Thursday, June 30, 2016

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LOCAL Thursday, June 30, 2016

Omar Shariff sent on leave pending SOCU investigation Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP), Mr. Omar Shariff has been sent on leave by Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon. In a letter dated June 30, 2016 to Mr. Shariff, Minister Harmon wrote, “You will recall having informed me that you are now the subject of an investigation by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) of the Guyana Police Force”. The Minister, therefore, informed Mr. Shariff in that letter that he should proceed on his Annual Leave from July 1, 2016 to enable him to fully cooperate with the investigation. Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communities, Ms. Abena Moore will take up the role of Acting Permanent Secretary at MOTP.

Self-Proclaimed ISIS bomber jailed for 3 years Terence McLean was today sentenced to three years imprisonment by Magistrate Judy Latchman for attempting to rob a branch of the Guyana Bank of Trade and Industry (GBTI) located on Regent Street at around 9:20 am on Tuesday, 28 June 2016 of $10M GYD. The 34 – year - old man pleaded guilty and made a statement in his own defense. “They Permanent Secretary of the should’ve handed over the money, because the next time someone Ministry of the Presidency, comes with a bomb they are all going to die,” McLean said. He Mr. Omar Shariff continued, “there are procedures that should have been followed and what they did was flawed, they should have given me the money and then call the police, cause if was a bomb they all would of died.” It is alleged that on the day in question, McLean entered the Regent Street Branch of the Guyana Bank of Trade and Industry and asked to speak to the manager of the location. He was directed to the Officer in Charge of the Card Center, Dahana Ramjist, where he handed a note over to her which read, “ISIS, there is a bomb in the bag, give me $10M or you all will die.” Upon receiving the note, Ramjist raised an alarm and police officers rushed to the scene. Upon the arrival of the officers, McLean dropped the haversack which he was carrying and shouted “Allahu Akbar.” He was apprehended and police found a haversack and a knife inside the bag. - Jarred Singh - Guyana Daily News




Standard Operating Procedure being drafted for oil spills Guyana Daily News - June 30, 2016 - A coordinated Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) regarding oil spills is being drafted through a multi-stakeholder workshop. The workshop is being hosted by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) with assistance from the United States (US) Southern Command which is currently meeting with local stakeholders at the Grand Coastal Inn. In an exclusive interview with this newspaper, Director General of the Civil Defence Commission, Col (Ret’d) Chabilall Ramsarup said the drafting of the SOP does not only deals with offshore oil spill but onshore spills as well. He said the CDC had drafted a number of disaster plan such as chemical spills, but none has been done for an oil spill. He is also optimistic that at the end of the workshop they will come up with at least a frame work of the plan which will be presented to him for consideration and ďŹ nally the oil spill disaster plan would have been

formed. When asked if Guyana is ready for an oil spill, the Director General stated that it is not the host country that is responsible for an oil spill but the company drilling, which will do all the technical work; however he noted that there must be some shore base activity which will deal with accidents on board, if the slick comes to shore. Mr. Ramsarup, when asked if enough was done to sanction the Omai Cyanide spill in 1995, stated that Guyana does not have disaster management legislation. It was noted that there is a draft legislation which is yet to be tabled in parliament; however there are other legislation in other ministries to take actions against defaulting companies. On August 19, 1995, a man-made environmental disaster occurred in the Omai River in Guyana. The wall of an earthen tailings pond, constructed to contain cyanide

utilized in the Gold Mining industry, accidentally breached. More than 400 million gallons of cyanide laced materials spilled into the Omai River and subsequently into the Essequibo River. The spill resulted in Environmental, Ecological, Social, Economic and Political consequences for the Guyanese community. The local and international media, government, politicians and environmental groups were actively involved. A government -mandated COI investigated the matter and made recommendations. The participants of the ongoing workshop are taken from the Guyana Fire Service, Prison, Police, Army, Ministry of Public Health, EPA, CDC among others. by Ronald Singh - Guyana Daily News




