Sponsored in loving memory of Moshe Portnoy z”l Eliyahu Moshe ben R’ Gershon haLevi z”l and Helen Wallach z”l Chaya bat Zvi Hirsh z”l
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Mikeitz Shabbat Chanukah
Service Times Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
1 Tevet 5777 30 December 2016
Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz
Mincha follows Kiddush Shabbat Ends
Leining 222 268 155
Maftir 770 902 599
Haftarah 1210 1492 987
Security team: Pink
Thought For The Week
We are no strangers to the perception that
pain and suffering the Jews endured during
bad things happen to good people. For many
the hundreds of years they spent as slaves
people it is a persistent blockage in their
in Egypt. However, this led to our ability to
faith in Hashem; one that paralyses them
receive the Torah as a Nation at Mount Sinai.
from being able to make progress in their
But do we realise that Hashem already laid
connection to Hashem and commitment to
the groundwork in this week’s parsha, to
Candle Lighting * Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
Chayim Arukim
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows
You Gotta Have Faith
Paul Berman Gerald Berman Peter Kaye
Mother Mother Mother
His mitzvot. Although it is a valid question
keep us safe in Egypt, by installing Joseph as
to have, it can sometimes be attributed to
the Viceroy in Pharoah’s palace? The same
Gilda Leinhardt Jonathan Lipton Mildred Stratton Eric Abrams Viv Keller
Mother Father Mother Father Mother
a misunderstanding of Hashem’s purpose
Hashem who caused the pain and suffering
for creating the world.
that we read about in a few weeks, is the
Brenton Walshaw Stephen Cohen Denis Jacobson
Mother Father Father
Andrew Joseph Maurice Miller Rabbi Portnoy
Father Father Father
December 312 Tevet
1 January 3 Tevet
2 January 4 Tevet
5 January 7 Tevet
6 January 8 Tevet
7 January 9 Tevet
Fundamentally, Jews believe that Hashem created the world for the benefit of Mankind. By His very nature, there is nothing that he can take, only give. Therefore He has given
same Hashem who orchestrated history to ensure that Joseph, a Jew, would save Egypt this week, thus limiting the suffering later on.
Lawrence Fruhman Father Diane & Robert Daughter Sterling
us a world, and provided us with opportu-
Similarly, the same Hashem who tests us
nities (mitzvot) to earn maximum pleasure
with some of our darkest challenges, is the
Helyn Orchant Behjat Sarir Lillie Gradel Golda Berens Raymond Green
and reward. The purpose of life is for us to
same Hashem who will bring us into the
make appropriate choices and decisions
light, and reward us amply for our commit-
when faced with challenges. Sometimes
Father Husband Father Father Father
this can put us in some of the darkest
Rabbi Nick Kett
31 December Unsponsored
scenarios. However, the whole point of these situations is for us to build towards a
Shabbat Weather
7 January Unsponsored
brighter and stronger future. This is part of
AM Partly Cloudy 10o High
14 January Unsponsored
Hashem’s ‘Masterplan’. One of the earliest examples of this is the
7o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 14 verses Pharaoh has two disturbing dreams, which cannot be interpreted to his satisfaction. Pharaoh’s butler remembers Joseph, and Pharoah orders his instant release.
Second Aliyah - 24 verses Joseph tells Pharaoh that his dreams are predicting seven years of plenty followed by seven years of severe famine. Joseph proposes a plan to save Egypt. Third Aliyah - 14 verses Joseph is appointed viceroy of Egypt, (at the age of 30!) and placed in charge of the collection of surplus grain. Joseph marries Osnat, the daughter of Poti-phera, and they have two sons: Menashe and Ephraim. Fourth Aliyah - 23 verses The famine commences, affecting Egypt and the entire Mediterranean region. Jacob sends his eldest ten sons – except for Benjamin – to Egypt to purchase food provisions. The brothers arrive and stand before Joseph, but do not recognise him. When the brothers make their request to purchase food, Joseph deals with them harshly, accusing them of espionage, and incarcerates them for three days. Fifth Aliyah - 35 verses On the third day, Joseph releases them all, except for Shimon, who is held hostage. He orders the brothers to return to Canaan and return with Benjamin, and thus establish their innocence. The brothers express regret for selling Joseph. When they arrive Canaan they discover their money is still in their sacks. Jacob initially refuses to send Benjamin, but eventually agrees, after Judah guarantees his safety. Sixth Aliyah - 14 verses The brothers return to Egypt and are reunited with Shimon. Seventh Aliyah - 22 verses Joseph keeps his cover even after seeing Benjamin. They eat with him, and he sends them on their way after planting his goblet in Benjamin’s sack. The parsha ends with Benjamin’s arrest for theft.
ukah If Shabbat Chan esh, od Ch h os R falls on from we would read the , lls ro sc h ra 3 To most of any Shabbat.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we focus on Joseph’s instant promotion from prisoner to viceroy of Egypt
Any Dream Will Do Joseph had spent twelve long and painful years in prison. He did not know if he would ever be a free man again, but Hashem said, “You will not be detained in captivity even one moment longer than was decreed by Me. Your prison years atoned for your transgressions:
be freed, Pharoah woke up in the morning and clearly remembered his dream.
could claim that they would have interpreted the same way.
The night of Pharoah’s dream was the night of Rosh Hashanah when Hashem determines the fate of the entire world and decrees famine or surplus for each country.
Joseph was careful to mention to Pharoah that it could only be Hashem who could interpret his dreams, not Joseph personally.
You were imprisoned for ten years to atone for slandering your ten brothers.
He had summoned magicians and soothsayers, demanding an explanation, but he was never satisfied, because he had also been
You had to spend two additional years in the dungeon as a punishment for having said to the chief butler, ‘Remember me and mention me’ - two years for two wrong words.
If the butler had mentioned Joseph’s name any earlier, he would have become a professional dream interpreter and made an honourable living. Instead, two years later, after interpreting Pharoah’s dreams, he was swept to power, becoming the Egyptian viceroy.
Joseph knew the dream and the interpretation through Divine assistance. shown the interpretation, but was unable to recall it. He was very disturbed that he could not remember the meaning of his dreams, and gave hundreds of people the chance to interpret the dreams. Hashem thwarted of all the magicians and astrologers inthe kingdom in order that Joseph should be the one to offer the correct explanation, and ensure that none of the others could
Pharoah even tested him by giving a false account of his dreams, but Joseph was able to correct him, as he had knew both the dream and the interpretation through Divine assistance. Among other things that we can learn from this episode, the Torah teaches us that the attainment of riches and success rests in Hashem’s hands, not in ours. If He wills it, an imprisoned slave can be transformed overnight into a king; if He so decrees, a king can be demoted to slavery. Hashem alone determines whether someone shall be wealthy or poor, mighty or weak, prosperous or failing.
For two consecutive years, Based on Pharoah had strange ‘The Midrash Says’ dreams every night but by Rabbi M. Weissman could not recall them when he woke up. When the time arrived for Joseph to If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk
Parsha Stats Mikeitz is the 10th of 54 sedras 10th of 12 in Bereshit Written on 254.6 lines in a Torah (ranks 6th) 146 verses - ranks 8th (joint 5th in Bereshit) 2022 words - ranks 3rd (2nd in Bereshit) 7914 letters - ranks 2nd (1st in Bereshit)
C.P.R. Training We are looking for volunteers to train in basic life support and use of A.E.D (Automatic External Defibrillator). The next training session is scheduled for February. No prior experience or training required. Pleasee contact Howard Klass: 07740 421 841 or hjklass@gmail.com
Tip #10 Sway It Like You Mean It
There are several ways of standing that people gravitate towards when they are praying. Some like to ‘shokel’ (to sway back and forth), to twist from side to side, or to stand completely still. Each person has their own way of putting their physical distractions out of their minds, and concentrating more.
Sometimes, it can be effective to change your usual technique to help improve your concentration. If you ‘shokel’, try and stand motionless. If you normally stand still, try ‘shokeling’. If it doesn’t help, at least you have a made a conscious attempt to improve your concentration!
Did You Know Joseph’s wife, Osnat, the daughter of Poti-phera, was actually the daughter of Dina. She was adopted by Poti-phera. Joseph was not trying to be cruel by testing his brothers. He was trying to encourage their repentance for the way they treated him, and not risk future punishment from Hashem. Joseph selected Shimon to be his captive, so that he would be separated from Levi, as they had previously wiped out the city of Shechem together as revenge for violating Dinah.
Just For Fun Sadie: I would like to buy 50 stamps for my Chanukah cards please. Cashier: What denomination? Sadie: Oy vey, has it come to this? Give me 6 Orthodox, 12 Conservative and 32 Reform.
In The Spotlight
South Manchester Ice Skating Trip Last week, over 25 people came together from Hale Shule, Shaare Hayim, Bowdon and Yeshurun, in a joint trip to Silverblades Ice Rink in Altrincham. It was a wonderful opportunity for the youth from the different communities to interact with each other, and it is hoped that there will be other such opportunities in the future. In the new year, the communities will be joining forces for Rabbi & Ruthie’s annual Bournemouth Shabbaton; a weekend packed with activities, discussions, and an unforgettable Shabbat experience.
Adult Education programmes will resume on Tuesday 3 January If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk