Kaieteur News

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Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news 1978 change to Article 73 of the 1966 Addressing a grave problem with Constitution bestowed authority on Parliament development programmes for constitutional amendments The proliferation of illicit buyback programme with DEAR EDITOR, There is no doubt that we have witnessed an upsurge in violent crime, especially gun crime since the 2000. So grave is the problem, it has not escaped the attention of President David Granger, his cabinet and the security forces. As it relates to the proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) any planned initiative must simultaneously address supply reduction and demand reduction. Moreover, there must be stricter mechanisms governing legitimate firearms. These should include: inspection and compliance, custom supervision, end-use monitoring and verification, investigation in event of violation and prosecution of violation.

SALW has its origin in legal flow of weapons. Therefore, the origin of every illicit weapon confiscated by the law enforcement agencies should be established. This will allow policy makers to develop and implement relevant policies to combat this scourge. The UN Register of Conventional Arms allows for transparency in the transfer of arms. Hence, it is easy to detect at what stage weapons enter the illicit domain. Supply-side disarmament intervention primarily serves to remove illicit weapons from the hands of criminal and other individuals. For example, in Brazil the Disarmament Statute facilitated the voluntary collection of small arms and revolved around a weapon

amnesty. At the end of the exercise there was an 11% decrease in firearm-related deaths in Rio de Janerio (Dreyfus et al 2008). Nevertheless, success of such initiatives is highly dependent upon building trust and public confidence which can be fostered by the broadening and widening of the democratic process and the reformation of the state security apparatus, judicial and penal system to better serve the citizens. Another intervention method is the “Consent to Search” which was launched in St Louis, Michigan, USA 1994 to 1996. It involved law enforcement agency searching the homes of known young criminal elements with the consent of Continued on page 6

DEAR EDITOR, I was most instructed by a presentation caught partly on TV recently, which reported on a workshop that appeared to have been coordinated by the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) on the topic of the development of small ruminants, i.e. sheep and goats. One reason I reacted at first hearing was the mention of the Agency IICA – InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. I could not help but recall working with this organisation some years ago, both in a project which examined the potential for agro-tourism in the Caribbean and Suriname; and in the joint conduct of a regional workshop which focused on the development of swine. The outputs may have been lost in the passage of time. It was nevertheless heartening to learn of the vitality of the GLDA, whose establishment was the outcome of an IDB-funded consultancy project in which I participated with others. We have always since wondered about the efficacy of the GLDA, aware as we all were

of the manner in which recommendations of the consultancy were misimplemented. Notwithstanding, snippets shown of the various presentations (including PowerPoint) made a good impression. So also did the feedback from respective group rapporteurs. With my professional cap I kept wondering about the follow-through action that will be taken. Would there emerge a cohesive plan for say, the next five years, with specific targets for the institution and farmers respectively to achieve? One wondered about the capacity to deliver the support services that would be needed across the country. There were tentative references to percentages of farmers big and small; but this listener could not detect explicit reference to hard numbers – of either farmers or animals and where located.

The latter is a reflection which has haunted me ever since the extended consultancy project some five years ago. The Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture which has since transitioned into the GLDA, either could not, or would not, provide necessary statistics about the respective populations of animals and farmers and their locations on a map of Guyana. It was therefore puzzling, how in the absence of such coherent information it was possible to design a work plan and activity programmes to which required skills could be assigned, in order to achieve relevant objectives – at costs to be budgeted. Coming to the end of the recent exercise so well publicised, one could only hope that it represented part of a deliberate plan for the development of small ruminants so much discussed. E. B. John

DEAR EDITOR, While legal and lay minds continue to dissect and digest the import of Acting Justice Chang’s ruling, (“CJ rules Jagdeo can run again,” KN, July 10, 2015), I decided to do my own research to frame questions to help me draw my own conclusions. Notwithstanding Justice Chang’s reasons offered in his 37-page ruling, Wikipedia, the layman’s easiest guide to understanding what the ruling may mean for Guyana and Guyanese, says ‘most constitutions require that amendments cannot be enacted unless they have passed a special procedure more stringent than that required of ordinary legislation. Examples of such special procedures include supermajorities (twothirds) in the legislature, or direct approval by the electorate in a referendum or even a combination of the two or more different special procedures’. The billion-dollar question that arises from Justice Chang’s ruling is

whether the 2001 presidential term limit really violated the spirit and letter of the 1980 Constitution by allowing a simple two-thirds parliamentary vote to bring the term limits into law instead of resorting to a nationwide referendum. According to Wikipedia, which always holds itself out as being subjected to correction based on referenced applicable laws or incontrovertible facts and the truth, ‘a constitutional referendum was held in Guyana on July 10, 1978. The proposed change of Article 73 of the (1966 Independence) constitution would abolish the need for referendums to change the entrenched provisions of the constitution (including presidential powers, the dissolution of Parliament and the electoral system), and instead of allow them to be changed by a two-thirds majority in Parliament (which the ruling People’s National Congress had at the time)’. My layman’s interpretation of the foregoing is that, we can say whatever we want

about the late Forbes Burnham, but being a brilliant lawyer and skillful politician, who had designs on being presidentfor-life, he got help to brilliantly and skillfully craft a bill to change Article 73 of the Independence Constitution to replace the required use of national referendums with the required use of parliamentary majorities if there was ever need for the eventual 1980 constitution to be subsequently amended. The bill to change Article 73 of the 1966 Independence Constitution, therefore, was passed by a two-thirds parliamentary vote in Parliament on April 10, 1978 and the national referendum was held July 10, 1978, when voters were handed a ballot to choose “Yes “or “No” to the question: “Do you approve of the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill No. 8 of 1978 and published in the Official Gazette of May 13th, 1978?” Ballots were assigned the symbols of a house for the “Yes” vote and a mouse Continued on page 23

DEAR EDITOR, I sympathize with Sharon Westmaas on the NIS matter (Torture at the hands of Guyana’s National Insurance Scheme staff - KN, July 10, 2015), but at the same time I would defend NIS and any public servant in any matter which falls outside the scope of such individual’s authority. As a rule, public servants deal with routine matters. Anything that arises and is of an unusual nature would require detailed examination with an attempt to cover all areas before being finalized. In the situation complained of, it would appear that the request for a statement that ‘Eileen Cox was receiving a pension of

$XXX’ is a simple request, but…here is where Sharon Westmaas was somewhat deficient. Full particulars should have accompanied the request. to wit, full name, date of death, copy of death certificate, full name and address of executor(s), purpose of the request, bank account number to which the monthly pension was deposited, date when NIS was informed of the death of the pensioner. In other words, the request should have been accompanied by full details and not left to the public servant to request the same. When unusual requests are made they should be

accompanied with as much detail as possible to make processing easier. The only area in which the public servant was astray was asking for receipts for the funeral expenses, for indeed that has no bearing on the statement that a monthly pension was being paid. I am sure that now that matter has gone public, the PR person at NIS will intervene and all too soon it will be settled. Carl Veecock

I am sure that PR at NIS will intervene and settle this

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

The determination of our learned C.J. is... From page 4 (a) and is supported at the final voting in the Assembly by the votes of not less than two thirds of all the elected members of the Assembly it shall not be necessary to submit the bill to the vote of the electors”. At this stage of the analysis it is important to note that the said bill did not purport to alter any of the provisions of Article 1 or 9 which were included in subparagraphs 164(2) (a) and it was approved by 2/3 majority vote of the Assembly. Consequently, on a literal interpretation of the proviso mentioned in Article 164(2) Act No.17 of 2001, having not altered any of the provisions of Article 1 or 9 and having been approved by 2/3 of the Assembly was not required, as wrongly determined by the learned Chief Justice, to secure the approval of the electorate by referendum in order to establish its constitutional validity. Nor was it established or even alleged by the complainant that Act No.17 of 2001 abrogated or destroyed fundamental rights or normative requirements constituting the core of the Guyana constitution as determined by Conteh C.J and Sikri C.J. Our learned Chief Justice, however, appeared to have assimilated democratic voting rights of the Guyana electorate to normative requirements of the constitution articulated by Chief Justice Conteh of Belize and to fundamental features of the constitution exemplifying its core identity in the characterisation of Sikri C.J of the Supreme Court of India. If this assimilation of the aforementioned terms were juridically feasible our learned Chief Justice might have been marginally exonerated in finding that Act No.17 of 2001 required approval by

referendum for its constitutional validity and efficacy. However, in my respectful opinion our learned Chief Justice’s attempt at assimilation of these semantically irreconcilable attributes was not juridically feasible because the “normative requirements” mentioned by Conteh C.J, to wit, the separation of powers, protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law, all of which, significantly in the present context, spoke to the attributes of a constitution of a legal and political collectivity and not, as our learned Chief Justice wrongly determined, to the discrete political rights of citizens of a democracy. Similarly, Sikri C.J of the Supreme Court of India in addressing the amending power of the Parliament was by necessary implication concerned with identifying attributes of the state as a political collectivity. In the premises, reliance by our learned Chief Justice on the aforementioned dicta of Conteh and Sikri to find for the unconstitutionality of Act No.17 of 2001 was juridically misconceived. Our learned Chief Justice should have applied the eiusdem generis rule of statutory interpretation to construe democratic in Article 1 of the Guyana constitution (Francis Bennion, Statutory Interpretation, 2002, pp.1054 ff.). More importantly, the democratic rights of the complainant which, in the opinion of our learned Chief Justice, were diminished and restricted, may, in the informed opinion of Sikri C.J, be reasonably abridged in the public interest but not abrogated (op. cit para. 504). Equally relevant to note is the fact that although Act No.17 of 2001 was determined

by our learned Chief Justice to have diminished and restricted the democratic rights of the electorate, it was not determined nor even alleged to have altered any of the provisions of Article 1 as required by the Proviso of Article 164(2) so as to preclude exemption from affirmation by referendum in establishing its constitutional validity. In my respectful submission, therefore, the determination of our learned Chief Justice in Cedric Richardson v Attorney General and Raphael Trotman is irretrievably flawed and is likely to be overturned on appeal, given among other deficiencies, an arguably perception of bias by reference to the relevant provisions of the Bangalore Draft Principles and the Latimer House Guidelines on judicial conduct. In the ultimate analysis our constitution, the supreme law, relieved Parliament of the need to secure approval of Act No.17 of 2001 by referendum. And where the constitution has been expressed to be the supreme law as in Guyana, and has pronounced clearly, definitively and conclusively on an issue, as in the Proviso of Article 164(2) of the Guyana constitution, no judge should dare to tread contrarily lest judicial determinations be unwittingly construed as trumping constitutional supremacy. In the informed submission of Durga Das Basu, the eminent Indian constitutional law expert, where the constitution excludes specified questions from c u r i a l s c r u t i n y, “ t h e courts lose their jurisdiction to entertain these questions altogether because they have no power to override the constitution and the questions, accordingly, become non-justiciable.” (Commentary on the Constitution of India, 5th Edition, 1965 (Calcutta: SC Sankar and Sons (Ltd), at p.338.) Professor Justice Duke Pollard, Department of Law, University of Guyana.

There are huge credibility gaps in Adam Harris’ story DEAR EDITOR, I refer to Adam Harris’ “The former rulers are fooling themselves” published under his weekly “My Column” in the Kaieteur News of June 14, 2015. There are huge credibility gaps in Harris’ story. The records would show that Harris was a former editor of the Guyana Chronicle under the PNC dictatorship. He and Urmiah Johnson, the then Assistant General Secretary of the PNC, were registered as being the owners of the Guyana Media Company Ltd., which owned, printed, published and circulated the New Nation the official organ of the PNC. At one time it was claimed that the New Nation ceased being the official organ of the

PNC. Harris was sent by the PNC to edit the New Nation from 1980 to 1988, he then returned to edit the Chronicle resigning after the PPP’s assumption to office on Oct 5, 1992. Harris still claims monies in lieu of “unbroken service” as an employee of the Chronicle for the years he served at the New Nation. His claim is based on an arrangement made between himself and the PNC, in keeping with its p h i l o s o p h y of party paramountcy that his placement at the New Nation was facilitated through the then Ministry of National Development, which is believed to have provided his

pay-packet to edit the New Nation. In a booklet entitled “Paramountcy over the media - a case for reform” Moses Nagamootoo wrote; “...there is so much which Harris should answer as a friend and professional colleague for the obscene and arrogant manner in which the stateowned newspaper is misused to propagate the views of the authoritarian ruling party...” These are the gaps Harris left out from his article which incidentally, would not have been complete since half was spoken and the other half left unspoken. Suh dem bhais seh. Brian A Azore

From page 5 their parents and in cases where guns were found they were granted immunity from prosecution. At the end of the intervention 530 guns were recovered, a significant amount when compared to other methods where search warrants and forced entry were used (SAS 2006). On the other hand, the demand reduction approach for SALW is concerned with factors that influence people to acquire and possess legal or illicit firearms. Large acquisition of SALW by individuals and communities is indicative of state failure, since it demonstrates low confidence in the state’s ability to provide security. Arguably, the strength of the state is measured by its ability and willingness to provide fundamental political goods associated with its functions: physical security, legitimate political institution, economic management and social welfare. Restoring public

institutions therefore requires a positive change in the state behaviour that will engender public safety and security. This is achieved through public participation in decision making, monitoring and evaluation of results. Admittedly, a key function of the state is to prevent violence by collaborating with key stakeholders and implementing relevant initiatives. The state is legally empowered to use force in service of compliance with state laws to maintain order and protect the vulnerable. In the execution of this role, agents of the state must not abuse citizens or abdicate their responsibilities, because this will inevitably result in loss of confidence in ability of the law enforcement agency in executing its role. Moreover, no demand reduction strategy will be successful if critical stakeholders do not have confidence in the law enforcement agency to protect them; hence law

enforcement agencies must work tirelessly to restore their image. Lamentably, individuals who are economically deprived are more susceptible to criminal attitudes, including armed violence. Their plight is made worse by limited job opportunities, weak state institutions and poor governance. Hence, alleviating the conditions of the under privileged requires of government to implement economic and social development programmes. Generally, people’s attitude and behaviour toward gun ownership change as development projects deliver substantial success. Economic development programmes should be influenced by strong macroeconomic and fiscal policies that promote a climate that is conducive to economic growth, while social programmes should seek to promote better and improved education, health and other social services. Lelon Saul

Addressing a grave problem with development...

Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Iran, powers give themselves to Monday for nuclear deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (R) talks to journalists from a balcony of the Palais Coburg hotel where the Iran nuclear talks are being held in Vienna, Austria. (REUTERS/CARLOS BARRIA) Iran and major powers gave themselves until Monday to reach a nuclear agreement, their third extension in two weeks, as Tehran accused the West of throwing up new stumbling blocks to a deal. Both sides say there has been progress in two weeks of talks, but British Secretary Philip Hammond called it “painfully slow” and he and his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius, left Vienna saying they would return on Saturday. Having missed a U.S. congressional deadline yesterday morning, U.S. and European Union officials said they were extending sanctions relief for Iran under an interim deal through Monday to provide more time for talks on a final deal. Iran and six powers Britain, China, France,

Germany, Russia and the United States - are trying to end a more than 12-year dispute over Iran’s atomic program by negotiating limits on its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief. The sides remain divided over issues that include a U.N. arms embargo on Iran which Western powers want to keep in place, access for inspectors to military sites in Iran and answers from Tehran over past activity suspected of military aims. Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said negotiators would probably spend the weekend in Vienna. He sought to blame the West for the impasse. “Now, they have excessive demands,” he said of the major powers’ negotiating position. Britain’s Hammond said ministers would regroup today to see if they could

overcome the remaining hurdles. “We are making progress, it’s painfully slow,” he told reporters before leaving Vienna. Zarif has been holding intense meetings for two weeks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to try to hammer out a deal limiting Iran’s nuclear program in return for withdrawing economic sanctions that have crippled the Iranian economy. An agreement would be the biggest step towards rapprochement between Iran and the West since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. But the negotiations have become bogged down, with final deadlines extended three times in the past 10 days and diplomats speaking of a shouting match between Kerry and Zarif.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry does not agree with the Marine Corps general nominated to be America’s next top uniformed commander that Russia poses an existential threat to the United States, a spokesman said yesterday. On Thursday, Marine General Joseph Dunford told lawmakers weighing his nomination to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that Russia presented the greatest threat to U.S. national security. “If you want to talk about a nation that could pose an existential threat to the United States, I’d have to point to Russia,” Dunford said. “And if you look at their behavior, it’s nothing short of alarming.” U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Kerry did not share the assessment, even though Russia’s actions in Ukraine posed regional security

challenges.“The secretary doesn’t agree with the assessment that Russia is an existential threat to the United States, nor China, quite frankly,” Toner told a regular news briefing when asked about Dunford’s remarks. “You know, these are major powers with whom we engage and cooperate on a number of issues, despite any disagreements we may have with them,” he said. “Certainly we have disagreements with Russia and its activities within the region, but we don’t view it as an existential threat.” Dunford included China, whose rapidly expanding military has alarmed Pentagon officials, second in his list of top U.S. security concerns, as well as North Korea and the threat from Islamic State militants. Toner said Kerry did consider the rapid growth of groups like Islamic State, particularly in ungoverned

spaces, an existential threat. Dunford added his voice to those Pentagon officials who have supported providing lethal arms to Ukraine to help it defend itself from Russia-backed separatists, a step that President Barack Obama has so far resisted. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Thursday that the administration was mindful of Russia’s destabilizing activity but Dunford’s comment reflected “his own view and doesn’t necessarily reflect the ... consensus analysis of the president’s national security team.” U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter has said he was inclined to provide defensive arms to Ukraine, but has qualified this position by saying that economic sanctions should be the primary focus for exerting pressure on Moscow.

Kerry doesn’t view Russia as existential threat: State Department

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015

Greek PM Tsipras seeks party backing after abrupt concessions Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras appealed to his party’s lawmakers yesterday to back a tough reform package after abruptly offering last-minute concessions to try to save the country from financial meltdown. With creditor institutions due to deliver an initial verdict on Athens’ loan request and reform proposals within hours, euro zone partners appeared to be preparing for a deal at the weekend to keep Greece in the euro zone. After walking into a party meeting to applause, Tsipras

tried to rally his Syriza lawmakers behind the new proposals ahead of a snap vote in parliament expected late on Friday. He urged them to help Greece stay with the euro, but he faced some resistance from leftists stunned by his acceptance of previously spurned austerity measures. “We are confronted with crucial decisions,” Tspiras told his party caucus, according to a Greek official. “We got a mandate to bring a better deal than the ultimatum that the Eurogroup gave us, but certainly not a

mandate to take Greece out of the euro zone,” he said. “We are all in this together.” The latest reform package was strikingly similar to the terms Greeks rejected in a referendum just last Sunday, angering members of the Syriza’s hardline Left Platform wing. Five of them signed a letter saying it would be better to return to the drachma, Greece’s pre-euro currency, than to swallow more austerity with no debt write-off. “The proposals are not compatible with the Syriza program,” Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, who belongs to the far-left faction, told Reuters. He declined to say how he would vote in the plenary ballot. “We will take it step by step.” Even with a rebellion from within his own ranks, Tsipras was assured of backing from opposition lawmakers to carry the vote, but his political position would be weakened. The centrist opposition To Potami party and the main center-right opposition New Democracy said they would support him. Germany, which has contributed more to bailouts than any other country,

sounded wary. A finance ministry spokesman ruled out any debt restructuring that would lower its real value. France, Greece’s strongest supporter in the euro zone, rushed to offer praise. President Francois Hollande called the offer “serious and credible”. Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem described it as a “thorough piece of text” but declined to go into specifics. “Broad support in Greece gives it more credibility, but even then we need to consider carefully whether the proposal is good and if the numbers add up,” he told reporters. “One way or the other, it is a very major decision we need to take.” The lenders’ backing is crucial for euro zone leaders to support the proposals. Dijsselbloem, European Commission President JeanClaude Juncker, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde discussed the plan in a teleconference. The euro gained more than 1 percent against the dollar and European markets rallied on the improved prospects for a last-ditch deal to keep Greece in the currency

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras delivers his speech as he attends a parliamentary session in Athens, yesterday. (REUTERS/ALKIS KONSTANTINIDIS) area. Italian, Spanish and Portuguese bond yields fell, reflecting perception of reduced risk. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said Greece and its creditors appeared to be closer to a deal, calling for an adjustment to Athens’ debt burden to ease its cash flow. Greece still has to overcome hardening attitudes toward it among euro zone partners. Some, including a senior member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party,

greeted the latest reform proposals with scepticism. Slovakia’s finance minister questioned whether the proposals went far enough. Finance ministers of the 19-nation euro area will meet on Saturday to decide whether to recommend opening negotiations on a third bailout program despite exasperation at the five-yearold Greek crisis. A senior EU official said the meeting would include discussions on whether Greece needs some debt relief.

Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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THE CAT AND THE PIGEONS Within the past two decades we have seen emerged within western hemispheric jurisprudence, to tendencies as it relates to the presidencies. The first has been the erosion of constitutional immunities and the second has been the striking down of presidential terms limits. Guyana has now joined the latter bandwagon. A ruling on Thursday by the Chief Justice has found that term limits are repugnant to the democratic expression of the people. It also found, and this is something this column had argued years ago, that the manner in which our Constitution was amended to allow for presidential term limits was unlawful.

Term limits in Guyana’s constitution have been struck down on both substantive and procedural grounds. In the first instance, it was ruled, according to reports in the media, that term limits are repugnant to Articles 1 and 9 of the Constitution. Interestingly these two provisions have long been held, at least by me, to be declaratory provisions. But the fact that they may be unenforceable does not mean that they have no legal effect, as we are now seeing. The second limb is more important. The Constitution was amended to allow for term limits without going to referendum. As such, the Act that brought into being the limitation of presidential term limits was deemed ultra vires

of the constitution. The ruling has taken many in the legal profession by surprise, because many felt that it would have revolved around the interpretation of the specific provision of Constitution that imposed term limits. Many felt that the case would have turned on whether the meaning of the word “reelected.” From what is being reported in the media, it would seem that this argument was silent in the decision. The striking down of term limits will now allow for former President Bharrat Jagdeo to be eligible for re-election. This may be a good thing for the ruling coalition because despite the former president’s obvious popularity, there is

Dem boys seh...

Brassington and Jagdeo open up A prostitute does tek anything and everything that come their way, once dem think dem getting some benefit out of it. When Jagdeo announce that he gun give out 90,000 laptop to poor people across de country, everybody smile. Dem didn’t know that shaft deh behind it. Dem boys seh that when de Chinee man from Huawei hear bout this deal he watch Jagdeo like how a sweet man does watch a prostitute. He meet Jagdeo and Brassington and discuss de deal. De next thing Guyana hear is that this Chinese company give de country a gift of couple thousand laptop. Everybody know what would follow; de Chinese would get de contract fuh supply de 90,000 laptop. That is how a prostitute would behave when she get a gift. She does open up. Brassington get this gift and dem boys want to know wha he open and how long he open it for. De other day dem boys find out that de computer wha come as gift was bare shell. Even some in de 90,000 was shell. Wha happen wid that deal is like a man who see a nice woman and he really want she. He get up some sweet man diamond (that is fake diamond) and fit dem in a pair of brass

earrings, a necklace, a finger ring and duck and duck dem all in gold water and deliver. When she see that she eye, mouth and everything open. De man do wha he want. In de case of de laptop Brassington and Jagdeo had to tek wha he get. De woman deh bawling fuh de fake wha she get and de poor people still waiting fuh dem computer fuh wuk. Dem waiting just like how Rohee wukking fuh de party fuh de first time in he life. And fuh de first time in he life he tell de truth. He write a letter and seh, “If there is one political leader in today’s PPP who has come under attack more than any other it is Bharat Jagdeo.” Dem boys seh that is de only truth that ever come out de mouth of anybody in de Pee Pee Pee. Dem got answer fuh Rohee, though. Jagdeo is de longest serving president and never did anything good that he or anybody could be proud of. Let Rohee name one thing that Jagdeo do that he, Rohee, is proud of. And dem boys ain’t talking bout de one and two things that look good. Jagdeo get de maximum benefit from dem. Talk half and careful wid gifts, especially when it coming from certain people.

widespread belief that it was the former President’s policies that were mainly responsible for the PPPC’s loss of the elections and the return of Bharrat Jagdeo to frontline politics will virtually guarantee a second term for the ruling coalition. Having dumped the PPPC and the legacy of the Jagdeo administration, it is difficult to see how the population will go back to reelecting him as their President. But stranger things have happened in politics in Guyana, have they not? In Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista government, highly popular at the time with the poor, lost an election and were out of power for a long time. But Ortega returned and not only secured two terms but also a

third term after the courts in his country, like was done in Guyana on Thursday, deemed that term limits were unconstitutional. The grounds in Nicaragua were different. There was held that term limits denied equal opportunity. It was ruled that to deny someone the opportunity to run for the presidency was a denial of equal opportunity. Guyana does not have an equal opportunity clause similar to what exists in Nicaragua. New grounds have been offered in the recent decision by our High Court. Term limits have been rolled back in yet another landmark decision by our Chief Justice. It is left to be seen

whether anyone is going to challenge presidential immunities and seek to have these deemed to be unconstitutional. If they are, that would do more than simply throw the cats among the pigeons.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015


‘I don’t know about that; next question please They say humans are the most barefaced animals that nature produced. A cat will eat your dinner, then, as he sees you, will run away. A criminal will enter your home, eat your dinner then attack you. It is the same with overthrown dictators. If allowed to go free after they are removed from power, you will meet them at the supermarket or at the gas pump, and they will never for one fleeting momen, agree with you that some of their mistakes were nightmarish. A party that has ruled Guyana for twenty-three years during which every conceivable law in the land was broken, every conceivable moral code was violated, every financial procedure was breached, every act of indecency was committed, now holds weekly press conferences and pontificates on the rights and wrongs in the political and legal administration of Guyana. Clement Rohee, prior to the prorogation of Parliament in November 2014, was one of the world’s longest serving Parliamentarians and Cabinet Ministers. Mr. Rohee has been a crucial policy-maker in

Guyana for the past twentythree years. He was there in the Cabinet under Cheddi and Janet Jagan. He was there in the Cabinet after Jagdeo had gone. This man holds a weekly press briefing in his capacity as General Secretary of his organization at the PPP head office, ironically named Freedom House and he is on a rampage against the new government. He zeroes in on the upsurge in crime. He lashes the Government on the 2 am closure of nightclubs. But does this man possess the moral authority to criticize even a wild animal that tramples on your vegetable garden? This very man as Minister of International Trade had his non-immigrant and diplomatic visas suspended in 2005 by the Americans for six months. Nine years later, this gentleman has not seen it proper to explain why the Americans acted this way. He cannot. The media cannot publish the facts on the visa imbroglio because if Mr. Rohee sues (and he will sue), the diplomats at the US Embassy in Georgetown will

not testify. The Embassy will not respond to court subpoena for documents. Diplomatic protocol prevents the Embassy from involvement in court matters. So unless Rohee explains himself, the Guyanese people will not know. I am quite prepared to tell people what I know of this visa incident. It was this man who as Home Affairs Minister told the nation that he didn’t speak to Commander Clifton Hicken during the protest in Linden in July 2013 when three unarmed protestors were shot dead by the police. In the Commission of Inquiry, phone records showed that he was in communication with Hicken. Rohee was Home Affairs Minister when two policemen at the Leonora Police Station

tortured a fifteen-year-old youth by setting his reproductive parts on fire. These two policemen were promoted. The boy was awarded damages in the High Court. Rohee as part of the Cabinet, agreed to appeal the decision. Rohee was a senior Minister and one of the top decision-makers in the ruling party when Ronald Waddell was assassinated in front of his home and Courtney CrumEwing was assassinated just before the 2015 election campaign. “Sash” Sawh’s brother-in-law implicated the state in the murder. Rohee was a senior Minister when Sawh was murdered. This man was the Minister of Foreign Affairs when in his Ministry the worse forms of ethnic purging in any Caribbean country occurred. Mr. Rohee was part of a

government that presided over the decline of every aspect of life in this country and this descent in social madness didn’t take place over three months or three years but twenty three years. This same man from now until he leaves his role as General-Secretary of the PPP will continue to hold his weekly press briefings and he is so barefaced that he will not answer even one question about the millions of immorally repugnant violations that took place during the 23-year reign of the PPP. With cynical nonchalance, Rohee, with his comical gesticulation, will say, “I don’t know about that.” Most of the little dictators that despoiled Guyana under the Jagdeo/Ramotar reign are in the opposition benches in

Frederick Kissoon Parliament. They like their former Presidents, Jagdeo and Ramotar, will be part of the press conference circus that the PPP will put on every week. Mr. Jagdeo as Opposition Leader will hold his own press briefs and you can expect from all of them, the automatic response when asked about their acts that almost destroyed Guyana, “I don’t know about that.”

