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Kaieteur News
Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
Is gay marriage a choice for Guyana? In a landmark 5-4 majority decision which was felt across the world, the U.S. Supreme Court, redefined and broadened the traditional concept of marriage. The Supreme Court’s decision represents a major victory for the gay rights movement in its struggle to end discrimination against lesbians, gays, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. This is a significant disappointment for members of the religious community which believes in the sanctity of traditional marriage. No one should be surprised with the U.S Supreme Court’s decision because the writing was on the wall a long time ago for everyone in society to be politically correct and not disrespect the rights of others. The role of the courts, in secular societies such as the Unites States, Guyana and several other countries, is not to rule on the morality of an issue. Courts are to interpret the law and, on this basis, make a determination of cases based on the rule of law. The role of religion, on the other hand, is to address the morality of an issue based on interpretation of the religious word. While advocates of religion have the freedom to stand up and defend what they believe is morally right, they have no right under the law to impose their will or views on others. Democracy dictates that people are free to make their own decision as to who to marry or not marry. It is said that when America sneezes the world catches a cold. Therefore, for as much as Guyanese are overwhelmingly against gays, lesbians and same sex marriage, it will only be a matter of time before they follow the great United States of America and recognize same sex marriage and the rights of LGBT, even though those rights are against their religious and moral teaching. The churches have a critical role to play in showing compassion or empathy to people who have chosen a different sexual orientation, for whatever reason, and to extend love to all individuals no matter their differences in lifestyles. The church should not be on the defensive and feel that to uphold its traditional values is appropriate. The saying “different strokes for different folks” holds true. Surprisingly, Guyana is a rather tolerant society to human differences, even in sexual orientation. Many in the workplace are known homosexuals and this has not altered their professional respect straight people have for their gay colleagues. The problem some people have is the bravado-inyour-face and flaunting behaviour of some LGBT activists. To shore up support for gays in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis said in 2013, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord, and has goodwill, who am I to judge?” The Pope’s enlightened and unbiased attitude goes against church policy that has existed for thousands of years and against his predecessor, Pope Benedict, who in 2005 called homosexuality “an intrinsic moral evil,” and that those with such tendencies should not become priests. If Pope Francis who has all the priests’ sexual abuse scandal to deal with can soften his stance on gays and lesbians, even though the church has not officially recognized gay unions, then why are the churches and some Guyanese continue hold on to their archaic views of not recognizing that gays are entitled to be accepted for who they are? Rejection of gays by the local clergy is an antiquated attitude that puts them out of step with the reality of a changing world as more and more countries are legalizing gay marriage. Will the APNU+AFC Coalition Government follow in the footsteps of the United States, Canada and France, among others, and legalize gay marriage? Everyone is entitled to choose his/her lifestyle without being fearful of being discriminated against, so why not give the same rights as everyone else to gays and lesbians? In short, give them the same rights enshrined in the Constitution that every other citizen of Guyana enjoys.
Thursday July 16, 2015
Letters... Where your views make the news
Gov’t must encourage green energy development DEAR EDITOR, Now that the new coalition government has made a decision not to continue the very expensive hydro project of the previous regime, an alternative should be looked at to generate energy to meet growing demand. The world is moving away from fossil energy, although oil prices have been falling. Guyana itself is trying to capitalize on the exploration and development of traditional fossil energy. But the country cannot count on the oil find off the coast for domestic use because of the territorial threat from our neighbour. At any rate, oil development (and refining) is some five years off and
energy is needed urgently. Guyana has a shortfall in energy, and as the country grows and further develops, demand for energy use will increase. It is noted that the cost of traditional energy has been going down and at the same time concern about global warming from the use of fossil energy has been going up. With declining prices, people may stick to the habit of using traditional fossil energy (and burning wood and coal) that drives global warming. Green energy (solar and wind) must be considered and encouraged. The country needs to be educated to switch to an alternative green (solar and wind) energy that has been
shown to be more cost effective than using traditional energy. In several countries, people generated surplus energy from solar at their home, and they sold it to the national grid, earning money. The same should be encouraged in Guyana, with a subsidy for the installation of the equipment so that people become less dependent on the national grid. Proposals (that I am aware of) for development of solar energy were made to the PPP government. It had its favourite contractors out of China, in spite of proposals presented by others that may have been far more cost effective and that would have created jobs (in light manufacturing,
assembling of equipment, servicing) for nationals. Local and/or Caribbean companies were not encouraged to develop and produce solar energy that would have assisted with the unemployment issue throughout the region. The contracts largely went to the foreigners; the equipment came largely from China. Barbados-manufactured solar equipment was not f a v o u r e d . A Tr i n i d a d company that produce solar energy cheaper than the Chinese was not even considered. Other Caribbean servicing companies were not given preference, even if more economical and less costly. China was the (Continued on page 23)
Minister Ramjattan has just implemented one of the best policies at his disposal DEAR EDITOR, The enforcement of the policy, that stipulates that night clubs now have to shut at 2am, will deliver positive benefits for all citizens of Guyana. I am convinced we will reap the exponential synergies that it brings. But for this policy to deliver, it must be strictly implemented; over time we will all witness the positive impacts it will have on our quality of life. First the environmental impact will cease. Noise pollution in communities where these businesses operate will reduce dramatically. Neighbourhoods will be quieter; people will enjoy their night’s rest as opposed to having to call the police multiple times to respond to lawbreaking establishments. Party-goers will have the opportunity to go home after a good time and still enjoy a good night’s rest. By next morning everyone will wake refreshed and ready for the day’s activity. With people less likely to operate
past the 2am curfew, they will drive less thus reducing emission and dependency on fossil fuel. This will reduce our carbon footprint thus keeping us in-line with our environmental mandate and boosting our green credentials. Productivity: One newspaper reported a nightclub owner stating that most of the public stops spending after 2am. Assuming this is true, then business have been running at a loss if one is to compare the cost to operating after 2am versus the revenue received from the spending patron. Business owners stand to benefit tremendously from this, as they now will have the opportunity to operate only at profit-making times without feeling their competitors are offering something that they don’t. If society as a whole is sleeping better, then its citizens are more likely to be more productive at their work. Other businesses will benefit from this extra productivity and this will have a positive impact on our economy. It’s a Win Win. Health: it’s widely
reported that Guyana is increasing its alcohol consumption. This is having a knock-on effect on the health of citizens and a social impact on families. Former Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, noted the health impacts in one of his interviews. Guyanese appear to be largely social drinkers. So with fewer hours of social time at a nightclub, alcohol consumption is likely to reduce. This can result in less alcoholrelated illnesses. Government spending on alcohol illnesses will reduce and that money can be spent on other aspects of health. We will have a healthier society. Overall we are likely to see a reduction in police call outs for noise disturbance thus freeing up police time to fight more life-threatening crime. Drink driving is likely to reduce and the members of the public will be safer and less likely to have a criminal record. So, Minister Ramjattan, please work hard to oversee the smooth implementation of this policy. It’s a Win Win. Malachi James
We are appealing to Minister Trotman DEAR EDITOR, Again, we as concerned Guyanese business persons are forced to go public, asking the new Government to take action to protect us. Over the years, through good times and bad, we have toiled to invest in our country. We have taken loans from banks. We had to endure thieves who stole our equipment, our parts. We paid our taxes. We were charged high taxes when we brought in parts. We have had to make do with tough terrain, rains, floods, bad roads. Yet we persevered. We complained but we plodded
on. But it appears that there will be a time when we can no longer take it anymore. President David Granger and the coalition campaigned on the platform that there will be change. That they will investigate wrongdoing. That within the first 100 days we will see the rollout of the campaign promises. Editor, we have sat back, fearful of talking about how foreign investors have been given billions of dollars in incentives, tax breaks and other considerations while we received little. We as operators of equipment and river barges are now seeing how these incentives and tax
breaks are working against us. We h a v e p u b l i c l y ventilated our concerns how one Asian company that was in the news last year for its logging activities was given permission to build barges. It was given concessions on materials and fuel. The idea we are told was the incentives were to be used for a specific reason- for use in the logging industry. We now learn that the barges are being used to compete with us locally. Local companies are hiring them to fetch stone and logs. How can we compete? We were never given these incentives. How could it be that we
are losing our livelihoods in our own country? We are asking the new Natural Resources Minister, R a p h a e l Tr o t m a n , t o investigate how Bai Shan Lin and other companies are able to compete in the local arena. We are asking for a level playing field. We are asking for justice. We are losing our livelihoods every day. We have children and we have debts. We have staffers. We are asking the new Government to stand by the elections promises of a level playing field. Every day that goes by, we will find it harder to recover. Fearful Businessmen
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news
The coalition gov’t St. Cuthbert’s Mission in need of change needs space to grow DEAR EDITOR, Albert Einstein said that ‘for human beings to survive and move forward, a new way of thinking is needed’. The coalition government presents a new way of thinking, doing government, governing and hopefully a new way of engaging the various groups and networks, institutions, organizations and individuals in Guyana and beyond. This I think is great for Guyana. After almost 60 years of rift, this is the closest we have gotten in putting an arrangement in place to govern in a cohesive and inclusive way. Nevertheless, recently there have been concerns about the coalition government. I have read the writings in the press and have been engaged in numerous conversations over the past month and a half about whether this ‘coalition idea’ will work. My response is that, it will work if we, the Guyanese people and the leadership make it work. The success of the coalition will take work, hard work! Don’t let us fool ourselves into believing that this is going to be a walk in the park. Oh no, it will not be. Let’s look at a few reasons why the success of the coalition will be a challenge. Firstly, the coalition is made up of human beings, who are limited by time, space and knowledge, and a great part of their learning will be derived from making mistakes and learning from those mistakes and hopefully becoming wiser as they
progress. Hence, we need to give our leaders (these human beings) the space to make mistakes and learn from them; space to fall down and get back up again. Secondly, the APNU+AFC coalition government is a partnership consisting of various parties that were individual organisations prior to 11 May. While they would have engaged each other before and collaborated on various activities, whether it was on parliamentary matters or other, they have never really worked together as one organization before. Having won the last Elections, the partnership was institutionalised. They now have one institutional arrangement – the coalition government, through which they will operationalize the partnership; and there is no magic wand that could make this arrangement succeed without challenges. The answer is in how highly skilled the leaders in the coalition government will become. Thus, I like the idea of the ‘Coalition Building Forum’ that is scheduled for July and I hope that there will be several of such and leadership forums. Most organizations go through a natural process of growth, they are birthed, they mature and can die; the fourth stage, however, is the rebirthing stage. The coalition government has just been birthed. Let’s give our leaders space to grow, while at the same time, keeping them on their toes. Thirdly, the coalition
government as a group will experience the dynamics of any group - forming, storming, norming and performing. After the Cummingsburg Accord was signed the forming started. They campaigned together and won the Elections. Then the forming progressed to another stage when the partnership was institutionalized after 11 May. Even during the campaign, the parties went back to their separate offices, had their own power and control and managed their own organizations but now, they have to share that power and control and manage together, and this is a whole new dynamic. They are now setting boundaries, learning boundaries, personalities, leadership styles, making adjustments, compromises, observing each other, etc; this while, still trying to govern and address all of the other issues and challenges. I get the sense that while they are in the forming stage, they are also somewhat in the storming stage. It is in the storming stage that a group, in this case the coalition government, has to be very careful, sensitive and sensible; many groups fall apart in this stage. Nevertheless, if groups can make it through the storming stage, there are still two more stages, norming and performing. I am paying very keen attention to President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo. Keen (Continued on page 23)
I never said any such thing at any time and that did not happen DEAR EDITOR, Your edition of July 13 carried a letter from Mr. Emile Mervin in which he stated that I had said that “after Mrs. Jagan returned from the United States following the death of her husband in 1997, she told the PPP hierarchy that Dr. Jagan wanted Dr. Roger
Luncheon to take over the reins of Government only to be stoutly resisted by certain elements in the PPP executive.” I never said any such thing at any time and that did not happen. I had merely said that in 1997 Dr. Luncheon had expressed an interest in
being the presidential candidate and had rejected a Ramkarran/Luncheon ticket, insisting instead on a Luncheon/Ramkarran ticket. At a subsequent press conference Dr. Luncheon confirmed his interest in the presidency in 1997. Ralph Ramkarran
DEAR EDITOR, We, the residents of St. Cuthbert’s Mission, would first like to congratulate the Honourable Sydney Allicock on his achievement of being named Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs and would also like to wish him success and a longlasting relationship with his people. However, there are a few existing problems that we would like to highlight concerning the entire governance of our community which is experiencing an absence of democratic principles. We are eagerly awaiting action through auditing and investigations for corruption such as revenues received for logging, donations and f u n d s raised for several projects to enhance our community, since our reports are not being treated with the seriousness they deserve. The abovementioned matters are not being
highlighted by the current Toshao or the few councillors who have led a dictatorship since the exit of the other councillors who opted not to serve due to the lack of transparency. We believe that should this small council body fail to produce records of accountability they should be removed immediately and should not be allowed to contest the upcoming Toshao elections. If the matters above are not addressed urgently, then we will continue to have opportunistic elements masquerading once again as leaders of our community. While our village is left unattended, both the young and elderly continue to suffer with the noise nuisance, as well as the undesirable behaviour of the youths who steal and abuse alcohol and drugs. Another issue we would like to bring to your attention is the fact that we are not clear
about the land distribution to outsiders, a development which was not discussed with the residents. Somehow nonresidents are being allowed to vote at the election for a To s h a o a n d a l s o t h e allowance of underage children to vote during these elections. In closing, time is of the essence, since the elections are near and the matters raised above should be attended to, before those members of the current council who are less than concerned remain eligible to vote. This is an ample opportunity to elect a democratic leader for the community, one who would put the interest of the community first and not act like those who place self interest and being lackeys of the previous administration ahead of the development of the village. Concerned residents
The Ministry of Education may want to move from STEM to STEAM DEAR EDITOR, I refer to the column in your newspaper of Sunday 12th July, 2015, by the Honourable Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine entitled; “Eliminating Illiteracy, Modernising Education, Strengthening Tolerance”. The Minister presented Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) as the Ministry of Education’s approach in Guyana. He also correctly, if not convincingly, argued for the role of the arts. Many educationists in the U.S. have recognised the limitations of the STEM approach and have transformed to STEAM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). This deliberate emphasis and inclusion of the Arts is driven by the acknowledgment of the role of Arts in innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship and the importance of these in national economic growth and development. Additionally, creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking, touted
as the hallmark skills for the future workforce, can only be developed with the inclusion of the Arts as an equal partner. The Ministry of Education may want to move from STEM to STEAM. Candice Ramessar Homeschooling Parent
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Granger assents to Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill, two others - Trotman Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, told the media fraternity yesterday that before President David Granger departed for his trip to Ethiopia last week, he assented to three Bills that were passed by the National Assembly. These are the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill; the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill and the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill. As it relates to the AML legislation, Trotman said that the Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams told Cabinet that there are some regulations which accompanied that Act. Trotman said that Government is currently in the process of reviewing them and inviting stakeholders to
better chart the way forward in this regard. As for the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) legislation, Trotman explained that the Granger administration has
no intention of recouping what was already spent. He noted, however, that Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, will be guided by the current legislation. He said that this simply means that the benefits and other facilities awarded to the former Presidents will be capped. He reminded that under the new laws, former Presidents will now be given $25,000 per month to cover bills for each of three utilities; electricity, water and telephone. The new AML laws will strengthen the government’s capacity to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism while the Constitutional Legislation will provide various state agencies and other statutory bodies with the power needed to manage their own finances.
