Beshalach 5777

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Sponsored in loving memory of Betsy Huddlestone z”l Bassia bat Yisroel z”l

g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E

Parshat Beshalach Shabbat Shira

Service Times Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat


(Candle Lighting)






Mincha & Seudah


Shabbat Ends


Weekday Shacharit




















Candle Lighting


* Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Chayim Arukim

to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows

Gilda Leinhardt Hilary Krell Barry Stewart Jenni Mond

Father Father Father Mother

12 February 16 Shevat

Tony Crystal



Linda Berman Craig Feldman

Father Mother


Stephen Flascher Lionel Ross Nici Wertheim

Father Father Father


Ben Solomons Gail Cantor Hilary Goorney

Father Father Father


Alan Dobkin Alan Becker

Father Father


Roy Kaitcer Angella Carne

Father Mother


Lady Beryl Steinberg Brother Joan Middleweek Mother Stephanie Klass Mother


11 February 15 Shevat


13 February 17 Shevat 14 February 18 Shevat

15 February 19 Shevat

16 February 20 Shevat 17 February 21 Shevat 18 February 22 Shevat


14 Shevat 5777 10 February 2017

Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz



366 422 265

1152 1404 281

Security team: Purple

Thought For The Week It’s A Manna Of Perspective In this week’s Parasha we find the most

viding total nutrition, yet B’nei Yisrael were

dramatic rescue of all time at the Red Sea,

not on the right spiritual level to appreciate

followed by a litany of complaints from


B’nei Yisrael about the lack of water and food. Three days after their dramatic rescue

Part of the purpose of the B’nei Yisrael’s

from slavery in Mitzrayim, and despite the

desert odyssey was to teach them, through

miracles they have witnessed at the Red

learning the Torah and its mitzvot, that

Sea, they seem to believe that Hashem will

there is greater meaning and purpose in

leave them to die in the desert, without

their lives. Once we recognise that our

water or food. Even when Hashem sends

world has a spiritual dimension, we will

them fresh Manna from heaven every morn-

learn to complain less about its physical

ing, they still find cause for complaint.

imperfections. Perhaps this is the message of the Manna – the food that took on the

Rashi explains that our Parasha describes

taste of whatever each person wanted to

Manna as the perfect food, to show that

eat. Like life, it could be sweet or bitter,

even when something is perfect, people

depending on your outlook.

will still find fault with it. Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein of Sochochov explains that the

Rabbi Joel Portnoy

Manna was spiritual food, designed to inspire the people to faith in Hashem, since

11 February Unsponsored

their only choice was to rely solely on Him

18 February Community Kiddush

ness, since Hashem is pure goodness, pro-

25 February Unsponsored


for its provision. As such it was pure good-

Shabbat Weather AM Cloudy 5o High 1o Overnight Low



First Aliyah - 14 verses Hashem leads the Israelites with a pillar of cloud during the daytime and a pillar of fire at night. They are led on a circuitous route in order to make the Egyptians think they are lost and would decide to pursue them. Second Aliyah - 6 verses Upon seeing the Egyptians, the Israelites panic. Moses reassures them Hashem will be fighting on their side. Third Aliyah - 11 verses Hashem instructs Moses to stretch out his staff over the sea to make it divide. As the sea splits, the Israelites walked on the sea bed (dry land). The Egyptian quickly chase them. Fourth Aliyah - 32 verses After the Israelites cross the waters that had been standing like walls now fall upon the Egyptians, drowning them all. Moses then leads the Israelites in song, praising Hashem for the wondrous miracle. Miriam leads the women in song and dance. The Israelites travel for three days without water, and when they find water, it is bitter. Moses miraculously sweetens the water. Fifth Aliyah - 11 verses One month after the Exodus, the Israelites’ provisions run dry. They complain. Hashem responds that He will rain down bread (Manna) from heaven in the mornings, and meat for the night. Sixth Aliyah - 26 verses Hashem sends quails to eat, and causes Manna to fall from heaven. The Manna portions would last for the day, and then melt. Two measures of Mannah would be supplied on Shabbat. Seventh Aliyah - 16 verses They journey to Rephidim where their water runs out. Moses is commanded to strike a rock. The Parsha ends with the Amalek nation attacking the Jews. The Israelites are victorious in battle.

When we read Moshe’s song, any verse that contains Hashem’s name is sung. The other verses are read regularly.





Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we take a look at the miracles at the splitting of the sea

There Can Be Miracles When the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, Hashem performed ten different miracles for them: 1. The water split. 2. It formed a rooflike protection above their heads. 3. It was split into twelveindividual passageways; one for each Tribe. 4. The ground was perfectly dry beneath the Israelites. 5. It was like clay under the feet of the Egyptians. 6. The water became as hard as rock. 7. The solidified water formed decorative mosaic walls. 8. The walls were transparent, allowing each Tribe to see the others crossing. 9. If a Jew became thirsty, he could stretch out his hand and collect some sweet drinking water. 10. As soon as he had taken some water, the wall became solid again.

The pursuing Egyptian army also entered the bed of the sea. They were smitten by Ten Plagues by the sea, just as they had been smitten with Ten Plagues in Egypt.

5. Since the horses’ hoofs had fallen off, the Egyptians tumbled off their chariots and fell into the mud. Once fallen, they were unable to rise again.

1. Even when morning dawned, they traveled in the dark since the Cloud behind the Israelites plunged the Egyptian camp into darkness.

6. When the water came gushing towards the Egyptians, no Egyptian was able to flee.

2. The Cloud also caused the ground under their feet to become as soft as clay.

The Israelites would have no doubt that Hashem put an end to the dangers posed by their oppressors. 3. The pillar of fire which illuminated the way for the Israelites radiated intense heat to the Egyptians, causing the hoofs of their horses to fall off. 4. The heat also burnt the wheels of their chariots, but nevertheless, the chariots continued moving, dragged into the midst of the sea by Divine force.

7. Hashem shook the Egyptians and it was impossible for them to swim against the harsh currents. 8. Some of the Egyptians were covered by the earth at the bottom of the sea. 9. The better Egyptians sank quickly in the sea. The wicked ones were tossed around in the sea; a far slower and more painful experience. 10. The sea cast the corpses of the Egyptians onto the shore so that the Israelites would have no doubt that Hashem had put an end to the dangers posed by their oppressors. Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman

If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to

Parsha Stats Beshalach is is the 16th of 54 sedras 4th of 11 in Shemot Written on 215.33 lines in a Torah (ranks 17th) 116 verses - ranks 23rd (6th in Shemot) 1681 words - ranks 19th (4th in Shemot) 6423 letters - ranks 18th (4th in Shemot)

HALE & DISTRICT WALKERS Join us on our first Walk with a Talk, with Tony Woolf. One in a series. Starts Wednesday 15th February. Please note our amended time of 2.00pm - 3.30pm. Meet up outside Booths. Discover with Tony Woolf the many interesting buildings in the Hale Conservation area. Contact Gillian Cohen on 07785 270 044

Tip #16 An Immersive Experience


Hashem gave you your body in order to serve Him. Prayer is likened to the Temple Service, and serves as a replacement. Participation in prayer uses many parts of your body. Concentrate on the fact that you use your legs to stand during davening,

your hands to hold the siddur, your eyes to read from the siddur, and your lips, tongue, and breath to vocalize the davening. Be aware and grateful for every part of your body that was given to you for the express purpose of using it to serve Hashem.

Did You Know Parshat Beshalach contains only one mitzvah - the prohibition of leaving a Shabbat boundary. Joseph merited being buried in the Land of Israel because he had arranged for his father to be buried there, instead of in Egypt. Moses insisted on bringing a group of people out of Egypt known as the ‘Erev Rav’, whose commitment to Hashem was tenuous, and who we later see created many problems for the Jews. Nachshon ben Aminadav, of the Tribe of Judah, had the faith to walk into the Red Sea before it split. Only when the water was up to his head did the waters start to split.

Just For Fun Did you know that Moses was the first person to use Control-C as a shortcut?





In The Spotlight The ‘Variety’ Programme On the far side of this page, you may notice an advert promoting an innovative Shabbat morning programme for the whole community. The Rabbinic team have been working together to shape the structure of this revolutionary idea, which, if successful could well be replicated in communities far beyond our leafy suburb. At its essence is an attempt to break away from the traditional format of a weekly service, and allow other ideas and styles to develop and be experienced. It is hoped that our Shabbat mornings will provide something that every member will feel comfortable engaging with. The ‘Variety’ Shabbat will be offered once every few weeks, as will Rabbi Aharon’s Café Tefilla. The next ‘Variety’ Shabbat is scheduled for 25th March.


If anybody would like to offer suggestions to help develop the programme, or would like to recommend discussion topics, or would even like to offer to lead a session, please be in touch with Rabbi Aharon. Details can be found on the flyer.

9th March 2017 If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or

Mazaltov to Alan Becker on the occasion of his 85th birthday.

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