“Look at your walls... Then give us a call!”
• Basic Painting
• Cabinet Painting/Refinishing
• YES We Remove “Popcorn” Ceilings
- OR -
JULY 21 – Justin Williams, Acoustic music FREE
JULY 22 – Free Lecture – IS BIGFOOT REAL? With Joe & Mike, Bigfoot Researchers
JULY 29 – An Evening with a Psychic (pre-sale available on Eventbrite)
Kristie London – the Blue Eyed Empath. $60 at the door day of, discount with pre-sale on eventbrite (INCLUDES NA DRINK AND PIZZA) APPROX. 3 HOUR EVENT
3156 State Street, Caledonia
Chip Systems
• Concrete Prep for DIY-ers
• Concrete Grinding
Call us for an estimate!
Ryan Gonyea Builders
Cell: 585-250-2741
Inspect property for hidden pockets of water. While bird baths, pet bowls and kiddie pools are easy to find, homeowners may be unknowingly hosting mosquito breeding grounds elsewhere on their properties. For example,tarpsusedtocoverpools,automobilesorgrillsthatarenottightly secured can fold up, creating pockets where rain water can collect and give mosquitoes somewhere to breed. Mosquitoes also may use gutters to breed, so homeowners should routinely inspect and clean their gutters during spring and summer.
Choose products with child safety caps. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports nine out of 10 poisoning incidents involving children occur in the home. In 2019, approximately 67,500 children under the age of five ended up in emergency rooms due to unintended poisoning. Parents can protect children by keeping medicines in their original child-safe containers. When buying cleansers, cleaners and detergents, choose products that have strong child-safety lids and seals.
Utah and Ripley are my “rescue” babies. They came to us from Arizona. The two pups have been with us 6/3 years and they bring joy to my heart every day.
GARAGE,CRAFT & GIFT BASKET SALE. Pleasecomeandbrowse!July 14th10amto4pm,July15th9amto 4pm,July16th11amto4pm.54 WolcottStreet,LeRoy.
SCOTTSVILLE66Diana Drive July 14thandJuly15th2Householdgaragesale.Lotsoffurniture;clothes, manyneverused;ceramics,lamps, Lotsofkitchenitemsandmuchmore. Everythingmustgo.
MAMMOTHSALE: 2 SummitSt., Batavia.Summerhours11am-3pmeverySaturdayandSunday.New arrivals-EthanAllenandPeanuts Collection.Donationsaccepteddaily.
BATAVIA:COMMUNITYGARAGE SALE, RedOakLanearea (residentsofOakwoodHills)Friday 7/14&Saturday7/15(9am-3pm), MultipleHomes!Somethingforeveryone!
Trimming • Take Down
Brush Chipper Cabling
Stump Grinding
Reasonable Rates
Free Estimates • Insured
Office - 538-2745
Cell - 585-259-5117
Honeybees flitting from flower to flower is one of the first signs that warm weather has arrived. Honeybees are a welcome presenceinthegarden,pollenating plants and contributing to local honeysupplies.
Despite their importance in the ecosystem, honeybees are in grave danger. In 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama created a task force comprised of various agencies to address the growing issue of rapidly diminishing honeybees and other pollinating insects. This initiative was a response to reports from American beekeepers indicating hivedeathshavebeenontherise, gravely affecting the honeybee population. Honeybees pollinate many fruit trees, nut plants and vegetables, playing a crucial role formanynations’foodindustries. In addition to government involvement and honeybee conservation methods designed by environmental agencies, there are many things that regular citizens and homeowners can do toprotecthoneybeesthissummer.
Expert Bat Proofing & Removal
Serving Western New York
Use caution when applying any pesticides to home gardens. Be especially cautious when applying pesticides when bees arelikelytobeflying.Ifyoumust apply pesticides, do so only afterdusk.
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann
Distribution ...........................Chris Harrison
Creative Director
Production Supervisor
Circulation Manager
Your Perfect State of Organization (Family Features)
Life gets busy and clutter has a way of sneaking up on everyone. But, whether you’re a single person living in an apartment or have a large family in a sprawling house, everyone can benefit from more organization. By simply thinking about storage differently and coming up with a smart organizational system that works for you, you’ll be on the way to creating a well-balanced, happier home.
Starting the process
If you’re just beginning, remember: baby steps. Focus on one small area or room - or even your junk drawer. Don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture. Be sure to finish the project you’ve begun. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and be encouraged to tackle subsequent rooms and projects.
Already started
Stuck midway through an organizational project and need some inspiration to finish? Don’t be afraid to utilize online resources. Thinking of your project as a minimakeover can help make it more exciting and less of a chore.
Already organized
If your home is already organized, you know that keeping clutter at bay is a full-time job. Be sure to keep a watchful eye on areas that naturally accumulate clutter, such as entryways and child play areas. If you do have children, get them involved in the organization process by teaching them where items belong and how to store them. By labeling storage bins, baskets or drawers, your kids will always be able to help your home stay organized and clean.
• Save Time (585) 749-5343
Garden during the cooler parts of the day. Lawncare professionals advise against watering lawns between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the summertime, as water is more likely to evaporate during this time, which tends to be the hottest time of the day. Gardeners should avoid working in their gardens during these hours as well. Garden in the early morning hours when the sun is not burning as hot or in late afternoon or early evening hours when temperatures are less threatening.
226-3950 226-2212
Commercial cleansers may be too harsh to use on plastic resin furniture. Before risking discoloration or scratching, try some ingredients that are may be lying around the house. For example, use a wet sponge dipped in baking soda as a mild abrasive to clean resin. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse off the powdery residue afterward.
Automatic dishwasher detergent mixed with a gallon of warm water also may do the trick. The detergent contains a mild bleaching agent that will not cause damage like straight bleach.
20-25 BALES second cutting hay from 2021. You pick up: 585-662-7362
Numerous WOODEN PALLETS and numerous 5-GALLON BUCKETS, some with tops. Pick up near Buffalo airport: dan.lacitignola@gmail.com
INVACARE HOSPITAL BED, electric with side rails/trapeze. Very good condition, Manuals. Disassemble & pick up Lima: 937-657-0860
KENMORE CANISTER VACUUM CLEANER BAGS, size Q/C, qty. 8. Henrietta: 585-359-2455
CHAIN LINK DOG PEN (6’ H x 10’ W x 32’ L). Good condition: 585-223-5581
DINING ROOM TABLE w/six CHAIRS, BUFFET SERVER, and CHINA CABINET Great condition. You pick up, Webster: 585-739-1953
CHRISTMAS GIFT BAGS. 50 plus unused, all sizes. Text to arrange pick up: 585-747-4431
OLD WOODEN DESK - 60”x34”. Removable top for easy transport. From Dr.ís office: amparmil@rochester.rr.com
30 concrete 16” x 8” x 2” PATIO BLOCKS: 585-200-2009
KING-SIZED BED FRAME, metal, on wheels. Good condition. Also good for scrap. Call/text 585-447-1713
Two PLAYER PIANOS and a LOWREY HOME THEATER ORGAN: 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
WOOL for a braided rug: 585-424-5993
AIR CONDITIONER - 6,000 BTU with a remote. Works well: 585-831-7986
MAGAZINES - National Geographic 1955-2023. National Wildlife 1975-2023. Birders World/Birding 1990-2023. History (WWII) books: gagekm@twc.com
18 issues of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES: steelsanta@aol.com
ZUMSTEEL. Volume pedal-needs new pot: steelsanta@aol.com
TREADMILL. In good working condition. You are responsible for transport: 585-424-6695
KOHLER & CAMPBELL UPRIGHT PIANO. Excellent condition, send email to receive photo and video: harrytreis@gmail.com
STRAW, small bales, 7-8 pc. Good condition. Used as bow / arrow backstop. Text only, South Lima, Livingston Co.: 585-738-6232
New & in-box CABLE MODEM, Motorola 16x4 with AC1900 WIFI router: petert100@gmail.com
Disabled person needs working RIDING MOWER. Old one finally quit: piamiamine@yahoo.com
TWIN BED FRAME and BOX SPRING in good condition: 585-519-1261
Would like to dig up some WHITE BIRCH TREES in the Canandaigua area: scoutmasterdavid@yahoo.com
FARM TRACTOR TIRE for weightlifting/strength training. Call or text: 585-764-9769
One used 55-gallon or 30+ gallon METAL BARREL: 585-533-9203
DOG STAIRS or RAMP for a small pregnant dog: 585-671-0703 leave message
CHILD SIZE SET OF LEFT-HANDED GOLF CLUBS, not a toy set, real clubs: 585-624-5951
COOKBOOKS and CORNINGWARE. Old or new. Will be used and treasured! 585-729-1259
SCRAPS OF COTTON for a quilt: 585-424-5993
WATER TABLE for children to play in: 585-288-2661
ROCK 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, and RECORDS from ‘70s/’80s/’90s for own personal collection: gzintel@yahoo.com
8-OUNCE JELLY JARS: llibby@rochester.rr.com
Looking for 5-10 LB. WEIGHTS stan1k1@yahoo.com
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Archery Merit Badge. 501C compliant. Text 585-794-0448 or email mintshape@netacc.net
KAYAK. 6 ft or longer. If you no longer want or use your kayak please email: mmshining42@gmail.com
GARDEN BROADFORK, for preparing soil: 585-208-4475
REFRIGERATOR in good running condition for a disabled senior citizen: 585-773-0391
Used oak finished KITCHEN TABLE w/LEAF and four CHAIRS. Text only: 585-813-4270
BANANA BOXES. All in good shape: 315-548-3872
Daughter with Down Syndrome is looking for DVDs of any “WHO’S THE BOSS” EPISODES: 585-944-4855
Any kind of WAGON: 585-944-4855
WIGS – light colored, any style. Desperately needed: 315-462-2693
Built/Unbuilt MODELS or SLOT CARS. Automotive, Aviation, Military, Watercraft, Monsters, Sci-Fi, etc. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector needs projects: 585-314-6989
BACKRACK for full size pickup. Please text with pictures: 585-447-0201
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
wallet at the checkout counter. I had $1 in that wallet. I also had 10 IDs/store cards, 3 credit cards, 1 $50 gift card, 2 bank cards, and 4 blank checks. (Mostly) all eventually replaceable. Most important to me is an irreplaceable photo of my husband’s grandparents that I am going to have enlarged, which would have been a loss without measure. When the lady at the service desk handed me my wallet (she already had it under lock and key), she said “Have a blessed day!” I told her I just did!
