(EN) Gwangju News July 2010 #101

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Gwangju News International Magazine for Gwangju and Jeollanam-do

July 2010 Issue No. 101

GIC Talk - July Schedule Time & Place: Every Saturday, 15:00-16:30, GIC office (5th floor of Jeon-il Bldg) For more information, visit www.gic.or.kr or contact Kim Sing-sing at: gwangjuic@gmail.com Check out pictures from previous GIC Talks http://picasaweb.google.com/gictalk

July 3

July 24

‘The Questioner, The Outcast and The White Adjumma’ Artist Talk Speakers: L.A. White, John McMartin, Sarah Helen Epp This artist talk will be a time for artists to discuss their artworks and thoughts focusing on their experiences in Korea. See page 39 for more details.

A Walk Through Time: 1960’s Korea in Pictures Speaker: Kathryn McNeil (Jeonnam Foreign Language High School teacher) A slide show of 1966 Korea from the eyes of a young Army Corp. of Engineers worker. The speaker’s older brother was drafted into the military right out of high school. Because he had experience climbing electric poles and stringing electrical wire, he was assigned to work with the reconstruction efforts in Korea rather than being a foot-soldier in Vietnam. While in Korea, Gary, speaker’s brother, purchased a Nikon camera and a foot locker full of color film and took hundreds of pictures in this exotic country. Years later, having being introduced to Korea through his pictures, the speaker was able to come to Korea as an English teacher, bringing his brother’s slides with her. It is her honor to share this photo journal with the people who have lived through the Miracle of the Han and their descendants. See page 20 for more details.

July 10 Topic: TBA Speaker: Kim Soo-a (Law School student, CNU)

July 17 A Westerner’s Perspective on Buddhism Speaker: Robert Menzies (Visiting Professor at CNU) The speaker will discuss his experiences with Buddhism on both an academic and personal level. He will briefly outline the history of Buddhism from its inception in India 2500 years ago and highlight some of the important divisions in the tradition as well as several important thinkers. Then he will discuss several common threads of action (ritual, worship and mythology) and several important conceptual threads found throughout the Buddhist world.

July 31 Cameroon Speaker: Tifang Immaculate Ake (Graduate student of CNU) The speaker will give a talk about the brief history, sports, foods and ethnic groups in the country.

2010 GIC 4th Korean Language Class Saturday Classes

Weekday Classes Days





Beginner 1-1

Monday & Wednesday

서강한국어 1A (Pre-lesson ~ Lesson 1)

Beginner 1

서강한국어 1A (Pre-lesson ~ Lesson 1)

Beginner 1-2

Monday & Wednesday

서강한국어 1A (Lesson 2 ~ Lesson 6)

Beginner 2

서강한국어 1B (Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 4

Beginner 2-2

Tuesday & Thursday

서강한국어 1B (Lesson 4 ~ Lesson 8)

- Period: July 12 - August 27, 2010 (Twice a week for 7 weeks) - Class hours: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (2 hours) - Tuition fee : 80,000 won (GIC membership fee: 10,000 won/ 6 months and textbooks excluded)


- Period: July 10 - August 21, 2010 (Every Saturday for 7 weeks)

- Class hours: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (2 hours) - Tuition fee: 50,000 won (GIC membership fee: 10,000 won/ 6 months and textbooks excluded)

* The tuition fee is non-refundable after the first week. * A class may be canceled if fewer than 5 people sign up. * Textbooks can be purchased at GIC or Chungjang Bookstore downtown (next to Starbucks)

To register, please send your information: full name, contact number, working place, and preferable level to gwangjuic@gmail.com GIC is located on the 5th floor of the Jeon-il building, the same building as the Korean Exchange Bank, downtown. The entrance is located immediately to the north of the bank. Contact GIC office for more information. Phone: 062-226-2733/4 E-mail: gwangjuic@gmail.com Website: www.gic.or.kr


Gwangju News July 2010



Gwangju News July 2010, Issue No. 101


A Collection of One: Convincing South Korea’s National Assembly to Pass the Adoption Law Revision Bill By Katherine Ann Solim Sirgey


Korean Way No. 89: A Shift in Gender Roles

Publisher: Shin Gyong-gu Editors: Jon Ozelton, Kim Min-su Copy Editor: Daniel Lister

By 2Ys

Photo Editor: Debra M. Josephson


The Real Game: A 90% True Story

Coordinator: Karina Prananto

By Jake Melville

Layout and Design: Karina Prananto Proofreaders: Pete Schandall, Kyle Johnson, Dan Lister, Julian Raethel, Marion Gregory, Kathleen Villadiego, Selina Orrell, Rob Smith, Sam Richter Address: Jeon-il Building 5F, Geumnam-no 1-1, Dong-gu, Gwangju 501-758, South Korea Phone: +82-62-226-2734

Fax: +82-62-226-2732

Email: gwangjunews@gmail.com

Website: gwangjunews.net


Busan: City by the Sea By Julian Raethel


Malalai Joya: Former Gwangju Human Rights Award Winner By Doug Stuber


Tamara Rose By Hughie Samson

Registration No.: 광주광역시 라. 00145 Printed by Saenal (Phone +82-62-223-0029)

Photographer: Mesa Schumacher Cover Photo: Octopus seller (related story of Gwangju’s market on Page 16)


Living Tips: Traditional Public Markets in Gwangju By Marie ‘Mheng’ Pascual Igwe


A Little Tale of Malbau Market By Choi Seok-hun


2010 Asia Culture Forum in Gwangju By Ahn Hong-pyo


Re-visualizing the 1960’s: An Interview with Kathleen O’Neill of her Photo Collection of Korea By Katherine Ann Solim Sirgey


Useful Korean Phrases

Gwangju News Magazine is written and edited by volunteers. Special thanks to the City of Gwangju and all of our sponsors. Copyright by the Gwangju International Center. All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by this copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the written consent of the publishers. Gwangju News welcomes letters to the editor (gwangjunews@gmail.com) regarding articles and issues. All correspondence may be edited for reasons of clarity or space.

By Kang Nang-won 24

Photo Contest


Pick up and Go: Beaches of Haenam County By Jake Melville Relaxing Places in Jeollanam-do By Roh In-woo and Jang Yong-hoon


EAEP Fundraiser at New York in the Kitchen By Andrea Hildebrand and Hughie Samson


Black Eagles Soar in Gwangju: 2010 Space Challenge By Doug Stuber


Music as Comfort Food By Alex Colmer


Gwangju Bank By Moon Ha-young, Cho Jee-young

Kim’ s Dental Clinic


Suncheon: A First Class ‘GREEN’ City By Na Ok-hyeon


Korea Easy-cook Recipe: 콩물국수 Kongmulguksu By Kim Mi-so


Korea Maria: Cabane By Maria Lisak


Cartoon: Digby By Leroy Kucia


The Questioner, The Outcast and The White Adjumma


Upcoming Events Gwangju News July 2010



A Collection of One: Convincing South Korea's National Assembly to Pass the Adoption Law Revision Bill


n June 10th, TRACK and volunteers were in their second day of preparing for and assembling their highly anticipated art exhibition named “A Collection of One”. The white PVC pipes lay waiting in tight bundles against one wall of South Korea's National Assembly's atrium. They would soon be erected to form the skeleton of the exhibition's two-meter-high tunnel. At the other end of the atrium, a row of industrious volunteers sat at tables stamping numbers onto tag-sized "travel certificates", each of which represented a Korean child lost to international adoption. They would later be hung on the inside of the tunnel's cloth panels. In a third corner, two sewing machines clacked away as white poly fabric was fed through them and made into sieves for the pipes. As I sat on the floor measuring out fabric for the tunnel's cloth cover, the marble atrium echoed with the sounds of mass production. Law makers passed through and glanced at the 70 or so baby photos of Korean children that stood propped on the atrium's AC units. Those that took a closer look at the photos saw the rectangles of paper displaying adoption case numbers pinned to the children's shirts. The photos, which lined the sides of the spacious hall, were a startling contrast of color. Some were a grainy black and white while others had color ranging from faded to bright, reflecting the sixty years that inter-country adoption from Korea has existed. TRACK, which stands for Truth and Reconciliation for the Adopted Community of Korea was originally founded by a team of five adoptees: two Americans and three Europeans. Since 2009, it has been led by Jane Jeong Trenka, Korean-American adoptee and author of Language of Blood. The organization, based in Seoul, “advocate[s] for full knowledge of past and present Korean adoption practices to protect the human rights of adult adoptees, children, and families,” as printed in TRACK's leaflet. The inside of the tunnel, with travel certificates representing the document Korean adopted children carry to their new countries tagged to the wall Jane Jeong Trenka 4

Gwangju News July 2010

Since the end of the Korean War in 1953, nearly 200,000 children have been adopted from abroad to 14 different


countries. Originally installed for humanitarian purposes in the 1950s when Korea was still a war-torn country, international adoption grew in the 1970s and 1980s, peaking in 1985 with nearly 9,000 Korean children placed abroad. Despite Korea's status as a developed nation, over 1,000 children, most of whom are babies, are still being flown out and placed into new families. Despite the widespread belief that flying babies to families who promise to provide them with a good home and a lot of love is in the child's best interest, the truth behind international adoption requires a more careful look at the social and economic forces that promote it. Since its founding in 2007, TRACK has worked to raise awareness of the plight of unwed mothers in Korea through public awareness campaigns and information sessions. Most international adoptions from Korea are made possible because unwed mothers are pressured to give up their children due to social stigma and lack of government support. Since the 1990s, their children have made up 83-99.9% of the total number sent abroad for adoption, with roughly half this percentage the case in the 1970s and 1980s. The many forces that have driven the adoption program since its founding include Korea's rapid industrialization efforts that relocated hundreds of thousands of young women from the countryside to cities from the 1960s onward, an intense family planning system set in place in the 1960s to reduce overpopulation, centuries old Confucia-based norms that denounce unwed mothers and favor boys over girls, and the large market for adoptable babies from Western countries. By building the art installation in the very place where the nation's law makers meet and debate on legislation, TRACK chose to bring the campaign directly to the government to convince them that Korea's intercountry adoption system is in dire need of revision. TRACK planned for weeks to put together the sevenday art installation ahead of Parliament's 2010 regular session where the adoption law revision bill will be brought to the floor. This bill, submitted by TRACK supporter, Representative Choi Young-hee of the main opposition Democratic Party, is historic in nature in that, if passed, it will be the first time overseas Korean adoptees and Korean unwed single mothers, the ones most affected by international adoption, will have been included in the drafting and editing of an adoption bill. The revision law would mandate a number of changes to the system. It would require that all adoptions,

Baby photos of Korean adoptees

Solim Sirgey

which are conducted by private agencies in Korea, be monitored by the state. TRACK has already submitted six cases of mishandled adoptions which were reviewed by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission and has been a vocal critic of the unchecked practices of the adoption agencies. It would also give mothers a thirty-day consideration period after childbirth to allow them sufficient time to reconsider relinquishing their babies. Many unwed mothers today that use unwed mothers’ homes, 17 out of 24 of which are run by the adoption agencies themselves, sign away their baby before they are even born and later regret their decision. Furthermore, the law would be the next crucial step toward the nation's ratification and endorsement of the two major international treaties that protect family and children's rights. Both the 1989 Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption and the 1993 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulate that international adoption should be a “last resort� if all else fails by the state to keep the child cared for in his/her birth family and country of origin. South Korea is currently the world's 13th largest economy, yet spends the second to least on social welfare per capita of the thirty-one Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. It has furthermore dominated the adoption market for 60 years as the largest sending country of adopted children and currently ranks 5th in this index. Trenka argues that Korea has the means to take care of Gwangju News July 2010



Left: Leanne Leith tagging a travel certificate, Jes Eriksen ; Right: Travel Certificates representing the document Korean adopted children carry to their new countries, Jane Jeong Trenka

all of its children. “Korea does not have any more war orphans and...has the economic strength and social vitality to provide support and services to families, including single parent households”. The National Human Rights Commission of Korea has recommended the South Korean government to sign the Hague Convention and give its full compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has expressed concern about Korea's inter-country adoption program. The art exhibition, designed by Leanne Leith, Korean adoptee and founder of the Facebook group KAFRA, Korean Adoptees for Fair Records Access, and planned by Leith and Trenka, spanned the length of the atrium until June 15th. The idea for this was borne after TRACK's May 10th press conference on the revision law bill when Rep. Choi asked the organization to stage a performance for their cause. Instead of a performance, TRACK preferred an art exhibition with a display of 200,000 dolls. Due to budget constraints, they rested instead on miniature-sized paper representations of the travel certificates children adopted abroad carried with them on the plane to their new countries. Trenka and Leith hope that lawmakers who walked through the tunnel were moved by what they saw: overlapping columns of the travel certificates interspersed with the photos. Trenka and Leith chose to name the tunnel, “The Hall of Shame”, to epitomize the general feeling many Koreans have regarding international adoption. Both feel Koreans can turn that shame into something productive. “I want to challenge 6