Suicide prevention workshop reaches Essequibo With Guyana registering the highest suicide rate and Essequibo simultaneously leading the other nine Regions with alarming figures, members of “G” Division, Pomeroon/ Supenaam and a team of

doctors from the Ministry of Health, hosted a forum proposing initiatives while offering recommendations to address and deal with suicides and attempted suicide cases. The discussion targeted police officers, religious leaders and members of the community. Emerging from the Friday discussions, members of the Ministry of Health divulged that the Commissioner of Police would be setting up suicide prevention hotlines along with the Ministry of Health which would form the National Suicide Prevention Plan. While the hotline would be established in Georgetown, personnel would be trained in Essequibo to be the first

responders. The plan is to effect a twenty-four hour service with the implementation of five telephone lines. In the interest of training persons, individuals would encourage suspected suicidal cases to seek immediate assistance, as well as attempt to counsel persons who are either displaying addictive behavioral pattern or alarming or unusual impulsive attitudes. Likewise, those trained people would have to exercise patience and attempt to connect with vulnerable, or those persons who are exhibiting suicidal tendencies. Previously, the team that comprised Dr. Bhiro Harry, MD; Jorge Balseiro MD; Leslyn Holder-Nurse and Caitlin Vieira, BA, MSc.

hosted a three-day training programme in Georgetown. Emerging from Friday’s discussion, it was noted that a lot of young Essequibians, who either are confronted by financial, emotional or abusive problems, are more often than not, prone to commit suicide. “Every suicide is one too much.” In the case of the elderly, loneliness or depression might be factors. For this year alone, a number of Essequibians have taken their lives. Recently, an 18-year-old Jibb teenager took her own life by ingesting a quantity of gramoxone. The girl who was hospitalized at the Oscar Joseph hospital for 19 days was said to be experiencing problems with her boyfriend. (Yannason Duncan)

Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 11

PPP engaged CPL in ad hoc manner - says Govt spokesperson The government told Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), Damien O’Donohoe, that the ad hoc manner with which the previous administration engaged the entity with regard to matches hosted in Guyana is regrettable. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon vowed that this time around, business will be done differently. The Minister made this among other remarks during a meeting with O’Donohoe, yesterday, at the Ministry of the Presidency. Harmon told O’Donohoe that the government would be prepared to take the requisite steps to ensure that a structured and legally sound, Cabinet approved agreement is in place. He said, too, that Government is prepared to commence negotiations in this regard, at the earliest opportunity. Harmon assured O’Donohoe that the government will commit to ensuring that all the usual exemptions and concessions for the hosting of international cricket in Guyana will be granted to the CPL for the hosting of the matches in the ongoing tournament. He said, “Guyana is not only a cricket loving country but a cricket crazy country so we have every reason to welcome the CPL back to Guyana. I want to reaffirm the government’s full support for the CPL specifically, and cricket in general,” The Minister of State added, “We are aware that the franchise owner of the Guyana Amazon Warriors is a close associate of the previous administration. However we can assure that that will not in any way, hamper how the current administration treats with the CPL and the franchise owner in terms of facilitating the games being hosted in Guyana and our future

engagement.” Meanwhile, the country’s Auditor General (AG), Deodat Sharma, has flagged in his latest report. $36.3M which was pumped into the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), of which the local franchise is owned Dr.Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, the best friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo. Kaieteur News also understands that there is currently an invoice before the Ministry of Finance from a CPL agent for the sum of US$500,000 for 2014. The AG’s report noted that the last set of audited accounts for the Guyana Lotteries Fund shows that the $36.3M was expended in the CPL for 2013. It also shows that the Ministry of Culture received for Mashramani and other activities a total of $200.5 million, while the Guyana Tourism Authority received $13.8 million. The AG noted in his report that the Fund was established in August 1996 by the decision of the former Cabinet which managed the

account. Under the previous administration, Sharma said that the Cabinet was expected to also ensure that amounts expended are within the National Sector and are in accordance with the guidelines for access to the lottery funding, which includes funding for activities that promote cultural and youth and sport development, medical treatment overseas and support for disadvantaged groups, among others. The Guyana Lotteries Commission is subject to separate financial reporting and auditing. But this expenditure into the CPL has not found favour with many local financial minds, including Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan. He had said that the money pumped into CPL from the Lotteries Fund goes against proper accounting procedures. He opined that the Fund holds taxpayers money which belongs to the Consolidated Fund. He added that moves will be made to ensure that this is corrected.

Rakish Persaud at court yesterday

Rakish Persaud appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, and pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted robbery with an offensive weapon. The defendant said that he was assaulted when he tried to rob Julie Griffith and pleaded with police to be taken to a hospital for treatment. Persaud further told the Magistrate that his knife was in his waist and at no time did he withdraw the knife to harm Griffith. It was alleged that on Thursday, at Bourda, while armed with a knife, Persaud

assaulted Griffith with intent to rob her. According to the Prosecutor, Dinero Jones, around 7:30 hrs on Thursday Julie Griffith was taking her daughter to daycare. She was crossing the small bridge at Bourda when the defendant confronted her and grabbed her bag. She however fought him off and screamed for help. The defendant let go of the bag and tried to escape but was arrested by police. Rakish Persaud continued to complain to the Magistrate of his assault claiming that he was cuffed about his body and even his eyes. The Magistrate however sentenced him to nine months imprisonment.

- reassures CPL CEO of continued support from Granger administration but in a legally sound manner

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon during his meeting with Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) Damien O’Donohoe (left)

Thief to spend next nine months in jail

The Finance Minister noted that the AG’s report did not say what this money was used for but he has vowed to get to the bottom of it. He said that the AG was correct in flagging it in his 2013 report. “We will have to find out who authorized this money to go to CPL,” Jordan added. Former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran, is also against the expenditure which was not subject to any parliamentary oversight. The Chartered Accountant said that it is a licence fee which belongs in the Consolidated Fund. He stressed that there should not be any “parallel treasury”. The National Assembly is the only organ with the right to decide on how taxpayers’ monies should be spent, he said. Goolsarran said that if the process by which public

monies are supposed to be legally spent continues to be intercepted, then, “we are going to continue to have an accounting chaos on our hands.” He said that the Lotteries Fund being held outside of the Consolidated Fund and being expended without any form of oversight, constitutes “disrespect and disregard for the legislative arm.” The Lotteries Fund is currently the subject of a forensic audit. The previous administration and the

Granger government had been at loggerheads over this matter for years. Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, had said repeatedly that the court had ruled that the PPP/C had not acted unconstitutionally by not placing the proceeds from the Lotto Fund into the Consolidated Fund. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Tenth Parliament had instructed the Auditor General to seek “independent” legal advice with regard to the controversial fund. Former Chairman of the Committee, Carl Greenidge, had said that the Lotto Funds and others should be paid into the Consolidated Fund, “because these aren’t bodies established under the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act which allow establishment of extra budgetary agencies.” “It is not established for them to keep the money out of the fund.” Greenidge said that some $3B of revenues for the decade1996 to 2006 is still to be accounted for. He said that the National Assembly is still awaiting the reports and audited accounts from the government for the use of the millions of dollars of funds associated with the 2005 floods, the Cricket World Cup, the hosting of Carifesta X and the ICC Twenty/20 tournament.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015

Bar Association calls on police, Govt. to stem violent crime - in wake of brutal attack on couple in gated community The Guyana Bar Association yesterday expressed shock and sadness at Tuesday’s brutal attack on Commissioner of Title Nicola Pierre and her husband, Mohamed Chand. At the same time the body appealed to Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and Commissioner of Police Seelal Persaud to take further action to combat the surge in violent crime. The Association’s plea came even as the couple remains hospitalised from the brutal beating that bandits

inflicted on them Thursday. “The members of the Guyana Bar Association are shocked and saddened at the brutal attack on Commissioner of Title, Madame Nicola Pierre and her husband Mr. Mohamed Chand yesterday,” the Association stated in a release. “It is all the more shocking that the attack took place in their home on the East Coast of Demerara, while the judicial officer and her husband and son were asleep. The thoughts of the

members of the legal profession are with Ms. Pierre and her family as we await the results of their treatment and pray for their full and speedy recovery.” Noting that judicial officers play an invaluable role in the administration of justice and the rule of law, the Association stated that every reasonable effort must be made to secure and protect them and their families. “While it is a measure of some relief that the alleged perpetrators have been captured and are in custody,

the Association notes that too many serious crimes remain unsolved. “The Association has noted with increasing concern the escalating incidents of crimes committed on citizens, almost all of which involve the use of firearms, and many of which have resulted in the death of the victims. The frequency and the serious nature of these attacks are desensitising our society to the rights of citizens to safety and security, whether in or out of their homes, and the duty of the State to protect every citizen, of whatever station in life.

“The Association calls on the Minister of Public Security and the Commissioner of Police to develop strategies and take action to combat the level of violence in our society. Further, the Association calls on the Government to ensure that our law enforcement agencies are provided with the necessary tools to adequately address crimes in all their manifestations in our country.” Yesterday, a senior police official said that four men who were detained shortly after the attack are still in custody. Investigators hope that forensic evidence taken from the scene, as well as eyewitness statements will lead to positive identification of the perpetrators. Around 01.30 hrs yesterday, heavily armed men invaded the gated community at Felicity, East Coast Demerara, Pierre and Mohamed reside, after overpowering an on-duty Special Constable. Pierre, 43, and her husband, Mohamed Chand, 50, were attacked while they were asleep and gun-butted into unconsciousness after the men, numbering about four, gained entry to their home via a window. The robbers carted off a small safe containing US$7,000 and jewellery, and a suitcase containing other valuables. But they were forced to drop their loot after coming under withering gunfire from a security guard who was stationed at a

businessman’s home nearby. Police subsequently arrested four men and impounded a car. Kaieteur News understands that they were picked up near Plaisance. However a reliable police source indicated that the men arrested may not be the perpetrators. Pierre and Mohamed were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at a private hospital. Police reportedly recovered several 9mm warheads and casings from the scene, and are said to be examining footage from nearby security cameras in the hope of positively identifying the attackers. Tuesday’s attack occurred just hours after the new APNU+AFC administration unveiled a detailed security strategy to stem the escalating incidents of violent crime.

Within the next two months, all state-owned vehicles will be affixed with Cooperative Republic of Guyana (CRG) registration number plates, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said on Thursday. He explained that the CRG number plates will serve to easily indentify vehicles that are registered to the state. “You will not have the situation where private number plates are on vehicles, and therefore they can be abused by persons,” he said. Given the current challenges faced by the new Government, in recovering some of the assets, including vehicles, misappropriated by officials linked to the previous administration, Minister Harmon said, “As soon as you see a CRG number plate, you know that it is a state vehicle, so it is going to be easing and aiding in the identification of state owned vehicles.” He added that the new system will also make obsolete those vehicles that

belong to the state, but which people are holding under private number plates. “We will assign CRG numbers to those vehicles….Once you have a CRG registered vehicle, but you have a private number plate on it, then the police can actually go and seize that vehicle from you, because it belongs to the state”. All vehicles which will be purchased in the future for use by the state and state agencies will be fitted with the CRG registration. It was explained by Minister Harmon that following the presentation of a proposal to Cabinet, the move was approved. The Guyana Revenue Authority has also made a proposal as to how this will be accomplished. Minister Harmon said that once some minor adjustments to the Motor Vehicle regulations are completed to facilitate this change, “I think within a month or two, we will start (affixing CRG number plates)”.

Nicola Pierre

Special plates for Govt vehicles

Kaieteur News

Page 16

Saturday July 11, 2015

Region chairpersons, deputies sworn in - Become leaders for all Guyana - President urges


resident David Granger has called on the newly elected Regional Chairpersons and their deputies to be regional leaders and not “party chairmen”. Yesterday, the officials were sworn in before President Granger at the Ministry of the Presidency. Those sworn in as Regional Chairmen are Brentnol Ashley, Region One; Devanand Ramdatt, Region Two; Julius A Faeber, Region Three; Genevieve Allen, Region Four; Vickchand Ramphal, Region Five; David Armogan, Region Six; Gordon Bradford, Region Seven; Bonnaventure Fredricks, Region Eight; Bryan Allicock, Region Nine and Renis Morian, Region Ten.

The Regional ViceChairpersons are Sarah Browne, Region One; Juliet Coonjah, Region Two; Inshaan Ayube, Region Three; Earl Lambert, Region Four; Rion Peters, Region Five; Dennis DeRoop, Region Six; Olinda Griffith, Region Seven, Headley Pio, Region Eight; Carl Singh, Region Nine and Elroy Adolphus, Region Ten. After administering the Oath of Office, the President in his charge to the chairpersons and their deputies urged them to take their oath seriously. “I'd like to encourage you to pay close attention to the words that you uttered, the oath that you took, and the documents that you signed, in a flash you have decided to administer the 10 regions of Guyana, without

President David Granger and the newly elected Chairpersons of the ten administrative Regions fear or favour, affection or ill will.” Pointing to the seriousness of the oath, the

President told the officers that they are expected to administer those regions for the benefit of all the residents. “It is not an idle oath, it is something that you must take seriously, when I was sworn in as President of this country those were the words that I uttered on the 16 of May, I said I'm the President for all of Guyana.” The President said all the people of Guyana must have access to him as President and to the good things that flow from his administration. “Similarly in your region, all the people in your region, regardless of their religion or their ethnicity , regardless of what part of the region they are from, must get the benefits of your judgment, must get the benefits of your good will.” Speaking of how i m p o r t a n t e a c h administrative region is to his administration, the President said in his mind the regions are hybrids of central government and local government hence if the regions do not succeed the country will not thrive.

It is for this reason, the President said central and local government must come with the aim of building 10 strong regions, which will eventually build a stronger country. Equally important, too, the President said, is for civil society, councillors, social partners and other stakeholders to be involved in decision making for the regions' best interest. “I would like you to examine your regions and work out a plan…I call it the Plan of Action for Regional Development, and I would like to see all of you develop some sort of plan of action for regional development.” The President said that even as these plans are being crafted, serious consideration must be given to clearly defined economic goals. “Every single region can be rich, no region is desert, no region is swamp land, and every region has resources, human resources, material and natural resources, and we must decide how those resources must be exploited in order to benefit our people.”

The chairpersons were also advised on the importance of going after investments for their respective regions as plans are on stream for creating more towns in the regions, with the aim of attracting more investments. Infrastructural development in the various regions is also important, President Granger said as he pointed to the need for state-of-the-art sport facilities, technical institutes, banks and upgraded aerodromes. “I want to see the regions developing in themselves and for themselves, producing a high standard of education, high standard of employment.” Further, the President also encouraged those regions with resources to produce hydro electricity to play their role and come up with initiatives that will benefit themselves and all of Guyana. The President also took the opportunity to congratulate the newly elected officers as he called on them to embrace the plan of action for regional development.

Venezuela halts all rice ... From page 3 factors. He listed these to be explosive growth of output, increasing difficulty in finding lucrative markets and the level of unit production costs. The economist noted that rice output has grown explosively in the 2010s; rising by more than 100,000 tonnes annually since 2012. He said that much of this expansion has been fuelled

by Government support to both supply (production) and demand (finding lucrative markets). He had said, “As is common knowledge, the Venezuelan market is at great risk generating a potential demand/supply market imbalance. This imbalance risks a collapse of rice and paddy prices later this year, thereby impairing livelihoods, in

contrast to what prevailed in the first half of the 2010s.” The economist had opined that should Guyana fail to deal with the aforementioned factors with great haste, then the sustainability of the rice industry could prove to give the new government, a similar kind of hell it is facing in trying to nurse the ailing sugar industry back to good health.

Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 21

Guyana Goldfields employee Accused killers discharged says things “real nice” in Berbice court As some workers of the Guyana Goldfields Inc. continue to vent their frustrations over conditions at the company, a lone employee has come to its defence. The employee, Cleveland Jacobs, is maintaining that the allegations contained in a letter published in the Friday issue of Kaieteur News, are untrue and slanderous. The letter published in the Friday issue indicated that some “frustrated workers” of the AGM Guyana Goldfields were working in “a prison of cheap labour”. According to the workers, they have no rights and are being underpaid for difficult work. They claimed that while expatriate workers and local managers are paid “exquisite salaries”, the main builders of the mine are being paid next to nothing. They claim that, in the case of termination, they will receive no benefits or legal rights to maintain their families or themselves. Further, the workers said that due to the unavailability of jobs they are forced to endure the system while they would be fired if they protest. “This is all about underpaying and abusing Guyanese rights in a land

loaded with wealth and resources, where only expatriates and local managers benefit,” the workers complained. However, Jacobs has offered his own version of events; according to him, the conditions with the company are not only acceptable but have seen him being treated with “deep respect and the highest of regard”. “We have it real nice. We are fed three square meals a day and the food is sufficient and nicely done in a cafeterialike setting…I like working for this company. We even have health and medical insurance for our families,” he said. Jacobs, who has been working with the company since 2007 during its exploration phase, further said that while quite a number of terminations are expected, they are not unreasonable. He explained that a Peruvian Company had been hired some 18 months ago to construct a mine for Guyana Goldfields. In the process, a number of men had been hired to work during the construction phase. However, he said, now that construction is winding

down, most of them men would have to be sent home since fewer numbers will be required. Nonetheless, he said, instructions from the Country Manager indicated that workers who were with the company since its exploration days, or who have the most years of service, should be hired first for the production stage. “The Peruvians would soon be gone and it only makes sense that the persons that were hired for the construction be laid off; no way can all those men be kept on,” Jacobs stressed. He continued, “I sorry for them but I do not think that they should tell lies to slander the company because of that.” He added that he is unsure whether the terminated workers will be paid a construction completion bonus. However, he suggested that they should be asking the Peruvians to pay them. Meanwhile, the frustrated workers are calling on the new Government and specifically the Ministry of Social Protection (formerly the Ministry of Labour) to look into their plight and visit with them.

Aside from the many shootings in Guyana there have been a number of malicious woundings with the use of other weapons. One of the latest additions to the string of brutality is a cutlass attack which left one man critical and bearing multiple chop wounds about his body at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). According to reports, Michael Dowray, 32, of Main Street, Cumberland, Berbice, received gaping wounds which a group of men and women had inflicted upon him following an argument at a ‘rum shop’ moments earlier. Kaieteur News understands that Dowray

was imbibing alcohol at a rum shop some distance from his home when he requested a change in the type of music. Apparently others were not pleased with his request and an argument broke out between him and them at the shop and he subsequently left. The man’s wife, Kimmy, said that she was at home when she received a call and was told that her husband wanted to see her immediately, that he was at the hospital. She said that when she arrived at the New Amsterdam Hospital her husband was in a terrible state. She was instructed to pack an emergency bag so that he

could be transported to the city hospital for further treatment. He was subsequently transferred to the GPHC due to the severity of his condition. According to what the man’s wife, her husband, while making his way home on the roadway, about three pickup trucks filled with men and women armed with cutlasses pulled up alongside him and the attack began. He received chops to his back, right leg, the back of his head, face and wrist which is barely hanging, according to Kimmy. Three persons have since been arrested and are assisting police with investigations.

- denies claims of underpay, abuse

Simple request leads to brutal chopping

Education Ministry honours top NGSA performers From page 18 wonderful start to your educational journey but it's only a start. Education is a lifelong process that must continue. School is the foundation but the pursuit of education is for life,” Dr. Roopnaraine said. The top students were conferred with certificates of excellence during the ceremony while laptops were also promised to each of them. The top three pupils, Solomon Cherai of Success Elementary (530 marks), Shania Eastman also of Success El-

ementary (529 marks) and Celine Farinha of Peter's Hall Primary (526 marks) were also rewarded with airline tickets. The tickets, which were compliments of Fly Jamaica, were also given to the parents of the top three performers and will take them to any of the airline's destinations. Meanwhile, the day was

not one for ceremonial undertakings. When all was said and done, all 168 pupils were treated to a day of games, lunch and a movie at the Princess Fun City. This year, a total of 15,225 candidates wrote the NGSA exams with the 168 pupils making up the top 1%.

The four men, who were on trial for the murder of a motorcyclist on a lonely New Forest East Canje Road, have been freed after the matter against them was discharged. The men, Brothers Mahendra Samaroo called “Labba”, 30; Lakeram Samaroo called “Kettle Boy”, 26, of Betsy Ground, East Canje Berbice; Ameer Khan called “Buddo”, of Fort Ordinance; and overseasbased Guyanese Jaipaul Datt, called ‘Vickram’ 34, of Betsy Ground were on trial before Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court on the indictable charge of murder. They were accused of murdering Vickram Sohan, called ‘Robby’, 20, a cane cutter of Betsy Ground, East Canje, Berbice, on October 21, 2014 at Suni Turn, New Forest, East Canje, Berbice. The men were all represented by Attorney at Law Mursaline Bacchus. The state’s case was presented by Special Prosecutor, Attorney at Law Charrandass Persaud. The man’s death which was first thought of as a motor cycle accident, eventually turned out to be

more than that when an eyewitness Lakeram Pooran, came forward and reported that the young man was actually murdered. Sohan was found lying in an unconscious state in a clump of bushes at New Forest, East Canje, Berbice on September 14, 2014 with motor cycle CD 5091 on top of him. He was picked up by relatives and rush to the New Amsterdam Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital on September 15. He was subsequently discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital on October 15, and returned to the New Amsterdam Hospital. His relatives took him to the Woodlands Hospital on October 16, where he died on October 21, 2014. The report to the police was made on November 22, when a teen who was with the quartet was taken to the station by the father of the deceased and had given police a detail narration of what occurred. In his lengthy submissions to the court, Attorney at Law Bacchus used a number of authorities to back his case. He urged the Magistrate to discharge the

Vickram Sohan men since a prima facie case was not made out against them. He discredited the prosecution’s main witness since he said that he does not understand the nature and obligation of the oath. He also moved to discredit the evidence of some other witnesses which he stated does not add up. Bacchus also stated, that the deceased had indicated that he was involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Page 22

Kaieteur News

SALON Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 6267040; 265-4535. Balloon decorating for birthdays, weddings, anniversary etc, make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, AIRCONDITIONERS, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, FREEZERS - CALL:6294946 OR 225-4822 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building, visadocumentsgy@yahoo.comCall: 225-6496, 662-6045 EAGLE’S FRIDGE REGASES - $8,000 & washing machine repairs. Phone: 697-2969, 646-0966 Professional painting services available for private and contract work- Tel: 6044036 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer Call Omar:2310655,683-8734 Repairs & spare, fridge, freezer, A/C, washers, stoves - Contact Nick: 683-1312, 627-3206 All types of grill work to be done, also experience in working on boats- Contact Brian: 666-2101 or 233-2847 GET YOUR USA, CANADA & UK VISA’S FILLED OUT PROFESSIONALLY. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: 2315789/90 Computer upgrades from windows 7 to 8, antivirus, software downloads- Tel: 625-1024, 645-7471 ACCOMODATION Aracari Resort –Tel: 2642946: Rooms from $45USD, double occupancy, fully air conditioned, hot & cold bath, WiFi, breakfast. Specials on room! Free breakfast, Wi-Fi luxuriously & comfortably @ Signature Inn, 82 Laluni Street, Georgetown –Tel: 226-2145; 227-5037 FOR SALE/RENT American pools table- Call: 277-0578

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Summer Special: In cosmetology, nails, wig design & hair cuttingClasses commence -13 July Tel: 619-7603, 666-5241

Experienced pastry maker, cake decorator, curry cook, cleaners, apply @ Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce St. 2 Experienced welder/ fabricator preferably from Bel-Air to Mon-Repos, E.C.D- Tel: 222-3844 One live in female to care for an elderly man- Tel: 223-9888 One grill work welder must be able to work on boatContact Brian: 666-2101 or 233-2847 Accounts clerk @ Aracari Resort 16 Plantation Versailles, W.B.DPhone:264-2946/8. Email: info@aracariresort.com. Apply in person.

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International Employment: waiters, cooks, housekeepers, carpenters, plumbers, cleaners, securities, receptionists, printers- Contact:2316 2 9 6 , 6 5 0 - 9 8 8 0 www.plzrecruitme.com

Waitress/ bartenders @ Aracari Resort 16 Plantation Versailles, W.B.D- Phone:2642946/8. Email: info@aracariresort.com. Apply in person.

Fish cleaners at Eccles- Call: 233-2546 Male supervisor to work in housekeeping DepartmentTel:225-0198 or 233 South road Lacytown

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VEHICLE FOR SALE Sale on new model Allion, TV Reverse camera, low mileage, Honda Fit - PLL Spacio - PTT Tel: 697-0294 One Silver Toyota Premio, 2003 model, PNN series, excellent condition –Tel: 6484259 One new & unregistered Mazda Axela, excellent condition -Tel: 649-0956 Nissan Tiida, Hatch Back, PPP series, air-condition, magrims, excellent condition, price negotiable –Tel: 6002170 One 192 Carina with alarm, AC, deck. In working condition. Owner leaving country- Call: 687-3241 1 Beige Toyota Spacio 2003 model. PMM series. Lady driven. 1st owner, in excellent condition- $1.5M- Call: 628-5828 Smart Choice Auto: Premio, Allion, Spacio, Fielder, Bluebird, Carina 212, ISTCall: 652-3820, 665-4529 First Class Auto in Stock: 09 Allion, 08 Premio, Carina 212, Spacio, Runx, IST, Mark 2, Axio, 06 Premio –Call: 6098188; 638-3045 Toyota Allion 17" chrome rims, remote start alarm, DVD (HC owner driver)- Call: 2313709, 233-2538, 667-9013 2008 Fielder -$2.5M, 2004 Spacio -$2M, Carina 212 $1.9M, all vehicles unregistered –Tel: 617-2891 Allion PRR, 42,000KM, alarm, reverse camera, 17" rims, DVD deck, HID, music, hardly used -$1.850M – Contact: 616-3566 1 new model, Toyota Axio for sale – unregistered –Call: 642-6079 1 Toyota Raum in excellent condition $1.1M negotiableContact: 642-9755

CAR RENTAL PROGRESSIVE AUTO RENTAL:CARS&SUV FOR RENTAL- $4,000 & UP PER DAY- CALL: 643-5122, 2193900, EMAIL: PRO_AUTO RENTAL@YAHOO.COM DOLLY’S CAR RENTALCALL: 225-7126/226-3693 DOLLYSAUTORENTAL@ YA H O O . C O M / W W W. DOLLYSAUTORENTAL.COM Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807 TO LET For foreigners fully furnished two bedrooms apartment in South. Hot & cold, cable, washing machine & internet. Tel: 689-5877 Golden Grove Diamond house to rent- Call: 692-8513, 223-0733 One 2 bedrooms flat housePlease call: 265-3616, 6430782

Toyota Prado, Price$4.4M Neg. Call: 643-2403 One 318 BMW never register for $ 3.1M down payment $ 800,000- Contact # 650-0402 Fantasy Auto Sales at 38 Alexander St, Kitty. Get $100,000 discount on preorders- Contact: 611-1833 Fantasy Auto SalesAvailable: 2010 Mitsubishi RVR, Nissan X-Trail 2008. New model Premio & AllionCall: 611-1833

Saturday July 11, 2015



Lot 23, Area F Zeeburg, South, old gas station road, West Coast DemeraraContact: 621-8386 (Brodo) Two executive houses in gated compound at Oceanicvillas -$58M eachTel Shiv: 600-6681


Property for sale, Grove $18M neg. Tel: 625-5461. Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities –Call: 662-9335; 612-3244 House for sale at Craig- Call: 679-8091 or 718-213-6496 2 Storey 45x35 concrete property, lower flat incomplete. Land 65x120 @ Diamond N/S 5th Avenue, E.B.D- Call: 629-4017 1 Newly built 2 storey house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms at Diamond scheme, Golden Grove $14M negotiable- Call: 692-8814

VEHICLE FOR SALE AE100 Toyota Corolla PHH 7796 – Call: 670-1395 Just arrived from UK brand new TM trucks. Good priceTel: 679-7587, 264-1582 One Alteeza, PNN Series, immaculate condition. Tel: 649-9647 1 Noah BSS series. Price reasonable- Call: 652-0709 We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 TacomaCall:680-3154 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call:680-3154 1 Mini Cooper PTT 2675. 1 cold storage canter-Call: 6190846 Toyota- AT 212, AT192, BB, Premio, Rush, Hilux pickup 4x4. Nissan bluebird, Honda 600 RR- Tel: 644-5096, 6971453

Toyota Sequoia PKK series, fully loaded, like new -$M – Tel: 645-4709, 627-4080

RZ for sale in excellent condition. Price negotiableCall: 613-1676 FOR SALE

1 Toyota Pickup GRR 9565 & 1 ATV motor bike- Call: 6600422

One 185 Massey Ferguson tractor- Tel: 269-0954

One short base Mitsubishi canter for sale GRR series in good working condition- Call: 642-5203

1 Toyota 212 (new model) dark grey. Price $1M- Tel: 6700382

One TM truck for sale- Call: 261-2785

Woodmizer resaw 100hrs, Kohler engine $1,600,000Tel: 683-2575

Dell desktop & laptop computers from $55,000. Free games & educational software- call FutureTech: 231-2206 Mercedes Benz E-Class, V6 engine, 30,000KM, 20" staggered wheels. Imported brand new from EnglandCall: 690-6494 Pitbull pups (6 months) male (white) & female (brindle). Fully vaccinated- Tel: 6010751 152ft complete cabin cruiser. In excellent condition- Tel: 592-654-2817, 592-622-2958 One Ducati 1098cc motorcycle in excellent condition- Call: 617-6934, 674-0137 British bulldog, Cocker Spaniel and German shepherds. Make your order early for Huskies & Rottweilers- Call or whatsapp: 664-5401 1-2004 Caldina wagon fully loaded, 17" mags, GT 4, turbo. 1 wedding dress (size 10)- Call: 613-9116 One Tohatsu 40 outboard engine in excellent condition- Call: 680-6192 Household furniture: Sofa set, wardrobe, wall divider and more- Tel: 264-1582, 6797587 New American made 24ft Werner aluminum ladderCall: 609-7257, 225-7946 Best price & quality: 9" tablet, used iPhone & laptop- Call: 610-0652 Mix breed pups, pit-bull and European mastiff –Contact: 601-1371 2 Hydraulic hose crimperCall: 688-2880 Pure breed Rottweiler pups, fully de-wormed & vaccinated –Tel: 220-2277, 220-8904; 629-1471 Household items: refrigerator, stove, bed, washer, computer desk, filing cabinet, etc. Owner migrating- Tel: 654-4116, 6048350 Motivated seller $500,000. Below cost 16" bore tractor driven pump on trailer (new)Tel: 227-1830 ENERGY EFFICIENT LED LIGHTS&SOLAR PANELS SOLD @ AFFORDABLE PRICES. WE ALSO DO INSTALLATIONS- CALL: 621-3072 OR 600-1331 Hauler & trailer- Contact: 6396701, 602-2518 Continued on page 23

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Letters... Where your views make the news

I do not think that these men should tell lies to slander this company DEAR EDITOR, In response to the letter writer in your July 10th newspaper under the heading of Guyana Goldfields. I would like to correct some of the false statements made in that letter. I have worked with this company since 2007 and during that time I have always been treated with deep respect and the highest of regard. I started working since the exploration time, and about 18 months ago the company gave a Peruvian Company a contract to build the mine. I am guessing that since they were an exploration company they did not have the expertise to build such a sophisticated mine. When the Peruvian company came on board we were hired by them under contract to work in construction since exploration was over. They hired a lot of workers under a construction contract. Now that the mine is almost finished and the Peruvians are winding down the construction, most of the men would have to be sent home, since I understand that in the production phase of the mine there is no need for all the

construction people. I can understand the letter writer’s position, because right now the new guys that would be running the production phase of the work have been selecting persons who would stay. I was on my break when my friends in Aurora called me and told me that I was not on the list. I rushed down to Georgetown and headed straight to the Country Manager’s office and she called the project guys and told them clearly that the workers who were there since the exploration days or the longest with the company, should be hired first for the production work. The production guys are new to the company and they are picking guys who they believe can do the work and have old experience with OMAI. I worked with OMAI so I know about mine work. I was offered a position and I accepted. The point the writer is making about the conditions they are just lying. I would like persons to just travel up to the Aurora Mine. We have it real nice. We are fed three squares (meals) a day plus and the food is sufficient and

nicely done in a cafeteria-like setting. Our rooms have air conditioning and we have a bar, game rooms, modern gyms and play areas where we play soccer and other games. We are properly paid and did make a lot of money during the construction phase of the operation since we were paid overtime for all the hours we worked to get the mine built. I like working for this company. We even have health and medical insurance for our families. I wish the Company the best, but I am sorry for those men that will be laid off. Fortunately the Company ensured that they were all given certificates for the work they did. The Peruvians would soon be gone and it only makes sense that the persons that were hired for the construction be laid off. No way can all those men be kept on. I sorry for them, but I do not think that they should tell lies to slander the company because of that. Not sure if they will be paid a construction completion bonus, maybe that is what they should be asking the Peruvians to pay them. Cleveland Jacobs

