Friday, July 1, 2016

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FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Man slays mother, wife & baby…shot by police while trying to escape Chaos erupted in the community of Crane, West Coast Demerara when a 27 – year – old man went berserk and killed his mother, his wife and 2 – year – old child on Friday morning. The man has been identified as Suresh Ganesh, who was shot in his foot and shoulder by the police, as he attempted to escape from the scene of the crime. The Guyana Daily News understands that The motive for the attack is still unknown, but relatives said that Ganesh is an alcoholic and it is suspected that he committed the gruesome act while under the influence. Reports indicate that the man severed one of his mother’s hands; she was rushed to the West Demerara

Regional Hospital, where she died while in surgery. His wife and baby died almost instantly after being chopped several times. Neighbours recalled hearing loud screams from the small zinc structure that the family lived in at approximately 4:00h. “I guess was a normal something but I didn’t know was so serious. And early when the police reached around 5am, you could see the gathering of the people outside, then I knew was something serious. I told my wife something happened there. I heard the guy calling for his mom…not knowing that he was calling his

mother to chop off she hand, then he attacked his wife and the baby. We heard the screaming.” - Rocio Perez - Guyana Daily News

The house where the murder occured.

US Peace Corp, Guyana sign MOU In an exclusive interview with the Guyana Daily News Country Director of Peace Corp Guyana, Linda Arbogast give a brief insight into the working of the organization, where she noted that they have been operating in Guyana for the past 25 years. The organization is a US Federal Agency that is operating in developing countries with the request of the Government. Peace Corp has worked in the Health and Education sector and assisted with literacy in primary schools across Guyana.Peace Corp Guyana yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding

(MOU) with representatives of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the United States Peace Corps. The signing was done at the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, Thomas & Quamina Streets, Georgetown. Arbogast noted that “Our volunteers will promote and support environmental awareness with youth through wildlife clubs. This will be provided by teachers in schools who will incorporate environmental education in the school curriculum.” She said that “Guyana has made great

strides in the preservation of its land. The Peace Corps will help preserve the land for future generations.” She also stated the organization will start small with 10 volunteers in regions 1&9 and gradually increase to about 20 volunteers per year in the environment sector. When asked about some aspects of the MOU, the director noted, that Environmental Education is a big component of the work of the volunteers, pointing out that wild life clubs will be looked at to develop the management of Natural Resources Management Plan. By Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

New trade arrangements high on UK’s agenda High on the agenda of the United Kingdom (UK) is Commissioner noted that negotiations of trade negotiations of new trade agreements with countries, agreements remain high on the UK’s agenda. including Guyana, to preserve relations, following the UK’s unexpected exit from the European Union (EU) – term dubbed “Brexit”. This was confirmed by the UK’s High Commissioner to Guyana, Gregory Quinn on Thursday during a press conference held at his Bel Air residence. Prior to Britain’s entry into the EU, trade between the former and the Anglophone Caribbean was conducted under a Commonwealth preferences scheme. However, the scheme was subsequently eroded after Britain entered the regional bloc. However, the UK’s move to leave the regional bloc following a referendum last week has put the islandnation in a position with no trade agreement with the Caribbean region which includes Guyana. In light of this, the High Commissioner assured that the UK will have to negotiate new trade agreements to preserve its relationship with countries around the world, including Guyana. Uncertain of whether the trade agreements will be made between individual countries in the Caribbean or through the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Quinn said that he was confident that negotiations will be forthcoming. And Uk’s High Commissioner to Guyana, although he could not say when specifically, given that Gregory Quinn ‘Brexit’ was only recently confirmed, the High



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Over $80M approved in supplementary provisions for Agriculture Ministry The National Assembly this evening approved in excess of $80M in supplementary provisions requested and spent by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2015. The House was told that the money was used to address critical needs in the sector. Opposition Member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj, asked Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, to provide details on the $24.4M spent by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA). Holder explained that the monies spent was to facilitate the maintenance of equipment, increased labour cost for the supervision, monitoring and operation of pumps, pontoons excavator and dragline. Holder also informed the House that $49M was spent to provide assistance to coconut farmers affected by the Red Palm Mite (RPM) infestation. Over 540 farmers were in receipt of chemicals and requisite training required for the treatment of infected plants. The Agriculture Minister noted that unprecedented rainfall in the latter part of 2015 and early 2016 resulted in the need for an increased level of operation from the NDIA, its staff and equipment, hence the monies were spent to offset this additional unbudgeted cost. Holder also justified the Ministry’s request of an additional $8.1M for security services. The explanation

provided to the House was that the requested sum was for the provision of additional security guards at the Ministry of Agriculture and this was necessary because of frequent break ins. The issue arose as the Assembly met in the Committee of Supply to consider Financial Paper No. 3/2015 – current and capital expenditures as presented to the House by Finance Minister, Winston Jordan. The overall sum which the administration is seeking to be approved by the House amounts to $799, 897, 637.(GINA)

Increase in prison population driving up costs The National Assembly this afternoon approved $13.6 Million that was spent by the Ministry of Public Security in 2015 to provide meals for inmates in the country’s prisons. Questioned on the expenditure for dietary supplies, Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, said there was an increase of around 116 inmates across Guyana. The Minister also pointed out that there was an increase in the prices for food supplies and the special dietary requirements for inmates with chronic diseases and those who are HIV positive. Asked about the delay in moving from the use of wood burning stoves in the prisons by opposition Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee, Minister Ramjattan indicated that proposals for gas burning stoves are being considered and cited the lack of space for the “running of gas lines” as just one of the challenges that needs to be overcome. According to the Minister, there has also been price increases for diary, vegetable and meat products due to the prolonged dry season. It was revealed to the House that moves are being made to equip and restart prisons farms at locations across Guyana but, Minister Ramjattan pointed out that the “prison system will never be totally self-sufficient”. The Minister also informed the House that the prison population has increased