Gwangju News July 2010

[the Korean government] to take action...to do the right thing and in a timely manner,” says Trenka. Leith, when asked about what she would say to the National Assembly if she could, responded with the following: “Penalizing only women for indiscretions or unfortunate circumstances not only hurts the women, their children, and society, but it also hurts Korea, in both potential citizen numbers and emotional trauma to society at large. “These women are no disgrace to Korea: Korea’s neglect of them is the real disgrace, and the resulting expulsion of children abroad makes Korea look like a third world charity case. These women who choose to face their mistakes and bear their responsibilities indicate a true strength of character and maturity that is missing from the claims of many Koreans. Any woman who chooses to prevail in such a harsh and critical climate as Korea's, to care for the flesh and blood she brought into the world, deserves our support. “So instead of penalizing these women, we need to assist them. It is an investment in a stronger Korea, as every child lost to lack of social services equals a loss of human potential, and the kind of potential that comes from difficult beginnings forges the strongest character, which Korea has lost almost 200,000 times now. Let this congressional session show the world that Koreans are...enlightened people creating a civilized society that takes care of its own citizens.” By Katherine Ann Solim Sirgey

The Korean Way

The Korean Way No. 89

A Shift in Gender Roles


n the long history of human society, the roles of the two genders were generally fixed and each of them behaved according to this fixed role. A wife is the woman that a man is married to and when she is called a housewife, she is a married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning, and so on, but does not have a job outside the house. A husband is a man that a woman is married to and when he is called a househusband, as in the case of housewife, he should be a husband who stays at home and does the cooking, cleaning, etc., and does not have a job outside the house. The traditional Korean society has been defined as a maledominated society. There has been no gender equality between males and females. Everything was dictated by males. Females have been subordinate to males. But recently, as the society progresses, male dominance is crumbling and the power of females is increasing. Government and banking offices employ more female workers than males. According to recent employment statistics regarding jobs and industries, 78.1% of primary school teachers are female, 55.0% of secondary teachers are female and 30.5% of law officers (judges and prosecutors) are female. The number of female law officers will soon outnumber male law officers because the recent trend shows that there are more and more successful female applicants for those offices. Now, the question is whether the social progress towards female power will affect the traditional household gender roles of husband and wife. A housewife’s chores are limited to household work and her work is called “an inner help” for her husband, and the husband’s work outside the house “an outer help” for his wife. So, when a husband is socially successful he may be said to have had his wife’s “good inner help,” and in the same way when a wife is socially successful, she may be said to have had her husband’s “good outer help.” In Korea, a wife is an inside person and a husband is an outside person. An inside person – that is, a wife – is supposed to do house chores

A scene from movie “Mr. Housewife Quiz King” Hancinema

(inside work) and a husband is supposed to do outside work. But what will happen to the gender roles when the wife is the real breadwinner of the family? Will the husband be willing to be a stay-at-home daddy as a househusband, doing cooking and cleaning and so on? Statistics seem to show that the number of househusbands is increasing every year. This trend is not limited to Korea and seems to be universal. In countries like England and the U.S., the number of househusbands is increasing. Recently Yonsei University in Seoul made a survey on this problem and asked 563 male students if they were willing to be househusbands when their spouses earn enough to support their family. 37.1% of the male students said yes, 43.5% said no, and 19.4% were not certain. The Yonsei survey shows the trend of the society as it gets equalized between genders. Depending on who the breadwinner is, the role of husband and wife is determined. The more female breadwinners there are, the more stay-at-home daddies there will be. By 2Ys (An audacious pen name standing for Too Wise, whose real initals are S. S. S.)

Gwangju News July 2010



The Real Game: A 90% True Story I

first knew something was up when my friends back home suddenly started caring about soccer. There was talk about strikers and middies, offsides and PKs, and the strengths and weaknesses of Argentina’s three-man front. My girlfriend, D, started talking about strange men with European-sounding names like they were movie stars. The World Cup was upon us. D had heard through the grapevine that we could watch Korea play Greece at the World Cup Stadium. “Why would I want to go somewhere just to watch it on TV?” I asked, sullenly. “Come on! It’ll be fun,” she replied. “We’ll dress up, get some snacks, paint our faces. It’ll be just like a real game!” “All that just to watch TV? It’s supposed to rain tonight!” Through persistence, she won. We went downtown to buy matching red Team Korea jerseys, some plastic

devil horns, snacks, and beer. “Take me to the World Cup, please,” I told the cabbie when we were finished. “We’re not going to the World Cup,” D said. “You’re right,” I shot back. “We’re going to watch it on a TV. Outside. In the rain. I hope he drives us to South Africa. At least then I’d get to see a real game.” He dropped us off at the entrance to the stadium. People swarmed about, hawking light-up devil horns, jerseys, flags, fried chicken, dried squid, and warm beer. “Look!” D exclaimed. “Everything a fan needs for a good time at a soccer match.” “Except the match,” I muttered. Park Ji-sung and the rest of the Korean team warmed up on a sunny green field on the jumbo-trons at either end of the stadium. “I wish we were at the real game,” I said, to D. Bitter in my disappointment, I sat back and occupied myself by taking photos of the deliriously happy crowd.

“Our voices rose into the sky, they must have heard our cheers halfway around the world.” 8

Gwangju News July 2010


“Where you from?” asked a group of boys. “USA,” I answered. “But tonight I like Korea.” I pointed to my shirt. “Good luck USA!” they said as I took their picture. “US-A! U-S-A!” they shouted after me as I went back to my seat. Finally, the game started on the jumbo-tron. Drums beat their primeval rhythm to the tune of “Dae-han Min-guk” reverberating throughout the stadium. Thunder-sticks crashed together as small children and old men waved flags in the air. “See! Just like a real game!” D said, smiling. Seven minutes in, and the crowd exploded as Lee Jung-soo volleyed a cross from the corner into the back of the net. It was pandemonium. Horns sounded, the drummers wailed on their drums while giant flags beat the air into a frothy whip. I hugged whoever I could, giving high fives to those I couldn’t. Someone up front lit an emergency flare, and the red smoke wafted through the stadium. At halftime, D and I walked around the stadium. The lines in the bathroom went out the door and mingled with those looking to buy snacks and beer from vendors. There were people everywhere – even the upper decks of the stadium looked filled. “I can’t believe how many people are here,” I said. “It’s like everyone is here to watch a real game.” D smiled wordlessly. The second half started much like the first, full of drums, chanting and flags. Seven minutes in, and the crowd let out a thunderous eruption of joy. The group of ajossis behind me jumped into the air like kids at the beach, pointing and yelling. The flags went up, the

Top left: Young supporters in good spirits before the game; Top: The West stand of Gwangju's World Cup stadium; Bottom: Supporters dressed in red cheering together

drums thundered mightily. I looked up. Park Ji-sung was flying down the field, his arms stretched out wide. Our voices rose into the sky, they must have heard our cheers halfway around the world. Park Ji-sung’s goal sent the crowd into a frenzy from which we never came down. The singing was louder, the drums were more emphatic. I screamed myself hoarse and popped a set of thundersticks yelling “Daehan Min-guk!” The final whistle sounded, sealing Korea’s victory. I jumped up to storm the field and celebrate with the players. “When’s the next game?” I wondered above the din, as D tried to hold me back. “I can’t wait to go.” Story and photos by Jake Melville Gwangju News July 2010


Discover Korea

Busan: City by the Sea A

s summer is heading into full swing and a holiday may be beckoning, there is one coastal city that every visitor to Korea should visit at least once. That city is Busan. Situated on the southwest coast, Busan is only 280 km from Gwangju and provides nothing less than a great escape. As Korea’s second largest city, Busan boasts a wider population of 4.5 million. It shares the title of “sister city” with many across the globe, including Chicago, Montreal, Western Cape (South Africa) and Auckland (New Zealand). It’s also home to a growing number of foreigners. According to a study conducted by the Busan City Government, one in a hundred residents are expats, with Busan’s foreign population reaching out to over 40,000 this year. It’s easy to see why. Attractive scenery, great cuisine, efficient public transport, and an attractive nightlife are but a few reasons to claim a memory or two. Due to its geographical location, Busan was always destined to become an important trading port in Asia, primarily with Japan. When the Japanese invaded


Gwangju News July 2010

Korea in 1592 Busan’s importance soared and the ports saw a massive reconstruction. The city was exposed to the rest of the world in the late nineteenth century and became Korea’s first international port. During Japanese occupation (1910-1945) Korea’s infrastructure advanced and trade flourished. This included materials such as iron, steel, paper and ceramics. During the early days of the Korean War (1950-1953) Busan was named the temporary capital for one week after the initial fall of Seoul to the invading North Koreans. During this brief period Busan was never captured by the Communists. Today Busan holds a piece of everything that is magical in Korea, from the rugged hillside surrounding the city and dropping onto the coastline, to the marketplaces and regular cultural performances that are scattered throughout. It is the perfect place to spend a holiday in Korea, particularly if you love the embrace of the ocean.

Discover Korea

Left: Haeundae beach; Right: Reds fans gather on the sand to enjoy Korea's opening World Cup match; Previous page: View of the Gwangan Bridge with the APEC House in the foreground.

One place that is worth a mention is Haeundae. With the beautiful backdrop of hills behind it and a top array of cuisine and nightlife, Haeundae Beach has proved to be a popular tourist destination. It provides a great break particularly for those residing away from the coast. Summer tends to draw the masses and will see the beach packed with volleyball games, water sports and other general mischief that comes with the territory. However, if this sounds uninviting, then try to plan a midweek trip when the crowds have dissipated. You may also be able to get a better rate on accommodation. Motels can be pricey the closer you want to be to the beach, but there are a few gems if you look hard enough. Expect to pay around 50,000 won a night for decent accommodation. There are also camping grounds and even traditional hanok houses for a great traditional experience on your trip. The cuisine in and around Haeundae will not disappoint. Buccella’s on Haeundae Beach makes some insane sandwiches that will rival any in the city. A stone’s throw away on a neighbouring beach, Gwangalli holds a fantastic selection of restaurants. Make sure to drop by Breeze Burns for breakfast – they have some fine burgers and an all-day breakfast that will have any mortal man salivating. Haeundae creates an amazing nightlife atmosphere. If you want to find some banging clubs then head to Busan National University or along Texas Street. Besides the nightclub scene, Haeundae Beach can put on a real show. Blazed up with neons, all along the beachfront you can find something for you. The weekend of Korea’s opening World Cup match against

Greece saw the beach packed with thousands of screaming Red Devil fans, cheering on the historic win on the big screen. It was a very impressive display of unity which gripped the emphatic fans. The boardwalk along from Haeundae to Gwangalli is a must for visitors. Snaking its way along the coastline, you will eventually reach the APEC House (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation). In 2005 Busan hosted the summit and erected the building especially for the meeting. Right on the water’s edge, leaders from the region were greeted with breathtaking views as they exited the meeting room. A wonderful display of typical Korean hospitality. Gwangalli also hosts the Annual Busan Fireworks Festival. Witnesses of last year’s event described it as the best show of fireworks they had ever seen, and is watched by an estimated 1.3 million people. The event takes place on the 22nd and 23rd of October this year. Definitely worth checking out. Busan certainly is a city of contrasts. It holds all the hustle-and-bustle typical of any city culture but, on the same token, also provides a relaxing atmosphere with its grand beaches and coastal climate. It also has an ambitious outlook. These include plans to expand the port harbour and also placing a bid for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games (based on the back of the hosting of the 2002 Asian Games). Busan has a lot to offer any taste and will leave you wanting more. The great thing is the accessibility from Gwangju. The buses are frequent and no mean stretch for a ride just a little over three hours. Story and photos by Julian Raethel Gwangju News July 2010



2006 Gwangju Human Rights Award Winner

Malalai Joya


or readers still wondering if Gwangju could possibly be affected by world events, the return of Malalai Joya (a former Gwangju Human Rights Award winner) to this year’s Human Rights Forum, hosted by the 518 Foundation, provided a first-hand account about the chaos and human disaster unfolding in Afghanistan. “Before the U.S. arrived to inflict ‘democracy,’ Afghanistan lived under fear of a brutal Taliban regime. Now, with democracy there are three human


