observing the ceasefire regime... while the US-led 'moderate opposition' has been increasing the number of shellings of residential quarters," the ministry statement said. "Moreover, it appears that the 'verbal curtain' of Washington is aimed at hiding the non-fulfilment of the US obligations." The US has not reacted to the comments from Moscow, but the state department did acknowledge some incidents "on the part of both the opposition and the Assad regime" were continuing. The US, Moscow also added, had not yet compelled rebels to separate themselves on the ground from allied fighters from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a jihadist group known as al-Nusra Front until it formally broke off ties with al-Qaeda in July. The move is necessary before the US and Russia can start conducting joint air strikes targeting Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and so-called Islamic State (IS). 'Procedural roadblocks' The Russian defence ministry also stressed that the Syrian army was ready to pull troops back from the Castello Road in Aleppo to ensure the safe movement of humanitarian convoys. Mr de Mistura said the creation of a demilitarised zone along the road,

The withdrawal of government and rebel forces from Aleppo's Castello Road has been delayed(REUTERS)

which runs around the north of the city into the rebel-held east, was proving complicated. Both government and rebel forces are ready to withdraw personnel and weapons at least 500m (1,640ft) away from the road, but they will not begin until they see each other doing the same, according to a monitoring group. "There is great fear because the regime exploits every opportunity," Zakaria Malahifji of the Aleppo-based rebel group Fastaqim told Reuters news agency. Mr de Mistura's humanitarian adviser, Jan Egeland, is exasperated at the situation. "Can well-fed grown men please stop putting political, bureaucratic and procedural roadblocks for brave humanitarian workers that are willing to go to serve women, children, wounded civilians in besieged and crossfire areas?" he asked. Later, Mr Egeland said a convoy of 20 lorries carrying food supplies for the estimated 250,000 people trapped in eastern Aleppo had crossed into the buffer zone between the Turkish-Syrian border and would hopefully arrive on Friday. The big fear is that if no aid gets through soon, the warring parties will grow impatient, and the fighting will begin, reports the BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva. (BBC)




Brexit: No Substantive Talks For 12 Months, Herman Van Rompuy Predicts Substantive Brexit talks between the UK and the rest of the EU are unlikely to start much before the end of 2017, a former European Council president says. Speaking to the BBC, Herman Van Rompuy said negotiations were unlikely until a new German government was formed after next September's election. The talks will be tough but hopefully of mutual benefit, he said, adding the UK had to make the "first move". He described the UK's decision to leave the EU as a "political amputation". Meanwhile, leaders of every EU country, apart from the UK, are gathering in the Slovakian capital Bratislava to discuss the future of the bloc. The UK voted by 51.9% to 48.1% to end its membership of the EU in a referendum on 23 June. Prime Minister Theresa May has said that the government will not trigger Article 50 the formal start of the process of leaving the EU - before 2017. Mr Van Rompuy was president of the European Council, which defines the EU's overall political direction and priorities, from 2009 until 2014. He told BBC Radio Four's Today programme: "Before the German elections and before there is a new

German government, I think no serious negotiations will take place. "You can always start with more technical matters, but the hardcore, the difficult topics, will be tackled after the constitution of a new German government and that will be October/November." Mr Van Rompuy described the senior figures appointed to negotiate for the EU, who include Belgian ex-Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt and French finance expert Michel Barnier, as "very very tough" but also "very pragmatic". He denied leaders wanted to "punish" the UK for leaving, but said there was a desire not to encourage other countries to follow suit. "Any negotiation will be a difficult negotiation, independent of the personalities. Of course we want an agreement which represents some kind of mutual benefit. "There are huge economic interests, but there are also red lines. It is very well known that freedom of movement [of EU nationals] is a red line," he said. 'Not many friends' Mr Van Rompuy rejected suggestions that the EU should have given former Prime Minister David Cameron a better deal after he sought reform of the UK's relationship with the EU, saying the main reason for