“from 1994 inmates as at January 01, 2015 to 2113 inmates as at December 20, 2016”. The original amount approved during the passage of the 2015 Nation Budget amounted t0 $90 Million dollars.(GINA)



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Inquiry launched into unofficial departure of a i r c r a f t f r o m E u g e n e F. C o r r e i a A i r p o r t An inquiry has been launched into the unofficial departure of two aircraft from the Eugene F. Correia (Ogle) International Airport, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said today at a postcabinet press briefing. Minister Harmon said that cabinet has been advised by Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, that an inquiry has been launched to ensure that this situation does not reoccur, given that the Eugene

F. Correia airport is an international one. “We trust that we will able able to get that report in a very short time because there is a very serious matter in relation to security and the fact that the airport is an international one, we have to ensure that our security procedures are tightened,” Minister Harmon explained. According to Harmon, cabinet was informed that the inquiry would look at what happened, when it happened, who was involved and what decisions need to be taken with respect to ensuring that it does not happen again.

The owner of Oxford Airways, Munidat Persaud along with an accomplice flew out the Cessna 206 planes on June 25, 2016 without customs, immigration or air traffic approval. After flying through Trinidad and Tobago airspace, they landed on Grenada and Anguilla. Anguillan authorities then only gave approval for one of the planes to leave for San Juan, Puerto Rico. The management of the Eugene F. Correia (Ogle) International Airport has since confirmed that the planes left without the required approvals.(GINA)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Agreement inked for another batch of Peace Corps volunteers PAGE 10


FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

provided by teachers in schools who time when the Government of Guyana Memorandum of strengthens and intensifies its efforts to will incorporate environmental Understanding (MoU) was education in the school curriculum,” today signed by representatives increase its biodiversity preservation of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ efforts to protected areas and supporting Arbogast said, adding that, “Guyana has made great stride in the preservation of sustainable development initiatives at Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the United States Peace both regional and international levels,” its land. The peace corps will help preserve the land for future Corps. The signing of the MoU for the Holloway said. Minister of Natural generations.” Minister within the “Community Based Youth Environment Resources, Raphael Trotman, pointed Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, out that care for the environment and Education National Resource Management Project” took place at the the people living in the hinterland must Valerie Garrido-Lowe, described the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, be taken into consideration. “We have to signing of the Memorandum as a “very momentous occasion for Guyana.” The be mindful of the people, rightly so, Quamina Street and Thomas Street, Minister pointed out that over the years, who live in the environment where Georgetown. In September, 10 Peace the Peace Corps has been providing Corps volunteers are expected to arrive these resources are found. We have to young people with various skills needed in Guyana. The members will be sent to be mindful of the flora and the fauna in health and education. According to that exist in those areas,” the Minister communities in Regions One and Nine. Minister Lowe, preservation of the Minister of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, explained. Linda Arbogast, Country environment is just as important. Director of Peace Corps – Guyana, Sydney Allicock, said that he is elated “Hinterland is where we have all the noted that the Peace Corps is committed to have such a partnership that deals natural resources. We need to manage and will be working with the local with the management of the our environment so that our environment. “If we do not generations to come can have the manage the natural use of it,” the Minister explained. environment properly we The 10 member batch slated to could (be) committing slow arrive in September is expected to suicide to ourselves by putting spend a period of two years more mercury into the creeks offering their services to and rivers or destroying the Guyanese before they return to the trees without proper U.S. The Peace Corps first began management,” Allicock said. working in Guyana in 1966 and The volunteers will support served the development interests ongoing activities of resource of the country until 1971. management in order to either They were again invited to create a natural resource Guyana in 1995 to work as management plan or help kick community-based promoters in the start an existing plan. The US Ambassador to Guyana Perry Holloway sectors of health and education. Minister explained that the handing over the MoU to Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs The Peace Corps generally volunteers “will help us to Sydney Allicock (center), Minister of provides the most attention to prepare the communities for Natural Resources Raphael Trotman (second from right), Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs communities with the greatest the eventual development that Valerie Garrido-Lowe (right), and Country Director, development challenges and we see so that our Peace Corps-Guyana Linda Arbogast (left) fewest resources. Thus far, over communities will own 800 Peace Corps volunteers have whatever is developed within been placed in communities country those communities and feel comfortable people through a community based approach. The goal of the project is to wide.(GINA) about it.” US Ambassador to Guyana, build the capacity of the Guyanese to be Perry Holloway, making brief remarks better environment stewards. “Our at the ceremony, noted that the partnership comes at a critical time for volunteer will promote and support environmental awareness with youth Guyana. through wildlife clubs. This will be “This (agreement) comes at a pivotal




FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Guyana’s off TIP watch list Ministry of Social Protection, June 30, 2016 – The Ministry of Social Protection welcomes the latest classification on Trafficking in Person, which has seen the country coming off the watchlist for TIP, that is, moving from Teir 2 on the Watch List to Teir Two. The new status was revealed in the US State Department Trafficking in Persons Report 2016 made public today. Guyana was placed on the Tier Two Watch List three years ago and has since mounted numerous efforts to improve its rating. The 2016 Report noted that the Government of Guyana does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. The report attributed this improvement in status to the country being able to convict a trafficker, on whom a three-year prison sentence was imposed. The Convicted trafficker was also required to pay the victim restitution—the first time restitution has been ordered for a trafficking offender in Guyana. The government also provided $600,000 to an NGO-run shelter dedicated to trafficking victims—the first shelter of its kind in Guyana—to enhance the shelter’s psycho-social services for victims. The Report also noted that Government further increased collaboration with anti-trafficking NGOs by instituting procedures to refer victims to the shelter and including a leading anti-trafficking NGO on its inter-ministerial antitrafficking taskforce. Welcoming the improved status, Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence said TIP is “slavery as part of economic ventures and this Government, through its various arms, will fight vigorously such attempts and will join forces with like-minded persons, organisations and governments to stop vulnerable persons from falling into the hands of such perpetrators. Coordinator of the Counter-Trafficking Department at the Ministry, Mrs. Tanisha Williams-Corbin noted that “the improved status is encouraging. Being off the watch list is a vindication of our efforts to counter Trafficking in Persons, especially those

