September 28, 2016

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AFC A Toothless Poodle In The Coalition Government

Supporters of the Alliance For Change (AFC) in Berbice areas have told the Guyana Daily News that they feel betrayed for the party they voted for at the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections. During a recent trip to several areas, one resident said, “We voted for the AFC based on the promises they made and all the promises turned out to be a bunch of lies.” According to some of the supporters, AFC is like a toothless poodle in the coalition government. Some residents cited one instance where Prime Minister Moses Nagamotoo was supposed to lead Government’s business

in the National Assembly, however P r e s i d e n t G r a n g e r, s t a t e d t h a t Nagamootoo would now be sharing Government’s bills in the National Assembly with other Ministries coming under the umbrella of the Ministry of the Presidency. This means Prime Minister Nagamootoo, does not have the customary portfolio that a Prime Minister would have. They also cited the recent resignation of Dr. Veersammy Ramaya from the party. Dr Ramaya stated that he resigned from the AFC because of corruption in the region and that his efforts to vent his frustration in the Coalition government went unheard. But Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin does not share the same view. He had said, “I think that (our performance) over the period of our term in office is how we will judge the effectiveness of the Government. If you want to subdivide the responsibilities, you can

perhaps look and decide whether the AFC component was effective. What you’re suggesting is that our role is to somehow police our coalition partner, and how effectively we do that. (That) is not what we are there for.” Several residents are also questioning Gaskin’s responsibility as Minister of Business, contending that even though he is a government minister, it is Joseph Harmon, Minister of State, who makes the final decision. They cited the recent actions by Minister Harmon to appoint an advisor on Business, when there is the Minister of Business. It was also pointed out that most foreign investment must be interviewed and approved by the Minister of State, unlike in the past where the Guyana Office for Investment (GoInvest) would negotiate the business deals and then take it to cabinet for final approval.




GPHC BoardChairman Creates Deputy CEO Position of the Board of decisions highlighted in a recently completed audit report. Directors, Dr. Carl ‘Max’ Hanoman along with members of the Georgetown Public Hospital Cooperation (GPHC) Board has reportedly been credited with creating a new position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Carl ‘Max’ Hanoman entity. The new position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer has been advertised in the daily newspapers and the deadline for applications is October 7, 2016. Dr. Hanoman related to a section of the media that the decision to create the position was formed from the realization that the hospital cannot be efficiently managed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) alone. The CEO position is currently being held by Mr. Michael Khan who is being criticize for questionable management

Speaking to the local newspaper Kaieteur News, Dr. Hanoman said that the Board had discussed and found the need to create the position of Deputy CEO. “We have found that the management of this hospital might be too much for the CEO alone so we have created this position to help with efficiency,” Dr. Hanoman disclosed. Previous reports would have had suggested that Khan will have to vacate the position based on the findings, but Dr. Hanoman related that he is still serving in the positon but could proceed on entitled annual leave shortly. The decision to create a Deputy CEO Position is now raising eyebrows since earlier this year it was reported that Mr. Paul Clarke who held the position of manager at the Cheddi Jagan Dental Centre, had presented himself to senior officials of the public hospital to assume the position to Deputy CEO. He informing them that he was sent by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Trevor Thomas. Clarke’s alleged appointment however, was not recognized by the hospital’s Board of Directors and the government had insisted that it had no knowledge of such an appointment.




Probe Into Illegal Aircraft Commences Retired Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins, was today sworn in by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates Court. Brigadier Collins told media operatives that the work of the Commission is important. “The importance cannot be over emphasized because it is not the first time that we have had an illegal aircraft. It speaks to the question of securing our airspace and the coarseness of our borders. And at the end of this inquiry, as part of the terms of reference, I have to make recommendations based on the investigation on how we can improve that investigation.” He stated that he does not know how his work will be different from that of the one being done by the by the Guyana Police Force, but pointed out that the Commission could subpoena witnesses. He further stated that as part of the Terms of Reference, the COI will investigate and report on the circumstances in which a foreign aircraft was discovered. The retired Brigadier said that the final report on the inquiry will have to advise President David Granger on the operational effectiveness of the various agencies of the State and the adequacy of the existing human resources, technology and equipment in the Upper Essequibo/Upper Takatu area. According to him the report should be completed by October 17, 2016. The twin engine Cessna Aircraft was found at the Yupukari Airstrip, Region 9, (Upper Demerara/Upper Takatu) bearing registration number N767Z, according to reports by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, investigations conducted by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Customs Ant-Narcotics Retired Chief of Staff of the Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) found that Guyana Defence Force, there is another active aircraft in the US with the same registration number. Brigadier Edward Collins




Linden Mayor Office Vandalized - “I Think It’s To Drive Fear In The Council” - Mayor Holland The office of Linden the matter. Though nothing seems to be the police could not determine from where Mayor Carwyn Holland was once again burglarized and vandalized last Tuesday evening. This is the third time at this had occurred. It was reported that Deputy M a y o r Wa n e k a Arrindell had informed the police about what occurred on Wednesday morning and also notified the Mayor of the incident, who was in China on official business at the time. Arrindell on Monday told media operatives that the police responded promptly to the scene, and investigations are ongoing into

missing, the entire office was ransacked and vandalized. The perpetrators reportedly stuck a thumb tack through the forehead of the Mayor’s photograph and stuck it to the wall. Deputy Mayor Arrindell said this is not only an attack on the Mayor, but on the entire Council, and security officers need to be questioned to determine how these breakages occurred three times within months. “Our security needs to be more vigilant in their work, so that this Council can be secured…. The security needs to be questioned, and we really need to get to the bottom of how this happened for the third time,” Arrindell said. She said that though

the bandits had entered the building, the exterior window of the office is most likely the place they had used. Mayor Holland has said he does not regard the break-ins as a personal threat, but believes that security needs to be beefed up. He said the perpetrators are trying to intimidate him, and by extension the Council, but their efforts are unsuccessful. “I think it’s to drive fear in the Council, (and prevent us) from doing our job,” he stressed. The Mayor is of the opinion that the perpetrator was looking for files and documents concerning the Council. (Guyana Chronicle)

Juice Vendor Jailed For Breaking And Entering Juice Vendor Milton Smith was today sentenced to 12 months imprisonment after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate's Court charged with committing the crime breaking and entering between September 22 and 23, 2016. Unrepresented in court, the 29 year-old pleaded guilty. It was noted that on the first date in question the owner of El Dorado Trading, Young Street, secured the store room of the business place and upon his return on September 23, 2016 he noticed 2 trolleys valued at $60,000 GYD, 2 travelling bags valued at $30,000 GYD and 1 helmet valued at $5,000 GYD missing. A complaint was lodged at CID headquarters and upon the review of CCTV footage, Smith was seen. He was arrested and confessed to committing the act and further told officers that he had sold the stolen items.


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Duo Charged With Murder Of Gafoors Manager Former Gafoors employee David Outar and Lackhan either during or after the process of Patrick Ross today reappeared before Chief committing a robbery. Magistrate Ann McLennan where they were jointly charged for the murder of 55 year-old Gafoors Manager Terry Lackhan. The men were not allowed plead to the charges and were instructed by the Magistrate to return before her in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on October 25, 2016 for report into investigations of the matter. The body of Lackhan was found hanging inside a wardrobe on July 21, 2016. Further reports had indicated that earlier before the discovery of the body neighbors had noticed a single male leaving the home with what appeared to be several bags. It has been alleged that the duo had murdered


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Greater Action Needed To Stop Child Abuse Vigil Hosted By Children’s Advocates PAGE 9

Amidst chants to end violence and protect children, the Child Protection Agency in partnership with the Guyana Police Force, Child Link and advocates of children’s rights hosted a walk and candle light vigil at the Police Officers’ Mess Eve Leary. Among those who participated were Social Protection Minster Volda Lawrence and staff, representatives of the Public Health Ministry, the Guyana Police Force, Child Link, and victims of sexual abuse. The event was aimed at raising further awareness of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse by encouraging persons to act to stop child abuse. Ms. Leslyn Halley, Head of the Juvenile Department at the Guyana Police Force welcomed the collaboration with the Ministry, noting that enhanced awareness on child abuse aids the Force in its efforts to better serve the country by ensuring protection for citizens. She said that the Police has developed Sexual Offence Units in all regions to encourage persons to report offences to the law enforcement agency. “Children safety and security are our priority, she said. Director of the Childcare and Protection Agency, Ms. Ann Greene urged greater support for victims of abuse so that they can be rehabilitated. She said that in addition to professional support, families and communities can help victims. Speaking directly to the many victims who were present at the event, Ms. Greene commended their strength. Representing the Non-Governmental Organisation, Child Link, Coordinator, Kean Chase emphasized that education is important to prevent child abuse and eliminate the stigma attached to it. “If someone tells us they were abused what do we do? Do we judge, believe, see them as less of a person, do we add to the sense of shame, question their sexuality, think they will abuse also or do we listen and support. As we observe child protection week activities it is fitting that we give much needed attention to that of child abuse here in Guyana. We don’t just give attention to the protection of our children one week every September. But every day as much as is needed,” she said. According to Chase, child abuse should be discussed more openly. She called for greater presence on social media, “it’s never trending, tweeted about or given likes on social media. However the conversation of this scourge that is plaguing our society is so very necessary and needed. It takes a village to raise a child “but let’s be real – this is not so and hasn’t been so for a long time. What happened –did we just get busy, is it technology whatever it is, it has to change and that change begins with us here tonight. We are here not just as persons interested in attending a random activity, but as individuals giving attention to those suffering in silence; those that are continuing to be abused and those that has never been given justice and is long gone.” She further stressed that sexual abuse is not just about being raped, “it is so much more. It’s about the inability to roam freely without being bombarded by sexual suggestions and comments, pornographic images; being a victim of voyeurism and the feeling of you being at fault for being you. It is happening among us in rich and poor homes alike, among the educated and not also affecting boys and girls alike. And we either don’t notice chose not to see this ugly truth. But the stats are ugly too. One in four girls under 18, one in six boys will be in his/her lifetime sexually abused or exposed to it. One in three girls are sexually exploited before 16, or forced into sex. There were 600-plus reported cases in the year 2014 what about the unreported cases?” she queried. A special session was


held to support the victims who participated in the event. Ministry of Social Protection Press Release