the Brexit vote "lies in Britain". And he said EU leaders had warned former Prime Minister David Cameron it would be a "mistake" to hold a referendum on membership. He said the UK already had a "very special status" within the EU, which was illustrated by it not being a member of the eurozone or the Schengen Agreement. But this meant it was also "not fully a member of the hardcore where decisions are taken". "Britain had not many friends anymore," Mr Van Rompuy said. This had been shown during the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission in 2014, when Britain was "isolated" in its opposition to him, he added. Mr Van Rompuy said despite this, European leaders still viewed Brexit as a "political amputation of the first degree". He added: "Because Europe was for many countries still a model, a model that you can achieve peace among peoples and states that waged wars for centuries, so it was a model of cooperation and integration. "That image of a strong Europe, that is tarnished a lot after Brexit." (BBC)




Bali: Explosion On Tourist Boat Kills Two People

An explosion on a tourist boat off the Indonesian island of Bali has killed two people and injured at least 14 others, police say. An Austrian woman was one of the dead, according to police, while the identity of the second victim, also a foreign woman, was still unclear. A short circuit near the fuel tank may have been the cause, officials said, ruling out a bomb. Indonesia has a poor maritime safety record and fatal accidents are common. The boat was carrying at least 30 passengers, including many foreigners, and four crew, and was heading to the nearby island of

Officials say one victim was hit by debris

Gili Trawangan. There were also tourists from the UK, France, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Spain on board, according to a passenger manifest. The explosion on the Gili Cat 2 boat happened 200m (219 yards) out of Padang Bai port in eastern Bali, according to police. 'Short circuit' "Based on the testimony [from passengers] and from what I saw on the scene, the explosion came from the fuel tank," local police chief Sugeng Sudarso said. "Above it was a battery. Maybe there was a short circuit that affected the fuel tank?" The explosion, he said, shattered the boat's rear windows and upended seating. A spokesman for the British embassy in Jakarta said it was providing assistance to British nationals injured in the blast, AFP news agency reports. Last year, dozens of tourists were injured when small explosions hit a ferry crossing between Bali and the neighbouring holiday island of Lombok. The explosions were thought to have come from the fuel tank of the ferry. But Indonesia has also been targeted by Islamist militants. In January, gun and bomb attacks on the capital, Jakarta left four civilians and four attackers dead. In Bali itself, 202 people - mostly foreigners - died in 2002 when two bombs ripped through an area popular with tourists. (BBC)

Flights Cancelled As French Air Traffic Controllers Strike Thursday. Aer Lingus also said flights had been affected, European consumers and

BA and Ryanair have cancelled flights on Wednesday and Thursday as French traffic controllers start their fourteenth bout of industrial action this year. Ryanair cancelled 22 flights on Wednesday night and 72 on

a number of flights have been cancelled. Flights that normally route through French air space are affected. Passengers are advised to check the status of their flights. BA declined to say how many

saying the information goes out of date quickly. BA said: "Unfortunately, if the threatened strike does go ahead, we will have to cancel some flights, and other short haul flights may also experience some delays and disruption, given how many flights would normally use French airspace each day." It said it would use larger aircraft, where possible, to help affected customers. Ryanair warned there could be more delays. Ryanair said: "This French... strike will impact hundreds of thousands of

throw their travel plans into chaos once more. "It's high time that the European Commission takes action to prevent these repeated... strikes from continuously disrupting the travel plans of millions of Europe's citizens and their families." BA has offered customers due to fly to or from France on Thursday the opportunity to rebook. The lobby group Airlines for Europe (A4E), which represents airlines including EasyJet, Ryanair and BA's parent company IAG, has called on the European Commission and governments to take action to reduce the impact of air traffic control strikes. (BBC)




