ECO brochure

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This project is implemented through the Programme co-financed by the .

n al ated pote The es m n by – a s s h ow for re-use good exis ti ng w fe e to th lies around prac ces – al waste. % of residu

About the CERREC project The project ÙÙ , Central Europe Repair & Re-use Centres and Networks, is carried out from April to July and brings together partners from European countries. The core relevance of the project is to foster preparaƟon for re-use as a new form of waste treatment and take on the challenge to turn re-use into a core segment of waste management.

Aims of the project The challenge of the project is to make re-use a common prac ce, bring this sector to the mainstream of waste management and consequently minimise waste produc on.

centres. A transna onal stakeholder group to share their experience and know-how and thus to promote re-use is involved in the project.

The aim is to promote and support re-use and prepara on for re-use. One way to reach this goal is suppor ng the establishment of accredited re-use and repair networks and

Re-using of products in comparison to the produc on of new ones leads in many cases to reduc on in resources and energy consump on. Thus, the project contributes:

to the environmental goals waste reduc on and energy and resource efficiency by prolonging product life cycles,

to the economic goals crea on of green jobs and professionalisa on of the “new” business field of re-use, closing regional economic cycles,

to the social goals closing social gaps by providing affordable goods and products for people with low income.

Introduction into Up ll now it was only a decision of the consumers to buy either a repairable long living product or a low quality, usually cheap “waste” product with no incen ve for producers to foster long living products. Consequently, re-use was pracƟsed only by a small minority of people within market niches, with charity background, for the reason of saving money or because of their ecological awareness. Now for the first me public authori es are obliged and also moƟvated by the European Waste Framework

Direc ve ( / / )( ) to implement re-use ac vi es. The shows them the direc on by recommending “accredited re-use and repair centres or networks” and making “prepara on for re-use” eligible for coun ng within the new recycling and re-use rates. These are set at ambiƟous level of οκ % of residual waste by . Implemen ng the requires changes in the waste management regula ons and structures aiming at a maximum quan ty and quality of re-usable goods.

in practice Old things, that all of us find at our homes, such as furniture, electrical and electronic equipment, tex les, media products (books, s,…) or sports equipment o en end up in garbage. That is the currently common prac ce. But there is another way. They can be brought to a re-use centre where

they will be refi ed or if necessary repaired and sent back to the market. And that is, from a prac cal point of view, the goal of the project. To bring this segment to the mainstream of waste management and offer a more sustainable way of trea ng used things.

Re-use and repair centres and networks offer to consumers the possibility to bring here all types of repairable and re-usable goods they want to discard. Thanks to repair, refurbishment and re-use, the life me of used products and components can be extended. The goods can be in this way returned onto the market with a low effort.

Main activities of the project Member states were obliged to implement the re-use requirements of the revised European Waste Framework Direc ve ( ) in their na onal law by December . A erwards, the prac cal implementa on is to be started. Because of na onal differences in present waste management structures, the implementa on requires different regional solu ons for the same objec ve.

aims at producing tools for relevant stakeholders to implement re-use and repair networks and centres adaptable to the specific needs of Central Europe states. These tools are: concepts and guidelines, quality standards/accredita on systems and a transna onal re-use and repair exchange pla orm for re-usable products, used spare parts, repair-services and exper se.

provides tools, knowledge and a transnaƟonal re-use exchange plaƞorm for Central Europe states to implement regional re-use and repair centres and networks, as foreseen in this direc ve. As a consequence na onal and regional authori es do not need to reinvent the wheel each by themselves.

The development process will be closely interconnected with relevant experts on a regional, na onal, and as well on a transna onal level.

Five essential steps to succeed IdenĆ&#x;fying na onal framework condi ons for the implementa on of repair & re-use centres and networks Involving na onal and transna onal key stakeholders in the project Developing accredita on procedures and quality standards for repair and re-use centres and networks and for re-use products Building a transna onal coopera on pla orm for transboundary exchange of re-usable products Preparing a toolbox with guidelines, manuals, strategies and good prac ce examples for regional re-use centres and networks

Good practise: KOMOSIE (Flanders, Belgium) KOMOSIE – the federation of Flemish re-use centres

Facts and figures

A network of over re-use centres called “Kringloopcentrum” collect, sort and resell discarded products. This non-profit organisa on collects over . tons of discarded products a year.

Results of the waste collecƟon

Materials collected by : clothes, electr(on)ical appliances, furniture, housewares, bicycles, books and records. All these are given a second life when they are sold in more than shops, most of them under the “De Kringwinkel” trademark. in brief: Non-profit organisa on Ac ve in repair/retail Own legal status Waste reduc on Enhancing social economy Annual turnover in shops: Mio . About % of all social re-use enterprises in Flanders are members. Over % of more than . people working in the organisa on are long me unemployed or have a limited educa on level.

% re-usable part – –

% recyclable part % to incinerate or to dispose

Ways of collecƟon re-usable waste

% at home a er phone call % delivery to the re-use shop % delivery to the collec on point of municipal waste

Quality policy of KOMOSIE “De Kringwinkel ” brand


The brand Kringwinkel was created to dis nguish the shops from other second hand shops. Common communica on instruments, a logo, standards of shop organisa on and product presenta on, quality standards and house style have been developed.

Kμ represent an overall management approach based on the “ model” that creates op mal condi ons to sa sfy the needs of all stakeholders.

