September 29, 2016

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS UNICEF’s SitAn Report Shows Troubling Stats For Guyana PAGE 2

A report from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has revealed some troubling statistics on the social and economic situation in Guyana. The report highlighted the effect of mass emigration, the level of poverty, and the high levels of youth unemployment in the country. The report on the 2016 Guyana Situation Analysis of Children and Women (SitAn), which was compiled by UNICEF in collaboration with the Government of Guyana, was handed over to First Lady Sandra Granger and Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence on Wednesday at an official ceremony at the Herdmanston Lodge, Georgetown. The report revealed that mass emigration of Guyanese due to failures in the job market creates devastating social and economic effects and has resulted in broken families, brain drain and an estimated 8% loss of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The report noted that some 422, 000 Guyanese live in other countries and while this relocation contributes to the country’s economy through the influx of remittances, such high emigration is influenced by the lack economic opportunities within the country which indicates failures in the job market. The report stated that “On one hand,


the influx of remittances is an important factor for the country’s economy and represents an informal safety net for many families. On the other hand, high emigration is influenced by lack of internal economic opportunities, indicating failures in the job market. On the economic side, this brain drain creates losses of around 8% of the country’s GDP. On the social side, emigration breaks families and force children to live far from one or two parents.” Guyana’s last official poverty measurement was done in 2006 and that report stated that some 36.1% of the population was living in poverty and 18.6% were living in extreme poverty and this was before the 2008 world economic crisis The report indicated that similar to the 2006 report that younger age groups have a significantly higher poverty headcount. “Poverty is higher in the interior of the country, and for those families living in the rural areas … Poverty in Guyana has a child’s face. Similar to previous measurements, the poverty number from 2006 shows that younger age cohorts have a significantly higher poverty headcount than older ones.” It also states that 33.7% of young people between ages 16-25 lived in poverty in 2006, and 47.5% of children below the age of 17 were poor. Unemployment is a major contributor to the poverty and according to the report, unemployment in Guyana has consistently been higher that 30%, especially among the youth population, which according to the report presents more than 60% of the country’s population. “Unemployment is high, and it is particularly concerning for the young population, which represents more than 60% of Guyana’s population. Since 2002, youth unemployment has been consistently higher than 30% and is currently estimated to be about 40%.”

Government Must Fix Burdensome Tax System According to several businesses, Guyana’s tax system is tax cut may stimulate the economy, one business owner said, archaic and not effective, they are of the opinion that because of the high Value Added Tax (VAT),consumption tax and the excise taxes are the main reasons why there is an increase in smuggling, tax evasion, under-stating of income, under invoicing and is foster additional corruption. In the May, 2015 elections the Coalition Government promised to reduce the rate of VAT from 16% to 10%, but nothing was done and the VAT remains at 16% to date. Business owners are contending that they understand the Government needs money to manage the economy, but a burden tax system only further falters the economy and suppress businesses growth. According to some other business owners, tax cuts may be needed to stimulate the economy because the Government is clueless and the private sector is more efficient in managing money. Some of the government spending is being wasted with high bureaucracy costs, increased salaries for government Ministers, spending on project for political paybacks that does not benefit Guyanese. When asked by the Guyana Daily News as to how

“Remember, if the government gives us a tax cut they'll still have to make up the budget shortfall somehow, chiefly by selling more bonds to Guyanese citizens or foreigners (who will raise the money by selling us more of their goods and services). In other words, government spending will keep sucking money out of the private sector, only the payment method will be different”.




Government Must Do More To Curb Violence In School Government must do more to curb violence in school Many parents are concerned about the recent incident which occurred at the Freeman Secondary School, where an individual entered the school compound with a knife and threatened to kill a student. Guyana Daily News spoke to several parents of the said school, all of whom are questioning the Ministry of Education’s inability to provide adequate security in schools for both students and teachers. They further stated that many schools around Guyana do not have a daytime security guard, which allows anyone to enter and exit at will. According to a parent, whose child attends the school, a safe learning environment is essential for students of all ages because without it they are unable to focus on learning. When violence threatens the educational setting, students are tremendously affected in many ways, even though your child may not be the actual victim of violence in school, there is a very good chance that he or she will witness violent acts throughout the educational years. They further stated that some persons might say that violence has always existed in schools but as parents they are concerned about the increased number of violent acts taking place. Some even argued that violence in certain urban areas has reached epidemic proportions, desensitizing many students and leaving them feeling that violence is a normal part of their school life. Sadly, violent acts in schools occur at all educational level. Every child should feel safe from violence in their school, yet there are many that do not. In the past, violence in school was a fight between students, often taking place in the schoolyard and ending with adult intervention. Today, it is not unusual for students to violently attack other students, teachers, security guards and school personnel, showing a complete lack of respect for authority. These attacks often result in injury and at times, death. According to one senior teacher of the school, the issue of school safety is a major concern at all levels of government. School boards meet with teachers and parents to listen to their concerns and

suggested solutions, however, the Ministry of Education needs to do more to curb the high incidence of violence in schools. The Ministry of Education has come under criticism for its laidback approach towards education in Guyana. Recently parents complained that their children are not receiving quality education compared to previous years. They are of the opinion that the Ministry of Education has no plans for the development of the allimportant sector. The APNU+AFC government was very critical of the former PPP government policies on the education system, however, their antiquated approach to the education system such as distributing boots, bus, bicycle, boats etc. is proving to be irrelevant to the interests of the business sector, future development in oil and gas sector and beyond the borders of Guyana. Parents believe that this is contributing to the increase in violence and indiscipline in schools, the high level of school drop outs and illiteracy. This leaves the parents and students to find solutions to the country’s failing education system which reflects a serious disconnect between the government’s idea of schooling and theirs.

Bank Of Montreal Offers Assistance To Guyana In Oil And Gas Industry With the realization that Guyana in the near future will be an oil producing nation, a number of international organizations are taking notice and has begun offering assistance and advice to the Government of Guyana. The Bank of Montreal is the latest to provide assistance for the development of Guyana’s oil and gas industry. The Bank on Wednesday, made a presentation on the likely financial impacts to members of the subcommittee on oil and gas and stakeholder ministers. The presentation was held at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown. Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman revealed to the Government Information Agency (GINA) that the Bank of Montreal had reached out to Guyana because, “Guyana’s find of oil is considered one of the best in the world right now.” “The Bank of Montreal had reached out to Guyana about two months ago asking to be able to give a presentation on the financial side of the oil and gas industry, the ups and downs of the market, financial services that are available,” Trotman said. Trotman, who has oversight responsibility for the natural resources sector, said a number of initiatives will be unfolding. “Next month we’re going to be having a workshop on the financial part of it and so developments are taking place we are working in finalising legislation and honing our efforts,” the Minister said. According to Trotman, the government is also working to ensure that when the industry comes on board, it honours its social responsibility. “The ministry is also developing a corporate social responsibility programme which will look at leadership and mentoring for youth so that the idea is to prepare and present a next generation of leaders for Guyana,” Minister Trotman said. This year,

ExxonMobil’s Liza-2 offshore exploration found high propensity sandstone reservoirs that could produce more than 1.4 billion barrels of recoverable high quality oil. It is estimated that within the next five to seven years Guyana could begin producing this oil. Since the discovery, several other organisations and countries including the US and Norway have offered their assistance to Guyana towards the development of an effective oil and gas industry.

The team from the Bank of Montreal begins their financial presentation.




The Ministry Of Social Protection Would Be Assisting Ms. Gloria Downer, A Foster Mother Of Seven, Who Lost Her Home In A Fire Last Weekend. Mrs. Downer, who lived at No. 78 Village, Corriverton, Region Six said that she is unaware of the origin of the fire, as she was not at home at the time it started and only noticed her house engulfed in black smoke on her way home from the market. At present she and her foster children are staying at a neighbour’s house since she lost everything in the fire. According to the woman, her neighours have been assisting them with food and clothing, but she needs support to procure supplies for the children to return to school and to provide a home for them. Minister Lawrence committed to helping

her and noted that she will work with the Ministry of Housing to see how best her housing need could be accommodated. Ministry of Social Protection Press Release

Jobs, Security Major Concerns Of Rose Hall Residents working to reduce and prevent crime countrywide.

Residents are appreciative of the David G initiative which is bringing them much reprieve from the financial hardships of sending their children to school, but they still have several pressing concerns, many of which they raised with Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence and Member of Parliament John Adams when they visited Region Six yesterday. These concerns were raised when the Minister and Adams stopped at the St. Francis Community Developers to meet members of the public to address social issues. Among the main issues highlighted for urgent action were the lack of jobs, security in the community, and teenage pregnancy. Minister Lawrence apprised them of several initiatives undertaken to address social issues such as teenage pregnancy. She also noted that Government is working assiduously with numerous partners to address job creation. Similarly, the Ministry of Public Security and the Guyana Police Force are

Ministry of Social Protection Press Release




Steven Campbell - A Social Hero Steven Campbell was one of the main pillars of the fomentation of the Guyanese Republic. His progressive political approach to the necessities of Guyana as a premature nation gave him the qualification of social hero. Steven Joseph Campbell was born in Moruca, a district of the Barima Waini region, on December 26, 1897. His parents died at an early age, being raised by his grandmother, who became the guide for the young Steven. She instilled in him the importance of discipline and education, along with the necessity of keeping a calm spirit staying close to God. He grew up to be a devote catholic with a passion for learning. Campbell studied at the Santa Rosa Mission School, institution that triggered his love for pedagogy. After finishing fomenting his education, Campbell worked as a teacher and as a catechist in various regions, allowing him to be in direct contact with the problems in this communities. Their lack of governmental support contributed to the ultimate isolation of this settlements, limiting their possibilities of development. This facts touched the young Campbell on a profound way. Knowledge can be as powerful as the deadliest weapon. A colonial Guyana that was pursuing their way to independence, couldn’t afford gaps on the different sectors of the society. Unification was the ultimate goal, and Campbell wanted to become a herald of this idea. He founded the first school in the village of Sawariwau, during the early 20s and later became the Head Teacher of St. Louis School and Assistant Teacher in the Martindale School, in the Pomeroon region and Catechist Teacher among the Wapisiana Indians in the Rupununi district. Campbell didn’t limit his teaching only into the classroom. A functional community is a prosperous one. He shared his insights about road construction, gold mining, rubber tapping, fishing and tree spotting. Changing the perspective of the habitants of this settlements towards their surroundings, and how these could be exploited. But the Amerindian community needed representation. They needed to be heard and Campbell was their voice. From 1951 he ventured into politics. He worked as an electoral officer for the elections in 1953, and became the first Amerindian to contest the General Elections in British Guiana 1956, opening a wide doors of opportunities in the world of politics. On September 10th, 1957 he became the first Amerindian Member of Parliament in Guyanese history, writing a new chapter for Campbell and the Amerindian community. He subsequently joined the National Labor Front. From this point on, his main focus was social integration and equality a problem that wasn’t only seen on the interior, but in the country as a general issue that separated the masses and their ideals. Among his greater achievements during his period in the Parliament, were the elaboration of health and education centers, as well as the elaboration of the Amerindian Act, a document that emphasized on the land rights of the Amerindians and which was adopted after the Guyana’s Independence in 1966. Campbell died on May 12, 1966, just two weeks before Guyana won Independence from Great Britain. After his death, September was chosen as the month to celebrate Amerindian Heritage Month, paying tribute the Mr. Campbell’s legacy. This year the homage was held on September 27 at the conical palm thatched hut, Umana Yana. Eighteen women and men who have contributed to the development of Guyana, were also honored with the memory of Mr. Campbell. Steven Campbell’s many achievements were a reflection of his commitment towards the development of one the most vulnerable section of the society. He

gave voice to the nine Amerindian tribe. But a legacy can be forgotten if not followed by the succeeding generations. Today, national acceptance and equality still haunts the Amerindian communities. S o u r c e :

