The Gator TGazette he Gator Gazette August 2022 Volume I Issue V CNH District Region V D28E

Table of TContents able of Contents Table of Contents Key Club Info Calendar President’s Word Editor’s Word Event Descriptions Contact Info Article & Visual Credits Thank You 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 15 14
An international student led organization that provides members with opportunities to provide service, build character, develop leadership throughout the years.
Mission Statement
Key Club KInfo ey Club Info
”I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation and world, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions." Our Pledge We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide Our Vision Core Values The core values of Key Club international are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Our Motto ”Caring, our way of life”
Calendar Calendar

First Day Of School
Football Fence August DCM Key Club Social Book Organizing
August was a fun month. We had our social which was such an amazing time. We had a potluck where everyone brought delicious snacks and desserts. We played charades, Pictionary and just got to know each other and have a laugh. We had our first general meeting which was a huge success and we hope to continue it on to the future! We sold walking tacos at first Friday and we sold out made a great profit and can’t wait to donate the proceeds to a fantastic organization. We appreciate you all and can’t wait to see what this next month brings :)
-Sarah Doebler GVKC President
A Word From Our President A Word From Our President
The month of August marked the beginning of the school year and the return of more events at Green Valley Key Club. Our first meeting had so many new members, and we’re so excited to continue seeing new faces. So far we have helped the football team with new bleachers, brought back “Walking Tacos” for first Friday, had a super fun social, and more. We hope to see you guys for the new events we have in store like vacuuming to help the janitors, and the fall car wash!
-Asia Knudson, GVKC Bulletin Editor
A Word From Our Editor A Word From Our Editor
First General FMeeting irst General Meeting
Our first meeting was a huge success! We had over fifty attendees, and saw so many new faces. Our icebreaker of “Soulmate” was a huge hit, and the meeting was overall quite fun. We hope to continue the trend of growing membership as the school year continues !

Book BOrganizing ook Organizing
Our secretary Ashley Kazaryan came to us with a great outside hours service event. Treem middle school needed help organizing and sorting through their library to prepare for the new school year, and our Green Valley Key Club was there to assist! Big thank you to our members who took the time on a Saturday to help out Treem’s librarian, it is greatly appreciated!

Coach Mauro and the Green Valley football team was in need of fixing up their bleachers for this upcoming fall season. Our members stayed after school to help add panels to the football fence. Thank you to our Key Clubbers for taking the time to volunteer regardless of the Vegas heat !
Football FFence ootball Fence

This months DCM was joint between North, South, East, and West. It was held at Valley High School. It was so great to see other Key Clubbers from our other divisions whom we hadn’t seen since June !

August ADCM ugust DCM

Key Club KSocial ey Club Social
Our Key Club social was by far the favorite event of the month. Our members got to reconnect after the summer, and our new comers got to introduce themselves. This was a potluck with many yummy snacks and fun games. Our members also made an iconic tiktok that has since been remade by many other key clubs, make sure to check it out !

Contact CInfo ontact Info gvkc.treasury@gmail.con Sarah Doebler Abby Ortiz Ashley Kazaryan TC Feul Valery Ramirez Asia Knudson President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Bulletin Editor Officers Advisors & Socials Region Advisor Co Advisor Hanna Santee James Misch gvkeyclub text @gvkc to 81010 Website Instagram Facebook Remind
Credits Huge thank you to our Historain, Valery Ramirez for routinely providing the best images for our monthly newsletters!

Article and VisualsArticle and Visuals
Thank You T! hank You ! Volume - I Issue - V August 2022 CAL- NEV- HA DISTRICT REGION V DIVISION 28 EAST Thank you so much for keeping up with GVKC through our monthly newsletter. Hope to see you again !