GW Annual Report 2010

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The orange world 2010

The orange world 2010 Commitment


GW world


On the move globally, in orange


Management Board Gebrüder Weiss Group


Gebrüder Weiss Group Annual Report 2010


Department reports


Simple in its complexity: Commitment


Gebrüder Weiss locations


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Austria Lauterach Bludenz Feldkirch Graz Hall Hörsching Kalsdorf Kennelbach Leoben Leobendorf Leopoldsdorf Linz Maria Lanzendorf Maria Saal Pöchlarn Salzburg Sulz Vienna Vienna-Schwechat Wels Werndorf Wiener Neudorf Wolfurt Wörgl Germany Memmingen Hamburg Lindau Passau

Switzerland Altenrhein Pratteln Zurich Bosnia-Herzegovina Sarajevo Bulgaria Sofia Kazanlak Croatia Zagreb Czech Republic Rudná České Budějovice Modřice Ostrava Prague Řičany-Jažlovice Hungary Dunaharaszti Hajdúdorog Mosonmagyaróvár Vecsés Italy Bozen

Macedonia Skopje Romania Bucharest Arad Bacau Cluj Napoca Constanta Craiova Oradea Sibiu Serbia Dobanovci Belgrade Kragujevac Lapovo Vujce Slovakia Senec Bratislava Košice Žiar nad Hronom Žilina

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GW world

Slovenia Ljubljana Brnik Koper Ukraine Kiev Mukachevo USA Chicago Atlanta Boston Denver Houston Los Angeles Miami New York San Francisco UAE Dubai

India Chennai Ahmedabad Bangalore Jodhpur Kandla Mundra Kanpur Kolkata Mumbai Nag Pur New Dehli Pune Tiruppur Tuticorin

China Shanghai Changchun Chengdu Chongqing Dalian Guangzhou Nanjing Ningbo Peking Qingdao Shenzen Tianjin Urumqi Xiamen Xian Zhanjiang Hong Kong Kowloon Japan Tokyo Canada Montreal Toronto Singapore Singapore Taiwan Taipei Thailand Bangkok Udon Thani

On the move globally, in orange

TrusT Involvement Responsibility Dedication

Continuous network development: Acquiring a holding in the freight forwarder Diehl On 12 January 2010, GW acquired 25 per cent of the international freight forwarding company Wilhelm Diehl in Esslingen, Germany. “Diehl is a longstanding and important European partner for us, whom we hold in high regard. With this minority shareholding, we are securing important market shares in the region,” said CEO Wolfgang Niessner on the motivation behind the move. Jürgen Wirsing, spokesman for the Diehl Board of Management, commented: “In addition to synergy effects in future processes and the infrastructure, this alliance with GW is first and foremost a commitment to sustainable cooperation in the long term. This move will further reinforce the positioning of Diehl in its European network.” Diehl and Gebrüder Weiss have enjoyed a cooperative partnership for the past 11 years. During this time, the two companies have established 17 direct transport links, 13 of which operate on a daily basis.

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Dedication Responsibility Involvement TrusT

Successful in the market: Eurocargo trading as Gebrüder Weiss Following the majority takeover by Gebrüder Weiss in November 2009, Eurocargo has been officially trading under the company name of the Austrian transport and logistics service provider since December 2010. Gebrüder Weiss assumed more than 75 per cent of freight forwarder Eurocargo on 12 November 2009, completing a further step in its network development in South-East Europe. The official merger of the two companies took place at Eurocargo‘s terminal in Dobanovci on 1 January 2010. The final step in the takeover process was completed with the change of the company name. Since December 2010, Eurocargo has been trading under the uniform company name, Gebrüder Weiss. “A uniform company name is the logical next step in our cooperation. We are delighted to now be under the Gebrüder Weiss umbrella in name also, thereby ensuring a uniform image,” says Country Manager Dragan Simovic.

On the move globally, in orange

Pioneer in transparency: Sustainability report As the leading Austrian logistics service provider, Gebrüder Weiss drew up its sustainability report in conformance with the internationally recognised standard and was distinguished in September 2010 with the GRI quality seal. On the subject of transparent and measurable reporting on the theme of sustainability, the reporting parameters of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) non-profit organisation form an internationally recognised standard. As the leading Austrian logistics company, Gebrüder Weiss has drawn up a sustainability report pursuant to the GRI standard and has arranged for GRI experts to audit it. “We decided on the GRI standard, since with it we are underlining our pioneering role on the issue of sustainability. In drawing up a report on sustainable business activity, quality and transparency are significant aspects which we document in this report,” says Peter Waldenberger, Sustainability Manager for Gebrüder Weiss.

RespectAppreciation IdentificationOptimisation

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Investment course in Romania: New cross-docking terminal in Sibiu A new cross-docking terminal was opened in Sibiu by Gebrüder Weiss Romania on 5 November 2010. The terminal provides support to the Romanian GW network from the centre of the country and has a total surface area of 9,000 m², including a car park as well as all buildings, and a reserve area of 20,000 m2. There are 1,000 m² available as handling space. “With this terminal, we want to maintain the consistent growth of Gebrüder Weiss in Romania and enlarge our national network. The site in Sibiu is ideally suited for this, thanks to its central location,” says Thomas Moser, Gebrüder Weiss Regional Manager for SouthEast Europe. With the aim of standing out from the market by offering excellent services, GW offers its customers in Sibiu a logistics site at the cutting edge of technology with the most modern fire protection and security systems.

Optimisation Identification Appreciation Respect

On the move globally, in orange

Quality Identification Appraisal Innovation

Top Rating: Top credit rating for GW In December 2010 GW was awarded the top credit rating by credit rating agency Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) – a sure sign of financial stability and the highest level of creditworthiness. Wolfram Senger-Weiss and Wolfgang Niessner received the D&B Rating Certificate in Maria Lanzendorf. The certificate is recognised worldwide and marks GW as a trustworthy, reliable business partner with a stable company situation and an excellent payment record. An important factor in business. The success of a company depends on many factors. GW has defined four central values for itself – Independence, Sustainability, Service Excellence and Commitment – for achieving market success as a transport and logistics service provider. They all act together and have a common goal: They contribute to the “trust” account. The award officially confirmed that there is complete trust in the economic stability and creditworthiness of GW.

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Innovation AppraisalIdentification Quality

Optimally positioned in Slovakia: GW opens its most modern logistics centre After a construction period of just ten months, the official opening of the new GW logistics terminal in Senec took place on 23 April 2010. Almost 13 million euros were invested in the site and the new logistics centre, which employs around 100 people. It is one of the largest investments in Slovakia in the logistics and forwarding area. On the 65,000 m2 site, 4,600 m2 of new logistics and 3,800 m2 of the most modern transshipment areas were created in the first step, together with 2,100 m2 of office space. The new terminal in Senec is at the cutting edge of technology in every aspect. The site is the first GW location to be fitted with a modern consignment localisation system. This means an even better quality of service for customers in goods traffic. The latest technology is also used in security. Among other things, 85 cameras and the latest alarm system guarantee the highest level of security.

On the move globally, in orange

Successful: The integration of Weiss-Rรถhlig India into the global GW network

In September 2009, in the year following the foundation of Weiss-Rรถhlig India, the main focus was on the integration of the 14 new branches which are located in the main commercial centres of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore, which provide the best connections in all 28 states. Weiss-Rรถhlig India is a professional partner for all parts of the value chain. It offers the full range of services from international air and sea freight transport to project logistics, storage and distribution to customs clearance. Just over six months after the establishment of the Weiss-Rรถhlig India joint venture, the organisations in WeissLand and India joined forces for the purpose of service development. Since April, staff in India and Europe have joined forces to optimise the basic conditions for transport between the two continents.

InvolvementConnection ResponsibilityAppreciation

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Continuing to make history: Weiss-Röhlig celebrates its 10th anniversary What began a decade before 2010 with three joint ventures in Asia is now a global network on every continent. Gebrüder Weiss and the Bremen-based logistics specialist Röhlig share many similarities in their business philosophies and company identities. Both are traditional companies with a long history. Both are privately owned. Both wish to maintain their autonomy in the future. Against this background, a successful strategic alliance arose between two equal partners, which has now been a success story for over a decade. Clearly, there were other important factors in this merger, such as the fact that the networks of both companies complement each other perfectly – this provided another important incentive for forging the alliance.

Appreciation ResponsibilityConnection Involvement

Management Board Gebr端der Weiss Group

From left to right: Peter Kloiber Wolfram Senger-Weiss Heinz Senger-Weiss Wolfgang Niessner, CEO

14  15 Peter Kloiber

Wolfram Senger-Weiss

Heinz Senger-Weiss

Wolfgang Niessner, CEO

Gebr端der Weiss Group Annual Report 2010

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Had we wanted proof of the “unpredictability” of the world economy, it was there in 2010. The major setbacks in 2009 were followed by recovery on an unexpected scale – from which GW also benefited. Strong growth impulses from the oft-cited BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and Germany led to a global exchange of commodities and an increased demand for logistics services. As pleasing as this development was, there are still doubts about the sustainability of the recovery – not least in view of the high national debt with its consequences for currency and investment policy. At the same time, comments, analyses and prognoses are being published by well-known institutions and individuals, who even go as far as to promise a phase of decades of prosperity.

GW‘s response to this ambivalent vision of the future is: based on the four core values (Independence, Service Excellence, Sustainability and Commitment) to flexibly push forward the development of our company and take short and mediumterm measures that will ensure success in the long term. A simple formula perhaps, but one that will pose a major challenge to all those involved in the decision-making and realisation processes. The result for 2010 will be very positive for GW. Net turnover is once again nearing the billion euro mark, the EBIT is returning to a highly satisfactory level compared to other industries, cashflow and equity ratio underline our financial stability as highly rated by Dun & Bradstreet.

Distribution of added value across the departments

Wolfgang Niessner, CEO

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Annual Report 2010

In the evaluation of the individual business areas, the importance of national and international overland transport, the dynamism of Air & Sea, the sustained success of CEP, the increasing number of logistics solutions and the often associated consulting services of x|vise as well as the positive response to the innovative developments of inet stood out in particular.

companies to the establishment of joint ventures overseas (with our partner Röhlig), from the expansion or construction of terminals to the promotion of personnel development and CSR initiatives as well as the provision of a general cargo product to the setting up of e-commerce platforms. “One is not only responsible for what one does, but also for what one does not do” – following the wisdom of Lao Tse, GW will further support continuity and the will to change. This course is accepted and supported by shareholders, members of the Supervisory Board, customers, partners and employees – and for this we would like to extend special thanks.

Last year projects were initiated, pushed forward or concluded which both reinforced the orange network and further strengthened or increased the level of competitiveness. The measures taken in this respect range from participation in European







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Net turnover

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June 2011

Wolfgang Niessner, MBA Chief Executive Officer Gebrüder Weiss Group






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0 in million €

Department reports

Land transport The pendulum swings back The rapid rise in transport volumes during 2010 put Gebrüder Weiss under pressure to adapt. The land transport organisation once again seized the opportunity to demonstrate its ability. At the end of the year, every business area turned a profit and this with continuously high service quality. Nobody had expected this turnaround: At the start of the year, the German transport sector had reported more than 50,000 heavy goods vehicles withdrawn from circulation. Only shortly afterwards, however, it had to handle such enormous quantities of goods that there was a shortage of the necessary vehicle capacity, since within a short period of time, the economy weakened by the crisis had recovered and once again was working flat out. From March 2010 onwards, GW‘s land transport also benefited from the consistently high demand. “In the Austrian domestic system, we registered a significant increase in consignments in the areas of general cargo, direct and special transport,” said a pleased Walter Konzett, director of product management for land transport. “The Austrian domestic segment was able to achieve its second best result in the history of the company.” Ultimately, the Orange Combi Cargo container train running daily between Vorarlberg and Vienna or Salzburg transported 300,000 tonnes of goods with a capacity utilisation rate of 90%, saving more than 13,000 HGV journeys across Austria. For ICD traffic, on the lines between GW offices, 10.5% more consignments were executed in 2010 than in the preceding year. “Growth only began here in the second half,” said Konzett, “but all the more strongly: the last quarter brought us a gain of up to 20%.” Peak quality In accordance with the unexpectedly strong upturn, after the crisis year of 2009, Gebrüder Weiss again found itself under pressure to adapt. Once again, however, the company overcame the

challenges with flying colours. “As an organisation, we succeeded in processing the increase in consignments well, not only in quantitative but also in qualitative terms,” Walter Konzett proudly states. “While there were significantly more consignments to be executed per employee, quality indicators remained unchanged at peak levels.” In Central and Eastern Europe, and above all in South-Eastern Europe, the GW organisations focused on quality management in 2010. In the interaction between head office and line organisations, significant improvements in operations were achieved, both in the form of quality improvement and cost savings. In the field of mobile communications, among other things, these countries achieved at least the same level of performance as Western European countries, and in some cases even exceeded it. The mobile communication solution, introduced in 2007 to guarantee consistent documentation of the transport process across GW, was further optimised in 2010. “On the one hand, new countries or branches joined and on the other, we made some investments and introduced a new generation of scanners,” the Product Manager reports. This represents a technical quantum leap: “Consignment information are now available to the customer even faster and more transparently.” Proof of delivery and consignment status are immediately transmitted. Full deployment for “GW pro.line” In the meantime, the preparation for “GW pro.line” had been going ahead at full speed: a new panEuropean land transport product with daily departures, defined door-to-door transit times, specified quality standards and seamless consignment tracking. A working group assumed the task of increasing the efficiency of general cargo organisation even further and of preparing the ground for the new product. “Specialists from the branches planned the new network connections with a team from land transport product management, developing rules and tariffs and then accompanying the roll-out,” explains Walter Konzett, who sees this as a “successful example of integrated project work.” The successful introduction

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of “GW pro.line” in March 2011 shows that those involved did a great job. Partner services: Market position extended The economic recovery also boosted partner services. “With an increase in consignments of 14%, we grew strongly in exports,” says Ulrike Mori-Schwarzenberger, who is responsible for systems management in Europe together with Martin Schmidt. For imports, the upturn was rather late in arriving, but here too, a 6% increase was achieved. Germany showed itself to be the motor for development: exports from the WeissLand rose by 18% and imports by 9%. “GW did well at holding its market position in European land transport and in some countries, even extended it,” Mori-Schwarzenberger sums up. Structural changes in transport routes also contributed to this, and above all, the development and increased use of platforms. “Through this, we are able to offer even better departure frequencies, which receive consistently positive response from the market.” The new UK lines, which have been offered since 2010 in collaboration by GW‘s Vienna, Linz and Graz branches, represent an example of this. HGVs with two drivers travel to London, Birmingham und Manchester three times a week. According to Mori-Schwarzenberger, both the numbers of journeys and the transit times have until now been unique within the market due to the two drivers. The basis for success in European transport is the network of partners which Gebrüder Weiss has built up and cultivated over decades. With most transport and logistics companies, GW has developed a long-standing partnership, and on this point, in 2010 there were several opportunities to celebrate. “With our German partners Ascherl & Co., CretschmarCargo and Rieck Logistik, we celebrated our 20th anniversary,” reports Martin Schmidt. “In addition, Alpi has been one of our Italian partners for over 30 years and we have been working with Heppner on our French business for 25 years.”

A record year for SAE It is five years since 16 founder members from five countries established System Alliance Europe (SAE). In the meantime, Europe‘s leading general cargo network has grown to 47 partners with 166 facilities in 23 countries. “The anniversary year of 2010 was also a record year,” says Walter Konzett, “both in terms of transported consignments and overall tonnage.” SAE was also active in the field of process optimisation. For instance procurement logistics covering all of our partners was introduced, which, among other things, permits the electronic forwarding of pick-up orders among SAE partners. Furthermore, since 2010, a new monitoring system has monitored transit times, from the arrival of goods at the arrival terminal to their notification to the recipient. Last but not least, System Alliance Europe initiated its own project group for sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, in order to improve the position of the network in this increasingly important area. EuroExpress: Growing demand The buoyant economic outlook also had a positive effect on the Europe-wide express service, EuroExpress. The “unbeatable quality Germany service via GW Nürnberg” ensured double digit growth, says the EuroExpress manager Ulrike Mori-Schwarzenberger: “We offer evening departures from Austria and at the same time, comprehensive delivery on the following day, which customers appreciate.” In addition, there was strong demand for special deliveries. Among other things, EuroExpress carries out some 150 special deliveries per month for the car supplier Miba in Linz. Such deliveries are used by Miba for procurement in order to ensure that raw materials are obtained in timely fashion.

Department reports

Land transport in Central and Eastern Europe GW Slovakia It was above all the upturn in the automotive sector that characterised the Slovakian market in 2010. Driven by this development, the GW Organisation registered notable growth in both imports and exports. In this context, Country Manager Markus Jelleschitz points in particular to the growing numbers of consignments for export groupage transport, as well as for partial and full container loads. With the commissioning of the logistics terminal at Senec in April 2010, new opportunities arose for GW Slovakia, which were promptly used, as Jelleschitz reports: “In the area of logistics solutions, we won several new customers.” As a result, kitting and packaging were provided for a large Austrian mobile operator in cooperation with GW‘s tectraxx business unit, and in close collaboration with GW Maria Lanzendorf, GW Slovakia now provides national distribution services for a well-known tool manufacturer. “We have succeeded in positioning ourselves in the market as a reliable partner for logistics solutions, and at the same time as a quality service provider,” Jelleschitz proudly declares. The neighbouring GW Czech Republic also registered growth. In Harald Prohaska‘s view, the financial year was decidedly positive, “both in quantitative and qualitative terms”. Gebrüder Weiss‘ country manager in the Czech Republic reports an increase in shipments of around 20 per cent in its domestic business and 10 per cent for international transport. Furthermore, demand for logistics solutions has also increased. In order to be able to offer even better preconditions for transport and logistics services, the search continued in 2010 for a suitable site for a new logistics terminal in the Greater Prague area, and was successfully concluded. “The purchase contract for a 7.5 ha site in Jeneč is already a done deal,” Prohaska is happy to report. Following this, work has already been started on the construction plans. It is scheduled to open in autumn 2012.

GW Hungary “I‘m very satisfied with the result for 2010,” states country manager Thomas Schauer. Although it seemed as if the economic crisis would continue at the start of the year, this was not the case in the second quarter. “From this point onwards, we succeeded in increasing international consignments consistently and secured a major new customer for our Romanian business.” In addition, GW also began distributing to the SouthEast Europe region from Poland and Hungary for an electronics group. “All in all, our expectations for the development of our business in 2010 were exceeded.” But for Schauer, the “highlight of the year” was “undoubtedly” the demanding new customer project, implemented in collaboration with GW‘s long-standing partner Honold. “Together, we received the award from the Continental tyre group for the complete tyre storage logistics as well as the complete distribution logistics in Austria and Hungary,” the country manager reports. The “Gebrüder Weiss Honold Kft” joint venture with headquarters in Mosonmagyaróvár was established specifically for this purpose, with GW and the German logistics group both holding 50 per cent shares. Honold above all took care of the construction and implementation of the tyre storage logistics, while GW assumed responsibility for the distribution logistics in Austria and Hungary, as well as all administrative formalities of incorporation in Hungary. South-Eastern Region: 2010 was an extremely positive year also for the South-East region. “The upturn for GW Romania in particular was such that in the first year after the major investment in Bucharest, we were almost able to break-even,” says responsible regional manager Thomas Moser. Almost every business area will have results above the level of 2009, “in part, even the 2008 result was exceeded.” According to Moser, GW‘s branch in the Bulgarian capital Sofia as well as the country organisations in Macedonia and the Ukraine, developed very well. Growth in demand in the field of logistics solutions has been significant for the entire region.

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In Romania, GW was delighted with its securing of prestigious new clients such as Romtelekom and the energy group OMV/Petrom, which at the end of the year, placed an order for a major logistics project. The country organisation also invested heavily in the optimisation of the national distribution system. “This ‘domestic relaunch’ has led to a significant improvement in results within a short time,” says Moser. In November 2010, the Romanian GW network received a further boost: the new cross docking terminal in Sibiu was commissioned as planned. “With this, we now have a logistics location in the centre of the country with state-ofthe-art technology.” In GW Bulgaria, the commitment of a new customer, the electrical group Bosch Siemens Home Appliances, will ensure a heavy workload for the logistics areas of its Sofia location from the second quarter of 2011 onwards. At the same time, the green light was given for submission and planning application for the construction of a new terminal in the capital. “And if business continues to develop as it did from mid 2010 onwards, it is highly probable that construction will start in 2012,” adds Thomas Moser. With regard to the Ukraine, Moser is delighted that for several years, a comparatively small organisational unit has been able to maintain leadership on quality and costs in the area of full container loads for global companies such as HP and Porsche. And, last but not least, GW Macedonia, the youngest member in the team of WeissLand countries, is already showing positive monthly results one year after its foundation. South-Western Region: Erich Schafer, Regional Director for the south, speaks of a year of economic recovery. “This development took hold rather late in the Balkan countries, but by the end of the year, we were able to achieve a significant improvement in all countries compared to 2009.” Turnover and shipment figures both grew at double-digit rates within the region. The attractive economic scenario also led to increased demand for logistics solutions,

resulting in a significant increase in the utilisation of warehouse capacities. While foreign investors in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia were rather cautious, tendency to invest in Serbia returned. Western companies decided to establish, relocate or expand production locations in Serbia, which according to Schafer was to the benefit of the GW country organisation. “With Falke, Panasonic and also Wacker Neuson, prestigious companies have decided on collaboration.” Furthermore, the integration of the freight forwarder Eurocargo at the end of 2009 was successfully concluded and it is now trading under the name Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. In Croatia, a new shipment facility with around 6,000 pallet spaces rented and acquired in Zagreb in 2010 will provide improved basic conditions for transport and logistics solutions.