Gwangju News July 2010

rights offenders: the U.S. Army, Karzai and his drug lord friends, and the Taliban. The situation for women is terrible, but the U.S. used the Taliban’s forced wearing of Burqa’s and women’s issues to gain support for a war that has made our situation much worse,” Joya said as she first sat down to lunch at the Kim Dae Jeong Convention Center, four years after winning the Gwangju Human Rights Award. Joya, who was a duly elected member of Afghanistan’s Parliament before being expelled, has survived five


assassination attempts, the wrath of senior Islamic officials, and is a polarizing figure in Afghanistan, as the seated government of Hamid Karzai has attempted to mute Joya perhaps because she repeatedly points out that the Karzai government was founded on war, and is aiding the United States in continuing a war that has killed thousands of civilians. If antagonism, armed attacks and provocations continue between North and South Korea, there is little doubt that the Unites States would be involved if war ever broke out on this peninsula. The ROK Armed forces are still under the control of the U.S. Army, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been straightforward in her warnings to North Korean President Kim Jung-Il since the sinking of the ROK Navy corvette Cheonan in March. The U.S. Navy, in the form of an aircraft carrier and six support ships arrived at the border waters in very short order, providing those who had forgotten, immediate evidence that a large portion of the U.S. Navy is floating around China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Though seemingly over-worked in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. armed forces bear observing in our neighborhood too. While wearing a “U.S. Out of Afghanistan” button, Joya returned to the podium this year full of heartwrenching stories. “There is no hope for human rights, women’s’ rights or democracy when Afghanistan is occupied by the United States. After 911 the U.S. has made a war against the people of Afghanistan. It is a war of propaganda in which a ‘good job’ means a day in which civilians died,” Joya said. “Foreigners have given the tools of government to famous drug traffickers. We live in a hell three-quarters infected by fundamentalists. The government has released from jail key members of the Taliban recently.” Since winning the 2006 Prize, Joya has continually used her knowledge of the May 18th struggle for democracy in Gwangju to motivate those seeking true democracy in Afghanistan. “You motivate me to fight with the same determination and steadfastness against enemies of humanity in my ill-fated country which was demonstrated by the freedom-loving people in Korea and Gwangju. The cycle of violence is not over under U.S. domination, and cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs have been used against innocent people. Widespread abuse and restrictions on freedom continue, where women are attacked with acids if they are seen not fully

covered (by Burqas), where laws still suppress women, and a country as the UN put it, becoming a “NarcoState” under the Northern Alliance drug mafia. If Joya’s contention is correct, that Karzai and others in the parliament and cabinet of Afghanistan are, in fact, drug lords, the chances to untangle Afghanistan and make it safe for peaceful freedom-loving families can not be solved militarily. “Democracy never came by the bomb,” Joya continued from stage. “The imposed war has been an obstacle to true democratic movements, our education system and the road toward human rights in Afghanistan.” Joya moves from one place to the other at all times these days. She can use the hated Burqa as a way to stay unknown. She has a group of supporters and a well-knit movement building to change the fate of Afghanistan, she said. “The silence of good people is as bad as the bad acting bad.” She implores people www.malalaijoya.com





Here in contemporary Korea, the Lee government wisely downplayed the Cheonan sinking, at great risk to his personal standing as a politician. This allowed cooler heads to prevail, as the ROK armed forces never overreacted, nor headed calls in the western media for immediate counter attacks. This greatly reduces the risk of any armed conflict here. Whether in Joya’s Afghanistan or among western English teaches and Koreans, “citizen diplomacy” in which people become friends personally, and a long way away from what their governments are doing, goes a long way to build communities that can work together to solve problems, be they large or small. Gwangju remains a place that both symbolizes great movements in the past, and welcomes a continually swelling number of students and workers from overseas via the GIC, and international events like the World Music Festival coming up August 27-29 and the Gwangju Biennale set for September 3 to November 11th. Again, to learn more about Afghanistan’s current events other than you might have got on CNN, go to: www.malalaijoya.com. By Doug Stuber Photo from The May 18 Memorial Foundation

Gwangju News July 2010


Art Preview

Tamara Rose T

homas Effing is an elderly gentleman, a blind former painter, and a fictional character in Paul Auster’s novel Moon Palace. He describes how a journey from the safe and stable eastern United States into the far more desolate ‘West’ permanently altered his painting: “For the first couple of weeks, I drew like a fiend. Odd stuff, I’d never done work like that before. I hadn’t thought the scale would make a difference, but it did, there was no other way to wrestle with the size of things. The marks on the page became smaller and smaller, small to the point of vanishing. It was as if my hand had a life of its own.” Paul Gauguin was a leading Post-Impressionist artist, painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramist and writer. Like the fictional Effing, Gauguin’s work was tremendously affected by a similar shift to his environment. Originally from France, he concluded his life in French Polynesia, and he was so inspired by the foreign culture he encountered there that he began to use and engage with ‘primitive’ exaggerated body proportions, animal totems, geometric designs and stark contrasts. He did this to great success. The works of numerous other artists – some fictional like Effing, some real like Gauguin – have similarly been affected by environmental shifts. Tamara Rose is one such artist, and she is living and working in Gwangju today. Originally from Canada, Tamara came to Gwangju in late 2008. Prior to her arrival she completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Western Ontario and worked variously as an artist, a drawing instructor, an exhibitor, and an arts director. She developed an extracurricular arts program for children in low-income neighborhoods in her hometown, and this prompted her to come to Korea to become an English educator and continue her work with children. Prior to coming to Korea Tamara worked mainly using charcoal and ink, but living here in a small apartment has interrupted her using them. In Canada she had a large studio with fourteen-foot ceilings but she does not have access to such a large space here.


Gwangju News July 2010

Clockwise from top left: Tamara Rose; "Buster Keaton" charcoal on paper, 36” x 56”, 2008; "Fifth of May" - ink and hanji on canvas, 8” x 6”, 2010

Art Preview

Left: "Year of the Monkey" (from the Zodiac Series) - ink and hanji, 2” x 3” , 2010; Right: "Laila" hanji and ink, 4” x 7”, 2010

“Charcoal is a messy medium at the best of times,” she said during an interview, “not to mention toxic – and it is best used on large surfaces and in large, airy spaces.” Recognizing a need to adjust her practice, Tamara, who works primarily in black and white, remembered a time she had made paper cutouts as an “exercise in color.” She determined she would locate and engage with handmade Korean paper, and immediately thereafter she “fell in love with it”: “it” being hanji, Korean paper traditionally made from mulberry trees. Despite their differences, charcoal and hanji have a few things in common. “Both are dry media which generally lend themselves better to form than to line,” she explained, “and both have incredibly long histories – hanji dates back to the fourth century and charcoal to 30,000 BC. But there are some obvious differences too. Hanji produced today is done so in so many amazing shades and colors. Textures vary significantly also. Charcoal, on the other hand, is mostly black. And hanji is much less messy and healthier to work with.” Tamara explained that although some elements of her work have changed, some haven’t changed at all: “I used ink in Canada and I use ink here too – I use a Korean brush or a drawing pen. My style has also remained the same…I have two distinct styles, realism and cartoon, and both have a vintage quality to them. The majority of my subject matter continues to evoke nostalgia, and I continue to work from old photographs, films, or live models. But all of this is of course being affected by my using, interacting with, and getting to know hanji.” Tamara also acknowledged that not only Korean paper,

but Korea itself, has influenced and shaped her work also. “My first year in Korea was about settling into my new surroundings, getting accustomed to my life here, and learning to interact with a new culture. I also started to learn a lot about Korean art and was lucky to meet and work with many artists, ceramists, jewelers, photographers and painters. It wasn’t all ‘luck,’ however, because I knew that Gwangju was the home of the Biennale and Art Street and I came here because I felt it was exactly what I was looking for… a good, new home. “Now that I’m settled in, however, this year is more about getting back to what I do and doing it.” As such, Tamara has accepted an offer from Mix Lounge (a 2F gallery located on the corner of 구시청사 거리, in downtown Gwangju) to show her work from July 23 to mid-September. This is the first time she will show any of her hanji collages and drawings and the first time she will have a solo exhibit in Korea. “I’ve travelled throughout Canada and the U.S. and down into Mexico and Jamaica also,” she concludes, “and there’s something about Korea, its art, and its materials which have touched me…I can see us having a very long and very productive relationship. It’s exciting.” If you’re interested in seeing more of Tamara’s work, you can visit her websites – www.octobereve.com and http://expatartist.blogspot.com – or contact her by phone at 010-5717-6878. She is open to various project ideas and commissions. For more information about hanji, Tamara recommends you check out: http://jejulife.net/ 2007/12/10/myeong-gwan-ok-and-hanji-art-craft and http://blog.daum.net/wateroil/36. By Hughie Samson Gwangju News July 2010


Living Tips

Traditional Public Markets in Gwangju


he summer season has finally arrived in Korea. It is the season where we can enjoy many kinds of food, especially the delicious fruit, watermelon. It is also the season where people tend to eat more to replace the energy lost from the heat of the sun. So, if you are someone who basks in eating tasty food, you should know where to buy it at an economical price. There are several traditional public markets in Gwangju that offer cheaper food and other products compared with buying from supermarkets. You will be overwhelmed by the amount of money that you can save when you buy food in traditional public markets. Also, if you would like to practice your Korean communication skills, be exposed to and enjoy Korean culture more, you should definitely visit such a market near your area.

Malbau Market is a 50 year-old market which is very unique because it is located in a residential area with many street vendors. The market is open on days ending in 2, 4, 7 and 9. When the market is open, it is the most bustling place in Gwangju. You can find fresh vegetables there which are very affordable. Anytime you get hungry, you can easily find food in alleys lined with restaurants specializing in red bean porridge (patjuk) and rice rolled in dried laver (kimbap). The buses that go to Malbau Market are 6, 15, 19, 27, 28, 39, 47, 54, 55, 80, 81, 83, 87, 180, 181, 87 and 518. See page 18 for more.

Yangdong Market

Malbau Market



Malbau market is the nearest public market from my house, and the public market that I often go to. It is in northern Gwangju (광주 북구) and only 3 minutes away from Bugku district office by bus. You can easily walk to Malbau Market if you live near Buk-gu district.


Gwangju News July 2010

Yangdong market is located near the former Jeollanam-do Provincal office. It is also very near Gwangju Art Street, Geumnam-ro , Chungjang-ro and even Sajik Park where GFN Radio Station is located. So, from the downtown district, there are buses that can take you there in 10 to 15 minutes. The market sells various products and food, especially food that is prepared for traditional holidays such as Korean Thanksgiving Day (Chuseok) and New Year’s Day (Seollal). There are also many food corners there

Living Tips

that sell sundae (a kind of Korean sausage) and twigim (fried food). You can also find a place called ‘Takchoen moer’ where chickens and ducks are sold. Yangdong Market is not only popular for its food and products, but is also well known for representing the good hearts of people in Gwangju. One of the most interesting things about Yangdong is that the merchants in the market voluntarily gave out rice balls to students and citizens who engaged in the movement during the peak of May 18th Gwangiu Democratic Movement. The buses that go there are 19, 30, 36, 37, 39, 48, 52, 59, 61, 65, 69, 71, 72, 79, 84, 89, 99, 177. You can also take the subway and get off at Yangdong Market Station.

Namgwangju Market

Gwangju City

Nam Gwangju Nam Gwangju Market is located in the former Nam Gwangju (train) station. It is known for fresh fish stores and restaurants which offer fresh products at lower prices. Also, stores sell various fresh vegetables and sea food. From around 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., fresh marine products from ports and fish markets are supplied there. The buses that go there are 1, 9, 17, 25, 27, 28, 37, 45, 50, 51, 52, 54, 59, 95, 98, 150, 151, 152. You can also take the subway and get off at Nam Gwangju Station

Bia Five Day Market www.gic.or.kr

Daein Market Daein is one of the leading traditional markets in Gwangju. It is very near the center of the city, Chungjangno and Geumnam-ro. It is famous as a wholesale market for vegetables and fish. Also, a large volume of fresh fish and dried fish are traded throughout the market. These days it is also popular for sushi restaurants. You can also find boutiques, silk cloth stores, nickel silverware and roadside stands selling fresh farm produce. You can go there by taking the following buses: 6, 37, 52, 54, 56, 58, 70, 81, 170, 184, 518. You can also take the subway and get off at Geumnam-ro Sa(4)-ga Station and take a 10 minute walk. It’s also just a 10minute walk north-west of the GIC.