efforts to bring greater awareness about TIP and to have increased prosecution of TIP cases.” Nevertheless, she said that countering TIP in Guyana remains a tall order and noted that the 2016 report highlights some of the challenges while making recommendations. Among the challenges listed in the report are inadequate staffing at the Counter Trafficking Unit to facilitate trafficking investigations, and protection and services for victims outside the capital or participating in investigations against their traffickers. She said that the recommendations are taken seriously and noted that the Ministry has since improved its staffing capacity with the addition of two social workers and a police detective. Mrs. Williams-Corbin also explained that there are significant increases in surveillance and raid exercises on hot spots. Additionally, the Unit continuously conducts awareness campaigns across the country and provides support to victims to enable them to appear in Court and testify against traffickers while also providing other psychosocial support.(GINA)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS G u y a n e s e M i n i s t e r s a n d Te c h n i c a l O ffi c e r s to participate in oil and gas mentorship programme. – Exchange programme planned for July 4-8, 2016 in Uganda PAGE 14


uyana continues preparations for the development of its oil and gas sector. Minister of Finance, Honourable Winston Jordan, and Minister of Natural Resources Honourable Raphael Trotman, will be part of a fourperson delegation, along with Officers from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, participating in a programme being held in Kampala, Uganda from July 4–8, 2016. The programme is designed to formulate the ‘next step’ needs for Guyana as it prepares for oil production. This mentorship exchange programme is being facilitated by Chatham House, the New Petroleum Producers Discussion Group, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Natural Resources Governance Institute. Chatham House extended the invitation to Guyana in March 2016 following the New Petroleum Producers Discussion Group National Seminar in Kenya. Uganda was identified and approved as a suitable mentor having recently completed its preparation for oil production which is set

Minister of Natural Resources Mr. Raphael Trotman

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

to begin in 2017. Since Guyana is on a similar path, it will gain valuable insights from the recent experiences of Uganda which has established needed frameworks and institutions and has been diligent in its approach to developing its oil and gas sector. The Guyana/Uganda mentorship exchange will include discussions with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, visits to oil fields, Waste Management and specialized facilities and engagements with International Oil Companies and NGOs to exchange knowledge and ideas. A detailed agenda of the visit is attached below: Day Event/Activity Monday July 4, 2016 · Visit to the Petroleum Directorate Tuesday -Wednesday July 5-6, 2016 · Visit to the Oil Fields Thursday July 7, 2016 · Courtesy call on Permanent Secretary and Minister of Energy and Mineral Development. · Meeting with Uganda Minister of Finance at the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Friday July 8,

2016 · Visit to Oil Companies and NGOs · Visit the National Environmental Management Authority for discussion of environmental regulation Chatham House is an independent policy institute that engages governments, the private sector, civil society and its members in open debate and confidential discussion on the most significant developments in international affairs and carries out independent and rigorous analysis of critical global, regional and countryspecific challenges and opportunities, works with key partners namely: The New Petroleum Producers Group which provides a setting for open conversation on the oil and gas industry in the context of new and emerging states, the Commonwealth Secretariat, which through designated team members, has been assisting Guyana to develop its National Upstream Oil and Gas Policy and petroleum sector legislation, and the Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) which focuses on the measurement and assessment of natural resource governance.




FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

“National songs shape our national consciousness” – P r e s i d e n t D a v i d G r a n g e r Georgetown, Guyana – (July 1, 2016) President David Granger has once again reiterated his call for National songs to be placed in schools and encouraged in the home and church as he noted that such songs are a symbol of nationhood and are critical to the enhancement of a country’s national consciousness and identity. The President made these remarks at the launch of the Victoria Regia Quartet’s, formerly the Circle of Love, National Songs of Guyana collection, which was held last evening at the Pegasus Hotel. The President said that these Nationals songs must be preserved if Guyana is to succeed in its efforts to build a cohesive society, which stands ready to defend the national patrimony. “Rebellion and resistance were common historical experiences, which are venerated in our national songs. They remind us of the price that our fore parents paid for the right to be masters of our own destiny and the price that our generation has to pay to protect our nation. Cleveland Hamilton’s Song of the Republic,arguably one of our most militant national songs, is a call to arms… The defence of our motherland is a sacred duty. The success of any defence depends, however, on national unity and social cohesion. A divided nation is a weak nation,” the Head of State said. The country’s National Anthem, the President said, should serve to remind all Guyanese that “we are a multicultural society in which people of different races co-exist. The diversity of our society must not, however, be viewed as a handicap. Guyana is enriched by its cultural diversity… Citizens suspend, if not forget, differences of culture and class during the recital of our national songs. Citizens come together, setting aside differences that have traditionally divided our people.” President Granger added that with social cohesion, comes a sense of nationalism, which is important