Stephen Campbell with a petition presented at the London Constitutional Conference. Stephen Joseph Campbell ( 1897-1966)

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Government Silent On Visit By Head Of Islamic Organisation PAGE 8

By Ray Chickrie Caribbean News Now contributor GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- A one-day official visit to Guyana on Tuesday by the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, was neither publicised by the government nor covered in any way by the state-owned media – the government news agency (GINA) and the Guyana Chronicle. However, while in Georgetown, Madani met the vice president and minister of foreign affairs of Guyana, Carl Greenidge. Discussions focused on further strengthening the existing relations between the OIC, its institutions, and Guyana. Madani and Greenidge underlined the importance of issues like Palestine, OIC Strategic Plan of Action 2025, microfinance, cooperation in the field of women, youth and sports and other issues of mutual concern on the agenda of the upcoming 43rd Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM). Greenidge was again invited to attend the OIC foreign ministers meeting, which will take place in Uzbekistan from October 18-19. Greenidge also briefed the secretary general on the regional challenges facing Guyana, with particular reference to Guyana-Venezuela land and maritime border dispute. The OIC's readiness for any possible


assistance in this regard was conveyed to the minister by Madani, according to an OIC press release on Wednesday. The secretary general also visited the offices of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG) and met with its high officials. He took a tour of the school run by the CIOG and visited the Central Mosque of Georgetown. (Caribbean News Now!)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Tropical Storm Matthew Forms, Moves Into Eastern Caribbean Sea Tropical storm conditions are possible in Aruba, Bonaire and By Caribbean News Now contributor PAGE 9

MIAMI, USA -- As expected, Tropical Storm Matthew formed early Wednesday as the system moved through the Windward Islands into the eastern Caribbean, bringing heavy rains and high winds and forcing the closure of government offices and schools in several islands. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, at 5:00 pm EDT Wednesday, the centre of Matthew was located about 65 miles (110 km) west of Saint Lucia and about 480 miles (775 km) east-northeast of Curacao, moving toward the west near 18 mph (30 km/h). On the forecast track, the centre of Matthew will move away from the Windward Islands through Wednesday evening, and be over the eastern and central Caribbean Sea through Friday. Maximum sustained winds are near 60 mph (95 km/h) with higher gusts. Strengthening is expected during the next couple of days, and Matthew is forecast to become a hurricane by Friday. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 205 miles (335 km) primarily to the northeast of the centre. A tropical storm watch has been issued for Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. A tropical storm warning is in effect for Barbados, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Interests along the coast of Venezuela and Colombia should monitor the progress of Matthew. Tropical storm conditions were expected to continue through Wednesday evening over the southern Leeward Islands and northern Windward Islands within the warning areas.


Curacao, beginning late Thursday. Matthew is expected to produce total rainfall accumulations of 4 to 8 inches across the Windward Islands and southern portions of the Leeward Islands through Thursday. These rains may produce life-threatening flash floods and mud slides. Rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches are expected farther to the north into the northern Leeward Islands, including the US and British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Rainfall totals of 1 to 3 inches are expected over Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao through Friday. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tropical Storm Matthew five-day forecast track. NHC/NOAA graphic

Over 200 Suspected Zika Cases In St Kitts-Nevis, Says Chief Medical Officer By Toni Frederick BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) -- There are over 200 suspected cases of the zika virus in St Kitts and Nevis, says the newly appointed acting chief medical officer Dr Hazel Laws. “To date we have approximately 218 suspected cases of zika virus, based on their presentation with the symptoms. Low grade fever, rash, conjunctivitis… joint ad muscle pain, so based on their symptomology we have approximately 218 suspected cases,” Laws revealed on Wednesday, speaking on local radio.“In order for a case to be confirmed, that individual would have gotten a test, a blood or a urine test and then the sample sent off to the lab and then it’s tested, and… if it’s positive, it would be laboratory confirmed. So a case is confirmed through laboratory testing,” she explained. Meanwhile, deputy chief environmental health officer Jermaine Lake said it was inevitable that the zika virus would surface in St Kitts and Nevis. “Every other country around us had reported cases, but… we couldn’t report cases unless we had persons showing up with the symptoms and then we get the blood samples and send to CARPHA… so we were in a state where we suspect that it’s here, but we can’t report to GIS that we have it. That would… irresponsible,” Lake said on

Wednesday. The department of environmental health is focusing on public education and the elimination and reduction of mosquito breeding sites, but will be implementing a fogging schedule in the coming days. “Hopefully in a matter of days you should be hearing about our fogging schedule,” chief environmental health officer Alex Riley told listeners. (Caribbean News Now!)




Trinidad And Tobago's Deadline For Passing US Tax Legislation Looms As Politicians 'Play Games' PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -- The deadline for Trinidad and Tobago to become a signatory to the United States’ Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is September 30, 2016. The law, which the US Congress enacted in 2010, strives to ensure that US citizens and residents with financial assets outside of the country are paying taxes. The legislation gives US banks the power to withhold a portion (up to 30%) of payments made to foreign financial institutions that do not agree to release information on their customers who have US accounts. In fact, they can even refuse to do business with them altogether. Noncompliance would therefore have far-reaching effects: critical banking services such as credit card use, wire transfers and remittances would be cut off, Trinidad and Tobago's economy -- already sluggish thanks to low energy prices -- would further weaken, and the general cost of living and doing business would increase. Yet, the bill has still not been passed in the country's parliament. Even though the government is unanimously voting for compliance, the current opposition -- which had put forward the bill when they were in government -- now appears to be stonewalling its passage. The government has 23 members in the House of Representatives, but 26 votes are needed to pass the bill. Despite its insistence that “nobody wants to pass this bill more than [them]”, in the parliamentary sitting of September 23, 2016, every single member of the opposition voted “No” (54:46 on the timeline of this video). For its part, the opposition has accused the government of “politicising the issue”. The leader of the opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, explained that she and her colleagues are worried about “the draconian provisions in the Bill, which are in no way necessary to give effect to the agreement”. In his presentation to parliament, minister of finance Colm Imbert noted, “Clause 8 -- the opposition has a problem with this. Nothing in Section 4 of the Income Tax Act, Data Protection Act or any other law of like effect prevents the disclosure of information. The opposition maintains that this strips our citizens of any protection that the law may give to them.” Although the government has said that they addressed three of the opposition's seven concerns, the matter never went to debate. After Imbert made his presentation in parliament last Friday, he asked the speaker of the house for a one-hour adjournment, during which time the two sides could sit down and hammer out the amendments to the bill. But the opposition refused. Soon after the parliamentary sitting resumed, the opposition leader was reprimanded by the house speaker and asked to leave. The rest of the opposition (save one member) -- in an apparent show of solidarity -- walked out. Theoretically, parliament would be able to meet on September 30 and pass the bill just in time to meet the deadline -- but that is the date on which the minister of finance will present the country's 2017 budget, so there is no chance of FACTA being tabled for discussion then. Unless the United States agrees to extend the deadline, which at this point seems likely, Trinidad and Tobago will be left in a tenuous position. No matter what happens, though, netizens are incensed. Wired 868's news blogger Mr Live Wire quipped: "Quite unhelpfully, Finance Minister Colm Imbert booked his Budget speech on the same day. Presumably, Imbert did not foresee that the [opposition United National Congress] UNC would feign such a startling ignorance of what is at stake here." Of course, that is not to say that he agreed with the legislation so much as he resigned himself to the fact that compliance had to happen: In essence, every bank in the world will become non-paid informants of the IRS. The cost of America’s witch hunt for tax evaders was estimated to be around eight times the value of income the IRS expects to recoup. So, to make this exercise financially viable, the IRS

will let the banks pick up the tab for their investigation of US citizens who are using their services. […] So, should Trinidad and Tobago object to accepting such a costly and invasive excursion into its own banking system by the Yanks? Of course! We should also refuse to fork out TT$300 for a plate of pasta at those stoosh [posh] restaurants in west Trinidad. But if you are there already and want to get fed, you will pay. And if you want access to the US banking system, you will do the same. Otherwise, the IRS will start by withholding 30 percent of financial transfers -- even Moneygram and Western Union -- to locals, whether they are American or not, until they can prove they are not involved in tax evasion. Meanwhile, the Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago supports the bill, the business chambers issued calls for compliance and the country's Securities and Exchange Commission has provided its feedback. Netizens, however, appear to be divided across political lines. One Facebook user, Gideon Charles, called the opposition's refusal to vote for the bill a desperate attempt at destabilisation, speculating that the opposition does not want FACTA compliance “because it would divulge the pilfering, the embezzling of taxpayers’ money by the former, now Opposition UNC government”. Others were more tongue in cheek, while Facebook user Susan Charles called out the minister of finance on his political posturing: "Imbert stop playing games with the FACTA bill by saying you hoping for an extension yes the deadline is Friday but ent [didn't] you already get an extension stop pretending… This is Trinidad and somebody always know somebody and so mark does bust [local saying which means what is done in the dark will soon come to light]" Still, Imbert insisted that “the bill […] is identical to the bill prepared by the People's Partnership government. It's the same bill, word for word.” With the passing of the bill still in limbo, social media users in the Caribbean nation wonder whether the government and opposition will come together for the greater good -- or in the words of Mr Live Wire: Russia President Vladimir Putin also railed against FATCA, which he described as an attack on Russian sovereignty. Then, 24 hours before the US deadline, Putin caved and signed on 30 June 2014. Think Sarcastic Smurf [a snide reference to Imbert] can drive a harder bargain than a man who rides horses bareback in Siberia and invades neighbouring countries in his spare time? FATCA chance! Just sign the damn thing and done, Kamla! (Caribbean News Now!)

