September 16, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Pharmaceutical Drugs Not Adequately Monitored In Guyana Director of the Government Analyst Food measures are taken.” On the contrary to PAGE 2


and Drug Department (GA-FDD), Marlon Cole had announced that by December 2016, the agency will set up a pharmacovigilance centre for monitoring and inspecting drugs. Pharmacovigilance is the practice of monitoring the effects of medical drugs after they have been licensed for use, especially in order to identify and evaluate adverse reactions. Currently in Guyana, there is no health facilities or hotline to report any adverse reaction to medication that have been administered to patients. There is also no tracking system that would allow for one to identify the production date, batch number and other necessary information that help the identification process. Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings, said, “Indeed all medicines, all products imported or manufactured in Guyana, are subject to a strict testing and assessment of their quality, efficacy and safety before being authorized, and once placed on the market they continue to be monitored so as to assure that any aspect which could impact the safety profile of a medicine is detected and assessed and that necessary

the Minister’s statement, the Food and Drug Department does not have an accredited testing lab for drugs entering or produce in Guyana. It is alleged that the department relies on the labeling on the packets of drugs in order to assess them. Therefore, it is fair to conclude that this is the main reason why there is no tracking system or reporting of any adverse reaction to drugs. Compounded with the absence of a testing facility in Guyana, Cole is also being accused of corruption at many levels. In an article published by the Guyana Chronicle on August 13, 2016, Cole has denied these claims, noting that he will carry out his duties without fear or favor. The Guyana Daily News has investigated Mr. Cole’s involvement in several alleged corrupt deals and is in receipt of a letter and other documents from ICPA India, the drug manufacture of Zerodol and Zerodol P. This letter was sent asking Cole and the Ministry of Health to desist from authorizing the importation of the drug, which formulation is to be sold in India and not for resale in Guyana, however, Cole is reported to have said that there is

GA-FDD, Director, Marlon Cole

no evidence to suggest that such a letter was sent to his department at any time. In subsequent articles the Guyana Daily News will publish this letter and other documents. It is alleged that Cole continues to allow his associates import the drug Zerodol despite the warning reported by ICPA.

Teenager Charged With Murder

Seventeen - year - old Marlon Garnette of Albouystown was today remanded by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after he appeared before her charged with the murder of an unidentified m a n o n S u n d a y September 11, 2016 at Robb S t r e e t , Georgetown. He is set to return before the court on

October 18, 2016 as further investigations into the matter continue. Garnette, a vendor at the Bourda Market,was unrepresented in court.




Govt Signs $5.6B Debenture Agreement With NIS

Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan today signed a Debenture Agreement with the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) for an aggregated value of $5.6 Billion. The debenture deal was signed to assist NIS to recover its investment in the Colonial Life Insurance Company (CLICO). Speaking at the signing ceremony, Minister Jordon said that because of “NIS reckless investment” $5.6B of taxpayer’s money will have to be diverted to help the situation, monies which could have been injected in other areas. The minister however said that there that there is “no use crying over spilled milk.” Last month, Minster Jordan announced that NIS would receive $5.6B from the government as compensation for the financial loss suffered as a result of an investment made in the now bankrupt CLICO. The government had consented that the payment to NIS will be through non-negotiable debenture certificates. The minister had previously stated that repayment would be made over a 20-year period at a fixed interest rate of 1.5 per cent per annum. The initial decision to repay NIS came from Resolution 82,

passed by the National Assembly on March 12, 2009, called upon the then government to take all necessary steps to ensure that there would be no financial loss to any policyholder or depositor of CLICO (Guyana); and to take all possible actions to secure the investments made in CLICO (Guyana) by the NIS on behalf of contributors and beneficiaries of the Scheme, to prevent any consequential loss in benefits to them. The National Assembly had endorsed the statement by the government of the day, guaranteeing the savings, pensions, investments, and insurance of all investors, depositors, policy holders and contributors of CLICO (Guyana).

Education Of Medical Students Boosted With PALTEX Programme The Pan- American Health Organization ( PA H O ) a n d t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h Organization (WHO) today launched the PA LT E X ( E x t e n d e d P r o g r a m o f Textbooks) in Guyana in the presence of government ministers, PAHO/WHO reps and medical students. The aim of the PALTEX PAHO/WHO programme is to contribute to the development of educational human resources in the health service of the region of America. PALTEX will accomplish such objectives

The PAHO/ WHO launches PALTEX programme in Guyana

through the provision of updated educational materials at affordable prices for students and health workers. The initiative to expand the PALTEX into the English-speaking Caribbean was proposed to the Director of PAHO during the 28th Pan American Sanitary Conference in 2012. After a period of analysis the plan was set into motion, taking Guyana as one of the nations to be a pioneer in such a project. PALTEX, an accessible way to medial education Representative of the PA H O / W H O i n Guyana Dr. William A d u - K r o w , expressed his excitement about the implementation of the PALTEX, noting that 30 years of fructiferous talks between the G u y a n e s e government and the PAHO/WHO is now being reflected.

“We want medical education to succeed. This can only be accomplished providing a support to students and health workers. PALTEX is that so needed way,” Dr. AduKrow said. He encourage pupils to acquire the texts to reach a higher level of self-development. Deans and educators will distribute the texts in their institutions in order for them to gain relevance over obsolete material. Meanwhile, Minister within the Ministry of Public Health Dr Karen Cummings noted that the Health Service Education is expected to improve through this program, using it as a base to ‘polish’ the professionals of tomorrow. The ties that this two organizations have developed during the years with the Guyanese government is “expected to be enjoyed wide into the future,” she said. “Heath System Development in Guyana is necessary. The PALTEX is an amazing initiative, and is a step towards the right direction.” She further noted that the government is working to provide better health care centers and renovating those that are already functioning.


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Guyana Slipping Further Into Poverty Line

Several persons have complained to the Guyana Daily News about the state of the economy and the general state of their well-being. The size of a country’s economy is based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which generally determines how rich or poor citizens of the country are. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Guyana was worth approximately 3.17 billion US dollars in 2015, and per capita GDP is $8500 annually as per the World Bank report. The poverty gap in Guyana is at USD$1.90 a day, this is according to Index Mundi. This means that

approximately 42% of Guyanese earn less than USD$2per day, especially in the hinterland areas and pensioners. The base of establishing the poverty line are: 1. Proportion of adult’s literacy, 2. percentage of adults in the work force. 3. Percenage of children not attending school, 4. Percentage of dwellings not having potable water. 5. Percentage of dwellings that do not have a link to a sanitary sewerage. 6. Percenatge of dwellings without electricity. 7. Percentage of dwellings without garbage collection service, or do not use compost, or burying. 8.

below that required to purchase a minimum low-cost meal. The World Bank report stated that, Guyana is the second poorest country in Caricom. Base on these indicators, the map below show the areas that are most affected by poverty, pink being the most affected area and blue being the least affected.

Region: 1 - BARIMA/WAINI 2 POMEROON/SUPERNAM 3 ESSEQUIBO ISLANDS/WEST DEMERARA 4 DEMERARA/MAHAICA 5 MAHAICA/BERBICE 6 EAST BERBICE/CORENTYNE 7 CUYUNI/MAZARUNI 8 POTARO/SIPARUNI 9 UPPER TAKATU/UPPER ESSEQUIBO 10 - UPPER DEMERARA/BERBICE Notes: The index is weighted by the number of households in the enumeration area. High marginality index value indicates high level of poverty. The indices were computed using selected variables from the 2002 population census, from the map shown above, some areas are subject to more poverty than others. Guyana slipping further into poverty line.

Overcrowding, most important percentage of persons making less than needed to survive monetarily. According to the last published census report in 2002, around 42 percent of the population in Guyana falls below the poverty line. With Approximately twothirds of the poor can be classified as being extremely poor, with an expenditure level




Social Media: A Necessary Evil

Communication has always been one of the most powerful weapons in the evolution or involution of a society, a vital step for humanity to reach to the qualification of society itself. The art of communicating is intrinsic, complicated but beautiful on its matrix. This could easily be turned into an asset or a deadly weapon. Within the last two decades, the explosion of technology have provided the users with a wide scheme of opportunities to communicate ideas worldwide. Letters delivered on foot that used to take weeks or even months to reach their destination, are now delivered in milliseconds. The birth of the telegraph, followed by the underestimated project of the phone. Invention that catapulted us to a highly appreciated comfort zone led to The ‘Rise of the Machines’ with the bloom of the computers. Optic fiber allowed internet and cellular phones to come on the spotlight. In less than 30 years technology transformed the large spaces between continents, in the distance between your fingers to a click. It has spoiled us to a dangerous level. Today we can’t imagine our world without it. We became clumsy and not completely functional without a device. It is a second soul that has the power to guide us through vicious courses. The power of communication today has become so great, that it can cause the conflict between nations in hours, bring ‘James Doe’ to fame, or destroy a celebrity’s career in seconds. Updating Facebook profiles, putting a catchy status in WhatsApp, clicking a funny picture on Snapchat or posting the latest meal on Instagram have become more important chores for the common person, that the essence of the word ‘chore’ itself . The era of technology is taking over us all. The prestige of

internationally renowned personality now can, and is being judged by the amount of followers that this one gets on Twitter, and how many retweets his/her messages gets. This is the case of Cristiano Ronaldo better known as ‘Ronaldinho’, or the phenomenon of contemporary professional football. Ronaldinho has more than 238 million followers on social media, making him the most popular man on earth. Only surpassed by the American singer Taylor Swift with 247 million. Taking this number as a reflection of the evolution of social media, and its direct impact of this in today’s society. The weight that social media carries in modern life is massive. Modern life hell is described as 24 hours black-out. Not for the heat, mosquitoes or the discomfort that shortage of electricity represents, but because ‘we’ turn, in a matter of seconds, into a helpless creature that are only capable of interact with a cold and lifeless device. Verbal communication has become a second resource of interaction. Calls are made only and exclusively under cases of emergency. This behavior that we qualify as ‘normal’, would have provoke a heart attack to our ancestors. Not for the advance technology, but for the dominance of silence in a One-to-One “conversation”. Social studies have shown the increasing rate of social anxiety, anxiety, stress and depression in today’s generation. Normal children today report more anxiety levels than a psychiatric patient in the 50s. This figures are alarming. The question is –why? The answer is beneath our noses. Children, teenagers of today don’t breathe the oxygen of freedom that a good walk in a park represents or decompress their frustrations swinging on a swing while their friends play on a slide, or walk along the seawall while their parents have a chat about Halloween. Even if you can see them outside, they will have a tablet, a phone or any other device that detour their attention from the real world. Slowly dragging them into a ‘tight’ environment of High Definition (HD) graphics. Hours and hours of staring to screen can only be reflected at the moment of interacting with other children or persons in general. Intercommunication becomes a challenge, more than a natural reflect for a social being. To balance pros and cons could be tricky and frustrating. Let’s conclude that social media is a necessary evil. A necessary evil that under control, just like fire can be beneficial. If not, can become a scary Hulk that can slowly devour us with Garam Masala. Source: tendencias/2016/09/659-696755-9cristia...