to the development of the country as a whole. “National songs help to create that uniqueness by fostering a distinct national consciousness. National songs are an inalienable part of our patrimony. They shape our national consciousness. They define who we are. They remind us of our common experiences as a nation, reinforce our pride by depicting our country favorably, re-affirm our shared values and aspirations and recommit us to the duty to defend our motherland,” the President said. These precious songs, he said, must not be allowed to become victims of neglect and the teaching of the national songs in our schools and places of worship must be sustained. Speaking from a historical note, the President outlined that Guyana’s national songs have their origin in the Centenary celebration of unification in 1931. British Guiana was formed from the three Dutch colonies of Demerara-Essequibo and Berbice – names that became the titles of the ‘counties’ before districts and regions were created.This Centenary, he said, was a major cultural festival. It witnessed, among other events, the first public singing of the Song of Guyana’s Children, composed by Rev. HawleyBryant, a minister of the Congregational Church. “The cultural movement, which was accompanied by the composition of national songs was a glorious historical process. It received a boost with the establishment of the British Guiana Music Teachers’ Association by Lynette Dolphin and others in 1948. This was followed by the conduct of the first Schools ‘Music Festival in 1952. Robert (RCG) Potter’s lyrical My Guyana El Dorado was composed in that year… Our national songs, for the most part, therefore, are associated with Guyana’s growing self-awareness, its struggle for Independence and freedom from colonial rule. Valerie Rodway’s Guyana

the Free celebrates the joy of freedom,” he said. Meanwhile, Chairperson of the event, Ms. Cheryl Sampson, in giving a historical review of the group, highlighted that it was the President, while in Opposition, who had set the idea in motion for the compact disc when he had asked the group to perform National songs at an event instead of traditional Guyanese folk songs. The members of the group, she said, grabbed the inspiration from the President and endeavored to make this a reality. She noted that even since his assumption to office, the President has been trying and is succeeding in his quest to renew sense of patriotism in Guyanese through the national symbols, including the national songs. “By the time Brigadier David Granger took the oath to office last year, national songs became music to the ears once again,” she said. Leader of the group, Mr. Fenton Park, said that after the suggestion had been made, two days later, he received a copy of a book which contained all of the country’s national songs, courtesy of the then Opposition Leader. From thereon, the quartet never looked back. The group intends to work with the Ministry of Education to put copies of the compact disc in the schools across the country.(GINA)

President David Granger



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Police to receive additional training to deal with cybercrime PAGE 18


n Assistant Superintendent and a Sergeant from the Guyana Police Force will benefit from training in cybercrime next month. The Interpol sponsored training will be conducted in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from July 10-12, 2016, Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum, told the Government Information Agency (GINA). Speaking at Thursday’s post cabinet briefing, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, said that the cooperation with Interpol is important as Guyana builds the capacity of its public security sector. “You may have good detectives and so on that looks at… these different types of offences (but there are) other types of offences that are being committed on the internet and in cyber space so this is important training for our policemen,” Harmon explained. The officers’ cyber-crime training is part of the preparation in the public security sector for tackling cybercrime locally. Harmon noted that only the

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

legislation is outstanding. There was a stakeholder consultation on the draft Cybercrime Legalisation in March of this year. The legislation will address cyber threats of identity theft, cyber bulling and child pornography among others. The completed draft is likely to be laid in parliament shortly.(GINA)

Issues affecting completion of Hope Canal project being addressed – Minister of State The completion of East Demerara Water Conservancy’s (EDWC) Hope Canal project, at Hope, East Coast Demerara has been delayed due to issues with the quality of work completed by contractors. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, today at a post-cabinet press briefing said the Ministry of Public Infrastructure is currently in consultation with the contractors who worked on the bridge across the canal and those who are working on the completion of the canal itself. According to Harmon, almost every week the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has been carrying out repairs to the bridge. “…the bridge which was commissioned, almost every week the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has to do repair

works on that bridge because it is moving as the traffic moves, and so there’s always a gap between the bridge and that road and so that is a construction matter,” Harmon explained. Additionally, the canal itself, the head regulator and the eightdoor sluice are yet to be completed, Harmon added. “There was the hope bypass which meant that water from the conservancy would have been filtered through a head filter operation at the commencement of the canal through the eight gate sluice and then the water goes into the Atlantic. As far as I’m aware the process has not been completed…there is also the issue of sea defense, beyond the sluice there were some issues there as to who is responsible for beyond the sluice going into the Atlantic,” the minister said. Thes US$15M four-component Hope Canal project was expected to offer a solution to the annual flooding experienced in the Mahaica/Mahaicony Abary areas during the rainy periods. The work at the canal was carried out by Guyanese engineers, with consultants on the job at the various sites, under the previous Administration.(GINA)




FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

President Granger to meet with President Bouterse in Suriname -continental, CARICOM, bilateral talks on agenda


resident David Granger will, tomorrow, travel to Paramaribo, Suriname to meet with that country’s Head of State, President Desi Bouterse. The brief meeting is expected to see discussions on continental, regional and bilateral issues, which are relevant to both countries. The President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge will depart tomorrow and will return the same day. In an invited comment, President Granger said that the meeting is a brief encounter between the only two Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries and will focus on bilateral and regional relations. “We will be having discussions on issues at three levels; one is the fact that Guyana and Suriname are both members of the [Union of South American States] (UNASUR) so we are looking at it from that perspective. Secondly, we are looking at our relations from a CARICOM perspective because both of us are members of CARICOM and third, we are looking at relations at a bilateral level. So it is a brief meeting but we want to cover some ground at those levels before the CARICOM Heads of Government Summit,” President Granger said. The Guyana/Suriname Border issue is also expected to be on the agenda. The Head of State noted that he expects that the meeting will see some modalities being established so that the

President David Granger two countries can move forward. Guyana and Suriname have shared bilateral ties since the Dutch territory became independent in November 1975. (GINA)