Bia Five Day Market is one of the three representative traditional Korean markets in Gwangsan-gu, along with Songjeong Five Day Market and Songjeong Daily Market. It is a historic traditional market which is open every 1st and 6th of the month. It is a commercial center with merchants flocking from Jangseong, Damyang, and Gochang. You can buy fresh vegetables and fruits including pears, persimmons and cherry tomatoes, agriculture products and livestock products there at more affordable prices than in supermarkets. You can also have the freedom to haggle. The buses that go there are 20, 91, Cheomdan 92 and 192. For more information about traditional Markets in Gwangju, you can contact the Tourism Promotion Division of the City Marketing Headquarters at 062613-3633. By Marie ‘Mheng’ Pascual Igwe Gwangju News July 2010


Korea Experience

A Little Tale of Malbau Market s Gwangju is the one of the biggest cities in this country, naturally there is no difficulty in finding your typical department stores, marts and modern markets. However, in the midst of all this, there is a traditional market in Buk-gu which is always crowded and filled with energy.


The name is Malbau traditional market which is fairly well-known in Gwangju. The main characteristic of this market is that there is no standardized shopping district site. They just sell their goods on any street in the area. Thus, there are no specific vegetable, fish and rice sections, unlike other Korean traditional markets. If merchants want to sell their goods they can just do so by displaying their goods on the street. It means a market stall could be anywhere. This is illegal according to the local law; however the Buk-gu office minimizes restrictions as Malbau is truly loved by local people. What attracts people to come to Malbau if you are not a local? Well, for one it has a nice bit of history. Quite a while ago, there was a huge stone in front of Malbau’s entrance. The stone had been removed but there was a horse footprint on the stone. According to a folktale, the horse footprint has an interesting story. In ancient Korean history, in the middle of the Chosun age, there was a famous general of the righteous armies whose name was Deokryeong Gim. His horse stamped the mark because his horse was able to run faster than an arrow. This is the reason that the market has been named Malbau which means “a Horse stone” in Gwangju’s Korean dialect. The most distinguished feature of the market is that it directly deals with other markets. People who live in Damyang, Gokseong and other nearby regions, sell their goods on the street directly. Therefore, produce is very fresh. People can enjoy the freshness of the goods and negotiate prices with the sellers. This is perhaps one of the main reasons that the market is always so crowded. The market also takes geographical advantage as Malbau is located in one the main commercial districts in Gwangju. Yangdong Market, located in Yang-dong, could be called the root of Malbau. Right after independence from Japan in 1945, Yangdong market was fragmented. As Yangdong


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market was getting bigger, street and handcart vendors who did not have any power, were crowded out from the market. They wanted to settle in Daein and Seobang markets, which are located near Malbau, however they had to move again. Therefore, they arrived at Malbau’s bus stop which is how the Malbau market started. In addition, handcart vendors’ efforts were a great contribution to establish Malbau into a huge market in late 1970. This is because a lot of them came to Malbau to earn money, since they heard the news about how the market guaranteed making them a lot of money as it had geographical advantages. In the beginning merchants sold cows or cloths and then more people came to Malbau. Subsequently, many houses were converted to stores, attracting a lot of people who live in Damyang and Gokseong to come and sell. The Malbau market not only has a seemingly ridiculous origin of name, but also a great speciality – patjuk, a kind of red-bean porridge. People who come to Malbau can enjoy this delicious specialty for an amazingly cheap price (the average price is roughly 1000 won). The market is held almost every other day and I suggest it to anyone looking for something a little different and pleasant. Market dates in every month: 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27, 29. Take bus number: 6, 15, 19, 27, 28, 35, 39, 47, 54, 55, 80, 81, 83, 87, 180, 181, 187, 518 By Choi Seok-hun

Asia Culture Forum

“ his coming September, Gwangju will hold the Asia Culture Forum 2010, with the theme of ‘New Asia’. As many readers will know, there is a project named “Hub City of Asian Culture” (HCAC) taking place in Gwangju. The project plans to reach the goal of having a balanced national development and creating a future model of a city. As a part of the project, you can see those areas under construction or buildings in and around the downtown area, to include Asian Culture Complex, made for promoting culture industry and cultural exchanges. Those buildings will function as the infrastructure for HCAC, and it goes without saying that human resources and contents are critical factors for the success of such projects. The forum has been held since 2006 to create a ground for brisk discussion between academic and cultural circles in order to design the better development of and establish supportive network for HCACP and Asian Culture Complex.


The ACF 2010 will be held from September 7th to 9th with various programs within it, such as culture forums, a special seminar, Asian Youth Culture Camp and others. Mostly, it will be held at Kimdaejung Convention Center, but there will be several programs that make use of other resources in the region, including Chonnam National University, Biennale and others. As mentioned above, the theme is ‘New Asia’. Though, what does it convey? 'New Asia' can be interpreted as Asia that positively produces creative cultures through brisk interaction between traditional cultures of Asian countries and the Western world and further shares them with the rest of the world. Asia Culture Forum 2010 intends to discuss the significance of cultures born in Asia being communicated to other realms of culture in the era where cultural exchanges between East and West increase in numbers and quality. To keep in line with the theme, ACF2010 entails following sessions. The first one will talk about ‘New Perspective of Asian Culture’, the second, ‘Cross-over Culture’, and the third ‘New Asian’. These topics focus on the phenomenon that multi-directional exchanges of culture between Asia and the rest of the world is affecting both of them,

especially bringing about creative changes in Asia, whether they are hardware, people or contents-wise ones. In the past, the Asia Culture Forum had the following themes each year: “Culture & Technology” in 2006, “Asia's Cultural Window to the World” in 2007 and “Looking to the future of the Asian Culture Complex through the European Cultural Cities and Cultural Contents of Asia” in 2008 under the auspices of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. This ACF2010 inherits its name from the past forums, but one thing clearly demarcates it from them. ACF2010 and the past forums are different in a twofold manner. First, Gwangju Metropolitan City, the municipal government, co-hosts the forum and second, Gwangju International Center, a regional NGO, organizes, where as Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism hosted and Seoul-based groups organized the past forums. The significance of holding a region-initiated forum can be found in this way that it improves capability for various affairs including international exchanges, strengthening network and developing human resources of the region. Other reasons for holding this forum are as follows: to utilize global networks of universities in the region; to have a special exhibition by Gwangju Artist Collective, a group made up of international and domestic artists in the region; to promote HCAC project and Asian Culture Complex through inviting university students from nationwide; and to connect with UNESCO Asian Youth Forum to develop synergy effects. The special exhibition will be held as a part of affiliated events and have the theme of ‘Gwangju: A Cultural Experience’. If you are interested in the forum, please check out the official website for ACF2010 at www.acf.or.kr. You can see the program schedule, speakers and also register for the forum. Keep your eyes and ears open, and Gwangju News will feed you with further information about ACF2010. Inquiries can be made at acf2010@acf.or.kr. By Ahn Hong-pyo, Hong-pyo is in charge of External Affairs at the secretariat for Asia Culture Forum 2010

Gwangju News July 2010



Re-Visualizing the 1960s:

An Interview with Kathryn McNeil on her Photo Collection of Korea


efore I met Kathryn McNeil in the spring of 2007, the 1960s had always inspired images of places far removed from Korea. The word for me was synonymous with the radical events and social revolutions that defined the decade in the West. Woodstock, John F. Kennedy, Sputnik, and the Vietnam War would come foremost to my mind, no doubt this being the result of my upbringing in the United States, and Korea remained far off the radar. So when Kathryn invited me to have a look at some photos of Korea in the 1960s that she was getting developed at a nearby film shop in downtown Gwangju, I jumped at the chance to go. This was my way to spend more time with a woman who was clearly an expert in Korean history (maybe I'd be privy to some of her vast stores of knowledge) and to learn more about a country, the one in which I was born, whose accelerated pace of modernization had done much to erase its turbulent past and in turn feed my once latent curiosity. After a 15-minute walk through a network of side streets off Geumnam-ro, we turned up a flight of stairs that led us into a Fuji film shop. What I saw in the next hour turned the grainy black-and-white rubble-strewn images of a post-war Korea – impressed upon me by history books and documentaries – into a vibrant mosaic of scenes that uniquely depicted the lives of the Korean people still untouched by development, and uninterrupted landscapes of unsurpassed beauty now very difficult for a person to find on their own. I was in sheer awe of what I saw and left the shop with a revised view of the '60s. It now included Korea when it stood at the threshold of tradition and modernity and when villages of thatch roof houses began to give way to asphalt and high-rises, the roots of industrialization setting firmly into place. Due to the dearth of photographs from this decade, Kathryn's photographs are a testament to the beauty of a bygone era and a must-see if you are seeking a visual history of early contemporary Korea. Below is the email interview I held with Kathryn wherein she discusses the origins of her photos and her 20

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lifelong interest in Korea, among other things. Kathryn will hold her presentation and photo exhibit on Saturday, July 24. When did you first become interested in Korea? I first became interested in Korea when my older brother returned from Korea in 1967. I was 10 years old at the time. My brother, Gary, had just finished serving his mandatory military service. Because my mother's brothers owned a small electrical company and my brother had worked summers for them, he had learned how to climb electrical poles and string electrical wires. Given his abilities he was sent to Korea, rather than Vietnam, as part of the Army Corps. of Engineers, to aid in the reconstruction. While in Korea, Gary purchased a Nikon camera and a footlocker full of color film. He carried his camera everywhere and took pictures. Hundreds of pictures. When he returned from Korea and I saw his photos, I fell in love. Korea became my passion. I read


everything and anything I could find that pertained to Korea, not an easy feat in the late '60's, there wasn't Internet back then. When I got to university, I majored in Korean history. How long have you been in Korea? What drew you to Jeolla Province? I arrived in Korea July 2002. I was offered a position at my current school, Jeonnam Foreign Language High School, and have pretty much been at my school ever since. In all honesty, I specifically wanted the southern area of South Korea, but I had originally wanted Mokpo. My home in Bellingham, Washington, is on the water, and I really love living on the water. However, I was offered a position at a specialty high school, and although Yeongsan-po is not located on the water, I accepted the position. I have never regretted my decision. I love my school, I love my students, most days anyway! What I did not want was to be in a big city. I was raised on a farm and I am not a city gal. I like the quiet of the countryside. There are some inconveniences living in the country, but the benefits so very much outweigh the discomfort. I could never imagine myself living in a large city. How long ago did you discover these photos of Korea? When and by whom were they taken? As I said earlier, I first encountered the photos when I was 10 and my brother returned from doing his military service in Korea. I rediscovered them in 2004 when I began to wonder if my brother still had them. I should mention at this point, in the 1960's the U.S. had a military draft and the wage paid a soldier was not much. Because of this, Gary had the film developed into slides, simply because it was cheaper. This ended up being a stroke of genius since slides do not degrade over time, like negatives do. But back to the question. I had been in Korea for several years, choosing to spend my winter and summer vacations traveling Korea rather than flying back to the States. I started wondering if my brother still had the slides he had taken of Korea. I e-mailed my niece, Gary's daughter, to see if she could find out if her dad still had the slides. I would have e-mailed my brother directly but my brother is old and the probability that he could even find the power button on a computer was highly unlikely. My niece, on the other hand, was able to locate the slides and mail them to me. That is how the photos found their way home.

What was your reason for bringing them back to Korea? My motivation for bringing the photos home, to Korea, is two-fold. First, as I traveled around South Korea, I was amazed at the changes that had taken place. The Korea of 1966 and the Korea of today are so completely different. However, as I traveled around Korea, visiting museums and other cultural areas, I began to realize that there appeared to be a dearth of color photos of Korea during the 1960's. But the real motivating factor came when I realized that my students were not able to "talk about" their country before the reconstruction. What was even more horrifying was that my students did not want to talk about it. When I pressed my students further, I discovered that my students' mental pictures of their country premodernization were abjectly depressing. They used adjectives like "Poor" and "Ugly" and "Dirty." I was horrified. It became abundantly clear to me that I had the means of providing my students with new, beautiful mental pictures of their country. As a teacher, the slides would make for excellent teaching aides in learning the vocabulary for talking about their country, but as a human being, I just could not change their mental pictures when I had the means to do so. That would have been simply unconscionable as a human being. These pictures of Korea are used every year in my classroom. The students not only learn the vocabulary, they come to realize that "Poor" does not necessarily mean "Ugly." These photos show a Korea that was beautiful. Poor, yes. But beautiful, too. Gwangju News July 2010 21


What do you hope to do by promoting them to the general public? My only motivation for promoting my brother's photos is to show the young people that their country is beautiful, and always has been. The first time I showed the slides in my class, when I was finished, the students were eerily quiet. I turned the lights on and realized that several of the students had silent tears rolling down their cheeks. Finally one of the students broke the quiet and said, "Oh Teacher, I had no idea that my country was so beautiful." That is when I knew that I had to try to get these photos into the museums. What successes (and failures) have you had in promoting them so far? So far 34 of my brother's photos are on permanent display in the new Suwon Museum of Modern History. I cannot even begin to tell you how moving it was when I first went to the museum and saw floor-to-ceiling reproductions of my brother's photos! I stood rooted in place, incredulous and unbelievably moved. I would love to get them into more museums, a goal I know I will accomplish. Additionally, some of the pictures have been used in a book by Jin Lee, “To Kill a Tiger�, a biography about five generations of her family. Do your photos tell a story? If so, what would the synopsis of the story be? I don't believe that these photos have a singular story, they manifest their story in the eyes of the person viewing them. I showed them to a group of English teachers. The teachers' ages ranged from their mid20's to late 50's. For each person the photos told a different story. For some, it was a look into a past they had only read or heard about; for others it was a walk down memory lane. One of the pictures was of the first steam-engine train in Korea. It ran between Seoul and


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Busan, and Mr. Ahn, one of the teachers, spoke of how he would ride that train every week when he was a young man. He told how it would take up to 10 hours sometimes because the train would have to build up a good head of steam to make it up the hills. The younger teachers sat spellbound as he described his adventures riding that first steam-engine train. Of all of the photos that you have, which do you find most compelling, revealing, or interesting? Wow. I am not sure I can pick just one out of the 250 + photos. Those of Hwaseong Fortress are spectacular, of the women down at the river doing their laundry, of the golden rice paddies, the small hamlets, there really is no way for me to chose my absolute favorite. The colors in the photos are so brilliant, so clear, they suck you in. What's the best way for people to contact you about your photos? Are they for sale? The best way for anyone to contact me is through email (kathrynrmcneil@yahoo.com). Just be sure to indicate in the "Subject" line that it is about the pictures! Are they for sale? I don't know, what price does one put on culture? I have questioned my brother many, many, many times and he has assured me that the photos belong to the people of Korea. He wants no money for them. He has turned possession of the photos completely over to me. Are they for sale? Gosh, I don't know how one could put a price on history. Neither the books, or the museum, have paid for anything. My brother would not have liked that. By Katherine Ann Solim Sirgey Photos by Gary McNeil

Useful Korean Phrases

~게 낫겠어요. (Would rather ~V) Grammar Dialogue

~ 게 낫겠어요.

A: 오늘 무슨 일 있어요? [O-neul mu-seun il i-sseo-yo?] A: What’s going on today?

(Would rather ~V)

This expression is shown by means of comparison.

B: 특별한일 없어요. 왜요? [Teuk-byeol-han-il eop-seo-yo. Wae-yo?] B: Nothing special. Why? A: 오늘 수영장 함꼐 가실래요? [O-neul su-yeong-jang ham-kke ga-sil-rae-yo?] A: Would you like to go with me to the swimming pool today? B: 오늘보다 내일 수영 가는 게 낫겠어요. [O-neul bo-da nae-il su-yeong ga-neun ge natgess-eo-yo.] B: I would rather go swimming tomorrow than today. A: 좋아요. 내일봐요. [Jo-a-yo. Nae-il bwa-yo.] A: Okay. See you tomorrow.

Vocabulary 오늘 [o-neul]: today 내일 [nae-il]: tomorrow 수영장 [su-yeong-jang]: swimming pool 수영 [su-yeong]: swimming 특별한 [teuk-byeol-han]: special

Ex) 차라리 집에 있는 게 낫겠어요 (I would rather stay home.) 차라리 택시를 타는 게 낫겠어요. (I would rather take a taxi.)

Vocabulary Exercise In this letter grid, try to find the following Korean words, joining letters horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

수영 (swimming), 볼링 (bowling), 야구 (baseball), 축구(football), 골프 (golf), 배구 (volleyball), 럭비 (rugby) and many more things are possible according to your Korean level.

By Kang Nang-won Nang-won is a student of Korean Language and Literature at Chonnam National University

2010 GIC Korean Language Class Schedule For more information, kindly refer to Page 2 or contact Kim Ji-hyun at (062) 226-2733/4 or e-mail gwangjuic@gmail.com

4th 5th 6th

July 10 - August 27 September 11 - October 29 November 6 - December 24

Gwangju News July 2010



Photo by Jocelyn Wright

Undoing the Lanterns

This was our hanging closet in a traditional Korean guesthouse on Jirisan Mountain

Photo by Meghan Reynolds 24

Gwangju News July 2010

Submit your best shot of Korea! To enter the Photo Contest, simply send your name, photo and picture description to gwangjunews@gmail.com

A canola field at the Cheongsando Slow Walk Festival April 17, 2010

Photo by Gabrielle Berube

Cabbage Delivery

Photo by Wendy E. Perkins Gwangju News July 2010


Out and About

Pick up and Go: Beaches of Haenam County Summer has arrived in full force, and brings with it all the heat and humidity you can bear. You can only escape to your air-conditioned classroom for so long, and the shade of the mountains isn’t as cool when you’re huffing and puffing up it. Luckily just south of Gwangju, Haenam County boasts some beautiful beaches for those who crave sand and sun, but not the crushing masses and poking umbrellas of Busan’s Haeundae. The water is calm, thanks to the protective islands scattered around the coast, and the scenery is spectacular, thanks to the fields of rice, garlic, and onion that spill out of the mountains in varying shades of emerald. Grab a towel, brush up on your Korean, and don’t forget the sunblock. We’re going to the beach!

Sagu-ri (사구리) Sagu-ri, a sleepy beach village (even by sleepy beachvillage standards) is ideal for those seeking to get away from the bright lights of Gwangju and lose themselves in pensive contemplation, languorous relaxation, or rural Jeollanam-do. There’s not much to do here besides lounge on the long, sandy beach and, as long as you don’t mind sharing it with snoozing fishing boats and some discarded gear, chances are good you’ll have it to yourself. A handful of small, clean minbaks stand idly on a narrow, quiet road behind the beach. A seafood restaurant and a mart are located at the entrance to the


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village near the parking lot, though both were closed when I stopped by. Bring your own supplies if it’s early or late in the season.

Songho-ri (송호리) Songho-ri is another idyllic beach-village, though considerably less sleepy than Sagu-ri. It boasts the distinction of being the southern-most beach on the mainland, and so can be fairly popular in the high-season. A small playground on the wide, sandy beach gets swamped at high tide, and at low tide you can walk out a thousand feet without getting your ankles wet. The village sees enough traffic on the road to Ddang-ggeut

Out and About

(“Land’s End”) that the lone restaurant and numerous marts remain open for most of the summer. A bunch of minbaks are scattered around, walk around until you find one with a room available. A 20-minute walk along the road out of town takes you to Ddang-ggeut, the southern-most point on the mainland. It’s a resort-y place: neon lights and hotels abound, but it doesn’t have the feel of a real tourist trap. Dozens of seafood restaurants and a wooded park at the real Land’s End make it worth spending an afternoon here, but those looking for a beach should keep going.

Yesong-ri (예송리) Yesong-ri is a gorgeous pebble beach, located in a protected cove on the island of Bogil-do. In the summer, families will set up tents right on the beach, grilling meat and drinking makkeolli until the sun goes down. The water is calm and deep – only a few meters out from shore and you’ll find yourself treading water as a motorboat drags shrieking kids in an inner-tube around the cove. Don’t take any pebbles back with you – it’s illegal. Buses run from the ferry terminal to Bogil-myeon, a small town with a couple restaurants, a bank and a motel, though for those going to Yesong-ri, a taxi (around 5,000 won) might be a better bet. There are minbaks in the village closer to the beach, but they can fill up during the busy season. Getting there: The easiest way to reach the beaches of Haenam is to catch a direct bus from Gwangju to Ddang-ggeut (땅끝) – it takes 2 hours and costs 14,300 won. From there, hop on a local bus (1,000 won) going left to Songho-ri (2km away) or right to Sagu-ri (7km), or walk if the weather’s nice. A ferry from there to Bogil-do costs 5,700 won and takes a half-hour. If you miss the bus directly to Ddang-ggeut, frequent buses from Haenam City can drop you off at either beach and cost about 4,000 won. The gentleman at Gates 7 and 8 will make sure you get on the right one.

Other Relaxing Places in Jeollanam-do Many people are usually planning to go to the beach for summer vacation. But there are other ways to enjoy summer in Jeollanam-do. There are many beautiful, joyful, restful places located in Jeollanam-do, or near Gwangju city.

Myeongsasimni Beach (명사십리 해수욕장) Myeongsasimni is located in Wando-gun on Sinji island, and is one of the most beautiful beaches in korea Myeongsasimni is known for its beautiful sand. It's breadth is almost 100m and length is four kilometers, and the white sandy beach is the pride of Myeongsasimni. The sand is said to be good for treating neuralgia, arthritis, and skin ailments. To go by car, drive to Wando, and take the Sinji Bridge, or by bus, go to Wando Terminal (14,400 won, about 2hrs) and transfer to the local bus to the beach. In high season, occassional direct buses run from Gwangju’s U-Square terminal. Beware that this popular beach draws the crowds at peak times. http://tour.wando.go.kr (061)-550-5650

Gwanmae-do (관매도) Gwanmae-do is one of the most scenic islands of the Jindo islands. It has pure nature; ocean, sand and trees, so it is a popular and famous place to rest. There is a beautiful forest, made of pine trees, for sand arrestation. The forest is huge and fresh and it gives you a calm and good feeling. Gwanmae-do also have distinct sights, known as the 8 Sights of Gwanmae, made up of waterfalls, rock shapes, caves etc. Gwanmae-do is a great place to escape from it all. To get there, take a bus to Paeng-mok harbor (061544-5353, 팽목항, take the direct bus to Jindo 진도, 11,000w, 3hrs, then change), then a ferry (1 hour). http://tour.jindo.go.kr/ (061)544-0151

Story and photos by Jake Melville

Previous page: Bay at Sagu-ri This page: The beautiful pebble beach at Yesong-ri Gwangju News July 2010


Out and About

Damyang Bamboo Park (담양죽녹원) In Damyang, there is a bamboo park named ‘Juknokwon’. Damyang is famous for bamboo and people made the park in 2003. There, we can stroll through the woods of the bamboo forest, called ‘jungnimnyok’. A lot of negative ions are produced in bamboo areas, which are good for blood, and alpha waves, which relax us. Moreover, bamboo forest is cool because there is so much oxygen. If you want to avoid the heat, going to beach is not the only way. There are 8 trails through the forest, named Good luck way, byway, love will never change way, old friend way, byway of memory, Seonginsan oreum way, philosopher’s way and Seonbi’s way, as well as an ecology exhibit hall, 4 gazebos, and 4 rest areas. Each trail has its own name and story, and takes 3 to 15 minutes. Admission: Adults 2,000 won/ Youth 1,500 won You can take a bus from U Square (2,000 won) and it takes 40minutes www.juknokwon.org (Korean) 061-380-3244

ocean while bathing. Around Yulpo beach, there are many other attractions such as Boseongdawon (green tea field), Yongchu valley falls. You can take a bus from U Square, costing 8,800 won and it takes 1hour and 50 minutes to get there. www.boseong.go.kr (Korean) 061-853-4566 Beach Pool: Adults 14,000 won (peak season 20,000 won) / Youth 10,000 won (peak season 15,000 won) Yulpo Green tea hot spring bath: Adults 5,000 won/ Youth 3,000 won Summer has already come. Hot and humid weather will be annoying during the summer time. But don’t worry, we have resting places to go, and enjoy and love this summer. By Roh In-woo, Jang Yong-hoon Roh In-woo is sophomore in Chonnam National University Jang Yong-hoon is a home-school student

Boseong Yulpo Beach (보성율포해수욕장) Yulpo beach, in Boseong, was designated as a national tourist attraction in 1991, and is well equipped with convenient facilities. There is a beach, pool and a green tea hot spring bath, and nice scenery. The pool was made so that people could enjoy swimming regardless of tides. Additionally, in Boseong there is the only green tea hot spring bath in Korea. (Boseong is famous for green tea.) The green tea hot spring bath was made in 1998 and designed so people could see the beach and


Gwangju News July 2010

Top of page: Damyang Juknokwon; Above: Gwanmae-do Naver


EAEP Fundraiser at New York in the Kitchen uesday, June 2nd was a day of democratic action in Korea – a day during which many Koreans cast their votes for the leaders they hoped to elect to or maintain in office – and many people didn’t work that day. Andrea Hildebrand and Trevor Homeniuk consequently decided to exercise ‘a little democratic action’ of their own in the evening prior: they hosted a very successful fundraiser for EAEP – their environmental awareness education program – knowing full well that folks could enjoy a weeknight out together but still get adequate rest the following day.