Department reports

Air & Sea Back on the road to success Following a bumpy start, 2010 turned out to be an extremely successful year for Gebrüder Weiss Air & Sea. It succeeded in building on the record year it had in 2008, establishing itself as a real India expert, and in strengthening the international network effectively. There was great confidence that after all of the turmoil of 2009, the new year would see an economic turnaround and bring a positive dynamic back to the market. However, Heinz Senger-Weiss, the board member responsible for Air & Sea, told us that those hopes did not come to fruition at first: “Things were very difficult for most of the first six months of 2010, particularly in Europe, but also overseas.” Although the consignment value did increase at the start of the year, the margins were very small. Owing to the crisis, sales prices moved at too low a level for an increase in purchasing prices, which was hugely significant for the affected shipping companies and airlines. As the economy grew, it took a while for it to level off at a normal level. Finally, in June, there was land in sight. Heinz Senger-Weiss was very satisfied with this further development: “The situation improved to such an extent that at the end of 2010 all of our figures reached those of the previous record year, 2008, or even surpassed them.” Arrival in India In 2009 Gebrüder Weiss established itself on the Indian subcontinent together with strong partners. Since the foundation of Weiss-Röhlig India, the worldwide network now has 15 branches in the country‘s economic centres and a winning team of transport experts at its disposal. Heinz Senger-Weiss‘ assessment of the first year is extremely positive: GW established itself on the market as a specialist in India and transport volumes and the number of customers increased significantly. “We really feel good about offering Indian transports: we are closely linked with the Indian organisation, have built up good relation-

ships locally and are intensively active on the Indian market.” He said that the Gebrüder Weiss branches in Europe and the joint venture on the subcontinent have certainly moved closer together. “We have arrived in India,” the Air & Sea boss said happily. Main aspects of the partner network There were no new country organisations in the form of investment companies established in 2010. Instead, GW Air & Sea concentrated on perfecting the structures in existing countries. For example, an operational office was established in Atlanta, USA, where before there was only a Weiss-Röhlig representative. Gebrüder Weiss also opened operations in northern China, in the Liaoning and Jilin regions. “We have also developed many countries with network partners, especially in the Middle East and in North Africa,” said Heinz Senger-Weiss. North Africa was put in the spotlight after many western companies had already demonstrated that they would relocate their production from Asia to Africa to be closer to the European market. “The political upheavals which began in 2011 moved us to change our strategy somewhat,” said Heinz Senger-Weiss, “but it is important to us that we sustain our relationships with our partners in difficult times.” He said he believes in the region and that “it will continue to develop, in whatever shape, and bring a certain stability to the strive for democracy in the long term.” There was also an emphasis on Russia and the so-called CIS countries. Gebrüder Weiss also served these markets through agents. “In 2010 we began to take targeted measures to deepen relationships and create improved conditions according to the service requests of our worldwide network,” said Joe Lässer, who is responsible for the development of the worldwide network for Air & Sea. The main focus was on solutions for the urban population centres in the west, primarily Moscow and St. Petersburg, though we also wanted to ensure nationwide transport as well as the support of the surrounding

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CIS countries. This is not a short-term project, Lässer explains, but rather the start of a consistent, sustainable development process. Ten years of Weiss-Röhlig A similar development process was started ten years ago, when Gebrüder Weiss joined up with the Bremen forwarder Röhlig to create optimum worldwide connections. In the anniversary year 2010, Heinz Senger-Weiss once again draws a positive conclusion: “Our cooperation is and will remain a success story – and forms a strong basis for the challenges of the future.”

IT sets new standards The introduction of the new Air & Sea software was also completed in 2010. The high-performance IT solution, with which processes are unified and optimised across the group, ensures all-round satisfaction, both in Europe and overseas. “This allowed increases in productivity of up to ten per cent in some branches and quality was also significantly improved,” reports Michael Büchele, who is responsible for this project for Air & Sea. Furthermore, the software guarantees faster, easier access to the increasingly wide-ranging provisions, guidelines and rules of international transport. It is hard to keep an overview of things, not least because of ever higher security standards. Modern technology offers the perfect support.

Too big for the container? In WeissLand, GW Air & Sea placed an emphasis on the business area of project business and break bulk in 2010. A proven expert in this area was brought on board with the aim of establishing a counterpart to the experienced project teams in China and other countries. It will be his task to construct a bigger, strong team and to anchor it in the organisation. Harry Kostial, who supervises this business area, is delighted: “In view of the long pre-carriage time which is common for this type of transport, a certain development phase was factored into this area. It was all the more surprising then that some exciting orders were won after a very short time.”

Department reports

Logistics 360 degrees A flagship project in 2010 demonstrated impressively just how closely orange departments, branches, business areas and subsidiary companies work together in developing demand-oriented logistics solutions and guaranteeing all-round customer support. Harry Stiastny, the Logistics Systems Manager, reinforced this point: “Serving customers in a way that meets their exact needs and thinking outside the box to create tailor-made solutions; this is precisely what our group strategy in the area of logistics reflects.” It is in this spirit that Gebrüder Weiss was involved in 2010 with a Swiss manufacturer of travel adapters. As the company approached the limits of its existing logistical structures due to rapid growth, and a new approach to logistics was called for, Gebrüder Weiss was at hand. “This customer‘s service requests extended in principle across the entire service portfolio of the group,” said Stiastny, describing the initial situation. The company is located in Switzerland, with production in Thailand. Its suppliers are based in Asia as well as Europe and the product is distributed around the world in over 60 countries. This called for a coherent logistics solution. This demanded an all-embracing approach – and the combined strengths of the GW organisation. Several departments, branches and business areas were brought on board in order to offer the customer ‘all-round support’: Air & Sea for the air and sea freight requirements, GW Lauterach for the warehouse logistics and land transport, DPD for parcel shipments. In addition, the customer had already called in GW subsidiary x|vise as a consultant in advance. Together the transport and logistics experts scratched their heads to figure out how best to construct the processes along the Swiss company‘s entire supply chain. Their efforts bore fruit: When it came to choosing a new logistics provider, Gebrüder Weiss was the clear winner. “An overall concept, which paid attention to all the details emerged from the

interaction of all GW employees involved,” said Harry Stiastny proudly. This has provided the customer with a point of contact for all matters from procurement through to warehousing and distribution. The logistics manager describes the good relationship between all participants as being a decisive factor in the project‘s success. “We wanted the management and the employees involved to interact with the customer, not just on a professional, but also a personal level.” This created a strong basis of trust for cooperation and, at the same time, the preconditions for continuous further development of the logistics partnership.

Gebrüder Weiss parcel service Parcels soar The parcel service DPD achieved a turnover of more than 122 million euros in 2010, representing an increase af around three per cent. The first year under Andreas Winkelmayer and his management team, which heads Gebrüder Weiss‘ parcel service, turned out to be highly successful. “A difficult 2009 was unexpectedly followed by a year with incredible growth,” reports the head of GWP, with especially strong growth during the second half. A total of 37.5 million parcels were transported, 5.4% more than in the previous year. Above all, exports showed considerable growth, with the parcel service registering a 12.5% increase, primarily associated with the sharp rise in parcel volumes to Germany. Winkelmayer and his team agree: “For DPD, the good figures are a sign that we can also service our customers reliably in times of crisis.” Logistics for Wein & CO For years, DPD has offered a perfect service to wine growers and merchants. From magnum bottles to 12-bottle boxes, in 2010,

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almost 200,000 wine boxes were sent, with a growing trend. Wine connoisseurs know that their noble grape is in good hands, as great value is placed on the right packaging and on safe and gentle transport. Since autumn, DPD has provided an international parcel service for the wholesale chain Wein & CO. “Besides Austria, we mainly deliver to customers in EU countries, above all in Germany,” says Andreas Winkelmayer. International shipping is becoming increasingly important: “If at the start of DPD‘s wine logistics operations in 1996, the proportion represented by exports was still very small, nowadays almost a third of our wine packages go abroad.” The main destinations are above all Austria‘s neighbours. The No. 1 for all mobile phone providers By now all of Austria‘s mobile providers are customers of DPD or of the express service provider primetime: since 2010, T-Mobile has also entrusted shipping of its mobile packages to its services. Via primetime, around 20,000 packages per month reach their destination within 24 hours. According to Daniel Neumann, CEO of WLS primetime, a classic parcel service is combined with supplementary services: “In addition to express options, which, for example, guarantee delivery to the shops and partners of T-Mobile by 9 a.m. on the following day, we provide cash on delivery, identity checks and contractual returns.” The flexible delivery options and supplementary services are the ideal answer to the demands of the successful mobile service provider in Austria. Cooperation with Hermes expanded Since summer 2009, primetime has been working with the Hermes Logistics Group (HLG). As a service provider, primetime takes responsibility for handling private parcels, pick-up from HLG shops, mail order returns and box logistics. “In the future as well, Hermes will maintain its PaketShop network independently and extend this to up to 1,600 shops,” Andreas Winkelmayer reports. With a long-term guarantee of cooperation, he says, the use of Hermes‘ shops is now open to DPD. “This offers us corresponding possibilities for development in existing business areas and in adjacent ones.”

A valuable investment in the future In order to interlock quality and staff management more closely, to expand the focus of cooperation and to be able to learn from each other, in 2010, GWP launched a programme for junior executives. “Beside the general exchanges between different departments and warehouses, above all, the focus is on early development of management skills as preparation for potential leadership positions,” says Andreas Winkelmayer. The eleven participants from every GWP warehouse and the dicall Customer Care Centre, including four ladies, were designated by their superiors and shall now learn together for three years. Winkelmayer is convinced: “Such training programmes are not only an important investment in the future of our employees but also a guarantee of sustainable coverage of GWP‘s market.” In addition, training of apprentices also takes on a particular significance. At present, four young ladies are completing their apprenticeships as office administrators at Gebrüder Weiss parcel service in Vorarlberg and Leopoldsdorf and a young man is being trained in the field of storage logistics. In the future, the warehouses in Leobendorf and Graz-Kalsdorf will also accelerate their training of apprentices. Green laced parcels In July, politicians, logisticians, representatives of the Graz energy agency, vehicle manufacturers and numerous transport companies took up the invitation of Christian Pabst, DPD‘s environment officer and warehouse manager in Graz-Kalsdorf, to discuss ways to an environmentally friendly future. Already in 2008, the GWP warehouse in Graz incorporated a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter NGT into its vehicle fleet, in order to gain experience with natural gaspowered vehicles. The Sprinter passed the test with flying colours and by the end of the year, five Sprinters were already in service. “And we also support our drivers and carriers in shifting to environmentally friendly natural gas-powered or electric vehicles,” Pabst emphasises.