House approves over $400M spent on Exercise Greenheart The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) expended an additional $410M in 2015 to conduct Exercise Greenheart which was aimed at testing the preparedness of the force and its officers. This sum was approved by the National Assembly this evening when Finance Minister Winston Jordan presented Financial Paper No. 3/2015, the Supplementary Estimates (Current and Capital) totaling $799,897,637. During the deliberations when the Assembly was resolved into the Committee of Supply, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, who responded to questions from Opposition Member and former Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, explained that the exercise was a national one as the government sees the defence of Guyana as a national issue and one that involves all Guyanese. “Whatever resources this House could allocate, it should .. o f f e r, ” H a r m o n said. The Financial Paper sought $120M for the purchase of kit and equipment for s o l d i e r s participating in the

exercise and payment for medical services for officers and ranks. Defending this allocation, Minister Harmon stated that during such exercises as Greenheart, there were increases in the purchase of medical services, provision of medical tents and provisions were made for soldiers who are injured during the exercise. The Minister of State further said that during such operations, the general rule requires that 10 percent of the number of ranks on the exercise is catered for in event of injuries. The House was informed that another $120M was sought for the hiring of aircrafts as the Y12 and Skyvan aircraft were inoperable at the time, thus additional funding was necessary to hire air, sea and land transportation in support of the exercise to attain expected results. Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, questioned the Minister of State on the need for the additional $60M which was spent to ensure maximum serviceability for operational readiness of the GDF’s fleet of vehicles. Minister Harmon explained this was necessary since it was critical to make the vehicles capable of carrying out a successful exercise. Another $10M was spent for security lighting at the training area and maintenance of a swimming pool located at Camp Stephenson, Timehri for the training of officers and ranks.(GINA)



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Zika travel alert issued for Anguilla


ASHINGTON, USA -- The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) has issued a zika virus travel notice for Anguilla, following reports of local mosquito transmission of zika virus infection there. Local mosquito transmission means that mosquitoes in the area are infected with zika virus and are spreading it to people. Travelers to areas with cases of zika virus infection are therefore at risk of being infected with the zika virus. Mosquitoes that spread zika are aggressive daytime biters. They also bite at night. There is no vaccine or medicine for zika virus. The best way to avoid ZIKA virus infection is to prevent mosquito bites. Some travelers to areas with zika will become infected while traveling but will not become sick until they return home and they might not have any symptoms. To help stop the spread of zika, travelers should use insect repellent for three weeks after travel to prevent mosquito bites. Some people who are infected do not have any symptoms. People who do have symptoms have reported fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes. The

sickness is usually mild with symptoms that last from several days to a week. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon and the number of deaths is low. Travelers to areas with zika should monitor for symptoms or sickness upon return. If they become sick, they should tell their healthcare professional when and where they have traveled. CDC has received reports of zika virus being spread by sexual contact with sick returning travelers. (Caribbean News Now)



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Suriname president acts to halt his trial in 1982 political executions PARAMARIBO, Suriname -- President Desi Bouterse on Wednesday instructed Suriname's attorney general immediately to halt his trial in relation to the abduction and summary execution of 15 political opponents in 1982 when he was the military dictator of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member nation. Bouterse invoked Article 148 of Suriname's constitution, which allows the president to issue such an order in the interests of national security. The former dictator returned to power in

2010 when he was democratically elected president by parliament. Two years later, Bouterse's supporters pushed an amnesty law through parliament. He was re-elected by parliament after general elections last year. However, in June, the court declared the amnesty law invalid and ordered the resumption of the trial against Bouterse and 24 co-defendants. Bouterse has accepted what he calls "political responsibility" for the military's killing of the 15 well-known journalists, lawyers and union leaders

President Desi

but said he was not present when the executions took place. Witnesses in the trial have disputed that claim. Earlier this week, Ernesto Samper, the secretary general of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), and Delcy RodrĂ­guez, the foreign minister of Venezuela and pro tempore president of UNASUR, arrived in Paramaribo to hold meetings with Bouterse and members of his Cabinet, reportedly to discuss the constitutional and political tensions in the country. (Caribbean News Now)



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Al Qaeda leader warns of 'gravest consequences' if Boston bomber executed Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri has warned the United States of the "gravest consequences" if Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev or any other Muslim prisoner is executed. Tsarnaev, named in a new online video message from Zawahri, was sentenced last year to death by lethal injection for the 2013 bomb attack, which killed three people and injured more than 260. “If the U.S. administration kills our brother the hero Dzhokhar Tsarnaev or any Muslim, it ... will bring America’s nationals the gravest consequences,” Zawahri said. Zawahri, who became al Qaeda's leader after U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, urged Muslims to take captive as many Westerners as possible, especially those whose countries had joined the "Crusaders' Campaign led by the United States". The veteran Egyptian-born

Islamist, s h o w n wearing white robes and sitting in front of green velvet drapes, said the Western captives could then b e exchanged for Muslim prisoners. Western powers "are criminals and they only understand the language of force", he added. The nearly hour-long video, which included images of Tsarnaev, gave no indication of the location of Zawahri, believed to be based close to the Afghan-Pakistan border. Tsarnaev carried out the Boston bombings along with his older brother Tamerlan, who was killed in a confrontation with police soon

after. No organization claimed responsibility. Tsarnaev is being held at the "Supermax" high-security prison in Florence, Colorado, while his attorneys appeal his death sentence. Legal wrangling over Tsarnaev's fate could play out for years or even decades. Just three of the 74 people sentenced to death in the United States for federal crimes since 1998 have been executed. (Reuters)



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Gunmen attack restaurant in Dhaka's diplomatic quarter Gunmen attacked a restaurant popular with foreigners in the diplomatic quarter of the Bangladeshi capital on Friday and the U.S. State department said there was a hostage situation. Three policemen were wounded by gunfire that erupted as police surrounded the Holey Artisan restaurant in the upscale Gulshan area of Dhaka, a police officer said. He said there were foreigners inside the restaurant and that police were preparing a plan to enter the premises. The U.S. State Department said on Twitter that there was a hostage situation in the diplomatic enclave of Dhaka. (Reuters)