The event was held in New York in the Kitchen’s warm and candle-lit gallery café. Andrea and Trevor played three live sets of acoustic, mostly original music, and their drummer, Mike Begin, joined them from Busan to play two sets on conga drums. A grand total of 850,000 won was raised and seventy-five people came out to support Andrea and Trevor.

really appreciated having a fun, creative, social night out. We appreciated it, too.” The evening was such a success, in fact, that Andrea and Trevor have decided to host a similar event in the fall – Beanstock! – and they hope you will come out and join them then for a second fun evening of music, art, and positive energy in support of positive change. “I hope to see you then!” Andrea concluded. By Andrea Hildebrand and Hughie Samson


ved vol If you are interested in getting n I et involved with EAEP in the meantime, to G

however, Andrea reports that she and Trevor are always looking for “some awesome humans” to help them with a number of tasks, including: fabricating workbooks and teaching materials; helping to promote their work and develop a website; fundraising; and even teaching. “If you have skills,” Andrea says, “we can use them.”

Twenty-two of Andrea’s original environmental illustrations were also featured and sold at the show. Wine and beer was sold too. Several of Andrea and Trevor’s friends donated food, as well as a number of generous local businesses. Giving people in the community volunteered their time and effort to set up the space beforehand, clean it up afterwards, serve food and drinks and sell art during the event, and many people made personal financial donations as well.

Please don’t hesitate to contact her or Trevor via phone (Andrea: 010.9198.4771, Trevor: 010.9370.8883), email (Andrea: andybrand9@gmail.com, Trevor: thomeniuk@gmail.com), or on Facebook. They would love to hear from you, work with you, and expand their program. They can also always benefit from financial donations in order to sustain their work, and if you want to make a contribution to their program, you can do so through their GIC-sponsored account.

“The evening wouldn’t have been nearly so successful had people not been so incredibly generous in so many incredible ways!” said Andrea.

To make a charitable donation: 019-107-329298 광주은행 Kwangju Bank (Depositor: 광주국제교류센터, Gwangju International Centre)

She continued: “Hosting the event was so much fun and we were so touched by all of the support and encouragement we received from our peers to pursue our interests in environmental activism and education and art and music! Many folks who attended told us that they

For more information about EAEP, please see: * June’s Gwangju News * EAEP’s Facebook Group * EAEP’s Google Site: http://sites.google.com/site/eaepgreenseed/ * www.gwangjublog.com/429

Gwangju News July 2010



Black Eagles Soar in Gwangju 2010 Space Challenge


t the 2010 Space Challenge, the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) sent its elite airmen, known as the Black Eagles, to the skies to show off their finetuned acrobatic precision flying to an invited group of guests at their home base in Gwangju. The Gwangju ROKAF Base was the home of the only flying units during the Korean War, and still carries the moniker “First and Best.” The local base has certainly come a long way since its 20 planes flew in the fifties, and many of the retired heroes from that conflict were on hand to witness Commander Lt. Colonel Lee Chun-hee’s crack group put on a series of fly-bys that was memorable. When GIC Board member Kang Dong-won invited my family to this event I was immediately reminded of the time, in my youth that I saw the US Air Force Thunderbirds and later on, when the Navy’s Blue Angels came into town. I wondered if this group was going to be able to even come close to either of those two, and indeed they were great in their Korean-made T-50 jets. The T-50s top out at a speed of Mach 1.5; that’s 1.5 times the speed of sound. Since Mach 1 is 717 miles per hour or 1195 kilometers per hour, Mach 1.5 is 1075 miles per hour, fast enough to scare the daylights out of the crowd when a 30

Gwangju News July 2010

plane, not in formation, flies solo, about 75 meters above the ground and comes in from behind the base at a supersonic clip, causing a full sonic boom. This stunt was performed about two-thirds of the way through a series of acrobatic maneuvers that showed both the pilots and the aircraft to be quite capable. It was a family day for many airmen, as pre-air show antics included rubber-band propelled models by airmen and guests of all ages. The ROKAF band also played, and a thankfully brief group of speakers spoke. A moment of silence for the Cheonan sailors was observed. Then the large crowd watched as 23 fly-bys dazzled with corkscrews, difficult formations, barrel rolls, and even stunts in which, after flying upside down near the ground, two planes veered off, made a sharp turn and then came straight at each other (missing of course) but in the middle of difficult turns. Any civilian would be a little bit shocked by how close the planes came, and the daily training paid off with a very entertaining show. After touchdown Commander Lee instructed the pilots to sign autographs, and he sat with families in a relaxed atmosphere for lunch. He instructed Lieutenant Rhee Woo-kyung, chief of the Black Eagles Promotion Office, to field questions, and that interview follows:


Left: Black Eagles Commader Lee with a young fan. Doug Stuber; Right, and facing page: Black Eagles in action. Black Eagles PR Team

What year were the Black Eagles founded? The first Korea air show was performed in 1953 with four F-51s shortly after the Korean war was brought to a cease fire. In 1962, the first Korean Aerobatic team the Blue Sabres was founded with F-86 aircraft. Later, in 1967 the team reformed with the new jets (F-5s) with the new title Black Eagles. What was it like participating with the U.S. Thunderbirds in Seoul, and when did it happen? ADEX 2009, with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds (was) very significant because it was the first debut after the Black Eagles switched to the T-50 jet. Participating with the Thunderbirds, it was a great honor to have some experience with one of the best air show teams in the world. Plus, it was meaningful in terms of the relationship between Korea and the U.S. Air Force proving we are strong and reliable allies to each other. Space Challenge 2010 was a great success...when is the next air show planned for the Gwangju Air Force base? Another air show at the Gwangju base has not planned yet. But if anyone would like to watch Black Eagles practice, the Black Eagles public promotions office is willing to receive contacts through the e-mail or by phone. What are the greatest challenges when flying in formation? The most important matter when flying in formation is trust. There is only one foot between each aircraft in formation. So pilots should be aware that if one falls, the rest will follow. Pilots must trust teammates' hands holding the control sticks, risking their lives for each other. As one team, pilots should be able to read each

other's mind. All Black Eagles pilots are required to practice ABSOLUTE TEAMWORK. That's why we've been always shouting "Black Eagles, Teamwork!� as the team slogan. How often does the team practice? The team practices approximately 60 minutes per day. And it occurs almost every day unless we face uncertain circumstances such as weather problems. Has the team performed outside Korea? Not yet. That's one thing that the team dreams of. What are the strengths of the T-50 fighter jets? First of all, T-50 is made with Korean technologies. Before that, Black Eagles have been using F-86, F-5, and A-37. Pilots always wished to fly with home-created aircraft and dream came true. T-50 has an engine that allows the aircraft to fly at supersonic speed which makes it one of the best aircraft in the world. Now with eight T50 aircraft, the Black Eagles air shows have become faster, louder and stronger. What is the average number of years of experience among the Black Eagles pilots? Number of flight hours? Pilots have approximately 10 years of experiences. The minimum flight hours required to become the Black Eagles is 1000 hours or more. Some pilots have even more than 2000 hours of flight experiences so I would say it would be around 1500 hours average. If the GIC can put a group together, a simple phone call can get that group out to the Air Force base to see a practice. Who’s up for it? By Doug Stuber

Gwangju News July 2010


Korea Experience

Music as Comfort Food Reflections on the transition from old home to new home, and the soundtrack that accompanies it

Pop. Sugary sweet in flavour, bubblegum in appearance and definitely vegetarian in substance, possibly even vegan. Sadly, it doesn’t grab me. I’m sure there’s a plethora of K Pop that I haven’t come into contact with; artists that take influence from experiences in Korea’s history, landscapes and rich cultural tapestry, and sonically create an amalgamation that would make the hairs on the most partial music critic’s neck stand on end. Please introduce me to this as I haven’t come into contact with it. This is hardly surprising as I spend six days a week in the company of children and my main musical reference points in this country are 6 year olds, TV commercials and phone shop entrances. These are never a good outlet for stimulating audio. At home the acts involved in the corporate “coffee girlism” of their produce, rarely have any artistic input into the outcome of their music.


Their polished inoffensive image is created for the sole purpose of gaining capital and reflects what I have come into contact with in Korea, which is quite possibly why I have little interest in it. I have always considered myself well schooled in the language of modern pop music, a geek if you will, who spends much free time on the hunt for different audio treats and international flavours to tickle my taste buds. Under my oversized belt I have aromatic aromas from India, seductive snacks from Scandinavia, French fancies, Balkan bangers… the list goes on (even a few bytes from the little known USA). So why is it that from the entry into South Korea that the only music I’m devouring is from home, the grey shores of England? To pigeon hole that tiny morsel further I barely stray from a single genre.

Grey apartments on a gloomy day match the mood of an isolated cultre-shocked newcomer in the city ....


Gwangju News July 2010

Korea Experience

My first notion was that the sounds were acting as comfort food, in the absence of fish and chips, marmite and roast potatoes I was finding relief in a certain flavour from home that I could digest from Gwangju. All I need is an iPod. The music genre in question is home grown and organically nurtured but like all good things, too much just isn’t good for you. The over consumption of jungle was making it as bland audibly as the apartment blocks I can see from my window are visually, but yet I still couldn’t stop. I was ruining the music for myself. On arrival into Gwangju in the depths of winter one thing that was apparent was the initial gloomy cityscape. Row after row of identical apartment blocks in their uniform grey and little sign of greenery – even the vehicles on the road are white/black/silver But after readjusting and settling in, moods changes to match the uplifting blooming only broken up by odd yellow flowers in spring school bus. I am of course only summer without jerk chicken, a hangover can’t be referring to the one area that I now happily refer to as cured without a prawn bhuna, and bolognaise is such a home, but on entrance this was quite a significant good winter warmer. I think that now it’ll be a bigger culture shock. After a brief spell of travelling a small shock to leave Korean cuisine behind when I go back. amount of Asia, I was quite aware of the homogenous nature of many Asian countries yet actually settling With the spring weather came trips out of the city to down in one was still quite a surprise. The apparent local natural hotspots, such as the ubiquitous shock of seeing a copper-topped waeguk by the locals Mudeungsan at which I was simply left with jaw resting could get a bit much, especially when finding most upon my knees at the beautiful views. Then, without daily experiences alien I was now made to truly feel thought, the soundtrack to my days evolved. like one. I was in need of some home comfort; so on Mudeungsan was peppered with hip hop, Mokpo with a rolls another jungle mix. touch or Norwegian folk and before I knew it (following a couple of sojus) I was doing the Balkan hot step with Then something sensational occurred. Sun. Not only the Mrs. Fantastic. I have an eclectic musical intake that, something equally great followed. Blossom. Then again. As Gwangju has warmed to me and me to it, the greenery. The city seemed to literally grow before my need for any home comforts evaporates and I’m back to eyes, the cold harsh landscape from my 14th floor testing myself musically. Whether I’m shopping to window was awash with colour; pinks, greens and reds wonky electronica or running to a soundtrack of within no time at all. I was also coming accustomed to wholesome bluegrass it’s clear that I’m not only occasional street-side covert glare and loving the comfortable in my surroundings but appreciating cheerful ‘hello’ that can be heard seasoning the walk to them. I’m also looking forward to finding some work from local children wanting to practice their substantial local sounds to digest. At this rate I’ll be a English with me. The food, never an issue, became 2PM fan in no time. Or maybe not. second nature. I don’t miss the food from home, only the availability of multicultural dishes – summer isn’t

By Alex Colmer Gwangju News July 2010



Kwangju Bank here are many regional banks throughout Korea, such as Busan Bank, Daegu Bank, etc. Kwangju Bank is the local bank in Gwangju and it is doing many things for regional development. To have responsibility to society and contribute to public welfare, Kwangju Bank manages a lot of social welfare facilities, a scholarship committee and weightlifting club. They also sponsor local organization and festival.


