g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Tzav
18 Adar II 5776 26 March 2016
Service Times Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Mincha, Seudah & Ma’ariv
Shabbat terminates
Weekday Shacharit Mincha & Ma’ariv
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Security team: Pink
Thought For The Week What’s In It For Me?
In this week’s Parsha, Moshe instructs
generations”; both for Aharon and also for
Aharon and his sons in the observance of
future generations.
the daily burnt offering. With other sacri-
fices, the Kohanim were able to eat some
Candle Lighting
* Bank Holiday ** Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
was entirely consumed on the altar. Since
Chayim Arukim
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows Helen Orchant Helen Krell Margalit Levene
Brother Father Mother
Pam Stratton Sharon Hart Angella Carne
Father Father Husband
Ben Goorney David Kay Marcia Halpern
Father Mother Mother
Rosalind Price Aubrey Greene Robert Sterling
27 March 17 Adar II
29 March 19 Adar II
30 March 20 Adar II
31 March 21 Adar II
1 April 22 Adar II
2 April 23 Adar II
of the meat. However, the burnt offering Aharon would not receive anything for his efforts, Moshe emphasised the importance of the sacrifice, lest Aharon take a relaxed attitude towards it.
The Torah knows human nature better than we do. Even Aharon, Moshe’s brother, the greatest Kohen Gadol in Jewish history, who shared prophecy with Moshe, was at risk of retaining a streak of miserliness within himself. The Torah teaches that no one is immune. Stinginess is a character defect which can affect the great as
This is startling. The amount of meat that
well as the average person. Regardless of
the Kohanim had to consume must have
who or what we are, we are vulnerable
been enormous, since they were entitled
humans and subject to the most irrational
Father Mother Father
to several portions of countless sacrifices
traits. However, if we really daven for the
each day. All meat from the korbanot had
removal of our character defects, and avail
Freda Freedman Norman Bower Judith Gould
Mother Sister Father
to be consumed within either 24 or 36
ourselves of a spiritual teacher to help us
hours; any meat left past this time had to
with our character improvement, we can
Jimmy Attias
be burnt. Why then should the Kohanim
eliminate this pitfall.
Kiddushim 26 March Unsponsored 2 April Unsponsored 9 April Victor Levenson
need special instructions regarding this
Rabbi Joel Portnoy
one unique sacrifice? Rashi states that the extra emphasis on the burnt offering was to serve as a lesson for both “immediate and future
Shabbat Weather AM Rainy 11o High 4o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 11 verses The first responsibility in the Temple service was the mandatory daily removal of ashes from the altar. The Torah then repeats the laws of the meal offerings described in last week’s reading, adding several important details. Second Aliyah - 22 verses The High Priest brought a meal offering twice daily. The laws of the Sin Offering and Guilt Offering, also discussed in last week’s reading, are repeated with added details. The priests were entitled to take various portions from the different offerings and sacrifices. Third Aliyah - 28 verses The Thanksgiving Offering was brought by an individual who survived a perilous circumstance. Impurity or improper thoughts on the part of the priest performing the service can invalidate a sacrifice. Blood and fats may not be consumed. The prohibition against eating these fats applies to all domesticated animals. The priest is given portions from the Peace Offering. With this we conclude the laws of sacrifices. Fourth Aliyah - 13 verses The priests are inducted and the Temple is inaugurated. In the presence of all the Jews, Moses dresses Aaron and his sons in the priestly vestments and anointed them, along with the Tabernacle and its vessels, with the holy anointing oil. Fifth Aliyah - 8 verses The priestly induction continues with Moses sacrificing a bullock and a ram as burnt offerings. Sixth Aliyah - 8 verses Moses then sacrifices a second ram, and their fats are burnt on the altar, along with some breads. Seventh Aliyah - 7 verses The initiation process is completed. Moses anoints them with the holy anointing oil. The process is repeated for seven days.
