The Gator TGazette he Gator Gazette July 2022 Volume I Issue IV CNH District Region V D28E

Table of TContents able of Contents Table of Contents Key Club Info Calendar President’s Word Editor’s Word Event Descriptions Contact Info Article and Visual Credits Thank You 02 03 04 05 06 7&8 09 10 11
Club KInfo ey Club Info An international student led organization that provides members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership throughout the years. ”I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation and world, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions." We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide The core values of Key Club international are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. ”Caring our way of life” Mission Statement Our Pledge Our Vision Core Values Our Motto
Calendar Calendar Card Making Fireworks Booth Fireworks Booth Fireworks Booth Fireworks Booth ICON ICON ICON ICON ICON

”July started off with a few events that were super amazing to do. We helped with a fireworks booth and saw the lights of the sky on the Fourth of July. We also made cards for TLC Care Center which just include positive messages and images. We then, started having discussions about club rush and how we will get the most we can out of this time. We are pushing to get new members and always enjoy seeing new faces!” - Sarah Doebler, GVKC President President President
A Word From Our
A Word From Our
A Word From Our Editor A Word From Our Editor
”During the month of July, Green Valley Key Club offered two service events. Spreading across June and July, our Key Clubbers helped out Mr. White and the girls’ basketball team run their fireworks booth. This was a super fun event that taught our members how to interact with customers and went to a great cause. We also helped make cards for the TLC Care Center during the later weeks of July. Our members came together and created super cute letters and cards that, similar to the fireworks booth, went to a great cause. July essentially wrapped up our summer service season, and we are so proud of our members who came out during vacation to continue their service.” Asia Knudson, GVKC Editor
Card CMaking ard Making
One of the service events we offered this month was card making for TLC Care Center. Our Key Clubbers gathered to create “Get Well” cards and listened to our joint Key Club playlist. Overall this was a super fun event and doubled as a great social for our members who had yet to see each other over summer.

“Making cards for tlc care center was super nice! We got to hang out for a few hours while doing a service project! we even got to dance in the rain when we were done!!” Ashley Kazaryan, GVKC Secretary
Card CMaking ard Making

Contact CInfo ontact Info President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Editor Sarah Doebler Abby Ortiz Ashley Kazaryan TC Feul Valery Ramirez Asia Knudson gvkc.treasury@gmail.con Officers Officers Advisors & ASocials dvisors & Socials Region Advisor Co Advisor Hanna Santee James Misch Website Instagram Facebook Remind gvkeyclub text @gvkc to 81010
Article & Visual Credits Article & Visual Credits 3 Images above by Valery Ramirez Image above by Ashley Kazaryan Big thank you to those who submitted articles and visuals during the month of July !

Thank You T! hank You ! Volume - I Issue - IV July 2022 CAL-NEV-HA DISTRICT REGION V DIVISION 28 East Thank you so much for keeping up with GVKC through our monthly newsletter, hope to see you again !