St Lucia PM Threatens Local Journalist With Defamation Lawsuit By Caribbean News Now contributor CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Seemingly determined to prove the accuracy of the well known saying, “Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” [The more things change, the more they stay the same], lawyers acting for Saint Lucia Prime Minister Allen Chastanet last week embarked on the well trodden path of threatening to sue local media for alleged defamation on grounds that are at best tenuous. The latest blatant abuse of political and economic power in this regard stems from a report by Rehani Isidore, a journalist with HTS Television in Saint Lucia, that Britain’s Prince Harry would be staying at the island’s Coco Palm Resort, which is owned by the Chastanet family and run by the recently elected prime minister’s sister, during a forthcoming Royal tour of the Caribbean. The report in question was based on a press release to that effect issued by the hotel and entitled “Coco Palm rolls out the red carpet for Prince Harry’s visit”, which was featured on the hotel’s website, the Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association (SLHTA) website and reported in local online media. However, Chastanet later claimed that the press release had been withdrawn – an event that has apparently gone unreported by any local media and no second press release withdrawing the first has ever been made public. Nevertheless, on September 23, 2016, Mark D. Maragh, managing partner of Amicus Law Chambers, wrote to Isidore in the following terms: We act herein on behalf of our client Mr Allen Michael Chastanet. We are instructed by our client as follows: 1. That you, Mr Rehani Isidore, are employed as a reporter by Helen Television Systems, Morne Fortune, Castries. You host a segment of the HTS News Force broadcast called E-Poll, which runs during the said broadcast which airs between 7 and 8 pm weekdays and which is widely circulated via television throughout St Lucia and globally via the internet. 2. On or about 16th September 2016, you, while hosting the said E-Poll program, made the statements of and concerning our client directly or by reference to our client: “The details of the Royals visit are still emerging. However what we do know is the lucky resort bestowed with the once in a lifetime honour of hosting the members of the British Monarchy, Coco Palm Resorts Inc. at Rodney Bay, is an establishment owned and run by the Chastanet family. Moreover, Prime Minister Allen Chastanet occupied an executive role at the Resort prior to the 2016 general elections. Interestingly, a Coco Palm press release announcing the Royal visit has reportedly been removed from circulation on the local media circuit. Here’s what we are asking about this once in a lifetime visit by the Royals in this E-Poll… Is it a conflict of interest for State officials to host foreign dignitaries at their privately run establishments? [Emphasis in original] 3. These statements are defamatory of our client and have caused damage to his reputation as evidenced by comments on various social media sites. 4. The statements are defamatory in that they suggest directly and by innuendo that our client abused his position as Prime Minister to influence or cause Coco Palm Resort to benefit from having Prince Harry and our client has instructed us to proceed immediately to commence against you, Helen Television Systems and Radio 100. Please be guided accordingly. It is not known whether Chastanet has threatened similar legal action against Coco Palm Resort and/or his sister for publishing the original press release that falsely claimed that Prince Harry would be staying at the hotel and thereby creating the reasonable inference that Chastanet abused his position as prime minister to facilitate the reported Royal stay and/or for failing to remove from its website on a timely basis the statement that, at the time, Allen Chastanet was still the managing director of the resort notwithstanding his election in June as head of government. According to Chastanet, Prince Harry will not be staying at any local hotel while in Saint Lucia but would instead be “staying on his boat”, without revealing which vessel that might be. The controversy has since attracted the attention of British media in the shape of a recent article in the Daily Express newspaper under the headline “Prince Harry's trip to the Caribbean won't be plain sailing” and noting that the prince “could find himself in a sticky situation when he visits the Caribbean in November”. “An almighty row has broken out in St Lucia over where the 32-year-old royal might stay during his tour on behalf of the Queen. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet was last week forced to deny any conflict of interest after it was reported the fifth-in-line to the throne might be put up in his hotel during the trip, which will also include stops in Guyana, St Kitts-Nevis and Barbados,” the Express reported. “’The Prince is not staying at any hotel,’ snapped Chastanet at reporters. ‘The Prince is staying on his boat,’” the newspaper noted, also

questioning to which boat the prime minister was referring. “Surely not the Royal Yacht Britannia, retired to be a tourist trap in Leith? Sorting out accommodation for this sojourn looks to be anything but plain sailing,” the report concluded. It is not known whether Chastanet also intends to sue the Daily Express for defamation. As noted, the threat of legal action against local media is a well-established and, unfortunately, an effective method in Saint Lucia of suppressing freedom of the press and forcing self-censorship on journalists and media outlets. In fact, after a similar incident in 2013 when a minister in the then St Lucia Labour Party (SLP) government threatened legal action against Timothy Poleon, another local radio and TV journalist, Chastanet’s own party, the United Workers Party (UWP) issued a press statement saying that it stood firmly with Poleon and the media, against any form of legal action proposed by then minister for legal affairs, home affairs and national security, Phillip La Corbiniere. “Over the last few weeks, Saint Lucians have watched and listened as ministers target specific media workers in an effort to intimidate and instill fear in them by the issuance of threats. The latest statement coming from Senator Victor LaCorbiniere is evident that this Labour Administration does not respect the democratic right of every citizen of this country,” the UWP said at the time. “Must media workers, in the execution of their duties and responsibilities, suffer the rampant persecution and onslaught of name calling such as labeling Mr Poleon a ‘media terrorist’?” the UWP asked, an ironic precursor to Chastanet’s more recent public branding of Isidore as “a liar”. “It appears that the SLP administration has developed a pattern of intimidation each time they assume office to gain total control of the media by its statements, threats and now, manifested actions,” the UWP continued, adding that this brought to the fore the SLP’s failed attempt, several years ago, at passing legislation to achieve that goal. “It is sad that a government, elected by the people to uphold the law, would now turn on its people by infringing upon their fundamental democratic rights, traditions and freedom of the press in Saint Lucia. Therefore, the United Workers Party stands ready to defend ‘freedom of speech’ which is a constitutional right of all Saint Lucians, including that of Mr Timothy Poleon,” the UWP asserted. The International Press Institute (IPI) previously said that threats by politicians in Saint Lucia, even if they do not end up in concrete legal action, represent potential intimidation of the press and are therefore without question a cause for concern. At the time, Rick Wayne, editor of the St Lucia Star, said that he was “convinced the whole aim is to frighten the rest of the media”, which, he added, “is easy to do”. He added: “If something is said about you with regard to your conduct in terms of a public servant that is not true, all you need to do is inform the public of the truth and the truth will set you free.” A previous US ambassador to the region also once referred to threats of this nature as "a standard political bully tactic". More recently, in a virtual rerun of the threatened lawsuit against Poleon in 2013, an attorney representing Claudius Francis, the then president of the senate, wrote to another local broadcaster in April 2016 threatening to institute proceedings for defamation. Caribbean News Now has requested reaction and comment in relation to this latest development from a number of individuals, organisations and agencies, including the US State Department and Bridgetown embassy in the context of its ongoing scrutiny of Saint Lucia’s human and civil rights record. (Caribbean News Now!)

Prime Minister Allen Chastanet


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Tropical Cyclone Expected To Form In Southern Caribbean Tuesday Night Or Wednesday PAGE 12

By Caribbean News Now contributor MIAMI, USA -- Reports from an Air Force Reserve reconnaissance aircraft on Tuesday indicated that a tropical wave located about 250 miles east of Barbados does not yet have a closed surface circulation. However, the system is producing winds to near tropical storm force and the thunderstorm activity continues to show signs of organization. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, conditions are expected to be favourable for development, and a tropical depression or tropical storm is likely to form on Tuesday night or Wednesday. At 8:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, the system was moving westward to west-northwestward at 15 to 20 mph, and is expected to pass over the Windward Islands on Wednesday morning, and move over the southeastern Caribbean Sea late Wednesday and Thursday. Interests in the Windward and southern Leeward Islands, Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, and along the northern coast of South America should monitor the progress of this disturbance, and consult products issued by local national meteorological services, which could include tropical storm warnings or watches. Regardless of whether the system is a tropical wave or tropical cyclone, heavy rains and tropical-stormforce winds in squalls are expected to spread over the Windward Islands and portions of the southern Leeward Islands, beginning Tuesday night and continuing through Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) in collaboration with the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) convened a pre-strike meeting of the Eastern Caribbean Development Partner Group (ECDPG) at noon on Tuesday to plan for possible scenarios in preparation for the impact. Partner agencies who are members of this group including regional and international donors and development partners are monitoring the system. The CIMH provided technical understanding of the system by


defining the implications for countries in line of the impact. The CDEMA coordinating unit has been in contact with the national disaster coordinators (NDCs) in Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. A number of actions have been taken by each country including meeting of the heads of all sub-committees of the national disaster system such as the essential services including first responders in preparation for any likely impact. Information and updates from the local Meteorological Offices have been regularly shared with the national disaster management offices and the media. The National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) for Barbados and Grenada was due to be activated later Tuesday night in response to the threat of the current weather system. “We are in the peak hurricane season and therefore expect that systems are still likely to develop which may threaten several of our participating states. We are therefore monitoring the development of Invest 97 given the current exposures and vulnerability in several of our Eastern Caribbean States and Haiti,” said Ronald Jackson, executive director of CDEMA. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tropical outlook. NHC graphic