A Businessman of Ruimveldt, 41 year old Dimitri Jemmott, is seeking the assistance of the public in retrieving some of his documents which was stolen from him in a robbery. Jemmott was relieved of his possessions when two men on a bicycle approached him in front of the Chilli Restaurant and Bar at Ruimveldt, two buildings away from this home. He was relieved of a quantity of cash, a Blackberry Z10 Cellular Phone, three US Identification cards, three
discount cards, NIS Card, and his Guyana Identification card. Dimitri told Kaieteur News that he identified one of his assailants who also threatened to kill him when he returns to the village. The man proceeded to follow the men in a taxi and found their dwelling place. He then sought the assistance of the Ruimveldt Police. He made a report and gave the lawmen the information at his disposal, but at the time the police told him that they had no form of
transportation to go and get hold of the men. He also related that he was forced to wait approximately half an hour before he could have taken the police officers to the men’s dwelling place but by then, the men had already left. He was then told by the police to print the photograph of the man he identified and they will investigate the matter. Dimitri is now calling on the officers to investigate his report in a timely manner, since his life was threatened.
Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman
Businessman seeks help to retrieve stolen documents
Thursday July 16, 2015
Woman hacked to death, husband hospitalised after brutal attack Residents of ‘D’ Field, Turkeyen were plunged into grief last evening as they learnt that a 40-year-old shopkeeper was hacked to death and her husband badly wounded by a neighbour who pounced on them as they were making their way home. As the rain poured heavily last evening, the now dead woman, Janice Paul, 40, and her husband, Eusi Paul, 39, were making their way to their Lot 34 Turkeyen/Sophia, Greater Georgetown home around 20:05 hours when their unsuspected attacker, identified as Jerry Dalrymple, reportedly brandished a cutlass and attacked them. Residents, who rushed to the scene in their numbers, were perplexed as to what could have prompted the vicious attack. Most of them said that the rain was pouring so heavily, that they were initially unaware of what transpired in the otherwise quiet area. Reports are that Dalrymple, a male vendor who once lived next door to the couple, cornered them as they were about to enter their yard. While he managed to kill the woman, the man was badly injured and was later rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he is receiving treatment. The woman was found lying dead on the ground flooded by rain waters while her bleeding husband ran frantically to alert lawmen at the Turkeyen Police Station. The police have since launched a manhunt for the couple’s assailant. Kaieteur News understands that the
Janice Paul in happier times
couple’s young son reportedly witnessed the latter part of the incident. He was watching television when he was disturbed by screams in the passageway. The distraught youth was reportedly in the house watching television when his father came in for an umbrella claiming that he was heading back to escort his mother in. She was at the time waiting in a car. It is said that upon the couple’s return the man
pounced, dealing blows primarily on the 40-year-old shopkeeper. Eusi Paul was chopped on his hand and face. At the scene, relatives and neighbours who gathered were at a loss at what could have prompted such an attack. The woman was described as easy-going and friendly. Investigators, too, were heard pondering whether it could have been a problem between the two men that led to the fatal attack.
Immediate dismissal for ranks charged with certain offences Police ranks, who are charged for serious offences, will face immediate dismissal from the Force. This announcement was made by Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud, during an address at the Force’s anniversary award ceremony. The move is being seen as intensifying efforts to rid the force of rogue cops, a process started by newly appointed Minister of National Security, Khemraj Ramjattan. Previously, police ranks placed before the courts would be interdicted from duty and receive half their salary until the end of their legal matter, when they would draw down on the accumulated other half which sometimes amounts to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.
They are in most cases reinstated and continue to work as police ranks. But according to Commissioner Persaud those days are over. “You are charged and go before the court for certain types of offences, corruption and some other types relating to excessive force and deliberate criminal activity….simultaneously with going to court, you are losing the job,” the Commissioner declared. “So it’s not a half salary now and then cash in on the other half five, six years after…It’s that you immediately have to look for another job to pay your lawyers and everybody else,” he added. Of course, this will mean strengthening the internal
investigation arm of the forcethe Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). The commissioner disclosed that come August 11 , the United States of America will be providing assistance towards revamping the OPR’s operations. Persaud said that recently the police force expanded the strength of the OPR, selecting different experts who will be placed into that unit. The revamping will involve training of officers, including those who operate in complaint offices in the various police divisions. “So we will make the OPR more effective so that they can now start targeting different types of unprofessional behaviour in the Force,” the Commissioner stated.
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
OECS gets US$5.3 million from Global Fund to help in HIV/AIDS fight CASTRIES, St. Lucia – The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States’ (OECS) Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) for HIV/ AIDS has been awarded a US$5.3 million grant from the Global Fund to continue its battle to stop the spread of the epidemic. Ministries and organizations from across the sub-region have been working and strategizing for months to secure the funding. Yesterday, St. Lucia’s Minister for Health, Wellness, Human Services and Gender Relation and Chair of the OECS RCM Alvina Reynolds confirmed it would now be made available. “It’s been hard work . . . Today we got the good news that we have been awarded the amount of US$5.3
million to deal with the issues of HIV/AIDS in the region. Looking at our target population, vulnerable population, men who have sex with men, we’re looking at youth, we’re looking at stigma and discrimination all of these issues,” she said. “We must continue to be strategic in using the funds where it is most needed to save lives and reduce HIV and AIDS infections in the region and especially in St. Lucia.” Director of the RCM Joan Didier explained that the grant would be given to the OECS Commission which would distribute the funds to the ministries of health in the member states of the subregional group. “The ministries of health will then work with civil
society organizations, particularly organizations that work with men having sex with men, commercial sex workers, transgender people and young people t o e n s u r e that these populations who sometime are restricted in their attempt to access services, can have freer access to services,” she said. Didier said she expected the OECS would soon be validated as having eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV. But she stressed that achieving that status was not the end, as hard work would be required to maintain that and build on the gains. The RCM director said the money from the Global Fund would therefore be useful in that regard.
HAMILTON, Bermuda — Recent allegations by developer Michael MacLean, contained in a sworn affidavit, involving illegal actions of government ministers, should be taken seriously by all concerned citizens of Bermuda, said the opposition Progressive Labour Party (PLP) in calling on the island’s governor to intervene in the matter. “While the central claims of bribery are yet to be tested, the allegations are so serious that they demand urgent police investigation, as it is vital that there be the appearance of transparency and openness on the part of the government,” said Michael Scott, shadow attorney general. “In this regard, it is the position of the opposition Progressive Labour Party, that the government ministers mentioned in the affidavit be made subject to a swift urgent police investigation and the ministers involved be relieved of their duties by the premier pending the investigation being concluded,” Scott continued. In a letter sent to Governor George Ferguson, the PLP said that recent revelations in the media of allegations by McLean of extortionate demands having been captured on a recording device that were made to him
by and on behalf of four ministers of the government have raised wide public disquiet in the island. Although they are allegations in a sworn affidavit in active court proceedings at this stage, the omission by Premier Michael Dunkley to act to advise the governor to remove his ministers who are under such a cloud, as he has the power to do under section 59 (4) (a) of the Bermuda Constitution, is both irresponsible, and highly damaging to the island’s reputation, the PLP said in its letter. “The utter destabilizing effect upon the economic conditions, reputational
interest of Bermuda and confidence in the government is at play, and we call on you as governor to institute an urgent investigation using your powers under section 1 of the Commission of Inquiry Act 1935. We believe that the premier and ministers whose names were mentioned in these allegations of extortion are matters that should not be allowed to go unanswered for any period of time, as this will create an environment of instability,” the PLP said. Scott requested the governor to meet with a delegation from the opposition party to discuss the situation as a matter of urgency.
Bermuda opposition calls on governor to intervene in bribery allegations
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
FBI, DEA met Mexico agents over Guzman escape: Mexico official U.S. officials met with agents of the Mexican attorney general’s office this week to discuss the recent escape from prison of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman and coordinate efforts to recapture him, a Mexican government official said on Wednesday. Representatives from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration met Mexican law enforcement officials in Mexico City on Monday to share information, the government official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Mexico has long sought to maintain its independence from the United States on matters of national security, but has taken fire from critics for not having previously extradited Guzman to the United States. U.S. prosecutors had said they would seek his extradition, and U.S. media reports earlier this year citing unnamed sources suggested that the U.S. government had made a formal request for Guzman’s extradition. But no announcement of
a formal request was ever made public and the Mexican attorney general’s office said it had no plans to hand him over because he would serve his time in Mexico. Other sensitive issues have also bubbled beneath the surface. Mexico’s Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong this week denied media reports that Mexico had been tipped off by U.S. authorities ahead of time that Guzman was planning an escape. The two neighboring countries would be “cooperating permanently” to try and catch Guzman again, and were discussing everything relevant to the operation, the Mexican official said. The kingpin’s escape on Saturday night from a maximum security prison through a tunnel leading right into his cell was a bitter blow to President Enrique Peña Nieto’s anti-crime efforts. Mexican security chiefs were aghast at the breakout and the government has said it could only have taken place with the help of prison guards and officials.
Police keep watch outside the Altiplano Federal Penitentiary, after drug lord Joaquin ‘’El Chapo’’ Guzman escaped, in Almoloya de Juarez, on the outskirts of Mexico City, July 12, 2015. (REUTERS/TOMAS BRAVO)
The government fired the director of the Altiplano prison, which had never suffered an escape.
Guzman, Mexico’s most high-profile criminal, was boss of the powerful Sinaloa cartel prior to his capture in
February 2014. The cartel has smuggled billions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States and has been
blamed for thousands of deaths. Guzman previously broke out of prison in 2001.
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
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WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED Before you administer any treatment you first must diagnose the problem. This is true whether you are dealing with illness or whether you are dealing with the economy. There are problems with the economy. There has been a dramatic slowdown in business activity. If the government does not believe the local business community, then at least it could ask the banking sector to provide some data on two indices: the level of commercial credit and the amount of deposits made by businessmen. The government has proposed a treatment for the problems of the business community. As previously argued the problem may be one of business and not the economy. People may be spending less in Guyana even though they may be earning the same or more.
There are ways for this to be determined and if the experts in the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Guyana do not know how to make this assessment, they should scream for help. There are Guyanese overseas who can help. They do not need to come to Guyana. All they will need is the data to do their analysis. If the data is not there or there are gaps or deficiencies, then these have to be filled and corrected. The government, to some extent, accepts that there is a problem. But it does not want to accept or it does not have evidence to conclude that there has been a recession. It is interesting that the government is denying that there is a recession because when it first came in to office it accused the former administration of fudging the numbers. It said that the growth was marginal at best.
Dem boys seh ...
De whores, prostitutes and bad hooman come out fuh Soulja Bai bur-day Yesterday was Soulja Bai bur-day but de man didn’t have to celebrate because other people celebrate he bur-day more than him. De occasion mek people realise that dem got a distinction between whores, bad hooman and prostitutes. Ever since Soulja Bai win de elections dem boys see people jumping ship more fast that rats jumping from a burning building. Some of dem was cussing Soulja Bai and Moses up to Elections Day but as soon as de results come out de same people tun round and start behaving as if dem was de biggest supporters of Soulja Bai and Moses all de time. GECOM barely announce de results and these same people start fuh sport at dem night spot. Dem boys never see so much expensive likker. Bee Kay head de list. He den start a cleanup campaign that still going on in de country. It cost him millions of dollars but he know that he gun collect ten times that. Dem boys seh that’s not an ordinary whore; that is an international prostitute. He got fuh want something from Soulja Bai. He never even call he own cousin fuh wish de man happy 50 bur-day, nor send one card or a gift fuh him. He get invite to de party and he never tun up although dem had big music wid a song he love—‘Tun up, tun up, Pum pum tun up’. Soulja Bai is a total stranger but when you open all dem newspaper yesterday you wouldn’t believe that. You would believe he and Bee Kay sharing a father and son relationship Dem boys want to know if he was Soulja Bai father or mudda fuh know de bur—date so good. De man rush to de newspaper and tek out whole page ads. He was at de head of de line because when he look back he see people tumbling over demself fuh get to de same newspapers fuh carry burday greetings. Dem is de whores But de sweet part of de story was dem bur-day party. All over town was a Soulja Bai party but de man ain’t go to none because he didn’t even know bout some of dem. All dem kantractahs who love money just like Bee Kay hold party all over de country fuh Soulja Bai and dem collect money at de door. This set is de bad hooman. Donald seh that he never get that kind of treatment from any one of dem kantractah when he bur-day come round. In fact, people didn’t even pay attention. Dem boys seh dem had a reason. He was never a president. Jagdeo, de man who resemble de devil, use to send round notice to some of dem eating house fuh supply free food fuh ee bur-day party. De army never hold a special luncheon fuh him but dem do fuh Soulja Bai. That is why Jagdeo and Donald never like de army. Talk half and tell Soulja Bai beware of de prostitutes.
It is therefore surprising that it should now be contending that there is no recession. But perhaps that may not be an informed view. The business community will however tell you that things have slowed appreciably. In the past the local businessmen used to blame the stores operated by Chinese nationals. These foreigners were the whipping boys of the commercial class. The decline in local sales was attributed to the competition provided by stores owned by foreign nationals. This time this is not the assessment that is being made. The business community for all its faults has a knack for
understanding the cause of problems. It may not always be willing to admit what it knows but it knows. Right now the business community knows that sales have slowed. What is responsible for this? Well the business community has an idea. The businessmen believe that people are spending less, not just government which is hardly spending at all. But people are spending less. Even those who like to use this period to go shopping overseas are not doing so. People are holding in on their money. The main reason why they are holding in is because they are uncertain. They do not know how the new
government will manage the economy. So people are circumspect and may not be spending. There is no evidence as yet of any massive capital flight. The exchange rate is holding steady even though it has depreciated marginally since the new government came to power. The solution that the government is proposing is to increase wages and to provide a stimulus package. This is another way of saying that the new government will increase government spending, the same Keynesian strategy that the PPP employed over the past few years. The government is not offering new solutions to old problems.
But is increased government spending the solution? If the government has not yet settled on a diagnosis of the problem, it seems a bit strange that they should be offering solutions such as increased wageswhich have to be negotiated with the unions. If the government also proposes to spend more on public works, then the issue becomes whether this spending will boost business activity in general. Doubtful!
Govt. to introduce special number plates for vehicles Government has announced plans to introduce specially manufactured number plates for vehicles. The number plates will have security features, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, disclosed yesterday. Many of the developed countries have been moving in that direction, some issuing plates of different colours every other year. Instead of buying a road service licence, vehicle owners are required to purchase the plates. In Guyana, the details are still being worked out. With many persons involved in making number plates, Government intends to consult with them and open the process to bidding. The new initiative is part of the process of enhancing security. It is no secret that criminals have been capitalizing on the many sign artists
available throughout the country for false number plates for their getaway vehicles. This point was raised by the Minister during the Government weekly post-Cabinet press briefings at the Ministry of the Presidency. On Tuesday, the Cabinet of Ministers said it granted approval for a proposal to establish a central system for the issuance of vehicle licence plates. Trotman acknowledged yesterday that there have been complaints by the security forces about the ease in which licence plates are made. Government would be looking at what other countries are doing with companies from overseas not ruled out from being part of the process. The security features would not be unlike that of bank notes which carry secret
marks. Trotman insisted that there will be consultations with the persons and companies involved in the sign business. Government has already decided to have special number plates for its vehicles. These will bear plates bearing the letters CRG – Cooperative Republic of Guyana. This is to ensure that stateowned vehicles are easily recognizable and prevent instances of abuse. It is not unknown of Government vehicles being used for reasons other than official business. Last week, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, disclosed that there have been
problems in recovering a number of vehicles belonging to the state that had disappeared when the new Government took office in May. “As soon as you see a CRG number plate, you know that it is a state vehicle, so it is going to be easing and aiding in the identification of state owned vehicles.”
