Annual Report 2003

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Geography and Highlights in 2003 WeissLand West WeissLand Central and Eastern Europe WeissLand USA WeissLand China, Hong Kong, Singapore


History – Ferdinand Weiss (1902 – 1968)

2 4 6


Preface Dkfm. Heidegunde Senger-Weiss


Directors’ Report for the Financial Year 2003


Business Fields WeissLand Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Air & Sea Logistics and Industry-Specific Solutions Subsidiaries IT Services *orange way Gebrüder Weiss Parcel Service


The Supervisory Board Report


The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board

24 26 30 32 38 40 46 47


Financial Report Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Profit & Loss Account Cash Flow Notes to the Consolidated Accounts


The Addresses of Gebrüder Weiss

57 58 60 61


On the Move 1 Orange on Time


On the Move 2 Air & Sea


On the Move 3 Parcel Service

Locations and Highlights 2003



WeissLand West

Germany Employees: 154 Locations: 6

Two leading experts in logistics

Development is heading in the

join in partnership The specialist

right direction At the start of

for the Austrian market based

2003 the Allgau GW organisation

around the Nuremberg area –

in Lindau and Memmingen broke

Deutsche Transport Compagnie –

all records by processing a total

has now been working together

of 15,000 shipments per month.

with Gebrüder Weiss since Febru-

The main focus is on WeissLand

ary 2003. Daily transport to and


from a total of seven stations is organised. Successful segment orientation In addition to the KTM project, a number of other high calibre customer projects were won in the Wolfurt expands storage capacity

segment solutions area in 2003. An

At the end of 2003 Gebrüder Weiss

example can be found in the leisure

acquired the Elektra Bregenz high-

+ sports sphere with the transport

bay storage system in the Wolfurt

and storage logistics for Reusch

freight depot. The Wolfurt location

(football and skiing). In Wolfurt 900

thus extended warehouse space

articles are stored, commissioned

by 7,600 pallet slots.

and then distributed.

New partner RAN-TRANS

Heidegunde und Paul Senger-

Clear environmental policy

Istanbul In September a new

Weiss were the WU Managers of

Gebrüder Weiss has introduced an

partnership was launched with the

the Year for 2003. This award is

environmental management sys-

aim of increasing mutual strengths

traditionally presented by the

tem based on ISO 14001, which

in the Eastern European market

Vienna Business University (WU)

has been externally certified on

and expanding transportation

to prominent personalities within

the example of the Linz location.

between the WeissLand region

industry, who have shown particu-

All Gebrüder Weiss subsidiaries

and Turkey.

larly high-level innovative quali-

are committed to the directives

ties, a dedication to sustainable

prescribed in the Environmental

solutions or the ability to master


Austria Employees: 2,323 Locations: 51

complex challenges with unconventional means.

tectraxx takes off The high-tech logistics brand tectraxx combines technical and logistical services. In cooperation with Alcatel at the new terminal in Wr. Neudorf tests and software upgrades for mobile telephones were carried out for the customer Hutchinson 3G Austria and a paperless document system was implemented.

Switzerland Employees: 153 Locations: 7

Doubling The volume of ship-

Relocation in Basle at the start

ments between Switzerland and

of 2003 New warehouse capacity

Germany was doubled in 2003 as

and a more efficient procedure as

a result of intense market activi-

a result of the proximity to the

ties. Direct traffic was expanded

customs authorities are just two of

on numerous routes.

the numerous benefits brought about by the relocation from Muttenz to Basle. The new location is situated directly on the Rhine.

All employee numbers are averages for the financial year 2003 (consolidation has not been taken into account). Only the main locations are marked on the map for space reasons, but figures shown refer to all locations (incl. customs offices, logistics centres, agencies etc.).

Italy (South Tyrol) Employees: 2 Locations: 1

New management at Brigl-Weiss Bolzano Paul Falser became the new Manager of Brigl Weiss Air & Sea Cargo.

Locations and Highlights 2003



WeissLand Central and Eastern Europe

Exhibition forwarding agent More than 10,000 exhibitors from 54 countries present their companies at trade fairs in Brno every year. GW was able to win the tender to become the official exhibition forwarding agent.

The Czech Republic Employees: 251 Locations: 7

New Air & Sea office in Prague/

Comprehensive logistics The

Ruzyne The Air & Sea department

GW organisation in the Czech

relocated into a new office at

Republic is now able to offer

Prague/Ruzyne Airport.

complex services at all 7 Czech locations after the relocation of the Ostrava subsidiary to a new plant with expanded warehousing facilities and the opening of a warehouse in Hradec Králové.

Hungary Employees: 152 Locations: 2

New ways in the East Hun-

Symposium GW Hungary organ-

garoweiss has extended its busi-

ised an information event in the

ness fields to incorporate new

Dunaharaszti terminal near

service offerings. Since March,

Budapest under the motto “Hun-

consolidated transport has been

gary and the European Union,”

operated to four south-east Euro-

where 120 people, including a

pean states from Hungary. A new

large number of representatives

internal customs office was also

and managers from Hungarian


industry and foreign companies, were welcomed.

Comprehensive distribution Since the start of 2003 there has been a comprehensive distribution

Slovenia Employees: 23 Locations: 2

system throughout Slovenia with transit times between 24 and 48 hours.

New partnership with Siemens and new warehouse in Zagreb The Siemens Croatia outsourcing

Croatia Employees: 22 Locations: 3

project could be won after long and intense negotiations. As a result the Gebrüder Weiss subsidiary in Zagreb has taken over the entire warehousing logistics for Siemens Croatia.

Slovakia Employees: 49 Locations: 4

Gebr端der Weiss Bratislava in new

Elimination of customs barriers

premises The GW team relocated

Since 1.1.2003 all trade barriers

within the Slovakian capital at the

between the Czech Republic and

end of March from Roznavska Street

Slovakia have been eliminated.

to Stavitelska Street just four kilo-

Both countries had initially agreed

metres away and is now working in

upon a customs union but soon

modern offices and warehousing

reintroduced quotas for various

facilities based on EU standards.

foodstuffs. These duties were lifted in 2003.

Organisation integrated The remaining 48% of shares of the companies CargologWeiss Romania and Bulgaria were taken over by

Romania/Bulgaria Employees: 54 Locations: 8

Gebr端der Weiss on 1.1.2003. Now

New logistics terminals In 2003

the locations in these aspiring

the Gebr端der Weiss teams in Sofia,

countries can be fully integrated

Bucharest and Arad all moved into

into the orange network.

new modern logistics terminals.

Locations and Highlights 2003



WeissLand USA

USA Employees: 18 Locations: 5 Kick Off for Weiss-Rohlig USA

Five new locations in the USA

The USA joint venture between

The head office of Weiss-Rohlig

GebrĂźder Weiss and RĂśhlig & Co.

USA has been located in Chicago

(Bremen, Germany) began in

since August 2003. Further offices

August 2003. The core business

have been opened in New York,

of the joint venture is international

Houston, Los Angeles and Miami.

air and sea freight in import and export, as well as inland haulage and distribution within the USA.

WeissLand China, Hong Kong, Singapore

Booming project business Entire underground trains for Shanghai; 30m long gas cylinders weighing several tons to Chengdu;

Singapore Employees: 18 Locations: 2

China and Hong Kong Employees: 145 Locations: 10

New office The Weiss-Rohlig Sin-

Licence for the Middle Kingdom

gapore air freight team has moved

In May Weiss-Rohlig China Ltd.

into new offices at Changi Airport.

was awarded the important

New tasks In 2003 Walter

A-licence for Shanghai by the Chi-

Schneider took over the manage-

Quality assurance in Singapore

nese Ministry of Foreign Trade.

ment of the Chinese organisation

Weiss-Rohlig Singapore was

This licence allows all forwarding

with head office in Shanghai ini-

awarded the ISO 9001: 2000 certi-

business activities, comprising

tially for four years. His main task


complete sea and air freight for-

is to exploit the maximum poten-

warding to and from China, the

tial offered by the A-licence, to

inland project business and the

strengthen the global network and

status as Non-Vessel Operating

to further expand the structures in

Common Carrier (NVOCC).


2897 cows from the coast to Urumqui. The Project Department in Shanghai well established its presence as a new business field for Gebr端der Weiss in 2003.



Reconstruction x 2


Ferdinand Wolfram Weiss (1902 – 1968)

Gebrüder Weiss – More than 550 Years of Experience in the Transport Business The story of Gebrüder Weiss began in 1330 in Fussach on Lake Constance, when the company was first entered into the Monastery of St. Gallen taxation register under the name “Wizze” (later to become Vis and finally to assume the name Weiss). Just over 100 years later (in 1445), the transport line “Milan Courier” was mentioned officially for the very first time. The Weiss ancestors from Fussach were operating a “Courier Line” for the Lindau Chamber of Commerce to transport passengers, post and goods into Lombardy. The adventurous route wound through wild mountain gullies such as the notorious Via Mala or the Cardinell and over the 2,100 m high Spluegen Pass. This was the shortest route between the prosperous regions around Augsburg and the Lombardy area, leading through the Swiss region of Graubünden, which meant that it was exempted from the Habsburg censorship. It was the only postal line of the 18th century in the Danube monarchy which was not run by the Thurn & Taxis family. Famous customers in the history of the courier service Vis & Spehler included Ulrich Fugger and Napoleon, who both used it to deliver post and goods. But above all it was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who put his trust in the Milan courier service on the return journey from his second trip to Italy, arriving punctually in Fussach on Lake Constance on 2nd June 1788. From courier service to the Gebrüder Weiss forwarding company In 1823 the Gebrüder Weiss forwarding company as we know it today was founded in Fussach by Josef Weiss and his stepbrothers Leonhard and Johann Alois Karl. His youngest son Ferdinand (1835–1906) was a true entrepreneur. During the period of the Danube monarchy, he turned the small provincial forwarding company into a highly reputable enterprise with branch offices in Vienna, Triest, Venice and Genoa, as well as in Buchs and St. Margrethen in Switzerland. In 1872, he relocated the company to Bregenz. It was a prospering company when he passed it on to his son Anton in 1906. But only a few years later the First World War began.

In 1918 the branch offices south of the Alps were lost and much of the infrastructure destroyed. After Anton Weiss died in 1921 and his brother in law Adolf Jerie followed in 1925, Anton’s son Ferdinand Wolfram Weiss (1902–1968) had to assume responsibility for the company at only 23 years of age, during a time when Austria was heading towards the depths of economic recession. These were difficult years, but Ferdinand Weiss was not only able to stabilise the branch offices in Vorarlberg, Vienna and Switzerland, but he also persued a successful expansion strategy. In 1932 Gebrüder Weiss opened a branch office in Hamburg and later in Wels/Upper Austria. But then the Second World War began. Employees were called up to fight, and vehicles were commandeered. In spite of the good initial planning of the war economy, improvisation was needed increasingly as time passed. Even in the last years of the war Ferdinand Weiss was able to sustain the structures of the company and continue freight transportation, although it was sometimes necessary to revert to horse drawn vehicles for local transport. Dangerous transport Rail transport was becoming increasingly dangerous, as railway stations and lines were preferred targets for the Allied air attacks. In the last weeks of the war, however, Ferdinand Weiss personally escorted the Prince of Liechtenstein’s art by rail to Buchs, helping to ensure that the precious paintings escaped the bombing of Innsbruck Station. In 1945, at the end of the war, almost all station warehouses had been burnt down and the Vienna office building had been destroyed by a bomb. In the centre of Austria on the Enns there was an almost impassable frontier. This meant that Ferdinand Weiss once again had to start from the beginning. He succeeded in extending essential transport structures throughout Austria so that Gebrüder Weiss was given the task by the Swiss

Caritas of distributing CARE packages in the first post-war months to the suffering Austrian population. Around 100 distribution centres in Germany and Austria were delivered to each week by lorries, which were mostly chartered Swiss vehicles. The Austrian economy and industry benefited from the Marshall Plan and reconstruction. GW was able to fulfil the transportation needs, albeit initially under extremely difficult circumstances. GW Orange is born In the post-war times, when shortages were rife, the significance of the colour orange was discovered at GW. Previously, all lorries were painted in a subdued tone of dark grey. One day, just as a GW vehicle was being repainted in the company garages, a call came through from an important customer. As the job was extremely urgent, the vehicle was sent out in its orange undercoat. Ferdinand Weiss saw the vehicle and realised the advertising impact immediately. This vehicle and all the following Gebrüder Weiss lorries have remained orange since that day! Thus, our “orange world” can retrace its roots back to that time. The valiant efforts of GW to help the population cope with shortages had led to the discovery of an advertising success. The Austrian economy and the Gebrüder Weiss company followed a steep recovery path in the following years. The widespread geographical expansion of the organisation began in the fifties when branch offices were opened in

Innsbruck, Graz and Linz. In 1955, the year in which the Austrian State Contract was signed, the number of employees in Austria had reached 640 and the fleet comprised 116 vehicles with 20,000 m2 of storage and handling space. Global links In the following years, the network of branches was extended with locations in Steyr, Wörgl and Pöchlarn and a total of 5 locations in Vorarlberg. Cooperation agreements were set up with a number of reliable agents to provide services abroad. The branch office set up in 1932 in Hamburg represented an important link to the rest of the world for Gebrüder Weiss. This was a crucial point for the passage of cotton that was needed for the Vorarlberg textile industry, coffee for the reputable Austrian retailers as well as the overseas exports for the newly strengthened Austrian industry. During these years GW was one of the very few Austrian forwarding agents to build up an air freight organisation, thus generating global links. The next generation When Ferdinand Weiss died at an early age in 1968, he had rebuilt the company twice after the two World Wars - with courage and resilience and supported by a team of hard working and enthusiastic managers. It was a company with almost 1,000 employees in 12 branches that was entrusted to the next generation, his daughter Heidegunde and son-in-law Paul Senger-Weiss.