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Stalled Bahamas Megaresort Restarts Construction PAGE 14

By Sloan Smith Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter NASSAU, Bahamas -- Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie on Monday announced construction on the stalled Baha Mar project has restarted, while also indicating a March 2017 date for the opening of the casino, the casino hotel, the convention centre and the golf course in phases. However, Christie has yet to identify the buyer and operators of the resort, even though he has indicated that negotiations are ongoing with the Export-Import Bank of China and the would-be buyer. “Remobilization is well underway and construction works have commenced,” Christie said at a tour of the $3.5 billion megaresort. “Every effort is being made to ensure the phased opening of the casino, casino hotel, the convention centre and hotel, and the golf course before the end of the coming winter season. “The EXIM Bank is meeting its commitment in funding remaining construction costs to complete the project, and a contract has been executed for China Construction [America] (CCA) to complete the project. “Although, for legal reasons, I am not at liberty at this stage to formally disclose the name of the ultimate purchaser, suffice it to say that their principals have met with the government and discussed their vision for the property. “They meet the government’s requirements of a well-recognized, world-class resort developer with the necessary resources for a successful operation. “The group is moving expeditiously to complete their negotiations with the EXIM Bank and to meet the due diligence requirements of the government. “It is expected that the name of the purchaser will be announced shortly.” Christie said that with the remobilization of construction, Bahamian subcontractors are expected to return to the site. “The landscaping people have 50 to 60 people already,” he said, as a few groundskeepers were seen working at the site. “They told me they would like to recruit another 50 to 60 [people] immediately, so you are going to find, therefore, that the subcontractors, the Bahamian subcontractors, are being brought back on to the site.” Need for clarity However, it is unclear how those companies not directly owed money by the Baha Mar companies in liquidation will get paid, although Christie said CCA is in the “process of resolving outstanding amounts owing its suppliers and contractors”. As negotiations for the resort’s operation continue, Christie also asserted that it is not yet confirmed whether the buyer will run the resort as a single property, or keep the original vision of separate companies managing the various hotels. “I am looking forward, really, to when the operators are identified and they come in, to begin the process of bringing life to the casino, and to the casino hotel and to other parts of this, and they will obviously announce whether or not they will handle the entire resort or whether they will have it in separate parts as was the


original vision, the [Grand] Hyatt, the SLS, and of course the Rosewood,” Christie said. Guardian Business reported last week that, according to tourism director general Joy Jibrilu, two of the three global hospitality brands most recently attached to the stalled $3.5 billion mega resort – Grand Hyatt and SLS – are still onboard, but had nothing to say about the fate of the former Rosewood property. Rosewood Hotels and Resorts jumped ship last year, severing ties with the development on the grounds that its brand was being “tarnished” by the morass gridlocking progress at the development. Baha Mar filed for bankruptcy in the United States on June 29. However, the substantive bankruptcy claim in the US has since been dismissed. Christie announced last month that the government and China EXIM Bank have signed an agreement that was approved by the Supreme Court that will see the derailed Baha Mar project completed, sold and opened. In a communication to Parliament last month, Christie also indicated that China EXIM Bank made the application to the Supreme Court to seal the deal it signed with the government to get Baha Mar completed and opened, to allow the bank to finalize “sensitive negotiations” for a new buyer. On Monday, Christie said “regular updates will be provided as continued progress is made in implementing the provisions of the heads of terms, with more detailed information becoming available to the public with the unsealing of the Supreme Court Order”. Payment to former Baha Mar employees who lost their jobs when the resort was placed in liquidation were expected to begin at the resort on Tuesday. (Caribbean News Now!)

From left, Prime Minister Perry Christie, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson lead a small group on a brief tour of the Baha Mar resort on Monday. Photos: Torrell Glinton


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Antigua-Barbuda Lawyers Discuss Alleged Interference In The Judiciary PAGE 15

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) -- A recent statement by the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court’s chief justice that attempts are being made to influence the courts shows that the judiciary is on guard against the practice, according to attorney David Dorsett. “Having made that announcement it indicates that the judiciary is on guard so that when these attempts are being made that the attempts are not successful. What would be tragic is if the attempt was made and the judiciary was asleep or hypnotized by the person attempting judicial interference so that judicial interference did in fact occur to the detriment of the proper administration of justice and so we can take some comfort in the fact that chief justice at least, I suspect she may have gotten word from other members of the judiciary, that certain things untoward are happening and it is of concern to them, and rightly of concern to her, and rightly of concern to all of us,” he said. The concerns referred to were expressed by Chief Justice Janice Pereira at the start of the new law year in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). “Attempts and I repeat attempts, at judicial interference are on the rise. These attempts emanate from places and persons and by methods which you would least expect,” she said. According to Dorsett, the statement by Pereira has been misinterpreted by some to suggest that there is corruption associated with the judiciary. “I think that it is an unfortunate statement, an unfortunate conclusion to make is to say that I am attempting to cook a sandwich and my attempt having failed means that nobody can cook. That just is not right. Attempts have been made, it is wrong, it is improper, and I think all of us need to be on our guard no matter how close or far we are from the judicial system to ensure that the system and the streams of justice remain true,” he said. Antigua Bar Association president Debra Burnett has described the chief justice’s statement on attempted judicial interference as direct and uncompromising. She also took a stab at trying to identify where the interference was coming from. “My view on where these would come from, as she says where you least expect it, I mean you sit down and think of 1) how and what would be the motivation for someone to interfere with the judiciary and it obviously because someone has an interest in a case which is before that court. What is at stake? What would be at stake would be the litigant’s case and so when we speak of judicial interference when you hear the public speak of judicial interference you get the impression that they are judging the judges. When in fact when you look at it, it may come from the litigant themselves because their case is at stake. So we all as members of the public whether you are a lawyer or a doctor, whether you are a student who has just gotten in trouble with the police, play a role in such a thing


occurring,” she said. Responding to a suggestion that the interference could be coming from politicians, the Bar Association president pointed out that they too were sometimes litigants. “They have an interest in their own case, because when you have a case in court whether you are politician or whether you are the premier or a minister of agriculture as you are in Montserrat, you are a litigant before the court, you are treated fairly. The court when you look at the logo of the judiciary it is a woman, she is blindfolded and she’s holding the scales of justice she sees nothing, no colour, no money, no nothing,” she noted. Interference is also something the Caribbean Court of Justice is on guard against, according to Dorsett, making reference to a specific case. “The CCJ very recently has made statements to try to indicate that they too are concerned about persons being reassured that their cases are being handled in a proper manner. I refer in particular to a case in arising out of Barbados where a particular lawyer was concerned that certain judges, because of his interaction with them, perhaps should recuse themselves from the case. They failed to do so but when the case got to the CCJ, the CCJ gave very clear guidelines and they made the point that the recusal of a judge is not based so much on the judge but the issue is the appearance. The court is concerned that there is an appearance of justice and that justice is in fact being dispensed. So the court whether it’s at the court of appeal level, I would say at all levels courts and judges are concerned that people have confidence in the court because if people don’t have confidence in the court, if the people don’t have confidence in a judge, all will fall down,” he said. Dorsett and Burnett were among panelists discussing the interference issue on Antigua’s Observer Radio. (Caribbean News Now!)




Eye-opening Discovery In Honduras Reveals New Information About Mayan Civilization TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- Last week, the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History announced an important discovery in the Copán Archeological Park, located in western Honduras, which continues to boost Honduras' position as the destination with the most diverse tourism offering in Central America, due in part to its rich history. The discovery, considered one of the most important in recent years, features various burial sites that may have belonged to prominent members of Copán aristocracy, part of the Mayan civilization. Important pieces including colorful ceramic pots, jade pectoral, spondylus shells and other items with great historical value, were found at the site, as well as, traces of funeral rituals involving fire, that contribute new evidence to continue unraveling the history of the Mayan civilization that inhabited Copán. According to the preliminary analysis, these burial sites are from the sixth century, between 500 and 550 AD. Judging by the rich offerings found at the site and the results of previous findings in the area, researchers believe that individuals buried there were members of Copán high society, possibly of the Copán dynasty. Research director, archeologist, Seiichi Nakamura, professor at the University of Kanazawa in Japan, suggested that these burial sites were for sacrifices or offerings for other important burials. The Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History leads archaeological research and the conservation of structures through a grant from the Japanese government. The area of study is located 150 meters north of the Grand Plaza at Copán, where 150 burial sites have been discovered to date, including one of a 12- to 13-year-old child, who was most likely a member of Copan's royal family in the sixth century. The discovery site will remain open for tours, a new attraction at the Copán Archaeological Park. The tours will be introduced by the Honduran Institute of Anthropology

and History and visitors will be able to witness the excavations and conservation of archaeological findings firsthand. (Caribbean News Now!)