Chinese Actress' Death Sparks Cancer Treatment Debate The death of a young Chinese actress from cancer has sparked a debate on social media - because she initially chose traditional Chinese medicine over c h e m o t h e r a p y. X u Ti n g , 2 6 , w a s diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the immune system, earlier this year. However, she chose not to undergo chemotherapy, saying she had seen friends suffer from the procedure, and was concerned about the cost. "I don't want to let chemotherapy torment me to the point where I look unrecognisable, and have lost all my money, and myself," she wrote on micro-blogging site Sina Weibo. Instead, Ms Xu opted for traditional Chinese medicine methods, such as cupping, acupuncture, back stretching and a method called gua sha in which the skin is scraped to produce light bruising. As her condition got worse, she did eventually

The 26-year-old was diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the immune system(WEIBO/@ KITTY)

resort to chemotherapy - but died of cancer on 7 September. 'Useless cure' Xu Ting first revealed her condition to the public in July, using her official Weibo account which has almost 300,000 fans. She documented her journey online, posting several photos of herself undergoing traditional Chinese medicine treatments. Her posts attracted the attention of tens of thousands of social media users - while many wished her well, several also urged her to undergo chemotherapy. "Listen to me, Chinese medicine is absolutely useless to cure cancer, if you don't want to listen to me at least listen to a doctor," one user commented. "Please abandon the traditional treatments, it's a fantasy. You need to rely on modern medicine to save yourself," another said. The actress, who is one of seven children, said that she had been working hard her entire life to pay for her brother's tuition, her parent's debt, and a house, but never felt comfortable spending money on herself. After learning of Ms Xu's death, there was intense debate over whether she would have survived if she had turned to chemotherapy, with t h e h a s h a t g

#XuTing'sDeathAndChineseMedicine trending on Sina Weibo. Some argued that traditional Chinese medicine should not be blamed for her death. "There are many cancer patients who pass away after receiving chemotherapy. Will these same people also say that Western medicine is a sham?" said a writer from the Beijing Evening News. "Chinese medicine is thousands of years old. Not everything Western doctors say is true," another expressed. Others argued that Ms Xu should have taken both types of treatment to complement each other, as chemotherapy would have targeted her tumour while traditional Chinese medicine could have helped alleviate her symptoms. "Both types of medicine have their own strengths and weakness. The point is you need to use them together," said one user. It is not uncommon for Chinese patients to visit Western doctors for acute illnesses, but use traditional Chinese methods to prevent sicknesses or minor ailments. Scientists are also beginning to research whether traditional Chinese medicine can treat or prevent cancer. Many fans steered clear of the debate altogether - but expressed sadness that Ms Xu had died at such a young age. "I'm sad that this is how I came to know you," one user wrote. "I hope there's no pain in heaven, and wish you well." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Luxury Car Theft Gang Smashed In Europe-Wide Police Operation PAGE 33

Police in Europe say they have smashed an international organised crime gang that stole and trafficked luxury cars across Europe and North Africa. Forces from Italy, Spain and Belgium made 28 arrests and searched 29 locations in Italy and Spain, a statement said. The gang's key players were identified as Italian and


Moroccan. They collaborated with a vast network of associates across the EU in a sophisticated operation, police say. Authorities seized some 40 cars, an estimated value of €3m (£2.54m, $3.37m), according to Italian police. Computers, fake IDs, and €25,000 (£21,200; $28,100) of counterfeit money were also recovered. Investigations into the gang began in Italy in 2015 after multiple reports from victims whose cars had been stolen. Italian authorities identified patterns in the crimes and links to incidents in other countries. Separate investigations were carried out in Belgium and Spain. How were the cars stolen? Data about the car's owner

was obtained through the Italian Public Vehicles Registry Counterfeit documents were created in Spain to match the owners The counterfeit documents were then brought to the original car dealership so that a copy of the car keys could be obtained Vehicles were then stolen and could be exported at ports After the car was stolen, forged license plates and insurance cards were created to evade police The operation was coordinated by EU law enforcement agency Europol and Eurojust, the EU body that coordinates investigations. Eurojust spokesperson, Ms Teresa Angela Camelio, said: "[The] action clearly demonstrates that the most sophisticated international criminal schemes can be dismantled thanks to excellent judicial and police cooperation at EU level." (BBC)