Insight No. 1

Mr. Li – a Man for Special Cases A Portrait of the Manager of the Shanghai Project Department

Born on 8th March 1971 Married to Su Li Na and father of a son Favourite music: Blues Favourite food: “Beijing Duck” His favourite drink is tea. Country of his dreams: Egypt He values in other people honesty and friendliness

Li Zhang is a man for special cases, a young Chinese with a focused expression. Two and a half years ago Li became manager of the new project department at Weiss-Rohlig Shanghai. This was a task that required exceptional flexibility and a talent for finding solutions to unusual problems, due to the fact that freight for the project business is anything which cannot be transported with a normal lorry. That can be a shipload of railway carriages, or a petrochemical plant weighing more than 325 tons. “We work on special solutions for special customers,” says Li Zhang. He and his team have set themselves the goal of offering clients a tailored service, which encompasses much more than simply moving goods. If the customer requires it, the project department can organise an “all round” service with everything from legal processing to documentation. “We work for our customers as if we are an external logistics department,” says Li. It is a job which nese schools. Li had just finished reading an article about a courageous requires commitment and is well rewarded: “If we Yinhe merchant navy captain who got involved in international disputes in are successful, the customers remain with us for 1993. He was fascinated by the story and included “Dalian Maritime a lifetime.” University” on the list. Li was surprised indeed as he found himself in the The 33 year old joined the transport industry North China port town. “When I began my studies, I didn’t have a clue as to more by coincidence than by planning. In his last what is really meant by logistics.” But Li greatly enjoyed his studies and year at school, Li Zhang had to complete a list of discovered the transport business as his vocation. his preferred study locations, as is usual in Chi“China is a rapid growth country and the Chinese are impatient people. Everything has to happen very quickly here. That I like.” At the weekends he likes to spend time in the countryside with his wife and six year old son. There he can find the peace and relaxation that provides him with the power he needs to confront the challenges in his work.

12 13

Foreword by the CEO, Heidegunde Senger-Weiss

Gebrüder Weiss (GW) is again able to look back upon a successful year in 2003 – in spite of a continually restrained European economic situation. The main focus was in the Vienna and Vorarlberg regions and in the express parcel services field. Furthermore the consolidation of the development fields has had a positive impact on results. Gebrüder Weiss is a mid-sized family-run company, which is deeply rooted in the regional economy based on its centuries of history. This long term sustainability is also the foundation of our visions for the future. Our goals are focussed on organic growth in a way which is true to tradition and inspired by innovation. GW has developed a strong identity which we call the “Orange Way.” As a service organisation we rely on our motivated personnel, of which a large number have been with us for many years. Our team currently consists of 3,400 individuals in more than 100 locations. We not only invest in modern forwarding centres but also in a comprehensive range of new products and services. Training for our personnel, whether warehouse staff or management, is of the utmost priority for us (“Orange College”). This results in significant competitive advantages, which differentiate us from our competitors, the majority of which are backed by the state. Those advantages can be seen in our proximity to the customer and the market, our rapid decision making processes, quality orientation and the readiness to provide the ultimate service. In spite of highly demanding tendering terms, we managed in 2003 not only to retain important key customers for GW, but also to extend these business relationships, for example Billa or HP/ Compaq. In the IT and consulting field (“inetlogistics”) we have not only consistently won prizes but managed to make significant revenue breakthroughs with reputable customers in 2003 such as Magna, Novartis, Henkel and the Swiss Postal Service.

Where did we dedicate special attention in 2003? – The solution to the location challenges in Vienna was found at the end of 2003 with the purchase of a location near the South bypass S1 and the sale of St. Marx. As a result it will be possible to concentrate the Vienna premises into one location from 2005/06 onwards. – In spite of considerable increases in competition in Tyrol we were able to further the extensive integration process and improvements in storage capacity utilisation of the Tyrol logistics zone in Hall which was bought at the end of 2002. On completion of a freight terminal at the end of 2004, all GW activities in the Innsbruck region will be concentrated there. – DPD Austria also operated highly successfully as market leader in 2003. In the express parcel services a new product “primetime” was developed according to special customer requirements. It has already proved itself well in the market for express, desk deliveries, special handling and other value added services. – In the entire European Weiss organisation the focus was on the preparation for the implementation of the Austrian road pricing taxation. This has required thousands of man days throughout the organisation, particularly for IT programming work, dispatcher training and the special efforts of our sales force. Initial experiences have shown that, even though this is the most expensive road tax in Europe, the market can accommodate the net expenses. However, the extensive administration and funding costs have not yet been fully taken into account, and unfortunately the implementation was partially at the cost of the required annual freight price changes. The introduction of the German Road Pricing System was originally planned for 31st August 2003. However, only one month beforehand, the German Ministry of Transport announced that this would be postponed – in the meantime the completion date has slipped to 2005! Nevertheless

GW has had to take considerable preparation measures with substantial costs for the German Road Pricing in 2003. Our sites in CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) have expanded to 22 stations, the subsidiaries in Bulgaria and Romania were 100% taken over in 2003. The transport lines between these subsidiaries, termed the intra-CEE-transports, have been developed with great effort to a Western European level. The frequency of departures has also been increased. The additional capacities in the logistics are largely being utilised to their full extent. In the EU entry candidate countries GW has had to intensively prepare with our “EUFit-Programme” for the loss of the customs business resulting from the EU expansion. In the overseas field the attainment of an A-licence in China, which only a very small number of Western forwarding companies have managed, was a major success. Thus our subsidiary Weiss-Rohlig (with more than 100 employees in 10 locations) can operate in the Chinese market as an authorised forwarding agent. On the other side of the great triad – in the USA – Weiss-Rohlig has opened its own company with five locations – in Chicago, New York, Miami, Houston and Los Angeles. Thus we are now in a position to service this important market ourselves and fulfil the individual needs of our customers more effectively.

Environmental awareness and sustainability are of utmost significance to Gebrüder Weiss. In addition to our orientation to low exhaust lorries and forklifts this is also proved by the following other measures: – Our subsidiary in Linz received the Environmental Certificate 14001 in 2003. Many of the ideas conceived during this project are now being applied throughout the organisation. – Our subsidiary in Wolfurt operates its own transshipment centre, in order to be able to distribute complete carriages with steel and paper from Southern and Eastern Austria according to customers’ requirements around the Lake Constance region. – Our subsidiaries in Innsbruck and Vienna are dedicating considerable efforts to combined transport methods. We hope that the Gebrüder Weiss initiative of a block train between Vienna and our terminal in the Logistics Zone Hall will also be accepted by other market players and remain sustainable. – Our subsidiary GW Rail Cargo operates bulk good transportation across borders on the basis of block trains down to groups of wagons. The preparations for the 2005 generation change in top management, which have been running for several years now, were intensified at the beginning of 2003 – also with the entry of Wolfram and Heinz Senger-Weiss into GW GmbH in Austria.


Gebrüder Weiss Holding AG Directors Report for the Financial Year from 1.1.– 31.12.2003

14 15

The Gebrüder Weiss organisation has yet again succeeded in steering a highly successful course through difficult overall conditions. The first half of the year was generally characterised by the insecurity following the Iraqi war, the SARS outbreak in the Far East and the impact of the struggling German economy on Central Europe. In the second half trends stabilised and the revitalisation of the Far Eastern and US markets had a positive impact on the key markets. The diverse range of business activities and the sustained increase in geographical presence have combined to support the results and to reduce dependence on individual products and regions. Gross sales increased by 7.1% relative to 2002 and net sales (sales after duties and taxes) were up by 5.8% to EUR 607.2 million. Gross profit was further increased by 7.3% to a total of EUR 214.6 million. Personnel expenditure rose by only 5.2%, having a positive impact on the ratio of personnel costs to gross profit – which was 58.0% compared to 59.2% in the previous year.

Net sales

607.2 573.9 555.2 499.5



357.4 313.2


Divisions The national and Western European transport activities continue to be the core business for the GW organisation. These were expanded

200 94/95

Balance sheet On the basis of good results capital was increased by EUR 9.6 million or 8.7% and a 43.1% equity ratio could be reached. The net company capital, excluding stocks from other shareholders, remained at 40.1% providing a stable base for future development. In relation to the increase in gross sales the accounts receivable increased less by only 5.4% or a total of EUR 5.5 million. Due to a smaller increase in liabilities of only 4.1% the necessary working capital showed a comparatively high increase of 7.4%. However, it was still possible to significantly increase company liquidity due to the high cash flow level. Debts with credit institutions were reduced by EUR 14.0 million, liquid resources were increased by EUR 7.1 million so that total liquidity improved considerably by EUR 21.1 million and a credit balance of EUR 8.1 million was achieved after reporting debts of EUR 13.0 million at the end of 2002. This liquidity is an important base for the realisation of planned large investment projects.

318.7 283.8 SFY 2001


On the other hand it was possible to increase the number of shipments and to achieve significant gains in market share. In spite of the unfavourable market conditions for the financial year Gebrüder Weiss (GW) managed to increase EBT by 34.8 % or EUR 7.7 million to EUR 29.7 million. EBITDA amounted to EUR 46.1 million, which was an increase of 20.8% or EUR 7.9 million. The most important ratios in a benchmark comparison with other players in the industry for EBT/net sales of 4.9% and EBITDA /net sales of 7.6% are at a very high level.









further in 2003. Net sales grew more strongly than the value added, as margins were under pressure. In preparation for the EU expansion the ICD (Intracorporate Destinations) programme was implemented in this financial year to intensify the transport within the GW regions. The greatest ICD improvements in 2003 could be seen in the field of intra-CEE transport, but the volumes of West-East transport also increased significantly. Budapest was established alongside Vienna as a second hub, with direct traffic into the South-East of the Balkan region and as far as Kiev. The acquisition of the remaining shares of Cargolog Weiss Bulgaria and Romania also had a positive impact within the CEE region as investment and development decisions can now be made purely according to GW requirements. The special position of GW in the challenging CEE economic region, but also in Austria, has allowed significant expansion of the logistics field in 2003. With consistently high quality the GW share, e.g. of the business for a globally leading IT group, could be substantially extended. Not only for this customer but also for other supply chain and warehousing logistics projects, the leadership position of GW in the field of IT logistics played a significant role. This also applies to special services for the hi-tech segment, which are marketed under the tectraxx brand. Whereas previously these services were centred around Vorarlberg and Vienna, the results of successful marketing can now be seen throughout the entire WeissLand. The subsidiary inet-logistics was able to realise an important development step. Marketing has now been achieved on a broader base and the neutral position of this company means that even GW competitors trust the inet-logistics products. On the other hand, GW has the oppor-

EBITDA/Net sales 8.0%




7.1% 6.4%














SFY 2001



tunity to be completely involved in the technological market development and use IT as the “spearhead” for the market. With the effective realisation of the primetime product innovation, Gebrüder Weiss Parcel Service was able to not only retain its market position but also to extend it within the highly competitive parcel market. This value added service developed in cooperation with our parcel delivery partners addresses an important market trend. In 2003 Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo GmbH was able to sustain its market position and make a major contribution towards environmentallyfriendly railroad transport. Above and beyond the field of rail transport, GW also reached an abundance of other sustainability goals in 2003, not only with the intensive utilisation of environmentally friendly lorries and forklifts, but also with the measures taken to attain the Environmental Certification 14001 under the leadership of GW in Linz. The knowledge and experience gained there is now being applied in the entire organisation. In the Air & Sea segment a significant step could be made towards a more global presence for GW. The existing Weiss-Rohlig joint ventures


16 17

in South-East Asia have been able to further expand their position, as were the sites in Hong Kong and Singapore. China was even able to make a quantum leap after it attained the Alicence required for the wide field of freight forwarding in Shanghai at the beginning of 2003. Weiss-Rohlig has a 75% stake in this business. The realisation of this licence required considerable effort and investment, including the link to the GW SAP software, a new forwarding software and special state-approved billing machines. At the same time there were considerable gains in the highly significant project business, for example, with the closure of contracts for heavy load transport for the underground system in Shanghai and subsequently for Guangzhou (Canton) and a further location. The rapid expansion of business has meant that GW has assumed a recognised challenger position on the Chinese project market.

Distribution of the value added contributions by business segments

Logistics 20.4%

Parcel service 16.9%

Air & Sea 12.3%

International surface transport 32.8%

National transport 10.9% Customs 6.7%

The true geographical development, however, occurred in the West – in the USA: after having to change agents numerous times in the USA, it was decided to increase GW’s own presence in the US market. Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC was founded together with Röhlig, setting up headquarters in Chicago and further locations in New York/New Jersey, Los Angeles, Houston and Miami. Developments have already been very positive in the first four months of existence. Thus GW is represented in the triad Europe, South East Asia and North America through joint ventures with Röhlig. This development is not only of marketing significance but has also been highly beneficial from a human resources perspective. Numerous young Austrians and employees from other countries in the WeissLand are attracted by overseas employment and find success in these countries. GW is now present in 18 countries, encompassing the WeissLand and the overseas joint ventures - a truly multicultural company with employees from 35 different nationalities! GW continues to place great value on training and the education of employees, particularly within the “Orange College.” In 2003, 1,300 employees took part in technical qualification programmes, management and soft skills seminars and language training. On the technical side there were many thousand man hours invested in training related to road pricing in Austria and Germany. From an investment perspective, 2003 was a time of waiting. Important investments in property and buildings could not be realised. The business prerequisites as well as the approval requirements for the investment in Graz, Hall/Tirol, Wels-Pernau and Vienna were not available.

