Acharei mot 5776

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Sponsored in loving memory of Asher Nussbaum z”l Asher ben Aaron Zvi HaKohen z”l

g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E


Parshat Acharei-Mot

Service Times

28 Nisan 5776 7 May 2016

Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat


(Candle Lighting)






Mincha, Seudah & Ma’ariv


Shabbat terminates



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Thought For The Week


Mincha & Ma’ariv













We are currently in the midst of count-

£10,000 for 100 days, then you would







ing the Omer, the 49-day period between

view your counting completely differently,

our Exodus from Egypt, and the moment

since each day is of significant value.

* Rosh Chodesh ** Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

when the Jewish People received the Torah

Chayim Arukim

to Vera Bower, Roger Bower and Gillian Raynes on the loss of Norman, to Michael and Maurice Gould on the loss of Judith, and to Jenny Orchant on the loss of Jeanne, and to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows ‫שבת‬

829May Nisan Mon

9 May 1 Iyar


Ella Lentin Muriel Davies Martin Davies Gillian Cohen

The Final Count-up

Mother Husband Father Father

Sharon Buchalter Father

on Mount Sinai on Shavuot. The Divine Revelation at Sinai was the highest point in Jewish history; an event so significant that we celebrate its importance every year since.

These days have significant value for us, as we are encouraged to look at them as days of growth. We are building ourselves to be appropriate recipients of Hashem’s Torah, and these days are spiritually conducive to be able to do so. Several sourc-

There is a very interesting anomaly with

es, including Pirkei Avot, guide us with

the way we count. Typically, when we

areas to focus on, to develop our relation-

are excited for an important occasion,

ships with ourselves, with our friends and

for example, a wedding, or a birthday, we

family, with our community, and with our

10 May 2 Iyar

Ruth Rosenthal


count down. However, when we count the

Creator. If you are interested in receiv-


Anne Finestein Trevor Duschenes Helyn Orchant Lawrence Orchant

Mother Mother Husband Father

Omer, we count upwards, until we reach

ing details of a development programme

Day 49. Why is this so?

related to these days, please feel free to

Lorraine Wolff Naomi Wright

Father Brother

Rabbi Shimshon Pincus zt”l explains with


Joe Rich Michael Levy Roy Gabbie

Father Father Mother


Sybil Weisberg Stephen Lentin Ella Lentin

Father Father Husband

May 11 3 Iyar


12 May 4 Iyar 13 May 5 Iyar

14 May 6 Iyar

Kiddushim 7 May Unsponsored

14 May Unsponsored

the following allegory. If you knew you

be in touch, and we can arrange to send you some materials.

Rabbi Nick Kett

would receive £1 million after a set time, then you would count down the days until that moment arrives. However, if you were told that you would receive 21 May Jennifer & David Zucker

Shabbat Weather AM Mostly Cloudy 21o High 12o Overnight Low



First Aliyah - 17 verses The Kohen Gadol is instructed to only enter the Holy of Holies chamber of the sanctuary once a year, on Yom Kippur, which must be accompanied by a special service. The High Priest had to wear special white garments on this day. While offering the day’s sacrifices, the High Priest would “confess” on behalf of the entire nation, attaining atonement for the past year’s sins. Second Aliyah - 7 verses This section describes the “scapegoat” ceremony procedure. Third Aliyah - 10 verses The order of the Yom Kippur service is concluded, and the Torah instructs us to observe Yom Kippur as a Day of Atonement when we must abstain from work and “afflict” ourselves. Fourth Aliyah - 7 verses The Jews are forbidden to offer sacrifices anywhere other than the Mishkan or Temple. Fifth Aliyah - 14 verses We are told not to consume blood. When slaughtering fowl or undomesticated animals, we are commanded to cover their blood with earth. The Jews are told not to follow the depraved ways of the Egyptians and Canaanites. Sixth Aliyah - 16 verses On this note, the Torah provides a list of prohibited sexual relationships. This list includes adultery, cohabiting with a menstruating woman, and close relatives. Seventh Aliyah - 9 verses The prohibitions against homosexuality and bestiality are mentioned. The Jews are warned that engaging in these forbidden relationships will result in their expulsion from the Land of Israel.

ol The Kohen Gad s and nd ha washed his during es m feet ten ti ersed m im d the day, an mes. ti ve fi in a mikvah





Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we take a look at what Yom Kippur looked like during Temple times

A Grand Ceremony Rabbi Shlomo ibn Verga (1460-1554), a Spanish historian and physician , and author of the book ‘Shevet Yehudah’, cites the description of a Roman consul who stayed in Jerusalem during Yom Kippur in the days of the second Temple. “Seven days before that special and most awesome of days called Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol began the preparations for his Service. When he left his house to go to his special chamber in the Temple, a proclamation was issued to the people. As soon as they heard that the Kohen Gadol was on his way to the Temple ,they all streamted to accompany him. They formed a procession, marching in the following order; the family of the kings who reigned over the Ten Tribes. They were followed by the descendants of the royal dynasty of David. They were preceded by a herald who proclaimed, “Accord honour to David’s house!” After them marched the Levi’im. I counted 36,000

Levi’im, all dressed in light blue silken garments, followed by 24,000 Kohanim in white silken garments. They marched in divisions, grouped according to their tasks in the Temple; the choir men, then the musicians, then the trumpet blowers, the watchmen of the Temple doors, those in charge of preparing the incense, those who fabricated the curtain, the treasurers, and finally the

Seven days before Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol began the preparations for his service. guilds which performed the work related to the Temple. They were succeeded by the seventy members of the Sanhedrin walking in front of the Kohen Gadol. Directly before the Kohen Gadol marched 100 Kohanim bearing silver banners to clear the way for him. Behind the Kohen Gadol marched the oldest and most respected of the Kohanim two by two.