Thank you for following the rules of the road
I’d like to thank those drivers on the roads that use their turn signals, come to complete stops at stop signs, and all the other rules that are not always followed. As a mom who is teaching her teenager to drive and to follow all the laws, it’s nice to see other drivers reinforcing what should be done. By doing things properly we can all help to keep the roads safe for drivers young and old!
It is a big problem and it is abused terribly, with disability placards that people truly don't need and people running to the doctors to get their pets signed off as emotional support animal when their pet is not allowed in an apartment building. This is so abused. Why do the doctors just sign off so easily to someone who walks in and wants their pet certified when they don't have a psychological diagnosis or aren't a combat vet? Sure, people just want to take their pet to an apartment building that has a no pet policy. And I know for a fact this is done frequently along with people who truly don't need a disability placard for their car. Doctors need to examine this extensively before just passing out anything to everyone. It's very unfair to people who truly need it. I have seen people struggling with canes because they cannot get a handicap parking spot because of people who abuse it. These doctors need to be held responsible/accountable. Shame on you; you know you are faking.
No license required?
Did I miss something? When did it become legal for off-road recreational vehicles to be ON the road with registered, licensed, insured, and inspected vehicles? Did I also miss a drop in age requirement for drivers on the road? Apparently kids as young as 12-14 are able to drive their UTV's and side by side along the highway at any time of the day. Is it legal for me to buy one of these, slap a "slow moving vehicle" sign on the back and drive it to work? I'm in!! Think of the thousands I'll save in fees!
All cra supplies, needlework, Xstitch, plastic canvas, painting & knit/crochet instruction books, ribbon, silk owers, gi s and greeting cards.
*sale does not include jewelry, fabric, vintage items, paperback & hardcover books - Additional 10% discount on instruction books -
70 S. Lake Ave. (Rt. 19), Bergen • 494-2056 • cra suppliesunlimited.com
New Hours: urs. & Fri. 10am-5pm • Sat. 10am-4pm • Closed Sun.-Wed.
August 8-10 Cultural Boston (loaded with highlights!)
August 14-15 Seneca Niagara Casino Overnight featuring Yakov Smirnoff Show
August 17-19 Akwesasne Casino & 1,000 Islands
August 21-23 Valley Forge, Daniel Boone Homestead & Colebrookdale RR
Sept 12-14 PA Dutch Country with MOSES and Guys & Dolls
Oct 2-4 Adirondack Wild Walk Fall Foliage
Oct 5-10 Country Trails – Nashville & Country Music Legends
Oct 16-19 Ohio Amishlands including Udder Nonsense & the Age of Steam Roundhouse
Nov 27-28 The Miracle of Christmas in Lancaster, PA
July 19 Fun in The Finger Lakes: Granger Homestead, Canandaigua Yacht Club, & Lake Cruise
August 3 Corning including Sandblasting Class and lunch at Sorges
August 9 Driving Miss Daisy at Bristol Valley Playhouse & Avon Inn luncheon
August 22 Beautiful: the Carole King Story at Merry Go Round & Springside Inn luncheon
August 28 The Underground Railroad Heritage Tour (Niagara Falls)
September 20 “Law & Oiler” Tour
September 14 Country Music Classics show with Donna & the Mystics & luncheon
October 3 A Chorus Line at Merry Go Round & Sherwood Inn luncheon
October 9 Fall in the Finger Lakes – Bully Hill luncheon & wine tasting and the Windmill Fall Market
October 10 Oktoberfest at the Buffalo Hofbruhaus, Made In America Store & Cheese Tour
October 11 Letchworth Fall Spectacular with Avon Inn brunch & Monk’s Bread
October 16 Letchworth Fall Spectacular with Avon Inn brunch & Monk’s Bread
October 18 Vineyard brunch & the NEW Finger Lakes scenic train ride from Seneca Falls
November 13 Veteran’s Appreciation Tour to WWII Museum in Eldred, PA
Tours are lling fast, sign up today to reserve your seat!
Feather is talking to those of us who never seem to manage to get started toward our goals. We resolve to do better, to accomplish more, to eliminate our bad habits or to help others, but somehow we never actually start. We explain (to ourselves) that we’re waiting for the right conditions to prevail.
In truth, the conditions may be exactly right but our excuses are based on labeling current conditions as unsuitable. If we really want to accomplish anything, we must accept conditions as they are, or alter them to better suit our needs.
We are well qualified by training and experience to provide comforting help to bereaved families We will provide any information about funerals you may desire. Phone us, please.
3068 West Main Street • Caledonia • (585) 538-6500 www.alhartfuneralhome.com • Like us on facebook
Abrielle DeMarco – Daemen University, Physician’s Assistant Elliot Dietrich – University at Bu alo, nursing
Aaliya Kocher – Daemen University, Physician’s Assistant David Morrison – SUNY Upstate, Doctor of Medicine
is Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 for Caledonia-Mumford School graduates entering the allied elds of medicine. Since that time, there have been 78 recipients.
Contributions may be mailed to William McGinnis, President of the Scholarship Fund, 1103 Main Street, P.O. Box 195, Mumford, New York 14511. All contributions to this fund are tax deductible.
“Conditions are never just right....”
~ William Feather
Leave nothing behind. Memories are not the only things park visitors should take with them when they leave the park. Estimates suggest that as much as 100 million pounds of garbage are generated at California’s Yosemite National Park each year. Significant damage can result if even a tiny fraction of that garbage is left behind. In addition, park officials forced to expend their limited resources on garbage pickup may not have enough resources left to address other issues, further threatening the park. Whether you’re hiking or camping, make sure everything you take into the park comes with you when you leave. If you have trash, make sure it’s deposited into the appropriate receptacles.
On July 9, 1877, the All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club begins its first lawn tennis tournament at Wimbledon, then an outer-suburb of London. Twenty-one amateurs showed up to compete in the Gentlemen’s Singles tournament, the only event at the first Wimbledon. The winner was to take home a 25-guinea trophy.
1 2/3 cups flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons Red Food Color
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar nonstick cooking spray
In medium bowl, mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt; set aside. In large bowl, beat butter and granulated sugar with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add eggs, food color and vanilla extract; mix well. Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until well mixed. Refrigerate 4 hours.