Archaeologists and media gathered at the newly discovered burial site in Copan


GUYANA DAILY NEWS United Kingdom Provides Millions To IMF For Caribbean Development PAGE 18

WASHINGTON, Sept 28, CMC – The United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) has become the first development partner to participate in the new five-year phase (2017-22) of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Regional Technical Assistance Center in the Caribbean (CARTAC). DFID has made a contribution of US$7.8 million and according to the Deputy Head and Growth Team Leader of DFID Caribbean Office, Mark George, London is pleased to continue its longstanding cooperation with the IMF for the delivery of capacity development services in partner countries. “CARTAC strongly complements our work in the Caribbean focused on economic prosperity, governance, and disaster risk reduction, and remains a much-needed resource in the region to help countries strengthen their economic resilience as they continue with their efforts to achieve their development goals.” The Director of the IMF’s Institute of Capacity Development, Sharmini Coorey, said the United Kingdom is a key contributor to the IMF’s capacity development work, and she’s pleased that it will continue its support to CARTAC. “Our shared vision for economic development has helped build economic institutions and boost growth in the region, and we look forward to further deepening this partnership,” said Coorey. The United Kingdom


has so far contributed approximately US$130 million to IMF capacity development since 2002. It has been supporting IMF regional centers in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Caribbean, and work on key topics such as anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism, tax and financial sector reform. Since its establishment in 2001, CARTAC has provided support to economic institution building and related training needs to its 20 regional member countries. (Antigua Observer)

Belize Confirms Near 50 Cases Of Zika Virus BELMOPAN, Belize, Sept 28, CMC – At least six pregnant women are among the 46 confirmed cases of the mosquitoborne Zika virus, health authorities here have confirmed. The Ministry of Health said it is working with the pregnant women and those expecting to get pregnant in order to deal with possible cases of microcephaly, the abnormal smallness of the head due to incomplete brain development that normally affects babies. The Surveillance Officer at the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health, Lorna Perez, said there are 593 suspected cases of Zika. “Of these 305 have actually been screened which means a blood sample or a urine sample has been collected from these persons which represents 52.5 per cent of all suspected cases being screened. “Of these 305 tests that have been done, we’ve received 177 results, which represents 58 per cent of all samples taken which means we are still pending some results. Of this 177 now, we have 46 positive, which is 26 per cent. So far we have that as our positivity rate,” she said. The authorities said three of the pregnant women have already given birth and the babies so far have not exhibited any conditions of microcephaly or other malformations. Maternal and Child Health Adviser, Dr. Natalia Largaespada Beer, said the surveillance of the effects of exposed infants have now expanded to not only microcephaly, but to other congenital malformations related to zika such as genitourinary, cardiac and digestive systems, hearing and visual abnormalities. “The scope of the syndrome will expand

as further information and longer follow-up of affected children becomes available. There is no treatment, there is no vaccine against zika virus. A lot of the preventative measures that are being recommended can be applied to women that are not pregnant and women during pregnancy,” she added. The Ministry of Finance said it has approved insect repellants and insecticide bed nets that are being distributed free of cost through the various health facilities. (Antigua observer)

The Aedes Aegypti mosquito that transmits the Zika virus (Photo courtesy



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Study Finds Agricultural Exports From The Caribbean To China Could Grow By Almost 10 Per cent PAGE 20

WASHINGTON, Sept 28, CMC – A new study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has found that agricultural exports from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to China could increase by almost 10 per cent if the Asian country reduces its tariffs by more than 50 per cent. The study also found that manufacturing goods could jump by 37 per cent, if Beijing’s import tariffs were reduced to the levels of the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), whose average is 3.6 per cent The study finds that China’s median tariff is about twice that of the OECD for agricultural goods and more than three times for manufacturing goods. After expanding at an annual average rate of 31.2 per cent between 2000 and 2011, the study finds that the growth of China-LAC trade decelerated sharply and turned negative in 2014, on the back of marked and intertwined slowdowns in the growth of China and LAC. Despite this recent loss of dynamism, the study notes that China remains as LAC’s secondlargest trade partner—accounting for 13.7 per cent of the region’s trade in 2015. Additionally, the study found the most likely medium- to long-term scenario for its demand for LAC commodities is one of a robust growth, though not as epic as in the last decade. The study titled “Uncovering the Barriers of the ChinaLatin America and Caribbean Trade” is produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through its Integration and Trade Sector (INT). Principal


Economic Advisor at the IDB’s Integration and Trade Sector, Mauricio Mesquita Moreira and author of the report, said regional governments and the private sector will have to invest in trade intelligence to remove barriers and maximize the potential gains from trade with China. “To carry out this agenda effectively, negotiations must be, as much as possible, isolated from the political and ideological considerations that have characterized the relationship in the past”, Mesquita Moreira said. Another important finding is that the Chinese tariff structure tends to discriminate against the imports of consumer goods, which represents a challenge for LAC exporters looking to sell their products directly to Chinese consumers. (Antigua Observer)

Tropical Storm Matthew Hurls Towards St. Lucia Tropical Storm Matthew is now swiftly moving towards St. Lucia after being a tropical wave just a few hours before. At 11 AM the storm was located just 40 km east of St. Lucia and was moving towards the west at a pace of 32 km per hour, a movement that will take it very close to St. Lucia within this hour. Maximum sustained winds are near 93 kph making this system a strong tropical storm. As the system strengthens it is expected to become a hurricane by Friday after passing the island. Presently there are reports of light rain at Hewanorra and GFL Charles airports. The weather is expected to deteriorate rapidly over the next few hours. (St Lucia News online)

Latest spectral photo of Tropical Storm Matthew at 11 AM


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Opposition Pleased Baha Mar Workers Receiving Backpay PAGE 21

NASSAU, Bahamas, Sept 28, CMC – The main opposition Free National Movement (FNM) says it is pleased that the workers employed at the Baha Mar multi-billion dollar project are now receiving outstanding wages owed to them. “The Free National Movement is happy that the long ordeal for thousands of Bahamians is finally over and they have started to receive their wages for completed work that are long past due,” said FNM leader Dr. Hubert Minnis. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Perry Christie told a news conference that said that the process is well underway under the supervision of a Claims Committee for the ex gratia payment by Eximbank to thousands of former Bahamian employees of Baha Mar of the outstanding amounts owed to them by their former employer. He said this would include unpaid salaries, severance pay, accrued vacation pay and notice payments due to termination. Additional sums deducted from employees and former employees’ salaries and pension contributions are also being repaid, he added. “The Claims Committee is also now in the process of settling the claims against Baha Mar of Bahamian unsecured creditors including contractors and suppliers. “Eximbank (Export-Import Bank of China) has provided the funding and Bahamian unsecured creditors are asked to closely conform with the notices and procedures being published by the Claims Committee,” he added. The FNM leader said that the workers had been seeking payment for over a year and that last week, when country found out that the government’s secret deal regarding the US$3.5 billion dollar project “did not include the payment of CCA (China Construction America (CCA) Bahamas) contractors for work done at Baha Mar, we once again stood with the people and let our voices be heard, calling on the embattled Prime Minister to address this injustice. “We are pleased to learn that the Chinese will also be paying these contractors now. It is always a good day for The Bahamas when the PLP (Progressive Liberal Party) finally decides to take the side of the Bahamian people over their Chinese allies,” Minnis added. But while he said the FNM appreciated the fact that an agreement had been reached regarding the Baha Mar project, which is expected to feature a Las Vegasstyle casino and more than 2,000 hotel room, Minnis


said the FNM “is still concerned and troubled by the lack of transparency and details, shrouded in secrecy and then sealed by the courts on behalf of this Government”. “So while this is a happy day for so many contractors that were resolute for work that they did, we should realize that this was only addressed because the people were aware of this travesty. “We joined with them to right this wrong, but what about all the details of this secret deal we are not aware of? This incident cries out for more transparency because that’s the only way we can have true accountability. It’s time for the PLP and the embattled Prime Minister to finally unseal the deal,” said Minnis. The project has been stalled for several months and missed the December and March opening deadlines, after running out of money. Prime Minister Christie said that while he is not in a position to outline the details regarding the Baha Mar project, he is pleased with the “considerable progress” that has been made one month after he announced the agreement. Christie said the agreement between the government and the Eximbank, had been made in the implementation of the Heads of Terms between the respective parties. “As I have said before, these arrangements, which have been approved by the Supreme Court of The Bahamas in a sealed order as is customary in commercial matters of this kind, represent a signal achievement for The Bahamas and a milestone in the troubled history of Baha Mar,” Prime Minister Christie told reporters. (Antigua Observer)




Syria War: Those Bombing Aleppo 'Must Answer To God' - Pope

Pope Francis has decried the bombing of Aleppo in Syria, saying those responsible for killing civilians will have to answer to God. Speaking at a public audience in St Peter's Square in Rome, he called it "an already martyred city, where everybody is dying". Russian-backed Syrian government forces have launched a fierce campaign to take control of rebel-held eastern areas. Air strikes continued to hit the besieged districts overnight. Pope Francis urged all sides to "commit themselves with all their strength to protect civilians". "This is an imperative and urgent obligation. I appeal to the consciences of those responsible for the bombings, who will one day will have to account to God," he said. Reports citing Pope Francis urged all sides to protect civilians(REUTERS) medical workers say that two major hospitals in rebel-held into the east and placed its 250,000 residents under siege. eastern Aleppo were put out of service by air raids overnight. But one activist in the city tells the BBC that the hospitals still Children in Aleppo have made up a large proportion of appear to be operational. Jump media playerMedia player help casualties from air strikes, according to aid groups. At least In the past few days, pro-government forces have begun ground 100,000 children remain trapped in the eastern part of the city. operations to try to recapture more territory from rebel forces. In the government-held west, 49 children were killed by rebel shelling in July alone, the New York Times reports, citing the They have made advances in the city centre, reports say. The government of President Bashar al-Assad and its Russian Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. backers have been accused of war crimes and "barbarism" by On Tuesday, the US pledged to provide an extra $364m the US and its Western allies, who back the rebels. Moscow has (£276m) in humanitarian aid to people affected by the Syrian vigorously denied the allegations and criticised their war. The World Health Organization meanwhile called for the "unacceptable" rhetoric. Separately, fresh allegations of "immediate establishment of humanitarian routes" into Aleppo, chemical weapons use on the part of Syrian government have where hospitals are running out of supplies and rubble-strewn been made by the New York-based group Human Rights Watch. streets are preventing ambulances from getting through. (BBC) It said that Syrian government helicopters appeared to have used chemical weapons in two incidents in Aleppo on 10 August and 6 September that killed five people, including two children. "After each attack, dozens of people suffering from a shortage of breath, coughing, reddened skin and eyes, and excessive tearing sought medical treatment in hospitals," the group said. Syrian rebels have been supplied with a new type of surface-tosurface Grad rocket by their foreign backers to help defend against the current offensive, a rebel commander told the Reuters news agency. The rockets, supplied "in excellent quantities", will be used in Aleppo, Hama and the Mediterranean coastal region, Fares alBaoush said. It was not clear which foreign states supplied the rockets. Aleppo, once Syria's largest city and the country's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with President Bashar al-Assad's forces controlling the west and rebel factions the east. In the past year, government troops have gradually broken the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes. Earlier this month, they severed the rebels' last route