A screen shot of a Parliament Channel YouTube video, showing the parliamentary debate of Friday, September 23, 2016, in Trinidad and Tobago




Puerto Rico unity, A Bright Spot In The Darkness Of A Territory-wide Blackout SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Things have more or less gone back to normal in Puerto Rico after a power failure on the afternoon of September 21 practically paralyzed the entire archipelago for three days, though for some people electricity was restored much later. Not even the island municipalities of Vieques and Culebra could escape the effects of the blackout, or apagón, as it's called in Spanish. Immediate economic losses for the blackout have been estimated at around US$1 billion. The Department of Education reported that the amount of food that spoiled in the public school meal program due to the power failure is equivalent to at least $103,941. And some of Puerto Rico's reservoirs, like La Plata, have no emergency backup power, which meant that about 250,000 people were also left without water service. Amid the darkness, Puerto Ricans’ solidarity with fellow neighbors shone brightly. During the blackout, things ran fairly smoothly, considering the almost complete collapse of basic services. No looting and no violence related to the blackout were reported. Because traffic lights weren't functioning, the roads were tricky, but no major accidents were reported either. At the busiest intersections, police were dispatched to direct traffic, which helped immensely. The blackout meant hardship for Puerto Ricans, but it also brought out the best qualities of many. Many people who either had emergency power plants or who had their electricity restored offered friends and neighbors -- and sometimes, complete strangers -- the chance to either cook some food or recharge their electric fans, radios or smartphones. (Needless to say, the blackout did not prevent people from using social media to communicate and to keep up to date on the power authority's progress on restoring electricity.) It also did not stop the commemoration of the Grito de Lares (The Cry of Lares) on September 23, which marks the day when the independence movement of the 19th century in Puerto Rico launched a rebellion against the Spanish government in the mountainous town of Lares in 1868. Back then, Puerto Rican freedom fighters were in solidarity with Cubans struggling for their own independence. The cause of the blackout remains unclear as of this writing. A fire at the Aguirre plant located near the southeastern coast of the main island of Puerto Rico is what provoked the collapse of the entire system, but it is not yet known what caused the fire. Puerto Rico's electrical needs are provided solely by the Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE) or Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) in English, a public corporation, which has been in the news for the past few years due to the approximately $9 billion debt it is trying to renegotiate. Unsurprisingly, after the government has already spent $43 million hiring debt restructuring experts for the public corporation, some are calling for the privatization of PREPA, ignoring the implications that privatization would have on a

country where over 40% of the population is considered to live below the poverty line. Renewable energy has long been mentioned as the way to go for PREPA. Indeed, Puerto Rico has no shortage of options when it comes to alternative forms of energy. Because of its geographic location in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico could easily harness the power of the sun, wind and sea to satisfy its energy needs. But historically, the government has only halfheartedly, at best, pursued these options, opting instead to rely on fossil fuels to meet its energy demand. The blackout also hit when Puerto Rico, a US territory with limited rights of citizenship, was already smarting from recent decisions taken by the US government that diminish its autonomy. The greater significance of the apagón was probably best expressed by Maritza Stanchich, a professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, who wrote for the Huffington Post a rather poignant observation: The blackout spells the collapse of the Free Associated State -- or “Commonwealth” as Puerto Rico has been called euphemistically -- in even more tangible terms than all the seismic events of the past year, including two US Supreme Court rulings that annulled Puerto Rico’s Constitution and sovereignty -- or exposed it as the apparent lie it always was. The blackout also portends the coming storm of the federallyimposed fiscal control board, instituted as part of PROMESA, the Orwellian-sounding law named for its acronym, Spanish for “promise.” President Obama’s recently announced appointees to the fiscal control board promise neoliberal economic austerity to do the bidding of vulture hedge funds, as well as social unrest. With such distressing political and economic context, Puerto Ricans’ kindness and cooperation with their neighbors during the blackout was indeed a bright spot. (Caribbean News Now!)

Workers from the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) at the Aguirre power plant near the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico during the blackout which affected all the islands of Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 21. Screenshot taken from video




JetBlue Adds Fifth New York Flight To Grenada In January increase in arrivals from New York largely due to the presence of

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada - Travellers between New York and Grenada will have the option to chose from five nonstop flights per week starting in January 2017. JetBlue Airways is increasing its flight frequency to five times a week from the current four times weekly. Effective 9th January 2017, JetBlue is adding a Monday flight to its weekly service on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. This Monday service will continue until 30th January and resume on 13th February 2017 continuously. In welcoming the news, minister of tourism and civil aviation, Dr Clarice Modeste-Curwen, spoke of the benefits to Grenada of this additional option. “Increased airlift from this very important source market provides the opportunity to bring more visitors and Grenadians residing abroad to Grenada. This Monday flight boosts Grenada’s weekly seat capacity from New York to 750. It will therefore allow a greater number of visitors and Grenadians an additional option of travel to Grenada to enjoy the product diversity of our tri-island home, the grandeur of our cuisine and the hospitable attitude of Grenadians. These exposures help to create those enduring vacation memories of the Spice of the Caribbean,” she said. Chairman of the Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) Rodney George, in welcoming the decision of JetBlue to add an additional flight, stated, “New York is the US state that contributes the largest amount of visitors to Grenada. Last year, 19,000 stay-over arrivals were from New York with the absence of JetBlue for the first five months. Between January and July 2016, we’ve seen a 19%

JetBlue’s four-day weekly flights.” He further stated that JetBlue has once again demonstrated confidence in Grenada as a tourism destination and that the GTA looks forward to further strengthening this relationship. JetBlue Airways began its flight service to Grenada from JFK airport on 14th June 2015 with two flights per week, and increased to three flights per week on 15th September 2015. Added to its current four-day weekly service, in July, the airline announced the addition of its premium Mint service to Grenada starting 21st January 2017. (Caribbean News Now!)

Tobago’s Autonomy Bill Is Headed To Cabinet Tobago – THA – Chief Secretary Orville London is reminding Tobagonians that it is their responsibility to participate in Sunday’s convention at the Lowlands Multipurpose Facility, starting at 3 p.m., where the public will have one final chance to voice their views on the draft bill for Tobago’s autonomy. The draft bill will be submitted to Cabinet by the end of October 2016. The Chief Secretary made the comment earlier today at a media conference at the Administrative Complex, Calder Hall, to update the public on the process from here on. London said the reason the process has taken so long is that the Forum of Political Parties, which has led the campaign for Tobago’s autonomy, has focused on extensive public consultations. This, London added, will ensure the final draft bill that goes to Cabinet by the end of October best represents the views of the majority of Tobagonians. He cautioned, however, that there will not be total consensus on every issue. “I want to caution that regardless of the final decision, there is not going to be unanimity,” the Chief Secretary stated. “And therefore there are going to be areas where people are not going to be comfortable, but what I want people to accept is that we have been more consultative in this process than I think any other similar process in the history of this country.” London described the Forum as being a “conduit” for the mandate of Tobagonians in the island’s quest for self-determination. He said the draft bill is not about the views of the political parties involved. “We were the people who got the information, disseminated the information to as wide a cross section of people as possible and then coming out of that, we present a bill to the people of Tobago,” he stated. The discussions at the convention will centre on a number of areas where there has been no final consensus. These include whether self-government should be

implemented in a one-off process or incrementally; provisions for the new THA Act (such as the judiciary and public utilities); and the definition of Tobago’s boundaries as a “sub-region” of Trinidad and Tobago. Issues such as the structure of government that will follow self-government status, the Tobago Service Commission, the Tobago Ombudsman and provisions for financing the THA have also produced varying views, as well as mechanisms for dispute resolution, the application of national laws in Tobago and the transition to an autonomous region are also on the list. (Antigua Observer)

Arnos Vale, Tobago (Source:


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Schoolboy Killed In St Vincent As Tropical Storm Matthew Passes PAGE 15


home, to clear a path for water that was flooding the house in Layou, a small town in the southwestern parish of St. Andrew. But a bolder rolled down from the nearby cliff as he was doing so, and he was pinned against the house. Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who is in Barbados, called in on the state-owned National TROPICAL STORM MATTHEW’S HEAVY RAINS Broadcasting Corporation CAUSED FLOODING AND OVERFLOWED RIVERS late last night and expressed . THE PHOTO AT LEFT, SHOWS THE SITUATION sympathy to the boy’s AT ONE BRIDGE. (PHOTO CREDIT: ĴÒJÔ BÄÊ family. He also assured that VIA IWITNESS NEWS.) AT RIGHT, OCCUPANTS OF THIS HOUSE ESCAPED UNHURT WHEN his government would assist THIS WALL COLLAPSED LAST NIGHT. (PHOTO those who needed help in the CREDIT: IWITNESS NEWS) aftermath of the storm. “I am INGSTOWN, St. Vincent and very sorry about the death of the young the Grenadines, Thursday man in Layou, and also those who have September 29, 2016 – A teenage suffered any physical damage, and for boy is dead after being crushed by a those who have suffered loss . . . The boulder as Tropical Storm Matthew authorities are working in a focused passed St. Vincent and the Grenadines manner and we will mobilize the last night. According to local media necessary resources, as we have always reports, the secondary school student, done, not just for this relief period but for whose name has not yet been released, t h e p e r i o d o f r e c o v e r y a n d was trying to remove debris behind his reconstruction,” he said.


“I want you to know that my prayers are with you. I’ve been praying for you, the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and I want you to know that I love you and I’m there with you and focused with you at this moment,” the Vincentian leader told residents. Dr. Gonsalves has been struck in Barbados in Tuesday as he tried to return home from meetings in the United States and Puerto Rico last week, according to iWitness News. Tropical Storm Matthew battered St. Vincent and the Grenadines with heavy rains and winds during the night. There were reports of landslides and rivers overflowing their banks, causing flooding and prompting some residents to leave their homes and seek shelter elsewhere. There were almost 300 people in emergency shelters up to last night. There were also power outages in some areas. There will be no school for the rest of the week, and businesses and government offices will remain closed today. The E. T. Joshua Airport, which was flooded last night, also remains closed today. However, the tropical storm warning that had been issued for St. Vincent and the Grenadines yesterday has been discontinued. (Caribbean360)

Barbados Back In Business After Storm Floods, Causes Damage


RIDGETOWN, Barbados, Thursday September 29, 2016 – The all-clear has been given for business to resume as normal in Barbados following the passage of Tropical Storm Matthew which caused flooding and damage in some parts of the island. While businesses and government departments were given the go-ahead at 5:45 this morning to reopen, and transportation services began rolling out a few hours after the announcement, Deputy Director of the Department of E m e rg e n c y M a n a g e m e n t ( D E M ) Captain Robert Harewood said schools would remain closed.The system began affecting the island as a tropical wave throughout the course of Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning, with some

widely scattered light to moderate evening, but conditions improved into showers and occasional gusty winds. the night, and at 10 p.m. the tropical Conditions deteriorated later in the storm warning was discontinued. morning, with some pockets of moderate However, the DEM said at that time it to heavy showers, periods of rain, would wait until daylight hours to give thunderstorms and gusty winds. But most the all-clear. (Caribbean News Now!) of the damage came in the afternoon, after Tropical Storm Matthew developed. The downpours caused flooding in some areas. Tropical Storm Matthew’s strong winds blew off roofs and downed power lines and trees – some of which fell on nearby vehicles. There were also power outages in some districts and water was shut THERE WERE SEVERAL REPORTS OF DOWNED off in some areas. The inclement TREES AND POLES CRASHING INTO VEHICLES. weather continued into the (PHOTO CREDIT: BARBADOS TODAY)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Carmona Denies Employee’s Company Used: ‘Wine From Italy Was Cheaper’ PAGE 17