Exxon Mobil makes another huge oil discovery offshore Guyana ExxonMobil has announced that drilling results from the Liza-2 well, the second exploration well in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana, confirm a world-class discovery with a recoverable resource of between 800 million and 1.4 billion oil-equivalent barrels. “We are excited by the results of a production test of the Liza-2 well, which confirms the presence of high-quality oil from the same highporosity sandstone reservoirs that we saw in the Liza-1 well completed in 2015,” said Steve Greenlee, president of Exxon Mobil Exploration Company. He further noted, “We, along with our co-venturers, look forward to continuing a strong partnership with the government of Guyana to further evaluate the commercial potential for this exciting prospect.” The Liza wells are located in the Stabroek block approximately 120

miles (193 kilometers) offshore Guyana. Data from the successful Liza-2 well test is being assessed.The Liza-2 well was drilled by ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd., approximately 2 miles (3.3 km) from the Liza-1 well. The Liza-2 well encountered more than 190 feet (58 meters) of oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs in Upper Cretaceous formations. The well was drilled to 17,963 feet (5,475 meters) in 5,551 feet (1,692 meters) of water.“This exploration success demonstrates the strength of our long-term investment approach, as well as our technology leadership in ultra, deepwater environments,” said Greenlee. The Stabroek block is 6.6 million acres (26,800 square kilometers).

Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited is operator and holds 45 percent interest in the Stabroek block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25 percent interest. by Ronald Singh- Guyana Daily News


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Georgetown man remanded on marijuana charge Page 8

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today remanded Joseph Winston John of 39 Norton Street Georgetown until July 12 for the possession of 32 grams of cocaine with intent of trafficking. The father of three pleaded not guilty; his lawyer made a fail bail application and noted that the man is a mason and is the sole breadwinner of the family. It is alleged that on June 28, 2016, police ranks acted on information received and searched the Norton Street property where John. It is alleged that they observed

Thursday, June 30, 2016

when the defendant threw a black bag into the downstairs apartment of the property. Upon searching, the bag they found Ziploc bags filled with what is suspected to be cannabis. Police reported that upon inquiring about the bags to John, he admitted to the bags being his and they were told “see what you gonna do nah, is a little hustle”. The man was subsequently arrested and charged. The defense lawyer however noted that there were 10 persons in the downstairs portion of the house where the bag was found and they all fled the scene which led to the police laying blame to John. -Jarred Singh - Guyana Daily News

Charred remains found in Wales house


olice on the West Demerara are treating a fire at Wales, West Bank Demerara as a crime scene, after the charred remains, believed to be that of a woman was found in the house. Just after midnight, neighbours woke to the crackling sounds of fire and immediately informed the police and the Wales Estate, which has a fire tender. However, the raging fire quickly engulfed the partly wooden and concrete structure. This newspaper understands that the property belonged to Elizabeth and Abdool Sattaur, aka Buddy Khan of Goedverwagting, Wales, West Bank Demerara. A neighbour, Renai Jacobs told Guyana Daily News that she was awoken by her brother, who informed her of the stranger sounds. Upon peeping outside, she saw the fire and immediately alerted the authorities. Police and the fire service will have to await a post mortem to determine the identity of the remains and the cause of death while the fire service is investigating a possible cause of the fire.


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LOCAL Thursday, June 30, 2016

“Education is the best preparation to run the nation” -President Granger as Region 10 receives 10th Five ‘Bs’ school bus


