The #1 Jewish Weekly Newsletter In Hale!
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Bo
5 Shevat 5776 15 January 2016
Service Times Shabbat (Mevarchim) Kabbalat Shabbat
Page No.s
(Candle Lighting)
Artscroll Gutnick Hertz
Mincha follows kiddush
Security team this week:
Shabbat terminates
*Followed by Parent & Child Learning
Leining Haftarah 340 398 248
1151 1403 263
Thought For The Week
Ma’ariv Only
The Torah tells us on a couple of occasions
mentally torn between two choices, then
that Pharoah was about to release the
it is up to us whether to rely on our Good
Jews from Egypt, but Hashem ‘hardened
Inclination or our Evil Inclination.
The Choice Is Yours
Pharoah’s heart’, which led him to change his mind. This enabled Hashem to inflict
Since Pharoah saw Hashem clearly
*Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
the full extent of His punishments on the
through the miracles of the plagues, his
Chayim Arukim
Egyptians that they deserved.
urge to disobey Hashem and keep the
Candle Lighting
to all those who have Yarzheit in the coming week as follows
However, this is poses a challenge to us,
all, who would dare disobey Hashem if
since we believe that we are all given free
we knew without a doubt that He exists?
will to act as we please, either for the
Therefore, Hashem ‘hardened his heart’
good, or for the bad. Pharoah was on the
to restore his inner equilibrium, and allow
verge of finally allowing the Jews to leave,
him to actually have a fair, equal choice of
Father Father
only to then have this option seemingly
whether to do good and release the Jews,
taken away!
or bad, and continue to defy Hashem’s
Barbara Rosen John Blaskey Roger Blaskey Michelle Levy Jayna & Guy Levy
Father Father Father Husband Father
17 January 7 Shevat
Ivor Harris
Paul Berman Gerald Berman
Kitty Joseph Yvonne Myers
16 January 6 Shevat
18 January 8 Shevat 21 January 11 Shevat
22 January 12 Shevat
Father Mother Lawrence Huddlestone Mother Eric Abrams Mother Gilbert Cohen Mother Beryl Nevitt
Jews in Egypt had nearly vanished. After
will. As we know, once this balance was We learn from many of the Jewish philo-
restored, he still chose an evil path, which
sophical thinkers that free will only exists
led to his, and Egypt’s, eventual demise.
when two options - one good and one bad
Mazaltov to
- present themselves equally. If a chal-
Rochelle & Maurice Miller on the birth of a granddaughter, a daughter to Nicole and Aki.
lenge is too easy or too hard for a person’s
Kiddushim 16 January Rabbi Jon & Abi Simons Farewell
Rabbi Nick
individual level, then we have not really
Shabbat Weather
chosen the path we take. But if we are
AM Clear 4o High
23 January 30 January Unsponsored Executive/Council
-3o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 11 verses Moses and Aaron deliver a warning to Pharoah that if he does not allow the Israelites to go then Egypt will be attacked by a plague of locusts. Pharoah stubbornly refuses to allow them to go. Second Aliyah - 12 verses Swarms of locusts consume every blade of grass and crop in Egypt. Pharoah begs for the plague to be removed, but after the locusts leave, he changes his mind yet again. As a result the penultimate plague - darkness - is brought to Egypt. Third Aliyah - 9 verses Hashem tells Moses that there will be one more plague in Egypt, after which Pharoah will drive the Israelites out from his land. At that time, Hashem also instructs Moses to ask the Israelites to borrow jewels, silver and gold from their Egyptian neighbours. Fourth Aliyah - 27 verses Moses warns Pharoah about the death of the firstborn. G-d gives the Israelites their first mitzvah; the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh, and instructs them to bring the Pesach offering. Fifth Aliyah - 8 verses Moses gathers the elders and conveys these instructions. Sixth Aliyah - 23 verses At the stroke of midnight Hashem slays all the Egyptian firstborn. Pharoah begs Moses to take the Israelites and leave. They leave at midday on the 15th Nissan. There are also some more rules about the Pesach sacrifice. Seventh Aliyah - 16 verses Hashem gives several mitzvot: Pidyon Haben, eating matzah on Pesach, telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt at Pesach, redeeming firstborn donkeys, and putting tefillin on the head and the arm.
00 years While over 20 the book in d re are cove om this of Bereshit, fr till the ha week’s pars h, less ra To e end of th than 45 years will be covered!
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we will examine the order in which Hashem brought the Plagues
More Than Just A Number The order which Hashem employed in bringing the Plagues resembled the tactics of a king who wants to wage war to subdue an enemy country. Blood: In subduing an enemy country, the invader’s first action is to cut off the country’s water supplies. Thus, Hashem converted the water of the Egyptians into an undrinkable liquid. Frogs: Thereafter, the attacker frightens the enemy by means of drummers, trumpet-blowers, and the clatter of horses and wagons. Similarly, Hashem brought the frogs whose croaking terrorised the Egyptians. Lice: Next, the invader brings archers who shoot a host of bows and arrows against the enemy; in a similar way, Hashem brought lice which attacked the Egyptians like arrows. Wild Beasts: The attacker then calls foreign allies to join him. Thus Hashem summoned all kinds of destructive beasts from the wilderness to gather against the Egyptians. Pestilence: As the attack-
er nears the rival camp, he sends riders in front of him to annihilate the enemy’s animals. This was accomplished by the pestilence. Boils: Coming even closer to the enemy’s camp, the conqueror seeks to destroy the opposing army; thus, Hashem inflicted their bodies with boils. Hailstones: He hurls missiles to demolish the city walls.