Taiwan mistakenly fires supersonic missile killing one Taiwan's navy mistakenly launched a supersonic anti-ship missile from a naval base, killing one person and injuring three, officials say. A patrol boat was undergoing a drill inspection in Kaohsiung when the Hsiung Feng III missile was fired, Taiwan's Central News Agency (CNA) reported. It launched in the direction of mainland China, and hit a fishing boat off the Penghu islands, CNA added. A Taiwanese official said the launch was not "politically motivated". It came as China celebrates the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Chinese Communist Party. China considers Taiwan a breakaway province, to be reunited with the

mainland, by force if necessary. There were conflicting reports about the missile's range. The defence ministry said its range was greater than 100km (62 miles), but would not provide exact figures. The boat's captain, a Taiwanese man, has been killed, defence officials say. The missile flew about 75km before hitting the boat. Initial findings indicated it did not explode and sank into the sea. Taiwanese officials did not say how the missile came to be launched, but suggested it could have been due to human error. 'Not politically motivated’ China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since 1949, when the two sides split after a civil war, and it has hundreds

The missile landed into waters off the Penghu

of missiles pointed towards the island at all times. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who is also head of the military, is currently overseas. Chen Chung-chi, a spokesman for Taiwan's defence ministry, said: "It is not the case that this is politically motivated, or to create crisis." It was unclear whether Beijing had been notified directly. When asked by reporters if the incident would affect relations with Beijing, Taiwanese Vice-Admiral Mei Chia-hsu said the navy had reported it to the island's defence ministry. She said the case was under investigation and would be handled "accordingly". (BBC)

The boat's captain was killed in the incident


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Ingredients: 1 lb cassava/potato 6 eggs and 1 for frying 1 cup flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp granulated garlic 4 to 5 heads of green onions, finely chopped pinch of fresh ground black pepper 3 to 4 cups COCAMAR* oil for frying. *Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS


FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016


Directions: Peel cassava/potatoes and cut into 2 inch pieces. Place in a small sauce pan, cover with water and add salt. Bring to a boil on high heat. Boil for about 15 minutes or until soft and can be easily crushed with a fork. Place 6 eggs in a small saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Then transfer to a bowl of iced cold water. When eggs are completely cool, remove shells. Once the cassava boils, remove from the water. Crush the cassava/potato with a potato masher or fork. Season with granulated garlic, black pepper and green onions. Take about 1/4 cup of the mashed cassava and form into a ball. Flatten the ball, then add 1 boiled egg. Cover the egg with the cassava and roll into a ball. Whisk the remaining egg and pour into a small plate. Add 1 cup of flour to another plate. Coat cassava ball with eggs, then with flour. Fry in hot oil, until golden brown. Remove from oil and drain excess oil on a paper towel. Enjoy with some pepper sauce or sour.

Simple, Refreshing Lemonade Ingredients: 1 3/4 cups sugar 8 cups water 1 1/2 cups lemon/lime juice Directions: In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until chilled. Remove seeds from lemon juice, but leave pulp. In pitcher, stir



FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Daily Horoscope Misunderstandings at work could easily lead to your demise. Unexpected bills will leave you a little short. Don't allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature.

Try to stay calm and understand both sides of the situation. Discuss your objectives with peers or lovers. Opportunities will come through behind the scenes activities.

Don't bother complaining, do the work yourself. Females may put demands or added responsibilities on you. You will be emotional about family matters.

Promotions will be yours if you have acted professionally in times of crisis. So smile! You should visit a friend or relative who hasn't been well.

Avoid disputes with family; their complaints can't change anything anyway. It might be time to make a fresh start. Travel will be to your advantage; however, it might be expensive.

Your high energy should be spent pleasing your mate. Changes in your residence may be financially favorable. Don't overspend on friends or children.

You can gain valuable cultural knowledge through dealing with foreigners. Be careful how you deal with colleagues. You may find travel to be most rewarding.

You can benefit financially if you put money or maintenance into your living quarters. You are best to get out of the house today. You may overspend if you travel today; however, the trip will be one to remember.

You may find yourself in the limelight for the wrong reasons. Be aware that minor accidents or injury may prevail if you are preoccupied. Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness.

Spend some quality time with your lover. Your unique contribution to the organization will enhance your reputation. Take a second look; difficulties with appliances, water, or electricity in your home may be evident.

Take a different approach; make an offer they just can't refuse. One of your female friends may try to disrupt your day. Stand up for your rights. Jealousy may be a contributing factor to your emotional ups and downs.

Look into career choices and courses being offered. Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself and you won't get dragged into an unsavory debate. Don't hesitate to present your



Yesterday’s Suduko Answers

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2016

Today’s Suduko Puzzle



Impressive Ashmeade leads Jamaica's fast men into semis Nickel Ashmeade was the most impressive Jamaican sprinter advancing to the semi-final round of the men's 100 metres on day one of the Supreme Ventures National Senior Championships being held at the National Stadium in Kingston, Jamaica. It is never easy being more impressive than Usain Bolt but the former St Jago athlete did just that. Ashmeade, who has been in good form this season, showed why he is not to be taken lightly in this, his most consistent season to date. He effortlessly flashed across the line in his heat in 10.07 seconds, over 200-metre Olympic bronze medalist Warren Weir, 10.17, with Chadi Hinds finishing third in 10.24. Six-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt was equally comfortable winning the final heat of the night in

10.15s over GC Foster College's Everton Clarke 10.16. Veteran sprinter Michael Frater, trying to make yet another Olympic team after battling back from knee surgery, was third in 10.31 and through to the next round. In the first 100 metre heat, former world record holder Asafa Powell didn't quite have things his own way as he was relegated to third, finishing in 10.17s behind the University of Texas Senoj-jay Givan 10.16s and winner PAGE Jevaughn Minzie 10.15. Yohan Blake, the two-time Olympic silver medalist from London four years ago and who is making

a return from two years out with injury, looked relatively relaxed winning his heat in 10.26 seconds, the same time as clubmate Kemar Bailey-Cole, who is recovering from a bout with the Zika virus. Tyquando Tracey was third in 10.29. The semi-finals are set for 7:12 pm Friday.