Mh17 Missile 'Came From Russia', Dutch-led Investigators Say

International prosecutors investigating the downing of flight establish who gave the order to move the missile launcher into MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 say the Buk missile that hit eastern Ukraine, and where the order for it to be fired came the plane was from Russia. They also narrowed down the area it from, investigators said. was fired from to a field in territory controlled by Russian- The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) consists of backed rebels. All 298 people on board the Boeing 777 died prosecutors from the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, when it broke apart in mid-air flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Malaysia and Ukraine. Jump media playerMedia player help Lumpur. Russia says the conclusions are "extremely political" Many witnesses Prosecutors played recordings from and its Buk missiles "never shot down" the plane. "Based on the intercepted phone calls during their news conference. They said criminal investigation, we have concluded that flight MH17 witnesses reported seeing the missile launcher move from was downed by a Buk missile of the series 9M83 that came Russia into Ukraine and presented pictures and videos. The from the territory of the Russian Federation," chief Dutch launch site was pinpointed by "many witnesses", prosecutors police investigator Wilbert Paulissen said in a news conference said. Relatives were briefed before the JIT released their on Thursday. The missile launcher was later taken back to preliminary findings. "They told us how the Buk was transported [and] how they came to that evidence from phone Russia, he said. An inquiry by the Dutch Safety Board last year found that a taps, photo, film material, video," Robby Oehler, whose niece Russian-made Buk missile hit the plane but did not say where it was killed in the crash, told the BBC. was fired from. But Russia has rejected the conclusions, calling Separatist rebels have denied they were involved. "We never them "extremely political". "This is of course a provocative had such air defence systems, nor the people who could operate statement... it has nothing to do with investigating the tragedy them," Eduard Basurin, military deputy operational that took away the lives of so many people," said Leonid commander at the rebel Donetsk People's Republic, told the Slutsky, the head of the parliamentary committee for the CIS Interfax news agency. "Therefore we could not have shot down (Commonwealth of Independent State). "These conclusions the Boeing [flight MH17]." Earlier this week, Russia said it had seek to achieve only one objective - to further marginalise the radar data showing that the missile was not fired from rebelimage of Russia in the global political and information space," held territory. The JIT does not yet have access to that data, prosecutors said. he added. Who gave the order? Prosecutors have narrowed the missile Russia's changing story launch site down to a specific field near the village of In the two years since MH17 was shot down, Russian officials Pervomaiskyi, which was then in rebel hands. They established have presented several theories about what happened. the identities of about 100 people "linked to the crash or the 21 July 2014: Four days after the tragedy, Russia's defence transport of the Buk" missile, but they are yet to determine who ministry presented satellite photos and other images suggesting could be held criminally responsible. There is a need to it was downed by a Ukrainian surface-to-air Buk missile or a Prosecutors said the missile was brought into Ukraine from Russia(AFP) Ukrainian military jet June 2015: Russia's Investigations Committee named a "key witness" - a Ukrainian "aircraft ordnance technician" - who claimed that the Boeing was downed by a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter October 2015: Buk missile producer AlmazAntey said that the plane was indeed downed by a Buk, but an old one - which Russia no longer had in its arsenal September 2016: Russia's defence ministry released what it said were radar data suggesting MH17 was shot down by a missile, but not one fired by Russian-backed rebels (BBC)




Pepe The Frog Meme Branded A 'Hate Symbol’

Online cartoon Pepe the Frog has been added to the AntiDefamation League (ADL)'s database of hate symbols. Other logos cited as offensive by the ADL include the Swastika and the "Blood Drop Cross" of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The antibigotry group said "racists and haters" had "taken a popular internet meme and twisted it". Pepe has recently been depicted as Adolf Hitler and a member of the white supremacist KKK. Pepe made his debut in 2005 in artist Matt Furie's "Boy's Club" cartoons. Since then, pictures of the creature have spread through the online communities 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit, where users can post an image for others to comment on. These are mostly used to express emotions or experiences, but some racist and antiSemitic versions have spread virally on Facebook and Twitter. "These anti-Semites have no shame," ADL's chief executive Jonathan A Greenblatt said. "They are abusing the image of a cartoon character, one that might at first seem appealing, to harass and spread hatred on social media." 'You can't stump the Trump' The Alt-Right movement, a disparate group of right-wing social media users, has repeatedly shared Pepe re-workings on social media. The movement has been described as an alternative to mainstream conservatism, but its proponents have repeatedly abused

Pepe the Frog was created by artist Matt Furie and has since become a hugely popular meme

Jewish Americans and portrayed white people as oppressed.

The Alt-Right has claimed Mr Trump as its presidential candidate of choice. The mogul has not approved it, but did retweet a caricature depicting him as Pepe the Frog in October 2015, with the caption "You Can't Stump the Trump". The frog made headlines in mid-September when Hillary Clinton said most of Mr Trump's supporters belonged in a "basket of deplorables". The Republican's son Donald Trump Jr shared an altered version of the movie poster for "The Expendables", which showed Pepe with his father and other conservatives, labelled "The Deplorables." 'That cartoon frog is sinister' Mrs Clinton's team duly released a post titled "Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer" claiming, "that cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize". In May 2016, the Daily Beast quoted an anonymous white nationalist saying that a campaign was under way to "reclaim Pepe from the normies" internet slang for mainstream users. The ADL has clarified that most Pepe memes are not racist, and that innocent versions will not be subject to the hate symbol designation. "The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist," the group said. (BBC)




World Leaders To Attend Funeral For Israel's Shimon Peres

A long list of world leaders will attend the funeral of former Israeli prime minister and president Shimon Peres, who died on Wednesday at 93. Some of the world's most powerful figures will be at the service in Jerusalem on Friday, including US President Barack Obama. Mr Peres's condition had deteriorated after suffering a stroke two weeks ago. He was one of the last of a generation of Israeli politicians present at the nation's birth in 1948. Mr Peres won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his role negotiating the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians a year earlier, a prize he shared with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. The agreement was witnessed by former US President Bill Clinton and signed at the White House. On Wednesday Mr Clinton said on Twitter: "I will miss Shimon Peres, my brilliant and eloquent friend. His life was a blessing to all who strive for peace..." Other world leaders set to attend the funeral on Friday include UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Mr Peres will receive a state burial at a ceremony on Friday at Mount Herzel Cemetery in Jerusalem. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sent a letter of condolence to Mr Peres' family "expressing his sorrow and sadness". "Peres was a partner in creating the peace of the brave with the late President Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Rabin, and has made intensive efforts to reach a long-lasting peace

Mr Peres shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for his part in negotiating a peace deal with the Palestinians(GETTY IMAGES)

since the Oslo agreement and until the last breath," he said in a statement. It is not clear if Mr Abbas will attend the funeral. However, some Palestinians and others across the Middle East were not mourning his passing. Abdul Rahman Daireyeh, a resident in Ramallah, told the BBC: "He [Peres] is a war criminal who has killed hundreds of Palestinians. He was never a man of peace. Towards the end of his life, he appeared as a man of peace but he was never that person, as he killed hundreds." The militant Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, said that Mr Peres's death was the "end of the history of occupation". Mr Peres once said the Palestinians were Israel's "closest neighbours" and might become its "closest friends". His son, Chemi, said of his father: "He served our people before we even had a country of our own. He worked tirelessly for Israel from the very first day of the state to the last day of his life." Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his "deep sorrow" over Mr Peres' death in a video statement. "As a man of peace, he worked until his final days toward reconciling with our neighbours for a better future for our children.'' Once an advocate of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, Mr Peres later became a leading political dove. He often spoke of the need for compromise over territorial demands in Palestinian areas. Who was Shimon Peres? Born in 1923 in Wisniew, Poland, now Vishnyeva, Belarus First elected to the Knesset (Israeli parliament) in 1959 Served in 12 governments, including once as president and twice as prime minister Seen as a hawk in his early years, when he negotiated arms deals for the fledgling nation In 1996 he ordered the so-called Operation Grapes of Wrath on Beirut in retaliation for Lebanese Hezbollah's escalated rocket-fire on northern Israel. The bombing campaign killed and injured hundreds of civilians A member of the government that approved the building of Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, though he came to see them as an obstacle to peace But played a key part in reaching the Oslo peace accords, the first deal between Israel and the Palestinians, which said they would "strive to live in peaceful coexistence" (BBC)




Dubai Airport Grounds Flights Due To 'Drone Activity’

Dubai International Airport was forced to ground flights for half an hour due to a drone flying in the area, the airport says. It said airspace around the airport closed just after 08:00 local time (04:00 GMT) on Wednesday because of "unauthorised drone activity". Arrivals resumed at 08:35, with full operations restarting by 09:07. It is not the first time drones have delayed flights at the airport, one of the world's busiest. "We remind all [drone] operators that activities are not permitted within 5km (3.11 miles) of any airport or landing area,'' Dubai Airports said on Twitter. On June 12 a similar incident saw Dubai International Airport close for 69 minutes. In the wake of the incident, authorities in the United Arab It is not the first time drones have Emirates have announced plans to tighten the rules on buying grounded flights at Dubai airport(AP and using drones. Drone owners must already register with the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority. (BBC)

Thailand's Military Allows 'Culture Of Torture', Says Amnesty

Thailand's military government has allowed a "culture of torture" to flourish since assuming power, says a new report by rights group Amnesty International. The report lists 74 alleged cases of torture and other ill-treatment, including methods such as beatings and waterboarding, by soldiers and police. The military seized power in 2014 after months of political unrest, saying it wanted to restore stability. It has denied allegations of torture. "Our investigations into such allegations have shown no indication of torture, I have seen no indication of torture and the Thai people have seen no indication of torture," Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd, a spokesman for the prime minister's office, told Reuters.