Department reports

Subsidiaries and brands x|vise Fitness for the transport network In 2010, x|vise logistics advisers demonstrated that transport networks of forwarding companies can be made fit for forthcoming challenges with simple resources. After the great recession, the economy finally began its recovery. Order books filled up and it was possible to reduce overflowing warehouses. In this way, many companies took this development as an opportunity to grapple more closely with their logistics. At the centre of this stood transport optimisation, according to Harry Stiastny, CEO of x|vise. Hence, in 2010, a number of renowned companies called in x|vise‘s logistics experts to deal with optimisation issues in the field of transport. “For example, in this area, the company collaborated with the Vienna-based Trinkservice GmbH, which, among other things, carries out various service and logistics tasks for the Ottakringer brewery and the Vöslauer mineral water company,” says Stiastny. In addition, x|vise consultants acted for the Vorarlberg-based building materials manufacturer Röfix. Harry Stiastny explains the high degree of customer interest: “Considering the increasingly fierce competition and conditions of the legal framework, the complexity is constantly growing.” Companies face multiple challenges: whether it‘s transport networks which developed over time with hardly any optimisation, continually increasing logistics costs or major increases in volume, new locations, markets and customers. In any case, it makes sense to check the organisation of transport in a targeted way, says Stiastny: “Since with the right tools, unexploited potential for improvement can be rapidly identified and a company can get to grips with the growing challenges.” x|vise can immediately offer a range of tools which are easy to handle and tested in practice, which assist in

ensuring the optimal use of transport networks. In any case, the logistics advisers demonstrate their conviction that transport optimisation will remain a major topic in the medium term as well.

inet-logistics inet goes international In 2010, the software company continued its internationalisation, taking the plunge into Asia. The new location in Thailand is not only inet‘s gateway to the whole of the Asian market, but is also the competence centre for telematics. In the eleventh year of its existence, inet opened its first branch outside Europe. Starting from Udon Thani, a trading centre and transport hub in NE Thailand, the GW subsidiary is now seeking to conquer the entire Asian market for Transport Management Systems (TMS). “We are naturally focusing on the rising economic superpowers, China and India,” notes inet CEO Oswald Werle. “And we see corresponding potential for our solutions in Singapore.” The subsidiary started with a 7-member team of local software engineers and salesmen under the leadership of Ralph Müller, a Thai by choice, who left Germany 12 years ago. inet Thailand has already planned ahead for further growth, according to Werle. “We plan to double our staff numbers in Asia as early as 2011.” In addition, the telematics competence centre is also located in Thailand. In this way, the most recent product in this field presented in 2010, “inet Telematik”, was entirely developed in Udon Thani. This is a solution based on the global positioning system (GPS), which makes it possible to detect a location with pinpoint accuracy. inet thus provides companies with a powerful tool for modern fleet management, real-time asset tracking, an anti-theft system including video recording and timekeeping under difficult environmental conditions.

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Werle sees “inet Telematik” as an optimal extension of the proven Transport Management System, and at the same time, a strong signal to international customers: “We have strengthened our TMS with an important functional component, and once again, have lived up to our reputation as a technological leader.” In general, Oswald Werle can be satisfied with the performance in 2010. “Overall, inet developed very well and grew by over 20%,” the CEO confirms. Among other things, it successfully concluded major projects for Fiege Logistics Switzerland and for MAN commercial vehicles. In addition, demand for business consulting increased, with support provided to companies ranging from logistics requirements to transport management solutions. Against this background, it is consistently pursuing its international expansion strategy. The next stop is Brazil, where a branch is to be opened in 2011.

Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo Teamwork Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo defended its market In spring 2010, Austria‘s largest oil refinery faced a routine safety inspection. During the comprehensive maintenance work, Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo and its partners supplied Schwechat Airport with kerosene. The refinery at Schwechat measures almost 200 football pitches. Every year it processes 9 million tonnes of crude oil and among other things, delivers it in the form of kerosene, including to the nearby airport. The oil and gas group OMV had prepared the shutdown of this installation well in advance. According to plan, on 13 May 2010, around 40% of the refinery was shut down for a routine, legally prescribed inspection by the TÜV [Association for Technical Inspection]. Over the following six weeks, 1,800 supplementary skilled workers subjected the significant parts of the installation to extensive inspection, cleaning and maintenance. For the duration of the safety inspection, Gebrüder Weiss‘ rail freight division made its contribution to ensuring that Schwechat Airport was regularly supplied with aviation fuel. “Together with our partners, Rail Cargo Austria und Slovenske Železnice, we succeeded in transporting around 60,000 tonnes of kerosene from Koper to Groß Schwechat,” says Walter Dolezal, Chief Executive of Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo. The project required exact timing, in both planning and implementation. “With a good solution, we were nevertheless able to beat the competition and conclude the order to the fullest satisfaction of our customer.” In overall terms, GW Rail Cargo‘s revenues from rail freight declined during 2010. Dolezal attributes this to the crisis year of 2009, which continued to have an appreciable effect. “All in all, we transported 800,000 tonnes, with the destination countries increasingly located in Southern and South-Eastern Europe.”

Department reports

dicall More than a service provider In 2010, dicall‘s telephone lines once again overheated. But the Customer Care Centre is far more than a “mere” communications service provider. Florian Maurer describes 2010 as a good year for the sector: “Outsourcing became increasingly significant, at the same time as there was a further improvement in prices, which had fallen massively in the previous year.” The head of the dicall Customer Care Centre also pointed out that telephone service providers are being incorporated ever more intensively into the company processes of their customers. “Instead of providing a simple telephone exchange, we are increasingly asked to provide qualified support for customer assistance.” dicall is well ahead of this trend: for several years, within the framework of a partnership with Gebrüder Weiss Parcel Service, certain customer groups have been independently managed by the employees of the Customer Care Centre. At present, there are almost 10,000 parcel customers, with a growing trend. The close collaboration also extends to other areas of the company. In this way, the partners jointly develop efficient tools for daily work at the Customer Care Centre. As part of this process, in 2010, dicall thus received optimal technical support for the outbound area. “We introduced a new software application in order to be able to handle outgoing calls better,” reports Maurer. The internal development of GWP‘s R&D department now ensures more rapid handling and more efficient management. Furthermore, last year, dicall also worked for its parent group. “We took over scheduling of appointments of the sales force for several GW branches,” says Florian Maurer. All in all, in 2010, dicall made 600,000 telephone calls, with the Call Centre agents clocking up some 850,000 minutes of conversations. The dicall manager also showed his satisfaction with the field of training. “Among other things, Gebrüder Weiss Parcel Service has provided its key accounts with a loyalty bonus in the form of a voucher for an individual telecommunications

seminar carried out by us,” Maurer reports. dicall has already completed the first training session and has received highly positive feedback. “Various participants have requested follow-up seminars.”

tectraxx High Tech Logistics High-tech road to Eastern Europe In the beginning of 2010, tectraxx has expanded its area of operation. As a new partner of the logistics company Teneso, the Gebrüder Weiss Business Unit is opening up Central and Eastern European markets for international technology companies. When it comes to organising warehouse, distribution and technically complex services, tectraxx‘ logistics experts perform at their best. The GW Business Unit has already implemented solutions for numerous electronics companies, telecommunication providers as well as mail-order firms Austria-wide. Due to a cooperation with the panEuropean logistics alliance Teneso, also bordercrossing activities have now gained importance: On 1 January, tectraxx took over customer support in the Austrian market as well as in eleven Central and Eastern European countries. “We offer tailor-made solutions for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland,” explains Gerald Marx, in charge of the Business Development Eastern Europe. He adds: “these include everything from storage and retrieval including order-picking up to installation and connecting services.” Customers can rely on an equally high service level as in Austria.”They benefit not only from a consistent service level and uniform prices, but also from a single point of contact for the entire CEE business.” As regards the transport process, high-tech companies benefit from the “orange home advantage”. The Gebrüder Weiss network is as

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dense as it is efficient, and ensures rapid forwarding of all goods at a very cost effective rate. In the past year, tectraxx aimed primarily at the medical technology sector. According to Marx, the most important market is still Austria, “where we carried out numerous consignments for major industrial players such as Beckman Coulter and Fresenius Medical Care.” Across the border, tectraxx was particularly active in the Czech Republic and Hungary. In 2011, proactive market cultivation in Central and Eastern Europe has first priority. Apart from the medical technology sector, the hi-tech logistician sees good investment opportunities in the field of fitness industries and automated teller machines, not least because of the recent boom in the region.

leisure+sports logistics Constantly on the move The ongoing trend towards more movement, ideal weather conditions and the World Cup in South Africa provided a boost for the sports goods retail industry. Leisure+sports logistics had the appropriate logistics solutions ready, paving the way to the Balkans for the industry. In 2010, Austria‘s sports goods retailers recorded a 3.3% increase in revenues, with even stronger growth than the generally flourishing retail trade. According to Klaus Bannwarth, it took rather longer in Central and Eastern Europe for buying power to return, “but in the fourth quarter, business then picked up.” According to the manager of GW‘s leisure+sports logistics sector solutions, CEE business is becoming increasingly important. As early as last year, several manufacturers of sports goods, including Adidas, Reebok and Burton, received logistical support in the Balkan region. “After Gebrüder Weiss‘ expansion of its network in these countries, we have efficient and highquality logistics structures available there,” says

Bannwarth. For example, customers expect IT standards such as track and trace or optical archiving. “We can reliably meet such service requests.” Leisure+sports logistics is also able to gain points due to its customs expertise. According to Bannwarth, the fact that the group has always invested heavily in this area is paying off. “Because unnecessary delays due to customs clearance are simply not acceptable in this sector.” Furthermore, for the key accounts, quarterly meetings are held with the distribution organisations of the respective countries in order to cater for individual demands and, at the same time, to gain an understanding of their internal procedures. As a result, in 2010, leisure+sports logistics effectively extended its portfolio with diverse services, ranging from Europe-wide fixed deadline deliveries to shipment of the supplied products to the shop. With all its enthusiasm for sport, the team around Klaus Bannwarth is also concerned with the future of young disabled athletes. In 2010, leisure+sports logistics was again the main sponsor of the Disabled People‘s Sports Association of Lower Austria (NÖVSV), and intends to maintain its commitment. “What the members of the NÖVSV achieve is admirable from every perspective,” says the product manager. “We are proud that they represent our company internationally.” At the 2010 Paralympics in Vancouver, these exceptional athletes won 5 of the in total 11 Austrian medals.