FATF/CFATF Pleased With Guyana’s Progress In Short Period

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 15, 2016) President David Granger, today, met with the Financial Action Task Force and International Cooperation Review Group (FATF/ICRG), who are currently in Guyana to conduct a site visit to assess the progress made by the country to bring it into compliance with the requirements of the FATF and the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF). The team was accompanied by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams. The visiting delegation included CFATF’s Financial Adviser, Mr. Roger Hernandez, CFATF’s Executive Director, Mr. Calvin Wilson, Americas Regional Review Group (ARRG) Assessor, Mr. Gonzalo Gonzalez de Lara, and FATF’s Senior Policy Analyst, Mr. Kevin Vandergrift. The Assessor from the ARRG, Mr. Gonzalez de Lara, said that the team is pleased with the Guyana Government’s efforts and the work being done by the various law enforcement agencies. He also said that the FATF/CFATF recognises that all of these changes have been achieved in a relatively brief period of time. President David Granger reiterated his G o v e r n m e n t ’s c o m m i t m e n t t o compliance and its importance to Guyana’s security. “We welcome your coming here and the

Seated from left are FATF’s Senior Policy Analyst, Mr. Kevin Vandergrift, ARRG Assessor, Mr. Gonzalo Gonzalez de Lara, President David Granger, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams, CFATF’s Executive Director, Mr. Calvin Wilson and CFATF’s Financial Adviser, Mr. Roger Hernandez

work you are here to do and we look forward to favourable outcomes… We are committed to ensuring that there is full compliance in every respect,” President Granger said. With regard to the political will to comply, the President explained to the visiting team that his Coalition Government is made up of six different political parties, each of which has a firm stance against financial impropriety. He also spoke of the menu of measures that his Administration has taken, in just a little over a year, in keeping with the recommendations of the FATF/CFATF, including the passage of required legislation.

He reminded that as a small country with porous borders, Guyana is vulnerable to transnational crimes such as human trafficking and contraband smuggling and as such, the country has been doing its best to tackle these problems within the limit of its resources. In addition, Minister Williams noted that while there is still some resistance to the new measures, the Government has been doing a lot of work to ensure that the population gets a better understanding of the importance of fighting money laundering the financing of terrorism. MOTP Press Release

Siblings Charged With Verbally Abusing Mother Stephon Fordice, 36, and Ianda Fordice, 31, today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after being charged for disturbing the peace by use of

abusive language towards their mother, Florence Bailey on September 14, 2016. They both pleaded not guilty to the charge and were granted bail in the sum of $2000 each. They will return to court on September 26, 2016. The virtual complainant upon giving an explanation, related to the court that the defendants live in her home and are known users of drugs and as such when they use the drugs they

usually become verbally abusive towards her. However the defendants denied the claim, stating that their mother has been spreading rumors about them around North Ruimveldt which is the area in which they all reside. Both defendants appeared unrepresented before the court and it was noted that upon being brought back to court for an offence, they are in breach of a bond to keep peace between the parties involved.




SOCU To Remain Under Control Of Police Force Cabinet has made it clear as to who will control the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU). Speaking at a post cabinet meeting, Cabinet Secretary Joseph Harmon clarified to reporters on Thursday that SOCU will remain under the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the notion that the unit will be shifted was a misconception by Former Attorney General Anil Nandlall regarding the statements made by Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams about the AG wanting the unit to be removed from under the supervision of the GPF. “It was clear in cabinet that there was no diversion, it is clear that SOCU is a unit of the Guyana Police Force and is under the superintendents of the Guyana Police Force. What Minister Williams did say is that they will have to have a wider role in so far as the Anti-Money Laundering legislation is concerned but he never said that it (SOCU) must be under him [Williams) for his superintendents. It remains a unit of the Guyana Police

Force,” Harmon explained. At a press conference last month the AG explained that given that the unit was created under the AML/CFT legislation, it might be too burdened with police work, stressing that the unit cannot lose focus of its core functions in policing the new Anti- Minister of State, Joseph Harmon Money Laundering and crimes only. Countering the Financing of Terrorism He told reporters that while he can (AML/CFT) regime. “SOCU as you concede the reduction of responsibilities know is a creature of the AML/CFT for SOCU, he does not want the unit to be regime. It was created under the separated from the Guyana Police Force AML/CFT legislation. (GPF). He said the concerns of the public, It is important for us, and SOCU has been including the Opposition People’s very busy, very up and about, and it is Progressive Party (PPP) on the issue will very important for Guyana that SOCU be taken into consideration. Minister actually performs its core functions, the Ramjattan said if SOCU is investigating functions related to AML/CFT and that it an anti-terrorist act as a result of money is not burdened with other police work,” transfers or otherwise that leads to Minister Williams had explained. But last murder, the unit should not have to week Friday, Minister Ramjattan said that depend on the Homicide department to he is committed to trimming SOCU’s deal with that aspect of the investigation. responsibilities to deal with financial

IT Consultant Charged With Attempting To Defraud Mother-in-Law IT Consultant, Clayton Young, today appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with attempting to defraud Jennifer Lewis between August 23, 2016 and September, 2016. Young was granted GY$50,000 bail and will return to court on September

26, 2016 for continuation into the matter. Represented in court, Young, 31, of Lance Gibbs Street, entered a not guilty plea to the charge. His Attorney revealed that the virtual complainant is the reputed Mother-ofLaw of the defendant and the defendant lives in the bottom apartment of the VC's h o m e w i t h h e r d a u g h t e r. Further, the attorney revealed that his client is currently on station bail and is a businessman. There was no objection to the bail application by Police Prosecutor, Navil Jeffords. It is alleged that the VC left in the care of Young a quantity of home appliances, furniture and electronics valued at GY$523,500 for safe keeping when he fraudulently converted it for his own gain.




EIB Looking For Investment Opportunities In Guyana

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 15, 2016) President David Granger said that the agenda for G u y a n a ’ s development over the next four years requires significant investment from foreign sources, particularly as it relates to developing the green economy, i m p r o v i n g infrastructure and reducing poverty by creating small and micro enterprises. As such, he said that Guyana welcomes the re-engagement From L-R: EIB Investment Officer, Mr. Floris Vermeulen, Minister within the with the European Ministry of Finance, Mr. Jaipaul Sharma, President David Granger, Vice I n v e s t m e n t B a n k President, Mr. Pin van Ballekom, Adviser to the Vice President, Ms. Malaya Zumel and Loan Officer, Mr. Angel Diez Fraile (EIB), whose officials he met with, earlier today. Minister within the there are great prospects in the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Jaipaul Sharma development of renewable energy was also present at the meeting at the sources such as hydropower, wind and solar. He also spoke of the need for Ministry of the Presidency. access to financing for for small and The delegation, led by the Bank’s Vice President, Mr. Pin van Ballekom will be medium-scale enterprises development. engaging with government officials and “We need to diversify, but we have not private sector entities over the next two been able to do so as rapidly as we need days to discuss possible areas for to… We need to have a strategy, which is partnership. “We very confident that the broad-based that deals with our existing European Investment Bank is going to be resources,” he said. an important vehicle to provide credit to Meanwhile, the Bank’s President said enable the developments we need, to take that based on the priority areas that President Granger has outlined, he is place,” President Granger said. convinced that the EIB can be of value to With regard to the ‘green’ agenda, the President informed the team that while Guyana. “We are looking into the there is an existing financial arrangement possibilities and if it’s a good quality between Guyana and Norway, the project and an interesting investment, country has tremendous eco-tourism and then we will go ahead,” he said. The biodiversity potential. Additionally, Bank’s last transaction with Guyana, a

micro-financing facility for small and medium-scale enterprises, was in the year 2000. The EIB is the largest multilateral public bank in the world and 10% of its lending targets investments outside of the European Union. It is owned directly by the 28 European Union member states. MOTP Press Release




First Lady Meets Women Miners To Explore Possible Partnership

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 15, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, met with representatives of the Guyana Women Miners Association (GWMA) to explore possibilities for collaboration. The meeting was held at the Office of the First Lady at State House. In an invited comment, the First Lady said she agreed to meet the group to determine how best collaboration can advance the lives of women and children. “In areas where they are interested in training or empowering women and children …if they are interested, we can collaborate and have some of their members or some of the people they serve included in some of our workshops and exercises… We discussed how we can best work with each other and hopefully [I] can assist the organisation to achieve its objective,” Mrs. Granger said. Meanwhile, President of the GWMA, Ms. Urika Primus said that the group reached

out to the First Lady as it has taken note of the work that she has done to empower marginalised groups and it is confident that collaboration with her would benefit a wider crosssection of persons. “We reached out to First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger and representatives of the the First Lady, to Guyana Women Miners Association (GWMA), today, at State House basically see ways in areas that would bring [issues] to our which we would collaborate for not only the benefit of the knowledge that we believe that we should organisation, but also the people that the share so that not only us, but other persons organisation serve; mainly women, could work collaboratively in addressing children and deprived communities,” she them.” Ms. Donna Scott, Ms. Marian Charles, Ms. Belina Charlie and Ms. said. Ms. Primus also said that though the Grace Prince, all members of the organisation has a number of outreaches GWMA, also attended the meeting. planned, “we also have other members, MOTP Press Release who are permanently placed in those

Georgetown, Guyana – (September 15, 2016) President David Granger, earlier today, met with the Chairman of the

Guyana Society for Biodiversity and Ecosystems (GSBE), Dr. Patrick Williams and Programme Specialist at

President Engages Experts On Green Agenda

President David Granger is flanked by Dr. Patrick Chesney (left) and Dr. Patrick Williams at the Ministry of the Presidency

the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dr. Patrick Chesney to discuss how the country’s ‘green’ agenda can be furthered and how the Guiana Shield can add value to the work of the Government. The meeting was held at the Ministry of the Presidency. “From every point of view, it profits us to have in place a strong, coherent green strategy,” the President said. The green agenda is one of the issues which the Head of State will be discussing at bilateral meetings on the side-lines of the 71st Regular Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly next week in New York. Dr. Williams assured the President that his Government will continue to receive the necessary technical support as it advances its green policies. MOTP Press Release




Harmon Bashes Jagdeo’s Antinational” Stance On Amaila Project

Responding to criticisms from Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, about the Amaila Falls Project, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said that he is disappointed with the action that the PPP took in writing the Norwegian government about the lack of inclusion and transparency. He told a post cabinet media briefing on Thursday, “I think it is very unfortunate that they would have taken what I would call an anti-national stands on the matter.” A press release from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition stated that “since the Minister of Natural Resource’s announcement in April that such a review (of AFHP) would be

conducted and expected to be concluded in September, 2016, there has been no further information until today’s media report which stated that Norwegian company, Norconsult, hired to carry out the fact-based review had requested more time to conclude its report.”