In June 2008, the president of Kwangju Bank, Song Ki-jin was appointed newly and made the motto ‘to be super regional bank developing with local community’. Under his management philosophies, Kwangju Bank is representing local society very well.

local soccer teams, Sangmu Phoenix and Jeonnam Dragons. Also we are volunteering and sponsoring regularly at KBJ Love Center and other Social Services. The members of the staff are participating these volunteering activities.”

For more information we met with the representative of community contribution department, Jun-won Kim. Before the major interview, we asked him to introduce himself. “First of all, it is the first time to be an interviewee like this because my duties are publicity and contribution. I often write for magazines related to publicizing CEO’s and improving images of Kwangju Bank. The president of the bank, Song Ki-jin, reorganized the group departments and made the community contribution department. With existing publicizing duty the community contribution department undertakes an important assignment to take the responsibility a local bank should have for society. The president always thinks companies have to contribute to the community. So my major job is handling all the things to do with publicity and contribution.”

Next, we asked about special activities for foreign residents. He said long ago he had a plan targeted at foreign children and visited Gwangju International Center and international school, but the conditions to achieve that plan were not enough to do it so he had to give it up. “If there are good conditions to make plans for foreign residents, Kwangju Bank wants to achieve more plans,” he said. However Kwangju Bank is making an effort for multicultural families holding events and helping them. Honorary ambassadors for Kwangju Bank donated air conditioners to multicultural families and Kwangju Bank invited multicultural families on Children’s Day.

We asked him for some examples of the programs for the local region? “There are lots of programs for the region,” he told us. “For example, Kwangju Bank has sponsored Biennale Festival, which is a well-known festival in Asia, and so far we have donated around five billion won. Besides that, Kwangju Bank always supports local festivals held in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do such as Design Biennale, the Universiade and the 2012 Yeosu Expo. Thus Kwangju Bank is sponsoring big events in the region. Also, by holding contests to award people or companies who are being active in environmental issues, we promote environmental protection. We also think of the convenience of local residents and build facilities such as bus stations in the region. In sports we are supporting

Last, we asked about the vision of Kwangju Bank. “That is not my part but I can explain the vision of the president,” explained Kim. “Kwangju Bank will walk forward to be the well-thought-of bank. The aim of Kwangju Bank is to reach the status of the hundredth best bank in the world in 2050. To improve an environment of work and connections with the region, we are doing improving our management style.” The Kwangju Bank is contributing to social community as a representative local bank. As having responsibility for the region, they are making an effort to improve, and working to their ideal, the hundredth best bank in the world. By Moon Ha-young, Cho Jee-young Ha-young is a senior student at law department, Jee-young is a sophomore student at English language and literature department at Chonnam National University. Photo from Kwangju Bank (www.kjbank.com)


Gwangju News July 2010

International Garden Expo 2013

Suncheon: A First Class ‘GREEN’ City L

ocated in the southern part of South Korea, Suncheon City is a small urban-rural city with a population of 270,000. The city is spread over an area of 907km2 of which 70% is mountainous. It is a popular place for living as it offers spectacular nature (mountains, fields, lakes and the sea). It also offers a wide variety of local products. As an eco-city, Suncheon is blessed with three rivers, the Dongcheon, Okcheon and Isacheon, all three of which run through the downtown area. Suncheon Bay (a protected wetland area just outside the city) is accredited as one of the world's five shorewetlands. In 2006 it was registered with the Ramsar Convention which became a first for South Korea. Within Korea it was designated as 'Beautiful National Site No.41.' On October 26, 2008 Suncheon hosted the Ramsar International NGO Conference. More than 150 people from 50 different countries participated. Suncheon Bay is seen as a natural-ecosystem-treasure. It’s a region formed by a field of reeds that reaches out for more than 21km2 into the wide shore of Korea’s South Sea. It is home to 200 kinds of birds and 120 different species of salt plants as well as a variety of fish and shellfish. Summer at Suncheon Bay Suncheon Bay is a very popular eco tourism destination. As many as 2,600,000 people visit the Bay every year. Suncheon’s goals are to transform itself into the Ecological Capital of Korea and to be ranked as one of the most green cities of the world. To be able to do this the City has set clear goals to preserve Suncheon Bay as a natural heritage for future generations. The City also decided to host the International Garden Expo in 2013. This Expo will focus on green industry

development such as solar energy, sustainable garden development and electronic transportation. It hopes that through the Garden Expo it can transform Suncheon Bay from a local tourist attraction into an international, world-class, tourist destination. This, the city hopes, will result in an increase of available job opportunities for local women and senior citizens. The Garden Expo will be held over a period of six months, starting April 20, 2013 and finishing on October 20, 2013. Suncheon is also setting out to enhance the quality of life for its citizens. It started to implement Carbon Level Monitoring Systems so that citizens can benefit from reduced city carbon levels. Every school in the city, from primary to high school, has started a 1-hour environmental awareness class per week, and on Saturdays, organic flea markets are held in the downtown area. The city is currently in the process of developing four huge public parks. This will include the area set aside for the Garden Expo. As a prominent area of the South Coast of Korea, Suncheon’s goal is to maintain a pleasant urban environment that will correspond positively to climate change caused by global warming. The city seeks to establish sustainable, economic progress by enhancing the skills and abilities of all its citizens. This means the development of progressive health policies, first class global-education, and a supportive, convenient residential environment. Please join me, and the citizens of Suncheon in stepping into our ‘garden.’ Together we can make it one of the best green places on the planet. By Na Ok-hyeon Suncheon City: International Cooperation Manager The 2013 Garden Expo Team Photo by Suncheon City

Gwangju News July 2010



Korean Easy-Cook Recipe




n Korea, the word ‘Byeolmi’, signifies a distinct special flavor, and is commonly used when talking about seasonal or regional food. Korea as well as other countries has special food to enjoy depending on the season, in particular, foods to eat during the hot summer. Anyone can frequently see the word ‘Kongmulguksu’ written on restaurant doors in the streets these days. This ‘Kongmulguksu’ is Korean typical delicacy for hot summer. ‘Kongmulguksu’ translates as cold bean soup noodles in English. As the name indicates, this food is made by adding noodles into a cold ground bean soup. The beans used in ‘Kongmulguksu’ are believed to reduce sweat, so are particularly suitable for summer when we sweat a lot. Moreover, ‘Kongmulguksu’ is easy to cook at home as a meal to revive losing appetite because of fever. Although one method to overcome the summer heat is to eat hot food like ‘Samgyetang’ (Chicken soup with ginseng), as the Korean saying goes: “Iyeol chiyeol” (以熱治熱 – fight fire with fire) but we have to eat cool food such as ‘Kongmulguksu’ for enjoying a cool summer. If you are tired of ‘Naengmyeon’, try ‘Kongmulguksu’ instead and have a cool and pleasant summer! Story and photos by Kim Mi-so Kim Mi-so is a sophomore majoring in English literature at Chonnam National University.

How to make Kongmulguksu

(serves 2 - 3 people)

Things to Prepare: a boiling pan, a bowl, blender, sieve, noodle 500g, beans 200g, 5 cup of water a cucumber, salt and sugar Cooking Method: 1. Keep beans soaked in water for a day 2. Peel soaked beans and boil in a boiling pan for 5 minute. 3. Pour the beans with 5 cup of water into a blender and grind it finely. 4. Strain ground bean soup through a sieve. 5. Boil the noodles in a boiling pan. 6. Rinse the noodles in cold water. 7. Thinly slice the cucumber. 8. Put the noodles in a bowl and pour into ground bean soup. 9. Put salt or sugar depending on your taste and decorate with sliced cucumber.


Gwangju News July 2010

KoreaMaria: Food Critic

Cabane 카방 Good Lunch sets 15-17,000 won Course sets: 37-49,000 won (as well as several other set menus 38-85,000 won) Tenderloins, cutlets, pizza, pasta, risotto, seafood. (1337,000 won) Extensive drink menu: coffees, teas (herbal & medicinal), shakes, smoothies, alcohol – from beer to cognac. Buses 1, 45, 47, 59 Tel: 062-682-4503 or 010-9269-5980 Pungam-dong, Pungam Ji-gu JeoSuJi, Seo-gu 광주 서구 풍암동 풍암지구 저수지 (across from Pungam Resevoir, nearest landmark: World Cup Stadium)

The décor is inspired mountain cabin – an A-frame of pine plank ceilings and walls and huge pine tree girders. Two floors are arranged for pseudo private space with loveseats or couches of embroidered corduroy. Lovely look-outs onto Pungam Reservoir across; try to time your visit to catch a lovely sunset over the water. The staff are very friendly, speak English, and are very eager to provide a high-end dining experience to match the prices on the menu. Well, I went in for French food, but the menu read like any “Western” restaurant – meat, seafood (lobster, king prawn), pasta, pizza. I ordered the one French item on the menu – chateaubriand – in a course set. It is not to be missed! Tender and glazed perfectly in its own juices and served with broccoli, carrots and four different kinds of mushroom. My appetizer was a beautiful-to-look-at, delicious-to-eat slice of eel sushi, braised in soy with tiny slivers of fresh ginger on top. My first course of salmon and lobster – a mixed experience. The salmon steak was fantastic - a warm, fresh taste without even a hint of fishiness. The lobster was overcooked and rubbery. But the sauces. Mon Dieu. The saucier outdid herself. I hate sauces – usually because sauce in Korea means the glutinous, sweet dongkas sauce or the ubiquitous honey mustard. But at Cabane, the salmon was dressed with a lovely warm herbal sour cream sauce. And while the lobster wasn’t divine, the sauce was. I had one of those moments where I was transported across space and time to Mike Anderson’s on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. The lobster was covered in the most exquisite shrimp etouffee sauce I’ve had since my university days in Nawlins. The in-between stages – bread, vegetable soup (with tarragon!), fruit salad, wine or juice to drink, coffee or green tea (proper, loose green tea steeped at your table) and a simple but elegant ending of fresh fruit, exotic fruit jellies (mango with almond and another of pineapple with walnut), as well as a ddeok covered chilled mousse. Expensive but worth the experience. The salmon steak and the chateaubriand can be ordered separately. Whenever you are craving a sunset view and a sauce that is not honey mustard, you can indulge yourself in a wonderful dose of food love created by the chef and staff at Cabane. By Maria Lisak at Gwangju University Gwangju News July 2010




Gwangju News July 2010

Upcoming Events

The Questioner, The Outcast and The White Adjumma It is a tri-part exhibition featuring visual artist L.A.White from New Zealand and two Canadian artists John McMartin and Sarah Helen Epp. John will show his potteries like tea pot and dishes that he made recently in Korea. L.A.White and Sarah will show their paintings which express their experiences in Korea.

Exhibition Period: July 3th – July 17th, 2010 Opening with Artists Talk: July 3th (Sat) at 3 pm at the GAIA Gallery, GIC John McMartin My work is, paradoxically, organic and architectural in nature. I start from basic shapes and concepts and allow the work to grow and have a life of its own. Mistakes and happy accidents often produce some of my best results. For me, art is about process; most of the time it is a rather meditative experience and, occasionally, a struggle. I rarely start with a message in mind and when I do it usually goes through a metamorphosis or becomes muddied. In the end, I want to hear your opinion. Like it or hate it, as long as there’s a reaction I’ve done my job as an artist.