This week we take a look at the Mishkan’s opening week
Room For One More? Seven days before the Mishkan was finally erected, on the twenty-third of Adar, Hashem commanded Moshe to call Aharon and his sons, the Kohanim, in order to train them in the donning of priestly garments and in the procedures involved in offering the sacrifices. Aharon needed to be gently persuaded for two reasons. Firstly, he was cautious because of the anger shown to him by Hashem and Moshe following the Golden Calf. Furthermore, he was reluctant to accept the distinguished position because of modesty. Hashem commanded Moshe to assemble the entire nation in the courtyard to attend the consecration ceremonies during the seven days of the Mishkan’s Inauguration. This would work by miracle, since the size of the courtyard was far too small to accomodate 600,000 men. Hashem performed this type of miracle on several occasions:
rse The mid-way ve rah To re of the enti is is found in th week’s parsha.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism
When bringing the Plague of Boils, Hashem commanded that both Moshe and Aharon pick up two handfuls of soot. Then Aharon had to give the soot held in his hands to Moshe. Moshe’s one hand miraculously held four handfuls of soot, his own and Aharon’s, and he hurled them up towards the sky.
At the place named Mei
The effect of the spoken word cannot compare to action accompanied by visual impression Meriva, Moshe and Aharon assembled the entire nation in front of a rock from which the A-lmighty would bring forth water. At that time, a miracle occurred. Every single Jew actually found himself standing in front of the rock. When the Jews were about to cross the Jordan, Joshua assembled the entire nation in the area between the two bars of
the Ark. The courtyard of the Mishkan was able to hold 600,000 men for all seven of the Inauguration Days.
This same miracle recurred regularly in the Beit Hamikdash. When the people arrived in the Courtyard, they were crowded. However, when praying, each one suddenly found himself with four extra amot (apprx. four feet) in front, and a space of one amah in all other directions.
In future times we wil also experience the great miracle in which an area will contain contents beyond its natural capacity. The A-lmighty will resurrect all the tzaddikim who lived since the time of Adam, bringing them to Eretz Yisrael. Then, the Land will expand miraculously so as to accomodate all those who will return. No Jew will suffer from lack of space.
Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weiss
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk
Parsha Stats Tzav is the 25th of 54 sedras 2nd of 10 in Vayikra Written on 169.8 lines in a Torah 97 verses - ranks 36th (3rd in Vayikra) 1353 words - ranks 38th (3rd in Vayikra) 5096 letters - ranks 38th (3rd in Vayikra)
Did You Know There are 18 mitzvot in this week’s parsha: 9 positive mitzvot and 9 prohibitions. Originally, the removal of ashes from the Altar was appointed to the first Kohen to reach the top of the ramp. However, after somebody broke their leg, the Rabbis ruled that going forward it would be allocated by raffle.
QA &
The portions relating to the sacrifices are part of the daily prayer service, and our Sages say that by reciting them we are actually considered to have offered those sacrifices.
Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
What was the first service performed in the Sanctuary each day? How many fingers were used for the ‘kemitzah’ process? How much fine flour was was brought as part of the morning meal-offering? How does one kasher an earthenware vessel? How many items did Aharon have to wave during the inauguration sacrifice? Who’s name is mentioned more times in this week’s parsha? Moshe or Aharon?
Just For Fun Question: What did Achashverosh’s wife make her royal gown out of? Answer: Poly-Ester!
Answers: 1. Removal of the ashes from the Altar. 2. Three. 3. 1/20 of an Eiphah. 4. It is not possible to kasher an earthenwarae vessel. It must be broken. 5. Eleven. BONUS: Moshe - 31, Aharon - 26.
What you missed!
In The Spotlight Purim 2016 Hundreds of people took part in a range of different events, to celebrate Purim this year. The festivities began with a family Purim party for 150 people in the Pearl Suite, replete with a number of fun inflatables, a photobooth, and some Purim activities. The fun continued at the various festive meals across Hale, including the Purim seudah at Rabbi Portnoy’s, with over 50 people in attendance, and live musical entertainment from the Portnoy Brothers..
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk