Dedicated in loving memory of Victor Marks z”l Avigdor ben Arieh z”l
Service Times
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Ki Tissa
Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Mincha, Seudah & Ma’ariv
Shabbat terminates
17 Adar I 5776 26 February 2016
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Thought For The Week
Ma’ariv Only
It is difficult to find someone living in the
When a small child plays ‘Peek-A-Boo’,
modern world who could read the story
they are genuinely confused and con-
of the Golden Calf and not be confused at
cerned when their parent goes missing.
how the Jewish People could sin like this
Do this long enough, and the child will
so soon after experiencing the National
start screaming from fear! Can’t they see
Revelation at Mount Sinai. We tell our-
that Daddy’s face is behind his hands?! As
selves that if we had been there we would
we grow older, we learn to sense our par-
never have succumbed to the tempation.
ent’s presence even in their absence, and
We convince ourselves that the only thing
this is a sign of maturity and intelligence.
Candle Lighting
* Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
Chayim Arukim
to all those who have Yarzheit in the coming week as follows Mon
Ben Goorney David Kay Marcia Halpern
Father Mother Mother
Rosalind Price Aubrey Greene Robert Sterling
Father Mother Father
Freda Freedman Norman Bower Judith Gould
Mother Sister Father
3 March 23 Adar I
Jimmy Attias
Muriel Mond Craig Lewis
Father Father
Harvey Rosenfield Patricia Sufrin
Father Mother
29 February 20 Adar I
1 March 21 Adar I
2 March 22 Adar I
4 March 24 Adar I
Peek-A-Boo: I Don’t Need To See You
holding us back from embracing Judaism in its entirety is because Hashem no longer performs open miracles like those we read about at the time of the Exodus from Egypt.
If we will only manifest our loyalty to G-d if He is actively showing His presence, then when he hides Himself we will start to doubt His existence. This can lead to searching for things to replace Him if we
Is this a justified approach? Why doesn’t
sense He is no longer there. Therefore,
Hashem reveal His existence in ways that
the task of a mature Jew is to recognise
Mazaltov to
supercede the laws of nature?
G-d’s involvement in the world without
Maxine & Stuart Marks and Carole Marks on the occasion of Charlie’s barmitzvah.
One reason is that if He did, we would be
Alan Becker on the birth of his great granddaughter.
childish view of how the world is supposed
5 March 25 Adar I
Claudine & Benjamin Crammer, Sara & Raymond Crammer, and Shirley Horwich on the birth of a daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter.
the need for childish games.
Rabbi Nick Kett
a generations of Jews who have a very to work, and this would lead to the same
Shabbat Weather
mistakes that were made in the desert.
AM Cloudy 7o High -1o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 45 verses G-d commands Moses to take a census of the Jewish adult male population by collecting half a silver shekel from each individual. G-d imbues Betzalel with wisdom, and is appointed the chief craftsman of the Tabernacle and its contents. Oholiav is appointed as his assistant. This lengthy aliyah concludes with G-d telling the Jewish people to observe the Shabbat. Second Aliyah - 47 verses Moses ascends the mountain for forty days. The Jews miscalculate his return, and they demand for Aaron to make for them a new god. Aaron endeavours to buy time, but despite his efforts, a Golden Calf is created. Moses smashes the Tablets. 3000 idol worshippers are executed on that day. Moses ascends Mount Sinai again to gain complete atonement for the sin. Third Aliyah - 5 verses Moses asks G-d to lead the Jewish People himself. G-d agrees. Moses then requests that G d’s presence never manifest itself on any other nation other than the Jews. Fourth Aliyah - 7 verses G d’s agrees to Moses request. Moses requests to be shown G-d’s glory. G-d agrees, but informs Moses that he will only be shown G-d’s “back,” not His face. Fifth Aliyah - 9 verses New tablets are carved upon which G-d will engrave the Ten Commandments. G-d reveals His glory to Moses while proclaiming His Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Sixth Aliyah - 17 verses G-d seals a covenant with Moses, and promises to drive the Canaanites away. The Jews are commanded to observe the three festivals, not to eat chametz, not to cook meat and milk together, among other things. Seventh Aliyah - 9 verses Moses descends from Mount Sinai with rays of light protruding from his face. Moses teaches the people the Torah he has learnt.
small Although only a nt oi an amount of , ed ar ep pr ing oil was to nt ie ic it was suff gle anoint every sin in ol Kohen Gad history!
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we take a look at the unique recipe of the incense
The Spice of Life In the times of the Mishkan and latterly the Temple, a mixture of eleven spices, known as k’toret (incense) was burnt each day. Moshe was the first person to prepare these ingredients. It was forbidden to produce a blend of spices in the exact same proportions if the mixture was intended for private use. The family of Avtinas were experts in preparing the k’toret for the Temple. They insisted, however, that the secret of that art remain in their family, refusing to initiate outsiders into the method they used to crush and blend the spices to achieve a perfect blend. The Sages, who wanted to train others in its preparation too, brought a group of experts from Alexandria, Egypt, to take charge of the k’toret. Those craftsmen were unable to make k’toret which could produce a pillar of smoke that rose straight up to the sky. Since it is a halachic requirement that the smoke ascent to Heaven in the form of a pillar, the Sages were forced to
turn again to the family of Avtinas. The family had purposely refused to instruct others, since they knew that the Temple would eventually be destroyed. They were afraid that by passing on the knowledge of its preparation to undeserving people, it might be misused for idol worship. Additionally, not a single
A person should conduct himself in a manner which does not give rise to suspicion. bride of the family would ever apply perfumes. They did not want people to claim that they used the spices of the k’toret for their personal purposes. In fact, when their menfolk became engaged, they would make a condition with the women about to enter their family that they would refrain from using perfume. They thus fulfilled the maxim that a person
should conduct himself in a manner which does not give rise to suspicion. Our Sages related a similar story concerning the Levite family of Garmo who were in charge of baking the twelve loaves of bread, used each week in the Temple. They too, refused to impart their baking secrets to strangers, since they were afraid that an unworthy person may misuse it for idol worship. Similarly, none of their children would ever be given white bread so that they could not be suspected of deriving personal benefit from the ‘Show breads’. The professionals from Egypt were not capable of duplicating the results of the families of Avtinas and Garmo because these two families had been destined by Heaven to occupy these positions in the Temple. Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to
Parsha Stats Ki Tissa is is the 21st of 54 sedras 9th of 11 in Shemot Written on 245.17 lines in a Torah (ranks 8th) 139 verses - ranks 10th (1st in Shemot) 2002 words - ranks 5th (1st in Shemot) 7424 letters - ranks 8th (1st in Shemot)
100 Club Thank you to all our members for rejoining once again, and welcome to all our new members. The winners are: January: Rebecca & David Simon - £15 February: Emma & Daniel Maslin - £15 Congratulations and good luck to all our members in the next draws. Linda Science, Lynne Attias & Emma Maslin
QA &
Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
How old did one have to be to contribute a half shekel? What was washed in the copper wash basin? Which tribe was Betzalel from? Which tribe was Oholiav from? Why did Moses have to wear a mask? Which of the ingredients in the incense did not have a pleasant smell?
Did You Know Parshat Ki Tissa contains 9 mitzvot; 4 positive mitzvot, and 5 prohibitions. Only four other parshiyot in the Torah have more than 2000 words. This week’s parsha has the longest first aliyah in the entire Torah. This is so that the story of the Golden Calf will be in the second Aliyah, for which we call up a Levi, as the Levi’im were not involved in the Sin. The rays of light that radiated from Moshe’s head are the source for the myth that Jews have horns, since they share the same Hebrew word (‘keren’).
Just For Fun Question: Who was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Torah? Answer: Moses. He broke all ten commandments at once!
Answers: 1. 20. 2. Hands and feet of Kohanim. 3. Judah. 4. Dan. 5. Because he was radiating light form his face. BONUS: The third ingredient: Galbanum.
In The Spotlight Charlie Marks
This week we celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Charlie Marks, son of Maxine and Stuart. Charlie is no stranger to Shule services, as he comes regularly with Stuart, and really enjoys the singing on Friday nights. He is already a feature at the weekday Minyan, and was particularly excited to have been the tenth man just days after becoming one! Charlie enjoys most sports; particularly tennis, table tennis, football. He is a fan of Manchester United, although his interest is dwindling due to their poor form! Charlie is the youngest of four (five if you include Monty!) He has two sisters in University - Olivia and Tammy - and one brother, Louis, who he gets on with very well...when they are not fighting! Charlie is privileged to celebrate with proud grandparents: Elaine and Barry Brownstein and Stuart’s mother Carole Marks. We remember at this time Stuart’s father, Victor, and this newsletter is dedicated in his memory. We wish Mazaltov to Charlie and his family, and we thank them for their hospitality.
Kiddushim 27 February Maxine & Stuart Marks If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or
5 March Ginni & Jonathan Steinberg 12 March Unsponsored