L. A. White As a ‘foreign’,white woman, I find both Koreans and Westerners are often surprised to learn my boyfriend is Korean. Although many are happy for us, we have experienced negative reactions to our intercultural relationship. I am confronted by, and in these paintings I confront, others’attitudes to intercultural relationships, both personal and global. My paintings are inspired by three main ideas: 백마 타다 (To ride the White Horse), 피를 섞 는 게 아니다 (Don’t mix the blood) and 백인 아줌마 (A White Adjumma in Korea?) John’s work: Teapot

Sarah Helen Epp Essentially, I like to make art that is funny. I believe if someone can laugh, they can connect. My craft reflects a strong interest in human manipulation of the natural world. My current body of work entitled the "Restaurant Logo Series" explores the themes of food production and representation. L.A. White’s painting “여 보 (Yeobo) Husband and Wife” Restaurant advertising is used as a main source of imagery. The second series called“Manufactured Solutions for a Dying Planet”is a series of digitally manipulated drawings which darkly illustrates the collision of manufactured culture and the natural world. Sarah’s Prosthetics for Sharks Manufactured Solutions for a Dying Planet

Gwangju News July 2010


Upcoming Events

Festival Pucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

July 15 - 25, 2010 Bucheon City Hall auditorium, Gyeonggi-do Website: www.pifan. com (Korean, English) Ticket Reservations: www.pifan.com/ eng/ information/03_foreign_audience .asp This year PiFan, which is celebrating its 14th anniversary, has announced a bold program, taking another leap forward in the festival’s development. The festival will select new innovative movies as well as controversial movies, and the program is expected to attract a large audience. Special programs on the Pifan 2010 program include ‘Family Fanta’, screening movies for all audiences; ‘Ani Fanta’, one of the most popular programs which shows unique animated films; and the Special Program, which shows retrospectives of selected directors. Most of the events will take place at the Boksagol Cultural Center, however, there will also be screenings at the Primus Sopoong Multiplex, which is located in Pucheon Bus Terminal. As well as the movie screenings, the Fantastic Concert, Fantastic Book Fair, and various other events will also be held, making the festival a great event for Pucheon’s citizens and for tourists. 40

Gwangju News July 2010

Boryeong Mud Festival July 17 - July 25, 2010 Daecheon Beach in Boryeong, Chungcheongnam-do Boryeong Mud Festival will be held at Daecheon swimming beach, there is a unique shell-powered sandy beach only found in Eastern countries. So, you may swim and massage with a mudpack at the same time. Furthermore, there are Mud massage programs (self massage at the Beach, ultramodern mud massage) and Mud Experiential Land program using mud powder made through the processing procedure, that is, we gather mud from pure plain and remove all impurities. There are many events such as mud wrestling, mud king contest, mud fireworks fantasy and mud sliding. There will also be a photo competition in which past members have come in first place. Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival July 23 - 25, 2010 Baeoseok-dong Dream Park, Incheon Admission fee: Ticket for 1 day 50,000 won, Ticket for 2 days 70,000 won, Ticket for 3 days 90,000 won W e b s i t e : www.pifan.com (Korean, English) Ticket Reservations: http://ticket. interpark.com (Korean) - English & Japanese Booking +82-2-7830114 Transportation: By subway: get off at Songnae Station. Exit to the North Square direction, then take shuttle bus to Koryo Hotel. W e b s i t e : pentaportrock.com The Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival will run one main stage and one smaller stage, where all of the outside concerts can be thoroughly enjoyed

by everyone. Many famous rock stars from home and abroad are expected to perform exhilarating and exciting concerts during the festival. A laser show is also prepared to make the stage more splendid and entertaining. In addition, the Incheon Promotion Center and the Corporate Promotion Center will be operated to introduce the tourism and culture of Incheon. Not only various pieces of information can be obtained for traveling around Incheon, but specific routes for a tour in Incheon can also be suggested. A digital exhibition and a Korean cultural hall are

Upcoming Events

also planned for visitors to understand Korean culture on a broad-scale.

The Lotus Industry Festival of Korea Muan, 2010

In the cultural hall, which promotes the Korean Wave(Hallyu), photos, video images, and personal belongings of famous Korean actors and pop musicians will be exhibited. A souvenir shop will be opened for purchasing rock festival souvenirs, Incheon tourism souvenirs, or Korean Wave souvenirs. There will be a ‘Food Zone’ in which visitors can taste various kinds of dishes, which will be located inside of the venue.

Between Lyricism and Passion July 7, 2010 from 7:30p.m Gwangju Art and Culture Center (Small Theater) Admission: 10,000 - 20,000 won (5,000won for Students)

Jisan Valley Rock Festival

July 30 - August 1, 2010 Jisan Forest Ski Resort (90 minutes drive from downtown Seoul) Admission fee: 3-day pass: 176,000 won, 2-day pass: 143,000 won, 1-day pass: 99,000 won Ticket purchase: M-Net (02-371-8383). Ticket reservation: jisan2010@cj.net Website: www.valleyrockfestival.com This festival is held to praise music and youth as well as to enjoy nature. One of its main purpose is the environmental conservation. The festival runs under the slogan ‘Go Rock, Go Green’. Visitors can meet new music and artists both from Korea and abroad and have a wonderful memory of outdoor performance and DIY camp. Making a reservation is a must to participate in this festival.

Frank Wildhorn, brings you music that will move you from within! A live orchestra that doubles the theater experience. This musical is based on the novel ‘MonteCristo’ written by Alexandre Duma. This story is about the one man who was falsely accused by his rivals and tried to get revenge on them. Love, ambition, betrayal, success, revenge, reconciliation all of these were included in this huge story.

August 5 - August 8, 2010 Heosan Baekryun-ji, Muan Heosan Baekryun Ji is a 100,000 pyeong sized reservoir built during the dark times of Japanese colonization. Initially, it served to provide irrigation to adjacent agricultural lands, but as the richer irrigation waters of the Young San River viaduct began to flow, its function as a reservoir declined and it has since become a wild habitat for White Magnolias. Since the lotus blooms with clear flowers amidst the muddy waters, it has long since been a traditional symbol of Buddhism representing enlightenment, the state of nirvana, and the Buddhist concept of eternal life. Source: tour2korea.com

Musical ‘Mom’ July 10, 2010 from 6:00p.m July 11, 2010 from 2:00p.m, 6:00p.m Gwangju Art and Culture Center (Grand Theater) Admission: 55,000 - 88,000 won Leeeunmi 20th Anniversary Concert July 10, 2010 from 3:00p.m, 7:00p.m Mokpo Citizen Culture and Physical Center (Grand Theater) Admission: 66,000 - 88,000 won Cherry Blossom Hill June 18 - July 17, 2010 Friday 7:30p.m / Saturday 4:00p.m, 7:30p.m (No concert in July 17, 2010 at 7:30p.m) Admission: 20,000 won


Performances Musical ‘Monte Cristo’ July 16, 2010 from 8:00p.m July 17, 2010 from 3:00p.m, 7:30p.m July 18, 2010 from 3:00p.m Gwangju Art and Culture Center (Grand Theater) Admission: 60,000 - 120,000 won The composer of <JEKYLL & HYDE>,

Play With Picture Book June 3 - 0ctober 3, 2010 Children Gallery, Gwangju Museum of Art Contact: 062-613 -7144 This exhibition provides experience programs of art class for children. And provide lecturing for them about the work of art in picture book.

Gwangju News July 2010


Upcoming Events

Augury of Resonating Music June 8 - August 19, 2010 Main Hall 5, 6, Gwangju Museum of Art

6. A Single man Genre: Drama Director: Tom Ford Starring: Colin Firth, Julianne Moore Running time: 101 minutes Language: English

Group – smart mob’s June 16 - 23, 2010 Lotte Gallery This exhibition shows the existence worth of human beings. This exhibition’s subject is a large group of people.

Movie info from: http://cafe.naver.com/cinemagwangju.c afe (Korean language only) Please check the website for showing time.

One Fine Day June 15 - July 18, 2010 Sian Gallery Contact: 062-570-2334


Solar Eclipse June 24 - July 31, 2010 Jary Art Gallery Contact: 062-225-4003

KIA Tigers Baseball Team Match Schedule Venue: Gwangju Mudeung Stadium (Baseball Field) 무등경기장 Buses 16, 38, 51, 53, 58, 89, 95, 98, 151 get off Mudeung Stadium bus stop Taxi direction: go to 무 등 경 기 장 (Mudeung Gyeonggijang gajuseyo.) Advance Purchase: www.ticketlink.co.kr or 1588-7980

Movies At Gwangju Theater Chungjangno 5-ga (two blocks back behind Migliore) Phone: (062) 224-5858 Films change weekly to bi-weekly. Shows films from several different countries. Korean subtitles available for all international movies. Check online for calendar and prices. Admission fee: 7,000 won, 18,000 won for 3 films Now Showing (6/24~7/7) 1. Hahaha (하하하) Genre: Drama, Comedy Director: Hong Sang-su Starring: Kim Sang-kyung, Yu Junsang, Mun So-ri, Ye Ji-won Running Time: 115 minutes Language: Korean 2. Poetry (시) Genre : Drama Director : Lee Chang-dong Starring : Yoon Jung-hee, Kim Hee-la, Lee Da-wit Running time: 139 minutes Language : Korean


Gwangju News July 2010

Clockwise from top left: Hahaha; Poetry; Dear Doctor; A Single Man; North Face; A Little Pond

3. A Little Pond (작은 연못) Genre : War, Drama Director : Lee Sang-woo Starring : Moon Sung-geun, Kim Rueiha, Lee Dae-yeon Running time: 86 minutes Language : Korean 4. Dear Doctor (우리 의사 선생님) Genre : Drama Director : Miwa Nishikawa Starring : Tsurube Shofukutei, Eita Running time: 127 minutes Language : Japanese 5. Nordwand (North Face) Genre : Adventure, Drama Director : Philipp Stolzl Starring : Benno Furmann, Florian Lukas Running time: 126 minutes Language : English

Ticket Price: Adults 7,000 - 12,000 won Students (13-18 years old): 4,000 - 9,000 won Children (under 13 years old): 2,000 - 6,000 won There will be no match for the month of Time Date Match Team 1st 9th 10th 11th 16th 17th 18th 20th 21st 22nd

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Gwangju Sangmu Soccer Team Match Schedule July.

Community Board/ GIC News

Community Board Gwangju Artist Collective We are a group of artists and art lovers. We meet up about once or twice a month at the GIc for workshops, discussions and community art events. Look for us on Facebook or send an e-mail to gic-artist-collective @googlegroups.com Sung Bin Orphanage Sung Bin Orphanage is looking for creative/ active/ energetic/ outgoing/ enthusiastic long-term volunteers to join in our regular Saturday program. We would like you to give at least two Saturdays per month. As well as being a friend, you will be asked to teach

basic English to girls aged 7 to 14. Meet every Saturday at 1.30 p.m. in front of downtown Starbucks. All are welcome. For more volunteering information please contact Al Barnum at: al_barnum@yahoo.com. Gwangju Men’s Soccer The Gwangju international soccer team plays regularly most weekends. If you are interested in playing, e-mail: gwangju_soccer@yahoo.com. Apostolate to Migrants Center Address: 969-10 Wolgok-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

Phone: 062) 954-8004 Buses: 18, 20, 29, 37, 40, 98, 196, 700, 720 Get off at Wolgok market bus stop. Mass: Every Sunday at 3 p.m. at Wolgok-dong Catholic Church Gwangju Ice Hockey Team Looking for men and women of all ages to join us every Saturday night from 7:30 to 9 at Yeomju Ice Rink near World Cup Stadium. If you are interested, contact either Andrew Dunne at atdunne@gmail.com or Chris Wilson at kreeco@rogers.com

GIC News Gwangju News: Contribute articles or photos. Edit or proofread. Assist with Gwangju News website. Assist with distribution (letter shop, delivery and promotion). Contact Jon Ozelton or Kim Min-su: gwangjunews@gmail.com or Maria Lisak gwangjumaria@yahoo.com GIC Talk: Presenters needed for the weekly GIC Talk, held Saturday at 3:00 at the GIC. Topics negotiable. Contact Kim Sing-sing gwangjuic@gmail.com H o m e s t a y : Looking for host families for international students and visitors. Contact Kim Minsu gwangjuic@gmail.com International students and visitors looking for homestay, also contact Kim Min-su gwangjuic@gmail.com Volunteers: Volunteers needed for various programs. Contact Kim Tae-hyoung gwangjuic@gmail.com Interns: Internships available for various programs. Contact Kim Sing-sing gwangjuic@gmail.com

Promotional Team: Please share your social media skills. Promote GIC and GIC related programs, projects and events. Contact Kim Sing-sing for details gwangjuic@gmail.com Volunteer Encouragement Team: Help us say thank you. We need volunteers to say thanks virtually through our website, blog, and e-mail. Contact Maria Lisak gwangjumaria@yahoo.com Counseling: Please help us help our community. We are looking for pro bono experts in law, labor, mediation, domestic violence intervention and counseling, substance abuse recovery, mental health support, pension, insurance and financial counseling. Contact Karina Prananto giccounseling@gmail.com Bridges – Connect the Gwangju International Community: Afternoon on 2nd Sunday of every month visit an NGO to introduce GIC and get to know those who use other organizations such as the Migrants Center. Contact gwangjuic@gmail.com. Gwangju News July 2010




Gwangju News July 2010


Gwangju News July 2010



Gwangju News July 2010

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Gwangju News July 2010


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