A Day Like Today

Muhammad Ali (1942-2016)

Muhammad Ali, an American Olympic and the maximum figure of the professional boxing, defeated the undisputed heavyweight, Leon Spinks a day like today 1978. This wasn’t only a next victory for Muhammad, but a print on his file as the most successful boxer of his time. Cassius Clay, was born in Louisville, Kentucky on January 14, 1942. From early ages he felt drawn by sports, having a preference for boxing. He stared to train as an amateur boxer when he was 12, and his good performance made him part of the American delegation that participated on the 1960 Rome Summer Olympics.

the iconic Muhammad Ali. At the time, the Vietnamese war was taking place and all adult males were called to join the line of fire. Muhammad was called but he rejected to participate according to his principles and believes.

The following years, he would focus on continuing to build his profession and prestige, using the boxing ring as a battle field. He was the undisputed heavyweight champion of the 60s, making his way up to fame with his thrilling fights during the 70s, gaining the name of ‘The Greatest’ and ‘The peoples Champion’. As a celebrity, Winning his first gold medal at the age of 18 on the light- heavy he used his weight on the media to promote racial equality, making weight division, he later won the World Boxing Association (WBA) him a successful activist. Ali was known as an inspiring, and the World Boxing Council (WBC) titles at the age of 22, making controversial, and polarizing figure both inside and outside the ring. a statement of dominance on the international rings. His success came on a decade when racial discrimination was at its peak. Ali defeated every top heavyweight in his era, which has been called Confrontations of races used to make paper headlines, stimulating the golden age of heavyweight boxing. He retired in 1981 with a record of 56 wins, five losses and 37 knockouts. His death came as a political disturbances. shocking and sad reminder of the limited time that we are all given Cassius was a successful black male in a predominantly Caucasian in this blue planet. As mortals, we come and go. He died on June 03, country. In a way to stand for African-American resistance, he 2016 due a respiratory illness, leaving his legacy as one of the most joined the Civil Rights Movement to help eradicate racial influential figures of the last century. segregation. Shortly after he turned to Islam, changing his name to




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Daily Horoscope

If you're single, get out there and you'll meet someone new. If you're preoccupied, be careful while operating a vehicle or any kind of equipment or machinery. Secret love affairs may be enticing; however, you must be prepared for the restraints that will follow.

Your diplomatic approach and rather outgoing nature will enhance your reputation and bring you the support you need. They won't get away with it. Try to channel your energy into professional endeavors.

Get involved in physical activities that will stimulate you. Investments that deal with property will be lucrative; however, upsets with family members may be likely. You probably aren't getting straight answers to your questions.

Don't let children or elders put demands on your time. You can make a huge difference to children if you are able to put yourself in their shoes. Your nerves are frazzled.

Partnerships with creative people could lead to financial gains. You will have the getup and go to contribute a great deal to groups of interest. Education may be the answer.

You will feel compelled to do some traveling. You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. Look into some personal changes.

If you address those in a position to grant you favors you should get the support you require. You may find out that someone has not been completely honest with you. Your versatile mind and common sense will allow you to come up with various solutions

Your knowledge and good sense will help more than you think. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities that exist. Try to stay calm and do the best you can.

Be sure to think twice before you say something that might hurt your partner's feelings. Jealousy may get in the way of a good relationship. You can offer your help to others but back off if they appear to be offended by your persistence.

You may need the space, but you need the extra cash more. Your charm will attract members of the opposite sex. Secret affairs will come back to haunt you.

Try to be tolerant of the moods of those around you. Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes that they won't like. You may find out that someone is trying to undermine you.