$342,682, he said. “As a result of the cost effective purchase, the Office of the President has not made any additional purchases of quality wines since late 2014, 2015, 2016 and we anticipate 2017, notwithstanding the increased number of events hosted and paid for by their excellencies under the presidential budget,” he added. He justified the spend, however, saying the importation of high quality wines cut significantly the rest of the alcohol budget. By removing the champagne alone, he said they cut alcohol expenses by some $600,000 a year. On the use of the presidential seal on the bottles of wine, he said: “The use of the crest/seal of the Head of State on bottles of wine or spirits to be served at official functions is not unique to Trinidad and Patrons at Pancho’s Bar, Edward Street, Port-of-Spain, watch President Anthony Carmona’s Tobago.” He cited the United Kingdom, press conference at his office, in St Ann’s, yesterday. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ where he said there are whiskies named the House of Lords and the House of Commons resident Anthony Carmona says “contrary to false and incorrect media reports, neither Ms Pramati Noe, former with the seal of the UK Parliament, which are presented by private secretary to the President, nor Antonio Piccolo members of both houses as official gifts. purchased, nor imported quality wines on behalf of the Office of In the US, he said at the White House “an exclusive beer is the President.” Additionally, he said, Italian Import/Export brewed for the President and his guests.” He listed some Limited, a registered local company and/or its directors, neither positives of the Presidential wine, saying “there is no corporate purchased nor imported any wine on behalf of the office of the branding or advertisement on the wine bottles of a supplier” President.He made the comment yesterday in response to and it is used strictly for official functions of the Office of the queries over whether his office had properly tendered for the President. The wines with the crest and seal, he said, “can be purchase of the wine and whether he had used the services of an monitored and audited so as to prevent theft and employee’s company to do so. Carmona said they utilised “a disappearance,” and the wines cannot be “commercially sold, well-established registered local company to be the agent who exchanged or be available to the public outside of State facilitated the purchase and importation of such quality wines.” functions and events.” He said the wines have also never been He said the wines were neither bottled nor labelled in Trinidad sold, exchanged or given as a gift. “Anyone found in possession of a full bottle of the wine with the presidential seal/crest can be and Tobago but gave no detail as to the company used. “The purchase of the quality wines (red wine, white wine and charged with being in unlawful possession of stolen goods,” he sparkling wine) has been conducted with the requisite said. He said the use of the “replica of the seal of the President transparency, due diligence and in keeping with proper on bottles of wine for functions and events does not infringe or procurement practices as advised,” he said. He said when he violate any law of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago.” The assumed office he realised the cost of “wine, champagne and issue of the presidential seal, he said, did “not infringe or violate cuisine” was too high and a decision was taken to remove any law. It is for the exclusive use of the office of the President.” champagne and reduce the cost of food for events. He said He said while use of the Coat of Arms required the permission “given the high local and regional market prices for quality of the National Emblem Committee, no such permission was wines, the office sourced comparable quality wines (white required for use of the presidential seal. The crest and the seal, wine, red wine and sparkling wines) at reasonable prices from a he said, was “exclusive to the Head of State and the Office of the well-respected vineyard in Italy.” The cost of the wine bought President in the performance of his functions and in 2014, he said, “was erroneously stated in the media as administrative duties. It is the symbol of the President and the $1,000,000,” but actually amounted to $1,483,638.40. The office he holds.” The crest/seal he said was used on all, purchase was made in three voucher payments on the following stationery, cutlery,crockery, napkins and vehicles and other dates: One on November 28, 2014 for $793,472.40, another on diverse things. (Trinidad Guardian) May 1, 2015 for $347,484 and a third voucher on July 27 for





Work Resumes In Dominica After Storm But PM Urges Caution OSEAU, Dominica, Thursday September 29, 2016 – no power in the southern part of Dominica, or in parts of the


Even as large portions of Dominica remained without power on Thursday after Tropical Storm Matthew passed, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced that business and government agencies would resume operations as normal today. Schools, however, remain closed for the rest of the week to ensure the safety of the island’s children, he said. “We don’t want to have a situation where we have our children at school and the after effects of the rain manifests themselves and our students find themselves in difficulties,” Skerrit explained on the state-owned DBS Radio this morning. As for those heading to work, the Prime Minister urged them to exercise caution. “We have received a tremendous amount of rain and also wind. Therefore, we are asking for people to be cautious and careful as they move around doing their own business. Because of the level of saturation which the soil has, one can expect land slippages, erosions, landslides, mudslides and the like.” The tropical storm warning that had been in place for Dominica, along with five other Caribbean islands has been discontinued. But Skerrit noted that forecasters expected rain throughout the course of the day and the weather situation would therefore be monitored. Also speaking on radio, public relations officer of the Dominica Electricity Services Ltd (DOMLEC) Adina Bellot-Valentine confirmed that there was

north, west, and east. “As the weather eases up or as it permits we will try to restore power as quickly as possible,” she said, noting that some high voltage lines and poles were down. Other damage reported as a result of the storm’s passage was flooding and landslides. The storm passed just a month after the oneyear anniversary of Tropical Storm Erika which devastated Dominica with its torrential rains on August 27, 2015. (Caribbean360)


OPECccording Willto the Reduce Production Of Crude Oil To 32.5 Million Barrels Venezuelan Newspaper.


El Nacional, the 14 countries members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed, on a meeting held in Algeria, to reduce the production of crude oil to 32.5million barrels daily by 2017. This quantity will be accomplished with the reduction of 740.000 barrels produced by the members of OPEC, figure that represents 33, 24million barrels daily. The idea about the reduction of the production of crude oil has been among the principal topics of discussion between the country members of the OPEC, for the last three years period in which the prices of petroleum have been in constant downfall. The necessity to implement a radical measure to stop the oil prices from falling, was lifted by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Venezuela during a conference held by the country members during this summer. The decision was taken with the crude oil reduction. After the news about the after three hours of talks. The consensus will become official, agreement went public, the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) after the countries members of the OPEC meet in Vienna on increased the crude value to 5, 32% closing with 47, 05 dollars November 30.This convention will be focused in defining the p e r b a r r e l . S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w . e l pumping levels of each country. The invitation for the could be extended to countries willing to cooperate millones-ba...





Venezuela To Be Expelled From MERCOSUR In December rgentinian President,


Mauricio Macri has criticized the radicalization of the Venezuelan government and its negative influence in the regional block as a member of the MERCOSUR. According to the Brazilian Newspaper O Globo, the Argentinian President is deeply concerned about the alleged violations of the Venezuelan Government of the requirements outlined by the MERCOSUR, in order to stay as an active member of this organization. Two of the stipulations are the Mauricio Macri. President of Argentina promotion and protection of the Human Rights, and the fulfillment of Macri highlighted the collapse of the t h e a g r e e m e n t s s t i p u l a t e d b y democratic system in Venezuela and MERCOSUR as a regional body. the economic crisis, as two of the T h e s e s t i p u l a t i o n s a r e t o b e main causes for the country to be promulgated as laws by the country expelled of the organization in members. Caracas has a deadline December. Macri and Peruvian until December 1st to achieve those President, Pablo Kuczynski agreed to propose another convention with the commitments. active members of MERCOSUR, in

order to devise strategies to pressure the Venezuelan leader and help the country to stay as a member of the organization. Source: nomia/macri-afirma-que-venezuelapode-deixar-...




Liam Fox Predicts Free EU Trade Post-Brexit

it is now. Anything else, he said, may not harm the politicians and institutions in Brussels, but it would harm the people of Europe. He also said for the first time that he wanted a post-Brexit Britain to be a full independent member of the World Trade Organisation, a clear signal that he does not believe the UK should seek what's called a soft Brexit involving membership of the EU single market or customs union. Mr Fox's argument is that EU leaders won't want to impose punishing new tariffs on British goods and services for fear of harming their own economy. But hoping for a trade deal with the EU as good as it is now will be seen by some as highly optimistic. But Mr Fox was criticised by former deputy PM, now Lib Dem EU spokesman Nick Clegg. He said: "Liam Fox is delusional about the Liam Fox toured an aviation company during his visit to Manchester(REUTERS) impact of Brexit on British trade with the rest of the world. Unbelievably, he claims to be 'taking an axe to red tape across he UK's trade with the European Union will be "at least as borders'. "The truth is that leaving the EU's customs union and single free" after Brexit as it is now, Liam Fox says. The market will bring a deluge of new Brexit red tape down on the heads International Trade Secretary said it was in other countries' of British businesses who export to the continent." However Ben interests to avoid tariffs which he said would "harm the people of Digby, international director at the CBI, said: "It's encouraging to see Europe". He also predicted the UK would be a standard-bearer for the government make a robust case for free trade. A sincere global free trade and that Brexit represented a "golden opportunity" partnership between UK businesses and government will inject the to forge new links. Lib Dem EU spokesman Nick Clegg said Mr Fox confidence needed to ensure we can make the most of the was "delusional" about Brexit. The UK is unable to negotiate trade opportunities available in Europe and around the world." The deals independently while in the EU so Mr Fox will be negotiating government has yet to set out its negotiating position. new arrangements with other countries after Brexit, and has already Key issues include the balance between single market access and had some talks with countries such as Australia. In a speech in accepting the free movement of people - the right of EU citizens to Manchester, he said free trade had "transformed the world for the freely move to live and work in the UK. Warning from German better" and that the UK had "a golden opportunity to forge a new role business In a BBC interview, Italy's prime minister said it would be for ourselves in the world" in the "post-geography trading world" as a "impossible" for Brexit talks to result in a deal that gives Britons member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) - the body which more rights than others outside the EU. Matteo Renzi warned that helps sets rules for trade between different countries. He said: "As a leaving the EU would be a "very difficult process" - but the problems newly independent WTO member outside the EU, we will continue could be solved only after the UK began the exit procedure. to fight for trade liberalisation as well as potentially helping Markus Kerber, the head of the influential BDI which represents developing markets trade their way out of poverty by giving them German industry, said a so-called "hard" Brexit, rather than a preferential access to our markets. "I believe the UK is in a prime “fudge", was the only option and predicted the UK would not secure position to become a world leader in free trade because of the brave full access to the EU single market if it wanted to curb migration. He and historic decision of the British people to leave the European told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We have a rough idea of Union. "We are leaving the EU, we are not leaving Europe and we are what the British government wants to see. "It wants to have relatively ready to take our place in an open, liberal and competitive globalised full access to the single market and yet limited on non existing trading environment." Golf comments defended Asked afterwards freedom of movement of labour. "That I think is impossible at the whether he was concerned about tariffs being put in place, he said: moment, so what we think the British government wants I can tell "Who does it harm more if we end up in a new tariff environment? you straight away is not what the continental Europeans are willing "Does it harm more those who sell more to the UK, or the UK? It's in or even able to give, then it will be relatively short negotiations." everybody's interests that, as we move forward, that we have at least Prime Minister Theresa May, who has said she will not formally as free a trading environment as we have today." Mr Fox also trigger Brexit this year, is facing calls to clarify the government's defended his recent comments that Britain was "too lazy and too fat" demands from the negotiations. Former education secretary Nicky with businessmen preferring "golf on a Friday afternoon" to trying to Morgan, who campaigned for Remain in the referendum, told Today boost the country's prosperity. "What I said was as a country we have the PM could give a "broad outline" in her speech to next week's Tory been too willing to rest upon the achievements of previous conference and called for details to be provided "certainly in the next generations," he said. "I think the figures speak for themselves." The couple of months". Another Conservative Remain campaigner, exformer GP added: "When I was a doctor my job was not to tell people chancellor Ken Clarke, told the New Statesman Mrs May was what they wanted to hear, it was to tell people what they needed to running a "government with no policies" which has no idea how to hear in order to put things right." Liam Fox is aiming high. The carry out Britain's exit from the European Union "Nobody in the international trade secretary told an audience of business leaders in government has the first idea of what they're going to do next on the Manchester that when Britain leaves the EU, he wants it to have a Brexit front," he said. (BBC) trade environment with European economies that is at least as free as