The opposition released to the public a letter it sent on August 24 to the Norwegian government, outlining among other issues, the lack of inclusion of the Opposition and citizens in the process. However, Minister Harmon refuted this and noted that the opposition had full disclosure on all these matters. “These matters were elaborated upon in the National Assembly in a select committee where I sat and the Opposition were given full disclosure on all the matters they asked about Norway, about the Green Climate Fund, about the Amaila Falls [project] and it is clear that the decision that was taken was between the Government of Guyana and the Kingdom of Norway was that they would set up an independent assessor to determine whether in fact this is going anywhere,” Harmon clarified. Harmon said that Norway is still in the process of engaging contracting an assessor and that all this information was in the public domain. “It is not that there is no transparency and all of that information is in the public domain. Sometimes, I am amused with the way in which the Opposition operates on these things, seeking to get the public’s attention,” Harmon stated. Norwegian company, Norconsult, was selected to review the financial model of the Amaila Falls Project, after which it will be determined whether the controversial project will go ahead.




Shared Interests Have Strengthened Ties Between Guyana And Mexico -President Granger Says At Mexico’s Independence Celebrations Georgetown, Guyana – (September 15, countries, deter investments, diminish that significant progress has been made in three key areas of bilateral relations, which were highlighted by President Granger at last year’s Independence celebration: regional security, climate change and food security. In the area of r e g i o n a l s e c u r i t y, h e n o t e d t h a t representatives from Guyana have since benefited from security-related training initiatives hosted in Mexico within the last year. Collaboration on climate change, the Ambassador said, entered a new stage when Prime Minister, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of Natural Resources, Mr. Raphael Trotman visited the Mexican Institute for Petroleum. PTO In return, representatives from the Institute visited Guyana to begin bilateral collaboration in the areas of energy. And in the field of food security, a relevant agenda is taking shape, he said, adding that the two countries are working closely in the looking to implement improvements in Guyana’s paddy and coconut sectors. Ambassador Sierra-Medel noted that outside of these areas of interests, a number of Mexican agencies are keen on expanding cooperation with Guyana in the areas of education, sustainable development, information communication t e c h n o l o g y, a m o n g others. “As we move ahead in capacity building and the bilateral promotion of business, I would like to suggest that the concrete actions that our shared benefits have achieved lay the foundation for further collaboration,” he said. Guyana and Mexico established diplomatic ties on March 1, 1973 and the country has a permanent President David Granger cuts the cake with Ambassador Ivan Roberto Sierra-Medel as part of the Independence celebrations. They are accompanied by First Lady, embassy here. Mrs. Sandra Granger, Prime Minister, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon and the Ambassador's wife Ms. Norma Alizia de la Torre Diaz MOTP Press Release

2016) Guyana and Mexico may differ significantly in population and size, but President David Granger said that it is the shared interests that have strengthened the bilateral relations between these two countries. The Head of State made these remarks during his address, this evening, at a cocktail reception held to mark the 206th Independence of the United Mexican States at the Marriott Hotel Guyana. “We have demonstrated that a small South American State and a large North American State can find common ground and can enjoy mutual benefits in their relations,” President Granger said. The Head of State added that Guyana and Mexico Share common values such as mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual noninterference in each other’s internal affairs, cooperation for mutual benefit, respect for treaties and international law and the maintenance of international peace and security. Additionally, the President said that the two countries also share a common desire for peace and security in the Caribbean basin. “The maintenance of the Caribbean as a zone of peace is vital to the economic interests of both Republics. Instability in the Region will harm the economies of the respective

economic growth and degrade development,” he said. The deepening of the integration process in the Caribbean is also high on both nations’ agenda, the President said, adding that the two states continue to cooperate at bilateral, regional and international levels in this regard. “Guyana looks forward to working in regional and hemispheric associations to ensure greater respect for the territorial integration and sovereignty of states to assert the primacy of international law and to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes,” he said. Sustainable development is also another area of shared interest, particularly in the field of renewable energy, President Granger said. “We have observed, with keen interest, M e x i c o ’s s u c c e s s e s i n a d a p t i n g sustainable energy sources. Guyana through its green agenda has similar objectives and ambitions. We look forward to increased co-operation between Guyana and Mexico in their common quest to ensure the greater use of cleaner and renewable energy resources,” he said. Meanwhile, Mexican Ambassador to Guyana, His Excellency, Ivan Roberto Sierra-Medel, remarked

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Venezuelans Trading Guns, Ammo With Trinidadians For Food PAGE 17

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- Venezuelans and residents of Trinidad and Tobago are reportedly bartering on the high seas, where arms and ammunition are sold or exchanged for food and basic commodities. These trades also take place at some of Trinidad and Tobago’s remote coastal ports, according to ASP Vernly

Mainland Venezuela is only seven miles from Trinidad’s Chacachacare Island. Photo: Flickr/Nature Trekking In Trinidad & Tobago


Gift of the Organised Crime, Narcotics and Firearms Bureau (OCNFB), speaking at a weekly press briefing in Port-of-Spain, on Wednesday. He said officers operated mainly on intelligence gathering that resulted in seizures but what was needed was greater monitoring of the numerous ports of entry scattered along the coastline, the Trinidad Guardian reported. Information, he said, was that most guns and ammunition entering the country originated from the South American mainland and North America. With regard to guns and ammunition originating from North America, he said, the illegal weapons were usually concealed in shipping barrels, shipping containers, household appliances, such as washing machines, stoves, refrigerators and water heaters. “These items are cleared and received by the consignees at the legitimate ports of entry,” Gift said, adding that with the use of technology and greater co-operation from members of the public there has been an increase in the seizure of illegal guns. (Caribbean News Now!)




Cayman Islands Police Failure Blamed For Child Sex Abuse Acquittals GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands (CNS) -- Two Cayman Islands men accused of consistently sexually abusing a child in the family home have been acquitted after the judge pointed to the “gross incompetence” of the police investigation that undermined the evidence and prejudiced the defendants so much that he had no choice but to find the men not guilty on all counts. The two male relatives, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were accused of abusing the little girl from when she was as young as six or seven years old until she was around 12, when she revealed the abuse to an adult at her after-school club. The case was heard without a jury by visiting UK judge, Justice Time Owens, who described it as a very “troubling case”. When he delivered his verdict via video link on Thursday, he made it clear that he did not think the child was lying. Although he rejected the defendants’ claims that the child had made up the allegations of abuse to escape her violent mother, he said the problems in the massive delay between the victim making the complaint and the case coming to court made it difficult for him to be sure to the required standard of the men’s guilt. Justice Owens was damning in his criticisms of the police investigation, which he described as incompetent. He made it clear it was the “inexplicable and inexcusable delays”, the failure to interview relevant potential witnesses and the loss of important notes by the police that undermined the case. In the first unexplained delay, the police simply did nothing for some 18 months after the child gave video evidence. The judge said the “truly lamentable police response” after the child gave evidence meant that no witnesses in the house where the abuse took place were ever interviewed. As a result, there was no evidence to corroborate the child’s allegations, which were inconsistent and unspecified regarding times and places. While the child lived in a small five-bed family home with 15 relatives, “cheek by jowl”, during the time period she claimed the abuse occurred, none of her other relatives there were ever questioned by the police. The two defendants were not interviewed until more than 18 months after the allegations for a brief period, and there was another delay of approximately a year before they were charged. As a result of pressures on the court timetable, the case was heard some four years after the child was first interviewed. The judge said he was left with no choice but to acquit due to those delays, as well as the missing notes, the lack of

specific times and places regarding when the abuse occurred, inconsistencies in the young girl’s evidence at court compared with her earlier interviews, and the fact that it was difficult for the accused men to properly answer the vague charges. He said that the defendants did not make an abuse of process application based on the delays in the case and the police mishandling, so no senior police witnesses ever appeared in court to explain the failures. During the case the court had heard harrowing allegations about the abuse the child suffered, not only at the hands of her male relatives but also the violence inflicted by her mother, who beat her after she made the report. The court also heard how the child and her siblings witnessed their parents having sex as they had all shared a room and beds. Despite the failures in the case, the child had been removed from the abusive home in the immediate wake of the allegations and was fostered by another relative. (Caribbean News Now!)





In Cuba, Text Messages With Controversial Content Are Disappearing HAVANA, Cuba -- Journalists in Cuba have evidence that the Cuban government is monitoring and selectively blocking mobile SMS messages based on keywords such as “human rights”, “hunger strike”, “plebiscite” and “state security”. According to a report by journalists Yoani Sánchez and Reinaldo Escobar, who run the Havanabased media outlet 14ymedio, text messages containing a range of sensitive keywords along with the names of various high-profile anti-Castro activists, are not reaching

“The Internet is shit! Let's see… whoever wants Internet, raise your hand.” Cartoon by Lázaro Saavedra, reproduced with permission

their destinations. However, the messages still appear as ‘sent’ on the sender’s telephone. According to technologist and opposition blogger Eliécer Avila, at least 30 keywords have been identified as triggers for the blocking mechanism. It is not clear how long this has been in place. The journalists have not yet shared a full list of terms tested, nor did they indicate whether they believe the blocking targets specific users. Sánchez, Escobar and Avila are all very high-profile opposition voices. The discovery comes at a moment in which Cuban bloggers and independent journalists are facing increasing scrutiny and, in some cases, public condemnation, by leading government and Cuban communist party officials. Diario de Cuba writer Maykel González Vivero, who is also a vocal advocate for LGBT rights on the island, was fired from his job with state radio station Radio Sagua two weeks ago, for collaborating with “private media”. In late August, the well-established Uruguayan blogger and former BBC journalist Fernando Ravsberg, who has lived in Cuba since the mid-1990s and has a family there, was publicly condemned on television by the vice president of Cuba’s Press Workers’ Union, charged with offending the sentiments of “decent Cubans." (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS UN Committee To Review Suriname Record On Children's Rights PAGE 21

GENEVA, Switzerland -- Children’s rights in Suriname will be reviewed by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on 21 and 22 September. Suriname is one of the 196 States that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and so is required to be reviewed regularly by the Committee of 18 independent experts. Among the possible issues to be discussed between Committee members and a government delegation from Suriname are: • High number of child marriages; • Steps to end violence towards children, including abuse and neglect, sexual violence, and corporal


punishment in all settings; • Discrimination against children with disabilities; • Discrimination against indigenous and Maroon children, and children in remote areas with regard to education, health services, adequate food , safe drinking water, housing and sanitation; • Measures to meet the demand for mental health services for children; • Access of children and adolescents to health care, including reproductive health, support for children infected by HIV or affected by HIV/AIDS;

• Welfare of migrant children and children whose parents are migrants; • Impact of the Conditional Cash Transfers programme on children’s well-being; • Measures to tackle child trafficking and child labour. The discussions will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. Committee members will base their evaluation on the delegation’s report and replies, as well as information from civil society groups. The Committee will issue its findings on Suriname and the other countries being reviewed on 6 October. (Caribbean News Now!)