Heat oven to 350 F. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Roll in confectioners’ sugar to completely coat. Place 2 inches apart on baking sheets sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake 10-12 minutes, or until cookiesarepuffed.Coolonbaking sheets 2 minutes. Remove to wire racks; cool completely.
Saturday, but every day that you can. Need milk, eggs, bread, or beer? Go to the local corner store instead –Say “hey” and get to know the owner who’s paying taxes to keep your neighborhood in tip-top shape.
Post pictures, tweets, and status updates of either the small business you own, or of yourself shopping at one, and be sure to use the hashtag #ShopSmall. Also write positive Yelp reviews for the small businesses you love and support.
Sign up for local business’ loyalty programs – Does a local business have a customer loyalty and rewards program? Sign up for it – not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll get discounts and rewards for it, too.
Please take notice e Storage Mall - Brooks Avenue located at 1214 Brooks Ave., Rochester, NY 14624 intends to hold a sale of the property stored in the below listed Storage Spaces. e public sale shall occur as an online auction via www.storageauctions.com on 7/25/2023 at 10:00AM. Unless listed below, the contents consist of household goods and furnishings. Jazea Evalis Torres unit #228. is sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See manager for details.
Starting Saturdays, July 8th.
Enjoy a two hour roundtrip from either direction. Or plan lunch in Cli on Springs by taking the early departure at 10:30 with a return at 2:15. Info. line at 315-702-6700
Ticketing and info at www. ngerlakesrail.com
Vacations don’t have to be taxing. Cut down on some of the stressful aspects of traveling by simplifying and delegating tasks.
At Our Henrietta Farm, 365 Goodburlet Road
For picking information call 585-533-1578
OPEN Starting July 6th, 8am-12pm Every Day!
July 20, 12-6 • July 21, 12-6 • July 22, 10-3
Eligible for door prize when visiting both shops during this event.
4309 Gilhooly Road, Alexander, NY • 716-560-2094
AND 4096 E. Main Street Road, Attica, NY • 585-820-1909
Wood Products, Home Décor, Primitives, Country Treasures, Amish products, Outdoor Lawn Items, Wood Burned American Flags, Outdoor Poly Furniture, and many one-of-a-kind gifts
* On July 12, 1979, disco music died at Chicago’s Comiskey Park when a “Disco Demolition” night is held. Organizers grossly underestimated the number of fans who would want to blow up their disco records: a sellout crowd inside the stadium and 40,000 outside who stormed the field and lit bonfires on the diamond.
• Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation
• Lunch
• Depart 9:00am from Quality Inn Batavia
• Return at 9:00pm
• Your final destination is no more than 4 hours away, but that’s the only clue you’ll get!
Full payment due at time of sign up – hurry, space is limited! Payment is NONREFUNDABLE. Cancellation Insurance is available and recommended.
• Deluxe round-trip Motorcoach Transportation
• 7 night cruise
• Meals and entertainment on board ship
Day 1: New York City
Day 2: Day at sea
Day 3: Saint John, New Brunswick
Day 4: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Day 5: Sydney, Nova Scotia Day 6: Day at Sea
Day 7: Day at Sea Day 8: New York City
Per Person Rates: $1,149.00 – BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY INSIDE CABIN (4). $1,359.00 – BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY OUTSIDE WINDOW CABIN (6). $1,629.00 – BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY OUTSIDE BALCONY CABIN (8). Cruise line has the right to add fuel surcharge after booking is confirmed. If the price of oil goes over $70.00 per barrel on the NYSE, they will add up to $12.00 per guest per day to all bookings. Cruise line has the right to change this amount at any time** Deposit: $250.00 per person due at time of booking. Book early for best cabin selection! Cancellation insurance available and recommended. PROPER PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED – VALID PASSPORT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
• Motorcoach Transportation
• 5 nights lodging including 3 consecutive nights in the Asheville area
• 8 meals: 5 breakfasts and 3 dinners
• Guided tour of Asheville, NC
• Full day visit to Biltmore Estate
• Guided drive along Blue Ridge Parkway
• Visits to the famous Folk Art Center, and magnificent St. Lawrence Basilica
• Visit to the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center
Add $209.00 for single occupancy. Nonrefundable $75 per person deposit due at time of booking. Trip cancellation insurance available and highly recommended. Final Payment Due: August 29, 2023.
Sept. 16-23, 2023 FROM $1,149 Per Person, Double Occupancy
Nov. 5-10, 2023
Per Person, Double Occupancy
Servings: 10
3/4 cup Apple Butter
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
10 pieces bacon
10 extra-large shrimp, cleaned and deveined chopped cilantro, for garnish (optional)
Heat oven to 400 F. Line rimmed bakingsheetwithparchmentpaper.
In medium-sized skillet over medium heat, add apple butter, maplesyrup,redpepperflakes,salt and paprika. Whisk until mixture is thick and cooked down by half, about10minutes.Setaside.
In large skillet over medium heat, add bacon slices and cook until brownedbutstillflexible. Remove from pan and drain on paper towel-lined plate.
Wraponebaconslicearoundeach shrimp, secure with toothpick and placeontopreparedbakingsheet.
Once all shrimp have been wrapped, baste tops with apple butter mixture.
Bake 5 minutes then flip and baste other side of shrimp. Bake another 5 minutes. Continue to flip and basteshrimp(2minuteseachtime) until shrimp is fully cooked. Do not overcook as glaze can burn. Sprinkle with cilantro, if desired.
Serves 6 to 8
2 to 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 pounds apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices
1/2 cup honey, preferably sage
1/2 cup white wine
Zest of 1 lemon
Juice of 1 lemon
Fresh sage sprigs for garnish
1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the apples, turn the heat to high and sauté until they begin to brown on the edges, about 5 minutes. If some are getting too well done, remove them and place on a plate while the rest continue to cook, then return them to the skillet when all are done.
2. Reduce the heat to low and add the honey, wine, lemon zest, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water. Cover and allow to cook until the apples are tender but still firm; you don’t want them to turn into applesauce.
3. Serve this in a bowl, tuck in a couple sprigs of fresh sage from your garden, and tell your guests all about sage honey.
would like to thank all individuals, organizations, and businesses as well as the many in attendance who donated at the gates and stands for their generous contributions which will ensure the continuation of our Field Day event. anks are also in order for the many volunteers and organizations who gave of their time and talent to assist in making this event possible, as well as those who participated in the opening and closing ceremonies, and to all who helped at the gates, stands, and in parking and tra c control. Your e orts were greatly appreciated! e Association welcomes suggestions and encourages interested people to volunteer for next year's event.
e date will be announced at a later time.
Use light wisely. The photography resource Expert Photography recommends taking photos primarily during the golden hours. These are right after sunrise and just before sunset. The light during these times of day has a softer, hazy quality that will illuminate subjects evenly and less harshly than midday, when shadows also may pose challenges. Taking photos during these times also means fewer people around and a better chance that wildlife will be out and about.
Most insurances accepted, workers comp/auto accidents
3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2
20 Finn Road, Suite C
What are the symptoms of peripheral nerve injuries? The Mayo Clinic notes that symptoms of peripheral nerve injuries, including pain, range from mild to severe. Severe symptoms can seriously limit individuals’ ability to perform and engage in daily activities. Symptoms differ depending on which nerve fibers are affected. Motor nerves regulate all the muscles under conscious control,helping people to walk,speak and hold objects. Sensory nerves relay information about touch, temperature and pain, while autonomic nerves regulate activities that are not consciously controlled, such as breathing, heart function and digestion. Since these functions are so different, it’s no surprise that injuries to each type of nerve produce different symptoms.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Which diet styles in particular are associated with a lower risk of heart disease? Many people get confused about what a healthy diet actually consists of. Is a Mediterranean diet easier than an extreme low-fat diet? -- D.H.H.
ANSWER: There are several styles of diet that have been proven to be healthier than a typical North American diet. Two of the best that have been studied are the ones you mentioned -- the extreme low-fat diet and the Mediterranean-style diet -- but there are many others that show benefit and a few that show harm.
In a landmark study published by Dr. Dean Ornish in 1998, intensive lifestyle changes reduced the amount of heart disease (measured by blockages in the heart arteries) more than those in the control group without medication. This remarkable result required a diet that was mostly vegetarian (egg whites and only 1 cup of milk a day) and no more than 10% fat (the average American diet is 30% to 35% fat).