Trips should be your choice. Do not invest in ventures that only appear to be lucrative. Lovers will be demanding. You are best to sign your partner up for activities that will be tiring




RECIPE OF THE DAY: RASPBERRY OATMEAL COOKIE BARS Ingredients 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup rolled oats 1 /2 cup PALMBOOM* butter, softened 3/4 cup seedless raspberry jam

Preparation Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease one 8 inch square pan, and line with greased foil. Combine brown sugar, flour, baking soda, salt, and rolled oats. Rub in the butter using your hands or a pastry blender to form a crumbly mixture. Press 2 cups of the mixture into the bottom of the prepared pan. Spread the jam to within 1/4 inch of the edge. Sprinkle the remaining crumb mixture over the top, and lightly press it into the jam. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes in preheated oven, or until lightly browned. Allow to cool before cutting into bars. **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS



Sammy Slams Simmons Sacking

Former West Indies captain Darren Sammy made no secret of what he thought about the decision to end Phil Simmons' reign. Darren Sammy has lashed out at the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) for ending Phil Simmons'

reign by stating "if the blind leads the blind they are bound to fall in a pit." The WICB announced on Tuesday that head coach Simmons' tenure had come to an immediate end only five months after he guided the Windies to the World Twenty20 title. That announcement was made just a week before the first game of the Windies' tour of the United Arab Emirates to take on Pakistan. Simmons' exit came a year after he was suspended for criticising the selection of the one-day international squad to tour Sri Lanka and the WICB put his departure down to "differences in culture and strategic approach".

Sammy was sacked as West Indies T20 captain last month and the former skipper made it clear what he thought of the decision to axe Simmons. "So after the publicity stunt in Fort Lauderdale [where the Windies played two T20s against India last month] the first so called plan to move West Indies Cricket forward is to fire the coach just two days before a tour.. just prove to me what I already knew," the all-rounder posted on Facebook. "If the blind leads the blind they are bound to fall in a pit." The Windies will be managed by Joel Garner in the UAE, with Henderson Springer and Roddy Estwick coaching. (SportsMax)

Conte Confirms David Luiz Will Start Against Liverpool start against Liverpool, though, with Conte added. "He can play tomorrow if

David Luiz will make his second Chelsea debut when they take on Liverpool on Friday, with Marcos Alonso also ready to feature. Antonio Conte has confirmed David Luiz will start for Chelsea in Friday's Premier League encounter with Liverpool and is confident the Brazil international will be ready. The centre-back re-joined Chelsea from Paris Saint-Germain in the closing hours of the transfer window, but Conte was quick to stress he would need time to adapt to his new surroundings and benched the 29-year-old for the 2-2 draw with Swansea. Luiz will feature from the

John Terry unavailable due to an ankle injury. "Tomorrow David Luiz will play for the first time with us," Conte said at a media conference. "We are confident. We expect him to play well. We know he is a good player. We are working to get him in the best condition to get the best out of him. "I said he needs time because that is the truth. It is normal that a new player needs time to adapt to your idea of football. But we need him against Liverpool. “He has worked hard these days. I am confident he will do well." Marcos Alonso also still awaits his Chelsea debut following his move from Fiorentina, but Conte stressed the Spaniard is ready to make his bow if needed. "Alonso is also a good player and I am pleased with him. He is showing good things on the training pitch. I think he is ready to play,"

necessary. After the match against Liverpool, we have another tough game against Leicester and that could be another good opportunity for him." Chelsea sit three points clear of Liverpool after four games, but Conte expects a difficult match against Jurgen Klopp's men. "I expect a strong match, a tough game against a strong team," the Italian continued. "I think Liverpool are a really good team. They play with high intensity and bring many players in attacking situations. "They are a very good team. We must pay great attention. We know Liverpool are a very strong team." (SportsMax)