resident David Granger, today, said that education is the best investment Governments can make in preparation for future development of any nation. The Head of State was at the time addressing residents and students at the Coomacka Community Ground, Upper DemeraraBerbice (Region 10) where he commissioned the 10th school President David Granger pours coconut water to officially commission the 30-seater bus, bus donated under his Five Bs or while Minister of Social Cohesion, ‘Boats, Buses, Bicycles plus Ms. Amna Ally looks on. Sajid Baksh, Breakfast and Books’ a representative of the donor, Programme.The 30-seater Mr. Suresh Jagmohan is at right. vehicle, donated by Mr. Suresh in making Guyana an ‘education Jagmohan of S. Jagmohan Hardware nation’. President Granger said that Supplies and Construction Services, providing transportation for school makes it the third time that school children of that Region are benefitting children must be seen in a wider under the Five ‘Bs’ Programme, since context in which the Government is two boats are already operational in the preparing to hand over the country year by year, to the next generation and the Berbice and Demerara Rivers. only way through this transition can be Chairperson at the event and teacher, Ms. Shivon Green said, “Statistics has successful is if the next generation is one of school dropouts. “Education is shown that since the onset of this the best preparation to run the nation… programme, absenteeism and [poor] If you want to be something in life you punctuality has reduced significantly. Our learners presently, are punctual to have to be educated and the least I school.” This intended positive effect is could do is to ensure that every single part of the Administration’s investment child has access to education, because I believe in equality,” the President said. He said that this programme is not a political gimmick or a vote-catcher but a much-needed intervention that is a direct response to a needs of families across the 10 Administrative Regions. He also explained that apart from enabling access to education, the Bs programme is effectively reducing inequality by creating a level playing field for all of Guyana’s children. “We want to David G No. 10make Guyana a society in which the 10th school bus to be commissioned everyone has an equal opportunity under the Five Bs programme to the good things in life… The

money that you will spend every day to get to and from school can now be used to improve your standard of living at home and your quality of life,” President Granger said. He spoke of the nexus between education and gainful employment and urged residents particularly youths, to make full use of opportunities for education so that they can develop the technical ‘know how’ to venture into areas like agro-processing and value-added production. “This region is rich in potential but the wealth is leaving the country because we are exporting raw materials instead of processing those materials here… You could provide employment for yourself [right here in Region 10],” the Head of State said. Meanwhile, Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, whose Ministry has been instrumental in garnering the support of corporate Guyana, said that in a little over one year, the Coalition Government has achieved a great deal and key among its successes is the Five ‘Bs’ programme. She said that to date, 10 buses, nine boats and hundreds of bicycles have been distributed to communities across the country. The bus, which was commissioned today, will benefit children from Coomacka, Siberia, Nottinghamshire and other villages along the Old England stretch in Region 10. Mayor of Linden, Mr. Carwyn Holland said that for years, children from villages like Coomacka, had to walk or ride for long distances with the alternative of paying fares that are way too expensive for families in that area. He also said that construction of the roads is also in the pipeline and this will bring further relief to residents of that area. - Cont on next page...


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LOCAL Thursday, June 30, 2016

“Education is the best preparation...con’t register and an incident book in which any misbehaviour is recorded. She said that to date, no report of misconduct has been reported. “I want to assure parents that we are monitoring the boats on a daily basis and if they are any such incidents it will be dealt with immediately,” Ms. Paddy-Andrews said. The REDO also reported that the Region has already rolled out a breakfast programme, which has aided in an increase in attendance and enrolment. -GINA

President David Granger seated in the David G No. 10

Regional Education Officer (REDO), Ms. Marcia Paddy-Andrews said that the two boats are being carefully monitored and managed that has been bringing relief to parents. She said that one of the vessels is being used to ferry 32 children from the Lower and Upper Berbice River to Kimbia, while the second is transporting about 45 children from places like Gold Hill in the Demerara River to Linden. Responding to recent reports in the press about alleged misbehaviour on the A group of nursery school students, boats, the REDO explained that the children are never who came out to witness the commissioning unsupervised while on-board the boats, a captain and a boat hand are always present. These two officials have a of the bus at the Coomacka Community Ground