In addition to dietary changes, participants performed aerobic exercise (3 hours per week), stress management (1 hour per day) and group psychosocial support (4 hours twice a week), and they also had a 100% smoking cessation rate. It is unclear how much of the benefit in reversing heart blockages is due to diet and how much is due to other beneficial behavior changes, or whether they all worked together (which seems likely to me).
The Mediterranean diet, when studied, also reduced risk of heart disease, with a roughly 30% relative-risk reduction in heart attack, stroke or death due to heart disease. This diet is characterized by:
-- An abundant use of olive oil
-- High consumption of plant foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds)
-- Frequent but moderate intake of wine (especially red wine) with meals
-- Moderate consumption of fish, seafood, fermented dairy products (yogurt and cheese), poultry and eggs
-- Low consumption of red and processed meat as well as sweets
Receiving dental implants—or having your teeth removed in preparation for implants—is a surgical procedure not to be taken lightly. You will want to treat the implant process like any other surgery by preparing in advance for your recovery. Clear your schedule and plan to spend the first three days resting at home. Don’t make any strenuous plans during the first week after surgery. You will need to eat soft foods for a few days afterward, so prepare soups, smoothies, and casseroles in advance and store them in the fridge or freezer. If you will be under general anesthesia, you will need to fast for twelve hours before the surgery and secure a ride to and from the procedure.
We will be glad to discuss implants and other available options of keeping your smile a beautiful,happy
one. At BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL, we believe in an informed patient, and we promise to provide you with information regarding all aspects of your dental care. You can always count on our experienced, honest recommendation for the treatment best suited to your dental needs. Our goals are the same as yours at 6 Batavia City Centre—a healthy mouth and a brilliant smile. Call 585.343.4246 for an appointment.
P.S. If you will be taking prescription painkillers after your dental implant surgery, make sure you fill the prescription before your procedure takes place.
There isn’t a doubt that the Mediterranean diet is much easier for most to comply with. The two diets haven’t been compared, so I can’t say which is better, but I more commonly recommend the Mediterranean diet. However, I do not recommend drinking wine for any kind of health benefit. Exercise, stress management and psychosocial support would be likely to improve outcomes with any kind of favorable dietary change.
The DASH diet -- a lower-salt diet with 4 to 5 servings of fruit, 4 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 3 servings of low-fat dairy per day, with less than 25% of daily caloric intake from fat -- has been shown to reduce blood pressure. Moreover, in people with high or normal blood pressure, this diet lowers risk of colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease and premature mortality. It’s also easy to maintain.
Many people ask me about ketogenic (“keto”) diets, which typically involve large amounts of meat and, consequently, a high proportion of protein and fat. Although these types of diets can cause short-term weight loss, a recent study showed these diets unfortunately increased cholesterol levels and more than doubled the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes (heart attack and death).
So, I recommend against following this type of diet and remind readers that weight loss does not necessarily translate into better health. As the above studies have shown, a person of any weight can better their health by having a more plant-based diet, getting regular exercise, managing their stress and receiving psychosocial support. The changes you make do not need to be extreme in order for you to receive better health.
*** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On July 13, 1930, France defeats Mexico 4-1 and the U.S. blanks Belgium 3-0 in the first-ever World Cup football matches, played in Montevideo, Uruguay. The World Cup has since become the world’s most-watched sporting event.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Please warn your readers to watch out for a new scam targeting pet owners. ese despicable people look for “Lost Pet” signs and call the owner’s number, claiming that they are a nearby shelter and that they’ve found their pet. But there’s a catch: In order to get the pet back, the owner must pay the shelter using an online payment app or by sending gi cards. And here’s the cruelest part: e scammers don’t have their pet. ey just take the money and disappear. Please sound the alarm.
-- Denise O., San FranciscoDEAR DENISE: Absolutely, and thank you for this alert! Losing a pet is heartbreaking. Scammers always strike when we’re at our most vulnerable, and it’s easy to fall for their scheme when we would do anything to get our pet back home.
More details on the rise of this scam in the San Francisco area can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/3dnmtsjs.
And here’s info on a similar scam in the Rochester, New York, area that targets your phone number: https://tinyurl.com/yt96mhn9.
If you’re contacted by someone claiming to have found your lost pet, always use caution. Look for these red ags:
-- e person claims you need to pay a ne to get your pet back, using an online payment service or gi cards.
-- e scammer says they need to send you a Google veri cation code.
-- e scammer refuses to send you a photo of your pet. Here’s what to do next:
-- Call a friend and get their perspective. It’s hard to think clearly when you’re upset.
-- Call the scammer’s number back. If they don’t answer, or it’s a wrong number, it’s a scam.
-- Report the scam call to the local police department. ey can’t recover your pet, but they can alert others in your community.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
on the patio bar every Friday and Saturday (weather dependent)
July 7, Rhonda Federation
July 8, Monica Hall
July 9, The Songbirds
July 14, Julie & Mike
July 15, David Knaudt
July 21, Josh Hawkins
July 22, Orange Dog Club
July 28, Julie & Mike
July 29, Begging Angels
Each year the Oatka Festival, held on the banks of the scenic Oatka Creek, starts off with a gala musical parade. Many local churches and organizations provide the food choices and the continuous entertainment is family oriented.
Another highlight of the Festival is the arts and crafts show overlooking the scenic Oatka Creek. Many classes and families plan their reunions to coincide with the weekend and there is a “coming-home atmosphere” for all who attend.
Makes 6 donuts
11/2 teaspoons distilled white vinegar
1 cup gluten-free flour
1/4 cup unsweetened dark cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 teaspoons coconut oil, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 vegan crunchy chocolate cookies, crushed
1 12-ounce jar Dollop Gourmet Madagascar Vanilla vegan frosting Milk
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Spray a donut pan with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Pour the vinegar into a 1/2 cup measure. Add enough milk to come to the brim. Let sit until slightly thickened, 5 to 10 minutes.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, applesauce, coconut oil, and vanilla. Slowly add the flour mixture and mix until smooth. Add the almond milk mixture and continue mixing for 1 minute more. Add half of the crushed cookies and mix until just combined.
4. Scoop the batter into the prepared donut pan, filling threequarters of the way full. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool before frosting.
5. Microwave the uncovered frosting jar for 5-second intervals, stirring in between, until soft. Gently frost the top of each donut. Sprinkle the remaining crushed cookies over the donuts.
Whether you live in downtown Rochester, out in the region’s most rural areas, or somewhere in between, chances are you heard the telltale booms of reworks last weekend. Across the nation, communities celebrate our nation’s Independence Day with festivals, celebrations of various kinds, and o entimes reworks. July 4th celebrates our nation’s independence from British rule with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Every July 3rd, residents set Conesus Lake’s perimeter ablaze with a Ring of Fire, road ares and torches at the lake’s edge turning the Seneca tradition of gathering at res at the water’s edge “to celebrate [the] beauty and abundance of the lake” into an annual Independence Day tradition for residents, vacationers, and visitors alike. Nearby towns set o reworks therea er, illuminating the sky for all to enjoy. According to KidsOutandAbout.com, Sodus Bay, Honeoye Lake, and Farmington residents also celebrate July 3rd. en on the 4th, communities across the Rochester area host a myriad of celebrations at parks, community centers, and town halls. Celebrations o en include parades, live music, food/beverages, and reworks. We celebrate because we can, and we must remember the signi cance, that we can celebrate such freedoms because our nation gained independence from British rule at this time in 1776. Why reworks, though? I assumed it had reference to the explosions, artillery re, “bombs bursting in air” from the Revolutionary War itself, but I questioned why Americans would use reworks to celebrate if as a nation we may want to forget the explosions and artillery. So I did some research.
According to History, the tradition of setting o reworks on July 4th began in Philadelphia on July 4, 1777, during the rst organized celebration of Independence Day, where ships’ cannons red a 13gun salute in honor of the 13 colonies. at night there was “a grand exhibition of reworks (which began and concluded with thirteen rockets) on the Commons, and the city was beautifully illuminated” (History).
As Independence Day celebrations grew in popularity a er the War of 1812, when our nation battled again against Britain, reworks became more readily available, and public safety concerns of cannon and gun re phased the latter options out of celebrations in favor of reworks (History). Since the holiday falls mid-summer, July 4th celebrations across the nation focus on leisure activities and casual get-togethers with friends and family. It is not a solemn occasion, but instead a festive celebration of our nation’s independence.