World Heart Day

ccording to a report from the World Heart Federation, Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the health and wellbeing of people the world over. The World Heart Federation has found that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death, killing 17.3 million people every year – that’s more than victims of cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria. Over-eating, lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are all factors which can trigger heart disease and threaten our lives, and those of loved ones. Heart Day was set up to drive home the message that heart problems can be prevented. The aim is to improve health globally by encouraging people to make lifestyle changes and promoting education internationally about ways to be good to your heart. This lesson is becoming increasingly relevant as reports of obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity in children and young people become more and more common. Events take place to promote healthy hearts. Charities and other organisations coordinate walks and runs, health checks, public talks, shows and exhibitions to name a few of the interesting and informative events which mark the day. So on Heart Day, get involved, eat your fruit and veg and get outside; both you and your heart will feel the benefits. The World Heart Federation (WHF) is a nongovernmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Heart Federation is committed to uniting its members and leads the global fight against heart disease and stroke, with a focus on low-and middle-income countries. The World Heart Federation is the world's only global body

dedicated to leading the fight against heart disease and stroke via a united community of almost 200 member organizations that bring together the strength of medical societies and heart foundations, from more than 100 countries covering the regions of Asia-Pacific, Europe, East Mediterranean, the Americas and Africa. 80% of people in the developing world die each year from heart related diseases. The World Heart Federation exists to prevent and control these diseases through awareness campaigns and action, promoting the exchange of information, ideas and science among those involved in cardiovascular care, advocating for disease prevention and control by promoting healthy diets, physical activity and tobacco free living at an individual, community and policy maker level.




A Day Like Today

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616)


iguel de Cervantes Saavedra, one of the most prominent writers of the 16th century, was born a day like today 1547. Cervantes, as he was commonly called, was born in Alcalá de Henares, a Castilian city 35 kilometres from Madrid. His roots were humble. His father, Rodrigo was a barber- surgeon from the city of Córdoba and his mother, Leonor de Cortinas, was the third daughter of a nobleman, who lost his fortune and had to sell his her into matrimony in 1543. He spent most of his childhood moving from town to town, looking for better opportunities to increase

Illustration of the work of fiction 'Don Quijote de la Mancha’

his family’s economy. In 1569 he was forced to leave Spain on exile. Historians talk about a possible confrontation with him and a royal soldier, resulting in the fatality of this last one and being pursue by the Spanish crown as a fugitive of justice. After his ‘escape’, he settled in Rome, enlisting for the Spanish army to fight against the Turkish. During this battle he lose his left hand, gaining the name of ‘El Manco de Lepanto’ or the onehanded from Lepanto. He returned to Madrid in 1575, but was captured by pirates, who kept him in captivity for five years. During this period of solitude he developed taste for literature, taste that was reflected after his release from captivity. He published several novels, dramas and comedies, but his more prominent work was 'Don Quijote de la Mancha’ or Don Quixote. A work of fiction that features an aged royal knight, whose love for a noble lady named Dulcinea del Toboso, led him to madness. Cervantes didn’t reached the desired recognition during his time, but became one of the eminences of the Classic western literature. And up to date is remembered as the greatest writer in the Spanish language and one of the world's pre-eminent novelists. He died on 22 April 1616, due to type-2 diabetes, a result of a cirrhosis of the liver. Source:




Kashmir Attack: India 'Launches Strikes Against Militants’ India's army says it has carried out "surgical strikes" against suspected militants along the de-facto border with Pakistan in Kashmir. The operation was aimed at preventing attacks being planned by Pakistan-based militants, a senior army official said. He said "significant casualties have been caused to the terrorists and those who are trying to support them". Pakistan denies India carried out any strikes and says two of its soldiers were killed in cross-border shelling. "The notion of surgical strike linked to alleged terrorists' bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by India to create false effects," the Pakistani military said in a statement. Pakistan said its soldiers died in "unprovoked" firing along the Line of Control dividing the disputed region. A territorial dispute between the two countries over Muslim-majority Kashmir has been running for decades, but tensions flared earlier this month after a militant attack on an Indian army base in Kashmir left 18 soldiers dead. India blamed the attack on Pakistan, which denied the claim. What do we know about the 'strikes'? India's military gave few details of the operation it says it carried out overnight. At a joint press briefing by the army and the foreign ministry, officials said the "motive of the operation was to hit out at terrorists who were planning to infiltrate into our territory". India's Director General of Military Operations, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, also blamed Pakistan for "being unable to control terror activities in territories under its control". "Based on receiving specific and credible inputs that some terrorist teams had positioned themselves at launch pads along the Line of Control to carry out infiltration and conduct terrorist strikes inside Jammu and Kashmir and in various metros in other states, the Indian army conducted surgical strikes at several of these launch pads to pre-empt infiltration by terrorists," a statement said. It said the "surgical strikes" had caused "significant damage to terrorists". But the army did not say whether troops had entered Pakistanadministered Kashmir or had fired across the border. However, the Press Trust of India quoted sources saying the operation took place between midnight and 04:30 local time on Thursday, that it was a combination of helicopter and ground forces, and seven militant

"launch pads" had been targeted. Some unconfirmed Indian media reports said more than 30 militants had been killed in the operation. Pakistani army officials said the fighting started in the early hours of Thursday morning and continued for about six hours. Why now? Narendra Modi's BJP government swept to power promising a tough line on Pakistan, so it has been been under tremendous pressure to retaliate after the 18 September attack on the army base in Uri in Indian-administered Kashmir. The raid was the deadliest of its kind for years. "I assure the nation that those behind this despicable attack will not go unpunished," Mr Modi declared just hours after the base was attacked. There was also much talk of whether India should continue with its doctrine of "strategic restraint" against Pakistan. A "strike" now is seen by many observers as aimed at placating an angry domestic constituency and sending out the message that Mr Modi is a strong leader. What does Pakistan say? The country's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, criticised the "unprovoked and naked aggression of Indian forces" and said his military was capable of thwarting "any evil design to undermine the sovereignty of Pakistan". Islamabad says India's stance is a "blatant attempt" to deflect attention from human rights abuses in the region. More than 80 people, nearly all antigovernment protesters, have died in more than two months of violence against Indian rule. Many say jingoism and war-mongering are the twin obsessions of a growing and increasingly prosperous middle class in India, and the reaction to the latest attack is quite predictable. #ModiPunishesPak was trending top of Twitter in India, hours after the media first reported "the strikes". The other top trending hashtags included #SurgicalStrike and #Indian Army. A Narendra Modi fan club account tweeted a clip from a Tom and Jerry cartoon film to show India spanking Pakistan. Government supporters gushed that this was a "proud moment for India", with one Bollywood actor thanking the army for doing what India "should have done 30 years ago". A clutch of news channels were waxing delirious on how India had taught Pakistan a lesson and speculated endlessly about the details of the operation. Things were much more serious between the two nuclear-armed rivals, they say, after the 2001 attack by Pakistan-based militants on the Indian parliament but there was no social media then, and the calls to escalate the conflict were more muted. Why is Kashmir so dangerous? Both India and Pakistan claim Muslim-majority Kashmir in its entirety but control only parts of it. The territorial dispute between the two countries has been running for over six decades, and two out of the three wars fought between the nuclear-armed rivals have been over Kashmir. As with every stand-off in Kashmir, the fear of many is that this could eventually escalate into a major clash between two nuclear-armed states. But most analysts still believe that is unlikely to happen and that sporadic clashes and diplomatic sabre-rattling are likely to continue. (BBC)

Relations between India and Pakistan have deteriorated in recent months(AFP)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hoboken Station Crash: New Jersey Train Disaster 'Kills Three’ PAGE 27

Transit personnel survey the damage(GETTY IMAGES)


state of New Jersey. A local radio station anchor said the train went through ticket barriers and "into the reception area" of Hoboken station. Hoboken is across the Hudson River from New York City. Many commuters use the station to travel into Manhattan. A spokeswoman for New Jersey Transit, Jennifer Nelson, told reporters that 20 ambulances had arrived at the scene to take the injured to hospital. Photos on social media show extensive damage to the train carriages and station. Reports say people are trapped in the wrecked carriages. Ben Fairclough, a witness who was at the station, told the BBC the train appeared to have completely gone off the track. "I wasn't on the train, but I arrived just after it happened. There was water coming down off the roof and people climbing out through the windows. "There were people sitting down with blood coming from their head. There were lots of injuries." New Jersey Transit posted on Twitter that the service out of Hoboken station had been suspended as a result of the crash. (BBC)

A German Lion Escape: Sad End In Leipzig Zoo O t least three people are reported to have been killed and more than 100 injured, many of them critically, after a commuter train crashed into a railway station in the US

ne of two lions that escaped from an enclosure in Leipzig zoo in Germany has been shot dead after attempts to use a tranquilliser failed. The male lions, Majo and Motshegetsi, broke out of their enclosure and leapt over a moat at 08:40 (06:40 GMT) on Thursday, before the zoo opened. They were discovered in undergrowth in a terrified state. Although one of the lions was ushered back to its enclosure, the other remained agitated and had to be shot. "This is a very, very sad ending, which I really would not have wished for," zoo director Joerg Junhold told reporters. "But in this case personal safety had to take priority." The two animals, known as Etosha lions after an area of Namibia, arrived at Leipzig zoo only last month from the Swiss city of Basel. Saxony police tweet After the lions were found only a short distance from their enclosure, around 40

zookeepers surrounded them with vehicles in an attempt to usher them back. They succeeded in returning one of the animals three hours later with the aid of a fence, but the other lion became agitated as they tried to tranquillise it. Local media said Majo had survived, but Motshegetsi had been killed. The enclosure had been at the zoo for 15 years, the director said. They had never had problems before but would now review security. Crowds built up at the entrance to the zoo, but it was largely was closed on Thursday because of the lions' escape. The last time lions escaped from their enclosure in Leipzig zoo was in 1913, prompting a widespread hunt that ended with all six lions being killed, the Leipziger Volkszeitung reported. (BBC)