From left to right: Heidegunde Senger-Weiss, Peter Kloiber, Wolfgang Niessner, and Paul Senger-Weiss

Thus the investment focus was on fleet investments of EUR 4.2 million, followed by IT investments, which involved hardware purchases and the continued successful introduction of the CIEL software. Property and buildings comprised only 17% of the total investment, 12% were used for business and company values and other stocks. At the end of the financial year the requirements were fulfilled for all the investments in property and buildings, which will be realised in the coming years. Outlook for the Financial Year 2004 The financial year 2004 will be characterised by several changes: In Austria, road pricing was introduced on 01.01.2004. Thanks to intense preparation the net expenses for road pricing can be converted within the market. The full costs of administration, controlling and prior funding, however, cannot be covered by the market. The preparations for the pending German road pricing scheme will be another challenge. After the initial scheduled date for introduction of 31.08.2003(!), the German government now aims to launch the system on 01.01.2005. The admission of ten new countries to the EU on 01.05.2004 – GW is directly active in four of these – represents a significant change to an important market field for GW. In the framework

of the EU-Fit programme there are intense preparations being made in Austria and the other CEE countries. An Ausped II industry work trust has been created for the involved Austrian employees. In the four GW CEE entry countries such staff support measures have not been initiated. Relative to the competition, GW has probably undergone the most effective preparations towards the EU expansion. The elimination of the customs business and associated services will lead to reduced returns in these four countries in 2004. In Austria, the EU admission is likely to have considerably less impact. Founded on the basis developed in 2003, there should be significant investment developments in 2004. The Graz location is being built. The Vienna St. Marx premises were sold and property was bought on the new Vienna Ring Road S1. Thus a good foundation has been established for the future development of Vienna – a consolidation of the operations locations. Building is already planned to start in the first half of the year in Hall, Tyrol and in Wels-Pernau. It is anticipated that the improvements in the economy and GW’s broad geographical and product diversification will mean that, in spite of the numerous changes, 2004 will continue to develop positively.


18 19

Independent of this Gebr端der Weiss will not only continue to invest in premises, but to focus on HR development, product innovation and strengthening of the geographical network. In relation to this, the focus will be on consolidation of the partner network in order to secure the positive development of the groupage transports as a GW core business segment. Particular attention will be paid to the extension of our branch network in the CEE countries. In Dubai, a Weiss-Rohlig joint venture is planned, which will strengthen this logistically important location. 2004 will continue to be a year of challenges, which are partly caused by external events. We are sure that we can continue to strengthen together within the GW organisation and to gain market share in this environment. We would like to extend a special word of thanks to our staff for their immense contribution to the successful development of GW in the financial year 2003.

Lauterach, 08.06.2004

Heidegunde Senger-Weiss

Paul Senger-Weiss

Wolfgang Niessner

Peter Kloiber

On the Move 1

Orange on Time

Whether it’s Paris-Dakar, motocross routes

However, before the professional racing

around the world or a 125 ccm road race,

drivers or hobby pilots can take off with

there is one make of motorbike which is

their new machines Gebrüder Weiss has

always in the running – KTM. And with

work to do as the distribution partner –

regard to its sales volumes, the Austrian

even if it is really urgent! The following

bike is also well “in the running.”

example illustrates how that is done.

08:30 Some customers order very late: The bike is needed tomorrow at midday in Törökbálint (Hungary). At this point in time it is just being packaged in the Mattighofen factory.

>> 09:00

>> 09:01

“Is that

“No problem – Orange on


Time has also been operating across borders since 1st May”

>> 09: 30 Whilst the motorbike is brought to the ramp, packaged and ready to be loaded, ...

>> 09:30 ... the expeditor gives the high priority collection order to the pick up and delivery driver. He then aims for Mattighofen at the earliest possible opportunity to take the ordered bike on board.

>> 13:30 In the Salzburg terminal the bike is unloaded...

>> 16:00 ... and transferred to the Express System Orange on Time.

>> 17:30 The shipping information has already been distributed via IT system to all those involved so that each step can run quickly and smoothly.

>> DAY 2 04:00 After a night drive the long distance lorry reaches the GW terminal at Dunaharaszti.

>> 07:00 There the bike is transferred to the delivery vehicle...

>> 11: 00 ... and delivered on time to the dealer in Tรถrรถkbรกlint.

>> 11: 35 UHR The sender is proactively notified of the successful delivery.

>> A SHORT TIME AFTERWARDS ... ... the new KTM is being thoroughly run in by a happy

Š M. Halwax



24 25

Full Power towards a Seamless Organisation

Consolidation was the focus for this important business segment in 2003. To this purpose Walter Konzett took over a newly created product management field ‘WeissLand’: “Our goal is a seamless organisation from Basel to Bucharest!” Based on this strategy the corporate internal routes were labelled ‘ICD – Intracorporate Destinations’ and actively promoted in a campaign throughout the organisation. The various names of the national distribution systems were standardised. This campaign resulted in an increase of 7.9% to the shipping volumes – which marks a great success in such an unfavourable economic climate. In the long term, the GW sales staff team spirit encouraged during the ICD campaign will also have a positive effect. ‘Road Pricing’ took up many resources in the entire organisation in 2003. Germany wanted to introduce its lorry toll at the end of August and Austria implemented it as planned on 1.1.2004. Practicable pricing models had to be developed for the distribution of the distance-based toll across groupage shipments. The industry worked together with the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration for these models. The IT infrastructure was adapted and hundreds of staff were trained. All customers were informed of the new distance tax. Walter Konzett says: “The effort involved was gigantic but necessary, because it concerns EUR 20m additional taxes for the state, which we have to process properly with our customers.” In national transport all ran smoothly in 2003. The Market leadership in the Austrian forwarding business was maintained with high volumes and constant quality. The national distribution systems in the other WeissLand countries were expanded.

Project portrait

Baked with Love, Transported with Passion “Everyone can taste that Ölz bakes with love” – Having begun life as a small bakery in Dornbirn in 1938, the organisation, which now has more than 700 employees and annual revenue of around EUR 100 million, is the “master baker” of Austria in every sense of the word. With high quality and innovative product lines as well as perfect marketing the Vorarlberg food company has reached 93% brand recognition in Austria. Because quality oriented consumers always want to find their Ölz products in every shop, Ölz has chosen to rely on Gebrüder Weiss for distribution logistics for the last 46 years. The secret of Ölz product freshness can be found in a tightly organised process: All Ölz products are baked fresh on a daily basis. The race against time begins the moment the sliced bread, plaits and pastries (strudel, nut pastries, poppy seed croissants etc.) leave the bakery in Dornbirn. The products which are loaded in the afternoon need to be in the distribution warehouse on the same night between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Willi Nigsch, Branch Manager of Gebrüder Weiss Wolfurt, explains: “Volumes vary of course but, on average, we distribute for Ölz as many as 400 palettes daily to the Austrian and German perishable goods warehouses.” This is the basis of a partnership which has been successful for many years. Markus Feuerstein, who is responsible for logistics at Ölz, is happy with the quality of service: “The reliable and uncomplicated way of working in the day to day business is a sign of our excellent cooperation with Gebrüder Weiss.”

Western Europe

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Between Toll Frustration and Partner Enthusiasm

The term ‘Road Pricing’ causes him to knit his brow. His name: Hermann Wögerer, System Manager Europe, responsible for the partner-related overland transport between WeissLand and Europe. Road Pricing was one of the most dominant issues for 2003. “The majority of our Western European routes are via German motorways. As a result we have had to negotiate new costing structures with almost all our European forwarding partners in the light of the planned German toll. After an exhausting spring and summer we had managed that to a large extent, and then the German rescheduling games began,” Hermann Wögerer is still visibly annoyed. The effects of the Austrian toll, however, still had to be separately worked out with all partners. Partner network With just as much energy but a considerably better end result the European segment began to expand the partner network in 2003. The integration of the new WeissLand countries was the primary focus. Large solutions were found here with Wim Bosman (the Netherlands), Spain-Tir (Spain) and Albini-Pitigliani (Italy), as well as Heppner France and various German partners. Furthermore the cooperation with the new partner for Austria in the Nuremberg region, DTC, was quickly extended to Croatia. At the end of the year a partnership was set up between Austria and Turkey with RAN-TRANS. “Our partner network has developed very well in 2003,” says Wögerer with satisfaction.

And the future? The future will be oriented towards standardisation and optimisation of processes throughout the organisation. Wögerer explains: “The benefits of our partnership strategy with strong local forwarding partners in Europe – namely proximity to the market and the flexibility to address individual customer requirements – are complemented from 2004 by the benefits of standardised processes, leading to possibilities for automation and improved transparency.” All routes in European economic centres will be gradually structured towards a standardised process design. “The significant advantage of the logistical monocultures within our highly centralised competitors would be the standardised process and IT structure. With modern information systems we can equally overtake this advantage by combining the best of both worlds,” Wögerer explains with conviction.

Project portrait

Efficient Transport Logistics for Car Manufacturers Behind the fascinating cars manufactured by the BMW Group there is a complex chain of production plants, warehouses and supplier factories and, of course, the necessary transport logistics linking them. Part of these transport logistics – the supplier flows from Hungary and Austria to the plants in Bavaria and the UK - are managed by Gebrüder Weiss. All components are collected after notification from the more than 50 supplier factories and consolidated in the nearest GW terminal. The consignee plant is informed via data transmission of the pending delivery long before the lorries arrive and can therefore schedule internally. Billing is done automatically via a credit note system. The entire system is set up to achieve maximum efficiency and the lowest possible number of lorry trips. Oskar Woisetschläger, who is responsible for the project, explains: “We have been working together successfully with the BMW Group for more than 10 years. The systems have been continually developed and optimised together with BMW. If I look at the processes today it makes me very proud!”

Insight No.2

“I will never forget my first day at work” Success is the Goal – Portrait of Country Manager Vladislav Hamouz

Born 1959 Married and father of an 18 year old daughter and an 11 year old son Favourite Music: across the board – from classical music to the hits of the last three decades Favourite food: Fish specialities Favourite drink: Red wine Life motto: Never give up and always play to the 94th minute Holidays in the winter: Ramsau in Styria, in the summer he likes to discover new places.

On 1st June 1996 Alfred Denk, director of Gebrüder Weiss in Vienna at the time, introduced Vladislav Hamouz to the GW staff in Prague as the new branch manager “and left me to my fate an hour later. I stood there and didn’t know where to start.” Today, eight years and an historic event later – the Czech Republic has just become a member of the EU – we have withdrawn into one of the training rooms at the terminal in Rudná. Although he would much rather conHe summarises: “In the tinue his work than sit here for an interview, he takes meantime I now see myself as a the time and happily answers questions about his life. fixture in the Gebrüder Weiss Vladislav Hamouz was born in 1959 in Rakovnik, a organisation. I am happy in this town in Central Bohemia. He was nine years old and at company because the condiprimary school when the Warsaw Pact troops marched tions I consider most important into Prague in 1968 to put a brutal end to the student are there. I can communicate demonstrations and was therefore too young to underwith my boss. Verbal agreements stand the implications of the “Prague Spring.” When in count. And there is mutual trust.” 1989 the demonstrations of the “peaceful revolution” were staged throughout CzechosloVladislav Hamouz has clear vakia against the communist government, Vladislav Hamouz was in Western Europe and ideas of what the future should followed the events on television. “I lived in Hamburg between 1988 and 1992 and reprehold. One of his aims is to have sented the Czech forwarding agency Cechofracht.” The division of Czechoslovakia into achieved financial stability for two separate states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, also made no significant difference the Czech locations in 2005 “and to his everyday life in the year after returning home. we will establish a reputation in The subjects transport and logistics had already fascinated him during his studies at the Czech Republic as logistics the Economic University of Prague and the career start provider. I have worked out a with the Czechoslovakian forwarding monopoly strategy which will take us to the Cechofracht was predictable. “But I had an issue with year 2010.” the terms monopoly and equality. It has always been Even in his leisure time Vladislav Hamouz is not completely free important for me to achieve.” Since the disintegration of Gebrüder Weiss as he combines his job with sport. “Here in the of the Eastern Block, of which the Czech Republic was Czech Republic decisions are only made by certain people. They are a part, people are learning to grasp responsibility and difficult to reach, but it is possible via the tennis and golf club.” initiative. “For people who work hard and want to The rest of his time is dedicated to his family. Three years ago, achieve something in their life, the Czech Republic now he moved into a small house in the country with his wife, 18 year offers considerably more opportunity than in the old old daughter, 11 year old son and the family cat. He likes to finish times.” off an exhausting day at work with Czech political satire and a glass Prior to joining Gebrüder Weiss Vladislav Hamouz of red wine. had worked in three different companies and, even though he wasn’t sure where to start in his new office on that first morning of 1st June 1996, he had no alternative but to roll up his sleeves and start somewhere. He had enough work and his fair share of problems to be solved. With immense effort and his motto “never give up” Vladislav Hamouz has managed to get his branches to where they are today.