America’s use of reworks and pyrotechnics dates long before Independence Day, though, as a common tool of celebration and thanksgiving, “the result of hundreds of years of royal pageantry,” according to Brittanica. When President John Adams wrote that the Continental Congress’ independence declaration “ought to be
solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bon res, and Illuminations ( reworks) from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more,” he invoked “one of the most recognizable celebrations of nationhood of his time: reworks” (Brittanica).
Fireworks and festivities around the Rochester area are incredible celebrations with community fun that can’t be beat. Celebrate our independence and freedoms (yes, even with a healthy dose of realism of rights not yet a orded equally to all – let’s continue to work on that even as we celebrate). Celebrate the ability to make choices for ourselves, to vote for representatives in our government, all that was not a orded to colonists pre-revolution. Celebrate with friends and family at those backyard barbecues, festivals, parades, and reworks, but let’s not forget why we celebrate. Let’s recognize and appreciate our rights.
I especially think of Genesee Country Village & Museum’s naturalization ceremony they host each July 4th. I love the added perspective:witnessingthatceremonyo ersanincredibleopportunity to re ect. People from around the globe come seeking US citizenship o en because in their home countries, they lack the rights we may take for granted. Yes, our nation has its problems. We are a melting pot of ideas and cultures that o en clash. Humans are di erent, but it’s important to know that our ancestors chose to form a government whose power should come from the governed. We have the right to vote, to speak up for what we think is right. We can use our civic responsibility to help change. Some around the world cannot say the same.
Even as we celebrate with picnics, parades, and reworks, let’s remember and appreciate the reason for our celebration.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
One of the more beloved ways for thrill-seekers to spend a day off is to visit an amusement park. Amusement parks take many shapes. Some may be small, traveling carnivals, while others are large parks that draw visitors from all over the country. Amusement parks typically feature hair-raising rides, games of skill, tasty food, and gift shops. That means there’s something for everyone.
Although they may seem like a relatively modern concept, amusement parks, fairs and carnivals actually have storied histories. In fact, historians say that carnivals and local fairs have been around since the Middle Ages. According to History.com, amusement parks, once dubbed “pleasure gardens” and “trolly parks,” sprung up across the United States and Europe in the 19th century.
Hours: M, W, F - 8am-5pm; T & Th - 8am-6pm; Sat. By Appointment
Day camp: Day camps provide much of the structure of school without all the homework or time spent indoors. Many parks and recreation departments run summer day camps for kids. Camps can be generalized or specialized. For example, some may offer an array of activities, including sports and nature walks, in a given day, while others may focus on a single activity, like musical lessons or science-based programs. Camps run by local parks and rec departments do not typically last all summer long, which parents should keep in mind when enrolling youngsters.
The first Oatka Festival was held in 1989. It was Mayor Kevin Earle who wanted Le Roy to have a festival similar to what he had experienced in Dansvillewherehelivedbefore moving to Le Roy. He spoke to Lynne Belluscio, curator of the Le Roy House, and Pete Weaver a local businessman and neighbor of the mayor. They visited Palmyra’s Canal TownDaysseveraltimestoget ideas about the way to shape ourfestival.
Together Lynne and Pete planned an old fashioned community gathering. The idea was to bring the community together for food, entertainment, and fun. It was a lot of work, but the reward is seeing the festival continue year after year. It has always been the idea of the festival committee that the size of the festival is perfect just as it is, and so it continues to have that old fashioned community gatheringflair.
Others have joined the committee that each year weaves a tapestry of Le Roy’s many features to present a festivalthatisoneofthenicest family events in the northeast. Each year the festival, held on the banks of the scenic Oatka Creek, starts off with a gala musical parade. Many local churches and organizations provide the food choices and the continuous entertainment isfamilyoriented.
Another highlight of the festival is the arts and crafts show overlooking the scenic Oatka Creek. Many classes and families plan their reunions to coincide with this weekend and there is a “coming home atmosphere”forallwhoattend.
Thursday 7/13
“Kettle & Friends”
Thursday-Saturday 7/13-7/15
DJ Kevin and Beth Eustace
Thursday 7/13
“Free Beer” and “Radio Relapse”
Saturday 7/15
“Conflict Alyson” and “Audibull”
Sunday 7/16
“Herbal Tonic”
Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120
Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1 (Sept.-May)
Chili Public Library
3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester www.chililibrary.org
(585) 889-2200
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. Closed
Hollwedel Memorial Library
5 Woodrow Dr., Pavilion (585) 584-8843
Hours: M,W 1-8; T, Th 10-1; F 11-6; S 9-noon; Sunday-closed
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St., Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org
(585) 293-2009
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library 28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1
CaledoniaLibrary: YOUR LIBRARYCARDEMPOWERS YOUYouarelinkedtoall42librariesintheOWWLsystem.Youcan placeitemsonhold,downloadebooks,andrenewitems.
SwampStorybyDaveBarry;The TrackersbyCharlesFrazier;The LastWordbyTaylorAdams.
SENIORBOOKCLUBNextmeetson TuesdayAugust8that2:15p.m. Currentselectionis“TheMakingof AnotherMajorMotionPicture”by TomHanks.
LOOSELYKNITKnittinggroup meetsonThursdaysat2:00p.m. Allarewelcometojoinustolearn andshare. DIDYOUKNOWWehavealarge selectionofpopularmagazines. Magazinesmaybecheckedoutjust likeourbooks!
LIBRARYBOARDMEETINGSAre heldonthelastTuesdayofeach monthat6:00p.m.unlessotherwiseadvertised.
GolfingforGatewayHome Comfort Care attheQuietTimes GolfCourse.BasketAuction,Raffles,50/50.HeldThursday,July 27th.Startsat10am. Allproceeds fromtheeventswillbenefitGatewayHomeComfortCareinAttica.
InternationalJusticeMission Benefit Concert -100%ofticket salesdonatedtofightsextraffickingandforcedlabor.Jennyand TylerLiveinConcert!Thursday,July 13th@7:15.Doorsopenat6:30. RiverSpringChapel,909CreekRd., Attica.http://riverspringministries. orgTicketsareavailableat Riverspringministies.org
BenefitConcert - TheSound.Live inConcert!Bluegrass/Country/ Rootsband.AlbumoftheYear Winners.100%ofticketsales donatedtodevelopagospelfocus bibleschoolinWNY.July14, 6:30pm-9:30pmattheRiverSpring Chapel,909CreekRd.,Attica. http://riverspringministries.orgTicketsareavailableat Riverspringministies.org
SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31st AvonAlumniBanquet HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.
SaveTheDate! Avon American LegionFamilyPost294CAR SHOW!Sunday,July23,10-3pm. Food,50/50,Trophies!Freefor Spectators.Starttheday...Pancake Breakfast8am-11am.$1013&up, $55-12yr.Endtheday...Chicken BBQ12pm-3pm.$14/dinner.All welcome!Comeandjoinusat 5480Avon-EastAvonRoad,Avon. Facebook:@avonnyalaunit294. Call:585-738-4642.Email: avonnyalpost294@gmail.com.
ChickenBarbequeBenefitFundraiser forFaith! JoinusatPuppy’s Bar&Grill,58W.MainSt.,Avon foraCHICKENBARBEQUEonSunday,July9th,1pm-til.$12 Minimum/Dinner.LiveMusic!Drink SpecialsandRaffles.JackDaniels Girls2-4pm.Donationstobenefit ourbartenderFaithLetsonwhois battlingbreastcancer.
TalesofFriendshipandKindness: StoriesFromAroundthe World -CrisRiedel,Livingston County’sownstoryteller,willperformkid-friendlyfolktalesabout FRIENDSHIPANDKINDNESSduring thesummerreadingprogramsat LimaPublicLibraryonJuly10at 10:30am;CaledoniaLibraryJuly11 at11am,andAvonFreeLibrary July14at2pm.Theeventsare free,eachprogramis35minutes long,andissuitableforlisteners fouryearsoldandolder.TheprogramisfundedbytheNewYork StateCouncilontheArtsand GeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts.