The Plagues emerged from all the elements to manifest that He is the Master over them all Locusts: Subsequently, he assembles his army to conquer the city; thus the locusts finished off whatever was left by the hail. Darkness: Once he has taken possession of the city, he takes the enemies captive and imprisons them. Slaying of the First-born: Finally, he executes the leaders and generals of the enemy camp. Hashem
Plagues upon the Egyptians to punish Pharoah who denied the existence of the Creator of the universe which had been brought into existence by Ten Pronouncements. The People of Israel, moreover, merited that their enemies should be afflicted with Ten Plagues because their forefather Abraham had successfully withstood Ten Trials. The Plagues emerged from all the various elements, some from the water, some from the earth, and some from the sky, to manifest that Hashem is the Master over them all. The Ten Plagues mirror the Ten Statements through which Hashem created the world. For example, the first Statement, “In the Beginning” mirrors the death of the firstborn. “Let there be light” mirrors the plague of darkness. Sustenance, the final Statement, reflects the first plague of blood, since blood sustains the human body.
Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to
WIDER KEHILLAH As you can see, there are a number of upcoming programmes and events to participate in, both in Hale, and beyond.
Sunday 3rd April 7.30pm At Hale Shule
We would also like to take the opportunity to highlight the fantstic work the chesed committee does for our community.
Light supper included
The committee members help others in a number of ways, including:
To book your team of 10, please contact
- Visiting sick members, either at home or in hospital. - Assisting family members of those who are sick. - Picking up shopping for those who are unable to do so.
£20 per ticket
Barrie Bloom 07860 323 663 Darryl Lee 07768 635 797
If you would appreciate some assistance, or would like to become more involved, please contact
Stuart Ferster 07901 851 747 or Debbie Horne 07900 698 265
3rd of 11 in Shemot Written on 205.67 lines in a Torah (ranks 24th) 106 verses - ranks 29th (7th in Shemot) 1655 words - ranks 21st (5th in Shemot) 6149 letters - ranks 20th (6th in Shemot)
Did You Know
The plague of darkness was not just an absence of light. There was an unnatural, tangible darkness, which paralysed the Egyptians. The Jews were still able to see during this plague.
Wednesday 20th January 7.45pm - £5 Bowdon Shul Please register by calling 928 2050
Bo is is the 15th of 54 sedras
Parshat Bo ends the mitzvah drought of the last 18 sidrot. There are 20 mitzvot in this week’s parsha. 9 positive, and 11 prohibitions.
“Why Peace Is Possible” Ami Ayalon Former Director of Shin Bet
Parsha Stats
Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
Who was Pharoah willing to free before the onset of the ninth plague? Which wind carried the locust storm? What was so unique about the dogs in Egypt during this time? What was the first journey as the Jews left Egypt? Who did Pharoah suggest the Jews leave behind before the final plague? What was Moses doing while the Children of Israel were starting to leave?
Our Rabbis teach us that fourfifths of the Jewish People did not leave Egypt with the rest. Various reasons are given for this, such as a lack of faith that Hashem would actually redeem them. These Jews died and were buried during the plague of darkness, so that the Egyptians would not know.
Just For Fun Question: How do we know that Moses wore a wig? Answer: Because sometimes he was seen with Aaron, and sometimes he wasn’t
Answers: 1. Only the men. 2. The eastern wind. 3, They did not bark to alert the Egyptians that the Jews were leaving. 5. Flocks and Cattle. BONUS: He retrieved Joseph’s coffin.
4. Ramses to Succot.
In The Spotlight
Rabbi Jon & Abi Simons This week marks the final Shabbat that the Simons family will be spending in Hale as residents, before moving to Prestwich next week.
For mothers in South Manchester 20th January: Baby Massage 27th January: Build a Bear
3rd February: Nursery Door Signs 10th February: Baby Music with Caterpillar Music
Rabbi Jon and Abi moved to Hale in 2007, when they began working as Directors of Education for the Trust; a position they occupied for three years. During that time they introduced many lecture series and programmes, a number of which still continue to this day.
24th February: Adventure Babies 2nd March: Creative Clay (Baby Handprints) 9th March: Jabber Jacks 16th March: Fancy Dress Purim Photo Shoot 10.30am at Hale Shule, WA15 8NZ Parking on premises £6 per session Bagel lunch provided
To book your place, please text/call Shira on 07772 852 502 or email * Schedule is subject to change.
Trick or Cheat?
A Jewish Perspective on Deception Presented by
Rabbi Anthony Manning live from Jerusalem via Skype
Monday 18th January 8.15pm At the home of Rebecca and Craig Lewis 7 Dobb Hedge Close Followed by Parent & Child WA15 0AT
Learning Programme
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or
After their tenure they decided to settle in Hale, because they had been made to feel so at home here, and still wished to continue giving to the community. Rabbi Jon began training as a teacher, and taught for a while at North Cheshire. He also ran the Children programmes on Shabbat, and has prepared many boys for their Barmitzvah leining. They have frequently opened their home for hosting guests, even as Abi balanced a hectic work schedule as a nail technician in North Manchester, and looking after their four children, two of whom were born in Hale. Now that they both work in North Manchester, and their children go to school there, the move to Prestwich is a sensible one, although unfortunate. They will be missed, but we look forward to welcoming them back as guests in the future.