ExxonMobil Says Second Well Offshore Guyana Confirms Significant Oil Discovery Potential recoverable resource of 800 million to 1.4 billion oil-equivalent barrels Well is second on 6.6-million acre Stabroek block and drilled to 17,963 feet. Test confirms highquality oil IRVING, Texas, June 30, 2016 – Exxon Mobil Corporation today said that drilling results from the Liza-2 well, the second exploration well in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana, confirm a world-class discovery with a recoverable resource of between 800 million and 1.4 billion oil-equivalent barrels. “We are excited by the results of a production test of the Liza-2 well, which confirms the presence of high-quality oil from the same high-porosity sandstone reservoirs that we saw in the Liza-1 well completed in 2015,” said Steve Greenlee, president of Exxon Mobil Exploration Company. “We, along

with our co-venturers, look forward to continuing a strong partnership with the government of Guyana to further evaluate the commercial potential for this exciting prospect.” The Liza wells are located in the Stabroek block approximately 120 miles (193 kilometers) offshore Guyana. Data from the successful Liza-2 well test is being assessed. The Liza-2 well was drilled by ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd., approximately 2 miles (3.3 km) from the Liza-1 well. The Liza-2 well encountered more than 190 feet (58 meters) of oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs in Upper Cretaceous formations. The well was drilled to 17,963 feet (5,475 meters) in 5,551 feet ( 1 , 6 9 2 m e t e r s ) o f w a t e r. “ T h i s exploration success demonstrates the strength of our long-term investment approach, as well as our technology leadership in ultra, d e e p w a t e r environments,” said Greenlee. The Stabroek block is 6.6 million acres (26,800 square kilometers). Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited is operator and

holds 45 percent interest in the Stabroek block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25 percent interest. About ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil, the largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. ExxonMobil holds an industry-leading inventory of resources, is the largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products, and its chemical company is one of the largest in the world. For more i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t or follow us on Twitter C A U T I O N A RY S TAT E M E N T: Statements of future events or conditions in this release are forwardlooking statements. Actual future results, including project plans and schedules and resource recoveries could differ materially due to changes in market conditions affecting the oil and gas industry or long-term oil and gas price levels; political or regulatory developments; reservoir performance; the outcome of future exploration and development efforts; technical or operating factors; the outcome of future commercial negotiations; and other factors. (GINA)





Minister Holder urge fisherfolk to “play their part” in the sustainability of the industry -during National Fisherfolk Day 2016 activities. Agriculture Minister Noel Holder, today called on fisherfolk to play their part by getting licenced, practicing sustainable fishing activities and comply with the regulations that are applied by the Fisheries Department while delivering the feature address at this year’s Fisherfolk Day which was held at the Upper Corentyne Fishermen Coop Society Ltd in #66 Village, Berbice. T h i s y e a r ’s p r o c e e d i n g w a s observed under the theme “Combatting IUU Fishing, Preserving our Marine Resources” and saw fisherfolk from all walks of life participating in the day’s activities. “As we recognize the significant impact that the fisheries sector has on our economy and its importance worldwide, we have decided to designate a day which would recognize the contribution you make to Guyana’s development and bring you even as we reflect on the challenges you face and, at the end, to have a bit of socializing and interaction among ourselves.” Minister Holder stated. Guyana recently became a signatory to a Port States Measure Agreement (PSMA) to prevent, deter and eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. The agreement was developed and officially entered into force on June 6th, 2016. This agreement seeks to utilize robust port state measures to combat this scourge. Minister Holder also called for the local law enforcement body to exercise the full force of the law on persons found committing acts of piracy citing recent piracy attacks which left several families in distress. “Recently we had a horrendous criminal act that has left many families without a father, husband and bread winner. More horrendous is the fact that this act was perpetuated by fishermen within this very region.” Minister Holder. Fisherfolk are faced with many challenges like climate change and other man made challenges like robberies and smuggling. Smuggling has the potential to adversely affect the health of persons who consume fish and other seafood products and by-products that get on the market through illegal channels. Such practices have the potential to generate many problems such as the introduction of harmful pests and diseases into the environment.