CrossroadsHouseAnnualTent Sale - (FormerlyGarageSale,we outgrewthegarage!)July26-29, 2023attheCrossroadsHouse,11 LibertySt.,Batavia.Pre-sale Wednesday,7/26-9amto1pm$5donationperperson16and older.Thursday&Friday,7/27& 7/28-9amto4pm.Selectitemson saleFriday.Saturday,7/29-9amto 1pm.Selectitemsonsale.BoxSale -shoppersareencouragedtobring theirownboxorbag.HotDog lunchavailableeveryday.https:// www.crossroadshouse.com
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeo Batavia! July14th! Theforthof sixFridayNightFoodTruckRodeois scheduledforFriday,July14that theGeneseeCountyFairgroundsin Batavia.FoodTrucksfromallover WesternNewYorkwillbereadyto serveyoufrom4PMuntil8PMor soldout.Thisisafreeadmission, freeparking,cashonlyevent.Stop insayHiandgrababitetoeat. FridayNightFoodTruckRodeois sponsoredbyGeneseeCountyAgriculturalSociety,Inc.
GeneseeAreaGenealogists-Our July meetingoftheGeneseeArea GenealogistswillbeheldonTuesday,July18at7pmattheHolland LandOfficeMuseum.Ourspeaker willbeRhondaHoffman.Thetopic is:IHaveMyDNAforGenealogical TestResults.NowWhat???Come joinusandlearnmore.
HLOMExhibitOpening: Memento Mori:HistoricBataviaCemetery200Years,1823-2023TheHollandLandOfficeMuseumisproud toannounceanopeningnight eventfortheexhibit,“Memento Mori:HistoricBataviaCemetery, 200Years,1823-2023”on Wednesday,July12thfrom7-9 pm.Allarewelcometocomeand seethisinterestingexhibitonloss andcommemorationinour community.Visitorscanalsosee therestofthemuseumaftergoing throughthenewexhibit.Donations willbeacceptedtobothorganizations.
GeneseeCounty4-HMarket Animal Auction: Joinusforthe 53rdannualGeneseeCounty4-H MarketAnimalAuctionatthe GeneseeCountyFaironThursday, July27th.Salebeginsat6:30pmin the4-HShowArena.Sellingmarketrabbits,marketchickens,goats, lambs,beefsteers,dairysteersand hogsraisedbylocal4-Hyouth.For moreinformation,contactthe GeneseeCounty4-HOfficeat 585-343-3040orgenesee4h@ cornell.edu.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
2ndAnnualJudyRussellMemorial GolfTournament attheBataviaCountryClub.BasketAuction, Raffles,50/50!Saturday,July15thStartsat1pm. Allproceedsfrom theeventswillbenefitGateway HomeComfortCareinAttica.
WNYPRISMWalkandTalksat the GeneseeCountyPark&Forest -JoinawalkwithWNYPRISM attheGeneseeCountyPark& Forestandlearnaboutinvasivespecies,ecology,spreadprevention, nativeplantsandmore.Theparkis justoneofthebeautifulplacesthey willbevisitingthissummer!This programisFREE.Pleaseregister usingthelinkedform.HeldJuly26 6pm-7:30pmattheGeneseeCo. Park&Forest,11095BethanyCenterRd.,EastBethany.https://form. jotform.com/wnyprism8/2023walk-and-talks
TakeOffPoundsSensibly (TOPS) #1134: Since2019,the membersofTakeOffPoundsSensibly(TOPS)#1134havebeenworkingtowardgettingourAdopt-a Highwaysignsup.Delayedbythe pandemic,theirsignswererecently placedinByron.Westartedthis projecttogetourorganization knowntothepublic,toexercise, andtogivebacktothecommunity andhelpkeepitclean.Aninternationalclubcelebratingits75thyear, TOPS1134meetsattheFirstPresbyterianChurchinByronon Wednesdayevenings.Weighin startsat5p.m.withthemeeting 5:30-6:30pm.
ByronKiwanisChickenBBQTAKE OUTONLY.ByronKiwanis ChickenBBQ,Saturday,July22, 2023from11:00amtil2:00pmat theByronFireDeptRecreationHall, E.Main,Byron.Dinnerincludes:1/2 chicken,coleslaw,bakedbeans, dinnerroll.Costis$15perperson.
TalesofFriendshipandKindness: StoriesFromAroundthe World -CrisRiedel,Livingston County’sownstoryteller,willperformkid-friendlyfolktalesabout FRIENDSHIPANDKINDNESSduring thesummerreadingprogramsat LimaPublicLibraryonJuly10at 10:30am;CaledoniaLibraryJuly11 at11am,andAvonFreeLibrary July14at2pm.Theeventsare free,eachprogramis35minutes long,andissuitableforlisteners fouryearsoldandolder.TheprogramisfundedbytheNewYork StateCouncilontheArtsand GeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts.
VeteranOnly-CharterFishing: July 21at5:45AM.Thismonth we’lljoinHarringtonOutfitterson CanandaiguaLakeforanother charterfishingadventurefollowed bylunch.Limitedseatsavailable, RSVPisrequired,don’twaitseats fillupfast.Pleasecontactmeby phone,text,emailorvisitourwebsitetoreserveaseat.Wewill launchfromthesouthendof CanandaiguaLakeat7201State Route21,Naples,NY14512.(585) 200-9742/rwolter@vocwny.org/ www.livcovets.com.Welookforwardtoenjoyingamorningonthe waterwithyou.
TheFirstPresbyterianChurchof Chili’s FoodCupboard -Open everythirdSaturdayofeachmonth 10:00AM-11:30AM.Itisadrive throughCupboardthatislocated at3600ChiliAve.Grocerybagsare preparedforsmallandlargefamilieswithnon-perishableitemsas wellaswithfreshproduce,eggs, andmeat.Donationsoffoodand/ ormoneyarealwayswelcome. Pleasecontactthechurchat(585) 889-9896ifyouwouldliketo contributeand/orvolunteeratthe FoodCupboard.
UnionChurchChickenBBQ - 14 NorthMainSt.,Villageof Churchville.Date:Saturday,July 15,2023.Time:3:00PM.Cost: $15.Drive-Thruonly.Menu-BBQ Chicken,SaltPotatoes,Coleslaw, Roll,Dessert/Cookie.
CorfuFarmers’Market: Join us thissummerattheCorfuFarmers Market-Monday’s,July10thSeptember25thfrom4PM-7PM! Freshproduce,meatsandmore!
TownofDarienHistorybylocal residents - Presentationsbylocal residentssharingthelocalhistory ofthetownofDarien.Joinusthe 3rdThursdayfrom6:30-7:30pmat theDarienDisciplesChurch,1951 BroadwayRd.,DarienCenter.
TheElbaBettermentCommittee: Thursday nightConcertinthe Park-ThursdayJuly13,featuring theGeneseeCountybandGrizzwoode.Joinusforablendof acousticandelectricinstruments withtheemphasisonmelodicharmonies.The50/50raffleforthis eventwillbenefitVolunteersfor Animals.Foodtruckswillbe availableby5:30andthemusicwill startat6.Comeondownfor dinner,haveaglassofwineora beerorsomeicecream,andsit backandrelaxinourbeautiful VillagePark.Youknowyouwanna bethere!
NoBingoatElbaFireDepartment - TheElbaFireDepartment WILLNOThaveBingoonJune27, July4orJuly11.Bingowillreturn onTuesday,July18at7:00p.m. Doorsopenat5:00p.m.
“GolfingForACause”Golf Tournament - Saturday,July22, 2023attheFarviewGolfCourse, Rt.39,Geneseo-AvonRd.,Avon. Registration/Lunchstartsatnoon. Shotgunstart1pm.HoleInOne plusothereventsoncourse.Dinner tofollowwithrafflesandprizes. $125perplayer,$500foursome. CallortextMarkat585-519-1917 formoreinformation. Friendsand FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation501(c)3not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtoimprovingthequalityoflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwithneuromuscular disorders/diseasesandover100 otherdiseases.
RochesterMetropolitanJazzOrchestra - Comeenjoyanevening ofjazzwithTheRochesterMetropolitanJazzOrchestraatThe GeneseoRiviera,4CenterStreeton July7th,8pm-10pm.Proceedswill supportTheGeneseoRotaryClub activities.Ticketsare$20.00may bepurchasedlocallyatNotDot Shop,TouchofGrayce,Crickets,or DavidMannJewelersoronlinefor $22.00athttp://www. geneseosummerfestival.com/ concert/
Veterans&Family-KayakFishing onHemlockLake: Veterans& Familycancomeoutforadayof fishingandfunonHemlockLake. GeneseeValleyHeroesonthe WaterandLivingstonCountyOutdoorRXareinvitingyoutocome outandenjoythefunandsunon HemlockLake23July,9-1pmatthe NorthEndBoatLaunch,EastLake Road,Springwater.Wewillfishand enjoyanoutdoorshoresidelunch. RSVPrequiredandcanbesubmittedthroughourwebsite,www. livcovets.com,orbyemailing rwolter@vocwny.org,orcalling/ texting(585)200-9742.Wewill reachoutandconfirmyourreservation.