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
=== The Freddie Kissoon column ===
This country has lost its conscience; does it want to reclaim it “Surely, you’re not saying We have the resources To save the poor from their lot There will be poor always Pathetically struggling” (The words of Jesus, speaking to Judas and Mary Magdalene, From the song, ‘Everything’s Alright’ from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar The
reverberated all over this country when the news arrived on May 14 that the PPP Government of twenty-three years was defeated in the May 11 general elections. People shed tears in the streets. The celebrations were chaotic. On Orange Walk, the festivities blocked the street and I was caught in it. Motorists finally got through after twenty minutes’ wait. The reason for the
euphoria was the desire to be free after long nights of ethnic discrimination, corruption, police violations, grinding poverty and social breakdown under the PPP, particularly, Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar. But was this longing a misplaced one? Did we really want to see a country where people were treated equally and justice was given to the citizenry
without bias or class favour? The PPP is gone. I doubt whether the evolving demographic configurations will ever allow for a constant electoral victory for the PPP through the blind voting of East Indians and Amerindians. My analytical mind tells me that Guyana has seen the last of PPP’s hegemony. But even if we see a long period of positive and satisfactory
governance, will Guyana be a country where a conscience can easily be invoked in service of the poor and powerless? My wife, for a woman married to a man whose entire life has been taken over by social activism, doesn’t talk politics with me. Some people just don’t like a public life and they go about their life living and enjoying it far away from the glare of others. That is my wife. I took her to see the ambience of the new shopping complex the next day after the official opening. The mall is near to where we live. As we drove out of the road where the shopping complex is onto the Railway Embankment, she just nonchalantly said, “That pole is going to fall.” And she moved on to another topic. The thing she was referring to was a rotten GPL pole that stood there at the entrance to the mall. It has been there for years. Very strangely, the very next day two GPL trucks with nuff employees were there removing the old structure and they planted a new one and reset the electrical wires. The very next day, schools of workers painted a pedestriancrossing sign on the Railway Embankment in front of the road that leads to the mall. There was nothing improper in what I saw. The pole should have been replaced. The pedestrian sign should have been done. But it is the nature of this country that that has disappointed me all my life. If a soldier or a policeman that served the nation for over forty years and had endangered his life for this land had made a call to GPL about a rotting poll near his house, he would have been ignored. Let any school head in South Georgetown call to have a pedestrian-crossing
Frederick Kissoon sign painted in front of the school and the relevant authorities would ignore them. But let the caller be the Head of Queen’s College, the crew would be there before the blink of an eye. This column was motivated by what I read in the newspaper right this minute. After reading it, I immediately went on the keyboard and penned this column. A young man spent twenty months on remand for being in possession of stolen items. The magistrate sentenced him to six months to be served in addition to the twenty months he had already endured. A former Minister of the Public Service, Jennifer Westford, was investigated for selling public property under circumstances that needed police inquiries. The items were expensive cars. The actual receipts were published in the newspapers. To date, with all the paper trail for all to see, this Minister has not been charged. Times like these I remember the former Commissioner of Police Laurie Lewis. I asked Laurie why he didn’t charge that rich young man that killed Monica Reece. Laurie said there wasn’t sufficient evidence. Laurie didn’t charge because of the status of the young man. If it was the work of a jealous boyfriend from West Ruimveldt, Laurie would have had him before one of our punitively driven magistrates the very next day. Who says Guyana has the resources to save the poor from their lot?
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
Page 11
Need for Comprehensive cancer programme emphasised - as 10-year Cancer Surveillance Report is launched With more than half of the 6,000-odd cancer victims dying over a 10-year period, it has been deduced that Guyana is in dire need of a comprehensive cancer programme. However, despite the lack of such a programme, data from the Guyana Cancer Registry suggests that the number of cancer cases noticeably declined by the end of the period 2003-2012. While the possibility exists that there was limited coverage by 2012 due to the lack of adequate treatment programmes, the trend of cases over the period in question is in fact one that has puzzled health officials and thus requires further investigation. The cancer situation in Guyana is one that was extensively highlighted yesterday by Director of Disease Control within the Ministry of Health, Dr. Morris Edwards, when he presented an overview of a novel
Cancer Surveillance Report. Dr. Edwards was the mastermind behind the compilation of the Report which was launched yesterday at the Georgetown Herdmanston Lodge, 65 Anira and Peter Rose Streets, Queenstown, in the presence of a wide cross-section of health officials including Senior Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton; Junior Minister of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings, and PAHO/WHO Representative, Dr. Williams Adu-Krow. The report, which outlines the state of cancer over the period 2003-2012, represents a collaborative effort of the Ministry of Health together with PAHO and the Guyana Cancer Registry. Based on the data obtained, Dr. Edwards was able to ascertain that over the 10-year period a total of 6,518 cancer cases were diagnosed. He was able to deduce,
too, that while on a global scale lung cancer has been named the leading cause of cancer deaths; in Guyana breast cancer is responsible for the highest number of cancer related fatalities. This is translated to 1,090 cases of breast cancer over the period in question. In fact the report details the 10 leading cancers in Guyana. Following the prevalence of breast cancer is cancer of the cervix which accounts for 1,014 cases; prostate (865 cases); colo-rectal (440 cases); uterus (325 cases); stomach (240 cases); lung (233 cases); liver (219 cases); ovary (212 cases) and lymphoma (136 cases). Data out of the Cancer Registry, which was drawn from both public and private medical institutions, suggest that since access to treatment has been near non-existent more than half of those inflicted with the disease died. In stressing the need for
raising awareness about cancers in Guyana, Dr. Edwards touted advocacy as a means of bringing into being improved cancer prevention, treatment and control programmes. Even as he reiterated the need to raise awareness about cancers, the PAHO/WHO Representative (Dr Adu-Krow) noted that like Guyana some 50 percent of countries in the Americas do not have in place cancer programmes. He also pointed out yesterday that while globally it is said that 40 percent of all cancers can be prevented, 30 percent can in fact be cured altogether. “If we have 79-80 percent of our cancers not having any history of having being treated and 40 percent of all cancers can be prevented I think it stands to reason that we have to pay more attention to prevention,” said Dr. Adu-Krow as he also stressed the need for early screening and treatment. He also emphasised PAHO/ WHO’s commitment to
continuing to help Guyana’s effort to address its prevailing cancer situation. “I think we have a lot on our hand...a lot have been done but there is much more that we can do,” said Dr. Adu-Krow as he highlighted the need for strengthened surveillance in cancer registries. Describing the launch of the Report yesterday as a momentous occasion, Minister Norton asserted that never before such a publication has been produced in the history of Guyana. “Indeed we are making history here today and for that reason we all should be proud,” said the Minister as he alluded to the fact that when the word cancer is spoken it evokes emotions such as fear and anxiety since the disease is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. He therefore lauded the efforts of Dr. Edwards to bring the cancer situation into perspective and went on to extend a challenge to young professionals, doctors or not,
Dr. Morris Edwards to “take a page out of his (Dr. Edwards) book and take up the mantle to do quality work.” “We need to encourage our epidemiologists, our researchers, programme managers and other professionals to analyse our data and produce valuable, creditable and reliable information, information that we can put to effective use and not just to be information that is languishing on someone’s desk,” asserted the Health Minister. It is expected that Dr. Edwards’s efforts will serve to not only stimulate interest in cancer research but other types of research.
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
New CBSI agreement between Guyana and US…
US to help fund prison rehab The new agreement between the governments of Guyana and the United States of America will result in elevation of standards and rehabilitation of prisons and lockups across Guyana. The agreement which falls under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) was signed on Monday by Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge, and United States Chargé d’Affaires, Bryan Hunt. This document constitutes an amendment to the original agreement signed between the two countries on April 8, 2011
under the framework of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI). It will allow for the continuation of the programmed activities under that Agreement. Guyana has received US$850,000 under this arrangement since the beginning of the Agreement in 2011. The new agreement signed will provide US$50,000, taking the total funding for projects under the CBSI to a grand total of US$900,000. This sum will be channeled towards the funding of three projects in Guyana. The
US State Department in a recent report criticized the present state of prisons in Guyana, saying that they pose a serious threat to human life. The State Department 2014 Report on Human Rights featured an extensive exposé on Human Rights in Guyana and other countries around the world. According to the report, the conditions “harsh and life threatening…overcrowding was a severe problem.” This, according to Greenidge, would be addressed
with a view to making the facilities more humane. He pointed out that training sessions will be conducted with Prison Officers and other relevant officials. The money received through the agreement will also go towards training and development of law enforcements ranks. But law enforcement agents, who have violated human rights, would not be able to benefit from the training that will be offered. This is according to Hunt who said, “The US law stipulates that anyone who is going to be
receiving training under this programme has to go through human rights vetting to ensure that they did not commit any gross human rights violation.” Hunt noted that prospective trainees are checked against all records that US law enforcement agencies have in their possession, and various public sources provided by nongovernmental organisations. “It’s entirely a US government vetting process on the human rights side,” he said. The envoy noted that the US applies human rights standards in keeping with various international human rights conventions. Recently, the Guyana government took steps to sack two policemen who tortured a 15year-old boy at the Leonora Police Station in 2009. Upon the instructions of the new Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan, Corporal Mohanram Dolai was dismissed from the force. Dolai and Narine Lall were controversially
promoted in January. Ramjattan said that he was advised that since Lall became an inspector, the Commissioner cannot fire him as, from that rank up to the rank of Deputy Commissioner, dismissal falls under the authority of the PSC. The minister subsequently sent the PSC a “strongly worded letter” requesting the dismissal of Lall. Lall and Dolai were found liable of torturing a 15-year-old boy in 2009, when they poured methylated spirits on his genitals and set him alight while he was in custody at the Leonora Police Station as part of a murder investigation. After the collapse of the criminal case against them– owing to the failure of the teen and other witnesses to appear to testify–the duo was reinstated in the force. Lall was promoted by the PSC based on a recommendation from Commissioner Persaud, while it was Persaud who directly promoted Dolai. After the promotions were reported on, both the PSC and Persaud defended the promotions, saying that persons ought not to be punished indefinitely.
Govt. Pharmacist nabbed with suspected stolen drugs With the ongoing suspicion that there is rampant corruption in the health sector in Berbice, the Chief Pharmacist attached to the regional drug bond and the New Amsterdam Hospital has been arrested following a sting operation. It was suspected that drugs intended for use by hospitals in Berbice were being siphoned off and taken to a private pharmacy in New Amsterdam. It is understood that the operation was conducted on Monday afternoon in the full view of the public by personnel from the Fraud Squad in Georgetown who reportedly followed the official from Georgetown. This was after he allegedly took the marked drugs directly to the private pharmacy which he operates instead of dropping off the supplies at the designated spots. The man was immediately whisked away to Georgetown with a quantity of drugs. In the end he was held overnight and subsequently released on bail after giving a statement. The health sector in Berbice was being administered by the Berbice Regional Health Authority (BRHA) which has since been deemed illegal. It was disbanded by Minister of Health Dr. George Norton during a recent inspection visit. Since the new government came into office, the operation of the BRHA has come into sharp focus with revelations of rampant
corruption in the region between the disbanded BRHA and the Regional Administration. Minister Norton has since ordered an audit of the operation of the sector in Berbice. The BRHA which was situated at Garrison Road, Fort Canje, East Berbice was an entity that was being controlled by Chief Executive officer of the body, PPP/C Member of Parliament, Dr Vishwa Mahadeo. Minister Norton had declared that it was an illegal entity which had been operating for the past decade without the relevant legislation in place. It has been an ongoing story about the shortage of pharmaceuticals in the various hospitals in Berbice. However, drugs were being stored at various places in Berbice instead of the designated drug bond. Confusion reigned at the time over the authority and function of this body with duplicity being the order of the day. There are the New Amsterdam Hospital, the Skeldon Hospital, the Port Mourant Hospital, the Mibicuri Hospital in the Black Bush Polder and the National Psychiatric Hospital. The two hospitals on the West Berbice are the Fort Wellington and Mahaicony Hospitals. Over the years there have been allegations of misuse and skullduggery with the acquisition, use and purchase of drugs. Investigations are ongoing. It is understood that the Pharmacist has been implicating many people.
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
Man gets 18 years jail for drug trafficking, other charges Magistrate Leron Daly handed an 18-year prison term to a labourer on Tuesday, after he was convicted for narcotics trafficking and other offences. Brian Carter, 26, of Kaneville Squatting Area, was also on trial in relation to several robberies. He was convicted after changing his not guilty plea to guilty at the Providence Magistrate’s Court. Before the matters were concluded the Magistrate explained to the defendant that he was sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment – three years for the possession and trafficking of cannabis, three years each on two robbery charges, seven months on a robbery charge and another three years each on break and enter charges. The sentences will run concurrently. This means that he will only be spending three years and seven months behind bars. In relation to the drug trafficking charge, Police Prosecutor, Inspector Michael Grant called three witnesses to testify. Magistrate Daly, in handing down her sentence in the drug charge informed the court that she was satisfied that Carter had the drug in his possession for the purpose of trafficking, based on the case submitted by the prosecutor. The convict broke down in tears when the Magistrate informed the court that she found him guilty as charged for that offence. Carter was also facing three counts of robbery and break and enter. He had initially denied the allegations before Magistrate Daly.
However, yesterday he entered guilty pleas on all the charges since he decided that he no longer wanted to waste the court’s time. On July 14, 2012 at Second Bridge, Grove, EBD, Carter and another man robbed Linda Davidson. They relieved her of her Blackberry phone along with $150,000 cash. He admitted that on September 14, 2014 at Little Diamond, he robbed Vanessa Marlon of her gold chain, bag and cash at knife point. He was sentenced to three years imprisonment each on these two charges. Finally, he told the court that he robbed Linden Niles of $3,000 on March 27 at Grove, EBD. The court also heard that he unlawfully and maliciously damaged a pair of reading glasses worth $30,000 property of Niles. On this charge he was given seven months. Carter admitted that on April 29, 2014 at Diamond Housing Scheme, EBD he broke and entered the dwelling house of Maxine Benjamin and stole a laptop and a bottle of perfume valued $280,000. He confessed that on April 17, 2015 at Diamond Housing Scheme, EBD, he broke into the dwelling home of Ravi Spencer and stole a quantity of items valued in excess of one million dollars. The final charge, to which he pleaded guilty, stated that on May 4, 2015 at Diamond Housing Scheme, EBD, he stole $475,000 in cash and household items after he broke into the home of Sahadeo Narine. Carter was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment on each of these charges.
Barber fined for assault Mark Fraser appeared before Magistrate Ann Mc Lennan on Tuesday to answer a wounding charge and was fined $20,000. He was also asked to keep the peace. .On June 30, at 121 Hogg Street, Albouystown, Fraser, a barber, assaulted Alasta Hall with intent to maim disable or disfigure him. Fraser pleaded not guilty to the charge after it was read to him. He was subsequently remanded to prison. Police Corporal, Deniro Jones, informed the court that Fraser and Hall are known to each other. On the date in question, Hall was in front of his yard on his bicycle when the defendant (Fraser) approached him with a spade in his hands and told him to clean the drain.
Hall ignored him and started to ride away. Fraser then dealt several lashes to Hall’s head. Hall reported the matter to the police. During the brief court hearing, Magistrate Ann McLennan asked Fraser what he had to say for himself “He started to curse me about my mother so I drop some lashes on him; then he start fah tell me I is a mad man.”
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Dangerous driving lands GDF officer in jail …lawyer pleads for monetary penalty Guyana Defence Force Lieutenant, Antonio Eastman, was jailed for 36 months after he was found guilty of causing the death of his colleague, Lieutenant Ronald Gonsalves by dangerous driving. The prison term was handed to him by City Magistrate Judy Latchman, on Tuesday, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Eastman on November 1, last, drove motor car PMM 6019, in a manner dangerous to the public, thereby killing Gonsalves. According to reports, Eastman and Gonsalves were occupants of the car that was heading South on Mandela Avenue. Eastman who was the driver of the vehicle at the time, reportedly swerved from hitting another car. As a result he lost control, of his vehicle which was not in the right lane and crashed into a Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL)’s utility pole on the other side of the road. Gonsalves succumbed at a city hospital while receiving medical treatment for injuries he sustained in the vehicular accident. During the summing up of the evidence the Magistrate told the defendant that she believed he drove in a dangerous manner on the day in question. She stated that she also believed that the vehicle was travelling at high speed. The Magistrate pointed out that the defendant was inattentive on the roadway and fell below the competence of a careful driver. Before handing down her sentencing, Magistrate Latchman took into consideration all mitigating factors. She also pointed to the fact that the defendant assisted with taking the now dead Gonsalves to the hospital and fully co-operated with the police. However, the Magistrate said that based on the prevalence of the offence she was imposing the sentence. During the trial, Police Prosecutor, Vishnu Hunte, had called several witnesses
to testify in the case. A postmortem report tendered to the court revealed that Gonsalves died of multiple injuries, including a ruptured liver, and fractures to the spine and skull. E a s t m a n ’s A t t o r n e y, Leslie Sobers, pleaded with the Magistrate to impose a monetary penalty based on the custodial circumstances his client is facing. Sobers said that his client is a serving member of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). He added that the young man, who swore his life to the country, did not know that his friend would have lost his life that day. He further explained that his client has a good driving record and no previous conviction. He
Lieutenant Antonio Eastman
Dead: Lieutenant Ronald Gonsalves contended that Eastman harboured genuine shock. The Attorney pleaded with the Magistrate to take into consideration that his client is still young and that
he was also injured in the accident. After the Magistrate informed the court of her guilty ruling the Attorney reminded the court that his client is still left with the burden of his colleague’s death. Sobers pointed out that the situation did not involve alcohol, the road was not crowded and it had no speed humps.
Page 22
Kaieteur News
Accounts clerk @ Aracari Resort 16 Plantation Versailles, W.B.DPhone:264-2946/8. Email: Apply in person.
Visa Application: U.S.A, C a n a da & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535.
One experienced hairdresser. Must know to braid & weave. At Time Square Mall, Grove- Tel:669-4390
Balloon decorating for birthdays, weddings, anniversary etc, make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES, AIRCONDITIONERS, WASHING MACHINES, TVS, MICROWAVES, FREEZERS - CALL:6294946 OR 225-4822 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building, visadocumentsgy@yahoo.comCall: 225-6496, 662-6045 Professional painting services available for private and contract work- Tel: 604-4036 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer Call Omar:2310655,683-8734 Repairs & spare, fridge, freezer, A/C, washers, stoves - Contact Nick: 6831312, 627-3206 GET YOUR USA, CANADA & UK VISA’S FILLED OUT PROFESSIONALLY. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: 231-5789/90 Computer upgrades from windows 7 to 8, antivirus, software downloads- Tel: 625-1024, 645-7471
Waitress/ bartenders @ Aracari Resort 16 Plantation Versailles, W.B.DPhone:264-2946/8. Email: Apply in person. Contract cars & drivers from E.C.D- Contact A-1 Taxi: 2201000 40-45 years old for driving duties. Light duties. Good rates- Tel: 227-1830 Attractive live in waitressCall: 327-0252/674-4665 Lot in G/Town to rent for wash bay- Call: 646-8748 Legal clerk/typist: applications with CV - Legal Aid 185 Charlotte & King streets, Maraj Building. By 20th July, 2015 One Salesgirl to work in shop; age 17-24, also one boy. Text your information to 661-8647 Minibus driver for RZ, route 42 –Tel: 628-2918; 690-6385 Hairdresser, nail technician, tattoo artist, pedicure/ manicure –Tel: 613-8710/ 6807813
Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257
We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 TacomaCall:680-3154 1 new unregistered Mazda Axela, excellent condition -Tel: 649-0956 PRADO TZ Land Crusier, automatic diesel, PHH series, fully loaded -$M –Tel:2332546; 688-5554
Oceanicvillas air conditioned, apartments/ fridge/stove/washer/dryer/ microwave. Contact Shiv: 678-6887 or email:
Wood exporters- gang nail plates. Sizes in stock: 3x4, 4x6, 5x7- Contact: 266-4166, 666-2361
1 Mitsubishi Canter, 4D 31 engine, GTT Series -$2.6M – Contact: 612-0320
Vreed-En-Hoop Junction: Storage bond, office, lessons place & other- Call: 680-9905
First Class Auto in Stock: 09 Allion, 08 Premio, Carina 212, Spacio, Runx, IST, Mark 2, Axio, 06 Premio –Call: 6098188; 638-3045
One 2 bedrooms apartment @ 35 Howes Street- Contact Pet Boy Shop, between the hours 11am-6pm - $40,000 monthly
2008 Fielder -$2.5M, 2004 Spacio -$2M, Carina 212 $1.9M, all vehicles unregistered –Tel: 617-2891 1 Toyota 212 Yellow Cab, Excellent condition –Tel: 223-5615
Offices to rent @220 South Road near High Court $50,000 per office- Tel: 2271042; 601-3369
Summer Special: In cosmetology, nails, wig design & hair cuttingClasses commence -13 July Tel: 619-7603, 666-5241 Empire hair and nails salon renting chairs. Lot 17 Burnham Drive Wismar, Linden- Call: 442-0171 Learn how to do nails/ pedicure, manicure & eyelash -$5000 for three weeks –Tel: 691-4336
VACANCY Cashiers/ supermarket helpers, apply in person with written application @ Nirva Supermarket 49 Sheriff & Craig Street- Tel: 227-5771 Work from home, earn $5,000-$20,000 daily Call Monday-Friday 9am-5pm #233-6517, 638-0595 International Employment: waiters, cooks, housekeepers, carpenters, plumbers, cleaners, securities, receptionists, printers- Contact:2316 2 9 6 , 6 5 0 - 9 8 8 0 Fish cleaners at Eccles- Call: 233-2546 Male supervisor to work in housekeeping DepartmentTel:225-0198 or 233 South road Lacytown
One diesel mechanic; to work in Georgetown –Tel: 218-1455
One Receptionist - Contact: 223-5273 /4
One Female to cook for family in the interior –Tel: 679-8765
One Chef for 704 Sports Bar - Contact: 223-5273 /4
INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC -TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. ACCOMODATION Specials on room! Free breakfast, Wi-Fi luxuriously & comfortably @ Signature Inn, 82 Laluni Street, Georgetown – Tel: 226-2145; 227-5037 FOR SALE/RENT Supermarket space for rent, 1 acre land in La Grange, Independence Road for sale. Call Nitesh: 684-7853 45" Free Standing Advertising display, capable of displaying your bold & colourful graphic posters still & video ads. Call: 6809611
Thursday July 16, 2015
1 Noah BSS series. Price reasonable- Call: 652-0709 One 318 BMW never register for $ 3.1M down payment $ 800,000- Contact # 650-0402
One 2 bedrooms bottom flat at L.B.I, E.C.D- Tel: 226-7585
Fantasy Auto Sales at 38 Alexander St, Kitty. Get $100,000 discount on preorders- Contact: 611-1833
Executive type house, for residence, beautifully and centrally located in Bel-Air SpringsGeorgetown. Phone: 226-6229; 226-5903
Fantasy Auto SalesAvailable: 2010 Mitsubishi RVR, Nissan X-Trail 2008. New model Premio & AllionCall: 611-1833 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms - Call:680-3154 2013 Mercedes C250 turbo AMG coupe, retractable glasstop, mileage 15K, alcantara leather interior, brush aluminum acc- Call: 650-5136 Minibus BJJ 9267 $700,000 in good condition- Call: 6791813 Toyota- AT 212, AT192, BB, Premio, Rush, Hilux pickup 4x4. Nissan bluebird, Honda 600 RR- Tel: 644-5096, 6971453
CAR RENTAL DOLLY’S CAR RENTALCALL: 225-7126/226-3693 DOLLYSAUTORENTAL@ YA H O O . C O M / W W W. DOLLYSAUTORENTAL.COM PROGRESSIVE AUTO RENTAL:CARS&SUV FOR RENTAL- $4,000 & UP PER DAY- CALL: 643-5122, 2193900, EMAIL: PRO_AUTO RENTAL@YAHOO.COM Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807
Pitbull unregistered (roof rack) $3M- Call: 668-0000
For foreigners fully furnished two bedrooms apartment in South. Hot & cold, cable, washing machine & internet. Tel: 689-5877
New model Raum PRR series $1,475,000 negotiable. In excellent condition- Call: 6999011, 266-2059
Golden Grove Diamond house to rent- Call: 692-8513, 223-0733 Robb Street, BourdaBusiness/ professional office spaces availablePhone: 226-2409, 682-1602 Bagotstown Public Road -2 Storied commercial Property (next to Ray’s Auto) -3,500 sq.ft –Tel: 233-2546, 233-5859
2 bedrooms apartment at West Bank Demerara- Call: 674-6080, 267-1446 One barber station for rent at Time Square Mall, GroveTel:669-4390
2006 Honda RR 1000cc. Price $1,300,000- Tel: 600-3177 1 Mini Cooper PTT 2675. 1 cold storage canter-Call: 6190846 One Toyota Raum; old model PPP series, excellent condition –Price -$1.150M negotiable- Call: 653-0120 Unregistered Toyota IST (2002) –Tel: 657-1796
GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE- CALL: 6750767, 627-5098 1-8000 SQ.FT modern warehouse/ manufacturing facility, Eccles Industrial Site - $5,000 US per month – Contact: 233-3512
LAND FOR SALE 144x37.4 FT house lot available at Webster Avenue, Buxton. $2.2M- Call: 696-8391
Great Deals on video games & all gaming consoles. PC, phone games & applications. Delivery also Call: 672-2566; 265-3232 Pitbull computer box (ECU) for sale - Call: 628-0909 1 Fishing boat 52ft, 2300lb 7½ inch, 1200lb new seine, 8000lb ice box, 1 outboard, 40 Yamaha -$3M- Tel:6906327; 695-1508 1-40’ Reefer- Contact: Trevor Arno Wieting & Richter Ltd. Tel: 226-6150-7 Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, motors, etc call: 225-9032, 647-2943 152ft complete cabin cruiser. In excellent condition- Tel: 592-654-2817, 592-622-2958 One Ducati 1098cc motorcycle in excellent condition - Call: 617-6934, 674-0137 1-2004 Caldina wagon fully loaded, 17" mags, GT 4, turbo. 1 wedding dress (size 10)- Call: 613-9116 IMPORTED AMERICAN BULLY PUPS –CONTACT HARRY: 220-7933, 6674845, 610-0068 (WHATSAPPAVAILABLE) BBM PIN 52E62193 New American made 24ft Werner aluminum ladderCall: 609-7257, 225-7946 One Tohatsu 40 outboard engine in excellent condition- Call: 680-6192 Instock subject to being unsold; 1,000 - 10,000 watts; Complete Solar Units- Mr. Beepat – 600 - 5253 1 Ford Econoline Van (left hand drive), excellent condition, sale price -$1.8M. Contact Ms Rooplall: 2333512 Hauler & trailer- Contact: 639-6701, 602-2518
FOR SALE 1-43ft boat with ice box $700,000 - Tel:690-6327; 6951508 Yamaha Outboard Engine 60HP, 25HP, 200Yamaha Foot- Contact Steve: 3253077; 650- 7407 One Mitsubishi Canter; Good condition; 2.5 ton, has dumper- $2.1M negotiable. Tel: 612-1848
1 Toyota 212 (new model) dark grey. Price $1M- Tel: 670-0382 Table stove, microwave, stabilizer, line conditioner, kid’s scooter, trolley, dart board, USP 450W. Tel: 6652942; 665-6512 Household items: refrigerator, stove, bed, washer, computer desk, filing cabinet, etc. Owner migrating- Tel: 6544116, 604-8350 Continued on page 23
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Venezuela’s Machado says will defy ban and run for parliament CARACAS (Reuters) Venezuelan hardline opposition leader Maria Corina Machado yesterday vowed she would run for parliament despite a one-year ban on her holding public office, which she said was a ploy by the government to avoid defeat in December’s vote. The comptroller’s office has barred Machado, a candidate in the central Miranda state who is a highprofile adversary of the administration of President Nicolas Maduro, on grounds she failed to disclose certain social benefits in her wealth declaration. Scoffing at the accusations, Machado accused Maduro and a “complicit” comptroller of sidelining her ahead of the Dec. 6 vote, which polls show the ruling socialists are poised to lose. “I repeat to the illegitimate comptroller who doesn’t have the power to ban me, and I tell Mr. Maduro ... that I will run for the National Assembly,” Machado
said at a press conference, flanked by cheering supporters waving Venezuelan flags and banners. “In its agony, this regime is seeking to hold on to power. ... We’re living the most corrupt and dishonest electoral process in our history,” added Machado, who has about two weeks to appeal the decision on the ban. Comptroller Manuel Galindo yesterday confirmed the ban, which Machado first publicized via Twitter a day earlier. “Anti-corruption laws consider (omissions in wealth declarations) an inconsistency, or a concealment which quickly and without any (legal) process results in an administrative ban for 12 months,” Galindo told state television. Disqualifying Machado has fanned fears over the fairness of this year’s elections, which come as a severe economic crisis batters the “Chavismo” movement founded by late leader Hugo
From page 22
EDUCATION Summer Classes: Phonics, Reading, Language, Mathematics, Art & Craft & fun day (4-12yrs) July 13thAugust 13th @ Roxanne Burnham Gardens-Tel:2182076; 619-4355
Venezuela’s opposition leader Maria Corina Machado speaks during a news conference in Caracas. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Chavez. “Very concerned over exclusion of Maria Corina Machado from public office for a year,” tweeted Roberta Jacobson, the United States’ assistant secretary of State for Western hemisphere affairs. “Inclusiveness and a level playing field are key for free, fair elections in #Venezuela.” Daniel Ceballos,
a jailed former mayor who is also running for parliament, was similarly banned from holding public office. The MUD opposition coalition also cried foul after the electoral board mandated a minimum of 40 percent of candidates be women a month after the bloc held its primaries.