Department reports

automotive logistics Like a phoenix from the ashes After the events of the previous year, the prospects for the automobile sector were not very rosy. The spectre of the crisis nevertheless disappeared as rapidly as it had materialised, with new opportunities opening up for the Automotive Logistics Competence + Solutions Centre. Whereas in 2009, a fifth of the 100 largest companies in the world were in the red, for many manufacturers and suppliers, 2010 was the most profitable year in their history. In China and other Asian countries such as India in particular, the economy was booming. Flexible employment models and production procedures allowed a swift response to market demands, and suppliers such as the market leader Bosch or the German OEMs VW, Audi and Daimler were seeing turnover climbing to record levels. As Kurt Pichler, Head of Business Development Automotive notes, customer relationships were strengthened both during and after the crisis, “so that we were able to profit from the surprising upturn”. In Bratislava, for example, as a new generation of premium vehicles rolled off the assembly line, Gebrüder Weiss Slovakia confidently mastered the enormous increase in volumes from a supplier customer. In addition, at the end of the year, a distribution centre of a prestigious German tyre producer in western Hungary began operating, being run by GW as a joint venture partner. At the same time, Automotive Logistics succeeded in landing its first orders from two large German suppliers. “On the one hand, this relates to sea freight between China and Europe and on the other, to overland transport to and from Hungary,” explains Pichler. Last but not least, a partnership was launched with an internationally successful automobile logistics company.

The wheels are turning again, with experts assuming that in 2011, around a third of the companies in the sector will achieve sales growth of over 15%. The cost and competitive pressures nevertheless remain enormous, according to Pichler. In addition, it is difficult to predict further developments, including in the boom region of Asia. One thing is clear, car manufacturers will increasingly produce where there is growth in future. “Suppliers practically have no other option than to go along with them, creating new opportunities for logistics companies,” concludes the automotive sector manager. As a result, GW began operating in China for a German car manufacturer for the first time in 2010.

Customs services Certified reliability In 2010, the national customs authorities awarded GW branches and subsidiaries in Germany, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary the EU certification for excellent customs clearance. On 1 January 2008, the European Union introduced the so-called AEO standard. This abbreviation stands for “Authorised Economic Operator”. The AEO certificate is awarded by the customs authorities of the 27 EU member states to companies who meet exceptionally high standards in dealing with goods subject to customs control. “Among other things, these include complying with international customs regulations, proper bookkeeping, proof of credit-worthiness as well as observing strict organisational requirements in accordance with the international standard,” explains Thomas Zeilinger, in charge of customs at GW. In 2008, Gebrüder Weiss was the first company in Austria to receive the AEO-C certificate. Since last year, the country organisations in Germany,

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Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary as well as GW subsidiary Weiss Ocean + Air Cargo in Hamburg can call themselves “Authorised Economic Operator”. In 2011, all European GW branches will be AEO-certified. “With this certificate, the customs authorities regard us as a particularly reliable partner in the customs area,” Zeilinger points out and adds this is a major signal towards existing customers on the one hand, and a major argument in tenders in the field of transport and logistics on the other. A further advantage of the AEO certificate: it enables a simplified customs clearance procedure. In practice, this means preferential treatment by the customs authorities and a simplified procedure for holders of AEO-C status.

Human Resources Development Moving people In 2010, Gebrüder Weiss‘ staff developers again provided valuable input: within the context of the “Train, Tutor, Move” education programme, they transformed employees into “Movers”, also bringing junior logistics staff closer together. “As a service provider, the knowledge of our employees is naturally enormously valuable to us,” says Helmut Schöpf, head of the Human Resources Development Centre. The challenge lies in passing on the know-how which is so comprehensively available within the company in optimal fashion. For this reason, the Human Resources department initiated trainings for internal staff years ago. In 2010, 15 employees from Germany, Austria and Slovakia once again took part. During the eight-day seminar, under the heading “Train, Tutor, Move,” the participants not only practised how to share their knowledge in the context of training sessions with colleagues but also how to moderate workshops and to accompany (learning) groups.

To date, the internal training of staff has taken place under the guidance of external trainers. Since 2010, however, the Human Resources Development Team has looked after this process. “In the past, we have consciously promoted the training and further education of our human resources developers,” explains Helmut Schöpf. This commitment is now bearing fruit: “Now, we have the necessary expertise to carry out such training at a high level with our own resources.” As a positive side-effect, Schöpf points out that even in economically difficult times, the company can continue to meet its demand for training in full. At Gebrüder Weiss, the promotion of junior logistics staff has always been a priority. In so doing, the personal touch is not overlooked. In summer, the Human Resources Development Centre once again invited apprentices to an exchange of experiences in the thrilling atmosphere of alpine huts. “At the apprentices‘ camp in the Salzburger Postalm, for the first time in the history of the company, trainees from all of its Austrian, German and Swiss branches took part,” said Kerstin Riedmann, trainee manager for the GW group, who was delighted with the high level of interest. Through sporting activities, such as climbing on the high ropes course and group games, the 45 young people got to know themselves and each other better. On the third day, a particular challenge awaited them: CEO Wolfgang Niessner and three branch managers announced their visit. On this occasion, the task was to grapple with the orange values of Independence, Sustainability, Commitment and Service Excellence in groups and then to present these in a striking way. The Management was evidently enthusiastic about the results.

Department reports

IT Services In the customer‘s shoes In 2010, GW‘s IT Services team invested a great deal of energy in the development of solutions to meet the demands of its customers. Within the context of research projects, they nevertheless looked beyond current demands into the future. Ensuring that information flows in the freight business and the 3,670 PC users within the company have an optimal working environment is only part of the tasks of the IT services department. It is also responsible for finding ways to ensure that with the aid of modern information technology, customers can receive a better service and processes can be designed in safer, more efficient and more transparent ways. A view of the supply chain Gebrüder Weiss has committed itself to penetrating deep into the value creation chain of its customers with logistics solutions. “In order to succeed in meeting this demand, it also needs innovative IT systems,“ says Bernhard Bildstein, Head of IT Services. With the “Supply Chain Monitor”, its developers have created a tool which considers the whole of the supply chain within GW and thereby supports the work of the departments for logistics solutions in the individual branches. “Depending on the type of service, different IT systems are deployed within the group: for land transport, the freight forwarding software, a special solution for air and sea freight and also a warehouse software application,” explains Bildstein. According to him, the “supply chain monitor” will for the first time be able to model the entire customer order, across all systems. At the same time, the tool also offers possibilities for the early recognition of possible delays, e.g. delivery, and the ability to inform the customer proactively. In 2010, the “Supply Chain Monitor” was deployed in test mode and is to be rolled out to the group in 2011, being supplemented with further functions.

A global pilot project In addition, customer specific projects were also on the agenda. Between March and September, IT Services sought solutions for the complex demands of an international technology group with regard to a global pilot project for transport billing. “On the one hand, GW operates a logistics hub for this customer, and on the other, we also act as a transport service provider for the company,” says GW‘s project manager Andreas Fleischer. “Our task was to automate the complete billing procedure.” In so doing, Fleischer and his team faced the challenge that it was not merely transport from A to B which was to be billed, but rather certain services had to be stated separately on the invoice. The project manager provides an illustration: “For example, if several consignments are delivered by lift truck, the costs for the special vehicle must be billed pro rata.” The point here is to create consolidation groups, “i.e. to pool and price consignments correctly.” This and more will now be prepared by the new GW system, subjected to an examination and introduced entirely automatically via an interface into the customer‘s billing system. A specialist in EU customs clearance A long partnership also binds Gebrüder Weiss to the tool manufacturer, who in 2010 rented a new warehouse in Lauterach on an exclusive basis and transferred the entire EU customs clearance to the logistics group. “Previous to this, the company carried out part of the customs clearance directly in the countries of destination,” reports project manager Robert Lampert. “Now the goods are delivered from the production location to Lauterach, entirely cleared through customs there and prepared for pick-up, alternatively with allocation to other carriers.” Considering the exhaustive process procedures on the part of the client, the IT services created the interface for data transfer between the customer and GW, programmed new control mechanisms and daily feedback statistics. According to Lampert, a great deal of time was invested in the preparation of this project. “For example, as the first ‘non-software firm’, we obtained test access to the Austrian

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customs system, in order to test the records under realistic conditions.” The effort was worthwhile: As the go live deadline for the system was in the autumn, everything went smoothly, to the complete satisfaction of the customer. Shaping the future The company IT stays up-to-date through targeted activities in the R&D area. “At EU level, we are currently involved in two projects,” says Andreas Pichler. “Within the context of ‘EURIDICE’ and ‘LogLife’, we are in each case investigating how the transport network can be optimised in terms of sustainability through the deployment of new technologies.” Large consortia, consisting of research facilities such as universities and polytechnics, technology providers and logistics service providers, grapple in this multi-year project with the question of how transport can be made more efficient, and this in an ecological, economic and socially acceptable way. “GW intensified its contribution in 2010, strengthened by logistics know-how and direct practical relevance,” says Pichler. “And in 2011, we will be testing a pilot implementation.” Research is also being carried out in house: in collaboration with the Vorarlberg Research Centre, V-Research and the logistics advisers of x|vise, a practical advisory tool was developed last autumn, which is intended to offer assistance with logistics issues. Pichler adds: “In the ‘local traffic optimisation’ project, for example, the point is to find the best option for the allocation of goods with the aid of an optimisation software application.” According to Bernhard Bildstein, in addition to customer projects and research, the aim is to also keep numerous hardware and software components within the GW group up-to-date and operations fail-safe through ongoing updates and migrations. Not forgetting the questions and problems of users received in 2010: “Our employees at the local IT service desks and the central support service processed a total of more than 20,360 enquiries, the so-called trouble tickets. All of this contributes to keeping things running.”

Bettina Schrotzhammer GW Maria Lanzendorf

“I‘m in charge of the accounting process for the Eastern region of Austria and CEE countries. By continuously developing my field of work further, I guarantee customers in all regions are offered equally high-quality services in terms of our “seamless organisation”.

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40  41 Martin Hinterhuber Air & Sea Hall

“As Branch Manager Air & Sea Tyrol, I intend to optimise our international range of services by developing innovative solutions. Personal contact with customers is very important to me. This creates trust in our company and provides a strong basis for longterm partnerships.”

Nasser Bouchendouka GW Altenrhein

“I am responsible for the complete shipment of transports to Eastern Europe, including cargo shift protection. With my daily work I, too, contribute to a seamless transport process. I‘m proud of that.”