Obama: Congress Veto Override suddenly Of 9/11 Lawsuits Bill 'A Mistake' finding ourselves subject to private lawsuits." What cost? -

US President Barack Obama has said Congress made a "mistake" by overriding his veto and pushing through a bill that allows legal action against Saudi Arabia over the 9/11 attacks. He said the bill would set a "dangerous precedent" for individuals around the world to sue the US government. Wednesday's vote was the first time Mr Obama's veto power was overruled. CIA Director John Brennan agreed that the bill carried "grave implications" for national security. He added: "The downside is potentially huge." The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism (JASTA) legislation opens the door for victims' families to sue any member of the Saudi government suspected of playing a role in the 9/11 attacks. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, but the oil-rich kingdom - a key US ally - has denied any role in the attacks, which left nearly 3,000 people dead. While US intelligence raised suspicions about some of the hijackers' connections, the 9/11 commission found no evidence that senior Saudi officials, or the government as an institution, had funded the attackers. Mostly this was about showing solidarity with the families of 9/11 victims. Lawmakers across the board said they deserved their day in court, whatever the "diplomatic discomforts" involved in suing a foreign government. It would have been difficult to be seen to be voting against them, right after the 15th anniversary of the attacks, and just before an election. Even President Obama acknowledged that the politics were tough. But some Congress people share the families' suspicions of a certain degree of Saudi involvement, even if not at the highest levels of government as concluded by the 9/11 Commission. And they've become more willing to openly question this bedrock MidEast alliance because of other strains in the relationship, which contributed to the climate in which the vote was held. The Saudis have lobbied furiously against the bill, outlining in detail the steps they've taken since 2001 to disrupt fundraising for extremists by Islamic charities in the Kingdom, and to establish close counter terrorism cooperation with the US. The administration is worried the latter in particular might be affected by congress' action. Almost 3,000 people were killed when they deliberately flew planes they had seized into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Another hijacked plane was brought down in a field in Pennsylvania. Reacting to the congressional vote on Wednesday, Mr Obama told CNN: "It's a dangerous precedent and it's an example of why sometimes you have to do what's hard. "And, frankly, I wish Congress here had done what's hard. "The concern that I've had has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia per se or my sympathy for 9/11 families. "It has to do with me not wanting a situation where we're suddenly exposed to liabilities for all the work that we're doing all around the world and

US media wary "Wouldn't you know that Congress finally challenges President Obama on foreign policy, and it's in a bad cause that will harm US interests. Too bad the president did so little to stop it." - Wall Street Journal "There is a broader subtext to this legislation. The kingdom can no longer count on the US and - a far more dangerous reality - may no longer even want to. With a single vote, Congress may well have brought down on America a host of plagues many on Capitol Hill may only vaguely appreciate." - CNN Administration officials said they knew from the start that Obama's veto was unlikely to survive an override vote — the politics surrounding the bill had become so charged that they overwhelmed the more abstract arguments for the importance of respecting foreign sovereign immunity. - The Hill But families of the victims and their lawyers have dismissed these concerns. "We rejoice in this triumph and look forward to our day in court and a time when we may finally get more answers regarding who was truly behind the attacks," said Terry Strada, national chair of the 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism. Saudi media blast Congress vote Saudi media have criticised the decision of the US Congress to overrule President Barack Obama's veto of legislation allowing families of victims of the 9-11 attacks to sue the Saudi government. And the Saudi-funded, pan-Arab Al-Arabia TV said: "Saudi Arabia has an arsenal of ways to respond to the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA)". The pro-government daily Saudi Okaz said in a banner headline: "The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism (JASTA) is a law against justice", while the pro-government Saudi daily Al-Jazeera carried a piece by Ahmed al-Farraj criticising the bill as "unfair". On social media, commentators were critical of the bill, with many users shrugging off its possible effects on Saudi Arabia, whose alleged support for terrorism they said was unproven. "JASTA poses no threat to Saudi Arabia as it has nothing to do with terrorism. No lawsuit will be filed against Saudi Arabia using JASTA except by resorting to false witnesses," tweeted Khalid Ashaerah (@KHALID_ASHAERAH), a pro-government author of books who has 110,000 followers. "Probably the greatest defeat for democratic thought achieved by members of the House of Representatives. Almost all neutral experts have agreed that JASTA is detrimental to the US," tweeted Mohamed al-Saidi (@mohamadalsaidi1), a progovernment Saudi professor of Islamic doctrine with 803,201 followers. 'Most embarrassing' Mr Obama suggested that his colleagues' voting patterns were influenced by political concerns. "If you're perceived as voting against 9/11 families right before an election, not surprisingly, that's a hard vote for people to take. "But it would have been the right thing to do." The Senate voted 97-1 and the House of Representatives 348-77, meaning the bill becomes law. White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters the vote was "the single most embarrassing thing the United States Senate has done" in decades. But the measure's supporters contended the legislation only applies to acts of terrorism that have occurred on US soil - and side-swiped at Mr Obama for his perceived prioritising of relations with Saudi Arabia. "The White House and the executive branch (are) far more interested in diplomatic considerations," said Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer. "We're more interested in the families and in justice." (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Syria War: Russia Rejects US Calls To Halt Bombing Eastern Aleppo PAGE 30

Eastern Aleppo has come under intense aerial bombardment for the past week(GETTY IMAGES)


ussia has said it will carry on bombing rebel-held eastern Aleppo in Syria, defying US demands to stop. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that the Russian air force would continue its support of the Syrian armed forces. He also urged Washington to deliver on a pledge to separate moderate Syrian opposition fighters from "terrorists". It comes after the US warned that it will end talks on military co-operation unless Moscow stops the bombing. US state department spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday that Russia had an interest in stopping the violence in Syria. He said the conflict presents extremists with an opportunity to "exploit the vacuums" in the region and launch attacks "against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities". The recent cessation deal was meant to lead to joint


Russian-US air strikes on so-called Islamic State and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front). However Russia has complained the US has not done enough to separate the more moderate rebel groups which it backs from Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. Many of these groups have formed a strategic alliance with the more powerful Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and fight alongside it. Despite growing tensions between the two nations, Mr Peskov said Russia remains interested in pursuing talks with the US in an effort to resolve the crisis in Syria. His comments echo a statement from Moscow, which insisted it would send diplomats to Geneva to discuss ways of normalising the situation with the US. But on Wednesday US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that Washington will end talks unless Moscow stops its bombardment of Aleppo. Meanwhile Turkey has said it will work with Russia on putting in place another ceasefire after the previous agreement collapsed. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara "we are more than ready" but emphasised that nations have to try harder to find a political resolution in order for an agreement to be effective. Aleppo has come under heavy aerial bombardment since the partial truce deal disintegrated a week ago. Some 250,000 people are trapped in the east in appalling conditions, under siege from Russian-backed Syrian forces. The US has accused Russia of taking part in strikes on civilian targets and possibly committing war crimes - charges Russia has strongly denied. (BBC)

Singapore Jails Teen Blogger Amos Yee For Anti-religion Posts


teenage blogger has been handed a prison sentence said Singapore now needs to review its approach in dealing after he was found guilty by a Singapore court of with cases like Yee's, who is likely to benefit from the publicity. "wounding religious feelings". Amos Yee, 17, will "Every time the authorities go after him, it just adds to his spend six weeks in jail for deliberately posting videos and online audience," said Mr Robertson in an email. (BBC) comments critical of Christianity and Islam. Judge Ong Hian Sun told the court that Yee's actions could "generate social unrest". It is the teenager's second prison sentence in two years. Yee was jailed for four weeks in 2015 for criticising Christians, and was accused of insulting Lee Kuan Yew after he posted a video online in which he likened the late Singaporean leader to Jesus Christ. Such actions are considered a serious crime in a country which takes a zero-tolerance approach towards insults of race and religion. Yee, who was accompanied to court on Thursday by his mother, told reporters that his sentence was "fair", adding that he was "very remorseful". The teenager's latest trial was closely watched by rights Amos Yee was also jailed in 2015 for insulting the late groups, who argue that the case threatens freedom of Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew(GETTY IMAGES) expression. Phil Robertson of Human Rights Watch




Samsung In US 'Exploding Washing Machines' Probe recall of its Note 7 smartphone over "exploding" batteries. Both Samsung and the CPSC said that certain top-loading washing machines from March 2011 to April 2016 were affected. "In rare cases, affected units may experience abnormal vibrations that could pose a risk of personal (GETTY IMAGES) injury or property damage when washing bedding, bulky or wateramsung has confirmed it is in talks with US consumer watchdogs resistant items," Samsung said. Check after a lawsuit against the firm your serial number The company advises over "exploding" washing machines. consumers with affected models to use T h e C o n s u m e r P r o d u c t S a f e t y the lower-speed delicate cycle when C o m m i s s i o n ( C P S C ) w a r n e d o f washing those materials. Samsung does problems with some of Samsung's top- not name the models, but allows load machines. It comes as a US law firm customers to enter the serial number to filed a suit against the South Korean firm, see whether their machine is among saying the fault can lead to injury or those affected. damage. Models sold outside North The firm also faces a suit from a US law America are not affected by this issue, a firm which alleges that some of its "toploading washing machines explode in spokesperson said. The problems follow Samsung's global owners' homes," leading to potential injury or damage, according to attorney


Jason Lichtman. "Users have reported Samsung top-load washers exploding as early as the day of installation, while other owners have seen their machines explode months or even more than a year after purchase," the firm said in a statement. The faulty washing machines come right as Samsung is in the midst of a global recall of its flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7. The company was forced to urge 2.5 million phones to be returned because of faulty batteries causing some phones to catch fire and users reporting "exploding devices". Samsung said on Thursday it would start selling new Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in South Korea this week. The revamped smartphone will start being sold in other markets, including some European countries, on 28 October. A Samsung spokeswoman said: "We would like to reassure everyone that new Note 7 phones are operating properly and pose no safety concerns." (BBC)

Typhoon Megi: Search For Missing After China Landslides


t least 33 people are missing in China's eastern Zhejiang province after heavy rains triggered two landslides, state media said. Twenty seven of those are from Sucun village in Suichang county where homes were swept away. A video on state media Xinhua showed a mass of debris sliding down the mountain. The heavy rains came with Typhoon Megi, which hit China on Wednesday. Local media also reported six people missing in Baofeng village in Wencheng county, where another landslide hit. Local authorities say they have mobilised heavy equipment and over a thousand people to help with search and rescue efforts. Residents have also been relocated to safer areas. Thirteen people in the village have since been rescued, Xinhua said. Rescuers evacuate residents through floodwaters in Ningde, Fujian province on 28 September 2016.

