Terumah 5777

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Sponsored in loving memory of Michael Polchar z”l Mordechai Gershon Polchar z”l

Service Times

g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E

Parshat Terumah

Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat


(Candle Lighting)






Mincha & Seudah


Shabbat Ends





















Candle Lighting


* Chevra Fast ** Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Chayim Arukim

to Ian Glass and Melanie Woolf on the loss of their mother, Ruth Glass, and to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows ‫שבת‬

6 Adar

4 March

5 Adar 5777 3 March 2017

Security team: Pink

Weekday Sun*


Mark Saperia


Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz



444 510 326

1157 1412 336

Thought For The Week Is Being A Nice Guy A Mitzvah? When looking through the lens of Judaism

cherubs looking at each other, which rep-

as a relationship between us and Hashem,

resented the gaze of two lovers; one sym-

instead of a mere ‘religion’ of rule obser-

bolising the Jews, and the other symbolising

vance, we discover something startling.


We are all familiar with the idea that Israel

At the very core of holiness, is the under-

is the holiest and most spiritually elevated

standing that our existence in this world


Rochelle Miller Father Adrienne Somerfield Mother

country in the world. But let’s explore fur-

is for developing a love for Hashem, in the


Ben Solomons Sybil Weisberg David Weisberg

Mother Husband Father

ther. We are told that Jerusalem is the holi-

same way that He already loves us. The

est city in the Land of Israel, and that the

purpose of all the mitzvot, and our conduct


Sandra Mason Gayle Jacobson

Mother Father

site of the Holy Temple is the holiest site

in this world, however mundane, is to for-

in Jerusalem, and the Holy of Holies is the

tify this connection. Our actions not only


Stephen Elias Ernest Elias Susan Fruhman Michael Levy

Father Father Father Brother

holiest place in the Temple. But what do we

have the potential to elevate us and makes

find in the Holy of Holies? What would you

us more Divine, but also to draw the Divine

Ella Lentin


expect to find in the holiest place in the

into the world, enabling us to feel His pres-

9 March 11 Adar

entire world? Even in the entire universe!

ence in our lives more powerfully.


Rochelle & Maurice Miller



Brenda Kay Naomi Wright Malcolm Alexander

Father Father Father

5 March 7 Adar 6 March 8 Adar

7 March 9 Adar 8 March 10 Adar


10 March 12 Adar 11 March 13 Adar


Perhaps a man with a long, flowing beard and robe silently meditating while sitting

4 March Debbie & Anthony Horne

The Torah tells us that inside the Holy of

11 March Unsponsored

top of the Ark were two golden images of

18 March Wendy & Jeremy Herz

Rabbi Nick Kett

cross-legged on the floor?

Holies was a golden box (the Ark), and on

Shabbat Weather AM Rainy 8o High 3o Overnight Low



First Aliyah - 16 verses G-d instructs Moses to accept contributions from the Israelites for the construction of a Tabernacle. The needed materials: precious metals, dyed wools and hides, flax, wood, olive oil, spices and gems. G-d then gives detailed instructions regarding the construction and dimensions of the Tabernacle and its vessels—starting with the Ark that housed the Tablets. Second Aliyah - 24 verses Further details of the Ark are described. Next, instructions are given for constructing the Table for the Showbread. Third Aliyah - 14 verses The seven branched Menorah is described next. It was beaten out of a single block of pure gold. The Torah describes the details of the Tabernacle’s sanctuary, including several layers of tapestries. Fourth Aliyah - 16 verses Discusses the walls of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle’s front side (to the east) was to have no wall. Its northern and southern side were to have twenty beams each. Its western wall was to have eight. The beams were held together by several crossbars. Fifth Aliyah - 7 verses The Tabernacle’s sanctuary consisted of two sections: the innermost chamber was the Holy of Holies, which contained the Ark, and the outer chamber which housed the Menorah and the Table as well as the Golden Altar. Sixth Aliyah - 8 verses G-d then gives instructions for the construction of the Outdoor Altar, which used for burning the special incense. Seventh Aliyah - 11 verses The Tabernacle courtyard was to be 100 cubits (approx. 150 feet) by 50 cubits, and enclosed by mesh linen curtains. The entrance to the courtyard was to be on its eastern side, and the entrance was to be covered by a curtain woven of dyed wools and linen.

The First Temple was not finished and used until 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt!





Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we take a look at the materials used to build the Mishkan

More Than A Few Bricks Hashem instructed Moshe to appoint fundraisers to collect material for the Mishkan. Contributions were accepted from any Jew whose heart prompted him to participate. The fundraisers had to be Jews by birth. No member of the ‘Erev Rav’ was accepted for the task, since they had caused the Sin of the Golden Calf. They were, however, allowed to contribute. Not only did the Children of Israel possess the necessary materials to build the Mishkan collectively, but each individual possessed tremendous wealth from the booty of the Red Sea, and could individually contribute the whole amount. Hashem commanded that thirteen different materials be collected for the construction of the Mishkan and its components. Each material was Divinely selected, either to atone for a specific sin or to provide the Jews with a particular merit or blessing for having donated it. Gold - the gold atoned for the gold which was wrongly contributed for the Golden

Calf. Silver - to atone for the sale of Joseph, who was exchanged for twenty silver pieces. Copper - to atone for the dross and impurities in their hearts Sky Blue Wool (Techelet) - dyed with the blood of the ‘chilazon’ creature - to atone for the offense of omitting blue fringes on the tzitzit. Crimson Wool - so that

Each individual possessed tremendous wealth from the booty of the Red Sea the Jews would eventually merit the building of the Holy Temple which is described as a ‘crimson seat’. Red-Purple Fabric - to atone for their transgressions which are likened to red-purple. Fine White Linen - indicating that the Jews would serve Hashem like the Ministering Angels who are described as wearing linen.

that sin offerings of goats should take effect when brought and atone for their misdeeds. Ram Skins - dyed red in order that they should merit experiencing the arrival of Moshiach. Multi-Coloured Tachash Skins - representing the era following the arrival of Moshiach. The tachash was an animal which only existed at the time of the construction of the Mishkan. Cedar Wood (Shittim) - to atone for the future transgression with the Moabite girls, in the place called ‘Shittim’. Oil - so that the Jews will merit the special light in the time of Moshiach. Spices - so that the Jews will be worthy of experiencing the era of Moshiach. Precious Gems - to merit the fulfillment of G-d’s promise that He will rebuild Jerusalme with pearls and precious stones. Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman

Goat’s Hair - in order

If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk

Parsha Stats Terumah is the 19th of 54 sedras 7th of 11 in Shemot Written on 154.8 lines in a Torah (ranks 43rd) 96 verses - ranks 38th (9th in Shemot) 1145 words - ranks 45th (10th in Shemot) 4692 letters - ranks 41st (9th in Shemot)

RUNNING FOR HANNAH On 23rd April, Yoel and Noah Levy will be running the London Marathon, and raising money for The Down’s Heart Group. For Yoel, this will be his first marathon, having just turned 18. It will be Noah’s second marathon. The Down’s Heart Group offer support and information to individuals, families and caregivers relating to heart conditions associated with Downs Syndrome. They provided excellent support to Alayne and Michael when Hannah was born, and even encouraged them to consider open heart surgery on 14-month old Hannah, against the hospital’s original recommendation, saving her life. If you would like to donate, please visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com/yoelandnoah Good luck!

Tip #19 What Do You Want?


All that differentiates Human Beings from animals is our soul and our intelligence. A person’s soul expresses its innermost longing, whatever matters to it the most. Even a burglar prays as he prepares to enter the house of his victim. Prayer, then, is not a list of requests. It is a process of clarifying and refining what one is, what one should be, and how to achieve the transfor-

mation. The commandment to pray is expressed by the Torah as a service of the heart, not of the mouth. In the same way that a fly needs to step back to find the gap in the window, a Jew needs to take time each day to reflect, and look at whether they need to re-align their focus and priorities.

Did You Know Parshat Terumah contains 3 mitzvot; 1 positive mitzvah, and 2 prohibitions. The positive mitzvah encompasses all the various commandments regarding building the Tabernacle. The Torah tells us about the 12 loaves of bread that were baked and left on display for an entire week, and yet a miracle occurred that they would retain their freshness for the whole week. The Mishkan was used for the 39 years the Jews were in the desert, as well as the first 14 years after they entered the Land of Israel.

Just For Fun Daughter: Daddy, do you have any final wishes for me before I get married? Father: Darling, I pray that your house should be like the Mishkan...everything inside should be donated!




In The Spotlight


Debbie & Anthony Horne This Shabbat, Debbie and Anthony invite the whole community to a Kiddunch after Shule. They are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary, and although they are proud of this milestone, sharing this occasiong with the community is really an expression of the gratitude they feel to the entire kehilla for their years of friendship and support. It is also an opportunity for them to mark Anthony’s continued recovery. Debbie and Anthony have known each other since they were children, but were re-introduced through a friend’s recommendation. They chose to settle in Hale, and are both involved communally. Debbie is the Women’s Representative on the Executive, and is well known for the lunch club she runs at Sale Shul, and her work with the homeless. We wish them Mazaltov, and we thank them for their hospitality. DEADLINE FOR PESACH GESHER 9th March 2017 editors@hale-community.org.uk If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk

Mazaltov to Hayley Collins and Fraser Wolff, and to Larraine & Victor Wolff on Fraser’s engagement to Hayley. Debbie & Anthony Horne on their 15th wedding anniversary.

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