IMF Staff Concludes Visit To Grenada

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada -- An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Nicole Laframboise visited Grenada from September 7–14, 2016, to conduct discussions on the fifth review of Grenada’s IMF-supported program under the extended credit facility (ECF). The ECF arrangement was approved on June 26, 2014 for an amount of SDR 14.04 million (US$19.64 million) or 120 percent of Grenada’s quota at the IMF at the time of the approval of the arrangement. The first, second, third and fourth reviews were completed on December 12, 2014, June 29 and November 25, 2015, and May 18, 2016, respectively. Total resources of SDR 10.04 million (about US$14 million) have been disbursed to Grenada under the arrangement. At the conclusion of the visit, Laframboise made the following statement: “Since the Fourth Review and the 2016 Article IV Consultation concluded in May 2016, Grenada has continued to make progress toward restoring fiscal and debt sustainability. Economic growth remains strong, debt has been further reduced, and the balance of payments position has strengthened. The government continues to build on the sound foundation developed over the past two years, in particular the strengthened fiscal framework that should lock in budget discipline for future generations. “The path to debt sustainability and sustained growth is at an important juncture. The country is looking now to test its fortified fiscal framework in the context of the 2017 budget process, important wage negotiations, and the endpoint of the Fund-supported program on the horizon . In this respect, the commitment to medium term goals will be important over time to ensure that the fiscal progress achieved so far endures, and to broaden the reach of the benefits of the Home Grown program. “After two years of strong growth, real GDP is expected to moderate to a more sustainable rate of 3 percent in 2016. Activity this year has

been driven by tourism and construction, and some pick up in domestic demand, while agriculture output is experiencing the negative impact of drought effects. Grenada experienced deflation on average during 2013-15, due largely to lower energy prices, but CPI inflation is picking up and is projected at 2 percent in 2016. The external current account deficit is forecast to narrow to 14.4 percent of GDP in 2016 due to lower oil prices and a continued recovery in tourism. The current account deficit is expected to be adequately financed by tourism-related FDI and private capital inflows. “Performance under the program remains very strong. Staff assessed that the government met four performance criteria (PC) at end-June and are awaiting further information to assess performance under the fifth PC. The government met all of the program indicative targets, including for the first time the floor on social spending under the World Bank-supported SEED program. “The government achieved a primary surplus (fiscal balance excluding interest payments) in the first half of 2016 of 3.0 percent of GDP, putting the country well on its way to meeting the target of 3.5 percent of GDP by end-2016, as stipulated in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA). Tax revenues have performed well and expenditures are being kept under control. The Government is also following through on the performance monitoring of state owned enterprises so as to boost the efficiency and quality of their operations. “Grenada continues to work toward restructuring remaining outstanding debts. As a percentage of GDP, public debt was reduced from a peak of 108 percent in 2013 to 85 percent at end-June 2016. “More Grenadians are actively seeking work and employment has expanded slightly, but unemployment remains stubbornly high at 29 percent. Focused policies are needed to address skills gaps and improve job search tools in order to address underlying structural

unemployment. The goal is to both improve the labor supply response and strengthen incentives for employment creation. “Looking ahead, the policy resolve demonstrated so far will be needed to safeguard fiscal progress to date and achieve the country’s medium term debt reduction goals. The government agreed with staff that the 2017 budget should adhere to the parameters set in the FRA, including the ceiling on the public wage bill. In support of this goal, the authorities are undertaking discussions to prepare and implement a strategy that will keep the wage bill within the limit set by law and agreed under the Fund-supported program while ensuring fair compensation or public servants. The strategy should include a timetable for consultations with stakeholders and cover key reforms needed to ensure sustainable management of the public wage bill. Follow-through on this important reform would be critical to safeguard the progress made in recent years. “Staying the course will lead to improved economic opportunities for the people of Grenada, so we encourage Grenada to press ahead on its reform path over the medium-term. The IMF remains committed to supporting the government of Grenada in its pursuit of fiscal sustainability and stronger growth.” (Caribbean News Now!)




Bahamas Elected Chair Of Caribbean Tourism Organization I’ve always thought that CTO is the body that provides equity and we can; and the way is to speak with the same voice. We also have to deal with the issue of inter-regional travel.” Wilchcombe succeeds Barbados’s minister of tourism and international transport Richard Sealy, and will serve a two-year term. It is his second stint as chairman, having previously been elected to the position in 2002. The Bahamas minister will shortly name his appointee for the post of chairman of the CTO board of directors, since, according to the CTO constitution, the board chairman and the chairman of the council of ministers and commissioners of tourism must come from the same member country. In addition to the election of the chairman, vice chairs were elected to serve on the executive committee of the board of directors to represent various sub-groups – Curacao, representing the Dutch Caribbean; Martinique representing the French Caribbean; Barbados and Belize, representing the Independent CARICOM countries and the Turks and Caicos Islands representing the British Overseas Territories. Each of these member countries will form the executive committee of the board of directors, which will be completed with representatives from the private sector. Thursday’s vote was in keeping with the CTO constitution, which mandates that elections must be held every two New CTO Chairman Obie Wilchcombe of The Bahamas (right) receives the gavel from his years. (Caribbean News Now!) predecessor Richard Sealy of Barbados. Also in photograph, CTO secretary general Hugh Riley (left)

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados -- The Bahamas has been elected chair of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), with the election of minister of tourism Obie Wilchcombe. The election took place on 15 September in Barbados at the organization’s annual general meeting during the CTO’s State of the Tourism Industry Conference (SOTIC). Following his election Wilchcombe stated: “I intend to build upon what [immediate predecessor Richard Sealy of Barbados] began and I also intend to build on the relationship with the private sector.




Outspoken Lawyer Condemns Plans For Sittings Of Privilege Committee Of Parliament NASSAU, Bahamas, Sept 16, CMC – President of the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association (GBRHA), Fred Smith, says the Privileges Committee of Parliament will do serious damage to the administration of justice and the rule of law in The Bahamas is it uses hearings scheduled for later this month to air matters currently under consideration by the courts. The environmental group, Save The Bays (STB), Wednesday expressed disappointment that the Privileges Committee was set to hold hearings following the landmark Supreme Court decision vindicating its right to privacy. The group said it fears the hearings will be used to broadcast further private information belonging to its members, despite the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled such disclosures unconstitutional and fined Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald US$150,000 for an earlier breach. Smith, who serves as legal director to STB, has thanked other eminent legal minds who have come out in defense of the ‘sub judice’ rule, which says that matters under judicial consideration cannot be discussed publicly. “Every officer of the court should be grateful for Bar Association President Elsworth Johnson and the unnamed fellow QC quoted in the press for defending time-honoured legal traditions that are designed to guarantee all individuals a fair trial and, crucially, the appearance of a fair trial,” he said, adding “these include the sub judice rule and the separation of powers. “The members of this committee must keep firmly in mind that an awesome responsibility has been placed on their shoulders – for the sake of our national reputation, they must defend the principles of good governance, fair administration of justice and the rule of law. “If they seek to use these hearings to trample over the territory of the courts, The Bahamas will be branded a lawless society where laws mean nothing, where political power and brute force win

Fred Smith

the day,” Smith said, adding that the international community is watching carefully the developments here. “We simply must affirm that The Bahamas is not some repressive dictatorship or failed state where the jurisdiction of the courts is casually disregarded, the rule of law tossed aside on a whim; it is a liberal democracy whose good governance is underpinned by a constitution, the guardians of which are the courts. They must be allowed to do their work unfettered by politically motivate intrusions.” The Bahamas government has already indicated it was appealing the ruling of Justice Indra Charles who found that Fitzgerald was not legally justified when he tabled the private emails of the environmental group in Parliament and therefore could not be protected by parliamentary privilege. The judge ordered that the minister be permanently banned from disclosure and publication of any further material belonging to STB and he should delete all electronic and hard copy material within 14 days. STB said that despite the ruling it “can only imagine that they intend to use this venue to try and justify the further release of our private information in violation of the Constitution of The Bahamas and in the face of the House Speaker’s own admission that the disclosures should not happen again”. The STB said that the matters to be considered by the Privileges Committee arose from an action it brought “against an admitted major financial contributor to the governing party” and questioned “how a neutral observer could avoid the impression that the hearings and threat of imprisonment is anything other than a case of politically motivated “revenge”. It said it has invited several regional and international human rights groups, including the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR); the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Amnesty International; Human Rights Watch; the Center for Justice and the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights to observe the sittings. Smith said he was calling for calmer heads to prevail and for all parties to await the conclusion of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Privy Council processes before airing sensitive court matters in the public domain, as this would run the serious risk of “short-circuiting” justice and set a very dangerous precedent for the future. “Otherwise, The Bahamas will be branded as a banana republic where no one feels safe either personally or in their investments. The country, having recently been downgraded by Moody’s, can ill afford such negative international stigma,” he added. (Antigua Observer)




PM: No Word On Release Of Trinis In Turkey

There has been no indication by Turkish authorities to release the nine people, including one child, carrying T&T passports, who have been detained in Turkey since July, Prime Minister Keith Rowley has said. Replying to these (and other) Opposition queries in Parliament, he said on Wednesday the Government had received official and unofficial information on the nine detained since July. The people carrying T&T passports were detained along with a Syrian man said to be recruiting for Isis. Rowley said due to lack of information from Turkish authorities on the situation, the Government had no information on when they would return “if in fact they are holders of bona fide T&T passports.” He said the situation required a lot of doublechecking and T&T had an honorary consul in Turkey “doing yeoman service” and international colleagues who were also not clear on the situation. Nor had there been any request for relief from anyone in T&T on missing family members, he added. A child was said to have been born to one person in the group. Rowley said the Government would have to wait to see how the situation developed. He said he was unaware some police officers have not received promised back pay, which Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar claimed was occurring. He, however, said while the Attorney General formalised legislative structures for payment of the $1 million death benefit for protective officers who died in the line of duty, the payment would be made to the estates of those who qualified for it from 2013 (when the initiative was announced). On Paralympic javelin champion Akeem Stewart, Rowley said the Government would avoid the “give-this-and-that” debate and the Sports Ministry would examine new arrangements with accountability for public monies and compensating people. He said Stewart would be honoured at the appropriate time but did not give a date. He said the Red House renovation costs would be cut from $600 million (under the PP) to $295 million since the planned companion building for the Red House would be the AG’s Cabildo Building. The AG is moving to the Legal Affairs