Typhoon Megi killed four people and injured 625 when it hit Taiwan at peak intensity earlier this week, before reaching mainland China. At least one person has been confirmed killed by the storm in Fujian, with millions of homes

left without power following severe flooding. State media said some areas of Fujian saw more than 300mm of rain in two days. Similar levels were reported in Taiwan. (BBC)

Typhoon Megi brought heavy rain as it hit China(REUTERS)




California Ends Statute Of Limitations For Rape Over Cosby Case


alifornia Governor Jerry Brown has signed legislation ending the US state's 10-year statute of limitations on rape. The move was prompted by decades-old allegations made by multiple women against actor Bill Cosby. The change means that from January 2017 there will be no time limit on the prosecution of rape cases. But it will not work retroactively, or help those who accuse Cosby of crimes committed more than 10 years ago. Dozens of women have accused the comedian of sexual assaults dating from the 1960s to the 1990s. Cosby, who starred in the long-running sitcom The Cosby Show, has denied the accusations, saying his sexual encounters were consensual. He is due to go on trial in

June 2017 charged with sexually assaulting a woman in Philadelphia in 2004. More on the Bill Cosby allegations Current California law requires prosecution for rape to begin within 10 years of the alleged oence, with some exceptions. Under the new legislation, SB813, there will be no time limit. The change will also apply to crimes for which the statute of limitations has not expired as of 1 January 2017. Senator Connie Leyva, who introduced the bill, said it told victims of sexual assault that they could seek justice "regardless of when they are ready to come forward". "Rapists should never be able to evade legal consequences simply because an arbitrary time limit has

Many rape victims can wait years before they come forward(AP)

expired." Statutes of limitations for rape dier across US states. (BBC)




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Daily Horoscope You need more time to think this whole situation through. You may have a problem dealing with elders. Travel will be exciting.

Make sure you concentrate if operating machinery or vehicles. You may have problems with skin, bones, or teeth if you haven't been taking proper care of yourself. Real estate investments will payoff.

Changes in your home environment are likely. Anger might lead to carelessness and minor Injuries. Don't try to hide your true feelings from your mate.

Major moves will be emotional and not necessarily to your benefit. You will enjoy physical activities more than you think. Don't lend or borrow.

Your mind will be on matters that deal with secret affairs. Avoid any petty ego confrontations; they could lead to estrangement if you aren't careful. People you live with will not be terribly happy with you regardless of what you do today.

Be diplomatic when dealing with in-law. You can make financial deals, but it may be best if you're not using your own cash. You will communicate easily and should be able to accomplish all that you set out to do.

Update and review your personal investments. You can help them with difficult projects. Emotional situations could bring out your stubborn nature.

You may be able to get some good advice about your personal problems. Unfortunately, your personal life may suffer from a lack spare time. This will not be the best day to sign deals or to take care of other people's financial matters

Try to be a bit more understanding or you may end up spending the evening alone. You can have an enjoyable time if you socialize with friends. Groups and organizations that indulge in social events to raise money will be conducive to meeting new and exciting lovers.

You will communicate with ease today. Take the time to help those less fortunate. Your lack of responsibility and attention has been a key issue in your relationship

Try to keep an open mind. You may have a problem keeping secrets. You will attract potential lovers, but be sure that they're unattached.

Changes in your home will be positive. Property investments should payoff. Try to keep ahead of the game. Don't be afraid to make additions to your house.






1 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups water 2 lemons, juiced and zested 2 tablespoons PALMBOOM* butter 4 egg yolks, beaten 1 (9 inch) pie crust, baked 4 egg whites 6 tablespoons white sugar

Preparation Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). To Make Lemon Filling: In a medium saucepan, whisk together 1 cup sugar, flour, cornstarch, and salt. Stir in water, lemon juice and lemon zest. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until mixture comes to a boil. Stir in butter. Place egg yolks in a small bowl and gradually whisk in 1/2 cup of hot sugar mixture. Whisk egg yolk mixture back into remaining sugar mixture. Bring to a boil and continue to cook while stirring constantly until thick. Remove from heat. Pour filling into baked pastry shell. To Make Meringue: In a large glass or metal bowl, whip egg whites until foamy. Add sugar gradually, and continue to whip until stiff peaks form. Spread meringue over pie, sealing the edges at the crust. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes, or until meringue is golden brown. **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


Axeman-Lomachenko Fight Back On The Table


fter months of uncertainty with initial negotiations broke down earlier this year, Jamaica’s Nicholas Walters will finally fight Ukraine’s Vasyl Lomachenko in a bout set for November 26 in Las Vegas. According to Skysports, the Axeman, now 30, will be challenging Lomachenko (6-0-1) for the WBO Featherweight title. It will be the Ukranian’s title defence since he knocked out Roman Martinez in five rounds in June. The unbeaten Walters previously held the WBA world featherweight crown that he successfully defended when he stopped former champions Nonito Donaire and Vic Darchinyan. Earlier this year the two were negotiating to fight on June 11, but according to reports, Walters

priced himself out of the negotiations. Those reports said Top Rank CEO Bob Arum began negotiations between the fighters last year after Walters lost his WBA title on the scale and then moved to the 130-pound weight class. The 28-year-old Lomachenko was willing to vacate his title and fight the Jamaican at that weight. Arum offered the Axeman US$500,000 for the fight but the Jamaican wanted more. The Ukrainian then o ff e r e d Wa l t e r s a n additional $300,000 from his purse if the Jamaican won. “He is 100 per cent serious,” Lomachenko’s manager Egis Klimas, said

at the time. “He is saying come fight me, you beat me and I will give you US$300,000. That’s the thing about Lomachenko. He wants to fight the best, he doesn’t want to just go in the ring and fight anybody.” (SportsMax)

Alonso Hails Button As 'Best Team-mate I've Had'


ewis Hamilton and Kimi Raikkonen are among the men to have partnered Fernando Alonso, but he ranks Jenson Button as his best team-mate. Fernando Alonso has described Jenson Button as the best team-mate he has had in Formula One. Two-time world champion Alonso has partnered some of the great names in the sport, with Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Raikkonen and Jacques Villeneuve among them. However, the Spaniard ranks his current McLaren team-mate as the best he has worked with both on and off the track.

Speaking to Sky Sports, he said: "For me, he's probably the best team-mate I've had. "He is very fast. He is very competitive inside the car, always and in all conditions, but outside the car as well he is a very nice guy, a true gentleman, and also very committed to the sport. "He's always running in the simulator, working with the team, spending whatever time is necessary with the engineers, being 100 per cent physically all year long. "As a package I think he's the best." Button, the 2009 world champion, is set to reach a milestone 300 races in Malaysia this weekend, and Alonso has hailed his longevity. "It's a big achievement," he added. "When you reach 300 it means a few things: that you're very talented and for many years in Formula 1 you were delivering good results and the teams were always giving you the trust to race. "When you arrive to Formula 1 it's one hit that you have in your career. Then if you win it's another one, but then if you stay for longer it means you keep doing a lot of good things. "You keep committed, you keep physically 100 per cent, you keep racing at your best, and it's what he did." (SportsMax)


Legia Warsaw To Face Real Madrid Behind Closed Doors


EFA have banned fans from attending Legia Warsaw's home game with Real Madrid in the

Champions League. Legia Warsaw's Champions League game against Real Madrid will be played behind closed doors after UEFA sanctioned the Polish club for the crowd disturbances that marred their meeting with Borussia Dortmund. Legia were also fined €80,000 by European football's governing body after home fans showered stewards with pepper spray and attempted to break through barriers to reach their Dortmund counterparts during the meeting on

September 14. UEFA also found Legia fans guilty of setting off fireworks, throwing objects and racist behaviour, while the club were reprimanded for insufficient organisation and blocked stairways. Legia apologised in the immediate aftermath but it has not prevented them from missing out on lucrative gate receipts from the meeting with European champions Madrid on November 2. Celtic were also punished by UEFA after their fans displayed the Palestinian flag during the game against Israeli side Hapoel Beer-Sheva on August 17. The Scottish club must pay a fine of €10,000. (SportsMax)

Wright Sacked By Barnsley


hampionship side Barnsley have sacked Tommy Wright following a sting by The Daily Telegraph newspaper. Barnsley assistant head c o a c h To m m y Wr i g h t h a s b e e n dismissed by the Championship club following allegations of impropriety in a newspaper sting. The Daily Telegraph claimed former Leicester City winger Wright met with representatives from a fake Far Eastern firm and accepted a £5,000 payment after agreeing to help them profit from transfer deals.

Barnsley launched an immediate investigation which resulted in Wright's sacking on Thursday. A club statement read: "Barnsley FC today terminated the contract of Assistant Head Coach Tommy Wright with immediate effect. "A meeting between the club and Mr Wright was held this morning attended by club chief executive Linton Brown. After considering Mr Wright’s response to allegations in today’s Daily Telegraph about breaching FA rules over player transfers, Mr Wright was dismissed. "The club was unaware of such matters or involved in any wrongdoing. The club will continue to fully investigate the issues at hand and will co-operate with the regulatory authorities as necessary." Wright becomes the second man to lose his job following the sting, following on from Sam Allardyce's

d e p a r t u r e a s E n g l a n d m a n a g e r. Allardyce's 67-day tenure as Three Lions' boss came to end by mutual agreement after he was filmed allegedly telling two men purporting to be from a Far East investment firm how they might "get around" FA regulations concerning the transfers of players under third-party ownership. (SportsMax)



England Job Would Be The Pinnacle - Pardew


lan Pardew is loyal to Crystal Palace despite being proud at links to the England job, and he feels Gareth Southgate has the x-factor. Crystal Palace boss Alan Pardew says the England job would be the pinnacle of his career, but remains fully focused on his club. Pardew is among the favourites to replace Sam Allardyce, who left his position with the national side on Tuesday less than 24 hours after the Daily Telegraph published footage claiming to be from a meeting in August

between a pair of undercover reporters and the 61-year-old. In the footage, Allardyce allegedly told two men purporting to be from a Far East investment ďŹ rm how they might "get around" FA regulations concerning the transfers of players under third-party ownership. Bournemouth manager Eddie Howe has already ruled himself out of the running and, while Pardew said he was "proud" to be linked, he stressed his loyalty to Palace and wished interim England boss Gareth Southgate well. "Eddie Howe said this morning it was the pinnacle for any Englishman's career I agree with that," Pardew said at his pre-match media conference ahead of Palace's match away to Everton on Friday. "Of course I'm privileged and proud to be in that small group that is going to be linked with it - that I'm not going to shy away from. "The other part is

the focus I have to do here and return their loyalty to me, that won't shake, I won't let that happen to me. "England have a good manager in charge with Gareth. He's been in the system, knows the players coming in. I have tremendous respect for him as a player, coach and manager. "He has a bit of x-factor about him. Gareth has four games guaranteed and I hope he does well. I think he will do well. "He will work very, very hard for England's players and these next few games are crucial for them. "Coming back to myself, I'm very happy with where this club is right now. This football club right at this moment in time is where I want to be. "I'm so lucky to have this football club where it is right now, the chairman and I have a great relationship. We have two American investors who have shown me great faith. I have a team I have a good feeling about. "It holds a special place for me as I played here, that is where my focus is entirely right now." (SportsMax)