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Simple in its complexity: Commitment

Everyone claims to have it, be it or live it. Perhaps no other word can make such an impact in deciding between success or failure in the modern business world as commitment. There are many aspects to the term. Whether on the high seas or for anchoring: on a sailing boat, every detail matters. When it comes to keeping feet dry at sea, a crew has to do more than just having blind trust. Every sailor, from the captain to the cook, has to make their contribution to the overall success and safety of the journey. Whether the professional sailor in the America‘s Cup or the weekend sailing party, not only does every manoeuvre have to be perfect, but every process must be rehearsed and coordinated, every member of the team must be willing to make the well-being of the community their top priority. It is exactly the same in the sea of business. Only those who can rely on their crew and know that each individual employee works above and beyond the company‘s required level, can stay on course on the rough seas. Or, to express this in another way: only commitment can guide commercial success safely into port. Respect on all levels And just like on a sailing boat, every part of a business enterprise is important and deserves attention and support. That could, for example, be an interesting, balanced and future-oriented further education programme for employees. If a company takes into account the individual needs of the people with whom it works, a win-win situation will be the outcome: a satisfied employee reciprocates the trust that the company places in him or her. This has been proved hundreds of times and can be measured using sheer numbers. Employees who are motivated and developing personally as well as professionally, achieve better results, higher turnovers, and work for and with delighted customers. Employees who can rely on their employer and depend on them to give them room, space and time for further development, approach their work, and their lives, differently. This is also true in relation to promotion prospects and job possibilities. Nothing in life – and particularly in working life – is more important than a goal. The best affirmation for someone‘s actions is respect, appreciation and recognition of performance. Often a simple and sincerely meant “well done” motivates and spurs on an employee as much as a day off. It‘s not just stressed managers who need praise and recognition every now and then, this need extends over all levels of the hierarchy. A reliable, cool-headed employer who thinks in the long term fulfils his social responsibility towards his employees most effectively. An employer who knows that there is always a

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bit of give and take involved in working efficiently, will find it significantly easier. Commitment always impacts on efficiency in a profit-oriented company. Following a hire and fire policy rather than investing in the most important component of working life – people – and placing no value in cooperation is perhaps quicker in the short term. In the long term, however, employers who follow this course will have the wind taken out of their sails by the competition. Loyalty as a gift Commitment and accountability, however, are not one-way streets. Loyalty is a big word, who knows exactly what it means? Loyalty to a company is not necessarily a question of time. It means much more; not just his handiwork, but also working with heart, head and common sense in his job. Blind obedience as a work requirement has had its day in most companies. What companies need are employees who think for themselves. Companies are investing in their employees more and more, and motivation and identification are growing in significance, particularly in a crisis. Employees who can be sure that their boss doesn‘t see them as mere numbers, but rather perceives and treats them as colleagues and, more importantly, as people, will in turn ensure that they hold the success of the company as the central focus of their work. Commitment means going the extra mile. This “walk the extra mile” requires more from employees than the simple fulfilment of their job. Loyalty to their work now means more than just service to the company. Employees who enjoy their work and try to realise their own potential in their work find this often challenging path easier. Flexibility is one of the most important immaterial goods of our time. People who get the chance to expand their horizon beyond the daily routine, through further training or development opportunities, don‘t just give themselves the occasional refreshing jolt, they apply themselves in a more sustainable way to the overall progress and success of the company. Longstanding employees, some of whom have been working for decades under the banner of the orange network: their biographies speak for themselves. They are an important component of the great movement which starts with satisfied employees and leads directly to happy customers.


Sustainability as a safeguard for the future People who think in generations rather than in quarters have a decisive competitive advantage in more ways than one. Short-sightedness is misplaced here, openness to new things and a feel for innovation integrate themselves into the overall picture. Future-oriented projects, sustainable implementation and reliability for customers: these are essential stages on the road to success. Today‘s investors cannot afford stubbornness, in the truest sense of the word. Today the cornerstone for success lies in the future, investments must be sustainable so that they can be built on over the years. Another advantage of a traditional company which has grown and developed over the centuries. Far-sighted planning and keeping the next generations in mind: these are the building blocks of success. Because there is only one person who serves as a measure of success or failure: the customer. Competitive advantage through commitment This is the focus of the company and each of its individual parts. The better each individual link in the chain holds together and forms a strong unit, the more satisfied the customer. Commitment: for customers, this can sometimes be a deciding competitive advantage. Satisfaction alone is not enough. What counts is enthusiasm. One other thing is needed: walk the extra mile! Commitment over and above the required, usual level is the key. Commitment means being equally bound to and responsible to the customer and the company. Enthusiastic customers become regular customers, especially when they feel their individual needs are met. Quality you can depend on is therefore essential and must be produced as consistently as possible. Thus, liability is the mother of all success. What does liability actually mean? There is no single clear answer to that question. The fact is that a dependable appearance creates trust with customers. Liability in the working world means communicating proactively, fulfilling contracts and keeping promises. Americans call it “walk the talk”. If you hide behind hollow phrases and snappy advertising slogans and subordinate the real core task, namely pleasing the customer, you are not focusing on the future. The ideal service for each individual customer, innovative solutions for innovative customers, committed customer support: these are the cornerstones of commitment – and the basis of our success.

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Customer loyalty is the best compliment Trust is the magic word. While the mutual commitment between employer and employee is characterised by giving just as much as taking, the customer must be able to rely on the company of their choice in every respect. He must be able to trust it, then he can reciprocate that trust in the company. The aim, therefore, must be to develop trust through performance so that we can enjoy the trust of our customers. When someone decides after careful reflection to purchase a particular product or a special service from a certain provider, they enter into a relationship with them. The customer is not just the reason for existing, but also the motor which drives any commercial enterprise. Pride and misplaced arrogance are misguided as far as economic realities are concerned: the human elements, soft skills, commitment; these are the factors that turn interested parties into long-standing regular customers. Winning a new customer comes with responsibility in an economic and social cycle. So just as tradition does not mean guarding the ashes, but rather keeping the flame, commitment in relation to the customer does not mean stagnation, but rather consistency. While a company can urge and promote commitment in its employees, it must work hard to gain its customers‘ commitment, their loyalty and faithfulness to the company. Nothing can be taken for granted. Loyal regular customers enter into a commitment with a company. On the free market, no one forces them to do it. Customer loyalty is a plant which requires constant care and regular watering. If it blossoms, it is the greatest compliment that a commercial enterprise can receive.

Kornelia Schauer GW Passau

“I constantly keep in touch with customers. My task is to make sure that they receive their goods on time and by using the most efficient transport route available.�

50  51 Viorel Leca GW Romania

“As Managing Director I look after the full range of services of Gebrüder Weiss on the Romanian market. Therefore, it is particularly important to me that our corporate values are reflected in the quality of our services. Our first priority and concern is to continuously provide our customers with the best possible service.”

Tomas Ilavsky GW Senec

“I draw up customer-oriented logistics solutions with added value. For me, actively listening to customers from the first interview on is essential. That‘s what helps creating sustainable customer loyalty based on trust and competence.”

52  53

Gebrüder Weiss locations

HEADQUARTERS Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6923 Lauterach, Austria Bundesstraße 110 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5.9006.2609

LAND TRANSPORT Austria Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6700 Bludenz, Austria Äuleweg 14-16, Postfach 22 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5574.696.2795 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6800 Feldkirch, Austria Reichsstraße 149, Postfach 29 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5574.696.2725 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 8055 Graz, Austria Alte Poststraße 376, Postfach 18 T +43.316.2904.0 F +43.316.296515 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6060 Hall, Austria Löfflerweg 35 T +43.5223.206.0 F +43.5223.206.324

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6921 Kennelbach, Austria Friedrich-Schindler-Straße 12 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5.9006.1499 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6923 Lauterach, Austria Bundesstraße 110 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5.9006.2600

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 3380 Pöchlarn, Austria Manker Straße 55 T +43.2757.4004.0 F +43.2757.4004.4860 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 5020 Salzburg, Austria Robinigstraße 57, Postfach 159 T +43.662.88912.0 F +43.662.88912.3800

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 4020 Linz, Austria Prinz-Eugen-Straße 33 Postfach 309 T +43.732.7655.0 F +43.732.7655.4480

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 4600 Wels, Austria Terminalstraße 91 T +43.732.7655.0 F +43.732.7655.9310

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 2326 Maria Lanzendorf, Austria Wiener Straße 26 T +43.1.79799.0 F +43.1.79799.7100

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6961 Wolfurt-Bahnhof, Austria Senderstraße 26, Postfach 3 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5574.696.1110

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 9063 Maria Saal, Austria Wutschein 46 T +43.4223.5050.0 F +43.4223.5050.3500

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. 6300 Wörgl, Austria Gewerbepark 9 T +43.5332.70011 F +43.5332.70011.3319

56  57 Germany Gebrüder Weiss GmbH 88131 Lindau, Germany Heuriedweg 20 T +49.8382.708.0 F +49.8382.708.300 Gebrüder Weiss GmbH 87700 Memmingen, Germany Karatasstraße 6 T +49.8331.49825.0 F +49.8331.49825.838 service.memmingen@

Gebrüder Weiss AG 4133 Pratteln, Switzerland Dürrenhübelstrasse 4 T +41.58.458.5015 F +41.58.458.5055 Bosnia-Herzegovina Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. 71000 Sarajevo, BosniaHerzegovina Dzemala Bijedica bb T +387.33.777.500 F +387.33.777.504 Bulgaria

Gebrüder Weiss GmbH 90431 Nuremberg, Germany Kirchhoffstraße 2 T +49.911.958886.5980 F +49.911.958886.5981 Gebrüder Weiss GmbH 94036 Passau, Germany Industriestraße 14b T +49.851.807.5900 F +49.851.807.5910

Gebrüder Weiss EOOD 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria Nikola Petkov Blv. 37A T +359.431.625.73 F +359.431.641.95 Gebrüder Weiss EOOD 1582 Sofia, Bulgaria Prof. Tzvetan Lazarov Blvd. 97 T +359.2.9700.400 F +359.2.9700.431

Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. 370 01 České Budějovice, Czech Republic Žerotínova 1 T +420.387.315.468 F +420.387.315.470 Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. 664 42 Modřice, Czech Republic Central Trade Park Modřice, Evropská 870 T +420.548.427.236 F +420.547.217.102 Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. 720 00 Ostrava – Hrabová, Czech Republic Na Rovince 876 T +420.596.613.119 F +420.597.010.123


Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. 251 01 Říčany – Jažlovice, Czech Republic Zděbradská 94 T +420.323.209.240 F +420.323.209.200

Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Jankomir 25 T +385.1.3436.945 F +385.1.3871.834

Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. 25219 Rudná, Czech Republic K Vypichu 986 T +420.311.659.659 F +420.311.659.669

Switzerland Gebrüder Weiss AG 9423 Altenrhein, Switzerland Werftstrasse 1 T +41.58.458.5511 F +41.58.458.5522 kundencenter.schweiz@

Czech Republic

Gebrüder Weiss locations

Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. 252 19 Rudná, Czech Republic K Vypichu 1138 T +420.311.549.601 F +420.311.549.654 Hungary Gebrüder Weiss Kft 2330 Dunaharaszti, Hungary Raktár u. 2., Pf. 33. T +36.24.506.700 F +36.24.506.705 Gebrüder Weiss Kft 4087 Hajdúdorog, Hungary Gáti utca 36 T +36.24.506.810 F + Gebrüder Weiss - Honold Kft 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary Éger utca, Hrsz. 5791 T +36.24.506.755 F +36.24.506.755 Macedonia Gebrüder Weiss DOOEL 1041 Skopje, Macedonia 24th Street, No 39, Sub Ilinden T +389.2.2580.870 F +389.2.2580.871

