Fagdag for engelsklĂŚrere Gyldendalhuset | Oslo | 22. april
Vi inviterer også i år til engelskseminar i Gyldendalhuset. Etter fjorårets seminar fikk vi en rekke gode tilbakemeldinger, og mange nevnte spesielt at dagen bidro til dialog rundt engelskfaget. Dette vet jeg det er lite tid til i hverdagen, samtidig som det er viktig for oss som arbeider med faget.
12:00–13:00 Lunsj og registrering
Årets seminar tilbyr faglig påfyll om aktuelle emner fra dyktige foredragsholdere. Forhåpentligvis leder dette til flere gode samtaler og nye ideer som du kan ta med deg inn i undervisningen. Jeg håper vi sees 22. april! Kari Anne Arnkværn redaktør Sted: Gyldendalhuset, Oslo Tid: Fredag 22. april 2016 Fagdagen er gratis. Overnatting: For langveisfarende kan vi tilby rom på Smart Hotel, noen få minutters gange fra Gyldendalhuset. Egenandelen er kr 300. Påmeldingsfrist: 15. april Meld deg på her: engelsk.gyldendal.no
13:00–14:00 Language Competence: Progression in Upper Secondary School Terje Lohndal, NTNU 14:15–15:15 Whatever Happened to American Democracy? Ann Jones, Harvard University 15:30–16:30 What’s so Different about the 2016 Election? Randall J. Stephens, Northumbria University 17:00– Supermat, vin og quiz Maten er basert på Jamie Olivers ferske kokebok Jamies supermat
“Language Competence: Progression in Upper Secondary School” terje lohndal
The national curriculum specifies a range of learning objectives for students in upper secondary school. In this talk, I will focus on the language side of these objectives and discuss what their target objectives are. Put differently, what is the level upon entering upper secondary school and what should it be upon departure? Through focusing on especially grammar skills, I want to try to say something about how a teacher can ensure ‘natural’ progression during upper secondary school (cf. the Ludvigsen commission report). In addition, I want to provide some examples of how English grammar can be taught by making use of the students’ native (Norwegian) language, and how it is possible to use less traditional data as a way of developing the students’ metalinguistic abilities.
Terje Lohndal (b. 1985) is Professor of English linguistics at NTNU in Trondheim and Professor II at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. His research spans multiple areas, most notably the syntactic structures of human languages, e.g., verbs and their structure, language mixing between different languages, Norwegian spoken in the US, and gender on nouns. He also works on the history of modern linguistics and has an interest in philosophy of language. In 2013 he became the youngest professor in Norway, and in 2014 he was awarded the Nils Klim Prize for outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social science, law or theology.
“What‘s so Different about the 2016 Election?”
randall j. stephens
In a January 2016 interview in Slate magazine the journalist Rick Perlstein commented on the current state of the Republican Party. The prominence of the populist, far-right Donald Trump was “very new, very strange, and very hard to assimilate into what we thought we knew about how the Republican Party worked.” The 2016 US presidential race is shaping up to be unlike any previous contest. Outsider candidates, at odds with the establishment, have an appeal that is unprecedented. What do the new trends of this campaign say about the country and its changing population? Why is the 2016 race as contentious as it is? What is the future of the two-party system?
Randall J. Stephens is Reader in History and American Studies at Northumbria University (Newcastle Upon Tyne). He is the author of a variety of books and articles on the American South, the civil rights movement, modern conservatism, popular music, and religion in the US. Among those are The Fire Spreads: Holiness and Pentecostalism in the American South (Harvard University Press, 2008) and The Anointed: Evangelical Truth in a Secular Age (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press), co-authored with physicist Karl Giberson. In addition to his work as a scholar, he has written for a broader audience in the Atlantic, Salon, Raw Story, the Independent, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the New York Times.
“Whatever Happened to American Democracy?” ann jones
The United States was once a democracy famous as a land of opportunity welcoming the world’s poor. It is now an oligarchy, a land run at the expense of the citizenry by and for the super-rich. Today the richest 1% of America’s 322 million people own 85% of the wealth; and 95% of the wealth generated since the economic collapse of 2008 has gone into their pockets. The Middle Class has disappeared, and as more and more Americans find themselves working harder and falling farther, old fears erupt in racism, misogyny, hyper-religiosity, belligerence, hatred, and violence. How did this happen? Can it be reversed? And what can Norway learn by observing the decline of its longtime friend?
Ann Jones (PhD) is an independent scholar, journalist, photographer, aid worker, ESL teacher, and author of ten books of nonfiction. She focuses on women and other underdogs and on the historical/social/political structures that perpetuate injustice. She has reported from Afghanistan, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Her work has found generous support from, among others, the U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation. Currently she is an associate of the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History at Harvard University.
Ann Jones would like to visit a couple of schools to observe English classes during the week following the seminar. In addition, she would like to interview the teachers after class or at their convenience. Volunteers should contact david.wamstad@gyldendal.no
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Gyldendal Undervisning Pb. 6860 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo | Besøksadresse: Sehesteds gt. 4 Telefon: 22 03 42 01 | Fax: 22 03 41 82 | E-post: undervisning@gyldendal.no | www.gyldendal.no/vgs