Bilic Defends West Ham Team Night Out


laven Bilic says it was he who suggested West Ham's team-bonding session and thinks a win over Middlesbrough could change everything. West Ham manager Slaven Bilic has defended his players' night out and revealed that it was his own idea to help bolster team spirit. Bilic's men are 18th in the early Premier League table, having lost five of their first six matches this season, and members of his squad were pictured enjoying an evening out on Monday just a little over 24 hours following their 3-0 home defeat to Southampton. There were also reports suggesting striker Andy Carroll and goalkeeper Darren Randolph had been drinking the day after the sanctioned team event, which the manager confirmed are being looked into after West Ham stated they would investigate. "It was completely my idea," Bilic said at his pre-

match media conference ahead of Saturday's home game against Middlesbrough. "After the Southampton game we had a big meeting and spoke. I told Mark Noble, the skipper, to take them for dinner. "For me it's a good thing, not every week but in a great situation or a bad situation it's good to stick together and it's a good thing to do. It's good for team building and that's it. "After that night we had a day off. Training on Wednesday was really good, but training last week was really good without the bonding. Now have to produce it in games. "There have been some rumours. We will talk about it and if necessary we are going to act. I have spoken to the chairmen." Bilic feels concerned about West Ham's poor start to the season – which also saw them fail to qualify for the Europa League group stage – but insists he is unworried by speculation he could be replaced. He added: "I am not worried. I am delighted to work here but I will only focus on the things I can have an influence on. "I am concerned and it has been a bad start. But with one win we can build everything back with a win over Middlesbrough over Saturday. "One good result can change the whole season, but we cannot think it is just going to happen. We need to earn it. "Mark Noble said we broke down after we conceded the first goal. These words are heavy words but I know what he means. "We need to do it for the whole game and that is the only way you can have success in the Premier League. "I am asking myself a lot of questions even when it was good last season. You think about how you can change things. You can't sit still." Bilic revealed Aaron Cresswell should be ready to return after the international break, while Havard Nordtveit (knock) is a doubt to face Boro. (SportsMax)



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Ramsey Withdrawal Was Arsenal's Call - Coleman


aron Ramsey's ongoing struggle for fitness has been described as "disappointing" by Wales manager Chris Coleman. Chris Coleman has questioned whether Aaron Ramsey's hamstring injury could have been prevented after Arsenal ruled the midfielder out of Wales' squad to face Austria and Georgia in two forthcoming World Cup qualifiers. Ramsey has not played since Arsenal's opening Premier League match of the season against Liverpool and reports suggest his recovery has been slower than expected. The 25-year-old midfielder was one of Coleman's star performers in Wales' run to the semi-finals of Euro 2016, but Arsenal refused to release him for October's fixtures. Coleman said: "It's disappointing that he's not fit when we expected him to be fit. "He expected to be fit sooner as well so it's disappointing for all of us. I know what Rambo's like – he'll

want to be on the pitch. "But the players we've got, we've got total confidence in them and they know the drill. They know what's required. "He doesn't belong to us, he's Arsenal's player and it's their call, they pay his wages, and if that's the decision they made it's up to them. We don't know exactly what he does every day at Arsenal. They're a great club, but it's disappointing to lose a player of his importance. "You always look at their history in training, his loading, the games he's played and you ask could that injury have been prevented? "He'll be gutted." Coleman revealed that Crystal Palace midfielder Jonny Williams, who is currently on loan at Ipswich Town, will also be missing the qualifiers. "Jonny Williams is playing his first game this week," he said. "I spoke with Mick McCarthy in the week and we know he’s not ready to come with us yet unfortunately." Squad in full: Goalkeepers: Wayne Hennessey (Crystal Palace), Owain Fon Williams (Inverness Caledonian Thistle), Danny Ward (Huddersfield Town). Defenders: James Chester (Aston Villa), James Collins (West Ham), Paul Dummett (Newcastle United), Chris Gunter (Reading), Jazz Richards (Cardiff City), Neil Taylor (Swansea City), Ashley Williams (Everton. Midfielders: Joe Allen (Stoke City), David Edwards (Wolves), Emyr Huws (Cardiff City), Andy King (Leicester City), Tom Lawrence (Ipswich Town), Joe Ledley (Crystal Palace), Shaun MacDonald (Wigan Athletic). Forwards: Gareth Bale (Real Madrid), Simon Church (Roda JC), David Cotterill (Birmingham City), Hal Robson-Kanu (West Brom), Sam Vokes (Burnley). (SportsMax)


LMA Demand 'Immediate Full Disclosure' Of Corruption Evidence


llegations of misconduct by managers in England must be backed up with the prompt full provision of all the evidence, the LMA have said. The League Managers Association (LMA) remains "very concerned" by allegations made in The Daily Telegraph but is "disappointed" the newspaper has still not provided the Football Association (FA) with all the requested documentation, urging them to speed up the process. Sam Allardyce's 67-day tenure as England manager came to an end by

mutual agreement on Tuesday, less than 24 hours after the Telegraph published footage claiming to be from a meeting in August between a pair of undercover reporters and the 61-year-old. In the footage, Allardyce allegedly told two men purporting to be from a Far East investment ďŹ rm how they might "get around" FA regulations concerning the transfers of players under third-party ownership. The Telegraph has also alleged eight current or former Premier League managers stand accused of receiving illegal payments or 'bungs' as part of player transfers. The Premier League, the FA a n d t h e E n g l i s h Football League then vowed to investigate after further allegations of improper transfer conduct involving coaches in the Championship were reported. Full disclosure has now been demanded by the LMA, who feel the evidence has not been handed over to the FA

quickly enough. Their statement read: "Following further revelations by the Telegraph and a follow up LMA meeting with the FA this morning, the LMA remains extremely concerned about allegations made against a number of managers and individuals in the game. "Alongside the FA, and the other principal stakeholders in the game, we want to fully investigate any and all substantive allegations of corruption, quickly and comprehensively. "Very disappointingly, this process is being delayed as the Telegraph is yet to provide to the FA, as requested, full and complete unconditional disclosure of all the information it has. "We urge the Telegraph to provide full disclosure of all its information relating to the allegations, including all recordings, transcripts and full details of how the information was obtained, to the FA, immediately. "This information should not be provided s e l e c t i v e l y, b u t u n e d i t e d a n d unconditionally, in order that a fully comprehensive investigation can be expedited." (SportsMax)


'My Answer Would Be A Big Fat No' Coleman Rules Out Taking England Job


ales manager Chris Coleman ruled himself out of the running to replace Sam Allardyce as the boss of England. Wales boss Chris Coleman has expressed his sympathy for former England manager Sam Allardyce but says he would refuse any offer to become his successor. Allardyce left his post by mutual consent after the Football Association investigated remarks he made to undercover reporters about how to circumvent rules on player transfers, with Gareth Southgate placed in temporary charge. "I'm really disappointed for Sam," said Coleman. "I was with him last week in Paris for a coach's conference. "I've known him for a long time, I knew how much he wanted the job and I knew how proud he was. I'm gutted for him that he's lost his job through events off the pitch rather than on the pitch. "I knew how passionate he was, I think he would have done a good job. You'd expect England to qualify and then he'd be judged on the tournament. "I know he'll be devastated. He made a mistake, he's admitted that, and it's a shame. Someone with his experience, he's just let his guard down and he's lost his job over it." The 46-year-old, who led Wales to the semi-finals of Euro 2016, was asked whether he would consider taking the England job himself if he were to receive an offer. He responded: "That's football - we do well in six games in the tournament and it's great for us. That question would never have

been asked to me before the tournament. "My answer to the England job would be a big fat no, anyway. I think the next England manager should be an Englishman. It shouldn't be anyone from overseas; I don't care what his record is. "Unless you're from that country you can never ever know what it means to represent that country. You'd never see Germany, Italy or Spain looking outside. Why should England look further afield? "Gareth, Brucey [Steve Bruce], that's where they should be looking. Certainly not a Welshman. Certainly not this Welshman." (SportsMax)


Missing Automatic World Cup Qualification Would Be Embarrassing For Windies - Dujon


ormer West Indies wicketkeeper Jeffrey Dujon has urged the team to avoid the embarrassment of failing to automatically qualify for the 2019 World Cup. The West Indies currently sit in 8th place in ICC ODI Rankings one place ahead of Pakistan, as the teams prepare to face off in a threematch series. If Pakistan can repeat their 3-0 scoreline from the T20 series in the ODIs, they will jump ahead of West Indies into eighth place. The cut off for qualification for the tournament is September 30, 2017. The nations sitting outside of the rankings will join the qualifying tournament, which is currently scheduled to take place in Bangladesh. “It would be a terrible embarrassment for West Indies to not automatically qualify,” Dujon told ESPNcricinfo. “It would be damaging for any team who have tasted what it’s like to be in the top echelon of world cricket. “As someone who played in a very successful era, it’s very embarrassing but it has to be an indication of exactly where we


are at and something needs to be done. It hurts. “We can’t be fooled by the fact that we’ve just won two tournaments, the World T20 and the U-19 World Cup, the fact we are still struggling to qualify shows we shouldn’t get carried away with that.” (SportsMax)

Ramdin Hails Injection Of Youth For Windies ODI Squad

icketkeeper Denesh Ramdin has hailed the injection of youth into the West Indies squad ahead of the team’s three-match series against Pakistan. The uncapped trio of Kraigg Brathwaite, Evin Lewis and Alzarri Joseph has been included in

the 15-man squad for the tour, which begins on Friday at the Sharjah Cricket Stadium. “It is very important that you use these youngsters and that they learn as much as possible quickly and gain that experience for the next four, five years going forward,” Ramdin said on Monday. “Young Evin Lewis is in the set-up as well, Kraigg Brathwaite is going to make his debut hopefully in the 50overs format. It augurs well for them playing both formats. “I think the future looks good. It’s all about hard work and how badly a player wants it.” A young West Indies squad struggled to make an impression against Pakistan in the T20 format of the game collapsing to three straight

defeats to surrender the three-match series with the final game played on Tuesday. The West Indies, however, recently gave a good account of themselves in a Tri-Nations Series in the Caribbean last June and will be looking to build on that success. (SportsMax)


Guyana Confident Of Rugby America North Victory


uyana is confident of success as it prepares to do battle against host country Mexico for the Rugby America North 15s trophy on Saturday. Vicecaptain Avery Corbin believes the team prepared well under the guidance of head coach Lawrence Adonis and Argentine Diego Giannantonio, and are in it to win it. “For the last two months, preparations have been good, great, especially with the Argentine coach. We will definitely be using some of what he has taught us in preparation for the game,” said Corbin, who is expecting a tough fight from the Mexicans. “We plan to play tight, stay focused, keep the communication and don’t get complacent. I’ve never played them in the 15s. We’ve played them in the 7s. They come running hard but once you keep tackling them, they start to break.” Peter Green, Guyana Rugby Football Union president, was equally confident of the team that departed for Mexico on Monday. “We are going to win,” he said. (SportsMax)

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