The Gator Gazette | Green Valley Key Club | June 2019

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The Gator Gazette


The Summer Sky

June 2019 Issue W Volume W CNH District Region 5 D28E

Table of Contents Table of Contents……………….. ……………….…1 Word from Editor…………...……....…….2 Word from President………………....….3 Calendar………….………………….…...4 End of Year Potluck………………. ……………….……5 Graduation………………………....….…6 June Joint DCM…………….………...….7 Key Club…………………………..…...….8


Word from Editor This June we had the End of Year Potluck, Graduation, and the June Joint DCM. The turn out for all of these events were great! Everyone seemed to be having a great time at all these events. They were talking, laughing, and participating. Overall, June has been a very successful month. See you next month! <3 - Angel Mascarenas 2019-2020 Bulletin Editor


Word from President In June we had our June joint DCM. It’s always really fun having our joint DCMs because we get to see other people and clubs from other divisions. For d28e we discussed a buddy system for our clubs. Green valleys buddy is liberty hs. So I’m really excited to see what we can do to work together as two clubs. Also our first summer meeting is coming so I’m excited to see what we discuss there. - Sarah Pelle 2019-2020 President


Hello Summer!

June Joint DCM

Officer Meeting


End of Year Potluck

WHEN: May 17th @ 2:15pm (afterschool) WHERE: Green Valley HS (Room 312)

The End of Year Potluck was a celebration of the end of the school year, and congratulating our seniors on getting their chords! We ate food from many different cultures and made letters to appreciate our teachers. Overall, jjjjjjjjjjjjjthe turnout was a success! “The potluck was very fun!! Everyone got to eat a lot of yummy food. W took tons of pictures, got to eat cake!! The seniors received their chords, and it was their last day.. Our LTG (Jasmine) and Exec. Assistant (Ella) were there, everyone had a lot of fun. We got to hangout for the last time with the seniors, and take pictures which was great!! It was GV Key Club’s last get together before summer and next year. SO overall, it was enthusiastic.” ghfhfgfghfghfhgfhfghghfg-Bharathi Kosaraju



“Graduation was an amazing experience. We had a lot of fun passing out programs tp everyone, and collecting tickets. I am glad that we got to volunteer for or school’s graduation. We also got to watch graduation and see our friends graduating. We also took many pictures which is always great.”- Bharathi Kosaraju

WHEN: May 23, 2019 from 4:30pm-6:00pm WHERE: Thomas & Mack

At the Graduation for the Class of 2019, our members handed out programs to the friends and family of our graduates. We also had members take care of ticket collection. There was an amazing turnout, considering that we had so many people show up. There was so many people, we had trouble finding them positions to take, heh. Everything ended up working out. After 6:00pm, members were allowed to stay and watch the graduation comensse. We congratulate all class of 2019 and we are honored to have m some of that class through key club. 6.

June Joint DCM

WHEN: June 7, 2019 from 12:00-2:00pm WHERE: Valley HS

This June Joint DCM was split into 3 different parts: Individual DCMs, Club Rush Presentation, and Club Cycle. Our members got to Plant seeds in pots for the elderly, created dog toys for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and earned about Cali-Nev-Ha’s preferred charities. We even had our very own Bharathi Kosaraju presenting! Overall, a fun event.


Mission Statement"Key Club is an international studentled organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership Core ValuesThe core values of Key Club International are Leadership, Character Building, Caring, and Inclusiveness. Pledge"I pledge, on my honor to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build home, school and community; to serve my nation and god; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.� Motto"Caring- Our Way of Life 8.

Green Valley Key Club


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