July 2013 Newsletter

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Gator Bites JULY 2013 // VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1 CNH KEY CLUB | REGION 5 | D28S

The Official Green Valley Key Club Newsletter

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Did you know? President’s Letter Old business New business Editor’s Note Contact Information

3 Did you know? -Key Club International is the oldest and largest student organization in highschool -It was first established at Sacramento, California -Key Club colors are blue, gold, and white -Key Club has approximately 260,000 members in 5,000 clubs -Key Club is represented in 30 countries


4 Letter from the Presidentw 1 Hello Green Valley Key Club! The summer break we all have been waiting for has finally come, and I hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing, and productive summer so far! Although many of you including myself were out of town this past month of June, I was amazed by how our Key Club still maintained activity through both club service events and outside hours. I would like to thank those of you who remembered to serve our home, school, and community in the midst of your heavenly vacations. Let's keep it up and get pumped up for the year to come. Please do look forward to more events to come in the month of July. In a season of transition between primary faculty advisors, our board is using our bestest abilities to make the transition as smooth as possible. Our new faculty advisor will be introduced officially on the next newsletter, but possibly sooner. Closing, I would like to refocus to the fact that we have lots of fun service events and other activities ahead of us. The summer Vegas temperature is, as we all know, HOT!!! But I hope you do realize that the burning fire of passion for service in our hearts is even HOTTER. (Wow. That was cheesy. Ha-ha!) Signing out, this is your club president who hopes you grinned even just a little at the previous cheesy line I just happened to write. See you soon! Serving In Love, Ji Eun Bae

10 Old Business Last key Club meeting with the LTG

Ji Eun Bae: At our last meeting of the school year were various kinds of foods set up for all attendees. From pizza to root beer floats, from rice crackers and Korean moon pies, there were a lot of foods for members to enjoy. As at every general meeting, Old Business and New Business were addressed. May Member of the Month was announced: Gerardo "Jerry" Fonseca, a junior Key Club member! After that, Division 28 South Lieutenant Governor RJ Immerman came and presented Key Club 101, a workshop that lists basic facts about Key Club, which our club found very helpful and amusing at the same time. Afterwards, we had a trivia and many members answered questions and received small prizes in return. Overall, the potluck and having a guest speaker were the perfect ways to spend the last meeting of the school year with my fellow members. Surely, we will have more of these cool kinds of meetings in the future.

6 Las Vegas Comic Con

Fischer Bordwell: I really had fun at the Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con. Among the things we did were sorting comics and posters into swag bags, directing traffic, and answering the attendees' questions. There were a lot of fun art booths to attend to and a lot of cosplayers to take pictures with. Over all I had a lot of fun. Vincent Nguyen: Volunteers at this event had the opportunity to guide lost attendees and direct traffic. These two tasks were simple enough through words but the lines took a couple hours. There were lines everywhere at the convention, lines for autographs and to the actual convention. My main job was to keep the aisles clear and with multiple intersecting lines, the job was pretty arduous. Despite the nature of the task and the impatient nature of some attendees not tolerating the volunteers, I found the overall experience to be heavily rewarding because I have never been to a comic convention before. I heavily enjoyed the art booths and am heavily thankful for the abundance of autographs and beautiful cosplayers I got to take pictures with. Although I have none of the pictures myself, the event itself will forever live in my memory and I most definitely will volunteer for it next year! PS: So I actually got to talk, signed, and take a picture with both Stan, Jim Lee,the XX Girls and a lot more awesome people firsthand, just to name a few. Totally worth the work!





New BusinesstT 6/16 Summer Tank Top Designing What? Create your own design online on CustomInk at http://www.customink.com/lab#loc-design-online and submit it to Ji Eun via email at <president@gvkeyclub.com>. When? The deadline (the last day to submit) is Sunday, June 16th.

7/12 Cards for Cancer Patients What? Division 28 South members will gather together and make cards for cancer patients with a barbeque social following. When? 10AM-12PM / Thursday, June 27th, 2013 Where? Sunset Partk: 2601 E. Sunset Road, Las Vegas, NV

9 Summer is quite slow in terms of events and services so we are encouraging everyone to try and attend as many Key Club events as they can! Let’s bring as much spirit as we can in these upcoming events!

See you there!


editor’s NoteV

Hi guys! I hope you like my July newsletter because I really worked hard on this one the most so far(in terms of creativity lol). Summer has been very busy for me especially because I am preparing myself for Junior Varsity for volleyball season. Even though these things are taking up my time, I still find a way to keep active in key club and all it’s events. Next month will be a busier time for me though because of try outs and camps or practices but still stay tuned for my kawaii newsletters! I hope you guys make it to your try outs if you guys have any! I can’t wait until our school year starts because it will be my first time attending ROTC! Hope everyone is having a n amazing summer and I’m always here to talk when you guys need anything :) -Zarina Aure


ContactsAK Ji Eun Bae, 11, President (702) 715-4493 president@gvkeyclub.com Vincent Nguyen, 11, Vice President (910) 299-7434 vicepresident@gvkeyclub.com Colin Hoang, 10, Secretary (702) 635-0648 secretary@gvkeyclub.com Tyler Dancel, 9, Treasurer (702) 556-1140 treasurer@gvkeyclub.com Zarina Aure, 9, Bulletin Editor (702) 806-2274 bulletineditor@gvkeyclub.com Isaiah Ricoy, 11, Seargant-at-Arms (702) 445-4618 sergeantatarms@gvkeyclub.com Mr. Adam Patai, Faculty Advisor (702) 689-2244 apatai@ccsd.interact.net Mr. George Hedges, Kiwanis Advisor (702) 417-5477 grhssh@cox.net

Thank You For Reading!

Keyclub.org 8360 Red Oak St. #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909-989-1500)

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