Christania Williams leads top women through to semis of 100 metres The University of Technology's Christania Williams led her more accomplished compatriots Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Veronica CampbellBrown and Elaine Thompson into the semi-final round of the women's 100 metres at the Supreme Ventures National Senior Championships at the National Stadium in Kingston, Jamaica on Thursday. Williams, tipped to be among Jamaica's next generation of star sprinters, won her heat convincingly in 11.20 seconds over Audra Segree, 11.36, and Schillonie Calvert, 11.45. The race was run into a negative headwind of -2.1mps. veteran Simone Facey, tipped to be among Jamaica's

contigent to Rio this summer, won her heat in 11.31s over fellow veteran Kerron Stewart, 11.44, and Sedeithia Palmer, 11.67s. Meanwhile, two-time Olympic 100-metre champion Shelly-Ann FraserPryce showed little sign of the toe injury that has hampered her preparation this season, comfortably winning her heat in 11.38s over 2013 NCAA champion Remona Burchell, 11.59, and Natasha Morrison, 11.61. Not to be outdone, two-time Olympic 2 0 0 - m e t r e c h a m p i o n Ve r o n i c a Campbell Brown won her heat in 11.39

over Sashalee Forbes, 11.41, and Gayon Evans, 11.45. Jamaica's newest star Elaine Thompson also won her heat in 11.38s over Kali Davis-White, 11.39, and Samantha Henry-Robinson, 11.41. All the races were run into heavy headwinds.(SportMax)



Janieve Russell Jamaica's 400mh medal contender out with injury The first major surprise of the 2016 Supreme Ventures National Senior Championships was revealed Thursday as Janieve Russell, Jamaica's Olympic 400metre hurdles medal contender, did not face the starter at the National Stadium in Kingston. Unconfirmed reports said Russell, who is the fastest Jamaican this year with a time of 53.96s and favoured to medal at the Olympic Games in Rio this summer, is injured and will not take part in t h e c h a m p i o n s h i p s . Russell, 22, has times of 53.96, 54.16 and 54.61s, world-leading times earlier this season and was picked by Track&Field News magazine to win the bronze medal in Rio this summer. The 53.96 run in Rome on June 2 is only bettered by the USA's

Shamier Little, who has run 53.51s. In Russell's absence, her fiercest local rivals advanced to t h e fi n a l s . Former Edwin Allen star Ristanana Tracey won her heat in 56.07s, the second fastest time of the preliminary r o u n d . Tw o - t i m e Diamond League champion Kaleise Spencer was also through, winning the in 55.52s. Also through to the final are second of three heats in 56.13. However, the Rushell Clayton, 56.81, Sparkle McKnight, two crowd favorites had to yield to Leah 57.01, and Nikita Tracey.(Sportmax) Nugent, who was fastest through to the final

Jamaica wins four gold medals on opening day of CISC

Jamaica’s Timothy Wynter set a new national record while winning one of Jamaica’s four gold medals on day one of the Caribbean Islands Swimming Championships (CISC) in Nassau, Bahamas on Wednesday night. Jamaica’s swimmers also won two silver and three bronze medals on the day when Wynter was among those who shone the brightest. He broke his senior national record of 26.52 to set a

new standard of 26.47 in the 18 and over 50-metre backstroke. It was the first time Jamaica has ever claimed the title in this event. Simone Vale also won gold in the Girls 11-12 100-metre butterfly in a very close battle with Trinidad and Tobago’s Regan Allen. Vale was timed in 1:08.87 to Allen’s 1:08.88. Vale’s winning time shattered the previous Jamaican age group record of 1:10.86 and it was the country’s first medal for the island in the event since 2004. Her compatriot Emily MacDonald, who won bronze, also broke the previous national record, posting a time of 1:09.99. In the Girls 15-17 section Kelsie Campbell, who had broken the meet and championship record in the heats, once again proved she was too strong for the field, touching in 1:03.64 to win by over a second. Keanan Dols won the 15-17 boys race, lowering his personal

best of 56.15 from the heats to stop the clock in 55.88 just outside the national age-group record of 55.56. Breanna Roman won Jamaica’s first medal of the day, a silver the 18 and over girls 200-metre breaststroke in a personal b e s t t i m e o f 2 : 4 1 . 5 6 . Emily MacDonald won a silver medal in the 11-12 girls 50-metre backstroke in a personal best time of 33.45. Meanwhile, in the 13-14 boys 100metre butterfly, Nicholas Vale, claimed his first medal of the championship winning bronze in 59.71. Justin Plaschka claimed the last medal of day when he clocked a time of 55.42 to win the bronze medal in the 18 and over 100-metre butterfly for men, the fastest ever done a Jamaican in the event at CISC. It was also the first medal for Jamaica in that age group in over a d e c a d e . ( S p o r t M a x )