Chief Fisheries Officer, Denzil Roberts in his address to the gathering echoed the call for coops to be registered adding that, it serves as a stepping stone to ensuring that the voices of all fisherman is heard. The Fisheries Department launched the Fisherfolk Organisation last year, which has been receiving slow support from some fisherman coop. The Chief Fisheries Officer, used the occasion to remind of fishermen of the role the organization plays in ensuring a level playing field in the industry. “We all have a role to play in bettering the lives of our fishermen and together we can achieve this….the Fisheries Department is taking a holistic approach to address some of constraints affecting the trade in Guyana and one such, is joining in the fight to eliminate illegal fishing,” he said. Guyana has recently signed on the IUU by taking a global response to eliminating illegal fishing in Guyana. This has seen a number of measures being taken by the Fisheries Department in ensuring that illegal fishing becomes a thing of the past. “Among the measures we have taken is ensuring that all trawlers are registered….we are now in the process of enforcement which has also see fisherman complying which has ensure the smooth flow of the process,” he said. Meanwhile, Regional Chairman David Armagon spoke of the importance protein plays on one’s diet and the contribution the

industry continues to play in contributing to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Diversification of Guyana’s agricultural commodities continues to be on the front burner of Government’s quest to transforming the sector.

“Gone are the days when we only rely on rice and sugar as our main contributing factor to GDP….we must now look towards diversification to better push our agricultural commodities and aquaculture is one such avenue,” he said. The Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Agriculture and other subagencies and ministries, continues to strategically put plans and systems in place to preserve and sustain the fishing industry so that persons can continue to earn an honest livelihood in a comfortable environment. (GINA)





Twenty-seven children benefit from Baby Heart’s Fifth Mission in Guyana (Georgetown, June 30, 2016) – The I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h i l d r e n ’s H e a r t Foundation, also known as the Baby Heart Foundation has completed 13 S u rg e r i e s a n d 1 4 I n t e r v e n t i o n a l procedures during its fifth mission in Guyana. Twenty- three (23) Baby Heart team members worked along with local medical staff at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) to perform these cardiac related procedures on children between the ages of three months old and 20 years old.This brings the total number of persons who have undergone successful cardiac related procedures performed by the Baby Heart

Team to seventy (70). Over the course of the Foundation’s five missions in Guyana, there has been one fatality which occurred on Saturday, June 25, 2016. The Baby Heart team worked assiduously to save the patient, but the fatality was unavoidable, since the patient was in need of a heart transplant. In addition to performing cardiac related procedures, the Baby Heart Foundation has also been helping to build the capacity of the GPHC to cater to paediatric cardiac patients. According to Chief Executive Officer of Clinical Operations of the Baby Heart Foundation, Dr. Rodrigo Soto, they have

seen progress in the training of local staff but they still have a long way to go. He explained that the foundation has continued its bedside training for cardiology unit nurses and physicians and they plan to maintain this training online. Dr. Soto said that the Foundation will be increasing the number of trips they make to Guyana annually from three to four. According to him, within the next five years the GPHC will be able to independently run the programme. Their next trip is scheduled for September of this year. (GINA)

Prospective Indian Investor meets Minister of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, June 30, 2016 – Minister Holder met with Mr. Mohan Rao Amaraswamy and Dr. Rudy R. Jadoopat to discuss investment opportunities in Guyana. Mr. Amarasamy is keenly

looking to establish some business base in Caribbean Islands especially in Food industry. His interests are in agroprocessing and food processing, shrimp exportation and diary processing. Mr.

Amarasamy has more than two decades of vast experience in food oriented lines and nearly 14 years in Food Processing line. His company exports to USA, Europe and Caribbean Islands. If all is favourable, he will be transferring the model utilized in India to Guyana. The company will work with the farmers (provide materials and technical assistance etc) and will only be involved in the processing aspect. Operations are driven by international market thus international standards, quality, and technology are all principles of the business daily procedures. Mr. Amarasamy will be working closely with the technical staff of the Ministry to complete his feasibility study and present a more detailed proposal to the Government of Guyana for consideration. He is expected to visit Guyana again in September 2016. (GINA)



GUYANA DAILY NEWS Hururu residents receive life jackets, river safety training from MARAD Page 20