1978 change to Article 73 of the 1966... From page 5 to the “No” vote. On 17 July, 1978 or one week after that ‘successful’ referendum to probably end all referendums, the PNC government successfully tested its newfound power and amended the constitution using its twothirds parliamentary majority to extend the life of Parliament and negate the need for scheduled general election. Parliament replaced referendums to make constitutional amendments. Yes, the entire exercise was objected to by then O p p o s i t i o n Leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, opposition parties, trade unions and other civil society stakeholders at the time, and yes, many concluded that while the PNC regime claimed a 70% turnout of voters and a 97% approval of the referendum, the turnout was more between 10% and 15%. Here is the kicker: Unless that April 10, 1978 bill to change Article 73 was subsequently voided by a two-thirds parliamentary majority, which I am unaware of at this point, then, going by the 1980 Constitution, which Justice Chang relied on to help make his ruling, it is safe to conclude that Parliament was in legal order when it used its two-

thirds parliamentary m a j o r i t y t o p a s s the presidential term limit as part of constitutional reforms. And all bills that were passed into law by a parliamentary majority – whether by simple majority or two-thirds majority – remain in effect. Justice Chang deserves to be publicly upbraided for this unnecessary lapse. Editor, the argument that Burnham and the PNC may have used ‘trickery’ to change Article 73 of the 1966 Independence Constitution does not automatically negate the fact that the changed Article 73 remains the fundamental premise on which the 1980 Constitution rests. And by taking away the need for future referendums to deal with constitutional amendments and giving it to Parliament, there was no legal basis for a national referendum to pass the presidential term limits. In fact, the PPP, despite

objecting to tinkering with Article 73 of the 1966 Independence Constitution to pave the way the 1980 Constitution, which it dubbed as dictatorial, never bothered to revisit that Article 73 issue and even went on to use the much-denigrated 1980 Constitution, which addresses the manner in which all Presidents are elected, all judges are appointed, all constitutional agencies are established and all legislative pieces are passed after 1980. All of these may now well be voided if Justice Chang’s ruling is ever to be interpreted to its fullest possible extent, for the 1980 Constitution has been the legal point of reference for court’s decisions over the years. When will the GrangerNagamootoo administration take steps to advertise for applicants for the job of Chancellor and Chief Justice? Emile Mervin

FOR SALE 1 Jailing motorcycle scooter (blue) JC 125T-39A, HP125cc- Call: 691-0592 For sale for chickens: automatic water pans, feed cans, 1 plucking machine & 1 freezer- Contact Diane: 6037290 Wood exporters- gang nail plates. Sizes in stock: 3x4, 4x6, 5x7- Contact: 266-4166, 6662361 Great Deals on video games & all gaming consoles. PC, phone games & applications. Delivery also – Call: 672-2566; 265-3232 Pitbull computer box (ECU) for sale- Call: 628-0909 1 Yahama 8,000 watts generator, Freezer $49,000, 40" Toshiba smart TV, 14" chainsaw, computer monitorCall: 642-1510, 227-5080 PS3 with 5 games & 2 controllers. PS2 with 25 great games & 3 controllers- Call: 683-8386

From page 22

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Oceanicvillas air conditioned, apartments/ fridge/stove/washer/dryer/ microwave. Contact Shiv: 678-6887 or email: oceanicvillas@yahoo.ca GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE- CALL: 6750767, 627-5098 Property for rent at #2 Canal Polder- Tel: 613-1860 Vreed-En-Hoop Junction: Storage bond, office, lessons place & other- Call: 680-9905 Two bedrooms flat apartment for rent at La Grange, West Bank Demerara- Call: 667-8896 Lodge apartments (Vlissengen /Durban): Unfurnished $55,000-$60,000 monthly; furnished (for visitors) US$500 monthlyCall: 677-9638 Newly constructed business spot located on public roadCall: 613-0448, 672-8625 1 Bedroom bottom flat @ Austin Street, parking space available - Call: 628-7953 1 Bedroom house- Call: 2223554 Room: semi-furnished, internet, stove, fridge, kitchen utensils, bed optional. Quiet area- Call: 223-1757 (after 6pm) One bedroom house for rent at Ruimzeight- Contact: 6393099 2 bedrooms apartment at West Bank Demerara- Call: 674-6080, 267-1446 One barber station for rent at Time Square Mall, GroveTel:669-4390 Two bedrooms apartment top flat, one room selfcontained. Located at 16 Stanelytown, West Bank Demerara-Call: 696-8714 One 2 bedrooms bottom flat at L.B.I, E.C.D- Tel: 226-7585 FOR SALE GQ New York, Quality Boutique- Call: 603-0108. 6061 Hadfield Street, Werk-EnRust Georgetown. Email: jmordle@yahoo.com

EDUCATION Summer Classes: Phonics, Reading, Language, Mathematics, Art & Craft & fun day (4-12yrs) July 13thAugust 13th @ Roxanne Burnham Gardens-Tel:2182076; 619-4355 Institute of Academic Excellence- registration commenced for our Secondary school (forms 15), lessons & adults CXC classes- Tel: 683-5742 Summer classes. Congratulations to my top student Aselah Najah, 518 (Queens College). CXC classes, Phonics, ComputerCall: 690-5008, 619-7911, 657-7398 Summer Kids; computer classes, ages 5-16 @ Micrographics, Vreed-enHoop –Tel: 264-3057 Earn a Diploma in computers, 9 courses @ Micrographics, Vreed-En-Hoop –Tel: 2643057 Private customs broker certificate training course. Importers/ exporters & others. From 4th August, 2015 (3 weeks)- Call: 6948322/ 223-1506 Affordable summer classes for weak children in reading, spelling, phonics, composition etc. for all agescall: 675-4379 Kids & adults balloon art workshop 13th-17th July. Kids $6,000 & adults $8,000 @ Tons of Fun, GeorgetownCall: 231-1154, 641-4032 LAND FOR SALE 50 Acres titled farm land @ The Belle, Upper Dem, River Front -reasonable offer accepted, serious enquiries only! – Tel: 695-3493 Land @ Parfaite Harmonie & Tuschen -$1.5M each, house & land @ Belle West. Call: 604-6724 Luxury gate communitymall, pool, swipe card entry, underground irrigation selling @ $6USD per sq.ftCall: 609-0783 Parfaite Harmonie $1.2M, $1.5M, $2.6M (130ftx48ft). Herstelling $4M (110ftx56ft). Long creek 30 acres $9MCall: 675-7292 Gold and diamond land for sale in Potaro. State owner leaving country- Tel: 6092815, 231-8702 Friendship house lot for saleCall: 692-8513, 223-0733

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Saturday July 11, 2015

Venezuela to ask UN to mediate Venezuela planning to offer E’bo residents ID cards Guyana border dispute Venezuela (AP) “Venezuela said yesterday, that it would ask the United Nations to help resolve a border dispute with Guyana over an area where a new oil discovery has been made. The country will send a letter to U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon requesting that a formal mediator be appointed, according to Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez. Venezuela long has claimed a significant chunk of Guyana, including an offshore area where the Exxon Mobil Corp. recently announced it made a significant oil discovery. Venezuela, which has the world’s largest oil reserves, issued a decree soon after that announcement extending its territorial claims farther out into the Atlantic to encompass the area where the discovery was made. Earlier this week, Maduro announced he was recalling Venezuela’s ambassador for consultation amid the mounting tensions. The Guyanese finance minister said Thursday that Venezuela has decided to

Venezuela leader, Nicolas Maduro stop buying much of Guyana’s rice crop amid the conflict. Venezuela has in the past four years purchased about 40 percent of Guyana’s rice production, or about 200,000 tons, paying for it with oil that amounts to about half of Guyana’s daily supply needs. Peter DeGroot, President of Guyana’s Rice Millers

Association, characterized the shift as a “significant blow.” President David Granger told Parliament on Thursday, that Guyana does not have the military capacity to challenge Venezuela and his government would seek an international judicial settlement over the border issue. Maduro responded later that night that he was encouraged by Granger’s remarks. On Monday, Maduro affirmed that the conflict would be settled without violence. The dispute between the two South American countries stems from an 1899 court ruling that required Venezuela to relinquish an undeveloped but resourcerich jungle territory called the Essequibo that constitutes about two-thirds of Guyanese territory. Venezuela contends the ruling was invalid, and many official maps still describe the Essequibo as Venezuelan territory. Guyana says Venezuela pledged to abide by the ruling, but later reneged.

$6.1M in Coke, Weed earns man three years jail Kevin Sandy, 30, a security Guard attached to Beharry Co. Ltd, was yesterday sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. When he made his appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Ann McLennan, Sandy pleaded guilty. On July 8 last at the Ogle International Airport he had in his possession 2.328 kilo of cannabis and 1.2 grams of

cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. According to the Prosecutor, Dinero Jones, on the day in question, the defendant was scheduled to travel to Barbados via the Ogle International Airport, when CANU ranks saw him acting in a suspicious manner. A search was carried out on him and his bag and the drugs were found in the bag. He was told of the offence, cautioned and arrested. He then told the officers that someone told him

to collect the drugs from a garbage bin and a toilet tank from the said airport. When asked what he had to say for himself, the defendant told the Magistrate that everyone makes mistakes. The street value of the cocaine was $2.7M. Three times the value of the cannabis times $3.4 M. The combined total value of the drugs was $6.15M which was the fine the Magistrate imposed in addition to the jail sentence.

As part of its “recovery” strategy for Essequibo, Venezuela said that it will start a process of issuing almost 200,000 identity cards to Guyanese living in that country. The disclosure was made by retired Army Col. Pompey Torrealba Rivero, advisor on the subject of President Nicolas Maduro. According to an El Universal report, the government of Venezuela will begin in the coming days a diplomatic strategy to recover Essequibo, in which that neighbouring country is claiming a big part. Torrealba called M a d u r o ’s address Monday to his National Assembly on the Essequibo claims “a historic event”, because “never before in the claims process, a Head of State had addressed the legislature to expose the country Essequibo topic”. Venezuela is contending

that it was robbed of the Venezuela territory 115 years ago. It is claiming150, 000 km² of Guyana’s land-space and a significant part of the Atlantic Ocean. Torrealba is in charge of coordinating the Office for the Rescue of the Essequibo. “In every government we have been demanding, but we have not been able to organize a process for t h e r e c o v e r y o f the geographical space of Venezuela.” As head of the special unit, the official is quoted as saying that he presented a series of recommendations to the Government with the first steps taken when President Maduro addressed the National Assembly last Monday and where he announced a series of measures in line with international diplomacy. Torrealba said that on instructions of the Head of State, the Essequibo issue will

be discussed in the universities and schools and well as with engagement with the media of Venezuela. Torrealba further proposed to “initiate a process of issuing identity cards to the 200,000 people estimated to live in the territory of Essequibo, plus an information campaign to make it clear to the people of Guyana that this territory belongs to Venezuela.” On Thursday, Maduro told the state television, Telesur, that the country will be contacting the UN Secretary General, Ban Kimoon to defend the rights of the Essequibo. T h r o u g h h i s Tw i t t e r account, Maduro said a special edition began circulating on “The Truth of Guyana Essequibo” to i n f o r m t h e Ve n e z u e l a n people about the dispossession of 159,500 square kilometers by England.

Following a fatal road accident on the Coverden Public road last month one driver, Sheldon McLennan, is appalled that he has not been offered any compensation for the injuries he received. McLennan said that he was “not wrong” at the time of the accident. He had initially said that the driver of motorcar HC 4030, Clayton Schwartz, had driven his car into his lane hence colliding with his yellow Fielder wagon, HB9510. Now confined to home because of a broken leg suffered in the accident, McLennan believes that he should have received some form of compensation. “I am not wrong… at least

somebody should have told me something” said McLennan. “It li’l stiff for me.” Prior to the accident he was the breadwinner for his home and with his injury provision has become short for his family. On Friday June 26, 2015, Sheldon McLennan was driving his yellow Fielder wagon, HB 9510, in the direction of Georgetown when driver of white Spacio, HC 4030, Clayton Schwartz, who was travelling in the opposite direction collided with him. Kaieteur News understands that McLennan, of D’Andrade Street, Newtown, was returning to

the City after making a drop off at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, while Schwartz, of Ice House Road, Timehri, had minutes earlier left a night spot in Garden of Eden. Marlon Forde called ‘Goaty’ or ‘Baige’, 38, of Lot P Adams Road, Soesdyke, was killed with the impact while Esther Meertens, of Van Diamond Road, Soesdyke suffered a fractured nose and other injuries about the body. Two other women were also injured. The driver who also received minor injuries to his leg was released on bail when he made a court appearance on Thursday.

Coverden accident…One driver feels deprived of compensation

Duo fined $75,000 on break and enter conviction Bertie Gulliver, 65, a taxi driver of Robert Road, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara and Albert DeFreitas, a fisherman of Leopold Street, Georgetown, were both charged with attempting to break and enter and stealing from a motorcar on January 23, last. The car belonged to Praim Narine, who is a policeman. At the time it was parked in Kitty Police Inspector Vishnu Hunt, the Prosecutor said that both men were convicted for the offence. Both the defendants pleaded not guilty to the offence after it was read to them by Magistrate Latchman. The Magistrate in her verdict stated that based on the evidence both men were

found guilty as charged, DeFreitas for breaking and entering the motorcar and Gulliver who acted in concert with DeFreitas. Attorney-at-Law Mr. Jad Vasconcellos represented both defendants. The duo was given the option to lead a defence. They chose to give unsworn statements. The Attorney pleaded with the Magistrate for his clients to be fined rather than custodial sentence, He claimed Gulliver has a health condition. The taxi driver and his accomplice were on Thursday fined $75,000 each by Magistrate Judy Latchman. Failure to pay the fine will result in one month’s imprisonment for each of the convict.

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Saturday July 11, 2015

Kamla: The guilty must be punished Trinidad Express - Prime Minister Kamla PersadBissessar said Thursday the guilty must be punished should any wrong doing be found in the Children’s Life Fund Authority (CLFA). The Prime Minister was responding to questions from the media on allegations of theft at the CLFA and the deaths of two children after questionable surgery at a Colombia hospital. She was speaking at a function to launch the construction phase of the Maracas Bay Improvement Project. The Life Fund is the brainchild of PersadBissessar who has on numerous occasions expressed her pride at it being the first initiative (Cabinet note number one) of her Government upon entering office in 2010. Asked whether she was concerned by the reports with respect to the CLFA, Persad-Bissessar responded, “any wrongdoing I am concerned about. Should there be wrongdoing found those who have done so wrong will need to be punished”.Concerns were raised by a local doctor about one of the Colombian medical institutions sanctioned by the CLFA where sick children would be sent for urgent medical treatment. The Prime minister was

Kamla Persad-Bissessar also questioned on the concerns which surfaced his year following the deaths of at least two local children at the—Colombian—facility Fundacion Clinica Shaio in Bogota.The Express exclusively reported the contents of a confidential letter, dated February 18, 2015, where Dr Camille Greene, a paediatric consultant at the cardiology clinic at the Eric WilliamsMedicalSciencesComplex, wrote to Dr Vindra Singh, clinical head of the Department of Paediatric Medicine, expressing concerns about the competency and capability of the doctors based there. Persad-Bissessar said she read this report in the newspaper and the matter was raised and discussed at the Cabinet meeting yesterday.