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July12thSeptember27thfrom2-6PM.OPEN tothepublicatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020.
KendallFireman’sCarnival- July 13-15, 2023.Comejointhefungreatfood,rides,livemusicevery night!Thursday-Auction7pm, KiddieParade6pm.FridayFiremansParade.Saturday-Corn HoleTournamentnoon,LawnmowerPulls.Cruisein4pm, ChickenBBQ5pm,Community Band5pm,Fireworksat10pm. Comejointhefun!
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation -ARTS, CRAFTERS&MORE!JoinusonThe Lake,6001BigTreeStreet(Rt20A) &ThomasDr.FieldBetweenReMax andLeisure’sRestaurant,Conesus Lake,Lakeville.Saturday,July8, 2023from10am-4pm.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
Alzheimer’sEducationalProgram - TheHopeCenterofLeRoy ishostinganeducationalprogram freeofcharge,presentedbythe Alzheimer’sAssociation:10WARNINGSIGNSOFALZHEIMER’S:What toWatchforinYourselfandOthers.Alzheimer’scauseschangesin memory,thinking,andbehavior thatarenotapartofnormalaging. Wednesday,July19th,1:00pm(for aboutanhour),HopeCenterof LeRoy,42MainSt,LeRoy.Toregisterforthemeetingcall 800-272-3900.Ifyouwillneedrespitecareforyourlovedonewhile youattendthemeeting,call TammyGenagon,ProgramDirector oftheHopeCenterrespiteprogram585-739-2251tosignupfor this.
Luncheon: Will beonWednesday July19that12:30PMatOurLady ofMercyParishCenter,44Lake Street,LeRoy.Lunchwillbeprovidedalongwithdessert,atacost of$5perperson.Pleasebringyour ownbeverage.Entertainmentto follow.ContactRosemary #506-5233,Lucy#721-6073orSue #861-0422.
TalesofFriendshipandKindness: StoriesFromAroundthe World -CrisRiedel,Livingston County’sownstoryteller,willperformkid-friendlyfolktalesabout FRIENDSHIPANDKINDNESSduring thesummerreadingprogramsat
10:30am;CaledoniaLibraryJuly11 at11am,andAvonFreeLibrary July14at2pm.Theeventsare free,eachprogramis35minutes long,andissuitableforlisteners fouryearsoldandolder.TheprogramisfundedbytheNewYork StateCouncilontheArtsand GeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,July12,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
YardSalesontheLawn/Inside: Saturday, July15YardSalesonthe Lawn/Inside8:00amto2:00pm. Shopinsideoronthelawnfrom multiplefamilies/vendors. Householdgoods,clothing,books, andothermiscellaneousitems.First PresbyterianChurchofLivonia. AlongRoute20AbetweenFederal andCenterSt.Concessionswillbe available(ie.muffins,coffee,hot dogs,sausage,hamburgers).Info.: Laura520-5188.GPS:3837Center St.,LivoniainthehamletofLivonia Center.
VeteranOnly-EarlyRiser’sCoffee Club: Asrequested,wewill continueourmonthlybreakfast withVeteransatBrian’sUSADiner inMt.MorrisonthethirdMondays ofeachmonthat7AM.Veterans needtoRSVPwithmetogetaseat, call,text,email,orvisitourwebsite tomakeareservation.(585) 200-9742,rwolter@vocwny.orgor visitwww.livcovets.org.Wewillreplytoconfirmyourreservation.We lookforwardtoseeingourVeteransatbreakfast.
VisitwithPeteTheCat! The Haxton MemorialLibraryandThe Goosepresent’AVisitwithPete theCat!’.2Events-Wednesday July12that1:00&FridayJuly14th at6:00pm.Hearastory,playa game,andhaveyourpicturetaken withPetetheCat!HeldatThe Goose,33SouthMainStreetin Oakfield.Everyoneiswelcome,no registration,free.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
CoffeeHour-Wednesdays1011am. Bring afriendorcomemake afriend.JoinuseveryWednesday from10-11amattheTheGOOSE CommunityCenter,33SouthMain St.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
ChairYoga- Come joinus Thursdaysat10amforChairYoga. Theseclassesaremeanttohelp withbalanceandstrengthandare FREEthankstoanawardfrom Univera.JoinusatTheGOOSE CommunityCenter,33SouthMain St.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
OakfieldUnitedMethodist Church ChickenBarbecue -OakfieldUnitedMethodistChurch,2 So.MainSt.inOakfield,ishosting itsannualChickenBarbecueon Wednesday,July19,drive-thru only,from4:30-6:00pm.Eachdinnerincludesahalf-chicken,potato salad,beans,roll,drink,anddessert forthecostof$15.00.Call 585-948-5550toordertickets,and leaveamessage.
“We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon (Opentothepublic)July18,2023attheSo.Alabama Firehall11:30-1:30pm.“Annual SummerCateredPicnic.”Itisa picnicluncheonservedinsideand followedwithBINGOandprizes. Thecostis$10.00perpersonand payableatthedoor.AllRESERVATIONSmustbeinbyJuly12thpleasetextorcallLaNora Thompson(630)888-8966.Come andbringyourfavoritedish-to-pass (ormakeadonation)andenjoy lunchandanafternoonoffunwith oldandnewfriends.
TheGeneseeValleyCivilWar Roundtable will meetWednesday, July19that7pmatthePavilion UnitedMethodistChurchatthe cornerof63&19inPavilion.Joyce Thompson-HoveywillhaveherpresentationonSusanB.Anthonyand FrederickDouglass.Comejoinus.
Celebrates 20Years: The”Snow Joke”danceweekendwillhosta totalofsixMorrisDanceteams fromBoston,NewHampshire,Syracuse,IthacaandRochester.You canseeMorrisDancingonSaturdayJuly8atInnovationSquare 10:00-11:15am,attheGenesee BrewHousefrom2:00-3:15,andat ThreeHeadsBrewingandSager StoneyardPubfrom3:45-4:45. TheywillalsobedancingonSundayJuly9attheHoneoyeUnited ChurchofChristfrom11:00-12:30. ComeenjoythisEnglishFolkdance inavarietyofstyles.
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s July program willbethehistoryof theGates-ChiliFireDepartment from1927tothepresent.Jim Werth,GatesFireCommissioner willdothepresentation.ThisprogramwillbeheldattheGates TownHallAnnex,1605Buffalo RoadonMonday,July17at7:00 pm.Thisprogramisfreeandopen tothepublic.Thefacilityis handicappedaccessible.
Sage-MarloweHouseJuly& Aug. OpenSundays -Wheatland HistoricalAssociationinvitesyouto visitour1840shistorichome,SundaysbeginningJuly9th,and continuingeachSundaythrough August.Hours:2pm-4pm.Each roomofthisquaint,little“working man’s”homeisfurnishedasit wouldhavebeenover180years ago.Featuringadifferenttheme eachweekhighlightingsomefacet ofthehistoryofthehome,the town,activitiesofthefamilieswho residedthere,orothertopicsof interest.Thereisnofeetovisitthe houseandwehopeyouwillplanto makeitapartofyoursummer. Information:emailwhascottsville@ gmail.comorvisitourFacebook page.
TheStaffordHistoricalislooking fornewmembers. Doyou likehistory,wanttohearandlearn moreaboutourtownandarea? Wehaveashortprogramonthe 4thWednesdayofthemonthat 7pmintheTownHallonRt237, pleasecomecheckusout.Formore informationcallLindaat 585-409-6191.Hopeyoucanjoin us!
WheatlandSeniorCitizensClub has aBusTrip onWednesdayJuly 19totheFingerLakes.Startout withaguidedtouroftheGranger Homestead,includesthemansion, VictorianGardensandthelargest horsedrawncarriagecollectionin NY.EnjoyaBuffetlunchatthe CanandaiguaYachtCluboverlookingtheLake.Thenboardthe CanandaiguaLadyfora90minute narratedcruiseoftheLake.Ice creamstop(atyourownexpense) onthewayhome.PriceforAll SeniorswhoareWheatlandresidentsis$109.Allothers$149.For moreinfoortosignupplease contactBusAmericaGroupTours at585-697-3590.