Web address:

“Revisie” Label Revisie is a quality label for customers: “secondhand but tested and safe!” Especially electric appliances are thoroughly tested and if necessary repaired according to well-defined technical procedures. Appliances that pass successfully all steps, receive a Revisie-label and are sold with months guarantee.

More examples of re-use good pracƟse are available in the on-line best cases database on downloads/.

An adverƟsemen t of re-use good s on the “De Krin gwinkel” websi te

goods lling secondhand One of the shop se k gwinkel” trademar under the “De Krin

Showroom of a “De Kringwinkel” shop

Prepara Ɵo test and n for re-use: repair ce ntre for ó

r re-use: Test PreparaƟon fo tre for ó and repair-cen

Showroom of a “De

Kringwinkel” shop

Source: »ÊÃÊÝ®

Legal background of The implementa on of repair and re-use ac vi es is necessary to comply several legal obliga ons within the Central Europe area. The most important of these are the Waste Framework Direc ve ( ) and the Direc ve on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ( ).

Directive 2008/98/EC of 19 November 2008 on waste Re-use is a newly introduced objec ve of the revised European Waste Framework DirecƟve. A new form of waste treatment called “preparaƟon for re-use” was introduced within the waste hierarchy. ArƟcle ν / λν: ‘re-use’ means any operaƟon by which products or components that are not waste are used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived;

ArƟcle ν / λπ: ‘preparing for re-use’ means checking, cleaning or repairing recovery operaƟons, by which products or components of products that have become waste are prepared so that they can be re-used without any other pre-processing; ArƟcle ξ: ‘Waste hierarchy‘ prevenƟon preparing for re-use recycling other recovery disposal.

According to the re-use ac vi es can be considered as waste prevenƟon (e.g. dona ons, flea markets, online pla orms, second hand shops,…) or as waste treatment (prepara on for re-use). As stated in the all member states shall take measures to promote the re-use of products and preparing for re-use acƟviƟes, notably by encouraging the establishment and support of re-use and repair networks, the use of economic instruments, procurement criteria, quan ta ve objec ves or other measures. The member states are also asked to implement “environmentally sound preparing for re-use” in their na onal waste management plans.

Directive 2012/19/EU of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

amount of separately collected ó (οο–ςο % according to the categories) that will be prepared for re-use and recycled.

Almost a quarter of waste electrical and electronic equipment taken to recycling centres could be re-used or repaired. To encourage this, a new Direc ve on with several obliga ons to ensure the re-usability of waste products has been published:

ArƟcle λξ: Informa on for users, encourages that users of ó in private households are given the necessary informaƟon about their role in contribuƟng to re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery of ó . They also ask Member states to adopt appropriate measures so that consumers parƟcipate in the collecƟon of weee and to encourage them to facilitate the process of re-use, treatment and recovery.

ArƟcle ξ: Product design, encourages measures to promote the design and producƟon of electrical and electronic equipment notably in view of facilitaƟng re-use and recovery in parƟcular the re-use and recycling of ó , its components and materials. ArƟcle π: Disposal and transport of collected , sets the task that collecƟon and transport of separately collected ó should be carried out in a way which opƟmises re-use and recycling. ArƟcle λλ: Recovery targets, asks the Member States to ensure that producers can meet the targets of minimum

Article λο: Information for treatment facilities, prescribes to producers an obligaƟon to provide re-use and treatment informaƟon for each type of new electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market. This should facilitate maintenance, upgrade, refurbishment and recycling of ó and be made available to re-use centres, treatment and recycling faciliƟes.

Enterprises and organisa ons in the field of repair and re-use have to insure that all policies, regula ons and standards of opera on, including the health and safety of all, are complied with and managed.

The CERREC partnership Currently the project brings together partners and addi onal associated partners from Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovakia. Lead partner of the project is the Municipal Waste Management Associa on Mid-Tyrol in Austria.

The core relevance of the project partnership is reflected by the relevant naĆ&#x;onal and regional stakeholder parĆ&#x;cipaĆ&#x;on process that will help to reach the best possible solu ons for the prac cal implementa on of re-use.

The partnership consists of na onal, regional and local authori es and organisa ons having specific know-how, capaci es and/or competence in the field of waste management and re-use. Associated partners of contribute to the project outcomes as well review the achieved results of the project.

The ac ve involvement of stakeholders from states all over Central Europe ensures the transfer and exchange of knowledge and exper se to all project partners to find the best solu ons for implementa on and leads to a broader acceptance of outputs and tools developed within the project.

If you are willing to be a part of the discussion, exper se or evalua on processes and the development of project outcomes, please, do not hesitate to contact the project partner in your country.

Project partners

Associated partners

These organisa ons form the core of the project:

Organisa ons that support the and help running the project:

Municipal Waste Management Associa on Mid-Tyrol Ltd. | Austria |

Austria: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management RepaNet

Biom – Czech Biomass Associa on | Czech Republic | Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. | Hungary | Waste Preven on, Resource Protec on and Sustainable Development Ltd. | Austria | bag Arbeit e.V | Germany | Development agency | Italy | Slovak University of Technology in Bra slava | Slovakia | Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship | Poland | Province of Rimini | Italy |


Czech Republic: City of Prague Germany: Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. – Niederlassung Berlin Hungary: -

Magyarorszag Nonprofit Ltd.

Slovakia: Ministry of Environment Slovak Republic Slovak Environmental Agency Recycling Fund Associa on of ci es and towns Slovak Republic

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