Sponsored in loving memory of Lena Wallach z”l Yita Leah bat Avraham z”l
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g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Pinchas 23 Tammuz 5776 29 July 2016
Shabbat (Mevarchim) Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Minchah, Seudah & Ma’ariv
Shabbat terminates
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Thought For The Week
Mincha & Ma’ariv
At the end of Parashat Balak we read
and to check that his motives were pure
about Pinchas’ zealous act to stop the
and commendable.
licentious behaviour of Kosbi and Zimri
Candle Lighting
* Rosh Chodesh ** Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
Chayim Arukim
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows
Wait And See
and the other Jewish men who were mis-
By delaying the announcement of Pinchas’
behaving with Moabite women. Only at
reward from Hashem, the Torah is tell-
the beginning of this next Parasha do we
ing us that we should wait and see the
Helyn Orchant Sharon Ferster Niki Leveson
Mother Father Father
see Pinchas being rewarded by Hashem
motivation and sincerity behind people’s
Carol Latter Mark Rubin
with the Brit Shalom – the covenant of
actions, and the results, before judg-
Father Mother
ing them. Similarly, this reminds us that
David Sallon Father Michael Levy Father Jeremy Bernstein Mother
One of the Baalei Tosafot from France,
rewarded or evil people punished in their
Philip Science
Rabbi Moshe of Coucy, explains the rea-
lifetime, but we should trust Hashem to
son for the delayed recording of Pinchas’
know what lies behind their actions and to
3 August 28 Tammuz
Cynthia Cowan
reward in our Parasha. A zealous act by
reward or punish them appropriately.
Mark Mattison Lynda Arron
Father Mother
a vigilante may be motivated by imma-
Alan Becker Gilda Leinhardt Peter Leinhardt
Mother Husband Father
July 30 24 Tammuz
31 July 25 Tammuz 1 August 26 Tammuz
2 August 27 Tammuz
4 August 29 Tammuz 5 August 1 Av
we do not always see righteous people
ture impulsiveness or intolerance of other people. We are advised to watch his subsequent behaviour to determine whether
Rabbi Joel Portnoy
he acted maturely and with consideration,
30 July Unsponsored 6 August Unsponsored 13 August Unsponsored
Shabbat Weather AM Partly Cloudy 18o High 11o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 13 verses Following on from Pinchas’s actions at the end of last week’s parsha, G-d praises him and rewards his bravery by granting priesthood to him and his descendants. G-d then commands the Jews to punish the Midianites. This happens in next week’s reading. G-d commands Moses and Elazar the High Priest to conduct a census of all males over the age of twenty. Second Aliyah - 47 verses The Jews are counted, and the totals are given for each of the twelve tribes. The grand total is 601,730. The tribe of Levi is not included in this census. Third Aliyah - 19 verses The land of Israel is divided up. Each tribe’s portion is determined by lottery. The tribe of Levi is counted: 23,000 Levite males above the age of one month. The daughters of Tzelophchad approach Moses to request their father’s portion in the land of Israel, as there were no male descendants. Moses relays their request to G-d. Fourth Aliyah - 18 verses G-d grants Tzelophchad’s daughters their request. Moses then learns the laws of inheritance. G-d shows Moses the Promised Land. Moses asks G-d to appoint a worthy successor. Joshua is chosen. Fifth Aliyah - 15 verses From this point until the end of this week’s parsha, the Torah details the various communal sacrifices which were offered in the Mishkan and Temple at designated times. This section discusses the twicedaily “Tamid” sacrifice, as well as the additional sacrifices offered on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh. Sixth Aliyah - 27 verses Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur are discussed . The Torah also discusses some of the laws related to these holidays. Seventh Aliyah - 29 verses This section discusses the sacrifices offered on the holidays of Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret.
d not Korach’s sons di n actually die whe d his their father an followers died, because they repented.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we take a look at what was involved in appointing Moshe’s successor
Next In Line When Moshe learnt that Tzelophchad’s daughters would inherit their father’s property, he realised that the time had come for him to start making some arrangements for life after his passing. He prayed to Hashem to appoint a successor for him before his death, so that somebody could succeed him immediately, and the ‘flock’ would not be without a ‘shepherd’. Moshe requested a leader who could guide each person wisely, and cope with all the different temperaments that people possess. He also asked for someone who would be prepared to lead the army personally into battle, like he had done against Sichon and Og. Finally, he asked for a leader who will devote himself to satisfying the communal needs with alacrity and zeal, and who will pray on behalf of the people. Hashem replied, “I have already chosen the future leader: ‘He who guards the fig tree shall eat its fruit, and he who serves his master shall be honoured’ (Proverbs 27:18)”.