Letters... Where your views make the news
The coalition gov’t needs space... From page 5 attention meaning – to what they say, how they say it, when they say it, both their verbal and non-verbal communication, and my conclusion so far, is that these are two of the most mature leaders we have had. They are conscious of the issues but are very mature, and I respect that. This maturity also gives one a sense of confidence and assurance that they will make the coalition work. Some people would say that they are ‘high definition’ Leaders, well, I sincerely hope
so. Fourthly, while comments are made about possible breaches in the Cummingsburg Accord, and I have heard and read of various courses of actions which are recommended to be taken, consideration must always be given to the spirit of the Accord – the greater good of the country. Fifthly, as citizens and leaders, there needs to be an awareness of our strengths and weaknesses as a people. Based on an assessment of our behaviour, I have placed us into five categories: initiators, coordinators,
implementers, thinkers/ strategists and finishers. One of the reasons we have not progressed as we should and as a country in the way some other countries have progressed, is because we are more initiators than finishers; also, while we do some kind of thinking, it is more cunning and crafty thinking. We have to push beyond just starting things - as in this case the coalition government - and develop the necessary skills to use this opportunity of the coalition government, to coordinate our
development well, implement it well, do more clever and sustainability thinking, more solution-oriented thinking, develop clever strategies, so that we can have a good finish. We have to transition from just starting things to becoming finishers, we are woefully lacking on the finish; we are not finishing well! Finally, it is imperative that for the coalition government to succeed, the leaders have to be open to and participate in training, more training and yet more training! Audreyanna Thomas
Gov’t must encourage green... From page 4 preferred choice for almost everything. The new coalition government should encourage the development of solar energy, giving preference to local or regional companies. And the country should be encouraged to move away from its dependence on traditional fossil energy. Subsidies should be given to homeowners to install solar equipment that would produce energy to power homes. Many developing countries have been making the gradual shift from fossil energy towards green energy. A major portion of power generation in developed countries comes from green energy. The developed countries encour-
age and provide subsidies and tax breaks in the development of green energy. In the US and India, for example, there are nationwide solar energy booms. The governments of New York State, New York City, Maharashtra, and New Delhi offer all kinds of incentives, including subsidies, to energy companies to develop green energy. Homeowners and businesses also get tax breaks. New York City is now at the centre of clean energy production; thousands of city homes are powered almost entirely by solar energy. Some schools and government buildings have gone solar. As Guyana consumes more energy and as the coun-
try is funded by Europeans to protect the green forest and encouraged to go green, it only makes sense for the new government to encourage a green (solar) energy boom. The entire country should be encouraged to go green (solar and wind); subsidies should be given to home owners and businesses to go solar (that is better for homeowners than wind power that requires large amounts of land). The new government should not behave like its predecessor and give preference to foreign favourites for reasons well known. Local and regional companies should be encouraged to set up operations in assembling as well as
manufacturing equipment. The government should give a helping hand to local and regional companies for solar projects. Some progress (at extraordinary high cost) has been made by the previous regime on solar and wind development. The coalition government must build on the progress to produce energy to add to the national grid to make the country less dependent on diesel-generated power. This can make Guyana a shining example in the region, encouraging the European countries to give us larger amounts of funds to protect our rain forests, reducing the effects of global warming. Vishnu Bisram
Institute of Academic Excellence- registration commenced for our Secondary school (forms 15), lessons & adults CXC classes- Tel: 683-5742 Summer classes. Congratulations to my top student Aselah Najah, 518 (Queens College). CXC classes, Phonics, Computer- Call: 6905008, 619-7911, 657-7398 Affordable summer classes for weak children in reading, spelling, phonics, composition etc. for all agescall: 675-4379 Spanish Classes!!! Learn Spanish in 3 Months: Introductory, Intermediate, Advance, children creativeSaturday –Tel: 673-8605. Classes start -20th July 2015 Summer Computer Classes Ages: 5-16; Register 2 Kids & Get Additional Discount MicroGraphics: Vreed-EnHoop- 264-3057 9 Course Diploma in Computer $30,000, Job Placement After Completing - MicroGraphics, Vreed-Enhoop-264-3057
LAND FOR SALE 1500 acres transported land 4½ miles from Bartica Rock, Quarry, Forestry, Agriculture. Contact Mark: 603-1266; 625-9788 Gold and diamond land for sale in Potaro. State owner leaving country- Tel: 6092815, 231-8702 30.5 Acres residential & agricultural land @ Long Creek. Creek passing through land -$7,000,000 M negotiable–Tel: 686-3794, 646-5838, 261-5547, 261-6119 Friendship house lot for saleCall: 692-8513, 223-0733 FOR SALE/RENT American pools table- Call: 277-0578
PROPERTY FOR SALE Lot 23, Area F Zeeburg, South, old gas station road, West Coast DemeraraContact: 621-8386 (Brodo) Two executive houses in gated compound at Oceanicvillas -$58M eachTel Shiv: 600-6681 Property for sale, Grove $18M neg. Tel: 625-5461. House for sale at Craig- Call: 679-8091 or 718-213-6496 2 Storey 45x35 concrete property, lower flat incomplete. Land 65x120 @ Diamond N/S 5th Avenue, E.B.D- Call: 629-4017 House with 3 apartments @ Friendship, E.B.D $9.5M. House with 2 bedrooms $8M @ Patentia - Tel: 6712689 2 Storey concrete property for sale at 2nd Avenue, Diamond H/Scheme, E.B.DTel: 674-9266 or 686-9248 Property @ Leonora New Housing Scheme-Tel: 6799851 Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities –Call: 662-9335; 612-3244 2 Bedroom house section “B” Non Pariel, E.C.D $8.5M –Tel: 615-1319
LAND FOR SALE 50 Acres titled farm land @ The Belle, Upper Dem, River Front -reasonable offer accepted, serious enquiries only! – Tel: 695-3493 Herstelling - $4M (110ftX56ft) Parfaite Harmonie, corner lot main road (130ftX48ft) $2.7M & $1.2M -Tel: 6117223, 223-1443 Luxury gate communitymall, pool, swipe card entry, underground irrigation selling @ $6USD per sq.ftCall: 609-0783 Herstelling -$3.5M (110ftX50ft), Parfaite Harmonie - $1.5M (80ftX50ft). Ron’s Land Investment-Tel: 611-7223; 223-1443 1 Land in Diamond Scheme -$2.8M & 1 Land in Parfaite Harmonie -$1.5M (on main Road). Tel: 690-6327; 6951508
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
Life of Rodney Crime was never out of control ranks awarded COI extended - Top Cop- asforseveral outstanding work
The public hearings of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the death of historian and former Working People’s Alliance (WPA) co-founder, Dr. Walter Rodney, are slated to reconvene within 12 days. The Commission comprising Sir Richard Cheltenham, as Chairman; Queens Counsel (QC) Jaqueline Samuels-Brown and Senior Counsel (SC) Seenath Jairam will reconvene public hearings on Monday July 27 and Tuesday, July 28. A notice was circulated in the local newspapers yesterday also confirmed that the sessions will be starting at 09:30 hours at the Supreme Court Library Building, Georgetown High Court, Avenue of the Republic and Charlotte Street, Georgetown. It did not state whether this would be the last session. The announcement comes at a time when there were talks of the inquiry being brought to a close. Rodney, then 38, was killed when a bomb exploded in the car in which he was sitting. The inquiry was set up after years of questions and speculations as to what led to Dr. Rodney’s death. Thus far, the inquiry has seen many travelling from far and wide to offer their testimony into the incident which occurred over three decades ago. It was initially scheduled to last four months, following its commencement last year April. Since then, the previous People’s Progressive Party/Civic-led administration had extended the inquiry’s life on several occasions. Last April, Members of the Tenth Parliament were unanimous in their approval of $112M to fund the work of the Commission, an allocation that was listed under the Office of the President’s $2.2B expenditure
estimates in the 2014 Budget. Back in February, 2014, former President Donald Ramotar had said that the Rodney Commission will not come cheap and that he knew for a fact that the money would be well spent. Subsequently, the former cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon, had stated that the commission spends about $20M a month. What the PPP leaders did not say, however, was that of the millions spent, a journalist bagged just about $16M for the coverage of the sessions while the Commissioners had earned up even more. The government has since changed and the now David Granger-led administration stated that they will be looking to bring it to a close. Shortly after taking up office, Granger had said, “The Rodney Commission has not performed adequately. It has allowed a lot of hearsay evidence; a lot of time and money has been wasted and I would like to bring it to a conclusion as early as possible.” Granger noted that the inquiry had gone well past its deadline, costing Guyanese millions of dollars. He emphasised that the Commission of Inquiry had already received several extensions and “money is being wasted.” “I did not say I would stop it. I would like to bring it to a conclusion as early as possible. I don’t envisage any more extensions,” the new Head of State had said. Despite Granger’s pronouncement, the notice yesterday spoke to an extended life. “All persons wishing to testify on these and subsequent hearing dates are asked to submit statements of their intended testimony in writing to the Commission,” the notice said.
Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud has said that despite the numbers, the crime situation in Guyana within recent times was never out of control. Speaking at a special police awards ceremony, yesterday, the country’s Top Cop said that the statistics and the perception of the current situation show different pictures. Up June month end, the Guyana Police Force recorded a nine percent increase in serious crimes, with murders showing a runaway increase of 14 percent when compared with the same period last year. “The perception is that since the last elections (May 11), crime has spiraled out of control…but the statistics is showing that last year we had a fifteen percent reduction and that this year we are measuring those reported crimes against the reported crime last year, of that 15 percent reduction,” the Commissioner explained. He said that the force has seen increases since February and continuously. “So, it’s not a case that it’s after the elections that we saw increases.” He stated as a matter of fact that the largest increases in criminal activity so far this year in any one month occurred in March. But what is fueling this perception? According to the Commissioner, this might have been because of more violence attached to some of the reported criminal activities…less numbers but more violence within the past two months. He explained that quite a number of victims of robberies were shot; some of
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum presents a monetary award to police canine specialist Corporal Hosannah. them were even killed as in the recent case of businessman Ganesh Ramlall. “The situation was never out of control and so it’s easy for some of our critics to sensationalise…maybe it works towards the end that they want to achieve,” Persaud stated. He said that what the critics do not recognize is that within recent times, the high profile crimes are being matched by high profile arrests and prosecutions. “So how is it out of control?” he asked. He admitted that the numbers are too high and way beyond what a society should accept, and therefore no one should develop a tolerance to crime. “We should cry out and we should bring a focus to get a solution to it,” Persaud said. He referred to the recent engagement with the government during which President Granger provided a five point strategy which the Force is expected to fine tune and implement.
Draft Budget to be presented to Cabinet in ... From page 15 administration.” As for the gold industry, Trotman expressed that Government is aware that it is affected by falling prices on the world market, along with local challenges. The 2014 midyear report by the Ministry of Finance, said that the world market price for gold remained low compared to recent years, even though it increased by 4.4 percent to US$1,279 per ounce during the first six months of 2014. Trotman who also has responsibility for the natural resources sector said that if need be, Government is prepared to have a stimulus package for that sector to lift productions to a higher level. He said that the Finance Minister and his team are looking at the different drivers of our economy, and is drafting the bud-
get taking into account their performance thus far. The 2014 Midyear report of the Ministry of Finance reveals that sugar production in the first crop was 79,995 tonnes which was 66.5 percent above the first crop of 2013. But for this year already, the extended first sugar crop has ended short of its target by almost 5,000 tonnes. However, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) remains positive over the prospects of the industry and its annual target. The industry had set a first crop sugar production target of 86,201 tons of sugar. The troubled Skeldon factory was unable to even meet half of the 17,214 target set for the first crop with the corporation saying rains forced an end to production of sugar there. All estates, excepting East Demerara (Enmore) and Skeldon,
managed to surpass their targets. But the more local economists continue to analyze GuySuCo's accounts, the more they realize that the sugar industry is in a financially dreadful state. Presidential Advisor on Sustainable Development, Dr. Clive Thomas, had said that the industry has now found itself “buried” in excess of $90B in debt until 2017. Based on an overview of GuySuCo's accounts, he said that it was just less than this for the period 2012 to 2014. Dr. Thomas said, “The sugar industry is now sitting on an economic time bomb.” He currently sits as a member of the Commission of Inquiry launched into the sugar industry. The board members of GuySuCo and the entity's CEO were forced to step down after years of failing to nurse the ailing
industry back to “good health”. Additionally, in mid-June, Dr. Thomas had said that certain factors affecting the rice sector leave it poised for a dispiriting future due to explosive growth of output, increasing difficulty in finding lucrative markets and the level of unit production costs. He had said, “As is common knowledge, the Venezuelan market is at great risk generating a potential demand/ supply market imbalance. This imbalance risks a collapse of rice and paddy prices later this year, thereby impairing livelihoods, in contrast to what prevailed in the first half of the 2010s.” Since the decision by Venezuela to not renew the oil for rice better arrangement after November, Government has now been forced to redouble its efforts to finding new markets for Guyana's rice.
The new strategy is not dissimilar to the Donald Ramotar ‘15 in 15’ plan for the police which was outlined at the Police Officers’ Conference earlier this year. “Once we’re talking about crime, regardless of what front you’re fighting it from, there will be commonalities,” the Commissioner told this newspaper. And it is not difficult to gauge the public support for and response to the police in current crime fight, since within the past year; the force’s successes have been driven by its fast developing intelligence capacity. According to the Commissioner, since the commencement of the Force’s social crime prevention programme, the public has been seeing the Police Force through different lens. “They engage us
differently and a lot of trust and everything else has developed,” the Commissioner stated. Yesterday saw several ranks receiving cash incentives for outstanding work over the past six months. Most of the recipients at yesterday’s ceremony were responsible for the recovery of illegal firearms and ammunition. Several community policing groups were also recognized for their contribution to crime fighting. Commissioner also personally awarded $100,000 to Constable Adams, a member of the SWAT unit, who was injured during Tuesday morning’s operation which led to the killing of a notorious criminal ringleader and the arrest of several of his accomplices. He said that those who sit behind a computer in an office all day and criticize, must realize that policemen and women take risks every day that could possibly lead to them paying the ultimate price. “Constable Adams did not go down, he did not try to discourage his teammates, he did not back off; he continued in accordance with the standard procedure and stayed there until the operation was completed…Constable Adams, a few years ago was shot in the other leg in another operation in Berbice. He did not back off. And that is the kind of courage that is displayed every day that our critics who sit in the safety of their offices never understood and never want to understand,” the commissioner said.
Works still to be done ... From page 13 clean-up project, all Equipment which includes excavators, loaders and tractors, five dump trucks to dispose of materials at an approve dumpsite were to be provided by Gaico. This project is one of the many ongoing drainage projects being undertaken currently. The Liliendaal drainage project is approximately 90 per cent complete. It is the canal that runs along the Camp Street, Lamaha Street, Dennis Street, Sophia Section A and north into Liliendaal pump sta-
tion. One machine provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) has already been moved to Caneview Avenue. This project started from the Houston bypass heading east along Caneview Avenue between the Houston and Ruimveldt estates. “The Lamaha project will be beneficial to this current project because it will provide drainage from the smaller drains to the Lamaha canal outfall,” said Walter Willis.
New housing scheme ... From page 19 water. Currently, the Guyana Water Incorporated is improving its infrastructure to expand its delivery of water in the region. The utility company would have to further expand its infrastructure to accommodate the new housing development. The aim is to provide residents with 24-
hour water supply. Minister Scott is of the view that Bartica is a beautiful area with amazing topography. As such, developments should be done with minimal destruction of the natural beauty of the area so as to promote tourism and other sustainable economic activities.
Thursday July 16, 2015
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
Unions and BIDC reach deal to WARNER: $9.3m bribe passed in Section 34 fiasco avert national strike in Barbados PM’s lawyers on high alert Trinidad Guardian - Prime Minister Kamla PersadBissessar has struck down embattled Independent Liberal Party (ILP) leader Jack Warner’s fresh allegations on the Section 34 issue as being crazy and false and has asked her lawyers to take the requisite action to stop “this malicious misinformation once and for all.” This after Warner held a media briefing at the Normandie Hotel in Port-ofSpain yesterday, where he read out a statement on the Section 34 issue which he had completed with Justice of the Peace Anthony Soulette on May 29, the day after he was released from prison after he failed to secure bail when he first appeared in the Port-ofSpain Magistrates’ Court on charges related to his dealings as a former Fifa vicepresident. The statement chiefly alleges a conspiracy on the Section 34 matter by Government officials, spearheaded by PersadBissessar, in order to “assist” former UNC financiers Ish Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson. Warner alleged that followed “receipt” of a bribe, totalling $8.3 million, prior to the May 2010 general election. Detailing a series of alleged developments, Warner alleged that the Prime Minister, in an effort to appease the US government for “her misrepresentation and mishandling of the Galbaransingh/Ferguson extradition and more so to neutralise a powerful political opponent with the capacity to lessen her party’s chances at the upcoming polls, she believes a golden opportunity has arisen for her to get rid of
VICTORY: NUPW officials (from left) general treasurer Asakore Beckles, acting general secretary Roslyn Smith, and president Akanni McDowall join hands with BWU general secretary Toni Moore (right). (Photo: Barbados Today) Kamla Persad-Bissessar me based on the US charges.” Warner, who also made claims about how former Justice Minister Herbert Volney was fired, said he was praying the PM would deny his statements, send him a pre-action protocol letter, refer him to her attorney or talk about it on the platform. He said he had two more issues “more damning” than yesterday’s allegations to reveal and would also be doing an expose on the waste water treatment project. After being asked about Warner’s claims regarding Galbaransingh, Ferguson and Section 34, Persad-Bissessar, responding via statement, said: “I don’t intend to waste any more time on Mr Warner’s ludicrous behaviour and crazy claims. “The press conference held by Jack Warner was a damp squib littered with lies and more lies. I am responding at the earliest opportunity in the hope this will ensure that these outrageous claims by Warner are treated with the contempt they deserve.” She added: “Let me state very clearly and unequivocally that these
Jack Warner accusations are false and without any foundation whatsoever. “I hope that observers will by now have noted the pattern of increasingly farfetched claims being made by this man and how quickly each set of his claims unravels once the facts are known. Everybody knows his present plight and why he is becoming so desperate. He is a stranger to the truth.” In putting a timeline as she refuted his claims, PersadBissessar said: “The record shows that Mr Justice Ronnie Boodoosingh, presiding in the Port-of-Spain High Court, stayed in November 2011 any move to have Galbaransingh and Ferguson extradited as being ‘unjust, oppressive and unlawful.’ “This was well before the proclamation of Section 34 (in fact, almost one year before). So that claim of a connection is, as others, absolute nonsense.” She added: “Section 34 was passed unanimously by all sides of the House in 2012. It was subsequently repealed within 24 hours of receiving advice from the DPP to do so.