Romania Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 310299 Arad, Romania Zadareni sat, nr FN. Zona Industriala T +40.357.423.913 F +40.357.423.899

Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 557260 Sibiu, Romania Str. Banatului, Nr. 2 Parcul Industrial Selimbar T +40.369.438.655 F +40.369.438.656 Serbia

Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 600344 Bacau, Romania Str. Izvoare, Nr. 117C, C9/5 T +40.334.405.412 F +40.334.405.413

Gebrüder Weiss D.O.O. 11272 Dobanovci, Serbia Beogradska bb T +381.11.3715.200 F +381.11.3715.201

Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 087015 Bolintin Deal, Romania Str. Ithaca nr.1000 T +40.372.678.500 F +40.372.678.551

Gebrüder Weiss D.O.O. 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Brace Poljakovic 16 T +381.34 301 378 F +381.34 301 379

Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 400397 Cluj Napoca, Romania Str. Traian Vuia, Nr 156 Jud Cluj T +40.372.770.896 F +40.372.770.899

Gebrüder Weiss D.O.O. 34220 Lapovo, Serbia Trzni Centar Niegoseva bb T +381.34 853 975 F +381.34 853 976

Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 200440 Craiova, Romania Incinta Popeci Utilaj Greu Strada Tehnicii, nr 1, birou C9 T +40.372 678 485 F +40.372 874 304 Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. 410515 Oradea, Romania Strada Lugojului nr 41, et 2 T +40.359 467 441 F +40.359 467 441

Gebrüder Weiss D.O.O. 16203 Vucje, Serbia Strojkovce T +381.16 230 430 F +381.16 230 402 Slovakia Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. 040 01 Košice, Slovakia Prešovská 4 T +421.55.729.8649 F +421.55.729.8651

58  59 Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. 903 01 Senec, Slovakia Dial’ničná cesta 20 T +421.2.3306.6500 F +421.2.3306.6516 Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom, Slovakia Priemyselná 628 T +421.45.672.7400 F +421.45.672.4702 Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. 010 65 Žilina, Slovakia Košická 2 T +421.41.56.50660 F +421.41.56.51918 Slovenia Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Celovska cesta 492 T +386.1.5134550 F +386.1.5134564

Ukraine TOW Gebrüder Weiss 04070 Kiev, Ukraine Naberezhno-Khreschatytska 3-A T +380.44.5361258 F +380.44.4943975

TOW Gebrüder Weiss 89600 Mukachevo, Ukraine Wul. Kooperatiwna 46, Techno Center »Karpati« Zakarpatska T +380.3131.37973 F +380.3131.37973 aram.pohosyan@

AIR & SEA Austria Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Innsbruck 6060 Hall, Austria Löfflerweg 35 T +43.5223.206.352 F +43.5223.206.482 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Linz 4063 Hörsching, Austria Flughafen Linz-Hörsching Flughafenstraße 1 T +43.732.7655.9252 F +43.732.7655.9256 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Vienna 2326 Maria Lanzendorf, Austria Wiener Straße 26 T + F +

Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Klagenfurt 9063 Maria Saal, Austria Wutschein 46 T +43.4223.5050.3480 F +43.4223.5050.3503 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Salzburg 5020 Salzburg, Austria Robinigstraße 57 T +43.662.88912.3700 F +43.662.88912.3809 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Vienna 1300 Vienna-Schwechat, Austria VIE-Speditionsgeb. Obj. 263/1 T +43.1.7007.32444 F +43.1.7007.33329 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Graz 8402 Werndorf, Austria Am Terminal 1c T +43.316.2904.9405 F +43.316.2904.9412 Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. Air & Sea Terminal Wolfurt – HOH 6960 Wolfurt, Austria Senderstraße 34/Postfach 40 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5.9006.1920

Gebrüder Weiss locations



Weiss Ocean+Air Cargo GmbH 20459 Hamburg, Germany Herrengraben 3 T +49.40.54005.0 F +49.40.54005.3932

Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. Air & Sea Terminal Sarajevo 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina Dzemala Bijedica bb T +387.33.777505 F +387.33.777504

Switzerland Gebrüder Weiss AG Air & Sea Terminal Basel 4133 Pratteln 1, Switzerland Dürrenhübelstrasse 4 T +41.58.458.5171 F +41.58.458.5179 Gebrüder Weiss AG Air & Sea Terminal Zurich 8058 Zurich Airport, Switzerland Frachthof West, Postf. 388 T +41.58.458.5200 F +41.58.458.5248 Aersped AG International 8058 Zurich Airport, Switzerland Postfach 15 Frachthof West T +41.58.458.5600 F +41.58.458.5635 Gebrüder Weiss Freight Factory International AG 8058 Zurich Airport, Switzerland Postfach 15 Frachthof West T +41.58.458.5640 F +41.58.458.5649

Bulgaria Gebrüder Weiss EOOD Air & Sea Terminal Sofia 1582 Sofia, Bulgaria Prof. Tzvetan Lazarov Blvd. 97 T +359.2.9700.400 F +359.2.9700.456 Croatia Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. Air & Sea Terminal Zagreb 10150 Zagreb-Airport, Croatia Pleso b.b., P.O. Box 30 T +385.1.6265211 F +385.1.6256491 Czech Republic Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. Air & Sea Terminal Brno 66442 Modřice, Czech Republic CTPark Modřice Evropská 870 T +420.548.427.234 F +420.547.217.787

Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. Air & Sea Terminal Ostrava 720 00 Ostrava-Hrabová, Czech Republic Na Rovince 876 T +420.597.010.120 F +420.597.010.123 Gebrüder Weiss spol. s.r.o. Air & Sea Terminal Prague 16008 Prague, Czech Republic Terminál Menzies/K letisti 57 T +420.220.113.653 F +420.224.281.054 Hungary Gebrüder Weiss Kft Air & Sea Terminal Budapest 2220 Vecsés, Hungary Airport Business Park Lőrinci út 59, C4. Épület T +36.24.506.780 F +36.29.352.901 Italy Brigl Weiss Air & Sea Cargo S.R.L 39100 Bozen, Italy Mitterhoferstraße 1 T +39.0471.246.276 F +39.0471.246.180 Romania Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. Air & Sea Terminal Bucuresti 012101 Bucuresti, Romania Blvd. Expozitiei nr. 1, Etaj 8 T +40.372.67.8520 F +40.372.67.8539

60  61 Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. Air & Sea Terminal Cluj 400397 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Str. Traian Vuia nr. 156 T +40.372.678.572 F +40.364.730.687 Gebrüder Weiss S.R.L. Air & Sea Terminal Constanta Port Constanta Sud – Agigea, Romania CMB, Etaj 2, Cam. 106B T +40.241.480.955 F +40.241.480.958 Serbia Cargo T. Weiss d.o.o. Air & Sea Terminal Belgrade 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia Milutina Milankovica 23, ulaz 1 T +381.11.311.5441 F +381.11.311.0547

Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. Air & Sea Terminal Zilina 010 65 Žilina, Slovakia Košická cesta 2 T +421.2.333.229.48 F +421.2.333.229.50 Slovenia Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. Air & Sea Terminal Brnik 4210 Brnik-Aerodrom, Slovenia Airport Ljubljana T+386.4.201.8490 F+386.4.201.8494 Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. Air & Sea Terminal Koper 6000 Koper, Slovenia Koper Seaport Ankaranska cesta 7b T +386.5.6638.530 F +386.5.6638.535

Slovakia Ukraine Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. Air & Sea Terminal Bratislava 821 04 Bratislava, Slovakia Mokráň záhon 4 T +421.2.333.229.48 F +421.2.333.229.50 Gebrüder Weiss s.r.o. Air & Sea Terminal Košice 040 01 Košice, Slovakia Prešovská cesta 4 T +421.55.729.0356 F +421.55.729.8651

TOW Gebrüder Weiss Air & Sea Terminal Kiev 04070 Kiev, Ukraine 3-a NaberezhnoKhreschatytska Str., of 23 T +380.44.536.1258 F +380.44.494.3975

WEISS-ROHLIG Canada Weiss-Rohlig Canada Inc Dorval (Montreal) QC H9S 5J9, Canada 185 Dorval Avenue, Suite 301A T +1.514.633.0006 F +1.514.631.3330 Weiss-Rohlig Canada Inc Toronto, ON M9C 5E9, Canada 703 Evans Avenue, Suite 201 T +1.416.621.1600 F +1.416.621.5656 China Weiss-Rohlig China Co.,Ltd. Beijing Branch 100027 Beijing, PR China F-7-F, Fu Hua Mansion, No.8 Chaoyang Men Avenue (N) T +86.10.6554.1916 F +86.10.6554.3090 Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. 130033 Changchun, PR China Rm 101, JIT Mansion, No. 3033 Pudong Road economic and technological dev zone T +86.431.8469.9983 F +86.431.8469.9973

Gebrüder Weiss locations

Weiss-Rohlig China Ltd. Chengdu Representative Office 610041 Chengdu, PR China Unit I, 6th Floor Guoxin Mansion No.77 Xiyu Street T+86.28.8619.8000 F+86.28.8619.8001

Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. Ningbo Branch 315010 Ningbo, PR China Room 8608, Howard Johnson Office No.230, Liuting Street T +86.574.2788.8201 F +86.574.2788.8200

Weiss-Rohlig China Ltd. Urumqi Representative Office 830011 Urumqi, PR China Rm 1109, Markor Plaza No.26 South Beijing Road Xinjiang Province T +86.991.3665.806 F +86.991.3665.807

Weiss-Rohlig China Ltd. Chongqing Representative Office 400020 Chongqing, PR China Unit 1005, Jia Nian Hua Tower No. 9 Walking Street T +86.23.8679.2891 F +86.23.8679.2893

Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. Qingdao Branch 266003 Qingdao, PR China Rm C-1, Huiquan Dynasty Hotel No. 9 Nan Hai Road T +86.532.8607.7890 F +86.532.8287.6140

Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. Xiamen Branch 361006 Xiamen, PR China Rm 619 Minmetal Building No. 226 Dongdu Road T +86.592.3107.558 F +86.592.3107.498

Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. Dalian Branch 116000 Dalian, PR China Rm 2110, MingShi Fortune Centre No. 20A, GangWan Road, Zhongshan District T +86.411.3956.9111/39569222 F +86.411.3956.9000

Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. 200021 Shanghai, PR China Rm 1712-1719, 1 Corporate Avenue No. 222 Hubin Road T +86.21.6340.6000 F +86.21.6340.6858

Weiss-Rohlig China Ltd. Xi’an Representative Office 710075 Xian, PR China Room 806, Building A, Seastar City Plaza, No.37 Keji Road, Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone T +86.029.8831.7047 F +86.029.8831.7078

