THE ILLUMINATI: a secret society

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The illuminati An introduction

What is the illuminati? The Illuminati are a secret society.

Historically the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, originally founded in May 1776. Their aim was to oppose prejudice, abuses of state power, religious influence over public life, and to support women’s education and gender equality. However they were outlawed along with other secret societies, by the Bavarian government leadership, then permanently disbanded in 1785.

How are they affecting society right now? They control world affairs by masterminding events, planting agents in Governments and corporations to establish a New world order and gain further political power and influence. They have constant surveillance over the public, and have become an influential and controlling part of our lives without many people even noticing it. The illuminati work in the shadows, pulling the strings and levers of power.

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The illuminati Mind control

The illuminati use various methods to brainwash the public. They introduce thoughts that can influence dreams, and produce visual projections in real time space. They have sponsored brain-pattern science as their key is to control the mental signal.

‘‘Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind the plot’’. - Yoda ‘‘Don’t mind the men behind the curtain.’’ - The Wizard Of Oz

Common methods/vehicles for mass synchronization: - Tv Series - Mainstream news -Social networking -Popular music - fashion trends -Political slogans And many many more.

Using popular culture as a vehicle not only reaches a large, if not whole proportion of the worlds population, but also become a normal and regular part of daily life, and it trains the human mind to be familiar with such themes and go along with them. 4  Illuminati: A Secret Society October 2013

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The illuminati In the music industry

various illuminati symbols depicted.

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Illuminati in the music industry The illuminati are not only infiltrating the Media but also the Music Industry. Creating a new culture of sheople which are too busy working, eating and watching TV, to be asking questions, like why are all artists singing about the same topics, indoctrinating our society with a brand new culture, a disposable one, like every product they sell to us nowadays, creating a society that will receive they New World Order with open arms, the process of implementation. The internet holds so much information and investigations into songs and their hidden meanings,deconstructing music videos and their satanic symbols. Subliminal messaging is a way to get these themes into our heads and for the mass population to become familiar with this kind of stuff.

Celebrities are puppets for the illuminati.

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The illuminati In social media

Social media

Facebook is one of the biggest tools used to keep people under surveillance.

It is an easy way for the higher powers such as the Government to mass monitor the public. Like many other social media sites, it’s just another way of ‘big brother’ watching you basically. For instance, you are asked to give away your full identity, where you work, political views, religious beliefs, where you live, and anything else you are willing to add. When in reality all you really need to give away is your name.. Facebook is owned by Viacom. One of the big 6 evils in the media. Everything like this in society is owned by the ‘higher powers’, massive corporations that ultimately control the world and population.

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But why? With this kind of information, people can be easily targeted, population can easily be monitored, and what we see and hear is all up to the higher powers. Knowing the views and conversation topics of the general public would aid the illuminati, being able to influence our lives on a daily basis, it is all for them to work toward a ‘New world order’, training humans to be used to change, popular culture, trends, so that we obey everything like sheep and welcome the New world order! I hope it is becoming more acknowledgeable that everything that is normal in our society, mainstream, popular, and big, are generally vehicles used to control the p opulation Illuminati is hidden in plain sight. October 2013 Illuminati: A Secret Society  9

The illuminati The hierachy

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The illuminati A New World Order

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The hierarchical system

As seen on the previous page, the public is Governed by higher powers. But this system consists of many groups that are bound by the elite. It works similar to the Judicial system. Everything is bound by the ultimates. This is where the triangle symbol comes from, illustrating the hierarchy, and the ‘all seeing eye’ which demonstrates constant surveillance.

The aim The whole purpose of this secret society is to control the world.

They are already doing a good job of creating a generation of sheople that will abide by what they say. Injecting culture with there ethics and allowing the public to become familiar and brainwashed with these themes. Their sole purpose is to create a new world order.

‘‘Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.’’ - John Lennon

A NEW WORLD ORDER The effects of this New world order would be a one world Government. The whole world Governed by one elite group.

‘‘Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. That there’s something very wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is – but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking About?’’ - The Matrix?

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Illuminati: A Secret Society Hafsa Siddiq

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