Central and Eastern Europe

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Leadership Extended

The Challenger Very pleased is Senior Vice President Wolfgang Niessner with the developments in the CEE organisation for the financial year 2003: “Leadership extended! We significantly expanded our capacities in many countries last year and further optimised our production processes in preparation for the EU. But the most important result was that this was all received very positively by the market. The numbers communicate a clear message. Our country teams in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the CEE headquarters in Vienna have made great progress towards the final goal of a ‘seamless organisation’ in 2003. We are and remain to be the strong challenger in our region!” EU-Fit processes A central project for the financial year encompassed the preparations for the EU expansion in 2004. Under the title “EU-Fit” processes were reviewed in all of the Gebrüder Weiss country organisations to be involved. The processes were then adapted, partly on the basis of the valuable – and sometimes painful – experience gathered during the Austrian EU entry in 1995. Expansion Infrastructure was also a central focus of activities in 2003. In March the business field “warehouse logistics” made immense progress in Croatia – a new modern order picking warehouse went into operation. The Gebrüder Weiss team in Arad, Romania had already been working in a new office and operations complex since January 2003. Only a few weeks later the staff in Bucharest relocated to their new forwarding plant. Bulgarian colleagues had cause for celebration in Sofia when their brand new logistics terminal was opened after being built in record time. The year also saw the rental of a new location in Bratislava, Slovakia which was of a more suitable dimension. “We decided not to build our

own terminal in Slovakia due to the pending EU entry,” Anna Mrazova, country manager for Gebrüder Weiss in Slovakia, explains. “We firstly want to see how the European goods flow develops. A final solution is planned for 2005.” Further networking There are two major examples to be cited under the heading “service offering expansion:” In Romania the range of services was completed in spring of 2003 with the addition of Air & Sea Services. Furthermore Hungaroweiss was able to achieve particular success in expanding groupage transport into the surrounding South Eastern European countries Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia and Croatia. “The Budapest area is becoming the logistics hub for the region. We recognised the needs of the market in time and responded dynamically,” assures country manager Alfred Gastgeb. Further groupage transport has also been established from individual Eastern European countries to Italy, Spain, Finland, Denmark, England, Switzerland etc. In this business field, integrated international logistics solutions have had a particularly positive impact on revenue development, which resulted in an increase of more than 30% over the previous year. Thanks to our transport networks, warehouse logistics facilities and the highest level of information technology in addition to our standards of perfect service and controlling, numerous international companies with sales or purchasing markets in these countries rely on the GW knowledge and experience.

Project portrait

A Strong Partnership – Siemens and GW Croatia In 2003 Siemens Croatia transferred its complete warehousing business to Gebrüder Weiss. “The partnership with this great company means a huge leap ahead for us in warehousing logistics,” notes Country Manager Jadranka Udovicic-Eisenwagner with pleasure. “The quality and process time requirements have always been very high and continue to be so. I am proud of my team and the fact that we are not only able to consistently fulfil these requirements but also repeatedly manage to exceed expectations.” The most important criterion for deciding on Gebrüder Weiss were the provision of variable warehousing areas together with the lean and efficient process structure offered: Only a few people are needed to handle 10,000 products – from individual mobile phones to the charging devices. In spite of this fact even complex processes work seamlessly, such as the individual fitting of mobile phones within large marketing campaigns. Storage and retrieval as well as order picking take place during three shifts around the clock, providing maximum service for the customer. Due to the fact that the risk of theft is particularly high with mobile telephones, a special security concept is applied throughout the entire process. An additional factor of importance for the high level of efficiency within the project can be found in the maximum data integration. To this end the Siemens SAP-System was interfaced to the IT systems at Gebrüder Weiss. As a result, data can be exchanged directly and automatically within the various process steps. This rapid and perfect communication is a necessary prerequisite for the seamless process.

Air & Sea

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Orange Spirit of Optimism. Worldwide.

A powerful spirit of optimism – that would be the brief summary of the Gebrüder Weiss Air & Sea business in 2003. But we don’t want to leave it at that for this report, so we spoke to those responsible for the Air & Sea business, father Paul and son Heinz Senger-Weiss. “With the separation of the Air & Sea business segment into an independent profit centre at the start of 2003 we have significantly strengthened the strategic position of this field within GW,” Regional Managing Director Heinz SengerWeiss explains. He elaborates: “What has just as much, if not more significance is the fact that the employees in the various locations have begun to feel like a team. Our customers world-wide can benefit greatly from this strong personal network.” It is a fact that Gebrüder Weiss is a dominant competitor in the air freight business. One of the main focuses of activity for 2003 was building awareness of GW’s perfect sea freight service. “I think we have managed to do that well. More than a 10% increase in a multitude of areas is an impressive result,” is how Heinz Senger-Weiss values the work of his team. Experienced Air & Sea professionals, who take care of the customer with an extremely high level of personal commitment, are at the heart of the Gebrüder Weiss Air & Sea strategy. This could possibly be the deciding differentiator in relation to many competitors, but, at any rate, it is an element of the successful development in the entire field. As a result, in spite of difficult circumstances such as the Iraq War and SARS in Asia, the Air & Sea division was able to increase business, sometimes significantly, in all regions. On the “old continent” Europe the last remaining WeissLand countries Romania and Bulgaria were integrated into the Air & Sea network in 2003. Excellent people were found here and

could be integrated rapidly. Aggressive marketing supported the European organisation in 2003: in two dialogue marketing campaigns 15,000 potential and existing customers were addressed in all 12 WeissLand countries. The average response rates of more than 10% were confirmation of the effectiveness of the Air & Sea marketing campaigns. A-licence for GW The award of an apparently insignificant certificate was the absolute highlight of the year for the Chinese joint venture Weiss-Rohlig. This certificate is the “A-licence.” It crowns our team in China with the status of an authorised forwarding agent. “There are quite a few competitors envious of this status,” Paul Senger-Weiss notes with a certain pleasure. More from China in summary: Boom in project forwarding, complete IT integration of the Far East branches in the Weiss organisation and consolidation of the 9 locations as basis for further expansion from 2004 onwards. Go USA Go! In 2003, the orange Air & Sea cargo experts were not only active in the Middle Kingdom but also in the country of unlimited possibilities. The transatlantic leap was made with the joint venture Weiss-Rohlig and five new Air & Sea offices were opened in the USA. It was no coincidence that this took place on 8.8.2003. Air & Sea boss Paul Senger-Weiss explains: “Our Chinese organisation is highly successful. In China lucky numbers are very important, also for our team. And 8 is the ‘Lucky Number’. What works in China can’t do any harm in the USA.” Apparently Paul Senger-Weiss was right. All US offices were breaking even after only 5 months.

Project portrait

Weiss-Rohlig Underground China is booming, which leads to an increased need for urban transport solutions in economic centres. There are only a small number of cities where a new underground system is not being built or the existing system is not being extended. The Metro Line 1 in Shanghai, the Line 1 in Shenzen and the Line 2 in Guangzhou are being realised by the Changchun Bombardier Railway Vehicles Co. Ltd. (CBRC) – a joint venture between the Chinese CRC Ltd and the global leader in the construction of underground systems, Bombardier Transportation, which is a global company with 35,000 employees and annual revenues of CAD 9.5 billion. The logistics partner for the Metro in Shanghai is Weiss-Rohlig. The job is to transport components for the final assembly of the underground equipment to Changchun from the Bombardier works in Europe. Since certain of these system components are not easy to handle – for example, a complete bogie for an underground train is approx. 26 m in length – our project forwarders are needed. The transportation from the European works to the ports is organised by the Röhlig offices in Hamburg and Hanover, in France and Italy. It is then shipped by sea to the Chinese port of Dalian, where it is taken over by the Weiss-Rohlig project logistics team. Following this it is transported by lorry or rail to the CBRC factory in Changchun, 1,000 km away. CBRC is very satisfied with the Weiss-Rohlig work. The off-shore service performance has earned particularly high praise and so it is not surprising that our orange and blue logistics teams in China are currently tipped as being awarded the supplier contracts for the underground systems in Shenzen and Guangzhou.

On the Move 2

Air & Sea Cargo

What is the Rolls Royce of pianos called? Correct – Bösendorfer. These masterpieces of instrument construction are built in Wiener Neustadt and played all around the world. Gebrüder Weiss Air & Sea is responsible for the transport of the finished

pianos between the master

07:30 U

piano makers and the master

A concert hall in Montreal, Canada is looking


forward to this grand piano.

Accompany us for a piece ...

>> 08:00 The details of the transport job are discussed by phone. The data flows automatically.

>> 08:00

>> 08: 30

The final

... and into the transport

touch ...


>> 08:30 At the same time the GW Air & Sea team arranges the optimum connection: “Roadfeeder to FRA, further with AC 875 directly to YMQ. Yes, that is the quickest and cheapest route!”

>> 11:30

>> 10:30 It is loaded carefully. Such grand pianos are heavy – and very precious.

On the way to the Air & Sea terminal

>> 13:30 In the Air & Sea terminal the grand piano is transferred for transport to Frankfurt.

>> 13:45 And so that everyone knows where it’s going it gets the correct label with bar code.

>> 14:30 Less than an hour later: together with 13 other shipments on the way to FRA.

>> 07: 30 Flight pallets are assembled from all shipments and secured with nets.

>> DAY 2 04.00 On time! Now it goes to the airport transfer.

>> 08:30 Somewhat larger than our lorry. Flight AC 875 FRA – YMQ with a B 747-400.

>> 10:00

And in Canada? If you read the

Absolutely accord-

picture story in reverse sequence

ing to plan: Take off

you will then know the delivery

for musical heaven.


Logistics and Industry-Specific Solutions

38 39

Generating Added Value through Networking

KTM, Prefa, Reusch, Siemens, … Looking at the list of logistics customers to join the books, only one conclusion can be drawn: Gebrüder Weiss gained significant market presence in the logistics solutions market in 2003. The logistics area comprises visible components: Logistics plants, means of transport, IT systems, … . During the financial year 2003, Gebrüder Weiss invested extensively throughout the entire organisation. Warehousing, handling and order picking space was greatly expanded. Apart from having the right depots and modern information technology, having the right people with the right knowledge in the right organisational form is at the core of efficient logistics solutions. In order to achieve greater depth of service and more flexibility in the network, it was decided in 2003 to establish a new central management position for this strategically important business field: System Management Logistics (SML). With Harry Stiastny – formerly managing director of the consulting subsidiary xvise – this position has been occupied by one of the most experienced logistics experts in the organisation. “The objective of SML is clear: Within the shortest possible time every customer enquiry, irrespective of complexity, is matched by a competent response from which an efficient solution can be developed. We qualify on site, build information networks and provide our subsidiaries with knowledge in segment-oriented competence centres and in a central task force,” Stiastny outlines his vision. The year 2003 was completely dedicated to the preparation work for this new position and the development of initial logistic design concepts for complex customer requirements.

leisure + sports logistics wins Adidas “The concept works: We were highly successful with our solutions, which are fine-tuned to the requirements of the industry. I am extremely pleased that we were able to convince customers with such highly reputable brands as Adidas, Salomon or Burton of our excellent performance,” says brand manager Ulrike Schwarzenberger, visibly proud. One example of such an industry-specific solution is the direct distribution in CEE countries: Via regular scheduled service the articles are transported from the manufacturer’s production site to one of the Gebrüder Weiss distribution centres where they are sorted by consignee and delivered to the dealers in the different countries as quickly as possible.

automotive logistics “in Motion” “The demand for intelligent automotive logistics is still intense” – much to the joy of product manager Kurt Pichler. “In 2003, we achieved great success in the supplies segment, in the bike industry, in IT solutions and as a network partner for OEM purchasing logistics.” In cooperation with the Gebrüder Weiss subsidiaries, the competence centre in Austria and Switzerland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia has been able to establish itself as high performance partner for the automotive and supply industry. “The rapidly growing ‘Detroit of Central Europe’ in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is well matched to the systematic expansion of our range of services,” emphasises Kurt Pichler. “We

Project portrait

“... tectraxx takes over everything else!”

are also fully dedicated to the other EU expansion countries. Furthermore, the automobile markets of the future such as China require an increasing amount of our attention.” automotive logistics concentrated more intensely on networking within the segment and winning new customers in 2003 . The expansion of the automotive logistics brand through international management characterised the year just as much as the large tenders from OEM and supplier customers.

Logistics with Added Value for High Tech Companies Added value in the true sense of the word: Alongside classic transport and distribution tasks, tectraxx also performs services for customers which can only be offered by a segment specialist. This implies not only the delivery of technical products to retail customers, but also, for example, the installation of operating systems or functionality tests on goods inwards. It comprises not only the storage of modules but also the completion of individual production steps. “We take over everything which does not necessarily require the customer’s core competence. This means that the customers’ specialists can concentrate on their more important tasks,” Jürgen Bauer describes the concept. He is the Vienna branch manager responsible for tectraxx. The market responds very well to this offering: The positive trend continued relentlessly in 2003. With the creation of a product management function, the start of a marketing campaign conceived for the mid term and the relocation into the tectraxx terminal in Wiener Neudorf, the foundation was laid for further expansion.

The partnership between Gebrüder Weiss and the Austrian subsidiary of the French telecommunications provider Alcatel has continually proven itself since it started in 1999. In 2002 both companies crowned their successful cooperation under the tectraxx brand with a contract for the mobile multimedia provider Hutchison 3G Austria, known under the brand name “3.” The basis of this job was the standard logistics module, consisting of warehousing and distribution to 3Stores, sales partners and customers. The first expansion of the service extension encompassed the compilation of sets according to customer requirements prior to delivery. It has to be ensured that both devices and SIM cards need to be trackable via their serial number. But tectraxx stands for much more than just logistics: Specially trained GW staff process incoming and outgoing customer post for “3,” scan and administer customer contracts, test multimedia mobiles for their functionality, update the software on these devices and manage the repair process for defect phones. “In 2003 we also built a document logistics system for this customer,” reports Jürgen Bauer. Within the framework of this new service, contracts are collected from the sales partners and 3Stores and scanned together with the customer contracts delivered to the customers by primetime, then sent to the client via a secure data line. The originals are physically archived in the tectraxx logistics centre, taking into account the statutory storage times. Manuel Witz, head of logistics at Hutchison 3G Austria, is very happy with the processing done in the framework of the Alcatel and Gebrüder Weiss cooperation: “That is what outsourcing means to me. We at ‘3’ concentrate on our core business and tectraxx takes over everything else. It couldn’t be better!”