Twenty-four students drawn from nursery and primary levels of Hururu Mission, Berbice River received lifejackets from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD). The donation of the lifejackets is part of MARAD’s countrywide program to ensure students who use the river to get to school can do so safely. MARAD’s Public Relations Officer, Akosua Mc Pherson, said it is a challenge to ensure that children use the lifejackets. “We want to bring the safety aspect to you and let you know that wearing a life jacket is very important (when) traversing the river…we’re pleading with you to wear your life jackets whenever you go into the boat” Mc Pherson said. Apart from the students receiving lifejackets, commuters who had gathered at the Skills Training Centre in the community, were trained in the best practices to be employed when traversing the Berbice River. Representatives from the Oldendorff Carriers explained to residents that in negotiating blind turns along the River, the Company’s vessels sound their horns to notify approaching vessels of their presence. Residents were also cautioned against the dangerous practice of cutting across the path of Oldendorff Barge vessels. It was explained that the vessels cannot immediately stop in the waters. This practice can cause

Lurleen Williams, Community Council Member in Charge of Sport, receiving sports equipment from Oldendorff Carriers representatives

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Nursery and Primary students who received lifejackets from the Maritime Administration Department, also in the photo are representatives of Oldendorff Carriers

accidents which would be dangerous for residents of the community. Residents also received sports equipment from Oldendorff Carriers, which collaborated with the Maritime Administration to make the training and lifejacket distribution a reality. -GINA

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LOCAL Thursday, June 30, 2016

No outbreak of any poultry disease


here is no outbreak of any poultry disease in Region Six. This is according to Chief Executive Officer (ag) of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Dr. Dwight Walrond. Dr. Walrond, referring to reports published in the Guyana Times Newspaper dated Wednesday, June 29, 2016, titled, “Farmer loses over 800 chickens in Berbice”, told the Government Information Agency (GINA), that GLDA officers in the region visited the location and met with the farmer. “We haven’t received any other reports, so this you can say is an isolated case” Dr. Walrond said. According to Dr. Walrond, the GLDA has a team on the ground collecting epidemiological information and samples that would help shed light on what is happening at the particular farm. “We need to look into it, but we won’t stop there, we need to look at the entire chain, we look at the feed, the entire batch. We need to know where the chickens came from so we will look at the signs and symptoms and then we are going to take it from there,” he said, adding, “Internally, there would have to be an investigation to look at the channel of information to determine if there were any lapses in the communication process.” Meanwhile Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, George Jervis, under whose purview the GLDA falls, refuted claims attributed to the farmer

in the article. “I can say categorically that no farmer came to nor spoke with me with reference to this matter nor did they speak to my staff here. This is largely borne out by the fact that what is there (in Guyana Times) is totally inaccurate because we have one of the better labs in the Caribbean which was commissioned in 2014 at a cost in excess of US$3M.” Noting that the lab is capable of carrying out multiple tests on poultry, Jarvis said that in the event that the test cannot be properly carried out at the lab, the Ministry of Agriculture is obligated to send samples to a number of laboratories. “There is no way a farmer could have issues as reported in this newspaper and could have come to our office and we say we have no equipment to test because the purposes of this IDB funded veterinary laboratory is to do exactly what this farmer needs to have done,” Jervis explained. -GINA




Alert for possible Tropical Storm Colin


he National Hurricane Centre (NHC) says there’s a high chance that by tonight, what would be a rare “C” named Atlantic June storm will develop in the Caribbean, drenching parts of Cuba, the Cayman Islands and Belize. A disorganized area of showers and thunderstorms located near the eastern Yucatan Peninsula is currently showing signs of development in the central Caribbean Sea and is likely to become a tropical depression or Tropical Storm Colin by tonight or Monday. The system’s most likely path will take it onshore along the west coast of Florida, across the Florida Peninsula and into the Atlantic during the first part of this week, and it will first cause torrential downpours, locally gusty thunderstorms and rough surf to develop in Belize, the Cayman Islands, western Cuba and parts of southeastern Mexico, according to AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski. The system will track north of Bermuda at midweek, but could still bring rough seas, gusty winds and drenching thunderstorms to the island. An Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft is scheduled to investigate the disturbance later today. If the system develops into Tropical Storm Colin as anticipated, it would continue the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season’s unusual