Conte Not Worried About Potential Diego Costa Ban

Antonio Conte is not worried Chelsea will be without Diego Costa due to suspension in the near future following his three bookings. Chelsea manager Antonio Conte is not overly concerned Diego Costa will receive a ban for his

fifth booking at some stage this season and believes the Spain international is still improving in this area of his game. Costa has been a key figure for Chelsea this campaign and has already netted four times in as many Premier League outings. He has also been booked three times, though, and is now just two yellow cards away from a suspension. "Diego Costa is on three yellow cards and he is two cards away from a ban. But I am not too worried about this," Conte said at a news conference ahead of Friday's match against Liverpool. "Diego is still

growing in this area. He showed a great attitude in our last game [against Swansea City] in a difficult situation. Diego is a passionate man and I want him to put this passion in his game in the right way. And he is doing just this. "It is hard to tell your players that they have to pay attention because they risk a ban. Diego is aware of this. It is important for him not to get booked for strange situations. "It can happen for tackles and when it is necessary. He is an important player for us. "But we also have Michy Batshuayi, who is also a good player and is ready to show what he can do. Plus we have Ruben [Loftus-Cheek] who can play in this position." (SportsMax)



Nara Japan's Last Hope After Overcoming Putintseva

Third seed Yulia Putintseva suffered a second-round defeat to Kurumi Nara at the Japan Women's Open in Tokyo. Home hope Kurumi Nara overcame third seed Yulia Putintseva 6-2 6-2 to secure a place in the quarter-final of the Japan Women's Open. Putintseva had won all four of the pair's previous encounters, but Nara came out on top with a comfortable win inside one hour and 26 minutes in Tokyo. Nara, the only Japanese remaining in the competition after top seed Misaki Doi was dumped out in the opening round by

Aliaksandra Sasnovich and Naomi Osaka lost 6-3 6-2 to Shuai Zhang now the highest seed left in the competition - on Thursday, will face Jana Cepelova in the last eight. Sasnovich was unable to reach that stage herself, though, going down 63 6-1 to Alison Riske, while Viktorija Golubic required over two and a half hours to beat Magda Linette 6-2 6-7 (5-7) 6-3. Golubic will face off against Christina McHale in the quarter-finals after the American defeated qualifier Rebecca

Peterson 2-6 6-2 7-6 (7-4) in a gruelling three-set encounter of similar length. (SportsMax)

Alcacer Feeling Privileged To Play Alongside Messi

Paco Alcacer has nothing but praise for Lionel Messi and has admitted he was surprised Barcelona wanted to sign him. New Barcelona signing Paco Alcacer feels privileged to be playing alongside Lionel Messi and feels the Argentina superstar is truly unique. Messi has been in sublime form in the opening stages of the 2016-17 campaign and has already netted six goals in as many appearances

following his hat-trick in the 7-0 Champions League win over Celtic.

"We have never seen anyone like Messi in the history of the game," Alcacer told the official Barcelona website. "It is a privilege to be playing alongside him." Alcacer joined Barcelona from Valencia in the closing days of the transfer window and he has admitted he initially found it hard to believe the Catalans were keen to sign him. "I could not believe it [ w h e n Barcelona wanted to sign me]," he added. "Playing for such a big club is the absolute maximum. I am very happy

and excited to be here. At first I could not believe it because it can be very overwhelming when such a big club is interested in signing you. "Barcelona are a very demanding club and our objectives are very clear." (SportsMax)



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West Inspires Hawke's Bay To First Win Of 2016

Ihaia West scored 16 points as Hawke's Bay got their first win of the Mitre 10

Cup season against struggling Southland. Hawke's Bay ended their winless start to their Mitre 10 Cup campaign by defeating Southland 43-29 in Invercargill, with Ihaia West the star. After being promoted to the top tier for 2016, the Magpies had begun their campaign with five straight defeats, putting them on the brink of relegation. The match initially started poorly for West, who was shown a yellow card as

Hawke's Bay went into half-time trailing 12-10, but a strong start to the second half saw them surge ahead through Ash Dixon and Matt Garland. Wharenui Hawera kicked his fifth successful penalty and a Peni Ravai try levelled the score at 22-22, but West took centre stage with a cross-field kick to send Mason Emerson over. After Tony Lamborn touched down to complete a neat team move, West marked his 50th appearance for the club with a score of his own in the corner to secure a bonus point despite Tauasosi Tuimavave crossing in the closing stages. (SportMax)

