The Gator Gazette | Green Valley Key Club | June 2022

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The Gator Gazette

June 2022 Volume I Issue III CNH District Region V D28E

Table of Contents Table of Contents


Key Club Info




A Word From Our President


A Word From Our Editor


Event Descriptions Reminders



Contact Information


District Updates


Article & Visual Credits


Key Club Info Mission Statement An international student led organization that provides members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership throughout the years.

Our Pledge ”I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school, and community, to serve my nation and world, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions."

Vision We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide

Core Values The core values of Key Club international are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness.

Our Motto ”Caring our way of life”


June DCM

Fireworks Fireworks Fireworks Fireworks Fireworks Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth

A Word From Our President June was a slow month but a very fun one. We were able to do outside hours and keep the energy alive for this upcoming year. We were able to help the gv woman’s basketball team with their fireworks booth. This was a multiple day project and allowed many opportunities for members to get hours. We helped sell and organize the fireworks which was super fun and I am thankful for the opportunity. I’m glad our members got to have the chance to get hours and create a good standing for this term!

A Word From Our Editor To recap the month of June, GVKC attended a joint DCM between all the divisions, worked in our community for outside hours, and helped Mr White and the GVHS girls’ basketball team sell fireworks at their booth. We’re so proud of our members for continuing their service outside of school, and encourage our members to continue or start now if they haven’t already!

June DCM This months DCM was a joint one between D28E, D28S, D28N, and D28W. We met at Sunset Park and played water games such as trivia and a water balloon toss. The event really reminded me of field day from elementary school and was lots of fun.

Fireworks Booth During the month of June, key club got the opportunity to help out Mr. White and the girls basketball team by selling fireworks. The stand was set up right outside of Circle K, where are volunteers worked the register and helped assist customers. The event was a lot of fun, and seeing Mr. White is always a pleasure. Thank you so much again for letting us attend !

Outside Hours

Contact Information Officers President - Sarah Doebler Vice President - Abby Ortiz Treasurer - TC Fuel Historian - Valery Ramirez Editor - Asia Knudson Secretary - Ashley Kazaryan

Advisors & Socials Region Advisor - Hanna Santee Co Advisor - James Misch

Website - Instagram - gvkeyclub Facebook - Remind - text @gvkc @ 81010

District Updates

Check out the District Newsletter on ISSUU to stay updated for events and reminders district wide!

Article & Visual Credits Big thank you to our Historian Valery Ramirez for providing the images for this months newsletter!

Image by Asia Knudson

Thank You ! Volume - I Issue - III June 2022 CAL-NEV-HA DISTRICT REGION V DIVISION 28 East

Thank you so much for keeping up with GVKC through our monthly newsletter, hope to see you again !

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