The military had seized power in 2014 after months of political unrest, saying it wanted to restore stability(GETTY IMAGES)

Amnesty was due to hold a press conference in Bangkok on Wednesday to release the report. But it was cancelled at the last minute after officials warned that speakers could face arrest under labour laws. "We are not singling out the Thai government," Amnesty's Asia media manager Omar Waraich told Reuters. "We are here on business visas, we have an office in Thailand." 'No accountability' Rafendi Djamin, Amnesty International's director for South East Asia and the Pacific, said Thailand "may claim to be tough on torture, but actions speak louder than words". "[Its] military rulers have allowed a culture of torture to flourish, where there is no accountability for the perpetrators and no justice for the victims." Thailand had earlier defended its rights records since the coup, with the coup leader and current Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha saying that "every country has gone through rough times". In a speech earlier this month he told countries criticising Thailand: "Don't tell us that we abuse rights, you also abuse the rights of others." He has promised that an election will be held next year. Since coming to power, the military government officially known as the National Council for Peace and Order - has jailed critics, censored the media and cracked down on dissidents. Article 44 of an interim constitution gives the government powers to "disrupt or suppress" anything deemed a threat to national security. It also allows for soldiers to detain people for up to a week without a warrant. (BBC)




Trump Jr's Skittles Graphic Deleted From Twitter

A controversial graphic that compared Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles, posted by Donald Trump's son, has been deleted from Twitter. In its place, is a message saying it has been removed following a "report from the copyright holder". The image included a photo of the multicoloured sweets taken by a UK-based man, who is himself a refugee. Donald Trump Jr's post caused a furore when it was published last week, and was Twitter's highest trending item. The graphic was based on an earlier image-less tweet by the radio talk-show host Joe Walsh. He had alluded to the idea that some refugees posed a threat, likening this to a Donald Trump Jr's post no longer situation in which a person was presented with a bowl of Skittles, some of which were poisonous. features the Skittles graphic(TWITTER) "Would you take a handful?" Trump Jr's graphic from Cyprus, and objected to the Trumps' politics. "I am very asked. "That's our Syrian refugee problem." glad it's down, and it shouldn't have been up in the first place," Following the post, Guildford-based David Kittos revealed the he told the BBC, following the image's deletion. He added he graphic had used an image taken from his Flickr account had retained a Chicago-based lawyer over the matter, but without his permission, and filed a complaint. The declined to comment further. (BBC) photographer said he had come to the UK in 1974 as a refugee

Court Ban Over Pippa Middleton Hacked iCloud Photos

The High Court has banned publication of photographs allegedly stolen from Pippa Middleton's iCloud account. The Duchess of Cambridge's sister took civil court action against a "person or persons unknown" after her account was said to have been hacked. The Sun reported it was offered the images, which included shots of Prince George and Princess Charlotte. A 35year-old man was arrested on suspicion of an offence under the

Computer Misuse Act and later bailed. The allegations emerged after private pictures were said to have been offered to the newspaper via encrypted messaging service WhatsApp. The Sun said it had been approached by someone using a pseudonym and asking for £50,000 within 48 hours. Barrister Adam Wolanski, who led Miss Middleton's legal team, said she thought there had been a "genuine hack". He said it was a "flagrant" and "criminal" act which had caused Miss Middleton "considerable distress". Police said they were investigating the allegations and a 35-year-old man had been released on police bail pending further inquiries. He was arrested at an address in Northamptonshire late on Saturday. In the summer, Miss Middleton and hedge fund manager James Matthews confirmed their engagement, with a wedding planned for next year. Several high-profile figures have had images stolen from their iCloud accounts, including actress Jennifer Lawrence and singer Rihanna. In July, American Edward Majerczyk pleaded guilty to running a phishing campaign to steal private pictures and videos from film and TV stars, in what was known as the "celebgate" affair. (BBC)




Stolen African Penguin 'Cannot Survive In The Wild’

A desperate search is under way for an endangered African penguin "freed" by activists who may have unwittingly sent the bird to his death. Buddy was stolen from a South African marine park by two students who claim it was a demonstration against animals being kept in captivity. But Buddy was born in the park, and has no idea how to survive in the wild. Experts say the penguin could last for just two more weeks before he will starve to death. Dylan Bailey, manager of Bayworld in Port Elizabeth, said: "He is completely ill-equipped to survive in the wild. He will have no idea where he is. "Luckily, he was a very healthy penguin - actually quite fat - so he has a good few weeks of reserves." However, the park estimates that still means he has just three weeks from the moment he was stolen. 'Optimistic' Buddy's disappearance was

discovered the day after he was taken - when he could not be found for his monthly check up. CCTV revealed two students who have not been named, but are in their early 20s - climbing into the pool, and then bundling Buddy into the boot of a car before driving him a short distance to the sea, where they released him. The two students had no intention of harming the bird, but their actions may have far reaching consequences, Mr Bailey told the AFP news agency. Buddy was part of a breeding pair, and was looking after his two new chicks with mate Francis when he was stolen. Since his disappearance, one of the chicks has died, although park officials do not know if this was related. Francis is also now unable to leave the nest, as Buddy is not there to take over from her. Worse, African penguins are about to be added to the critically endangered list, with less than 20,000 breeding pairs in the wild. A successful match like Buddy and Francis is important for the species very survival. Should Buddy not be found, pairing Francis with another mate could be close to impossible. Mr Bailey explained: "They are monogamous animals. They pair for life. If we can't get Buddy back, we will try to pair her with another bird, but it may not be successful." Staff have been scouring hundreds of kilometres of coastline, in the hope that one of them might spot Buddy. "We are optimistic," Mr Bailey said. "We have hope he will come ashore before he becomes too weak." (BBC)




World War Two Spy's Row With Wife 'Almost Ruined D-Day'

A row between a spy and his wife during World War Two almost compromised D-Day operations, secret MI5 files show. Spaniard Juan Pujol helped convince the Nazis the landings would take place in the Pas-de-Calais, not N o r m a n d y. B u t a f t e r b e i n g confined to their London house to protect his identity, his wife, Araceli, threatened to go to the Spanish embassy in June 1943. She said she would tell all about one of Britain's top double agents unless allowed to visit her mother. Homesick The family was based in Harrow, north-west London, where Mr Pujol - codenamed Agent Garbo - had a network of Juan Pujol with his wife, Araceli(PA) sub-agents sending false coming up with the idea to tell his wife he had been sacked, the intelligence reports to his German spymasters. His feedback of double agent did not think this would be enough. Because Mrs false information to the Nazis diverted them away from the Pujol was not able to go back to Spain, he suggested a plan to scene of the actual D-Day landings on 6 June 1944. Mrs Pujol convince her that her outburst had led to him being arrested. not only struggled to cope with the pressure of the family's She was even taken to visit him, blindfolded, in a detention double life but also became homesick. She was missing camp and, after the reunion, was convinced of the need to Spanish food and became upset at her husband being absent so support his undercover work. MI5's legal adviser, Maj Edward often. Cussen, told her he had decided her husband should be released Fears that the Pujol family would be recognised on the streets of and allowed to continue the mission. "He reminded her that he London, led to Mrs Pujol being frustrated at the restrictions had no time to waste with tiresome people and that if her name imposed on her and their two children. In the secret files, was ever mentioned to him again, he would simply direct that released from the National Archives, the moment Mrs Pujol she should be locked up," Mr Harris noted. "She returned home confronted her husband's case officer is recorded. "I don't want very chastened to await husband's arrival." (BBC) to live five minutes longer with my husband," she screamed at Pujol's MI5 case officer, Tomas Harris. "Even if they kill me I am going to the Spanish embassy." Other secrets revealed in the files Plans were put in place for Agent Garbo to be used as a spy working against the Russians leading up to the Cold War Historian and peace campaigner E P Thompson - best known for The Making Of The English Working Class - was the subject of MI5 surveillance for 20 years Times columnist David Aaronovitch, whose Communist parents had been under MI5 surveillance, told the Today programme how he found out his sister had been spied on in school, and his own birth was noted before his extended family had been told Agent Garbo would not only deceive the Nazis by pretending to be their agent and provide false information but he also tricked his wife into staying quiet. Despite Garbo's case officer