Tottenham A Match For Anyone In Champions League, Insists Alli

To t t e n h a m m a y h a v e l o s t t h e i r Champions League opener to Monaco, but Dele Alli says they believe they are a match for any side in Europe. Tottenham believe they can beat any side in the Champions League despite Wednesday's loss to Monaco, midfielder Dele Alli has said. Goals from Bernardo Silva and Thomas Lemar in the first 31 minutes were enough to hand the Ligue 1 side a 21 win at Wembley, despite Toby Alderweireld's header just before halftime. Alli concedes that Spurs were made to pay for a disappointing start but insists they can still match the very best that the continent has to offer. "We fancy ourselves against anyone," he said. "We're a confident side and we expect to win games, no matter who is in front of us. We let ourselves down in the first half against Monaco. "We need to make sure we keep improving and win the next game. We usually bounce back well from a defeat and it's important we pick ourselves up on Sunday against

Sunderland. We have to make sure we learn from Monaco and take it into the next games. "We've got some fantastic fans here at Tottenham and it's a great club to play for and the whole team are sorry we didn't win. But it's important we pick ourselves up and keep learning from these experiences and make sure we win the next game. And hopefully we can get a win as well." Captain Hugo Lloris was disappointed not to give the home fans a better performance at a packed Wembley stadium, where Spurs will play their group games while construction work continues at White Hart Lane. "With the right attitude you need to show more than we showed in the first half," said the France international. "I think it's a privilege to play in Wembley in front of 90,000 fans. The atmosphere was unbelievable, they deserved more from us. "We need to learn as quick as

possible from this game because we still have a chance to through as there's still five games, but we need to learn quickly. "I think the season is long. It's the first loss of the season. It's a big disappointment because there was a lot of expectation from the Champions League before this season. And now we are in the Champions league we need to enjoy it, we need to perform well and we need to get great team performances." (SportsMax)



Ricciardo Only Planning To Continue 'Shoey' Craze With A Win Red Bull driver Daniel Ricciardo will only continue the 'shoey' craze sweeping motorsport if he tops the podium in Singapore. Daniel Ricciardo is planning to drink champagne from his shoe once again if he guides his Red Bull to first place at the Singapore Grand Prix. After finishing second in the final race before the mid-season break in Germany in July, Ricciardo celebrated in novel

fashion with what is branded a 'shoey', repeating it after coming in the same position at August's Belgian Grand Prix. Fellow Australian Jack Miller had marked his first MotoGP win in Assen a month prior in the same fashion, with Valentino Rossi following suit after his second-place finish at the San Marino Grand Prix – his home circuit – last weekend. Ricciardo is enjoying seeing the trend sweep across motorsport, but he only plans to repeat it Singapore if he secures a first win of the season. "I didn't start it, but I started it in Formula One as far as I know, but not worldwide," said the Red Bull driver. "I know Jack Miller knows a few of the guys from 'The Mad Hueys' [who Ricciardo credits

with starting the craze] so when he got his win in Assen I suspected he was going to do it and he did. "So then I was like alright, I'll keep the sort of Australian tradition going and now Valentino's got in on the mix. I saw he Instagrammed it yesterday and he said everyone loves a shoey and he said delicious and all that and a few words that I used for it, so I think it's just a bit of fun now and everyone's enjoying it. "If I win, yeah [I'll do it], if it's just a second or third, probably not now. For a victory I'd expect to see a few people do it." Somewhat of a shoey connoisseur, Ricciardo reliably informed that the temperature of the sparkling wine is key to enjoyment. "Honestly, if the sparkling wine is cold, then it tastes good," he said. "Normally it's cold on the podium – if it's warm you'd get the sweat and that through it but the cold taste kills the bad stuff, so it's delicious, as we said." (SportsMax)



