Business Ethos publication

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November 2014


Grow your business in the most effective way, with more and better referrals. Business Ethos can show you how to harness the power of referral marketing and drive sales for fast, sustainable business growth. Ethos is the disposition, character, or fundamental values particular to a specific person, people, corporation, culture, or movement.

What Is Business Ethos?

Business Ethos is a networking community that guarantees integrity in business. Business Ethos is a philosophy, a code of conduct and a method for building lasting relationships in business. Business Ethos provides a structured and supportive business environment where likeminded business people can network together. Business Ethos delivers increased business opportunity.

Business Ethos Weekly Meetings

Business Ethos breakfast meetings provide a foundation, and a method for bringing clarity and focus to your business week. A Business Ethos breakfast meeting is effective business networking with a clear purpose before your normal daily business routine begins. Fifty consecutive weekly meetings provide a time in your working week to generate ideas, gather inspiration, and develop fresh initiatives for creating new business opportunity. Business Ethos meetings have a structured agenda that focuses on generating business for all of our members. Everyone attending a Business Ethos meeting is invited to state directly what they need right now to further their business interests. Business Ethos meetings also provide a friendly ‘workshop’ environment to test and develop your marketing skills and to learn new ways to think about and represent your business. The meetings help to develop new habits and new lasting business relationships that engender trust, understanding and confidence. Being a member of Business Ethos is sharing time connecting with the right people.

Business Ethos Philosophy Being generous in giving help and support is the smart way to generate business. This approach to doing business is at the core of Business Ethos. Generosity, patience and empathy are the attributes which will determine your success in building lasting relationships which are based on mutual trust and understanding with everyone you deal with, not just within the Business Ethos community but also your wider network of business contacts. A clear focus, direct and open communication and investing your time wisely will ensure you get the best return on your investment as a member.

Trust-based Networking What is it? Trust-based Networking is taking positive action to expand the business creation potential from the Business Ethos weekly morning meetings. Trust-based Networking is about identifying connections, overlaps, synergies, compatibilities, shared visions and common objectives, both within a group, and across the wider Business Ethos community. Trust-based Networking is about curating our own new business opportunities from the talent, skills and assets within each group. Trust-based Networking is also about giving those not yet part of the Ethos community an opportunity to take a fresh look at what Ethos can do for them, how we do business and the creative and purposeful agenda of the Ethos community. We have within our community the expertise to generate business opportunity by showcasing the entrepreneurialism, skills and the commercial vision of our members. Last but not least, Trust–based Networking is promoting integrity in business.

The infographic on the next page illustrates the 4 main activity centres to encourage greater engagement amongst members and to extend the reach and the depth of networking opportunities within Business Ethos and the wider business community.

Networking Infographic

Let’s Incubate Be Digital Our digital marketing platform project, connecting and adding value by unlocking potential. Created by the members for the members, BE Digital provides an open access marketing platform and a digital presence to serve the BE community and demonstrate the power of Business Ethos.

Got a business project that needs d ki kick-starting, k t ti planning, developing, financing, managing, mentoring, coaching, training, resourcing… JUST DOING? Don’t go it alone, we can help you realise your dream. Business Ethos brings a wide range of business skills and expertise together in a sharing community.

Breakfast Meetings Business referral marketing, the heart of the Business Ethos community. Build foundations for long-term business relationships. Develop your business skills and acquire best-practice habits. Membership by annual subscription giving full access to Business Ethos Total Networking and the support you need to grow your business.

Sundown Parties Lunchtime Connect Every second Wednesday meet new business people and develop your close networking skills over a relaxing lunch. Follow your own agenda at a time and pace to suit your schedule.

Some things are better left until the evening… BE Sundown brings together members and friends at special evening events to showcase the unique talents within the Business Ethos community. Just dance and party and relax.

For Integrity In Business

Executive Director

Steven Lord +420 724 394 600 Rybna 682/14 110 05 Praha 1

Group Leaders Veronika Jelinkova +420 730 148 052 Premysl group every Tuesday / English language

Silvie Broukova +420 603 455 653 Libuse group every Thursday / English language

Antoine Mahe +420 724 920 636 Klara group every Friday / English language

Join us for our early start breakfast meetings. Start 07.30 (Klara group 08.00) Breakfast from 07.00 (07.30 Klara)

Where to find us

Barcelo Old Town Hotel Celetna 29

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