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - The Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) has given into the demands of the island’s largest public sector trade union and reinstated workers it forced into retirement last month, narrowly averting a national strike that was set to begin yesterday. The National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) Tuesday declared victory after the BIDC agreed the 10 employees would go back to work. The statutory body will also hold further consultations with the NUPW and its planned court action will be halted.
The reinstatement offer from the BIDC was put on the table during a meeting of the sub-committee of the social partners. The acceptance by the union staved off an island-wide shutdown that would have been phase three of industrial action which started last Monday with a protest march through the capital and intensified with Sanitation Service Authority workers going on strike and Customs and Immigration workers embarking on a goslow. When the BIDC retired the 10 workers a month ago, it said it had invoked its right under the Statutory Boards (Pensions) Act to retire
officers reaching the age of 60, but the NUPW insisted the move was illegal and demanded the reinstatement of the workers or payment until the age of 67. Speaking at a joint media conference, top officials of the NUPW and the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) which gave its support throughout the impasse, said the development was a victory for workers all across Barbados. But even as the BIDC and the NUPW reached agreement, the union served notice that it was also expecting that similar letters sent to other public sector workers would be withdrawn.
‘Stronger social intervention programmes needed to help curb crime’ The Gleaner - Board Member of the Peace Management Initiative, Horace Levy, says stronger social intervention programmes are needed to help curb crime and violence across the country. With more than 600 people murdered since the start of the year, National Security Minister, Peter Bunting, yesterday outlined a three-pronged approached being pursued by government to tackle crime. The initiative includes increasing police mobility, removing illegal guns and ammunition and social intervention programmes which would target the root cause of crime. Levy says he welcomes Bunting’s announcements.
Noting that domestic disputes are one of the main factors behind the murder rate, Levy says the government needs to do more to have trained social workers in communities. He says there needs to be greater sensitisation of the police about domestic disputes. The PMI board member says the government needs to embark on a nationwide programme on conflict resolution. He argues that given the joblessness in the country, and harsh economic conditions, there may be high levels of frustration among some Jamaicans who may become violent. Levy also says the government needs to find ways to turn that frustration into positive activities.
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
Obama says Iran nuclear deal best way to avoid more Mideast war President Barack Obama, seeking to sell the Iran nuclear deal to skeptical U.S. lawmakers and the American public, insisted yesterday that the landmark agreement was the best way to avoid a nuclear arms race and more war in the Middle East. Obama made his case in a nationally televised news conference responding to critics at home and abroad after Iran and six world powers sealed an accord in Vienna on Tuesday to restrict Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. “Without a deal,” Obama said, “there would be no limits to Iran’s nuclear program and Iran could move closer to a nuclear bomb ... Without a deal, we risk even more war in the Middle East.” Obama said that if the United States does not seize the opportunity for a deal, “future generations will judge us harshly.” The agreement is a political triumph for Obama, who has made outreach to America’s enemies a hallmark of his presidency, but it is also seen as his biggest foreign policy gamble since taking office in 2009. Obama is now spearheading an intense White House push to counter Republican critics in Congress and reassure nervous U.S. allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Critics say the deal contains loopholes, especially in inspection procedures that Iran could exploit, and will provide Tehran with an infusion of unfrozen assets to fund its proxies in sectarian conflicts ranging from Syria to Iraq to Yemen. Obama argued that a “snap-back” mechanism contained in the agreement to restore sanctions if Iran cheated would ensure it faced real consequences for not keeping its nuclear
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Violence in Athens - Protesters clash with police before Greek parliament votes on bailout
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the recent Iran nuclear deal during a news conference at the White House in Washington yesterday (REUTERS/YURI GRIPAS) commitments. But he acknowledged that although he hopes the international deal will encourage Iran to rein in its aggressive conduct in the region, he was not betting on a change. “Without a deal, the international sanctions regime will unravel, with little ability to re-impose it,” he said. “With this deal, we have the possibility to peacefully resolve a major threat to regional and international security.” Obama said there would have been a risk of more fighting in the Middle East without a deal and that other countries in the region would feel compelled to pursue their own nuclear programs “in the most volatile region in the world.” CONGRESSIONAL DEBATE Obama said he expects a robust debate in Congress over the deal, which he said cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapons program. Under the agreement, sanctions imposed by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations will be lifted in return for Iran agreeing long-term curbs on a nuclear program that the West has suspected
was aimed at creating a nuclear bomb. Iran says the program is for peaceful purposes. Obama has run into a storm of accusations from Republican lawmakers and close U.S. ally Israel that he gave away too much to Tehran. Obama has vowed to veto any effort to block the deal and though he faces a tough challenge in the Republicancontrolled Congress he is expected to prevail. He said he does not anticipate Republicans in Congress will rally around the nuclear pact, but said that if lawmakers vote based on the facts the majority of them should approve the deal. The agreement, which marks the biggest step toward rapprochement between Iran and the West since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, is a major legacy-defining achievement for Obama as well as his best hope for salvaging an otherwise shaky record in the Middle East. Tuesday’s agreement left Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu crying foul, convinced the historic deal will do little to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and will leave Israel under greater threat.
Anti-Euro protesters march through the streets during an anti-austerity rally in Athens, Greece, yesterday (REUTERS/YIANNIS KOURTOGLOU) Greek anti-establishment protesters threw dozens of petrol bombs at police in front of parliament yesterday ahead of a key vote on a bailout deal, in some of the most serious violence in over two years. Police responded with tear gas, sending hundreds of people fleeing in central Syntagma Square. Earlier, thousands took to the streets of Athens in a series of otherwise peaceful marches during the day to protest against the new bailout deal that saved Greece from bankruptcy but will impose more reforms on a country already deep in crisis. Once a common sight in protest marches in Greece, clashes with police had been very rare since the leftist Syriza party came to power in January. Just before the clashes, protesters marched waving banners reading “Cancel the bailout!” and “No to the policies of the EU, the ECB and the IMF.” Pharmacists pulled down their shutters across Greece and civil servants walked off their jobs in protest in a 24-
hour strike against reforms. “Further austerity is unacceptable,” said Stavros Koutsioubelis, a spokesman for the ADEDY public sector union, urging lawmakers to reject the deal. Opposition on the streets has so far been limited, however, and an opinion poll published on Tuesday suggested that more than 70 percent of people wanted parliament to approve the bailout. Lawmakers are due to vote after midnight on the raft of tax hikes and pension reforms that are hard to accept for many in a country where unemployment has jumped above 25 percent and the economy has shrunk by a quarter in the course of two previous bailouts. “The bailout to be voted today is against the people, it is against the workers. It is by far the most barbaric - even worse than the two previous ones which were also
barbaric,” 19-year-old protester Dimitris said. Some protesters had no illusions about what the rallies could achieve. “The demonstration is the appropriate way, we don’t expect it will change anything of course,” said Pepi Filippidi, 42, a public sector employee. “But what else can we do, put bombs and blow ourselves up?” Not all are backing the protest rallies, whose turnout pale in comparison to the tens of thousands of the first years of the crisis. “The measures should be adopted by parliament so that stability can come back,” said 30-year-old cook Yannis Zafiriadis, who was waiting to withdraw money at an ATM as protesters marched by. “We have to give Tsipras the chance to complete the four years we elected him to govern for. Only afterwards should he be judged, on completion.”
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
NATO plans biggest exercise since 2002 to counter Islamic State
NATO and its allies will hold their biggest military exercise in more than a decade from October, deploying 36,000 personnel across the Mediterranean to counter the threat of Islamic State on the alliance’s southern flank. Briefly turning attention away from Russia, NATO commanders said on Wednesday the alliance would carry out some of its toughest training yet in a complex “artificial threat scenario” in which militants attack on land, from the air and at sea. “We cannot choose between the eastern threat and the southern threat, we have to train for both,” said General Hans-Lothar Domrose, commander of the NATO military command in Brunssum, the Netherlands, who is preparing the exercise. After more than a decade of NATO-led combat operations in Afghanistan, the U.S.led military alliance is shifting to defend its territory. More than 30 countries - including nonNATO nations such as Sweden and Austria will take part in the exercises in Italy, Spain, Portugal and in the Mediterranean from Oct. 3 to Nov. 6. Much of NATO’s focus has been on what it sees as an increasingly hostile Russia, but the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is a central concern. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has warned the Arab Spring
uprisings have ushered in a “brutal winter” of instability. NATO has not held exercises on this scale since 2002, when 15 members of the alliance and 12 partner nations tested their capabilities in Norway and Poland. Asked what had changed since then, Domrose said NATO had to grapple with enemies spreading propaganda via social media able to inspire attacks in North America and Europe, as well confronting militant groups across wide areas. “Distance is a new factor. We will be working in a huge training area,” Domrose said. “We will focus on speed, on multiple threats, simultaneously.” The exercises are part of NATO’s commitment to a new “spearhead” rapid reaction force including several thousand soldiers who could be sent to a hotspot in just two days. Given the migration crisis in the Mediterranean, with thousands of people fleeing war and poverty in Syria and North Africa to try to reach Europe, NATO commanders also promised to react if migrant boats were spotted near their exercises. “If there is a crisis in the vicinity of one of our ships ... we will stop the exercise and give humanitarian help,” Domrose said. “We will not let people die.”
Third Force Movement pulls out of general elections Trinidad Guardian - The Third Force Movement (TFM) has withdrawn from the September 7 general election. TFM chairman Timothy Hamel-Smith announced yesterday in a press release that the timeframe was too tight to establish the institutional framework for a full-fledged political party in order to contest the general elections. He noted that TFM made “enormous strides with large crowds of enthusiastic supporters” joining them at their rallies, and had “rattled the political establishment” despite the short timeframe
since its launch on July 3. Hamel-Smith said the TFM was created with the explicit intent of making a “real difference” to the politics of the country. A difference based upon principled governance. “The whole reason for our existence first as a lobby group and then latterly as a political party has been based upon three key foundation principles: the implementation of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015; the enactment of Party and Campaign Financing legislation; and the amendment of our Constitution so as to
introduce a Fair Electoral Voting System,” Hamel-Smith said. He expressed regret to the many supporters who have shown their allegiance to TFM, as a real hope for change. “It is better for TFM to prepare itself on a more sound structural footing now, so as not to disappoint its followers in the future,” he said. Hamel-Smith assured that this withdrawal is not the end of the Third Force Movement. Gerald Yetming, member of the leadership council endorsed Hamel Smith’s actions, and noted that the driving ambition of TFM was to “influence change in the present way of governance.” “The desire to effect change, the desire to drive for more honest, transparent and principled governance, no matter which party is in power, remains” he said. “We will now simply regroup to identify which channels of action can best be activated to continue to influence how our country is governed,” Yetming said. Hamel-Smith assured that this withdrawal is not the end of the Third Force Movement. The scheduled political meeting carded for tonight in the Croisee has been cancelled.
Thursday July 16, 2015
Kaieteur News
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Guyana blind cricket team preparing for Regional tourney
Members of the Guyana Blind cricket team after a practice session at the National Gymnasium. The Guyana blind cricket team under Coach Patrick Howard is currently preparing for the West Indies Blind Cricket Association 40-
over tournament which is set bowl off in St. Lucia from July 25. The national team commenced their preparation just over a month ago and is
currently encamped at the National Gymnasium where they are fine tuning preparation for the competition which will also
Thursday July 16, 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Today might be one of the most fortunate days of your life, Aries. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) Information received through dreams and visions could trigger sudden psychic revelations of solutions to problems you may have been mulling over for weeks. GEMINI (May 21– June 20) Some unexpected calls from friends or colleagues could bring you wonderful news today, Gemini. CANCER (June 21–July 22) Job-related or personal projects are apt to come to a head now. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) If you're currently involved, Leo, expect to feel a rush of revived passion for your partner. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) You know you're intuitive, Virgo, but changes could take place in your brain that elevate your abilities beyond mere intuition.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Don't turn down invitations today, Libra. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) A financial windfall could come as the result of a coup that no one expected you to pull off, Scorpio. SAGIT (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Wonderful news comes from far away, Sagittarius, possibly involving writing, teaching, or publishing. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) An enterprise you'd long since given up on, perhaps one involving the creative arts, may suddenly come up again, this time as a real opportunity, Capricorn. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Group activities or social events could put you in contact with a new, exciting person. You could feel a strong physical and romantic attraction, Aquarius. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) Whatever you've been trying to accomplish over the past several months could break loose just the way you want it to today, Pisces.
feature defending champions Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and the Windward Islands. Speaking with Kaieteur Sport, Coach Howard said he is satisfied their progress but there is always room for improvement. “Our batting and bowling look fine, but more emphasis needs to be placed on fielding and running between the wickets,” he stated. He expressed confidence that the team can do well. “We have a well balance team and I am confident we can make it to the final,” he said, adding that three players have already represented the West Indies. Howard pointed out that the fitness level is not where he wants it to be but said the players are improving with every session. He is calling on the Government of Guyana and the business community
Swiss authorities begin... From page 30 S w i s s l a w, s o d e f e n c e teams were studying options. “Dual criminality must be met,” he said. As well as Marin, they included Jeffrey Webb, from the Cayman Islands, and Eugenio Figueredo, a former president of the South American Football Confederation and Uruguayan Football Association, who were FIFA vice-presidents at the time. The others are Eduardo Li, Julio Rocha, Costas Takkas and Rafael Esquivel. Webb has agreed to be extradited, a source familiar with the matter has said, while Figueredo has already had a request for bail on health grounds rejected. Zurich police question each defendant at the hearing, to which they can wear regular clothes, one source said. The defendants are scattered in at least four prisons in Zurich canton, he added.
for their support stating that they may not be able to make the trip without their input. “We have received some support from a few entities for which we are thankful. It is important for us to take part in this tournament because following its conclusion a West Indies team will be selected for the 2016 World Cup,” he explained. He informed that the team received tax exemption (airport and tickets) from the Government, while businesses such as Republic
Bank, Neal and Massy, GT and T as well as the Guyana Cricket Board have assisted. The squad reads; Ganesh Singh, Leroy Phillips, Kevin Douglas, Anthony Robinson, Douglas Teekah, Tishan Rodney, Crystal Aulder, Malita Bailey, Gordon Sandiford, Vishaul Mohabir, Seon Mitchell, Musa Haynes, Ronald Sunmer and Brain Allan. Patrick Howard (coach), Therese Pemberton (manager) and Cecil Morris (offical). The team is expected to depart on July 24.