A Day Like Today

Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus or Pompey the Great was a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic, who was assassinated by the military forces of Julio Caesar, a day like today 48 B.C. Pompey was born the 29 of September 106 BC, in a noble Italian family. His father, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo was a prominent politician and military commander, owner of several states in central Italy. After Strabo’s death during Sulla's first civil war (confrontation of Roman Allies in Italy, between 88 to 87 BC) Pompey took his place, leading the militia and starting his way up to politics. The second Sulla’s civil war exploded in the year 83BC with Pompey as one of the leading commanders. This civil confrontations in Rome, led to a chain reaction causing armed conflicts in Sicily and part of Africa. Pompey’s The End of Pompey the Great and the Birth of an Empire constants victories on the battle field helped to expand the roman borders. This called the attention and respect Crassus death in 53BC, the system collapsed, and the of the Roman Senate. Obtaining the denomination of ‘Pompey remaining parties turned against each other in a search for the Great’. Soon after his success on the Sulla’s second civil power. In 48BC an armed conflicts explode between the two head of states. Even though Caesar’s military power was war he was named consul. smaller, he had an exceptional sense of strategy. Pompey the This was the highest elected political office in the Roman Great was defeated by Caesar and killed after running to Egypt. Republic. Three Roman triumphs were celebrated on his honor. This were civil ceremonies, and religious rites in honor to His head was severed and his unclothed body was thrown in the sanctify the success of a military commander or a head of state, sea. Up to date, busts and painting in honor to Pompey’s legacy that led Rome to victory on a battlefield. Pompey was admired as one most influentials head of state and prominent military by locals and feared by foreigners. In mid-60 BC, Pompey commander, are displayed in museums and art galleries around joined Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gaius Julius Caesar in the Italy. His career and defeat are significant in Rome's subsequent unofficial military-political alliance known as the First transformation from Republic to Principate and Empire. Source: the-great-assassinated A type of tri-party political system created to enhance the strength of the Republic, creating political stability. But after




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Daily Horoscope

Resistance leading to conflict will only make it twice as hard to turn the situation around. You can come into money; however, perhaps not under the best circumstances. Try to concentrate on research and acquiring information that will be of value in your chosen field. There are ways of making extra cash if you put your mind to it. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations. Don't make any rash decisions that may affect friendships. Don't blame others for your own stubbornness. Catch up on your correspondence and reading. Try to do things with children that will enable you to bond closer to them.

Broaden your horizons and look into programs that will teach you awareness and relaxation. Romantic relationships could be under pressure. Do not give your heart to someone who may not live up to your standards. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. If you're willing to cut loose you will find yourself in the midst of an exciting encounter. You have your own family to consider as well. Go after your professional goals It's time to reevaluate your motives. You can discuss your intentions and ideas with your colleagues or friends today. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you.

Deception is probable if you don't use discrimination. Don't let your emotions interfere with your efficiency. You may attract attention if you get out socially. Think about taking the time to complete unfinished domestic chores. Wait and get all the information before consulting your boss. You mustn't be so trusting. Older relatives may be a burden. You'll find it easy to deal with government agencies or large institutions. You will have good ideas for home improvement projects. You can make excellent investments if you are in the right place at the right time. Don't ignore any emotional issues that could be causing problems. You must act quickly. Problems with your mate will develop if you don't let them have their way. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. Abrupt changes concerning your professional position are evident. Your ability to communicate with ease will win the hearts of those you are in touch with today. Travel will promote new romantic encounters. You will do extremely well if you get involved in competitive activities today.






1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie ¹⁄ cup PALMBOOM* butter 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour ¹⁄ cup water ¹⁄ cup white sugar ¹⁄ cup packed brown sugar 8 Granny Smith apples - peeled, cored and sliced *IMPORTED & DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS

Preparation Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in flour to form a paste. Add water, white sugar and brown sugar, and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and let simmer. Place the bottom crust in your pan. Fill with apples, mounded slightly. Cover with a lattice work crust. Gently pour the sugar and butter liquid over the crust. Pour slowly so that it does not run off. Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Continue baking for 35 to 45 minutes, until apples are soft.


A&B Football: Benna Boys Frustrated In Bid For Keeper Klenofsky Antigua and Barbuda’s have been dealt a blow in their bid to land Monmouth University goalkeeper Eric Klenofsky ahead of the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Cup. The standout custodian was a target for the Benna Boyz ahead of the start of the team’s group 3 round next week. Antigua will compete alongside Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. While noting that he was interested in making an appearance for the national team Klenofsky claimed the invitation simply came at the wrong time. “I will not be joining the squad for the qualifiers, unfortunately. It is a privilege to be called up by Antigua & Barbuda, but at this point in my career my place is with Monmouth. I would have loved to represent Antigua & Barbuda but there were a lot of factors that played into my decision,” the player was quoted as saying. Antigua and

Barbuda qualified to the third round as second round group 3 runners-up behind Curacao. (SportsMax)

United Boss Primed For 'Must-win' Europa League Tie Jose Mourinho has labelled Thursday's Europa League clash with Zorya Luhansk as "must win" for Manchester United. Manchester United need to get up and running in the Europa League with victory against Zorya Luhansk, says Jose Mourinho. United welcome the Ukrainian side to Old Trafford on Thursday desperately seeking their first points in Group A, the Red Devils having lost their opener 1-0 at Feyenoord on matchday one. Many expected Mourinho to treat the Europa League as secondary to their Premier League exploits, but the United boss is fully focused on progressing in Europe as well. “It's very important," he told a news conference. "To be honest I think we have to win. "If we don't win, we have four matches [left in the group] and I would say we have to all the last four matches, which is difficult. We need to win." Mourinho rested a number of first-team stars for the opening game of the group at De Kuip, but he will change his approach against Zorya, with Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Anthony Martial both included. He added: "Zlatan starts. "We have two matches and then he has two weeks without football. For him he just has to play tomorrow and then against Stoke [City on Sunday], then two weeks without football. Zlatan is one of the players who will have plenty of time to recover. "He [Martial] is now recovered from the contusion - not a concussion. He has recovered and he is ready." United, though, will be without Luke Shaw and Henrikh Mkhitaryan. "Luke Shaw is ill. [He has a] temperature, fever, bad throat," said Mourinho on Wednesday. "He arrived this morning and the doctor sent him home. "[Mkhitaryan] is not playing." (SportsMax)



IOC Reprimands Boxers For Betting On Rio 2016 Ireland's Michael Conlan is among three boxers to have been reprimanded by the IOC for gambling on Rio 2016. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has reprimanded three boxers for flouting its rules on gambling at Rio 2016. Irish duo Michael Conlan and Steve Donnelly, and Great Britain's Antony Fowler were found to have breached the Rio 2016 Rules on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions. Athletes were prohibited from gambling on any competition at the Games. However, the IOC has ruled the trio did not attempt to manipulate the outcome of any event and as such have been "issued severe reprimands" and ordered to follow and contribute to various integrity educational programmes. All three must demonstrate they have followed the educational programmes in order to compete at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. The Olympic Council of Ireland and the British Olympic Association have also been reprimanded. Conlan made headlines at Rio after being involved in a back-and-forth with golf star Rory McIlroy on Twitter, before hitting out at the judges following a highly contentious defeat to Russian

Vladimir Nikitin in the bantamweight quarter-finals. (SportsMax)

Mourinho Keen To Protect Under-fire Rooney Wayne Rooney may be given time to find full fitness by Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho to avoid more negative press. Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho may leave Wayne Rooney out of the firing line again in the Europa League as the England captain struggles with a back problem. Amid calls for Rooney to be dropped after a string of uninspiring performances, Mourinho benched the 30-year-old for United's Premier League clash with Leicester City on Saturday. United strolled to a 4-1 win over the reigning champions without their skipper, leaving some vindicated in their desire to see Rooney axed. Mourinho was hoping to recall the forward against Zorya Luhansk at Old Trafford on Thursday, but may keep him under wraps to ensure he is at full fitness when he makes his return to avoid more negative press. "He [Rooney] is selected. I didn't decide yet if I start with him," Mourinho told a media conference on Wednesday. "He didn't train yesterday, he did just a little bit of a session on Monday. He had a back problem, so today was the first time he did anything with the other players. "I was completely expecting to use him tomorrow, but I am not sure if I will do that. With his situation I really don't think he can have a performance which is not really good. "I am here to protect him, and have to analyse the best thing for him. "If he is not totally ready for it, I will discuss that with the medical staff." (SportsMax)


Jeonbuk Motors 4 Seoul 1: Leonardo Brace Puts Hosts In The Driving Seat Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors cruised to a 4-1 victory over Seoul in the first leg of their AFC Champions League semi-final. Leonardo struck twice as Jeonbuk Motors put one foot in the AFC Champions League final with a 4-1 first-leg victory over Seoul in the last four. Jeonbuk dominated from the first whistle and were gifted an opener in the 22nd minute when the referee awarded them a soft-looking penalty after Kim Shin-wook went down under pressure from Kwak Tae-hwi and Ko Yo-han. Leonardo sent goalkeeper Yoo Sang-hoon the wrong way from the spot, and Ricardo Lopes soon doubled the advantage by slotting between Yoo's legs to cap off a well-worked move. The tie threatened to become humiliating for Seoul when Leonardo's close-range header made it 3-0 five minutes from half-time. Ju Se-jong pulled one back as he caught Jeonbuk napping in the opening seconds of the second half, seemingly offering the visitors some hope ahead of the return leg. However, Kim's all-too-easy 84th-minute effort ensures Jeonbuk head to the capital with a three-goal cushion. The second leg takes place on October 19, the day after El Jaish host

Al-Ain in the other semi-final - a tie the Emirati outfit lead 3-1. (SportsMax)