“I read that in the newspaper. I don’t know if it is a fact....The matter was discussed at the Cabinet today and the Minister of Health will look into those allegations,” said PersadBissessar. Over the past five years Persad-Bissessar said she has contributed some $200,000 to the fund from her salary. “Matters are being investigated by the Fraud Squad and I would have to be into those who illegally took money out of the fund,” she said. The Prime Minister said the new Couva Children’s hospital will be able to treat some of the cases but not all. Interim chairman of the CLFA Dr Colin Furlonge has promised a thorough audit into all allegations of theft and financial misappropriation as uncovered in a TV6 News and Express investigation over the last few days. Furlonge, who is also the Chief Medical Officer, said questions only arose in 13 cases of the 221 children the fund has helped. On another issue, when questioned on whether there were any talks with the Third Force Movement, PersadBissessar said, “We have not given that any thought or discussion at this point in time.”

British High Commission urges Jamaicans to check travel documents carefully before leaving UK The Gleaner - The British High Commission in St Andrew is urging Jamaicans living in the United Kingdom to check their travel documents carefully before leaving the country to ensure that they are able to return. The call comes in light of the case of 68-year-old Neville Mckenzie, who has lived in London since 1962. Mckenzie, came to Jamaica in November last year and has now been blocked from reentering the United Kingdom (UK). In a statement yesterday morning, the High Commission said it could not comment on individual cases. However, it says it is aware that there are many long-term residents in Britain who do not have British citizenship. According to the High Commission, if these persons leave and then return to the UK they will need to satisfy the UK Immigration rules to regain entry. Meanwhile, the lawyer representing Mckenzie, Jennifer Housen says she has still not been able to reach the British High Commission in St

Aloun Assamba Andrew to discuss the case. The Jamaica’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Aloun Assamba has expressed concern that Jamaicans residing in that country are not heeding immigration warnings until they are confronted by obstacles that render them immobile. Assamba says there is nothing that she or the Jamaican High Commission in London can do about it. The High Commissioner says only the British High Commission can resolve the

matter. However, she says Mckenzie could contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for assistance. Meanwhile, Assamba says the Jamaican High Commission in London has launched a public education programme on the matter. She says the issue is regularly discussed on television stations and in community newspapers in the United Kingdom. However, according to Assamba, ‘persons just do not pay attention’.

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OAS sends special mission to investigate situation of Haitian migrants in Dominican Republic

Saturday July 11, 2015

Union dispute with statutory body heads to court in Barbados NUPW officials, president Akanni McDowall (left) and acting general secretary Roslyn Smith.

Mission WASHINGTON, United States - The Organization of American States (OAS) Thursday sent a special mission to the Dominican Republic and Haiti to gather information on the situation of Haitian migrants, following deportations ordered by Santo Domingo. The mission, headed by the OAS Secretary for Political Affairs, the Mexican Francisco Guerrero, initiated its work in Santo Domingo yesterday and will end its activities in Haiti on July 14. It was deployed at the

invitation of the governments of both countries. Guerrero, who is accompanied by several civil identity experts of the OAS and support staff, said the mission will be guided by “the will to build bridges between the two countries in order to find a lasting solution to the dispute”. During the visits to both countries, the mission will meet with government officials, specialized agencies in charge of migrants’ registration, as well as

migrants and others involved in the process. After gathering information and analysing the situation, the team will prepare a report for the Secretary General of the hemispheric institution, Luis Almagro. The regional and international community has expressed concern that the deportation of about thousands of Haitian migrants and people of Haitian descent born in that Spanishspeaking country, who have no status, could lead to a humanitarian crisis.

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - The intervention by Minister of Labour Dr. Esther Byer yesterday failed to produce a resolution in the dispute between the country’s largest public sector trade union and the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC). The matter will be decided in the courts. And the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) yesterday made a determination on Phase 3 of its industrial action which began with a mass protest on Monday and continued with workers at the Sanitation Service Authority (SSA) withdrawing its garbage collection and burial services. Eight hours of talks chaired by Byer, which ended just before 11 p.m., were not enough to avoid a stalemate.

“Because this case, as far as I see it, turns on a significant point of law, we will let the court decide. While the union does not want to wait on the court to decide, we would just be spinning top in mud unless we actually know,” the labour minister told the media after the talks. The union is challenging the BIDC’s forced retirement of 10 workers who had reached the age of 60. The statutory body said it had invoked its right under the Statutory Boards (Pensions) Act to retire officers attaining that age, but the NUPW has insisted the move was illegal and is demanding reinstatement or that the BIDC pay the workers until the age of 67. “The substantive issue is ‘did the company break any law in exercising that right?’ and so it is going to the court.

I have a commitment that they are going to abide by the court’s decision. So until we have that, I don’t think that even if it went to the prime minister today and the prime minister said ‘this is my interpretation of the law’, I don’t think the union would accept the interpretation either,” Byer added. NUPW acting general secretary Roslyn Smith said Thursday night that the BIDC had offered to pay the workers until the end of the year, but the union believed that was “unacceptable”. “ We a r e s a y i n g t h a t these workers should be reinstated. We have not been able to reach any agreement and therefore we’re stating that we will move to Phase 3,” she said, adding that the decision on that action would be made yesterday.

The Guardian - Members of the Law Association scheduled to meet yesterday to discuss the organisation’s stance on replacing the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as T&T’s final court of appeal. The association’s president Reginald Armour, SC, said the meeting held at the Hall of Justice, Port-ofSpain, at 3 pm yesterday to solicit the views from its membership on the longstanding issue. “We think it is the opportune moment as the CCJ is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. We will look at the record of the court and the judgments it has produced and allow the members to tell us how they want to proceed on the issue,” Armour said during an interview on Monday. Despite his reasoning for the meeting, several of the association’s members have

stepped foward to criticise its handling of the issue and proCCJ stance of the resolution which the membership is being asked to vote on. In a five-page letter sent to Armour on We d n e s d a y, former attorney general Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, SC, said the resolution should not be put to a vote as the association’s members were not properly consulted before it was prepared. “The legal principles of consultation are well known, the basic standard requires that a consultation exercise should be conducted at a time when proposals are at a formative stage, with adequate information and time for proper and informed response leading to a conscientious and openminded consideration of the relevant matters,” Maharaj said. Referring to similar action

in Jamaica, Maharaj noted that the Jamaican Bar Association had consulted with civil society groups in addition to its own members. Questioning the process used by the local association, Maharaj noted that previous executives had held seminars before formulating resolutions on other serious issues. As he stated that replacing the Privy Council with the CCJ would require ammendments to the Constitution and national consultations by Government, Maharaj criticised the association for only facilitating voting at the meeting in Port-of-Spain. “The obligation was on the council to have a fair decision-making process for such an important issue and it ought to have permitted contemporaneous voting in San Fernando and Tobago,” Maharaj said.

Law body to discuss CCJ position today

Saturday July 11, 2015

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Sunshine Supermarket makes... La Grill Hotel, Restaurant and... From page 34 people. He added that cricket provides an opportunity for young people to be positively occupied and not get involve in crimes, drug and alcoholic abuse. In response, Imtiaz Bacchus, executive member the Berbice Cricket Board, thanked the business establishment for their kind gesture and promised that they will get good mileage for their contribution. He said that Singh, through his business, always supports cricket in Berbice and the board is very grateful for that. He called on other businesses and private individuals to come on board to help the return of three day first division cricket in the county. Contact can be made as follows: telephone numbers 333-2375, 655-4140 and 6236875. Emails can also be sent to abeharry1970@yahoo.com and ros_haniff2001 @yahoo.com. The Caricom Champion-

ship will be played at the historic Albion Sports Complex and will see eight top first division teams in Berbice taking part in a ten over knockout competition with the final of 20 overs to be played under lights for a top prize of $80,000 and trophy among other prizes. Action begins at 10am sharp with Young Warriors/ Rose Hall CC/Edinburgh Combined will tackle Upper Corentyne/Skeldon Combined in the opening. Game two will see Albion CC taking on Bermine/Police Combined. Game 3 is Port Mourant vs Bush Lot/

D’Edward Combined Game 4 will see Blairmont/ West Berbice Combined vs Rose Hall Town. The preliminary games will play in a festival format to create nonstop action. The winner of game 1 and 2 play in the first seminal and the winner of game 3 and 4 plays in the other. Several gate prizes will be up for grab for the fans with a well stocked ANSA MCAL bar and musical entertainment present. Games for the young and old will be there. Entrance is $300 for adults, children under 12 free.

Brooklyn X2 Promotions.... From page 31 player and National Football Coach Marlon Washington the winning team will get $100,000, the Runners-up $50,000, the third place $30,000 and the fourth place $20,000. The tournament is

sponsored by Banks Beer, B. Harry General Store, Foreign Links Auto Spares, Jermaine & Sons Grocery, Babaloo Car Rentals, Snooks Establishment, S& J Cambio and Jac’s Restaurant among others.

Saturday July 11, 2015 ARIES (MAR. 21APRIL 20) You will accomplish the most through orderly activities. Opportunities to make advancements through good business sense are apparent.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23) Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem. Tempers will mount if you're too pushy at work or at home.

TAURUS (APR. 21MAY 21) A long discussion is in order if you wish to clear the air. Let your boss know your goals. Dig deep, ferret out any hidden concerns before you sign your life away

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 NOV. 22) You may have a problem with someone you live with if you don't include them in your gathering.

GEMINI (MAY22-JUNE 21) Any contributions you make to organizations will enhance your reputation and bring you offers. CANCER (JUNE 22JULY 22) Be careful not to push your luck or take too much for granted when dealing on either a personal or professional level. Children may cause limitations. LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) Passion is about the best way for you to relieve tension. Finish projects that have been hanging over your head. Abrupt changes concerning your professional position are evident. VIRGO (AUG. 23 SEPT. 23) Join a club to work off that excess energy; but consider ways of doing that without spending the money. Get them to pitch in, if you need help.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 -DEC. 21) Check into art objects or precious stones. You can do well in group endeavors. You may have major blowups with someone you love if you don't back down. CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20) You can ask for favors but don't take them for granted. Your words will be taken out of context if you're evasive with coworkers or employers. Stay mellow. AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 FEB. 19) Find out exactly what's expected of you and you'll be surprised to find out how capable you are. If you can get away for a vacation, do so. PISCES (FEB. 20-MAR. 20) You should be setting up interviews or sending out your resume today. Mishaps due to preoccupation will be upsetting.

From page 30 first division cricket in the county. Contact can be made as follows: telephone numbers 333-2375, 655-4140 and 623-6875. Emails can also be sent to abeharry1970 @yahoo.com and ros_haniff2001 @yahoo.com. The Caricom Championship will be played at the historic Albion Sports Complex and will see eight top first division teams in Berbice taking part in a ten over knockout competition with the final of 20 overs to be played under lights for a top prize of $80,000 and trophy. The runner up will receive $40,000 and trophy with the losing finalists $15,000 each. Man of the match in every game will be rewarded. The teams will don coloured clothing and white balls will be used. Action begins at 10am sharp.

Young Warriors/Rose Hall CC/Edinburgh Combined will tackle Upper Corentyne/ Skeldon Combined in the opening fixture, Game two will see Albion CC taking on Bermine/Police Combined. Game 3 is Port Mourant vs Bush Lot/D’Edward Combined, Game 4 will see Blairmont/West Berbice Combined vs Rose Hall Town. The preliminary games will play in a festival format to create nonstop action. The winner of game 1 and 2 play in the first seminal and the winner of game 3 and 4 plays in the other. The BCB would like to thank the following sponsors so far: ANSA MCAL under the Carib Brand, Sentinel Security, East Coast Cricket Board/Georgetown Cricket Association, Republic Bank Berbice Branches, P&P Insur-

Jason Andrews and... From page 28 experience as a pair is something I feared but I had to treat it and approach it like any other match and I thought we played really well,” and Dey held a strong game as well and is happy for the win, “We stuck to our game plan of keeping the rallies going and force the opponents to make the errors.” Dey and Lopes got a

good start in the first set with a 5/0 lead and were on the verge of giving a bagel but Humphrey and Lowden were able to hold for a game but lost the set at 6/1. A surge of energy came in the second set as the veterans played with all their gusto but it was unequivocal that the level of play by the young ones were elevated as they took the second set 6/2.

ance Brokers and Consultants Limited, Massy Industries, B Debydeen, Caterer of Albion Estate Road, Corentyne, New Building Society Ltd, Balram Shane of Rose Hall Town, Sunshine Supermarket, lRonald Williams of Apex Insurance Brokers Inc, Sandeep Ramdass of Ishmail Poultry, popularly known as Pampey, Asheik and Sons Motor Spares and Auto Sale, Safraz Photo Studio, Rocky of Palace Taxi Service, Restaurant and Bar, D Harricharran of Beauty and Home Design, Sheik Mohamed of Tiger Sports Club, Office Express, Trophy Stall of Bourda Market, Price is Right Supermarket of No 79 Corriverton, Venu Shopping Center and Beauty Saloon. Meanwhile, clubs affiliated to the Berbice Cricket Board are asked to get their grounds ready for the resumption of the cricket season.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015

Running Braves athletes dominate AAG Roger Federer teams for World Youth, Pan Am Juniors beats Andy Murray - Phillips, George, Thomas omitted; Yaw questionably included The Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) has named representative national teams for the World Youth Championships in Cali, Columbia, July 15-19 and Pan American Junior Championships, July 31August 2 in Edmonton, Canada. In an AAG press release, Running Braves Athletics Club, Natricia Hooper and Avon Samuels were named to compete in the 400m at the World Youth Championships along with Compton Caesar (100m, 200m) from Linden. Running Braves Athletics Club Coach, Julian Edmonds

was identified as the Manager/Coach for the team. Surprisingly and questionably omitted from this national youth team was the East Coast-based, Kenisha Phillips, who beat both Hooper and Samuels in the 200m at the AAG’s mandatory National Youth and Junior Championships three weeks ago. Middle distance queen and multiple CARIFTA Games gold medallist, Cassie George was also absent from the Youth team despite winning both the 800m, 1500m at the trials. Phillips posted 24.4

seconds in the 200m ahead of Samuels (25.3s) and Hooper (25.4), who finished in that order. Phillips also won the 100m in 11.7 seconds. Hooper and Samuels was first and second in the 400m race. Meanwhile, the AAG named United States-based Brenessa Thompson, who will compete in the 100m, 200m; Running Braves’ Andrea Foster (800m, 1500m); Running Braves’ Jason Yaw (200m, 400m) and Gairy Springer (800m) for the Pan Am Junior Championships. US-based, Aliann Pompey was named as Manager/Coach. Yaw did not

compete at the National trials, which was the yardstick for selection, but was included in the team. Yaw cited an injury for not competing at the trials which was merely three weeks ago. The AAG did not state whether Yaw was fit to compete at the global spectacle this month end and what yardstick they used to include Yaw. Questionably omitted from this team that Running Braves athletes once again dominated was Ornesto Thomas, who posted an impressive time of 1:55 to win the 800m.