Prime Minister Keith Rowley

Complex. Rowley said talks on the Sandals Tobago investment were in “embryonic stages” and nowhere near talk of negotiation and concessions though it was anticipated concessions would be requested and negotiations done. Rowley confirmed the promised 20 per cent increase for OJT stipends which was boasted by his party as a first-year achievement was stymied by budgetary constraints. (GA) (Trinidad Guardian)




Jwala Gets Ok To Challenge Refusal Of Reasons For Dismissal

Former Central Bank governor Jwala Rambarran has been given the green light to pursue his lawsuit challenging Cabinet’s decision to refuse to reveal its reasons for dismissing him last December. Delivering an oral decision in the Port-of-Spain High Court yesterday, High Court judge Nadia Kangaloo ruled that Rambarran’s attorney had “a real prospect of success” in his case over Cabinet’s refusal to accede to his requests under the Freedom of Information Act for information related to the revocation of his appointment. Rambarran was appointed to the post on July 17, 2012 and was told of his dismissal in a letter from Senate President Christine Kangaloo, who was acting President on December 23, 2015. Justice Kangaloo is the Senate president’s sister-in-law. Justice Kangaloo disclosed this fact at the start of the case but attorneys for the State and Rambarran did not oppose her continuing to preside over the case. While Rambarran received no reasons for the decision, Finance Minister Colm Imbert told the Senate in

March that it was due to misconduct and failure to perform his duties. Speaking during a debate of a private motion challenging the decision, brought by the Opposition, Imbert said that Rambarran had breached the Central Bank Act by disclosing the largest users of foreign exchange, almost two weeks prior to his dismissal. In his lawsuit, Rambarran is contending that he had written to Cabinet asking for the grounds and evidence used by it in coming to the decision but his requests were refused without giving a valid explanation as to how the information requested fell within those exempted under the legislation. He said that the information was necessary for him to consider his future legal options. “There is no issue of any damage which can result from disclosure of the reasons for the revocation of the appointment of the Governor of the Central Bank. “Indeed, the public will benefit from such a disclosure as transparency and fairness require it,” Rambarran’s lawyers said. Rambarran is seeking a declaration that

Cabinet acted unreasonably and irrationally and an order reversing the decision. Rambarran has been given until September 29 to file his judicial review claim. The case has been adjourned to November 21. Rambarran’s legal team includes Anand Ramlogan, SC, Gerald Ramdeen, Jayanti Lutchmedial and Alvin Pariagsingh, while Sanjeev Lalla, Tamara Toolsie and Brent James appeared for the State.




Brazil TV Star Domingos Montagner Drowns On Set Of Soap Opera

One of Brazil's best-loved television actors, Domingos Montagner, has drowned in a river where the crew had been recording scenes for the country's most popular soap opera. Montagner played the leading role in Velho Chico, a soap opera named after the Sao Francisco river where he died. The 54year-old had gone for a swim with an actress after a day of shooting in the north-eastern state of Sergipe. She said he was dragged away by the river's strong currents. The actress, Camila Pitanga, cried for help but local people failed to act initially as they believed the drowning was a scene in the soap opera. Authorities said there was little that anyone could have done. In the soap opera, Montagner played a farmer who often fought off local gunmen. In one of those clashes, he was shot multiple times and appeared to drown in the same Sao Francisco river, but reappeared weeks later. 'Dangerous area' "They thought they had chosen a safe spot to swim, but that is one of the most dangerous areas in the town of Caninde and

Montagner had been recording an episode of the Velho Chico soap opera(DOMINGOSMONTAGNEROFFICIAL)

usually avoided by locals," police chief Antonio Francisco Filho told O Globo. One person, on average, has drowned every year in the town since 2005, reports said. Four hours after the incident, rescue teams found Montagner's body underwater, some 300 metres (984ft) from where he drowned. 'Life imitates art' Montagner was born in Sao Paulo and had a career in the circus before becoming a television actor, in 2008. This was his 12th role on TV. His first significant soap opera role was in 2011, and he had his film debut in 2012. A soap opera affair Soap operas, or novelas, are traditionally some of the most-watched TV programmes in Brazil, and are broadcast in dozens of other countries The main time slot, at 2100 on Globo TV, is watched, on average, by 50% of the viewing public In key moments that number can reach up to 80% In 2012 Globo said one of its most successful soap operas was watched by 38m people daily But viewership has declined in recent years mainly because of paid TV channels and new viewing habits Each episode reportedly costs up to 800,000 reais ($242,000; £183,000) to make And a 30-second commercial break at a final episode can cost 500,000 reais ($151,000; £114,000) Montagner had been married for 14 years to actress Luciana Lima, with whom he had three children. The news of his death has caused commotion in Brazil, where fellow actors and social media users have paid tributes to the actor. The football team he supported, Corinthians, praised him also for his success as a handball player for the club's affiliate in the 1980s. His latest film, Um Namorado Para Minha Mulher (A Boyfriend For My Wife), was released two weeks ago. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Bratislava EU Meeting: Merkel Says Bloc In 'Critical Situation’ PAGE 32

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (right, with Mr Tusk) has made it clear his country does not want to take a share of the migrants coming to Europe(AP) The European Union is in a "critical situation", the German chancellor has said, as leaders meet in Slovakia to discuss ways to regain trust after the UK's vote to leave the bloc. Angela Merkel said they needed to show they could improve on security, defence cooperation and the economy. But EU countries are deeply divided over how to bolster growth and respond to the influx of migrants. Meeting in Bratislava without the UK, they will not discuss Brexit talks. "We need solutions for Europe and we are in a critical situation," Mrs Merkel said as she arrived at the gathering. "You can't solve all Europe's problems in one summit. What we have to do is show in our deeds we can do things better in the realms of security and fighting terrorism, and in the field of defence." 'Brutally honest' Even though Britain's referendum result is not on the agenda, and British Prime Minister Theresa May is not attending the summit, there is little doubt that Brexit will overshadow the meeting. French President Francois Hollande said: "Either we move in the direction of disintegration, of dilution, or we work together to inject new momentum, we relaunch the European project." Donald Tusk is hoping for a public show of unity among the 27 nations of the EU following Britain's vote to leave in June. Mr Tusk wants to restore EU stability and credibility with the bloc in the face of a migrant crisis and issues with the euro currency. But European leaders are divided, their voters sceptical. Central and Eastern Europe want powers back from Brussels. Northern nations view the south as a eurozone liability. Mediterranean countries balk at German austerity edicts. So on Friday they will stick to subjects they agree on and those they feel are relevant to voters' concerns: migration, security and globalisation. The hard stuff, such as a future trade deal with Britain and how to save the single currency, will be left for another day. Earlier, Donald Tusk, the European Council President, called on EU leaders to assure citizens they had learned lessons from Brexit and were able to "bring back stability and a sense of security". He urged them to take a "sober and brutally honest" look at the bloc's problems. The EU response to the influx of migrants is one of the most contentious points among members. The summit host, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, is one of a group of central and eastern European leaders who object to the EU quota system which distributes 160,000 refugees across the EU. The scheme, for refugees from Iraq, Syria and Eritrea, is aimed at easing the burden on Italy and Greece. Mr Fico has said Slovakia will not accept "one single Muslim migrant" and has mounted a legal challenge to the scheme. On Tuesday, Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn


called for Hungary to be suspended or even expelled from the EU because of its "massive violation" of fundamental values, specifically the government's treatment of refugees. For France, the priority is border security in the wake of a number of Islamic extremist attacks in the country. France and Germany have outlined plans to deepen European military co-operation, which were reinforced in the State of the Union address by European Commission President JeanClaude Juncker on Wednesday, in which he called for a European military headquarters. The UK's departure from the EU removes one of the biggest obstacles to stronger EU defence in tandem with Nato. The one-day Bratislava meeting is set to be the first in a number of confidence-building meetings where a "roadmap" should be set up to culminate in a summit in March in the Italian capital Rome, when the 60th anniversary of the EU's founding Treaty of Rome will be celebrated. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Italy Ciampi: Former President Who Championed Euro Dies At 95 PAGE 33


Former Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who steered his country into the single currency, has died in a clinic in Rome aged 95. He was the tenth Italian president and had served previously as governor of the Bank of Italy and p r i m e m i n i s t e r. T h e current Prime Minister,

Matteo Renzi, praised him as a man who had served the country "with passion". Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni hailed him as a "great Italian statesman". (BBC)

US 'To Pay $1.2m' To Italian Family Of Drone Strike Victim The US government has agreed to pay €1.1m ($1.2m; profoundly regretted them. The White House said at the £934,00) to the family of an Italian aid worker killed by a drone strike in Pakistan, reports say. Aid worker Giovanni Lo Porto, 37, was killed while being held hostage by alQaeda in 2015. A US aid worker being held with him also died. There has been no official confirmation of the settlement from the White House. President Barack Obama admitted the deaths in April last Lo Porto was killed in a drone strike in January 2015(FACEBOOK) year, saying that he

time that the operation had targeted an al-Qaeda compound in the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and that they had believed there were no civilians present. But according to La Repubblica newspaper (in Italian) and the Guardian newspaper, the agreement states that Mr Lo Porto was killed inside Pakistan. The payment was considered a "donation in memory" of the Italian, La Repubblica says Mr Lo Porto had disappeared from Multan, Pakistan, in January 2012 but little is known about what happened then. He had worked for an international aid group called Welthungerhilfe. The strike killed fellow aid worker Warren Weinstein, 73, and American Ahmed Farouq, described as an al-Qaeda leader. The Guardian says this is the first agreement reached by the US and the family of a victim of a drone strike. (BBC)




US Election: Trump Campaign Acknowledges Obama Was Born In US

The Trump campaign has acknowledged in a statement that President Obama was born in the US. But the Republican candidate, who led the "birther" movement that questioned Hawaii-born Mr Obama's citizenship, has refused to say it himself. His campaign now accuses his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of introducing the "smear" during the 2008 Democratic nomination contest. There is no evidence to link Mrs Clinton to the birthers. In reaction she tweeted that President Obama's successor "cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement". The BBC's North America reporter Anthony Zurcher says the statement signed by senior Trump advisor Jason Miller is far from an admission of error. Instead, our correspondent says, Mr Miller laid the genesis of the birther rumours wrongfully at the feet of Hillary Clinton and her 2008 presidential campaign team. When her team raised questions, Mr Miller said, it was "vicious and conniving" behaviour. By broaching the topic three years later, Mr Trump had done a "great service" to the public and president, Mr Miller said. The statement follows an interview with the Washington Post newspaper in which Mr Trump had declined to say Mr Obama had been born in the US, saying instead that he did not want to answer the question. What is the origin of the 'birther' claim? The claim is a conspiracy theory that Mr Obama was actually born in Kenya and is therefore ineligible to be president. Reports in various US publications suggest it was circulated in 2008 by die-hard supporters of Mrs Clinton as it became clear that she was not going to win the Democratic nomination. However there is no evidence that Mrs Clinton or her then campaign had anything to do with it. The claim enjoyed a revival with some supporters of Republican candidate John