occurrences, which began with the first named storm of the season, Alex, forming in January – well before the start of the June 1 to November 30 season. Experts say that getting to “C” in the Atlantic storm names list in the first month of the season is exceedingly rare. Colin would be the earliest by much more than a week, as the previous on record was Chris on June 18, 2012. Meantime, the NHC has issued the last advisory on post-tropical cyclone Bonnie – which was briefly, last weekend, the second named storm of the season. It is located a couple hundred miles north-northeast of Bermuda. (CARIBBEAN360)




Ex-London mayor halts bid to be UK prime minister, upends race credit rating, pushed the pound to its lowest level against the dollar since the mid-1980s and wiped a record $3 trillion off global shares. EU leaders are scrambling to prevent further unraveling of a bloc that helped guarantee peace in post-war Europe. The International Monetary Fund indicated that uncertainty over Brexit would hurt economic growth in Britain, the rest of Europe and the wider world. The governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, said monetary policy would probably be eased over the summer. (Reuters) Former Mayor of London, Boris Johnson


ormer London mayor Boris Johnson abruptly pulled out of the race to become Britain's prime minister that he was once favored to win, upending the contest less than a week after he led a campaign to take the country out of the EU. Johnson's announcement, to audible gasps from a roomful of journalists and supporters on Thursday, was the biggest political surprise since Prime Minister David Cameron quit after losing last week's referendum on British membership of the bloc. It makes interior minister Theresa May, a party stalwart who backed remaining in the European Union, the new favorite to succeed Cameron. May, seen as a steady hand, announced her own candidacy earlier on Thursday, promising to deliver the withdrawal from the EU voters had demanded despite having campaigned for the other side. "Brexit means Brexit," she told a news conference. "The campaign was fought, the vote was held, turnout was high and the public gave their verdict. There must be no attempts to remain inside the EU, no attempts to rejoin it through the back door and no second referendum." The decision to quit the EU has cost Britain its top




Istanbul airport bombers were Russian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz: Turkish official Three suspected Islamic State suicide bombers who killed 44 people in a gun and bomb attack at Istanbul's main airport this week were Russian, Uzbek and Kyrgyz nationals, a Turkish government official said on Thursday. The attack on one of the world's busiest airports, a hub at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, was the deadliest in a series of suicide bombings in Turkey this year. The three bombers opened fire to create panic outside, before two of them got inside the terminal building and blew themselves up. The third detonated his explosives at the entrance. A further 238 people were wounded. The official gave no further details beyond confirming the attackers' nationalities and declined to be named because details of the investigation have not yet been released. Forensics teams had been struggling to identify the bombers from their limited remains, officials said earlier. "A medical team is working around the clock to conclude the identification process," one of the officials said. Interior Minister Efkan Ala told parliament that evidence continued to point to Islamic State responsibility and that 19 of the dead were foreigners. Ala said the identity and nationality of one of the bombers had been determined but did not comment further. The pro-government Yeni Safak newspaper said the Russian bomber was from Dagestan, which borders Chechnya, where Moscow has led two wars against separatists and religious militants since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper named him as Osman Vadinov and said he had come from Raqqa, the heart of Islamic State-controlled territory in Syria. The Russian interior ministry said it was checking information about Vadinov. A spokesman for Kyrgyzstan's state security service said it was investigating, while the Uzbek security service had no immediate comment.Thousands of foreign

fighters from scores of countries have crossed Turkey to join Islamic State in Syria and Iraq in recent years. Turkey has tightened security on the Syrian border but has long argued it needs more information from foreign intelligence agencies to intercept the fighters. The revelation that one of the attackers was a Russian national comes at an awkward time for relations between Ankara and Moscow, strained since Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border last November. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan wrote to Russian leader Vladimir Putin this week to express regret over the incident, but officials in Ankara say he stopped short of making the apology Moscow wants before it will lift economic sanctions. (Reuters)