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Kaieteur News
Thursday July 16, 2015
WATSON DROPPED, Changes made to Bush HADDIN WITHDRAWS Lot United Horserace meet
Grin and bear it: Shane Watson takes part in Australia practice, England v Australia, 2nd Investec Test, Lord’s, July 15, 2015 ©Getty Images ESPNcricinfo - Australia’s selectors have chosen to drop the allrounder Shane Watson after also learning that the wicketkeeper Brad Haddin will miss the second Ashes Test at Lord’s for personal reasons. Peter Nevill, 29, will make his Test debut in Haddin’s absence while Mitchell Marsh is set for inclusion at Watson’s expense. Haddin will remain on the tour and there is no suggestion that he is retiring, but it is now hard to see Watson returning to the Test team now that the selection chairman Rod Marsh and the coach Darren Lehmann have decided to go with Marsh. The decision on Watson was brought about by his poor first Test at Cardiff and a recent run of indifferent performances in the long form of the game. He has not made a century since the Perth Test in December 2013, and has also failed to make a significant enough impact with the ball to merit a place. In Cardiff Watson was twice out lbw, a vivid reminder of an enduring blind spot in his technique. Marsh has meanwhile shown signs of significant progress, doubling his tally of firstclass centuries with a pair of bold innings during the tour warm-up fixtures against Kent and Essex while also demonstrating a more mature approach off the field. Marsh has played four Tests for Australia, but this is the first time he has been chosen directly ahead of Watson. Earlier on Tuesday, Haddin was seen in conversation with Lehmann in the Pavilion and did not emerge from the dressing room to go to the nets. Haddin was also spoken to by the team psychologist Michael Lloyd. Meanwhile the reserve gloveman Nevill was talking to Rod Marsh in the Nursery End nets amid a range of conferences among Australian players and staff. The captain Michael Clarke had his head bowed as the news was relayed to him after he had batted. Nevill and Haddin, both New South Welshmen, have a close relationship, with Haddin saying earlier on this tour he was delighted to have Nevill as his reserve and potential replacement. It is not the first time that Haddin has been forced to absent himself from national duty due to personal reasons. In 2012 he withdrew from a tour of the West Indies due to the ill
health of his daughter, Mia, and subsequently spent six months out of the game. He returned to the New South Wales team in time for the 2012-13 summer, and fought his way back into the first-choice wicketkeeping spot in time for the 2013 Ashes tour. Haddin went on to be a major contributor to the Australian 5-0 sweep of England in the home summer of 2013-14, playing a series of outlandish and effective innings with the bat while also being integral to the team as Clarke’s vice-captain and a mentor to younger players. It was Haddin’s preference last summer for Steve Smith to replace him as vice-captain when Clarke was injured and thus take the role of stand-in leader. Haddin was then a part of the World Cupwinning team before retiring from limited overs matches on the eve of the current Ashes tour. Nevill has played one match on tour, against Essex at Chelmsford, and will now become the 443rd Australian Test cricketer. He has impressed good judges with his combination of sound glove work and attractive batting, and scored 78 against Essex. The loss of Haddin is a blow to Australia’s hopes of levelling the series at Lord’s, even if he endured a difficult match in the first Test at Cardiff, dropping Joe Root on the first morning of the match and twice falling for low scores as the tourists tumbled to a 169-run defeat. Watson has enjoyed a more or less uninterrupted run in the Test team since Lehmann took over from Mickey Arthur as coach in 2013, missing three matches due to minor injuries. However his returns as a batsman have not warranted a place - only three times past 50 in his past 18 innings - and his bowling returns have also trailed off, tallying only 13 wickets in his past 22 Tests. He had been dropped from the ODI team during the World Cup earlier this year, but was swiftly reinstated after one game and went on to play a pivotal role for Australia in victories over Sri Lanka and Pakistan. It is difficult to see him returning to the Test team this time, however.
As the interest continues to build for the Bush Lot United Turf Club horserace meet set for Sunday 26th July, changes have been made to the activity. The event which is slated for the Bush Lot United Turf Club (BLUTC) Sea View Park, Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice, will be the first race meet for the club for the year 2015. With The BLUTC over the years being voted the most improved race club, the organizers will once again be making a special effort to organize a spectacular event. With race day less than two weeks away the organizers have made some changes to the programme with one race being added to make it an eight race event. The event will have a total prize of $5.5M up for the taking which includes cash, trophies and other incentives. The organizers have added the race for horses
classified I and lower and three year old Guyana Bred horses over 1300M for a winning take of $200,000 and trophy. There is a race for three year old West Indies Bred animals for a take home of $350,000 and trophy over 1200M The Feature event will still be for horses classified ‘C’ and lower for a whopping first prize of $1M and trophy over 1600M from a total package of $2M and the Banks DIH Limited trophy. The other races are for horses classified E1 and lower over 1500M for a first prize of $350,000 and trophy. The G2 and lower animals will be running for a winners money of $300,000 and trophy over 1300M. The 1000M race for two year old Guyana and West Indies bred and born animals has winning money of $300,000 and trophy. The animals classified J and lower will be competing
for a first prize of $180,000 over 1300M. The final event will be for K and lower horses over 1300M for winning a winning pocket of $140,000 and trophy respectively. Among the sponsors on board are Banks DIH Limited Inshan Bacchus Hard Running Trucking Service, Jumbo Jet Auto Sales and Racing Stables, Hand In Hand Insurance, Q Trex International Shipping, Paghoo General Store, Choke Gas Station, Tony Auto Sales, Lakeram ‘Buddy’ Sookdeo and Sandra’s Indian Fashion of Bush Lot. Interested persons can make enquiries with Coordinator and Treasurer Lakeram B. Sukhdeo on Number 232-0558 or 672-0810. The event will be conducted under the rules of the Guyana Horse Racing Authority. Race time is 12:30 hrs. (Samuel Whyte)
Swiss authorities begin questioning detained soccer officials
Members of the media stand in front of the entrance of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, May 30, 2015. (Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann)
Brad Haddin joined in with the team photo, England v Australia, 2nd Investec Test, Lord’s, July 15, 2015 ©Getty Images
GENEVA (Reuters) Swiss authorities have begun questioning the soccer officials who were arrested in Zurich in May in a corruption scandal and are facing extradition to the United States, legal sources said. Those questioned included Jose Maria Marin, a former president of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), one of the sources said. The final decisions are expected in August. A second source said: “There was a hearing
but the client did not yet make up his mind. We are in touch with the US lawyer.” The Swiss Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) confirmed that the hearings were underway but did not give further details. FIFA was thrown into turmoil when 14 sports marketing executives and soccer officials, including several from soccer’s governing body were indicted in the United States in late May on bribery, money laundering and wire fraud
charges. Seven of those accused were arrested by Swiss police in a dawn raid on a luxury Zurich hotel two days before the FIFA Congress where Sepp Blatter was re-elected for a fifth term as president. “Marin and others were questioned this week whether they would agree or not to a simplified extradition,” a Swiss legal source told Reuters. “The result is unknown.” For extradition, a crime must be punishable under (Continued on page 29)
Thursday July 16, 2015
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World Twenty20 Qualifier: Perera hits second fastest ODI fifty as Sri Lanka win Papua New Guinea stun Ireland
Papua New Guinea stun Ireland (INPHO) Tillakaratne Dilshan and Kusal Perera added 92 runs in 50 balls, Sri Lanka v Pakistan, 2nd ODI, Pallekele, July 15, 2015 ©AFP (Reuters) Sri Lanka opener Kusal Perera blasted the second fastest one-day fifty in their series-levelling two-wicket victory against Pakistan in the second ODI at Pallekele yesterday. Perera (68) took 17 balls to reach his fifth ODI fifty and fell after a whirlwind 25-ball knock as Sri Lanka chased down the 288-run victory target with 11 balls to spare to level the five-match series. South African AB de Villiers holds the record for the fastest ODI fifty, reaching the mark in 16 balls during his blistering 44-ball knock of 149 against West Indies in Johannesburg earlier this year. Perera’s compatriot Sanath Jayasuriya had also scored a 17-ball fifty against
Pakistan in Singapore in 1996. Opting to bat first, Pakistan found the going tough against the home side’s disciplined bowling and looked in trouble at 96-3 in the 24th over. Captain Azhar Ali (79) and Shoaib Malik (51) provided stability in the middle before Mohammad Rizwan hit a quickfire 52 to help Pakistan post 287-8. Sri Lanka’s debutant leftarm spinner Sachith Pathirana dismissed Ahmed Shehzad and Mohammad Hafeez to peg back Pakistan before Ali and Malik rebuilt the innings with an 83-run stand. Sri Lanka captain Angelo Mathews ended Malik’s runa-ball knock by clean bowling him and Ali fell soon after. Rizwan provided the late
charge with his 38-ball knock as Pakistan scored 88 runs off the last 10 overs to post a competitive total. Sri Lanka’s chase got off to a flying start with Perera and Tillakaratne Dilshan (47) adding 92 runs before being separated in the ninth over. The hosts lost three quick wickets to find themselves in trouble at the halfway mark of their innings but Pathirana made 33 on debut and Dinesh Chandimal remained not out on 48 to guide them home. The teams move to Colombo for the third ODI on Sunday. Scores: Sri Lanka 288 for 8 (Kusal 68, Chandimal 48*, Rahat 3-67) beat Pakistan 287 for 8 (Azhar 79, Rizwan 52, Malik 51) by two wickets.
GTTA collaborates with Anderson for Training Camp International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Level II Coach, Raynor ‘Copter’ Anderson, in collaboration with the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) and Scotia Bank, is currently hosting a “Building Future Champions” Developmental Training Camp for those beginners and intermediate players in Bartica. The programme is being conducted and coordinated under the guidance of Anderson and is scheduled to end on August 11 at the Bartica Community Centre. Sessions are being held from 4-7pm daily for the ensuing period. “The plan is to have a table tennis tournament upon the
culmination of the training camp. The camp/programme is aimed at introducing, orienting and teaching the fundamental elements and aspects of the sport of table tennis to children between ages 6-18 in a fun and structured way in view of creating a new nucleus of players as the foundation for development of table tennis in the Bartica Community,” GTTA said in a press release. The aim of the programme is to identify the best talents for which continuous training will be provided. There are also plans to develop the programme in a more holistic way targeting players within the school and communities from the region
after this training camp ends. Registration for children interested in participating in the programme can contact Anderson on telephone number 693-6000. “The Coach has been a driving force for table tennis in Bartica. Anderson is responsible for the introduction and development of Sheldon Atherly and Alex Hopkinson into national players and for schools and players from Bartica, participating in national tournaments,” GTTA noted. The association only last week publicised at similar programme that is ongoing in Linden, which gives the impression of its active decentralisation plan.
BBC Sport - Ireland suffered their first World Twenty20 Qualifier defeat after a shock two-wicket loss to Papua New Guinea. William Porterfield hit an unbeaten 57 as the Irish struggled to a modest 123-9 from their 20 overs at Stormont. Norman Vanua’s unbeaten 28 from 10 balls, including three sixes in the 19th over, took Papua New Guinea to 124-8 with seven balls to spare. Ireland lost their 100% record but remain Group A leaders, a point ahead of second-placed Papua New
Guinea. The Irish innings was built on captain Porterfield’s patient knock with Gary Wilson (10) and Alex Cusack (13 not out) the only other players to reach double figures. They slipped to 33-4 after losing Niall O’Brien (nine) and Paul Stirling (one) early but Porterfield hit 57 from 58 deliveries to give them hope. Kevin O’Brien continued his good form, claiming 2-11 after taking 3-8 in Monday’s win over Nepal, while Tyrone Kane (3-19) and John Mooney (2-38) were also among the wickets.
Assad Vala had top scored with 32 before Papua New Guinea slumped to 93-8, at which point they needed 31 from the final 19 balls. And with 20 required from the last two overs, Vanua smashed Mooney for those three sixes to win the game for his side. ICC World Twenty20 qualifier, Stormont: Scores: Ireland 123-9 (20 overs): Porterfield 57 not out, Gavera 3-17; Papua New Guinea 124-8 (18.5 overs): Vala 32, Kane 3-19. Result: Papua New Guinea won by two wickets.
Windwards run away with title after demolishing Leewards SCARBOROUGH, Tobago (CMC) — Windward Islands demolished Leewards Islands by 207 runs to win the Regional U-17 cricket tournament which climaxed here Tuesday. The Windwards achieved a clear path to the title after front-runners Jamaica and contenders Trinidad and Tobago crashed to defeats in the fifth and final round of matches. Jamaica, who were leading at the end of the fourth round, had their title hopes dashed when they suffered a 10wicket defeat at the hands of Barbados, who were already out of the reckoning. Trinidad and Tobago, who were running in second position entering the final round, lost to Guyana by seven runs by way of the Duckworth Lewis method, clearing the way for the Windwards to secure the title on an outright victory. A powerful half-century from Alick Althanaze propelled Windwards to a
formidable 264 for nine in 50 overs, while a three-wicket haul from Tassilo Allen and two wickets each from Zawandi Whyte and Keshawn Richardson wiped out the Leewards for 57 in 24.1 overs at Canaan. Athanaze anchored the innings with a top score of 85, counting six fours and three sixes, while Nick Elibox hit three fours in his contribution of 43. Jemuel Cabey got the top score of 27 for Leewards but every other batsman scored less than six runs each. At Shaw Park, Jamaica who entered the final round at the top-of-the-table on 19.4 points, hoping to cop the title, were stunned by lowly ranked Barbados. Jarion Hoyte and Joshua Bishop wrecked the Jamaican innings, grabbing seven wickets between them as the leaders were bundled out for 93 in 29.4 overs. The Bajans then cruised to victory without losing a wicket with their openers Shakib Kellman and Shian Brathwaite unbeaten on 60
and 31, respectively. Over at Mt Pleasant, Trinidad and Tobago, who entered the final round in second position, were chasing 166 set by Guyana when rain intervened. Captain Kirstan Kallicharan grabbed 5-18 to help bowl out Guyana and put the home side in a favourable position. Raymond Perez top scored with 41 and Rolando Alimohamed was not out on 30 for Guyana, while T&T on the chase reached 133 for seven with four frontline batsmen getting starts when the interruption occurred. Siba Batoosingh got 29, Keagan Simmons 28, Cephas Cooper 26, and Kallicharan 25, as the Trinidadians were forced to settle for third position. Windwards topped the table with 24.1 points, while Jamaica finished second remaining on 19.4, and Trinidad and Tobago 19.1 Guyana finished on 18.2, Barbados 13, and Leeward Islands 0.8.
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Thursday July 16, 2015
Hinds defends WIPA’s Bangladesh stun South Africa to clinch ODI series role in player impasse HINDS… we are servants of the game and we make decisions that best serve West Indies cricket. (PHOTO: KARL MCLARTY)
Tamim Iqbal guided Bangladesh to a series win with a 77-ball 61, Bangladesh v South Africa, 3rd ODI, Chittagong, July 15, 2015 ©AFP
(Reuters) Bangladesh continued their giant-killing exploits with a nine-wicket victory over South Africa in yesterday’s rain-hit final oneday international to clinch the three-match series 2-1. Chasing a revised 170-run victory target under the Duckworth-Lewis method, openers Soumya Sarkar (90) and Tamim Iqbal (61 not out) showed little respect for the South African bowlers as the hosts romped home with nearly 14 overs to spare. Bangladesh’s third successive home ODI series victory this year underlines their growing stature in 50over cricket and proves their recent series wins against Pakistan and India were no fluke. Batting first, South Africa could never recover from a top-order collapse and posted a below-par 168-9 in a contest that was reduced to
40-overs-a-side following a lengthy rain interruption. David Miller (44) and JP Duminy (51) tried to bring some respectability to the tourists’ total after Shakib Al Hasan (3-33) had wrecked the South African top order. “It’s a huge moment for Bangladesh cricket,” Tamim said in a pitchside interview. “Beating South Africa was no easy task but hats off to the boys for playing amazingly,” the opener said after his team’s memorable win. Having levelled the series with Sunday’s emphatic seven-wicket win in Dhaka, the hosts looked determined to pull off another upset as they reduced South Africa to 50 for four in the 16th over. Heavy rain forced the players off the field and when play resumed after more than two hours, Miller and Duminy tried to rebuild the innings but it was not enough in the
end. “Very disappointing indeed, I think we misread the conditions,” South Africa captain Hashim Amla, who was left to rue his decision to bat first, said after the embarrassing loss. “We showed that we are rusty and we have not played good cricket over the last two games. Bangladesh are the inform team and they showed why,” said the right-hander who fell for 15, becoming Shakib’s 200th ODI victim. Sarkar, whose belligerent 75-ball knock included 13 boundaries and a six, was named player of the match and the series. The teams remain in Chittagong for the two-test series starting on Tuesday. Scores: Bangladesh 170 for 1 in 26.1 overs (Sarkar 90, Tamim 61*) beat South Africa 168 for 9 in 40 overs (Duminy 51, Shakib 3-33) by nine wickets (D/L method).