Dwayne Smith, Jason Mohammed script dramatic Guyana win Jason Mohammad hit six fours during Anthony Bramble nicked behind. in the closing overs and conceded his unbeaten 42 off 29 balls Guyana Amazon Warriors 165 for 6 (Smith 62, Mohammed 42*) beat St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 164 for 9 (Thomas 38, Hodge 38, Tanvir 4-20) b y 4 w i c k e t s Jason Mohammed steered Guyana Amazon Warriors to a thrilling fourwicket win over St Kitts and Nevis Patriots in Basseterre after Dwayne Smith laid the platform for the chase of 165 with a scorching 62 off 36. Smith's pyrotechnics in the first 10 overs included three fours and five sixes, and helped the visitors race to 91 by the halfway stage of their innings. However, his dismissal off the first legitimate ball of the 11th over enabled Patriots to claw their way back with regular strikes. Chris Lynn was run out two balls after Smith's departure, while Chris Barnwell and

With Amazon Warriors still requiring 30 off the last three overs, Mohammed took charge. He did so with aplomb, finding timely boundaries as the Patriots pacers missed their lengths in the slog overs. With two needed off two, Mohammed mistimed a slog towards midwicket, but Faf du Plessis, sprinting in from the deep, could not hold on to the catch and the batsmen scampered through for two to seal victory with a ball to spare. Mohammed finished with an unbeaten 42 off 29 balls. Earlier, Sohail Tanvir was Amazon Warriors' hero with the ball. The left-arm seamer began with a maiden, which included the wicket of Lendl Simmons for a five-ball duck. Tanvir was then re-introduced

only 12 runs in his last two overs, while taking three wickets, including those of set batsmen Devon Thomas and Thisara Perera. Tanvir finished with figures of 4 for 20 while Australia legspinner Adam Zampa took 3 for 34 o n C P L d e b u t . While middle-order cameos from Thomas, Perera and Brad Hodge helped Patriots to to 164 for 9, that total proved to be not quite enough in


Fights for Bolt's money? - sprinter claims charity caused big trouble World’s fastest man Usain Bolt has revealed that some of his charitable donations have on occasion led to fights back in his homeland of Jamaica. According to reports the athlete told the British tabloid The Sun that he was forced to put an end to annual end of year donations of around US$30,000 to those in need, due to the trouble it caused, with the police often being called in to sort out the issues. “Around December each year I would allocate a certain amount of my own money, about US$30,000, and I’d use that to help people who I thought really needed it,” Bolt said. “In the end I had to stop because it caused trouble.” Bolt, who trains at the Racers Track Club base at the University of the West Indies, claims the issue stemmed from those who did not receive aid clashing with those who had.

“I train on a university campus and what happened was the students I’d h e l p e d would get into fights with the people who hadn’t got anything,” Bolt said. “Word would spread and there was a lot of jealousy. “It became an issue and the police kept getting called out to sort out the fights, so in the end they asked me stop doing it.” Bolt, who sprang from humble beginnings in the parish of Trelawny and now has a net worth of US$30m, claims being charitable has become

increasingly difficult. “Every story you can think of, I’ve probably heard it already. “But one lady told me she’d had interna bleeding for years and wanted money for an operation. “I said, ‘Lady, if you’d been bleeding on the inside for years you’d be dead.’”(SportMax)

Men's 400 metre hurdles finals expected to be closely contested

The men's 400-metre hurdles final at the Supreme Ventures National Senior Championships in Jamaica promises to be keenly contested as for the first time in years all the

protagonists seem evenly matched. Fastest through to the final is Isa Phillips, who years ago promised so much but delivered little. He won his heat in 49.31s in a keen battle with rising talent Jaheel Hyde, who was credited with the same time. Marvin Williams (49.85) a n d R i c a r d o Cunningham (49.86) also qualfied from that heat. Meanwhile Annsert Whyte is also through to the final after he won his heat in 49.37 over Romel

Lewis 49.66. Roxroy Cato was also in good form, winning the opening heat in 49.83 from Shawn Rowe 50.27.(SportMax)


Friday, July 01, 2016


Jamaica Football: Stewart on trial for Perils Jamaica international Damion Stewart could be set to join Malaysian Premier League club Perils after turning out earlier this week for trials. Stewart played two seasons in Malaysia for Pahang FC, who he joined in 2013, going on to make 39 appearances. The player was a part of a triumphant Malaysia Cup winning team the same year, won the title again in 2014 and also claimed the 2014 FA Cup. In January of this year the club and player parted ways after the end of his contract, which saw the player returning to Jamaica at boyhood club Harbour View. The 35year-old has, however, since expressed an interest in returning to Malaysia and could do so with Perlis. The player appeared for Perils in their Ramadhan break friendly against Kelantan on Wednesday night, perhaps as part of a trial to join the Northern Lions in the June transfer window.(SportMax)

Jamaica international Damion Stewart

Sanchez reveals gruesome update of ankle injury Chile and Arsenal attacker Alexis Sanchez is not having the off-season holiday he had hoped for. Alexis Sanchez insists he is feeling "much better" despite posting a gruesome update on the ankle injury he suffered in Chile's Copa America Centenario triumph. Chile secured back-to-back Copa titles last Sunday after a second consecutive penalty shoot-out win over Argentina in the decider. However, Sanchez went off in the first half of extra-time after failing to shrug off an injury suffered in the opening minutes, courtesy of a crunching Gabriel Mercado challenge. The Arsenal attacker posted an update of his swollen ankle, which features some heavy bruising, via his official Twitter account on Thursday. Sanchez wrote: "Fourth day of my holidays, stuck in a hotel bored... but I am much better." He then added: "Your body can withstand almost anything.. it's your mind that you have to convince." Once recovered, Sanchez will link up with his Arsenal team-mates for pre-season. It is unsure

whether he will be fit for their first game against an MLS All Star team on July 28. Arsenal's opening Premier League fixture is against Liverpool on August 14. Rate this article: Give it 1/5 Give it 2/5 Give it 3/5 Give it 4/5(SportMax)

Alexis Sanchez

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