Muguruza has belief and knowhow to topple Serena

Garbine Muguruza LONDON (Reuters) A fresh-faced Spaniard who has a love-hate relationship with grass will be eager to prove in today’s Wimbledon final that the mighty Serena Williams is as human as the next person with blood, and not ice, pumping through her veins. ‘Nerves’ and ‘Williams’ are words that are not usually linked such has been the total dominance of the world number one who is gunning for her fourth successive grand slam title to complete the “Serena Slam” for the second time in her career. But 21-year-old Garbine Muguruza has already proved that she has the power and intelligence to reduce the all-conquering American to a nervous wreck when she subjected Williams to a 6-2 6-2 pummelling at last year’s French Open. “It (the Roland Garros win) is really important because it makes you see and realize that she’s also a person. She also has feelings. She also gets nervous,” Muguruza said on the eve of her maiden grand

slam final when she will be bidding to become the first Spanish woman in 21 years to win Wimbledon. “She knows that I can win against her, that I’m not afraid. I don’t think she’s really used to this.” While that triumph gave Muguruza the belief that she was capable of competing with the best, Williams also credited that result for her own recent success. “It was an eye-opening loss for me. Some losses you’re angry about, and some losses you learn from. That loss I learned the most from in a long time,” said the 33-year-old, who last held all four titles concurrently in 2003. “I got so much better after that loss. I was able to improve a lot. I worked on things. “I don’t like losing. I really hate losing. So I’m that kind of person that will work harder than anybody else to make sure I don’t get that. If I do, I learn from it better.” FAMILIAR LOOK If Williams thinks aspects of Muguruza’s game look

Serena Williams familiar, she will only have herself to blame because the Spaniard grew up studying the American’s game under a microscope. “She was an inspiration to me because when I was watching her play finals on TV... it’s one of those moments you want to learn how she plays and try to see what you can do to play like her,” the Venezuelan-born Muguruza said. But Williams has only lost three times in 41 matches this year, prompting the Spaniard to sy: “She’s world No. 1 for something. It’s going to be the hardest challenge tomorrow.” Beating Williams at this year’s Wimbledon has been beyond the capabilities of former world number ones of the calibre of her sister Venus, twice Australian Open champion Victoria Azarenka and five-times grand slam winner Maria Sharapova. Having toppled the celebrated trio in her last three matches, Williams declared she was at the stage in her career when she had nothing left to prove. “I’ve won so many grand

slam titles. I’m at a position where I don’t need to win another Wimbledon. I don’t need any titles to make it.” said Williams, who is chasing a 21st grand slam title 16 years after winning her first. Muguruza knows that adopting a positive attitude is essential to help her pull off a feat most people think is beyond the Spaniard. Asked if she can win, Muguruza smiled and said: “Yes, I think I can. I’m playing good. It’s true that it’s a very difficult match. But I have to believe I can do it.”

BBC Sport - Seven-time champion Roger Federer produced a brilliant performance to beat Britain’s Andy Murray and reach his 10th Wimbledon final. The Swiss, 33, served superbly to win 7-5 7-5 6-4 and goes on to face world number one Novak Djokovic in a repeat of last year’s final. Second seed Federer faced one break point, in the first game of the match. Murray, seeded third, must now turn his attention to Britain’s Davis Cup tie against France in London next week. The Scot’s hopes of landing a second Wimbledon title were undone by a breathtaking exhibition of serving in particular, with Federer dropping just 21 points on serve over two hours and seven minutes. “He served fantastic, apart from the first game where I had the chance there,” said Murray. “I didn’t really have any opportunities. That puts pressure on you. The pressure builds throughout the set that way. “I obviously got broken right at the end all of the sets but didn’t actually play a bad match. I played pretty well.” Federer will contest his 26th Grand Slam final on Sunday, when he will look to win an 18th major title and become the first man in history to win Wimbledon eight times. The Swiss said: “It’s been tough. Andy’s been playing well this season. There’s so much expectation riding on it, you just have to focus for one more game, and then one more game. You think the break will come. “I expected four or five sets. I played so well on the biggest occasion today. “My serve was good again, against one of the best returners. I kept the pressure up and was able to mix it up. It worked out well.” Murray, urged on by his family and support team in the stands, and with the likes of

Bjorn Borg, Sir Alex Ferguson and Prince Andrew watching from the royal box, simply could not lay a glove on Federer. An early break point was snuffed out by a Federer serve and Murray would not get another chance as the Swiss fired down 20 aces with a first-serve percentage that hovered around the 80% mark for much of the match. Murray kept him at bay with some good serving of his own but after the Scot saved a set point with a forehand pass, Federer converted his second opportunity with a dipping backhand. The pressure increased further early in the second set as Murray’s hopes already appeared to be on the line, and he was relieved to see Federer guide a backhand just wide on break point. When the hour mark passed, Federer had missed just 10 of 50 first serves, and it was a testament to how well Murray was playing that he managed to stay with the Swiss as the second set developed. There was no better example than the 10th game, a gripping contest within a contest that saw Murray fend off five break points in a passage of play that electrified the Centre Court crowd and lasted 14 minutes. It seemed as though Murray had given his hopes a major boost but Federer swept through his next service game and then played a brilliant point to convert his sixth set point at the net in Murray’s next service game. There was no let-up in the third as Federer refused to offer a glimmer of hope and, with Murray serving to stay in the match, the Swiss played a fabulous backhand winner and a stinging return. Facing match point, Murray could only send a forehand into the tram lines to end one of the most complete performances even Federer has produced on Centre Court.

Free 3-week Golf Clinic at Lusignan Golf Club starting Tuesday Lusignan Golf Club Executive reminds persons of ages from above 10 desirous of learning and playing Golf, that beginning next Tuesday and continuing on successive Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 weeks until Thursday 6 August, a free golf clinic will be conducted at the Lusignan Golf Club. Registration of participants will close at 14:00 hours on Monday 13 July so interested persons should call 220-5660 or 225-4403 or 618-0217 to register.

Golf clinic will be conducted from 10:00 – 13:00 hours on the scheduled days, by a team of skilful golfers and will be mainly practical exercises as well as some theoretical instructions with regards to the basics of golfing. Persons attending the clinic should wear sports shoes and sports dress, but armless clothing are not allowed. Each participant is asked to walk with at least six (6) golf balls. (If you have your own golf clubs you may walk with them.)

Saturday July 11, 2015

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Clinical Djokovic crushes Fitness Paradise and Studio Body Shape formalize link Gasquet to reach final LONDON Defending champion Novak Djokovic emphatically booked his place in a fourth Wimbledon final with a clinical 7-6(2), 6-4, 6-4 defeat of gallant Frenchman Richard Gasquet yesterday. Underdog Gasquet offered fans on a sun-baked Centre Court plenty of “ooohaahh” moments with his trademark single-handed backhand but there were not enough to really concern the world number one who looked supreme. There were a few more unforced errors than normal off the Djokovic racket in a tight first set but once he cruised through the tiebreak he bolted the door on the 21st seed whose wait for a first grand slam final continues. In the second and third sets a miserly Djokovic made just nine unforced errors and his only slight concern was a stiff shoulder that needed a couple of visits from the trainer. In the final the 28-year-old Serb will face seven-time champion Roger Federer, the man he beat in five sets to win his second Wimbledon title

last year. “It was a good performance, considering the occasion. It’s always tough. Richard had a great tournament and deserved to be in the semis,” said the eight-time grand slam champion. “The first set could have gone his way, luckily it went to me.” The pre-match statistics did not give 29-year-old Gasquet’s many admirers cause for optimism. Djokovic had beaten him 11 times out of 12, had lost one of his previous 31 matches against the Frenchman and had not lost to a player ranked as low as Gasquet in a grand slam arena for five years. LETHAL BACKHAND Gasquet does possess arguably the most lethal backhand in the game though and arrived on court fuelled with the confidence of winning a five-set quarterfinal thriller against Stanislas Wawrinka, the man who stunned Djokovic in the French Open final. He used it to great effect early on, too, recovering from dropping his opening service game to break back with a

flashing drive, played from shoulder height straight down the line. At 4-4 he fired another beauty that Djokovic barely saw and then had the Serb on the run only to blaze a jump smash wide. Those misses usually prove costly against the best and, although Gasquet continued to play with flair, he disintegrated somewhat in the tiebreak to gift Djokovic the opener. “It was 2-2, then it was 72 very fast,” Gasquet, who had been looking to become the first Frenchman since Cedric Pioline in 1996 to reach the final, told reporters. “It wasn’t good.” Djokovic forged smoothly ahead early in the second set but offered a glimmer of hope at 5-4 when he went 0-30 down, only to dial up some unreturnable serves and pinpoint groundstrokes. Hundreds of fans left their seats at the end of the second set to revive themselves for the day’s later blockbuster. Djokovic did not keep them waiting too long, closing out the match with a single break of serve in the third set.

FIFA official in Switzerland agrees to U.S. extradition ZURICH (Reuters) One of seven FIFA officials detained in Switzerland in a corruption probe has agreed to be extradited to the United States, the Swiss Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) said yesterday. The seven were arrested in May in a dawn raid by Swiss police at a luxury hotel in Zurich, on corruption charges filed by U.S. prosecutors in New York. Their arrests sparked a scandal which has engulfed Zurich-based FIFA, world soccer’s governing body, and put pressure on Sepp Blatter to step down as its president. The FOJ did not name the official or give any details on when he might be sent to the

United States, but said in a statement it would take place within 10 days. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York accuses him of accepting bribes totalling millions of dollars in connection with the sale of marketing rights to various sports marketing firms and keeping the money for himself,” the FOJ said. “The marketing rights in question pertain to the broadcast of qualifying matches for the soccer World Cup, regional soccer tournaments and continental soccer championships in North and South America.” A spokeswoman for U.S. prosecutors in Brooklyn, New

York, declined to comment. U.S. prosecutors say their investigation - which is running parallel to a separate Swiss inquiry - exposes complex money laundering schemes, millions of dollars in untaxed incomes and tens of millions in offshore accounts held by FIFA officials. The United States last week filed extradition requests for the seven officials. FIFA vice-presidents Jeffrey Webb of the Cayman Islands and Uruguayan Eugenio Figueredo were among those arrested. The other five were Eduardo Li, Jose Maria Marin, Julio Rocha, Costas Takkas, and Rafael Esquivel.

By Franklin Wilson Continuing their efforts to take the sport of body building, fitness and nutrition to another level, Fitness Paradise Gym, located at 229 Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown have taken another giant leap by initiating links with Studio Body Shape of Paramaribo, Suriname. According to Donald Sinclair, architect of the collaborative effort between the two gyms, under the terms of the agreement, members of either gym automatically become members of the partner gym and can train on a complimentary basis at the partner gym. At a simple yet significant gathering yesterday afternoon at Fitness Paradise, Sinclair, members of the visiting delegation which includes a judge, athletes, supporters and Studio Body Shape Manager, Mr. Ludwig Gesser, proposed a toast towards the success of the collaborative effort. Sinclair noted that tomorrow’s annual Fitness Paradise Gym Expo set for the Savannah Suite of the Pegasus Hotel will officially formalize the link between the two gyms. “This is the first event in this link and it’s something we are very happy about. It adds value to being at either gym and we’re very happy to welcome them.” Sinclair is of the belief that the link will strengthen body building and fitness and will also promote travel between Guyana and Suriname. “I think to the extent that that relationship is deepened and strengthened, the sport is going to grow.” Mr. Gesser acknowledged that the initiative came from Sinclair noting that they were very happy make the link a reality by accepting. “What I see now here, I am very excited, words can’t really explain. It is so nice, so beautiful, so warm. I like it and I hope that the relationship between Body Shape and

Brooklyn X2 Promotions Inter-Ward 7-a-Side Football is July 19 in Linden The Brooklyn X2 Promotion hosted an Inter ward 7-a-Side Football tournament on Monday July 6 at the Wisburgh Secondary School ground when 15 teams participated in the knock-out phase of the tournament which concludes

with the quarterfinals on Sunday July 19 from noon at the same venue. Amelia’s Ward face Silvertown, Canvas City play Central McKenzie, Blueberry Hill tackle Silver City/Valley and Christianburg come up against West Watooka in

Sunday’s action. Mckenzie High opposes Bayroc Youths, while McKenzie and Wismar match skills in an over-40 contest in two Execibition matches. According to Coordinator former National Table Tennis (Continued on page 29)

Marlon Washington

Fitness Paradise will go from strength to strength.” Gesser also mentioned that they will be working on a show sometime in October where they will invite members from Fitness Paradise to take part. Part proceeds from tomorrow’s show will be given to a deserving entity according to Sinclair. “And this time we will be giving a donation to the Paralympics Association. Last year we gave a donation to the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre. We always try to think about those with a lesser physical capacity than we are which is very important.” Events tomorrow include the Mr. Expo Bodybuilding in 2 classes and the Mr. Expo

Hot Body. Ladies will be seen in the Miss Expo Bikini and Miss Expo Best Legs. Jermaine Karg and Daes Burgzorg of Studio Body Shape will be competing in the Mr. Gym Expo Bodybuilding and the Mr. Expo Hot Body contest respectively, while Ms. Shirley Parta and Ms. Margaretha Vrede will be taking part in the special fashion sequences that feature clothing by front line fashion designer Olympia Small. The Gym Expo has so far attracted some key sponsors. These include GT&T, Southland, Fitness Express, Real Value Supermarket, Ansa Mcal Trading (Guyana), Trophy Stall and John Lewis Styles. Showtime tomorrow is 19:00hrs.

Britton wins GTTA Olympic Day Singles title Shemar Britton defeated Joel Alleyne 11-7, 14-12, 11-9, 9-11 and 11-6 in an explosive and entertaining showdown on his way to winning the Men’s Singles title in Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) Oylmpic Day competition at the National Gymnasium. Colin France and Edinho Lewis won the joint third place prize. In the Girls 18 years and under round-robin playoff, Priscilla Greaves defeated Nevaeh Clarkston, Selenas Jackman and Abigale Martin to win ahead of Clarkston, Jackman and Martin in that order. In the Boys 18 years and under final, Ryan Narine defeated Nicholas Romain 1412, 10-12, 12-10 and 11-7 to claim his maiden title. Romain caused quite a stir when he defeated the more established and experienced Sheldon Atherley from Bartica in one of the exciting

Shemar Britton contests of the tournament. Atherley and Keshon Reece won joint third place. In the Girls 15 years and under round-robin playoff, Clarkston defeated Kristie Lopes; Selenas Jackman and Abigale Martin to win. Lopes finished second, while third went to Jackman with Martin fourth.

Five-a-side Football set for Charity ground A five-a-side summer Floodlight Football promotion is set for the Charity ground in North Essequibo from July 25 to August 1 and the competition will be played on a knock out format. Sponsored by Stag Beer, the competition is being promoted by Football Referee Vishwanauth ‘Lil Indian’ Jagarnauth and the winner will take home $100,000 and the runner up $50,000. Entrance fee is $7,000.

Vishwanauth Jagarnath

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015

Jason Andrews and Anthony Guyana Amazon Warriors call for Fans to Rally with the Team Downes crowned Doubles winners CPL - Team Operations Manager of the Guyana Amazon Warriors (GAW) Omar Khan said that home fans support will be important to the Warriors for their home games in the 2015 Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) beginning next Wednesday at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence. Fresh off their second victory against the St. Kitts/Nevis Patriots Wednesday night at Warner Park in St. Kitts, Khan expressed confidence that Amazon Warriors will bounce back into contention for the playoffs in their crucial home matches against the Jamaica Tallawahs on July 15th, St. Lucia Zouks – July 17th, Barbados Tridents - July 18th and Trinidad and Tobago Red Steels on July 21st. “Unlike the past two years, where the Guyana Amazon Warriors started their campaign at home, this year we have been on the road with matches in Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts/Nevis and Jamaica where the home teams have received tremendous support, so we are looking forward to the tremendous support from all of Guyana when we return to play at Providence,” he said. The Amazon Warriors, losing finalists in the two previous editions of the tournament have suffered two closely fought defeats against the St. Lucia Zouks and the Trinidad and Tobago Red Steel.