40 41

The Seed Sprouts As solution provider in supply chain management, the GW subsidiary inet-logistics was highly successful in 2003. The first years of working with the web based logistics software, which was developed by the company after it was founded in 1999, were educational. The concept, which was originally developed in the Internet hype just before the turn of the century, aimed at solving e-business logistics requirements, and has since been revised and extended quite considerably. This further development did not take place in a theoretical vacuum but directly at the heart of practical experience and in close cooperation with the customers. The result is a range of mature integrated solutions based on the Logistics-Server ®. These are solutions which have earned all reputable industry awards over the last years, such as the “Constantin Award” in Austria and the “ASP Award” in Switzerland in 2003. The list of projects realised in this year is equally impressive: Magna, Novartis, Henkel, HILTI and the Swiss Post Office have recently started to work with inet solutions. Managing Director Oswald Werle is particularly proud of the Magna project: “We have asserted ourselves in the face of internationally reputable competitors. The extent and complexity of the project was enormous and the schedules required top level dedication from the entire team.” With the tailwind of the 03 successes Werle is focused on the future: “The readiness to invest in logistics solutions is still somewhat conservative. But the power of innovation and quality of our solutions confirmed by our customers shows that our course is the right one. I am convinced that the seed is sprouting!”

Five on the Road The five employees of xvise innovative logistics, the Gebrüder Weiss logistics consultancy subsidiary, have their head office in Lauterach. But they are rarely seen there as their order books are full. The xvise team has been very much in demand in 2003. xvise boss Harry Stiastny explains: “We are in the market directly as consultants but also indirectly through the GW subsidiaries where top level expert knowledge is required.” External customer projects are not openly discussed. “We work on our customers’ core processes and confidentiality is a must,” Stiastny explains. But the principle is always the same. Analyse logistics processes – find potential – construct alternatives – minimise costs – reduce throughput times – improve quality. “In 2003 we worked on four large external projects and realised several million euros of benefits for our customers,” Stiastny summarises with pride. He provides more information on the internal xvise projects. In Upper Austria GW will bundle all logistics activities over the next years to one location. In 2003 xvise worked on the basis for the future warehousing concept. For the hi-tech logistics provider tectraxx a new business plan was created. The ‘logistical integration of the Eastern European markets’ was analysed for the GW organisation. xvise is also active in the field of education. In 2003 more than 70 employees were trained in the secrets of efficient logistics. “And there were a few large internal-external consulting jobs for customers of the GW subsidiaries. But that is when I am silent again,” Stiastny concludes his review of the last business year.

Parcel Individualists To build up an express parcel service in addition to the normal DPD/ GWP organisation was the basic idea behind primetime in 2001. Enough said – in 2002 it was launched. “But the volumes were still significantly below our expectations after a few months. Somehow there seemed to be no market for the services,” remembers primetime head Andreas Winkelmayer. “We put a lot of thought into it and discussed at length with our customers, and very soon it became clear what the parcel delivery market really needed – value added services.” The processes and the market presence were adapted. And in 2003 primetime volumes exploded with increases of more than 300%. But what do value added services mean in parcel delivery? Winkelmayer smiles: “That is really simple. We can do everything which a normal mass market parcel delivery service cannot do!” An example: COD parcels. What is an issue for most parcel delivery services and where the money transfer can take weeks and even months, that belongs to primetime standard and is extremely quick - today cash on delivery, tomorrow the money is on the sender’s account. Little wonder then that around 60% of all primetime deliveries are ‘cash on delivery’. The primetime ‘Hand to Hand service’, which was introduced in 2003, is completely different. This is a system for transporting particularly critical medication, e.g. serum. For reasons of quality and liability it is necessary to monitor during this process who has handled the goods, so every single transfer is tracked via barcode scanning. Name of the transferor, name of the transferee, time. This documentation is commu-

nicated to the sender electronically after delivery and archived. “primetime is particularly well suited to the diverse requirements of the pharmaceutical industry,” Winkelmayer explains the strategic direction of the product. One final example of the flexibility of primetime is the delivery to department. Parcel delivery is normally as follows: Delivery van drives up, driver takes the parcels and delivers them to reception or to the ramp, irrespective of where the actual consignee is seated, confirms receipt and is gone. primetime, however, delivers to the consignee’s desk if requested – irrespective of whether it’s a delivery of office products or a basket of fruit.

Repeated Victory for dicall! 2003 was yet another highly successful year for the dicall call centre. Many new customers could be won in the fields of order and complaints processing and Info Hotline. Completely new projects were ventured into with customer surveys and followup campaigns for direct mailings. Foreign language projects were also realised. The demand for dicall knowledge and experience was highly positive and an abundance of external seminars were given on the subjects of sales, customer orientation and telephone training. At the start of the year the team moved into larger offices in the DPD Depot in Kalsdorf. The unique nature of the Gebrüder Weiss call centre was also proven in 2003 in competitions: dicall won the Teleperformance CRM Grand Prix in the segment class.

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Insight No. 3

“Can’t you bring the parcel to me yourself?” dicall Agent 008 – A Portrait of Heidi Schober

Born 20 years ago Lives Eggersdorf near Graz Family status momentarily taken She likes to drink coke, tea and milk Her favourite music is by U2 and Robbie Williams She likes to eat everything – and lots of it She likes openness, a sense of humour and good food. She detests injustice, envy and horror films.

When, like today, it is drizzling and foggy, the area around Graz Airport is particularly depressing. Here in Kalsdorf is the DPD Depot 628 and the call centre dicall, a Gebrüder Weiss subsidiary, is located on the top floor. The open space office is well-lit and friendly, and the pleasant atmosphere is evident on entering. That partly has to do with the large number of windows, the comfortable furnishings, the soft humming of the voices of 31 staff – 28 women and 3 men – but above all it is the friendly welcome of dicall manager Gudrun Scharler. The power woman with her charming and hearty manner fetches cappuccino from the dispensers and we sit down together in the staff room. She has been managing dicall since February 2002 with great success, as can be seen by the order books and the prizes the call centre has won. One member of her team is Heidi Schober. The attractive 20 year old business college graduate from Eggersdorf near Graz has been on the phone as “Agent 08” at dicall since March 2002. (There is also an Agent 07. She can Stress the whole day through compete verbally with James Bond any day.) Heidi The first job she took after finishing college, as a secretary for an estate Schober sits at a long table, where two other women are agent, was not really her idea of an interesting job. “I didn’t have the phoning on the right hand side and three on the left. In opportunity of working independently, and the development prospects front of her there is a computer, a note pad and the obligafor the future were non-existent.” After she had proved that she fulfilled tory phone. the entry requirements – basic IT knowledge, good communication She put on the headphones, logged in and checked the skills, reliability and flexibility – a temp agency sent her to dicall in work loads for her fields primetime and DPD sales a while March 2002. ago. Now she is talking to a DPD customer. He asks when After a relatively short training period she realised: “This really is his parcel will arrive. There is another caller waiting on the great fun. This is where I want to stay.” Three months later she signed a line. She talks, types, takes notes, talks, types, takes notes permanent contract. Now she takes around 150 of the 2,000 calls com… it seems as if all phones are ringing at the same time. ing in daily to dicall. She primarily responds to queries on primetime and DPD sales. “primetime takes up the most time,” she tells us between calls. “It is mostly orders or price inquiries. I explain how customers can book via the self-booking lists, etc.” Heidi Schober got used to stress the entire day a long time ago. “It always depends on how you cope with stress.” The dicall agents talk with a wide variety of people every day. There are those where you have difficulties getting them to communicate. Others won’t stop talking, and now and again customers need to let out their frustration on the phone. Heidi has already had a few aggressive callers on the phone. “Those callers need to be dealt with in a particularly friendly way. They usually change their tone pretty quickly then.” It is coffee break and it gets busy in the staff room on the next floor down. Coffee flows from the dispensers into the plastic cups. The snack trolley with a selection of sandwiches, various salads, cereals and drinks arrives. Heidi chooses a ciabatta sandwich with salami and a glass of milk, looks at the clock and returns to her desk quickly. Headphones on – and the next caller is already on the line: “I got a parcel yesterday. I mean, well, actually I didn’t get it – I got a slip that says I got one …” Sounds simple? Heidi Schober interprets the right answer and helps the caller. “Can’t you bring the parcel yourself?” asks a customer who finds the dicall agent’s voice so appealing. “That happens frequently,” Heidi Schober laughs. “The most interesting part of my job is that every caller is a person who I can imagine on the other end of the line, although I never know what they actually look like.” That is how the caller feels as well.


44 45

315 km Rail Cargo “Just imagine a train, standing in Vienna West Station, lined up wagon for wagon, and the last wagon is standing in Salzburg Central Station. That is about the amount of rail transport jobs our small team took care of last year!” This is how Walter Dolezal, head of Gebrüder Weiss Rail Cargo, summarises the financial year 2003. All rail transport, from one wagon up to a block train, is organised by the Rail Cargo team – whether it is bananas or natural gas, turnips or a 65 ton generator. “We are a small team of highly flexible specialists and are backed by a strong organisation, and that is precisely where our customers see the benefit,” Dolezal describes his business strategy. The number one key factor is the team: high staff accessibility levels, rapid and competent handling of inquiries. The number two key factor is the in depth knowledge of European rail landscapes, knowing which rail company has which advantages and disadvantages and where are the right contact people to get things done. The entire strategy is rounded off with the backing of the strong GW organisation, the interaction with transport and logistics experts and the diverse IT possibilities. Dolezal explains proudly: “Within a few weeks we manage to build up a data link between our systems and those of our customers. Not many can be that flexible!” And 2004? The EU expansion into Eastern Europe means that Rail Cargo efforts will continue to be oriented towards the East. But the rest of the story has to wait for later.

A New Pearl in the Organisation Gebrüder Weiss not only secured the optimum location in Tyrol by buying the Logistik Zone Tirol in Hall at the end of 2002, but also entered into a new forwarding business field: car transport. At the beginning, Tyrol manager Luis Putschner was not quite sure whether this unusual product segment fitted into the Gebrüder Weiss structure: “How will customers react to the takeover? And employees? Does that fit into our portfolio? There were a lot of questions and very few answers.” But these questions were soon answered clearly. All customer contracts were confirmed and extended. Especially in Tyrol with its traffic problems the rail delivery of cars– 2/3 are delivered by rail – has had great benefits for the car factories. The ‘old’ LZT employees have fitted in well to the new orange culture and the order volumes are increasing. Thus it is no surprise that Putschner takes great pleasure in this new segment nowadays: “We have purchased a real pearl there!”

IT Services

46 47

Between Working to Plan and the Government-Driven Roller Coaster Ride

Behind all services provided by Gebrüder Weiss there are not only the dedicated teams in the branch offices, but also the IT services team, which ensures that all company processes flow as rapidly, securely and efficiently as possible. “If we want to talk about every single project of the last financial year, we will be sitting here for a few more hours,” says IT manager Michael Braun with a smile, referring to the large area of responsibility his team has to master. So we decide to just outline the most important projects. “Ciel is the most important software project yet at Gebrüder Weiss, running over several years,” emphasises Klaus Heim, manager of the applications team for land transport. The “rollout” – the step by step migration of the branch offices from the old system to the modern forwarding software – progressed according to plan in 2003. Maria Saal, Linz, Zinner in Passau and Nuremberg, Pöchlarn. “And in Leopoldsdorf we started during 2003 with the biggest step – the migration of the Vienna region,” Heim explains. The good preparation work done in the branch offices enabled an almost seamless migration in every single case. A very special challenge for the Gebrüder Weiss IT team was the introduction of Road Pricing. “That was a bit of a roller coaster ride at times,” says the manager of the logistics applications team Wolfgang Brunner, annoyed at the way the government dealt with the issue in Germany and Austria. Rates were being changed constantly, start dates were fixed and then postponed. “And we had the task of following that continually in an extensive number of programmes. We managed to cope well with a huge amount of flexibility. Now we have to wait and see what happens in Germany,” Brunner explains.

There was intensive redevelopment in 2003 of the customer service software Applix. “Perfect customer service is also based on our customer service agents being able to see all customer information at the press of a button,” says Martin Mennel, manager of the CRM team. “In close cooperation with the CRM staff in our branch offices we were able to optimise the customer service processes to the great benefit of our customers.” Michael Braun concludes: “Oh yes – and at the same time our team managed to ensure that all 2,500 PCs und Notebooks started up every day without a problem in 2003, that our system was primarily kept free of viruses, that SAP ran without issues, that 60,000 e-mails went in and out every day, that not one byte of data was lost, that even on a complete server crash the user didn’t notice, that …” Thank you, Michael Braun!

*orange way – A Company with Character

3400 People on the *orange way

The most important element behind all services provided by Gebrüder Weiss is the people, who work intensely in teams, dedicated to the customers of “their” company. In 2003 the excellent cooperation of more than 3,400 employees of diverse nationalities and cultures at more than a hundred locations in the entire WeissLand region meant that the complex network of thousands of transport and logistics processes worked wonderfully. The basis for the common awareness within the Gebrüder Weiss team is the *orange way, the core of the Gebrüder Weiss corporate culture. The *orange way outlines the way we act, the way we see our environment, the way we present ourselves to the rest of the world and the way we work. The *orange way is about market awareness, profitability and commitment. This means openness, flexibility and quick responses, as well as economic values and interaction. Thus the international Gebrüder Weiss team sees itself as a large family, which holds the company together and continually strengthens the enterprise. This is proven by the increasing revenue figures – even in times where the global economic trends are cause for concern. However the *orange way not only means that employees assume responsibility for the company, but it works both ways. An example of this is the pension scheme Paul Senger-Weiss initiated in Austria last year, which he had worked on together with the head of the works council, Ferdinand Schmedler and the HR manager Andreas Eller. This model was developed irrespective of the pension reforms decided upon in Austria but was introduced at the same time in order to offer Gebrüder Weiss employees an additional financial possibility. In the first half of the year, 653 Austrian employees had already registered for the Gebrüder Weiss pension model.