Hibino's Tashkent Title Defence Rolls On Nao Hibino is eyeing a second WTA Tour title at the Tashkent Open, where she achieved her maiden triumph last year. Reigning champion Nao Hibino continued her progress at the Tashkent Open with a straight-sets win over compatriot Risa Ozaki. The Japanese fourth seed, whose only WTA title came at this event last year, prevailed 7-5 6-1 as she hit her stride in the second set to tee up a quarter-final with sixth seed Lesia Tsurenko, who won 6-1 3-6 6-1 against qualifier Ipek Soylu. Second seed Kirsten Flipkens endured a tougher test in her 7-6 (7-0) 3-6 7-6 (7-4) triumph over Maria Sakkari, while seeds Naomi Broady and Kurumi Nara were beaten by Irina Khromacheva and Kristyna Pliskova respectively. In other matches, Denisa Allertova overcame Patricia Maria Tig, Sofia Shapatava was defeated by Kateryna Kozlova, and Stefanie Vogele was 6-3 32 up against Francesca Schiavone when the Italian retired. (SportsMax)



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Maloney Returns To Scotland Squad Shaun Maloney is among the players returning to the Scotland squad for next month's World Cup qualifiers. Hull City attacker Shaun Maloney has been recalled to the Scotland squad for the forthcoming World Cup qualifying fixtures against Lithuania and Slovakia. Maloney, 33, was left out of this month's 5-1 victory over Malta, but returns along with Lee Wallace and Kieran Tierney, who have both recovered from injury. Celtic striker Leigh Griffiths is also back in the fold following a hamstring problem, as Scotland look to maintain their winning start to Group F. Manager Gordon Strachan said: "Shaun has been used as a substitute quite a lot with Hull and played a game last week against Stoke, a terrific game. So he is back in again. "He has professionalism, ability, intellect, willingness to play for Scotland. So he's got all these traits that we want along here. "And we still have some of the younger lads in the squad as well. If they are good enough we'll stick them in, we will bypass the U19s and 21s which we did with Ollie [Burke]." Scotland host Lithuania on October 8 before travelling to Slovakia three days later. Scotland squad in full: Goalkeepers: Craig Gordon (Celtic), Jack Hamilton (Hearts), David Marshall (Hull). Defenders: Christophe Berra (Ipswich Town), Gordon Greer (Blackburn Rovers), Grant Hanley (Newcastle United), Alan Hutton (Aston Villa), Russell Martin (Norwich City), Callum

Paterson (Hearts), Andrew Robertson (Hull City), Kieran Tierney (Celtic), Lee Wallace (Rangers). Midfielders: Ikechi Anya (Derby County), Barry Bannan (Sheffield Wednesday), Oliver Burke (RB Leipzig), Darren Fletcher (West Brom), James Forrest (Celtic), James McArthur (Crystal Palace), John McGinn (Hibernian), Barrie Mackay (Rangers), Shaun Maloney (Hull City), James Morrison (West Brom), Matt Ritchie (Newcastle United), Robert Snodgrass (Hull City). Forwards: Steven Fletcher (Sheffield Wednesday), Leigh Griffiths (Celtic), Chris Martin (Fulham), Steven Naismith (Norwich City). (SportsMax)

Ireland's White Announces Retirement A concussion injury has forced Ireland prop Nathan White to call time on his rugby career. Ireland and Connacht prop Nathan White has announced his retirement from rugby based on medical advice. The 35-year-old suffered a concussion injury in March and has been advised against continuing his career. White made 13 appearances for his country having only made his debut in January 2015, while he also represented Waikato and Leinster in club competition. He said in a statement: "While it's disappointing to finish up this way and not on my own terms, I feel that I can look back at my rugby career with a lot of pride. "I am retiring at 35 years of age and with so many great memories from my time playing in both New Zealand and Ireland. "I'm not sure what exactly the future holds, but I know I am really excited about it. I've loved my time as a player but feel I am ready to move on now and challenge myself in other ways." (SportsMax)


Van Persie: Kids Will Decide My Future A growing family has become a growing influence on Robin van Persie's career choices. Robin van Persie says his children will have a significant say in where he plays from now until the end of his career. The Netherlands international plies his trade with Fenerbahce in Turkey, having previously turned out for Feyenoord, Arsenal and Manchester United. And the 33-year-old concedes his family has become a growing influence as he plots his next steps. "We've moved around in recent years and that suits me very well," Van Persie is quoted as telling Feyenoord TV. "Over the years I have seen that you cannot really plan your career. You have to take it as it comes. There are all kinds of things in your path and you accept it or not. "That's how I will approach the last few years. I'm open to everything. I've been away from the Netherlands for 13 years and that suits me fine. Whether it's in England, Turkey or wherever. "The kids are involved. They are even more English than Dutch because they grew up there.

There comes a time when they also get a bigger say in where they'd like to live and be." Van Persie takes on former club Feyenoord with Fener in the Europa League on Thursday in a continental campaign that will also see him face United in Group A. (SportsMax)

England Captain Cook Signs Essex Extension Alastair Cook described it as an "easy decision" to extend his contract with County Championship side Essex. England captain Alastair Cook has signed a one-year extension to his Essex contract, keeping him with the County Championship side until 2018. The 31-year-old, who played seven matches in Essex's Division Two title triumph, averaged 91.86 to underline his value to the club. Having come through Essex's academy set-up, Cook said he had no hesitation in extending his stay. "It was an easy decision to sign with the club for another year," he told the club's official website. "Although I am away with England a lot, this club means a lot to me and I am grateful for the opportunity they gave me as a youngster. "I love coming back to the club when I can and contributing to a title-winning season meant a great deal." (SportsMax)


CONCACAF Champions League Review: Red Bulls Progress, Timbers Win The Portland Timbers claimed a dramatic win as the New York Red Bulls reached the last eight in the CONCACAF Champions League. The New York Red Bulls booked their spot in the CONCACAF Champions League quarter-finals, while the Portland Timbers left it late. A 0-0 draw against Antigua GFC on a wet Tuesday in Guatemala was enough for the Red Bulls to seal top spot in Group F. Jesse Marsch's men are on eight points, six clear of Antigua and Alianza. Mike Grella squandered a chance for the Red Bulls, while substitute Mauro Portillo missed the best opportunity for the hosts in the second half. Jorge Zaldivar made a brilliant last-ditch clearance to deny the visitors, but a point was enough for the Red Bulls. In El Salvador, the Timbers had a thrilling 2-1 victory over Dragon. After Fanendo

Adi cancelled out Kevin Melara's opener, Darlington Nagbe was the hero with a late winner. The Timbers are second to Deportivo Saprissa, who hold a one-point lead atop Group B. (SportsMax)

Curry Wants To Stay With Warriors As Free Agency Looms Star Stephen Curry is committed to the Golden State Warriors as he prepares to become a free agent. The Golden State Warriors came away with the biggest free agent prize of the off-season, and they will have to do the same thing next year when Stephen Curry's contract expires. But rest assured the two-time MVP and 2017 free-agent-to-be said, as of right now, he anticipates re-signing with the only NBA team he has ever known. "I want to be back here. I like playing here, and that's it," Curry told a news conference on Tuesday, via ESPN. Curry is currently making $12million a year, far from being the highest-paid player on his own team, as Kevin Durant will more than double his salary this season. Klay Thompson and Draymond Green also make more Curry. At this point, though, the reigning unanimous MVP says he is focused on getting back to the NBA Finals and winning this season, not how much money he makes. He is also hoping he will not be bombarded with questions

about his future as often as Durant was last year. "I hope not because we'll worry about that in the summer," Curry said. "My answer's not going to be any different all year. So, keep asking me, I won't have a different one." (SportsMax)


Guyana Vs Mexico On The Rugby America Norths Finals his Saturday the ‘Green Machine’ of UNAM. The stadium is considered an Caribbean Rugby Association. The


and ‘The Snakes’ will face each other on the Grand Finale of the Rugby America North (RAN) 15s, that will take place in Roberto Tapatio Stadium, Mexico City. Both teams will look to defeat their opponents to qualify for the Rugby World Cup that will be celebrated in Japan in 2019. This is the first time that the Finals of the Rugby America North (RAN) 15s, is going to be celebrated in Mexico. The tournament is organized by the regional association Rugby America North (RAN) and hosted by the Mexican Federation of Rugby (FMRU) in collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The Venue The event will take place on the Roberto Tapatio Stadium, in the University City

architectonic jewel, and is currently kept as one of the main installations for sport events hosted by the UNAM. The Teams According to the Revista Serpiente. Rugby Mexico, the Guyanese team ‘The Green Machine’ is characterized by a fast and evasive game. On Its route to the Finals, Guyana has accomplished victories against Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago. Trinidad was the RAN champion of 2015. Previous to the finals, Guyanese team has been under the supervision and training of Argentinian coach Diego Giannantonio. In 2014, the 7s Green Machine won the tournament, celebrated at Campo Marte, in Mexico City. At the moment the Rugby America North (RAN) was denominated NACRA or North America

Guyanese departed to Mexican soil on Monday 26th, to get prepared to face their opponents on Saturday, October 1rts. The Mexican team, ‘The Snakes’ are characterized for their persistence on the field, elaborated tactics and determination to defeat their rivals. On their way to the finals, they have defeated the teams of Bahamas, Bermuda and the Caiman Islands. Showing their potential at every game. The Organization Rugby America North (RAN) is the governing body for rugby union in the North American continental region. The Organization was founded in March, 2001. Composed by 15 full members. The Rugby Americas North operates under the authority of World Rugby, and is one of six regional unions represented within it. Prior to 2016, the organization was known as NACRA, The North America Caribbean Rugby Association. The preceding body before 2001 was NAWIRA, The North America and West Indies Rugby Association. S o u r c e : iew/55982361/revista-serpientes-final

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