WheatlandSeniorCitizensClub has itsmonthlymeetingonTuesdayJuly11at12:00noonatthe SeniorCenterintheTownHallon MainSt.inScottsville.Bringyour ownlunch.Bustripsavailable.This isourlastmeetinguntilSeptember. Hopeforagoodturnout.Formore infopleasecontactDarrylCadyat 585-889-4330
By1. TELEVISION: What is the name of Samantha’s mother in the “Bewitched” comedy series?
2. MOVIES: What is the name of the shark-hunting boat in the film “Jaws”?
3. SCIENCE: What is the most lethal consumed plant in the world?
4. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a female goat called?
5. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who served as vice president in Abraham Lincoln’s first term as president?
6. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of alcohol is traditionally used in a drink called a sidecar?
7. LITERATURE: What city is the primary setting for Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”?
8. ASTRONOMY: Which planet in our solar system was the first to be explored by a space probe launched from Earth?
9. MUSIC: In what year did MTV launch?
10. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the famous St. Basil’s Cathedral located?
© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Are you struggling with the latest technology?
You are not alone.
Embrace a gradual and patient approach when learning new technologies. Start with basic tasks and gradually build your skills and con dence over time. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from family, friends, or even online tutorials. Check for help at your local Senior Center, library, or your County o ce.
Remember, technology is designed to enhance our lives, so enjoy the learning process and explore its possibilities at your own pace.
July 10, 2023
Kittens! Who doesn’t love tiny, adorable kittens? Their big heads, giant eyes, tiny pink paws and noses, and the adorable mews they make…. We can’t resist their cute and furry charms.
Volunteer to help kittens at the ASPCA
The ASPCA always needs help socializing feral kittens! Human contact is great for the kittens and makes them adoptable, since they won’t be afraid of humans. Besides the benefit to the kitten, playing with kittens is also fun and good for you too, and besides, you'll feel great volunteering!
3 Weeks
The number of weeks it takes for kittens to learn to walk.
18 Hours
The number of hours a day kittens sleep.
Sponsored By:
2-3 Hours
The number of hours between a kitten’s meals.
Age in Human Years
The first year of a cat’s life is equal to approximately 15 human years.
What plants with flowers do deer actually stay away from?
While no plant is completely “deer proof,” particularly when deer densities are high, some ideas for flowering plants deer rarely damage include:
Woody Ornamentals: Boxwood, spruce
Annuals/Biennials: Ageratum, Blanket flower, Blue salvia, Cleome, Dahlia, Datura, Dusty Miller, Edging Lobelia, Forget-me-not, Four o’clock, Heliotrope, Marigold, Morning glory, Nicotiana Parsley, Polka-dot plant, Poppy, Snapdragon, Sweet alyssum,
Sweet basil, Verbena, Wax begonia, Zonalgeranium
Perennials: Amsonia, Anemones, Angelica, Astilbe, Avens, Baby’s breath, Balloon flower, Barrenwort, Basket of gold, Beebalm, Bergenia, Bleeding heart, Boltonia, Bugbane, Buttercup, Butterfly bush, Candytuft, Christmas fern, Cinnamon fern, Cinquefoil, Clematis, Columbine, Coreopsis, Crown imperial, Daffodil, Dead nettle,Evening primrose,False indigo, Feverfew, Forget-me-not, Garlicchives,Gasplant,Globethistle, Goldenrod, Hay-scented fern, Heath, Heather, Hellebore, Hungarian
speedwell,Interrupted fern,Jack-inthe-pulpit, Japanese pachysandra, Joe pyeweed, Kirengeshoma, Labradorviolet,Lamb’sear,Lavender, Lily-of-the-valley, Lupine, Lungwort, Mint, Mullein, New York fern, Oregano,Ornamentalonion,Ostrich fern,Oriental poppy,Partridgeberry, Pennyroyal, Perennial blue flax, Plumbago, Primrose, Purple coneflower, Queen-of-the-prairie,
Ribbon grass, Royal fern, Sage, Scilla,Shastadaisy,Spikegayfeather, Statice, Sundrops, Sweet Cicely, SweetWilliam,Sweetwoodruff,Tiger lily, Turtlehead, Tussock bellflower, Wisteria,Wormwood,Yarrow -CCELivingstonCounty
https://ccelivingstoncounty.org/ gardening/deer-resistant-plants
Full and Part-time positions. Must have experience in light duty towing and recovery, light service work. No CDL required. Must have a tow endorsement and clean driver’s license. For more information apply at:
M&R Automotive Service
Geneseo, NY or send resume to: mras1automotive@gmail.com
On July 11, 1979, parts of Skylab, America’s first space station, come crashing down on Australia and into the Indian Ocean five years after the last manned Skylab mission ended. Skylab weighed 77 tons.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Smartphones: A 2015 CareerBuilder survey of hiring and human resources managers from various industries found that employers cited smartphones and texting as the biggest productivity killers in the workplace. Professionals no doubt recognize how distracting their phones can be during the workday, and they may feel powerless to avoid them. But they’re not. Alter notification settings so the phone only delivers the most important notifications (i.e., children’s schools, meeting reminders, etc.) during the day. Turn off notifications from news, sports and entertainment apps.
Secretarial (Clerk Typist) Positions
Full-Time 12-month Positions; including bene ts package (Civil Service)
Job Duties: Clerical and other duties as assigned
All interviews begin upon receipt of application
Application and information available: www.yorkcsd.org
Send cover letter, resume, and application to: York Central School
Att: Heidi Newcomb, District O ce P.O. Box 102 2578 Genesee Street
Retsof, NY 14539
Quali cations:
• Associate’s degree in food service management or a closely related eld of study and one year of paid experience in the preparation of food on a large-scale OR
• ree years of paid experience in the preparation of food on a large scale.
Additional preferred quali cations:
• Prefer four-year degree in food service major OR two-year degree plus supervisory experience.
• Warsaw CSD, 6:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
• $25,000 - $27,500 with excellent bene t package and NYS Pension
• 10-month employee (September 1 - June 30)
Start date:
• August 21, 2023
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by July 12, 2023 with reference to Vacancy 23-169 and resume to j ood@gvboces.org or mail to:
Jackie Flood, Genesee Valley BOCES 40 Spring Street, Livonia, NY 14487
Providing energy saving improvements to lower energy bills & improve a home’s comfort in Monroe County
Knowledge of the home performance industry or experience in home energy eld preferred. Entry level opportunities also available. To apply go to: https://bit.ly/450Hq0B
Also accepting applications for:
Crew Leader and/or Crew Positions
General labor skills with carpentry, insulation and minor home repair experience preferred.
Send Resume to: cbrandau@pathstone.org
No Phone Calls Please
All Applicants Must:
Have Valid Driver’s License • Pass Background Check
All tools, equipment and additional training will be provided.
ARG Trucking Corp., a local bulk petroleum hauler, is in need of DRIVERS with CDL A Licenses and XT Endorsement.
Trucks are based at our CHILI TERMINAL.
FULL-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE with paid time off, medical and Rx coverage, vision care coverage, dental coverage, 401k retirement plans, profit sharing, company supplied uniforms.
Experienced and recent CDL school grads welcome!!
In house CDL A training program available as well.
Happily shares the spotlight: Never the glory hog, a team player is content to stand in the spotlight alongside coworkers. Team players make sure everyone is involved and recognized equally, and even take their share of the blame when things go awry.
Livingston Insurance Agency is looking for a knowledgeable insurance professional with a positive attitude to join our team. NYS Insurance license and/or o ce experience necessary with a willingness to learn insurance and eventually become licensed.
Must have a great work ethic, computer skills for a growing and technologically advanced o ce and enjoy working with people.
We are a busy and growing insurance o ce located just 5 minutes from 390 south, Exit 8, Geneseo. We o er competitive salary, potential for bonuses, education reimbursement and bene ts are available.
E-mail your resume to janr1@livingstoninsurance.com or fax to (585) 243-1953.
Part Time Clerk Typist – Physical erapist Assistant Program
Part Time Clerk Typist – Learning Center
Full Time Secretary – Admissions
Full Time Secretary – Math, Science & Career Education
Full Time Cleaners
To view current opportunity details and to apply online, please visit www.genesee.edu/employment/. GCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to fostering diversity in its faculty, sta , and student body, and strongly encourages applications from the entire spectrum of a diverse community.
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Published August 2023
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