Jamaica Observer WAVELL Hinds, the president of the West Indies Players’ Association (WIPA), says that though the move to implement the Professional Cricket League (PCL) was not welcomed by all, it was the decision necessary to help develop regional cricket. In a recent interview with the Jamaica Observer, Hinds, also the chief executive officer of WIPA, said that as a servant of the game, he made choices “to best serve” West Indies cricket. “As it relates to WIPA and taking decisions to make sure we get in place the very important PCL, I think in doing so you have disagreements among members, [and] you will have disagreement in the cricket fraternity. You will have contending views,” he said. “We have to respect
everybody’s views, but we are also guided by the fact that West Indies cricket is above and beyond all of us. We are servants of the game and we make decisions that best serve West Indies cricket,” Hinds added, in a rare comment on the issue. In a joint statement made last month, WIPA and the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) said a prolonged dispute over the structure of payments to its international players was resolved following a formal mediation session that lasted five days in Barbados in May. It is said that West Indies cricketers shared in the discussions for the new arrangements. The mediation panel was chaired by Brian Young, a retired senior partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers Jamaica. That impasse had
spiralled to its lowest point late last year when West Indies pulled out of the India tour. At the time, aggrieved players argued that the new contract resulted in a significant drop in their earnings. WIPA had responded that the changes allowed a wider group of regional players to gain a salary from cricket, particularly through the franchise-based PCL system. Given the news of a resolution - after minor amendments were reportedly made to players’ contracts West Indies fans will be hoping for less fractious relations between the parties. An amicable and costeffective settlement to the compensation claim of US$42 million made by the Board of Control for Cricket in India would be music to the ears of regional cricket followers.
Hero CPL T20 cricket hits town but so does the rain as match abandoned A sold out crowd braved torrential rain to support the Guyana Amazon Warriors last night at the Guyana National Stadium in Providence in the first of four Hero CPL t20 matches in the Guyana leg of the biggest party in sports. But although the ground showed why it is regarded as one the fastest drying International cricket venues in the world by remaining dry when most areas in Demerara were under water, the persistent rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning caused the match against Jamaica Tallawahs to be abandoned without a ball being bowled with both teams getting a point each. The colorful crowd, who started to arrive as early as two hours before the scheduled 18:00hrs start danced under umbrellas in the party stand to the pulsating sounds from the Hits & Jams DJs until 20:45hrs when the last shower, which lasted well into the night, put paid to any hopes of a 21:15hrs start in the
match which eventually was reduced to a fivea-side slug feast. But just before the toss another shower came forcing the curators to cover the pitch for the last time for the night. The Warriors moved to seven points from seven matches, while the Jamaican Franchise went to nine points from nine games with a final game to play. The Warriors take on the St Lucia Zouks on Friday and will hope for no more rain since the St Lucian Franchise are on nine points from nine matches would want to win their last match to keep their hopes of reaching the semi-finals alive, while the home side would be seeking a victory to progress to nine points from eight matches. With three matches to go in the preliminary rounds, the Warriors need to win two of their matches against the Zouks, Barbados Tridents and T&T Red Steel to be assured of the semifinal place. (Sean Devers)
Thursday July 16, 2015
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Morgan’s Learning Centre book final place Morgan Learning Centre secured their place in the final of the North Georgetown Zone after registering a comfortable 4-0 win over Guyana Industrial Training Centre (GITC) in their semi-final matchup of the Digicel Nationwide Schools Football Competition which continued yesterday, at the Tucville ground. Idany Jobe was the leading marksman for the winners when he lashed in a brace in the 31st and 47th minutes. He was assisted by Leon
Richardson and Orin Moore who netted in the 35th and 69th minutes respectively. They now move on to play Chase Academy in the zone final tomorrw at the same venue. With the soggy conditions making passing difficult for both teams, Morgan Learning Centre exploited the pitch better and went ahead through Jobe, who was lurking inside the box and collected a deflection off a defender from a freekick, before lashing a powerful shot past the goalkeeper.
Serena hits another milestone with ranking feat
Serena Williams returns against Garbine Muguruza during the women’s singles final Wimbledon Championships at The All England Tennis Club in Wimbledon, on July 11, 2015 (AFP Photo/Glyn Kirk) St. Petersburg (United States) (AFP) - Serena Williams, who owns all four tennis Grand Slam titles for the second time in her career, has achieved another historic milestone in the wake of her Wimbledon victory. The WTA Tour revealed Tuesday that world number one Williams is the first topranked player ever with more than twice as many points as her nearest rival. Records dating to the WTA’s 1973 founding show the 33-year-old American’s domination to be the greatest of any point in the rankings’ history, with Williams on 13,161 points and Russia’s second-ranked Maria Sharapova on 6,490. In addition to sweeping the US, French and Australian Opens plus Wimbledon over the past 12 months, Williams won last year ’s WTA Finals in Singapore and at Miami last
March to help build her runaway rankings margin. Williams beat Sharapova in the Wimbledon semifinals and downed Spain’s Garbine Muguruza in last Saturday’s final to win her sixth Wimbledon crown and 21st Grand Slam title overall. That puts Williams one shy of matching Steffi Graf for the Open Era-record of 22 Grand Slam singles crowns and just three shy of Margaret Court’s all-time record of 24. Williams has won as many Grand Slam titles as all o t h e r a c t i v e w o m e n ’s players combined, including Sharapova’s five and seven for Venus Williams, Serena’s older sister. Petra Kvitova, Svetlana Kuznetsova and Victoria Azarenka have won two major titles each while Samantha Stosur, Ana Ivanovic and Francesca Schiavone own one each.
Four minutes later, Richardson inserted his name on the scoresheet when he fired in a right footed shot that eluded the diving goalkeeper and into the left hand corner. Enjoying a 2-0 lead at the
break, Morgan Learning Centre increased their advantage two minutes after the resumption through the energetic Jobe, who replicated his opening feat, scheming just inside the box, once again left unmarked
and he made no mistake, firing past the last stop from close range. Moore then rubbed salt in the wounds when he delivered a stinging shot from about 30 metres out that evaded the diving effort
of the keeper, before lodging into the back of the goal. The action continues today with Dolphin Secondary and Sir Leon Lessons facing off in the South Georgetown Zone final.
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Thursday July 16, 2015
Brother Domino team/Whitee Sports Edghill to participate in China-Latin Bar to host Competition this Sunday America Training Camp
Organiser of the Brother Domino team / Whitee Sports Bar Domino Competition Jermin Marcus and Mark Wiltshire pose with the winning trophy yesterday.
t is one of the most popular sporting pastime now, the sport of Domino and Brother Domino team in collaboration with YT Sports Bar will be staging an 18-team 20/20 Competition two in one out four games Tournament this Sunday, at Whitee Sports Bar at 23 Best Road Vreed-en-Hoop, West Demerara. Speaking with Kaieteur
Sport yesterday, Organiser Jermin Marcus said that most of the top teams in Georgetown and the West Demerara have already confirmed interest in participating and he expects a large turnout of teams. Marcus, who was accompanied by Mark ‘Jumbie’ Wiltshire, one of the foremost organisers of the sport locally, disclosed that close to $200,000 in
prize monies will be up for grabs with the winning team set to receive $100,000 and a trophy donated by Whitee Sports Bar, runner-up $50,000 and 3rd place $30,000. Entrance fee is $10,000 and food and drinks will be on sale throughout the day. Starting time is 15:00hrs. Interested teams could contact tele #665-5855 or 693-7635 for more details.
ational Junior Champion and J u n i o r Olympian, Cheslea Edghill will benefit from a high-level training programme during August 11-17 in Puerto Rico. This is according to the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA), which broke the news yesterday. The Training Camp will feature and allow the top 22 junior and cadet players selected from the Latin American region the opportunity to practice, train and play matches with Chinese national junior players in one week of intense of training. World renowned top level Chinese Coach, Zhang Xiaopeng will lead other Chinese, Olympic and World champion Coaches on the
Chelsea Edghill training stint. These will provide the necessary guidance and training for the players at the Nilmarie Santini Gymnasium, San Juan, Puerto Rico. “As an added incentive, the programme offers the best players participating in the training camp based on their ability, results, technical level and commitment to training, to participate in higher levels and continuous training,” GTTA said in a
release. The China Table Tennis Association will deliver DHS equipment to all participating countries. The sponsors for the programme are: Double Happiness Table Tennis Equipment manufacturer, C h i n a Ta b l e Te n n i s Association, Puerto Rico Table Tennis Federation, ITTF Dream Building, Sports and Recreation Department and Puerto Rico Olympic Committee.
Floyd Mayweather to fight Andre Berto in September
Electra Sports Club coaching clinic underway in Region one
Floyd Mayweather has chosen his opponent for his September fight, and it’s Andre Berto. (Al Bello/Getty Images)
Participants at the clinic
he Electra Sports Club recently kicked off its annual coaching camp at the Kumaka ground, Moruca in Region one. The clinic is being facilitated by coordinator Devika Gobin and Youth Development Officer Ms N. Persaud. Gobin told Kaieteur Sport that youths between the ages of 14-17 are being theory and practical lessons in various sports discipline including
Table Tennis, Cricket and Volleyball. Gobin said that she is satisfied with the response and that the youths are willing to learn. She added that while the project will keep the youths meaningfully occupied it will also help to create a balance with the education and sport. Gobin stated that sport events also help to expand children’s attention span which helps to boost their learning capability.
YARDBAKER, Fox Sports - For all the talk about Floyd Mayweather supposedly wanting an “easy” fight come September, it looks like he may be getting his wish. Michael Woods of The Sweet Science broke the news Tuesday that the five-division champion is officially slated to fight Andre Berto on September 12. The bout will be broadcasted on CBS instead of on pay-perview. The fight will be the sixth, and final, of Mayweather’s deal with Showtime, and it’s hard to foresee it generating very much excitement. While Berto is a fine fighter in his own respect, he is galaxies away from Mayweather’s level as a fighter. Berto does sport a respectable 30-3 record and is on the upswing after scoring a TKO victory in the sixth round over Josesito Lopez in March. But the 31-year-old is well past his prime and suffered notable defeats to Victor Ortiz and Robert Guerrero, two fighters who Mayweather thrashed in the past. Berto’s best assets as a fighter are his hand speed and
punching power, but even those are beginning to wane with age. His defense and stamina have always been lacking and he’s exactly the type of opponent Floyd has annihilated time and time again. Interestingly enough, Mayweather (albeit possibly half-kidding) mentioned Berto is a possible opponent in June: The undefeated Mayweather once again appears to be taking the easy way out and won’t even patronize Amir Khan, who’s been wanting to get in the ring with Floyd for years now. A showdown with Khan probably still wouldn’t be competitive but would undoubtedly make for a better matchup than Berto will. We shouldn’t be at all surprised that Mayweather wants to cruise to his 49th victory. The bad taste from his farcical “fight” with Manny Pacquiao in May is still fresh in the mouths of boxing fans everywhere. At least since the fight is going to be on CBS, Floyd won’t be able to bamboozle us out of even more money. Bring on the drab unanimous decision victory.
Thursday July 16, 2015
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Sanjay’s Jewellery sponsored Free Golf Clinic at Lusignan off to good start With gratitude to the News Media for their involvement in promoting this inaugural 2015 Free Summer Golf Clinic, Lusignan Golf Club President, Mr Oncar Ramroop, along with other Executives of the Club, welcomed some 20 interested persons – ranging from age 8 to 70 – to the Clinic sponsored by Sanjay’s Jewelry Store of 48 Sheriff St, Campbelville. Club President Oncar Ramroop gave the
introductory remarks and welcomed those present, while Captain Deo gave a brief and impressive introduction to the history and scope of golf. Each participant was given a brochure outlining broadly the activities for Tuesday 14 to Thursday 30 July, when the Clinic will be finished. CEO and Proprietor of Sanjay’s Jewelry Store, Mr Sanjay Persaud, was on hand at the opening ceremony, and again expressed his pleasure at being involved with the
In picture, the 19 participants, along with; in back row from left; President Oncar Ramroop, Captain Chatterpaul Deo and Sponsor Mr Sanjay Persaud.
Golf Clinic and looked forward to youths in the Communities around Lusignan capitalizing on the very good opportunity of learning under such good
conditions. He encouraged the participants to do well. He also distributed some 20 pairs of sneakers to the children and packets of Neutrogena face cream to
each learner. S a n j a y ’s J e w e l r y, exclusive sponsor of this 2015 Summer Golf Clinic, has over 1000 jewelry pieces on display to choose from,
and offers also a wide variety of watches, colognes and perfumes for men, women and children in 12,14,18 and 22 karat gold jewelry as well as a variety of diamonds.
Chris Froome’s dominance continues Van Garderen, Nibali, Nairo Quintana and Alberto Contador, as everyone seemed content to let the breakaway contest the stage win. Indeed, the big loser of the day was Italian Nibali, who appeared to be in much better form than he showed on Tuesday only to fall off the back of the yellow jersey group as it made its way up the short but steep climb of Cote de Cauterets. By that point Dutch rider Bauke Mollema had sprinted off the front to take the vital
Chris Froome maintained his grip on the Tour de France yellow jersey. (Getty Images) BBC Sport - Britain’s Chris Froome maintained his grip on the Tour de France yellow jersey as Rafal Majka claimed stage 11. Team Sky’s Froome finished the 188km route from Pau to Cauterets alongside most of his rivals, a n d l e a d s Te j a y v a n Garderen by two minutes and 52 seconds. Defending champion Vincenzo Nibali lost 50 seconds as he was dropped in the final stretch, following the arduous climb up the Col du Tourmalet. Ti n k o ff - S a x o ’s M a j k a finished a minute ahead of Ireland’s Dan Martin. It was Pole Majka’s third stage win at the Tour after two victories in 2014 and he looked a sure bet to reach Cauterets first from the moment that he burst off the
front of a breakaway group of seven riders during the climb up to the Tourmalet. “I knew this stage would be hard but I like this weather when it is warm and today I had a positive opportunity,” said Majka. “I am so happy and this victory is for my team-mates and Ivan Basso.” There were relatively few problems for 30-yearold Froome on another hot day in the Pyrenees, with the stage lacking the drama of his spectacular attack on the climb to La Pierre-SaintMartin on Tuesday. He was always protected by teammates Geraint Thomas, who remains fifth in the general classification, and Richie Porte and there were no meaningful attacks from his general classification rivals
seconds that allowed him to force his way into the top 10 in the overall standings - his place coming at Nibali’s expense. Froome did lose two seconds to Alejandro Valverde after the Spaniard’s late sprint but the Team Sky rider still has an advantage of almost four minutes over the Movistar rider. The Team Sky leader also remains top of the King of the Mountains classification - and with team-mate Porte still second
the Australian will once again wear the polka dot jersey on Thursday. But Peter Sagan wrestled back the green jersey as the race’s leading sprinter after finishing above Andre G r e i p e l i n t h e d a y ’s intermediate sprint. Those were relatively minor considerations on a day that comprised four category three climbs, the category one Col d’Aspin and the hors catergorie Tourmalet. It was a day of attacks from the moment the
Tour left Pau and with more punishing conditions there were six withdrawals, including two from the AG2R-La Mondiale team. A superb ride from Martin enabled him to cross from the main group to a breakaway of six and they remained together until Majka made his move. It is unlikely that a breakaway will claim the stage today, when another tough day in the Pyrenees will end with a 15.8km climb up to Plateau de Beille.
t r o Sp A sold out crowd braved the rain to support the Amazon Warriors last night.
Hero CPL T20 cricket hits town but so does the rain as match abandoned
The ground staff at Providence had a busy night.
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