McCain as he fell behind Mr Obama in polls, the Fact Check website reported. When did Mr Trump get involved? The billionaire became a vocal questioner of Mr Obama's citizenship as he was running for a second term as president. In April 2011, Mr Trump challenged Mr Obama to show his birth certificate, gaining approval from Republicans including former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Weeks later Mr Obama released his actual birth certificate from his native state of Hawaii. At that year's White House correspondents dinner, Mr Obama made light of the allegations, mocking Donald Trump. The 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney referred to the discredited theory at a campaign rally in August that year, joking that no-one had asked to see his birth certificate drawing swift condemnation from the Obama campaign. The words haven't been spoken by Donald Trump yet, but a press release from his campaign represents the closest we've come to the Republican nominee formally acknowledging that President Barack Obama was born on US soil. Mr Trump's turn as the lead advocate of the so-called "birther" movement has been a drag on the Republican's standings among black voters. It was also the issue that rocketed the New Yorker to fame among many conservatives, however. There's little surprise, then, that the Trump team wants to settle the matter and shift the campaign back to more favourable terrain - but the candidate has yet to back down completely. What is the latest on the campaign? Mr Trump's doctor has said he is in excellent physical health, although Mr Trump said he was slightly overweight Mrs Clinton has returned to the campaign trail after three days off with pneumonia. In a blog she said: "I had to admit a few days rest would do me good" Donald Trump Jr said his father had declined to release his tax returns because they would only distract from his main message, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.w Mr Trump expanded his tax plan to include a reduction in the top tier income tax and corporation tax. He said he would work to boost economic growth by 4% through deregulation and trade tariffs to limit the budget deficit. Some economists have rebuffed Mr Trump, saying his plans would not reduce the deficit and that higher trade tariffs would result in negative growth On Thursday evening, Mr Trump appeared on NBC's "Tonight Show" where host Jimmy Fallon asked to ruffle the candidate's hair. Ms Clinton will appear on the show on Monday night (BBC)




South Sudan Refugees Reach One Million Mark

The number of people who have fled South Sudan because of the country's civil war has passed the one million mark, the UN refugee agency says. Fighting that broke out in the capital, Juba, in July is responsible for the latest surge in those fleeing, it says. More than 1.6 million people are also displaced within South Sudan, meaning about 20% of the population have been made homeless since December 2013. A fragile peace deal signed last year is on the brink of collapse. "The violence in July came as a major setback to peace efforts in South Sudan," the UNHCR spokesman More than 185,000 people have fled since July, and more continue to leave(AFP) Leo Dobbs said in a statement. The UN says more than 185,000 people have fled South Sudan since prompting him to flee. Another member of his party has been July. "The fighting has shattered hopes for a real breakthrough appointed as vice-president, a move Mr Machar does not and triggered new waves of displacement and suffering, while recognise. humanitarian organisations are finding it very difficult for Earlier this week, a report funded by George Clooney accused logistical, security and funding reasons to provide urgent both Mr Kiir and Mr Machar, as well as their officials, of protection and assistance to the hundreds of thousands in need," personally profiting from the war. Both men have denied the allegations. The UN wants to deploy a 4,000-strong regional Mr Dobbs said. South Sudan refugees: Uganda: 373,626 - more than a third of protection force for Juba which would have a more robust these have arrived since July; 20,000 over last week. New mandate than the 12,000 UN soldiers already in the country, arrivals report fighting in south, attacks on civilians by armed however the mandate and size of the force still have to be groups, who loot, sexually assault women and girls and recruit agreed. (BBC) boys Ethiopia: 292,000 - 11,000 crossed into Gambella over the past week. New arrivals are from the Nuer group, including 500 children travelling alone, fearing renewed conflict after seeing troop movements Sudan: 247,317 - 1,800 arriving each month in White Nile state, floods preventing others Kenya: 90,000 300 a week fleeing insecurity, economic instability and drought DR Congo: 40,000 - current influx is to Ituri province. Many of the refugees arriving in Uganda, which hosts the most South Sudanese, are "exhausted after days walking in the bush and going without food or water. Many children have lost one or both of their parents", the UNHCR says. A fall-out between President Salva Kiir and former Vice-President Machar - the most powerful members of their respective Dinka and Nuer ethnic groups - led to the civil war which erupted in December 2013. They only agreed to settle their differences under intense international pressure, signing a peace deal in August 2015 and Mr Machar returned to Juba as vice-president in a unity government in April. But battles then broke out between his bodyguards and presidential guards three months later,








Syria War: Russia 'Could Resume Strikes' On Rebel Groups Russia has warned it could resume air strikes on "moderate" rebel groups in Syria unless the US does more to d is t an ce th em f r o m extremists. A top official told the BBC there were "limits" to how long Russia, a key ally of the Syrian government, would wait. Under a deal which has halted fighting in Syria, only so-called Islamic State (IS) and a group previously officially linked to al-Qaeda can be targeted. Meanwhile, the UN is At least 250,000 people are under siege in rebel-held eastern Aleppo(AP) still waiting to be able sign of separating from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, to which they are deliver aid to besieged Aleppo. Some 20 trucks have been strategically allied in some areas. waiting for safe passage to cross from Turkey into Syria and on The US "have been promising to do the maximum possible to to rebel-held east Aleppo since the cessation of hostilities came separate the moderate opposition from the Nusra Front since into effect on Monday. The UN however says it has not yet February", when a previous cessation of hostilities deal was received permits from the Syrian government to allow the agreed, said Mr Bogdanov. Since then, the US had been saying trucks into opposition areas, where at least 250,000 people are "just hold on", he said. "We're waiting, but there are limits," the in desperate need of food and medicine. Russian official added. Mr Bogdanov said the current deal was Russia said Syrian government troops had begun to withdraw "the only plan on the table". "We have no Plan B," he said. from Castello Road on the outskirts of Aleppo - the route (BBC) through which the trucks will pass - on Thursday but this has not been independently confirmed. Syrian and rebel forces are meant to pull back from the road to allow aid convoys through as part of the US-Russian deal which led to the cessation of hostilities. A UK-based monitoring group said Russian troops were replacing Syrian government forces along the road. Rebel groups said they would not withdraw from around Castello Road until government forces did. 'No Plan B' Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told the BBC his country was confident that Syria would honour the ceasefire agreement but had "more doubts about the opposition". He said the US needed to do more to persuade "moderate" rebel groups to disassociate themselves from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, which is the strongest jihadist rebel group and is excluded from the ceasefire. If the cessation holds for seven days, the US and Russia have agreed to jointly plan attacks on Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, which was previously known as al-Nusra, and IS. However, other rebel groups, many of them Western-backed, have shown no




US Asks Deutsche Bank For $14bn To Settle Mortgage Investigation The US Department of Justice is asking Deutsche Bank to pay $14bn (£10.6bn) to settle an investigation into mortgagebacked securities, the bank has said. Deutsche Bank said it "has no intention to settle these potential civil claims anywhere near the figure cited". The claim against Deutsche, which is likely to be the subject of negotiations for several months, was much bigger than expected. The bank's shares fell nearly 7% in early trading. "The negotiations are only just beginning. The bank expects that they will lead to an outcome similar to those of peer banks which have settled at materially lower amounts," Deutsche Bank said. The sale of residential mortgage-backed securities played a significant role in the 2008 financial crisis. Banks in the US have been subject to a number of investigations over allegations of giving mortgages to unqualified borrowers, then

repackaging those loans as safe investments and selling the risk on to others. At the current figure, the fine facing Deutsche Bank it is one of the largest penalties handed out by US authorities in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The Department of Justice sought $12bn from Citigroup in 2014 for the sale of mortgagebacked financial products. The bank ended up paying $7bn. In 2013, JP Morgan Chase was fined $13bn following allegations it overstated the quality of mortgages being sold to investors and in the following year, Bank of America paid $16.7bn to settle similar charges. Goldman Sachs settled for $5.1bn in January this year. The fine has emerged at a difficult time for Deutsche Bank. Its most recent results revealed a 20% fall in second quarter revenues and a 67% drop in profits. In July, one of Deutsche Bank's US operations failed a stress test by the Federal Reserve, which it criticised for having "broad and substantial weaknesses" in capital planning and for making insufficient progress on previous year. Neil Wilson at ETX Capital said that given the potential size of the settlement, "you have to wonder if financial regulators are starting to do more harm than good". "Given the very precarious finances of some European banks, of which Deutsche is one of the riskiest and systemically important, it's disturbing and appears myopic and needlessly punitive. "True, the final sum is unlikely to be as high as the $14bn claim, but somewhere around a third of that would seem par for the course. That would still represent a massive blow to a firm with a market cap of about €18bn." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Yazidi Survivor Nadia Murad Becomes UN Goodwill Ambassador A young Yazidi woman who survived b e c o m e t h e U N O D C G o o d w i l l that compound. I was gang-raped." She PAGE 41

trafficking and gang-rape by so-called Islamic State militants is to be appointed a UN ambassador. Nadia Murad, who is also a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, will

Nadia Murad was held captive as a sex slave by so called Islamic State - she tells HARDtalk how she escaped


Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking. Her "appointment marks the first time a survivor of atrocities is bestowed with this distinction," the UN said. Ms Murad was captured in Iraq in 2014. Six of her brothers were murdered. The 23-year-old told the BBC she had also been subjected to sexual and physical abuse. "Under their rule, a captured woman becomes a spoils of war if she is caught trying to escape. She is put in a cell and raped by all the men in

said she had been bought and sold several times by the militant group. She, however, managed to escape. Since her escape, she has been advocating for the end of human trafficking. Ms Murad's ambassadorship "will focus on advocacy initiatives and raise awareness around the plight of the countless victims of trafficking in persons, especially refugees, women and girls," the UN said. Her induction ceremony at the UN will be witnessed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, US Ambassador Samantha Power and attorney for Ms Murad, Amal Clooney. (BBC)




Myanmar Soldiers Jailed For Village Murders In Rare Case eastern Shan state. The case is a rare its own brutality, let alone prosecutes

Myanmar has sentenced a group of soldiers to five years of hard labour for the murders of five villagers. The seven soldiers - four of them officers confessed to the killings after the men's bodies were found with knife wounds in a shallow grave. They had been among a group rounded up by soldiers in June, suspected of helping rebel militia in

These women all lost relatives(REUTERS)

example of a military prosecution in Myanmar. The sentences were handed down in a military court on Thursday. Activist Sai Kaung Kham, who helped the families of the ethnic minority men in Mong Yaw village demand justice for the killings, said he was surprised the military had taken any action at all. "The fact they have been sentenced to imprisonment is better than nothing," he told Reuters. However, the military has not accepted responsibility for the deaths of two other men killed fleeing the village on a motorcycle. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, was run by a military junta until 2011. It's extremely rare that the Burmese army acknowledges

those responsible. During decades of conflict with ethnic armed groups there have been countless atrocities recorded. Villages have been burnt, men tortured and killed, porters seized. Human Rights Watch called it a "deeply entrenched culture of abuse". This court case then could be significant. Though the sentences are shockingly light the very fact that soldiers were prosecuted marks a change. Whether it's a blip, or culture change is hard to say. In the last two years, there have been two other high-profile cases in which soldiers are alleged to have murdered civilians. Despite huge public interest in the killing of two Kachin schoolteachers and a journalist the perpetrators went unpunished. (BBC)

Alleged Hacker Lauri Love To Be Extradited To US An autistic man suspected of hacking into US government computer systems is to be extradited from Britain to face trial, a court has ruled. Lauri Love, 31, who has Asperger's Syndrome, is accused of hacking into the FBI, the US central bank and the country's missile defence agency. Mr Love, from Stradishall, Suffolk, has previously said he feared he would die in a US prison if he was extradited. A judge at Westminster Magistrates' Court made the extradition ruling. Earlier, his lawyer said his alleged hacking had "embarrassed" US authorities. Tor Ekeland said the US government "had very, very bad security and these hacks utilised exploits that were publicly-known for months". (BBC)





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Daily Horoscope

Stick to doing things that will make you a better person both physically and mentally. This may not be your day if you are overly melodramatic and unnerving everyone around you. Delve into worthwhile causes that will show results if you put in the effort.