Khan is urging local fans to secure their tickets early as he anticipates sold out crowds for all four matches. Tickets are going fast so fans are urged to take the opportunity to get the remaining tickets early. Tickets are being sold at the CPL Central Office on Middle Street as well as the Guyana National Stadium Ticket Office, Courts stores in Georgetown, Berbice, Parika and Linden and at Ramdhan Distribution located at 19 Princess Elizabeth Road, New Amsterdam, and a few buildings from Berbice High School (BHS). The Warriors defeated the St. Kitts Patriots by eight wickets under the Duckworth/Lewis method after rain brought a premature end to the match. The Guyana Amazon Warriors were always in full control of the run chase with Man of the Match Brad Hodge leading the way with a match winning innings of 61 not out and was well supported by Captain Denesh Ramdin’s quick fire 31 and Assad Fudadin’s composed unbeaten 44. The GAW squad will travel to Jamaica to oppose the Jamaica Tallawahs on Sunday at Sabina Park before returning to Guyana for their four matches with the aim of securing a place in the finals billed for Trinidad and Tobago on July 26th at Queens Park Oval. The team is expected home Monday evening.

NCN Radio will carry CLP matches at Providence live in Guyana By Sean Devers According to Marketing Manager of the National Communications Network (NCN) Raymond Azeez, the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) t20 matches in Guyana will be heard live in Guyana on NCN Radio. “NCN Radio will carry all four games in Guyana live but unless the games are sold and we get permission from the CPL, NCN Television will record the matches and Broadcast them the next day since it would not make sense to show them the same night, meaning we would have matches being shown at 1AM in the morning” Azeez reminded that last year all of the games were carried live on Radio locally and that with the games being sold out, viewers in Guyana were able to see the games on TV live since CPL had granted permission for NCN to do so. CPL (Guyana) had informed that although the games will be heard throughout the Caribbean, cricket lovers in Guyana will only be able to enjoy the matches at the ground since, in keeping with CPL policy throughout the region, where games in host countries are only allowed delayed broadcasts, radio and television stations in Guyana will not broadcast the games live. Azeez said this was not the case and that CLP was talking about TV since he was

‘But TV will only go live if venue is sold out and CLP gives permission’ - Azeez

Raymond Azeez told that matches on Radio were carried live in the host Country during the 2015 CPL tournament. The Warriors will play 2013 champions Jamaica Tallawahs at on July 15 at 18:00hrs, St Lucia Zouks on July 17 at 20:00hrs, defending champions Barbados Tridents on July 18 at 16:00hrs before facing Trinidad and Tobago Red Steel from 18:00hrs on July 21. NCN is a state owned Media outfit and yesterday Minister of State Joseph Harmon met with Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) Damien O’Donohoe and gave the government’s commitment to the CPL.

Minister Harmon assured O’Donohoe that the government will commit to ensuring that all the usual exemptions and concessions for the hosting of international cricket in Guyana will be granted to the CPL for the hosting of the matches in the ongoing tournament. The Guyana Amazon Warriors will play in all four games in Guyana and the games will be important ones for the Warriors if they hope to advance to the two eliminators and grand finale in Trinidad and Tobago from July 23-26. The Warriors play their last away game on Sunday July 12 against Jamaica at Sabina Park and are presently on 4 points with 2 wins and 3 losses from 5 matches. The Warriors are only ahead of T&T’s Red Steel (3 points from 4 matches), while Barbados Tridents are at the top of the table with 8 points from 7 games with 4 wins and 3 losses. Jamaica Tallawahs are second with 8 points from 6 matches with 4 wins and 2 losses. St Lucia Zouks with 7 points from 7 matches with 3 wins and 3 losses are third and St Kitts and Nevis Patriots with 6 points from 7 matches with 3 matches and 4 losses are placed fourth on the points.

The curtains came down on the final double matches of the GBTI Open 2015. Unfortunately, the finals of the Men’s Doubles came to an anticlimax as a result of the tardiness of Nicolas Fenty and Leyland Leacock for their match. The officials took precedence by giving a walkover Jason Andrews and Anthony Downes. Despite Downes’ injury, he noted that he was looking forward to a great match against the No. 2 seeds. Andrews echoed the sentiment and added, “I am disappointed because playing in a championship you want to have a match point and lift the trophy the right way. We take solace in the fact that we had great matches to reach the finals and being seeded as No. 1. I favour the precedence set by the tournament official which would help lift the discipline of the game.” Andrews started playing in Berbice at the age of 18 with Coach Carol Humphrey who is known as Aunty Carol around the tennis court. The beauty of tennis is that you are never too old to learn or play the sport. While a career in the sport usually decline around 29 years old, one can play recreationally into their 60s and beyond. From then to now Andrews has now attained his 13th major doubles title. This is the 6th straight Men’s Doubles title at the GBTI Open. The former 3 titles came with his doubles partner, Jeremy Miller. Miller migrated leaving Andrews without a partner and a natural partnership developed with Anthony Downes since the two were on the junior team together and fellow hitting partners. The pair became the Bryan brothers of Guyana as they dominated the double scene for tennis with a playing style that complemented each other game. The team retained their title and their ranking as No.1. The young Aretta Dey and Daniel Lopes prevailed against the veterans, Carol Humphrey and Godfrey Lowden, in the mixed doubles. Dey and Lopes have come through the ranks of the National Squad and found their passion for the sport at the P&P Insurance Broker Tennis Camp. The two were in unison although they were playing as a unit for the first time. There was little nervousness at the beginning since they grew up watching the veterans and knowing

MEN’S DOUBLES CHAMPIONS: from right Anthony Downes and Jason Andrews.

MIXED DOUBLES CHAMPIONS: Aretta Dey and Daniel Lopes. their capabilities but years of experience representing Guyana on the regional stage

helped kept nerves at bay. Lopes pointed out, “The (Continued on page 29)

Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

LTTC host Developmental TRAINING CAMP

Howard James (right) and sponsor pose for a photo opportunity with some of the participants of the Linden Development Training Camp. The Linden Table Tennis Committee (LTTC) led by President, Howard James and General Secretary, Shavin Greene served off its first Table Tennis Summer Camp on Monday at the Mackenzie High School Auditorium. Greene and James, both International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Level I Coaches, are conducting the programme, which is sponsored in part by Banks DIH Limited and Sports Plus Store with support from the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA). A release from the GTTA said that the programme is aimed at introducing, orienting and teaching the fundamentals of the sport of table tennis to children between ages 8-18 years in a fun and structural way with the view of creating new nucleus of players/talents, which would create the foundation for development of Table Tennis in Linden. The organisers have indicated that they have registered over 40 players, who would be split into two categories for better management of the programme. The programme will be held from July 6-17 and will culminate with a competition on July 16-17. Following the tournament, the best talents will be indentified for continuous training. There are also plans to develop the programme in a more holistic way, targeting players from the entire region. Greene, who recently

completed his ITTF Level I certification, was recognised by ITTF Latin American D e v e l o p m e n t O f f i c e r, Ramon Ortega Montes as a great coaching prospect in

his report to the ITTF on the course conducted in Guyana in August 2014. Greene is the brainchild behind the developmental initiative in Linden

Page 33

Nigel’s Supermarket/Inter Ministry Dominos...

Ministry of Public Security are champs


inistry of Public Security (MPS) walked away with the w i n n e r ’s t r o p h y h a v i n g disposed of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) A team and the Ministry of Agriculture – Fisheries Department in the final of the Nigel’s Supermarket sponsored Inter Ministry dominos competition organised by the MFA Office Assistants. Despite enjoying home advantage on the Lawns of the Protocol Departnment, the MFA could not stave off the dominant MPS team which was led by Ms. Latizia Rudder who amassed the most games, 17 as she helped the

Public Security Ministry to an unbeatable 31 games. Foreign Affairs could only muster 20 for the runner-up spot while Fisheries were left lagging behind three games back on 17. The winning team members were Rudder, Lavern Austin, Tabitha Hackett, Lisa Roberts, Beverly Nedd and the lone male, Clinton Forsythe. Organiser, James Lewis presented the winning trophy to Ministry of Public Security team Captain Clinton Forsythe in the presence of Ms. Letizia Rudder and MPS Sports Coordinator, Ovid Glasglow.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday July 11, 2015

Sunshine Supermarket makes La Grill Hotel, Restaurant and generous contribution to BCB Bar supports BCB fundraiser Caricom Championship 2015 P

Popular Supermarket, Sunshine Supermarket of Public Road, Kilcoy/ Chesney has provided sponsorship for the much anticipated Berbice Cricket Board Fundraiser, “Caricom Championship 2015”. At the simple presentation held recently, Aakash Singh, Managing Director, expressed delight to be part of this important fundraiser. He expressed his continued confidence in the work of the Berbice Cricket Board. Singh, is a former high school classmate of the BCB President, Anil Beharry. He is also a former Berbice youth all round cricketer and nephew of former senior national all rounder Kamal Singh. Singh is a great friend of Berbice cricket and said that he recognizes the importance of sports in the lives of young (Continued on page 29)

Imtiaz Bacchus (right), executive member of the Berbice Cricket Board receives sponsorship cheque from Aakash Singh, Managing Director, Sunshine Supermarket.

opular Hotel, Restaurant and Bar, La Grill of Public Road No 78 Corriverton, Corentyne, Berbice is on board with the much anticipated Berbice Cricket Board Fundraiser “Caricom Championship 2015”. The tournament will now be played on Sunday July 19, 2015 at the Albion Community Centre ground. Proceeds from this event will be used mainly to organise a three day first division cricket competition for teams in Berbice. At the simple presentation held recently, Ms Samanta Loaknauth, employee of the business enterprise said that her company is delighted to be part of this important fundraiser. She said that the owner, Devindra Singh aka Vishal is a former youth wicketkeeper and still loves the game. She added that her boss is more than happy to give back to a sport that is

Samanta Loaknauth, employee of the popular La Grill Hotel, Restaurant and Bar hands over sponsorship cheque to Vicky Bharosay (left), BCB executive. close to his heart. She reminded the gathering that the Bar is the No 1 Hotspot in Corriverton, the Restaurant provides quality meals for the entire family and the Hotel is of International Standard. Receiving the cheque on behalf of the Berbice Cricket Board was executive Vicky

Bharosay. He thanked the business enterprise for their contribution and promised that the tournament will be well run. He called on other businesses and private individuals to come on board to help the return of three day (Continued on page 29)

Saturday July 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 35

GMR&SC stages ‘National Race Mackenzie High, Kwakwani Sec. of Champions’ Meet on August 9 in three NSBF Semi-Finals today - will be used to select team for CMRC in Barbados

With a great opportunity to gain selection on the Guyana contingent to compete in the Barbados leg of the Caribbean Motor Racing Championship (CMRC), local racers will be going all out to guarantee their places when the Guyana Motor Racing & Sports Club (GMR&SC) stages its ‘National Race of Champions’ Meet on August 9, at the South Dakota Circuit. Vice-President of the GMR&SC Shairaz Roshandin speaking with this newspaper yesterday confirmed that most of the country’s top motor racers will be using the Meet to secure places on the national team that will be selected following the conclusion of the event and will also be attempting to evaluate their machines performances as they prepare to race against the best in the Region. The Barbados regional championship is the third leg of the Caribbean Series with

Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago in that order already completed. “This upcoming Meet is a chance for our local drivers to compete for a chance to represent the Golden Arrowhead at the spanking newly renovated Bushy Park Circuit where it is expected that the region’s best drivers and riders will be battling for individual and overall supremacy,” Roshandin disclosed. Currently Guyana’s Kristian Jeffrey, who was crowned the Group 4 champion last year, is once again in pole position in the s a m e c a t e g o r y, w h i l e Roshandin, who missed the opening leg in Jamaica, lies third in the Group 2 division. Apart from the two drivers, Danny Persaud, who competes in Group 3 is also in a good position to stage a fight for the title, while Rameeze Mohamed, Chet Singh and Afraz Allie are all capable of registering solid performances on the day.

Shairaz Roshandin Roshandin also indicated that fans will also see the return of the Rookies class and according to him it should provide lots of excitement for them. “With this being the 60 Anniversary celebration of local motor racing we are pulling out all the stops to make this Meet a huge success, while also aiming to retain the Caribbean title,” he said. Races start at 09:00hrs and admission is $1,000 for adults and $500 for children 12 years and under. th

Former National Basketball Player, Caribbean All-Star and YBG’s Technical Director, Lugard Mohan (left) hands over a plaque to Kwakwani Secondary Coach, Ann Gordon for being the most successful schools’ basketball coach th on the occasion of the NSBF 10 Anniversary. Linden’s Mackenzie High School (MHS) will compete today in three National School Basketball Festival (NSBF) SemiFinals at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall from 4pm in

GSSF calls on Ministry of Public Security

Minister Khemraj Ramjattan (2nd left) with some of the Directors of the GSSF Board during the visit. Board members of the Guyana Sport Shooting Federation paid a courtesy call on the 2nd Vice-President of Guyana and the Honourable Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan on Thursday 2nd July,

2015 at the Ministry’s headquarters on Brickdam. During the visit the President of the G.S.S.F., Ms. Vidushi Persaud, Vice-President Mr. Michael Blake, Asst. Secretary/ Treasurer Mr. Ryan McKinnon,

Internal Auditor Dr. Bhiro Harry and Committee Member Dr. Pravesh Harry discussed with the Honourable Minister Ramjattan their plans for the future and gave an update as to the accomplishments thus far.

pursuit of an elusive national schools’ basketball title. Pint-sized guard, Kobe Tappin and his brother, forward, Yonnick Tappin with forward, Stephon Duncan will lead Mackenzie High’s Under-14 team into battle against the Region 10 compatriot, Kwakwani Secondary in the opening semi-final game today. In the other semi-final in that group, St. Rose’s forwards, Anthony Yansen and Kwesi Roberts will come up against Corey Graham and the Marian Academy unit. St. Rose’s have dropped just two games enroute to the Final Four. In the Under-16 championship, scoring machine, Timothy Thompson along with Michael Lewis and Webster McRae lead Bishops’ High School against Kwakwani Secondary School in what is expected to be a colossal showdown. In the other semi-final of that group, Jonathan Mangra, Joshua Brazao and Jahleel Young will be the key figures for Marian Academy when they take on Mackenzie High

School. National senior basketball player, Terron Welch with support from Dennis Niles and Tahquille Johnson leads Linden’s Technical Institute into a massive showdown against their regional rival, Kwakwani Secondary School in one of the U-19 semi-final. St. Rose’s High School will play Mackenzie High in the other U-19 semi-final. Can MHS win their first NSBF title at any level with new Coach, Kevin Bonnett obviously making an impact on the school? Or will the indomitable Kwakwani Coach, Ann Gordon, continued her dominance in schools’ basketball with an extension of her reign? These questions will be answered tonight when two teams emerge from each category to contest tomorrow’s grand finale. The Girls’ final is already decided with Kwakwani Secondary taking on Marian Academy in yet another title bid. The curtains will come down on the 2015 NSBF tomorrow.

t r o Sp

Fitness Paradise and Studio Body Shape formalize link

Roger Federer beats Andy Murray

Roger Federer

Clinical Djokovic crushes Gasquet to reach final

Fitness Paradise’ Donald Sinclair (2nd left) and Studio Body Shape’s Ludwig Gesser (5th left) with members of the Suriname delegation proposing a toast towards a successful link between the two gyms yesterday at Fitness Paradise Canteen.

Muguruza FIFA official in has belief and Switzerland knowhow to agrees to U.S. topple Serena extradition

Novak Djokovic

Running Braves athletes dominate AAG teams for World Youth, Pan Am Juniors - PHILLIPS, GEORGE, THOMAS OMITTED; YAW QUESTIONABLY INCLUDED

Jason Yaw

Kenisha Phillips

Andrea Foster

Brenessa Thompson

Cassie George

Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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