Insight No. 4

Employees Learn Orange Continuing Education and Training is Highly Valued at Gebrüder Weiss

Not only apprentices are offered extensive training programmes at Gebrüder Weiss. Each employee has the opportunity of continually improving his or her level of technical knowledge or social skills. An apprenticeship at Gebrüder Weiss is the first step towards a successful future. Over the years, a great number of successful logistics and forwarding specialists have originated from the company, which has continually been awarded the title of “excellent company for apprenticeships.” In Austria, Germany and Switzerland forwarding specialists are trained on the basis of a dual system – practical experience at work combined with college. In the Eastern and Central European countries this learning system does not exist. Employees are selected by various technical schools on the basis of their training. In summer 2003 the trainees organised a trainee camp for the very first time. The goal was, in addition to a fair amount of fun and entertainment, to increase awareness of communities and to encourage team work and dedication. Fifteen apprentices from Austria, Germany and Switzerland spent a weekend together in a hostel in the Tessin mountain village of Intragna. Meeting point Orange College Orange College also generated a positive response on a world-wide level in 2003. Senior Vice President Peter Kloiber is convinced that a successful, innovative, performance and results-oriented transport and logistics organisation such as Gebrüder Weiss needs employees with a high level of commitment to qualification. “Thus we provide a strategically focused selection of development opportunities – from language training and logistics knowledge to management and soft skills training.” The Gebrüder Weiss HR developers compiled an interesting and comprehensive training

<< At GW team spirit is also taught in an unconventional way, for example with the apprentice raft race in the Bregenz forest.

programme for 2003, from which every employee at Gebrüder Weiss could benefit throughout the year. In the framework of the Ferdinand Weiss Fund (FWF) – a guarantee for excellent training above and beyond company level, which has been in place for many years – people met from throughout the organisation in Austrian seminar hotels to learn together and prepare for new challenges. These seminars were mostly lead by external trainers over several days. The Internal Knowledge Seminars, which are mostly for either one day or a half day, were lead in branch office training rooms by a team of more than 30 specially trained internal trainers. In addition to strategic technical knowledge on transport and logistics, such as logistics trends, cost calculation, damage processing, warehouse planning and an introduction to e-business, subjects from the communication and personality development areas were also covered. How can you deal with stress? What can we contribute to team development? How do I act on the phone? Which demands do managers have to fulfil? These are just some examples of a whole series of questions which are addressed in various seminars. Helmut Schöpf, responsible for HR development throughout GW, is proud of the exemplary educational offering at Gebrüder Weiss: “Seminars, team learning and learning as an individual makes us the specialists and interesting partners for the global market.” Gebrüder Weiss also contributes to teacher training. On two work days, which Gebrüder Weiss arranged together with the Vorarlberg Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft in 2003, students from the Paedagogical Academy in Lauterach and Wolfurt completed a day in apprenticeship so that they were better able to illustrate the career profile of logistics and forwarding specialists to their future students.

Gebrüder Weiss Parcel Service

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The Pioneers

The Gebrüder Weiss subsidiary GWP is responsible at DPD-Austria for the parcel business in 6 Austrian states. The fact that GWP again reports excellent figures in 2003 is, according to Managing Director Ewald Müller, not just a result of the recovery of the economy. Success is based on the robustness, reliability and high quality levels at DPD. He adds with a smile that the competitors are apparently pretty busy with restructuring issues and is hopeful that that will keep them occupied for some time yet. The smile broadens when Ewald Müller and the GWP West Managing Director Heinz Martello talk about the facts and figures for 2003. The volume of parcels transported on a national level rose by 1.9%. Export parcel volumes increased by more than 10%. Total GWP revenue went up by 3% and is now at EUR 84 million. Over 28 million parcels were transported with more than 900 vehicles, reaching every customer within Austria on every work day. Profitability again reached highly satisfactory levels in 2003. In order to achieve this success, GWP has invested extensively, both in employees and in training: GWP employees greatly appreciate the training offerings of the Orange College, whether it be “IWS Internal Weiss Seminars,” courses by the “Ferdinand Weiss Fund” or external training. The Austrian Dragon Boat Race is a prime example of how close the cooperation between DPD/GWP and their customers can be. Customers and customer service agents rowed side by side with an immense effort. What began as a bit of fun ended with a top position in this multilevel Austrian fun contest. Ewald Müller says: “Customer loyalty and customer satisfaction are the most important goals for us. So we want to have fun with our customers in our leisure time, too!”

What is no fun, however, is if quality levels don’t meet the standards. For example if, in isolated incidents, valuable parcels such as mobile phones simply disappear between the customer warehouse and the consignee. Without a moment’s hesitation the control and monitoring system was further extended and the security regulations were tightened. Last review: Within days the number of disappearing devices sank by 40%. But to calm any fears that a parcel may not arrive: Our lost parcel rates have always been significantly lower than those of our competitors, but even a little is too much in this regard for GWP. GWP also sees 2004 positively. The impact of the newly introduced road pricing is softened with moderate price increases. The preparations for the EU expansion were completed long ago so that we can now look forward to quicker and more direct possibilities of transporting to Eastern Europe. Some depots such as ViennaLeopoldsdorf, Graz and Vorarlberg will be extended in 2004. Also the main handling terminal in Hörsching near Linz is to be modernised and expanded for almost EUR 5 million. The security precautions will be further intensified and, of course, quality improvement measures will continue to be implemented – also in cooperation with dicall. For all these reasons GWP was able to create a “very sporting budget” for 2004. GWP Managing Director Ewald Müller sees it this way: “The competition will begin to try catching up again, but, as by far the biggest private parcel service, we are very confident for the future.”

Project portrait

All in ONE: Parcel Logistics for One GmbH What really counts in the highly competitive mobile market is quality and speed. In order to assure this, One GmbH relies on the added value service provider primetime for the delivery of mobiles and accessories. When a customer orders a mobile phone at via call centre or as a business customer, the job will firstly be processed directly by One GmbH. Every day at 5 pm, One hands over the prepared parcels and the associated data to the primetime communication server Every month, around 2,700 parcels are scanned in and status messages are generated. Simultaneously the corresponding data is checked by the system. During the entire process and delivery, the status message is continually being updated for the recording of the parcel delivery at One GmbH. On the next day the delivery is made. The new One customer confirms receipt of the mobile phone with a signature on the handheld PC of the deliverer. The data is immediately transmitted to the primetime server. A few seconds later One receives from us the status ‘accepted’. The SIM card for the phone is then activated and the One customer is impressed by the rapid service and high level of interaction between customer and service provider. An independent server platform was set up in order to ensure this high access service 24 hours a day.

On the Move 3

Parcel Service

Lohmann & Rauscher is one of the most

chemists and doctors’ surgeries. Per-

innovative manufacturers of surgical dres-

fect quality is a prerequisite for medical

sings, bandages, support bandages and

care - which is why Lohmann & Rauscher

other medical material and is internatio-

rely on the leading parcel service DPD

nally active in more than 30 countries. The

in Austria.

main customers are hospitals, care homes,

06:00 In the Lohmann & Rauscher logistics centre in SchĂśnau, thousands of different products are ready for collection. .

>> 06:15 Jobs are compiled according to customer specifications, as with this parcel for a Vorarlberg chemist.

>> 06:45 Details of the transport job are electronically transmitted to DPD.

>> 08: 30 A Lohmann & Rauscher lorry brings all shipments to the DPD depot several times a day .

>> 15:45 There the individual packages are fed into the DPD system and assigned to the correct transport products according to the desired service level.

>> 16.00 The assignment to the main routes for transfer to the other depots is fully automated.

>> DAY 2 04:00

>> 06:00

The next day, early

... on unloading,

morning: The lorry

all parcels are again

reaches the destina-

scanned ...

tion depot ...

>> 07:00 ... and immediately distributed to the individual delivery vehicles via conveyor belt.

>> 09:30 Shortly after half past nine. Stop no. 9 – The Lohmann & Rauscher parcel is due at our Vorarlberg chemist.

>> 09: 35 Please sign here ‌

... and goodbye.

56 57

Report by the Supervisory Board for the Financial Year 1.1. – 31.12. 2003

The Management Board of the Gebrüder Weiss Organisation

In four meetings, the Supervisory Board carried out its duties according to the law and statutes of the company in 2003. The Executive Board kept the Supervisory Board regularly informed, both verbally and in writing, of the course of business and the situation of the company and also reported on the situation of the subsidiaries. All issues which the Executive Board assigned to the Supervisory Board for approval were consulted upon in detail. Within these discussions, the Supervisory Board paid particular attention to the economic situation and the projections for the companies of the entire organisation, measures for strengthening competitiveness and market positioning as well as the investment and financial planning. The appointed auditors, Auditor Treuhand, Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, audited the Annual Report and the Directors’ Report for Gebrüder Weiss Holding AG for the financial year 2003 and certified that there is no cause for complaint. The Supervisory Board approved the Annual Report, which was determined in accordance with section 125 (3) of Corporate Law. Furthermore it agrees with the Consolidated Accounts for the entire organisation, which were determined in accordance with section 246 of the Commercial Code. The Supervisory Board expresses its thanks to the management and all employees of Gebrüder Weiss for their efforts and excellent work in the financial year 2003.

Board of Directors Heidegunde Senger-Weiss, Dkfm. Chief Executive Officer Paul Senger-Weiss, DI Wolfgang Niessner, MAS Peter Kloiber, Mag.

Supervisory Board Dr. Sylvia Krieger Chairwoman Dr. Dieter Frisee Dr. Christian Konzett Walter-Heinz Rhomberg, Ing. Univ. Prof. Dr. Karl Sandner, Mag. Dr. Rudolf Christian Stiehl

Further members of the Gebrüder Weiss GmbH Supervisory Board representing the Works Council Helmut Habersatter (until 27.10.2003)

Lauterach, June 2004 Gerhard Pichler (from 28.10.2003) On behalf of the Supervisory Board Dr. Sylvia Krieger (Chairwoman)

Siegfried Rendel Ferdinand Schmedler

Financial Report

Consolidated Balance Sheet

58 59

As of 31st December 2003


Amounts in Euro 000’s



4,922 1,012 12

5,554 0 31

A. Fixed Assets I.

Intangible assets 1. Concessions, industrial property and similar rights 2. Goodwill 3. Payments on account

5,946 II. Tangible assets 1. Land, similar rights and buildings, including buildings on third party land 2. Technical equipment and machinery 3. Other equipment, terminal and office equipment 4. Payments on account and assets under construction

83,770 20,613 6,838 397


86,005 23,352 8,387 1,836 111,618

III. Financial assets 1. Participating interests 2. Participating interests in associated companies 3. Investment

150 2,594 7,464

119,580 144 2,051 7,505

10,208 127,772

9,700 134,865

B. Current assets I.

Stocks 1. Raw materials and consumables 2. Work in progress

689 233

798 115 922

II. Accounts receivable and other assets 1. Trade accounts receivable 2. Accounts receivable from associated companies 3. Other accounts receivable and assets III. Cash in hand, cheques, bank balances

C. Prepaid expenses

106,506 561 3,711

913 101,022 656 4,173

110,778 36,426 148,126

105,851 29,336 136,100





Equity and liabilities

Amounts in Euro 000’s



A. Equity I.

Share capital

II. Capital reserve Tied III. Revenue reserves 1. Other reserves 2. Reserve for consolidation




51,752 15,347

IV. Net profit for the year Of which unappropriated profits brought forward 1,009 (previous year 0) V. Shares of other shareholders

B. Untaxed reserves 1. Valuation reserve from special depreciation 2. Other untaxed reserves


40,101 15,373 67,099




8,353 111,133

9,127 99,638

7,085 1,397

7,784 2,592 8,482

C. Provisions 1. Provisions for severance pay 2. Provisions for pensions 3. Tax provisions 4. Other provisions

16,311 10,886 1,806 15,927


15,633 10,435 863 14,042 44,930

D. Accounts payable 1. Bank loans and overdrafts 2. Deposits paid 3. Trade accounts payable 4. Liabilities with associated companies 5. Other liabilities of which taxes 6,749 (previous year 5,003) of which relating to social security 2,767 (previous year 2,478)

E. Deferred income

Contingent liabilities

28,337 52 63,425 188 17,748


42,340 0 60,935 329 15,197









60 61

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For the period from 1st January to 31st December 2003

Amounts in Euro 000’s

1. Sales Duties and taxes



815,051 -207,842

761,231 -187,335 607,209 118

2. Change in work in progress 3. Other operating income a) Income from the reduction in fixed assets, excluding financial assets b) Income from the liquidation of provisions c) Other income

786 41 31,146

573,896 -85

1,214 204 24,009 31,973

4. Cost of materials and other purchased services a) Cost of materials b) Cost of purchased services

-18,621 -392,823

25,427 -15,069 -373,953

-411,444 5. Personnel expenses a) Wages b) Salaries c) Expenses for severance pay d) Pension benefits e) Expenses for statutory social security and charges and compulsory contributions relating to remuneration f) Other social expenditures