Sort situations out as best you can. Watch your spending habits. Your partner's a little jumpy. Your lover probably won't put up with your behavior

Don't promise to deliver the goods if you aren't positive that you can meet the deadline. Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness. Use your quick wit to win points and friends.

Join groups of a humanitarian nature. A residential move may be in order. You'll be able to discuss your ambitions with your mate.

Try not to lend or borrow money today. Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident. You are best to keep your cash in a safe place.

Make residential changes that will lift your spirits. Romantic opportunities are evident. You can make a difference if you offer your help at functions that involve children.

You may blow situations out of proportion when dealing with the one you love. Channel your energy into passionate interludes with your lover. Don't overload your plate.

You can make some favorable changes to your looks. Problems with your mate will develop if you don't let them have their way. Think twice before you pursue an unrealistic endeavor.

You can make a serious attempt at quitting those bad habits that you've picked up over the years. Risky ventures may turn in your favor. Speak of your future goals, intentions, and commitments.

Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at work. You could meet an interesting individual you'll want to get to know better. Try not to jump to conclusions.

Don't let your partner goad you into wearing your heart on your sleeve. Problems with ďŹ nancial investments could make you nervous. It may be a disappointing day emotionally.

Most partner problems are a result of both people not living up to their promises. Try not to let your emotions interfere with the completion of your work. You'll be dropping friends for no apparent reason.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: ONE-POT CHICKEN CAPRESE Ingredients 1/2 lb. (225 g) chicken sausage 1 onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup Tomato Dressing 3 cups pasta, uncooked 1 can (28 fl oz/796 mL) diced tomatoes, undrained 2 cups water 1/2 cup tightly packed fresh basil, divided 3/4 cup 4 Cheese Italiano Cheese *COCAMAR* cooking oil (for frying) *IMPORTED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Directions Remove casings from sausage, if necessary; crumble sausage into large skillet. Add onions, garlic and dressing; mix well. Cook on medium heat until sausage is evenly browned, stirring frequently. Add pasta, tomatoes, water and 1/4 cup basil; mix well. Cover; simmer on medium-low heat 12 min. or u n t i l p a s t a i s t e n d e r, s t i r r i n g occasionally. Top with cheese; cook, covered, 1 min. or until melted. Sprinkle with remaining basil.



WICB Seeks Legal Advice On Calls For Forensic Audit The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) is seeking legal advice and recommendations following calls for a forensic audit by former officials. According to the WICB, it has been advised that in a number of instances, the call for a forensic audit carries the suggestion of wrongdoing and misappropriation of WICB funds by present members of the organisation. Additionally, the WICB believes the

questions suggest the auditors are either incompetent or complicit. These allegations are completely false, and seriously damaging to the reputation of the WICB, its members, and auditors. “The WICB has therefore decided that these are serious allegations and has referred the matter to Senior Counsel, Anthony Astaphan of Dominica, for his advice and recommendations,” a statement from the WICB said Thursday.

The board said it had taken note of the repeated “calls to conduct a forensic audit of the Board in order to save West Indies cricket from absolute and total downfall” made by former officials of the WICB. “These calls for a forensic audit by the former officials are without any basis in fact, and importantly, notwithstanding, that these former officials are aware that the WICB has, for many years, retained internal and external auditors,” the WICB statement said. The Board said internal and external audits are done and authorised by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and KPMG respectively, and accounts are published by or available from the WICB on all its platforms, including the website. “The WICB notes that these allegations appear triggered, not by fact or evidence but by an emotional reaction to the WICB’s response to the CARICOM sub-committee’s report and other matters. These officials have completely ignored the written responses of the WICB,” the statement said. (SportsMax)



Whitaker Expects Morgan To Be Captain In India Eoin Morgan appears likely to regain the captaincy of England's one-day team after comments from national selector James Whitaker on Friday. National

selector James Whitaker expects Eoin Morgan to be reinstated as England's one-day international captain in India, despite the batsman opting to miss the tour of Bangladesh. Morgan and Alex Hales each opted against travelling to Bangladesh due to security concerns, the former's unavailability leading to Jos Buttler taking the reins of the 50-over side. Speculation has been rife over Morgan's international future in the wake of his decision, yet Whitaker has indicated the middle-order

batsman will reassume the captaincy when England play limited-overs matches in India at the beginning of 2017. "Eoin has done exceptionally well as captain," Whitaker was quoted as saying by ESPNCricinfo. "Over the last couple of years he's established a really good leadership base. He's done a marvellous job. "It's slightly disappointing that he's turned this opportunity down [to tour Bangladesh], but we expect him to be captain in India. "At the same time, we'll review as we do after every series. Other people will come in and put pressure on those guys. All I'll say is, I expect him to be captain in India." (SportsMax)

Deja vu For Broncos As Thurston Inspires Cowboys Victory Brisbane Broncos were on the verge of gaining revenge over North Queensland Cowboys until Johnathan Thurston came to the fore. Johnathan Thurston broke Brisbane Broncos hearts yet again as defending premiers North Queensland Cowboys beat their fierce rivals 26-20 after extra-time in another thriller to set up an NRL preliminary final against Cronulla Sharks. Cowboys captain Thurston kicked a field goal to seal a dramatic golden point Grand Final victory over the Broncos last year and also booted the decisive kick against Wayne Bennett's men in Round 11 this season. Thurston inflicted more pain on the Broncos on Friday, ending their season by laying on a try for Michael Morgan on the stroke of half-time in extra-time after his penalty with just a minute of normal time remaining prolonged a gripping semi-final at 1300SMILES Stadium The Broncos took an 8-0 lead with

12 minutes on the clock after Andrew McCullough crashed his away over and Jordan Kahu added four points with the boot. North Queensland got into their stride and Coen Hess was on hand to finish off after taking a pass from Justin O'Neill following a magnificent break by Kyle Feldt, who sprinted from deep inside his own half. Brisbane struck another blow just before the break, though, when Lachlan Coote made a mess of a grubber to gift Kahu a simple try, which he converted to make it 14-6 at the break. The Cowboys came roaring back in a breathless second half, with O'Neill claiming a double in the space of five minutes both of which were converted by Thurston - but Corey Oates darted almost the length of the field to level at 18-18 against the run of play. Kahu added the extras to put the Broncos 20-18 up nine minutes from time, but Thurston took another pulsating contest into extra-time with a penalty after he was tripped by Matt Gillett. Five-eighth Thurston turned on the style when it mattered yet again, selling a dummy before coming up with a clever pass for Morgan to touch down in the first period of extra-time and taking his tally with the boot to 10 to set up a clash with the Sharks next Friday. (SportsMax)



Pulis Unperturbed By Criticism

Tony Pulis is ready to deal with any criticism that comes his way due to West Brom's poor results in recent weeks. West Brom manager Tony Pulis has insisted criticism does not affect him and says negative reviews are part of the game. Pulis' position has come under fire

following the Baggies' underwhelming start to the 2016-17 campaign and Guochuan Lai’s £175million takeover of the Midlands club. Nevertheless, the 58year-old remains unperturbed by suggestions he could be on his way out. "There is speculation all the time but you have to get on with it and wash it away," Pulis said at a news conference. "There are lots of ups and downs and I will deal with it the way I think is right. If we win Saturday we will be in the top half. "You have to take criticism. The fans have a right to voice opinions. It's their club. They

have a right to say what they think. "It's no good being in this job if you can't take criticism. All managers take criticism. It's part of the job." Pulis laughed off speculation linking him with Championships side QPR, adding: "The truth should never get in the way of a story and that's happened quite a few times this week. Me going to QPR and being linked with the QPR job." West Brom will be looking to return to winning ways on Saturday when they take on West Ham, but Pulis believes a difficult match awaits. "West Ham will be a tough game. They're a good side with some good players and the club has invested well," he said. "We created good chances in the second half against Bournemouth last week. We've got to take those chances." (SportsMax)

Pulis Unperturbed By Criticism

Theo Walcott may be ready to return for Arsenal against Hull City, while Olivier Giroud will be checked after suffering a toe injury. Arsene Wenger will check on the fitness of Theo Walcott and Olivier Giroud ahead of Arsenal's trip to Hull City on Saturday, but Aaron Ramsey has been ruled out. Walcott missed the Gunners' 1-1 away draw with Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League

on Tuesday with a knee problem and the manager is hopeful the England forward will be able to return. Wenger also revealed Giroud took a knock to his big toe when appearing as a substitute against PSG - he was later sent-off - and will be assessed, while Petr Cech will start in goal after David Ospina faced Unai Emery's side. Ramsey remains out with a hamstring injury and Wenger is not rushing b a c k t h e Wa l e s international, who has not played since the opening day of the season. Ramsey is also set to miss next week's EFL Cup tie against Nottingham Forest. "Walcott could be back in the squad, I have to check how well he came out of the training session today [Friday],"

Wenger said at his pre-match news conference. "Ramsey is of course still out. I hoped [he could be back sooner] but he's not ready. Even Tuesday will come too early I think. "There is no added problem but we are cautious with him. We don't want any setback with his hamstring. For Tuesday [against Forest] it is really too early for him. "Cech will be back, yes. Not many other changes. Giroud has had a knock on Tuesday night, so I have to check if he is fit and available. It is his big toe. I have not spoken to the medical staff yet. "At the start Giroud was a bit behind fitness-wise compared to Koscielny and Ozil [after Euro 2016]. It took him some time to get back but since last week he has been getting back to full fitness. "Gabriel is back in normal training, I don't think he will be included but might play on Tuesday. So the injury situation is not bad at the moment." (SportsMax)