Jamaica Netball: Improved Sunshine Girls Need Consistency - Reynolds Jamaica coach Minneth Reynolds took solace in an improved performance from the team against New Zealand, but called for more consistency from the unit going forward. The Sunshine Girls were

soundly beaten 61-38, which ensured that the Kiwis wrapped up the threematch series for the Taini Jamison Trophy in Palmerston North on Wednesday. The loss was, however, an improvement on the 38-goal hammering the team suffered to open the series. The Caribbean team came out with a lot more intensity on Wednesday taking the early lead in the opening minutes of the match, but costly turnovers saw the Kiwis retake the advantage for a 14-9 lead at the first break, a margin they

extended to 29-16 through a scrappy second quarter. Both coaches rang in the changes at half-time, with the Jamaica’s managing to match their opponents with 13 goals each for the period. The home team, however, reestablished their dominance for the final period. The victory means the Ferns will retain the Taini Jamison Trophy no matter what the result of the final match, which will be played in Rotorua on Saturday. "It was a much-improved performance. We were working on penetrating the New Zealand defence, as well as trying to limit their movement on attack," Reynolds said. "But we need to be more consistent." (SportsMax)

Antigua Schools Football To Cost More Than EC$100,000 The Ministry of Sports in Antigua and Barbuda is expected to shell out in excess of EC $100,000 to fund the coming season of schoolboy football set to begin in October. About half of the sum is to go towards running the competition, according to Rowan Benjamin who is coordinating the competition. He said the bulk of that money goes towards transportation

and referee’s fees. “To run a schools’ programme you’re looking at pretty close to $150,000 but to run the league would cost $70,000,” he said. Benjamin said he expects there to be an increase in the number of schools participating this year. “The letters have been sent out already and it’s left to the schools and their coaches to decide how many teams they will have this year,” he said. “Last year we had some 44 teams from, I think, 16 schools, both government and private.” Deadline for registration is September 30. (SportsMax)



Guyana Ready To Host Inter-Guiana Games Guyana is on the verge of complete month. However, only two countries will inspections, Guyana is ready to host the readiness as it prepares to host the 2016 Inter-Guiana Games set for later this

contest the Games this year as French Guiana will not participate. “We are expecting a Surinamese delegation to be in the country by September 21 to do last inspections of the facilities,” said Sports Director Christopher Jones while addressing media this week. “They would have already done so and that would have been done by the Director of Sport for Suriname last month.” Jones said based on feedback from the preliminary

games that were started by Forbes Burnham with the intention of building strong relationships between the three countries. “Preparation for the hosting of the InterGuiana games is well apace, very productive. In fact, just (Monday) we concluded nine meetings with the seven disciplines that we will be participating in as well as the persons to provide food,” Jones said. The participating countries will compete in badminton, basketball, athletics, volleyball, table tennis and swimming as well as Futsal. (SportsMax)

Leveridge Eager To Make Use Of Windies A Opportunity

Surprise Windies A debutant Reynard Leveridge claims he is eager to make use

of opportunity when the team faces Sri Lanka A later this month. Leveridge, a member of the Jamaica Defense Force (JDF), has never previously played first class cricket. The soldier, however, caught the eye of selectors after impressing in the nets while bowling to India earlier this year, ahead of the recent Test match at Sabina Park. Leveridge, who turns 26 on Thursday, is still enjoying the moment but already has hopes of claiming a spot in the senior team. “Getting picked for the West Indies

A team and on my birthday, its coming up Thursday the 15th, I am ready. I am pumped up,” Leveridge said. “It is just an awesome feeling being here on my birthday away from home. Away from family but I don’t mind. It is my dream to be in this camp and I really appreciate it,” he added. “My plan to get into the West Indies team is to put out my best. Stay strong. Stay focused. Keep fit. A lot of training because it is a lot of work getting to the test level, the international level.” (SportsMax)

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