-24,545 -69,693 -2,145 -1,213

-23,179 -66,739 -1,835 -718

-24,748 -2,143

-23,805 -2,109 -124,487 -17,569

6. Depreciation of fixed intangible and tangible assets 7. Other operating expenses a) Taxes, where not included in 17 b) Other 8. Subtotal from 1 to 7 (Operating profit) 9. Income from participating interests of which from associated companies 1,133 (previous year 912) 10. Income from other long term securities 11. Other interest and similar income 12. Income from the reduction in and appreciation of financial assets 13. Expenses from financial assets of which a) Depreciation 43 (previous year 226) b) Expenses from associated companies 98 (previous year 17) 14. Interest and similar expenses of which from associated companies 25 (previous year 31) 15. Subtotal from 9 to 14 (Financial result) 16. Net operating income (EBT) 17. Taxes on income 18. Net income for the year


-1,879 -55,419

-118,385 -16,861

-1,769 -51,908 -57,298 28,502 1,334

-53,677 21,293 932

367 471 0 -141

392 540 26 -289



1,221 29,723 -10,086 19,637

762 22,055 -7,284 14,771

Cash Flow 2003

Amounts in Euro 000’s

Net income for the year Depreciation of assets Additions and write-downs from equity consolidation Amount realised from reductions in assets Change in long term provisions Cash flow from the result Stocks Receivables and other current assets Accounts payable Other provisions Cash flow from operations (OCF)



19,637 17,612 -423 -665 1,547

14,771 17,087 -232 -1,036 1,214 37,708

-9 -4,202 4,866 2,195

31,804 -15 -2,614 -797 -11,010



Investments in financial assets Investments in tangible assets Additions to assets from first time consolidation at book values Amount realised from reductions in assets Cash flow from investment activity (ICF)

-127 -12,202 0 1,987

Change in equity and liabilities without revenue impact Repayment/new credit and bank loans Changes to long term provisions without revenue impact and deferred income form first-time consolidation Dividends to internal shareholders Dividends to external shareholders Cash flow from financing (ICF)

-215 -14,002

1,184 24,374

0 -6,437 -2,471

3,750 0 -1,803


Change in financial resources

Liquid funds 1.1. Liquid funds 31.12. Change

-1,835 -23,673 -13,638 3,479 -35,667





29,336 36,427

20,130 29,336 7,091


The Consolidated Accounts as at 31.12. 2003

62 63

Notes to the Consolidated Accounts

I. General notes to the accounts The Consolidated Accounts for Gebr端der Weiss Holding AG have been drawn up taking into account the principles of orderly bookkeeping and general standards, in order to provide a view of the asset, financial and income situation of the organisation which is as accurate as possible. The accounting, valuation and reporting of the individual entries have been undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Sections 268 to 276 of the Commercial Code, taking into account the special regulations for limited companies. II. Methods of accounting and valuation The accounts for the companies included in the consolidated accounts have been drawn up in accordance with uniform principles of accounting and valuation. The intangible and tangible fixed assets have been valued at cost of acquisition, less regular, straight line depreciation. In line with tax regulations, full annual depreciation has been undertaken for additions in the first six months, and for additions during the second six months, half of the annual depreciation. Special depreciation has been undertaken where an ongoing reduction in value is anticipated. Throughout the organisation, use has been made of the opportunity to fully depreciate negligible assets in accordance with Section 13 of the Income Tax Act. The rates of depreciation are based on the normal operational period of use of the relevant assets. The rates of depreciation are currently 2-10% for buildings, and between 10 and 25% for other tangible assets.

Financial assets are valued at cost of acquisition, taking into account the moderated principle of the lower of cost or market. Receivables and other assets have been recorded at nominal value less the necessary provision for depreciation. In the case of the valuation of trade accounts receivables, recognisable risks have been taken into account by means of provision for specific doubtful debts. A general provision of 2 % has been made for receivables for which no specific provisions have been created. Receivables in foreign currency have been valued at the price applicable when the claim arose or the lower currency buying rate on the balance sheet date. The right to include deferred taxes on the asset side of the balance sheet, in accordance with Section 198 (10) of the Commercial Code, was not exercised in the individual company accounts or the consolidated accounts. The provisions for severance pay have been created in accordance with recognised financial principles, based on an accounting interest rate of 3.5% and a pension age of 56.5 years for women and 61.5 years for men. No deduction for fluctuation was taken into account. The provisions for pensions were created in accordance with actuarial principles, whereby the entry age normal method was applied for rights to future pension payments. The interest rate for calculating the statutory provision is 4%. All other provisions take into account all conceivable risks and uncertain liabilities at the time of drawing up the balance sheet, in accordance with the normal duty of care of a businessman.

Liabilities are recorded at the repayment amount. Foreign currency liabilities are valued at the exchange rate prevailing upon acquisition or the higher currency selling rate on the balance sheet date. The total expenditure format was applied to the Profit & Loss Account. Audit Certificate According to our properly executed audit, the Consolidated Accounts correspond to legal requirements. The Consolidated Accounts provide a view of the asset, financial and income situation of the Organisation, which is as accurate as possible, taking into account the principles of orderly bookkeeping. The Directors’ Report for the Organisation is consistent with the Consolidated Accounts. Vienna, 11 June, 2004 Auditor Treuhand GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und SteuerBeratungsgesellschaft Dr. Alfons STIMPFL-ABELE e.h. Dr. Gottfried SPITZER e.h. Wirtschaftsprüfer

Insight No. 5

Long Live Sport Sporting Staff bring Team Spirit and Fairness into the Company

How very ether e purork tog w s they o e h m w so ti e le m p is n o t e? So do peo u e s . It ure tim g a in a n d is e le g ll o ir in t jo in h e ir c nd the u t e o p h b s it a y w e da or ie s l year: der a c t iv it g but m Gebrü financia r lo s in o r t in g t o p s s g la e in e p 600 u n o s th t in s w m fa n s – ’t o f ir n d the ples fr does atter o n t m a m a a s h x a rur t e e t h few p la y . Bu muc In F e b e t im e a c t iv e re are a years. e e – r o f H n . w pere t io r n s a g y fu ends ” ever ic h w a a n d re k p h L having e u s w e C is , W t e e : men nub of them t ire W le n o .1 tour na A lp - D a some the en “ e , t h e s m n t e o Examp e fr in m he hom yed 8 ga ur nam yees a in s t t al of 4 b a ll t o e m p lo m s p la t g t a o s a o o e t w t is n fo t e a o 1 e W n. 2 at th e n t in w e re am w lo c a t io ur nam Sea te T h e re t h e r in g o e . t & a h e t t g ir x ic s A e m ff a fro en ho r ia n b u rg w d to th Hunga l branc 0 3 S a lz s w it h fo r w a r e lo c a a l, t h e g h n t in fi k y ary 20 g o b e r We is in lo d d it e y ü c r d is x b a e n e a lre tG teams o rg a In a n oted a n s a re f e c t ly as the 2 :0 !) . m fa o (1 ll d r t a e p ic b h t t n atc fo o Prach o ft e rama fans w o and orange n ll re a ll y d t n e r s is ll r a a A a t b lz t . p n o g o e r g am B r nam 00 fo a rd in a lz b u n , S it t in . To u h fo r w than 1 a e team S g a r y. it il h n e h r w r M u it n o n H e t io A lt tam se w r, m im e in oopera c h , S it tembe a re h o u g u e ” in years t : The c autera h e in w th Sep ns Lea r L .2 7 n io o 2 s e p n lt is n m A e le . O Cha r W the Examp events brüde in g in o t b a ll servict even in , G e in g F o sports a e d r h h l t r a a n d w u r e t mina in e t o lt ta a F A r s mu “ b s e h ar v le is ft e ly ha tire ye t h e fi ms ce der W not on the en e s t in he tea o t t b d u Gebrü ll ir o ff a r, e h ta h d ing s ndorfe n, an t h ro u g gave t us Der m M il a forward active k a r t H a ig e r t s a a a it M th S e w . nc ich ved 003 s w e re e x p e r ie am wh am pro run in 2 w in n e r is o w n Sea te ning te metre h n & o . ea u il r s m S ir k t o n A s & n fr e a te r nt e Air eir ow e Linz 200 gu on and h a s le a . 3: Th t up th ss.” Th , th e e o r a s m u n tr r a s o a y e le e t g m ly half - on n in g rs. Th ducin Examp stome thon, a unners the run t for re r u a c f r c p o a fe r ir r to m e e e a is p emb s the ing th part in b and and m ance a o took r the jo a L in z erform fo e p S e e t succ and als & m n a grea the sa e bala r o f A ir ts e iv e n v it g e s ie a v o h n e ots ma e ac is a p d spor s in a g tto: “W unning e share mpete k the mo o a how “r c r e m a d n c n n n ca Vie .5 s e nt.” uns u power We is s o n ly 2 differe team r muscle a little brüder in s b y e ly w re n G a ft e r o , m s t A 3 a e tim r 200 4: No e is s . ns te le no. S ie m e cembe üder W p r e e b D h m t e a h d G x t d 4 E at r. A n s an , as on b r a t io n ie m e n ogethe c e s s . If e fu n t a in s t S fo r c e le v g e a a s h u e h o a c t st e al c t is t cart ra is a re s a g a in rt even is d o h n p t s o , c s is e th ond lf s a im o f ce …? d a ha a ll , t h e r the ra wo an t e ft e a r a g in what of party hours

66 67

The Addresses of Gebrüder Weiss


A-4020 Linz

D-88131 Lindau

Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 33, Postfach 309

Heuriedweg 20

T +43.732.7655.0

T +49.8382.708.0

Bundesstrasse 110

F +43.732.771311

F +49.8382.708.300

T +43.5574.696.0

A-6923 Lauterach

F +43.5574.70928

A-9063 Maria Saal / Klagenfurt Wutschein 46



Spedition Zinner D-94036 Passau

T +43.4223.5050.0

Industriestrasse 14b

F +43.4223.5050.35

T +49.851.807

F +49.851.807.10

A-1031 Wien

A-3380 Pöchlarn

Litfaßstrasse 8, Postfach 193

Manker Strasse 55

T +43.1.79799

T +43.2757.4004.0

F +43.1.7986328

F +43.2757.4004.33

Kirchhoffstrasse 2

T +49.911.958886

Spedition Zinner D-90431 Nürnberg

F +49.911.958886.20 A-6700 Bludenz

A-5020 Salzburg

Äuleweg 14–16, Postfach 22

Robinigstrasse 57, Postfach 159

T +43.5552.334.0

T +43.662.88912.0

F +43.5552.334.533

F +43.662.88912.112

Switzerland CH-9432 Altenrhein (SG) Werftstrasse 1

A-6800 Feldkirch

A-4600 Wels

T +41.71.858.55.55

Reichsstrasse 149, Postfach 29

Wielandgasse 1

F +41.71.858.55.50

T +43.5522.334.0

T +43.7242.62311

F +43.5522.334.41

F +43.7242.62311.33 CH-4057 Basel

A-8055 Graz Alte Poststrasse 376, Postfach 18

ILS Wels A-4600 Wels

Uferstrasse 90 T +41.61.638.15.15

T +43.316.2904.0

Schlossstrasse 31

F +41.61.638.15.55

F +43.316.296515

T +43.7242.62311

F +43.7242.62311.33 Verkaufsbüro

A-6021 Innsbruck

A-6961 Wolfurt

CH-8280 Kreuzlingen

Duilestrasse 16–18, Postfach 519

Am Güterbahnhof, Postfach 3

Freiestrasse 8

T +43.512.5901.0

T +43.5574.696.0

T +41.71.677.00.66

F +43.512.5901.324

F +43.5574.696.1110

F +41.71.677.00.67

A-6923 Lauterach

A-6300 Wörgl

Bundesstrasse 110

Gewerbepark 9

T +43.5574.696.0

T +43.5332.70011

F +43.5574.79303

F +43.5332.70011.25

Croatia HR-10000 Zagreb Jankomir 25 T +385.1.3436.945

A-2333 Leopoldsdorf


T +43.1.79799 F +43.1.79799.619

F +385.1.3871.834

Arbeitergasse 46 D-87700 Memmingen Karatasstrasse 6

HR-47000 Karlovac

T +49.8331.9844.0

Ilovac 29

F +49.8331.9844.225

T +385.47.637261

F +385.47.637262


CZ-32202 Plzen Chebska 27

Cargolog Weiss S.R.L. RO-2900 Arad

SK-83104 Bratislava

T +420.37.7379115

Str. Campul Linistii, Nr.1

Stavitelska 7

F +420.37.7381760

T +

T +421.2.4920.5000

F +

F +421.2.4920.5060


Cargolog Weiss S.R.L. RO-2200 Brasov

SK-04001 Kosice Letna 45

Hungaroweiss H-2330 Dunaharaszti, Pf. 33

Aleea Violetelor, Nr.1 Bl 61, Sc C, Ap.63

T +421.55.72986.49

MO-Dunaharaszti leágazás

T +

F +421.55.72986.51

T +

F +

F +

Serbia and Montenegro

SK-01065 Zilina Kosicka 2


F +421.41.5004009

CargologWeiss EOOD BG-1184 Sofia Zarigradsko, ZIT


F +

F +381.11.603.259 SCG-24000 Subotica Edvarda Kardelja 106/a T +381.24.46017

Dolenjska Cesta 244 T +

T +381.11.609.137

T +359.2.9700400 F +359.2.9700431

SLO-1000 Ljubljana

SCG-11070 Novi Beograd Luja Adamica 34/39

T +421.41.500400.7

Cargolog Weiss EOOD BG-8000 Burgas

F +381.24.46017

Graf Ignatiev Str. 7, RAUM 402 T +359.56.841.603

Czech Republic

F +359.56.841.603

BUSINESS UNITS CZ-25219 Rudna / Prag K Vypichu 986 T +420.311.6591.11

Cargolog Weiss EOOD BG-6100 Kazanlak

F +420.311.6591.10

N.Petkov-Blvd. 37-A

T +359.431.625.73 F +359.431.641.95

CZ-62700 Brno-Slatina

Turanka 56 T +420.5.48427218 F +420.5.45231097

Zerotinova 1

Park-Hotel “St. Petersburg”, Raum 2007 F +359.32.650615 Cargolog Weiss EOOD BG-9001 Varna Sofia Str. 22, Raum 307