Although Moshe had two sons who were very wise, neither had reached his level of wisdom. However, Joshua invested every last ounce of strength to gain wisdom, because he loves the Torah so greatly. He disregarded his own dignity to serve Moshe, and his devotion was unsurpassed. Joshua was the ultimate student, and Hashem compared him to a fig tree,
Torah study requires patience and investment over a years before one can become proficient. because whereas most trees bear their fruit all at one time, fig trees produce their fruit in staggered amounts. Therefore they are picked at different times, each when it is ripe. The Torah is likened to a fig tree because one cannot learn the whole Torah in one go. It requires patience and investment over a period of years before one can become proficient. In order to raise Joshua’s level of wisdom to match
that of Moshe, Hashem commanded Moshe to invest him with additional wisdom in a public demonstration to indicate that he was to be Moshe’s successor. In front of Elazar, the High Priest, and in front of the Sanhedrin, Moshe rested both hands upon Joshua, and with this Moshe’s glory was transferred to him: 1. Externally - Just as Moshe’s face was illuminated by Rays of Glory of the Shecina, Joshua’s face began to shine. 2. Moshe’s action caused some of his wisdom and prophetic spirit to pass to Joshua. After this point, Joshua was given permission to lecture the people in public while Moshe was still alive, so that nobody could later claim that Joshua would not dare to teach while Moshe still lived.
.Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weiss
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk
Parsha Stats Pinchas is the 41st of 54 sedras 8th of 10 in Bamidbar Written on 280 lines in a Torah 168 verses - ranks 2nd (2nd in Bamidbar) 1887 words - ranks 9th (2nd in Bamidbar) 7853 letters - ranks 4th (2nd in Bamidbar)
Did You Know The Cycling Rabbis & Gabbais On Sunday 17th July, Jason Zemmel took part in a 100km bike ride from Wales to Manchester, raising £150k for the special needs school, Aim Habonim. Supporting from South Manchester were Rabbis Amir Ellituv and Dovid Lewis (seen pictured). Jason’s next big ride will be with the UJIA in May 2017, in Israel. Please contact Jason for further details.
QA &
Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
Which tribe was Zimri from? How many sons did Yissachar have? How many children did Tzelophchad have? From which mountain did Hashem show the Land of Israel to Moshe? Which animals were given as the daily ‘Tamid’ offerings? What is unique about the way the Torah describes the dates of the Festivals?
Pinchas contains 6 of the 613 mitzvot. All of them are positive. Pinchas is the most often-read from sedra in the whole Torah, because it contains the Torah portions for Rosh Chodesh and all the Festivals. Tradition tells us that Tzelophchad was the ‘wood-gatherer’ who was executed a few weeks ago for desecrating the Shabbat. Parshat Pinchas is always the Shabbat before or after the fast of the 17th Tammuz. In fact, it has two different haftarah readings for both eventualities, although it is rare to read Pinchas before the start of the Three Weeks.
Just For Fun Question: Why won’t actors sit in a Succah with three sides? Answer: Because they are not allowed to break down the fourth wall!
LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS: 1. Zippor. 2. Bilaam’s Leg. 3. Three. 4. Seven. 5. Grandson. BONUS: Ma Tovu Ohalecha Ya’akov (Read at Shacharit).
In The Spotlight Alef Bet Siyum Ceremony On Tuesday, the 18 children who take part in the Alef Bet programme completed another successful year of hard work and study, and performed in an impressive end of year ceremony. Alef Bet started ten years ago as a project by the Hale Adult Hebrew Education Trust, in order to provide a more advanced and challenging curriculum to complement the Jewish studies at North Cheshire. It is headed by Rabbi Peretz Chein, who, together with his wife and the other teachers invest a great deal of time and effort to teach the children.
The group consists of ten children from Hale; Asher Pincus, Rafi Sallon, Leora Sallon, Netanel Belhamou, Jacob SImon, Zac Stross and Jonah Lewis, as well as newcomers David Hilton, Talia Sallon and Yoni Zemmel. The children meet twice after school, and also on a Sunday morning, but the proficiency and confidence they displayed on Tuesday, showed that is all worthwhile. They were outstanding. If you are interested in finding out more about Alef Bet, please speak to any of the parents involved.
Mazaltov to
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk
Claire & Mark Savinson and to Esther Savinson on the occasion of Joshua’s engagement to Susie Cohen. Rabbi Aharon & Elisheva Bloch on the birth of a daughter.