Weiss-Rohlig Hong Kong Ltd. 510620 Guangzhou, PR China Unit 1510-1511, 15F, Baoli Fengxin Plaza, Building B, Tianhe Road No.242, Tianhe District T +86.20.38395088 F +86.20.38104900 Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. Nanjing Branch 210018 Nanjing, PR China Rm 1502 Zifeng Tower (Podium) No. 8 Zhongshan North Road T +86.25.8681.6006 F +86.25.8681.6007

Weiss-Rohlig Hong Kong Ltd. 518001 Shenzhen, PR China World Finance Centre, Tower A, Suite 6B No. 4003, East Shennan Road Luo Hu District T +86.755.3306.3200 F +86.755.3306.3220 Weiss-Rohlig China Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch 300042 Tianjin, PR China B22 D-E, Mansion of Triumphal Arch No 66 Nanjing Road, Hexi District T +86.22.2339.8246 F +86.22.2339.8248

Weiss-Rohlig Hong Kong Ltd. 524000 Zhanjiang, PR China GuoMao, Bldg. B, Suite 6B06 No. 53 Renmin Nan Road, Xiashan District T +86.759.2660500 F +86.759.2660400 Hong Kong Weiss-Rohlig Hong Kong Ltd. Kowloon, Hong Kong Unit A, 3/Floor, Pioneer Building 213 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong T +852.2268.9300 F +852.2345.6060

62  63 India Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad 380 007, India Mahakant Building Office No.701, 7th Floor T +91.079.2658.0715 Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore 560 038, India No.1794, 9th Main, HAL 3rd Stage, Indiranagar T +91.80.25210455 F +91.80.25210454 Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai 600 086, India Steeple Reach Block B, 3rd Floor No. 25 Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram T +91.44.42980800 F +91.44.42980831 Head Office Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai 600 086, India Steeple Reach Block B, 3rd Floor No. 25 Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram Rajaji Salai T +91.44.42980800 F +91.44.42980830 Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Gandhidham 370 201, India Room No-106, Nirav Chambers 1st Floor,Plot No-13,Sector-9 T +91.2836.650772 F +91.2836.231105

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Jodhpur 342 005, India Plot No.17, 2nd Floor, Prakashdeep Station Road Transport Centre Basni IInd Phase T +91.291.2742101

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 110 001, India 62B 6th Floor Himalaya House 23 Marg, Connaught Place T +91.11.46460707 F +91.11.23314563

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Kanpur 208 001, India 401, Kan Chamber 14/113, Civil Line T +91.512.2332006

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Pune 411 001, India C-1 Liberty Phase II, North Main Road Koregaon Park, Maharashtra T +91.20.41203641

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata 700 017, India Unit No. 1D, 4th Floor, No. 37 Shakespeare Sarani T +91.33.40084734 F +91.33.22900645

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Tiruppur 641 603, India 8/18, Sri Mahavishnu Nagar Angeri Palayam Road T +91.421.2485718 F +91.421.4338910

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai 400 059, India 502/503/504, A-Wing 5th Floor, Mangalya Chambers Marol Makwana Road, Andheri (E) T +91.22.42142401 F +91.22.42142444

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Tuticorin 628 008, India 48/1, Bryant Nagar, Ist Street - East T +91.461.2376155 F +91.461.2376238 Japan

Weiss-Rohlig India Pvt. Ltd. Nag Pur/Maharashtra 440 015, India 20N-48, Manikgarh Building Flat No. S3, Snehanagar T +91.712.2292054 F +91.712.2292024

Weiss-Rohlig Japan Ltd. Tokyo 170-0002, Japan Landmark Bldg., 3F 3-20-3 Sugamo, Toshima-ku T +81.3.5961.1620 F +81.3.5961.1621 kazuyoshi.fujiwara@

Gebrüder Weiss locations

Singapore Weiss-Rohlig Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore 169877 171 Chin Swee Road #04-01 San Centre T +65.6535.3345 F +65.6535.7747 Weiss-Rohlig Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore 819454 119 Airport Cargo Road #04-02 Changi Airfreight Centre T +65.6785.3393 F +65.6785.0300 Taiwan Weiss-Rohlig Taiwan Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan 6/F, No. 213 Sec. 5 Nanjing E Road T +886.2.2766.1000 F +886.2.2766.0002 Thailand Weiss-Rohlig Thailand Ltd. 10110 Bangkok, Thailand 10/1–2nd Floor Soi Farm Watana, Rama 4 Road, Prakhanong, Klongtoey T +66.2.3812940 F +66.2.3812937-38

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Weiss-Rohlig U.A.E. LLC Dubai, UAE Al Shamsi Building, 1st Floor, Unit 120, Oud Metha P.O. Box 2737 T +971.4.337.2340 F +971.4.334.8143 USA Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC Atlanta, GA 30349, USA 4820 Clark Howell Highway Suite A-4 T +1.404.209.3922 F +1.404.920.3251 michael.crandall@ Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC East Boston, MA 02128, USA 395 Maverick Street T +1.630.401-9139 reinhard.doermer@ Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC Chicago Des Plaines, IL 60018, USA 351, Touhy Ave, Suite 100 T +1.224.563.3200 F +1.224.563.3201 Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC Denver, CO 80126, USA 2861 Stonington Court Highland Ranch T +1.720.524.3655 F +1.303.648.5417

Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC Houston, TX 77032, USA Texas Branch 3340D Greens Rd, Suite 710 T + F + Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC Los Angeles El Segundo, CA 90245, USA 1960 E. Grand Ave. Suite 420 T +1.310.414.9300 F +1.310.414.3900 Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC Miami, FL 33126, USA 7200 NW 19th Street, Bldg. 5, Suite 511 T +1.305.716.0884 F +1.305.716.0885 Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC New York Cranford, NJ 07016, USA 20 Commerce Drive, Suite 226 T +1.908.931.1500 F +1.908.931.1593 Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC San Francisco, CA 94066, USA San Bruno 1150 Bay Hill Drive, Suite 121 T +1.650.588.1392 F +1.650.588.1792






Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. automotive logistics 4600 Wels, Austria Terminalstraße 91 T +43.732.7655.9349 F +43.732.7655.9311

dicall-Weiss-LogistikSysteme GmbH 8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz, Austria Feldkirchenstraße 14–16 T +43.810.810.210 F +43.3135.2002.529

inet-logistics GmbH 8330 Pfäffikon, Switzerland Witzbergstrasse 7 T +41.58.458.5250 F +41.58.458.5251

INET-LOGISTICS GmbH FASHIONET Austria Fashionet-Austria Textilspedition GmbH 2333 Leopoldsdorf, Austria Arbeitergasse 50 T +43.2235.47838 F +43.2235.43839

inet-logistics GmbH 1010 Vienna, Austria Annagasse 5 T +43.5574.806.0 F +43.5574.806.1579 office.oesterreich@

LEISURE+SPORTS LOGISTICS Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. leisure+sports logistics 3380 Pöchlarn, Austria Manker Straße 55 T +43.2757.4004.4831 F +43.2757.4004.4840 TECTRAXX tectraxx High Tech Logistics 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria Brown-Boveri-Straße 6 T + F +

inet-logistics GmbH 6961 Wolfurt, Austria Holzriedstraße 29 T +43.5574.806.0 F +43.5574.806.1599

Thailand inet-logistics Co., Ltd. 41220 Udon Thani, Thailand 11 Moo 3, Tesaban Sao Lao Amphur Nong Wao So, Tambol Non Wai T +66.86.860.4747 F +66.86.458.2404 RAIL CARGO Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo Ges.m.b.H. 2326 Maria Lanzendorf, Austria Wiener Straße 26 T +43.1.79799 F +43.1.79799.7079 X|VISE

Germany Austria inet-logistics GmbH 61440 Oberursel, Germany In der Au 19 T +49.6171.694.16.10 F +49.6171.694.16.05 office.deutschland@

X|vise innovative logistics GmbH 8401 Kalsdorf, Austria Feldkirchenstraße 14-16 T +43.59006.2971 F +43.59006.2959 X|vise innovative logistics GmbH 6923 Lauterach, Austria Bundesstraße 110 T + 43.59006.2950 F + 43.59006.2959

Gebrüder Weiss locations

X|vise innovative logistics GmbH 2326 Maria Lanzendorf, Austria Wiener Straße 26 T +43.59006.2961 F +43.59006.2969

Depot 0621 – Headquarters 2333 Leopoldsdorf bei Wien, Austria Arbeitergasse 50 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.2235.432.89


Depot 0623 3380 Pöchlarn, Austria Manker Straße 55 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.2757.8867

Depot 0626 6060 Hall in Tirol, Austria Schlöglstraße 45 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.5223.53439 Depot 0628 8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz, Austria Feldkirchenstraße 14–16 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.3135.57770

Depot 0627 6832 Sulz, Austria Industriestraße 16 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.5522.70252.63

6845 Hohenems, Austria Diepoldsauer Straße 134 T +43.5576.73771 F +43.5576.77186 6912 Hörbranz, Austria Autobahnzollamt T +43.5574.696.1184 F +43.5574.696.1146 6890 Lustenau, Austria Reichsstraße 28 T +43.5577.827491 F +43.5577.827490 6960 Wolfurt, Austria Gemeinschaftszollamt AT/CH T +43.5574.696.1258 F +43.5574.696.1182 Switzerland


Depot 0630 8700 Leoben, Austria Waltenbachstraße 7 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.3842.8347.214


Depot 0622 2100 Leobendorf, Austria Industriezeile 2 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.2262.6819.223

6812 Meiningen, Austria Grenzübergang T +43.5574.696.2770 F +43.5574.696.2775

6841 Mäder, Austria Grenzübergang T +43.5574.696.2780 F +43.5574.696.2785

6800 Feldkirch-Tisis, Austria Grenzübergang T +43.5574.696.2760 F +43.5574.696.2765

9434 Au, Switzerland Border T +41.58.458.5300 F +41.58.458.5309 kundencenter.schweiz@ 9430 St. Margrethen, Switzerland Grenzstrasse 24 T +41.58.458.5330 F +41.58.458.5340 kundencenter.schweiz@

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Gebrüder Weiss GmbH MAKOM Bundesstraße 110 6923 Lauterach Austria Project Management Thomas Konrad Project Team Sina Balke-Juhn Raimund Fink Gabriele Schneider Renée Lormans Editorial Team Sina Balke-Juhn Barbara Koch Florian Niederndorfer Photography Adolf Bereuter Graphic Design Manuela Gritsch Lithography Fitz Feingrafik Printing BUCHER GmbH & Co KG Translation Xplanation Language Services Renée Lormans

We would like to thank everyone for their support in making this annual report possible, in particular with the photography.

GebrĂźder Weiss Group 6923 Lauterach, Austria BundesstraĂ&#x;e 110 T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5.9006.2609

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