The Longest Gaps Between Tests: Batty's Wait Comfortably Exceeded

After Gareth Batty earned a surprise England recall, we look at the three players with the longest gaps between Test appearances. Veteran off-spinner Gareth Batty could earn his eighth Test cap for England more than 11 years after last representing his country, having been included in a 17-man squad to face Bangladesh. Batty, who turns 39 next month, has played only a solitary Twenty20 international for England - in 2009 - since his last Test outing, which came against Bangladesh at Chester-leStreet in June 2005. However, a gap of 11 years and four months between Test appearances would be nowhere near the longest such hiatus from the five-day game. We take a look at the three players to have spent longer periods away from the Test arena between caps. John Traicos (South Africa/Zimbabwe) Gap between Tests - 22 years and 222 days Traicos' record of more than 22 years between appearances seems unlikely to be beaten. The Egyptian born off-spinner played in three Tests for South Africa against Australia in 1970, the series proving the Proteas' last before they were isolated from international cricket for more than 20 years due to apartheid. Traicos was able to resume his international career with Zimbabwe in 1983, but had to wait a further nine years before the country was granted Test status. He went on to feature in four more Tests and proved effective at the age of 45,

claiming 14 wickets - including a certain Sachin Tendulkar for a golden duck on Zimbabwe's return to the game's premier format. George Gunn (England)

Gap between Tests - 17 years and 316 days A Nottinghamshire batting great, Gunn initially represented England in 11 Tests against Australia between 1907 and 1912. All but one of these matches took place Down Under, Gunn enduring a miserable time of things in his solitary home Test as he was dismissed for one and nought at Lord's in June 1909. He looked set to end his international career with 844 runs after making twin half-centuries as England rounded off a successful Ashes tour of 1911-12 at the Sydney Cricket Ground. However, almost 18 years later, Gunn featured in four further Tests on a tour of the West Indies, aged 50. He fared modestly in the first three, but contributed 85 and 47 in what proved his final match at Sabina Park, a high-scoring draw that saw England rack up 849 in the first innings, thanks largely to Andy Sandham compiling the first Test triple-hundred. Younis Ahmed (Pakistan) Gap between Tests - 17 years and 111 days A somewhat controversial character, middle-order batsman Younis first experienced Test cricket in 1969, playing for Pakistan in two home Tests against New Zealand. He was subsequently banned for life by the Pakistan Cricket Board after choosing to tour apartheid-era South Africa. However, after that sanction was lifted Younis eventually returned to the international game in 1987 - playing two further Tests and two ODIs against fierce rivals India. (SportsMax)

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Bilic Defends Payet's Rabona Dimitri Payet defended his use of the rabona this week and West Ham manager Slaven Bilic also issued his support prior to facing West Brom. Slaven Bilic insists he has no problem with Dimitri Payet trying to execute a rabona on the pitch again following his stunning assist in West Ham's defeat to Watford last weekend. The France international used the audacious technique to set up Michail Antonio's second goal, but the Hammers surrendered their two-goal lead and eventually fell to a 4-2 home loss. Manuel Lanzini had also tried to shoot with a rabona in the

match and Watford captain Troy Deeney said afterwards that his side had felt West Ham were trying to "mug us off". Payet insisted this week that the act was "instinctive" and, ahead of Saturday's trip to play West Brom, Bilic also stressed his belief that such play can only be considered a positive. "It doesn't bother me if someone does a rabona pass and it ends up in a goal," he said at his pre-match news conference. "It is good for the confidence and the crowd. The home wins are important as we want our fans to go away happy. "We want to entertain the fans on the pitch. It is a different stadium and we love our new home. It takes time to adjust. "Antonio has been brilliant offensively scoring four goals and he is very direct. He is linking up well with Payet." Bilic warned his players not to underestimate West Brom after their poor loss last time out. He continued: "I don't think my players under-estimate any team we have played so far. We were expecting a tough game against Watford and we were right. "It was not a good performance last week. More individual mistakes and misunderstandings from a couple of players. "We have talked about it behind closed-doors. We had a really good meeting and now we are waiting for the reaction of the team. "Mistakes will happen but we have to defend better and defend like we did last season. "West Brom have a good team and they are playing good football. I have a big respect for Tony Pulis and the job he does every year." (SportsMax)



Cepelova Ousts Nara In Tokyo Jana Cepelova will come up against Christina McHale at the semi-final stage in Tokyo after ousting home hope Kurumi Nara. Kurumi Nara's hopes of winning the Japan Women's

Open on home soil came to an end when she was beaten in three sets by Jana Cepelova at the quarter-final stage on Friday. Nara, attempting to add to the solitary WTA singles title she won in 2014, ousted third seed Yulia Putintseva to reach the last eight, but the 24-year-old then went down 3-6 6-4 6-1 to Slovakian Cepelova. Putintseva was a break down in the second set after losing the first, but the unseeded world number 116 came storming back and broke six times to set up a semifinal against Christina McHale. Seventh seed McHale, a beaten semi-finalist in Tokyo last year, saw off Viktorija Golubic 6-3 5-7 6-3 despite racking up seven double faults as the American was rewarded for saving 15 break points. Zhang Shuai will take on Katerina Siniakova in the other semi-final after the sixth seed from China beat Varvara Lepchenko 6-7 (4-7) 6-1 6-3. Siniakova only needed two sets to seal her semi-final berth, breezing past Alison Riske 6-2 6-4 in only 67 minutes. (SportsMax)

Madrid Youngsters Given Green Light To Resume Playing Real Madrid's youngsters can return to action after the club took their case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The Court of Arbitration for Sport has ruled Real Madrid's youngsters can return to action after the European champions successfully challenged FIFA's sanction. FIFA last week dismissed appeals from Real Madrid and city rivals Atletico against a twowindow transfer ban for breaches relating to the 'protection of minors'.

The two clubs were also fined, reprimanded and given 90 days in which to 'regularise the situation of all minor players concerned'. During the 90-day period, several members of the youth teams were suspended from playing but that order has now been overturned after Madrid took their case to CAS. A Madrid statement read: "The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has granted the precautionary measures that Real Madrid appealed for following the sanction issued by FIFA. "Therefore, the minors affected by said sanction may now play for their respective clubs." Real coach Zinedine Zidane's four sons are reportedly among the players caught up in the controversy, which the former France midfielder finds equally baffling. He said last week: "My kids were born here and have spent their whole lives here, so it is absurd they cannot play football." (SportsMax)



More Misery For Northland, Wellington Win Again

Northland are still without a victory since 2014, but they posed questions for Tasman in their latest defeat. Northland's long wait for a Mitre 10 Cup victory goes

on after they were beaten 33-23 by Tasman at Trafalgar Park on Friday. Not since 2014 have Northland celebrated a Mitre 10 Cup win and the elusive triumph did not come in Nelson, where Tasman stayed in contention for a semi-final berth by outscoring the Championship side by three tries to two. Tevita Koloamatangi and Quinten Strange touched down as Tasman opened up a 20-0 lead in the first half and Shannon Frizzell got in on the act by going over

following the interval. Northland made a game of it, with Matt Matich and Kara Pryor dotting down and Dan Hawkins scoring 13 points with the boot, but Marty Banks landed four penalties and three conversions as Tasman claimed a third win of the season. Returning prop Reggie Goodes scored two tries, while Peter Umaga-Jensen, Wes Goosen and Reggie Goodes went over in a 24-10 victory for Wellington over Bay of Plenty at Westpac Stadium. We l l i n g t o n s i t s e c o n d i n t h e Championship after they proved to be potent in attack and resolute in defence, Terrence Hepetema coming up with Bay of Plenty's solitary try in the second half. (SportsMax)

Light Blues Off The Mark, Charlie Smith Notch Biggest Win Of Manning Cup Round A spectacular 90th-minute overhead while St Anthony's climbed to second 2-0 at the Edward Seaga Complex in kick from Isaiah Alexander gave Trinity College a 1-0 win over Queens Royal College (QRC) and propelled to the top of the standings in the Secondary Schools Football League Premier Division on Wednesday. Trinity now has seven points to top the 15-team table

following their 2-1 win away to St Augustine. Meanwhile, Shiva Boys slipped to third after a 2-1 away loss to San Juan North. Elsewhere, Presentation San Fernando edged St Benedict’s 1-0 at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella and defending champions Naparima climbed from 11th to fifth after their 2-1 win over Fyzabad. Mucurapo defeated Signal Hill 2-1 while Fatima rebounded from losing two consecutive games to claim their first win, a 2-0 triumph over St Mary’s. St. George’s College opened their Manning Cup campaign on Thursday on a winning note by defeating Tivoli Gardens

Flow/ISSA Manning Cup action in Kingston. Alex Marshall opened the scoring for the light blues in the 45th minute while Dominic James secured the win with a 76th-minute strike. The other Group A fixture between Tarrant High School and Greater Portmore proved to be cracker, with the latter bagging the slimmest of wins in a seven-goal extravaganza. In Group B, the sole game between St Andrew Technical High School and Eltham drew 0-0. Over at the Tony Spauldings Sports Complex, Charlie Smith followed up their 2-1 win over Mona, blanking Clan Carty 4-0 in Group E action. At the Bell Chung Oval, Holy Trinity enjoyed an easy afternoon against Mona High, thrashing them by four goals to nil. Meanwhile in Group F, Kingston Technical defeated Edith Dalton James 2-1 at Edith Dalton James. (SportsMax)



Brathwaiteprepare Wants Windies To Learn Quickly to face Pakistan in a the heat in Dubai. The West planning well, preparing

Newly instated West Indies captain Carlos Brathwaite knows there is big learning curve for his charges as they

Tw e n t y 2 0 I n t e r n a t i o n a l series. The first hurdle the West Indies have to get over is

Indies landed in Dubai and according to Brathwaite, it is hot. “It wasn’t as hot earlier in the year but apparently we’re smack dab in the middle of their summer [now] so it can get very, very hot,” said Brathwaite. “It is for the players to prepare well, manage themselves well off the field – rehydration wise, getting enough rest. “Each and every one of us are professionals and we know what our bodies need to be at optimal [strength] to perform so it’s just about us doing the things we need to do off the field –

well, practicing well and then evidently performing when the games come.” After clipping India in his first game in charge, Brathwaite is hoping the team can go one better and win an away series against the Pakistanis. “I think this is another important series. We just defeated India and it would be a fantastic boost for the Caribbean people for us to come to Dubai, which has been Pakistan’s home for the last few years, come into their backyard and get a series victory against them as well,” he said. (SportsMax)

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