CZ-50003 Hradec Kralove

T +359.52.600.532

Bieblova 38

F +359.52.600.532

T +420.49.5533099

F +420.49.5533064 CZ-70030 Ostrava U Studia 2253/28

Gebrüder Weiss GmbH Logistik-Center B17 Brown Boveri Strasse 6 A-2351 Wr. Neudorf T +43.1.2236.864290

BG-4000 Plovdiv

T +420.38.731.3060 F +420.38.731.3036

A-1211 Wien

F +43.1.2236.864290-139 Cargolog Weiss EOOD

T +359.32.650615 CZ-37004 Ceske Budejovice


Romania Cargolog Weiss S.R.L. RO-7000 Bucuresti

T +420.59.7010140

Bd. Iuliu Maniu, 598 D - 600 A,

F +420.59.7010113

Sector 6,

T +40.2122166.10 F +40.2122166.50

AUTOMOTIVE LOGISTICS A-4020 Linz Gürtelstrasse 24 T +43.732.609608-22 F +43.732.609608-13

LEISURE+SPORTS LOGISTICS A-4020 Linz Gürtelstrasse 24 T +43.732.609608-30 F +43.732.609608-13

Insight No. 6

Employees Help People in Need Gebrüder Weiss Helps – Directly and Without Delay

Free transport of aid goods, donation campaigns for “unwanted children,” looking after war zone children, supporting peace projects, courage – numerous employees at Gebrüder Weiss are dedicated to helping people in need. When the members of the Works Council at Gebrüder Weiss Lauterach heard about this home in Moscow where “unwanted children” are accommodated, they decided to start a donations campaign. The money and numerous other donations collected were brought to Moscow personally by Gebrüder Weiss employees and handed over to the staff of the home. The empty medical supplies could be replenished, the heating could be repaired and the heating costs for the rest of the extremely cold winter could be paid with the donations. Pictures, painted by children from all around the world and measuring five by For the fourth time in a row the staff at seven metres were transported by lorry to the exhibition locations in Vorarlberg and Gebrüder Weiss Maria Saal took care of the Liechtenstein. logistical organisation of aid transportation Denise Bärlocher, employee at Gebrüder Weiss Altenrhein, spent her three week to Albania for the Evankale community. summer holiday in the Swiss-Cor holiday camp in the Swiss village Schanf, looking Around 4,000 Christmas gifts for children after war zone children. She cared for 20 children, aged between 9 and 15, all day and and needy families were collected from all every day. In spite of the highly exhausting task, Denise “felt like crying” when it was around Austria, sorted in Maria Saal and time to leave. “I had grown so fond of the children and I knew that they had to return to Maik Hoffmann, an employee in then brought to Albania. their unsettled lives.” Memmingen, also looked after children The situation of the approximately 600 and youths for three weeks last sumRoma villages in Slovakia is disastrous. mer in a holiday camp organised by There is no work and no schooling. In numerous settlements there is no running water or the German Lifesaving Association. electricity. On 26th May 2003, six pallets of aid arrived in Bratislavia from the organisation The children, most of them handiJekhetane (in English: together) in Austria and were transported two days later, free of capped, live in homes or with foster charge, by Gebrüder Weiss Slovakia to the destination Lenartov. parents. With the transportation of the complete exhibition “Kids Guernica – Children paint for In September 2003 Zeljiko Cokic peace” Gebrüder Weiss afforded a significant contribution to the realisation of the project. and Dejan Markovics – both employed at Gebrüder Weiss Salzburg – were awarded the “Golden Crown.” This prize is presented by the Austrian newspaper “Kronenzeitung” to those showing extraordinary courage. The two lorry drivers had witnessed how a man attacked an old lady and stole her handbag with money, a mobile phone and papers. Zeljiko and Dejan overpowered the thief and handed him in to the police. This is only a small selection of stories of people helping others at Gebrüder Weiss. There would be a lot more to tell.



Switzerland CH-8058 Zürich-Flughafen Frachthof West

Air & Sea Terminal A-6961 Wolfurt Senderstrasse 34

Air & Sea Terminal H-2220 Vecsés, Lorinci út 59.

T +41.43.816 58 68

Airport Business Park, Building C4

F +41.43.816 58 66

T +36.29.553.900

F +36.29.553.953

T +43.5574.696.0 F +43.5574.696.840


Slovakia Italy (joint venture) Air & Sea Terminal Air & Sea Terminal A-1300 Wien-Schwechat

SK-83104 Bratislava Stavitelska 7

Brigl Weiss Air & Sea Cargo SRL I-39100 Bolzano

VIE-Speditionsgeb.Obj. 263

T +4212.4920.5000

Via Mitterhofer 1

T +43.1.7007.32292

F +4212.4920.5060

T +39.471.246.0

F +43.1.7007.33472

F +39.471.246.180

Croatia Air & Sea Terminal A-8073 Feldkirchen Flughafen Graz/Thalerhof

WEISS-ROHLIG Air & Sea Terminal HR-10150 Zagreb

T +43.316.294249

Zracna Luka Avio Poslovnica Pleso BB

F +43.316.294249.16

T +385.1.4562141

F +385.1.6256491

Air & Sea Terminal


Hong Kong Rohlig Hongkong Kowloon, Hongkong Unit A, 3/Floor, Pioneer Building

A-4063 Hörsching Flughafen Linz-Hörsching Flughafenstrasse 1

213 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong T +852.2268.9300

Cargolog Weiss EOOD

F +852.2345.6060

BG-1184 Sofia

T +43.7221.64580

Zarigradsko, ZIT

F +43.7221.63824

T +359.2.97004

F +359.2.97004.31

China Weiss-Rohlig Shanghai 200081 Shanghai, PR China

Air & Sea Terminal


A-6020 Innsbruck Feldstrasse 7a T +43.512.5901

No. 257 Siping Road Cargolog Weiss S.R.L. RO-7000 Bucuresti

F +43.512.5901.450

Bd. Iuliu Maniu, 598 D - 600 A,

Sector 6, T +40.2122166.10

Air & Sea Terminal

F +40.2122166.50

A-9063 Maria-Saal/Klagenfurt Wutschein 46

T +86.21.6521.1770 F +86.21.6521.2805 Weiss-Rohlig Beijing 100027 Beijing, PR China F-7-F, Fu Hua Mansion,

Czech Republic

T +43.4223.5050 F +43.4223.5050.35

26E, Lucky Mansions

No.8 Chaoyang Men Avenue (N) T +86.10.6554.1918

Air & Sea Terminal CZ-16008 Praha 6

F +86.10.6554.3090

Terminal Menzies/P.O. Box 132 Air & Sea Terminal A-5020 Salzburg Robinigstrasse 57

T +4202.20.114398 F +4202.24.281054

T +43.662.88912 F +43.662.870722

Weiss-Rohlig Dalian 116001 Dalian, PR China No. 16 Mingzi Street T +86.411.82691.566

Air & Sea Terminal CZ-70030 Ostrava

F +86.411.82691.516

U-Studia 2253/28


T +4205.97.010140 F +4205.97.010113

Weiss Ocean+Air Cargo GmbH D-20459 Hamburg

Weiss-Rohlig Nanjing Rm.13A, Deji Mansion 210018 Nanjing, PR China No.188 Changjiang Road

Vorsetzen 54

T +86.25.8681.6006

T +49.40.54005.0

F +86.25.8681.6007

F +49.40.54005.157

Weiss-Rohlig Ningbo 315000 Ningbo, PR China Rm.2607, Bank of China Mansions

Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC 20 Commerce Drive, Suite 128 Cranford, NJ 07016

Depot 622 A-2100 Leobendorf bei Wien Industriezeile 2

No.139 Yaohang Street

New York

T +43.810.810.110

T +86.574.87309.508

T +1.908.9311.500

F +43.2262.68192.23

F +86.574.87309.628

F +1.908.9311.593

Weiss-Rohlig Qingdao

Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC

Depot 623 266003 Qingdao, PR China Rm.400, Huiquan Dynasty Hotel

3528 Torrance Blvd, Suite 214 Torrance, CA 90503

A-3380 Pöchlarn Manker Strasse 55 T +43.810.810.110

No. 9 Nanhai Road

Los Angeles

F +43.2757.8867

T +86.532.2876.666

T +1.310.5402.394

F +86.532.2876.140

F +1.310.5407.307

Depot 627 A-6832 Sulz

Weiss-Rohlig Tianjin 300204 Tianjin, PR China Rm. 602, D Block, United Bldg.

Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC

Industriestrasse 16

7205 NW 19th Street, Bldg 5, Suite 400

T +43.5522.74520

Miami, FL 33126

No. 51 Youyibei Road, Hexi District

T +1.305.716.0884

T +86.22.8328.0412

F +1.305.716.0885

F +86.22.8328.0416

F +43.5522.74520.61


Weiss-Rohlig Urumqui 830011 Urumqui Xinjiang, PR China Rm 803, Torch Hotel

1300 North Sam Houston Parkway East


Suite 200 Houston, TX 77032

inet-logistics GmbH

No.18 South Beijing Road

T +1.281.2276.666

T +86.991.3665.806

F +1.281.2193.631

Holzriedstrasse 29

F +86.991.3665.807

T +43.5574.806.0

A-6961 Wolfurt

F +43.5574.806.1599



Weiss-Rohlig Singapore PTE.LTD. Singapore 169877 171 Chin Swee Road #04-01

inet-logistics GmbH A-1010 Wien

Depot 621 – Zentrale A-2333 Leopoldsdorf bei Wien

Annagasse 5 T +43.1.512.7771.100

San Centre

Arbeitergasse 50

F +43.1.512.7771.150

T +65.35.3345

T +43.810.810.110

F +65.35.7747

F +43.2235.432.89


Weiss-Rohlig Singapore PTE.LTD. Singapore 819454 Changi Cargo Agents Megaplex 1

Depot 626 A-6060 Hall in Tirol

inet-logistics GmbH D-20459 Hamburg

119 Airport Cargo Road #04-02

Schlöglstrasse 45

Admiralitätsstrasse 58

T +67.853393

T +43.5223.5802

T +49.40.361.229.600

F +67.850300

F +43.5223.53439

F +49.40.361 229 650

Depot 628


USA Weiss-Rohlig USA LLC 1555 Mittel Blvd., Suite N Wood Dale, IL 60191

A-8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz Feldkirchenstrasse 14–16 T +43.810.810.110

inet-logistics GmbH CH-4019 Basel


F +43.3135.57770

Uferstrasse 90

T +1.630.6948.341

T +41.61.638.1535

F +1.630.6948.546

F +41.61.638.1536 Depot 630 A-8700 Leoben Waltenbachstrasse 7 T +43.810.810.110 F +43.3842.83472.14

XVISE x|vise innovative logistics GmbH A-6923 Lauterach Bundesstrasse 110

POSEIDON SPEDITIONS-GES.MBH Messe- und Spezialtransporte A-1030 Wien

Switzerland CH-9430 St.Margarethen Altfeldstrasse 9

T + 43.5574.606-0

Litfaßstrasse 8

T +41.71.747 50 30

F + 43.5574.606-363

T +43.1.79799.971

F +41.71.744 41 87

F +43.1.7983705

x|vise innovative logistics GmbH A-1030 Wien Erdbergstrasse 218

CH-9434 Au


T +43.5574.606-0 F +43.5574.606-363

T +41.71.747 48 00


A-8055 Graz Alte Poststrasse 376


T +43.5573.83112 F +43.5573.83112.6

F +43.5574.696.1182 A-6890 Lustenau Grenzübergang T +43.5577.827491

F +43.3135.200.25.29

F +43.5577.827490 A-6845 Hohenems Grenzübergang T +43.5576.73771 F +43.5576.77186

Löfflerweg 35 T +43.5223.9001.0

A-6812 Feldkirch-Meiningen

F +43.5223.9001.59


T +43.5522.74104 F +43.5522.78084

GEBRÜDER WEISS RAIL CARGO A-1030 Wien Litfaßstrasse 8

A-6800 Feldkirch-Tisis Grenzübergang T +43.5522.76449 F +43.5522.78138

T +43.1.79799 F +43.1.79881.65

A-2421 Kittsee Neuer Zollamtsplatz T +43.2143.30003 F +43.2143.30004

FASHIONET-AUSTRIA TEXTILSPEDITION A-2333 Leopoldsdorf Arbeitergasse 50 T +43.223.547838 F +43.223.543839

F +43.5574.696 1182

T +43.5574.696.1258

T +43.3135.54879

A-6060 Hall

Gemeinschaftszollamt CH/AT

Büro Gemeinschaftszollamt

Feldkirchenstrasse 14–16


A-6960 Wolfurt T +43.5574.696 1258

A-6960 Wolfurt

Weiss Logistik Systeme GmbH A-8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz


T +43.5574.606-0 F +43.5574.606-363

F +41.71.747 4809

A-6912 Hörbranz x|vise innovative logistics GmbH


A-1020 Wien Zollfreizone, Seitenhafenstrasse 15 T +43.1.7289516 F +43.1.7289509 A-2165 Drasenhofen Grenzbüro 257 T +43.2554.8136 F +43.2554.85488

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