The Gator Gazette | Green Valley Key Club | April 2022

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The Gator Gazette

April 2022 Volume I Issue I CNH District Region V D28E

Table of Contents Table of Contents Key Club Info Contact Info

02 03 04

Word From Our President


Word From Our Editor


Meet The Officers Event Calendar Event Descriptions Photography Credits

07 08 9 - 13 14

Key Club Info Mission Statement : An international student led organization that provides members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership throughout the years.

Vision : We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide.

Core Values : The core values of Key Club international are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness.

Pledge : "I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation and world, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions."

Motto : "Caring our way of life."

Contact Contact Info Info Officers President - Sarah Doebler Email - Vice President - Abby Ortiz Email - Secretary - Ashley Kazaryan Email - Treasurer - TC Fuel Email - Historian - Valery Ramirez Email - Editor - Asia Knudson Email -

Advisors Region Advisor - Hanna Santee Email - Co Advisor - James Misch Email -

Socials Website - Instagram - @gvkeyclub Facebook - Remind - text @gvkc to 81010

AA Word Word From From Our Our President President "This month we were fortunate enough to have a lot of events. My favorite one was probably the glow party that we helped Gibson elementary school with. We got to watch kids play limbo and the lights were spectacular. I also enjoyed seeing our members have fun at Purple Stride. They were given shirts and bells to ring, and at the end we met Disney princesses which I say was the highlight. Overall this month was a success and I couldn’t have done it without you guys so keep serving and have fun!"

- Sarah Doebler

AA Word Word From From Our Our Editor Editor "The month of April was full of fun service events. We helped out with Green Valley related events such as volleyball and track as well as outside fundraisers like the women’s 5k run and Purple Stride ! My personal favorite was helping out with the concession stands for volleyball and working with track. It was a great time working with the boys volleyball moms who were so sweet and helpful while supporting our gators. It was also a great time being hurdle crew at our GVHS track meets and getting to cheer on our amazing athletes! This month had so many amazing opportunities for service that I would absolutely do again ! April was also an exciting month as it marks the beginning of the 2022-2023 term. It has been so exciting fufilling my duties as an officer. Thank you so much again for your support !" <3

- Asia Knudson

2022/23 Term Officers

The new board began their term on April 3rd. Get to know your new GVKC officers !

President Sarah Doebler Grade 11

Vice President Abby Ortiz Grade 9

Secretary Ashley Kazaryan Grade 10

Treasurer TC Fuel Grade 9

Editor Asia Knudson Grade 11

Historian Valery Ramirez Grade 9



End of term potlluck

Las Vegas women's half marathon and 5k run

5th grade graduation & track meet

Purple Stride

April DCM/ Banquet

End of Term Potluck

April 8th from 2:11pm - 4:00pm In room 311 To conclude this past term, our members gathered together for a potluck. We celebrated with snacks, games, and just getting to relax and socialize among one another. Our members brought a variety of snacks and games that were so much fun. We listened to our Key Club playlist and had such a good time at this event.

Women’s Half Marathon & 5k

April 9th at 6:30am At Equestrian Park Our members helped hand out waters and cheer on the women competing in the marathon. The weather outside was beautiful and it was an amazing experience supporting the runners.

April DCM

April 19th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm At Coronado High School This DCM for the month of April was our annual banquet to celebrate the end of this term. The theme was “a night in Paris” where our members got to dress for the special occasion. There were snacks, games, and a dance battle between clubs. Emyleigh Robinson received the “Outstanding Club Website” award, Mckenzie Shelton Lott received the “President of the year“ award, and Green Valley won “Club of the year”. Congratulations !

Purple Purple Stride Stride

April 30th from 7:30am - 10:30am at Town Square

This month Key Club participated in the Purple Stride. Our members took steps together to end Pancreatic Cancer, an incredibly special experience in honor of Blayne Thompson We at GVKC are devoted to contributing to our community through meaningful service, and Purple Stride was a truly amazing experience. Overall this event was an April favorite !

5th Grade Graduation

April 29th from 6:00pm - 9:00pm At Gibson Elementary School To celebrate the Gibson Elementary School’s 5th grade graduation, our members got to attend a glow party with the graduates. There was limbo and music which the event a very special celebration.

Photo Credits All event photos provided by Valery Ramirez

Officer images provided by Ashley Kaza Ryan, Abby Ortiz, Sarah Doebler, Asia Knudson, TC Fuel, and Valery Ramirez

Green Valley Key Club

Volume : I Issue : I April 2022 CAL-NEV-HA DISTRICT REGION V DIVISION 28 East

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