At the street corners, the procession was met by the heads of the Yeshivot, who upon sighting the Kohen Gadol, exclaimed, ‘Esteemed Kohen Gadol, may your coming be in peace! Entreat our Creator that He keep us alive so that we may study His holy Torah!’ When the procession arrived at the Temple Mount, prayers were recited for the continued existence of the Davidic dynasty, the Kohanim, and the Temple. The shout of the crowd’s responding to the blessing was so mighty that it could split one’s eardrum. The Kohen Gadol, weeping in fear and trepidation of the responsibility he bore, departed from the people’. The scene described above transpired when the Kohen Gadol entered the Temple, but upon his leaving in peace after Yom Kippur, the honour accorded to him was double. Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weiss

If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to

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23/03/2016 14:36:20

Parsha Stats Acharei-Mot is the 29th of 54 sedras 6th of 10 in Vayikra Written on 154 lines in a Torah 80 verses - ranks 45th (6th in Vayikra)

This will be followed by a live link up with Rachel This will bemother followed by a live link up with Rachel Frenkel, of Naftali Frenkel z”l, brutally Frenkel, mother of NaftaliinFrenkel z”l, brutally kidnapped and murdered 2014 together with kidnapped andYifrach murdered in 2014 together with Eyal and Gilad Shaar. Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Shaar.

The ceremony will be devised and led by Israeli The ceremony will be devised and led byregion Israeliin teenagers from the Galil, UJIA’s partnership teenagers from the as Galil, region in northern Israel, partUJIA’s of UJIApartnership Magic Moments northern Israel, as part of UJIA Magic Moments

Free Admission - Voluntary contribution appreciated | Disabled access

Free Admission - Voluntary contribution appreciated | Disabled access For more information, please contact Sally Halon T 0161 740 1825 ext 3 E For more information, please contact Sally Halon T 0161 740 1825 ext 3 E

Yom Hazikarom 2016 Flyer NEW.indd 2

23/03/2016 14:49:12

An Open Invitation To St Annes! Any member who may be enjoying a long weekend in St Annes would be most welcome to join us on Friday afternoon for the Mincha, Ma’ariv & Kabbalat Shabbat service, which commences at 6.30pm throughout the summer.

QA &

The Shabbat morning service commences at 9.15am, followed by Kiddush.

1170 words - ranks 43rd (6th in Vayikra) 4294 letters - ranks 45th (6th in Vayikra)

Did You Know There are 28 mitzvot in this week’s parsha. 2 are positive mitzvot, and 26 are prohibitions. Acharei-Mot and Kedoshim are combined in all 12-month years, and read separately in all 13-month years.

The Shul address is Orchard Road, St Annes

The entire Yom Kippur service, with all its details and procedures, is considered as one mitzvah.

Any queries, please contact Rabbi Ephraim Guttentag Mobile No: 07909 257 577 Email:

In Temple times, a second Kohen was appointed as an understudy, in case the Kohen Gadol died, or became impure in the lead up to Yom Kippur.

Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!

When did Hashem command Moshe and Aaron in the laws of Yom Kippur? Where is the goat for Azazel sent? What date does the Torah say Yom Kippur falls on? Why does the Torah say one should not consume blood of an animal? How many different types of family relationship are forbidden? What are the five ‘afflictions’ that are forbidden on Yom Kippur?

When the Kohen Gadol went into the Holy of Holies, he had a rope tied around him, so that if he died, they would be able to pull him out, as it was forbidden for them to enter the chamber.

Just For Fun Question: Why is Yom Kippur the best day to run a marathon? Answer: ‘Coz you fast!

Answers: 1. After the death of Aharon’s two sons. 2. Into the wilderness. 3. The tenth day of the seventh month. 4. For it is the life blood of the creature. 5. 12. BONUS: Eating, Drinking, Washing, Applying ointments, Spousal Intimacy.




In The Spotlight Magic Moments This week we are hosting a group of teenagers from the Galil, who are taking part in a special UJIA project. They will be speaking at several schools in Manchester, seeing some sights, and participating in the key Yom Hazikaron ceremony at Shrubberies Shul in North Manchester. The delegation is comprised of Guy R, Yael, Shachar, Shaked, Guy S, Yuval, and their leader, Carmel. They are being hosted by several families from Hale and Bowdon, and we are grateful to them for the hospitality they are providing.


In Hale, we will be benefitting from their assistance at B’nei Akiva, and we will have the opportunity to hear them speak at seudah shlishit, to which both Hale and Bowdon communities are invited. We look forward to seeing you there.

Mazaltov to Alan Becker on the occasion of his grandson’s barmitzvah. Anne & Harvey Rosenfeld on the birth of a grandson, a son to Natalie and Geoff. Melanie & David Boda and to Louise & Harvey Burman on the birth of a son and a grandson. Victoria & Dan Rosenberg and to Sarah & Simon Ellenbogen on the birth of a son and a grandson.

If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or

Thea & Jonathan Patoff on the birth of a grandson, a son to Hannah & Owen.

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