Yesterday’s Suduko Answers


Today’s Suduko Puzzle





RECIPE OF THE DAY: CHEESE ROLL Ingredients 1/2 cup PALMBOOM* butter 1/2 cup crisco (vegetable shortening) 2 cups flour 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp SPICIA SUPREME CURRY POWDER* 1/4 cup ice cold water 8 oz sharp cheddar cheese (shredded) 1/2 tsp SUAVIT* mustard 1 tsp pepper sauce (more if desired) dash of garlic powder dash of SPICIA CHILI POWDER dash of dry parsley flakes egg whites for brushing edges egg wash 1 egg + 1 tbsp water

Directions: Mix 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp curry powder into two cups all-purpose flour. Add 1 stick of salted butter and 1/2 cup Crisco vegetable shortening. With a pastry cutter, cut shortening and butter into flour until small pieces are formed throughout the dough. Add about 1/4 cup ice cold water to the dough and knead slightly to form a ball. This can be done quickly in a food processor by adding dry ingredients, pulsing, adding shortening and butter, pulsing until pea sizes form, then adding water until ball forms. Place ball on plastic wrap, flatten and shape into a square. Refrigerate for a couple hours or overnight. Remove dough from fridge an hour before use so it can thaw. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Shred cheese and mix in mustard, pepper sauce, garlic powder, black pepper, and parsley flakes, toss and set aside. Cut dough into 16 squares for thinner cheese rolls or 9 squares for thicker cheese rolls. Flatten one square and roll into a rectangular shape. Brush edges of dough with egg whites. Fill a tablespoon or two on lower half, roll into center then add more cheese. Seal edges. Place all cheese rolls on a baking sheet and brush the tops with egg wash. Bake for 15-18 minutes until rolls are golden brown. *If you are nervous about the cheese oozing out of the rolls, you can pierce the tops with a fork to allow the steam to escape while baking.

BANANA SMOOTHIE Ingredients: 2 whole Bananas (best with brown flecks on peel) 3 cups Ice 1 cup MILKO INSTANT FULL CREAM MILK Sugar (optional) Directions: Pour all ingredients in blender pouring ice in last. Blend on high for 30 seconds or until banana smoothie thickens.




Daily Horoscope Your knowledge and good sense will help more than you think. Travel, although enticing, will cost more than you expect. Have a heart-to-heart talk with family and find out what the problems are. Plan to do things with your faithful pet or with youngsters who have interesting hobbies. After all, they may have valuable information to pass on. Difficulties relating to children will be stressful.

Property purchases should be on your mind. Verbal abuse could lead to carelessness. Delays are evident. Try looking into new ways to make extra money. New relationships will surface through work related events. You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you.

Someone may not be thinking of your best interests. Do not make rash decisions about your personal life. Changes in your home are apparent, and you must be willing to bend if you don't want to find yourself alone.

Delve a little deeper if you really want to know the score. You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. Catch up on your reading and correspondence

You have bent over backward trying to help them and now it's time to let them stand on their own two feet. Opportunities to meet new lovers will come through pleasure trips or social events. Try not to allow others to burden you with additional responsibilities.

Risky ventures may turn in your favor. Take the time to help old friends or relatives who have had a stroke of bad luck. You will be able to enlist the help of colleagues who believe in your ideas.

You are best to work at home, clearing up overdue projects. Past partners may try to come back into your life. You can make or break your personal relationship today.

Home improvement projects will run smoothly. You should be traveling to that exotic destination you've been dreaming about. Visitors may relieve the tension

Travel will be favorable. Travel and learning should be on your agenda today. A new you could help your attitude

Your boss may be on the rampage and you certainly don't want to be the one to take the brunt of a bad situation. You can meet a new romantic partner or secure the love connection

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